[google-appengine] Re: Help! My site only used 1% of quota,but it raise Exception said: Over Quota Why?

2009-03-03 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Mar 3, 7:23 pm, proxypy pypr...@gmail.com wrote:
   Help! My site only used less than 1% of quota,but it raise exception
 said: Over Quota  now!!

There are many different quotas, you must be hitting one of them. In
your Dashboard go to Quota Details, that page has a break-down of
all the quotas.
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[google-appengine] Re: My Applications in Google App Engine status None Deployed

2009-03-03 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Mar 3, 11:12 pm, wayne wayne.parnell...@gmail.com wrote:
 hi am new bee to google apps.can any one provide help me  how to
 deploy my application in google app..i have added my domain and
 activated the service but it shows 404 error.my domain is
 eximdata9.com my application is exim-da-bank plz help me any one
 around there.

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[google-appengine] Re: Sudden change in used Stored Data Quota

2009-02-24 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 In order to launch billing, we changed our accounting methods to more
 accurately count the real amount of data stored in the datastore.  This was
 the cause of the increases some people saw in their quota.

Marzia, could you check my account (id:muspy). I have a really huge
increase in the amount of stored data.

It was 200-300 MB before the billing launch, and the quota was once
reset for me from 500MB to zero. Now I see 7.73 GB in my dashboard %)

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[google-appengine] Re: how to server app on my own domain?

2009-02-22 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 23, 8:01 am, John munz...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a solution other than google apps? It appears google apps is
 a paid service for businesses.

In short, no. Using Google Apps is the only officially supported
method. And as Doug mentioned, the standard edition is free.
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[google-appengine] Re: Entity Equality

2009-02-21 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 22, 12:51 pm, MajorProgamming sefira...@gmail.com wrote:
 I currently have a need to take a result from a query (which is a
 list) and remove one entity from it. For some reason though when I
 perform the remove, I get an error which says that the entity does not
 exist on the list. How can I do this correctly?

 #wx and wx2 are db.Query objects with filters...
 #I want to remove wx2 from wx
 #this code returns an error. I know for a fact (through debugging)
 that wx2 entity exists in the wx result.

It's because when you use two different queries to fetch the entity,
it gets represented by two distinct object instances. You can try this

wx = [entity for entity in wx if entity.key() != direct.key()]

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[google-appengine] Re: how to server app on my own domain?

2009-02-21 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 22, 5:08 pm, John munz...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've created my first app and I would like it to have its own domain
 (iewww.mydomain.com).  I know this is possible since others are doing
 it (iewww.giftag.com). How can I accomplish this? I've already tried
 creating a cname but that didn't work, it just loads the google

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[google-appengine] Re: self.request.get(userHtmlInput, None) problems

2009-02-16 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 16, 12:39 pm, thebrianschott schott.br...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am having no luck making with self.request.get() and None. I have
 found the following references, but they do not pan out for me: empty
 user inputs are not detected by the if clause.  Please help.

Request.get() returns `default_value` only if the parameter does not
exist in the request. In your case, if the user doesn't enter
anything, both parameters exist and have an empty string as their

Try this code:

def get(self):
nextplace_id = self.request.get('nextplace')
prevplace_id = self.request.get('prevplace')
if prevplace_id or nextplace_id:
  print we are ready to go now
  print you must supply either a Next or Prev place

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[google-appengine] Re: HELP~~~~ user problem.

2009-02-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 15, 6:31 pm, Allen allen.lu...@gmail.com wrote:
 you know ,I just following the Getting Start of Goog App. In my
 application folder, there're just main.py, app.yaml, and some pics.
 there's no so-called common folder.
 how can I update step by step.

If you download the sample project provided by app-engine-patch it
will contain the `common` folder containing Django, the patch, and
other goodies. Follow the instructions at [1], they are quite step-by-

 1.although I just run it locally by dev_appserver.py (not under
 Google App Engine), it can different request in the same time. (user
 two computers in the same LAN to visite the hosting application by

The SDK is not designed for this, it can handle only one request at a
time and has other limitations. I think this was covered in the other
thread you opened [2].

 2.it has custom authoriation system (no need to user Google Account).

See the documentation for app-engine-patch, this page [3] in

[1] http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/wiki/GettingStarted
[3] http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/wiki/CustomUserModel

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[google-appengine] Re: Newbie: AppEngine Launcher 1.1.9 broke Django

2009-02-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 16, 12:13 am, Giacecco giace...@gmail.com wrote:
 Upgrading to AppEngine 1.1.9 on my Mac OS 10.5.6 has just broken a
 simple Django app I have been working on for a while.

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[google-appengine] Re: Verification of account impossible from Paraguay?

2009-02-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 16, 5:06 am, Federico Cáceres fede.cace...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I would like to give the App Engine a try, but I'm stuck in the
 Account Veritication page.

Fill out the SMS issues form:
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[google-appengine] Re: Orange/Moldcell, Moldova

2009-02-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 16, 8:00 am, Barttos nvartolo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello google developers,
 i have an question, why google app engine doesn't suport Orange/
 Moldcell mobile operators from Moldova? :-/

Fill out the SMS issues form:

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[google-appengine] Re: Operand error

2009-02-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 15, 3:57 am, Neversummer wrigh...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am new to app engine and pyton and unfortunately am not able to
 accomplish a seemingly simple task - thanks for your patience.

The problem is in this line:

 tdCurr = tdResult.count

Query.count is a method. Unlike in Ruby, in Python you need to use
parentheses to call it:

 tdCurr = tdResult.count()

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[google-appengine] Re: how to copy an entity

2009-02-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 15, 6:34 am, thebrianschott schott.br...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have tried this code, but the next copy with joan2 does not get
 put() into the datastore, only the original copy with joan.  Can you
 tell me how to do this without doing it attribute by attribute,

This line:


... does not copy the entity but makes variable `nextplace` point to
the same entity as `place`. You can copy the property values like

  nextplace = Group(key_name=joan2)
  nextplace.place = place.place
  nextplace.zoom = place.zoom

Alternatively, you can loop on all properties using Model.properties()
[1] and call getattr/setattr to copy the property values.


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[google-appengine] Re: HELP~~~~ user problem.

2009-02-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 15, 7:31 am, Allen allen.lu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can I develope a new user login model (not use the Google user API),
 just like a simple datastore to reserve the username and pw, and the
 new visiter can register as a user.

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[google-appengine] Re: how to copy an entity

2009-02-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 15, 12:40 pm, thebrianschott schott.br...@gmail.com wrote:
 The only link I can find regarding getattr 
 . I am unfamiliar with this approach. Would someone show me how to
 loop through my example using getattr/setattr please?

I didn't test the code, let me know if it doesn't work:

def copy_properties(src, dst):
for name in src.properties():
value = getattr(src, name)
setattr(dst, name, value)

place = Group(key_name=joan)
place.zoom =3

nextplace = Group(key_name=joan2)
copy_properties(place, nextplace)
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[google-appengine] Re: Can't Creat New Application. Help~~~~~~~~

2009-02-13 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 14, 3:46 pm, Allen allen.lu...@gmail.com wrote:
 As you mentioned, login through http://appengine.google.com/mydomain.com/

It should be http://appengine.google.com/a/mydomain.com/
(mind the '/a/' in the middle)

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[google-appengine] Re: Account issue

2009-02-12 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 12, 1:20 pm, Eaden eaden.mc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi there,
 Sorry for posting this on a public forum but I am unable to get help

 My problem is simple. I am unable to log in my app engine control
 center. It is not a valid google account.

 However, I am able to deploy my application using the same email
 address and password! My app is live. I'm not sure what happened.

 When I do log in with my google account I get a blank create app


Do you use a Google Apps account to log in? You need to use this URL:

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[google-appengine] Re: A Fan of Google Apps and now App Engine!

2009-02-11 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 12, 5:55 am, Damien dam...@echwa.com wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I have to say that I am surprised, I am a groupie like fan of Google
 products and betas and somehow did not know anything about App Engine
 until today! Oh...that could be because it is not yet available in the
 the UK ;-(

 Do you know if there is a time-frame to enable creation of engines in
 the UK market? I really would hate to go to AWS ...



Damien, App Engine is available worldwide.
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[google-appengine] Re: calculated properties

2009-02-10 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 10, 7:06 pm, David Symonds dsymo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Jason DeFontes ja...@defontes.com wrote:

  Is there a simple way to have a calculated property that automatically
  updates itself any time an entity is saved? For example:

  class Article(db.Model):
   body = db.StringProperty()
   word_count = db.IntegerProperty()

 You should override the put method:

 class Article(db.Model):
   body = db.StringProperty()
   word_count = db.IntegerProperty()

   def put(self):
     self.word_count = ComputeWordCount(self.body)  # or whatever
     return super(Article, self).put()


Just be aware that Model.put() won't be called when you batch-save
your entities with db.put() function.
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[google-appengine] Re: Giftag authentication

2009-02-10 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 10, 10:57 pm, Waldemar Kornewald wkornew...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually, the Giftag guys use app-engine-patch. ;)

As if there is a better alternative :)

Thanks for your work Waldemar!
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[google-appengine] Re: gae 1.1.9 + appengine_django = ?

2009-02-10 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 11, 11:16 am, jamesv jamesvreel...@gmail.com wrote:
 Mine is blowing up as well, except on:

 class 'google.appengine.tools.dev_appserver.InvalidAppConfigError':
 Application configuration could not be read from ./app.yaml


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[google-appengine] Re: Download code

2009-02-09 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 10, 5:19 am, Kaiser raios.catodi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Anybody knows how can I download all the files of a project from GAE?
 Is it possible?

See the first question on the App Engine Community FAQ:

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[google-appengine] Re: math/trig functions in GQL

2009-02-09 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 10, 11:50 am, Shawn shawn.s...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, thanks for the info. Are there any good references on GQL other
 than the docs provided on the Google Code site for App Engine?

The most complete reference you can find is there:

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[google-appengine] Re: Downloading app

2009-02-09 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 10, 1:47 pm, kev kevinri...@gmail.com wrote:
 I accidentally deleted my app from my mac and cannot retrieve it. Is
 there a way i can download the app from app engine?

See the first question on the App Engine Community FAQ:

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[google-appengine] Re: Downloading app

2009-02-09 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 10, 1:47 pm, kev kevinri...@gmail.com wrote:
 I accidentally deleted my app from my mac and cannot retrieve it. Is
 there a way i can download the app from app engine?

Also, star this issue:

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[google-appengine] Re: Giftag authentication

2009-02-09 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 10, 3:35 pm, Brett C. bcan...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Feb 3, 10:15 am, Bret bretwal...@gmail.com wrote:

  How is Best Buy's Giftag using custom authentication?


 By rolling their own solution. Nothing says you have to use App
 Engine's included support for Google (Apps) user authentication.

You can use django.contrib.auth [1] with app-engine-patch [2]

[1] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/
[2] http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/
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[google-appengine] Re: prepopulate form fields according to http get parameters

2009-02-08 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 8, 6:56 pm, niklasr nikla...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm looking for template tags or similar that according to http get
 request parameters set the corresponding html form fields. To achieve
 the selection of an html option and populate a textfield according to
 the http request parameters where http get with two parameters should
 prepopulate a textfield and the option selected in my html form /main?
 q=foow=2 should set the textfield to 'foo' and the select option 2 to
 state selected. I saw no template tag that directly tests or handles a
 http get parameter but there probably is, for a more direct and
 favorable way than passing the request parameters and testing option
 by option
 {% ifequal w 2 %}
 option selected  value=applesApples/option
 {% else %}
 option value=applesApples/option
  {% endifequal %}
 Thank you

This is normally done using Django forms:

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[google-appengine] Re: How to get the server running

2009-02-07 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 8, 4:20 am, andre...@strombacks.se andre...@strombacks.se
 The first I tried was in the Python GUI and in the Python command
 line, and there is where I get the syntax error messages.

You should start the development server from the command prompt, not
from the Python interpreter.

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[google-appengine] Re: does GAE have pycrypto?

2009-02-07 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 8, 8:23 am, Anthony acca...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks, that's what I've been doing locally.  So I suppose when I
 deploy to the GAE server, I should bundle all non-standard libraries
 with my application files?

Yes, as long as they are pure-Python libraries. If a library uses C
extensions, you cannot run it on App Engine:

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[google-appengine] Re: how to submit form from static index.html

2009-02-06 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 6, 7:58 pm, rakf1 kris...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a way to just send mail and not redirect the page?

 I'm trying to send mail using a ajax popup window, so I want to submit
 and write a message in a div, and dont want the page to reload/

You can write a handler that sends an email, and POSTto it the content
of your div using JavaScript.
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[google-appengine] Re: Detect HTTPS so we can charge?

2009-02-06 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 7, 6:56 am, Nash-t timna...@gmail.com wrote:
 It is great that App Engine allows Https connections and from my
 limited experience it seems to work really well. Since we have such a
 small quota for https connections, I would like to be able to restrict
 those connections to certain users. Is there a way we can detect in
 our code if a user is logged in using https?

os.environ['HTTPS'] == 'on'
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[google-appengine] Re: Cant access applications page!

2009-02-04 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 5, 11:12 am, Andrejus i...@playtictac.com wrote:

 I have just created Google Account for app engine. I can login to
 appspot.com and create new application, but after creation I am
 redirected to the start page where I see only Create an Application
 button, I cant see my newly created apps! How can I access them? I
 have tried twice and its showing me that such application name is
 already used.
 Google Account: i...@playtictac.com

 Would be grateful for your response.


It looks like you are using a Google Apps account to log in. You need
to use this URL:

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[google-appengine] Re: Proper way to handle DownloadError: ApplicationError: 5

2009-02-03 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 4, 1:08 pm, MajorProgamming sefira...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is this the proper way to handle Download Errors from urlfetch (which
 happen quite often in my app)?

   result = urlfetch.fetch(url=url)
 except DownloadError:
   #return an error

 Basically a coding/python question

Yes, just don't forget to add this to your imports:

from google.appengine.api.urlfetch import DownloadError

 Also, would it work to except, and try again within that same test?

 For example,

 except DownloadError:
   result = urlfetch.fetch(url=url)

Check this thread: http://tr.im/eh8e

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[google-appengine] Re: Unable to access my admin console, Yes i have read the Docs and FAQ ;)

2009-02-02 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 2, 9:38 pm, V1 i...@3rd-eden.com wrote:
 Seems i cant post screenshots..http://tinyurl.com/logindisplay

 ^ above link points to screenshot.

 On Feb 2, 11:37 am, V1 i...@3rd-eden.com wrote:

I had this problem once, clearing the cookies fixed it for me.
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[google-appengine] Re: This application ID or version is already in use Error

2009-02-02 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 3, 8:52 am, Sagie  Maoz sag...@gmail.com wrote:
 Boson, your workaround seemed to solve my problem. Thanks!

 Is there a way to report this to the Google team?

File an issue:

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[google-appengine] Re: BadValueError: Property fAmount must be a str or unicode instance, not a float

2009-02-02 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 3, 11:11 am, Mark mark.hac...@gmail.com wrote:
 My app is working fine locally on dev_appserver, but I am getting the
 error in the subject line after I do an appcfg update.

 The error occurs on a query that happens on the welcome page of the

 I think I uploaded a version that had FloatProperty in one of my
 databases, but I can't remember my exact order of operations that led
 to this error. Now, I've changed my application locally so that that
 field in my database is a StringProperty (I'll deal with the
 floatness of it later) and I get an error after I do appcfg update.

You probably still have entities in the datastore with float property
values. If you have few of them, go to the Data Viewer and edit the
values manually. There is an option to change the type of the property

If you have a lot of them, you will need to write a data migration
script, see this article for some pointers:

 I also tried using Python 3.0 (I got an error message from the
 appserver that said I can't use FloatProperty with 2.5), but I got an
 error in dev_appserver.py because execfile() is obsolete (is there a
 workaround for this, yet?)

Python 3.0 is not supported by the App Engine, you need to use Python
2.5. Star this issue if Python 3.0 support is important for you:

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[google-appengine] Re: Disappearing reference collections

2009-02-01 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 2, 12:15 pm, James thelevybre...@gmail.com wrote:
 It appears as if this is occurring when I'm not importing the Comment
 model. This might be mentioned in the docs, but I've been developing
 with GAE for a while and didn't know that it was necessary to import
 the model of the referred entity kind.

The Comment class actually creates the Post.comments attribute behind
the scenes. Check the ReferenceProperty.__property_config__() method
for implementation details.

I agree however that this fact should have been documented.
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[google-appengine] Re: Please Help - SMS message not received to set up an account and I don't know how to contact Google.

2009-02-01 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 2, 3:23 am, mattc mcer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please help. I have spent the past week learning Python and reading
 all the App Engine documentation and viewing all of the videos, now I
 want to upload an app and get started, but I do not receive an
 Authentication Code via SMS when I enter my mobile number and specify
 my carrier.  I am entering everything correctly. I have re-tried
 several times. I need an alternative way to establish an account since
 this isn't working. What am I doing wrong or who can I contact at
 Google to resolve this issue?

Fill out the SMS issues form:

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[google-appengine] Re: How to append to BlobProperty

2009-02-01 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

On Feb 2, 6:02 pm, Will vocalster@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks, it finally worked. Following your suggestion, what I did is:

 1. in class body, define:
      content = db.BlobProperty(required=False)            # notice required
 is set to False

 2. in __init__(arg1, arg2, ...):
      self.content = ''

    self.content += src

 doesn't complain anymore.

 When accessing, it returns a db.Blog doesn't sound too foreign to me. For
 now, I just think it as a customized type caster in C++.

You can also use the 'default' parameter instead of initialising the
'content' value in the constructor:

content = db.BlobProperty(default='')

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[google-appengine] Re: please help with special characters

2009-01-29 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov


On Jan 30, 7:36 am, Aramaki ciber...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, my code needs to trim special characters from users imput but
 there is one I can't

 how can I trim '\' from a string without error

 chr(92) doesn't work, ord () throw an error when facing ' \ ' and I
 don't really see how to implement unicode formating in that way.

 I am sure that wiht 2-3 line this must be done but I don't see the

 I will apreciate any help, thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: Difference between urls.py and app.yaml

2009-01-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

If you use app-engine-patch to run Django, you should add this at the
bottom of your app.yaml:

- url: /.*
  script: common/appenginepatch/main.py

The rest of your app.yaml is for static files. And urls.py is for all
non-static handlers.

On Jan 28, 9:22 pm, arnie parvez...@rediffmail.com wrote:
 What is the difference between urls.py and app.yaml?
 I think If we are using the django web framework instead of web app
 framework from GAE SDK then we need to use urls.py, is this right?
 Any other difference between the two?
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[google-appengine] Re: Does the dev_appserver.py serve requests one by one?

2009-01-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Yes, the development server can serve only one request at a time:

On Jan 28, 9:03 pm, 3x3x3 nerd.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 I run dev_appserver.py in Windows.
 I add time.sleep(10) in one of my scripts and send request to that
 script in browser.
 During sleep, I send another request to other script in another
 browser window.

 It's seem that the second request is blocked until the first one has
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[google-appengine] Re: Does the dev_appserver.py serve requests one by one?

2009-01-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

I don't think it's related to transactions. As Ian mentioned above,
this behaviour is probably caused by in-memory cashing of the entire
datastore by the development server.

This is inconsistent with how the datastore works in production. While
there's a chance it won't be fixed, this behaviour at least should be
documented, as was the single-process nature of the development web
server. Filing an issue will speed this up.

On Jan 29, 1:40 pm, 3x3x3 nerd.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for quick reply.

 Before filing an issue, let my problem clear enough.


  The transaction function may be called multiple times if a datastore
  operation fails due to another user updating entities in the entity
  group at the same time.

 Since dev_appserver serves only one request at a time and
 running multiple server instances could not see datastore update each

 Is there any other way to test above scenario on local dev_appserver ?

 On Jan 29, 10:42 am, Alexander Kojevnikov alexan...@kojevnikov.com

  Just tried it and indeed a new entity created from the first server's
  admin does not appear in the admin of the second server. However,
  after restarting the second server, the entity is there. Same thing
  when deleting or updating the entities.

  I suggest that you file an issue and post the link here so that we
  could star it:http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/list

  On Jan 29, 12:18 pm, 3x3x3 nerd.l...@gmail.com wrote:

   Alex, thanks for your help.

   I want to make some concurrent requests to test my transaction logic
   on local dev_appserver.py.

   I tried to run two instances of dev_appserver.py with different port:
   8080 and 9000.
   I didn't specify the datastore location path and supposed that both of
   the two server instances share the same datastore.

   I created a entity by using the development 
   But I could NOT see the entity via the second dev_appserver instance

   Am I using dev_appserver in a wrong way?

   On Jan 28, 9:25 pm, Alexander Kojevnikov alexan...@kojevnikov.com

Yes, the development server can serve only one request at a 

On Jan 28, 9:03 pm, 3x3x3 nerd.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 I run dev_appserver.py in Windows.
 I add time.sleep(10) in one of my scripts and send request to that
 script in browser.
 During sleep, I send another request to other script in another
 browser window.

 It's seem that the second request is blocked until the first one has
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[google-appengine] Re: How to append to BlobProperty

2009-01-27 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Rewrite your UploadStorage class to declare the module properties in
the class body, not in the __init__ method. App Engine forwards access
to property definitions to the actual property values, creation of the
properties in __init__ is probably not compatible with it.

For example, when you access self.content in your append() method, GAE
returns the value of the append property, not the property definition.

Try this code:

class UploadStorage(db.Model):
content = db.BlobProperty(required=True)
last_change = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True, auto_now=True)
field_name = db.StringProperty(required=True, default=u'')

def __init__(self, field_name, file_name, content_type,
content_length, charset):
if field_name:
self.field_name = field_name

def append(self, src):
self.content += src

On Jan 27, 9:25 pm, Will vocalster@gmail.com wrote:
 Here you go,

 class UploadStorage(db.Model):
     def __init__(self, field_name, file_name, content_type, content_length,
         self.content = db.BlobProperty(required=True)
         self.last_change = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True, auto_now=True)
         self.field_name = db.StringProperty(required=True, default=u'')

         if (field_name):
             self.field_name = field_name

     def append(self, src):
         self.content += src
 class GAEUploadedFile(UploadedFile):
     def __init__(self, field_name, file_name, content_type, content_length,
         self.__storage = UploadStorage(field_name, file_name, content_type,
 content_length, charset)

      def write(self, content):   # append
         self.size = len(self.__storage.content)



 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Alexander Kojevnikov 

 alexan...@kojevnikov.com wrote:

   No, doesn't work. I got

   unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'BlobProperty' and 'str'

   Same as before.

  Could you post here all related code, including the construction of a
  Storage entity?
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[google-appengine] Re: How to append to BlobProperty

2009-01-27 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

When creating an UploadStorage entity, you should initialise the
content property:

my_entity = UploadStorage(content='')


my_entity = UploadStorage()
my_entity.content = '' # or whatever your initial value is

I know, it a bit confusing. When you define the property in the class,
UploadStorage.content is an instance of db.BlobProperty.

But when you access it after the entity is created, it returns the
actual value of the property, which is of db.Blob type (subclass of

On Jan 27, 10:13 pm, Will vocalster@gmail.com wrote:
 I rewrote it, now the error message became

 unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'NoneType' and 'str'

 pointing at

 self.content += src

 Seems *content* was not constructed in modified __init__. If I added

     self.content = db.BlobProperty(required=True)

 into __init__ while keeping the definition in the class body, I got

 Property content must be convertible to a Blob instance (Blob() argument
 should be str instance, not BlobProperty)

 Seems this time* content* was constructed but in __init__() somehow it
 wanted to initialize it by a Blob instance, not BlobProperty?!


 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Alexander Kojevnikov 

 alexan...@kojevnikov.com wrote:

  Rewrite your UploadStorage class to declare the module properties in
  the class body, not in the __init__ method. App Engine forwards access
  to property definitions to the actual property values, creation of the
  properties in __init__ is probably not compatible with it.

  For example, when you access self.content in your append() method, GAE
  returns the value of the append property, not the property definition.

  Try this code:

  class UploadStorage(db.Model):
      content = db.BlobProperty(required=True)
      last_change = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True, auto_now=True)
      field_name = db.StringProperty(required=True, default=u'')

      def __init__(self, field_name, file_name, content_type,
  content_length, charset):
          if field_name:
             self.field_name = field_name

     def append(self, src):
         self.content += src

  On Jan 27, 9:25 pm, Will vocalster@gmail.com wrote:
   Here you go,

   class UploadStorage(db.Model):
       def __init__(self, field_name, file_name, content_type,
           self.content = db.BlobProperty(required=True)
           self.last_change = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True,
           self.field_name = db.StringProperty(required=True, default=u'')

           if (field_name):
               self.field_name = field_name

       def append(self, src):
           self.content += src
   class GAEUploadedFile(UploadedFile):
       def __init__(self, field_name, file_name, content_type,
           self.__storage = UploadStorage(field_name, file_name,
   content_length, charset)

        def write(self, content):   # append
           self.size = len(self.__storage.content)



   On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Alexander Kojevnikov 

   alexan...@kojevnikov.com wrote:

 No, doesn't work. I got

 unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'BlobProperty' and 'str'

 Same as before.

Could you post here all related code, including the construction of a
Storage entity?
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[google-appengine] Re: How to append to BlobProperty

2009-01-26 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 No, doesn't work. I got

 unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'BlobProperty' and 'str'

 Same as before.

Could you post here all related code, including the construction of a
Storage entity?
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[google-appengine] Re: Django, including a file

2009-01-25 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Please post here your templates and also the app.yaml file, you can
use dpaste as @theillustratedlife has suggested.

On Jan 26, 8:27 am, Larry larry.ches...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I'm using the templates that are currently inbuilt into AppEngine (I'm
 not including Django myself). My folder structure has the parent and
 template in the root directory and also a copy of the template in /

 Would getting the latest Django be necessary? Or do I just need to
 tweak things?


 On Jan 24, 2:01 am, Alexander Kojevnikov alexan...@kojevnikov.com

   Has anyone got include working? I've been searching everywhere but
   find any simple examples of AppEngine including templates!

  {% include %} works for me, I'm using app-engine-patch.

  Which version of Django do you use? What is your folder structure,
  where the templates are kept (both the parent and the included one)?
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[google-appengine] Re: handling timezones - problem using sample code

2009-01-25 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Thanks,  but it still doesn't work. How do you convert the gae
 timestamp?  It doesn't understand astimezone.

'astimezone' is a method of datetime.datetime class. Which type is
your 'utc_time' variable? Could you post the code where it's
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[google-appengine] Re: handling timezones - problem using sample code

2009-01-24 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Replace 'datetime_module' with 'datetime' everywhere and add this line
on top of your Python file:

import datetime

On Jan 25, 12:18 pm, jones34 ljw1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm trying to use timezones in my app. I understand the GAE decided
 that this isn't something they really want to support well.  I'm
 trying to use the workaround suggested of creating my own timezone
 classes based on the  example code below from the GAE documentation.
 It doesn't run. The exception I get is:

 type 'exceptions.NameError': name 'datetime_module' is not defined

 Sorry I'm a python newbie, but what's missing?


 class Pacific_tzinfo(datetime_module.tzinfo):
  Implementation of the Pacific timezone.
  def utcoffset(self, dt):
    return datetime_module.timedelta(hours=-8) + self.dst(dt)

  def _FirstSunday(self, dt):
    First Sunday on or after dt.
    return dt + datetime_module.timedelta(days=(6-dt.weekday()))

  def dst(self, dt):
    # 2 am on the second Sunday in March
    dst_start = self._FirstSunday(datetime_module.datetime(dt.year, 3,
 8, 2))
    # 1 am on the first Sunday in November
    dst_end = self._FirstSunday(datetime_module.datetime(dt.year, 11,
 1, 1))

    if dst_start = dt.replace(tzinfo=None)  dst_end:
      return datetime_module.timedelta(hours=1)
      return datetime_module.timedelta(hours=0)

  def tzname(self, dt):
    if self.dst(dt) == datetime_module.timedelta(hours=0):
      return PST
      return PDT

 pacific_time = utc_time.astimezone(Pacific_tzinfo())
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[google-appengine] Re: Can I download my own script?

2009-01-24 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

See the first question in the Community FAQ:

On Jan 25, 3:53 pm, DaNmarner danmar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I accidentally deleted one of my script(using mv in linux) from my
 hard drive, and I don't have a copy of it. Is there anyway I can get
 it from App Engine? I can't upload any tools for it because that will
 delete it on the server!
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[google-appengine] Re: Django, including a file

2009-01-23 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Has anyone got include working? I've been searching everywhere but
 find any simple examples of AppEngine including templates!

{% include %} works for me, I'm using app-engine-patch.

Which version of Django do you use? What is your folder structure,
where the templates are kept (both the parent and the included one)?
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[google-appengine] Re: How to append to BlobProperty

2009-01-23 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

db.Blob is a subclass of str. Try this code:

class Storage(db.Model):
blob = db.BlobProperty()

def append(self, value):
self.blob += value

s = Storage()
s.blob = 'abc'

On Jan 24, 3:20 am, Will vocalster@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'd like to append a byte string to a db.BlobProperty, but can't figure out
 how. For example,

 class Storage(db.Model)
     blob = db.BlobProperty()

 def append(s, ext)
     s.blob += ext                # want something like this

 I've tried to construct a db.Blob, like this:
     tmp = db.Blob(s.blob)

 but failed because db.Blob's constructor only takes a str object.

 Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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[google-appengine] Re: No cell phone

2009-01-21 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 I want to sign up for Google app engine. I have no cell phone..
 How do I sign up without using cell phone number?

Fill out the SMS issues form:

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[google-appengine] Re: sanitizing user submitted HTML

2009-01-21 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

You can port this code [1] from C# to Python, shouldn't take long. The
code is used on the StackOverflow [2] website for exactly the same
purposes as yours.

[1] http://refactormycode.com/codes/333-sanitize-html
[2] http://stackoverflow.com/

On Jan 22, 9:47 am, Dave ddev...@gmail.com wrote:
 There must be an easy answer for this problem and I almost feel dumb
 for asking BUT I can't figure it out and have spent too much time
 trying. The scenerio is a comment/blog situation. I am using tinyMCE
 which is creating 'trustable' html. I can display this with django by
 using {{field|safe}}... all is good.

 The problem is some bozo will have their way with the textarea by
 turning of their javascript. So I'm trying to figure out best way to
 sanitize the data. The normal escaping of data won't work because it
 clobbers the 'good' html from tinyMCE. Anyway would be good to
 sanitize even the tinyMCE generated html.

 I've been looking at using html5 lib/parser but can't seem to get it
 to work. I've even gone through creating a replace method to escape
 everything and then put back the 'good' tags. However, that seems like
 a round-about way to go and get's really nasty when considering img,
 span, etc. tags tinyMCE creates so nicely. Surely many have come
 across this and there an easy answer.

 All suggestions and  recommendations are greatly appreciated.


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[google-appengine] Re: can't deploy index.yaml

2009-01-21 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

The indentation looks strange, do you use tabs? AFAIK tabs are not
allowed in yaml.

Try this:

- kind: Note
  - name: __searchable_text_index
  - name: create_date_time
direction: desc

On Jan 22, 1:34 pm, jones34 ljw1...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is the whole thing:

 - kind: Note
         - name: __searchable_text_index
         - name: create_date_time
             direction: desc


 # This index.yaml is automatically updated whenever the dev_appserver
 # detects that a new type of query is run.  If you want to manage the
 # index.yaml file manually, remove the above marker line (the line
 # saying # AUTOGENERATED).  If you want to manage some indexes
 # manually, move them above the marker line.  The index.yaml file is
 # automatically uploaded to the admin console when you next deploy
 # your application using appcfg.py.

 On Jan 21, 1:27 pm, Marzia Niccolai ma...@google.com wrote:


  Can you please post your entire index.yaml file?


  On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 10:23 AM, jones34 ljw1...@gmail.com wrote:

   i  do have the indexes line. that's not the problem.

   On Jan 21, 10:28 am, Geoffrey Spear geoffsp...@gmail.com wrote:
   Make sure you have an

   line before your mappings. 

   On Jan 21, 10:18 am, jones34 ljw1...@gmail.com wrote:

I keep getting this error

Cloning 3 application files.
Closing update.
Error parsing yaml file:
mapping values are not allowed here
  in /Users/ljw1001/journalist/index.yaml, line 3, column 15

when trying to upload a file like this:

- kind: Note
        - name: __searchable_text_index
        - name: create_date_time
            direction: desc
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[google-appengine] Re: 50% of requests to gae lost

2009-01-20 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

See the last question in the community FAQ:

On Jan 21, 8:59 am, ten_foot_ninja spitko...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using a Flash client to connect to GAE and am noticing about half
 of my requests seems to disappear. Looking at my app log I see the
 requests in question: - - [20/Jan/2009:13:37:56 -0800] POST /gae HTTP/1.1 200 0
 file:///C|/work/Projects/dev/appEngine/test/static/pyTest.swf -

 I noticed the 0 for message length (larger number when its working).

 I am using pyamf and am not sure if that can be responsible. Has
 anyone else run into this?
 This behavior has been consistent for a couple months now. It seems
 only occur when I first start a session, subsequent calls seem to
 mostly connect properly

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[google-appengine] Re: is gaeutilities sessions the only 3rd party session manager?

2009-01-20 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 can anyone recommend / mention a session manager other than the one in

app-engine-patch [1] supports Django sessions [2]

[1] http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/
[2] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/sessions/
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[google-appengine] Re: Fetch callback

2009-01-19 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Are you trying to run this from the SDK? If so, the SDK cannot serve
more than one request at a time.

A workaround is described in the documentation:

On Jan 19, 12:54 pm, ehmo disku...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys,
 i'm trying to do something like this

 class check(webapp.RequestHandler):

   def get(self):

     url = self.request.get('url')

 class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
   def get(self):

       url = http://google.com;
       query_args = {'url':url}

       check = urllib.urlencode(query_args)
       test = urlfetch.fetch('/check'+check)

 def main():
   application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler),('/check',check)],

 if __name__ == '__main__':

 but result is always

         raise InvalidURLError(str(e))
 InvalidURLError: ApplicationError: 1

 i can't find anything in docu about how to do something like this,
 maybe someone can help me? i'm preparing that check function for
 javascript ajax call, that's the reason why i'm using fetch for this.


  [who cares?]http://blog.synopsi.com
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[google-appengine] Re: Ancestor is performance

2009-01-19 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 The measured ms-cpu in the request logs comes out WAY smaller for
 the ANCESTOR IS query (roughly 3,000ms-cpu vs. 30,000 ms-cpu for
 1,000 entities, and roughly this same ratio for smaller queries)

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  Did I mess something up, or is
 there something from the documentation, or is it something else

From your second link:

  All entities in a group are stored in the same datastore node.

I guess this means that entities from the same group are stored close
to each other. When your query uses ANCESTOR IS, the query engine
can take advantage of this. Just a speculation though...
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[google-appengine] Re: Can't Sign In

2009-01-19 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Are you using a Google Apps email to sign in? If you are, you should
use this URL:

On Jan 20, 5:48 am, Matt matt.ra...@me.com wrote:

 For the past 4 hours or so, I haven't been able to sign into my Google
 App Engine account.

 After entering my Google Account information, this is all I get:

 Too many redirects occurred trying to open “http://
 appengine.google.com/”. This might occur if you open a page that is
 redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the
 original page.

 Any ideas?

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[google-appengine] Re: Having trouble with Django model.objects

2009-01-18 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Dave, I suggest that you give app-engine-patch [1] a try. It's the
same Django we all love, but uses GAE Models for datastore access.

You can use django.contrib.auth with it, in fact the patch has extra
support for user authentication, check out this [2] page.

If you include
'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware' to your
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, all your templates will have access to the
request.user variable. [3]

If you decide to stick to the webapp framework, you can define a base
handler class and add the user variable to the templates from its

[1] http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/
[2] http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/wiki/CustomUserModel

On Jan 18, 11:42 pm, Dave ddev...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks Waldemar, That explains it and I fell back on using 'native'
 GAE. I'm still learning what to use from Django and when to use
 'native' GAE.

 A follow up question I have is how to add a nickname to the user
 model. I've spent a lot of time searching/thinking/tinkering how to do
 this and keep ending up with problems. What I really want to
 accomplish is to have a nickname for a user available in all views/
 templates. The user case is to enable folks to change their nickname
 at will without changing their username/login creds(also it will be
 possible to have multiple users with the same nickname which is fairly
 important for my user base).

 I have created a UserProfile, with back reference to user model and
 can successfully use my_user = user.get_profile() and then access the
 nickname via my_user.nickname. Works ok for use in views.

 However, I want to be able to show the nickname when using queries w/
 collections in templates as one can use request.user.username in views
 and user.username in templates(i.e. user.nickname). I've looked at use
 a custom context processor for this but wondering if that is the best/
 most scalable/preferred method for doing so.

 Ideally it would work such as:

     {% for user in users %}
           {{user.nickname}} {{user.email}} ***user.email,
 user.username, etc. already work via django.auth
     {% endfor %}

 when using a query such as users = user.connections.filter('user =',

 Any guidance, suggestions, recommendations is appreciated.

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[google-appengine] Re: Fetch timeout

2009-01-18 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Star this issue:

On Jan 19, 10:17 am, ehmo disku...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is any chance to get bigger timeout? I'm working on one little
 service, where i need check a site and get his title. However it's
 impossible, because it's not always fast and i need like 10-15 seconds
 to get data from it. Fetch is always timeouting this connection and
 any repeating of this is not helping.
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[google-appengine] Re: How to get url from fetchurl?

2009-01-17 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 I want to know actual url, where i'm via fetchurl. Something like
 geturl in urllib2.

 for example if i've follow_redirects=True, then i want to know which
 url is the ending one.

The corresponding issue 404 [1] is fixed however I don't see how we
can retrieve the final URL. The headers property of the Response
object that urlfetch.fetch() returns doesn't have it.

Should the issue 404 be re-opened?

[1] http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=404

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[google-appengine] Re: WYSIWYG Editor for App Engine

2009-01-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

The thing is, there's no substitute for a solid html/css knowledge. No
visual html editor, and there are lots of them floating around, will
produce a consistently valid and cross-browser compatible mark-up.

Your best bet is to learn the basics, or to hire someone else to do
the job.

On Jan 15, 6:05 pm, Ashu mehta.apu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, so I am writing my application in
 1) Python
 2) Using the Default WebApp Framework (app engine).
 3) Initially used Notepad++ (also configured Eclipse IDE) as the

 I also downloaded a free html template from the web and currently
 using that to display my data/content. However, I also need to
 customize some of the pages to take user input(aka add HTML Form
 elements). I did add them up, but it kind of screws up the look and
 feel of the page. I am still trying to work with CSS/HTML. So, I was
 wondering if there was a Visual Tool/plugin that I could use to design
 my pages by drag/drop and then connect it with my Python code.

 On Jan 13, 3:54 am, Roberto Saccon rsac...@gmail.com wrote:

  there are tools and plugins for everything available on the Internet.
  Make your question more precise. Is the editor for natural language or
  programming language (which one) ? If the later is the case, I
  recommend CodeMirror, it has pluggable parsers, is framework
  independent and if you look at the source code, it is one of the most
  amazing pieces of JavaScript I have seen in the last years (and it is
  also used at Google, but I forgot which project)


  On Jan 13, 7:21 am, Ashu mehta.apu...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have coded up the necessary logic, but now I am stuck trying to come
   with a descent looking Form to take input from the user. Are there any
   plugins or tools available to get the HTML part coded with ease.

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[google-appengine] Re: How can I login with my Team Edition account through create_login_url

2009-01-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

When you create an App Engine account, you have an option to restrict
access to your app only for the members of a certain Google Apps

As far as I know you cannot have both the Google accounts and the
Google Apps accounts to authenticate on the same app, you also cannot
edit the authentication settings after the App Engine account is

On Jan 15, 9:59 pm, himoji tets...@mvc.biglobe.ne.jp wrote:
 I have Team Edition account with my company's domain additional to the
 account I'm using to post this question.
 I want to access Calendar data using Team Edition account through
 Calendar Data API.

 I'm trying feedfetcher example.
 However, when I tried to login through create_login_url page, it was
 failed saying Username and password do not match..

 Of course, I can login through the domain's login 

 Is it possible to login with Team Edition account through
 create_login_url page?
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[google-appengine] Re: Looking for help to finish a new model to catch datastore timeouts

2009-01-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Oh ok.. so it is possible to catch that. It's datastore.Timeout and
 not db.Timeout, right? I was confused because when I see it in the
 logs I saw: raise _ToDatastoreError(err), so I wasn't sure how to
 catch it since that exception covers pretty much any issue with
 writing to the datastore, not just timeouts.

Actually google.appengine.ext.db.Timeout and
google.appengine.api.datastore_errors.Timeout is the same class, check
google/appengine/ext/db/__init__.py, line 105.

db.Timeout is documented here [1], the one from datastore_errors is
not a part of documented public API and thus can change. It's safer to
use db.Timeout in your code.

[1] http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/exceptions.html

 (Sorry, I didn't start using python until I started using
 appengine, so still learning here)

Neither did I :) You can skim through the chapter of the tutorial that
covers exceptions, it's pretty short and very well written:

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[google-appengine] Re: Ideas for hands-on AppEngine demo?

2009-01-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

You can also host a Hackathon In a Box, Google provides all
presentation materials for these events:

On Jan 16, 6:28 am, Faber Fedor faberfe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi guys,

 The New York City Cloud Computing
 Grouphttp://www.meetup.com/nyccloudcomputing/has asked me to put on
 a presentation about AppEngine for next month's
 meeting.  A couple of people have asked for it to be hands on meaning they
 would like to put together an actual Appengine app.

 Does anyone have an idea for a simple but impressive app we can put
 together?  The crowd is pretty evenly split amongst tech types and business
 types, although I expect mostly tech types at my presentation.

 Also, I think actually putting the code up on AppEngine is going to be a bit
 of pain because of the registration issue, so I'm NOT planning on doing
 that.  Do y'all agree with my thought on that?

 Any other thoughts?


 Faber Fedor
 Cloud Computing New Jerseyhttp://cloudcomputingnj.com
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[google-appengine] Re: How to match in query?

2009-01-15 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 I am messing with google app engine queries being very new to it
 how can we match a string with __key__
 'SELECT * FROM Person WHERE __key__=:bkey', bkey=str(value)
 This query is not working
 What is wrong with this?

You need to pass an instance of db.Key class as a parameter.

Is 'value' a string representation of the key? If so, the code will
look like this:

query = db.GqlQuery('SELECT * FROM Person '
'WHERE __key__ = :bkey',

See also 
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[google-appengine] Re: Looking for help to finish a new model to catch datastore timeouts

2009-01-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov


You can try this code:

def put(self):
count = 0
while True:
return db.Model.put(self)
count += 1
if count == 3:


On Jan 15, 4:09 am, bowman.jos...@gmail.com
bowman.jos...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the basics, which are posted below. However, this is where I'm
 realizing I'm still very new at learning python. What I'd like to do
 it only catch the timeout error for the retries, and at the end of the
 retries go ahead and return the timeout error, as if it's failed 3
 times, I'm going to assume it will keep failing and it's up to the
 application to handle that.

 class ROTModel(db.Model):
     Retry On Timeout Model. This model exists to override the put
 method of
     db.Model in order to retry the put operation when a timeout error
 is encountered.
     def put(self):
         count = 0
         while count  3:
                 return db.Model.put(self)
                 count += 1
             raise datastore._ToDatastoreError()
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[google-appengine] Re: GAE + Facebook = DownloadError: ApplicationError: 2

2009-01-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 What would the try/catch look like to catch this specific error (and
 not all errors)?

response = urlfetch.fetch(url)
except urlfetch.DownloadError:
# process the error
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[google-appengine] Re: N x Model.get(key) vs. Model.get([key1, ... keyN])

2009-01-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 What is the performance difference we should expect (if any) between:

 1. N x Model.get(key)
 i.e. making N calls to Model.get with various keys


 2. Model.get([key1, ... keyN])
 i.e. making a single call to Model.get with an array of N keys

 I'm trying to optimize out some CPU warnings.  Will changing #1 into
 #2 make a difference?

In my experience #2 is significantly faster, definitely try it out.
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[google-appengine] Re: Looking for help to finish a new model to catch datastore timeouts

2009-01-14 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Is there any way to catch the timeout error specifically? That way it
 doesn't bother to retry if something else is the problem.

Sure, just replace except with except db.Timeout
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[google-appengine] Re: How to print it?

2009-01-13 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

  Hi all
  For a data model class say
  Person with certain fields,
  how can i access the unique numeric ID field associated with each
  entity in query?
  I use
  persons=db.GqlQuery('SELECT __key__ FROM Person')
  for p in persons:
    self.response.out.write(how to print the ID field here)


You should also replace 'SELECT __key__' with 'SELECT *' in your GQL,
you cannot select individual properties.

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[google-appengine] Re: How to upload APP through an *proxy server with basic authentication* .

2009-01-12 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Try replacing

  SET HTTP_PROXY = 202:141:80:22:3128



On Jan 12, 10:59 pm, ramu rslet...@gmail.com wrote:
 No replies yet...

 On Jan 11, 5:45 am, ramu rslet...@gmail.com wrote:

  Dear Google App Engine Developer ,

  I am halfway completing my real app but can't get a way to upload this
  basic learning hello world app. Please Help Me. I am ataching the
  error logs as screen shoot.

  Thanks in advance.

  Error :

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[google-appengine] Re: typical scenario

2009-01-12 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Try adding an empty __init__.py file into your DB folder. This marks
the DB folder as a 'package' and allows you to import modules from it.
More info at:

On Jan 13, 2:09 am, arnie parvez...@rediffmail.com wrote:
 Hi all
 I have three folders

 First two folders contains one WSGI app [no UI] each. The last folder
 contains a datta model [2 tables with 1- to Many relationship]
 Each WSGI app accesses the data model in DB folder. My problem is that
 If I place the data model file in DB folder then none of the wsgi app
 is able to locate it. If I copy the datamodel file in each of the wsgi
 folder, it works
 My urgent requirement is to access the data model file in DB folder?
 What should I do?
 All the three folders are in C:\APP\
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[google-appengine] Re: Verification - what format will be accepted

2009-01-12 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

This format worked for me: +61 4xx xxx xxx

It looks like you are including a leading '0' after the country code,
try removing it.

See also this thread: http://is.gd/fBro

On Jan 12, 10:02 pm, bannerdyne derek.new...@bannerdyne.com wrote:

 I am using a supported carrier in Australia. I cannot get my mobile
 number to be accepted.

 The message I get is:

 There were errors:     * Mobile Number or Username

 Is there a special format I need to use?

 This is the format I am using. Any help would be appreciated.

 61  000 000

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[google-appengine] Re: Phone number verification error - Australia

2009-01-12 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

See http://is.gd/fBsX

On Jan 12, 11:58 pm, bannerdyne derek.new...@bannerdyne.com wrote:

 I am using a supported Australian carrier but am getting the following
 error when I try to verify.

 There were errors: * Mobile Number or Username

 I am using the following format 61  000 000. I have tried removing
 spaces, adding + symbol.

 Can you please tell me what the format for an Australian number should

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[google-appengine] Re: What is the fastest way to check if an item is in the datastore?

2009-01-12 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Is there a faster/better way? Do I need to do anything with indexes to
 make this query better?

You can replace fetch(1) with get(), which is essentially the same.
Other than that, if you know your entity's id/key_name, it's slightly
faster to fetch it using get_by_id() or get_by_key_name().
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[google-appengine] Re: Retrieving latest revision of a document

2009-01-12 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

The first variant is faster while the second one requires less
maintenance if you rename your documents a lot. Both will do the job.

I'd use the first, de-normalised model unless you normally have a lot
of revisions per document, modify the common document meta-data quite
often, and the meta-data itself is large (in terms of the number of
bytes or the number of properties stored).

On Jan 13, 10:33 am, Ecir Hana ecir.h...@gmail.com wrote:
 what is the preferred way of retrieving the latest revision of a
 (The 'name' doesn't change across the revisions.)

 class Document(db.Model):
   name = db.StringProperty()
   revision = db.IntegerProperty()
   content = db.TextProperty()

 latest = Document.all().filter('name =', some_name).order('-

 class Document(db.Model):
   name = db.StringProperty()

 class Revision(db.Model):
   document = db.ReferenceProperty(Document,
   revision = db.IntegerProperty()
   content = db.TextProperty()

 document = Document.all().filter('name =', some_name).get()
 latest = document.revisions.order('-revision').get() [1]

 something different altogether?

 [1] Is it ok to call .get() for the second time?

 Thanks in advance!
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[google-appengine] Re: BadRequestError: offset may not be above 4000

2009-01-11 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

The offset is applied _after_ the query is executed and the entities
are fetched. Re-read the Executing the Query and Accessing Results
section from 

So, using offset to go through all your entities is not a good idea.
You should use a __key__ query instead. Read the Queries on Keys
section from 
for details, it even has a complete code sample.

Hope this helps.


On Jan 12, 4:12 am, wsstefan wsste...@gmail.com wrote:
 I wrote a cronjob that goes through and recalculates my members' ranks
 10 at a time using the the following request:

 profiles = Profile.all().order('-score').fetch(10, offset)

 for profile in profiles:
   # calculate rank

 but once I get to an offset of more than 4000 I get this:

 BadRequestError: offset may not be above 4000

 Google Team:  Why is this limit applied?  Otherwise I have to
 construct a seemingly less efficient query like this:

 mod_rank = int(offset % interval)
 profiles = Profile.all().filter('score ', rank_score).order('-
 score').fetch(10, mod_rank)
 if offset % interval == 0:
   memcache.set('rank_score', profile.score)
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[google-appengine] Re: How can I edit Entity by query use key.id?

2009-01-11 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Step 2:

entity = Note.get_by_id(id)

which is actually a shortcut for:

entity = Note.get(db.Key.from_path('Note', id))

or, if you insist on using GQL:

entity = Note.gql('WHERE __key__ = :1',
  db.Key.from_path('Note', id)).get()

...but it's less efficient.

Step 3:

entity.column = my_value

You don't have to iterate on query results if you expect to get
exactly one entity.

Hope this helps.


On Jan 11, 5:16 pm, BigMouth Li jsonic1...@gmail.com wrote:

 In PHP:
 get the id likehttp://...?id=2,and:
 mysql_query(update Note set coulm='value' where id='$_GET[id]')

 In Google app engine:
 step 1:
 id=int(self.request.get('id')) #get ID

 step 2: (does not work!)
 query = db.GqlQuery(SELECT * FROM Note WHERE key = :1, id) #get
 Entity by 'GET method ID'?

 step 3:
 for c in query:
    c.colum = self.request.get('value')

 Is anyone help me? Thanks a lot!
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[google-appengine] Re: Admin interface that let's me enter dummy data

2009-01-09 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Thanks for the response. I just dont see a reason why Google can't
 allow dummy data to be entered via the built in admin interface. If it
 can create forms when there is data, why cant it create forms without

I guess the main reason is that the datastore is schema-less, the
models can and will change at runtime. Also, the model classes can be
defined and re-defined in any module of the project, I guess it's a
non-trivial task to figure out what the final model definition would
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[google-appengine] Re: Google App Engine Platform

2009-01-09 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 What if I want to move away from GAE later.. can I host django,
 web.py, or webapp frameworks myself? (Does my question make sense?)

Check out this article:
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[google-appengine] Re: Autogenerated indexes being cached?

2009-01-08 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Try removing the database access history file, then restarting the
development server. The file is called dev_appserver.datastore.history
and located in the tmp directory.

The development server auto-generates the indices based on the history
file, even if you don't run the corresponding queries after cleaning
up index.yaml

Hope this helps.


On Jan 9, 4:57 am, Ryan W rwilli...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm working to tune my indexes.  I noticed a lot of unused indexes, so
 I removed everything from my index.yaml and then added back one by one
 while running the application locally with the dev_appserver.py --
 require_indexes command.  Everything was working good, so I went
 ahead and ran the index vacuum for the production site.  All was good
 there too.

 But, now when I run the app locally with the GoogleAppEngineLauncher
 app, not using the --require_indexes flag, it keeps adding back some
 autogenerated indexes that aren't used.  How do I know they aren't
 used?  Because the app will run without them with the --
 require_indexes flag, and because the counts of the has been used x
 times are not being incremented.

 I've tried restarting the app, removing the app altogether from
 GoogleAppEngineLauncher, then adding back.  It still keeps adding
 these indexes though.  Is there a cache somewhere that can reset?
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[google-appengine] Re: Is the Datastore just too slow for 100+ returned records?

2009-01-08 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Looking at it more deeply every 20th one takes a long time. I assume
 that's the data fetch.

I guess you are iterating over a Query or GqlQuery object to get the
entities? This explains explain why every 20th iteration. From
http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/queryclass.html :

  The iterator retrieves results from the datastore in small batches,
allowing for the app to stop iterating on results to avoid fetching
more than is needed.

If you know beforehand how many entities you need, try using the fetch
() method and iterate over an array of entities it returns.

This may be a bit faster, but still, your problem is the size of your
entities and their number. Try reducing either or both of them.

Dan and boson already covered the size part, regarding the number, do
you really need 500 entities at once? Unless you are going to
calculate some aggregate values, your users won't be able to digest so
much information on a page.

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[google-appengine] Re: Admin interface that let's me enter dummy data

2009-01-08 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

You can include the 'shell' application from the official appengine
samples with your app, and add/edit/delete the entities from Python

Source: http://code.google.com/p/google-app-engine-samples/downloads/list
Demo: http://shell.appspot.com/

Don't forget to restrict access to shell, e.g. only to the app admins.


On Jan 9, 3:54 pm, adelevie adele...@gmail.com wrote:
 I really like GAE's admin interface save for one thing: it doesnt let
 me enter dummy data--it says I must do it programmatically. While I'm
 sure there is some legitimate reason for this, I still would like an
 automated set of forms generated from my existing models. Is anyone
 else in the same boat as me? Right now I'm stuck manually creating a
 form class and url for each models--quite messy. Are there any clever
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[google-appengine] Re: Not able to signup for appengine

2009-01-05 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Fill out the SMS issues form:

On Jan 6, 4:31 am, manish deora manish.de...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I am trying to create a sample application using google app engine.but it
 seems i just got stuck at a point, where i am not able to verify my account
 since i did not get the confirmation message on mobile.And now i get the
 error message You have sent too many messages.

 My info is

 email: manish.de...@gmail.com

 mobile : +91 9322776373

 Any help is apperiecated.
 Manish Deora
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[google-appengine] Re: 500 Error on deploy

2009-01-03 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

There's a limit on the number of app updates per day:

On Jan 4, 5:48 pm, Bobby bobbysoa...@gmail.com wrote:
 In the app's dashboard it tells me that i'm exceeding a quota:
 Your application is exceeding a quota: App Config Service Config App
 Call Count

 But on the quota details page it shows everything is ok. Does anyone
 have any insight on what's going on? If not i guess i have to wait
 until the quotas reset in an hour so.


 On Jan 4, 1:35 am, Bobby bobbysoa...@gmail.com wrote:

  Am i the only one right now who's getting a 500 Error on deploy?

  Cloning 154 static files.
  Cloned 100 files.
  Cloning 370 application files.
  Cloned 100 files.
  Cloned 200 files.
  Cloned 300 files.
  2009-01-04 01:33:38,578 INFO appcfg.py:1209 Files to upload: {'feeds/
  feeds.py': '3d018dd2_f1e9a617_f12dfc55_93f0fcb2_192d0d69'}
  Uploading 1 files.
  2009-01-04 01:33:38,578 INFO appcfg.py:1318 Uploading file 'feeds/
  Closing update.
  2009-01-04 01:33:40,266 ERROR appcfg.py:1334 An unexpected error
  occurred. Aborting.
  Rolling back the update.
  Error 500: --- begin server output ---

  Server Error (500)
  A server error has occurred.
  --- end server output ---
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[google-appengine] Re: Newbie Help needed - Administration Interface broken?

2009-01-02 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Do you use a Google Apps email? Try logging in with this URL:

On Jan 2, 2:04 pm, fiXedd jer...@fixedd.com wrote:
 I created a new app and it isn't showing up. Every time I go to
 appengine.google.com it asks me to create a new project... even after
 I've created several. However, if I try and upload my app (using one
 of the names I created) it works fine and is available @

 Can anyone help?

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[google-appengine] Re: Timeouts

2009-01-02 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 My application is getting a very high number of data store timeouts.

 Is there an unreported issue going on right now?

The status monitor doesn't show anything unusual:

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[google-appengine] Re: Adding property to a Model

2009-01-02 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 I can insert new rows fine, and see them in the Development server
 datastore viewer. But when I try to access the new property contains
 NoneType: None.

You can assign a default value to the property, it will be used when
an entity has no value for the property:

  boat = db.StringProperty(default='my default value')

 How can I force the Datastore to add this new property without having
 to delete all the old data and re-add?

You don't have to re-create your entities, if you want you can iterate
through them and update the property value:

  entity.boat = 'my default value'

If you have many entities, you will have to do the update in multiple
requests, probably using the __key__ index to properly iterate over
all of them. But before doing this, consider using the 'default'
parameter first, it's much easier.
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[google-appengine] Re: Does SDK datastore data upload with appcfg.py?

2009-01-02 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Pardon what should be an obvious question, but I have been unable to
 find a simple declarative answer.  Is the development data in the dev
 server datastore uploaded by appcfg.py?

No, to upload the data you will need to use the bulk data uploader or
 * http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/bulkload.html
 * http://aralbalkan.com/1837

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[google-appengine] Re: Newbie - Lost my code question

2009-01-01 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 I only just started with this last night and wrote a small amount of
 code and then lost my hard-disk!

 Is there a way that I can get back the code that I have deployed to
 google apps? I can't see anything in the admin console.

See the first question in the App Engine Community FAQ:

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[google-appengine] Re: How to query through multiple models?

2009-01-01 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 What query would return all parents with children named 'Joe'?

De-normalise! Add a StringListProperty to the Parent, and update it
with all children of that parent. You can then query the parents

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[google-appengine] Re: How to query through multiple models?

2009-01-01 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

It will certainly work though it's not as efficient as querying de-
normalised parents. You can try this approach first and if it's not
fast enough for your app, you can always de-normalise later.

On Jan 2, 2:59 pm, Tiago S. tsera...@gmail.com wrote:
 I´m facing the exactly same problem. I thought about querying all(with
 a fetch(100), in my case) the children with name 'Joe', and then put
 all the parent keys in a list(with a list comprehension, maybe). With
 all the keys, query the Parent using Parent.get(list).

 Is this acceptable or the de-normalization is the way to go in this

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[google-appengine] Re: Model field value choices - can the list be generated dynamically?

2008-12-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

  your suggestions to override methods worked a treat. Overriding at the
  Model level suits me very well as it gives me flexibility. One final
  question (I hope): what is the difference in overriding the
  __unicode__ and __str__ methods?

 Unless you're actually dealing with Unicode text, there won't be any
 practical difference. Check the Python docs for the full story.


David is absolutely correct, you can use either of them. I suggest to
always use the __unicode__ method unless you have a very good reason
to use __str__.

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[google-appengine] Re: Money sum formating

2008-12-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

Which version of Django do you use? Could you also post the full stack

On Dec 29, 5:24 am, Shay Ben Dov shay.ben...@gmail.com wrote:

 I tried what you suggested and this is what I got:

 type 'exceptions.EnvironmentError': Environment variable
       args = ('Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is
       errno = None
       filename = None
       message = 'Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is
       strerror = None

 Every help is necessary.


 Shay Ben Dov

 On Dec 26, 8:45 am, Alexander Kojevnikov alexan...@kojevnikov.com

  Shay, you can try this code:

  import locale
  from django import template

  register = template.Library()

  def currency(value):
      locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
      return locale.currency(value, grouping=True)

  Also, in your template you should add this line near the top:

  {% load filters %}

  Let me know if this doesn't work.


  On Dec 26, 5:35 pm,ShayBen Dov shay.ben...@gmail.com wrote:

   Alex Hi,

   if I want to use something like:


   where do I put your input about import locale

   because I saw this snippet

   from django import template
   import locale
   locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
   register = template.Library()

   def currency(value):
       return locale.currency(value, grouping=True)

   and it doesn't work.

   I'm new to GAE stuff and it seems to me a lot of trouble to format for

   we should have a filter like {{sum|currency}} where we can change the
   currency symbol like it is done in other languages.

   or in short how I use you tip.

   Happy New Year


   On Dec 25, 12:49 am, Alexander Kojevnikov alexan...@kojevnikov.com

You can also use the standard locale module:

 import locale
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
 locale.format('%.2f', 1234.5678, True)


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[google-appengine] Re: Money sum formating

2008-12-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

 Forget currency

 How I inset comma in:

 {{ total_in|floatformat:2 }}

 to get : 32,525.75 for example

You can use this filter:

def comma(value):
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
return locale.format('%.2f', 1234.5678, True)

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[google-appengine] Re: Access entity properties dynamically (like introspection)

2008-12-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

You should not rely on the implementation details, they can change and
break your code.

The Model class has a properties() method:

To access the values of the properties you can use this code:

for prop in obj.properties():
value = getattr(entity, prop)


On Dec 29, 8:21 am, boson dan.kam...@gmail.com wrote:
 Say I have:

 class MyClass(db.Model):
   foo1 = db.IntegerProperty()
   foo2 = db.IntegerProperty()
   foo3 = db.IntegerProperty()

 obj = MyClass(foo1=100, foo2=200, foo3=300)

 I want to loop over foo values.  I found that I can do:

 for x in [1, 2, 3]:
   print obj.__dict__['_foo%d' % x]

 Is this bad / subject to break?
 Is there a better way to do this?
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[google-appengine] Re: Using other python files with my app; importing

2008-12-28 Thread Alexander Kojevnikov

I suggest you to skim through the part of the tutorial that explains
modules and packages:

On Dec 29, 9:18 am, MajorProgamming sefira...@gmail.com wrote:
 This may be more of a general python question, but what's the best way
 of using many different .py files and importing one into another. For
 example, suppose I want to have one main.py and have a separate file
 that contains like 15 functions which are needed in main.py. First of
 all, what  do I have to include in the function.py file? and secondly,
 what do I have to include in the main.py file?
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