Re: [Goanet] DEBATE: Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese (Ferrao & Fernandes,

2013-09-02 Thread Jose Colaco
On Sep 1, 2013, at 9:10 PM, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

"Paulo Colaco Dias,  I can always depend on you to provide comic relief on 

The only reason why Goans born before Dec 1961 are Portuguese is because the 
Portuguese insist they are. "


My dear Mervyn,

Is it possible that 'my learned colleague' Paulo is speaking from a legally 
accepted perspective  even if he may or may not be referring to certain matters 
being contested in Goa, as we speak?

If I were you, I would fact-check your above 'The only reason' statement 
and revise it to include therein the following phrase ' have NO choice '


[Goanet] Rarely has the Goan Diaspora challenged the biased

2013-09-02 Thread Bernado Colaco
The pro bharati media in Goa will not publish  anti colonial talk. But thanks 
to the net, the imperialist media has been challenged for the past 14 years, 
unless Sã has not read or is new to the internet.
By Dr. Eddie D'Sa

Benedito Ferrao and Jason Fernandes[1] deserve all praise for
a fitting and timely response to the allegations made by
Andrew Green, chair of Migration Watch.  They have stated
their case persuasively and in clear and crisp academic prose
-- rare among Goan writers.  [The subject title may be a bit
misleading though: if Goans are Portuguese, they are so only
by virtue of citizenship (passport), not ethnicity.  Right?]

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day....

2013-09-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
Saturday Night At The Movies


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: When a friendly editor cured stammering... (Willy Goes, interviewed by Remediana Dias)

2013-09-02 Thread Wendell Rodricks
Very nice article. Willy Goes is an inspiration. He should write his 
More power to Goans like him

Sent from my iPad
Wendell Rodricks, Campal, Panjim. GOA 403001. INDIA
Off tel: +91-832-2420604, Shop tel: +91-832-2238177
Off email:

On 02-Sep-2013, at 3:02 AM, Goanet Reader  wrote:

>  Artist-writer-musician and more Willy Goes
>  [] believes in giving life
>  his best, because to him life is an echo.  It all
>  comes back.  "Give it your best and the best will
>  come to you," he says.  He graduated from the Goa
>  College of Art in 1986.  He works full time as a
>  teaching faculty in the Department of Applied Art
>  at Goa College of Art and writes part time.  His
>  wife is a teacher and his son is studying in XI
>  Arts at Don Bosco Higher Secondary.  He speaks to
>  Remediana 'Remy' Dias []
>  about his humble beginnings and his love for
>  writing.
> RD: Tell us about your life and how it all began?
> -
> I began working when I was studying in Std. VIII. I  was
> about fourteen years old then.  I worked along with my father
> in The Navhind Times as a photo engraver.  In those days the
> printing technology was different.  If a photograph had to be
> printed, it had to be chemically engraved into a zinc plate.
> In common terms it was known as 'block making'.
> Then when Navhind Times switched over to the modern 'offset
> printing' technology, I was the first one to operate the
> offset process camera.  When I was doing this, I
> simultaneously worked as a photojournalist for Navprabha and
> Navhind Times.  I also handled photojournalist assignments
> for Goa Today.  I was very active as a photojournalist during
> the Konkani agitation.  I also contributed to the
> international news agency Reuters around this time.
> Simultaneously, I have also handled design assignments for
> various book covers, folders, brochures, etc.
> The very next year after my graduation (in 1986) I started
> teaching at the Goa College of Art as a part0time lecturer.
> During this time I did theatre too.  In 1990, I was assigned
> a Drawing Teacher's job in Padi-Barcem which is about sixty
> kilometers from Panjim.  I would travel to and from everyday.
> After coming back to Panjim, I continued with the lectures at
> Goa College of Art.  In 1993 I was appointed at the Goa
> College of Art as full time lecturer, and I have been
> teaching at the art college ever since.
> RD: Have you received any awards in recognition for your work?
> -
> I have received several awards for art before I began
> writing.  I have received State Art Awards for photography
> and graphic design in 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990
> Ever since I have been writing, I have received Dalgado
> Konknni Akademi Awards for manuscripts of my novels 'Kantto'
> and 'Kotrin'.  The Konknni Bhasha Mandal conferred their
> prestigious Sahitya Puraskar (Literary Award) for my novella
> 'Khand' in 2006.
> Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra, the Konknni research
> institution in Porvorim, awarded me with the prestigious Jack
> Sequeira Konknni Puroskar 2012 for my contribution to Konkani
> language through literature.  I was invited to participate
> and present papers at many state level and national level
> literary seminars in Goa, Mangalore and New Delhi.  I served
> as a member of the Konkani Advisory Board of Sahitya Akademi,
> New Delhi from 2008 to 2012.  Sahitya Akademi is the premiere
> institution of the Central government established to
> strengthen Indian literature in all languages.
> RD: When, where, why and how did you being your journey as a writer?
> -
>  I started reading at a very young age when I found
>  a book which was probably thrown out by somebody.
>  It was a book about Robin Hood and his adventures.
>  I can say that it was by accident that I started
>  reading and I fell in love with reading.  As I read
>  those stories, I began to create stories in my
>  mind.  As I grew up, and reading became one of my
>  hobbies, I began to ask myself, why couldn't I
>  write too?  But then, by being young, I was
>  immature at that time.
> In the early nineties I joined the Jaycees, and it helped me
> know myself better, and it also helped me realise my
> potentials.  I was made the editor of the Panjim Jaycees
> Bulletin, for which I wrote a couple of edits.  Then I helped
> Fr.  James D'Costa to start the Parish Bulletin of St.  John
> of the Cross Church, Sanquelim.  I wrote a piece or two for
> the bulletin.  By then my son Lesly was growing.  As a
> toddler, he would insis


2013-09-02 Thread dale luis menezes
The Editor,
Navhind Times,
We write this letter to indicate that we found the article “Konkani Bhasha: Its 
Academic, Economic and Emotional Viability”, that appeared in your newspaper on 
17 Aug 2013, lacking in terms of conveying the real story regarding the health 
of the Konkani language.

This article which ostensibly discusses the future development and status of 
Konkani, including the forces that work for the strengthening of the language, 
has nowhere, not even once, made a mention of the Roman script, nor of the 
cultural and literary productions in that script, nor of the institutions 
engaged in giving the script and its productions new life. Allow us, therefore, 
to present an alternative narrative about the academic, economic and emotional 
politics of the Konkani language.

The article commences with a paean to Shenoi Goembab (VardeValaulikar), in an 
attempt to situate him as the origin of the literary development of the Konkani 
language. While there can be no doubt regarding Varde Valaulikar’s 
contributions to Konkani literature, it should not be forgotten that he was but 
one of the many supporters of the language and cultural production in it. 
Notably, while the article makes a case that it is just a small segment of the 
Konkani-speaking population that is attempting to safeguard the language, 
reality is entirely to the contrary. The Konkani language acquired its first 
mass base largely through, but not restricted to, the literary efforts of 
working class Goan Catholic migrants in Bombay, and the simultaneous 
articulations of the language on the stage through the associated arts of Tiatr 
and Cantaram. Tragically however, this literary tradition has been stifled by 
the policies followed by the official Konkani language establishment since the
  adoption of the Official Language Act of the State. Nevertheless, Konkani 
continues to thrive via Tiatr and Cantaram, not merely in the State, but in 
various parts of the country, most notably Bombay, as well as globally, once 
again in places where Goan Catholics have migrated in search of employment. 
Tiatr shows, festivals and competitions receive widespread public patronage and 
run houseful on a regular basis, in towns as well as villages of Goa. So 
popular are these performances that it has also led to a thriving business in 
the sale of CDs and DVDs of these shows.While on the topic of the cultural 
productions of the Roman script, allow us to highlight the contribution of 
Romans (Konkani language novels in the Roman script) writers to Konkani 
literature, amongst whom Reginald Fernandes was the most towering figure, and 
is believed to have written over 200 books.

Also worth mentioning is the role played by the Konkani language establishment, 
especially the Goa Konkani Akademi (GKA), in stifling the Konkani language as 
embodied in the Roman script, and the dialects other than the Antruzi variant 
identified with, and claimed by, the Saraswat caste.  The GKA has since 
inception been formed largely by members of the Saraswat caste, and 
caste-groups and individuals allied with this caste. If anything, this only 
further contributes to the limited narrative that the articleproffers about 
Konkani and its alleged proponents.

The article quotes PundalikNaik speaking of the apparently uphill battle that 
the GKA has waged to raise Konkani to this dubious level of merit. What is not 
highlighted is the perhaps grimmer battle that this institution and its allied 
partners have waged against persons writing in the Roman script. Whether in the 
Kala Academy or the GKA, contributions in the Roman script used to be rejected 
for competitions, on the basis that Devanagari alone was the official script, 
and hence the Roman script could not be recognised. As if to add insult to 
injury, subsequent to these discriminatory rejections, and clearly without 
reading these works, submissions in the Roman script were routinely dismissed 
as “lacking in standard”. Rather than attempt to support litterateurs who used 
the Roman script to achieve these levels of standard, these persons were 
starved of state support, as they were forced to work in Devanagari and the 
Antruzi dialect exclusively. With official Konkani’s hi
 ghly sanskritised form and rejection of Konkani history, we would like to 
highlight that this was akin to requiring Hindi litterateurs to write in 
English! Myopic measures of this nature are precisely what have curtailed the 
growth of literary traditions when, in fact, the rich diversity of Konkani in 
its many scripts and dialects should be lauded for the fertile possibilities 
they allow for multifarious growth.The Kala Academy, however, thankfully 
appears to be changing its policy, as obvious from a recent notice dated Aug 
27, 2003, that it has extended the scope of its annual literary awards to 
include works in Konkani in Devanagari as well as Roman scripts.

Furthermore, the official guardians of the culture of

Re: [Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-09-02 Thread Santosh Helekar
Sebastian Borges wrote:
>My thanks to Santosh for the very informative links; they widened the horizons 
>of an ill-read person like me.

Dear Prof. Borges,

I too appreciate your input and perspective on this issue, which I think are 
more valuable than mine. I am not sure if you are interested in entertaining a 
private discussion on the scheduled castes topic with the Goanet poster named 
Marshall Mendonza in response to the following offer by him:

I could have a long discussion with you on this subject but it would not be 
fair to other Goanet readers and so if you wish we could take this offline..
..Marshall Mendonza

But if you are going to engage him in such a discussion, I would really 
appreciate it if you could cc your replies to me. I am very much interested in 
reading the documents/reading material he has read and the reliable hearsay 
information he has gathered from his discussions with others in the know. I am 
referring to the following quotes by him in his latest Goanet post 

To be honest, these are some of the answers that I too am seeking. I have not 
been able to lay my hands on any information/ document which could suggest or 
tell us what transpired between 26th Jan 1950 and 9th August 1950. I understand 
from my reading and discussions with others in the know that there was 
absolutely no debate, discussion, white paper, nothing to suggest what was in 
the offing.
…...Marshall Mendonza

I reliably understand that it was this lobby which was instrumental in pushing 
the Order as they did not succeed in preventing any discrimination in the 
…...Marshall Mendonza

I am particularly interested in knowing why his reading material, his hearsay 
information, his understanding, his people in the know, etc. are so uniquely 
reliable and special.

On my part, I will continue to provide more factual information from 
independent sources about the history of the scheduled castes list in the 
Indian constitution, and the role played by the Christian members of the 
Constituent Assembly in putting it together.




2013-09-02 Thread U. G. Barad
I'm yet to see any practicing advocate/lawyer quitting practicing law for
having given wrong legal advice to his client! 


Has advocate Aires not faced with such instances! Has he not got tongue
lashings anytime from law courts in India for giving wrong advice or
guidance and or for wrongly applying the mind in interpreting legal
provisions of law before filling the case? Has he any time even said 'sorry'
(after such acts / things happening) to his client leave alone giving up
practicing law! 


Therefore, without any constrain, I would say, 'Aires should PREACH WHAT HE



On Sun, 1 Sep 2013 Aires Rodrigues wrote:


After the tongue lashing by the Supreme Court, the flamboyant Advocate
General of Goa Atmaram Nadkarni should resign taking moral responsibility
for the most foul legal advice given by him to the Goa Government on the
NEET issue pertaining to the Goa Medical College Post graduate students.


Aires Rodrigues


Re: [Goanet] Special Status

2013-09-02 Thread floriano lobo

- Original Message - 
From: "Eugene Correia" 

Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 8:21 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Special Status

Now that the Union government isn't keen on granting Special Status, I 

seen no statements from the groups, Movement for Special Status for Goa,
and Goa Movement for Special Status.

Eagerly waiting to know the future actions of these groups.


[Goanet] Moily's Bizarre Theory

2013-09-02 Thread U. G. Barad
Oil Minister M. V. Moily has proposed many changes for the consideration of
the Cabinet Committee!

Top change (unstudied!) on his agenda is, 'CLOSING PETROL PUMPS FROM 8 PM TO
8 AM.' According to M. V. Moily this particular change is being proposed to
save on petrol import and consumption!
Reacting on this suggested change, general public say, 'What a brilliant
idea to save petrol consumption? Why doesn't he suggest rationing of petrol
to say 1 Liter per day per vehicle instead? '
By suggesting closure of petrol pump from 8 pm to 8 am Moily become second
Kangress member after Shila Dikshit (chief minister of Delhi) to suggest
BRILLIANT IDEA! Earlier when her government increased electricity chargegs
she had suggested Delhi dwellers to stop using Air Conditioners,
Refrigerators, electrical cocking ranges, and fans in the house!  

Moily refuses to give more details on his proposal stating that 'model code
of conduct is in place as assembly elections in three states have been

On this people react saying, 'if model code of conduct is preventing Moily
to diverge the details on his proposal how will cabinet committee pass the
proposal during prevalence of  code of conduct OR are they going to
selectively implement the suggestion in non-Kangress states where code of
conduct is not applicable!'

Bharat Nirman me kuchbhi ho sakta hai! 

Re: [Goanet] Augusto Pinto: Mull ani Bull

2013-09-02 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Before this particular subject got unfortunately subverted on to a tangent
by Prof. Sebastian Borges, I had asked Augusto Pinto a few questions. These
questions were directly related to some very (IMO) uncorroborated charges
made by Augusto against some prominent Goa based Goan journalists.

The intervening ofuscação caused by Borges interventions having been noted,
I return to the questions which I believe would merit from answers.

So it goes:


it is sad that Devika, Pamela and Mervyn who represent various upper-class
if not necessarily upper-caste strands of opinion among Catholic Goans on
the Herald chose to kill the story thereby silencing a voice which
represented those lower than theirs.


I feel sad for people like Frederick Noronha, George Menezes, Pamela
D'Mello, VM, Santosh Helekar, Jose Colaco, Jose Lourenco, Cecil Pinto and
others who otherwise like to wax eloquent on all and every subject.

Why the sudden silence now?


1: what specifically have the two priest done?

2: do you have documentary proof?

3: name the person/contact who advised you "a prominent employee
automatically blocks such reports to protect the Catholic Church"


[Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-09-02 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Can someone please elaborate what is "Mull ani Bull" all about, how is this
subjectline relevant to the issue being debated, and who brought about this
subjectline to the debate?

[Goanet] GoanLink: Ivo Coelho, SDB

2013-09-02 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Ran across Ivo Coelho, SDB's blog online. What I didn't realise is that
he's based in Jerusalem where he is the rector of the Salesian Community.

Some contacts for him:

Ivo Coelho, SDB. Rector, Salesian Community, Editor, DJPE,
Ratisbonne Monastery, 26 Rehov Shmuel Hanagid, P.O. Box 7336
91072 Jerusalem Israel Tel: +972-2-6259171, +972-2-6258677 (direct)
Cell: +972-543115841 (Israel); +91-7588705404 (India) MUSINGS

Btw, his blog is interesting! Check it out... FN
FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436

Re: [Goanet] DEBATE: Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese (Ferrao & Fernandes,

2013-09-02 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Again, the Anglophile Goan versus the Lusophile Goan tug-of-war. Both are
not wrong... yet neither is fully right, IMNSHO! FN

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: When a friendly editor cured stammering... (Willy Goes, interviewed by Remediana Dias)

2013-09-02 Thread Eugene Correia
Wily's account of his young life and later his dive into literary pursuits
makes a good story.

I just finished reading his Cabo's Sofa and ther short stories from Goa.
Hope to do a review later.


[Goanet] GOACAN to observe National Nutrition Week from 1st September

2013-09-02 Thread Goa Desc

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
GOACAN to observe National Nutrition Week
GOACAN will observe National Nutrition Week from
1st September with a view to creating awareness
among consumers on the importance of exercising
their right to be informed and the right to choice when
consuming packaged food items and junk food.

A special focus of the GOACAN awareness campaign
will be on theimportance of including fruits & vegetables
in a consumers daily diet and the methods of growing
these fruits & vegetables in an organic way free from
chemical fertilisers & pesticides in kitchen gardens.

 GOACAN will also create an awareness among
consumers on the need to reduce the wastage of food,
understand the impacts of unsustainable eating habits
and the impact of the same on their health and the

GOACAN will seek to network information from
individuals & agencies involved in training and
guidance to families, housing societies & educational
institutions who wish to use workable models and
best practices.

During the week GOACAN volunteers will distribute
leaflets and informationslips to consumers with the
assistance of the village based consumer forums
and campus based Consumer Welfare Cells.
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507

[Goanet] A 'new' method of learning for kiddies?

2013-09-02 Thread Jose Colaco
Dear all,

You may have heard of the Khan Academy.

I believe that the kiddies might benefit from the short video lectures on the 
site - Totally Free

Now has the backing of Bill Gates and Google

I'd suggest watching this short video which appeared on 60 minutes last night



[Goanet] Portuguese Arrival in Goa

2013-09-02 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Following my side-interest of history as a buff, I had the good fortune to read 
back-to-back two books. First by  Nigel Cliff on "HOLY WAR: How Vasco Da Gama's 
Epic Voyages Turned the Tide in a Centuries-Old Clash of Civilizations."   This 
was followed by "The Fortunes of War: Four Great Battles of World War II" by 
Andrew Rooney. 

Nigel Cliff's book has some extensive collection of (Lisbon based) factual 
data.  However many of his interpretations of facts are twisted to fit the 
title of his book - the whole thing was about "Holy War."  I would expect such 
an approach by Goa-based authors and historians; who may look at Vasco Da 
Gama's and Alphonso Albuquerque's military actions as a Goa-centric operation.  
I would expect better from a London-based author. Nigel's goal (of linking all 
to religion) was to make his book interesting to casual arm-chair readers and 
naive historians who likely have never been in battle even for a day.

Portuguese military actions (Da Gama's and Albuquerque's) were similar to 
landmark world conflicts involving and impacting entire regions and not limited 
to a single battle field.  Both, Portuguese monarchs and their naval admirals 
viewed their task from an Indian Ocean perspective - extending from the entire 
east coast of Africa, to the full length of the Middle East to the whole west 
coast of India.  
This was not unlike the Americans' viewing their WW II encounter with Japan 
across the Pacific and the numerous small and large islands; Eisenhower 
planning D-Day (Operation Overlord) not merely as one battle in Normandy; or 
Hitler looking at his invasion of the East (which later became the Soviet 
Union) and Russian counter-action against Germany. 

Da Gama and Albuquerque had the ability of fighting from the safety of the 
ocean with much more powerful cannons (superiority in military technology).  
But in their wars, they had NO or LITTLE knowledge of the enemy, absolutely NO 
supply-lines for food, ammunition, replacement of men, fighting materiel and 
ships.   In addition to the physical enemy on land or sea, the captain and his 
sailors had the adversity of the ocean and any changes in climate and wind.  
For all these reasons, time is not on the side of the ship's captain.  While  
time well-served a land-based army who can reinforce and optimize its position. 
Naval warfare does not permit taking of prisoners of war who have to be fed, 
occupy the cramped space of sailors and quickly deplete limited medical 
resources, if there are any on the ship.   

Thus naval warfare like aerial warfare is instantaneous kill-or-be-killed.  
Good or bad lessons learned from one experience (or heard from others) are 
applied to the next situation.  In short there is very little room for patience 
and no second chances.  All parties used ingenuity, cunning, false pretenses to 
fairly or unfairly gain the advantage and upper-hand. Wars are and have always 
been about surviving, victory, moving forward, loot and territory.  Yet the 
Portuguese (fighting from ships) did not have boots-on-the-ground; and their 
enemy (at the dozen or so ports) knew it. 

Only the naive and the uninformed think the Crusader Movement (or Bush-Blair 
war) was about religion.  I would have thought the foreign authors with access 
to all that is written and analyzed would know that.  Portuguese wars were not 
about religion.  It was about making money and dominating the lucrative trade 
from the East; while eliminating existing players. The game-plan was mutual 
among the warring factions.   

Regards, GL

[Goanet] Latest on

2013-09-02 Thread Lionel Messias

If you receive this more than once, please bear with me.  I am understaffed
and underpaid, that’s why.

*Mining Malaise -2*

September 2-8, 2013

Pushpa Iyengar

Mining leverage

On Thursday, the mother of all rallies was held in the capital where
politicians, trade unions and workers came together to get “legal mining”
in Goa started soon.  Panaji’s Azad Maidan reverberated with “start mining,
save Goa” by a huge rally attended by truck owners, barge owners, machinery
operators and a slew of others indirectly employed in the mining industry
which has been suspended since last September after the M B Shah
Commission’s report that mining had bled and plundered Goa to the tune of
Rs 35,000 crore (1 crore = 1,00,00,000).

But as environmental activist Ramesh Gauns remarked, “Why is it that nobody
spoke against the miners and even those who committed illegalities, even
without naming them?  Is it the environmentalists who are the culprits? It
is those who committed the illegalities who have got them into this mess.”

Read Full Story:

Pushpa Iyengar

*Just desserts *

Her warmth and word of mouth have been Melissa’s two secret weapons that
have helped her evolve from baking cakes at home 20 years ago to cooking up
a storm (five snacks and 12 main courses) when St Teresa School in Vasco
celebrated its golden jubilee in 2008 and 1,000 students, former students,
teachers and former teachers descended to help celebrate the milestone.

“There was a time some years ago I fulfilled a 2,000 cupcake order and it
covered virtually every inch of the house, it was unmanageable,” she laughs
explaining why she opened her workshop in 2000 on the ground floor of the
block of flats she lives in Vasco.

Read Full Story:

*Mali on their mind*

Gita Krishnan

When your kid flies the coop, you are entitled to dream big dreams. Perhaps
she will make a path-breaking discovery, or find a cure for cancer or build
striking architectural marvels. Becoming First Lady of a country rarely, if
ever, makes it to that list.

Post elections in the West African country of Mali, the Goa-born,
Bahrain-bred Marissa Coutinho Samake is no longer a contender to the title
– at least not for now. But a few weeks ago it was a very real possibility
and it could well turn into a reality in the future of the land-locked
sub-Saharan country.

Read Full Story:

Team GS

*Going, Going, Gone*

Last week, Goa’s dream of getting Special Status became a blur on the
horizon.  One input came from Delhi when the Rajya Sabha was unmoved by MP
Shantaram Naik’s argument on August 30 that Goa deserves Special Status to
restrain migrants from buying land and other properties in Goa and to stop
the indiscriminate influx of migrants.  Finally, Naik withdrew his private
member’s bill, when he got no support from BJP MPs although the BJP
government here had unanimously passed a resolution in June demanding
Special Status.  Talk of politics!

 Read Full Story:

Team GS

*The fading halo*

Successive governments have spent millions on junkets for their tourism
ministers and tourism department officials on this fanatical mission to
sell Goa abroad.  The craziest we can think of was Francisco Sardinha’s (he
was chief minister then as I recollect) holidaying in Australia a decade or
so ago when he shot of this “we need rich tourists to come to Goa” and
Victoria Ferenandes’ trip to Nepal some years ago to sell Goa to
international tourists.

And yes we did say Nepal, it is a country on our northern border which
supplies us an endless number of dance girls and so-called Chinese cuisine
cooks.  But several decades of frenetic travelling by our ministers (one
minister even took is his live-in partner) and officials documented in *Lion
Roars* Goa (see the archived section) has gone down the drain as they say.

Read Full Story:

*Lion Roars – 21*

September 2-8, 2013

*Is the MPT chairman also Goa’s shadow tourism minister?*

Has the Mormugao Port Trust (MPT) chairman P Mara Pandiyan totally exceeded
his brief as well as his authority because when I last checked Goa had a
tourism minister and also a Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC)
headed by a chairman, but somehow Pandiyan who incidentally has never
complained in the past about his job description, appears to have taken
over the jobs of both the tourism minister and GTDC chairman.  And no one
seems to be complaining.

Read Full Story:

Lionel Messias
*Goan Spirit*, *Goa's Spirited Online Weekly Magazine.*

Worked for the best

[Goanet] Indian Male Tourists and their Goa bitches - PHOTO SATIRE

2013-09-02 Thread Mayabhushan
An article in the Guardian last week, about Goa looking to 'ban' low budget
British tourists has caused outrage within India.
The All India Male Tourist Association (AIMTA) has called the move a
violation of their freedom of touch, feel and sight, especially when it
comes to the white female tourists on Goa's beaches.
"What will Indian men do on beaches if the British tourists stop coming?"
they said in their representation to Goa Tourism.
Click link for their end of the story

Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
1392, Anjuna, Bardez, Goa
pin code 403509
# 7350131007

h ttp://
h ttp://

Re: [Goanet] DEBATE: Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese (Ferrao & Fernandes,

2013-09-02 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias
Yes, Jose, you are right. 

Of course I was responding to the original article from the British Daily
Mail of 13 May 2013 and the excellent response from Ferrao and Fernandes
posted in this forum.

As a lawyer, I presented the legal position of Portugal, its Portuguese
Nationality Law and its validity within the UK and the entire European
Union, in response to the xenophobic remarks from Sir Andrew Green who
stated that Indians are entering the UK borders through a loophole. It is
not a loophole ! This is simply the application of Portuguese Nationality
Law together with the exercise of EU rights under the Treaty of Rome which
states that any EU citizen has the right to live and work in any EU country.

My response serves to emphasize the fact that Goans born before 1961 are
still Portuguese citizens today because they never lost citizenship rights
according to Portugal. Of course it is entirely up to these Goans if they
want to have those citizenship rights recognised by Portugal or not. 

To some extent, I agree with Mervyn. This is indeed an interesting and most
peculiar situation that Portugal granted citizenship rights to Goans born
before 1961 ad aeternum and I am not surprised people find it funny,
especially people who do not need to avail of those citizenship rights
because they already have another citizenship of another western country.
Enough said on the matter...

"Para bom entendedor, meia palavra basta".

Best regards
Paulo Colaço Dias

[Goanet] Fwd: Press Note For favour of Publication

2013-09-02 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa
*Press Note*

*For favour of Publication*

* *

*‘ Mhozo Des Mahan 2013’- Jesus and Mary Sarvajanik High School, Carambolim
Lifts the title *

 ‘ Mhozo Des Mahan-2013’ an Inter School Choreographic dance Competition
on  Konkani Songs on Patriotism, National Integration and Communal Harmony
was organised by Tiatr Academy of Goa  on Monday, 26th August 2013 at 10.00
a.m at the Institute Menezes Braganza Auditorium, Panaji wherein 24 Schools
from all  over Goa took part .

 The competition was held with the sole intention of promoting and
inculcating the love for patriotism, National integration and communal
harmony amongst the children through our mother tongue Konkani.

The 1st Prize of Rs 7000/- plus a Memento and a Certificate was baged by
Jesus and Mary Sarvajanik High School, Carambolim. Almeida High
School,Ponda  and St. Mary’s High School,Varca baged the 2nd and 3rd Prize
 of Rs 5000/- and 3000/- respectively along with a Memento and a
Certificate . Our Lady of the Rosary HighSchool, Donapaula was given a
Consolation Prize comprising of a Memento and a Certificate.   Supriya
Sawant of Vidhya Vihar High School Thana, Cortalim was adjudged the Best
Choreographer and was awarded  Rs 2000/- plus a Memento and a Certificate.

Dr. Wilfred Mesquita, Commissioner, N.R.I Affairs was the Chief Guest on
the occasion and presented the Awards in the presence of Shri. Prince
Jacob, and Shri.Joe Rose President and Vice President of TAG and Member
Secretary Shri.Victor de Sa. The competition was judged by well know
personalities from the dance field. Snaden Shawn and Adolfina Abreo. The
function was Compered by Shri. Joy Fernandes, Cultural Organizer.

*Victor de Sa*

*Member Secretary*

 N.B. Attached photo of 1st Prize Winner.

[Goanet] This was my original article but TOI has edited as per their choice which appeared on 1.9.2013 (Sunday) and Goanet has taken over the same article in their Issue 606. Now I am forwarding my o

2013-09-02 Thread Stephen Dias
BY: Stephen Dias, D.Paula

The news item in Times of India dated 26th August, 2013 , that the
M.P.T has doctored an Environmental Impact Assessment report
suggesting that the Chicalim Bay is good for Marinas clearly indicates
a match fixing carried out in this regards with the covert cooperation
of the Member-Secretary of Goa State Biodiversity Board, Mr. Nitin

Interestingly, Nitin Sawant organised a Biodiversity Board sponsored
program at the M.P.T Conference hall at Marmagoa on early August.
During the above program, the Environment Minister Alina Saldanha was
the Chief Guest and the closeness of members of the Biodiversity Board
seemed clearly visible. Surely, there would be a fake encounter by the
representative of biodiversity board and a symbolic resistance, which
would enable the M.P.T to come up with the Marina project, since the
mole in the GSBB is actively working against the interest of Goan
biodiversity by hobnobbing directly with the M.P.T authorities in
carrying out programs at the M.P.T premises, which is totally against
public sentiments.

Earlier the Chief Minister, showed the Goans that he was against the
casinos. Today giant casinos like the Horseshoe are in the Mandovi
River. Similarly Alina Saldanha is shouting hoarse against the Marinas
but is actively working with the M.P.T conducting school children
programs at the MPT premises. Let us have Marinas in Goa seems to be
the call in the name of green Vasco as the label.

The serile and ineffective office staff officials under the command of
the Minister of Environment and Forest as well as members of the GSBB
seem to be in deep sleep. While Goan Forests seas and sweet water
suffers from plumber and pollution. On my own, I have single handedly
confronted the M.P.T in terms of their dubious activities, directed
towards destruction of the Goan environment. I have been involved
infighting MPT since the tenure of ex-Chairman Praveen Agarwal.
Personally I have alerted the Minister of Forest about the destructive
abilities of the Member Secretary of GSBB. Whose appointment as well
as his fat salary is illegal as well as a drain on Goan economy.

Like the casinos, the marinas would make their presence in Goa, since
Alina Saldanha has shown her at the premises of M.P.T, which any Goan
with common sense detest and shun as “not in Goan Interest”.

Will Alina, stand up to Matanhy Saldanha’s legacy or fall a prey to
the guile's of M.P.T will be soon out. Are the Board members of GSBB
truly interested or behave like Richard D’Sousa one member of the GSBB
who is responsible amongst others for the spread of illegal mining in
forest land and their destruction in Goa, he being a Forest Department

Stephen Dias, D.Paula
Retd NIO Scientist
Mob: 9422443110

[Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-09-02 Thread Sebastian Borges
Dear Marshall,
I do not know about Poona, but I cannot agree with you
that there is no casteism among Goan Christians in Bombay. I have lived in
Bombay among Goans hailing from all parts of Goa at the Goan Society Bldg.,
Chira Bazar.
Your challenge that I should show you one sentence in the
Bible to the effect that Christianity recognises castes is just ridiculous, to
say the least. Please note that (1) the last word in the Bible was written not
later than the first century AD and, although the Caste system has been 
in India for a few millennia, the word "caste" itself was not used in
this sense earlier than in the sixteenth century, (2) everything
mentioned in the Bible relates to the region of West Asia, Egypt and Rome;
there is no connection with India where the system was prevalent, (3) going by
your logic, one could claim that Mass, Eucharist, confession etc. are not
recognised by Christianity, since these words too do not find mention in the
You say that the Christian community is fighting for parity
in economic benefits and assistance to all dalits irrespective of religion. How
is this possible in relation to Christian dalits? For example, how do you
identify a Christian dalit? On what basis would you put a tag of Christian
dalit on a Goan Christian Mahar whose forefathers were converted in the
sixteenth century?
Your statement, “Nowhere has it been claimed that there
are castes in christianity as you have erroneously surmised. So far as the
Church is concerned, it is obvious that the Church is seized of the issue and
is working towards total eradication.” is self-contradictory.  How can one 
eradicate something that does not
exist in the first place? Have you heard of Confrarias in Goan Churches? Do you
know that membership of these bodies is strictly caste-based? Or is it your
contention that churches are distinct from Christianity? Why did it take the
Church over four centuries to be seized of a “non-existent” issue? The
elevation of a dalit to the position of Archbishop of Hyderabad is nothing to
gloat about, but what is galling is that this appointment was opposed by his
predecessor who had scaled the highest rung in the episcopal hierarchy. Also
that a priest should have predicted that the new Archbishop would not last more
than five years. And  he did not do just "a
fairly good" but "an excellent" job.
You are harping on “influence of hindutva
forces” but no evidence is forthcoming. When I talked of influence of Christian
members you wanted documentary proof. But, for your contention no such proof is
considered necessary!!! What you “reliably
understand’ is valid proof but published work cited by others carries no 
Chinese Whispers?
If Articles 25 & 30 have nothing to do with
reservations or benefits for dalit christians, why did you bring them here at
Is it difficult to understand that the Christian
representatives did not (or could not) ask for any benefits to be  specifically 
given to Christian dalits for the
simple reason that Christianity does not recognise castes? How could they
possibly ask for benefits to a “non-existent” group?
You are asking a rhetoric question: “If dalit christians
were excluded by the Constitution what was the need for this Order?” I think
you will have to first prove that they were in fact not excluded by the
Constitution. Please do so.
Your statement, "I am afraid neither you nor Santosh have
been able to provide documentaryevidence to support your contention that the 
Christian representatives did not
press for protection of dalit christians. From all evidence so far the contrary
is proved" does not pass muster. Please provide the evidence to show that they
did, in fact, press for protection of *Dalit Christians*/*Scheduled Caste 
Christians*/*Oppressed Christians*. 
Sebastian Borges

On 1 Sep 2013  Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

Dear Prof Borges

I am in total agreement with you when you state that casteism is practised
in the Church in certain parts of India. So far as Tamil Nadu is concerned
I have heard about it first hand from priests and nuns who have worked
there as from the media. So far as Goa Is concerned, I admit my ignorance
as I have never lived there except for short holidays but I have heard
about stray cases.

In Poona where I grew up, it was non-existent. So too in Bombay where I
have been living for the past 19 years.

I stand by my statement that when Fr Jerome stated that Christianity does
not recognize castes, he was making a factual statement. If you can show me
one sentence from the Bible which shows that Christianity recognises
castes, I am willing to rescind my views. One needs to make a distinction
between what  religion stands for and what are some deviations in the
practice of the religion on the ground. Any person who has a fairly good
knowledge of India's social structure will understand that it is not only
hinduism that has been been plaqued by casteism. Even egalitarian religions
like isl

[Goanet] Dona Paula (Donpalkarancho Ekvott)

2013-09-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
Aug 2013 pics and video


video 30.8.13

Jet Ski / Water Scooter. Rs. 300/ride/person

 A view of the Chapel from the Jetty where Feast is celebrated on 8th Sept 
every year

 The Jetty

Flowers Hibiscus /Doxinn

Stairs to the top

Dangerous Stunt photography

 View from the Top

 The Sculpture often mistaken as Dona & Paula
so, it's wrong to say this crow is sitting on Dona Paula

 Fishing / angling from below / rocks

A view of a cross

 Big brother watching – Camera or CCTV
A crow nest also seen

 Broken railings that need Govt. attention, look at the cable pipe

Rusted poles

Stray dogs

Jet Ski dock

 hilly view

A view from the beach Hawaii

Donpalkarancho Ekvott
It may be reminded that All Vendors / Hawkers  business activities at 
the Jetty are  strictly run by the local people only.
No outsiders or migrants allowed, so you will see no bhelpuri etc.
When we last visited on 30th Aug. at 5pm, I was surprised to see no 
business activity at on. not even baked corn, singham ice scream etc. 
First, I thought they may be on strike something but inquiry at the Lifeguard 
tower, we were told Novenas of Our Lady of Vailankini going 
on at a chapel at Hawaii beach, seen opp Jetty (see pic).
We were also told they are open half day only during morning. Novena 
timing being in the evening around 5pm, they decided to shut down the 
market for half day until 8th Sept. ?

I guess, that's the Goan way of doing business

Near the water sports /Ski counter, there is one shop which also sell samosas 2 
for Rs.25 (The same shape/size one can get at KTC Panjim for Rs.6 each)

 Market. Shops Half days for 10 days closed preparation for the feast
30th Aug – 8th Sept every year?

Singham Ice cream or Singham Masala, Lime soda etc also not available

More pics and videos on Dona Paula, Singham film shoot etc  visit here

Fr. Conceicao D'silva back from States?
Preaching during the Novena at the Chapel, Hawaii beach, Dona Paula
the Chapel etc 

for Goa & NRI related info...

[Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-09-02 Thread Marshall Mendonza

1.If the poster chooses to live in denial of the evidence furnished by me
in the documents provided by Prof Borges just because they are unpalatable
to him and do not support his views, there is nothing more we can do about
it. He is free to live in his world of dreams and fantasy. Who are we to
deny him his enjoyment?

2. secondly, his asking me to provide historical evidence of my owns views
( which in his bird brained and juvenile way chooses to call speculations)
should count as the Joke of the Month. All the evidence has already been
provided in my previous posts from the documents which Prof Borges himself
submitted. If he wants to a blind eye to them, we cannot help it. When he
is cornered and unable to provide documentary evidence to support his
Chinese Whispers akin quotes, in the ways of a canny and wily politician he
tries to pass the buck and wants me to provide evidence to the contrary. It
is like asking an innocent man to prove that he is not guilty. When he
provided the quotes, he ought to be able to support them with evidence. Why
is it so difficult for him to do so if he is confident in the source of his

3. I have placed before the poster several questions in my previous post.
Why does the poster shy away and develop cold feet in answering them.
Resorting to rhetoric and bombast is no substitute for sound argument. I
repeat them again for his benefit:

3. If, for the sake of argument, we accept that Fr Jerome and Prof
Mookerjee did press for not extending economic and social benefits to dalit
christians during the debates or in the run up to the adoption of the
Constitution, why was the Constitution adopted with the safeguards intact?

Why was the Presidential Order issued barely 7 MONTHS later which excluded
all other religions except hindus from availing of the benefits?

What transpired during the intervening period from 26th January 1950 to
9th August 1950 for this Presidential Order to be issued?

4. Santosh has quoted M Madhu Chandra as saying:

In 1950 upon the representation of Christian leaders for not including
Scheduled Caste Christians in Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order
1950, the assurance from then the Prime Minister and President via
letter dated 7 November 1950 and 17 December 1950 respectively were
..M. Madhu Chandra

If the dalit christians were excluded based on the representation of
Christian leaders,
a) why did the Christian leaders protest and make a representation to the
Prime Minister after the Presidential Order was issued?
b) Why did the PM and President have to give any assurances?
c) What were these assurances?
d) Is it possible to access these two letters of 7 November 1950 and 17
December 1950? They would shed much light.
I look forward to Santosh throwing more light rather than heat on this

When I ask these questions it is more with a keenness to acquire more
knowledge rather than proving that I am right or the poster wrong.


*I am sorry I cannot do anything about the fact that the respondent
below continues to engage in rhetoric and insults.

I am interested in knowing how the constitutional notion of Scheduled
Castes and tribes came into being in Indian history. In response to
the said respondent's prior rhetorical question, Prof. Borges provided
factual information and links to two debates of the Constituent
Assembly. I provided facts reported by three genuinely well-informed
professionals of different backgrounds, based on their own independent
research - the first a Jesuit priest, scholar and professor (Fr.
Izzo), the second a human rights activist (Madhu Chandra) and the
third a journalist (Sunil Dasgupta). From the standpoint of an
objective rational person all this information would be much more
trustworthy and reliable compared to the long-winded interpretations,
speculations, insinuations and rhetorical questions contained in the
respondent's latest post appended below, especially, given the fact
that the claims in his earlier posts in this thread were shown to be
false. Therefore, in order to properly stack up his credibility
against that of Fr. Izzo, Chandra and Dasgupta, I would kindly request
him to provide historical evidence to support his own prior and
current speculations.

Now as far as my own task and interest are concerned I have accessed
information that answers the following questions:

1. Were Dalits belonging to Christian and other religious minorities
ever included in the Scheduled Castes list at any time before the
Presidential Order of 1950, as the respondent seems to imply?

2. Did the Christian members of the Constituent Assembly petition,
lobby, ask or insist that Dalit Christians be included in the
Scheduled Castes list drawn up in the Presidential Order of 1950? (Did
they object to, or recognize as unfair, the fact that Dalit Christians
were not included in the Scheduled Castes list at any time before or
after the Presidential Ord

Re: [Goanet] DEBATE: Europeans of An Other Colour -- Why the Goans are Portuguese (Ferrao & Fernandes,

2013-09-02 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 2 September 2013 07:46, Paulo Colaco Dias  wrote:

"My response serves to emphasize the fact that Goans born before 1961 are
still Portuguese citizens today because they never lost citizenship rights
according to Portugal."


And you are absolutely right, Paulo.

What surprised me was that Mervyn made that particular comment.I thought
Mervyn (as a Canadian citizen) would have known that in many countries, a
person remains a citizen until he renounces it.

But then, it is possible that ALL individuals from the erstwhile UK
colonies in Africa/China did not have full UK nationality.

The following links provide procedures to renounce Canadian and US
citizenship respectively

The same wrt Portugal

So, it is quite possible that Goa has been/still is being led by Portuguese
citizens despite India having annexed it in 1961


[Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-09-02 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Mervyn Lobo:

 There is no casteism in the Bible. Caste, in Indian Christianity, is a
purely Hindu hangover. Anyone who practices it, cannot be a follower of

I knew an intelligent person like you would have understood the message.
Only two corrections need to be made in your above response- one, there is
no caste in Christianity ( the Bible is the Holy Book) and two, caste is a
hangover only in certain SECTIONS of Indian Christians. I would not make a
blanket statement. I have never experienced or encountered casteism ever in
Poona where I grew up and now in Bombay where I live. I guess it is unique
only in certain places. Your last sentence is on the dot.



Re: [Goanet] Mull ani Bull

2013-09-02 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 2 September 2013 08:02, Sebastian Borges  wrote:

'Dear Marshall,  I do not know about Poona, but I cannot agree with you
that there is no casteism among Goan Christians in Bombay'


Having lived and studied in Poona, I can say that I KNOW about Poona.

I can safely state that I did NOT know about "caste" among the Poona Goan

I agree absolutely with Marshall.

I am sure that Marshall will agree with me that our school St. Vincents
remains the best.

We did not even bother about the religion of our classmates.

All that IMHO started when the SS and BJP used religion to push their
political agenda; similar to the MGP

Of course, I cannot comment about the 16th century.

I was not around at that time.


[Goanet] NEIL RANGEL: ALTERNATIVE VIEW[Goanet-News] Rarely has the Goan Diaspora challenged the biased views of the mainstream media. (Dr Eddie D'Sa)

2013-09-02 Thread neil rangel
 While I don’t have access to the original article that
 quoted Mr Andrew Green ; it seems that everyone has missed
 the point of this concerned British man. This issue may not
 be  so much of xenophobia or British imperialism but
 rather of being overwhelmed by potentially culturally
 incompatible outsiders with another trait - dubious loyalty
 to their own passport-country Portugal. Why  blame the
 British. They don’t want any more  outsiders; just as
 much and the  way regionalists in different regions
 within India don’t like outsiders from other states coming
 in and settling down. Goa is no exception; no marks for
 guessing the most derogatory term used by Goans  for
 the outsiders from other states. While the historical facts
 are correct that Goa is indeed an annexed Portuguese
 territory; the fact remains that a reasonable number are
 abusing the facility of Portuguese citizenship. Does anyone
 have statistics of how many  Goans who gain Portuguese
  citizenship, actually settle down in Portugal and
 contribute to the economy of that country. If wanting to
 settle down in the UK or any EU country by using their
 Portuguese passports is what they want; then the intention
 is clearly malafide and an abuse. There could be a large
 number of those who are abusing the new gotten Portuguese
 passport just for their own convenience and economic
 interests, have never been to Portugal and couldn’t care
 less about or have any loyalty to  that nation. I
 suppose this is the real issue.Although it must be said that
 Goan Catholics  easily integrate into Western societies
 quickly  because of their Portuguese cultural heritage.
 The other issue: why on earth do many  Goans want a
 Portuguese passport. Can't they just retain their Indian
 passports. They don't necessarily have to work in Goa or in
 India. They can depend upon their own skills  and
 qualifications to further their own interests, wherever in
 the world, like
  many of us do..
 On Mon, 2/9/13, Goanet Reader 
  Subject: [Goanet-News] Rarely has the Goan Diaspora
 challenged the biased views of the mainstream media. (Dr
 Eddie D'Sa)
  To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
  Date: Monday, 2 September, 2013, 3:34 AM
  By Dr. Eddie D'Sa
  Benedito Ferrao and Jason Fernandes[1] deserve all praise
  a fitting and timely response to the allegations made by
  Andrew Green, chair of Migration Watch.  They have
  their case persuasively and in clear and crisp academic
  -- rare among Goan writers.  [The subject title may be
  a bit
  misleading though: if Goans are Portuguese, they are so
  by virtue of citizenship (passport), not ethnicity. 
            Sir Andrew, a former
  ambassador to Saudi Arabia, is
            the favoured migration
  expert for the Tories who
            quote copiously from his
  reports and
            pronouncements.  He
  belongs to that select band of
            Little Englanders and
  Empire cheerleaders who have
            never come to terms with
  the loss of Empire and
            with subsequent presence
  of black and Asian
            migrants in the 'green
  and pleasant land'.
  * As for the media, the tabloids (Daily Mail, Express,
  Sun), all owned by Rightwing billionaires, are generally,
  often virulently, anti-immigration and anti-asylum. 
  have often made biased and inflammatory statements knowing
  well they can get away with it.  In fact, the
  (especially Downing Street and the Home Office) is said to
  in thrall to the tabloids and reportedly used them from to
  time as conduits for leaks of harsh laws in the pipeline.
  APPENDIX for more on the tabloids.]
  * Ferrao and Fernandes write: "As Goan academics, there is
  need to redress such misrepresentations and firmly call
  the Anglo-centric interpretation of colonialism..." I
  heartily agree.  Unfortunately, for too long, the Goan
  community, and even the elites, do not have the
  resources to confront the mainstream media and present
  own case.  They have sought safety in their feasts,
  rituals, community celebrations with song and dance
            * Rarely has the Goan
  Diaspora challenged the
            biased views put forward
  by the mainstream media.
            Mind you, if they did
  write and state their side of
            the argument to a
  mainstream paper, the letter
            would probably be
  binned.  The media cling to the
            official view and allow
  no contrary position in
            general.  There are
  no wide circulation Leftwing
            papers in Britain for an
  alternative perspectives.
            They will fail to attract
  advertisers and would

[Goanet] An aspect in psychology

2013-09-02 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
This govt has systematically broken the spine of the country, here let me 
present an illustration..
An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never 
failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That 
class had insisted that Congress food security bill will work and that no one 
would sleep without food . 

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on 
congress plan". All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same 
grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A (that means tax 
collected from us will be used for food security bill expensed. i.e equally 
distribution ).

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The 
students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were 
happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had 
studied even less and the ones who
 studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. 

The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled 
around, the average was an F.

As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and 
name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the 
benefit of anyone else. 

To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism 
would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to 
succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will 
try or want to succeed.

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and all applicable to 
this experiment:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out 
of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for 
without receiving.

3. The government
 cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from 
somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because 
the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the 
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what 
they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] India's crisis within a crisis; FM fights on two fronts

2013-09-02 Thread U. G. Barad
Chidambaram's ultimate failure to win colleagues around - despite his famed
eloquence - is emblematic of the predicament he faces.

If any member in Goanet wants to read more on this click the link provided

Re: [Goanet] NEIL RANGEL: ALTERNATIVE VIEW[Goanet-News] Rarely has the Goan Diaspora challenged the biased views of the mainstream media. (Dr Eddie D'Sa)

2013-09-02 Thread Eddie Fernandes
-Original Message-
From: neil rangel

 While I don’t have access to the original article that  quoted Mr Andrew Green 
; it seems that everyone has missed  the point of this concerned British man. 

Goan Voice carried a report on 13 May 2013 with links to:
1. The Daily Star article
2. The Daily Mail article
3. The 441 comments made by readers in the Daily Mail website
4. A video clip of the immigration debate between Sir Andrew Green and Keith Vaz
5. The statement made in the House of Commons ten years ago regarding Goans 
with Portuguese nationality entering the UK
Go to 

And congratulations to Bene and Jason for the judicious response.

Eddie Fernandes 

[Goanet] Let us march together to destroy the Aadhaar card!

2013-09-02 Thread Sebastian Rodrigues

Hindustan Petroleum Company is confronted on the issue of making
Aadhaar card compulsory for the disbursement of subsidies to its customers. In a
sms communication initiated by Cliffton de Souza of Velim, Salcete, Goa on 31st
August 2013, Hindustan Petroleum’s officer based in Kundaim, Ponda Mr.Arvind
Singh has requested to ignore the reports appearing in Herald dated 24th
August 2013 that quoted Indian Parliamentary Affairs Minister Rajiv Sukla’s
statement on the floor of the Rajya Sabha that there is no need of Aadhaar card
to avail subsidy for LPG cylinders, and in case any Nationalized companies are
doing so then they will be corrected. This point to be noted by all concerned
mulnivasis. Its trap laid down for the mulnivasis by the Bamons. Be aware of
Bamons. Don’s be fools. Hindustan petroleum instead of getting corrected has
opted to forcefully ignore the decision of the Parliamentary Affairs Minister
Rajiv Shukla.

This is indeed very serious matter. It involves issues of
disobedience to the Parliament under which the Petroleum companies were created
as legal entities few decades ago. Now the Hindustan Petroleum is in open
revolt against the Indian Parliament. This is a direct revolt against the Indian
democracy. This revolt signifies the collusion of Hindustan Petroleum Company
with the agents of Bamon Raj and Manusmriti dedicated to destruction of 
democracy in India. If the decision of the Minister taken in Rajya Sabha is
flouted by the company in this manner then this company is tearing apart the

This is indeed very serious betrayal of the Indian Constitution
that never placed any company above Indian Parliament. Ignoring the Minister’s
decision and going about implementing Aadhaar cards even without Parliament
passing of law for this purpose is serious transgression on the Indian 
Bharat Mukti Morcha does not tolerate such transgressions and condemns the
Hindustan Petroleum Company totally for its revolt against Indian Parliament.

It is indeed very absurd decision on the part of Hindustan
Petroleum Company to ignore Parliament. Is this what democracy means? Democracy
means for the people, by the people and of the people.  This behavior of 
Hindustan Petroleum Company
is totally against Mulnivasi people of India. Do register your protest against
the decision of the Hindustan Petroleum Company to ignore the decision of the 
Parliament. Do register your protest at various outlets of the company all over
Goa and also register your written protests on the complaint book available
with the various agencies of the Company. Remember Aadhaar cards in India are
being enforced without any law. Hence they are illegal and anti-constitutional.
Resist them. This 

Identification Authority Bill in this regard of Aadhaar card is not passed by 
Parliament. Only Bamon Digambar Kamat, earlier Chief minister of Goa was the 
CM to sign MoU with another Bamon Nandan Nilekani, Chairperson, Unique
Identification Authority of India. Present Chief minister bamon Manohar
Parrikar said “since substantial money has been spent on the project I would
like to derive maximum benefits from the unique number in such a manner that
beneficiary oriented schemes are linked to UID. This would facilitate in
plugging leakages and possible corrupt practices and help in effective
implementation of the schemes. To begin with a few of the schemes like Dayanand
Social Security Scheme, Ration cards in Public Distribution System etc will be
linked to UID.” 

Knowing fully that Parliament has not passed the law Goa CM
Manohar Parrikar is deliberately and compulsorily forcing people into Aadhaar
card trap. It is completely wrong to do so, we as individuals has freedom of
privacy covered under Right to Life Article 21 of the Indian Constitution
written by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar. Aadhaar card is infringement on our
fundamental right to life.

Local daily Herald dated 1st September 2013
published advertisement from Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
with a heading “Kind attention: Ration Card holders of Bardez taluka”. The has
the introduction as follows “The Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer
Affairs is in process of verification of digitized Ration Card Data for issue
of Smart Cart Ration Card for Bardez Taluka on pilot basis.” The notice has
nine points. Point number 2 states that on form to be filled “enter the details
of Voter’s Card and Aadhaar/Enrolment ID number for each of the family member
on the form.” Then point number six states that “Submit the self attested
photocopies of the existing ration cards, Aadhaar (UID/EID), Voters ID (EPIC),
wherever it is not available for any members submit details of available family

These are the consequences of the Aadhaar card and there are
no benefits at all. It is not compulsory. In fact 

[Goanet] Link to the Video recording of the talk on 1st September by Teesta Setalvad uploaded on Youtube

2013-09-02 Thread Albertina Almeida
 Hi All,

Here is the link to the video recording of the talk by Teesta Setalvad on
The Politics of Development on 1st September, uploaded on Youtube.


(M) 09326137682
 “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we
used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

[Goanet] Goa news for September 3, 2013

2013-09-02 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Why Goa is looking to go upmarket  and banish Brits and
backpackers - The Guardian
ime state, the hedonistic hippy haven whose promises of sun,
sand, cheap beer and drugs transformed it into a magnet for
backpackers and budget tourists looking for an alternative to
the Spanish costas. With the collapse of the ...

*** Arrested in Goa for immoral trafficking, SP MLA gets bail -
Indian Express

*** Goa freedom fighters against Lusofonia Games in state -
Economic Times
onomic TimesPANAJI: Freedom fighters from Goa have expressed
their resentment over hosting of the Portuguese Commonwealth
Games, popularly known as Lusofonia Games, saying the event
reminds people of the oppressive Portuguese regime they faced.
"Few of the ...

*** HUDCO financial aid to Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: HUDCO has committed financial assistance of
2,130.91 crore to 40 housing and infrastructure projects with
total project cost of 2,853.72 crore in Goa, Union minister for
housing and urban poverty alleviation, Girija Vyas told Goa
Rajya Sabha ...

*** Goa likely to replicate Maharashtra higher education bill -
Times of India
mes of IndiaThe state has been hunting for a legislation based
on which Goa can frame its own law, with the state directorate
of higher education receiving many complaints of fake institutes
setting up shop in the state. Goa even explored the possibility
of ...

*** Amul enters Goa with fresh milk, introduces three variants -
Times of India
Amul - is launching fresh milk in Goa. Anand-headquartered
Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) which
markets Amul brand will be launching three variants in Goa
market from ...

*** UP legislator gets bail in Goa dance bar case - The New
Indian Express
e New Indian ExpressA Samajwadi Party legislator from Uttar
Pradesh, arrested here last week during a raid on a dance bar,
was granted bail Monday. The legislator from Sitapur, Mahendra
Singh, who was arrested with five other accomplices, will,
however, have to report to ...

*** Goa government's draft policy's 5 jobs unemployable -
Times of India

*** Five new paramedical courses started in Goa medical college
- Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa chief minister Manohar Parrikar on
Monday launched five paramedical courses in the Goa medical
college and announced plans to set up an independent institute
for these courses in the near future. Parrikar said paramedical
courses are the ...

*** Goa villagers oppose technology institute in forest -
rstpostCuncolim (Goa), Sep 2 (IANS) Residents of this south Goa
village have cobbled up an action committee to campaign against
a proposed National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Cuncolim,
40 km from the state capital. The Cuncolim Citizens' Action

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] NEIL RANGEL: ALTERNATIVE VIEW[Goanet-News] Rarely has the Goan Diaspora challenged the biased views of the mainstream media. (Dr Eddie D'Sa)

2013-09-02 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dear Neil,

First of all, I'd like to thank you for your presentation. I also enjoyed
reading from Jason and Eddie D'Sa

Two preliminary comments:

a: It is nicely written
b: Always a pleasure to read from newer and younger minds. May more flow
from your e-pen.

Allow me, however, to suggest where I might differ from your presentation
and your quasi-defence of Mr. Green:

Neil 1: This issue may not  be  so much of xenophobia or British
imperialism but  rather of being overwhelmed by potentially culturally
incompatible outsiders with another trait - dubious loyalty  to their own
passport-country Portugal

jc1: (a) When one considers the total population of the UK, is the number
of the Portuguese Goans overwhelming? (b) How do we know that these Goans
have dubious loyalty towards Portugal? (c) Are ALL the British loyal to
Britain? Are ALL Indian citizens loyal to India? How does one quantify

Neil 2: Why  blame the  British. They don’t want any more  outsiders; just
as  much and the  way regionalists in different regions  within India don’t
like outsiders from other states coming  in and settling down.

jc 2: One can understand the distrust one might have of folks who are
different. That is normal human behaviour.  However, Britain has a CHOICE
if it does not want any more Euro-outsiders to settle in Britain. It has
only to walk out of the European Union.

Let's remember: Britain is not one of the founder members of the
EU-precursor. It joined Europe in 1973 and even had a referendum in 1975 to
stay in Europe. BUT, it can still walk out.

Neil 3: Goa is no exception

jc 3: Perhaps. But Goa's case is diametrically opposite when compared to
Britain's (a) Goa did not sign up to join anybody (like Britain did) (b)
The Goans migrating to Britain: Population of Britain ratio is vastly
different from the ratio of Migrants entering Goa:Population of Goa. (c) To
the best of my knowledge, Goans are NOT squatting and filthifying Britain.
Can one say the same about the migrants entering daily into Goa? (d)
Britain has the option of walking out of Europe. Does Goa have that option
of walking out of India?

Neil 4: If wanting to settle down in the UK or any EU country by using
their  Portuguese passports is what they want; then the intention  is
clearly malafide and an abuse.

jc 4: You might be confusing nationality with just passports. The fact is
that Goans are entitled to their Portuguese citizenship - as a right. And
as Portuguese citizens, they have certain rights including Free Movement
within Europe and Visa waivers to many countries incl US, Canada and
Australia. Where is the 'malafide and abuse'?

As I said before: ALL Britain or any other country has to do is Leave
Europe or Cancel bilateral agreements.

Neil 5: why on earth do many  Goans want a  Portuguese passport. Can't they
just retain their Indian  passports. They don't necessarily have to work in
Goa or in  India. They can depend upon their own skills  and
qualifications to further their own interests, wherever in  the world, like
  many of us do..

jc 5: I cannot answer for others. I personally believe that every adult has
a right to chart his or her own course. As long as they do not harm another
by charting that course, I support their right to exercise their free will.

There are many who just might suggest that we should all live at home (in
our parental home) and also help the poor in our villages + work in the
rice fields instead of working in offices here and there.

I remind myself that NOT every one who retains/regains/reaffirms Portuguese
nationality, does so for the purpose of benefits or jobs etc.

In general: there are many (non-financial) reasons why an individual
decides to give up a particular citizenship and opt for another. They are
probably similar to the reasons why others decide NOT to give up a
particular citizenship

Thanks for an interesting post. It certainly helped me say my piece on the
