Re: File download using GWT?

2008-11-29 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

rlaferla schrieb:

 I have already searched this
 forum and there is a thread on doing a file download but that's for a
 file that exists on disk and for various reasons, my application
 cannot write the string to a file first.

There are already a couple of threads covering that topic and
if the URL that is used for downloading a file is leading to
the execution of e.g. a servlet, the data doesn't need to reside
on the filesystem but can be created dynamically. Actually
in my current application most of the file downloads is data
being created in memory only.

Regards, Lothar

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Re: ClickListener problem

2008-11-29 Thread Lothar Kimmeringer

tapan schrieb:
 I have 3 buttons each having their own ClickListener . The problem is
 that after clicking once on a button the ClickListener does not work
 second time until the page has been refreshed. How can i correct this
 error without refreshing the page every time.

Some source showing the problem should help. The effect you describe
I never had, so I'm quite sure that you do something wrong. Most
likely there is an exception happening in the code being executed
inside the listener. This stops the execution of the application
and needs the reload of the page.

Regards, Lothar

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IE7 Error in cache.html's Javascript

2008-11-29 Thread KevinF

Hi everyone,

  I'm running into a really weird problem with IE7 when I view my site
that was created using GWT. The client makes several calls to the
server to retrieve Lists of information. This problem does not occur
in Firefox 3 nor in Safari. The error I'm getting is

Line: 2818
Char: 3
Error: Exception thrown and not caught
Code: 0
URL: http://domain/997866B17568BBEABF330CD77D093CE1.cache.html

  From what I gather, it seems this file is the my application logic
tailored for IE. When I look into the file at line 2818, I find:

2817: function java_util_AbstractList_indexOutOfBounds__II(index, size)
2818:  throw java_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException_
(new java_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException(), $intern_130 + index +
$intern_131 + size);
2819: }

  I tried to find where the callers of this method were and there were
3 of them:
(1) function java_util_ArrayList_
$add__Ljava_util_ArrayList_2ILjava_lang_Object_2(this$static, index,
(2) function java_util_LinkedList_
$listIterator__Ljava_util_LinkedList_2I(this$static, index)
(3) function java_util_AbstractList_checkIndex__II(index, size)

  I'm guessing this means somewhere my application is trying to access
an index in a List that's not within bounds of it. The puzzling thing
is, how come this only happens on SOME IE7 browsers and does not occur
at all in Firefox or Safari.

  Any ideas or fixes would be much appreciated.

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Re: SecureRemoteService and Servlet. The battle against XSRF.

2008-11-29 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

You're asking me if some Reinier Approved algorithm would meet with my

Uh, yes.

I have a question for you, though:

Does a gregor approved method of shooting a puppy meet with your
approval? If not, can you explain why?

On Nov 28, 9:02 pm, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  gregor: What do you mean 'bad idea because the session ID would be
  visible on the wire'? All session IDs are visible on the wire, unless
  you set up a scheme where the client javascript does some hashing or

 Suppose I replaced:

  sessionID = someSessionIDCookieGrabbingMethod();


  sessionID = someReinierApprovedEncryptionAlgorithm();

 would this meet with your approval? If not can you explain why?


 It's been floated as an idea many times on this forum, and

  it is certainly feasible, but its very much outside of the norm.
  Virtually nobody on the entire web is doing this today. There are a
  number of issues I don't really want to get into. Suffice to say: Yes,
  doable. Yes, very cool. No, not standard or required by any stretch of
  the imagination. Such a scheme would still be significantly less
  secure than SSL, because it won't hold up to a man in the middle
  attack (the man in the middle will just modify your GWT code to send
  the password to his secret server in nigerussomania.

  On Nov 28, 12:52 pm, Patrick Ratelband [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey everyone,

   I have been working a while now on properly defending my GWT app
   against Cross Site Request Forgery (XRSF) with a minimal change in the
   code of the application itself.

   My idea has been to create a new RPC call that will be the same from
   the programmers points of view as the normal, but which will add some
   value (a sessionID for instance) to the list of supplied parameters
   just before the call is send. Then, on the server side, the programmer
   would extend the SecureRemoteServiceSevlet (SRSS) instead of the
   normal one. This secure version will simply remove the extra
   paramater, check it's validity and only execute the requested method
   if the authentication succeeds.

   So far I have been able to subclass the RemoteServiceServlet (RSS)
   into the SRSS. It overrides the processCall(String payload) method to
   implement the verification (in my case the last argument, but that can
   easily be changed), thus working exactly the same as the normal RSS
   without any change needed in the code other than changing the extend.

   The problem is that I really do not understand where I might add the
   code to modify the sending of the request client side. I have studied
   the RPC diagrams and almost everything I could find on the group
   concerning RPC, but I still do not understand what I need to change or
   override to create a custom RPC call. I have thought about making a
   subclass of the ServiceDefTarget so that the calling URL could be
   modified, but this is an interface and not a class, so is not going to

   Does anyone have any idea's on this?


   PS: If I succeed at making something useful, I will create a package
   and a tutorial to share my knowledge. No need to reinvent the wheel.
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Re: Timer In Gwt

2008-11-29 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

Not A Problem - Just Add The Timer Behaviour To Your Custom Subclass
Of Label. For Example, You Could Add A SetVisible Method To This Label
Subclass That Also Includes a Milliseconds Parameter (The Time To
Display The Message). All Your Method Does Is Call Super.SetVisible
(X), And Then Start The Timer. The Timer Code You Pasted Looks Fine,
So You Can Just Use That. If You Are Concerned That Thirty Timers Are
Too Much To Handle, I Wouldn't Worry Too Much. However, If Practical
Testing Really Reveals That Is A Problem, You Can Do This. I'd Still
Go The Route Of A Custom Class, though. Basically, Create A Mapping Of
Event Times (The Time In Milliseconds When The Message Should
Disappear) And Store This In A TreeMap. Then, Set Up A Single Timer
That Waits Until The First Time In The Mapping Is 'Up'. The Code Sort
Of Writes Itself From There. If A New Timer Is Added, You Should Check
If It's Up Sooner Than The First Thing In The Map, And If So, Cancel
And Restart The Timer With The New Shorter Time.

NB: It Is More Common In The English Language To Capitalize The Word
I And The First Letter In Every Sentence. Your Style Of Capitalizing
At Random Is Not So Much Of A Standard. I Admit, It Looks Hilarious
Though. Ta!

On Nov 29, 7:48 am, jagadesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I am Working On A Screen Where i Need to Display some Error Message
 and Some Success Messages.What i did is i created my own widget of
 some Label type . when ever i need to show a message i would set the
 text to label and display it on the top of the screen much like gmail.

 the issue i added a timer for the label so that it disappears
 automatically after some time.

 i have written the code like this,

 Timer t = new Timer() {
                                 public void run() {
                                         setWidget(0, 1, header);

 header is my label type of element. i was displaying some 30 types of
 different message. so my timer code has increased a lot . can any one
 suggest me how to use a single timer class for all.
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Re: TextArea cannot be resolved to a type

2008-11-29 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

Go through the GWT Getting started guide. You've screwed up your
installation somehow, or you're not using the right command line. It's
not a matter of code, it's just that some tool in the chain can't find
the TextArea class code.

For the rest - really, this is a forum, not a university. Just go
through the getting started guide and learn GWT. You should also have
a look at the javadoc for all GWT classes. For example, the TextArea
javadoc has a getText() method, and a setText() method.

You can not use URL in GWT. The GWT Documentation (Notice a pattern?)
has a nice listing of which classes are supported.* is not
in it. This isn't because the GWT team is lazy, it's simply because
javascript simply can't do this, so there's no way the GWT compiler
can compile that code for you.

If the URL you want to read in is from the same server that served the
webpage (the EXACT same server. Same protocol, same exact server name,
same port), then you can use RequestBuilder (A GWT class. Look it up
in the .. (drum roll please!)  documentation!) which is
capable of downloading the contents. On the web, you can pretty much
only ever download everything in one go, there are no streams, just
complete data. If you need to process a couple megabytes on the
client... you're out of luck, then. Maybe your server can download the
big data in chunks and pass it to the client in a flurry of requests

On Nov 29, 7:50 am, moe374 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello. I have just begun learning java (about 2 months ago) and am now
 trying to develop a couple applications for the web using java and the
 GWT. I am having some difficulty and hoping someone can help me out.
 My first problem I am having is I am getting this error message
 TextArea cannot be resolved to a type when I am trying to create a
 text area. I get the error message twice, and for the same line in my
 code which is

 TextArea ta = new TextArea();

 Is there a line (or multiple lines) of code I have to implement before
 I can implement the TextArea object?

 Also, I need to allow the user to paste some information into this
 text box and allow me to store that information in a variable, and
 then do something with the information, and then output some
 information to the user (even in the same text box is fine). Can some
 one please help me get started on this?

 Finally, I was wondering if the GWT supports reading the HTML file of
 a URL, which would normally be done by something like this:

 URL results = new URL(;);

             BufferedReader in2 = new BufferedReader(
                     new InputStreamReader(
             String inputLine = in2.readLine();

 Thank you very much.
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Re: Body Background disappear

2008-11-29 Thread KevinF

Yes, you are right Ian. I found out after I got the idea that it must
be some CSS that's overriding my body styles.

The hard part was finding out where this CSS was and it turned out to
be a theme that's used in a GWT library I was including in my class
path. Sigh... took me a while to find it.

Thanks for the input though guys. Much appreciated.

On Nov 18, 6:23 am, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My guess is that you are using a theme.

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Re: Problems adding a Digg This link

2008-11-29 Thread Charlie Collins

Can't you just add the script element to your host page, the same way
you would in HTML?  That is to say, don't try to recreate the script
element in Java and have GWT insert it, just put it on the host page
(the same place you put the gwt script tag, etc).

On Nov 27, 11:33 pm, mayop100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to add a Digg This link to my gwt website. If my website
 were just an html page, all I would need to do is include this line in
 my HTML:
 script src=; type=text/

 I've tried adding a new element to the page with DOM.createElement
 (script), but it ends up replacing the entire contents of the page
 with my digg link. I've also tried a JSNI solution, but with no

 It seems to me there should be an easy solution for this... anyone?

 Thanks -

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Re: XML to UI Forms

2008-11-29 Thread Charlie Collins

I don't think this is exactly what you are asking, but the GWT
declarative UI track is aiming to make UI building a bit easier by
making it, well, declarative. You might find some more ideas, or
clarification, at least regarding XML to UI widgets, in those

On Nov 28, 2:15 pm, Startworld67 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe, I am too lazy but is there a way for gwt to convert whats in
 XML (formatted according to gwt requirements) which can parse and
 construct the form and allow the users to edit and once done, saves to
 the xml again for future processing.

 I am trying to avoid learning GWT specific UI elements and gain
 control from some wrappers which load from xml and save to xml.

 Something close would 

 but they should be read from xml and built upon.

 Sure, I can write the wrappers but I was checking if someone has done
 this before. A UI-xml framework?

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Re: SecureRemoteService and Servlet. The battle against XSRF.

2008-11-29 Thread gregor

Sorry Reiner, I wasn't being trying to be facetious. I just wanted to
understand exactly what you are saying really. As I understand it so

a) Don't send sessionID as cookies - deliberately configure app server
to stop it using cookies for tracking sessionIDs
b) Don't send sessionID as request parameters - or am I wrong here
(you say instead lifting the
session out of the parameters)?
c) You could send sessionID as part of a, say, RPC payload object, but
it should be hashed or otherwise encrypted otherwise it's still easily
read by a determined black hat. However, nobody actually does this. In
any case encryption libraries available for java script are not
Mallory proof)
d) The only bomb proof way to serious security (i.e. Mallory proof) is
via SSL.

I suppose my question is this really: Say you do not want to use SSL
(apart from maybe initial log in), but you also don't really want to
send session ID's that any old Eve (using your Mallory  Eve thing)
can read falling off a log, it's not really clear to me what to if you
don't do something like c). Reading your posts back in October last

my understanding is:

1) Unless you use SSL across the board you cannot defend against
Mallory. However Mallory is rare.
2) Invest $60 in a SSL certificate and run your log-in/lost p/w stuff
through SSL otherwise a determined Eve can get uid/pw and simply use
the front door
3) To defend against Eve discovering the session, you need a procedure
like the one you describe (e.g. key = sessionID +   + counter +  
+ SHA256_HASH(sessionBase,counter++);
4) from Eve's point of view, it doesn't really matter where (key =
sessionID +   + counter +   + SHA256_HASH(sessionBase,counter++)
is in the packet (request parameter, buried in RPC payload whatever)
she will find it and either she can crack it or she can't.

Therefore your point is (I think, and I appreciate you've been trying
to explain this for months until you are blue in the face) there is no
point at all in doing something like I was suggesting above for the
simple reason that a) if the encryption of the session id is strong
enough to defeat Eve, it doesn't matter where it goes in the packet,
and b) if it isn't strong enough to defeat Eve, it equally doesn't
matter where it goes in the packet.

Forgive me if I'm being dense, Reinier, and my applogies if my
previous comment offended you, it wasn't meant to.


On Nov 29, 11:29 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're asking me if some Reinier Approved algorithm would meet with my

 Uh, yes.

 I have a question for you, though:

 Does a gregor approved method of shooting a puppy meet with your
 approval? If not, can you explain why?

 On Nov 28, 9:02 pm, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   gregor: What do you mean 'bad idea because the session ID would be
   visible on the wire'? All session IDs are visible on the wire, unless
   you set up a scheme where the client javascript does some hashing or

  Suppose I replaced:

   sessionID = someSessionIDCookieGrabbingMethod();


   sessionID = someReinierApprovedEncryptionAlgorithm();

  would this meet with your approval? If not can you explain why?


  It's been floated as an idea many times on this forum, and

   it is certainly feasible, but its very much outside of the norm.
   Virtually nobody on the entire web is doing this today. There are a
   number of issues I don't really want to get into. Suffice to say: Yes,
   doable. Yes, very cool. No, not standard or required by any stretch of
   the imagination. Such a scheme would still be significantly less
   secure than SSL, because it won't hold up to a man in the middle
   attack (the man in the middle will just modify your GWT code to send
   the password to his secret server in nigerussomania.

   On Nov 28, 12:52 pm, Patrick Ratelband [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey everyone,

I have been working a while now on properly defending my GWT app
against Cross Site Request Forgery (XRSF) with a minimal change in the
code of the application itself.

My idea has been to create a new RPC call that will be the same from
the programmers points of view as the normal, but which will add some
value (a sessionID for instance) to the list of supplied parameters
just before the call is send. Then, on the server side, the programmer
would extend the SecureRemoteServiceSevlet (SRSS) instead of the
normal one. This secure version will simply remove the extra
paramater, check it's validity and only execute the requested method
if the authentication succeeds.

So far I have been able to subclass the RemoteServiceServlet (RSS)
into the SRSS. It overrides the processCall(String payload) method to
implement the verification (in my case the last argument, but that can
easily be changed), 

Debug problem

2008-11-29 Thread Scooter

I debug using netbeans and recently updated to 6.5 and tested GWT
support for debug etc. Everything worked as expected.

Today for some reason when I go and debug by right clicking debug on
the project in netbeans the normal process begins and the GWT shell
and browser startup. Then the operating system prompts me to open or
save the html file. When I select open it is loaded in the default web
browser. The GWT browser URL is empty and if I type in the expected
URL into the GWT broswer and hit GO I get the same popup.

It could be netbeans 6.5 related but it was working after the upgrade
and when I ran in 6.1 I get the same behavior as in 6.5 but they are
both sharing the same project directory.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Any suggestions?


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Re: SecureRemoteService and Servlet. The battle against XSRF.

2008-11-29 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

Replies inline...

On Nov 29, 2:08 pm, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 a) Don't send sessionID as cookies - deliberately configure app server
 to stop it using cookies for tracking sessionIDs

This does mean that sessions don't survive the user reloading the page
or closing his browser. This is generally speaking not acceptable to
most GWT developers. My point was: They are in the cookie -anyway-, so
worrying about the session ID hitting the wire, while fruitful and of
some concern, is outside of the norm. 99% of all websites take this
risk. The Sheep Routine (be like everybody else) is *NOT* in general a
wise path to take in regards to security, but unless there are a non-
trivial amount of non-insane security gurus preaching doom and gloom,
you should be okay. In this case, I'm saying that sharing session IDs
is generally okay, and I'm not aware of any security gurus preaching
doom and gloom. So, session IDs hitting the wire is no (practically
solvable) problem. If you have a very sensitive app, you should
obviously use SSL, and you may want to invalidate them once in a
while. Many sites do this (google invalidates biweekly (fair enough),
paypal invalidates every time you breathe to the general annoyance of
all, ebay every 24h (similarly ridiculous), et cetera). General Rule:
Security does not trump user friendliness. Don't invalidate sessions
unless you have a pressing reason to do so. If a tiny, rarely used
part of your app is sensitive but the rest isn't, use time-sensitive
servlets: Give servlets the time since the session was created and
allow a servlet to say that this is no good, which should lead to a
login screen.

 b) Don't send sessionID as request parameters - or am I wrong here

DO send sessionID as parameters. ALWAYS do this. The cookie is there
ONLY for the benefit of the client GWT code so that it can fish the
sessionID out of the cookie in order to survive reloads and browser
quits. If we could tell the browser to stop sending the cookie along,
we would. In practice you shouldn't do this (you CAN take down the
cookie and add a window closing hook to put it back, but the window
closing hook is more of a prayer / hopeful suggestion than something
that gets reliably called). You could more reasonably take out the
cookie right before you send a request and put it back right after if
you're sufficiently paranoid, but there's no serious benefit here
unless you also go for the other outside-of-the-norm maneuvre of
cryptographically hiding the session ID.

So, let me make this perfectly clear: Attempting to keep the session
ID out of the hands of people listening on the line is technically
possible but something you SHOULD NOT DO unless you are a security
expert and/or in the mood to tinker and experiment. It's not something
anybody really does right now, though being the first is nice. If you
are a tinkerer / experimenter / guru. Not if you're just trying to get
on with your project.

The reason you, as a server, look ONLY at the session ID transfered in
the BODY of the incoming request (instead of the cookie, which would
also be there), is to avoid XSRF (a.k.a. seasurf a.k.a. Cross Site
Request Forgery, see wikipedia) attacks. In order to properly protect
against XSRF, you should also NOT use x-www-form-encoded as your wire
format. Use JSON (add session ID as a key/value pair in the top-level
map), GWT-RPC (Add it as a field in the class you are passing along
the wire), or some non-x-www-form-encoded-fakable format of your own
devices, if you have very weird requirements or some such. Don't use
XML, obviously - as wire format it's ridiculous.

It would be good if you are consistent with this mechanism (for JSON,
always call it 'sessionID' and always transfer dictionaries, not
arrays, and for GWT-RPC, make everything extend something simple that
contains just a getSessionId() method). This way, you can write one
generic session ID checker that passes the session ID onwards to your
server framework's session system. That's a lot better than forcing
every individual servlet to manually fish out the session ID and chat
to the session system.

It helps ensure that you don't forget to use this alternative session
mechanism if you can somehow tell your framework's session system to
not mess with cookies (neither write nor read them). Instead, your
login servlet will manually generate one (e.g.
HttpSession.newSession), send it along to your GWT code, and then your
GWT code uses the GWT Cookie class to set the cookie. Similarly, it
will retrieve the cookie via GWT's Cookies class, and send that right
away to the server if its there (in its entrypoint). This comes back
to the reason you're using the cookie in the first place: To let the
session survive browser shutdowns and reloads. It's not a reliable
authentication mechanism due to XSRF.

 c) You could send sessionID as part of a, say, RPC payload object, but
 it should be hashed or otherwise encrypted otherwise it's still easily
 read by a 

Re: Problems adding a Digg This link

2008-11-29 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

I doubt digg's js thingie is written by an intelligent developer (digg
has a track record of sorts). There IS a way to write such widget
scripts so they work in all situations, including the peculiar way GWT
builds webpages, but not many web widgets work this way. So, assuming
for a moment that won't fly, here's the easiest alternative:


On Nov 29, 1:48 pm, Charlie Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can't you just add the script element to your host page, the same way
 you would in HTML?  That is to say, don't try to recreate the script
 element in Java and have GWT insert it, just put it on the host page
 (the same place you put the gwt script tag, etc).

 On Nov 27, 11:33 pm, mayop100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to add a Digg This link to my gwt website. If my website
  were just an html page, all I would need to do is include this line in
  my HTML:
  script src=; type=text/

  I've tried adding a new element to the page with DOM.createElement
  (script), but it ends up replacing the entire contents of the page
  with my digg link. I've also tried a JSNI solution, but with no

  It seems to me there should be an easy solution for this... anyone?

  Thanks -

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Re: Problems adding a Digg This link

2008-11-29 Thread Charlie Collins

Reinier is correct there, it's more complicated than I was making it.
That Digg script works quite a bit differently than I was guessing
before I actually looked at it. What I meant is still possible, but
probably not what you want depending on the situation. If your host
page has a separate div for your GWT content, and a separate div for
the little Digg script, what I originally said should work - but it
would always just link (digg) to your host page (which would be your
entire GWT app in the canonical case).

To do this right, it looks like you would need to make sure your GWT
app uses History and then you need to Digg the correct state with
the tokens and so on. You could use HTML as Reinier suggests, and make
sure to change the URL for the Digg button each time you have
different state:

script type=text/javascript
digg_url = 'WEBSITE_URL';
script src=; type=text/

Looks like they also have a submit your own thing that you could
just make a GET request to to submit:

(With that you could make your own buttons or links or whatever, and
then just make the digg request with proper params. You could use that
and make a Digg GWT Widget? Sorry I piped up though, I don't really
know much about Digg in particular, I was just trying to make
suggestions in the general GWT sense.)

On Nov 29, 10:39 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I doubt digg's js thingie is written by an intelligent developer (digg
 has a track record of sorts). There IS a way to write such widget
 scripts so they work in all situations, including the peculiar way GWT
 builds webpages, but not many web widgets work this way. So, assuming
 for a moment that won't fly, here's the easiest alternative:


 On Nov 29, 1:48 pm, Charlie Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can't you just add the script element to your host page, the same way
  you would in HTML?  That is to say, don't try to recreate the script
  element in Java and have GWT insert it, just put it on the host page
  (the same place you put the gwt script tag, etc).

  On Nov 27, 11:33 pm, mayop100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm trying to add a Digg This link to my gwt website. If my website
   were just an html page, all I would need to do is include this line in
   my HTML:
   script src=; type=text/

   I've tried adding a new element to the page with DOM.createElement
   (script), but it ends up replacing the entire contents of the page
   with my digg link. I've also tried a JSNI solution, but with no

   It seems to me there should be an easy solution for this... anyone?

   Thanks -

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Generating JARs of client code?

2008-11-29 Thread LooneyLynn


I created the usual eclipse project layout with the applicationCreator
and so... Now I want to generate a JAR file representing my client-
side GWT code including the RPC interface I defined.

My intention is to use this JAR file in another JAVA project to
implement the RPC interface, so that the GWT client is able to
communicate with this separate server side project. Is this possible
or am I missing something?

The problem is that my server-side is written in C#. My plan is using
GrassHopper to implement this JAVA interface in C# (this would be
technically no prob). Also I have access to the whole server side GWT
java package with C#.
But Grasshopper needs this JAR file to import the java classes into

So how can I get GWT to generate this JAR file from my client code? Or
should I just put all CLASS-files in a zip and rename it to JAR?


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Unable to store current user in session due to badly behaving getThreadLocalRequest()

2008-11-29 Thread ijonas


I'm trying to the remeber/store the current user in the HttpSession
object returned by RemoteServiceServlet.getThreadLocalRequest
().getSession(). Unfortunately
RemoteServiceServlet.getThreadLocalRequest() returns null, causing a
subsequent NPE when I call getSession().

public class ClientManagerImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
ClientManager {

private HttpSession getHttpSession() {
return this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(true);

private void rememberLoggedInUser(User loggedInUser) {
HttpSession session = getHttpSession();
if (session!=null) {
session.setAttribute(currentUser, loggedInUser); found and currentUser set);
} else {
logger.error(session not found!);

The idea is that the login method will call rememberLoggedInUser
(User) and store the user for future calls to the
All this code is being run from a Spring-based WAR on top of JBoss

Are there any known issues with thread local variables or
getThreadLocalRequest() that is causing it to work in some conditions
and not in others ?

Many thanks,

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2008-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of

The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid-20th
century (1940–1945), although the computer concept and various
machines similar to computers existed earlier.
Modern computers are based on tiny integrated circuits and are
millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction
of the space

The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs
makes computers extremely versatile and distinguishes them from
First Computers was founded in 1988 under the aegis of Brilliant
Tutorials, the now 3-decade old national leader with complete

First Computers has been constantly upgrading the contents of  their
courses to be in line with the changing demands of the industry.

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Re: Captcha

2008-11-29 Thread dablack


I came across this one on

I wasn't able to get the jar file to work in my environment so I
included the source in with mine and made the modifications to it
needed to get it to run properly in my environment. So far I like the

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Re: Unable to store current user in session due to badly behaving getThreadLocalRequest()

2008-11-29 Thread olivier nouguier

 The only issue you may encounter is to call getThreadLocalRequest
in another thread ...

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 9:13 AM, ijonas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm trying to the remeber/store the current user in the HttpSession
 object returned by RemoteServiceServlet.getThreadLocalRequest
 ().getSession(). Unfortunately
 RemoteServiceServlet.getThreadLocalRequest() returns null, causing a
 subsequent NPE when I call getSession().

 public class ClientManagerImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
 ClientManager {

private HttpSession getHttpSession() {
return this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(true);

private void rememberLoggedInUser(User loggedInUser) {
HttpSession session = getHttpSession();
if (session!=null) {
session.setAttribute(currentUser, loggedInUser); found and currentUser set);
} else {
logger.error(session not found!);

 The idea is that the login method will call rememberLoggedInUser
 (User) and store the user for future calls to the
 All this code is being run from a Spring-based WAR on top of JBoss

 Are there any known issues with thread local variables or
 getThreadLocalRequest() that is causing it to work in some conditions
 and not in others ?

 Many thanks,


Si l'ignorance peut servir de consolation, elle n'en est pas moins illusoire.

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Re: TextArea cannot be resolved to a type

2008-11-29 Thread moe374

Thank you for your response. I did actually find the getText() and
setText() methods before writting this, I was just a little unsure as
to how to implement them. the URL feature is an essential element of
the program I am trying to write. Since I can't do this with GWT and I
can't do this using an applet either (applets can only connect to the
same server as well i believe), I think I have hit a dead end. What
other options do I have? What do you recommend I use to create this
type of web application?
Thanks for your help.

On Nov 29, 11:40 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Go through the GWT Getting started guide. You've screwed up your
 installation somehow, or you're not using the right command line. It's
 not a matter of code, it's just that some tool in the chain can't find
 the TextArea class code.

 For the rest - really, this is a forum, not a university. Just go
 through the getting started guide and learn GWT. You should also have
 a look at the javadoc for all GWT classes. For example, the TextArea
 javadoc has a getText() method, and a setText() method.

 You can not use URL in GWT. The GWT Documentation (Notice a pattern?)
 has a nice listing of which classes are supported.* is not
 in it. This isn't because the GWT team is lazy, it's simply because
 javascript simply can't do this, so there's no way the GWT compiler
 can compile that code for you.

 If the URL you want to read in is from the same server that served the
 webpage (the EXACT same server. Same protocol, same exact server name,
 same port), then you can use RequestBuilder (A GWT class. Look it up
 in the .. (drum roll please!)  documentation!) which is
 capable of downloading the contents. On the web, you can pretty much
 only ever download everything in one go, there are no streams, just
 complete data. If you need to process a couple megabytes on the
 client... you're out of luck, then. Maybe your server can download the
 big data in chunks and pass it to the client in a flurry of requests

 On Nov 29, 7:50 am, moe374 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello. I have just begun learning java (about 2 months ago) and am now
  trying to develop a couple applications for the web using java and the
  GWT. I am having some difficulty and hoping someone can help me out.
  My first problem I am having is I am getting this error message
  TextArea cannot be resolved to a type when I am trying to create a
  text area. I get the error message twice, and for the same line in my
  code which is

  TextArea ta = new TextArea();

  Is there a line (or multiple lines) of code I have to implement before
  I can implement the TextArea object?

  Also, I need to allow the user to paste some information into this
  text box and allow me to store that information in a variable, and
  then do something with the information, and then output some
  information to the user (even in the same text box is fine). Can some
  one please help me get started on this?

  Finally, I was wondering if the GWT supports reading the HTML file of
  a URL, which would normally be done by something like this:

  URL results = new URL(;);

              BufferedReader in2 = new BufferedReader(
                      new InputStreamReader(
              String inputLine = in2.readLine();

  Thank you very much.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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For what this files?

2008-11-29 Thread rov.ciso

I compile my GWT application with gwt-ext. After that gwt create some
js Directory
But I don't use this files in my HTML file. For what this file?
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Re: Problem with the import*;

2008-11-29 Thread medgey

If you are trying to use the package on the client it is
unlikely that GWT supports them.

On Nov 28, 6:08 am, Phani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 In my application i have to implement a unique number generation i.e
 UUID using SecureRandom class of package. Please refer
 the below code.
 try {
         // Create a secure random number generator
         SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance(SHA1PRNG);
             // Get 1024 random bits
         byte[] bytes = new byte[1024/8];

         // Create two secure number generators with the same seed
         int seedByteCount = 10;
         byte[] seed = sr.generateSeed(seedByteCount);
         sr = SecureRandom.getInstance(SHA1PRNG);
         SecureRandom sr2 = SecureRandom.getInstance(SHA1PRNG);
     } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
 But i'm facing a problem stating that cannot be resolved
 to a type. Please help me.Whether  GWT doesn't support
 Thanks in Advance,
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Re: @EJB annotation during junit testing doesn't work

2008-11-29 Thread medgey

If you are running outside of a container then you will need to
instantiate your EJBs yourself ('new).  This is unrelated to GWT.

On Nov 27, 7:53 am, jolero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody.

 While developing junit tests in GWT app I have stucked on a problem
 that I cannot solve for couple of days now.
 In normal runtime I can normally call RPC services that use JPA
 (Toplink and Glassfish Appserver) for data access purposes, but during
 Junit tests (My tests extends GWTTestCase and use delayTestFinish and
 finishTest for asynchronous calls as described in GWT documentation)
 RPC methods that use injected objects are failing with
 NullPointerException. In other words @EJB annotatnion doesn't work,
 Beans are not injected and references to them are nulls.

 Have anybody had that issue? Does anybody know a solution? Thx in
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Re: Problems adding a Digg This link

2008-11-29 Thread mayop100

Thanks for the prompt feedback guys. I played around with the HTML
widget, but I wasn't able to get it to actually execute the script. I
didn't want to just include it in my index.html file... I plan to have
multiple digg this links on the site, and each one will need to jump
to the appropriate place using history tokens.

I managed to get it working without running any javascript though. The
digg script just creates an iframe with some URL-encoded arguments, so
I simply created my own iframe and encoded the URL myself. The only
downside is that I'll have to watch out if digg ever changes their

If anyone does find a way to use the HTML widget to actually create
and _execute_ javascript code I'd love to hear about it though.


On Nov 29, 9:48 am, Charlie Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Reinier is correct there, it's more complicated than I was making it.
 That Digg script works quite a bit differently than I was guessing
 before I actually looked at it. What I meant is still possible, but
 probably not what you want depending on the situation. If your host
 page has a separate div for your GWT content, and a separate div for
 the little Digg script, what I originally said should work - but it
 would always just link (digg) to your host page (which would be your
 entire GWT app in the canonical case).

 To do this right, it looks like you would need to make sure your GWT
 app uses History and then you need to Digg the correct state with
 the tokens and so on. You could use HTML as Reinier suggests, and make
 sure to change the URL for the Digg button each time you have
 different state:

 script type=text/javascript
 digg_url = 'WEBSITE_URL';
 script src=; type=text/

 Looks like they also have a submit your own thing that you could
 just make a GET request to to 

 (With that you could make your own buttons or links or whatever, and
 then just make the digg request with proper params. You could use that
 and make a Digg GWT Widget? Sorry I piped up though, I don't really
 know much about Digg in particular, I was just trying to make
 suggestions in the general GWT sense.)

 On Nov 29, 10:39 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I doubt digg's js thingie is written by an intelligent developer (digg
  has a track record of sorts). There IS a way to write such widget
  scripts so they work in all situations, including the peculiar way GWT
  builds webpages, but not many web widgets work this way. So, assuming
  for a moment that won't fly, here's the easiest alternative:


  On Nov 29, 1:48 pm, Charlie Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Can't you just add the script element to your host page, the same way
   you would in HTML?  That is to say, don't try to recreate the script
   element in Java and have GWT insert it, just put it on the host page
   (the same place you put the gwt script tag, etc).

   On Nov 27, 11:33 pm, mayop100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to add a Digg This link to my gwt website. If my website
were just an html page, all I would need to do is include this line in
my HTML:
script src=; type=text/

I've tried adding a new element to the page with DOM.createElement
(script), but it ends up replacing the entire contents of the page
with my digg link. I've also tried a JSNI solution, but with no

It seems to me there should be an easy solution for this... anyone?

Thanks -

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Re: TextArea cannot be resolved to a type

2008-11-29 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

Do it on the server.

If that is no option, write desktop software (something you install
and that doesn't run in a browser at all). You can also use web based
platforms that allow signing / trusting, such as applets, but be aware
that users will need to hand the keys to the kingdom to your app, and
in general, the vomitous stream of text filled with red, screamy
words, and dangerous looking symbols in the popup that shows up when
you ask for this trust makes users have a mild heart infarction, and
blame you for it.

On Nov 29, 9:06 pm, moe374 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for your response. I did actually find the getText() and
 setText() methods before writting this, I was just a little unsure as
 to how to implement them. the URL feature is an essential element of
 the program I am trying to write. Since I can't do this with GWT and I
 can't do this using an applet either (applets can only connect to the
 same server as well i believe), I think I have hit a dead end. What
 other options do I have? What do you recommend I use to create this
 type of web application?
 Thanks for your help.

 On Nov 29, 11:40 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Go through the GWT Getting started guide. You've screwed up your
  installation somehow, or you're not using the right command line. It's
  not a matter of code, it's just that some tool in the chain can't find
  the TextArea class code.

  For the rest - really, this is a forum, not a university. Just go
  through the getting started guide and learn GWT. You should also have
  a look at the javadoc for all GWT classes. For example, the TextArea
  javadoc has a getText() method, and a setText() method.

  You can not use URL in GWT. The GWT Documentation (Notice a pattern?)
  has a nice listing of which classes are supported.* is not
  in it. This isn't because the GWT team is lazy, it's simply because
  javascript simply can't do this, so there's no way the GWT compiler
  can compile that code for you.

  If the URL you want to read in is from the same server that served the
  webpage (the EXACT same server. Same protocol, same exact server name,
  same port), then you can use RequestBuilder (A GWT class. Look it up
  in the .. (drum roll please!)  documentation!) which is
  capable of downloading the contents. On the web, you can pretty much
  only ever download everything in one go, there are no streams, just
  complete data. If you need to process a couple megabytes on the
  client... you're out of luck, then. Maybe your server can download the
  big data in chunks and pass it to the client in a flurry of requests

  On Nov 29, 7:50 am, moe374 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hello. I have just begun learning java (about 2 months ago) and am now
   trying to develop a couple applications for the web using java and the
   GWT. I am having some difficulty and hoping someone can help me out.
   My first problem I am having is I am getting this error message
   TextArea cannot be resolved to a type when I am trying to create a
   text area. I get the error message twice, and for the same line in my
   code which is

   TextArea ta = new TextArea();

   Is there a line (or multiple lines) of code I have to implement before
   I can implement the TextArea object?

   Also, I need to allow the user to paste some information into this
   text box and allow me to store that information in a variable, and
   then do something with the information, and then output some
   information to the user (even in the same text box is fine). Can some
   one please help me get started on this?

   Finally, I was wondering if the GWT supports reading the HTML file of
   a URL, which would normally be done by something like this:

   URL results = new URL(;);

               BufferedReader in2 = new BufferedReader(
                       new InputStreamReader(
               String inputLine = in2.readLine();

   Thank you very much.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: Compilation Problem

2008-11-29 Thread rahul

I am seeing the same issue with 1.5.3.

I am seeing a NullPointerException when I edit my app sources in
Eclipse and use the Compile/Browse option in the Hosted browser.


On Nov 28, 12:16 pm, Sandile [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get an error every time that I try to compile my code:

 [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/dev/gwt-windows-1.5.3/gwt-

 [ERROR]  Missing message: compilation_internalError in:


         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parse(

         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parse(

         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.dietParse

         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.internalBeginToCompile

         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.beginToCompile

         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.compile(





         at ns





 [ERROR] java.lang.NullPointerException
 java.lang.NullPointerException: null
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parse(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parse(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.dietParse
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.internalBeginToCompile
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.beginToCompile
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler.compile(
         at ns
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(

 Somebody please explain and/or help!
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Re: IE7 Error in cache.html's Javascript

2008-11-29 Thread KevinF

Ok, I found the issue... seems it was a programming error on my part.
Not waiting for all Lists to come back from the server before
processing it in the client. I wish there was some easy way to handle
this kind of thing. Is there some way to make some requests
synchronous? It seems the reason this occurred was due to asynchronous

On Nov 29, 2:45 am, KevinF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

   I'm running into a really weird problem with IE7 when I view my site
 that was created using GWT. The client makes several calls to the
 server to retrieve Lists of information. This problem does not occur
 in Firefox 3 nor in Safari. The error I'm getting is

 Line: 2818
 Char: 3
 Error: Exception thrown and not caught
 Code: 0
 URL: http://domain/997866B17568BBEABF330CD77D093CE1.cache.html

   From what I gather, it seems this file is the my application logic
 tailored for IE. When I look into the file at line 2818, I find:

 2817: function java_util_AbstractList_indexOutOfBounds__II(index, size)
 2818:  throw java_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException_
 (new java_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException(), $intern_130 + index +
 $intern_131 + size);
 2819: }

   I tried to find where the callers of this method were and there were
 3 of them:
 (1) function java_util_ArrayList_
 $add__Ljava_util_ArrayList_2ILjava_lang_Object_2(this$static, index,
 (2) function java_util_LinkedList_
 $listIterator__Ljava_util_LinkedList_2I(this$static, index)
 (3) function java_util_AbstractList_checkIndex__II(index, size)

   I'm guessing this means somewhere my application is trying to access
 an index in a List that's not within bounds of it. The puzzling thing
 is, how come this only happens on SOME IE7 browsers and does not occur
 at all in Firefox or Safari.

   Any ideas or fixes would be much appreciated.

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FileUpload and Chrome

2008-11-29 Thread Michel


I have a panel with a FileUpload widget. It works fine in hosted mode,
Internet Explorer and Mozilla, but not in Chrome. In Chrome, it looks
slightly different, and the upload fails at the server end. In the
others, the upload works just fine.

In the other browsers (ie not Chrome), the panel shows a box, in which
the filename appears after I have selected it from the filesystem.
Next to that there is a button, labelled 'BROWSE'. Under that is the
submit button.

In Chrome, there is a label, which says 'Choose File' and next to
that, it says 'No file chosen'. So there isn't the usual box.
Underneath that is again the submit button. I can choose a file in
Chrome in the usual way (by pressing Choose File), but then if I
submit it, the upload fails on the server end, with the following

org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException: Processing of
data request failed. Connection reset
at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.parseRequest
at ac.otago.flags.server.FileUploadServlet.doPost
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter

My DoPost method in the upload servlet looks like this (as far as it

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, 

try {
ServletRequestContext ctx = new 

if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(ctx) == false) 
sendResponse(response, new FormResponse(

The servlet can only handle 
multipart requests.
+  This is 
probably a software bug.));

// Create a new file upload handler
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(
new DiskFileItemFactory());

// Parse the request
ListFileItem items = upload.parseRequest(request);

And this final line throws the exception. (It's line 74)

I have posted this question on apache commons forum, but go no

Why would this happen in Chrome, or how can I proceed to solve this

Thank you for your help,


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