Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-08 Thread Parvez Shah
Hi, I tried searching,but could not find any document regarding what all
changes has been made in the API,

do we get any new widget in 2.0
any new annotation

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Dominik Steiner wrote:

 Hi Jospeh,

 did you consider to install the Google Plugin for eclipse?

 You will even then run into problems, but reading through this post

 you should be up and running pretty soon.



 On 7 Okt., 20:00, Joseph Arceneaux wrote:
  There does not appear to be a nice URL I can point Eclipse 3.5 at in
  to install GWT 2.0 in the usual fashion.  Nor, apparently, any
  about an alternate procedure.
  It appears unclear on just where / how to merge the contents of the zip
  into an existing Eclipse integration;  does anyone have a pointer to
  documentation for this?
  On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Amit Manjhi
   Hi everyone,
   We are excited to release the first milestone build for GWT 2.0 today.
   This milestone provides early access (read: known to still be
   unfinished and buggy) to the various bits of core functionality that
   will be coming in GWT 2.0. Please download the bits from:
   Things that are changing with GWT 2.0 that might otherwise be
   confusing without explanation
   * Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term
   development mode rather than the old term hosted mode. The term
   hosted mode was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be using the
   more descriptive term from now on. For similar reasons, we'll be using
   the term production mode rather than web mode when referring to
   compiled script.
   * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
   and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
   for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
   plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
   distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
   those are downloaded separately the first time you use development
   mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.
   Functionality that will be coming in GWT 2.0
   * In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided
   a special-purpose hosted browser to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the
   web page being debugged is viewed within a regular-old browser.
   Development mode is supported through the use of a native-code plugin
   for each browser. In other words, you can use development mode
   directly from Safari, Firefox, IE, and Chrome.
   * Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting allows you to chunk
   your GWT code into multiple fragments for faster startup. Imagine
   having to download a whole movie before being able to watch it. Well,
   that's what you have to do with most Ajax apps these days -- download
   the whole thing before using it. With code splitting, you can arrange
   to load just the minimum script needed to get the application running
   and the user interacting, while the rest of the app is downloaded as
   * Declarative User Interface: GWT's UiBinder now allows you to create
   user interfaces mostly declaratively. Previously, widgets had to be
   created and assembled programmatically, requiring lots of code. Now,
   you can use XML to declare your UI, making the code more readable,
   easier to maintain, and faster to develop. The Mail sample has been
   updated to use the new declarative UI.
   * Bundling of resources (ClientBundle): GWT has shipped with
   ImageBundles since GWT v1.4, giving developers automatic spriting of
   images. ClientBundle generalizes this technique, bringing the power of
   combining and optimizing resources into one download to things like
   text files, CSS, and XML. This means fewer network round trips, which
   in turn can decrease application latency -- especially on mobile
   * Using HtmlUnit for running GWT tests: GWT 2.0 no longer uses SWT or
   the old mozilla code (on linux) to run GWT tests. Instead, it uses
   HtmlUnit as the built-in browser. HtmlUnit is 100% Java. This means
   there is a single GWT distribution for linux, mac, and windows, and
   debugging GWT Tests in development mode can be done entirely in a Java
   Known issues
   *  If you are planning to run the webAppCreator, i18nCreator, or the
   junitCreator scripts on Mac or Linux, please set their executable bits
   by doing a 'chmod +x *Creator'
   * Our HtmlUnit integration is still not complete. Additionally,
   HtmlUnit does not do layout. So tests can fail either because they
   exercise layout or they hit bugs due to incomplete integration. 

Re: Image/Absolute to make the clickhandlers fire on the abs, ignoreing the image?

2009-10-08 Thread ThomasWrobel

Yes, the sample might be a bit too complex to pin down.

Currently the one online consists of;

1xAbsolute panel tied to the ID (InfiniteCanvas) on the html page.
This absolute panel I have made extend FocusPanel and implemented to
have MouseListener and MouseWheelListener and gave it the code to
handel the dragging.
This absolute panel also can contain multiple other absolute panels (1
for each layer of the file)
Each of those panels contain various contents, but normal image files
with pngs loaded. (other possibilities include frames of text,html or
canvas objects).

So thats DraggableAbsolutePanel   Absolute Panel (s)  Image

The background of space is just set as a texture on the first layers
element (background-image:url(images/BACKGROUND.jpg);).

The square in the middle is just the center of the html's table, which
contains the draggable abs panel. The rest of the widgets in the
tables over cell's are just text, buttons, and a custom dropdown box.
None overlay the center, so I suspect the surrounding elements arnt
effecting it.

The event handlers as specified above are just on the center draggable
absolute panel, I havnt specified anything else myself.
I'm using onMouse Up/Leave/Enter/Down and MouseWheel.

My overall goal is just to have a google-mappish interface to a
collection of abstractly arranged (and sized) widgets. Those widgets
and layers being arranged by a standard format XML-like file. In this
example I'm showing it of as a type of comic. The specific idea is
described in Scott McClouds Reinventing Comics, although I think it
will be useful beyond just comics.
The interface currently seems to work nicely in Opera and even
(tolerably) well in IE.  Chrome doesn't seem to load anything at the
moment, but I think thats a separate issue.

I suspect what Thomas Broyer suggested might still be the problem, as
looking in FF when the image is dragged (rather then the background),
you can actually see the image being dragged completely outside the
frame. Like you'd see from dragging any image in FF. This clearly isnt
from my code. I have set draggable to false (see above) but FF seems
to be ignoring this. (or it wasnt the right setting to use).

-Thomas Wrobel

On Oct 8, 12:41 am, Chris Ramsdale wrote:
 Thomas W,

 While I am able to reproduce the stuck behavior that you describe above, I
 would like to put together a smaller code sample to further pinpoint what is
 going on under the hood. From a high level it appears that at the heart of
 the issue is a FocusPanel that contains one or more AbsolutePanels. That
 said, I have a couple of more specific questions:

 1. In regards to the last link that you posted 
 (, could you
 be more clear on which widgets make up the UI?
 2. What are you using to wrap the background/space image?
 3. Is the square in the middle of the page the a FocusPanel or some other
 4. What CSS or event handlers do you have hooked up to these widgets?

 Also, what overall goal are you trying to achieve? Maybe there is a
 different way to approach the problem.


 On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 3:00 PM, ThomasWrobel wrote:

  Scratch that, I tried using
  -moz-user-select:none; and it stops being selected in Firefox (looks
  neater), but it still gets stuck to the mouse

  I just think that mouse up isnt being fired on the underlaying abs
  panel when the user releases the mouse after a drag.

  On Oct 6, 8:51 pm, ThomasWrobel wrote:
   Good idea but no effect.
   At least, I think its got no effect, still getting the stuck mouse

   The code I added was;

   contents.getElement().setAttribute(draggable, false);
   contents.getElement().setPropertyBoolean(draggable, false);

   (I tried none rather then false, but I think its supposed to be
   false, I also tried just the last and just the first line)

   Heres the result;
   (try moving it about like you would googlemaps)

   I think the problem is its being selected all the time. In Opera it
   works fine, and I note nothing is selected.

   On Oct 6, 6:30 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:

On 6 oct, 14:34, ThomasWrobel wrote:

 reg Basically is it possible for an image widget to be transparent
 regards to click events, passing them to the panel under it?

 Sorry to bump this, but I haven't been able to find a solution myself
 apart from very crude work-arounds.
 It seems like something fundamental I should know how to do too...if
 it exists.
 So a confirmation/denial from someone would be nice :)

AFAICT, when you start dragging the image it... starts dragging the
image... AFAICT, you should be able to bypass this behavior setting

RichTextArea inserting html

2009-10-08 Thread Max


1. Is it possible to insert HTML code into RichTextArea?

2. Is it possible to surround selection with some tag?

Thanks, Max
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Re: GWT 1.7.1 with tomcat 5.5

2009-10-08 Thread muhannad nasser
i have solved it... u need to add a new html page in the WEB-init to
redirect to the hosted page.
or make your URL to b go to hosted mode directly see this url for a project
called GWTExtUx

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 3:34 AM, golfdude wrote:

 Did you try http://server:port/webapp/GwtApp.html



~~~With Regards~~~
Muhannad Dar-Nasser
~~Computer Systems Engineering~~
~~.NET Developer @ Iconnecths~~
~~My Blog:

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RichText: inconsistent output on different browsers

2009-10-08 Thread Martin Trummer

I just noticed, that the RichtText editor produces different output
for the same actions in different browsers:
you can try it at:

Example: write a word, select it, click 'Toglle Bold' button, will
* Firefox 3.5.2, Chrome 3.x
  span style=font-weight: bold;test/span
* Opera 10.00
* Iron 2.0.178, Chrome 4.x

This makes it very difficult to implement consitent logic for checking
the richt-text content (e.g. XSS check, custom transormations, ..)
So: Is there a way to configure the RichText Area to always produce
the same output (e.g. b?)

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Re: Adding request parameters to all async calls to servlets

2009-10-08 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 7 oct, 16:46, Henrique Viecili wrote:
 Hi fellows...
 I am faced with this difficult situation:

 I have a GWT application built in the RPC style for async calls (1
 Async interface, 1 RemoteService interface and 1 RemoteServiceServlet
 implementation) and now there is a requirement of sending some request
 parameters to each async call and I would like to perform this in a
 way the developer does not need to know about it (i.e. pass an object
 in every async call).

 I know if I were using RequestBuilder this would be a piece of cake,
 but I am not and it would require a *considerable* effort to change

 I was wondering if it's possible to extend the GWT.create to add a
 custom implementation that carries the parameters from the browser URL
 to all servlet calls... do you have any idea?

GWT 2.0 introduces a RpcRequestBuilder that you can use to tweak the
RequestBuilder that's used behind the scene for the RPC calls.

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Re: Element.getStyle() getProperty from css external file

2009-10-08 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 7 oct, 16:56, wrote:
    I have a webpage with external css file, I must parse this page and
 read css property for any tag. I use Element.getStyle().getProperty,
 but this not read the css property from external file, but only inline

 how can I do?

There's no API in GWT, you'd have to resort to using JSNI and cope for
browser-specific APIs (runtimeStyle in IE, computedStyle in others)
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Re: Google Webmasters: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable

2009-10-08 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 7 oct, 21:11, Peter Ondruska wrote:
 This is interesting as this topic has been discussed many times in the

...and work is underway to make it work out-of-the-box in GWT:

You'd have to use the IndexableHyperlink widget instead of Hyperlink
to have the ! prepended automatically for you (opt-in for
crawlability on a link-by-link basis); a servlet is included to handle
requests from crawlers with the added _escaped_fragment_= query-string
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Defining a source package out of the module heirarchy (from a JAR for example)

2009-10-08 Thread Ittai

I have a web-app which currently holds this structure:
and so on.

I have in my package classes which I
mark in my gwt.xml file as a source package because they need to be
used on the client side. So far so good.
However now in order to communicate with a different back-end app of
my company I need to have those classes in a whole different project
under and I'm wondering if that's doable in
I want to somehow specify in my gwt.xml file a fully qualified name as
another source package and have GWT compiler do its magic with it.
Let's say that I'll have those classes available as a JAR or as a
dependant project in eclipse to my project.

The only option I have in mind currently is to have in a dummy gwt.xml file and than to have my
module.gwt.xml inherit that dummy gwt.xml. This is ugly as this is not
really a module and the other apps using the common.jar won't really
need this file so I'd rather not go that way.

Thanks for any suggestion

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Whats the connection URL

2009-10-08 Thread Nathan

Hi All,

I've been running GWT 2 m1 and all has been great. Recently however
when I start up the debugger the browser connection URL appear to be
showing in the eclipse Console window, it did used to and I'd paste
the URL into a browser to connect and debug. The debugger window
starts perfectly. Could someone please send me an example connection
URL and I'll try and use that format to guess mine. Would be much


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Re: Dependency injection and GWT?

2009-10-08 Thread Chris

Thanks. That worked a treat :D

On Oct 5, 10:35 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 5 oct, 00:45, Chris Burrell wrote:


  I want to build a view in GWT but it is one of a few different types of
  views. So I was thinking, I could
  have them all share something common via inheritance, so that I could inject
  any kind of view I'd like into my module...
  I'm having trouble binding one of those things together. Any help would be

  Here's the idea:

  The new abstract presenter that things will be based upon:

  public abstract class StepModulePresenterT extends
  StepModulePresenter.Display extends WidgetPresenterT {

      public interface Display extends WidgetDisplay {


      public StepModulePresenter(T display, EventBus eventBus) {
          super(display, eventBus);


  It defines an interface that inherits the WidgetDisplay. Then for example, a
  particular type of StepModulePresenter would be:

  public class HistoryModulePresenter extends
  StepModulePresenterHistoryModulePresenter.Display {

      public HistoryModulePresenter(Display display, EventBus eventBus) {
          super(display, eventBus);



  So my view can be defined as:
  public class HistoryModuleView extends Composite implements
  HistoryModulePresenter.Display {
      HistoryModuleView() { ... }


  So far so good. Now I'd like to use my HistoryModuleView but passed in as a
  StepModule in my Main app view:

  public class MainView extends Composite implements MainPresenter.Display {
      public MainView(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3,
  StepModulePresenterStepModulePresenter.Display module) { ... }

 HistoryModulePresenter is a
 StepModulePresenterHistoryModulePresenter.Display, not a
 StepModulePresenterStepModulePresenter.Display, so you can't use one
 for the other (well, you can, but you'll have an unchecked cast).

 I'd rather define the ctor as:
 public MainView(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, StepModulePresenter? extends
 StepModulePresenter.Display module) { ... }

  What I don't get is how to bind the HistoryModule as the thing that gets
  passed in here... And then later on, how I make it one of many things that
  can be passed in:

 Not tested, but you should be able to write:
 bind(new TypeLiteralStepModulePresenter? extends
 StepModulePresenter.Display() { }).to(HistoryModulePresenter.class);
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Re: ClosingHandler to prevent user from navigating away

2009-10-08 Thread Marcelo Sena

Yes but I can't stop the event afterwards. This page illustrates what
I want to do

On Sep 25, 2:41 pm, daniel wrote:
 make sure you use ClosingHandler and not CloseHandler...
 if a ClosingEvent arises set a message on theevent- this will cause
 the browser to show a dialog with your message where the user have to
 confirm that he wants to leave the page

 On 25 Sep., 16:22, Marcelo Sena wrote:

  Hi, I have a classical situation where the user is trying to navigate
  away from a page while some of his works are not saved. How do I stop
  him from doing that. I tried to use the ClosingHandler, but unlike the
  deprecated closing Listener it does not give me the option to stop the
  Help :(
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Re: MenuBar command reload panel

2009-10-08 Thread Marcelo Sena

No, I was talking about the native mouseover event google groups is
breaking my link so try to copy paste it with the html part

On Sep 24, 5:12 pm, mornindew wrote:
 Thank you for your reply.  That link did not work for me but I found
 this link (
 Was that what you meant?  This doesn't seem to be what I was looking
 for.  Thanks, Craig

 On Sep 24, 12:57 pm, wrote:

  Check this out:
  they have a mouseover event handling that could help you.

  On Sep 24, 3:15 pm, mornindew wrote:

   Hi all,
        I am very new to GWT and I have a question that I cannot seem to
   wrap my head around.  I have a custom widget called MenuBarPanel.
   This will contain all of the menu actions that I need.  When a user
   selects the menubar I need it to call an action and reload only one
   panel (Custom panel called Content Panel) from my page.  Is there a
   way to make my menubar action (Command) reload only one panel from my
   entry page?  I hope I explained my issue clearly enough, like I said I
   am new to GWT.  Below is my current code for building my menubar.

   Thanks, Craig

     public MenuBarPanel() {

             Command command = new Command() {
         public void execute() {

             MenuBar widget = new MenuBar();
             widget.addItem(Site Index,command);


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Re: History with MenuBar

2009-10-08 Thread Robin

you can register a ClickHandler to your MenuItems.

instead of:
MenuBar fooMenu = new MenuBar(true);
fooMenu.addItem(the, cmd);

MenuItem the = new MenuItem(the);
the.addClickhandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
  //do something else

On 8 Okt., 06:51, YoeZ wrote:
 can anyone tell me how to create history with menubar?
 i've seen sample in showcase, that's not menubar, but treeitem which
 support onselectionhandler. in menubar, only support anclosedhander
 hmm.. please help me..


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Is it possible to send generic types over RPC?

2009-10-08 Thread andreas_b

Hi all.

I have searched the forum and google for some answers, but have been
unable to find a direct answer to my question. So sorry if this has
been answered. In that case, please give me the link to that

I'm working on a project where I need to send lots of different data
object over RPC to save them in a database.
I thought, hey let's use some generics and let the type extends

So I defined the synchronous method like this:

T extends Serializable DBQueryResultT saveObject(T aObject);

and asynchronous version:

T extends Serializable void saveObject(T aObject,
AsyncCallbackDBQueryResultT callback);

All data types that I pass to this method implements Serializable and
I have verified that they can be sent when defining separate methods
for them. DBQueryResult has also been successfully serialized and
deserialized before I tried to make this generic.

I get no compilation errors, but during runtime (in hosted mode)I get
the following error:

2009-okt-08 10:21:42 log
SEVERE: [1254997302431000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log:
DataServiceImpl: An IncompatibleRemoteServiceException was thrown
while processing this call.
This application is out of date, please click the refresh button on
your browser. ( Could not locate requested method 'saveObject
(' in interface
'com.borglin.web.teamsite.client.servercomm.DataService' )

Is it not possible to use generics when defining RPC methods? Is there
any other way to avoid having to define separate methods for each data
object that I need to send over?

Thanks in advance!

BR, Andreas

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Gwt component equivalent to pre

2009-10-08 Thread Komal


I am trying to display the contents of a file(which would contain code
snippets)  which is received in the form as a ByteArrayOutputStream
converted to a string and returned to the client
where I want the code to be displayed in the same format. like it can
be done in  pre  tag in html
also want code on new line bigin on new line with line nos.

can anyone give any hint as to how it can be done?

thanks in advance.


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Re: ClosingHandler to prevent user from navigating away

2009-10-08 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 8 oct, 14:13, Marcelo Sena wrote:
 Yes but I can't stop the event afterwards. This page illustrates what
 I want to do

ClosingEvent::setMessage(String) with a non-null message will cause
preventDefault() to be called (or equivalent on other browsers)

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Re: Defining a source package out of the module heirarchy (from a JAR for example)

2009-10-08 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 8 oct, 12:37, Ittai wrote:
 I have a web-app which currently holds this structure:
 and so on.

 I have in my package classes which I
 mark in my gwt.xml file as a source package because they need to be
 used on the client side. So far so good.
 However now in order to communicate with a different back-end app of
 my company I need to have those classes in a whole different project
 under and I'm wondering if that's doable in
 I want to somehow specify in my gwt.xml file a fully qualified name as
 another source package and have GWT compiler do its magic with it.
 Let's say that I'll have those classes available as a JAR or as a
 dependant project in eclipse to my project.

 The only option I have in mind currently is to have in a dummy gwt.xml file and than to have my
 module.gwt.xml inherit that dummy gwt.xml. This is ugly as this is not
 really a module and the other apps using the common.jar won't really
 need this file so I'd rather not go that way.

That's the way to go however; though you don't have to put the gwt.xml
within the JAR, you can just have it in the appropriate package in
your GWT project only (that's the magic of the Java classpath, it's
unrelated to where on disk the files live)
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Modular loading of widgets, is it possible?

2009-10-08 Thread balachandra maddina
Hi There,

  Im aware that GWT obfuscate the compiled javascript code well, but still i
dont want to load all my application javascript in one shot. im more
interested on loading different widgets as modules. one of the reasons is my
application is complex and code kept growing and i kept adding more events
to handle different views which resulted a not so friendly maintainable

so what im planning to do is load a module when a link is clicked(event
triggering but not like a 100 events. thinking if i can manage all of them
with a few events) in my landing page and this module will have children and
all the necessary support for their rendering will be supported by the
parent(the module which is loaded). typically in my application ill be
having a number of these modules and the scariest part is most of them are
complex. so im very keen on not loading all the modules in one single big JS
file rather im planning to load them something similar to OpenSocial Gadgets
where an externally created component(gadget) can be loaded into the

My question is, is this possible? if possible how can this be done?

any help on this would be very much appreciated(please...)

Thank you,

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Re: Defining a source package out of the module heirarchy (from a JAR for example)

2009-10-08 Thread Ittai

Hi Thomas,
I'm not sure I understood your answer.
You're saying put I should put the classes I need in (which is in a different project) and then
add to my build-path of my Web project the common.jar and then
where is the dummy gwt.xml supposed to be? I just didn't understand
what you said about it being in the appropriate package in my Web

Thanks for your reply

On Oct 8, 2:41 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 8 oct, 12:37, Ittai wrote:

  I have a web-app which currently holds this structure:
  and so on.

  I have in my package classes which I
  mark in my gwt.xml file as a source package because they need to be
  used on the client side. So far so good.
  However now in order to communicate with a different back-end app of
  my company I need to have those classes in a whole different project
  under and I'm wondering if that's doable in
  I want to somehow specify in my gwt.xml file a fully qualified name as
  another source package and have GWT compiler do its magic with it.
  Let's say that I'll have those classes available as a JAR or as a
  dependant project in eclipse to my project.

  The only option I have in mind currently is to have in a dummy gwt.xml file and than to have my
  module.gwt.xml inherit that dummy gwt.xml. This is ugly as this is not
  really a module and the other apps using the common.jar won't really
  need this file so I'd rather not go that way.

 That's the way to go however; though you don't have to put the gwt.xml
 within the JAR, you can just have it in the appropriate package in
 your GWT project only (that's the magic of the Java classpath, it's
 unrelated to where on disk the files live)
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JavaMail problem with Tomcat (not AppEngine)

2009-10-08 Thread AndrewG

I am having problem with an e-mail alert system that runs using
JavaMail. This runs server-side under Tomcat and sends out warnings
when things go wrong. I have now introduced gwt front-end components -
but am deploying and running under Tomcat - not Google App Engine (App
engine box not ticked in eclipse project google properties either).
All of the jars that are usually necessary for JavaMail are on the

It looks as if the JavaMail transport is being 'hijacked' in the way
that I believe it is supposed to do when running under AppEngine - but
I am not running it under AppEngine - it is using Tomcat.

The errors look like:

Error:$CallNotFoundException: The
API package 'mail' or call 'Send()' was not found.$CallNotFoundException: The API
package 'mail' or call 'Send()' was not found.

which clearly suggests that mail operations are being handled via a
google apphosting component - not the expected ones.

The e-mail error handlers are all in a separate utility project - so I
just want to re-use them - not change them.

Anybody know how to get around this ?


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Re: Hosted Mode very slow on Mac

2009-10-08 Thread Rajeev Dayal
Ok, it turns out I was wrong about this. The fix has not been released as
yet - I was getting confused with the Snow Leopard fix. Sorry about that.
We'll be releasing a version that fixes the exact problem that you're seeing
shortly. For now, you'll have to continue using your Java launch
configuration workaround.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Rajeev Dayal wrote:

 Hm, that is odd. I'll try this test myself and let you know.

 On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:04 PM, John Patterson jdpatter...@gmail.comwrote:

 I updated the Eclipse plugin and still get the problem if I use the Google
 launch.  This is my version:
 Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5 1.1.1.v200909221731

 The UI freezes just like before but when I create my own launch there is
 no problem

 Can someone confirm if this bug still exists for OOPHM on the mac with
 Eclipse 3.5 or is my setup wrong?



 On 5 Oct 2009, at 22:55, Rajeev Dayal wrote:

 Hey John,
 Were you attempting to launch in Out-of-process-hosted-mode? If so, there
 was a bug that was fixed in version 1.1.1 of the plugin where the
 -XstartOnFirstThread argument was being added to out-of-process-hosted-mode
 launch configurations. This was not the correct behavior, and would have
 resulted in the problem that you were seeing.


 On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 1:46 AM, John Patterson jdpatter...@gmail.comwrote:

 Cheers, I have now replaced the Google launch with a standard Java launch
 and the Hosted Mode UI no longer freezes and the CPU usage is much better.
  So it seemed to be due to the frozen hosted mode UI.  This problem would
 not effect you if you are not running from trunk.
 2009/10/1 Dominik Steiner

 i'm running gwt with eclipse and on osx leopard too and haven't had
 any problems with it for years, so i would guess that the problem will
 be hidden somewhere in your code. You might try to uncomment
 temporarily parts of your code that you could think problematic and
 see if that fixes it and thus being able to track down the exact point
 that is causing that problem.



 On 30 Sep., 03:42, jd wrote:
  I am using gwt trunk with Eclipse on a os x leopard and find that the
  hosted mode is almost too slow to use.  For example, clicking on a
  StackLayoutPanel header to change panels causes both Firefox and
  Safari to freeze and the CPU pegs close to 100% for about 10 seconds.
  Is this unusual or related to the hosted mode UI freezing up due to
  the -XStartOnFirstThread bug?  I haven't profiled it yet to see where
  the issue is but the fact that it occurs on the stack panel switch
  shows it is not related to RPC.


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Howto add an external jar into GWT project

2009-10-08 Thread mag

I am trying to add a jar into the Stockwatcher project found in the
tutorial but I am getting the message:
[ERROR] Line 48: No source code is available for type
org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils; did you forget to inherit a
required module?
when trying to run it.

The jar I used is
and I only use this jar to test if it works to add a self contained
jar into a GWT project. I selected Stockwatcher in eclipse and
selected Build Path- Configure Build Path from the context menu
and selected Libraries tab and thereafter pressed the Add External
JARs button to add the jar.

This makes me wonder how it all works, can I not add external jar
files to a GWT project unless I have the source code or am I doing it
wrong, have googled and seen that some are talking about modifying the
project.gwt.xml file but I don't see that file in the Stockwatcher

I have also read that I can't add a service layer jar which I also
were planning. Apparently I need to communicate with a service layer
via RPC and I can't use annotations in my DTO classes which troubles
me since I want to use hibernate. Is this still true in the latest
version of GWT and can explain why or point out some documentation I
should read to understand this better, thanks!

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Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-08 Thread Christian Goudreau
I got some problem too with Eclipse and Snow Leopard. It's always asking me
to re-compile my application and I've done that a lot of times ! I was
trying to get it work with an active project.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 2:22 AM, Parvez Shah wrote:

 Hi, I tried searching,but could not find any document regarding what all
 changes has been made in the API,

 do we get any new widget in 2.0
 any new annotation

 On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Dominik Steiner wrote:

 Hi Jospeh,

 did you consider to install the Google Plugin for eclipse?

 You will even then run into problems, but reading through this post

 you should be up and running pretty soon.



 On 7 Okt., 20:00, Joseph Arceneaux wrote:
  There does not appear to be a nice URL I can point Eclipse 3.5 at in
  to install GWT 2.0 in the usual fashion.  Nor, apparently, any
  about an alternate procedure.
  It appears unclear on just where / how to merge the contents of the zip
  into an existing Eclipse integration;  does anyone have a pointer to
  documentation for this?
  On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Amit Manjhi
   Hi everyone,
   We are excited to release the first milestone build for GWT 2.0 today.
   This milestone provides early access (read: known to still be
   unfinished and buggy) to the various bits of core functionality that
   will be coming in GWT 2.0. Please download the bits from:
   Things that are changing with GWT 2.0 that might otherwise be
   confusing without explanation
   * Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term
   development mode rather than the old term hosted mode. The term
   hosted mode was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be using the
   more descriptive term from now on. For similar reasons, we'll be using
   the term production mode rather than web mode when referring to
   compiled script.
   * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
   and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
   for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
   plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
   distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
   those are downloaded separately the first time you use development
   mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.
   Functionality that will be coming in GWT 2.0
   * In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided
   a special-purpose hosted browser to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the
   web page being debugged is viewed within a regular-old browser.
   Development mode is supported through the use of a native-code plugin
   for each browser. In other words, you can use development mode
   directly from Safari, Firefox, IE, and Chrome.
   * Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting allows you to chunk
   your GWT code into multiple fragments for faster startup. Imagine
   having to download a whole movie before being able to watch it. Well,
   that's what you have to do with most Ajax apps these days -- download
   the whole thing before using it. With code splitting, you can arrange
   to load just the minimum script needed to get the application running
   and the user interacting, while the rest of the app is downloaded as
   * Declarative User Interface: GWT's UiBinder now allows you to create
   user interfaces mostly declaratively. Previously, widgets had to be
   created and assembled programmatically, requiring lots of code. Now,
   you can use XML to declare your UI, making the code more readable,
   easier to maintain, and faster to develop. The Mail sample has been
   updated to use the new declarative UI.
   * Bundling of resources (ClientBundle): GWT has shipped with
   ImageBundles since GWT v1.4, giving developers automatic spriting of
   images. ClientBundle generalizes this technique, bringing the power of
   combining and optimizing resources into one download to things like
   text files, CSS, and XML. This means fewer network round trips, which
   in turn can decrease application latency -- especially on mobile
   * Using HtmlUnit for running GWT tests: GWT 2.0 no longer uses SWT or
   the old mozilla code (on linux) to run GWT tests. Instead, it uses
   HtmlUnit as the built-in browser. HtmlUnit is 100% Java. This means
   there is a single GWT distribution for linux, mac, and windows, and
   debugging GWT Tests in development mode can be done entirely in a Java
   Known issues
   *  If you are planning to run the webAppCreator, i18nCreator, or the
   junitCreator scripts on 

Usage of HasAllMouseHandlers interface.

2009-10-08 Thread AndyB

I am having difficulty understanding the usage of the
HasAllMouseHandlers interface.

I have been learning how to develop with GWT by reading the GWT
Applications book but a lot of the code has been depreciated.

In one of the sample applications, the depreciated SourceMouseEvents
interface is used as follows:

public class GadgetContainerView extends SimplePanel implements
  public void addMouseListener(MouseListener listener)

  public void removeMouseListener(MouseListener listener)

And then later in a containing class it uses the public void
onMouseDown(Widget sender, in x, int y){  } method.

I have been trying to figure out how to do this by using the
HasAllMouseHandlers but I cant figure it out.
Could someone explain it for me please?

Thanks for reading,
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Re: Is it possible to send generic types over RPC?

2009-10-08 Thread Paul Robinson

I believe you've found this bug:

andreas_b wrote:
 Hi all.

 I have searched the forum and google for some answers, but have been
 unable to find a direct answer to my question. So sorry if this has
 been answered. In that case, please give me the link to that

 I'm working on a project where I need to send lots of different data
 object over RPC to save them in a database.
 I thought, hey let's use some generics and let the type extends

 So I defined the synchronous method like this:

 T extends Serializable DBQueryResultT saveObject(T aObject);

 and asynchronous version:

 T extends Serializable void saveObject(T aObject,
 AsyncCallbackDBQueryResultT callback);

 All data types that I pass to this method implements Serializable and
 I have verified that they can be sent when defining separate methods
 for them. DBQueryResult has also been successfully serialized and
 deserialized before I tried to make this generic.

 I get no compilation errors, but during runtime (in hosted mode)I get
 the following error:

 2009-okt-08 10:21:42 log
 SEVERE: [1254997302431000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log:
 DataServiceImpl: An IncompatibleRemoteServiceException was thrown
 while processing this call.
 This application is out of date, please click the refresh button on
 your browser. ( Could not locate requested method 'saveObject
 (' in interface
 'com.borglin.web.teamsite.client.servercomm.DataService' )

 Is it not possible to use generics when defining RPC methods? Is there
 any other way to avoid having to define separate methods for each data
 object that I need to send over?

 Thanks in advance!

 BR, Andreas


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Re: Defining a source package out of the module heirarchy (from a JAR for example)

2009-10-08 Thread Ittai

I've thought some more about what you said and I'm still not sure of
how this can work:
If I add a common.jar to my project then where can I put the
commonData.gwt.xml file?
If I need to create a false package on my Web
project that will only hold my gwt.xml file then that sounds just
Otherwise I'm not sure how this can be done as the source packages for
a module can only be its own packages or its sub-packages .


On Oct 8, 3:02 pm, Ittai wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 I'm not sure I understood your answer.
 You're saying put I should put the classes I need in (which is in a different project) and then
 add to my build-path of my Web project the common.jar and then
 where is the dummy gwt.xml supposed to be? I just didn't understand
 what you said about it being in the appropriate package in my Web

 Thanks for your reply

 On Oct 8, 2:41 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:

  On 8 oct, 12:37, Ittai wrote:

   I have a web-app which currently holds this structure:
   and so on.

   I have in my package classes which I
   mark in my gwt.xml file as a source package because they need to be
   used on the client side. So far so good.
   However now in order to communicate with a different back-end app of
   my company I need to have those classes in a whole different project
   under and I'm wondering if that's doable in
   I want to somehow specify in my gwt.xml file a fully qualified name as
   another source package and have GWT compiler do its magic with it.
   Let's say that I'll have those classes available as a JAR or as a
   dependant project in eclipse to my project.

   The only option I have in mind currently is to have in a dummy gwt.xml file and than to have my
   module.gwt.xml inherit that dummy gwt.xml. This is ugly as this is not
   really a module and the other apps using the common.jar won't really
   need this file so I'd rather not go that way.

  That's the way to go however; though you don't have to put the gwt.xml
  within the JAR, you can just have it in the appropriate package in
  your GWT project only (that's the magic of the Java classpath, it's
  unrelated to where on disk the files live)
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SV: Modular loading of widgets, is it possible?

2009-10-08 Thread Hermod Opstvedt


That is possible in V2 - Milestone 1 just released


-Opprinnelig melding-
[] På vegne av balachandra maddina
Sendt: 8. oktober 2009 14:42
Emne: Modular loading of widgets, is it possible?

Hi There,

  Im aware that GWT obfuscate the compiled javascript code well, but still i
dont want to load all my application javascript in one shot. im more
interested on loading different widgets as modules. one of the reasons is my
application is complex and code kept growing and i kept adding more events
to handle different views which resulted a not so friendly maintainable

so what im planning to do is load a module when a link is clicked(event
triggering but not like a 100 events. thinking if i can manage all of them
with a few events) in my landing page and this module will have children and
all the necessary support for their rendering will be supported by the
parent(the module which is loaded). typically in my application ill be
having a number of these modules and the scariest part is most of them are
complex. so im very keen on not loading all the modules in one single big JS
file rather im planning to load them something similar to OpenSocial Gadgets
where an externally created component(gadget) can be loaded into the

My question is, is this possible? if possible how can this be done?

any help on this would be very much appreciated(please...)

Thank you,

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Re: OOPHM GWT 2.0 Milestone 1 on Mac

2009-10-08 Thread Christian Goudreau
Here's some update :

I installed another instance of eclipse, installed the GWT plugin and then
added GWT 2.0.

I create a new project, runned it and everything worked fine exept that the
development mode window is bugued and I can't close it without closing
Eclipse... Debug is working fine tought and when I stop it, the development
mode window is closing properly.

So I inspected the build order, I came back to my old eclipse with my
project that didn't want to work, I put GWT sources on top of everything but
the project sources. I runned it and... it RAN ! But their is a BIG weird
thing... I created a new project in my new Eclipse... and now I get the new
project html page instead of the old one ! The java is fine, but not what
was in the WAR folder. LOL

I'll run other test, but I think the only error that I had what the source's


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Christian Goudreau wrote:

 Thanks, but It wasn't saying that for me. It's saying that I need to
 re-compile my module and even when I do it, I still get that message !

 I tryed you trick, but even when the plugin isnt even there, I get the
 message to re-compile..

 Thanks anyway,


 On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Dominik Steiner wrote:

 Hi Christian,

 I moved to the ms1 yesterday but had been playing around with OOPHM
 with a version that i built from the trunk before and also got into
 problems when FF 3.5 came out and broke the OOPHM mode that i was
 using. Now yesterday with the ms1 release and the plugin already
 installed i tried to connect to the url that the OOPHM gave me but it
 always told me that there was no plugin available. I first tried to
 deactivate the plugin and reinstall it, but with no luck. So what I
 did was to remove the plugin from FF 3.5 first and then reinstall it
 from the link that the no plugin available page gave me. After that
 the OOPHM is now working fine.


 On Oct 6, 1:02 pm, Christian Goudreau
  Hi,  I'm always getting an error while trying to run in OOPHM. First
  ask me to copy and URL to a browser with the plugin, after doing that,
  always ask me to re-compile.
  I have the plugin and using Firefox 3.5.
  Anyone know how to get it work properly ?

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Re: hosted mode debugging with -noserver in eclipse

2009-10-08 Thread Keith Platfoot
Hi Mike,
I think your issue has to do with certain changes made to GWT in version
1.6.  Before 1.6, the GWTShell class was used to launch applications in
hosted mode.  In 1.6, the default structure of GWT projects was changed to
make it more similar to Java web apps.  By convention, GWT projects now
assume the existence of a directory named war which contains the contents
of the deployed WAR file.  This includes source files, such as your web.xml
and any public HTML pages.  The WAR directory also contains subdirectories
with the compiled JavaScript output of each GWT module.  In 1.6 and later a
new class, HostedMode, replaces the older GWTShell as the default class for
launching hosted mode.

The plugin supports GWT versions both older and newer than 1.6.  It uses
some heuristics to determine whether to launch applications with the
GWTShell or HostedMode class.  It sounds like in your case, you are able to
use HostedMode from the command line, but when you launch from Eclipse, the
plugin is using GWTShell... is that correct?

If so, I have two follow-up questions.  First, does your project contain a
WAR directory named war?  I know that many maven users use a different
naming convention, but as of right now, the plugin does *not* support
configuring the name of the WAR directory (it must be war).  If yours is
named differently, your best bet might be to try to create a symlink named
war pointing to your actual WAR folder.  I haven't actually tested that
scenario, but it *should* work.

Once your project has a proper war directory (or symlink), the second
thing to check is whether your project is tagged as a Google Web Application
project.  This won't actually show up in the Eclipse UI, but if you look at
your project's .project file, you should see the following tag nested under

If it's *not *there, go ahead and add it, and then restart Eclipse.  Then
try launching the project again, and see what happens.  Let me know if you
still run into problems.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:12 PM, mike_mac wrote:

 Just to follow up on this ... this seems to be the eclipse plugin,
 I've managed to get host mode running from the command line and it

 The weird thing is, it DOES work with a small war project that I
 built, deployed on jboss and ran the hosted mode -noserver option from
 eclipse via the plugin. Our more complicated maven built war (part of
 a larger ear) doesn't and it seems to classpath issue but I don't know
 how to debug the eclipse plugin.

 I've added the command line startup command into my eclipse run so I
 can debug but it would be better if the plugin worked :(

 I did notice that the usage for plugin was different from commandline
 options so there could well be a bug here (i.e. theres a possiblity
 I'm not going mad). GWTShell vs HostedMode ??

 Unknown argument: -blah
 Google Web Toolkit 1.7.0
 GWTShell [-noserver] [-port port-number | auto] [-whitelist
 whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logLevel level] [-
 gen dir] [-style style] [-ea] [-out dir] [url]

  -noserver   Prevents the embedded web server from running
  -port   Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server
 (defaults to )
  -whitelist  Allows the user to browse URLs that match the specified
 regexes (comma or space separated)
  -blacklist  Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the specified
 regexes (comma or space separated)
  -logLevel   The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE,
  -genThe directory into which generated files will be written
 for review
  -style  Script output style: OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or DETAILED
 (defaults to OBF)
  -ea Debugging: causes the compiled output to check assert
  -outThe directory to write output files into (defaults to
  url Automatically launches the specified URL


 java -cp gwt-dev-your platform here.jar
 Missing required argument 'module[s]'
 Google Web Toolkit 1.7.0
 HostedMode [-noserver] [-port port-number | auto] [-whitelist
 ] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-style
 style] [-ea
 ] [-server servletContainerLauncher] [-startupUrl url] [-war dir] [-
 extra dir] [
 -workDir dir] [-localWorkers count] module[s]

  -noserver  Prevents the embedded web server from running
  -port  Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server
 (defaults to )
  -whitelist Allows the user to browse URLs that match the
 specified regexes (comma or space separated)
  -blacklist Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the
 specified regexes (comma or space separated)
  -logLevel  The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO,
  -gen   The directory into which generated files will be
 written for review

Re: Modular loading of widgets, is it possible?

2009-10-08 Thread balachandra maddina
Hi Hermod,

  Yeah V2 is very exiting but im wondering if the Code Splitting and
Declarative User Interface can be coded using GWT 1.7 may be not exactly the
same but can some form of such functionality can be achieved by using GWT
1.7, using the features like IFRAMES or JSNI or JSON etc...?

Thank you,

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Hermod Opstvedt


 That is possible in V2 - Milestone 1 just released


 -Opprinnelig melding-
 [] På vegne av balachandra
 Sendt: 8. oktober 2009 14:42
 Emne: Modular loading of widgets, is it possible?

 Hi There,

  Im aware that GWT obfuscate the compiled javascript code well, but still i
 dont want to load all my application javascript in one shot. im more
 interested on loading different widgets as modules. one of the reasons is
 application is complex and code kept growing and i kept adding more events
 to handle different views which resulted a not so friendly maintainable

 so what im planning to do is load a module when a link is clicked(event
 triggering but not like a 100 events. thinking if i can manage all of them
 with a few events) in my landing page and this module will have children
 all the necessary support for their rendering will be supported by the
 parent(the module which is loaded). typically in my application ill be
 having a number of these modules and the scariest part is most of them are
 complex. so im very keen on not loading all the modules in one single big
 file rather im planning to load them something similar to OpenSocial
 where an externally created component(gadget) can be loaded into the

 My question is, is this possible? if possible how can this be done?

 any help on this would be very much appreciated(please...)

 Thank you,


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Do you need GWT instructor

2009-10-08 Thread venki


This is venkat from India,A.P. I am working as a Sofware Engineer in
Dimdim( You can visit my application which is done in

Teaching is my passion.I can teach you through my company product only
(web conferencing tool).  It will provide class room facilities. we
have white board, Desktop sharing and document sharing etc. So nothing
to worry regarding classes. I will take care. You need only internet
and one head set.

Thanks and regards
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Integrate the Google Web Toolkit into Conduit Open and community toolbars

2009-10-08 Thread Avi Hein (Conduit)

Are you up to the challenge?

Conduit, a SaaS platform that any web publisher can use to offer
content and applications to users across the World Wide Web, has
launched the Conduit Awards, to reward developers and programmers of
custom components and applications for community toolbars that run on
the Conduit platform.

The Conduit platform provides an intuitive environment in which web
publishers can create a custom Community Toolbar in any language, free
of charge. The flexible solution offers rich APIs, and enables easy
integration with any software or social media technology.

Winners of the Conduit Awards ( will
receive up to $15,000 in cash prizes. The grand prize winner will win
$4,000 and a Nokia Booklet 3G.

This is a great way for new programmers to build a portfolio and
experienced developers to keep up their skills and challenge others.

Components can be developed in languages such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript,
PHP, and XML. To start developing, check out Conduit’s open API

You can integrate code from the Google Web Toolkit into the Conduit
Open Marketplace and create components and your Awards application
with the Google Web Toolkit.

Hurry! Component entries must be submitted before November 1.

For more information or to enter, check out the Conduit Awards website

What have you developed today?

Follow the awards on Twitter
Become a fan of Conduit on Facebook

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[ERROR] Type 'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientTree.MyTreeListener' was not serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes

2009-10-08 Thread Palani

Any guidance for the following problem would be appreciated.

I am in the process of converting an existing GWT 1.5 project to GWT
1.7 and getting the following error.

[ERROR] Type
'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientTree.MyTreeListener' was not
serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes

Not sure how to fix this error.

All the classes listed below implement IsSerializable.

Not sure which class has to be fixed first.

  [ERROR] Type 'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientTable' was
not serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
 [ERROR] Type 'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientTree' was not
serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
  [ERROR] Type 'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientNodeTreeItem'
was not serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes
 [ERROR] Type
'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientTree.MyTreeListener' was not
serializable and has no concrete serializable subtypes

=  Build messages
Ant Home .\tool\ant
Java and XML Build System
Starting Ant...
10:51 AM
Buildfile: buildAll.xml

[mkdir] Created dir: E:\AllUsers\User1\myproduct_trunk\MyProduct
[mkdir] Created dir: E:\AllUsers\User1\myproduct_trunk\MyProduct
 [copy] Copying 1 file to E:\AllUsers\User1\myproduct_trunk
 [java] Compiling module com.mycompany.zyz.client.web.UFOWebClient
 [java]Scanning for additional dependencies: file:/E:/AllUsers/
 [java]   Computing all possible rebind results for
 [java]  Rebinding
 [java] Invoking generate-with

 [java]Generating client proxy for remote service
interface 'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientService'
 [java]   Analyzing
'com.mycompany.web.client.UFOWebClientService' for serializable types
 [java]  Analyzing methods:
 [java] public abstract
getAlertComments(java.lang.String eventId) throws
 [java]Return type:
 [java]  Verifying instantiability
 [java]Checking parameters
of ''
 [java]   Checking type
argument 0 of type 'java.util.ArrayListE' because it is directly
exposed in this type or in one of its subtypes
 [java] Verifying
Analyzing the fields of type ''
that qualify for serialization
 [java] parent
Verifying instantiability
Analyzing the fields of type ''
that qualify for serialization
[java] parent
Verifying instantiability
Analyzing the fields of type ''
that qualify for serialization
[java] parent
Verifying instantiability
Analyzing the fields of type ''
that qualify for serialization
[java] parent
Verifying instantiability
Analyzing the fields of type ''
that qualify for serialization
[java] parent

New release of GWT crypto library

2009-10-08 Thread mooreds

Hi folks,

I've just released 1.0.2 of gwt-crypto, a library that provides
TripleDES encryption for GWT.

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Re: GWT PHP HTML 5 interaction

2009-10-08 Thread skorpiostinger

Great !!!

I have already downloaded eclipse, gwt plugin for eclipse, Tomcat,

Also I have Apache/PHP/MYSQL are up and running at my RHE 5 Linux
server machine. The only conclusion I have right now how they would be
interacting between each other.

I do not want to maintain to servers TOMACT/APACHE ... it would give
more pain I guess.

I understand I have to create a very small PHP application and full
GWT interfaze client side application. It would be part of existing
php application (header, top and main menu) and GWT widgets would be
add some extra functionality as part of the whole system to upgrade
usability and lookfeel deisgn for my Email Template Blast engine.

PHP:  ?php showTopMenu()?
GWT: scrip JStunction showEmailBlastElementByName();/script

Here is database interaction scheme:

(XML)JSON, phpDRAFTS(DB(MYSQL)---php mail()-

I see the issues right now.

- interaction between Java Script/PHP server speed optimization;

- technical implementation and maintenance;

- HTML 5, cross-browser support;

My research worked out the following:

Here is an excellent XML, GWT, and PHP Tutorial at
developerworks that explains the bridge between GWT and PHP using XML

I used work with Java servers and the problem I had was the speed.

PHP engine has definitely an excellent speed.

To be continued ...


On Oct 7, 11:25 pm, Dominik Steiner

 to be honest I'm no php guy, so I'm not sure about the implementation  
 details of the hessian control on php side.

 on gwt side you simply implement an interface, for example like this

 public interface HelpHessianService {

         public ListString getHelpTopics(String search);


 and you then instantiate this interface via a helper method

 import com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory;

                         String hostUrl = getHostUrl(request);
                         String url = hostUrl + /index.php?
                         HessianProxyFactory factory = new 
                         HelpHessianService helpHessianService =  
 factory.create(HelpHessianService.class, url);

 and then you can just call helpHessianService.getHelpTopics(search);



  Thank you,

  Dominik for your prompt reply.

  It is sounds great to me. I have a feeling I could provide  
  connection through the hessian web service to PHP application to get  
  some of the services from the PHP/Apache application.

  Also I have researched in the web and found the Hessian PHP Client/
  Server application.

  Dominik, how the hessian protocol is basically operate the data from  
  the PHP/Apache and

  More details appreciated.



  On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Dominik Steiner

  on our project our GWT frontend (running on tomcat) was talking with
  the php backend (on another server) via hessian protocol and it was
  working good.


  On Oct 6, 11:26 am, Takalov Rustem wrote:
   Hey Guys,

   I have been researching on GWT and PHP integration a while.

   The reason is - I need a simple, flexible client - side AJAX based  
   to develop and integrate web - based application into existing PHP
   application running @ Rackspace (Linux, PHP, MySQL).

   Is anyway to integrate GWT api's into PHP code or I need to call  
  PHP scripts
   from GWT?

   Do I have to run Tomcat server, Apache at the same server? How  
  they would
   interact between each other?

   I think the solution connected with JSON, Jetty, hosted server  
  mode, but I
   am not sure.

   Here is php script:


   echo html/html;

   // I need AJAX Editor to Save/Load Editable Text Box to load it  
  unto MySQL

   echo scriptAJAXEditor();/script;


   How will it interact with HTML 5 manifest?

   Let me know if any questions.




  Rustem T
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Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-08 Thread Sky

I got debugging to work!

I created a new GWT web app with the Eclipse google plugin using GWT
2.0MS1 as the SDK. This is what most likely solved my problem. Simply
changing a project from GWT 1.7.1 to 2.0 must not be making all the
necessary changes to the auto generated files to be properly
compatible. Obviously this sort of thing will be ironed out for

Then I needed to first launch (not a debug launch) the newly created
GWT web app (with the default app still intact). I tried this with a
browser that did not have the plugin installed (FF3.5) and when
navigating to the URL it auto directed me to the plugin install web
page and after installing the plugin the web app was rendered
correctly. Note that at this point I have not compiled the app so the
plugin is indeed doing its job! The java code is what is interacting
synchronously with the browser instead of the compiled JS!

Note that I had first attempted to launch the app in debug mode which
gave me 3 errors related to the Appengine
( yet eclipse could not resolve but those errors went away as soon
as I did a non debug launch. In other words, the app was able to do a
debug launch only after doing a regular launch.

With the debug launch successful I was able to hit a breakpoint in the
onModuleLoad method of this default web app! I then copied all the
required files from my previous project into this new one. Once again
I was able to hit a breakpoint on the onModuleLoad method!

I am very excited to have this working!

On Oct 7, 8:32 pm, Sky wrote:
 I set GWT 2.0 as the SDK for my project and it changed to the new
 Development Swing UI In-browser mode instead of the old hosted mode. I
 placed the given URL in both FF3.5 and IE8 and neither auto installed
 the required plugin. Since my app is already compiled it renders fine
 but I cannot debug. I tried manually installing the correct plugins
 the server is either only serving the compiled files or something is
 wrong with the plugin because I cannot debug; breakpoints are not hit.

 Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

 On Oct 7, 11:37 am, Joseph Arceneaux wrote:

  May we presume that the Snow Leopard issue is now history?

  On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Amit Manjhi wrote:

   Hi everyone,

   We are excited to release the first milestone build for GWT 2.0 today.
   This milestone provides early access (read: known to still be
   unfinished and buggy) to the various bits of core functionality that
   will be coming in GWT 2.0. Please download the bits from:

   Things that are changing with GWT 2.0 that might otherwise be
   confusing without explanation
   * Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term
   development mode rather than the old term hosted mode. The term
   hosted mode was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be using the
   more descriptive term from now on. For similar reasons, we'll be using
   the term production mode rather than web mode when referring to
   compiled script.

   * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
   and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
   for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
   plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
   distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
   those are downloaded separately the first time you use development
   mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.

   Functionality that will be coming in GWT 2.0
   * In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided
   a special-purpose hosted browser to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the
   web page being debugged is viewed within a regular-old browser.
   Development mode is supported through the use of a native-code plugin
   for each browser. In other words, you can use development mode
   directly from Safari, Firefox, IE, and Chrome.

   * Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting allows you to chunk
   your GWT code into multiple fragments for faster startup. Imagine
   having to download a whole movie before being able to watch it. Well,
   that's what you have to do with most Ajax apps these days -- download
   the whole thing before using it. With code splitting, you can arrange
   to load just the minimum script needed to get the application running
   and the user interacting, while the rest of the app is downloaded as

   * Declarative User Interface: GWT's UiBinder now allows you to create
   user interfaces mostly declaratively. Previously, widgets had to be
   created and assembled programmatically, requiring lots of code. Now,
   you can use XML to declare your UI, 

Avoiding RPC Coming in to an inactive client from the server.

2009-10-08 Thread Danny

My application has a timeout on the client side that often causes the
client to go away while there is a pending RPC return from the
server.  Nothing comes crashing down, but Tomcat fills its log with:

org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
SEVERE: Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call

followed by a stack printout.

Does anyone know how to relieve Tomcat of this burden and my having to
dump its log file more frequently that I would like?


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Re: SerializationException is lost

2009-10-08 Thread Geoffrey Wiseman

On Sep 12, 7:39 am, Sripathi Krishnan
 No - GWT doesn't propagate that exception/message to the client.

Is this a bug, tracked somewhere, or a deliberate decision that
doesn't currently make sense to me?  :)
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Integrating GWT with JSP

2009-10-08 Thread Sudeep S


I have a requirement wherein my application loads an external gwt
application as a widget in its iframe.

The application's UI is developed using JSP.

Can someone suggest me the best practices followed in communicating
with external GWT applications (passing

data back and forth).

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GWT incubator PagingScrollTable

2009-10-08 Thread davis

Hi, I'm not sure where to post for incubator -- it doesn't have its
own mailing list.

I'm trying to use the PagingScrollTable widget from incubator.  It
seems to work just great except I cannot get the columns to sort.
From my understanding, there is a built-in quicksort implementation
that you can override if you wish.  QS should work fine for me.  I
have a simple table model here with two columns (firstName, lastName)
and the datatype is a string.

A sample onModuleLoad app using the PagingScrollTable is pasted below
that sets up some mock data.  I may just be using the API incorrectly,
but I can't see it.  Documentation is sparse.

Anyone have any insight on this??

Thanks in advance,

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;


 * Entry point class for the Client application.
public class Client implements EntryPoint {

private CachedTableModelModelObject cachedTableModel;
private PagingScrollTableModelObject pagingScrollTable;
private DataSourceTableModel tableModel;

 * @see
public void onModuleLoad() {

// add the scroll table
pagingScrollTable = createScrollTable();

// add the paging options
PagingOptions pagingOptions = new 

// get some mock data
ListModelObject list = getMockData();

// add it to the table

private ListModelObject getMockData() {
return Arrays.asList(
new ModelObject(first, last),
new ModelObject(bob, jones),
new ModelObject(harry, smith),
new ModelObject(nancy, zen));

private void showData(ListModelObject list) {
pagingScrollTable.gotoPage(0, true);

private PagingScrollTableModelObject createScrollTable() {
tableModel = new DataSourceTableModel();
cachedTableModel = createCachedTableModel(tableModel);
TableDefinitionModelObject tableDef = createTableDefinition();
PagingScrollTableModelObject scrollTable = new
PagingScrollTableModelObject(cachedTableModel, tableDef);
scrollTable.setEmptyTableWidget(new HTML(There is no data to
FixedWidthGridBulkRendererModelObject bulkRenderer =
(), scrollTable);

return scrollTable;

private CachedTableModelModelObject createCachedTableModel
(DataSourceTableModel tableModel) {
CachedTableModelModelObject tm = new 

Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-08 Thread Ben

I have noticed that if you use Google Plugin to launch your project
with 2.0 jar. The development shell does not launch at all. You have
to launch it as a Java Application and set up some parameters by
yourself, then you are able to see that GWT Develop Mode popup shell
window. Is my observation correct?

On Oct 8, 1:33 pm, Sky wrote:
 I got debugging to work!

 I created a new GWT web app with the Eclipse google plugin using GWT
 2.0MS1 as the SDK. This is what most likely solved my problem. Simply
 changing a project from GWT 1.7.1 to 2.0 must not be making all the
 necessary changes to the auto generated files to be properly
 compatible. Obviously this sort of thing will be ironed out for

 Then I needed to first launch (not a debug launch) the newly created
 GWT web app (with the default app still intact). I tried this with a
 browser that did not have the plugin installed (FF3.5) and when
 navigating to the URL it auto directed me to the plugin install web
 page and after installing the plugin the web app was rendered
 correctly. Note that at this point I have not compiled the app so the
 plugin is indeed doing its job! The java code is what is interacting
 synchronously with the browser instead of the compiled JS!

 Note that I had first attempted to launch the app in debug mode which
 gave me 3 errors related to the Appengine
 ( yet eclipse could not resolve but those errors went away as soon
 as I did a non debug launch. In other words, the app was able to do a
 debug launch only after doing a regular launch.

 With the debug launch successful I was able to hit a breakpoint in the
 onModuleLoad method of this default web app! I then copied all the
 required files from my previous project into this new one. Once again
 I was able to hit a breakpoint on the onModuleLoad method!

 I am very excited to have this working!

 On Oct 7, 8:32 pm, Sky wrote:

  I set GWT 2.0 as the SDK for my project and it changed to the new
  Development Swing UI In-browser mode instead of the old hosted mode. I
  placed the given URL in both FF3.5 and IE8 and neither auto installed
  the required plugin. Since my app is already compiled it renders fine
  but I cannot debug. I tried manually installing the correct plugins
  the server is either only serving the compiled files or something is
  wrong with the plugin because I cannot debug; breakpoints are not hit.

  Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

  On Oct 7, 11:37 am, Joseph Arceneaux wrote:

   May we presume that the Snow Leopard issue is now history?

   On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Amit Manjhi wrote:

Hi everyone,

We are excited to release the first milestone build for GWT 2.0 today.
This milestone provides early access (read: known to still be
unfinished and buggy) to the various bits of core functionality that
will be coming in GWT 2.0. Please download the bits from:

Things that are changing with GWT 2.0 that might otherwise be
confusing without explanation
* Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term
development mode rather than the old term hosted mode. The term
hosted mode was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be using the
more descriptive term from now on. For similar reasons, we'll be using
the term production mode rather than web mode when referring to
compiled script.

* Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
those are downloaded separately the first time you use development
mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.

Functionality that will be coming in GWT 2.0
* In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided
a special-purpose hosted browser to debug your GWT code. In 2.0, the
web page being debugged is viewed within a regular-old browser.
Development mode is supported through the use of a native-code plugin
for each browser. In other words, you can use development mode
directly from Safari, Firefox, IE, and Chrome.

* Code Splitting: Developer-guided code splitting allows you to chunk
your GWT code into multiple fragments for faster startup. Imagine
having to download a whole movie before being able to watch it. Well,
that's what you have to do with most Ajax apps these days -- download
the whole thing before using it. With code 

Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-08 Thread Sky

Ben, with 2.0 my projects launch the development shell when using the
Google plugin launch options. It launched for me even when I just
changed a project from 1.7.1 to 2.0, but you could try creating a
whole new project with 2.0 from the start and copy the files over from
the old project.

Make sure the google plugin and the appengine is fully up to date.
What version of Ecipse are you using? Try downloading the new 3.5.1

Sorry I can't help any more than that. gl

On Oct 8, 3:50 pm, Ben wrote:
 I have noticed that if you use Google Plugin to launch your project
 with 2.0 jar. The development shell does not launch at all. You have
 to launch it as a Java Application and set up some parameters by
 yourself, then you are able to see that GWT Develop Mode popup shell
 window. Is my observation correct?

 On Oct 8, 1:33 pm, Sky wrote:

  I got debugging to work!

  I created a new GWT web app with the Eclipse google plugin using GWT
  2.0MS1 as the SDK. This is what most likely solved my problem. Simply
  changing a project from GWT 1.7.1 to 2.0 must not be making all the
  necessary changes to the auto generated files to be properly
  compatible. Obviously this sort of thing will be ironed out for

  Then I needed to first launch (not a debug launch) the newly created
  GWT web app (with the default app still intact). I tried this with a
  browser that did not have the plugin installed (FF3.5) and when
  navigating to the URL it auto directed me to the plugin install web
  page and after installing the plugin the web app was rendered
  correctly. Note that at this point I have not compiled the app so the
  plugin is indeed doing its job! The java code is what is interacting
  synchronously with the browser instead of the compiled JS!

  Note that I had first attempted to launch the app in debug mode which
  gave me 3 errors related to the Appengine
  ( yet eclipse could not resolve but those errors went away as soon
  as I did a non debug launch. In other words, the app was able to do a
  debug launch only after doing a regular launch.

  With the debug launch successful I was able to hit a breakpoint in the
  onModuleLoad method of this default web app! I then copied all the
  required files from my previous project into this new one. Once again
  I was able to hit a breakpoint on the onModuleLoad method!

  I am very excited to have this working!

  On Oct 7, 8:32 pm, Sky wrote:

   I set GWT 2.0 as the SDK for my project and it changed to the new
   Development Swing UI In-browser mode instead of the old hosted mode. I
   placed the given URL in both FF3.5 and IE8 and neither auto installed
   the required plugin. Since my app is already compiled it renders fine
   but I cannot debug. I tried manually installing the correct plugins
   the server is either only serving the compiled files or something is
   wrong with the plugin because I cannot debug; breakpoints are not hit.

   Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

   On Oct 7, 11:37 am, Joseph Arceneaux wrote:

May we presume that the Snow Leopard issue is now history?

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Amit Manjhi 

 Hi everyone,

 We are excited to release the first milestone build for GWT 2.0 today.
 This milestone provides early access (read: known to still be
 unfinished and buggy) to the various bits of core functionality that
 will be coming in GWT 2.0. Please download the bits from:

 Things that are changing with GWT 2.0 that might otherwise be
 confusing without explanation
 * Terminology changes: We're going to start using the term
 development mode rather than the old term hosted mode. The term
 hosted mode was sometimes confusing to people, so we'll be using the
 more descriptive term from now on. For similar reasons, we'll be using
 the term production mode rather than web mode when referring to
 compiled script.

 * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
 and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
 for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
 plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
 distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
 those are downloaded separately the first time you use development
 mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.

 Functionality that will be coming in GWT 2.0
 * In-Browser Development Mode: Prior to 2.0, GWT hosted mode provided
 a special-purpose hosted browser to debug your GWT code. In 

Re: SerializationException is lost

2009-10-08 Thread Sripathi Krishnan
Deliberate decision ..

Few reasons that I know of --

a) Server code is capable of generating exceptions which can't be translated
to javascript. Things like HibernateException can't be translated to JS.
b) From a security perspective, you don't want your server side stack traces
to be available to end-users.
c) Assuming GWT could throw the exception to JS, it would have to be capable
of generating serialization/deserialization code for every exception object
in the classpath. Imagine your RPC method is like this -

public ResultDTO getSomeInformation(InputDTO obj) throws Exception;

Now, your java code could throw any sub-class of Exception and GWT doesn't
have a way to figure that out at compile time. So, it would have to convert
every Exception sub-class into appropriate JS code -- which leads to a huge
js file.

Because of this, GWT requires that you explicitly declare any exceptions you
want available in your javascript code in the throw clause of your RPC


2009/10/8 Geoffrey Wiseman

 On Sep 12, 7:39 am, Sripathi Krishnan
  No - GWT doesn't propagate that exception/message to the client.

 Is this a bug, tracked somewhere, or a deliberate decision that
 doesn't currently make sense to me?  :)

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Using External Jars in Eclipse

2009-10-08 Thread Rakmos

I have been searching for several hours for some type of a tutorial on
how to do this.  I was wanting to use some widgets from GwtExt because
of their easy validation methods, but cannot seem to get my webapp to

I have linked the jar file as an external jar, and it shows up under
Referenced Libraries in the Package Explorer in eclipse.

Do I need to add a source tag in the gwt.xml file for my webapp?  If
so, what is the format of this tag?

Also, I keep seeing the term java classpath.  What does that mean?  Is
that was appears in the Package Explorer under src?

The error message is :

Unable to find 'com/gwtext/client/widgets/form/TextField.gwt.xml' on
your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a
classpath entry for source?
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First Time GWT: Installed eclipse plugin, does that mean I have the samples?

2009-10-08 Thread etsauer

I just installed the GWT plugin for eclipse. Does that mean that I
have everything I need or do I still need to download the GWT package?
Also, where does it install to? The reason I am wondering is i am
going through the getting started guide, and I can't find the samples/
directory anywhere on my pc.

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Trying to create a generic LoginManager

2009-10-08 Thread Tone

I'm just getting into GWT and getting back into Java after a 9 year
absence. As I'm creating my first project it was pretty clear that I
never wanted to write login  session handling code ever again so I've
been trying to create a reusable class for all of this that I can
(mostly) drop into future projects.

I was hoping to have the class able to alert any other classes and
panels on the site when the user logs in asynchronously. Listeners and
Handlers didn't seem to be the right tool for the job. And I really
don't want to put all the other classes for this site under the
LoginManager. What would be the preferred way of having external
classes know when the results of an Ajax call come through?



public class LoginManager{
private DeckPanel cMainDeckPanel;
private VerticalPanel NewAccountPanel;
private VerticalPanel VPLogin;
private VerticalPanel VPUser;
private String sSessionID;
private Label username;
private Label failLabel;

private final String loginURL;
private final String logoutURL;
private final String newUserURL;

//private String newUserConnectionResults;
private boolean loggedin;
private final String hiddenpassword;

public LoginManager(){
sSessionID = ;
loginURL = serversays//;
logoutURL = serversays//;
newUserURL = serversays//;
hiddenpassword = youshouldchangethis;
loggedin = false;

public DeckPanel getDeckPanel()
// the interface for the class
// page 1 - login panel
// page 2 - logged in panel
// page 3 - create a new user panel

cMainDeckPanel = new DeckPanel();
VPLogin = new VerticalPanel();
VPUser = new VerticalPanel();

// interface for not logged in
failLabel = new Label();
final TextBox nameField = new TextBox();
final Label nameLabel = new Label();
final PasswordTextBox passwordField = new PasswordTextBox();
final Label passwordLabel = new Label();
final Button sendButton = new Button(Send);
final Hyperlink newAccount = new Hyperlink(Create Account, 
//TODO link to handler


//set handler for new account
newAccount.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent sender) {

//set handler for login
sendButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent sender) {

nameField.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() {
  public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) {
  if(event.getCharCode()== 13){ //char code for enter


passwordField.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() {
  public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) {
  if(event.getCharCode()== 13){ //char code for enter

// add to Vert Panel

why does GWT Showcase continually re-request CSS image under IE6

2009-10-08 Thread jmcmd

Under IE6 my application grinds to a halt because the GWT appears (i
might be wrong) to somehow force IE6 to re-load all my CSS images any
time their is a UI event where I make a Widget visible - even if that
image is already visible on the screen. I can see the requests (and
subsequent 304 response codes) in the GWT console.

I've tested this behavior using GWT's Showcase and anyone can clearly
see this same behavior.
I have tried every server-side setting for the response headers and it
did not change a thing.

I thought this might be a Ajax/IE6 problem but a similar functionality
using ICEFaces ( a different Ajax framework) worked - meaning that IE6
only requested the CSS image once and only once.

I've searched all over these groups and saw nothing specifically
addressing this issue. My app (and the showcase app) work perfectly
normal under IE7/IE8,FF, Safari so this only appears to be IE6

I can't be the only one who observed this issue - perhaps I'm missing
something obvious, but any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.

My app is more or less un-usable in IE6 because I have about 80 css
images and having IE6 make 80 request every time I make a various
visible makes for a very sluggish experience.

In great need of help

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Re: rpc serialization problem

2009-10-08 Thread Dominik Steiner


I'm using JDO with App Engine and GWT and sending the domain objects
with the JDO tags via RPC is working fine, so not sure if the problem
is JPA?



On Oct 7, 3:48 am, Lubomir wrote:
 Hi, I was experimenting with it a bit as well and it seems to me that
 even the most simple Entity bean cannot be passed through RPC call. I
 had a simple class:

 public class Tournament implements Serializable {

         @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
         private Long id;

         private int tournamentId;

         @Temporal(value = TemporalType.DATE)
         private Date date;
 and I wasnt able either to pass it from the server to the client or
 the other way. Once I removed all the JPA annotation (no other
 change!), everything went fine. So I think despite the fact that the
 class above is de facto compliant with GWT requirements for via-RPC-
 sendable classes (see the docs - serializable, fields serializable,
 etc.), it's the JPA annotations and its processing by DataNucleus that
 create the problem.
 That there's some kind of problem can also be seen in the tutorial for
 GWT and appengine: instead of much more natural approach (from certain
 point of view) of creating the Stock entity in client code and sending
 it through RPC, addStock is called only with String argument and Stock
 Entity is constructed on server. Same with getStock: stock list is
 fetched from datastore and then parsed and getStock() passes array of
 Strings back to client, although it would be nice and convenient to
 have Stock entity on client and populate the table by calling getters.
 The solution is to use either DTO pattern or a 3rd party library
 called Gilead (that does basically the same boring work of cloning
 entity, passing it to the client and when it comes back, merging it
 with the original)

 On Oct 6, 11:06 pm, Sudeep S wrote:

   Hey Benjamin,

   Since u are using Generics ensure that all the classes Service, ServiceAync
  and ServiceImpl
   use the same signature i.e ListSubCatagory  .
     btw which version of gwt are u using.

   Also, you can the temp dir where u can find a rpc.log file with the list of
  all objects that are serialized.

  On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Benjamin wrote:

   I'm struggeling with this now - did you guys solve it?  I have a
   simple client class that will be a parent in a simple parent-child
   relationship.  If i add an ArrayList property to the parent class (i
   don't even have to decorate it as persistant) i get

   EVERE: [1254861190636000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Exception
   while dispatching incoming RPC call Type
   'org.datanucleus.sco.backed.List' was not included in the set of types
   which can be serialized by this SerializationPolicy or its Class
   object could not be loaded. For security purposes, this type will not
   be serialized.

   i've tried java.util.list and java.util.arraylist with same result -
   defiitly not a 'org.datanucleus.sco.backed.List'

   what's odd is that the RPC call runs in a way and the object is
   persisted but without the list field.

   Anyway - this seems like something that can't be passed in an RPC call
   but i don't see why

   @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
   public class Catagory extends BaseTreeModel implements Serializable {

   public  Catagory() {}

          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
     �...@persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
     �...@extension(vendorName=datanucleus, key=gae.encoded-pk,
          private String key;

           @Persistent(mappedBy = catagory)
     private  ListSubCatagory subcatagories;


   On Sep 22, 5:43 am, Angel wrote:
i have the same problem

On 5 ago, 04:52, mike wrote:

 I have a simple one-to-many betwen two entities.  The parent entity
 uses List to contain the child entities.  I am able to persist these
 entities in the datastore without problems.

 However, when reading a root entity at the server, I get:

 rpc.SerializationException: Type 'org.datanucleus.sco.backed.List' was
 not included in the set of types  which can be serialized...

 The entities are successfully read from the datastore, but something
 in Datanucleus doesn't build the List correctly.

 Has anyone found a workaround for this serialization problem.


 GWT 1.7 GAE 1.2.2- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
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Qestion on Focus Panel

2009-10-08 Thread sri

Does Focus panel that has Focus recieve an onBlurEvent if mouse is
clicked on one of its children?I have a focus panel with a Grid as its
child. I want to close the Focus Panel when clicked outside the focus
panel - so I have a BlurHandler defined. But when I click inside the
Focus panel ( on one of the cells of the Grid ) the Grid's
onCellClicked is never called - instead the BlurHandler onBlur is
called. Do I need to do anything specific to not trigger onBlur when a
child is clicked?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: rpc serialization problem

2009-10-08 Thread brancoch

The problem comes from instrumentation done by the ORM. Most of the
ORM substitute the implementation of the List, Map or Set with their
own implementation since they need to track invocation of method of
the collection. I know that the latest GWT 2.0 code base is putting
code in the RPC framework to support JDO so this is probably why it is
Note that relationship to the one side (for example a Customer entity)
in JPA will likely be instrumented as well.

In my project where we are using Hibernate, I have minimally enhanced
the RPC framework (, to workaround this issue.

I know other framework are trying to solve this problem but I find my
approach more efficient in term of performance even if it is less
flexible (need to be adapted for other ORM).

I suspect that it should be easy to adapt my approach for DataNucleus.

Let me know if you would like to see the coce?

On Oct 8, 7:49 pm, Dominik Steiner

 I'm using JDO with App Engine and GWT and sending the domain objects
 with the JDO tags via RPC is working fine, so not sure if the problem
 is JPA?



 On Oct 7, 3:48 am, Lubomir wrote:

  Hi, I was experimenting with it a bit as well and it seems to me that
  even the most simple Entity bean cannot be passed through RPC call. I
  had a simple class:

  public class Tournament implements Serializable {

          @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
          private Long id;

          private int tournamentId;

          @Temporal(value = TemporalType.DATE)
          private Date date;
  and I wasnt able either to pass it from the server to the client or
  the other way. Once I removed all the JPA annotation (no other
  change!), everything went fine. So I think despite the fact that the
  class above is de facto compliant with GWT requirements for via-RPC-
  sendable classes (see the docs - serializable, fields serializable,
  etc.), it's the JPA annotations and its processing by DataNucleus that
  create the problem.
  That there's some kind of problem can also be seen in the tutorial for
  GWT and appengine: instead of much more natural approach (from certain
  point of view) of creating the Stock entity in client code and sending
  it through RPC, addStock is called only with String argument and Stock
  Entity is constructed on server. Same with getStock: stock list is
  fetched from datastore and then parsed and getStock() passes array of
  Strings back to client, although it would be nice and convenient to
  have Stock entity on client and populate the table by calling getters.
  The solution is to use either DTO pattern or a 3rd party library
  called Gilead (that does basically the same boring work of cloning
  entity, passing it to the client and when it comes back, merging it
  with the original)

  On Oct 6, 11:06 pm, Sudeep S wrote:

    Hey Benjamin,

    Since u are using Generics ensure that all the classes Service, 
   and ServiceImpl
    use the same signature i.e ListSubCatagory  .
      btw which version of gwt are u using.

    Also, you can the temp dir where u can find a rpc.log file with the list 
   all objects that are serialized.

   On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Benjamin wrote:

I'm struggeling with this now - did you guys solve it?  I have a
simple client class that will be a parent in a simple parent-child
relationship.  If i add an ArrayList property to the parent class (i
don't even have to decorate it as persistant) i get

EVERE: [1254861190636000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Exception
while dispatching incoming RPC call Type
'org.datanucleus.sco.backed.List' was not included in the set of types
which can be serialized by this SerializationPolicy or its Class
object could not be loaded. For security purposes, this type will not
be serialized.

i've tried java.util.list and java.util.arraylist with same result -
defiitly not a 'org.datanucleus.sco.backed.List'

what's odd is that the RPC call runs in a way and the object is
persisted but without the list field.

Anyway - this seems like something that can't be passed in an RPC call
but i don't see why

@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
public class Catagory extends BaseTreeModel implements Serializable {

public  Catagory() {}

       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  �...@persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
  �...@extension(vendorName=datanucleus, key=gae.encoded-pk,
       private String key;

        @Persistent(mappedBy = catagory)
  private  ListSubCatagory subcatagories;



Duplicate signature class problem with 2.0 m1

2009-10-08 Thread pmonestie

First congrats on this release this is awesome!!
 I've been using 2.0 from the trunk for a while now and the following
problem has been there for a while, using oophm:

When I change a class that is serialized between client and server I
get a Duplicate signature exception upon reloading the app. The error
goes away when restarting the HostedMode console (OOPHM)
I get:
[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point ...
java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
'MyService' (did you forget to inherit a required module?)
43) at   at
( at MyModule.onModuleLoad(
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Duplicate signature
MySerializableClass/4200318118  at

Apparently the HostedMode console doesn't realize that it should
reload the class I just changed.
I'm wondering if there is anything I can do about this?
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2.0 m1 Duplicate Signature class loading issue in Hosted Mode Console

2009-10-08 Thread pmonestie

First congrats on this release this is awesome!!
 I've been using 2.0 from the trunk for a while now and the following
problem has been there for a while, using oophm:

When I change a class that is serialized between client and server I
get a Duplicate signature exception (in the hosted mode console) upon
reloading the app.

The error goes away when restarting the HostedMode console (OOPHM)

I get:
[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point ...
java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
'MyService' (did you forget to inherit a required module?)
at MyModule.rpc.RpcController.init (
at MyModule.rpc.RpcController.clinit (
at MyModule.onModuleLoad(
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Duplicate signature

Apparently the HostedMode console doesn't realize that it should
reload the class I just changed.
I'm wondering if there is anything I can do about this?
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2.0 m1 Duplicate Signature class loading issue in Hosted Mode Console

2009-10-08 Thread pmonestie

First congrats on this release this is awesome!!
 I've been using 2.0 from the trunk for a while now and the following
problem has been there for a while, using oophm:
When I change a class that is serialized between client and server I
get a Duplicate signature exception (in the hosted mode console) upon
reloading the app.

The error goes away when restarting the HostedMode console (OOPHM)

I get:
[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point ...
java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
'MyService' (did you forget to inherit a required module?)
at MyModule.rpc.RpcController.init (
at MyModule.rpc.RpcController.clinit (
at MyModule.onModuleLoad(
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Duplicate signature

Apparently the HostedMode console doesn't realize that it should
reload the class I just changed.
I'm wondering if there is anything I can do about this?
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Custom Designed Sign in page?

2009-10-08 Thread jlc488

Hello guys...

I am not sure if I am suck at googling or what.

I just can not find the way of implementing  custom made signin page.

So, This is my question. I am currently using UserService and User
class that provided by google appengine .

UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
User user = userService.getCurrentUser();

something like above.

Somehow, this way keep forward google accounts sign in page which I
want to use a custom made sign in page.

Is it possible?

Just few weeks or before,
this site method was working and it is not working now.  :-

This one also redirects to the google accounts sign in page.

Is there anyone know how to implement my own sing in page without
redirecting google accounts ?
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Re: GWT PHP HTML 5 interaction

2009-10-08 Thread skorpiostinger


In my case, I run PHP via Apache, and I use straightforward AJAX calls
from GWT. PHP never knows about GWT; it just delivers XML or JSON. GWT
doesn't mind about PHP; it just receives the XML or JSON data,
processes it, and goes on. You won't need Tomcat (or JBoss or anything
like that) unless you are using GWT RPC; if your server side only runs
PHP, Apache will be enough.

Maybe this article I wrote for IBM could help you? I also wrote this
article for Linux Journal, on other methods for getting JSON, and this
other IBM article on processing XML. Please let me know if you have
further questions.

Best regards,
Federico Kereki

On Oct 8, 12:51 pm, skorpiostinger wrote:
 Great !!!

 I have already downloaded eclipse, gwt plugin for eclipse, Tomcat,

 Also I have Apache/PHP/MYSQL are up and running at my RHE 5 Linux
 server machine. The only conclusion I have right now how they would be
 interacting between each other.

 I do not want to maintain to servers TOMACT/APACHE ... it would give
 more pain I guess.

 I understand I have to create a very small PHP application and full
 GWT interfaze client side application. It would be part of existing
 php application (header, top and main menu) and GWT widgets would be
 add some extra functionality as part of the whole system to upgrade
 usability and lookfeel deisgn for my Email Template Blast engine.

 PHP:  ?php showTopMenu()?
 GWT: scrip JStunction showEmailBlastElementByName();/script

 Here is database interaction scheme:

 (XML)JSON, phpDRAFTS(DB(MYSQL)---php mail()-

 I see the issues right now.

 - interaction between Java Script/PHP server speed optimization;

 - technical implementation and maintenance;

 - HTML 5, cross-browser support;

 My research worked out the following:

 Here is an excellent XML, GWT, and PHP Tutorial at
 developerworks that explains the bridge between GWT and PHP using XML

 I used work with Java servers and the problem I had was the speed.

 PHP engine has definitely an excellent speed.

 To be continued ...


 On Oct 7, 11:25 pm, Dominik Steiner


  to be honest I'm no php guy, so I'm not sure about the implementation  
  details of the hessian control on php side.

  on gwt side you simply implement an interface, for example like this

  public interface HelpHessianService {

          public ListString getHelpTopics(String search);


  and you then instantiate this interface via a helper method

  import com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory;

                          String hostUrl = getHostUrl(request);
                          String url = hostUrl + /index.php?
                          HessianProxyFactory factory = new 
                          HelpHessianService helpHessianService =  
  factory.create(HelpHessianService.class, url);

  and then you can just call helpHessianService.getHelpTopics(search);



   Thank you,

   Dominik for your prompt reply.

   It is sounds great to me. I have a feeling I could provide  
   connection through the hessian web service to PHP application to get  
   some of the services from the PHP/Apache application.

   Also I have researched in the web and found the Hessian PHP Client/
   Server application.

   Dominik, how the hessian protocol is basically operate the data from  
   the PHP/Apache and

   More details appreciated.



   On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Dominik Steiner

   on our project our GWT frontend (running on tomcat) was talking with
   the php backend (on another server) via hessian protocol and it was
   working good.


   On Oct 6, 11:26 am, Takalov Rustem wrote:
Hey Guys,

I have been researching on GWT and PHP integration a while.

The reason is - I need a simple, flexible client - side AJAX based  
to develop and integrate web - based application into existing PHP
application running @ Rackspace (Linux, PHP, MySQL).

Is anyway to integrate GWT api's into PHP code or I need to call  
   PHP scripts
from GWT?

Do I have to run Tomcat server, Apache at the same server? How  
   they would
interact between each other?

I think the solution connected with JSON, Jetty, hosted server  
   mode, but I
am not 

Re: Trying to create a generic LoginManager

2009-10-08 Thread Ian Bambury
Try a search to 'event bus' in this group and have a look at the Google I/O

2009/10/8 Tone

 I'm just getting into GWT and getting back into Java after a 9 year
 absence. As I'm creating my first project it was pretty clear that I
 never wanted to write login  session handling code ever again so I've
 been trying to create a reusable class for all of this that I can
 (mostly) drop into future projects.

 I was hoping to have the class able to alert any other classes and
 panels on the site when the user logs in asynchronously. Listeners and
 Handlers didn't seem to be the right tool for the job. And I really
 don't want to put all the other classes for this site under the
 LoginManager. What would be the preferred way of having external
 classes know when the results of an Ajax call come through?

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Re: SerializationException is lost

2009-10-08 Thread Geoffrey Wiseman

On Oct 8, 6:56 pm, Sripathi Krishnan
 Deliberate decision ..

 Few reasons that I know of --

I buy the not transmitting the errors to the client part; what I don't
understand is why the server log doesn't seem to show anything useful
in this case, at least, where it's come up for me.
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Re: Integrating GWT with JSP

2009-10-08 Thread venki

You have to use JSNI(Java Script Native Interface) which is provided
by GWT. Using this you can able to access java script code of your jsp
page. If you wish to send any data from your jsp to GWT module then
export that variable in java script of your jsp page. In your module
write one JSNI method and write your stuff to take the data from your
java script code of jsp page.

On Oct 9, 12:19 am, Sudeep S wrote:

 I have a requirement wherein my application loads an external gwt
 application as a widget in its iframe.

 The application's UI is developed using JSP.

 Can someone suggest me the best practices followed in communicating
 with external GWT applications (passing

 data back and forth).

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Re: Integrating GWT with JSP

2009-10-08 Thread Sudeep S
 Thanks a lot Venkat !!! for your prompt reply..

 Before I can start experimenting on JSNI,
 just wanted to know does JSNI work when both JSP and GWT
 (gwt module hosted on a  different domain is loaded as an iframe in jsp)
 come from different domains.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:16 AM, venki wrote:

 You have to use JSNI(Java Script Native Interface) which is provided
 by GWT. Using this you can able to access java script code of your jsp
 page. If you wish to send any data from your jsp to GWT module then
 export that variable in java script of your jsp page. In your module
 write one JSNI method and write your stuff to take the data from your
 java script code of jsp page.

 On Oct 9, 12:19 am, Sudeep S wrote:
  I have a requirement wherein my application loads an external gwt
  application as a widget in its iframe.
  The application's UI is developed using JSP.
  Can someone suggest me the best practices followed in communicating
  with external GWT applications (passing
  data back and forth).

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Re: MapWidget.removeControl() not working?

2009-10-08 Thread lumo
noone got an idea about that?
do i have to call an update function afterwards?

2009/10/6 lumo

 Hi NG!

 i add controls to my map on startup, but i want to enable the user to
 remove it again on runtime (toggle)

 so i init my map like this:

 private static MapTypeControl mapTypeControl = new MapTypeControl();
 private static ScaleControl scaleControl = new ScaleControl();

 public void onModuleLoad() {

 further i got two functions to add/remove the controls via javascript:

public static void removeControls() {
Maps.logWrite(going to removeControls());

public static void addControls() {

 note: when i run the funtion via js, i even get the log! but the
 control does not get removed.

 * all functions defined in this block will be visible as JavaScript
 * functions in the map (html)
public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{
$wnd.removeControls =;
$wnd.addControls =;

 any ideas whats going wrong?

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on UsingOOPHM in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by

@elmacho: for me the plugin is not even installing - ubuntu 9.04, 64bit, ff  

it complains about being not for this version (which obviously is true ;) )

did you do anything else to get it working? i still don't get the tab in  
the debug mode when i start firefox with the url posted in the eclipse  

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-08 Thread Konstantin.Scheglov

 * Changes to the distribution: Note that there's only one download,
 and it's no longer platform-specific. You download the same zip file
 for every development platform. This is made possible by the new
 plugin approach used to implement development mode (see below). The
 distribution file does not include the browser plugins themselves;
 those are downloaded separately the first time you use development
 mode in a browser that doesn't have the plugin installed.

  Does not work for me on Vista x64.

  FF 3.5.3 can not install plugin.
  When I try to install extension, it goes further, but still fails
with some deferred binding exception.

  oophm.dll just can not be registered, may be because of x64?


[gwt-contrib] Comment on UiBinder in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by dygger:

@jgw I think it makes sense to have view objects initialized from a .ui.xml  
file as a whole. Since `DialogBox` is a view, why do I have to describe  
dialog's content in xml and at the same time initialize dialog itself (set  
its caption, other view related properties like animationEnabled etc) in my  

And more general question: I am trying to understand if it is possible to  
follow MVP pattern with UiBinder, e.g. can I follow practices described at  
Google I/O and in   
this blog]?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: Announcing GWT 2.0 Milestone 1

2009-10-08 Thread Konstantin.Scheglov

On 8 окт, 17:46, John Tamplin wrote:

   FF 3.5.3 can not install plugin.
   When I try to install extension, it goes further, but still fails
  with some deferred binding exception.

 Can you clarify what you mean here?  When you try and install the FF3.5
 plugin from the Missing Plugin page, what happens?

 What is the deferred binding exception you get?

  Here is exception (how it is copied from Swing) when I try Mail
  Hello sample works.

00:00:27,541 [ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class (see associated exception for
java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
'$Binder' (did you forget to
inherit a required module?) at
at   at   at
java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName
(  at
(  at
(  at
( at
( at
619) Caused by:
(see previous log entries)  at   at
( at
(   at
(  at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)  at
java.lang.Class.forName( at
(  at
(  at
(  at
( at
( at

 Are you running a special 64-bit build of Firefox?  The official builds are
 only 32-bit and that is all we support at the moment.

  No, I use 32-bit FireFox, just x64 OS.

  oophm.dll just can not be registered, may be because of x64?

 Correct -- that is a 32-bit DLL and will not work with a 64-bit IE.  The
 simple attempt at compiling the same thing in 64-bit mode (the oophm64.dll
 listed below) does not work, and it will probably be a while before that can
 be addressed.

  I've downloaded
but regsvr32 oophm64.dll still fails because Can not call
DllRegisterServer, error code 0x80070005.


[gwt-contrib] Comment on UiBinder in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by dygger:

BTW, I have found a workaround for the DialogBox problem.

At first I had to create a subclass for DialogBox implementing HasWidgets  

public class HasWidgetsDialogBox extends
 implements HasWidgets {
 public void add(Widget w) {
 Widget widget = getWidget();
 if (widget != null  widget instanceof HasWidgets) {
 ((HasWidgets) getWidget()).add(w);
 } else {

Then goes my test Dialog (note it is the owner of its controls):

public class TestDialogBox extends HasWidgetsDialogBox {

 interface MyUiBinder extends UiBinderTestDialogBox, TestDialogBox {

 private static MyUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyUiBinder.class);

 Label labelTextToServer;
 Label labelServerResponse;
 Button buttonClose;

 public TestDialogBox() {

 protected TestDialogBox createDialog() {
 return this;

 protected void doClose(ClickEvent event) {

And finally corresponding .ui.xml:
gwt:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
 my:TestDialogBox text=Remote Procedure Call animationEnabled=true
 gwt:VerticalPanel horizontalAlignment=ALIGN_RIGHT
 bSending name to the server:/b
 gwt:Label ui:field=labelTextToServer /
 bServer replies:/b
 gwt:Label ui:field=labelServerResponse/
 gwt:Button ui:field=buttonClose text=Close/

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Comment on UsingOOPHM in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by tamplinjohn:

What is the exact message it gives you when rejecting the addon?

I don't have an Ubuntu9 machine to test on, but you could try and see if  
the version with alternate libraries (needed for Fedora 10 at least) works:

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Re: GWT OOPHM Plugin for IE Windows Installer

2009-10-08 Thread jat

I have not looked at the code, only running the installer.

- OOPHM everywhere, never saw a mention of GWT Development Mode Plugin
- Icon looks lousy
   we have large ones available that can be scaled to the size you need

Other than that, looks good.


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6322 committed - Add better error handling for future protocol version where we support...

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6322
Date: Thu Oct  8 08:49:57 2009
Log: Add better error handling for future protocol version where we support
downloading the real plugin via a shim plugin.


Tue Oct  6 15:59:35 2009
Thu Oct  8 08:49:57 2009
@@ -157,7 +157,9 @@



  private final int id;

Wed Oct  7 09:24:31 2009
Thu Oct  8 08:49:57 2009
@@ -294,6 +294,13 @@
  moduleName = loadModule.getModuleName();
  userAgent = loadModule.getUserAgent();
+logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, Plugin download not supported yet);
+// We can't clear the socket since we don't know how to interpret  
+// message yet -- it is only here now so we can give a better error
+// message with mixed versions once it is supported.
+new FatalErrorMessage(this, Plugin download not  
  logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, Unexpected message type  + type
  + ; expecting CheckVersions);


[gwt-contrib] Comment on UiBinder in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by

I agree on the DialogBox use case, and will try to make it work. Thanks for  
the workaround.

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Comment on UiBinder in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by

Oh, and yes: UiBinder gets along just fine with MVP. One thing I want to  
start experimenting with is having binder instances injected by GIN, e.g.:

MyView extends Widget {
   public interface Binder extends UiBinderMyView, Widget {}
   private static final Binder defaultBinder = GWT.create(Binder.class);

   public MyView() {

   public MyView(Binder binder) {

Although this will require making UiFields public, which is kind of gross.

Are you running into any particular problems?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6323 committed - Various fixes for deRPC....

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6323
Date: Thu Oct  8 10:06:39 2009
Log: Various fixes for deRPC.
- If an array type is artificially rescued, it should rescue its component  
- Don't generate bad RPC proxy code if the legacy type-elision flag is set.
- Correctly handle CustomFieldSerializers that write null Strings.

Patch by: bobv
Review by: jgw (desk)


Mon Jul  6 14:45:31 2009
Thu Oct  8 10:06:39 2009
@@ -102,6 +102,15 @@
if (collectTypes) {
  referencedTypes = Lists.add(referencedTypes, className);
+  boolean isArray = false;
+  while (className.endsWith([])) {
+className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 2);
+if (collectTypes) {
+  referencedTypes = Lists.add(referencedTypes, className);
+isArray = true;
+  }

if (!reportErrors) {
  // Nothing else to do
@@ -110,11 +119,6 @@

// Goal (2)
// Strip off any array-like extensions and just find base type
-  boolean isArray = false;
-  while (className.endsWith([])) {
-className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 2);
-isArray = true;
-  }

// Fix JSNI primitive type names to something JDT will understand
if (isArray  className.length() == 1) {
--- /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/rpc/rebind/  Tue Jul 
21 14:50:34 2009
+++ /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/rpc/rebind/  Thu Oct 
8 10:06:39 2009
@@ -111,6 +111,11 @@
  + .create() : null;);
+  @Override
+  protected void generateStreamWriterOverride(SourceWriter srcWriter) {
+// Intentional no-op. Called if elideTypeNames is on, which is ignored
+  }

protected void generateTypeHandlers(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext  

Mon Jul  6 16:17:17 2009

Thu Oct  8 10:06:39 2009
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@

public String readString() throws SerializationException {
-return readNextCommand(StringValueCommand.class).getValue();
+return (String) readObject();

private T extends ValueCommand T readNextCommand(ClassT clazz)


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6324 committed - Merge r6323 into snapshot branch....

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6324
Date: Thu Oct  8 10:32:14 2009
Log: Merge r6323 into snapshot branch.
$ svn merge -c 6323


[gwt-contrib] Comment on UsingOOPHM in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by myonceinalifetime:

I got debugging to work!

I created a new GWT web app with the Eclipse google plugin using GWT 2.0MS1  
as the SDK. This is what most likely solved my problem. Simply changing a  
project from GWT 1.7.1 to 2.0 must not be making all the necessary changes  
to the auto generated files to be properly compatible. Obviously this sort  
of thing will be ironed out for release.

Then I needed to first launch (not a debug launch) the newly created GWT  
web app (with the default app still intact). I tried this with a browser  
that did not have the plugin installed (FF3.5) and when navigating to the  
URL it auto directed me to the plugin install web page and after installing  
the plugin the web app was rendered correctly. Note that at this point I  
have not compiled the app so the plugin is indeed doing its job! The java  
code is what is interacting synchronously with the browser instead of the  
compiled JS!

Note that I had first attempted to launch the app in debug mode which gave  
me 3 errors related to the Appengine (  
yet eclipse could not resolve but those  
errors went away as soon as I did a non debug launch. In other words, the  
app was able to do a debug launch only after doing a regular launch.

With the debug launch successful I was able to hit a breakpoint in the  
onModuleLoad method of this default web app! I then copied all the required  
files from my previous project into this new one. Once again I was able to  
hit a breakpoint on the onModuleLoad method!

I am very excited to have this working!

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6325 committed - Update branch-info.txt.

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6325
Date: Thu Oct  8 10:35:28 2009
Log: Update branch-info.txt.


--- /branches/snapshot-2009.10.06-r6307/branch-info.txt Wed Oct  7 08:02:09  
+++ /branches/snapshot-2009.10.06-r6307/branch-info.txt Thu Oct  8 10:35:28  
@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@

+/trunk/@6323 was merged (r6324) into this branch
+  $ svn merge -c 6323


[gwt-contrib] Teach Image about ImageResource

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr

Reviewers: jlabanca,

John, can you take this?

Please review this at

Affected files:
   M build.xml
   M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/javac/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/rpc/rebind/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
   M user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
   A user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/prettyPiccy.png


[gwt-contrib] Re: Teach Image about ImageResource

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr

WHOA! Nevermind,  git diff problems.


[gwt-contrib] Teach Image about ImageResource

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr

Reviewers: jlabanca,

Okay, ready for my close up Mr. Labanca

Please review this at

Affected files:
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
   M user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
   A user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/prettyPiccy.png


[gwt-contrib] Re: Teach Image about ImageResource

2009-10-08 Thread jlabanca


But consider the one comment
File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ (right):
Line 355: public Image(ImageResource resource) {
I think it would be better to call the other constructor to to avoid
duplication of code.


[gwt-contrib] Re: Teach Image about ImageResource

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr

Committed r6327


[gwt-contrib] Re: Switch CssResource to strict-by-default mode

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr


Just nits.
File user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/client/ (right):
Line 120: * The {...@code @external} at-rule can be used in strict mode to
indicate that
did you mean {...@literal @external}? Also, {...@literal @}external works just
File user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/rg/
Line 716: @SuppressWarnings(deprecation)
Should comment why this was needed.


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6329 committed - Adding UrlBuilder and using it in Showcase and GwtTestCase so we don't...

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6329
Date: Thu Oct  8 13:06:28 2009
Log: Adding UrlBuilder and using it in Showcase and GwtTestCase so we don't  
remove gwt.hosted parameter in URLs.

Patch by: jlabanca
Review by: jat


--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/http/client/  Thu Oct  8  
13:06:28 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may  
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  
copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,  
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations  
+ * the License.
+ */
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+ * Utility class to build a URL from components.
+ *
+ * TODO(jlabanca): Add a constructor that parses an existing URL
+ */
+public class UrlBuilder {
+  /**
+   * The port to use when no port should be specified.
+   */
+  public static final int PORT_UNSPECIFIED = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+  /**
+   * A mapping of query parameters to their values.
+   */
+  private MapString, String[] listParamMap = new HashMapString,  
+  private String protocol = http;
+  private String host = null;
+  private int port = PORT_UNSPECIFIED;
+  private String path = null;
+  private String hash = null;
+  /**
+   * Build the URL and return it as an encoded string.
+   *
+   * @return the encoded URL string
+   */
+  public String buildString() {
+StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();
+// http://
+if (host != null) {
+  url.append(host);
+if (port != PORT_UNSPECIFIED) {
+  url.append(:).append(port);
+if (path != null  !.equals(path)) {
+  url.append(/).append(path);
+// Generate the query string.
+char prefix = '?';
+for (Map.EntryString, String[] entry : listParamMap.entrySet()) {
+  for (String val : entry.getValue()) {
+if (val != null) {
+  url.append(val);
+prefix = '';
+  }
+if (hash != null) {
+  url.append(#).append(hash);
+return URL.encode(url.toString());
+  }
+  /**
+   * Remove a query parameter from the map.
+   *
+   * @param name the parameter name
+   */
+  public UrlBuilder removeParameter(String name) {
+return this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set the hash portion of the location (ex. myAnchor or #myAnchor).
+   *
+   * @param hash the hash
+   */
+  public UrlBuilder setHash(String hash) {
+if (hash != null  hash.startsWith(#)) {
+  hash = hash.substring(1);
+this.hash = hash;
+return this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set the host portion of the location (ex. You can also  
+   * the port in this method (ex. localhost:).
+   *
+   * @param host the host
+   */
+  public UrlBuilder setHost(String host) {
+// Extract the port from the host.
+if (host != null  host.contains(:)) {
+  String[] parts = host.split(:);
+  if (parts.length  2) {
+throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+Host contains more than one colon:  + host);
+  }
+  try {
+  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+throw new IllegalArgumentException(Could not parse port out of  
++ host);
+  }
+  host = parts[0];
+} = host;
+return this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * p
+   * Set a query parameter to a list of values. Each value in the list  
will be
+   * added as its own key/value pair.
+   *
+   * p
+   * h3Example Output/h3
+   * code?mykey=value0mykey=value1mykey=value2/code
+   * /p
+   *

[gwt-contrib] Empty Anchor uses incorrect javascript syntax

2009-10-08 Thread jlabanca

Reviewers: Ray Ryan,

The Anchor widget defaults its href to javascript: if no href is
specified to prevent a blank page from loading.  However, this causes
FF2 to open the error console with no error message.

Changed the href to the correct value javascript:;.  Notice the ; on
the end to close the javascript expression.

Verified this works on all browsers.

Please review this at

Affected files:

Index: user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/
--- user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/  (revision 6326)
+++ user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/  (working copy)
@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@
 * Creates an anchor for scripting.
-   * The anchor's href is set to codejavascript:/code, based on the
+   * The anchor's href is set to codejavascript:;/code, based on the
 * expectation that listeners will be added to the anchor.
 * @param text the anchor's text
public Anchor(String text) {
-this(text, javascript:);
+this(text, javascript:;);

@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 * @param asHtml codetrue/code to treat the specified text as html
public Anchor(String text, boolean asHtml) {
-this(text, asHtml, javascript:);
+this(text, asHtml, javascript:;);



[gwt-contrib] Comment on UiBinder in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by sven.tiffe:


is there a way to bind more than one element to a method, e.g.

   protected void updateLogin(KeyUpEvent event) {

And is there anything planned for two-way bindings? I was playing around  
with gwittir but I was not very happy with it so far. I like the UIBinder  
approach which makes accessing the UI elements easier and saves a lot of  
code, but with gwitter i like in principle the two-way binding, converting,  
validating, etc. Any comment or idea?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Comment on UiBinder in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by

   @UiHandler({textField1, textField2})
   protected void updateLogin(KeyUpEvent event) {


For more information:


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6330 committed - Delay processing the -runStyle argument so JUnitShell's logger is avai...

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6330
Date: Thu Oct  8 14:16:26 2009
Log: Delay processing the -runStyle argument so JUnitShell's logger is  
for the runstyles.


Wed Oct  7 16:56:57 2009
Thu Oct  8 14:16:26 2009
@@ -850,6 +850,15 @@

protected abstract void doShutDownServer();

+  /**
+   * Perform any startup tasks, including initializing the UI (if any) and  
+   * logger, updates checker, and the development mode code server.
+   *
+   * pSubclasses that override this method should be careful what  
+   * are used before the super implementation is called.
+   *
+   * @return true if startup was successful
+   */
protected boolean doStartup() {
  // Create the main app window.
--- /changes/jat/abstractui/user/src/com/google/gwt/junit/   
Wed Oct  7 16:56:57 2009
+++ /changes/jat/abstractui/user/src/com/google/gwt/junit/   
Thu Oct  8 14:16:26 2009
@@ -189,42 +189,8 @@

  public boolean setString(String runStyleArg) {
-  String runStyleName = runStyleArg;
-  String args = null;
-  int colon = runStyleArg.indexOf(':');
-  if (colon = 0) {
-runStyleName = runStyleArg.substring(0, colon);
-args = runStyleArg.substring(colon + 1);
-  }
-  if (runStyleName.indexOf('.')  0) {
-runStyleName = RunStyle.class.getName() + runStyleName;
-  }
-  Throwable caught = null;
-  try {
-Class? clazz = Class.forName(runStyleName);
-Class? extends RunStyle runStyleClass = clazz.asSubclass(
-Constructor? extends RunStyle ctor =  
-runStyle = ctor.newInstance(JUnitShell.this);
-return runStyle.initialize(args);
-  } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-caught = e;
-  } catch (SecurityException e) {
-caught = e;
-  } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-caught = e;
-  } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-caught = e;
-  } catch (InstantiationException e) {
-caught = e;
-  } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-caught = e;
-  } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-caught = e;
-  }
-  throw new RuntimeException(Unable to create runStyle  +  
-  caught);
+  runStyleName = runStyleArg;
+  return true;

@@ -524,8 +490,6 @@
if (!argProcessor.processArgs(args)) {
  throw new JUnitFatalLaunchException(Error processing shell  
-  unitTestShell.finalizeArguments();
unitTestShell.messageQueue = new JUnitMessageQueue(

@@ -613,6 +577,12 @@
private RunStyle runStyle = null;

+  /**
+   * The argument passed to -runStyle.  This is parsed later so we can  
pass in
+   * a logger.
+   */
+  private String runStyleName = null;
private boolean shouldAutoGenerateResources = true;

@@ -672,6 +642,11 @@
  if (!super.doStartup()) {
return false;
+if (!createRunStyle()) {
+  // RunStyle already logged reasons for its failure
+  return false;
  if (!runStyle.setupMode(getTopLogger(), developmentMode)) {
getTopLogger().log(TreeLogger.ERROR, Run style does not support 
+ (developmentMode ? development : production) +  mode);
@@ -822,13 +797,52 @@

-   * Finish processing command line arguments.
+   * Create the specified (or default) runStyle.
+   *
+   * @return true if the runStyle was successfully created/initialized
-  private void finalizeArguments() {
-if (runStyle == null) {
+  private boolean createRunStyle() {
+if (runStyleName == null) {
// Default to HtmlUnit runstyle with no args
runStyle = new RunStyleHtmlUnit(this);

[gwt-contrib] Re: Empty Anchor uses incorrect javascript syntax

2009-10-08 Thread John LaBanca
FYI - I added another patch set.  It doesn't seem to send out an email to
that effect though

John LaBanca

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Ray Ryan wrote:

 That's why TDD is a good thing. Not that I've ever managed it.

 On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:52 PM, wrote:

 Forgot to update the tests :(


[gwt-contrib] Re: Empty Anchor uses incorrect javascript syntax

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6331 committed - Adding a semicolon to the javascript reference in empty Anchor widgets...

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6331
Date: Thu Oct  8 14:22:37 2009
Log: Adding a semicolon to the javascript reference in empty Anchor widgets  
to fix a FF2 bug where Anchor widgets open the error console.

Patch by: jlabanca
Review by: rjrjr


--- /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/   Fri May 15  
13:39:00 2009
+++ /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/   Thu Oct  8  
14:22:37 2009
@@ -74,26 +74,26 @@
 * Creates an anchor for scripting.
-   * The anchor's href is set to codejavascript:/code, based on the
+   * The anchor's href is set to codejavascript:;/code, based on the
 * expectation that listeners will be added to the anchor.
 * @param text the anchor's text
public Anchor(String text) {
-this(text, javascript:);
+this(text, javascript:;);

 * Creates an anchor for scripting.
-   * The anchor's href is set to codejavascript:/code, based on the
+   * The anchor's href is set to codejavascript:;/code, based on the
 * expectation that listeners will be added to the anchor.
 * @param text the anchor's text
 * @param asHtml codetrue/code to treat the specified text as html
public Anchor(String text, boolean asHtml) {
-this(text, asHtml, javascript:);
+this(text, asHtml, javascript:;);

--- /trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/  Thu Jul 
30 13:47:31 2009
+++ /trunk/user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/  Thu Oct 
8 14:22:37 2009
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
  assertEquals(1, DOM.getChildCount(p.getElement()));
  assertEquals(A, DOM.getChild(p.getElement(), 0).getTagName());
  assertEquals(Foo, anchor.getText());
-assertAttributeHasValue(javascript:, anchor.getElement(), href);
+assertAttributeHasValue(javascript:;, anchor.getElement(), href);

  for (String attribute : new String[]  
{name, id, rel, ref, target}) {
assertAttributeNotPresent(attribute, anchor.getElement());
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
  assertEquals(1, DOM.getChildCount(p.getElement()));
  assertEquals(A, DOM.getChild(p.getElement(), 0).getTagName());
  assertEquals(SPAN, DOM.getChild(anchor.getElement(),  
-assertAttributeHasValue(javascript:, anchor.getElement(), href);
+assertAttributeHasValue(javascript:;, anchor.getElement(), href);

  for (String attribute : new String[]  
{name, id, rel, ref, target}) {
assertAttributeNotPresent(attribute, anchor.getElement());


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6328 committed - Adding installer for OOPHM IE plugin.

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply
Revision: 6328
Date: Thu Oct  8 12:28:52 2009
Log: Adding installer for OOPHM IE plugin.


--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/plugins/ie/installer/COPYING.rtf Thu Oct  8 12:28:52 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
+{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20GOOGLE WEB  
+March 3, 2008\par
+The Google Web Toolkit software and sample code developed by Google is \par
+licensed under the Apache License, v. 2.0. Other software included in this  
+distribution is provided under other licenses, as listed in the Included  
+Software and Licenses section at the bottom of this page. Source code for  
+software included in this distribution is available from the Google Web  
+Toolkit project or as otherwise indicated at the bottom of this page. \par
+Please note that the executable version of the Google Web Toolkit \par
+distributed by Google will communicate with Google's servers to check for  
+available updates. If updates are available, you will receive the option  
to \par
+install them. \par
+Apache License\par
+Version 2.0, January 2004\par
+ \par
+1. Definitions.\par
+License shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and  
+distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. \par
+Licensor shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the \par
+copyright owner that is granting the License. \par
+Legal Entity shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other \par
+entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with  
+that entity. For the purposes of this definition, control means (i) the  
+power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such  
+entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty  
percent \par
+(50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of  
+such entity. \par
+You (or Your) shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising \par
+permissions granted by this License. \par
+Source form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, \par
+including but not limited to software source code, documentation source,  
and \par
+configuration files. \par
+Object form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation  
+or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled \par
+object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media  
types. \par
+Work shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object  
form, \par
+made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that  
is \par
+included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the  
Appendix \par
+below). \par
+Derivative Works shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form,  
+that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial  
+revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as  
a \par
+whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License,  
+Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or  
+merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and  
Derivative \par
+Works thereof. \par
+Contribution shall mean any work of authorship, including the original  
+version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or \par
+Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for  
+inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal  
+Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the \par
+purposes of this definition, submitted means any form of electronic, \par
+verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its \par
+representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic  
+mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems  
that \par
+are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of  
discussing \par
+and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously  
+marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as Not a  
+Contribution. \par
+Contributor shall 

[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6333 committed - Adds LINE_START and LINE_END to DockPanelParser in UiBinder...

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6333
Date: Thu Oct  8 18:15:53 2009
Log: Adds LINE_START and LINE_END to DockPanelParser in UiBinder

Internal contribution.
reviewed by: rjrjr


--- /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/parsers/
Tue Sep  1 15:14:29 2009
+++ /trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/parsers/
Thu Oct  8 18:15:53 2009
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@

public void parse(XMLElement elem, String fieldName, JClassType type,


[gwt-contrib] Introduces ui:image--ImageResource in UiBinder

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr

Reviewers: bobv, jgw,

Bob or Joel, could one of you grab this? Whoever gets there first...

Please review this at

Affected files:
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/parsers/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/parsers/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/
   A user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/model/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/model/
   A user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/model/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/sample/client/
   M user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/sample/client/WidgetBasedUi.ui.xml
   A user/src/com/google/gwt/uibinder/sample/client/prettyImage.png
   M user/test/com/google/gwt/uibinder/rebind/
   M user/test/com/google/gwt/uibinder/sample/client/


[gwt-contrib] Re: Introduces ui:image--ImageResource in UiBinder

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr

One note: GetEscapedInnerTextVisitor is just a rename of
GetInnerTextVisitor, no need for review beyond that.


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6334 committed - We don't need ui:apply after all

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6334
Date: Thu Oct  8 18:46:03 2009
Log: We don't need ui:apply after all


--- /wiki/ Sat Sep 26 07:07:46 2009
+++ /wiki/ Thu Oct  8 18:46:03 2009
@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@


-img ui:apply='{res.logoImage}'
+g:Image resource='{res.logoImage}'

  div class='{}'
-  div ui:apply='{}'
+  div class='{}'
  Well hello there
  span class='{}' ui:field='userNameField'/
@@ -288,12 +288,8 @@
  argument (as in this example), it must be instantiable by

-An element can be passed as an argument to a method on such resource
-class via the ui:apply attribute, as illustrated above with the Sprite and
-ImageResource uses. *(not yet implemented)*
-Note that there is no requirement that a with: class implement the
-ClientBundle interface, this is just an example.
+Note that there is no requirement that a ui:with resource implement
+the ClientBundle interface, this is just an example.

  =Share resource instances=


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r6335 committed - More plausible use of a sprite class

2009-10-08 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 6335
Date: Thu Oct  8 18:47:51 2009
Log: More plausible use of a sprite class


--- /wiki/ Thu Oct  8 18:46:03 2009
+++ /wiki/ Thu Oct  8 18:47:51 2009
@@ -243,7 +243,8 @@
  g:Image resource='{res.logoImage}'

  div class='{}'
-  div class='{}'
+  div class='{}' /
+  div
  Well hello there
  span class='{}' ui:field='userNameField'/


[gwt-contrib] Re: Switch CssResource to strict-by-default mode

2009-10-08 Thread rjrjr

And don't forget to update your wiki pages
