Re: Open url with POST parameters

2008-11-25 Thread Cesc

Sorry for my delay.
Yes, I was playing with The issue is that the url needs
soe POST parameters to be dislpayed properly (performs some action,
etc.), but as I can't post anything, is opens a blanks windos (It is
performing a GET instead, which it doesn't fit for my purposes).

Thanks anyway!

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How to use RichTextToolbar ?

2008-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everybody:
   In my item , i must use the discreteness.Who can give me a example?

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Re: LiveGrid problem

2008-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think you have to update your gwt.xml file AND the entry page
e.g. MyApp.html with references to the javascript for the
BufferedReaders etc. I've pasted mine below:

>From gwt.xml:

>From .html

I hope that helps.


On Nov 23, 1:37 pm, elninio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I can't get the LiveGrid sample working. I've made the server side
> servlet and its configurations and I copied the code of the
> getViewPanel() method  to my onModuleLoad() method.
> I get this error:
> (TypeError):
> '$' a la valeur Null ou n'est pas un
> objet.
>  number: -2146823281
>  description: '$' a la valeur Null
> ou n'est pas un objet.
>         at Method)
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
> 31)
>         at com.client.Testing.onModuleLoad(
> I found in the forum that someone was having the same probleme and he
> solved it by installing ext. But I don't know how to do it. I only
> copied the ressources, adapter and ext-all.js to my project. And I
> didn't found any jar in the ext 2.0.2 package that I am using
> Please, Can anyone tell me how could I install ext? Or how to fix this
> error?
> Thanks for being Patient.
> Regards.
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Re: hot code replacement in external module

2008-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for answering.

Is it correct that the user-agent property should be set to IE6 if I
keep on using the default GWT browser?  I guess this tells GWT to only
compile the IE6 version, right?  This makes me wonder whether or not
the .gwt.xml file is used on a production server, and if it is, do I
have to provide a version where the user-agent property is not set?  I
can feel my question being slightly stupid by couldn't keep from
asking, sorry  ;-)

Now the reason why I'm running in -noserver mode is that I'm using
Spring (I need it for injection, and DB transaction management) via
the org.gwtwidgets.server.spring.GWTHandler, and from what I read by
its author, it can only work that way.  I did try to make the whole
lot work with the embedded Tomcat server (which I would have been more
than happy with) but from what I understood, the fact that
GWTShellServlet is mapped to the "/*" url leads to conflicts.

I'll give your suggestions a try, thanks.


On Nov 14, 2:46 pm, gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, if you are running in -noserver mode, then if you change any
> server side code, including classes like DTOs passed between client
> and server, you will naturally have to redeploy. You don't explain why
> you have elected to run in -noserver mode, but if you did you may get
> some suggestions as to how you might be able work with the embedded
> hosted mode Tomcat instance.
> Two things you could look at to improve tunaround times are:
> 1) if you set this in your module.gwt.xml file:
>                 name="user.agent"
>             value="ie6"/> or gecko etc
> it will cut your module compile times roughly in half
> 2) Modify your ant script to include a task that builds and deploys a
> WAR that contains just the server side code you need for development
> purposes. You then just click this task from your IDE.
> regards
> gregor
> On Nov 14, 8:25 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is my question so trivial that no-one considers answering?
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Re: How to do cross site implementation in GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Manish Kumar

Hi everybody,

can anybody plz help me out to get the right path for cross site 

please go through the mail below and make me aware about my approach.

Thanx & Regards
- Original Message - 
From: "Manish Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 11:12 AM
Subject: How to do cross site implementation in GWT

> Hi everybody,
> I has working for 2 months on GWT( 1.5.3 ). I have been successful in
> implementing various feature in GWT. Finally I am stuck at end for almost 
> 20
> days in including my GWT project to a set of HTML files with passing a set
> of values to GWT from HTML.
> Previously also I put this issue in this forum as i was trying with JSNI 
> and
> xs linker.Now i am running out of time. Time has come for decision.Thanks
> for constant help and co-operation.
> Now can anybody please confirm my approach? Since still I suspect my
> approach.
> I have a set of  HTML files. I have made and GWT project including some
> widgets , rpc and a external server( calling using request builder ). I 
> have
> wriiten a JSNI method in GWT component which is called by a GWT method
> called inside onModuleLoad.
> I have wriiten a js method( on HTML side) which calls JSNI method.
> I compiled the GWT component using xs linker and added nocache.js in my
> HTML(in HEAD part). I am expecting that this will invoke GWT component as 
> js
> method ( html side ) is called on click of a button displayed in HTML.
> A couple of months back I had got this but I don't understand why this is
> not working this time.There is a remarkable observation is that previously 
> I
> had got xs-nocache.js and my JSNI method inside that.This I am not getting
> now.
> One more thing I would like to know that what is the role of cache.js?
> Can anybody provide me what is mistake/is this workable or not.
> Regards
> Manish
> > 

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using Jetty for hosted mode?

2008-11-25 Thread Juan Backson

Does anyone know how to change GWT default servlet engine to Jetty?

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: how to redirect to another EntryPoint class

2008-11-25 Thread Rick


For redirection you can use following method:
public static native void reDirectPage(String html)/*-{
 var text = $wnd.location.href;
 var index = text.lastIndexOf("/");
 var subString = text.substring(0,index+1);
 var targetString = subString+html;
 $wnd.location.href = targetString;

On Nov 25, 9:23 am, Not Ken Shabby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following code was 'hand extracted and modified" from a project I
> am working on. Therefore there maybe typos.
> There are also references / usages of classes not shown here, but you
> do not need them.
> The basic flow is:
> 1. In your class which implements "EntryPoint" create an instance of a
> Logon panel class (of your own design) --- here mine is called
> "MyLogonPanel"
> 2. Pass a reference to the Entry Point class ("this") to the Logon
> Panel class --- so that later you can call back into this class
> 2. Add the logon panel to the "RootPanel"
> 3. In the constructor of the Logon Panel - create the necessary UI
> components to display a logon message and places to enter UserId and
> password.
> 4. Call your server code to verify the UserId and Password --- onSucess
> () should call back a method in the Entry Point class
>     --- (here "loggedOn() ) which then removes the Logon Panel from
> the Root Panel and replaces it with the main application screen.
> I hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Ken.
> ==
> :
> public class MyEntryPoint implements EntryPoint
> {
>     MyMainScreen screen;
>     MyLogonPanel logon;
>     public void onModuleLoad()
>     {
>         logon = new MyLogonPanel(this);
>         RootPanel.get().add(logon);
>     }
>     public void loggedOn(MyLogonResult result)
>     {
>         RootPanel.get().remove(logon);
>         screen = new MyMainScreen(result);
>         RootPanel.get().add(screen);
>     }
> }
> public final class MyLogonPanel extends VerticalPanel
> {
>     final TextBox userIdTB = new TextBox();
>     final PasswordTextBox passwordTB = new PasswordTextBox();
>     final Label message = new Label("Please enter userid and
> password");
>     final MyEntryPoint entryPoint;
>     final VerticalPanel logonBox;
>     MyLogonPanel(MyEntryPoint entryPoint)
>     {
>         this.entryPoint = entryPoint;
>         HorizontalPanel hp1 = new HorizontalPanel();
>         HorizontalPanel hp2 = new HorizontalPanel();
>         this.add(message);
>         hp1.add(new Label("UserId:"));
>         hp1.add(userIdTB);
>         hp2.add(new Label("Password:"));
>         hp2.add(passwordTB);
>         this.add(hp1);
>         this.add(hp2);
>         Button logonB = new Button("Logon");
>         logonB.addClickListener(new LogonClickListener());
>         this.add(logonB);
>         logonBox = this;
>     }
>     private class LogonClickListener implements ClickListener
>     {
>         public void onClick(Widget sender)
>         {
>             message.setText("--trying to logon--");
>             MyRemoteServiceAsync call = MyRemoteService.App.getInstance
> ();
>             UserId userId = new UserId(userIdTB.getText());
>             PassWord password = new PassWord(passwordTB.getText());
>             LogonCredentials logonCredentials = new LogonCredentials
> (userId, password);
>             call.logon(logonCredentials, new LogonCallback());
>         }
>     }
>     private class LogonCallback implements AsyncCallback
>     {
>         public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
>         {
>             logonBox.add(new Label("failure of LOGON callback"));
>             logonBox.add(new Label(caught.toString()));
>             logonBox.add(new Label("--END--"));
>         }
>         public void onSuccess(Object obj)
>         {
>             System.out.println("LOGON callback - onSuccess");
>             MyLogonResult result = (MyLogonResult) obj;
>             if (result.logonFailed())
>             {
>                 message.setText(result.getResponseString());
>                 return;
>             }
>             entryPoint.loggedOn(result);
>         }
>     }
> }
> ***
> On Nov 24, 4:56 am, rajasekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I need to redirect to home page.because the problem without
> > redirecting is when I refresh the home page it is going to login page
> > again .Please let me know how to handle this.
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Is it possible to implement keyboard accessible Popup menus?

2008-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've been successfully using a PopupPanel with a MenuBar as its
widget. However it doesn't seem to be accessible via the keyboard.
I've read
I've tried wrapping the MenuBar in a FocusPanel but it seems to have
no effect.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

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@Override causes error when defining anonymous class

2008-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get the error message in the development shell:

 The method onClick(Widget) of type new ClickListener(){} must
override a superclass method

When I do

addClickListener(new ClickListener() {

public void onClick(Widget sender) { ...

but all is fine if I have

addClickListener(new ClickListener() {

public void onClick(Widget sender) { ...

Why is it wrong to include "@Override"? Eclipse quick fix puts it
there for me.


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Re: Dockpanel question

2008-11-25 Thread gregor

Hi Jake,

I think your problem is here:

tree.addTreeListener(new TreeListener(){
 public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) {
  ThirdMenu neo = new ThirdMenu(item.getText());  won't
  public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem item) {
if (item.getState()){
//  currChapter.setText(item.getText());

You have attached a first instance of ThirdMenu to outer where it
remains. You have instantiated a second instance of ThirdMenu but you
have not attached it to outer (or anything else), so it does not get
displayed. When you write Widget.add(Widget someWidget) you are
effectively attaching it to the DOM behind the scenes (starting off
with RootPanel.get.add(..)). To make it do so you would need to write:

 public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) {
  ThirdMenu neo = new ThirdMenu(item.getText());

Arguably a better strategy would be to make ThirdMenu a mutable and
update the same instance from the listener. If ThirdMenu was a Tree,
for example, you would probably have a method to build it in the first
place from some parameter. Then you can call Tree.clear() followed by
the build method when you need to update ThirdMenu. Also if you have
ThirdMenu implement TreeListener then it can be registered with
SecondMenu and therefore be notified of SecondMenu selections via the
Event model which is generally the best way to do it as it decouples
Second- and ThirdMenu.


On Nov 25, 10:07 am, jake H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I m certain that is possible to do sth like that with Dockpanels.
> Any one that can help?
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Re: Focus-Issue with RichTextArea inside TabPanel

2008-11-25 Thread Danny Schimke
Here is the Issue on GWT's site:
It's still marked as "new"

> This issue occurs in version 1.5.3 of GWT. It did not occur in 1.4.6.
> The issue occurs only in IE7. Chrome and FireFox 3 work fine.

I'll try to reproduce this in previous GWT-Version(s) whether I have time

2008/11/21 Adi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have a similar issue, although I am not using Tab panel.
> My application creates (and removes) multiple RichTextAreas held in a
> combination of VerticalPanel and HorizontalPanel objects.
> Clicking once inside the RichTextArea works fine, the text is editable
> as usual. When another RichTextArea is created it is not-editable, and
> neither are any of regular TextBoxes. Any subsequent TextBoxes
> RichTextAreas are also non-editable.
> I am using the RichTextToolbar from the KitchenSink demo. Clicking on
> one of the RichTextToolBar buttons (such as 'bold' for example)
> enables the RichTextArea.
> This issue occurs in version 1.5.3 of GWT. It did not occur in 1.4.6.
> The issue occurs only in IE7. Chrome and FireFox 3 work fine.
> Adi
> On Nov 11, 1:46 pm, Schimki86 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We implemented a main dialog which provides 3 dialogs and a navigation to
> > switch between those.
> >
> > *Dialog1:* It's the first (initial) dialog. TabPanel with RichTextArea on
> > the first tab (you will see this after start up the application)
> > *Dialog2 + Dialog3:* Dialogs with TextBox widgets
> >
> > If you start the app and switch to Dialog2 or Dialog3 without any other
> > interaction then you can't focus and edit any TextBox.
> > But when you click first anywhere in Dialog1 after start up and then
> switch
> > to one of the other Dialogs you can use TextBoxes as usual.
> > It occurs only if the TextArea is inside a TabPanel.
> >
> > We have not found a workaround for this...
> > *
> > See attachment* (It's an Eclipse project which demonstrates the issue)
> >
> >
> > 8KViewDownload
> >

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Re: @Override causes error when defining anonymous class

2008-11-25 Thread Jason Morris

The GWT Compiler doesn't like to have @Override on an interface method, if the 
method definition 
comes from a class it's happy, but if the direct parent declaration is in an 
interface it won't compile.

> I get the error message in the development shell:
>  The method onClick(Widget) of type new ClickListener(){} must
> override a superclass method
> When I do
> addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>   @Override
>   public void onClick(Widget sender) { ...
> but all is fine if I have
> addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>   public void onClick(Widget sender) { ...
> Why is it wrong to include "@Override"? Eclipse quick fix puts it
> there for me.
> Best,
> -ken
> > 

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Re: Dockpanel question

2008-11-25 Thread jake H

I m certain that is possible to do sth like that with Dockpanels.
Any one that can help?
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Re: GWT, Netbeans and debugging

2008-11-25 Thread AgostinoFiorani

I have the SAME problem. Have  somebody  resolved it?
Do you think is better to migrate to Eclipse?
Many thanks.

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Re: Focus-Issue with RichTextArea inside TabPanel

2008-11-25 Thread Danny Schimke
> I'll try to reproduce this in previous GWT-Version(s) whether I have time

I tried to reproduce in GWT-Version 1.4.6 upwardly to 1.5.3 and here are my

1.4.6: error don't occurs
1.5.0: error don't occurs
1.5.1: error don't occurs
1.5.2: error occurs
1.5.3: error occurs

There are no differences in source-code of RichTextArea in GWT version 1.5.2
relationg to 1.5.1 where the issue don't occurs.

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Re: Queries in designing web application using gwt, spring & hibernate

2008-11-25 Thread gregor

Hi Armol,

On Nov 25, 6:44 am, Amol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I am designing a web application using GWT, spring & hibernate. I have
> some queries.
> 1. What is the best way to submit form data? Should I use gwt form
> submit or collect parameters and invoke service method by passing in
> all form field values?

I would start by looking at hibernate4gwt, if only because of the
concise information it's documentation gives about integrating GWT
with Hibernate and various options. It is based on GWR RPC which I
would think that is your probably best option - it is very neat.

In considering your options I would head straight for information
around the central problem of serving Hibernate managed domain classes
to GWT: Hibernate classes are adorned with proxies and "magic
collections" to deal with lazy loading and this makes them
incompatible with GWT JRE emulation. Hibernate4gwt automatically
translates Hibernate managed classes into GWT friendly DTO versions
for transport to client, and restores and updates them on return for

Whatever you do, you have to deal with this problem, and I would say
that you designed your own solution it would probably look very like
hibernate4gwt in the end.

> 2. How should I handle security aspect, for example validating each
> request and make sure only authorized user invoke services?

Check the group for (occasionally robust) opinion and debate on how
best to go about this. There is an article here which is also a good
starting point:

> 3. How does session work with GWT?  Is there any sample web
> application developed using gwt, spring and hibernate that can guide
> me?

Providing you use GWT RPC you are using RemoteServiceServlets
therefore you have access to HttpSession etc same as any servlet or
Struts action class. Another good reason to use GWT RPC if you are
using Spring. There are plenty of tutorials and articles about how to
integrate GWT with Spring - google "spring GWT inegration"


> Any help will be highly appreciated
> Regards
> amol
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Re: Dockpanel question

2008-11-25 Thread jake H

This seems to work fine!!!
ty gregor

One question about DockPanels.

Is it possible to do sth like that?

in case u arent sure about the panel u set in the center.
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Re: Dockpanel question

2008-11-25 Thread Ian Bambury
The easiest way is to add a panel to the centre - just a SimplePanel will do
- and clear() and then add() to that.

2008/11/25 jake H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This seems to work fine!!!
> ty gregor
> One question about DockPanels.
> Is it possible to do sth like that?
> outer.remove(DockPanel.CENTER.widget)
> in case u arent sure about the panel u set in the center.
> >

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gwt-datepicker Error !!!

2008-11-25 Thread zubair


I get the below error when i try to access the datepicker .

I have done the below configuration in my GWT project :-

1) placed the jar file in  F:\GWT\gwt-windows-1.5.2\gwt-datepicker-

2) include 
   in application.gwt.xml .

3) added the path "F:\GWT\gwt-windows-1.5.2\gwt-datepicker-r29.jar"
in application-complie.cmd

when in run batch file i get the below error:-

Loading module 'com.examples.gwt.mygwtapp'
   Loading inherited module
  [ERROR] Unable to find 'org/zenika/widget/client/datePicker/
DatePicker.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you
forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
   [ERROR] Line 5: Unexpected exception while processing element
'inherits' (see previous log

Error Message :-
No source code is available for type
org.zenika.widget.client.datePicker.DatePicker; did you forget to
inherit a required module?

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Re: Captcha

2008-11-25 Thread Olostan


On Nov 24, 6:16 pm, Micky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are a few similar threads posted about this but none recently so
> here goes again: has anyone stumbled across a good, clean, secure
> Captcha implemenation for GWT on their travels?

I bet there are no 'robots', that can automatically execute
javascript, that GWT produce. As it require normal browser. As for me,
GWT is already something like capcha, that not allows fully automatic
bots to do actions.

Valentyn Shybanov
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Re: @Override causes error when defining anonymous class

2008-11-25 Thread Isaac Truett

GWT 1.5 targets Java 1.5. @Override when implementing an interface is
an error in Java 1.5. If Eclipse is suggesting @Override in those
cases then it is probably set to use a 1.6 JRE instead of 1.5. In 1.6
@Override is acceptable for either implementing interfaces or
overriding methods in parent classes.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Jason Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The GWT Compiler doesn't like to have @Override on an interface method, if 
> the method definition
> comes from a class it's happy, but if the direct parent declaration is in an 
> interface it won't compile.
>> I get the error message in the development shell:
>>  The method onClick(Widget) of type new ClickListener(){} must
>> override a superclass method
>> When I do
>> addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>>   @Override
>>   public void onClick(Widget sender) { ...
>> but all is fine if I have
>> addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>>   public void onClick(Widget sender) { ...
>> Why is it wrong to include "@Override"? Eclipse quick fix puts it
>> there for me.
>> Best,
>> -ken
>> >
> >

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Re: Queries in designing web application using gwt, spring & hibernate

2008-11-25 Thread eggsy84

Hi Amol

I have wrote a quick tutorial on integrating the 3 technologies

It doesn't address Hibernate4GWT or Security but it does highlight the
integration of the three technologies and one way it can be achieved:

Part One -
Part Two -
Part Three -
Part Four -


On Nov 25, 6:44 am, Amol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I am designing a web application using GWT, spring & hibernate. I have
> some queries.
> 1. What is the best way to submit form data? Should I use gwt form
> submit or collect parameters and invoke service method by passing in
> all form field values?
> 2. How should I handle security aspect, for example validating each
> request and make sure only authorized user invoke services?
> 3. How does session work with GWT?  Is there any sample web
> application developed using gwt, spring and hibernate that can guide
> me?
> Any help will be highly appreciated
> Regards
> amol
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Re: Your opinion sought: Jetty or Tomcat?

2008-11-25 Thread Charlie Collins

I know I am late to this thread, but Jetty would break a ton of stuff
for me (I maintain the GWT-Maven plugin, which tweaks the embedded
Tomcat) - even so, I would say it's a good idea (a lot of advantages),
and I can adapt.

One thing in this thread that concerns me though is the general
"everyone uses noserver beyond the basics" sentiment, I don't think
that's accurate - regardless of what the embedded server is (Tomcat or
Jetty or whatever).

"About using a customized Tomcat to avoid -noserver hosted mode - I'm
not entirely sure I understand why you would want to hack a custom
version of the embedded Tomcat server rather than use your own
customizable Tomcat server with the -noserver option. "

I customize the *embedded* Tomcat because without it I *can't run
GWTTestCase based tests* - and thats HUGE in my book.  (The JUnitShell
doesn't support -noserver as far as I know? If I am incorrect on that
front please advise - how do others work with tests if they are using
noserver?)  I don't use GWTTestCase tests for my UI either (I don't
think that's helpful at all), rather I use them for my client side
model and controller, and RPC calls and such, those tests
("integration" if you will).  Also, having to debug separate processes
when using noserver is more of a pain than simply NOT having to if you
are tweaking the embedded server. I think the entire development cycle
is just faster if I don't have to re-up server side resources in a
separate process, etc.

I can basically accomplish just about any complicated JEE setup with
Tomcat, and therefore with the embedded Tomcat too.  I use the Maven
plugin to handle the details, but it can be done, and I think often is
done, whether or not you are using Maven. (Because I am using the
plugin, I don't have to hand tweak it, but I have a *source* web.xml
that gets applied, and the classpath from my maven project is used,
and so on from there.)

Here is what we do to the embedded Tomcat from the plugin, for the

And I apologize in advance if this sounds like I am trying to pimp the
plugin, I don't mean to, just trying to answer the "why you would want
to tweak the embedded Tomcat" question, which applies no matter how
you accomplish it.

On Nov 24, 5:13 pm, "Alex Epshteyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Sumit,
> > Could you
> > give more details about how you're using the customized embedded Tomcat and
> > why it wouldn't be possible and even better to use your own Tomcat with
> > -noserver?
> I'm not using -noserver because I figured it would be easier to
> run/stop just one process during development than 2.   Bottom line: I
> think that it's faster to develop without the -noserver option.  IDEs
> don't have perfect support for Tomcat and using GWT's embedded server
> just seems easier.
> I just have two tweaks in GWT's tomcat directory - one to ROOT.xml, to
> provide what my production WAR has in it's context.xml (namely,
> cookies=false) and the other to the ROOT/web.xml - to provide my own
> servlet/filter definitions.  There's a good chance I will be able to
> adapt Jetty this way as well, so I don't want to spoil the party if
> everyone thinks Jetty is the way to go :)
> > Finally, about the new WAR directory structure.
> I agree with your intentions here.  You're right, the need to build a
> WAR after GWT compile seems like an unnecessary step right now, and is
> certainly a pain point for beginners.  (I was fortunate to find a
> really good sample build.xml file on the web when I was just starting
> out with GWT two years ago).  If you're going to modify the compiler
> to produce a WAR, I hope you will consider making this process
> pluggable so that one could add their own build logic to it (for
> example, my build.xml creates a gzipped copy of all the .cache.* files
> to go into the WAR).  Either way, I completely support having this
> step be optional based on flags.
> > I can't say as much about the Java line from JavaScript exception feature,
> > but it sounds like it would be a great feature to have (and a great
> > candidate as a Request For Enhancement on the Issue Tracker).
> It's already on the books (I should have included the link in my original 
> post):
> This is a really important feature for me.  In the interim, I was
> thinking of using Soot to instrument my Java code to manually keep
> track of the call stack.  This will probably make the resulting JS
> really slow and bloated, but might be an interesting experiment.
> Glad to hear you guys are still working on the Declarative UI concept and 
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Sumit Chandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Alex,
> > I'm interested to learn more about your use case, as it is possible that
> > there are things we haven't considered the next move from 1.5

How to set image/icon for MenuItem?

2008-11-25 Thread David Hoffer

GWT newbie question:

I need to create a menu bar with menu items where some items have
dynamic icons; that is some of the icons change depending on program
state.  I don't see any methods in GWT to set the icon for a menu
item.  Rather it seems it uses a static set of images via the
MenuBar.MenuBarImages param.

Can someone show how I can set dynamic images?

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Wait creating an object tilll RPC result comes

2008-11-25 Thread zujee

Hi experts,
I need to create an object ,which will fetch data form server through
the RPC calls. How can i achive that.
Do i need to use timer class? Is there any example available.
pls help
thanks in advance
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Re: GWT-Ext set panel background image

2008-11-25 Thread Mark Renouf

You probably need to ask here:

This group is for GWT itself, and GWT-Ext is a seperate extension of

On Nov 24, 6:35 pm, Sandile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to set the background image of a Panel called desktop. I
> am a novice and so do not have any experience in this respect. Please
> help me solve my problem, it is of the highest urgency, thank you for
> your time:
> --Sandile
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Problem with writing JSNI wrapper for ActiveMQ ajax code

2008-11-25 Thread Pete Kay

I have a small piece of javascript code that I would like to wrap around
with JSNI to make it GWT.  It is essentially a javascript that calls
amq.addListener where amq is a object provided by amq.js. When a message
arrived, I would like it to call a Java Callback function.

Here is the Javascript that call the addListener method and then do

var myHandler =
  rcvMessage: function(message)
 alert("received "+message);

For the GWT context, I would like the myHandler function to call a Java
callback object that I can define within GWT.
Here is the jsni code, but it does not work. Could someone tell me what's

public static native void listen(ActiveMqCallback cb) /*-{
var myHandler =
  rcvMessage: function(message)
 Event e = new Event(message);



Thank you very much in advance for all your help.

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How to use MenuBar.MenuBarImages?

2008-11-25 Thread David Hoffer

Can someone explain how to use the MenuBar.MenuBarImages interface?  I
have an ImageBundle with methods for various images.  However the menu
bar class wants a  MenuBar.MenuBarImages instance.  this later
interface only has one method menuBarSubMenuIcon().  How is this used?
 How do I specify which image to use for each menu item?  it seems
that menu item should have a setImage method but doesn't, I don't know
what the purpose of passing MenuBar.MenuBarImages into constructor is.

Can someone explain how this works?


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Re: GWT-ext or ext-GWT?

2008-11-25 Thread Miles T.

On 22 nov, 16:29, "Arthur Kalmenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I disagree with Nicolas. We experimented with gwt-ext on one of our
> projects and had to backtrack because it was so slow, had far too many
> bugs, and was just a pain to work with. It even prevented you from
> using hosted mode because it was so slow!!

Try last versions. Both libraries (Ext GWT and GWT-Ext) evolve very

> If you watch this mailing list at all, you'll find that most of the
> problems that people are having are related to some Ext product. You
> get forced into their retarded even model, they're overly complex
> widgets and sample code that doesn't work as shown in the showcase.
> Just because a turd is made shiny, does not mean it's good.

In my own experience, I see that these projects are good and not only
shiny :-p I agree that they are more complex to use than "vanilla"
GWT. But actually, I think this is the drawback of a high-level, Swing/
SWT-like API. I think you have more flexibility with GWT but it is
easier to write robust and structured code with Ext GWT.

> You can use the incubator and regular GWT to get anything you need
> done. GWT 1.5 already comes with default CSS themes, and that should
> be enough to get you off the ground. If you want better themes, get a
> graphics designer. They're very cheap and will probably run you less
> then buying a couple ExtGWT licenses.

Well, actually I don't think price is a problem. Both products (GWT
Designer and Ext GWT) are cheaper than weekly wage for a developer
(and even cheaper than a DAILY wage for some engineers). On the other
hand, spending days to write CSS themes, integrating incubator or
custom widgets are not really cheap.
I think it depends on your needs. If you have "exotic" graphical needs
or if you want a hardly customized design or if you don't want to hear
about GPL or LGPL product, "vanilla" GWT is sufficient for you. If
not, you should hardly think about the choice.


> --
> Arthur Kalmenson
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:30 AM, Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I don't agree with Arthur. You save a lot of time using one of these
> > libraries. In both cases you don't have to care about CSS and you have
> > much more widgets than "vanilla" GWT. On the other side, both
> > libraries are not as mature as GWT, so you will find isolated issues.
> > Obviously, if you want a fully customized design, maybe "vanilla" GWT
> > is better.
> > I have tested both libraries and choose to use Ext GWT. I use it since
> > April and it makes me saving a lot of time. Here is the result of my
> > comparison :
> > Ext GWT  (the ExtJS GWT library) :
> > ++ this is a fully native GWT library (it is not wrapping JS code and
> > therefore fully benefits from GWT compiler optimizations and debugging
> > features)
> > + the library is supported by ExtJS company, which is already a
> > popular and recognized javascript framework
> > + MVC layer
> > - less features for now
> > - if you want to distribute your product and don't want to do it under
> > GPL license you will have to buy a commercial license (289$ for one
> > developer)
> > GWT-Ext :
> > + more features (especially experimental Yahoo UI Charts integration)
> > - This is a library wrapping ExtJS (Javascript code). Therefore
> > debugging is limited
> > - no support for ExtJS > 2.0.2
> > - no GWT RPC integration (except if you buy the commercial extension
> > GWT-Ext Plus)
> > Regards Nicolas
> > On 6 nov, 14:41, "Arthur Kalmenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> This is a common theme, and as I said above, I highly recommend
> >> keeping far away from ext gwt or gwt ext. You can get the same
> >> shininess with some nice CSS.
> >> --
> >> Arthur Kalmenson
> >> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 3:08 AM, zebulon303 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I am trying to use ext-gwt for a few days, and I get crazy because of
> >> > the really poor documentation available, you only have the code to
> >> > understand what you are doing, and not enough general guidelines. I
> >> > don't know how it is for GWT ext, but I will definitely have a look.
> >> > I am really new with GWT in general, maybe that's why I need more
> >> > documentation. I was trying to figure out how to add a delete button
> >> > to the EditorGrid, or just access the current selected item of the
> >> > grid. I find it really difficult to get to this simple information.
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Re: Pagination Widget?

2008-11-25 Thread Suri

Hey Isaac,
So far I've been using Mozilla to test my page. I had just tried in IE
6 and I see that when I hover over a row, the columns to the right of
the first one end up disappearing until I resize the column or the
window or something, then again disappear as soon as I hover into the
table. When I drag to resize the column onto the left, the second
column shows up. Has any such behaviour been encountered, any reason
or solution for it? Just checking to see if this was a common thing.


On Nov 19, 10:07 am, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Isaac,
> I got a test page running :)
> I took some time out for a moment to draw a few class diagrams to
> understand what I needed to do and I followed through. I was able to
> get a test page that gets the data and displays it correctly to the
> page for now. Baby step, but a pretty confidence boosting one after
> all this time. I guess the questions would be a lot more intelligent
> from now on maybe. Thanks again for the patience.
> My next steps are:
> 1) Figure out how to obtain table data for a selected item and display
> it (I guess this would be adding a param to the request when making
> the service call and then using that to organize the correct set of
> records at the server side)
> 2) Be able to figure out how sort/paginate at the client-side only
> And then more to come. Phew. I'll ask more questions as I hit more
> walls. Thanks again.
> On Nov 18, 12:05 pm, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks Isaac. I'm going to try this first and see how it goes.
> > Appreciate the help again. I was aware of the places its called. I
> > think I did the wrong thing by thinking the reference->hierarchy meant
> > its going to show overall calls in the project but for that i'd
> > probably have to choose references->project while hierarchy shows me
> > only for the current class. Thanks again.
> > On Nov 18, 12:02 pm, "Isaac Truett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > You wouldn't call requestRows(). Ever. PagingScrollTable requests rows
> > > from the TableModel to display the current page. You don't even need
> > > to set the current page yourself, because it defaults to page 1. So
> > > just create the table and add it to your page. If you've written your
> > > TableModel properly, you'll see the first page of data.
> > > As for where requestRows() gets called, Eclipse tells me it's called
> > > in 8 places in the Incubator code, including CachedTableModel:1068,
> > > PagingScrollTable:1187, and TableBulkRenderer:1192. You can set a
> > > breakpoint and trace through those if you're curious.
> > > On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Right, and that's exactly what I thought. However, looking at the
> > > > code, I can't see anywhere where the requestRows belonging to the
> > > > DataSourceTableModel is called. I tried to do a reference hierarchy on
> > > > it in eclipse and didn't get any results. So that's really where my
> > > > question is I guess. So if I wanted to request data remotely, would I
> > > > be making a call like tableModel.requestRows(..) in the
> > > > PagingScrollTableDemo class? Is this something that basically was
> > > > there but was not being used in the current demo?
> > > > Thanks again. I've been feeling pretty dumb about this.
> > > > Suri
> > > > On Nov 18, 11:11 am, "Isaac Truett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> DataSourceTableModel lines 114-124 (starting with the "Send RPC
> > > >> request for data" comment) is where the request for data is sent. When
> > > >> that call returns successfully, the TableModel callback's
> > > >> onRowsReady() method is called.
> > > >> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> > Hi Isaac,
> > > >> > What I want to know is,
> > > >> > 1) Where and how does the data actually get loaded into the table.
> > > >> > Where is the call that does this? Looking through the 
> > > >> > PagingScrollDemo
> > > >> > code I can't seem to isolate that point from where the data is
> > > >> > retrieved remotely and loaded up into a table. i.e what call triggers
> > > >> > this action from the PagingScrollTableDemo to finally obtain the data
> > > >> > and which point in the whole process does it happen. In the case of
> > > >> > the ScrollTableDemo I see that the onModuleLoaded() method is called
> > > >> > which seems to be responsible for initializing the data. I was able 
> > > >> > to
> > > >> > get the same successfully compiled using my own example, but now when
> > > >> > trying to understand the PagingScrollTableDemo, I am getting lost as
> > > >> > to what call is specifically to begin the data retrieval and loading
> > > >> > into the table.
> > > >> > Thanks for the patience.
> > > >> > Suri
> > > >> > On Nov 18, 10:40 am, "Isaac Truett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> >> What do you want to know?
> > > >> >> The code you posted yesterday won't even compile, so I imagine you
> > > 

Re: Pagination Widget?

2008-11-25 Thread Suri

I think I got it. Right after i typed that message I decided to see if
it was something to do with the time at which the widget was added to
the RootPanel. I just figured IE being IE might have some issues with
the way it treats it and sure enough once I changed it to be at the
end, the page now seems to display fine again.


On Nov 25, 12:18 pm, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Isaac,
> So far I've been using Mozilla to test my page. I had just tried in IE
> 6 and I see that when I hover over a row, the columns to the right of
> the first one end up disappearing until I resize the column or the
> window or something, then again disappear as soon as I hover into the
> table. When I drag to resize the column onto the left, the second
> column shows up. Has any such behaviour been encountered, any reason
> or solution for it? Just checking to see if this was a common thing.
> Thanks
> Suri
> On Nov 19, 10:07 am, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Isaac,
> > I got a test page running :)
> > I took some time out for a moment to draw a few class diagrams to
> > understand what I needed to do and I followed through. I was able to
> > get a test page that gets the data and displays it correctly to the
> > page for now. Baby step, but a pretty confidence boosting one after
> > all this time. I guess the questions would be a lot more intelligent
> > from now on maybe. Thanks again for the patience.
> > My next steps are:
> > 1) Figure out how to obtain table data for a selected item and display
> > it (I guess this would be adding a param to the request when making
> > the service call and then using that to organize the correct set of
> > records at the server side)
> > 2) Be able to figure out how sort/paginate at the client-side only
> > And then more to come. Phew. I'll ask more questions as I hit more
> > walls. Thanks again.
> > On Nov 18, 12:05 pm, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Thanks Isaac. I'm going to try this first and see how it goes.
> > > Appreciate the help again. I was aware of the places its called. I
> > > think I did the wrong thing by thinking the reference->hierarchy meant
> > > its going to show overall calls in the project but for that i'd
> > > probably have to choose references->project while hierarchy shows me
> > > only for the current class. Thanks again.
> > > On Nov 18, 12:02 pm, "Isaac Truett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > You wouldn't call requestRows(). Ever. PagingScrollTable requests rows
> > > > from the TableModel to display the current page. You don't even need
> > > > to set the current page yourself, because it defaults to page 1. So
> > > > just create the table and add it to your page. If you've written your
> > > > TableModel properly, you'll see the first page of data.
> > > > As for where requestRows() gets called, Eclipse tells me it's called
> > > > in 8 places in the Incubator code, including CachedTableModel:1068,
> > > > PagingScrollTable:1187, and TableBulkRenderer:1192. You can set a
> > > > breakpoint and trace through those if you're curious.
> > > > On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Right, and that's exactly what I thought. However, looking at the
> > > > > code, I can't see anywhere where the requestRows belonging to the
> > > > > DataSourceTableModel is called. I tried to do a reference hierarchy on
> > > > > it in eclipse and didn't get any results. So that's really where my
> > > > > question is I guess. So if I wanted to request data remotely, would I
> > > > > be making a call like tableModel.requestRows(..) in the
> > > > > PagingScrollTableDemo class? Is this something that basically was
> > > > > there but was not being used in the current demo?
> > > > > Thanks again. I've been feeling pretty dumb about this.
> > > > > Suri
> > > > > On Nov 18, 11:11 am, "Isaac Truett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >> DataSourceTableModel lines 114-124 (starting with the "Send RPC
> > > > >> request for data" comment) is where the request for data is sent. 
> > > > >> When
> > > > >> that call returns successfully, the TableModel callback's
> > > > >> onRowsReady() method is called.
> > > > >> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Suri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >> > Hi Isaac,
> > > > >> > What I want to know is,
> > > > >> > 1) Where and how does the data actually get loaded into the table.
> > > > >> > Where is the call that does this? Looking through the 
> > > > >> > PagingScrollDemo
> > > > >> > code I can't seem to isolate that point from where the data is
> > > > >> > retrieved remotely and loaded up into a table. i.e what call 
> > > > >> > triggers
> > > > >> > this action from the PagingScrollTableDemo to finally obtain the 
> > > > >> > data
> > > > >> > and which point in the whole process does it happen. In the case of
> > > > >> > the ScrollTableDemo I see that the onModuleLoaded() method is 
> > > > >> > called
> > > > >> > which seems t

Simple app for DB view (?)

2008-11-25 Thread Andrey


Could somebody give the link for simple sample application (or lib, or
etc...) providing and showing GWT approach for viewing the data from
DB table.

So, for example, I have JPA Entities and I would like to use some GWT
lib to view them (with pagination and table decorators?...).

In JSF world, Woodstock components provide such a tool, as an



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Cannot run -shell

2008-11-25 Thread Goo

I'm a beginner in Google Web Toolkit, and tried to implement
StockWatcher from Google Web Toolkit Tutorial. After generate
StockWatcher-shell and run it, I was complained about:

** Unable to load Mozilla for hosted mode **
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/eric/gwt/mozilla-1.7.12/ cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
at java.lang.System.load(

I run it on Ubuntu 8.10, My Java version is:
java version "1.6.0_10"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)

Anybody can advise?


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Re: GWT and openlayers : ERROR

2008-11-25 Thread Gilles

I found a very good plug in that seems to work much better that other
ones :

On Oct 9, 4:03 pm, WebDude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A more detailed answer is 
> here:
> To make to fix yourself, you'll need to get the source for GWT-
> OpenLayers.  How to do that is described 
> here:
> If you're using Eclipse, you can do an "Import" and  select the 
> "CVS->Projects from CVS" option.  Enter the information found in the link
> above.  Then, all you have to do is add the protected constructor to
> the JSObject class as described in the first link above, and create a
> new jar.
> I've send a request for a new release to be created.  I'm not sure
> when that will happen though.
> Hope that is a little more clear?
> On Oct 9, 1:41 am, dzizes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm having the same problem, but I'm not sure how to follow your
> > suggestions.
> > Could you please be more specific.
> > Greets,
> > dzizes
> > On 30 Wrz, 21:25, WebDude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I had the same problem.  I think it was introduced with GWT 1.5.  I
> > > had to download the OpenLayers source and add an empty protected
> > > constructor to the JSObject class:
> > > protected JSObject() {}
> > > Everything seems to work fine after that.
> > > --
> > > Curtis
> > > On Sep 15, 3:36 am, mazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Dear all,
> > > > I have recently tried running theopenlayersGWT plugin
> > > > "openlayers_gwt-0.2.jar" along with "OpenLayers-2.6" in an example in
> > > > eclipse. I have installed J2SE1.6 and ECLIPSE 3.4.
> > > > I get the following error when I try to run the example in ECLIPSE.
> > > > Anyone familiar with theopenlayersand GWT?
> > > > I would appreciate any input on this one. I may have used the
> > > > "openlayers_gwt-0.2.jar" instead of "openlayers_gwt-0.1.jar" in this
> > > > particular case, could this be the problem?
> > > > Thank you in advance and regards.
> > > > [TRACE] Compiling Java source files in module 'tutorial.Tutorial1'
> > > > [TRACE] Removing units with errors
> > > > [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/gwt-windows-1.5.2/gwt-windows-1.5.2/
> > > > samples/gwt-openlayers-tutorial/openlayers_gwt-0.2.jar!/com/eg/gwt/openLaye
> > > >  rs/client/'
> > > > Line 5: Constructors must be 'protected' in subclasses of
> > > > JavaScriptObject
> > > >    More info: file:/gwt-windows-1.5.2/gwt-windows-1.5.2/doc/helpInfo/
> > > > jsoRestrictions.html
> > > > More info: file:/gwt-windows-1.5.2/gwt-windows-1.5.2/doc/helpInfo/
> > > > jsoRestrictions.html
> > > > Finding entry point classes
> > > >    Unable to find type 'tutorial.client.Tutorial1'
> > > >       Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this type
> > > > unavailable
> > > >       Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module; it may not
> > > > be inheriting a required module or a module may not be adding its
> > > > source path entries properly

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Re: Mixing up XMLParser with DOM...

2008-11-25 Thread Cristiano

Ok... I need to think over it a little bit...

I'll let you know when I will find a satisfying solution!
Thank you,


On Nov 25, 7:52 am, Jason Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GWT's methods of implementing the DOM objects and the XML objects are totally 
> different. The DOM
> implementation extends JavaScriptObject, whereas the XML objects encapsulate 
> their JavaScriptObject
> structures. I would advise using the method I suggested, since it'll take a 
> lot less of your time
> (and be technically a lot safer) than trying to do hackery with GWT's XML 
> package.
> String responseFromServer = ...;
> Element domElement = Document.get().createDivElement();
> domElement.setInnerHtml(responseFromServer);
> NodeList children = domElement.getChildNodes();
> If you need to work with sub-elements of the HTML / XML returned from the 
> server, I would suggest
> using RPC, or embedding the HTML inside CDATA sections of the returned XML 
> document.
> If you really feel the need to work with the HTML / XML by hand, you may need 
> to make a copy of the
> GWT xml / xml.impl packages and expose the underlying JavaScriptObjects that 
> make up the DOM
> structure (and even then: I'm not sure it'll work).
> Cristiano wrote:
> > Thank you,
> > And do you know if can find a solution which may works even if only
> > inside a specific browser?
> > On Firefox the underlaying DOM objects tyep are the same if you use an
> > XHTML page and correclty handle the namespaces in the XML of the HTTP
> > response.
> > I'm able to get what I want with javascript on FF, and by the way my
> > gwt solution only need to work on this browser: I need gwt for other
> > purpose than broswser portability.
> > My question may change the into: do you know how to convert elements
> > in "XML" package to elements in "DOM" package in Firefox by using GWT?
> > Thnak you again,
> > Cristiano
> > Jason Morris wrote:
> >> This is something you simply can't do cleanly across all the browsers. The 
> >> elements returned by the
> >> XMLParser are totally different classes to the HTMLParser. The way to do 
> >> this is to set the
> >> innerHTML on an HTML Element object to the value returned from the 
> >> RequestBuilder. Then you can use
> >> the normal Element.getChildNodes() to fetch the DOM objects that were 
> >> returned from the service.
> >> Cristiano wrote:
> >>> Hello Everyone,
> >>> How to 'cast' or 'transform' a "" to
> >>> a "" ???
> >>> I'm dealing with the requirement of handling DOM elements retrieved by
> >>> a server (as an HTTP "xml/text" response), parse them with XMLParser
> >>> and them into an existing document:
> >>> I handle the DOM of the current page with
> >>> and
> >>> I handle the HTTP request with the RequestBuilder.
> >>> I parse them with
> >>> However the "" do return a
> >>> "", and I cannot add it to a
> >>> "" because appendChild does not
> >>> accept as input a "": it wants a
> >>> "".
> >>> Can you help me in find the right direction resolve this (I'm using
> >>> eclipse)?
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Cristiano
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Transferring the widget data across the gwt classes

2008-11-25 Thread sharma

Hi all,

I am designing a login page in gwt.
Following Login class holds the user interface for getting username
and password

public class Login extends Composite {

private static Button signInButton;
private CheckBox rememberMeOnCheckBox;
public TextBox textBoxPassword;
public TextBox textBoxUsername;
private Label passwordLabel;
private Label usernameLabel;
private FlexTable flexTable;
private Label signInToLabel;
private VerticalPanel verticalPanel;
public Login() {

verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel();

signInToLabel = new Label("Sign in to your account.");

flexTable = new FlexTable();

usernameLabel = new Label("Username:");
flexTable.setWidget(0, 0, usernameLabel);

passwordLabel = new Label("Password:");
flexTable.setWidget(1, 0, passwordLabel);

textBoxUsername = new TextBox();
flexTable.setWidget(0, 1, textBoxUsername);

textBoxPassword = new TextBox();
flexTable.setWidget(1, 1, textBoxPassword);

rememberMeOnCheckBox = new CheckBox();
flexTable.setWidget(2, 1, rememberMeOnCheckBox);
rememberMeOnCheckBox.setText("Remember me on this computer.");

signInButton = new Button();
flexTable.setWidget(3, 1, signInButton);
signInButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
if (textBoxUsername.getText().length() == 0 ||

textBoxPassword.getText().length() == 0) {
Window.alert("Username or password is 
//once the user name and the password 
is right
   //it comes here

signInButton.setText("Sign In");


actually, for validating it from the database i need to transfer the
username and password textbox value to another java class for database, can anyone help me in transferring the data from
Login class and ValidateLogin class(its listed below)

public class ValidateLogin {

Backend bk = new Backend();
DataSet ds = null;

public static void main(String[] args)
Login log = new Login();
String query="select * from users where
query+=" and password='"+log.textBoxPassword.getText()
//correct login
   //incorrect login

Thanks in advance,

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Bundle RPC calls

2008-11-25 Thread Lars Tackmann


Our application often requires multiple components to be redrawn when
some state change occures, usually somthing like this:

1) a user clicks links or changes input data
2) this invokes class A which may execute any number of subcomponents
3) each invoked component may use assyncornous calls to the server

At certain places in my application I need to somehow bundle (or
control) these calls so if any one of them fails then a error message
will be shown and preferbly any remaining RPC calls will be cancelled.

What would be the best (and simplest) design for accomplishing this in
a generic fashion for my GWT app ?

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Re: using Jetty for hosted mode?

2008-11-25 Thread Charlie Collins

You can't change the embedded server, but you can use -noserver and
work with Jetty that way.

Also, on a related note, the GWT team is considering using Jetty *as*
the embedded server in 1.6:

On Nov 25, 5:07 am, "Juan Backson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to change GWT default servlet engine to Jetty?
> Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> JB
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Re: Cannot run -shell

2008-11-25 Thread Charlie Collins

apt-get install libstdc++5

On Nov 25, 11:25 am, Goo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a beginner in Google Web Toolkit, and tried to implement
> StockWatcher from Google Web Toolkit Tutorial. After generate
> StockWatcher-shell and run it, I was complained about:
> ===
> ** Unable to load Mozilla for hosted mode **
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/eric/gwt/mozilla-1.7.12/
> cannot open shared object file: No such
> file or directory
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
>         at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
>         at java.lang.System.load(
>         at
> (
>         at
> 49)
>         at
> ===
> I run it on Ubuntu 8.10, My Java version is:
> java version "1.6.0_10"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)
> Anybody can advise?
> Thanks
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Re: Bundle RPC calls

2008-11-25 Thread quentin

Command pattern

On Nov 25, 10:09 am, Lars Tackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Our application often requires multiple components to be redrawn when
> some state change occures, usually somthing like this:
> 1) a user clicks links or changes input data
> 2) this invokes class A which may execute any number of subcomponents
> 3) each invoked component may use assyncornous calls to the server
> At certain places in my application I need to somehow bundle (or
> control) these calls so if any one of them fails then a error message
> will be shown and preferbly any remaining RPC calls will be cancelled.
> What would be the best (and simplest) design for accomplishing this in
> a generic fashion for my GWT app ?
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Re: Cannot run -shell

2008-11-25 Thread Goo

Thanks very much, it's working now.

On Nov 26, 2:03 am, Charlie Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> apt-get install libstdc++5
> On Nov 25, 11:25 am, Goo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm a beginner in Google Web Toolkit, and tried to implement
> > StockWatcher from Google Web Toolkit Tutorial. After generate
> > StockWatcher-shell and run it, I was complained about:
> > ===
> > ** Unable to load Mozilla for hosted mode **
> > java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/eric/gwt/mozilla-1.7.12/
> > cannot open shared object file: No such
> > file or directory
> >         at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
> >         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
> >         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
> >         at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
> >         at java.lang.System.load(
> >         at
> > (
> >         at
> > 49)
> >         at
> > ===
> > I run it on Ubuntu 8.10, My Java version is:
> > java version "1.6.0_10"
> > Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
> > Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)
> > Anybody can advise?
> > Thanks
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Cursor position for RichTextArea

2008-11-25 Thread satya


I am new to GWT.

I am using the RichTextArea. I want to get the current cursor

I need that for inserting a text in the RichTextArea based on a
Combobox selection.

Can any one suggest me how to get the cursor position for


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Re: Garbled InfoWindows in gwt-maps

2008-11-25 Thread Christian Wolf

Hello Alberto, Eric,

I just noticed the same behaviour. I used to use the 1.0.0 version of
gwt-maps and the switched to a self compiled trunk version. That
version used to work, but as of today I get the garbled InfoWindow.
Even returning to the 1.0.0 verison does not resolve the problem.
Clearing every cache I could find did not help either.

Alberto, did you get to resolve this issue?

On 30 set, 10:12, "Eric Ayers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Alberto,
> I've not heard of this before.  Can you send a small code sample that
> reproduces the issue along with the necessary resources?
> -Eric.
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 3:13 AM, Alberto Núñez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Since the upgrade to the 1.0.0 version of gwt-maps, I cannot see the
> > InfoWindows properly. They are messed up, displaying the complete
> > resource background image behind the text. For example, the InfoWindow
> > shadow is shown as this image:
> >
> > Is there any importante change in the library that could be affecting
> > me? I've been reviewing my code but I cannot find what could be making
> > this happen.
> --
> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
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Re: Garbled InfoWindows in gwt-maps

2008-11-25 Thread Eric Ayers

Hello Christian,

Can you send a small code sample that reproduces the issue along with
the necessary resources?


On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Christian Wolf
> Hello Alberto, Eric,
> I just noticed the same behaviour. I used to use the 1.0.0 version of
> gwt-maps and the switched to a self compiled trunk version. That
> version used to work, but as of today I get the garbled InfoWindow.
> Even returning to the 1.0.0 verison does not resolve the problem.
> Clearing every cache I could find did not help either.
> Alberto, did you get to resolve this issue?
> On 30 set, 10:12, "Eric Ayers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Alberto,
>> I've not heard of this before.  Can you send a small code sample that
>> reproduces the issue along with the necessary resources?
>> -Eric.
>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 3:13 AM, Alberto Núñez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Since the upgrade to the 1.0.0 version of gwt-maps, I cannot see the
>> > InfoWindows properly. They are messed up, displaying the complete
>> > resource background image behind the text. For example, the InfoWindow
>> > shadow is shown as this image:
>> >
>> > Is there any importante change in the library that could be affecting
>> > me? I've been reviewing my code but I cannot find what could be making
>> > this happen.
>> --
>> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
> >

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Re: Exception handling in GWT Service

2008-11-25 Thread satya

How do i specify in the service signature that this is GWT

my method signature looks like:
 public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;

On Nov 23, 5:23 am, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Can i pass exceptions between client and server.
> > Can i have an RPC serice with method that throw an user defined
> > exception and handle that exception in the client side?
> Yes as long as your exeption is declared in the Service Signature (to
> be declared as "GWT serialisable").
> > I created an userdefined exception:
> > --
> > public class IllegalDateRangeException extends SerializationException
> > implements IsSerializable
> > {
> >    private String errorMessage = null;
> >    public IllegalDateRangeException ( String error )
> >    {
> >        errorMessage = error;
> >    }
> >    public String toString()
> >    {
> >        return "Exception occurred: " + errorMessage;
> >    }
> >    public String getErrorMessage()
> >    {
> >        return errorMessage;
> >    }
> >    public void setErrorMessage( String errorMessage )
> >    {
> >        this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
> >    }
> > }
> > and my RPC method throws this exception:
> > 
> >    public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
> > and i want to catch this exception in the client side and perform
> > actions.
> > But i get the following error from GWT:
> > [ERROR] Type
> > 'com.cerner.cwx.ruleswizard.client.IllegalDateRangeException' was not
> > serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
> > Any suggestions?
> > Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
> > Thank you
> > Satya
> --
> Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins illusoire.
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Re: Exception handling in GWT Service

2008-11-25 Thread satya


when i call the actual method, does the exception get caught in the
failure method or in my catch method?

For example:

AsyncCallback callBack = new AsyncCallback() {
public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
//Is the exception caught here?

public void onSuccess( Object result )

createNewRuleService.createRule( screenType,
eventRuleForm, callBack );
catch ( IllegalDateRangeException e )
    or the exception is caught here?


Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.


On Nov 25, 1:10 pm, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do i specify in the service signature that this is GWT
> serializable?
> my method signature looks like:
>  public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
> On Nov 23, 5:23 am, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Can i pass exceptions between client and server.
> > > Can i have an RPC serice with method that throw an user defined
> > > exception and handle that exception in the client side?
> > Yes as long as your exeption is declared in the Service Signature (to
> > be declared as "GWT serialisable").
> > > I created an userdefined exception:
> > > --
> > > public class IllegalDateRangeException extends SerializationException
> > > implements IsSerializable
> > > {
> > >    private String errorMessage = null;
> > >    public IllegalDateRangeException ( String error )
> > >    {
> > >        errorMessage = error;
> > >    }
> > >    public String toString()
> > >    {
> > >        return "Exception occurred: " + errorMessage;
> > >    }
> > >    public String getErrorMessage()
> > >    {
> > >        return errorMessage;
> > >    }
> > >    public void setErrorMessage( String errorMessage )
> > >    {
> > >        this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
> > >    }
> > > }
> > > and my RPC method throws this exception:
> > > 
> > >    public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
> > > and i want to catch this exception in the client side and perform
> > > actions.
> > > But i get the following error from GWT:
> > > [ERROR] Type
> > > 'com.cerner.cwx.ruleswizard.client.IllegalDateRangeException' was not
> > > serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
> > > Any suggestions?
> > > Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
> > > Thank you
> > > Satya
> > --
> > Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins 
> > illusoire.
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Clicking too fast in Firefox

2008-11-25 Thread dablackgoku

Hi all,

I am experiencing a weird problem in Firefox.  I have an application
running on Spring, JSF, and GWT.  I have a page that contains GWT
components with RPC calls on load.  If I were to click on that page
and while it is loading I quickly click on another link that contains
only JSF, Spring throws a session not found exception.

This senario cannot be reproduced in IE6 or IE7, only happens in

Has anyone experienced this problem?

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New to the GWT

2008-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just downloaded the GWT, I understand that there is no installation
file, but I click on the application creator and it starts up a
command screen that goes away.

How do i start up the application creator? What am I doin wrong?



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Re: Can Google Adsense be used with GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Grim

Hi Rick

u need to put it into HTML code. Its the only way of using adsense
with GWT.

On Nov 24, 4:57 pm, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Arthur
> Thanks for feedback.
> I placed the script provided byGoogleinto HTML file and it was
> working nice. But I want little more. I want to use it as widgets and
> then add these widgets to RootPanel whenever required. and can control
> the position where it shows. For this I put the script into a native
> method and called this method on Click of a button. But I did not get
> success. Using it in html will be something like hard code and does
> not give user much flexibility.
> On Nov 24, 8:06 am, "Arthur Kalmenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > HiRick,
> > AFAIK, GoogleAdSensewon't work very well unless your site is Search
> > Engine Optimized. If it is, you should be able to add GoogleAdSense
> > to your site like you would with any other site built with Javascript
> > and HTML. You can integrate it either with JSNI or put it into the
> > HTML file that starts yourGWTapp.
> > --
> > Arthur Kalmenson
> > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 12:00 AM,Rick<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have developed a web site using GWT1.5. I want to showGoogle
> > >Adsenseon it. DOGWThave support for GoogleAdsense. Any comments/
> > > updates in this regard will be highly appreciated.
> > > Regards
> > >RickSmith

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Re: how to redirect to another EntryPoint class

2008-11-25 Thread jossey

Hi Raja,
I think you could avoid showing the login page on refresh by including
a logic in the login module by which
a. Check whether the current session is authenticated. Contact the
server and find this out.
b. If already authenticated load the Main page view.
c. If not load the Login view.

Well, this requires some session mgmnt at the server side.
Also the problem still exists that refresh would take you to the start
of the app. May be that is what we want.


On Nov 24, 4:56 am, rajasekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to redirect to home page.because the problem without
> redirecting is when I refresh the home page it is going to login page
> again .Please let me know how to handle this.

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Cursor position for RichTextArea

2008-11-25 Thread satya


I need to get the cursor position in the RichTextArea? It does not
have the getCurPos() method like the textbox.

Any idea of how to do that?

Your help is appreciated
Thank you,
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Re: New to the GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Isaac Truett

Open a command prompt and run it from there.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I just downloaded the GWT, I understand that there is no installation
> file, but I click on the application creator and it starts up a
> command screen that goes away.
> How do i start up the application creator? What am I doin wrong?
> Thanks
> Jorge
> >

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Re: New to the GWT

2008-11-25 Thread satya

Open your command prompt,

browse to the location where you have your GWT code installed

If you want to run the application creator type the following:

./applicatonCreator.cmd MyNewApplication


On Nov 25, 12:31 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I just downloaded the GWT, I understand that there is no installation
> file, but I click on the application creator and it starts up a
> command screen that goes away.
> How do i start up the application creator? What am I doin wrong?
> Thanks
> Jorge
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Re: Exception handling in GWT Service

2008-11-25 Thread olivier nouguier

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:14 PM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also
> when i call the actual method, does the exception get caught in the
> failure method or in my catch method?
> For example:
> AsyncCallback callBack = new AsyncCallback() {
>public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
>//Is the exception caught here?
here !
>public void onSuccess( Object result )
>   }
> try
>createNewRuleService.createRule( screenType,
> eventRuleForm, callBack );
>catch ( IllegalDateRangeException e )
>    or the exception is caught here?
You should  notice the differences between RemoteInterface and its
Asyn counter part:
* return type: the asyn interface method doesn't have return value
===>  it will be pass as parameter  asynchronously in onSuccess
* exception: are not part of the async method  ===>  it will be pass
as parameter  asynchronously in onFailure callback.
> Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.
> Satya
> On Nov 25, 1:10 pm, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How do i specify in the service signature that this is GWT
>> serializable?
>> my method signature looks like:
>>  public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
>> On Nov 23, 5:23 am, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > Hi,
>> > > Can i pass exceptions between client and server.
>> > > Can i have an RPC serice with method that throw an user defined
>> > > exception and handle that exception in the client side?
>> > Yes as long as your exeption is declared in the Service Signature (to
>> > be declared as "GWT serialisable").
>> > > I created an userdefined exception:
>> > > --
>> > > public class IllegalDateRangeException extends SerializationException
>> > > implements IsSerializable
>> > > {
>> > >private String errorMessage = null;
>> > >public IllegalDateRangeException ( String error )
>> > >{
>> > >errorMessage = error;
>> > >}
>> > >public String toString()
>> > >{
>> > >return "Exception occurred: " + errorMessage;
>> > >}
>> > >public String getErrorMessage()
>> > >{
>> > >return errorMessage;
>> > >}
>> > >public void setErrorMessage( String errorMessage )
>> > >{
>> > >this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
>> > >}
>> > > }
>> > > and my RPC method throws this exception:
>> > > 
>> > >public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
>> > > and i want to catch this exception in the client side and perform
>> > > actions.
>> > > But i get the following error from GWT:
>> > > [ERROR] Type
>> > > 'com.cerner.cwx.ruleswizard.client.IllegalDateRangeException' was not
>> > > serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
>> > > Any suggestions?
>> > > Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
>> > > Thank you
>> > > Satya
>> > --
>> > Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins 
>> > illusoire.
> >

Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins illusoire.

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Re: Garbled InfoWindows in gwt-maps

2008-11-25 Thread Christian Wolf

Hi Eric,

I just found out what is causing this (at least with me):
reverting my code back InfoWindow worked again, so I looked at the
changes in the code at could pinpoint it down to a multiple entry-
point definition in the gwt.xml file.

Removing the additional entry-point resolves the issue.

Wierd. Should I file an issue?

On 25 nov, 17:01, Eric Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Christian,
> Can you send a small code sample that reproduces the issue along with
> the necessary resources?
> -Eric.
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Christian Wolf
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Alberto, Eric,
> > I just noticed the same behaviour. I used to use the 1.0.0 version of
> > gwt-maps and the switched to a self compiled trunk version. That
> > version used to work, but as of today I get thegarbledInfoWindow.
> > Even returning to the 1.0.0 verison does not resolve the problem.
> > Clearing every cache I could find did not help either.
> > Alberto, did you get to resolve this issue?
> > On 30 set, 10:12, "Eric Ayers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hello Alberto,
> >> I've not heard of this before.  Can you send a small code sample that
> >> reproduces the issue along with the necessary resources?
> >> -Eric.
> >> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 3:13 AM, Alberto Núñez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > Since the upgrade to the 1.0.0 version of gwt-maps, I cannot see the
> >> > InfoWindows properly. They are messed up, displaying the complete
> >> > resource background image behind the text. For example, theInfoWindow
> >> > shadow is shown as this image:
> >> >
> >> > Is there any importante change in the library that could be affecting
> >> > me? I've been reviewing my code but I cannot find what could be making
> >> > this happen.
> >> --
> >> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA 
> >> USA
> --
> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA
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Re: Transferring the widget data across the gwt classes

2008-11-25 Thread satya

You need to get the values from your Login class object, just as you
have done in the above code.

You can use a list/hashmap to store the objects, and take the object
from there to get ur values anytime.


On Nov 25, 5:25 am, sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am designing a login page in gwt.
> Following Login class holds the user interface for getting username
> and password
> public class Login extends Composite {
>         private static Button signInButton;
>         private CheckBox rememberMeOnCheckBox;
>         public TextBox textBoxPassword;
>         public TextBox textBoxUsername;
>         private Label passwordLabel;
>         private Label usernameLabel;
>         private FlexTable flexTable;
>         private Label signInToLabel;
>         private VerticalPanel verticalPanel;
>         public Login() {
>                 verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel();
>                 initWidget(verticalPanel);
>                 signInToLabel = new Label("Sign in to your account.");
>                 verticalPanel.add(signInToLabel);
>                 flexTable = new FlexTable();
>                 verticalPanel.add(flexTable);
>                 usernameLabel = new Label("Username:");
>                 flexTable.setWidget(0, 0, usernameLabel);
>                 passwordLabel = new Label("Password:");
>                 flexTable.setWidget(1, 0, passwordLabel);
>                 textBoxUsername = new TextBox();
>                 flexTable.setWidget(0, 1, textBoxUsername);
>                 textBoxPassword = new TextBox();
>                 flexTable.setWidget(1, 1, textBoxPassword);
>                 rememberMeOnCheckBox = new CheckBox();
>                 flexTable.setWidget(2, 1, rememberMeOnCheckBox);
>                 rememberMeOnCheckBox.setText("Remember me on this computer.");
>                 signInButton = new Button();
>                 flexTable.setWidget(3, 1, signInButton);
>                 signInButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>                         public void onClick(Widget sender) {
>                                 if (textBoxUsername.getText().length() == 0 ||
> textBoxPassword.getText().length() == 0) {
>                                         Window.alert("Username or password is 
> empty.");
>                                 }
>                                 else
>                                 {
>                                         //once the user name and the password 
> is right
>                                        //it comes here
>                                 }
>                         }
>                 });
>                 signInButton.setText("Sign In");
>         }
> }
> actually, for validating it from the database i need to transfer the
> username and password textbox value to another java class for database
>, can anyone help me in transferring the data from
> Login class and ValidateLogin class(its listed below)
> public class ValidateLogin {
>         Backend bk = new Backend();
>         DataSet ds = null;
>         public static void main(String[] args)
>         {
>                 Login log = new Login();
>                 String query="select * from users where
> username='"+log.textBoxUsername.getText()+"'";
>                 query+=" and password='"+log.textBoxPassword.getText()
> +"'";
>                 ds=bk.executeQuery(query);
>                 if(ds.rowCount()!=0)
>                         //correct login
>                else
>                        //incorrect login
>         }
> }
> Thanks in advance,
> -Sharma.
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Re: Questions about transforming a GWT application as an open social gadget

2008-11-25 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Laurent,

One key point to have your GWT application working as an OpenSocial (or
plain vanilla) gadget is to use the cross-site script (-xs) as mentioned in
Didier's presentation on slide 20.

Specifically, you would need to generate the -xs version of your application
bootstrap file and use that instead of the normal bootstrap script to load
your application in a cross-site fashion. It's worth noting that Didier's
slide deck is a little dated and is working with GWT 1.4.

In GWT 1.5, there are a couple of changes to note that should make things
easier to write your GWT gadget:

1) To generate the cross-site bootstrap script, simply add the xs linker in
your module XML file:


The generated files will now be cross-site load enabled. The bootstrap
script filename will still be what you expect

2) The Google API Libraries for GWT project provides support for writing
Gadgets with GWT, with some caveats (see issue tracker link below). There
currently aren't any bindings for OpenSocial, but exploring the code for the
current Gadgets support should lead you to find an easy way to incorporate
OpenSocial functionality into your gadget. You could also use JSNI to
interact with the OpenSocial APIs directly in JavaScript.

Some open issues regarding GWT for Gadgets:

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Laurent Bois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I saw my problem with inspector in Safari...
> Problem comes from the cache.html files displayed in iFrame , and
> loaded from the url
> whereas the Gadget itself is running in an OpenSocial container with a
> different domain :
> - on iGoogle , URL being
> - When testing ,
> I understand well the Javascript for  an OpenSocial gadget could be
> self contained in the Gadget XML file, and in this case no problems.
> So my question is :
> With a more complex GWT application (as the StockWatcher exemple from
> the Google GWT tutorial ), having dependencies to HTML artifacts...
> are there tricks to make it run as a (OpenSocial) Gadget
> >

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Re: Wait creating an object tilll RPC result comes

2008-11-25 Thread satya

I use an gwt-ext messagebox (progress box) that get displayed  until i
finish my RPC service call.

For example: new MessageBoxConfig() {
setTitle( "Creation the rule" );
setMsg( "Please wait..." );
setProgressText( "Creating..." );
setWidth( 300 );
setWait( true );
setWaitConfig( new WaitConfig() {
setInterval( 200 );
} );
// setAnimEl(next.getId());
} );
timer = new Timer() {
public void run()
System.out.println( "Done, Created rules!" );

In my onSuccess of my RPC Call, i cancel the time and hide the

 public void onSuccess( Object result )


 //perform other actions


Hope this helps.


On Nov 25, 8:23 am, zujee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi experts,
> I need to create an object ,which will fetch data form server through
> the RPC calls. How can i achive that.
> Do i need to use timer class? Is there any example available.
> pls help
> thanks in advance
> zujee
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Re: How to use RichTextToolbar ?

2008-11-25 Thread satya

You can look at the KitchenSink demo, to follow to include

Here is what i did:

1. Included RichTextToolbar java, and the RichTextToolbar
$ in my client package.
2. Created an icons folder under client, and copied all images
required by RichTextToolbar
3. Modified the RichTextToolbar to include the current location of the

I hope this helps,

> Hello everybody:
>    In my item , i must use the discreteness.Who can give me a example?
> Thanks.
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Re: New to the GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Danny Schimke
> browse to the location where you have your GWT code installed

Create a "GWT_HOME"- Variable to call the projectCreator and
applicationCreator from any location. This saves time... ;)

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Re: Exception handling in GWT Service

2008-11-25 Thread satya

Thank you very much,
I guess i can return the String "IllegalDateRangeException" when
throwing that exception from my Service and check for that in my
onFailure class.

public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
  if ( caught.getMessage().contains
( "IllegalDateRangeException" ) )

//handle my class.

Thnak you,

On Nov 25, 1:38 pm, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:14 PM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also
> > when i call the actual method, does the exception get caught in the
> > failure method or in my catch method?
> > For example:
> > AsyncCallback callBack = new AsyncCallback() {
> >                    public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
> >                    {
> >                        //Is the exception caught here?
> here !
> >                    }
> >                    public void onSuccess( Object result )
> >                    {
> >                   }
> > try
> >                {
> >                    createNewRuleService.createRule( screenType,
> > eventRuleForm, callBack );
> >                }
> >                catch ( IllegalDateRangeException e )
> >                {
> >                    or the exception is caught here?
> >                }
> You should  notice the differences between RemoteInterface and its
> Asyn counter part:
> * return type: the asyn interface method doesn't have return value
> ===>  it will be pass as parameter  asynchronously in onSuccess
> callback.
> * exception: are not part of the async method  ===>  it will be pass
> as parameter  asynchronously in onFailure callback.
> > Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.
> > Satya
> > On Nov 25, 1:10 pm, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> How do i specify in the service signature that this is GWT
> >> serializable?
> >> my method signature looks like:
> >>  public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
> >> On Nov 23, 5:23 am, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> wrote:
> >> > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > > Hi,
> >> > > Can i pass exceptions between client and server.
> >> > > Can i have an RPC serice with method that throw an user defined
> >> > > exception and handle that exception in the client side?
> >> > Yes as long as your exeption is declared in the Service Signature (to
> >> > be declared as "GWT serialisable").
> >> > > I created an userdefined exception:
> >> > > --
> >> > > public class IllegalDateRangeException extends SerializationException
> >> > > implements IsSerializable
> >> > > {
> >> > >    private String errorMessage = null;
> >> > >    public IllegalDateRangeException ( String error )
> >> > >    {
> >> > >        errorMessage = error;
> >> > >    }
> >> > >    public String toString()
> >> > >    {
> >> > >        return "Exception occurred: " + errorMessage;
> >> > >    }
> >> > >    public String getErrorMessage()
> >> > >    {
> >> > >        return errorMessage;
> >> > >    }
> >> > >    public void setErrorMessage( String errorMessage )
> >> > >    {
> >> > >        this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
> >> > >    }
> >> > > }
> >> > > and my RPC method throws this exception:
> >> > > 
> >> > >    public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
> >> > > and i want to catch this exception in the client side and perform
> >> > > actions.
> >> > > But i get the following error from GWT:
> >> > > [ERROR] Type
> >> > > 'com.cerner.cwx.ruleswizard.client.IllegalDateRangeException' was not
> >> > > serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
> >> > > Any suggestions?
> >> > > Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
> >> > > Thank you
> >> > > Satya
> >> > --
> >> > Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins 
> >> > illusoire.
> --
> Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins illusoire.
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Re: Widgets In A List Box

2008-11-25 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Jagadesh,

The ListBox widget isn't meant for holding elements other than key value
pairs. Keep in mind that the ListBox widget itself is just an abstraction of
the native list box.

It seems like what you would want would be a custom drop down menu. Perhaps
you could take a look at the DisclosurePanel widget to see if it could give
you any ideas for what you're trying to accomplish. It seems to me like it
would be the more approrpaite choice.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 3:58 AM, jagadesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> HI Guys,
> Iam Working on a requirement where i need to add Hyperlink to the
> Listbox item.
> can any one sort me out.
> thanks in advance.
> jagadesh
> >

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Re: Exception handling in GWT Service

2008-11-25 Thread Ravi M


The following should work.

1. Declare your RPC exception like so:

public class MyRPCException extends SerializableException {
public TrackerRPCException() {

public MyRPCException(String message) {

//... other stuff?

2. Declare your service method like so:

public SomeReturnedObject myServiceMethod(...arguments...) throws

3. Declare your async service method like so:

public void myServiceMethod(...arguments..., AsyncCallback callback);

4. The server side implementation of your service method may be like

public SomeReturnedObject myServiceMethod(...arguments...) throws
MyRPCException {
SomeReturnedObject ret = null;
try {
// Do stuff to "populate" ret. This stuff could
potentially fail.
} catch (SomeNonGWTSerializableServerSideException e) {
throw new MyRPCException("This is an error message that
may be appropriate to show in the UI: " + e.getMessage());
return ret;

5. In your AsyncCallback in the client:

public void onSuccess(Object result) {
SomeReturnedObject foo = (SomeReturnedObject) result;
// Happiness and tranquility reign supreme

public void onFailure(Throwable exception) {
try {
throw exception;
} catch (MyRPCException e) {
// Show the error message to the user,
// or handle however you want to.

This should work, there may be some overkill in this though. All this
is GWT 1.4.6x, I'm not sure if any of this has changed in 1.5.x.

Hope this helps


On Nov 26, 1:08 am, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you very much,
> I guess i can return the String "IllegalDateRangeException" when
> throwing that exception from my Service and check for that in my
> onFailure class.
> public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
>                    {
>                               if ( caught.getMessage().contains
> ( "IllegalDateRangeException" ) )
>                                     //handle my class.
>                     }
> Thnak you,
> Satya
> On Nov 25, 1:38 pm, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:14 PM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Also
> > > when i call the actual method, does the exception get caught in the
> > > failure method or in my catch method?
> > > For example:
> > > AsyncCallback callBack = new AsyncCallback() {
> > >                    public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
> > >                    {
> > >                        //Is the exception caught here?
> > here !
> > >                    }
> > >                    public void onSuccess( Object result )
> > >                    {
> > >                   }
> > > try
> > >                {
> > >                    createNewRuleService.createRule( screenType,
> > > eventRuleForm, callBack );
> > >                }
> > >                catch ( IllegalDateRangeException e )
> > >                {
> > >                    or the exception is caught here?
> > >                }
> > You should  notice the differences between RemoteInterface and its
> > Asyn counter part:
> > * return type: the asyn interface method doesn't have return value
> > ===>  it will be pass as parameter  asynchronously in onSuccess
> > callback.
> > * exception: are not part of the async method  ===>  it will be pass
> > as parameter  asynchronously in onFailure callback.
> > > Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.
> > > Satya
> > > On Nov 25, 1:10 pm, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> How do i specify in the service signature that this is GWT
> > >> serializable?
> > >> my method signature looks like:
> > >>  public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
> > >> On Nov 23, 5:23 am, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> wrote:
> > >> > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> > > Hi,
> > >> > > Can i pass exceptions between client and server.
> > >> > > Can i have an RPC serice with method that throw an user defined
> > >> > > exception and handle that exception in the client side?
> > >> > Yes as long as your exeption is declared in the Service Signature (to
> > >> > be declared as "GWT serialisable").
> > >> > > I created an userdefined exception:
> > >> > > --
> > >> > > public class IllegalDateRangeException extends SerializationException
> > >> > > implements IsSerializable
> > >> > > {
> > >> > >    private String errorMessage = null;
> > >> > >    public IllegalDateRangeException ( String error )
> > >> > >    {
> > >> > >        errorMessage = error;
> > >> > >    }
> > >> > >    public String toString()
> > >> > >    {
> > >> > >        r

Re: Exception handling in GWT Service

2008-11-25 Thread Ravi M

Ah me. Step 1 should read:

1. Declare your RPC exception like so:

public class MyRPCException extends SerializableException {
public MyRPCException() {

public MyRPCException(String message) {

//... other stuff?


On Nov 26, 1:32 am, Ravi M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Satya,
> The following should work.
> 1. Declare your RPC exception like so:
> public class MyRPCException extends SerializableException {
>     public TrackerRPCException() {
>         super();
>     }
>     public MyRPCException(String message) {
>         super(message);
>     }
>     //... other stuff?
> }
> 2. Declare your service method like so:
> public SomeReturnedObject myServiceMethod(...arguments...) throws
> MyRPCException;
> 3. Declare your async service method like so:
> public void myServiceMethod(...arguments..., AsyncCallback callback);
> 4. The server side implementation of your service method may be like
> so:
>     public SomeReturnedObject myServiceMethod(...arguments...) throws
> MyRPCException {
>         SomeReturnedObject ret = null;
>         try {
>             // Do stuff to "populate" ret. This stuff could
> potentially fail.
>         } catch (SomeNonGWTSerializableServerSideException e) {
>             throw new MyRPCException("This is an error message that
> may be appropriate to show in the UI: " + e.getMessage());
>         }
>         return ret;
>     }
> 5. In your AsyncCallback in the client:
>             public void onSuccess(Object result) {
>                 SomeReturnedObject foo = (SomeReturnedObject) result;
>                 // Happiness and tranquility reign supreme
>             };
>             public void onFailure(Throwable exception) {
>                 try {
>                     throw exception;
>                 } catch (MyRPCException e) {
>                     // Show the error message to the user,
>                     // or handle however you want to.
>                 }
>             };
> This should work, there may be some overkill in this though. All this
> is GWT 1.4.6x, I'm not sure if any of this has changed in 1.5.x.
> Hope this helps
> Ravi
> On Nov 26, 1:08 am, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thank you very much,
> > I guess i can return the String "IllegalDateRangeException" when
> > throwing that exception from my Service and check for that in my
> > onFailure class.
> > public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
> >                    {
> >                               if ( caught.getMessage().contains
> > ( "IllegalDateRangeException" ) )
> >                                     //handle my class.
> >                     }
> > Thnak you,
> > Satya
> > On Nov 25, 1:38 pm, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:14 PM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Also
> > > > when i call the actual method, does the exception get caught in the
> > > > failure method or in my catch method?
> > > > For example:
> > > > AsyncCallback callBack = new AsyncCallback() {
> > > >                    public void onFailure( Throwable caught )
> > > >                    {
> > > >                        //Is the exception caught here?
> > > here !
> > > >                    }
> > > >                    public void onSuccess( Object result )
> > > >                    {
> > > >                   }
> > > > try
> > > >                {
> > > >                    createNewRuleService.createRule( screenType,
> > > > eventRuleForm, callBack );
> > > >                }
> > > >                catch ( IllegalDateRangeException e )
> > > >                {
> > > >                    or the exception is caught here?
> > > >                }
> > > You should  notice the differences between RemoteInterface and its
> > > Asyn counter part:
> > > * return type: the asyn interface method doesn't have return value
> > > ===>  it will be pass as parameter  asynchronously in onSuccess
> > > callback.
> > > * exception: are not part of the async method  ===>  it will be pass
> > > as parameter  asynchronously in onFailure callback.
> > > > Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.
> > > > Satya
> > > > On Nov 25, 1:10 pm, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> How do i specify in the service signature that this is GWT
> > > >> serializable?
> > > >> my method signature looks like:
> > > >>  public String create(Rule rule) throws IllegalDateRangeException;
> > > >> On Nov 23, 5:23 am, "olivier nouguier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >> wrote:
> > > >> > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:58 AM, satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> > > Hi,
> > > >> > > Can i pass exceptions between client and server.
> > > >> > > Can i have an RPC serice with method that throw an user defined
> > > >> > > exception and handle that exception in the client side?
> > > >> > Yes as long as your exeption is declared in the 

Re: GWT-Validation

2008-11-25 Thread Sumit Chandel
Salut kasp,

Je ne suis pas trop familier avec le project gwt-validation, mais il me
semble qu'il devrait fonctionner pour les objects qui sont transmis via RPC.
En fait, il semble que le project est conçu pour la validations des objects
du coté client ainsi que du coté serveur.

Est-ce que tu l'as déjà donné un coup? Il faudrait l'essayer et nous laisser
savoir comment ça s'est passé.

Bien à toi,

2008/11/21 kasp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> je veux avoir un exemple d'utilisation du framewok gwt-validation avec
> les services RPC.y'a t'il quelqu'un qu'a jeter un coup d'oeil la
> dessus?
> >

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Re: New to the GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Jorge Muralles
Hi there, how are you, is this the only way to run the createproject 
Once is running, does it have a user interface?
I really do not know how to run it from the coomand promtp. how would I gt to 

Sincerely yours;

Jorge Muralles

--- On Tue, 11/25/08, Isaac Truett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Isaac Truett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New to the GWT
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 2:32 PM

Open a command prompt and run it from there.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I just downloaded the GWT, I understand that there is no installation
> file, but I click on the application creator and it starts up a
> command screen that goes away.
> How do i start up the application creator? What am I doin wrong?
> Thanks
> Jorge
> >

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Re: Cancelling GWT history navigation

2008-11-25 Thread Dimas

Sorry for the delay, I haven't been back on this part of the project
for a while.

This method works save for one thing:  To cancel navigation, you also
have to call DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); otherwise the browser
will change the history stack will change anyway (as that is the
default behavior for anchor tags).

Thanks for your help!
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Re: same-origin security restriction

2008-11-25 Thread Brian

Created issue 3131: (and 13's my lucky number... so close sorta..)

Please star it :-)

On Nov 24, 11:13 am, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How did I miss this thread?  Is there an issue open already for this,
> as per the Nov 21st post? I'll star it.
> I'm still using 1.5.2 for dev, as it's the fastest way to iterate on a
> non-jsonp app.  Basically you guys spoiled me with this bug/feature in
> prior releases and using 1.5.3 and its slowdown to iterations just
> sucks. No offense :)
> Anyway, no, it doesn't cause more problems when deploying.  You find
> out right away when you're running in webmode if you're violating SOP
> as the browser complains or ignores the request (depends on the
> browser). Violating SOP in hosted mode was a fantastic feature.
> Having a console warning in hosted mode that a request is violating
> sop should be enough.
> On Nov 24, 11:02 am, Jason Essington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Actually, allowing Hosted mode to violate SOP would lead to even more  
> > problems come deployment time...
> > The idea with hosted mode is that it mirrors an actual browser as  
> > nearly as possible, so by breaking (not fixing) the SOP behavior,  
> > developers are likely to run into issues where something works in  
> > Hosted mode, but doesn't in Web mode. Definitely not desired behavior.
> > If you have a situation were you need to connect to a serve that is  
> > not well represented by the embedded tomcat server, then simply use -
> > noserver and be done with it.
> > I have a JEE backend, and even I have to use -noserver. In fact, I  
> > would be willing to bet anyone that has an application that has  
> > progressed beyond trivial (trial) client/server communication is using  
> > Hosted mode with the -noserver switch. It is not a matter of the GWT  
> > developers trying to screw non-JEE developers, but rather a matter of  
> > not being able to provide an embedded server that is all things to all  
> > people.
> > -jason
> > On Nov 21, 2008, at 2:23 PM, jpnet wrote:
> > > This is not a feature! Please fix this.  Allow us developers to
> > > violate the SOP via the Hosted-Mode browsers.  You are screwing your
> > > developers that don't use J2EE on the backend.
> > > -JP
> > > On Nov 19, 7:33 pm, Sumit Chandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> Hi Danny,
> > >> The issue you ran into is not actually a bug but an improvement in  
> > >> 1.5.3 in
> > >> terms of browser security compliance.
> > >> Basically, the remote data you are fetching is indeed violating the  
> > >> single
> > >> origin policy, which is why you are seeing the error message come  
> > >> up in the
> > >> hosted mode console.
> > >> The two ways to enable cross-site communication would be to use -
> > >> noserver
> > >> with a proxy that could delegate the calls or using the JSONP  
> > >> technique.
> > >> Both are described in a bit more detail on the Groups post linked  
> > >> below:
> > >>
> > >> threa...
> > >> Hope that helps,
> > >> -Sumit Chandel
> > >> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Danny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>> Just thought I'd post an update...
> > >>> I downgraded from 1.5.3 to 1.5.2 and its now working so I guess this
> > >>> is a bug with 1.5.3.
> > >>> Regards,
> > >>> Danny
> > >>> On Nov 14, 12:40 am, Danny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Hi All,
> >  I finally got round to making my app run in 1.5 and all is looking
> >  good.  However I often use hosted mode with remote data, which  
> >  helps
> >  massively when debugging issues.  I am using RequestBuilder.
> >  I'm getting a weird error in 1.5, if I switch back to 1.4 it works
> >  perfectly.  I get the following when in hosted mode.
> >  The URLhttp://x.x.x.x/.zzzisinvalidorviolates the same-origin
> >  security restriction
> >  I've enabled cross-brower communication in Internet Explorer and  
> >  added
> >  the site to my Local Intranet, but still not joy.
> >  Can anyone shed any light on this?
> >  Many thanks,
> >  Danny
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Re: Why use GWT?

2008-11-25 Thread rakesh wagh

my bad... that was a typo which i realized only after clicking the
send button(and was too lazy to post the second response).

"just include the js" = "just include the jar".

Following attributes in your gwt.xml while in development simplify
compile some what:

On Nov 24, 2:23 pm, adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rakesh, This was a totally great response and I'm really thankful that
> you took the time to write it.
> > divide your project into distinct modules that do not rely on each
> > other, do it! A good example is managing administration activities
> > could be a separate module. This way you take away the load from main
> > application.
> I see what you mean, but it's often pretty tough to come up with
> modules whose dependency graph is disconnected from the rest of the
> project. They do appear from time to time, I suppose.
> > this common project, do our development, test it in hosted mode(with a
> > demo app) and just include the js. This way we shift at least 30% of
> > our development to this very small project that is easy on hosted mode
> > refresh, debugging, and over all development. I hope you get my point
> > here.
> Please let me know if I understand the "just include the js" part
> correctly. You are saying that you keep your UI widget lib in a
> separate project, compile it to javascript, and then include that
> javascript in the html for your main project? If this is correct, how
> do you expose the methods? Do you just add functions to $wnd in JSNI
> or are you using Cromwell's GWT Exporter? I use the "passive view"
> pattern, which means it's usually pretty easy for me to try out my
> widgets in a harness; I usually keep a second module in my main
> Eclipse project for this purpose.
> > 4. At time of development compile only for IE(through a property ingwtex
> I'm sorry, but I didn't catch you here. I think your original message
> may have become a bit garbled here.
> Thanks again.
> Adam
> On Nov 24, 12:47 pm,rakeshwagh<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I will agree on the final thing about listeners and feel that it is
> > more of personal preference. In my experience we had good luck and
> > happy results using listeners to decouple our widgets and hence
> > screens. Basically like any other java based application you need a
> > lead in your team who will always take care of the over all design and
> > make sure that listeners are not abused; that parents do not pass
> > themselves as references to the child for purpose of method
> > invocation; and many other best practice that come by little practice.
> > Withgwt, client side programming deserves equal or more respect(hence
> > design and lead resources) compared to its server side counter part.
> > About the size of generated javascript code. As I said I am not going
> > to go in comparison with any other lib, because that would be apple vs
> > bananas(I love both fruits btw). If your app is compiled as 160kb js,
> > I think it is not huge. It is probably just okay. The best thing I
> > like aboutgwtis that it does not include a staticgwt.js of its own
> > (like most other toolkits does, take dojo for instance).Gwtmaps your
> > java code as effeciently as possible to corresponding javascript(again
> > without including its own static js lib). I agree with you that lazy
> > loading would be a good idea. Moreover I also agree with you that
> > hosted mode refresh time sucks as your app size increaseas(and that
> > happens pretty soon!). We all face this issue, and I think thatgwt
> > team will put a solution in coming months. See my comments in this
> > thread:
> > Here are some suggestions:
> > 1.Usemodules right from the beginning if possible. If you could
> > divide your project into distinct modules that do not rely on each
> > other, do it! A good example is managing administration activities
> > could be a separate module. This way you take away the load from main
> > application.
> > 2. Create a "separate project" for commongwtwidgets. If you are
> > relying on vanillagwtfor widgets(not usinggwt-ext etc), you would
> > most probably end up writing lot of common widgets that you would like
> > to reusein your project. We created a separate project just for this
> > purpose. So whenever we write a reusable(1+ times) widget, we go to
> > this common project, do our development, test it in hosted mode(with a
> > demo app) and just include the js. This way we shift at least 30% of
> > our development to this very small project that is easy on hosted mode
> > refresh, debugging, and over all development. I hope you get my point
> > here.
> > 3.uselazy initialization of variable where ever possible. This
> > reduces lot of start up time.
> > 4. At time of development compile only for IE(through a property ingwtex
> > More over we created a entirely different project that would contain
> > the common widgets that we develop and can be 

api for google MAPS

2008-11-25 Thread rizla

hi to all!
there is a method in the GWT maps API that finds the localities near a
city or town ?
for example:
List methodThatIDream(referenceLocality)?!
thanks to everyone :D
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Re: New to the GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

It has no user interface other than the command line.

If you're on windows, run 'cmd', that'll get you a command line. In
order to learn how to use it - google for some tutorials, it's not too
difficult. Most programming tools work off of the command line, so its
time well spent.

On Nov 25, 10:44 pm, Jorge Muralles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there, how are you, is this the only way to run the createproject 
> application.
> Once is running, does it have a user interface?
> I really do not know how to run it from the coomand promtp. how would I gt to 
> it?
> Sincerely yours;
> Jorge Muralles
> 401-849-5323
> 401-855-1335
> --- On Tue, 11/25/08, Isaac Truett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Isaac Truett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: New to the GWT
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 2:32 PM
> Open a command prompt and run it from there.
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just downloaded the GWT, I understand that there is no installation
> > file, but I click on the application creator and it starts up a
> > command screen that goes away.
> > How do i start up the application creator? What am I doin wrong?
> > Thanks
> > Jorge
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Re: New to the GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Jorge Muralles
Thank you.
I jalso just dowload eclipse. I was loooking at it, I like it. Do you think 
that that is a good development tool?

Sincerely yours;

Jorge Muralles

--- On Tue, 11/25/08, Reinier Zwitserloot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Reinier Zwitserloot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New to the GWT
To: "Google Web Toolkit" 
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 7:14 PM

It has no user interface other than the command line.

If you're on windows, run 'cmd', that'll get you a command
line. In
order to learn how to use it - google for some tutorials, it's not too
difficult. Most programming tools work off of the command line, so its
time well spent.

On Nov 25, 10:44 pm, Jorge Muralles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there, how are you, is this the only way to run the createproject
> Once is running, does it have a user interface?
> I really do not know how to run it from the coomand promtp. how would I gt
to it?
> Sincerely yours;
> Jorge Muralles
> 401-849-5323
> 401-855-1335
> --- On Tue, 11/25/08, Isaac Truett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Isaac Truett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: New to the GWT
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 2:32 PM
> Open a command prompt and run it from there.
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just downloaded the GWT, I understand that there is no installation
> > file, but I click on the application creator and it starts up a
> > command screen that goes away.
> > How do i start up the application creator? What am I doin wrong?
> > Thanks
> > Jorge

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GWT on Mac: "Invalid or violates the same-origin security restriction"

2008-11-25 Thread Chris


I'm running into a serious problem with GWT on Mac.  Here is what I'm

GWT -1.5.3
Java 1.5.0_16

And I'm connecting to an external server NOT on the same domain.  Its
actually a server hosted by another company and everytime I try to
connect to it and run queries I'm getting the following: The URL is invalid or violates
the same-origin security restriction

Now I know that exception will crop up when I'm running queries
against my OWN server but not against an external server on a
different domain.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?


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Re: Problem in GWT 1.5

2008-11-25 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

Setting things like margins and padding is done with CSS. It's also
possible to do inside Javascript, but the notation is different and
you're better off using CSS.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:58 AM, jamer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't understand you
> If i don't use the CSS it is ok?
> On 22 nov, 16:32, "Arthur Kalmenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hijamer,
>> You would probably do most of this with CSS
>> --
>> Arthur Kalmenson
>> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 4:39 AM,jamer<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hi Group!
>> > In GWT 1.5, when I create an HTML to add an image, this appears
>> > descuadrada me, that is, I do not appear in line with the text.
>> > If I create a HorizontalPanel with a TextBox and a picture, the
>> > TextBox and the image does not appear to me square, and if that aligns
>> > with the options of VerticalPanel, I get a lot of space above and
>> > below these Widget Why?
>> > Pd: In GWT 1.4 I did this.
>> > Thank you!!
> >

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Re: How to do cross site implementation in GWT

2008-11-25 Thread Manuel Aguilera

I was having a similar Issue. I am working on an application that will
load a short list of headlines from our website via cross-site
json.The gwt files,  the json feed and the host HTML page reside on
different domains. On the Module XML format page in the developer
guide (
doc-1-5&s=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&t=DevGuideModuleXml) the method
suggested was including something similar to:


however after uploading the output files I got a couple of permission
errors on Firefox, namely:

Permission denied to get property Window.document
Line 1

What I did was to remove the  element from the module xml file.
Mine looks as follows:

I am not sure why but it seems to be working ok now. I Hope this helps

Manuel Aguilera

On Nov 25, 1:25 am, "Manish Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> can anybody plz help me out to get the right path for cross site
> implementation.
> please go through the mail below and make me aware about my approach.
> Thanx & Regards
> Manish
> - Original Message -
> From: "Manish Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 11:12 AM
> Subject: How to do cross site implementation in GWT
> > Hi everybody,
> > I has working for 2 months on GWT( 1.5.3 ). I have been successful in
> > implementing various feature in GWT. Finally I am stuck at end for almost
> > 20
> > days in including my GWT project to a set of HTML files with passing a set
> > of values to GWT from HTML.
> > Previously also I put this issue in this forum as i was trying with JSNI
> > and
> > xs linker.Now i am running out of time. Time has come for decision.Thanks
> > for constant help and co-operation.
> > Now can anybody please confirm my approach? Since still I suspect my
> > approach.
> > I have a set of  HTML files. I have made and GWT project including some
> > widgets , rpc and a external server( calling using request builder ). I
> > have
> > wriiten a JSNI method in GWT component which is called by a GWT method
> > called inside onModuleLoad.
> > I have wriiten a js method( on HTML side) which calls JSNI method.
> > I compiled the GWT component using xs linker and added nocache.js in my
> > HTML(in HEAD part). I am expecting that this will invoke GWT component as
> > js
> > method ( html side ) is called on click of a button displayed in HTML.
> > A couple of months back I had got this but I don't understand why this is
> > not working this time.There is a remarkable observation is that previously
> > I
> > had got xs-nocache.js and my JSNI method inside that.This I am not getting
> > now.
> > One more thing I would like to know that what is the role of cache.js?
> > Can anybody provide me what is mistake/is this workable or not.
> > Regards
> > Manish

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Re: How to use RichTextToolbar ?

2008-11-25 Thread 闫风

2008/11/26 satya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You can look at the KitchenSink demo, to follow to include
> RichTextToolbar.
> Here is what i did:
> 1. Included RichTextToolbar java, and the RichTextToolbar
> $ in my client package.
> 2. Created an icons folder under client, and copied all images
> required by RichTextToolbar
> 3. Modified the RichTextToolbar to include the current location of the
> images/gifs.
> I hope this helps,
> Thanks
> Satya
> On Nov 25, 1:52 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hello everybody:
> >In my item , i must use the discreteness.Who can give me a example?
> > Thanks.
> >

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Re: GWT on Mac: "Invalid or violates the same-origin security restriction"

2008-11-25 Thread Brian

You might check this thread:

On Nov 25, 7:59 pm, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm running into a serious problem with GWT on Mac.  Here is what I'm
> using:
> GWT -1.5.3
> Java 1.5.0_16
> And I'm connecting to an external server NOT on the same domain.  Its
> actually a server hosted by another company and everytime I try to
> connect to it and run queries I'm getting the following:
> The 
> URL invalid or violates
> the same-origin security restriction
> Now I know that exception will crop up when I'm running queries
> against my OWN server but not against an external server on a
> different domain.
> Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
> thanks!
> Chris
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Re: Your opinion sought: Jetty or Tomcat?

2008-11-25 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

I was going to ask if the embedded Tomcat has to be used in
GWTTestCases. It seemed like that to me, and if switching to Jetty
will speed up launching GWTTestCases (or GWTTestSuites), that's going
to be very nice for our builds.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Charlie Collins
> I know I am late to this thread, but Jetty would break a ton of stuff
> for me (I maintain the GWT-Maven plugin, which tweaks the embedded
> Tomcat) - even so, I would say it's a good idea (a lot of advantages),
> and I can adapt.
> One thing in this thread that concerns me though is the general
> "everyone uses noserver beyond the basics" sentiment, I don't think
> that's accurate - regardless of what the embedded server is (Tomcat or
> Jetty or whatever).
> "About using a customized Tomcat to avoid -noserver hosted mode - I'm
> not entirely sure I understand why you would want to hack a custom
> version of the embedded Tomcat server rather than use your own
> customizable Tomcat server with the -noserver option. "
> I customize the *embedded* Tomcat because without it I *can't run
> GWTTestCase based tests* - and thats HUGE in my book.  (The JUnitShell
> doesn't support -noserver as far as I know? If I am incorrect on that
> front please advise - how do others work with tests if they are using
> noserver?)  I don't use GWTTestCase tests for my UI either (I don't
> think that's helpful at all), rather I use them for my client side
> model and controller, and RPC calls and such, those tests
> ("integration" if you will).  Also, having to debug separate processes
> when using noserver is more of a pain than simply NOT having to if you
> are tweaking the embedded server. I think the entire development cycle
> is just faster if I don't have to re-up server side resources in a
> separate process, etc.
> I can basically accomplish just about any complicated JEE setup with
> Tomcat, and therefore with the embedded Tomcat too.  I use the Maven
> plugin to handle the details, but it can be done, and I think often is
> done, whether or not you are using Maven. (Because I am using the
> plugin, I don't have to hand tweak it, but I have a *source* web.xml
> that gets applied, and the classpath from my maven project is used,
> and so on from there.)
> Here is what we do to the embedded Tomcat from the plugin, for the
> record: 
> And I apologize in advance if this sounds like I am trying to pimp the
> plugin, I don't mean to, just trying to answer the "why you would want
> to tweak the embedded Tomcat" question, which applies no matter how
> you accomplish it.
> On Nov 24, 5:13 pm, "Alex Epshteyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi Sumit,
>> > Could you
>> > give more details about how you're using the customized embedded Tomcat and
>> > why it wouldn't be possible and even better to use your own Tomcat with
>> > -noserver?
>> I'm not using -noserver because I figured it would be easier to
>> run/stop just one process during development than 2.   Bottom line: I
>> think that it's faster to develop without the -noserver option.  IDEs
>> don't have perfect support for Tomcat and using GWT's embedded server
>> just seems easier.
>> I just have two tweaks in GWT's tomcat directory - one to ROOT.xml, to
>> provide what my production WAR has in it's context.xml (namely,
>> cookies=false) and the other to the ROOT/web.xml - to provide my own
>> servlet/filter definitions.  There's a good chance I will be able to
>> adapt Jetty this way as well, so I don't want to spoil the party if
>> everyone thinks Jetty is the way to go :)
>> > Finally, about the new WAR directory structure.
>> I agree with your intentions here.  You're right, the need to build a
>> WAR after GWT compile seems like an unnecessary step right now, and is
>> certainly a pain point for beginners.  (I was fortunate to find a
>> really good sample build.xml file on the web when I was just starting
>> out with GWT two years ago).  If you're going to modify the compiler
>> to produce a WAR, I hope you will consider making this process
>> pluggable so that one could add their own build logic to it (for
>> example, my build.xml creates a gzipped copy of all the .cache.* files
>> to go into the WAR).  Either way, I completely support having this
>> step be optional based on flags.
>> > I can't say as much about the Java line from JavaScript exception feature,
>> > but it sounds like it would be a great feature to have (and a great
>> > candidate as a Request For Enhancement on the Issue Tracker).
>> It's already on the books (I should have included the link in my original 
>> post):
>> This is a really important feature for me.  In the interim, I was
>> thinking of using Soot to instrument my Java code to manually keep
>> track o

Re: Your opinion sought: Jetty or Tomcat?

2008-11-25 Thread Not Ken Shabby

I will be using TOMCAT as the target server for the foreseeable

My concern with switching to JETTY within the development environment
is that bugs / issues with the interaction of GWT and TOMCAT may not
be seen / address as quickly as they might otherwise be.

There may also be some "psychological / political" effect --- "oh, GWT
is something that works with Jetty, it used to work with Tomcat but
they changed it"

On Oct 20, 10:46 am, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Manuel Carrasco wrote:The most annoying issue with GWT is performance in 
> development mode. I mean, compiling, startng hosted mode and running GWT Unit 
> tests. So any action that improves these is welcome.
> So my vote if for jetty
> +1
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gwt + spring + ehcache concurrent test

2008-11-25 Thread loongest

Hi All,

I did a gwt + spring application, the idea is when the
application load up, i use the ehcache put the value in the memory, so
gwt application will base on this memory to do something. But when the
time i come to test the concurrent test (200 request), it will keep
saying my variable is missing. My question is, would it be possible
the total application file size are too huge and it cause the server
side memory to the bottleneck and kick of the cache value i store in.
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Re: Your opinion sought: Jetty or Tomcat?

2008-11-25 Thread AB

I am using -noserver so it doesnt matter and even if I wasnt, i could
live with either.
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Blank window IE6 (update version :sp1) version

2008-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

My application is in gwt 1.5 that application is working fine in
mozilla & IE6 (update version sp2)& IE7 .But in IE6.03790.1830(update
version :sp1) its getting blank window.we are not getting any error in
console.why its happening like that & what we can do work in every
browser(specially in IE6(SP1)).

please can you help me its very urgent.

Thanks & regards
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Reg:image format with extension .tiff

2008-11-25 Thread ramesh_mantra

hai all,
i want to display .tiff image in my application.
if i use .jpg format it is displaying bit .tiff is not displaying.

please give me any suggestions.
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Re: Reg:image format with extension .tiff

2008-11-25 Thread Daniel Kurka
browsers can not display tiff files you have to convert the image on the
serverside to a tjpg and then send it to the browser

2008/11/26 ramesh_mantra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> hai all,
> i want to display .tiff image in my application.
> if i use .jpg format it is displaying bit .tiff is not displaying.
> please give me any suggestions.
> >

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Is Run Time Annotation Possible?

2008-11-25 Thread zujee

Hi experts,
I have an interface which extends ImmutableResourceBundle

and inside that
public abstract TextResource properties();

and its working fine.
but I need to change the filename after reading the XML file .

from that I need to set the reosuece path as
@Resource("com/MyPath/") in run time.. is
that possible?

thanks and regards

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Please help me to solve out this prob...

2008-11-25 Thread Bhupen

hi, I am new to GWT and working on some project... i have added few
widget in my application and when i am changing the contents with
menu it's not showing any widget... apart from widget all the things
coming properly and i m getting following error

[ERROR] Uncaught exception escaped
java.lang.AssertionError: A widget in the detach list was found not
attached to the document. The is likely caused by wrapping an existing
element and removing it from the document without calling
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6
   at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Native
   at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(
   at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(

And when i pur RootPanel.detachNow(widget)... then nothing is showing
with that panel..

and getting the following error

[ERROR] Uncaught exception escaped
java.lang.AssertionError: detachNow() called on a widget not currently
in the detach list
   at com.client.agentListWidget.widgetInterface
   at com.client.IRIS$1.onClick(
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6
   at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Native
   at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(
   at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(

Please help me out of this problem...

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Re: determine browser type

2008-11-25 Thread Lorenzo Nazario
Something a little bit more detailed

public static native String getUserAgent() /*-{
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

if (ua.indexOf("opera") != -1) {
return "opera";
if (ua.indexOf("webkit") != -1) {
return "safari";
if ((ua.indexOf("msie 6.0") != -1)
||  (ua.indexOf("msie 7.0") != -1)) {
return "ie6";
if (ua.indexOf("gecko") != -1) {
var result = /rv:([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/.exec(ua);
if (result && result.length == 3) {
var version = (parseInt(result[1]) * 10) +
if (version >= 18)
return "gecko1_8";
return "gecko";
return "unknown";

2008/11/13 posta07 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think this works...
>  public native static String getUserAgent() /*-{
>return $wnd.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
> On Nov 13, 1:17 pm, rjcarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there any way to get the browser type or family from within the
> > code?  I'm using LoadListeners and they don't behave very well in IE
> > and would like to do a quick check and react differently when in IE.
> >
> > I know I can use the module xml to replace classes when specific
> > browser versions are used, but is there any way to tell within the
> > code?
> >

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SuggestionBox using key value pairs

2008-11-25 Thread Danny Schimke
I need to store a suggestion, additional with an ID into the
SuggestionOracle instead only Strings. I have to refer to an Object by the
suggestion- given ID. I can't do this with the "name" / string. Is there a
alternative to the existing SuggestionBox. If I understand correctly, I have
to create a MultiWordSuggestOracle which differs to the

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