[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Ek Iad, Avoichea Hatantlea Kunsvarachi

2005-12-18 Thread lino dourado
Ek Iad, Avoichea Hatantlea Kunsvarachi

Bouch huxir zal’lo. Aimore uprant ghorant bhitor sorlo
zalear sodam porim tinnem mhojer thapsanni ghalcheo
asleo. Punn titloch vell tigelo. Mhoji chuk asum vo na
asum. Thapsanni ghalta tea vellar moneaponnan aikun
ghetalom. Tika portean keddnach zap di naslom. Uprant
mhojem kam’ koslem asa tem, tinnem sangchem aslem ani
sompoilea xivai jev naslom. Heach khatir ti mhojer
khuxi astali. Mhoji Avoi ti.

Mhoje avoin, vorsache vorsa Dezembrache 23ver
Natalamcho kunsvar bazcho aslo. Xezarchim cheddvam,
baileo mhoje avoik pitt lattunk, kunsvar bazunk
ap-apleo lattnni, manddnni gheun adhar korunk ietalim.

Mukhavelem dar bond aslelean kuznantleant bhitor
sorlom. Zomnir pattoulelea xindrer, timai Clementina,
Bernandina, Satana aunty, mhageli ixttin Aida paim
soddun manddnnicher pitt lattalim. Mhoji nodor
avoicher poddli. Tichea mukhamollar thapsannincho rong
naslo. Tichi, ek kortovea mhaka bhori avoddtali.
Ghorant konnui dusro monis aslear tanchea samkara
keddnach boball kori nasli. 

"Ailo heddgo. Koim aslo re tum keddov meren? Maim
husketa tuka. Kitlim horam vazlim atam?" Clementin
timain vicharlem.

‘Tanv’ korun kopelachi ghantt vazli (1976 vorsa adim
Utodd’ddechi Lourdes Saibinnichi  Igorj kopel aslem)
Hanvem sodam bhoxen mhojem tond hanstem korun

"Saibinnuch sangta mu ghe, kitlo vell zalo to," ani
sogott ku-ku-ku korun hansunk laglim

Avoin, mellelea otmeank atth horamchem magnnem
mhonnttlem ani uprant sogtteani tigelo axirvadd

Mhoje dusre dog bhav, salant konddea boddichem nokhetr
korpak ekdomuch boballar aslele. Bapui, vhoddlea bhava
sangata gotto toear kortalo. Dodolache, bebinkache,
dosiche kuddke eke platin ghalun mezar dovorlele
disle. Dos, dodol, gons, manddare, bullina, bebinka
ani ier dusre khavcheo vostu avoin, atth dis poilim
toear korunk dovorcheo asleo. Adim, khaupacheo vostu
piddear zainastanam sugur urpak refrigerator-ichi
goroz poddo nasli Atamchea toren, tedna vikallem
poriavoronn (environment) naslem. Punn hea kallant
donparam randlele jinos freeze-int dourinastana urle
zalear ratche te kavpa sarke nastat.

Salantlea mezar aslele platin dodolacho ek kuddko
kaddunk hat mat ghatlolo. Itlean Xaverinho, mhojo
nim’nno bhav aroddlo. “Maim choi ghe. Amkam dovorlelem
khata mu ghe.”

“Khoim gelo re to. Tankam kiteak bejear korta? Ing ieo
bhegim” Avoi, kuznant thavn boball’li. Angavele kopdde
bolldun avoixim gelom. 

Don stove-ank ganslet bhorpak ani te petovpak mhaka
hukum ghalo. Gansletiche stove chalu kortoch kunsvar
bazcheo kaileo dovorleo. Donui kailint tel vhottoun
don pittache khuris avoinuch poile bazle. Tea uprant
Aida-n kormolam bazun kaddlim. Gorom-gorom don-tin
mhojea tonddant lottun katanam, avoin mhonnlem.

"Fokot kaunk zanam tum, kunsvar korunk noko"

Tea vorsak kunsvar ekdom chodd bazlolo. Tachem kharan
mhollear amchea xezarchim Joao ani Tia Filsu
somplelint. Dukhest ghoranim Natalamcho kunsvar
bazinaslim. Xezarim, oslea dukhest ghorant Natalamcho
kunsvar pattounk ditalim

“Faleam iskolacho ghora ailo mhonntoch jevlea uprant
poilim Joao Uncle ani Filsu tia-gher  kunsvar vhorunk
zai.”  Mhojea avoin falleamche kam’ aizuch sangun

Don torecheo nevreo astaleo. Nall’lachem chunan
kel’leo ani pitteacheo. Pitteacheo nevreo mhaka
khubuch avoddtaleo. Chodd dis togtaleo tea khatir
mhoji avoi pitteacheo nevreo mhaka ruchttat mhonn odik
bazun dovortali.

"Ago Aida, ek pitteachi neuri khaun, ghoddsanink koxeo
asat teo polle baie." Nevreanchi ghoddsan Aida koddsun
zannam zaunk soddtale avoin mhonnlem. 

Aida-n ek pitteachi neuri hatant ghetli ani ghans
gheun urlelem odh (half) sokoll xindren pattoulelea
kagddar dovorlem.

"Wow! Tia, khoreninch tujea hatantlean ruchichi zhor
vhanvtta ghe." Mhojea avoichi tokhnnai kortana mhojea
islean polloun tannem mhonnlem

"Lino, tuvuim-i ek neuri  kaun polle re."

Hanvem, avoichea islean nodor ghatli. Nevreachem pitt
lattpan ti ekdom 'busy' asli. "Fokot kaunk zanam,"
porot ekdam  mhonnon, mhaka loz korit mhonn hanvem
Aida-k ogi ravpak isaro dilo. Avoichea islean polloit
neureanchea tattant hat ghaltana chukun Aidachea
zhangddar hat laglo tedna, justuch Satana aunty-n
pollelo ani tinnem soroll moskorean mhonnlem.

"Kitem re Lino. Uzvaddantuch Aida-chi neuri sonspunk

Keddov meren ogich asleli avoi okosmat boslelea
koddsun utthli, "chodd korta lapitponnam" mhonnon,
‘tho’ korun lattnni mhojea tokhler dhodhoili.

NIM'NNEM: Halinch (Otumbrache 2rer, 2005) mhoji avoi
Deva Bapachea ghora gelea. Tichea hantantle
kunsvarachi iad korun ho lekh tika bhettoitam.

Lino B Dourado.



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[Goanet] Re: Hi

2005-12-18 Thread Hilary Jack Pereira

Hi guys

If anyone can help me with the recipe's for the inner filling of the

Thanks and God Bless.
have a beautiful Christmas...



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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Antarctica 16 Fish Mail

2005-12-18 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
This is the sixteenth posting of my trip to the icy continent. The others can
be found in my blog at Link:

A common dinner topic when we can hear ourselves speak is to compare this trip 
with last year's trip. This makes the rookies very unhappy and they tend to 
roll their eyes like I used to when my father would narrate his WWII stories. 
They go "Is it going to be the orca whale story or the fish mail story?" The 
former is a real sore topic because this year although we have seen an 
abundance of marine life, the orcas eluded us. Last year they put on a big 
show for us. As our ship cut into the thick ice, a huge school of orcas popped 
their heads out of the cracked ice. At one time seven of them popped right 
near our ship and spouted arcs of water. This was a much better show than the 
one by young women in the Olympic synchronous swimming events especially 
because the orca's noses were not plugged! But the fish mail is a better 
story. I thought I should share it on this last day of science. Last year as 
we were heading towards the pole we saw a small fishing vessel sailing in our 
wake. It was from New Zealand, and the captain was hoping to push deeper south 
by sailing in the swath we cut into the thick ice. In doing so the fishermen 
were saving on gas and forging deeper south to richer fishing grounds than are 
usually within their reach. Being a small fishing boat it had no ice breaking 
capacity. Well at some point they decided they had enough fish and would give 
us some. A little rubber dingy brought us nine huge Patagonia tooth fish or 
Chilean sea bass which in the US is frightfully expensive. While the 
transaction was going on some of our young women commented that the young 
fishermen were sizing them with their binoculars, a futile exercise I thought 
as everyone is clad in the same attire. But these were no ordinary boys! The 
next morning as the cook cut the fish he found a plastic bag with a letter in 
the belly of the fish. The letter, from one of the young fishermen pleaded 
with any respectable young lady to correspond with him via email! He had been 
at sea for very long and missed the young women from the remote islands of New 
Zealand where he came from. A young liberal arts student volunteered to reply 
but she tended to be a bit facetious and made remarks like "Did you see me on 
the deck? I was in a red jacket!" Everyone has a red jacket! We asked her to 
be nicer and she was! Everyday the fish mail was stuck on the notice board and 
it made for interesting reading. This went on for a while with other young men 
begging for their own fish pals. But then the young man cut his finger very 
badly while filleting some fish and and that ended the fish mail. 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] RE: Mopa Airport

2005-12-18 Thread Eric Pereira

I wish those who are opposed to the new airport at Mopa that they are short 
sighted and also looking after their own backyard.

A new airport will NOT only generate jobs in an area where employment Is much 
needed but will force the government to improve the infrastructure to support 
the site and regenerate the surroundings. This combined with all the new 
technologies will attract not only new skills but also new industries to the 
area as a whole.

So come on please open your eyes!!!

Eric Pereira

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[Goanet] Re: *** Goanet Reader: POLITICS & GENESIS OF MOPA (Valmiki Faleiro)

2005-12-18 Thread apolinario dias
Dear Valmiki

I like to add here, Mr. Luizinho Faleiro was working
for Zuari Agro chemicals and when he was contesting
his first election he did not have money of
Rs.35,000?- Now what is he? What is his income? From
where he has brought all that wealth? 
Is there in the Democratic India to question this?

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] sustainable novenas!

2005-12-18 Thread fausto
A lot has been said and written about sustainable tourism, ecological 
degradation, and other environmental concerns. The Archdiocese of Goa has had 
a lot to say in the matter, both from the pulpits and in the press. So have a 
lot of lay people, FN for one.

However I have yet to see comments, either from the pulpit or in the press, on 
the Novenas in honour of St Francis Xavier, held in Old Goa (Velha Goa). Are 
these really "sustainable"? For over a week residents in and around this 
village are inconvenienced. (Fortunately the Bishop was caught in a traffic 
snarl on the feast day experienced what we experience through the Novena!. 
And, boy,  did he gripe about it during his speech!). And after the Novena the 
stench and the smoke from burning garbage has to be experienced to be 
believed. Even today the place is littered  with plastic bottles and cups and 
all manner of stuff. And there are boards proclaiming  that the village is a 
plastic-free zone!

While I appreciate that the Novena at Velha Goa is a source of income for the 
archdiocese, the authorities should consider toning it down to what it was 
before Vasco Rego, S.J. started it in its present form. Some argue that it is 
not the novenas which are a nuisance but the fair (from which the local self 
governing ears a lot). Of course they do not say that the fair is a 
consequence of the Novena. 

Fausto Dias, Velha Goa

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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Prepare Neureos

2005-12-18 Thread kenneth fernandes
Prepare Neureos
Ingredients :

1/2 kg flour
2 tablespoons ghee (or hydrogenated oil)
a pinch of salt
For the filling:
1/2 kg. sugar
1/2 cup water
1 half ripe coconut grated fine
100 g. cashew nuts (chopped very fine)
100 g. raisins
2 tablespoons ghee
6 cardamoms (powdered)
oil for frying 

Preparation :

Mix flour, salt and ghee well, add just enough water to knead into a small 
dough. Keep aside.

Heat sugar and water till a syrup is formed. Add the grated coconut, ghee and 
nuts. When the mixture has thickened, add raisins and cardamom powder. 

Remove from fire after the mixture turns quite dry. Cool and keep aside. 
Divide the dough into small balls, roll out into thin rounds, put a spoonful 
of the coconut filling on each round, wet the edges, press down to form half-
moon shapes. Trim edges preferably with a cutter and deep fry in hot oil.


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Antarctica 17 How we celebrated the Day of the Cups

2005-12-18 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
This is the seventeenth posting of my trip to the icy continent. The others can
be found in my blog at Link:

We are heading home with the accompanying crashing, banging and ice breaking. 
On the last day of science we sample the deep waters - up to 3000 meters. 
Accompanying this deep cast is the traditional Day of Cups - a tradition which 
like Thanksgiving and Christmas starts off with a lot of excitement and 
preparation  and ends with leaving people deflated and with stuff they don't 
know what to do with. Let me start with the CTD, the darling of 
oceanographers. A huge circular frame is wired with sensors that measure 
Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (hence CTD) and the frame is lowered via 
a winch. The sensors send back data profiles to the ship's computers giving 
the scientists an idea of the structure of the water column that they will be 
sampling. Attached to the frame are huge tube-like structures of PVC with lids 
on both sides. When the CTD is launched all the lids are left open but as it 
descends they can be triggered through computer controls to close at discreet 
depths . In doing so we are able to collect water from a particular depth with 
the least bit of disturbance. When the CTD comes to the surface everyone 
rushes to bleed it - this is the place where egos clash and greed for water 
surfaces. It gets ugly especially when people haven't slept in days. 

As we all know pressure in the water column increases by one atmosphere for 
every 10 meters which is not a big deal until on the Day of Cups. On this day 
every scientist equipped with an assortment of markers spends hours painting 
the polystyrene cups with colorful designs for their family and friends. The 
Day of the Cups on the Nathaniel Palmer dawned with a raid on the stationery 
closet and an attack on Lorenzo the chef who holds the polystyrene cups. 
Dormant cubists, surrealists and pointillists rose to the occasion as did 
patriots with flags on their cups. The cups were placed in a mesh bag and tied 
to the bottom of the CTD. Yes you have guessed it! When the cups reach lung 
bursting pressures they shrink into little sake cups and along with it shrinks 
your art work and the poem to your girlfriend. It's hard to tell which is 
greater - the pressure to be creative or the pressure of the water column. Two 
hours later when the CTD returned many had a fine set of shrunken cups but few 
knew what to do with them. Joaquim's cup said Antarctica-Goa and had coconut 
trees on it which the pressure had transformed into tiny hairy spiders. My cup 
from last year holds Canadian coins which I often find in my change. Someday 
when it's full I plan to visit Canada and buy a lucky goanetter a beer.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Tandoori-Style Turkey

2005-12-18 Thread kenneth fernandes
Tandoori-Style Turkey
  1/2 c plain yogurt
1/2 c lemon juice (2 lemons)
3 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp ginger paste
2 tsp chili powder
2 tsp coriander powder
2 tsp cumin powder
2 tsp salt
A few drops of orange and red food coloring to get the traditional red 
tandoori color

1 turkey - around 8-10 lbs. A smaller turkey will be more flavorful.  Mix all 
ingredients together in a bowl. Remove the neck and giblets from the body 
cavity, rinse under cold running water. Place the rinsed turkey breast-side 
down in a big bowl. Rub mixture over and inside the turkey. Keep overnight in 
the refrigerator to marinate.

Preheat the oven to 325F. Roast the turkey, uncovered, breast side down for 1 
hour, then turn and continue roasting with the breast side up until an instant-
read meat thermometer registers 165F. when inserted into the largest section 
of thigh, avoiding the bone.

Baste the turkey once every hour with one-half to three-fourths cup of chicken 
stock mixed with half a stick of melted butter, or any other basting liquid of 
your choice.

Cook an 8 to 12 lbs for 2 3/4 to 3 hrs. The cooking times are guidelines only. 
Use a food thermometer to determine safe doneness.

Note: You can add small red potatoes and baby carrots all around the turkey 
when roasting. Add a few dollops of butter and a a dash of pepper to them. 
They turn out fabulous when the turkey is done.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] AICHEA DISSAK CHINTOP - Dezembrachi 18vi, 2005!

2005-12-18 Thread domnic fernandes
Thodde pavtti amkanch bhogta ki jem kitem ami kortanv somdirant ek thembo 
kosso.  Punn tea sandlelea thembeak lagon somdir unnem zavnk xeokta.

(We ourselves feel sometimes that what we are doing is just a drop in the 
ocean.  But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.)

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Soul Yatra mp3's online!

2005-12-18 Thread Jazz Goa
Soul Yatra-the band that recently toured worldwide for
Hennessy has recorded an album titled 'live on tour'.
Sample mp3 tracks from the album can be downloaded at 

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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[Goanet] Reply: Konkani in Kannada script 3rd optional language throughout Karnataka state

2005-12-18 Thread Desouza WilberiousEvanglist
 It is alright Ancy but, fact remains intonations of Konkani words cannot be 
represnted in actuality by any other script but, Roman modified with umlauts, 
accents, ellision, glide & spike marks over charecters.

How would you represent intonations of words tschael, tschaab taantchen, 
aamtchen, paayin, vhaallo, tchintsch etc?

On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 Ancy S.D'Souza Paladka wrote :
>Saturday, December 10, 2005 12:02:10 am TIMES NEWS NETWORK
>Bowing to long-standing demand of the Konkani community, the state
>government has decided to introduce Konkani as an optional third
>language between Class 6 and 10 from the next academic year.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Climate change in Moira.......................

2005-12-18 Thread Vivian D'Souza
Moidekars being renowned for their intellect and initiative can solve this and any other problem thrown their way.  They can achieve and solve problems that the rest of us  mere mortals cannot.--
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] My site and goans news

2005-12-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi dears

My personnal site shows now many  Goans News. Rui Costa and others friends may 
writte articles and I will publish them .

Bene Rodrigues
Site www.bene.pro.br 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: *** Goanet Reader: Just one degree more... lessons from an Italian priest

2005-12-18 Thread Grace
Indeed..this is really a well written article by Pravin..It speaks alot of 
his past experiences and how much effort is gone into the making of a 
whole..i appreciate reading such write-ups as it adds to the readers 
knowledge too..increases word power and opens the eyes of the readers 
mind!!!..thanks to Fr.Gatti .his soul sure is resting in peace hearing his 
praises down here on earth..

Grace Godinho

- Original Message - 
From: "Goanet Reader"
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 10:50 PM

> By Pravin Sabnis
> In Don Bosco High School, an Italian priest, Fr Peter Gatti,
> taught me English in the tenth standard. He was huge,
> humorous and a highly effective teacher. My language skills
> prospered under his nurturing.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Christmas Dance - urgent

2005-12-18 Thread Stephanie Dsouza
Could you please let us know if there are any Christmas dances being held on 
25th night either in Panjim/Mapusa/Calangute.  I keep reading your news, but 
so far theres nothing mentioned.

The reason, we are reaching Goa on 25th early evening from Mumbai and we would 
like to attend a dance.

If you could give us some contact number or an email id, that would be fine.

We are visiting Goa after 6 years with the full family and we want to make it 
a holiday to remember.

Tks in advance


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Calling Jazz musicans

2005-12-18 Thread Sandy at Cavelossim
My partner (trumpet etc.) and son (bass) are both keen jazzers.  On our visits 
to Goa we have met many talented musicans, but are yet to hear or play any 
jazz.  I understand that there tends not to be so much music on during lent, 
which is usually when we are on holiday.  If there are any jazz musicans 
reading (or friends of friends if jazz musicans!) we'd love to hear from you.



|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: (Goan Tradition) ATypical Goan konkani Letter ( ek Chitt)

2005-12-18 Thread jerry fernandes
Hello Joe

Ekdom borem dislem tuji Typical Goan chitt vachun. Voi re bab, oxench
boroitatlet adlea tempar, kiteak anv dekun kednai amchea shezareanchi chitt
boroitalom. ekdom ditto toxinch utram. Anv maink chitt boroitam tivui zalear
toxich boroitam, nam tor er sogleank inglizin boroitam.

Tum kiteim munn, with all modern tech. Chitt ti chitt. ekdom borem dista
vachpak odik korun attan boroiloli. Tantun soglo mog asta. Zorui atamcho
teomp emailacho zaun gella, rokdeoch chitti gara pautat, nam tor adim
muntalet kaudo rodlear, chitt eta astoli. Postman dekun gorcho munis zaun

Thanks for taking a trip to the past. Like Domnic you too like to make trips
in H. G. Wells Time machine but only to the past.


Jerry Fernandes

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: Goa to make HIV-free certificates 'must' for marriages

2005-12-18 Thread Sandy at Cavelossim
Radhakrishnan, I understand your thinking on this, but I think people 
think "it won't happen to me" - more education needed I suppose.  Also, not 
everyone who contracts HIV has behaved in a high risk way e.g. infection from 
blood transfusions, mother to child transmission (with improved drug 
treatments more of these children will survive into adulthood), this policy 
will be another punishment for them.


If the fear of leading an unmarried life can prompt people to guard against 
contracting HIV/AIDS, why not?

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-18 Thread godfrey gonsalves
On 8th August 2005 Konkani supporters of Roman script
met at Our Lady of Grace Church Hall Margao Goa and
unanimously decided to demand equal status for Konkani
in Roman script (KRS).  With the email messages sent
to the Chief Minister of Goa and others by the
supporters of "Unity  in LNGUAGE diversity IN SCRIPTS
" from India and abroad the movement got an
encouraging start.

Political leaders from the Coastal talukas or Old
Conquests (Velhas Conquistas) were reluctant to revive
the language issue now after 18 years. However
notwithstanding their eerie silence
since then the following have been achieved thus far:

1. In the last Budget session of the Goa Legislative
Assembly i.e on 30th August 2005 Mr Jeetendra
Deshprabhu, MLA Pernem raised the issue of KRS, this
provoked the CM Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane of the
Congress led coalition Government in Goa (MGP and NCP)
to assure on the floor of the House when the demands
for Official Language were passed  that financial
assistance will also be given to KRS. The Opposition
BJP did not oppose this assurance. 

2. Following this announcement Kala Akademi, Campal
Panaji Goa  which had discontinued giving awards to
books published in KRS 
have reverted their earlier decision and decided to
consider books in KRS for awards together with books
published in Konkani in Devanagari script.

3. On 15th August 2005TSKK published its TSKK Romi
Lipi booklet. It contains the modified orthography to
write Konkani in Roman script. On 2nd  October 2005
the second revised edition of this booklet was

4. Goa Government also directed Goa Konkani Akademi
(GKA) through Directorate of Official Language to give
financial assistance to KRS.  Accordingly GKA has
announced a few schemes for KRS for the current
financial year 2005-06

5.  Diamond Publications a private organisation have
started a new Konkani fortnightly of tabloid size in
Roman script "Goencho Ulo" 10,000 copies were
distributed free of cost all over Goa to inspire the
revival of KRS.

6.  Vishwa Konkani Parishad (World Konkani Federation)
is formed to unite all Konkani institutions which
believe in the universal principle "Unity  in
diversity". Mr. Eric Ozario of "Mandd Shobann fame of
Mangalore is its  President and Mr Tomazinho Cardozo
is its Secretary. Tentatively its office is situated
at Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Alto Porvorim, Goa

7. "History Hour" Xavier Centre of Historical Research
Porvorim Goa.   provided a platform to Mr Uday
Laximikant Bhemmbre (Advocate) ex Independent MLA
Margao to present his paper :Road Map for the
development for Konkani (Devanagari) script 2050 and
on another ocassion Mr Tomazinho Cardozo, ex-MLA,
ex-speaker of Goa Legislative assembly and
ex-President of Dalgado Konknni Akademi read a paper 
on "Socio-Economic Growth of the Goan Community
through the Konkani Language". Mr Bhembre is a votary
of the ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE (Devanagari) while
Mr Cardozo is a votary of UNITY IN LANGUAGE DIVERSITY
LANGUAGE (Devanagari) were exposed, by the audience.

8. A vital decision  dated 21.11.1981 and obtained
from the Sahitya Academi New Delhi which was taken by
Advisory Committee for Konkani of the Sahitya Akademi
New Delhi was made public. This  decision exposed 
clearly that the ONLY ONE SCRIPT ONE LANGUAGE lobby
masterminded their monopoly over the script to slowly
but surely crush the lobby of UNITY IN LANGUAGE
DIVERSITY IN SCRIPTS thereby getting Konkani only in
Devanagari script recognised as the Official language
on 4.2.1987

9. After 18 years there is a clear realisation among
that all the jobs announced by the Government of Goa
which specify Knowledge of Konkani essential -- means
Konkani only in Devanagari script and therefore those
knowing Roman script mainly Catholics are not
qualified to apply for Government jobs. Niether are
tiatrs mando festivals entitled for grants from the
government at best they may get assistance as doles -

10. Mr Ramakant Khalap ex Union Minister for Law and
ex Congress MLA Mandrem Constituency has now publicly
reiterated  on more than one ocassion that even to
this day he has been supporting KRS and it was only
some Catholic political  leaders like Mr Tomazinho
Cardozo,  Mr Churchill Alemao and others who at the
height of the language agitation of 1985 under the
banner of KPA who were misled by the ONLY ONE SCRIPT
ONE LANGUAGE lobby to suscribe to Konkani only in
Devanagari script.

While the movement to demand an amendment to the
Official language Act 1987 to give equal recognition
to KRS is being pursued in right earnest with the
support of political parties like the MGP NCP UGDP and
BJP if the Congress  fails to rectify the harm done to
there is encouraging news from Karnataka.

The Secretary (Education) Government of Karnataka Mr T
M Vijaybhaskar (tel 080-22257334)

[Goanet] RE: 2nd AIRPORT IN CENTRAL GOA! (Valmiki Faleiro)

2005-12-18 Thread Philip Thomas

Where was this gent in 2000 when the Civil Aviation Minister himself
announced that too in Goa that Dabolim would close once Mopa was ready?
Where was he a year ago when yours truly reported on goanet that a
techno-feasibility study of Mopa  by international consultants was imminent?
It seems he surfaced only about a month or so ago -- a bit late in the day,
right? Oh well ...

What he should do now is to pull out a map of India (as I did) and
familiarise himself with the location of important places i.e. those which
have international airports, to boot. He will be interested to find that
places like Chennai, Bangalore, Trivandrum and to some extent Mumbai,  all
state capitals (not just international airport locations), are all way out
in the corners of their own states and just a stone's throw away from their
neighbouring states' borders! Skewed locations are a fact of life in India
(and maybe elsewhere too for that matter). One has to get over it. Hence the
author's argument and proposal dont stand up to scrutiny for a minute!

The basic issue is NOT (as he suggests) whether Mopa benefits a neighbouring
state or not. It is whether Mopa benefits GOA at all and if so whether the
benefits outweigh the costs to Goa. If there are favourable cost/benefits
ratios for neighbouring states too then Goa should leverage them in  its
dealings with those states in future to derive suitable quid pro quos. This
is the sensible stance to take not the inane one he is virtually proposing
viz build an airport and hide it "under the [Biblical] bushel"!

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Baga goes ballistic!

2005-12-18 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Baga goes ballistic!
Jamal Shaikh 
Saturday, December 17, 2005  18:50 IST

GOA: Baga Beach has been transformed into a sea of colour and festivity
this weekend as Day 2 of Vijay Mallya's mega 50th birthday celebrations.
Baga's most popular shacks - Zanzibar and Cecil - have been taken over
for a 'lunch to sunset beach party', while Goa's most famous nightspot,
Mambo's, transformed into an all-day-all-night party place - with a
special red-carpet entry.

The most impressive sight? Dr Vijay Mallya's pristine white yacht
anchored just off the beach.  Around 2 pm, a couple of hours after the
festivities kicked in, guests began a slow trickle as many of them got
off their flights and headed straight for the party. Suketu Shah was
seen getting himself a relaxing massage while Raja Dhody wasted no time
in getting off his white kurta and into more a appropriate vest instead.

The more sporty guests headed for parasailing, banana dunks and water
scooters. Every motor boat and water scooter on Baga has been booked by
Kingfisher. As the Kingfisher helicopter hovered over the yacht early
afternoon, guests figured it was Dr Mallya making sure the party was in
order. Others felt he was already on his yacht - anchored about 50
meters offshore - and would make his grand entry soon. 

He finally arrived at 4:30 pm dressed in a white sleeveless tee, white
shorts, and a red Kingfisher cap.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Historic win for Army XI

2005-12-18 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Historic win for Army XI
Sunday, December 18, 2005 

Army XI players lift goalkeeper Abungobi Singh after he saved a goal in
the tie-breaker against Sporting Clube de Goa in New Delhi on Saturday.

New Delhi: A day after the Vijay Divas, Army XI created history by
winning the Durand Cup football tournament for the first time, beating
Sporting Clube de Goa 5-4 in the tie-breaker.

This is the first time that a Services team has won the second oldest
football tournament in the world, the last one being Gorkha Brigade in
1969. The Armymen had lost to East Bengal in the final in 2002.

The game remained goalless even after extra time, forcing the
implementation of penalty shootout. The Army team held their nerves to
edge out their more fancied rivals as they had done in the semi-final
against JCT.
Ramachander, Thirunavukarsu, Birendra Bora, Binod Bantava and Raghu
Kumar found the net for Army XI, while Chidi Edeh, Nicholas Rodregues,
Rajesh Meetei and Hardeep Saini were on target for the Goan outfit.

Sporting's Nigerian captain Dudu's spot kick was saved by substitute
custodian Abungobi Singh, who had come on just before the shootout, to
hand over the Durand Cup to Army XI.

The soldiers, coached by Stanley Rozario, effectively neutralised the
threat of Dudu and Chidi thereby controlling the game to a large extent.

The Goans were to blame for the defeat as they missed several chances,
Dudu being the main culprit.  His misery was complete when he missed the
fifth kick in the tie-breaker. 

Army XI coach Stanley Rozario said that tall and strong foreign strikers
in the opposition camp prompted him to adopt a defensive strategy
against Sporting.  "They had three foreigners in their ranks, two of
whom were strikers, so going on all out attack would not have been the
right strategy," Rozario said.  "A win for a team comprising totally of
Indian players was a very good sign for the game in India," Rozario
said. "My boys played like brave soldiers," he said.  (PTI) 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Delhi band bags 'Campus Rock Idols' title in Goa

2005-12-18 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Delhi band bags 'Campus Rock Idols' title in Goa

Panaji, Dec 17 Delhi's 'The Super Fuzz BigMuff' won the prestigious Hero
Honda Pepsi Campus Rock Idols-2005 national title amid stiff competition
among more than 200 rock bands here last evening.

The winners will be given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform
alongside international rock icons besides cash prizes of Rs 75,000, Rs
50,000 and Rs 25,000 to top three winning bands.  The contest,
'parikrama', showcased the biggest amateur rock band talent of the year.

Other bands that participated included 'Joint Family' (winners of the
Northern regional finals), 'Faith and Grungy Morphins' (winners of the
Eastern regional finals) and 'Wax', 'Hush' (winners of the Southern
regional finals) and Medusa from Mumbai (winners of the Western regional

Goa witnessed an overwhelming response for the contest with thousands of
youths across the country performing with great passion and zeal.
'Perestroika', one of the most popular Indian bands and last year's
winners of the title, performed the closing act.

Wax from Bangalore was the first band to perform, followed by Medusa,
Grungy, Super Fuzz BigMuff, Joint Family and others. The fierce
competition witnessed bands playing everlasting hits like 'Monkey Off my
Back' (Wax), 'Beep Off' (Medusa), 'Born in the Darkness of the Day'
(Grungy Morphins) and 'Edge Crusher' (Joint Family).
They also played original compositions like 'Country Outlaw Woman'
(Faith), 'Dark Ula' (The Super Fuzz BigMuff), 'Love on Death Row' (Hush)
'Drummer's Advice' (Joint family). 

The bands were judged on the basis of originality, quality, crowd
response, stage presence and individual instruments like the lead
guitar, drums, base guitar and vocals.

The winning Delhi team comprised Sanchal (vocalist & guitar), Aditya
Paharia (drums) and Nikhil Rufus Raj (Bass Guitar). "It was the most
fulfilling experience. Campus Rock Idols is one of the greatest
platforms for upcoming rock bands to perform," according to Sanchal.

Guwahati-based band 'Faith' were the first runners up. 'Faith' consisted
of Krishna Pradhan (lead guitar), Deepak Sakia (bass), Joy Khashyap
(drums), Raja Rasaily (keys) and Joshua Neville Queah (vocals). 'Faith'
has original compositions to their credit such as 'Country Outlaw

Another Delhi based band 'Joint Family' consisted of Satchith (on
guitars), Varun (on bass), Vishal (on drums), Anirudh (on guitar) and
Aditya (vocals). It has had many original compositions to their credit
such as 'Drummer's Advice', and 'Life is a Bitch" and others. The band
has also recorded their original music.  "The bands played serious music
and they were all very professional. It's wonderful to see such young
talented musicians pe rform," said Sonam Sherpa, a guitarist.

Prestorika, last year's winner, had become a nationally acclaimed band
and been in demand at rock music gathering across India. It performed
the opening act at the 'Rasmus' concert held in Mumbai and also at

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-18 Thread airesrod
The longer Pratpsingh Rane continues to doze on the
Goa Chief Minister's chair,  the greater damage the
faction ridden Congress party in the state will incur.

Our legislators will fool no one by trying to blame
the bureaucracy for slowing Goa's development. The
people have seen how well Goa has been administered
during the last two stints of President's rule. Even
when the politicians are at the helm of affairs the
bureaucracy has a constitutional obligation to make
sure that the legislators do not take the State for a

In Goa we are fortunate to have a very competent and
professional team of officers, led by Chief Secretary
Mrs. Kiran Dhingra, who  on various occasions have had
the spine to put their foot down and refuse to dance
to the whimsical and corrupt tunes of some

The Congress in Goa has an Uma Bharati by way of
Victoria Fernandes and a sulking Shatrugan Sinha in
Churchill Alemao. All this makes Leader of Opposition
Manohar Parrikar's job much easier. He just has to
discreetly ignite and instigate an issue and sit back
and watch the fireworks galore, courtesy of the
Congress party. In many states the Congress's biggest
is from within.  Goa is no exception. Is Sonia Gandhi

Aires Rodrigues

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Antarctica 18 Time to wrap up the show!

2005-12-18 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
We are almost home! As the ship rolls and pitches, and waves crash on our deck 
everyone is packing furiously. Many are green with sea sickness but the 
Raytheon techs are cracking the whip. Everything has to be dismantled, packed 
in huge craters, labeled, and the labs cleaned. The rules and regulations are 
astounding. The paper work would frustrate even an Indian bureaucrat. Every 
tick of radioactivity has to be accounted for in a spreadsheet that does not 
want to be saved. Every chemical waste has to be gotten rid of correctly and 
every chemical inspected. The interns have a great time removing the white 
paper lining that covers the tables which they had fixed so enthusiastically 
just a month ago. Over the weeks they have been scribbling on this paper, 
practicing their names in the Devnagiri script with Joaquim as their 
calligraphy tutor!  

The Irish pub has sent word that there will be a barbeque for us once again. 
My report on what went on at that barbeque will be my last! 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Red hot BLUES show: "SOULMATE" in Goa, both Dec. 18 AND 19, 2005 -- Don't miss!!!

2005-12-18 Thread Desmond Nazareth
After a long stint with jazz…
SOULMATE (band profile below).
the superb blues outfit from our very own Shillong is visiting Goa and 
this has made us sit up and decide to organise a show which we are so excited 
Thanks to Desmond Nazareth and friends, who are undoubtedly the movers and 
shakers in blues territory in Goa, we have been sufficiently encouraged to put 
up this show. On listening to the band's CD, I must admit that my love for 
jazz might be overtaken by the interest that i have just developed for blues. 
Nevertheless, it is great fun and great music at the same time.
I really hope we can all be together for this show at the Highway Village, 
Porvorim on the 18th of this month (December, 2005) and at ZEE BOP at Utorda 
on the 19th.
Contact Sergio (9890275633) for directions to Highway Village and Ashok 
(9822154541) for Zee Bop.
By the looks of the initial response that has been generated amongst friends, 
there seems to be a pent up demand for something like this and if it 
eventually translates into people like you actually thronging the venues, it 
would indeed be satisfying.
Do email me or call me on 9822487818 for any further information. 
DETAILS Of BOTH THE SHOWS i.e. PORVORIM AND UTORDA: 7.30 pm onwards, Rs. 100/- 
Jazz House, Candolim 
Gonsalves Mansion, Campal, 
Magsons, Miramar
Highway Village, Porvorim and…
…of course, at the venues around show time!

Contact info:
Armando Gonsalves 9822487818; email 
Desmond Nazareth 99850477789; email 
Cheers, Armando


"Simple music is the hardest music to play, and blues is simple music." - 
Albert Collins

Rudy Wallang :  Guitar
Tipriti Kharbyngar: Vocals

Between the 1920s and now Blues has emerged as a hugely popular genre of music 
producing some of the worlds most famous musicians. This popularity marked a 
new era for Black music and created a style that would later develop into 
Jazz. Between then and now however, The world has seen the emergence of some 
of the biggest performers who are Blues musicians. From Muddy Waters to 
Clapton to Stevie Ray Vaughn to Hendrix, Blues has drawn consistently from the 
forms around it and has continued to evolve.

Barely three years old, Soulmate has all the elements of the band you've 
always wanted to hear and watch perform. The band started out with 
performances at the Roots Festival in Shillong and at the Jazzmandu Music 
Festival in Nepal, and since then has gone on to become one of the most 
popular bands of our time, touring frequently in Delhi, Mumbai and the North 

Their album Shillong has been released and will be hitting stores by the end 
of September. Their album for the hit single I am has been aired on Channel V 
and VH1. The band also receives frequent airtime on the Worldspace Radio 
station Spin Hits 24x7. The band has been featured in the Rock Street Journal, 
Rave Magazine, First City Magazine, Headlines Today, Hindustan Times and many 
other local newspapers and magazines. Soulmate will be conducting a tour to 
promote the release of their album Shillong, later this year and are due to 
perform in Nepal at the end of this year.

Over the past few years the band has had the privilege of performing alongside 
and with a number of musicians. At the Jazzmandu festival they performed 
alongside Emtrio from Italy and have also played with Arjun Sen, Manas 
Chaudhury, and Keith Wallang, to name only a few.

At the moment Soulmate performs with Sam Shullai on Drums and Ferdy Dakkar on 

A true legend in his own right, Rudy has been performing music for the last 22 
years. Most musicians and music lovers would know him from Great Society fame 
where he played with Lou Majaw, He later went on to form Mojo with his brother 
Keith and Soulmate formed as an offshoot of that. In his own words-  "Soulmate 
is the amalgamation of the best qualities of these bands and the realisation 
of a dream. Now I'm at a point in my life where I can not only play the bluest 
blues I've ever played but also share some of the musical knowledge I've 
picked up along the way"

Tipriti :
Tipriti began her musical career at a very early age singing primarily in 
church choirs, where she got noticed and was asked to perform at many 
subsequent larger shows including the Millennium show in Shillong.  After a 
variety of stints with rock, soul and alternative music, Tipriti was asked to 
sing backup with Mojo, and then went on to form Soulmate with Rudy. The res


2005-12-18 Thread Jose Pereira

In his interesting article “Faria,” recently published in Parmal, Luis S. R. 
Vas refers to a sermon José Faria (1756-1819) is supposed to have given in 
the Sistine chapel. This speech was recently translated from the Latin into 
English by Professor Ivo da Conceição Sousa. It congratulates Pope Clement 
XIV (r. 1769-1774) on his accession to the papacy, and could only have been 
given when Faria arrived in Rome in 1772, a city where he was to study for 
eight years.

In no way could José Faria have delivered an oration in the Sistine chapel 
at the age of 15. In the first place, that oration, composed in a consummate 
Latin style, mentions another institution where it was delivered, [hoc loco, 
atque huius Collegii, “this place and this college”] the Collegium Urbanum 
de Propaganda Fide, founded by Pope Urban VIII in 1627 for training 
missionaries, where the young Faria was enrolled as a student; but the 
actual building, the locus of the congratulatory oration, was built in 1662 
by the great architect Borromini.

Who and why would anyone have invited an obscure boy of 15, whose 
achievements lay only in the future, and those not in theology but in 
medicine, to give a homily in the most august chapel in the whole Catholic 
world? Faria was no doubt a genius, and must have learnt good Latin from his 
teachers in Goa, but he could hardly, in his teens, have mastered its 
rhetorical style with its innumerable devices and conceits. Besides, the 
oration displays a familiarity with the Fathers of the Church (whose 
writings are contained in bulky tomes) and with papal defenders of orthodoxy 
against the heresies in the early Church. These tomes were not easy to 
procure, especially in a place so remote from Europe as Goa. The Fathers he 
mentions are Athanasius, Augustine, Basil of Caesarea, Celestine (pope, 
adversary of the Nestorian heresy), Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, 
Eleutherius   (pope, adversary of the Montanist heresy),  Epiphanius, 
Irenaeus, Isidore (bishop of Seville), Leo the Great (pope, adversary of the 
Eutychian heresy), Nazianzenus, and Sylvester (pope, adversary of the Arian 
heresy). The heresies Faria refers to are the Arian, Donatist, Eutychian, 
Gnostic, Macedonian, Manichaean, Montanist,  Nestorian, and Novatian. To 
master the writings of these theologians and to acquire a familiarity with 
the heresies (not to mention to work out a superb Latin style) would require 
more than 15 years – indeed, a lifetime!

It is my guess that the oration he is recorded to have delivered (whether in 
the Collegio Urbano or the Cappella Sistina) was not his composition but was 
written for him by his teacher (the Dominican Tommaso Maria Mammachi?). The 
delivery, in fluent Latin, of an oration on the supreme importance of the 
papacy in the Catholic Church, by a vivacious brown-skinned boy, from a 
remote land reachable only by a long and arduous journey by sea,  was a 
clear proof of the universality of the Catholic message and the success of 
its missionaries: the scenario would have appealed to the sense of drama of 
the Romans of that Baroque age. When, however, in 1780,  this young genius 
had completed his studies in the Eternal City and defended his philosophical 
dissertation, which he dedicated to the Portuguese king D. José in elegant 
Latin, he was a master of Ciceronian rhetoric and needed no ghost writer, 
but his interests now were not focused on theology or philosophy, but on 
hypnotism. As for the remark  that his father is alleged to have made in the 
Portuguese parliament, “kator re baji”  (and everyone who talks of Faria 
repeats it ad nauseam), it could strike one as odd that, as a young boy, 
Faria could face the most august assembly in Europe, the Pope with the 
college of cardinals, and not bat an eye, while, as a confident and  
academically successful young man, should come to be tongue-tied when 
addressing a far less illustrious body, the members of an obsequious 

José Pereira

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] GOA EVENTS: The Siddis of India and the African Diasporas in Asia

2005-12-18 Thread Goanet Reader
The Siddis of India and the African Diasporas in Asia
For more details contact Jean-Pierre Angenot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Goa, India, from 9th to 20th of January 2006 at The
International Centre, Goa, India [see:
www.internationalcentregoa.com ]

Promoted by

* THE TADIA SOCIETY [The Society for Research, Culture, Education 
  and Development of the African Diaspora in Asia (TADIA)], 
  associated with the UNESCO Slave Route Project, India.

The Siddi or Siddhi people are Indians of mainly North-East
and East African descent, whose ancestors arrived in India
from the 1st to the 19th century. The Siddis came from Africa
as slaves, soldiers, sailors and merchants. The earliest
African presence in India was on the Konkani Coast as a
result of the Arab slave trade. The 17th century saw the
largest influx of Siddis, as many were sold to Hindu princes
by Arab and Portuguese slave traders, and mainly used as
domestic servants and farm labourers. Some Siddi slaves
escaped into the forests to form their own communities.
Siddis occasionally rose to prominence — a few rulers of
Bengal in the 15th century were Siddis, and during the
British colonial period Siddis attained military and
governmental leadership positions. Rough estimates put their
population at 20 to 30 thousand, mostly living in the state
of Gujarat. Since they are generally dark-skinned, they
occupy the bottom rung of the Indian caste system, and exist
mainly on the margins of Indian society. Siddis have adopted
the indigenous religions (most Siddis are Muslim), food, and
customs of India; though remnants of their African heritage
are retained in their music. Siddis are employed mainly in
the agricultural sector. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddi

Co-promoted by

* FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF Rondônia - UNIR, Porto Velho, Brazil 
* National Law School of India University - NLSIU, Bangalore, India 
* UNIVERSITY OF ALCALA, Afro-Ibero-American Studies, Madrid
* University of California at Los Angeles - UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
* Institute for Technical Support to Third World Countries, Brasília
· ALIANCA BRASIL-ÍNDIA, Londrina, Brazil

Sponsored by



* Kiran Kamal Prasad (The TADIA Society & Jeeta Vimukti 
  Karnataka Organisation, Bangalore, India)
* Jean-Pierre Angenot (Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil)

Members of the organiSation steering committee :

* Francis Guntipilly (The TADIA Society & Centre Ashirvad, 
  Bangalore, Karnataka, India)
* Rustom Bharucha (Writer, Kolkata, West Bengal, India)
* Geralda de Lima Angenot (CEPLA Research Centre, Federal 
  University of Rondonia, Guajara-Mirim, Brazil)
* Amy Catlin-Jairazbhoy (University of California at 
  Los Angeles, USA) 


* Academic Discourses: 10-14 January 2006
* Interaction day between Scholars and Siddis
  15 January 2006
* Festival of African and Afro-diasporic 
  Song, Music, Dance and Drama: 15-18 January 2006
* Festival of African and Afro-diasporic Cinema:
  15-19 January 2006
* Workshop on Socio-Economic Development Strategies
  for Siddis: 16-19 January 2006
* History Tour: from 20 January 2006



13.00   : LUNCH 
14.00 - 18.00   : REGISTRATION
  (private collection of Edouard Vincle)
: performance of  the Sidi Goma, Black Sufis of
  Gujarat musical group **.

Tuesday 10 JANUARY 2006

08.45 - 09.45: REGISTRATION

09.45 - 11.00: OPENING CEREMONY

Master of Ceremony Francis Guntipilly (The TADIA Society &
Centre Ashirvad, Bangalore, India). Chairperson: Jean-Pierre
Angenot (Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil) Chief Guest:
Margaret Alva, Winner of the 2005 International Nelson
Mandela Award for Minority Empowerment, United Nations, New
York. Ali Moussa Iye, Chief, UNESCO Slave Route Project,
Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue,
Paris Miguel Neneve, International Assessor of the Rector,
Federal University of Rondonia, Brazil. Luis Beltran , UNESCO
Chair on Afro-Ibero-American Studies, University of Alcala de
Henares, Madrid, Spain. Clodomir Santos de Morais, founder of
the Institute for Technical Support to Third World Countries,
Brasilia, Brazil. John Kosta Siddi, President, TADIA Society,
a Project associated to the UNESCO Slave Route Project,
India. Farida Al Mumbrik Sidi, Vice-President, TADIA Society.
Kiran Kamal Prasad, co-organiser of the conference

11.30 - 12.45:  Keynote a

[Goanet] Fw: Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Ek Iad, Avoichea Hatantlea

2005-12-18 Thread english books

Bab Lino,

Tuka chodd ani chodd Dev borem korum tunvem Devan dille gunn bore baxen uzar
kortai dekun. Tuje natalanche kusvaranchi lek vachun ekdom borem dislem ani
burgea ponnailo ugdas ailo.

Adim soglea garanim kunsvar baztalet. Sogleak vas poddtalo. Ani baztanam
khaupak vodik borem lagtalem. Pun atancho teomp zala readymade acho. Gorant
Soglinch kammamk vetat muntoch to ani kunsvar korpak vell ani fuincho
astolo? Mapxeam barazant gelear soglech vinktat ho kunsvar. Eka dissachem
kam ordea oran kabar. Armosanv dekun ready made, Noketram dekun ready made.
Adim soglea garanim heo vostu kortalet. Armosanv dekun posrear vochon foli
addun katrun pitacho paste korun gorr netoupak ekdom borem distalem. Oxem
distalem Natalank sarki toeari kelea baxen. Pun atam? Ratrichim mis magir
kiss ani zalem Christmas kabar.

Amchea Oldoneant zor eka dissa Christmas tiatre zatalet ani te kortalet zorr
ek vaddo. Tea tempar ganvant tiatrist dekun bore astalet. TV nassun, vell
meltalom soglea oslea ostunim bhagg gheupak. Oslea programmank dekun lok
polloupak zaito etalo. Punn atam fokot time pass. TV programs chuktat dekun
chodd lok bhag ghenam num munn polloupak passun enant. Adlo teomp ani
kednanch eupacho nam fokot amche goemkar amkam kedna kednai ugdas kortolet
hea tempacho zoso tunvem kelo Bab Lino.

Edkom duk lagli tuje avoichi fobor vachun. Magtam tichea otmeank Sorginchem
suk favo zauncheak

Thanks Lino for the trip down the memory lane.and wish you and all readers a

Jerry Fernandes

   Ek Iad, Avoichea Hatantlea Kunsvarachi

Bouch huxir zal'lo. Aimore uprant ghorant bhitor sorlo
zalear sodam porim tinnem mhojer thapsanni ghalcheo
asleo. Punn titloch vell tigelo. Mhoji chuk asum vo na
asum. Thapsanni ghalta tea vellar moneaponnan aikun
ghetalom. Tika portean keddnach zap di naslom. Uprant
mhojem kam' koslem asa tem, tinnem sangchem aslem ani
sompoilea xivai jev naslom. Heach khatir ti mhojer
khuxi astali. Mhoji Avoi ti.

Mhoje avoin, vorsache vorsa Dezembrache 23ver
Natalamcho kunsvar bazcho aslo. Xezarchim cheddvam,
baileo mhoje avoik pitt lattunk, kunsvar bazunk
ap-apleo lattnni, manddnni gheun adhar korunk ietalim.

Mukhavelem dar bond aslelean kuznantleant bhitor
sorlom. Zomnir pattoulelea xindrer, timai Clementina,
Bernandina, Satana aunty, mhageli ixttin Aida paim
soddun manddnnicher pitt lattalim. Mhoji nodor
avoicher poddli. Tichea mukhamollar thapsannincho rong
naslo. Tichi, ek kortovea mhaka bhori avoddtali.
Ghorant konnui dusro monis aslear tanchea samkara
keddnach boball kori nasli.

"Ailo heddgo. Koim aslo re tum keddov meren? Maim
husketa tuka. Kitlim horam vazlim atam?" Clementin
timain vicharlem.

'Tanv' korun kopelachi ghantt vazli (1976 vorsa adim
Utodd'ddechi Lourdes Saibinnichi  Igorj kopel aslem)
Hanvem sodam bhoxen mhojem tond hanstem korun

"Saibinnuch sangta mu ghe, kitlo vell zalo to," ani
sogott ku-ku-ku korun hansunk laglim

Avoin, mellelea otmeank atth horamchem magnnem
mhonnttlem ani uprant sogtteani tigelo axirvadd

Mhoje dusre dog bhav, salant konddea boddichem nokhetr
korpak ekdomuch boballar aslele. Bapui, vhoddlea bhava
sangata gotto toear kortalo. Dodolache, bebinkache,
dosiche kuddke eke platin ghalun mezar dovorlele
disle. Dos, dodol, gons, manddare, bullina, bebinka
ani ier dusre khavcheo vostu avoin, atth dis poilim
toear korunk dovorcheo asleo. Adim, khaupacheo vostu
piddear zainastanam sugur urpak refrigerator-ichi
goroz poddo nasli Atamchea toren, tedna vikallem
poriavoronn (environment) naslem. Punn hea kallant
donparam randlele jinos freeze-int dourinastana urle
zalear ratche te kavpa sarke nastat.

Salantlea mezar aslele platin dodolacho ek kuddko
kaddunk hat mat ghatlolo. Itlean Xaverinho, mhojo
nim'nno bhav aroddlo. "Maim choi ghe. Amkam dovorlelem
khata mu ghe."

"Khoim gelo re to. Tankam kiteak bejear korta? Ing ieo
bhegim" Avoi, kuznant thavn boball'li. Angavele kopdde
bolldun avoixim gelom.

Don stove-ank ganslet bhorpak ani te petovpak mhaka
hukum ghalo. Gansletiche stove chalu kortoch kunsvar
bazcheo kaileo dovorleo. Donui kailint tel vhottoun
don pittache khuris avoinuch poile bazle. Tea uprant
Aida-n kormolam bazun kaddlim. Gorom-gorom don-tin
mhojea tonddant lottun katanam, avoin mhonnlem.

"Fokot kaunk zanam tum, kunsvar korunk noko"

Tea vorsak kunsvar ekdom chodd bazlolo. Tachem kharan
mhollear amchea xezarchim Joao ani Tia Filsu
somplelint. Dukhest ghoranim Natalamcho kunsvar
bazinaslim. Xezarim, oslea dukhest ghorant Natalamcho
kunsvar pattounk ditalim

"Faleam iskolacho ghora ailo mhonntoch jevlea uprant
poilim Joao Uncle ani Filsu tia-gher  kunsvar vhorunk
zai."  Mhojea avoin falleamche kam' aizuch sangun

Don torecheo nevreo astaleo. Nall'lachem chunan
kel'leo ani pitteacheo. Pitteacheo nevreo mhaka
khubuch avoddtaleo. Chodd dis togtaleo tea khatir
mhoji avoi pitteacheo nevreo mhaka ruchttat mhonn odik
bazun dovortali.

"Ago Aida, ek pitteachi ne

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Ek Iad, Avoichea Hatantlea

2005-12-18 Thread english books

Bab Lino,
Tuka chodd ani chodd Dev borem korum tunvem Devan dille gunn bore baxen 
uzar kortai dekun. Tuje natalanche kusvaranchi lek vachun ekdom borem dislem ani 
burgea ponnailo ugdas ailo. 
Adim soglea garanim kunsvar baztalet. Sogleak vas poddtalo. Ani baztanam 
khaupak vodik borem lagtalem. Pun atancho teomp zala readymade acho. Gorant 
Soglinch kammamk vetat muntoch to ani kunsvar korpak vell ani fuincho astolo? 
Mapxeam barazant gelear soglech vinktat ho kunsvar. Eka dissachem kam ordea oran 
kabar. Armosanv dekun ready made, Noketram dekun ready made. Adim soglea garanim 
heo vostu kortalet. Armosanv dekun posrear vochon foli addun katrun pitacho 
paste korun gorr netoupak ekdom borem distalem. Oxem distalem Natalank sarki 
toeari kelea baxen. Pun atam? Ratrichim mis magir kiss ani zalem Christmas 
Amchea Oldoneant zor eka dissa Christmas tiatre zatalet ani te kortalet 
zorr ek vaddo. Tea tempar ganvant tiatrist dekun bore astalet. TV nassun, vell 
meltalom soglea oslea ostunim bhagg gheupak. Oslea programmank dekun lok 
polloupak zaito etalo. Punn atam fokot time pass. TV programs chuktat dekun 
chodd lok bhag ghenam num munn polloupak passun enant. Adlo teomp ani kednanch 
eupacho nam fokot amche goemkar amkam kedna kednai ugdas kortolet hea tempacho 
zoso tunvem kelo Bab Lino.
Edkom duk lagli tuje avoichi fobor vachun. Magtam tichea otmeank 
Sorginchem suk favo zauncheak
Thanks Lino for the trip down the memory lane.and wish you and all 
Ek Iad, Avoichea Hatantlea KunsvarachiBouch huxir zal'lo. Aimore uprant 
ghorant bhitor sorlozalear sodam porim tinnem mhojer thapsanni 
ghalcheoasleo. Punn titloch vell tigelo. Mhoji chuk asum vo naasum. 
Thapsanni ghalta tea vellar moneaponnan aikunghetalom. Tika portean keddnach 
zap di naslom. Uprantmhojem kam' koslem asa tem, tinnem sangchem aslem 
anisompoilea xivai jev naslom. Heach khatir ti mhojerkhuxi astali. Mhoji 
Avoi ti.Mhoje avoin, vorsache vorsa Dezembrache 23verNatalamcho 
kunsvar bazcho aslo. Xezarchim cheddvam,baileo mhoje avoik pitt lattunk, 
kunsvar bazunkap-apleo lattnni, manddnni gheun adhar korunk 
ietalim.Mukhavelem dar bond aslelean kuznantleant bhitorsorlom. 
Zomnir pattoulelea xindrer, timai Clementina,Bernandina, Satana aunty, 
mhageli ixttin Aida paimsoddun manddnnicher pitt lattalim. Mhoji 
nodoravoicher poddli. Tichea mukhamollar thapsannincho rongnaslo. Tichi, 
ek kortovea mhaka bhori avoddtali.Ghorant konnui dusro monis aslear tanchea 
samkarakeddnach boball kori nasli. "Ailo heddgo. Koim aslo re tum 
keddov meren? Maimhusketa tuka. Kitlim horam vazlim atam?" 
Clementintimain vicharlem.'Tanv' korun kopelachi ghantt vazli (1976 
vorsa adimUtodd'ddechi Lourdes Saibinnichi  Igorj kopel 
aslem)Hanvem sodam bhoxen mhojem tond hanstem 
korunmhonnlem."Saibinnuch sangta mu ghe, kitlo vell zalo to," 
anisogott ku-ku-ku korun hansunk laglimAvoin, mellelea otmeank atth 
horamchem magnnemmhonnttlem ani uprant sogtteani tigelo 
axirvaddghetlo.Mhoje dusre dog bhav, salant konddea boddichem 
nokhetrkorpak ekdomuch boballar aslele. Bapui, vhoddlea bhavasangata 
gotto toear kortalo. Dodolache, bebinkache,dosiche kuddke eke platin ghalun 
mezar dovorleledisle. Dos, dodol, gons, manddare, bullina, bebinkaani 
ier dusre khavcheo vostu avoin, atth dis poilimtoear korunk dovorcheo asleo. 
Adim, khaupacheo vostupiddear zainastanam sugur urpak 
refrigerator-ichigoroz poddo nasli Atamchea toren, tedna 
vikallemporiavoronn (environment) naslem. Punn hea kallantdonparam 
randlele jinos freeze-int dourinastana urlezalear ratche te kavpa sarke 
nastat.Salantlea mezar aslele platin dodolacho ek kuddkokaddunk hat 
mat ghatlolo. Itlean Xaverinho, mhojonim'nno bhav aroddlo. "Maim choi ghe. 
Amkam dovorlelemkhata mu ghe.""Khoim gelo re to. Tankam kiteak 
bejear korta? Ing ieobhegim" Avoi, kuznant thavn boball'li. Angavele 
kopddebolldun avoixim gelom. Don stove-ank ganslet bhorpak ani te 
petovpak mhakahukum ghalo. Gansletiche stove chalu kortoch 
kunsvarbazcheo kaileo dovorleo. Donui kailint tel vhottoundon pittache 
khuris avoinuch poile bazle. Tea uprantAida-n kormolam bazun kaddlim. 
Gorom-gorom don-tinmhojea tonddant lottun katanam, avoin 
mhonnlem."Fokot kaunk zanam tum, kunsvar korunk noko"Tea vorsak 
kunsvar ekdom chodd bazlolo. Tachem kharanmhollear amchea xezarchim Joao ani 
Tia Filsusomplelint. Dukhest ghoranim Natalamcho kunsvarbazinaslim. 
Xezarim, oslea dukhest ghorant Natalamchokunsvar pattounk 
ditalim"Faleam iskolacho ghora ailo mhonntoch jevlea uprantpoilim 
Joao Uncle ani Filsu tia-gher  kunsvar vhorunkzai."  Mhojea avoin 
falleamche kam' aizuch sangunkaddlem.Don torecheo nevreo astaleo. 
Nall'lachem chunankel'leo ani pitteacheo. Pitteacheo nevreo mhakakhubuch 
avoddtaleo. Chodd dis togtaleo tea khatirmhoji avoi pitteacheo nevreo mhaka 
ruchttat mhonn odikbazun dovortali."Ago Aida, ek pitteachi neuri 

[Goanet] How India's re-designing the whole world

2005-12-18 Thread edgarfurtado
The Economic Times Online 
Printed from economictimes.indiatimes.com

What is common between a 400-unit housing scheme in Maryland, US and a 
200-block residential complex in The Netherlands? Both schemes are among the 
several housing and commercial complexes for which the basic land development 
and designing has being carried out by Indian architects and civil engineers in 

As the country moves up the value chain in the knowledge process offshoring 
(KPO) domain, several companies that cater to the architectural, civil 
engineering and land development requirements or in short, the brick and mortar 
project design needs of overseas clients have cropped up. 

A typical start-up in the land development sphere is New Delh-based HS 
Consulting, a joint venture between US-based $2.5-million Harris Smriga & 
Associates (HSA) and India-based Taj Design Services. The four-month old 
company is catering to the captive infrastructure construction design needs of 

For the US, the single largest market for such services, the need to tap India 
and other overseas destinations for carrying out civil engineering and 
architecture design works is not purely bottom-line driven. With the 
information technology sector witnessing good growth in the past several years, 
there has emerged a shortage of civil engineers in the US. Companies in the 
industry had to look outwards in order to deliver projects in time to their 
clients, say industry insiders. 

But, what began as an experiment for US firms is turning out to be a good 
business opportunity for Indian companies in the space. Though accounting for a 
fraction of the $750-million overall KPO market in India at the moment, 
existing companies are stepping up efforts to tap growing outsourcing 
requirements of clients. With the US undergoing a realty boom, orders are 
flowing in for designing both commercial and residential properties, even some 
mini-townships. Outsourcing contracts are also coming in from Europe, Dubai and 
Singapore, claim industry insiders. 

"The fear of US firms related to training of civil engineers and architects and 
knowledge of local by-laws while handling projects to Indian companies is 
slowly disappearing. Our company has handled several small projects and is now 
poised to deliver a 400-unit housing scheme spread over 70 acres," says HS 
Consulting CEO Bharat Bhargava, who came back to India to set up the firm after 
working in the US for several years. 

There is no doubt that the Indian community of architects and civil engineers 
is well respected in the US. The statement is also corroborated by the fact 
that two of the world's top names in engineering, construction and project 
management/maintenance sphere - Fluor Corporation and Bechtel have set up their 
local offices in India to cater to their worldwide clientele. 

The Indian companies are vying for a piece of the pie that is estimated to be 
worth several billion dollars in the US alone. The size of the overall market 
can be gauged from the fact that an industry estimate puts the land development 
and related design works in the Washington DC area alone at $300 mn-$500 mn 
annually. Also, 300,000-odd US jobs related to architecture, transport and 
civil engineering design are being outsourced to several countries with India 
estimated to be a major gainer. 

Overseas companies are also able to cut costs drastically, often as high as 
50%-60% by outsourcing to India. Companies in India are charging clients 
anywhere between $5-$8 per man hour for small projects to $15-$25 for bigger 
ones, whereas the cost of getting the same work done in the US ranges from 
$60-$100 per man hour. Also, with each successful project, the comfort factor 
of the foreign clients is increasing while getting work outsourced to India. 

"Our projects are completed taking due note of the ecological and aesthetic 
aspects of the area as well as thinking of the needs of the community for, say, 
next 50 years," says an architect in an Indian company catering to the US 

"The design drawings and construction drawings that we make have to get the 
approval of the local counties in the US, so we need to know about the local 
land laws too," the architect adds. 

Like a usual BPO, clients in the US or elsewhere, do not often come to know 
that the actual work is happening across the world in India. Some US companies 
have opened their local subsidiaries here too and are passing on work from 
various customers. 

The local office in the US acts as the front-end and sources contracts, sends 
specifications and comments to the Indian subsidiary or BPO and then steers the 
Indian company through the project as per the client's requirements. 

With the scope of work growing, several companies have started providing 
computer aided design (CAD) services to the construction and civil engineering 
sector including contractors, engineers, builders and architects abroad. Even 

[Goanet] Gifted and Gifting Godparents

2005-12-18 Thread Cecil Pinto

Gifted and Gifting Godparents
A tedious, painstaking and irreversible process

By Cecil Pinto

A popular saying of Confucius translates this way, "Have no friends not 
equal to yourself". More recently Yassir Arafat said, "Choose your friends 
carefully. Your enemies will choose you". What both great men seem to have 
overlooked is that much more important in life, than choosing friends and 
enemies, is choosing proper godparents for your children.

Last week I discovered this fascinating little booklet written and 
published by a  New York based Goan, Dr. Eric Pinto (no relation of mine), 
entitled "Choosing Godparents: Comprehensive Guidelines for Modern Catholic 
Parents in Goa".  Now for those of you who are not familiar with the 
Catholic religion, and think Mafia, Dawood and Marlon Brando, the moment 
the word 'godfather' is mentioned, let me explain some basic concepts. When 
a child is born into a Catholic family a godfather and godmother are 
chosen. They have four basic functions (1) To bring up the child in case 
the parents are unable to - due to death (2) To ensure that the child is 
brought up according to the tenets of the Catholic faith (3) To find out 
what exactly 'tenets' means (4) To hold the candle during the christening 
ceremony - and pose in all the photos.

For centuries Catholics worldwide have followed these four basic beacons 
when choosing godparents, and have not given much thought to the fact that 
photography was not even invented when these four rules were laid down. But 
the modern Catholic is questioning the basics tenets (just love that word!) 
of his faith, and this is where Dr. Eric Pinto steps in with very 
practical, and dogmatic, advise on the choosing of godparents. See below 
some quotations from his booklet.

"These rules were made centuries back, when very often parents used to die 
of starvation, plague, the Inquisition - or sheer boredom. They didn't have 
cable TV then. People don't die that easily anymore. Thank God for HBO! So 
the function of the godparents has slowly and subtly shifted from being 
protectors to being gift-givers."

"Elderly bachelors and spinsters make the best godparents. They will be 
generous and indulgent with their gifts - and most probably leave some 
property for your child. Look for elderly unmarried people with 
independently purchased property, and not some share in ancestral land or 
houses. Their nieces and nephews will contest your child's inheritance, if 
it is ancestral property. Also beware of godparents owning properties with 
tenants. Evicting them can be tedious. Make sure Form I & XIV have no Other 
Parties mentioned."

"Godparents living abroad are particularly desirable. You gain from the 
stronger currencies. Avoid Goan Canadians though, unless you plan to use 
them as sponsors for your family migration there in the future. They are so 
heavily taxed and mortgaged that they have no money left over to send gifts 
to their godchildren."

"The new trend of having totally unrelated rich visiting foreigners as 
godparents is very welcome and has plenty of potential. Birth rates in 
Western countries are falling and so the chances of a foreigner childless 
couple remaining childless, by choice, by bad eating habits or by faulty 
sexual techniques, are very high. Who better to receive their generosity, 
before and after their death, than their godchild?"

"An enterprising parent should choose not only a godparent who is 
physically distant, and so will not be a pain in the backside as a pesky 
houseguest, but with a bit of research can choose one whose vacant local 
residence can be utilised as a dumping ground for other non-generous 
visiting relatives."

"As the Catholic Church grapples with gay priests, and novitiates 
threatening marriage, it doesn't have much time to introspect on the 
desirability of allowing same sex partners as godparents - or even 
non-Catholics as godparents for that matter. Strike while the iron is hot, 
and the opposition confused. Aim for maximum wealth generation for 

Dr. Eric Pinto's very down-to-earth advice, in my opinion, is very relevant 
for these turbulent times. In all religions, iron clad and revered tenets 
(!) are being questioned. In this era of globalisation, instant e-mail, 
local SMS at just thirty paise and cheap Chinese toys, it is appropriate 
that the people who will paying the fees for your child's college education 
should be chosen carefully. Choosing godparents is a perilous job. Even 
more important than choosing a name for your child. A name can be changed 
by paying the prescribed fees, publishing a tiny advert in the newspapers 
and notifying in the Government Gazette. With enough resources and a bit of 
indulgence even a long standing marriage can be annulled. But a godparent 
is for life - unchangeable.

My wife has as godparents Saint Joseph and Saint Rita. That apparently was 
a common custom in some areas. The logic eludes me. What pro

[Goanet] Playing God in running shoes

2005-12-18 Thread Mervyn Lobo
This is a snip from The Globe and Mail of 17th
Decemeber, 2005.

Playing God in running shoes.

Welcome to the age of synthesized life, built from
scratch. Soon, it may be so cheap and simple a teen
hacker could do it. Or a terrorist. CAROLYN ABRAHAM

Saturday, December 17, 2005 Page F1
It's 8 o'clock on a Wednesday night at the University
of Toronto's medical sciences building, and Emanuel
Nazareth holds a Petri dish up to the light. He
squints at the clear, tiny bubbles dotting its amber
surface, as though staring at it will make it grow.

It's three days till show time and their project looks
like spit on a plate.

He pops it back in the incubator without saying a

Assistant engineering professor Stephen Davies trudges
past, both hands buried deep in the pockets of his
khakis, and sighs. He knows the score. With less than
48 hours of growing time left, "it's going to take a
miracle" to make this project fly.

But Matt Scott, a 30-year-old mathematician pitching
in from the University of Waterloo, is beaming. It's
his first night.

Never before has he dirtied his hands in a "wet" lab,
shifting from the cold world of manipulating numbers
to manipulating life: "It's just really neat," he
says, "fiddling with genetic components to get a
certain behaviour."

Fiddling, indeed. Here in this fourth-floor lab, where
a poster in a stairwell advertises a lecture titled
"Does God exist?", these young minds are at serious
play in the Lord's proverbial fields, transforming
living things into toys of their choice.

E. coli, the common intestinal bug and scourge of
undercooked hamburger, is being remade into a living
Etch A Sketch that could say, "Hi Mom." Another batch
is being reprogrammed to change colour, like a mood
ring, at different temperatures. And, ready or not,
their efforts have earned them an invite to one of the
more ambitious science fairs ever held.

There will be no papier-mâché volcanoes, robots or
homemade clocks at this competition. It's being held
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the
planet's mecca of innovation. The exhibits will be
lab-made life forms modified with genetic parts that
were dreamed up, designed and constructed with
computers and DNA.

If you think designing life is the sacred business of
a divine executive, think again.

In the 21st century, this godlike power is shared by
people who schlep backpacks and study for mid-terms,
such as Mr. Nazareth, a 22-year-old, fourth-year
engineering undergrad.

In reading DNA, science isn't much beyond the "See
Dick run" stage. Yet a growing scientific movement is
already afoot to rewrite it. The goal is audacious --
to make living things that behave like invented

This emerging science is called synthetic biology, a
term that confirms the profound, if eerie, fact that
creating DNA -- the building block of life -- is no
longer the sole domain of nature.

New and relatively cheap computing technology is
allowing students and even non-scientists to assemble
the chemical chains that encode genetic functions,
making it possible to design and construct genes, and
soon perhaps life itself, from scratch. At this very
moment, in a lab outside Washington, D.C., scientist
Craig Venter, famous for mapping a private version of
the human genome in 2000, is leading efforts to create
the world's first human-designed species.

Driving the field is a twin-engine philosophy: First
is the idea that the best way truly to understand life
is to build it. Second is the hope that these life
forms could be harnessed to do human bidding. The
genetic codes of organisms could be rewritten to
produce hard-to-make drugs, gobble up pollution, pump
out clean energy, kill cancer cells or simply grow
flowers that bloom on your birthday.

"There is nothing mystical or spiritual about this. I
don't have to invoke the gods," says Toronto
researcher Andrew Hessel, raising his arms to the
heavens one stormy morning. "DNA is the only language
used to program life on this planet. . . . To change
the organism, you change the instructions in the DNA

In the 19th century, chemists learned to synthesize
organic compounds they once thought only nature could
make. From there, they went on to invent a raft of
things, from plastics to polyester, that nature never


Emanuel Nazareth began programming computers at the
age of 10, not long after he and his family emigrated
from Kenya to the Toronto suburb of Mississauga.

First, it was text-based, in BASIC. Then colour came
along. For fun, he modelled worlds with Sim City. He
would make games, animate the characters he created
and compete with friends over e-mail in building
fantasy lands.

"Too much!" his mother would say of his computer time.
"Go out and play sports!"

After graduating from high school with a 93 per cent
average, he secured a spot in biomedical engineering
at U of T, one of the more competitive und

[Goanet] Dabolim and related stories on TGF this December 19, 2005

2005-12-18 Thread jose colaco
1. 44 years post the Invasion / Liberation of Goa : Tell Goans how much 
money has been paid for organising the numerous defections between political 
parties; in other words - How come the politicians get richer while the 
people are struggling.  (TGF)

2.  Are Goans liberated?   - The question is: Are Goans truly liberated?  
TGF says: NO!

3. The Big Let down - Goa and Goans would just have been used as pawns in a 
political process, their land for the generation of wealth for everybody but 
Goans and eventually dumped. Nil else (TGF)

4. Goa's Anjediva - Bit by bit,  New Delhi has been chipping away at Goa. 
First it was the Dabolim civilian airport that was converted into a military 
airport, followed by the Beach front  that has been, and continues to be 
raped by the concrete jungle called "tourist facilities"; not to forget jobs 
at all Goa Government offices that have been denied to appropriately 
qualified Goans.

Since 1961, Goa continues to become  infested by crime, corruption, filth 
and chaos; most of which appears to have been imported from outside Goa, or 
encouraged by events at the centre in New Delhi.

For the record, despite 55 years of Independence from the British and huge 
surpluses of grain and dollars, India is sliding from one multi-billion 
dollar scam into another. All this while the infra-structure for basic 
health and welfare has gone to the dogs, err to the flies.

Now comes a new shock to the Goan system.

The OLDEST Catholic Church with Goan links has been declared out of bounds 
for worshippers after May, 2003.   (TGF)

5. Oh Dabolim ! :  The year is 1955.  Nehru's blockade has started taking 
effect.  The Portuguese governor, Gen. Paulo Bénard-Guedes, is quite 
concerned about the provision of vital supplies to the local populace and 
their security.  The only modes of transport from Goa to the outside world 
and to Damão and Diu are via sea and air.  (Gabriel de Figueiredo)

6. Goa in need of a third liberation :  to deliver us from the all-pervasive 
corruption, plummeting public values and gross misgovernance.  Amen!  
(Valmiki Faleiro)

All the above srticles and more are at http://www.colaco.net

Contrary or Supportive articles are welcome.

Wishes to all Goans


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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] Confessions of an Ex-Expatriate

2005-12-18 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you expect people to be paid pea nuts or
bingtams?  That's 
> why the bingtam kars are flocking to Goa. It is a
haven for 
> them.
Mario responds:
I expect people to be paid whatever they are willing
to freely accept from the buyer of their services,
whether it is pea nuts or bingtams or anything else of
value.  The transaction is between the buyer and the
seller and is no one else's business.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-18 Thread Mario Goveia
Dr. Sister Augusta Mylackel

At the invitation of Fr. Alex Vadakumthala - CBCI Secretary for Health 
Commission, S. Livia (UMI) and I went to Kashmir for relief work. S. Livia is 
a social worker with the Catholic Seva Samaj Society - Jhansi.

We landed at Srinagar airport around 1.30 p.m. on October 15,2005.  From there 
another hour and half drive brought us to Baramulla, 60 kms from Srinagar. 
We were put up at the Catholic Centre - the only Catholic presence here in the 
entire western part of Kashmir with 1.2 million people. Tere is a parish
Church, a Diocesan English Medium School (St. Joseph's School), and an 80 
bedded hospital (St. Joseph's Hospital) run by the FMM Sisters.  For the past 
two years the hospital is almost non-functional due to lack of resident 
doctors.  Baramulla is very close to the Pakistan border and the LOC (Line of 
Control).  The Catholic Social Service Society - Jammu-Kashmir (CSSS), CRS, 
Caritas - India co-ordinated Relief work from here.

16th- Sunday it rained non-stop all day; the mercury dipped so low that we had 
to purchase additional woollies.  We were also apprehensive as to what would
happen if the weather continued in this manner.  For one thing there is no way 
of getting to the people living on the mountain tops, for another landslides
occur any time all along the route.

Against all odds, Monday morning dawned bright and clear.  God's ways are 
really mysterious!  We got ready not knowing exactly what was expected of us. 
We organised ourselves into four groups of five/six in each group, gathered 
our medical kit, drinking water and a little food.  After a drive of about 2 
hours on the Srinagar-Mussafarabad road (the bus route recently opened between 
Srinagar and Pakistan) we arrived at the base of one of the mountain ranges. 
>From here we braced ourselves for the onward journey with our baggage on our 
backs - a five hours climb (sometimes on all fours) and uphill walk (with 
staff in hand) trekking along on a one-foot wide footpath with a deep gorge on 
the side.  Every one who met us at the base - the army, the people of the 
place, and the villagers themselves who had come down from the mountains to get
relief material discouraged us from going ahead..  But something within us 
prompted us to go on.  Half way we engaged an elderly man to help us with our 
luggage and to show us the way.  He proved to be St. Joseph in person come to 
our rescue.  The adventurous journey brought us to the top by five in the 

The army has a camp here and we saw a few patients at the center the same day. 
We stayed at the camp overnight.  A tent was prepared by the Jawans (soldiers) 
after we reached the place. Their hospitality was remarkable.  They provided 
us with whatever was at their disposal including food, blankets and all the 
rest.  In spite of the number of blankets, the piercing cold kept us awake all 
night. While in the tent we experienced two tremors. Next morning we saw 
patients till 12 noon and also took the survey of the village.  Finally we ran 
short of medicines and had to close shop. According to the Army doctor there, 
this was the first time the women had come out of their homes for medicines 
because of the presence of a lady doctor. A total of 125 patients were 
examined and treated that day.

The downward climb took less time, but one slip could land us in the freezing 
waters of the River Jhelum. When we reached the base we were tired and hungry, 
but also happy, satisfied and encouraged.

It was a unique and one time experience for all of us. We were there for seven 
days and visited other villages on the following days. There are about 65 
villages in all out of which 30 are badly hit. There was 100% damage to all 
the houses in the mountain side. Reaching these villages is an almost 
impossible task as no conveyance can get there. Houses are scattered and far 
apart.  Some of the villages are perched as high as 6000 - 9000 feet above sea 
level. Landslides can take place at any moment all along the route. I wondered 
how people live and survive in these mountain peaks especially during winter.  
Well again I say "God's ways are mysterious".

On the last day before leaving we also had a chance of visiting Gulmarg - a 
beautiful tourist spot up on the hills with snow capped mountains al round, a 
bit of Srinagar including the Dal lake.

Kashmir is a region on which God has lavished all the beauties of nature. It 
is rightly called a "Paradise on earth".  Deep valleys rise to form the first 
chain of the rugged Himalayas.  Rivers and Lakes reflect the lacy green of 
poplar trees, the somber majesty of the cypresses, the eternal snows 
continuously whitening the mountain peaks.  Apple trees were in full blossom.
 The loaded trees are a delight to the eyes and the juicy fruit a feast to the 
palate. Houseboats, unique and picturesque crowded the rivers.  Wooden houses

[Goanet] 19th Dec Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign

2005-12-18 Thread goacan
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign at Navelim
The Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign was launched 
at the stall of the Department of Civil Supplies
and Consumer Affairs at the Aparant Maand 2005
being held at the Dr. Francisco Luis Gomes Mantap
at Navelim in South Goa.

The campaign is being conducted in collaboration
with the Goa Civic and Consumer Action Network 
(GOACAN)and has got tremendous response on the 
first & second day of the Handicraft, Art 
& Cultural Expo.

GOACAN volunteers from Consumer Forums of Navelim, 
Assolna,Velim, and Cuncolim have been interacting 
with the visitors to the stall by explaining to them 
the salient features of the Consumer Protection Act 1986 
as well as the Grievance Redressal options available 
at the District, State and National level.

Consumers from various villages of Salcete Taluka 
visited the stall and were guided on various problems 
related to BSNL telephones,PWD Water Supply, 
LPG cylinder home delivery, bus transport,
packaged commodities, weights & measures, 
adulterated petrol & diesel, Electronic energy meters 
& postal services.

The volunteers also talked to teachers from high schools 
and lecturers from Higher Secondary Schools of the 
importance of consumer education to students and 
necessary guidance that they can provide in relation 
to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act.

GOACAN volunteers will continue the Consumer Rights Awareness 
interaction at the stall on the last day of the Handicraft, Art 
& Cultural Expo at Navelim on Monday 19th December 
from 10am to 10pm.
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL- See you at The New Years Dance in Woodgreen

2005-12-18 Thread Cyril Pereira
I would like to wish all at Goanet A Very Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New 
Year 2006.

At the same time a wish to all Readers and Fellow Goan Brothers & Sisters.

Specially to all those who will be going on Holidays in the next few days / 
Week or so.

Happy Newreos to you all. May we have another Peacefull 365 Days to come.

See you at the New Years Dance at White Hart Lane School - Woodgreen, London 
N22  Organised By the Goan Community Centre



|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Premier of documentary film on Abbe Faria

2005-12-18 Thread Peter Kilbride
Please can you tell me who I can contact to obtain a copy of the DVD mentioned 
below.  This is for research purposes, for a book on the history of hypnosis.

Peter Kilbride

"Bosco - Goanet Volunteer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tue Sep 20 04:28:19 PDT 2005 "

"The movie launch and screening is made possible through a collaboration
between the Corporation of the City of Panjim and Dhempe College of Arts &
Sciences. We don't initially intend selling copies of the movie nor
allowing copies to be made. We will only accept requests for public
screenings for which we will provide a copy of the DVD. Our intent is not
to make this movie a dead 'document' that will be watched, archived and
forgotten. We hope that public screenings will provide an atmosphere of
discussion that will bring others too to appreciate the greatness of this
truly inspiring Goan."

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Chacha or Chachee?

2005-12-18 Thread afra dias
  Hi goanetters,

"(Afra Dias wrote: When a Hindu/Muslim in Goa calls me 'Untie' I tell them 
since when did I become ur Aunt. It is a 'p*ss take' as far as I'm concerned.)

That's in bad taste, Afra! Never thought you're that type!"
-- RKN

So! Have you come accross a Hindu or Muslim child call their own kind Auntie? 
Why do they pick on Christians to call them Uncle or Auntie?
Why not Chacha or Chachhi? as a blanket cover regardless of religion?


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] re: pdf file

2005-12-18 Thread Eugene Correia
I sometimes use cutepdf writer. Otherwise, I bring documents into Adobe 
Indesign and create pdf. 
  Eugene Correia

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] For kind favour of publication: The Masque

2005-12-18 Thread St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce - Mapusa -
The Masque

St. Xavier's College does it again !!   In keeping with tradition, 
the 'Theatre Club' of the College raised yet another toast to theatre by 
organizing a three-day festival of drama. 'The Masque'  was held from 28th 
to 30th November 2005.

The Chief Guest of the inaugural function, Fr. Savio Rodrigues, s.j. spoke 
animatedly of the tremendous scope and the importance of theatre in life.  He 
urged the young students to use theatre as a means of self expression and as a 
tool to bring about social change.  He spoke of the need to raise the 
standards of English theatre in Goa through more enthusiastic participation at 
college level.

This year the festival was thrown open to all Higher Secondary Schools and 
colleges in Goa.  Not withstanding the fact that November turned out to be 
a very busy time for all students and participation could have been more 
encouraging, the festival was a success.

Besides being an opportunity to show-case ones talents on stage, The masque 
was a wonderful learning experience for the young theatre enthusiasts. An 
interesting twist came from the valuable feedback and constructive criticism 
provided by the judges, Fr. Savio Rodrigues, R.J. Caji Vaz, Ms. Yvonne Nunes 
and Mrs. Bevinda Collaco after every item. The frank suggestions were well 
taken and the final day saw some commendable performances by the Xavierites.  
Mr. Alfvold Silveira, popular R.J. and a playwright and director himself, 
conducted a workshop on the various facets of stage acting.  He took the 
students through various group activities to bring out their otherwise dormant 

The valedictory function was presided over by Mr. Alfvold Silveira. The 
function ended with the prize distribution and some rib-tickling comedies 
by the hosts through a mime, a monologue and a One-Act-Play. These 
presentations bythe Theatre Club of Xaviers had the audience in splits.

While DMC Mapusa emerged as the overall winners and the College of home 
Science as runners up, Ms. Delilah Alvares of Home Science was awarded the 
prize for the Best Actress.

The Principal of St. Xavier's College, Prof. Newman Fernandes in his address, 
appreciated the efforts of the Staff and members of the Club in promoting the 
cause of English theatre in the State.


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Money laundering IFFI 2005

2005-12-18 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
In the third week of October 2005 I had expressed my views on IFFI 2005 in 
Gomantak Times (GT) when every one was busy digging IFFI 2004 issues. My 
conclusion about IFFI still stands "IFFI is a Money Laundering Mechanism for 
ruling party" Last November end I was enchanted to read similar views 
expressed by Dr. Francisco C. Colaco on IFFI 2005. I strongly support his 
views too. Yes, IFFI is yet another F (Filmy Culture) provided by our ruling 
party since last year in addition to earlier provided 3 Fs (Fish, Feni and 
Football). The sole intentions of providing these four Fs are to keep Goans 
entangled within the ambient of four walled room and to detract the attention 
of susegad Goans from the misdeeds of our ruling party.

No sooner Congress came to power they conveniently forgot that they were 
opposing IFFI 2004 and started following the same blue prints of earlier BJP 
government indicating that they have no brains to devise their own strategies. 
Besides usual money laundering mechanisms we see additional old wine in new 
bottle technique of laundering money through Kala Academy and through Filmy 
culture (IFFI). Last year we charged BJP of siphoning 24 crores in the name of 
Kala Academy and this year too we find similar siphoning of additional 15 
crores again in the name of Kala Academy. In case of Filmy chucker 2005 we can 
trace one big difference in comparison to IFFI 2004. In case of IFFI 2004, 
then ruling BJP government at least left assets worth 50% of the total 
expenditure made by them. But in case of IFFI 2005 Congress government 
lavishly spent 17 crores without creating or leaving any assets. BJP were 
charged of spending 5.5 crores for extracurricular activity. This year all 
expenditure was on unwanted and unaccountable fun fair!! This is a gross 
pocketing of the tax payers' money. I wonder if the same NGOs who where 
shouting top of their voices including some of the congressman's take up the 
issue of IFFI 2005 irregularities along with IFFI 2004! This huge sum of 17 
crores could have been effectively used to provide 24 x 7 water supply, 
providing 24 x 7 electricity supply, providing pothole free roads, providing 
medical facilities, providing quality education, tackling growing garbage 
problems, etc

Will Congress Government publish detailed expenditure for IFFI 2005 for 
general public! I think it's high time that all Goans unit and pressurize Goa 
Governor and Goa Government to stop with holding IFFI any more in Goa. We must 
also insist on Central Government to keep IFFI celebrated in all the states in 
rotation - at least in name of IFFI other states will achieve some 
development. For very sure we don't need IFFI at least in the way it is 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Market Survey Programme at Xavier's

2005-12-18 Thread St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce - Mapusa -
Market Survey Programme at Xavier's

A 5 day workshop on Management Development Programme on "Market Survey", 
was inaugurated on 9th December 2005 at St. Xavier's College, Mapusa.  
Speaking on the occasion, the Principal, Prof. Newman Fernandes  asserted that 
the current system of education involving bookish knowledge does not assist 
the students who graduate to practically conduct a survey.  Hence, the need 
for similar programmes.

An individual who is interested to venture into the business world has to 
equip oneself in order to face the existing players in the field. And one 
of the means to get the feel of the market and the business options is a 
Market Survey.  Hence the objectives of this programme will enable the 
participants to gain useful knowledge on decision problem.  Information 
problem  Market Research Design, Familiarity with SPSS (STATISTICAL Package 
for social sciences) software packages, means of collecting information and 
methods of data analysis.

This programme is being organized by the Department of Commerce, St. 
Xavier's College in collaboration with the Small Industries Service 
Institute (SISI).   Department of Management Studies, Goa University.  The 
resource persons for the programme are drawn from the  Department of 
Management Studies, Goa University.

The programme has evoked an overwhelming response from the Commerce 
students of St. Xavier's College and experienced, budding as well as eager 
to be entrepreneurs from all over Goa.  In all 29 participants (of which 15 
are student participants) will be benefiting from the programme.

At the inaugural, the Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, Goa University, 
Dr. A. Shree Kumar briefly outlined the sketch of the various sessions to 
be conducted during the workshop and promised to make the sessions very 

The Asstt. Director, SISI Mr. Ravikumar emphasized the need for surveys 
before starting a business.  He observed that many Goan businessmen fail 
due to lack of planning before starting up and that preparation of 
feasibility reports are very important to start a business.


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: *** Goanet Reader: An invitation from the Consul (VM de Malar)

2005-12-18 Thread Fabian Correia
Excellent Information!!!


From:  Goanet Reader
Subject:  *** Goanet Reader: An invitation from the Consul (VM de Malar)
Date:  Wed, 14 Dec 2005 00:33:42 +0530
>An invitation from the Consul
>by V. M. de Malar
>It;s a winning personal gesture that's found deep resonance in Goan hearts, 
>and a welcome gust of fresh air into a diplomatic relationship bogged down in 
>bureaucratic detail.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] Global climate change and Goa: questions from a village called Moira

2005-12-18 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The above assertion is utterly bogus. No scientist
> disputes the post-industrial increase in CO2 or the
> scientific validity of the physical phenomenon
> called the Greenhouse Effect. No scientist disputes
> atmospheric physical chemistry and thermodynamics of
> CO2 as revealed by laboratory experiments and
> climatological observations.
Mario responds:
There are SEVERAL scientists who believe that whatever
global warming is taking place cannot be blamed on
human activity.  Other scientists report opposing
research findings.  Nature Magazine recently reported
one scientific study that Europe was facing a mini ice
age over the next hundred years, while another article
warned that Europe was going to warm over the next
hundred years.  This should amuse everyone who is not
a scientist looking for grant money from gullible
donors to do more research on the subject.
Charlatans abound on this issue.  British "scientist"
Sir John Law embarrassed himself recently by blaming
the severity of Hurricane Katrina on global warming in
the Gulf of Mexico.  Then other scientists pointed out
that the most severe hurricanes in that area occurred
between 1880 and 1900.  Furthermore, during this
hurricane season there were 26 named hurricanes in the
area and only 5 reached the mainland.  Apparently no
one told the other 21 that they were supposed to be
fierce due to global warming in the Gulf of Mexico.
There were recent reports in the media that ONE
Pacific Island in a chain of islands was experiencing
higher sea levels due to global warming, which any
schoolchild learning physics would find amusing. 
There was another report that some glaciers are
melting while other nearby glaciers are not. 
There is no common sense or scientific sense
whatsoever in the claim that the percentage of a gas,
CO2, that is only 0.036% of the Earth's atmosphere can
be appreciably increased or reduced by destroying the
economies of the west while exempting the two fastest
growing economies of India and China, both of whom
have no environmental controls to speak of.
The web site www.junkscience.com is an excellent
source of information from several sources showing the
lack of common and scientific sense in the claims of
the extreme environmental activists.
There are other scientists who believe that any global
warming withing the predicted range of 1 degree within
the next 100 years will, in fact, be good for the
There are others who believe that the extreme
environmental movement is the latest refuge of the
socialist movement, whose goal is to bring the western
economies down to the least common denominator, which
they failed to do when communism collapsed from the
weight of it's inherent lack of common sense.  They
argue that this can be the only reason that India and
China were exempted from the bogus Kyoto Protocols. 
How can any rational person, even one who believes the
nonsense that CO2 levels can be appreciably affected
by curbing human industrial activity, honestly believe
that exempting the two booming economies in the world
that have NO environmental controls to speak of can
lead to an effective system of worldwide environmental
This is like arguing that two bathers in a swimming
pool do not have to go to the bathroom to relieve
themselves, while all the others must, and the pool
will still be fine.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] CRC Chinchinim X’mas Tree Nite – 2005

2005-12-18 Thread redrosy redrosy
The Cultural & Recreational Club of Chinchinim – CRCC Kuwait proudly announces 
the much awaited event of the year, the 13th Annual Fiesta - X’mas Tree Nite – 
2005. The event is scheduled to be held at the newly renovated Faker ElDeen 
Palace Ballroom, Dawliya Complex Bldg., Kuwait City on 15th December 2005 from 
09:00 pm onwards with live music from the evergreen Stepping Stones and the 
electrifying Soul Shakers.

To liven the evening we have the eloquent comperes Lloyd  and Ramona to host 
the show. For all you lovely kids Santa Claus has lots of prizes, surprises 
and goodies in store for you. This year the Children’s Fancy Dress for age 
groups 0-5 and 6-10 will focus on the theme “Personality Come Alive” (Last 
date to submit names for fancy dress is 12/12/05) in addition to this CRCC is 
heralding in a Star Making Competition with the theme “Creativity with a 
Difference” for children upto 10 yrs where the participants will display their 
finished product at the venue.

The highlight of the evening will be the ever popular duel for the best CRCC 
Ballroom Dance Couple. So hurry and let’s make this nite a starry affair. 
Dress formal. For passes/queries contact 9607374, 9690465, 9486920.


Cultural and Recerational club of Chinchinim - Kuwait as the name indicates is 
an organization for chinchonkars who are based in Kuwait. Founded in 1992, by 
only a hand full of Chinchonkars, the CRCC Kuwait initially started as a 
soccer club. At the same time they also founded the CRC tournament which was 
also known as the BBK trophy due to the financial backing of the Bank of 
Bahrain and Kuwait.  In addition to helping the village the club has also 
aided other oragnizations when in need. This has not been limited to Goan 
organizations or needs only. The club also looks after its members in Kuwait 
and uses its collective influence to help when needed. The club established a 
Scholarship award to the top ranking students of all schools in Chinchinim and 
in the past few years has also started an academic award for the Goan children 
in Kuwait.

Goanet Admin Note: This message, among others today, was delayed as it was not 
in PLAIN Text format. Apologies to the Chinconkars in Kuwait and hope you guys 
had a blast - Bosco

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] looking for a property in Aldona

2005-12-18 Thread Jerry Fernandes
Hello Goanetters,

There is a person looking for a house with property or only property in
Aldona region. If anyone has any information, please do let me know at

The place of choice in Aldona is Calvim, Corjuem, Carona or Quitla.


Jerry Fernandes

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] New Feature Film "Xapai" to be directed by Sai Paranjpye (in Konkani/English/Hindi)

2005-12-18 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
Grandpa tale

Screen On & Off

The First Indian International Women's Film Festival, taking place at 89 
Cinemas and Priya cinema, is seeing a steady stream of film-makers and 
actresses breezing through town. After the inauguration by Sonali Kulkarni on 
December 12, film-maker Sai Paranjpye is here to attend a retrospective on her.

The package includes Sparsh, Disha, Papiha, Saaz and Bhago Bhoot. The former 
chairman of Children's Film Society of India is now planning to start her next 
feature, Xapai (meaning grandfather in colloquial Konkani), sometime in March. 
Sai will write and direct the English-Hindi-Konkani film set in Goa.

"It's about a Goan Christian family with a very strong Portuguese hangover. 
There's this old man living in a beautiful crumbling building, with his maid, 
cook and driver. He is approaching 90 and so his children gather around him. 
There's a lot of family intrigue… It's a black comedy and Habib Tanvir will 
play the lead," says Sai, also planning to release Chakachak — a children's 
film on environment issues made in 2004 — in Calcutta, in the DVD 
format. "Chakachak is certainly not my best film, but it got me the best press 
ever," says she.

"Disha is my favourite film and it's very sad that the prints are not being 
preserved properly. I don't even know if a proper print of Saaz or Sparsh 
exists or not," rues the film-maker who started out as a radio announcer 
before switching to theatre and cinema.

Other Indian women film-makers featured in the ongoing festival are Aparna 
Sen, Mira Nair, Deepa Mehta, Gurinder Chadha, Pamela Rooks and Meghna Gulzar. 
The world cinema section showcases works from Hungary, France, Iran, USA, 
Poland, Italy, Russia and Norway, with Germany in the international focus. The 
seven-day festival has been organised by Kolkata Film and Media Studies.

(The Telegraph - Calcutta)
- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Hindi lectures in Goa

2005-12-18 Thread Cher Sty
   I'd like to know if thre are any Hindi lectures  for adults in Goa for 
those who do nont know a word of Hindi and if so, they are intensive one to 
learn Hindi as fast as possible.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Heritage mhollear Itihasachem sokaratmok poddbimb

2005-12-18 Thread Miguel Braganza
Heritage mhollear Itihasachem sokaratmok poddbimb

Prajal Sakhardande

Fontainhas kolechea ani daizachea utsavak suvornn divlechi ghoddemoddni sundor 
rongli. Sogllea lokank amche paromparik lok-kolechea daizachem ami jem thoim 
prodorxonn kelem tem tor khubuch manvolem. Ami Goa Heritage Action Group 
halinch Kola Akademichea zodd palvan Goa Lok-Kolecho Utsov 2005 ghoddovn 
haddil'lo. Hea Lok-kola utsovant ami Sot'tori, Fondem, Kepem, Kannkonn 
hangache paromparik lok-kolechem dorxonn amchea Ponnjekarank ghoddoilem. Amche 
prachin lok-kolechem dorxonn amchea vidheartheank ghoddchem ho hetu monant 
dhorun ho Mahotsov  ami kelo. Goa Lok-Kola Utsovant ami Sot'tori mahalant 
ddovli-manddi, ronmalem, dhalo, fugddio he prokar dakhoile. Pra. Rajendra 
Kerkar ani Pra. Prabhakar Majik hannim tanchevixim mhahiti dili. Kepencho 
kunnbi nach sador kelo Amilbaichea kunnbi pongddan. Hantun zagor, talgoddi, 
tonniamell, chopoi, ponddoricho pava, gof he lok-koleche prokar Kanta Gavdde 
ani Mahendr Phalldesaichea pongddan sador kele.

Toxench Fontainhas Utsovak ami Mavxi-Sot-toricho Divili vo Somoi nach, Avolli 
Kankonnchea Velip bailancho khell, dhalo, fugddio sador keleo. Bharatia 
xattria songit, nach, gazhal, Konknni gitam, Nagaland nrutiu, Ravindranath 
Tagorache kolecher ek lecture oxe prokar sador kele.

Mhojem Heritage Groupakodden sodanch magnnem asa ki ami Mala Utsov hem nanv 
dovorchem. Fontainhas hem nanv Molleantle zhorivelean ailam. Molleantli zhor 
hi nisorgik. Ti Purtugezani haddunk na. Fontainhas Utsovant soreache mand 
asche nhoi ho sodanch mhozo agro.

Amchea grupan Karanzallem-Sot'torichem Brahnimmaia devull, Toiddem Sangechea 
Brahmonni Devlachem janot zanvchem mhunn Goem Rajia Purat'tov Khateakodden 
proitn keleat ani tantun amkam eis mell'llam. Toxench TCP Vatthukumachea 
virodhant ami nialoient geleat. Ami toxi notis peparant dilea. Netravellichem 
Budbuddeanche Tolliechem Gopinath Devull moddchem nhoi mhunn amchea Heritage 
grupan khub iotn kele.

Jen'nam jen'nam Goenchea daizacher havoll aila ten'na ami niailoient geleat. 
Ponnjechea eka tori rosteak Sardar Karnal Sing, Sudhatai Joshi hanchim navam 
dinvchi oxem mhojem sodanch magnnem.

Heritage mhonnche daiz. Panch ozar vorsancho Bharatia daizacho itihas mhojea 
rogtant nhinla. Goemchim devllam, igorjechi paromparik bandavoll toxich 
dovorchi mhunn amcho Heritage grup sodanch proitnant asta.

Ponnje Ttonkar axil'lea sombavelo xilalekh khorboddun kaddlo ten'na mhaka 
koll'lem ki to ek 1859 rosto bandil'lo mhunn ubaril'lo stambh tacho 
dhormakodden sombond na, tacho khoro itihas lokamukhar ievcho mhunn ami to 
porot ubo kelo.

Hanvem ‘Goemcho Itihas' hi durdorxonnacher malika toiar keli. Tantun hanvem 
Soptokotexvor devull, Terekhol kil'lo, Tambddi Surla, Bhram'mapuri, Madhav 
tirthacho itihas dakhoilo.

Pornnem Goem Mahavidhia moddchem nhoi mhunn ami proitn kelo. Hi imarot atam 
kitli sundor dista. Hanv mhojea itihasachea vidheartiam modhim sodanch 
Bharatia porompora, Goenchea paromparik daizavixim zagrutai korit astam. Hanv 
itihas ho vixoi xikoitam. To mhozo soglleant aviddicho vixoi. Inquisition-cheo 
vaitt gozali sangtam toxench Purtugezant Patto pul bandhlo henvui sangtam. 
Itihas zoso ghoddla tosoch sangtam. Purtugezanim dhormxoll kelo, devlam 
moddli, tanchea zagear church bandlea henvui titlech pott'tiddkin sangtam.

Amchea Heritage utsovanim ami Goemchi paromparik khannam jevnnam, craft 
hanchem dorxonn ghoddoil'lem asa. Hanvem Goemchea itihasacher ani daizacher ek 
CD toiar kelea. Amchea Heritage grupan sodanch lok-kolecher chodd bhor dilea. 
Hannkhonnem-Pednechea dhongor zomaticho ponddoricho pava (chopoi) ho nrutiv 
prokar ami Ponnje sador kelo. Goemchea khanchi-konxantlea paromparik daizachem 
zoton korpacho ami sodanch iotn kela. Hea sogllea lok-kolechea pongddak ami 
mandhan dilam. Daiz tigun urcho ho amcho hetu.

Hea soglleant amcho dexdroha khoim ailo? Goa Heritage Action Group murdabad 
oso sur Dexpremi Nagrik Somitin kaddlo, aikun khub vaitt dislem. Parmall 
navanchem magazine ami kaddtanv. Tantun ami vegveggllea itihasacher-daizacher 
lekh boroitat. Heritage mhonnje fokot Purtugez oxem ami ken'nanch somzunk na. 
2000 hea vorsa Goa Heritage Action Groupachi sthapona Hema Ponddit hinnem keli.

Pra. Subhash Velingkar sir-avixim mhaka khub ador asa. Hanv tacho khub ador 
kortam. Tanche itihasavele lekh hanv mhojea vidhearteank dakhoitam.

Goa Heritage Action Group ho dexdrohi asa, Purtugez premi asa ho tacho amche 
vixincho goirsomoz pois korpak Velingkar sir-ak mellpak Heta Ponddit, hanv ani 
Anju tanchea ghora gel'lim. Fontainhas Utsovache poilim. Punn te teavellar 
ghora naxil'le. Tanchi bhett zali na. Ani he goirsomoz vaddot astat. Dexpremi 
Nagrik somitin TCP votthukumachea virodhant morcha kaddlo tor Goenchem chodd 
borem zavpachem. Ami proitn korpachi goroz asa. Heritage mhonnlear porompora, 
heritage mhonnlear itihasachem sokaratmok poddbimb. Tantun amcheo porompora, 
lok-kola, igorzo, devlam, moxidi, paromparik bhes, amc

[Goanet] Re: MOPA Airport

2005-12-18 Thread joseph fernandes
On 18 Dec, Eric Pereira wrote:
I wish those who are opposed to the new airport at
Mopa that they are short sighted and also looking
after their own backyard.

Dear Eric

A simplistic view is that any project will generate
jobs and be good for the local economy/people. But one
has to dig deep.

The Mopa Airport specifically, is being opposed for
reasons such as being close to Maharashtra border and
hence will be more beneficial to that state than Goa. 
Also the alleged land purchases around Mopa by
politicians to cash on, along with the location at one
end (instead of a centralised location), the
exhorbitant cost of a greenfield project vis-a-vis
upgrading existing ones etc etc are issues which have
been touted umpteen times on this debate.


Joseph Fernandes

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] TSKK annual report 2005

2005-12-18 Thread Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
B.B. Borkar Road,
Alto Porvorim, GOA - 403 521, INDIA
Phone: (0832) 2415857 / 2415864
Website: www.tskk.org

Z^~y v^sta s^t nit ekv^tt xanti
Mayemog bh^gs^nne~ ani priti
Dubllya~k gresta~k s^man man p^dvi
Vidhva~k bayla~k rak^nn v^rti
S^mjikay sosnnikay kh^ri
Vividp^nna~t ekv^tta dori
Th^~y haddta p^r^b Natala~chi
B^ri kh^b^r Jezu Kristachi.

The Management and TSKK  Family
Wish their Benefactors, Friends and Well wishers
Peace and Joy of
Greetings and Blessings of


  Goa University has granted permanent recognition to Thomas Stephens
Konknni Kendr (TSKK) as a Konkani research institute from the academic year
2005-2006 onwards.

  TSKK has published  TSKK Romi Lipi (TSKK Orthography: Roman Script in
Konkani) booklet. It is written by Pratap Naik, S.J.  It deals with the
modified Roman Orthography of TSKK to write Konkani in Roman script.  It was
released by veteran Konkani singer Mr Ulhas Buyanv on 15 August at Grace
Church Hall, Margão.  Except the three major and one minor speech sound all
other speech sounds of Konkani are correctly represented in TSKK
Orthography.  Among the existing orthography systems used to write Konkani
in any script, TSKK Orthography is the closest to the pronunciation.  On 2
October the second edition of TSKK Romi Lipi was released at TSKK.
  Zudas a Konkani one act and one actor play of Pratap Naik was released by
Dr. John Fernandes, the head of Chair of Christianity, Mangalore University
on 4 December at Kalaangann, Mangalore during the concluding function of
Yuv^ M^hots^v. The book has been published by Mayolla Enterprises,
Mangalore.  This play tries to interpret Judas in his socio-cultural,
political, religious and historical perspectives.
  Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore has planned to
update information about Indian languages under its project Language
Information Services-India. Under this project Matthew Almeida, S.J. was
asked to write a linguistic description of 1. "Konkani Morphology" and 2.
"Konkani Syntax". He is one of the two linguists chosen by CIIL to represent
the Konkani language for their research project.
  Sod: Konkani Research Bulletin No. 8 was released on 31 March by Mr
Prakash Vazrikar, a Konkani lecturer of Govt. College, Khandola. This
bulletin contains Konkani articles, written by Matthew Almeida; Madhavi
Sardessai; Allan Baptista, S.J.; Shannon Pereira, S.J.; Rinald D'Souza,
S.J.; Jude Carrasco, S.J.; Wilberius  D'Souza; Sripad Bhat and Pratap Naik.
  Sod No. 9 was released on 29 September by Fr Patrick de Melo, S.J. on the
occasion of  felicitation programme of Matthew Almeida.  It is a
felicitation volume in honour of TSKK's ex-director Matthew Almeida. It
contains articles written by Joseph Velingkar, S.J.; Teotonio de Souza,
Delio Mendonça, S.J.; Prajal Sakhardande, Jayanti Naik, Rinald D'Souza,
S.J.; Allan Baptista, S.J.; Matthew Almeida and Pratap Naik.
  Divo a Konkani weekly from Mumbai published a Konkani article "Ko~knni
bhas, sahity ani s^~vskruti: Ek vijnanik ani vy^v^harik n^d^r"  of Pratap
Naik.  Raknno a Konknni weekly from Mangalore published  Pratap Naik's
Konkani article "Ken^ra, Ko~knni ani K^n'n^dd Lipi" Goan Observer, an
English weekly from Goa published "TSKK Roman Script" and "Konkani Script
Conspiracy" articles of Pratap Naik.  Matthew Almeida's article "Konkani
versus Script" was published by Herald, an English daily from Goa.
  V.Ixtt, Goencho Ulo, Divo, Panchkadayi, Goan Review, Ekvotta vorvim
uzvadd  Konkani periodicals have published Pratap Naik's Konkani poems and
short articles and extracts from his books.
  Preeta Naik's historical note "100 years of Konkani novel: Kristanv
Ghorabo" was published by a number of dailies.

TV Telecast:
  On 11 May Doordarshan telecast 25 minutes interview of Fr Vasco do Rego,
S.J. Pratap Naik interviewed him.
  On 23 June Goa Doordarshan Kendr telecast half an hour documentary on
TSKK botanical garden. Preeta Naik, Joanita Fernandes, Netra Veluskar, Jofa
Gonsalves and Pratap Naik were the commentators.
  On 18 July Goa Doordarshan Kendr organised a live telecast of phone-in
programme of the education minister Mr Luizinho Faleiro. Preeta Naik and
Dipali Sankolkar took part in the programme.
  On 20 July Goa Doordarshan Kendr telecast an interview of senior Konkani
writer Mr Prabhakar Tendulkar. Joanita Fernandes interviewed him.
  On 21 September Goa Doordarshan Kendr telecast an interview in Konkani of
Matthew Almeida.  Mr Salvador Fernandes, a Konkani lecturer from Pilar
College interviewed him.
  On 6 and 18 October, Goa 365 TV channel telecast an interview in two
parts in English of Pratap Naik, regarding various issues related to
Konkani. Mr Derick Almeida interviewed him.
  On 11 November Goa Doordarshan Kendr telecast an interview in Konkani of
Mr Jess Fernandes, the recipient of APKP for the year 

[Goanet] Greetings!!!!

2005-12-18 Thread bertram roy fonseca
Hi Cecil,

I am just a Student who while surfing through the web came across your name. 
For a very long time i was searching for the lyrics of the song "In China they 
do it with Chillies..."(the Nasty one) I do have few parts of the lyrics 

I would be gratefull if you could please mail me the lyrics.

God Bless,

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] A brush with Agente Monteiro

2005-12-18 Thread Antonio Menezes
Today's Margao Police Station is an imposting building  but during the
colonial regime it was a longish ground floor building known as Quartela
with its many calaboussos  where suspects were interrogated , threatened
and  flogged with chicote.

Right in the southernmost corner  of the quartela where the road splits into
two, one to Loyola School and the other to Fatima Convent, was a room  which
was either an office or residence of  the famous or rather infamous Agente
Casimiro Monteiro of PIDE  (  Policia Internacional da Defeza do Estado ) .

I have a vague recollection of Agente Casimiro who in his white vest used to
lean on the window and watch school children go to these two schools.

It must have been in the early fifties when we as teenagers  used to go to
school in small garrulous groups.  One fine morning right in front of Agente
Monteiro on his window,  I said to my colleagues in Portuguese   ''Arreh '
one day or other, Goa will be free from the colonial rule ''  .  Agente
Monteiro  heard me  ( and at that time, I didn't know  who he was )   and
gave me a sort of wry smile.

On being told of his identity, my carefree trips to Loyola School were never
the same again.


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Flesh trade racket busted in Goa

2005-12-18 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Flesh trade racket busted in Goa 
18 Dec 2005, ANI 

Goa: During a raid conducted in a hotel yesterday, Goa Police arrested
seven girls, including two models involved in a flesh trade racket. Two
kingpins of the trade were also arrested. 

The raid was conducted following a tip-off that some persons were
running a flesh trade racket from the hotel. 

Vishram U. Borkar, Superintendent of Police, CID and Crime Branch, Goa,
said: "We have registered a case against them. We have arrested two male
kingpins who supply girls and seven girls during the raid".  "We sent a
decoy customer with which the deal was tracked. Accordingly, the raid
was conducted and all the persons involved were arrested," Borhar added.

The arrested girls are from the age-group of 20 to 30 years and none of
them belong to Goa.  Among the models, one was from Chandigarh and the
other one was from Assam. A male kingpin, Gopal Krishna Kumar, is from
Kerela while the other kingpin, Vishal, was Goa based. 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-18 Thread Disability Rights Assoc, Goa
Dear Friends,

Please find enclosed a report on the World Disabled Day celebrations.

I am terribly sorry for the delay but I was awaiting the photographs which 
have not yet come. It was truly a superb function. I will put them up as soon 
as I get them.


Avelino de Sa


The Goa Disability Network (a network of NGOs working for the welfare of the 
disabled in Goa) in association with the Directorate of Social Welfare 
celebrated World Disabled Day on 2nd December 2005 at the Municipal Gardens, 
Panjim with a scintillating performance put up by the disabled children of the 
various NGOs for the disabled in Goa. Mr. Subhash Shirodkar, Minister for 
Social Welfare was the Chief Guest for the function. Ms. Giselle Lobo spoke on 
inclusive education, Adv. Carolline Colasco spoke on the Persons with 
Disabilities Act 1995, Mr. Vincent Monteiro spoke on the accessibility 
problems faced by visually impaired and Mr. Santan Fernandes, Asst. Director, 
Social Welfare Govt. of Goa spoke on the various schemes for the welfare of 
the disabled in Goa. On the occasion an audio CD "Jezu Ieuncho Zala" the 
lyrics of which was composed and sung by a visually impaired person, Julio 
D'Cunha was released by the Director of Social Welfare, Ms. Dilraj Kaur.

Fr.Maverick Fernandes, Asst. Director, Caritas Goa gave the welcome address 
and Mr. Avelino de Sa, President, Disability Rights Association of Goa 
proposed a vote of thanks. Ms. Charmaine Abreu Lobo compered the function. 
Various products manufactured by the disabled were also on display at the 
function. It was attended by a large number of people. The theme of this 
year's World Disabled Day was "It's time for Action – Tenth year of the 
Disability Act".

C/o Star Investments 
Opp. Head Post Office 
Panjim, Goa - 403 001. 
Telefax: 0832 - 2427160 

"Making way for the differently abled in Goa" 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Mario, Muriel bag Malvina Athaide Award

2005-12-18 Thread r.barreto




Mario, Muriel bag Malvina Athaide Award


PANJIM, DEC 18 - Mario Mascarenhas and Muriel D’Souza
from Saligao have bagged the ‘Malvina Athaide Award’
for their outstanding efforts in advocacy for social
justice in Goa.
The award was given away by Malvina’s sister on the
first day of the Goa State Consultation on
‘Trafficking in Women & Children’ held at the Caritas
Holiday Home in St Inez on Saturday. It was instituted
by Malvina’s husband, Dileep Athaide, after her death
in Vancouver, Canada, on September 25, 2004.
Malvina, originally from Saligao in Bardez, before
settling abroad, was at the forefront in her work with
the underprivileged and marginalized in the villages
of Pernem taluka in North Goa. She and her group also
worked with hutment dwellers in Porvorim educating
them about their basic rights.
It was during this time that she met Dileep, whom she
married in 1984 and left for Canada. But even from
there she never lost sight of her fight for social
justice in Goa. Dileep said it was his wish to create
an award that would honour Malvina’s memory by
recognizing the work of individuals or organisations
involved in social justice.  

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goa to retain Santosh Trophy, Manipur's appeal rejected

2005-12-18 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Goa to retain Santosh Trophy, Manipur's appeal rejected 
18 Dec 2005 - UNI 

New Delhi: The All India Football Federation (AIFF) today decided to
retain Goa as the champions of the Santosh Trophy rejecting Manipur's
appeal, which had asked the AIFF to strip the champions of the title.

AIFF President Priya Ranjan Das Munsi announced the decision after the
federation reviewed the video recording of the quarter final game
between the two sides.  The match which took place in Kochi on November
17 was marred with controversy after Manipur protested to a goal in the
second half contending that the Referee started the play before its
players could return to their half. The decision led to an argument
between the Manipur players and the referee.  Later, the Manipur
Football Federation had demanded a rematch and boycotted the other group
matches to protest the dismissal of the demand.

Mr Das Munsi made it clear that there was no question of taking away the
title from Goa and that no action would be taken against the Manipur
players for misbehaving with the referee.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goan Sausages

2005-12-18 Thread afra dias
Hi every one,

Rene said - "Please support Roy Furtado ...I believe he deserves
all our support. thanks. rene"

But what brand name is it and where stocked (available).

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Cristianismo na Índia

2005-12-18 Thread Eugenio Viassa Monterio
Here are the conclusions of the Colloquium 'Cristianismo na Índia, in
Fatima, Portugal, on 3rd and 4th December in commemoration of the 500 years
of birth of ths St. Francis Xavier, with the presence of Cardinal Ivan Dias,
Archbishop of Mumbai.

Eugenio Viassa Monterio

Cristianismo na Índia, percursos e proximidades


A Symposium on Cristianismo na Índia, percursos e proximidades took place in 
Fátima (Portugal), on the 3rd and the 4th of December, 2005. More than 150 
people took part in it with great interest, attending several conferences and 
panels and participated in the Eucharist celebration in honour of S. Francis 
Xavier. All were touched by the graceful religious dances and several other 
cultural events. 

One of the main purposes of this Symposium was to provide an opportunity to 
know India, by opening windows on its vast variety of peoples, languages, 
cultures and religions. This aim was fully achieved thanks to the richness of 
its contents and to the appealing and lively style of the most of the 

We also intended to investigate today's Theology of Mission, its methods, 
goals and challenges, at the beginning of the commemorations of the 500th 
birth anniversary of St. Francis Xavier. Although this reflection was not 
exhaustive, we maintain that God's Mission continues at work in the world; the 
co-operation of all Christians in this mission remains an imperative; and 
today's ways of doing mission comprise the opening to the Transcendent, the 
witness of brotherly love and the proclamation of Jesus Christ in an attitude 
of dialogue, inculturation and the enhancement of a better life for all. 

It brought to our awareness how India is in a deep process of transformation 
on all levels (social, political, economic) and how it looks to the human, 
cultural and spiritual wealth of its peoples for inspiration. We feel as a 
challenge the implementation of conditions that foster the access of all to 
education and equal opportunities, without discrimination based on caste, 
religion or social class. 

We took notice of' multi-secular history of Christianity in India, from its 
arrival, surely during the apostolic times, to our own days when it assumed a 
fully Indian face and has reached great ecclesial maturity. Although the 
Christians are only one small minority (2,3%), their presence witnesses itself 
with a number of achievements from the service to the poor to the sending of 
missionaries abroad. 

We pointed out the increasing role played by the Catholic Church in the inter-
religious dialogue.

We emphasized the outstanding and  innovative action of St. Francis Xavier and 
his companions at the beginning of the Modern Age and in our own days, the 
radiant figure of Madre Teresa of Calcutta, model of today's missionaries, 
engaged in the service of the poor, unveiling to them the smiling and 
welcoming face of God. 

We acknowledged with satisfaction that the Divine Word Missionaries, the 
Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit, and Missionaries in general continue to 
announce Jesus Christ in India, through the witnessing of their faith, the 
dialogue with members of other religious traditions and through the unselfish 
service to the needy and the poor.  

The example of a healthy and harmonious collaboration among the different 
cultures and religions of India challenges us to promote, in our own society, 
ties of friendship, dialogue and solidarity with people and groups belonging 
to other religions and cultures. 

We promised to publish the texts of all the talks in order to provide a wider 
audience, the subjects discussed in this Symposium and at the same time, to 
comply with the request made by the participants.   

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Please vote for this group that is helping children in Goa!

2005-12-18 Thread kaleon

tHe Big ChariTy BoX is a new scheme set up to raise money for UK 
Registered charities.  If you want to give to charity without donating 
money yourself this is the IDEAL way and would be a great Christmas 
present for Children Walking Tall.  All you need to do is cast a vote 
for us.  The more people who cast a vote the more money we will 
receive at the end of the year.  The more votes we get the more money 
the children will receive. 
Therefore we are asking as many people to vote as possible.  As of 
sending this email only just over 550 votes had been cast in total, If 
everyone who receives this email makes a vote, we could double that 
figure.  If you could then send this to a friend we could guarantee a 
place at the top of the supported charities list.  The further up the 
list we are the more money 'tHe Big ChariTy BoX' will give Children 
Walking Tall.  At the moment we have 1.4% of the votes.  If you work 
in a large company how about asking 'The Boss' if you could make 
Children Walking Tall the charity of the year and get all your fellow 
employees to vote.  This way we can be the charity of the year without 
costing yourself of the company a penny!
To help us in this quest please visit 
http://www.bigcharitybox.com/user_register.php and register to be able 
to vote for Children Walking Tall.  All you need is a unique user 
name, a password (NOT YOUR EMAIL PASSWORD!) and your email address.  
The Big Charity Box will then send you an email with a link in it once 
a month.  

Once you click on the link in the email that's sent to you, the box to 
fill in our name is displayed on the right.  Or you can copy the text 
below into the box (it's best to type the last character in manually 
as it doesn't always find it).
children walking tal
Use our Registered Number 1106528

It should then list the charity in blue in the list box, click on this 
and then press the Submit Vote button.  Hey presto, you've voted for 
Children Walking Tall.

If possible repeat this for the next 12 months so that we can raise as 
much money as possible for Children Walking Tall
Many Thanks
Shermina & Robert
Children Walking Tall
'The Mango House'
H.No 148/3
Near Vrundavan Hospital
Karaswada, Mapusa
Bardez, Goa 
Web : www.ChildrenWalkingTall.com
Tel : (0091) 9822 124 802

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: MOPA Airport

2005-12-18 Thread Philip Thomas

Reminds me of a beautiful cartoon by the famous R.K.Laxman of TOI  in which
a bureaucrat is telling his Minister:

"This project will be highly beneficial to the people but we should not
implement it because there is bound to be corruption etc involved."

Instead of analysing costs and benefits sensibly (i.e. purely from Goa's
perspective), corruption-proofing projects, and tackling  any problems of
locational skewing at the inception (instead of nearly ten years after the
fact) we make a hue and cry late in the day over Mopa which "signifies
nothing"! Our efforts should be focused on getting the Union Cabinet ruling
about Dabolim reversed instead of trying to cut out Mopa to spite the face
of Goa as Laxman was humorously highlighting.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-18 Thread Philip Thomas

Hotel tariff zooms up by 20 % in Goa

Sreejiraj Eluvangal / Mumbai December 19, 2005

Is the spike in flights for real or is there some mistake about the figure
"three years ago"? Is the Navy getting ready to pull the rug from under
Goa's tourism with the Union Cabinet decision of 2000 in hand (which
incidentally it strangely claims to have no knowledge of!).

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |