[Goanet]Re: Women Priests

2005-04-28 Thread home
Mario Gouveia wrote:
There are millions of Catholic women who don't suffer
the same angst as you seem to be suffering on their
That dear Mario, may perhaps be because half those millions of Catholic 
women have been
brainwashed since birth that they are only entitled to be second class
citizens in the Church and the other half, clearly see the system as it is
and don't really care to be part of it.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests!!!

2005-04-27 Thread Mario Goveia
I think you are getting too emotionally and
intellectually invested in this issue, my friend, and
are likely to get very frustrated because there is no
satisfactory solution to the problem that upsets you
so much, even though your facts and logic may be
sound.  Don't make it harder than it needs to be. 
There are millions of Catholic women who don't suffer
the same angst as you seem to be suffering on their
behalf.  So, what is really going on here?

You need to take it, take some of it like most of us,
or leave it as some Goanetters have done who
apparently find no psychological benefits to balance
the problems they see.  May they find peace in their

The fact you are confronted with is that the Catholic
Church is an autocratic, top down, patriarchal
religion, where practitioners accept far more on faith
alone than your fairly rudimentary list of
grieviances, or pretend to.  I pointed out practically
the whole list, from prophecies, virgin birth,
miracles, Holy Trinity, resurrection from the dead,
two physical ascensions into heaven, the body and
blood of Christ in communion (have I missed
anything?).  After accepting some or all of this
impressive list, overtly or covertly, you are
demanding from them human sequential logic in
relatively mundane issues like celibacy for priests
and women as priests.

May I recommend a nice drive down the coast to Pebble
Beach or Big Sur, or some soothing yoga to help you

--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If the reasons Maurice gives below are to be
 understood as religious beliefs, I have no problem. 
 People believe any number of things.  But if they
 are offered as logical arguments, I have some
 comments below.

[Goanet]Re: Women priests!!!

2005-04-27 Thread George Pinto
If the reasons Maurice gives below are to be understood as religious beliefs, I 
have no problem. 
People believe any number of things.  But if they are offered as logical 
arguments, I have some
comments below.

--- maurice dmello goanet@goanet.org wrote:
 The Pope has offered theological reasons for the Church's prohibition of 
 women priests in
 Christifidelis Laici and other documents. He has emphasized that this 
 restriction represents
 the mind of Christ, 

The Pope probably speaks to Christ on a regular basis (I have no idea). In the 
past, Popes allowed
married priests, now disallowed.  Does Christ change his mind?

 who could have chosen women as apostles if he wanted to. He has also said that
 this is a matter of essential Catholic belief and cannot change. 

The church has changed on a number of issues, including in our lifetime (see 
Bosco's post).  This
could change in the future. 

 If it is God’s will (if you believe Jesus is God that is), are we challenging 
 God here George?

Has the Church misrepresented God's will by change on a number of occasions?  
Has the Church/Pope
therefore challenged God?  

 Jesus being Son of God, sent for a purpose, has fulfilled it, and chose 12 
 males as his disciples, filled them with Holy Spirit and appointed Peter as 
 head of his Church. 

I have no idea why Jesus chose 12 apostles, all male.  Perhaps it symbolically 
had to do with the
fathers of the 12 tribes of Isreal?  How was the transition made from 12 
apostles to the current
Church set-up?  May be Jesus wanted only 12 Cardinals?  12 Popes?  He also did 
not pick Peter as
Pope.  One can be very selective in one's logic and pick and chose the premise 
to say since Christ
picked male apostles, he wanted only male priests.  Christ picked apostles, he 
did not pick them
as Pope, cardinals, bishops, and priests which is a church invention.  He also 
did not pick nuns,
so why do we have nuns today? Is that against Jesus's wishes? 

Why is the male apostle description used to justify male priests?  It is 
reported Peter had a
beard.  Using your logic one can conclude that Christ wanted all Popes to have 
a beard. 
Supposedly all apostles Jesus chosen were under 6 feet tall.  Should all 
priests today be under 6
feet tall?  The apostles were also a certain age group.  Should priests today 
be only of that age
group?  I think most or all were Jewish.  Does that mean we should have no 
Brazilian, Indian etc.
priests today?

 As a Cardinal, Joseph Ratzinger often admonished that the Church must remain 
 separate from the world, and he is nearly sure to shake some of this 
 worldliness from bishops -- especially those whose waywardness has caused 
 he just recently described as soiled garments in the Church of Christ. He 
 has spoken against bishops who act more like bureaucrats than holy men.

Exactly which part of the statements above is for or against women priests, 
even assuming those
are Ratzinger's views?  Btw, Ratzinger has been very selective, especially as 
it relates to race
-more on that in another email.

 After all, if I went into a McDonalds and told the waitress I wanted deep 
 fried chicken with lots of spices, she would simply tell me, Sir that is not 
 on our menu, but there is a KFC right across the street. I trust you got the 

The message I got is McDonald's looks at their market and customers and listen 
to their needs. 
They would introduce Chicken on their menu. It would be the right thing to do. 
In fact, that is
exactly what McDonald's did some years ago and has introduced chicken.  It has 
also announced it
will further update its menu, while still differentiating itself in other real 
ways from KFC.

In Orwell's Animal Farm, all animals are equal, except pigs are more equal. It 
appears for some on
this forum, further to that thinking, males pigs are more equal than female 
pigs.  Perhaps Freud
is right too.  Men, in their desire to dominate women, are dealing with their 
own sexual issues
and adequacies (since this is a family-friendly forum I won't say more).


Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-26 Thread Mario Goveia
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If Goans really want to do something for women and
 THEIR women, do what we will do next month. Have a
 Goan mother-daughter dinner. 

 And do it across caste lines.
 Can all the conformists and non-conformists tell us
 what have they recently done to support their
 theoretical dissertations about not discriminating
 against women?

Mario reminds Gilbert:
This is known as being too cute by half.  However,
since this is a Goan mother/daughter dinner, aren't
you discriminating against non-Goans?  And, what
castes are you talking about?  I thought you agreed
with Fr. Jerome D'Souza that there are NO castes in

Simply put, what I have done about not discriminating
against women is to treat all women the same as I
treat anyone else, and also to avoid patronising them,
all women, not just Goan women.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-26 Thread Marlon Menezes

Maybe having women cook food is a novel concept in
your home, or for people of your generation. However
in most Goan (and non Goan)dual income homes I have
been to (in N.America at least), sharing
responsibility on home chores is pretty routine.
So other than coming with excuses on why women should
be given a la carte rights, when they visit the
catholic cafeteria, please come up with other more
impowering suggestions!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 GL responds:
 If Goans really want to do something for women and
 THEIR women, do what we will do next month. Have a
 Goan mother-daughter dinner. The husband /fathers
 are the cooks and the waiters at the dinner.  Single
 women are not excluded as they are somebody's mother
 and daughter.
 No theology, sociology or anthropology. Just action.
 And do it across caste lines.
 Can all the conformists and non-conformists tell us
 what have they recently done to support their
 theoretical dissertations about not discriminating
 against women?
 Or are they just throwing ideas for others to

[Goanet]Re: Women priests!!!

2005-04-25 Thread maurice dmello
The Pope has offered theological reasons for the Church's prohibition 
of women priests in Christifidelis Laici and other documents. He has 
emphasized that this restriction represents the mind of Christ, who could 
have chosen women as apostles if he wanted to. He has also said that this is a 
matter of essential Catholic belief and cannot change.  If it is God’s will 
(if you believe Jesus is God that is), are we challenging God here George?  
Jesus being Son of God, sent for a purpose, has fulfilled it, and chose 12 
males as his disciples, filled them with Holy Spirit and appointed Peter as 
head of his Church.  Jesus respected women to a very great extent and even 
while hanging on the corss, on the verge of death, asked John to take care of 
his mother, remember? 

As a Cardinal, Joseph Ratzinger often admonished that the Church must remain 
separate from the world, and he is nearly sure to shake some of this 
worldliness from bishops -- especially those whose waywardness has caused what 
he just recently described as soiled garments in the Church of Christ. He 
has spoken against bishops who act more like bureaucrats than holy men.

After all, if I went into a McDonalds and told the waitress I wanted deep 
fried chicken with lots of spices, she would simply tell me, Sir that is not 
on our menu, but there is a KFC right across the street. I trust you got the 

I strongly agree with Ms. Coelho.


FYI, The Islamic Holy book  is dictated by Islamic God, and not even a coma is 
supposed to be altered from the original format.  Do not blame Taliban.  


Maurice D.

[Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-25 Thread gilbertlaw
GL responds:

If Goans really want to do something for women and THEIR women, do what we will 
do next month. Have a Goan mother-daughter dinner. The husband /fathers are the 
cooks and the waiters at the dinner.  Single women are not excluded as they are 
somebody's mother and daughter.

No theology, sociology or anthropology. Just action.  
And do it across caste lines.
Can all the conformists and non-conformists tell us what have they recently 
done to support their theoretical dissertations about not discriminating 
against women?
Or are they just throwing ideas for others to follow?

Are any Goan ladies reading this? :=))
Please let/make your husband treat you as a priestess and smile about it for a 
year. Thanks.

George Pinto 
I am afraid your logic will lead the Taliban in Afganistan and others to 
conclude that is ok to discriminate against women in the manner they have: 
that's our religion, take it  or leave it.  No room for ratioanl thinking, just 
be obedient to the Dark Ages.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests Taliban Treatment?

2005-04-25 Thread Joe Vaz

Strange it seems —the RC Church that
discriminates against women (no women ordination)
and treats them like Taliban -- has canonized
women ?  

It does not cost to criticize, without realistic


--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Mario Goveia replies:
   George, a learned and highly educated
 person like
  Not true. Please take my word.
 Mario replies:
 Folks, take my word, George is both learned and
 educated, as well as a deep thinker, sometimes
 to the
 point of almost drowning, as when he persists
 comparing the Catholic Church with the Taliban
 George writes:
   Girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban were
  forbidden to attend schools, and women would
   be beaten in public if the Morality Police
 as much
  as caught a glimpse of their ankles
   The last time I checked, all that women in
  Catholic Church were being excluded from
   was the priesthood.
  I am not trying to have the last word and
 have this
  brief comment.  If one is being robbed of
  equality does it matter about the scale of
  robbery?  I suppose if someone stole 5 lakhs
 from a
  bank as opposed to 50 lakhs, the bank should
  grateful?  All am I am trying to say is that
  denying women or any other group equality is
  regardless of color, skin, age, gender, etc.
 Mario replies:
 George, you are missing the point entirely,
 with all
 due respect, and you are comparing apples with
 elephants in my opinion.  I submit again that
 when you
 take the Catholic Church's denial of priesthood
 women, while exalting and revering women in
 other way, and compare this with the
 Taliban and their proactive physical and
 abuse of women, you are not comparing the
 stealing of
 5 lakhs and 50 lakhs, you are comparing
 stealing with
 murder.  While you may even be right that
 women from being priests constitutes
 inequality, which
 it does within your carefully controlled
 context, what
 the Taliban did to it's women went waay beyond
 such a
 doctrinal anomaly.

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Re: [Goanet]Re: Women Priests

2005-04-25 Thread Mario Goveia
Touche.  Everyone who is familiar with the inner
workings of how most nuns conduct their business and
dedicate their lives to helping people where the
rubber meets the road as opposed to pontificating
from an ivory tower, most without any interest in
being priests and being bossed around by Cardinals 
and Bishops, would know that Diana is right on.

--- flower [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Standing on the steeple and pontificating to the
 people, airing profound
 thoughts with a superior air, massaging their
 delicate egos, bossing
 everyone around, crushing any different opinion
 ruthlessly and doing
 constant whitewashing jobs are perhaps tasks best
 left to the men, while we
 women get on with performing the real nitty gritty
 chores that  keep the
 world moving.
 That acutally, is why there are no women priests.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-25 Thread Mario Goveia
George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mario Goveia replies:
  George, a learned and highly educated person like
 Not true. Please take my word.
Mario replies:
Folks, take my word, George is both learned and
educated, as well as a deep thinker, sometimes to the
point of almost drowning, as when he persists in
comparing the Catholic Church with the Taliban (more

George writes:
  Girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban were
 forbidden to attend schools, and women would
  be beaten in public if the Morality Police as much
 as caught a glimpse of their ankles
  The last time I checked, all that women in the
 Catholic Church were being excluded from
  was the priesthood.
 I am not trying to have the last word and have this
 brief comment.  If one is being robbed of
 equality does it matter about the scale of the
 robbery?  I suppose if someone stole 5 lakhs from a
 bank as opposed to 50 lakhs, the bank should be
 grateful?  All am I am trying to say is that
 denying women or any other group equality is wrong
 regardless of color, skin, age, gender, etc.
Mario replies:
George, you are missing the point entirely, with all
due respect, and you are comparing apples with
elephants in my opinion.  I submit again that when you
take the Catholic Church's denial of priesthood to
women, while exalting and revering women in every
other way, and compare this with the misogynistic
Taliban and their proactive physical and psychological
abuse of women, you are not comparing the stealing of
5 lakhs and 50 lakhs, you are comparing stealing with
murder.  While you may even be right that excluding
women from being priests constitutes inequality, which
it does within your carefully controlled context, what
the Taliban did to it's women went waay beyond such a
doctrinal anomaly.

[Goanet]Re: Women Priests

2005-04-25 Thread flower
Standing on the steeple and pontificating to the people, airing profound
thoughts with a superior air, massaging their delicate egos, bossing
everyone around, crushing any different opinion ruthlessly and doing
constant whitewashing jobs are perhaps tasks best left to the men, while we
women get on with performing the real nitty gritty chores that  keep the
world moving.
That acutally, is why there are no women priests.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-24 Thread Viviana
George - I don't disagree that in the RC church it's a matter of 
practice and not theology.  I too learned that from a Catholic priest. 
:-))   However, women CAN become CATHOLIC priests, too, just not Roman 
Catholic priests, but certainly Anglican Catholic, or is that not good 
enough?  I still say that if a woman wants to be a Catholic priest she 
can do it, period, and there is no good reason to insist on being a 
woman priest in a denomination where it is not permitted.  In my 
parochial world, it just doesn't make sense for a woman to insist on 
being a Roman Catholic priest unless there are ulterior motives, such as 
publicity or a desire to be controversial.  Why insist on crashing a 
party to which you haven't been invited??

George Pinto wrote:
--- Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fred - Women CAN become priests, but not in the RC church.  If a woman 
feels called to be a priest(ess), there are MANY denominations for her 
to choose from, so why not choose one of them instead of banging her 
head at the Vatican's door?  If she were really and truly interested in 
priesthood, and not just the evening news, a woman can achieve that goal.


This is a bogus argument as the premises are being changed. The argument all 
along has been women
becoming Catholic priests and not what other denominations do or don't. To 
attack them as seeking
publicity on the evening news is an ad hominem argument.
As we have seen on this forum, no good reason has been given by those who oppose women priesthood.
As a Goan priest mentioned to me last evening, there is no theological reason which excludes
women priesthood, but it is a part of Church practice.  

The lack of opportunity to become a woman priest and the denial to women solely 
based on their
gender is tantamount to treating them as second-class.  Much like the Taliban.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-24 Thread Mario Goveia
--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As we have seen on this forum, no good reason has
been given by those who oppose women priesthood.
As a Goan priest mentioned to me last evening,
there is no theological reason which excludes
women priesthood, but it is a part of Church
Mario replies:
I don't oppose women priests, but I also think it's
more than simply practice and inertia.  I will find
out the official rationale shortly, if there is one. 
However, I don't expect any explanation to satisfy
you, so don't hold your breath, especially since there
is unlikely to be any change in our lifetime.

George says:
 The lack of opportunity to become a woman priest and
the denial to women solely based on their gender is
tantamount to treating them as second-class.  Much
like the Taliban.

Mario replies:
Now here's a REAL bogus comparison, George, and what
is worse, a learned and highly educated person like
you, ought to know better.  Girls in Afghanistan under
the Taliban were forbidden to attend schools, and
women would be beaten in public if the Morality Police
as much as caught a glimpse of their ankles under
their burqas, and executed in the soccer stadium in
Kabul for anything considered really serious, like
being caught kibitzing with a male stranger.  The last
time I checked, all that women in the Catholic Church
were being excluded from was the priesthood.

Get real, man.  Advocating for women is one thing. 
Such overblown rhetoric is something else altogether. 

[Goanet]Re: Women priests - 4th choice

2005-04-24 Thread George Pinto
 Gilbert Lawrence responds
 I have no strong feelings either way because women or no women would not come 
 between me and
 my God and my church.  If it affects someone, they need to re-evaluate their 
 reasons for
 being Catholic and the follower of Christ  

The issue is not someone's personal (and selfish?) feelings about women and 
their role in the
church.  While there is a perceived injustice with respect to women, we get the 
answer of someone
hanging out on the sideline. Even the reference to my church assumes what 
matters is only my
personal situation. The Church is 1.1 billion Catholics and what happens there, 
not just my

It is true one should re-evaluate their reasons for being of a certain faith.  
In this regard, the
Church was started on reform, Christ being the first and most important 
reformer - lest we forget.
 I wonder if those who oppose the reform for women priesthood now, would at the 
time of Christ,
opposed reforms then. Would they have said to Christ that's the Jewish faith, 
take it or leave
it.  You need to re-evaluate your reasons for being Jewish. Join another 
denomination! Would they
not merely have been anti-reformists but, using their own logic, also opposed 


[Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-24 Thread George Pinto
--- Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fred - Women CAN become priests, but not in the RC church.  If a woman 
 feels called to be a priest(ess), there are MANY denominations for her 
 to choose from, so why not choose one of them instead of banging her 
 head at the Vatican's door?  If she were really and truly interested in 
 priesthood, and not just the evening news, a woman can achieve that goal.

This is a bogus argument as the premises are being changed. The argument all 
along has been women
becoming Catholic priests and not what other denominations do or don't. To 
attack them as seeking
publicity on the evening news is an ad hominem argument.

As we have seen on this forum, no good reason has been given by those who 
oppose women priesthood.
 As a Goan priest mentioned to me last evening, there is no theological reason 
which excludes
women priesthood, but it is a part of Church practice.  

The lack of opportunity to become a woman priest and the denial to women solely 
based on their
gender is tantamount to treating them as second-class.  Much like the Taliban.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-24 Thread Mario Goveia
Gabe, You are absolutely correct that a Pope's
pronouncement has to be ex cathedra to be considered

--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 23/04/05, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Mario and Viviana:
 You can question the Catholic religion all you want,
 and make rational arguments till the cows come home,
 and all you'll get in return is major angst.  I
 think you can dispute the fact that the Catholic
 Church is a take it or leave it proposition.  In
 fact, Benedict XVI, who is now infallible in the
 Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, and
 also it's leading theologian, has written that he
 no problem with a smaller church as an alternative
 compromising on core values.  So, there you have
 RESPONSE: It is my belief that the Pope is
 considered infallible only
 and when he specifically makes pronouncements 'ex
 Gabe Menezes.
 London, England

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-24 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 23/04/05, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mario and Viviana:
You can question the Catholic religion all you want,
and make rational arguments till the cows come home,
and all you'll get in return is major angst.  I don't
think you can dispute the fact that the Catholic
Church is a take it or leave it proposition.  In
fact, Benedict XVI, who is now infallible in the
Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, and
also it's leading theologian, has written that he sees
no problem with a smaller church as an alternative to
compromising on core values.  So, there you have it

RESPONSE: It is my belief that the Pope is considered infallible only
and when he specifically makes pronouncements 'ex cathedra'


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Re; women priests

2005-04-24 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
GL responds
Was it not your post Fred stating that an inquiry about one's village 
(commonly done in Goa) and a look about at one's birth certificate tells 
one about their caste.
The first part of the statement is true. Cecil Pinto has still not 
forgiven me for saying this ;-) and says statements such as these cause a 
lot of embarassment over what can (sometimes) also be a rather innocent 
question. I can't exactly figure out where the birth certificates bit 
came in, though you might as well be true on that too.

As you know both statements were wrong
I'm not sure about this, as far as the first part of the statement goes. 
School certificates -- not birth  certificates --  did included (in my 
time, which was aggges ago) columns for 'race' and 'religion'. Our school 
authorities simply filled in 'Indian Christian'. We didn't debate with 
anyone over that. One doesn't remember ever having to identify my caste in 
an official form -- there were simply two categories SC/ST and general. 
The SC/ST categorisation was more in the form of affirmative action, as 
some form of positive discrimination was offered to those in these 
long-neglected categories.

and they turned out to be a flame thrower, that we have yet to recover 
from -  that  of course is thanks to me.:=))
Yes. In Net jargon, you could call them flame-baits. These posts were 
provocative, intended to rake up discussion, and get in different 
perspectives on an issue. They were not intended to cause any personal 
insult, or prove that I'm necessarily right over everything, but rather to 
test a hypothesis which seems still pretty prevalent even today.

For instance, sometime people get rather jumpy when I insist that I live 
in Saligao (a geographically-attestable and undeniable fact) and refuse 
to get caught up in the more-loaded where are you from question.

Is the statement/ comment/ question below along similar lines?
Yes, it too is intended to provoke a wide range of debate.
Are you a member of COW? (committee for the ordination of women) =:))
Please could you send me the membership rules and contact details? Do they 
have a website? In turn, I could put you in touch with DOG (Don't Ordain 
Gender-handicapped species).

I have no strong feelings either way because women or no women would not 
come between me and my God and my church.  If it affects someone, they 
need to re-evaluate their reasons for being Catholic and the follower of 
I have no strong feelings either. Just that discriminating on the basis of 
gender is about as sensible as discriminating on the basis of age, colour, 
race, caste, height, blood-group, nationality, and the like.

Would ordination of women help more men and Goan men to go to 
Nice question! If we could have a few more such questions coming in, then 
we could postpone the issue of ordination of women for some time more. As 
of now, without women, I'm sure the Church would find it rather difficult 
to continue as an organisation. FN

PS: Have a good weekend. It's a hot and sunny Sunday morning in Goa, and 
I'm already late to meet up with Victor Rangel-Ribeiro at Fontainhas.

Re: [Goanet]RE: Women Priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 Some men, in their disillusionment or through
 subjugation, play the devil's advocate.
 Admittedly women are much smarter than the male homo
 sapiens. They have and wisely use their innate 
 sixth sense :-)

This sixth sense, that you talk about, includes the
ability to belong to a group and not contribute
anything to it?

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[Goanet]RE: Women Priests - 4th Choice

2005-04-23 Thread P D
Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
PS. Since no woman has spoken up for female catholic
priests, we can safely concur that they are quite
happy with the status quo :-)
Some men, in their disillusionment or through subjugation, play the devil's 

Admittedly women are much smarter than the male homo sapiens. They have and 
wisely use their innate sixth sense :-)

The article that follows sheds additional light.
VATICAN CITY, JAN 16, 2004 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received the
participants in the national congress of the Italian Women's Center as they
reflect on the theme Women as They Face the Expectations of the World.
He recalled that this Center, inspired by Christian principles, makes
every effort to help women in undertaking in an ever more responsible way
their own role in society. Mankind today feels with increasing intensity the
need to offer a sense and a scope to the world in which new problems which
generate insecurity and confusion present themselves every day.
The current era, he continued, marked by the rapid succession of
events, has seen the growing participation of women in every sector of
civil, economic and religious life, starting with the family, the first and
most vital cell of human society. This calls for, on your part, a constant
attention to emerging problems and a generous farsightedness in facing
It is important, the Pope told them, for women to keep alive the
awareness of this fundamental vocation: they fulfill themselves only in
giving love. . Their moral and spiritual strength comes from the awareness
that 'God entrusts to women in a special way man, human beings'.
John Paul II underscored that it is this which above all is the mission
of every women, even in the Third Millennium. Live it fully and do not allow
yourselves to be discouraged by difficulties and obstacles that you might
meet along the way. On the contrary, always trusting in divine help, bring
it to fulfillment with joy, expressing the female 'genius' that marks you.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-23 Thread Viviana
I don't define equality as sameness - behaving just like a man is not 
my idea of being equal to him.  I know some women do, and they're 
entitled to their opinions, of course.  But dressing up in a suit like a 
man and carrying around a briefcase like a man and working at 
TRADITIONALLY men's jobs is not my idea of fun OR equality.  I'm secure 
enough as a woman to not have the need to define myself according to a 
male ruler. 

Sure, I'll never be Pope, but the Pope will never be Mom, either.  I 
wouldn't give up THAT title for the world.

George Pinto wrote:
Mario and Viviana:
I am afraid your logic will lead the Taliban in Afganistan and others to 
conclude that is ok to
discriminate against women in the manner they have: that's our religion, take 
it or leave it.  No
room for ratioanl thinking, just be obedient to the Dark Ages.
Here are some insights into the issue sent to me by a Goan woman by private email so I have not
included her name.  I am forwarding without comment.

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-23 Thread Mario Goveia
--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mario and Viviana:
 I am afraid your logic will lead the Taliban in
 Afganistan and others to conclude that is ok to
 discriminate against women in the manner they have:
 that's our religion, take it or leave it.  No
 room for rational thinking, just be obedient to the
 Dark Ages.
 Here are some insights into the issue sent to me by
a Goan woman by private email so I have not included
her name.  I am forwarding without comment.
Mario replies:
George, I wouldn't worry too much about the Taliban's
attitude towards women if I were you.  Firstly, they
were blatant misogynists, not just discriminatory. 
Secondly, they are currently in the process of
becoming obsolete.

You can question the Catholic religion all you want,
and make rational arguments till the cows come home,
and all you'll get in return is major angst.  I don't
think you can dispute the fact that the Catholic
Church is a take it or leave it proposition.  In
fact, Benedict XVI, who is now infallible in the
Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, and
also it's leading theologian, has written that he sees
no problem with a smaller church as an alternative to
compromising on core values.  So, there you have it.

The insights by the Goan woman are reflected and
duplicated by similar opinions all over the place,
including some leading nuns.  Makes no difference,
because the Church looks at these things through
different lenses.  The Church alleges that women are
no less than men, they just have a different role.

Whether you or me or Viviana like it or not, until the
Holy Ghost inspires Benedict XVI or one of his
successors that something should change, it ain't
gonna happen, as we say in the hood.

Finally, I wish you liberal thinkers would study how
democratically and well the distaff side of our Church
is run when compared to the top-down it's the Pope's
way or the highway governance of the priest side. 
Orders of nuns are largely autonomous and run from the
bottom up.  Every Mother Superior is elected by her
peers, ambition is a demerit, and perceived leadership
and personal example rules the day.  In addition to
studying the dabbawallahs in Mumbai, Harvard should
study the governance of any Order of Nuns, each of
which is a true major multi-national organization that
is organized and managed better than most
corporations.  The Mother Superior General is elected
by the regional Mother Superiors and functions like a
CEO, but serves only a maximum of two, six-year terms,
then goes back to the mailroom where she began.  I
have a cousin who is one of these amazing women and I
am in total awe of the management principles and

By the way, there are now fifteen, yes, I said
fifteen, orders of nuns that are headquartered in
Europe, whose Mother Superior Generals are from India.
 As one would expect they come from either Goa or
Mangalore or Kerala.  About eight of them are
headquartered in Rome, the others in various other
parts of Europe.

If one of our journalists are interested in
researching and writing about this, please let me know
and I'll hook you up.

[Goanet]RE: Women Priests

2005-04-22 Thread P D
 Can someone donate a prize to the netter who comes up with the most
convincing argument on why women shouldn't be allowed to become priests?
Also, were all you guys serious with the arguments you threw up? FN 
Fred, the only real prize for a practicing Roman Catholic is knowing (s)he 
is furthering the cause of the faith of their fathers. For others, it is 
purely acamedic gymnastics. Empty vessels make the most sound!

The excerpt that follows is self-explanatory.
What Benedict XVI does oppose, however, is the misuse of Vatican II to 
justify things the Council Fathers never proposed. Abortion, contraception, 
women's ordination, acceptance of homosexual behavior -- all are paraded by 
dissenting Catholics as natural outgrowths from the documents of the 
Council. But such claims are only convincing to one who has never actually 
read those same documents (which are thoroughly orthodox and bear no support 
whatsoever to such radical positions).

That's when the Spirit of Vatican II makes its entrance. You see, since 
dissenting Catholics cannot actually find their wish list anywhere in the 
actual conciliar documents, they're forced to imagine a kind of trajectory 
from the Council -- almost as if Vatican II were a perpetual, unending 
event. Given enough time, the theory goes, the Fathers would have eventually 
embraced the theological fascinations of the Catholic Left.

Don't be fooled. One of my favorite former theology professors -- certainly 
no conservative -- used to say that the phrase The Spirit of Vatican II 
really means, This is what Vatican II would have said if Vatican II were 

Just so.
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And yet, those who follow the advice of the feel-good gurus will actually be 
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Get the facts here:http://www.crisismagazine.com/truth.htm

[Goanet]Re: Women priests !!!

2005-04-22 Thread George Pinto
Mario and Viviana:

I am afraid your logic will lead the Taliban in Afganistan and others to 
conclude that is ok to
discriminate against women in the manner they have: that's our religion, take 
it or leave it.  No
room for ratioanl thinking, just be obedient to the Dark Ages.

Here are some insights into the issue sent to me by a Goan woman by private 
email so I have not
included her name.  I am forwarding without comment.

1.  The bias against women and women priests comes directly from the Jewish 
religion.  The role
for women was to bear children who would be Jewish - a Jew by definition has to 
have a Jewish
mother.  Hence, even Solomon whose mother was not Jewish does not qualify as a 
Jew.  Women had
no divorce rights, they (not the men) were stoned for adultery, and there were 
no Jewish women

2.  I had a very good orthodox Jewish friend who sent her son to an exclusive 
Jewish school in
___.  She told me that the boys said a prayer every day, thanking God that 
they weren't born a

3. There is no evidence that Jesus established a priesthood in the Gospels.  
Subsequently, the
Church developed a theology that seemed to point that way. But where's the 
evidence? Jesus was
called Rabbi (Teacher) not a priest at all. The early Church had many women 
leaders and founders
of churches.  So perhaps, there should be neither men or women priests. The 
Protestants came to
that conclusion, hence they have Ministers. After the Temple was destroyed, the 
Jews themselves
went back to the pre-Mosaic tradition of Rabbis, not priests.

4.  The idea that women are inferior was extended by theologians like Augustine 
and Aquinas. They
wrote that women were defective males.  This, I believe, is also the position 
in the Koran.  These
ideas that women are un-holy and inferior is very Middle Eastern. It is 
certainly not Indian.  
Indian spirituality places the highest spiritual value on the Feminine. In 
fact, the goal of Yoga
is to develop and discover the feminine in all of us as the creative force.  
So, I have no idea
why Indians like us, of all people, swallow these unwholesome and unworthy 
ideas about feminine
inferiority. These ideas are used to put women down and keep them down, and to 
justify abuse of
all kinds. In the 21st century, women aren't taking them seriously becasue we 
have more than
proved our worth these days.

5.  Research and reading and reflection about reality will show that we don't 
have to believe
every single last thing that a group of self-serving men in Rome or Mecca 
pronounce as Truth so
they can propagate a system that allows them to live in style like Princes!


[Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-22 Thread George Pinto
--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was told by the nuns in the Convent school I went to, that no one would go 
 and confess to a
 female priest, as the general population is under the impression that their 
 sins would not be
 held in confidence by a woman. I think that is why females are not allowed to 
 become priests. 


Many people treat the idea that women cannot keep secrets as sexist.

Let us say one had a daughter who grew up to be a CEO candidate in a major 
company and the Board
said to her: we cannot make you CEO because we think you can't keep company 
secrets.  Or she was
denied the Prime Minister's job because she could not keep national security 
secrets? How would
she feel?  How would you feel if she was your daughter or grand-daughter or 
niece and that was the
reason for denying her the job?  Fortunately, many progressive companies and 
countries have kept
faith with women and equality.


Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-22 Thread Mario Goveia
I see you are practicing to be a stand-up comedian,
but PLEASE keep your day job.

 I was told by the nuns in the Convent school I went
 to, that no one would go and confess to a female
 priest, as the general population is under the
 impression that their sins would not be held in
 confidence by a woman.
 I think that is why females are not allowed to
 become priests. 

Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-22 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let us say one had a daughter who grew up to be a
 CEO candidate in a major company and the Board
 said to her: we cannot make you CEO because we think
 you can't keep company secrets.  Or she was
 denied the Prime Minister's job because she could
 not keep national security secrets? How would
 she feel?  How would you feel if she was your
 daughter or grand-daughter or niece and that was the
 reason for denying her the job? 

I don't know if I really want my daughter to have a
high pressure job. The reason is that the same convent
nuns also told me that work was a punishment from God,
for sins committed... 

 Many people treat the idea that women cannot keep
 secrets as sexist.

You may be right on this one. 
However, the Vatican has a different view of how women
should be treated. So the choices I have are:
1) I toe the Vaticans line.
2) I search for another religion where women have
equal status.
3) I become a cafeteria Catholic. :-)


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Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-22 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What specific attribute that
 priesthood requires which women do not have?  What
 specific conceptual difference which matters
 to priesthood?

I was told by the nuns in the Convent school I went
to, that no one would go and confess to a female
priest, as the general population is under the
impression that their sins would not be held in
confidence by a woman.

I think that is why females are not allowed to become


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Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-22 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

I think Viviana has said enough about this topic, with
whom I agree.  

For some reason, you have an issue with the Roman
Catholic Church as it stands today, with allegations
of sexism and racism.  FYI, there are as many people
coming into the Roman Catholic Church as there are
leaving it, precisely because it is standing firm to
its teachings.  I am a Catholic.  That is what
matters. I count not on the colour of my skin, but on
the colour of my faith. 

As far as Man and Woman and the Religious are
concerned, there are physiological *and* psychological
differences.  A pastoral nun fills in where a parish
priest cannot fulfil his task because of his gender.
And vice versa.  Lay people assist where a religious
would be out of his or her depth.  

I think I have said enough on this topic.



--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know if you realize it but comments like
 mental, physiological makeup are precisely the
 sexist comments that people who believe women are
 equal to men complain about.  We are talking
 about roles in the church, not the physiological
 ability to have babies in which case there is a
 difference between men and women.

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[Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-21 Thread George Pinto
--- Gabriel de Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I do appreciate the stand of the Catholic Church.  It has nothing to do with 
 considering women
 as inferior or not smart enough to priests.  It has all to do with the 
 mental, physiological
 makeup, or, to put it in other words, with the conceptual differences in ways 
 men and women
 think and do (hence the courts' tendencies to give custodial rights of the 
 children to
 the mother).  


I don't know if you realize it but comments like mental, physiological makeup 
are precisely the
sexist comments that people who believe women are equal to men complain about.  
We are talking
about roles in the church, not the physiological ability to have babies in 
which case there is a
difference between men and women.

I must confess that I am disappointed Cardinal Dias did not get elected, 
dismayed that the College
of Cardinals cannot see beyond Europe to find a Pope, in disbelief that there 
are people on this
forum arguing that it is ok to discriminate against women and deny them 
Interestingly, it would have looked nicer on television to see Princesses of 
the Church, in
addition to Princes, electing the Pope.  There are a number of women CEOs, 
women Prime
Ministers, women Supreme Court Justices, etc. Women do not lack intellectually, 
academically, etc.
so I am not sure what the justification is to deny them priesthood. What 
specific attribute that
priesthood requires which women do not have?  What specific conceptual 
difference which matters
to priesthood?

It seems to me that it all boils down to sexism, self-doubt among some women 
and hence their
opposition to priesthood, even self-hate of their gender. I do not want to say 
any more on this
topic, except point readers to a website which discusses some of these issues. 


Re: [Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-10 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While it is true there are differences between men
 and women, the justification for barring women
 from being priests is not based on anything more
 than sexism.  Regardless of what fanciful reasons
 are given, hiding behind the theological reasons
 is the belief that women are second-class and
 not smart enough or good enough to be priests.
 That's the unfortunate message of the Catholic

Hi George,

My opinion, which may be flawed, is that there are
places and professions which are divided on basis of
sex for practical reasons, and one cannot simply state
that this is sexism. 

Funny though, more we go towards the equality of the
sexes, the more there are women-only lounges,
women-only common rooms, women-only gyms, women-only
swimming-pools, etc.  Also, in 99% (statistics not
proven) of divorce cases, it appears that custody of
the children go the woman. I wonder why.  Is that
because in the perceived equality, there are
inequalities?  On the other hand, is this

Men-only clubs have been wiped out. Even in
lawn-bowling clubs of Melbourne, in spite of there
being a women-only lawns club to cater for her, a
woman took a men's lawn-bowling club to court to allow
her to participate, and she won.  Not that I am a
member of any such club, or a contra-feminist, but
only to show that there seems to be an imbalance,
taking this men/women thing too far. 

I do appreciate the stand of the Catholic Church.  It
has nothing to do with considering women as inferior
or not smart enough to priests.  It has all to do
with the mental, physiological makeup, or, to put it
in other words, with the conceptual differences in
ways men and women think and do (hence the courts'
tendencies to give custodial rights of the children to
the mother).  If you are married, you probably already
know that what a woman says is not exactly what a man
understands, and vice-versa ;-)).  


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

[Goanet]Re: Women priests

2005-04-09 Thread George Pinto
While it is true there are differences between men and women, the justification 
for barring women
from being priests is not based on anything more than sexism.  Regardless of 
what fanciful reasons
are given, hiding behind the theological reasons is the belief that women are 
second-class and
not smart enough or good enough to be priests. That's the unfortunate message 
of the Catholic


--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 RESPONSE: RESPONSE, Women are not equal to men and vice versa - that
 is my opinion. Is your intended definition broad, narrow or in respect
 to voting?

  On Apr 8, 2005 5:31 PM, George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. Women still barred from priesthood (behind this justification is the 
  implied view that
  women are not equal to men).