[Goanet] Who SEZ violence is necessary?

2007-12-26 Thread Vinay Natekar
GMAS leaders' statement should not be construed as a threat or
incitement for violence but  a wake up call to the Government (who has
lent  a deaf ear to the peaceful marches so far) to a  possible pitfalls
as a result of  the agitation which is going to take  more vigorous form
in near future. The movement needs a wide publicity even at a national
level so as to compel the central ruling UPA Government to intervene and
influence  the State Govt. to scrap all the proposed and notified SEZs
Which are detrimental to Goa. The Prime Minister's proposed visit to Goa
this week is the right occasion to intensify the stir since most of the
National Media will be present in Goa to cover his visit, will also
attract the attention of protest marches which will give wide exposure
to the movement. 


As a saying goes in Hindi, "Laton ke bhoot baton se nahi mante"  this
Congress Government is immune to "Gandhigiri"  who has a number of MLAs
and Ministers who are having a vested interest in these SEZs in the form
of land allocations to their relatives or preferred parties  are hell
bent on promoting these SEZs at any cost and will not be cowed down by
peaceful marches alone unless you show some strength of show such as
road blocks for few hours  or bandh for a day without causing physical
harm to person or property.


Goans have recently missed a good opportunity to express their
sentiments against Governmnts' proposed  SEZs by way of voting against
the Congress candidate in recently held  Lok Sabha Elections. It would
have acted as a biggest referendum  for anti SEZ which would have given
signal to the people in power, what public opinion stands for. 


Vinay Natekar


[Goanet] Church leaders urge PM for police protection to Christians - to Bhandare

2007-12-30 Thread Vinay Natekar
Bhandare Wrote

>While violence of any kind needs to be deplored it is

>time that anti hindu activities of the foreign

>sponsored missioanries need to be curtailed if peace

>is to be maintained.


Dear Chinmay

Religious conversion of Hindus is threatening individuals, families,
communities and the nation. Coercive religious conversion of Hindus
contains a threat to spiritual tradition and the freedom of choice. If
carried unchecked, coercive religious conversion would threaten the very
existence of India as a nation.

Armed with a rigid dogma, and a load of foreign money, missionaries are
on a warpath to forcefully convert hundreds and thousands of innocent
tribal Hindus. If unchecked, coercive religious conversion will have a
cataclysmic impact on our freedom.

In Goa the Portuguese perpetrated some of the worst atrocities ever
committed in Asia by Christianity upon another religion. Ultimately, the
Portuguese had to be kicked out of India, when all other colonizers had
already left.

The entire chunks of territories in the East India where the  poverty
and ignorance of the resident tribals made them easy prey to be
converted to Christianity by the Christian missionaries during the
British regime.

These missionaries  made the people to separate from their roots and
tradition, made them look towards a alien western culture and a way of
life which was not theirs.

Missionary propaganda is chauvinist who believes in  superiority /
supremacy of their religion over others. Their ideological pretensions
are smokescreens to destroy other religions and faiths. 

Freedom of religion is to practice ones' own religion different from
other religions. Hindus have every right to expect that they will not be
proselytized away from their own faith. Every citizen should be free
from foreign sponsored missionary groups. An individual converting under
psychological duress is loosing his very freewill and freedom of choice
and conscience.

Vinay Natekar


[Goanet] Happny New Year 2008

2007-12-31 Thread Vinay Natekar
To all Goanetters 

Wish on  the eve of this  blessed day let the  atmosphere be filled with
the spirit of mirth and love, hoping this New Year 2008  brings your
way, bright sparkles of contentment, that stay with you through the days
Best wishes for  Prosperous  (a SEZ free) New Year



[Goanet] Church leaders urge PM for police protection to Christians - to Bhandare

2008-01-02 Thread Vinay Natekar


You have done a outstanding  job indeed by taking a great  pain in
googling to find the matching contents of my post. Your mundane folks
have left no opportunity to accolade you for your  novel discovery . Now
you will identify some of my words used in this post are plagarised from
oxford dictionary.  I advise you better utilize your brains in
discussing such post instead of going into trivia of originality because
all the  events are instigated form one or other sources.




Original Message:

Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:16:38 -0800 (PST)

From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Church leaders urge PM for police protection to

  Christians - to Bhandare

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


The contents of the post appended below have been

plagiarized from the following articles:










[Goanet] torture of christians in Orissa

2008-01-02 Thread Vinay Natekar
Dear Sister Jane

I have had my  Education  in Catholic DSE  run School. I have never
condoned the violence on people who are already converted to
Christianity in Orrisa by a some section of people. I am also not
against  Christian Missionaries performing in India. In fact I hold in
high esteem the great work done by  Mother Theresa and others
missionaries in India like  Father Ceyrac, a French Jesuit, who is
working  to help cure and tender love to lepers in Tamil Nadu  and he
has not converted any person to Christianity.

I agree with you that conversions are not done by use of violence by
your Missionaries  but luring the gullible poor illiterate tribal hindus
by luring them economic benefits, this  coercive religious conversion by
global evangelical movements are posing  political, social and  ethical
problems in secular India.

Western countries have made advancements by the virtue  of their natural
resources, political stability and many other reasons but certainly not
because of their religious faith and English language. Countries like
Russia, Japan, China, Germany, Israel too  have progressed without
having Christian religion or English language as their base.

Indians are migrating to other countries for better prospects not only
to Christian countries but Muslim Gulf countries and Budhist East Asian
Countries also.



[Goanet] What Religion is doing in Goa?

2008-01-08 Thread Vinay Natekar
wrote : 

Discussing religion is not at all  bad per se as religion is a part of
our day to day lives. However what should be avoided is the kind of
communal hatred and propaganda dished out by the likes of Bhandare,
Vinay and a few others. What is sad is that they do not seem to have any
origiinal thinking or sanctity for facts, but pick up propaganda stuff
from RSS publications without verifying the authenticity as pointed out
by Selma, Santosh, Miguel among others. A glaring example is that on the
inquisition which any good student of history would know was directed
against the Christians and not the Hindus.


My response :

I have no quibble of  discussions on religion and I do not read it in
details as far as it is not concerned to me. But I can not observe smug
silence or go into hibernation  when I read the posts  selectively
vilifying  Hindu organizations based on biased media or unreliable cyber
news  without confirming factual events.  If Hindu organizations can be
questioned and subjected to media trial why is the same activism lacking
in questioning Jehadis or Maoist elements who are spreading terror in
India either for religious or separatist purpose ? 

The fact can not be refuted regarding the gross  brutal  scourge
inflicted by the Portuguese in Goa, which have left permanent bitterness
in the majority Hindu community  with respect to religious intolerance
is evident from several history books. 





[Goanet] Facts on ‘Clashes among Christian Miss ionaries and the Tribals in Kandhamal District of Orissa ’

2008-01-09 Thread Vinay Natekar
Let us see the other side of truth regarding voilence in Orrissa
Facts on ‘Clashes among Christian Missionaries and the Tribals in Kandhamal 
District of Orissa’.
Ashok Sahu, IPS (Retd.),
Former Ispector General of Police.
Reports of communal violence involving the converted Christians led by the 
Missionaries on one hand and the Tribals on the other, in Kandhamal District of 
Orissa by the media since 25th December 2007 are vastly distorted and motivated 
which in public interest need be clarified much before the national image is 
tarnished before the general public and the international community. The whole 
series of incidents started from unprovoked and preplanned attack on Vedanta 
Keshari Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati who was visiting his disciples in 
Darsingbadi village in Kandhmal District on 24th December. Swamiji, 82 years 
old has been working relentlessly in the District since 1967 to protect the 
local population where more than 75% are below the poverty line and are not 
literate. He has opened schools and hostels, hospitals and temples to protect 
mainly the tribals and the down-trodden from the clutches of Missionaries who 
are operating with massive fund from foreign
 countries and pumped into NGOs in disguised operations to convert the local 
tribals into Christianity. Chief of such NGOs is one ‘WORLD VISION’ patronized 
by one Mr. Radhakanta Nayak, a local of Darsingbadi village from ‘Pana’ 
community but later got converted to
Christianity. He happens to be an employee of the State Government promoted to 
the IAS and retired, and now a Member in the Rajya Sabha. His henchmen were the 
assailants who attacked Swamiji on 24th December.
Meanwhile, the Kui tribals among the Kandhs in the District were agitating on 
the conspiracy by Mr. Nayak who is engineering for getting a Presidential 
notification under the provisions of the Constitution,  to get his ‘Pana’ 
community, who are scheduled castes relisted as scheduled tribe along with the 
Kui on the ground that the former also speak the Kui dialect. Various 
reservation facilities to which scheduled tribes are entitled are not available 
to persons converted to Christianity. On hearing the assault news on Swamiji, 
the already agitated Kui community reacted and protested through out the 
district against the ‘Pana’ community converted to
Christianity. Interestingly, the Maoist (Naxalites) activists in the district 
are also mostly from among the recent converts to Christianity. Among 47 
Maoists arrested in connection with recent burning of villages inhabited by 
Hindus ( Brahmanigaon, Jhinjiriguda, Katingia, and Godapur) as a counter to 
attacks by tribals on the Churches, 20 guns have been recovered by the security 
forces from them. It is evident that the Maoists and the Church are hands in 
glove with each other to spread fratricidal killings and clashes among the 
tribals which is evident also from incidents in Karbi-Anglong and North Cachar 
Hills districts in Asaam. Conversions of poor tribal villagers are being 
conducted on gun point and by spreading terrorism.
While in active government service Mr. Radhakanta Nayak IAS (Retd.) and Mr. 
John Nayak IPS (Retd.) both converted Christians were instruments of the Church 
to proselytize the poor and illiterate ‘Pana’ and tribal communities in 
Kandhamal district of Orissa. Under guise of NGOs thousands of dollars are 
pumped into the country for conversion of tribals in Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, 
Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and the North-East. Taking advantage of 
the poverty and lack of education, thousands have been converted who are also 
being trained for separatist movements like NSCN in Nagaland and Maoist 
insurgency in the aforesaid states. This trend is more pronounced since 1970 
which is evident from the census reports till 2001. In Kandhamal District alone 
the Christian population has increased from 6% in 1970 to 27% in 2001, despite 
an Act enacted by Orissa Legislature in 1967 to prevent conversion by 
allurement, coercion, bribery and cheating.
 Swamiji has been fighting a lone battle by making the tribal district his home 
for last 40 years, who has been targeted by the Church to finish him. Earlier 
to the recent attack, there were two other lethal attacks on Swamiji in 1971 
and 1995. Since then the government has provided armed protection to Swamiji. 
Inspite of that, he was attacked by armed assailants on 24 December 2007 in 
which he and his driver and armed security personnel were seriously injured and 
hospitalized in Cuttack Medical College Hospital. Hence, the recent clashes 
manifest the various ramifications of the socio-economic, political and 
cultural tribal issues and the deep-rooted conspiracy by the Church to 
destabilize our society and our economy. Let the Nation awake and protect our 
tribal brethren and the national media stop distorting the

[Goanet] SEZ's ghost is still lingering on in Goa

2008-01-13 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:



Though the Goa Congress Government has declared scrapping of all SEZs,
the proposed as well as 3 notified ones, it has not come out with a
white paper or a clear cut policy on de-notifying the notified SEZs
which will be a bone in the throat of Goa Govt, which it is neither able
to  abandon nor implement.

The dissent is building up within the pro-SEZ lobby in  Goa Congress
legislature party. These disgruntled members are hell bent on reviving
at least the notified SEZs by hook or crook and are busy in garnering
support within the party. They may even go to the extent of forcing
Digubab to abdicate his chair as is evident from the activities going on
in the political scenario.

The re-qualified MGP MLAs  have already expressed they are in favour of
Ciplas's Meditab Specialities  setting up their Industrial unit not in a
SEZ form but ultimately it will be a SEZ project for sure.

Vishwajeet Rane, Dayanand Narvekar, Chandrakant Kavlekar, Babu Azgaokar
are the major players in this game plan.

Though Babush Monseratte is opposing Dona Paula IT habitat, it is
certain that he will not hesitate to support it once he will be a part
of the booty he will be able to share. He  has already said that
anything can happen in politics.

The guys in the Congress party who are paid in crores of rupees by the
Companies or parties to whom the land have been allocated at throw away
prices by GIDC, now they are in a shock as to  how the amounts are to be
refunded to these Companies.

How the Government if gong to compensate to the Investors of these 3
notified SEZs is another question. Cipla is claiming to have spent 500
Crore rupees where as  it is said that 50 crores have been used  on IT
habitat, at least on paper.





[Goanet] SEZ Fraud Alert

2008-01-13 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:


Hi Rajan

Do you expect the original land owners will get back their land
allocated to the SEZ promoters by GIDC (in highly suspicious
circumstances) ?

Who will reimburse these promoters for the sweetener money they paid to
the Congress facilitators who helped them get the land for peanuts ?




Original Message :

The "valiant, forthright and amazingly far-sighted Digambar Kamat"

(in the words of his fan and admirer Dr. Oscar Rebello, Convener of 

the apolitically political GBA) yesterday in the Goa Assembly refused 

to commit on the issue of recovering land sold by GIDC (in highly 

suspicious circumstances) to the SEZ promoters.  The valiant Digu hid 

behind his customary "I will examine and study it" smokescreen.

This does not portend well for the people of Goa.


Warm regards,




[Goanet] Why Goa Government is footing bills of exorbitant Governor ?

2008-01-14 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:


His Excellency The Governor of Goa is proving to be a white elephant on
Goa Exchaquer. Recently Mr. Parrikar has said "Mr. S.C.Jamir is spending
around Rs three to four crore annually just on his visits to Delhi and
Nagaland to indulge in the politics. He is using Goa Government funds
to play his politics in Nagaland since  all his bill are paid by Goa
state Government," 

He is provided with Z-plus category security which  has 280 people
guarding him at Raj Bhavan in Goa. "Governor would not require such a
huge security, if he stops indulging in Nagaland politics,"  making him
the  only Governor to  enjoy  the highest security cover.

Secondly he was supposed to be neutral, apolitical but he has already
shown his characteristics by taking decisions on various occasions in a
biased way that he is only an agent of Congress party and a stooge of
central home ministry.

He has played an important role in dismissing the Democtatic Alliance of
Nagaland  Government of which BJP was a partner , and imposing
President's rule there.




[Goanet] Why Goa Government is footing bills of exorbitant Governor ? - To Bosco

2008-01-14 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:


Dear Bosco
Mr. Manohar Parrikar's statement, I have read it in Planet India Blog along 
with reports in Navhind Times and Herald. For reference find the link below.



Original Message:
On Mon Jan 14 06:28:30 PST 2008, Vinay Natekar wrote:> Recently Mr. Parrikar 
has said "Mr. S.C.Jamir is spending > around Rs three to four crore annually 
just on his visits > to Delhi and Nagaland to indulge in the politics. He is > 
using Goa Government funds to play his politics in Nagaland > since all his 
bill are paid by Goa state Government," > He is provided with Z-plus category 
security which has 280 > people guarding him at Raj Bhavan in Goa. "Governor 
would > not require such a huge security, if he stops indulging in > Nagaland 
politics," making him the only Governor to enjoy > the highest security cover.

RESPONSE: Vinay can you please provide a source that attributes the above two 
comments to Mr. Parrikar.Thank you - BoscoGoanet Admin


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

[Goanet] Properties and Houses for sale in Goa

2008-01-15 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:


Properties and Houses for sale in Goa for rich Bombaywallas and Delhiwalas.
See the link below


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

[Goanet] Once again murder of democracy

2008-01-19 Thread Vinay Natekar
Murder of democracy is not  new to the Goan polity in recent years
particularly when the corrupt and autocratic Congress Government is in
the centre. It has  happened for  time and again that the Congress Party
in the Center has either dismissed or threatened the opposition Parties
Governments in States while salvaging their own party's Governments
through  illegal means with connivance of their stooge Governors and
partisan speakers. It is an irony that India, which boasts of being the
largest democracy in the world, in the most period of its Sixty years of
Independence has been ruled by a party which has never had much respect
or understanding of democracy.

The fraud Governor S.C. Jamir should be kicked out of Goa  immediately
since he has failed to  abide by the Constitution while proroguing the
Assembly on Thursday illegally instead of taking voice vote on finance
bill. The assembly should be dissolved and fresh elections should be
called immediately since this Government has lost majority. Politician
Jamir, is not fit to be called Governor Jamir, though he had duly
acquired the paraphernalia of this high office in order  to protect and
uphold the Constitution of India.

After distressed and struggling CM Diggu  saying "God will save my
government," the political crisis in Goa though seems to have been
resolved temporarily but for how long ? The Govt will have to compromise
to all the demands legitimate and illicit made by rebel MLAs. Now the
question is ,  to pacify the rebels and  induct them in Ministry with
key portfolios, whose heads will be rolled ?  Will Diggu be able to keep
all his disgruntled herd of henchmen together ? For how long this
fragile combination last ? It seems the fall of this Government is
imminent in days to come. 




[Goanet] Who is to blame for the latest toppling imbroglio in Goa?

2008-01-22 Thread Vinay Natekar
Who is to blame for the latest toppling imbroglio in Goa?

The options give for answer :

[ ]  Greed and lack of principles within the Congress 

[ ]  Parrikar's over-ambitions and skullduggery

[ ]  Lobbies that go beyond just politicians 

[ ]  We the people for tolerating such a joke


Regarding the second option [ ] Parrikar's over-ambitions and
skullduggery - does not make any sense here because even any School
child will tell that neither BJP nor Parrikar had any sort of
involvement in the recent toppling imbroglio in Goa.  Rane Jr. who led
the toppling drama would fit in this option.




[Goanet] An Open Letter To Rajan (RKN)

2008-01-24 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:



Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Dr Anand Virgincar " :-)  Never came across a "Virgincar" in Goa.

Must be another fake id.


My response:- Do we  need a certificate from  madrassis   subscribing to
Goanet  whether   name "Virgincar"  is  of  a goenkar or bhailo ?





[Goanet] Stop blaming BJP, Mr. Digambar

2008-01-24 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:



Mr. Digambarbab, don't be in a illusion that Goan public is fool to buy
your imaginary stories that "BJP is  trying to come back to power
through the backdoor means"

Instead of blaming BJP for the recent coup attempt Congress Government
by NCP and MGP party MLAs along with Rane Jr. and Monserate.

Accept the fact that latest crisis occurred because of internal dissent
growing in Congress party who are fighting each other like dogs for a
bigger piece of bone as Advani has rightly said.

You better clear the mess within your own party before blaming
opposition for anything they are not responsible for.

It is for the second time in seven months that your own party MLAs  were
involved in the toppling game with your coalition partners and you had
to take help of Speaker and Governor (both of them who are  protectors -
not of  democracy  but the Congress party) to prevent the defeat of your
Government on the floor of the house in undemocratic way, first by
disqualifying rebel MLAs and now by prorogation of house in session.

The Congress party has stooped such a low that some of its MLAs are
accusing their own colleagues of ganging up  with  SEZ promoters.

This mindset of Congress and their cronies display its true face of
greed for higher positions and more powers to amass wealth.

This Government is doubtful if it will complete its full term which is
full of personal animosity and grudge against each other. In this case
where they will have time to work for development of Goa.


Though crisis for Congress Government seems to be over for the time
being with admission of SGF MLAs in Congress and NCP and MGP pledging
support to it. It doesn't assume stability. There is no guarantee of any
sort that this marriage of convenience which is based on greed will work
out permanently. 


The mid-term polls are imminent and Goan voters are likely to show these
fraudsters their real place for cheating them. 

Some of these rascals may manage to win  the assembly elections by
polarizing votes through muscle and money power irrespective of any
party of symbol.


The time has come now that these corrupt blackmailer Congress  thugs
should be made to bite dust in next assembly elections.




[Goanet] Sorry, Dr Virgincar! and being human / to Chari

2008-01-26 Thread Vinay Natekar

 Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

More information at:



You have a tendency of getting strayed in replying to post on certain
topics and quite often go out of context while writing as if in
intoxicated state. Why are you dragging  religion into this issue. The
matter was regarding a person who is not a Goan , without knowing  Dr.
Anand Virgincar's   authenticity pass a sexual slur  based on his
surname. And you expect everyone to condone this attitude. You are
brazenly defending this offender because he attacked a person who is
trying to expose the  misdeeds of your ideological Congress party.

Regarding one's identity you are free to question anyone  to prove the
same. But this guy RKN had crossed the limits of ethics by ridiculing
someone's name in most offensive manner.

Anyway since RKN has already apologized for his  slip-up, therefore I
think we should  not further discuss on this subject.

Secondly I fully endorse Rajan's crusade against the menace of migrants
(ghatis as called in Konkani) in Goa.  A small State like Goa can not
afford to bear the onus of thousands of these cheap migrant workers
flooding  in goa. Too much of migration has already started  causing
enormous social and demographic  stress on our state with  slums
continue to mushroom  up everywhere and remain unchecked.  





2008-01-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
Saktipada Ghosh wrote :

>This is in connection to our Panaji city and the unsocial dirt within.

>We feel proud of our city.

>To look into it we have to move  to St. Inez area beyond Maduban


No wonder  St.Inez area beyond Madhuban complex along with  open nullahs
on both side in our  Panaji city   is rapidly turning into a shabby slum
area with mushrooming of huts put  up by Ghatis. This open nullha has
become a convenient place for these ghatis for defecating  and dumping
place for waste. 

We have to get rid of these unwanted ghatis from Goa especially those
countless migrants who have made our city of  Panaji as their espoused
home. The influx of migrant workers is leading to social intricacy
here.  I think it is high time the Government and CCP should take action
against those  contractors / Builders  who do not take responsibility to
provide temporary accommodation and sanitation facilities for the
workers they bring in.  

But there is other face of the truth that this encroachment would not
have been possible without courtesy of patron saints of our CCP
corporators  who have helped these ghatis to settle illegally  and
helped in issuing ration cards as a proof of domicile to garner their
vote bank. It is disgusting to  find almost all the places in Panaji
swamped by these uncivilised migrants who are  loitering around in our
neighborhood in drunken state spitting and pissing around wherever they
find convenient.




[Goanet] Degeneration of Indian politics - Is Goa going to set the pace ?

2008-01-29 Thread Vinay Natekar
By Inder Malhotra 



WITH an audible sigh of relief, and in the presence of several Congress
leaders, the Nationalist Congress Party has announced that the crisis in
the Congress-led coalition in Goa, caused by the resignation from the
ministry of three NCP and an Independent ministers, has "blown over".
Union Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel, the NCP's trouble-shooter in
the tiny state, has also declared emphatically that the Congress-led
ruling coalition, headed by Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, is "safe".
However, the question is: for how long? 

After all, it was the second "nearly fatal", politically speaking,
upheaval in the Goa coalition in just seven months. Moreover, the crisis
has been resolved at a rather heavy price. The "rebels" have got their
pound of flesh in the form of reallocation of prized portfolios to their
satisfaction and the formation of a "coordination committee" of the
coalition partners. 

The dreary details of the bargain are of little consequence. What
matters is the dismal fact that Goa, one of the smallest states and the
newest member of the Indian family (until December 1961 it was under the
occupation of Portugal), has become the microcosm of everything that has
gone wrong with the Indian polity - fragmentation, factionalism,
shifting loyalties, rampant corruption, uneasy coalitions and unending
political instability. Indeed, the way things are going, Goa might soon
start setting the pace for the rest of the country, rather than the
other way round. 

There are four very disturbing implications of the Goa goings-on. The
first is that the main purpose of most - perhaps almost all -
politicians, irrespective of party affiliations, is to win an election
by hook or by crook, to somehow get a finger into the power pie and then
make as much hay as possible while the sun shines. This leads one to the
second point - that, in an increasing number of cases, the sun does not
shine for long. For, in an era when coalitions have become inescapable
but there is no coalition culture, things are bound to fall apart sooner
rather than later. 

Even in relatively balanced coalitions in various parts of the country,
pathetically small groups and splinters having only a marginal
membership in the legislature have gleefully held various governments to
ransom. Goa is a delight for such elements because in the 40-member
assembly, the Congress has only 16 seats and the rival BJP 14. With the
help of the three members of the NCP and an Independent - Mr Vishwajit
Rane, a son of Assembly Speaker and former Congress Chief Minister
Pratapsingh Rane - the Congress-led ministry has acquired a wafer-thin
majority. Two other small parties, the Maharashtra Gomantak Party and
the Save Goa Front, which have two members each, add a little more
ballast to this. But this time around these parties had little role
because the resignations of three NCP ministers and Mr Vishwajit Rane
were enough to bring down the ministry. 

The third steadily escalating factor perverting Indian politics is a
combination of rampant corruption and virtually insatiable greed. Not to
put any gloss on an extremely ugly state of affairs we have got to face
it that relentless politicisation of the police and investigating
agencies, shameful permissiveness of the top leadership of practically
every party, the so-called compulsions of coalition politics and
appalling judicial delays give the wrong-doers a free run. There was no
dearth of the gift of the grab during the days of single-party
governments. But opportunistic and messy coalitions have become
unabashed perpetrators of unbridled loot. Their uncertainty about the
durability of the opportunity only whets their appetite. 

It is no mere coincidence that the talk about the Kamat ministry's
"imminent collapse" started immediately after all the 15 Special
Economic Zones (SEZs) notified in Goa were scrapped at the state
government's behest. A majority of the people of Goa may be opposed to
these special zones on various grounds, including land grab and a threat
to the environment. But powerful vested interests, insistent on SEZs,
are at work and the number of politicos having a high stake in them is
not negligible. The state of affairs is no different from that in
Karnataka where the late unlamented coalition between the Deve Gowda
family and the BJP won a place in history by making astounding
allegations of corruption against each other. 

The fourth aspect of the Goa crisis is most deplorable, indeed
disgraceful. Once again, a former Congress Chief Minister of Nagaland,
Mr S. C. Jamir, now holding the exalted office of Governor of Goa, has
acted in a partisan manner that is a flagrant violation of
constitutional norms and proprieties, to say nothing of political
decencies. At a time when the Kamat ministry was clearly in a minority
and the state assembly's session to discuss and pass the appropriation
Bill was on, the Governor ac

[Goanet] My one point agenda

2008-01-30 Thread Vinay Natekar
wrote :

1. Perhaps Dr Anand is joking when he says that Modi did not use the
Hindutva card in the Gujarat election. Perhaps he should refer to the
newspapers and newscasts of the day to refresh his memory. When Modi
found that he was not making much ground on the development card, he
resorted to Hindutva by blatantly justifying the extrajudicial killing
of Sohrabuddin and making subtle threats of how other muslims would be
dealt with in Gujarat. This appeal for blood made the difference to the
margin of victory. Otherwise, if you scan the records, you will observe
that prior to Godhra, the BJP was consistently losing every election -
be it gram panchayat, municipal. In fact in the last Lok sabha
elections, the BJP won 14 seats against the Congress' 12.



Modi has won this election  convincingly in Gujarat without the support
of RSS, VHP or any Hindu organization  riding against all odds and
negative propaganda by Indian as well as Foreign media. This victory has
shown  it was a people's mandate for his development work done in
Gujarat. One can't ignore the fact that today Gujarat is flourishing
under BJP and Modi's rule with contribution of whopping Rs. 1.03
trillion GDP to the nation. It is one of the most attractive destination
for foreign investment in India.

Gujarat is declared as the best administered state in India. Narendra
Modi has done well in giving clean, effective and progressive Governance
during last seven years with prosperity and infrastructure development.
It is today  is free from communal tension and disruptive elements and
jihadis  are contained.

The prejudiced media, especially the third grade Tehelka unknowingly
helped Modi. The sensible Gujarati public took the media's slandering
against the pride of Gujarat and stood firmly behind Modi.

The best blessing came from  Sonia Gandi's remarks, "Maut ke Saudagar"
was a NO BALL to Modi, and a  no ball is always a FREE HIT, modi did not
miss this opportunity to hit the ball above boundry for a SIX. Sonia
Gandi's speech writer (probably some Bollywood film dialogue writer)
proved to be a disaster for Congress.

The cops and goons story currently played out in Gujarat today is not a
new phenomenon. It is being played in hyperbole in the guise of minority
persecution. Sohrabuddin Sheikh, a proven extortionist and criminal
against whom several cases were registered in four states and  was
allegedly plotting to assassinate Gujarat Chief Minister. He was
arrested in some cases but escaped conviction. This case is singled out
and highlighted by media  merely because he was as muslim killed in Modi
ruled Gujarat. Congress found an opportunity provided by Sohrabuddin
case and tried to exploit it to maximum to gain political mileage out of


2. I do not ever remember communalism being an emotive issue and a
divide in Goa prior to the advent of the BJP. The BJP in its brief reign
has sown the seeds of communalism, the fruits of which we are seeing
today even on Goanet, where one finds postings of hatred and venom and
RSS propaganda stuff with blatant disregard for facts and the truth. The
was the point that Sema had made.



It is the plague called Congress which came  in Goa by liquidating the
UG party and remained in power by instilling fear in the minds of
minority community by false propaganda against earlier MG and then BJP
to achieve its corrupt intentions. Prior to Congress entry defections,
corruption and scams were non existent in Goa.

Regarding postings on Goanet, I understand this is neutral forum and if
you do not want to be a domain of a particular religion and one
political party everyone should be allowed to express one's opinion
whether you agree to it nor not.

I respect your right to criticise, though many people quite often
indulge in slandering BJP and its supporters by mauling with epithets.


3. The BJP has made progress not on any development card but by
exploiting religious emotions. Even today Modi is the role model for the
BJP. They create an imaginary enemy a la Hitler did with the Jews and
then try to polarise the communities. In the rest of India, where
muslims are in substantial numbers, they are the enemy and in places,
where christians are in large numbers, they are made out to be the
enemy. eg: false propaganda on the inquisition, inflamatory VCD, etc.



This is the propaganda spread by Congress in collaboration with media
and this is their biggest mistake. The Congress party is being trapped
in its own web and losing one by one states in elections.

The Congress always tried  to topple the BJP governments in States, any
time it could, and by any means, fair and foul to accomplish its
unworthy objective, the Congress parceled out lot of misinformation and
falsehood about BJP and  tries to disseminates it far and wide.



4. the BJP in Goa is no different from the BJP in Gujarat. Only they
have not had the opportunity to disp

[Goanet] Gandhi

2008-02-04 Thread Vinay Natekar

Satosh Helekar wrote:

>Dear Chinmay

>Your definition of a misguided patriot applies much

>better to many terrorists/criminals of today e.g.

>suicide bombers. The fact remains that whoever these

>people are they have murdered another human being.

>They are criminals under secular law. The only type of

>killing that law excuses is that in self-defense, or

>in defense of one's country. You appear to be

>justifying the murder of Gandhi for purely ideological

>reasons, or for some speculative unproven charge

>against him, most likely based on an ideology with

>which you sympathize.



In legal and social terms Godse can be termed as a murderer, a fanatic
RSS activist and his crime of killing a human being can not be condoned
may it be Mahatma Gandhi or any ordinary person. Even the most imperfect
man has to come to this path eventually. Our responsibility is not to
cut his life short, thereby stopping his progression which should be
left to  divine dispensation.

Bhagavad Gita says, no action is by itself sinful or meritorious. It is
the motive in the heart of the doer which leads him to take a particular
action that is the determining factor. 

I am just forwarding few lines from Godse's  biography excerpted from
Pradeep Dalvi's controversial play 'Mi Nathuram Godse Boltoy.'

"I was born  on May 19, 1910  to Vinayakrao and Laxmi. I had three
brothers, but none survived. After my parent's prayer to  God  their
fourth son that is me, Nathuram survived because my parents were
destined to suffer for their young son's death and Gandhi was destined
to be assassinated.

I never stole in my childhood, so there was no question of apologising
to my father. I never took a vow of celibacy as I was already practicing
celibacy. I was moving around the refugee camps and helping the
destitute with food and clothes. But I did not wander half-naked because
the refugees were naked. I never spun yarn, never cleaned my toilet,
never observed silence till I was hanged. There was only one common
factor in Gandhi's life and mine. We were both the cause of each other's
death. He wanted to live for his principles and I was prepared to die
for my principles."




Re: [Goanet] Pamphlet Circulated for Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha - protest against MF Husain !!

2008-02-09 Thread Vinay Natekar
.The big question posed recently by M.F Hussain's controversial
paintings. Should artists be given liberty to express their creativity
by making drawings and cartoons of Gods and Goddesses ? A freedom of
expression also warrants responsibility towards society. One should not
outrage any community, culture or civilization. Any sensitive action
that could hurt religious sentiments and explosive enough to stir global
fallout should be condemned from the very onset. Freedom of expression
is fine but even a freedom with no limitations is likely to play havoc.
A free society does not give anyone the authority to Sacrilege. I do not
support violence as justified in the name of god. However passive,
religious tolerance is just as criminal as the offender  and taken as
community's meek surrender. It is common knowledge that Hindus in
general are pacifist to the point of reticence unlike Muslims. If this
was not so, Hussain's work would have attracted a similar kind of ire
that the cartoons regarding Prophet Mohammad in Danish Magazine. 

There is nothing wrong if Hindu organization like HJS  demonstrate their
resentment sans violence  because our sentiments are humiliated in the
guise of freedom of expression. 

Being a Hindu my blood was literally boiling when I saw these pictures
on HJS site and I had a splitting sense of revulsion when some persons
in  this forum brazenly defending  this spineless swine.  This guy  is
no stranger to erotic art, but with the passage of time and  as he gets
older, his artistic sense borders on the macabre. One thing to be
noticed that his all  paintings  have the male animals having sex with
hindu godesses. Mostly, it is Sita, Parvathi, Laxmi and Saraswati. Its
never mother Mary or prophet Mohammd's wives or sisters.

On 9th of January 2008 a Delhi court summoned  M.F. Husain to appear
before it in a case pertaining to his work which hurt religious
sentiments  Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) A.K. Kuhar
directed Husain to appear before March 29.  Husain, currently living
abroad in self-imposed exile, is facing criminal prosecution for his
controversial paintings in as many as six cases. The cases filed in
different states were clubbed by the Supreme Court and transferred from
different courts to the ACMM's court.




[Goanet] Cabo Raj Niwas

2008-02-11 Thread Vinay Natekar
Does Indian states really require the positions of  Governors ?" These
are just  ceremonial posts  created to occupy the Raj Bhavans causing
reckless waste of tax payer's money.

These positions are used by Political parties ruling the central
Government to award their loyal partymen  or bureaucrat after retirement
with huge emoluments  who would dance to their tunes and salvage their
own party run Governments at the states or if the state is ruled by
opposition party to create roadblocks   in functioning of that state.

The recent example is Goa governor S.C. Jamir's violation of the
Constitution and elementary democratic norms through  his utterly
improper decision to prorogue the state Assembly abruptly, at a time
when it was about to take up the appropriation bill. In the process this
biased politician Governor  have become illicit accomplice of this
discreditable act.

Though he has succeeded in his great task of saving collapse of congress
Government by prorogating the house  he has  inflicted dishonour and
disgrace  on himself and the constitutional position he holds. His
preemptive action to take  advice from a minority Government is a slap
on the face of democracy and a hideous display of  political
partisanship of the meanest kind ably aided and abetted by the Congress
High Command in New Delhi.  

The Governor has played the role of Congress protector with consummate
skill with the connivance of fraudulent and opportunist  Goa Congress
which has reputation of over ambitious, corrupt and  defector
politicians  which  has become a bane in Congress culture of politics. 



[Goanet] Hindu Gods

2008-02-11 Thread Vinay Natekar
Dear Albert

I support your views that nobody should criticise other  religion's god.
Every religion has different means of practicing their religion and thus
different Gods. Though prayer made to each of their own god will reach
only one universal Almighty God who has created all of us. We give him
different names and worship him in different forms within each religion.
God is present in every Human beings, animals, trees and everything that
is  present in nature. If we respect all his creations, we will respect
God. No single religion is superior over other religion. We often fall
prey to infidelity, not only because many different views are held on
different religions, but also because of the fact that the same
principles are often enunciated in different ways and approach.

One is  welcome to praise or disparage your own religion and suggest the
reformation you feel essential  but no one is bound to accept opinion or
derision of his religion by person of another religion.





[Goanet] Eye Spy - This appeared in the Gomantak Times

2008-02-12 Thread Vinay Natekar
Lionel Messias Wrote :

>Here's another stunner. It costs Rs1,51,400 per month to maintain the

>Circuit House in Altinho, Panjim which is used by every politician, top

>official and influential person in India for a free stay in Goa paid by

>your tax money who on return to their mother States promptly fill out

>anexhaustive expense sheets. That's the kind of dough the government 

>is paying GTDC to do the job.


Comments :

Also can anyone provide account of cash  spent on recent Diggu and his
team of Ministers/MLA's visits to Delhi & Mumbai to meet Congress and
NCP high commands to resolve the crisis in his Government ? Did they pay
from their own pockets for  air trips and hotel stay  or is it from our
tax money ?






2008-02-13 Thread Vinay Natekar
>ANTHONY (NRI Goan) wrote:

>Government must give 100% Reservation For Goans in Government >Sector
and 75% 

>Reservation For Goans in Private Sector.

>Then I am sure, many Goans who are working Abroad and other parts of 

>Indian States will come back to Goa to work & settle in Goa.

>By this Policy, Goans Majority, Identity & Culture will remain intact.


I would like to add couple of  more points.

1. regarding age limit criteria for Government or Private sector jobs.

The returning NRIs/NRGs  who would like to work back in India / Goa
should get relaxation in age limit for applying  Gov/Private  Jobs back
in their home country. I remember many people who had to return to Goa
during invasion of Kuwait could not get jobs in Goa as many had crossed
eligible age limits. There are thousands of Goans  working  in Gulf
countries who do not have substantial savings even after working for
number of years due to very high cost of living in these countries
particularly those who brought their families with them as they have to
part major amount of their earnings for expenses such as house rent
which is very exorbitant here in Gulf countries in addition to  vehicle
maintenance, food and children's school fees and other. 

2. Secondly you need a huge capital to invest in business activity here
in Goa. If security/Guarantee requirements are relaxed in obtaining
Business loans would also be very helpful for NRGs to start their own
small venture in their motherland Goa.







2008-02-13 Thread Vinay Natekar
Having monopoly on power and having it for too long breeds arrogance of
power and lack of accountability. Stagnation and arrogance of power
breeds corruption of which one example is a Communist rule in West
Bangal. Similar political culture is being repeated in  Goa too.  After
MGP's debacle most of the time Goa is ruled by unscrupulous Corrupt
Congress party  except for a short stint of  Manohar Parrikar led BJP
regime somewhere around  2000 to 2004 during this brief spell Goa was
freed from stagnation of power and  liberated from past hands of
rascals, rogues and free booters at least for a short period.

When a certain political party  is awarded a domination  in power
extensively,   no matter what it does as long as it maintains specific
vote-bank equations, it can lead to nothing but arrogance and brute
abuse of power as we have time and again witnessed in Congress rule in

This party is aided by the  cast ironed  perimeter of the prejudiced
mafia of mass Media especially the English one. Congress has been able
to promote corruption because it has acquired immunity from public
opinion. It enjoys lack of accountability to institutions and people as
both have been kept captive and committed to Congress. Media has worked
for congress rather than working for people's  enlightenment.

Vote-bank politics  either by minority appeasement or buying the
gullible voters with ill gotten money  is  Congress party has been
indulging for years  has built  a wall of immunity, invincibility and
lack of answerability on their part  to the voters who have brought them
to power in spite of knowing that it is the most corrupt party full of
rascals and scamsters. Its fraudulent ant tainted old guard leaders are
winning every elections even after known facts of their involvement in

Congress can do anything and can get away with it as witnessed in recent
illegal house prorogation incident. It can bend  the rules of the game
the way it wants It has one set of rules for its own Governments  and
another for the rest including political opponents. It can openly  or
selectively breach  the spirit of constitution and tenants of democracy
for its survival.





[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-16 Thread Vinay Natekar
Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party who came to power at
the center and some states including Goa by divide and rule policy
inherited from the colonial British rule.

It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60 years by
keeping people uneducated and illiterate and dividing Hindus and
minority religions on  communal basis, and further divided majority
Hindu community by their ludicrous reservation policies thereby
deepening caste biases and exploiting them for garnering their vote bank
by instigating insecurity and fear psychosis in their minds.

In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing  a permanent imprint on
mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's party.
Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt, tainted
and scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them

Congress  is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
providing them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally
which has disturbed the demographic scenario in the state. Similarly
Congress and its partner Communist has also aided millions of
Bangladeshis who have infiltrated illegally to settle largely in Assam,
W.Bengal and Mumbai for their political gain. This  trend has created
the security risk to our country as  evidenced in last year's bomb
blasts in Hydrabad and U.P having Bangladeshi HUJI terrorist's

Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out  death sentence ordered by
Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who masterminded attack on
parliament. The patriot Muslims in India will certainly want this
terrorist to be hanged for attacking our nation. Is Congress trying to
gratify Jehadis, or  few radicals in Muslim Populace by dragging their
feet in this execution ?

Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI (Archeological Survey
of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram to please its coalition
partner DMK.

Congress announced ceasefire with naxals who killed thousands of
civilians and policemen  to appease  the Communist and Maoist comrades
partners in rule.

Can all these actions of Congress be called democratic or secular ?







[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-17 Thread Vinay Natekar
JC wrote:

re 1: I wonder if Mr. Natekar looked up the meaning of the word
'fascist'.  If he did, it is unlikely that he would have called  a
socialist party like Congress  as being Fascist  - a term which goes
hand in hand with 'ultra-nationalist' parties.


Vinay's Comments:

Fascism is political philosophy, movement, or regime  that exalts nation
and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized
autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic
and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

This definition aptly implies to Congress Party who can not find a
leader for its party and have to depend on Nehru / Gandhi dynasty.  

The Congress party, warped by the clutch of the Gandhi-Nehru bloodline
and their harem of Eunuchs (also known as the Congress party committees
and activists and petty leaders who lick Sonia's boots and think they
have performed a  pilgrimage ), is in the amazing position of having
ossified into a feudalistic organisation whose life is the  preservation
of power of one family. What a descent! From the noble heights of the
liberation struggle it has become the private vessel for a Mafioso to
take what they deem as their power and due. They have the mentality of


JC wrote :

re 2: This is a blatant lie. IF there is one thing good the Congress did
- it was to make education and opportunities available to the masses of
the poor of India. Mr. Natekar may get hypertensive about this but the
other entity which did this is the Catholic Education System which can
boast (rightfully) of having providing solid education to individuals of
ALL religions e.g.  Ashok  Chowgule  (St.Paul's, Belgaum), Sandeep Heble
(Don Bosco's Panjim), Parvez Musharraf & LK Advani (St Patrick's,
Karachi),  Suresh Kalmadi (St Vincent's, Poona), Sunil Gavaskar (St
Xavier's College, Bombay), etc etc


Vinay's reply :

All these exemplar above are elite Institutions  which are out of bound
for poor rural population and secondly these achievements are not of
Congress party. India' progress lies not with few catholic English
medium  schools but  providing basic education to rural masses which
could  make  them differentiate between what is  good  and not good for
betterment of their life.


JC wrote :

re 3: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on another. I always
thought that the word "imbibe" denoted self. Having said that I invite
Mr. Natekar to expand on that thought.


Vinay's reply :

Congress penetrated in to Goan politics by this theory of divide and
rule. who initially replaced  UGP by tagging  MGP as communal and after
fall of MGP they are now aiming BJP  by their hate propaganda targeting
particularly minority community for their vote bank.

Congress party is surviving on love hate agenda. Compare development
work done by Congress party in Goa for 20 years with  that of just 4
years rule of  BJP.


JC wrote :

re 4: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name the corrupt,
tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans elect
repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient political
alliances. For balance, he may wish to name other corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians with whom the BJP has made alliances.


Vinay's reply :

Ajgaokar Manohar, Angelo Fernandes, Dayanand Narvekar, Victoria 
Fernandes, Fransisco Silveira, Pandurang Madkaikar, Pratapsingh Rane,
Ravi Naik, Mauvin Godhinho, Alexio Sequiera, Digambar Kamat, Filipe
Nerry Rodrigues, Joaquim Alemao, Chandrakant Kavlekar 

Above are some of the the Congress MLA / Ministers's names. Can select
from above who you think are not involved in any corrupt practice and
you will have to vouch for it.

(I have excluded Gurudas Gaus and Shyam Satardekar since they are
relatively new in legislature and I have not much knowledge about them) 

Though I am a supporter of BJP , I agree with your view that BJP has
made a blunder by aligning with some corrupt and scandalous politicians
like Somnath Zuarkar, Babush Monseratte, Micy Pacheco, Chrchill Alemao.
BJP should have preferred to stay out of power than to collaborate with
such people to come to power which is a tradition of Congress.


JC wrote :

re 5: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of life. (a) As of Dec
1961, every single Indian citizen has the Constitutional right to freely
enter, move and reside in Goa. (b) the first initiator of migrant slum
development in Goa was the MGP's Dayanand Bandodkar.

Please vide Rajan Parrikar's picture of the slum in what is called
Zuarinagar.  The more recent mass movement of migrants has been
facilitated by the Konkan Railway (Thank you George Fernandes). Now 
hit and run is like a piece of cake. The slum dwellers in Dongor
apparently voted for Digambar Kamat when he contested on a BJP ticket.

How does the Congress get the credit for this? and there was a plan
for Cuncolim!


Vinay's reply :

I am not against total ban on migrants in Goa. We 

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-20 Thread Vinay Natekar
I am responding below only to relevant points which Mingel answered to
my post. I have ignored  rest of his rant.

Mingel wrote:  

It appears to be rather obvious that Vinay not only does not know party
politics and polemics in Goa, but that he is also weak in English. One
should not use words one does not understand. It impresses no one. 



Dear Professor Mingel, Thanks for your discovery about my lack of
knowledge of Goan politics and in your opinion polemics as well.  When
you are master of Goan politics  what are you doing here on Goanet you
should have begged Congress Party ticket and contested election in
Mhapusa alongwith NCP candidate Ryan Braganza. You might  have put some
dent in Francisco Desouza's vote tally even if you could not have saved
your Deposit. Regarding weakness of my English, this language is neither
my mother tongue nor yours. So instead of straining your wits better try
to understand the context what I want to convey. Secondly I believe I
have not done my C.A. in romi konkani. Regarding my use of word for
Congress party as "Fascist" I stand by it and can provide you a dozens
of instances to prove my stance.


The rise of the BJP was not only due to the rabble rousing rhetoric of
the Hindu nationalism that it propounded, but also because it offered a
full alternative to the decrepit arrogance of the Congress Party led by
the Gandhi family caucus which believed they were like the Emperor-Gods
of pre Mughal era. This had lead to a bloated culture of one party rule,
resulting in  Nehru-Gandhi family leaders, dispensing licences and
fiefdoms and sewing the seeds of India's degradation in order to
preserve its own powerhouse.


Mingel wrote:   

That the Congress has ruled over India for 50 years says something for
its staying power. Why did the shine go out of the BJP in just one term
of 5 years?



The BJP is proud of its achievements and record in government at the
center in just 5 Years. The party was inspired by the leadership of
Vajpayee the undisputed and charismatic leader who took BJP to great
heights. The NDA  unfortunately  lost the general election of 2004. A
margin of only seven seats displaced the BJP as the single largest party
in the Lok Sabha. This was a setback but it has not eroded the BJP's
position as the premier democratic organization over others being family
managed run citadels.


Mingel wrote:   

BTW on whose votes did Manohar-bab win in Panaji? Not catholic votes by
any chance? On whose votes did Rajendra Arlekar, Babush D'Souza, Prakash
Phadte and some other BJP guys win? Are their constituencies not migrant
dominated when it comes to votes polled?



Don't apply your vacuous presumptions  without doing a proper ground
survey. The prudent catholic voters have whole heartedly supported
Manohar Parrikar in Panaji. The migrant votes have always been
stronghold of Congress since that party was in power for most of the
time and is in better position to buy their votes.


Mingel wrote: 

Educational performance of Goans do not show such caste and religious
differences, why do Government departments do even under the Congress?



It is common notion of proportion. Hindus are 65% of total population so
how you expect them to constitute in disproportionately lower   ratio in
Govt dept jobs ? 





[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-24 Thread Vinay Natekar
Miguel wrote:

Dear Vinay-bab,

Thank you for responding. I was wondering why you were being represented
by an incompetent proxy ...who has his own axe to grind [not
Parashuram's axe] ;-)


My Response:

Dear Miguel bab - Can you be more specific by your above statement and
be audacious enough to  name the person whom you are referring to as an
incompetent or what-ever as my  proxy  and what axe he has to grind ?
Otherwise please refrain from making such  vague insinuations in any
directions. I don't think I  need a proxy to represent myself as long as
I can take anybody head on.


Miguel wrote:

My points are interpersed below for convenience. Nothing personal about
it.If it is not too much bother, I would prefer if you spelt my name
MIGUEL. then I would know for sure that I am being addressed.


My Response:

You have already declared that my English is weak. So you have to accept
whatever way I spell anybody's names.


Miguel wrote:

Our family has NEVER been Congress supporters, though I have voted for
Babush when he contested on a Congress or Goa Congress ticket, too.

Parties really do not matter in Goa. 


My response:

Like you I am also not staunch supporter of any party. But my revulsion
for this Corrupt party is much stronger than my support for BJP. I
support BJP since it is the only Party in India and Goa as well,  who
can counter  the malpractices of Congress. I agree that BJP is not cent
percent sanctified but you have to choose the lesser devil out of two.

You are absolutely right that Political parties really do not matte in
Goa. Take example of the Ranes (father and son), Dayanand Narvekar,
Pandurand Madkaikar  plus number of candidates who are winning the
elections repeatedly given any party ticket by offering economic
enticement to individuals or some local  religious bodies like  church
committees, Temple Saunsthas or sports or cultural clubs. It is not
their development work for their constituency that resulting in their
election victory but the corruption has crept into  our life to such an
extent  that voters do not look beyond their private gain by voting
these candidates in return for personal favour obtained from these


Miguel wrote: 

Replacing  one arrogance with another is not a solution ...as "India
shining" proved beyond doubt.


My Response:

One of the reason for NDA's loss in 2004 election was mainly due to
wrong timing of the election - While Atal Bihari Vajpayee was wanted NDA
to complete its full term till October 2004, but the Islamabad
Declaration of January 6,2004  with its fallout with serious discussions
on Jammu and Kashmir which began  in June  and be carried forward in
August appeared  to have compelled him to agree to the party (L K
Advani) line of having the election earlier. He probably thought that
attaining peace with Pakistan would be a powerful election point in the
NDA's favour.

As a result, the NDA government lost the golden opportunity to present
its regular 2004 budget, which, finance minister Jaswant Singh later
said, was to usher in a second Green Revolution. That budget, with a
strong bias towards agriculture -- largely neglected since 1999 -- would
have been an excellent platform for the NDA to win over the farming
community. In the event, bringing the 2004 election forward blanked out
Jaswant Singh's proposals for agriculture, while the plank of peace with
Pakistan didn't click with either the ordinary or the poor voter who
worries about little else apart from thier own survival. 


Miguel wrote:

I did not know you were a spokeman for the BJP. Mea culpa ;-) If the
waterin the pool is upto one's nose, one can suvive. There after, every
millimeter matters. So also in electoral arithematics.

See what happened to GDA with 20 MLAs last July. What DEMOCRACY are you
talking about in the BJP? Not that the Congress or NCP has any.

Only the Shiv Sena is clear about what it is. ;-)


My Response:

It displayed  the inefficiency of Congress party to keep its disgruntled
partners together we  have experienced  it twice in seven months.
However Congress managed to prevent the fall of its Government both
times by undemocratic way first by disqualifying the rebel MGP MLAs
using its biased Speaker and secondly by prorogating the house which was
in session illegally by Speaker with connivance of its political agent
Governor. This is what you are taking about Congress party's DEMOCRACY


Miguel wrote:

Do not lump the Bhandaris and Marathas with the Vaishyas, Daivaidnya
Brahmans and Saraswats. Let us consider as Hindu those who can enter the
"garbha griha" of ANY [or most] Hindu temples. I am talking of religion,
not political umbrellas of convenience. Then let us reconcile the
statistics of employment in the Goa Civil Service cadres.


My response:

I could not comprehend your statement can you be more explicit regarding
what you mean by not lumping different castes together

And what co-relation is entry of Hindu

[Goanet] Liar, Liar,Liar

2008-02-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
We have seen Home minister Ravi Naik's crying foul by accusing Manonar
Parrikar for being responsible for current great  Babush  v/s Police
tamasha. How can a  liar be believed when he is speaking  in uncouth
manner and giving reckless statements. One blatantly planted fabrication
can not deracinate well-known and evident facts. 

Never speak the truth is the strategy of this  Cong+NCP+Mix bhaji
Coalition and  Collusion  Government. Without carefully contrived
"Lies", this Congress would perish of despair and boredom. The most
honorable liars in Digus'  party are those who manage to keep their
'truthful' balance without sliding on the tag of 'corrupt' truth and
survive. The best liar in this Congress party is one who makes the
biggest  amount of swag by lying in  the longest way.  A liar goes in
fine clothes, A liar goes in rags, A Congressman is a liar, with clothes
or no clothes. Our future is doomed  as long as we are committed to the
noble task of being deceived by these political thugs.





[Goanet] What goes around, comes around.

2008-02-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
The entire episode of Babush Monserratte and his supporters stoning city
police station  and police brutalities against Babush and his family
members is disgusting. I was wondering  if we were living in our
historical serene Goa or naxal affected states like Bihar, UP or Orrisa.
It was a heinous act of attacking the center of custodian of law and
order and physically harming police personnel who are human beings like
us. Equally atrocious was on part of police to indulge in vandalism  in
damaging Babush's  house and property and arresting and assaulting his
son and wife instead of taking legal action against Babush if his
involvement in the incident was anticipated  or established. 

By transferring  P.I. Sudesh Naik, Dy.S.P. Mohan Naik and SP Neeraj
Thakur out of Goa or to reserve police battalion  will not resolve this
problem neither the Congress Govt can claim  they have done a justice to
the victims By targeting the small pawns of this game of power.  It
should be proved who instigated the whole violent incident and the
culprits should be brought to book however high their clout in politics
may be. Does this Govt has the guts to declare on whose orders did the
police act ?

I don't think  police were having  personal grudge against Monserrats or
any old score to settle. This should be out of frustrated minds of
politicians specially Home Minister whose position in the ministry was
under threat due to prospects  of Babush's induction  in the Cabinet. So
this could be one of the way to tarnish his image further to stop him
getting ministerial berth. Secondly it could be out  of revenge for
spoiling Finance Minister's  opportunity of  making big bucs from
construction of  SEZ IT habitat at Dona Paula.





[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar wishes to speak to Goanet

2008-03-04 Thread Vinay Natekar
This is a good opportunity for many Goaneters to clear the ambiguity
regarding credentials of Manohar Parrikar and Goa BJP unit in addition
to pointing out the wrongs they have done in past and question them for
the remedial measure they are going to take in future. This way many
people's misconception regarding Parrikar will be cleared. Mr. Rajan
Parrikar and Dr. Anand Virgincar should be applauded for their efforts
in bringing this facility on this forum.

Since this is a democratic forum, both sides should be provided to
express their opinions and counter the allegations made against each
other in a democratic way than only, we will have a level field for
discussion on this forum.





[Goanet] Ban on Smoking in Public Places

2008-10-04 Thread Vinay Natekar
Any civilised Goan will be frustrated to see the  horrible and
unhygienic sight of stinking spit red marks on walls, corners and
footpaths of our cities made by Gootka, tobbaco and Paan eating
ghantis, migrants and the  domestic tourists as well. 

Another sight you will see everyday of urination and defecating at
public places like river banks, seaside and rail tracks  by the hoards
of ghantis. 

Urination at the roadside presents such an ugly picture that if one is
accompanied by family members, especially women, it becomes embarrassing
and sometimes difficult to make the young ones understand why the uncle
is 'wetting' the wall. The government has provided land to Sulabh
Sauchalaya in almost every  city which undertook this social mission for
providing hygienic toilet facilities to the people who visit cities from
outside, and also for those who flock commercial places day in and day
out. One can find 'Sulabh toilets and bathrooms' everywhere and the
organisation has been giving the facility to urinate free of cost while
the charges for using toilets etc are easily affordable. Even then these
people pay no heed to the calls of environment and show no sense in
contributing to make our social surroundings clean and fresh. 

In some cases some Goans too does not differ much from  these
uncivilized ghantis as far as smoking and spitting at public places are
concerned. I have seen many times even well to do people do not hesitate
in urinating  around the public places.

I feel there should be still punishment like heavy fine and  jail
sentence for repeating this offence. Then only we can  keep our state
clean and beautiful . 





 Original Message 

Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 13:54:40 -0400


Ban on Smoking in Public Places


Dear Goanet Readers

What about ban on Spitting, Urinating and Defecating in Public?

More than Smoking, these are the biggest public health hazards in India.






[Goanet] Vote for Neha Karmarkar

2008-10-04 Thread Vinay Natekar
Dear Goanetters
Neha Karmarkar a  young girl from Dhavlikar High School Ponda has reached 
finals of Zee TV realty show sa re ga ma pa Marathi.
Please vote for Neha Karmarkar. The voting information is as per below.
SMS ZMSGP 3 and send to 57575
Idea Mobile users call on  55454012
BSNL users call on 1250115
You can see her singing in sa re ga ma pa on 
Kamat appeals to vote for Neha  in musical show
Panaji (PTI): Goa's Neha Subhash Karmarkar, who rubbed shoulders with Bollywood 
singer Sadhana Sargam during International Film Festival of India (IFFI) 2007 
is making waves in a television music reality show. 
Karmarkar, a 9th standard student from a local school has reached the finals of 
Zee Marathi Saregamapa Little Champs. 
"I am very happy that Goa's talent is hogging limelight in the country. I 
appeal to all the people to vote for her through SMSs, Goa Chief Minister 
Digamber Kamat said in a public appeal made on Friday. 
Encouraging the little champ, who had sung with Sargam during IFFI 2007, Kamat 
appreciated the way the girl rose to the final platform. "Everybody should 
support her so that she can emerge victorious bringing pride to Goa," he said. 
The Chief Minister organised a special press conference here yesterday to 
appeal to the people through media to vote for Neha, who was present along with 
her family and school headmistress. 
Neha said that her father Raghunath Karmarkar was her first tutor who has 
supported her throughout. 
"Participating in the reality show was a good experience I learnt a lot there.. 
with your blessings, I am sure to emerge as winner," the 14-year-old said. 
Her parents have decided to launch a campaign through their well wishers in the 
state so that she garners maximum SMSs. 

[Goanet] Central University Status for GU

2008-07-21 Thread Vinay Natekar
Today, we are witnessing a concerted attempt to politicize Goa university. Let 
us try to understand the advantages of if Goa University is made central 
The frequent annual increase of fees for students  to mobilize funds would be 
called off  the moment G.U. is declared a Central University thus enabling  a 
large number of brilliant students many of whom  can’t afford tuition fee to 
the tune of lakhs of rupees and also special incentive to research scholars who 
will be offered Rs. 3-5 thousand monthly stipend to support their expenses.
 A large number new equipments would come to the universityfor the use of the 
students and teachers as well.
The overall budget of the University will increase as lot of  funds will flow 
in from HRD Ministry and UGC for planning and implementation of new schemes and 
also will attract best teaching faculty from across the country due to rise in 
pay levels. 
 Goa University being located at a strategic place near the Capital City, in 
association with other upcoming institutions, will act as a knowledge grid for 
the entire konkan region.
In terms of administration the efficiency of the University would improve to a 
great level due to extensive use on new technology. 

Although quite late,  Goa Government has  finally decided to let Goa University 
be a Central University after being given a option of choosing between a State 
and Central University since 1987. It took Govt. almost two decades  to take 
this wise decision after facing financial crunch.
Central university status will enhance the quality and standings of degrees . 
Otherwise  Goa University Degrees don’t have much value outside Goa. In Gulf 
and Particularly in Kuwait Engineering Degree is not recognized by Kuwait 
Society of Engineers so  Engineer holding Goa University Degree can not find a 
job in Government or Oil sector company in Kuwait.
We should stop opposing any thing which is development oriented to Goa just for 
the sake of opposing otherwise  our state will face recession in progress.
Vinay Natekar

[Goanet] Central University Status for GU

2008-07-22 Thread Vinay Natekar

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Dear Florianbab

Good initiative and infect  a marvelous job you are doing for holding a
debate on this issue. Education is a field which shapes our children to
be good citizens in future. I fully agree with your views and
wholeheartedly support you in this mission. Ultimately it is the quality
of the Education System in Goa that  should improve. We should look
beyond religion, politics and regionalism and extend full support to
make our Goa University among one of the best Universities in India.





Original Message ---x---

Dear Vinay,

Your views have been taken aboard and with all due respect, I thank you

the same. Needless to say that  uncompromised, un-interfered with,

autonomous and vibrant ALL ROUND EDUCATION SYSTE is the need of the hour
for GOA. Hence this DEBATE.

Rest assured your view, (more if you have) will be made public during






[Goanet] Monserrate in - Narvenkar out

2008-08-05 Thread Vinay Natekar
I can say just in one line - White collared thief is out and a mafia don
goonda is in.


Wish all the best for Goa


[Goanet] Defamation of HJS FACT Exibition

2007-10-16 Thread vinay natekar

It is very strange that no Muslim have objected  to the FACT Photo Exhibition. 
Then why the Christians and phony secularists are so much concerned about ?   
Christians and Muslims all over the world are enemies of one another, but in 
secular India alone they are always found on the same side against their common 
enemy : Hinduism.
Let me put in a straight forward words to you , Hindus are not going to be 
intimidated by your illusionary malady of bias propaganda which is appealing 
and exhilarating  fabrication of facts.
You have the right to express your opinions but you can not deny the truth and 
facts to be exposed.
In west, historically secularism stood for rationalism, universalism, humanism 
. In India today secularism is united front of all anti hindu ideologists. In 
the context of minority appeasement it has resulted unfortunate perversion of 
India’s political parlance.
The most spectacular thing about the fraudulent liberals and anti hindu secular 
brigade that they will never take up the cause of the organized genocide of 
Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir.
Criticizing anything anti –Hindu activities are painted as communal and tagged 
as pro  Sangh Parivar.
To sum up:
-Talking about and exposing ethnic cleansing and massacre of Hindus in Kashmir 
is communal.
-Talking about Mumbai, Varanasi, Delhi Jehadi terrorist bomb blasts  is 
-Talking about  the genocide of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh is communal.
-Talking about greatest genocide on earth of more than 100 million Hindus 
during barbaric Muslim moghul, British and Portuguese rule in India is communal.

Vinay Natekar

News, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Get it now!

[Goanet] Defation of HJS FACT Exibition - To Selma

2007-10-20 Thread vinay natekar

Dear Selma
I appreciate and agree with your views. I am not against any religion. I am 
trying to reveal  the selective secularism. Why does the secular brigade on 
Goanet observe smug silence or go to hibernation to selectively suit its 
beliefs on ground realities on what is happening in J&K today. If HJS is 
displaying solidarity with Kashmiri pandits, why is the foul cry ? 
If Hindu organizations can be questioned and subjected to media trial why is 
the same activism lacking in questioning  Muslim Jehadi elements or their 
sympathisers which are responsible for Godhra train inferno or carnage in J&K  
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[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar - to Floriano

2007-10-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
Dear Floriano You said Anamika is not a non entity but in fact you and
your so call su ? raj party is a non entity in Goan politics.

We do not need the pigmies to  proselytize us on who is good and bad for
Goa.  Yor allegations against Parrikar  are totally fabricated,
spurious, deceptive, and importantly unproven. 

Do I need to list the numerous scandals of your debauch, scoundrel
Congress Cronies over their all these years rule in Goa  !! Show some
mettle to expose them as well.

Manohar Parrikar  is credited with bringing the BJP to power in Goa. He
is also credited with single handedly bringing the IFFI  to Goa, and
creating more international quality infrastructure in Goa for the event
in a short time than any other former government. He is also known to be
a man of action, and principles

He has been the moving force behind the BJP's growth in Goa. His
meticulous style of working and organisational skills has succeeded in
creating a moralistic image of the BJP in the minds of Goans, who,
keeping aside their reservations about its communal tag. 

During his  tenure in the assembly as an opposition member, Parrikar
made an impact with his uprightness and exposed several scams, including
the infamous power scandal. 




[Goanet] Secularism v/s Communalism

2007-10-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
The secular fundamentalism and bigotry is as much responsible for vitiating the 
communal atmosphere. It is redefining secularism in a manner that any view at 
variance is stigmatized as manifestation of majority communalism.
Are we then witnessing the emergence of secular fascism ?  There is no 
plausible answer as to how The BJP is communal and others secular. Is being 
with BJP is communal and being with Congress secular ? Take example of our Goan 
standard of secularism. In last elections Mathany Saldhana sided with BJP. Who 
does he become ? A secular or communal ? There are so many catholic 
personalities with BJP like Francisco D’souza, Aires Rodriguez, Dr. Wilfred 
Mesquita etc. Will you term them as communalists ? If Being with BJP is 
communal then Digambar Kamat who was with BJP as Power  minister a communal ? 
and after he defected to Congress is he baptized now as secular ?
Election results at a given time and place have no permanent immutable 
validity. Most of the times demagogues and despots successfully manage to 
manipulate the will of the people by using either muscle power  or  money 
earned by  corruption and scandalous mode eg. Babush Monseratte, Mauvin 
Godhino, Micky Pacheco, Dayanand Narvekar etc. just to name a few.
Overwhelming majority of Goan hindus are secular and have elected candidates 
either based on their merits or for own personal gains or in gratitude for 
favors obtained from such candidates irrespective of candidate’s party 
affiliation or religion. Hindu majority constituencies have often elected non 
Hindus like Francis D’souza from Mapusa or Isidore Fernandes from Poinginim 
where as there is no record of any Hindu candidate winning from predominantly  
catholic constituencies specially in Salcette on non Congress ticket.
After liberation , elections were fought basically by two regional parties MGP 
and UGP. After losing opinion poll the MGP abandoned the pro merger agenda.
Hindus sided with MGP which was headed by Bandodkar who was a Bahujan samaj 
Hindu leader since they had fresh memories of the Christian Portuguese 
tyrannical rule. 
Catholics and mostly bamon Hindus sided with Dr. Jack Sequeira’s UGP. Although 
there was always a religious divide between the MGP and UGP but it was limited 
to election days only. 
Goa being a Hindu majority state MGP  won the elections by default starting 
from the first election in 1963  and ruled the state till  1979.
During those days defection, government toppling, scandals, corruption were non 
existent. Both these parties had different agenda but neither of them fought 
election based on religious issues. 
It was only after death of Bandodkar and entry of Congress party in Goa that 
corruption, nepotism and policy of divide and rule by minority appeasement 
started to plague  peaceful Goa.
Some opportunist politicians  from both parties migrated to Congress which had 
history of manipulating votes  by instigating communal divide for political 
After demise of Dr. Jack Sequeira  there was no Christian leader to match  his 
stature to lead the party resulting in disbanding of UGP following its 
transformation into the Congress the catholic community had no other option but 
to support Congress party.
The corrupt Congress administration from 1980 to 2000 paved the way for the BJP 
to pose as a clean political party with espousing majority community.
During the 1999 polls, in the wake of the anti-corruption backlash, many 
hristians too sided with the BJP.  Since BJP did not get a majority on its own, 
it had to resort to mass-scale defections from the Congress to come to power in 
October 2000.
 But the Goan Congress party is still  in disarray and not yet able to shed its 
past corrupt image had to resort to promote not true secularism but  fake 
secularism  to protect its political interest.


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[Goanet] Parriker and BJP could have turned Goa into Gujarat - To Cedrico

2007-10-30 Thread Vinay Natekar
cedrico dacosta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 


>Parriker and BJP could have turned Goa into Gujarat 

Had the Goan populace not used their brains at the last elections, by
now porrikar and BJP zealots would have turned Goa into Godohra or



This is an absurd, ludicrous presumption from bluff like you. Wake up to
the ground realities. I think you are possessed by Vidhyadhar Gadgil's
communism rhetorics which are always counter productive.



>Mr Vinay Natekar -- can you dispute any of the misgivings mentioned by
Goa Suraj supremo, Mr Floriano.



This Floriano is a concoct who is living in his own world of fantasy.
Instead of mudslinging and character assassination he should better
utilize his time in some constructive activities to  prove his own
credentials. I won't give any relevance to his perfidious  statements.


As regards to  Manohar Parrikar's achievements are concerned please
refer to the post #10. Responce to letter written by Floriano (Dominic
Fernandes) Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 990






[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar - Best CM Goa had ever

2007-11-01 Thread Vinay Natekar
Goa made all round progress in short tenure under dynamic leadership of Manohar 
Parrikar. In terms of Governance by BJP from  Oct 2000 to Feb 2005 Goa attained 
a top slot in all fields and  was adjudged the best and model state of India in 
Year 2003.
Liberalisation  changed the Center State equation, starting with the 
premiership of A.B.Vajpayee, states gained greater autonomy because of 
political leverage at the center.
It changed both business environment & quality of life during Parrikar’s 
efficient and dynamic administration. Goa had suddenly turned into country’s  
growth engine. 
During this period Goa attained overflowing  investment because of growth in 
environment & infrastructure facilities which were more accessible to new 
For instance Dr. Reddy’s proposal to set up a formulation plant in Goa was 
cleared just in 15 days and second example when pharma major Cipla approached  
IDC chairman Rajendra Arlekar for expanding its Verna plant, the company was 
told to start right away and IDC would clear its paper work within a fortnight. 
The credit for improved overall performance during BJP rule goes undoubtedly to 
Parrikar for his far sightedness.
During this spell Goa was freed from stagnation of power. Liberated from past 
hands of rascals, rogues and free booters. For many years Goa was misruled by 
corrupt Congress leaders who had sweet tongues but crooked hearts, they fought 
among themselves for power due to which Goa was lost in political squabbles.
Along with power shift there was a change in political culture as most 
efficiently shown by Parrikar as most progressive Chief Minister.
Goa had achieved political stability in contrast to having 12 Chief Ministers  
in a span of a decade.
Parrikar himself a Metalurgical Engineer from IIT Mumbai was instrumental in 
transforming Goa into Investment hotspot making it one of the top Indian state. 
It was Parrikar along with his BJP MLAs charted out an economic blueprint for 
the state’s resurgence with ambitious Industrial policy.
Aware of the fact  that tourism, mining and chemical industries alone would not 
sustain the state for ever, Parrikar concluded that Goa’s future lay in the 
growth of eco friendly Industries that would tap the state’s skilled manpower 
After sweeping into power just within  a year’s span  Parrikar first had to set 
in order a  quantum of tasks. He first sounded a zero tolerance policy against 
corruption. Next his Government turned around the ailing Electricity Board 
which was in a very bad state following  power scandal by erstwhile  Congress 
power minister. Parrikar brought down transmission and distribution losses from 
44 per cent to 18 percent. The results; tariffs had been reduced and the 
Electricity Board in the same year aggregated a whopping Rs. 100 crore in 
The development trend was in other segments too, the state’s IDC was 
revitalized in addition to sops like capital investment subsidy schemes and tax 
holidays. Industries were given unheard incentives like 30 per cent employment 
investment and instant clearance for capacity expansion.
Parrikar  kickstarted the infrastructure drive. Smooth tar carpets were laid 
over Goa’s roads and four lane highways were linked to industrial estates with 
airport and seaport.
A cyberage scheme which was a brainchild of Parrikar saw the Government 
spending Rs. 10 crore  in distributing Computers at a nominal Rs. 1000. He had 
a dream of equipping one fourth of state’s two lakh households with computers 
averaging in par with the developed countries.
The most parameter during Parrikar regime Goa had performed well above the 
national average.
It was very unfortunate that his opponents could not digest his achievements 
and  succeeded in pulling  down the well performing Government by instigating 
split among his coalition partners.
Goa should have such a dynamic Chief Minister  for at least a consecutive 10 
years which would turn our Goa into Singapore.

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[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar - Response to Cedrico

2007-11-04 Thread Vinay Natekar
>Firstly, i debated long if i should stoop to your level in replying to 
>non->entities like you. To me you dont count, i challenge you to have an 
>>indept knowledge of Goa's estwhile politics and political acumen to >analyse 
>the ground realities of politics, in Goa and the world over. I also >challenge 
>you to admit on this forum if you ever held any political post >even in 
>college level politics.
Mr. Cedrico you are getting very personal here. I am not a politician neither 
contested any election. I just wanted to make it clear to you that  liberty of 
expressing your opinion does not meant saying  any  drivel on the domain  you 
are ignorant about sitting in Dubai. Your conceptions are only reflections  of 
prejudiced rhetoric  of  opportunist politicians who spread fallacious  rumors 
to create fear psychosis  for their political gains. Gujrat incident is a blot 
on Humanity. I condemn Narendra Modi and those who were responsible for the 
carnage be it either Godhra train incident or the riots that followed after 
that.  You can not compare Goan BJP supporters with those  Gujaratis. The 
people who are voting for BJP in Goa are always Secular and voted  for the 
stable and clean administration.
Goan political scenario is totally different from rest of India. We do not have 
history of poll violence except few stray incidents for which you can not blame 
a single party.
>You are entitled to honour the people you think are saints and saviours, >i am 
>entitled to mine.By calling me a bluff...you think you gain >immortality or 
>martyer hood...maybe in the darbar of Porrikar!
>I am a neutral political analyst. I criticize in the same vein a Digamber 
>>kamat and a Porrikar as i know they have the same communial virus >that runs 
>in their blood. The BJP is a blot on a secular India and tried its >best to 
>destroy Goa and do a Gujarat here. The result was the >resounding slap the 
>electorate gave the BJP at the recent hustings.
Neutral analyst do not air their bias view against any selective political 
Election results at a given time and place have no permanent immutable 
validity. Most of the times demagogues and despots successfully manage to 
manipulate the will of the people by using either muscle power  or  money 
earned by  corruption and scandalous means
Take my words a Party losing or winning elections does not make it good or bad. 
Gujarat have voted Modi by overwhelming majority and will repeat the feat in 
next elections too. It does not make the Gujarat leadership as right similarly 
Goan electorate rejecting Goa BJP unit in last elections does not make it bad 
>I am in possessions of various documents that were ccd to porikar when >he was 
>Cm when Digamber kamat was running riot with several catholic >families in 
It is your people who have re elected him from Margao Constituency.
>Leave that for another day. As long as Porrikar is associated with the >RSS, 
>and BJP...even if he changes his thick hide, nobody will believe him >and to 
>the Goan masses he is like the cat who told everyone about the >sanyas it took 
>at kashi, no sooner it saw a rat it pounced on it and >devouvered it.
The majority of MLAs from the current ruling party and their cronies  are not 
originally from Congress Party. This herd of  comrades have flocked together 
with one aim in common to heap the riches while sun shines.
Parrikar have always remained loyal to BJP ever since joining it come hell or 
high waters and not mortgaged his loyalty for the sake of opportunism.
>I also pity you but actually people like you who chastise true Goan 
>>contemporary freedom fighters like Floriano and myself who are >fighting for 
>Goa's freedom from the clutches of communial and corrupt >elements like your 
>BJP...will go no where in life.
>And please refrain in calling people names on this forum, least i will feel 
>>that you are nothing better than the someone in Goa who would abuse >anyone 
>for a quarter of feni or a some cheap liquor that your master >could have 
>afforded to make you drink!
>You need to have some guts to call a spade a spade and write on >GOANET, in 
>the better interest of GOANS and GOA!
You and your mentor Floriano better fight against corruption, nepotism and non 
performance by current Government because of lust and internal fighting. BJP is 
not in power now. Instead of digging dead from grave you  better  do something 
productive endeavor to have a check on malfunctioning of current Government if 
you do not trade yourself for bottle of imported drink which only the people 
from ruling party can afford to offer you.

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[Goanet] Parrikar - Best CM of Goa - To Miguel

2007-11-05 Thread Vinay Natekar
Vow what a  amazing discoveries !!! I appreciate your wonderful inept views but 
your grief is inconsolable. Looks like you are leaving in a dream world of 
pelf, roses and rainbows, of colours and scents which are already dried up. Yet 
Doleful, dejected, disconsolate, you are unable to reconcile with the turn of 
I had presented not fiction but the facts of Parrikar’s achievements in 
absolute unbiased perspective which are beyond the shadow of ambiguity.
What a travesty of truth on the part of armchair critics and barefaced liars to 
deny the reality.
I want to enlighten the oblivious that I had only taken the excerpts from India 
Today Weekly   issue May 19, 2003. 
You can not be skeptical about the credentials about that reputed Magazine. 
Please stop blowing your own trumpets and agree with the gist.
To rank Goa as best state during Parrikar’s regime was done by by India’s 
renowned economists Bibek Debroy and Laveesh Bhandari who are the most radical 
and disciplinary professionals in their respective field using vast database of 
statistics over two years from 2001 to 2003 as benchmarks to produce dynamic 
ranking of BJP ruled Goa. It is ludicrous and childish to equate this process 
with that of SMS voting.
Widen your own GK beyond the cheap editorials of Herald. This newspaper is 
worth nothing but trash I am using at home to wrap the waste because it is 
distributed free of cost in Panaji since its  sale is confined primarily to 
Liberalization process was initiated by Rajiv Gandhi and further fostered by 
Manmohan Singh under Narsima Rao but it was ushered to climax by Yashwant Sinha 
and then by Jaswant Singh under Vajpayee. 
Talking about development of Capital City, PMC was upgraded as CCP and 
regarding augmentation of Panaji, I am a Panjimite and nobody can elucidate me 
better on this subject.



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[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar - Response to Cedrico

2007-11-10 Thread Vinay Natekar
From: Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Vodyadhar  wrote - 
But who is talking of BJP supporters or those who voted for them?
The point is the party itself. That is no different from what it
is in the rest of India. If they are different, let the BJP (Goa
version) give a public statement condemning Narendra Modi and
asking for action to be taken against all those responsible for
the Gujarat carnage.
Response - 
How conveniently are you forgetting  the fact  of 23  years back genocide of 
Sikhs which took place in November 1984 in which more than 4,000 Sikh men, 
women and children slaughtered by Congress hooligans. In Delhi alone, 2,733 
Sikhs were burned alive, butchered or beaten to death.
Women were raped while their terrified families pleaded for mercy, little or 
none of which was shown by the Congress flag-bearers. 
For three days and nights the killing and pillaging continued without the 
police, the civil administration and the Union Congress Government who was in 
power , which was then in direct charge of Delhi, lifting a finger in 
admonishment. It was the Congress cadres who were behind this genocide.
Despite the constitution of innumerable high-power committees, police 
investigation teams and commissions these are few small fries who have been 
booked; the real culprits are still eluding the call of justice. 
The reality is that there has been no political will to prosecute the culprits. 
Did  any Goa Congress leader condemn these killings ?
Vidyadhar wrote –
What is this "your people" and "my people" business? Here
precisely is the problem with the Sangh Parivar -- the inability
to think beyond communal identities.
Response -
You are grossly misinterpreting my sentence. My word ,”your people” meant 
people of your constituency. Don’t apply your own whimsical meanings to 
everything. I know Margao is a Hindu majority constituency. So there is no 
question of communal trail in my script.

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[Goanet] BJP Leaders have a penchant for NASHA? - To Cedrico

2007-11-11 Thread Vinay Natekar
You are taking up the cudgel on BJP !  Go ahead spew all the venom filled in 
your grimy soul. First it seemed to be for Hinduism or Hindu organizations in 
general and  now it is for the BJP. The spineless tribes of your nature are 
nothing but real hypocrites !!
The laughable stuff you are posting with  cheap, pointless discourses you are 
displaying your retarded  mindset.
Don’t try to hide the dirt under your own  carpet before throwing filth on 
others. Though I think I am wasting my time to comment on your inane  postings, 
I  find it difficult to stand silent when any dimwit anywhere starts the 
'holier than thou' masquerade. 
You better  spend your time mainly overcoming your inertia of prudence . Just 
try to give a thought before you write any junk. 
Don’t exaggerate needless case such as Jaswant Singh. It is common in North 
India to consume or serve ‘kesar’ milk laced with opium (bhang in Hindi) in 
parties or religious occasions like Holy or Diwali. It is not a major offence 
and can not come under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS)
Rahul Mahajan being a drug addict or  not is their private family affair and 
got nothing to do with BJP  same as Sanjay Dutt being a drug addict and convict 
under possession of illegal arms is his personal offence and can not be linked 
to his being son or brother of a Congress MP.
From where did you get the weird information that BJP leaders in Goa are chain 
smokers ???  very defiling remark !  Are all your political  cronies 
teetotallers ??

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[Goanet] Parrikar - Best CM of Goa - To Miguel

2007-11-14 Thread Vinay Natekar
>Truthful reproduction of fiction does not make it the truth.


Dear Miguelbab

I know you are intelligent person but sometimes acts like a stubborn
little boy  who will not accept truth which does not suit his beliefs.


>I have read the India TODAY that you are refering to. Please

>read their assumptions and data again.

>If you  treat the India TODAY as your Gita, you may start

>looking for pips in your Adam's apple!


The English media in Goa especially the "Herald"  doesn't aim at
reporting the news; it tries to create the news, imposing its view of
the news upon everyone as the final truth.  During the last 20 years we
have got into the suffocating grip of this cast iron displeasing
perimeter of the prejudiced Mafia of Mass Media which certainly is not
my Bible for enlightenment.


>You you live in Panaji, you would perhaps know that I exposed

>the editorials in the Herald were plagiarised  from International

>newspapers in the past ...till it became more profitable to write them

>with suitable slants ...just like Rajan used to do. Perhaps, someone

>needs to intorduce you to penpricks blogspot.


I appreciate you accepted the truth.



>I guess the climax was not good enough. The rumours have it

>that Jaswant-bab was mistaking  heroin for the heroines ...what they

>call opium of the masses is apparently not good enough for the

>Hindutva brigade.


For Rajputs from Rajasthan or any north Indian drinking Bhang (Kesar
milk laced with opium ) is a common phenomenon like drinking Feni for us
in Goa. I doubt whether  there will be any case against him for serving
the bhang in a private party.


>I am in Panaji every working day. Shall we discuss this over tea? With

>Chicken puffs, if you please.


Don't worry one day I will invite you to my house  in Panaji for
discussion over lunch of chicken biryani flavoured with saffron
(signature colour of BJP )





[Goanet] SEZs - Rip off of state Exchequer

2007-11-19 Thread Vinay Natekar
under the Package Scheme of Incentives will exempt units set up in SEZs
from payment of electricity duty for a period of 15 years. Therefore SEZ
units can be a big threat to domestic power producing companies to
because all these  privileges  are  bestowed  on them. 


11) Who & how will it be ensured that the SEZ will give preference to
local talents and not  create distortions in hiring of human resources.
The Hire & Fire policy needs to be regulated for benefit of employees
and mutual relation with employer. How will this be ensured by the
Development Commissioners of the Zones who are autonomous and do not
come under purview of state Government The Development Commissioners of
the zone are made omnipotent & superheroes - will they be able to
deliver justice to all ?  



Vinay Natekar



[Goanet] "It is convinient to forget ... to Selma

2007-11-21 Thread Vinay Natekar
Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote

>First of all let me assure you, not all Indians call Sonia Gandhi, a
>"painted Italian doll". I call her a capable lady who has dedicated her
life >to the murky waters of Indian politics. I fear someday like her
husband >and mother-in-law, she shall drown in them.


Yes certainly she is doing a good job of holding  the disgruntled
congressmen together. Otherwise this party which has so many aspiring
leaders they would never have been able to manage the party together and
would have drowned it  by in-fighting like dogs. Sonia was not a choice
of Indian people but became leader by default due to weakness of
congress to find suitable heir-apparent to the throne after death of
husband Rajiv Ganadhi. It is indeed a national shame that a national
party like congress can not find a capable leader and have to depend on
Nehru dynasty for its survival which is very detrimental to a democracy.


>Lastly, not only does your BJP party take cruel and unstatesmanlike
>potshots at Sonia but they go further and try to discredit, Nehru and
>Mahatma Gandhi as well. This as an Indian is untenable. I have yet to
>come across an America who will openly speak ill of J F Kennedy or
>Eisenhower or Roosevelt. These are the great icons of their shared
>national history and they are claimed by all Americans to shape and
>form their collective national ethos. 


This is a democracy if  eminent  leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee whose
Integrity and universal acceptability is beyond cloud of ambiguity can
be criticized  then  Nehru is not exceptional who should not be censured
for his flaws. In the reprehensible name of 'minorityism' on paper and
petty vote bank politics in practice, the Congress party under the
leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, surreptitiously slipped in Articles 29
and 30 of the Constitution the effects of which our populace in J&K are
still anguishing till today.


>It is only when Indians can look past their narrowly defined communal
>identities, they will create a common bond of national identity, which
>might lead to some sort of national unity. Otherwise we are bound to go
>around in circles, battling imaginary foes.


This applies to the Congress and Marxist parties who are propagating
the twin falsehoods of communalism and minorityism to create a divide in
society to stay in power for own selfish means.





[Goanet] communal congress - no holiday .. To Selma

2007-11-21 Thread Vinay Natekar

Dear Selma


Did you understand correctly the message  from  Sonia on above subject ?
Seems like you are lost in oblivion and straying away from the context
of the matter !!! How  is the Gujarat and BJP  linked to Goa Govt's
announcement of List of Holidays ???

Let me inform you that the BJP Govt had only planned to make Good Friday
& St. Xavier's feast as optional Holidays along with even number of
Hindu festivals. There was such a big fuss about it and BJP leadership
was painted as communal & saffron at that time. Why is  the secular
intellectuals like you  are observing  a smug silence or go into
hibernation when the  Congress Govt infect  has implemented the same or
do you want to talk only selectively what suits your philosophy.


Talking about Gujarat riots,  it has  agitated the phony seculars so
much, but it is not their faith in secularism as much as their concern
for the Muslim vote bank. Secularism as practised in India has become a
defining manifestation of anti-Hindu communalism that is packed and
marketed as 'secularism' and the Gujarat riots precisely proved such
hypocrisy and double standards. 

If violence and killing, or concern for preserving the pluralistic
society was really the concern of the biased  Press and Electronic media
why is the same activism lacking in questioning Muslim communal
elements? Equally heart rending and poignant would have been the stories
and photos of Godhra. Why did the media fail in its investigative
journalism on Godhra or name the community or the organizations
responsible for the Godhra train inferno. Who then is distinguishing the
killings in Godhra from that of the rest of Gujarat?



[Goanet] Disadvantages - SEZ

2007-11-25 Thread Vinay Natekar

St. Mary's Convent High school, Mapusa is staging a play titled "Lion King"
  December 1, 2007 - Hanuman Hall, Mapusa

 to fundraise for a false ceiling for the school hall
& upgrading the school playground

 Headmistress Sr. Namika A.C. / Teacher Mrs. Sonia Noronha

Although the  SEZs  are set up mainly to attract foreign investments and
increase the exports, but the major portion of cake of  economic
benefits would not benefit the common people  but a select few and
mostly unscrupulous faction in the current ruling Congress party who are
pro SEZ and are determined to go ahead with the proposed SEZ projects in
conjunction with Real Estate Developers mafia both Goan and outsiders.
It seems setting up of SEZs is imminent. 

Recently people had golden opportunity to express their opposition to
Congress Government's proposal to set up SEZs during recently concluded
South Goa parliamentary elections  either by defeating  the Congress
candidate or abstaining from voting as a token for referendum against

There are n number of features from the SEZ act  which will allow a
platform for opportunity to politicians to manipulate the advantages in
their favour for their own  personal gains.

We are certainly going to face uprooting of massive population from
their agricultural lands from where they earn their livelihood or
houses where they are staying for years   for establishing  large sized
'industries', infrastructure projects for SEZs once these Zones are
notified in unison with the enforcement  of the Land Acquisition Act. By
this process  land grabbing and displacement of land holders will be
easier task for the  Government to follow. 

Plundering of forest,  water and other natural resources, handing over
of the reigns of the  economy to the MNCs and their Indian agents,
massive devastation of Goan demography  and the spectre of slavery are
some of the most drastic consequences of these SEZs..

The implementation of the SEZ policy is going to create exclusive
enclaves where no laws of the land that protects the rights of the
citizens at large will be applicable, which indicates near total breach
of our civil rights and sovereignty

Employment :  In the area of employment the disadvantage of SEZ is quite
similar to the disadvantages of Reliance Industries  entering retail
business. New jobs are created, but for whom ? Goa does not have
manpower which will fit in  all type of technical jobs so SEZs will have
to rely on migrant labourers. 

Secondly Companies would like to simply relocate to SEZ to take
advantage of the tax concession's being offered. This will bring about a
significant revenue loss to the government. This will result in a kind
of 'disguised industry' just as 'disguised unemployment'. 

Conclusion:  Finally I would like to point out that SEZ can become a
dangerous tool in the hands of power hungry politicians who want to show
how much investment the state has attracted in their term, and so many
jobs have been created  but it  will not benefit the Aam Aadmi if the
State leadership  has no clear vision or strategy to move forward. 





[Goanet] Goa Congress Government in anarchy

2007-11-28 Thread Vinay Natekar

Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07





Goa Congress Government led by Kamat  is in a state of coma today both
voluntary and involuntary.

The CM Diggu  is trying to get sloppily vocal on vital matters of
state's life and death issues like SEZs but  behind the scene  most of
the pro SEZ Ministers & MLAs  in Congress  are working round the clock
to balkanize support for SEZs  with guileful  and insidious intentions.
The other MLAs and Ministers are rather  silent with compassion and
sympathy if not loyalty.

Against this dark and gloomy background of planned  destruction of Goa
the biting truths about the muggers and dissolute herd of  Ministers and
the MLAs  who are holding posts in various Govt undertaking bodies which
will be involved in the formation of SEZs  are dreaming to  grab,
plunder, pillage and loot as much as they can to make maximum hay while
the sun will shine on them.

The Builders and Real Estate Developers  mafia which  is funding the
ruling party  are excited to  influence political leaders to get their
share in  building Infrastructure for SEZ projects.




[Goanet] Alva basher resigns from Cong, council

2007-11-28 Thread Vinay Natekar

Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Alva basher resigns from Cong, council

Prakash Joshi 

Times of India  - Dec 25,2007


Mumbai : The Congress received a setback with loyalist leader Sudhir
Sawant resigning from the party and legislative council on Saturday.

Sawant whose six-year tenure as an MLC is scheduled to end after six
months , submitted his resignation from the council to its chairperson
Shivajirao Deshmukh. He announced his decision to quit the Congress at a
news meet in the city.

Before putting his papers Sawant had written to Congress chief Sonia
Gandhi, explaining the reasons behind his resignation from the party,
which he joined during Rajiv Gandhi's tenure as a party president. The
main reason behind his resignation is grouse against AICC general
secretary Margaret Alva, whom he accused of  selling party posts to rich
leaders at the expense of loyalists. "I have paid the price for raising
basic issue of corruption. I can not continue in the party since an
honest worker like me has been repeatedly humiliated" he said. The
Congress had asked him to apologise if he did not want to be sacked.


Comments : Above news in TOI augments Dr. Barad's  post precisely
exposing Margaret (Market) Alva. Can you imagine how much wealth she
must have amassed by selling congress tickets to the highest bidders
during Jun 07 Goa assembly elections ? 




Original Message

Message: 5

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:08:44 +0530

From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Goanet] Selma calls Sonia "Painted Italian Doll"!!



I am not at all against women power. In fact I have written two articles
supporting present president of India. I have equally written nasty
articles against Margaret Alva ? sorry Market Alva! Just for your
information, the way she manipulated poliTRICKS in Goa deserved much
harsher words than what I used! 

She, within a short span minted Crores of rupees besides grabbing a
bungalow on the Campal Road, grabbing villas at Aldia de Goa, grabbed
plots for her brother in Shiroda Industrial Estate! She was very found
of calling ?Back stabber, Traitor? to a person in the morning (not in
literal sense) and would call that same person ?Martyr? in the evening
(again, not in literal sense)!! Should I continue what else she grabbed
and how she was acting in Goa? And you still expect me to ?back her
misdeeds because she is a lady?? You expect me to praise her because she
is a woman? What do you expect me to do in connection with Market Alva?



[Goanet] Panaji's Woes

2007-11-28 Thread Vinay Natekar

Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Panaji, the capital city of Goa, is populated by VIPs, bureaucrats and
affluent families, but you will find everywhere  potholed, unevenly
paved and untarred patches on roads, and the trenches which are not
filled after digging,  and foul-smelling overflowing open drains which
are making life very unpleasant for the Panaji inhabitants. 

I can not understand why those holding high civil positions in CCP are
so apathetic to conditions in our City ? 

Adding to the woos, several shopping malls which have come up in this
area but their surroundings are filled with  ghanti hawkers who
constantly litter the area with filth which stinks and is also sore to
the eyes. Can Mr Tony Rodriguez , the Chairperson or any official from
CCP   explain as to why these venders/ hawkers  are allowed to conduct
business in our city ? 

Several open drains on both sides of the roads is the cause of breeding
mosquitoes. Overflowing and uncleared dustbins stand in mute testimony
to the general air of neglect specially around Market area.

The tourist season has started in Goa with big influx of domestic and
foreign tourist who crowd the City for shopping and other leisure
activities in addition to IFFI events  but the local authorities seem to
be quite disinterested as pitiable civic amenities, dreadful roads;
traffic and parking problems have no end in Panaji. 

Though some parking slots have been created in the city, yet during the
peak season even these fall short, leading to traffic congestion. The
cleanliness of the town figures low on the priority list of our CCP, as
the entire garbage of the town is being dumped either into St Inez
Nullah or at Baiguinim dumping site. 

The CCP should expedite and plan development work of the entire city
without any favouritism or bias towards  any Municipal ward.



Vinay Natekar

[Goanet] Narendra Modi, Taslima Nasreen & Nandigram

2007-12-02 Thread Vinay Natekar
A lot of  hullabaloo has been created by statement of Gujarat Chief
Minister Narendra Modi that he is ready to protect Bangladeshi writer
Taslima Nasreen if the Congress-led UPA Government at the Centre was
unable to provide her adequate protection.

The noted and controversial author has been almost on a run for the last
couple of weeks, and is made to shift from one place to another. She is
persecuted by the Muslim clergy in Bangladesh as well as India  for
being courageous in speaking out against fundamentalists. Since the
1990s, she has faced numerous threats from Islamic groups for her
writings. Recently, activists of Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM)
attacked her at a book release function in Hyderabad. 

What happened in the streets of Kolkata November 21st was not only
disgraceful deviation from the real issues of Muslims in West Bengal but
it gave the CPM's government as much waited relief to veil in the shadow
of Taslima Nasreen

It is more than shocking that the issue cropped up at a time when the
self style custodian of the secular values the CPI(M) in India the were
exposed to the outside world on the issue of the socio-economic
conditions of Muslims in West Bengal. Their own intellectuals
questioning the handling of Nandigram and communalization of West
Bengal. The sheer hypocrisy of the Government of West Bengal was visible
by the violence unleashed by CPI(M) goons at  Nandigram, it was evident
that Communists parties have always stood for tyranny and exploitation
of the poor through sensitized slogans and deliveries while having
shirked on democratic process.  They haven't got the basic lesson in
humanity, democracy, adaptability and sensitivity. The recent spread of
violence in Singur heaped on  protesting farmers has  been harboured by
CPI(M) is an indication and manifestation of the same.  Nandigram is the
repetition of that psyche. It is the time to see how pseudo
intelligentsia (Left prone) reacts 




[Goanet] SEZ is BJP baby Parented by Parikar and Digamber

2007-12-02 Thread Vinay Natekar

Interesting Post by Jamima Dias. I have given my comments to some of her
notes. Could not reply to all because of paucity of time.

>I have been seeing in the media all sorts of denials resorted to by the
>two top BJP politicians in Goa. One the impotent leader of opposition
>and the other, the BJP/RSS/Sangh Paarivar man in the Congress,
>Digamber Kamat who heads the bankrupt Congress in Goa.


In what term are you referring the prowess of opposition leader ? In
terms of masculinity or political career ? If it is latter you are very
wrong (by sidelining his achievements  both as a leader of opposition
plus as Chief Minister) regarding former I think you must be talking
based on your own personal experience. I have said earlier, Congress not
only in Goa but at the national level too is impecunious of leadership.
Goa Congress  has so many veteran political rascals, rogues and free
booters who are fighting  among themselves like dogs for position of
power due to which Goa was lost in political squabbles over all these
years. That is the reason  they had to depend on defector like Diggu
for leading the Congressmen.


>If the records are correctly quoted, Sardinha must have the guts to
bring >out to the Goa's people that both Monahar Parriker and Digamber
Kamat >were the prime creators of the SEZ controversy while they ruled
Goa >through the communial Bharatiya Janata party, a sad era in Goa's
>history that saw communial violence and dividing of Goa on lines of
>caste and religion.


You are asking a blind to lead  blind. The credentials of Sardinha are
well known to everyone. Diggu and himself are birds of same feather.
When Sardinha had taken  support of BJP to become Chief Minister didn't
he think  that BJP was communal ? or was it an arrangement of
convenience ? BJP rule sad era in Goan history - We will not  subscribe
to  these illusions because you  suffer from the malady of unabashed
resent which reflects in   your recurrent aphorism and it is not going
to change the truth.


>Today, our CM is so scared to take on Manohar Parrikar and expose the
>BJP that he knows very well that if he holds Manohar Parrikars nose,
his >mouth will open, the way the old koankanni saying goes, and its
vice >versa.


Can you specify what you mean by  expose Parrikar & BJP ? There are so
many scandals by Congress Ministers of  past are still pending for
exposing like EDC loans scandal by Luizinho Faleiro, Power rebate
scandal by Mauvin Godinho, Marks Sheet  scandal by  Sardinha just to
name few. BJP did not get enough time to dig into these scams otherwise
so many skeletons would have sprung up from coffins.


>Goa is very unfortunate, some evil witch has cast its evil eye on this
>beautiful land. The misfortune of Goa is that both the CM and the
leader >of opposition are both pro-BJP men and have committed joint sins
while >in the BJP days. Today both try to save each other's tails.


If you elaborate on this it might be an exciting , thrilling  or
sexually titillating information instead of going by hearsays. Or are
you trying to create events when there are none, to make villains  where
they don't exist or trying  to make art forms to suit our convenience,
to transform a novel into a movie and vice-versa, or turn symphony into
mood conditioning.


>The people of Margao will agree that most of Digamber Kamat's
>supporters in Margao are BJP activists and many of the BJP staunch
>supporters worked for Digamber Kamat during the elections for a
>bargain. Manohar Parrikar knew of this secret liasion, but to Manohar
>Parrikar, Digamber Kamat is an old BJP buddy and he did not campaign
>much at Margao to dethrone Digamber Kamat.


Your first statement is  true. Many Kamat loyalist from BJP party voted
for him in addition to vote bank from Ghanti settlement in monte hill
also tilted in Kamat's favour. But Parrikar and BJP will never forgive
the traitor like him who  stabbed Parrikar at back at crucial times.


>A sad future lies for Goa when both the Leader of opposition and the
>CM have an unholy nexus through common cadres of the BJP.


How many of the current MLAs or Ministers from Congress are originally
from Congress ? Most of them are defectors from either MGP, BJP or
smaller outfits.


>It is a shame for the experienced and age old Congress ministers and
>MLAs that they are unable to expose the fact to the people and not have
>an original congressman as the chief monster. Also, politicians like
>Churchill Alemao have proved to the Goans that he is a mercenary and
>is interested in profits for himself, and his family only. Churchill is
the >darkest defacement for catholics in Goa's politics and has let down
even >the church in Goa.


You rightly said -  not have an original congressman as the "chief


>SEZ, IFFI and RP 2011 are the creations of land sharks and at one time
>there was an unholy nexus between Manohar Parrikar, Digamber Kamat >and
builders like Datta Naik. Digamber Kamat al

[Goanet] We wept when Goa was being invaded

2007-12-04 Thread Vinay Natekar

I agree with the views expressed by  all the people who have said that
life was simple, easy and corruption free during  the Portuguese era.
But we were denied our self respect and civil liberty and were treated
like inferior human beings  by these colonial masters. This outweighs
all the disadvantages brought by liberation. 

It is distressing to observe  many of our Goaneters feeling   that
liberation of Goa by India was infect invasion. Sadly We still have
supporters of Portuguese rule in Goa. How these unpatriotic people with
slave mindset tend to forget the tyrannical 451 years of foreign
Portuguese rule who had adopted crusade of  forced conversions of Hindus
to Christianity, demolished Hindu temples and, and their most bitter act
of repression , the horrors inflicted by the Goa Inquisition inducted
between 1560-1814. By supporting the Portuguese rule they are insulting
the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters many of whom lost their
lives fighting the Portuguese forces  to attain freedom for Goa.

The Portuguese refused to give up their colonies in-spite of repeated
requests of India since they assumed that India had renounced the use of
force and would not attack them.  But  both the Prime Minister Nehru as
well as the defense minister, Krishna Menon made it clear that India
would not fail to resort to force as an option, if all diplomatic
efforts to make the Portuguese give up Goa fail.

The struggle was two fold, from within Goa and from the Indian
Government outside Goa. After a decade and a half of diplomacy and
failure of the US diplomatic intervention on the  Goa issue   India
liberated Goa on  December 19, 1961 with  bloodless  use of force and
integrated it in the Indian Union.


Vinay Natekar

[Goanet] Where have all the Goans gone ?

2007-12-13 Thread Vinay Natekar

   * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

More info:



Where have all the Goans  gone ?

By Adelmo Fernandes

Herald -  Dec. 10, 2007

Take a walk down the streets of Panaji and what strikes you the most is
the number of people from outside the state who are seen almost every
where. This makes one wonder where all the Goans have gone. In the
market place, you could be brushing shoulders with a Keralite, a
Maharashrtian, you could bump into family from Ludhiana or a newly
wedded couple from 
Gujarat,  but to find a Goan in the crowded market place seems like
looking for a needle in a haystack. Where have all the Goans gone I
wonder ? 

You enter a hotel to sip a hot cup of coffee and the chaps sitting
across the table could be talking in their mother tongue i.e. Tamil.
Indeed, the capital city has become a metropolis, mini India. It may
seem that Gonas have become a minority in their own state. Don't get me
wrong. I am first an Indian then a Goan. But then my heart beats for Goa
and Goans. And what pains me more is the fact that I now come across
fewer and fewer of my fellows and in the market place. It won't be long
before Goans could find themselves as strangers in their own home land.

The scene is not all that different along Goa's vast coastline. On the
beaches you come across Kashmiris and more Kashmiris. They have probably
given a red carpet welcome since most of them are supposedly selling
kashmiri carpets. I believe beside setting shop in the state, some have
even married the Goan girls and set home here in Goa.

So, now you can no longer call them  'outsider' or the more widely used
term 'Non Goans'. They have become Goans by marriage. So what if they
are not Goans by birth. Along the beach-line you will find more
white-skinned foreigners and dark skinned Lamanis than our very own Goan
brothers and sisters.

I happen to live in that part of the state where I sometimes wonder if
the place is still a part of Goa. Yes I live in Vasco, which appears to
be more cosmopolitan than Mumbai. In Vasco, if you wish to meet Goans
you have to literally 'hunt' for them. Every new business venture is
started by someone who is not a Goan. Every new flat is occupied by  a
person from outside Goa. Goans are known for their hospitality. So, they
let out their houses to outsiders not making any effort to find out if
the person is really a tourist or a terrorist. In Goa it may seem Goans
come second when it comes to job opportunities. While Goans wait
eternally to get a white collared job, people from other states who come
to Goa grab any job opportunity with both hands. That brings us to the
all-important question. Where have all the Goans gone ?.  Well it may
seem that many have fled (read as migrated) to other countries. In doing
so, they have sold their land, home, vehicles and everything they
possessed to a non Goan and of course Gond pride . While many Goans go
abroad never to come back. There are foreigners who have made Goa their
home. What a pity, we Goans are selling Goa bit by bit. A time will
probably come when we will have sold the whole of our beautiful state to
people coming from Kashmir or Kanyakumari. 

Lending a helping hand in this entire exercise are our large-hearted (?)
politicians. They let migrants settle in our state not because they love
these people, but because they (the politicians) are in desperate need
of their votes. So, it is also the politicians who are 'selling' Goa to
satisfy their own selfish desires. Take it from me, without the migrant
vote bank many of our present day politicians would have bitten the
dust. All in all, it won't be an exaggeration to say that slowly but
surely, Goans are losing Goa. What a pity ! 





Spread the Christmas Cheer, even when you're not here!
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EXPRESSIONS - 2007 Christmas Hamper
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Re: [Goanet] Changing people's hearts and minds on caste

2007-12-13 Thread Vinay Natekar

   * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

More info:


The caste structure in Goan catholic religious  hierarchy  is very much
resembling the Goan Hindus. The continued maintenance of the caste
system among the Catholics in Goa is  the influence of  customs
connected with the Hindu religion which infiltrated  into Catholic
religious practices of the neo-converts.

In the post liberation Goa, the caste system was expected to  die  its
natural death because of the industrial revolution which has redefined
the productive activities and social lifestyle with  democratic form of
Governments. But the tentacles seems are too deep to be removed so

Today we are witnessing the evils more visible and socially acceptable
in  both religions. The shocking veracity today is, we accept a welfare
associations or marriage bureau formed exclusively for a caste or
community. This is  a social reality. 


Vinay Natekar



Spread the Christmas Cheer, even when you're not here!
Send classic greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
EXPRESSIONS - 2007 Christmas Hamper
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[Goanet] Remembering Inquisition on the eve of Goa Liberation day

2007-12-17 Thread Vinay Natekar

   * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

More info:


The Portuguese Inquisition of Goa  in the 16th century  was most
merciless and cruel. Apart from their laws and religion, the Portuguese
also imported and enforced their infamous methods of interrogation to
subdue agitators.

During this period many Hindus were tortured and blazed at the stake for
continuing to practice their religion. Muslim  were generally murdered
right away or made to flee Goan territory.

This Portuguese fundamentalist religious persecution was a machinery of
death. A large number of Hindus were first converted and then persecuted
from 1560 all the way to 1812 ! 

Over that period of 252 years, any man, woman, or child living in Goa
could be arrested and tortured for simply whispering a Hindu prayer or
keeping a small idol at home. Many Hindus  languished in special
Inquisitional prisons without trial for number of years.

The Portuguese who ruled Goa and recognised no religion other than
Christianity as the legitimate means of communion with god. It was no
secular rule that they imposed, but a ruthless system of pillage
disguised as trade and a cruel administration for whom the heathens,
especially Brahmins, unless they embraced Christianity, were nothing
more than "supplicants" to be crushed into submission or exiled into

The tale of horrors inflicted on Goan Hindus  by the Inquisition is
endless,  the brutal attempts of the Church to triumph over Hinduism by
seeking to destroy all that was Hindu in territories conquered by the
Portuguese in India. 


Vinay Natekar



Spread the Christmas Cheer, even when you're not here!
Send classic greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
EXPRESSIONS - 2007 Christmas Hamper
Visit http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/xmas/


[Goanet] Remembering Inquisition on the eve of Liberation Day

2007-12-18 Thread Vinay Natekar

   * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

More info:


Selma wrote -

>Maybe it's also appropriate to make special mention of

>the thousands of Muslims and Christians that are being

>persecuted by Hindus in the India of today. Just about

>a week ago, a Church was burned down in North India

>without apologies or explanations. 


I only mentioned  the forcible conversions and atrocities committed by
Portuguese, if you happen to be of the same religion of the Portuguese
who propagated it, obviously it is your loyalty to that regime which
makes you grouse against Hindus. Secondly, Christianity has always
striven on  persecution, which in turn bred "martyrs" and saints,
indispensable to the propagation of Christianity.


>It's rich indeed feeling indignant about what happened

>400 years ago, while being indifferent to what is

>happening today in our midst. Please be honest, your

>post is nothing more that RSS hate-mongering spiel. It

>always strikes me as ironic that the people who were

>persecuted perhaps would have been my ancestors and

>yet we've made our peace with history.


Although you must have made peace with history because your forefathers
(the converts) escaped all those torments given by the Portuguese on
Hindus who refused to be coerced,  can not be forgotten from our minds.
I am not reproving the present generation for the sins committed by
their ancestors but you can not ignore the fact that many  people who
still venerate and eulogize the invader Portuguese rule and the
Liberation of Goa  by India is considered  as Invasion. This is nothing
but the slave mentality which they have not overcome inflicted by the
colonial masters.





Spread the Christmas Cheer, even when you're not here!
Send classic greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
EXPRESSIONS - 2007 Christmas Hamper
Visit http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/xmas/


[Goanet] Maut ke Saudagar - boomeranged on Congress

2007-12-24 Thread Vinay Natekar
The grief of Congress party and their cohorts  is inconsolable. Their
simulated world has collapsed. They were dreaming of dislodging Narendra
Modi from Gujarat. The dream world of power  has suddenly ended. Faced
with the harsh realities they are now dazed and stupefied. They have
lost their power of wisdom. Flabbergasted, they stand in the ruins of
their make believe world that is now left behind them, ruined &
shattered around. They have choked their cries in their throats. Yet the
gloom on their faces is shamelessly loud. Doleful, dejected,
disconsolate, they are unable to reconcile with the turn of events. 

This is the elegy on the sad demise of pseudo-secularists Congress Party
who had invented accusations against the BJP during campaign in  Gujarat
elections, and sentenced them on the basis of those imaginary charges by
labeling the BJP and its people as "Maut ke saudagar". The Congressmen
themselves had killed more than 4,000 people in Amritsar  and New Delhi
in 1984. The people of Gujarat have given these pseudos with   bloody
nose,  a striking punch in their face.

The Congress Party's grief is boundless. Lamenting, wailing, mournful,
miserable, desolate and they are heart-broken after landslide victory of
BJP in Gujarat.

Like a person knocked senseless by a blow, the Congress Party have lost
their balance and coherence. 

The humiliating defeat inflicted by people of Gujarat on Congress once
again is the indication that the days pseudo secularism of all kinds are
going to be  disposed off. Take note Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.


Vinay Natekar


[Goanet] Come on Ravi....your reputation is our reputation

2008-03-22 Thread Vinay Natekar
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

 Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Jerry Fernandes wrote: 

Why come people don't vote BJP to Power ? If BJP is such a great party,
who looks for the betterment of Goa, than why cant Goans in general look
at it?  It?s a great mystery, wish you could tell me why.


My Response :

The reason people of Goa not voting BJP to power as per my first
approximation is a vast section of our Goan voters are ignorant, corrupt
and casteist. This is one of the reason why we vote the current vacuous
politicians in ruling  Congress  consistently  in spite of knowing that
they are fraud and criminals. Some  of Goan voters can easily be swayed
by these corrupt politicians either by caste, religion, regionalism,
economic enticement or offering  personal favour. Since arrival  of
Congress party in Goa its leaders have been constantly elected on caste
and religion. Congress is using this schism  to get to power by pitting
castes and religions against each other. It is our fault that we
repeatedly vote for these crooks and politicians with criminal

Wise, well informed , broad minded and intelligent voters will not
continue to vote these bunch of thieves regularly These politicians are
elected from our general population so they are representative of the
population who elected them which reflects the quality of our voters.

Power corrupts and absolute power stagnated for quite long period
corrupts absolutely. There is big money in politics and undoubtedly it
attracts filthiest minds and if this trend goes on  unchecked, it will
be a dooms day for us one day.

The Congress have created chaos in Goa in its sell out of Goan land to
outsiders, the hill cutting, agricultural land conversion and regional
plan 2011 and SEZs (which are forcibly scrapped now) . The Congress
party is full of internal contradictions and is unable to provide a
stable  and performing Government. 

We needed a strong regional party because we know the current  CM
Diggubab is the weakest CM we had after liberation who do not have spine
and have to rely on Congress high command for every single decision for
Goa's day today administration.

The MGP and UGDP has outlived its purposes and it is time to send these
parties to oblivion. The NCP is the other side of same coin called
Congress. Other opportunistic regional outfits like SGF have lost its
credibility as evident by acts of its elected members. The parties like
Su-Raj though they have good agenda,  have no strong hold in Goan
politics  and can align with winning power if manage to get one or two

So it is the time we should consider of bringing  back a able
administrator like Parrikar to power forgetting  our religious and caste
differences  for the development of Goa.





[Goanet] Why Parrikar is not CM today...and will probably not be ever

2008-03-25 Thread Vinay Natekar
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

 Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


As long as we vote looking at the PERSONS rather than POLICIES, as long
as we vote for CASTE  and RELIGION rather than REMOVAL OF CORRUPTION,
Goa will remain the same backward state  in terms of  progress.

The BJP Government led by Manohar Parrikar maintained a policy of
corrupt free Governance although his opponents in  Congress party and
its cohorts could not accept it publicly since they could not digest his
success  and even stooped  low  to an extent to fabricate  fallacious
fibs  like IFFI 2002 spendings  and other bullshit assertions.

Even though for few years only BJP managed to break  the political and
ideological stranglehold of the corrupt Congress in Goa  and contributed
to a paradigm shift in state administration and politics  this period
was not enough to undo all the evils the Congress party had inflicted on
Goa for years.

BJP epitomised the hopes and expectations of people who wanted a clean
break from Congress misrule and the corresponding decline in the quality
of public life. 

It was the qualitative difference of Manohar Parrikar which enabled him
to fill the void left by the years  of one-party dominance and its
deceitful and bickering leaders who only looted the state and  least
cared for the development of Goa.

One of the most pathetic sights in Goa today is to watch various
Congress partymen  big and petite, beating their breasts over secularism
and  Hindutwa nationalism which is almost non existent in Goa.

The past 2 months has witnessed shameful attempts by the Congress
Government to divert the Media and public attention while trying to
cover up the sins of omissions and commissions in Scarlet rape and
murder case. Why have they not yet handed  over this murder case  for
impartial investigation by CBI ? They are dragging their feet   because
they are afraid that number of  leaders and ministers from ruling side
and their relatives will come under axe for involvement in drug  trade
or nexus with drug mafia !





[Goanet] Why Parrikar is not CM today.........!!!!!!!!

2008-03-27 Thread Vinay Natekar
Marshall Mendonza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

>1. what guarantees or assurances can you offer that the Hindutva
>agenda of the BJP will not be implemented in Goa?


We need to ask some hard questions to understand why the pseudo
secularist crying foul in the name of imaginary  Hindutwa constituent
existing in Goa or BJP  party in Goa  is following it ? Has BJP in its
agenda or declaration   anytime say that Goa is for only Hindus or it
will be ruled by only hindus and the rights of other communities will be
curtailed and they will not be allowed to practice their religion freely
? Can anybody provide me with details  if BJP has ever implemented
Hindutwa policy in its four years rule in Goa ? 

Your hatred for all things Hindu or BJP is so evident that Parrikar
bashing has become the new cause-celebre for anti BJP fanatics on Goanet
which is sickening. There is going to be a backlash, sooner rather then
later, it would be interesting to see how it's fruition will come about.

How else can you presume  that this fawning Kangress party  has the sole
right to rule  Goa for eternity ?  We have had enough of the arrogance
of Congress mafia which has generated one  party feudalistic impudence
and has become a rotten  culture  of Swag with  lack of accountability
which needs to be dumped at earliest.


>2. What guarantees or assurances that persons like Pravin 'Trishul'
>Togadia, or L K ' Babri Masjid' Advani or Narendra 'Genocide' Modi and
>sundry others characters from the sangh parivar firmament will not
>descend upon Goa to forment trouble.


The catastrophe of the 1980's in the Punjab  and myhem of Sikh killing
of 1984 was the creation of Congress of which  seeds of communal
disharmony were sowed by communal Congress.  It led to a decade of
suffering that is only now being healed, slowly. The games Indira Gandhi
played there led to her own death, but what is much more important is
that it also led to the death of thousands of innocent people in the
terrorism and state oppression which this bloody game engendered. To see
Congress people talk of the obscenity of Gujarat when their own party
sheltered and abetted communal massacre in 1984 is an irony which is
lost on most of these eunuchs, who exclaim their holiness from upon high
as though the Congress party has never utilised divide-and-rule and
communal politics whenever it suited them


>3. what guarantees or assurances can you offer that the judiciary will
>not be subverted a la Gujarat or Bhopal where criminal cases against
>sangh parivar activists have to be heard outside the state by the SC to
>ensure justice.


BJP has never harbored criminals like Laloo Yadeav who in his 15 years
of Bihar plundered which was once considered as the most administered
efficient state in India being degenerated to the most corrupt and
lawless where caste wars took maximum toll of poor dalit lives plundered
by private armies of caste superior land lords ? The Ranvir senas and
dalit wars and all that feudalism was fed by Congress and Laloo. Wasnt
this jungle-raj abetted and promoted by Congress who supported Laloo Raj
all this time as power partners in the state ? Or is this too a BJP
illness ?



>4. Can Dr Anand guarantee that MP will enjoy total autonomy without
>any interference or directions from the sangh parivar ?


MP can very well follow Modi's  policy of fighting election on his
personal charisma and track record of good Governance rather than
national party's dependence  wherein Modi defied RSS and high command

Since Congress  assumed power in Goa it has  used the machinery of the
government to either gloss over or attempted to whitewash brazen acts of
corruption. It was a matter of national dishonor that the son of Home
minister of a state like Goa should come under colud of having
involvement of drug trading and this Corrupt Congress Govt  not taking
any action against this Minister to clear whether he is guilty or not.


>5. If MP is so competant why does he not leave the BJP and form a
>regional party which is inclusive of all sections of the population ?


There is a Hindi saying "Sau sunar ke, ek lohar ka" (One strike by a
blacksmith equals a hundred taps by a goldsmith). I hope this is not
classified as a casteist remark on the lines of the Nachle song

Looking at the progress Goa made during Manohar Parrikar's tenure as CM,
the BJP sounds like the right choice. It is not the party that made the
difference, but the leadership of Parrikar but the Party has given the
platform to prove his mantle so why he should leave the Party that can
take on Congress ?

MP has an enterprising business sense. He grabbed the opportunity of
making Goa the permanent venue for IIFI, his opponents might be talking
about the expenditure incurred for this project forgetting the expenses
made by Congress in subsequent years. The initial expenditure was worth
as an investment considering the returns in the long run.  He thou

[Goanet] MP and Panjim

2008-04-01 Thread Vinay Natekar
Edward Desilva wrote :

1) I do not understand this logic, MP can stand any where he likes, it
is the Christaum from Panjim who should use their better judgment,
obviously they like him and their dirty Panjim, do you live in Panjim
then don't vote for him.



It is simple logic but beyond reasoning  for persons with blinkered
mindset. It is evident from last couple of Elections that Christaos of
Panaji are very prudent and not bigots. They vote for development, clean
corrupt free and progressive administration, that is why they vote for
Manohar parrikar in their constituency in last few elections. They do
not look for immediate personal gains nor they fall prey for  bribes
offered by Congress candidate. Panjimite Catholics  have not been swayed
away by communal  propaganda  by Congress against BJP.  Any person with
clear vision can compare the deplorable state of Panaji as of today
compared with how good it was during BJP regime.

India Today in its survey of Best and Worst Indian states in Year 2003
had declared Goa to be the best-administered state in India. Goa never
achieved this position in overall development anytime during Congress
regime. This Magazine on the two separate occasions, declared that
Manohar Parrikar is the most efficient Chief Minister. These things
became possible only because he was successful in his attempt in giving
clean, effective and progressive governance for over four years. Goan
Christians  may be  hating Parrikar just out of tradition  but whoever
had experienced  change in  life in Goa  during Parrikar's regime
couldn't  stop praising Parrikar's achievements specially for  Goa's
roads and infrastructure development  and quality of administration.
However there were minor blemishes during his tenure like Goa Liberation
VCD and vandalism at some  places which were trumpeted in  hyperbole and
still is being done by his detractors in attempt to conceal  their sins
of corruption. This ground does not hold good  to forget all the good
works done by Parrikar . Our apprehension is only hypothetical and
cannot be justified since all his Endeavours will certainly outweigh
against any wrong doings in his tenure.


2) This statement has been made out of desperation, YES every one
blames Porrikar for problems in Goa - come up with another joke next



Parrikar's odious critics try to dig fault in almost everything  and
his good work also is disparaged every  time  and there is no cure  for
this phenomenon and you are not an exception.


3) Porrikar or no Porrikar Goa politics will survive. It is people like
you who take offence every time some one talks against Porrikar



The quantum of hatred  and vilification spread  on this forum against
Parrikar over all these years,  I think no other Goan politician  must
have received so much brick bats so far. You are right Goa politics will
survive !!!  but the day is not very far, our Goa will go to dogs one
day if we will leave it to the disposal like the current corrupt







Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 648

2007-07-31 Thread Vinay Natekar


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Constitutional fraud in Goa 

By making a mockery of the confidence vote in the Assembly, the
Congress-led regime in Goa has committed a brazen fraud on the
Constitution. The straightforward way out of this crisis is for Governor
S.C. Jamir to dismiss the illegitimate government of Chief Minister
Digambar Kamat immediately - and invite the Leader of the Opposition,
Manohar Parrikar of the Bharatiya Janata Party, to take his turn. After
seeing its majority melt away, the Congress relied on Speaker Pratapsinh
Rane to manipulate the floor test by preventing three members of the
House from casting their vote. One of them, Victoria Fernandes, was a
Congress dissident who submitted her resignation but failed to comply
with the Assembly rule that required her to convince the Speaker that
her resignation was 'voluntary' and 'genuine.' But no law or rulebook
can justify the manner in which Mr. Rane prevented the two members of
the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party, Sudin Dhavalikar and Dipak
Dhavalikar, from voting. These legislators, who had extended support to
the Congress-led alliance after last month's Assembly election, were
well within their rights in withdrawing support to the government. A
section of the MGP top rung was in favour of continuance of support, but
the two MLAs who comprise the MGP legislature party are not legally
bound by any decision of the organisational leadership. The Speaker
compounded the flagrant illegality of his actions by casting his vote in
favour of the government - even though there was no tie.

The BJP clearly has the numbers in its favour. So what the Speaker did
was to cynically rob Mr. Parrikar of the opportunity to prove the
numerical superiority of the opposition in the House. It was no surprise
that Mr. Parrikar led a walkout of the members of the newly formed Goa
Democratic Alliance ahead of the confidence vote, which was then deemed
to have been passed by a voice vote. The Governor, who asked for an
early floor test and sent in his observer to oversee it, is himself on
test. He needs to demonstrate that he has no role whatsoever in the
anti-constitutional game played by the Speaker and the Congress party.
He must act decisively to undo the constitutional mischief by dismissing
the Kamat regime, invite Mr. Parrikar to form his government, and ask
him to prove his majority in the House as early as possible. It is the
democratic responsibility of the Congress high command to ensure that
the Speaker does not persevere in a course that is guaranteed to bring
more infamy and chaos to the governance of the State - and invite
judicial intervention once again in what used to be zealously considered
a purely legislative domain

Vinay Natekar

[Goanet] Political scenarion in Goa

2007-08-16 Thread Vinay Natekar

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The whores of Baina or Bhindibazar  who remain faithful to their customers 
at least for a night. But these Alemaos and Monseratts are worst than those 
prostitutes and pimps who will not only sell themselves but will not 
hesitate to negotiate  their own mothers and sisters also  to the highest 
bidders for their personal advantage.

BJP has made a slip-up again in associating with such opportunist, 
scandalous, tainted, disgraced, crook politicians. BJP should have made  pre 
poll alliance  with MGP  to keep corrupt Congress away from power. BJP MGP 
combine could have won  another 3 to 4 seats which they lost due to division 
of votes.



Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



[Goanet] NT New Report - MLA's resignations

2007-08-26 Thread Vinay Natekar

Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



Regarding the report in Navhind Times,

"Govt for probing MLAs quitting House. The government today stressed on the 
need for an investigation by an independent authority into the motives 
behind the resignation of the public representatives, especially MLAs who 
resign from the membership of the House for reason other than health, within 
short span of time after their election. The Chief Minister Mr. Digambar 
Kamat was presiding the meeting."

This is very ridiculous that a person who himself is  a defector, is 
preaching others of morality of house. This Digambar is the same 
treacherous guy who stabbed Manohar Parrikar in the back by resigning from 
membership of Assembly  at the time he should have supported the party  on 
whose ticket he had won the election and reached the Assembly.

Of course he is free to switch over the sides but this was not the right 
time do so. If he had love for the Congress party why he din't do it when 
Congress was in minority ? This proves the saying, "Rats are first to run 
away when the ship is sining"

Vinay Natekar

[Goanet] Parking problem in Panaji

2007-08-28 Thread Vinay Natekar

Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



Growth  in economic position and availability  of easy and flexible Auto / 
2wheeler  loan facilities offered by various Banks have increased the 
purchasing power of consumers thus increasing vehicular population in Panaji 
leading to congestion in the central business streets  of the city like 18th 
June and M.G. Road and Market vicinity are choked due to vehicular parking.

CCP should Identify areas where parking is in quandary and take remedial 
steps to improve it. Build multi level parking spots by inviting private 
parties on BOT (Build, operate, Transfer basis) and run it by inviting 

Award contracts to private operators by auction to charge for parking 
(separate for 4 wheelers and 2 wheelers ) on the  road side earmarked  for 
parking on hourly / Half Hourly basis and  levy steep fines for over 
parking. Traffic police must be aggressive in towing any vehicle that 
violates the rules, (sadly only fines make people honest. that's the only 
way one can sustain the city parking and will also add to revenue for CCP.

There is certainly a lack of efficient, and effective public transport 
system. Very few Buses which are running from Kadamba Bus stop to either 
Bambolim or Dona paula route does not pass thru inner areas of Panaji. Take 
societal measures to spread awareness among the people on the environmental 
detrimental effects of over-consumption of petrol. Encourage people to do 
away with vehicles wherever the two feet can support and carry us to - and 
the resultant health benefits arising out of the same in today's lethargic 

It doesn't make business sense for, shop owners to park their own cars in 
front of shops; they perhaps know best that it amounts to a loss of 
potential customers. Also the office goers keep their cars parked on the 
road side parking for whole day thus preventing shoppers to park their 
vehicle for a short time.

Vinay Natekar

[Goanet] Konkani & Golgal Goans

2007-09-18 Thread vinay natekar

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Based on my over 20 years stay in Kuwait I would like to  initiate  some 
introspection among our Goans  however excruciating this may be felt. The 
fact is that some Goans have given up some aspects of Goanness like their 
language. Based on our   history we should reinstate what is essential, and 
discard the superficial - that is if we want Goans to survive as a distinct 
entity and not be a pale imitation of extraneous influences.
A further disappointing trait among many expat Goans  is their persistence 
on being considered Goans, not Indians. This is due to influence of the 
Portuguese colonial rule backdrop and their drudging mindset. But liberation 
had changed all that and Goa had been part of India since 1961. It seems 
rather weird, coming from India, that Goans are unwilling to accept being 
part of the wider Indian fraternity just as Gujaratis, Punjabis or other 
communities do. There is  no contradiction in being a Goan and an Indian at 
the same time. Worse still, some Goans even looked down on "Indians" as 
perhaps a less civilized race as opposed to their more westernised, 
Christian status.
It is crucial that we identify the features  that are common to the Hindu 
and the Christian Goan, whether at home or abroad. Most of the rest of 
Indians have unfortunate tendency to consider  Goans as only the Christian 
Goans ignoring the fact that this segment of society accounts for fewer than 
40 % of the population in Goa.
In other words, the Goan identity must, if anything, transcend the religious 
divide and be based on what is common between the Goans in Goa, whether 
Hindu or Catholic. That should be the platform for a Goan uniqueness, a sort 
of benchmark against which the Goan diaspora should measure itself rather 
than set up standards based on their individual upbringing or way of life 

Language the unifying factor -  To my mind, the only common and uniting 
feature among Hindus and Catholics in Goa is the language, Konkani, which is 
spoken and understood all over Goa, albeit in different accents and with 
different scripts.
It is very depressing that those who have lived abroad have given it up, 
generally for English, but this in no way can be taken as minimizing its 
vital significance as a unifying bond.
To talk of Konkani as essential for the Goan identity is bound to make many 
younger generations of expat Goans uncomfortable, because they have either  
forgotten it or not learnt it at all from their parents. But this in no way 
relegates the importance of this element in our culture. For some elegant 
people  Konkani was at one time the language spoken by cooks and butlers, 
and therefore to be shunned in favour of English.
If the Goan identity is to re-assert itself, a conscious effort will have to 
be made to uphold  self-esteem of our mother tongue and encourage our 
children to respect It.
I personally believe that if we lose the language we will lose our identity 
except for superficial that can have no permanent impact on our development 
as Goans within the wider community of Indians of which we are a part, in 
all senses. Let us by all means learn English or any other language, but let 
us not forget Konkani which uniquely among languages is called "amchi bhas".

Vinay Natekar

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[Goanet] (Goanet) No freedom of religion for Muslims in Goa?

2007-09-24 Thread vinay natekar
 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007


For public viewing. Registration at  The International Centre Goa.  (Ph: 
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The swashbuckling revealation  of the pseudo secularists that there is no 
freedom of religion for Muslims in Goa looks  like they  have lost their 
balance and coherence. They have mislaid their wisdom and do not know what 
to say. Flabbergasted, they seems standing in the ruins of their make 
believe world. They are shouting on the rooftops with choked  cries in their 
throats and shedding crocodile tears as sympathizers of humanity.  The gloom 
on their faces is loud and clear. Doleful, dejected, disconsolate, they are 
unable to reconcile with the turn of events.
Ask any Goan Muslims who are co existing  here for generations  peacefully 
with other communities  if anyone has  prevented them from practicing their 
religion  throughout  their life.  A stray incident in Curtorim/Chinchinim 
can not be set as an paradigm for above topic unless proven in depth the 
ground realities. To trace the communal tension in Savordem or Chinchnim  
issue is a travesty of truth
It does not require anyone to tell that killing is inhuman in he name of 
relegion. The madrassas which are funded by Jehadis and ISI are finding to 
sprawl its wings in usually serene Goa. These madrassas are the breeding 
ground for terrorist in the name of imparting religious education they  sow 
seeds of hatred towards other religions in the young minds. There is nothing 
wrong if the local people are opposing this move. So do not create a divide 
between Mulslims and majority community with your prejudiced views.
It is important for  perverted notions of secularism for majority community 
to learn. So long as Hindu politics were divided on caste and region 
secularism was ‘safe’. Appeasement of Catholics communalism was a matter of 
fact, conceived  by cunning, corrupt Congress party to conceal their 
gluttony and questioned by none without inviting the stigma of communalism. 
This brand of secularism is practiced unabashedly and indeed is a passport 
to secularism or to put it more appropriately, pseudo-secularism.
But there was marked indifference and insensitivity to the Hindu senti-ments 
by the intelligentsia, the media especially the English dailies of Goa which 
are edited by  sold out  Editors  and sections of political leadership 
styling themselves as secular. In Goa the secularism is sought to be 
justified by criticizing the majority Community and its organizations.
The intransigence of the entire spectrum of political leadership is no less 
callous. The Hindus are taken for granted in the name of secularism The 
politicized secularism did not provide for any room for consideration of 
Hindu majority  which largely remained inarticulate, disorganized and lacked 
the political value for the secular political leadership to take cognizance 
of inspite of being in the majority, the Hindus are lacking  a political 
constituency in Goa.
It is not Pseudo Secularist’s faith in secularism as much as their concern 
for the minority community  vote bank and has become a defining 
manifestation of anti-Hindu communalism that is packed and marketed as 
The selective morality has redefined secularism as a politically convenient 
and expedient concept to mean maligning of majority community  and 
exploitation of minority  vote banks.
What kind of mankind is this  if one religion do not have a healthy respect 
for each other. If the minorities cannot be suppressed in a democracy, 
neither can the majority be subjugated. And that is the dilemma – the lack 
of moral leadership in Goa.

The failure to rationalize and deal with the communal monster in a detached 
manner can never be a motivating factor unless the political parties give up 
vote bank politics or shed anti-majoritism in the name of secularism. The 
secular fundamentalism and bigotry is equally responsible for vitiating the 
communal atmosphere in India. It neither combats communalism nor promotes 
secularism. In fact, there is a marked reluctance to even as much as to 
reprimand the minority communalism. Such is the inhibition that if at all 
there is token criticism, it is unfailingly attributed to something because 
of the Hindus and their organization. Secularism has come to be redefined as 
anti-Hindu communalism.
We have a Government in Goa which promotes not true ‘secularism’ but ‘pseudo 
secularism’, not to protect the Goan welfare but to protect the political 
interest of the Congress  party.

Vinay Natekar

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No freedom of religion for Muslims in Goa? � Response to Gadgil

2007-09-26 Thread vinay natekar
s vote 
bank. Pseudo secularism and minority fundamentalism are the two sides of 
same coin minted by the Congress party.

Gadgil wrote
Tsk, tsk, the 'majority subjugated'? What kind of nonsense is this? Are
you seriously saying that Hindus are 'subjugated' in India?

For the last fifteen years, Hindus and Sikhs in Jammu and Kashmir are being 
butchered and killed by Islamic jehadis both foreign and Indian. The ethnic 
cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs in Kashmir is almost accomplished. This 
Separatism movement is openly justified. No secular politician visited J&K, 
no agitated marches of MPs to the President, no dharnas before Parliament, 
no condemnation of the State of Jammu & Kashmir government of complicity, or 
accusation of the J&K Police of communal bias or dereliction of duty. Not 
even pictures of slain Hindus and Sikhs and their burnt out hearts. The 
killing of Hindus and Sikhs is never described as a carnage of Muslim 
communalists. On the contrary, Islamic terrorism is sought to be projected 
as a movement for self-determination and death of terrorists is championed 
as violation of human rights. That section of Hindus and Sikhs are refugees 
in their own land is a non issue and of course cannot be a secular issue.

Gadgil wrote
I once heard a Sri Lankan friend describe the Sinhala nationalists in
Sri Lanka as 'a majority that has been trained to think like a
minority'. They imagine threats to themselves at every turn. This is the
kind of mentality that the Sangh Parivar is trying to sow in the minds
of Hindus in India, and if they succeed, the harvest will be bitter --
look at what's going on in Sri Lanka. Resentment over decades of denial
of their rights built up among the Tamils, and since the 1980s the
country has been in the throes of a civil war.

You are barking at the wrong tree. The lecture of secularism fit best and 
belong elsewhere..
The condition in Goa is totally different compared to other states of India. 
Majority of population in Goa are Hindus and Hinduism is secular and 
tolerant to begin with. You can not make Hinduism more secular with your ill 
conceived, irrational and redundant pseudo secularist ideologies  that you 
are trying to elucidate.

Vinay Natekar

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[Goanet] Obama ignores 'secular' group complaints, promotes Sonal Shah

2008-11-22 Thread Vinay Natekar
We Indians will  not come out of crab mentality wherein we will not miss
any opportunity to pull down our own countrymen or women same way as
crabs in a bucket pull down a crab that might actually be escaping the

Our own media specially the English one was the first to spread false
propaganda that Sonal Shah was linked to the RSS and the extreme
right-wing of the hindu fundamentalist movement followed by so called
secularists Indians in US and India. 

These allegations about her being communal are the wicked trash of these
closed minded people. These allegations have been timed to contemptuous
aptness with the aim to embarrass her and Obama's  transition team. 


Her organization, 'Indicorps'  had done great relief work in 2004 when
the tsunami struck coastal areas of Southern India and secondly the
following the Gujarati earthquake of 2001, her organization helped and
coordinated the relief work.


So I am appealing to  all bigots who are maligning her, stop spewing
your venom against a praiseworthy  person who made India proud by being
an Indian-American who was chosen for  a unique privilege  for serving
on the Obama-Biden transition team.





Obama ignores 'secular' group complaints, promotes Sonal Shah

21 Nov 2008, 0329 hrs IST, Chidanand Rajghatta, TNN 


WASHINGTON: US President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday named
Indian-American policy wonk Sonal Shah as a leader of a key policy
working group,  

ignoring charges from the so-called leftist-secular Indian groups in the
U.S about her alleged links with radical Hindu groups. 


Shah is one of nine leaders who will head seven Policy Working Groups
tasked with ''developing priority policy proposals and plans from the
Obama Campaign for action during the Obama-Biden Administration,'' the
transition team announced on Wednesday. 


Shah will co-chair the Technology, Innovation and Government Reform
panel along with Julius Genachowski and Blair Levin. 




[Goanet] IFFI O8: Documentary Film on M.F. Hussain withdrawn

2008-11-25 Thread Vinay Natekar
Santosh Helekar wrote :
It is extremely sad and shameful. What is worse in a secular democracy than to 
let an ideological fringe block one of its most basic freedoms? Why is the 
constitution and the opinion of the highest court in the land ignored over the 
opinion of radical chauvinists and activists who want to stifle the freedom of 
expression of others, while taking full advantage of it themselves ? 
Dear Santosh
I agree with your views this film should not have been withdrawn but my  
suggestion to IFFI  Organizers is that along with screening of  “Through the 
Eyes of a Painter”  they should have screened also Hollywood movie “Da Vinci 
Why was there protests in Goa against screeing of this Film in theaters ?
Da Vinci Code banned in Goa
5 Jun 2006, 1508 hrs IST, PTI 
PANAJI: Bowing to public pressure and Christian organisations who have been up 
in arms against the controversial film The Da Vinci Code , Goa government on 
Monday decided to ban the screening of the movie in the state.
"The movie would be banned for screening in the state," Chief Minister 
Pratapsingh Rane on Monday declared emerging out from a state Cabinet meeting. 
The Cabinet, which met this afternoon, resolved to ban the movie in the state 
considering "public sentiments". 
Congress Member of Parliament (South) Churchill Alemao on Sunday had warned to 
storm the Inox multiplex, which was showing the movie. The Inox management, 
however, had withdrawn the movie claiming that their step was to respect public 
The state Cabinet during its last meeting had decided to write to the Censor 
Board and Information and Broadcasting Ministry asking them "not to release the 
However, subsequently film was not released in Goa even when it was released 
all over India. Last week, Inox multiplex in Panaji began screening the movie, 
triggering public opposition to it.  

[Goanet] UPA Government Exposed by Mumbai terror

2008-11-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
My heart goes out with the innocent victims of the barbaric attack at Taj and 
Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai. It is a national shame for India  that  a handful of 20 
+ men have brought the nation of 1.20 billion to a standstill. 
The  Jehadi Terrorist attack on Mumbai City has exposed the failure of UPA 
Government at the center and Maharashrta Congress-NCP Government in particular 
in curbing the real terrorists. Both of them have made the ATS try to frame 
Hindus for all the blasts and try to reap political benefit out of this. Entire 
ATS was busy with the business of framing the likes of Purohits and Sadhvis all 
the time and had no time for gathering intelligence about impending attack by 
ISI funded Islamic Terrorists. This proves beyond doubt that the ATS was 
politically motivated against Hindu organizations to appease minority vote 
banks. Now the UPA and the Chief Minister of Maharastra must take the 
responsibility of massacre of innocent people by the Jihadi terrorists in 
Mumbai during last three days.
Idiots like  Lalu  Prasad and Sharad Pawar will now blame the RSS / VHP for 
these acts. The biased English media were busy follwing Congress Government's 
fabricated charges against poor Hindu sadhvi and sadhus now must realize  that 
they were barking at the wrong tree. I do not want to sit on any judgement to 
say that those accused in Malegao blasts are total innocent.
The Congress political leadership saw an opportunity to embarrass their 
political opponent the BJP in view of coming General Elections ahead. BJP and 
Sangh Parivar  too got embroiled in an unwanted political war over the issue 
The real enemy the Islamic Jehadis striked in a  precision at the Financial 
Capital of India. 
We should stop politicking over terrorism and pay attention to this monster 
nibbling at our very existence.  Let us not classify terror because Terror is a 
Terror – is a Terror.  Let us not play games by calling it Hindu Terror  or 
Islamic Terror. 
Read this excellent editorial  on this subject by Balbir K. Punj in Daily 


[Goanet] Goa: A haven for anti-social activities

2008-12-09 Thread Vinay Natekar
The following  article by Indira Satyanaraynan truely reflects the current 
situatin in Goa. We can not deny the facts in this article terming  it was 
published by RSS mouthpiece "Organiser"

[Goanet] What is more deadlier- Road accidents or Terror Attacs ?

2008-12-12 Thread Vinay Natekar
The Mumbai Terror Attacks have brought the whole country together. It is 
startling to see people gathering, lighting candles and showing so much anger 
at politicians and demanding action against the preparators of this horrendous 
crime that is Pakistan.  Handful of Terrorist brought the nation of  1.4 
billion to standstill for 60  hours. The deaths of 200 people  and 400 others 
injured galvanised the nation. But however deaths due to terrorism is not the 
only reason people die in our country.
It is shocking to note that  appx. 100,000 people die every year in vehicular 
accidents which is the highest in the world.  India has 6 million vehicles and 
the USA 250 million vehicles yet India has 100,000 fatalities and the USA just 
50,000 fatalities in vehicular accidents !

As per world road accident statistics  India has 1% of the vehicles in the 
world and 10% of the fatalities in vehicular accidents ! That is 10 times the 
world average. That measures up  almost 300 casualties  a day due to  road 
accidents  which  is more than those  died in Mumbai after 26/11  terror 
And nobody speaks up against these deaths  in our country.
The reasons are pitiable state of  infrastructure, no  planning and  poor 
maintenance of our roads and above all  lax  traffic control and  law  
implementation of traffic rules  and  insufficient  public transportation 
system.  Not to mention the hardships faced by travelers because of  over 
crowding and congestion. 
50% of children in Bangalore  Mumbai  suffer from breathing difficulties due to 
air pollution caused by vehicular emissions which uses  adulterated fuel. Our 
Goan towns are no exception to above mentioned cities.

[Goanet] Arundhati Roy: Mumbai was not our 9/11 | World

2008-12-14 Thread Vinay Natekar

Are Bhai, That is the way; she is pointiog out how all these Terrorism
Acts are some way connected. If there was no Babri, there would have
been no follow ups and retro in India. Terror would have been confined
to Kashmir. Of course, in these troubled times we can never be sure, of



I have read  about Hindu-Muslim riots every year in all parts of India
since independence be it during Ganesh chaturthi procession or India
Pakistan Cricket match.  So it will be preposterous to ask what came
first Babri Masjid demolition or Islamic terrorism  in India ? 

Muslim fundamentalists don't need provocation to go for terrorism, they
never have shown lack of cruelty and tyranny and blood thirst throughout
the history of  India.


And  go through recent  world history as well...if you  think that
Babri Masjid is  the cause of terrorism  in India,  be informed that
terrorism is never born of one single blind and stupid action by
some...don't tell me Laden's house was bombed  by Hindus and that's why
he became a terrorist !!  the fact is that the Islamic terrorism  was
there in the past, is there  at present , and if we don't stop them now
, it'd be tomorrow too...!




[Goanet] The right to convert

2008-12-22 Thread Vinay Natekar
Selma wrote : There cannot be a "sinister and subversive" plot when people have 
a power to say no.
Dear Selma,
There is a provision in our Constitutional which gives one right to practice or 
 propagate any religion. There is a right also to ask people to convert. 
However, when it comes  to maintain  public order these  rights  need to be 
restricted. The conversions by force, fraud and inducements was are under 
debate. Have a look at the conversions in  Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Arunachal 
Pradesh and their impact on law and order there which compelled some Indian 
states to implement ban on conversions. Even  the Supreme Court ruled that 
these states had acted legally and within the spirit of the Constitution. Thus, 
a fundamental right to convert has been denied by the Supreme Court. 
L.K. Advani who has been termed  a communal, however he himself rejected ban on 
religious conversions. 
While a person cannot be denied a right to convert himself on his own free 
will, and after his own study of the religion he wishes to adopt and the one 
that he wishes to leave, the right to ask someone else to change should be 
questioned. But Today we can see conversions by  enticement and fraud are quite 
rampant. Mass conversions by the so-called faith healing programmes in the 
guise of offering social service, etc should be checked at root.

[Goanet] The right to convert

2008-12-23 Thread Vinay Natekar
The right to convert


Thanks Selma for missing me on Goanet. Should I construe it as love or
hate  Anyway your penchant for conjuring up bizarre examples to buttress
your points are amazing. In contradiction of  reality, the above
examples wouldn't come close to being reasonable unless Hindus  are
killing their Christian  neighbors everyday  just the way Islamists are
doing. The same lack of in-depth knowledge  on reality is showing in
your hesitance to come to grip  with the hypothesis that the  mayhem in
Orrisa may not be Hindus v/s Christians. I agree with you that  innocent
Christians were attacked in this  recent spurt in communal violence
which I do not  condone nor justify. I also believe that there can be no
place for  violence when it is  fuelled by religious hatred. The guilty
must be punished irrespective of any  religious group he belongs
including  VHP, RSS or Bajrang Dal.

I do not want to elaborate on conversions or communal violence as there
are scores of websites you can find to read on these topics. Regards



>By the way Vinay, where were you hiding when Christians were being
>tormented in Orissa? I was waiting for you and Barad to come on >Goanet
and condemn what was happening. Strangely enough I didn't >hear from
either of you then.

>Is this the India you want to create?

>Hurray. Viva la India.



[Goanet] Pak textbooks build hate culture against India

2008-12-26 Thread Vinay Natekar
I remember  some days back  there was a debate on Goanet  regarding
Pakistani School Textbooks having hate agenda  against India. One of our
Goanetters had  asked to provide  evidence from reliable sites to
justify this allegation.

Read this news article published in today's TOI.



See how  Pakistan Government   is filling  innocent minds  with hatred
from the childhood  against India and  Indian culture. 




[Goanet] Sunburn?

2008-12-30 Thread Vinay Natekar

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Goa police are agitated by the act of their  political bosses for allowing the 
sunburn musical extravaganza in contrast  to the ban on beach parties  due to 
terror threat after Mumbai attack. Just a night before Police had  dared to 
stop this party following a complaint lodged in Calangute Police station  under 
Sound pollution act . The decibel level had exceed  by almost 89  which is an 
offence under Noise pollution act 1998  section 3 & 4. The  Supreme Court has  
acknowledged   citizen’s right to silence and  sound sleep which is a 
biological need for human beings. In Goa it is all too easy to get around laws. 
There is already a ban on noise making instruments  between 10pm and 6 am. 
However, we  can see how the rulebook goes for a toss during the festive 
seasons here. The authorities (the beaurocrats  and police , to be precise) 
also get indulged  (on being paid bribes, of course) and  facilitate the 
organizers of such events  in
 residential areas. The appeal to  such raucous organizers  not to  disturb the 
citizens  has hitherto remained unheeded. I wonder how this event has bypassed  
the purview of the regulations.


[Goanet] Conflicts

2009-01-12 Thread Vinay Natekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Marshal Mendonza wrote on  Fri Jan 9 00:39:37 PST 2009 
In fact Jews and Muslims share many common similarities.
Vinay : This is untrue. The fact is,  on closer examinations  it  is Hindus who 
  appears  to be compatible to a  considerable degree to  Jews. 
Both Hindus  and Jews are  ancient civilizations, with a long  and  illustrious 
history  which dates  back thousands of years.  Both emerged into an era of 
post-colonial sovereignty from British rule which left lasting imprints on the 
two nascent independent societies. 
Both religions maintained  a strong commitment to values of tolerance, 
pluralism and liberty in domestic political environments. Both had to undergo 
brutal homicide,  Jews in the hand of  Nazi Hitler  and  Hindus by barbaric 
Muslim invaders followed by Portuguese and British colonialists.
Both these religions  maintained  glorious  Diaspora  mostly  in the United 
States by  maintaining strong  bond  with their respective countries of origin 
simultaneously   giving valuable contribution to the host countries.
Marshall wrote : Both wear skull caps. Both grow beards. Both wear distinctive 
clothes. The birth of both religions took place in the same region. Both abhor 
pork and pork products. Both only eat kosher / halal meat. Both take names from 
the Old Testament eg: Jacob and Yacub, Abraham and Ibrahim, Joseph and Yusuf.
Vinay : These can be few similarities between Muslims and Jews but on the 
contrast  Pakistani and Palestenian  Muslims  have one thing in common,  They 
cannot put their own house in order. They cannot argue without violence.  They 
understand  the only  language of Jehadi terrorism , suicide bombings and AK47s.
Another commonality between India and Israel is that both countries  have 
hostile terror sponsoring  neighbors.


[Goanet] Top industrialists bat for Modi as the next PM

2009-01-14 Thread Vinay Natekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Goa should  take a leaf   form Gujarat which is adjudged the best State from 
the point of view of development by impartial observers and development 
experts.  This is  particularly important, because Goa  still remained a 
consumer State without producing anything worthwhile either for domestic use or 
export. The tourism Industry can  not sustain for ever  for Goa’s  progress. 
However Goa can not  match Gujarat at least for next 10 years in prosperity if 
Goan mentality remains same for opposing any projects which are even non 
polluting  and employment generating for Goans.
Check how Narendra Modi has turned Gujarat state a heaven for investors.


[Goanet] Parrikar ruled out, Sawaikar is BJP’ s man for South Goa

2009-01-30 Thread Vinay Natekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Finally the BJP Central Committee has zeroed in on Adv. Narendra Sawaikar to be 
the party candidate for upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. This will be slap on the 
face on anti Parrikar group within the Party who were lobbying  to push him out 
of local politics. The nomination drama ended well as L.K.Advani  was convinced 
that they can not sacrifice a leader like Parrikar in contesting the Election 
where the chances of winning in South Goa is almost remote  with the current 
trend based on last two election results.
The BJP’s strategy for the next Lok Sabha  Election in Goa should  be  to take  
initiative to convince the voters  how economic aspirations  rather than Caste  
and  community factor could be the basis for  imroving their life.  Though BJP  
is not well placed in  6   assembly constituencies  namely  Nuvem, Curtorim, 
Benaulim, Navelim,Cuncolim and Velim which are its weakest link. While it is in 
a position to  consolidate its base  in remaining  constituencies which does 
not vote on the basis of cast and community. What the BJP needed  in Goa  was  
a Barak Obama like fresh face with no baggage from the past like Congressi  
traditional leaders who are  old, lethargic and defunct  are required to be 
dumped for progress of Goa. We nee a  face that not just symbolizes “change” 
but also inspires credibility that  change can be for real  with a “yes we can 
do it” mantra.  A face that can decisively turn politics in Goa
  away from the calculus of caste.


[Goanet] Biased Reporting by Media

2009-01-30 Thread Vinay Natekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

The following examples of reporting in our liberal media will show how  they 
use  their opinions for Hindu bashing.  I have emphasized their words in 
NDTV  - Controversial writer Taslima Nasreen was “ATTACKED BY AN UNRULY CROWD”  
at the Hyderabad Press club on Thursday.
Three MLAs of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen or MIM were among 
those who attacked her.
They verbally abused the writer and flung whatever they could lay their hands 
on at her for her alleged anti-muslim remarks. The MLAs were detained after the 
incident.  The Bangladesh born writer was there for the release of the telugu 
version of her book Sokhe at the press club when some “30 ACTIVISTS” first 
raised slogans against her for alleged anti-Muslim remarks and then got rough. 
DNA - Controversial Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen was on Thursday “ROUGHED 
UP BY MM ACTIVISTS”  who stormed into a book release function, injuring a 
Telugu writer and a press photographer.
Taslima Nasreen was here to release the Telugu translation of her latest book 
'Shodh', escaped unhurt as organisers and journalists shielded her and escorted 
her to safety.
A group of over “40 MIM WORKERS”, led by party MLAs Afsar Khan, Ahmed Pasha and 
Mouzam Khan, barged into the press club at Somajiguda when the function was 
about to end. 
India Express - Noted Bangladeshi novelist Taslima Nasreen was “ROUGHED UP BY 
ACTIVISTS” of Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) at a book release function here 
on Thursday. 
Now read this other side of Reportig :
IBN Live - Activists of a self-styled “PRO-HINDU MORAL BRIGADE”  called Sri 
Rama Sene barged into a pub in the coastal city of Mangalore on Saturday and 
beat up young girls for "violating traditional Indian norms," police said on 
Timesonline –“ HINDU ZEALOTS” attack women in raid on bar party
LA Times - Attack on women at a bar in India raises fears of “HINDU TALIBAN”
The attack by “HINDU EXTREMISTS”  who say they are protecting traditional 
Indian culture shows a disconnect as some classes rapidly Westernize. But some 
observers see a political ploy as elections near.
The Hindu - In a case of moral policing, members of a “ RIGHT WING HINDU GROUP” 
allegedly assaulted boys and girls in a Magalore pub accusing them of behaving 
in an "obscene manner". 
My Comments:
In these  incidents they were either  activists/workers or hooligans/zealots  
and if the religion was a factor in this case it should have been reported in 
In my opinion the culprits  who are stupid rascals who are using the name of 
our revered god Ram should be booked under offence of violence against women 
and punished severely because such actions can not be tolerated in a civilized 
society. But my concern is that the acts of these few vested interests should 
not be equated with the term like Hindu terror by this prejudiced media.


[Goanet] Fanatic Christian Principal insults National anthem to approve Prayer on Jesus

2009-02-05 Thread Vinay Natekar
If the news article forwarded by Marshall under the Caption “ Hindu radicals 
vandalize Catholic school” by Ucanews , a Church institute website  is valid , 
the following news also should hold good.
>Hindu radicals vandalize Catholic school 
>Wed Feb 4 09:17:00 PST 2009

>This time it is violence in Jabalpur. Yet another BJP ruled 

[Goanet] Curtains, TV at Govt cost? Daya did it

2009-02-07 Thread Vinay Natekar
See  the loot by our politicians  in the government  and  the  ruling party . 
The way they are frittering  the public money on their private mansions and 
personal leisure. Looks like the  perks, concessions and freebies  in the form 
of  free electricity and telephone calls and petrol for their official plus 
private vehicles  free of cost running lakhs of ruppes per year are not enough. 
Are we  unaware of these  free booties  being taken by our leaders  coming from 
 the public exchequer is at the cost of our hard earned money paid as taxes to 
the Government?
Who will come  forward to expose  such unscrupulous  politicians  and stop the  
drain on the public exchequer and get it controlled  lest it shake our Goa 
administration  which is already running in Financial chaos.
Curtains, TV at Govt cost? Daya did it 
Did you know that ministers can refurbish their residences by billing the 
They not only can replace their old curtains at Government expense but, it 
seems, they can go in for electronic goods like latest LCD TVs, if they so 
In the last three years, there was, however, only one minister who incurred 
expenditure on his bungalow and submitted bills to the Government.
It was none other than the Law Minister of the time. What’s more, even the 
Finance portfolio was with him then. The expenditure on five items at the 
residence of Aldona MLA Dayanand Narvekar at Mapusa was Rs 2.2 lakh and odd.
This came to light when BJP legislator from Shiroda Mahadev Naik tabled a 
question wanting to know whether the Government had incurred expenses on the 
private residential premises of ministers, MLAs and officers for the period 
from April 1, 2006 to December 31, 2008.
The written reply to the question regarding expenditure on private premises of 
VIPs was given by PWD Minister Churchill Alemao in the Goa Assembly.
What is interesting is that the expenditure on Narvekar’s bungalow had been 
incurred under “maintenance fund”. 
The reply to Naik’s question asking for item-wise details, seems to have 
revealed that if some ministers desire, they could purchase any household 
things and submit the bill to the Government.
Narvekar was the law minister during the Pratapsing Rane regime from mid-2005 
to mid-2007. In the first portfolio allocation after Digambar Kamat Government 
came to power, Narvekar was not allotted law and judiciary. But within a day, 
the notification was amended allocating the portfolio to the Aldona MLA. Around 
five months ago, Narvekar was dropped from the ministry and since then he has 
been active in raising many issues inside and outside the Assembly. 
Opposition Leader Manohar Parrikar expressed shock over the items purchased at 
the “official residence” of Narvekar. These include a refrigerator costing Rs 
57,000 and Sony LCD TV costing Rs 99,990. The statistics say curtain cloth 
material was purchased for the bungalow for Rs 14,045 while renovation of sofa 
set with new upholstery and curtain stitching cost Rs 25,000.
A minister also has to think of his security guard. And in Narvekar’s case, a 
fibre glass cabin was made for the security personnel costing Rs 36,000! 

[Goanet] Karnataka - the new bastion of Hindu intolerance.

2009-02-08 Thread Vinay Natekar
 Well said Selma.  Congratulations for dubbing  the entire Hindu community as 
Fundamentalist. It’s a pity that  the anti-Hindu, quasi-intelligent ilk, that 
you represent.
Surely you are euphoric about  a handful of  these misguided  elements in 
Mangalore   out of the 80 crore  Hindu community   who are apprehended and mere 
 allegiance of some  people who  have  indulged  in violence on churches and 
Pub  and are Hindu by faith is enough for you to call them "Hindu 
fundamentalist and terrorists".
 The action of these few fundamentalist  gives you the leverage to equate  all 
the Hindus  with Jehadi  terrorists  and  it is become your leisure pursuit  
for  bashing all the Hindus of Karnataka  and now of Goa.
I think you are staying in Dubai ,  imagine  if you  had to accuse  the entire  
Muslim community of UAE as fundamentalist in local media over there , you would 
know the consequences  that your beheading would have been certain for 
blasphemy and  the footage would have been  uploaded on You tube for entire 
world to watch. 
I do not condone these violent acts, neither I am against criticizing these  
fundamentalist organizations like VHP and all the types of Senas and I do not 
mind  demanding  ban on these organizations. But labeling their acts  who are 
not representatives of  entire Hindu population  as Hindu extremism or Hindu 
Terror is outright prejudiced.
Selma wrote on Wed Feb 4 01:21:50 PST 2009
Dear Marshall,Thank you for those news articles, which are chilling to the 
bone. In a perverse way, the Mangalore pub incident is good news, because now 
we know that no one is safe from Hindu extremism.  That sooner or later some 
excuse will be found to attack the disadvantaged and disenfranchised. It's 
interesting that India is paddling backwards so fast, we can't even catch our 
breath. In anycase, this should be a warning to all those going to vote in the 
next election. Vote BJP at your peril. And those who think BJP in Goa is any 
different, there is an old Goan saying, you can put the dog's tail in the 
cannon but you can't straighten it out.Cheers,Selma--- On Tue, 2/3/09, Marshall 
 >>Regards, >>Marshall

[Goanet] Kuwait's economy hit by global meltdown, falling oil prices

2009-02-16 Thread Vinay Natekar
Kuwait’s  economic boom is collapsing very rapidly and unceremoniously. Other 
than  oil revenue, they don't have anything to hold them up.  It is most likely 
 that   all  the  skyscrapers and  residential Buildings  which are coming up 
all over Kuwait in recent years  may end up as half-built ghost  houses  as 
many ongoing construction projects are being put on hold . 
Many  Kuwaiti  Companies have started  laying off their workers.  Kuwait  still 
have  slave-labour  practices (Kuwait  has not  made any changes  in its 
antiquated labour laws of  60s  with little rights  to the employees in private 
sector.)  Kuwait has ludicrously   disproportionate  ratio  of  migrant  labour 
force  compared  to Local population  who prefer to work  only  in  Government  
offices  or Banks   and are reluctant to accept jobs in  private  sector due to 
long working hours and poor pay compared to first two categories.   Expats 
here  are  living under constant threat of being tossed out of their jobs due 
to the ecomomic meltdown.

[Goanet] Jai Ho Rehman!

2009-02-23 Thread Vinay Natekar
The song "Jai Ho" was originally composed for  Bollywood film  Yuvraaj
by Guljar and Rehman duo, but Subhash Ghai did not like this score and
decided to drop this from his film. Since the film Yuvraj could not make
the big hit  at  the box office, so would have been the faith of this
song as well had it been in Yuvraj.




[Goanet] Communal tension in Rourkela

2009-02-26 Thread Vinay Natekar
It is not always Hindus who attack Christians in Orrisa. It is vice versa also.

[Goanet] Communal tension in Rourkela

2009-02-27 Thread Vinay Natekar
Marshall Mendonza mmendonz...@gmail.com wrote: 

Communal tension in Rourkela1. It needs to be verified whether the news
report contains all factual

information and is not an inspired planted story emanating from the


* Do we have to believe in all the  copy and  paste anti Hindu materials
from various fringe sites you post on Goanet are genuine ? 


2. Even if true, to conclude that one swallow makes a summer is highly

*Mainstream biased English Media will not report such incidents to
maintain their secular image. There are  much more similar incidents of
violence  against Hindus  going unreported. 









2009-02-28 Thread Vinay Natekar
 Rajdeep  Sardesai  talking of Journalistic ethics !!!  What a joke ?  He is 
the antithesis of any ethics and morality.  His brazen hindu-hatred is evident 
in all the write-ups, news or whatever stuff he and his minions  put up in 
their crap of a channel CNN-IBN. 
After  2004  since  UPA Govt came in power  India  has been subjected to more 
than a dozen attacks of mass terror latest one being Mumbai fidayeen 26/11 
attack.  The Maoist violence have increased to two fold during this period.  
Also the  separatist violence in Assam has assumed  a dangerous proportions 
with the cross breeding of terror by ULFA, NDFB, HUJI and others manifested in 
the  serial blasts in major Indian cities.  This is  five  year period of 
extraordinary Internal strife, the nation  has suffered  from  dysfunctional  
Prime Ministership of Man Mohan Singh. In this five  year period   the UPA  
government  has went  in hibernation instead of tackling the Terror . There was 
the CPI-Mafioso who indulged  in rape in Singur and killing of protesting 
farmers in  Nandigram while the leaders in UPA  were busy in saving their 
Government  from threats of CPI-M withdrawing support to it over Nuclear deal 
with US. None of these
 facts really  mattered to the  sold out  English language media across India.  
They have carried on as if   there was no Terror  from above mentioned  outfits 
and there was no need for alarm  and  no reason to raise a hue and cry when the 
 UPA Government failed utterly to control the terror attacks.
But  one incidence  in Malegao, where one bomb exploded  and a few people died, 
was enough for  English language media and their patrons  in the Congress  
party   to completely let loose a  perspective  through Government machinery 
the  ATS  to whip up a politically motivated campaign based on lies and rumors 
to bash Hindu  orginisations and  Hindu saints  in a  meaningless phrases like 
“Hindu Terror”. 
UPA  Government and  English media  especially  CNN-IBN and  NDTV  should be 
held  guilty of completely  communalizing  the public debate on Terrorism and 
aiding and abetting a slander campaign with no responsibility towards facts or 
truth while ignoring the real security threat India was facing from the 
Islamist  Jehadis.
Rajdeep Sardesai  and his wife Sagarika Ghosh  particularly  have time and 
again crossed  that fine line  dividing between Journalistic Freedom and utter 
partisanship by  going overzealously overboard in reporting. The proof is their 
disgraceful conduct during the Gujarat Elections followed by  criminal 
conspiracy to absolve Manmohan Singh of the taint of Cash for Votes Scandal  in 
saving the fall of UPA  Government in no trust vote have  shamed  any 
journalistic ethics in pushing the Congress agenda.
It is time this vermin is shown his proper place.


[Goanet] Children suffer hunger in Congress ruled India

2009-03-15 Thread Vinay Natekar
It  is a  national shame  that  the Congress party for India  after  its 
corrupt rule for almost six decades , India is still  distressing  under  
poverty  in contrast to the big claims of development. 
It is a tragedy that India  could have achieved  much progress in economic 
field but we chose a noble socialist poverty instead.  The rule of   50 years 
of Congress dynasty rule has ruined India.
Congress and Corruption are synonymous things and  good case to  be included in 
 oxford dictionary.
C of Corruption in India denotes Congress and congressmen who are simply crooks 
with excessive crookedness.  Even the components of UPA  is nothing but scam 
and sham parties united to loot and plunder India.
These  Congress  leaders are like rodents and rats that eat away all grains and 
crops of farmers who work entire year to grow them.

This party is supported by equally  corrupt and selfish English  Media  that is 
partly responsible for the disinformation and being the vehicle of propaganda 
for these corrupt rats.
India will continue to be eaten by these rats of Congress and its CRONIES.
Following  article in NY Times is proof that how children in India are 
suffering malnutrition in  this corrupt regime.


2009-03-16 Thread Vinay Natekar
Another example of cunning trick played by Antonia Maino aka Sonia
Gandhi was during NDA regime , when candidate for Presidential post was
being considered P.C. Alexender a respected  person who served under
Congress as Governors to States as well as principal Secretary to PM was
short listed by NDA. They wanted him to be elected unopposed and sought
help of Congress party. This move was opposed by Sonia Gandhi since she
was aspiring for Prime Ministerial post and she thought in a Hindu
majority India it would be awkward to have Christians for  both
positions of  President and Prime Minister.

-Original Message-
Message: 10
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 08:11:09 +0530
From: Aires Rodrigues 
To: goa...@goanet.org

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Maharashtra?s foxy politician Sharad Pawar knows that the clock is
The 2009 elections may be the last chance to fulfill his long standing
of becoming the Prime Minister. Knowing he is on a sticky wicket his
to be PM in all probability will remain a dream despite all the
batting, balling and fielding that the former BCCI president is up to.

God alone knows whether Sonia?s decision to make Pratibha Patil India?s
President was a game plan to seal the hope of another Maharastrian vying
the PM?s job.

Sharad Pawar who spends more time over cricket than politics should have
his priorities right. As India?s Agriculture Minister, Sharad Pawar?s
performance has been dismal. If Laloo Prasad Yadav could put the Indian
Railways on track he would surely out beat Sharad Pawar in resurrecting
India?s granary.

Aires Rodrigues

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