[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-11 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by krisajenkins:

I'm getting the same error as jdpatterson, and yes, my project has GWT   
App Engine enabled.  Any ideas?

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-10-05 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by rda...@google.com:

@jdpatterson: In GPE release 1.1.1, the plugin was fixed so that in the  
case of using OOPHM on the Mac, -XstartOnFirstThread is not automatically  
added to the launch arguments (which is the correct behavior).

Regarding the Memacache issue, you should be able to run your GWT + App  
Engine project in OOPHM mode without having to do any -noserver tricks.  
Does your project have both GWT and App Engine enabled?

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-09-30 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by jdpatterson:

Using Eclipse 3.5 and Safari I have the UI working using the above  
instructions.  Why does the -XstartOnFirstThread not get added here?  Is  
this a problem only with the Google plugin launch?

Also, when my server side code tried to use Memcache there was a  
NullPointerException thrown on Namespace.get().  It seems that the app  
engine server environment was not set up for some reason so I needed to add  
-noserver to the GWT launch and run a separate launch for the server using  
the Google plugin without GWT.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-09-06 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by jon.hanson:

Thanks monika7, those steps appear to have worked for me.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-09-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by moni...@gmail.com:

I just upgraded my Mac to Snow Leopard and faced the dreaded Java 1.5 vs  
GWT issue. There is of course no Java 5 on Snow Leopard.

I am going to setup my Eclipse 3.5 and GWT 1.7 (which comes with its own  
distribution of GWT jar files in the plugin) so the instructions at the top  
of the page don't exactly match my setup. I think I should be able to do it  
on my own, but if someone went already through the process and doesn't mind  
sharing instructions, please post them here.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-09-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by moni...@gmail.com:

Here are instructions for Eclipse 3.5, with Google Plugin version 1.1  
(which comes with it own distribution of GWT) on Snow Leopard, using  
Firefox 3.5.

1. Checkout and build GWT code according to instructions posted here (run  
just dist-dev goal):  

2. Copy and expand trunk/build/dist/gwt-mac-0.0.0.tar.gz to a separate  
directory (let's call it 'gwt-mac-trunk') like any other stand alone  
distribution of GWT.

3. Add the new version of GWT to your Eclipse configuration:
3.1 Select Eclipse - Preferences - Google - Web Toolkit
3.2 Click Add... and select installation directory for gwt-mac-trunk  
(accept default name).
3.3 Click OK. You should have now second SDK configured.
3.4 Select newly created SDK and click OK one more time to close Eclipse  
settings screen.

4. Configure runtime classpath
4.1 Choose Run - Run Configurations
4.2 Choose the project name you are going to run using OOPHM and click on  
Classpath tab
4.3 Select User Entries and click Add External Jars...
4.4 Add gwt-dev-oophm.jar from gwt-mac-trunk and make sure, the jar is  
positioned after src but BEFORE project name(default classpath) entry
4.4 Save changes and run the project.

5. Chances are, you are going to get a message that the browser OOPHM  
plugin is missing even if you installed it, because you don't have the  
development version installed. Uninstall the previous version of the plugin  
and follow the link provided in the message to install the new one.

6. After restarting your browser and restarting the project in the Eclipse,  
you should get the following message in the console window:
http://localhost:8080/Hello.html?gwt.hosted=your IP address:9997 (note  
that in my case I had to use my real IP and not just

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-15 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

I've posted an issue on this, but thought I would cite it here in case  
anyone wanders by.  Safari 4 (and probably Safari 3, I haven't tested)  
crashes frequently with OOPHM.


This appears to be a simple disconnection problem (the plugin  
disconnecting/reconnecting) to OOPHM.  If one of you google guys could look  
at it, it would be great.  Better yet, if you can check-in the browser  
plugin code into SVN, I'll fix it! :-)  Yes, it's really annoying me.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-15 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by colesbury:

The OOPHM browser plugin code is at:

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-15 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by tamplinjohn:

The WebKit code is current there (and I think IE as well), but that branch  
does not contain the latest XPCOM code.  I thought we had decided on where  
the plugin code should go, but recent discussions about how the 2.0 release  
is going to work appear to have changed that, so it hasn't been checked  
into trunk yet.

If you do fix a problem with the WebKit plugin, post it on that issue and  
someone will look at it.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-13 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

As far as I can tell, my launch configuration has only those things.   
Including use of the automatic GWT SDK classpath entry.  So here's my next  
question.  When you speak of launch configurations, and not allowing the  
eclipse plugin to manage them, you are talking about creating a raw [Java  
Application] launcher that launches hosted mode, or still using the [Web  
Application] launcher, but with the above classpath settings?  Because I  
have been doing the later.  Now I'm looking at doing the former.   Right  

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-13 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

As far as I can tell, my launch configuration has only those things.  
Including use of the automatic GWT SDK classpath entry. So here's my next  
question. When you speak of launch configurations, and not allowing the  
eclipse plugin to manage them, you are talking about creating a raw Java  
Application launcher that launches hosted mode, or still using the Web  
Application launcher, but with the above classpath settings? Because I have  
been doing the later. Now I'm looking at doing the former. Right track?

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-13 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

BTW, I do have FF3.5 present on my system, but it is not the default  
browser.  However, I note that OOPHM will automatically try to launch  
firefox, is this going to be a problem?

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-13 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

To answer my own question, and for other users having the same issue, this  
worked: I created a standard Java Application launch configuration, using  
com.google.gwt.dev.HostedMode as the Main class, and the above recommended  
classpath.  You'll have to get the command arguments right, but you're  
bright enough to figure that out.  Having done that, it would appear to  

It was never clear to me when reading the instructions before (maybe I  
should have read more carefully) that a Web Application launch  
configuration could no longer be used.  A Java Application launch  
configuration is required.  That's the magic sauce.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-12 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

John, I really appreciate your help.  So, don't take this the wrong way,  
but from what I saw at Google IO there are a lot of Mac user's of GWT  
internally at Google.  Is it possible to get a Google developer who is a  
Mac user on this thread?  I have tried everything suggested here (and  
elsewhere), and still get the spinning pinwheel on the OOPHM console.

According to kugutsumen over on the UsingOOPHM wiki page, there is a bug in  
Eclipse that prevents removing -XstartOnFirstThread from actually doing  
anything (it still get's added automatically by Eclipse apparently).  If  
that is the case, how do Google developers who are Mac user's use GWT?   
According to some of the sessions at Google IO, almost all projects there  
are running from the trunk, so surely they must have encountered this issue  
(and possible have a workaround?).

Thanks for the help.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-12 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by tamplinjohn:

That is why I asked Ray to write this Mac-specific page in the first place,  
as he uses OOPHM on a Mac regularly.  However, most of us do not use the  
Eclipse plugin because currently it can't really be used for working *on*  
GWT (rather than *with* GWT).

The bug you mention is a feature, where Eclipse helpfully adds  
-XstartOnFirstThread for SWT apps (which is required for them to work, but  
breaks Swing apps).  I don't know the precise trigger for that, but it  
appears to be if it sees the SWT classes on your classpath, which is why I  
suggested removing the SWT classes from gwt-dev-mac.jar and then pointing  
the plugin at the hacked GWT install.

We will be removing legacy hosted mode support (and therefore SWT) from GWT  
2.0, so this shouldn't be an issue within the next month -- of course that  
doesn't help you today.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-12 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by mmastrac:

brett - we use OOPHM + Google's Eclispe plugin on Macs daily here. What  
we've done is create our own launch configs that reference the appropriate  
GWT libs rather than allowing the eclipse plugin to manage them.

The classpath in the target is (only include these exact items!):

1. source paths for project
2. binary path for project (used for any generators you might have)
3. gwt-oophm
4. GWT SDK from google's eclipse plugin

If you are using FF3.5, the OOPHM available publicly won't work. We built  
our own FF3.5 OOPHM using an updated version of the xulrunner SDK.

We're using this day-to-day with zero trouble. It's actually the same  
launch config we've used from GWT 1.4. When Google's eclipse plugin was  
released, we replaced the gwt-dev-mac with the automatic GWT SDK classpath  
entry. With trunk, we just added gwt-dev-oophm above the SDK classpath  

One other thing to note: you might also have JVM args under Workspace   
Prefs  Java  Installed JREs  ...  Default VM arguments.

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-10 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

Thanks for the write-up.  Couple of things.

I'm checked out from the truck, but there is no dev-dist target.  A  
simple 'ant' seems to suffice for building gwt, though possibly building  
more than necessary.

I'm using the Eclipse plugin from the main site.  Should I be building this  

Missing step above?  Go to Preferences-Google-Web Toolkit and add the  
toolkit from the trunk.  GWT itself is not checked out in my Eclipse  
workspace.  Should it be?  I checked it out and built on the command line  
only.  As a result, step 2,3,4 don't make much sense, making me think your  
recipe is indeed describing a workspace where GWT is checked out along-side  
my project.  Correct?

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-10 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

I should note that it kind of works on my Mac.  However, over the GWT  
Hosted Mode window is a constant pinwheel cursor.  I can't click on  
anything.  I would have thought maybe this is due to the Swing client, but  
there certainly is no -XstartOnFirstThread in my arguments.  Is it because  
of SWT (e.g. step 4 was not possible because I don't have GWT in my  

Is there a guide anywhere to setting up the GWT source in Eclipse itself.   
There don't appear to be top-level eclipse projects.  So I need to generate  
projects form ant files etc?

For more information:


[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-10 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by brett.wooldridge:

I should note that it kind of works on my Mac. However, over the GWT Hosted  
Mode window is a constant pinwheel cursor. I can't click on anything. I  
would have thought maybe this is due to the Swing client, but there  
certainly is no -XstartOnFirstThread? in my arguments. Is it because of SWT  
(e.g. step 4 was not possible because I don't have GWT in my workspace)?

Is there a guide anywhere to setting up the GWT source in Eclipse itself.  
There don't appear to be top-level eclipse projects. Do I need to generate  
projects form ant files etc?

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[gwt-contrib] Comment on OophmForMacBasedGwtContributors in google-web-toolkit

2009-07-10 Thread codesite-noreply

Comment by tamplinjohn:

Typo -- the correct target is dist-dev, not dev-dist.

See eclipse/README.txt for setting up Eclipse for working with GWT.

The Google Eclipse plugin doesn't have any support for using an Eclipse  
project for GWT currently (you have to point it at a GWT distribution  
directory), so I believe you will have to actually unjar gwt-dev-mac.jar,  
rm -rf org/eclipse/swt, and rejar it.  I don't use a Mac so I haven't  
tested it.

For more information:
