2005-06-30 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


Renowned Goan stage artiste, singer and playwright Rosary Ferns who is the 
author of writing and staging of highest number of dramas amongst the Goan 
expatriates artistes will stage his 19th Konkani Drama in Kuwait.  The drama 
titled “ Bhurgim Mai-Paichem Sukh” written and directed by Rosary Ferns will 
be staged on 12th August this year at Hawally A/C Hall, Opp. Mubarakiya 
Hospital, starting at 4.00 p.m.  This  is a new drama and maiden show will 
be in Kuwait as most of his earlier dramas. The visiting artistes coming 
from Goa to participate in this drama are ace comedians Prince Jacob, comedy 
supremo Humbert, Pearl of Konkani Stage Annie Quadros and Tragedy Queen 
Antonette de Calangute. The topmost local artistes are Querobina Carvalho, 
Marcus Vaz, Sylvester Vaz, Laurente Pereira, Sanny de Quepem, Bab Agnelo, 
Xavier Furtado, Lawry M., Manuel de Santa Cruz, Conchita Cardoso, Adrian, 
Michael D’Silva, Martha and others. Music by Denise, Philip, Faustin and 
troupe. All lovers of Konkani dramas should not miss this opportunity of 
seeing this show since the story is nicely woven with very important issue 
of current development in our society and family life while the side songs 
will surely mesmerize the audience by listening to beautiful solos, duos, 
duets, trios and quartels. Everyone will surely enjoy the fabulous feast of 

A. Veronicaf Fernandes,

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

Re: [Goanet] George Pinto's patently faux story .....

2005-06-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
Joe Vaz is maliciously mischaracterizing my posts in
response to which he plagiarized the New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia and Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, by calling them "gruesome attacks" or
"vociferous attacks" on "Christian beliefs". Please
see the following links to all my posts on miracles in
the context of which he committed his act of


If you read the above posts from the 2001 archives,
you will see that nowhere have I mentioned any "games"
or "tricks".

What he is referring to, and deliberating predating,
fudging, distorting and mischaracterizing is what I
said in the following post, posted almost a year
later, in 2002:


Please see the limited context, in which I referred to
these miracles as "games", not "tricks", as he falsely
and maliciously states. Please also see the following
upthread links to understand the full context of this


I stand by my contention that these and other
miracles, as well as miracles of any other religion,
are NOT historical facts. I would not call them
"games" outside the lighter context of the
above-referenced post of mine, but I have no reason to
believe that such supernatural events are real.

I would also like to state that Joe Vaz is clearly
lying when he says that he "included references where
available" in his plagiarized posts on miracles in
2001. If you read those posts, it is plainly obvious
that he did no such thing. Those three posts of his
were entirely plagiarized long excerpts from the
above-mentioned encyclopedias, and he deceptively
avoided telling us that.



>FYI, it was one of those incidents when Christian
>beliefs were vociferously attacked on Goanet, with
>reference to miracles performed by Christ which were
>being termed (by a Goanetter) -- as some games and
>tricks -- and not real occurrences as are
>Hence, I had to do research from historical archives
>to refute his charge, and included references where

> He gladly let  those gruesome attacks by his friend
>go bye, without a word. 

Re: [Goanet]Trustworthy surnames

2005-06-30 Thread Mario Goveia
--- eric pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stop, Cecil, not even in jest, we should not pick on
> dear Veronica over pickled english - his is the real
> thing - Frisian, the Dutch coastal dialect that
> floated over the Channel to Britain.  Near identical
> to english, its spoken by a quarter of a million
> people: the link to Veronica - he was raised in Goa
> on Frisian Girl condensed milk, shipped in during 
> his 'decades of nostalgia'.  For those who remember
> St.Pauli Girl beer - it is the name of Bremen's red
> light district!   eric.
Mario replies:
"His"?  "Veronica" is a "he"?  That's a first for me. 
And, Eric, stay away from Bremen.  You know a little
too much about it's geography, if you know what I

[Goanet]Re: Sorry State of the Goan Press

2005-06-30 Thread George Pinto

I do not know Sujay Gupta and have met Manohar Parrikar twice.  I am a neutral 
party in this
matter.  Having said that, I fail to see how Sujay's non-acceptance of YOUR 
invitation warrants
the subject line "Sorry State of the Goan Press."  Is Sujay the entire Goan 
press?  I think a
public forum with the leaders of ALL parties would be a good idea, including 
editors of all major
newspapers.  That would be democracy at work and a true public forum and a 
service to the people.
Currently, your proposal strikes me as limited at best, at worst a verbal 
boxing match where
nothing will be gained.


--- Cajetan Rego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here is a post from Rajan Parrikar on
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/soc.culture.indian.goa?hl=en
> A couple of weeks ago I wrote to Shri Sujay Gupta, Editor  of Gomantak Times 
> and one of ex-CM
> Manohar Parrikar's vociferous and strident critics.  All these months

Re: [Goanet]Thousands mob beach in 'diamond' rush

2005-06-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 30/06/05, Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay folks, I stand corrected: An 'acres of diamonds' story can indeed
> cause grievous harm to society.
> Very sincerely,
> Peter D'Souza

> > Thousands of people have been flocking to a beach in
> > India's financial hub in a manic diamond rush, but
> > police said Wednesday the stones were fakes and warned
> > them to stay away after one treasure hunter was drowned.

RESPONSE: I applaud you for seeing the light and having courage to say
sorry. Better late than never!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Goanet News Bytes * June 30/29, 2005 * Panic-stricken BJP MLAs air-dash to Bangalore

2005-06-30 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)

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[] June 30, 2005 --

  JUNGLE WARFARE: Fifteen panic-stricken BJP MLAs
  were air-dashed to the holiday-destination of
  Bangalore, for the survival of their party. With two
  MLAs -- Manohar 'Babu' Azgaonkar and Rajesh Patnekar
  -- having almost finalised their negotiations with
  the Congress, the BJP took no further chances. (GT)

  PHOTO-BENAULIM: Benaulim parish priest blesses the
  boats of traditional 'ramponkars' of the village
  on Wednesday, the feast of St Peter, the patron
  saint of fishermen. San Pedro feast is traditionally
  celebrated by fishermen all over Goa and normally
  marks the start of the traditional rampon (beach-seine)
  fishing activity. (Navhind Times)

  ON THE WEATHER FRONT: Heavy rain, which lashed Goa
  during the last 48 hours, is expected to continue
  as the seasonal rainfall has been recorded at 84.5cm
  till late on Wednesday evening. (H)

o Sandip Falari was voted out of the Mapusa municipal council
  chairperson's post. He had been elected on February 1, 2005.(NT)
  Discussing this issue, citizens point to the decay in civic
  infrastructure, even as politicians continue their infighting.

o 260-odd sachets contaminated in Goa Medical College blood
  bank. On June 18, faulty temperatures for storing blood lead
  to these sachets becoming unusable. Officials blame the
  technicians, most work on contract and are "overworked".(GT)

o Goa Director General of Police UK Katna is likely to be
  shunted out of the state. (GT)
o Headline in GT: Dear Panjimites, your MLA, Parrikar,
  has done a con job on your city.
o UGDP may not go soft on Matanhy Saldanha. (H)
o Hectic lobbying by Congress to get Goa Rajya Sabha
  nomination. Three are in the race: Eduardo Faleiro 
  (incumbent), ex-MP Shantaram Naik and former union
  minister Ramakant Khalap. (H)
o Salcete coastal dumping: As the Sonsodo dump yard
  remains shut for outside wastes, the River Sal, small
  ponds and the roadsides have come in handy for
  unscrupulous elements to dump garbage. (H)
o Forest department initiates measures to protect
  Goa's wildlife. (H)
o Two Nigerians remanded to police custody for duping
  a Goan businessman of Rs 25 million. (H)
o Citizens' group Lok Shakti has called on the Congress
  government to provide transparent, efficient,
  non-corrupt and people-friendly governance. (H)
o Margao Seva Association, an NGO, has decided to take
  up the shortage of medical and other staff at the
  Margao health centre, besides the issue of inadequate
  premises. (H)
o German pharma company Ratiofarm, leading global
  producer of generic pharmaceuticals, will set up a
  research and development base at Verna, Goa. (H)
o Citizens urged to take preventive measures against
  malaria -- get blood examined for malaria if you
  have a fever. Malaria-spreading mosquitoes breed
  in fresh water storage collections, and coconut
  shells, discarded utensils, buckets, tyres, bottles,
  tins filled with rainwater, etc. (NT)

  PHOTO, FROM ASSOLNA: Boats decorated for the
  traditional 'Sangod' festival at the feast of
  Sao Joao celebrations, held at Passagem in
  Assolna. Four boats participated from neighbouring
  villagers (Photo by Rozario Estibeiro, Herald)
o Income-Tax is opening help centres to help you know more
  about your income tax http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in
o Ten-month fishermen's training course begins at Ela,
  Dhauji , Old Goa from July 1. There are 25 seats. (H)

  government comes up with a medium or a mammoth
  project, it is the centuries-old institution of
  comunidades, which suffer, as every project seeks
  to carve out massive chunks of land from the fast
  -vanishing institution. Comunidade leaders feel 
  that any government land (considering that the
  government has 'acquired' it) cannot be allotted
  without putting it to public auction. (GT)

[] June 29, 2005 --

o Ordinance to reduce fishing ban period. Congress government
  fisheries minister Joaquim Alemao said the ban had been
  adversely affecting the fortunes o

[Goanet]Making business work for development

2005-06-30 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
id21 insights -- http://www.id21.org/insights -- is a publication of the
Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex. Probably
one of those many attempts by the former colonial powers to make amends
for having under-developed large areas of the planet through their
policies and politics on which the sun never set. At least for some

This issue is called 'Making business work for development: Rethinking
corporate social responsibility'.

  It says: "Business is everywhere. Some is crucial to
  development, while some is implicated in poverty,
  human rights abuses and environmental destruction.
  In recent years there has been an upturn in corporations
  taking responsibility for development challenges. Research
  shows this is a mixed blessing while development
  practitioners and policy makers could engage more critically
  to ensure real benefits for development."

In Goa's context, one sees hardly any involvement of corporates in
social responsibility. Just this afternoon, a friend was mentioning how
little one local thriving group had done to help the area.

Apart from a few token scholarships, and colleges run in their name
(which, in any case, have their huge salary bill paid from taxpayers'
monies) very little comes across in Goa by way of corporate social
responsiblity. Mining firms are notorious for their environmental
record, nevermind the constant green-washing they do through newspapers
they own. In the past, one heard about Sesa Goa's work on restoring the
ravaged environment in the mining areas of interior Goa. But with the
changing of hands from the Italians to the Japanese, one wonders how
much this firm is doing now.

Some useful weblinks:

  www.wbcsd.org World Business Council for Sustainable Dvpt
  www.eldis.org/csr Eldis CSR Resource Guide
  www.business-humanrights.org Business and HR Resources
  www.nottingham.edu.my/business/csrasia Univ of N'ham BSch
  www.csr-asia.com CSR in Asia
  www.singleplanet.blogs.com/csrchina CSR in Asia
  www.csrwire.com CSR newswire service
  www.unglobalcompact.org UN Global Compact
  www.oecd.org/dataoecd/32/18/31557724.pdf OECD Principles
  of Corporate Governance
  www.ethnicaltrade.org Ethical Trading Initiative
  www.cepaa.org/index.htm Social Accountability Int'l
  UN Research Institute for Social Development
  www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/corporates Friends of the Earth
  www.globalwitness.org Global Witness
  www.amnesty.org/pages/ec-index-eng Amnesty International
  www.international-alert.org/policy/business.htm Intl Alert
  www.maquilasolidarity.org Maquila Solidarity Network
  www.christian-aid.org.uk/indepth/0401csr/index.html Xtian Aid
  Source Niamh Garvey 
Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Independent Journalist

[Goanet]Nocturnal Barks - Vixen Melody !

2005-06-30 Thread eric pinto
It would scare us, children then, but i miss the long,
almost mournful call of the fox we heard from distant
hills when growing up in Assagao. Grandmother did not
care for the midnight raids on her chicken coop, but
then she did not of the Croydon solution - Annie Lobo,
70, does a twenty minute bus ride every week, in Kent,
to shop for cheaper beef for her backyard wards.  
  I hope for the sake of sanity, and so Cecil and i
can slumber in peace, that the bark from Kuwait loses
its bite and perhaps even celebrates life as Annie
does in her adopted home so far from our shores.eric.

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]Fusion Energy and ITER

2005-06-30 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Hello Goanetters,

This has been the headline in most of the world! Nothing on Goanet as yet! 
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor is to be built and 
located in the South of France. Six participating nations decided after much 
deliberations, in Moscow, on the location from the two contenders, namely 
France and Japan for hosting the Reactor for Fusion Energy. As soon as the 
fine print of the agreement is accepted and signed by the participating 
countries, the construction of the facility will start by the end of this 

The six countries are the EU, Russia, Japan, South Korea, China and the USA. 
The site in France in the EU has been chosen, for a host of reasons, 
including the fact that there already is a typical facility there; and is 
close to France's second largest city, and the ideal and pleasant climate in 
the region. It will take a long time to complete and the results of the 
successful research/ experiment will only be available in 2010 or so for 
commercial use in power generation etc.

Google for more detail news and keep informed. This sort of co-operation and 
enthusiasm on the part of six nations' technology coming together, to 
explore the 'energy reality of the future' is simply phenominal, being a 
united effort towards a common goal of clean and limitless energy; Some 
understanding has been arrived at with Japan as the other 'Host Nation', who 
lost out, on the location decision.

The six nations have come together on the basis of their technology and 
advanced knowledge in this field. No mention of India  even as a future 
interested nation.

So where is India???  Is India only concentrating on IT software? China, I 
believe is far ahead of India in IT hardware; and has proved itself in other 
technologies. Yet the Preident of India tried to boast that Indians should 
think of themselves as a developed Country. As for Goa the situation is much 
worse! The Govt. depatment is still trying to learn how to handle electric 
power and distribute the same. What an advance this is! Then we invite the 
foreign tourists and give them candles and torches to cope with loss of 
power! The frequency of power failures in Goa may be elligible for Guiness 
World Record! And then Parrikar has told us that Goa has a surplus of power; 
as a result the lights go dim during the evenings and damages all round ! 
Hindutva at its best! Hah Ha!
I wonder what the IITians have learnt! Only theory without the knowledge to 
implement? Roads and Bridges to serve one season? Parrikar please 'Hang Down 
Your Head' in shame and exile yourself into the Ocean. Good riddance of bad 

Nasci Caldeira
Down Under

Re: [Goanet] How did science begin?

2005-06-30 Thread Peter D'Souza
Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Fr. Ivo,

2. You conveniently gloss over the fact that the Bible
and traditional Christian theology contain beliefs and
explanations about natural phenomena that modern
science has shown to be completely wrong.

What explanations of natural phenomena are you referring to?

[Goanet]Re: George Pinto's patently faux story .....

2005-06-30 Thread George Pinto
Joe Vaz's post may be the longest ad hominem personal attack in Goan 
cyberhistory.  So he admits
he plagarized material without actually saying so and wasting bandwidth.  I 
think he has a serious
comprehension deficiency compounded by his religious insecurity.  My post on 
Kenneth's wasted
bandwidth referred to Kenneth posting BLANK messages on certain forums where he 
attachments with no text and since attachments are not allowed (Goa-Goans 
d-list for example) ,
all we get are BLANK messages and wasted bandwidth.  Now we see Joe trying to 
defend the
indefensible (BLANK messages!).  He should have the courage to come out and say 
he does not like
Santosh and me for challenging his right-wing fundamentalism.  I respect people 
who disagree with
me, not fudge.


--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The educator of ethics has spoken again, this time with even more fury and 
> vengeance in his malevolent post.  I can clearly see where he’s coming from. 

[Goanet]Re: Antonio's question

2005-06-30 Thread cornel

Hello Antonio,
I can offer two responses to the question you posed below:
a) yes it is possible for a bamon to become an anti-casteist.
b) this may not be terribly likely, especially in Goa, and it is probably 
what a sceptic would wish to hear!

There are examples where people have swung from one position to another e.g. 
from being a racist to an antiracist or vice versa.


- Original Message - 
From: "Antonio Menezes"

RE Senhor Alfredo Francisco Antonio Luis

The question , therefore, should be : '' Can a bamon ever become an 
anticasteist ? ''


Re: [Goanet]Barks from the dark

2005-06-30 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think Helekar is a 'time waster' on this
> list. I think he is a valuable asset to this list.
Mario replies:
Though I frequently disagree with Santosh, I have to
agree with Cecil.  I nominate Santosh as Goanet's
Chief of Hoax-Police and Head Fact Detector, and I am
confident he will turn down these titles but continue
to diligently serve these functions.

The opinions that flow from those facts are a separate
matter which is what debate is all about.

[Goanet]Ubuntu Linux Cds Avalable in Goa for Free

2005-06-30 Thread Peter D'Souza
Just a quick word of endorsement regarding Clinton Vaz's Linux CD
offer: Ubuntu Linux is one of the finest operating systems around. I
have been using Ubuntu Linux as my primary OS and am very pleased--no
worries about Windows spyware, Windows viruses and the like. I'd dump
Windows altogether if I didn't require it for work. So call Clint and
pick up your Ubuntu Linux CDs today. There's a 'LiveCD' which lets you
test Linux without even having to install Linux on your PC. And
there's the "Hoary Hedgehog" CD which does allow you to install Linux
on your PC hard drive.

Peter D'Souza

Clint Vaz wrote:
Just a short note to inform everybody that I have a few Ubuntu Linux
Cds that can be given out for free to anybody that desires.

The Free Cds will be made available at my shop in Margao for those who
are interested. Mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call me at 9822123535
before you decide to collect your cds.


Re: [Goanet]Trustworthy surnames

2005-06-30 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A. Veronica Fernandes wrote:
> The Bhembros, the Mauzos, the Kelekars, the
> Shivdases and others are not to be trusted anymore.
> This is my firm opinion.
> Dear Veronica,
> 1) Should we stop trusting all people with these
> surnames?
Mario asks:
Veronica, surely you can't be serious.  Please
reconsider your firm opinion.

Indicting, nay convicting, entire families in the
court of public opinion?  You can't do that without
becoming part of whatever problem you are accusing
them of.

Are these entire families running around physically
assaulting people?  Or are they simply excercising
their freedom of speech?  Without knowing any of them
I am willing to bet they are entirely "trustworthy",
regardless of how objectionable their opinions may be.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Liberation theology , Marxism

2005-06-30 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> The majority of the people here are Catholic.
> The last sentence above was unnecessary. (Just a
> couple of years ago they executed about 25 
> journalists and political opponents for Christ's 
> sake.)  
> If you want to use such language in your posts, I
> suggest that you join other groups that will be more
> receptive to your low standards.
> Mervyn3.0
> There comes a time when a Catholic has got to stand
> up and be counted.
Mario replies:
Goanetters, I apologize for taking Christ's name in
vain.  Having said that, who describes himself as a
Catholic but is a staunch supporter of Fidel Castro,
has the nerve to bring up my mistake, while saying NOT
ONE WORD about the people who were executed in Cuba
simply for opposing this brutal communist dictator.  

[Goanet]Thousands mob beach in 'diamond' rush

2005-06-30 Thread Peter D'Souza
Okay folks, I stand corrected: An 'acres of diamonds' story can indeed
cause grievous harm to society.

Very sincerely,

Peter D'Souza

> From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20050629/od_nm/india_diamonds_dc_1
> An excerpt from the article above:
> Thousands of people have been flocking to a beach in
> India's financial hub in a manic diamond rush, but
> police said Wednesday the stones were fakes and warned
> them to stay away after one treasure hunter was drowned.

RE: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist ? What BULL.........!

2005-06-30 Thread Alfred de Tavares

From: Antonio Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist ? What BULL.!
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:07:28 +0530

Senhor Alfredo Francisco Antonio Luis

calls himself  1) an unabashed brahmin

Not  call myself, old chap. I am, have always been and always shall be.
I see no reason why I should burden myself with unnescessary guilt

who is  2) determinedly fighting the detriments of casteism in our society.

Quite true. Have always done so. No need to render satisfaction to anyone.

My record, in Goa, will always speak for itself and many will whole 
testify to the same: while the beneficiaries of my efforts, most laudably, 
the others

equally acerbically. Arch Bamons, from Loutulim inclusive, have branded me
a "traidor". But, bless their 'high-born' souls they have never cut me off 
never refrained from inviting me to all their weddings and occasions of joy 

sorrow; and I am sure, would not have disdained my hand had I offered it to
one of their (our) fairborn.

para 1)  proclaims to be an abashed one, when all other bamons are quite
unwilling to do so  in our society.

Whish Bamons, dear confused boy are "unwilling to do so?" and what/which
is "our society".

You must be quite explicit in such matters, in Goa. viz., 'a nossa gente', 
'entre nós',

'boas familias' ad infinitum.

para 2) '' intention to fight determindedly the detriments of casteism in 
society '' is rather doubtful.  Why would  Senhor Alfredo have 

the lesser mortals know that his grandmother hailed from the
Vasconcelos family and his mother from Cunha family ?

I don't understand which/what negative complex compels you to thus,
self-flagellantly, brand yourself "the lesser mortal".

And what has my ancestry to do anything with this?

And how can you purport to know lineage?

My late (maternal) grandmother was not Vasconcelos. She
was a daughter of the distinguished Sousas of Quitula, Aldona.

She, Willie's grandfather, Tom's (Hongkong) grandfather, quite a
a dozen of them were sibblings.

She married into the Vasconcelos Cunha family, from Ucassaim and
Arpora. I still get along very well with my Arpora relatives, from the noble
house of Sebasteao Pinto.

However, though I enjoy placing Goans by 'sobre nome', you, Antonio, I fail 

Off hand I might have questioned if you were related to Lulu, but apparently
your not. You don't quite belong to Divar.

Incidentally Lulu was another of the crypto freedom fighters who never 


He did used his political clout on one single occasion: To save the hide of 

intrepid brother-in-law, Mario Cabral e Sa, upon his maverick return (1962)
from Lisbon, from the wrath of the Azad Gomantak Dal's Prabhakar Sinari
& co.

 The question , therefore, should be : '' Can a bamon ever
 become an anticasteist ? ''


Your question, my good Antonio, has been amply answered by our peers
during the past couple of days and, hopefully, you are ingesting the gist of
their unequivocal message.

Myself I compare your querry to the mini-skirt that neither hides nor 

However, while the tiny rainment remains deliciously tantalizing you, my 

fellow, tends to be a tad tedious.

Concluindo, Sr Antonio, sempre serei Vosso valente Ba'mmon,

Alfred de tal e tal, etc.
Stockholm, 2005-06-30

0046 8 759 6214

Re: [Goanet]State of Health Infrastructure in Goa - Part 1

2005-06-30 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

> Director of Health Services, Dr Salelkar attributed
> the sorry state of
> affairs of the Sanatorium building to delay in
> preparing the estimates.

Dr. Salelkar, why did you have to wait until the
building is near collapse to perform even remedial
repairs? Do you look after your house in the same way?
Do you wait until your ceiling is about to collapse
before you do anything about it?  

Sheer negligence on your part is all I can say. 

Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [Goanet]Trustworthy surnames

2005-06-30 Thread eric pinto
Stop, Cecil, not even in jest, we should not pick on
dear Veronica over pickled english - his is the real
thing - Frisian, the Dutch coastal dialect that
floated over the Channel to Britain.  Near identical
to english, its spoken by a quarter of a million
people: the link to Veronica - he was raised in Goa on
Frisian Girl condensed milk, shipped in during his 
'decades of nostalgia'.  For those who remember
St.Pauli Girl beer - it is the name of Bremen's red
light district!   eric.

--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A. Veronica Fernandes wrote:
> The Bhembros, the Mauzos, the Kelekars, the
> Shivdases and others are not to be trusted anymore.
> This is my firm
> opinion.
> --
> Dear Veronica,
> 1) Should we stop trusting all people with these
> surnames?
> 2) Can you provide us with a list of surnames that
> identify trustworthy people?
> 3) Is it a coincidence that the surnames you mention
> are also the surnames 
> of stalwarts of the Konkani movement?
> 4) Your attacks on the English language are well
> appreciated. But surely 
> there must be some better way of advancing the
> Konkani cause rather than 
> just by attacking English the way you do in your
> writings.
> Cheers!
> Cecil

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[Goanet]RE: RE: Trustworthy surnames

2005-06-30 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
(Cecil Pinto wrote: Your attacks on the English language are well 
appreciated. But surely there must be some better way of advancing the 
Konkani cause rather than just by attacking English the way you do in your 

Cecil, attack is too mild a word in this case. 'Butchering' is more 

Btw, could someone tell me whether Veronica is a musculine or feminine name. 
Or some hybrid type, in which case such names shouldn't be trusted either.

Cheers, RKN

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[Goanet]Lumen Sylvester DeSouza

2005-06-30 Thread rene barreto

 From: "Lumen Sylvester DeSouza"
Reply-to: "Lumen Sylvester DeSouza"


Hi Everybody,

Thanks so much for all the prayers.  The operation
went very well and Dad,  while still in a lot of pain
(which is normal), is recovering fine.  Please 
keep him in your prayers as he has to fully recover
within 6 weeks as his  next operation on the other
kidney will be on August 15th and so he'll need 
to be ready for that.

I will write more when I have a chance.

Thanks and God Bless you all,


>From Neil - Sylvester's son.
FWD Rene Barreto


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[Goanet]Books, bikes... and trains

2005-06-30 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Was reading the Hindustan Times (New Delhi) issue of June 27, and a few
issues struck me.

Delhi has apparently put "the brakes" on its "ill-conceived" plan to
close down its 40-year-old Darya Ganj book market, says the HT, citing a
report in its paper as having helped to propel this decision.
Incidentally, Goa lacks its own footpath-sales of books. 

The closest that one could get to this is lower-than-usual prices of
outlets like Broadways. But, even then, there's little scope here for
sale of hand-me-down second-hand books. Most bookoutlets sell books at
marked prices, even if these are outdated books, the kind of which would
be simply junked after lying unsold on the shelves in the West!

Maybe someone should take the bold step of launching a second-hand books

And while on the subject, here's something that was rather interesting
and heart-warming (though I wonder how much true it is in a consumerist
and entertainment-dominated Goa?):
* Indians 'world's biggest readers' *
Indians are the world's biggest readers at  10.7 hours a week - twice
as long as Americans, a new survey says.
Full story:

Another story that caught one's attention was titled 'Boy, do these
girls set pulses racing'. It is about girls who love to ride bikes in
Delhi. Goa has seen this for ages. So, what's new?

A third article was titled 'Rajdhani stoppage at Kollam (Kerala)
demanded'. Reminds one that some of the fast trains passing through Goa,
apart from stopping at Margao, also tend to stop at Canacona. Now,
politicians like Sanjay Bandekar might have done their job well (both in
supporting the Konkan Railway Corporation and being on the right side of
who rules Goa). But surely, there are more important stations that
deserve a halt rather than the smaller-sized Canacona.

And this is no reflection of any bias against Canacona or Canconkars (a
great place, and always a relaxing drive away from urbanised Goa).
Though our friend Tony Martins (who has been silent for long) would tend
to disagree. FN

[Goanet]Fw: Goa SEZ and my views............

2005-06-30 Thread Floriano

- Original Message -
From: Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)
To: goasuraj
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 6:18 PM
Subject: Goa SEZ and my views

Goa SEZ: Boon or Disaster!!

SEZ for Goa can be a boon as well as a total disaster. Goans are already
witnessing dying industries in decaying industrial estates existing in Goa.
Government should realize that it is talking about Special Economic Zone
(SEZ) under Central SEZ policy and not about State SEZ under State SEZ
policy (which we don't have) nor it is talking about re-energizing the
collapsed 20 point program.  Government should realize that the success of
SEZ depends, besides other factors, on where it is planned to be located,
what it is planned for, how it is planned and most importantly, who will be
the ultimate beneficiaries of this SEZ.

The first on the list of considerations is: SEZ where? Considering the area
requirements for setting-up a SEZ is 1000 hectares, which cannot be
compromised, nor can it be thought that special relaxation will be granted
for Goa alone, Verna appear to be out of question and/or the consideration,
though it is closer to the airport and the harbor. In this context Pernem
appears to be nicely fitting into the policy. Moreover Pernem will have an
airport (MOPA) of international standards.  Considering the area
constraints, Verna also could have been fitting in as the SEZ area for '
Very Specialized Products' (VSPs),  but than,  the additional requirement of
having port/airport within that SEZ area is out of question for Verna.  From
this view point if Pernem is considered, then many other infrastructural
activities such as wide roads,  power generation etc.  will have to be
created at hopping costs.

As regards what the SEZ is planned for, Goa government has still not
finalized as to which industries it is aiming at, in the SEZ area. Will it
be 'general industries' or  'IT' and 'pharmaceuticals' and allied
industries? When SEZs are being started almost in every major state e.g.
Navi Mumbai, Amritsar, etc., can Goa think of attracting major industries
without offering several major additional  sops which are not being offered
by other SEZs? Has any one thought about these special attractive incentives
that will have to be given in order to attract these industries? And can Goa
afford to offer such attractive incentives at the cost of the Goan

How it is planned (at least projected/proposed) is still a big question here
in Goa and to Goans. But business houses are euphoric about SEZ in Goa, but
no one, till date, knows what shape it will take, planning wise and/or how
it will be structured. Everyone is busy firing their shots about SEZ without
even going through the actual requirements of SEZs.

Who are going to be the ultimate beneficiaries of this SEZ in Goa is yet
another big question by itself. Certainly the net beneficiaries of Goa SEZ,
if at all we have one, will not be Goans but non-Goans, and that is for
sure. Even the business houses will be mostly non-Goan. As regards
employment, Goa has educated class labor including top management
personalities.  But one thing is certain that 80 % of the labor force
including top management will be non-Goans and the balance 20 % will be
goans, employed to do altu faltu jobs , that too at a very meager salary,
just to  show that Goans are employed. This picture will be exactly the same
as we see today in industries existing in Goa. Therefore, from all these
angles, it is crystal clear that the ultimate beneficiaries  of Goa's SEZ
will be non-Goan business houses,  that too at the cost of  the Goan

Therefore the moot question is: "Do we need such SEZ for Goa?"
This is the question that Goans must ask themselves and come out with the
"Yes" or "No" answers.

Dr. U. G. Barad
600- Vasanti Niwas,
Borda, Margao - Goa
Tel 2731639

[Goanet]WORLD GOA DAY 2005 - Help and support

2005-06-30 Thread rene barreto


Hello Everybody,


As part of our World Goa Day program, that includes 5
days, we have a Movie Evening that includes a
conference.  We wanted to expose problems related with
ambient in Goa. I would like to know if anybody has a
film, a documentary and images that we could show on
this evening, If they are files or MPEG or any format
on computer, please send them directly to me.  If you
know about a documentary and somebody who has the same
please send me their contact so I can send them a

Please also send us contacts on NGO organizations
related to problems in Goa.

If also somebody has a old movie in file format or
DVD, or VCD or VHS, please send us this information,
as we would like to include it in our program and your
information would be a great help in this


As we are so far away in Portugal it is extremely
difficult for us to have the right contacts who can
help us protect and divulgate our Heritage. We are
putting up a tremendous effort and whatever small help
you can give us with the material, we will produce A

Thank You,

Leão Fernandes.


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[Goanet]FRIDAY BALCAO:Should Goa have a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

2005-06-30 Thread Goa Desc

Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
Read the Balcao Synopsis on the website

Dear Cybergaokars on GoaNet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 8th July from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No. 11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa Goa Ph. 2252660

TOPIC:Should Goa have a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
SPEAKER: Open Discussion

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the Friday Balcao event
but if you cannot attend, then please send your
views and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Get the BALCAO Synopsis monthly for Rs.100/-
Information is power, Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!
The FRIDAY BALCAO BOOKLET is available for RS.70/- only
Buy your personal copy and gift one to your relatives, neighbours and friends.
The information handbook that is a must in every Goan home.
Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

[Goanet]Ashes to ashes...

2005-06-30 Thread Cecil Pinto

Alfred Tavares wrote:
How would you then explain the admonishment we receive after
our carnival orgies, from the Rev. on Ash Wednesday:
From ashes thou came; and to ashes shall thou return...


Dear Alfred,

Please note that the lines you have quoted above (reminding us of our 
mortality on Ash Wednesday) are often assumed to be from the Bible. In fact 
they are not. Although they are based  on Genesis 3:19 ("By the sweat of 
your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from 
it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.").

The full quote is
"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of 
the Resurrection into eternal life", which is taken from the Book of Common 

The Book of Common Prayer is one of the major works of English literature. 
Since its introduction in the mid-1500's it has exerted enormous influence 
on the religious and literary lives of all who speak the English language. 
The Book of Common Prayer has gone through a number of editions, not only 
in England where it originated, but in all the places where the various 
Churches of the Anglican communion are now active.

is as good a place as any other to read about The Book of Common Prayer.

Below are some other oft-used quotes for The Book of Common Prayer

- "With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my 
worldly goods I thee endow"

- "A joyful and pleasant thing it is to be thankful"
- "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for 
richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till 
death us do part"
- "There was never anything by the wit of man so well devised, or so sure 
established, which in continuance of time hath not been corrupted"

In fact I read somewhere that the phrase used at the beginning of the 
wedding nuptials, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together ... " is 
also from The Book of Common Prayer.

Interesting is it not that we Catholics use so many quotes from an Anglican 
prayer book.


(Virtual Biblical Scholar)

Other relevant instances of ashes and dust in the Bible are:
- Tamar put ashes on her head and tore her long-sleeved garment which was 
on her; and she put her hand on her head and went away, crying aloud as she 
went. (2 Samuel 13:19)
-When Mordecai learned all that had been done, he tore his clothes, put on 
sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city and wailed 
loudly and bitterly. (Esther 4:1)

- Therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes." (Job 42:6)
- They will cast dust on their heads, They will wallow in ashes. (Ezekiel 
- So I gave my attention to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and 
supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. (Daniel 9:3)
- Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles had 
occurred in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you, they would have repented 
long ago in sackcloth and ashes. (Matthew 11:21)


[Goanet]Re: George Pinto's patently faux story .....

2005-06-30 Thread Joe Vaz

"George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does your following post fit your idea of

conserving bandwidth? Aren’t you

leading by example -- by the stuff you post,

which is (also) wasted



No, it is not wasted bandwidth.

Do you believe your cut and paste posts below
were wasted bandwidth?


The educator of ethics has spoken again, this time with even more fury and 
vengeance in his malevolent post.  I can clearly see where he’s coming from. 
 This abrasive and malicious message, that my posts are cut&paste and his 
are not, is notoriously ludicrous.  The posts George is referring to were 
posted in 2001. Am I amazed that the Rip Van Winkle has just awakened?  Did 
we see a George Pinto on the cc list of the advance post?

FYI, it was one of those incidents when Christian beliefs were vociferously 
attacked on Goanet, with reference to miracles performed by Christ which 
were being termed (by a Goanetter) -- as some games and tricks -- and not 
real occurrences as are historically recorded. Hence, I had to do research 
from historical archives to refute his charge, and included references where 
available. Whenever there is an article of interest, (particularly of an 
educational nature,) I do send the post in its entirety along with due 
credit to its known author.  Many have appreciated such inspirational and 
educational posts.

We didn’t see George addressing the “miracles” issue in 2001 when that 
discussion was on, --- after all Pinto is a devote loyalist.  He gladly let 
those gruesome attacks by his friend go bye, without a word. Interestingly, 
a man who does not believe in (or care for) miracles was expecting one 
during his visits to the Vatican.  This so called “guardian of truth” did 
not object to the fallacious post by his friend, who said that the miracles 
such as Jesus raising the dead man Lazarus to life were nothing but games 
and tricks; yet he never hesitated to insolently attack and express 
objections to harmless inspirational stories, such as the Acres of Diamonds, 
posted on Goanet.

George, you need to be 100% accurate before making your fallacious 
accusations, and not base them on your own biases.  Your open attacks on the 
Vatican/Catholic Church in many instances were grossly biased, unfounded, 
unsubstantiated, malicious and derogatory in nature.  Many netters brought 
it to your notice that your biases were excessively ridiculous.  
Unfortunately, those who did so are probably on your bad-books, so you can 
drive a personal vendetta against them. Just interested to know, what 
motivates you to propagate such dislike (or hate) towards the Vatican? Was 
it all because the Vatican politely showed you the backdoor, when you were 
advocating your case using a pompous posture? Interestingly, you do not want 
to discuss it.

My earlier remark was in specific reference to the wasted bandwidth, which 
you mentioned in your following post:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote referring to:
--kenneth fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]Re: ABC of Marriage

Good heavens, is the pot now calling the kettle

Don't know if the two of you are related with the
same last name, but certainly in the cut & paste
department you are.

You may want to take those groups of your
list and spare us all the wasted bandwidth.

So, ain’t your case befitting “the pot calling the kettle black” situation?

The question is: Are you claiming exclusive rights to the bandwidth, so that 
you may monopolize the forum?  Instead of pointing fingers and castigating 
others with your claim that they are wasting the bandwidth (and belong to 
the cut&paste department,) I suggest you please look into the mirror and you 
will find the person who is doing exactly the same.

George, as educator of ethics, shouldn’t you hold yourself to the same 
ethical standards that you profess.  Your biases are deafening and badly 
letting you down, as can be seen from your amply rampant and sadistic posts 
on Goanet, and many netters have specifically brought that to your 
attention.  Sadly, you have not shown any effort or intent to change that 

George, I am perfectly capable of authoring my own posts and rebuttals, 
without outside-the-forum consultations and help from any support-group; 
also I don’t feel the need to gang-up on netters to browbeat them by all 
means.  This reminds me of the school bully who thrived on intimidating his 
victims -- who were too afraid to encounter him.  I am not deterred by 
bullies and intimidation and tackle them head-on.

Finally, as you can see I have sufficient skills to respond to your spurious 
posts, so stop using the cut&paste delusion.

Joe Vaz

PS: I will not resort to pasting links to posts containing your biases that 
were ridiculed by netters on this forum, as also posts that contained 
cut&pastes.  Be sure you don’t forget to consult with your team members, to 

[Goanet]Barks from the dark

2005-06-30 Thread Cecil Pinto

Bernado Colaco wrote:

Truth is hard to swallow. Antonio Veronica is writing
the truth.
Besides Helekar you are a time waster on the list!

Dear Bernado (or whatever),

I don't think Antonio Veronica knows what he is talking about, and the 
seriousness of the absurd communal allegations he is making.

I don't think Helekar is a 'time waster' on this list. I think he is a 
valuable asset to this list.

And at least Helekar and Veronica are men enough to clearly identify who 
they are. Dogs that bark from the dark don't deserve a response.



Re: [Goanet] How did science begin?

2005-06-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
Fr. Ivo,

I provide below answers to some of your questions, and
a list of problems and questions with what you wrote:

1. Modern science is rational, theoretical and
empirical in nature.

2. You conveniently gloss over the fact that the Bible
and traditional Christian theology contain beliefs and
explanations about natural phenomena that modern
science has shown to be completely wrong.

3. The assertion "Hence for him (agnostic) Science
explains the whole reality (the "absolute truth")" is
a confused attempt at redefining absolute truth. The
reality which Science explains is the reality of the
natural universe and natural phenomena. It has nothing
do with absolute truth, which no true scientist or
agnostic claims to know.

4. How does theology know there is life after death?
Why should anybody believe in such a mere assertion?

5. Objective evidence refers to physical facts about
the natural universe, which can be independently
verified and evaluated by any observer. They enable us
to distinguish between fantasy and reality. You have
conveniently avoided telling me how your theology
distinguishes between fantasy and reality.

6. What are the rational grounds for your dogma? Why
can this dogma not be regarded as fantasy?

7. You repeat once again: "Whatever is witnessed by
our universal experience is not fantasy". You don’t
tell me why. Your assertion is obviously false.
Dreams, illusions and hallucinations are also
witnessed by our universal experience. What we
experience in them cannot be regarded as real.

8. How do you know that the things that are contained
in ancient texts "are immutable truths", that they
reveal "immutable truths about human existence"? We
already know that these texts contain many assertions
about the natural universe and natural phenomena that
are completely false.

9. Any discipline that does not follow the scientific
method is not regarded as a science in the modern
context. That is why theology and religion are not

10. All fields that describe the natural universe and
provide explanations for natural phenomena can be
subjected to experimentation or observation. The
scientific method can be applied to them.

11. I think your definition of ideology applies quite
nicely to religion. Religion is "a system of concepts,
convictions, interpretative patterns and norms of
action, which --mostly governed by particular
interests--, produces a distorted picture of the
reality of the world."

12. Agnosticism is not intolerance. Agnosticism refers
to a lack of knowledge. An agnostic recognizes the
unknown, that there are many things that s/he does not
know. S/he also does not believe in anything without
reason and physical evidence. Intolerance comes from
people who believe in immutable truths and dogma,
whether they are religious or non-religious.

13. Your long unwaranted anti-scientific and
anti-technological rant seems to me as an exposition
of a religionist ideology mixed with some

14. In response to your question: "Could you point out
to a tenet of Catholic faith which to your mind should
be changed?", I would say, I am not the one who
claimed that theology seeks truth afresh, and renews
its understanding through "reflection" and
"discernment". I don’t think any religion or theology
is interested in seeking truth afresh, or renewing
anything. They believe, as you do, that their ancient
texts contain "immutable truths". It is therefore you
who have to tell me which tenets you would renew by
"reflection" and "discernment", or as you now say
"re-think and re-affirm in the light of the Gospel
values, taking into account also
what modern Science has discovered".



[Goanet]Sorry State of the Goan Press

2005-06-30 Thread Cajetan Rego
Here is a post from Rajan Parrikar on

A couple of weeks ago I wrote to Shri Sujay Gupta,
of Gomantak Times and one of ex-CM Manohar Parrikar's 
vociferous and strident critics.  All these months
Shri Gupta's 
diatribes against Manohar Parrikar have been shrill
bereft of substance.   In my email, I expressed the
that a vigilant and free press was crucial to the
of a healthy democratic government, and that I did not

consider Manohar Parrikar or his government to be
the ambit of criticism.  That a responsible press
ought to 
hold the government's feet to the fire.  But the press
not be exempt from criticism either, particularly when
editor masquerades as a dispassonate critic when in
he is a partisan blowhard and an intolerant hack. 
screed in the Gomantak Times has struck me as
and his lack of knowledge and historical perspective
of the 
Goan political landscape appalling.   

I proposed to Shri Gupta that I would organise a
debate between him and Manohar Parrikar in Panjim in 
the month of July when I will be in Goa, at a place
time of his (Gupta's) choosing.  I suggested that this
preferably be an unmoderated forum, but if he so
we could have 2 moderators, one named by Shri Gupta 
and the other nominated by Manohar Parrikar.  The idea

was to make it a fair & level playing field where
a substantive exchange of ideas and opinions would be 
registered.  The only stipulation was that this be a 
civil, dignified affair, without personal attacks or
My role would be that of an organiser, with
for arranging the entire event and defraying all
related to it.  All Gupta had to do was show up at the

auditorium (likewise for Manohar Parrikar). 

Sujay Gupta wrote back to me and we exchanged 
2 or 3 emails.  After the initial round of hemming and

hawing, he questioned my "secular" credentials, 
then called me a "stooge" of Manohar Parrikar.  I
out that "secular" is itself a Christian notion and
that I 
was proud to be "non-secular" on that count.  Manohar 
Parrikar comes from the collateral branch of our
his father and my father were very good friends, but 
I have only a passing acquaintance with Manohar-bab. 
We have met just once, 2 years ago at an airport, and 
our interaction was limited to exchanging
I presented this information to Shri Gupta and asked 
whether he had any evidence that I wasn't aware of to 
prove that I was Manohar Parrikar's "stooge."  I asked

him if he, an editor of a major Goan daily, would
smear every Goan supporter and voter of the BJP as 
a "stooge" of Manohar Parrikar. 

It was abundantly clear that Shri Gupta, who is a
behind his Editor's desk, had suddenly turned chicken 
when called upon to publicly account for the bilge he
been pouring out in newsprint for a while now.  My 
invitation to him still stands: debate Manohar
in public.  If July is uncomfortably close, let us
an event later this year in December. 

I am attaching my final email to Sujay Gupta below. 
I will soon be getting in touch with Manohar Parrikar
telling him about Gupta, the Chicken-in-Chief of

Warm regards, 



Dear Shri Gupta, 

Thank you for your response. 

Your continued name-calling and wild assertions 
lay bare the poverty of your case.  You have no 
arguments to offer; the best you can do is call 
me a "stooge" of Manohar Parrikar.  Are all the 
people who support and vote for Mr. Parrikar and 
the BJP his "stooges" as well?  You are no less 
intolerant than the people you love to despise.   
With each email, you have strenghtened my charge 
that you have NOTHING on Mr. Parrikar, but only 
ad hominems to offer your readers.   

The current strength in the Goa Assembly is 21-19. 
In other words, a couple of seats can swing the 
tide either way.  Is this your idea of a wipe-out? 
If you study the recent election results, you will 
understand that the aggregate votes the BJP received 
remain unchanged (I don't have the figures handy 
right now, but you can find them easily) and the 
core BJP vote-bank remains undiminished.  It is 
not Parrikar's "arrogance" that lead to the BJP 
defeat, as your simplistic 'analysis' has it.   
There are a host of other factors.  But far be 
it from me to stand in the way of you and your 
woolly fantasies. 

Finally: you cannot call me a "stooge" and at the 
same time claim that you have nothing personal 
against me.  It is clear that you are intolerant 
of people who hold and express political views 
different than the ones you cherish.  This says 
more about YOU than it does about ME. 

In summation, as I mentioned earlier, you want to 
hide behind the safety of your edito

[Goanet]Not in my backyard: two villages and a garbage problem

2005-06-30 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

Not in my backyard: two villages and a garbage problem

CALANGUTE/SALIGAO: It's a classic tale of two neighbouring
villages and a common dispute that has divided them  garbage.
While Calangute - the epicenter of tourism in Goa - generates
several tons of garbage per day, the village panchayat dumps
its trash in an unused quarry that required its garbage trucks
to wind through the picturesque neighbouring village of Saligao.

The villagers have risen in protest ever since the dump started
functioning in 1994 and claim that its presence if a threat to their
wellbeing.The Bombay High Court at Goa ruled in favor of
continued dumping at the site despite petition filed against
garbage dumping.

"The biggest problem is that the garbage is affecting the
underground water table," says a prominent activist from the
area who preferred to remain unnamed, "There are other ancillary
problems such as the smell from the trucks that inconvenience
a small amount of people."

The activist adds, "Health is also a big issue because the dogs
and crows tend to strew the garbage over a larger area. There
is also a large colony of stray dogs  at least 200 of them who
populate the site and risk setting off a rabies epidemic."

Calangute Sarpanch Joseph Siqueira, however sought to allay
fears saying, "We are conducting our work in the most systematic
way as prescribed by the High Court order. These allegations
being leveled against us are false and baseless."

Garbage collection in Calangute is being conducted on a
door-to-door basis by the panchayat, Siqueira says, and the
garbage is taken to the dumpsite where it is segregated. When
queried about the recent showdown where a member of the
Saligao panchayat led his supporters to block the entry of the
garbage trucks, Siqueira relied that it was only a move to
"divert attention" and that he had subsequently filed a petition
before the High Court.

Meanwhile, even as Saligao has been protesting Calangute's
dumping, the village panchayat's own garbage collection system
is under a cloud. Local residents say that they are not aware
where the panchayat-appointed contractor is dumping Saligao's
garbage and alleged that the village Sarpanch was not forthcoming
with an answer.

When GT contacted Saligao Sarpanch Mary Fernandes, she
referred this reporter to her brother Lucas Remedios saying, "He
will be in a better position to answer your questions." Remedios
could not be reached telephonically to comment.

Tired of the Panchayat's lackadaisical attitude the Saligao Civic
and Consumer Cell (SCCC) initiated its own efforts to tackle
the village garbage. The organisation, about five years ago,
started a door-to-door garbage collection programme manned by
volunteers who dedicated their time and money to solve the issue.
SCCC would then pass the garbage on to contractors in Mapusa
who would dispose off it accordingly.

According to Joaquim D'Mello of SCCC, the volunteer group has
re-started its efforts on a smaller scale with a new initiative to
introduce Japanese Effective Microorganism (EM) technology.
EMs are the so-called good bacteria that break down waste into
compost that is used as organic fertilizer.

"We are using the Saligao church as the center of our activities.
We have put a big drum where people can dump their non-bio
degradable garbage in," D'Mello explained, "The biodegradable
material is put in two pits built in the church compound and
sprayed with EMs before being covered with plastic. The waste
is then converted into organic fertilizer over a period of time."

The church experiment, though largely ignored by the Panchayat,
is being emulated by the nearby Our Lady of Lourdes convent,
which has set up its own EM system, D'Mello says.

Carlos D'Sousa
Businessman, Calangute
"Earlier there was a garbage problem but it has reduced
substantially. I have kept my own waste bins outside my
supermarket where all the waste and garbage is collected.
The panchayat contractor who makes it a point to collect it
regularly. The earlier contractor was very irregular. I am not
aware where they dump the garbage as long as my area
and surroundings are clean."

Joaquim D'Mello
Retired Banker, Saligao
"Garbage is gold and you can make money out of it. Everybody
should adopt new technologies like EM on whatever scale they
can afford. It is also time for the government to use such

Salvita Fernandes
Housewife, Calangute
"We do not much of a problem where garbage is concerned.
The contractors are quite prompt."

Fr Francis Atiad

[Goanet]Dangers posed to the third world countries.

2005-06-30 Thread Sachin Phadte
I am sending the enclosed article to bring to the notice of a peculiar type 
of danger posed to the third world countries. I have no (repeat no) 
intention of highlighting the religious analogies used. In fact, I do not 
know why the author felt the need to do so. I think the author is definitely 
NOT a supporter of the Hindu fundamentalists in India. However, the points 
that she otherwise makes has much merit.

Sachin Phadte


Our struggle is against all forms of colonization.

ON 17TH APRIL, 1492, Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand granted Christopher 
Columbus the privileges of "discovery and con- quest". One year later, on 
4th May, 1493, Pope Alexander VI through his "Bull of Donation" granted all 
islands and mainlands "discovered and to be discovered, one hundred leagues 
to the West and south of the Azores towards India" and already not occupied 
or held by any Christian king or prince as of Christmas of 1492, to the 
Catholic monarchs, Isabel of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon. Walter 
Ullmann has stated in Medieval Papalism:

"The Pope as the victor of God commanded the world, as if it Were a tool in 
his hands; the Pope, supported by the canonists, considered the world as his 
property to be disposed according to his will."

Acts of piracy were thus transformed into divine will by charters and 
patents. The peoples and nations which were colonized did not belong to the 
Pope who "donated" them to the European monarchs. However, this canonical 
jurisprudence made the Christian monarchs of Europe rulers of all nations, 
"wherever they might be found and whatever creed they might embrace."

The Papal Bull, the Columbus charter and the charter-patents granted by 
European monarchs laid the juridical and moral foundations for the 
colonization and extermination of non-European peoples. The Native American 
population declined from 72 million in 1492 to less than 4 million in a few 

The principle of "effective occupation" by Christian princes, the alleged 
"vacancy" of the targeted lands, the "duty" to incorporate the "savages" 
into civilization were components of the charter-patents.

Wherever they might be found, whatever knowledge they might embody, patents 
and intellectual property rights (IPRS) today are no different from the 
"patentes" and "charters" issued by European monarchs to merchants of their 

FIVE HUNDRED YEARS after Columbus, a more secular version of the same 
project of colonization continues through patents. The Papal Bull has been 
replaced by the GATT treaty. The principle of effective occupation by 
Christian princes has been replaced by "effective occupation" by modern-day 
rulers, the transnational corporations. The vacancy of targeted lands" has 
been replaced by "the vacancy of targeted life-forms" and species 
manipulated by the new biotechnologies. The duty to incorporate savages into 
Christianity has been replaced by the duty to incorporate local and national 
economies into the global marketplace, and to incorporate non- Western 
systems of knowledge into the reductionism of commercialized Western science 
and technology.

The creation of property through the piracy of others' wealth remains the 
same as it was 500 years ago.

The freedom that transnational corporations are claiming through 
intellectual property rights protection in the GATT agreement on Trade 
Related Intellectual Property rights (TRIPs) is the freedom that European 
colonizers have claimed since 1492 when Columbus set precedence in treating 
the licence to conquer non- European peoples as a natural right of European 
men. The land titles issued by the Pope through European kings and queens 
were the first patents. The colonizer's freedom was built on the slavery and 
subjugation of the people with original rights to the land. This violent 
takeover was rendered "natural" by defining the colonized people as savages, 
thus denying them their humanity and freedom.

Locke's treatise on property effectually legitimized this same process of 
theft and robbery during the enclosure movement in Europe. Locke clearly 
articulates capitalism's freedom to build on the freedom to steal; he states 
that property is created by removing resources from nature through mixing 
with labour. But this "labour" is not physical labour but labour in its 
spiritual" form as manifest in the control of capital.

According to Locke, only those who own capital have the right to own natural 
resources; a right that supersedes the common rights of others with prior 
claims. Capital is thus defined as a source of freedom, but this freedom is 
based on the denial of freedom to the land, forests, rivers and biodiversity 
that capital claims as its own and to others whose rights are based on their 
labour. Peasants and tribals who demand the return of their rights and 
access to resources are regarded as thieves.


[Goanet]Trustworthy surnames

2005-06-30 Thread Cecil Pinto

A. Veronica Fernandes wrote:
The Bhembros, the Mauzos, the Kelekars, the
Shivdases and others are not to be trusted anymore. This is my firm


Dear Veronica,

1) Should we stop trusting all people with these surnames?
2) Can you provide us with a list of surnames that identify trustworthy people?
3) Is it a coincidence that the surnames you mention are also the surnames 
of stalwarts of the Konkani movement?
4) Your attacks on the English language are well appreciated. But surely 
there must be some better way of advancing the Konkani cause rather than 
just by attacking English the way you do in your writings.



[Goanet]OFFTOPIC: Indias 'world's biggest readers'

2005-06-30 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
* Indians 'world's biggest readers' *

* Indians 'world's biggest readers' *
Indians are the world's biggest readers at  10.7 hours a week - twice 
as long as Americans, a new survey says.
Full story:

RE: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist ? What BULL.........!

2005-06-30 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

>From your comments it's crystal clear that you are not a 'Bamon'.  So,
the next most natural thing to do is bash all the 'Bamons'.  Having done
that, could you clarify where in the caste hierarchy you belong?

Oh yes, you are a 'Catholic' so there are no 'caste-baggage' you carry,
but your forefathers did, right?

Let's say you are some where below the 'Bamon' in caste hierarchy.  If
we go by your logic and rhetoric, than the folks below your caste have
the right to question your casteist approach just like you question the
Bamons, right? So that makes you a casteist just like you perceive all
Bamons as casteist.
Unless, you occupy the lowest part of the caste hierarchy along with

So, as a 'Catholic' does it give you a right to make such weird
statements?  Of course, if one is smoking some weird stuff, than it's
all a different matter.

You will agree that as a 'Catholic' you cannot make such statements
against other human beings.  If you wish to standby your rhetoric, than
you can't be a 'Catholic'.

The choice is yours!



Antonio Menezes wrote:

Senhor Alfredo Francisco Antonio Luis

calls himself  1) an unabashed brahmin
   who is2) determinedly fighting the detriments
of casteism in our society.

para 1)  proclaims to be an abashed one, when all other bamons are quite
unwilling to do so  in our society.

para 2) '' intention to fight determindedly the detriments of casteism
in our
society '' is rather doubtful.  Why would  Senhor Alfredo
have the 
the lesser mortals know that his grandmother hailed from the

Vasconcelos family and his mother from Cunha family ?

 The question , therefore, should be : '' Can a bamon
 become an anticasteist ? ''


[Goanet]D'souza set to rock Hollywood

2005-06-30 Thread Edward Verdes
Any Goan connection?...Eddie Verdes

D'souza set to rock Hollywood
With the music videos of Sukbhir, Silk Route and Bombay Vikings to his
credit, music video director Anthony D'souza is now ready to rock Hollywood.

He's set to jazz things up a bit for teen popstar Avril Lavigne and guitar
maestro Carlos Santana.

"Well. I'm going to Los Angeles to meet with the record label RCA who saw a
video I had done and thought it was good. I don't know where it will go from
there," said D'Souza.

Latest venture

Back home his latest directorial venture is upcoming singer Sarosh's new
music video Hey Ya.

For Sarosh, who began his musical journey at quite an early age, it was
quite a break.

"It was fabulous working with Tony. He is very clear about what he wants
unlike most directors and he does just that and nothing more," said Sarosh.

"I am nervous about an international venture but its ok. It just means I
have to do my homework better and be more professional," said D'souza.

This is D'souzas second international stint from directing the real life
wonders of Ripleys Believe It or Not to some real rock and roll and if all
goes well, he may be asked for some encores.

Fwd: [Goanet]Freedom Fighters.

2005-06-30 Thread carlos6143

A. Veronica Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
"sadly I was surprised there were no hindus from Goa);" . Let it be 
known to everyone and to everywhere in the Goan World >that for the 
good cause of Goa only the Christians worked and fought hard though the 
benefits of their hard work and hard >fought battles were enjoyed by 
those who were watching from distance silently. 

First of all, I am not surprised to see this hate mail against the 
majority community of Goa. Let it be known that if the majority 
community were not tolerant or agreeable to the demands made by the 
minority community (30% of Goans), Konkani or Statehood would not have 
happened. We have Konkani and Statehood because majority of Goans 
(Hindus, Catholics and others) wanted it. 
