Re: GWT-Gadget same-origin security restriction

2008-09-23 Thread joseanquiles

Thank you Eric.
However, I am not using RPC, I am using RequestBuilder to invoke Web
Is it possible to use RequestBuilder in a similar way?
Thank you in advance.
Jose Antonio

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Getting continued feedback on the state of a RPC call

2008-09-23 Thread Palietta

Hi all,

I have a GWT application which uses a remote service that does some
complex, and potentially long work. However, I don't want to hold the
user unaware of the status of their request for too long. So I would
like a way for the client app to receive frequent information on the
service status, which would be posted to the UI in real time.

I've unsuccessfully tried the following way:

The client makes a call to the remote service, which starts doing its
The service itself, in turn, modifies some state variable during the
course of its computation.
So I created a client-side Timer which, every second, polls another
remote service that simply returns this state variable. This timer is
started right before the main service is called, and is halted after
the service returns.

Being these calls asynchronous, this method didn't work. All scheduled
Timer calls returned after the main service altogether.

I know it might be a dumb question, but it would really be helpful for
me to be able to provide the user with continued feedback on the state
of the service they called.

Thank You
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JavaScript error only in Hosted Mode

2008-09-23 Thread psycotica0

I've run into something that I think is a limitation in the GWT hosted
mode browser.

In javascript includes, it seems that they don't have the Window
object defined.

I included a javascript file (By putting a script tag in the gwt.xml),
let's say Test.js, and wrote the following into it:

function T(f) {
  f instanceof Window;

and then in a JSNI method called $wnd.T(something)
This throws the error in GWT Can't find variable: Window.

The same setup seems to work in Firefox. I haven't been able to test
the exact same circumstances in Firefox, because the errors in Hosted
Mode stop me from being able to compile and browse in something else,
but a simple HTML file and js include seems to work in Firefox.

If I've misunderstood something, that would be great.

Any help would be appreciated.

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GWT compiler for HPUX

2008-09-23 Thread Aryan

Does GWT compile exist for HPUX? I rquire GWT compile for HPUX for
supporting runtime compilation when my GWT application is deployed in
HPUX machine

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Moving values

2008-09-23 Thread baalu aanand


I am new for using the GWT. Now i am working with Mail
application. I am doing some alteration in that. I altered the Task
tab at lefthand side. I have placed one textfield and button in that
tab. When I give any values in the textfield and select the button
means, that text box value should come below the trash in Mail tab at
right hand side.

  I have tried it many ways, the values are reaching the Mail tab, but
it not placing below the trash. Then all the calls are ajax call. I
don't know how to call one HTML page from my current HTML page.

 I need help for this. Kindly help me.


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gwt call from ,java to php web service

2008-09-23 Thread cloclo

Hi everybody,

   I'd love to be able to call a PHP web service from gwt tool

   Ususally it's rather easy to call  from java a PHP web webservice.

 import org.apache.axis.client.*;

Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();

... etc

But the gwt compiler don't accept that: the error message  is:

-start message--

Removing units with errors
   [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
  [ERROR] Line 59: No source code is available for type
org.apache.axis.client.Service; did you forget to inherit a required
Computing all possible rebind results for
   Rebinding org.yournamehere.client.MainEntryPoint
  Checking rule generate-with
 [ERROR] Unable to find type
[ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
type unavailable
[ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
be adding its source path entries properly
[ERROR] Build failed

--stop message-

Does anybody now what the gwt is expexcted for or does anybody be able
to show me a link to sample code doing that?

   a call from java gwt's generated code to a php web service.

Thank you for any help or suggestion.


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Re: GWT with AXIS

2008-09-23 Thread cloclo


I'm trying to do more or less the same stuff. The problem is how to
make the GWT able to translate a simple call like this:

  import org.apache.axis.client.*;

  Service service = new Service();
  Call call = (Call) service.createCall();

When I try to build this from inside the NetBeans IDE 6.1 the folowing
message occurs:

Removing units with errors
   [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
  [ERROR] Line 59: No source code is available for type
org.apache.axis.client.Service; did you forget to inherit a required
Computing all possible rebind results for
   Rebinding org.yournamehere.client.MainEntryPoint
  Checking rule generate-with
 [ERROR] Unable to find type
[ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
type unavailable
[ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
be adding its source path entries properly
[ERROR] Build failed


The aim (that runs perfectly as an applet) is to contact a PHP web
Could you help me about this stuff?

NB: I inherits those stuffs:

inherits /

Thank you.

On Jul 25, 7:30 pm, Tom Hjellming [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Are you sure you don't have a client java file that is trying to
 import a server class?  It's ok for a server class to import a
 client class but not the other way.

 Also, the client in the apache axis package path is not the same as
 the client in your GWT-based source code.  If you have a client GWT
 java class importing org.apache.axis.client.*, then that is the problem.

 Can you show us the import sections of your client java files?


 Tereno wrote:
  Yes pretty much.

  It's like what you guys said, the server code is being dragged into
  the GWT compiler and is probably being compiled into JavaScript. How
  do I structure it such that it's not this way? They are already in
  different packages.

  On Jul 24, 3:45 pm, Tom Hjellming [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Are you getting the  No source code for org.apache.axis.client error
  in the compilation of MyServiceImpl or for your interface files?


  Tereno wrote:

  Well I followed the way they showed in the example with the 2
  interfaces and the implementation. I placed the Axis service creation
  calls in the implementation and that's how I got those errors. Here's
  my code:

  import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
  import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
  import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

  public class MyServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
  public String myString(String s) {
  Service service = new Service();
  try {
  Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
  String endpoint = 
  call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(endpoint));
  call.setOperationName( new QName(getResource));
  String input = 0001;
  String answer = (String) call.invoke(new Object[] 
  return answer;
  catch (Exception e)
  return Error -  + e.getMessage();
  //return Received + s;


  On Jul 24, 1:44 pm, Tom Hjellming [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  My GWT app makes Axis/SOAP calls from the server side without any
  problems.  I just include the appropriate jar files into the Eclipse

  The inherits message makes me wonder if you have axis imports or calls
  inside client code though.


  Tereno wrote:

  Hi there,

  So I'm trying to communicate with my SOAP service. I read from
  somewhere that one way would be to make an RPC call to the server and
  use the server to make the SOAP call. I attempted to do that but my
  problem is that while my code compiles in Eclipse with the Axis
  libraries, I get No source code for org.apache.axis.client type
  errors where they ask if I forgot to inherit a required model. I am
  wondering how would I overcome this. The library is in my classpath as
  well as my buildpath so I'm not too sure how to rectify this.

  An example of how to make a service call from the server to the SOAP
  service would help as well as I'm fairly new to 

Possible to split GWT application in seperate WAR files?

2008-09-23 Thread cschoett


i have a question related to packaging a larger business application.
I am building a GWT application that contains two parts, a generic
part and a customer specific part that will be changed for every
customer. Both parts depend on each other and shall be integrated into
one big application.
A major requirement is that the generic part shall be developed and
deployable independently from the customer specific part. If we for
example discover a bug or add features to the generic part we want to
deliver an archive (WAR file) to the customer without touching the
customer specific part (in some cases we even won't have access to the
customer specific part.

As far as I know so far, it is possible to create two seperate modules
where the customer specific modules inherits the generic module. So I
have an idependance at source level. But when I compile the customer
specific module, both modules are compiled into one folder. Is it
possible to separate the two modules and package them into separate
WAR files? Is there any other way to integrate two modules so that the
can be developed and deployed independently?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

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Possible to split GWT application in seperate WAR files?

2008-09-23 Thread cschoett


i have a question related to packaging a larger business application.
I am building a GWT application that contains two parts, a generic
part and a customer specific part that will be changed for every
customer. Both parts depend on each other and shall be integrated into
one big application.
A major requirement is that the generic part shall be developed and
deployable independently from the customer specific part. If we for
example discover a bug or add features to the generic part we want to
deliver an archive (WAR file) to the customer without touching the
customer specific part (in some cases we even won't have access to the
customer specific part.

As far as I know so far, it is possible to create two seperate modules
where the customer specific modules inherits the generic module. So I
have an idependance at source level. But when I compile the customer
specific module, both modules are compiled into one folder. Is it
possible to separate the two modules and package them into separate
WAR files? Is there any other way to integrate two modules so that the
can be developed and deployed independently?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

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Problem with CSS and caching

2008-09-23 Thread p4r1tyb1t

We are currently using GWT for a medium size project. Currently we are
facing couple of issues one issue has to deal with CSS cache, when our
Interface developer team try to debug a certain CSS issue and they
modify the CSS on deployed war, they don't see the result of changes
right away rather it takes few minutes to see the result. My question
is does GWT has some sort of cache mechanism?

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-~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- problems

2008-09-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm new to gwt.  I am drawing an arc with this canvas.  When i render
my app using the google development shell, everything shows properly.
Only when i view the html in a browser(ie, firefox, and chrome) the
arc does not show up.  The rectangles and lines that I have drawn
using the canvas element works fine, but the arc is not showing.  I've
searched for similiar problems, but I haven't found anything.  Any one
have any solutions??  It would be greatly appreciated.

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2008-09-23 Thread Nathan Jeffery

Hi there,

i am having difficulty in downloading the app.

i have tried quite a few times and have even tried using different
browsers, but the download always seems to stop and about 4Mb...

any suggestions?



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Opening and Loading a GWT Module from another module

2008-09-23 Thread Halabe

Hi All,

Does anyone know how can I open and reload a GWT module from another
module in a new Window??

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call a PHP web service from gwt toollibrary

2008-09-23 Thread cloclo

Hi everybody, I'd love to be able to call a PHP web service from gwt

Ususally it's rather easy to call from java a PHP web webservice.

...import org.apache.axis.client.*;

Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); ... etc

But the gwt compiler does't accept that: the error message is:

-start message--

Removing units with errors
   [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
  [ERROR] Line 59: No source code is available for type
org.apache.axis.client.Service; did you forget to inherit a required
Computing all possible rebind results for
   Rebinding org.yournamehere.client.MainEntryPoint
  Checking rule generate-with
 [ERROR] Unable to find type
[ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
type unavailable
[ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
be adding its source path entries properly
[ERROR] Build failed

--stop message-

Does anybody knows what the gwt is expexcted for or does anybody be
able to show me a link to sample code doing that?

   - a call from java gwt's generated code to a php web service.

Thank you for any help or suggestion.

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Re: GWT spring integration

2008-09-23 Thread Martyn

A not very sophisticated solution, but doesn't need much explanation
and gets you debugging how you want is a simple proxy servlet for each
Spring managed bean, like so:

public class PortfolioServiceProxyServlet extends RemoteServiceServlet
implements RemotePortfolioService {

// Reference to spring managed bean.
// The interface PortfolioService extends the interface
private PortfolioService service;

public PortfolioServiceProxyServlet() {

// Get a Spring application context.
// This needs to be moved to a singleton so can be shared.
String[] s = {applicationContext.xml};
ApplicationContext context = new

// Get a reference to the Spring managed bean.
service = (PortfolioService)

public Portfolio getPortfolioById(Integer id) throws Exception {
try {
// Forward to the spring managed bean.
return service.getPortfolioById(id);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ensure exceptions supported by GWT.
throw new Exception(e);

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Re: Getting continued feedback on the state of a RPC call

2008-09-23 Thread Amit Dhingra
Event I am a newbie in java and GWt, though how about partitioning your long
job, as in...
e.g.  For a http call which needs to access names say 100,000 in number. I
might actually partition this call in say 26 calls with each call querying
names starting with each of the 26 alphabets... and on the callback of the
first function I might update the user and make the second call and so on.
Actually do a chaining... :)

Thats just a guess... may be that I might be totally wrong on this... :)

Amit Dhingra

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Palietta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have a GWT application which uses a remote service that does some
 complex, and potentially long work. However, I don't want to hold the
 user unaware of the status of their request for too long. So I would
 like a way for the client app to receive frequent information on the
 service status, which would be posted to the UI in real time.

 I've unsuccessfully tried the following way:

 The client makes a call to the remote service, which starts doing its
 The service itself, in turn, modifies some state variable during the
 course of its computation.
 So I created a client-side Timer which, every second, polls another
 remote service that simply returns this state variable. This timer is
 started right before the main service is called, and is halted after
 the service returns.

 Being these calls asynchronous, this method didn't work. All scheduled
 Timer calls returned after the main service altogether.

 I know it might be a dumb question, but it would really be helpful for
 me to be able to provide the user with continued feedback on the state
 of the service they called.

 Thank You

Warm Regards,
Amit Dhingra

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Re: Getting continued feedback on the state of a RPC call

2008-09-23 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer


Palietta schrieb:

 So I created a client-side Timer which, every second, polls another
 remote service that simply returns this state variable. This timer is
 started right before the main service is called, and is halted after
 the service returns.
 Being these calls asynchronous, this method didn't work. All scheduled
 Timer calls returned after the main service altogether.
 I know it might be a dumb question, but it would really be helpful for
 me to be able to provide the user with continued feedback on the state
 of the service they called.

Can you provide some source how you call the long running task
and create the timer? I have some ideas why this fails, but
it's only guessing without knowing more.

Independent from that you might google for Comet GWT. This
might be a solution for you as well.

Regards, Lothar

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Re: Sharing the localization code between client and server

2008-09-23 Thread Martin Trummer


I am also interested in this.

Our approach is to write the texts into the properties files and then
use the GWT-i18n tool to generate the interface-files.
Of course this is not the best thing to do, because all the arguments
will be strings...

Maybe another approach would be to extend the GWT-i18n tool, which
already does the properties file parsing and creates the interface
I have not looked at this tool yet, but maybe it can be extended to
generate another file for the backend, that implements the interface
methods and builds the messages from the ResourceBundle.

regards, martin

On Sep 22, 12:02 pm, Lothar Kimmeringer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dobes schrieb:

  Hm, I see.  But would I be able to use GWT.create(...) to create the
  Constants subclass, and have it honor my @DefaultStringValue()

 I'm using GWT 1.4 here and haven't migrated to 1.5, yet.
 Using GWT.create will be difficult on the server-side, because
 the Locale can be different for every request, so you need
 a second parameter. Using ResourceBundle on the other side allows
 a similar call:

 ResourceBundle rb = 
 ResourceBundle.getBundle(AdminToolsI18NConstants.class.getName(), loc);

  I suppose not, so maybe I'd have to come up with some kind of clever
  factory scheme which uses GWT.create in client code and whatever my
  own implementation is in server code.

 You can implement your own version of ResourceBundle, that is
 reading in the property-files and use reflection on the interface
 to get the annotations. With Proxy-classes it should also be possible
 to create something similar to GWT.create.

 If I have very much time, I'd might be able to program something
 like this, but you shouldn't wait for that, at the moment my spare
 time is about zero ;-)

 Regards, Lothar
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Re: call a PHP web service from gwt toollibrary

2008-09-23 Thread walden


Wouldn't that web service be returning you a huge steaming pile of
SOAP XML?  I think that would be a nightmare to try to deal with in a
GWT client.  Why don't you build a server side proxy for talking web
services, and build a normal GWT interface on the other side to your
GWT client (like RequestBuilder/JSON or GWT RPC)?


On Sep 23, 3:50 am, cloclo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody, I'd love to be able to call a PHP web service from gwt

 Ususally it's rather easy to call from java a PHP web webservice.

 ...import org.apache.axis.client.*;

 Service service = new Service();
 Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); ... etc

 But the gwt compiler does't accept that: the error message is:

 -start message--

 Removing units with errors
    [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
       [ERROR] Line 59: No source code is available for type
 org.apache.axis.client.Service; did you forget to inherit a required
 Computing all possible rebind results for
    Rebinding org.yournamehere.client.MainEntryPoint
       Checking rule generate-with
          [ERROR] Unable to find type
             [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
 type unavailable
             [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
 module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
 be adding its source path entries properly
 [ERROR] Build failed

 --stop message-

 Does anybody knows what the gwt is expexcted for or does anybody be
 able to show me a link to sample code doing that?

    - a call from java gwt's generated code to a php web service.

 Thank you for any help or suggestion.
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Re: Getting continued feedback on the state of a RPC call

2008-09-23 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

Palietta schrieb:

 obviously, in the code sample, the AsyncCallback object returned by
 doLengthComputation() is not an AsyncCallbackString ...
 and I must have forgotten a closing bracket in the poll() function...
 still, any ideas?

Why are you calling The comment doesn't fit to
that because the start of the timer already happens at the
beginning with t.scheduleRepeating(1000)

Is there some kind of synchronization happening on server-
side, blocking the retrieval of the status while the
computation is still in progress? Maybe some printlns
on the server-side help to find out.

In addition to that you might check inside the timer if
another status-request is still active to avoid the
flooding of requests.

Regards, Lothar

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Re: Possible to split GWT application in seperate WAR files?

2008-09-23 Thread walden


I think the answer is 'no', although there may be work in the
pipelines to address late binding among GWT modules (I don't track

However, from a configuration management POV, what you are proposing
makes no sense because you will need to do integration testing of the
new configuration consisting of an unmodified module A and a modified
module B.  If you don't do that testing, then your production
environment will be in an unkown configuration (i.e., technically
broken).  If you do do that testing, then you will have had
opportunity to package the entire new configuration, which might as
well be a monolilthic build as not.

So where's the advantage?


On Sep 23, 4:27 am, cschoett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i have a question related to packaging a larger business application.
 I am building a GWT application that contains two parts, a generic
 part and a customer specific part that will be changed for every
 customer. Both parts depend on each other and shall be integrated into
 one big application.
 A major requirement is that the generic part shall be developed and
 deployable independently from the customer specific part. If we for
 example discover a bug or add features to the generic part we want to
 deliver an archive (WAR file) to the customer without touching the
 customer specific part (in some cases we even won't have access to the
 customer specific part.

 As far as I know so far, it is possible to create two seperate modules
 where the customer specific modules inherits the generic module. So I
 have an idependance at source level. But when I compile the customer
 specific module, both modules are compiled into one folder. Is it
 possible to separate the two modules and package them into separate
 WAR files? Is there any other way to integrate two modules so that the
 can be developed and deployed independently?

 Many thanks in advance.

 Kind regards,
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Re: Opening and Loading a GWT Module from another module

2008-09-23 Thread walden

GWT is not Java; it doesn't have dynamic class loading.  Maybe

In the interim, is there a way to describe your goal without making
technology assumptions like this?  Maybe there is a way to get the
behavior you want using GWT in its current form, but you'll need to
say more.  Also, the in a new Window is not usually the best way to
design with GWT.


On Sep 23, 6:11 am, Halabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 Does anyone know how can I open and reload a GWT module from another
 module in a new Window??

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url parameters

2008-09-23 Thread Dirtybit

I am building a gwt web app in which users can ask for a navigation
route between two points.
The coordinates of the points are stored in a database so the user
only has to provide two names.
The names of the points are also available from a portal that we
developed and contains information about
these geopoints
I was wondering if it is possible to pass the departure and
destination names as url parameters to my gwt app, so as to show the
route immediately without having to provide them throught the
appplication ui.
How can I read these parameters in gwt?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Opening and Loading a GWT Module from another module

2008-09-23 Thread Halabe

Hi Walden,

My purpose is to view an image that is uploaded in the same session
without having to refresh the whole page.

I was searching for a way to view the image but I could not view any
image that is uploaded in the session that I am trying to view it in.

I am getting the error file not found.

If you have any idea how I can solve this issue, I will appreciate it.

Thank you.

On Sep 23, 4:15 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 GWT is not Java; it doesn't have dynamic class loading.  Maybe

 In the interim, is there a way to describe your goal without making
 technology assumptions like this?  Maybe there is a way to get the
 behavior you want using GWT in its current form, but you'll need to
 say more.  Also, the in a new Window is not usually the best way to
 design with GWT.


 On Sep 23, 6:11 am, Halabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All,

  Does anyone know how can I open and reload a GWT module from another
  module in a new Window??

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Re: url parameters

2008-09-23 Thread Greg

The GWT widget library ( provides
this functionality.  You simply say:

String departure =

If you don't want to use the GWTWL, then you can parse the URL
yourself.  First create a native method to get access to the page's
URL and parse out the parameters you need.  Here's an example of a
native method that can do that for you:

public static native String getURL() /*-{
return $wnd.location.href;

The just use indexOf() and substring() to do the parsing...


On Sep 23, 9:36 am, Dirtybit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am building a gwt web app in which users can ask for a navigation
 route between two points.
 The coordinates of the points are stored in a database so the user
 only has to provide two names.
 The names of the points are also available from a portal that we
 developed and contains information about
 these geopoints
 I was wondering if it is possible to pass the departure and
 destination names as url parameters to my gwt app, so as to show the
 route immediately without having to provide them throught the
 appplication ui.
 How can I read these parameters in gwt?

 Thanks in advance
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Re: url parameters

2008-09-23 Thread Ian Bambury
Or you could use

String departure = Window.Location.getParameter(departure);


2008/9/23 Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The GWT widget library ( provides
 this functionality.  You simply say:

 String departure =

 If you don't want to use the GWTWL, then you can parse the URL
 yourself.  First create a native method to get access to the page's
 URL and parse out the parameters you need.  Here's an example of a
 native method that can do that for you:

 public static native String getURL() /*-{
return $wnd.location.href;

 The just use indexOf() and substring() to do the parsing...


 On Sep 23, 9:36 am, Dirtybit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am building a gwt web app in which users can ask for a navigation
  route between two points.
  The coordinates of the points are stored in a database so the user
  only has to provide two names.
  The names of the points are also available from a portal that we
  developed and contains information about
  these geopoints
  I was wondering if it is possible to pass the departure and
  destination names as url parameters to my gwt app, so as to show the
  route immediately without having to provide them throught the
  appplication ui.
  How can I read these parameters in gwt?
  Thanks in advance

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problem with multiple fileupload in GWT 1.5

2008-09-23 Thread Erik van Ingen

In GWT 1.5 I have an implementation like:

The difference is that I have 2 FileUpload entries, instead of 1:
final FileUpload fileUploadDataset = new FileUpload();

final FileUpload fileUploadMetadata = new FileUpload();

On the server I only receive 1 file (the first). This was working fine
in GWT 1.4 but not in GWT 1.5.

Any idea what could be my mistake? Or is this simply just a bug in GWT

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Re: Problem with CSS and caching

2008-09-23 Thread p4r1tyb1t

Thanks every body,

I reckon that was the case but was not sure since i am new to GWT and
this is our first application. GWT does not lend it self very well to
separation of form from function on client side and when it comes to
division of labor, java is not the first pre-requisite for Interface
people and I guess reverse is true in regards to CSS for java
developers. Thanks though!

On Sep 23, 11:52 am, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 23 sep, 02:41, p4r1tyb1t [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We are currently using GWT for a medium size project. Currently we are
  facing couple of issues one issue has to deal with CSS cache, when our
  Interface developer team try to debug a certain CSS issue and they
  modify the CSS on deployed war, they don't see the result of changes
  right away rather it takes few minutes to see the result. My question
  is does GWT has some sort of cache mechanism?

 GWT doesn't do anything with CSS stylesheets (apart from injecting
 them in the host page when they're declared in your module's
 *.gwt.xml), let alone any kind of caching.
 (not talking about CssResource from GWT-Incubator here, just plain
 old GWT)

 There must be some caching directive on your server (Expires, max-age,

 When doing such testings, if I were you, I'd configure my browser to
 always consider its own cache stale (always check for newer versions
 in IE's parlance, switch network.http.use-cache to false in
 about:config in Firefox, etc.) and/or use Ctrl+F5 to refresh the page.
 Or change the configuration on your server, but it has an impact on
 performances (so if you're using your server to test the app and
 appreciate the user experience...)
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Re: Problem with CSS and caching

2008-09-23 Thread p4r1tyb1t

Thanks every body,

I reckon that was the case but was not sure since i am new to GWT and
this is our first application. GWT does not lend it self very well to
separation of form from function on client side and when it comes to
division of labor, java is not the first pre-requisite for Interface
people and I guess reverse is true in regards to CSS for java
developers. Thanks though!

On Sep 23, 11:52 am, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 23 sep, 02:41, p4r1tyb1t [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We are currently using GWT for a medium size project. Currently we are
  facing couple of issues one issue has to deal with CSS cache, when our
  Interface developer team try to debug a certain CSS issue and they
  modify the CSS on deployed war, they don't see the result of changes
  right away rather it takes few minutes to see the result. My question
  is does GWT has some sort of cache mechanism?

 GWT doesn't do anything with CSS stylesheets (apart from injecting
 them in the host page when they're declared in your module's
 *.gwt.xml), let alone any kind of caching.
 (not talking about CssResource from GWT-Incubator here, just plain
 old GWT)

 There must be some caching directive on your server (Expires, max-age,

 When doing such testings, if I were you, I'd configure my browser to
 always consider its own cache stale (always check for newer versions
 in IE's parlance, switch network.http.use-cache to false in
 about:config in Firefox, etc.) and/or use Ctrl+F5 to refresh the page.
 Or change the configuration on your server, but it has an impact on
 performances (so if you're using your server to test the app and
 appreciate the user experience...)
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logLevel should be followed by one of

2008-09-23 Thread seven.reeds


Something screwy is going on and I'm not seeing the problem.  I have
been away from GWT for a couple months on other projects.  In the
meantime my linux box was upgraded to a different distribution than I
have used before.  Now, I try to run the GWT compile script and get:

-logLevel should be followed by one of

This is extra odd since I am not using logLevel in the project-
compile script.  My script looks like:

APPDIR=`dirname $0`;
java  -cp $APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/bin:/path/to/gwt-linux-1.5.0/gwt-
user.jar:/path/to/gwt-linux-1.5.0/gwt-dev-linux.jar -out $APPDIR/www $@;

I am running: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2
Java: version 1.4.2
GWT 1.5.0

This also happens with GWT 1.5.2

This has got to be something trivial, right?

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Re: Opening and Loading a GWT Module from another module

2008-09-23 Thread Halabe

The image upload is successful since I can see the images in the
server folder and when I refresh the page I can also see it on the

IThe error I am getting is:
Resource not found: images/imagePath/Image1.jpg could a file be
missing from the public path or a servlet tag misconfigured in

The images folder is in the public folder of the Module that display
the images. I upload images from another module and sometimes from the
same module.

On Sep 23, 8:56 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You have a successful image upload, and then the server can't find
 it?  Or is it some other kind of file not found?

 On Sep 23, 9:46 am, Halabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Walden,

  My purpose is to view an image that is uploaded in the same session
  without having to refresh the whole page.

  I was searching for a way to view the image but I could not view any
  image that is uploaded in the session that I am trying to view it in.

  I am getting the error file not found.

  If you have any idea how I can solve this issue, I will appreciate it.

  Thank you.

  On Sep 23, 4:15 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   GWT is not Java; it doesn't have dynamic class loading.  Maybe

   In the interim, is there a way to describe your goal without making
   technology assumptions like this?  Maybe there is a way to get the
   behavior you want using GWT in its current form, but you'll need to
   say more.  Also, the in a new Window is not usually the best way to
   design with GWT.


   On Sep 23, 6:11 am, Halabe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

Does anyone know how can I open and reload a GWT module from another
module in a new Window??

Thanks- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: Sharing the localization code between client and server

2008-09-23 Thread Dobes

It seems like it should be possible to implement a kind of server-side
GWT.create() that generates an subclass using cglib or one of the
other bytecode generators.  Maybe it would only work for the Constants
and Messages interfaces, and a minor selection of others, but it would
be quite useful.  Unfortunately, it would be difficult to implement
this outside of GWT because the client code a) can't use any classes
not supported by GWT and b) must use GWT.create with a literal class
(not a variable) as the parameter.

On Sep 23, 5:21 am, Lothar Kimmeringer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Martin Trummer schrieb:

  Maybe another approach would be to extend the GWT-i18n tool, which
  already does the properties file parsing and creates the interface
  I have not looked at this tool yet, but maybe it can be extended to
  generate another file for the backend, that implements the interface
  methods and builds the messages from the ResourceBundle.

 That would make force everybody to actually use the tool regularily
 to create the interface-file. I - for example - doesn't use the tool
 but add methods to the interface-file by hand while developing the
 GUI. In the long run, I realized that I'm faster and I'm also adding
 Javadoc-comments describing the meaning behind the entry.

 Regards, Lothar
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Re: GWT spring integration

2008-09-23 Thread olivier nouguier
hi all,

Host my GWT Spring integration servlet with a sample project.

Working under Spring, WTP, Cypal, Maven.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:43 AM, olivier nouguier 

  I'm using a simple dispatch servlet to dispatch the RPC request to a
 spring managed bean:

 IMHO, it's quite simple and not intrusive.

 On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 8:24 AM, razo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear All,

 am trying to integrate gwt with springframwork i search the web and i
 found many articles like


 it work great with me until i tried to run the application in the host
 mode so i can debug my entire tiers (server and client side) but
 unfortunately the GWT shell do not give me the ability to play with
 web.xml so i cant configure my spring context using the

 so do anyone have any idea on how to integrate spring with GWT or how
 can i update the generated web.xml in the host mode so i can configure
 the spring  DispatcherServlet??



 Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
 dernier poisson péché, l'homme va s'apercevoir que l'argent n'est pas
 - proverbe indien Cri

Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
dernier poisson péché, l'homme va s'apercevoir que l'argent n'est pas
- proverbe indien Cri

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Re: how to clear cache on windows hosted mode

2008-09-23 Thread mooreds

Hi Ian,

Thanks for the response; I am on Windows.

To be more specific, I'm pulling data in from another server via JSONP
in the manner described in this article:

I've found that the script tag content tends to be cached by IE.

I just retried deleting the cache in IE browser and that did the
trick--the hosted browser pulled the script tag content on refresh.


PS The gods of the cache!  Classic.  Sometimes it sure does feel as
if caching is ruled by capricious deities.

On Sep 23, 12:28 pm, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It does rather depend what you think is being cached and why. For exanple,
 if you are changing a file to UTF-8, you need to make a change in that file
 so GWT will know to recompile that class, but, you can try all or any of
 these (I'm assuming because of the IE reference, you are on Windows):

 1) Highlight the project in Eclipse and hit F5 to ensure that Eclipse is in
 sync with the file system

 2) Project | Clean to rebuild the project (useful if you have flagged errors
 you know aren't errors)

 3) Delete the IE cache

 4) Delete the bin/tomcat/www directories in the project (and also any other
 project which uses the same package names)

 5) In the problem class, add a space somewhere (or take the space away -
 anything to flag the file as changed).

 6) Restart Eclipse (this is a 'what the hell else is there to try' measure
 for me, as is a reboot)

 7) Sacrifice something to the gods of the cache. A can of lager is my
 preferred offering. If the god in question doesn't drink it, don't waste it.
 Coffee and a doughnut is a second rate substitute if your company frowns on
 the consumption of alcohol before 9.30am.


 2008/9/23 mooreds [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi folks,

  I am looking for how to clear the hosted mode browsers cache.  In
  particular, I'm interested in clearing out the CSS and script tag
  content--I'm using some dynamic JSON that I want to make sure is not

  I found one post a month ago that was asking how to do the same thing
  for Linux:

  I searched the documentation on the GWT website and didn't see

  I also tried deleting the cache of the IE browser on the machine, but
  wasn't sure if that did anything.

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GWT TestCase Erreur

2008-09-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, i have create a GwtTestCase class.

package com.zoltar.rol.gwt.client.ui;


public class ROLEditorTest extends GWTTestCase {

public String getModuleName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return com.zoltar.rol.gwt.Start;
public void testSimple() {

When I try to launch it, I have this error message : The test class
'com.zoltar.rol.gwt.client.ui.Test' was not found in module
'com.zoltar.rol.gwt.StartTest'; no compilation unit for that type was
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(

I check my .classpath file and I think that there are all the jars I

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
classpathentry kind=src path=test/
classpathentry kind=src path=server/
classpathentry kind=src path=client/
classpathentry kind=con

classpathentry kind=con
org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.runtimeTarget/JOnAS v4/
classpathentry kind=con
classpathentry kind=con
classpathentry kind=var path=GWT_HOME/gwt-user.jar/
classpathentry kind=lib path=lib/gwt-datepicker-r29.jar/
classpathentry kind=lib path=D:/junit/junit.jar/
classpathentry kind=var path=GWT_HOME/gwt-dev-windows.jar/
classpathentry kind=output path=build/classes/

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Re: gwittir with gwt1.5

2008-09-23 Thread gwtdude

I'm having the same problem.

Has anyone found a fix yet?

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Regarding MenuBar

2008-09-23 Thread nishant (bhai)

Can i select menu item by using hot key(like combination of alt+f
etc.).If yes so please guide me .I have another problem with
setAccesskey(char ) method of HasFocus Interface  .It is working fine
with Button ,but not working with PushButton and ToggleButton.while it
implemented in all class(button,pushbutton etc).Please guide me as
soon as possible.

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Re: gwittir with gwt1.5

2008-09-23 Thread gwtdude

I just ran into the same issue.

Has anyone found a fix yet?

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Re: Getting continued feedback on the state of a RPC call

2008-09-23 Thread Deba

May be you would like to try polling a servlet using HttpRequest class
for your timer calls.

Lets know if you succeed.


On Sep 23, 4:09 pm, Amit Dhingra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Event I am a newbie in java and GWt, though how about partitioning your long
 job, as in...
 e.g.  For a http call which needs to access names say 100,000 in number. I
 might actually partition this call in say 26 calls with each call querying
 names starting with each of the 26 alphabets... and on the callback of the
 first function I might update the user and make the second call and so on.
 Actually do a chaining... :)

 Thats just a guess... may be that I might be totally wrong on this... :)

 Amit Dhingra

 On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Palietta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I have a GWT application which uses a remote service that does some
  complex, and potentially long work. However, I don't want to hold the
  user unaware of the status of their request for too long. So I would
  like a way for the client app to receive frequent information on the
  service status, which would be posted to the UI in real time.

  I've unsuccessfully tried the following way:

  The client makes a call to the remote service, which starts doing its
  The service itself, in turn, modifies some state variable during the
  course of its computation.
  So I created a client-side Timer which, every second, polls another
  remote service that simply returns this state variable. This timer is
  started right before the main service is called, and is halted after
  the service returns.

  Being these calls asynchronous, this method didn't work. All scheduled
  Timer calls returned after the main service altogether.

  I know it might be a dumb question, but it would really be helpful for
  me to be able to provide the user with continued feedback on the state
  of the service they called.

  Thank You

 Warm Regards,
 Amit Dhingra

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Re: Client-side GChart 2.2: Sparklines and better/faster solidly filled line charts.

2008-09-23 Thread amadeus

I'm using your software and I would add a simple zoom tool with mouse
I need to know the exact position of axis origin (left bottom) to
transform x,y mouse in chart's coordinates

here my code
I tried to calculate the origin
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
double x;
double y;
double mouseX=event.getClientX()-getAbsoluteLeft();
Axis xAxis = getXAxis();
Axis yAxis = getYAxis();
double dx=xAxis.getAxisLabelThickness() +
xAxis.getTickLabelThickness() + xAxis.getTickLength();
double dy=yAxis.getAxisLabelThickness() +
yAxis.getTickLabelThickness() + yAxis.getTickLength();
// transform in chart coordinates
I'm on the right way or there is a simpler method?
ps Excuse me for my english

On 22 Set, 23:12, John Gunther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Client-sideGChartis an open source GWT library that supports bar,
 line, and pie charts, and yet adds nothing but its ~2,000 lines of
 Java to your application's list of dependencies:

 This 2.2 release adds:

 * A new LINE symbol type for faster/better solidly connected line
 * A new layout algorithm that centers title, footnotes, axis labels
 and legend within explicitly-sizable bands around the plot area. In
 particular, since these bands have default thicknesses of 0px when
 empty, Sparkline charts are now straightforward.

 For full details, including links to example charts illustrating the
 new features, see theGChart2.2 release notes:

 Related posts/acknowledgments:

 1) This post by Niall Haslam motivated the much-needed switch to a new
 chart decoration layout algorithm:

 2) I used the technique explained in this post by Ian Bambury
 ( to workaround a perplexing IE7-only
 screen-not-repainting problem that the revisions of this release
 inadvertently exposed:

 3) The improved line chart capabilities were motivated by the far-too-
 slowly-updating solidly connected line chart code that Malcolm Gorman
 sent me. A new live demo chart, deliberately (HTML-element) sized
 similarly to Malcolm's chart, illustrates various ways (smaller
 charts, lower resolution connecting lines) you can use the new LINE
 symbol type to workaround the significant performance limitations that
 still remain for this kind of non-rectangle-friendly chart.

 Your ideas for improving Client-sideGChartand help in solving its
 implementation problems were essential to this 2.2 release. Thank-you.

 John C. Gunther

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Re: url parameters

2008-09-23 Thread sutarsa giri
Hi Dirtybit,
i thought you could access Window.Location to access required information
from url


On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Dirtybit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am building a gwt web app in which users can ask for a navigation
 route between two points.
 The coordinates of the points are stored in a database so the user
 only has to provide two names.
 The names of the points are also available from a portal that we
 developed and contains information about
 these geopoints
 I was wondering if it is possible to pass the departure and
 destination names as url parameters to my gwt app, so as to show the
 route immediately without having to provide them throught the
 appplication ui.
 How can I read these parameters in gwt?

 Thanks in advance

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Memory Leak in IE 7 using GWT

2008-09-23 Thread Chuck

We have an app that uses GWT with large HTML content (60-70 K) that
produces large memory leaks (2-3 M) in IE 7.  It does not exhibit the
same behavior in Firefox (memory goes up with multiple document loads,
but goes back down after a few seconds of inactivity).

We have looked at the app with the JS memory leak detector which is
reporting many memory leaks.  This tool reports similar memory leaks
for the kitchen sink example.

Are these real or is there something about the GWT code that JS
doesn't understand?  We know that we are leaking memory that requires
browser shutdown to reclaim, but the bulk of the leaks reported by JS
seem to be gui components that don't result in significant memory

Has anyone else experienced this?  How did you solve the problem?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Sharing the localization code between client and server

2008-09-23 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

Dobes schrieb:
 It seems like it should be possible to implement a kind of server-side
 GWT.create() that generates an subclass using cglib or one of the
 other bytecode generators.

Actually I think you can do that with the functionality of
the JVM itself using Proxies:

public interface MyConstants implements Messages{
public String LocalizedMessage(String argument);
public class MyConstantsProxy implements java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler{
private ResourceBundle rb;
public MyConstantsProxy(ResourceBundle rb){
this.rb = rb;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws 
Throwable {
String value = rb.getString(method.getName());
for (int i = 0; args != null  i  args.length; i++){
if (args[i] == null) continue;
value = value.replaceAll(\\{ + i + \\}, args[i].toString());
return value;

To use the proxy you have to get the resource-bundle and create the
proxy, so an imaginary GWT.create-method might look like the following:

public static Object create(Class clazz, Locale loc){
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(clazz.getName(), loc);
MyConstants constants = (MyConstants) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[]{MyConstants.class},
new MyConstantsProxy(rb));

And use the method normally:

MyConstants constants = (MyConstants) GWT.create(MyConstants.class,
new Locale(de, DE));
System.out.println(constants.LocalizedMessage(this is the message));

 Maybe it would only work for the Constants
 and Messages interfaces, and a minor selection of others, but it would
 be quite useful.

I think restricting it to Messages and Constants is OK because
these two are the only ones anyway where the special behavior
of GWT.create is used.

 Unfortunately, it would be difficult to implement
 this outside of GWT because the client code a) can't use any classes
 not supported by GWT and b) must use GWT.create with a literal class
 (not a variable) as the parameter.

The skeleton above should work and is not in conflict with the
current concept of GWT. You need the second parameter because
you must be able to get different classes in dependence from
the Locale being set on the client.

The only thing missing is implementing your own version of
ResourceBundle with the same algorithm for deciding which
property-file to be used in dependence to the requested Locale
(no use of System-Locale but directly fall back to the main
property-file, wrong default Locales for EN and ES, etc.)
and UTF-8 to be used as encoding. The latter can be done
by using Properties.load(Reader) implementing all the methods
of ResourceBundle or write an InputStream that is reading in
the data as UTF-8 and converts all non-8859_1-characters to
the escaped sequence being accepted by Properties. Other
things like caching of created proxies, support of the
annotations that came with GWT 1.5 etc. IMHO can be added later.

And that's the part where I don't have the time at the moment. ;-)

Regards, Lothar

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need help to refresh frame using javascript function

2008-09-23 Thread AyeAyeAung

I have 3 frames added on one panel, again that panel is added on
Viewport(GWT-Ext). I want to refresh frame using JSNI or javascript
function. Normally, we use
top.headerFrame.location.href=top.headerFrame.location; for frame
(ie. named headerFrame in this code) that is directly added to html
page. But this is not working on GWT. cos, in GWT we need panel as one
media to add widget. Is it? So, please teach me how to access frame
inside panel to refresh using javascript code. Thanks in advance.

I already tried with this code. It's working.
Frame tFrame = new Frame();
String frameUrl = tFrame.getUrl();
I want the javascript funtion to refresh GWT frame similar to
top.headerFrame.location.href=top.headerFrame.location; . Hope reply
as soon as possible. I tried to search the solution over 1 week :-(.

Thanks and Regards,

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Re: GWT Google Maps InfoWindow Resizing

2008-09-23 Thread Pavel Byles
bump again?
I would really appreciate some help here.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Pavel Byles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 anyone else?

 On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Pavel Byles [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Yes... reset is what I was referring to

 On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Eric Ayers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I didn't see a resize() function other than reset()

 On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Pavel Byles [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I know the JS api has a resize function.. but GWT doesn't.
 Also I've seen others do it but have no idea how it's done.


 On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Eric Ayers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just added a patch for the GInfoWindow.reset() method in the issue
 tracker, but I was unable to get it to work reliably.  I have a question
 into the Maps folks.


 On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Pavel Byles [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Does anyone know how to make the InfoWindow resize once the content
 has been loaded within it?


 Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

 Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA


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[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: 1.6 Event handler proposal

2008-09-23 Thread Joel Webber
I completely agree that it is important to find a better solution to the
irritating cross-browser differences in keyboard event handling, and I'd
really like to discuss that on a separate thread (starting such a thread
right now would be perfectly fine by me -- I just don't want to confuse the
issue by discussing too many things on one thread).
The goal of this design is to simplify and normalize the way that
widget-level events are structured. So we could really use feedback on the
way that events are registered and handled, the mechanism for storing and
firing sets of listeners, and the way in which new widgets use them. We're
planning on moving everything to this structure (with shims for
backwards-compatibility), so again your feedback would be helpful.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 2:22 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yep, this would be a nice utility to have available, I think we might be
 able to get the isControlKey() part fully integrated with the native events,
 as I think we've already started down that route.

 I also like the idea of a logical key event that is only fired at sane
 times if you have the bandwidth to brain storm on how to tweak your design
 to get it there.  We could, for instance have a static
 FilterKeyEvent.fireEvent method that widgets could call which create
 FilterKeyEvent's at the right time.

 On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:51 AM, Ian Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  LGTM but...
  ...have the keyDown/keyUp vs. keyPress been revised? (keyPress is
  supposed to receive characters while keyDown/keyUp are keys –this
  is the same as TextEvent vs. KeyboardEvent in DOM Level 3 Events–, see
  also PPK's compatibility tables).
  In the mean time, handling keys lead to some browser-specific tweaks
  in your own code, whereas you would expect GWT to workaround those
  differences/bugs for you and give you a predictable behavior.
  See also:
  It would however affect issue 1566:
  (just remove the ONKEYPRESS handling, but Opera doesn't repeat keydown
  events; this could be worked around specifically for Opera with a
  timer to synthetize keydown events until you receive a corresponding
  keyup event)

 I haven't been following too closely, so sorry if this is spam, but
 issue 1061 might be relevant, too.  I haven't looked at the related
 code in quite a while, but I could always revisit it if necessary.




[gwt-contrib] Re: Safari Empty History Tokens

2008-09-23 Thread Joel Webber
Wow, that's about the freakiest thing I've seen in a while. The fact that
the following code fails is really disturbing:

  private static boolean isBorked() {

Element e = DOM.createDiv();


return e.getInnerHTML().length() == 0;


I also tried taking the History.newItem() calls out of onModuleLoad() and
performing them in response to a button click (just in case it was in a
weird state during module init), but it still does the same thing.

This might be related to issue 2909 as well. I'm working on figuring out
what's going on here, so if anyone has any ideas please speak up!
(can you tell that I really want these History issues to go away once and
for all?)


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Sam Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By immediate history processing, I mean the changes in r3234 that include
 synchronous calls to onHistoryChanged (in addition to the timer-based
 Removing the synchronous calls for empty tokens works around the Safari

 I filed issue 2905 to track this bug.

 On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 21 sep, 23:46, Sam Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Has anyone else noticed weird behavior with Safari 3 and empty history
  tokens?  Setting the innerHTML during the invocation of the history
  for empty tokens does not seem to have any effect.

 Seems a bit weirder actually: using the previous button, go back to
 #x then forward (back to the enmpty token) and it'll show History

 Yes - those invocations of the history listeners are due to the history
 timer - not synchronous calls in HistoryImpl#newItem.

 And it's working OK in Chrome (

  I think the problem has to do with the immediate history processing.

 Probably. Though, the immediate processing isn't precisely
 documented, so i'd say you shouldn't rely on it ;-)

 I'm not relying on immediate processing.  This bug is triggered by
 immediate history processing.

  I put a repro case at:

