[google-appengine] Re: Local datastore import is too slow

2008-11-20 Thread David Symonds

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Jyoti Shete-Javadekar

 I am trying to load my development datastore using the bulk loader script.
 However the import is very slow. I had to kill the import process since it
 was not completed even after 12 hours. I have about 13K rows in the CSV
 file. One data model entity is about 300 bytes. 10 entities are imported at
 a time. The model has two unicode attributes, two unicode list attributes ,
 one url and one long attribute. I use unicode.split to populate list
 attributes. I am running the bulk loader in a virtual machine having 512MB
 memory. During the import about 91% memory is utilized. I have not specified
 any custom index in index.yaml.

Don't use the dev_appserver for that amount of data. At least in its
current state it is not designed for that amount. Do you *absolutely*
need to load that amount of data to do local development?


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[google-appengine] Re: quotas in appengine

2008-11-20 Thread bFlood

I agree jay, the most important feature for me right now is getting
the payment system in place. One thing that is not clear to me is if
we will be able to buy more Puts-per-hour so that we aren't taken
offline for a legitimate spike in traffic. I'm not sure how I would
tell me clients to *slowly* ramp up their usage :) (now if there was a
queue in GAE that I could dump to and slowly add from the background,
i would gladly use it). I've looked at SimpleDB too and the lack of
Put limits makes it far easier to test a real-world application.

some notes on this from yesterday's chat that were somewhat

[09:29am] ryan_google: billing will include user-definable budgets,
notifications, and other tools to let you ensure that you're not cut

[09:52am] danielobrien: Vamsi: Billing is sometime between now and the
of march, not necessarily march itself. --maybe March, yuck

[09:57am] marzia_google: bFlood: we are trying to release some form
billing by the end of the year, but the exact timeline and form of
such a
release is yet to be determined

On Nov 19, 10:12 pm, Jay Freeman \(saurik\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It seems to me like, if this were a problem, then Google isn't doing their
 job when it comes to scaling our applications. When I'm using Amazon's S3 or
 their SimpleDB (or, for the most part, EC2) I just have to think about how
 much I pay for per GB used and per GB transferred. Amazon provides me
 almost no limitations on how much data I can store or how quickly I can
 access it, so why does Google? Is Amazon's ability to install more servers
 to handle increased load fundamentally greater than that of Google's? I wish
 less time was spent on quotas, even on features... even on /fixing bugs/
 (and yes, even those which I consider to be blocking issues), and more time
 was spent on billing infrastructure so I could start paying them to scale in
 the way my application actually needs rather than in the ways they are
 willing to provide out of the kindness of their giant Google hearts for
 free. :( -J

 From: Barry Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 10:57 AM
 To: google-appengine@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [google-appengine] Re: quotas in appengine

  Remember AppEngine is a 'shared' environment - lots of apps are all
  using a slice of the same resources.

  Would you rather that someone (maliciously or simply though ignorance)
  monopolizes all the resources (even if they are paying) and that
  brings your app (though no fault of your own) to a standstill.

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[google-appengine] Storing references to other objects..?

2008-11-20 Thread jago


Each GalleryObject can be a 'root' without any parent or it has a
parent, which is another GalleryObject it is based on.

This means each GalleryObject may have a history of parents,
grandparents, etc.

How should I store this history? Store only the immediate parent or a
list of those parents? Which is more efficient when I want to get a
list of parents from the datastore. I think only storing the immediate
parent will result in problems, no?

Also how do I store this list of parents? By reference or using their
index? (Each GalleryObject has an index (0,1,2,3, ...)

So storing a list of GalleryObjects means either storing (0, 12, 55,
3234, ...) or (ref1key, ref2key, ref3key, ...)

Which way would you suggest? I guess storing by using their index
makes the most sense, no? Otherwise if I delete a GalleryObject it
might be referenced by key somewhere else (what happens if I do this?
won't it be deleted since a reference still points to it?)


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[google-appengine] Re: INPUT-OUTPUT applications using DATASTORE

Hello everybody from Greece
I want to do this simple task:
To create an application that will create a datastore and get user input. It is 
like the 1st part of the Guestbook application. Then I want to create another 
application like the 2nd part of the Guestbook application to print the user 
input the 1st part has collected. 
For the 1st part I have created my datastore with greetings as input. It worked 
(1st+2nd part together)
For the 2nd part I use the code:
#Retrieve using Gql from table the query
class Greeting(db.Model):
  author = db.UserProperty()
  content = db.StringProperty(multiline=True)
  date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
   greetings = db.GqlQuery(SELECT * FROM greeting ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10)
 #testing output
 self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
     for result in results
class Guestbook(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
greeting = Greeting()
if users.get_current_user():
greeting.author = users.get_current_user()
greeting.content = self.request.get('content')
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([
  ('/', MainPage),
  ('/sign', Guestbook)
], debug=True)

def main():
if __name__ == __main__:

The above code is not working. Have any ideas, I would appreciate.
Best Regards,
COSTAS Anastasiades

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[google-appengine] Re: OpenID consumer and sessions

2008-11-20 Thread Michael

Thanks, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
This however still leaves me with the question: is this the way I am
supposed to handle an OpenID logged user?
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[google-appengine] Re: AttributeError: '_URLFetchResult' object has no attribute 'strip' Is driving me Crazy...

2008-11-20 Thread Maarten_D

Thanks Alexander,

It did the trick.


On Nov 17, 12:47 am, Alexander Kojevnikov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 urlfetch.fetch() returns a Response object, not a response value as a

 This code should do the trick:

     root = ET.fromstring(response.content.strip())

 On Nov 17, 3:53 am, Maarten_D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to port a perl app to python and i dont have much
  experience with python.
  I need to strip the leading and trailing whitespaces from a http post

  def sms_sender(a):
      query_args = { 'username':username,
                     'text':a }
      encoded_args = urllib.urlencode(query_args)
      url = 'https://myaccount.smsdiscount.com/clx/sendsms.php'
      #print urllib.urlopen(url, encoded_args).read()
      response = urlfetch.fetch(url=url,
                          headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-
      response = response.strip()
      root = ET.fromstring(response)
      #Create an iterator
      iter = root.getiterator()
      for element in iter:
          if element.text:
              text = element.text
              if element.tag == result:
                  ResultCode = repr(text)
              elif element.tag == resultstring:
                  ResultString = repr(text)
              elif element.tag == resultdescription:
                  ResultDescription = repr(text)
              elif element.tag == endcause:
                  ResultEndCause = repr(text)

  I know the code is horrible!
  I get the error:

  AttributeError: '_URLFetchResult' object has no attribute 'strip'

  I really dont know how to proceed!! Please help..
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[google-appengine] Logging static file requests

2008-11-20 Thread Chris

Hey everyone,
I've been using the built-in logging module to log all sorts of
scripting events for debugging/tracking purposes. It would be great if
I could use this logging functionality to make a note of whenever a
user requests a particular static file (e.g. tracking file downloads).
My first idea was to create a small script that logs the request, and
then redirects the user to the file, but can anyone else think of a
better/easier way to do it?
Thanks in advance!

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[google-appengine] Re: OpenID consumer and sessions

2008-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In short, I believe session management is the best way to do that,
yes. I'm hoping to wrap up the part of my project I'm working on
sometime next week when I have some time. After that, I'll be tackling
this issue myself. Not for OpenID (yet), but for oauth login sources
like Google, Yahoo, and Myspace. My current intention is to use the
session library, and is the primary reason I wrote it. The page
caching issue is something I'll have to figure out as a part of this,
unless someone else beats me to it.

On Nov 20, 9:30 am, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
 This however still leaves me with the question: is this the way I am
 supposed to handle an OpenID logged user?
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[google-appengine] Global Variables / Caching Question

2008-11-20 Thread Joel Odom
Forgive me if this is a FAQ, but I did a little searching and did not find
an answer.
According to http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/appcaching.html,
GAE caches global variables in imported modules between requests.  I've got
a global dictionary in a module that I'm sharing between requests.  Is such
a dictionary thread safe?  In other words, if multiple users are hitting
my application simultaneously, and both may be using the same global
dictionary, am I going to encounter problems, or will GAE handle the
situation gracefully?  Thanks for any help.

(By the way, I know that the dictionary may eventually disappear or get
recreated unless I write its information to the data store.  That's okay in
the case I have in mind.)


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[google-appengine] Re: Hardly anything stored in appengine - already 10 MB gone?

2008-11-20 Thread Joel Odom
Your not hallucinating.  I've seen the same kind of problem.  Apparently
there is a known issue where space is sometimes not reclaimed after you
delete a data store entity.  If you've been creating and deleting a lot of
entities, this one may be hitting you.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 5:07 PM, jago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks. At least I am not hallucinating. I didn't do anything and the
 next morning diskspace is gone ;)

 It would be neat if we at least had the faintest view of our files
 (like a html interface) - not the datastore, but the stuff we
 upload...html files, images, etc.

 On Nov 19, 1:06 pm, saranpol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I found this problem too.
  On Nov 19, 9:37 am, jago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have hardly anything stored in appengine. Still the dashboard claims
   I have already 10 MB used. Can I get somehow more information about
   what is using the 10 MB?
   It cannot be the few things I have in the datastore or the website
   hosted on the appengine. Can I somehow free all the memory on the


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[google-appengine] Re: Global Variables / Caching Question

2008-11-20 Thread admin go2
There are no threads on gae. When multiple users visit your app
simultaneously, gae will start several process to deal with the request.
Every proccess has a copy of the variables.


2008/11/20 Joel Odom [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Forgive me if this is a FAQ, but I did a little searching and did not find
 an answer.
 According to http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/appcaching.html,
 GAE caches global variables in imported modules between requests.  I've got
 a global dictionary in a module that I'm sharing between requests.  Is such
 a dictionary thread safe?  In other words, if multiple users are hitting
 my application simultaneously, and both may be using the same global
 dictionary, am I going to encounter problems, or will GAE handle the
 situation gracefully?  Thanks for any help.

 (By the way, I know that the dictionary may eventually disappear or get
 recreated unless I write its information to the data store.  That's okay in
 the case I have in mind.)



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[google-appengine] Re: How do I create the a image object that is located on my local file system?

2008-11-20 Thread charles

Thanks a lot for this info

On 11月20日, 上午5时44分, Alexander Kojevnikov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You cannot access the static files in app 

 If you need to read your image, keep it with the application files or
 in the datastore.


 On Nov 20, 6:12 am, charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I tried to create a image object:
   avatar = images.Image(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'images/
  but this will lead to error, can anyone help me with this?
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[google-appengine] sharing application

2008-11-20 Thread GAEfan

I want to post my application in the Gallery.

The submit button says Share this Application.  I just want to make
sure that that doesn't make the source code public.

Also, 2 of the fields are:

Application URL:*
Source URL:

What is the difference?


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[google-appengine] Data Modelling Advice - Blog Tagging System

2008-11-20 Thread Matthew Trinneer

Am wondering if anyone might provide some conceptual advice on an
efficient way to build a data model to accomplish the simple system
described below.  Am somewhat new to thinking in a non-relational
manner and want to try avoiding any obvious pitfalls.  It's my
understanding that a basic principal is that storage is cheap, don't
worry about data duplication as you might in a normalized RDBMS.

What I'd like to model is:

A blog article which can be given 0-n tags. Many blog articles can
share the same tag.  When retrieving data would like to allow
retrieval of all articles matching a tag.

My normal mindset would be to create a many-to-may relationship
between tags and blog articles.  However, I'm thinking in the context
of GAE that this would be expensive, although I have seen examples of
it being done.

Any suggestions on the most efficient way to approach this on GAE?

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[google-appengine] Alternate way to receive verification code than SMS?

2008-11-20 Thread roschler

Hello all,

I know you're going to think I live in a cave, but I don't currently
own a mobile phone (that may change once I see a Google Android phone
I like, but not yet).  Is there another way to get the Google
AppEngine verification code than via the current cell phone based SMS


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[google-appengine] Executing query on DevelopmentServer

2008-11-20 Thread ZCm

Hi !
I have model

class RawData(db.Model):
raw = db.StringProperty(multiline=True)
date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

somvere in my code i try

query = RawData.gql(ORDER BY date LIMIT 100)
query_length = query.count()
but it returns that query_length is 0 ! but without ORDER BY date
LIMIT 100 query works.

The next problem is the same datetime in all records in my
RawData.date (when i try it run on Development Server)

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[google-appengine] ViewDoesNotExist

2008-11-20 Thread yinDojo


I am new to google app engine and django.  I extracted the Google App
Engine Helper for Django and created an app.  I am trying to do a
simple test of accessing a simple webpage.  Below is the error that i
am getting.  But the views.py is under /mytest/ directory.  I have
attached the error and 2 urls.py.  Any suggestion what i should try.

ViewDoesNotExist at /mytest/
Could not import views. Error was: No module named views
Request Method: GET
Request URL:http://localhost:8082/mytest/
Exception Type: ViewDoesNotExist
Exception Value:Could not import views. Error was: No module named
Exception Location: /Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/
google_appengine/lib/django/django/core/urlresolvers.py in
_get_callback, line 127

#  urls.py
# this urls.py is located under appengine_django folder
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Example:
# (r'^foo/', include('foo.urls')),

# Uncomment this for admin:
 (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),

  (r'^mytest/', include('mytest.urls')),


#  urls.py
# this urls.py is located under mytest folder
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns('',

  (r'^$', 'views.index'),
   (r'^sign$', 'views.sign'),

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[google-appengine] bulkload issues

2008-11-20 Thread Selva

I have a requirement of loading around 50 entities to a data
model. Each entity contains max of 20 attributes.
But the no.of attributes  for each entity is varying(i.e, some records
will not have all the field values).
When I am trying to use bulkload utility to load the data.

Since the absence of some attribute values, import failure error Iam
If I use empty field bw two commas, except string type data, converter
method raises exception.

Could any body help me to overcome this issue? Any other options to
upload the huge amount of data values
to the datastore in very short time. I used the straight forward
instance creation mechanism, but after a period of 10 hr also it has
not completed.

FYI: The application is not yet been uploaded in App Engine. All the
data store have been created in in the local

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[google-appengine] Re: Getting total count from datastore

2008-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

what about of using Ajax for dynamic (such as using users parameters)
and complicated counts ? I mean, to leave to JS the responsibility of
summing data that GAE will calculate in bulk of 1000 ? I know you
will have the overhead of 1 call for every 1000 records... but at
least you wont risk of getting your process consuming more than the
quota limit of 10 seconds !!! And the user could see some kind of
nice progress bar

On 6 nov, 18:52, monmonja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for your input, i already warn people going to the post to use
 shared counters. Btw do you have a simple example of it, and what if i
 want tocountbased on a query, say all blog post within july, how can
 icountit so that it could scale? Tnx again

 On Nov 4, 2:41 am, Dan Sanderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  See also the docs on fetch(limit, 

  In particular: The query has performance characteristics that correspond
  linearly with the offset amount plus the limit.

  -- Dan

  On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 8:23 PM, David Symonds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 11:58 AM, monmonja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now i don't know if this is the best way of doing it but it does not
require you to do some writing ondatastoreand it uses memcache, if
there is a better way of doing this please stress out. Thanks. :)

   That's a terrible way of doing this: (a) possibly inaccurate, and (b)
   unscalable. The correct way to implement such a global counter is via
   something like a sharded counter that you increment each time you add
   an entity and decrement each time you remove an entity.


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[google-appengine] Re: Best practices implementing paging

2008-11-20 Thread gops

best way i found is to use any entity and +1 rule. and back link using
HTTP REFERER (not accurate but reliable in most conditions..)

On Nov 19, 9:38 pm, Abel Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am currently doing a detailed study on how to optimize my
 application to be scalable.

 I have thoroughly studied the lectures delivered by the engineers at
 google, and my opinion: fantastic

 In this case, my question comes from the presentation

 Buildding Scalable Web Applications with Google App Engine whose
 rapporteur was Brett Slatkin

 In it, in the section Building a Blog: Paging , using the attribute
 index, get to paginate infinite elements, using the index as a guide
 for the next entry

 Now, suppose you delete an entity, the attribute index would not be
 consecutive. taking into account that, any idea howto  implement
 paging that supports not only next and previous, but also, goto n
 page number.?

 thanks in advance,

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[google-appengine] Re: How to update my new version of db on server

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai

There is no automatic way that you can update models in the datastore.  You
would need to write a custom script to handle data migration in chunks.
Information on how you can do this can be fuond in this article:


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 4:46 PM, lp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I need advice. I have application version 1, in her database they is
 one model:
 id1 date_1  date_2  int_1   nameemail   pass
 In version 1 I have 6000 input

 In version 2 I separated model in two parts
 id1 date_1 name email pass
 id2 id1 int_1 date_2

 I want put my version 2 in production on server to replace version 1

 Was is the best (and safe) method?


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[google-appengine] Re: Compressed string extractable in appengine?

2008-11-20 Thread Daniel O'Brien (Google)

The following should work, if you haven't tried something along these
lines already.


String inputString = Hello, world!;
byte[] input = inputString.getBytes(UTF-8);

byte[] output = new byte[100];
Deflater compresser = new Deflater();

FileOutputStream out = null;
try {
  out = new FileOutputStream(some_temp_file);
} finally {


import zlib
print data

Let me know if you run into any trouble,


On Nov 19, 4:30 pm, jago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to create a compressed String in Java and send it to the
 appengine where it is decompressed. Can somebody help me to do this?

 So far I used GZIP for compression in Java. Extraction in appengine
 didn't work though.

 Using the ZIP format in Java resulted also in not more luck. Does
 somebody have example codes on both sides that is known to work?

 Thanks a lot!
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[google-appengine] Re: Expiring DataStore Entities ?

2008-11-20 Thread Jeff S

Hi boson,

It sounds like this idea belongs in the issue tracker as a feature
request: http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/list

Happy coding,


On Nov 18, 9:27 am, boson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anybody like this?  I propose that Google allows Datastore entries to
 expire and be automatically purged.  The default would be to never
 expire (current behavior), but we might get an optional param, like
 time from memcache.add():

 Optional expiration time, either relative number of seconds from
 current time (up to 1 month), or an absolute Unix epoch time. By
 default, items never expire.

 I'm having a hard time getting my head around managing retention
 policies on old BigTable data, particularly with the lack of support
 for long-running requests and the slowness/inability to make large
 queries.  It seems that this simple addition to the db.Model API would
 address a lot of these problems!

 E.g. If you're storing gifts given for a simple social app, you
 might set a 6 month retention on your Gift entities.  This keeps your
 data store clean without requiring extra maintenance.  Users might
 flag to keep a special gift (which would set the entity to never
 expire), but otherwise you could keep running without indexes getting
 huger and slower.

 E.g. If you want to store votes for a week-long poll to make sure
 nobody votes twice.  You tally votes as you go (sharded counters of
 course), but store Vote Entities keyed by user IDs to allow quick
 checks if people voted yet.  After the poll is closed, you don't want
 thousands of Vote records sitting around in your store.  If they had
 an expiration of 1 month, they'd automatically get cleaned up.

 Is there a better way of handling this?
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[google-appengine] Re: gql matching DateTimeProperty

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai

In order to query on DateTime objects, the following methods are supported
(from http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/gqlreference.html):

A datetime, date, or time literal, with either numeric values or a string
representation, in the following forms:
* DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
* DATETIME('-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') [no milliseconds]
* DATE(year, month, day)
* DATE('-MM-DD')
* TIME(hour, minute, second)


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 7:03 PM, niklasr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added =  '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
 won't match
 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added   '2008-07-08 22:17:45.200477 ' and
 added   '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
 SELECT * FROM Ad WHERE added   '2006-11-18 22:17:45.200477 '
 surprisingly matches many entities.

 How match a day or a month interval, or an exact timepoint?


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[google-appengine] Re: bulk upload

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai

This first error looks to be caused by this issue:

For the second, to upload text fields, you can specify the value type as


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:02 PM, Gampesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 my bulkupolad script is working fine for the fields in loader.py is
 str that is:

def __init__(self):

fields = [

(newsid, str),
(celebrity_id, str),
(url_id, str),
(title, str),
(link, str),
(description, str),
(pub_date, str),
(created_at, str),
(updated_at, str)

bulkload.Loader.__init__(self, News, fields)

 but in my data i have some some text data which have more the 500
 bytes data which is range for the text so what would be the by
 loader.py for the text field instead of str

 (description, str), is field which is a text type so what should be
 type in place of  str



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[google-appengine] Re: Best practices implementing paging

2008-11-20 Thread Jon Watte

 The only downside is that it's not possible to page back

 HTTP REFERER (not accurate but reliable in most conditions..)

Couldn't you build a paging index incrementally, and put it in a

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[google-appengine] Re: sharing application

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai

Source URL is not required, and may be omitted.  The Application URL is the
URL where the app is being served, and is required to submit your app.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:51 AM, GAEfan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to post my application in the Gallery.

 The submit button says Share this Application.  I just want to make
 sure that that doesn't make the source code public.

 Also, 2 of the fields are:

 Application URL:*
 Source URL:

 What is the difference?



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[google-appengine] Re: Alternate way to receive verification code than SMS?

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai
Hi Robert,

Please fill out this form: http://appengine.google.com/waitlist/sms_issues


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:16 AM, roschler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,

 I know you're going to think I live in a cave, but I don't currently
 own a mobile phone (that may change once I see a Google Android phone
 I like, but not yet).  Is there another way to get the Google
 AppEngine verification code than via the current cell phone based SMS



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[google-appengine] Re: INPUT-OUTPUT applications using DATASTORE

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai
Hi Costas,

What kind of errors are you seeing?  It's difficult to read the code
highlighted, so if you could include a stack trace or other information,
that would be helpful.



 Hello everybody from Greece

 I want to do this simple task:
 To create an application that will create a datastore and get user input.
 It is like the 1st part of the Guestbook application. Then I want to create
 another application like the 2nd part of the Guestbook application to print
 the user input the 1st part has collected.
 For the 1st part I have created my datastore with greetings as input. It
 worked (1st+2nd part together)

 For the 2nd part I use the code:

 *#Retrieve using Gql from table the query*
 *class Greeting(db.Model):
   author = db.UserProperty()
   content = db.StringProperty(multiline=True)
   date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)*

 *class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
   def get(self):

greetings = db.GqlQuery(SELECT * FROM greeting ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT
 * #testing output
  self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
  for result in results

 class Guestbook(webapp.RequestHandler):

 def post(self):

 greeting = Greeting()*
 if users.get_current_user():

 greeting.author = users.get_current_user()*
 greeting.content = self.request.get('content')


 *application = webapp.WSGIApplication([
   ('/', MainPage),
   ('/sign', Guestbook)
 ], debug=True)*

 *def main():
 *if __name__ == __main__:
 The above code is not working. Have any ideas, I would appreciate.

 Best Regards,
 COSTAS Anastasiades


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[google-appengine] Re: bulkload issues

2008-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

local store is a dummy datastore and It could be slow...

how are you managing the 10MBytes of datastore limitation with your
500k entities ?

On Nov 20, 9:11 am, Selva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a requirement of loading around 50 entities to a data
 model. Each entity contains max of 20 attributes.
 But the no.of attributes  for each entity is varying(i.e, some records
 will not have all the field values).
 When I am trying to use bulkload utility to load the data.

 Since the absence of some attribute values, import failure error Iam
 If I use empty field bw two commas, except string type data, converter
 method raises exception.

 Could any body help me to overcome this issue? Any other options to
 upload the huge amount of data values
 to the datastore in very short time. I used the straight forward
 instance creation mechanism, but after a period of 10 hr also it has
 not completed.

 FYI: The application is not yet been uploaded in App Engine. All the
 data store have been created in in the local
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[google-appengine] SDK 1.1.6: urlfetch: no content-length in response?

2008-11-20 Thread Waldemar Kornewald

I hope I checked correctly. I completely removed and reinstalled the
SDK 1.1.6 two times. Urlfetch seems to remove the content-length
header from the HTTP response. At least, that attribute is part of
_UNTRUSTED_RESPONSE_HEADERS in urlfetch_stub.py and I printed the
headers with logging.debug() to make sure that the original response
contains that header and that the sanitized headers don't. Could some
Google engineer please verify? Thanks!

Waldemar Kornewald
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[google-appengine] Re: SDK 1.1.6: urlfetch: no content-length in response?

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai
Hi Waldemar,

The SDK was updated so that a user can only specify headers in the SDK that
they are able to specify in production.  Since App Engine does not allow
this header to be set, the SDK no longer does.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Waldemar Kornewald

 I hope I checked correctly. I completely removed and reinstalled the
 SDK 1.1.6 two times. Urlfetch seems to remove the content-length
 header from the HTTP response. At least, that attribute is part of
 _UNTRUSTED_RESPONSE_HEADERS in urlfetch_stub.py and I printed the
 headers with logging.debug() to make sure that the original response
 contains that header and that the sanitized headers don't. Could some
 Google engineer please verify? Thanks!

 Waldemar Kornewald

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[google-appengine] Re: gql matching DateTimeProperty

2008-11-20 Thread niklasr

Thank you for replying, though it's still not matching from here.
I've this is the datastore
added -MM-DD HH:MM:SS
value: 2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477
type: gd:when

Still the following won't match
SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added = '2008-06-08 22:17:45'

It should be trivial, but how?


On Nov 20, 7:56 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In order to query on DateTime objects, the following methods are supported

 A datetime, date, or time literal, with either numeric values or a string
 representation, in the following forms:
 * DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
 * DATETIME('-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') [no milliseconds]
 * DATE(year, month, day)
 * DATE('-MM-DD')
 * TIME(hour, minute, second)


 On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 7:03 PM, niklasr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added =  '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
  won't match
  SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added   '2008-07-08 22:17:45.200477 ' and
  added   '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
  SELECT * FROM Ad WHERE added   '2006-11-18 22:17:45.200477 '
  surprisingly matches many entities.

  How match a day or a month interval, or an exact timepoint?
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[google-appengine] Re: gql matching DateTimeProperty

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai
Hi Niklas,

As stated above, you can not use the string literal to query, you must
include a DATETIME() wrapper around that argument.  Additionally, since
milliseconds are not included, you would need to query something like this
to find a specific entity that accorded at 2008-06-08 22:17.45.:

SELECT * FROM thing WHERE date  DATETIME(\'2008-06-08 22:17.45\') AND date
 DATETIME(\'2008-06-08 22:17.46\')


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:09 PM, niklasr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you for replying, though it's still not matching from here.
 I've this is the datastore
 added -MM-DD HH:MM:SS
value: 2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477
type: gd:when

 Still the following won't match
 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added = '2008-06-08 22:17:45'

 It should be trivial, but how?


 On Nov 20, 7:56 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In order to query on DateTime objects, the following methods are
  A datetime, date, or time literal, with either numeric values or a string
  representation, in the following forms:
  * DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
  * DATETIME('-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') [no milliseconds]
  * DATE(year, month, day)
  * DATE('-MM-DD')
  * TIME(hour, minute, second)
  * TIME('HH:MM:SS')
  On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 7:03 PM, niklasr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added =  '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
   won't match
   SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added   '2008-07-08 22:17:45.200477 ' and
   added   '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
   SELECT * FROM Ad WHERE added   '2006-11-18 22:17:45.200477 '
   surprisingly matches many entities.
   How match a day or a month interval, or an exact timepoint?

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[google-appengine] Re: SDK 1.1.6: urlfetch: no content-length in response?

2008-11-20 Thread Waldemar Kornewald

Hi Marzia,

On Nov 20, 10:07 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The SDK was updated so that a user can only specify headers in the SDK that
 they are able to specify in production.  Since App Engine does not allow
 this header to be set, the SDK no longer does.

What I meant is that content-length is missing in the response, not
the request. On the production server it works correctly. This header
is required at least by boto. How are we supposed to find out he
length of the http response?

Waldemar Kornewald
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[google-appengine] Re: SDK 1.1.6: urlfetch: no content-length in response?

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai
Hi Waldemar,

Sorry, I think I'm not understanding what issue you are seeing. Is it that
the request received by your app has the content-length header removed?

The SDK should disallow self.response.headers['Content-Length'] to be set by
the user, as this is how our production environment behaves.  Can you
provide the code that is specifically causing the issue?


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Waldemar Kornewald [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Hi Marzia,

 On Nov 20, 10:07 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The SDK was updated so that a user can only specify headers in the SDK
  they are able to specify in production.  Since App Engine does not allow
  this header to be set, the SDK no longer does.

 What I meant is that content-length is missing in the response, not
 the request. On the production server it works correctly. This header
 is required at least by boto. How are we supposed to find out he
 length of the http response?

 Waldemar Kornewald

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[google-appengine] Re: ViewDoesNotExist

2008-11-20 Thread Waldemar Kornewald


On Nov 20, 5:18 pm, yinDojo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 #  urls.py
 # this urls.py is located under mytest folder
 from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

 urlpatterns = patterns('',

   (r'^$', 'views.index'),
    (r'^sign$', 'views.sign'),

Please try this:

urlpatterns = patterns('mytest.views',
(r'^$', 'index'),
(r'^sign$', 'sign'),

BTW, the admin interface doesn't work out of the box on App Engine.
There's some code floating around that makes it work, but I don't know
if it works with Django 1.0.2:

Waldemar Kornewald
Shameless plug :)
app-engine-patch: Use Django on App Engine - with lots of goodies
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[google-appengine] Re: SDK 1.1.6: urlfetch: no content-length in response?

2008-11-20 Thread Waldemar Kornewald

Hi Marzia,

On Nov 20, 11:03 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, I think I'm not understanding what issue you are seeing. Is it that
 the request received by your app has the content-length header removed?

No, I'm using urlfetch:

response = urlfetch.fetch(...)

= no content-length header in response

Waldemar Kornewald
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[google-appengine] Re: SDK 1.1.6: urlfetch: no content-length in response?

2008-11-20 Thread Waldemar Kornewald

Hi Marzia,

On Nov 20, 11:27 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Waldemar,

 Ah, yes, sorry for the confusion.  This is a bug.  I've filed 


Thanks a lot!

Waldemar Kornewald
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[google-appengine] Re: gql matching DateTimeProperty

2008-11-20 Thread Marzia Niccolai
Hi Niklas,

I believe this is an issue that only affects the Admin Console.  I've filed
this issue: http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=878

It executes perfectly within an application.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 5:21 PM, niklasr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Many thanks! Problem solved with numeric form matching the expected
 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE date  DATETIME(2008,06,08,22,17,45) AND
 date  DATETIME(2008,06,08,22,17,46)
 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE date  DATETIME(2008,11,20,22,17,45)

 It's just that datetime string representations return error:
 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE date  DATETIME('2008-06-08 22:17.45')
 « An error has occurred while executing this query.

 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE date  DATETIME('2008-06-08 22:17.45') AND
 date  DATETIME('2008-06-08 22:17.46')
 « An error has occurred while executing this query.


 On Nov 20, 10:42 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Niklas,
  As stated above, you can not use the string literal to query, you must
  include a DATETIME() wrapper around that argument.  Additionally, since
  milliseconds are not included, you would need to query something like
  to find a specific entity that accorded at 2008-06-08 22:17.45.:
  SELECT * FROM thing WHERE date  DATETIME(\'2008-06-08 22:17.45\') AND
   DATETIME(\'2008-06-08 22:17.46\')
  On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:09 PM, niklasr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thank you for replying, though it's still not matching from here.
   I've this is the datastore
   added -MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  value: 2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477
  type: gd:when
   Still the following won't match
   SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added = '2008-06-08 22:17:45'
   It should be trivial, but how?
   On Nov 20, 7:56 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In order to query on DateTime objects, the following methods are
A datetime, date, or time literal, with either numeric values or a
representation, in the following forms:
* DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
* DATETIME('-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') [no milliseconds]
* DATE(year, month, day)
* DATE('-MM-DD')
* TIME(hour, minute, second)
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 7:03 PM, niklasr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added =  '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
 won't match
 SELECT * FROM thing WHERE added   '2008-07-08 22:17:45.200477 '
 added   '2008-06-08 22:17:45.200477 '
 SELECT * FROM Ad WHERE added   '2006-11-18 22:17:45.200477 '
 surprisingly matches many entities.
 How match a day or a month interval, or an exact timepoint?

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[google-appengine] Re: Compressed string extractable in appengine?

2008-11-20 Thread jago

Thanks...worked great.

On Nov 20, 7:37 pm, Daniel O'Brien (Google) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The following should work, if you haven't tried something along these
 lines already.


     String inputString = Hello, world!;
     byte[] input = inputString.getBytes(UTF-8);

     byte[] output = new byte[100];
     Deflater compresser = new Deflater();

     FileOutputStream out = null;
     try {
       out = new FileOutputStream(some_temp_file);
     } finally {


     import zlib
     print data

 Let me know if you run into any trouble,


 On Nov 19, 4:30 pm, jago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I want to create a compressed String in Java and send it to the
  appengine where it is decompressed. Can somebody help me to do this?

  So far I used GZIP for compression in Java. Extraction in appengine
  didn't work though.

  Using the ZIP format in Java resulted also in not more luck. Does
  somebody have example codes on both sides that is known to work?

  Thanks a lot!
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[google-appengine] IP geocoding/geolocation in Google App Engine

2008-11-20 Thread Wesley Tanaka

A geo location service for looking up the country code for a given IP
address: http://geoip.wtanaka.com/

It can be queried from google app engine apps.  There's some sample
code here: http://code.google.com/p/geo-ip-location/
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[google-appengine] Return file with app.yaml, fetch() or redirect?

2008-11-20 Thread jago

I have a jar-file at another host XYZ. From this host the file is
returned with a special content- and mime-type in its header.

I want the appengine to make the file available at /remote/test.jar

If a user then calls http://myapp.appspot.com/remote.test.jar I want
the jar to be returned identically as if it were coming from my host

Identical in every way, including the headers!

Can I do this somehow? How?

What would you suggest to use: app.yaml, fetch(), redirect, or
something else?

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[google-appengine] Re: SDK 1.1.6 Released

2008-11-20 Thread Adam Fisk

Exciting, Marzia.  So sorting on a key would be much faster way of
doing a bulk update of existing data of the kind described at:


in the Updating Existing Entities section, is that correct?  Any
idea how much faster sorting by the key is?  Seems like these bulk
updates must be a major bottleneck for quite a few people -- they
certainly are for me!



On Nov 20, 6:07 pm, Marzia Niccolai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Today we released the 1.1.6 SDK.  You can download it on our Google hosting
 project (http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/downloads/list), and
 peruse the release notes 
 (http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/SdkReleaseNotes) for more
 details on the release.

 This release contains some notable new features, including several additions
 to the datastore:

 * You can now sort and filter on an entity's 
 * You can now delete an entity directly using its key, without
 instantiating/fetching the Model object
 * If you specify a key_name when creating a Model, its key will now be
 available before you call put()
 * URLFetch calls made in the SDK now have a 5 second timeout, matching

 Also, it contains a number of issue fixes, including the following:

 * The SDK now only supports the same headers as 
 * In production, fixed an erroneous NeedIndexError when two ancestor queries
 were specified:http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=423
 * Calling to_xml on a model instance containing a BlobProperty returns that
 BlobProperty base64 
 * URLFetch now uses the original HTTP method (e.g. POST) when following a

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[google-appengine] Re: Best practices implementing paging

2008-11-20 Thread Tim

I plan to do this by building an index entity as entries are added.
So, for example, the index entity would contain the order string for
every 10th entry (the first on each page), allowing you to jump
straight to a particular page.

On Nov 20, 11:07 am, Jon Watte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The only downside is that it's not possible to page back
  HTTP REFERER (not accurate but reliable in most conditions..)

 Couldn't you build a paging index incrementally, and put it in a
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[google-appengine] I want to use urlfetch to get the search result of facebook

2008-11-20 Thread saranpol

I want to use urlfetch to get the search result of facebook

I want to search people by email in facebook (http://www.facebook.com/

and facebook allow only registered user to get the result

I try to send cookie like this

   result = urlfetch.fetch(
   'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS
X; en-US; rv: 1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0'
   ,'Cookie': 'sid=2;, h_user=b3fb2236fb02;,
c_user=522572836;, xs=676c54532a463bb2edd60134cf3;, login_x=a

but it doesn't work

Please help...

Thank you very much..
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