[Goanet] Freeze inflow of migrants: ex-GCCI chief

2010-10-17 Thread Goanet News Service

Freeze inflow of migrants: ex-GCCI chief


Former Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) chairman Nitin 
Kuncolienkar has said there is a need for freeze on inflow of migrants 
coming to Goa.

Expressing his views at “Knowledge session” on investment opportunities 
for Goa at ITM-Goa today, Nitin said that there is a fear in minds of 
the local population about migrants, since the migrant population has 
already touched 35 per cent and any further addition will change 
demography of the State.

He also pointed out that there have been attempts to buy land in 
restricted CRZ areas by the people from outside the State despite of 
knowledge on CRZ regulations (Central legislation).

“Is Goa independent of India,” he quipped while dispelling 
misinformation that Goans are just opposed to outsiders buying land here.


[Goanet] 2010 Vincent Xavier Verodiano Laureates

2010-10-17 Thread Goanet News Service

Mangala Wagle

Conferred on Mrs. Mangala Wagle in recognition of her decade long 
commitment to uplift the plight, self-esteem and aspirations of street 

A resident of Palolem, Goa, Mrs. Wagle found her humanism challenged at 
the fish market in Panjim during the daily confrontation between angry 
fisherwomen and the street children who stole fish from them to survive. 
 Rather than remain a spectator to the harrowing scene, she vowed to 
come to the aid of the children.  She envisioned a setting where the 
street children would not only have a home but also an opportunity to 
become educated and gain social acceptance.  Her resolve resulted in the 
founding of Hamara School in 1990.

Presently, Hamara School educates almost 100 street kids, most of whom 
are children of construction workers or from poor families where the 
youngsters have been forced to work.  Hamara School’s objective is 
deeply rooted in the precept:  “Every child has a right to childhood and 
every person a right to dream.”  The school also strives to initiate and 
implement social change by encouraging genuine relationships to develop 
between the privileged and the underprivileged.

Clinton Vaz

Conferred on Clinton Vaz in recognition of his committed vision to 
safeguard the environment from technology’s proliferating waste and 
predetermined contaminants.

Mr. Clinton Vaz is a self employed environmental consultant based in 
Benaulim, Goa. After leaving his job as a mechanical engineer in 2004, 
he pursued his interest in the environment and has been actively working 
with wildlife and environmental protection.  He began by assisting 
Swedish students with an awareness campaign as well as the formation of 
the Benaulim Environment Trust (BET) in 1999.  Subsequently, he has 
worked on various issues such as river pollution, hospital waste, and 
environmental education.

Mr. Vaz has traveled extensively to speak on environmental issues, 
including in Delhi, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and Nepal.   After a 
three year project with the Corporation of the City of Panaji, Mr. Vaz 
is currently promoting environmental awareness via interactive 
presentations in Goan villages.  An ecotourism booklet for tourists is 
another of his ongoing endeavors.

The Vincent Xavier Verodiano Award was founded and instituted by DOM 
MARTIN in memory of his late father, VINCENT XAVIER VERODIANO MARTIN.

The objective of the award is to promote the wellbeing of mankind 
through individual advancement in the field of art, music, literature, 
science, medicine, humanities or the environment.

The winner is announced on the 20th day of September, and the award is 
conferred on the 5th day of November.

The award is bestowed by the Vincent Xavier Verodiano Foundation.


[Goanet] Picture Perfect Life – monday muse ( 18Oct’10)

2010-10-17 Thread Pravin Sabnis
MONDAY MUSE (18 October 2010)


We are constantly surrounded by verbal and visual messages that shriek and 
screech out that our life will be truly perfect if only... we had a better 
complexion, a better figure and physique, a better house, a better coat of 
paint on the walls, a better vehicle, a better bank... so and so forth. So many 
of us fall for the advert bait and barter away the outlook of contentment for 
the quest of a picture perfect life. 

By swaying to the tune of ‘my life would be picture perfect only if...’ our 
focus on ‘my life’ becomes hazy and the spotlight remains stuck on an elusive 
picture perfect lifestyle! The essential difference between the two is the real 
reason for an extended season of discontent. We stray away from taking 
ownership of our life and play the game of chasing an illusory and imagined 

When we succumb to the ‘my life would be picture perfect only if...’ trap, we 
lose touch with the reality of the present. And as we lose touch with the 
present, we disconnect from the attitude of gratitude. Surely, it is difficult 
to be grateful for what we do not possess. Hence it is necessary to practise 
being in the present and be grateful for what we have. 

Eventually perfect lives are ones where self esteem is positive. And for our 
self esteem to be fortified, we must be better at practising basic contentment. 
And basic contentment happens when we take ownership for what we are and what 
we have. After all, more important than the size, shape and style of the cake, 
what matters is the way we relish it! 
The picture perfect life is an illusion, dude...
Let’s BE BETTER at the attitude of gratitude 

- Pravin K. Sabnis

Re: [Goanet] Science for sale ...

2010-10-17 Thread George Pinto
--- On Sat, 10/16/10, Santosh Helekar  wrote:

> Gilbert is now taking out his frustrations about Goanetters who have
> exposed his follies by smearing 

I would kindly request Gilbert to stick to facts and the truth will follow. 
This is the hallmark of good arguments.

On an unrelated topic, Gilbert is right. The Goan inquisition happened in Goa, 
Philippines, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa,_Camarines_Sur

I have no idea why Catholics have been blamed for anything, let alone a silly 
inquisition. Just this morning at Anjuna beach, Aunty D'souza clearly stated 
that IF the Goan inquisition happened, it did not happen in Goa but Bihar. If 
you run into her this week, she has a special sale on homeopathic medicinal 
cures for delusions, Rs. 10 for one bottle, Rs. 5 for two bottles. Hope this 
information helps (I found it on Google).


Re: [Goanet] Dasain Greetings to Venantius

2010-10-17 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Charudatt,
Indeed thanks for the correction. I will also ask one of my pals who knows
more about to make doubly sure.
In case you do not know this yet Charudutt, you are one of perhaps 3-4
non-Christians (although I am sure imbued in Judeo-Christian
thought--culturally) including Parrikar (photographer) who has shared and
well as corrected me on cultural issues. Thanks, and "Twam" cheera parichit.


venantius j pinto

> From: Charudatt Prabhudesai 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dasain Greetings to Venantius
> Wish you and all a merry Vijayadasami, too!
> Just one thing to add - The Youtube song 'lapaka zhapaka tu are badarva'
> may not be set to raga malhar. Perhaps it is raaga Darbari kanada. Happens
> to be one of my favoured ragas, therefore "cheera parichit" to me.
> Thanks all the same!

Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-17 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Lawrence

> So now we have web-links on both sides of the issue (not
> surprisingly). Who is to tell / say which web-link is
> more of an authority?

RESPONSE: The onus is on the reader. And depends on the topic. For eg. 
Obtaining gardening tips from a sports weblink is not recommended just 
as much as obtaining tips to bat like Sachin Tendulkar from a home 
improvement website.

> So we should stop being childish and hit each other on the head;
> with merely posting new web-links. If one wants to rebut the
> articles, from one's own personal knowledge, please do so. If not
> the 'Copy and Paste' contrary article(s) without being able to vouch
> for the scientific validity of the new link is meaningless.

> I have no objection to posting other articles to balance the
> perspectives of the initial article. That expands the dialog without
> the "I am smarter than you" approach of those who are skilled at
> web-surfing.

RESPONSE: The above two paragraphs contradict each other. It is not 
clear where exactly you stand? Are you for or against contra views??

- B

Re: [Goanet] Canada PIOs must give up Indian passport

2010-10-17 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Re: Canada PIOs must give up Indian passport
> On surrender of their Indian passport, PIOs will be issued a 'surrender 
> certificate' which they will have to produce when seeking Indian visa 
> or PIO card or OCI (overseas citizenship of India) card, according to 
> the new rules.

Looks like Indians can now officially renounce Indian citizenship and
then turn around and demand second class citizenship of India while
holding first class citizenship of Canada.

I think the Indians should bite the bullet and join the rest of the forward 
thinking nations who have no problems allowing full dual citizenship.

This classifications of P.I.O., O.C.I. etc etc are steps in the right
direction, but wholly unnecessary. All each classification serves
is to create new bureaucracy.


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (18Oct10)

2010-10-17 Thread alexyz fernandes

"Wow! India won 38 Gold Medals at the CWG..."

"That's nothing compared to the crores won by the Org. Comm. thru 
Scams...a Games record!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-17 Thread Santosh Helekar
I have already told you why one should not trust any weblink provided by 
somebody on Goanet, or through chain emails. We find once again in the post 
appended below the following bogus assertion:

"That Research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have proved it to be 
harmful and carcinogenic; and that ‘SEARL’ Pharmaceutical Company deleted these 
findings when they submitted this study to the F & DA!" 
Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 

The fact that the above assertion is bogus is clear from the following 
announcement entitled "Study reaffirms safety of aspartame" provided by the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), itself:


I have also provided detailed refutations from respected organizations such as 
the U.S. National Cancer Institute and the U.S. FDA of the false claims about 
the carcinogenicity of aspartame. Here is another refutation from the American 
Cancer Society:




--- On Sun, 10/17/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão  
>    RESPONSE:       
>     1-   By now, Goanetters know
> that aspartame is derived from Genetically Modified E-coli
> and that it is composed 
> of THREE and not two
> chemicals.2-   Aspartame is NOT an useful or
> LIFE saving medicine. It is not at all a medicine. 
> It is just a commercial substitute for sugar. If it was
> life saving drugs, then yes, 
> we medical doctors by vocation would advise patients into
> choosing between the frying pan and the
> fire.3-   That Research at Massachusetts
> Institute of Technology have proved it to be harmful and
> carcinogenic; 
> and that ‘SEARL’ Pharmaceutical Company deleted these
> findings when they submitted this study to the F & DA! 
> One of the sites is below:
> http://www.icnr.com/nutrasw.html
> If more sites need to be referred, just
> google “MIT & Aspartame”       
> Maybe we have better Institutes in Goa than
> MIT; naturally! 
> As the saying goes: “Like father, like son” 
> So also : “Like Education Minister, like
> products of the education!”
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

Re: [Goanet] Science for sale

2010-10-17 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
 Santosh Helekar 

I must say that I am shocked and thoroughly disappointed. I am sorry to say 
but it is so sub-standard that even a flunking high school student would have 
done a better job. 

And even more blah  blah ... blah.

--- GL responds:

Any person with or without scientific background can read for themselves my 
analyzing the JAMA paper. My post was quoting the relevant parts of the data 
from the JAMA paper; that the PAPER  ITSELF had analyzed and presented. 

Santosh's blah .. blah of the JAMA paper and his comments of my review (of the 
same paper) does not quote a single factoid of the analyzed data.  So in 
claiming that I am unable to do scientific blah ... blah ... blah, Santosh is 
really smearing the authors of the JAMA paper (for those who need spoon- 
feeding).  The JAMA paper corroborates what Dr. Hyman wrote. Or, Dr. Hyman's 
article corroborated what the JAMA paper reported.  That is again spoon-feeding 
to those who needed it.  

Please read Santosh's past bogus comments that Dr. Hyman was misrepresenting 
JAMA paper.  From my reading and presentation, there was nothing in the JAMA 
paper which contradicted the conclusions of Hyman's article. Thus Santosh's 
claim (when HE recommended we read the JAMA paper), is totally baseless that 
reader, "should be able to recognize quite well that Hyman has misrepresented 
many methodological and technical aspects of the JAMA paper in his article. In 
fact, he has resorted to more spin than the targets of the paper."  

With sadness in my heart, I have to reiterate that Santosh once again reaffirms 
that he does not read, understand and digest what is written. With technical 
words, Santosh is faking his expertise in analyzing clinical papers. 

No longer is Dr. Hyman's paper the topic of discussion. Santosh has changed the 
focus of arguments and discussion (if one can dignify his writings) to 
EVERYTHING BUT the original  paper on "medical 'Science for Sale'" - once again 
spoon-feeding is necessary on the topic of the thread. He continues to do what 
he does best - smear, distortions and bogus comments.

Santosh, keep up your reputation as Goa's 'premier' Master at smear, distortion 
and bogus comments.  You know how Dilbert says we should deal with such 

Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] You Tube: Ernest Ignatius: I Married A Female Wrestler

2010-10-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
Very interesting. Didn't realise he was Goan. Always wondered about
the possibility, but the Tamil-sounding aiy-yai-yoh did put me off!
I'm sure there are many others whom we don't even know might be Goan.

PS: Talking about Sri Lanka (this song is from the SLBC), I doubt many
of us in Goa have even heard of this man from Assagao ...


Armand de Souza (1874-1921) Journalist of Goan origin who
took a strong nationalist stance as editor of the *Ceylon
Morning Leader*, campaigning for democratic reforms of the
Legislative Council to make it more representative of the
people. After the communal riots of 1915, he wrote *Hundred
Days in Ceylon under Martial Law*, a trenchant criticism of
the colonial government's actions. His editorials so incensed
the authorities that he was once sentenced to a month in jail
but soon released after public protests. He encouraged
support for indigenous arts and culture at a time English
language newspapers snootily ignored them.

Born in Goa and orphaned at a young age, he was brought up in
Colombo by an uncle, Dr Lisboa Pinto, a Catholic of radical
views. He studied at Royal College, and after a short period
as a clerk on the railways, started in journalism reading
proofs on the *Ceylon Observer*. He later became an Assistant
Editor on the *Times of Ceylon*, and edited the *Morning
Leader* from 1907 until he died in 1921. One of his two sons,
Tori, become editor of the *Times of Ceylon*.


Source: Encyclopedia of Sri Lanka By Charles A. Gunawardena

PS: His son Doric de Souza played an even more unusual role in the
history of Sri Lanka. Just google

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

> - Original Message - From: "Eddie Fernandes"
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 12:13 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] You Tube: Ernest Ignatius: I Married A Female Wrestler

[Goanet] Natural methods for battling ophthalmic migraines

2010-10-17 Thread Con Menezes
Natural methods for battling ophthalmic migraines
Dr. Jonathan Wright in 'Healthier Talk'

[Goanet] TAG celebrating Rosario Rodrigues Birth Anniversary

2010-10-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
TAG  celebrating Rosario Rodrigues Birth Anniversary

On 24th Oct, there will be a FREE Tiatr 
10am , Pai Tiatrist Hall, Margao
Organised by Tiatr Academy of Goa

Carmin w/o Rosario Rodrigues  seen here
(Also Vitorino, Tomazinho etc)
I remember she too acted in her husband's  tiatr
Viz.  Ekech Rati
A road scene comedy by both.
With empty bag (Poti) in hand
It goes something like this
Teli Keli Khali (Emptied my bag)
(in place of ‘Bhala sa Naam tha’ see below)
In tune with 
Koi Ladki Mujhe Kal Raat Sapane Mein Mili 
Badi Pyaari Si Soorat Thi Bhala Sa Naam Tha 
Lalal Lal La -4
Film: Seeta aur Geeta (1972)
So, Ekech Rati must be in 1972-73
The story goes like this..
A jailer set free a young newly wed prisoner for a night 
(on Compassionate grounds)
He then visits his home and next morning back to jail.
Some months later,  it was shown his wife is pregnant.
Who is the father of the child? Everybody wants to know.
including the in-laws.
And the truth comes out in the end. 
Hence the title ‘Ekech Rati’ (Just one night)


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for October 18, 2010

2010-10-17 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Biggest Challenge for Goa is excess migration  Nitin
Cuncolienkar - digITal Goa
The biggest challenge before Goa, is to handle in-migration ,
said Nitin Kuncolienkar, former chairman of the GCCI(Goa Chamber
of ...

*** Three Idiots, Tere Bin Laden and Paa in Indian Panorama list
for IFFI - onlineindiannews
Filmmaker on Goa International Film Fest Jury

*** Goa court grants bail to six accused of women trafficking -
sought on rescue of Naga girls at Porvorim

*** Valpoi all set for tomorrows byelections - digITal Goa
personnel deployed at Valpoi

*** Rain frustrates 'next Gilchrist' - The Age

*** Goa Pro League: Dempo And Churchill Strike Clean Sheet
Winning Performances - Goal.com India
 demolition of Faria Sports Management at the Tilak ...

*** Margao meet held to discuss Narkasur contest - Times of
last-trial-on-slow-track/articleshow/6757360.cms">Margao blast
trial on slow track

*** "Moner Manush" heads for Goa film fest - The Daily Star
e Daily Star... is one of the four Bengali films selected for
Indian Panorama section of the International Film Festival of
India to be held in Goa next month. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGpwh2TCjv1NUP1XvVVpGIAXIZY1g&url=http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=158827

*** 'Monsoon still active' - Times of India
mes of India'PANAJI: An upper air trough near Goa and
Maharashtra coast has resulted in heavy thundershowers in parts
of Goa and the phenomenon may continue for one ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGpfaAYlBZXZiN2NmT96MsWmew2Uw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Monsoon-still-active/articleshow/6762074.cms

*** Security Measures: Compulsory Identity Proof for
Accommodation in Goa Hotels - Rang7.com

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Blessed Dussehra

2010-10-17 Thread Ivo
Dear Goanetters,
Let us be happy with our Hindu brethren and understand a little of the festival 
of Dusserah.

Dasara (or Dussehra, literally, "the tenth day") follows immediately the 

The month of Ashwin (September-October) begins with the "novena" of Navraratri 
(lit., nine nights). On this festival the feminine aspect of God is celebrated: 
Saraswati, the gentle, lovable, and refined wife of Brahma; and Durga, the 
warrior-goddess. During the Navaratra, Saraswati is venerated mainly in the 
West and the South, whilst Durga is venerated in the North and the East, 
especially in West Bengal.  

Saraswati is the goddess of wisdom, literature, and the fine arts. Every day a 
garland of fresh flowers is presented to the goddess. An oil-lamp must be kept 
burning throughout, the lamp is called "mandadeep".

Durga festival is celebrated in the North with pomp. Durga is the 
personification of the "power of God" (or shakti). She takes on the role of 
punishing the wicked and destroying evil and the establishment of divine reign. 
Also known as Mother Goddess, Kali, Laxmi, Ambika, each one with its own 
meaning and myths. After five days she "leaves" the statue, which is then 
immersed in water on Dussehra day (Vijayadashami).

 Dasara commemorates the victory of Rama over Ravana who had kidnapped his 
wife Sita and taken her to Lanka. Rama, along with is brother Lakshamana and 
devoted follower Hanuman, and an army of monkeys fought a great battle to 
rescue his lovely wife Sita. The war against Ravana lasted for ten days and the 
story of Rama and Sita is recounted with affection and love in the great epic 
Ramayana. It is celebrated with fast, rituals and pomp for physical, mental and 
spiritual power. It marks the end of scorching summer and the start of winter 

Rama was a great believer in the powers of goddess Durga, and he is supposed to 
have prayed to her for nine days before he himself entered the battle-field on 
the tenth day and killed Ravana. People proclaimed it as the greatest victory 
of good over evil.

Huge effigies of Ravana, the demon-king of Lanka, his brother Kumbhakaran and 
his son Meghnadh are made, and filled with large quantities of crackers and 
fireworks. At just about sunset, an actor depicting Rama shoots an arrow from 
his bow (Ramlila), which hits the Ravana effigy in his navel where a pot of 
nectar, the reason for Ravana's invincibility, was stored. Then all three 
effigies are set to fire, and there is much merry-making.

Today the weapons are too deadly to be "worshipped". People no longer look 
forward to wars. We need peace. So the significance of Dasara has rightly been 
shifted from war to peace, from fight against neighbouring rulers to fight 
against injustice. Instead of worshiping weapons, people offer tools of 
agriculture, vehicles, machines, children's school books, pens, pencils and 
household articles as means of fighting ignorance, injustice, evil. It is a day 
of fellowship and friendship.

   We should understand here the personification of God's attributes as 
"females". The biblical book of Wisdom personifies the Wisdom of God as a 
"female". God is spirit, neither male nor female, but can be represented as 
"father" (as usually) or "mother" (as sometimes he is referred to). 


[Goanet] Democracy attains a new low in India

2010-10-17 Thread manuel tavares
Truly this is a sad state of affairs and should not be allowed to succeed any 
longer. I do agree with you that we in Goa too are to be blamed as we keep on 
re electing the same corrupt and dishonest scoundrels into office. It is high 
time that we kick them all out and elect truly trustworthy and honest people to 
represent us in the legislature.

Manuel (Eddie)  Tavares.

[Goanet] Traditional Minin Jezu Fama today at Colva

2010-10-17 Thread JoeGoaUk

Traditional Colva Minin Jezu Fama  Today
Monday the 18th Oct. 2010
Strarting from 5.30am till 10.30pm

with cross infront
Minino Jesus Altar

infants on altar
Minin Jezu


Main Altar
Angovnn, Bentina, Regist, feri. Chonne
An article in Herald with pics - Is it a Feast or Fama?
Caixao de Ida Gomes Silva Pereira





for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Dasain Greetings to Venantius

2010-10-17 Thread Charudatt Prabhudesai

Wish you and all a merry Vijayadasami, too!
Just one thing to add - The Youtube song 'lapaka zhapaka tu are badarva'
may not be set to raga malhar. Perhaps it is raaga Darbari kanada. Happens
to be one of my favoured ragas, therefore "cheera parichit" to me.
Thanks all the same!

Re: [Goanet] Sarrabulho

2010-10-17 Thread Alice Gouveia

Dear Frederick,
Sarrabulho, papas de sarrabulho have no similarity with Sorpotel. In 
late Summer-Autum the pig is killed and it's some social happening in 
the countryside. Neighbours, friends and family are invited for the 
occasion. From the blood collected by piercing the neck (jugular) vein 
to prepare the papas the sarrabulho. It's a ritual in the north of 
Portugal. The rest of the meat is used to make sausages, or preserve it 
for Winter when it's cold.

Our sarapatel either came from Bahia (Brasil) or Africa.
All the best

Re: [Goanet] My Fight – the Fight that will never end

2010-10-17 Thread andre mzes

Hi Aires Sir,
Read your very interisting article & fill like to congrats to what you 
had achived in your all these life.so may God gives you good 
health,courage,guts.so lets fights for the rights.keep up your good work 


[Goanet] Europe and the Inquisition (Part 8)

2010-10-17 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
IV. Social and population unrest - led by the masses.

Ethnic cleansing is not a phenomenon of the 15th, 16th and 17th century.  It 
continued into the 18th & 19th century in Europe and their colonies in the 
Americas, Australia and New Zealand; and in the new countries of USA and 
Canada.  The native populations were moved-off their land into reservations.  
Ethnic cleansing makes victims of the poor and further dispossess them of their 
homesteads.  Previously we referred to the 'Peasant Revolt' in Lutheran Germany 
in 1524, with 100,000 killed and 50,000 left homeless.
Ethnic cleansing continued into the 20th century in Armenia-Turkey, Germany 
prior to World War II, USA  during World War II (Japanese interment), more 
recently South Africa and Israel. The greatest ethnic cleansing in the last 
century was in the Asian subcontinent in 1947, during Partition of India. An 
estimated 15 million people were displaced and 1 million people killed. Ethnic 
cleansing continues into the 21st century in the occupied West Bank-Gaza and in 
former Yugoslavian republics.
Ethnic cleansing and persecution, for socio-economic reasons, is not a 
phenomenon of religion or inquisition. These have been used as a convenient way 
to smear one group; or present a group as the only / main victim of a universal 
phenomenon that affected all peoples, all religions and all across the world

Europe's population grew significantly in the Modern Age. From the colonies new 
crops of potato and corn increased agricultural yield in Europe and provided 
better nutrition to the farmers.  The imported spices served as food 
preservatives which permitted soicety to store the excess food for the winter.

There were several events in the Church after the Protestant Reformation

Reformation of Church Administration.
Flourishing of established and formation of new Religious Orders.
Proliferation of Spiritual or "Born Again" Movements.
Political Implications.

The Counter-Reformation within the Catholic Church is dated from the start of 

Council of Trent and ending with the 'Thirty Year War' (extending from 
1545-1648).  Yet many church leaders in various countries and dioceses started 
on the path of reformation lot earlier.

Vocations blossomed with formation of  many new religious orders - Capuchin, 
Trappist, Oratorian, Ursuline, Salesian, Theatine, Carmelite, Jesuit.  Few of 
these religious orders had various off-shoots and many had divisions for women 
and lay people.  Existing religious orders reformed themselves or reform 
divisions took root and formed separate congregations. Seminaries, monasteries 
and convents flourished with zeal.  These religious groups started serving the 
poor masses in their own country and in the colonies. There was a proliferation 
of healthcare services and caring for the poor and downtrodden like hospitals, 
nursing homes, and schools for boys and girls. 

The proliferation of vocations was an outlet for the poor and lower strata of 
society to get an education and seek a career in the church in their own 
or in the colonies. There were schools in every village and universities in all 
big cities across Europe.  In the vanguard with education and lifting the lower 
class out of poverty and illiteracy were the Jesuits; both in their native 
countries all across Europe and in the colonies in Asia and Americas. The 
order approved by the pope in 1534, was founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556). 

By the time Loyola died, the organization grew from 6 to 1500 members in a span 
of 22 years. Until the 18th century, the Society of Jesus had a monopoly on 
under-graduate and post-graduate education in Spain and France and a major 
in nearly all European countries (at that time there was no east or west) .  
the Jesuits too were victims of the Inquisition in France, Spain and Portugal, 
once again demonstrating the power of the absolute monarchs and the 
socio-economic factors at work.

'Born Again' movements led to many leaders and followers of mysticism and 
asceticism in leading a life of poverty, purity of thought, action, literature 
and religious works. Mystics claim to have a direct connection of their soul 
with their divinity. Mystics and ascetics are found in all religions and they 
often have a profound influence on people around them; leading to a large 
following of devotees. Groups propounding heresies (their own version or 
interpretation of beliefs) are not new, and some exist today. They are often 
called Arianism after Arius of the Egypt around 300 AD.  Some of these groups 
are what today are called cults.

[Goanet] Canada PIOs must give up Indian passport

2010-10-17 Thread Goanet News Service

Canada PIOs must give up Indian passport
IANS, Oct 17, 2010, 02.22am IST

TORONTO: Persons of Indian origin (PIOs) will now have to formally 
renounce their citizenship and surrender their Indian passport after 
acquiring foreign citizenship, according to new rules circulated by the 
Indian high commission here.

Canadian PIOs will have to pay a fee of $168 to get their Indian 
passport cancelled by the country's mission here.

"New rules require that Indian citizens acquiring foreign citizenship on 
or after June 1, 2010, must formally renounce Indian citizenship," the 
mission statement said.

But those who have acquired foreign citizenship before June 1, 2010, 
will be exempted from paying the so-called renunciation fee of $168.

On surrender of their Indian passport, PIOs will be issued a 'surrender 
certificate' which they will have to produce when seeking Indian visa or 
PIO card or OCI (overseas citizenship of India) card, according to the 
new rules.


Re: [Goanet] You Tube: Ernest Ignatius: I Married A Female Wrestler

2010-10-17 Thread Edward Verdes

Thanks Eddie, I was looking out for the lyrics of this song
now here is also a karaoke version..this is also a Goan Song :)


Edward Verdes

- Original Message - 
From: "Eddie Fernandes" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 12:13 PM
Subject: [Goanet] You Tube: Ernest Ignatius: I Married A Female Wrestler

[Goanet] Mining blow to Western Ghats

2010-10-17 Thread Marshall Mendonza
As if causing environmental destruction in Goa is not bad enough, the mining
lobby is now eyeing the lovely and picturesque Sindhudurg region bordering
Goa on the north viz. Sawantwadi and Dodamarg. 49 mining leases have been



  SAWANTWADI-DODAMARG (MAHARASHTRA): The beauty of the Western
one of the last few remaining densely forested areas in the country, may
soon be relegated to the realm of the picture postcard. In what could bring
forth one of the worst ecological disasters in years, the state government
has approved 49 mining leases for excavating iron and bauxite ores in the
eco-fragile Sindhudurg

Sindhudurg, incidentally, has the highest green cover in Maharashtra (49%)
and was declared the first eco-tourism district in the country in 1997.

Worse, 32 of these mining permits have been given in the Sawantwadi-Dodamarg
zone, which has the highest forest cover within Sindhudurg, and is an
integral part of the wildlife corridor between Koyna sanctuary in Satara,
Radhanagari wildlife sanctuary in Kolhapur district and the Anshi-Dandeli
tiger reserve in Karnataka.

The biodiverse region, with perennial streams and rivers, is home to a
spectrum of wildlife, such as the leopard, bison and deer. Forest officials
say there have been at least four tiger sightings as well in the past two

Four mines are already operational in the area. On Wednesday, TOI visited
one, which began work last year, in Kalane village in Sawantwadi block. The
sharp colour contrast at the site said it all: a long red strip of a
half-slit mountain jutted out like an ugly sore amid the lush green canopy
around it. Huge earth movers dug deep into the mountain and gouged out red
mud, which was transported by a trail of dumpers to processing units.

Stalin D, project director of Vanashakti, an environmental NGO working on
mining-related issues in Sindhudurg, explains that the mining companies use
open-cast processing to excavate iron ore and bauxite. "The mountains have
to be slit open and dug up to extract minerals lying deep beneath the soil,"
he says. "What remains are huge craters filled with unpotable water full of
heavy metals. The miners never bother to refill the hole or replant native
vegetation to regenerate the eco-system."

Before operations began here, the villagers of Kalane had passed a gram
sabha resolution stating that they did not want mining, as it would destroy
both the rich flora and fauna and their agricultural farmlands. "The
villagers in Kalane objected at the two public hearings, as the
environmental impact assessment (EIA) report prepared by the mining firm did
not mention the existence of perennial water bodies, rivers and the reserve
forest in the adjoining Ugade village," says Sawantwadi-based environmental
activist Dr Rajendra Parulekar. "It is shocking that based on the
false EIAreports,
mining companies got licences to operate here." Activists say that
there were physical skirmishes between the mining companies and villagers,
and that the latter were threatened.

Wildlife experts and botanists say that if other mining companies start
operations at the proposed sites, the mountains will become huge craters in
just a few years from now. "Just look at how miners have destroyed stretches
of Goa along the Sahyadri, where instead of green mountains we have ugly
open craters now. The government should revoke all these licences if it
wants to protect its rich natural resources, and instead encourage
eco-friendly business models," says Goa-based environmental activist Claude
Alvares ,
who has been advocating zero mining in all eco-fragile zones in the country.

Interestingly, Alvares believes that mining companies are increasingly
eyeing Maharashtra ever since the ministry of environment and forests
imposed a moratorium on issuing fresh mining leases in Goa till its
government came out with a comprehensive mineral policy. "It is a well-known
fact that the mining mafia is controlled by politicians from both states, as
the money involved is huge," he says.

According to Parulekar, there is an estimated Rs 25,000 crore of mineral
wealth in Sindhudurg. "Lured by this, if mining continues unabated, it will
have tragic human consequences as well," he says. "Devoid of rivers and
agricultural land, farmers will have no option but to leave their once
fertile and self-sufficient villages. The result will be urban migration and
ensuing poverty and misery."

Read more: Mining blow to Western Ghats - The Times of

Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-17 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Santosh Helekar said : Aspartame is made from two naturally occurring amino 
acids. One of the natural  amino acids used,
 namely phenylalanine is sometimes obtained in pure form in  some parts of the 
world from a strain of harmless bacteria (E. coli) 
that live  in our gut under normal conditons, but there is absolutely no 
chemical  difference between this phenylalanine 
and the one that is present in our body.   Genetic modification has nothing to 
do with repercussions with our genes. 
In  obtaining useful and life saving medicines this modification is done in the 
 genes of harmless bacteria to express
 human polypeptides and proteins in high  concentrations. Medicines that are 
produced in this manner include insulin,  
growth hormone, factors that are missing in blood clotting disorders called  
hemophilia, etc. If you want to know details 
about genetic engineering, and why  it is not what is claimed to be in the post 
appended below, please let me know.  
I would be happy to provide more information because of my past hands-on  
experience with that technology.   RESPONSE:1-  
 By now, Goanetters know that aspartame is derived from Genetically Modified 
E-coli and that it is composed 
of THREE and not two chemicals.2-   Aspartame is NOT an useful or LIFE saving 
medicine. It is not at all a medicine. 
It is just a commercial substitute for sugar. If it was life saving drugs, then 
we medical doctors by vocation would advise patients into choosing between the 
frying pan and the fire.3-   That Research at Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology have proved it to be harmful and carcinogenic; 
and that ‘SEARL’ Pharmaceutical Company deleted these findings when they 
submitted this study to the F & DA! 
One of the sites is below:





If more sites need to be referred, just
google “MIT & Aspartame”


Maybe we have better Institutes in Goa than
MIT; naturally! 
As the saying goes: “Like father, like son” 

So also : “Like Education Minister, like
products of the education!”


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


Re: [Goanet] Evils Lurking in Aspartame Consumption

2010-10-17 Thread Tony de Sa
Why waste your time and talents arguing about aspartme when you have a
better alternative -'SUCRALOSE'?
Marketed in India as 'Sugar Free Natura' and extensively in use in the
catering industry?

For a quick read on sucralose see  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucralose


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com


[Goanet] FW: To put on internet goa karanti

2010-10-17 Thread Anthony Gonsalves

Hello Sir

This is an article about football event in kuwait for united goans centre in 
kuwait. I have attached the writeup in ms word.

Thanks for your time.

Joseph Gonsalves

Re: [Goanet] Mapusa Municipal Elections with Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott

2010-10-17 Thread floriano



It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest 

Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined, 
or to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance' 
be identified and accepted.

for a date in 2012

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness 



Re: [Goanet] GBA meeting at Azad Maidan (A report with clip & pics)

2010-10-17 Thread soter
I feel JoeGoa has jumped to assumptions which need not necessarily be true 
about people's concern for issues about Goa.
Why should people of Goa only be expected to attend a GBA rally and not 
other rallies? Who decides what is political, secular, ..in Goa's 
Information gathered shows that people had mostly come to Panjim at their 
own cost on 18 Dec. 2006. Who claimed 2 for bus transport?
How much support did GBA ensure when similar public meetings were 
organised by the Ganv Ghor Rakhonn Manch and other groups against mega 
projects in villages?
What has been the stance of GBA from June 2007 in ensuring that a new 
participatory planning process is in place for Goa? It is cheering the 
RP2021 which is prepared under a body and law that does not recognise Gram 
Sabhas. You declare the RP first or change the laws first, which is 
logical? What do mere press notes and words like 'participatory' or 
'73rd/74th Amendment' mean after looking at the overall stance of GBA 
which appears to be dictated by real estate interests?
Who drew the crowds in 2007 and thereafter who claimed the credit and was 
promoted as the hero by vested political interests? Who termed uprisings 
in  Gram Sabhas as anarchism? Who supported real estate development as a 
need for Goa? Who christened non-goans as goans?
What has GBA done to take views of people from across the board, 
irrespective if they are members or not,  to chart out a participatory 
course of action and philosophy on planning processes? Should people of 
Goa follow like goats what is dictated by a bunch of controversial 
architects, engineers environmentalists, and political agents?
December18, 2007 was a participatory effort of several goans, many of whom 
worked behind the curtains without recognition, but were systematically 
shunned thereafter because of their hard stand against the TCP Act and the 
present process of planning. Inflated egos from the success of the rallies 
in 2006-07 bit the very hands that fed them and played God and match maker 
for Digu.  The masses are not asses as some elitist luminaries think.


[Goanet] Aires Rodrigues: The Fight will never end

2010-10-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
17 Oct: Digital Goa.  By Aires Rodrigues.  Excerpts:

"My fight against injustice started quite early in life when at the age of
10, I met Goa's first Chief Minister late Dayanand Bandodkar to demand
justice for my grandmother... 

My debut in public life began in 1979 when I was in the forefront of the
very successful, 11 day State-wide student agitation that demanded a blanket
50% bus concession for all students...

I have not shied away from pursuing a whole range of issues involving senior
politicians to well-connected bureaucrats. Even the October 13th 2008 brutal
attempt on my life at Ashok restaurant has not cowed me down..."  

Full text, 2375 words, at  http://www.digitalgoa.com/tag_article.php?id=317

[Goanet] And a Gold for Delhi

2010-10-17 Thread Marshall Mendonza
After a lot of brickbats, the CWG ended on a high note with the organisation
going like clockwork, no untoward incidents and the athletes enjoying
themselves. India surpassed its previous record and claimed the second
place. It has been sometime when the spotlight was not on the cricketers.
Here is a tribute from the editor-in-chief of Indian Express, Shekhar Gupta.


[Goanet] Song for the day.

2010-10-17 Thread Gabe Menezes
Do you love me like you kiss me? kate Winslet



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Opening of "Life in Pastels" by Nilesh Bharti Opening 22nd October, 2010 - 7 p.m.

2010-10-17 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Gallery Gitanjali presents "Life in Pastels" -Works by Nilesh Bharti
Opening 22nd October,2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Works will be on display from 22nd-28th October ,2010 from9am-8pm

In an endeavour to make the whole experience of enjoying art more 
interactive and enriching Nilesh will be facilitating :

A "Watercolours Workshop" for Adults -20th-22nd October,2010
A session on "Exploring Watercolours " for Children on 23rd October,2010

For further queries call Lourdes at 9823253361/9823572035

Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] For the Future of Goa's environment - S.O.S. Goa

2010-10-17 Thread Charles Fernandes

In attn of Mr. Jose Oscar Noronha.

Dear Mr. Norohna,

 Your below 
contents did raise my eyebrows & I must comment on your efforts in 
gratifying the considerations of Ms. Carmita Miranda…

Make no mistakes, trust! It’s very very simple and effortless for any 
personal to shoot out in air with some whimsical & fanciful words …But 
in reality your mere spurious sayings in here will not hold good.

I say so, for one has to be there on ground and bring up the necessary 
changes… Sitting IN NEW JERSY (USA) or LONDON & trying to improve 
something will certainly NOT HOLD GOOD with such elongated dictum holdup

Should you or Ms. Carmitta so be interested in safeguarding OUR GOA’S 
interest , I would recommend to be there on goan soil and carry out the 
necessary implications.

No hard feelings.. Mog assundi..

Best regards
Charles Fernandes

From: Jose Oscar Noronha
Date: Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:18 PM
Subject: For the Future of Goa's environment - S.O.S. Goa

Dear Friend,

Carmen Miranda (Carmita)  was my contemporary in High School (Liceu) in 
Goa, a couple of years my junior. She is also the first cousin of my 
childhood friend Luis Miranda,  today an Urological surgeon practicing 
in New York, whom some of you might know. Carmen has settled in the UK 
for many decades now, and lives in London. As you will know, the actions 
of builder-developers along the coastal belt,  and  mining activity in 
the hinterland,  threaten  the sources of drinking water and the very 
basic living conditions and environment for our people.

Attached is an update and an appeal from Carmen.  To her credit,

a) Living in London, she has no vested interest.  It is her love of 
the homeland that prompts her to step out of the comfort that  she is 
entitled to in her golden years and spearhead a movement for containing 
predatory mining activity.

b)Using their own resources, she and her fellow activists have 
delivered results. They have prevailed upon an Union Minister in Delhi 
to order a stay of  expansion of mining exploration.   Carmen, who has 
been a journalist specialized in environmental affairs,  intends to set 
up an NGO  to  support and fund  whatever actions may be necessary in 
Goa and India to counteract the backlash and lobbying from powerful 
mining interests.

Your support is appreciated for now, including forwarding the attached 
letter to friends and acquaintances. In the future, you may contribute 
to the NGO.  You may contact Carmen directly, using the e-mail provided.

Thank you for your kind attention. Hope health is improving Warm regards!

Oscar Noronha

[Goanet] Inquiry

2010-10-17 Thread Margherita Devi Terzi
Does anyone know who owns what taluka in Goa? for example Rane's own 
half of .? salgaonkar's own..? Bradez is mostly owned by...? 
birla owns zuari...so and so. Pls if you have any info pls write back 
thanks!! have a nice day!!

[Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-17 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
- Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcao wrote:

Goanetters are not an illiterate lot to be fooled by false and inaccurate 
information obtained by 'cut and paste' method.  They have google with them, 
if they just google "Aspartame, genetically engineered" they will get 60 
thousand and more sites to confirm from. That will also confirm some of the 
netters whom not to believe.   

- GL responds:

So now we have web-links on both sides of the issue (not surprisingly). Who is 
to tell / say which web-link is more of an authority?

The reality is most articles posted on goanet are for general information.  
Nobody should write their PhD these using these web posted articles. Or 
self-medicate themselves based on these general information writings.  These 
articles hopefully can make us interested and educated enough, to pursue 
reading. In the case of medical information, it is for the person / patient to 
dialog the issue further with their doctor.

So we should stop being childish and hit each other on the head; with merely 
posting new web-links. If one wants to rebut the articles, from one's own 
personal knowledge, please do so. If not the 'Copy and Paste' contrary 
article(s) without being able to vouch for the scientific validity of the new 
link is meaningless. I have no objection to posting other articles to balance 
the perspectives of the initial article.  That expands the dialog without the 
am smarter than you" approach of those who are skilled at web-surfing.

Regards, GL

[Goanet] You Tube: Ernest Ignatius: I Married A Female Wrestler

2010-10-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
16 Oct: You Tube.  Ernest Ignatius was born in Goa and performed as a
cabaret artist for 12 years in hotels and clubs all over in India. The late
Vernon Corea played Ernest Ignatius's 'I Married A Female Wrestler' on Radio
Ceylon and it became an instant hit. Ernest now lives in London. 2m. 19s.

Ernest Ignatius' Showreel  has clips from his appearances in Esther
Rantzen's 'That's Life', and Lloyd Webber's  'Bombay Dreams', etc. 3m. 51s.
Go to   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMhxDzp7sls

[Goanet] Controversial Governors

2010-10-17 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Ravi Sangekar:

1.When i compare Mr P.Rane, w.d'souza,L.Faleiro,F.Sardinha' with s.kakodkar
and M.Parrikar i find both of them are way above the cong. CMS.as far as
governance goes.AS REGARDS Mr D.B.Bandodker he was the best CM We ever had.

2. Coming back to Goa's political scene let me assure you one thing if
congress party with the present set of legislators stays in power for
another ten years Goa will be destroyed beyond repair.


1.Each one of us are entitled to our individual perceptions of who was bad,
good or the best. However, the truth may be quite different as a
dispassionate study of history will reveal.

2.When the voters are presented with a Hobson’s choice to choose between a
corrupt and incompetent party and a corrupt and communal party, they are
left with no alternative but to choose the lesser evil. Rather than berating
the Congress all the time, if the BJP supporters and well wishers had only
to impress upon the party to discard its divisive agendas and vicious
ideology and focus on good governance, it could see a sea change in its
fortunes. As of now,its track record in Gujarat, Orissa now Karnataka, does
not inspire any confidence in the electorate.

Maybe the electorate needs to have a serious look at a third alternative
like the Goa Suraj Party which has its manifesto and heart in the right
place but lacks ground support due to caste and religious loyalties.



[Goanet] ITM Goa 2010 - A clip

2010-10-17 Thread JoeGoaUk
ITM Goa 2010


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Konkani Song for the Day

2010-10-17 Thread Edward Verdes
A trio by Edwin D'Costa - Menin Mario - Bab Andrew on Scarlet..


Edward Verdes

Re: [Goanet] Science of Manipulations

2010-10-17 Thread Santosh Helekar
This is my consolidated refutation of the factually erroneous statements made 
in the two posts appended below.

The claim that just because one obtains more than 60,000 hits on Google by 
searching for the phrase "aspartame, genetically modified", it must be true, is 
naive and demonstrably false. The phrase "UFO are real" gets nearly 2 million 
hits on Google. The phrases "ghosts are real" and "Santa Claus is real" get 
more than 9 million and 14 million hits, respectively. How many Goanetters want 
to believe these claims?

It is well known that there are more fake, untrustworthy, irresponsible, 
conspiratorial and crackpot websites on the internet than genuine ones. This is 
also true with all the books that are published. So on health, medical and 
scientific matters, it is important to trust information that is only provided 
by internationally recognized organizations in these fields. For example, the 
following information provided by the U.S. National Cancer Institute refutes 
the bogus claim made in one of the posts appended below regarding cancer and 
aspartame, namely the claim that no study has established that aspartame does 
not cause cancer:


The following claims are also utterly false:

1. That aspartame is made by genetic modification.

2. That "anything Genetically Modified has its repercussions with your genes."

Aspartame is made from two naturally occurring amino acids. One of the natural 
amino acids used, namely phenylalanine is sometimes obtained in pure form in 
some parts of the world from a strain of harmless bacteria (E. coli) that live 
in our gut under normal conditons, but there is absolutely no chemical 
difference between this phenylalanine and the one that is present in our body. 

Genetic modification has nothing to do with repercussions with our genes. In 
obtaining useful and life saving medicines this modification is done in the 
genes of harmless bacteria to express human polypeptides and proteins in high 
concentrations. Medicines that are produced in this manner include insulin, 
growth hormone, factors that are missing in blood clotting disorders called 
hemophilia, etc. If you want to know details about genetic engineering, and why 
it is not what is claimed to be in the post appended below, please let me know. 
I would be happy to provide more information because of my past hands-on 
experience with that technology.



--- On Fri, 10/15/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão  
> Goanetters are not an illiterate lot to be
> fooled by false and inaccurate information obtained by 'cut
> and paste' method.           
> They have google with them, and if they just
> google “Aspartame, genetically engineered” they will
> get 60 thousand and more
> sites to confirm from.         
> That will also confirm some of the netters whom
> not to believe.           
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

--- On Sat, 10/16/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão  
> RESPONSE: I would suggest Bosco go to
> ‘advanced Google’, and insert : ‘Aspartame
> genetically modified”. You will get
> a million sites and many medical websites giving you some
> insight on this
> topic.             
> I have precisely titled the subject as
> ‘Science of manipulations’ because it was approved by
> using political muscle
> power. And when it is approved, where does your FDA have
> teeth? 
> Coca-cola is a consumer product, so are all
> others using Aspartame, and will definitely derive maximum
> benefit in their
> sales when they can market it as ‘low calorie’ or
> ‘diet’. Products are marketed
> by taking advantage of human susceptibility; overweight
> people want to reduce
> with the least of effort. See how ‘low calorie’ or
> ‘sugar free’ products are
> market on all media.         
> Bosco is right and cautious in saying “sometime in the
> future, the
> relationship between aspartame and cancer may be
> established”; but does it mean
> until then people can go on consuming at the detriment to
> their health? It is
> not unfound information as he cites. No research has
> categorically stated that
> it does not cause cancer, and anything Genetically Modified
> has its repercussions
> with your genes. It is for Goans to be cautious and aware,
> and be prudent that
> this product is not totally safe. 
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] Cinnamon

2010-10-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
The fascinating story of Cinnamon, and don't miss the Portuguese, Sri
Lankan and Dutch links to it:

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Opening up Goans' family archives

2010-10-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
17 Oct: Daily News & Analysis. ... Savia Viegas,  a 52-year-old art
historian has a 100-strong collection of photos of Goan families, from the
year 1880 till Goa's liberation in 1961. The idea of archiving and analysing
photographs had come to Viegas seven years ago, during her research year as
a Fulbright scholar in the United States... she got a fellowship and was
soon on a reverse pilgrimage back to her native Goan village of Carmona...
she  literally barged into Goan homes, demanding to see their albums. And
Goa being the way it is, she says, it opened its doors, and its albums, for
her benefit... 729 words + 3 photos.

[Goanet] Memorandum by Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) to Goa's Chief Minister

2010-10-17 Thread Goa World

Goa Bachao Abhiyan

77, Defence Colony, Alto Porvorim-Goa
Phone: 9767701245

14 October, 2010
The Chief Minister,
Government of Goa,

Due to the opposition of the people of Goa led by the GBA, the 
Government of Goa, then headed by Mr. Pratapsing Rane as CM, revoked the 
notified Regional Plan for Goa 2011 in February, 2007. The current 
Government of Goa set up a Task Force on RP 2021 first in October, 2007 
and changed its terms of reference in February, 2008. A draft RP2021 was 
notified in October, 2008 and then State Level Committee was set up to 
finalize RP 2021 with inputs from village level committees. All the 
committees for RP 2021 have been headed ex-officio by the Chief Minister 
since October, 2007.

When the draft RP2021 was sent to the villages, the people of Goa made 
the effort to study it and gave their suggestions and comments trough 
the Village Level Committee on RP 2021 and the Gram Sabha meetings 
across Goa hoping that the RP2021 will stop the destruction of Goa and 
the necessary legislative changes would be made to make a people’s 
participatory plan legally binding on all.

However, the RP2021 is yet to be completed and no changes have been made 
in the laws in force to provide for participatory planning. In the 
meantime the destruction continues. On the contrary, retrograde changes 
have been made in the Goa TCP Act, 1974 to provide for PPP vide amended 
Section 16 & 16 A and the administration has notified the “Goa Land 
Development & Building Construction Regulations, 2010†last month to 
provide for 80 FAR across Goa when many villages have asked for a cap at 
50 FAR.

Enough notice has been given to the elected Government of Goa and the 
Goa Administration. The people marched to the CM’s official residence 
on 04 March, 2010, and when no action was forthcoming, to the residence 
in Margao on 27 March, 2010. The CM has given an assurance on the floor 
of the Goa Legislative Assembly on 27 March, 2010, that the RP 2021 
would be finalized in six months. This period has ended.

Repeated meetings have been held with the CM, Chief Town Planner [CTP] 
of Goa and other officials. A "structured meeting" was held on 21 April, 
2010, with the then Secretary to CM and Secretary for TCP, Forests, WRD 
& Public Grievances,

A "Chain in the Rain" protest was held on 11 June, 2010, at Panaji, to 
highlight the Goa Government's failure to keep its promise.

Very little progress has been made and a lot of damage suffered by the 
people and ecology of Goa in the meanwhile. The continuance and growth 
of rampant illegal mining, hazardous industries in residential areas, 
destruction of traditional livelihoods like fishing and agriculture, 
demolition of houses, construction of big housing projects in villages , 
displacement of local residents in the name of development, non planned 
construction , denial of tribal rights by non implementation of Forest 
Dwellers Act 2006, no legislation for participatory planning, etc, are 
several issues relating to planning which is plaguing the state. People 
of Goa have patiently waited for promises and assurances given in the 
Assembly to be fulfilled.

In the wake of governance failure the people of Goa have decided to 
re-launch the agitation to get the just demands fulfilled.

Four common issues have been identified by the people after 
consultations held by GBA along with representatives of various groups 
to protect Goa for posterity.

We Demand

1. Notify VP3 status with 50 FAR in ALL the Villages that have opted for 
VP3 in the RP 2021. Where there is conflict between the Panchayat Body 
and the Gram Sabha, adhere to VP3 till the issue is resolved.
2. Notify all Eco-Sensitive Zones [ESZs] at least as shown in Draft RP 
2021, like steep slopes, forested areas, paddy fields, mangroves, 
wetlands, lakes and ponds and protect them form "development".
3. Implement the High Court order prohibiting "development" of 
multi-dwelling units till the infrastructure is in place [roads, 
electricity, drainage, garbage disposal, etc] All files with proposals 
for development without satisfying the above directive is in contempt of 
the court and should be returned to the applicant, NOT sent to TCP Dept 
for NOC.
4. Legislate and amend Acts for participatory planning and development 
which is in consonance with Article 243 of the Constitution of India 
after the 73rd and 74th amendments to it. The Participatory Planning 
Process [people's PPP] must have a legal basis
In the event appropriate notifications are not issued and published in 
the Official Gazette of Goa by the end of 15 days from today, ending 29 
October, 2010, to provide for Sr. 1 and 2 above and if no orders are 
issued to the District Collectors and TCP Dept to enforce the Court 
orders on infrastructure and if the first meeting of the Committee set 
up for review of Goa TCP Act, 1974, is not held, 

[Goanet] My Fight – the Fight that will never end

2010-10-17 Thread Aires Rodrigues
My fight against injustice started quite early in life. Only God knows where
and when this long journey against injustice and social ills will all end.
At the age of 10, I met Goa’s first Chief Minister late Dayanand Bandodkar
to demand justice for my grandmother. She was residing at Altinho and was
being harassed by her tenants. Bandodkar directed me to his daughter, Mrs.
Shashikala Kakodkar who was then a state Minister in his cabinet.

My debut in public life began in 1979 when I was in the forefront of the
very successful, 11 day State-wide student agitation that demanded a blanket
50% bus concession for all students. In 1979 the student community proved to
be a formidable force that was able to challenge the then Government headed
by Chief Minister Shashikala Kakodkar. It was the kindling of student
activism in Goa.  The powerful bus owner's lobby was being fully supported
by the Shashikala Kakodkar Government. The student agitation spread from
Pernem to Canacona and within 13 days of launching of the agitation the
Shashikala Kakodkar Government decided to concede to the demand of the
student community for 50% bus concession.

Mrs. Shashikala Kakodkar was never vindictive. Though I was a very close
family friend of the Kakodkar family, Shashikala respected my right to
oppose some of her government’s policies and decisions. And for this I still
respect and hold her in high esteem. In spite of her busy schedule as Chief
Minister whenever I was at her Porvorim residence at lunch time, Mrs.
Kakodkar made sure lunch was served at her hands.She was more than a
"Tai" to me. She was always and perhaps still is, very concerned about my

On 7th Jan 1979, during the same student agitation, Mrs. Shashikala Kakodkar
was being felicitated at Azad Maidan on her 44th birthday by a committee
headed by the late Mr. V.M Salgaoncar. As she was not conceding to our
demand for 50 % bus concession we decided to demonstrate and disrupt her
felicitation function. We were successful but sadly, VM Salgaoncar’s
Mercedes car was badly damaged in that chaotic evening. It was just a
coincidence that I later graduated in law from VM Salgaoncar’s college.

Over the years I have never hesitated to take on the rich and mighty over a
wide range of issues. I have not shied away from pursuing a whole range of
issues involving senior politicians to well-connected bureaucrats. Even the
October 13th 2008 brutal attempt on my life at Ashok restaurant has not
cowed me down.   It was a miraculous escape having survived the gang of six
armed goons.

In 1985, when the then Panjim Municipal Council (now CCP) had leased out
Azad Maidan to the Delhi based All India Stall Holders Association to run a
sale exhibition for eight months, I was able to move a petition before the
Collector of Goa who directed the exhibitors to vacate Azad Maidan. The
Collector’s decision was also upheld by the High Court.

On 7th March 1986,  I used the judicial process to get the then Councillor
of Panaji Municipal Council  Adv. Amol Naik disqualified by the Director of
Municipal Administration for having as a  councillor appeared against the
Municipal Council in violation of the Municipalities Act.  Amol Naik was the
Goa’s first municipal councillor to be disqualified.

In 1986 on Christmas Eve, during the Konkani language agitation, I was
ordered to be detained by the then Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane under the
National Security Act. I was however ordered to be released by the Bombay
High Court at Goa on New Year’s Eve.

Obviously my fight through judicial activism and head on collisions were
impacting the powers that be.  In the year 2000, my name figured in the Goa
Government’s list of Goondas along with now Urban Development Minister
Joaquim Alemao and current Education Minister Babush Monseratte.  When I
protested the authorities promptly deleted my name from the list stating
that the name crept in by error.

When the then Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane appointed his neighbour and
family friend, the industrialist, late David Menezes as Chairman of Panjim
Planning and Development Authority, I unsuccessfully challenged it through a
PIL contending that David Menezes had no knowledge of Town and Country
Planning. The matter was pursued right to the Supreme Court which did not
intervene in the matter ruling that the appointment was the prerogative of
the State Government.

The appointment of Mr. Esvonta Porobo as Chairman of the Administrative
Tribunal without the concurrence of the High Court, as required by law was
successfully challenged. Mr. Porobo resigned and was later re-appointed to
the post after following the required procedures. However I was
unsuccessfull when I challenged the appointment of the late Mr. Avinash Vaze
as Chairman of Goa Public Service Commission, having to take it up right to
the Supreme Court.

In 2001 when the then BJP Government introduced the Dayanand Social Security
Scheme,  the application forms w

Re: [Goanet] Science for sale ...

2010-10-17 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão


Santosh Helekar said: <<>>>

RESPONSE: Dr. Gilbert has not accused
anyone in particular or mentioned any names, nor given any definite hint as to
the identity of the uncouth persons who act as self appointed ‘Mafia Bosses’ on
Goanet. It is for the Goanetters to identify them from their posts. I ask the
reason for this outburst from Santosh. If
the cap didn’t fit him, a learned person as Santosh claims himself, should have
just ignored the comment.

I beg to differ on one point with Dr. Gilbert.
He said: “very educated but totally uncouth”. I may be wrong as this involves
English. Education is attaining knowledge; in contrast to Degrees which is just
a piece of paper. Education cannot be obtained through manipulations whereas
Degrees can. And often than not, it gets exposed when these specimens open
their mouth. 



Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] Daily Grook #826

2010-10-17 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

the old witchy cursers
did oft make a mistake,
but now with computers
they have spell-check!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
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[Goanet] Return Hindu shrines: Dalits

2010-10-17 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Here is the first fallout of the Allahabad HC judgement.

*New Delhi, Oct. 8: *Call it the Babri verdict fallout: a group of Dalit
rights activists has decided to approach the government demanding that
Buddha and Jain viharas that have been converted to Hindu temples should be
returned to the original owners.

The group, made up of Ambedkar followers, academics, advocates and
activists, has also decided to approach the Supreme Court with the demand.

Several Buddha and Jain viharas were there in the country from sixth century
BC to 13th century AD, which were later converted into Hindu temples by
placing idols in them, the group said.

Now that Allahabad High Court has given Hindus two-thirds of the land on
which Babri Masjid stood on the ground that there was a temple at the site
before the mosque was constructed, all those viharas should also be
returned, they argued.

According to M.S. Jayaprakash, a historian, the temples at Tirupati, Kashi,
Sabarimala, Guruvayoor and Palani were once Buddhist temples. Even Swami
Vivekananda had revealed that the Puri Jagannath temple was originally a
Buddhist temple, he said.

Hundreds of Buddhist statues, stupas and viharas were destroyed in India
between AD 830 and AD 966 in the name of Hindu revivalism, Jayaprakash said.
Literary and archaeological sources within and outside India speak of this,
he added.

Other members of the group include “Dalit Bandhu” N.K. Jose, Bhim Jayaraj
and Vijay Shekhar.

The group is planning to meet BSP chief Mayavati. “We hope that Mayavati,
whose vote bank is largely made up of Dalits and neo-Buddhists, will be
receptive to the idea. The issue is both political and religious — a deadly
concoction which no politician can afford to neglect,” said one activist.

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: River Princess

2010-10-17 Thread lino dourado
Raza-Rannichea ghorabeant choli zolman aili zalear tika princess mhonntat. 
Mhonchem, royal daughter. Tichi bhouch apurbai zata. Kitloch novkor lok, tichi 
seva korunk astat. Vorsamni ti vhaddta-vhaddtam tichea xikxonnacher, chal, 
rit-rovis, nhesnacher ani her sovoimyancher ekdom promann charchea zata. 
Potrakar ani TV sadhon asa tem, dorek vorsa ticho zolmdis khoxe toren ani khoim 
sorombtole hacher bhasabhas kortat. Tigelem avddichem khan ani follancho diet 
potrancher chappun haddat. Mogache sombond konna thaim dovorleat hacher dollo 
dorit ani vas ghe-it astat ani logn zanvchi asa zalear tichea bhitorlea 
mustaki-soit resperachim nhessnam vixim ani hatak-goleak kosleo diamanticheo 
moladik vostu astoleo hache vhoir, vhodd boball kortat.
Hindu somudayechea ghorabeant choli zolmolear girestkay ani sundor noxib ghevn 
Lakhmi aili mhonntat. Kristi ghorabeant zolmololea choliek zaite toren yevkar 
mellta vo nanvam ditat. Malgoddea putache bailek choli zolmoli ani ghorant avoy 
na zalear, mhonnchem; avoy Devachea ghora ghel’li asot tor, rokhdench mhonntat, 
maim aili. Avoy asa punn xamaim nasot, sottasot mhonntat xamaim aili. Ani oxe 
toren poile choliek vorixtt nanvanim yekaran ghetat 

Kaim vorsam fattim Gõyche utor dixen Kandolim ganvche dorya kinarer River 
Princess-an zolm ghetla. Raza-Rannichea vo Hindu-Kristi ghorabeant zolmotolea 
choliechi apurbay zata te toren hichi zaina. Ek dolldir yevn sobit kinarer 
poddlem mhunn, hi princess Gõyche porjecho xirap khata. Hea River Princess-an 
Gõychea soimbik jiyepi sorbhonvtonichea vattovoronnachem (ecology) nixontton 
korun uddoilam ani korit asa ani Gõycho broxttochar sorkar atth-paim pagrun hea 
piddechea princess-ak, bhailea bhonvddekarank tturizmachi ek bhavli koxi az 
meren apurbayen (?) samballun dovorlea. Kitlech tturizm montri, xirapan 
buddlolea River Princess-k doryantlem niklavpak poilo vavr zatolo mhunn, 

kodelir bostana sangtale punn River Princess-achea khorelea bapaycho vo dursre 
bhaxen dhonnyacho dhengso poddtoch, bonktolea kutrea bhoxen xempddi kovllun 
tturizm montri ogich poddtale te, az meren ogich asat. 

Ani atam Gõychea sorkaran, xirapache River Princess-ak Kandolim kinaraveli 
nikllavpak sogllo vavr aplea bhuzar ghetla. Tovui zalear, Mumbaichea unchlea 
neayalloen dhengso ghatlea uprant. Punn tika nikllavpacho krott rupeancho 

zatolo to, konnacho pai ditolo? Insurance mellchea khatir, nadbuddin mudd’dom 
doryant buddovpak yotn kortana, vadoll-moddacher lottun, chukun Kandolim 
kirnarer xirkollole River Princess-cho guneavkari konn? Thoddixi garbage vo 
kochro rostear uddoitolo sampoddlear, taka dorun bondd kortat zalear, itlo 

ecological and environment disaster kortolea River Princess-ache dhoniank 
Gõychea sorkaran az meren zababdari kiteak tharavunk na? Konn konnachim bolsam 
bhortat? Hachi zap, konnui tori amkam di-it kai? 

Lino B. Dourado

[Goanet] NRB West Zone Badminton Championship(25-26th Oct)- 8 days to go...

2010-10-17 Thread Sandeep Heble

[Goanet] Goa news for October 17, 2010

2010-10-17 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa needs to build top end infra-structure to attract
high-end tourists: Experts - digITal Goa
oa%2C+Govt+Says+Otherwise">Casinos Steal Show for ITM-Goa, Govt
Says Otherwise

*** `CRZ 2010 Should be Modified Suiting Tourism Industry
Requirement' - Daijiworld.com
wners-urged-to-join-stir/articleshow/6757346.cms">Trawler owners
urged to join stir

*** Goa court grants bail to six accused of women trafficking -
sought on rescue of Naga girls at Porvorim

*** CCP issues notice over illegal toilet at residence of HC
registrar - digITal Goa
Registrar of the Bombay High Court at Goa Ms IK Jain who is
already embroiled in a controversory over the alleged illegal
five men ...

*** Andrew Alderson: Odds are Games caused bet wave - New
Zealand Herald
19CPG5ZXAzM">and more »

*** Tamil Nadu defend modest total against Goa - CricInfo.com

*** Citizens' panel moves HC on noise pollution rules - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The citizens' committee on noise pollution
has approached the high court requesting it to direct the law
enforcement authorities in Goa to enforce ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGeDVdvS-pxmKNQH10EQQJHoiknGQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Citizens-panel-moves-HC-on-noise-pollution-rules/articleshow/6757337.cms

*** Dil Chahta Hai saved Goa tourism post 9/11 gloom - Sify
fyPanaji, Oct 15 (IANS) Bollywood blockbuster 'Dil Chahta Hai'
bailed out Goa tourism after the 9/11 terror attacks in New
York, a tourism official said ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFVDRYrN5PU-eCS_AVBLc2krLvaqA&url=http://sify.com/finance/dil-chahta-hai-saved-goa-tourism-post-9-11-gloom-news-default-kkpuuncbhag.html

*** The rain game - The Age
e AgeIt is also raining in the coastal cities of Vizag and Goa,
venues for the remaining two games. You're the only person
reading this now. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEMZaoBdCPvPxMRtEYwz8P0ADm2ag&url=http://www.theage.com.au/sport/cricket/the-rain-game-20101016-16og3.html

*** `Brand Goa'' comes under scrutiny at international meet -
NLive.comGoa and Kerala are the places where foreigners come as
tourists and stay for 25 years, he said.Mehezad Munsaf, MD,
Instinct Publicity and Worldwide (UK), ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEDvxiuV-bqpxVGcG1i9O54aCdGnQ&url=http://ibnlive.in.com/generalnewsfeed/news/brand-goa-comes-under-scrutiny-at-international-meet/420813.html

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] DySp Sammy Tavares’s VCD - POLICE POR JEK

2010-10-17 Thread JoeGoaUk

DySp Sammy Tavares’s  VCD - POLICE PORJEK
Much publicized, talk of the Town,   VCD finally available 
for sale from today 16.10.2010
We were to go to Cumcolim this evening for the VCD 
Release Ceremony during Com. Agostinho Tiatr near 
Church 7pm.
We had to abandoned our plans as we held up at  ITM, 
Panjim due to Rains and thunder storm around 6pm. 
 Missed Lorna/Remo’s show too (Margao).
Well, we bought the VCD at Panjim around 6pm.
It will be the 326th VCD in our collection
1h 15m VCD priced at Rs.150 (I think DVD Rs.200)
It starts with 'Thanks giving' about 2.5 minutes
First one 
Special thanks to Joaquim Alemao
 (Minister for Urban Development.& Fisheries.)
(As if it was sponsored by the Politician/Minister)
Followed by Shri Bhim Sen Bassi
(Director General of Police)
Then Yadav, Chawdary, Bosco Jorge, Arvind Gawas, 
Vishram, CCP Commission Elvis Gomes, then 6 PIs and so on.
Next 2.5 mins is the Intro.
I like this part, Sammy Tavares on a white boat with
 armed troops through out.
First song is not the title song but sung by 
Aniceto Lourenco From Porvorim side Mandovi bridge 
junction etc.
It about parents pressurizing their wards to take up engineering etc
 against their wishes.
2. Sonia Shirsat beautifully sings a sort of  typical ‘savod’ (Toast) to 
a first time Holy Communion receiver and again on the wedding day 
when grown up.
With church/family footage etc
A:.  It’s Comedy time: 
With Com. Janet and Com Agostinho with wigs.
3. It's all  about Cuncolim. The Church feast on Feb.2 
(Our Lady of Health) with footage of feast procession 
and background Hymn instrumental the popular oracao 
‘Ami magtaum Maye amche hat zoddun, 
besanv Amcher ghal tuje had ugddun’. 
The song has a bit of Cuncolim history too.  
The freedom struggle, Hindu-Christians unity,. 
Legends like Himdu believes in the Our Lady as 
sister Mamai Saibinn, Shantadurga, Fatorpa zatra etc 
Also, it says ‘Cumcolkar 12 bandamchem udok piyelole’
Offcourse, this song sung by the  Cuncolkar himself 
DySp Sammy Tavares.
Song is good and deserve full marks. 
I too learn something  of Cuncolim from the song
4. Xavier Gomes.  Very touching song. 
Sings from an old age Home surround by the inmates both
Men and women.
In the end, pleads ‘Tumchoi konnui hanga asot zalear 
temka porot gara vhor’
(If anyone of yours here, please take them back home) 
and when he said that he almost broke down. Full Marks.
B: Comedy – This time Janet and Selvy
5. Newly married Jessica’s  husband went to London and 
never came back because he is  living with wife No.1 
In tune with ‘Ek pyaar ka nagma hai’ from 1972 film ‘Shor’
6. Lawry tells about a father (Fisherman)  who had two sons.
C:  Comedy time with Selvy, Janet, Agostinho w/o wigs
7. Roma as ‘Tarvotteachi Bhail’ talks about the life of 
Tarvotti and their families
8. A duet by Jessica and Aniceto. She left him for riches 
and now wants  to come back in his life
D: Comedy Time: This time there is also  Dr. Mathew Araujo
9. Here comes the title song – Police Porjek
It says ‘there may be some bad apples but don’t treat everyone bad’
Police too are human beings like us.

I like the lyrics, it  starts with

Well, overall the VCD is good, good lyrics, good singers, 
good music, good videography etc
Paisa vasul  or value for money
highly recommended.
Congratulations to DySp Sammy Tavares
Keep up the good work 
Some Pics:

DySp Singing
VCD Cover Front/Back

With Family and list of songs/singers


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Fwd: Dasain Greetings to Venantius!

2010-10-17 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Here wishing all my friends-- the genuine and the daft, the gentle and the
arrogant, the gracious and egalitarian, and those who embraced faux
modea most fabulous Dasshera/Vijayadarshini. A time to come together and
embrace each other and set our attitudes aside. This is a challenge to my
friends in India (some of whom I studied with)--take me up on this! Perhaps
I should pour some feni on my brushes! (never dome that before). Shared two
bottles recently at a Bongali [ : ) ]/Goan wedding reception (the third
one--this one in New Jersey).

My dear Editor Kanak Mani Dixit (HIMAL Southasian) in Kathmandu wished me
Hilay Dasain ko greetings via Lapak Jhapak tu--Boot Polish from the Movie:
Boot Polish by Raj Kapoor; Singer: Manna Dey; Raag Malhar; Actor: David

Guess this is the closest we come to Aapa lipa, sa lipa (forget ambo etc.).


Re: [Goanet] Evils Lurking in Aspartame Consumption

2010-10-17 Thread Ivo

From: "Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão" 

[Goanet] Sarrabulho

2010-10-17 Thread Frederick Noronha
A query to Goanet's skilled cooks and gourmets. How does Sarrabulho
compare with sarapatel, sorpotel or sorpatel? FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Model Goa Panchayat Raj Act

2010-10-17 Thread Sanjay Barve
   Model Goa Panchayat Raj Act 

The Golden jubilee of Goa ‘s Liberation can be complete only if Aam Adami is
empowered via Gram Sabhas. Posted here is text of People friendly amendments
proposed by RTI activist Shri Arvind Kejriwal to Goa Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
The change is long due and is intended to give real power to Common Man.
Your Suggestions thereon are utmost necessary for formulating the Final
model draft. If you care for Goa and believe that Goa deserves the Best,
please post your thoughts and ideas on this blog.


With Regards
Sanjay Vinayak Barve  9403176657