DalliError: No server available

2012-09-05 Thread Karl
For just about every request in my app's log I see the following:

localhost:11211 failed
DalliError: No server available

I tried removing the memcache addon, then adding it back on. No change, 
still see the error.

  Rails 3.2.8
  Ruby 1.9.3-p0
  Cedar stack
  Dalli 2.2.0


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Re: DalliError: No server available

2012-09-05 Thread Karl
I'm using memcache:5mb and the Dalli gem. According to the Heroku docs, no 
config is necessary. Still doesn't work.

On Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:22:46 AM UTC-7, Peter Keen wrote:

 Do you have one of the memcache add ons configured? Memcachier I know 
 needs a special gem, then it just works.

 On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Karl threa...@gmail.com javascript:wrote:

 For just about every request in my app's log I see the following:

 localhost:11211 failed
 DalliError: No server available

 I tried removing the memcache addon, then adding it back on. No change, 
 still see the error.

   Rails 3.2.8
   Ruby 1.9.3-p0
   Cedar stack
   Dalli 2.2.0


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Heroku Access Through Firewall

2012-08-06 Thread Karl
I have an app that is B2B, utilizing a custom domain. Occasionally, I get 
an email from a new corporate firewall admin asking for the url, ports and 
ip's of the application. The url (mydomain.com) and ports(80, 443) are 
easy, but I'm having problems with the IP address.

They (company firewall admins) complain that the application does not have 
a single IP address. Every time they hit the app, it comes back with a 
different IP.

I know every firewall is different, and maybe a proxy and filter are the 
best methods to handle this. But I need to give them some guidance.

Can someone give me some tips on what to tell firewall administrators what 
to do to allow access to a Heroku application? 

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Re: Heroku Access Through Firewall

2012-08-06 Thread Karl
Thanks Troy.

Please don't think I'm picking your solution apart...

On Monday, August 6, 2012 6:47:01 PM UTC-7, Troy Davis wrote:

  - If you control both endpoints and aren't tied to a firewall-based 
 solution, configure digest auth on the Web server and rely on that. 
 Expose the Web server on a non-default port and/or path if you want 
 less noise. The attack surface is still fairly small, especially if 
 the Web server performs digest auth before your app sees the request. 

I only control the Heroku end. The other end is behind a corporate firewall 
that I don't control, but I can give them suggestions.

  - Use a proxy, typically a tiny VM from your choice of providers. 

And that is my first thought. But not every company has one, or is willing 
to start one just for my app.

 - Amazon does publish EC2 public IP ranges: 
 https://forums.aws.amazon.com/ann.jspa?annID=1528. I'd opt for either 
 of the other options before this one, since it would mean keeping up 
 with the forum posts, inevitably missing one, and then having to 
 detect the problem from spurious (dyno-specific) connection timeouts. 
 Creates more problems than it avoids. 

Agreed. Plus, I just don't believe they (corporate IT) is willing to punch 
that many holes in their firewall.

 Finally, if you use a proxy, here are iptables rules to forward eth0 
 TCP 1880 to 

 -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1880 -j DNAT 
 -A FORWARD -d -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m state 
 --state NEW -j ACCEPT 

 and permit connections to it: 

 -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1880 -j ACCEPT 

But that doesn't solve the problem with Heroku. Heroku could pull from any 
IP in the EC2 (east) ranges, correct?

Or is what you are suggesting is putting my app server on a different port 
than 80/443, and allowing http traffic through the firewall for only that 
port? But wouldn't that disregard other users who expect the app to 
operation on 80/433?


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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-26 Thread Karl
Wanted to let you know I'm not ignoring you, but I cut off part of my thumb 
this weekend, thus typing is a bit difficult. Will followup in a few days.

On Friday, March 23, 2012 10:22:00 AM UTC-7, j_McCaffrey wrote:

 thanks for posting the resolution!

 I did not know about that difference in behavior for the .slugignore file 
 (that's going in my notes).

 I also have not played around with making a buildpack yet, so my note on 
 that is you can create a custom buildpack to help you debug issues.

 Actually, if you don't mind pushing that verbose buildpack out to github, 
 I'd love to check it out, and see how it works.

 I've been helping students with a variety of technical backgrounds with 
 their heroku deployments, and sometimes they get themselves into some 
 interesting situations that are not easy to tease out at first, and having 
 a verbose buildpack like this might really cut down on the amount of time 
 spent trying to 'guess' at what the issue is.

 Also, I wonder what questions we could have asked you that would have lead 
 us to your .slugignore situation.

 Do you have any other projects using these tools that are working ok?
 Followed by What is different about this project vs. those?

 If you create a new project from scratch, using the same versions of 
 these tools, do you have the same problem?

 Thanks again for posting the outcome, its enormously valuable for the rest 
 of us.


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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-22 Thread Karl

First, allow me to extend my thanks to all the replies.

Pushed to production today, and now it does not detect 'manifest.yml'. It 
did a couple of weeks ago, after a push.

*New App*
So, I copied the entire app, via finder, removing the git. Created a new 
git repo. Removed new_relic and airbrake, and asset_sync gems. Created new 
git repo, adding all the file. Created new cedar app on heroku and 
pushed... it detects the existence of 'manifest.yml' and does not compile 
assets. Exactly as expected.

*Git Corruption?*
So, my best guess is that there is something awry in my git repo. 
'manifest.yml' is there, I can see in in 'git log' and it appears as 
expected in my file system. But when pushed to heorku, it is somehow being 
ignored or corrupted.

So I performed a 'git fsck --full'. Lots of dangling blogs, 
dome dangling trees, and some dangling tags, but no errors 
or corrupted commits reported. A 'git gc' fixed those.

Deleted 'manifest.yml' file, compiled assets locally, added 
'public/assets/manifest.yml' to the repo and committed. Push to heroku, 
and... still does not detect 'manifest.yml'. UGG.

My best guess is that the corruption is on heroku's side.

Any ideas?

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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-22 Thread Karl
Well, I figured it out. The problem is with my .slugignore file. In 
.slugignore I had:



Why? I used to keep some photoshop files in there. But the /assets folder 
doen't exist any more.

The problem? It appears that when .slugignore is processed is does NOT 
behave like .gitignore and in my case above it ignored *all* *folders* with 
the name of 'assets', *all* *files* with the name of 'assets', regardless 
of location. Thus public/assets and all it's contents were removed from the 
slug before asset compilation, thus it didn't detect manifest.yml because 
it was removed.

The only way I was able to figure this out was by creating a custom 
buildback with copious 'puts' to watch what was happening during the entire 
slug compilation process. Man, what a waste of too, too many hours.

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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-21 Thread Karl

On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6:38:20 AM UTC-7, Chap wrote:

 What do you mean by the files are sync'd to S3? 


 Are you using a library to put them on S3? By default they should just 
 remain in your slug and be served from there. 

I have been using the asset_sync gem. I have tried allowing heroku to 
compile the assets and sync on deploy. And I have compiled locally, 
including the manifest.yml in the repo. Neither works.

 If so I might try removing that library and see if you still have the 

Already tried that. Removing asset_sync gem doesn't make a difference. When 
asset_sync is removed, it attempts to compile the assets, but doesn't 
complete, give no error messages (console or logs), overwrites manifest.yml 
with an empty array.

Honestly, this shouldn't matter, because the builder should detect the 
existing public/assets/mainfiest.yml files and not even attempt to compile 

I looked over the builder, and I don't see anything that stands out.

BTW, I have several other heroku projects that I compile the assets locally 
using asset_sync to sync with S3, include mainfest.yml in the repo, and it 
works without fail.

 On Mar 20, 1:16 pm, Karl wrote: 
  On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:51:24 AM UTC-7, richard schneeman wrote: 
   So if you bash into your application, are your files also missing from 
   the dyno or can you see your the files? I'm curious if the files are 
   not being generated correctly, or just not being synced correctly. 
   $ heroku run bash 
   Running bash attached to terminal... up, run.1 
   ~ $ ls public/assets 
   application.css   manifest.yml 
   What about your manifest.yml? 
  Yup, already tried that... manifest.yml is there. But... 
   ~ $ cat public/assets/manifest.yml 
   rails.png: rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png 
   application.js: application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js 
   application.css: application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css 
  The manifest.yml is there, but the yaml is an empty array. What is 
  happening is heroku still *attempts* to compile assets, but borks, 
  overwrites my manifest.yml with a manifest.yml that is essentially an 
  array (not an empty file, though). 
  Have you opened ahttps://support.heroku.comticket for this issue? 
  Yes. Been a week, the issue was escalated, but still no response. 
  Frustration ensues. 
  The only workaround I have it to turn assets.compile = true, and it 
  the user to the assets on S3, but they are not compiled/combined/gzip'd. 
  Do you have any other ideas?

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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-21 Thread Karl
On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 9:18:26 AM UTC-7, Neil Middleton wrote:

 I wonder if you have an exception that's being swallowed somewhere along 
 the line.

 - Have you tried running the assets:precompile with a --trace?

Yes. Both locally and on heroku.

Locally, all assets compile without error.

On heroku, no errors reported, nothing in logs, but as I have stated in 
previous message, the manifest.yml is just an empty erray.

FYI, the manifest.yml after asset:precompile on heroku:

--- {}

In the repo, it has all the correct assets.

- Have you tried the same code on a new Heroku app / S3 bucket to rule out 
 anything there?

No. I'll give it a try.

Oddly enough, only the *staging* version of this app is giving me trouble. 
The *production* version works as expected. So, in a way, I have tried it 
on a different heroku account. Probably a good idea to try again.

 On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 16:08, Karl wrote:

 On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6:38:20 AM UTC-7, Chap wrote:

 What do you mean by the files are sync'd to S3? 


 Are you using a library to put them on S3? By default they should just 
 remain in your slug and be served from there. 

 I have been using the asset_sync gem. I have tried allowing heroku to 
 compile the assets and sync on deploy. And I have compiled locally, 
 including the manifest.yml in the repo. Neither works.

 If so I might try removing that library and see if you still have the 

 Already tried that. Removing asset_sync gem doesn't make a difference. 
 When asset_sync is removed, it attempts to compile the assets, but doesn't 
 complete, give no error messages (console or logs), overwrites manifest.yml 
 with an empty array.

 Honestly, this shouldn't matter, because the builder should detect the 
 existing public/assets/mainfiest.yml files and not even attempt to compile 

 I looked over the builder, and I don't see anything that stands out.

 BTW, I have several other heroku projects that I compile the assets 
 locally using asset_sync to sync with S3, include mainfest.yml in the repo, 
 and it works without fail.

 On Mar 20, 1:16 pm, Karl wrote: 
  On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:51:24 AM UTC-7, richard schneeman wrote: 
   So if you bash into your application, are your files also missing from 
   the dyno or can you see your the files? I'm curious if the files are 
   not being generated correctly, or just not being synced correctly. 
   $ heroku run bash 
   Running bash attached to terminal... up, run.1 
   ~ $ ls public/assets 
   application.css   manifest.yml 
   What about your manifest.yml? 
  Yup, already tried that... manifest.yml is there. But... 
   ~ $ cat public/assets/manifest.yml 
   rails.png: rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png 
   application.js: application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js 
   application.css: application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css 
  The manifest.yml is there, but the yaml is an empty array. What is 
  happening is heroku still *attempts* to compile assets, but borks, 
  overwrites my manifest.yml with a manifest.yml that is essentially an 
  array (not an empty file, though). 
  Have you opened ahttps://support.heroku.comticket for this issue? 
  Yes. Been a week, the issue was escalated, but still no response. 
  Frustration ensues. 
  The only workaround I have it to turn assets.compile = true, and it 
  the user to the assets on S3, but they are not compiled/combined/gzip'd. 
  Do you have any other ideas?

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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-21 Thread Karl
On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 10:44:46 AM UTC-7, Neil Middleton wrote:

 Is your staging app setup with a staging env?  ie. RAILS_ENV and RACK_ENV 
 are both staging? 

 If not, you're going to be seeing some odd things with asset_sync.

Yes, both RAILS_ENV and RACK_ENV are set to staging.

Hmm, you have an interesting point here. But I'm pretty sure that RAILS_ENV 
is set to production during asset compilation. I would expect RACK_ENV to 
be irrelevant as rack shouldn't be loaded for asset compilation.

Looking at 
are manually setting RAILS_ENV.

On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 17:33, Karl wrote:

 On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 9:18:26 AM UTC-7, Neil Middleton wrote:

 I wonder if you have an exception that's being swallowed somewhere along 
 the line.

 - Have you tried running the assets:precompile with a --trace?

 Yes. Both locally and on heroku.

 Locally, all assets compile without error.

 On heroku, no errors reported, nothing in logs, but as I have stated in 
 previous message, the manifest.yml is just an empty erray.

 FYI, the manifest.yml after asset:precompile on heroku:

 --- {}

 In the repo, it has all the correct assets.

 - Have you tried the same code on a new Heroku app / S3 bucket to rule out 
 anything there?

 No. I'll give it a try.

 Oddly enough, only the *staging* version of this app is giving me 
 trouble. The *production* version works as expected. So, in a way, I have 
 tried it on a different heroku account. Probably a good idea to try again.

 On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 16:08, Karl wrote:

 On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6:38:20 AM UTC-7, Chap wrote:

 What do you mean by the files are sync'd to S3? 


 Are you using a library to put them on S3? By default they should just 
 remain in your slug and be served from there. 

 I have been using the asset_sync gem. I have tried allowing heroku to 
 compile the assets and sync on deploy. And I have compiled locally, 
 including the manifest.yml in the repo. Neither works.

 If so I might try removing that library and see if you still have the 

 Already tried that. Removing asset_sync gem doesn't make a difference. 
 When asset_sync is removed, it attempts to compile the assets, but doesn't 
 complete, give no error messages (console or logs), overwrites manifest.yml 
 with an empty array.

 Honestly, this shouldn't matter, because the builder should detect the 
 existing public/assets/mainfiest.yml files and not even attempt to compile 

 I looked over the builder, and I don't see anything that stands out.

 BTW, I have several other heroku projects that I compile the assets 
 locally using asset_sync to sync with S3, include mainfest.yml in the repo, 
 and it works without fail.

 On Mar 20, 1:16 pm, Karl wrote: 
  On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:51:24 AM UTC-7, richard schneeman wrote: 
   So if you bash into your application, are your files also missing from 
   the dyno or can you see your the files? I'm curious if the files are 
   not being generated correctly, or just not being synced correctly. 
   $ heroku run bash 
   Running bash attached to terminal... up, run.1 
   ~ $ ls public/assets 
   application.css   manifest.yml 
   What about your manifest.yml? 
  Yup, already tried that... manifest.yml is there. But... 
   ~ $ cat public/assets/manifest.yml 
   rails.png: rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png 
   application.js: application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js 
   application.css: application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css 
  The manifest.yml is there, but the yaml is an empty array. What is 
  happening is heroku still *attempts* to compile assets, but borks, 
  overwrites my manifest.yml with a manifest.yml that is essentially an 
  array (not an empty file, though). 
  Have you opened ahttps://support.heroku.comticket for this issue? 
  Yes. Been a week, the issue was escalated, but still no response. 
  Frustration ensues. 
  The only workaround I have it to turn assets.compile = true, and it 
  the user to the assets on S3, but they are not compiled/combined/gzip'd. 
  Do you have any other ideas?

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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-20 Thread Karl
On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:51:24 AM UTC-7, richard schneeman wrote:

 So if you bash into your application, are your files also missing from 
 the dyno or can you see your the files? I'm curious if the files are 
 not being generated correctly, or just not being synced correctly. 

 $ heroku run bash 
 Running bash attached to terminal... up, run.1 
 ~ $ ls public/assets 
 application.css   manifest.yml 

 What about your manifest.yml?

Yup, already tried that... manifest.yml is there. But...

 ~ $ cat public/assets/manifest.yml 
 rails.png: rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png 
 application.js: application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js 
 application.css: application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css 

The manifest.yml is there, but the yaml is an empty array. What is 
happening is heroku still *attempts* to compile assets, but borks, 
overwrites my manifest.yml with a manifest.yml that is essentially an empty 
array (not an empty file, though).

Have you opened a https://support.heroku.com ticket for this issue?

Yes. Been a week, the issue was escalated, but still no response. 
Frustration ensues.

The only workaround I have it to turn assets.compile = true, and it directs 
the user to the assets on S3, but they are not compiled/combined/gzip'd.

Do you have any other ideas?

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Re: rails 3.2 on heroku; asset precompilation problems

2012-03-13 Thread Karl
I filed a support ticket with heroku yesterday. They have confirmed there 
is a bug. For some reason, manifest.yml is not being detected.

On Monday, March 12, 2012 11:54:37 PM UTC-7, Andrew Lorente wrote:

 I'm sorry to say I haven't found a solution--but my heart leapt when I saw 
 your previous message. I agree that it sounds like the very same thing, so 
 at least we are not alone!

 On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:34 PM, Karl  wrote:

 Can't help much, but I'm having a very similar problem. I am 100% 
 positive I have public/assets/manifest.yml in my master branch. But when 
 pushed to heroku, it doesn't see it. And of course the app won't 
 run because compiled assets are missing.

 Please let me know if you have found a solution.

 On Saturday, March 3, 2012 9:44:30 PM UTC-7, Andrew Lorente wrote:


 I'm having a bear of a time upgrading a pre-3.1 rails app to 3.2. I'ts 
 working locally, but on heroku no matter what I do, I get exceptions on 

 A ActionView::Template::Error occurred in posts#index:
   application.css isn't precompiled

 Initially it wouldn't compile at all; per heroku's troubleshooting 
  added `config.assets.initialize_on_
 **precompile = false` to config/application.rb . Now when I push to 
 heroku, the output log appears to be successfully precompiling my assets:

 $ git push heroku master
 Counting objects: 17, done.
 Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
 Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
 Writing objects: 100% (9/9), 1.23 KiB, done.
 Total 9 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)

 - Heroku receiving push
 - Ruby/Rails app detected
 - Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.1.rc.7
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path 
 vendor/bundle --binstubs bin/ --deployment
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/...
 {{snip bundle install}}
Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./vendor/bundle
Cleaning up the bundler cache.
 - Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL
 *- Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
Running: rake assets:precompile*
 - Rails plugin injection
Injecting rails_log_stdout
Injecting rails3_serve_static_assets
 - Discovering process types
Procfile declares types  - web
Default types for Ruby/Rails - console, rake, worker
 - Compiled slug size is 20.7MB
 - Launching... done, v30

 But I still get application.css isn't precompiled.

 I've tried manually precompiling my assets:

 $ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
 assets:precompile:all RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets

 $ git add public/assets
 $ git commit -m precompiled assets
 $ git push heroku master

 But it has no effect. Perplexingly, I still see Running: rake 
 assets:precompile in the heroku slug compilation output, even though 
 in this case I have a public/assets/manifest.yml and the heroku docs say I 
 should see Detected manifest.yml, assuming assets were compiled locally

 It almost looks like heroku is expecting/putting manifest.yml somewhere 
 other than public/assets, but I don't have much evidence to support that.

 Thanks for any help you can suggest!

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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-13 Thread Karl
Not 100% sure it is related to my other 
but I'm holding out until heroku gets back with me.

On Monday, March 12, 2012 4:13:31 PM UTC-7, Karl wrote:

 Just tried that (again), and it works as expected, unauth_web_connect.js 
 and tester.js are compiled and sync'd to S3.

 On Monday, March 12, 2012 3:55:25 PM UTC-7, j_McCaffrey wrote:

 To rule out a heroku specific issue, try running locally in production 
 mode. This usually reveals an issue.

 if not, then try 
 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

 On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Karl wrote:

 Rails 3.2.2 app, on cedar, using ruby 1.9.3 with asset_sync gem to sync 
 assets to S3. When I 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile' on my dev 
 machine, asset_sync works just as expected.

 However, the same project when pushed to Heroku skips some of the asset 
 files. Just so I'm clear, these assets files are specified using 
 'config.assets.precompile += []'. Here is the exact code in production.rb:

   config.assets.precompile += [ 'print.css',







 Print.css, api_docs.css, installation.js, and token_recover.js compile 
 just fine and asset sync sends them on their merry way to S3. But *
 nothing* I have tried over the past two days will get 
 unauth_web_connect.js or tester.js to compile on heroku. No errors are 
 reported during slug compilation or in the logs.

 Token_recovery.js.coffee and installation.js.coffee compile just fine, 
 and appear on S3 as expected, digests and all.

 Unauth_web_connect.js is a coffeescript file 
 (unauth_web_connect.js.coffee) that resides in '

 I have tried, and it did not fix:

- changing the names of the xxx.js.coffee files 
- reducing the javascript in xxx.js.coffee files down to just 'alert 
- changing the order in config.assets.precompile 
- removing the xxx.js.coffee file and re-creating it 

 I'm out of ideas.



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Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-12 Thread Karl

Rails 3.2.2 app, on cedar, using ruby 1.9.3 with asset_sync gem to sync 
assets to S3. When I 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile' on my dev 
machine, asset_sync works just as expected.

However, the same project when pushed to Heroku skips some of the asset 
files. Just so I'm clear, these assets files are specified using 
'config.assets.precompile += []'. Here is the exact code in production.rb:

  config.assets.precompile += [ 'print.css',







Print.css, api_docs.css, installation.js, and token_recover.js compile just 
fine and asset sync sends them on their merry way to S3. But *nothing* I 
have tried over the past two days will get unauth_web_connect.js or 
tester.js to compile on heroku. No errors are reported during slug 
compilation or in the logs.

Token_recovery.js.coffee and installation.js.coffee compile just fine, and 
appear on S3 as expected, digests and all.

Unauth_web_connect.js is a coffeescript file (unauth_web_connect.js.coffee) 
that resides in 'app/assets/javascript/not_auto_loaded/'.

I have tried, and it did not fix:

   - changing the names of the xxx.js.coffee files 
   - reducing the javascript in xxx.js.coffee files down to just 'alert 
   - changing the order in config.assets.precompile 
   - removing the xxx.js.coffee file and re-creating it 

I'm out of ideas.

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Re: Assets Precompile: Works Locally, Heroku Skips Some Files

2012-03-12 Thread Karl
Just tried that (again), and it works as expected, unauth_web_connect.js 
and tester.js are compiled and sync'd to S3.

On Monday, March 12, 2012 3:55:25 PM UTC-7, j_McCaffrey wrote:

 To rule out a heroku specific issue, try running locally in production 
 mode. This usually reveals an issue.

 if not, then try 
 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

 On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Karl wrote:

 Rails 3.2.2 app, on cedar, using ruby 1.9.3 with asset_sync gem to sync 
 assets to S3. When I 'bundle exec rake assets:precompile' on my dev 
 machine, asset_sync works just as expected.

 However, the same project when pushed to Heroku skips some of the asset 
 files. Just so I'm clear, these assets files are specified using 
 'config.assets.precompile += []'. Here is the exact code in production.rb:

   config.assets.precompile += [ 'print.css',







 Print.css, api_docs.css, installation.js, and token_recover.js compile 
 just fine and asset sync sends them on their merry way to S3. But *
 nothing* I have tried over the past two days will get 
 unauth_web_connect.js or tester.js to compile on heroku. No errors are 
 reported during slug compilation or in the logs.

 Token_recovery.js.coffee and installation.js.coffee compile just fine, 
 and appear on S3 as expected, digests and all.

 Unauth_web_connect.js is a coffeescript file 
 (unauth_web_connect.js.coffee) that resides in '

 I have tried, and it did not fix:

- changing the names of the xxx.js.coffee files 
- reducing the javascript in xxx.js.coffee files down to just 'alert 
- changing the order in config.assets.precompile 
- removing the xxx.js.coffee file and re-creating it 

 I'm out of ideas.



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Re: rails 3.2 on heroku; asset precompilation problems

2012-03-12 Thread Karl
Can't help much, but I'm having a very similar problem. I am 100% positive 
I have public/assets/manifest.yml in my master branch. But when pushed to 
heroku, it doesn't see it. And of course the app won't run because compiled 
assets are missing.

Please let me know if you have found a solution.

On Saturday, March 3, 2012 9:44:30 PM UTC-7, Andrew Lorente wrote:


 I'm having a bear of a time upgrading a pre-3.1 rails app to 3.2. I'ts 
 working locally, but on heroku no matter what I do, I get exceptions on 

 A ActionView::Template::Error occurred in posts#index:
   application.css isn't precompiled

 Initially it wouldn't compile at all; per heroku's troubleshooting 
  added `config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false` to 
 config/application.rb . Now when I push to heroku, the output log appears 
 to be successfully precompiling my assets:

 $ git push heroku master
 Counting objects: 17, done.
 Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
 Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
 Writing objects: 100% (9/9), 1.23 KiB, done.
 Total 9 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)

 - Heroku receiving push
 - Ruby/Rails app detected
 - Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.1.rc.7
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path 
 vendor/bundle --binstubs bin/ --deployment
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/...
 {{snip bundle install}}
Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./vendor/bundle
Cleaning up the bundler cache.
 - Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL
 *- Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
Running: rake assets:precompile*
 - Rails plugin injection
Injecting rails_log_stdout
Injecting rails3_serve_static_assets
 - Discovering process types
Procfile declares types  - web
Default types for Ruby/Rails - console, rake, worker
 - Compiled slug size is 20.7MB
 - Launching... done, v30

 But I still get application.css isn't precompiled.

 I've tried manually precompiling my assets:

 $ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
 assets:precompile:all RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets

 $ git add public/assets
 $ git commit -m precompiled assets
 $ git push heroku master

 But it has no effect. Perplexingly, I still see Running: rake 
 assets:precompile in the heroku slug compilation output, even though in 
 this case I have a public/assets/manifest.yml and the heroku docs say I 
 should see Detected manifest.yml, assuming assets were compiled locally.

 It almost looks like heroku is expecting/putting manifest.yml somewhere 
 other than public/assets, but I don't have much evidence to support that.

 Thanks for any help you can suggest!

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Fixed IP? Will my idea work...

2012-03-08 Thread Karl
So, I need to connect to a SOAP API that *requires* the caller have a fixed 
IP address. We all know that heroku has two options: $100 a month for fixed 
ip ssl, or no-can-do. And I'm not convinced that the instance doing the 
calling will reveal the fixed ip anyway.

So, my thought is that I could create an EC2 micro instance, give it an 
elastic IP address, and hobble together a quick sinatra app to receive 
calls from my heroku app and have it make the SOAP calls. But I would like 
this EC2 instance (not under heroku's app structure) to connect to the 
postgres db directly. I'm using the shared postgres db, but I may be 
willing to go with an add-on if it works.

Is this possible, will it work?

PS - yes, I know I could have the sinatra app just return the SOAP XML back 
to the heroku app, and that is my plan 'B'. But if it could talk to the 
postgres db directly, it would make the setup easier and simpler.

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Re: Fixed IP? Will my idea work...

2012-03-08 Thread Karl
On Thursday, March 8, 2012 12:25:56 PM UTC-7, Peter van Hardenberg wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Karl  wrote:

 So, I need to connect to a SOAP API that *requires* the caller have a 
 fixed IP address. We all know that heroku has two options: $100 a month for 
 fixed ip ssl, or no-can-do. And I'm not convinced that the instance doing 
 the calling will reveal the fixed ip anyway.

 So, my thought is that I could create an EC2 micro instance, give it an 
 elastic IP address, and hobble together a quick sinatra app to receive 
 calls from my heroku app and have it make the SOAP calls. But I would like 
 this EC2 instance (not under heroku's app structure) to connect to the 
 postgres db directly. I'm using the shared postgres db, but I may be 
 willing to go with an add-on if it works.

 Is this possible, will it work?

 PS - yes, I know I could have the sinatra app just return the SOAP XML 
 back to the heroku app, and that is my plan 'B'. But if it could talk to 
 the postgres db directly, it would make the setup easier and simpler.

 The shared databases don't support ingress from outside the Heroku cloud, 
 but the production databases do.


Thanks Peter. My client won't pony up for the $200/mo Ronin, but I wish 
they would.

Do you have any advise on the best way to handle this task in a heroku app 
(API receiver requires fixed ip address)? 

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Re: Caching POST Requests

2011-10-12 Thread Karl
On Oct 11, 7:35 pm, Adam Wiggins a...@heroku.com wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Karl threadh...@gmail.com wrote:
     2011-10-11T20:53:27+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [POST /printed.xml]
  invalidate, pass

  What does the cache: [...] invalidate, pass mean?

 Note that the log originates with your app, process name web.1.  This is
 coming from your app, not Heroku infrastructure.  It's a Rails log message.

Thanks Adam... duly noted... do you know what it means? Haven't been
able to find much on the internets.

While I have the dalli gem (memcache client) active, I'm not utilizing
it at this point. Is this log message coming from dalli?

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Caching POST Requests

2011-10-11 Thread Karl
I know that Varnish is not supposed to cache POST requests, but I
think it may be doing it anyway.

I have a very simple API that the user will pass a couple of data
fields via a POST request. Even though the post data changes, the
returned data does not.

Looking at the logs I see:

2011-10-11T20:53:27+00:00 app[web.1]: Started POST /printed.xml
for at 2011-10-11 20:53:27 +
2011-10-11T20:53:27+00:00 app[web.1]: cache: [POST /printed.xml]
invalidate, pass
2011-10-11T20:53:27+00:00 app[web.1]:   Processing by
PrintedController#index as XML
2011-10-11T20:53:27+00:00 app[web.1]:   Parameters:
2011-10-11T20:53:27+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 200 OK in 131ms
(Views: 16.7ms | ActiveRecord: 111.9ms)
2011-10-11T21:07:03+00:00 heroku[router]: GET
xxx-74.herokuapp.com/ dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=7ms
status=301 bytes=0

What does the cache: [...] invalidate, pass mean?

Is Varnish (or something else) caching the response? If not, then why
does the returned data not change?

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ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn't precompiled)

2011-09-06 Thread Karl
Updating an all to rails 3.1, on cedar stack. Works find in production
mode on my dev machine.

Read the Heroku page on Rails 3.1, but it provided no help.

The first time I hit a page that uses 'application.css' (pretty much
all the pages), the following error appears in the Heroku logs:

2011-09-06T16:38:41+00:00 app[web.1]: ActionView::Template::Error
(application.css isn't precompiled):
2011-09-06T16:38:41+00:00 app[web.1]: 1: = stylesheet_link_tag
'application', :media = 'screen, projection'

Relevant setting in production.rb (everything is default except):
  config.assets.compile = false
  config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = nil  # as per Heroku
  config.force_ssl = true
  config.action_controller.asset_host = https://

OK, I'm at a loss here. Rails should be attempting to load
'application.css' from S3, not looking for a local, precompiled copy.


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Re: Custom-Domain SSL - SNI

2011-08-30 Thread Karl
Exactly, my users will be very confused (think chimps), and may not
even be able to click on a dialog that appears.

And I did read the SNI page on wikipedia, several times, following
references. But as I'm sure you know, wikipedia is no the end-all for
technical information.

Anyone else?

On Aug 30, 2:54 am, Steve Smith st...@scsworld.co.uk wrote:
 Hey Karl,

 I know this is a bit of a cop-out answer but the wikipedia page tells
 you quite a lot about SNI and where it is/isn't 

 We use SNI at CloudMailin because most of our users are Devs so we very
 rarely are exposed to the browsers without support. We also turned on
 piggyback ssl so in our experience when SNI doesn't work the user will
 be presented with the *.heroku.com certificate which will raise an error
 claiming to be from a different website. In our case this is also fine
 because most of our users know who Heroku are and can probably even
 figure out why this is happening given the certificate but in your case
 it might not be ok. I guess it just depends on your circumstances.


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Re: Custom-Domain SSL - SNI

2011-08-30 Thread Karl
On Aug 30, 7:24 am, Steve Smith st...@scsworld.co.uk wrote:
 It sounds like SNI just isn't the option for you. I know that browsers
 are catching up but when I last checked (about a month ago) Chrome and
 IE didn't support SNI because XP itself doesn't support SNI in it's TLS
 negotiation. I *think* firefox might work but you would have to try it.

I have tried FF on XP SP3, and it worked without presenting a
certificate warning.

 If your users are on kiosk systems do you have access to the kiosks
 themselves? Is there any way that you can pre-accept certificates such
 as the piggyback one?

I'm in the enviable position that I can dictate the browser choice.
However, that is only for low level users. Some of the admins may
login using IE. Though I would gander that most would be using
something newer than XP.

 Can you use the hostname based SSL or do you need
 users to be able to access the site from the custom domain directly?

Hostname is ok, but I have an absolute requirement that the client's
IP be passed to the Heroku app. Yes, this seems to work, but not 100%
(we have had periods of downtime where the IP is not passed). I was
hoping SNI would be a better choice.

In the end, I guess we can run with SNI for a while an see how it
works. Can always switch to hostname later.

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Custom-Domain SSL - SNI

2011-08-29 Thread Karl
Need to setup a custom-domain SSL on my cedar stack. User will MOSTLY
(99%) be using FireFox on Windows XP. Very rarely, an IE user may
sneak in.

1. App MUST pass remote IP for every request (part of security

2. Users will be running in kiosk mode, without keyboards, so they
should not have to to reply to dialogs requesting certificate

I have read all the docs on heroku, and the support section on:
But I would like a little clarification, as the wikipedia site may be
a bit dated.

Using FireFox 4.X+ on Windows XP, will there be any issues using SNI?

What about IE8 on Windows XP, any issues with SNI?

IE7 on XP?

What about Blackberrys?

When SNI does not work, what does that mean? The user can not view the
site at all under SSL? or are they just annoyed with a dialog on each

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Re: Using MongoHQ or Cloudant for Audit Trails

2011-06-21 Thread Karl

All the information related to replication is included here:

On Jun 18, 4:47 pm, Jeff Schmitz jeffrey.j.schm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Has the pricing plan been announced?


 On Jun 18, 2011, at 11:07 AM, Oren Teich o...@heroku.com wrote:

  We launched replication into beta this week.  We have many large
  customers using it already in production.  Drop a note to
  b...@heroku.com and he can hook you up with the details.


  On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Karl threadh...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a client app that will be coming online soon, and one of the
  the requirements is that it generates non-repeating serial numbers
  with no vacancies. There can NEVER, EVER be a repeated serial number.
  If you are curious, it's financial transactions between countries that
  are monitored by the FINRA (and others) and they use the serial
  numbers to detect fraud.

  So, let's say there is a one-in-a-billion chance that Heroku loses
  some of my database, no matter how small. They, or we, can restore
  from backups, but there is no possible way I can determine that
  records could have been created after the last backup. I'm not so
  concerned about system downtime, it's potential data loss.

  As I understand, Heroku does not provide any form of replication for
  its PostgreSQL offerings (psst, I would be willing to pay $$$). Until
  then I need to come up with a fault tolerant scheme of data audit

  First thought - just use Amazon RDS. But whoa, it's really expensive.
  My clients won't float $3K per month just for data storage. But maybe
  I'm pricing it wrong and don't understand their pricing model.

  Second thought - Lotsa backups! Better, but still no guarantee.

  Third thought - MongoDB or Cloudant. I could use either to write audit
  logs, essentially duplicating my 'serialized documents', but not the
  entire db. Since I only need to verify that every new document
  generated is serialized, seem easy to hit MongoDB/Cloudant to find the
  last document store and if it does not match the last one in
  PostgreSQL shut the app down until I can manually restore from the
  audit log.

  Seem fairly easy and straightforward.

  Has anyone else done this?
  How successful were you? any gotchas?
  Any gems out there that can do this?

  Advice appreciated.

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Re: Newrelic config does not work.

2011-06-19 Thread Karl
Thanks John.

In the mean time I was able to get it working by changing line no 2

On Jun 18, 12:23 am, John Beynon j...@beynon.org.uk wrote:
 I had exactly the same problem.

 I got in touch with support who said it was a problem with the new relic 
 license env value and they were unsure why this happened. Looks like its not 
 an isolated instance so I'd get in touch support too.


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uninitialized constant Rake::DSL

2011-06-17 Thread Karl
Using Rails 3.0.9 (3.0.7 too), which load rake 0.9.2 with bamboo-
mri-1.9.2, causes:

$ heroku rake db:migrate
rake aborted!
uninitialized constant Rake::DSL
`top (required)'
`top (required)'
documentation.rake:2:in `top (required)'
15:in `block in top (required)'
6:in `each'
6:in `top (required)'
application.rb:215:in `initialize_tasks'
application.rb:139:in `load_tasks'
application.rb:77:in `method_missing'
/app/Rakefile:7:in `top (required)'
/usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2373:in `load'
/usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2373:in `raw_load_rakefile'
/usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2007:in `block in load_rakefile'
/usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:2006:in `load_rakefile'
/usr/ruby1.9.2/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rake.rb:1991:in `run'
/usr/ruby1.9.2/bin/rake:31:in `main'
(in /app)

I had to add, before require 'rake':

# Rakefile
require 'rake/dsl_definition'

But I don't get this on my development machine. Why?

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Using MongoHQ or Cloudant for Audit Trails

2011-06-17 Thread Karl
I have a client app that will be coming online soon, and one of the
the requirements is that it generates non-repeating serial numbers
with no vacancies. There can NEVER, EVER be a repeated serial number.
If you are curious, it's financial transactions between countries that
are monitored by the FINRA (and others) and they use the serial
numbers to detect fraud.

So, let's say there is a one-in-a-billion chance that Heroku loses
some of my database, no matter how small. They, or we, can restore
from backups, but there is no possible way I can determine that
records could have been created after the last backup. I'm not so
concerned about system downtime, it's potential data loss.

As I understand, Heroku does not provide any form of replication for
its PostgreSQL offerings (psst, I would be willing to pay $$$). Until
then I need to come up with a fault tolerant scheme of data audit

First thought - just use Amazon RDS. But whoa, it's really expensive.
My clients won't float $3K per month just for data storage. But maybe
I'm pricing it wrong and don't understand their pricing model.

Second thought - Lotsa backups! Better, but still no guarantee.

Third thought - MongoDB or Cloudant. I could use either to write audit
logs, essentially duplicating my 'serialized documents', but not the
entire db. Since I only need to verify that every new document
generated is serialized, seem easy to hit MongoDB/Cloudant to find the
last document store and if it does not match the last one in
PostgreSQL shut the app down until I can manually restore from the
audit log.

Seem fairly easy and straightforward.

Has anyone else done this?
How successful were you? any gotchas?
Any gems out there that can do this?

Advice appreciated.

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Re: Taps not working

2010-03-03 Thread Karl
To add:
heroku db:pull in ruby 1.8.6 = Virtual timer expired

heroku db:pull in ruby 1.8.7= MySQL server has gone away

heroku db:pull in ruby 1.9.1= Unable to fetch tables information from
http://heroku:blah@taps.heroku.com. Please check the server log.

On Mar 2, 9:17 am, Mike mikel...@gmail.com wrote:
 When I type heroku db:pull, I get the following error:
 Taps Load Error: can't activate rest-client (~ 1.3.0, runtime) for
 [taps-0.2.25], already activated rest-client-1.2.0 for

 Then, when trying to call gem install Taps to update it, I get this
 ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
     timed out (http://gems.rubyforge.org/gems/taps-0.2.26.gem)

 Calling gem update taps results in the same.

 Oddly enough, I can download any other gems fine it seems.

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db:pull not working

2010-02-17 Thread Karl
Ruby 1.8.7, heroku (1.8.0), sequel (3.0.0), taps (0.2.25). Poops out
every time.

Receiving schema
Receiving data
9 tables, 14,078 records
lead_channels: 100% |==| Time:
tfns:  100% |==| Time:
nober_calls:   100% |==| Time:
adapters/mysql.rb:147:in `query': MySQL server has gone away
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/sequel-3.0.0/lib/
sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:147:in `transaction'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/sequel-3.0.0/lib/
sequel/connection_pool.rb:108:in `hold'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/sequel-3.0.0/lib/
sequel/database.rb:461:in `synchronize'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/sequel-3.0.0/lib/
sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:138:in `transaction'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/sequel-3.0.0/lib/
sequel/dataset/convenience.rb:126:in `import'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:212:in `cmd_receive_data'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:204:in `loop'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:204:in `cmd_receive_data'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:197:in `each'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:197:in `cmd_receive_data'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:176:in `cmd_receive'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/../
lib/heroku/commands/db.rb:15:in `pull'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/../
lib/heroku/commands/db.rb:112:in `taps_client'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:21:in `start'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/../
lib/heroku/commands/db.rb:108:in `taps_client'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/../
lib/heroku/commands/db.rb:14:in `pull'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/../
lib/heroku/command.rb:45:in `send'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/../
lib/heroku/command.rb:45:in `run_internal'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/../
lib/heroku/command.rb:17:in `run'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/bin/heroku:19:in `load'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p248/bin/heroku:19

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Re: db:pull not working

2010-02-17 Thread Karl
And if I try under Ruby 1.9.1, heroku (1.8.0), sequel (3.8.0, 3.0.0),
taps (0.2.25)

To be honest, db:pull has never worked for me under 1.9.1.

Receiving data
9 tables, 14,078 records
pre_log_spend: 100% |==| Time:
schema_migrat: 100% |==| Time:
nober_calls:   100% |==| Time:
Error encountered loading data, wrote the data chunk to dump.77245.gz
client_session.rb:232:in `load': class Date needs to have method
`_load' (TypeError)
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:232:in `fetch_table_rows'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:206:in `block (2 levels) in cmd_receive_data'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:204:in `loop'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:204:in `block in cmd_receive_data'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:197:in `each'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:197:in `cmd_receive_data'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:176:in `cmd_receive'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/heroku-1.8.0/lib/
heroku/commands/db.rb:15:in `block in pull'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/heroku-1.8.0/lib/
heroku/commands/db.rb:112:in `block in taps_client'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/taps-0.2.25/lib/taps/
client_session.rb:21:in `start'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/heroku-1.8.0/lib/
heroku/commands/db.rb:108:in `taps_client'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/heroku-1.8.0/lib/
heroku/commands/db.rb:14:in `pull'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/heroku-1.8.0/lib/
heroku/command.rb:45:in `run_internal'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/heroku-1.8.0/lib/
heroku/command.rb:17:in `run'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/heroku-1.8.0/bin/
heroku:14:in `top (required)'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/bin/heroku:19:in `load'
from /Users/karl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/bin/heroku:19:in `main'

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Temporary Tables - Sqlite in Memory

2010-01-19 Thread Karl
I am thinking of using a temporary table, most likely sqlite in memory
table. If I attempt to use the ActiveRecord methods to create a new db
connection and create the temporary table, will Heroku intercept
these and create the temp table in Postgres?
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Re: Temporary Tables - Sqlite in Memory

2010-01-19 Thread Karl
On Jan 19, 2:04 pm, Adam Wiggins a...@heroku.com wrote:
 This will work, but take note it will only work for a single dyno, and
 the contents of the table will disappear periodically when the dyno is
 cycled.  If you add a worker or a second dyno, now you'll have two
 in-memory tables which don't match.

I only have 1 dyno, and the in-memory tables would only be required
for the current request cycle. I don't want them to hold over between

Still ok, yes?
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Re: Sass_on_heroku compiled css shows line number

2010-01-12 Thread Karl

On Jan 12, 12:53 pm, John McCaffrey john.mccaff...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't know if you are referring to a different plugin, but I'm using the
 one mentioned on the heroku 

Yup, that's the one I'm using.

 http://blog.heroku.com/archives/2009/8/18/heroku_sass/I put together a
 quick demo to show how awesome sass, haml, and formtastic are, so some
 people on my team could start 'drinking the koolaid' with me!


 http://mccaffrey-formtastic.heroku.com/my application.sass includes these

 @import scaffold.sass
 @import formtastic_base.sass
 @import skintastic.sass

 but the final compiled css doesn't have any line numbers or unexpected

I have to agree with you, it doesn't have any line numbers.

I am using compass... wonder if that is having an effect on the
generated css.

John, are you seeing the line numbers when running under development
environment? You should.
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Re: Sass_on_heroku compiled css shows line number

2010-01-11 Thread Karl
On Jan 11, 10:14 am, Devyn Cairns devyn.cai...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why not just use the normal haml gem?

You lost me on that one.
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Re: Sass_on_heroku compiled css shows line number

2010-01-11 Thread Karl
Sorry Devyn, but the config is correct or there would be no sass
compiled css generated at all. Config is not the issue.

On Jan 11, 10:27 am, Devyn Cairns devyn.cai...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, you can just put haml in .gems:

 # file .gems

 And then you just need to haml --rails myapp
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Re: Sass_on_heroku compiled css shows line number

2010-01-11 Thread Karl
On Jan 11, 10:46 am, Devyn Cairns devyn.cai...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hm, well, I could swear I've used straight up Sass with the haml gem just
 fine on Heroku... maybe I'm thinking of something else.

You may have, if you were including the stylesheets/compiled directory
in your repository. I could do that, but I prefer not (and so do most
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Re: Sass_on_heroku compiled css shows line number

2010-01-11 Thread Karl
On Jan 11, 10:43 am, Nick Quaranto n...@quaran.to wrote:
 Have you tried outhttp://github.com/pedro/hassle?

On quick inspection, it's not doing much different than
sass_on_heroku. A little cleaner though. I might give it a try.

 I think it should pass through the options properly.

I'm actually placing the Sass::Plugin.options[:line_numbers] = false
directly into the sass_on_heroku plugin. Just before it compiles all
the sass.
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Upload file and process in DJ

2010-01-08 Thread Karl
My app uploads a file (via paperclip), and saves the file in
:rails_root/tmp/:id/:basename.:extension. Works perfectly.

After the file is successfully received and saved in tmp, I need to
run a script on it that may take 30-60 seconds. For now I just process
this within the current request cycle.

I know that files stored in tmp will, eventually, be deleted. In my
case, I *want* them to be deleted, after they are processed.

If I wanted to use Delayed Job to process this file, will DJ still
find the file as it is saved in tmp? Consider that the file should be
processed immediately after it is uploaded, there is no need to wait
for some time in the future.
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Re: Upload file and process in DJ

2010-01-08 Thread Karl
On Jan 8, 11:48 am, David Dollar da...@heroku.com wrote:
 Maybe, but there's no guarantee of that. The dyno that received the
 request may be running on a totally different server than the worker
 that processes it. In this case, you should upload the file to S3,
 then download from S3 in the worker for processing.

Thanks David.

Do you know if rufus-scheduler would spawn the background process on
the same dyno?
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Re: Upload file and process in DJ

2010-01-08 Thread Karl
On rufus-scheduler, it looks like it simply creates a new ruby thread:

class PlainScheduler  SchedulerCore
def start
  @thread = Thread.new do
loop do

Would this remain on the same dyno as the initializer?
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Re: Upload file and process in DJ

2010-01-08 Thread Karl
On Jan 8, 12:10 pm, David Dollar da...@heroku.com wrote:
 This wouldn't work on Heroku because even though it's in a different
 thread it's still the same request, and we only allow requests to go
 for 30s. This would tie up your dyno for the background request.

So, wouldn't I have the same issue with DJ and my process exceeding

BTW, when I have run this processing within the current request, and
it has exceeded 30s, I have not seen any errors or issues. Everything
appears to processed successfully.
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