[Goanet-News] A German falls in love... with Cantaram

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet Reader
A German falls in love... with Cantaram

What happens when the guys from
the Buena Vista Social Club
take a trip to the Balkans?
Believe it or not, they end up
in Goa. A German lady sound
recordist uncovers this reality
when she ran into the Konkani
'cantaram' (as the popular
form of music, unknown to the
outside world, is locally know).


Sigrid Pfeffer's 2001 holiday to Goa was mis-timed. She
landed here at the end of September. The monsoons were just
about ending. Humidity was almost a hundred percent. The
hotels were still deserted.

  In the evenings, there were few tourists at the
  hotel. So, the place was spared of the
  standardised tourist music that one hears all
  over the world. Instead, for a change, the locals
  manning the bar chose to tune in to *their own*
  favourite radio programme.

Pfeffer, a sound recordist at the Hessischer Rundfunk public
broadcaster in continental Europe's financial capital of
Frankfurt, distinctly recalls the shock on first encountering
this form of Konkani music.

Says she: Suddenly, there was this music like I had never
heard before in my life. Yet, it seemed strangely familiar.
Music that reminds me of sounds from the Caribbean, Eastern
European folk, of music from Jamaica. Then again, it sounds
Spanish to me -- it just didn't sound like what we perceive
as 'Indian music'.

Sigrid was puzzled.

Nearly eight years later, her romance with Konkani music has
only grown deeper. She has spent weeks in Goa (yet to visit
the beach after five weeks here). During her many visits
since, she has been scouring the trail of old records, record
companies, artists who could give her permissions, people she
could talk to, books on Goan music and more.

  She visited Chor Bazaar in Mumbai, where she found
  some useful LP (long-playing) records. She's still
  searching for more old records. Her dream: to
  preserve the recordings of the past, and, while
  doing so, to tell the wider world about this
  treasure, as she calls it.

[Explains the Wikipedia: Chor Bazaar in South Mumbai is
famous for its second-hand goods. The word Chor means thief
in Hindi/Urdu. Chor bazar is Mumbai's famous Thieves Market
where bargain-hungry tourists rummage for Ming vases and
Muranos at throwaway prices. The main avenue is Motton
Street, flanked by rows of little antique shops that look
like musty attics and sell just about anything from old ship
parts, grandfather clocks and gramophones, to crystal
chandeliers and old English tea sets. Others offer authentic
Victorian furniture, wonderful for browsers, antiquarians and
restorers. Although bargains are sometimes staggering, most
of the shop owners are pretty street smart, and could easily
take a self-styled aesthete for a ride. This area can be
considered one of the tourist attractions of Mumbai
(Bombay). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chor_bazar]

Until recently, recordings going back to the 1950s to 1970s
were not available for Konkani music. This was its golden
period, when the music was at its zenith and exuded its
special charms. Many songs were, if at all, only available
in newer, but not as charming, re-recorded versions.

Life is an accident. She came here after a trip to Rajasthan,
she reached Goa for what would be a beach holiday.

I was so fascinated that I asked the staff, and they said
this was Konkani music. She embarked on her long journey,
not expecting how complex this story would be. Says she, I
couldn't forget that music.

Over eight years, she started to ask at the record shops. But
they only had new records, or re-arranged music. It was not
that what I was looking for. I came back, again and again,
she says.

Her trail took her to All India Radio. She recalls how she
even entered a bar once at Panjim, just because she heard
some music. But no, it was again not available.

I continuously thought of compiling a CD, she says. That
idea came from a friend. After wearing out many soles, she
got the permissions. It is to be released in Feb-end in
Europe. Earlier, an hour-long radio programme on the Konkani
cantaram was also broadcast in Germany in June 2008, and a
repeat is due in April 2009. Not just in Frankfurt, but in
other German radio stations too.

  It's unusual for many reasons. It's the soul of
  Goa. For me, it's the real soul-touching music. It
  touched me deeply.  It's soulful. In one song, you
  have many many different musical facets -- like
  Italian, French, Balkan. Everything is in there,
  and it's so nicely made.

For me, this music has a very big value. It's very unique.
Specially when you get to know the special -- and sometimes
very sad (of colonialism and migration) -- history behind

She notes that she's a sound technican, not a journalist or
musicologist. It was the first time I produced a one-hour
feature for a cultural channel, but I 

[Goanet-News] Goa news for March 2, 2009

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa to amend 114-year-old land law - NDTV.com


*** CPI to contest both LS seats in Goa - Times of India


*** Goa: Govt panel wants River Princess to be declared state
disaster - Times of India
old. One would be to obtain central funds to ...

*** Change of mindset required Change of mindset - Times of
mes of India, IndiaDuring my schooling years in Kuwait I was
overwhelmed by the Goan community or shall I say the Goan
Catholic community via the various functions and tiatrs. I
perceived Goa's identity as Catholic, but to my gradual
realisation Goan identity was ...

*** Goa CM overrules IGP, gets police officer transferred -
Times of India
 and Gajanan Prabhudesai, ...

*** BRIEF: Goa election panel chief first to declare assets -
McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) -- Goa
Election Commissioner PM Borkar became the first election
official on Saturday to declare his assets after India's other
election commissioners have ...

*** A mix of Goa and Kerala was the promise, and tourists seem
to like ... - Business Standard
siness Standard, IndiaNoting the continuous and rising flow of
foreign tourists to neighbouring Goa, the Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation (MTDC) decided to reduce the reasons for
it. And the experiment seems to be paying. It began by investing
Rs 1.2 crore in ...

*** More migratory birds visit Goa - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The number of migratory birds
species coming to Goa in the cool season has increased from 37
species last year to 50 species during the current year, as per
statistics available with the state government. The important
water bodies visited by ...

*** Goa\'s marine environment is corrosive - Times of India
orrosion measures in a marine environment like Goa results in
losses to the tune of crores of rupees, say experts. ...

*** Save environment\' theme song for polls in Goa - Economic
onomic Times, IndiaPANAJI: If development isthe issue across
the country, the winning slogan in Goa seems to be preservation
of environment and culture, except may be for the ruling
Congress. #152;Save Goa, which was the main platform for the
political parties wooing ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet-News] Goa feels pinch of recession, terror and death (AFP)

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet News
Goa feels pinch of recession, terror and death

Feb 17, 2009

ANJUNA, India (AFP) — A double-whammy of the global economic turmoil
and Mumbai terror attacks has hit the usually bustling Indian resort
of Goa hard as a disappointing winter tourist season draws to a quiet

Others point to the death of a British teenager whose body was found
on a beach in the former Portuguese colony a year ago Wednesday for
affecting visitor numbers, shedding light on a murky sub-culture of
sex, drink and drugs.

About 2.7 million tourists from India and abroad came to tiny Goa
state last year, enticed by sun, white sand and a dusk-to-dawn party
atmosphere, bringing in more than 180 million dollars in revenue to
the local economy.

In recent months though, many of the beachside bars and restaurants
have been virtually deserted, while other businesses and returning
visitors have noticed a difference.

The effect of the global meltdown has been felt and there was panic
in the mind of the general public as well as tourists after the Mumbai
attacks, said Lyndon Monteiro, vice-chairman of the Goa Tourism
Development Corporation.

There was a tremendous fall-out, he added.

Last year it was good business. This year, not good business, very
quiet, said Anita, who hawks clothes and jewellery on Anjuna Beach,
usually a tourist hotspot.

No tourists, chipped in Tina, 13, who also sells trinkets to
sunbathers and shoreline strollers.

Christmas and New Year beach parties were banned on security grounds
last year after November's deadly attacks up the coast in Mumbai which
led to a flood of cancellations from foreign tourists fearful of
another strike.

Business fell by between 30 and 40 percent in the peak month of
December, in line with the rest of India, said Monteiro.

It's a lovely place but everyone says it's down on last year. The
parties are stopping earlier, if they're starting at all, said
British tourist Henry, a Goa veteran, relaxing on a sunlounger outside
an Anjuna Beach bar.

The police have curtailed the parties, so a lot of people don't come
here. They've gone to Thailand or Cambodia. The freaks who give the
place its feel, the craziness, they've moved on or they're not coming.

For friends and supporters of 15-year-old Scarlett Keeling's family,
her death -- and the high-profile publicity afterwards -- badly
affected Goa's reputation as an oasis of liberalism in strait-laced India.

Her partially clothed, battered body was found on Anjuna Beach. She
had taken a cocktail of drink and drugs and been raped before she died.

The case of Scarlett Keeling, to my mind, has certainly affected
tourism in Goa, said Vikram Varma, lawyer for Scarlett's mother Fiona
MacKeown, accusing police of being in denial about the extent of the
drugs problem here.

A large number of officers had gathered a lot of intelligence and
cleaned up a lot of petty crime in the beach areas (since her death),
but despite this the quantum of tourists coming to Goa has fallen

One British woman, who gave her name as Beth, said Scarlett's death
was a crime waiting to happen. Three other foreign women were raped
in Goa last year but did not report the crimes to the police, she claimed.

There were numerous ones throughout the season that Scarlett died. So
this has been an issue but none of it has been brought to light. The
reason is because of tourism, she said.

North Goa -- seen as the party capital of the state -- saw a rise in
violent crime in 2008, including rape and murder, according to police

But Bosco George, superintendent of police for North Goa, rejected
claims that Scarlett's death may have impacted on tourism and denied
her mother's claims that police tried to cover up the crime to protect
drugs gangs.

Like tourism vice-chairman Monteiro, who is confident the state is
bouncing back, George believes the Mumbai attacks and recession were
more significant factors in the fall in visitor numbers here.

Police action -- from beach patrols to tighter controls on bar owners
and their mainly migrant worker staff -- has had an effect, he said.

(Bar owners) realise that this is in the interests of Goa, their
business and avoiding such unfortunate incidents, which give Goa a bad
name, said George.

Goa is still a safe place. It's still a place where you can have a
nice time. But people need to be a little bit cautious when they come
to a different country, he said.


[Goanet] Goa's Waterways as National Waterways: Will the offshore Casinos also benefit ?

2009-03-01 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your family members,
relatives, neighbours and friends. Help others be BETTER INFORMED
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Email: goad...@bsnl.in

Call to declare Goa's Waterways as National Waterways:
Easy Transport of Ore
by Michael Fisher

A delegation from the Inland Waterways Authority of India
(IWAI) is expected to visit Goa shortly to allay fears, if any,
and to revive a funding scheme utilised for the improvement
of Goa's inland waterways, said an official of the Goa Barge
Owners Association (GBOA).

Unfortunately Goa inland waterways authority has not utilised
the scheme which has expired in March 2008. GBOA secretary
Mr William D'Costa said, the expenditure on the improvement
of Goa inland waterways involves the central government spending
90 per cent of the cost and the balance 10 per cent by the state

Barges plying the rivers contribute approximately Rs 10 crore
yearly to the Goa government by way of various taxes like barge
tax, goods tax, wharfage, riverine land dues, annual licence fees,
and others. The local government has not spent much on developing
the waterways, in spite of repeated pleas to the local government.

The GBOA had earlier addressed a letter to the Chief Minister,
requesting him to recommend declaration of Goa Inland Waters
as 'National Waterways, following a meeting with GBOA,
GMOEA, Captain of Ports and Secretary Ports, Dr M Moddasir.
During the meeting, apprehensions were raised on the issues of
jurisdiction of the waterways and loss of revenue to Goa
government, said Mr D'Costa.

However, Inland Waterways Authority of India chairman,
Mr S P Gaur has agreed to depute senior officials of IWAI to
meet Goa government representatives to clarify the issues of
jurisdiction, loss of revenue and to clear other doubts propping
up, Mr D'Costa said. This assurance from the IWAI chairman
is due to a recent meeting between the Deputy Captain of Ports,
Captain James Braganza, Mr William D'Costa of GBOA and
the chairman of IWAI, Mr S P Gaur in Noida.

He said the rational use of the waterways will be a boon to
optimise resources and ensure environmental safety conditions
for the barges and its workers. The smooth flow of transportation
of ore will speed up operations and increase throughput volume.

Mr D’Costa said if Goa's inland waterways are declared as a
National Waterways, funds for capital expenditure like dredging,
setting up of jetties, terminals and navigational aides would be
recovered from the central government through IWAI. In the
past Goa has not been able to secure funds under the centrally
sponsored schemes.

Local government has done very little dredging. Today barges
have a maximum draft of 3.3 metres. Places on the Mandovi
River to be dredged are: Aguada Sand Bar near Miramar at
the mouth of the Mandovi River; San Pedro near old Goa
between Sarmanus and Amona; Kottombi - Pale stretch.

On the Zuari area: Sant Jacinto Island near Chicalim
(MPT Jurisdiction); Madkai; Xelvona - Sanvordem stretch.

The only dredging that is done is by the churning of the
propellers of the barges during their movement,
Mr D'Costa remarks sarcastically.

The Navhind Times 26/02/09 page 13

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in

[Goanet] VOA News - ASEAN Summit in Thailand Focused on Global Financial Crisis

2009-03-01 Thread Ruby Goes

Which journalist/reporter, and which newspaper in Goa covers the (important)
Asean Summit? Thailand is a neighbouring country, no? So, who's the
reporter? I'd love to know.


Thanks a lot,

[Goanet] World: More UK curbs on Indian professionals

2009-03-01 Thread Ruby Goes

G'day Goanetters,
Will these changes affect you adversely?

[Goanet] Communal tension in Rourkela / Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Santish Helekar:
How do we decide whose reality is genuine? Both seem to be relentlessly
engaged in partisan political propaganda.
For those who live in Ivory Towers and are cut off from ground reality
'gaddha and goddha' or 'IIT and ITI' are one and the same.



[Goanet] Ordinance to amend 114 year old Land Aquisition Act( Goa)

2009-03-01 Thread mario rodrigues


From: andrew_ma...@hotmail.com
To: gover...@rajbhavan.org
CC: presidentofin...@rb.nic.in; manmo...@alpha.nic.in; pm...@pmo.nic.in; 
supremeco...@nic.in; a...@congress.org.in; csjp...@gmail.com; dcscm...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 09:04:20 +

Your Excellency,
The Governor of Goa
Raj Bhavan,
Dona Paula, Goa
CC : Prime Minister of India
CC : President of India 
CC : Supreme Court of India, New Delhi 
CC : Congress President 
CC : BJP President 
CC : Archbishop, Goa
Sub: Ordinance to amend 114 year old  Land Aquisition Act( Goa)  
On reading the reports on subject matter in various newspapers,  I am not only 
disturbed as a Goan , but as a Citizen of India it baffles me that for the gain 
of few wealthy people and their partners, Goa, Government is now trying to 
amend laws by approaching you(or probably already approached) to regularize it 
by a stroke of the pen. If signed, it will then  appear so easy to find new 
laws and amendments every morning we get up. Is it really so simple as that ? 
Are we Goans to be taken for such an easy ride?
I request you, Sir,  not to sign it. Because the moment you sign it, Supreme 
Court of India will be put to shame. This will not only tarnish the image of 
Supreme Court but United Nations and Sovereign Countries all over the world 
will also question the integrity and judicial systems of India.
I humbly request you to uphold the principles, dignity, sovereignity of India 
and its laws. I hope the Prime Minister of India, President of India, Supreme 
Court of India, Congress President, President of BJP,  understands what is 
happening in Goa and take appropriate steps to prevent degradation of the 
Supreme Court of India, The Elected Government’s first thought should be the 
service to ‘aam admi of Goa’. 
God Bless India, God Bless the Leaders of India. 
Yours truly,
Mario Andrew Rodrigues+
P BOX 117064



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[Goanet] Slumdogs and fat cat bankers

2009-03-01 Thread Samir Kelekar

Interestingly, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? has just been licensed in 
war-ravaged Afghanistan. Clearly, there is little to beat the opiate of a game 
show in keeping the masses hooked while bombs keep exploding outside.



[Goanet] DNA: Mumbai: Arranged marriage is here to stay: Survey

2009-03-01 Thread Ruby Goes


Damn tradition, ignorance, misogyny and backwardness. Yikes!


[Goanet] India: Brahmins boycott BSP'S 'bhaichara' rally

2009-03-01 Thread Ruby Goes


Between the devil and the deep blue sea. So amoral!
Jai Hind!

Re: [Goanet] Jai Ho Rehman

2009-03-01 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Venantius Pinto posts for Madhav Chari:
One salient fact I wanted to point out was: to make good 
music at a high level of musicianship you need to be grounded 
in at least one form of music at a non trivial level (that means 
within that form you would be considered a good musician 
by other practicing musicians in that form).

The many counterexamples in Hindi film music suggest 
otherwise and at least for music composers of the golden
era of Hindi film music, the above criterion - that they be 
considered good musicians by other practicing 
musicians - does not apply. 

OP Nayyar didn't have much knowledge of music, was no
master of any musical instrument, yet he composed 
music of the highest class.  He is not an isolated instance;
I could cite several others like him.  Grounded in music 
is a vague term - OP was familiar with the folk traditions 
of Punjab and they find expression in his compositions.
Obviously to do any kind of music you have to be
grounded - that in itself says little.

To be sure, there have also been those of the type you 
cite - highly skilled musicians with thorough study
and training who went on to become outstanding 
composers.  And the converse was true as well: great
musicians, even great Hindustani musicians, produced
fairly ho-hum music on the infrequent occasions that
they composed for films.

In the 4-5 decades from 1940-1980 or so of the evolution 
of Hindi film music, the great deal of variety among
those considered composers of the highest class runs 
afoul of cookie-cutter theorizing about what does and 
does not constitute high musicianship.

By the way Rajan I am glad you are passionate about music, 
and I can see that from your posting: thats great and we 
musicians empathize with that a lot, even if we may not play 
the music that is your own favorite genre, at least someone 
is out there being passionate about music within some Indian

By the way Madhav I am glad you are passionate about music, 
and I can see that from your posting: thats great and we Indian
musicians empathize with that a lot, even if we may not play 
the music that is your own favorite genre, at least someone 
is out there being passionate about music within some Indian

Now that we have that sorted out, I don't know who you 
are or what you do but that is irrelevant to this discussion.
I am always happy to dust the cobwebs you have collected
in your mind concerning Hindi film music.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] letter with mog

2009-03-01 Thread JANE ALPHONSO


Hi guys i just found this link and i hope it will be a good link for some one 
out there wish you all the best. mog to all from jjandson 

[Goanet] Ordinance to amend the Land Aquisition Act,

2009-03-01 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Ordinance to amend the Land Aquisition Act,


Citing the different reports, in the News Papers in Goa, that the Goa Government
is passing an ordinance to amend the Land Acquisition Act, 1984 as applicable to
the state of Goa; the common man is appalled at the circus that our corrupt
politicians have put forth.

 It makes one wonder about the power and the essence of the Supreme Court of the
Republic of India. If these two bit silly politicians can weave their way around
and out of the order issued by India's highest Court, the seat of the Law of
India, how can we expect justice to be delivered. How can our corrupt
Politicians and bureaucrats be allowed to ride the rough sod over the Supreme
Court of India ? What message are we sending to the Aam Aadmi of India ?

As per the Law, a criminal is a criminal and a violation of law, is a violation
of law, no matter who the person is or how many people, he has in his
employment.  How can someone be allowed to build an illegal structure and employ
people, to make it legal.  If this controversial amendment is passed there will
be chaos all over and the law will be turned and twisted to fit the whims and
fancies of the high, mighty and the powerful. The claim made my Timblo about the
numbers of people loosing jobs is certainly exaggerated, trying to turn a mole
into a mountain.

 If people like Timblo are allowed to get away with illegal activities how can
others be stopped ? Why are the Laws drafted any way, if not to be followed or
amended as per convenience ?

 My humble request to the Honourable Governor sir, please do not make a mockery
of the Supreme Court of Republic of India, by approving the amendment put forth
by our corrupt politicians to incubate and feather  their own nests. People of
Goa will most certainly loose what little faith they have in the law.

If some one has to be saved it' the Aam Aadmi, who has been issued notices under
CRZ  in coastal Goa. It was the duty of the elected Government of Goa to fight
and protect the local populace, the over 8000 structures labeled illegal by the
Pancahyats should be reviewed and if not used for commercial purpose should be
protected at all costs. The present situation in Goa is very volatile and I pray
to your good self to intervene only in genuine cases wherein the poor Aam Aadmi
is affected 


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[Goanet] New site for Quepem college

2009-03-01 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Onkar Ainapur onkar...@yahoo.com recently announced via the
GNU/Linux mailing list in Goa:

I am pleased to announce that my College website is finally launched.
 The site has been constructed using Joomla. It all started with a
describing Drupal and 9Xm on ilug-goa that introduced me to Joomla and
here we have http://gcq.ac.in Please visit http://gcq.ac.in and post /
mail your comments or help and suggestions to me at aina...@gmail.com
which will be appreciated.
FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490 http://twitter.com/fn
On Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/people/Frederick-Noronha/502514643

It is annoying to be honest to no purpose. - Ovid [43B.C. - A.D.18]

[Goanet] A German falls in love... with Cantaram

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet Reader
A German falls in love... with Cantaram

What happens when the guys from
the Buena Vista Social Club
take a trip to the Balkans?
Believe it or not, they end up
in Goa. A German lady sound
recordist uncovers this reality
when she ran into the Konkani
'cantaram' (as the popular
form of music, unknown to the
outside world, is locally know).


Sigrid Pfeffer's 2001 holiday to Goa was mis-timed. She
landed here at the end of September. The monsoons were just
about ending. Humidity was almost a hundred percent. The
hotels were still deserted.

  In the evenings, there were few tourists at the
  hotel. So, the place was spared of the
  standardised tourist music that one hears all
  over the world. Instead, for a change, the locals
  manning the bar chose to tune in to *their own*
  favourite radio programme.

Pfeffer, a sound recordist at the Hessischer Rundfunk public
broadcaster in continental Europe's financial capital of
Frankfurt, distinctly recalls the shock on first encountering
this form of Konkani music.

Says she: Suddenly, there was this music like I had never
heard before in my life. Yet, it seemed strangely familiar.
Music that reminds me of sounds from the Caribbean, Eastern
European folk, of music from Jamaica. Then again, it sounds
Spanish to me -- it just didn't sound like what we perceive
as 'Indian music'.

Sigrid was puzzled.

Nearly eight years later, her romance with Konkani music has
only grown deeper. She has spent weeks in Goa (yet to visit
the beach after five weeks here). During her many visits
since, she has been scouring the trail of old records, record
companies, artists who could give her permissions, people she
could talk to, books on Goan music and more.

  She visited Chor Bazaar in Mumbai, where she found
  some useful LP (long-playing) records. She's still
  searching for more old records. Her dream: to
  preserve the recordings of the past, and, while
  doing so, to tell the wider world about this
  treasure, as she calls it.

[Explains the Wikipedia: Chor Bazaar in South Mumbai is
famous for its second-hand goods. The word Chor means thief
in Hindi/Urdu. Chor bazar is Mumbai's famous Thieves Market
where bargain-hungry tourists rummage for Ming vases and
Muranos at throwaway prices. The main avenue is Motton
Street, flanked by rows of little antique shops that look
like musty attics and sell just about anything from old ship
parts, grandfather clocks and gramophones, to crystal
chandeliers and old English tea sets. Others offer authentic
Victorian furniture, wonderful for browsers, antiquarians and
restorers. Although bargains are sometimes staggering, most
of the shop owners are pretty street smart, and could easily
take a self-styled aesthete for a ride. This area can be
considered one of the tourist attractions of Mumbai
(Bombay). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chor_bazar]

Until recently, recordings going back to the 1950s to 1970s
were not available for Konkani music. This was its golden
period, when the music was at its zenith and exuded its
special charms. Many songs were, if at all, only available
in newer, but not as charming, re-recorded versions.

Life is an accident. She came here after a trip to Rajasthan,
she reached Goa for what would be a beach holiday.

I was so fascinated that I asked the staff, and they said
this was Konkani music. She embarked on her long journey,
not expecting how complex this story would be. Says she, I
couldn't forget that music.

Over eight years, she started to ask at the record shops. But
they only had new records, or re-arranged music. It was not
that what I was looking for. I came back, again and again,
she says.

Her trail took her to All India Radio. She recalls how she
even entered a bar once at Panjim, just because she heard
some music. But no, it was again not available.

I continuously thought of compiling a CD, she says. That
idea came from a friend. After wearing out many soles, she
got the permissions. It is to be released in Feb-end in
Europe. Earlier, an hour-long radio programme on the Konkani
cantaram was also broadcast in Germany in June 2008, and a
repeat is due in April 2009. Not just in Frankfurt, but in
other German radio stations too.

  It's unusual for many reasons. It's the soul of
  Goa. For me, it's the real soul-touching music. It
  touched me deeply.  It's soulful. In one song, you
  have many many different musical facets -- like
  Italian, French, Balkan. Everything is in there,
  and it's so nicely made.

For me, this music has a very big value. It's very unique.
Specially when you get to know the special -- and sometimes
very sad (of colonialism and migration) -- history behind

She notes that she's a sound technican, not a journalist or
musicologist. It was the first time I produced a one-hour
feature for a cultural channel, but I 

Re: [Goanet] A German falls in love... with Cantaram

2009-03-01 Thread Edward Verdes

Is this CD on sale in Goa? Could you let us know more details of this CD
as I am interested in buying itand am sure there will be many more 
Kantarams lovers

who wud be interested.

Dev borem Korum

COVER OF CD: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/3318962236/

[Goanet] Are Muslims in India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Barad is at his confusaoed best when he narrates his dhobi list of
grievances emerging from his hindutva mindset.

1. he is unable to distinguish between constitutional guarantees and acts of

2. he seems to be unaware that urdu is an Indian language and that many of
our early bollywood films were made in urdu.Urdu was spoken predominantly in
the north in places like Punjab, Delhi, UP and parts of what are now in
Pakistan.Khushwant Singh the well known writer is proficient in urdu, as is
Kuldeep Nayyar former editor of Indian Express. Urdu was spoken by both
hindus and muslims, especially the elite. However, due to communalisation,
the hindus were forced to drop urdu as their language. It is still, however,
spoken by a large number of people till today. Urdu is a rich literary
language and it will be the nations loss if it is allowed to die.

3.Laws banning the purchase of property in Kashmir is not unique to Kashmir.
Similar laws exist in Himachal Pradesh and other north-east states.These
laws were specially enacted to protect the culture and ethos of these
states. Goans too have been demanding enaction of similar law to protect
land from being sold to non-goans and to preserve their culture.

4.While complaining about the haj subsidy given to muslims, Barad forgets to
inform us  that Gujarat also provides subsidies to hindu pilgrims going to
Mansarovar. Further during BJP rule at the centre, the haj subsidy was
increased. And can we forget the amusing sight of Vajpayee throwing iftar
parties and going around in a skull cap. Pray, what do you call this?

5.So far as adoption is concerned, I do not know what stops the BJP or the
Congress from enacting a common law (like the Special Marriage Act) which
would apply to all irrespective of their religious affiliation. Goa has
common civil laws which have worked wonderfully for all.

6. Freedom of Religion is a fundamental right and tinkering with it by
hindutva elements was rightly opposed.

7. The minorities commission has been doing wonderful work within the
constraints imposed on it. It also looks after hindu interests in states
where they are in a minority like Kashmir and the north eastern states.

8.Hindus are given special tax benefits under the HUF. Why does Barad not
oppose this?

Muslims have been used and abused by all political parties. Sops like haj
subsidy, holiday on Prophet Mohammed's birthday have proved
counter-productive. It leaves little tangible benefit for the common masses
who want food, clothing, shelter, education and employment.
No doubts there have been acts of omission and commission, but these have
been blown up beyond all proportion to politically capitalise on them.

The muslim community too have been to an extent cause of their own
backwardness. They lack the leadership and mindset to take them into the
21st century. But as a nation, we all need to remember that unless all
sections of the people are taken care of, the country will always lag
behind. That is the challenge before our leadership.



[Goanet] Remo's musical sister Belinda

2009-03-01 Thread Bernado Colaco
Thanks to Joe Britanica for the lovely shot of the moon and even telling us 
that it was a moon. Having said that, more than 30 years ago BC and the capella 
(Sharda Bandar school) along with Belinda did a rendition of the Ohio (Crosby 
Stills Nash Young). Glad to see Belinda on stage. 


[Goanet] Goa govt to Goans: Get lost!

2009-03-01 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

That is what the Goa govt is plainly telling Goans
through its initiative to promulgate an ordinance
to help Timblo  Cidade de Goa.  In other words, 
your Regional Plan will make for a nice toilet 
paper roll.

In recent times two classes of people have emerged
as the major beneficiaries of the Goa government's

(a) Builders and miners - it doesn't matter here
whether you are an outsider or not.

(b) Outsiders - both ghatis and the rich bhaile.

Longtime Goan gaddewalas are asked to take a hike 
while UP and Bihari ghatis can keep multiplying their
bhelpuri carts.  Hundreds of Oriya 'security guards'
flood the state and are issued instant voter cards.
Goans are harassed by local village panchayats 
while Rajasthani ghatis have carte blanche to park
sugarcane juice carts every 50 feet along all Goan 
roadways.  Want ration card?  Come dear ghati, here
take it.  Goans, please go away.  

The same generosity is extended to rich bhaile seeking
land and beach homes.  Ministers call on them in 
the Marriott lobby to strike land and house deals.

The ordinary Goan has been effectively disenfranchised
and emasculated.  There are now grounds for a
Goan insurrection, for the very govt elected to uphold
the rule of law and look after the electorate's interests
has actively undermined both.

But who will lead the campaign?  And how do you
shake Goans out of their lassitude?

Forget the Goa Bachao Abhiyan and its opportunistic,
traitorous leaders who lead us into disaster.  Let us 
be clear: the Dec 18, 2006 GBA rally at Azad Maidan
was a success solely because of the Church's backing.
But the Church and its minions within the GBA lead 
by the baby-faced convener at the time didn't
want to rock the Congress boat.  Their main worry 
was that Manohar Parrikar would benefit from any
instability in the govt.  That is to say, while pretending
to be apolitical these traitors were playing politics
big-time.  And they had the nerve to label some of us
as BJP and Parrikar operatives while the hypocrites 
themselves were lolling in bed with the Congress 
politicos.  After zillions of meetings of its Core Group (oooh!
does that impress you?), look where they have
gotten us: deep down in the ditch.  Shame on them.  
Never again should the Goan people fall for the 
machinations of these vile creatures.  

Who else? Matanhy?  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  I
hear the man is collecting a billion billion signatures (one
for every atom in the universe) for the Special Status 

A clean slate of faces is the need of the hour.  All
these old fogys must be shown the door, with a 
sound kick up their rear ends.  If you ask me, 
Goa is screwed, and this is the optimist in me talking.

Recently I was reading an essay by Dr. Claude Alvares
in an old issue (c. 2000) of Govapuri, the bulletin of 
Institute Menezes Braganza.  His concluding line struck 
me: It is conceivable that Goa as a recognizable 
historical region may cease to be sometime around 2010. 
(recalled from memory, but mostly there.)  Claude's 
prophesy is already here, one year too soon.




2009-03-01 Thread CAJETAN DE
The President and Members UNITED FRIENDS CLUB (UFC) - KUWAIT , deeply mourn the 
death of ANA DIAS, beloved Mother of Salvador Dias (President of Kuwait Goan 
Association - Kuwait ).
May the Almighty GOD give strength and courage to Salvador Dias and the 
bereaved family to bear this loss. May her soul rest in peace.
Cajetan de Sanvordem
United Friends Club - Kuwait .

[Goanet] MP govt proposes law to regulate Christian properties

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet News Service
MP govt proposes law to regulate Christian properties
Hemender Sharma / CNN-IBN

Published on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 08:59 in IBNPolitics section

Bhopal: On the eve of the general elections, yet another trump card of sorts 
attempted by the BJP.

This time in Madhya Pradesh. Shivraj Singh Chouhan's government has proposed a 
law to regulate Christian properties and bringing churches to missionary 
under government control.

The decision is already being seen as a conspiracy to polarise votes.

Spokesman, Catholic Church, Madhya Pradesh Father Anand Muttungal said,  This 
is a 
conspiracy by the state government to harass the Christian community and the 
minority commission has become a tool in the hands of the state government.

The proposal from the Madhya Pradesh Minority Commission is worrying.

Madhya Pradesh has over 2000 christian institutions.

Out of these Bhopal alone has 21 churches, 24 missionary schools and two 

Catholics also run three hospitals in the state capital.

However, Minister, religious endowments Laxmi Kant Sharma said, There is no 
communal feeling behind the move. The government takes care of Muslim 
properties as 
well as Hindu properties so Christian properties can also be looked after.

And while the government is playing down its move, saying the properties need 
conservation, it has no real answers.

After all, it is also alleged that the VHP-RSS combine in the state itself gets 
amounts of funding from foreign donors.


[Goanet] India: Brahmins boycott BSP'S 'bhaichara' rally

2009-03-01 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Ruby Goes, in sending the following link:
http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?newsid=1235023 said: Between the devil
and the deep blue sea. So amoral!

The rally was boycotted as a protest against the party fielding gangster
Mukhtar Ansari from the holy city (Varanasi) for the coming Lok Sabha
election.  The report also says: Brahmin rally for votes in the 
Lok Sabha election is totally immoral, and when it is for the mobilisation
of voters in favour of a mafia don, it is really unfortunate.

So the amorality was on part of the BSP, it would seem.  And the Brahmins
have acted in a form which many on this list have suggested that we do, if
we were in the same situation.  The rally was address by Satish Chandra
Mishra, a Brahmin, and supposed to be the architect of the social
engineering that Mayawati is credited with.  Mishra claims that Brahmins
form 15% of the voters in Uttar Pradesh.  He alleged that
parties like Congress and the BJP had only exploited the Brahmins and
despite ruling the country and the state for years, both the parties ignored
the Brahmins and did nothing for their betterment.  This is
from a report in Pioneer avaialble at the following link:


Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Teach the children. Children will teach adult. Jamine Lerner

2009-03-01 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Jamime Lerner,

Teach the children. Children will teach to adult.

70% of curitiba knows to seperate garbage.. this is highest percentage in the 
world... (We can safely say this as the highest level of literacy in democrcy : 
My thought)

Democracy meance conflict. I am a conflict. 

Why you should act fast in democracy, 
1. To avoide excalate conflict
2. Keep the cost low. 
3. To stop legal interfearance. 


Jaime was at Kala academy, Panaji delivering last lecture in D.D. Kosambi 
Festival of Lights 2009. 

Every citizen should know the basic simple scatch of the city. It helps to bind 
relaitionship between City and dweller. 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: The Right Move II-Career in Sports

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

Re: [Goanet] Ordinance to amend 114 year old Land Aquisition Act( Goa)

2009-03-01 Thread floriano

The ordinance has been signed sealed and delivered.
Jai Ho


- Original Message - 
From: mario rodrigues andrew_ma...@hotmail.com

To: goanet goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 2:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Ordinance to amend 114 year old Land Aquisition Act( Goa)

Your Excellency,
The Governor of Goa
Raj Bhavan,
Dona Paula, Goa

CC : Prime Minister of India
CC : President of India 
CC : Supreme Court of India, New Delhi 
CC : Congress President 
CC : BJP President 
CC : Archbishop, Goa

Sub: Ordinance to amend 114 year old  Land Aquisition Act( Goa)  

[Goanet] GOACAN to observe month long Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign.

2009-03-01 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your family members,
relatives, neighbours and friends. Help others be BETTER INFORMED
GOACAN to observe month long Consumer Rights AwarenessCampaign.
The Goa Civic and Consumer Action Network (GOACAN) will observe a
Consumer Rights
Awareness Month this March with the theme Consumers Organise, Assert
Rights, Pursue Remedies. The month long campaign seeks to promote
the awareness of consumer rights, the complaint procedures and redressal
mechanisms available to consumers in Goa.

During the month GOACAN alongwith the village based consumer forums and
campus based consumer clubs  cells will highlight the need for Consumer
Literacy so that consumers make an effort to Read their rights and Write
their complaints.

GOACAN will join consumer organisations world wide to focus on Food 
Medicine Safety and its importance to the health of the consumers on World
Consumer Rights Day 15th March. It will lay special emphasis to support
Consumer Internationals(CI) campaign to stop the marketing of unhealthy food
to children and the generation of Junk Food. GOACAN will also intensify the
national level crusade in Goa against the spread of counterfeit, fake,
spurious  adulterated goods.

In order to draw public and media attention to consumer issues during
the month visits to super markets, grocery stores, pharmacies and shops
selling electrical goods to check products and take samples, to check the
bus transport service and the implementation of weights  measures
rules will be organised.

Consumer Forum activists will also organise phone in's with the Commercial
Tax, Legal Metrology, Food  Drug Administration, Civil Supplies, Transport
and other consumer related Departments. Doubtful Gift schemes  Investment
offers, violations of Packaged Commodities Rules and the ISI mark will be
highlighted during this month.

During the month consumer activists will publicize the official telephone
and fax numbers of the various departments at the local  State level,
highlight the redressal avenues available such as the Consumer Conciliation
Committee, District Consumer Redressal Forums and Public Grievance Redressal
officers at the Taluka and District level. Complaint formats and procedures
for redressal of LPG, Kerosene, Electricity, Telephones, Postal and PWD
water supply will also be publicized.

Consumers are requested to send copies of their consumer complaints by post
to GOACAN Complaints Cell, Post Box 187, Margao Goa 403 601 or by email to
goa...@bsnl.in during the month.

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in


2009-03-01 Thread Santos Carmo


  The President, Members and Players of SANTOS UNITED-KUWAIT, deeply mourn 
sudden demise of Mrs.ANNA SEVERINA RODRIGUES e DIAS in Goa, beloved Wife of 
Dias and  Mother of Salvador Dias (President of Kuwait Goan Association - 

  May Her Soul Rest In Peace.

  Funeral services will be on 2nd March,2009 @ Curtorim,Church, Goa,India @ 

  Condolences can be reached on 0091-832-2860205 or 0091-9763552731

  Carmo Santos



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[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread edward desilva
Muslims are still in the clutches of their religious gurus. These religious 
gurus oppose setting up of School near madarass. These religious gurus keep 
Muslims away from main stream education. Politicians keep this religious gurus 
happy for their gain.. This is basic appeasement. Now a move is going on to 
make Shariat Law applicable, is it taking community forward or backward?

Chapter 9, Verse31 of the Qura'n clearly states that Muslims should not listen 
to 'Any One'.
The Qura'n is so simplistically and beautifully written that any one can 
understand it, therefore we do not need rabbis and priests like other religions 
have, to advise us.
If it is so written, why is that they have Mullahs?
Note to moderators:
(moderators again, will question my authenticity on this - WELL, 'the Qura'n' 
via Channel 4 documentary - want a copy? will do so gladly - everything I say 
here is Kosher - it is you lot who have not lived long enough and seen much, 
therefore whatever I say is a Shocking unbelieveable news for you lot).


2009-03-01 Thread Aaron Pereira
*Students’ Film Festival, “IRIS '09” at St. Xavier’s College*

* *

The School of Media Studies, St Xavier’s College, Mapusa is organizing a
students’ film festival *‘IRIS 2009’. *The festival will have screening of
documentaries and fiction films produced by the students on different issues
within and around Goa, followed by a discussion around them. .

The festival will be held on the 4th and 5th of March 2009 from 2:00pm to
4:30pm. *The Film Festival is open to all.* For further details kindly
 Ms. Snaysha Fernandes: 9823679100 or Mr. Aaron Pereira: 9923269797.

Aaron Pereira

talk2aaron2004 - yahoo chat
talk2aaron2...@hotmail.com - msn
talk2aaron - skype

+91 - 9923 26 9797

[Goanet] History Hour - March 5

2009-03-01 Thread Deliom


Cordially invites you to a talk and discussion on

Participation in the Regional Plan 2021



 Arch. Dean D'Cruz


 Xavier Centre of Historical Research

Alto Porvorim


Thursday, 5th March 2009

5. 30 pm


Tel: 2417772 ;  2414971



 Arch. Dean D'Cruz is presently on the State Level Committee for RPG 2021, but 
earlier, he was a member of the Task Force for RPG 2021 in his personal 
capacity as an architect. D'Cruz, a graduate of Sir J.J. College of 
Architecture, is a creative  architect and a Visiting Faculty in the Goa 
College of Architecture since 1987. He is a Partner and Principal Architect in 
MOZAIC - design combine, a leading design firm based in Goa, involved in 
Planning, Urban Intervention, Architecture, Heritage, Conservation, Product 
Design, Brand Building and Graphic Design. He has conducted numerous workshops 
and seminars in many parts of the country and his works and articles have been 
published in leading magazines and journals in India and abroad. D'Cruz has 
been a recipient of several Architecture awards.




Re: [Goanet] Communal tension in Rourkela

2009-03-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Sun, 3/1/09, Marshall Mendonza mmendonz...@gmail.com wrote:

 For those who live in Ivory Towers and are cut off from
 ground reality 'gaddha and goddha' or 'IIT and ITI' are
 one and the same.

The guy seems to be fond of making up the reality of others, and 
self-righteously believes only his reality is genuine. What else is new?




[Goanet] Remo's songs/videos

2009-03-01 Thread Olga Maciel

Olga Maciel

Free photo editing software from Windows Live . Try it now! 

Re: [Goanet] Goa govt to Goans: Get lost!

2009-03-01 Thread soter
Rajan Parikar's from the heart comments may be much to the dislike of many 
hypocrites. Anything not digestible to the hypocrites is conveniently labeled 
BJP just like the controversy over the potrayal of slums in slumdog 
millionaire. Our denial of the reality is strong. Goa is precariously poised at 
this juncture. On one hand we have the Cidade issue, on the other is the RP 
2021, on another the Panchayat Bill, and the latest is the Notice inviting 
Tender for Nuvem NH17 which has just been received.  Are Goans going to be 
happy producing more toilet paper in the form of memorandums? Are we only going 
to be seen doing something by  publishing booklets on R(I)P 2021?  or Are we 
going to put our foot down, come out on the roads not to return home until this 
government backs out? 
We have really stretched the art of good living beyond bounds whereby we have 
have become a society that is senseless and boorish. We seem to have stretched 
the idea of diplomacy in our dealings far too much. We sell the people of Goa 
by night and walk around town claiming to be social activists by day. For a 
social activist to profit from boat cruises the sound ban needs to be relaxed. 
Ridiculous! Imagine the height of stupidity in the comments of some Goans like 
Emiliano and Rosande on the Cidade issue. Just because people are going to lose 
jobs does it mean that the illegal act must be regularised?  When it comes to 
the interests of elite hypocrites being at stake everything illegal is 
justified, but when it comes to the interests of the poor it remains illegal 
for years together. Why did the government and society prevent 4000 prostitutes 
from Baina from earning their livelihood? Why does the government keep matka 
illegal even though it gives employment and revenue? Even drug smuggling gives 
employment and generates revenue. If employment and revenue is the criteria of 
judging what is right and wrong then as well legalise everything and let's see 
what happens.  We are becoming a society worse than Delhi or U.P. We Goans are 
really sick. Only a deluge of the magnanimity of that in Koshi of Bihar may 
help us open our eyes. God save us from our Pride and idiocy.

Re: [Goanet] Goa govt to Goans: Get lost!

2009-03-01 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

I forgot to include a couple of points in the original
post below. 

1)  Goa govt's proposal to dole out free flats to the 
ghatis in Chimbel and elsewhere while completely
ignoring the plight of poor Goans.  This is an outrage.

2) At the Dec 18, 2006 GBA rally, no sooner did
Dr. Anil Desai begin to speak than the convener
wanted him to wind it and sit down.  Dr. Desai was
deemed to be pro-BJP and the 'apolitical' apostles
didn't want anything to do with him. I can have 
Dr. Desai relate the events himself.  A greater irony 
would be hard to find.  Among the newer generation
of speakers that evening on the stage, Dr. Desai
was the ONLY ONE who had had actual experience
in leading a successful resistance movement.
He was one of the architects of the campaign
that ousted Du Pont's Nylon 6,6 project from
Keri in the 1990s.  NOBODY in the GBA had 
anything close to the real-world experience of 
Dr. Desai yet they didn't want him because in their
Augean stables he was thought to be pro-BJP.   



Rajan P. Parrikar parri...@... wrote:

 That is what the Goa govt is plainly telling Goans
 through its initiative to promulgate an ordinance
 to help Timblo  Cidade de Goa.  In other words, 
 your Regional Plan will make for a nice toilet 
 paper roll.
 In recent times two classes of people have emerged
 as the major beneficiaries of the Goa government's
 (a) Builders and miners - it doesn't matter here
 whether you are an outsider or not.
 (b) Outsiders - both ghatis and the rich bhaile.
 Longtime Goan gaddewalas are asked to take a hike 
 while UP and Bihari ghatis can keep multiplying their
 bhelpuri carts.  Hundreds of Oriya 'security guards'
 flood the state and are issued instant voter cards.
 Goans are harassed by local village panchayats 
 while Rajasthani ghatis have carte blanche to park
 sugarcane juice carts every 50 feet along all Goan 
 roadways.  Want ration card?  Come dear ghati, here
 take it.  Goans, please go away.  
 The same generosity is extended to rich bhaile seeking
 land and beach homes.  Ministers call on them in 
 the Marriott lobby to strike land and house deals.
 The ordinary Goan has been effectively disenfranchised
 and emasculated.  There are now grounds for a
 Goan insurrection, for the very govt elected to uphold
 the rule of law and look after the electorate's interests
 has actively undermined both.
 But who will lead the campaign?  And how do you
 shake Goans out of their lassitude?
 Forget the Goa Bachao Abhiyan and its opportunistic,
 traitorous leaders who lead us into disaster.  Let us 
 be clear: the Dec 18, 2006 GBA rally at Azad Maidan
 was a success solely because of the Church's backing.
 But the Church and its minions within the GBA lead 
 by the baby-faced convener at the time didn't
 want to rock the Congress boat.  Their main worry 
 was that Manohar Parrikar would benefit from any
 instability in the govt.  That is to say, while pretending
 to be apolitical these traitors were playing politics
 big-time.  And they had the nerve to label some of us
 as BJP and Parrikar operatives while the hypocrites 
 themselves were lolling in bed with the Congress 
 politicos.  After zillions of meetings of its Core Group (oooh!
 does that impress you?), look where they have
 gotten us: deep down in the ditch.  Shame on them.  
 Never again should the Goan people fall for the 
 machinations of these vile creatures.  
 Who else? Matanhy?  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  I
 hear the man is collecting a billion billion signatures (one
 for every atom in the universe) for the Special Status 
 A clean slate of faces is the need of the hour.  All
 these old fogys must be shown the door, with a 
 sound kick up their rear ends.  If you ask me, 
 Goa is screwed, and this is the optimist in me talking.
 Recently I was reading an essay by Dr. Claude Alvares
 in an old issue (c. 2000) of Govapuri, the bulletin of 
 Institute Menezes Braganza.  His concluding line struck 
 me: It is conceivable that Goa as a recognizable 
 historical region may cease to be sometime around 2010. 
 (recalled from memory, but mostly there.)  Claude's 
 prophesy is already here, one year too soon.

[Goanet] Goa feels pinch of recession, terror and death (AFP)

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet News
Goa feels pinch of recession, terror and death

Feb 17, 2009

ANJUNA, India (AFP) — A double-whammy of the global economic turmoil
and Mumbai terror attacks has hit the usually bustling Indian resort
of Goa hard as a disappointing winter tourist season draws to a quiet

Others point to the death of a British teenager whose body was found
on a beach in the former Portuguese colony a year ago Wednesday for
affecting visitor numbers, shedding light on a murky sub-culture of
sex, drink and drugs.

About 2.7 million tourists from India and abroad came to tiny Goa
state last year, enticed by sun, white sand and a dusk-to-dawn party
atmosphere, bringing in more than 180 million dollars in revenue to
the local economy.

In recent months though, many of the beachside bars and restaurants
have been virtually deserted, while other businesses and returning
visitors have noticed a difference.

The effect of the global meltdown has been felt and there was panic
in the mind of the general public as well as tourists after the Mumbai
attacks, said Lyndon Monteiro, vice-chairman of the Goa Tourism
Development Corporation.

There was a tremendous fall-out, he added.

Last year it was good business. This year, not good business, very
quiet, said Anita, who hawks clothes and jewellery on Anjuna Beach,
usually a tourist hotspot.

No tourists, chipped in Tina, 13, who also sells trinkets to
sunbathers and shoreline strollers.

Christmas and New Year beach parties were banned on security grounds
last year after November's deadly attacks up the coast in Mumbai which
led to a flood of cancellations from foreign tourists fearful of
another strike.

Business fell by between 30 and 40 percent in the peak month of
December, in line with the rest of India, said Monteiro.

It's a lovely place but everyone says it's down on last year. The
parties are stopping earlier, if they're starting at all, said
British tourist Henry, a Goa veteran, relaxing on a sunlounger outside
an Anjuna Beach bar.

The police have curtailed the parties, so a lot of people don't come
here. They've gone to Thailand or Cambodia. The freaks who give the
place its feel, the craziness, they've moved on or they're not coming.

For friends and supporters of 15-year-old Scarlett Keeling's family,
her death -- and the high-profile publicity afterwards -- badly
affected Goa's reputation as an oasis of liberalism in strait-laced India.

Her partially clothed, battered body was found on Anjuna Beach. She
had taken a cocktail of drink and drugs and been raped before she died.

The case of Scarlett Keeling, to my mind, has certainly affected
tourism in Goa, said Vikram Varma, lawyer for Scarlett's mother Fiona
MacKeown, accusing police of being in denial about the extent of the
drugs problem here.

A large number of officers had gathered a lot of intelligence and
cleaned up a lot of petty crime in the beach areas (since her death),
but despite this the quantum of tourists coming to Goa has fallen

One British woman, who gave her name as Beth, said Scarlett's death
was a crime waiting to happen. Three other foreign women were raped
in Goa last year but did not report the crimes to the police, she claimed.

There were numerous ones throughout the season that Scarlett died. So
this has been an issue but none of it has been brought to light. The
reason is because of tourism, she said.

North Goa -- seen as the party capital of the state -- saw a rise in
violent crime in 2008, including rape and murder, according to police

But Bosco George, superintendent of police for North Goa, rejected
claims that Scarlett's death may have impacted on tourism and denied
her mother's claims that police tried to cover up the crime to protect
drugs gangs.

Like tourism vice-chairman Monteiro, who is confident the state is
bouncing back, George believes the Mumbai attacks and recession were
more significant factors in the fall in visitor numbers here.

Police action -- from beach patrols to tighter controls on bar owners
and their mainly migrant worker staff -- has had an effect, he said.

(Bar owners) realise that this is in the interests of Goa, their
business and avoiding such unfortunate incidents, which give Goa a bad
name, said George.

Goa is still a safe place. It's still a place where you can have a
nice time. But people need to be a little bit cautious when they come
to a different country, he said.


[Goanet] Sancoale Panchayat run by both Goans and non-Goans

2009-03-01 Thread JoeGoaUk

Sancoale Panchayat run by both Goans and non-Goans
Sarpanch being the Migrant

And this could happen at your panchayat too.

Then we say..

Amghe sapott tumghe sapott eka mekaku
Sogle ektaim mellun ponchyat choloya bhagaku

Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-03-01 Thread Santosh Helekar

Mario Goveia wrote:

I did not even address the science of global warming as Santosh falsely 

The misconceptions regarding the science of global warming in Mario’s earlier 
posts are listed at the end of this post. What is important for people to know 
in that context is the following:

1. Genuine scientific debates and consensus are discussed in professional 
scientific journals and conferences, not on websites of politicians or in 
internet petitions. If any scientist disagrees with a scientific issue he 
publishes his disagreement in a scientific journal. That is the only proper 
forum for his scientific peers to judge whether his criticisms are valid or 
not. What is publicized through a politician's website is not science but 

2. The claim made by IPCC that its report is based on the work of 2500 
scientists, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, is correct.

3. If you search genuine peer-reviewed scientific literature on this topic you 
will find that, as in the case of evolution and intelligent design/creationism, 
there is no real debate on the validity and scope of the main scientific claims 
about climate science. The main claims are:

a) Global warming is taking place.

b) It is substantially due to an excess of green houses gases released as a 
result of human activities.

c) It is already causing detrimental effects on the environment.

d) An urgent reduction of green house gas emissions is necessary to prevent 
catastrophic effects in the future.



One of the problems seems to be the overheated claims by some proponents that 
there is universal consensus and the matter is settled science, when 
clearly neither claim is accurate.

The IPCC's claims that thousands of scientists participated in its report has 
also been challenged as false by scientists who were part of the process.

Remember, the controversy is not whether global warming is taking place, but 
whether it is being caused by natural phenomena or human activity, and whether 
reversing or curbing the human activity, specifically CO2 levels, is a) 
necessary, b) economically harmful to poor countries, and c) going to make any 
significant difference, even if it can be done at some reasonable cost.

I have limited these examples in the interests of brevity, and only to make 
the point that the issue is still being furiously debated within the scientific 

The only point to be made here is that there are a significant number of 
scientists who are not yet convinced that the matter is settled and that the 
broad consensus being claimed by some, does not yet exist.

However, what I find strange is Santosh's ability to deny that there is a 
debate going on, and totally ignore the evidence that there are hundreds, if 
not thousands of reputable and respected scientists that disagree with the 
scientific opinions of the organizations cited by him.

[Goanet] Photo(s): Saint Jacinto Island

2009-03-01 Thread Goa Observer

San Jacinto Island, this is located in the Mormugao bay. It has old houses and 
a picturesque chapel. One often passes the San Jacinto island while on the way 
to or from the
Dabolim airport. There is an old chapel situated here that has an
underground tunnel to the other side of the river to Siridao.

There is
also a church in the area known as the St Hyacinthi Church that
celebrates the feast on the last Sunday of September. One can even see
an old Portuguese lighthouse on the island.

In the year 1927 a vow was
made by the inhabitants of the island who purchased the place not to
sell or lease it out to any projects. Therefore the island still has
its natural charm.


visit :  http://www.flickr.com/photos/goaobserverstream/

[Goanet] Goa news for March 2, 2009

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa to amend 114-year-old land law - NDTV.com


*** CPI to contest both LS seats in Goa - Times of India


*** Goa: Govt panel wants River Princess to be declared state
disaster - Times of India
old. One would be to obtain central funds to ...

*** Change of mindset required Change of mindset - Times of
mes of India, IndiaDuring my schooling years in Kuwait I was
overwhelmed by the Goan community or shall I say the Goan
Catholic community via the various functions and tiatrs. I
perceived Goa's identity as Catholic, but to my gradual
realisation Goan identity was ...

*** Goa CM overrules IGP, gets police officer transferred -
Times of India
 and Gajanan Prabhudesai, ...

*** BRIEF: Goa election panel chief first to declare assets -
McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) -- Goa
Election Commissioner PM Borkar became the first election
official on Saturday to declare his assets after India's other
election commissioners have ...

*** A mix of Goa and Kerala was the promise, and tourists seem
to like ... - Business Standard
siness Standard, IndiaNoting the continuous and rising flow of
foreign tourists to neighbouring Goa, the Maharashtra Tourism
Development Corporation (MTDC) decided to reduce the reasons for
it. And the experiment seems to be paying. It began by investing
Rs 1.2 crore in ...

*** More migratory birds visit Goa - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The number of migratory birds
species coming to Goa in the cool season has increased from 37
species last year to 50 species during the current year, as per
statistics available with the state government. The important
water bodies visited by ...

*** Goa\'s marine environment is corrosive - Times of India
orrosion measures in a marine environment like Goa results in
losses to the tune of crores of rupees, say experts. ...

*** Save environment\' theme song for polls in Goa - Economic
onomic Times, IndiaPANAJI: If development isthe issue across
the country, the winning slogan in Goa seems to be preservation
of environment and culture, except may be for the ruling
Congress. #152;Save Goa, which was the main platform for the
political parties wooing ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Are Muslims in India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 19:31:46 +0530
From: Dr. U. G. Barad dr.udayba...@gmail.com

I agree that the lot of the Muslims in India is not a happy one.  

Mario asks:

Hanh???!!!  Compared to whom?  Besides, how would you know?

Some of the most well known and well liked and influential and wealthy Indians 
are Muslims.

I know many Muslims in India who are happy that they are better off than their 
counterparts in almost all the so-called Muslim countries, educationally and 
socially and professionally, and free to practice their religion without 
interference from radicals.  They can access the many opportunities available 
to them through the Indian government as well as private charities if they 
want, or stay backward and ignorant if they want.

Re: [Goanet] A German falls in love... with Cantaram

2009-03-01 Thread John Nazareth
Dear Sir,

How can I get a copy  of this German Konkani Music CD?

John Nazareth

Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] Daily Mail on the Scarlett case: bitter rows, under-age sex, violence, drinking binges, drugs parties and hungry children ...

2009-03-01 Thread Goanet News
Inhaling deeply from a hash pipe: Scarlett Keeling's mother just days
before Goa murderer struck

By Nick Constable
Last updated at 9:20 AM on 01st March 2009

She sits in a bar sucking what appears to be a hashish pipe. This is
the unseen side of Fiona MacKeown, mother of the murdered schoolgirl
Scarlett Keeling.

The picture was taken near the hippy paradise of Om Beach, Gokarna,
days before the rape  and murder of the 15-year-old daughter she had
left 100 miles away in the care of tour guide Julio Lobo, 25.

Yet it barely scratches the surface of a chaotic family holiday which,
according to Mrs MacKeown’s estranged partner Rob Clarke, resulted in
bitter rows, under-age sex, violence, drinking binges, drugs parties
and her hungry children reduced to eating just a daily bowl of rice
fiona mckeown

Fix: Fiona MacKeown, mother of murdered teenager Scarlett Keeling, on
Om Beach with what appears to be a hashish pipe

The acceptance of drug use within 44-year-old Mrs MacKeown’s family
seems clear in a second photograph – this time of Scarlett sitting on
a beach, hashish joint in hand and a detached expression on her face.

Beside her, a younger brother and sister sit apparently oblivious to
their sibling’s habit. The photographs were taken by Mr Clarke during
the family’s fateful holiday to Goa between October 2007 and February
last year.

He approached The Mail on Sunday with the pictures after a Channel 4
documentary, Who Killed Scarlett?, was screened two weeks ago.

He has also asked India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to
take his statement. And detectives are due to fly to Britain later
this month to interview Mrs MacKeown again about the events
surrounding Scarlett’s murder.

‘That Channel 4 film was the final straw,’ said Mr Clarke, a divorcee
who brought up two sons as a single parent. ‘I feel desperately sorry
for Fiona. I know that she loves her children and that she is still
grieving. But she has portrayed a totally false image of herself.

‘She is in denial about her role in Scarlett’s death. She could and
should have prevented it. Every time I tried to intervene, to keep
Scarlett with the family and away from the drugs and party scene,
Fiona would tell me, “They’re not your kids – mind your own business.”
scarlett keeling

Victim: 15-year-old Scarlett rolling a joint

Mr Clarke, 48, claimed that Mrs MacKeown was warned about Scarlett’s
drug dealing by one of her older sons.

‘She knew Scarlett was living with Julio Lobo and not, as she tries to
suggest, his devout aunts,’ he said. ‘She also knew that Lobo was
familiar with the drugs scene and that Scarlett was planning a
mysterious trip with him to Finland.

‘Yet still she allowed her daughter to spend six weeks with him while
the rest of us were 100 miles away. The Indian police arrested two
people for rape and murder.

'They may have raped Scarlett but I don’t think they killed her. From
Lobo’s behaviour, the account he gave to us of her death, the
unexplained scratches on his neck and arms the day after ... I would
say he has many questions still to answer.’

'She was only 15 and sharing a bed with him'

Twelve days before she died, Scarlett pleaded with her mother for Lobo
to be kept away, said Mr Clarke. Within hours he had turned up on the
pretext of escorting her to a funeral and she was allowed to go off
with him.

Mr Clarke, from Launceston in Cornwall, said that apart from Scarlett,
Fiona was looking after seven of her other children in Goa – Silas,
then 16, Merlin, 13, Kis, 12, Isis, ten, Kincaid, nine, Trinity, six,
and Aurora, five. Her children are the progeny of five different

Silas returned to their home in a caravan compound near Bradworthy,
North Devon, in November 2007 to attend college. Hal, her eldest son,
took no part in the trip.
scarlett keeling

Tragedy awaits: Scarlett, centre, smokes a joint on Om Beach beside
two of her eight siblings

Mr Clarke revealed a number of key incidents that increased stress
within the family before the murder. These included a vicious fight
between Scarlett and her mother in the early weeks of the trip after
Scarlett refused to spend an evening in.

‘They were swinging each other round by their hair,’ said Mr Clarke.
‘Scarlett had to be restrained and was locked in a room. Afterwards
she had a quick chat with her mother. Then she got her own way and
went out.

‘She was seeing Lobo from November 2007 and we began getting
complaints from Kis that the two of them were sharing her bed. But
Fiona didn’t see a problem with that. She told Kis, “That’s what they
do round here.’

By January 2008, the family had virtually no money left. Fiona had
arranged for her £500-a-week UK social security benefits to be paid
into her bank account, but when she checked cash machines in Goa, the
balance remained low.

A friend back home was using the money to settle unpaid bills at the
family’s caravan compound. And Mr Clarke’s cash card stopped working,
denying him access to his £43 

Re: [Goanet] History Hour - March 5

2009-03-01 Thread Mervyn Lobo

 Cordially invites you to a talk and discussion on
 Participation in the Regional Plan 2021
 by Arch. Dean D'Cruz
 Xavier Centre of Historical Research
 Alto Porvorim
 Thursday, 5th March 2009
 5 30 pm

If anyone wants an indication of what Goa faces if the 2021 regional plan is 
passed in its current form,
you have to attend this discussion.  Dean D'Cruz presents an easy to understand 
and comprehensive
argument of what it will do to Goa, its water table and its environment.

Secondly, if anyone here does attend the meet, can you get Dean D'Cruz to share 
his info on the net?


Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now at


2009-03-01 Thread lino dourado

The United Club of Utorda – Kuwait
And all the Utordekars based in Kuwait
Wish Keith Jack Antão 
A very pleasant holiday in Kuwait 
We Congratulate him 
For winning the prestigious 
'Voice of Goa 2008 ’ 
Can contact (Keith) on this tel. number 23720619 





2009-03-01 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
Born:  1-10-1938
Died: 1-03-2009
Mugalli, St. Jose de Areal/Curtorim
Beloved wife of Mateus Dias, 
Loving mother/mother-in-law of Luiza/Francis Mergulhao, Salvador/Olinda Dias 
(Kuwait), Rosita (Bastin)/Steven Fernandes (Kuwait), Thereza/Francis D'Costa, 
Braz, Fatima/Edwin Fernandes, late Henry, 
Sister/Sister-in-law of Mlagres/late Rosa Dias, 
Sister of Custodio/Pasquela Rodrigues 
and grand children.
Funeral cortege will leave her residence today, 2nd March 2009 at 3:30 p.m. to 
St. Alex Church, Curtorim for Eucharistic Celebration followed by burial.
Relatives and friends, kindly access this as the only intimation.
Eternal rest grant unto her Oh Lord 
and May Perpetual Light shine upon her
May her soul rest in peace.

[Goanet] Condolences.

2009-03-01 Thread Agnello Fernandes
The President, Executive Committee and Members of Navelim Youth Centre
-Kuwait, deeply mourn the death of ANA DIAS, beloved Mother of Salvador Dias
President of Kuwait Goan Association - Kuwait. May Almighty God grant her
soul eternal rest and give courage to the family to bear this loss.



Navelim Youth Centre


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (28Feb09)

2009-03-01 Thread alexyz fernandes
What I don't like of Goa is the Rich  (Cidade de Goa)  can do what they want  
the Poor can't...cos they can't do what the Politicians want!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Reply to Arvind Bhatikar's Jaya Jage, Prudent Media

2009-03-01 Thread Tony de Sa
Bhatikar bab,
Hanv Prudent Media che programme sodanch podde taum.

Aiz (1/3/09) hanvem tuzo programme zo mhaka avadta to jayat Jage  poddelo.

Tuen tem Cidadeichem prosna sanglem tor mhaka bhi thodim posna assam:

1. Jedna Cidadeache Bhatkarant, munchem Timblo bab, ant bandkam shuru
kellem, tedna te noko ashile ki he kam bekaiashir asa?

2. Ki poisha cha labhant te brashtachar korun fudde sorle? Ani te noko
ashile ki he kam bekaidashir pun Muncipality/ Panchayat apnank zai toshem
korun  tanckanch zanno zalea karanak Timblo babak license dillem?

3. Tor hanv ek prosno manndtam : Fallea hanv ek karkhan bekaideashir
bandtolo ani 100 lokank servico diunk lagtolom. Zori tor Courtan sanglem ho
karkhano mozo bekaideshir tor kamdar ache bobaok laghun serkaran mozo
karkhon Kaideshir korieta? 100 nokriyo vetat mhunon? Ani te Cidadeiche 500
nokriyo mhun konne sanglam? Je hartal korunk gele te khorench Cidadeant kam
kortat? Hanvem don tin bhaile munis oddrkiche poddeleat videoacher!

4. Moji ek nivedan: His Master's Voice Zainaka. Tuzo resped piddear
korinaka nazalear, Prudent Media poddounk bond kortolo.

Tujo viswashi


Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonydesa at gmail dot com


Re: [Goanet] A German falls in love... with Cantaram

2009-03-01 Thread joseph dsouza

  Dear Fred,

  I hope this German CD of Konkani Cantaran will be available in India or 

  Thanks and best regards
  God Bless You Always

  Joseph D'Souza

  Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] Fw: Press Note - Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott (MNE)

2009-03-01 Thread floriano

- Original Message - 
From: Antonio Lobo

To: floriano.l...@gmail.com
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 10:43 PM
Subject: Press Note - Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott (MNE)



MAPUSA NAGRIKANCHO EKVOTT protests in no uncertain terms the final 
notification of the O.D.P for the city of Mapusa which was notified despite 
the fact that the representatives of this Association, who had met the Chief 
Minister on 3.10.2008 to whom a memorandum was submitted on the same day 
regarding that draft O.D.P, had been promised by the Chief Minister that the 
modified draft O.D.P would be made available for inspection prior to its 
notification and that the representatives should meet the Chief Town 
Planner. After several requests, both oral and in writing (on 16.10.08) 
proved futile the Chief Minister was informed by letter dated 3.11.08 that 
the inspection had not been given. Simultaneously on 3.11.08 the Chief Town 
Planner was again asked to provide an inspection of the modified draft. On 
7.11.08 the Town planner advised us in writing to inspect the plan at the 
office of the North Goa P.D.A. Again the same story that was experienced at 
the Town Planner’s office was repeated at the P.D.A by the representatives 
of this Association. On 5.12.08 this Association therefore requested in 
writing that an inspection be provided but nothing was heard from the P.D.A 
and therefore personal visits were made to that office several times to 
request an inspection. Finally on 21.1.09 the Chairman of the P.D.A Mr. 
Nilkanth Halarnkar consented to meet a delegation of this Association. 
However, when the modified draft plan was sought to be inspected, the 
Chairman refused to show it to the delegation. There was no reaction from 
the Chief Minister’s office to the complaint dated 3.11.08.

This Association subsequently learnt that the draft was slated to be 
notified on the next day i.e. 22.1.09, yet the chairman of the P.D.A did not 
have the courtesy to inform the delegation that the plan was going to be 
notified the next day.

This Association is pained to see that the notified plan is worse than the 
proposed draft plan in the sense that great swathes of land which at present 
are agricultural lands have been earmarked for high-value, high density 
commercial zoning(C1 =200%), medium (C2=150%) and settlement. Also C2 areas 
have been marked within the settlement residential zones and present 
settlement zones have been coloured as C2 zones. None of the proposals made 
by the citizens of Mapusa have been accepted and on the contrary C1 and C2 
areas have been increased indiscriminately.

The city of Mapusa and its citizens have been given all along a 
step-motherly treatment by the Government of Goa. The city is deteriorating 
day by day. The city’s arteries are clogged and congested, there is no place 
for the people to walk in safety. There is no park or garden where the 
elderly or the very young can be taken to breathe in the air in safety. 
Instead of looking into these aspects the Government has seen fit to satisfy 
the unquenchable thirst of vested interests for lucre at any cost by 
concreting the city even more than it already is.

The Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott hereby warns the Government that the Citizen 
of Mapusa and Bardez has had enough and unless the Government denotifies the 
plan and freezes all approvals immediately the citizen will be forced to 
come out on the roads in protest and whatever may follow will only be the 
outcome of the callous and uncaring attitude shown by our so-called 
representatives who do not seem to know the meaning of the word “Democracy”.

  Adv. Antonio Lobo


Re: [Goanet] Goa govt to Goans: Get lost!

2009-03-01 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Floriano Lobo wrote:
 Dear Rajan,

 Through all this binocular gazing,
 Did you see a little David (with his shrunken lolly)  braving 
 it with a sling-shot??
 If you have missed out, your binoculars need focussing.


Dear Floriano,

Not to worry, my binoculars are in mint condition.  
Not only have I have not missed the little Davids, 
I have no hesitation in assigning credit where it is
due.  See -




Re: [Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
From: edward desilva

 Chapter 9, Verse31 of the Qura'n clearly states that Muslims should
 not listen to 'Any One'.
 The Qura'n is so simplistically and beautifully written that any one
 can understand it, therefore we do not need rabbis and priests like
 other religions have, to advise us.
 If it is so written, why is that they have Mullahs?

RESPONSE: Instead of refering to ED's thoughtless rants, please refer to the 
following links for readings/translations of the Koran (Chapter 9) that appear 




 Note to moderators:
 (moderators again, will question my authenticity on this - WELL, 'the
 Qura'n' via Channel 4 documentary - want a copy? will do so gladly -
 everything I say here is Kosher - it is you lot who have not lived long
 enough and seen much, therefore whatever I say is a Shocking
 unbelieveable news for you lot).

NOTE on behalf of moderators:
ED...Your posts are neither informative nor thoughtful and are instead 
cacophonous laced with jeering. Not only are your posts discordant but boorish 
nature too!! Your credentials do not potray you as an expert on the religion of 
others. As far as your posts go, you dont need to amend your writing style; the 
moderators will henceforth make one small modification while rejecting your 
messages - you will get no explanations!! Rejecting your msgs on a daily basis 
definitely a waste of the moderators' time!!

- Bosco
Goanet Admin
Where Goans Connect

[Goanet] Watch what he does, not what he says

2009-03-01 Thread Mario Goveia
From a post titled, [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:45:14 -0500
From: MD mmdme...@gmail.com

Mr. Obama, clearly well-briefed on Canadian relations, hit the key notes: He 
spoke out against protectionism and in favour of co-ordinating auto-industry 
bailouts, said he's committed to ensuring trade flows smoothly across the 
border, ...

Mario asks:

During the presidential campaign Mr. Obama spoke out in favor of protectionism 
and against free trade, including NAFTA which would directly affect Canada.  He 
has also prohibited companies receiving bailout funds from issuing H1-B visas.

So, how do we decide when to believe what he says?

Obviously, we should watch what he does, not what he says.

[Goanet] Rupee to touch 60 Against the USD

2009-03-01 Thread Jim Fernandes

If you have substantial amount of money, there are not places in the world out 
there to park your cash. I see only two options at this point. The US dollar 
and gold.

If you don't like the USD, you are better off with gold, though you may have to 
watch out for the herd mentality. These days, because gold has been riding 
high, everybody wants to pile onto this craze. This raises the possibility of 
gold getting slammed just like oil. A few months ago, I predicted oil would 
touch $35/barrel and it did.

Even though the US economy is in a black hole, the US is still regarded as the 
top dog. I wouldn't bet against the USD, considering everybody else is 
suffering from this recession. The only other currency I like is the Chinese 
Yuan (I got some stuff in the Chinese market). I do not believe the Yuan will 
fall against the USD regardless of the recession.

Given the current situation, the Indian govenment is unlikely to spend their 
forex reserves to save the rupee from sliding more against the USD. For this 
reason, I believe the Indian rupee will touch 55 in the short term and then go 
on to hit the 60 mark within 18 months.

Jim F
New York.

[Goanet] Cheers Dears: Viva Sai Baba! Jai Carnival!

2009-03-01 Thread augusto pinto
Cheers Dears
By Augusto Pinto

Viva Sai Baba! Jai Carnival!


Mikhail Bakhtin was a great Russian literary critic. One of the things he dwelt 
was the Carnival. He observed how during the Festival of Fools the world gets 
upside down; emperors lose their crowns and paupers become kings. All sense of 
propriety is lost. Everyone irrespective of caste, race, profession and age 
equals. The rich and the pompous, such as the politicians and the high priests 
rule the world during the rest of the year are the objects of ridicule during 
carnival time.

Bakhtin came to my mind this year on the first day of the Goa Carnaval, the so 
called Fat Saturday. I happened to get stuck in Panjim as I needed to buy a 
suit to 
go for a wedding. Since the tailor needed some time to make some alterations, I 
nothing better to do than to watch the float parade. I was bored to death. 
Where was 
the jolliness? Where was the riotous spirit of rebellion against authority?

This was no Bakhtinian carnival where profanity took centre stage, where 
changed, where suppressed voices blared out against oppressors. No - this very 
sanitised procession was very much a sarkari orchestrated tamasha. And as we 
know anything that the sarkar touches turns into boredom. Disappointed by this 
government and business sponsored show, I ended up staring at the the prettier 
foreigners who came to witness the occasion like every other Indian male 

Later that evening, clad in my new suit I went for the reception of my young 
relatives and watched the youngsters dancing away in gay abandon. The handsome 
and lovely were jiving and rocking to the beat of some good music. The girls, 
clad in the latest outfits, which happen to be quite short and revealed a lot 
glorious young skin. I think that this fashion has been inspired by the global 
economic meltdown, as every effort has undoubtedly to be made now to save dress 
material and therefore money.There was more Bakhtin here, I thought, than at 

Unfortunately I could not stay too long as for one thing my old lady does not 
approve of me having too good a time, and for another I had an appointment 
next morning. I left her and drove towards home. On the way I saw the road 
with people and driving became became slow and difficult. I could hear drums 
rattling out a Ghoom - ta - kataar - Ghoom beat. Was this another carnival 

Instead of struggling any further I decided to park my vehicle and watch. It 
was not 
a carnival show, but someone told me that they were waiting for a darshan of 
Sai Baba's paduka or footwear. Curious I too decided to wait and see. It was 
not a 
long wait. A truck with the paduka appeared slowly wending its way with some 
on it distributing prasad. The crowd thronged towards it seeking a darshan, 
many in 
the modern style - that is with a mobile phone camera recording the event.

That's when I had my carnivalesque moment of the year. Throwing my agnosticism 
the winds, I thought to myself, 'What the heck! If so many people think that 
Sai Baba's paduka is good for them it must be good for me too, and I became 
part of 
the collective. Clutching my mobile phone in my left hand and my right hand 
the air chanting Shirdi Sai Baba ki Jai!! Jai ho! Jai Ho! Jai Ho! Sai Baba!! 
ho! Jai Ho! Jai Ho! I moved towards the paduka in my elegant new black suit as 
silver tie fluttered in the breeze. I could sense the crowd, many of whom were 
wearing colourful sarees think that I was some sort of V.I.P. and make way for 
while just behind me came six bare chested young men wearing spotless white 
beating their drums Ghoom - ta -kataar - Ghoom.

It must have been a pretty surreal sight to watch. I wonder if anyone who knows 
usual sceptical me saw me there. Ultimately I never did make it to the paduka 
as the 
convoy of vehicles had to get to the next venue started to move ahead and I got 
bit tired too... But I think I enjoyed myself more than at the Carnaval.

Till next time then...

Cheers   (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the February 25, 2009 edition of the Herald, Goa 

Re: [Goanet] Goa feels pinch of recession, terror and death (AFP)

2009-03-01 Thread salvador cordeiro
I have gone through the below e-mail and notice that not a single time the name 
the German girl and the Monserrate son has cropped up when this was also big 
news in 
2008 and the controversy that was taking place resulting in the assault of 
Iris Rodrigues due to which what Goa is today.  Who ever wrote this article I 
believe is afraid to talk about this subject lest he may also be attacked.

  Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] PRACHIT KHALLAR: Sorgar Vochunk Fukott Tikett

2009-03-01 Thread lino dourado

Sorgar Vochunk Fukott Tikett
 Tuzo khuris 
  Khandar ghevnk 
   Simanv* osle (1) 
 Monis mellunk 
  Hea jogant 
    Bhov thodde, 
 Tum veta te, 
   Sukhache vatten 
    Poinn korunk 
 Uzvea chora* bhaxen (2) 
   Zaite zonn 
    Asat mhu ga! 
(1) Jezuk khursar khillaunk gheun vetanam, konneklea Simanv* Sirenkarak tannim 
vetthik dhorlo (seized) ani Jezucho khuris tachea khandar dilo. 
Aichea khallar, mon’xanche khandar khubuch zodd zal’le khuris ami polletanv. 
Tanchem vozon lohu korunk ken’na tori aicho monis niallta gai? 
(2) Jezuchea borobor dogam chorank khursar khillailole. Ekak Tachea uzvean ani 
dusreak davean. Davean aslolo chor, Jezucheo kexttaio kori. Uzvean aslolo 
chor*, apli chuk vollkun Jezu veta te vatten vorunk aplo ugddas korpak, 
vinontti kori. 
Amche modim lhan monis asat. Voir sorunk adharachi gozoz magtat. Vinonti 
kortat. Tujea lagim ti diunk zata. Sokol aslolea mon’xank voilea panvddear 
vorunk, aicho monis niallta gai? 
Prachitacho khall amchea korneancho ugddas korunk xinkoita. Upas, magnnim kelim 
mhollear prachit zalem oxem somzunk favo na. Rochnnaran, amkam khub fukott 
dhennim dil’lim asat. Boro Samaritan zavn, dusreacheo oddchoneo ani koxttant 
vato gheta teddna mat Rochnnar Bap tujeo kornneo svikar korta, ani tujea bore 
kornneank lagon voimkuttantlem sukh fukott favta. Punn ugddas dovor. Uzvea 
hatant dita tem mat davea hatak kolit korinaka.. 
Lino B. Dourado


[Goanet] New releases...

2009-03-01 Thread aavlist

Hello all,
I am pleased to introduce to you this week a new production house called 
MANZIL, started by a young Goan Amul Mainkar. Below are links to their releases 
with a brief description:

Akshada Geet
Language: Konkani 
Manzil's first solo konkani project a remix version of Sangam Manacho, composed 
by Dilip Vaze and music arranged by Kedar Divekar and Parikshit.

Artiste: Ustad Chhote Rahimat Khan
An album featuring Ustad Chhote Rahimat Khan on sitar accompanied by Pandit 
Arvind Kumar Azad on the Tabla.

Sangam Manacho
Artiste: Various
A collection of melodious and soothing songs sung by an electic group of Goan 

Tu Rammya Sandhyakaal 
Artiste: Various
A collection of soft Marathi songs. Music arranged  composed by Srirang, Ajit 
and soby Amit Deokule.

Also Visit Golden Goa Eentertainers for free Goan folk music videos:
http://www.angelav.com/artists.php?m=1i=43 while there, I would appreciate if 
you can leave a comment in the comment box.

Warm Regards
Orlando Fernandes

You are receiving this message because you have opted in to the Angel AV list. 
To unsubscribe, please follow this link: http://www.angelav.com/sml/

Re: [Goanet] More false facts Exposed

2009-03-01 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
 To follow-up on Edward's post. Now it is the world famous Time Magazine that 
has been called out for 
 re-writing history about who is responsible for the financial disaster. Here 
 is a detailed correction of the 
 Time Magazine story. The article details the institutions and individuals 
 responsible for the financial 
 meltdown. This may be too detailed an article for the talking-heads and the 
 ditto-heads.  But those 
 honestly interested in this once-in-a-lifetime event in history will find 
 this article very informative. 

As someone born and bred in Africa, I am now beginning to wonder if the Goan 
people are cursed to be 
obsessed only with what happened in the past. Every-time I log onto Goanet, I 
am assured of:
a)  At least one email on the events of 1961.
b)  One email on how great Goa was yesterdecade.
c)  One email/picture on how terrible things are now.
The email I am looking for, and which I can never seem to find here, is 
how Goans and the current
residents of Goa are going to mold the future. Your link to the article 
pointing the blame on certain 
facts/individuals serves only to distract members from the future.
Your link also serves another purpose. Those with extra-ordinary amounts of 
time on their hands
will reply with a thousand word post that details why is was so important to 
spread democracy
in Iraq. It also seems that every topic introduced here will end with Iraq and 
seven great years er, 
under Bush (43).
Since I know you are more than capable of it, I am looking forward to more 
forward looking emails 
from you.

Instant Messaging, free SMS, sharing photos and more... Try the new Yahoo! 
Canada Messenger at http://ca.beta.messenger.yahoo.com/

[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

In response to the list of various acts, Marshall says that I am not
distinguishing between constitutional obligation and others.  Yes, I know
that the constitution talks about special treatment to non-Hindu educational
institutions.  But surely education is a secular issue. So, if government
control on education institutes for non-Hindu institutions is not to be
done, then it should not be done for ALL institutions.

Furthermore, the constitution does not say that it is an obligation for a
state government to carve out a district based on its being a Muslim

In a way, Marshall has accepted that there are various acts being done which
are for benefit of Muslims and other minorities.  Despite the fact that
ordinary Muslim is not benefitted, let us not try and get away from the fact
there is a programme to appease the Muslims and other minorities.  Recently,
the Kerala state government has announced that it would be giving free land
to educational institutes which are run by minorities.  And the Andhra
Pradesh government has announced subsidy to Christians to visit Israel, on
lines of the Haj subsidy.

Marshall has pointed out that the Gujarat government gives subsidy to Hindus
to visit Mansarovar in Tibet.  This is as a reaction to the Haj subsidy, and
other state governments have not made similar gestures.

In contrast, we see the protest from many secularist to the facilities that
are planned to be provided for the Amarnath Yatra in Jammu  Kashmir.  I
think that the MJ Akbar has stated the Hindu side nicely when he wrote:
The Hindu who has quietly watched mosque and dargah expand around him,
explodes when a few acres are denied to pilgrims on the arduous trek to
Amarnath. He has seen Haj Houses sprout around him for Muslims on their way
to Mecca. These rest houses are not temporary structures created for the two
months involved in the two-way journey for Haj; they have become permanent
community centres. He asks a question: why should he be denied a place for
tired feet on the way to Amarnath? Is it a punishment to be a Hindu in

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] More false facts exposed

2009-03-01 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 10:42:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Gilbert Lawrence gilbert2...@yahoo.com

Here is a detailed correction of the Time Magazine story.?


Mario responds:

This column is written by someone who describes himself as a a lawyer and 
journalist, who selectively uses facts out of context and perspective to 
deflect any blame from the Democrats who were the primary culprits in starting 
[Jimmy Carter}, expanding [Bill Clinton], defending and protecting [Barack 
Obama, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, et. al.] the system that eventually collapsed 
into a financial crisis.

This writers left wing political slant is clearly demonstrated by his 
description of Iraq as a quagmire, a false description that was popular with 
left wingers and Democrats until it became obvious they were wrong.  We now 
know the Iraqi government is firmly in control of the situation with minimal 
help, and getting stronger with every passing month.  Even the feckless western 
Europeans who sat on their hands and did nothing to help in Iraq are now 
sending trade missions to try and access the lucrative contracts for its 

While President Bush sometimes joined in taking credit for the growth in low 
income ownership that was at the heart of the problem, the timeline in the 
following report shows how the Bush administration repeatedly warned about the 
impending crisis and demanded that it be curbed, and was ridiculed by the 
Democrats who protected and defended the system and had the votes to prevent 
any serious action to control the problem before it became a crisis.


Re: [Goanet] Professionals Party of India (PPI),

2009-03-01 Thread floriano
It was a modest report in the NT by Ms. Soma Patnaik that got my attention 
to the PPI. The report said that PPI executives were in Goa to scout for 
people and that they were euphoric, having met the who is who in Goa.

Any new political party that surfaces up gets our immediate attention. 
Therefore with my resources, I had the reporter traced and even got the 
mobile number of Mr. R.V. Krishnan, the President of PPI, based in Pune. 
When I did get connected to Mr. Krishnan and after a brief introduction, I 
asked him who is it that he had met in Goa to be so euphoric about the 
prospects of PPI in Goa. Tell me a name or two, I said,  so I know. And he 
came out with  'Remo's name. Enough,  I said. This gives me the entire 
spectrum of what is to come. Then I gave him some hard facts about Goa. I 
told him about Goa Su-Raj Party and how it has not been able to break the 
cold ice. I told him that I was surprised that no one in Goa mentioned to 
him that we existed. I told him that our one point agenda is to drive away 
the national parties from the sacred soil of Goa because their have been 
doing nothing but looting Goa on the double on the one side and trying to 
cause communal cauldrom on the other. That if PPI wants to come into the 
fray in Goa, than it will have to take note of the above. More so, they will 
have to talk to us and get our approval. That,  for us to go along with PPI, 
we need to know what it is that PPI has as a belt tightening exercise. I 
told him that new parties come with lofty ideals but once they taste power, 
their tyres get punctured and they remain stand-still.

Krishnan got my attention and we exchanged our websites. [ www.ppi.net.in ]

Then I got the SMS from his colleague  asking me to watch the 0900 p.m. show 
'mobocracy' on Times Now  giving me the date. I did make it a point to watch 
this show and was pleased to see Mr. Krishnan in action. This was my SMS to 
MORE POWER TO PPI. C U IN GOA 22ND The fact is that after my initial 
contact with Krishnan, I was invited for the presentation and to meet their 
delegation at the Margao, at Jardins dos Aliados (UGDP).

Three executive memberss of goasuraj made it a point to attend the 22nd. 
meet at Margao [Self, the president Dr. Dume and Adv. Antonio Lobo]. The 
presentation was not what we had expected. It was rather a quiz to get smart 
answers from children. Hardly a presentation of a national party of 
professionals trying to take on the hard-core and fattened politicians. Mr. 
Krishnan (though we do not doubt his capability and the drive) came across 
as a teacher who teaches eager students and rewards them for a quick answer. 
Hardly a temparament for a person leading a fiery national party.

The attendance was not just poor but very poor. Most present were the UGDP 
click including Dr. Jorson, Radarao etc. The odd persons present were Jose 
Maria Miranda and Anthony Silva from Ambelim and ofcourse one Mr. Kakodkar 
who was invited by us. Adv. Anaclet Viegas left within a few minutes of the 
start up.

I did raise my hand and ask a question of Mr. Krishnan like a good student 
must do.

Mr. Krishnan, I said, I have gone through your website et al but I would 
like to know what is the 'belt-tightening' exercises that you have that will 
catapult you into the fighting ring? We had another national party called 
'LOK PARITRAN'  come up to educated us Goans on the need to perform  at the 
national level. But no sooner did they start, their treasurer walked off 
with the some couple of lacs from the party kitty and that the last we have 
heard of them. Now you have come. So we want to know what it is that you 
have got as the belt tightening exercise. And, I was  not quite happy with 
the answers I got.

Later, during the brief interaction, I asked Mr. Krishnan how he intended 
funding the party's campaign. Did he have the strategy for collection of 
funds? The question I had at the back of my mind is are you going to accept 
money from any tom dick and harry? I was not happy at all with his response.

Radarao, for his part, demolished Krishnans'  Top-Down theory. He rightly 
analysed that in democracy one cannot but proceed from Down to Top.

And that was the only sensible argument that we heard for our trouble to 
trek down to Margao all the way.

However, we wish PPI all the very best and we do hope that the professionals 
really make a dent.

We have presented to Mr. Krishnan a copy of our Road Map for Goa and our 
Party's Constitution.


- Original Message - 
From: edward desilva guirim...@yahoo.co.uk

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 6:05 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Professionals Party of India (PPI),

Mumbai massacre survivors join new Indian anti-corruption party:

[Goanet] Govt. by the people, for the rich powerful !

2009-03-01 Thread Geraldo Oliveira
Dear all,

Sub: Government by the people, for the rich and powerful.

The new ordinance to legalize Cidade de Goa’s illegal construction in the wake 
of Supreme Court judgement is misdemeanour of the Congress Government.  Setting 
a precedent of such a magnitude will have colossal consequences and this 
Government is accountable for this sacrilegious act on the people of Goa, and 
in doing so has forfeited its right to rule.

We have seen similar instances in the  past with regard to shorten the  fishing 
ban period by distributing solar prawns in the Assembly ; and the hasty 
ordinance to the ‘Code of Communidade’ to save top government officials escape 
the High Court ruling on Communidade plots.  This decision of the present 
Government is unthinkable, corrupt and only demonstrates that, it works for the 
rich and powerful, while on the other hand is willing to demolish coastal 
dwellings of traditional fishermen and local residents. 

Judiciary is the forearm of Democracy, and the Government showing scant respect 
for the Apex Court ruling, is an infringement on the fundamental principles of 
rule of law.  What moral right does this Government have, to act on other 
illegalities when it sets a precedent of this kind?   This also leads to the 
question, why should aam admi only, abide by the law if illegalities can be 
legalized by ordinances ?

Our present is in shambles, and with this chicanery Government there seems to 
be no future for our State. ‘Right to recall’ elected representatives is the 
only  option left for good governance if at all, and must be ‘food for thought’ 
for the younger generation.  

Clearly another lesson for Goans to think ‘whom we vote’.

Mog assom,
Geraldo Oliveira

[Goanet] 10 Rabble-Rousing and Vigilante Indians Who Trade In Hate And Violence

2009-03-01 Thread Roland Francis
1. Ram Rahim, 41
Head, Dera Sacha Sauda - Punjab.
Number of cases 3. Rape, murder and illegal arms.
Leads religious sect sexual exploitation. Gory murders, rapes, forced
castrations, arms stockpiling.

2. Pramod Muthalik
President, Sri Ram Sene - Karnataka.
Number of cases 53. Disturbing communal harmony.
Hate politics at lowest level. Longstanding RSS cadre.

3. Raj Thackeray, 40
Founder and president Maharashtra Navnirman Sena.
Number of cases 84. Abetting murder, rioting, assault.
Leads anti-North Indian people in Mumbai campaign. Heir Apparent to
violence portfolio of notorious Bal Thackeray.

4. Lakhan Seth, 62.
CPI(M) MP, Tamluk west Bengal.
Number of cases 24. Murder, arson, looting, kidnap.
Don of all he surveys in Kolkatta. Blunt instrument of political masters

5. Asiya Andrabi, Female 45.
Founder, Dukhtaran-E-Milat Kashmir.
Number of cases 3. Assault, anti-national activities.
Born again Muslim. Imagines herself a sword of Allah's wrath

6. Asaduddin Owaisi, 39.
MP, Leader, All-India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen - Hyderabad.
Number of cases 2. Rioting, damage to property.
Defender of Muslims. Attacked Taslima Nasreen, instigates violence
at perceived slights to Islam.

7. Yogi Adiyanath, 37.
BJP MP Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Number of cases 2. Rioting, disturbing harmony.
The next Narendra Modi. Lights the communal cauldron.

8. Rabindra Pal Singh, 48.
Member, Bajrang Dal, Orissa.
Number of cases 14. Murder, looting.
Anti missionaries. Killed Australian Graham Staines.

9. Lambodar Kanhar, 50.
President Kui Samaj Kandhamal.
Number of cases not known.
Leads radical Hindu tribals against Christians in Kandhamal.

10. Narayan Gowda, 50.
President Karnataka Rakshana Vedike
Number of cases not known.
Protector of Kannadiga culture. Anti Marathi and Maharastra.

Compiled from mid-February Tehelka magazine.

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-03-01 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 10:49:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

The claim made by IPCC that its report is based on the work of 2500 scientists, 
published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, is correct.

Mario responds:

Santosh continues to quote sources that he agrees with, while strenuously 
trying to deny the obvious, that there are numerous scientists who disagree 
with him and his sources.   Note the political-type statement above, based on 
the work of 2500 scientists and compare it with a report published by a 
scientist in the field as shown below.

I find it absolutely amazing that Santosh can deny such obvious published 
expert opinions, just because he disagrees with them and chooses to believe 

According to, http://heartland.temp.siteexecutive.com/pdf/22835.pdf, the vast 
majority of the scientists who contribute to the IPCC studies have no direct 
influence on the conclusions expressed by the IPCC.


While we are often told about the thousands of scientists on whose work the 
Assessment reports are based, the vast majority of these scientists have no 
direct influence on the conclusions expressed by the IPCC. Those are produced 
by an inner core of scientists, and the SPMs are revised and agreed to, 
line-by-line, by representatives of member governments. This obviously is not 
how real scientific research is reviewed and published.
These SPMs turn out, in all cases, to be highly selective summaries of the 
voluminous science reports – typically 800 or more pages, with no
indexes (except, finally, the Fourth Assessment Report released in 2007), and 
essentially unreadable except by dedicated scientists.
[end of excerpt]

Santosh wrote:

If you search genuine peer-reviewed scientific literature on this topic you 
will find that, as in the case of evolution and intelligent design/creationism, 
there is no real debate on the validity and scope of the main scientific claims 
about climate science. 

Mario response:

According to the following source, this assertion is false:

Title: New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Chill Global Warming Fears 



An abundance of new peer-reviewed studies, analyses, and data error discoveries 
in the last several months has prompted scientists to declare that fear of 
catastrophic man-made global warming “bites the dust” and the scientific 
underpinnings for alarm may be “falling apart.”  The latest study to cast doubt 
on climate fears finds that even a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide would 
not have the previously predicted dire impacts on global temperatures. This new 
study is not unique, as a host of recent peer-reviewed studies have cast a 
chill on global warming fears. 

“Anthropogenic (man-made) global warming bites the dust,” declared astronomer 
Dr. Ian Wilson after reviewing the new study which has been accepted for 
publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research.  Another scientist said the 
peer-reviewed study overturned “in one fell swoop” the climate fears promoted 
by the UN and former Vice President Al Gore. The study entitled “Heat Capacity, 
Time Constant, and Sensitivity of Earth’s Climate System,” was authored by 
Brookhaven National Lab scientist Stephen Schwartz. See,  
[end of excerpt]

Santosh wrote:

a) Global warming is taking place.

Mario responds:

This is true.

Santosh wrote:

b) It is substantially due to an excess of green houses gases released as a 
result of human activities.

c) It is already causing detrimental effects on the environment.

d) An urgent reduction of green house gas emissions is necessary to prevent 
catastrophic effects in the future.

Mario responds:

These assertions are debatable according to Solar physicist Dr. Pal Brekke, 
senior advisor to the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. Brekke has published more 
than 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles on the sun and solar interaction with 
the Earth. 

Dr. Brakke says, “Anyone who claims that the debate is over and the conclusions 
are firm has a fundamentally unscientific approach to one of the most momentous 
issues of our time.”

[Goanet] Unused industrial sheds used to house laborer in Ponda

2009-03-01 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
There is report on Antruz Mahal (Ponda) on todays’ (02/03/09) on Gomantak 
Today. It says that laborers are staying in unused Industrial sheds and are 
nuisance to society. 

It was made compulsory from last year that owner should provide information 
regarding   lessee to police station. 3951 lessee were registered in 2008 in 
Ponda Taluka. But in first two months alone of 2009, 2156 lessee registered. 
Still many house owners have not reported lessee information as per reliable 

Flourishing Laborer market at RTO office at Ponda city and at industrial areas 
of Bethoda, Kundaim, Marcaim other area in taluka has become major headache for 
Police to control law and order situation. 

As per health report most of the malaria patient  laborers. 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

[Goanet] Budget Promises of Goa Governement 2008/09

2009-03-01 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Budget Promises of Goa Governement 2008/09

As per report published last week on Gomantak Today.

Govt. has given 50 lacs to 3 Educational Institutions  completing 100 years 
they are Mustifund High School, Panaji, Dyanaprasarak High School from Mapusa 
and St. Joseph High School from Hadfade. Rs. 25 lacs were given to 7 school 
completing 75 years. They are Saraswat Vidhyalay, Khorlim, St. Thomas Boys High 
School, Aldona, GVM High School, Ponda, Popular High School and Samaj Seva 
Sangh from Margao, New Education Institute, curchorem and Damodar Vidhyalay, 

Mid day meal was to be extended to Secondary School has not fulfilled. 

Farmers to get 50% subsidy and 50% loan at 4% to buy tractors, Power Tillers, 
Fertiliser and Pestisides has not implemented. 

Farmers to get 75% subsidy on manufacture of organic fertilizer has been used 
by only 3 or 4 farmers. 

Farmers to get Rs.3 for Banana Plantation per hector. They were to get 
Rs.15000/- in the first year itself. Promise not fulfilled.

“Kanyadan” program Rs.15000 for marriage of girl from poor family started.
Special package for schools of Special Children (deaf and dump, Mentally 
retarded) started.

Most of the schemes under Art and Culture are implemented as per Director 
Prasad Lolienkar. Tiatra Academy with Industry status will give boost for 
Tiatra in Goa. 

No steps has been taken for Auditorium, Art Gallery, Audio Visual Recording 
facility etc. for Film Industry near Kala Academy.

1654 Artist were given financial help through ‘Kala Sanman’ Puraskar.

Land acquisition steps for Ravindra Bhavan at Pernem and Mapusa has started. 

Steps to give Two D. D. Kosambi scholarships for research  has initiated. 

Water preservation scheme: Rs. 5 subsidy to preserve water has not been 
implemented. It was suppose to be made compulsory for every construction. 
However it require changes in Town and Country planning act. 

ITI from states were to get Rs.4.65 Crore for up gradation. There is shortage 
of Goan Skilled laborer FM Narvekar has told to house in a Bang. Nothing was 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

[Goanet] Cricket was born in Belgium - expert | World News | News.com.au

2009-03-01 Thread Ruby Goes

Hi Goanetters,



Re: [Goanet] Global warming: A cause for concern

2009-03-01 Thread Mervyn Lobo

MD wrote:
 Mr. Obama, clearly well-briefed on Canadian relations, hit the key notes: He
 spoke out against protectionism and in favour of co-ordinating auto-industry
 bailouts, said he's committed to ensuring trade flows smoothly across the
 border, and even declared, “I love this country.” 
 I wonder who put this thought in President Obama's mind?

Maybe Barrack Hussein bin Obama loves Canada because he has a sister who 
is Canadian and who lives close to Toronto. 

However, to answer you question, I think Barrack (blessed be, his name) as an 
American, is more than capable of thinking for himself.


Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now at

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Please identify this small bridge (with prev. ans)

2009-03-01 Thread JoeGoaUk

Talking Photo: Please identify this small bridge (with prev. ans)

Identify this bridge (over a creek)

Within a distance say about 350mtrs there are 3 bridges almost parallel to each 
other but this one is a foot bridge and  is about 15 years old.  
The newest one is about  5 years old and the oldest being  375years old (now 
o/w only).

Previously, I asked you to identify this tree/fruits

In all 8 people came back and all of them got it right.

Check here the same tree/branch with leaves and ..


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