[Goanet] Science for sale ...

2010-10-02 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Medicine and Science for sale  Please see link below.

Following the article please see the feedback from readers


Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] The Lost Goan Identity

2010-10-02 Thread Oscar Lobo

'Goa ke log ajeb Hai' (Oscar C. Lobo)

The exact meaning of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was:

He could not understand why Goa needed to be ruled by Goans.  He did not
appreciate our 451 years of Portuguese rule, culture, heritage, language
etc. He thought we were people of Mumbai and Calcutta and saw no difference.

Hence he said what he said because he thought Goans were only working on 
the ships were he was royally served.

His family should be ashamed of him and what he and Indira Gandhi did 
for Goa - Land to the Tillers etc.

Jai Hind - Hai, Hai!

Oscar C. Lobo
Cut the stress and deliver results.

From: pinheiro

'Goa ke log ajeb Hai' this is what India's First Prime Minister had said
about Goans .

Why he said it and in what context he said it is not known to me and not
sure if any historian has good knowledge about his utterance.  Did he 
made this statement in reference to Social, cultural economic or 
political setting prevailing during 50-60 era?  Was it a genuine 
statement or sarcastic statement to glorify or belittle Goans, only 
historian who worked closely with him might shed some light?

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do ANEE PHEWNEE MATAT!

2010-10-02 Thread Ivo

Dear Oscar,

I think you have misunderstood me. As written, I have already made 
arrangements for my part of the contribution. I have commended Pinheiro 
and also followed suit.

I don't want to discourage people from wanting to do something but 
instead I have asked for all to work towards it.

My response and reference was to the unnamed person (and others who 
think this way) who was worried about where the funds will go so to 
dispel their fears I have said (note this) ---

"I hope the functioning and operations of Goa Foundations are made 
transparent(including background of the members) and accountable which 
will encourage more donors to come forward ..."

I admit it was a typing error on my part as what I wanted to say was I'm 
sure that the functioning and operations of . which will 
ecourage more donors to come forward." 

which clearly indicates that I want people to come forward and donate 
for this cause.

Dear All,
Usually I am averse to provide explanations for action which I feel can 
do something positive as I'm not interested in any name or fame however 
I didn't want my mail to tarnish the image and credibility of Goa 
Foundation and its members and this compelled me to write the above.

kind regards,


On Sat, 02 Oct 2010 19:26:51 +0530 wrote

Hello Ivo,

We need to put our brains in gear before
putting our mouth and/or fingers in motion.

Please do not discourage genuine people
wanting to do something.

Re: [Goanet] The Lost Goan Identity

2010-10-02 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
This statement was apparently made by Nehru when Congress lost devastatingly 
(17% votes) against MGP(42% votes) and UGP (30% votes) in the first elections. 
"For Congress, a trouncing to remember" was one of the headlines of the day. 
Nehru was stunned by the outcome because he had expeceted Goans to be 
to him for the "freedom" he had gained for them using his massive armed 

A rather large disappointment for some of the "freedom fighters" and some 
journalists who had aligned themselves to be the "rulers" of Goa, at least one 
of whom left soon after for foreign countries to hide their disappointment. 
Given this and a few other observances, it seems to me that "freedom fighters" 
were largely concerned with promoting their own self-interests, nil else.

- Original Message 
> From: pinheiro 
> To: Target Goa ; GOA Net 
> Sent: Sat, 2 October, 2010 8:08:49 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] The Lost Goan Identity
> 'Goa ke log ajeb Hai' this is what India's First Prime Minister had said 
> about 
>Goans .
> Why he said it and in what context he said it is not known to me and not sure 
>if any historian has good knowledge about his utterance.  Did he made this 
>statement in reference to Social, cultural economic or political setting 
>prevailing during 50-60 era?  Was it a genuine statement or sarcastic 
>to glorify or belittle Goans, only historian who worked closely with him might 
>shed some light?

[Goanet] India Special in Toronto Star (front page)

2010-10-02 Thread Roland Mascarenhas
Hello Goanetters,

Today on the front page of *Toronto Star*, there are several stories devoted
to covering India - whether it political, economic, sporting or social terms
(as witnessed by covering Bollywood). The online edition can be found here:




[Goanet] Talking photo: Blackout at Miramar Circle

2010-10-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
Blackout at Miramar Circle
Not a single lamp lights

We been told that the place is like this for the last 4 days
Last week when we visited, over 2 doz lamps were not wroking
Today, being holiday, many tourist seen at the beach even after 10pm
Otherwise, Miramar Circle looks like this
 cc to City MLA/CCP
Highmast lamps too not sorted out yet.


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Stories of the Mapusa KTC Bus Stand a fortnight ago

2010-10-02 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
Labourer makes truck cabin 'home'
With no shelter to protect him from the rains, a labourer
is using an abandoned cabin of the unusable PWD truck
at the Kadamba bus stand at Mapusa. The cabin of the
unusable truck (GDT 9967) is being used as a room by
the labourer.

This fact came to light when GOACAN along with the
traffic controller of  KTC Vishnu Naik, Assistant Director
of Transport Ivo Rodrigues and health officials inspected
the Kadamba bus stand on Thursday.

When the officials opened the door of the truck cabin,
a labourer, who was found sleeping, jumped out of the
cabin and fled from the scene. His clothes and food items
were also found in the cabin. Traffic Controller Vishnu Naik
feigned ignorance about it when questioned by GOACAN
Convenor Roland Martins.

Speaking to Herald, Martins said there are no security
personnel at the Kadamba bus stand, due to which the bus
stand is being misused by some people.

“There are offices of Regional Transport Authority and Public
Works Department, besides numerous shops and kiosks at
the Kadamba bus stand premises. Hence, it becomes the
responsibility of KTC to depute security guards, especially
during night to take care of the property within its premises,”
said Martins.

The KTC traffic controller said he has informed his senior
officials about the requirement of security personnel at the
bus stand during the night.
HERALD 17/9/10 page 2
Self-employment scheme misused; kiosks sub-let
They were meant to provide self-employment to the
unemployed, but many kiosks under the Deendayal
Swayam Rojgar Yojna (DSRY) are being sublet to

Taking advantage of the lethargic attitude of authorities,
many beneficiaries of the DSRY have rented out their
kiosks, thereby defeating the very purpose of the scheme.
It may be recalled that the State government had started
the DSRY scheme, which was later renamed as ‘Goa
Youth Rojgar Yojna Scheme’, aimed at providing self-
employment to the unemployed youth.

As per conditions of the scheme, kiosks are to be
operated by the allottee only. All beneficiaries were
issued photo identity cards by the Goa Handicrafts
Rural and Small Scale Industries Development
Corporation (GHRSSIDC), which are non-transferable.
As per the scheme, the GHRSSIDC is supposed to
carry out inspection of the units/projects once in 6 months
and certify that the beneficiary is running the allotted kiosk.
A copy of the Identity Card is required to be displayed in
the kiosk. During inspection, if it is established that the
kiosk is operated by any other person, it shall be sufficient
ground for termination of lease/allotment.

It appears that authorities have failed to inspect the kiosks
as required under the scheme, due to which many
beneficiaries have rented out their kiosks.

Speaking to Herald, some people opined that the
government should survey the kiosks allotted under the
Deendayal Swayam Rojgar Yojna Scheme and should
terminate the allotment of those renting out the kiosks
to others.
HERALD 18/9/10 page 2
FDA raids shops in Mapusa, seizes 'illegal' goods
The inspectors of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
and Metrology Department on Friday inspected shops
at Kadamba bus stand Mapusa and confiscated goods,
which did not have labels.

The FDA inspectors confiscated goods which did not
have information like the price, name of the manufacturer,
date of manufacture, date of expiry and the weight on the
packages of the food products. The inspectors also issued
notices to the shopkeepers.

Speaking to Herald, Food and Drug Administration
Department Inspector Rajaram Patil said adulteration,
including misbranding and mislabeling, is being treated as
criminal offence under the Act and the guilty can be
punishment with imprisonment.

“Lately, one of the shopkeepers from Mapusa, who was
booked under the Food Adulteration Act, was awarded
punishment of six months imprisonment by the Court,”
informed Patil.

Metrology Department Inspector D N Mapari informed
that he has confiscated 62 packets of food items, including
chewable Supari worth Rs 5,000 from the shops.

“The punishment prescribed under Standards of Weight
and Measures Act is that penalty to the extent of Rs 10,000
can be imposed on the shopkeeper for the first offence.
The second offence carries the punishment of both penalty
and imprisonment,” said Mapari.

[Goanet] CWG Delhi......!!! The other side of the story

2010-10-02 Thread julian Gonsalves

Supporting the CWG does not mean supporting the corruption associated with it. 
Meanwhile enjoy the games and think positively . Thats our choice.

Re: [Goanet] Ayodhya verdict

2010-10-02 Thread Santosh Helekar
It is quite likely that there are many religious structures in India that were 
built on top of the sacred sites or relics of other religions. Do we want this 
verdict to be a legal precedent to demolish all the existing structures and 
rebuild the original ones?



--- On Sat, 10/2/10, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:

> To Goanet -
> Under "Goanet News Reader" a certain admin has been posting
> tracts by well known Marxists trying to discredit the
> verdict.  No points
> for guessing who it is.  O the joy!
> A friend of mine well versed in Indian history, Tamil as
> well as
> Sanskrit sent me the following email this morning (by the
> way, 'historian'
> Romila Thapar does not know squat about Sanskrit yet
> claims
> to be an 'expert' on ancient India.  Marxists can be
> quite funny
> at times).
> A Tamil newspaper here published excerpts from the
> archaeological
> findings at Ayodhya (dig was done in 2003, at the behest of
> the
> court).  Fascinating.  I wish they do a full
> blown excavation there.
> Accdg to the ASI report, the place has been inhabited
> continuously for
> more than 2000 years. The dig found layers going back to
> early BC,
> Gupta and medieval periods (11-12).  I wish someone
> makes a movie.
> p.s. "The Hindu" dismissed the whole body of arch. evidence
> by a
> single word - "tainted". Tainted by what I wonder?
> p.p.s. Irfan Habib and R. Thapar lament that the court
> placed too much
> emphasis on archaeology. Are these people deluded or am I
> too naive?
> Regards,
> r

[Goanet] Gandhiji ani Rajkaronn

2010-10-02 Thread Ivo



Mahatma Gandhi mhollyar vhoddantlo vhodd fuddari. Tannem Bharatacho mog kelo 
ani amkam boro rosto dakhoylo.  Khoreponninch to ek "vhodd otmo" (MAHATMA).

Yeka prarthnnik mellavyak razangnnyant vetona, Janerache 30ver, 1948 vorsa, 
Gandhi "kallzancho yekchar" astolo mhonnun ravtalo, ponn Nathuram' Vinayak 
GODSE-hachya hatank hat lavun, mumurkho hansun ani axirvad ghalun, to 
bondukachya (pistolachya) farak sampoddlo ani, him utram ontthanr haddun: 
"Oh! Deva" ("Eh Ram!") oxem mhonnlam mhonn khatri na), to hya sonvsarak 
ontorlo. Mathuram' Godse, 35  vorsancho,  Punyam Hindu Mahasabhachya 
satollya-potracho sompadpi, aplea kallzant rag ghevn aslo, kityak Gandhin 
Muslimancher koslich xittkavnni va hok'kan magop (demand) korunk na.

Ten'nachya Bharatachya Prodhan-Montryan, Ponddit Jawaharlal Motilal Nehru-n, 
akaxvannicher raxttrak khobor diun, oxem mhonnlem: "Amchya jivi­tantlo 
uzvadd  palovn gelo ani sorv svater kallokh  asa. Tumkam kitem ani koxem 
sangchem, hem makach kollona. Amcho pryiall fuddari, BAPU, oxem ami taka 
pachartat, amchya raxttracho bap, amche modim na. Ghoddye oxem mhonnlyar 
hanv chuktam. Toripunn amim taka  itlim vorsam pollela, toxem dusrim 
polleunk xokonant.  Ami tachexim bud'dh vo buzvonn gheunk dhanvim vechenant. 
Ho ek dhar­unn-bhrankull dhopko mhaka ani kruttamni lokak hya desant.  Ho 
dhopko bud'dhin unno korum nozo".

   "Uzvadd palovlo, hanvem mhonnlam, ponn hanv chuktalom. Kityak 
hya desant porzolltalo, to uzvadd bextto-sadho nhoy aslo. Itlim vorsam hya 
desant porzoll dila, hoch uzvadd anek vorsam desak vatt dakhoytolo; ani 
hozar vorsam uprant to uzvadd hya desant ozuni drixttipoddtolo, ani 
sonvsarak to drixttipoddtolo ani puskoll kallzank to buzvonn ditolo".

   Mahatma Gandhicho sondex az meren amchya kananr sadta. Amkam 
udorgotichea ani xantichea rostyar vhorunk, tachi amkam ozuni goroz. Zaityo 
futti amche modim poddtat, khoro-niz ekchar amche modim na.

   Otubrache 2rer, 1869, lhan Porbandar pradesant to zolmak aylo. 
Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai tachim avoybapuy. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 
soglyam-on dhaktto put. To Porbandar vaddlo. To sodanch lhanponninch thavn 
sotachea mogacho. To Kasturbai, Gokuldas Makanji hya vikpyache dhuve lagim 
logn zalo. Taka Inglandak vochunk sond gavli. Thoym tachem jivit bhov moskil 
zalem, kityak soglench atvem--lok, ghoram, jivitachi pod'dot, bhas, 
jevonn-khann, nhesop. Taka ghorcho ugddas yetalo. Ponn to thoynsor xiklo. 
Uprant to Bharatant portun aylo.

Mumbay pavo-na-fudde, taka aple avoychea mornnachi  khobor mell'li. Vhodd 
dhopko tacher boslo. Mumbay aplo vokilacho vavr tannem suru kelo. Ponn 
sobhemazar ulovnk taka kotthin-moskil lagtalem. Ten'na tannem ho vavr soddun 
dilo. Uprant taka Dokxin Afrikek vochunk ani vokil koso Bharati karkhanyam 
khatir vavrunk suyog mell'lo. Durban pavlya uprant, 1893 vorsa, taka 
rongacho prosn (kull-katicho bhed: racism) asa mhonn som'zolem. Aplo vavr 
sompoytoch, tannem aplya desbhavbhoinnam khatir vavr korunk nirnnoy ghetlo. 
Bharatyank te kikont kortale ani "coolies" mhonnun pachartale (Gandhik "the 
coolie barrister" vo 'kuli-vokil' mhonnun opmanaytalet).

Ponn tannem xantichea hatyaramni zoyt vhelem ani Bharatant suttke khatir 
vavrunk portun aylo. Zatkaticho bhed poysavunk taka bhorpur tras poddle. 
Sudrank "Devachim bhurgim" (vo HARIJAN)  mhonnun to pacharunk  laglo. To 
svosth upayamni Inglez Sorkaracher vavrunk laglo. Taka Hindu ani Muslim' 
loka modim yekchar zay aslo. Upas korun to zoyt vhorunk sodtalo. Bharatache 
kuddke korunk to sodinaslo. Ponn Godse-n tacho jivprann kaddlo.

Rajki zhuzant poryant taka dharmik totvam ani mulyam aslim: taka otmik 
suttka zai asli. Dusryam khatir vavrunk, aplea raxttra khatir vavrunk 
mhollear dharmik hetu. Dhormavinnem rajkaronn mhellem zata, oxem to 
mhonntalo. Deva ani Sota khatir to vavrunk sodhtalo. Aplya raxttra vo 
desbhavbhoinnam khatir vavrunk mhollear Deva ani Sota khatir vavrunk, oxem 
to som'zotalo. Rajkzrnna vorvim Svorginchem Raj amim sthapunk zai, oxem to 
xikoytalo (YOUNG INDIA, Junache 18ver, 1925 vorsa).

Sotacho soroll sodpi to, hya khatir broxttacharak ani fottingponnak tachya 
jivitant zago naxil'lo. Svorginchem Raj ani Bharatachi suttka oslya 
holkya-ollxik upayamni amkam mellonant, oxem to mhonntalo. Oslya sotachya 
mogak lagun to rajki mollar bhitor sorlolo ani xevttak poryant bharim 
zhuzlo. Taka Devachem mukhamoll polleunk zay aslem, MOKSHA (taronn vo otmik 
suttka) taka zay asli.

   Amche rajkarnnar projecho faydo ghetat ani apnnakoch 
gres­tkay-dhon-dhovlot, bhangar-xrungar  punzaytat. Projecho vikas tankam 
poddunk na, ponn aplo labh-apsvarth te sodtat. Dhormacho chukicho upyog te 
kortat. Dhormachya nanvan apnnakoch motam te jhikun ghetat ani projek 
fosoytat. Amchya Bharatant ani Goyeantoy oslench odruxtt bhitor sorlam. 
Broxttachar, fottingponn, durbollanchi pillnnuk amchy

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do ANEE PHEWNEE MATAT!

2010-10-02 Thread Oscar Lobo

Hello Ivo,

We need to put our brains in gear before putting our mouth and/or 
fingers in motion.

Please do not discourage genuine people wanting to do something.

If you can do something than by all means “Just do it”, if you are going 
to philosophising than you sit on the sidelines and put your four 
fingers under the tongue and whistle.

If you do not know the contribution of Carmen Miranda, please make it a 
point to find out.  Do not ask me for the answer.

We need to grow up!


Oscar C. Lobo
Cut the stress and Deliver Results.

On 10/2/10, Ivo wrote:
Dear All,
I think this thread is going on and on without anything positive to 

Agnelo has matched his words with actions and I commend him for this.

We all know that circumstances will be bad for us Goans in the future if 
this continues and the need of the hour is to change and reverse it in 
every possible way. If we all do our part it will surely make a big 
difference and save Goa for us Goans and help us to maintain an identity 
of our own which is very crucial for our survival.

Therefore, We need to emerge stronger and better to prevent us Goans 
from being exploited be it the economy, illegal mining, land grabbing, 
mega housing projects, drinking water and wells being polluted, poverty, 
unemployment, high rate of deforestation, bad roads and worst health 
care facilities, additional migrants intake or welcoming the delhi babus 
for a mega holiday at the cost of our revenues and etc , etc... the list 
goes on and we all know.

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do??

2010-10-02 Thread Carmen Miranda

Dear All

I have no more time or patience for more words and excuses from goans 
abroad who do not want to cooperate with financial resources.   I have 
offered my time, money experience and energy to help make a difference 
here in Goa,  and all I get as usual is people pontificating from their 
comfort zones and fabricating excuses not to part with a few rupees to 
help the cause of Saving Goa.. I frankly found the quote from a letter 
written to Pinheiro by some unidentified goan, simply insulting. At 
least have the decency and courage to identify yourself, who ever you 
are. How qualified and experienced  are you to decide where the money 
should be invested?  Have I not in my letters explained clearly what we 
need the money for and why?

Fortunately I have been able to mobilise goans in Goa , and they will 
show you what they are capable of despite your negative support towards 
our efforts. It is sad, very sad indeed that you are ready to spend 
money dancing around and having a good time and spending fortunes in 
useless conventions, while Goa is in a crisis situation and needs your 
support.  Today we held a meeting in my place about tackling corruption 
and one college teacher offered to sponsor the desing and printing of 
1000 Tshirts to launch the anti-corruption movement on 19th Dec.  Can 
any of you in the Gulf macth this generosity from a college teacher in 
Goa?  I suppose not.

There is no point in continuing this conversation. If you don't trust 
us, this is the end of this conversation.  I wish you all best of luck 
and will request to be removed from this loop as I have nothing else to 
say to you for the moment.

Carmen Miranda

On 10/2/10, Ivo wrote:

Dear All,

I think this thread is going on and on without anything positive to 

Agnelo has matched his words with actions and I commend him for this.

Re: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Some pics from 'Ille de Capão'

2010-10-02 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Ille is French.  Would that actually be 'Ilha de Capão'?

- Original Message 
> From: JoeGoaUk 
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Sent: Fri, 1 October, 2010 5:52:24 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Some pics from 'Ille de Capão'
> Talking Photos: Some pics from 'Ille de Capão'
> Which i had in my database
> 'Ille de Capão'
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk31/5035291613/

[Goanet] Song for the day!

2010-10-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
Yellow rose of Texas - for our Confederate buddies!



Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do??

2010-10-02 Thread pinheiro

I got this short mail from a very respected person which Itake liberty 
to put forth to all.

Quote "The monetary contributions will be given to some scamsteror 
notorious activist ultimately. Goans will get duped with stories of Save 
Goa and Special status and thereafter claim that they have beeen 
cheated". Unquote.

It is obvious if an individual of his/her repute has apprehension about 
the activities and funding of any NGO's then it is certainly a great 
cause of concern. This has to be addressed by making the functioning of 
these bodiestransparent and accountable.Credibility of any organisation 
will gauged by it Articles and Memorandum wherein Aims and Objectives 
are clearly defined and followed by its members. Until we have this in 
the constitution of the organisation credibility will be always 
question. We cannot demand transparency and accountability from 
political class if we ourselves do not adhere to it. 19th Dec 2010 is 
what we pledge to do. I would appeal to all concern at Goa Foundation to 
lead us by this example. I am certain Carmen and Goa Foundation 
willgivedetails of the balance sheet to all Donors.

BTW, I conspicuous of the dead silence from certain quarters in Arabian 
Gulf Peninsular. Is this because ofthe up-coming mega event in Kuwait? 
May be people do not want to upset his Excellency E.F. Did Goans got 
value for the Money? Or did few close toE.F got the better of PIE? 
People must do Cost-Benefit analysis on themoney spent on past4 
conventions and dothe reality check if itisworth the cause.

Warm regards,
Agnelo Pinheiro/Dubai

[Goanet] Goa news for October 3, 2010

2010-10-02 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa serial killer accuses police of implicating him -
Hindustan Times
serial killer accuses police of implicating him

*** Visa issues dampening tourism prospects in Goa: TTAG -

*** Karnataka Prisons Department, Goa Govt ink MoU - IBNLive.com

*** Goa govt protecting illegal mining: Church - Times of India
ed government in the state of failing to check illegal mining
activities. In a message to parishioners ...

*** Census indicates tiger presence in state - Times of India
of tiger presence in Goa: Official

*** Goa government gazette to have Braille version too -

*** Two jailors given marching orders - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: In a major punitive action against senior
jail staff in recent times, the Goa Inspector General of Prisons
has dismissed two jailors from service ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHsENB8swOny7axS7gia2Q6AafAZg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Two-jailors-given-marching-orders/articleshow/6674182.cms

*** Dhavalikar promises revamp of transport dept - Times of
mes of IndiaDhavalikar also said that a team of the Central Road
and Research Institute (CRRI), Delhi has already started its
work in Goa to study the traffic and ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHepgPP6TXAld0yYC8RKm7QKoBEgA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Dhavalikar-promises-revamp-of-transport-dept/articleshow/6674143.cms

*** Govt drawing up foster care scheme for children - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The government of Goa is formulating a
scheme for the "foster care for children" under Section 42 of
the Juvenile Justice Act 2000 (Central Act). ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFXQhBjV4SW3YIyCyfqXrEnNrZ-sA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Govt-drawing-up-foster-care-scheme-for-children/articleshow/6674146.cms

*** State tightens screws on ragging - Times of India
agging squads, which will have the power to conduct surprise
raids on hostels and other ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNE0X9Ix84ke54QZRsIWJZQym5_NSw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/State-tightens-screws-on-ragging/articleshow/6674130.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] SPORTS: Canada and the drying up of Indian hockey fortunes (Errol D'Cruz, The Times of India)

2010-10-02 Thread Goanet News
Canada and the drying up of Indian hockey fortunes
Errol D'Cruz
21 September 2010, 06:53 PM IST

An Indian origin hockey player, flag-bearer for Canada at the 2010 New
Delhi Commonwealth Games.

Astounding to the general public. Big news for sports fans but nothing
earth shattering for those who’ve been aware of the changing world of
field hockey.

Ken Pereira, 37, veteran of well over 300 Games for Canada, is just
one of scores of Indian-origin Canadians fighting the odds in a the
land of ice hockey to wear the Maple Leaf, and do so with a great deal
of pride. Even if it meant selling shirts to help fund a trip to the
World Cup which Pereira and his team-mates did before flying out to
New Delhi in February this year.

The recently retired Wayne Fernandes, Bubli Chouhan, Hari Kant and
celebrated coaches Shiv Jagdev and Louis Mendonca — Indian-origin
Canadians all — have contributed to a version of hockey obscure to
most of their countrymen brought up on a huge diet of the Stanley Cup
and Wayne Gretzky.

How Indian hockey die-hards have ever heard of them? Pereira’s
distinction in a kinky sort of way relives the nightmare of Indian
hockey’s fall from grace.

Who can ever shake off the memory of Montreal, Canada, way back in 1976?

Word Champions and then seven-time Olympic champions, India were
mauled by the Australians, humiliated by the Dutch and beaten into
submission by the Germans before finishing lowly seventh at the
Olympic Games.

So called experts on the other side of the world, shell-shocked by the
turn of events and labouring under the notion that India and Pakistan
had sole rights to hockey,couldn’t accept the new order that rendered
New Zealand the champions at Montreal after shocking their
trans-Tasman neighbours Australia in the final.

India’s newly acquired status of also-rans was greeted,
understandably, by a tsunami of indignity at home that sparked the now
sickeningly familiar call for ‘total overhaul’ but in all the fury
over the debacle nobody ever spared a thought to the progress made by
the other nations.

The Late AFS Talyarkhan, the legendary though firebrand media
personality, hit the nail on the head in his programme ‘Looking Back,
Looking Forward’ on Doordarshan the day after the Olympic final.

"Have you and I seen the other teams play?" he asked while referring
to the scorn poured over losing to nations who learned the game from

No one paid heed, one would assume.

More poignancy. Less than two years later, India took the field at
Buenos Aires, Argentina, smarting from the Montreal debacle and keen
to set the record straight and retain the World Cup they won in 1975
at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

After struggling to a 1-0 win over Belgium in the opener, India played
Canada who started playing seriously at the international level only
after being awarded the Montreal Olympics.

Bleary-eyed die-hards tuned in to their transistors and radios at the
crack of dawn one March morning in 1978 to 70 minutes of "horror". The
score at the end of it: India 1 Canada 3. No one lauded the "babes" of
international hockey and, amid the wave of despondency, the nightmare
kept unfolding — a 0-7 defeat to Germany, a 1-1 draw with England and
a 0-2 loss to Spain brought sixth position, the worst for India at the
World Cup at the time but ironically one that would do the country
proud today. How things have changed!

The erstwhile Soviet Union, South Korea and China were the ‘Canadas’
in the ensuing years, building their hockey teams on being awarded the
Olympics and/ or Continental Games.

They represented fresh minds, ready to soak up new ideas, techniques,
tactics and skills, especially on artificial surfaces. And bring in a
refreshment to the game that sadly India, buckling under a legacy of
eight gold medals and a World Cup triumph, has come nowhere close to

Back to Ken Pereira and Canada.

The playmaker, who switched to field hockey from version of ice at the
age of 17, was the hero of his country’s victory over Argentina in the
final of the Pan American Games at home in Winnipeg in 1999.

A picture on wires showed Pereira being chaired by his jubilant
team-mates in the background. In the foreground was a cute little Sikh
boy bounding across the pitch in unbridled ecstasy, waving the Maple


* * *

PHOTO: Ken Pereira


* * *

Canada field hockey veteran explores Indian roots

Sat Oct 2, 10:09 AM

NEW DELHI (AFP) - Like any other kid growing up in Canada, Ken Pereira
started off by playing hockey on skates.

It was only when he saw a field hockey game on television that 

Re: [Goanet] Ken Pereira... at Delhi: wanted photo

2010-10-02 Thread norman noronha


Above photo is of Mr. Ken Pereira

Norman Noronha


> From: fredericknoron...@gmail.com
> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 23:26:22 +0530
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Ken Pereira... at Delhi: wanted photo
> By any chance, would anyone have a photo of hockey player Ken Pereira
> carrying the Canadian flag at the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi? An
> expat Goan mag was looking out for this photo. FN
> Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Fw: Press Conference of MNE at Mapusa on 1 October, 2010 p.m.

2010-10-02 Thread floriano

Front Row seated: Adv. Lobo/Convenor, Cedric D'Souza/Treasurer; Ms. Janet
Second Row seated: Ms.Freeda Rodirigues Coutinho/Candidate;Francisco
[Franco] Fernandes; Prabhakar Yende/Candiate; Jawaharlal Shetye/Candidate;
Aluisio Soares/Candidate.

At the Press Conference, the MNE Manifesto was released & distributed to the
Adv. Yatish Naik of PCF [Pilern Citizen's Forum] also addressed the press.


It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined,
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance'
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness






1.  The Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott re-iterates its earlier stand made out
in the very first paragraph of  the 'Charter of Demands ' submitted to the
Chairperson of the MMC  as the preamble of this document which states as


We, the Citizens of Mapusa,  all of whom are your voters, wish to express by
this means our great pain at the manner in which our beloved City is being
administered by you, on whom we have reposed our trust. There are many
things which are wrong with  our  City and very few that are right. Our
question to ourselves therefore has been: Did we make a mistake in all these
years to have entrusted the administration of our City into the hands of
various representatives/Councilors who could only think in terms of who
would be the President/Mayor of this City, and, after being so elected ,
looked-after his or her own interests instead of those of the City and its
Citizens? Have we been silent spectators, too polite as is our Goan way, to
say hard and harsh things when the need arose and, by our silence,
contributed to the deterioration that has set-in and which has transformed
Mapusa into a virtual morass? Those of us, whose signatures are appended to
this Memorandum, think that we have been remiss in our duties and
obligations as responsible Citizens. We think that we have been complacent
and thus have contributed to the deterioration of the 'few things' that we
had and which were at one time the pride of our City or something which gave
us some pleasure. With that in mind, we are putting before you our Charter
of Demands which includes short-term and long-term goals for the City of

2.  It is because of the above quoted message given to the
Chairperson/Councilors of the Mapusa Municipal Council that Mapusa
Nagrikancho Ekvott has come forward to contest the forth-coming Municipal
Elections, not because it is hungry for power, but only it wishes to give
the citizens of Mapusa an opportunity to vote for candidates who are sincere
and who, if elected, will work for the proper and people-centric development
of Mapusa.

3.  The Agenda for the elected members of the Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott
Shall be:


(a) Daily sweeping and cleaning (garbage removal included) will start
and end before day break so that the entire city is kept clean before 6
a.m., especially the Main Mapusa Market and the surrounding areas.

(b)Provide adequate and orderly and separate parking areas for various

(c) The concept of 'ring road' within the city where commuter vehicles
9bus) may ply to aid transport of people shall be explored, to obviate the
need to bring their vehicles into the city proper to prevent congestion
within the city.

(d)Supreme Court's Order on illegal religious places shall be executed
to the letter to free public places of such illegalities and unnecessary

(e) Mapusa ODP which has been objected to by MNE shall be sought to be
re-designed to accommodate a new  Bus Stand, Exhibition Gounds with all
facilities like parking, food court/restaurants etc. as suggested by MNE.

(f)  Mapusa River beautification to include a joggers track and park to
serve as a lung for the City to come up on the land lying behind the present
Asilo Hospital OPD and extending upto the  rear of the Government Complex.

(g) All roads in Mapusa City and Suburbs to be marked with the centre
line as will as the side lines and building of perim

[Goanet] KIFF Season opens with UGC tournament

2010-10-02 Thread Goa World

KIFF Season opens with UGC tournament

Due to the opening ceremony, the first game was delayed. The first match 
started at 7:40 am with both the teams lining up and shaking hands with 
all the club presidents and K.I.F.F members. The President of K.I.F.F. 
Mr. Fidelis Fernandes said some words of appreciation to all the clubs 
and thanked Mr. Manuel D’costa for providing the grounds. Dj Mario 
played the Kuwait and Indian national anthem. Mr.Bernard, K.I.F.F. 
sports secretary was the M.C for the day. They had a housie and the 
winner of the jaldi five received an air ticket to Goa. This was won by 
Joe of U.G. This marks the opening of the 35th edition of the U.G.C 
tournament held at Shuwaikh fire brigade grounds and the opening of the 
K.I.F.F season 2010-2011.

The first game started at 7:35 am with Indian Strikers Vs Santos FC. The 
match began with a slow pace, but Indian strikers with the help of 
Jagdesh were able to take the lead within 15 minutes. They continued 
attacking and Jagdesh got a second opportunity within 20 minutes to make 
it 2-0. At the end of the first half, Santos club, Nelson took a 
stunning shot 15 metres away to make it 2-1 at the end of the first 
half. During the second half, both the teams picked up the pace and 
played constructive soccer though Indian strikers maintained the 
supremacy of the proceedings. In the middle of the second half, Indian 
strikers were gifted with a penalty by deliberate handling of the ball 
by Ines. Referee Edward made no mistake in signalling a penalty kick and 
sending him off. Jagdesh missed his penalty and missed his hatrick. Ines 
is the oldest player sent off and Santos was left with only ten players. 
The tournament was conducted under the auspices of K.I.F.F and refereed 
by K.I.F.F. subcommittee referees. The referees are Edward, Nazareth, 
Jerry and the K.I.F.F observer was Clifford Pinto. The second game 
started at 9:15am and the temperature was 40 plus degree Celsius but 
both the teams kept the pressure. Both the teams started with fast pace, 
but a number of N.Y.C chances was kept out of the goalkeeper. Lack of 
good defending by Navelim allowed Skynet to take advantage. New comer 
Skynet Duresh played a good game and scored the first goal of the game 
when the ball rebounded from the post from an earlier shot and Duresh 
made no mistake slotting it into the net. Skynet gained the momentum 
after the first goal, but NYC did not stop attacking and could not gain 
any success and the first half ended 1-0. The second half started at 
10:00 am, Skynet put a lot of pressure on Navelim and Unni was able to 
get the second goal. They started taking it easily and Navelim’s 
determination and spirit was in the best form as usual. Long timer Cruz 
shot two goals from good crosses . It was difficult to judge who will 
come out victorious and luck favoured navlim that they got the penalty 
and Alleluia(Americo) made no mistake in scoring the penalty to make it 
level. Finally Skynet defender fail to mark their player was beaten 
clearly by Navelim with their usual do or die habbit was not going to 
give up to make 3-2 in favour of Navelim. The game was refereed by 
Jerry, Simon, Roasrio.

Next Friday's fixtures on the same ground at"
 6:30 am Rawda boys Vs Rising Star; and
8:00 am Goa Maroons Vs Curtorcares United.

Photos can be viewed at

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do??

2010-10-02 Thread Ivo

Dear All,
I think this thread is going on and on without anything positive to 

Agnelo has matched his words with actions and I commend him for this.

We all know that circumstances will be bad for us Goans in the future if 
this continues and the need of the hour is to change and reverse it in 
every possible way. If we all do our part it will surely make a big 
difference and save Goa for us Goans and help us to maintain an identity 
of our own which is very crucial for our survival.

Therefore, We need to emerge stronger and better to prevent us Goans 
from being exploited be it the economy, illegal mining, land grabbing, 
mega housing projects, drinking water and wells being polluted, poverty, 
unemployment, high rate of deforestation, bad roads and worst health 
care facilities, additional migrants intake or welcoming the delhi babus 
for a mega holiday at the cost of our revenues and etc , etc... the list 
goes on and we all know.

I don't have anything to criticise and thank and appreciate everyone for 
their views expressed. Criticising and shifting the blame will only 
divide us more and open several opportunites for the ones destroying Goa.

Let us all leave aside our diffences and work towards a solution. I feel 
there is still a ray of hope when someone is ready to take the lead and 
we need to unite behind them and support them in what we can do.

My contribution will be sent directly to Goa Foundation. I hope the 
functioning and operations of Goa Foundations are made 
transparent(including background of the members) and accountable which 
will encourage more donors to come forward and I sincerely appeal to Goa 
Foundation never to look back and give up but to live up to the hope and 
expectations of the people like us putting our trust in you'll.

kind regards,


[Goanet] Ken Pereira... at Delhi: wanted photo

2010-10-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
By any chance, would anyone have a photo of hockey player Ken Pereira
carrying the Canadian flag at the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi? An
expat Goan mag was looking out for this photo. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Clever Sardar...

2010-10-02 Thread Gina Fernandes
On a ship an American, a Russian, and an Indian (sardar) were sailing. Suddenly 
a devil appeared and said, "Drop something in the sea, if I find it I will eat 
you... If I cant then I will be your slave!"

American dropped a diamond... Devil found it and ate him. Russian dropped small 
platinum piece... Devil found it and ate him too.

Now its sardarji's turn. Before knowing what sardar did,take a moment to think 
what would you do if you
were in place of sardar.

Lets see if your thought meets with sardar?

Scroll down for the answer

Sardar opened a water bottle and poured some water in the sea ..

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do??

2010-10-02 Thread Oscar Lobo

Dear Carmen,

I have written to you of my willingness to donate for the great cause.

Please communicate privately.



From: pinheiro

Carmen, I will send you my contribution of Rs 10K in favor of Goa 
Foundation  via Goa thru my acquaintance whom you had already met few 
days back.


Agnelo Pinheiro/Dubai

From: Carmen Miranda

Dear All,
Time is running out. When I decided to engage with you all on this issue 
of raising funds for urgent activities that need to be funded 
immediately in Goa, I was expecting some positive reactions and 
immediate action.

The pressure on the mining industry is mounting in an organised and 
systematic manner and we are making progress. I am working hard during 
my stay in Goa to mobilise people and resources, but your urgent help is 
required immediatly. The time is rype to strike hard and make a 
difference. Opportunities like this don't come about very often.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Pious Outrage over Commonwealth Games Shame (Madhu Kishwar, Manushi)

2010-10-02 Thread Joao Paulo Cota

Dear Prof Kishwar,

Many thanks for your absolutely superb and well researched article.
It is obvious that most people share your view on India's way of life, 
as documented by you.

I have no doubts that however rich India might be someday, it will 
never, ever, ever be at par with any Western nation in terms of quality 
of life.

In the time I lived in Goa, fully 'Indinized' now, I have never found 
any aspect of life where corruption was not involved. That was not the 
case under Portuguese rule. Even on the day I have returned back to 
Europe, I had to pay a police clearance certificate, and I was asked by 
the non-Goan Goa Police desk clerk if I could add a 20 rupee note (some 
pocket money in 1994) to the 5 rupees fee! To that, I have just replied 
that when I would return to visit Goa, I would definitely get him some 
bubblegum. To which he nodded happily!

As the rich get richer and more powerful, as the police and government 
departments get more greedy, corruption will never be stamped out as 
without it, these so called 'leaders' would never be in their 'richie 
league' and would just be nobodys - like the vast illiterate people who 
elect them to power. Many times, many of these are paid to exercise 
their 'democratic' right!

Sad, such a huge nation with endless resources to make it amongst the 
league of great nations... but as corruption will never be stamped out, 
it is doomed to be just another nation where it might throw in their 
weight in world issues, but will never call the shots and pride itself 
in being a place anyone would be happy to live in. A place where the 
rich would not care if they have to bulldoze a few slums to make way for 
a nice garden... overlooking yet more slums!

Kind regards,
Joao Paulo Cota

"The more you know, the less you know, because the more you know you 
don't know". --M. Lin

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] Doce de Grão (gram sweet)

2010-10-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
An interesting debate on Doce de Grão (gram sweet).

Doce de grao - Goan cuisine: I've made an Indian Goan sweet called
Doce de grao for quite a few years. It has its roots in the Goan
Portuguese heritage. It is like a fudge, made with chana dal (grao),
coconuts, sugar etc. Since I dont know any Portuguese myself, I was
wondering what "doce" means and if it refers to some method of
preparation, as in, are there "doces" made with other ingredients.
Also, does such a dish exist in Portuguese cuisine? -- Shalini Bhalla

Looks like a simple enough recipe here:

Which makes one wonder whether the retail price @ Rs 35 per quarter
kilo at the Mapusa market isn't just overpriced. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] SOGLLEANK NOMOSKAR staged in Doha, Qatar

2010-10-02 Thread Doha Goans Sports Club
Doha - A portion of the objective and aspiration of the recently revived
DOHA GOANS SPORTS CLUB was realized on staging their maiden show in Konkani
(tiatr)“ SOGLLEANK NOMOSKAR “ at the Al Ghazal Club on Friday, 24th
September 2010.
The 19-members troupe which arrived from Goa performed meticulously and
displayed enormous skills of superb acting and singing accompanied by
colossal humour and comedy with a moral, all of which kept the 800 Konkani
loving spectators spell bound during the 4-hours entertainment program.
The program which was selected and executed by the club’s P.R.O. & director
of Cultural & Social Affairs, Mr. Mauricio Pereira, along with the club’s
Committee Members, commenced with the unveiling of the club’s banner with
logo by Rev. Fr. Anand Castelino who was also the chief guest.  That was a
touching moment for many Goan residents who well remembered the good old
times when the club had excelled in conducting various Social, Cultural and
Sports events.  Fr. Anand spoke on the need to preserve love and unity in
the community and underlined the importance of keeping alive the Konkani
The President, Mr. Ambrosio Dias, in his welcome address briefly explained
the need of reviving DOHA GOANS SPORTS CLUB which, under circumstances, was
forced into silent mode and lamented over the deprivation of the Goan
Community of leisure diversions since 2003.
During the show, DOHA GOANS SPORTS CLUB, introduced A Benevolent Fund for
the benefit of the not so fortunate members of their community, distributed
prizes to lucky winners and announced future Social, Cultural and Sports
The very fact that the spectators were still sitting when the final curtain
went down only spoke of the total enjoyment of the show organized by DOHA

[Goanet] Goa government is protecting illegal mining, says Church

2010-10-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
The Church in Goa has accused the Congress-led government in the state of
protecting illegal mining activity.

In a message to the parishioners on the eve of Social Apostolate Day, two
wings of the Church, Council for Social Justice and Peace (CSJP) and
Caritas, today said the inability to stop illegal mining reflects poorly on
quality of governance in the coastal state.

"Should not the government have taken immediate steps to stop illicit mining
activities? If this is not bad Governance, what else is? Goans, awaken and
together save our hills, our forests, the `aam admi' of those areas and rest
of us!" read the message titled `Environmental Value of Biodiversity - a
Common Responsibility'.

CSJP executive secretary Maverick Fernandes and Caritas director Valerino
Vaz have prepared the message.

"Illegal mining of iron ore is rapidly destroying Goa. But politicians are
blind to the reality that traditional occupations are ceasing to exist."

"Statements by politicians, that this industry provides jobs to a large
number of people and hence must be permitted to prosper, reveal how little
those in power are concerned about the environmental destruction and
pollution, the message said.

According to the government figures, 18% of mining exports from Goa are


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Konkani CD "Gheyat, Punn Diyat" by Kuwait-based Bab Andrew

2010-10-02 Thread Goa World

Konkani CD "Gheyat, Punn Diyat"

The well renowned Bab Andrew proudly presents to you, his fourth Konkani 
album “Gheyat, Punn Diyat”. The music album which was earlier released 
in Qatar and Bahrain has catchy tracks by well known Bab Andrew, Andrea, 
and Andson, Aaron. They are well supported by Albert Cabral, Marcus Vaz, 
Francis de Tuem, Tony de Ribandar, Alias & Tommy(Jr Nelson). It is well 
knitted with good solos, duets, duos, Trios, and a well sung Chouko by 
the family.

In the opening song Bab Andrew tells us about the consequences we face 
we we don’t return our debts in time. A well sung solo which also 
suggest us to save something for our unseen difficult times instead of 
enjoying our life. The second song is by Marcus Vaz who brilliantly come 
out with the importance of wearing a rosary and a scapular, which is 
rarely worn by the people in thes modern times. The third is a 
Albert-Andrew duo that sings highly about the priests and the sacrifice 
the make for the society and instead of appreciating that some people 
just makes a mole out of an anthill and depicts them as a nuisance in 
the same society. A very catchy tune and great lyrics. Then there is 
beautifully rendered solo by Andrea on ‘Niddukai’. Then come Francis de 
Tuem with his typical style. Here he sings about the malpractices at the 
“Fatorda Stadium”. Bab Andrew sings “Fokannam” with his daughter Andrea 
and his two sons - Andson and Aaron. A humorous 'chouko' by the family 
which is very rare these days. Further to that Tony de Ribandar sings a 
well knitted solo “Bogsonnem” wherein he sings about the care we should 
take while we discipline our children. Great lyrics indeed. Then come a 
duet with Andrea which highlights the importance of marriage vows taken 
on the wedding day. Alias renders a solo “Fotkiro” on the hardships 
faced by a people who stands as surety for others in need and ends up 
paying the debt themselves. Once again Albert-Andrew comes out with the 
religious values in the duo “Miss” demonstrate there is nothing more 
holy than the holy mass. In his song “Fond Vikinaka” Tommy (Jr. Nelson) 
speaks about the recent trend of buying the grave in the cemetery. And 
goes on to say that if everybody does this all our cemeteries will fall 
short and there will no place left for all of us. And finally the last 
song is a political trio sung by Bab Andrew-Albert-Tony de Ribandar. The 
music is superbly composed by Norman Cardozo and this Album is recorded 
at “Audio Masters” by Aurville Rodricks. His three previous released 
(VCD) were well received by the audience. And this album too is a must 
for all household.

[Review by Mickey Fernandes]


[Goanet] Acute Pain Is Eased With the Touch of a Hand, Study Shows.

2010-10-02 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Acute Pain Is Eased With the Touch of a
Hand, Study Shows.


This is for the benefit of Goanetters  on facts of Science, and to 
differentiate the truth
from falsehood  for the good of oneself.


Please note the date of publication.









Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do??

2010-10-02 Thread pinheiro
It looks like all Goan Guns have fallen silent. It is typical of Goans 
when someone comes with a monetary request we exit from the back door? 
It is true we want others to win our battles and that too for FREE. 
It's not just enough to beat chest and but must have courage to dig our 
pockets too.

Carmen, I will send you my contribution of Rs 10K in favor of Goa 
Foundation  via Goa thru my acquaintance whom you had already met few 
days back.


Agnelo Pinheiro/Dubai

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Pious Outrage over Commonwealth Games Shame (Madhu Kishwar, Manushi)

2010-10-02 Thread AF

WOW!!!... telling it like it really is!! read on:..

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet Reader"

Pious Outrage over Commonwealth Games Shame
Case of National Pride or Bruised Vanity?

By Madhu Purnima Kishwar

It is hard to comprehend why our national media is displaying
so much shock and outrage with banner headlines like
"Commonwealth Games, India's Shame", as if something
extraordinary has happened in India.

[Goanet] OPINION: The verdict on Ayodhya: a historian's perspective (Romila Thapar, The Hindu)

2010-10-02 Thread augusto pinto
I think that Romila Thapar is absolutely right when she says in


"The verdict is a political judgment and reflects a decision which
could as well have been taken by the state years ago." In fact if at
all some political action had to be taken it ought to have been to
simply avoid avoid the religious minefields and acquire the land for a
sensible humanitarian purpose such as to build a good hospital.

She may also be eerily prescient when she states,"The verdict has
created a precedent in the court of law that land can be claimed by
declaring it to be the birthplace of a divine or semi-divine being
worshipped by a group that defines itself as a community. There will
now be many such janmasthans wherever appropriate property can be
found or a required dispute manufactured. Since the deliberate
destruction of historical monuments has not been condemned what is to
stop people from continuing to destroy others?"

While many welcome the judgement as an opportunity I too have a
feeling that it may open a Pandora's box filled with religious



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

Re: [Goanet] Ayodhya verdict

2010-10-02 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Under "Goanet News Reader" a certain admin has been posting 
tracts by well known Marxists trying to discredit the verdict.  No points
for guessing who it is.  O the joy!

A friend of mine well versed in Indian history, Tamil as well as
Sanskrit sent me the following email this morning (by the way, 'historian'
Romila Thapar does not know squat about Sanskrit yet claims
to be an 'expert' on ancient India.  Marxists can be quite funny
at times).

A Tamil newspaper here published excerpts from the archaeological
findings at Ayodhya (dig was done in 2003, at the behest of the
court).  Fascinating.  I wish they do a full blown excavation there.
Accdg to the ASI report, the place has been inhabited continuously for
more than 2000 years. The dig found layers going back to early BC,
Gupta and medieval periods (11-12).  I wish someone makes a movie.

p.s. "The Hindu" dismissed the whole body of arch. evidence by a
single word - "tainted". Tainted by what I wonder?

p.p.s. Irfan Habib and R. Thapar lament that the court placed too much
emphasis on archaeology. Are these people deluded or am I too naive?



Re: [Goanet] Tell Me About Sarto Esteves.

2010-10-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 2 October 2010 11:32, augusto pinto  wrote:

> Carvalho" elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote to me on the topic 'Tell Me
> About Sarto Esteves':
> "Dear Augusto,
> ...  On another note, I understand that quite a few Goan men studied
> in Germany just prior to Liberation. I was wondering if anyone has
> information on which (perhaps medical/pharmacy) colleges they might
> have attended and also information on
> political views they might have formed while in Germany.
> Best,
> selma"

RESPONSE: Madam Cardoso,

My Mum's first cousin a   XXX Camara went to study in Dresden ( East
Germany) He got married there and died there. Obviously even Communist E.
Germany then was better than Goa? May I point out that this was during the
Portuguese rule.


> Dears
> ...I should say, as my fellow Moidekar Floriano
> Lobo might testify - see -
> http://www.mail-archive.com/goa...@goanet.org/msg39519.html
> Augusto
> --

COMMENT: Now let me see, ahmm, yes this was on Goanet umpteen times, about
how the man overcame all the protests - about noise pollution and what have

Your fellow Moidekar is a very nice person indeed - he thinks the World of
you, not that long ago, he informed me that I should be kind to Moidekars -
that I should keep myself on the right (Correct) side of you - lest I should
be open to a barage unthinkable!


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Has this Goan Got a Point OR are we forever whistling in the Goan Wind as we constantly do??

2010-10-02 Thread soter
Whose points got sharpened after the 'Save Goa' agitation of 2007 is well known 
and is there for every goan to see. Whose point will now get sharpened in 2011 
through this anti-corruption campaign is also predictable. 
The possibility of an early assembly election anywhere after January 2011 
requires some hysteria and mob frenzy to be whipped up to get unsuspecting 
Goans whistling till the ballot is cast. Thereafter the refrain will aimlessly 
be let to blow in the wind like the 'Goa Bachao'. 
Looks like this anti-corruption hysteria in the run up to the Assembly polls is 
among the latest tongue ticklers to the unsuspecting goan pallate for assembly 
polls 2011 from the veteran chefs in saraswat cuisine. The recipes for 'Greater 
Goa' and ' Special Status will also be tested out. 
Let us wait and watch which one sticks.


[Goanet] Europe and Inquisition (6)

2010-10-02 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
I hope my Hindu brethren reading the prior post were able to follow the 
fundamental  religious issues in the Catholic Reformation. I am finding some of 
these basic issues interesting; though after a time, this supurlo goenkar 
is lost in the "scholastic theology" of the Church and the "95 Theses" of 
and others.   Many of the differences could / would have been resolved if 
others, especially the powerful segments of society, had not used, exacerbated 
and exaggerated the religious schism as a tool to achieve their own 
political-economic agendas.  

Those interested in these religious / theological issues may want to read the 
writings of (recent) Blessed / Cardinal John Newman who was a religious Oxford 
academic in the (Anglican) Church of England. He left it, converted to 
Catholicism and became a Cardinal in the Catholic Church. Some may find his 
dissertations about theological and philosophical concepts interesting. The 
some, are those that are able to "read, understand and digest" the language of 
religion. No disrespect intended. I am the first to admit my limited 
understanding  of Cardinal Newman's writings.

Part II: Protestant Reformation as a political movement:  

There were two developments providing political impetus to Reformation:
1. A national consciousness in northern Europe.
2. Rise of the absolute monarchs.

The people and the rulers of Europe (specially north) increasingly viewed the 
Church as synonymous with Rome and Italy.  At all levels of society, Europeans 
felt that through the Church they were in effect an Italian colony; which 
deprived them of their freedoms; were a drain on their economic resources and 
national treasury.  Quoting from Western Civilizations:  "No ruling despot 
be expected to tolerate long the influence of religion from his sphere of 
control.  The ruler could not be a despot so long as there was a 
double jurisdiction within his realm.  The ambition of secular princes to 
establish churches under their own control was a primary cause of mounting 
antagonism towards Rome."  

One by one, all European royalties sought whatever excuse and mechanism to 
reduce / eliminate the power of the pope in their domain; without alienating 
their subjects.  Europe was a chess game; in which Machiavelli's (1469-1527) 
playbook was the operating manual. 

With increasing trade and riches from colonies, European kings became 
all-powerful. They built more ships for trade, navies and armies to protect and 
expand their domain. Kings built multiple sprawling castles  and royal 
residencies, across their kingdom to show their presence across their  
territory. The fortified royal residencies had their unique charms with 
individual architecture, attractions and decor. These made each one an envy 
of contemporary or future kings; encouraging even more lavish buildings.  Here 
the royals lived in luxury and imprisoned their adversaries.  My prior posts on 
Goanet described the condition of prisons and the type of physical punishments 
netted out in the period of "Early Modern History" both in European and Indian 
kingdoms. Please refer to the archives.

The kings made themselves richer by expropriating land and wealth from the 
church, monasteries and abbeys; as well as other adversaries, small feudal 
land-owners and sometimes other countries as in England conquering Scotland 
(Union of Crowns 1603). Many religious institutions were closed and buildings 
physically destroyed. With little scruples, kings, those associated 
with royalty, their heir-lings, and merchant-families amassed wealth. 

The austere fortified defensive castles of medieval Europe gave way 
to residential castles, hunting lodges, stately homes and Mac-Mansions 
decorated with elegant courtyards and embellished with towers, turrets, 
medallions, pilasters and massive interior and exterior sculptural decorations 
similar to the just-passed Renaissance period.  

In addition, there were residences of the noblemen and high appointed and 
elected officials of the realm a.k.a. dukes, princes, earls, barons, 
lords, courtiers, minstrels. Even the king's mistresses had her castle.  Their 
drawing-rooms and bedrooms "had to be fit for a king". And everybody dream was 
to entertain royalty.  Religious grandeur and art was replaced with secular 
grandeur and art.  Instead of the churches and abbeys, the kings became the 
driver of domestic economy and employment. 

There were no schools, hospitals. In each country, there were private tutoring 
and a few budding universities promoting liberal arts and philosophy in the 
major cities, for the upper class.  This changed with the Counter Reformation; 
which will be discussed under part IV

Many historical buildings, built over the ages, dotted across Europe. Most had 
to be rebuilt after being bombed in World War II.  Some are now converted to 
museums. Those not in ruins are tourist attractions.  Those (me included) who 
have visited these palaces 

[Goanet] Pious Outrage over CWG

2010-10-02 Thread E DeSousa
Many years ago when I went to school at the College of Engineering in 
Shivajinagar Poona, it became apparent to me  that one of the main causes of 
Indian conundrum of " very clean in our homes but unbearably dirty on the 
outside" was the fact that the cleanliness of our environment has been 
to the "lower caste" poor people who mostly  live in squalor themselves, but 
expected to deliver to  a much higher standard, with minimum resources. 
In India the proper priority has not been assigned to this very real human need.
When you think about it, a tremendous amount of economic activity can be 
generated by waste management, recycling,sewage treatment, landscaping, 
cleaning, painting and all that is involved in creating a healthy environment. 
So it would be a win win proposal. A clean environment and lots of jobs.

At the last CWG in Melbourne in 2006 India secured a 5th place , way behind the 
1st place at-home-Aussies who kept most of the hardware. This time, 
are expected.

Yebab in Michigan.

[Goanet] Happy Birthday to Bapu

2010-10-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
Happy Birthday to Bapu,



Rag Ghat


Every year, we get holiday today.
So that we can enjoy with our family and friends 
Dry Day - What type of enjoyment is this?
We are celebrating the birth and not the death
In Goa, we even celebrate death with all type of meat, fish, booze etc
Bapu, please put some senses into our law making babus.


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Neglected Heritage Structure by the Army?

2010-10-02 Thread JoeGoaUk

Neglected Heritage Structure by the Army?
It seems, a small part of it is collapsed, some debris noticed.
(Photography not allowed, could not take better one)
It also appears that, the area or the structure is underutilized.
Perhaps, they don’t need it (they have one next to HQ used 
as vehicle park or garage)
CCP should claim it back and put the space for better use.
Opp Panjim Police Station
Next to Pick-up stand
btw, are these structures/buildings as old as the HQ building?


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Vikram Seth Novel. . .

2010-10-02 Thread Dan Driscoll
Am asked to participate in an interesting literary exercise, to happen 
tomorrow (Sunday Oct 3rd @ Kala Academy beginning at 4 PM. A young lady 
doctoral candidate (English Lit, Delhi U.) beomes involved in 'literary 
workshops', and asks me to be the lectern reader of selected excerpts.

Tomorrow's subject is Vikram Seth's An Equal Music. I had read two of Seth's 
books (Two Lives & Golden Gate), but missed out on this one, published by 
Penguin (India) in '99. It surely is a really fine work of fiction. Reader 
is brought into the inner sanctum of great music performance.

Would appreciate seeing more about what people are reading. Right now I'm 
halfway through The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett; a really great 

Re: [Goanet] Announcement: 10.10.10

2010-10-02 Thread Pandu Lampiao
Ah, Irmao Jo,

I tot you were inviting everyone to the likely first appearance
(glimpse really) of Joe-Goa-UK on a most recent video posted on the
GoiNet...just a small glimpse (a la Hitchcock) ! Now the tiatrists
will get busymaybe the next big release will be titled "Woh Jo
Goiekar Ko-oun?"

As I focus on your fotu, I am a litle weak in the legs after I see the
bottle of Cointreau in your foto re.
Sarkem, kaadiz kop-kop zata!

That brings me to tasting and all: I know there are creepy padres
lurking around (its their right to be here)has anyone tasted the
Goa church wine? Pretty interesting I say...though a little muddy like
yesterdays chao (chaai).and enough to get you 'nice and happy'
even in the morning if you know what I mean. Apparently, this wine is
made for the church HQ in Altinho (does anyone know who makes it?) and
distribute to churches in Goi.

Apologies, this privilege is not for lesser mortals; one has to have
connections with the 'sakistao' or least know where the keys to the
'box' are hidden. Its quiet a sport and adventure, this wine tasting!

Just a tip- its best not to loiter around after you have had a
bitand don't forget to leave a 'goont' for the next 'mees', just
in case!

GoaUk  wrote:
> Announcement:
> This is rather a reminder than announcement.
> Champagnes will start flowing  exactly at 10.10 on 10.10.10
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra2/5043289745/sizes/l/
> Will definitely not see this again  in my or your lifetime.
> So, let’s make it big.
> Disclaimer:
> Just because you got this in you inbox, that doesn’t automatically
> make you an approved invitee.
> You will have to first apply with list of offerings (if any),
> prescribed fees*  and wait for approval.
> If  you did not hear from the selection committee within 24hrs,
> please assume you were not so lucky  this time.
> Here is a selection from JoeGoaUk’s Vintage Cellar/Bar
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra2/5043914700/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra2/5043289521/sizes/l/
> Whiskies
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra2/5043891906/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra2/5043266061/sizes/l/
> Brandies, Cognac, Vodka, Rum, Gin, Port  and Liqueurs
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra2/5043277559/sizes/l/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextra2/5043277289/sizes/l/
> * In order to make it more memorable (and my age), each applicant
> must enclose a DD for 63GBP or equivalent  (non-refundable).
> See you there.  Doors open at  9 till 9.
> Bring your own champagne, Indian brands fine.
> joego...@yahoo.co.uk

Re: [Goanet] Tell Me About Sarto Esteves.

2010-10-02 Thread augusto pinto
"Carvalho" elisabeth_...@yahoo.com  wrote:

"Dear Augusto,
Your extract from Sarto Esteves roused my curiosity and so I checked to see what
the British Central Library had on offer. Sarto has also published the

- Freedom to build not destroy - attack on Christians and their institutions
- Goa and its future
- Nationalism, secularism and communalism (1996)
- Politics and political leadership in Goa (1986)
- Prospects of Indian democracy (1979)
It seems Sarto continued to write only we Goans don't seem to be too familiar
with his writing, although I had come across an article by him on Goan

Sarto, (as Marshall informed us) is still alive in Bombay and it would be
wonderful if we could interview him and get his views on the years just before
liberation and his views on Goa, 50 years hence.

Sometime ago, you advised me to track GIP's family in Weymouth, England. I did
manage to track them down, thanks to the good offices of Manahor Shetty and
Devika Sequiera. But they were willing to talk to me only off the record. For
reasons which they did not go into.

I have come across this many times before. Joao Cabral who passed away recently
suffered dementia in his later years. He was instrumental in setting up the Goa
League in London in the 1950s. I was sorry to have never met him but I did
interview Anthony Remedios who was Secretary of the Goa League. He gave me the
impression that both he and Joao would rather forget about those days. It
happened so long ago he said. When Joao passed away no mention was made in the
papers of his part in the freedom struggle, which was odd because just days
prior to that when Eclito D'Souza from Assolna passed away, he did get a solid
salutation in the papers about his role in the freedom struggle in Kenya.

Sometimes I understand this reticence on the part of some Goans to retreat into
the oblivion of silence. Perhaps their causes were not popular, perhaps their
views were too controversial, perhaps history did not accord them their dues.
For whatever reason they have retreated into silence, I think we should coax
them out of it and preserve what we can of their views through interviews and

I think the time has come for us to seriously start a sound and video archive."

COMMENT: What Selma suggests here is something that needs urgently to
be done. However who will do it? For to go to Mumbai and search Mr
Esteves and interview him needs time and resources.

Maybe FN with his journalistic contacts and his obvious interest in
the area is a hope. As for institutions XCHR in Goa along with their
fellow Jesuit Institutions like the Heras Institute of Indian History
and Culture in Mumbai may be interested.

But if anyone of you knows anything do please volunteer with
information. If the address of Sarto Esteves is known then that would
be a start.

And Selma's call for the need to document information is becoming
imperative. Apart from information about people I find that even
words, practices, rituals and so on, which were commonplace when I was
young, and I am not that old yet, are now completely obsolete. When
was the last time you saw people carrying a statue in a procession
through the village to beg St. Anthony for rain, singing  ... Sant
Anton manchea bhattan, paus ghal amchea xhettant; Sant Anton Virgo,
Iskollacho bhurgo ... ;-)  I doubt you will see such a procession ever
again, for who wants rains for fields? Obviously when we eagerly wait
for the day when we can convert those fields into buildings why would
we want to remember this charming ritual?

For this reason joegoauk who I berate for remaining anonymous, I also
praise - for doing an excellent job recording what will soon be



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Announcement: 10.10.10

2010-10-02 Thread JoeGoaUk


This is rather a reminder than announcement.
Champagnes will start flowing  exactly at 10.10 on 10.10.10
Will definitely not see this again  in my or your lifetime.

So, let’s make it big. 
Just because you got this in you inbox, that doesn’t automatically 
make you an approved invitee.  
You will have to first apply with list of offerings (if any), 
prescribed fees*  and wait for approval.
If  you did not hear from the selection committee within 24hrs, 
please assume you were not so lucky  this time.

Here is a selection from JoeGoaUk’s Vintage Cellar/Bar


Brandies, Cognac, Vodka, Rum, Gin, Port  and Liqueurs 

* In order to make it more memorable (and my age), each applicant
must enclose a DD for 63GBP or equivalent  (non-refundable).
See you there.  Doors open at  9 till 9.
Bring your own champagne, Indian brands fine.


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] The Nobody Everybody Knows

2010-10-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 2 October 2010 04:24, Joao Barros-Pereira wrote:

> The Nobody Everybody Knows. Yes, some wag said that about God the other
> day.
> I disagree, GOD is a DOG from hell! People are willing to kill or die for
> their beliefs about God -

RESPONSE: So you believe that GOD is a DOG - no wonder Dogs are given first
class treatment in India. You also believe in Hell, hmmm.

> Were they praying to the
> same God? How do they manage it? Does the Pope say, Lord, as you know, I am
> your humble representative and Head of the True Christian Church and 
> Does the Archbishop say, Lord, don't listen to
> this impostor and charlatan. As you know, I am ... What fun!
> And then, of course, there were the cheer leaders. The holy priests? or
> very, very, holy bishops, all dressed up in red and white. I liked that a
> lot! Lots and lots of Santa Claus's all in one place and time. Great fun!
> Thank you very much for the entertainment.

COMMENT: I am so glad you were entertained, the way you describe; most of us
here had a different kind of entertainment.  We were jubilant and ecstatic.

Lastly, you have a right to disbelieve in GOD, you don't have the right to
ridicule the rest of us who do beleive. Just as well you are not in the
Middle East, you would have suffered a thousand cuts!


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fwd: You too Judiciary?

2010-10-02 Thread Elvino Rodrigues
-- Forwarded message --
From: Elvino Rodrigues 
Date: Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:54 PM
Subject: RE: You too Judiciary?
To: Editor OHERALDO 

21st September, 2010

The Editor,


Panjim, Goa.


RE: You too Judiciary?

Further to letter of Lt.Col (Retired) Ranjit Sina, Herald 20 Sep on News
item of Herald 17 Sep regarding “18 Former CJIs corrupt”,  I was under the
same impression that CJIs are the only non corrupt personalities in India
where citizens will get the right justice despite the heavily corrupt
political  interference and favouritism.  But there is also another
impression going by now a days system that why not CJIs may be corrupt given
the understanding that CJIs are chosen/nominated professionals from SC, HC,
SC Judges and Lawyers profession?  It is anybody’s guess what kind of
Lawyers we have now a days fighting the legal cases!

There is no proper justice any more to this profession as it went corrupt
just like the politicians and elected ones.

God only save us from this tragedy.


Elvino Rodrigues.


Salcete Goa.

[Goanet] COLUMN: The M V River Princess saga

2010-10-02 Thread Salus Correia
Such a lot is being written on the subject in the local papers, and also on
Goanet.  What a waste of everybody's time.

Every maritime vessel is covered by insurance, and it is a well known fact
that international salvage teams rush to be in the queue to get a contract
to salvage any vessel that has either run aground or even gone under.
Insurance companies like Lloyds, etc even go to the extent of offering the
salvage job on a 'no cure, no pay' basis.

So what has happened with the River Princess?  Well, the ruling Government
at the time made a big mistake of interfering in the whole affair.
Confiscating the vessel was something that never should have been done.  The
owner of the vessel must have already got his compensation, and is having a
good laugh, while the government officials are playing their usual game of
corruption to see who can get the biggest cut of the cake.

Caught in this confusion are the poor people living on the coastal belt, and
our beloved state of Goa.  

Time for the present government to step in and do something about it.  Or
maybe the High court should intervene and dispose off the vessel at the
earliest thus putting every one out of their misery.

Re: [Goanet] Tell Me About Sarto Esteves.

2010-10-02 Thread augusto pinto
Carvalho" elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote to me on the topic 'Tell Me
About Sarto Esteves':

"Dear Augusto,
...  On another note, I understand that quite a few Goan men studied
in Germany just prior to Liberation. I was wondering if anyone has
information on which (perhaps medical/pharmacy) colleges they might
have attended and also information on
political views they might have formed while in Germany.



I replied privately to this mail earlier to Selma and I believe Selma
has moved on, but if  anyone else is interested, there is neighbour of
mime who is involved in producing Goan handicrafts, after importing a
ton of equipment from Canada named Manuel Caldeira. and a very
interesting one he is, I should say, as my fellow Moidekar Floriano
Lobo might testify - see -

He was from Goa - I think a Gaonkar of Merces, and talks Saxtti. He
studied engineering in Germany, went to Canada and then relocated
himself in Moira after buying the house of Agnes Pinto in Novo

He might know about pre-Liberation Goan emigration to Germany.  I
would say he is around  60' to 70 years of age.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] SON’VARCHIM SUNGTTAM: ‘AMCHO AVAZ’ - Jose Salvador Fernandes

2010-10-02 Thread Goa-World.com

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)®  www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/   

http://www.looxcie.com/ www.konkanifilmbook.com
 Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani 
uloi, boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 

- Jose Salvador Fernandes 

Avaz! Amcho! Kherit bhaxen Konknni mon’xancho. Mukhelponnan Konknni mon’xam 
khatir. Ani viprit ritin Konknni mon’xamni kelolo avaz. Mhonnche, xevttim 
Gõykarancho avaz. Vegllea utramni amcho avaz!

Hoi! Anik thoddeach satolleamni, Konknniche Romi lipentlean ‘AMCHO AVAZ’ 
nanvachem disallem-potr (daily paper) suru zavpachem asa. Itlo kall, Konknniche 
Romi lipientlean ek disallem uzvadda yevchem oxem, oso kherit bhaxen Romi 
lipientlean Konknni jiti-jivi dovorlolea sogott Gõykarancho mona pasun anvddo 
aslo. To atam xarti pavtolo. Hacho orth, hache poilim Konknniche Romi 
lipientlean ek-ui disallem uzvadd yevnk na oxem nhoi. 1907 vorsa SANJECHEM 
NOKHETR hem Konknniche Romi lipientlean uzvadda ailolem poilem-voilem disallem 
aslem. Tea uprant Novem Goem, Goencho Avaz hea nanvanchim disallim uzvadda 
yevn, tannim Romi lipientlea Konknni vachpeanchea monachi dispott’tti tan-bhuk 
marlea. Punn uprant, na-na torechea addkhollinchea fatrank lagun tim disallim, 
disallim mhunn fuddem uzvadda yevnk pavlim nant. 

Atam khub kallan oxem, Konknniche Romi lipientlean anik ek disallem uzvadda 
yeta –‘AMCHO AVAZ.’ Khorem mhollear, Konknniche Romi lipentlea mon’xancho avaz 
gazovpak ani aikopak oslea disalleachi borich goroz asli. Ti goroz atam hem 
novem disallem chalik lagona borabor bagtoli. Itlench nhoi, tor hea disallea 
udexim Konknni potrokaritent-ui mol-mhotvachi bhor poddtoli, vangdda Romi 
lipientlean Konknni bhaxechim pallam-mullam ghott-mozbut zatolim ani tem 
disallem Gõykarnchi osmitay ani vollok mhunn fuddem sortolem. 

Konknni bhaxecho itihas ustun pollelear, Gõychi ani Gõykaranchi osmitay 
rakun-samballun dovorpacho bhouch mol-mhotvacho vavr kelo to Konknni 
potrokariten mhunn disun yeta. 

Konknni potrokarita 2 Fevrer,1892 vorsa, UDENTECHEM SALLOK hea neamalleantlean 
suru zali. Hem nemallem dor mhoineak ek pavtt uzvadda yetalem. Fuddem vocgun 
tem pondrallem zalem. 1894 vorsa hem ppondrallem bond poddlea uprant, 
Konknnintlim ani Konknniche Romi lipiecho bhag aslolim sabar Purtugez ani 
Inglez nemallim uzvadda ailim. O Concani, A Luz, O Luso-Concanim, O Liberal, O 
Goano, Tribuna, Porjecho Avaz, A Lua, Catholic Sovostkai, Dor Mhoineachi Rotti, 
The Popular Magazine, Ave Maria, The Goa Mail, O Amigo do Povo, Konkani 
Boletim, A Tribuna , Gulistan , Defensor do Povo, Amcho Sounsar, Amcho Gao, The 
Goan Herald, Niz Bhavarti, The Goa Times, A Voz do Goano, Porjecho Adhar, The 
Goan’s Own Magazine, Vavraddeancho Ixtt, Novem Goem, Gõykar, Gulab, The Goan 
Review, Konkonn Divo, adi. oxea sabar nemalleancho tantum aspav zata. Oxe he 
Konknni potrokaritentlean Romi lipientlo Konknni monis apli bhas samballit 
fuddem sorla.

Khobram-potr hem khobro divpi bhou purvilem madeom. Hea madeomacho TV-k ani 
reddiok khub faido zata. Aiz jeo TV-cher, khobram chenolancher vo reddiocher 
jeo khobro vitraytat, teo poylim borovn kaddtat ani uprant vhoddlean vachun 
aikopeam khatir vitraytat. Punn hea khobrantlean, aikopeank jitli-i te-te 
khobrechi barik-sarik mahiti zai ti vellache moryadik lagun khubuch pavtti 
diloli nasta. Punn ti khobram-potrancher mat purayponnim vachunk melltat. 
Xiklole porjek khuim khobram-potram him khobrechi mukhel zhor asta. Tea khatir, 
khobram-potrank ek visvaxi vachpi asta. 

Aiz sonvsarant, Bharotant ani Gõyant legit jem kitem ghoddta tem aiche 
sudarlole teknolojik lagun ami aiche aiz zann zavpak pavtat. Aiz ghoddloleo 
gozali jeo faleam khobram-potrancher uzvadda yetoleo teo News Chenolam udexim 
aiche aizuch kollta. Torui astana, oxe fattbhuyecher aiz-kal khobram-potrank 
khuinch mar boslolo disona. Adim hea madeomak jem mol aslem tem aiz-ui asa. Oxe 
poristhitint, Konknniche Romi lipientlean ‘AMCHO AVAZ’ hea disalleantlean, atam 
Konknni potrokaritek odik dhar ani ek vegllem moddon yevpachi vatt toyar zata. 

Itlo kall, mona-kallzantlean Romi lipentlea Konknni mon’xak Romi lipientlean ek 
disallem zolmak yevchem mhunn axetale ani anvddetale. ‘AMCHO AVAZ’ 
disalleantlean tachi hi axa ani anvdde atam xarti pavtele. Tache he anvdde-axa 
xarti pavoita-pavoita hem disallem dubav na Konknni potrokaritechea mollar 
mol-mhotvachi bhor ghaltelem. Tech khatir, dor eka Gõykaran ani konknnean hea 
disalleak aitea monan-kallzan yevkar divnk favo.


[Goanet] Farar Far

2010-10-02 Thread augusto pinto
Once in a way I repent for my sin of buying books which I simply throw
into a bookshelf to be left there forlorn and abandoned - by actually
picking one up and browsing through it. If it is boring II read a few
pages and fling it back into obscurity.

My current victim is Farar Far: Local Resistance to Colonial Hegemony
in Goa 1510 - 1922 by Pratima Kamat.

Dr Pratima Kamat - although I never spoke to her, I remember admiring
her, when I was an over-aged student of Goa University when she was a
young lecturer, and she used to dashingly zoom past my allegedly
faster Yamaha RX 100 on her allegedly plebeian Hero Honda bike.  If
I'm not mistaken she is now the Head of the History Department of Goa

However I am not sure why I did not read her book; Farar Far: Local
Resistance to Colonial Hegemony in Goa 1510 - 1922., Institute Menezes
Braganza, Panaji, Goa, 1999.

Probably it was the title that had put me off: 'hegemony' is a word
which like 'deconstruction' and 'abyss' and 'anomie' ...  suggests to
me that the writer wants to say s/he is familiar with the latest
jargon ridden academic nonsense and wants to add his/her idiocy to it.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised that it was written in a very
readable way and packed with  a minefield of controversial
propositions which are very well researched.  Probably the book would
have benefited from better editing, in particular better structuring
of the narrative,  and certainly would have profited from better

She writes about a series of revolts against the Portuguese by Goans
such as the fight of the Cunkollkars; the fiery Bishop Mateus de
Castro Mahale; the Pinto Conspiracy; the Rane Uprising ...

A fascinating book. Wonder if others would like to comment upon this work...


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Ayodhya

2010-10-02 Thread Charudatt Prabhudesai

 Blog by Arun: Democracy, not a mosque, the prize at Ayodhya T K Arun 
Thursday September 23, 
2010, 11:56 AM



 courts cannot settle the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute, only politics can. 
And this is not a question 
of striking some compromise between rival 
litigants in the title suits over the piece of land on which 
the Babri 
mosque stood till December 6, 1992 and which many Hindus believe to be 
the birth place 
of Lord Ram. Nor is it a question of some religious or 
political leaders deciding to bury the hatchet.
 solution to a dispute like this one lies in more robust democracy, and 
building that is a protracted 
business. The response of the mainstream 
political parties and of the Muslim community should be 
designed to 
strengthen the process of building democracy, not to disrupt it.
 rights of India’s minorities are best protected by reinforcing 
democracy, not by patronage of one 
political party or another. Leaders 
of the Muslim community should refuse to accept the profuse, 
offers of patronage that assorted political parties and leaders are 
guaranteed to extend in 
the wake of the court verdict on the disputed 
major organised violence is likely to greet the court verdict, whichever
 way it goes. And this is not 
just because those who lose the case in 
the high court have the option of going on appeal to the 
Supreme Court. 
Building a Ram temple has always been a secondary goal of the movement 
that the 
Sangh Parivar kicked off in 1982 through the Vishwa Hindu 
Parishad. The principal, tangible goal was t
o demolish the mosque, not 
to build a temple in its place. The temple motif was brought in only to 

mobilise support.
 Ayodhya movement that polarised the polity on communal lines, caused 
riots and killed people was 
a political movement, not one of faith, 
although it manipulated faith to subserve its political goal. Through 

the immediate, tangible goal of demolishing the mosque, the movement 
pursued the larger objective of 
the Sangh Parivar, of redefining Indian 
nationhood as Hindutva.
 the mosque, overriding the protection offered by different organs of 
the constitutional Republic, 
would demonstrate to the Muslim community 
where exactly it stood vis-à-vis the relations of power that 
society and its conduct. And this goal was achieved when a mob brought 
the mosque down.
 marked a rupture in the evolution of India’s polity. The state failed 
to live up to the constitutional 
promise to uphold law and order, as 
well as the rights of the minority. If uppity minorities still refused 
appreciate the import of what this meant for how they should conduct 
themselves in Hindu majority India, 
they would be taught further 
lessons, such as the Gujarat pogrom of 2002 and the attack on Christians
Kandhamal, Orissa, in 2007 and 2008.
 state, led by one member of the Parivar, would look the other way, if 
not actually aid the attackers 
organised as other Parivar members. This 
is the politics of the Sangh Parivar. This politics continues 
although it has virtually left behind the specific locus of Ayodhya. The
 project of creating a 
democratic polity that guarantees and protects 
the rights of religious minorities to live with dignity is 
alien to the 
Sangh Parivar’s majoritarian vision of privileging Hindus over others in
 political rights.
 would be a mistake to think that, just because one member of the 
Parivar, the BJP, has received a 
setback at the moment, the Sangh 
Parivar has lost its teeth or that the threat posed by its majoritarian 
ideology to the project of building constitutional democracy has abated.India’s
 mainstream political parties, 
including the Congress, have been 
opportunistically communal on 
various occasions, and this has helped the
 Sangh Parivar’s cause.
 is the context in which the Muslim leadership has to respond to the 
Ayodhya verdict. No issue of faith is 
at stake for Muslims at Ayodhya. 
The issue at stake is political. And asserting a property right is a 
detail in the appropriate political project of building democracy.
 to build a mosque at the site or to remove the Ram idols being 
worshipped in a makeshift temple there 
would hurt the process of 
building democracy. It would give the Parivar an opportunity to whip up 

religious passions again. So, even if the high court decides in favour 
of the Sunni Waqf Board, it should not
proceed in this direction.
 the Muslims graciously hand over the land for a Ram temple to be built?
 The loser’s magnanimity has 
few takers; rather, it is seen as a sign of
 weakness. Winning a case is a minor victory in a larger political 

battle where the democratic ground lost by the demolition of the mosque 
is yet to be regained. And a show 
of weakness, too, would be a setback 
for the democratic project. a
 Indian de

Re: [Goanet] West of Zanzibar- Tony Barros

2010-10-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 1 October 2010 22:23, Tony Barros  wrote:

> Hi Tony, Gabe, Elsie, both the Mervyns and also Vivian !
> In this context, I vividly remember Gabe having sent us  some fantastic
> numbers
> by trumpeter-
> Eddie Calvert,  and some great oldies in Zambezi, Happy Happy Africa and
> various versions of  "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" -originally by the Tokens.
> So, I say to all to you goanetters, keep on "flowing" those good old songs
> that never die. They sure "make our day".
> Cheers.
> Tony Barros.
> Union Twnshp.
> New Jersey, USA

Dear Tony,

Thank you for your kind words of appreciation, Can't remember whether I
posted them on here or privately.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Song for the day!

2010-10-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
Skokiaan - a bit scratchy.
Rather songs for the weekend, to remember Africa!


Shadows - Zambesi


The Lion sleeps tonight FULL



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] OPINION: The verdict on Ayodhya: a historian's perspective (Romila Thapar, The Hindu)

2010-10-02 Thread Goanet News
Opinion  Op-Ed October 2, 2010
The verdict on Ayodhya: a historian's perspective
Romila Thapar

ROMILA THAPAR: We cannot change the past to justify the politics of
the present. Photo: S S Kumar
The Hindu

Intriguing compromise could work
Litigants call for burying Ayodhya dispute
Chidambaram: Babri Masjid demolition remains a criminal act
Imam Bukhari unhappy with verdict but calls for peace
We now have answer for critics of Ram temple plank, says BJP
Day passes off peacefully

It has annulled respect for history and seeks to replace it with
religious faith.

The verdict is a political judgment and reflects a decision which
could as well have been taken by the state years ago. Its focus is on
the possession of land and the building a new temple to replace the
destroyed mosque. The problem was entangled in contemporary politics
involving religious identities but also claimed to be based on
historical evidence. This latter aspect has been invoked but
subsequently set aside in the judgment.

The court has declared that a particular spot is where a divine or
semi-divine person was born and where a new temple is to be built to
commemorate the birth. This is in response to an appeal by Hindu faith
and belief. Given the absence of evidence in support of the claim,
such a verdict is not what one expects from a court of law. Hindus
deeply revere Rama as a deity but can this support a legal decision on
claims to a birth-place, possession of land and the deliberate
destruction of a major historical monument to assist in acquiring the

The verdict claims that there was a temple of the 12th Century AD at
the site which was destroyed to build the mosque — hence the
legitimacy of building a new temple.

The excavations of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and its
readings have been fully accepted even though these have been strongly
disputed by other archaeologists and historians. Since this is a
matter of professional expertise on which there was a sharp difference
of opinion the categorical acceptance of the one point of view, and
that too in a simplistic manner, does little to build confidence in
the verdict. One judge stated that he did not delve into the
historical aspect since he was not a historian but went to say that
history and archaeology were not absolutely essential to decide these
suits! Yet what are at issue are the historicity of the claims and the
historical structures of the past one millennium.

A mosque built almost 500 years ago and which was part of our cultural
heritage was destroyed wilfully by a mob urged on by a political
leadership. There is no mention in the summary of the verdict that
this act of wanton destruction, and a crime against our heritage,
should be condemned. The new temple will have its sanctum — the
presumed birthplace of Rama — in the area of the debris of the mosque.
Whereas the destruction of the supposed temple is condemned and
becomes the justification for building a new temple, the destruction
of the mosque is not, perhaps by placing it conveniently outside the
purview of the case.
Has created a precedent

The verdict has created a precedent in the court of law that land can
be claimed by declaring it to be the birthplace of a divine or
semi-divine being worshipped by a group that defines itself as a
community. There will now be many such janmasthans wherever
appropriate property can be found or a required dispute manufactured.
Since the deliberate destruction of historical monuments has not been
condemned what is to stop people from continuing to destroy others?
The legislation of 1993 against changing the status of places of
worship has been, as we have seen in recent years, quite ineffective.

What happened in history, happened. It cannot be changed. But we can
learn to understand what happened in its fuller context and strive to
look at it on the basis of reliable evidence. We cannot change the
past to justify the politics of the present. The verdict has annulled
respect for history and seeks to replace history with religious faith.
True reconciliation can only come when there is confidence that the
law in this country bases itself not just on faith and belief, but on

(Romila Thapar is a distinguished historian of Early India.)

Keywords: Ayodhya verdict


[Goanet] Sr M Emiline B.S (Agnes Pinto), 78, of Lourdes Convent, Kanajar Expired

2010-10-02 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Sr M Emiline B.S (Agnes Pinto), 78, of Lourdes Convent, Kanajar Expired
By Ancy DSouza Paladka

Mangalore, Oct 1: Sr. Mary Emiline of the Holy Family (Age 78) who
departed this life for her heavenly reward on 01.10.2010 at 11.15 am
in the 57th year of her Religious Profession and 78th year of her life
due to cardiac arrest. She was a member of Lourdes Convent, Kanajar in
Udupi District.

Sr Emiline, hails from Thottam in Udupi Dist. Daughter of Late Mr
Marian Pinto and Late Mrs Teresia Pinto. She joined the Congregation
of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore on
17.05.1952. She served as a teacher for many years and won the hearts
of many students in places like, Bajpe, Dharwad, Sirsi, Moodubelle ,
Kirem, Kadaba, Permannur, Taccode, Ullal, Kawdur, Ankola, Karwar,
Mulki, Sampaje, Basrur and Kanajar .

After her retirement, she spent her time in prayer, Pastoral work,
gardening etc. May her soul rest in peace!

Funeral Rites will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Kanajar on
03.10.2010 Sunday, at 10.00 am.

Contact Number: Provincial House Vamanjoor - 0824-2262512

Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka
E2-139 Diwan Apt III
Vasai Road East
Thane Dist - 401 210
Tel: 0250-2390225
Cell: 9320733213, 902898
Email: anc...@gmail.com
-- next part --
Sr M Emiline B.S (Agnes Pinto) Lourdes Convent, Kanajar Expired
News and Pics by Ancy S DSouza, Paladka

Mangalore, Oct 1: Sister Mary Emiline of the Holy Family who departed this life 
for her heavenly reward on 01.10.2010 at 11.15 am in the 57th year of her 
Religious Profession and 78th year of her life due to cardiac arrest. She was a 
member of Lourdes Convent, Kanajar in Udupi District. 
Sr Emiline, hails from Thottam in Udupi Dist. Daughter of Late Mr Marian Pinto 
and Late Mrs Teresia Pinto. She joined the Congregation of the Sisters of the 
Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore on 17.05.1952. She served as a teacher for 
many years and won the hearts of many students in places like, Bajpe, Dharwad, 
Sirsi, Moodubelle , Kirem, Kadaba, Permannur, Taccode, Ullal, Kawdur, Ankola, 
Karwar, Mulki, Sampaje, Basrur and Kanajar .

After her retirement, she spent her time in prayer, Pastoral work, gardening 
etc. May her soul rest in peace!

Funeral Rites will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Kanajar on 03.10.2010 
Sunday, at 10.00 am. 

Re: [Goanet] Fappi Boddei George Pinto!

2010-10-02 Thread George Pinto
--- On Thu, 9/30/10, Roland Francis  wrote:

> Before the day ends in Toronto, best wishes to Goa Sudharop's George
> from sunny California, via the unforgettable phrase of author,
> Torontonian  and Goanetter Silviano Barbosa - FAPPI  BODDEI. 
> Keep on collecting all that moolah for Goan causes.
> Roland Francis

Thanks Roland and others who emailed privately. Every birthday, I have two 
wishes: to make it to the next one, and to grow wiser. So far I have succeeded 
on the first wish, some success on the second.

Isn't it unfortunate that wisdom comes with age, rather than start life wise 
and then head into the grave completely unsound. Here in Goan cyberspace that 
is the general trend - start with wisdom and one is guaranteed to loose it in a 
few years ;-) 


Re: [Goanet] West of Zanzibar- Tony Barros

2010-10-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
Work is also underway... albeit by another Tony! FN

Frederick Noronha ::  +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 2 October 2010 04:42, George Pinto  wrote:
> Tony, when are you going to write a book on your memories of growing up in 
> Africa?
> George

[Goanet] Nuggets - (Was West of Zanzibar)

2010-10-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Vivian A. DSouza wrote:
> I visited Zanzibar last year. The island is 98 per cent Muslim, 
> with a handful of Goans. The people are still very friendly especially 
> if you speak their language (Kiswahili), the surrounding sea is clear 
> blue green with brilliant white sandy shores and and the fragrant
> smell of cloves and other spices hangs in the air. I spoke to at least 
> one Goan during my visit and he said that he and the other Goans 
> had no plans of ever forsaking the island. They are completely at home.

Bwana D'souza,
You forgot to mention that the centre of Goan religious life in Zanzibar 
is the St Josephs Cathedral. This Cathedral has served served at the 
place for baptisms, marriages and final rites for Goans in Zanzibar for more 
than seven generations. The Cathedral also has fresco's that no other church 
in Africa can match in beauty. The main altar has a dome that has some 
really detailed paintings. See the picture at this link: 

The fresco's that you see were last retouched about 30 years ago by a 
Zanzibari Goan artist, John D'silva. These fresco's, some with a golden tinge
are really beautiful to look at. John is easily the best Goan artist I have 
met. He spent countless hours, up on scaffolding, lying on his back, while 

a young man, lovingly detailing and retouching those frescoes.
Unfortunately, the Cathedral is in dire need of repairs. Water is seeping in 
thru one of its twin towers and the damage is threatening the church itself.
A committee in Zanzibar is trying to raise funds for the renovations. Half
the committee are Goans. Recently, Goans who were born or raised in
Zanzibar have taken up the fund raising challenge and three groups, one each 
in Canada, the US and the UK are combining their efforts to raise enough
funds for the restorations.
For those with nuggets or those with a heart of gold, take a good look at this
blog. It gives a visual clue on what has to be done and the work in progress. 

Again, help is needed. 
The contacts in the blog and all are very dependable people.

[Goanet] Welcome to Goa

2010-10-02 Thread Joel Moraes

Welcome to Goa!

Once again it's the beginning of yet another tourist season.Niz goemkar's are 
known for their decency and hospitality all around the world but again 
the British and the German cute looking females must take extreme care against 
rapes and molestations.The Goa Police will not be of great help because this 
time of the year they are always mostly busy with other activities like 
to the mafia sons and daughters of people in power than the security of the 
decent tourists. One should not get surprised if tar balls are been witnessed 
our one time beautiful beaches because as per some of  our highly qualified 
bureaucrats such scenes are common.During this monsoon the access to the 
Sernabatim beach in Salcette was eroded,hope it has been repaired by now.

Just to Refresh,drug peddler Atala is gone missing.Some might miserably miss 
him.Super Cop Bosco George is no longer with the Narcotis department because he 
was sincere in his job.Former tourism minister and the only minister who dared 
to raise his voice against drug dealing will not be of great help because he is 
been pulled down from his kodel.
Once again,decent tourist should be extremely cautious because decent Goa has 
been taken over by Rude faces.If you are in Goa make it a point to visit 
Sonsoddo garbage dump in Salcette.It has been covered with a beautiful 
blue Tarpaulin,looks great and one cannot compare the smell there to the best 
quality perfume in the world.Another excellent site to watch is the live action 
by the River Princess,off coast of Candolim.

Last but not the least,have a great time in Goa.Enjoy our great beaches to 
maximum because soon they might disappear in the name of Erosion.

Do visit Old Goa and pray,Goemcho Saib will take care of your security 

Viva Goa!

Joel Morais


[Goanet] The Nobody Everybody Knows

2010-10-02 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
The Nobody Everybody Knows. Yes, some wag said that about God the other day.
I disagree, GOD is a DOG from hell! People are willing to kill or die for
their beliefs about God - all speculation about the concept of God, always
about God. We keep going around in circles. The Buddha, it is said, banned
the topic because it is speculation and can lead only to madness! Zen
masters say, people who know don't talk, and people who talk don't know!
Anyway, watching the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and the other
contender to the throne pray side by side in the cathedral in England
recently, and looking all oh-so-pious and solemn made me laugh! It was so
funny. Sorry about that but I couldn't help myself. Were they praying to the
same God? How do they manage it? Does the Pope say, Lord, as you know, I am
your humble representative and Head of the True Christian Church and 
Does the Archbishop say, Lord, don't listen to
this impostor and charlatan. As you know, I am ... What fun!

And then, of course, there were the cheer leaders. The holy priests? or
very, very, holy bishops, all dressed up in red and white. I liked that a
lot! Lots and lots of Santa Claus's all in one place and time. Great fun!
Thank you very much for the entertainment.

Re: [Goanet] West of Zanzibar- Tony Barros

2010-10-02 Thread George Pinto
Tony, when are you going to write a book on your memories of growing up in 


Re: [Goanet] West of Zanzibar

2010-10-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 1 October 2010 17:14, Vivian A. DSouza  wrote:

> This thread evokes memories of me as a young buck living in Dar es Salaam,
> Tanzania, West of the islands of Zanzibar.  Dar es Salaam where I was born
> means
> either "Port of Welcome" or "Haven of Peace".  I still remember the tune
> "West
> of Zanzibar" though my
> memory of the movie is a little hazy.  Did it star Bob Hope and Bing Crosby
> ?

RESPONSE: Here is the URL to the movie:-

Here is what Wiki says on Dar:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dar_es_Salaam

Undoubtedly, all of us who tasted E.A. and lived for sometime there have
long yearnings, alas some of the places, although progressed are not the
same anymore. I wasn't allowed to visit my old school in Nbi as it was
deemed unsafe to take a Taxi ride there! The thing is that almost everyone
knew everyone!

Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] West of Zanzibar

2010-10-02 Thread Tony de Sa
Vivian "Vivian A. DSouza"  wrote "This thread evokes
memories of me as a young buck living in Dar es Salaam,..."

Though I cannot claim to have had very much of an association with Zanzibar,
in the scale that time is measured, I can say that I did have a very, very
fleeting acquaintance with Z'bar.

When I lived in Upanga, in Dar for a brief period of 1962, we had neighbours
who were of Heloise extraction and who had roots in Zanzibar. The Esperones
would often tell us stories about Zanzibar and I wondered if If would ever
get a chance to visit.

The chance came quite unplanned for and unexpectedly. When we were returning
to Goa on the SS Amra, the ship made an unscheduled stop for about 6 hours
at Zanzibar. We were allowed to disembark for about three hours and what my
family did was to try and cram as much as we could within those three hours.
Of course, a flying visit to the Esperone's was a must, so also a visit to
some Goan people my father knew and then the visit to the shops. Wow,
weren't things cheap there? Zanzibar was a free port and stuff like wrist
watches and all manner of imported stuff was dirt cheap. I remember my
mother buying a Swiss watch for a ridiculously low price.


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com



2010-10-02 Thread Goa-World.com

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)®  www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/   

http://www.looxcie.com/ www.konkanifilmbook.com
Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani uloi, 
boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 


(September 29, 2010)  

    The annual Global Goans Convention will be held in Kuwait on November 16 
and 17. Our Ambassador in Kuwait, senior officials of the Ministry of Overseas 
Indian Affairs, leaders of the Goan community across the world as well as 
leaders of the Indian community in the Gulf countries will participate.  The 
Convention is organized  by the Goan Cultural Centre, Kuwait.
    The programme of the Convention will include structured meetings on 
subjects of interest to our NRGs.  There will be an Open House for the benefit 
of our domestic and industrial workers in Kuwait and the concerned officials of 
the Union and of the State Governments will address their grievances  and the 
suggestions made at the meeting. On the second day of the Convention,  there 
will be  a “Vishwa Konkani Samelan”, a cultural programme with involvement of 
the Konkani speaking expatriate communities of Goa and elsewhere in India.

·    During my recent visit to New Delhi, I met the Union Law 
Minister, Shri Veerappa Moily re. voting rights for NRIs.  He informed me that 
the Representation of People’s (Amendment) Act, 2010 has been approved by 
Parliament and is presently before the Rashtrapati and she will give her 
assent  any moment now. In the meanwhile, rules concerning time within which 
NRIs should be registered in the electoral rolls and procedure for registration 
of NRIs are being drafted by the Union Law Ministry. NRIs should register their 
name in the electoral roll of the constituency  in which they reside as per 
their passport. Our NRGs will certainly be entitled to vote at the next general 
elections to the Legislative Assembly and to Parliament. 
·    I had written to the Union Home Minister stating that Goans holding 
foreign passports were being given tourist visas and asked to leave the country 
as soon as the rather short period of the tourist visa expired. This was most 
unfair and inhuman, I had pointed out.  The Home Minister agreed with me and 
directed that the Visa Manual should be revised accordingly. The Visa Manual 
has now been revised and the Union Home Ministry has instructed  all State 
Governments and other concerned authorities to comply strictly with the revised 
guidelines.  Goans as well as  other persons of Indian origin holding foreign 
passports will henceforth be issued only long term “X” visas (extendable visas) 
and not tourist visas (A copy of the relevant revised guidelines is 
·    The Direct Tax Code Bill was introduced last month in the 
Lok Sabha by Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukerjee.  Once enacted, it will 
come into force in April 2012. Among other clauses, the Bill provides  that a 
person who stays in India for more than 60 days in a year and 365 days or more 
in the previous four years is liable to taxation  in this country.  As per the 
existing Income Tax  Act, a person pays tax in India if he is in this country 
for 182 days or more in a year. I discussed  this matter with the Union Revenue 
Secretary.  He mentioned that it is an internationally accepted principle that 
a person using national resources for a reasonably  long period of time should 
pay some tax in that country.  He also told me that if taxes are paid in any 
country abroad by such a person, he shall be entitled to claim deduction of his 
tax liability to the extent of the tax paid abroad.
·    I have been invited by the Institute of Strategic Studies 
of the European Union to address the Second India – European  Union Symposium 
to be held in Brussels on October 11 and 12 next.  I have also been invited by 
the Universal Peace Federation to address their Conference in Seoul  on the 
theme “Interfaith,  the United Nations and Peace in the Twenty-first    
Century”.  Since both the Conferences are being held around the same time, I 
have informed the organizers of the Seoul meeting that I will not be able to 
attend  it.    I have requested our Ambassador in Belgium to identify Goan 
residents in Brussels so that I may meet them.  I request Goans in Brussels, 
through the media, to get in touch with our Embassy   so that it may arrange a 
meeting where the Ambassador and myself will interact with the Goans there.   

Re: [Goanet] First habitable planet outside the solar system

2010-10-02 Thread Frederick Noronha
Any chance the gods who made us could be living there? FN

On 1 October 2010 18:42, Santosh Helekar  wrote:
> Humankind has just discovered the first habitable planet outside our solar 
> system. The probability of life being ubiquitous in our galaxy gets a boost. 
> Please watch the following webcast organized by the U.S. National Science 
> Foundation, and see how real scientists discuss life as a natural phenomenon:
> http://tinyurl.com/lifeplanet

Re: [Goanet] First habitable planet outside the solar system

2010-10-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Santosh Helekar wrote:
> Humankind has just discovered the first habitable planet outside our 
> solar system. The probability of life being ubiquitous in our galaxy gets 
> a boost. Please watch the following webcast organized by the U.S. 
> National Science Foundation, and see how real scientists discuss life 
> as a natural phenomenon:

I was reading about this discovery in the local papers this morning.
What really blew me away was that, travelling at the best speed
man is able to space travel today, it would take 87,000 years 
(more or less) to reach this planet.
According to my calculations, a bald headed civilization, with wigs that 
no one, absolutely no one can distinguish form the real thing, hee hee 
hee, will be arriving here in about seventy years.
Thankfully, I wont be around to see these brothers of mine. I am however,
writing so that they will be able to read from the archives one of the first
questions sent their way. Namely:
"Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying at home and 
wishing you had not, or travelling, and wishing you had not? 


[Goanet] Any takers ?? - Social networking sites are adversely affecting lives of people !!!

2010-10-02 Thread INDOLOGY GOA
Goa's CM Digambar Kamat: “Social networking sites like Orkut,
Facebook, Hi5 etc, are adversely affecting the lives of people with
unscrupulous elements using them to post defamatory, vulgar and
obscene material to blackmail, defame, cause mayhem among the people
and destroy the social fabric of a peaceful society like Goa,” !!! -

Any takers ???!!! ( except those in the higher echelons encouraging
menaces including drunkun driving, drug abuse, prostitutions,Casino
culture, rave parties,illegal mining,deforestation, converting Goa
into concrete jungle, polluting beaches & rivers, etc, did I miss
anything else?) !!!???!!!

Since facebook has started its venture in Hyderabad, considering the
financial success of this social networking site & the notorierity of
our politicians, I suspect some higher echelons are trying extortion
tactics to grab some quick buck 
Dr.Anjali Mohan Rao,
Chairperson, Indology Goa
GIRIVAR, Opp.Dhempe College, Miramar Beach, Post-Caranzalem,
City-Panaji, Goa 403002 INDIA
Phone/Fax: 0091-832-2462195 Cellphone: 0091-9765974786

"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere
critic, who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly,
not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done..."

[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Congratulations "TEAM ALMEIDA"

2010-10-02 Thread George Pinto
The annual San Jose (California) half-marathon will be held this Sunday, Oct 3, 
2010. See http://san-jose.competitor.com/. "TEAM ALMEIDA" (Acaria, Joe, Ria, 
Kurt, Shilla, Sabrina Saverio) will be running/walking to raise funds for Goa 
Sudharop. Under Acaria's direction, various runners/walkers have done this for 
several years now.

This year $5,000 has been pledged, with proceeds to benefit GOA SUDHAROP. You 
can donate to support the runners/walkers by clicking on the the DONATE 
(Paypal) button on the Home page at www.goasudharop.org or you can mail a check 
payable to GOA SUDHAROP and mail to:

Acaria Almeida, Treasurer
P.O. Box 6144
MORAGA, CA, 94570

Thank you for your support.

Goa Sudharop

[Goanet] Goa news for October 2, 2010

2010-10-02 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Bajaj Auto cheers Nifty-50 entry; hits new high on BSE -
Economic Times
0, Bajaj Auto , Sesa Goa and Dr Reddy's Laboratories today
surged by up ...

*** British woman alleges molestation by Indian in Goa -

*** Visa issues dampening tourism prospects in Goa: TTAG -

*** FIFA gives green signal for artificial turfs in Goa - Zee
e NewsPanaji: As part of the ambitious 'Win in India with India
programme', FIFA has given its nod to lay two artificial fields
in Goa. The All India Football ...

*** Goa's 'Dupatta' Killer Mahanand convicted in rape case -
digITal Goa
Alleged serial killer Mahanand Naik was convicted today by
Sessions court Panaji for raping his wife's friend from Shiroda
in 2009. ...

*** Ban SNSes like Facebook, Orkut, demands Goa Chief Minister -

*** Indian real estate Stalwarts, being honored by GIREM -

*** Goa pollution board cracks down on illegal mining - Sify
fyThe state's top pollution authority also said that mine owners
in Goa took pollution clearances for granted. The Goa State
Pollution Control Board had ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHSBSK7H-5xHA--YhPEz2whMwUj-g&url=http://sify.com/news/goa-pollution-board-cracks-down-on-illegal-mining-news-national-kj4ougcjdef.html

*** We would raise about $25 million: Shrinivas V Dempo, Goa
Carbon - Economic Times
onomic TimesIn an interview with ET Now, Shrinivas V. Dempo,
chairman, Goa Carbon, talks about their and business. Excerpts:
Can you shed some light on the rights issue ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGbKBizef6ER9iePFjLrXo07W2YTQ&url=http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/opinion/interviews/We-would-raise-about-25-million-Shrinivas-V-Dempo-Goa-Carbon/articleshow/6663876.cms

*** Govt to return tourist security jeeps to TTAG - Times of
waited Tourist Security Force may literally get off to a
stuttering start with the government set to return the jeeps
donated by the ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEbsJVlI21PTQwcqtN5-loGowOEOg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Govt-to-return-tourist-security-jeeps-to-TTAG/articleshow/6669041.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Raia Welfare Association to felicitate Mr. Vincy Quadros

2010-10-02 Thread Goanet News Service
Raia Welfare Association has decided to felicitate Mr. Vincy Quadros, 
Vice President of Goa Konkani Akademi and renowned Konkani writer on 2nd 
October 2010 at 10.30 a.m. at Panchayat Hall, Raia along with SSC and 
HSSC students of 2010 batch at the hands of Fr. Ventura Lourence, Parish 
Priest,holy Spirit Church, margao in the presence of  Mr. Aleixo 
Reginaldo Lourenco, MLA of Curtorim  constituency.  Sarpanch of Raia Mr. 
Savio Gomes will preside over the function.  Parish priest of Raia Mr. 
Cipriano da Silva will grace the occasion.


Name:   Vincy Quadros
E-mail  :   vincyquad...@yahoo.co.in, vincyquad...@gmail.com

Vincy Quadros  has served as Editor to the literary magazines like 
Jivit, Divine Voice, kerela, Kamgarvanni, KBM’s Konknni Natal issue, 
Avaz of Raia church.  He is also a Editorial Board Member of Dalgado 
Konknni Akademi

He has written around  15 tiatr and acted in Tiatr and Konknni folk 
(Carnival) plays besides composed and sung songs.  He has  written, 
acted and won laurels in One Act Plays.  One of his plays is is included 
in Goa Konknni Akademi-s volume.  He has also written poetries and 
presented them besides publishing in magazines

He has contributed to most of the Konknni magazines and periodicals 
including Sunaprant, Rashtramat, Novem Goem,  V-Ixtt, Goencho Avaz, 
Gulab, Bimb, Renovacao, Goan Review, Konkan Mail, Govavanni, Mog, Sod, 
Kullagar Chintrangi, KBM’ Diwali issues, Rakhonndar, Uzvadd, Raiche 
Firgojecho Avaz, Sobdacho Prokas, Zag, Lharam, Jivit, Umalle  and others.

Presented poetries, short stories and plays at All India Radio.  Besides 
this, took part in debates / discussions at All India Radio and Televisions.

Vincy Quadros is one of the translators for New Bible in Konknni which 
has record sale of more than one lac copies.

He has participated in state level, national level and international 
level penal discussions on various subjects specially Labour and Konkani.

He is good orgainser and compere.  He has organized many workshops in 
Konkani on various issues including Sahitya sammelans.

Till date he has penned down the following books :

- FULDANI (1990)  (Short stories)
- KURPONNO (2007) (Short stories)
- SUKH ani DUKH  (2007)  (Short stories)
- KONKNNI (Diwali Issue 2007)
- AVAZ (Special Issue 2007)
- GHONS (2008)  (Short stories)
- OTMIK VICHARDHARA (2010) (Spiritual thoughts)
- TURO (2010) (Short stories)
- In printing press : JADUCHEM PETTUL (in Roman script)  JADUCHEM PETTUL 
 Devnagiri script childrens novel) PORSUM (Short stories) KALLOKH 
(Tiatr book) KAVLLE ANI KALLEM UDOK (Translation of Hindi Short stories)

Awards & Recognition :
- “Fuldanni”  won  Konknni Bhasha Mandal’s  literary award.
- Won a special prize for Konknni poetry sponsored by Konknni Bhasha 
Mandal, Goa
- Won Second prize at All Goa Essay competition on Gandhiji. Org. by 
Dalgado Konknni Akademi in Roman Script
- Won Writer of the month award, Poet of the month award many times 
instituted by Novem Goem, a Roman script daily
- Won many prizes for One Act Play (state level) for scripts, acting and 
- Felicitation  by Arch Bishop og Goa Fr. Fillipe Nerri Ferrao for Bible 
translation work

- Felicitation  by Yuva Sahitya Sammelon at Pilar
- Felicitation  by Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh at Delhi
- Felicitation  by Sarva Pant Samadar Manch at Ahmedabad
- Felicitation  by Goan Community of Oman, Muscat 2009
- Felicitation  by Dusrem Konknni (Romi Lipi) Sahitya & Sonvskruti 
Sommelon 2010

Vincy Quadros is presently serving Goa Konkani Akademi as Vice 
President.  Other feathers of his social and cultural activities are 
listed below :

- Konknni Bhasha Mandal’s General Secretary for two years and joint 
Secretary for two years
- President – 8th Konknni Yuva Sahitya Sammelon 2007 Org by Goa Konknni 
- President – 1st Konknni (Romi Lipi) Sahitya ani Sonvskruti Sammelan 
2008, Org. by Dalgado Konknni Akademi

- President - Snows Academy, Raia, a social organisation.
- Convenor – Konknni Borovpeancho Ekvott
- Advisory Board Member for Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi (Konknni).(2002-07)
- Vice President - Dalgado Konknni Academy for one term.
- Vice President - Raia Rachol Service Co-op Society Ltd..since 2000
- General Secretary, Raia Welfare Association, a NGO of Raia for four years
- General Secreary, Manora Vikas Kendra, a NGO of Raia.
- President - Sarva Pant Samadar Manch, New Delhi (Goa Vibhag).
- President - Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, New Delhi –(Goa vibhag).for 2 years
- Working President – Goa Rajya Kamgar Mahasangh, Goa -  affliated to 
International Union of Food ( IUF ) workers.
- District Rural Development Agency South Goa (Govt of   Goa) Governing 
Board Member.

- Goa Sarv Xikxa Obhiyan’s Raia Village Education Committee member.
- Spokesman for Mull Goenkaranchi Songhottna

General Secretary,
Raia Welfare Association,

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Pious Outrage over CWG (Madhu Kishwar, Manushi)

2010-10-02 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Perhaps Paangira also applies to us. A pretty expansive trailer, as far as
trailers go.
(Paangira - Theatrical trailer, Meeta Sawarkar, Kishore Kadam, Upendra

> From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Pious Outrage over CWG (Madhu
> To Goanet -
> (DEL)
> Her piece is also relevant to Goa.  In the space of less than one
> generation, Goa has been taken down to the level of the rest of
> India - slummified, dirtied, polluted and overpopulated.
> Nice work, Goans.  And thank you, India.
> r

[Goanet] Ayodhya verdict

2010-10-02 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Two big positives out of the ruling.

One, no bloodshed (yet) - may it remain that way.

Two, schadenfreude from seeing Burqa begum, Rajdeep Khan et al

going sour that the Hindus' position about the temple being there has 
been (partially) vindicated.  According to Burqa, Rajdeep Khan,
and their Marxist cohort (Sachar, Dhawan, Bidwai, Teesta etc etc),
the Religion of Peace has never destroyed anything in India.  But,
you ask, what about all those thousands of Hindu temples 
powderized (about which the Muslims themselves boasted (after 
all, they were doing it for Allah)?.  Well, they magically collapsed 
on their own.  Perhaps Hindus did not understand civil engineering
well enough and used too much sand in their concrete.



[Goanet] Derek Antao.....

2010-10-02 Thread Linken Fernandes
Eunice D'souza, or other poets in Bombay, Adil Jussawala et al, may have
some info about Derek Antao. I attended a poetry reading organised by *Kavi
*(a poetry mag in the late eighties) at Bookpoint, opposite Bombay
University, Fort, where Derek read one of his compositions. *Kavi* was
edited by Santan Rodrigues, who unfortunately is no more. Someone at Jaico
Publishers (they ran Bookpoint) may also have an idea.

All the best.
