[Goanet] Konkani Kovita: MIRGH - by Mariano Lucas Deniz

2006-06-22 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


Khor taplolem dhortorer 
Kitleach divsanim podlo pavss 
Podon hor rong birongi fulzaddancher 
Mhugn zaun dhortoren sodlo jinne svass. 

Aiz kitleach divsanim nillem molob 
Ut'uteanim zalem sarkem abhall 
Vaream netan  marun ubhall 
Suriar  ailim kalleam kupam mall. 

Sogleam vattanim podli doddok 
Udkam tembe podon ful'lem sallok 
Kirnacher danvon ailim  saullim 
Umedin boron ghor bhandi mavlli. 

Kiddeanchim chinv chivat suru zalim 
Khallokant pet'leo kazuleanchi divlli 
Xeta merer udon bebo nachtalo 
Rukha golint ravon roddo kovasil'lo 

Zordar varo, doriam uchamboll zalo 
Orixtt lahra, deger gosgoss podlo 
Moda netan  kosachim ailim dunvrim 
Khina bitor survat zalim mirgachim.

Godd godda  avaz  kell suru ata kupancho 
Kupam sangatak chock chok zoglancho 
Mirgachi vatt xetkari veakulen pollet axi'lo 
Mirgh suru zatach xetan rov marunk laglo. 

- Mariano Lucas Diniz
www.goa-world.com   www.colaco.net  

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[Goanet] SBI Life announces 9% on Lifelong Pensions scheme

2006-06-20 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
SBI Life announces 9% on Lifelong Pensions schemes 
NT Business Desk 

Panaji, June 20: SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd
announced a total of 9 per cent return on Lifelong
Pensions scheme, a simple annual bonus of 5 per cent
in addition to the guaranteed return of 4 per cent per
annum for all policies in force as on March 31.

The company declared reversionary bonuses, including a
special one-time bonus, on its participating policies
such as Sudarshan, Sanjeevan Supreme, Sanjeevan, Young
Sanjeevan, Scholar, Money Back, and Scholar II. All
bonuses declared here are a percentage of the
effective Sum Assured and not linked to the premium

Commenting on this occasion, Mr S Krishnamurthy, MD 
CEO said, “SBI Life is all set to achieve new heights
of success in the coming years and our customers are
our biggest brand ambassadors. As all our products
have delivered good results, we are, therefore,
pleased to share the benefits with our customers
through a bonus increased by 25 per cent as compared
to last year.”

Bonus declared on endowment policies: For Sanjeevan
Supreme, 1.25 per cent of Sum Assured and for
Sudarshan depending on the plan option: 2.25 per cent
on the basic Sum Assured for Plan A and 1.5 per cent
bonus for Plan B on increased Sum Assured.

Bonus declared on the children’s policies: 2.75 per
cent (inclusive of guaranteed return) for Scholar and
1.5 per cent for Scholar II.

On Money Back policies, the company has declared a
bonus of 1.5 per cent. On Sanjeevan and Young
Sanjeevan, the bonus declared is 1.25 per cent of the
Sum Assured.

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 

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[Goanet] The Big Let Down - December 19, 1961 Freedom Fighters and tin medal (tamra patra)

2006-06-20 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
December 19, 1961

December 19, 1961 is celebrated in Goa as Liberation
Day. On December 19 of every year, flowery speeches
are made by politicians, a parade is held and many
celebratory functions are held all over the State.

The question is: Are Goans truly liberated?
TGF says: NO!

Let us examine what we know.

1. In the early 16th century, Goa was ruled by the
Muslim Kings from Golconda. It was a particularly
violent era in the history of the subcontinent. Hindus
 Muslims butchered each other, ravaged each others'
places of worship and confiscated their women.

2. At that very time, the Portuguese were trying to
get a foot into the lucrative spice empire hitherto
controlled by their archenemies, the Muslims (Arabs).
The Arabs controlled the seas (Arabian Sea) and the
tolls for the spices (black pepper) necessary for the
preservation of meats. Refrigeration was not yet

3. The spice capital of the world was Calicut, on the
West Coast of the Indian subcontinent (Malabar,
Kerala). Any spot on the West Coast was better than
having to fight for spice from anchored ships.

4. The devastated Hindus of Goa approached the
Portuguese for help against the Muslim King, Adil
Shah. After initial suspicion, the Portuguese agreed
to help. The Adil Shah forces were defeated. Goa was
gifted to the Portuguese.

5. After a period of relative calm and good relations(
especially during the tenure of Afonso da Albuquerque
), the Portuguese rulers displayed their own brand of
intolerance. This surprised the Goan Hindus. Turmoil
followed with the political use of the Inquisition.
Many Goans lost their lives and loved ones to the
Horrible Inquisition.

6. Towards the beginning of the 19th Century,
Portuguese strength, influence and arrogance waned.
Goa went through a period of relative calm. Life was
simple  peaceful. Little development took place.

7. In the 1940s, the world was in turmoil with the
Second World War. Portugal was neutral. Portugal was
also under the iron grip of Antonio Oliveira Salazar.
Dr. Salazar initially set about putting order to the
absolutely chaotic Portuguese economy and was
immensely popular with the populace. Power went to his
head and turned him into a stubborn and ruthless

8. Goa suffered during the Salazar era. The same
ruthlessness which the Portuguese felt in Portugal,
was felt in Goa. The vast majority of Goa's colonial
police were Goans.  In fact, the white Portuguese ie
the pakhle took a lot of rap for the high handed
actions of Goan policemen. [Of note, many of these
very same Goan policemen were invited to join the new
Goa Police (Indian), the day after the December 1961

9. May educated and thinking Goans began whispering
opposition to the Portuguese. They felt that it was
time for the Portuguese to go.

10. Among the more vocal opponents of Salazar, were
Jose Inacio Francisco Candido (Fanchu) de Loyola, Dr
Ramakrishna Hegde, Tristao de Braganza Cunha,
Laxmikant Bhembre, Purshottam Kakodkar, Dr Pundalik
Gaitonde and eminent Goan physician Dr. Froilano de
Mello. Fanchu de Loyola was one of the leading
intellectuals and a political activist of his day in
Goa.  Dr Ramakrishna Hegde, Laxmikant Bhembre,
Purshottam Kakodkar and Dr Pundalik Gaitonde were
vocal opponents of the Dictatorship of Salazar and
made intellectual contributions to Goan political
thought.  De Braganza Cunha demanded  that civil
liberties be restored in Goa while  Froilano, the only
Independent member of the Portuguese Legislative
Assembly openly demanded that Portugal give Goa,
independence. Dr. de Mello was successful in obtaining
the revocation of the discriminatory  Acto Colonial.
Sadly neither Froilano  nor  de Braganza Cunha 
survived to see December 19, 1961 and the departure
from Goa of Salazar.  Fanchu de Loyola returned to
Portugal where he passed away in 1973 alone and away
from his beloved family and beloved Goa.  Sadly too,
Dr. Froilano passed away in 1955 in faraway Brazil,
quite disappointed and let down by his fellow Goans

11. During their struggle against Salazar, not many
Goans supported the Goan Nationalists. Among the
Salazar supporters, was Big Business.

12. Big Business was quite happily making fortunes
while Portugal was getting the false rap for striping
Goa of its resources. A retrospective analysis will
show that Portugal remained poor while Big Business
grew astronomically.

13. Many Goans went into exile in Bombay and 

[Goanet] Visit of Kuwait's Amir to India

2006-06-19 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Amir`s visit heralds boom for economy - Commerce
chamber DG   

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber

MUMBAI June 19, 2006 (KUNA) -- The visit of His
Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber
Al-Sabah to India already realized its goals, and most
particularly in the field of economics and trade,
Kuwait`s Chamber of Commerce and Industry Director
General Ahmad Rashid Al-Haroun told KUNA.

Al-Haroun said a visit of such a large delegation of
this status and one headed by His Highness the Amir is
no doubt an exceptional event and a visit that is sure
to bring positive results. On the talks with the
Indian side, he said they covered all aspects of the
economy including direct and indirect investment,
investment by the state through Kuwait Investment
Authority, and private sector investment.

The private sector was keen on fostering strategic
partnerships during the visit, Al-Haroun noted, and
the delegation comprised figures and representatives
who are capable of handling this task, which was
stressed as a priority by His Highness the Amir in his
previous tours.

Al-Haroun added His Highness Sheikh Sabah is the man
who engineered and planned the Kuwaiti economy when he
was prime minister and is now keen to establish the
state as a strong commercial, economic, services,
monetary, and investment center and keen on utilizing
opportunities stemming from proximity with the
region`s biggest populations in Iraq and Iran.

The chamber director general expressed hope the fruit
of this tour would be seen evidently in return visits
and pointed out there were initial agreements on many
issues during the visit.

On seeing realization of agreements in the coming
months, Al-Haroun stressed We will see more
partnerships and many investments on both sides. His
Highness the Amir and his accompanying delegation had
during the visit to India signed a number of
agreements. These include an agreement on double
taxation, a cultural Memo of Understanding, a Memo of
Understanding between the two chambers of commerce and
industry on boosting trade and investment, and
agreements on scientific and technological cooperation
between the two states.

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 

ABOUT GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER  This first of its kind Gulf-Goans 
e-newsletter archived at www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans is dedicated to 
Goans around the Globe and is moderated/edited by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994) 
and presented by Ulysses Menezes, owner of http://www.goa-world.com website. 
EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop (Goa) www.goa-world.com/expressions/ 
THE GOAN FORUM http://www.colaco.net 
GOENCHO ULO http://www.fullerlife.in  


Only if we can restrain ourselves is good conversation possible. Good 
talk rises upon much discipline.
~John Erskine~


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[Goanet] Regretful incidents that occurr regularly when flying Indian Airlines to and fro Goa to Kuwait

2006-06-19 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
Respected Sirs, Through your well-readmedia I wish to express my deep regret at certain un-required incidents that occurred at Indian Airlines and encounteredspecially by theGoa bound passengers.My family (my wife, mum, and 2 children travelled to Goa on 10th June 2006 Indian Airlines Flight IC-576 Kuwait-Goa-Chennai. The first thing I noticed at the Indian Airlines counter at Kuwait International Airport (baggage checking-loading) was the Indian Airlines Baggage Collecting officers(?)/porters were so rude to the travelers i.e. that kept shouting at everyone and did not spare any one for even a gram of excess weight. More over they were very strict with carrying of our
 hand baggage too and insisted on not allowing more than 5kg/passenger.  So far, this is was tolerable and that's fine with us.However, at the time of purchasing our tickets it was clearly stated by the Reservation staff as 40kgs/passenger verbally. I purchased the ticket one month early as we all know it very well by now that Indian Airlines always tries to make the best use of the seasonal rush by raising their fares. Just a weak before their departure I went to reconfirm my families tickets and the weight allowance. I was very very surprised to learn that Indian Airlines had now amended the baggage allowance to 30kgs and hand baggage to not exceed more than 5kgs. Hence, my family did not exceed the weight limitation knowing well the Indian Airlines counter staff attitude and the overall Indian Airlines behaviour pattern. I am paying approximately Rs. 3.00 extra over the regular fare for my family - only R.K. Dewat and the Indian Airlines management can justify this fare! May God bless them abundantly.Now the sad part of it is that my family reached Goa on 10th June-06 and while checking at the baggage receiving end, learned that the baggage of the whole family was not loaded by Indian Airlines at Kuwait airport. Upon enquiring, the officer in charge told my family that the cargo would be loaded and it will be sent on the next connecting flight and would inform my family when to collect the baggage. My Entire families clothes, medicines for my mother and children were in the baggage. They were left without any thing in hand except for the hand bags which had nothing more than a few papers and petty/small items. Moreover my family traveled on a month's vacation, and I was to follow a couple of weeks later as we had planned our holidays in advance in minute detail and every passing day is important to our family. After a couple of days, we received intimation and  My wife went to collect the cargo at the Dabolim (Goa) airport -a distance of over 40 KMs. from our home. When asked for compensation the cargo handling staff of Indian Airlines wereagain too arrogant to speak on the matter and even hesitated to discuss it.   Is it at all our fault if our baggage was not loaded by
 the Indian Airlines staff at the Kuwait airport? Are we to bear the mental torture, anxiety and pain for the Indian Airlines staff mistakes? My wife had to literally run around the Indian Airlines officer's at Goa Airport and  to request for transportation compensation. Atlast after negotiating she managed to get only peanuts of the value she actually spent for her to and from trip and YES had to waste an entire day. Also, we learnt from other passengers, that on this particular Indian Airlines
 flight 50 Goa-bound passengers baggage were offloaded, and none of the passengers were notified to take off. Also, no one at the Goa Airport (Indian Airlines staff] bothered to inform the passengers that their baggage is left behind at Kuwait Airport only after waiting for hours for their baggage, when they went to the Airport In Charge they requested them to make a Lost Baggage Claim. The Indian Airlines flight staff just went merrily to their homes without even a word to anyone! Don't you think this is totally unfair when the ticket fare on the Kuwait-Goa-Kuwait sector is the highest and Goa passengers still have to go through this bad experiences. Furthermore to my surprise even the following second Indian Airlines flight which left on 13 th June had some cargo offloaded. Again, unfortunately my sister-in-lawand colleagues traveled on this flight. When she reached at
 the Goa airport she was notified that her luggage was also left behind. So this is just the beginning of the season. God knows what its going to be for the next flights to Goa .I went to the Indian Airlines office
 in Kuwait City nextmorning and was surprised to find out that the officer incharge (R.K.Dewat) who attended me did not even have an Office for himself. I related the facts to this Indian Airlines staffer, regretably in the midst of others who were present at this Indian Airlines facility, which in itself speaks volumes. At first R.K. Dewatwas not even ready to listen to what I was saying. He only insisted saying that people carry excess weight and for this reason we 

[Goanet] Hey Mr. D.J. (by Yazan Ghazzawi/Kuwait This Month Magazine)

2006-06-17 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
Hey Mr. D.J  
- Yazan Ghazzawi

Ever been to a party so great it would take a lifetime
to forget? Ever danced for 4 hours straight, even to
songs that you didn’t like? Prior to choosing this
month’s subject matter, I was driving up the Gulf road
to run some errands in Kuwait city. Suddenly,
something compelled me to stop. A simple song by Team
Deluxe, “It won’t do” played quietly on my radio, its
unmistakable groove reminding me of the best party I
had ever been to. Having heard the song for the first
time at the party (and rarely since), and given the
fact that I was considering interviewing D.J’s for
this article, I decided then and there to go for the
cream of the crop, the beat masters themselves: 

The Rhythm Makers. Fast forward to interview day: I
sit at a quiet coffee shop gathering my notes, and I
see our heroes coming from afar. Having just come out
of another strenuous day at the office, Shawn, Savio
and Russell don swanky styles, and look like they’ve
just come off the catwalk. Needless to say, they
quickly snatch the spotlight from any contenders in
close proximity. So we talk about music, and I quickly
establish a strong rapport with them. Their many
shared qualities (including a razor sharp sense of
humor) make the conversation great fun, and we slowly
ease into the interview proceedings. 

Shawn, Savio and Russell all hail from Kuwait and
claim to know the place inside out, making it truly
their stomping ground. Says Russell: “Having lived in
Kuwait all our lives, it’s really easy for us to find
places to go and things to do, other than food and
shopping. People who haven’t been here long quickly
give up on the place, but the truth is that they don’t
dig deep enough.” There is a lot of good buzz around
the town about this bunch, and (as I witnessed
myself), they’re known for creating a great atmosphere
even at the dullest of parties. 

“To be honest with you, that’s where our name comes
from,” explains Shawn. “We started out playing at
family gatherings, small private parties, birthdays,
those kinds of things. And one day Savio overheard one
of the guests saying ‘These guys have got rhythm’. So
we quickly adopted the name, because if that’s how
we’re perceived by the crowd, then that’s great.” It’s
clear from the start of our interview that Russell is
the loudest and most outspoken. I had no choice but to
ask if he was the MC. “Yep, that’s right, he’s the MC.
As you might have noticed, he’s got the gift of the
gab, and always has done. 

He can get even the most reserved, shy and embarrassed
people up to dance. And that’s even without music!”
says Savio. “That leaves the two of us taking turns at
DJ’ing,” adds Shawn. But these aren’t your regular two
deck DJ’s. Having started out with two cassette decks
and Walkmans to cue songs (like any other DJ
hopeful!), The Rhythm Makers proceeded to spend every
single penny they earned from gigs to build a
collection of equipment to be reckoned with. “It’s
really important to have good equipment that’s loud. 

Otherwise you wouldn’t be a professional, and people
wouldn’t really be able to hear if you were a good DJ
or not” says Russell. The word on the street is that
these guys are also really up to date, and are able to
fish for music that is little known. Savio elaborates:
“We play for a really wide range of people, which
means we have to be properly equipped with the right
kind of music. We’ll play anything from Old School, to
Dance, Club, some hip-hop, Latino, anything really.
Just the other day we were doing a gig and we learnt
that there were a lot of African guests attending, so
we dug up some African music and the crowd went wild.”

“The key is reading the crowd,” says Shawn. “You have
to set the tempo of the party yourself, know what kind
of song you’ll play next depending on what kind of
people are in the crowd. Some songs are crowd
pleasers, but once you get the people on the floor you
have to make sure you keep them there, they’ve got to
stay interested. It’s really a tough job, but
thankfully we’ve got a lot of experience now we’ve
been doing it so long and we can pretty much ace it
every time, not to sound too cocky or anything!” he
explains. “You also always have to have an ‘ace in the
hole’, so to speak. 

A song that you know for a fact will make the crowd
crazy. You’ve got to play it at the right time; if you
see people starting to drift, you play it and watch
them come back like magnets!” adds Russell. I was
instructed, while writing this article, not to forget
The Rhythm Makers’ soldier abroad, a founding member
who, due to work circumstances, had to move to Dubai.
Valentino or Valu, as the remaining three call him, is
indeed their ambassador abroad, and often visits
Kuwait. “We always have a gig ready for him when he
comes home,” says Russell. “Doing gigs is not the same
without him. 

I think we collectively agree that we’re only truly
complete when he’s with us.” Aside from DJ’ing, the
trio also have a fledgling re-mix artist 

[Goanet] Libel Defamation in the Information Age

2006-06-11 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
On the Internet, where abnormal behavior is the status
quo, tempers can flare in the heat of debate and word
wars can last for days or even weeks.  It's not
uncommon for users to ridicule, harass or insult those
who disagree with them.

But if you damage someone's reputation by trying to
embarrass them in a public forum, you could be sued
for libel or defamation.  After all, there's no reason
to assume that the messages you send through
cyberspace are immune from lawsuits.

The Internet culture right now is for users to refute
speech with speech, says Dave Marburger, the attorney
who represented Brock Meeks in one of the first
defamation lawsuits in the United States involving
the Internet.  But as the Internet culture gets more
diverse, users will start refuting speech with

There have only been a handful of libel and defamation
lawsuits filed involving the Internet so far, but as
the Net grows, the number of lawsuits will probably
increase.   If the few court battles that have
been decided involving libel and defamation on the Net
are any indication of how the law will be applied to
the Internet in the future, it's worth your time to
learn what's libelous or defamatory on the Internet
and what's not.

Other users have the right to sue you for defamation
if they can prove you damaged their reputation or good
name with false information.  You can be sued for
libel if another user can prove you have distributed
defamatory statements about them in a public area --
such as a news group or mailing list.

In April of 1993 Gil Hardwick, an anthropologist in
Australia, was ordered by the Australian Supreme Court
to pay David Rindos $40,000 in damages because he
defamed Rindos on an international mailing list.

After Rindos lost his job at the University of West
Australia, Hardwick posted a message on an
international disscussion group that suggested Rindos
was fired because he was a bully and had sexually
molested a local boy.

Rindos filed a defamation lawsuit against Hardwick
because he felt the message had hurt his chances of
finding a new job.  In a letter to Rindos's attorney,
Hardwick wrote Let this matter be expedited and
done withI can do nothing to prevent it, lacking
any resources whatsoever to defend myself.  Like most
people, Hardwick didn't have the money to hire a
lawyer or finance an expensive legal battle.

He (Rindos) suffered a great deal of personal hurt
because of the message, said Supreme Court Justice
David Ipp in the West Australian.
The damages award must compensate him and vindicate
his reputation to the public.

The Internet is an informal forum and people often
write personal things about other users, but you can
be held accountable in court for making libelous or
defamatory remarks in public forums just like Hardwick

We know that as the Internet grows, there will be
more and more lawsuits involving libel and
defamation, says attorney David H. Donaldson, editor
of Legal Bytes, an electronic magazine that discusses
legal issues involving computers and  networking.  
The only question is if the number of cases will grow
steadily or if there will be an explosion of lawsuits
all at once.

Anybody can sue you for libel or defamation if they
think you damaged their reputation, but if you can
prove what you say is true, chances are that you won't
end up in court.

Make it clear when you are stating your opinion,
says  Donaldson, Always state the facts that your
opinions are based on just to be safe.
You probably won't lose a libel or defamation lawsuit
if you can back up what you write with solid facts.

For example, Brock Meeks, a full-time journalist who
also distributes his own electronic magazine, avoided
losing a defamation lawsuit largely because he could
prove an article that he sent over the Net was true.

Meeks was sued by Suarez Corporation Industries in
April of 1994 for writing an investigative story about
the company and its services in his electronic
newsletter -- the CyberWire Dispatch.  Meeks had no
libel insurance, no publishing company backing him up
and a lot of legal fees to cover.  (His lawyer charged
him $200 an hour.)  The only thing Meeks had was his
house -- and he didn't want to sell it to pay off a

Meeks defended his article in numerous posts on the
Net, All of my facts were rock solid.  Although the
article was delivered with a fair amount of attitude,
I don't believe that I'm in dangerous waters, he

Benjamin Suarez, owner of Suarez Corp., filed the suit
because he felt that Meeks had damaged his reputation
and hurt his business by saying he was infamous for
his questionable direct marketing scams,
and saying he (Suarez) has a mean streak.  To back
up his opinion, Meeks cited accusations made by the
Washington state attorney general's office concerning
Suarez's direct marketing practices.

In August of 1994 Suarez Corp. made Meeks an offer he
couldn't refuse.  They agreed to settle the case for
$64 -- to cover administrative 

[Goanet] India protests over Pope comments

2006-05-24 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
  India protests over Pope commentsBenedict's XVI's envoy received a dressing downIndia has summoned the Vatican envoy in Delhi in protest over comments by the Pope in which he condemned attempts to ban religious conversions.   India's junior Foreign Minister, Anand Sharma, told parliament on Tuesday that the envoy was told in "no uncertain terms" of India's disapproval.   The Pope criticised
 India last week for what he called "disturbing signs of religious intolerance".   India's main opposition party, the BJP, has already protested to the Vatican. 'Religious intolerance'   Pope Benedict XVI made the comments last week while talking to India's new Ambassador to the Vatican, Amitava Tripathi.Religious conversions are a controversial issue  The pontiff criticised India for "disturbing signs of religious intolerance which have troubled some regions of India".   He specifically cited attempts by some Indian states to introduce
 legislation to ban what right-wing Hindus call "forced conversions".   India's foreign ministry has now reacted strongly to Monday's papal comments.   "India is a secular and democratic country, in which adherents of all religious faiths enjoy equal rights," said Junior Foreign Minister Anand Sharma.   Interference   Correspondents say that Mr Sharma made the comments in response to opposition criticism that India had not protested against the "grossly unwarranted" statement from Rome. Rajnath Singh, the President of India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wrote to the Pope on 20 May.   "My interference in your religious domain within the Vatican will be unwelcome, uncalled for and will be treated as interference in your religious management and administration," the letter said.   Earlier this month, the state governor of India's western state of Rajasthan refused to sign a contentious religious freedom bill,
 which would have banned people from being converted to religions "against their will".   Human rights agencies and minority groups also opposed the bill, saying it was introduced to appease radical Hindu groups.   But the BJP-led Rajasthan government, led by the BJP, said that the bill had been introduced to stop religious conversion by means of allurement, greed or pressure.   The BJP says that it supports legislation to ban "forced religious conversions", because many Christian missionaries recruit converts among the majority Hindu population using financial and educational enticements.   Christians make up just over two percent of India's 1.1 billion mainly Hindu population. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/5009238.stmABOUT GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER  This first of its kind Gulf-Goans e-newsletter archived at
 www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans is dedicated to Goans around the Globe and is moderated/edited by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994) and presented by Ulysses Menezes, owner of http://www.goa-world.com website. EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop (Goa) www.goa-world.com/expressions/ THE GOAN FORUM http://www.colaco.net GOENCHO ULO http://www.fullerlife.in  Report and Pictures of May Ball 2006 organized by GWA-QATARhttp://www.goa-world.com/goa/qatar/mayqueen06/index.htmNothing is funnier than unhappiness,  I grant you that. Yes, yes, it's the  most comical thing in the world.~Samuel Beckett~~www.goa-world.com~
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[Goanet] OBITUARY - LUIS RODRIGUES (Ribandar/Goa)

2006-05-23 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

Ex-Directorate of Census Operation/ Musician
Died on 22 May 2006

Beloved son of late Agostinho/late Ana Maria,
son-in-law of late Manuel (Pascu)/Amelia, husband of
Milagrina, father/father-in-law of Rosalia (GDDIDC,
Panjim), Gracy/Augusto Morais (Kuwait), Austin (Govt.
Polytechnic, Panjim) and Sandra (Binani, Colvale),
brother/brother-in-law of Santaninha/late Constancio
Rebello (Chimbel), Thelma/Francis Fernandes (Anjuna),
Santana/Joaquim Afonso and Danny (Dramatic Troupe of

Funeral cortege will leave from his residence 202,
Patto, Ribandar Goa on May 23, 2006 (Tuesday) at 4.30

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[Goanet] Developments on Goan NRI Affairs

2006-05-22 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
What happened to Herculano Dourado and company
of the NRI Felicitation Centre after their 'touristic'
visit to the Gulf countries?  Whatever happened to the
notes taken at the Dubai and Kuwait meetings of the
Goan NRIs with the above delegations?

Were the issues raised filed or handed over to the new

Will the same issues/demands need be repeated to every
person nominated as head of the NRI cell/centre/
department in Goa? And for how many years?

Remember the issues often posted and re-posted by some
are nothing new!  

These issues concerning the Goan NRIs have been raised
when Dr. Wilfred D'Souza visited Kuwait, followed by
NRI Felicitation Centre's first fact finding trip
headed by Chandrakant Keni, later submitted to South
Goa Member of Parliament Churchill Alemao through the
Goan Welfare Society (GWS), Kuwait time and again as
well as by other associations/ football clubs/village
centres from Kuwait as well as from other Gulf
countries.  By separate post, we are forwarding copies
of all the above memorandums to the new commissioner.

The same issues/demands has been raised ALSO with the
visiting Indian delegations too by the Goan Welfare
Society (GWS) as most, if not all, are issues
pertaining to the discretion and action of the Central
Indian government as we are aware that they are not
within the reach/authority/powers of the regional
(state) NRI outfits.

Will any action be taken on the issues raised since
the last 10 years?
Will the new comissioner find the Memorandums/Demands/
Requests made and regularly submitted by Goans
overseas from the files of the NRI Felicitation
We had presented copies to Herculano Dourado of the
same as well as directed his attention to the website

A feedback summarizing on the priority of the issues
raised over the past 10 years or so, as well as action
taken/implemented or whatever suggestions put forth at
Goa State level/Central Government level, would be
much appreciated by the Goan NRIs based not only from
Kuwait but worldwide.


c.c.: Mr. Carmo Santos, Hon. President
  Goan Welfare Society-Kuwait

c.c.: Mr. Simon D'Silva, Hon. President
  Goan Welfare Association-Qatar
c.c.: Mr. G.R. Crasto
  Young Goans Association - Bahrain.

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[Goanet] Re: Galileo, Dan Brown and The Church

2006-05-17 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

Did this current hungama raise its head in the 90s for
Martin Scorsese's, The 
Last Temptation of Christ ? That was more graphic and

I hope some of us have had the opportunity to view
Breaking of the Da Vinci 
code that has been running all week on the National
Geographic channel - historians debating each other
and Dan Brown, with his specious conclusions to 
the queries raised by Elizabeth Vargas.
Dan Brown, a clever historian, has hit the niche that
will stir our interests  and make him rich !!
Ka-ching...ka-ching !!
Best - Bosco

Well said Bosco, here below is some enlightening links
to the debate.

Almeida Gaspar (www.goa-world.com)
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter Moderator/Editor

The Da Vinci Code: Of Magdalene, Gnostics, the Goddess
and the Grail 
Released in March 2003, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
has sold more than 4.5 million copies (as of January
2004, despite the six percent decline in hardback
sales overall). It has camped atop the New York Times
bestseller list. In November, ABC aired a primetime
special entitled Jesus, Mary and Da Vinci: Exploring
Controversial Theories About Religious Figures and the
Holy Grail. Variety.com recently announced, Ron
Howard, Brian Grazer and Akiva Goldsman—the
Oscar-winning triumvirate from 'A Beautiful Mind'—are
reteaming to make 'The Da Vinci Code' for Sony
Pictures Entertainment.” According to USA Today,
Code' s popularity shows that 'readers are clamoring
for books which combine historic fact with a
contemporary story line,' says Carol Fitzgerald,
president of Bookreporter.com 'They say, I like
being able to learn something as well as read a
story.' USA Today also noted at least 90 related
books on religion, history and art, which have seen
sales rise as well.

According to Richard Wightman Fox, author of the
soon-to-be-published Jesus in America in a U.S. News 
World Report article last month, The Da Vinci Code is
riding the wave of revulsion against corruption in the
Catholic Church. The article continues, What Brown's
novel taps into above all is a persistent American
desire to recapture the true, original Jesus. 'That's
what Protestantism itself has always been about,' says

The book—complete with footnotes of source
materials—is a novel, but in a controversial
introductory note, Brown writes that all descriptions
of documents and secret rituals are accurate. Are
they? An incomplete list of author Dan Brown's theses
include (the following list primarily based on The
feminist mystique, first published in Haaretz Daily
(Jerusalem) by Aviad Kleinberg November 7, 2003):

early Christianity entailed the cult of the Great
Mary Magdalene represented the feminine cult and the
Holy Grail of traditional lore
she was also Jesus' wife and the mother of his
Magdalene's womb, carrying Jesus offspring, was the
legendary Holy Grail (as seen in Da Vinci's encoded
paining, The Last Supper)
Jesus was not seen as divine (God) by His followers
until Emperor Constantine declared him so for his own
The Nicean Council of the 3rd Century was the context
for Constantine's power grab and the relationship of
Magdalene as paramour of Christ was quashed there
Mary Magdalene's remains and the secret documents
that tell the real story were found on the Temple
Mount when Jerusalem was conquered in the First
Brown sees a connection between the Nag Hammadi
documents (a.k.a., Gnostic Gospels) discovered in 1945
and this storyline
The truth about Christ and Mary Magdalene has been
kept alive by a secret society named the Priory of
Sion that was lead by great minds like Da Vinci

Dubious doctrines like Goddess worship and
neo-Gnosticism, critics charge, provide the core of
Brown's acclaimed novel (although Brown makes
egregious errors even within those, e.g., Gnostics
would be repulsed by the idea of physical relations
between Mary Magdalene and Jesus). Given the book's
liberal use of long-debunked heresies and flashy but
baseless theories on everything from church tradition
to architecture to the heads of a secret society,
cataloguing Brown's scholarly infractions will exhaust
the casual reader who will likelier readily embrace
such fast-paced fiction uncritically. As Sandra
Miesner (featured below) states, The Da Vinci Code
takes esoterica mainstream.” Thus, as similar volumes
and a film adaptation follow on its tail, we hope to
shed light on at least some of the critical, if
unoriginal, issues raised by the book.

Critics assail Brown's appeals to scholarship and
history, which range from questionable to outlandish
to (some say) outrageous. Yet, hot sales and fawning
reviews by the press and readers alike (see
Amazon.com's listing of the book and accompanying
opinions) indicate that many are buying into this brew
of conspiracy theory, romance novel and
pseudo-scholarship. Perhaps postmodernists, given to
thinking via emotions and wide-open to conspiracy
theories surrounding empowered groups, have found the
perfect mix. Do Brown's 

[Goanet] Konkani Tiatrs 'Hangach Ami Chuktanv' 'Uzo' to be staged in Qatar

2006-04-20 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
The stage is all set to host   Konkani short plays
entitled 1) “Hangach ami Chuktanv” written and
directed by Ms Natcey Barretto. The cast: Lourdes
Menezes, Matilda Mascarenhas, Princilla Lobo, Henry
Fernandes, Rosario Fernandes, Rosario Dias, Cyril
Rodrigues, Filomeno Rodrigues and Natcey Barretto. 

2) “Uzo” written and directed by Louis Carvalho and
the cast: Ana Maria Fernandes, Francisco Fernandes,
David Carneiro, Anthony Fernandes, Tommy Fernandes,
A.J. Vaz, Melcher Morais, Paixao Fernandes, Fravel
Estrocio and Louis Carvalho. 

The selected renowned professional artistes Superstar
Jose Rod and Kala Academy Award winner Gracy Morais
from Kuwait and versatile singer/actress Felcy Cabral
from Goa with their latest songs will be flown in to
entertain and to keep the spirit high of the Konkani
loving audience. Norman Cardoz especially flown in
from Goa will provide the Music. 
 The show will be held on Friday the 21st April 2006
from 4.00 Pm onwards at the Ministry of Education
Hall. The gates will be open at 3.30 pm. 
On behalf of the konkani speaking community the
organizers are planning to felicitate Mr. Roque
Fenandes who will be leaving Qatar in May 2006, after
putting up 25 years of service. He was instrumental in
organizing many Konkani shows in Qatar. In short he
has worked a lot to uplift our mother tongue Konkani
and by doing community service. 
The Indian Ambassador HE Dr. George Joseph has kindly
consented to be the Chief Guest, inaugurate the show
and to felicitate Mr. Roque Fernandes on behalf of the
Goan community.
The Main Sponsor for the show is “Palolem Beach
Resort, Canacona-Goa” and the Co-Sponsor is “Sign –
Tech Neon”. 
The Tickets are priced at Q.Rs. 25/= (Resv)  20/= are
available at Designers textiles  Tailoring, Tel.
4325478 / 5842183.
Agostinho H. Pires,
Mob #: 5568072.
- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 

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[Goanet] OBITUARY - Angelina (ANGELA) Pereira - Kuwait/Borim (Goa)

2006-04-15 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

Angelina (Angela) Pereira from Borim-Tolop, Ponda, 
wife of Joaquim Salvador Pereira, mother of Abbie,
daughter of late Antony  Grecy Pillai  expired in
Kuwait on 14th April 2006 following a brief illness at
Mubarak Hospital.  A mass will be held at 5:00 p.m. on
Monday, 17th April 2006 at 5:00 p.m. at Holy Family
Cathedral Church, Kuwait City, and the body flown to
Goa,  India.

(Source: CPP)

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[Goanet] Eduardo for emigrants’ office in Goa / Goan Welfare Society (GWS) demands made in 2003 - finally under consideration

2006-04-13 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

Eduardo for emigrants’ office in Goa / Goan Welfare
Society (GWS) demands made in 2003 - finally under

From: Carmo Santos, President, Goan Welfare Society
(GWS), Kuwait

Eduardo for emigrants’ office in Goa 
NT Staff Reporter 
Panaji, April 12: The Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Mr
Eduardo Faleiro has written to the Union Minister for
Overseas Indian Affairs, Mr Vyalar Ravi to consider
exempting maids, drivers and other workers of the
lower income group who seek employment abroad, from
approaching the office of the Protector of Emigrants,
at Mumbai, to obtain the emigration clearance. 
Presently teachers, doctors, nurses and those holding
a diploma or a university degree are exempted from
emigration clearance.
Addressing a press conference at the ministers block
in the secretariat today, Mr Faleiro informed that he
would also visit some states like Punjab, Haryana,
Gujarat and Rajasthan to study the emigration pattern
for the persons from these states who emigrate to
foreign land.
“I would have liked to visit Kerala, immediately, but
the election process in that state has made me change
my mind,” he added.
Due to low literacy and other factors, such persons
need the services of intermediaries and they are
harassed and fleeced and often they are also victims
of criminal offences, Mr Faleiro observed, adding that
under these circumstances, it becomes necessary to
establish an office of the protector of emigrants in
Goa itself.
Mr Faleiro said that he would follow the possibility
of conferring voting rights on the non-resident
Indians from Goa, living around the world. There is a
bill pending in the Parliament to amend the
Representation of People’s Act so that such rights may
be conferred on NRIs, he said, pointing out that the
bill however, is not yet scheduled for discussion in
the Parliament.
“I will meet the Union Minister for Law, Mr Hansraj
Bharadwaj during my proposed visit to Delhi, scheduled
during April-end, for discussing this issue,” Mr
Faleiro said.
The other issue in the list released by Mr Faleiro
about the priorities concerning the NRIs from Goa
includesprotecting the houses and properties of the
Goans away from their motherland. “The Chief Minister,
Mr Pratapsing Rane has asked me to take special
interest in this matter and I am working in this
regard,” Mr Faleiro said.
Mr Faleiro also intends to get the degrees of the Goa
University recognised by foreign countries, especially
the government of Kuwait where maximum Goans go in
search of employment. “I have taken up the matter with
our ambassador in Kuwait and hope that he will pursue
the matter with the said government,” he stated.
Goans holding foreign passports may use chartered
flights, however, the PIOs who come to Goa on
chartered flights are required to return within four
weeks from the date of their arrival, Mr Faleiro
further said, mentioning that PIOs of Goan origin
should not be inconvenienced only because they have
exceeded the four week period.
The office of the commissioner for NRI affairs will
also be setting up its website within a month to
inform the NRGs of different facilities available to
them from the state as well as the central government.
The website will be developed by Goacominsys and Mr
Jerry Menezes.
Replying to a question, Mr Faleiro said that he would
be proposing issuing of bonds for the NRGs with higher
rate of interest than that offered by the banks, so
that maximum money earned by the NRGs is invested in
the state.
Answering yet another question, the Commissioner for
NRI Affairs said that he is examining the possibility
of a single window system with the Economic
Development Corporation.  (The Navhind Times)
Goa-World.Com Team adds:
Goan Welfare Society-Kuwait [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Sun Dec 21, 2003  9:37 am 
Subject: NRI-Goa Facilitation Centre Delegation's
Visit to Kuwait

VISIT TO KUWAIT  (December 12, 2003)
A delegation of NRI-Goa Facilitation Centre comprising
of Mr. Chandrakant Keni  - Chairman,  Mr. Tony Correia
Afonso -  Member, Mr. Pramod Shetye - MD Goa Tourism
Development Corporation Ltd.,  Mr. Swapnil Naik -
Nodal Officer NRI, was met on arrival by the
representatives of Goan Welfare Society (GWS) - Kuwait
on December 12, 2003.
A Seminar was held at Carlton Towers Hotel - Kuwait
City, on 13th December, 2003, where a large number of
Goans attended and raised various issues concerning
the NRIs.  The main speakers Mr. Tony Correia Afonso,
Mr. Chandrakant Keni and  Mr

[Goanet] Easter Nite in Kuwait

2006-04-02 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
Easter Nite in Kuwait 

Curtorcares United (Kuwait) will present their 2nd
grand Easter Nite at Fakher Al-Deen ballroom, Dawliah
Complex – Kuwait City on 20th April 2006 starting from
9.00pm onwards.
Music for the evening will be provided by ‘Next of
Kin’ and Kuwait’s premier band ‘the Stepping Stones’.
Highlight of the dance is the crowning of Easter
For more details contact: 
9711524, 9763922, 9053718, 6246295, 5648312(Salmiya);
9756749 and 9581491 at Golden Goa, Kuwait City;
9586942(Abhasiya); and 7658628(Kheitan).

Jack Fernandes
Curtorcares United (Kuwait)

- Forwarded on request of Curtorcares United.

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[Goanet] Re: NRI meet in Kuwait

2006-04-02 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com
Re: Eugene Corriea's query on the subject.

Hi Eugene, 

Thanks for your interest.

The meeting was attended by 38 Goans! Counting the
three member delegation and the canteen boy it
totalled 42.

There was nothing new presented at this meeting as the
Goa NRI F.C. delegation visiting Kuwait on 13-14
December 2003 (for which I shared the dias) had taken
notes upon notes on the same subjects! To-date no
redressal in view, no feedback from the Goa NRI F.C.

The meeting was organized by two out of the three NRI
Goans from Kuwait recorded on the committee (see the
website) as if there were no Goan association to lead,
unlike the past which was under the auspices of the
Goan Welfare Society (GWS). Courtesy demanded that the
President and Managing Committee of GWS be invited as
in 2003 to call the meet and organize the same!

FYI, the goa-world.com has offered to host the Goa NRI
F.C.website free of charge. It was pointed out that
the website has been down since 2005!  Evidence of the
same including the press release as posted on the Goa
NRI F.C. visit to Kuwait on 13-14 December 2003 was
presented to the VP, Herculano Dourado.

The delegation came on a merge budget and hence had to

substain on the way-side 'shourma' sandwiches as
pointed out by the VP.

Incidentally, Eduardo Faleiro has been nominated to
the Goa NRI F.C. Isn't this position a little on the
lower end for a man who has done so much at various
central Indian government level, by the blessings of
the Goan voters.

As inquired, the following are two Goans who are
registered in the Goa NRI F.C. committee from the
- Shri. Joaquim D’Souza, Dubai 
- Shri. Ratikant Mandrekar, Abu Dhabi 

Looking forward to your posting on the subject re:

Gaspar Almeida
Hon. General Secretary (since 1999)
Goan Welfare Society (GWS)

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[Goanet]The Moral Code of Indian Democracy

2005-08-14 Thread ALMEIDAG(ji) goa-world.com
The Moral Code of Indian Democracy
The Asian Age India | M.J.Akbar 

The BJP and the NDA will have every right to taunt the fulsome apology by 
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for 1984 once they have familiarised themselves 
with the letter A.

It is not only the first letter of most alphabets but also the first letter of 
the word apology. They should then apologise profusely for the macabre riots
of Gujarat on the last day of February and March 2002.

They could do it individually, with master baiter Narendra Modi leading them. 
Or they could orchestrate their efforts to include the Panchratna of the NDA:
Vajpayee, Advani, Joshi, Sinha and of course the ubiquitous George Fernandes, 
who regularly charged in where angels feared to tread.

Of the five, Vajpayee, then Prime Minister, did sound apologetic but heckled 
mercilessly by the bright young things of his own party, retreated 
ceremoniously to the peace and comfort of his chair. There was no hint
of regret from the others. After Modi won the Gujarat Assembly elections, even 
the need for regret was forgotten.

The three major sequences of barbarism in the last 21 years have been the anti-
Sikh riots of 1984, the Babri riots of 1992 and 1993, and the Gujarat riots of 
2002. Roughly the same numbers died while millions were traumatised. For the 
space of about three days mobs were permitted by a deliberately absent 
authority to kill Sikhs in 1984 and Muslims in 1992 and 2002. There
was no official explanation offered for the barbarism. How could there be, for 
those in power were either perpetrators or abettors of barbarism. In each case 
the unofficial explanation, advanced through the party network (party is an 
obvious pun), was spontaneity before which the administrative machinery was
apparently helpless. This was an utter, malignant, unforgivable, immoral and 
inhuman lie. In all cases the government deliberately fed the violence for
political profit for a carefully calibrated period after which the same 
government ordered the violence to stop. The blood tap was switched on. And 
the blood tap was switched off.

God knows there was provocation in 1984. What could be more provocative than 
the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi after the seesaw of violence through 
which Punjab had suffered in the previous years culminating with the assault 
on the Golden Temple, known as Operation Bluestar? This was further aggravated 
by images of Khalistani Sikhs abroad — note the adjective, it is Khalistani 
Sikhs, not all Sikhs — celebrating.

But a government is not a mob, unless it chooses to become one. I was in 
Calcutta in 1984. Jyoti Basu was chief minister. The anger in Calcutta was no 
less than in Delhi, and incidents began to occur. Jyoti Basu did not choose to 
win his next election by washing his hands in Sikh blood. Instead he ordered 
the Calcutta Police to do its first and foremost duty, and protect every 
citizen of this country, just as he gave security and safety to Muslims in 
1992 after the destruction of the Babri mosque under the watchful eye
of P.V. Narasimha Rao (the same watchful eye presided over the anti-Sikh riots 
in 1984 incidentally, this time as home minister). The Calcutta Police is made 
up of the same Indians who man the Delhi Police or the Gujarat Police. They 
are not particularly angelic. They obey orders.

Jyoti Basu's moral courage also gave the lie to the dangerous cynicism that 
has become a core philosophy of the BJP and the Congress, which insists that
electoral victory justifies every immoral decision. The Congress victory in 
1984 and the Modi victory later became self-evident exoneration. But Basu and
the Left Front have won every election in Bengal without pandering to the 
barbaric impulse.

The irony is that the Congress would have won in 1984 without presiding over 
the spontaneous reaction. I cannot be certain but I daresay that Modi would 
have won Gujarat also without Godhra because he is an efficient administrator 
with little interest in the parallel disease of Indian politics, corruption. 
But both were tempted by the easy option since their backbone had been washed 
away along with any moral fibre that they may have once possessed.

Anger can be spontaneous. Organised violence is stage-managed. The Congress 
and the BJP, along with the Shiv Sena in 1992 and 1993, perpetrated deliberate
violence against minorities. The system buys time for political parties 
through commissions. It bought the Congress 21 years after 1984. 

But those who suffer the truth and those who know the truth do not need 
commissions. One of the most wrenching moments of my life was to watch a Sikh 
being burnt to death in front of a gurdwara in Delhi. It happened on the 
second day of the 1984 riots, and not on the first spontaneous day. The 
howling mobs on that day were mobilised by Congress leaders who saw
victory and ministerships ahead and got them too. Gujarat's pogrom against the 
Muslims was ordered by local BJP leaders 

[Goanet]Vacancies in Oil Gas Sector in Kuwait for SK Engineering Construction Co. Ltd.

2005-08-10 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com

SKEC, Korean Construction Company has undertaken
projects at oil and gas sectors in Kuwait, and are
presently recruiting staff to fill in the following
positions immediately:
1. Civil  Architectural Supervisors
2. Electrical  Instrumentation Supervisors
3. Mechanical  Piping Supervisors
4. QA/QC  Safety Inspectors, Supervisors.
5. Field Engineers

Candidates should be experience in oil and gas sector
at least 5 years in Kuwait. Also good English
communication, writing and computer skill.
Interested candidates with relevant qualification can
apply for the above posts.
Preference shall be given to the KOC experience
candidates.  Email C.Vs. at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
contact Mobile: 6933991 (between 6:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

K.H. Park
General Administration Manager
SKEC - Kuwait10/8/2005

- Forwarded by Goan Welfare Society (GWS), Kuwait on
request of SKEC.

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Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. 

[Goanet]KONKANI KOVITA : DHADOSPON (Boroupi: Cajetan Godinho]

2005-08-07 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com


Xindrer Nidhlolo
Koslich Khont Nastanam,
Khuxealkaeche Suskar Sodta…
Velludache Khatir
Akhi Rat Bhor Zhago,
Khonti Uske Khadta…
Pinzlelem Ghalun Dhadoxi
Suittam Neslolo Sodanch,
Apun Vingllo Mhun Rhodta…

Goribachem Bolos Ritem
Uskea Meklo Jieta,
Faleamchem Chintinam…
Bankkinim Duddu Ektavun
Zaite Zan Torui,
Jivitant Kuxeal Nam…
Todde Ordi Bakri Kaun Khuxi
Noxibvontamchem Pott,
Kitlem Jeulear Bhoronam…

Amcho Dispotto Igraz
Aiz Amkam Dhi,
Devak Ami Ulo Martanv…
Kitlem Dilam Astanam 
Torui Pun Xinnon,
Rochnarak Okman Kortanv…
Ek Bhikari Passun Khadinam  
Titlo Faleamcho Usko kaddun,
Ami Sodanch Rodtanv…

Kitli Girestkai Aslear
Velludache Khatirui Nidlear,
Amkam Nid Podchinam…
Borem Nessonnuim Vinglle Distele
Kitlem Jeulear Passun,
Amchem Pott Kednanch Bhorchenam…
Jivitant Khorem DHADOSPON Meutelem
Zoritor Ami Monan Niallear Sodanch,
Khorim Dhadoskaechim Chintnam…

Cajetan Godinho – soccer legend at Soor Grounds -
(c) www.goa-world.com  07/08/2005 

Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter archived at

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[Goanet]Somplelea Tiatristank Xrod�dhanjoli : CARMO ROD (ex-Kuwait)

2005-08-07 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Somplelea Tiatristank Xrod’dhanjoli 
 - John Gomes Kokoy


Ek Mhan Kantorist Greg bhaxentlean mousike mhollear
mousikos sobdantlo vixexonn ani to khoinchei kolek
zanv kovita, nattok ani nach, kivam songitak ani vadan
kaddil’lea avaza khatir vapuddttale. Romkaramni, Greg
lokam koddlean songit usnnem ghetlem ani Latintlem
musica aslem tem Konknnint muzgaponn zalem. Eka
kallar, vhoddlea ani sumarachea muzgancheo balvaddeo
mhollear Igorjecheo xalla axil’leo – teo atam
zhollkonant. Lok- priya ani namnnechim songitkaram ani
kantoristam Bharot bhor Hindi cholchitram sobhoitat.
Amchea adlea kaim tiatristamni oslea balvaddeancho
boro faido kaddlo ani dekhunuch te songit xikle ani
tachea adharan nove-nove sur rochle ani aplim kantaram
surngailim. Solfam noko asleleamni ap-aplea bhejeancho
upeog kelo, karonn kosloi novo sur jikhun dhorpant te
borech laik axil’le. Thodde crooner bore, punn tanche
kodden novim ghoddpam vo gitam rochunk tank naxil’li.
Oslea mhan kantoristam modlo amcho ek somplolo
tiatrist mhollear: CARMO PIEDADE RODRIGUES.

Amam Goenkarank songitachem pixem laglolem asa ani
dekunuch zolmak thavn moro porian ami hea bolladik
hotiaracho upeog kortanv. Songit mhollear ‘sonvsarik
othmik bhas’ hem konnacheanuch visrunk zaina.
Kerollantlea Divine Retreat Centre hatunt nnov
satolleancho retir kortana, ami thoim songitacho
kitlea toramni vapor kortat tem khas dolleamni
pollelem ani kanamni aikolem. Jin’sam bhasamni
(Inglez, Moratthi, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam ani
Konkni) zovoll zovoll xembor odhikuch bhokti gitam ami
aikolim, hem zalench; tea bhair songitachea adharan
gorvam-mhosranchem dud vaddovpant adhar zata ani
zhaddam sud’dam songitachea nadar borim follam-fulam
ditat, hem-i pollevn kaddlem. 

hachea avazan A.R.Souza Ferrao chea onttancher ami
aikolam. He ghoddnuke udexim tea cholchitrak loklok
choddlo hem konnacheanuch bason vocho nezo. Oxem
sangtat ki tem rikordd korche adim, onek gavpeanche
talle topaslole mhunn ani akhrek CARMOcho avaz eog’eo
oso mell’llo mhunn. 

CARMO, Osollnnechea Orelant Julaiache 16ver 1939 vorsa
zolmolo Agostache 13ver, 1975 vorsa, to Mumboint
somplo. Tacho nimanno haves ballgun, Osollnneant tache
kuddicher xevottache sonvskar korpant aile. Tachem
pret ghorantlem bhair kaddttana, muzgamni jen’na
tannem fank zoddil’lea OPINION POLL gitacho sur
sovkasaien vazoilo, ten’na hajir axil’lea soiream ani
ixtt-mitranchea dolleantlean ghosghoxit dukam
vanvtalim. Tachea mornnan, Maria-k ghorkar ani eklech
dhuvek bapui nam zalo, Jennifer, tacho bhavui bi ek
tiatrist ani sodheak Kuwait asta. 

Survek, CARMO Inglezintlean logna dobajeank ani
bhovxik nachank gaitalo. Tacho kherit ek nog mhollear
torekvar Konknni lok-gitanchi bhoros (Ami chedde,
bhangra gulle.., Chol nachum-ia, vazoi tujem toblem,
adi, adi). Ten’na to barik-sarik AVC-int tiatramni
nhestalo. Vevsaik Konknni machier poilem pavl tannem
Bhangwaddi rongbhuincher dovorlem. The Goan Dramatic
Group hannim ek ugtti spordha addail’li zantunt xoukin
toxech vevsaik gavpi vantto ghetale. VOL hea gita
udexim CARMOn poilem inam’ melloilem. 

Hea vhoddlea zoitan to, C. Alvares, Robin Vaz, Alfred
Rose, Jacint Vaz, John Claro, Jephsis Hitler, Kokoy
ani sabar dusrea digdorspeanchea tiatramni gitam ani
sovongam korun, Goenkaram modlo Pat Boone koso
chokmoklo. Ek sarkhim dha vorsam tannem Konknni machi
gazoili. CARMO, Saxttintlea fanki songitkar,
Chinchonnecho somplolo Carlito Rodrigues hachea Radio
Serenaders ani Vell’lechea Josinho mestrichea AVC Pops
hea donui pongddank gavun, borich namna zoddunk

Tiatristponnant astana, CARMOn he tiatr machier
PADRICHO GHUTT (jidik poddon ekech ratiam modem
FAVO (nimanne tin tiatr rochpi hanvuch axil’lom).
mhonnlelim gitam borinch gazlim. Carmo-Anita hanchem
zoddpem eka kallar borench chokmoktalem ani tanchea
zodd-gitancho (zoxim: PARCEL RAKHO  KOREZM)
tiatr-pollennar azun ugddas kortat. Punn Opinion Poll
hea gitant mat tannem aplo khoro jadu dakholl kelo.
Tannem gaileleam modlem sogleam von bes borem git
khoinchem? Oso ami vichar kortoch, to taboddtob zabab
ditalo: Poilem – OPINION POLL, dusrem – OPINION POLL
ani tisrem – OPINION POLL. Hangasor, mhaka spoxtt
sangin dista ki: Kitloi avgodd sur jikhun dhorpant ani
punzavpant CARMOk lagtolo anik dusro tiatrist
naxil’lo: Goroz ten’na taka gitam ghoddun divpak mhaka
umed ani khuxalkai bhogtali ani unnem odhik 25 tori
novim gitam hanvem tache svadin kel’lim. Moro sor, to
mhaka dhin’vaxi ravlolo. 

CARMO, zorui tiatr machier mhojea von fattlo, torui
mhaka boroch lagim aslo. Amche sobhav, gunn
ek-sarkhele – mat tori veglleponn naxil’lem mhollear
zatalem. Svotontrtaiek axel’le ami, amchench khorem

Atam ek lhan-xi gozal. 

[Goanet]Konkani Musical Show in Kuwait - Comedian Philip's TUM VHOIR AUM SOKOL on 16th September 2005

2005-07-28 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Konkani Musical Show in Kuwait 
 -  Comedian Philip's TUM VHOIR AUM SOKOL
COMEDIAN PHILIP – NRI Goan Comedian of a Thousand
Faces -  who has mastered the art of comedy and whose
charm and impeccable 'stage presence' captivates
audiences everywhere, is now all set to present his
second musical show TUM VHOIR AUM SOKOL on September
16th, 2005 at the Hawally A/C Auditorium at 3:30 p.m.
in Kuwait. This musical show will feature well known
Konkani stage artistes from Goa, London (U.K.), and
Kuwait and music by Norman and Shahu. Comedian Philip
is all set to show something unique and different for
the Konkani lovers. 
More details at http://www.goa-world.com and Kuwait's
English dailies and online news magazines.   Book
early to avoid disappointment.
Just back from A.M. Pacheco's drama Tukach Ravtalim
after 9 shows within a fortnight after a long time
performing in Goa, Philip is all set to show his 2nd
Konkani Musical Show in Kuwait.  Philip's
impersonification of the great Lorna as in Lorna's
song Aikat Mhojo Tallo,  Micheal Jackson as in
Beat It song as well as late Dr. Rosario Rodrigues
(with the get-up and his voice matching the characters
to perfection) were greatly appreciated at Goa Day
events in Kuwait as well as in tiatros by his fans in
Kuwait, Dubai and back in Goa.  Philip being a fun
loving person and with a humorous glint in his eyes
coupled with a mischievous grin on his face says it
seems as if playing humorous roles comes to me 
naturally. He has acted in what was then known as
Tin parti zomni khell of Pascoal Estiberio.  Philip 
has been featured in scores of Konkani non-stop
Khell-Tiatrs, Tiatrs as well as Musical Shows with 
directors - big and small alike - which  Anthony San
Ekuch Ghor, Bab Peter (in Goa and Bahrain, Dubai and
Muscat), Patrick Dourado Tig Fugoteancho Morann,
Ostori, John Claro English Madam (3 shows one
day), Roseferns' Tapott, Arso, Baulem, Uzo,
Maim, Pai Ani Bhurgim, A.M. Pacheco Don Rostea,
Visvasghat, Fator, Rosario Rodrigues Kumar,
Menin de Bandar Duddu Ginnean, John D'Silva
Chuklolea Rostea, Pascoal Rodrigues Tinn Kidde,
Rosary Ferns' Mhojem Dusrem Ghor, Laurente Pereira's
Lokachim Tondam Bhond,  Jose Rod's drama Mauli and
as Charlie Chaplin in Biradd,  Punn Kiteak?,
Tujem Nanv Vhodd Zaum, Satvo Mandament, and Mario
de Majorda's tiatr Sambau.  The audience just loves
him when he is on stage.
 He brushes aside his critics.  Always with a smiling
face he says: Laughter is the fruit of the soul. 
Enjoy Konkani dramas and support the Konkani artistes.
 Laugh when you can !.  His Konkani album SIR was
produced by Manfa Music, was well received.  His
second Konkani Album titled Jib is under production.
 Philip presented Hem Kazar Koslem? a musical comedy
in Kuwait in April 2001 with PadmaShree award winner
M. Boyer, superstar Jose Rod, Rosy Alvares, William de
Curtorim, Comedians Dominic, Louis, Antonette Mendes,
late Bab Peter, Donald Colaco, Patrick Fernandes,
Marcus Vaz, Laurente Pereira, Succorina, Michael,
Simon and Valanka. This  show was also repeated in
Dubai, U.A.E.  He has released a VCD to keep alive the
fond memories of his first innovative musical show.  

In Jose Rod's CD Suskar, Philip sang the humourous
song Telephone with Cecilia Rod which was a big
'hit'. In Anthony San's audio cassette Goencho Saib,
he sang a number on Goa's famous traditional
profession of 'Poder' .  Even after participating in
tiatrs and dramas throughout the night, early in the
morning, a few years ago, one could see Philip on his
cycle and later even on motorcycle with pau in his
village with his 'trademark smile'!   Shortly he will
be featuring in a 'never seen before' role in T-Bush's
full length Konkani comedy film All The Best.

Photos, text and links © www.goa-world.com
All rights reserved.

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[Goanet]No support for Konkani entertainers - Ethel da Costa

2005-07-26 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]



No knight in shining armour for `Aleesha'?

A national award makes headlines. The State sits up and takes notice. 
Newspapers gush with flowery reports. Enough hype and congratulations follow 
from enthusiasts and assorted montris. But fact is, Rajendra Talak is a 
disappointed man. The 'knight' in shining armour has deserted his `Aleesha' 
after political equations shifted gear. `Aleesha' has been left high and dry. 
Broken promises and ditched at the altar by her double standard suitor. Facing 
the music, literally, to foot the bills, the good Talak is learning the hard 
way that passion, in Goa, is a virtue very few understand. Fewer still who 
honour commitment (the spoken word, or the written word), especially now that 
the present government is trying to step in and help foot the bills incurred 
by the past government.

At the risk of repetition, could somebody tell us why governments continue to 
give the cold shoulder to the development of the Konkani film industry in Goa? 
Despite landmark strides made by Konkani artistes, they struggle hard to make 
a decent living, digging deep into their own pockets to try out new concepts 
in drama or production. We have enough stalwarts in tiatr stepping new 
footprints on their own steam - Prince Jacob, Roseferns to name a few. Their 
struggles compounding when no government support is forthcoming to help boost 
this industry's 100 odd year contribution to local entertainment and 
dissemination of socially relevant issues through drama.

Parrikar made a big show about uplifting this industry, I suspect, to win over 
a few Catholics, instead making generous donations to a Marathi film showcased 
at the IFFI, 2004, while sorely neglecting the dire need to inject quality and 
new blood through incentives and sponsorships to sustain the local traditional 
performing arts.

While silence is good for introspection, I don't accept it when priorities get 
compromised to suit political agendas and noise is
 needed to balance out the equations. Talak has been at the receiving end of 
this double speak. I'm irked that there has been near silence from bastions of 
entertainment loving Goans to address Talak's shortchange of commitment. A 
lack of support could hamper future artistic explorations in cinema because 
passion, in Goa, comes loaded with a heavy price tag.

While we have discussed how Goa should set about wooing Hollywood and 
Bollywood to our sunny beaches, has anyone asked how IFFI could serve the 
cause of the Goan tiatrist and the Konkani film industry to give local talent 
a wider platform? I should think this question would rein prime in the local 
context, since we're all excited about inviting the world to our doorstep, 
while thumbing down the local arts with a step-motherly cold shoulder. Having 
known the tiatr fraternity through my work, here's a community struggling to 
hold on to a theatre form, not only for the sake of talent (and they boast 
rich talent), but for the kinship
 with their Mother Tongue - Konkani. Perhaps, the sole factor which binds 
every tiartist to his soil, his village, despite their differences. There is 
great pride in their vocation, I say this because I have yet to meet a 
tiatrist who doesn't believe himself the ambassador of the language. So, while 
other states actively encourage regional films, Goa's award winning Konkani 
filmmakers are running pillar to post instead of celebrating their shot at 

My point is simple: If IFFI means serious business, then so should Konkani 
artistes who must come together and demand support from government run 
cultural bodies to help their cause. Set up an association of experts, procure 
infrastructure (cameras, trolleys) that could also be used as a source of 
revenue sub-letting to outstation shoots, plan a calendar of activities for 
the year and ask the government to commit financially to the local 
entertainment industry. It's time Goa really gets her act together.

PS: Given the skeletons tumbling fast from the CCP cupboards, could someone 
please take a broom and clean up the sorry garbage mess behind the Campal 
Trade Centre building? And while the CCP authorities are doing so, could they 
please tell the adjacent military hospital to take care of their waste and not 
dump it over the neighhbour's wall. What's wrong with our civic sensibilities?


Goa-World.Com adds: 

Aleesha wins award 
NT Staff Reporter 
Panaji July 13, 2005 : The Konkani film, Aleesha was selected for the National 
Award for the Best Film in Konkani. Aleesha is the first Konkani celluloid 
film after a pretty long time and it was premiered at the 35th International 
Film Festival of India held in Panaji last year.

The film stars, Tapan Acharya and Priyanka Bidye in the lead and gives a 
strong message for environment protection. The producer and director of the 
film, Mr Rajendra Talak said he was thrilled upon hearing the news


2005-07-26 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com

AVC- Kuwait sponsored by Dawat Restaurants Kuwait have
become the Kuwait Indian Football Federation (KIFF)
League champions to claim the Late J.P. D'Mello Troupe
by defeating archrivals Navelim Youth Center in the
finals held on 1st July 2005 on Soor Grounds. The
Chief Guest for the finals was V.K. Vohra and Raymond
D’Sa was the guest of honour. 

The game started on a cautious note with NYC
dominating the opening session of the first half and
AVC was lucky not to concede a goal as the woodwork
came to their rescue.  After withstanding the
onslaught of NYC in the first fifteen minutes AVC came
into their own and in one whirlwind move the fleet
footed Molvito took the NYC goalkeeper in his stride
and scored a gem of a goal. Goaded by this AVC kept up
the tempo and NYC was lucky not to concede again with
Molvito and Roland missing easy sitters. 

(Photo courtesy: AVC / http://www.goa-world.com)

The second half was purely dominated by AVC, and as
they were approaching to consolidate their lead, the
referee pointed to the dreaded spot for an alleged
foul on NYC’s forward and NYC equalized. The game then
went into tie-breaker after extra time yielded no
result. Once again AVC’s goalkeeper Nicholas was the
hero and gave his team the well deserved win and the
championship and denied NYC a win against AVC in the
last two seasons. Nicholas saved one and denied Britto
who used his mouth than his feet in the last kick.

It may be noted that AVC had defeated NYC in the
regular tournament to claim the Season Champions
title. A wholesome achievement for AVC’s President 
John Furtado and his boys for achieving this unique
feat after finishing third in the last two seasons and
a fitting tribute to the critics who had written off
AVC as chokers. Once again as predicted the Real
Madrid of Kuwait Goan Soccer ruled the roost on Soor
grounds in the season 2004-2005. Long live AVC-Kuwait.

In the third and fourth place playoffs Bombay Boys
defeated G.O.A Maroons by two goals to nil.  At the
prize distributing ceremony the KIFF President Tony
Dias welcomed the guests and thanked the sponsors.
Cajetan (Pereira) de Sanvordem (Registrar, KIFF)
compeered and Xavier Furtado (General  Secretary KIFF)
proposed the vote of thanks. 

The following prizes were awarded:
KIFF League Champions (Late J.P. D'Mello Troupe): 
Season Champions: AVC. 
Third place: Bombay Boys Sports Club. 
Fourth Place: GOA Maroons. 
Man of the Finals: Nicholas of AVC. 

- Report by A. Fernandes @ http://www.goa-world.com 

Goa-World.Com Team congratulates Sarto Baptista
Indian Football Referees Association (IFRA) of Kuwait 
elects Sarto Baptista as President.
Read more about it and other details of the 24th
General Body Meeting (AGM at):
The 2006 World Cup will be hosted by three-time world
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Germany is Europe's most populated nation situated at
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countries, and is home to around 82 million people.

The German Football Association or Deutsche Fußball
Bund (DFB), founded in 1900, has more than 6 million
members belonging to close on 27,000 clubs, with every
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- All links provided here are compiled by Almeida
Gaspar, Associate, http://www.goa-world.com

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Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

[Goanet]Indian Football Referees Association (IFRA) of Kuwait elects Sarto Baptista as President

2005-07-25 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Indian Football Referees Association (IFRA) of Kuwait 
elects Sarto Baptista as President
At the 24th Annual General Body Meeting of the Indian
Football Referees Association (IFRA) held on Friday,
July 8th, 2005 at the Village Inn Restuarant, Kuwait
City, the following were unanimously elected as office
bearers and members of the managing committee for the
year 2005-06:
Sarto L. Baptista   President 
 Tel: 4313869/4313964 Ext.343/5611621
Diego F. Rebello   Vice President 
  Tel: 5720521/4725210  
Junnifer M. RodriguesHon. Secretary  
Tel: 434/434 Ext.1381/5633261
Sabino A. AnesHon. Treasurer  
 Tel: 2422091 / 2662071
Milgares S. CrastoMember
Anthony D'Costa  Member
Bernard Fernandes   Member
John P. Ferrao Member
Apolinaris E. D'Souza  Hon. Auditor
(Postal Address: P.O. Box 341, 15454 Dasman, Kuwait).
 (Sarto Baptista)
The newly formed committee has decided to continue to
conduct Refresher-cum-Coaching Classes for the benefit
of members and new  recruits from Friday, August 1st,
2005.  Interested candidates may contact any of the
above office bearers. The Indian Football Referees
Association (IFRA) is the only Qualified Expatriate
Referees Body in Kuwait, affiliated to The Bombay
Referees Association, Bombay - India, registered with
the Embassy of India in Kuwait and recognized by the
Football Association and The Referees' Assocaition of
the United Kingdom (U.K.), GRFA-Goa (India) and
KRA-Kerala (India).
 IFRA was formed on December 5, 1980 by a group of
seven expatriate Indians, qualified referees and the
members of Bombay and Goa Referees' Associations,
later called as the Founder Members, with the
blessings of the Kuwait Football Association (KFA). 
The Association was then headed by (late) Mr. Jerome
Pascoal D'Mello (popularly known in India and Kuwait
as J.P), ex-FIFA Referee and Member of Asian Football
Confederation Referees Committee and Ex-Hon. Secretary
and member of Bombay Referees' Association, as
President, until his departure to India in 1986.  Mr.
D'Mello, who lived in Andheri East, Bombay, left for
his heavenly abode in 1994.  He was succeeded by
Dominic Monserrate, a member of Goa Football Referees'
Association (GFRA), for a brief period as President in
1987. Apolinaris Ejechial D'Souza, a member of Bombay
Referees' Association since 1964, and the Founder Hon.
Secretary from 1980 to 1986, a Member of the Board of
Examiners from its inception, took over the reigns of
IFRA  as President and Chairman of the Board of
Examiners in March 1988.  The association trains and
recruits new Referees, as its members, who provided
services for the supervision of Football matches for
both Indian and other Expatriate Tournament Organizers
since 1980.
The association which provided its services form 1980
to various Tournament Organizers prior to the
formation of the Kuwait Indian Football Federation
(K.I.F.F.) in 1984, which now controls all Expatriates
Indians Football activities at the Al-Sour Ground at
Kuwait City, also provided its services to KIFF to
supervise its Four (4) Regular, Five (5) 7-A-Side and
One 9-A-Side Non-Regular Tournaments and the J.P.
Memorial Rolling Trophy  (KIFF League).   

Since 1998, IFRA Referees were called on to supervise
expatriate football tournaments organized by the
United Malayalee Organization (a group of 13 Indian
Malayalee Associations in Kuwait), Biman Bangladesh
Tournament-Organized by Biman Bangladesh
Airlines-Kuwait as well as Expatriate League-Organized
by Expatriate European/Arabs in Kuwait.

Under the able leadership and expert guidance of A.E.
D'Souza, since 1988, the strength of the Association
gradually increased and rose  to thirty (30) members
within a few years.  The Examination Sub-Committee
comprising headed by  A.E. D'Souza and Diego Rebello
regularly conducts two(2) Refreshers and Coaching
classes yearly for the benefit of the members and new
recruits.  The association aims at recruiting and
training a good number of players to qualify as
referees, which is supported by many players attending
the said course for qualification.  The Examination
sub-Committee conducts its Annual Examinations for its
members, during the month of August each year.  This
effort has gone a long way towards the football
players' performance on the field as well as ensuring
fair play and most importantly, discipline.

The Football Association and The Referees' Association
- U.K., who provided/supplied with the Laws of the
Game/Referees Charts and other necessary referees'
accessories to IFRA for several years now.  The Bombay
Referees' Association, provides the association
members with the Soccer Magazine and other relevant
information of latest changes of the Laws of the Game,
etc. The Certificates issued by IFRA to its members
are recognized in India, by all State Referees'

[Goanet]Credibility, Corruption Major Problems of PM Manmohan Singh

2005-05-23 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Credibility, Corruption Major Problems of PM Manmohan Singh

By Rajeev Srinivasan

NEW DELHI, May 21: The French have been the most regular practitioners of the 
vaguely risqué art of cohabitation, that is, the balancing of multiple centers 
of power in an administration. 

For instance, a socialist president and a conservative prime minister who 
share power. The internal contradictions in this arrangement are such that not 
much gets done: the various parties have too many pet shibboleths that they 
would not sacrifice even if it killed them.

India has just gone through a year of cohabitation, aptly summed up by the 
phrase: 'PM, Super-PM, and CPM'. There is the nominal PM, Manmohan Singh; the 
Super-PM, Madame Gandhi, who, constitutionally speaking, has no power, but 
that is just the theory; and the Community Party, Marxist, which threatens to 
pull down the minority UPA government. This is hardly a recipe for success, 
and it shows.

It amuses me that Manmohan Singh's name is never mentioned without the 
descriptive phrase 'the architect of India's economic reforms' being added to 
it, so much so that he should trademark it. It reminds me of the fact that 
Benazir Bhutto's name used to similarly carry an inevitable suffix, 'educated 
at Radcliffe and Oxford' as part of the attempt to portray Pakistan as 
a 'modern, model, moderate' Muslim country.

Unfortunately, despite this pedigree, Singh and company (especially Finance 
Minister P Chidambaram) have not been able to make much of an impact on the 
economic front. Despite great expectations, they have accomplished little in 
this full year of their rule. A pessimist would wonder India is heading back 
to the bad old days of the Nehruvian Rate of Growth of 3 per cent.

The statistics of growth are not by any means stellar. The momentum of the 
last few years of sustained growth is not there. The recent Budget has been 
seen as uninspired, except when it comes to particularly strange ideas about 
taxing corporate fringe-benefits and withdrawals of as little as Rs 10,000 in 

There are at least three problems the Singh government faces: credibility, 
massive corruption, and Marxists.

1. Credibility: Singh is not a politician, never actually having won any 
elections. Most observers suggest that he is a decent man who understands 
economics. However, it is also abundantly clear to the casual observer that he 
is holding the fort until the next Nehru Dynasty scion, Rahul Gandhi, can be 
anointed as prime minister. Therefore it is a little hard for Singh to act 
decisively, for he can be over-ruled by any of Sonia Gandhi's kitchen cabinet.

2. Massive Corruption: This is at two levels, one, the ordinary variety 
espoused by various scam-ridden individuals in government, and relating to 
money. This is a minor vice: after all, it is only money, and all politicians 
anywhere in the world are champions at feeding off the pork-barrel trough.

A much more major vice is the degradation of institutions. The Election 
Commission is under attack; the Supreme Court has come out with a number of 
unfathomable rulings that a neutral observer might say are ideologically 
slanted; the education system is being re-Stalinised; and the bureaucracy is 
salivating over increased rent-seeking for such inanities as the 'employment-
guarantee act'. A government that condones these is not helping the nation or 
the economy.

3. Obstructionism: And that too by committed Marxists. They are making merry 
with their usual espousal of policies guaranteed to perpetuate poverty: for 
instance, in obstructing foreign direct investment, and in the current 
brouhaha over special economic zones. By ensuring that restrictive labor laws 
will be re-imposed on the SEZs, they have handicapped them dramatically.

I wonder why they don't notice that their idol, China, does give complete 
freedom to employers in their special economic zones. And oh, while they are 
at it, India's Marxists should also be asked to explain why the banned Survey 
of Chinese Peasants paints an unrelenting picture of rural China as a poverty-
ridden hell-hole as a result of following precisely the same anti-poor 
policies they, India's Marxists, espouse.

So much for the economy, supposedly Singh's strong suite. Foreign policy, as 
usual, is the Congress's worst area, as they have consistently failed to 
realize that it is India's interests they are supposed to look after, not 
someone else's. 

The current dispensation is especially into NAM and such-like; and all the 
billing and cooing with Pakistan's and China's dictators has produced 
practically nothing tangible other than increased Indian trade with China. 
This sounds impressive until one realizes that almost all the increased Indian 
exports to China are raw materials, especially iron ore.

China, in addition to its outposts at Gwadar and in the Andaman Sea, is 
rumored to be leasing an island from the 

[Goanet]Party-hoppers dominate the scene in Benaulim

2005-05-22 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Constituency Profile: Party-hoppers dominate the scene in Benaulim 
by Aditya Anand 

Benaulim May 21: The traditional Congress bastion of Benaulim is expected to 
witness a keen tussle with the Nationalist Congress Party MLA, Mr Francisco 
Xavier Pacheco, popularly known as Micky, in his battle to retain the seat, 
being pitted against the United Goans Democratic Party candidate, Mr Francisco 
Monte Cruz.

They along with tiatrist and Bharatiya Janata Party candidate, Mr Premanand 
Lotlikar and independent candidate, Dr Piedade Fernandes (a dentist by 
profession) will add to the excitement.

With alliance partner, the NCP putting up Mr Pacheco, a former UGDP MLA, the 
Congress party, along with the Alemao brothers will — for the first time in 
over two decades — not be in the fray. While Mr Pacheco is trying hard to get 
re-elected, Mr Monte Cruz is getting back to his former electorate. He was the 
Benaulim MLA on two occasions in 1980 and again in 1984.

Though keen on recontesting from the constituency in 1984, Mr Cruz did a 
disappearing act from politics upon being denied a Congress ticket. The fight 
for Benaulim will no doubt be a one-to-one between Mr Pacheco and Mr Cruz, but 
what would be interesting to see would be who the South Goa MP, Mr Churchill 
Alemao goes with.

Mr Alemao, a former MLA from Benaulim lost to Mr Pacheco in the last general 
elections and later went on to become a MP. Though Mr Alemao is silent on his 
stand, Mr Pacheco has openly said that the South Goa MP is all out to ensure 
his defeat.

Taking advantage, the UGDP has also claimed to have Mr Alemao’s backing and 
gone a step further by roping in Congress workers (read Mr Alemao’s 
supporters) to campaign for the party. The Benaulim sarpanch, Ms Meena Leitao 
and Colva sarpanch, Mr Snowkan Gonsalves are supporting the NCP candidate, 
while former zilla panchayat chairperson, Ms Nelly Rodrigues is backing beer 
magnate, Mr Monte Cruz.

The BJP instead of renominating Ms Laxmi Gonsalves, the party’s Benaulim 
candidate in 2002 has zeroed in on Mr Premanand Lotlikar, a former Congressman 
who joined the BJP recently. For Mr Lotlikar, the by-elections will be his 
first experience. He had made claims to the Congress ticket in the past and 
was always denied one.

The BJP candidate is however expected to grab a large chunk of the anti-
Pacheco Hindu votes. Current indications are that Mr Pacheco seems to have an 
edge over Mr Monte Cruz. The former tourism minister has managed a convince 
those affected in the demolitions at Colva saying that the demolitions were 
not carried out on many occasions due his intervention.

Already having made the demolition a major political issue, the UGDP has also 
wooed the affected voters with a rehabilitation package. Campaigning in the 
constituency began with Mr Pacheco putting up banners across the constituency 
days before the Election Commission declared the by-poll dates.

While it was well-known that Mr Pacheco would contest, the candidature of Mr 
Monte Cruz was not officially declared till the declaration of poll dates. As 
for the BJP, the party kept on insisting that it would not put a candidate but 
just support somebody, finally did just the opposite.

The Independent candidate, Dr Piedade Fernandes, is known to be close to a 
large number of people in terms of knowing them. It is left to be seen if it 
will help in drawing the votes. He is being supported by the MGP.

Benaulim constituency is made up of the villages of Uttorda, Calata, Majorda, 
Betalbatim, Gonsna, Sernabatim, Vanelim, Colva, Gaundalim, Benaulim, Adsulim 
and Cana in Salcete taluka, under Margao sub-division.

The electoral strength of Benaulim, stands at 23,104. Of this the females are 
in a majority - 11,723 and 11381 males. Having a voter strength of 22,820 
during the 2002 general elections, Benaulim has a rough breakup of 20,363 - 
Christians, 3,077 -Hindus and 373 - Muslims. The electoral list has had an 
addition of 284 names after the last elections.

The only time the seat went to the opposition was in 1969, when the seat was 
won by Luita Ferrao of the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party. In the 1984 general 
elections, Mr Francisco Monte Cruz won the seat securing 7,280 votes.

Contesting on the Congress ticket, he defeated Mr Churchill Alemao of the Goa 
Congress party. Mr Alemao bagged 5,555 votes. In the next general elections in 
1989, Mr Monte Cruz was denied a Congress ticket which was instead given to Mr 
Alemao, who won. Having retained the seat for the party, Mr Alemao won the 
1994 polls as well. In the assembly elections of 1999 too, the seat went to 
the Congress party represented by Mr Alemao.

Having secured 8,625 votes, he defeated the UGDP candidate, Mr Radharao 
Gracias by 4,837 votes. The BJP candidate, Mr Roopesh Mahatme had secured 298 
votes. In the 2002 elections, the seat went to the UGDP for the first time. Mr 
Francisco Xavier Pacheco polled 7,752 votes against the 6,703 votes 

[Goanet]Navelim Youth Centre lift G.O.A. Trophy (Kuwait)

2005-05-17 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Navelim Youth Centre lift G.O.A. Trophy 

Navelim Youth Centre lifted the Goan Overseas
Association (GOA) Rolling Trophy for the second time
edging out Bombay Boys by an odd goal in 
two in a pulsating final watched by a large crowd. The
final match of the XII edition of this prestigious
tournament, sponsored by Bassem International Trading
Co. was played on 29 April 2005 under the auspices of 
the Kuwait India Football Federation (KIFF) at Soor
Grounds, Kuwait.

Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) sponsored by City
International Exchange Co. took the lead in the 26th
minute of the first half through Cruzedio 
Rodrigues, who always an opportunist, slotted home
from an acute angle. 
This was a wake up call for Bombay Boys and only the
upright denied them twice the chance to level scores. 

Americo Fernandes scored Navelim’s second,
sidestepping Bombay Boys’ keeper immediately after the
change of ends. Fifteen minutes later, Bombay Boys
earned and converted a penalty kick. Buoyed by this,
Bombay Boys went all out in search of the equalizer. 

It was then Navelim’s turn to desperately defend their
lead and they did manage to see out the clock to lift
the coveted trophy. Britto Pereira was excellent in
goal for Navelim. This is the third time Bombay Boys 
featured in the finals of this tournament but are yet
to inscribe their name on the trophy. 

The match was officiated by Julio Cardoso who booked
three Navelim players and one from Bombay Boys to keep
his authority on the game.  He was assisted by Andrew,
Jerry and Pillai.

Charles D’Sa, General Manager - Bassem International
Trading Co. and tournament sponsor congratulated the
organizers and presented the GOA 
Rolling Trophy to Navelim captain Gasper Crasto and
Individual Trophies to 
the winners. 

Assumption D’Sa, team manager of GOA Maroons presented
the winners trophy. Lawry Pinto, Team Manager of
Rising Stars, presented the runners up trophy. Ms.
Melissa Fernandes, captain of the Goa State Basketball
team and a long distance running medalist, presented
the runners-up with individual trophies. 

Man of the Match, Duarte Ferrao of Navelim Youth
Centre received his trophy at the hands of Tony
Correia, Vice President of Goan Overseas Association
and ex-president of Kuwait Indian Football Federation.

Tony Dias, President of KIFF, presented the match
officials with special trophies.

(News and photo as published in Arab Times dated May
15, 2005)

Additional link items as archived by

Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) wins GOA's 25th Silver
Jubilee Year Rolling Trophy in Kuwait
Congratulations to all Navelim Youth Centre (NYC)
President Agnello  Fernandes, Committee Members,
Members, Team Players, Coach, and in a special way
Team Captain Gasper Crasto and Goalkeeper Britto
Pereira,  on winning the 25th (Silver Jubilee) Goan
Overseas Association (GOA) Trophy.  
Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) team is sponsored by City
International Exchange Company, Kuwait.
Interestingly, I recollect that Navelim Youth Centre
(NYC) has earlier won the 25th (Silver Jubilee) Trophy
of United Goans Centre and the 25th (Silver Jubilee)
Trophy of the Youth Recreation Centre (Rising Stars) 
Trophy.   Keep up the winning ladder and the Silver
Jubilee collections of Trophies !
Also keep the discipline graph on the Soor Grounds
growing - a rare achievement of Navelim Youth Centre
(NYC) team in the last decades !!!
With best wishes and sports salutations.
Gasper Almeida, Associate, 
 http://www.goa-world.com  Team members in Kuwait.
29/4/2005   Time: 11:11 a.m.
Gasper Crasto appointed Kuwait Representative for
Indian Football Supporters Club-International 

Dear Friends !

I am pleased to inform you that Gasper Crasto, Gen.
Secretary - Navelim Youth Centre (NYC), Kuwait has
been appointed as a representive of Indian Football
Supporters Club-International  in Kuwait by Arunava 
Chaudhuri, the IFSC-International's Chief Supervisor
and Editor-in-Chief of IndianFootball.com  

About Gasper Crasto
Gaspers World

sports Life page -

Rene Barreto
Indian Football Supporters Club International

Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) won the Goan Overseas
Association's 25th Silver Jubilee Year Rolling Trophy
in Kuwait today. The team was captained by former
Salgaocar SC player Gasper Crasto. 

The http://www.goa-world.com team and its associates
join to wish Gasper Crasto on his nomination as a
represenative of the IFSC.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 

[Goanet]A one man crusade by Mario Mascarehans for Salmona !

2005-05-14 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Mr. Mario Mascarenhas,

Like you, I have also just returned after a brief gap/break from (the Goanet 
postings accumulated inspite of my several requests for unsubscribing), from 
an assignment in Nouakchott, Mauritania!   

Whatever happened to the Saligao panch(es) in place who issued the licence for 
the Salmona Zor'r (development), and atleast one/two guys you yourself
have voted for.  Why your fight cannot be targetted towards them.  Just 
curious! It appears that you have left all hope in your local MLA, Dr. W.A. 
DeSouza, NCP (ex-Congress) and hence getting your grievances redressed through 
the Governor who will be just a few weeks on the job!  

Why is it that you do not get the local (elected) five (5) panches 
(representatives from Saligao) involved in this issue.  Isn't it true that 
they have issued the licence(s) to the chap who is putting in his money on
the construction.

Also it appears that the local Patrakars (news reporters/internet savvy - some 
from the Saligao constituency) in your vicinity (as well as the site in
question) does not utter a word on Salmona !  Was he also threatened by the 
Saligao developer?

Are we to be surprised that Dr. W.A. DeSouza is not taken any keen interest in 
the this affair? If your local MLA cannot assist, why keep/elect him ?

I sincerely hope that this episode will not affect the good old Doctor's 
chances of getting himself elected one last time from the Saligao constituency 
before he fades away liked the Maie de Deus Church illumination(courtesy BJP)?


Thanks For The Solidarity  Protection! 
muriel  mario goanet@goanet.org 
Fri May 13 11:42:14 2005 

The Governor, citizens and netizens of Goa worldwide.

Your Excellency and my dear concerned citizens,
I am back at home...

Mario Mascarenhas.

Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is moderated by Almeida Gaspar (AlmeidaG(ji)) since 
1994 and presented by Ulysses Menezes, owner of http://www.goa-world.com 
website. Any and all postings from Goans are welcomed - be they of small scale 
business promotion or of a personal nature.  We do not charge nor have any 
hidden charges for this service, which is dedicated to Goans in Goa, or 
elsewhere around the globe.  We are happy to be of assistance to all Goans - 
be they artistes (Kala Academy Award Winners or to the Amateurs who have just 
shown on stage), reporters, photographers, writers, singers, or supporters of 
Goa's traditional sport - football or the dirieos. http://www.goa-world.com/ 
team and founders are always the first to get you in the limelight whether 
someone claims they are before 1994 using Net resources or later - in the Goan 
field of sports, politics, social, cultural, educational, other actitivity
(ies) or to the benefit of mankind, in general.

[Goanet]Lorna to perform in Cuncolim on May 7, 2005 after a 3 decade gap !

2005-05-06 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|   Today's Events include Fruit Carving - Decor - Watermelon eating |
|Fancy Dress.Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net  | 
after a 3 decade gap !

- by Armstrong Vaz
Lorna, the singer has all along struck a special chord with her audience 
wherever she has performed. A relationship, which dates back to almost four 
decades. Lorna Cordeiro is a special breed of a singer who comes once in a 
while. The old and the young all wait to hear and se her in flesh and blood 
from close quarters.  

The Mumbai-based Saligao born Konkani singer is back again in Goa for the 
holiday season, specially flown in by the organizers, Cuncolim Union for 
the Cuncolim Summer Nite to perform on May 7th , 2005.

Lorna spoke to Armstrong Vaz while traveling from Dabolim airport to her hotel 
in Colva. 

Twenty three years away from the public glare the nightingale of Konkani 
singing made her first public appearance in 1995 for the food festival at 
Miramar sending her fans into raptures. Simultaneously she also released her 
cassette “Aikat Mojo  Tavo” (listen to my voice). That was the end of the a 
self imposed exile.  

On asked to give a head count of the number of albums she has lended her voice 
post-1995, she puts it at around 300 casettes. She is so much in demand and a 
voice which sells for the small Konkani music loving people. 

She has a hectic schedule with hordes of singers ever eager tp put her voice 
on their cassettes. “A couple of people came to know that I am travelling to 
Goa this week and having recorded a couple of songs in Mumbai, they now would 
be Goa for recording another couple of songs,  she disclosed. 

Lorna the singer would not lend her voice for any song written by the music 
director or lyrics writer. “I make sure I first read the lines of the song and 
try to make whatever changes and suggestions in the way the song should be, to 
make the song stand out” . 

No one stand out against her experience and acumen, indeed she calls the 
shots. Being a pupil and discovery of the legendery late Chris perry, the 
pupil has learnt a few music composition tricks from the master musician 

“No one can match Chris Perry, he was a class apart, his music compositions 
are there for every one to hear , we were both made for each other on the 
music field. Of all the musicians I have worked I have not come across a 
musician better than him.  Lorna states with nostalgic memories and with a 
frown on her face which glows as she recalls her association with her 

“I was basically a bar singer singing English numbers in the Mumbai hotles, 
till Chris Perry came along and took me under his wings. I was unsure about 
singing in Konkani and that too in Salcete accent as I was sued to the Bardez 
accent of Konkani. Chris perry instilled all the confidence in me. I never 
dreamt of reaching such dizzy heights and would not have never imagined that I 
would be Konkani singer” she recalls in a emotionally choked voice. 

Lorna has mesmired audiences with her melodious voices in Sorgar Rajan'n ( In 
heaven), Calangute, Bebdo (drunkard), Lisbao, to name a few of her songs of 
the 60's and 70's. 

Ask her to list her favourite all time songs she says she is a deeply 
emotional person and songs which take her closer to the audience and struck an 
emotional chord with her audience are her favourite songs. 

Recently back from tours of Portugal, England, Kuwait and Dubai, she was 
deeply touched by the tremendous response she and her troupe got in 
England. Initially we had planned to hold three shows but we had to perform 
another two shows. All the shows were packed to capacity”. 

“All of us,  Ben Evanglisto, Norman Cardozo and Domnic have been invited again 
to perform next year in England, besides invitation has also come in from 
people in America for a performance in USA.

She also traveled to Portugal and was fortunate to play to a select audience 
hand picked by the President of Portugal, for a party hosted by him.  “It was 
a dream come true for me, to travel to Portugal and sing in that country. I 
was all the more fortunate to sing for the President. I started with my 
song Lisboa and then we sang two Portuguese numbers.  

I will travel to Dubai and Mangalore this month for shows in both the places, 
she adds.  Lorna who first shot into prominence as a church singer as a young 
child opines that there are a lot of talented singers and musicians throughout 
Goa . “We need someone to push them forward and provide them the opening. 

The dream pairing of Lorna and ace singer late Alfred Rose did not come about. 

[Goanet]UGDP's Benaulim nominee is Monte Cruz

2005-05-05 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|  Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and|
|  Cultural Programs. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net | 
UGDP’s Benaulim nominee is Monte Cruz

NT News Service www.navhindtimes.com

Margao May 4, 2005: The United Goans Democratic Party today announced that the 
former sports minister and UGDP president, Mr Monte Cruz would be the party 
candidate for the by-elections from the Benaulim constituency.

Making this announcement at a hurriedly convened press conference, the party 
general secretary,  Mr Anacleto Viegas with other party leaders in tow 
said, “The party has as of now only decided on the candidate for the Benaulim 
seat, based of the feedback received from the electorate of the constituency.”

The party president and candidate from Benaulim, Mr Monte Cruz stated that he 
was confident of victory and informed that workers of the Congress party were 
also rallying behind him to ensure his victory. “My good work will count,” he 

To a query whether he was being supported by the Bharatiya Janata Party, Mr 
Cruz remarked, “the BJP candidate for the last elections, Ms Laxmi Gonsalves 
is canvassing for the NCP. This clearly indicates a hidden pact between the 
two parties.”

The former minister who as a Congress MLA is credited to have built the Nehru 
Stadium at Fatorda in record six-month time told reporters that the Congress 
had meted out injustice to him in spite of his good record and the development 
carried out by him as MLA and minister.

“The party ticket was given to Mr Churchill Alemao, in spite of me defeating 
him,” Mr Cruz revealed. The vice-president of the party, Mr Radharao Gracias 
disclosed that the UGDP’s main priority would be to defeat the BJP. “We will 
not help the BJP in coming back to power,” he said.

When asked about the UGDP putting up a candidate against erstwhile United 
Legislature Party member — the NCP, Mr Gracias explained that it was the 
party’s aim to defeat the BJP during government formation.

“When the BJP government led by Mr Manohar Parrikar was ousted, the NCP’s role 
was doubted. It was not a part of the ouster programme,” he revealed adding 
that the NCP came into the picture only when Mr Pratapsingh Rane became the 
chief minister.

As for Ms Jeniffer Monserrate, the wife of former town and country planning 
minister, Mr Atanasio Monseratte, who is vice-president of the party, it was 
told that she never took charge of the post at all. Those who attended the 
press conference included Ms Auda Viegas, general secretary, Mr Prashant Naik 
and Mr Shravan Dubashi.

The Cortalim MLA, Mr Mathany Saldanha, who was invited, did not turn up. The 
UGDP president has been a two-time MLA from Benaulim in the early eighties and 
defeated the present South Goa MP, Mr Churchill Alemao in 1980.

In the last assembly elections, Mr Monte Cruz was defeated by Mr Damu Naik of 
the BJP, who polled 5,695 votes. In the three-cornered fight, that also had Mr 
Luis Alex Cardoso fighting on the Congress ticket, Mr Cruz polled around 3,900 
votes. Having started his career from the grassroot level, Mr Cruz has also 
been the past president of the All-Goa Toddy Tappers Association.

- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com


Date: 05-05-05Organized by: Young Goans Club, Bahrain 
Venue: Palace Inn Hotel  Highlights: The YGC May Queen Contest 

Date: 05-05-05Organized by Goan Welfare Associate(GWA), Qatar
Venue: The Diplomatic Club. Highlights: Crowning of the May Queen.

FRUIT FEST 2005   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/fruitfest/

Thought for Today:
Everything you are against weakens you. 
Everything you are for empowers you.

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited Mother's Happiness packages. First come, first serve.

[Goanet]UP Close and Personal : ABBEY - by Nisha Braganza, The Times Staff Reporter

2005-05-05 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|  Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and|
|  Cultural Programs. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net |
  UP Close and Personal :  ABBEY

- By Nisha Braganza, The Times Staff Reporter

The Indian Carnival 2005, held at the Shaab Leisure Park organized by the Hot 
Steppers on the 15th of April, was where Abbey performed for the second time 
in Kuwait. The event witnessed huge audiences, captivated by the mesmerizing 
voice of this talented performer. Abbey said, he has always had a good time in 
Kuwait doing shows, his earlier performance being at the India Day held at the 
Entertainment City, Doha, around 3 years back. “Kuwait is a place I would love 
to visit more often, I have a lot of friends here and it’s a great to be here”.

Hailing from Goa, Singer Abbey Fizardo, grew up hearing his mother sing 
Konkani folk and dramas. “She’s much bigger to me in the industry”. He said 
his mother deserves all credit for laying the foundation of his career in 
music. Having Directors and other screen people coming home and often visiting 
the studio, took away his fear of the microphone. She has been the one who 
really encouraged and supported him throughout. His dad, Abbey said, is very 
far from singing, he works with the Oman Army as a civil engineer. Abbey lived 
most of his life in Mumbai, where he had neighbors from Punjab, Gujarat, 
Bengal. Being exposed to diverse cultures, he had an opportunity to learn a 
lot of Indian languages and is today literally the first Goan who has 
blossomed into a fluent Indian pop star.

However, Abbey’s struggle up the ladder was not easy. He started off as a 
singer in Pubs and restaurants with his guitar and mouth organ and used to 
earn his pocket money during his college days. Studied music ? – “Not really. 
I just picked up the guitar and somebody started teaching it to me informally. 
From then, I just kept learning on my own. I just kept listening, reading and 
learning”. Abbey is a fine example of what they say, ‘starting from 
scratch’. “I used to go to companies with my demos, they didn’t react, didn’t 
even open the doors for me”. After a two year’s struggle, he took up sound 
engineering and on completion, worked as an assistant for about a year. By the 
end of two years he was a full-fledged recordist. His big break happened when 
working with Sukhwinder Singh, who heard Abbey’s demo, approached a company 
and signed him up. Thereafter, was released one of the best videos of 
yesteryears “ Aye Sanam”, where Director , Sanjay Gupta broke visual ground 
with the video and made a sensation out of singer, Abbey.

His second album, Fidaa, he said , didn’t work too well because there was a 
sponsor involved and they wanted their logos on the video. But he was back 
again, with his third album Yaron Ka Yaar, on which he worked with Sukhwinder 
Singh and Jassi. Abbey likes to sing everything, Reggae, Rock , Pop, such that 
no two songs sound the same. A rare combination that Abbey does is sings 
ghazals with the guitar. After smelling stardom and thousands of fans, seldom 
do we find stars so relaxed and down to earth, infact this is how he says 
it “underground” !! 

The fact that he has worked as a recordist helps him a lot now, said 
Abbey.“There are so many technicalities in making a simple song. Now I can 
record my own song. From singing till mastering my own cassette, I can do it 
on my own. I know what sound I want.”.

Besides his passion for music, Abbey is crazy about wildlife. He owns a 
farmhouse and spends long hours with his pet goats, ducks, rabbits, fowls, 
dogs and even snakes! Boating and exploring the waters is another hobby that 
fascinates him. Somewhere down the line, he plans to do something for a human 
cause, probably open an orphanage or a home for the aged. He’s also working on 
a plan to open a casual dining restaurant in Kuwait, likely to be named “ 

The aspect that makes Abbey stand out from the other singers is his on stage 
performance and the ability to grip the audience in his sway. He doesn’t enjoy 
doing shows where he cannot let loose as in a concert.” You can’t expect 
people to come and stand there for hours and watch you jump around. I would 
rather stand there and make them jump around”.  He has been in the music 
industry for around seven years, and criticism, he said , doesn’t bother him. 
Abbey has performed at many shows in India and the Gulf. He mentioned that in 
India, an artist lives on his shows; album sales are often eaten away because 
of high piracy. Even a top artist can sell at the most two lakh cassettes, 
rarely more.

Now a married man, Abbey has decided 


2005-05-05 Thread Goa-World.Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|  Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and|
|  Cultural Programs. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net |
From: Goan Welfare Association, Qatar [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The 5th Annual May Queen Ball 2005 (dinner dance) scheduled for today has been 
postponed by a day. It will be held tomorrow at 7.00 pm at the Diplomatic 
Club, the organizers announced yesterday.

The postponement was “because the reasons beyond our control,” said Simon 
D’Silva, president of the Goan Welfare Association which is organizing the 
annual event.   The dinner-dance programme will see the crowning of a ‘May 
Queen 2005’ by the Bollywood Stars.

More details about the new schedule are available from Mob: 5550491, 5529823 
and 5807019. Ticket are available from Designer Tailors on 4325478 and Kebab 
King on 4433119.

The managing committee regrets for the inconvenience.

- The above message was also conveyed on the phone to the http://www.goa-
world.com/ team by the GWA President.

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Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited Mother's Happiness packages. First come, first serve.


2005-04-29 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
14:51 IST Air India Express Budget Service was inaugurated today at 
Thiruvananthapuram airport by Kerala Governor, Shri R.L. Bhatia, who flagged 
off the first flight to Abu Dhabi. Union Minister for Civil Aviation, Shri 
Praful Patel, presided over the inaugural function. Kerala Chief Minister, 
Shri Oommen Chandy, delivered the keynote address. Shri Praful Patel said that 
Air India Express is true representation of India’s ethos and reflected the 
soul of India. Air India Express is a new cheaper but comfortable airlines 
especially for those who work in Gulf for a living. Brothers and sisters of 
Kerala brought hard earned foreign exchange to India when we needed foreign 
exchange badly. Now is the time to give them something back and this cheap, 
affordable service is the perfect gift. 

Delhi-Amritsar-Birmingham-Toronto Air India Express Budget Service and Kolkata-
London Airline Express Service will be started next month, the Minister said. 
Aviation can change the lives of Indians. He said that the mindset that 
airlines is only for the elite should be changed. Connectivity is important 
and reaching destination in time in a cheap mode of travel should get 

The Union Minister agreed to Kerala CM Shri Oommen Chandy’s request for an 
airport in Kannur. There will be no dearth in time for development. He said 
that sanction will be given for the development works in Thiruvananthapuram 
and Kozhikode airports. 

Later, Union Minister, Shri Praful Patel, along with Kerala, Chief Minister, 
Shri Oommen Chandy, boarded the inaugural Air India Express flight to 
Abudhabi. Air India Express will have fares which are almost half of the 
market rates, said Shri . Thulasidas, CMD, Air India, who welcomed the 

(Source: PIB)

[Goanet]Air India Express

2005-04-28 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
From:K.V. Shamsudheen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject:Air India Express  
[input]   [input]   [input]   
To:  Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter, www.goa-world.com 

(Attention: Mr. Gaspar Almeida/Mr. Ulysses Menezes)

Dear Sir,

The starting of Air India Express is a success of NRIs, it proved that if we 
raise our sound as one voice definately there will be result forall issues.

NRIs were demanding last two decades to reduce theairfare in Gulf sector. At 
last Air India is compelled to start a budgetairline in this sector. 

We take this opportunity to thank all media who support NRIs on high issue. If 
govenment of Kerala starts the Kerala Budget Airlines under the leadership of 
capable IAS officer like Mr. Kurien, the venture will be a success. The 
company must be with equity participation of maximum number of NRIs. All NRIs 
must feel it is their company. We have full confident that raising the capital 
will not be a problem at all.

Currently I'm in India becasue of the demise of my cousin. My contact number 
is 00914872532006

With regards

K V Shamsudheen, 
Pravasi Bandhu Welfare Trust
Post Box No. 940, Sharjah, U.A.E.

[Goanet]Power shutdown arranged in Salcete taluka for pre-monsoon works (NT News Service)

2005-04-28 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Power shutdown arranged in Salcete taluka
NT News Service

Margao April 27: The electricity department, Margao, has arranged a power 
shutdown on various feeders of Salcete taluka to smoothly carry out the pre-
monsoon works.

In a press release, the assistant engineer, Mr N N Reddy stated that the 
shutdown will be effective from April 29 to May 6, 2005 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

On April 29, a shutdown has been arranged on Curtorim feeder affecting areas 
of Bhagbhat, St Xavier ward of village panchayat Raia, Curtorim village 
panchayat, Macazana and Rohinibhat of Guirdolim.

The areas of village panchayat Loutolim and part of village panchayat Camurlim 
will have no power supply on May 3, 2005.

The feeder at Raia will remain de-operationalised from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on 
May 7, 2005 affecting the residents of Nirbhaga of village panchayat Camorlim.

On May 4, 2005, a shutdown is arranged on Goa Carbon feeder and as such the 
residents in the areas of Goa Carbon, Nessai, Mughali, Igorjeche Bhatt, 
Viabhat, Camarxet, Raitolem of village panchayat Curtorim will have no power 
supply. On May 5, 2005, the industrial areas of St Jose De Areal and village 
panchayat Paroda will have no power supply. All areas of Guirdolim, Chandor 
and Eklat and Novowaddo in Curtorim will have no power supply on May 6, 2005.

- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji), http://www.goa-world.com

[Goanet]10-a-side under-14 KFC Football Tournament:

2005-04-28 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
10-a-side under-14 KFC Football Tournament: 

A One Day 10-a-side Soccer Tournament for under 14 Boys was organized by 
Kuwait Football Club (KFC) on a league cum knock-out basis and was held on 
Friday, April 22nd, 2005 at the Soor Grounds, Kuwait City. The tournament was 
sponsored by NGEECO-Siemens. Three Indian teams and the organizers, KFC team 
participated in the tournamant.  In the ensuing proceedings, KFC beat all the 
teams to move ahead.

In the finals, KFC stunned Santos Football Club 7:0.  Paradesio was the second 
runners-up, while the fourth place to Paradesio Juniors.  The KFC team played 
liked a well trained and a word of appreciation goes to their coach.

With a  brief awards ceremony, the tournament was concluded with a short 
speech by the chief guest, Mr. Carl-Otto-Klermund, General Manager of NGEECO-
Siemens. The winners trophy was presented by the chief guest.  

The first Runners-up trophy was presented by Irkan Fidan, Petroleum Engineer 
of Halliburton.  Mrs. Elke Klermund gave away the second runners-up trophy.
Fidelis Fernandes, KIFF Referees Administrator, was called upon to give the 
trophy to the Paradiso Juniors. The man of the match was awarded to Arman of
KFC and was presented by Philip Ferrao, Coach of Curtorcares United and the 
first scorer of the finals award was presented by John Towell to KFC's Papis.

Prizes for the man of the match and gifts for the officiating referees were 
sponsored by GWS President Carmo Santos.  The proceedings were compered by
Salvador Dias, President of Curtorcares United. A vote of thanks was proposed  
by Irkan Fidan.View Pictures at:

- Exclusive Report by http://www.goa-world.com Team 
Goa-World.Com Associate, Gaspar Almeida, contributed to this report.
(This report also appears in Kuwait's popular English daily, Arab Times of 28 
April 2005).


Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs   

The Minister of State (Independent charge) for
Overseas Indian Affairs, Shri Jagdish Tytler told the
Rajya Sabha today that the Citizenship Act, 1955 was
amended in 2003 to provide for registration of Persons
of Indian Origin from 16 specified countries who
fulfill specified criteria as Overseas Citizens of
India. These countries are: Australia, Canada,
Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Republic of
Cyprus, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United
States of America. 

The Minister further told that the Ministry of Home
Affairs has received nearly 2000 applications from the
concerned Missions/Posts. However, the application
form and the procedure for the Overseas Indian
Citizenship Certificate are being revised/simplified
by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Hence it has been
decided to put the scheme on hold to enable all the
applicants to avail of the revised application form
and the simplified procedure. 

This information was given by Shri Tytler in reply to
a question by Sh. Santosh Bagrodia, Sh. R.K. Anand 
Sh. Harish Rawat. 


(courtesy: Press Information Bureau, Government of

- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com/ 


Date: 12-05-05Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea   Band: Stepping Stones  
Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.

Date: 05-05-05Organized by: Young Goans Club, Bahrain 
Venue: Palace Inn Hotel  Highlights: The YGC May Queen Contest 

Date: 05-05-05Organized by Goan Welfare Associate(GWA), Qatar
Venue: The Diplomatic Club. Highlights: Crowning of the May Queen.

FRUIT FEST 2005   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/fruitfest/

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]Luizinho Faleiro resigns as GPCC chief

Luizinho resigns as GPCC chief 
NT Staff Reporter 

Panaji April 26: The all-India Congress committee president, Ms Sonia Gandhi 
has accepted the resignation of the Goa pradesh Congress committee president, 
Mr Luizinho Faleiro. No successor has been appointed so far by the Congress 
high command.

The announcement of acceptance of the resignation of Mr Faleiro, which had 
been submitted on February 4, 2004 soon after the Congress led-government was 
sworn in following dismissal of the Bharatiya Janata Party government, was 
made by the AICC spokesman, Mr Anand Sharma this afternoon in the national 

Mr Faleiro told The Navhind Times the acceptance of resignation did not come 
to him as a surprise as he had resigned on his own after being inducted as a 
minister in short-lived Congress-led government headed by Mr Pratapsing Rane.

Asked why the party had not named his successor, he said that organisational 
elections were underway and a new president could be elected in the due 
course. He stated that he was not interested in contesting the GPCC elections 
and that he wanted to devote more time to his constituency.

The news of acceptance of resignation of Mr Faleiro came as a surprise to many 
Congressmen in the state and many of them were unaware of the the high command 

Mr Ravi Naik, who is tipped to take over the GPCC leadership, expressed 
surprise when asked to comment on the high command’s decision. Mr Naik, who is 
in Mumbai on a private visit, said that he was not aware of the high command’s 
decision nor he had been sounded as a possible successor by it, he informed.

Mr Jitendra Deshprabhu, party vice-president and a loyalist of Mr Faleiro, 
said that he was surprised to hear the news. He said that the news had come at 
a time when the party was gearing up to contest the by-elections which are 
likely to be announced any moment.

He further said that Mr Faleiro’s leadership had given matured presentation 
and that to him he (Mr Faleiro) would always be a leader. He further stated 
that the wisdom of high command in accepting the resignation cannot be 
questioned by Congressmen.

The resignation letter of Mr Faleiro was made available to the press this 
evening, in which he had thanked the AICC president for appointing him as the 
GPCC president and thereafter giving her consent to unseat the Bharatiya 
Janata Party government which was dividing Goan populace on communal lines.

The letter further stated that the efforts to dislodge the BJP government 
fructified after long and patient exercise carried by him, which was made 
possible due to strong backing of Ms Gandhi. The letter also stated that in 
keeping with the traditions of the Congress he was resigning as the GPCC 

Mr Faleiro observed that installation of a Congress government had not only 
strengthened the hands of Ms Gandhi but also given fresh lease of life to 
party workers and loyalists. In his resignation letter he was thankful to the 
AICC president for giving him an opportunity to serve as a minister.

- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com 

[Goanet]Research Scholar Prof. Xavier Lobo Develops Konkani Grid Script

Research Scholar Prof. Xavier Lobo Develops Konkani Grid Script 
Manipal, Feb 24, 2005: 

A research scholar in Konkani language, Xavier Lobo, on Wednesday said Grid 
Script developed on the scientific basis of Indian alphabet and International 
Phonetic Alphabet is better suited for the development of Konkani language. 

Prof. Lobo, who has developed a Grid Script for Konkani language, said the 
reason for his contention is that the Indian alphabet is most scientific in 
its sound pattern. 

Besides, the IPA is based mostly on Roman/English alphabet, which is known and 
used throughout the world. Konkani is spoken all along the vast stretch of 
Konkan Coast with all its variations. 

However, when it comes to expression in writing, a Konkani-speaking person in 
Kerala uses Malayalam script, the Konkani in Karnataka uses Kannada, in Goa, 
English or Devanagari, in Maharashtra - Marathi, and in Gujarat - Gujarati. 

As a result, the Konkanis of different areas cannot read the Konkani of the 
others and be enriched. Hence, for a common mode, whereby written expression 
could be done, the thought of Grid Script becomes practical and workable to 
let all literate Konkanis communicate with each other. People are in ease 
with English, so Grid Script is practical,'' he says. 

He said if all Konkanis accept this proposal and start transcribing all their 
literature, Konkanis all over the world would benefit. Konkani would then have 
one medium of expression through a common script. It would enrich Konkani 
literature in many ways. So far the reason for the slow development in Konkani 
literature has been the absence of a script. 

He said if only all Konkanis decided to use the script daily, the difference 
could be seen immediately. The main goal should be the enrichment of Konkani. 
Similarly, people speaking other languages without script could develop and 
prosper, if they used Grid Script. 

According to UNESCO, there are about 6,000 languages in the world now. Over 
the ages, many had become extinct for lack of scripts along with their 
generations. The only way of keeping their languages alive and in circulation, 
with all regional and cultural heritage, is to adopt a script vigorously and 
make use of it. 

Related News

Ms Margaret Alva for adopting common script to take Konkani ahead 

Karnataka to introduce Konkani as optional language in schools 

The Hindu


[Goanet]LORNA Live in Dubai on 2nd June 2005

2005-04-26 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
From: Carey Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

LORNA Live in Dubai on 02 June 2005 a performance not to be missed as she 
will be singing some new tracks!  specially for her Dubai Fans
Supporting here will be: 
JANET (Ben's sidekick Comedian)
NORMAN (Music Maestro)
 several local artists - names which will be revealed shortly.
For more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Better Venue / Better Lighting / Better Sound . stay tuned!
Carey Pereira
- Forwarded by http://www.goa-world.com as requested.


Date: 12-05-05Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea   Band: Stepping Stones  
Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.

Date: 05-05-05Organized by: Young Goans Club, Bahrain 
Venue: Palace Inn Hotel  Highlights: The YGC May Queen Contest 

Date: 05-05-05Organized by Goan Welfare Associate(GWA), Qatar
Venue: The Diplomatic Club. Highlights: Crowning of the May Queen.

FRUIT FEST 2005   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/fruitfest/

[Goanet]Parrikar for compensation to squall-affected within 48 hrs

2005-04-26 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Parrikar for compensation to squall-affected within 48 hrs 
NT Staff Reporter

Panaji April 25: The former chief minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar today 
expressed anguish over the delay caused in releasing the financial assistance 
to the recent squall-affected people across the state and demanded that the 
assistance be released within 48 hours.Addressing a press conference at the 
state BJP headquarters, here this evening, Mr Parrikar said nearly six days 
have passed after the squally winds accompanied by rains lashed Goa creating 
unprecedented destruction.

He said if the relief was not provided within 48 hours, the Bharatiya Janata 
Party (BJP) would be forced to launch agitation.  Stating that his government 
had promptly provided financial assistance in the past, Mr Parrikar demanded 
that the concerned secretary and the chief secretary should immediately take 
steps to release the assistance to the affected farmers, fishermen and others. 
He said it was unfortunate that the government machinery had not taken any 
steps on the issue.

Without naming anyone, Mr Parrikar said just merely taking darshan of 
the ‘trawlers’ would not solve the problems and demanded that the state 
administration to provide assistance to the fishermen, whose trawlers were 
damaged. The state calamities fund has a sufficient amount, he said and 
various authorities have power to provide funds immediately.

Referring to the matter over releasing nearly 8,000 cheques under Dayanand 
Social Security Scheme (DSSS), Mr Parrikar said his government had assured the 
beneficiaries that the cheques would be released by February and the necessary 
formalities were completed accordingly. However, he said till date the 
administration had failed to release these cheques through post. Mr Parrikar 
said if the DSSS cheques were not posted immediately, the BJP would launch 
agitation forcing the state administration to post these cheques.

Referring to the allegation leveled by the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee 
president, Mr Luizinho Faleiro over the high cost incurred on the Rawanfond 
bridge, Mr Parrikar said the Congress leaders should first check the records 
with the administration before making allegations.  Mr Parrikar said the total 
cost on the construction of the Rawanfond bridge was Rs 1.90 crore and not Rs 
2.38 crore as being alleged by Mr Faleiro.

Mr Parrikar said Mr Faleiro had protested over the construction of the bridge 
and in view of this agitation the GSIDC was forced to construct the by-pass. 
On another allegation over the IFFI-related projects, Mr Parrikar said the 
Congress government had stopped the payments to the contractors, who were 
supposed to complete their works. Denying that the cracks had developed at 
certain places, Mr Parrikar said the Congress leaders were showing the 
expansion joints as cracks. He said for any new project the expansion joints 
were filled at a later stage and during the time of IFFI there was no monsoon 
and the contractors were supposed to fill these joints during February-March. 
The contractors had not completed the works as the Congress government had 
stopped the payments.

Over Ribander by-pass, Mr Parrikar said after receiving a complaint from two 
tenderers, his government had sought re-quoting the tender again to clear any 
doubts. The Congress leaders should ask the administration to institute the 
vigilance inquiries into the IFFI-related projects. To a question, Mr Parrikar 
said the government has power to give extension of work to the same 
contractor, if the work needed to be carried out in the same periphery. In 
view of this provision, Mr Parrikar said the contract of the secretariat 
annexe was awarded to the contractor of the secretariat at the same rate. The 
state BJP spokesman, Mr Govind Parwatkar was present.

(Courtesy: The Navhind Times)

- Forwarded in the interest of the public by http://www.goa-world.com


Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Date: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea
Band: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.
Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.

Presented by FERNS BROTHERS.
Date: 24th June 2005, Venue: Hawalli A/C. Auditorium.

KONKANI MUSICAL SHOW Tum Voir Aum Sokol - A Rip-Roaring Comedy
Blockbuster.  Cast: Formidable artistes from Goa, Mumbai and Kuwait.
Date: 9th Sept. 2005   Venue: Hawalli A/C. Auditorium
Written  Directed by Kuwait's Konkani Comedian Philip.

[Goanet]OBITUARY - Paul Marcel D'Mello (ex-Kuwait)/Tivim, Goa

2005-04-26 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
OBITUARY - Paul Marcel D'Mello (ex-Kuwait)/Tivim, Goa

Paul Marcel D'Mello (ex-Kuwait), Cansa-Daulat Vaddo,
Tivim-Goa, husband of Philomena, father/father-in-law
of Savia/Benjamin, Ida/Dilip (Pune), Georgina/Ambroiso
(Muscat), Romeo (Kuwait)/Sabrina (Kuwait), grand
father of Benson, Boris, Devashree, Apurba, Anthony,
Alina, Rosa and Romson, expired this morning (April
26, 2005).  

Funeral will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church -
Tivim tomorrow evening. Our condolences to the
bereaved family members and prayers to Almighty God.  

May his soul rest in peace.  

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet]Re: Mhoji Kuveittche Bhonvddi Oxi Zali

2005-04-25 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Marcus (Vaz) Goa-ent aplea bolaikicho ilaz (medical test) kortalo tea sumanant.
Tor to koso hea kariakoramant Kuveitt hajir zalo?  
KHK Karbhareanim zaiteo fottaxeo marloleot teo hea boroinarant dek'kor keleat 
mhunn spoxtt zata. 
Saddea panxim ? Hea khuinchea vorseant asleat tea disa?
A/C hollant Hawalli ?
Nam, hem sot't nhoi !
Sanje amcho show aslo taka vosreantleo sumar sadde-paimxim boska 
ani khas Kuveittkar kolakar, Rosary Ferns, bab Agnel, Sanny de Quepem, 
Domnic, hannim ap-aplea kantaramnim ho show polleupeank hurbher dovorle. 

Show-ak soggleakin chodd prexeokh (audience) focot Marcus Vaz hanchea 
tiatr-ak asleat, zo kaim suman poilo zalolo.  Ani saddea panxim voddik !!
Ghoddeak ami vachtana tea tiatr-achem vosreachem chitr amchea dolleam mhukar 
hadunk  goroz !  Anko eio Marcus, anko eio !

[Goanet]Some Reasons for Nature’s Fury - Nandkumar Kamat

2005-04-24 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Some Reasons for Nature’s Fury 
by Nandkumar Kamat
IT was a day of exceptionally high humidity. The temperature was around 35 
degrees. There was no sign of the clouds in the afternoon. Suddenly the winds 
fell. There was an eerie silence. As the Sun began its descent, clouds 
gathered from the northeast. A gentle breeze began blowing. I was working on 
the computer till 7.30 p.m. in the university.

Suddenly the power supply was cut plunging me in the darkness. Being used to 
the vagaries of the power supply, we keep candles and matchbox ready in the 
laboratory. Before launching any scientific experiment we have to make absurd 
enquiries with the Bambolim substation about the power shutdown or 

Fortunately, there is a very helpful executive engineer Mr Kamkar, who comes 
to our aid even at odd hours and he does everything possible within his means 
to restore the power supply. As the storm began gathering momentum, I climbed 
down the stairs and reached the entrance to our faculty block on my way to the 
residential quarters.

There was no rain, but the lightening was frequent. As I stepped out, a blast 
of wind hit me with force. Immediately I retreated back to the shelter of the 
faculty building and began watching the nature’s furious drama. Having known 
the topography of the wind-swept plateau, I was curious to see the way the 
storm was developing. It did not disappoint me. The wind velocity picked up 
and within few minutes mini-tornadoes touched the ground.

The dust filled the air. The garbage and plant litter was sucked in the 
vortices. The roadside electric poles were shaking precariously. The force of 
the wind was so high that I could not recall any day in the month of April as 
far as my photographic memory could explore the past. The wind was constantly 
changing directions indicating that it was a freakish local weather phenomena 
and not a pre-monsoon development.

Then it began raining heavily. The downpour accompanied by the incandescent 
ultraviolet light and deafening polyphonic aerial sound show lasted for more 
than a hour. As I began to walk cautiously, I had formed a mental picture of 
the damage which might have been caused by this freak event. As expected, the 
next day the newspapers carried accounts of the destructive trail left behind 
the ‘squally weather’ — cyclonic winds as some preferred to call it. The local 
observatory as usual had a very speculative impression of the phenomena. 
Actually it gave a message of hopelessness by saying that it does not make any 
forecasts for such freakish weather phenomena and depends on the feed from 
Mumbai for weather alerts.

This attitude is dangerous because in that case there would not be any 
machinery in Goa which would be able to monitor the local weather phenomena 
and provide early warnings. Now the state government would have to create its 
own local weather observatory specifically to monitor freak weather phenomena. 
From statewide barometric, temperature, humidity and wind velocity readings it 
would be possible to predict changing weather conditions.

The Goa observatory had failed to warn us on June 3, 1994 when strong winds 
accompanied by very heavy rainfall had hit Goa. Many ships in Marmagoa port 
had drifted. M V Sea Transpoter landed near Fort Auguada beach resort at 
Sinquerim creating panic in the state as it was carrying a cargo of furnace 
oil. It is the duty of Government of India to investigate the reasons for the 
freak weather changes in Goa as also in certain pockets on the west coast and 
bring these areas under special natural disaster management package.

Because as I had predicted since 1997, such events have been increasing in 
their frequency and magnitude. To simplify the reasons as local effects of 
global warming and climate change would be equivalent to treating Goa as a sub-
continental entity. The effects are very much local and these point to human 
interference in the natural ecosystems. The experts claimed that the recent 
cyclonic weather conditions were caused by “warming of the land”.

If so, then how and why? Where all the natural heat sinks have disappeared? 
Unless there is a drastic reduction in natural tree cover and the surface area 
of waterbodies, this is not possible. The thermal gradient across Goa from the 
coastline to the Western Ghats is changing. The hills which were covered by 
green canopies have been stripped barren. Specific examples of Neura-o-grande, 
Nuvem, Sancoale, Rasaim, Kundaim, Verna and Lotulim can be given.

The exposed laterite has increased the ground albedo. The naked soil absorbs 
intense heat which creates thermal eddy currents. Cutting of the hills has 
also created natural thermal canyons through which warm air circulates. The 
Gaunkaries and the private landlords in coastal Goa had architectured the 
ecosystem by planting dense rows of coconut palms as wind breaks. These were 
followed by thick bamboo breaks. A considerable 

[Goanet]The faithful in Kuwait joyfully marks the installation of Pope Benedict XVI

2005-04-24 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Solemn mass for Benedict XVI's inauguration

A solemn mass to inaugurate Pope Benedict XVI as the 265th pontiff of the 
Roman Catholic Church began on Sunday (24th April 2005) in front of world 
leaders and up to half a million pilgrims in St Peter's Square.  The pope, 
wearing a gold robe over sacred white vestments, emerged from St Peter's 
Basilica at the start of the mass in a procession of 150 cardinals as a choir 
chanted the Laudes Regiae, a litany invoking divine assistance for the new 

In Kuwait, prayers were offered and the occasion was equally celebrated at the 
Holy Family Cathedral in downtown Kuwait City  and was attended by all walks 
of life.   A Pontifical Mass - to celebrate the election of His Holiness Pope 
Benedict XVI - was held at the Holy Family Cathedral.

Let the Pope’s apostolic blessing, known as Urbi et Orbi, or to the city and 
the world shine upon all of us.

Despite his 78 years of age, Joseph Ratzinger - the intellectual architect of 
John Paul II’s papacy - seems destined to lead a strong, consequential 
pontificate of his own. He is that rare individual among Vatican officials, a 
celebrity among men who normally move in the shadows. A hero to the 
conservative wing of the Catholic Church, Ratzinger has also said on many 
occasions that the church of the future may have to be smaller to remain 
faithful. He has also used the image of the mustard seed, suggesting a 
smaller presence that nevertheless carries the capacity for future growth as 
long as it remains true to itself. - John L. Allen - National Catholic Reporter

His Lordship Bishop Francis Micallef

Fr. Dominic S.
Fr. Melvin D.
Fr. Mathews F.
Fr. Youssef F.
Fr. Francis F.
Fr. Antony G.
Fr. Windel P.
Fr. Latif H..

Deacon Sylvester D'Souza

US President George W Bush said after hearing about Cardinal Joseph 
Ratzinger's election as Pope: He is a man of great wisdom and knowledge. He 
is a man who serves the Lord. We remember well a sermon at the Pope's funeral 
in Rome. His words touched our hearts and the hearts of millions. We join with 
our fellow citizens and millions around the world who pray for continuous 
strength and wisdom.

All of us remember well the sermon, the touching words of wisdom! We pray to 
the Almighty to give His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI  the strength and wisdom 
to guide all the faithful in the path of enlightenment.


Compiled by Moderator of Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter, Gaspar Almeida


Organized by Goan Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait
Date: 12th May 2005, Venue: Safir Palace Hotel, Riggea
Band: Stepping Stones  Highlights: Crowning of the MAY QUEEN 2005.
Enjoy the Goan hospitality at its best.

[Goanet]Another Sunday - by Gaspar Almeida

2005-04-24 Thread Goa's Pride goa-world.com
Another Sunday

Gaspar Almeida

The morning air, crisp with frost, greeted him as he opened the door to step 
out onto the stone-flagged floor leading into the fold yard of his 
neighbourhood. His ward had his family name, being the only five houses whose 
residents had the popular family name, Braganza Vaddo. The old hand pump, 
standing next to the house door, long since discarded for the modern tap 
water, had a long icicle hanging from the leaded spout. The attached well has 
been drained out due to carelessness, even though it was not silted. 

Roldao Braganza bent down and, grasping it between his fingers, broke it off 
and lifted the frozen stalactite up to catch the rays of the weak morning sun 
which was just appearing in the east. The light caught within the prism gave 
off a rainbow-like brilliance.

The small gate, which clearly displayed the words Braganza Villa, creaked as 
it swung on its hinges; the noise alerted the beasts awaiting him in the yard 
and brought forth comment from those that seemed to think that feeding time 
was always overdue.

Roldao stepped off the cobbles of the path onto the thickly packed straw 
covering the ground, feeling the hard, frozen, uneven surface made by the 
cloven hoofs during the softer weather. Crossing over to the stone building on 
the east wall and opening the door, he was greeted with the bleating of calves 
and the warm heavy familiar smell of animals.

The galvanised bin top clanged against the wall as the lid was thrown open, 
and a flash of brown fur erupted past his hand as a small rat, taking its 
morning meal was disturbed. His lips formed a soft curse as he struck at the 
rodent with the scoop that he used for measuring the feed. The next hour was 
filled with routine jobs that he performed at a measured pace with nothing 
forgotten. He enjoyed his morning tasks and the familiar duties gave him a 
feeling of satisfaction.

Roldao was not a man for showing a lot of affection, but the calves licking 
his hand as he provided for their needs and the cat rubbing its back against 
his leg were treated to a gentle touch, which disguised an inner tenderness, 
not easily recognised by the majority of humans. By the time he had finished 
his morning tasks, the sun had gained strength, scattering the shadows away 
and beginning to burn the white dew drops from the roofs, the trees in the 
garden and exposed areas. He felt good as he stepped into the warm kitchen and 
smelled the rich aroma of the sorpatel gently heating over the small flame. 
Sitting at the table, he looked into the fire and enjoyed the sweet hot taste 
of strong tea. Reaching into his pocket, he took out his box of matches, which 
he always kept in a small leather covering and proceeded to fill and light his 
first pipe of the day. This action matched the slow and easy pace that 
governed his existence. Clouds of light blue smoke filled the air as the
 careful ritual of lighting took place. The fire in the stove having formed a 
bridge while burning dropped with a clatter and brought his mind to everyday 

He had been day dreaming a little in the warmth of the kitchen, after having 
been out in the cold. Someone would have remembered today, he thought, but 
nothing had been said at breakfast...nothing much was ever said at breakfast. 
How long was it now? Is he sixty or sixty one? He could never remember. 

Well, he said softly, “if I can’t remember, why should anyone else?”

He stretched his legs and stood. Walking across to the coats hanging on the 
pegs near the door, he put on his jacket and picked up his stick that was 
standing in the corner and clasped it his hand like an old friend.

Roldao walked out the door and across the road and surveyed the surrounding 
countryside. How this small village of Parra, has changed! Things were barren 
at this time of the year, but he knew that the dormant life within the land 
would break forth again when nature worked its annual miracle. He turned and, 
with a measured pace, walked down the road a short way to where a black and 
white hare was waiting with anticipation at the prospect of its daily run. The 
dog ran among the trees in the groves with the first burst of released energy; 
it sniffed at various scents that greeted its nose, and after investigation, 
passed on to new delights.

The dog Blackie stopped, its ears lifted as if to catch the sound of the 
familiar tread of boots along the road, a clear sound in the morning air. With 
another burst of energy, it exploded into action to join his master and follow 
at his heels, pausing only to check any interesting piece on the roadside. 
Lifting its leg, it marked its territory with the contempt of a dog certain of 
its position. 

At the junction of the lane, Roldao stopped to poke his walking stick into a 
plastic bag--Dubai Duty Free-Fly Dubai--clearly written on it that some 
inconsiderate person had thrown into the hedge. Lifting it carefully, he 
carried it ten yards to 

[Goanet]Is this logic or stupidity or high handedness?

2005-03-17 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Scraping of policy decisions, is this logic or high handedness?
President's rule is not a solution to the present problem. ...

The Chief Secretary of the state, Ms Kiran Dhingra said:
Major policy decisions are normally not taken during the President's Rule.
But every time, the President's Rule is in force, decisions taken by the 
previous governments have been reversed?
Can the Governor/Chief Secretary/President or those against the previous
Government answer?
Link to the above question:
www.webindia123.com/news/ showdetails.asp?id=70958cat=India
Send your comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gaspar Almeida
Associate, www.goa-world.com

[Goanet]Goa to have a revenue deficit of Rs 41.79 cr for 2005-06

2005-03-17 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Goa to have a revenue deficit of Rs 41.79 cr for 2005-06

Press Trust of India

New Delhi, March 17|15:22 IST

Government on Thursday presented the budget for Goa now under President's 
Rule, which estimates a revenue deficit of Rs 41.79 crore despite a 16 per 
cent rise in tax mop up during 2005-06.

However, the state is slated to end with an overall surplus of Rs 104.64 crore 
for next fiscal.

The state's fiscal deficit was budgeted at 8.98 crore but the revised estimate 
shows a surplus of Rs 75.74 crore for this fiscal.

Finance Minister P Chidambaram, who presented the Goa Budget, sought a Vote on 
Account for the five months in Parliament.

Presenting the Goa budget, he said revenue receipts of the state has been 
budgeted at Rs 2,872.94 crore while revenue expenditure was pegged at Rs 
2,914.74 crore, which leaves a revenue deficit of Rs 41.79 crore for 2005-06.

Of the total revenue receipts, tax revenue is budgeted at Rs 1,166.23 crore 
during next fiscal compared to the revised estimate of Rs 1,005.66 crore and 
budget target of 967.57 crore estimated for 2004-05.

Goa's share of central taxes, duties and grants-in-aid from Centre would be Rs 
379.49 crore in 2005-06.

The revenue deficit for next fiscal widened from a meagre Rs 7.95 crore 
budgeted for 2004-05 but was lower than the revised estimate of Rs 75.47 crore.

Goa's Capital Receipts is budgeted at Rs 786.66 crore and Capital Expenditure 
would be Rs 751.52 crore next fiscal.

After accounting for transactions in the Public Account and the Opening 
Balance, the overall surplus in 2005-06 is estimated at Rs 104.64 crore, 
Chidambaram said.

(Hindustan Times) 

- Forwarded by AlmeidaG, www.goa-world.com

Konkani weekly V-Ixtt now online at www.v-ixtt.com Konkani monthly magazine 
now online at www.gulabonline.com 

__ Goans often find it easier to be a result of the past than a cause for the 
future. Isn't it time to change this? __

[Goanet]Goa-World.Com Team congratulates Shri Eric Ozario

2005-03-17 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Eric Ozario Appointed President Of 'Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy'   

Mangalore, March 15, 2005: 

Mr Eric Alexander Ozario, singer, composer, full-time cultural activist and 
Gurkar of Mandd Sobhann has been appointed as the President of Karnataka 
Konkani Sahitya Academy for the term of 3 years. This appointment has been 
made by the Hon'ble chief Minister of Karnataka State. 

Mr. Eric Ozario was the Chairman of the Cutural Committee of the First Konkani 
World Convention. He was also the Co-Convener of the World Convention of the 
Canara – Konkani – Catholics that was held in Mangalore, in December, 2004.

Mr. Ozario has been honored and awarded by - ‘Karnataka Rajya Prashasti’ – ’93 
(Govt. of Karnataka); ‘Senior Artiste Fellowship’ – Mar. 2000 to Feb. 2002 
(Govt. of India); ‘Borpi Meetr Award’ – Muscat, Oman – 2003; ‘Sandesha Special 
Award’ – ‘93. 

He was also awarded 'Vishwa Konkani Kala Ratna' in the year 1995 during the 
First world Konkani Convention and Karanataka Konkani Sahitya Academy Award’ –

Eric Ozario is the  founder of 'Manndd Sobhann' a cultural organisation, of 
which he is presently the 'Gurkar' and has played major role in the launching 
of Konkani TV on local channel OCN.

Read more: 

Mr. Eric Alexander Ozario  on Mangaloren Star

Mr. Eric Alexander Ozario  [ August, 2004 ] 
“Where there is a will there is a way”  Dreams Can become reality. However, it 
needs hard work, determination, self confidence and risk. Eric Ozario, Co- 
Founder of Mandd Sobhann and Kalaangann and a born singer has made his dreams 
come true through his hard work, devotion and difficulty and above all self 
confidence and love for music.

Eric Alexander Ozario, singer, composer, full-time cultural activist, was born 
on May 18, 1949, in Jeppu, Mangalore.  His parents are Late Prospero Ozario 
and Late Bernadette Ozario from Jeppu.  Mr. Eric Ozario is the 7th among 10 
subships. His 5 surviving siblings are: Evlyn, Sister Norma, Claude, Walter 
and Patsy. Mr. Ozario is an Aloysian, Commerce Graduate.

Though Mr. Eric Ozario did not have any formal training in either western or 
eastern music, he is a firm believer that one is born with a sense of music. 
Music has been his first love since childhood.  He worked earnestly from his 
college days. However, he got into the movement of working for cultural 
activities after 1986. He has put forth 30 years of his life into music field 
and has spent 18 years as a full timer.

Initially he started a band called “Sweet Serenade”. He carried this for 
nearly 20 years and then he formed a band exclusively for Konkani music 
called “Dabazo”. This music basically catered to the needs of the people at 
the wedding and other programs. It was not serious music however, went on for 
some time. 

Then came ‘Mandd Sobhann’ – This is something different which works for the 
cause of Konkani culture and uses Indian instruments and ragas.  ‘Baila’ - 
Konkani dance that was well known among the Konkani people was waning in 
popularity was revived by Mandd Sobhannn and it had its first show in 
Mangalore in 1988 at Padua High school grounds. This was continued and 'Baila 
Show' was performed in various other countries along with Sri Lankan 
participants which is now famous internationally.
Mr. Eric Ozario was the Chairman of the Cutural Committee of the First Konkani 
World Convention (1995). He was a special invitee at the First North American 
Konkani Convention at New Jersey, USA (August, 1996).  He is also the Co-
Convener of the World Convention of the Canara – Konkani – Catholics to be 
held in Mangalore, in December, 2004 (Dec. 26 through 29). 

He has composed music for more than 600 songs, presented around 600 shows (as 
a singer and music director) all over India and the Middle East (U.A.E., 
Kuwait Bahrain, Oman  Qatar); Recorded 15 albums (10 of self composed songs 
and 5 of documented folk); also recorded for state and national television.  
Mr. Ozario has also been twice featured on ‘Surabhi’ – a national T.V. show 
which features unique cultural achievers and achievements. (Dec. ‘92 and 
May ‘96).  He has undertaken marathon journeys, tours and campaigns – to 
awaken the ‘Konkani heart’ and to create cultural awareness.  Some of them 

   ‘Bhonvddi’ –  For 75 days(Sept. 9 to Nov. 22, 1995) toured the entire 
country, travelling nearly 15,000 Kms. in a mini bus, presenting 67 
performances – in preparation to the First Konkani World Convention 
(Dec. ‘95). 

‘Daiza Divya Yaatra’ – 100 days (Feb. 19 to May 29, 1996) visited 10,361 
houses, lighting ‘The Lamp of Konkani Heritage’ in every house, in 3 

   ‘Gulf Yaatra’ – 75 days’ tour of Gulf countries, giving 62 private 
performances, to plead the cause of preserving culture and to recruit support 
for the Konkani Heritage Centre – Kalaangann. (Oct. 3 to Dec. 17, 1997). 

   ‘Hyderabad and Mumbai Yaatra’ – 90 days’ tour of the two cities for the 
same cause, with a small 


2005-03-17 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****

The laws notwithstanding, politicians have their own rules of the game. What 
happened in Jharkhand — and in Goa before that — shows how even the new anti-
defection law can be bent in the race for power. When the law was enacted last 
year through the 91st amendment of the Constitution, it was generally hailed 
as an answer to the old game of defections. But the developments in both 
Jharkhand and Goa exposed the grey areas that party-hopping politicians could 
still exploit to their advantage. 

The 10th schedule of the Constitution, referred to in the new law, is 
categorical on two things. First, it says that an elected member of parliament 
or a state assembly will be disqualified if he or she defies the whip of the 
party on a vote or abstains from it. Second, the members who are elected as 
independents will be disqualified if they join any political party after the 

In accordance with the law, therefore, Mr Enos Ekka of the Jharkhand Party 
should have been disqualified for defying the directive of his party’s 
president, Mr N.E. Horo, to support the United Progressive Alliance during the 
vote of confidence in the state assembly. The same logic should have applied 
to the UPA members who abstained from voting. In Goa, the double defection of 
Mr Filipe Neri Rodrigues, who was elected as an independent and supported the 
Bharatiya Janata Party briefly before joining the Congress, raised similar 

The issues that the events threw up point to two things. One, there seems to 
be a further need to clarify the grey areas in the new anti-defection law. 
Two, a system has to be in place to prevent the speakers of the state 
assemblies from colluding with errant politicians. Obviously, no law designed 
to stop the elected members from subverting the mandate can be effective if 
the speakers are part of the subversion. The need to create such a system is 
particularly relevant at a time when fractured mandates are becoming the order 
of elections. 

Also, the disqualification of an errant member must not be postponed too long 
so that it becomes ineffective. In case the speakers themselves violate the 
law, it could be a good idea to give the Election Commission the power over 
such disqualifications. The stalemate in Jharkhand may have ended with Mr 
Arjun Munda winning the trust vote. But some basic questions on the health of 
the Indian democracy remain unanswered.

- The Telegraph

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 

Goa's finest websites: www.colaco.net www.supergoa.com www.goa-world.com 

[Goanet]Three siblings commit suicide in Curchorem - NT News Service

2005-03-16 Thread ***** GoA-WorlD.CoM *****
Three siblings commit suicide in Curchorem 
NT News Service 

Margao, March 16: Bodies of three members of a family
who committed suicide by setting themselves ablaze
were found today in their house at Bagwaddo-Curchorem.
The three siblings, who left a suicide note, were
apparently upset over failure of some litigation case.

The sub-divisional police officer, Mr Mohan Naik
disclosed that the three siblings had been identified
as Ms Libania Fernandes (30), Ms Terezinha Fernandes
(28) and Mr Alex Fernandes (25). Both the sisters are
graduates, while the brother is a school dropout.
Their fourth sibling, Mr Alexander Fernandes is
working abroad, while the father, Mr Salin Fernandes
owns a truck and is working in Hospet, Karnataka.

Mr Naik informed that some 15 days back their mother,
Ms Aurora Fernandes (60) had gone to Bogda-Vasco to
visit her ailing sister. Yesterday, when Ms Aurora
Fernandes returned home, she knocked the front as well
back doors of the house several times. But nobody
responded to her persistent knocks. Ms Aurora
Fernandes then visited her second sister, who is
living in the vicinity. She returned home late evening
and persisted with knocks. As nobody opened the doors
this time also, she spent the night at her sister’s

Today morning, after knocks and shouts at her house,
she lodged a complaint with the Curchorem police
station. Acting upon her complaint, a team led by
police inspector, Mr Nelson Albuquerque rushed to Ms
Aurora Fernandes’ house, which is located one and half
kilometer away from the Curchorem market. The police
called in a fire brigade and broke open the front
door. When they entered the house they found burnt and
decomposed bodies of the two sisters in the sitting
room, while Mr Alex Fernandes’ decomposed body was
found in the bedroom, Mr Naik informed.

He said the siblings left a suicide note asking that
their bodies be buried in their plot. The note written
in Konkani — both Devnagari and Roman scripts — says:
Amchem moddem plotant purpachem. The note also speaks
about the failure of a litigation case. The police
have attached the suicide note.

The police said the siblings might have set themselves
ablaze by pouring kerosene. They informed that burnt
household articles and clothes had also been found.

The police said the siblings might have ended their
lives due to mental depression. However, they said
that investigation was in progress.

There are four to five houses located in the vicinity.
The police have recorded statements of some people who
are living in the area. A neighbour told The Navhind
Times that he saw smoke billowing out of the house in
the evening of March 13. While another said that he
saw one of the siblings on March 12. The police guess
that the siblings might have committed suicide in the
evening of March 13.

Expressing shock over the mass suicide, the locals
revealed that most people residing in the area were
not in talking terms with the Fernandes family. They
informed that the sisters hardly spoke to the
neighbours. The Fernandes family had been at
loggerheads with some neighbours over fence and
cutting of branches of a tree, the police informed.

The crestfallen mother is crying over the loss of her

The bodies have been shifted to the Hospicio Hospital,
Margao, and post-mortem report is awaited. Dr Pujari
of the Hospicio Hospital visited the place. The
superintendent of police, Mr Agarawal also visited the
Fernandes house. The police investigation is being
carried out by Mr Albuquerque.

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

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[Goanet]United Friends Club - Kuwait / Friends Cup 2005 / New UFC Committee / Konkani Drama 'NOORA'

2005-03-16 Thread ***** GoA-WorlD.CoM *****

A large Kuwait’s Liberation Day holiday crowd,
witnessed a fantastic game of football displayed by 14
participating teams in the 5th edition of the Friends
Cup 2005 seven-a-side one day football tournament
held at Soor Grounds, Kuwait city.  The tournament was
organized by Kuwait Duty Free sponsored-United Friends
Club (UFC)under the auspices of Kuwait Indian Football
Federation (KIFF).
The finals were played between AVC Sports Club (AVC)
against Navelim Youth Center (NYC), and in the
exciting duel AVC overcame a stiff challenge to defeat
NYC by a first half solitary goal scored by their
young and talented striker Rolando.

Before the start of the finals, the chief guest,
General Secretary of the Goan Welfare Society (GWS)
and ex-KIFF Vice President,  Gasper Almeida and the
guest of  honour, professional football referee,
dramatist, and member of IFRA-Kuwait, Junnifer
Rodrigues were introduced to both the teams by the
officials of UFC. 
UFC President Cajetan de Sanvordem thanked all the
participating teams and the sponsors of the tournament
and introduced the guest of honour and the chief
guest.  During the prize distribution ceremony, the
chief guest in his short speech highlighted the
efforts of UFC for the smooth conduct of the

 Following prizes were distributed: Winners trophy
sponsored by Seby Menezes to AVC, Runners-up trophy
sponsored by Adnan Prad to NYC, Best discipline team
trophy sponsored by Nickson Fernandes to Goa Maroons,
Best goalkeeper of the tournament trophy sponsored by
Abbas Ghobeishavi to Henry D'Souza of GOA Maroons,
Best player of the tournament trophy sponsored by
Danny Britto to Agnelo Miranda of AVC, Player of the
finals prize sponsored by Peter Mendes to Rolando
Fernandes of AVC, medals to all the officiating
Referee’s were sponsored by Rex Garage, and
refreshments to all the participating teams were
sponsored by Peter Mendes. For pictures, visit

The tournament's proceedings concluded with a vote of
thanks proposed by UFC General Secretary, Bernardo
Fernandes who also conducted the proceedings of the
prize distribution ceremony.
Related news:
United Friends Club, recently held their annual
general body meeting and the following committee
members have been elected for the year 2005-06:
Cajetan de Sanvordem President
Seby Menezes Vice President
Bernardo Fernandes   General Secretary
Menino (Cisco) DuarteTreasurer
Danny Britto Jt. Treasurer
Albert Azavedo   Sports Secretary
Nicklas RodriguesTeam Manager
Hipolito Fernandes   Asst. Team Manager/Doctor
Micheal D'Silva Cultural Secretary
Caetano Rodrigues   Reliever
Augusto Fernandes   Auditor
Sarto Baptista  Team Coach
Upcoming Activity:
United Friends Club (UFC) will present Micheal
D'Silva's Konkani drama 'Noora' at the Hawally A/C
Hall on 8th April 2005. The cast includes:
From Goa:  Kala Academy Award Winner -  Miss. Olga
Vaz, Hero No. 1 - Menino Mario, Tragedy Prince - Maxcy
Pereira, Natural Comedian - John D'Silva, and
Character Comedian - Ben Evangelisto. 
From Kuwait: Jose Rod, Querobina, Sylvester Vaz,
Donald Colaco, Laurente Pereira, Trio Kings: Cajetan
de Sanvordem - Marcus Vaz - Mario de Majorda, Adrian,
Bab Agnel, Bab Jonathan, and Micheal D'Silva.
Music by Goa's Maestro: JOSINHO and Kuwait's popular
talented musicians: Shahu Almeida, Socorro De Melo,
Dennis and Agnelo.  Stage Manager:  Laurie Miranda.  
Sound:  Spiders. For gate passes, contact:  Raja
Stores 2412970, Hipolito 9609135, Bernard 6014899,
Nicklas 9732917 or Micheal 6428256 or email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Transport arrangement:  From Kuwait
City  - Departure Time: 2:30 p.m. sharp.  
Destination:  Hawally A/C Hall.

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in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them,
you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 

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[Goanet]BJP snatches win after recount

2005-03-15 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Saligao: BJP snatches win after recount  

After two rounds of recounting of votes of Saligao constituency, BJP supported 
candidate Neeta Kandolkar won the seat by four votes against her closest rival
NCP-supported Voilanta D’Souza.

The recounting saw high drama and leaders of the BJP who were conspicious by 
their absence during the day, rushed in to assist their candidate.Kandolkar 
polled 2500 votes, just four more than her rival. The high drama started about 
7 clock when it was declared that NCP’s D’Souza had won by just one vote. She 
had polled 2499 votes. In a swift move, Mrs Kandolkar made an application 
before the Returning Officer Bhartu for recounting. The NCP Chief Dr Wilfred 
D’Souza reached counting hall after BJP President Rajendra Arlekar, made his 
entry in support of BJP candidate. The recounting was strongly objected by Dr 
D’souza stating that it should not be allowed as the applicant had not given 
any valid reason. While supporters from both the sides waited with bated 
breath for order of the Returning officer on the re-counting issue, both the
parties also summoned their respective lawyers. Former additional advocate 
general Vilas Thali appeared to aid Mrs Kandolkar while, Adv Santosh Karpe was 
seen advising Dr Wilfred de Souza.

While both the candidates contested each others claims, by 9 pm the returning 
officer ordered re-counting of certain booths. With the recounting
concluding at 11.30 pm the fate of the two candidates was still not decided. 
Interestingly, recounting of votes of booth 12 showed that Voilanta D’Souza was
losing by one vote. Shocked by the outcome, D’Souza this time applied for a 

When the votes were recounted in the final round, Mrs Kandolkar was declared 
winner by four votes. It was midnight by then.


- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

Konkani weekly V-Ixtt now online at www.v-ixtt.com Konkani monthly magazine 
now online at www.gulabonline.com 

__ Goans often find it easier to be a result of the past than a cause for the 
future. Isn't it time to change this? __

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[Goanet]We may be in for a more ‘visible’ Prime Minister

2005-03-15 Thread ***** GoA-WorlD.CoM *****
We may be in for a more ‘visible’ Prime Minister
Tuesday March 15 2005 00:00 IST 
(NewInd Press)

When the first signals of the Congress’ Operation
Topple Parikkar in Goa became evident, Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh and some of his senior ministerial
colleagues had been disturbed about the moves being
made by their colleagues in Panaji.

As things became increasingly murky, the aides of the
helpless Doc let it be known that the PM had not
been in the loop. That was also the story put out when
the Governor invited Shibu Soren to form the
government in Ranchi.

But there are signs of change. It was Manmohan Singh
who took the initiative to call a meeting which
decided that Shibu Soren had to be sacrificed to
contain the wider damage to the party. They also
decided that the Governor should invite Arjun Munda to
form the government. And suddenly the uproar of the
last few weeks has died down.

It was the Prime Minister who decided that this was
not the time to antagonise the judiciary. He felt that
it was more important to defuse the tension building
up between the different organs of the State, which
had begun to upset the delicate constitutional

He put his weight behind his ministerial colleagues
Law Minister Hansraj Bhardwaj and Home Minister
Shivraj Patil who were totally opposed to the idea of
a presidential reference to delineate the powers of
the legislature.

A day earlier, when a meeting was held at the
residence of Pranab Mukherjee - attended by Cabinet
Ministers including Arjun Singh, Kapil Sibal and
senior Congress leaders Ahmed Patel and Ambika
Soni-the dominant view had favoured a Presidential
reference. But it was decided to ascertain the views
of Bhardwaj and Shivraj Patil who were away.

The Congress had not opposed the possibility of a
reference at the all party meet called by the Lok
Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterji, following the apex
court’s directive that the confidence vote in
Jharkhand had to be advanced.

The Lok Sabha Speaker has naturally been agitated at
the erosion of the powers of the legislature that the
directive represented. The powers of the governor to
appoint a CM have not been subject to judicial review
under the Constitution.

It was Manmohan Singh who took the initiative to
coordinate with the allies this time. Normally this is
left to Sonia Gandhi. He called the Left leaders and
took them in confidence about the proposal to give
marching orders to Shibu Soren. He personally spoke to
DMK chief M. Karunanidhi and to Lalu Yadav.

He was also not his usual soft-spoken self in
Parliament, and took on the Leader of Opposition LK
Advani who had taken a swipe at him by calling him an
invisible PM. In an uncharacteristic riposte, the PM
took at a dig at the Second Sardar Patel while
replying to a debate in the Lok Sabha.

The PM’s turnabout is a response to the attack he
has come under following the recent events in
Jharkhand. When things began to go wrong as they di in
Goa and Jharkhand, the PM cannot hide behind the plea
that he was not kept informed,. It is the Prime
Minister, not Sonia Gandhi, who is the custodian of
the Constitution. That is why sympathy - Bechara
Manmohan (Poor Manmohan) - may be giving way to
harsher sentiments.

Manmohan’s problems do not stem from a lack of
understanding with Sonia Gandhi. The two have moved in
step and they continue to meet every Friday and have a
one to one. Later they are joined by four senior
Cabinet Ministers, Pranab Mukherji, Arjun Singh,
Shivraj Patil and Ghulam Nabi Azad - and by Ahmed
Patel from the party. As of last week, Ambika Soni,
who has been appointed head of the media department
again has also started going to the weekly meeting.

His problems come from some of his Cabinet colleagues
who want to run their ministries as independent
fiefdoms. However, the PM has come to rely heavily on
Pranab Mukherji who has been put in charge of 12 GoMs
(Groups of Ministers) to decide various issues.

It is Manmohan Singh who has defined the role he will
play or not play. It is he who is hemmed in by what he
describes as his limitations. He is supposed to have
left all the political work to Sonia Gandhi and this
includes not just the affairs of the party which she
is supposed to look after as the president of the
party but also things like the appointment of

If he feels she is the repository of power, he is
right. But if that is interpreted to mean that he
should not involve himself in political decisions, he
is wrong.

He cannot be addressing himself to the economy alone,
though it an open secret that Budget 2005 and the
Railway Budget this year carried his personal imprint.
But then, he is the country’s Prime Minister and not
the Finance Minister. And without politics, he will be
engaged only in administration - not governance.

The recent events may compel Manmohan Singh to come
out of his shell and play a more political role. We
may be in for a more visible Prime Minister.

- Forwarded by AlmeidaG, 

[Goanet]Excuse me while I escape

2005-03-15 Thread ***** GoA-WorlD.CoM *****
Excuse me while I escape
   By: Kashif Khusro 
   March 15, 2005 


It was an escape that would have made Houdini proud. 
A British national, arrested on charges of smuggling
hashish at Mumbai airport, escaped from the toilet
window of St George Hospital, CST, when he was taken
there for a medical examination.

Gold Kerrin (26) was arrested by the Air Intelligence
Unit (AIU) of Mumbai Customs at Sahar Airport on March
11, just as he was to board a flight to London. Twelve
kilos of hashish were found on him.
“We apprehended Kerrin and he was taken to St George
Hospital for a medical examination. During the course
of the examination, Kerrin asked to be taken to the
toilet and so one of our officers escorted him there,”
said an AIU official.

When he did not come out of the toilet for a long
time, the officer broke open the door to find that
Kerrin had escaped after breaking the window, the
official said.
According to AIU officials, Kerrin had come to Mumbai
from United Kingdom on March 2 and had then gone to
“He stayed in Goa till March 10 and returned to Mumbai
and stayed at Hotel Sahar Garden at Marol Naka,” the
official said.

Acting on a tip-off AIU officials arrested Kerrin with
the contraband. “A manhunt has been launched at all
international airports to nab Kerrin,” a senior AIU
official said.  
- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 
Pick of the week: http://www.goa-world.com/goa/pintofamily/ 
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Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!

EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop. World famous all over Goa!

[Goanet]Prayer Service Mass / Obituary - John Victor Mendes (Kuwait)

2005-03-14 Thread ***** GoA-WorlD.CoM *****
Prayer Service  Mass 
A  Prayer Service and Mass for the dear departed soul
of John Victor Mendes will be held today, Moday -
March 14, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. at the Holy Family
Cathedral, Kuwait City.
Eternal Rest Grant unto him oh Lord and let Perpetual
Light shine upon him.  


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2005-03-13 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
From: Patrick Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Friends
I was deeply upset after reading the mail from Ancy Paladka. Of course this is 
the clear case of human voilation and the Indian government must take 
immediate action in this case and the guilty must be punished immediately.Fr. 
Gonsalves have to be released immediately.Thanks

Patrick Fernandes

Ancy Paladka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Friends,

I just had a word with Rev. Fr. Cedric Prakash. Rev. Fr. Prasad 
Gonsalves continues to languish in jail. Under some pretext or the 
other his bail application is being delayed.

This is a clear case of human rights violation. 
http://www.live365.com/stations/61664 Live Konkani Music

[Goanet]It was befitting that Churchill’s best performance

2005-03-10 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Yakubu’s hat-trick propels Churchill to victoryMargao, India March 9,2005
 -- Riding on a fine hat-trick by Ghana’s Yakubu Yusuf, bottom-rungers 
Churchill Bros came from behind to trounce fancied Sporting Clube de Goa 3-1 
in their Round 11 exchange of the ONGC Cup 9th NFL at Nehru stadium, Fatorda, 
here today.

The teams were tied 1-all at the breather. It was befitting that Churchill’s 
best performance in the NFL had been scripted by their most trusted player 
Yakubu whose elusive magical form was on display today for the first time this 

Churchill roared back from deficit to find the back of the rival net thrice 
after Nigerian Edeh Chidi had drawn first blood for Sporting with a neat 
header in the 25th minute. Yakubu then restored parity off a penalty 
conversion in the 34th minute and returned with vengeance after the break to 
strike twice with goals in the 63rd and 87th minutes.

Yakubu’s hat-trick was the third achieved so far in the 9th NFL with Nigerians 
Dudu of Sporting and Ranty Martins of Dempo being the other foreigners to 
perform this feat. Yakubu raised his personal tally to 7 goals after the first-
leg while his team’s tally stood at 10 points with two wins, four draws and 
five defeats. For Sporting, the defeat jolted the team’s aspirations of making 
an upward progress in the league. They still have two more ties (against Vasco 
and Dempo) to play in the first-leg, and have 14 points from nine outings.

Apart from Yakubu’s heroics, Churchill’s substitute goalkeeper Marc 
Mascarenhas, who replaced the injured Vinay Singh in the 19th minute, played a 
stellar role in his team’s big win. Marc showed a lot of grit and 
determination to ward off a series of marauding attempts from Sporting’s trump 
card Dudu and Edeh Chidi, especially towards the latter half of the match and 
frustrated the likes of Bibiano and Joseph Pereira from narrowing the deficit.

It was apt that Marc was declared man-of-the match as the tall goalie handled 
the pressure situations admirably well, after Vinay had to be stretchered out 
and shifted into the ambulance.

Vinay suffered an head injury when he collided with Chidi in the 18th minute. 
Sporting’s Chidi scored the opening goal off Levino Pereira’s diagonal cross 
in the 25th minute. In the 34th minute, Churchill gained a penalty-kick when 
Sporting’s Vincent Pires handled Sujoy Dutta’s goal-bound shot inside the area 
and referee S Sarcar had no hesitation in pointing towards the dreaded spot. 
Yakubu made a neat conversion to draw level (1-1)). With the deadlock 
prevailing, Sporting resumed the second half with renewed vigour as Joseph 
Pereira and Bibiano threatened to regain the lead in the opening 10 minutes. 
However, Churchill sneaked ahead against the run of play when Yakubu headed 
home a measured cross from Roque Barreto in the 63rd minute (2-1). Sporting 
then retaliated with two counter-moves from Chidi and Joseph Pereira with the 
former shooting wide from close and the latter being denied a goal by Marc. 
With three minutes left for the final hooter, Yakubu slammed home a power-
packed right-footer off a Ratan Singh wall pass.

Source: Navhind Times
Item forwarded from http://www.ghanaweb.com website
- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

Konkani weekly V-Ixtt now online at www.v-ixtt.com Konkani monthly magazine 
now online at www.gulabonline.com 

[Goanet]Parrikar demands recall of Goa Governor

2005-03-10 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Parrikar demands recall of Goa Governor

Panaji, Mar 10, 2005 (UNI) 
Reiterating his demand for recall of Goa Governor S C Jamir and dissolution of 
the state assembly, dismissed Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar today alleged 
that the Governor continued to act like a ''Congress agent'' despite 
imposition of President's rule in the state since March 4.

Talking to mediapersons along-with the State BJP Chief Rajendra Arlekar at the 
party headqarters here today, Mr Parrikar urged the President to post 
an impartial Governor in Goa who could function independently of the party 
in power at the Centre.

Mr Parrikar said he would leave for th national capital tomorrow to meet the 
party leadership to finalise the petition to be filed before the Supreme Court 
as advised by the apex court last week regarding interim relief against the 
dismissal order of Jamir on February 2.

Both the leaders took exception to the illegal manner in which the employees 
of the Entertainment Society of Goa were dismissed by Rane government with no 
continuity in administration of the society which was responsible for holding 
the 36th International Film Festival of India.

The society, which successfully conducted the 35th edition of IFFI last year-
end, would become self-reliant sooner and removing them at a stroke without 
proper notice was totally illegal.

They urged the Chief Secretary to review this and other strange acts of the 
erstwhile Rane government besides taking care of the renovated structures of 
the Old GMC complex which was the part of the venue of the IFFI.

Calling for dissolution of the Assembly, they said the party had lost trust in 
Governors Chair. The party, they said, would go to streets to expose the 
Governor and his misdeeds allegedly at the instance of the Congress High 
Command who used ProTem Speaker Francisco Sardinha for political manipulations 
in the Assembly on March 4.

The Supreme Court directive in case of Jharkhand vindicated the stand of the 
BJP in Goa that the ProTem Speaker had no right to behave like a full-time 
Speaker to entertain disqualification or requalification petitions, they said. 

(Deepika News)
- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji), www.goa-world.com

__ Goans often find it easier to be a result of the past than a cause for the 
future. Isn't it time to change this? __

[Goanet]PM competent, but without authority: NDA

2005-03-09 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
PM competent, but without authority: NDA

Opposition National Democratic Alliance on Wednesday lashed out at the 
Manmohan Singh government for the recent political happenings in Goa, 
Jharkhand and Bihar.

It also raised questions about the role of governors and the way issues 
concerning country's security were being handled.

The manner in which various issues are being handled is extremely worrisome 
and a matter of grave concern, Leader of the Opposition and senior Bharatiya 
Janata Party leader Jaswant Singh said in the Rajya Sabha.

   Jharkhand trust vote on Mar 11: SC

He was initiating a discussion on the motion of thanks to the President's 

There are several centres of power. It is really disturbing. We have a prime 
minister who has great competence without authority. We have authority but 
there is no competence, Singh said. 

The political developments in Jharkhand, Goa and Bihar indicated there is 
a 'great erosion' of institutions, he said.

If institutions are rendered inoperative or weak, we are guilty of very 
substantial and substantive wrong. It is saddening. 

   Buta Singh takes charge of Bihar govt

He regretted that a senior member of the Union cabinet was not aware of the 
political happenings in the country. If they do not know what is happening, 
how will they do the right thing? he asked. 

The happenings in the last few weeks indicated there is no unity in the ruling 
United Progressive Alliance. The alliance was neither united nor progressive, 
he remarked.

(Rediff.com / 9 March 2005)

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

Goa's finest websites: www.colaco.net www.supergoa.com www.goa-world.com 

__ Goans often find it easier to be a result of the past than a cause for the 
Isn't it time to change this? __

[Goanet]Country facing threat of constitutional terrorism

2005-03-07 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Country facing threat of constitutional terrorism: Shatrughan: 
[India News]: 

Jalandhar, Mar 6 : Terming the recent developments in Goa and Jharkhand 
as constitutional terrorism, star-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha today 
said Governors of both the states could not have acted against the NDA without 
the patronage of UPA government.

You see, without the patronage of union government governors of both Goa and 
Jharkhand could not have acted against the NDA keeping the constitution and 
sanctity of their post at stake, Sinha, who was here to attend a function by 
the Hind Samachar group of newspapers, told reporters.

Constitutional terrorism is more dangerous for the democracy as any other 
form of terrorism can be dealt with by the security forces but if law-makers 
themselves indulge in it, who will save democracy, the BJP leader added.

He claimed that the Jharkhand Governor had indulged in unconstitutional 
activity by ignoring the claim of NDA who had paraded over 41 MLAs before him 
and inviting a party to form the government which did not even present the 
list of MLAs who would support it.

On Bihar, where the confusion over forming of next government was still 
prevailing, Sinha said in the current political situation, imposition of 
President's rule is the only option left.

Asked whether he was in the race for the post of Bihar Chief Minister, Sinha 
in his filmy style said hazoor aate aate bahut der kardi (it is too late 


- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 

Pick of the week: http://www.goa-world.com/goa/pintofamily/ 

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!

EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop. World famous all over Goa!

[Goanet]Secular=Communal - Don't let secularism become a doctrine of hate

2005-03-07 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Secular=Communal - Don’t let secularism become a doctrine of hate');//--
SAGARIKA GHOSE ');//--   Posted online: Monday, March 07, 2005 at  hours 

Let's glance at the recent ‘‘secular’’ events in the life of the Indian 
republic. Congress General Secretary Margaret Alva in Panaji, blithely 
ignoring the controversial sacking of the BJP government, declaring instead 
that it was about time Goa got a ‘‘secular’’ administration. Laloo Prasad 
Yadav, boiling out of his residence, defeated yet strangely excited, still 
thundering that it was time for all ‘‘secular’’ forces to form the government. 
Minister for Water Resources, Priya Ranjan Dasmunshi in Ranchi, smiling into 
the TV cameras, convinced that subverting the will of the Jharkhand voters was 
an act of supreme ‘‘secularism’’. Ram Vilas Paswan, leader of the triumphant 
Lojappa (LJP), only the other day a minister in the NDA government, but now 
also determined to protect ‘‘secularism’’ by issuing warnings that he can only 
talk to the JD(U) if it severed all links with the BJP. And Shibu Soren, until 
recently a fugitive from the law, charged with murder and defeated in the 
polls, but now newly appointed chief minister of Jharkhand. He once flirted 
with the BJP but now even Shibu is a towering pillar of ‘‘secularism’’. 
In the centre of this weird even violent ‘‘secularism’’ sits Big Mama of 10 
Janpath. Cocooned by court poets still dreamily eulogising her 
supreme ‘‘secular’’ sacrifice. Advised by ageing ‘‘secularists’’ like Arjun 
Singh who can no longer win elections, who is isolated within his own party 
and who wears his defamation case against the RSS like a badge of honour. A 
whisper goes around the inner circles of the Congress Worshipping Committee: 
Madam really hates the BJP. And since Madam really hates the BJP, what better 
way to gain ascendancy in the royal household than by emerging as a warrior 
of ‘‘secularism’’? 

Never mind if this ‘‘secularism’’ is simply a synonym for bending the 
Constitution, indeed all norms of government-formation, to keeping the BJP out 
of government. Never mind if this secularism ends up by anointing Shahabuddin, 
the ‘‘don’’ of Siwan as an exemplar of Bharat Nirman. Never mind if this 
secularism is simply another word for hatred. Sonia Gandhi’s visceral hatred 
of the BJP has communicated itself down the line to every garden governor and 
party worker and they are now using the word ‘‘secularism’’ to brazenly block 
the will of the voters. Jharkhand is the most perverse example of this hatred-
filled ‘‘secularism’’. Even if it is accepted that some MLAs were intimidated, 
9 MLAs in an 81-member assembly do not give the Congress any mandate to stake 
any claim. 

Hatred is not the stuff of democracy. A democrat disagrees. A democrat argues. 
A democrat does not hate. Above all, a democrat respects the Opposition. 
However wicked some of the sangh parivar’s constituents may be, however 
backward-looking and socially conservative some of its ideologues certainly 
are, however uncivilised the parivar’s language may be when it calls 
governors ‘‘supari killers’’ and prime ministers ‘‘shikhandis’’, yet the BJP/ 
NDA is an equal partner in Indian democracy, it has as much right to exist as 
the Congress and as much right to the allegiance of the people. 
A democrat cannot fail to realise that the ’87 riots in Meerut, ’89 in 
Bhagalpur or Mumbai riots in 1992-93 all took place under ‘‘secular’’ 
governments. A democrat will also realise that the 1984 Sikh riots were as 
heinous, as ghastly as the Gujarat riots of 2002, that many more were killed, 
many more children were orphaned and that a crucial difference between Gujarat 
and Delhi was that the former took place under the glare of 24-hour news 
television and TV images have (rightly) burned the very name ‘‘Gujarat’’ into 
a perennially monstrous memory. But having realised all this, a mature 
democrat would find it difficult to pass irrevocable judgement on who has 
a ‘‘divine right’’ to rule and who does not. All a democrat can do is respect 
the legacy of the idealists of the 1940s who placed, in the hands of every 
Indian, the power of democratic choice. If the majority of Biharis choose to 
throw Laloo out, in the name of the people of India, the leaders must bow. If 
the majority of Jharkhandis choose the NDA, then again, in the name of the 
people of India, the leaders must bow. If they don’t, the short-term battle 
may be won, but the war for democracy will be lost. 

What are the roots of the Congress’s hatred of the BJP? Ever since the pre-
Independence period, the Congress has believed that the RSS as ‘‘killers of 
the Mahatma’’ represented the polar opposite of Nehruvian secular socialist 
nationalism. The ‘‘secular’’ versus ‘‘communal’’ divide has been a primary 
faultline since Independence and until 1975, anyone remotely connected with 
the sangh parivar was systematically (and snobbishly) kept out of the national 

[Goanet]President's rule in Goa Disgraceful Events of March 4, 2005

2005-03-04 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
President's rule in Goa 

PANAJI: The Centre has recommended President's rule in Goa, Home Minister 
Shivraj Patil said today. 

The decision was taken at a hurriedly-called meeting of the Union Cabinet, 
hours after Goa Chief Minister Pratapsinh Rane won a controversial vote of 

Patil said that the Centre was not happy with what has happened in the Goa 
Assembly today and has taken suo-motu action without waiting for the 
Governor's report. 

What has happened in the Assembly today is not acceptable to us. 
It is not proper to have one member not to vote. This is exactly what has been 
done by the previous (BJP) government, he said. 

Earlier, amidst high drama, the Pratapsinh Rane government in Goa won the vote 
of confidence in the assembly after pro tem Speaker Fransisco Saldinha cast 
the deciding vote. 

The BJP and Congress were tied at 16 votes in the assembly after Saldinha 
restrained UGDP MLA Mathany Saldanha from voting. 

When the voting took place both the Congress and the BJP got 16 votes each. 
But the casting vote by the pro tem speaker gave the Congress the majority. 
In the last week, there have been hectic political manoeuvres by both sides 
with the Congress and the BJP trying to muster up support to form the 

Meanwhile, the Goa BJP MLAs demanded dismissal of the Rane gov- ernment. 
They claimed that the pro tem speaker had no jurisdiction to disqualify UGDP 
MLA Mathany Saldanha who was supporting the BJP. 

I can only say that it is wrong to say that Pratapsinh Rane has the majority 
in Goa. Rane's pro tem speaker without citing any rule or constitution did not 
allow one of the MLAs supporting the BJP to vote. This is similar to booth 
capturing, a disappointed senior BJP leader Pramod Mahajan said. 
Earlier, the BJP alleged that the pro tem Speaker, who's a Con- gress leader, 
will 'illegally' disqualify UGDP MLA Saldanha. 

BJP protests: An angry BJP leader, Manohar Parrikar, who was ousted on 
February 2 after his government was reduced to minority following resignations 
and disqualification of MLAs from the assembly termed the pro-tem speaker's 
actions as a big sham. The present Speaker does not have the jurisdiction 
to disqualify or debar any member from voting, Parrikar said. Angry BJP work- 
ers protested at the Raj Bhavan against outcome of the vote of confidence and 
demanded immediate dismissal of the Rane govern- ment. 

Speaker defends move: Rane said the house would be convened within 15 days to 
elect a new Speaker. Defending his actions the pro-tem Speaker said he had 
restrained Saldanha from voting as the petitioner had asked for ad-interim 
relief. Citing several Supreme Court judgments, the petitioner had prayed that 
a politi- cal party, and not necessarily the legislative party, can issue 
whips to its members, he said. Saldanha, the lone UGDP MLA, had ignored his 
party's whip and supported Parrikar. 

Rane wins trust vote 

Earlier, amid high drama, Goa Chief Minister Pratapsinh Rane today won a vote 
of confidence in the assembly with the help of a casting vote by pro-tem 
Speaker who earlier restrained an opposi- tion member from taking part in the 
proceedings, setting off strong protests from BJP. 

As soon as the House convened, pro-tem Speaker Francisco Sardinha debarred 
UGDP MLA Mathany Saldanha from voting on the basis of a disqualification 
petition filed by Congress MLA Jitendra Desh- prabhu.

(Central Chronicle)

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

[Goanet]'To Aslear Aum Nam Natak/Drama/Tiatr in Goa within Congress MLAs - Part II

2005-02-27 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
As the hours tickle by, will we see the 'To Aslear Aum Nam Natak/Drama/Tiatr 
in Goa within Congress MLA as a sequel to the earlier drama ?

The count down begins !

Link item here:

And a quote from www.colaco.net website:

And the great Albert Einstein's quote implies just about the same thing:
The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are 
evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

What we are witnessing is a grand of chess being played out on the political 
chessboard for very high stakes, where winner takes all. There are moves and 
counter-moves being made and all participants are desperate to avoid being 
check-mated. The unfortunate part of it is that whoever wins, we the 
unfortunate public stand to lose! Our only hope is that somehow or the other 
the present lot of politicians will finish each other off, thereby leaving the 
arena free for more worthy representatives to take their place.

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 

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Club-Kuwait on 8th April 2005. For details, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Goa's finest websites: 
www.colaco.netwww.supergoa.com  www.goa-world.com

[Goanet]Re: Will the anti-casters identify themselves? Teotonio R. de Souza

2005-02-26 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Politics of Goan Historiography« Ideology […] is not
apology, although it may andoften does entail it.
Ideologies are world-views which,despite their partial
and possible critical insights, preventus from
understanding the society in which we live and
thepossibilities of changing it. They are world-views
whichcorrespond to standpoints of classes and social
groupswhose interests in the existing social system
and incapacityto change it make it impossible for them
to see it as a whole[…] these ideologies are part of
bourgeois ideology, notbecause they express immediate
interests of the ruling class,but because they are
limited in theory, by the limits ofbourgeois society
in reality ; because their development,including even
their criticism of bourgeois society, isgoverned by
the development of bourgeois society andunable to go
beyond it » (Shaw 1978).o write about Goa is to write
about difference. Goan history has alwaysoccupied a
marginal position within the field of Indian history.
Goa’s economyand social practices though closely bound
up with those on the South Asiansubcontinent have
evolved a specific character and flavor.The year 1998
marks the quincentenary of Vasco da Gama’s landing in
the westcoast of the South Asian subcontinent. This
was perhaps the time first since Goa’sliberation in
1961, that Goa’s 451 year long colonial history became
the focus ofnational attention. In the interim, Goa’s
colonial past was articulated and became aunique
selling point for the marketing of India as a tourism
destination.While elsewhere in India the event created
a sense of curiosity, within Goa1theissue crystallized
into a dialogue between two visions of Goa’s past, Goa
Dourada(Boxer 1961 ; Collis 1946 : 32 ; Remy 1957) and
Goa Indica (Ifeka 1985 ; Newman 1988).Goa Dourada
refers to the Portuguese colonial construction of Goa
which sees Goa asa European enclave attached to the
Indian subcontinent and Goa Índica refers to
theanti-colonial construction of Goa which emphasizes
the Indian contribution to Goansociety. The
theoretical issues in the field such as the modes of
production debate orthe subaltern critique that has
shaped Indian historiography has not had a
significantinfluence on Goan historiography2. This
isolation of Goan historiography from the1. Much of
the research related to Goan studies has been
restricted to the discipline of historyand a few
contributions from sociologists and anthropologists.
Hence, the paper willdepend heavily on the works of
historians.2. D.D. KOSAMBI, a native of Salcette, Goa,
introduced a paradigmatic shift in the study ofIndian
history with his book An Introduction to the Study of
Indian History, 1956. KOSAMBI(1962) made some
insightful observations about social structures of
villages in OldT
Page 2 
638La Chronique des livrescrucial debates related to
the field has contributed to the dominance of the two
maininterpretations of Goan society mentioned earlier
and its history. The absence ofcritical assessment has
rendered the history of the Goan majority mute.The
title phrase of a recently published book, A Kind of
Absence : Life in the Shadowof History, by João da
Veiga Coutinho (1998), strikes at the very root of the
problemwhich I will explore in this paper. I have
interpreted « A kind of absence » to meanthe absence
of a theoretically sophisticated critical account of
Goan society and itshistory. This absence has
contributed to the increasing dominance of
teleologicallyconstructed assessments of history,
assessments which focus on the activities
ofindividuals or groups and constitute more a
documentation of facts to rationalizecontemporary
developments within the society rather than an
interpretation of facts.Most of the accounts to be
discussed later in this essay do not investigate the
socialrelations that contribute to the constitution of
the historical facts. Many among theexisting accounts
of Goan history, be it a reinforcement of Goa Dourada
or Goa Índica,have obscured and cast a shadow over the
actual processes and struggles thatcontributed to the
making of the contemporary Goan society and its
history. GoaDourada and Goa Índica are class based
ideologies. It is important that one recognizesthem as
such and expose what they represent. The paper focuses
on the criticalassessment of the dialogue between Goa
Dourada and Goa Índica and attempts todestabilize
these objects whose shadow obstructs our attempt to
access, retrieve andunderstand Goan history.With this
in view, I proceed with a brief discussion on Goa
Dourada – the colonialrendition of Goan history.« Goa
Dourada »« For Latins the city was a paradise, a
lotus-eating island of the blest, where you couldsit
on your veranda listening to music as the breeze blew
in from the sea » (Collis 1946).Goa Dourada, or Golden
Goa, is the image of Goa as conceived by the
Portuguesecolonizers in their construction of the
Portuguese empire. 


2005-02-26 Thread **** GoA-WorlD.CoM ****
Dr. Jose,
Good set of questions. 
This guy has to still answer one of mine, which was put up when the BJP was in 
G. Almeida

 jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Mr. Naik,
 Good evening from here.
 1. Do you have factual proof to support your allegations?
 2. If so, have you referred this matter to the CBI for urgent action?

[Goanet]A Konkani Convert - poem by Basilio Magno

2004-12-27 Thread Goa-World.Com/Goa
A Konkani Convert - poem by Basilio Magno

A Konkani Convert

Annie Ferns met Mary Vaz down college lane,
With a Konkani paper held out in her hand;
Said Annie: Pray tell me Mary, what's the name
Of this newspaper, and think you I understand,
The lingo? Is it French? So it seems by the script,
Oh tell me, Mary dear, tell me what is it?

It shocked May, who with some Goan pride.
Had carried to College this Konkani paper:
She retorted; Annie, open your eyes wide
And read. Even Vimla said it appears,
To be the language spoken by Goans,
And you a Goan dare show yourself ignorant!

Oh! the language of the Goans -Khon khan ee!
Rejoined Annie, has it such a fine monthly?
Me thought 'twas spoken by cooks and nannies,
And English was the language, one and only
That the educated Goans spoke, as did in our home,
And Konkani, I thought, we the elite did not own.

Shame, shame! cried her non-Goan friends.
Annie, you dare disown your Mothertongue?
I read Marathi, And Gujerati said Anand.
I read Tamil, said Vijayanti, not just for fun.
Poor annie went all blue feeling quite guilty,
Knowing she was a Goan , though of aristocracy.

Give me that Gulab, Konkani monthly paper,
She pulled it from Mary and made a vow:
I'll learn that language -Konkani, no matter
How hard it may be, it's not too late now.
With a sense of prode sparkling in her eyes,
She beamed: Funny, it's Konkani, but I'll prize.

- by Basilio Magno (Spain)

P.S: May this poem inspire Goans overseas to pay
more attentin to Konkani...to learn to speak it, at
least just for the academical interest, if you won't
need it for anything else.

( courtesy: Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter )
- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji), www.goa-world.com/goa/

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[Goanet]Konkani Drama Ghara iea by Menino de Bandar get full marks and full house audience

2004-06-25 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Konkani Drama Ghara iea by Menino de Bandar get full
marks and full house audience

Menino de Bandar, a well-known Konkani dramatist,
after performing to houseful audiences in Dubai (UAE)
and Doha (Qatar) the last fortnight, this evening had
the die-hard Konkani tiatr lovers in Kuwait
entertained with comedy and non-stop drama.   Menino
de Bandar, who earlier worked in Muscat (Oman) and
also represented GULAB there is also known as King of
Double Centuries - a name he is bestowed upon when
his popular non-stop dramas were a hit with the
Konkani audiences and completed over two hundred
shows.  Very few Konkani dramatists came near to him
to claim such a record double century performances.
The publicity through the different Goan forums on the
Net made its mark and assisted the organizers in these
above mentioned GCC countries, namely United Arab
Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait.
Menino de Bandar, himself hailing from Benaulim,
Salcette had among the cast popular Benaulimkars
including Peter de Benaulim, Roshan, and Bai Jayanti.

The premiere show of “Ghara Iea” was held in November
2003 at Usgao in North Goa and within a short time it
has completed 100 shows according to press reports.

 A team of 15 artistes accompanied Menino de Bandar 
for the show.  These artistes are from different
villages/towns from Goa which  Francis de Tuem,
Peter-Roshan, Leslie, Pravin, Senno, Joasino, Joe,
Xavier, Peter de Macasana, Comedian Dominic, Comdeian
Louis Bachan, Anju, Ida, Bai Jayanti and Menino de
Bandar.  Musicians from Goa including Maestro Josinho
and Drummer Paklo (from Moira)'s input were an added
feature to the show.

The show was organized by The Entertainment  Cultural
Society-Kuwait which is headed by Santano Alfonso and
co-organized/supported by Anton Rebello (of Curtorim),
the ex-Salgaokar player, who is now based in Kuwait.

For every show, something unique is brought to light
or a cause is supported in Kuwait.  A game of 'Jaldi
Five' and 'Tambola' was held during the break time and
a Vega 21 inch T.V. and a Microwave was given away as
prizes.  The proceeds of this game was declared to be
donated to a chapel in Curtorim.

Carmo Santos, the newly elected President of the Goan
Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait was the chief guest.  A
number of GWS Managing Committee members including GWS
General Secretary, Gaspar Almeida, GWS Head of
Cultural Cell, Cajetan Pereira, with Committee
Members Cajetan Pinheiro were seen seated on the front
row as special guests.  

Other Members seen among the audience were Jose Rod,
GWS Vice President Julio Cardozo, Manuel F.X.
Fernandes, Domingos Araujo, Tome Gracias, etc.
were among the audience.

Early Bai Jayanti, daughter of Menino de Bandar, was
introduced to the audienced.  She presented a flower
bouquet to the chief guest as a gesture of welcoming
him on stage.  Anton Rebello presented a flower
bouquet to Menino de Bandar.  The chief guest was
introduced by the compere of the show, Philip Pereira
and was escorted on stage by  Santano Afonso (SPA).  
In his short speech, Carmos Santos, highlighted the
efforts put in by the organizers.  He stressed on the
importance of the lessons learned through the plays
enacted for the benefit of all.  He also called upon
the artistes and the faternity to examplify with good
moral and  lessons.

Carmo Santos was called up to give away special
mementos to Menino de Bandar and all his troupe
members and to the three visiting musicians.

The comedy scenario, enacted within the drama's plot,
by Comedian Domnic and Comedian Louis Bachan, did not
leave anything to get the audience in for a laughter.

At the end of the show, the audience just loved it. 
No doubt the reviews in the Gulf Times of Qatar, and
www.goa-world.com website and the Gulf-Goans
e-Newsletter of the performances in Dubai proved that
it was a show to remember before the audiences decided
'Ghara iea'.

Kudos to the organizers and to Menino de Bandar and
his troupe.  The Konkani lovers in Kuwait will surely
support the organizers, the Entertainment  Cultural
Society-Kuwait in their future endeavours.  Good work
Santano Afonso and Anton Rebello.

A host of Konkani stage artistes who are regularly
seen performing in Kuwait are indebted to the gracious
and at times being introduced by Menino de Bandar,
were among the audience too.

Thanks for a good time to spend the weekend amongst
you folks.  Bhesanv tumcher poddum re!

Gaspar Almeida

Associate, www.goa-world.com  

Report filed at 9:45 p.m.    Friday, June 25, 2004

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[Goanet]Parabéns Portugal (Euro 2004)

2004-06-24 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Parabéns Portugal  (Euro 2004)

Portugal's goalkeeper Ricardo scores from the spot to
send Portugal through to the semi-finals, after saving
a penalty shot.  Portugal will meet either Sweden or
the Netherlands.

In an exciting match that took the score 8:7, Portugal
beat England after the penalty shoot-out decider.

England were just minutes away from the semi-finals
when Hélder Postiga pounced for Portugal at the
regular time.  How England's fans will take this
defeat is anybody's guess. Blame it on Beckham?

Parabéns Portugal
Boa sorte! Congratulations and good luck.

It could be said that the blessings of Sao Joao was on
Portugal today.

Boa noite.  Good night.
Viva Portugal.  Pode repetir isso?
Can this be repeated again in the semis.
Gaspar Almeida, 12:40 a.m Kuwait Time
ex-Vice President, Kuwait Indian Football Federation
(KIFF) - Kuwait
 Associate, www.goa-world.com

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[Goanet]Problems with colleagues and even Cecil PInto ?

2004-06-23 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Incidentally, I have no problems with my colleagues
Ethel da Costa, Margaret Mascarenhas and even Cecil
Pinto. It's just that there's another side of the
story waiting to be told, and, at times like these,
someone needs to put on  record the good side.FN


Confusing comment or just plain confusao, is it?

Jealousy – especially the mean-spirited resentment of
another’s success – is a sordid, destructive emotion. 
Consequently people have often sought to recast their
jealousy as rivalry, which is perhaps a more palatable
analysis.  A solitary, creative activity such as
literature should not be well-suited to the concept,
but there’s no doubt that authors can be insanely
competitive: Will Self has described us as ‘some of
the most point-scoring, fantasy-league-making,
standing-on-each-other’s-shoulders people you could
ever care to meet’.  

But this distinction between jealousy and rivalry is
ultimately no more than semantic sophistry.  The two
emotions co-exist in insidious symbiosis, each feeding
off the other, fattening each other up.  It’s the same
needling desire to be better, the sour resentment of
another.  Rivalry is just jealousy skulking behind the
façade of healthy competition.

Viva San Joao


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[Goanet]The heartbreak of elimination - Euro 2004

2004-06-22 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Italy suffer the heartbreak of elimination from the
tournament under the cruellest of circumstances as
they snatch a 2-1 win in the dying seconds of their
match against Bulgaria, but are sent home by a 2-2
draw between Sweden and Denmark in the other Group C
match. Antonia Cassano fired home the winner in
extra-time after Simone Perrotta had equalised from
Martin Petrov's first-half penalty.The final whistle
is blown. The match between Sweden and Denmark ends
2-2 which means that the second Italian goal and the
Azzurri win counts for nothing as Italy are

- Info courtesy: www.euro2004.com 

Gasper Almeida

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[Goanet]Konkani Drama - Menino de Bandar's 'Ghara iea to be staged this Friday in Kuwait

2004-06-22 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Konkani Drama  


The Troupe of Menino de Bandar (King of Centuries) has
arrived this evening (22nd June 2004) and were warmly
received by the organizers at Kuwait International
Airport for the much awaited super hit Konkani Drama
'Ghara Iea'.

Menino de Bandar's troupe includes Francis de Tuem,
Peter-Roshan, Leslie, Pravin, Senno, Joasino, Joe,
Xavier, Peter de Macasana, No. 1 Comedian Dominic,
Comedian Luis Bachan, Anju, Ida, Bai Jayanti and
Menino de Bandar and Meastro Joshinho and his group.

This drama will be staged on 25th June 2004 at Hawally
Auditorium (Behind Canary Restaurant, Al-Muthana
Street, Opp. Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital) at 3.30
p.m. sharp.

Only limited gate passes are available.
Contact the organizers: Tel: 5651439 and 7808473.
It's a Entertainment  Cultural Society's

- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com

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[Goanet]Lest we forget today is Goa Revolution Day

2004-06-17 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Goa Revolution Day
“Goa Revolution Day” is commemorated annually on 18th
June, to honour the freedom fighters and martyrs,
ushered the dawn of democracy in 1946 on this very
date when the Indian Socialist leader, Dr. Ram Manohar
Lohia, courted arrest on June 18, 1946, by defiantly
addressing a mammoth meeting at Margao and called on
the youth to break the shackles of foreign rule. 

Dr. Lohia launched a unique mass Satyagraha for civil
liberties and thus set the freedom movement in Goa
rolling ahead in conjunction with the national freedom
struggle launched by the Father of Nation through his
stirring historic call to alien rulers to Quit India.

However, interestingly one must read about others
involved in the movement.   Browse through:

“Jai Hind! Mahatma Gandhi-ki- Jai! 

Dr Lohia-ki Jai! 

Dr Julião Menezes-ki-Jai!”

Truth of the matter

- Gaspar Almeida, Associate, www.goa-world.com

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[Goanet]Mickky dropped, Matanhy joins Parrikar team - Everyone - all MLAs - 22 - felt Mickky should go???

2004-06-14 Thread Goa-World.Com
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Mickky dropped, Matanhy joins Parrikar team 

— In a surprise political development, Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar on Monday dropped Tourism and Sports
Minister, Mickky Pacheco from his cabinet and
appointed UGDP’s Cortalim MLA Mathany Saldanha as a
minister. A reshuffle of portfolios is also on the
cards. The chief minister said that he would conduct a
review of all the portfolios in another 3-4 days and
have a minor reshuffle of portfolios. During this
exercise, Saldanha, a teacher by profession, would be
allocated portfolios. The swift move to induct
Saldanha into the two-year old ministry and axe
Pacheco from the cabinet came as a big surprise in the
political circles as the chief minister is required to
reduce the size of his ministry to 12 by July 7 as per
the new anti-defection law. When he was dropped from
the cabinet, Pacheco was on a foreign tour. He left
Goa on Saturday, sources said. He was in London (on
his way to Miami) when the notification to remove him
from the ministry was issued.
Saldanha was earlier administered oath of office and
secrecy by the Governor Kidar Nath Sahani at a brief
ceremony at the Raj Bhavan on Monday. The ceremony
began at 3.20 pm. The appointment warrant was read out
by the Chief Secretary Mr D S Negi.
All the cabinet ministers, North Goa MP Shripad Naik
and senior BJP leaders were present on the occasion.
Saldanha’s wife and supporters also attended the
ceremony.The chief minister told a press conference in
the evening that he had maintained the number of
ministers in his cabinet at 13.
He said the decision to drop Pacheco was unanimous.
“Everyone - all MLAs — 22 — including ministerial
colleagues felt he (Mickky) should go”.
Asked why Pacheco was dropped, the chief minister said
it was because of his style of functioning. “His style
of functioning didn’t match with the overall
perception and style of functioning of the ministerial
olleagues”, the chief minister said.“Despite of our
efforts, he couldn’t be corrected”, Parrikar said
adding that there was a “mismatch”. His style of
functioning was not ``palatable’’ to him and his
ministerial colleagues, he claimed.Asked how long
Pacheco’s style of functioning was an irritant to the
government, the chief minister said initially, it was
felt that it could be because he was “raw” but even
after one year, he didn’t change and slowly it was
realised that it had reached a point that there was no
hope of he correcting himself.Parrikar declined to
answer a pointed question whether Pacheco was defying
the chief minister. As reported by this paper, Pacheco
had walked out in a huff from the last cabinet meeting
accusing the chief minister of not clearing the file
on removal of River Princess. Sources in the BJP say
that friction between the two were noticed for
sometime now.
To another question as to whether there were other
grounds for the decision, Parrikar said “I don’t want
to go into the details”.
Parrikar said Pacheco’s foreign trips was a regular
affair and might have added a dimension to the entire
issue. He said when one is out (of station), the
problem could get aggravated.
Replying to another query, he admitted he had not
discussed with Pacheco before dropping him from the
cabinet. “Dropping or inducting a minister is the
prerogative of the chief minister”, Parrikar reminded.
Asked why was there such a hurry in inducting Saldanha
into the cabinet, the chief minister said discussions
on this matter were going on for around a week.
He said he had offered ministership to Saldanha when
he took over as the chief minister two years ago
(after the last assembly elections) but he (Saldanha)
had said “I’ll wait and see how the government
functions. So now I offered him again (which the
latter accepted)”.
To another question, the chief minister said Saldanha
has his own reputation and shown sincere approach to
several important issues affecting Goa. He said the
Cortalim MLA would be consulted before allocation him
He said by July 6 or even before that, he would prune
his ministry by one as per the new law.


- Forwarded by Gaspar Almeida,  www.goa-world.com
Link: www.goabjp.com

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[Goanet]Two last minutes 2-goal miracle by Zidane at Euro 2004

2004-06-13 Thread Goa-World.Com
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If you have had the opportunity to watch
today's France v/s England match which has just
ended at the score France 2-1 England at Estadio da
Luz-Portugal, you could witness that there are several
players of Africa origin who play for both nation's
team.  Sometimes I wonder if there is any football
team which is all 'European' blood, anymore, in the
Euro Zone!
France's Zinedine Zidane showed his prowess when he
converted a free-kick and a penalty which left
England's goalkeeper and the thousands of Brits
stunned among the 6 plus spectators.  
Earlier Frank Lampard put England's team in the lead
through a free-kick of David Beckham.  The German
referee Markus Merk had a tough time to control the
tempers of the players, specially that of the English
team.  Three English players were shown the yellow
card as against two French.
Fabien Barthez could be considered the 'hero' of this
Group B qualifying match for the excellent saves which
was the highlights of this match before the Zidane's
last two minute, 2 goal miracle.
Excellent match, excellent game, indeed.

Gaspar Almeida
Associate, www.goa-world.com

12:20 p.m.Sunday, 13th June 2004.

(Gaspar Almeida is the former Vice President of Kuwait
Indian Football Federation (KIFF).  Earlier for three
terms since 1986, he was the General Secretary and
Joint General Secretary for three consecutive terms).

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[Goanet]The de facto PM of India ?

2004-06-12 Thread Goa-World.Com
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The de facto PM 
Though Sonia so graciously handed the reins of power
to Manmohan, we still see more of her than we do of
 Are you as confused about who rules India as I am?
Puzzled that although Santa Sonia, our Lady of
Renunciation, so graciously handed the reins of power
to her chosen subordinate, we still see much more of
her than we see of him. Since the new government took
office we have had two foreign ministers visit Delhi
and where did they head? Number 10 Janpath. They
appear not to have noticed that the Prime Minister of
India is a man by the name of Dr Manmohan Singh. When
our friendly neighbourhood military dictator wanted to
continue the dialogue initiated by the Vajpayee
government, he also seemed not to notice that it was
bad protocol to invite the Congress president to
Pakistan when the Prime Minister is someone else. 

Our new Minister of External Affairs saw nothing wrong
with the invitation and announced, in Jodhpur of all
places, that Signora was indeed likely to accept. When
Rahul and Priyanka went to Pakistan, said faithful
flunky Natwar, there was a crowd of 50,000 people to
receive them. So imagine what will happen if Mrs
Gandhi goes. 

Looking for a Bride Groom  
 of Age 18 - 25 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 50 Above

It’s not just in matters of foreign policy that you
notice the Prime Minister’s absence. It is everywhere.
When the DMK went into a sulk, it was to 10 Janpath
they turned, when the Left parties have something to
discuss, it is there they go, when the common minimum
programme is to be proclaimed, it is Sonia who we see
waving it at us on television. 

Alas, us political pundits are equally absorbed with
everything that she does down to every last
unimportant detail. When was the last time you read a
piece about Dr Manmohan Singh’s sartorial tastes? Me,
I read 20 newspapers a day and in not a single one
have I come across references to how neatly pressed
his white kurta-pyjama is or how carefully starched
his blue turban. But on a daily basis I read about
Sonia’s ‘‘immaculate’’ attire and sickening passages
like the following description of the Gandhis on their
first day in the new Lok Sabha: ‘‘Dressed in simple
cotton kurta-pajama, Rahul sat amongst not so well
known Congress MPs wearing the most matter-of-fact
look studying the ambience in the House. His brown
leather Hawaian sandals matched the brown tinge in his
hair. Sonia and her son are going to be a memorable
feature of this Lok Sabha.’’ 

There is something about the Gandhis that has always
(except briefly during the Emergency) inspired this
kind of sycophantic drivel in even seasoned hacks, but
I have to say that there has been more around lately
than ever before. It’s as if every major newspaper has
assigned their gossip columnists to cover politics.
What is worse is that nearly every serious political
columnist has also bombarded the reading public with
paeans of praise to our Lady of Renunciation. My
problem is that I appear to be among a small handful
who do not see any renunciation. Quite the opposite.
It seems to me that Sonia has managed to put herself
in the wonderful position of being all powerful
without any accountability. In legalese, her position
would be described as an ‘‘extra-constitutional

This leads already to ugly gossip and rumours in the
corridors of power. They say that senior bureaucrats
are trotting off to 10 Janpath to brief her. If this
is true and if they get found out, they could be
sacked for breaching their oath of office. They say
also that the ‘‘renunciation’’ was inspired not so
much by that inner voice but by cold calculation and
that elections will be held in the next two years,
when if the new saintly image and another spate of
‘road-shows’ work and the Congress pulls in more than
200 seats, renunciation will be reconsidered for the
sake, of course, of saving India. 

It is about the only interesting thing about the new
government. The rest is a movie we have all seen
before. Natwar Singh talks as if the Cold War never
ended and the Soviet Union was still there to protect
us from the evil Americans. He talks of reviving NAM
(Non-Aligned Movement) when the word alignment has
itself become irrelevant to foreign policy. 

From Arjun Singh we have had the expected noises about
‘‘saffronisation’’ without anyone telling us what
exactly the Vajpayee government did other than kick
out a club of leftist historians who had a monopoly on
history textbooks. If Marxists can write textbooks
according to their worldview in West Bengal, why

[Goanet]LINO BAPTISTO DOURADO - A creative writer and a poet

2004-05-31 Thread ULYSSES MENEZES goa-world.com
LINO BAPTISTO DOURADO - A creative writer and a poet

Our lives are a treasure trove of events that we, or
people that we know, have experienced and that while
maybe they were not funny at the time, with the
benefit of hindsight can be seen to be humorous. These
are a wonderful source of humorous material and should
be used at every opportunity. 

Lino Baptisto Dourado is one such person who uses his
imaginative writings and poetry, and can transport you
to glorious heights and make you laugh  as you read
through his Konkani humour-filled weekly feature,
'Aitaracheo Kaskuleo' (Sunday's Musings) with graphics
on Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter at
www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans  (a newsletter
edited/moderated by Gaspar Almeida and presented by
Ulysses Menezes of www.goa-world.com ) or his often
serious and sometimes humourous 'Kovita' (poems) on
GoaNet www.goanet.org or his thoughtful and serious
comments when he attends a Konkani tiatr or  a musical

Hailing from Utorda, Goa, Lino Baptisto Dourado's
articles now get the attention of the web browsers
from various segments of Konkani speaking Indians - be
they Goans, Karwarkars, Mumbaikars or Mangaloreans. 
It's a rather tribute to view articles by a Goan
Konkani writer on the www.mangalorean.com website or
www.daijidubai.com or the Goa's oldest established
Konkani weekly Vauradeancho Ixtt
www.goacom.com/ixtt/  (now also independently online
at www.v-ixtt.com) and other published media including
Goa Day souvenirs published by Goan Welfare Society in
association with Goan clubs/organizations
(www.goa-world.com/gws/ )and Goa's only Konkani family
magazine 'GULAB' - Late Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa's
cherished publication (also online at
www.gulabonline.com) now in its 22nd year.

Visit or subscribe to any other Konkani/Goan mailing
list like www.yahoogroups.com/group/konkaniforum/ or
www.yahoogroups.com/group/thegoanvoices/ and The Goan
Forum at www.yahoogroups.com/group/goa-goans/ 
(www.thegoanforum.com) and you will have a
poem/article or a comment from Lino Baptisto Dourado. 

Like jokes, personal anecdotes are also portable and
can be used to fit many situations. What happened to
you at the beach can usually be transposed to fit a
situation somewhere else. What happened to someone
else at a wedding can be transferred to fit a
situation that happened to you at a party or in the
Konkani Railway or on Paulo Travels Goa to Mumbai road
journey .   A good compere in Konkani, his jokes and
witty comments gets you in high spirts at the annual
United Club of Utorda's one act Konkani play
competitions in Kuwait ( www.goa-world.com/oneactplay/

And Lino Baptisto Dourado just does it right in Amchi
Bhas, Konkani every time you have a posting in your
mailbox.  His contribution to Konkani is quite

Some of his impressive expressions in his poems in
Konkani are:

Loztai kiteak?...

Zonelaleant bhair ailam
Mukhlem dar bond koxem?
Pavs zhoddtta tum zhaddam ximptta,
Vollea zhaddak pettlam agttem?


Ago supurlea suknnea
Ghontterant mhojea ie
Bhitor tum ietna
Pakam fuloit ie.


Nodrek nodor mevlli tedna
Tinnem lojun dhample dolle
Eka mekhacho svas ghetna
Nazuk kuddiche sandde ustovle.

 In his latest 'Aitaracheo Kaskuleo' titled: Raja
Pollasint Vettlo Tedna

Hello. Konn? Pandurang. Kose asat? Kitem khobor? Kam’
bhoglear pavlam? ….Kitlea horar ieum?Hoi, hoi
free asam…..mellche….

An impressive collection of his poems in Konkani are
archived at:


Very few can get you engrossed as the soft spoken Lino
Baptisto Dourado. While reading his poems in Konkani
or his 'Aitaracheo Kaskuleo', every sunday - an
addiction and much awaited posting on
www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/ , replicated at 
www.goanet.org and other internet forums.

Keep it going Lino.  Fuddem voch!

Ulysses Menezes
- Additional input by www.goa-world.com 

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[Goanet]No Golden Goals or Silver Goals, Less Substitutes for Football Matches

2004-02-29 Thread Gaspar Almeida, goa-world.com
UPDATE 3-Board limits subs and ends sudden-death goals

By Mike Collett 

LONDON, Feb 28 (Reuters) - The number of substitutes
allowed in international friendlies will be cut to six
from next season, soccer's law-making International
Board said on Saturday. 
The Board, the sport's ultimate law-making authority,
also decided to scrap both Golden Goals and Silver
Goals to end drawn matches in finals of major
competitions and to revert to extra time and then
The decision to limit substitutes will end the recent
practice by many European coaches of making up to 11
substitutions in friendlies and was the hottest topic
discussed during a two-hour meeting. 
Many international coaches will be dismayed by the
decision, though it is something of a compromise
between FIFA president Sepp Blatter, who wanted a
maximum of five substitutes to stop matches turning
into farces, and coaches who wanted the current
situation left unchanged. 
The English Football Association, who, along with
their three British colleagues from Northern Ireland,
Wales and Scotland make up the board with four
representatives from FIFA, were dismayed by the
The FA's chief executive Mark Palios said: Our views
on this were pretty well known, but democracy has
spoken and our view did not prevail. 
Twelve national coaches, including Luis Felipe Scolari
of Portugal and Giovanni Trapattoni of Italy,
supported the views of England boss Sven-Goran
Eriksson, who changed his entire team at halftime when
England played Australia last year. 
Mark Hughes of Wales and Berti Vogts of Scotland also
supported Eriksson, but their associations did not and
voted in favour of a restriction. 
The English FA's executive director David Davies said
the FA were concerned that the views of the coaches
were not taken more into consideration. 
There was widespread consultation on other decisions,
but not this one and we think there should have been,
he said. 

The board's decision to scrap Golden and Silver goals
was not considered a backward step, according to David
Collins, secretary general of the Football Association
of Wales, and cleared up a discrepancy in the game. 
It evens things up for both sides in the event of a
Say one team kicks off into the teeth of a gale and
the other team scores a Golden Goal winner -- or a
Silver Goal -- then the opposition does not have a
fair chance of coming back into the match in the same
We have made it fairer for both sides, he said. 
The Golden Goal was first used to decide the 1996
European Championship final in England when Germany
beat the Czech Republic 2-1 and it also determined the
outcome of the 2000 European Championship when France
defeated Italy by the same score. 
Whereas a Golden Goal ended the match immediately, the
Silver Goal concept meant the match would end in
favour of the team that scored at the end of the half
of extra time in which it was scored. 
The only major match to be decided by the Silver Goal
rule was Porto's 3-2 win over Celtic in last season's
UEFA Cup final. 
A Silver Goal could again decide this year's European
Championship final on July 4 as Saturday's decisions
will not take effect until after the end of the

The Board rejected a proposal to extend the halftime
break from 15 to 20 minutes, initially proposed by the
German FA to FIFA as a way of raising extra revenue
from fans at matches and from increased TV advertising
However, they did decide to re-introduce a yellow card
for players who remove their shirts while celebrating
a goal. 
The experiment of advancing free kicks 10 metres
following dissent will be extended for another season.

Urs Linsi, FIFA's general secretary said: We still
need more evidence on the benefits of this experiment,
but a decision will definitely be taken next year
whether it will become part of the laws or not. 
A recent innovation in Belgium, where a coach
communicated with his goalkeeper via a radio link, has
been outlawed, as has the use of one-piece kits
incorporating shirts and shorts, as worn by Cameroon
in the recent African Nations Cup. 
An experiment being carried out in Scotland with radio
communication between referees and linesmen will
continue for at least another season. 
From next season, matches may be played on either
natural grass or artificial pitches, according to the
rules of the relevant competition and as long as the
artificial turf meets FIFA standards. 

- Forwarded by Gaspar Almeida, www.goa-world.com

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