[Goanet-News] Goa news for April 17, 2008

2008-04-16 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Scarlett\'s organs are not missing, says Goa - Sify
[Apr 15, 2008]  Panjim: Facing new allegations over vital
organs missing from rape and murder victim Scarlett Keeling, the
Goa government on Tuesday said there was no cover ...

*** Russian tourist found dead in Goa - Hindu
[Apr 14, 2008]  PANAJI: A 30-year-old Russian tourist, Kabanov
Vladimir, was found dead at a guest house at Vagator, on the
north Goa coast, on Sunday afternoon. ...

*** Goa villagers up in arms against housing project - Hindu
[Apr 13, 2008]  PANAJI: Residents of Aldona, a sleepy village
of north Goa, are up in arms against a proposed mega housing
project. The Aldona Bachao Abhiyan (ABA), ...

*** Clube de Goa pips Mohammedan AC - Deepika
[Apr 15, 2008]  Kannur, Apr 15 (UNI) Sporting Clube de Goa beat
Mohammedan AC, Kolkata by a solitary goal in the second EK
Nayanar Memorial Gold Cup International Football ...

*** Goa Velhaâ#130;¬#132;¢s Sporting Club triumph - Navhind
[2 hours ago]  Vasco, April 16 Sporting Club Menezes of Goa
Velha beat Varca SC via thetie-breaker 4-1 in the finals of
all-Goa football tournament organised by Cross ...

*** JK Tyre kart enduro race at Nuvem - Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  In fact, the 24-hour enduro event is coming to
India for the first time and Goa gets the opportunity to host it
primarily because theNuvem race track is ...

*** USAID Provides Flood Assistance to Angola - FOXBusiness
[13 hours ago]  The Government of Angola's (GOA) Civil
Protection Unit (CPU) reported that the floods have killed at
least 14 people and displaced more than 56000 others in ...

*** Itsa puzzle but sun, sea and beer cant compete with SuDoku
for ... - Times Online
[1 hour ago]  Goa is sweltering. It is 36C (96.8F) and the
humidity is off the scale. British and Russian tourists are
slowly going lobster-red by the pool at the Holiday ...

*** Global warming threatens Goas coastline - Navhind Times
[3 hours ago]  Panaji, April 16 Goas coast is under major
threat from rising waters due to global warming. With this Goas
main USP, its pristine beaches, ...

*** Goa witness alleges police harassment - Guardian
[24 minutes ago]  The key witness in the case of Scarlett
Keeling, the British teenager who was raped and killed on a Goa
beach, claims he has not been allowed to leave the ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] An Open Letter to Dr. Leo Rebello

2008-04-16 Thread lino dourado
  An Open Letter to Dr. Leo Rebello

Dear Dr. Rebello,


It gives me great pleasure to inform you that I have crossed the target, 
which you were looking for………


You had complimented me on my poems on gulf-goans Newsletter on 1st Sept. 
2002. I have the copy of your email and posting to gulf-goans newsletter 
(Goa-world.com) and on the goanet.org simultaneously so that the netters would 
know the text exactly which you were pleased to write 6 years back. 




Subject: Here is complimenting Lino Dourado for beautiful poems in Konkani

Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 


I would like to compliment Lino B. Dourado (Utord’dekar-Kuwait) for writing 
very good poems in Konkani. Keep writing more such poems please. If he 
continues writing such high quality poems and complete at least 100- maybe we 
could compile them and recommend them for Sahitya Akademi Award. I have so far 
read two. I look forward to reading another 98 or more. If you run short of 
topics, ask me


Best Wishes

Dr. Leo Rebello 
  (As posted on gulf-goans e-Newsletter)


Writing Konkani poems and articles on various topics was a hobby since my 
childhood. Yours, as well as other fan’s encouragement gave me the confidence 
to carry my hobby on the net so that every Global Goans should be able to 
identify by our mother tongue Konkani. 


I am enlisting of my poems below. Before I conclude I would like to thank 
you and all my fans for devoting your precious time to read my poems and 
Konkani articles including (Aitaracheo Katkutleo). I reckon that is the 
greatest award for me from you.
  I take this opportunity to sincerely say a big ‘Dev Borem Korum’ to all 
Konkani lovers.


Moi mogan

Lino Dourado










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2008-04-16 Thread Philip Thomas
power supply to the airport is playing truant forthe past three days[GT

Some more scraps of information have become available from a report
headlined Officials warn of flight diversions in today's HERALD (H).
Supplementing this with some data from the Airport Director's presentation
(ADP) and a report of GCCI on Goa's infrastructure (GCCI), (as indicated by
the respective abbreviations), the following picture emerges:

The power is dispatched from the Extra High Voltage (EHV) station at Ponda
and is distributed by a 33KVA/1 MW substation at the airport (ADP; H). The
airport has a 720 T aircon plant. It has DVOR/DME navaids (ADP). There is a
back up generator which runs for 3 or 4 hours befoere refueling (H). The A/C
plant is probably shut down during the operation of the back up genset. The
situation was exacerbated by the high ambient temps of late.

The 33KV supply is subject to up to 20% low voltage especially during peak
hours  besides the problem of outright outages(GCCI; H). Airport officials
now complain that international airports such as Dabolim are supposed to
have a dedicated feeder line which ensures quality and reliability (H). An
array of crucial devices and services depends on electricity. Runway lights,
navigation systems, ATC operations, airline counter operations, etc , with
aircon being the last but by no means least of them (H).

According to the HERALD report, electricity problems have been prevalent for
8 days at the airport. This compares with 3 days mentioned by GT. Besides,
the generally rickety electricity system of Goa must be taking its toll in a
highly bureaucratic airport/airbase set-up. Surprisingly, neither ADP nor
GCCI  highlight the unsatisfactory nature of the airport's electricity
supply and operation. It took a convergence of events affecting
international pasengers to throw the spotlight on this unacceptable
situation. It remains to be seen if AAI has the courage to actually declare
a shut down until things are sorted out permanently on a war footing. This
is a prime example of the chaltha hai mentality we find everywhere in the

[Goanet] Portugal sempre ali ao lado...

2008-04-16 Thread CLP IC
* Estando a terminar a minha missão neste Centro de Língua Portuguesa/
Instituto Camões de Goa-India por me ter aposentado e ir residir em Lisboa,
gostaria de agradecer a todos os alunos do Departamento de Português da
Universidade de Goa, a todos os membros do CLP/ IC e a todos quantos do
público em geral nos apoiaram ao longo dos últimos anos todo o apoio e
entusiasmo em torno da prática e divulgação da língua portuguesa em Goa e
regiões afins. O meu sucessor, Dr. Delfim Correia da Silva, prosseguirá com
as actividades culturais, os cursos de português e outros projectos, estando
certo de que contará com o vosso apoio.
Neste Ano Europeu do Diálogo Inter-cultural gostaria de vos desejar as
melhores vivências culturais e felicidades pessoais. Cordiais cumprimentos e
um abraço amigo,
Miguel Lume

Due to my retirement I'll be leaving Goa in a few days. Before going back to
Lisbon, where I'll be residing, I would like to thank all the students from
the Department of Portuguese, Goa University, all members of Centro de
Língua Portuguesa/ Instituto Camoes-Goa, and public in general for all your
support during these past years. My successor, Dr. Delfim Correia da Silva,
will carry on the cultural activities, Portuguese courses and other
projects. I am sure that he will get your personal support.
This year is being celebrated as the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
and I wish you all the best cultural experiences and happiness.
Warmest regards,
Miguel Lume


[Goanet] Dubai Tiatr Lovers Taken for a Ride

2008-04-16 Thread Rocky

Subject: Dubai Tiatr Lovers Taken for a Ride 

The same organizer has staged a tiatr last season, whereby he had issued
tickets with seat nos.  but when we went there we could not find our seats.
These seats were booked in advance.  I questioned Mr.Rafael, he blantly said
you can occupy (pointing) to vacant seats (which did not have any seat nos.)
These seats (rows) were on the extreme side of the stage. Since he could not
give our seats and we did not want to make any trouble we took  what was
available.  These things happens when Mr. Rafael has a sell out.
Poixe toklek martat - mijeas choddta

Regarding Roseferns show, which I had seen in GOA, does not have much to
write about and it is below expectation from a great writer.  


Message: 12
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 02:30:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [Goanet] Dubai Tiatr Lovers Taken for a Ride
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Dubai Tiatr Lovers Taken for a Ride

Last thursday the much awaited first tiatr of the
season after Easter was presented in Dubai.

The large Goan tiatr lovers in Dubai eagerly await the
coming of any tiatr group to Dubai as it not only
gives them a tiatr to watch, but also the whole event
becomes a social meeting point with tiatr lovers from
as far as Abu Dhabi and Fujeirah comming to Dubai to
be part of the tiatr.

Last week the much hyped, self proclaimed, 
'Xekdeancho Raza'(king of centuries), Roseferns was
brought to Dubai with his latest tiatr, Maim Tuzo
Upkari Hanv (Mother, i am indebted to you).

The organisers did much publicity for the tiatr and
tiatr lovers thronged the Al Nasr Leisureland in large
numbers. Much to the dismay of the tiatr lovers...the
tiatr tickets were sold out within a few minutes and
around a hunderd and twenty five people were denied

The tiatr was staged in the Nashwan Hall, adjoining
the Al Nasr complex. Although the tickets this time
were highly priced at AED 50 and Aed 60(VVIP)
respectively. There were more AED 60 ticket rows than
the AED 50 ones, and there in exposed the unscruplous
attitude of the organisers to make as much money as
possible, by taking the tiatr lovers for a ride. That
was point 1.

Outside the theatre, the eager tiatr lovers being
denied the privilege to view the tiatr started growing
restless. And to add insult to the injury, the
organisers held in their pockets bundles of unsold
tickets which were distributed to their friends as and
when they came by and although the organisers
announced to the public waiting outside that the hall
was jampacked and no place was available even to
stand, one by one the organisers would take their
friends and families inside the theatre at regular

Further the arrogance of the organisers, who had
already recovered their monies and also made the
profit much before even the opening chorus was sung,
were acting very high handed and one Rafael who is the
main organiser also rudely announced to the Al Nasr
gate guard to close the gates and not to allow anyone
inside the theatre as there was no place, the same
Rafael later almost took inside nearly 25 of his
friends one by one in liasion with the gate guards.

Once inside the tiatr was a huge disappointment. The
first appearance was horrible as there were not even
proper lighting, sound and curtains or a neat stage
set up.
The tiatr from the pen of a centuries master like
Roseferns lacked a basic story line and the talented
cast like comedial sally, Tari and Peter de Benaulim
were totally wasted in their badly written roles.

The hall being jam packed the crowd grew restless and
since the main stage where the tiatr was going on
didnt have much to offer, the back stage, ie. the bar
was making brisk business  much to the delight of the
organisers. And when the cup of cheer flowed freely so
also the expletives and abuses from the angry tiatr
fans flowed.

There was also a huge security concern as the hall
being jam packed had only one entry and exit point.

The crowds went home a disappointed lot, with the
tiatr and the attitude of the organisers.

I do not wish to criticise the organisers as they have
given us some good tiatrs in the past, but just a
request that success corrupts and Goan tiatr lovers
will not subscribe to such utter nonsense in the

Also, since Dubai Goans are used to having entertained
by master tiatrists in the past, this tiatr was no
value for money at all and was a sheer waste of time
and patience.

We must not set such a bad example of bad organising
and bad performance and then charge the public heavily
for somehting that is not worth the amount.

The organisers of this tiart showed that they cared
less, that they didnt care of Goans were accomodated
or not or if the sentiments of the Goan tiatr lovers
were hurt by their act of acting greedily only to look
at the aounts, profits and not look at the entetaining
aspect of the tiatr and 

[Goanet] Riya Sawant creates history

2008-04-16 Thread Goanet Sports
Eight and a half years old Riya Sawant, who is a 2nd standard student of St. 
Mary's High School, Mapusa created history by becoming the youngest ever 
Subjunior Girls Champion in the Goa State Subjunior Chess Championship which 
concluded at the Sarvodaya High School, Curchorem today.

Riya, who is a student of V. Sivaswamy and a product of the Bambolim Chess 
Club, finished the tourney with a maximum of 5 possible points by winning 
her fifth round game against Sukanya Chari. The second and third places went 
to the top seeds Celiane Carvalho and Nandini Saripalli who finished with 4 
points each and identical progressive scores. Celiane was adjudged third by 
virtue of a coin toss. The fourth place went to unrated Sukanya Chari who 
edged out Sonali Kerkar on a higher progressive score although both finished 
with an level score of 3.5 points.

In the Boys section, top seed Anurag Mhamal drew both his last two games 
with Niraj Saripalli and Umang Kaisary. Nevertheless, he still finished 
first with 6 points and completed a creditable hattrick of victories in the 
same category. Second place went to Cyrus Perreira, the Asian Schools Under 
11 Gold Medallist,  who finished with 5 and a half points. Mohanan 
Harikrishnan, Niraj Saripalli and Umang Kaisary finished in fourth to sixth 
places in that order.

Mrs. Jostna Saripalli and SAG coach Avinash Malvankar were the Chief 
Arbiters for the event organised by the Mir Sultan Khan Chess Academy. The 
prize money of Rs. 25,000/- was sponsored by Shreeji Sales Corporation. The 
Chief Guest for the prize distribution ceremony was Dr. Peter Carvalho, the 
founder of Cortalim Chess Club.

Last round results with the points tally in brackets -

Sukanya Chari (3.5 pts) lost to Riya Sawant (5 pts)
Celiane Carvalho (4 pts) beat Urvi Bandekar (3 pts)
Sampada Barve (3 pts) lost to Nandini Saripalli (4 pts)
Vidula Dempo (3 pts) beat Gauri Hadkonkar (2.5 pts)
Sonali Kerkar (3.5 pts) beat Dipashree Malvankar (2 pts)

Anurag Mhamal (6 pts) drew with Umang Kaisary (5 pts)
M. Harikrishnan (5.5 pts) drew with Cyrus Perreira (5.5 pts)
Rakshit Rai (4.5 pts) drew with Niraj Saripalli (5 pts)
Amod Kolwalkar (5 pts) beat Yeshitesh Shirodkar (4 pts)
Snehil Shetty (4 pts) lost to Anirudh bhat (5 pts)

SOURCE: Sameer Salgaocar - Vice President, All-India Chess Federation

Re: [Goanet] FW: On the slippery slope.

2008-04-16 Thread goasuraj
Goasuraj fully supports Averthan D'Souza on his sentiments and arguments 
portrayed herein.

There are many things that institutions and governments cannot do enough to 
arrest the trends that degrade  their envisaged working w.r.t. law and 
order. But giving in or accepting these degradations is to be impotent. In 
that case remove all blocks everywhere and let the society indulge itself 
into utter lawlessness and chaos.. Would that be prefered??


- Original Message - 
From: Averthan D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Council for Social Justice and Peace [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Goanet 

Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:52 AM
Subject: [Goanet] FW: On the slippery slope.


From: Averthan D'Souza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 April 2008 19:16
To: Herald Goa; Gomantak Times ([EMAIL PROTECTED]); Goan Observer; Goa
Subject: On the slippepry slope.

Dear Editor,

   An important member of the Board of Control for Cricket in India
(BCCI), Mr. Inderjit Bindra is reported to have made a plea to legalise
betting in cricket.   The arguments he advances are two-fold:  one that it
is not possible for the Government to control the gambling which is
associated with this game; and two that gambling is legal in many other
parts of the cricket-playing world.  He justifies this plea on the ground
that it will eliminate match fixing

[Goanet] Direct flight between Goa and UAE

2008-04-16 Thread mario rodrigues

Dear Nelly, 
I agree and understand the URGENT requirement for all GOANS in UAE for a direct 
flight to Goa. 
Yes  we do need a direct flight. This time, however,   I personally feel we 
should NOT hurry and rush up and accept ANY AIRLINE. IC stopped without giving 
us any clues and without intimation. Then why should we support those who do 
not have the basic courtesy of warning or informing us their plans. 
Why not we Goans for a change ask for good service, quality, latest aircrafts, 
timely arrival and departure and associate ourselves with those who CARE for us 
 and those who THINK BIG rather than with those who take us Goans for a ride. 
Given a preference , I will preferably NOT accept the airline which left us 
stranded  overnight and for today’s helpless situation.  And if I do fly with 
them who has their very own attitude that  means I am encouraging the same 
caretakers who NEVER IMPROVE the standards even after being in this industry 
for 5 decades+. 
Let us treat this opportunity as golden opportunity and like an election time. 
ALL of GOA is already  sold : left, right , top, bottom  by these 
(Whatever name you call them). We keep electing the same 
.. and then cry later on. What is the use of trying to conduct post 
mortens, when we read nowadays that  during post mortens there are chances of 
parts disappearing.  
I feel Goans in UAE should make a CLEAR request and ask for the BEST. Are we 
Goans not worth the BEST. SO, now given a choice lets go with the best and 
those who would care for us in the long run. Lets go for long term rather than 
short term requirements. Lets suffer now and overcome this suffering once and 
for all.  Offcourse we should make sure we travel by this new appointed GOOD 
AND RELIABLE airline so that they also grow in business.   I vote for 
KINGFISHER. For other Goans who think the same say YES. For those who do not 
accept my preference, Its OK, I respect your decision and your right to choose 
the best airline as per your thinking cap. Sir Vijay are you listenning.  I am 
sure you will hold discussions uprightly with those in authority to award a 
fare deal to goans and ask them to discuss clean ON THE TABLE and NOT by any 
other means.  
Wake up Goans, show your class sometimes and when the opportunity arises. What 
cant we be a bit choosy, a bit demanding, a bit straightforward, show a bit of 
genuine desire for the PARADISE type feeling which actually used to exist in 
PS - 
FLORIANO - I called the chairman of Goan Association and he informed they are  
NOT active for long time. So your request to us to  get a letter from UAE to 
help you push NRI desk (Mr. Edward) appears not possible. 
CHAIRMAN - KING FISHER - As per my various personal  communications with 
yourself, I am pleased to mark cc of above for your kind and early action. We 
appreciate your genuine desire to resolve this matter for Goans.   
Best Regards
Mario Andrew Rodrigues
Dubai – Calangute – Candolim
+  Message: 6 Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:59:31 -0400 From: Nelly Pereira 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Goanet] Kingfisher-Deccan prunes global plan 
(Lookout for a Dubai-Goa flight) To: Goanet [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message-ID: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; 
charset=iso-8859-1; reply-type=original  According to me, any airline will 
do. All what most of us would want is a  direct flight to Goa. Ask me how 
difficult it was for me to travel Goa-Dubai  via Mumbai. I went down for a 
short holiday mid March (a fortnight). The IC  flight Sharjah-Goa direct was 
excellent timing although I had a lost baggage  (result of carelessness with 
most airlines). I reconfirmed my return ticket  on 26th March and I was pretty 
surprised nobody informed me at that point of  time that the flights have been 
re-routed through Mumbai from 29th onwards. It was just two days prior  from my 
travel that the airline staff calls and says the flight 
 is  cancelled.. isn't this funny?..and I need to have a fresh booking done.  
Secondly, the airline promised us that they would assist us in the airport  
transfer from domestic to In'tl and food would also be provided.  
Unsurprisingly nothing like this happened. Even their porters who were just  
lending a helping had came up saying `Madam, chai ke liye kuch de do'.  I was 
travelling alone with my 7 year and 1 year old baby. The airport was  
overcrowded as usual, no proper seating arrangement, flies all around, A/cs  
were on but no proper cooling, kids getting restless, baggage to be taken  care 
of (since connecting flight check in was only 5 hours later) and so on.  It 
took me over 12 hours to reach my destination. Considering this, flying  to Goa 
without a direct flight is like a nightmare. Hope some airlines  considers this 
urgently atleast for the sake of families and our older  parents who often 
visit their children out here.  N, DXB.   

[Goanet] All in a morning's drive

2008-04-16 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

This is the state of Goa today, under Digambar
Kamat (of the I will not do anything to harm
Goa fame) and his coterie of the corrupt.

Illegal jetty in Verem being built by some casino
company (remember Mody of the Helipad in
Nerul fame? Is is the handiwork of the same 
guy?), construction of which was stopped 
yesterday after the villagers protested -


Further down in Kegdevelim.  You have to see it 
for yourself to feel the extent of the devastation of
the hillside.  All of it is lamentably visible from
Miramar beach -


Up on the hillock in Nerul, lots of ongoing
'development' -




Down, further up the road, a section of the hillside
has been depleted of trees.  Looks like it will
soon be 'developed' -


Non-resident Goans who have visions of
spending their post-retirement years in Goa,
please read this slowly and carefully:

You will have nothing to come back to.
All that will be left is a jungle of concrete,
with Singh, Sharma and Ghosh occupying
prime land, a teeming population of ghatis,
an ocean of shanties, and lots of excrement 
along the seaside.  Good luck.

Warm regards,


Re: [Goanet] Goy Shahir Ulhas Buyao - The Legend lives on.... and on.... and on....

2008-04-16 Thread Edward Verdes

Thank you Wilson for reminding usrightly The Legend Lives on and on...
thru his beautiful songs in ..Original Treasure..released in 2006 by Rock 
and Raga Productions.

It is great treasure he has left behind for Konkani lovers...
Konkani lovers shud add this ablum to their collections of Konkani songs..

Here are the Lyrics one of his songDeva Mhojea Deva...fom the Original 
Treasure of Ulhas Buyao..

Deva mhojea Deva, tum sogllemcho adhar re2
Tuka chinta amchi soglleamchi, tum soglleak assa re2
Deva mhojea Deva, tum soglemcho adhar re...2

Sobit sokall sukneamche avaz,2
Xitoll varo, fulam follamchem vas...2
Hem soglem jem sobit sundor..2
Hi tujich maya re.

Deva mhojea Deva, tum soglleamcho adhar re2

Konni Ram mhunnta, konni Krist mhunnta...2
Kon Jesu ani, konni Allah mhunnta2
Rong rupam tujim oslim zaitinch re...2
Tunvem sogleam samballeant re

Deva mhojea Deva, tum soglleamcho adhar re2

Tuje lagim Deva ami magom kitem?,...2
Ami soglim tujim, hem soglem tujem...2
Diumchench zalear di dennem amkam2
Tujea paiyam lagchem vauchem

Deva mhojea Deva, tum sogllemcho adhar re2
Tuka chinta amchi soglleamchi, tum soglleak assa re
Deva mhojea Deva, tum soglemcho adhar re...2

Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: Wilson Mazarello

Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:25 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goy Shahir Ulhas Buyao - The Legend lives on and 
on and on 

Re: [Goanet] Remo holds free concert to create awareness on global warming

2008-04-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
An internet blog is hardly the place to look for an
impartial assessment about a scientific issue. 

Perhaps, Helga or Joachim who have comprehensively
weighed the scientific evidence on all sides in an
informed and unbiased manner in their professional
capacity, would tell us whether or not it points to a
net loss of ice in Antarctica similar to that seen in
Greenland, as a recent study from NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, published in the reputed
scientific journal Nature Geoscience, shows:

Please see



--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 An excerpt:
 While the Antarctic Peninsula area has warmed in
 recent years and ice near it diminished during the
 Southern Hemisphere summer, the interior of
 has been colder and ice elsewhere has been more
 extensive and longer lasting, which explains the
 increase in total extent. This dichotomy was shown
 this World Climate Report blog posted recently with
 similar tale told in this paper by Ohio State
 Researcher David Bromwich, who agreed “It’s hard to
 see a global warming signal from the mainland of
 Antarctica right now”.  
 Indeed, according the NASA GISS data, the South Pole
 winter (June/July/August) has cooled about 1 degree
 F since 1957 and the coldest year was 2004. 

[Goanet] Aldona news: Residents up in arms aga inst conversion ‘overdo’ by developers

2008-04-16 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
Note: This appeared a day ago in the Madras edition of the Hindu;
today (16/4/08) it is in the Mangalore edition, which is what we
get in Goa. In Panjim, you should be able to get the Hindu at
Varsha bookstall and in Mapusa at the newspaper between the Taxi
stand and Syndicate Bank. Anyway, I am reproducing the piece below
because it is very relevant not only to Aldona, but to what is
going on all over Goa.


The Hindu, Wednesday, Apr 16, 2008

Residents up in arms against conversion ‘overdo’ by developers

Special Correspondent

Mega housing project is proposed to come up in Aldona village

Aldona is a coastal village in north Goa

Stop work till Chief Town Planner grants permission: ABA

PANAJI: In what is seen as a battle for survival, residents of
villages in Goa are up in arms against the reckless conversion
“overdo” by real estate developers who are targeting villages in
pursuit of mega projects.

Residents of Aldona, a sleepy coastal village of north Goa, who
are concerned about the moves towards urbanisation of the village,
are protesting against a proposed mega housing project.

The Aldona Bachao Abhiyan (ABA), a core group formed by the
residents, is gearing for its struggle armed with a notification
issued by the State Government on March 13 regarding the role of
the ward development committees, village panchayats and gram
sabhas, as well as the zilla panchayat in the planning process.

Accordingly, the ABA last Sunday has asked the village panchayat
of Aldona to instruct the promoters of the controversial project
to stop the work pending grant of permission by the Chief Town
Planner as required under the Town and Country Planning Act (TCP),
1974, said Maria Aurora Couto, writer, social activist and
spokesperson of the ABA.

The ABA is in the process of addressing a petition to the Chief
Town Planner requesting him not to issue any licence under Section
17-A of the TCP Act.

Ms. Couto said that the petition would be signed by a large number
of residents of the village who would like to see development that
would be beneficial to all the current residents of the village
and not solely to the prospective new entrants in the proposed
housing colonies. Ms. Couto said that request for assistance was
coming in from neighbouring villages, which were also besieged by
the so-called “development projects”.

It had been decided that each village would deal with the issues
locally but information would be shared between such groups, she said.

The ABA has also pointed to yet another issue wherein tenanted
Communidade land (land belonging to the age-old village land
communes) is being sold by the tenant allegedly in connivance with
members of the Communidades in different villages.

In the light of the agricultural tenancy Act, no tenanted
agricultural field can be converted for non-agricultural purpose
such as housing.

The ABA has called upon the authorities concerned to prevent the
breach of law while granting construction licences.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] Fw: RE: Suggestions: Route to UAE - Bombay-Goa sector (a reply from Vijay Mallya)

2008-04-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
--- On Tue, 15/4/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: RE: Suggestions: Route to UAE - Bombay-Goa sector
 Date: Tuesday, 15 April, 2008, 7:23 PM

 Dear Joe,
 Thank you for your email of 9 April 2008, voicing your
 request as well as that of the members of your email group,
 for a direct Kingfisher Airlines flight from India to the
 I am aware that, in the short time since its inception,
 Kingfisher Airlines has become synonymous with a
 superlative flying experience, and I thank you for your
 implied compliments. We are indeed planning to launch our
 international operations subject to government regulations,
 and look forward to taking the Kingfisher experience to our
 overseas guests as well. Your inputs will help us when
 planning our international route networks. 
 I look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you and other
 Goans in the Gulf as my guests on Kingfisher Airlines.
 Cheers !

 Dr. Vijay Mallya, MP
 Chairman  CEO
 Kingfisher Airlines Ltd.
 A UB Group Company
 From: JoeGoaUk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wed 4/9/2008 2:30 PM
 To: Chairman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Subject: Suggestions: Route to UAE - Bombay-Goa sector
 Dear Sir,
 I have a yahoo group with around 1000 members mostly from
 In these days, there was a hot topic on the above subject.
 As AirIndia/Indian Airline stopped its operation on the
 above sector.
 As there is no direct flight for Goans working in UAE, I,
 on behalf of all UAE Goans, would like to request you to
 consider this matter/route when your popular airline goes
 international from say coming August.
 Thanking you,
 Joe (Group owner)

Yahoo! For Good helps you make a difference  


Re: [Goanet] Direct flight between Goa and UAE

2008-04-16 Thread Nelly Pereira
Dear Mario,


I totally agree to what you have to say. Kingfisher would also be my
first preference if given a choice and believe me there will be nothing
like it if this works. I have used this carrier on all my domestic tours
back home and I would highly recommend their service and punctuality. 


It's just that at this stage, out of frustration that I felt beggars are
not choosers. I also agree with all that you have to say about IC, their
service, poor aircrafts, untimely arrivals/departures.., etc. Here is an
example of how they treat you. During my trip to Goa last month, I lost
a huge baggage and no IC staff even bothered to investigate into this
matter. My baggage contained food staff which I carried for my year old
baby. I kept following up continuously for days, contacted all
authorities, but no use. I had to buy the whole lot of substituted stuff
again. Ultimately, it was my husband who investigated into this matter
and personally went down to the Sharjah Airport and found the baggage
still lying there. Next morning, I received a call in style saying that
my baggage has arrived and I need to collect it. All I had to tell them
is hey listen, I know all about it and it wasn't they who organized it.
I even mentioned to them that it's just because we have no option, we
are forced to fly IC. If they was a private airline operating this
sector, things would have been better and nobody would even consider IC.
I even threatened that I would take up the matter with the Officer in
charge, then felt it's a total waste of time, after all it is a
government matter again.


Back to reality, now with the summer holidays at hand, followed by
Christmas planning, I hope things are set right for us and we get the
very best as you have rightly pointed that we deserve the best. I am
sure most of the goans are with you and hope Mr Vijay Mallya acts as a
saviour to the thousands goans working in Dubai. His concern will
definitely bring a smile on the heartbroken faces of all goans and their
families and help us plan hassle-free holidays. Let's not lose hope.






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2008-04-16 Thread Mario Goveia
From, Philip Thomas phlp_thms at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 6 23:53:34 PDT 2008

All this requires a state government which is equally
strong -- and smart (in the best sense of the word)--
and 'top down' as far as leadership is concerned. But
in Goa it is yet to figure out how to remain stable
for more than 15 days or even 15 weeks. There should
be a follow up article about the kind of government
needed at all levels for treading the new road.

Mario observes:


In a democracy, local and state legislators are 
elected by voters who make very personal decisions in
the voting booth.  Whether the resulting local and
state governments are then strong and smart and wise
and incorruptible and assertive depends on the
viewpoint of each of those voters.

What makes you think that such a government in Goa
would choose to follow the economic principles and
policies suggested by Vidhyadhar and enthusiastically
endorsed by Diana and Anthony and Floriano, which tend
to describe economic development as anti-people and
dehumanising without suggesting any workable
solutions that would ameliorate the poverty of the
Goan poor?  Which people or humans are these folks
concerned about?  Wouldn't the poor be denied the jobs
that they and their families survive on if economic
development in Goa were to be interrupted.

In a democracy, people make economic decisions based
on what they perceive to be in the best interests of
themselves and their families.  It strains credulity,
not to mention common sense, to unctiously demand that
a Goan family which inherits ancestral property but
needs current spendable resources for whatever reason,
not sell their property to the highest bidder within
the law and the constitution.

In my response to Floriano - see link below - I
suggested an example of zoning laws that have been
generally successful in controlling urban blight in
the US.  These generally seek to keep residential and
scenic areas apart from industrial and commercial
areas, protect historic buildings, require creative
architectural and environmental solutions, etc.  This
concept seems to satisfy, to the extent possible in a
democracy, those who want to preserve the beauty of
traditional and natural ambience, without restricting
those who want to promote economic development that
provide the jobs necessary to raise the living
standards of most of the population.

In my opinion, the best solutions in a democracy are
ones that benefit most of the people most of the time,
not ones that appeal only to a relatively small ruling
elite that are typically economically secure already.

[Goanet] NEWS FLASH: 6 billion Goans on earth!

2008-04-16 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

April 16, 2008: Panaji, Goa
In a stunning Nobel Prize-winning discovery, 
it has now been established that there are 
6 billion Goans on our planet.  This startling
discovery made by Dr. Rebello was published 
today in the peer-reviewed scientific journal, 
The Navhind Times.

Dr. Rebello proposed his novel taxonomy 
where the world is divided into Goans and 
anti-Goans.  Following this premise, and 
adding in the factoid that the planet's 
total population is 6 billion people, he 
introduced the mathematical epsilon to 
represent the number of people who are 
against Goa and Goans, or anti-Goans
in his terminology.

Then came the Einsteinian masterstroke.
Dr. Rebello's crucial insight was to recognize 
that infinity (a large number) minus epsilon (a
relatively small number) is still infinity.  
Therefore, he argued - 

6 billion Goans - epsilon anti-Goans = 6 billion Goans.  

This fantabulous cockamamie theory has
received rave reviews from Dr. Rebello's
#1 fan, the valiant, forthright and amazingly 
farsighted Chief Minister of Goa.

Warm regards,


Re: [Goanet] Is the destructiveness of caste a myth?

2008-04-16 Thread Carvalho

--- Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, you can.  Just as you can have race
 without racism, nation without nationalism,
 Islam without Islamism...you get the idea.
 It is perlexing that these simple matters
 are as yet unknown to you.

Dear Rajan,

I had mentally cast you in the role of bitter old
man, but after watching the interview, I realise
you're actually angry young man.  A role only
suitable for Big B, that too in his Deewar glory days

Your lip-quivering admonition of FN is hardly
warranted. The words nationalism and racism have
nation and race as their root but the meaning of the
words is entirely different. Caste or jat (as the
Indian word is), has everything to do with casteism.

If one is historically particular and accurate,
inherent in one's caste are certain privileges such as
grants (usually land) from kings to Brahmans,
exemption from taxes to some castes, entry or
prohibition into certain guilds, not to mention the
social privileges it alleges. All of this is ofcourse,
much dust in the winds of history and the intent of
caste and any inherent utility that it may have
accrued is lost with its present day calcification. 

However, if one still professes a caste, one is
tacitly assumes the privileges that go with it.

Incidentally I wonder how many brahmins know that
their predecessors were simple bards, huntsmen and
charioteers, who later took on religious duties?
That's something for our Catholic Bamons to think
about :-)



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
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[Goanet] Parrikar Parrikar

2008-04-16 Thread edward desilva
  Sandeep said:
  I however say this not to criticize Rajan but so that he can improve
upon on this in his next assignment. Rajan should take this in the
positive light. Maybe we can expect him putting Digamber Kamat on the
dock by grilling him better.Cheers Sandeep Heble
  Digu Interview will never happen.
  Porrikar Interview questions were predetermined and over viewed by Porrikar 
before they were put to him by Rajan on tape.
  Porrikar had enough courage to answer the questions, by slouching on the 
chair, therefor the interview was a 'piece of piss' as we say over here, for 
  Will Rajan do the same to Digu, give Digu the questions and say 'what do you 
think of these questions sir, when I ask?' 
  I dont think that is possible. And, IF it does happen.
  Digu WILL be put on the dock not the slouching chair.

 Yahoo! for Good helps you make a difference

Re: [Goanet] Appeasements, Haj Pilgrimage, Congress and the BJP

2008-04-16 Thread floriano
If the cardinal Rule  that Religion must not mix with GOVERNANCE which is 
directly related to Politics is observed, there would be no possibility of 
any appeasement whatsoever. Governance of a state must restrict itself  to 
cover each and every individual citizen irrespective of whether s/he belongs 
to any class/caste/religion on impartial basis thereby throwing out of the 
window all sorts of appeasements, grants etc to religious or caste/class 
groupings. This goes without saying that it implys that religions must 
thrive or perish on their own without governments showering largeses on 
these for whatever reasons. If you do for one, you have to do to everyone 
and governments cannot be said to be in business to do this.

The weaker sections of the society is different. These should not be on 
religious or caste basis but purely on economic basis. This too must be such 
that these weaker sections are pumped with whatever resources required to 
get them up to the level of competition which is universal. What this 
entails is : If one is a scheduled caste and this individual seeks entrance 
to the IAS examination, pump in whatever resources required for this 
individual to be able to answer this examination without lowering the 
standard of the examination to suit the level of the individual. If the 
individual passes out, then give this individual the preference of selecting 
for a job over everone else who has passed this examination.

In a country like India, subsidies for religious activities by the 
governments should be totally banned, over and out,  irrespective of whether 
the governments are of Congress, the BJP or whatever. Does this nation have 
the heart to do this? I wonder! However, it is a different story altogether 
with Goasuraj where even the funds collected within the constituency by the 
grass-root  committee may be spent on anything and everything but not a 
farthing  on any religious activity. Period.

Afterall, religions have been the bane of mankind. Rather than improving the 
understanding between different peoples, religions have created suspicions 
and distrusts leading to wars and destruction. Mankind must learn to keep 
religions in their places, confined and compartmentalised and they must 
suffer the brunt when they get out of hand and conflict with one another. 
Here, the governents must move in and put these in their sweet places back 
again even with severe punishments.

We should be in the outer world for this to happen. :-)

And BTW let us stop talking of what the Congress is doing and what the BJP 
has done. Let us find a newer solution outside of these two incorrigibles 
who have lead this country to the edge of the precipice.


- Original Message - 
From: Sandeep Heble [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:57 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Appeasements, Haj Pilgrimage, Congress and the BJP

Dr Anand wrote earlier on Goanet:

How about telling the Congress to stick to their constitution ?
Havethey not engaged in minority communalism ( not to mention

unimaginable corruption ) in every term they have been in power ?
That's OK , is it

I can say from personal experience that in todays Goa ( and India ) ,
thanks to the minority appeasement / vote bank policies of the
Congress and the reservation schemes for certain communities
 being born a Hindu is bad enough ... being born a Brahmin Hindu  is 
 the ultimate disadvantage

[Goanet] Next year in Old Goa

2008-04-16 Thread Antonio Menezes
 I think I owe an apology  to Roland Francis.  When I wrote '' think man
think'' it was directed
at all the casteists in India and minuscule Goa.

Anyway I am glad  with what you wrote for somehow there is that message I
wished so much
to give these casteists.

Roland, I would like to add that I wish I had the power of expressing ideas
that you have,  my
\own being of rather limited nature.


[Goanet] Job Vacancy - Sales Coordinator - 1 Nos - UAE ONLY

2008-04-16 Thread edwardingoa

 Requirement: Sales Coordinator - 1 Nos

Age: Below 40

Nationality: Preferable Indian

Experience: Min 2 years

Job Brief: Co-ordinate and be an integral part of the sales process which
will include the following

· Processing of Sales orders

· Generating of Invoices

· Coordinating Deliveries

· Support  Liaison with Sales Team

· Support  Liaison with Procurement team

· High Interaction with the Customer

· CRM Programs

· Inventory Management



[Goanet] Goan youth goes missing at sea

2008-04-16 Thread Preetu Nair

Goan youth goes missing at sea
By Preetu Nair - TNN

Benaulim (South Goa): For a fortnight now, ever since their son went 
missing, the D'Silva family has been swinging between hope and despair. 
Their 25-year-old son Joaquim, a kitchen hand on an Italian ship, was last 
seen on March 22. The ship was headed to Porto Lemon, Costa Rica.

We have no clue whether he is dead or alive. We only know that his cabin 
mate last saw him around 11:45 pm on March 22,'' said Joaquim's father 
Caetano, a fisherman. The family alleges that maritime authorities have made 
no effort to trace Joaquim. It is obvious from the captain's report that no 
effort has been made to investigate the matter. The report looks like an 
attempt to conceal facts,'' said Caetano.

Joaquim finally got a job after waiting for two years and paying an agent Rs 
2.2 lakh. The athletic graduate joined MSC Lirica, owned by the 
Mediterranean Shipping Company, Italy, on January 29. When he last called 
his family on March 19, Joaquim sounded happy, said his father. Two days 
later, he sent an e-mail to his girlfriend. He had promised to call his 
family on Easter (March 23).

The family has lodged a complaint with the Colva police and also written to 
Vice-Admiral John De Silva, chairman of Overseas Employment Agency of Goa. 
Confirming that a crew member of an Italian ship had gone missing, officials 
from recruiting agency Imperial Ocean Management Inc, Margao, said, The 
captain has informed the coast guard and maritime authorities in Costa 
Rica.  (ENDS)

The above article appeared in The Times of India, Mumbai edition dated April 

[Goanet] Bombay Duck Chili Fry Recipe

2008-04-16 Thread edwardingoa
  *Bombay Duck Chili Fry Recipe*

*Ingredients : *Serves 4


1/2 cup


2 cloves


Bombay ducks (see note below)


Medium onions, finely sliced

Garlic, finely chopped

Dried chilies, seeded and broken into pieces

Lemon juice and salt to taste
 *Method :*


   Cut the Bombay ducks into 5 cm lengths.

   Heat oil in a small pan and deep fry the pieces.

   Take them out and drain them.

   Pour off oil, leaving about half the original amount.

   In it, fry the onions and garlic until onion is soft and golden.

   Add chilies and fry for 2 or 3 minutes longer.

   Return the Bombay duck pieces and stir fry for a minute.

   Add lemon juice and salt to taste.

   Serve hot or at room temperature.

Note : Bombay duck is not a bird, despite its name. This is a variety of
fish that is salted and dried. It is sold in packets. Deep fried or grilled,
it is served as an accompaniment to a meal or rice and
and should be nibbled in little pieces.

[Goanet] DNAIndia.com : After winter, rain a nd 'black fungus' wreck city's hapoos dreams

2008-04-16 Thread RUBYGOES
This message was sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED],
as a service of dnaindia.com

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Full Story can be found at

After winter, rain and 'black fungus' wreck city's hapoos dreams

The king of mangoes is going to cost you a king's ransom. It's middle of
April, and yet Alphonsos are too hot to touch

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Re: [Goanet] Is the destructiveness of caste a myth?

2008-04-16 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Gilbert
1) 114 million Dalits in India indicate that they do
not find their imposed identity liberating even as
they seek the crumbs made available to them for being
low caste people. Instead, they vigorously resort to
the courts to demand their human rights as equals in a
free and democratic society.
2) Ethnic groups that first stay close together for
social support do not move to a better area as a
group as you say. They become individually mobile and
move away from their ethnic group as a manifestation
of social mobility. Middle class blacks for example,
having prospered through affirmative action tend to
keep their distance from lower class blacks. In other
words, class becomes stronger than ethnic identity.
This is true whether in New York, Toronto, LA, London
or anywhere else.

--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Fred,
Being proud of one's identity (heritage) is
self-confidence and liberating, and helps one achieve
their best.  

In New York City and Toronto (just two examples),
 ethnic groups live in their own ethnic neighborhood
 for support and social identity. When their economic
 and political power improved, they stayed there or
 as a group moved to a new neighborhood. 

[Goanet] Vacancies in Dubai, U.A.E. - Customer services, Males

2008-04-16 Thread edwardingoa
We have urgent requirement in our company for Customer service we are
looking for male candidates preferably. Age late 20's would be preferred or
early 30's will also do we are basically looking for fresher's our company
is offering AED 2.5k for starters AED 3k for experienced staff.



[Goanet] Is the destructiveness of caste ,a myth ?

2008-04-16 Thread Antonio Menezes
On April,14, Gilbert Lawrence wrote on the Goanet : ''The Catholic Church is
the institution that gave the lower caste and lower socio-economic Catholic
Goans, education.''

This statement does not appear to reflect complete truth as far as imparting
education to Goan masses is concerned

To understand better, we have to  separate the Catholic Church of Goa from
the Catholic Church of Bombay ( including Pune, Belgaum, Bangalore ,
Karachi  etc. )   Whereas churches in Bombay  and especially the Jesuits
have done an excellent job of imparting education to migrant Goans,  I wish
I could say the same of Goa's Catholic Church

From 1510 to 1927, when Salazar became dictator of Portugal, various Goan
village churches had what one may call parochial schools,  These schools
instead of imparting education of 3Rs,  concentrated mostly in teaching
catholic doctrine,playing of violin and choir singing so much  that Padre
Vigario wanted his parishioners to sing  '' Et cum spiritus tuo '' in 101
differnet tunes.

In 1945, when I suggested  to a neighbour of mine whose husband was in
Bombay ( it was postal order economy then ) that she should send her
children to parochial school she blurted out : ''Kitem, cantaram kelear
(choir singing) ani rebek vazoilear  pot borlem ?

In the late 1920s Salazar issued an order that each village in Portugal and
colonies should have a primary school imparting education in Portuguese
language.  But then the Professora said  :Crianssas, o cavalo tem quatro
pes,thus preventing education from being popular  from 1927  to 1961.

After Lib eration, Dayanand Bandodkar, the first Chief Minister of Goa threw
open the Goan Treasury and paid salaries of primary and secondary teachers
irrespective of who owned the schools.  That is how today each  villaqge
church has a primary cum secondary school attached to it.

I can only say with a tinge of sadness, that the Catholic Church of Goa  (
of bamon padris ) from 1510 to 1961 adopted a policy of benign neglect  as
far as education of masses was concerned.


[Goanet] Appeasements, Haj Pilgrimage, Congress and the BJP

2008-04-16 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Dr Anand however loses the plot even more so when he
fails to mention
how, when the BJP Government was ruling the Country
with Vajpayee at
the helm, they ironically increased the grants to Haj
Pilgrims instead
of reversing this act of appeasement. The Vajpayee
incidentally had increased the Haj subsidy by 22 times
from what it
was during the Congress rule earlier.

In other words, if the Congress Party committed a
grave sin, the BJP
Government went one step further and committed a sin
22 times greater
than that committed by the earlier Congress regime.
Yes, if the
Congress is guilty of appeasements, so is the BJP,
even more so
literally. Make no mistake about that too!

To put it mildly, if the Congress Party must deserve
1000 lashes for
this act of misdemeanor, the BJP must deserve 22,000. 
 And make that
another 50 thousand more for misleading and
double-crossing their vast
legion of voters on this issue :-)

You said it perfectly Sandeep, BJP say they are
different.. but want to enjoy fruits of Ruling Party
just like congressman...a step further they dont mind
hataawing/ disapiaring views (people) in the name of
RAM or Rastra..


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[Goanet] remembering Goem Shahir

2008-04-16 Thread Pravin Sabnis
check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UePE91dpH9c
for a tribute to a Great Goan
Goem Shahir Ulhas Buyao
whose inspiration is immortal...

 Pravin K. Sabnis 
visit: www.unlearningunlimited.blogspot.com 

  Best Jokes, Best Friends, Best Food and more. Go to 

Re: [Goanet] Remo holds free concert to create awareness on global warming

2008-04-16 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:18:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Perhaps, Helga or Joachim who have comprehensively
weighed the scientific evidence on all sides in an
informed and unbiased manner

Mario responds:

Have they really?  That's good.  It is high time that
Goans knew about the furious debate going on among
climate scientists.

It is an excellent idea to have these Goans review the
scientific evidence on all sides and to let us know
whether the Kyoto Protocols will solve the problem
while exempting India and China and every other less
developed country.

They may also be able to win $150,000 by showing that
humans are to blame for global warming by entering the
challenge issued almost a year ago by the Junk Science
web site with no takers so far.  See:


While they are at it, I would like them to also review
the findings and opinions in the following links,
including the curious methodology used by the IPCC in
developing their reports as described in the last two
links shown below:








Re: [Goanet] NEWS FLASH: 6 billion Goans on earth!

2008-04-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:
 Then came the Einsteinian masterstroke.
 Dr. Rebello's crucial insight was to recognize 
 that infinity (a large number) minus epsilon (a
 relatively small number) is still infinity.  
 Therefore, he argued - 
 6 billion Goans - epsilon anti-Goans = 6 billion Goans.  

I am with Dr. Rebello, the Muslims, the Minorities, the Marxists and the 
non-original inhabitants of Goa.
In my experience, every time someone needs to define, Who is an Englishman, 
Who is a real American? or Hu is Chinese, the purpose of the exercise is to 
deprive rights from those people who are already enjoying them. 
You will agree with me that six billion Goans has a nice ring to it ;-)

Under private property ... Each tries to establish over the other an alien 
power, so as thereby to find satisfaction of his own selfish need. The increase 
in the quantity of objects is therefore accompanied by an extension of the 
realm of the alien powers to which man is subjected, and every new product 
represents a new potentiality of mutual swindling and mutual plundering.
Marx, Human Requirements and Division of Labour 

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


Re: [Goanet] NEWS FLASH: 6 billion Goans on earth!

2008-04-16 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Actually there's just one Goan on the planet, for the following reasons:

40% of Goan is non-Goan. Aren't all our politicians shouting
themselves hoarse from the rooftops?

25.6% Goans are denationalised. Didn't T.B.Cunha talk of that, for
the saffron lobby to convenient (mis)use it towards their own goals
when it suited them?

Another 20% Goans are non-fluent in Konkani, at least in the variant
which we define as the only acceptable form.

Women don't matter in our scheme of things (aren't we the World's Best
Male Chauvinists?) so that excludes half of the remaining.

All the rest are also excluded, since we guys are just great at
excluding The Other on one ground or another.

That leaves us with just one Goan. Your guess about his identity is as
good as mine, but I think it's the letter-writer below. FN

On 16/04/2008, Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To Goanet -

  April 16, 2008: Panaji, Goa
  In a stunning Nobel Prize-winning discovery,
  it has now been established that there are
  6 billion Goans on our planet.  This startling
  discovery made by Dr. Rebello was published
  today in the peer-reviewed scientific journal,
  The Navhind Times.

  Dr. Rebello proposed his novel taxonomy
  where the world is divided into Goans and
  anti-Goans.  Following this premise, and
  adding in the factoid that the planet's
  total population is 6 billion people, he
  introduced the mathematical epsilon to
  represent the number of people who are
  against Goa and Goans, or anti-Goans
  in his terminology.

  Then came the Einsteinian masterstroke.
  Dr. Rebello's crucial insight was to recognize
  that infinity (a large number) minus epsilon (a
  relatively small number) is still infinity.
  Therefore, he argued -

  6 billion Goans - epsilon anti-Goans = 6 billion Goans.

  This fantabulous cockamamie theory has
  received rave reviews from Dr. Rebello's
  #1 fan, the valiant, forthright and amazingly
  farsighted Chief Minister of Goa.

Re: [Goanet] Appeasements, Haj Pilgrimage, Congress and the BJP

2008-04-16 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
On 15/04/2008, Sandeep Heble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Fredrick loses the plot horribly by trying to illustrate how the
  Congress Government's decision to grant subsidies to Haj pilgrims
  should not be seen as a form of appeasement because the money
  eventually ends up into Air India's coffers.

The point I was making was simply this: appeasement in India means
giving token crumbs of cake to a tiny elite of a community, without
making any difference to the community as a whole. For instance,
Congress and BJP would both be willing to build allies and cultivate
friends among the Muslim community by offering them, say, Haj
subsidies, but nothing significant would be done to ameliorate the
abysmal situation that the average Muslim lives in here, the country
with the second-largest Muslim population in the globe.

Among Catholics in Goa, secularism for the Congress means offering a
few crumbs to a handful of dominant minority politicians from
Salcete (or elsewhere), while not addressing the legitimate grievances
of various sections (including minorities).


[Goanet] Re - of Goans, non Goans and anti-Goans

2008-04-16 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Dr. Oscar Rebello gave many views on the subject, which I find disturbing.
So far, I didn't challenge out of respect, of leading the GBA on the
Regional Plan  giving the benefit of doubt.  From now onwards, he does not
have my vote to speak for Goa, on the said subject!!

Each World Community is influenced by migrations but identities take years
to develop. Goa was isolated from India (and its migrations) for 400 years 
thru the ups/downs of the period, developed a unique identity. Isn't Goa,
the most popular Tourist Destination (until now!!) despite, there being more
beautiful places in other parts of India?

Why complicate Identity?  Just because we did not bother to document it,
does not mean it's not definable. I got re-assured on the same, at the last
Global Goan Convention in Goa, which showcased a rich mosaic of Goa's Unique
Culture/Identity spread across caste/creed/religion. The most beautiful
thing is that it's a blend, between east  west.

Am shocked that Hitler, Idi Amin, Milosevic was equated. Many Goan's seek
controlled migration/land sale restrictions, IN A CIVILIZED MANNER, to
preserve our Identity/Home. Was this same for Germany, Uganda  Serbia i.e.
their identities continue to exist!! What can Goan's fall back on, if Goa
gets irrelevant! I sympathise with people yearning for a home land e.g. The
Kurds etc

The view could be a new world order, so then, India should open borders to
all countries; many Indians have roots to ancestors over the world; what is
Indian Identity? Let's ask developed countries to do the same; they are
enacting tough laws on learning lessons, integrating unwanted
immigrants realisingthreat to interests; if they don't tighten
already existing controls. I am
amazed that the views don't appreciate logic in migrant control. Different
communities have different views sometimes radically different. No community
can accept a major demographic change in at least a relatively small

(This is the personal opinion of Mr. Arwin Mesquita who is just an ordinary

[Goanet] Goa news for April 17, 2008

2008-04-16 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Scarlett\'s organs are not missing, says Goa - Sify
[Apr 15, 2008]  Panjim: Facing new allegations over vital
organs missing from rape and murder victim Scarlett Keeling, the
Goa government on Tuesday said there was no cover ...

*** Russian tourist found dead in Goa - Hindu
[Apr 14, 2008]  PANAJI: A 30-year-old Russian tourist, Kabanov
Vladimir, was found dead at a guest house at Vagator, on the
north Goa coast, on Sunday afternoon. ...

*** Goa villagers up in arms against housing project - Hindu
[Apr 13, 2008]  PANAJI: Residents of Aldona, a sleepy village
of north Goa, are up in arms against a proposed mega housing
project. The Aldona Bachao Abhiyan (ABA), ...

*** Clube de Goa pips Mohammedan AC - Deepika
[Apr 15, 2008]  Kannur, Apr 15 (UNI) Sporting Clube de Goa beat
Mohammedan AC, Kolkata by a solitary goal in the second EK
Nayanar Memorial Gold Cup International Football ...

*** Goa Velhaâ#130;¬#132;¢s Sporting Club triumph - Navhind
[2 hours ago]  Vasco, April 16 Sporting Club Menezes of Goa
Velha beat Varca SC via thetie-breaker 4-1 in the finals of
all-Goa football tournament organised by Cross ...

*** JK Tyre kart enduro race at Nuvem - Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  In fact, the 24-hour enduro event is coming to
India for the first time and Goa gets the opportunity to host it
primarily because theNuvem race track is ...

*** USAID Provides Flood Assistance to Angola - FOXBusiness
[13 hours ago]  The Government of Angola's (GOA) Civil
Protection Unit (CPU) reported that the floods have killed at
least 14 people and displaced more than 56000 others in ...

*** Itsa puzzle but sun, sea and beer cant compete with SuDoku
for ... - Times Online
[1 hour ago]  Goa is sweltering. It is 36C (96.8F) and the
humidity is off the scale. British and Russian tourists are
slowly going lobster-red by the pool at the Holiday ...

*** Global warming threatens Goas coastline - Navhind Times
[3 hours ago]  Panaji, April 16 Goas coast is under major
threat from rising waters due to global warming. With this Goas
main USP, its pristine beaches, ...

*** Goa witness alleges police harassment - Guardian
[24 minutes ago]  The key witness in the case of Scarlett
Keeling, the British teenager who was raped and killed on a Goa
beach, claims he has not been allowed to leave the ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] ONE DAY PARTY SNACKS' course

2008-04-16 Thread St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege-goa.com)


St. Xavier's College, Mapusa, is organizing a 'ONE DAY PARTY SNACKS' course 
on the 25th April, 2008, from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Learn quick and easy 
snacks like samosas, cheeseballs, ressois, prawn-on-toast and many other 
mouth watering party snacks for just Rs.250/-. No spot registrations will be 
entertained due to advance preparations.

For enquiries kindly contact St. Xavier's College on or before 13.04.2008, 
on 2262356 between 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. or by e-mail to 

Re: [Goanet] An Open Letter to Dr. Leo Rebello

2008-04-16 Thread Jerry Fernandes

Mogal Lino

Tujeo Kovita ekdom ruchicheo
Toxeoch tujeo Aitaracheo Katkutleo
Zaito teomp zalo vachun jiv dadostalo
Goanettarank toxench Gulfgoansankam tunvem konkanicho mog dilo.

Amchi Romi Konkanichi ruch tunvem dili zaitea goemkarank
Ingliz uloitat punn konkani vachunk pois ravonknant
Zoxo Domnic babacho book porzol zalo vachunk sogleank
Magtam tuzoi donxim kovatincho book jelo kosso eunk amchea gopant

Wish you all the best


Re: [Goanet] Is the destructiveness of caste a myth?

2008-04-16 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 19:11:22 -0400

...if Cornel's statistics are anywhere near accurate
(5% of the pop. being Brahmin  -- of which even less
are casteists), then the problem we have is very minor
and doesn't deserve a jingoistic approach.

If you insist on an immediate solution to the
'problem' I would strongly advocate you (with Cornel
for moral fortitude) borrow Anthony D'Silvas 
megaphone and wield it at Friday's Mapusa market,
collecting signatures for presentation to Digu-bab
(??) and see how much good that will do!

Mario responds:


If the problem is so minor, why are you getting
so excited about it and calling the approach of those
who oppose caste jingoistic?   Since jingoism is
defined as extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked
especially by a belligerent foreign policy I don't
see how it applies here.  Wouldn't chauvinism apply to
those who consider themselves to belong to a
superior caste?

BTW, have you noticed that one of your
fellow-apologists for caste has taken to describing
those who are against caste as the real casteists?  If
this were true, to be consistent he would have to also
call those who fought against apartheid in South
Africa and racism in the USA the real racists.  Does
that make sense to you?

Thanks for your suggestion on using the Mapusa Market
as a forum, which would be kind of hard for Cornel,
Anand, Santosh and myself to do from where we live. 
However, I think the shrill defensive reactions and
apologies and excuses for caste we are eliciting here
on Goanet show that we are in a pretty good forum for
this discussion.

The silent majority can make up their own minds.

Re: [Goanet] Goa news for March 28, 2008

2008-04-16 Thread Mario da Rocha

Hi Amol,

I don't know if you remember me, Mario Rocha , who was in Xavier's and later 
in engineering collge, then working for Norman D'Souza.

Good to see your post. Goans really need to wake up. But it's not for me to 
say as I now live abroad- and possbily don't have the authority to say 
anything - atleast the same authority as those that live in Goa.

Last couple of years, I have been seeing the changes, not all good, went to 
Morjim and was made to feel un welcome at a Russian owned shack. They have 
put up a sign in Russian re naming the street the same name as the street 
near the Kremlim ( I have been to Moscow and seen the real street )

Construction seems to have got out of hand, traffic is really a nightmare, 
and Goans seem to have given up their culture in exchange for nothing 
positive. But thats my limited view !

Stay in touch,


P.S. Do you now have a real synthesizer or do you still have to make the 
sounds   Twn  without one ? ;)

Amol Navelkar wrote:

Dear All Goans,

We are fighting on net on various issues, we are fighting with the 
neighbours at home,we are fighting on languages, we are fighting on road, we 
are fighting all along our day in day out in Goa, for Goa, with Goans for 
Goans against Goans.And in Goa we are eliminating ourself very fast that we 
will put rabbits to shame on their multiplication abilities with speed and 
we see all over Goa migrants(illegally occupying spaces for 
living)multiplying their business( again illegally occupying areas) are 
comming as SUNAMIS. wake up Goans these elected representatives get elected 
on ur vote and rule u to give all thehelping hands to all these migrants to 
establish their rights in Goa as HGoans.
utt Goenkara 

Re: [Goanet] Parrikar Parrikar

2008-04-16 Thread cedrico dacosta

The much hyped Parrikar  Parrikar video is surely an

I doubt it being live, was it recorded live then it
would have been done in front of  a live audience...a
la kaun banega Crorepathi..

does Porikar have it to face a secular crowd and
answer an interview?

it is easy to fool the people some time, but not all
the  people all the time...

and now we are to watch another act with Digu?

wonder what is the price tag over such an interview?

how else can Porrikar (the ex BJP CM)deny that the
charges of he being responsible of trying to let loose
RSSwalhas on Goans specially the minorities...

wasn't Porrikar the CM when the BJP forged Philip
neri's signature?

I am sure the shano Goemkar will not fall prey to such
gimmicks of out of job people...

BJP or porrikar in Goa...never again!

Kind regards
Cedric da Costa

Re: [Goanet] Of Goans, non Goans and anti-Goans

2008-04-16 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Of Goans, non Goans and anti-Goans
By Oscar Rebello

Long ago, when in medical school, I had this most horrifying encounter that
always disturbs one and remains deeply etched in the deepest recesses of my

A true blue blooded, 'niz Goenkarâ' colleague of mine once asked me, Dude,
how is it that you have green eyes?

I replied that some great grandmother of mine was of Portuguese ancestry 
that is how I'd probably inherited them. He simply glared at me and I 

recognise the glint in his eye then as he spat Oh! So you are a Portuguese
pig then. You aren't Goan?

Poof! There is one nanosecond of prejudice a fellow Goan had de-Goanised me
in his mind, just like that.

What a hoot!  Just this morning I sent off a post in which I called upon Dr. 
Oscar Rebello to step down from his position at the GBA and soon thereafter 
he drops this on us!

Dr. Rebello first sang public praises of Digambar Kamat, whose 
administration along with Rane's has been the most vile and corrupt in Goa's 
history, the Digambar Kamat who oversees the systematic disintegration of 
Goa. Now, Dr. Oscar Rebello, wags his finger at us Goans, hectoring us on 
the virtues of tolerance.  Is he up for nomination for the Mahatma of the 
Year Award or what?

Dr. Oscar Rebello wants to have it both ways - use his position within the 
GBA for self-promotion and access to the media, and then in the same breath 
claim that these are his personal views.

If there is anyone with even a shred of decency left within the GBA, I call 
upon them to eject Dr. Rebello from the GBA.  He no longer represents or 
speaks for the Goan people.



[Goanet] Goan band to perform at May event

2008-04-16 Thread Goanet AE

Goan band to perform at May event

Published: Thursday, 17 April, 2008, 01:45 AM Doha Time

Staff Reporter

GOA'S leading band, Forefront, will perform at the eighth May Queen Ball 
being hosted by the Goan Welfare Association (GWA) at the Diplomatic Club on 
May 8.

The May Queen Ball is an annual dinner dance event, hosted by the Goan 
community in Qatar.

The highlight of the event will be crowning of May Queen, organisers said 

The band has been entertaining the world with their sensational blend of 
vocals, instruments, rhythm, visual technique in trend and showmanship. The 
band's track record contains performances in India and abroad with several 
award winning live concerts, said the organisers.3

Every year the quality of the May Ball has been rated high and the show 
improved tremendously with the support of sponsors and participants, said a 
GWA spokesperson. Our forum endeavours to be on the forefront to organise 
major events keeping in mind the Goan traditional hospitality, cultural 
heritage and music, he said.

Forefront was featured on the popular MTV channel and they also had the 
honour of being the fast group to perform unplugged.

The group is one of the best for pop and equally dazzling to rock, rap, 
reggae, Bhangra and Goa's ethnic dekhnni, mandos, dulpods.

The Forefront's maiden album, Always by your side, was a runaway success 
in terms of fame and fortune. The team was featured in some memorable 
performances in the Gulf countries and parts of Europe. The Forefront 
catered to people of all tastes.

This year's show will be patronised by a galaxy of top Bollywood stars.

Splash is the title sponsor and official airline is Qatar Airways. Ramada 
Hotel is the official hotel. Inquiries could be made on 5550491, 5218480, 
5807019 and 5504801.  (ENDS)


[Goanet] Indian autopsies in Scarlette case 'absolutely illegal'

2008-04-16 Thread Goanet News Service

Indian autopsies in Scarlette case 'absolutely illegal'

By Alfred de Tavares

Stockholm, April 16: Swedish forensic experts have said the two autopsies 
carried out in India on the body of British teenager Scarlette Keeling, 
found dead on a beach in Goa, were absolutely illegal. They also expressed 
concern that her organs, found missing during a third autopsy in Britain, 
may have been illegally traded.

Scarlette's bruised and semi-naked body was found on the sea shore of Goa's 
Anjuna beach just before dawn on Feb 18. Initially, Goa police said the 
15-year-old had drowned.

However, Scarlette's mother Fiona MacKeown accused the Goa police of 
malpractice and campaigned for a second post-mortem, which concluded that 
Scarlette had more than 50 bruises and that she had been given ecstasy, 
cocaine and LSD on the night she died. Police then announced she had been 
raped and murdered.

Swedish autopsy expert Per Arne Schedin told IANS: It is not just 
incredible, but absolutely illegal, the way they (Indian officials) have 
proceeded in their 'modus operandi' of obducing the poor girl's body.

During my service I have carried out more than a 100,000 autopsies in 
Sweden and other countries. The standard procedure is, from the most initial 
incision, to speak into a recorder every detail resorted to and most 
minutely observed.

Where electronic recording is not available, an assistant takes notes 
during the process, dictated by the obducent. This protocol is the vital 
part of the eventual investigation and its accuracy cannot be exaggerated, 
said Schedin, a 35-year veteran at Sweden's world-renowned Karolinska 
Hospital's Ratts Forensiska Avdelningen (judicial forensic department).

What the Indian pathologists claim is most confounding. With present 
forensic advances, easily available in India, that they should find it so 
difficult to determine the results with greater accuracy is simply 

I confine myself to the professionalism in the case and do not wish to 
comment on the oversight of exterior signs of violence on the body that was 
reported from day one of this death, Schedin added.

The Daily Mail reported Monday that Scarlette's mother, who had taken her 
body back to Britain, said some internal organs were missing. MacKeown was 
furious because nobody in India had sought her permission to remove 
Scarlette's organs.

The missing organs - said to include kidneys, uterus and stomach - were 
reported after British forensic scientists conducted a third autopsy on the 

Authorities in Goa said that taking parts of the body for tests was a part 
of the post-mortem procedure, the paper reported.

Schedin said: When removal of organs is involved, if prior permission is 
neither possible nor feasible, those we are responsible to - mostly the 
police authorities - are duly informed. And any organ extracted for purposes 
of forensic investigation is meticulously restored into the body or, as and 
when required, otherwise preserved.

We followed this procedure strictly in Thailand after the horrendous 
tsunami. I carried out over a thousand autopsies. Even in cases in a far 
state of decomposition, all organs and matter extracted was duly restored or 
returned with the corpse.

A colleague of Schedin, who did not wish to be identified, said: In the 
face of grave reports of illegal organ transactions in some countries, we 
are concerned that highly coveted organs of young, healthy people who have 
succumbed to tragedies may command tempting lures.

There have been cases of Swedish deaths in India. Their mutilated bodies 
have been returned after apparently nonchalant autopsies. Even cases of 
distinct unnatural deaths have been certified as natural ones. Swedish 
authorities have been duly notified in every case. What steps they have then 
taken we do not know, he added.

(Alfred de Tavares can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED])

--- IANS

Re: [Goanet] Remo holds free concert to create awareness on global warming

2008-04-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Have they really?  That's good.  It is high time
that Goans knew about the furious debate going on
among climate scientists.

I am not exactly sure. But there may be another Goan
or two who would also have a similar serious problem.
Believing that Goan climate scientists Helga and
Joaquim are better aware of genuine scientific
discussions in their field than political bloggers and
webmasters can indeed be hard.



P.S. BTW, Jody Wells Memorial Prize is being offered
by HIV/AIDS denialists to anybody who can prove that
AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. So far there are no
takers there as well. Perhaps, the global warming
conspirators are conspiring with the AIDS mafia to
dupe the rest of humanity.

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They may also be able to win $150,000 by showing
 that humans are to blame for global warming by
entering the challenge issued almost a year ago by
the Junk Science web site with no takers so far. 

 While they are at it, I would like them to also
 review the findings and opinions in the following
links, including the curious methodology used by the
IPCC in developing their reports as described in the
last two links shown below:

[Goanet] Global warming threatens Goa's coastline

2008-04-16 Thread Goanet News Service

Global warming threatens Goa's coastline
NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, April 16 Goa's coast is under major threat from rising waters due to 
global warming. With this Goa's main USP, its pristine beaches, and 
subsequently its tourism industry, which attract millions of tourists will 
literally sink into oblivion and with it the livelihoods of millions of 

Says a scientist from the NIO, Dr Ramesh Kumar, this is a very dangerous 
situation and the water levels will keep on rising. Goa is only 5 feet 
above sea level.

However, Goa is in exalted company. Climate change could also destroy 
Australia's Great Barrier Reef, which is top tourist attraction of that 

The Centre for Future Studies in September listed Goa and the Great Barrier 
Reef, as one of the top ten tourist attractions to be taken off the map by 

A Greenpeace study on Goa also say that Goa's beaches along with parts of 
the capital, Fort Aguada and Mapusa are under threat.

Dr Kumar, whose area of expertise is the monsoon, also says that along with 
the rising waters, the increased convection over eastern Indian Ocean leads 
long breaks in monsoons in India due to global warning.

Explaining, this phenomenon, Dr Kumar says that normally the 61 per cent of 
the monsoon is during the months of July and August, with the maximum rain 
in July.

Earlier, the breaks between showers used to be more in August, but over a 
period of time the breaks have started getting longer and started shifting 
to the month of July.

Another phenomenon that was observed last year was the intense unseasonal 
rainfall for the first time in 130 years. Dr Kumar is not willing to say 
that this is due to global warming but just underlines the fact that this 
has not happened for 130 years.

The metrological officer, Mr K V Singh, feels that the unseasonal rainfall 
that lashed the state some time back was due temperature drop, saying 
Panaji received about 44.3 centimetres of rainfall last month, he said.

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's 
near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its 
projected continuation.

The average global air temperature near the surface increased by 0.74 ± 
0.18 °C during the hundred years ending in 2005.

The inter-governmental panel on climate change says, most of the observed 
increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-twentieth century 
is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas 

This has been endorsed by at least thirty scientific societies and academies 
of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major 
industrialised countries. Some scientists have disagreed with some findings 
of the IPCC, but the overwhelming majority working on climate change agrees 
with the IPCC's main conclusions.

Climate model projections summary of the IPCC says that average global 
surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C during the 
21st century. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming 
and sea level rise will continue for more than a thousand years even if 
greenhouse gas levels are stabilized.

Increasing global temperature will cause sea level to rise, and is expected 
to increase the intensity of extreme weather events and to change the amount 
and pattern of precipitation. Other effects of global warming include 
changes in agricultural yields, trade routes, glacier retreat, species 
extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.

Dr Krishna said that the gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, 
nitrogen oxide and CFC's also equally contribute to global warming.

These gasses work like a blanket, which keeps heat in or does not allow 
heat to enter, he argues. He also says that the Artic Sea has almost 
vanished from 1988 to 2005 and added that major climatic change takes place 
in the Arctic region. Contaminated winds from industries and other sources 
provide a fast route to the Arctic region leading to melting of the ice 
caps, he argues.

Based on estimates by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2005 was 
the warmest year since reliable, widespread instrumental measurements became 
available in the late 1800s, exceeding the previous record set in 1998 by a 
few hundredths of a degree.


Re: [Goanet] NRIs can get a PAN when required - Goan NRIs take a note

2008-04-16 Thread Francis Athayde

Dear Sir

Taken note of your e-mail

I have my PAN number which is AD in the name of Francis Mathias 
Athayde but I have lost my PAN Card in India

Moreover, I want to get the PAN number to my wife. Kindly let me  know the 
procedure to obtain the PAN number from Canada

We are permenent emigrants in Canada and we have our savings in India in 
several Banks and at times they ask us to produce the Xerox copy of the PAN 

Awaiting your kind guidance on this matter

Francis  Athayde 

[Goanet] Three Cheers for Scarlette

2008-04-16 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
But Scarlett! Think of the skin maan, so fair and
so Gori man - just the fantasy which the doctor
ordered us Indians! Add to 
that interracial sex! Can't you see the good she has
done to our tourism? 
Look at the headlines - Goa - a Devil's Paradise! Goa
- Land of the Lotus 
Eaters! Think of the thousands upon thousands of desis
who'll be descending 
upon our beaches to get a glimpse of the white meat.

What is this land of lotus eaters   or glimpse of
white meatits good day dreming ..hungry desis 
will poor in for white meat...

All publicity is good publicity. And culture's for
the vultures' maan! All 
we need is the money, honey!!,
This are perfact words of Kaliyug and a Rishi who
advise celebrate from borrowings...


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  


2008-04-16 Thread Shanti Dhoot

Job offers on Goanet are few and far between.

Why aren't more such offers to be seen?

May be there could be a wider selection,

Perhaps in a once-a-week special section.

Then Goanet would, more than just a forum, mean.

-Shanti Dhoot

[Goanet] Cecil the Three Pigs

2008-04-16 Thread Sandeep Heble
I really got hooked to Cecil's humour column about the The Three
Pigs that appeared in today's GT edition.

I read it not once, but twice and may read it again. It is truly a
delightful humourous satirical take a few Goan land issues.

If there is one column that I never end up missing to read, it is Cecil's.

When it comes to playing around with humour, words and the English
language, there is none to beat Cecil.

He is truly the Mozart!

Thanks Cecil, for giving us the laughs week in and week out and for
brightening up our days.

Cheers from your dedicated fan

Sandeep Heble