JVM Spec version 2 and .class file versioning

2005-06-05 Thread Dan Lydick

While reviewing the class file structure of
java.lang.Object in Sun's 1.4.2_06 JDK, I
noticed that its major_version field is 48.
The JVM Spec version 2 says, Implementations
of version 1.2 of the Java 2 platform can
support class file formats of versions in the
range 45.0 through 46.0 inclusive.  (That is,
major.minor version fields in the class file.)

The 1.5.0 JDK docs includes the same JVM spec
version as does the 1.4.2, namely at
for both of them.

Yet the root object file java.lang.Object has
minor/major version fields set to 0/48, respectively,
thus version 48.0, which is outside of the acceptable
range for both JDK 1.4.2 and 1.5.0.

Upon further inspection of this .class file (see also JVM
spec section 4.1 et al), I noticed that following the
access_flags field, there appears to be 8 unknown bytes,
followed by an expected three words of zeroes for the
this_class, super_class, and interfaces_count fields.
What follows those, though, is not intelligible to me
via the spec.

What gives?  Where can I find correct descriptions of
the latest .class file definitions for JDK 5?

Dan Lydick

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need towrite. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Dan Lydick

 [Original Message]
 From: Sven de Marothy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
  Date: 6/4/05 3:49:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need
towrite.  Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

 On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 21:44 +0200, Santiago Gala wrote:

   So why create flexibility when there aren't



  to enable the development of other options?

  without arriving to flexibility syndrome, good interfaces enable

  competing implementations.


 If you're going to go off and write your own class library, implementing

 the VM-specific parts is the least of your problems.


  Your question has exactly the same mindset that Sun people's comments:
Java is free

  enough, you have our implementation for free, why do you want another

  one? :-)


 No, it isn't the same mindset at all, because I can give you a specific

 list of grievances I have with the Sun license. But nobody here seems to

 be able to give list any specific problems with the GNU Classpath VM

 interface other than It's not ours..

So if it's available, let Geir and co. keep working on
any legalities with FSF for using it to the max.  That's
what they wrote it for, and I'm all for investigating its




Dan Lydick

Re: Summer of Code, something for Harmony?

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.
We don't necessarily have to do it here, but given the wide and deep  
community here, we might be able to get some benefit through  
coordination and networking.


On Jun 1, 2005, at 9:11 PM, Leo Simons wrote:

On 01-06-2005 18:27, Geir Magnusson Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I thought about it.

Me too.

I'm not sure we'd have a project for someone,
but if we do, it's a good thing for us to do.

I'm not sure, but I don't really think so. Harmony has a lot to  
figure out
for itself (there's not exactly a very experienced stable community  
yet with
a lot of leftover capacity for teaching open source community  
skills) before

taking this on.

I would encourage people who like this idea in general to approach  

whether projects related to open source java could be tackled under a
different banner (ie like hacking on Classpath or jikes or gcj or  
Kaffe or


if not, I still urge anyone that has the time to help out in whatever
way they can.



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 3, 2005, at 7:18 AM, Peter Edworthy wrote:


And you can circumvent the language protection (package private...)
if you work hard enough too, I believe...

Keeping out of java.lang seems wise if we can arrange it...

I agree, but ClassPath has its interface classes in Java.lang and  
while we

can and probably should implement these as an adapter level to our
internal system abstraction I can see why the JVM providing

# java.lang.Class
# java.lang.Runtime
# java.lang.Thread
# java.lang.reflect.Constructor
# java.lang.reflect.Method
# java.lang.reflect.Field

makes sense, as these are completely dependant on information only
available to the JVM. ClassPath could implement these objects and then
have them call across to, say, jvm.implementation.* objects but  
this adds

an extra level of indirection with no increase in flexibility of the

Oops. I see that I wasn't clear.  I didn't meant that the VM  
shouldn't implement things from java.lang - it makes perfect sense  
that we do so.  What I was trying to say [sloppily] was that we  
shouldn't extend java.lang w/ new classes or interfaces.  Sorry.

The other java.lang.VM* objects I agree should really not be in
Java.lang.* but having references to these use an explicit ClassLoader
mitigates this into a cosmetic issue.


It seems to me that control of 'java.lang' and 'java.lang.*' would
be the simplest way to deal with issues of control of the  

so that it is a Harmony implementation, not one from Sun, IBM, FSF,
Sourceforge.* or anyone else.  From the Sun JDK 1.5.0 src.zip, there
are 49 distinct 'sun.*' imports in the 'java.lang' package, none of
which are found in this archive:

I wasn't aware that we were trying to restrict the possible  
ClassLibs that
could be used. In an ideal world we would want to make switching  
ClassPath and Jikes's implementations easy, encouraging the user to  
the most efficient implementation. (see next email for suggestions  
of mix

and match implementations).

yes, and it would be cool if we could concoct an adapter for Sun's  
implementation as well for fun :)

Making the interfaces between VM and class library standard should be  
something we do now, starting with GNU Classpath's interface, and  
figuring out what else we might need based on experiences of others  
coughIBM/Intel/BEA/cough doing the same thing.


By writing _only_ java.lang and java.lang.*,
we can truly speak of a separate implementation.
Adding only _parts_ of libraries like GNU ClassPath
would mean that users would implement Harmony library
policies, not Sun's, FSF's, or anybody elses.

This implemetation of java.lang and java.lang.*
is only 165 classes in 53K lines of code, not
including native code.  Doable by this group
without a doubt.

Even better than that the ClassPath project has already done this.  
As I
understand it, we are discussing methods of interfacing with the  

project in such a way that;
other implementations can be plugged in with minimal coding,
changes to the Java API do not require changes to the JVM, only the

Well, two comments :

1) we clearly want to interface w/ GNU Classpath, but we want to  
generalize thought whatever we can learn from others.

2) I don't know for sure, but guess that as time goes on and the Java  
API evolves, it might require additions to the JVM/Classlib API



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 3, 2005, at 1:06 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:


And you can circumvent the language protection (package private...)
if you work hard enough too, I believe...

Keeping out of java.lang seems wise if we can arrange it...

By writing _only_ java.lang and java.lang.*,
we can truly speak of a separate implementation.
Adding only _parts_ of libraries like GNU ClassPath
would mean that users would implement Harmony library
policies, not Sun's, FSF's, or anybody elses.

Blatant Not-Invented-Hereism. This isn't about Control over the
implementation, this was about language protection features.

I won't comment on NIH (as I didn't quite grok what Dan was saying -  
I'm at 37k feet coming back on a redeye...) but we need to figure out  
if the language protection features are enough of a benefit to  
outweigh he risks of extending java.lang, and if the needs of 1.5  
require so much more that the language protection is moot.

The FSF doesn't have any library policy. What are you talking about?

By writing _only_ java.lang and java.lang.*,
we can truly speak of a separate implementation.

Why do you need a seperate implementation?

Separate from GNU Classpath or something else?



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .

On Jun 3, 2005, at 6:39 PM, Dalibor Topic wrote:

That's a rather weird thing to standardise, being the internals of  
a binding
between the library and the VM, and necessarily something that is  
in flux, as
VMs and class libraries change internally. And they do change quite  
a bit over

time ;)

I assume they only change as the Java API changes?  I.e. the  
interface needed for 1.4 could be different than the interface needed  
for 1.5 etc?  (and similarly, if the interface is different, it  
implies a required change on both sides of it ?)

If that's so, then I think it is reasonable to standardize - you'd  
just have the standard interface for a given Java API version...


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .

On Jun 4, 2005, at 12:59 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 14:01 -0500, Dan Lydick wrote:

Naw, but have you ever looked into how to design and
construct a JVM?  The fundamental classes like java.lang
can typically have implementation-specific requirements,
so I am trying to focus on isolating these items from
the rest of the library.

Right, this is a concern for all. GNU Classpath does this through  
its VM

inteface classes (e.g. VMObject, VMClass, VMClassLoader)

I don't see why this isn't good enough. It's certainly seems good  

for the existing VMs which use Classpath.

What I mean is implementation policy on how a class
library does its work.  If the Harmony implementation
can keep from being forced to do things somebody else's
way, then Harmony may use libraries from vendors such
as these without concern of being forced into their
JVM or other class library implementation.  Basically
this means commanding a central core of packages via
the bootstrap class loader and letting a library
supplier do the rest.

Well, again, I can't see what's so bad about Classpath's way of doing
this. And I can't see why you would want this freedom.

Freedom is good!  Software livre!

(I *just* couldn't resist...)

AFAIK there are
no other class libraries out there which you'll legally be able to
distribute with Harmony. So why create flexibility when there aren't

Are you kidding?  There aren't options *now* (well, that's not really  
true, is it...), but that doesn't meant that options won't come  
around in the future.  I think we're still in the very beginning of  
managed runtime environments and generalization w/o penalty is a  
Good Thing(tm).

I mean, you can at least just use the Classpath interface for the time
being, and use this strategy once there is some reason to.

True, except I really hate extending java.lang. :)

And maybe we have more to learn in this area from other  
implementations and newer Java APIs.

The underlying idea here is to make as few changes
as possible to as little of the java.*, especially
java.lang.*, or other core library packages in order
to give the Harmony JVM runtime environment the
greatest flexibility for using libraries.  Heck,
if it's done right, you might be able to use Sun's
or IBM's java.* library implementation!

Why would you want to have a Free VM which can use non-free libraries?

why not?  Why restrict that freedom for users?

Why would anyone want to do that? You can't distribute them together.

I think that depends upon your definition of free.  If you mean  
free as allowing unhindered action, then you could.  If you mean  
free as in bound by restrictions on the recipient that prevents  
choice in action, then no, you are right.

Remember, we (at the ASF) don't mind that someone might take our  
software and bundle with proprietary anything.  We think that the  
market drives contributions back - it doesn't need to be forced  
through a license.

Really, if you want a real solution here, it's to get Sun to publish
a spec for the VM-Classlib interface which we can all use, and this
problem will go away by itself.

With input from Sun, IBM, BEA, HP, GNU Classpath and everyone else w/  
experience here, we have a chance of achieving just that.  Sun is a  
welcome and peer participant in this community, and I think they have  
a lot to offer, if they'd just start contributing hint, hint.

At least this is my idea.  I don't know if this is
actually possible because it is heavily dependent
on the library implementation from vendor X, Y, and
Z.  I do like the idea of using/reusing GNU Classpath
where it shines and of Harmony either contributing to
it or extending it where some improvements are
appropriate or writing complete replacements where
the implementation is too weak for our use.  At least
this is what I have gathered from others in the
discussion on the list on this subject.

The way I've intepreted most of the posts here, is that most were
decidedly against forking Classpath. What makes you think that  
there are

Harmony-specific improvements to be made which wouldn't be usable by

I feel like there's a lot of uncertainty being cast on GNU Classpath
here for no reason. A lot of folks seem to have the impression  
we've got

different goals and/or priorities. We do not.

I don't believe we do.  I personally have engineering concerns about  
the interface (distinguished from legal/license or philosophical  
concerns, both of which I left behind when we started this...)

I don't want to fork GNU Classpath, and I want to do everything I can  
to help that community flourish.  That said, I do want to keep the  
door open for others.

This is the extent of what I mean.  I don't want to
re-invent any wheels that don't need it.

Ok. Well I still don't understand. Classpath has a VM-classlib  
which is being used by a whole bunch of VMs. If that 

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .

On Jun 3, 2005, at 5:22 PM, Aaron Hamid wrote:

I'm sort of confused by this discussion also.

It seems to be about at what granularity we start introducing vm- 
specific interfaces/implementations.  At some point the class  
library has to interface with the VM.  We can do that at a very  
high level of course, by simply subsuming the entirety of  
java.lang.* and avoid this issue by simply making the java.lang  
package THE interface,

Well, if GNU Classpath is any indication, you *can't* do that w/o  
extending java.lang, and therefore you aren't avoiding the issue -  
you are just burying it in java.lang.

but we certainly don't want to rewrite and be responsible for all  
that code if we can avoid it.  The only other alternative (at least  
that I have read) is some compromise whereby core classes rely on  
an even-more-core VM-specific API that will necessarily be  
different for each VM.

Yes - and that would be opaque to the class library  
implementations...  for example, the interface contract would specify  
what is needed for both sides (VM and class lib) and then it's up to  
the implementor of the VM to do the right thing wrt the interface w/  
the full freedom to do it in any way they want, and similar for the  
class library implementation.

As far as I can tell, there is no such standard interface.  So the  
best we have is to use the ad-hoc interface required by our most  
likely class library candidate (Classpath), and simultaneously try  
to ignite interest in standardizing the aforementioned interface  
across many VMs.

Well, that's one way.  Another might be to start with the GNU  
Classpath interface and work out a standard interface based on

a) further needs (i.e. what does 1.5 require?)
b) spec/engineering considerations around java.lang (still to be  
hashed out)
c) the experience of implementors like IBM/Sun/BEA that have done  
this too

I'd be happy to offer a patch to GNU Classpath that supported such a  
beastie if we could ever come up with it.

Obviously this is not going to gain us any leverage with existing  
proprietary VM

s unless they also retrofit their library

Well, if we pay attention to what they are doing, we may be able to  
pull this off.  And why wouldn't they want to?  They all are  
reinventing the wheel, a wheel that doesn't provide them with any  
advantages over their competitors - I can't see why they wouldn't  
want to standardize on a common approach and codebase :)

- the only option in that case is to excise everything but  
java.lang.* from our bundling of Classpath and try to glue on the  
remaining portion of, say, Sun's library, or IBM's library; of  
course then those third party libraries must not cheat and use some  
of their own unpublished VM-specific interfaces, which they already  

Right - we need to figure out why they do it, what they need, and  
what we can use for our interface.  The point is to stop the madness

[java.lang.* core (e.g. from Classpath)]
[rest of the class library (e.g rest of Classpath, or some third  
party library)]

I would not base any policy on support for developers breaking  
language rules.  Yes you can cheat and use reflection to bypass  
visibility limitations (and I have even had to do this on some  
occasions to hack around some things), but you leave compatibility  
and portability at the door when you start doing such things.

Where?  in the VM?  I think the VM can do whatever it wants, as long  
as the code executing on the VM is secure



Tom Tromey wrote:

Dan == Dan Lydick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dan That includes the language protection features like Geir's
Dan example of package private, which are an interesting game of
Dan navigating class file structures with reflection, etc.  I've
Dan never tried that, but Geir is right, I think it can be done if
Dan you try hard enough.
There are two cases.
In the first case there is no security manager.  All the code is
trusted.  In this case, yes, using reflection you can work around
access protections.  In practice I don't see how this matters, as the
code is already trusted... if it does something weird, well, so what?
It could also do weird things to your filesystem or anything else.
In the second case, when there is a security manager, then, no, you
cannot get around the access controls, even with reflection.
Dan The underlying idea here is to make as few changes as  
possible to

Dan as little of the java.*, especially java.lang.*, or other core
Dan library packages in order to give the Harmony JVM runtime
Dan environment the greatest flexibility for using libraries.  Heck,
Dan if it's done right, you might be able to use Sun's or IBM's
Dan java.* library implementation!
I see where you're coming from, but I don't see how this furthers the
goal of Harmony, which as I understand it is to have a complete,
compatible, open J2SE implementation.
But then, I'm not 

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .

On Jun 3, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Tom Tromey wrote:

Dan == Dan Lydick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dan That includes the language protection features like Geir's
Dan example of package private, which are an interesting game of
Dan navigating class file structures with reflection, etc.  I've
Dan never tried that, but Geir is right, I think it can be done if
Dan you try hard enough.

There are two cases.

In the first case there is no security manager.  All the code is
trusted.  In this case, yes, using reflection you can work around
access protections.  In practice I don't see how this matters, as the
code is already trusted... if it does something weird, well, so what?
It could also do weird things to your filesystem or anything else.

In the second case, when there is a security manager, then, no, you
cannot get around the access controls, even with reflection.

Why would I have to get around the access controls?   I'm the VM. I  
can do magic things, right?  (I should be able to...)

Dan The underlying idea here is to make as few changes as possible to
Dan as little of the java.*, especially java.lang.*, or other core
Dan library packages in order to give the Harmony JVM runtime
Dan environment the greatest flexibility for using libraries.  Heck,
Dan if it's done right, you might be able to use Sun's or IBM's
Dan java.* library implementation!

I see where you're coming from, but I don't see how this furthers the
goal of Harmony, which as I understand it is to have a complete,
compatible, open J2SE implementation.

Yes.  I could believe that there are alternative class library  
implementations that a user might choose to use.  With a clean,  
standard interface, the user should be able to just plug-n-play  
(modulo compatibility certification requirements) both the VM  
implementation and the class library implemetation.

But then, I'm not really getting this part of the discussion.  For
instance, why does Harmony need a VM layer different from the one
Classpath provides?  I don't understand that.

I'm not sure we don't, other than the bit about extending java.lang,  
which I just personally don't really like.  I understand why it's  
done - to just take advantage of the language protection features -  
but I wonder if there are other ways that are equally as satisfactory  
for the intended purpose.



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: ClassLib implementations WAS some ideas

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr .
I suspect the motivation behind the original post by Peter was more  
about formal modularization of the class library than general java  
package separation.  I think that there has been some good work in  
this area in other places, such as larger scale J2EE systems via OSGi  
or -ish.  Certainly modularization of the class library is in scope  
here (I think...)


On Jun 3, 2005, at 2:22 PM, Tom Tromey wrote:

Sven == Sven de Marothy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sven Depending on non-public parts of other API packages is to be
Sven avoided as far as possible. And if there is Classpath-specific
Sven behaviour in the public API, then that is likely a bug. (or the
Sven absence of a Sun bug)

One thing I've seen in user code is that it sometimes incorrectly
depends on properties of a particular implementation.  E.g., more than
once I've run across Comparable implementations which are not
symmetric, but which work because Sun's collections classes compare
in a certain order.

It isn't impossible that Classpath has some kind of subtle dependency
like this somewhere.  However, stuff like that, if it even exists,
would just be a bug.

i.e. how possible would it be to use say java.sql.* with another
implementation of java.lang?

Sven Why wouldn't it be possible? It'd be horrible coding if it were
Sven any other way.

Totally agreed.  Most code in Classpath doesn't use native code, or VM
code, or anything but the public API of classes in other packages.


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Doug Lea

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Dan That includes the language protection features like Geir's
Dan example of package private, 

Sorry for not following up on some of my previous remarks on
such things. But briefly, here's a trick that works,
without any need for language-based module support (which would
be much nicer, and will surely come for J2SE7, but isn't
strictly needed in this case.)

If you have functionality that should only be used
across the packages inside the JDK library,
and never by users, define it as (non-static) public method of a
class (defined outside of java.* packages) that has no public
constructors, but does have a factory method.
That factory method includes the one bit of pure VM magic: It
must only allow creation (or return a singleton) if the calling class
is in bootclasspath, otherwise throwing some kind of exception.
(The implementation of this check is just a specialization of
other kinds of security checks JVMs must do.)

Of course all JDK classes using such functionality should never pass
around references to such classes. (This is one of the places where
language support is needed).

You'd like to define as few such classes as possible.
It would be nice to standardize these across JVMs, but
as I mentioned before, this is hard because JVM implementors
want these internal APIs to remain flexible.

This is probably the best way to handle all of those aspects
of required Java APIs that cannot be described as bytecodes and/or
require close Java-JVM coupling for the sake of efficiency.
This scheme also applies to replacements for native in those
cases where the implementation is not a call to native code,
but is instead intrinsified, causing a JIT to produce custom
instructions, as in the JikesRVM magic classes.

I believe that the lack of such a facility might be one
reason for some JVMs not yet supporting java.util.concurrent,
which requires something like this to support compareAndSet
instructions etc which must be intrinsified for performance
to be acceptable.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Aaron
From what I understood from this thread (and of course my understanding 
could be wrong), there is some contention over where to hide this 
Classlib-VM interface and implementation so that user code is least able 
to use/abuse it.  One suggestion was to use existing package visibility 
modifiers and stash the classes in java.lang.  Another was to take these 
classes and put them in a package other than java.lang to keep java.lang 
pure (at which point they presumably would have to be public).  
Another was to use classloader or VM magic (or perhaps some more 
sophisticated module publishing scheme) to hide the existence of these 

In my humble opinion, I'm not overly concerned about spending a lot of 
effort to hide this code from application code, because it is already 
demonstrably wrong to use them (from user code), and with the proper 
measures one can easily circumvent the security manager and access 
hidden fields/methods anyway.

sounds fine to me.


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Jun 3, 2005, at 5:22 PM, Aaron Hamid wrote:

I'm sort of confused by this discussion also.

It seems to be about at what granularity we start introducing vm- 
specific interfaces/implementations.  At some point the class  
library has to interface with the VM.  We can do that at a very  high 
level of course, by simply subsuming the entirety of  java.lang.* and 
avoid this issue by simply making the java.lang  package THE 

Well, if GNU Classpath is any indication, you *can't* do that w/o  
extending java.lang, and therefore you aren't avoiding the issue -  
you are just burying it in java.lang.

but we certainly don't want to rewrite and be responsible for all  
that code if we can avoid it.  The only other alternative (at least  
that I have read) is some compromise whereby core classes rely on  
an even-more-core VM-specific API that will necessarily be  
different for each VM.

Yes - and that would be opaque to the class library  
implementations...  for example, the interface contract would specify  
what is needed for both sides (VM and class lib) and then it's up to  
the implementor of the VM to do the right thing wrt the interface w/  
the full freedom to do it in any way they want, and similar for the  
class library implementation.

As far as I can tell, there is no such standard interface.  So the  
best we have is to use the ad-hoc interface required by our most  
likely class library candidate (Classpath), and simultaneously try  
to ignite interest in standardizing the aforementioned interface  
across many VMs.

Well, that's one way.  Another might be to start with the GNU  
Classpath interface and work out a standard interface based on

a) further needs (i.e. what does 1.5 require?)
b) spec/engineering considerations around java.lang (still to be  
hashed out)
c) the experience of implementors like IBM/Sun/BEA that have done  
this too

I'd be happy to offer a patch to GNU Classpath that supported such a  
beastie if we could ever come up with it.

Obviously this is not going to gain us any leverage with existing  
proprietary VM

s unless they also retrofit their library

Well, if we pay attention to what they are doing, we may be able to  
pull this off.  And why wouldn't they want to?  They all are  
reinventing the wheel, a wheel that doesn't provide them with any  
advantages over their competitors - I can't see why they wouldn't  
want to standardize on a common approach and codebase :)

- the only option in that case is to excise everything but  
java.lang.* from our bundling of Classpath and try to glue on the  
remaining portion of, say, Sun's library, or IBM's library; of  
course then those third party libraries must not cheat and use some  
of their own unpublished VM-specific interfaces, which they already  do.

Right - we need to figure out why they do it, what they need, and  
what we can use for our interface.  The point is to stop the madness

[java.lang.* core (e.g. from Classpath)]
[rest of the class library (e.g rest of Classpath, or some third  
party library)]

I would not base any policy on support for developers breaking  
language rules.  Yes you can cheat and use reflection to bypass  
visibility limitations (and I have even had to do this on some  
occasions to hack around some things), but you leave compatibility  
and portability at the door when you start doing such things.

Where?  in the VM?  I think the VM can do whatever it wants, as long  
as the code executing on the VM is secure



Tom Tromey wrote:

Dan == Dan Lydick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dan That includes the language protection features like Geir's
Dan example of package private, which are an interesting game of
Dan navigating class file structures with reflection, etc.  I've
Dan never tried that, but Geir is right, I 

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Sven de Marothy
On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 06:21 -0300, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

 That's not fair.  I told you that *I* think that extending java.lang  
 is a *bad idea*.  You many not agree, but that's not the same is  
 NIH.   That doesn't mean that java.lang.VMObject can't be move to  
 another package, preserving the code in it's entirety.  Yes, that's a  
 change for VMs that were [lazily] depending on language semantics to  
 protect those private package extensions, but that's life.

Yes, well the impression I was getting was that the discussion here has
drifted away from the pros and cons of the Classpath VM interface, and
towards ideas of creating your own, or reimplementing java.lang, or even
forking Classpath. 

 Also, I don't know what the 1.4 and 1.5 Java API requirements on the  
 VM are, but given that GNU Classpath isn't there yet, isn't it even  
 plausible that may have something to add?

Yes, 1.5 *will* add new requirements to the VM interface. But the
Classpath VM interface isn't some immutable static thing either. All I'm
saying here is: how about crossing that bridge when you get there,
instead of deciding out of hand that it isn't good enough?


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Sven de Marothy
On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 06:25 -0300, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 On Jun 4, 2005, at 12:59 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:
  AFAIK there are
  no other class libraries out there which you'll legally be able to
  distribute with Harmony. So why create flexibility when there aren't
 Are you kidding?  There aren't options *now* (well, that's not really  
 true, is it...), 

Could you elaborate on that? I don't know of any class library
distributable under the Apache license.

 but that doesn't meant that options won't come  
 around in the future.  I think we're still in the very beginning of  
 managed runtime environments and generalization w/o penalty is a  
 Good Thing(tm).

Reimplementing java.lang certainly is a penalty. 

Again, this is NOT a major issue. *If* or *when* these options become
available, *that* will be the time to adress this. It is not such a
major task as folks seem to think here to change the VM-classlib
interface. Indeed it has been done already for VMs such as JikesRVM.

Reimplementing java.lang is more work.

 And maybe we have more to learn in this area from other  
 implementations and newer Java APIs.

I don't like maybes. I like specific problems for which I can devise
specific solutions. 

Maybe Java 1.6 will require VMs to be able to make breakfast; Should we
start designing a VM-toaster interface, just in case?

  Why would you want to have a Free VM which can use non-free libraries?
 why not?  Why restrict that freedom for users?

1) Because Sun hasn't documented their VM interface.

2) Because people who have Sun's class library already have Sun's VM.
What would they want with Harmony for?

3) Because I thought the main idea was a complete VM under the Apache
license. Not ASL+SCSL.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Sven de Marothy
+1 to that!

On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 11:53 -0400, Aaron wrote:
  From what I understood from this thread (and of course my understanding 
 could be wrong), there is some contention over where to hide this 
 Classlib-VM interface and implementation so that user code is least able 
 to use/abuse it.  One suggestion was to use existing package visibility 
 modifiers and stash the classes in java.lang.  Another was to take these 
 classes and put them in a package other than java.lang to keep java.lang 
 pure (at which point they presumably would have to be public).  
 Another was to use classloader or VM magic (or perhaps some more 
 sophisticated module publishing scheme) to hide the existence of these 
 In my humble opinion, I'm not overly concerned about spending a lot of 
 effort to hide this code from application code, because it is already 
 demonstrably wrong to use them (from user code), and with the proper 
 measures one can easily circumvent the security manager and access 
 hidden fields/methods anyway.
 sounds fine to me.

Re: JVM Spec version 2 and .class file versioning

2005-06-05 Thread Tom Tromey
 Dan == Dan Lydick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dan What gives?  Where can I find correct descriptions of
Dan the latest .class file definitions for JDK 5?

Here's one source I found via google.  Not sure if it is the most up
to date.


AIUI, the major version in 1.4 was 48 and the major version in 1.5 is 49.

There are differences between 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5.
As I remember, 1.4 introduce a little difference in verification.
1.5 adds a bunch of new things, including an extension to the
semantics of 'ldc'.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Tom Tromey
 Geir == Geir Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Geir That's not fair.  I told you that *I* think that extending java.lang
Geir is a *bad idea*.

I still don't understand why you think this.
Could you explain what problem might arise?

Geir Also, I don't know what the 1.4 and 1.5 Java API requirements on the
Geir VM are, but given that GNU Classpath isn't there yet, isn't it even
Geir plausible that may have something to add?

Yeah, the VM interface has to be extended in a few ways for 1.5.

Also from time to time the VM interface has to be extended for new
VMs, which have different needs.  This is one reason that the
interface isn't yet stable, even for 1.4.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 5, 2005, at 1:30 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:

On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 06:21 -0300, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

That's not fair.  I told you that *I* think that extending java.lang
is a *bad idea*.  You many not agree, but that's not the same is
NIH.   That doesn't mean that java.lang.VMObject can't be move to
another package, preserving the code in it's entirety.  Yes, that's a
change for VMs that were [lazily] depending on language semantics to
protect those private package extensions, but that's life.

Yes, well the impression I was getting was that the discussion here  

drifted away from the pros and cons of the Classpath VM interface, and
towards ideas of creating your own, or reimplementing java.lang, or  

forking Classpath.

Fair enough.  But I'd really like to rope this back to the pros and  
cons of the GNU Classpath VM interface.

Also, I don't know what the 1.4 and 1.5 Java API requirements on the
VM are, but given that GNU Classpath isn't there yet, isn't it even
plausible that may have something to add?

Yes, 1.5 *will* add new requirements to the VM interface. But the
Classpath VM interface isn't some immutable static thing either.  
All I'm

saying here is: how about crossing that bridge when you get there,
instead of deciding out of hand that it isn't good enough?

Guess which version of J2SE we want to do...



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Tom Tromey
 Geir == Geir Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dan I've
Dan never tried that, but Geir is right, I think it can be done if
Dan you try hard enough.

 In the second case, when there is a security manager, then, no, you
 cannot get around the access controls, even with reflection.

Geir Why would I have to get around the access controls?   I'm the VM. I
Geir can do magic things, right?  (I should be able to...)

I thought we were talking about malicious user code.


RE: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Jeroen Frijters
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
  Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
  True, except I really hate extending java.lang. :)
  What do you mean by extending java.lang? GNU Classpath does not  
  java.lang (for any reasonable definition of extend). Having package
  private classes is not extending.
 Why do you say that?   Suppose for J2SE 6, the EG adds the public  
 class java.lang.VMObject.  then what?

Then we rename it. A new Java version will involve changes to the VM
interface anyway, so this makes no difference.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Tom Tromey
 Geir == Geir Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What do you mean by extending java.lang? GNU Classpath does not
 extend java.lang (for any reasonable definition of extend). Having
 package private classes is not extending.

Geir Why do you say that?   Suppose for J2SE 6, the EG adds the public
Geir class java.lang.VMObject.  then what?

I already explained how this can't cause a user-visible problem.
Maybe you could explain what problem you see arising.

As I see it there are a few cases here:

* Someone takes code that uses this 1.6 feature and:

  1. Compiles it against our library.
 - this fails as our VMObject is package-private
 - This is no different from using any other unimplemented class

  2. Compiles it against 1.6 and runs it against our library
 - this fails as our VMObject is package-private
 - This is no different from using any other unimplemented class

* Someone takes a part of our java.lang, which uses our VMObject, and
  runs them on a 1.6 VM
  - Yes, this fails.  But this is not supported either upstream
  (there is no supported way to override parts of the class library,
  other than those parts mentioned in the endorsed dirs spec) or by
  us (since it is a silly thing to do)

* Note that user code can't use our VMObject as it is not user-visible

Renaming our VMObject in our next release causes no problems for any
code.  The VMs have to change, but then the VMs have to change with
each major release anyway, since ordinarily new features are added
which require new VM glue.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 5, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:

On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 06:25 -0300, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Jun 4, 2005, at 12:59 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:

AFAIK there are
no other class libraries out there which you'll legally be able to
distribute with Harmony. So why create flexibility when there aren't

Are you kidding?  There aren't options *now* (well, that's not really
true, is it...),

Could you elaborate on that? I don't know of any class library
distributable under the Apache license.

There are other licenses.  Remember, we aren't only concerned about  
ourselves, but what a downstream user of our stuff will want to do.  
We tend to try to protect their freedoms as well.  (See Ulcer,  
Geir's, re J2EE TCK license)

but that doesn't meant that options won't come
around in the future.  I think we're still in the very beginning of
managed runtime environments and generalization w/o penalty is a
Good Thing(tm).

Reimplementing java.lang certainly is a penalty.

I don't understand - I might have misstated something.  Why do you  
think I want to re-implement java.lang?  Any JVM that uses GNU  
Classpath has to implement java.lang parts, right?  All I'm  
suggesting that we move the stuff that's not standard java.lang as  
defined in a spec somewhere off to another package name.

Again, this is NOT a major issue. *If* or *when* these options become
available, *that* will be the time to adress this. It is not such a
major task as folks seem to think here to change the VM-classlib
interface. Indeed it has been done already for VMs such as JikesRVM.

Why not do it now so we don't have to fix it later, since to do J2SE  
5 we *are* going to have to modify it...

Reimplementing java.lang is more work.

See above - I think there is a miscommunication here

And maybe we have more to learn in this area from other
implementations and newer Java APIs.

I don't like maybes. I like specific problems for which I can devise
specific solutions.

Me too, and I'm hoping someone who has done this will point out some  
specific problems they needed to solve.

Maybe Java 1.6 will require VMs to be able to make breakfast;  
Should we

start designing a VM-toaster interface, just in case?

As long as you don't put it in java.lang, I'm all for it...  :)

But before we go leaping off to 1.6, how about 1.5?

Why would you want to have a Free VM which can use non-free  

why not?  Why restrict that freedom for users?

1) Because Sun hasn't documented their VM interface.

We don't care, do we?  We can do our own.

2) Because people who have Sun's class library already have Sun's VM.
What would they want with Harmony for?

Ya never know :)

3) Because I thought the main idea was a complete VM under the Apache
license. Not ASL+SCSL.

Remember the modularity goal - we want people to be able to take this  
stuff and plug-n-play with whatever they want.  If for whatever  
reason they wanted to plug in Sun's class library, why would we want  
to prevent that?


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 5, 2005, at 2:05 PM, Tom Tromey wrote:

Geir == Geir Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Geir That's not fair.  I told you that *I* think that extending  

Geir is a *bad idea*.

I still don't understand why you think this.
Could you explain what problem might arise?

Sun adds java.lang.VMObject as a public class (ok, farfetched) or  
adds it as a private class (not so farfetched).

Geir Also, I don't know what the 1.4 and 1.5 Java API requirements  
on the
Geir VM are, but given that GNU Classpath isn't there yet, isn't  
it even

Geir plausible that may have something to add?

Yeah, the VM interface has to be extended in a few ways for 1.5.

Also from time to time the VM interface has to be extended for new
VMs, which have different needs.  This is one reason that the
interface isn't yet stable, even for 1.4.

It would be interesting to know why and how it was extended - there's  
something to learn there.  I'm also interested in getting some input  
from the commercial VM developers.



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 5, 2005, at 2:12 PM, Jeroen Frijters wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

True, except I really hate extending java.lang. :)

What do you mean by extending java.lang? GNU Classpath does not
java.lang (for any reasonable definition of extend). Having package
private classes is not extending.

Why do you say that?   Suppose for J2SE 6, the EG adds the public
class java.lang.VMObject.  then what?

Then we rename it. A new Java version will involve changes to the VM
interface anyway, so this makes no difference.

I assume you'd keep it in java.lang?

Isn't that just sliding the deck chairs around?



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 5, 2005, at 2:06 PM, Tom Tromey wrote:

Geir == Geir Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dan I've
Dan never tried that, but Geir is right, I think it can be done if
Dan you try hard enough.

In the second case, when there is a security manager, then, no, you
cannot get around the access controls, even with reflection.

Geir Why would I have to get around the access controls?   I'm  
the VM. I

Geir can do magic things, right?  (I should be able to...)

I thought we were talking about malicious user code.

Ah - sorry.  I was tired and on a plane home from Brazil.  I though  
we were talking about how the code running in the context of the VM  
(as opposed to user code) could get ahold of the necessary classes  
(and protect them from malicious user code)



Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

RE: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Jeroen Frijters
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 On Jun 5, 2005, at 2:12 PM, Jeroen Frijters wrote:
  Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
  Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
  True, except I really hate extending java.lang. :)
  What do you mean by extending java.lang? GNU Classpath does not
  java.lang (for any reasonable definition of extend). 
 Having package
  private classes is not extending.
  Why do you say that?   Suppose for J2SE 6, the EG adds the public
  class java.lang.VMObject.  then what?
  Then we rename it. A new Java version will involve changes to the VM
  interface anyway, so this makes no difference.
 I assume you'd keep it in java.lang?
 Isn't that just sliding the deck chairs around?

No, it's a trivial cost. Your proposed solution is in reality much more

You're missing the fact that moving these classes into another packages
creates another problem that is much worse. Namely that you often need
to access private state in the public classes, you can do that by living
in the same package, that's why the VM* classes live in the same package
as their public counterpart.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Tom Tromey
 Geir == Geir Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I still don't understand why you think this.
 Could you explain what problem might arise?

Geir Sun adds java.lang.VMObject as a public class (ok, farfetched) or
Geir adds it as a private class (not so farfetched).

Ok, this is the scenario.  This I understand.
But what actual problem does this cause?


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Aaron Hamid
I actually had not considered this issue which would seem to warrant 
these classes living in the same package.  But can not an equivalent 
solution be constructed such that the implementations of these public 
classes can hand the VM* classes references to internal structures (and 
vice versa) though well defined interfaces, instead of relying on 
visibility modifiers to allow the VM* objects to access private state of 
java.lang classes, thereby allowing the VM* objects to live in a 
separate package?  Or am I misunderstanding your statement (or maybe 
that is just too cumbersome)?


Jeroen Frijters wrote:

You're missing the fact that moving these classes into another packages
creates another problem that is much worse. Namely that you often need
to access private state in the public classes, you can do that by living
in the same package, that's why the VM* classes live in the same package
as their public counterpart.


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Tom Tromey
 Geir == Geir Magnusson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yes, 1.5 *will* add new requirements to the VM interface. But the
 Classpath VM interface isn't some immutable static thing either.
 All I'm saying here is: how about crossing that bridge when you get
 there, instead of deciding out of hand that it isn't good enough?

Geir Guess which version of J2SE we want to do...

So far nobody has systematically looked at all the VM layer changes
needed for 1.5.

However, I have looked at a few.  The ones I've looked at are mostly
related to Class or reflection; we need to add some more methods to
VMClass and friends to account for the new data that is available.  We
also needed VMClass.cast(), a change to VMSystem for the new getenv,
and a change to VMProcess for ProcessBuilder.

As far as I know we won't need any major overhauls, just additions
here and there.  But if someone wanted to go through all the new bits
and check this, that would be helpful.  Better yet, actually go write
the new bits, there is plenty of 1.5 stuff still to be done.


Re: Summer of Code, something for Harmony?

2005-06-05 Thread Santiago Gala
El dom, 05-06-2005 a las 02:00 -0500, Dan Lydick escribi:
  [Original Message]
  From: Santiago Gala [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
  Date: 6/4/05 1:22:40 PM
  Subject: Re: Summer of Code, something for Harmony?
  El jue, 02-06-2005 a las 02:11 +0200, Leo Simons escribi=C3=B3:
  JikesRVM has no current class verifier, neither jamvm or sableVM. As far
  as I know, the spec mandates to have class verification (I just read it
  in my JVM Spec (a bit old).
 Which version do you have.  (I just posted a question
 directly related to versioning of the JVM spec, title
 is JVM Spec version 2 and .class file versioning.)

I have the paper version of The Java Virtual Machine Specification.
Second Edition. I bought it in 1999, together with the IBM boot on java
security which included 1.2 features. 

I found interesting the errata and addenda PDFs someone pointed to. Long
time since I looked last into the internals of java. I would like to
have a Fifth Edition rewritten to take into account java 1.5, but
marking additions/corrections since 1.2 by version... (is it out there?)


  VP and Chair, Apache Portals (http://portals.apache.org)
  Apache Software Foundation
 Dan Lydick
VP and Chair, Apache Portals (http://portals.apache.org)
Apache Software Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need towrite. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Santiago Gala
El dom, 05-06-2005 a las 01:56 -0500, Dan Lydick escribi:

 I suppose I need to do some more homework then.
 If GNU Classpath is used without modification for
 numerous VM's, then great!  Ultimately, what I am

A few classes need to be modified:
- jamvm (from README): A number of classes are reference classes which
must be modified for a particular VM.  These are provided and built
along with JamVM (see INSTALL).  JamVM 1.3.0 works with Classpath
version 0.14 (the latest development snapshot).  It should also work
with the latest version direct from CVS (but check the Classpath
mailing lists for possible patches).  Later snapshots of Classpath may
also work, if no modifications have been made to the VM interface.
- jikesRVM fetches classpath from cvs, and allows you to put your own
copy instead, to build the boot image. In addition, it implements or
modifies, glancing at cvs code, gnu.classpath.(VMStackWalker.java|
VMSystemProperties.java) and a bunch of classes (VM) in java.(lang|io|
net|util).VM* (including also Object, Thread, Throwable .ref.*,
some .reflect. classes)
- sableVM (1.11.3) bundles a version of classpath with it, numbered
after the sableVM release. I'm not sure how modified it is WRT CVS
classpath, but the claim is SableVM Classpath is based on GNU
Classpath 0.08 + further CVS changes (INSTALL-DEVEL)
- not sure about other VMs

This is inconvenient for VM writers, as they must bundle or track the
development of those classes in both libraries.

I think that this is why there was a suggestion to isolate all
references in a separate deliverable (be it package, jar, bundle,
whatever), so that people working in different VMs can have independent
versioning and API changes than the library as a whole.

This will become specially handy as classpath grows, because the VM*
part will be fairly stable, but changes as implementation gets better
or new APIs (JSR) get approved will be big.

Santiago Gala
High Sierra Technology, S.L.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Ulrich Kunitz
On Sun, 5 Jun 2005, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

  Also from time to time the VM interface has to be extended for new
  VMs, which have different needs.  This is one reason that the
  interface isn't yet stable, even for 1.4.
 It would be interesting to know why and how it was extended - there's
 something to learn there.  I'm also interested in getting some input from the
 commercial VM developers.

The new features in 1.5 varargs, enums, annotations, and generics
required additions to the class file format. More changes appear
to be introduced to improve debugging (type infos about local

Tom Tromey has already found a link to an updated class file


Here is a short and probably incomplete overview over the changes:

enums:  ACC_ENUM

New attributes: EnclosingMethod, Signature (for generics),


Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Dalibor Topic
On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 06:20:37AM -0300, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 On Jun 3, 2005, at 6:39 PM, Dalibor Topic wrote:
 That's a rather weird thing to standardise, being the internals of  
 a binding
 between the library and the VM, and necessarily something that is  
 in flux, as
 VMs and class libraries change internally. And they do change quite  
 a bit over
 time ;)
 I assume they only change as the Java API changes?  I.e. the  
 interface needed for 1.4 could be different than the interface needed  
 for 1.5 etc?  (and similarly, if the interface is different, it  
 implies a required change on both sides of it ?)

They change according to everyone'S needs. That may be chanes in the API
specs that require native or VM specific support, but also may be
cleanups, optimizations, bug fixes, and so on.

 If that's so, then I think it is reasonable to standardize - you'd  
 just have the standard interface for a given Java API version...

So far, things have continued to evolved quickly to accomodate the needs
of all different VMs in classpath, and quite effectively. So, as lng as
everything continues to be in flux, i doubt it will be something to
standardise on right now.

the changes are proposed on the classpath mailing list, and discussed

dalibor topic

 Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] How much of java.* and friends does Harmony need to write. Was: VM/Classlibrary interface

2005-06-05 Thread Dalibor Topic
On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 02:20:53PM -0300, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 On Jun 5, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:
 On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 06:25 -0300, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 On Jun 4, 2005, at 12:59 PM, Sven de Marothy wrote:
 AFAIK there are
 no other class libraries out there which you'll legally be able to
 distribute with Harmony. So why create flexibility when there aren't
 Are you kidding?  There aren't options *now* (well, that's not really
 true, is it...),
 Could you elaborate on that? I don't know of any class library
 distributable under the Apache license.
 There are other licenses.  Remember, we aren't only concerned about  
 ourselves, but what a downstream user of our stuff will want to do.  
 We tend to try to protect their freedoms as well.  (See Ulcer,  
 Geir's, re J2EE TCK license)

Could you elaborate on those things? You sound as if there is some
option for downstream users on your mind, but you are not coming out
with it, and it is not very clear what it is from guessing what you
might be thinking of ;)

 but that doesn't meant that options won't come
 around in the future.  I think we're still in the very beginning of
 managed runtime environments and generalization w/o penalty is a
 Good Thing(tm).
 Reimplementing java.lang certainly is a penalty.
 I don't understand - I might have misstated something.  Why do you  
 think I want to re-implement java.lang?  Any JVM that uses GNU  
 Classpath has to implement java.lang parts, right?  All I'm  
 suggesting that we move the stuff that's not standard java.lang as  
 defined in a spec somewhere off to another package name.

I beliee the confusion exists because someone else suggested reimplementing
all of java.lang with a rather odd justification, to be able to mix in
SCSLd code, that is not practicable nor legally possible to distribute ;)

Your argumentation jumped right into the middle of that and that may
have lead people to assume wrong things. Maybe you should simply start a
new thread, present a use case, show what breaks, and we can analyze it.
Hunting things down in this long htread seems to be very confusing for

 Again, this is NOT a major issue. *If* or *when* these options become
 available, *that* will be the time to adress this. It is not such a
 major task as folks seem to think here to change the VM-classlib
 interface. Indeed it has been done already for VMs such as JikesRVM.
 Why not do it now so we don't have to fix it later, since to do J2SE  
 5 we *are* going to have to modify it...

Given that no such options exist, it is not possible to make any
ammendments for them right now, right, as noone knws what ammendments
they would need? ;)

What are the options on your mind? Could you give us some nice scenarios, name 
names, to see what motivates the discussion and how we can fix the the
problems in the VM interface for those users and/or clear up any
misconceptions about it.

dalbor topic

 Reimplementing java.lang is more work.
 See above - I think there is a miscommunication here
 And maybe we have more to learn in this area from other
 implementations and newer Java APIs.
 I don't like maybes. I like specific problems for which I can devise
 specific solutions.
 Me too, and I'm hoping someone who has done this will point out some  
 specific problems they needed to solve.
 Maybe Java 1.6 will require VMs to be able to make breakfast;  
 Should we
 start designing a VM-toaster interface, just in case?
 As long as you don't put it in java.lang, I'm all for it...  :)
 But before we go leaping off to 1.6, how about 1.5?
 Why would you want to have a Free VM which can use non-free  
 why not?  Why restrict that freedom for users?
 1) Because Sun hasn't documented their VM interface.
 We don't care, do we?  We can do our own.
 2) Because people who have Sun's class library already have Sun's VM.
 What would they want with Harmony for?
 Ya never know :)
 3) Because I thought the main idea was a complete VM under the Apache
 license. Not ASL+SCSL.
 Remember the modularity goal - we want people to be able to take this  
 stuff and plug-n-play with whatever they want.  If for whatever  
 reason they wanted to plug in Sun's class library, why would we want  
 to prevent that?
 Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

[arch] VM Interface

2005-06-05 Thread Peter Donald


It seems like there is a little bit of heat being generated by this 
topic due to confusion. While Geir has not actually stated this anywhere 
I assume that the reason that he is advocating for a VM interface that 
is independent of GNU Classpath is because he has plans to interoperate 
with other class libraries.

I assume that if the Harmony JVM gets half as good as is hoped there 
will be companys who want to adopt the JVM but continue to use Suns 
class library so that differences in libraries don't hurt their customers.

Consider IBM - There are a few people here (both active and lurkers) 
that are IBMers. They have publicly showed support for an open source 
JVM on numerous occasions and I am sure they would benefit considerably 
(as would Harmony) if this project was to get to that stage. However I 
suspect that it is likely that they want to stick with a derivative of 
Suns rt.jar for the moment. The reason being that their customers do not 
want to be exposed to differences between rt.jar and GNU Classpath. 
Given that IBM has already re-written large chunks of the JVM I suspect 
that over time they may move piecemeal to an OSS class library - at a 
pace at which they can verify it matches Suns behaviour.

Another possibility would be the people from Brazil who are starting 
their own JVM and I would not be surprised if at some point someone 
wants to reimplement the class library using with a ASL/MIT or other 
license with fewer restrictions.

I could be wrong but I guess the idea is to keep the options open and 
encourage collaboration with both big buisness and other OSS projects.


Peter Donald
| You can't wake a person who is pretending  |
|   to be asleep. -Navajo Proverb.   |

Re: [arch] VM Interface

2005-06-05 Thread Craig Blake
One potential use is for companies (and individuals) to work around  
particular performance limitations and bugs in the Sun VM while  
keeping the libraries they know inside and out.  I imagine that could  
become common if Harmony ends up being as modular as we all hope.

I am curious as to how much of the standard libraries would be  
rendered non-functional without the VM specific classes from Sun,  

Craig Blake

On Jun 5, 2005, at 5:32 PM, Peter Donald wrote:


It seems like there is a little bit of heat being generated by this  
topic due to confusion. While Geir has not actually stated this  
anywhere I assume that the reason that he is advocating for a VM  
interface that is independent of GNU Classpath is because he has  
plans to interoperate with other class libraries.

I assume that if the Harmony JVM gets half as good as is hoped  
there will be companys who want to adopt the JVM but continue to  
use Suns class library so that differences in libraries don't hurt  
their customers.

Consider IBM - There are a few people here (both active and  
lurkers) that are IBMers. They have publicly showed support for an  
open source JVM on numerous occasions and I am sure they would  
benefit considerably (as would Harmony) if this project was to get  
to that stage. However I suspect that it is likely that they want  
to stick with a derivative of Suns rt.jar for the moment. The  
reason being that their customers do not want to be exposed to  
differences between rt.jar and GNU Classpath. Given that IBM has  
already re-written large chunks of the JVM I suspect that over time  
they may move piecemeal to an OSS class library - at a pace at  
which they can verify it matches Suns behaviour.

Another possibility would be the people from Brazil who are  
starting their own JVM and I would not be surprised if at some  
point someone wants to reimplement the class library using with a  
ASL/MIT or other license with fewer restrictions.

I could be wrong but I guess the idea is to keep the options open  
and encourage collaboration with both big buisness and other OSS  


Peter Donald
| You can't wake a person who is pretending  |
|   to be asleep. -Navajo Proverb.   |

Re: [arch] VM Interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 5, 2005, at 9:32 PM, Peter Donald wrote:


It seems like there is a little bit of heat being generated by this  
topic due to confusion. While Geir has not actually stated this  
anywhere I assume that the reason that he is advocating for a VM  
interface that is independent of GNU Classpath is because he has  
plans to interoperate with other class libraries.

I thought that was a base assumption of the project - that a modular  
architecture provides ways for different implementations to  

Goal #2 from the proposal :

2) create a community-developed modular runtime (VM and class library)
  architecture to allow independent implementations to share runtime
  components, and allow independent innovation in runtime components

I assume that if the Harmony JVM gets half as good as is hoped  
there will be companys who want to adopt the JVM but continue to  
use Suns class library so that differences in libraries don't hurt  
their customers.

Or write their own class libraries for whatever reason.

Consider IBM - There are a few people here (both active and  
lurkers) that are IBMers.

I'm an IBM-er but can't and won't comment on IBMs position on this.  
(I work in a completely different area of the company.  It's a big  

They have publicly showed support for an open source JVM on  
numerous occasions and I am sure they would benefit considerably  
(as would Harmony) if this project was to get to that stage.  
However I suspect that it is likely that they want to stick with a  
derivative of Suns rt.jar for the moment. The reason being that  
their customers do not want to be exposed to differences between  
rt.jar and GNU Classpath. Given that IBM has already re-written  
large chunks of the JVM I suspect that over time they may move  
piecemeal to an OSS class library - at a pace at which they can  
verify it matches Suns behaviour.

Another possibility would be the people from Brazil who are  
starting their own JVM and I would not be surprised if at some  
point someone wants to reimplement the class library using with a  
ASL/MIT or other license with fewer restrictions.

I could be wrong but I guess the idea is to keep the options open  
and encourage collaboration with both big buisness and other OSS  

Yes - exactly.



Peter Donald
| You can't wake a person who is pretending  |
|   to be asleep. -Navajo Proverb.   |

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [arch] VM Interface

2005-06-05 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.

On Jun 5, 2005, at 10:06 PM, Craig Blake wrote:

One potential use is for companies (and individuals) to work around  
particular performance limitations and bugs in the Sun VM while  
keeping the libraries they know inside and out.  I imagine that  
could become common if Harmony ends up being as modular as we all  

I am curious as to how much of the standard libraries would be  
rendered non-functional without the VM specific classes from Sun,  

Agreed.  But there is a reasonable argument to be made that it's in  
Sun's interest too to see a common interface/bridge/foo between the  
VM and class library, so lets not count them out of this.  This is a  
long project, and it's still early :)


Craig Blake

On Jun 5, 2005, at 5:32 PM, Peter Donald wrote:


It seems like there is a little bit of heat being generated by  
this topic due to confusion. While Geir has not actually stated  
this anywhere I assume that the reason that he is advocating for a  
VM interface that is independent of GNU Classpath is because he  
has plans to interoperate with other class libraries.

I assume that if the Harmony JVM gets half as good as is hoped  
there will be companys who want to adopt the JVM but continue to  
use Suns class library so that differences in libraries don't hurt  
their customers.

Consider IBM - There are a few people here (both active and  
lurkers) that are IBMers. They have publicly showed support for an  
open source JVM on numerous occasions and I am sure they would  
benefit considerably (as would Harmony) if this project was to get  
to that stage. However I suspect that it is likely that they want  
to stick with a derivative of Suns rt.jar for the moment. The  
reason being that their customers do not want to be exposed to  
differences between rt.jar and GNU Classpath. Given that IBM has  
already re-written large chunks of the JVM I suspect that over  
time they may move piecemeal to an OSS class library - at a pace  
at which they can verify it matches Suns behaviour.

Another possibility would be the people from Brazil who are  
starting their own JVM and I would not be surprised if at some  
point someone wants to reimplement the class library using with a  
ASL/MIT or other license with fewer restrictions.

I could be wrong but I guess the idea is to keep the options open  
and encourage collaboration with both big buisness and other OSS  


Peter Donald
| You can't wake a person who is pretending  |
|   to be asleep. -Navajo Proverb.   |

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Pluggable bytecode verifiers (was RE: Summer of Code, something for Harmony?)

2005-06-05 Thread Nick Lothian
Bytecode verifiers appear to be one thing where the Harmony project
could contribute some work in standardising interfaces.

At the moment I know of two open source verifiers written in Java: BCEL
(http://jakarta.apache.org/bcel/index.html, Apache Licence) and ASM
(http://asm.objectweb.org/, BSD Licence)

I believe that GCJ also has a verifier which it is (planning on?)
sharing with Kaffe, but I haven't looked at that.

The BCEL verifier can be used from the Verifier class

The ASM verifier can be used from CheckClassAdapter:

From a short investigation, both verifiers have their advantages: for
instance BCEL provides more complete verification, while ASM is faster
and provides some JDK1.5 features. A more complete comparison can be
found at
3E and

It would appear to be a relatively simple task to create an interface
that wrapped either of these verifiers. Presumably it would be no more
work to integrate that common interface than it would be to integrate
the native BCEL verifier.

 I posted a proposal in the wiki
 It is about integrating the BCEL class verifier with one or 
 more OS JVM (written in C or Java).
 JikesRVM has no current class verifier, neither jamvm or 
 sableVM. As far as I know, the spec mandates to have class 
 verification (I just read it in my JVM Spec (a bit old).
 I have been testing how feasible it is, and it looks the 
 right size for someone interested in understanding this 
 world, and something doable in a summer.


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Re: Other interesting papers and research

2005-06-05 Thread shudo
Hi Steve and all,

| The approach of using C Compiler generated code rather than writing a
| full compiler appeals to me:
| http://www.csc.uvic.ca/~csc586a/papers/ertlgregg04.pdf

 From: Steve Blackburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 21:08:05 +1000

 They automatically build themselves
 simple JIT backends (by extracting fragments produced by the ahead of
 time compiler).  This sounds like a great way to achieve portability
 while achiving better performance than a conventional interpreter.

 I guess it's a bit better or just comparable with a good interpreter.

 They say it is a lot better: speedups of up to 1.87 over the fastest
 previous interpreter based technique, and performance comparable to
 simple native code compilers.

Their technique may be reasonable in cases,
but it is better to be aware of:

- On an Athlon processor, speedup (gforth-native over gforth-super) is
  less than those on PowerPC.  It is between 1.06 and 1.49.

- The machine code concatinating technique consumes much memory.
  In my experience, generated machine code is about 10 times larger
  than the original instructions in Java bytecode.

In the paper, the authors have not mentioned memory consumption of the
technique.  We cannot guess how much it is precisely, but it is
possible to be a big drawback.  Yes, we can say the same for the
approach taking a baseline compiler instead of an interpreter (like
Jikes RVM).  Memory consumption of the baseline compiler of Jike RVM
is very interesting.

And the next one does not reduce the value of the technique, but
better to know:

- The compared interpreter (gforth-super) could be improved
  by other techniques including stack caching.
  This means that their machine code concatinating technique may
  benefit from those remaining techniques.

 In 1998, I have written such a JIT compiler concatinate code fragments
 generated by GCC for each JVM instruction.

 Very interesting!

 Unfortunately, the JIT was
 slightly slower than an interpreter in Sun's Classic VM. The
 interpreter was written in x86 assembly language and implements
 dynamic stack caching with 2 registers and 3 states. It performs much
 better than the previous interpreter written in C.
 Then I rewrote the JIT.

In reality, my old JIT compiler in C cannot be strictly compared to
the JDK interpreter in assembly language.

I try clarifying the situation.

   inst. executionstack handling
(1)ErtlGregg's gforth-super   direct threading  2  TOS in a register 2
(2)ErtlGregg's gforth-native  concat'd machine code 1  TOS in a register 2
(3)JDK interpreter in Cswitch threading  3  memory3
(4)JDK interpreter in asm  direct threading  2  stack caching 1
(5)Shudo's first JIT   concat'd machine code 1  memory3
(6)Shudo's lightweight JIT concat'd macihne code 1  stack caching 1

Gforth-super (1) is the ErtlGregg's fastest interpreter compared to
the machine code concatinating technique (2).
(3) is the only interpreter which an ancient JDK 1.0.2 had.
(4) is an interpreter of JDK 1.1 written in assembly language.
(5) is my first JIT compiler which concatinates machine code
for each VM instruction.
(6) is shuJIT, the JIT compiler re-written after (5).

1-3 mean the order of expected performance.
Machine code concatination proposed in the ErtlGregg's paper is
marked with 1 because it is the best in those in this table
for VM instruction execution.
(4) and (6) uses 2 machine registers for stack caching and
ErtlGregg's implementations uses one register
to cache the top of stack (TOS).

ErtlGregg's paper says that gforth-native (2) provided speedups up to
1.87 over gforth-super (1).

I wrote in a previous posting that (5) was slower than (4), but (5)
was inferior to (4) in stack handling. It is possible to be the reason
of the slowness and then I cannot say that the machine code
concatinating technique is not necessarily faster than a good
interpreter like (4).

The followings are other facts I experienced:

- Shudo's lightweight JIT (6) generates about 10 times larger native code
  compared with the original Java bytecode instructions.
  This is possible to be a drawback of an approach taking a baseline
  compiler instead of an interpreter.

  Does the ErtlGregg's machine concatinating technique suffer it?
  How about a baseline compiler of Jikes RVM?

- An interpreter of JDK 1.1 written in assembly (4) executed
  a numerical benchmark, Linpack about twice as fast as
  the previous interpreter in C (3).

  A lesson here is that an interpreter is often regarded as just slow
  but a faster one and a slower one are very different in performance.

- Register utilization is still important even for an interpreter.
  Interpreters (1) and (4), and lightweight JIT compilers (2) and (6)
  utilizes one or two machine registers to cache values around TOS.
  It is also important to map VM registers (e.g. PC) onto machine registers.