Re: [Goanet] Et Tu Churchill ?

2007-10-28 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Borg,

You are absolutely right! If we need to sort out the language issue
...confused through a generated smoke screen of script to mask the
promotion of Antruzi Konkani almost exclusively through Church run
schools [125 of the 137 private primary schools in Konkani medium are
Church managed today; 4 out of every 5 Govt. Primary schools are in
MARATHI medium], we need to do it without the help of politicians,
save in amending the bill to define Konkani correctly or remove the
definition entirely.

Adv. Uday Bhembre, former MLA of Margao and current Chairman of
Congress THINK TANK [Vichar Vibhag] talks to us of a roadmap for
promotion of Konkani but has no plans for the Congress Govt. to
convert GPS  schools in Marathi meidum to the Official Language of
Goa. Still he is a friend of the clergy so far. That should change,
sooner rather than later.

Will someone from the electorate ask Sardinha to make his stand on the
GPS schools and the Official language as medium of instruction clear.
Forget the script issue. Is the Congress willing to make a statement
on Primary Education in Konkani in GPS throughout Goa?? Why the

Sardinha is willing to take flak on Dhirio, not on Konkani. At least
Churchill and Babush Monserrate are honest and straightforward. That
is not something one can say of Sardinha, Digamber, Rane  Parrikar,
Dr. Willy or Dr. Misquita. Smart, yes. Honest, Never. That is why they
share power in various permutations and combinations while Churchill
and Monserrate are shunted out, more often than not.

Mog asundi.


Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 00:26:33 -0400
From: borg costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Et Tu Churchill ?

Dear Wilson,

You did the right thing talking to Churchill about the
language issue.

When you announce in Dubai about the Romi lipi my
friend said to me, to tell you, to ask Churchill about
the language amendment, cause last year you sang the
songs on Mopa airport  Romi lipi praising Churchill.

To tell you frankly the politicians like Churchill
want only the money  fame. He joined the congress not
because of Goa  Goans but for fulfill his personal
needs. They dont care about Goa  Goans.

Like Sardinha, Luizinho, etc..., Churchill used the
tiatrists for his gain. Now, he got what he wanted he
must be saying Tumi Tiatristak Xenttar mar chouda
sorry but this is the fact.

As you wrote Truth always wins. Politicians may delay
that victory, but they cannot deny it. You are
correct Mr. Wilson.

Keep the fight going...


--- Wilson Mazarello wrote:


 By: Wilmix Wilson Mazarello

 When Brutus, the most loyal and trusted lieutenant
 of Julius Caesar, joined
 the revolt and stabbed him, Julius Caesar is said to
 have said in his dying
 moments Et Tu Brutus ?, meaning You too Brutus

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Colomba village - Illegal cutting of forest trees

2007-10-28 Thread JOAO FERNANDES

Colomba village - Illegal cutting of forest trees

Illegal cutting of forest trees is going on in a full swing in Colomba 
village to facilitate mining activities and the forest officials and the 
police are the mute in spectators inspite of lodging several oral and 
written complaints by the villagers.

Villagers informed Herald that around 50 odd Forest trees have been cut by 
the mining company from survey No.95 of Colomba village by engaging around 8 
labourers , which is going on since 12th July. When the villagers questioned 
the labourer and forced them to stopped on 12th evening they stopped the 
work on Friday but again on Saturday 14th July they started the felling work 
again. When the villager questioned the manager of the mining company who 
was supervising the felling work informed the villagers that they have 
obtained licence from the forest department which has been issued to them by 
the RFO of Curdi Range Shri Satyawan Fotte. when the villager demanded the 
copy of the licence he refuse to show them same and threatened the villagers 
with dire consequences. Informed the villager further .

The Police complaint filed by one of the villagers on 14th July did not 
yield any result as the cutting work is going on unabated till today.

When the Dy.Conservator of Forest South Goa Shri M. K. Bedi was contacted 
and asked about the licence if any his department has has issued to cut 
trees from survey No.95 of Colomba village informed herald that his 
department has not issued any licence to cut trees from Cotomba village.

The forest department harasses even those who does kumeri cultivation in 
forest land however they do not take any action against these mining 
companies who cutting large scale forest trees and are doing extensive 
damage to the forest question one Soiru Sawant of Colomba .

'In the past no forest habitant such as monkeys used to come to village and 
never used destroy our plantation as there were vast forest area for these 
animals to move on but now as the mountain have been cleared to facilitate 
mining activities and forest area has been reduce these forest animals very 
often enter into our village and destroy our crop such as mangos, jackfruit, 
coconut etc. informed said Soiru.

There are around 150 to 200 monkeys staying in the area where presently the 
cutting is going on , where these forest species will go if the trees on 
which they were moving/staying, ultimately they have to enter into our 
village. Moreover were presently the cutting is going on there were large 
number of medicinal trees . Informed one villager.

The forest official who are looking after the forest land prevents us 
villager from even collecting dry wood from the forest , how these same 
official becomes mute in spectators when large scale felling of trees is 
being done by the mining companies, which means the forest official are in 
hand in gloves. Informed another villager.

Photos by John Fernandes:

Re: [Goanet] TALK: The Snakes of Goa

2007-10-28 Thread Roland Francis
Don't forget to include the political snakes in the slide
presentation. They are more dangerous than the usual kind.

While normal snakes in Goa and elsewhere have their uses in nature's
food chain and harm no-one unless disturbed, the Goa political snakes
will not only poison the people but also the land. However it is very
easy to eliminate the political kind. They congregate in Porvorim
although their evil deeds affect all parts of Goa. Just feed them with
the Goan wedding cold fish dish made with home made mayonnaise.

Hope there are more Rahuls to be found in Goa. There is an urgent need
for snake handlers now, more than ever. The voters don't seem up to
the job.


On 10/27/07, Goanet Events [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Literati invites you to a session on

 The Snakes of Goa


 Rahul Alvares

 Sunday, 28th October 2007 at 11.30 a.m.

 There will be a slide presentation followed by a discussion.

 The talk will cover different aspects described in his book 'The Call of the
 Snake' including how to identify snakes, myths about snakes, how to deal
 with snake bites etc.

 Rahul's travels through the snake world of India which resulted in his book
 Free From School in which he describes the benefits of his year away from
 school shall naturally be a essential part of his presentation.

 For those of you who don't know Rahul, Rahul learnt snake handling at the
 Pune snake park, spider rearing at Madras, and croc handling under Romulus
 Whitaker at the Croc bank in Mammallapuram. Rahul has been retrieving snakes
 from human habitations in north Goa for the last eleven years and has
 rescued more than 800 snakes. He also edits an on-line newsletter on this
 work called The Creepy Times -

Roland Francis

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Pi, pi, pi kiteak pitai re soro

2007-10-28 Thread lino dourado
    Pi, pi, pi, kiteak pitai re soro. 
  Hispa bhair soro kiteak mhonn piyecho? Kaim bebdeank
oxo vichar kelear tanchea koddlean soroll zab mellta.
“Soro Jezun kela.” 
  Galileiachea Kana ganvant eka lognank soro sompun
nhovro lojent poddta mhonn Jezun udkacher axirvad
ghalun soro kel’lo. Ani hi poili milagr vo khunnam
vorvim xisamnim Jezucher visvas thevlolo. Punn bebde
lok poile milagriche pattlavdar zaleat ani bebddikai
korun aplea arogya ibaddtat. Soro vaitt oxem hanv
mhonnonk sodinam. Punn vokhodd koso il’lo ghonntlear
bholaikek ekdom boro mhonn amche purvoz sangot aileat.

  Ghelea sumanant kazu fenniecheo don botleo vikot
ghevn sodam porim Babit-an vonntiche almarint
dovorleo. To kaju xivai dusro soro piyenam. Ratche 8
horar igorjichea ghanttin avaz kelo mhonntoch jevnnam
adim susegad aple don dose Babit-an ghenvche astat.
Ani kedna-i chukon igorjicho sankistão ratchi ghantt
marunk visorlo zalear, tea ratrik piyepak, Saibinnichi
porvongi nam mhonn somzun to piye nastanam ravta.
  Frijintlem thondd soda ani mezavelo ek glas hatant
dorun igorjiche ghanttin ratchim 8 horam zalim mhonn
kollit kelea uprant almarixim gelo. Ani almar ugti
kelear don-ui kazu fenni botleo gaib zal’leo. To
chintunk poddlo. He dis sade. Pirachitacho vo
korezmancho khall nhoi. Oxe toren sorea botleo gobra
vo xinze Budhvarak ani borea Sunkrarak almarintleo
natak zatat. Punn aiz koslo dis kai? Oxo to chintnanim
ghuspololo astanam dhaktti dhuv thoimsorlean pasar
zatanam tinnem mhonnlem.
  “Daddy kitem polleta? Kedov excise duty ofisar-an
almarik dhadd (raid) marun don-ui botlea aplea tabeant
  “Kazu fennicheo botli lipoun dovorpak, ho
pirachitacho khall nhoi.” Kuznant, chopati lattale
baile sorxim yeun Babit-an mhonnlem.
  “Hea disanim Bharot ani Australia modim ODI 50 overs
choltelo krikett khell pollevnk ghull zal’lo asa tum.
Ani India piddear zata tea disa tujem il’lexem subeij
ghevop zata. Gõy Voizki Kolejichea (Goa Medical
College) hospitalantlim 25% mornnam bebdikayek lagon
zatat mhonn nond zalam.”
  “Bambolim Voizki hospitalant pavlolo duent monis
boro zavn surokxit ghora porot pavla khoim?”
  “Ti mhaka khobor nam. Sangpachem mhonnlear, chalu
vorsachea Mayeachea mhoineant Bambolim hospitalant 150
zannam meleant tim choddxim soreachea piddek lagon
  “Bebdikayechea rostean chol’le mhonntoch soro piyeun
zatele piddek addaunk nozo. Soro mon’xeank kela ani
nhoi monis soreak. Hanv koso, khoim, khoinchea vellar
mansugen soro piyeta tem polle ani uprant mhojeo
botleo zopt kor.”
  “Punn soro to soroch nhi? Favo titlo piyepi Gõykar
atam uronk nam mhonn Voizki kolejintle dotor sangtat.
Adim Gõykar, social drink he toren mansugi samballun
piyetalo punn atam dusrea Rajantlea loka bhoxen Gõykar
xime bhair pavla mhonn 25% sorean zalelim mornnam,
soreachem noxtt unnem korunk Gõykarank xiddkavnni
  “Zonn eklean aplea jivachi kalji ghenvchi asta.
Fugsanv, festam, ladayeno, kazarank funkot soro
piyepak mellta mhonn ghonntint ravchem nhoi. Zolm,
kazaracho dis ani yer dusre suvalleank (celebrations)
whiskey, brandy, rum ditat tem hanv ghenam mhonn tum
bore bhoxen zannai. Bar-anim vochun piyepachem hem
mhaka tor bilkull avoddnam. Ani hech khatir mhozo dose
ghora kodden kortam ani daddleaponn samballtam.”
  “Tem hanv manttam tujem. Punn aiche disalear chhapun
ail’le khobren, mhozo jiv bhiela. Voiz astat te, aplea
duentink favo tim vokhoddam ditat ani kitlo dose
ghenvcho asa tem sangtat. Hea fuddem hanv ditam
titloch tuzo dose ghenvcho.”
   “Mhonntokoch, hanv tuka Inas-a bhoxen zal’lo zai
kitem? Kai borelo xezari Inas amcho. Avoi-bapaichea
xistin vaddlolo bhurgo to. Ganvant taka khub nanv
aslem. Bailen taka piddear kela mhonn lok uloita. Taka
bail gavlea ti ‘charismatic’ khoim. Inas-ak ghorant
soro piyeunk dinam. Dekhunuch tannem barant vochun
soro piyepachem dorlem. Aikolam, bar choloitele
antichea mogan poddla mhonn to. Borelea dadleak
piddear korunk konn bazabdar? Hanspachi gozal
mhonnlear, Inas-ache ‘charasmatic’ bailecho bapui, don
soreachim baram choloita khoim. Him dhongiponnam
  Jevnachea mezar jevonn kaddlem ani bhurgeank
apoilim. Ragar zavn rostin kuznantlo koddsorun ghel’lo
ghorkar kitem korta kai mhonn ti pollevn gheli zalear
tigelo ghorkar Babit nhesun bhair sorunk toyar zal’lo
tinnem pollelo.
  “Tum khoim vochunk toyar zalai?”
  “Sometimes I must taste outside food like Inas” 
  “Naka! Naka saiba!!! (tinnem ekuch dhanv marli ani
don-ui sorea botleo ghevn aili) He ge botleo. Hanvem
  “Kitem aikolam?” Babitan vicharlem
  “Inas-an, aple bailechem gurguret ritem soddun
anticho garrafão bhorla mhonn.” 
  CHINTUNK: Thodde pavtti ghorkara vorn bailechi
huxarkai marog poddtta.
   Lino B. Dourado

[Goanet] Bishop/Diocese.

2007-10-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello

Hi Cornel,

CORNEL: This response of mine was a specific reply to Eric Pinto who had 
absurdly claimed that Albert had forfeited his right to seek info about 
Church finances.
CORNEL: I think my logic is pretty clear and specific to the context in 
which I made it re Eric Pinto. Do think about it!
CORNEL: I don't agree much with what Albert says but I am damned if  I 
accept  Eric Pinto's explanation that Albert has forfeited his right to 
make an enquiry.

RESPONSE: Since your response re Albert was related to Eric's contention:

I get the impression that Albert has opted out of his former membership in 
the 'association' that is known as the area Catholic Diocese. If  indeed he 
has, he then forfeits any moral claim  to raise the demands listed in his 
complaint on Goanet.

I have the same impression as Eric of Albert!! Albert gives the impression 
that he does not belong to the Catholic Church. And Eric and me are not the 
only ones who have this impression. I believe Selma, among others, alluded 
to this issue in more than one of her posts.

CORNEL: I am simply questioning Eric Pinto's contention that it is not 
necessary to do because of his totally unrelated example from America. Did 
you not note his absurd example of the woman who left money for some 

RESPONSE: Eric provided an example of legal precedence in the land of his 
residence. The case is what it is!!

I am surprised you do not ask the simple question as you seem to ask me 
about the thread and relevance to Eric.

RESPONSE: The issue I raised was about Albert having an inalienable human 
right... which I disagree about.

CORNEL: Fr Loiola may indeed be a fine man as you say and I don't doubt you 
for a moment. Unfortunately however, despite several reminders, he failed to 
reply to me even privately and even out of simple courtesy. Is this what a 
fine man normally does? I doubt it!

RESPONSE: I agree fine man is an intangible term..:-)
When you flip the coin one would wonder whether a fine man would badger Fr 

Why on earth did you think there was any onus on me, even suggestively, to 
visit him in Goa? Is there some kind of one-way expectation?

RESPONSE: My suggestion was based on you visiting Goa periodically from time 
to time. It is unlikely Fr Loiola will visit London without somebody wanting 
to know at whose cost did. etc, etc...and we are back to 
square one!!

CORNEL: As the Vatican has got itself in several messes over financial 
accountability, I am sure we would not want it to get into a further mess by 
one of its constituent churches in Goa by not perhaps having financial 

RESPONSE: I don't believe you or I can prevent or enhance any 'mess' that 
may come upon the Vatican/Church in Goa wrt financial accountability. The 
Vatican/Church in Goa is far bigger and resilient than the individual!!

I'm getting off this carousel as I'm getting giddy.:-))

- Bosco 

Re: [Goanet] Death by popot/To Venantius

2007-10-28 Thread Carvalho

--- Venantius Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I will however post my bit
 just for you when I
 am done reading and anoiting myself with sandalwood
 oil high on my
 forehead, in the region of my third eye. He truly is
 a waste.
Dear V'tius,
I am touched. Not by Dinesh but by your kind offer to
digest the book before spewing it out, just for me. I
too was shocked to read that he was formerly Reagan's
speech writer. He looks far too young to have been
around during Reagan's time. I'm also shocked because
he hangs out with left-wingers like Bill Maher (who I
adore ofcourse). Infact the day, Bill Maher got in
major trouble at CBS, Dinesh was his guest (I think if
I recall correctly). That was a long time ago though
and much water has flowed under the bridge since then.
I wait with bated (not baited) breath to hear about
Dinesh's justification for the perpetuation of
Christianity in perpetuity.:-)

take care,

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Re: [Goanet] Macacas!

2007-10-28 Thread Francis Rodrigues


Be not afraid, O wise one, of being contrary! I have
personally, during my regrettable youth, called many
unfortunates macacas - as in many latin cultures all
the way from Spain to Mexico! This reprehensible slur
or 'monkey epithet' may be cross-referenced here:

The origin and etymology of the slur are covered rather
extensively here (incl. even a 'Tintin' ref!), particularly
in Patrice Lumumba's unforgettable 30th June, 1960,
Congolese Independence Day speech accusing Belgian
King Baudouin of presiding over a regime of injustice,
suppression, and exploitation, before ending We are
no longer your macaques!!, as the Congolese in the
audience rose to their feet cheering hysterically!

An extensive net-search of your version has been
unsuccessful. I'm not too sure about 'Kaka' being of
E. African origin either - shouldn't that be Indian?
Anyway, what the heck, let's take up your suggestion
- anyone hence, calling another a macaca should be
summarily chucked into a US jail, without being charged!

Mervyn3.0  wrote:
You are talking about another time and another place.
In E. Africa, Kaka is elder brother. Makaka's are several
elder brothers? I must insist that macaca as used by USpoliticians is a 
term for those who can be thrown into jail
by the US without being charged. Unless, of course,
someone here has another name for such people.
Francis Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Macaca has been used derogatorily since time
immemorial against coloureds (by the fair-skinned),
deriding them as 'monkeys'! It's origin is from the
Portuguese 'macaco' (monkey), and for example,
was a pretty common insult to the locals during the
Portuguese occupation of Goa. Even more hilarious,
non-Portuguese speaking local kids took it to be a
hyphenated insult (ma !), and died laughing!

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[Goanet] Old 'Bore Pul' Show (with a song)

2007-10-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
Old 'Bore Pul'  Show (with a song)

also available at utube

Good resolution show also available at

  for Goa  NRI related info... 
  For Goan Video Clips

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Re: [Goanet] Hindu Jagruti Samiti and Marxist Rubbish

2007-10-28 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 26/10/2007, Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:

To Goanet -

.  Why, I may even cut a cheque and donate

to them, and ask friends to do likewise.  It is always a pleasure to give
Gadgil and his commie cohorts a fresh round of gripes.

Warm regards,

COMMENT: You don't have to inform all of us, that you will write out a
cheque...even if it is for only two rupees !

What you give is your biz!...we don't need to know the gory details - if 
being 'Turked' is what you have an affiliation for, so be it, please though, 
keep it out of this respectable forum !


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Fourth Goan Cardinal, Oswald Gracias

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Fourth Goan Cardinal, Oswald Gracias


His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI,  appointed His Grace Archbishop Oswald.
Gracias as Cardinal on 17th October 2007.If he has been the tenth cardinal of
India,  he is the  fourth Goan cardinal after late Valerian Cardinal
Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay   late Joseph Cardinal Cordeiro,
Archbishop of Karachi-Pakistan and Ivan Cardinal Dias, presently Prefect of the
Congregation of the. Evangelisation of Peoples, Rome.

The new cardinal, Archbishop Oswald Gracias thus become the member of the
College of Cardinals that assists  the pope in governing the universal
Catholic church, He will be  created cardinal at the consistory that will
be convened on November 24 , at the Vatican during which a formal assent of all
the cardinals present at the ceremony will be given and each new cardinal will
receive the red hat from Pope Benedict XVI. We pay homage to this illustrious
son of Goa, assuring Archbishop Oswald Gracias our prayers and good wishes,

Reverend  Dr. Oswald Gracias, was born on December, 24 1944 at
Mahim-Mumbai, his parents being, Aduzinda and. Jervis Gracias, originally from
Orlim, Salcete, Goa, He had a brilliant academic career and holding various
responsible posts in the archdiocese of Bombay and CBCI/CCBI. Reverend 
Dr, Oswald Gracias was appointed Auxiliary-Bishop of Bombay on June 28 1997 and
his episcopal ordination took place on September 16 at St. Michael’s Church,
Mahim, his motto being: “To reconcile all things in Christ”.  From 1998
to  2002 he was the Secretary -General of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of
India,  From 1998  to  2005,  he was the Chairman
CCBI  Commission for Legislative Texts.

On September 7 2000,  Bishop Oswald Gracias was appointed archbishop of Agra 
and he was installed
on 23rd November 2000.   

In2001,  Archbishop Oswald Gracias was appointed
Vice-Chairman, Vox Clara Committee,   Congregation of
Sacraments,  Rome.  
In 2002 he was the 8Ath chairman,  CBCI Commission for Social
Communications and Chairman NISCORT and also  in 2002,  he was
the  Chairman,  CBCI Commission  for Law and Public Interest
Litigation. And from 2005,  he is the President of Conference of Catholic
Bishops  of India.

He appointed Archbishop of Bombay on October 14 , 2006 and was installed on
December 14, 2006.

We thankHis Grace Archbishop Oswald Gracias,  for the wonderful work done.
for the reconciliation of all, the members of the Society of Pilar. 

As Holy See’s Apostolic Facilitator/Visitator to the Society of Pilar,
Archbishop Oswald Gracias tried and worked very hard to  reunite all the
members of the Society of Pilar, with the special efforts of archbishops of Goa 

At this moment we remember the prophetic words of Er, Agaelo, who said: “The
Society of Pilar will never die. The finger of God is here: Pilar”  May
God Bless Archbishop Oswald Gracias.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Mog assumdi,
Tumcho khalto,
Sanny De Quepem - Kuwait

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[Goanet] Why are Goan NGOs not objecting to this atrocity?

2007-10-28 Thread Carvalho

--- Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Maina-Curtorim police took her into custody
 after her
 anticipatory bail application was rejected. She was
 taken to the Goa Medical
 College (GMC), Bambolim for medical examination.

Over the last couple of years I have seen women's
rights steadily being eroded all in the guise of the
nanny-state out to protect their rights. First came
the proposed mandatory HIV testing, which would
protect women from AIDS infections. Then came
salwar-kameez uniforms to help them with sporting
activities. Then came monitoring of pregnancy
ultra-sound clinics, who would be held accountable if
they gave out details of the fetal gender. Then came
the decision that women under 30 years of age would no
longer be able to earn a livelihood as unskilled
labour in the lucrative Gulf States. Now, we are told
than an examination of this woman's body will reveal
whether or not she molested a nine year old boy.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but never have I heard
that an examination of a male suspects body was
carried out to form the basis of culpatory evidence.
Rape and molestation are very difficult crimes to
prove but they are just as equally easily to allege.
We have to be ever protective of victim's rights but
we also have ensure in a just society that the accused
is given a fair trail and not subjected to a kangaroo
court. So why are the NGOs not crying foul?

To me the extent of cultural evolution in a society is
reflected by the equitable and participatory role
women play in it. It's very easy to erode womens
rights. It's usually done under the benign guise of
protecting them. Little by little their ability to
take decisions for themselves is undermined and soon
there is nothing left but a disadvantaged section of
society with their civil rights totally curtailed. The
sad reality is, women need more protection from such
paternalistic, patronising and pandering shenanigans
then they need from anything life has to throw at


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Re: [Goanet] Death by popot

2007-10-28 Thread Carvalho

--- Frederick [FN] Noron  ha * फ्रेड 
रिक न  ोरोंया

 You came in late, Selma. This has been debate,
 fought over, and
 certified. Ask Eddie Fernandes. FN
Have you tried yes or no answers.  :-)

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Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault. Really?/to Miguel

2007-10-28 Thread Carvalho

--- Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Selma,
 Virginity of the spinster is not an issue. It is not
 the proverbial
 Big issue about a small piece of tissue. Forensic
 science has
 advance since the time when the doctors discovered
 seven little dents
 on the Maidenhead of Goldilocks!
Hi Miguel,
I'm trying to find this story on the net but for some
reason I cannot. Not even on Herald. Can you or Sanny
keep us informed about it. I'm really curious to know
what sort of evidence an examination will reveal. To
the best of my knowledge a nine year old is incapable
of preforming any sexual act (voluntarily or under
duress) that would leave incriminating evidence. To me
it seems like a gross violation of the woman's rights.


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[Goanet] Hey !

2007-10-28 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Thanks Gabe, and all who've mailed! Quick word:

I was quite overwhelmed, 6 months ago, by the
unexpected (?) response from Goanetters, when
I experienced a 'visual' problem, and had to take
leave of absence from cyberspace. The sheer
volume of calls (and mails which I only read much
later), quite threw me - from all corners of the
globe, but most particularly, the 'tough ol' US!

Thanks guys - in particular, folks who kept calling
often on a daily/weekly basis - Arnold Noronha,
Silviano Barbosa, Bosco D'Mello, George Pinto, Dr.
Jose Colaco, Richard Silveira, Roland Francis, Kevin
Saldanha, JoeGoaUK, Mervyn Lobo, Olavo Athayde,
many more - even spoke with Fr. Joachim Loiola
Pereira, Fred Noronha - others who met personally,
Cornel Da Costa, Gabe Menezes, Sunith Velho, Cecil
Pinto, Eddie Fernandes, Jacob De Souza, Victor Martins,
Miguel Braganza, Nasci Caldeira, Dexter Martins, Tony
Fernandes, and lotsa others, too numerous to mention!

I can't mention all the female Goanetters who called (!),
obviously, but Judaline, Olinda, Jolainne, Vilma, etc. etc.,
you all know who you are! Thanks awfully guys! Despite
the rapid-fire exchanges, Goanetters are a rather caring
bunch it seems. Now who would ever have thought that...!

The most-asked question - 'Aunty'?? Perhapsnow that
I've finally been allowed access to my computer, though
it's been 6 long months, her mails have piled unimaginably,
and I actually thought she perished in that hunger-strike
with Victoria! Anyway, great to be back, let's party!

Gabe Menezes  wrote:

Welcome back Francis! The answer to your question:
Karl Marx's grave was definitely not a Water Gate
affair, it was in fact a High Gate situation !

R U Ready for Windows Live Messenger Beta 8.5? Try it today!

[Goanet] Bahrain Goans Football League

2007-10-28 Thread simon
Bahrain Goans Football league are holding the captains and Managers meeting
at the Konkan Singers Club 8.30pm TODAY,

Call going out to anyone intrested in playing for Calangute Football Club
must contact Simon on 39025546

[Goanet] Man shoots sister in Mumbai's Cuffe Parade area

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Man shoots sister in
Mumbai's Cuffe Parade area


Sunday, October 28, 2007  11:14

MUMBAI: A 40-year-old woman was allegedly shot at by her younger brother
over some property dispute at their residence in the plush Cuffe Parade
locality of South Mumbai in the wee hours
today, police said.

Lalit D'Souza (37) fired at his sister Laura in their seventh-floor
residence in Sayonara building at around 0330 hours, police said.

D'Souza, who owns the Lalit Bar and Restaurant in South
 Mumbai, surrendered before police immediately and also deposited the
revolver used in the attack, they said.

Laura was rushed to a nearby hospital and some surgeries were performed on

She is recuperating at the hospital presently.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault. Really?/to Miguel

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Mog assumdi,
Sanny de Quepem - Kuwait

- Original Message 
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 9:20:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault. Really?/to Miguel

--- Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Selma,
 Virginity of the spinster is not an issue. It is not
 the proverbial
 Big issue about a small piece of tissue. Forensic
 science has
 advance since the time when the doctors discovered
 seven little dents
 on the Maidenhead of Goldilocks!
Hi Miguel,
I'm trying to find this story on the net but for some
reason I cannot. Not even on Herald. Can you or Sanny
keep us informed about it. I'm really curious to know
what sort of evidence an examination will reveal. To
the best of my knowledge a nine year old is incapable
of preforming any sexual act (voluntarily or under
duress) that would leave incriminating evidence. To me
it seems like a gross violation of the woman's rights.


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Re: [Goanet] B-grade fairy tales

2007-10-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 28/10/2007, Pravin Sabnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 B wrote: btw what do you think I should do? agree with
 gadgil sabnis and others and badmouth the RSS?
 circulate biased white papers about imaginary problems
 faced by muslims in goa?.

... And don't send your private mails to apologise…
 Like the legendary Shishupal, my quota of forgiveness
 for you, is over...

 No regards for your BULL

 Pravin K. Sabnis

COMMENT: Well and truly caught out, is someone's Chicken country
nephew. Claims of receiving loads of, support emails, just as
previously, one from Toledo used to. This is not the first time that
apologies in private have been proffered...remember Cecil ? What
style, insult in public and then offer an apology in private !

Chicken country nephew, is attempting to canvass support, by directly
sending emails to many it seems ! how pathetic.

I'm just a lonely boy ( oops girl ) lonely and blue, I'm all alone
with nothing to do..goes the lyrics of a oldie by Paul Anka.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault. Really?/to Miguel

2007-10-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
Let us not play the role of self-appointed investigator or judge in
cyberspace. To me, the growing number of sex-crimes in Goa (quite a
few involving very young children) suggests that there's something
serious going on in society which we really can't cope with. These are
times of transition, speedy transition, from one mindset to another.
Can we look forward to more human definitions of the problem and
possible solutions, if any? FN
Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490
11866 downloadable, sharable hi-res photos

[Goanet] Hundreds hold candle light vigil for dead sailor

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Hundreds hold candle light
vigil for dead sailor

Daily Echo: Oct. 28, 2007  9:24am today

By Lucy

HUNDREDS of Fawley residents united last night at an emotional candlelit
vigil to commemorate Gregory Fernandes.

The 32-year-old sailor from the Indian state of Goa
collapsed and died following a race-hate gang attack in the Hampshire village
on October 20.

Exactly one week after the assault when up to 20 youths attacked Mr
Fernandes, Fawley residents pulled together to pay their respects to him and
his family.

About 300 villagers and New Forest East MP Julian Lewis attended a special
service in a packed All Saints Church before silently walking to The Square,
where the attack on devout Christian Mr Fernandes took place. At The Square,
they held a two-minute silence before lighting candles.

The Rev Barry James, who led the church service, said: The community
is in shock. People are dismayed and ashamed of what happened here, in what is
normally a quiet Hampshire village.

We wanted to acknowledge what happened and express our feelings of
solidarity, as well as to show Gregory's family that we are remembering him and
that we care.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] Goa is Best State in India in 2012

2007-10-28 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

Goa has been adjudged as the best State in India for the third year in  a 
row in 2012.
Its universities are among the best in the land -comparable to the IITs. 
Goan students are getting into medical colleges and Engineering colleges in 
large numbers. Goan industry is booming. Goans are wealthy and well off - 
What is the reason for this dramatic difference in the fate of Goa ?
Their government is led by Manohar Parrikar an IITian turned Chief 
Minister. IITians are the very best students in the country. They are well 
known for their sharp minds and world wide networking skills. That Goans 
have an IITian as Chief Minister makes all the difference. Manohar Parrikar 
is unique. He is a clean and clever politician. He has vanquished all his 
rivals in Goa. Even Dr. Wilfred Mesquitta his long time rival has realized 
Manohar's potential and decided in the best interests of Goa and Goans not 
to contest Manohar and the MGP in the upcoming elections. Ten years from 
now we will all look back and realize how Goa has become the Best State in 
the Nation. We will have ourselves to pat on the back for putting Manohar 
back in office a CM. Viva Goa ! Viva ! Viva ! So Goenkars the futre is in 
your hands, Vote for Manohar Parrikar in the next elections and make you 
rosy future come true !

Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault. Really?

2007-10-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
To Selma
  I am in total agreement with your sentiments (see below, in full as written 
of what you posted on this forum).  Not everyone will agree and this response 
is to them, not to you, I am only agreeing with you on this subject.
  There are some people (I know of SIX by personal experience) on his forum 
that wish to nit pick part sentences  will attempt to throw you off-balance 
here  make you out to be siding with the police, they have ways of doing this, 
just the OPPOSITE of what you say here.  That is why I have not portioned off 
your post here, it happened to me on half a dozen occasions just this last 2 
  I do wish those who have nothing else to do with their time on this forum 
find another way out of their miserable lives, instead of always biting ankles 
like a small dog trying to scare you off the (garden) path, by ripping at the 
trousers or the skirt hem, or your ankles, and growling!! but for 
NO constructive reason other than to be a nuisance, such as a mosquito on a 
balmy evening..
  Anyone who disagrees with the sentiments that Selma has posted, just below 
Sanny de Quepem, regarding this teacher, please stand up. 
  Ok, ok, we cant see you so maybe you can either i) leave the room or ii) post 
here, with your REASONS why the sentiments mentioned below are disagreeable to 
  DONT bother cutting down or summarising any of the sentences to fit your 
answer, just reply please, in FULL. We can read, we can also read between the 
linesand of course we will know when you have cut sentences in your 
  I await with bated breath.  I appear to be waiting with bated breath on some 
other posts I put on this forum, but received none, except abuse.
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England
  NB : And that will include the SIX posters (including the FOUR who sent me 
personal emails) vilifying me for my opinions on similar or associated subjects 
this couple of weeks?! 
--- Sanny de Quepem wrote:
Asked whether it can be established that the victim boy was assaulted by the 
lady tuition teacher, the Colva police inspector said that only when the 
teacher is arrested and subjected for medical examination the police be able to 
establish the truth.
I'm so disheartened by this story. On the one hand if the woman in question did 
molest this child then she has to pay the full penalty under the law. On the 
other hand, it seems to have brought to the fore all the misogynistic 
assumptions made by our society. In our Goan society, where getting married and 
having children is the norm, women who fail to fulfill this role designated for 
them are reviled. They are the but of all jokes, with special pejorative terms 
like beatul and azudre coined for them. I attended a tiatre about two years 
ago which was replete with such abuses hurled at one of the unmarried 
characters in the play, and the crowd churlishly cheered on in agreement.  Much 
has been made of the fact that this woman is a 40year old spinster. Pedophilia 
is not a disease born out of deprivation but a sickness of the mind, and hence 
a 40 year old married woman with 10 children could be just as susceptible to it 
as a unmarried 40 year old.Secondly, why is the
 assumption made that the spinster is a virgin. Could she not be engaged in a 
healthy sexual relationship with a man outside of marriage? How will an 
examination of her body prove assault on the child? Is this the sort of 
evidence we are depending on to prove our cases in Goa these days? If so, I am 
afraid very afraid for our society.Selma

[Goanet] reply for bosco

2007-10-28 Thread Bhandare
Dear Bosco:

everyone is not as articulate as maybe you and your
friends like gabe, fred,gadgil are..

as regards my posts regarding the church and
paedophilia plese read the in the context i gave that
example to jason..i admit that usin the paedophilia
card to counter every person with a catholic name is a
bad is using the marxist label.

but jason himself said that he is a member and
dissents when he sees fit and ll that..vidyadhar is a
self proclaimed calling him one is ok I is Puniyani.

once again i can not help it if my posts appear
totally off track or one track for you..i can not help

in fact you might have noted that Gadgil has refused
to answer questions that i asked..



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Re: [Goanet] Beautifully written Agnelo -- Goa Bishop in San Francisco

2007-10-28 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Cedrico
   I was glad to hear from you that you believe that the caste system is in 
decline in Goa. Hopefully, it will become obsolete as soon as possible. I think 
I can accept Agnelo's view that there are more urgent priorities facing Goa 
right now with so much structural change taking place fairly rapidly. However, 
constantly pricking the caste balloon is also important not only to demolish 
those Margao Brahmins you referred to but also to empower the non Brahmins so 
as to to take on the Brahmins at every opportunity regarding their caste 
  I hope to visit Margao sometime reasonably soon and would appreciate a little 
info as to exactly where these Bamons are supposedly holed up and located 
geographically and how in your view,  Brahminism prevails. For me, just 
driving around to observe their increasingly decadent surroundings would be of 
considerable interest. 
  I happen to be in London and I know  you are in Dubai. I have enjoyed your 
material on football and other matters in the Gulf. 
  Kind regards

cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Agnelo,

Much has been going on these days and long discussions about the church, caste 
system etc in Goa.
Well initially we are given to understand the divide began at the church 
committees itself, mostly called the confrarias.
many bramin priests, or some who thought they were bramins promoted this 
bramins first policy.
Ask me, in Margao...till date such braminism prevails.


Re: [Goanet] Priest are Perps, says Ana Maria Fernandes...............

2007-10-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Ana, I am so surprised to read your post. Around which areas in Goa (or 
anywhere else in the whole wide world) are these churches you say are infested 
with maggots breeding and which (Catholic) Priests with fat bank accounts, and 
who is full of sex lust?
  A damning statement, but where is the proof?  What you have said so far could 
easily be mistaken for one of the corrupt politicians house(s).  Or worse 
someone you KNOW has made you blurt this out, because you KNOW something, but 
cannot tell it on this forum.  If I am right, just email us individually and 
NAME the person you KNOW.
  That way, you have done a confession, been forgiven for attempting to accuse 
unjustly and been pardoned, all without having to resort to one of God's 
messengers whom you feel uncomfortable to be near anyway.
  I am assuming you are a Catholic and that you have an axe to grind (or plant) 
somewhere where it will do most good.  I am afraid it has not done any good 
here, because you associated yourself with Albert who is well known for his 
rantings and accusations, false ones (never brought any proof to the table 
about anything he has posted here in all the (short) time I have been posting 
on this forum.
  Please Ana, you are made of better stuff than that. Let it go, but if you 
cannot, then bring something to the table that we can get our teeth into, not a 
reason for someone to knock them out! Write MORE not LESS, you are worth MORE 
than the people you accuse, just bring it to the table and show us the proof.  
We want to believe you and I am sure you want us to belive you?
  Kind regards
  John Monteiro
  27.10.07  19.32 hrs
  PS I hope everyone remembers (in the UK) to put your clocks BACK one hour, we 
are to gain an extra hour's sleep tonight.  But as usual this post will appear 
several days from now I guess, so its academic really.

  Agnelo Gomes is not any authority to condemn any one. He is presumed to be a 
lay person just like Albert and me the fact is the church is infected 
with maggots which breed on money greed and sex lust. There are priest who have 
big fat bank accountsI being a girl know the talk and behavior of many 
priests and the less I write better it is. 
Ann Marie 

[Goanet] do you like classical music?

2007-10-28 Thread francisco-mn

Do you like classical music?

This is the enquete of the site

And the goans people?

Goans like classical music or not?

We want to know.

Bene Rodrigues 
The webmaster of the site

Please go to the enquete.

Re: [Goanet] Manohar parrikar - right choice for CM

2007-10-28 Thread Cajetan Rego
Please follow the link
  I feel Parrikar needs to be given a chance to form govt with full majority.
  I had a chat with Parrikar over the phone when he was trying to form the govt 
taking support from Babush. He said he was constrained by the current state of 
poiltics and had no choice but to form govt if Goa were to be saved from land 
sharks, corruption and bankrupcy. He said it would be ideal for Goa if every 
politician was non-corrupt and dedicated for Goan's well being, but the reality 
was far from this and hence he had to live with such constraints. He would 
himself follow his ethics even if he were to side with Babush. He explained 
this to me for about 20 min without having met/known me.
After I had this talk, I fully understood his determination and the reason 
behind him making a U-turn.
  It is true that he had a centralized administrative style. But that is what 
is required while dealing with govt servant babus. A near impossible feat like 
IFFI 2004 could never have been achieved had he delegated work and expected it 
to get done somehow.
  IFFI is an investment. The cost that everyone complains about will be 
recovered in the years to come by way of tourism and fame.
  Cajetan Rego,
Tivim Goa

Bhandare [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear Anamika:

Your sentiments are riht on target.Parrikar is the
most dynamic and honest politician we have right now
Politics is neve as easy as choosing between good and
bad, rather it is the tough choice between the lesser
of two evils...
Critics of parrikar will find 100 ways of pointing out
his faults but what is the choice we have?

maybe parrikar is not ideal but relative to the others
that we have he is the best


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[Goanet] Congress tries to win back MGP’s suppor t

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Congress tries to win back
MGP’s support 

THE HINDU: Sunday, Oct 28, 2007

Special Correspondent 

Seeks withdrawal of petitions against two MGP MLAs

PANAJI: The latest move by the ruling Congress to seek the withdrawal of the
pending disqualification petitions against the two MLAs of the Maharashtrawadi
Gomantak Party (MGP) is widely regarded as the Congress’s bid for rapprochement
with the MGP. 

It is to prevent potential threats to the party’s prospects in the ensuing
byelection to the south Goa Parliamentary Constituency and eventually to its
Government from its present ally, the two-member Save Goa Front (SGF) led by
Churchill Alemao. 

Ironically, Mr. Alemao is occupying the Ministerial berth which was vacated
by Ramkrishna Dhavlikar, MGP MLA, ahead of the unsuccessful toppling bid
against the Government in July. The political coup spearheaded by Mr. Alemao
eventually proved suicidal for the unsuspecting MGP MLAs who joined it. They
ended up with disqualification petitions which also led to withdrawal of their
voting rights by an “ex parte ad interim order” of the Speaker.

Having failed to pressure the Congress into allotting party ticket to his
daughter, Mr. Alemao is unhappy and has even gone public describing it as a

Anxious to return to local politics, Mr. Alemao raked up some local issues
and resigned as Congress MP of south Goa ahead of the June 2 Assembly election
float his own party. Having succeeded in winning merely two seats, Mr. Alemao
found himself marginalised in the local politics. 

Using his political astuteness, he lured the BJP and other fringe groups to
join him to make a strong bid to topple the Congress-led Government within two
months of the election. But later he ended up joining the Government forcing
the MGP out of the coalition.


While the south Goa Constituency has a major influence of Catholic voters,
the Congress’s move of rapprochement is also guided by its desire to see this
erstwhile ally back on its side in the poll when it faces the BJP in the
Hindu-dominated areas of this constituency where Pradesh Congress president
Francisco Sardinha is locked in a battle with Wilfred Mesquita of the BJP. 

Ironically, the legal validity of the Congress’s move is facing a scrutiny
from within. Former Union Law Minister Ramakant Khalap and former Goa Law 
Kashinath Zalmi, both erstwhile MGP leaders, are now in Congress and have taken
a public stand that the Speaker has no right to allow withdrawal of petitions
as it has become the property of the House.
Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[Goanet] AVC's Enchantment Nite

2007-10-28 Thread Francis Furtado
AVC Overseas Sports  Cultural Association Kuwait presents the show of the year 
Enchantment Nite' on 15th November 2007 at the glittering Al Sief Ballroom at 
Ramada Hotel in Riggai Kuwait. For the first time in Kuwait it will be purely 
non stop dancing with prizes and surprises galore as the night sways by. To get 
you in the enchanting groove flies all the way from New Delhi Blackslade' the 
kings of rock, pop, techno and reggae in India. This group has now become the 
brand name for corporate showbiz in most cities of India. They are also the 
favorites in Kuwait having performed to packed shows in the past and now are 
one of the best live bands in India today currently performing live at Crowne 
Plaza, Surya in Delhi. They are going to unleash their new music inventions at 
the Nite like never before in Kuwait. Joining them is our very own Deep 
Impact' who have carved a niche amongst the young crowd and now has been 
considered as the best in Kuwait. DJ music is and always will be in reckoning 
with many plying the trade, but few have made it on a big stage and one of 
these big timers is the elegant DJ Marlon who will jam up at the Nite with this 
latest selections. The host for the night will be the one and only famous Lloyd 
D'Souza. So folks gear up for this unique event which promises to be awesome. 
SriLankan Airlines are the Official Carriers for this event .For reservations 
call:  9800986, 7271550, 7651460, 9797348, 9189820, 6486011, 7326549, 9849649, 
6209459, 7123622  6221412. Watch out for more as events fold.

[Goanet] A Tale of Tragic Love Cracks Calcutta's Mirror

2007-10-28 Thread rubygoes
This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi FN  Goanet, Do Goans inter-marry? Thanks. Have a nice day. Ruby Goes

WEEK IN REVIEW | October 28, 2007
The World: A Tale of Tragic Love Cracks Calcutta's Mirror
A Muslim takes a rich Hindu bride and ends up mysteriously dead.


This e-mail was sent to you by a friend through's E-mail This 
Article service.  For general information about, write to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018

Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company

[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar - to Floriano

2007-10-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
Dear Floriano You said Anamika is not a non entity but in fact you and
your so call su ? raj party is a non entity in Goan politics.

We do not need the pigmies to  proselytize us on who is good and bad for
Goa.  Yor allegations against Parrikar  are totally fabricated,
spurious, deceptive, and importantly unproven. 

Do I need to list the numerous scandals of your debauch, scoundrel
Congress Cronies over their all these years rule in Goa  !! Show some
mettle to expose them as well.

Manohar Parrikar  is credited with bringing the BJP to power in Goa. He
is also credited with single handedly bringing the IFFI  to Goa, and
creating more international quality infrastructure in Goa for the event
in a short time than any other former government. He is also known to be
a man of action, and principles

He has been the moving force behind the BJP's growth in Goa. His
meticulous style of working and organisational skills has succeeded in
creating a moralistic image of the BJP in the minds of Goans, who,
keeping aside their reservations about its communal tag. 

During his  tenure in the assembly as an opposition member, Parrikar
made an impact with his uprightness and exposed several scams, including
the infamous power scandal. 




[Goanet] Gadgils reply to rajan parrikar

2007-10-28 Thread nelson ferrao
My dear gadgil
 i thoght that after staying in goa you must have learnt by now their
dislikes and likes.One thing they really hate is- shitting and urinating in
public. Non- goans and specially the indian tourists seem to have taken this
for granted.And as i wrote in my earlier post, it is due to the
goodheartedness and hospitality of goans that they tolerated this filthy
behaviour from our guests who we did not invite but they came to see the
civilised part of India.They often come in busloads, bathe,urinate and
defecate in public places and hang their cloths for drying in muncipal
gardens.Goans when go touring in other parts of country dont do such
things.All these people are used to do these things in their own states and
maybe gadgil is used to them and still tolerating such behaviour , but he
should not expect us to do so and call names to those who point out such
issues.These tourists are better off staying where they are or visit other
part of country where such behaviour is accepted.
 Goa should put up posters all over telling tourists that they  are not
allowed to shit and urinate in public


2007-10-28 Thread Pen Pricks
A College principal accused of molestation. The accusation is endorsed by
the Goa State Commission for Women. And yet the Principal continues to write
a career-counselling column in a Goan leading daily... How morally sound is
the media?
Read more on penpricks

[Goanet] Iffi limits delegate entry to 5,000

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Iffi limits delegate entry to 5,000

By Pamela D’Mello

Panaji: Iffi organisers have decided to limit registration to 5,000 for the
film festival that starts November 23-December 4 in Goa.

ESG CEO Nandini Paliwal said the restriction was due to limited theatre

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Goa
government and the directorate of film festivals on Thursday. State authorities
will be providing logistics and hospitality to invitees as per the MOU.

The festival will screen Indian panorama films in feature and non feature
sections, besides 60 award winning films from forty countries in the cinema of
the world section.

A competition section will have 14 feature film entrees from Asia, Latin
America and Africa, vying for the golden and
silver peacock awards.

Proportional delegate pass sharing worked out at an organising committee
meeting, reserves 1,400 passes for state delegates, and 3,600 passes for DFF

Pared down fringe activities has a pruned budget of Rs 2 crore, and will
decentralise activities to interior towns and away from festival venues. Beach
screenings are likely to continue.,000.aspx


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] Secularism v/s Communalism

2007-10-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
The secular fundamentalism and bigotry is as much responsible for vitiating the 
communal atmosphere. It is redefining secularism in a manner that any view at 
variance is stigmatized as manifestation of majority communalism.
Are we then witnessing the emergence of secular fascism ?  There is no 
plausible answer as to how The BJP is communal and others secular. Is being 
with BJP is communal and being with Congress secular ? Take example of our Goan 
standard of secularism. In last elections Mathany Saldhana sided with BJP. Who 
does he become ? A secular or communal ? There are so many catholic 
personalities with BJP like Francisco D’souza, Aires Rodriguez, Dr. Wilfred 
Mesquita etc. Will you term them as communalists ? If Being with BJP is 
communal then Digambar Kamat who was with BJP as Power  minister a communal ? 
and after he defected to Congress is he baptized now as secular ?
Election results at a given time and place have no permanent immutable 
validity. Most of the times demagogues and despots successfully manage to 
manipulate the will of the people by using either muscle power  or  money 
earned by  corruption and scandalous mode eg. Babush Monseratte, Mauvin 
Godhino, Micky Pacheco, Dayanand Narvekar etc. just to name a few.
Overwhelming majority of Goan hindus are secular and have elected candidates 
either based on their merits or for own personal gains or in gratitude for 
favors obtained from such candidates irrespective of candidate’s party 
affiliation or religion. Hindu majority constituencies have often elected non 
Hindus like Francis D’souza from Mapusa or Isidore Fernandes from Poinginim 
where as there is no record of any Hindu candidate winning from predominantly  
catholic constituencies specially in Salcette on non Congress ticket.
After liberation , elections were fought basically by two regional parties MGP 
and UGP. After losing opinion poll the MGP abandoned the pro merger agenda.
Hindus sided with MGP which was headed by Bandodkar who was a Bahujan samaj 
Hindu leader since they had fresh memories of the Christian Portuguese 
tyrannical rule. 
Catholics and mostly bamon Hindus sided with Dr. Jack Sequeira’s UGP. Although 
there was always a religious divide between the MGP and UGP but it was limited 
to election days only. 
Goa being a Hindu majority state MGP  won the elections by default starting 
from the first election in 1963  and ruled the state till  1979.
During those days defection, government toppling, scandals, corruption were non 
existent. Both these parties had different agenda but neither of them fought 
election based on religious issues. 
It was only after death of Bandodkar and entry of Congress party in Goa that 
corruption, nepotism and policy of divide and rule by minority appeasement 
started to plague  peaceful Goa.
Some opportunist politicians  from both parties migrated to Congress which had 
history of manipulating votes  by instigating communal divide for political 
After demise of Dr. Jack Sequeira  there was no Christian leader to match  his 
stature to lead the party resulting in disbanding of UGP following its 
transformation into the Congress the catholic community had no other option but 
to support Congress party.
The corrupt Congress administration from 1980 to 2000 paved the way for the BJP 
to pose as a clean political party with espousing majority community.
During the 1999 polls, in the wake of the anti-corruption backlash, many 
hristians too sided with the BJP.  Since BJP did not get a majority on its own, 
it had to resort to mass-scale defections from the Congress to come to power in 
October 2000.
 But the Goan Congress party is still  in disarray and not yet able to shed its 
past corrupt image had to resort to promote not true secularism but  fake 
secularism  to protect its political interest.


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[Goanet] British sogle crackpot - to Bernado

2007-10-28 Thread edward desilva
Hi Bernado,
  Do you have an UK passport than you are one of them (a true one).
  For, Blair did not send English to Iraq - there is no compulsory service.
  Secondly Blair has done a great service to the immigrants eg Lawrence case 
and the exposition of the UK Police Institutional Racism, the enquiry the 
Conservative (financing BNP) had swept under the carpet during their power.
  Thirdly as Blair said, UK did not go to Iraq or Afghanistan -THEY CAME TO US 
  Blair could not handle the crackpots so he sent them to Iraq. Now Brown,
what will he do send them to Iran? Meanwhile our Goan brother lost his
life to british crackpots. 

There are lots of brits coming to Macau with the advent of the casino
boom. But if they are involved with similar dadagiri they will be
chopped to pieces by the chinese.


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Re: [Goanet] Sexual abuse--------- the innocents children must they be punished too?

2007-10-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
There you go, not reading the previous posts on this subject. Missing the link 
as it were!
  You dont have a clue what you are posting to us. Nobody is asking for or 
spelling out any Sharia law to be imposed on criminals, whether associated with 
sexual crimes or otherwise.  
  Please refer to my previous and original posts on this particular subject (as 
well as starting from the begining, noting what posters have sent to this 
forum, before you select one or two lines which have recently been added, in 
response to other posters, and dont't get it wrong, again.
  It would have been a kinder thing to do instead of jumping to unfounded 
conclusions, as you have just now.  I had specifically posted exactly the same 
thing that you have (but hopefully without the holier than thou attitude you 
attributed to me and others who have supported  tried, in vain it seems to 
give our opinions, as you have, but hopefully elucidated it a bit more, and in 
detail, using various examples of what NOT to do, as in the case, below, NOT to 
use any Arabic country's options on sentencing (Sharia Law or any other law, 
not all Arab countries have Sharia Law opertating, some are dictatorships, 
orthers are worse than dictatorships but that's for another discussion, for 
another day), noteably as also said, including children which we have seen 
pictures of, on this forum not more than 2 weeks or so ago.
  Caste ye not the first stone (nor the second) unless you think you have 
the right to do so, then you can explain WHY you did.  Take the consequences 
that befall you, or apologise to everyone you carelessly punched in the face, 
for you have made a dreadful error my friend.
  And by the way the poster I responded to was also giving her opinion, to 
which she is entitled, whether or not we all or individually agree with her, or 
not, she was eplying to several posts regarding the parent of one child 
molesting another parent's little girl, by saying (quote) We seem more 
concerned with the innocent man, than the innocent girl!... ) can you 
fathom which is the innocent in this sentence or make any sense of it?  We 
tried and you pilloried us! I said we had no feelings for a child 
molester but this was in ADDITION to what was posted previously, not an 
outright statement as we see on this forum by the mightier and prouder than us 
brigade, who put half a dozen words or a couple of sentences which provoke 
others into rage.
  Fortunately, although long-winded at times, I prefer to explain in detail, 
which just shows if I ever diviate from this, I will receive posts like yours, 
by people who have not bothered to follow the story or the link or thread on 
the subject before accusing us of ignorance, or worse.
  I could send in lots of pick  mix paste  post it on this forum from all 
subjects including as you did, on any subject, by just going on internet 
websites and quoting ad nausium, but I prefer DISCUSSION (not chime) on 
issues raised by others, on Goanet. I find the responses by the majority to be 
constructive, and sometimes woeful, or even sad, some posters are totally off 
their heads (in MY opinion), and others so high brow in their replies (as I 
have received by a couple in private emails from this forum) that I still find 
them fascinating to read, and respond accordingly.
  I just dont get along with twisters, those who say one thing then mean 
another, or cut and paste your words to make others look stupid or opposite to 
what they really are, or really said. That's just cheap.. and nasty.
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England.
Dear John and others who have chimed in on this topic,
Let us not assume that we know all the answers to deviant behaviours
in humans and not cast stones until we do..Let us hope that the 
perpertrators of this and other crimes may get the help they need rather than 
the wrath of the holier among us.
Kevin Saldanha


We do not have any feelings for any child molester, if you have been
following the thread of this discussion you will have noted many posts
regarding this.
John Monteiro
Berkshire, England
We seem more concerned for the innocent man than the innocent girl!
It appears that he will reap better than what he sought to sow for the girl!
{Heaven forbid if the girl had mistakenly identified an innocent man.
Heaven forbid if such an innocent man were to be beaten to death.
Heaven forbid if such an innocent man were my father, brother or
husband. We reap what we sow in a society.}

[Goanet] Bye-poll an opportunity to oppose SEZ: Parrikar

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

Bye-poll an opportunity to oppose SEZ: Parrikar


VASCO, OCT 27 – Leader of the Opposition Manohar Parrikar at a public
meeting on Saturday said that the South Goa Parliamentary bye-election is an
opportunity for Goans to warn the Digambar Kamat-led government that they
cannot sell land in the name of SEZ.

“The political uncertainty at the Centre could bring down the UPA government at
any movement. But the victory of Dr Wilfred Mesquita will not change the
government at the Centre nor in the State, but it would certainly send a clear
cut signal to the Kamat-led government that they cannot sell Goa and its
identity in the name of SEZ,” said Parrikar.

Referring to Chief Minister Digambar Kamat’s statement made after his recent 
Delhi visit that seven SEZs is a must for Goa, Parrikar
allegedly said the Congress candidate Francisco Sardinha and former MLA Karl
Vaz were for two SEZs in Goa.

Addressing the gathering in his home town, BJP candidate Dr Wilfred Mesquita
answering to allegations made by the Congress that BJP has ‘smuggled’ him said,
“Am I smuggled from Italy or
I am a proud Goan and the one who lived for the welfare of State and will die
for it.”

He alleged that the Finance Minister and Digambar Kamat are fooling the
unemployed youth of Goa that SEZ would give
them job opportunities.

He urged the people of Port town that this bye-election is an opportunity for
the people of Goa to show the Kamat-led
government that they cannot take the people for granted.

Siroda MLA Dayanand Mandrekar, Mormugao MLA Milind Naik, Mormugao Municipal
Council chairman Manesh Arolkar, former State BPJ president Rajendra Arlekar,
former MLA Mathani Saldanha, Adv Aires Rodrigues, BJP secretary Jayant Jadav,
BJP youth wing president Ashish Shirodkar and other also spoke.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] SEZs will be scrapped if found detrimenta l to Goa’s welfare: CM

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

will be scrapped if found detrimental to Goa’s welfare: CM 

NT News Service

Quepem, Oct 27 The Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat today said
that he would not hesitate to scrap all the SEZs proposed to be set up in Goa
if they were found to be against the interest and welfare of Goa. He, however,
hastened to add that any decision in this regard would be taken only after
thoroughly reviewing the SEZs after the Lok Sabha by-polls.

Speaking at a public meeting held at Quepem as part of the
Congress party’s campaign for the Lok Sabha by-polls, Mr Kamat said, “The
interest and welfare of the common man lies at the core of my heart. So far,
all the decisions taken by this government are aimed at the uplift of the aam
aadmi. Therefore, if the SEZs are at all found to be detrimental to the welfare
of Goans, I won’t hesitate to cancel the SEZs.”

He assured that he was willing to rectify any genuine mistakes
that could have inadvertently occurred if brought to his notice.

Referring to the demand made by the BJP vice-president, Mr Prakash
Velip for the resignation of the Quepem MLA, Mr Chandrakant Kavlekar following
the alleged land scam, the Chief Minister defended Mr Kavlekar terming him as a
“man who cares for the welfare of the poor and the downtrodden”.

“Those who have been rejected by the people at the hustings should
refrain from mouthing baseless accusations at those who are really working for
the development of the constituency,” Mr Kamat said in a veiled reference to Mr
Velip who lost the last assembly elections to Mr Kavlekar. He further urged the
people to work for the success of the Congress by electing Mr Sardinha with an
overwhelming lead.

The Quepem MLA reiterated his stand that the proposed food park at
Betul would be set up at any cost as it was necessary for the development of
Quepem, which had hitherto remained neglected for the past many years.

“Once the food park is set up, it would ensure a good market for
the farmers in the rural places of Quepem, thus helping in raising their
standard of living. Secondly, the unemployment problem that has been grappling
the constituency for long will be taken care of as a number of employment
opportunities would be generated,” Mr Kavlekar said.

Referring to the land scam issue, the IDC Chairman said the opposition
BJP was left with no genuine issues to go to the people and hence it was
harping on “non-issues”. Reminding the audience that it was he who hiked the
land rate from Rs 375 to Rs 600 once he took over the reins of the GDIC, Mr
Kavlekar said that he would not have taken this decision had he been harbouring
any selfish interests.

“I take pride in the fact that I was responsible for increasing
the revenue of the GIDC after raising the price of the land as my intentions
were clean and clear,” he said and further urged the party workers to work with
dedication for the success of the party.

The party candidate for the Lok Sabha by-polls, Mr Fransisco
Sardinha, the Rajya Sabha MP, Mr Shantaram Naik, the Goa pradesh Mahila
Congress president, Ms Monica Dias, vice-president of the party, Mr M K Shaikh,
former MP, Mr Ramakant Angle and others also spoke.

Our Ponda Correspondent adds: Addressing an election rally today
at Old Bus Stand, Ponda, the Chief Minister said that he would study the SEZs
from the other countries and if they are found not benefiting Goa
and Goans then he would scrap them.

“Without studying the issue of SEZs, my comments on the issue
would be improper,’’ he said.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Goanet] Bishop/Diocese.

2007-10-28 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Bosco
   We could go on in circles and waste everybody's time. But just one small 
point--- I have never claimed to be a fine man myself. I can definitely be 
waspish when appropriate as in the case when I asked if the two padres were fit 
for purpose over the issue of  Is Consensual Sex OK?

[Goanet] Sau Gunah Maaf for Fomento Group as long as Digamber is CM

2007-10-28 Thread cedrico dacosta
Sau Gunaah Maaf for Fomento Goup as long as Digamber is CM

We read a lot of illegalities comitted by the Fomento group these it 
pollution at their mines, or the high handedness of the Cidade de Goa hotel 
authorities and tempering with the coast alongside.

The issues of tresspass along the Vaigunim beach have been legendry. Thanks 
toSomnath Zuwarkar...he made his buck by sucking up to the Fomento group.

But the Fomento group is well connected in the political equation of Goa 
today...just take a look at the foll:

(1) One of the wives of the Dempo sons who has much clout in the Goa government 
and was a well wisher of the BJP is a Timblo daughter.

(2) Viswajeet Rane, is married to a Timblo daughter.

(3) Our margao constituency returns Digamber Kamat at every elections...thanks 
to his turning a blind eye to the evils of mining pollution...every child in 
margao knows who contributes to Digamber kamat's election campaigns.

So dont expect the dev or devnchar to go against the Fomentos...if at all 
anybody dared to it is Babush and his wife Jennifer who dared to raise the 
voice on behalf of the people of Taleigao.

Cedric da Costa

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Re: [Goanet] Macacas!

2007-10-28 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Francis and Mervyn
  I often said that Goanet was a learning instrument. Our exchange demonstrates 
this rather well!

Francis Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Be not afraid, O wise one, of being contrary! I have
personally, during my regrettable youth, called many
unfortunates macacas - as in many latin cultures all
the way from Spain to Mexico! This reprehensible slur
or 'monkey epithet' may be cross-referenced here:

[Goanet] Support Romi Konkani

2007-10-28 Thread Mario Vicente Santos Pereira
 Hi Goaneters,
After reading so many articles about the Romi Konkani on this net and 
newspapers the voice is lowered by our leaders. There is no favours to our 
Romi. By having our own elected/selected  CM, MLAs and MPs, whom  we will 
believe or think who will be the care taker of  our Romi Konkani? Instead 
of keeping on top position/place to our Romi Konkani there is no luck now, 
 I feel very sad.  Nobody  support till today to keep it on stable. As I 
heard from the song of Alfred Rose . Konkanik salan addun 
mann diunk zai.
No Father/Mother/Godfather/Godmother only few caretakers  I assume. It is 
very pity to note that our leaders are trying to put  our Romi  to the Old 
Age Home. In the dark place where the brightness will never seen or shine. 
That will be the end of our Romi Konkani.
All Goans come out hand in hand and please,  please . 
support  Romi Konkani. 
Viva Romi Viva Konkani.
All the best regards,
Mario Vicente Santos Pereira,


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2007-10-28 Thread BONNIE FERNANDES



In the Agassaim Cup championship 20 Goan Teams took part in the one day 
football tournament, Played at Dubai Rugby Exiles club Dubai which was 
organized by FESTA Entertainments. and the tournament was sponsored by S I F 
Profile Factory. The chief guest for the finals was Rev. Fr. Britto Furtado 
all the way from Goa, from St. Anthony's church Siolim Bardez Goa India.





Teams were divided into four pools and the games were played league cum 
knockout basis. After the league matches two teams

Qualified from each pool. From Pool 'A' FC Siolim  Navelim and from Pool 'B' 
Vanxim Divar   SFX Old Goa and from Pool 'C' Siolim United  St. Anthony's 
Siolim while from Pool ' D' Cansaulim and Fr. Agnel Pilar EKFC qualified for 
the knockout round into the quterfinals. In the first quterfinals FC Siolim 
lost to Siolim United while Navelim lost to St. Anthony's and the third 
quters Vanxim Divar beat Fr. Agnel Pilar EKFC And in the fourth quters SFX 
Old Goa went down to Cansaulim.

In the semi-finals Cansaulim beat Siolim United while Vanxim Divar beat 
fighting St. Anthony's Siolim to go into the finals.

The exiting finals played between North and South Goa.

South Goa crowed pullers Cansaulim and North Goa Giants was a fantastic 
display of football which drew for the full time and had to go into tie 
breaker, Cansaulim shooters were on target but in the sudden death Cansaulim 
Linton shot on the horizontal bar while the Bardez Giants did not miss a 
single goal to be the Champions of Agassaim Cup 2007 which was sponsored by 
SIF Profile factory.

The best player of the tournament was awarded to peter of St. Anthony's 
Siolim and best goalkeeper of the tournament was given away to Sathis of 
Siolim United and the highest scorer was awarded to Dino Dias of Vanxim 
Divar while the player of the final was bagged by Linton of Cansaulim.

The chief guest Rev. Fr. Britto from Goa thanked the 20 teams for performing 
well and keeping the football sprit burning in Dubai and highlighted the 
sport football is to be friends and to have dieseline in life.

Bonny Fernandes of Festa Entertainments gave a vote of thanks and thanked 
the chief guest Rev. Fr. Britto for giving his precious time for being with 
the Goans in Dubai for the event. He also thanked all the teams and special 
thanks to Mr. Ruie and SIF Profile Factory for their entire support for the 
football tournament. And also announced for the big event to be held on 31st 
December 2007 a Dinner Dance at Al Nasr Leisure Land  Dubai to bring inn the 
NEW YEAR 2008...

[Goanet] Death Announcement

2007-10-28 Thread Dr.Joyce Shamshudin
Dear Members and Friends

We regret to announce the  death of:

JOSEPH D'SOUZA( formerly of Kenya Post office, Nairobi and ex Aldona ,Goa)  

Which occured in Sutton, Surrey, UK on 22nd October 2007.

Husband of Doreen

Father to Michele/Luis Remedios, Claire and Elaine/Neale Saldanha,

Grandfather to Trevor, Jason, Francesca  Daniel

Brother in law to Tony D'Costa

Condolence messages can be sent to email address:


Funeral arrangements: to be announced later

For and on behalf of the family

Goan Welfare Society

[Goanet] Goa Sudharop: Fires in Southern California - V

2007-10-28 Thread George Pinto
Dear all,

Update as of today, Sunday, Oct 28, regarding the Southern California fires:
1. No reports of Goan deaths, major injuries.
2. No reports of any major damage or loss of Goans homes.
3. Many reports of Goans evacuees.
4. Some reports of Goan respiratory/breathing issues related to ash in the air, 
including adverse
impact on elderly Goans. However, no current major illness reported.
5. Many reports of ash on homes, businesses, cars.

If you are aware of Goan families in need of assistance, please contact Acaria 
Almeida at

Thank you for your support.

Goa Sudharop

[Goanet] Goa news for October 29, 2007

2007-10-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** SEZs will be scrapped if found detrimental to Goas welfare:
CM - Navhind Times
[18 hours ago]  Quepem, Oct 27 The Chief Minister, Mr Digambar
Kamat today said that he would not hesitate to scrap all the
SEZs proposed to be set up in Goa if they were ...

*** Rain forces tie shift to Goa - Indiatimes
[2 hours ago]  Earlier, a 10 am assessment on Monday was
planned upon, but AIFF announced the Goa decision lateon Sunday.
New Delhi and Kochi too were in the running to ...

*** Goa govt signs MoU with DFF for IFFI-07 - Hindu
[Oct 26, 2007]  New Delhi (PTI): The Goa government has signed
an MoU with the Directorate of Film Festival (DFF), authorising
it to decide on all matters related to the ...

*** Goa achieved all-round progress during Congress regime:
Faleiro - Navhind Times
[Oct 26, 2007]  Margao, Oct 26 The former industries minister,
Mr Luzinho Faleiro said Goa achieved development in all respects
during the regime of Congress government. ...

*** Who will inaugurate the IFFI at Goa? - IndiaGlitz
[Oct 27, 2007]  With just a few weeks left for the
International Film Festival to kick off in Goa, it still remains
a mystery as to who would inaugurate this year's edition ...

*** Match abandoned due to rain - Hindu
[2 hours ago]  As things stand with rains continuing to pelt
the city,the match is being shifted to Goa. FIFA rules stipulate
that the Referee inspect the turf an hour ...

*** Premium calls - Business Standard
[4 hours ago]  Tata Teleservices Maharashtra (TTML), the
CDMA-based telecom services provider of the Tata group in
Maharashtra, Goa and Mumbai, has seen its subscriber ...

*** Risking his life to save others -
[1 hour ago]  Meet thirty-three old Rodney Rebello from Palolem
Canacona a real life hero and an unsung hero of Goa, who has
shun all publicity and glare. ...

*** Tej Naik wins title - Hindu
[2 hours ago]  Nuvem (Goa): Local boy Tej Naik, a 17-year-old
first year BBM student of MES College, pulled off a stunning
victory in the final of the first Amaron Karting ...

*** Goa goes broadband in hi-tech drive for foreign investment
- Times Online
[1 hour ago]  In Goas capital city of Panjim, Deepak Surlakar
has just spent a minute completing a task that used to take him
more than a week. Emerging from the Mahiti ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault on boy

2007-10-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
Well said, and well done.  I totally agree with this sentiment, as I did with 
Selmas which arrived one after the other just now.
  Let us see now how many will disagree with one or both of you, after all you 
have both expressed exasperation with the way this so-called investigation is 
going with regard to searching this woman's body for evidence.  Surely if there 
was to be any evidence, it would be some type of stain on her dress / sari / 
underclothes etc, not on or in her body.
  Assuming the child has not reached puberty, I doubt if they can chase after 
semen, but they appear to be ready with rubber suits, rubber gloves and goggles 
anyway!  Idiotic to the extreme.
  Yes, I agree if there is case to be answered, or even if not then by all 
means go the DNA-way, do ALL tests and take up the case to its final 
conclusion, its after all a child involved here who has accused a teacher, 
albeit via the parent.  The police think they have a case, so lets go, dont 
waste time.
  But please do it so that justice is SEEN to be done. Absolutely no point in 
naming  attempting to shame someone who is REALLY innocent.  But if they ARE 
guilty, then its in the hands of the judiciary, not a howling mob that nearly 
killed that man last week who was accused of fondling a little girl (about the 
same age as his own daughter he was bringing to the same school), when found 
out he had to run to the police station for protection.  Guilty, fine! Then do 
let the law do its job (you have my opinion on this previously, too long-winded 
to repeat it here), if innocent then what? 
  Does he get compensated or does mud stick forever, maybe leave town for his 
own good?  He is a married man with children of his own, be he  the family 
must relocate anyway, or he will find a horse's head on his pillow in the 
  But it was suggested by another poster, last week that as the sole bread 
winner in the family, it is customary in Goa to let off with a smack on the 
wrist.  Is this true?  It was posted on this forum that many of the guilty are 
not sentenced or given any help etc with this dis-ease  because 
they know someone or there is usually money under the table ??
  Several views, and threads here which can be followed, but who will know the 
truth?  When will the case(s) be brought up before a judge?  Can someone keep a 
track on these two cases and report back on this forum?
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England
  Asked whether it can be established that the victim boy was assaulted by the 
lady tuition teacher, the Colva police inspector said that only when the 
teacher is arrested and subjected for medical examination the police be able to 
establish the truth.
Sanny de Quepem 

QUESTION: What are they going to check the lady teacher for ? Skin under her 
finger nails, fluids that she might give ? If so this DNA testing thing, is far 
more advanced in India than in England where DNA was first discovered...
Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault. Really?

2007-10-28 Thread J . Colaço
1:  re: the Colva police inspector said that only when the teacher is 
arrested and subjected for medical examination the police be able to 
establish the truth.

2: Selma: How will an examination of her body prove assault on the 

3: Miguel: Obviously, the type of evidence that a molested boy child will 
leave behind will be different from the type of evidence one would expect 
from a healthy sexual relationahip with an adult male .  for love or 


jc: I wonder if Miguel would please expand on his statement above. I ask too 
IF it is mandatory that a woman have a healthy sexual relationahip with an 
adult male before any hymenal changes occur.

I also ask IF a woman can be subjected to a vaginal examination without 
her consent? In Goa, is a man also subjected to a genital 'examination' if 

This reminds me of the Vaginal Examinations women from the subcontinent were 
subjected to - circa 1974 - at UK Immigration, Heathrow Airport, before 
being allowed into the UK as a spouse.

without prejudice to the facts of the case or any DNA proof of sexual 

[Goanet] No-trust motions in VPs hindering development

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

motions in VPs hindering development 

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, Oct 27 Increasing numbers of no-confidence motions in the
village panchayats of Goa are proving to be a
hindrance to development in these villages, panchayat authorities feel.

Happening that is too within just five months of the panchayat
elections, this instability will have an adverse impact on the development of
villages, authorities say.

The director of panchayats, Mr Menino D’Souza agrees that the
increasing number of no-confidence motions are “not a healthy trend”. But he
said that in a democracy, the majority has to rule. He feels that sometimes
there are agreements between panchayat members to rotate the chair of sarpanch
between them after fixed intervals. But when the sarpanch refuses to hand over
power, the others move a motion of no confidence against him. If that motion is
somehow defeated, then by law, no other motion of no confidence can be brought
against the sarpanch for the next six months. This is done to bring about some
stability for at least for six months. But the downside of this is that if that
sarpanch loses the confidence of the majority again after a few days, he cannot
be removed for the next six months. Since he does not have the majority, no
resolution will be passed for six months and no development will be done, said
Mr D’Souza.

He agrees there are too many no-confidence motions and most of the
BDO’s time is eaten up in these. He also agrees that these motions block
development work. But he said it is good the gram sabhas have been revived
where people ask questions and the sarpanch’s chair has become a hot seat.

The Tiswaddi block development officer, Mr Vishant Gaunekar feels
that members bring about no-confidence motions mostly due to personal interest
or due to political affiliations. It is not because of major policy decision
failures. Anyway, it is to the detriment of the all.

He explains. Whenever a resolution for a development work is
passed in the panchayat and forwarded to the BDO, he deputes his engineer to
inspect the site. The engineer also discusses the matter with the panch
members, takes the measurements, prepares estimate and sends the file to the
PWD. By the time it comes back with approval, invariably two months have
passed. The approved file is then sent back to the panchayat. The panchayat has
to now advertise in newspapers inviting tenders. If the sarpanch changes by
then, the new sarpanch may not go ahead with the file. He sends some new
resolutions pertaining to some different development wards which he is
interested in. And the whole process starts all over again. All the groundwork
done on the earlier file goes in vain, said Mr Gaunekar.

That personal interest is the prime reason for no-confidence
motions seems to get credence from the speech of Ms Helena Lourenco, former
sarpanch of St Cruz village panchayat who was voted out of office on October 1,
2007. According to the minutes of the special meeting held on the October 1,
2007, “she stated that one of the reasons for this no-confidence motion is her
refusal to issue occupancy certificate in the above matters. She further stated
that village panchayat members had requested her to go on leave which proposal
was rejected by her.’’

She also complained that “norms, rules and regulations for
construction projects are violated, open spaces, setbacks are not considered,
flats and shops are occupied by people before revised plans are issued by the
concerned departments. The occupancy certificate has been issued without
completing the structure and in cases where CRZ is concerned the members were
insisting me to issue house numbers to the huts….’’

How ugly no-confidence motions can now get, is amply demonstrated
in the October 1 incident at Calangute village panchayat where unidentified
goons attacked a panch member with knives just before the special meeting to
hear the motion of no confidence against the sarpanch. Charges and 
have flown from both factions since then and the battle has now shifted to the
High Court. Till then, development in Calangute takes a backseat.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] Matanhy Saldhanha's brilliant article in today's NT (Frame it!)

2007-10-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Today's Panorama section of the Navhind Times carries
a brilliant article A Regional Plan for Future Generations
by Matanhy Saldanha.  This is such a sublime piece of work
that I couldn't believe it got printed in that *** of a
newspaper, The Navhind Times.

Every single Goan ought to read this magnificent document
by Matanhy-bab.  Dr. Oscar Rebello and his GBA troops
will do well to commit every word in it to memory as they
go about crafting the new Regional Plan.  The NT website
hasn't been updated yet so no links are available.

Matanhy-bab has detailed clauses and guidelines for
approaching the new Regional Plan.  He has questioned
the indiscriminate increase in settlement area in the
last Plan - reading between the lines, it simply means
that our planners have been planning not for Goans but
for bhailes (outsiders).

Too bad the supplement is soiled by an *** from
that useless Mario Cabral e Sa.

Matanhy-bab, my dear old teacher at Don Bosco,
hats off to you man.  We knew even then, 30 years ago,
the stuff you are made of.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] response for pravin

2007-10-28 Thread Bhandare

lets us agree to disagree ..frankly i have realized
that I can do much more productive things by working
with people whose views agree with mine rather than 
get into these useless debates with people like you.

i am tired of telling you that defending ones right to
say something is different from defending what they
are saying.

by now all our exchanges must have been archived on
Goanet and discerning readers can decide for
themselves how truthful and honest each one of us have
been .

As regards private apologies, i am never ashamed to
apologise in public or private ...if you are
interested in a public apology then i am sorry i
wasted your time and labeled you as  a marxist


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[Goanet] Why is Datta Naik on the Regional Plan 2021 Task Force?

2007-10-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Datta Damodar Naik - he calls himself a thinker,
I call him a stinker - has been made a member
of the Task Force for the Regional Plan 2021 by
his buddy Digu.  Prima facie this does not pass
the smell test (the stinker's stink notwithstanding).
Datta Naik is a builder himself and in common
parlance he has, what is known as, a conflict
of interest.

Why is the stinker Datta Damodar Naik part of
the Task Force but not an honest, intelligent man
like Matanhy Saldanha?

Warm regards,


Re: [Goanet] Medical report confirms sexual assault. Really?/to Miguel

2007-10-28 Thread Carvalho

--- Frederick [FN] Noron  ha * फ्रेड 
रिक न  ोरोंया

 Let us not play the role of self-appointed
 investigator or judge in
You're missing the point altogether. Why shouldn't I
have an opinion on the matter of civil rights whether
I'm in cyberspace or not. If some evidence is
unearthed through an examination of this woman's
body, let's hear about it. Let's have total
transparency in these matters. On the one hand you are
advocating that we treat such matters with
understanding on the other hand you don't want any
opinions voiced about the type of investigation
carried out. And what's all this bull about a time of
transition. Sexual crimes specially against children
have existed since time immemorial. It's just that in
the past we were used to them being brushed under the


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Re: [Goanet] Six Lanes to Hell

2007-10-28 Thread Floriano
Dear Rajan,

'CORRUPTICIAN' indeed it is.

SEZs [ Our corrupticians want to leak  the floating cream and leave the
subsiding mess for us Goans to have]

6 Lane Expressway. [Our corrupticians are not expected to use their brains
i.e. if they have them at all.] The general trend of futuristic thinking is
to reduce the road [wheeler] traffic when one has no capacity to plan for
parking areas. Besides our God given rivers are lying idle when we could
reduce road traffic by half any day. And in Goa we don't even know that the
RHS is for overtaking and once overtaken, one has to faithfully come back to
the LHS, keeping the RHS free all the time. This ignorance of enforcement
will kill more people on the 6 lane Expressway than a visiting Tsunami. If I
was allowed to say my bit to the planner of Goa, if indeed they exist, I wud
suggest two suspension bridges. One from Dona Paula hill to Nerul/Candolim
and the other from Dona Paula hill to Vasco/Dabolim. At the same time, I wud
suggest 'eligibility letter'
to procure 4 wheelers. [ 1st 4-wheeler in a family  will not require  the
'EL'.. The 2nd does, which costs 1/4 the the price of the car. The 3rd. 1/2
the price of the car. The 4th  full price of the car... etc. But to have
this system the State must have impeccable 20 hour public transport system
(0600 to 0200 hours). Also for entering and exiting main cities the 'odd'
and 'even' number plate system for alternate days will be a must to reduce
inner city traffic. Goa is heading for the traffic crunch that was seen by
'Lagos' in  Nigeria in the 70's and Bangkok , Los Angeles (USA) in the  80's
to name a few cities where people prefered to walk rather than get into a 4
wheeler and be dead by inhaling the CO [Go Slow it was known as]

What I am talking about is 'Do our planners who are mostly our CORRUPTICIANS
possess the thinking hat??? And do we require donning  this thinking hat to
plan Goa of the future???  TATA's one-lac car ZINDABAD !!!


- Original Message -
From: Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:17 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Six Lanes to Hell

 To Goanet -

 The usual political suspects in Goa have thrown their weight behind the
 creation of a new 6-lane highway. Like the proposed Special Ghati Zones
 this, too, is a terrible mistake.

 You ought to ask yourself who exactly is supporting these projects.  At
 head of the list is the leading corruptician (my portmanteau word for the
 corrupt politician) of our times, Dayanand Narvekar.

 We should be thinking of ways to reduce motorized traffic and curtail our
 carbon emissions, not increase them.  Everyone talks about the need for
 spanking new roads.  Nobody talks about cultivating road manners and road
 culture, something that would enhance the quality of life much more than
 pouring of fresh asphalt.  The 6-lane highway will transform Goa - coastal
 Goa, at any rate - into one indistinguishable contiguous urban mass.  The
 damage would be incalculable and irreversible.

 Among the several factors that has placed Goa on the fast track to doom is
 its easy accessibility, particularly in the past 5 years.  The Dilli
 now has a choice of flights from sunrise until sunset.  A slew of trains
 now on offer for the ghati from Bihar or AP.  Getting into Goa has never
 been easier.  It is akin to having the doors of your house open and
 unguarded at all times. With the 6-lane highway we will have knocked down
 the walls, too.

 Warm regards,



2007-10-28 Thread Bhandare
Dear pen pricks:

minor correction: mariano is still hale and hearty ,it
was attempted murder...

yo have indeed hit the nail on the head...every
newspaper has its patrons mostly connected with the
mining industry and one can never really bite the hand
that feeds after all...

reminds me of the gala held to felicitate a newspaper
editor by the current ruling dispensation...

it oes on and on..

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[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar and the BJP -- A Good expose

2007-10-28 Thread Miguel Braganza

After Floraino Lobo's detailed rebuttal of Anamika's {?} postulations,
we have madgaokar Cedric da Costa and New York based NRI Painter,
Venantius Pinto, giving their opinions about how saffron is Parrikar's
colour and what they think of Dr.Wilfred Misquita's stock in the BJP
as well as the role of Rane in the creation of the BJP Frankenstein in

There are no permanant enemies in politics ... only permanant
interests. Only a good capital investment generates interest. It is
all about money, honey. Who SEZ what and when is hardly an issue.

During the Parrikar-led BJP dispensation the Meditabs SEZ was cleared
on the same site that has the blood of an innocent Nilesh Naik .
killed in the anti-Nylon 6,6 agitation led by the same BJP wallas who
got a GramSabha resolution in favour of Meditabs then ...and are
opposing it now. The Dhavlikars brothers support it now as they did

After all is said and done, Meditabs is promoted by Cipla, the makers
of i-Pill. There is a cure for the morning after a raunchy night
before!! The politicians just do it.

Mog asundi.


Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:25:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Manohar Parrikar and the BJP -- A Good expose
Manohar Parrikar and the BJP -- A Good expose Floriano

I fully agree to Anamika's post (if a lady by that name actually
exists or is not another spin doctor of Porrikar). Porikar is a good
administrator and if he personally came around at 2 am to supervise
the works at IFFI...i would say that speaks volumes of his
commitments, but on the other hand i wonder if he was interested in
the project or the bounty he is alleged to have made post it.

Parrikar, came as a whiff of fresh air...but as the years rolled by we
realised and saw the true colours of a desperate RSS chaddiwallah,
The true colours of the Parrikar were observed when he stumped the MGP
and almost destroyed the regional outfit, next he took Dotor Willy --
the ever so desperate kodel seeker for a huge ride, then Sardinha,
then the Mandarin hotel case, the Governor's arcade destruction, the
Bishop's palace, the harrasment of the minorities using the police
force, etc etc etcthe list is endless and did not stop at forging
the signature of the Neri.

But it was not the BJP that made the frankestein called
was the Congress and in particular the former chief minister
Pratapsingh Rane.

The latest preys of Parrikar is none other than the south Goa BJP
candidate for the parlimentary election -- Dr Wilfred Meaquita!

Yesterday, the BJP has publicly announced at Margao's Lohia Maidan
that if the Congress withdraws the SEZs, they will withdraw Dr Wilfred
Mesquita as its candidate? This shows how serious the BJP is about the
forthcoming elections and also how much of a puppet has Dr Wilfred
Mesquita been already reduced even before the battle has begun, what
he will be later on is anybody's guess.

Parrikar and the BJP has taken Goan politics to the dogs. Parrikar at
one time denounced the likes of  Churchill and Babush .. only to
get into an alliance with them post elections.

So in the present scnario when the Goan masses have woken up to the
fact that the Congress is evil, the bigger evil lurking around is
people like Porrikar...and trust me -- corruption at a level is
tolerable but not the menace of communial politics.

I feel Porrikar was responsible for the Curchorem riots and the
congress under Rane let him off the hook easily.

And this is the Porrikar and BJP we are trying to give a second chance?


Cedric da Costa Dubai

Venantius Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 976_Manohar_Parrikar

Sadar pranam Anamika,
These discussions are hardly intellectual. Floriano takes care of all your
concerns in the most brilliant response I have read on a Goan
political mind and procedural technique.

But Manohar (Man_o_har), who fascinates all still
has the ability to steal the heart, and expects mot (votes) without
giving back.  Goa needs the equivalent of a
Political or Good governance forum, once or twice a month, where
politicians are held accountable. Its not such a radical concept.

I hope that people after seeing setbacks to their lives begin to think
differently. I also hope Manohar will grow in wisdom. And bid his
 Modernity does not haveto mean selling everything including the sons
and daughters of the soil. This is not difficult. Pun Konknni
somestank ani stithek -- apulki nam zalear ami jhem mhunta tem sogglem
umtea kouxear udik. Khori apulki and fontojicar apuki (adhbut o
Kolponneachi apulki) don vegle gunn. Punn ami Goeankarani (soglea num)
Mandovintlem uddok henchear mattear makoilam (tannlam). Je christao
assa tenchea ucchar Christache nhuim: te soggleam un Bhakkasurantlea
Bhakkasur; kiteak teni lokank fottoupachi vait buzzvont monant ghott



Re: [Goanet] Bishop/Diocese.

2007-10-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Hi Bosco
We could go on in circles and waste everybody's time. But just one small 
 point--- I have never claimed to be a fine man myself. I can definitely be 
 waspish when appropriate as in the case when I asked if the two padres were 
 fit for purpose over the issue of  Is Consensual Sex OK?

COMMENT: Who is fit to pronounce on consensual sex ? In arranged
marriages, do you honestly believe that it is consensual sex as per
the letter?

In marriages where couples court, consummating on the wedding bed, the
woman might have reservations, or indeed the man might have
reservations.boom the show goes on !

Strictly following the 'western mode' of consensual sex is asking for
trouble ? She winked yes, but meant no ? He gave a come hither glance
and then she went berserk? The 'bottom line' as far as Indians are
concerned, is that marriage has to take place. It is only when this
does not happen that all hell and fury breaks ! Am I right ? Or is
there a crack in my assumptions?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Gadgils reply to rajan parrikar

2007-10-28 Thread Roland Francis
Nelson, I suggest you treat this forum and it's readers with a little
more respect. The majority of those who visit Goanet are intelligent,
educated thinking people, therefore you would do well to mould your
writing accordingly.

Please answer the following questions related to your post:

1. Do only Goans really hate shitting and urinating in public?

2. Have only non-Goans and Indian tourists taken this for granted?
If Goans have not taken it for granted how come they are letting this happen?

3. Are you attributing tolerating this filthy behavior to the
kindheartedness and hospitality of Goans?
Does hospitality mean allowing people to defecate on your roads?

4. If they come in busloads, bathe, urinate and defecate in public.
Why are Goans not getting their duly constituted authorities to
legally stop this?

5. Gadgil is used to them and still tolerating such behavior, but he
should not expect us to do so.
Forget about Gadgil tolerating such behavior and expecting you to do
so. He is not expecting you to do so and yet you are doing so. Getting
used to such behavior I mean. Writing on Goanet is not going to stop
it. What more are you doing?

6. These tourists are better off staying where they are.
I totally agree with you. Now who is going to give them that message and how?

7. Goa should put up posters all over telling tourists that they are
not allowed to perform biological functions in public. Is that your
way of giving them that message? Then you might as well put up the
following posters too.
Do not vote for corrupt politicians.
Do not bribe public officials.
Do not sell your land or there will be nothing left for your children.

I am sure you can think of many other posters to add to those.

From a Goan whose shit smells so good that the pigs want to eat it.

Also Cheers,

On 10/27/07, nelson ferrao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My dear gadgil
  i thoght that after staying in goa you must have learnt by now their
 dislikes and likes.One thing they really hate is- shitting and urinating in
 public. Non- goans and specially the indian tourists seem to have taken this
 for granted.And as i wrote in my earlier post, it is due to the
 goodheartedness and hospitality of goans that they tolerated this filthy
 behaviour from our guests who we did not invite but they came to see the
 civilised part of India.They often come in busloads, bathe,urinate and
 defecate in public places and hang their cloths for drying in muncipal
 gardens.Goans when go touring in other parts of country dont do such
 things.All these people are used to do these things in their own states and
 maybe gadgil is used to them and still tolerating such behaviour , but he
 should not expect us to do so and call names to those who point out such
 issues.These tourists are better off staying where they are or visit other
 part of country where such behaviour is accepted.
  Goa should put up posters all over telling tourists that they  are not
 allowed to shit and urinate in public

Re: [Goanet] A Tale of Tragic Love Cracks Calcutta's Mirror

2007-10-28 Thread Roland Francis
Hi Ruby Goes,

The word intermarry has the following meanings in
1. to become connected by marriage, as two families, tribes, castes,
or religions.
2. to marry within one's family.
3. to marry outside one's religion, ethnic group, etc.
4. to marry

So what is your question again?

With questions like these, please tell me how to have a nice day!


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 Hi FN  Goanet, Do Goans inter-marry? Thanks. Have a nice day. Ruby Goes

Re: [Goanet] Tuition teacher, or not tuition teacher, arrested for sexual assault on 9-year-old or 10yr old

2007-10-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
I have just responded to a poster who jumped the bandwagon a little, we were 
informed this lady was not a teacher at all, so what is going on?  There 
appears to be lots of misinformation for which we take time to comment upon, 
only to find we are wrong, because the story is not correct. The boy in 
question has also grown younger, he is now 9 years old...
  Bah humbug?
  John Monteiro
Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tuition teacher arrested for sexual 
assault on 9-year-old boy — The Colva police on Friday evening arrested the 
40-year-old female tuition teacher in connection with the sexual
assault on a 9-year-old boy

Re: [Goanet] Macacas!

2007-10-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo
FR wrote:
An extensive net-search of your version has been
unsuccessful. I'm not too sure about 'Kaka' being of
E. African origin either - shouldn't that be Indian?
Anyway, what the heck, let's take up your suggestion
- anyone hence, calling another a macaca should be
summarily chucked into a US jail, without being charged!

Here is a link to a Swahili dictionary.

Type in Kaka and the result you get is Brother.

Kaka is of E.African origin only if one believes that mankind walked out of a 
valley in E.Africa. If one believes that the world is 6,000 years old, Kaka 
could be of Latin, Indian or Chinese origin.

Strangely enough, one of the the first sentences my two year old constructed 
was, I want Kakas! 
My Goan parents took her to her potty.
I told my wife we better start working on giving my daughter a brother.
My wife, being the smartest in the family by far, told me to give my daughter 
some crackers.
As far as name calling is concerned, the US has the opposite view. Those who 
use the term macacas are running for public office. Those who are being 
referred to by that term are the ones languishing in prison. May I add that 
they are in US prisons with out being charged with any crime. Sadly enough, 
these macacas are the lucky ones. The unlucky macacas are sent to torture 
camps in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
To do a little good is better than to write difficult books. The perfect man 
is nothing if he does not diffuse benefits on others, if he does not console 
the lonely. The way of salvation is open to all, but know that a man deceives 
himself if he thinks he can escape his conscience by taking refuge in a 
monastery. The only remedy for evil is healthy reality.
(Buddha, Benares Deer Park)

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on your Mail page. Start today at

[Goanet] At home or school children remain equally vulnerable

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

At home or school children remain equally vulnerable

Neogi, Hindustan Times


October 28, 2007

Human trafficking is the world’s most lucrative businesses, after smuggling
of arms and drugs. A study by Shakti Vahini, an NGO working on anti-trafficking
issues, found that 378 of India’s
600 districts are affected by human trafficking. India is a major source and
destination for trafficked children and by conservative estimates there are
about three to five lakh girl children in commercial sex and organised

The National Human Rights Commission estimates that around 45,000 children
in India
go missing every year. Most of them are driven into prostitution, forced to work
at homes and factories, pushed into begging, drug peddling and even in illegal
organ trade. For those children who have been trafficked and rescued,
rehabilitation remains scarce and reintegration arduous.

Children are not even safe in their homes. A study conducted this year by
the Ministry of Women and Child Development says two out of every three
children in India
are physically abused and in most cases parents and members of the family were
the main perpetrators. Also around 54 per cent children have faced one or more
forms of sexual abuse and states like Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Assam and Delhi are the front runners in child abuse

The study found that children in the age group 5 to 12 reported higher
levels of abuse and boys were as much at risk as girls. The high abuse has been
attributed to our patriarchal society where parents consider their children as
their property and assume the freedom to treat them as they like. Severe
physical abuse also takes place outside homes. The most common forms are
corporal punishment in schools and physical abuse at work places. The study
says 62 per cent of corporal punishment was in government and municipal

The study found that very often crimes against children are not reported, as
some crimes are not covered under the existing laws. The National Crime Records
Bureau reported 14,975 cases of various crimes against children in 2005 as
against 5,972 cases in 2002. But this is only indicative in nature as it is
based on reported cases.

There is no comprehensive law on human trafficking, covering all its forms
and purposes and the existing criminal laws fail to address the situation of
child trafficking. In fact, the Goa Children’s Act 2003 is the only law that
defines child trafficking, but this is just a state law and cannot be enforced


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Goanet] Manohar parrikar - right choice for CM

2007-10-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Cajetan Rego wrote: 
  IFFI is an investment. The cost that everyone complains about will be 
 recovered in the years to come by way of tourism and fame.
Cajetan Rego,
I went for an early morning walk in Panjim earlier this year and came across 
the jetty/pier built for the IFFI. 
To my surprise, there was a big sign saying, Do not enter. I can assure you 
that the pier was not built for tourists. 
As for fame, it is hilarious that any CM would prioritize spending on (his?) 
fame while the citizens do not have basic services.

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[Goanet] God and you and mother Mary - to Mariano

2007-10-28 Thread edward desilva

Hi Mariano,
  Punjabees are not of a nomadic tribe, Rajasthanis? Yes.
  As I pointed out before their dress is Rajasthani in culture.
  Black Madona is 'Kali Ma'.
  As for Punjabees, they have Greek Blood in them.
  Alexander, when he came to India, most of his soldiers did not return to 
Greece, so why would Punjabees want to hit the road? and leave the breadbasket 
  Gypsies, we call them Zigeuner here are a nomadic tribe originating in
Punjab, India. Their language also is very close to the Punjabi. This 
nomadic people passed thru Egypt before arriving Europe, hence the Europeans
 thought they came from Egypt. Mariano Pereira, Frankfurt 

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Re: [Goanet] Six Lanes to Hell

2007-10-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:
 The usual political suspects in Goa have thrown their weight behind the 
 creation of a new 6-lane highway. Like the proposed Special Ghati Zones 
 this, too, is a terrible mistake.

China developed only after the state built the infrastructure. 
Without infrastructure, you remain a backwater place with a backwater economy. 
Period. A six lane highway will only introduce Goa to the 20th century. It 
needs a modern airport and port to arrive in the 21st century. Thankfully, 
Singh understands this and is actually financing such projects in India. 

 We should be thinking of ways to reduce motorized traffic and curtail our 
 carbon emissions, not increase them.  
You cut carbon emissions by taking an hour to travel 100 kilometres. Travelling 
100 Kms in Goa takes two hours today if you are lucky.
 Nobody talks about cultivating road manners and road 
 culture, something that would enhance the quality of life much more than the 
 pouring of fresh asphalt.  
There is an easy way to cultivate manners. Here in Canada you get fined $100 
for reckless driving and your car insurance doubles. People manners change very 
fast when they are made to pay the penalties. 
 The 6-lane highway will transform Goa - coastal 
 Goa, at any rate - into one indistinguishable contiguous urban mass.   
 The damage would be incalculable and irreversible.
Goa is facing two options. It can remain a backwater state or it can be a 
vibrant economy. The choice, unfortunately, is not in the hands of residents. 
They have no capital. 

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[Goanet] Our very own B. Colaco in action...

2007-10-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
Check it out ! front man in action, how strong ?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Inundated, request for I'm just a lonely boy!

2007-10-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
Sorry, you tube does not have the original; this is especially
for..lonely boy/girl, please click on the URL below:-


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Manohar parrikar - right choice for CM

2007-10-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello

On Sat Oct 27 20:28:19 PDT 2007, Cajetan Rego wrote:

I had a chat with Parrikar over the phone when he was trying
to form the govt taking support from Babush. He said he was
constrained by the current state of poiltics and had no choice
but to form govt if Goa were to be saved from land sharks,
corruption and bankrupcy.

He would himself follow his ethics even if he were to side
with Babush. He explained this to me for about 20 min without
having met/known me.

RESPONSE: I have probably responded to Cajetan in years gone by. 
Nevertheless, it amazes me the extent some people are prepared to go to blow 
Manohar Parrikar's horn here on Goanet. Not just Cajetan. We have Carmo and 
host of others that seem to pop-out of the woodwork.

Question for Cajetan:

Did Manohar Parrikar state publicly, to the people of Goa, what he told you 
over the phone - about compromising his ethics. Does he feed consistent 
information to the Goan public and his supporters?? Let him stand at public 
rallies and say that the will compromise his ethics to Save Goa. Is this not 
the same man we are told who initiated and approved the RP2011? Is this not 
the same man who authorised sweet-heart deals at the EDC for his relatives? 
And the list goes on.and on.and on.. Where were his ethics at 
that time?? And he says he wants to Save Goa??

I think anybody who tries to make a case for any of the present lot of 
politicians in Goa is wasting his time. BJP, Congress, whatever.They are 
all the same. Appears most politicians have been members of all the 
political parties at some time or the other of their career. These fellas 
have no ideology other than the almighty Rupiah!! The last thing on their 
mind is the people who voted them to the legislative assembly. Unless 
ofcourse its election time!!

Talking of elections, the theatrics in the Congress camp days before the LS 

The less said about Goan politicians here the better!!

- Bosco 

[Goanet] Support Romi konkani

2007-10-28 Thread Bhandare
Dear Mario:

Politicians have needlessly made a mess out of this
script issue...konkani will only flourish if every
script is given due importance I really dont
understand why people are so opposed to giving due
recognition to Romi script.
but the bigger problem than script is the issue of
Goenkarponn itself..with the massive influx of non
goans, and more hordes expected with SEZ and all
konkani itself will be secondary to another
10 15 years given todays situation dont be surprised
if majority of goans dont have konkani as their
avoi bhaas it is going to be hindi

the same thing has hapened in mumbai already with
hindi being the most commonly used language...



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[Goanet] Parriker and BJP could have turned Goa into Gujarat

2007-10-28 Thread cedrico dacosta
Parriker and BJP could have turned Goa into Gujarat

Had the Goan populace not used their brains at the last elections, by now 
porrikar and BJP zealots would have turned Goa into Godohra or Gujarat.

Mr Vinay Natekar -- can you dispute any of the misgivings mentioned by  Goa 
Suraj supremo, Mr Floriano.

If parrikar was a messiah then why didnt he take on the Congress while in power?

Parrikar and his co-horts were as corrupt as the Congress can be.

So Parrikar is okay if his law minister goes on a rampage with the likes of ex 
Margao municipal council chairperson, kamilini Paingainkar etc.

parrikar had nothing to say to his supporters like body builder datta palekar 
for defacing public property at Fountainhas?

Parrikar had nothing to say when Digamber Kamat his no 2 henchman in the BJP 
was harrasing catholics in Margao?

Werent the crores spent on kala academy not manupulated? where and who made 
that money disappear?

Think gentle man...think!

Cedric da Costa

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[Goanet] Parrikar

2007-10-28 Thread Mario Vicente Santos Pereira


I feel if someone is trying to get something out doing somework he should 
work hard and do it for his benifit. If not hardly work and forget the job. 
IFFI 2004 was Parrikar's  interest,  if he was at the site around midnight 
or 2am it for his own good or he has given a target to finish the work. That 
is called taking interest, he is interested to getting interest(I mean 
profit). When Parrikar wanted to topple the new Government, it seems  our CM 
was with Churchill place till morning to convince him not to take action. 
That is also for the interest of the Party. No one is doing any work without 
any profit. No doubts, I too heard many people talk good of Parrikar 
therefore he is voted at Panjim.

Suppose if people thinks Parrikar is IIT and  good administrator  according 
to us he is in wrong Party.

Mario Vicente Santos Pereira,

[Goanet] Are the brits a derranged society!

2007-10-28 Thread Bernado Colaco
Just been telling you'll guys all these two weeks. The UK is a country of 
crackpots. One has to be on guard all the time to avoid being killed. In a 
similar story below, a couple of my friends got beaten up for looking at a 
female in a pub. 
Hi Bernado,
  And, what about a young white man killed in McDonald's by father and son?

Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it

Re: [Goanet] Bishop/Diocese.

2007-10-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello

On Sun Oct 28 02:50:34 PDT 2007, CORNEL DACOSTA wrote:

I can definitely be waspish when appropriate as in the case
when I asked if the two padres were fit for purpose over the
issue of  Is Consensual Sex OK?

RESPONSE: Everybody is entitled to their opinion on 'Consensual Sex' or any 
subject. Our opinions are influenced by various inputs - values, education, 
social, religious, reading, communication, etc, etc You and I may not 
agree with the two padres on this issue, nevertheless, it does not deny them 
the right to express their opinion.

While it may appear illogical or inconsistent with the times to you and I, 
there was nothing illegal in whatever it is they expressed. Do we have to 
vilify them??

- Bosco 

Re: [Goanet] Manohar Parrikar - to Floriano

2007-10-28 Thread Floriano

Dear Vinay,

You are grossly wrong. What I did say is this: First of, let me say that
you are not a non-entity
It pays to look at what one is reading.
I have no grudge against anyone who hold their own 'princes' and 'gods'
high on pedestals (even if they do not deserve those).
And as far as we are concerned (Goa Su-Raj) we do not believe that if we
pick on one side and portray it as 'bad' it does not mean that we
automatically take up for the other side as 'good'. For us the Congress is
equally bad as your Manohar Parrikar's BJP, if not worse and both need to be
cauterised for the general good of Goan and Goans.

You are entitled to you opinions as I am mine. So let us keep it to an
'intelligent debate on preferences', just like in school- times,   without
showing our biases. Afterall good bad and ugly is as one perceives it. What
is poison for one may be sweet honey for the other.

And I don't have to prove anything. The world has seen it all. The MGP, the
Congress, the BJP et al.

best regards

- Original Message -
From: Vinay Natekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Faisal Sharif [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Manohar Parrikar - to Floriano

Dear Floriano You said Anamika is not a non entity but in fact you and
your so call su ? raj party is a non entity in Goan politics.

We do not need the pigmies to  proselytize us on who is good and bad for
Goa.  Yor allegations against Parrikar  are totally fabricated,
spurious, deceptive, and importantly unproven.

Do I need to list the numerous scandals of your debauch, scoundrel
Congress Cronies over their all these years rule in Goa  !! Show some
mettle to expose them as well.

Manohar Parrikar  is credited with bringing the BJP to power in Goa. He
is also credited with single handedly bringing the IFFI  to Goa, and
creating more international quality infrastructure in Goa for the event
in a short time than any other former government. He is also known to be
a man of action, and principles

He has been the moving force behind the BJP's growth in Goa. His
meticulous style of working and organisational skills has succeeded in
creating a moralistic image of the BJP in the minds of Goans, who,
keeping aside their reservations about its communal tag.

During his  tenure in the assembly as an opposition member, Parrikar
made an impact with his uprightness and exposed several scams, including
the infamous power scandal.


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[Goanet] Six Lanes to Hell

2007-10-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello

On Sat Oct 27 09:47:52 PDT 2007, Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:

We should be thinking of ways to reduce motorized traffic
and curtail our carbon emissions, not increase them.

RESPONSE: Are you proposing we ride the bullock cart, again?

Nobody talks about cultivating road manners and road culture,
something that would enhance the quality of life much more than the
pouring of fresh asphalt.

RESPONSE: Road manners?? In Goa?? You kidding, right ??

The 6-lane highway will transform Goa - coastal Goa, at any
rate - into one indistinguishable contiguous urban mass.  The
damage would be incalculable and irreversible.

RESPONSE: Are you suggesting the aligning of this 6-lane highway will occur 
along the present NH 17. This highway is presently meandering detrimentally 
too close to homes along several stretches. The govt should consider 
building a new highway in Goa's hinterland. There will be more trees to cut 
and more bridges to build over the khazan lands. And without proper EA 
safeguards, a bigger ecological disaster!!

The Dilli savage now has a choice of flights from sunrise
until sunset.  A slew of trains is now on offer for the ghati
from Bihar or AP.  Getting into Goa has never been easier.

RESPONSE: Hey, wait till the aliens figure this place out!!

- Bosco 

[Goanet] monday muse: Celebrating Sportsmanship

2007-10-28 Thread Pravin Sabnis

Monday Muse (29 Oct 2007)


The purpose of any athletic endeavor is to challenge
human limits both on and off the playing field. 

Last Saturday, we celebrated the fiftieth birthday of
my brother-in-law. 
While in primary school, he saw a football match and
was fascinated by the person dribbling with the ball.
He wanted to be like that... He wanted to run ahead
with the ball and have the rest chase him in vain. The
dream was crystallized. Despite disapproving rebukes
at home, he continued to play. Punishments turned to
patronage as his elder brother noticed the emerging

At the age of 18, he went to Germany to learn social
sciences, but ended up acquiring greater love and
knowledge for the game. On his return, he joined Sesa
Goa and began playing what is termed as the Goculdas
style. His speed and skill won him numerous fans. He
represented Goa State and was a proactive part of the
Santosh trophy victory in 1983.

However, the same year he had a terrible accident on
field that forced him off it. But as they say, winners
don’t quit! Goculdas reinvented his role as a referee
right up to the international FIFA panel. In 2002, he
moved on to be Instructor for Referee’s. Thus Goculdas
acquired the rare distinction of playing, refereeing
and instructing in the game of football.

Goculdas Nagvenkar’s life provides three lessons. The
first inspiration comes from his passion that saw him
emerge as a player of the highest order. Secondly,
when forced to quit he developed a newer role as a
referee and there to he excelled. Thirdly and most
importantly (unlike most sportsmen) he did not ignore
education and is a senior accounts officer of Sesa
Goa. The path to one’s dream is best built by
developing newer facets to our personality and
constantly measuring up to the emerging challenges.

At 50, Goculdas continues to develop new dimensions to
his life. His journey reflects his enthusiasm and
commitment towards his dream. In a highly competitive
world, sportsmanship is not just about morality and
habits on the field. Sportsmanship is essentially
about the attitude and actions that make a person
surge ahead and show the way for others, too.

Sportsmanship is about attitude, values and
On and off the play-field, let’s “develop new

Pravin Sabnis
29 October 2007, Goa.

check out the AV – Gokuldas@ 50 by clicking the
following link 

A life coach with a passion to connect people to their
potential, Pravin Sabnis conducts unlearning unlimited
workshops for leading corporate and other groups. The
Monday Muse series (since 2004) is dedicated to the
annual theme of JCI-India. 

Pravin K. Sabnis 

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[Goanet] ‘Dabolim Airport requires bigger passe nger terminus’

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

 Airport requires bigger
passenger terminus’


PANJIM, OCT 28 – Shantaram Naik, MP has demanded that Dabolim airport should
have a bigger Integrated Passenger Terminus than the one planned.

In a statement issued today, Naik says that daily traffic at the airport
being around 4000, Dabolim should have a passenger terminus for catering at
least 3000 passengers, if on account of constraint of land availability, a
bigger terminus cannot be constructed.

Naik said that he has been consistently arguing in the MOPA Committee that
the Indian Navy have to produce the title documents of the land occupied by
them at Dabolim including the land transferred by them to the Airport

Naik said that it is not that he does not realise the Defence needs but that
it is not fair that Navy should make the Goa Government and the Airport
Authority to go with a begging bawl to the Navy asking for land when the land
actually belongs to the Government of Goa, and that, the Navy has not produced
any Deed of Transfer of the said land in their favour nor there is, to my
knowledge, any such deed in the records of the Government of Goa.

Naik said the officials of the Goa Government who were present during the
first meeting of MOPA committee has assured him to investigate into the title
of the land and submit the information before the committee.

Naik said that it is only because in the last meeting when ICAO experts, who
had earlier given a feasibility report regarding MOPA airport attended the
meeting that he (Naik) had asked him a question whether he had taken into
consideration existence of Dabolim Airport while giving the feasibility reports
regarding the proposed MOPA airport, the expert said that he had not taken that
aspect into consideration and that if the Committee wants to know about the
feasibility of MOPA in the light of existing airport, a fresh study will have
to be made.

Naik further said since the term of MOPA committee has been extended up to
October 31, 2007, a
meeting of MOPA Committee is expected to be held soon.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] The Tehelka Expose - Gujarat 2000

2007-10-28 Thread Roland Francis
Readers should take an hour of their precious time and go to

As Tarun Tejpal the editor-in-chief says Read and be afraid.

Specially scary is the webcam sting of Babu Patel aka Babu Bajrangi


[Goanet] British MP Vaz on Cong campaign trail!

2007-10-28 Thread Sanny de Quepem

British MP Vaz on Cong campaign trail!


MARGAO, OCT 28 — British Labour MP of Goan origin Keith Vaz made his
presence felt at the Congress and NCP meetings held in Salcete in support of
Congress candidate Francisco Sardinha on Sunday.

Vaz was first seen at the Betalbatim meeting organised by NCP MLA Mickky
Pacheco this evening. He even shared the dais with the NCP and Congress leaders
at the Betalbatim meeting and waved to the audience when he was introduced by
the compere.

Later, he made a cool entry to the Lohia Maidan with Congress candidate
Francisco Sardinha. Vaz was recognised by the Congress leaders seated on the
dais as he was seated on the front row in the audience.

Vaz was seen listening attentively as speakers after speaker spoke in favour
of Sardinha.


Sanny de Quepem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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