Re: SmartGWT 1.0 Released

2008-11-23 Thread Juan Backson

I am wondering if the performance is due to too many items inside the demo
or it is just slower than gwt-ext?  In gwt-ext, the demo is much smaller.

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 10:27 AM, rakesh wagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 great job Sanjeev. Keep up the good work. Always love smart-client.
 Smart client is much better compared to ext-js as far as licensing is
 concerned. However the showcase looks little slow compared to the
 original js based smart-client as well as gwt-ext.


 On Nov 22, 6:48 pm, Tim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Excellent Job!
  some things are rough around the edges but overall this release is
  impressive! Gotta fix those image downloads though. And adding a
  couple of the standard schemes wouldn't hurt. But you already
  mentioned these things in your release announcement post anyway. Can't
  Cool stuff!
  On Nov 22, 8:32 am, ART [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This looks cool.
   On Nov 18, 9:50 am, Sanjiv Jivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,I have just released SmartGWT 1.0.
Here is the release announcement :
Google Code Project Page :
Showcase Demo :
Javadocs :
SmartGWT uses the new GWT 1.6 event API's which is really neat and

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Re: Why use GWT?

2008-11-23 Thread Adam T

First a couple of rhetorical questions to you:

a) why do you think JQuery and GWT are equivalent?
b) why do you think the sites of the JQuery list are probably led by
some smart, deep-thinking, open-minded individuals (IBM's web site
might not necessarily be built by IBM)?
c) why do you think the GWT list you pointed to is definitive? (try
this as at least one update:

You use the tools appropriate to the job and for which is the least
cost to you.

To me, JQuery is a simple library best suited to evolving aspects to
a web site using the JavaScript language; GWT is more suited to
building applications and is more than just using Java - you get,
amongst other things:

a) One base code that drives code for all browsers with the well
managed approach called deferred binding when you hit across a
situation where one browser (we know the now) does things differently
- driving down you costs of development.

b) The same code for browsers can quickly become widgets and gadgets,
using different linkers - again driving down cost of development.

c) You use modern development practices and tools - IDE with
autocomplete, refactoring, JUnit, Maven, Ant etc - there's a real
reason why we've enhanced software development over the years to
invent and use these tools; they will drive down costs for
(complicated) developments.

d) You get generators that allow you to combine / generate new stuff
from source stuff - ok that's vague, but this is a real example of
where GWT is more than just a Java to JavaScript compiler.  You get
ImageBundles, meaning in source you manage your images separately and
you let GWT pull those together into one image at compile time that
can be accessed as sprites in run-time - you save wire-space, cut
down on server requests meaning increased user experience, and there
are more like this is on the way.  Yes you can do all this by hand,
but that all costs time and money, with GWT it comes for free when
hitting the compile button.

e) Same language client and sever side, but with flexibility to use
whatever server side you want.

f) Aggressive reduction in code size from libraries, both your own and/
or 3rd party libraries - all decreasing load size and increasing user

g) Ability (soon) seemlessly defer loading of functionality until it's
needed - i.e. if you have a 4 tab application load only the code for
tabs as they are needed - again decreasing initial application load
and increasing user experience

h) I would argue in Java it is easier to see how to defer creation
of objects in order to decrease initialisation time of applications -
maybe that is just me, but the ability to use IDE and refactoring to
support this greatly helps.

Look at the sites on your JQuery list, and most are really web sites/
pages that are using JQuery to add some fancy effects or some
manipulation of DOM - it doesn't identify, for example, how much of
the site uses JQuery - whereas your GWT list is pure GWT applications
on mostly the whole site; the lists are not really comparable in terms
of functionality; I do though, get your point on why aren't IBM, Dell,
BBC using GWT - the answer I suggest is three-fold

a) These are (mostly) web sites not web applications and have lots of
legacy content.  They are going to possibly struggle to justify the
benefit of GWT in comparison to cost already sunk, and a large number
of them don't need to - why move to mechanised looms if your
comfortable with your current cloth being produced?

b) Look at the basic purpose of most of those sites, especially the
featured ones; they are effectively brand advertising, and as such
need to be indexed by search engines otherwise their return on
investment is zero.  JQuery is good at keeping that, as you generally
load HTML which is then manipulated by JavaScript - this way, the
search engine can index the HTML and the user sees a slightly flashier
version.  Sure, you can do a similar thing with GWT but not in such an
elegant manner - but the point of GWT is to build applications not web

c) The teams behind it would probably need investement in retooling
and training to use GWT and certainly given the first point above,
this cost could outweigh any benefit.

If you're building a new web application, then GWT is certainly a top
candidate that should be investigated, why would you not want
something that is promising to cut down your overall through life
costs (apart from the cost of retooling your team)?  I would also
argue that with GWT you can build more complicated web applications
simpler than you could with JQuery.  For example, look at Chronoscope
( and it's associated blog to see
how it was developed and available in many many different forms from
single GWT base.

What would be fascinating to see is the results of an actual study on
the comaprison of the development of a web application using several
of the competing and complimentary 

Re: How do I get browser autocomplete on a login form

2008-11-23 Thread tieTYT

I've already tried doing this and it doesn't solve the problem at
hand.  IE(s) don't seem to ask you to save the username/password when
you do this.  Here are the things I've tried with your idea:
Wrapping these inputs in a form in the HTML
Wrapping these inputs in a form in AJAX
Submitting the HTML/AJAX form when the login button is clicked.
Adding a submit button to the form in HTML
Clicking that submit button via js when the form is submitted
Lots of other things I can't really remember (I've been trying for a
few days) and all sorts of combination's of what's mentioned above.

IE(s) are very particular about when they allow autocomplete.  The
only way I've been able to do it is when my form has no dom
manipulation whatsoever.  If you've actually gotten this to work,
could you show a full example?

Thanks a lot,

On Nov 22, 1:07 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can wrap existing elements in GWT 1.5:

 new TextBox(DOM.getElementById(loginUsernameBox));
 new PasswordTextBox(DOM.getElementById(loginPasswordBox));

 then you can do the usual GWT shenanigans and add whatever listener
 you like.

 If you don't have GWT 1.5 Then, obviously, shame on you.

 On Nov 21, 11:27 pm, tieTYT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I saw a faq that made the same recommendation.  The problem is, I need
  to capture the onKeyUp and onClick events of the input's inside the
  form.  I could only figure out how to bind to the form OR bind to
  its children.  I couldn't figure out how to bind to both.  GWT threw a
  variety of exceptions over the issue.  Could you show me some sample
  code that does this?

  On Nov 21, 2:18 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   These features generally only work if the textbox and passwordbox are
   in the initial HTML.

   In GWT's normal modus operandi, the boxes are added dynamically by the

   The solution is to have the boxes in the static HTML file that
   bootstraps GWT (normally auto-generated by the applicationCreator), in
   a div that makes them hidden (use visibility and not display: none).
   From GWT, re-visibilize them if you need em. That should work.

   On Nov 21, 11:04 pm, tieTYT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm trying to replicate browserautocompleteon a login form.  For
example, every time you go to the login page, I'd like the username
and password field to be prepopulated with the username/password you
used last.  Not only that, but if you clear the username and double
click the field, the list of previous usernames you've entered should
show up.  If you select one, the password field gets populated with

Fortunately, with normal HTML the browser handles all of this for
you.  But I can't figure out how to get this to work on IE6/7 on an
GWT app.  In these browsers, it doesn't offer to save the usernames.
I'll provide the code I have so far (this works in FF):

public class Sandbox implements EntryPoint, ClickListener,
KeyboardListener {

    private Label label;
    private FormPanel formPanel;

     * This is the entry point method.
    public void onModuleLoad() {

        formPanel = new FormPanel();
        final VerticalPanel basePanel = new VerticalPanel();

        TextBox loginTB = new TextBox();
        //without this, FF doesn't know where to place the data

        PasswordTextBox passTB = new PasswordTextBox();
        //without this, FF doesn't know where to place the data

        Button loginBT = new Button(Submit);



        label = new Label();

    public void onClick(Widget sender) {
        //Without this, FF doesn't offer to remember the data
        if (label.getText().equals()) {
World!, new MyAsyncCallback(label));
        } else

    public void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)

    public void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)

    public void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {
        // If enter is pressed lets forward the request to onClick
        if (keyCode == '\r') {

    static class MyAsyncCallback implements AsyncCallback {
        public void 

Re: Exception handling in GWT Service

2008-11-23 Thread olivier nouguier

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, satya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Can i pass exceptions between client and server.
 Can i have an RPC serice with method that throw an user defined
 exception and handle that exception in the client side?
Yes as long as your exeption is declared in the Service Signature (to
be declared as GWT serialisable).

 I created an userdefined exception:
 public class IllegalDateRangeException extends SerializationException
 implements IsSerializable
private String errorMessage = null;

public IllegalDateRangeException ( String error )
errorMessage = error;

public String toString()
return Exception occurred:  + errorMessage;

public String getErrorMessage()
return errorMessage;

public void setErrorMessage( String errorMessage )
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;


 and my RPC method throws this exception:
public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;

 and i want to catch this exception in the client side and perform

 But i get the following error from GWT:
 [ERROR] Type
 'com.cerner.cwx.ruleswizard.client.IllegalDateRangeException' was not
 serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes

 Any suggestions?
 Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

 Thank you


Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins illusoire.

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Re: How do I get browser autocomplete on a login form

2008-11-23 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

I'm just going off of what I've heard elsewhere.

On Nov 23, 10:57 am, tieTYT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've already tried doing this and it doesn't solve the problem at
 hand.  IE(s) don't seem to ask you to save the username/password when
 you do this.  Here are the things I've tried with your idea:
 Wrapping these inputs in a form in the HTML
 Wrapping these inputs in a form in AJAX
 Submitting the HTML/AJAX form when the login button is clicked.
 Adding a submit button to the form in HTML
 Clicking that submit button via js when the form is submitted
 Lots of other things I can't really remember (I've been trying for a
 few days) and all sorts of combination's of what's mentioned above.

 IE(s) are very particular about when they allow autocomplete.  The
 only way I've been able to do it is when my form has no dom
 manipulation whatsoever.  If you've actually gotten this to work,
 could you show a full example?

 Thanks a lot,

 On Nov 22, 1:07 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You can wrap existing elements in GWT 1.5:

  new TextBox(DOM.getElementById(loginUsernameBox));
  new PasswordTextBox(DOM.getElementById(loginPasswordBox));

  then you can do the usual GWT shenanigans and add whatever listener
  you like.

  If you don't have GWT 1.5 Then, obviously, shame on you.

  On Nov 21, 11:27 pm, tieTYT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I saw a faq that made the same recommendation.  The problem is, I need
   to capture the onKeyUp and onClick events of the input's inside the
   form.  I could only figure out how to bind to the form OR bind to
   its children.  I couldn't figure out how to bind to both.  GWT threw a
   variety of exceptions over the issue.  Could you show me some sample
   code that does this?

   On Nov 21, 2:18 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

These features generally only work if the textbox and passwordbox are
in the initial HTML.

In GWT's normal modus operandi, the boxes are added dynamically by the

The solution is to have the boxes in the static HTML file that
bootstraps GWT (normally auto-generated by the applicationCreator), in
a div that makes them hidden (use visibility and not display: none).
From GWT, re-visibilize them if you need em. That should work.

On Nov 21, 11:04 pm, tieTYT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm trying to replicate browserautocompleteon a login form.  For
 example, every time you go to the login page, I'd like the username
 and password field to be prepopulated with the username/password you
 used last.  Not only that, but if you clear the username and double
 click the field, the list of previous usernames you've entered should
 show up.  If you select one, the password field gets populated with

 Fortunately, with normal HTML the browser handles all of this for
 you.  But I can't figure out how to get this to work on IE6/7 on an
 GWT app.  In these browsers, it doesn't offer to save the usernames.
 I'll provide the code I have so far (this works in FF):

 public class Sandbox implements EntryPoint, ClickListener,
 KeyboardListener {

     private Label label;
     private FormPanel formPanel;

      * This is the entry point method.
     public void onModuleLoad() {

         formPanel = new FormPanel();
         final VerticalPanel basePanel = new VerticalPanel();

         TextBox loginTB = new TextBox();
         //without this, FF doesn't know where to place the data

         PasswordTextBox passTB = new PasswordTextBox();
         //without this, FF doesn't know where to place the data

         Button loginBT = new Button(Submit);



         label = new Label();

     public void onClick(Widget sender) {
         //Without this, FF doesn't offer to remember the data
         if (label.getText().equals()) {
 World!, new MyAsyncCallback(label));
         } else

     public void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)

     public void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers)

     public void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {
         // If enter is pressed lets forward the request to onClick

Re: SmartGWT 1.0 Released

2008-11-23 Thread francescoNemesi


smartGwt looks very appealing and very rich in features, but it is
very slow. This is due to the fact that it is a JSNI wrapper around
the Smart Client framework. This means loosing all the benefits of
having a pure GWT implementation (I will not go into details on this).

I think a comparison with GXT (also known as GWT Ext, at this address does not make any sense as GXT is a
pure GWT feature implementation and it is lightining fast once

The only appropriate comparison would be with gwt-ext (http:// which is JSNI wrapper around the ExtJS
javascript framework (developed by the same company that developed
GXT), much like smartGwt is a JSNI wrapper around the Smart Client

This forum is full of people complaining about how slow and cumbersome
gwt-ext is, and I think exactly the same problems will be encountered
with smartGwt.On the other hand GXT is not affected by any of these
issues. True, GXT at the moment is not as rich in features at the
moment, but they are getting there.

I do not work for the ExtJS company, I only talk from experience. I
used the JavaSciprt ExtJS framework for a big project for a full year
and I understand exactly when people say the documentation is poor and
performance slow. Having embranced GWT to progress and to make my life
easier, I would never want to to have the same problems again with Js
frameworks, even less with GWT frameworks with embed the same old Js
issues, like gwt-ext or smartGWT.

GXT is a completely different matter and I think it is a top
framework. I have been using it for a few months now and never gave me
any major issues. It is a pure GWT implementation, no javaScriptObject
or JSNI. Period.

Huge credit to Sanjiv for his work on smartGWT, but personally I think
this is the wrong approach to any GWT framework. JSNI is very useful
if used to integrate the odd js function here and there, not as a
foundation to a framework itself.


On Nov 23, 10:33 am, Juan Backson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am wondering if the performance is due to too many items inside the demo
 or it is just slower than gwt-ext?  In gwt-ext, the demo is much smaller.

 On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 10:27 AM, rakesh wagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  great job Sanjeev. Keep up the good work. Always love smart-client.
  Smart client is much better compared to ext-js as far as licensing is
  concerned. However the showcase looks little slow compared to the
  original js based smart-client as well as gwt-ext.


  On Nov 22, 6:48 pm, Tim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Excellent Job!

   some things are rough around the edges but overall this release is
   impressive! Gotta fix those image downloads though. And adding a
   couple of the standard schemes wouldn't hurt. But you already
   mentioned these things in your release announcement post anyway. Can't

   Cool stuff!

   On Nov 22, 8:32 am, ART [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This looks cool.

On Nov 18, 9:50 am, Sanjiv Jivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,I have just released SmartGWT 1.0.

 Here is the release announcement :

 Google Code Project Page :

 Showcase Demo :

 Javadocs :

 SmartGWT uses the new GWT 1.6 event API's which is really neat and


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Re: Why use GWT?

2008-11-23 Thread gregor

I think this is absolutely right:

 I do though, get your point on why aren't IBM, Dell,
 BBC using GWT - the answer I suggest is three-fold

 a) These are (mostly) web sites not web applications and have lots of
 legacy content.  They are going to possibly struggle to justify the
 benefit of GWT in comparison to cost already sunk, and a large number
 of them don't need to - why move to mechanised looms if your
 comfortable with your current cloth being produced?

 b) Look at the basic purpose of most of those sites, especially the
 featured ones; they are effectively brand advertising, and as such
 need to be indexed by search engines otherwise their return on
 investment is zero.  JQuery is good at keeping that, as you generally
 load HTML which is then manipulated by JavaScript - this way, the
 search engine can index the HTML and the user sees a slightly flashier
 version.  Sure, you can do a similar thing with GWT but not in such an
 elegant manner - but the point of GWT is to build applications not web

Also big sites that are applications (the Amazons etc of this world)
are not going to rewrite everything just like that. For building a new
RIA, for building new business applications or for building
replacement browser UI to existing back end business systems, GWT is a
very strong candidate.


c) The teams behind it would probably need investement in retooling
 and training to use GWT and certainly given the first point above,
 this cost could outweigh any benefit.

 If you're building a new web application, then GWT is certainly a top
 candidate that should be investigated, why would you not want
 something that is promising to cut down your overall through life
 costs (apart from the cost of retooling your team)?  I would also
 argue that with GWT you can build more complicated web applications
 simpler than you could with JQuery.  For example, look at Chronoscope
 ( and it's associated blog to see
 how it was developed and available in many many different forms from
 single GWT base.

 What would be fascinating to see is the results of an actual study on
 the comaprison of the development of a web application using several
 of the competing and complimentary libraries/toolkits/frameworks.

 So back to the first point, use the tool that is most appropriate for
 what has to be done, within the constraints you may have and the
 expectations users/client has.


 On 23 Nov, 07:42, adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not sure which people you're talking about, but I can't believe
  that the people who head large projects like the ones mentioned in the
  jQuery link don't update their knowledge of available tools and their
  development status on a regular basis. I think the answer must lie


   From what I've seen is that a lot of people looked at GWT in it's
   really early stages and never really thought Hey, they're probably
   adding features and making everything work easier so they don't end
   up looking back at it.

   On Nov 22, 9:58 pm, adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I see here
projects, most of which are probably led by some smart, deep-thinking,
open-minded individuals, are using jQuery and hand-written javascript.
I notice that this list of projects using 
look as impressive.

Why are leaders on big projects deciding to use tools other than GWT?
Do they have any good reasons to not use GWT? Should they use GWT? If
so, why?

If this has already been covered in another post, please point me to
it; no need to reinvent the wheel.
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Re: How do I get browser autocomplete on a login form

2008-11-23 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 23 nov, 10:57, tieTYT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've already tried doing this and it doesn't solve the problem at
 hand.  IE(s) don't seem to ask you to save the username/password when
 you do this.  Here are the things I've tried with your idea:
 Wrapping these inputs in a form in the HTML
 Wrapping these inputs in a form in AJAX
 Submitting the HTML/AJAX form when the login button is clicked.
 Adding a submit button to the form in HTML
 Clicking that submit button via js when the form is submitted
 Lots of other things I can't really remember (I've been trying for a
 few days) and all sorts of combination's of what's mentioned above.

The form and the two inputs (username + password) have to exist in the
HTML page, and you have to actually submit the form (i.e. do not
return false in the onsubmit to make your own AJAX request).
I'm not sure but I guess the form's submission might also have to be
done by the user (i.e. not by any javascript code, be it form.submit()

 IE(s) are very particular about when they allow autocomplete.  The
 only way I've been able to do it is when my form has no dom
 manipulation whatsoever.  If you've actually gotten this to work,
 could you show a full example?

Have you tried the app attached to
It worked for me in IE.
I'm also using this technique on a project at work, without a problem.

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Re: Why use GWT?

2008-11-23 Thread ajay jetti
Thats one hell of a explanation from adam..
I think that content should be pointed at everybody who wants to know WHY


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Re: Page navigation in GWT

2008-11-23 Thread Transplant

On Nov 21, 1:02 pm, jonbutler88 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 I am new to GWT, though I have dabbled in C#/Java before so the
 language itself doesn't boggle me that much, but it seems some of the
 simpler concepts aren't sticking. Im pretty sure the answer to my
 question is so obvious, as I have not seen it answered in any of the
 tutorials on GWT on the web. What I wanted to know is, how do you do
 page navigation in GWT? For example I have my new class, with its
 onModuleLoad function, which is fine, but say I want to click a link
 and load a new page with a different onModuleLoad function?

As others have pointed out, the Right(TM) way to do this is using the
History mechanism. There are many strategies for working this into
your application's internal syntax and structure. However, there are a
few other basic concepts I think you might want some clarification on.

First, you should think of your GWT app as a single HTML page, in
which user and application events cause PORTIONS of the page (ie DOM
elements) to change, be replaced, or loaded with content from the
server or internal application logic. In general you will not be
sending the user/browser to another real URL. Your initial HTML page
is basically a canvas on which your GWT application spews up content
in response to user or server events (the typical AJAX model).

In the example of your login function, when your app has successfully
received authentication credentials from the user, its next job will
be to kick the login widgets off the page, and replace them with
whatever is next.

Second, you will probably find that the majority (if not all) of your
user navigation paths are not coded in raw HTML. The GWT ui classes
provide all the event handling and navigational connectivity that you
would find in a typical desktop application. Although it is possible
use raw HTML links to navigate your application, the GWT widgets are
much easier to work with, test, and maintain than raw HTML files. So
instead of following an a href=blah blahblah/a and going
somewhere else, you will create event listeners that respond to mouse
or key clicks which cause your app to change what is already there.

Finally, you typically will only have one EntryPoint implementation
with an onModuleLoad method in your application. That class will be
responsible for initializing your application - probably by creating
classes for the UI, classes for handling UI events, and classes for
managing your applications internal state. In a lot of the samples,
the class which implements EntryPoint also implements all of the UI,
the event handlers, and the application logic, but that's only to
reduce the amount of code you have to read. In any serious application
you will want to factor those things out into different classes (as in

It might be helpful to think of your EntryPoint.onModuleLoad() as if
it were simply the main() method of a more traditional application.

Hope that helps!

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2008-11-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi I am trying to call a GWT function from a hand written SVG script.
I was just wondering if anyone has already managed this, and could
provided an example? Thanks.
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Re: Why use GWT?

2008-11-23 Thread adam

Thanks for writing a very balanced and clear-headed response.

 code is, how much easier would it be for you to have done it in

Well, I'm about to find out empirically. I'm not sure -- it might end
up being a draw for my particular application -- but it will at least
be a learning experience. I'll try to remember to keep track of my
impressions and post them for others to benefit.


On Nov 23, 10:57 am, Adam T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wouldn't say contradiction, I believe all aspects mentioned
 (inertia/retooling/SEO/experience/through life cost/future development
 cost/others) all combine to inform the decision of what technology to
 eventually use.  In certain circumstances some aspects will weigh
 higher than others.

 Your example is a good case in point - did GWT naturally fit your
 design?  How easy was it to do, how managed do you feel the resulting
 code is, how much easier would it be for you to have done it in
 JQuery?  How much do you think your design was influenced by thinking
 of a GWT application as a multi-page app as opposed to a single page
 one?  How much more complex is your application to some of those
 examples shown using JQuery?

 There are many questions that feed into stuff, which makes it hard to
 say why one is better than another.  Though, if I'm going to build a
 complex application from scratch, then I would evaluate other
 technologies on a basis of why would I use it instead of GWT as I
 think GWT should be the starting point that others need to reach.

 Right now I would say the world is JavaScript focussed and there are
 many JavaScript coders out there, and hence the natural choice is
 JavaScript libraries.  As we push the boundaries on complexity, so we
 need better and better tools/environments etc, and I believe GWT is
 well placed for when complexity catches up.

 Just for interest, there is a JQuery library for 


 On 23 Nov, 16:16, adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Adam T,

  Thank you for your thorough and thoughtful explanation. There appears
  to be a contradiction running through the thread of your explanation
  and I'm wondering if you or anyone else would like to comment on it.
  You write:

   version.  Sure, you can do a similar thing with GWT but not in such an
   elegant manner - but the point of GWT is to build applications not web

  This seems to imply that the awkwardness of using GWT with
  traditional web sites -- ones whose separate pages are requested
  from a server -- may be a good reason to choose non-GWT tools for
  them. This would mean that the creators of the sites listed on the
  jQuery site are not refraining from using GWT on account of inertia or
  the cost/benefit ratio of training and retooling, as you suggest
  elsewhere in your reply. Rather they would be using the result of a
  decision-making process that, given the necessity of SEO as a premise,
  concludes it's necessary to create a web site rather than a web
  application and chooses a non-GWT javascript solution on account of
  its relative elegance.

  I've actually created web sites (again, separate html pages generated
  on server) using GWT. My strategy has been to include a javascript
  variable in a script block on each page, the string value of which
  corresponds to an Enum defined in GWT-generated code. As a given page
  loads, that variable is read by a JSNI call in my EntryPoint and, in a
  long switch based on the value of the Enum, a PageView subclass is
  instantiated. The PageView -- which is coded in GWT, of course -- in
  turn widgetizes parts of the html or generates widgets to insert into
  html placeholders. It also instantiates a PageController subclass,
  again coded in GWT. The way I see it, I am a creating a web app,
  albeit one whose execution environment (i.e. html content) is
  constructed differently by my server-side JSP code on each page load.
  It's been a few years since I've created a hand-coded Javascript app,
  but I think I'm going to give it a shot. Although this doesn't really
  amount to a study, I would be very happy to thoughtfully analyze the
  results and post them here.

  Thanks again for your very complete response,

  On Nov 23, 3:37 am, Adam T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   First a couple of rhetorical questions to you:

   a) why do you think JQuery and GWT are equivalent?
   b) why do you think the sites of the JQuery list are probably led by
   some smart, deep-thinking, open-minded individuals (IBM's web site
   might not necessarily be built by IBM)?
   c) why do you think the GWT list you pointed to is definitive? (try
   this as at least one update:

   You use the tools appropriate to the job and for which is the least
   cost to you.

   To me, JQuery is a simple library best suited to evolving aspects to
   a web site using the JavaScript language; GWT is more suited to
   building applications 

Re: Why use GWT?

2008-11-23 Thread Brian

gwt's pretty amazing, but I think it takes a good six months to really
understand it all. If the implementors of those sites hate typing and
hate java, they'll never get to the point where they appreciate gwt.

Seems to be there's a strong anti-Java sentiment these days.  Big,
static typed languages aren't that cool now, and people are able to
make nice apps in dynamic languages (Ruby, Javascript).  Churning java
into javascript is kind of weird (or at least novel) and it takes a
while to really get it.  jQuery is tight -- you can do a lot in one
line of code. That sort of stuff wins developers over.

To me, gwt realy comes down to turning java into really tight cross-
browser javascript with clean abstractions for ajax'y apps. If that's
not a sale for you (ie, you hate java), then jQuery is probably the
next stop in the evaluation path.

On Nov 22, 9:58 pm, adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see here lots of big
 projects, most of which are probably led by some smart, deep-thinking,
 open-minded individuals, are using jQuery and hand-written javascript.
 I notice that this list of projects using 
 look as impressive.

 Why are leaders on big projects deciding to use tools other than GWT?
 Do they have any good reasons to not use GWT? Should they use GWT? If
 so, why?

 If this has already been covered in another post, please point me to
 it; no need to reinvent the wheel.
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Re: SmartGWT 1.0 Released

2008-11-23 Thread Sanjiv Jivan
Hi Fransceso,
If you found a library that meets your needs, then good for you.
Compile output size and runtime performance are two separate issues. A third
party widget written in GWT Java, regardless of how small it compiles down
to, doesn't magically make it run fast. Nor does it make it magically render
perfectly on all browsers. As an example a TableGrid written in GWT Java
could still perform really poorly, and not display consistently on all
browsers.  There are obviously several aspects to GWT that helps avoid leaks
and such but this does not mean that any third party code written in GWT is
100% leak free. The GWT 1.6 event API is really neat and SmartGWT users
it. Well written code is what will perform well and display consistently
across various browser.

On the issue of performance, there are numerous posts made by paying GXT
users that the performance of GWT-Ext is still better than GXT. You can
search their forums. This is not to suggest that performance improvements
cannot be made in SmartGWT. If you can give specifics, it would certainly
help in resolving them. But without specifics like whether it was the
initial load time, performance of specific widgets etc it will be difficult
to act on. Feel free to post on the SmartGWT forums or create an issue on
the smartgwt google code project.

On the issue of compile output size :  The SmartClient library is extremely
stable and developed over the past 8 years.  If you peruse their forums, you
will find that pretty much all questions are met with an answer explaining
how the user can accomplish what they're trying to do. Their library is
virtually bug free. I realize this is a strong statement, but its true. Only
some 4-5 issues were patched post-release. Compare this to the bugs forum of
any of your favorite libraries. SmartGWT will inherit these attributes once
its past the few initial minor releases and issues are flushed out during
this period.  Due to the high level of stability of SmartClient, it can be
viewed as the kernel of your web app which should be configured to be
gzipped with an Expires Never header for a given version. This means that
the browser will cache the kernel (SmartClient JS files) and the only code
that gets downloaded is your application code, and not any code related to
the widget / framework. Future releases of SmartGWT will provide a GWT
linker that only pulls in the required files so this should cut down the
total size of the application.

The SmartGWT showcase has some 250 samples which is 6 times more than the
GXT showcase so its not quite apples to apples when it comes to initial load

Finally please read my blog entry if you haven't
already done so. I go over the SmartGWT fundamentals, the concept of a
DataSource and how it will lead to a cleaner architecture and can cut
application code significantly. I mention how a master detail page can be
written in as little as 10 lines using a reusable DataSource definition that
describes an entity / model class. Plus the reduced number of lines of code
on the server as well.

This is the first release of SmartGWT and while it is quite stable and has
been tested and used by early adopters for the past four weeks, users can
expect any rough edges / bugs / performance issues / better skins etc to be
ironed out over the course of the next few minor releases.

As mentioned earlier, if users have found a library that meets their needs,
thats great and there's no need to look further. And for the others, feel
free to evaluate SmartGWT to see if it helps meet your requirements. If you
feel that there are things that can be improved please post on the SmartGWT
forum or create an issue on the google code project page.


On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 5:49 AM, francescoNemesi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 smartGwt looks very appealing and very rich in features, but it is
 very slow. This is due to the fact that it is a JSNI wrapper around
 the Smart Client framework. This means loosing all the benefits of
 having a pure GWT implementation (I will not go into details on this).

 I think a comparison with GXT (also known as GWT Ext, at this address does not make any sense as GXT is a
 pure GWT feature implementation and it is lightining fast once

 The only appropriate comparison would be with gwt-ext (http:// which is JSNI wrapper around the ExtJS
 javascript framework (developed by the same company that developed
 GXT), much like smartGwt is a JSNI wrapper around the Smart Client

 This forum is full of people complaining about how slow and cumbersome
 gwt-ext is, and I think exactly the same problems will be encountered
 with smartGwt.On the other hand GXT is not affected by any of these
 issues. True, GXT at the moment is not as rich in features at the
 moment, but they are getting there.

 I do not work for the ExtJS 

Re: Animations

2008-11-23 Thread Adligo


  I did some basic animation at, basically just a
absolute panel with Timers that move the labels for the A and dligo
and the panel for the tabs.  The timers are set to run like the frames
of a movie.  I haven't checked out the GWT Animation kit, but I'm sure
it's great
  It would be nice if someone wrote a sound API for gwt (or
wrapper for the flash sound plugin), then people could write full
blown video games in GWT!

On Nov 22, 5:12 am, tapan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can i create excellent animations with GWT. please help
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Re: Why use GWT?

2008-11-23 Thread Adligo

I found this list VERY IMPRESSIVE!


On Nov 22, 8:58 pm, adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see here lots of big
 projects, most of which are probably led by some smart, deep-thinking,
 open-minded individuals, are using jQuery and hand-written javascript.
 I notice that this list of projects using 
 look as impressive.

 Why are leaders on big projects deciding to use tools other than GWT?
 Do they have any good reasons to not use GWT? Should they use GWT? If
 so, why?

 If this has already been covered in another post, please point me to
 it; no need to reinvent the wheel.
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Re: Animations

2008-11-23 Thread Jeremiah Elliott
something like this?

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Adligo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I did some basic animation at, basically just a
 absolute panel with Timers that move the labels for the A and dligo
 and the panel for the tabs.  The timers are set to run like the frames
 of a movie.  I haven't checked out the GWT Animation kit, but I'm sure
 it's great
  It would be nice if someone wrote a sound API for gwt (or
 wrapper for the flash sound plugin), then people could write full
 blown video games in GWT!

 On Nov 22, 5:12 am, tapan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How can i create excellent animations with GWT. please help

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Re: Aspect-Oriented Programming for GWT, GWTENT-0.5 now available for download

2008-11-23 Thread

Oops, The format is not good for read, And looks like I can't modify
it. Sorry.

 Hi, Guys,

 Aspect-Oriented Programming for GWT, GWTENT-0.5 now available for
 Please see here or read through this post for more 
 You can get all interceptors in sample project 
 Please download the sample project 

 If you get anything, any advises, issues, please let me know, let us
 make it better. :D

 1, Introduction

     Now Aspect-Oriented Programming is available in GWT.

     The following advice type supported by GWTENT(Compatible with
 AspectJ annotation).

        1. @Around
        2. @Before
        3. @After
        4. @AfterReturning?
        5. @AfterThrowing?

     * Around advice: Advice that surrounds a join point such as a
 method invocation. This is the most powerful kind of advice. Around
 advice can perform custom behavior before and after the method
 invocation. It is also responsible for choosing whether to proceed to
 the join point or to shortcut the advised method execution by
 returning its own return value or throwing an exception.
     * Before advice: Advice that executes before a join point, but
 which does not have the ability to prevent execution flow proceeding
 to the join point (unless it throws an exception).
     * After (finally) advice: Advice to be executed regardless of the
 means by which a join point exits (normal or exceptional return).
     * After returning advice: Advice to be executed after a join point
 completes normally: for example, if a method returns without throwing
 an exception.
     * After throwing advice: Advice to be executed if a method exits
 by throwing an exception.

     And for pointcut, we support both Google Guice matcher classes and
 AspectJ expression(a subset of AspectJ expression)

     Please see here for all interceptors in sample project. Please
 download the sample projecthere

 2, Pointcut
 2.1, Overview

 Pointcut: A predicate that matches join points. Advice is associated
 with a pointcut expression and runs at any join point matched by the
 pointcut (for example, the execution of a method with a certain name).
 The concept of join points as matched by pointcut expressions is
 central to AOP: we support AspectJ pointcut language and Google Guice
 matcher classes.
 2.1.1, Client-side code?

     Please note, All pointcut match code is runing at compile time,
 it's mean you can write truely java code in your matcher class and
 without any limit in GWT client-side code. In compile time and host-
 mode, GWTENT require AspectJ jars to dealwith AspectJ expression, but
 after your compile it, all are javascript.

 2.2, AspectJ pointcut expression style

     to be continue

 2.2, Google Guice matcher style

     We support matchclass(the class name which implement
 com.gwtent.aop.matcher.ClassMethodMatcher?), for example:

             public static class PhoneRedirectInterceptor {

                     public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation)
 throws Throwable {
                             System.out.println(Do something in
                             return new Receiver(Alberto's Pizza

 the matcher class will looks like this:

 public class TestMatcher implements ClassMethodMatcher {

         public Matcher? super Class? getClassMatcher() {
                 return Matchers.subclassesOf(Phone.class);

         public Matcher? super Method getMethodMatcher() {
                 return Matchers.returns(Matchers.only
                 //return Matchers.any();


 3, Advice
 3.1, Arguments Binding

    1. if there is com.gwtent.client.aop.intercept.MethodInvocation?
 in args list, then invocation will assign to args.
    2. if source method and advice method have the same class type and
 this type just have one, then we assign this one to args
    3. Read settings in @AfterReturning?

               [EMAIL PROTECTED](
                  public void afterReturning(Object retVal)

    4. Read settings in @AfterThrowing?

               [EMAIL PROTECTED](
                public void afterThrowing(Throwable e)

 3.2, @Around

     Advice that surrounds a join point such as a method invocation.
 This is the most powerful kind of advice. Around advice can perform
 custom behavior before and after the method invocation. It is also
 responsible for choosing whether to proceed to the 

The text of two TabBar Items Overlaps

2008-11-23 Thread

I have the following problem: The text of two TabBar Items Overlaps,
this is because the width property in the .css file doesn't works.  I
didn't have this problem with the gwt 1.4 version but when I change to
the 1.5 version this problem appear.  Some body know how to solve this
problem. Thanks.
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Re: Popup Stealing focus

2008-11-23 Thread Bryan

Very cool thanks for the info Mark!

On Nov 21, 8:03 am, markmccall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a know bug in FireFox that might be causing this:

 Hope this helps.

 On Nov 21, 12:24 am, Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Okay so it seems that overriding show() actually is setting the focus
  on the textBox but the cursor is not showing up.

  On Nov 20, 10:51 pm, Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey everyone,

   I have a pretty simple popup with a couple of text boxes in it.  When
   it comes up, i'd like the focus to be on the first text box.
   Unfortunately, the focus is getting lost when the popup is shown and
   i'm not sure what is eating it.  Does anyone have some insight into
   what might be going on?  I've even tried overriding show() to set the
   focus after i make the call to

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Re: Can Google Adsense be used with GWT

2008-11-23 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

Hi Rick,

AFAIK, Google AdSense won't work very well unless your site is Search
Engine Optimized. If it is, you should be able to add Google AdSense
to your site like you would with any other site built with Javascript
and HTML. You can integrate it either with JSNI or put it into the
HTML file that starts your GWT app.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 12:00 AM, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have developed a web site using GWT1.5. I want to show Google
 Adsense on it. DO GWT have support for Google Adsense. Any comments/
 updates in this regard will be highly appreciated.


 Rick Smith

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Re: Animations

2008-11-23 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

That roadmap is pretty out of date (says Java 5 support is in-progress
when it's already done). My understanding is that it will be updated

Arthur Kalmenson

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 10:18 PM, hezjing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A side note to this discussion, the roadmap of GWT
 (see mentioned
 that the Animation/effects support is still in planning?

 On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 5:43 AM, Jeremiah Elliott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 something like this?

 On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Adligo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I did some basic animation at, basically just a
 absolute panel with Timers that move the labels for the A and dligo
 and the panel for the tabs.  The timers are set to run like the frames
 of a movie.  I haven't checked out the GWT Animation kit, but I'm sure
 it's great
  It would be nice if someone wrote a sound API for gwt (or
 wrapper for the flash sound plugin), then people could write full
 blown video games in GWT!

 On Nov 22, 5:12 am, tapan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How can i create excellent animations with GWT. please help




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Resource not found of Stock Watcher

2008-11-23 Thread shecky

I am trying  Stock Watcher program,  after I compiled the scripts in
Eclipse, I encountered the warning:[WARN] Resource not found:; (could a
file be missing from the public path or a servlet tag misconfigured
in module ?).
I don't know why.
who can help me ?

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compile external project source file

2008-11-23 Thread vaibhav


How can I add another project source file into my GWT project. Actually I
have divided our project into two project which is server project and GWT
project. For the RPC we are making same DTO on both side. Now to prevent us
from code duplicacy I want to add dto to another project and share between
two. My gwt is not able to compile those DTO as this is outside of client


I also tried source path= tag in gwt.xml file but how to add external
project module path in that I don't know. Please help me in achiving this.




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Vaibhav Saxena

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How to do cross site implementation in GWT

2008-11-23 Thread Manish Kumar

Hi everybody,

I has working for 2 months on GWT( 1.5.3 ). I have been successful in 
implementing various feature in GWT. Finally I am stuck at end for almost 20 
days in including my GWT project to a set of HTML files with passing a set 
of values to GWT from HTML.
Previously also I put this issue in this forum as i was trying with JSNI and 
xs linker.Now i am running out of time. Time has come for decision.Thanks 
for constant help and co-operation.

Now can anybody please confirm my approach? Since still I suspect my 

I have a set of  HTML files. I have made and GWT project including some 
widgets , rpc and a external server( calling using request builder ). I have 
wriiten a JSNI method in GWT component which is called by a GWT method 
called inside onModuleLoad.
I have wriiten a js method( on HTML side) which calls JSNI method.

I compiled the GWT component using xs linker and added nocache.js in my 
HTML(in HEAD part). I am expecting that this will invoke GWT component as js 
method ( html side ) is called on click of a button displayed in HTML.

A couple of months back I had got this but I don't understand why this is 
not working this time.There is a remarkable observation is that previously I 
had got xs-nocache.js and my JSNI method inside that.This I am not getting 

One more thing I would like to know that what is the role of cache.js?

Can anybody provide me what is mistake/is this workable or not.


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Re: Aspect-Oriented Programming for GWT, GWTENT-0.5 now available for download

2008-11-23 Thread Joshua Partogi

Why doesn't this project get merged with GWT instead?

 Oops, The format is not good for read, And looks like I can't modify
 it. Sorry.

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Is they a way to create minimise buttons?

2008-11-23 Thread Ananda

Hi Every one

Greeting to everyone..

I want to create a popup like a screens in windows.

More precisely I am require to create a popup having close , minimize,
maximize buttons.

Is there any way to create these? Can any give me a hint so that I can work
on that?


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[gwt-contrib] Re: [ANN] GWT maven plugin released

2008-11-23 Thread nicolas.deloof

I understand your point of view,

I just want to notice Mojo project has been created to avoid such case
of multiple plugins for same use-cases / technology.

Anyone can get write acces to Mojo when donating a plugin, and this is
the primary place where maven user will search for maven a maven
plugin to support XX technology. It doesn't use the constraining
Apache fundation release and licensing rules, so Mojo committer are
free to create and promote nice plugins.

I was not aware of googlecode gwt-maven plugin when I searched one,
and found the one in Mojo sandbox that required some improvements. I
later was pointed to google code, but hopefully I didn't plan same

Same issue may occur with android or any other technology. I myself
planned to study android and to support it as part of Mojo, but your
comment let me thing there is allready plugins available *somewhere*
for that ;) It would be better for such project to support own
plugins, to avoid such ambiguous brother plugins.
We (Mojo project) could also add links to such 3rd party plugins.


On 23 nov, 08:25, Ray Cromwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I hope you didn't take my comment the wrong way. I just wanted to
 point out that Charlie Collin's plugin has been out a lot longer and
 has many more people using it. It's great that the Mojo version has
 finally been brought up to a similar state, I just lament the fact
 that there are so few people maintaining gwt maven plugins that it
 might serve better to have a unified project. Charlie Collins recently
 did this with his Android Maven pluging, merging it with the Masa
 plugin which had a different featureset.

   I am not involved in either project, I'm just a heavy user of
 gwt-maven plugin from Charlie's project, and long term, I'd like to
 see a sort of defacto standard GWT maven plugin, defacto standard GWT
 repo, etc. Right now, everyone and their brother is putting GWT
 packages into repos, using various packaging schemes.


 On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 11:18 PM, nicolas.deloof

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is the place where maven community starts plugins
  ideas or incubates third-party ones. They can get focus from many
  developpers and improve, until they get new releases.

  The gwt-maven mojo has been created as an experiment but failed due to
  GwtCompiler System.exit(). I then came to fix this and add support for
  no installation, and other stuff like Asyn code generation.

  Charlie Collins as any other contributor is welcome to join the large
  Mojo community and donate code / help to improve the plugin with any
  new feature.

  I google guys want to maintain themselve a gwt plugin, they could
  either join Mojo, or Mojo could donate the plugin to GWT.


  On 22 nov, 21:08, Ray Cromwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to see this plugin and the one from Charlie Collins (total)
  unified, cause it seems like each have valuable nonoverlapping
  features and a real stable feature rich production quality plugin
  should be blessed by google in much the same way as ide plugins and
  ant tasks.

  Even though the gwt team doesn't use maven, a sizable market of people
  do and all major ides now integrate tightly with it.

  Just my two cents.

  On Nov 22, 2008, at 9:43 AM, nicolas.deloof


   The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the GWT Maven
   Plugin version 1.0.

   This is the first stable release after some month of real-life tests
   in sandbox.

   To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's
   plugin configuration:



   Nicolas De loof

[gwt-contrib] Re: Don't forget CachedTableModel.clearCache()

2008-11-23 Thread Isaac Truett

 If TableModel had an abstract clearCache method, I could make:

 myPagingGrid.gotoPage(0, true);

 That would be more clean imho.

But it wouldn't, you see, because not all TableModels have caching.
You're trying to move a method higher up the inheritance chain where
it doesn't belong. The fact that your PST uses a caching TableModel is
an implementation detail of your application. You should extend or
encapsulate PST and your TableModel and provide/override a method in
that new object that handles clearing the cache before refreshing the

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Geraldo Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm making a crud application that uses PagingScrollTable. It consists
 of a paging grid and a form  that reflects the current selected row. I
 use the form to make query by example, so I start with a group of
 values and depending on the search I need to populate the grid with
 completely different set of values. After the user click the search
 button I was trying to reload the values with :

 myPagingGrid.gotoPage(0, true); // true to force reload.

 I was getting strange results, with values of the last search being
 mixed with the ones of the current search.

 My mistake was I'm using CachedTableModel, that encapsulate my real
 table mode and it was keeping values from the last search around.

 final CachedTableModelCliente cachedTableModel = new

 So cachedTableModel.clearCache() before myPagingGrid.gotoPage(0, true)
 solved the problem.

 Just wondering:

 CachedTableModel extends MutableTableModel which extends TableModel,
 and PagingScrollTable points to TableModel, so I can't invoke clear
 cache via PagingScrollTable. Instead I have  to pass a instance to
 PagingScrollTable and CachedTableModel to be able to:

 myPagingGrid.gotoPage(0, true);

 If TableModel had an abstract clearCache method, I could make:

 myPagingGrid.gotoPage(0, true);

 That would be more clean imho.

 Thanks for the marvelous work you are doing.

 Geraldo Lopes

