Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-17 Thread Seb dc
Admin I fear is giving too much space to this Offtopic, which does note
relate to Goa.

Time to cut this short! Takes too much of out bandwidth!!

Would suggest JC and Mervyn, to sort out privately..

hAVE a nICE dAY!

From: Mervyn Lobo
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

J. Colaco wrote:
 The next time you have a chance to visit your doc, ask him 
 the following question: What forms do you or your office have 
 to complete in order to get paid, and what information to you 
 place on?it, albeit in the form of numbers aka ICD codes? Also, 
 ask him what steps?he has to go through in order to order (say) 
 an MRIand WHO decides to approve or not.

Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
J. Colaco wrote:
 The next time you have a chance to visit your doc, ask him 
 the following question: What forms do you or your office have 
 to complete in order to get paid, and what information to you 
 place on it, albeit in the form of numbers aka ICD codes? Also, 
 ask him what steps he has to go through in order to order (say) 
 an MRIand WHO decides to approve or not.

No patient has to deal with paper work to get treatment in Ontario. The only 
time I had to deal with paper work was when someone in Goa requested it. I 
walked into his doctors office in Toronto and my friend received scanned copies 
of his entire medical file in 20 minutes.

Follow the money, Doc. Always follow the money. Every year Canada allocates 
$6,000 for the health care of each of its 35 million residents. Yes, that 
totals to something like 210 BILLION dollars. We have a good healthcare system. 
Canada spends one tenth of that amount or $20 billion on defense. Lets contrast 
this amount with say, er, lets see, what country should we compare to?  Maybe, 
er, lets see, India? Well India has abject poverty, people sleeping and dying 
on its streets and the defense budget is $46 billion annually.  

 BTW: I believe that I am fortunate to work in the best possible 
 hybrid system of health care. Those who can afford it - are seen 
 in private offices,, those who cannot - are seen in public 
 facilities. As expected, the number of patients in the two 
 facilities and wait times are different. The best part of this 
 hybrid: once the senior docs complete their work in the public 
 offices, they see a limited number of pts in their private offices. 
 The advantage of this is that both the system and the patients have 
 access to the same expertise and same level of care. Thus far, 
 there has been no shunting of pts from public to private and all 
 the docs I know  give their best to both sets of pts. All this 
 provision is done, thus far, without income or sales 
 taxation.though, sooner or later, some form of VAT will come 
 because of external (WTO) pressure.

I have no problems with anyone who demands that he has the right to pay for 
good, fast medical service when and where he wants it. The medical 
professionals in the family are also adamant that they do not want a two tier 
medical system. This is one argument I have learnt to avoid.

Lastly, to give you some indication of the medical care available in Canada, 
here is what happened a few years ago. The brother of the then PM of Canada was 
taken to the emergency room of a hospital. He laid there a few hours before he 
got treatment. A few months later, that hospital got its budget increased. Oh! 
one more thing the guy was a surgeon at the very same hospital before he 


Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
jc asked Mervyn:
The next time you have a chance to visit your DOC, ask HIM the following 
question: What forms do you or your office have to complete in order to get 
PAID,  and what information (do) you  place on it, albeit in the form of 
numbers aka ICD codes?

Mervyn responded:
No patient has to deal with paper work to get treatment in Ontario. The only 
time I had to deal with paper work was when someone in Goa requested it. 


Ah, dear Mervyn.

I wonder whether you read my post before sending off your response. 

There is no way I am going into a doctors office to ask if he has an accounting 
problem. I go to the doctors office for only one reason i.e. the doctor has to 
hear my problems ;-)

I like paperwork just as much as you do. Thankfully, my workplace is almost 
paperless now.

PS. I am still waiting for your answer on exactly who Fidelis is.

Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-16 Thread Jose Colaco
jc asked Mervyn:
The next time you have a chance to visit your DOC, ask HIM the following 
question: What forms do you or your office have to complete in order to get 
PAID,  and what information (do) you  place on it, albeit in the form of 
numbers aka ICD codes?

Mervyn responded:
No patient has to deal with paper work to get treatment in Ontario. The only 
time I had to deal with paper work was when someone in Goa requested it. 


Ah, dear Mervyn.

I wonder whether you read my post before sending off your response. 


Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-15 Thread J. Colaco jc
Mogal Mervyn,

Not at home base - hence cannot format this msg appropriately.

Re your statement that your medical info remains in your doc's office and
that the docs get paid through your taxes, I was almost reminded of o
senhor Churchill from Fatorda.

The next time you have a chance to visit your doc, ask him the following
question: What forms do you or your office have to complete in order to
get paid, and what information to you place on it, albeit in the form of
numbers aka ICD codes? Also, ask him what steps he has to go through in
order to order (say) an MRIand WHO decides to approve or not.

BTW: I believe that I am fortunate to work in the best possible hybrid
system of health care. Those who can afford it - are seen in private
offices,, those who cannot - are seen in public facilities. As expected,
the number of patients in the two facilities and wait times are different.
The best part of this hybrid: once the senior docs complete their work in
the public offices, they see a limited number of pts in their
private offices. The advantage of this is that both the system and the
patients have access to the same expertise and same level of care. Thus
far, there has been no shunting of pts from public to private and all the
docs I know  give their best to both sets of pts. All this provision is
done, thus far, without income or sales taxation.though, sooner or
later, some form of VAT will come because of external (WTO) pressure.



Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-14 Thread Jose Colaco
(1) Re: What is this? Speculating on the Misfortune of sick folks and the 
Struggles of the Health Providers?

Mervyn Lobo: The reason for investing is to earn capital appreciation and 
dividends. Even those who do not invest but keep their savings in banks reap a 
profit, not because they have provided a service but because the banks have 
provided a service

jc response: This is brilliant ! ! Individuals deposit funds which the Banks 
use (loan it out) to make money, and the public should be grateful for the 
services the banks provide (often) for a fee ! ? !

(2) Re: Patient Confidentiality and the Physician Patient relationship are 
concomitantly being chucked out of the window?

Mervyn Lobo: I am not sure which medical system you have a gripe about.

jc response: it appears that Mervyn is quite unaware of what happens to his 
(patients') information from the doctors' offices after the visit and before 
the doctor gets paid by the Third Party eg Gorrment or Insurance companies AND 
(more importantly) before some faceless person somewhere decides on the need 
for (preCerts) a procedure. 

He surely is also unaware that the dotor/enfermeira who decides whether to OK 
the procedure / treatment (or NOT), cannot be successfully sued (yet) if the 
delay or denial results in patient worsening or death.

Mervyn Lobo: (a)  I firmly believe that every human being is entitled to 
comprehensive health care and (b) that the healty should pay for the expenses 
of the not so healthy. 

jc response: I agree with (a) except for the blanket use of the term 
'entitled'. I know Fidelis will disagree with me and agree with you wrt (b). 

BTW: Suppose I 'semi-firmly' believe that EVERY Goan is 'entitled' to 3 meals a 
day, and that YOU should pay for it. 

Judging by his actions thus far, Fidelis should agree with that.



Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-14 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Jose Colaco wrote:
 jc response: This is brilliant ! ! Individuals deposit funds which 
 the Banks use loan it out) to make money, and the public should be 
 grateful for the services the banks provide (often) for a fee ! ? !

The banks are one of the pillars of the capitalist system. It is only when they 
are well developed that the other two pillars, land and labour, are used 

 jc response: it appears that Mervyn is quite unaware of what 
 happens to his (patients') information from the doctors' offices 
 after the visit and before the doctor gets paid by the Third 
 Party eg Gorrment or Insurance companies AND (more importantly) 
 before some faceless person somewhere decides on the need for 
 (preCerts) a procedure. 

Again Doc, you seem to have a gripe about a particular health care system. I 
cannot fathom which one. Perhaps it is the one in the Bahama's? However, I can 
tell you with certainty that my medical records remain with my doctor, as he is 
paid by my taxes. 

 He surely is also unaware that the dotor/enfermeira who decides 
 whether to OK the procedure / treatment (or NOT), cannot be 
 successfully sued (yet) if the delay or denial results in patient 
 worsening or death.

We have a very different healthcare system here in Ontario. One that I am more 
than happy with it. The most pleasing part is that no Ontario resident can be 
denied healthcare because of a pre-existing condition.

 Mervyn: (a)  I firmly believe that every human being is 
 entitled to comprehensive health care and (b) that the healty 
 should pay for the expenses of the not so healthy. 
 jc response: I agree with (a) except for the blanket use of the 
 term 'entitled'. I know Fidelis will disagree with me and agree 
 with you wrt (b). 

Who is Fidelis? 

 BTW: Suppose I 'semi-firmly' believe that EVERY Goan is 
 'entitled' to 3 meals a day, and that YOU should pay for it.

The idea of government, is to re-distribute the wealth while growing the 
economy. When a person cannot feed his family, his extended family or society 
has to step in and help with food and shelter. The alternative, is to step on 
the person.  The US, the UK and Canada all have programs to provide food and 
shelter for those unable to provide for themselves. Canada has an exceptional 
assistance plan for seniors. These programs are paid for by the people who have 
an excess of food and shelter. 

When its constituents are housed and fed, a government can also help alleviate 
pain outside its jurisdiction. As an example, for every dollar a person in 
Canada donates today for disaster relief in the Philippines, the Govt of Canada 
donates a dollar too.

As for your suggestion that I pay for for the meals of every Goan, let me 
assure you that I would be delighted to do so. You know me, I will even throw 
in a few drinks. Every-time I do this with my fellow Goans, or even the least 
of my brothers, the lines on my happiness index charts go up exponentially. 


Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 12 November 2013 10:36, Marshall Mendonza wrote thus to Mervyn Lobo
(quoting Daniel Olsen):

Money Can Buy . but not


Well written Daniel and Well posted MM.

Personally, I have NO problem with individuals making money honestly. Those
who study hard and work even harder, deserve to make their money. However,
those who speculate and salivate at the prospects of making Mo Money Mo
Money Mo Money based on the suffering of others, IMHO are no better than

In any event, Der Cookie doth Crumbleth now, and it ain't the Chai Pani
tangentials who are doing it.

The major lesson in life is this: Do NOT try to fix one problem by trying
to dismantle that which is not broken and thereby creating 10 other
problems. After all, people and systems are fickle. That is why it is
recommended that Change must be effected gradually. The first step being:
First fix that which is broken.

Take the example of Chinese Macau where change was effected in a gradual
and orderly manner, and compare it with East Timor.


Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-13 Thread Mervyn Lobo
J. Colaco  jc
 Mervyn are you salivating at the prospect of MAKING Mo Money,
 Mo Money Mo Money based on the illnesses patients have and 
 treatments YOU do NOT provide ! ? !

The reason for investing is to earn capital appreciation and dividends. Even 
those who do not invest but keep their savings in banks reap a profit, not 
because they have provided a service but because the banks have provided a 


 What is this? Speculating on the Misfortune of sick folks and the 
 Struggles of the Health Providers? while Patient Confidentiality 
 and the Physician Patient relationship are concomitantly being 
 chucked out of the window?

I am not sure which medical system you have a gripe about. I firmly believe 
that every human being is entitled to comprehensive health care and that the 
healty should pay for the expenses of the not so healthy. As an example, a 
young immigrant at the place I volunter was told that the technology existed to 
treat a heart aliament she had since she was a child. The cost of the treatment 
to her? $0.00. The procedure was sucessful and we now have a member of the 
community who has a regular job and contributes taxes to the society she lives 

 NO! but you would rather like everybody to eat at Mikey's or
 Prakash's, and find out their personal business at the time! 
 ALL because you have Mo Money to make!
I have no problems with medical specialist charging what the market will bear. 
Both the doctor and the patient here have understood that money has a use.

Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-12 Thread Mervyn Lobo
J. Colaco  jc wrote:
My dear Mervyn,
How does the world of Money, Mo Money, and Mo Money look 
to you at this point and time?
 ps: I always thought that sick patients come to consult 
 practicing doctors. Silly me. It might be possible that 
 patients actually come to see investors, insurance industry 
 officials, health administrators etc

Today, or this point of time, is of little fascination to me. My focus is on 
how well I surmise what happens in the future. To answer your question, the 
future looks great when one can go long and/or short on any ETF. If you have a 
specific question, I would be happy to answer it, quid pro quo.

I am not quite sure what you are hinting at in your postscript. Your reply is 
to a post of mine dated Saturday Oct 4th, 2013. Here is what I had written then 
referring to the Tea Party madness on healthcare: 

There also are good, higher risk trading opportunities in the short run if you 
believe like I do that this whole tempest will be over in two weeks.

Two business days later was the absolute sweet spot to long on healthcare 
ETF's. Two weeks later, you could have sold those healthcare ETF's for a 5% 

Take a look at the title of this post again. Yes, there were plenty of winners 
when the Tea Party morphed into the Mad Hatters Party.  


[Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-12 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Mervyn Lobo:
Follow the money. Always follow the money. Money is the reason why laws are
enacted. Money is the reason why people change their names. It is the
reason why airports get built. Always follow the money. It will lead you to
the truth

Here is a beautiful poem written by a 10 year old:
What Money Can't Buy ©
by Daniel Olsson

Money Can Buy
A job, but not accomplishment.
A house, but not a home.
A pet, but not a friend.
Medicine, but not health.
Decorations, but not happiness.
A ring, but not love.
A book, but not a story.
An education, but not knowledge.
Glasses, but not sight.
Toys, but not fun.
Clothes, but not beauty.
A piano, but not a song.
Paper and pencil, but not words.
A bed, but not sleep.
Food, but not a meal.
A window, but not a view.
Money is the car, but not the driver.

Daniel, the grandson of Helen Olson, was 10 years old when this was written.



Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-12 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 11 November 2013 20:10, Mervyn Lobo wrote:

'There also are good, higher risk trading opportunities in the short run
if you believe like I do that this whole tempest will be over in two
weeks. Two business days later was the absolute sweet spot to long on
healthcare ETF's. Two weeks later, you could have sold those healthcare
ETF's for a 5% profit. Take a look at the title of this post again...


Mervyn are you salivating at the prospect of MAKING Mo Money, Mo Money
Mo Money based on the illnesses patients have and treatments YOU do NOT
provide ! ? !

What is this? Speculating on the Misfortune of sick folks and the Struggles
of the Health Providers? while Patient Confidentiality and the Physician
Patient relationship are concomitantly being chucked out of the window?

Allow me to ask you the following:

If you wish to have a good meal (because you are hungry, I hope), do you
NOT go to a restaurant of your choice - whatever the cost, IF it is
restaurant with a good reputation? Mark you, IF the cost is beyond your
means, No one would be able to force you to eat there. You would Shop
around, would you not?

So, what is different about that and someone going to a doctor of his
choice - whatever the doctor charges. Mark you, IF the cost was beyond your
means, I am sure you would shop around. No one is forcing you to see any
particular doctor.

Pointless going to see a physician in an expensive location and then
complain about his charges. What happened, are we forgetting to do due

You are a finance man/ You should know WHY some restaurants and some docs
in some locations and specialties are more expensive than others.

NO! but you would rather like everybody to eat at Mikey's or Prakash's, and
find out their personal business at the time! ALL because you have Mo Money
to make!

Will hold a bit because of Dotorbab Dotorbab.


Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-11-11 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 4 October 2013 22:20, Mervyn Lobo wrote:

Follow the money. Always follow the money. Money is the reason why laws are
enacted. Money is the reason why people change their names. It is the
reason why airports get built. Always follow the money. It will lead you to
the truth

There also are good, higher risk trading opportunities in the short run if
you believe like I do that this whole tempest will be over in two weeks. There
is an old Lobo saying, Let the elephant hurt itself, and profit from the


My dear Mervyn,

How does the world of Money, Mo Money, and Mo Money look to you at this
point and time?

ps: I always thought that sick patients come to consult practicing doctors.
Silly me. It might be possible that patients actually come to see
investors, insurance industry officials, health administrators etc

Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-11 Thread Jose Colaco
On Oct 3, 2013, at 10:52 PM, Jim Fernandes wrote:
Imagine a healthy 20-something who lacks medical insurance, gets into a 
serious car accident. He is rushed to a nearby hospital and gets treated. Who 
does he imagine will pick up his medical expenses?   After all, the hospital 
isn't exactly a charity.

COMMENT: on the allegedly losing battle

1: please vide EMTALA (1986).

I submit the following:
a: financial provisions have been in place and budgeted/paid for .for a 
pretty long time.
b: NO hospital was/is expected to behave as a charity.

c: IF there is a problem with the guest bathroom! does it make sense to try 
rebuild the whole house . even IF one had the funds to do that?

d: Perhaps, it does to the Insurance Industry which has been strikingly silent 
- no doubt, in tandem with Mervyn's line of thinking?


Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-05 Thread Jim Fernandes
Thanks for pointing out the spelling error guys. Appreciate it.

I'd like to take you up on your offer. Plans for the day are not set in stone, 
so I might swing by your side. By the way, did you say pomfret sells for only 2 
bucks a pound? My guy over here sells it for 8. What a rip-off !!! But he says 
he imports it from India.
From: eric pinto
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!; 
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 10:10 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

    Dom Ferdi - so you let loose/lose, not sure which !  
  Will fix Jimmy his favourite fish: it is favorite in our parts.
   Hong Kong pomfret is down to two dollars, from last year's four.   eric.

From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 2:29 PM
Subject: [Goanet]  Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Fernandes amigo007 at
To: goanet at
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 8:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-04 Thread Jim Fernandes
So you heard the storyline - The US government is going through what they call 
- a shutdown.
Make no mistake - the US hasn't gone to sleep or its military is snoozing on 
Copachem. The republicans are pulling stunts to kill what is widely known as 
Obamacare - a health insurance law that forces most Americans to either get 
themselves health insurance or pay a penalty.
Even though I tried quite objectively to understand the republican point of 
view, I am still perplexed at the lack of reasoning power displayed by their 
actions. So what is going on here?
There are those who ask 'Why do I need health coverage? Why force something on 
me when I am not interested in it ?'
Well, how many of these folks are willing to hang a note around their necks, 
requesting to let themselves die, if they need expensive medical care in a life 
and death situation? How many of these guys are willing to carry a wrist band 
stating to NOT let them rush to hospitals, if they get into catastrophic 
medical emergencies, because they do not carry insurance? 
Imagine a healthy 20-something who lacks medical insurance, gets into a serious 
car accident. He is rushed to a nearby hospital and gets treated. Who does he 
imagine will pick up his medical expenses? By not having medical insurance, 
this guy is driving up the cost of insurance for everyone else who happen to 
purchase it. Would you not agree? After all, the hospital isn't exactly a 
The least such people should consider doing is to purchase catastrophic health 
insurance. For those who cannot afford to purchase the coverage, Obama's plan 
subsidizes the health coverage via tax rebates. So why block it? There are some 
who would not qualify for tax rebates because they make too little. But these 
folks only have their own states to blame (states that are run by republicans) 
because they refused to expand Medicaid - a health program for the very poor.
Then there are those at the other extreme of the age spectrum who also think 
Obamacare is a horrible idea. These are folks who are mostly retired and 
collecting Social Security benefits and enjoying Medicare (a highly subsidized 
medical program for the retirees) for life.
Could these guys care to take a moment and check how much money they actually 
contributed into Social Security and Medicare during their entire working life? 
Please calculate how much you contributed into the system and how much you are 
collecting from the government.
I guarantee you - whatever these folks contributed into the system years ago - 
even after adjusting for inflation - is peanuts. What they are collecting is 
much more. I would like these guys to understand that the money they are 
collecting, is NOT falling from the sky. Part of it is coming out of my 
So if you are against Obamacare, why do you want Social Security and Medicare? 
As far as I am concerned, I still have 20 more years of working life to take 
care of my retirement and medical needs. I am really not interested in 
contributing more than $14,000 a year into Social Security (employee and 
employer contributions) and a few thousand more into Medicare. Are you willing 
to do away with it? I have already put in 20 years into the system and I am 
still willing to forego my benefits, if these guys are willing to close the 
shop on Social Security and Medicare as soon as they get what they contributed 
plus a generous 5% return. If you are fighting against Obamacare, please also 
fight to do away with SS and Medicare - I really don't need it.
I would like to call myself a centrist. If a republican comes up with an 
interesting manifesto, I'd vote for him/her, just like how I would vote for a 
democrat. But clearly, the republicans are fighting an unjust battle. Now they 
are threatening to not raise the debt limit and force a US default. Wait a 
minute - what the hell is a debt limit? No other country has one!
Actually, I think Obama should call their bluff. Do you know who has the most 
The one percenter's of course!
And who are these so called one percenter's (the high net worth folks) 
politically aligned with?
I'd say - mostly republican.
So, in the event the US defaults, who stands to loose the most?
Ah ha - the super rich!!!
Let the US default!
Of course the republicans wouldn't want to loose their money. So they would be 
forced to work with the president and raise the debt limit anyway. Which means 
the US won't default. Which also means the republicans are fighting a loosing 
Jim F
New York.

Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-04 Thread floriano lobo

Tks Jim,
Makes a whole lot of sense.
Give to Receive is the motto.
Perhaps the Republicans has forgotten this altogether.


- Original Message - 
From: Jim Fernandes

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 8:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

So you heard the storyline - The US government is going through what they 
call - a shutdown.

Make no mistake - the US hasn't gone to sleep or its military is snoozing on 
Copachem. The republicans are pulling stunts to kill what is widely known 
as Obamacare - a health insurance law that forces most Americans to either 
get themselves health insurance or pay a penalty.

Even though I tried quite objectively to understand the republican point of 
view, I am still perplexed at the lack of reasoning power displayed by their 
actions. So what is going on here?

There are those who ask 'Why do I need health coverage? Why force something 
on me when I am not interested in it ?'

Well, how many of these folks are willing to hang a note around their necks, 
requesting to let themselves die, if they need expensive medical care in a 
life and death situation? How many of these guys are willing to carry a 
wrist band stating to NOT let them rush to hospitals, if they get into 
catastrophic medical emergencies, because they do not carry insurance?

Imagine a healthy 20-something who lacks medical insurance, gets into a 
serious car accident. He is rushed to a nearby hospital and gets treated. 
Who does he imagine will pick up his medical expenses? By not having medical 
insurance, this guy is driving up the cost of insurance for everyone else 
who happen to purchase it. Would you not agree? After all, the hospital 
isn't exactly a charity.

The least such people should consider doing is to purchase catastrophic 
health insurance. For those who cannot afford to purchase the coverage, 
Obama's plan subsidizes the health coverage via tax rebates. So why block 
it? There are some who would not qualify for tax rebates because they make 
too little. But these folks only have their own states to blame (states that 
are run by republicans) because they refused to expand Medicaid - a health 
program for the very poor.

Then there are those at the other extreme of the age spectrum who also think 
Obamacare is a horrible idea. These are folks who are mostly retired and 
collecting Social Security benefits and enjoying Medicare (a highly 
subsidized medical program for the retirees) for life.

Could these guys care to take a moment and check how much money they 
actually contributed into Social Security and Medicare during their entire 
working life? Please calculate how much you contributed into the system and 
how much you are collecting from the government.

I guarantee you - whatever these folks contributed into the system years 
ago - even after adjusting for inflation - is peanuts. What they are 
collecting is much more. I would like these guys to understand that the 
money they are collecting, is NOT falling from the sky. Part of it is coming 
out of my paycheck.

So if you are against Obamacare, why do you want Social Security and 

As far as I am concerned, I still have 20 more years of working life to take 
care of my retirement and medical needs. I am really not interested in 
contributing more than $14,000 a year into Social Security (employee and 
employer contributions) and a few thousand more into Medicare. Are you 
willing to do away with it? I have already put in 20 years into the system 
and I am still willing to forego my benefits, if these guys are willing to 
close the shop on Social Security and Medicare as soon as they get what they 
contributed plus a generous 5% return. If you are fighting against 
Obamacare, please also fight to do away with SS and Medicare - I really 
don't need it.

I would like to call myself a centrist. If a republican comes up with an 
interesting manifesto, I'd vote for him/her, just like how I would vote for 
a democrat. But clearly, the republicans are fighting an unjust battle. Now 
they are threatening to not raise the debt limit and force a US default. 
Wait a minute - what the hell is a debt limit? No other country has one!

Actually, I think Obama should call their bluff. Do you know who has the 
most money?

The one percenter's of course!

And who are these so called one percenter's (the high net worth folks) 
politically aligned with?

I'd say - mostly republican.

So, in the event the US defaults, who stands to loose the most?

Ah ha - the super rich!!!

Let the US default!

Of course the republicans wouldn't want to loose their money. So they would 
be forced to work with the president and raise the debt limit anyway. Which 
means the US won't default. Which also means the republicans are fighting a 
loosing battle.

Jim F
New York. 

[Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-04 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
- Original Message - 
From: Jim Fernandes amigo007 at
To: goanet at
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 8:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 

[Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-04 Thread eric pinto
    Dom Ferdi - so you let loose/lose, not sure which !  
  Will fix Jimmy his favourite fish: it is favorite in our parts.
   Hong Kong pomfret is down to two dollars, from last year's four.   eric.

 From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 2:29 PM
Subject: [Goanet]  Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Fernandes amigo007 at
To: goanet at
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 8:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Jim Fernandes wrote:
 Let the US default!

Jim F,
I find the above statement very offensive. It is not that of a patriot or that 
of any person who understands what a default will do to the US currency and 

  Of course the republicans wouldn't want to loose their money. 

Follow the money. Always follow the money. Money is the reason why laws are 
enacted. Money is the reason why people change their names. It is the reason 
why airports get built. Always follow the money. It will lead you to the truth 
and the truth about the Affordable Heath Care is that a lot of investors stand 
to lose a lot of money when it gets implemented. What is nice to know is that 
you and I can make a few dollars if one believes that Obamacare will be 
implemented in its current form.

There also are good, higher risk trading opportunities in the short run if you 
believe like I do that this whole tempest will be over in two weeks. Heck, I 
saw people put in bets today that say an accord will be reached this weekend.

There is an old Lobo saying, Let the elephant hurt itself, and profit from the 

Mervyn Lobo

Re: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

2013-10-04 Thread J. Colaco jc
- Original Message -
From: Jim Fernandes amigo007 at
To: goanet at
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 8:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

On 4 October 2013 13:59, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão  wrote::


Ah Ferdy, Why did I predict that you would catch the Loose one?

When I saw one Loose, I thought: Well I make typos, Jim made one
When I saw more that one Loose, I thought: Well, batter I Kip Quite
