Re: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-23 Thread olivia hibel
 This is to bring to the attention of Hasafran members an important
new work dealing with  anti-Zionism.  Written by a superb Jewish woman,
Phyllis Chesler, it is:
   THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About It,
  published by Jossey-Bass. $24.95.

 Phyllis Chesler's first book Women and Madness 1972, was a
landmark work and paved the way to a new and just way to treat women by the
psych. profession.
   Let us hope this book does the same for the treatment of Israel!
Here is a review:

Best wishes, Olivia Hibel

  Olivia Hibel * 5838 Douglas Street * Pittsburgh PA 15217 *412 421-9851

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-23 Thread malka9
Thanks for your statement.  Even in these unspeakably terrible times, we 
must be honest, true to ourselves, and to our intellects. For instance, 
there can be no question regarding the standing of the authors you 
mention.  Shutting ourselves into a box of everyone who does not agree 
completely with how I feel is an enemy -- or is part of a plot against us 
-- does not serve us well.

Madeleine Cohen Oakley
Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy
Rockville, MD

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-23 Thread malka9
Well said.
Madeleine Cohen Oakley
  While I appreciate Mr. Sheynin's perspective, I must disagree with him
  that HaSafran is not an appropriate forum for political discussion.
  Librarianship is inherently a political profession, and it seems to me
  that we must engage in these difficult questions even though we will often
  disagree about them.  Librarians work with books, and even more
  significantly, select and champion or denounce books, and libraririans
  serve communities of people.  Books are political objects (among many
  other things), and patrons are political beings.  To ignore the difficult
  political issues that librarians must face is, to my mind, extremely
  dangerous, if not impossible.
  June Cummins

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Re: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-23 Thread Suzanne Smailes

There is also a review of Chesler's book in the Sept/Oct 2003 issue of the 
AJL Newsletter (p. 18).

Your friendly adult book review editor,


At 07:46 AM 10/23/2003 -1000, olivia hibel wrote:
  This is to bring to the attention of Hasafran members an important
new work dealing with  anti-Zionism.  Written by a superb Jewish woman,
Phyllis Chesler, it is:
THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About It,
   published by Jossey-Bass. $24.95.

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Schnee
I am interested why Jewish librarians feel it so important to present
the Palestinian point of view? Maybe a Hamas video explaining why
suicide bombers are legitimate is also a good idea?

Why is would be so bad to stand up for Israel clearly  proudly without
presenting propaganda from the Palestinians?

Just for example the IDFs bombing in Gaza this week. The Palestinians
claimed Israel deliberately shot into a crowd. Is this a legitimate

What about when the IDF could immediately produce videos of the attack
to show what a bald faced lie it was?

What about the massacre in Jenin? even though the UN has said this
never even happened, all Palestinian official information still claims
Israeli soldiers killed hundreds of innocent civilians?

Do you feel obligated to show this side of the debate?

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread Andrea Rapp
 What about the massacre in Jenin? even though the UN has said this
 never even happened, all Palestinian official information still claims
 Israeli soldiers killed hundreds of innocent civilians?

  As Ehud Barak learned the hard way: (from an interview he gave after the 
Camp David collapse):

They (the Palestinians, and especially Arafat) are the products of a 
culture in which to tell a lie*creates no dissonance. They don't suffer 
from the problem of telling lies that exists in Judeo-Christian culture. 
Truth is seen as an irrelevant category*The deputy director of the US 
Federal Bureau of Investigation told me that there are societies in which 
lie detector tests don't work, societies in which lies do not create 
cognitive dissonance (on which the tests are based).
  I notice that David Elazar's website has an intersting piece about the 
absence of a word for compromise in Arabic.

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread Hayim Sheynin

Hasafran is not an appropriate forum for political discussions.
Even though, I maintain the view that Jews should first of all
protect their brother Jews, and I believe that the defenders of the
Palestinians in our midst do us a disservice, nevertheless, I think that
both sides should consider choosing a better arena for discussion of this

Hayim Y. Sheynin
Tuttleman Library of Gratz College

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread Chaim Singer-Frankes
Well that's nice - state your moral position and then drop a little bomb,
and then retreat back to your moral highground.

-Your fellow defender of JUSTICE, my friend and fellow Jew.

Chaim Singer-Frankes

**From the temporary moderator: this discussion has now veered out of scope 
for a library discussion list. Please confine your remarks to reviews of 
the video in the subject line.

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread June Cummins
While I appreciate Mr. Sheynin's perspective, I must disagree with him
that HaSafran is not an appropriate forum for political discussion.
Librarianship is inherently a political profession, and it seems to me
that we must engage in these difficult questions even though we will often
disagree about them.  Librarians work with books, and even more
significantly, select and champion or denounce books, and libraririans
serve communities of people.  Books are political objects (among many
other things), and patrons are political beings.  To ignore the difficult
political issues that librarians must face is, to my mind, extremely
dangerous, if not impossible.

June Cummins
June Cummins, Assistant Professor
Department of English and Comparative Literature
San Diego State University

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread Bernard Katz
Stuart Schnee and Andrea Rapp have raised concerns and points of view
that deserve a response. Without going into any rhetoric about the actual
issues involved, I would like to say that there is more than one point of
view about was has been taking place within Israel both before and after
1948. Authors such as Tom Segev and Meron Benvenisti (not to mention the
several new historians) have looked at archival sources that can lead
to alternative perspectives and amy present challenges to the older and
established histories. As librarians we should not shrink from these
alternative views, even when they seem harsh and contrary to what we may
have been taught, as long as they are documented by reputable writers.
To do otherwise is to do a terrible diservice to our library users and
denegrate one of the foundation stones of our profession.
Bernard Katz, former Head, Special Collections and Library Development
McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph
and founding Treasurer, AJL - Ontario Chapter

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread Berman, Cherille
I am interested in the debate taking place over whether we should champion,
acquire or at least be silent about books being commisioned/promoted/funded
by anti-Israel elements or as part of a public relations campaign by
pro-Palestinian groups.  In our attempts at fairness, we sometimes bend over
backwards beyond the bounds of common sense.  I don't waste my school's
money on these materials and when they do cross my desk, I communicate my
displeasure to the appropriate publishers/editors, etc.  It may not make a
big difference, but I believe that in the absense of critical feedback,
these products will continue to proliferate. Cherille

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Re: [Ha-Safran] Relentless (actually selection policies)

2003-10-22 Thread Ted Koppel
Andrea's original e-mail (that started this thread) raised a serious 
question.  I'll paraphrase it as:
What obligation do we have as librarians to purchase materials that 
present all viewpoints on a particular issue?
knowing very well that we may be in full agreement (or disagreement, more 
likely) with the content.   Is there any sort of ethical obligation to be 
fair?  Or if not fair, then balanced.

It is this principle that far transcends the immediate question of Israel's 
history.  It goes into belief, liturgy, faith, the whole schmeer.

I can think of numerous examples where ideology might affect purchasing 
patterns.  Should it?


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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless (actually selection policies)

2003-10-22 Thread Stuart Schnee
  I am not a librarian and thus I can't claim to know the professional
standards by which you are called to follow.

As a Jew, who lives in Israel, I simply would hope that you wouldn't see
the Jewish claim to the land of Israel or the Palestinian war against us
as alternative views.

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RE: [Ha-Safran] Relentless

2003-10-22 Thread Bernard Katz
The problem with your statement, Cherille, is that you have set up a
'straw man' by focusing on books being commisioned/promoted/funded by
anti-Israel elements or as part of a public relations campaign by pro-
Palestinian groups. People such as Segev, Benvenisti and Oz are not at
all anti-Israel - at least not in my perspective. But perhaps you are
not referring to these authors when you say that you would not waste
[your] school's money on these materials and when they do cross [your]
desk... communicate [your] displeasure to the appropriate publishers/
editors, etc.

Could you clarify? Would you, have you, for example bought One Palestine
Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate, or 1949: the First
Israelis by Segev; or Sacred Landscape: the Buried History of the Holy
Land Since 1948, or Intimate Enemies: Jews and Arabs in a Shared Land
by Benvenisti? These and others are important works that provide both new
information and an alternate point of view/perspective on Israeli history.
They certainly are not part of a public relations campaign by any pro-
Palestinian groups.

My concern is that it is far too easy to listen to shouts from those who
don't want to have any challenges to the older potted' histories and no
facts and views that might upset our readers, especially students, about
Israel. I have been told, but I'm not in any position to have first hand
knowledge about this, that the English language version of the Pillars
of Fire video does not contain some of the material that was shown on
Israeli tv and *is* in the Hebrew version. If this is correct, then it
should be protested by members of our profession, just as we have done
with other more recent books that we felt were inaccurate and incorrect.

As far as Relentless is concerned, I'm in full agreement with Barry
Walfish, my colleague in the Ontario Chapter, who gave a very fair mini-
review of it as part of this discussion. Shabbat shalom,

Bernard Katz, former Head, Special Collections and Library Development
McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph
and founding Treasurer, AJL - Ontario Chapter

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