Re: [h-cost] h-costume Digest, Vol 14, Issue 53

2015-12-20 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

On 12/17/2015 2:00 PM   Fran said:

Everything takes longer than it was supposed to.

Amen, sistah!  Preach it!  We ordered 4 replacement windows for the 
livingroom of our 1960 ranch on May 5.  Installation was finally 
finished on Nov 23.  The first set arrived broken, the second set had 2 
flawed windows that weren't discovered until after the whole wall & 
exterior cladding was completely installed, and we went through another 
set of 2 replacements coming in with massively visible problems everly 3 
1/2 weeks until Thanksgiving week.  Don't order Vista brand windows 
until there's evidence that they've fixed their manufacturing & 
inspection problems!

Mary Piero Carey
aka Lady Maria of Alderford
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] request for Advice on a Pattern

2015-04-03 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Has anyone used Rocking Horse Farm's Sleeveless Surcoat pattern?  I've 
got some lovely gold & silver brocade that should be just barely 
enough.  But the instructions are EXTREMELY sketchy & the seam marks 
don't seem to match.  Nor do some of the little dots for the pleats.   
I've cut a muslin, but I'm having no luck with the under-arm area.  
There must be a pleat, but there is the oddest little jaggedy bit I 
can't figure what to do with no matter how I fold things.  I'm about 
ready to throw up my hands & redraft the bl**dy thing.  But I don't know 
this period well enough to guess what should be going on in the side panel.

I'd be very grateful for any input.


Mary Piero Carey
aka Lady Maria of Alderford
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] early 20th Century Franco-American weddings

2014-01-01 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Has anyone asked an old priest or nun from the area?  I'll bet somone 
from the diocese office would know.  Or is there a near-by convent?  I'd 
ask at the monastery down the street, but I'm 800 miles away & most of 
the Catholics around here are German, Italian or Irish.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing today?

2013-09-13 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
On the dummy: An unfinished pirate shirt, an embroidered peasant top 
that needs cut down in size, an odd little jacket I'm contemplating 
something steampunky about, all of the Dear Hubby's shirts I need to 
iron, but can't get to until the duct-suckers leave.  (And my goodness, 
aren't they a Decorative pair of young men!)  There is a windbreaker 
getting new cuffs, and a knitted scarf that's about 4 rows from casting 
off sitting on my table beside the recliner.  There's a giant 
dreamcatcher-like object from a yard sale in the laundry room waiting 
for a few new bits of suede ties to repair its webbing.  There's an 
amazingly small bundle of assorted mending on the to-do pile, just hem & 
button repairs, dead elastics etc.  4 lengths of jewel-toned velvets in 
a comforter's plastic zip-bag sitting on the Bowflex awaiting mail order 
bias binding in colors I can't get from JoAnn's.  Those will be Xmas 
tree skirts & other holiday dress-things-up-by-swathing-them-in-color 
objects.  I just love the plastic bags that bedding comes in.  They make 
such good project bags!  On the Work-On-This-Next-Pile: an Indian 
embroidered tote bag that needs some interior pockets & dividers to be 
usable, and a dead purse with a beautiful South American cross-stitch 
panel I need to salvage.  Heaven only knows what else I'm gonna find to 
work on after I move everything back from where I stashed it so the 
workmen could get at all the vents & the carpet cleaners can do their 
thing!  Which reminds me - where the devil did the fabric for the 
black-out curtains for the recroom get to?

What's fizzing in my mind are quilt projects.  Dear Hubby surprized me 
with a stop at Quilt National on our daytrip to Athens Ohio last week, 
and now a bunch of old ideas have come forward from the back of my head 
and are jostling for attention I don't have time to give them.  (argh!)  
I don't generally much like contemporary textile art, but this show had 
some extraordinary work.  I need to get some sketches done before the 
stimuli fades.  Just what I need - another project!

And oh, yeah, the Autocrat for our shire's big mid-winter event wants to 
have tabards for the servers & lots of hangings for the hall.  The new 
King is from here, & she wants to up our game.


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] costume exhibit book

2013-02-01 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

me! Me!
put me on the list, too!

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Holiday loot

2013-01-16 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Dear Hubby gave me Elephant's Breath & London Smoke by Deb Salisbury.  
Squeee!!!  I swear, I can't glance at a page without finding something 

Then, sadly, we went to Backlist Books' closing sale (BOO HOO) and came 
home with enough science fiction, fantasy, art & Beatles books to fill 
my largest laundry basket.  (Hurray)

Oh, and when we were on vacation in New Mexico, I picked up the Young 
Brides, Old Treasures: Macedonian Embroidered Dress catalog when we saw 
the exhibit at the International Folk Art Museum.  Mind-boggling embroidery!

My "To Read" pile just got delightfully bigger!


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Our knowlege of whips...

2012-07-01 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Ginni said:

The foregoing is courtesy of a misspent youth in which I read copious amounts 
of Georgette Heyer.

Ginni, Ginni, NO time spent reading Georgette Heyer is mispent!

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] lining embroidery

2012-05-23 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
I was thinking of something along that line.  The back of the embrodery 
is so thick & uneven that I'm dubious about using fusibles.  Also, the 
metallic threads give me pause.  It is the ends of the metallics that 
are scratching, an I don't trust them not to melt in an ugly way if I 
apply enough heat to fuse properly.  And if I don't get a proper fuse, 
I'll just have to hand-stitch anyway!  But a patch of something smooth & 
pre-shrunk attached to the wrong-side of the motifs should be doable.

Sharon C. said:

Fusible backing with thin linen on the inside. Non scratchy and cool.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] %$#&* irons!

2012-05-22 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Yes, many times that's just what I do.  But I should not have to!  What 
torques my temper is that I had irons all through the 70s & 80s that DID 
NOT DO THIS, and I abused them far worse than my last several irons.  
There is NO D@MN BLUIDY excuse for purportedly high-end modern irons to 
fail in this way when cheap irons made 40 years ago didn't fail this way.

Mary, muttering grumbling & grousing

On 5/21/2012 10:18 PM, wrote:

Use the iron dry, do not fill, do not put on "steam", use a spray or
sprinkle bottle separately.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing today?

2012-05-20 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Mine is still wearing most of what she had on the last time this 
question got asked.  The pirate shirt awaiting buttonholes 
is now on top.  Most of the current action is from the mending baskets.  
Several snaggy neckties fixed, an embroidered blouse's unruly facing 
tacked down, replacement elastic waistbands going in, a pair of pants 
that needs a new waistband & probably hemming.  I found the UFO box that 
has the summer clothes that need work.  I can't stand the scratchiness 
of the embroidery on a couple of outfits I bought in Florida the last 
time we went down for a shuttle launch, so, I need to devise a partial 
lining that won't make them too hot.  And the new bedroom window 
treatments... And a bunch of embroidered Xmas ornaments that need 
finished.  They look like little pillows with hanging loops.  The 
embroidery is one of my favorite things.  The stuffing - not so much.

Good thing I've got a vacation starting next week!

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] %$#&* irons!

2012-05-20 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Fran complained about modern irons.

Amen, Sistah!   Not to mention the handles that have a sharp seam 
EXACTLY where it will chafe a sore spot onto your thumb if you need to 
iron for longer than it takes to touch up a permapress blouse you forgot 
in the dryer overnight.  And what is it with the spitting & dripping?  
They had that solved back in the 70s!  I wouldn't mind the inactivity 
cut-off, if you could disable it for sewing sessions.  The last thing in 
the world I need is an iron that cools off during a seam!

Mary, the equally exasperated

p.s.  I seem to recall a catalog with some old-fashioned irons in it -- 
maybe Vermont Country Store?  I'll have to go look.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] What's your dressmaker?'s dummy wearing today?

2012-03-14 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
A pair of pants & shirt that need minor repairs.  BUT, on the floor 
beside beside it is the fabric I scored at a church sale!
(A local church had a member who had a MAJOR stash and when she decided 
she couldn't sew anymore, donated it to the church.  It took them 2 
weeks to measure it for the sale.)

So, white linen & cotton for chemises; fuschia, teal & black wool & 
cotton heavy knits (some of it Pendleton!) suitable for suits & pants.  
Brown linen for a tunic, or maybe mundane pants; enough white drapery 
sheers yardage to veil the whole frelling Barony, /including/ the belly 
dancers.  Some Stretch & Sew bathing suit & blouse patterns for a 
quarter a piece.

And, best of all, a 4yd, 60 wide  light blue piece of heaviest weight 
Ultrasuede for $20 BUCKS.   I will Never wear that 
color, but it is my best friend's favorite shade and she fondled it but 
didn't buy.  So I did buy it & I put it in her bag, saying, "here's your 
Xmas present".  It just revolted my soul (as a former Joann's employee) 
to leave that buttery soft piece of gorgeousness behind!

So, now I'm at /least/ 8 projects further behind!  But d@mn, that woman 
had Taste!

Mary Piero Carey aka Maria of Alderford
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Costume Con travel

2012-02-07 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Well, if it makes any difference to your decision, you could crash here 
along the way.  I'm definitely not going,  and we would be 
happy to be a waystation for Easterners passing through Ohio.  If your 
route involves Routes 30, 43,  77, 71, or the Ohio or Pennsylvania 
turnpikes, my house might be convenient.  We can provide anything from a 
bathroom break to overnight parking for large RVs.  I've got a guest 
bedroom, couches, recliners, camping mattresses, goodly amounts of floor 
space, a huge screen porch & lots of space for pitching tents, should 
that be your desire.  (There are also multiple sewing machines & ironing 
boards for last minute construction blitzes! )

If anyone is passing through & think you might be ready for a meal break 
or sleep break in my vicinity, by all means get hold of me!  We LOVE 

Mary Piero Carey
Canton, Ohio

Penny said:

We are considering it.  Would love to drive there from the East coast but
don't know just yet.


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] salt shopping

2011-11-04 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Thanks for all the ideas, folks!

One of my local groceries finally got in some canning/pickling salt at a 
normal price.  So, I'm hoping to get this done this weekend.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] salt shopping

2011-11-03 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Fran said:

If you are asking where to buy uniodized salt, I just get it at the

local supermarket.

Well, that's what I did the last time, but this year, several of the 
local stores didn't have any uniodized salt, and the ones that did were 
charging premium prices for it!

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Salt Source

2011-10-30 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Yep, dyeing.  I've got a batch of stuff I want to overdye black.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] yearbooks

2011-10-06 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Oooh, how interesting!  Our yearbooks (N.E. Ohio) routinely had lots of 
pictures of sporting events & dances & the plays & any outing the 
various clubs went away on.   Did your school not do that?  Our 
individual portrait shots were taken at the photo studio contracted in 
any given year by the school to do it.  Though, if (for example) Rossi's 
won the bid & you didn't like their work, you could go to Troup & Pluto 
(or wherever) & have them send Rossi's the shot.  Where did you go to 
high school?

Cathy Raymond said: Yearbooks might, or might not, do any good. When the 
girls' yearbook photos were taken at my high school, they merely draped 
our busts with a piece of velvet; we did not wear our prom gowns or 
anything like that.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Salt Source

2011-10-06 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Oooh, good idea, I had forgotten about that Amish-inclined bulk store about 8 
miles away!  And I might actually have time to get over there this weekend!  
Thank you!

Mary Piero Carey

Rebecca said:

If you have any Amish or Mennonite communities nearby you are in luck. I 
get 10 pound sacks of canning (non-iodized) salt from the local 
Mennonite bulk store. This is also where I get pounds of cloves, alspice 
and stick cinnamon for the holiday pommanders that I make every 
Christmas. Much cheaper than all those little bottles from the grocery.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] 70s prom dresses

2011-10-05 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Oh, yeah, and ask if the library has the old high school yearbooks - 
sometines there are crowd scenes from the prom, and the queen & her 
court will almost certainly be pictured.

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] 1975-76 - Prom dresses/formal gowns

2011-10-05 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Go to the libraray & scroll through the microfilm of the local paper to 
look at the ads in the spring.  Lotsa prom dress pics & they'll be what 
was locally available.  If the library kept their issues of Seventeen, 
you can  get a handle on what the fashion industry was pushing.

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing today?

2011-10-05 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

 Well, if its an archaeological dig that you're wanting... 
hmmm...on top...

my green resist dye dashiki whose fraying seam allowances need work

new black pants for shortening

old black & tans striped pants for waist elastic

deep red shirt with loads of braid from a friend's trip to Greece to be 
disasembled & cut down 2 sizes - without disturbing the braid!

a VERY odd black leatherette cropped jacket which Dear Hubby spotted in 
a second hand shop& INSISTED I must buy if it fit, "that's part of some 
costume, I know it, and you'll never find anything like it when you need 
it" despite my policy of "NO NEW PROJECTS! Tanjd@mmit!" and his policy 
of "No conventions, I want to do other vacations for a while!".  So, why 
do I need a costume piece I have NO glimmer of an inspiration for?  To 
go to the bottom of an at least 15 outfit list, for destinations that we 
won't be going to for at least 5 years? 

and finally, Dear Hubby's pirate costume shirt from last Halloween, 
whose cuff & buttons never got done when my buttonhole feature 
revolted.  (Praise the holy name of the saint who invented safety pins!)

Do the dozen knitted scarves in the basket in the laundry room count?  
They are the almost completed summer stash reduction project.  How about 
the basket full of clothes awaiting their dyebath?  I gotta find a 
grocery store with NONiodized salt for the dyebath.  Pounds and Pounds 
of it.!

And I have cleared at least 1 square meter of sewing room floor this 
last week!!!

Back to my mending!

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Reynolds costume sale

2011-07-01 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Penny said:

Some of Errol Flynn's costumes went to a small museum in Ohio.

Oooh, ooh, Penny, was it Kent State?  Oh I hope so!

Mary in Canton, quite close to the KSU Fashion Museum

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] the princesses' headgear

2011-05-03 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Well, I have to wonder if those hats were not a bit of a protest.  Were 
they annoyed that their mum Fergie was not invited?

"hey, sis? you know everyone's supposed to dress really special?  And 
everybody keeps their outfits a, like, total secret?"

"yeah, so?"

"Lets get REALLY SPECIAL hats!"

speculating wildly,

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Stanford Historical Dance Week

2011-04-09 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

government politics or university politics?

Mary the curious
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] OT: but still about Knights

2011-01-26 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

   Holy Moly, I am stunned & amazed. I have just been invited
   to an old coworkers KNIGHTING CEREMONY and I' am NOT talking
   about the SCA. John Ewing, the Director of the Cleveland
   Cinematheque, has been made a Chevalier of the Order of Arts
   and Letters of the Republic of France. For his Service to
   the Arts. Whoo and Hooo does not begin to express my
   delight. OMG what am I gonna wear?

Lady Maria, doing the happy dance

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Fur trims

2010-12-08 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Ah,  that explains it.  While I sometimes shake my head over political 
attitudes in this area (N. E. Ohio), that level of interference in other 
folks' business is unlikely to take hold around here.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] h-costume Digest, Vol 9, Issue 337

2010-12-04 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

On 12/4/2010 9:39 AM, Kate Bunting wrote:

Political correctness has made it impossible to buy old fur coats in charity 


Kate, where are you?  The 2nd hand stores around here still sell fur sometimes&  
the yard sales&  estate sales are rife with them.  I must have regretfully passed 
on buying well over a dozen in the last year, for lack of time and/or projects that 
required them!  (All those baby boomers moving into smaller quarters, or dying, I'm 

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] new book with SCAdian characters

2010-04-07 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Spotted in the April 1, 2010 issue of Library Journal, a favorable 
review of J. A. Pitts  Black Blade Blues. Tor May 2010 ISBN 
978-0-7653-2467-2  Urban fantasy with members of the Society involved.

It's not showing up in library catalogs yet.


Lady Maria
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] library sources

2010-03-29 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Whether that's so varies greatly from library to library, but even if 
true in your area, the type of thing Ann is talking about would have 
been purchased long ago.  That Time-Life "Decades" series is more than 
20 years old.  Newspaper microfilm is generally held permanently.  
Costume history books rarely get discarded even when we ought to.  None 
of which negates the problem of turning those images into electrons, of 

Mary, the Periodicals librarian

On 3/29/2010 7:40 AM, Denise B. said

As for the public library, I'd be surprised if they*were*  there - even in
the larger public library in the university town. Public libraries spend
very little of their budget on non-fiction these days.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Duct tape dummy instructions

2010-02-02 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Hey, I found a recent book with good duct tape dressform instructions.  
While I think that most of the clothing in this book is quite hideous, I 
applaud the authors "go out & Make what you want" spirit.  And the 
dressform instructions are clear and comprehensive.

Subversive Seamster: transform thrift store threads into street 
couture   Melissa Alvarado, Hope Meng & Melissa RannelsTaunton Press


Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] h-costume Digest, Vol 8, Issue 406

2009-12-27 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Hurrah!  Everyone's presents sound delightful!

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Christmas Squeee!

2009-12-25 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Dear Hubby gave me Patterns of Fashion 4 & Costume in Detail!

Unmoderated Glee!

Maria from Alderford aka Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Have you seen this magazine cover?

2009-11-10 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Well, I've checked at work, & we only have Pictorial Review's 1st 8 
volumes.  It's definitely not in the Easter Number from 1899 through 1906.

Have you seen who owns it in Worldcat?  There are several places with 
longer runs than ours.


Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] bride pic

2009-11-09 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
  "gonna see my picture on the 
cover..gonna send five copies to my mother..."

Ooops, wrong magazine.. 

That looks real flapperish to me.  I think we've got it at work, I'll 
have a look tomorrow.

Mary Piero Carey


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] having it all in one place

2009-09-03 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Oh, are you building?  We were not so ambitious.  We only moved from a 
1911ish American Foursquare into a 1960 Ranch.  It is a lovely house, 
but the proportions are SO different!  The closets are a completely 
different shape & NONE of my boxes fit into them.  We had to completely 
repack everything that was in seasonal storage boxes into different 
shapes.  And the Pantry shelves were DEFinitely not spaced by anyone 
with a clue about the dimensions of food packages. 

Marjorie Wilser said:

Oh, huzzah for having it all in ONE place! I have yet to achievethat 
nirvana. . . have to make the place first

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] pretty button

2009-09-03 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Thanks for the offer, but 11/16ths is too big.  I have some florals that 
size which would work, for the color, but there is not enough room to 
enlarge that buttonhole by that much.

I know that i have a couple of small unique buttons that would 
coordinate, it is merely a matter of finding the correct box!  


Sharon C. said: 

I have a 11/16" pink plastic pearlized button. If that might work, send 
me your address and I'll mail it.

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing today?

2009-09-03 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Well, top level is 3 of Dear Hubby's shirts that need ironing which I 
tossed there after I took the laundry off the line last night.  Below 
those is a hot pink blouse, circa 1970, which I am mending for my 95 yr 
old mother-in-law.  I've done the rotted seams & all that remains is to 
either find a pretty button which coordinates for her missing collar 
button, or replace the whole lot.   The fabric is of one of those 
peculiarly indestructible polyesters that just go on, and on, and 
on  But this pink is FAR brighter than the energizer bunny!  It 
would have much simpler to just buy a similar blouse, but try explaining 
that to someone with intermittent dementias. 

After that, I've promised myself NO new projects until I've finished MY 
mending basket!  We've finally moved everything out of the storage unit 
into our new house, and all my bits & bobs are in one place at last!  No 
more finding that the item I wanted is not in the house!  If I can't fnd 
something now, it is my own fault.  

Mary Piero Carey aka Lady Maria
h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] 1960 hippie fashion

2009-07-09 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Lynn said:

you were stealthy!?! I should have tried that; maybe my mother and the
principal wouldn't have been on a first-name basis.

Oh, yes, when you're Fighting The Man, Sneaky is Good.  Also saves energy for the 
important stuff.  I had AMAZING freedom of movement because I was _such_ a good, polite, 
sweet, hardworking, trustworthy girl during my freshman year.  Not that I had planned it 
that way, but the rewards became apparent very quickly, so I milked them for all they 
were worth.   Taking theology classes from Jesuit-trained teaching brothers 
also honed one's argumentation & justification skills amazingly.

  Power to the People!


h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] 1960 hippie fashion

2009-07-07 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Michelle said:

LynnD, apparently you and other uppity girls of your generation are 
responsible for the comfort my generation enjoyed in our school days.


You're welcome.  We worked at it.

Mary Piero Carey, aging hippie & high school stealth subversive


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] non-conformist behavior

2009-07-07 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Anahita said:

The Head Mistress saw me walking into chapel to give my talk and told me not 
to. This was either late 66 or early 67. I was the only senior not to give a 

What on earth did she think you were going to do?  More importantly, 
what WERE you going to do? 

Mary Piero Carey, aging hippie & high school stealth subversive
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Friends Patterns

2009-05-30 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Ooh, yes.  Friends Patterns has some really interesting stuff.  I bought 
their Women's Traditional Mennonite Dress pattern years ago.  I had the 
_strongest_ visualization of it made up in a particular royal blue 
velvet, with white lace on the bib.  This is odd, because I Almost Never 
wear blue, and I rarely see what I'm wanting to make clearly in my head 
that way.  Well, I found the lace, but haven't ever tracked down the 
velvet.  And life has since intervened.  But someday...


h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] late Elizabethan headdress

2009-05-28 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Now, that portrait of Theophilia is very interesting.  It is hard to 
tell from such a small b&w repro, but doesn't it look as if the forehead 
cloth is tied _over_ the coif?  Look at what little we can see of her 
hairline.  Look at the corner where the  headcloth & coif meet.  Can 
anyone else see the fainter line leading diagonally down across her 
coif?  It goes out of sight 'round the back of her head just a little 
higher than eyebrow level.  (If we could see her eyebrows, which seem to 
be either plucked or bleached.)

I wonder if she put on ther headcloth, then the cowl, then wrapped those 
ribbons or strings from the headcloth around the back of the coif?

Who owns this panting?  I wanna go look at it!

And look at the other side.  See that little bit that sticks out?  Is 
that a ruffle?

Maria from Alderford

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Pattern for red dress on Dr Who

2009-05-06 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

The bodice center section looks like pintucks to me.


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Pattern for red dress on Dr Who

2009-05-06 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Hmmm that neckline edge is a bit odd... even discounting the 
fringe.  Is it thickened a bit?

And the tops of the sleeves are not as smooth as I would expect for CW 
or early Vic.  They generally were going for a sloping shoulder line 
until the poufy sleeves showed up. 

I think I'll look at the Godey's and the Delineators when I get to work..


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Photos of Georgian/Regency dresses

2008-06-18 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
This website got mentioned on another list I subscribe to, and I thought 
some of you might like to see it.

I had no idea bodices could be arranged that way!

Your fascinated,

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] saint/iconography question

2008-03-12 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Well, they sure look like the 3 kings to me.  They've taken off their 
crowns (see them either in hand or on the ground) and there are little 
fancy boxes that could hold frankincesne & myrhh.  Now, who the lady in 
orange & blue is?  I dunno.

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Costuming articles in current issue of Threads

2008-03-06 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Hi all!

The current issue of Threads April/May 2008,(#136) has 2 interesting articles 
on  theatrical costuming:

pg.34-37 Backstage at the Opera: learn how costumes are crafted for the 
stage  Suzanne M. Hanna  (on Michigan Opera Theatre)

pg.59-62   At The Cirque: discover the secrets behind Cirque Productions  
Michaela Murphy


Mary Piero Carey

We don't have issues... we have subscriptions.

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Finding information

2008-02-22 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Some things depend on where you are.  In Ohio, for example, anybody can walk into a 
public university & use the collection, no questions asked.  (Your Tax Dollars 
at Work) Private schools can restrict access, but in practice, they usually don't 
notice another busy searcher in the stacks.  (I really hope the spate of muckers   
shooting up college campuses doesn't get this kind of casual access shut down.)  
Checking books out at colleges is a different matter, but guest cards are 
frequently available.  If you don't want to get a guest card, you could browse the 
shelves, make lists and then ask your local public library to get an interlibrary 
loan on the things you want.  I've heard that other states are more restrictive, 
but some are even looser than we are.

Worldcat is a delightful tool.  Go to  Put the name of your book or 
author into the search box.  Give it your zip code when it asks for it.  Hit search.  
Your results will be given in order of increasing distance from your location.  You 
then plan your road trip, or decide to swamp the local ILL librarians.  

All libraries are not on Worldcat, as it is a paid service that small libraries 
don't always have in the budget, but libraries big enough to have really deep 
costume collections are generally in it, at least in my neck of the woods.

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] understanding paintings of Saints

2008-02-22 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
There is a very interesting book called _The Square Halo and other 
Mysteries of Western Art: images and the stories that inspired them_ by 
Sallie Fisher. 

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] gold-plated needles

2007-11-29 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
I find that the gold needles pass through the fabric just a tiny bit 
easier.  I'm mostly using tapestry needles on aida cloth.  I can see the 
gold ones better, too.  That's probably more a function of the colors of 
the fabric (almost always white), and the chair & the carpeting, which 
are pretty dark!  I find a dropped needle quicker when it is gold.  I 
have some platinum needles, but haven't noticed that they handle 
differently than plain ones.

Gold & platinum coatings might be useful in really damp or salty-aired 
locations, where quick rusting is a problem.

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Re: h-costume Digest, Vol 6, Issue 479

2007-10-08 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Sylrog asked:

Yes, I have seen Kinkos staff snooping around.  More often, I've seen a 
customer ask for help with a machine, and the staffer asks just what they want 
to do.  (This is an entirely proper question, as you often can't tell what 
settings to use if you don't know what the desired result is.) So the customer 
shows the staffer what they want to copy, and then the staffer decrees that the 
customer would be violating copyright and shoos the customer out the door.  The 
problem is that Kinkos' interpretation of Fair Use has almost always been 
wrong, when I've been observing.

As for my own experiences, the color copy problem happened back in the days when 
they didn't have color copiers for public use, you had to have them do it.  The 
problem with my b&w copies for insurance documentation was that the size of the 
originals required the use of the extra-large platen machine.  This, again, was not 
for general public use.  Believe me, knowing Kinkos' ignorance, I would NEVER have 
asked them to make any copy I could do myself!

It may just be that management in my region has a bug up its butt, and this 
policy isn't nationwide.

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Kinko's Ignorance

2007-10-07 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Lord, yes Kinko's staff has ABSOLUTELY NO understanding of fair use.  As 
a matter of fact, most of the time, they have it exactly backwards.  I 
have been Repeatedly told by Kinko staff that if I was making multiple 
copies for classroom use, it would be all right, but since I only wanted 
one copy for personal use, they could not allow me to make the copy. 

Once, a costumer friend wanted to make an outfit from a cover of 
Analog.  We didn't want to haul the issue around. (Which I own.)  
Kinko's brain dead staff insisted that the copyright notice for the SFBC 
ad back cover art meant that Stan Schmidt's permission to make 1 color 
enlargement for the purpose of verifying the fabric & trim colors was 

They have refused to let me make b&w reductions of original artwork for 
me to file with my home insurance policy.  I wanted to get the sales 
receipt & the image onto the same sheet.  Can you imagine a more 
innocuous purpose?

Don't believe ANYTHING a Kinko staffer tells you about copyright law!

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Increasing bra sizes

2007-09-30 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
That's interesting...I had been Thinking, this last year or so, that it 
seemed to me that teen girls seemed to be bustier than I remembered from 
the 70s.  I had been shrugging it off to the general chubbiness of the 
population, but this summer & fall I was really trying to notice, and it 
really did seem that more of the slender girls were bigger than I would 
expect.  Then last weekend I went to my first high school football game 
in 20 years.  I didn't need to pay attention to the game, since the 
nephew was on the sidelines recuperating from an injury.  Folks, I 
_know_ this crowd.  These are the grandkids & the kids of the families I 
went to school with.  (And wasn't that its own mind-blowing little trip, 
but I digress.)  Familiar names, faces, and bodies... but with bigger 
breasts.  Something, or somethings, is different.  There was definitely 
more boobage than there used to be.  I don't mean skin on display, I 
mean cubic inches.  There was definitely a shortage of candidates for 
the teeny tiny titty committee.  Very odd indeed.  I don't know how much 
is hormones in the diet, how much is medical enhancement, & how much is 
wonderbras, but the landscape was hillier than I used to see.  And lots 
of those girls were NOT wearing any bra, let alone anything that could 
give that much boost.

Your intrigued,

Mary Piero Carey


h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] 1955 wedding gown price

2007-08-22 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
I just got off the phone with Mom, who got married in Nov 1955.  Her 
gown cost about $200.  Floor length with short train, 3 tiers of lace, 
lace bodice & sleeves.  One of the Chantilly floral patterns, but I 
don't think it was true Chantilly from France.  Utterly gorgeous, and it 
took me _days_ to iron it to display at their 50th anniversary party.

Anyhow, going by that, $200 got you a real wow of a wedding dress in the 
midwest in the mid 50s.

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Prices in 1957

2007-08-22 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Try looking at the department store ads in the microfilm of your local 
newspaper for '57.  I'd start in April or May.  If you're lucky, there 
will have been a bridal shop advertising, as well.  Or your library 
might have hung on to Vogue, or Harper's Bazaar.  I can't recall whether 
Seventeen was pubbing in '57.  I'm home sick, or I'd check.  There were 
lots of fashion ads in the New York Times, if your library has that.

It is a rare library that did this, but ask if they have a catalog 
collection.  No, not the library catalog,  Sears, or Montgomery 
Ward, etc.

Ah, I found a source.  Yes, Seventeen existed in 1957.

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Plucked, Shaved & Braided

2007-08-02 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey
Susan asked if this has actually been printed. 

I can't tell.  Given that Worldcat can show books ordered but not yet 
processed into a library's collection, a book ordered before the presses 
roll could show up in a catalog After publication has been cancelled.  
Very annoying, but possible.  Removing unreceived books from the data 
stream has a Much lower priority than taking care of the new stuff, 
especially when you're still hoping that the item will get scheduled & 
finally arrive.  Most Tech Services depts. that I'm familiar with run 
such procedures once or twice a year, rather than monthly.  So, the lag 
can be quite long.  That's why I recommended calling the library 
involved.  From the messages in the digests since I wrote that, it 
doesn't look good!  Drat it, I was going to recommend purchase to my 
Scadian buddy in selection.She was saying to me 
just last night that we had very little on the history of hairdressing!  

Mary Piero Carey

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Plucked, Shaved & Braided

2007-07-31 Thread Mary + Doug Piero Carey says that the British Library in Wetherby, W Yorkshire 
has it.  However, their library catalog denies it.  This sometimes 
happens when an item has been ordered, but not yet unpacked.  I'd give 
them a call.

The other locations so far are Long Beach, CA; Houston TX; Dunedin, NZ

This title must be fairly new, for so few locations to show on 
worldcat.  Kent State doesn't even have it yet!

Mary Piero Carey
h-costume mailing list