Help Palestine [hidayahnet] US Hypocrisy : Assemblyman Neil Cohen under child porn investigation

2008-07-28 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

*=== News Update ===

US Hypocrisy : Assemblyman Neil Cohen under child porn investigation by Josh
Margolin [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Robert
Schwaneberg[EMAIL PROTECTED]/The
Star-Ledger Friday July 25, 2008, 11:15 AM
Tony Kurdzuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]/The Star-LedgerAssemblyman Neil
Cohen, at the State House in Trenton, 2002.

Deputy Assembly Speaker Neil Cohen is being investigated for alleged
possession of child pornography, according to two of his Democratic
colleagues who said they brought the matter to the attention of law

Read the rest of this entry


 -muslim voice-


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] LISTEN: One Quarter of American Teen Girls Have STDs

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

*=== News Update ===

One Quarter of American Teen Girls Have STDsA new federal study reveals that
one in four teenage American girls has a sexually transmitted disease.
Brenda Wilson, NPR science correspondent, and Dr. Charles Wibbelsman, member
of the American Academy of Pediatrics committee on adolescence, answer
questions about the startling findings and offer suggestions for helping
teens with prevention and treatment.




-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 10-year-old subjected to torture by Israeli soldiers

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

*=== News Update ===

*10-year-old subjected to torture by Israeli soldiers*

 Name: Ezzat H
Age at incident: 10
Date of incident: 11 June 2008
Location: Sanniriya, Qalqiliya
Accusation: None

A 10-year-old boy was subjected to physical abuse amounting to torture for
2.5 hours by Israeli soldiers who stormed his family's shop on 11 June,
seeking information on the location of a handgun. The boy was repeatedly
beaten, slapped and punched in the head and stomach, forced to hold a stress
position for half and hour, and threatened. He was deeply shocked and lost
two molar teeth as a result of the assault.*

On Wednesday 11 June 2008, at around 10:30am, 10-year-old Ezzat, his brother
Makkawi (7) and sister Lara (8) were in their father's shop selling animal
feed and eggs in the village of Sanniriya, near the West Bank city of
Qalqiliya. The children were suddenly startled to see two Israeli soldiers
storm in to the shop.

*Interrogation and abuse in the shop
One soldier wearing a black T-shirt started shouting in a loud, menacing
voice in Arabic, *your father sent us to you to collect his gun.* A
terrified Ezzat responded, *My father does not own a gun.* The soldier
responded by slapping Ezzat hard across the right cheek and his brother
Makawi across his face. The soldier then ordered Makkawi and Lara to leave
the shop. Once the younger children had left the soldier demanded once again
that Ezzat hand over his father's gun. Although Ezzat repeated that his
father did not own a gun the soldier ordered him to search for it in the
sacks containing the animal feed. Ezzat kept insisting that there was no gun
in the shop so the soldier slapped him once again, this time across his left

One of Ezzat's friends, realising that something was wrong, tried to enter
the shop but was kicked by the soldier standing at the door and prevented
from entering. Soon a group of local people had gathered outside the shop.
Some of the people in the group also tried to enter the shop but were
prevented from doing so by the soldier at the door.

The soldier in the black T-shirt asked him once again to produce the gun.
Ezzat answered, *We do not have anything.* The soldier responded by
punching him hard in the stomach causing Ezzat to fall over on to empty egg
boxes. Ezzat started screaming and crying out from pain and fear. The
soldier in the black T-shirt started making fun of Ezzat and imitated him
crying. Ezzat remained in the shop alone with the soldiers for a further 15
minutes when the soldier in black abruptly grabbed him by his T-shirt and
dragged him out of the shop. Ezzat asked the soldier if he could lock up his
father's shop but the soldier said he wanted it to remain open so that it
could be robbed. The soldier also threatened to put Ezzat in his jeep and
take him away.

Once they were out of the shop, Ezzat was ordered to walk in front of the
soldiers to his house, whilst a gun was pointed at his back. The soldiers
hit him several times on the nape along the way. On approaching his house
Ezzat saw many Israeli military officials surrounding the house and a number
of green military vehicles parked outside. One of the olive coloured jeeps
had the word police written on it.

*Interrogation and abuse in the home
After arriving at the family's home the soldier in the black T-shirt stood
Ezzat in the yard and ordered him to search the flower basin for the gun.
Before Ezzat had a chance to respond the soldier slapped him so violently
that Ezzat fell down face first into the basin. Without giving him the
chance to stand up the soldier grabbed him by his T-shirt and lifted him up
roughly. He was then instructed in Arabic by another soldier to head to the

On approaching the guestroom Ezzat could see his father standing by the
door. The soldier slapped him on the neck and Ezzat fell to the ground. As
Ezzat stood up the soldier slapped him a second time making him fall to the
ground once again. All this happened in front of his father. He then grabbed
Ezzat by his T-shirt and lifted him in to the air. The soldier told Ezzat's
father that he was going to take his son to prison. He also threatened to
take Ezzat's 19-year-old sister to prison. Ezzat was then pushed forcibly in
to the guest room where his mother and four of his other siblings including
his sisters Diana (19), Raghda (18), (Aya) 15 and brother Jihad (3), were
being held. His mother was crying. Ezzat was also crying and when asked by
his mother why he was crying, he said it was because he had been hit by the
soldiers. His mother asked the soldiers to stop beating her son and to beat
her instead.

After several minutes Ezzat was taken out of the guestroom and slapped
several times by the soldier in black, once so hard that he fell to the
ground. After being moved to 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Barbarism

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

*=== News Update ===

Dr. June C. Terpstra and Professor Husayn Al-Kurdi

[image: 29-1203693504.jpg]

July 3, 2008

U.S. President George W. Bush recently stated that he would be remembered
for liberating 50 million people from the clutches of barbaric regimes. Bush
represents a lineage of liars whose expert propaganda turns truth on its
hinder for the sake of promoting the power interests which they serve.

It is time that these lies be exposed and translated for the people of the
US who do not seem to understand what is being said. We hereby present this
guide to understanding a few of the propaganda slogans and terms used by US
politicians, puppets, pundits, and propagandists.

Barbarians are by definition people who destroy others with utter
ruthlessness, mutilating, murdering and enslaving them. This, of course,
describes the barbaric, brutal and savage regimes of the US, Britain, the
Jewish settler state and Europe grabbing for control of the world.

Civilization means people who profess conscientious control of themselves
and a reduction in violent impulses while at the same time torturing,
mutilating, executing and enslaving those whose lands and resources they

The savages are the rapacious bankers, weapons manufacturers and global
corporate plunderers of the West, the very same Judaeo-Christian Crusaders
who profess to be civilized and democratic.

Liberation means no rights or legal status for those conquered, no matter
what their nationality, religion, race, or ethnic background.

Democracy means not rule of, by and for the people but the rule of the
moneyed elites over the people.

Freedom means enslavement.

Peace officers are war makers.

Rule of law means locking up the poor.

Pre-emptive war means invasion, occupation, and expropriation.

The terrorists are the corporatocracy- sponsored military industrial
complex using every tactic possible to obtain control over all coveted

The real terrorist training camps are U.S. military boot camps.

Homicide bombers and suicide bombers are infantry men.

Support the troops means sacrificing your children to become trained
terrorists, torturers and killers for the profit and power of bankers and

Interrogation means torture.

Police serve and protect …the rich.

Law enforcement means locking up and lynching the poor and those who won't
shut up.

Gangsters include bankers, judges, CEO's, legislators and lobbyists.

Globalization means imperialism.

Free market means plunder and exploitation.

Freedom of speech means shut up or else.

Fair and accurate means with extreme malice and bias.

Liberals are fascists. Fascists are liberals.

Conservatives are for state control of everything except the rampagings of
the rich.

Neo-cons are royalists and Zionists.

Left is right.

Right is wrong.

Democrats and Republicans are Imperialists.

We're not racist means we are racist.

The axis of evil is actually the US , UK , the Zionist entity, the UN and
the International Community.

Politicians, lawyers, teachers, social workers, consultants, facilitators,
advisers, bank tellers, your children, your parents, your families and just
about everybody in America are being intensively pressured to turn into
informers and agents. Over 2 ½ million persons are in jail, almost all of
them from the lowest classes and a preponderance of them Black. Millions of
paid informers, police and prison-related personnel and private- contracting
gun thugs roam the country seeking their prey, while fatuous priests of all
officially recognized religious denominations pray for their success and

While there has been much barbarism throughout the world, the USA has
emerged as the worst of all in the annals of history, presenting itself as
liberator and harbinger of democracy while torturing, killing and
plundering the world and exploiting and befuddling the hapless folks at

source :


-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Christian extremists threaten violent attacks over depiction of Jesus. I thought only Muslims did this…

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer


**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===

Christian extremists threaten violent attacks over depiction of
*I thought only Muslims did

*Author:* Muneeb (Saudi
Arabia/Pakistan) April
19, 2008

Okay so we've all heard the stories of Muslims worldwide protesting the Prophet
Muhammad cartoons published in a Danish
say that we [the Muslims] need to respect the freedom of expression
the freedom of speech of others. and that we… well the debate continues..
But guess we Muslims wernt the only ones who get pissed of when the Prophets
are shown in an inappropriate manner. There are christians out there too who
would also stand up.

Christian extremists threaten violent attacks over depiction of Jesus.
Jesus orgy artwork sparks furor in
Austria (AP) ­ Austrians are locked in a nationwide debate touched off by
the brief display in a prestigious Roman Catholic museum of an etching that
depicts Jesus Christ and his disciples having an orgy during the biblical
Last Supper. Alfred Hrdlicka's etching of an orgy at the Last Supper has
provoked strong criticism in Austria A chastened and chagrined Cardinal
Christoph Schoenborn, the top churchman in this largely conservative and
overwhelmingly Catholic country, has ordered the offending artwork, by
sculptor Alfred Hrdlicka, removed. But the controversy rages on, and some
have likened it to the furor triggered by the Prophet Muhammad
cartoons. Exhibition
curator Michael Kaufmann says he's even seen Web postings from extremists
who have threatened to come to Vienna and blow up its museums with Molotov



-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Amnesty unveils shock ‘waterboarding’ film

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer


**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===
Amnesty unveils shock 'waterboarding' film Nigel Morris, Independent  [image:

April 22, 2008

An American expert in torture techniques has denounced his government for
allowing waterboarding to be practised against terror suspects, just as a
graphic advertisement showing the brutal reality of the technique is
unveiled to British cinema-goers.

Malcolm Nance, who trained hundreds of US servicemen and women to resist
interrogation by putting them through waterboarding exercises, demanded an
immediate end to the practice by all US personnel.

He said: They seem to think it is worth throwing the honour of 220 years of
American decency in war out of the window. Waterboarding is out-and-out
torture, and I'm deeply ashamed President Bush has authorised its use and
dragged the US's reputation into the mud.

Mr Bush faced criticism recently when he vetoed a Bill that would have
outlawed such methods of enhanced interrogation – the White House refuses
to describe it as torture.

Mr Nance said: You have a purpose-built table with straps in a pattern so
that people can be strapped and unstrapped quickly. The head is strapped
down in such a way so they cannot resist the water. The head is elevated so
the water goes down the oesophagus.

* Amnesty International's new anti-waterboarding advert*

 The water is poured very carefully over the nose – you keep a constant
pour. You are drowning in water but you don't have the ability to hold your
breath. You feel the water going in, you understand that water is filling
your lungs.

Mr Nance, who is now an independent consultant, said the technique was also
futile, as well as barbaric, as the prisoner would say anything to survive –
regardless of its truth.

Amnesty International is leading the campaign to persuade the US to abandon
the practice – a form of torture used as long ago as the Spanish Inquisition
– and is stepping up its efforts with the release of a graphic and
disturbing advertisement.

The broadcast begins with images of glistening clear liquid, suggesting it
could be promoting a new brand of vodka or gin. But the camera pulls back to
show water is being poured over the face of a desperate man strapped to a

Kate Allen, the UK director of Amnesty International, said: Our film shows
you what the CIA doesn't want you to see – the disgusting reality of
half-drowning a person.

For a few seconds, our film-makers did it for real. Even for those few
seconds, it's horrifying to watch. The reality – in a secret prison with no
one to stop it – is much, much worse.

The advertisement can be seen at from today and at 50
cinemas from next month onwards.



-muslim voice-


2008-04-27 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer


**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===

April 22, 2008 at 12:10 pm (Intolerance,

'Land and Love' by Ismael Shammout

 They come by the droves…. not to walk in the steps of Jesus, but rather to
spit on them. Jesus preached love, these people preach hatred… yet they
believe He will return. Even if He does, I doubt very much if they would be
welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven…. Heaven is a *HATE FREE ZONE!*

Click on the following and watch the video of them in action…

* **Evangelicals visit for Israel's 60th, call the sound of the mosque



-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] EI exclusive: a pro-Israel group’s plan to rewrite history on Wikipedia

2008-04-26 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer


**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===

*EI exclusive: a pro-Israel group's plan to rewrite history on Wikipedia*

Report, *The Electronic Intifada,* 21 April 2008
   (EI illustration)

A pro-Israel pressure group is orchestrating a secret, long-term campaign to
infiltrate the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia to rewrite Palestinian
history, pass off crude propaganda as fact, and take over Wikipedia
administrative structures to ensure these changes go either undetected or

A series of emails by members and associates of the pro-Israel group CAMERA
(Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America), provided to
The Electronic Intifada (EI), indicate the group is engaged in what one
activist termed a war on Wikipedia.

A 13 March action alert signed by Gilead Ini, a Senior Research Analyst at
CAMERA, calls for volunteers who can work as 'editors' to ensure that
Israel-related articles on Wikipedia are free of bias and error, and
include necessary facts and context. However, subsequent communications
indicate that the group not only wanted to keep the effort secret from the
media, the public, and Wikipedia administrators, but that the material they
intended to introduce included discredited claims that could smear
Palestinians and Muslims and conceal Israel's true history.

With over two million articles in English on every topic imaginable,
Wikipedia has become a primary reference source for Internet users around
the world and a model for collaboratively produced projects. Openness and
good faith are among Wikipedia's core principles. Any person in the world
can write or edit articles, but Wikipedia has strict guidelines and
procedures for accountability intended to ensure quality control and prevent
vandalism, plagiarism or distortion. It is because of these safeguards that
articles on key elements of the Palestine-Israel conflict have generally
remained well-referenced, useful and objective. The CAMERA plan detailed in
the e-mails obtained by EI appears intended to circumvent these controls.

In the past, CAMERA has gained notoriety for its tactic of accusing
virtually anyone who does not toe a right-wing pro-Israel line of bias. The
group has even accused editors and reporters of the Israeli daily
*Haaretz*of being extreme and participating in radical anti-Israel
Jeffrey Dvorkin, the former ombudsman of National Public Radio (NPR),
frequently criticized by CAMERA for an alleged pro-Palestinian bias, wrote
on the web publication Salon in February 2008 that as a consequence of its
campaign against NPR, CAMERA acted as the enabler for some seriously
disturbed people, citing persistent telephone threats he received in the
wake of CAMERA campaigns.

*Need for stealth and secrecy*
   Download CAMERA's
- 2.7 MB]

Throughout the documents EI obtained, CAMERA operatives stress the need for
stealth and secrecy. In his initial action alert, Ini requests that
recipients not forward it to members of the news media. In a 17 March
follow-up email sent to volunteers, Ini explains that he wants to make the
orchestrated effort appear to be the work of unaffiliated individuals. Thus
he advises that There is no need to advertise the fact that we have these
group discussions.

Anticipating possible objections to CAMERA's scheme, Ini conjectures that
Anti-Israel editors will seize on anything to try to discredit people who
attempt to challenge their problematic assertions, and will be all too happy
to pretend, and announce, that a 'Zionist' cabal (the same one that controls
the banks and Hollywood?) is trying to hijack Wikipedia.

But stealth and misrepresentation are presented as the keys to success. Ini
suggests that after volunteers sign up as editors for Wikipedia they should
avoid editing Israel-related articles for a short period of time. This
strategy is intended to avoid the appearance of being one-topic editors,
thus attracting unwanted attention.

Ini counsels that volunteers might also want to avoid, for obvious reasons,
picking a user name that marks you as pro-Israel, or that lets people know
your real name. To further conceal the identity of CAMERA-organized
editors, Ini warns, don't forget to always log in before making [edits]. If
you make changes while not logged in, Wikipedia will record your computer's
IP address — a number that allows identification of the location of a
computer connected to the Internet.

A veteran Wikipedia editor, known as Zeq, who according to the emails is
colluding with CAMERA, also provided advice to CAMERA volunteers on how they
could disguise their agenda. In a 20 March email often in misspelled
English, Zeq writes, You don't want to be precived [sic] as a 'CAMERA'
defender' on wikipedia [sic] that 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Hirsi Ali, Pembohong Besar

2008-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*
=== News Update === Minggu, Februari 10, 2008

Hirsi Ali, Pembohong
Kabinet Belanda benar-benar jatuh. Sebuah kejatuhan yang tidak terhormat
akibat terlalu percaya pada pendusta. Pendusta itu bernama Ayaan Hirsi Ali,
imigran Somalia yang kini hengkang ke Amerika Serikat (AS) setelah
kewarganegaraan Belanda-nya dicabut penyusul pengakuannya bahwa ia
mengajukan permohonan suaka dengan identitas palsu. Bagaimana sistem di
Belanda bisa dibobol oleh seorang wanita yang selalu mengkampanyekan adanya
penyiksaan terhadap wanita dalam Islam? Hirsi Ali meminta suaka politik pada
1992. Tahun ini, 14 tahun sejak itu, tingkahnya membuat krisis politik di
Belanda berujung pada jatuhnya kabinet.

Dusta Hirsi Ali sendiri, sekalipun sudah diketahui publik sebelumnya, namun
baru menemukan momentumnya ketika program televisi Zembla menyelidiki jejak

Agustus 1997 atau 5 tahun sejak menyandang status pengungsi, Hirsi Ali
mendapat kewarganegaraan Belanda. Saat itu Belanda percaya pada klaim-klaim
wanita berkulit gelap itu bahwa dirinya menjadi korban penyiksaan karena
berkelamin wanita.

Pada September 2002, Hirsi Ali mengaku dalam programa televisi Barend en Van
Dorp bahwa ia berdusta mengenai identitasnya saat mengajukan permohonan
suaka. Ia sepertinya begitu percaya diri bahwa pengakuannya tak akan
berakibat apa-apa, meski dalam praktik normal penipuan identitas bisa
berakibat dibatalkannya suaka.

Hirsi kian percaya diri karena namanya melambung dan menjadi pusat perhatian
akibat pernyataan-pernyataannya yang menyudutkan Islam. Sebulan kemudian,
partai liberal VVD mencium potensi besar pada diri Hirsi Ali dan
menempatkannya di daftar kandidat pada Pemilu.

Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst/IND (Dinas Imigrasi dan Naturalisasi
Belanda) melakukan pemeriksaan pada Hirsi Ali, namun tidak menemukan hal-hal
yang menyimpang dalam dokumen. Hasil yang berbeda disimpulkan oleh Algemene
Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst/AIVD atau Dinas Interiljen dan Keamanan
Belanda. AIVD menemukan sesuatu yang tidak beres pada Desember dan
memberitahu Ketua Partai VVD saat itu, Bas Eenhoorn, mengenai kemungkinan
dampak yang bisa ditimbulkan akibat naturalisasi Hirsi Ali yang tidak sah.

Pada 2003, Hirsi Ali secara terbuka menghina Nabi Muhammad. Menyakiti
Muslim, namun Hirsi Ali menangguk keuntungan. Namanya makin meroket dan dia
terpilih menjadi anggota parlemen untuk partai liberal VVD. Pernyataan dan
kolom-kolomnya di koran semakin dipenuhi isu agama. Dia sukses memanaskan
suhu politik dan sosial di Belanda. Dan, tabu yang dibobolnya menyebar ke

Pada 2004, Hirsi Ali merangkul sineas Theo van Gogh untuk membantu
mewujudkan film Submission tentang apa yang diklaimnya sebagai nasib wanita
di dunia Islam. Hirsi Ali yang menyiapkan naskahnya sekaligus voice-over
atas film yang menampilkan wanita Islam salat dengan tubuh telanjang, hanya
dibalut kain tembus pandang.

Adegan selanjutnya dia menjalani tindakan kekerasan. Tubuhnya yang diwarnai
tulisan ayat-ayat Alquran dipenuhi luka-luka bekas kekerasan.

Pengamat film dan politik mengkritik Submission sebagai provokasi berbahaya
dan bisa memicu polarisasi. Dan benar. Tidak lama kemudian, Theo van Gogh
dibunuh. Hirsi Ali mendapat pengawalan negara.

Pada 2007, Programa Zembla menyiarkan jejak perjalanan Hirsi Ali. Pengakuan
tentang kawin paksa, nama dan tanggal lahir, dalam programa itu dikupas
tuntas sebagai kebohongan Hirsi Ali belaka. Politik di Belanda langsung
mencapai titik didih.

Menteri Rita Verdonk mengirim surat ke parlemen dengan isi bahwa Hirsi Ali
dianggap tidak pernah menerima kewarganegaraan Belanda. Hirsi Ali diberi
waktu enam pekan untuk menanggapi Hirsi Ali menanggapinya dengan menggelar
konferensi pers pada 16 Mei yang menyatakan mundur dari parlemen. Hari itu
juga terungkap bahwa dia telah menyiapkan sekoci untuk hengkang ke AS dan
diterima di lembaga think tank kaum neokonservatif, American Enterprise

Selasa (27/6) Verdonk berbalik menyatakan Hirsi Ali boleh tetap memiliki
kewarganegaraan Belanda. Ia boleh tetap memakai nama Ali, dengan demikian
dia dianggap tidak pernah berbohong. Sehari kemudian, krisis politik
memuncak. Siangnya pada pukul 14.00 sidang pleno digelar dan berlangsung
secara maraton hingga Kamis (29/6) pukul 06.00. Beberapa politisi nampak
kuyu akibat tidak tidur. Sorenya sidang dilanjutkan lagi hingga tadi malam.
Hasilnya, D-66 menyampaikan mosi tidak percaya kepada Verdonk dan menarik
diri dari koalisi. Langkah ini disusul dengan pengunduran diri para menteri
D-66. Kabinet Belanda jatuh, sementara Hirsi Ali menonton dari seberang
Atlantik seakan tak pernah melakukan apa-apa. (ins)


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Swiss Asked (very politely) US Jewish group

2008-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===

*Swiss Asked (very politely) US Jewish group to F-ck off!*

by Stephanie Nebehay - Reuters*

Global Research, April 8, 2008

GENEVA, April 8 (Reuters) - Switzerland rejected accusations on Tuesday by
the U.S.-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that it could be financing
terrorism after a Swiss company clinched a multi-billion euro (dollar) deal
to buy natural gas from Iran.

The Swiss Foreign Ministry reiterated that the purchase did not violate U.N.
Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions on Iran over its nuclear
programme or U.S. domestic law.

The American Jewish group's full-page advertisement — which follows a
complaint lodged by Israel with Switzerland over the deal — appeared on
Tuesday in newspapers under the banner Guess who is the world's newest
financier of terrorism? SWITZERLAND.

The reproaches in this advertisement do not correspond to the facts, Swiss
Foreign Ministry spokesman Lars Knuchel said.

The ad — which ran in the International Herald Tribune, the leading Swiss
financial daily Neue Zuercher Zeitung and Geneva daily Le Temps — said the
deal's likely result was Hamas and Hezbollah may get tens of thousands of
additional missiles.

Both Hezbollah, the Shi'ite Muslim movement in Lebanon, and the Palestinian
Islamist group Hamas which seized control of the Gaza Strip last year, are
pro-Iranian parties.

U.S. President George W. Bush has accused Shi'ite Muslim Iran of being the
world's leading state sponsor of terror and of undermining peace by
supporting Hezbollah and Hamas.

The United States has led international efforts to penalise Iran for failing
to allay suspicions that it is seeking nuclear weapons and has been urging
other countries to cut trade ties.

The ad said that the contract, signed during a Tehran visit last month by
Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, would enable Iran to accelerate
and complete its nuclear programme.

Terrorist cells in Europe, the Middle East and around the globe will have
access to new weapons and support, it said. When you finance a terrorist
state, you finance terrorism.

The Swiss energy group Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft Laufenburg (EGL) has said
its 25-year deal with the National Iranian Gas Export Company was worth
between 10 billion euros ($15.73 billion) and 22 billion euros, depending on
several factors such as the price of oil.

Calmy-Rey, whose neutral country has worked in the past to find a compromise
in the nuclear row, said in Tehran that the deal was important in the long
term for both parties.

This business transaction between the EGL and NIGEC is fully in line with
the U.N. sanctions against Iran as well as with the U.S. Iranian Sanctions
Act, Knuchel said on Tuesday.

Asked whether the deal might jeopardise neutral Switzerland's role in
handling U.S. interests in Iran, as it has done since the 1979 revolution,
he said a State Department spokesman had said last week there was no change
in U.S. policy.

The Swiss foreign ministry also pointed out that other powers including the
European Union (EU), China and Japan were doing business with the Islamic
Republic. (Editing by Jonathan Lynn and Charles Dick)

Global Research Articles by Stephanie Nebehay


-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Waspadai “Injilisasi” Umat Islam (2)

2008-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===

*Waspadai Injilisasi Umat Islam (2)*

*Teka-teki Problem Bible*

Sebagaimana diakui oleh umat Kristen sendiri bahwa Bible dijadikan sebagai
Kitab Suci pasca-kematian Musa dan Yesus Kristus. Dengan begitu, *Bible *tidak
terlepas dari berbagai interes manusia (penulisnya). Bahasa asli
*Bible *(Perjanjian
Lama dan Perjanjian Baru) saja tidak mampu diselamatkan oleh orang Kristen
sendiri. Maka wajar jika mereka mengakui keagungan Al-Quran yang secara
keseluruhan merupakan wahyu Allah (*Kalamullah*). Ia bukan*
fifty-fifty *(ucapan
Allah sekaligus ucapan selain Allah) sebagaimana halnya *Bible*.

Michael Keene dalam bukunya *The Bible* mencatat bahwa kitab-kitab yang
menyusun Kitab Suci Ibrani dan, dengan variasi-variasi kunci dalam
susunannya, Perjanjian Lama disusun selama 900 tahun. (Michael Keene, *Alkitab:
Sejarah, Proses Terbentuk, dan Pengaruhnya, *terj. Y. Dwi Koratno,
Yogyarkarta: Kanisius, 2006, hlm. 68). Untuk menyususn Gospel (Injil, PB),
umat Kristen membutuhkan empat tahap.

*Pertama*, surat-surat yang dikirim ke berbagai gereja pada pertengahan abad
pertama oleh para rasul dikumpulkan dan diedarkan secara luas, sementara
surat-surat Paulus diletakkan bersama dalam suatu kumpulan terpisah.

Surat kepada jemaah Efesus bisa jadi merupakan pendahuluan editorial pada
kumpulan ini karena meringkaskan seluruh pewartaan Paulus yang paling

*Kedua*, tradisi lisan tentang Yesus sungguh-sungguh bernilai tinggi dan,
pada waktunya, banyak yang dimasukkan ke dalam empat Injil yang tertulis. *
Ketiga*, Perjanjian Baru diterbitkan oleh Marcion, dikenal sebagai seorang
bidah, tahun 140 M berisi Injil Lukas dan sepuluh surat Paulus, tidak
seperti kitab yang sudah diedarkan secara luas dalam Gereja. Dan *keempat*,
daftar kitab dalam *Fragmen Muratorian *(190 M) memasukkan keempat Injil,
Kisah Para Rasul, 13 surat Paulus, surat Yohanes dan Yudas, dan Kitab Wahyu,
tetapi menghilangkan surat Ibrani, Yakobus, dan dua surat Petrus. Klemens
dari Aleksandria (… 215 M) memasukkan Ibrani, sedangkan Eusebius (… 340 M)
meragukan nilai Kitab Wahyu. (ibid., hlm. 78  79). Masalah bahasa Bible pun
menjadi problem.

Karena tidak bisa mempertahankan bahasa asli *Bible *(Ibrani dan Arami),
umat Kristen terpaksa menjadikan bahasa Yunani sebagai *lingua-franca *kitab
suci mereka. Keene mengakui hal ini dan menyatakan bahwa menjelang akhir
abad ke-4 SM bahasa Yunani telah menjadi sarana komunikasi utama di banyak
dunia yang telah dikenal.

Di kalangan masyarakat Yahudi yang secara luas tersebar melintasi
Mediterania dan Timur Tengah hanya sedikit orang yang berbicara bahasa
Ibrani, sehingga masyarakat secara keseluruhan tidak bisa membaca kitab suci
mereka sendiri. Dalam suatu dunia yang didominasi oleh budaya dan bahasa
Yunani, kebutuhan untuk menterjemahkan kitab suci Ibrani ke dalam bahasa
Yunani mendesak dilakukan. Pekerjaan ini dimulai pada abad ke-3 SM. (ibid.,
hlm. 70).

Tidak sampi di situ, terjemahan itu pun menjadi masalah. Pasalnya,
terjemahan tersebut tidak menjadi terjemahan paten dan final. Semuanya
bersifat temporal. Karena *Bible *–disebabkan tidak memiliki bahasa aslinya
lagi­harus disesuaikan dengan roda perkembangan zaman. Karena terjemahan *Bible
*tidak bisa dilakukan sekali untuk selamanya. V. Indra Sanjaya Pr.,
seorang imam diosesan Keuskupan Agung, Semarang dalam bukunya *Tentang
Alkitab *mengakui problem ini.

Dalam sub-judul *Sekali untuk Selamanya?* dia menjawab pertanyaan
tersebut: Pertanyaan di atas menyangkut 'nasib' terjemahan yang kita
miliki. Apakah Alkitab yang kita miliki –yang merupakan terjemahan itu­bisa
berlaku sepanjang segala abad sehingga tidak setiap saat kita harus ganti
dan beli yang baru? Sayang sekali, jawabannya negatif. Alkitab kita tidak
bisa berlaku untuk selama-lamanya. (Lihat: V. Indra Sanjaya Pr., *Tentang
Alkitab*, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2003, hlm. 41. Lihat juga: Christopher D.
Hudson, Carol Smith dan Valerie Weidemann, Buku Pintar Alkitab: *Cara
Terlengkap, Termudah, dan Menyenangkan untuk Memahami Firman Allah*, terj.
Michael Wong, Jakarta: PT. Bethlehem Publisher, 2008).

Belum lagi Kristen Katolik dan Kristen berbeda pendapat tentang jumlah kitab
suci. Sehingga muncullah istilah *Apokripa *(Injil-injil rahasia). (Lihat
lebih detil: Deshi Ramadhani, sj, *Menguak Injil-injil Rahasia, *Yogyakarta:
Kanisius, 2007). Maka wajar sekali jika mereka stress dan kecewa dengan
Kitab Suci mereka sendiri. Sehingga, pada tahun 1927, Alphonse Mingana,
pendeta Kristen asal Iraq, orientalis dan mantan guru besar di Universitas
Birmingham, Inggris, mengumumkan bahwa sudah tiba saatnya sekarang untuk
melakukan studi kritis terhadap teks Al-Quran sebagaimana telah kita lakukan
terhadap kitab suci Yahudi yang berbahasa Ibrani-Arami dan kitab suci
Kristen yang berbahasa Yunani (*The time has surely come to subject the text
of the Kur'an to the same 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Waspadai “Injilisasi” Umat Islam (1)

2008-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===

*Waspadai Injilisasi Umat Islam (1)*

*Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan pernah ridha (membiarkan
engkau bebas bergerak menjalankan aqidah dan rutinitas agamamu) sampai
engkau mengikuti 'millah' mereka**
**[QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 121]

*[image: Image]–*Pada tahun 1930, seorang missionaris,
Samuel Zwemer pada Konferensi Misionaris di Kota Yerussalem menyatakan: *Misi
kolonialisme dan misionaris terhadap Islam bukanlah menghancurkan kaum
Muslimin. Namun mengeluarkan seorang Muslim dari Islam, agar dia menjadi
orang Muslim yang tidak berakhlak. Dengan begitu akan membuka pintu bagi
kemenangan imperialis di negeri-negeri Islam*.

Samuel Zwemmer yang juga orientalis-Yahudi ini bahkan mendirikan *Jurnal
the Muslim World*. Tapi jangan keliru. Isinya bukan untuk membela Islam.
Sebaliknya, ia ingin melemahkannya.

Pada tahun 1978 di Colorado, tepatnya di Green Area, Amerika Serikat (AS)
seluruh pendeta dunia berkumpul untuk membicarakan strategi melumpuhkan umat
Islam. Salah satu caranya adalah pengiriman roh jahat ke dalam jiwa
orang-orang Islam. Karena mereka meyakini bahwa Yesus Kristus –sebagaimana
tercatat dalam Injil­mampu mengusir roh jahat. Maka banyak terjadi kaum
Muslim yang kesurupan tiba-tiba, bahkan ada yang sampai menyebut nama
Yesus Kristus –ini pernah terjadi kepada seorang teman penulis sendiri.

Fenomena dan fakta di atas menegaskan bahwa firman Allah dalam QS. 2: 121
itu adalah benar. Di mana-mana umat Islam dirongrong dan diincar
aqidahnya. 'Pencurian' dan 'penjambretan' aqidah terjadi dimana-mana.
Bahkan, orang Yahudi-Kristen tidak segan-segan untuk melakukan tindakan
amoral, hanya untuk mengeluarkan seorang Muslim (Muslimah) dari aqidah dan
agamanya. Isu Germil (Gerakan Hamilisasi) bukan hanya isapan jempol
belaka. Kasus-kasus semacam itu semakin meyakinkan dan menyadarkan umat
Islam bahwa mereka harus ekstra hati-hati dan waspada dalam menjaga dan
memelihara aqidahnya.

Sebelumnya, isu adanya Injil berbahasa Arab sempat membuat heboh umat Islam.
Abu Sangkan dalam bukunya *Energi Cahaya Ilahi *(2007) mencatat bahwa
awalnya, seorang dai internasional yang berasal dari Afrika bernama Ahmad
Deedat beberapa kali tampil di layar televisi Eropa dan Amerika. Beliau
berdebat secara terbuka dengan para pastor. Hasilnya sempat mencengangkan
jutaan umat manusia di dunia, mereka menjadi mengerti bahwa Al-Quran sesuai
dengan logika kebenaran, sementara kesalahan-kesalahan dan kontradiksi dalam
Injil semakin terungkap.

Seorang pastor yang terlibat dalam debat tersebut, ketika cermin debat telah
berlalu, ia mengatakan, Kamu wahai umat Islam, berbahagialah dengan
Al-Quran yang kamu miliki. Kami mengakui gaya bahasanya memang tinggi, rapi,
dan mempunyai daya pikat tersendiri. Sedangkan Injil kami ditulis dengan
gaya bahasa yang lemah tanpa pesona. Tetapi tunggulah sebentar lagi, kami
akan menyusun kembali penulisan Injil seperti bentuk Al-Quran mu. Pada saat
itu seorang Muslim yang awam tak akan dapat lagi mengklaim bahwa Injil kami
lebih rendah kedudukannya dalam bahasa dan makna.

Selang beberapa hari kemudian setelah pastor berkata demikian, di luar
dugaan sebuah tim khusus telah merampungkan proyek besar tersebut. Oleh
karena itu, *Rabithah Al-'Alam Al-Islami *kala itu berseru mengingatkan umat
Islam agar hati-hati terhadap buku yang diterbitkan oleh pihak Kristen di
Cyprus dengan judul *Shirathul Masih bi Lisanin 'Arabiyyin Fasih *(Perjalanan
Al-Masih dengan Bahasa Arab Fasih).

Injil dalam format baru ini disarikan dari beberapa Injil yang ada, yaitu:
Matius, Markus, Lukas dan Yohanes. Ciri-ciri Injil tersebut persis seperti
format Al-Quran, baik penjilidannya maupun urutan-urutannya. Bagi orang awam
Injil tersebut akan dianggapnya Al-Quran, karena setiap pasal diletakkan
dalam bingkai yang dihiasi ornamen sebagaimana yang ada dalam bentuk
Al-Quran. Begitu pula letak setiap nama surat. Lebih parahnya lagi, mereka
menggunakan kalimah Bismillahirrahmanirrahim pada setiap pasal surat
(awalnya). Padahal, kata tersebut hanya ada dalam Kitab Suci umat Islam.

Buku itu mereka kelompokkan dalam pasal demi pasal sebanyak 30 bab. Hal
tersebut mereka lakukan dengan tujuan untuk menyamai Al-Quran yang terdiri
dari 30 juz. Untuk memisahkan kalimat demi kalimat, mereka pergunakan
penomoran sebagaimana ayat dalam Al-Quran. Bahkan dipergunakan pula
penulisan *waqaf *(tanda berhenti), dan gaya tulisannya pun persis
tulisan *Khat
Utsmani *seperti yang ada dalam Al-Quran. (Lihat: Abu Sangkan, *Energi
Cahaya Ilahi*: Aktualisasi Spirit Shalat Khusyuk dalam Kehidupan Nyata,
2007, hlm. 35-36  38).

Harus diakui bahwa Injilisasi terhadap umat Islam terus gencar dilakukan.
Bahkan sejak tahun 90-an, usaha-usaha semacam itu semakin drastis. Dr. Anis
Shoros, salah seorang Kristen Arab yang pernah menjadi lawan debat Ahmad
Deedat, pernah menulis satu buku yang 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] SUBMISSION

2008-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*
=== News Update === Minggu, Februari 10, 2008

Submission adalah film pengjinaan terhadap Islam yang berdurasi 10 menit
dalam bahasa Inggris yang disutradarai oleh Theo van Gogh dan penulis naskah
adalah Ayaan Hirsi Ali (mantan Tweede Kamer anggota Partai Demokarsi dan
Kebebasan Belanda). Film ini pertama kali diputar di Belanda pada 29 Agustus
2004 oleh The Dutch Public Broadcasting Network (VPRO).

Film ini bercerita tentang perlakuan buruk terhadap perempuan Islam.
Digambarkan dengan seorang wanita yang menggunakan jubah hitam, wajah
tertutup layaknya wanita arab tapi kain dibagaian tubuh transparan sehingga
terlihat jelas tubuhnya yang telanjang dengan ayat Al-Quran di perut dan
dadanya. Di gambarkan juga seorang wanita setengah telanjang tertelungkup
dengan punggung terbuka, tubuh penuh memar dengan luka bekas cambukan di
punggung dan tangan. Ayat-ayat yang ditampilkan semuanya ditulis diatas
tubuh wanita, yakni surat An-Nisaa : 34, Al-Baqarah : 222 dan An-Nuur : 2.
ini menuai kritikan dari dalam dan luar negeri Belanda. Pada 2 Nopember 2004
Theo van Gogh tewas terbunuh di tempat umum oleh seorang muslim Belanda
keturunan Maroko bernama Mohammed Bouyeri. Sebuah surat ditemukan ditubuhnya
yang menghubungkan pembunuhan tersebut dengan Film kontroversial yang
dibuatnya Submission dan pandangan-pandangan van Gogh yang menghina Islam.
Setelah kematian Van Gogh ketegangan antara Islam dan Kristen memuncak
terjadi di Amsterdam. Masjid dan sekolah-sekolah muslim menjadi sasaran bom
dan aksi pembakaran. Selain Bouyeri ada sebelas muslim lain yang ditangkap
dan dituduh berkonspirasi untuk membunuh Hirsi Ali.

Sumber :,

-muslim voice-


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Video: Palestinians killed in Israeli raids into Gaza - 16 April 08

2008-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===
Video: Palestinians killed in Israeli raids into Gaza - 16 April 08
AlJazeeraEnglish  [image:

April 16, 2008

More than 20 Palestinians have died in the Gaza Strip as Israel unleashed
military strikes and troops moved into the centre of the territory.

A journalist was also killed in the attacks.

It makes 16 April one of the deadliest days in Gaza for weeks.

But army leaders say the operations were routine and aimed against fighters
suspected of launching rockets into southern Israel.

Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland reports from Jerusalem.



-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] A Gaza Diary: Nakba for Me

2008-04-22 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful*

=== News Update ===
A Gaza Diary: Nakba for Me Najwa Sheikh,  [image:

April 15, 2008

In a few weeks, Palestinians the world over will commemorate their Nakba
(catastrophe) — the loss of their homelands, their identity, dignity and
their life.

Many countries and organizations that are interested in the Palestinian
dilemma will help in this commemoration. The Nakba for them is to speak
about the sufferings and loss of a nation, to tell stories from those who
witnessed the real event and fled from their homeland with one hope — that
one day they will return.

As a third generation Palestinian, the Nakba to me is different in terms of
the pain and suffering it holds. I am totally aware of the great loss that
my grandparents, my parents have to experience when they fled from their
homeland in 1948. I know how devastating it is to lose the place that gives
you all the feelings of security, and the identity that tells who you really
are. The pain that my grandparents held during the years of their life in
the camp until they died with their only wish to see their home again is
heart breaking. The dreams that my father holds on behalf of his parents,
and his own dreams of returning back home, is also heart breaking.

But for me, the Nabka is more than fleeing the homeland, and losing your
identity. It is not having a single memory of the homeland that once was for
your grandparents, and your parents. It is not having anything to tell your
children, like the taste of your lands' fruits, the smell of its sand, about
stories and experiences with your people.

My grandparents and their generation, my parents and their generation too
are lucky, simply because every one of them still has a story to tell, a
story of their own, even their story about their journey of fleeing with all
its painful experiences. Their shared memories of the place that once was
theirs helped them to continue in their life, and gave them the courage to
struggle against the bad conditions they have to live.

I still remember the stories of my grandparents about their homeland, about
their traditions, their neighbors, weddings, giving birth, even about death.
With every word they narrate, a stream of feelings breaks the pain and loss
and brings back their homeland again, fresh and alive, as if they never left
it once.

These stories were the sparkle of hope that strengthened their conviction
and will, and give them a reason to live, to continue. Sharing these stories
with their children and their grandchildren was the revival of their

I am a refugee who has lived her entire life in a camp, wondering what
stories to tell my children, what stories to keep. The stories I have are
limited to the camp, to the narrow alleyways, to the sewage canals that
overflowed in winter, to the crowded classrooms.

My stories do not have a grove — to describe its fruits and its taste. In my
stories, there is no natural scenes, and simple people who live their day.
Stories that my children will never live, because they too will live the
same life that their parents have — the life of the camp. They will walk in
the same narrow alleyways, they will jump over the same sewage canals to
cross the street, and they will experience the same crowded, painful life
that their parents lived.

The experience of fleeing was terrible for my parents and my grandparents,
but the memories they hold over the years alleviate the taste of their loss
and pain. The memories help when they are lost in their sadness to bring
something sweet back to their life, a privilege that I and my children, and
maybe my grandchildren, will not have.

*-Najwa Sheikh is a Palestinian refugee from al-Majdal located just north of
the Gaza Strip. Shiekh has lived in refugee camps in Gaza her entire life.
She is married with three children. She contributed this article to*.



-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] US Terrorize The World - 14 Safar 1428 H (4.3.07)

2007-03-07 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

/In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful


=== News Update ===

*USA War Criminal :

Silence of Mainstream media : One million post-invasion Iraqi excess 
deaths ignored*

MWC NEWS readers may have encountered a recent article of mine in which 
the post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not 
have to happen) in Occupied Iraq were estimated at 1 million (ONE 
MILLION). This estimate was based on the very latest medical literature 
and UN Population Division data sources that were carefully documented 
in the 2 February 2007 article


*Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At 
Least 655,000 + +*
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) 
In America'sWar On Iraq 3,169

The War in Iraq Costs $405,070,880,466 - See the cost in your community

*America on its Knees Before Tyranny*
Today's America is no democracy -- it's a degenerating tyranny, 
disfigured by its military-industrial-governmental cancer. Our people 
are increasingly ashamed and terrified of their government, and rightly 
so, because we have no control over it, and it's become a deceitful 
monstrous danger to us and to the health of the planet.


*Support the UN Resolution 242  338 Consensus to End the Israelis 

242 ( conclusion of the first stipulation)
The most important issue addressed by UN Resolution 242 is the 
inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war. The first 
stipulation mandates, Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from 
territories occupied in the recent conflict. Since that time however, 
Israel has continued to occupy territory seized during the conflict and 
is even constructing a wall around some of these areas.

338( excerpts of original)
The three-line United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 
(S/RES/338), approved on October 22, 1973, called for a cease fire in 
the Yom Kipur War in accordance with a joint proposal by the United 
States and the Soviet Union. The resolution stipulated a cease fire to 
take effect within 12 hours, no later than 6:52PM of that day.


*Terror expert: Insurgents have won 'hearts and minds' of Iraqis*

An expert on the Iraqi insurgency says that Sunni forces fighting the 
American military have already won the hearts and minds of the Iraqi 


*Macho Males - The Brutal Rape and Murder of a 14-year old Girl and her 

As the Texas decider swaggered across the White House lawn, five of his 
Best-of-Baghdad troops were brutally raping and murdering a 14-year old 
girl and her family and then leaving them in a blaze of kerosene. Is 
this why the American commander-in-chief needed a troop surge --- to 
free up more of our glorious invaders to satisfy sexual perversities 
with the youngest teenagers of Baghdad?


*Department of Veteran Affairs: 205,000 US soldiers ...

... are being treated for wounds and injuries sustained in Iraq.

Hmmm ... where is the US media? Still rummaging in Ann Nicole Smith's 
America go watch some of the special reports which embarrass your 

Watch the ABC report which shows that 10% of US soldiers sustain head 
injuries - 150,000 possibly, says ABC.



*Iraq : How Easy it is to Put Hatred on a Map*
Our guilt in this sectarian game is obvious. We want to divide our 
potential enemies.


*Blame the Victims, Blame the Iraqis*

AS THE people who talked the United States into the Iraq war try to talk 
their way out of the blame for the mess they made, one dominant theme 
has emerged: blame the Iraqis. Our intentions were good; we did our best 
to help; but the Iraqis are vicious, incompetent ingrates who would 
prefer to kill one another than seize the freedom we brought them. It's 
not our fault that it turned out so badly.

It has turned out rather badly, hasn't it? President George W. Bush will 
go no further than to say that he is disappointed by the pace of 
success, and his British sidekick, Prime Minister Tony Blair, still 
insists that We will beat them [the Iraqi resistance] when we realise 
that it's not our fault that they're doing this. But practically 
everybody else in the 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] US Terrorize The World - 1 Safar 1428 H (19.2.07)

2007-02-19 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

**In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

*=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At Least
655,000 + + of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed
(Officially acknowledged) In America'sWar On Iraq 3,135

The U.S. War On Iraq Costs $367,395,482,339 - See the cost in your community


Facing Mecca

Must a Native-American recognize the right of the United States of America
to exist?


The Imperial System: Hierarchy, Networks and Clients : The Case of Somalia

The imperial system is much more complex than what is commonly referred to
as the US Empire. The US Empire, with its vast network of financial
investments, military
bases, multi-national corporations and client states, is the single most
important component of the global imperial system


Running away from the Hell of the new freedom

Um Yass is one of my neighbors, a widow who has three young sons; she fought
for them to ensure a decent life for them.

Unfortunately the wave of violence reached her because she is Sunni living
in a typical Shiite area, and as all Sunni families who received threat she
moved from the neighborhood.

Despite her efforts to protect her family, her two older sons got killed and
dumped in one of the garbage fields, the poor lady has only one left and out
of fear for the him, the decision came that he should be send him to Syria.


Video shows the reality of the Haifa Street battle, Baghdad

The reporter from Haq agency confirmed that these images taken represent
only a tiny part of the reality of what is happening there.
There are many more stories emerging from Haifa street and neighboring
Stories of torture, butchery, killings and rapes of sunnis by the American
army and their followers : the Iraqi Guards and the militias.


IRAQ: Water shortage leads people to drink from rivers

BAGHDAD, 18 February 2007 (IRIN) - Umm Muhammad Jalal, 39, starts every day
walking to a river 7km away from her temporary home in a displacement camp
on the outskirts of Fallujah, 70km west of the capital, Baghdad. Because of
severe water shortages, she and many others make the daily trip to the river
to collect water for all their needs.


Jailed 2 Years, Iraqi Tells of Abuse by Americans

DAMASCUS, Syria — In the early hours of Jan. 6, Laith al-Ani stood in a jail
near the Baghdad airport waiting to be released by the American military
after two years and three months in captivity.

He struggled to quell his hope. Other prisoners had gotten as far as the
gate only to be brought back inside, he said, and he feared that would
happen to him as punishment for letting his family discuss his case with a


The Jaysh Al Mahdi attacks students (male and female) from Baghdad Technical
College in Al-Dora

Occupied Baghdad, February 18, 2007

Today at 1pm in the Afternoon, at the Baghdad Technical College in Al-Doram
where students were sitting for their mid year exams, a group of Safavids
militias broke down the college gates under the eyes of the college guards,
entered the building and started firing with Klashnikovs at all of those who
were in their way, in the corridors of the building. This lead to the death
and wounding of several lecturers and students.


Do you know what the occupation forces are committing in the town of Bahraz?
A savage killing, destruction of houses over its inhabitants heads and the
kidnapping of female school students.
The village town of Bahraz. Since 4 days, this town has been subjected to
the most barbaric acts undertaken by the Iraqi Guards and the American
occupation forces vis a vis the people of this town.

This town was and is still subjected to horrible scenes of bombing by jets,
killing and a complete siege of the town. All communication with the
surrounding areas and other towns have been completely cut.


The Testimony of an Iraqi citizen who managed to escape from execution at
the hands of Mahdi Army - asks Iraqirabita tto reveal his story and that of
the engineer who was a member of the death squad to which he fell prey.
On the 4th of March, I was visiting some relatives in the Yarmouk
neighborhood in Baghdad. As I was leaving my house, I was surrounded by a
number of cars blocking mine.

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 9 Thul-Hijja 1426 H - 9.1.06

2006-01-10 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Muslim groups angry over 'racist' citizenship test BERLIN - Blunt questions posed to Muslims seeking German citizenship in a Christian Democratic-ruled federal state are fuelling anger and the threat of discrimination lawsuits from Islamic groups.'racist'+citizenship+test
===Losing the War on Terrorism It is impossible to exaggerate the damage caused by the President's improvident decisions. Yes, these tactics are immoral. Yes, they violate American norms and values. Yes, they are in many respects illegal. All this, by itself, is enough to warrant condemnation by Congress and the public. Many Iraqis Have Died Since the US Invasion in 2003? 30,000? No. 100,000? No.
President Bush's off-hand summation last month of the number of Iraqis who have so far died as a result of our invasion and occupation as 30,000, more or less was quite certainly an under-estimate. The true number is probably hitting around 180,000 by now, with a possibility, as we shall see, that it has reached as high as half a million. Economic Costs Of The Iraq War Linda Bilmes, Kennedy School, Harvard University
AndJoseph E. Stiglitz, University Professor, Columbia UniversityWe estimate that the total economic costs of the war, including direct costs and macroeconomic costs, lie between $1 and $2 trillion.'You can tell he's not a terrorist': 4-year-old boy shows up on government 'no-fly' list
HOUSTON ? Edward Allen's reaction to being on the government's no-fly list should have been the tip-off that he is no terrorist.I don't want to be on the list. I want to fly and see my grandma, the 4-year-old boy said, according to his mother. Advisor Says OK to Torture Children - including the crushing of a child?s testicles
Bush Advisor Says President Has Legal Power to Torture ChildrenJohn Yoo publicly argued there is no law that could prevent the President from ordering the torture of a child of a suspect in custody ? including by crushing that child?s testicles. Combatant to Face Guantanamo Trial Three Years Later
 Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen, faces imminent trial by military commission at Guantanamo Bay for war crimes he had allegedly committed at the age of 15, his lawyers say. of force-fed prisoners Hunger strikers are tied down and fed through nasal tubes, admits Guantᮡmo Bay doctor New details have emerged of how the growing number of prisoners on hunger strike at Guantᮡmo Bay are being tied down and force-fed through tubes pushed down their nasal passages into their stomachs to keep them alive. They routinely experience bleeding and nausea, according to a sworn statement by the camp's chief doctor. Won't Try Officer in Afghan Abuse CaseThe U.S. Army has dropped its case against the only officer to face criminal charges in connection with the beating deaths of two prisoners held by the 
U.S. in Afghanistan, a military spokesman said Saturday. Quiet Death Of Freedom
Bush has carried out the recommendations of a Messianic conspiracy theory called the Project for a New American Century. Written by his ideological sponsors shortly before he came to power, it foresaw his administration as a military dictatorship behind a democratic fa硤e: the cavalry on a new American frontier guided by a blend of paranoia and megalomania. 'Fin de Regime'?An out-of-touch George Bush now presides over a lost foreign war and a morass of influence peddling
China's Taoists philosophers warned that you become what you hate. We see this paradox in Washington, where the current administration increasingly reminds one of the old Soviet Union. don't get it that wrongScott Ritter speaking at the Commonwealth Club George W. Bush was not the originator of the policy that led to the invasion of Iraq. He inherited from the administration of Bill Clinton, a policy of regime change. Listen here. arsenic in the water supply, lobbyists have poisoned Washington
 Both Democrats and Republicans have got rich off the millions that flow to those in power, leaving the poor sidelined Court papers reveal that this key financier of the Bush administration's high-minded agenda 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 17 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 19.12.05

2005-12-19 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===The Confession of George W. Bush Serial Killer Confesses to 30,000 Murders; Receives Applause
Pastors and priests are facing ever more empty pews in 2006 - Mosques, on the otherhand, are filled to capacity every weekPastors and priests are facing ever more empty pews in 2006. Many churches failing to meet spiritual needs . Members prefer experience of God to dogmas, creeds
Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world crowded into St. Peter's Square in Rome last April to greet the election of a new pope. Ten-Step ProgramIs Bush in a bubble? Is Bush a dry drunk? Is Bush a drunk drunk? Is Bush a narcissist? Is Bush an idiot? Is Bush a madman? Does Bush have an ?Authority Problem?? Theories abound about why Bush does the things he does, but most of them assume that he is making mistakes that he could or would correct if he understood how misguided he was.
Let?s take a look at the ?mistakes? the Bush administration is said to have made, and, instead, ask ourselves if they are actually realized intentions Theft of America Only five years ago, the US had a clear identity. Only five years ago the US had a definable nature and a credible reputation. Only five years ago we knew pretty much who we were as Americans. But that time, that safe and comfortable time is no more. Incredible Day in America The media has been totally misled on the alleged Bush-McCain agreement on torture. 
Today, for two separate reasons, has been an incredible day in America. First, the United States has legitimized torture and secondly, the President has admitted to an impeachable offense. War In Numbers: From WMD To The Victims67 per cent Iraqis who feel less secure because of occupation: $343 Average monthly salary for an Iraqi soldier. Average monthly salary for an American soldier in Iraq: $4,
160.75 Dean: Shocking The Conscience Of America: Bush And Cheney Call For The Right To Torture And Are Decisively and Correctly Rebuffed by the House Distinguished University of Minnesota Philosophy Professor Joins 9/11 Fight, Saying the Truth Must Be Uncovered 
?I stand with Steve Jones, professor of physics at BYU and David Ray Griffin, professor emeritus of Theology at Claremont and other students and scholars of 9/11, who believe that extraordinary times require extraordinary measures,? said James H. Fetzer, PhD., a distinguished McNight University professor at the University of Minnesota at Duluth. 9/11 Reichstag Fire Bush jokes about being a dictator. Here is how he got there. starts confronting 9/11 ... the official version, at any rate. 
Some questions they won't confront: The 9/11 WTC Collapses The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
 The 9/11 USAF Stand Down The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark and Empire: An Interview with Lila Rajiva
There were actually reports on torture right from the start, right after 9-11. But it didn't become a mainstream story until three years later, after the CBS report in late April 2004. interrogation camp that turned prisoners into living skeletons Last week, Foreign Office files which have remained closed for almost 60 years were opened after a request by the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act. These papers, and others declassified earlier, lay bare the appalling suffering of many of the 372 men and 44 women who passed through the centre during the 22 months it operated before its closure in July 1947. Bits About American Torture In many ways, the U.S. is now just as inhumane and brutal as any Third World regime. Oh well? 
Oh my God, yes, yes we do torture, America that is, and we do it a lot, and we do it in ways that would make you sick to hear about, and we're doing it right now, all over the world, the CIA and the U.S. military, perhaps more often and more brutally than at any time in recent history and we use the exact same kind of techniques and excuses for it our numb-minded president cited as reasons we should declare war and oust the dictator of a defenseless pip-squeak nation that 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] The 9/11 Hijackings

2005-12-15 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===

The 9/11 Hijackings
Index of What Really Happened

This page is a full index of At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

Main Page



Alleged Hijackers AA Flight 11 [Crashed into WTC 1] - 3 hijackers alive

American Airlines Flight 11 Passengers as Reported by CNN 
Media Published Fake Passenger Lists for AA Flight 11
9/11 Redux: American Airlines Flight 11, Reexamined
Mohamed Atta: Terrorist, Patsy, or Scapegoat?

Proof of Lies Against The Hijacker Suspects 
Muhammad Atta Sr in the center of the media storm

Alleged Hijackers UA Flight 175 [Crashed into WTC 2] - 1 hijacker alive

United Airlines Flight 175 Passengers as Reported by CNN

Alleged Hijackers AA Flight 77 [Crashed into the Pentagon] - 1 hijacker alive

American Airlines Flight 77 Passengers as Reported by CNN 
Hani Hanjour: 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire

Hanjour an Unlikely Terrorist 
DIY Top Gun Pilot Training - Only $40!

Alleged Hijackers AA Flight 93 [Crashed in Pennsylvania] - 2 hijackers alive

United Airlines Flight 93 Passengers as Reported by CNN
Evidence Showing Ziad Jarrah Was Not a Hijacker 
The Smoke and Explosion Aboard Flight 93

9/11 Airport Surveillance Video Discrepancies

9/11 and Anthrax: Framing Arabs

Pre-9/11 Inside Trading Leads to the Highest Ranks of the CIA

See also: Full Index of What Really Happened on 9/11




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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Israel and 9/11

2005-12-15 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===

Israel and 9/11
Index of What Really Happened

This page is an index of articles relating to Israel and 9/11

Main Page



All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company

Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11

U.S. Arrests of Israelis a Mystery

Urban Moving Systems and Detained Israelis

Hundreds of Mossad Agents Caught Running Wild in America! 

FBI Fury As Men With Nuke Plans, Valid Israeli Passports Escape

The Israeli Spy Ring

Is Israel Blackmailing America?

The Head of AIPAC Boasted About His Control of Politicians in 1992
If this doesn't prove that the US Government is controlled by Israel, nothing will...

A Short History of US Vetoes of UN Resolutions

See also: Full Index of What Really Happened on 9/11



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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 13 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 15.12.05

2005-12-14 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===A Devil Theory of Islam Edward W. Said - August 12, 1996 issue of The Nation
see: of Muslims can lead to hate crimesWhen Amina Butt leaves her home every morning, she makes sure she is covered by a hijab, a headscarf Muslim women wear. It covers the hair and often falls down around the shoulders. This characteristic makes the Muslim religion very clear and can occasionally make Muslims a target.
===Pre-Emptive Invasion and International Lawby Garda Ghista - December 13, 2005 See: Emperor Has SpokenIt takes extraordinary disrespect for the American people to look them in the eyes and say that Congress had seen the same intelligence about Saddam Hussein?s nonexistent weapons of mass destruction as he did, and that a Senate committee had cleared his administration of twisting the WMD intelligence to serve its Iraq war agenda. Bush admits much of evidence used to justify Iraq war was wrong Bush takes on Iraqi war critics . Mr Bush has been outlining his Iraq strategy in a series of speeches . US President George W Bush has accepted that the decision to invade Iraq was based on faulty intelligence, but said it was still the right choice., Fascism, Socialism, and Nazism were all designed and financed by the same group of criminals. 
Posted Dec 14, 2005 02:41 PM PST - Category: HIDDEN HISTORY
===Pentagon spying on AmericansSecret database obtained by NBC News tracks ?suspicious? domestic groupsWASHINGTON - A year ago, at a Quaker Meeting House in Lake Worth, Fla., a small group of activists met to plan a protest of military recruiting at local high schools. What they didn't know was that their meeting had come to the attention of the 
U.S. military. A test of democratic rhetoric In the recent Egyptian elections, the Muslim Brotherhood, the oldest and largest Islamic movement in the Arab world, has succeeded in winning approximately one third of the votes, even though the organisation, which continues to be banned in Egypt, had confined itself to contesting 144 out of the 454 parliamentary seats to avoid aggravating the government. ===AMNESTY: Bosnia and Herzegovina: From Dayton and beyond
 The authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina have yet to fully address the human rights legacy of the war, Amnesty International said on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton peace agreement. 
Tens of thousands of people were killed and millions were driven from their homes in the war between 1992 and 1995 when the three major ethnic groups of today?s Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats, fought a bloody war. 
FULL ARTICLE AT:'s rape babies: abandoned by their families, forgotten by the state
Suzanna is 12 years old. In the eyes of the law she does not exist. She has no family, no birth certificate. The place that she calls home is the state-run orphanage in Zenica in Bosnia, a run-down building with broken windows. manipulation of the 9-11 truth movement Ray Griffin: The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales: Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93 Ahmed Abu Ali trial flawed by exclusion of Saudi torture evidence, says Amnesty In a report published today, Amnesty International concluded that the trial of US Citizen Ahmed Abu Ali was flawed as it failed to consider evidence about torture in Saudi Arabia.
According to Amnesty International?s trial observation and court documents, the jury was not allowed to hear evidence supporting claims by Ahmed Abu Ali that his videotaped confession, on which the prosecution relied almost exclusively, had been obtained following torture in Saudi Arabia. Ahmed Abu Ali says that he was flogged and beaten by the Ministry of Interior?s General Intelligence (al-Mabahith al-Amma) security service and forced to confess while held in prison in Saudi Arabia, with the apparent knowledge of US officials. 
FULL ARTICLE AT: can send letters of support to Dr. 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 12 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 14.12.05

2005-12-13 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Seeing Islam as ?Evil? Faith, Evangelicals Seek ConvertsOn a recent Saturday in a church fellowship hall here, evangelical Christians from several states gathered for an all-day seminar on how to woo Muslims away from Islam. 
The teacher urged a kindly approach: always show Muslims love, charity and hospitality, he said, and carry copies of the New Testament to give as gifts. The students, scribbling notes, included two pastors, a school secretary and college students who said they hoped to convert Muslims in the United States, or on mission trips abroad. ALSO: When U.S. Foreign Policy Meets Biblical Prophecy (Feb 20, 2003) 1,000 days of war : There is no sign yet of the thousand-day war ending. Every month up to a thousand fresh corpses arrive at the mortuary in Baghdad. A new Iraq is emerging but it is already drenched in blood. Estimates U.S. Invasion Resulted In 30,000 Iraqis Killed
 : - In a rare, unscripted moment, President Bush on Monday estimated 30,000 Iraqis have died in the war, the first time he has publicly acknowledged the high price Iraqis have paid. to 'Try' Bush for Crimes Against Humanity : According to this article from Brazil's OTempo newspaper, mock trials of U.S. President George W. Bush are to be held as a way of educating young people about the 'crimes' and abuse of power by the Bush Administration. case you missed it: Video: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons: 
They are just some of the victims of wholesale torture taking place inside the U.S. prison system that we uncovered during a four-month investigation for BBC Channel 4 . It?s terrible to watch some of the videos and realise that you?re not only seeing torture in action but, in the most extreme cases, you are witnessing young men dying. of Europe probe backs claims of CIA prison flights 
The CIA appears to have abducted suspects in Europe and illegally transferred them to other countries, according to the preliminary results of a Council of Europe investigation released today. Allies Become Accomplices to Terror Does a State become a rogue State because it uses roguish methods? Or does it use roguish methods because it is a rogue state? -  It makes no difference if a State tortures (or outsources torture) in the name of human rights, in the name of a religion or in the name of a dictator. For it then tortures not as a society based on the rule of law but as its antithesis. to double talk in defending torture policyHow long will the American people tolerate the shaming of their nation by the inhumane treatment of prisoners of war and the spiriting of detainees to secret prisons outside the United States? Taste for Executions Fed by Evangelical Culture
One of the highest murder rates in the world, a tradition of frontier justice and unwavering faith in biblical retribution have helped keep the death penalty alive in the United States even as much of the modern world has rejected it, experts on the subject say.
In the face of international scorn and a trend that has seen a record 105 countries halt capital punishment, America has continued to embrace it, accounting along with China, Iran and Vietnam, for most of the world's known executions. Great PerversionThe experience that most Americans live vicariously through television is an utter fraud. As Thoreau said, ?We have become the tools of our tools.? Our lives have become more virtual than real. Peace NeedsOur government has told us we must fear the Conscientious Objectors because they have stood against an illegal war of aggression. Our government, threatened by Sgt. Benderman?s moral stand to defend humanity and our constitution, has imprisoned him in the hopes that the slamming of the rusty, mildewed bars will silence his message of truth. militant group says won't hit voting stations: This does not mean that we back this so-called political process... Our jihad against the Americans and their followers continues, the group said in the statement. region will wrest back control when the US stumbles out of Iraq : This costly intervention has exposed the myth of America as conductor of a grand democratic Middle Eastern orchestra

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Seeing Islam as ?Evil? Faith, Evangelicals Seek Converts

2005-12-13 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
NOTE: Let's read carefully, and all of you will know who reallyparanoid and who really islamophobic? And which religion full of hate to another religion?
=== News Update ===Seeing Islam as 'Evil' Faith, Evangelicals Seek Converts
Author: Laurie Goodstein Publication: The New York Times Date: May 27, 2003 
On a recent Saturday in a church fellowship hall here, evangelical Christians from several states gathered for an all-day seminar on how to woo Muslims away from Islam. The teacher urged a kindly approach: always show Muslims love, charity and hospitality, he said, and carry copies of the New Testament to give as gifts. The students, scribbling notes, included two pastors, a school secretary and college students who said they hoped to convert Muslims in the United States, or on mission trips abroad.
 But although the teacher, an evangelical preacher from Beirut, stressed the need to avoid offending Muslims, he projected a snappy PowerPoint presentation showing passages from the Koran that he said proved Islam was regressive, fraudulent and violent.
 Here in the Koran, it says slay them, slay the infidels! said the teacher, who said he did not want to be identified because being a missionary to Muslims put his life at risk. In the Bible there are no words from Jesus saying we should kill innocent people.
 At the grass roots of evangelical Christianity, many are now absorbing the antipathy for Islam that emerged last year with the incendiary comments of ministers. The sharp language, from religious leaders like Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Jerry Vines, the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, has drawn rebukes from Muslims and Christian groups alike. Mr. Graham called Islam a very evil and wicked religion, and Mr. Vines called Muhammad, Islam's founder and prophet, a demon- possessed pedophile.
 In evangelical churches and seminaries across the country, lectures and books criticizing Islam and promoting strategies for Muslim conversions are gaining currency. More than a dozen recently published critiques of Islam are now available in Christian bookstores.
 Arab International Ministry, the Indianapolis group that led the crash course on Islam here, claims to have trained 4,500 American Christians to proselytize Muslims in the last six years, many of those since the 2001 terrorist attacks.
 The oratorical tone of these authors and lecturers varies, but they share the basic presumption that the world's two largest religions are headed for a confrontation, with Christianity representing what is good, true and peaceful, and Islam what is evil, false and violent.
 The criticism is coming predominantly from evangelicals, who belong to many independent churches and Christian denominations, including the Southern Baptist Convention.
 Evangelicals have always believed that all other religions are wrong, but what is notable now is the vituperation. The Koran's good verses are like the food an assassin adds to poison to disguise a deadly taste, writes Don Richardson, a well-known missionary who worked in Muslim countries, in Secrets of the Koran (Regal Books, 2003). Better to find the same food, sans poison, in the Bible. This month, he is scheduled to speak on Islam at churches in five American cities.
 Most of the authors and teachers preach a corollary of the Christian dictum to love the sinner and hate the sin. They assert that while the vast majority of Muslims are not evil, they have been deceived by a diabolical religion based on a flawed scripture that can never bring them salvation.
 Akbar Ahmed, chairman of the Islamic studies department at American University, said he grew up attending Catholic and Protestant missionary schools in Pakistan, but never heard a negative word about Islam from the missionaries. Now, he said, the new hostility to Islam and, in particular, the insults to the prophet Muhammad have outraged the Muslim world.
 The whole range of Muslims, from orthodox to liberal secularists, are all lined up against these attacks coming from the American evangelists, said Mr. Ahmed, the author of a new book Islam Under Siege: Living Dangerously in a Post-Honor World (Polity Press). Unwittingly, these evangelists have unleashed a consolidation of sentiments for Islam. Even the most moderate Muslims have been upset by this.
 The push for conversions may backfire for the evangelists, he said, since Muslims who may have been open to the missionaries' presence feel their honor has been insulted.
 In interviews, evangelical authors and lecturers said their work did not denigrate Islam as much as share the truth about Christianity. 
Ergun M. Caner, raised a Muslim by his Turkish family, converted to Christianity as a teenager and wrote, with his brother Emir, Unveiling Islam: An Insider Look at Muslim Life and Beliefs (Kregel Publications), which has sold more than 100,000 copies.
 I am 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 11 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 13.12.05

2005-12-12 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Racial Unrest as Thousands Riot at Australian BeachSYDNEY (AP) ? Thousands of drunken white youths attacked police and people they believed were Arab immigrants at a Sydney beach on Sunday, angered by reports that youths of Lebanese descent had assaulted two lifeguards. 
MMN: Notice that nowhere in the article is Australia's participation in the war on Iraq mentioned. Non-stop coverup of Australia's very pro-Israel and anti-Arab reality. The Fundamentalist InvasionThese reactionaries who judge in God's name.They're in the White House, already control the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court. Today, the ultras of the extreme religious right also want to stuff their own men into the whole judicial apparatus. French at:
===Where is the outrage?Meet Some Of The Victims In America's War - Collateral Damage ?In a democratic society we are all responsible for the action of our government.WARNING - This picture show the bodies of two Iraqi infant's grow to pull Nobel prize from Israeli war theorists 
A group of Israeli intellectuals and activists has demanded that the Nobel prize committee withdraw the award for economics to be made today to an Israeli mathematician and his American colleague on the grounds that they are warmongers. The economics prize is to be presented to Robert Aumann of Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Thomas Schelling of Maryland University in recognition of their having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis, a mathematical study of how individuals and governments react to other people's actions including in war.,2763,1664215,00.html ===Weaselly Rice tortures factsDoes secretary of state think anyone is buying her spiel, asks Maureen Dowd 
Our secretary of state's tortuous defence of supposedly non-existent CIA torture chambers in Eastern Europe was an acid flashback to Clintonian parsing.Just as Bill Clinton pranced around questions about marijuana use at Oxford during the '92 campaign by saying he had never broken the laws of his country, so Condoleezza Rice pranced around questions about outsourcing torture by suggesting that President George W. Bush had never broken the laws of his country.
===No WMD and Bush admits at least 30,000 Iraqis killed since he began the war: - U.S. President George W. Bush said on Monday 30,000 Iraqis have been killed since the Iraq war began and, speaking days before election in Iraq, acknowledged setbacks in efforts to create a democracy there. general tells of prison torture horror : Samarrai said he filmed, men showing whip marks and acid burns. One of them has lost an eye. Another's legs are broken. Still another has nails driven into his body. The video also shows the mutilated corpses of three men who Samarrai said died as a result of torture. abused detainees found in a Baghdad prison : Interior Ministry special commandos found 13 prisoners who had suffered abuse serious enough to require medical treatment, 
U.S. and Iraqi officials said Sunday night
===New 'torture jail' found in Iraq : Iraqi and US officials have found a packed interior ministry prison in Baghdad, where 625 inmates were being held in very overcrowded conditions. case you missed it: War based on a lie:I say this because I am currently serving with a logistics headquarters in the Anbar province, between the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. I am not fooled by the constant fabrication of ?democracy? and ?freedom? touted by our leadership at home and overseas. faces MPs over claims MI6 delivered suspect for torture
 : Allegations that MI6 handed over a former London student to the CIA for extraordinary rendition and torture will be raised omorrow by MPs with Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary. Iraqis want U.S. forces out: More than two-thirds of those surveyed oppose the presence of troops from the United States and its coalition partners Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 11 December 2005
- Resistance fighters ambush US military supply train in Hit, 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 10 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 12.12.05

2005-12-11 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===MI6 and CIA 'sent student to Morocco to be tortured' An Ethiopian claims that his confession to al-Qaeda bomb plot was signed after beatings
Binyam Mohammed, 27, says he spent nearly three years in the CIA's network of 'black sites'. In Morocco he claims he underwent the strappado torture of being hung for hours from his wrists, and scalpel cuts to his chest and penis and that a CIA officer was a regular interrogator. IS AN INSTRUMENT OF TERROR, SAYS ANNAN Posted Dec 11, 2005 08:43 AM PST - Category: TORTURE SCANDAL the Trail of the CIA
Since Sept. 11, the CIA has played a vital role in the war on terror. But what role is it? Operating in the shadows, American secret services have been given wide-ranging powers by the Bush Administration. And they include murder, abduction and torture. Prices, Widespread TortureOur new system of global production 
This is a story that implicates all of us. Torture, and fear of torture, are factors in holding costs down in our new-age globalized production system. Take just-in-time delivery, add a touch of submersion in shit, fear of beating, fear of drowning, and voilࡠYou get Wal-Mart?s everyday low prices. and the Lawless New Paradigmsee: you a terrorist?: FBI put peaceful protesters in terrorism files: The names and license plate numbers of about 30 people who protested three years ago in Colorado Springs were put into FBI domestic-terrorism files, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Colorado says. PainThe Pentagon is underreporting the number of American soldier casualties in Iraq, say House Democrats.
A group of seven House Democrats wrote President Bush this week, accusing the Pentagon of underreporting casualties in Iraq. It's a shocking charge. The letter writers argue that Pentagon casualty reports show only a sliver of the injuries, mostly physical ones from bombs or bullets. But war doesn't work like that, the Democrats declare, adding that the reports skip a horrible panoply of accidents, illness, disease and mental trauma. Should Be on Trial Too: There have been reports from US federal agencies that the White House chose to ignore warnings on possible terrorist attacks on American soil, perhaps to bring together the impetus needed to garner world sympathy and license these ?democratic lawmakers? to pursue their diabolical objectives.
Condoleezza Rice Warned Sept. 6 About Imminent Terror AttackFive days before Sept. 11, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was warned that a terrorist attack inside the United States was imminent, a former 
U.S. senator who headed up a blue-ribbon commission on terrorism revealed late Tuesday.
Harold Pinter: The Crimes of the United States Have Been Systematic, Constant:Harold Pinter, British playwright and this year's Nobel Literature prize winner, on Wednesday delivered a searing attack on US foreign policy.,1518,389251,00.html===The Diminishing Numbers of Alleged Dead in Auschwitz 
I have told you a million, billion, trillion times, DON'T EXAGGERATE!
The Evacuation of Auschwitz Posted Dec 11, 2005 08:18 AM PST - Category: HIDDEN HISTORY
Patrick Cockburn: Iraq: the beginning of the end The state created by Britain after the First World war may be passing away Iraq is disintegrating as a united state. The election for the National Assembly this week may mark the point of no return. A Bosnian solution to the Iraq crisis is now on the agenda, says Ghassan Attiyah, a veteran Iraqi commentator. The election is decisive because the Shia and Sunni Arabs and the Kurds - the three main Iraqi communities - show every sign of voting along ethnic and religious lines. Secular and nationalist groups looking for support beyond their own community have their backs to the wall. BY THE TRUTH Elwood Bush: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses!
Elwood Bush: They're not gonna catch us! We're on a mission from God!It was bizarre at first; even amusing in a hideous little way. When George Elwood Bush and Tony Jake Blair scrambled up on the international stage shortly after 9-11 and 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] A comprehensive shredding of the Rep/Dem reasons to continue the Iraq war

2005-12-11 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===
A comprehensive shredding of the Rep/Dem reasons to continue the Iraq war
December 8, 2005
Pro-War Arguments Don?t Hold Water- A comprehensive shredding of the Rep/Dem reasons to continue the war

Pro-War Argument : We can?t abandon the Iraqis(Buried) Truth/Fact :- Leaked UK Ministry of Defense Poll 
82% of Iraqis Strongly Oppose the presence of Occupation Troops 67 per cent of Iraqis feel less secure because of the occupation- 
Howard Zinn: ?We are not trying to create democracy in Iraq. We are not trying to bring liberty to Iraq. We are trying to bludgeon them into submission.? 

Pro-War Argument : We?re Liberating Iraqis(Buried) Truth/Fact :- Napalm  White Phosphorus- 
Depleted Uranium- Hundreds of tons of Radioactive waste spread across their backyard. (mp3)- Abu Ghraib Torture 
Imprisoning thousands of innocents (Red Cross: 70-90% of those arrested are innocent!) 

Pro-War Argument : We can?t let the terrorists win(Buried) Truth/Fact :- We are fighting Iraqis defending their homeland, not terrorists.
 Of 1,300 suspected insurgents arrested over the past five months in and around Ramadi, none has been a foreigner.

Pro-War Argument : Civil War(Buried) Truth/Fact :- Sunnis and Shias united in Protest of US Occupation Compare April 9th 2003  2005
- ?Many Iraqis believe he suicide bombers are the work of the CIA blowing up civilians and mosques revered by both Sunni and Shia, in an effort to 
create the Civil War Excuse for continuing the occupation. 

Pro-War Argument : Bush: No timetables for withdrawal or the terrorists will just wait us out (Buried) Truth/Fact :- 
Leaders of Iraq?s sharply divided Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis called for a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces in the country and said Iraq?s opposition had a ?legitimate right?? of resistance. ie- they?re not terrorists, but Iraqis resisting the takeover of their country.

Pro-War Argument : Our troops wantto stay (Buried) Truth/Fact :- Congressman back from Iraq:- Most troops want to come home.
- Troop crippled thanks to ?Stop Loss? order he fulfilled his duty, but the army 
forced him to return to Iraq. 

Pro-War Argument : We?re making great progress (Buried) Truth/Fact :- Oct. Troop Deaths Double 2004, Triple 2003- 
Iraq?s Oil Wealth given to multinationals.- The Iraqi people lose hundreds of Billions of $$, while oil Execs are laughing.- 
Generals to Congress: Only 750 Iraqi troops fully trained out of 200,000 

Pro-War Argument : We Must ?Support the Troops? (Buried) Truth/Fact :- Supporting the troops means not sending them into harms way unless 
it?s absolutely necessary.- Bush  Co Lied to start a war.- That is TREASON. 

There is No Good Reason - PDF Flyer
The real reasons ?they? want to continue the war: 

Prevent Bush, Cheney, Rummy war crimes trial 
Continue flow of gravy train (looting America) to 
Halliburton and other BushCo cronies, $300 Billion so far, Murtha says they already want $100 Billion more for next year
Exxon, Shell, BP want to retain rights to Iraqi oil- if we leave, their contracts go up in smoke. 
14 ?Enduring Bases? necessary to continue PNAC goal of Middle East domination 
Bush?s noble cause is pure ?Big Lie? BUllSHit- they want to stay for the profit and power of the military-industrial complex. Don?t believe me, listen to 
Howard Zinn, Robert Fisk (mp3), 
Dwight Eisenhower  Andy Rooney. source: voice-___BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW 


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 9 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 11.12.05

2005-12-10 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Punishing activists or pursuing terrorists? - American abduction of Ramzy Baroud in Brunei
 Ramzy Baroud, who teaches mass communications at Curtin University of Technology in Malaysia and freelances for Asia Times Online, recently noticed he didn't have enough pages in his US passport for a trip to Dubai, where he was to participate in the 4th annual Arab Thought Foundation conference. So he added a stop at the American Embassy in Brunei to his pre-departure to-do list. As the veteran journalist found out after waiting more than three hours, the US government had him on a list of their own. of Muslims Demonstrate in London against Terror Laws
London, UK, December 10, 2005 ? In an unprecedented show of unity, thousands of Muslims from across the UK marched from Parliament Square to Hyde Park to demonstrate against the oppressive anti-terror laws being introduced by the UK government. The demonstration, entitled March for Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya?Before they make it a crime, was organised by the non-violent Islamic political group Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Montreal Muslim News Network - US has used torture for decades. All that's new is the openness about it 
In Iraq the dirty work is already being handed over to Iraqi death squads, trained by the US and supervised by commanders like Jim Steele, who prepared for the job by setting up similar units in El Salvador. Degrades Us All For those who think we live in an age of terror, it is intuitively appealing to believe that torturing one person to save many is the right thing to do. Discussion of torture should not be taboo, but arguments for it must withstand moral scrutiny. torture? We can't guarantee it, says Rice : THE row over treatment of terrorist suspects by the US showed no signs of abating yesterday as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she could give no guarantee that terrorism detainees would not be abused despite clear rules against torture. YOU SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION? YOU'RE A TERRORIST SUSPECT!
Relinked in light of Bush's comment abnout the Constitution being a goddamned piece of paper.
===Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper' I?ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution ?a goddamned piece of paper.? of Outrage III 
: Here, is my latest attempt to guide you through the Bush Administration's most egregious corruption scandals. The information comes to us courtesy of the federal government's internal investigations into administration fraud, waste and abuse. The cronyism and corruption have hit a new low of the War in Iraq Number Of Iraqi civilians Slaughtered In America's War 100,000 + of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered In Bush's War 2142 Body Count of the War in Iraq : $225,516,172,976
===The War in Iraq: Aggression against children Ali Ismaeel Abbas, aged 12, was sleeping when a missile completely destroyed his house and killed most of his family, leaving him orphan, with terrible burns and without arms. US abusing Iraq mandate, says UN BAGHDAD: The US military is abusing its United Nations mandate in Iraq by detaining thousands of people without due process of law, a senior UN official said.,2106,3502084a12,00.html===From Creating Realities to Refusing Questions:They know, that information is power. So they fabricate it (Niger uranium documents), disseminate it through the corporate press (Judith Miller), pay for positive spin in that free press (Armstrong Williams), stage favorable press briefing questions, set up unrehearsed encounters between the president and troops (October 2005 teleconference), buy positive press coverage of the 
U.S. occupation in the free Iraqi press envoy questions war's worth
:BRITAIN'S former envoy to Iraq has conceded that the war may not have been worthwhile, in a BBC radio interview to be broadcast tonight.
Scott Ritter: Iraq war `deliberate deception'see: looking for a few good refuseniks
Do our 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Alex Manuputty, Kisah Seorang Gembong Teroris RMS, Yang Bernasib Sangat2 Mujur

2005-12-10 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the MercifulCatatan: Lihatlah nasib Gembong Teroris RMS yg satu ini, sungguh mujur sekali dia. Bahkan pemerintah tidak berani kalau rambutnya rontok satu helai saja, takut di-cap pelanggar HAM oleh amerika. Gampang sekali si teroris ini melenggang dan bahkan kabur lari terbirit-birit ke amerika, pemerintah Indonesia tidak tahu
Padahal oleh MA, ternyata hanya diganjar 4 thn penjara, sangat tidak seimbang dg hasil terornya yg telah membantai 5000 lebih umat islam Ambon Maluku. Bandingkan dg vonis yg diterima oleh amrozi cs, yg telah merenggut korban 300 orang, yaitu hukuman mati atau yg lebih ringan seumur hidup
Coba bandingkan dengan nasib seorang ulama yg terdzalimi bahkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia sendiri, ustadz Abu Bakar Baashir. Tidak terbukti salah, tapi karena pesanan amerika, dicari-carilah kesalahan agar bisa divonis bersalah dan pokoknya harus dimasukkan penjara, dg cara apapun.
Hei orang2 yg sok mengaku humanis dan menjunjug tinggi HAM, kebenaran dan keadilan. Mana suaramu, mana pembelaanmu terhadap orang yg diperlakukan tidak adil ini? Ternyata orang2 yg sok ini, tidak lebih hanyalah orang munafik!!!
=== News Update ===Alex Manuputty, Seorang Dokter yang Meneruskan Perjuangan RMSRabu, 12 Mei 2004 | 23:51 WIB 
Nama Alexander Hermanus Manuputty berkibar seiring berkibarnya pula Forum Kedaulatan Maluku (FKM) sebagai perkembangan dari gerakan Republik Maluku Selatan (RMS). Sebenarnya, Alex -begitu panggilannya sebagai Ketua FKM, sudah tidak asing bagi tim penyidik Markas Polri, karena Alex sudah beberapa kali diperiksa. Bersama Semmy Waeleruny, Alex memulai aktivitasnya dalam memperjuangkan kembali RMS lewat logo FKM-nya itu. Alex juga mendapat dukungan dari gerakan Generasi Muda Maluku Alifuru (GMMA). 
Alex lahir di Serui, Irian Jaya pada 1946. Lantaran menyukai kesehatan, Alex kemudian mengambil jalan untuk kuliah di Universitas Hasanuddin, Maluku, mengambil jurusan Anatomi tumbuhan Fakultas Kedokteran. Sekitar 1980, Alex menikah dan akhirnya mempunyai empat anak. Mereka tinggal di di lorong PMI, jalan 
dr.Kayadoe, Kuda Mati, Kecamatan Nusaniwe, Ambon, Maluku. Sebagai seorang dokter, Alex dikenal tidak mudah berkompromi. Berikut sepak terjang Aex sejak mendapat gelar dokter sampai menjadi Ketua FKM dan menjadi target nomor satu aparat keamanan:
1978: Alex bertugas sebagai dokter di Puskesmas Desa Patani di Kecamatan Gebe, Halmahera Tengah, selama lima tahun. 1983: Alex pindah tugas ke Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Haulussy, Ambon dan menjadi fungsionaris PMI Ambon, bidang transfusi darah. 
1990: Alex pernah penerima penghargaan dokter teladan di bidang kependudukan dan keluarga berencana. Pada 1998: Alex memulai kegiatan di luar bidang kedokteran dengan mendirikan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) bernama Nunusaku yang bergerak dalam bidang kemanusiaan dan pelayanan masyarakat. 
Pada 2000: Alex pergi ke Jakarta untuk melakukan studi banding. Di Jakarta, Alex sempat bertemu beberapa kolega dan temannya. Sepulang dari Jakarta, pada 15 Juni 2000, Alex membentuk Front Kedaulatan Maluku (FKM). Pada awalnya Alex belum berani mengumumkan secara terus terang tentang berdirinya FKM itu, hingga pada 18 Desember 2000, Alex mendeklarasikan munculnya kembali FKM dengan markas di Kawasan Kuda Mati. Susunan FKM dr Alex Manuputty sebagai pimpinan eksekutif, Hamsi Stania Wakil Pimpinan eksekutif, Henky Manuhutu sebagai Sekjen, Samuel Walikimy sebagai Ketua Bidang yudikatif, Wahyu Tamael Lasapal sebagai Ketua Bidang W Saniri, Agus Watimena sebagai Ketua Bidang Grass Root, Louis Risakota dari perwakilan Jakarta, Umar Santi perwakilan Eropa, Helmi watimena perwakilan USA. FKM mulai melakukan kampanye keluar Maluku dan kegiatan-kegiatan politik.
25 April 2001: Alex memelopori pengibaran bendera RMS pada acara peringatan ulang tahun proklamasi RMS di halaman rumahnya di kawasan Kudamati, Ambon. 17 Juni 2001: Alex ditangkap dengan tuduhan makar dan melanggar pasal 106 KUHP dan 110 KUHP. Sebelumnya ia juga sempat ditahan Kepolisian Daerah Maluku pada awal Januari 2001, tapi kemudian penahannya itu ditangguhkan pada pertengahan Januari 2001. 
28 Oktober 2001: Dengan dukungan Generasi Muda Maluku Alifuru (GMMA), Alex menghadapi sidang pertamanya.9 November 2001: Alex dijatuhi hukuman empat bulan penjara oleh Hakim Detasering karena terbukti melanggar larangan PDSD Maluku maupun melanggar Pasal 49 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 23/1959. Kemudian, dirinya mengajukan banding dan berkas perkaranya dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan Agung.
Januari 2002: Di persidangan banding, majelis hakim justru menambah hukuman terhadap Alex, menjadi enam bulan penjara. Kemudian, Alex mengajukan kasasi ke MA.17 April 2002: Sekitar pukul 16.45 WIT, Alex dijemput paksa dari kediamannya di kawasan Kudamati, Ambon oleh tim penyelidik gabungan pimpinan Kepala Direktorat Serse Polda Maluku, Jhonny Tangkudung, lantaran rencana pengibaran bendera RMS pada 25 April 2002.
30 April 2002: Alek 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 8 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 10.12.05

2005-12-09 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Treat Us Like Human Beings, Saudi Reporter Tells US Ambassador: Omar Al-Zubaidi, a well-known reporter for the Arabic satellite channel ?Al-Arabiya?, ripped his visa application and other papers in two in front of the American ambassador at a press conference.
'I am not a terrorist'For the past 14 months, Abdullah Khadr says he has done nothing but talk. In Pakistan, the spies, cops and consular officials were asking the questions and recording his answers. Since his return to Toronto last Friday, it's been the lawyers.
'I was never in al-Qaeda,' newly freed Khadr says
Khadr's life here likely to be hard, sister says
==='Sleeper Cell' movie awakens fears in Muslim viewersAdults more concerned than teens, Israeli actors play Muslims. Sleeper Cell, a 10-hour thriller about American Muslim terrorists that's set to debut at 10 
p.m. Sunday on Showtime, contains some of the most disturbing depictions of Muslims ever shown on American television and already has religious leaders bracing for a possible upswing in bigotry. action hero fails to win over Muslims,1,223317.storyIs America ready for `Sleeper Cell'? Showtime's controversial news series looks at Islamic extremists WRITER IN SIX MAN TEAM ON 'SLEEPER CELL',2,2008355.story
Showtime's 'Sleeper Cell' has Muslims as terrorists but goes beyond stereotypical depictions of the faith
===Thirteen Years Later: The destruction of the Babri MasjidMontreal - December 9, 2005 (MMN): This past Tuesday, December 6, marked thirteen years since the destruction of the Babri Masjid at the hands of a mob (of at least 150,000, other estimates of up to 1 million) of Hindutva zealots, led by Hindu extremist leaders like Lal Krishna Advani. It was the jewel of Faizabad, Ayodhya, a beautiful three-domed mosque structure erected in 1526 and named after its builder, Babur, the first of the Mughals. The American Crusade: Bush sold America his global war using an old Christian heresy. Not surprisingly, it's led to a new crusade. Iron Fist of Jesus : Under Bush (who believes he is fulfilling a divine mission), America's regime continues its ongoing military, economic, and social assault on the Arab world, which according to the Christo-Fascists, is populated by evil Muslims ready to slice the white, Christian throats of good Americans if given the chance. New Face Of America: When you close your eyes and picture America, what do you see? terror watchlist 80,000 names long: A watchlist of possible terror suspects distributed by the US government to airlines for pre-flight checks is now 80,000 names long We Said vs. What We did The administration lied about WMD, lied about their earnest intent to go to war only as the last possible option and only when it was demonstrably unavoidable, lied about every aspect of the Iraqi situation, did so from the start and at every available opportunity, and continues to do so to this day. Pictures: What our dollar's Buy: Faces of war. - Warning - Images depict the reality and horror of war. presents about 4,000 photographs showing the Iraq War killing and maiming
===The American Terror on the Iraqi children Pictures
htm===Un-American  inefficient : Team Bush is hell-bent on preserving torture as an option if they think we, the public, will let them get away with it. for the TroopsIf, as Samuel Johnson said, patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, then support our troops is very close by. It is being used to deflect criticism of the war in Iraq, or to rebut those who call for a pullout or question how incompetents seized control of the government in a coup by ideologues. In 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Treat Us Like Human Beings, Saudi Reporter Tells US Ambassador

2005-12-09 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===
Treat Us Like Human Beings, Saudi Reporter Tells US Ambassador
Raid Qusti, Arab NewsRIYADH, 8 December 2005 ? Omar Al-Zubaidi, a well-known reporter for the Arabic satellite channel ?Al-Arabiya?, ripped his visa application and other papers in two in front of the American ambassador at a press conference. He had been told to submit the application and other documents to the US Embassy in Riyadh but he tore them up, saying, ?We do not want your visa!?
The reporter complained to the ambassador about the abuse and humiliation he experienced when he went to apply for a business visa to the US. He said that he and another colleague were called ?animals? by an embassy employee at the front gate. He told the ambassador that Saudi citizens were often mistreated and dealt with rudely when they applied for US visas. He demanded that they should be respected ?as human beings.? 
?One of the employees told my colleague and me while we were waiting in line to enter the embassy grounds, ?The animals go back,? referring to Saudi citizens,? Al-Zubaidi said. ?Thank you Mr. Ambassador. We do not want your visa,? he said, before he ripped the papers in two. ?I can do my business elsewhere. I can go to Europe; I do not need to go to the US.?
Al-Zubaidi then went on to address a sore point with many Saudis who have been accepted for study at American colleges and universities. ?What is happening is a pity and a shame. Many Saudi students from remote villages and towns have had to come to Riyadh to apply for their visas. The Jeddah visa section is closed and no one knows when it will reopen. These students dream of studying in the US and returning to the Kingdom with a degree. Some of them have had to sleep in mosques because they have no money for hotels. And after all this, they are then abused and humiliated at the US Embassy.? 
The US ambassador, James C. Oberwetter, apologized to the reporter for what happened and said that such a thing was ?unacceptable. I deeply regret hearing that you were badly treated. This is something we will not tolerate.? He promised to investigate the matter. 
During the press conference, the US Ambassador and the US Consul General explained to the press the problems of issuing visas to large numbers of Saudi students and the immense pressure on the embassy to process them.
In a press release the US Embassy said that up through Dec. 1, the embassy processed almost 700 student visas for study in the United States; in the entire year of 2004, only 647 student visas were issued. The total number of visas issued to Saudis increased from 16,004 in 2004 to 27,657 so far in 2005.
In a statement released to the press, the ambassador said, ?It is unfortunate that at a time of increased visa demands, the Consulate in Jeddah had to suspend visa services on Nov. 13 due to security concerns. We have asked the Saudi government to help us address these concerns.?
At present, no visas ? either student or tourist ? are being issued in Jeddah.The ambassador said that Saudis ?should be patient and plan well ahead? when applying for US visas. A request for an interview for a visa takes eight weeks and beyond that, another week is needed to obtain the visa after the passport has been collected from the applicant. 
The statement said that students who had not yet received visas for their academic studies in January 2006 should request delayed admission to the US.Replying to an Arab News inquiry about the questions Saudis are asked in the personal visa interview, the ambassador said that everyone was treated the same, without exception. ?The questions that are being asked are because of new procedures. We realized that our old procedures did not work,? the ambassador said, referring to the Saudis who entered the US and carried out the 9/11 attacks. He said that the US Embassy, along with the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education, was seeking ways to ?smooth? the way for the large number of Saudi students who have been accepted for study in the US. 
In response to a question about the number of Saudis who had complained that they had had to wait longer than usual for a visa because their names were similar to those of the 9/11 terrorists, the Consul General said that normally the process of evaluating papers takes two weeks after submission. 


All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of Hidayahnet unless sanctioned or approved otherwise. 

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] 'I am not a terrorist'

2005-12-09 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===
'I am not a terrorist'Dec. 9, 2005. 07:16 AMMICHELLE SHEPHARD - STAFF REPORTERFor the past 14 months, Abdullah Khadr says he has done nothing but talk. 
In Pakistan, the spies, cops and consular officials were asking the questions and recording his answers. Since his return to Toronto last Friday, it's been the lawyers. Yesterday, Khadr came to his Toronto lawyer's office in borrowed clothes and with his mother at his side, to talk to reporters. 
In the course of the interview, he revealed details about the torture he says he endured in Pakistan, the visits he had while incarcerated from several Canadian security officials and how they tried to pump him for information on others, including Maher Arar. 
His story may not be simple but his message is: He's not a terrorist and it's the Canadian government that should be answering questions about his detention and alleged torture, not him. I just want everybody to know I have nothing to do with anything, the 24-year-old said. 
He denies his family is or was ever involved with Al Qaeda. He admits he attended the notorious Khaldan training camp in Afghanistan, but it was when he was 13, and it didn't have ties to terrorism. He dismisses the claim of Western intelligence agencies that he later led the camp in the Khost Mountains along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, and instructed terrorist recruits. 
Instructed? Instruction is you have to be very, very, very, very, very inside this stuff and we didn't have that reputation in Afghanistan, he said. I wasn't interested in that stuff. I was more interested in cars. 
Abdullah Khadr's interview yesterday follows a Toronto Star story this week that revealed Khadr had been detained in Pakistan since October 2004, and returned to Toronto a free man. His whereabouts until then had been unknown. It's still unclear why he was released last week and none of the federal agencies involved in the case will comment. An official with Pakistan's Ministry of Interior said he would look into the case. 
Khadr said he has no plans to launch any lawsuits and hopes to slip quietly into a typical Canadian life. I have no problem with anybody, why should anybody have a problem with me? he asked. 
He said he had been held since Oct. 12, 2004, when Pakistani intelligence officers picked him up in an unmarked car in Islamabad as he walked with Yousef, a friend of his father. Khadr believes Yousef was the target, and his identity was discovered only later. 
Khadr alleges that during the first 48 hours of his detention he was tortured. I was hooded. They wouldn't let us sit or sleep. Stripped, beaten. You can say sexually harassed. He said he was threatened with sexual assault with a stick, and was beaten in the head hard enough to make his ears bleed for two weeks. 
During his 14-month detention, Khadr was visited at various times by two CSIS officers from Canada, who told him their names were Mike and Bob, and another CSIS officer stationed in Pakistan. RCMP Sergeant Konrad Shourie also questioned him in Islamabad earlier this year. It's clear from court documents that the RCMP is investigating Khadr and his sister Zaynab, under terrorism legislation introduced in 2001. 
If Khadr is eventually charged, his lawyer said he would argue that any information provided during these sessions would be inadmissible. He was never brought before a court, he was never told why he was there, he was never given a lawyer ... The whole thing is such an egregious violation of human rights that it just can't be relied on in this country, we don't think, Nate Whitling said yesterday. 
This issue has yet to be tested by Canadian law, but Britain's highest court ruled yesterday that information obtained under torture is inadmissible in court. Khadr says he was questioned about various Canadians, including Maher Arar, the 35-year-old Ottawa engineer who was detained by the 
U.S. and then sent to Syria, where he was tortured and held for a year without charges. A federal inquiry is probing the role Canadian officials played in the case of Arar, who left Damascus in October 2003 and returned to Canada. 
To suggest Canadian authorities are still continuing to try to find evidence on Maher Arar by questioning people abroad is deeply disturbing, Arar's lawyer Lorne Waldman said yesterday. It seems to me that interrogating (Khadr) in circumstances where he doesn't have the right to counsel or anyone else, means the Canadian government haven't learned any lessons from the Arar experience. 
Abdullah Khadr is the eldest son of Egyptian-born Canadian Ahmed Said Khadr, an accused Al Qaeda financier who was killed in a battle with Pakistani forces in 2003. Abdurahman Khadr, the second eldest son and self-proclaimed black sheep of the family, admitted in a CBC Television documentary that he was raised in an Al Qaeda family, growing up with Osama bin Laden. He also admitted 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Ten Steps to Creating Evil Traps for Good People

2005-12-09 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===
Ten Steps to Creating Evil Traps for Good PeopleLet's outline some of the procedures in this research paradigm that seduced many ordinary citizens to engage in this apparently harmful behavior. In doing so, I want to draw parallels to compliance strategies used by influence professionals in real-world settings, such as salespeople, cult recruiters, and our national leaders (see Cialdini, 2001).
Among the influence principles to be extracted from Milgram?s paradigm for getting ordinary people to do things they originally believe they would not are the following ten:1) Offering an Ideology so that a big lie provides justification for any means to be used to achieve the seemingly desirable, essential goal. Presenting an acceptable justification, or rationale, for engaging in the undesirable action, such as wanting to help people improve their memory by judicious use of punishment strategies. In experiments it is known as the ?cover story? because it is a cover-up for the procedures that follow which might not make sense on their own. The real world equivalent is known as an ?ideology.? Most nations rely on the same ideology of ?threats to national security? before going to war or suppressing dissident political opposition. It is a convenient familiar ideological theme that fascist governments and military juntas have used to destroy socialist or communist opposition. When citizens fear that their national security is being threatened they are willing to surrender their basic freedoms when the government offers them that exchange. In the Unites States, the fear of the threat to national security posed by terrorists has led too many citizens to accept torture of prisoners as a necessary tactics for securing information that could prevent further attacks. That reasoning contributed to the background of the abuses by the American guards at Abu Ghraib prison. See the provocative analysis by Susan Fiske and her colleagues on why ordinary people torture enemy prisoners (Fiske, Harris,  Cuddy, 2004).
2) Arranging some form of contractual obligation, verbal or written, to enact the behavior.3) Giving participants meaningful roles to play (teacher, student) that carry with them previously learned positive values and response scripts.
4) Presenting basic rules to be followed, that seem to make sense prior to their actual use, but then can be arbitrarily used to justify mindless compliance. Make the rules vague and change them as necessary. 
5) Altering the semantics of the act, the actor, and the action, (from hurting victims to helping learners by punishing them)?replace reality with desirable rhetoric.6) Creating opportunities for diffusion of responsibility for negative outcomes; others will be responsible, or it won?t be evident that the actor will be held liable.
7) Starting the path toward the ultimate evil act with a small, insignificant first step (only 15 volts).8) Having successively increasing steps on the pathway be gradual, so that they are hardly noticed as being different from one?s most recent prior action. (By increasing each level of aggression in gradual steps of only 30 volts, no new level of harm seemed like a noticeable difference to the Milgram participants.)
9) Changing the nature of the influence authority from initially ?Just? and reasonable to ?Unjust? and demanding, even irrational, elicits initial compliance and later confusion, but continued obedience. 10) Making the exit costs high, and making the process of exiting difficult by allowing usual forms of verbal dissent (that make people feel good about themselves), while insisting on behavioral compliance (?I know you are not that kind of person, just keep doing as I tell you.?) 
Such procedures are utilized across varied influence situations where those in authority want others to do their bidding, but know that few would engage in the end game final solution without first being properly prepared psychologically to do the unthinkable. 
From:The Psychology of Power and Evil: All Power To the Person? To the Situation? To the System?Philip G. Zimbardo, Psychology Department, Stanford University voice-___BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW 


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] 'Sleeper Cell' movie awakens fears in Muslim viewers

2005-12-09 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===
'Sleeper Cell' movie awakens fears in Muslim viewers
Showtime's 'Sleeper Cell' has Muslims as terrorists but goes beyond stereotypical depictions of the faithBy Sandi DolbeeUNION-TRIBUNE RELIGION  ETHICS EDITOR 
:: Showtime photo ::Hollywood's favorite bad guy is a Muslim terrorist, preferably one who looks like he's come from the Middle East, is accompanied by a mysterious-sounding Arabic soundtrack and ends up on the losing side. 
Showtime's Sleeper Cell stars Oded Fehr (front), with (from left, back) Henri Lubatti, Alex Nesic, Michael Ealy and Blake Shields. Ealy is cast as an undercover FBI agent who also happens to be a Muslim. 
The Siege pitted Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, and Bruce Willis against Muslim fanatics who wanted to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Executive Decision paired up Kurt Russell and Steven Seagal to take on Arab hijackers. 
The small screen has followed the big screen, from Fox-TV's breathless 24 series to the CBS CIA drama, The Agency. Now it's Showtime's turn, with a 10-hour project called Sleeper Cell that will start airing Sunday. 
But along with the all-too-frequent f-words, cable-allowed sex scenes and graphic violence, Sleeper Cell offers at least some hints of texture to what has been years of copycat, cookie-cutter portrayals of evildoers in the name of Allah. 
The bad guys in Sleeper Cell are Muslims. But so is the hero. Undercover FBI agent Darwyn Al-Sayeed (Michael Ealy) is an African-American Muslim, born into the faith in the USA, who infiltrates a secret cell of extremists in Los Angeles plotting much mayhem. 
The show also captures the real-life ethnic diversity of the world's second largest religion (in the U.S., for example, only about 25 percent of Muslims are of Arab descent). The cell includes a blond-haired convert from Berkeley, a French-born tour bus driver, a Bosnian school teacher and the leader, an Arab masquerading as a Sephardic Jew. 
The creators of Sleeper Cell argue that there are other differences worthy of notice. One of the things we really wanted to do is just sort of portray this issue in a much more complex way, said Cyrus Voris, who discussed the show with co-producer Ethan Reiff during a recent seminar on Islam at the University of Southern California's Western Knight Center for Specialized Journalism. 
Yes, we are showing Islamic extremists, Voris told journalists from around the country gathered for the weeklong conference. But we're also showing a moderate Islamic character, Darwyn, who is the hero of the show, who is very much anti-extremism and is trying to stop the extremists. 
Perhaps its best attribute is the show's pivotal subtext: the struggle within Islam itself for who will speak for the faith. This struggle is highlighted in the fourth episode when a Yemen scholar comes to the 
U.S. to denounce violence and preach to other Muslims that extremism is not the real Islam. They (terrorists) are using the label Islam to kill and murder innocent people ? something that the prophet would never condone, the Yemen scholar says. 
Reiff said illuminating this struggle was incredibly important to him and Voris (neither is Muslim; one is Jewish and the other Episcopalian). That's the only way you can formulate a strategy to win the so-called war on terrorism ? if you can find a way to helpfully aid those people within the Muslim world, all around the world, who are on the same side as you are, Reiff said. I don't think we're concentrating on that to the degree that we should be. 
Muslim writing, acting Pakistani-born screenwriter Kamran Pasha is particularly happy with that episode. He wrote it. It is painful for me as a believer to see people who reflect very poorly on my faith, said Pasha, who joined the Sleeper Cell team after the pilot was approved. 
I'm deeply proud of this show, he said in an interview. What I'm proud of is I got a chance to show what Islam means to me. The producers said that when it came time to cast the role of the Yemen shaikh, there was a line of Muslim actors clamoring for it. Egyptian-born Marc Casabani, whose credits include appearances on Without a Trace, LAX, and 24, got the job. 
I wanted that part because he is a positive role model for all people, not just people of Middle Eastern descent, not just for Egyptian Americans, said Casabani, who makes a point of saying he's from Alexandria, birthplace of movie legend Omar Sharif. 
Casabani credits Showtime with trying to show the other side. There is nowhere in the Koran and the prophet, peace be upon him, that advocates this kind of behavior, he adds. The actor, by the way, played a terrorist on 24, the Fox-TV series whose fascination with Islamic extremists drew protests from the Muslim community. Last season, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an advocacy group, convinced Fox to air public service announcements depicting positive images of 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 7 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 9.12.05

2005-12-08 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===General gave OK for Able DangerFormer military chief confirms al-Qaida mission
Gen. Hugh Shelton, who was the military's top commander during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, confirmed that four years before the tragedy he authorized a secret computer data-mining initiative to track down Osama bin Laden and operatives in the fugitive terrorist's al-Qaida network. and ShutFour years later, we still have ten big questions
On Monday, December 5, the 9-11 Public Discourse Project?a private group formed by 9-11 Commission members after their official mandate lapsed in 2004?held a wrap-up press briefing in Washington, signaling the last gasp of official inquiries into the attacks four years ago. People who lost loved ones will never know exactly how the end came, if it hurt, what the final thoughts and words were. But other questions are more tractable. Here are 10 of them: Truth Conference Opens inTampa To Crowd of 600 And of course the no plane at Pentagon will be the focus of any media coverage that occurs. 
1. If the perpetrators had to get rid of the passenger jet and passengers anyway, why not go ahead and crash them into the Pentagon? 2. Hundreds of people saw the 757 flying towards the Pentagon. Not one person saw it flying away. Where did it go? smoking gun torture memo Pentagon Memo on Torture-Motivated Transfer Cited. A court filing describes a classified proposal to send a detainee away for information extraction.
WASHINGTON ? Although Bush administration officials have denied that they transfer terrorism suspects to countries where they are likely to be abused, a classified memorandum described in a court case indicates that the Pentagon has considered sending a captured militant abroad to be interrogated under threat of torture.,1,5157053.story?ctrack=1cset=true
===Britain's top court bans torture evidence : Britain's highest court ruled on Thursday that information gleaned from torture anywhere in the world was unacceptable as evidence in British courts. Human Rights Watch : 
Is it still possible to ask questions in these dark times of preemptive wars? After embedded journalists, shall we have embedded human rights organizations? Terror Bush proudly held up this hideous system as an example of what he called the meaning of American justice. And the assembled legislators applauded. Oh, how they applauded! They roared with glee at the leering little man's bloodthirsty, B-movie machismo. They shared his contempt for law -- our only shield, however imperfect, against the blind, ignorant, ape-like force of raw power. The TorturersThousands of well-meaning people are mobilizing to pressure Congress to pass legislation banning torture. But the Bush Administration is maneuvering to turn it into legislation that would instead protect the torturers by eliminating a basic legal right.'Tortured' Australian speaks out Mr Habib claims he was forced to make confessions under torture . A former Australian terror suspect says he was caught up in the controversial US policy of transferring detainees to foreign countries for interrogation. to Torture :Torture is about acts: the blow to the head, the scream in the ear, the scar-free injuries whose diagnosis has become an international medical subspecialty. But torture is also very much about words: the whispered or shouted questions of the interrogator; the muddled confession of the prisoner; the too rarely tested language of laws protecting prisoners from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.'s Trail of Lies : Condoleezza Rice's contradictory, misleading and outright false statements about the US and torture have taken America's moral standing - and her own - to new depths. at the GateHe Who Controls Television Controls the Masses
With Americans watching so much television on a weekly basis, discarding books of enlightenment for monitors of idiocy, preferring the drug of fantasy over the sobering realm of reality, no longer capable of analytical, logical thought, choosing to incorporate as their own the views, beliefs and opinions of corporate media, the keepers at the gate are free to do as they please, disseminating lies, 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Condi's Trail of Lies

2005-12-08 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===

Condi's Trail of Lies
 By Sidney Blumenthal
 Thursday 08 December 2005

Condoleezza Rice's contradictory, misleading and outright false statements about the US and torture have taken America's moral standing - and her own - to new depths.
 The metamorphosis of Condoleezza Rice from the chrysalis of the prot�� into the butterfly of the State Department has not been a natural evolution but has demanded self-discipline. She has burnished an image of the ultimate loyalist, yet betrayed her mentor, George 
H.W. Bush's national security advisor Brent Scowcroft. She is the team player, yet carefully inserted knives in the back of her predecessor, Colin Powell, climbing up them like a ladder of success. She is the person most trusted on foreign policy by the president, yet was an enabler for Vice President Cheney and the neoconservatives. Now her public relations team at the State Department depicts her as a restorer of realism, builder of alliances and maker of peace.

 On her first trip to Europe early this year she left the sensation of being fresh by listening rather than lecturing. The flirtation of power appeared to have a more seductive effect than arrogance. So the old face became a new face. But on this week's trip the iron butterfly emerged.

 Rice arrived as the enforcer of the Bush administration's torture policy. She reminded the queasy Europeans that their intelligence services, one way or another, are involved in the rendition of hundreds of suspected terrorists transported through their airports for harsh interrogation in countries like Jordan and Egypt or secret CIA prisons known as black sites. With her warnings, Rice recast the Western alliance as a partnership in complicity. In her attempt to impose silence, she spread guilt. Everybody is unclean in the dirty war and nobody has any right to complain. What I would hope that our allies would acknowledge, she said, is that we are all in this together.

 For the European leaders, facing publics hostile to U.S. policy in Iraq and torture, Rice's visit was disquieting. In Italy, prosecutors have issued indictments of 22 current and former CIA operatives for their extraordinary rendition of an Egyptian suspect; among those indicted is the former Rome CIA station chief, whom an Italian judge has ruled has no immunity from prosecution. Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini, asked about renditions, said, We know absolutely nothing. We have not one single piece of knowledge. If the Italian government knew the facts, it would investigate, he added.

 In Britain, the Foreign Office released a diplomatic disclaimer that it has no evidence to corroborate media allegations about the use of UK territory in rendition operations. But upset members of the House of Commons have launched a parliamentary inquiry into whether the 
U.K. has violated the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Convention Against Torture. Foreign Minister Jack Straw sent Rice a letter requesting any clarification the U.S. can give about these reports in the hope that this will allay parliamentary and public concerns.

 When the Washington Post reported on the eve of Rice's trip that CIA prisons holding U.S. detainees exist in Romania, Poland and other Eastern European nations, it triggered an explosion. Even though Romania and Poland denied the report, the European Commission and the Council of Europe began investigations. The 
E.C. declared that for any member state to harbor a CIA prison would be extremely serious and bring down sanctions upon it.
 In Germany, Rice was greeted by the new chancellor, Angela Merkel, eager to repair relations with the Bush administration made awkward by former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's opposition to the Iraq war. Rice's visit was supposed to smooth over the conflicts of the past, but instead it surfaced new ones that indicated that the divisions between Germany - and Europe - and the 
U.S. are rooted in the Bush administration's fundamental policies.
 Rice arrived in Berlin on the heels of a Washington Post report about the rendition, to a secret CIA jail in Afghanistan called the Salt Pit, of a German citizen, Khaled el-Masri, who was tortured and imprisoned for five months in a case of mistaken identity. After meeting with Rice, Merkel announced that Rice had acknowledged that the 
U.S. had made a mistake in the case. But Rice countered with a statement denying she had said that at all. The reconciliation with Germany was botched; Merkel was embarrassed; and Rice's credibility, at least in the German press, was left in tatters.

 Rice had hoped to quell the controversy before she landed. On Monday, as she boarded her plane at Andrew Air Force base in Washington, she delivered a lengthy statement on torture. Her speech was remarkable for its defensive, dense and evasive tone. It was replete with half-truths, 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] September 11 Attacks Revisited

2005-12-08 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===
September 11 Attacks Revisitedby Vincent L. Guarisco(Wednesday December 07 2005) 

The smoking guns of 9/11 are no longer an elusive jigsaw puzzle absent of crucial pieces to create the picture. 

To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we only owe the truth. -- Voltaire We live in desperate times with desperate grievances, which makes it hard for us to stand tall and enthusiastically call ourselves Americans. In fact, professing to be an American in many foreign lands could very easily get us killed. So much has happened to get us to where we are today. Sadly, our reputation has quickly tarnished into an oblique sense of faded pride. Old glory just doesn't illuminate the sparkle the way she used to...and that is very sad indeed. 
For the most part, Americans -- my people -- are honest, hard-working and peace-loving. From one end of this great nation to the other, all cities big and small and in-between are full of people I have just described. And the same can be said about many of our leaders too. Several of them are quite worthy of the title. 
Overall, the same can be said of our military establishment. So many soldiers and officers bravely protect us and keep us from harm, both foreign and domestic. Most of them at all branches and levels of service have their priorities and hearts in the right place. They truly are our nation's bravest assets, and are to be forever commended for their loyal and honorable service. God bless each and every one of them. 
However, there are those among us who are NOT honest, loving and loyal. They do not have the best interests of the American people in mind. It is those few bad apples -- rich, powerful, military or civilian -- that I despise with all my being. They know who they are. They are the spoiled fruit of our cherished orchard, the hostile seeds of our peaceful garden, they are the few among the many who need to be eliminated from our great national forest. They are the enemy within, and they secretly pull the levers of power... 
They rule over a money-making dynasty filled with unsavory makers of doom. Indeed, it's a spooky tight-knit military consortium seeded with a few brass maniacs who proudly embellish bloodstained-medals on their stiff lapels. Little pinstriped caesars, operating with impunity who are unremorseful of their calculating misdeeds that willfully displace, maim and kill untold numbers of innocent people on their sick, demented chessboard of death. 
This leviathan of repugnance, better known as the neo-con establishment, enjoys nothing better than inventing new and improved get-rich schemes geared to boost their military industrial complex. It's alarming how these schemes are quietly walked-on-down-the-hall, signed by the joint chiefs, then placed into action -- almost always guaranteeing that many expendable pawns fall to the wayside in order to fill a few tyrannical pocketbooks. Hell, these sick few probably do a ghoulish circle-jerk while saluting each other and forcing the game pieces to meekly take their places on the board for their crude pleasure and amusement. 
This devil's dynasty for profit is no mystery to those of us who already understand the matrix. In fact, it's easily recognizable when examining the many discrepancies surrounding the neo-con sponsored attacks of 9/11, and the ensuing war hype that followed on its heel in Afghanistan and Iraq. 
True enough, for years it's been a hard CNN road to hoe, a battered FOX trail to travel. But now, the many significant facts and omissions that the 9/11 official investigation did NOT reveal, are throughly laid-out for your review. This extraordinary DVD, Confronting the Evidence, is free at [1]. This powerful DVD is explosive; it explores and exposes the official 911 lies. It's the best comprehensive showing of what took place on that fateful day. I kid you not, Confronting the Evidence does just that, and takes viewers on a journey down the firefighter's hole at ground zero into the land of Twin Tower OZ. 
However, if you have never been exposed to information such as this, you may become disturbed or frightened by what you see and learn. But keep in mind, you are not alone in this place, so go ahead and swallow the red pill -- we have patiently been waiting for your arrival at this inevitable meeting of the minds. Yes, by all means join us at truths dinner table, we welcome you with open arms for your understanding and involvement. You can't get lost, simply follow the faint cries of our dead brothers and sisters who remain trapped in time by the lies that continue to hold them prisoner. 
On a personal note -- prior to what I believe to the professional demolition-job of 9-11, I thought I'd seen the worst in men. At least I thought I had until I witnessed junior Bush and his Project for a New American Century neo-cons steal the throne of power and turn our world upside down. But I 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Polisi akan Ambil Sidik Jari Santri

2005-12-08 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Polisi akan Ambil Sidik Jari Santri CIMAHI -- Dengan alasan antisipasi aksi terorisme, polisi Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat, akan mengambil sidik jari seluruh santri dan pengasuh pondok pesantren di Cimahi. ''Untuk memudahkan penanganan jaringan terorisme yang saat ini diduga kuat dari kalangan alumni pondok pesantren, kami berinisiatif dan berencana akan mengidentifikasi para santri serta pengasuh pondok pesantren di Kota Cimahi,'' kata Kapolres Cimahi, AKBP E Permadi.
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Jabar menolak keras rencana itu. Ketua MUI Jabar, KH Hafidz Usman, mengatakan itu hanya akan mendiskreditkan komunitas pesantren. Dia yakin, langkah Polres Cimahi itu akan berdampak buruk bagi perkembangan psikologi santri. ''Kalau memang itu kebutuhan Polri, sebaiknya diberlakukan pada semua pemuda. Saya tidak setuju bila hanya diberlakukan pada santri ponpes,'' ujar Hafidz di Bandung, Kamis (1/12). Menurutnya, Polri tidak boleh mengidentikkan teroris dengan ponpes. 
Permadi mengatakan rencana itu tak bermaksud mendiskreditkan komunitas ponpes. Pihaknya mengaku hanya ingin mempersempit ruang gerak teroris melalui program penghimpunan identitas calon santri. Menurut Permadi, identitas dan sidik jari calon santri itu akan dihimpun dalam formulir surat keterangan catatan kepolisian (SKCK). Di SKCK itu harus ditandatangani dan dibubuhi sidik jari. 'Alhamdulillah, rencana kami mendapat tanggapan positif dari kalangan pimpinan ponpes,'' ujar Permadi. 
Selain itu, ia menegaskan polisi juga akan mengawasi secara ketat kegiatan di sejumlah pondok pesantren dengan pola cepat lapor dan tindak sedini mungkin. ''Apalagi, saat ini menjelang Natal dan tahun baru, aksi terorisme harus bisa diantisipasi sebelum terjadi,'' paparnya. Ketua MUI Kota Cimahi, KH Hafid Suyuti, mengaku tidak keberatan atas rencana polisi melakukan indentifikasi itu. ''Sepanjang untuk kemaslahatan umat, kami setuju-setuju saja. Kami minta agar aparat tidak 
over acting dalam mengawasi kegiatan pondok pesantren, katanya. (san/ant ) sumber:
Berita Terkait lainnya:1. Ketua MPR: Pendataan Sidik Jari Para Santri Jangan Diteruskan Rencana Polri Ambil Sidik Jari Murid Pesantren Polisi Cimahi Akan Ambil Sidik Jari Para Santri dan Pengasuh Ponpes Mendagri: Kebijakan pemerintah dalam mengawasi pesantren-pesantren antara lain dengan cara meneliti kurikulum serta pengambilan sidik jari dari para santri. saya: Kalau pemerintah Indonesia hanya bisanya 'yes-man' dan menjadi anjing pudel amerika. Kapan Indonesia bisa menjadi bangsa yang diperhitungkan oleh bangsa lain dalam sejarah perkembangan manusia?
Kalau polisi mau mangambil sidik jari para santri di Pesantren-pesantren. Kenapa tidak mengambil sidik jari para siswa sekolah agama lain juga??Ini namanya diskriminasi!!!Belum apa-apa, belum ada petunjuk sama sekali, kalau kejahatan terorisme telah terjadi; sudah mendakwa para ulama dan santri sebagai teroris.


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Torture Is an American Value: Reality vs. the Rhetoric

2005-12-07 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===

Torture Is an American Value: Reality vs. the RhetoricBy S. Brian Willson12/07/05 VVAW
 -- -- I became aware of torture as a U.S. policy in 1969 when I was serving as a USAF combat security officer working near Can Tho City in Vietnam's Mekong Delta. I was informed about the CIA's Phong Dinh Province Interrogation Center (PIC) at the Can Tho Army airfield where supposedly significant members of the VCI (Viet Cong infrastructure) were taken for torture as part of the Phoenix Pacification Program. A huge French-built prison nearby was also apparently utilized for torture of suspects from the Delta region. Many were routinely murdered. 
Naive, I was shocked! The Agency for International Development (AID) working with Southern Illinois University, for example, trained Vietnamese police and prison officials in the art of torture (interrogations) under cover of public safety. American officials believed they were teaching better methods, often making suggestions during torture sessions conducted by Vietnamese police. 
Instead of the recent euphemism illegal combatants, the United State in Vietnam claimed prisoners were criminal and therefore exempt from Geneva Convention protections. The use of torture as a function of terror, or its equivalent in sadistic behavior, has been historic de facto 
U.S. policy. Our European ancestors' shameful, sadistic treatment of the indigenous inhabitants based on an ethos of arrogance and violence has become ingrained in our values. Manifest destiny has rationalized as a religion the elimination or assimilation of those perceived to be blocking American progress—at home or abroad—a belief that expansion of the nation, including subjugation of natives and others, is divinely ordained, that our superior race is obligated to civilize those who stand in the way. 
When examining my roots in New York and New England, I discovered that Indian captives were skinned alive and dragged through the streets of New Amsterdam (New York City) in the 1640s. Scalping enabled Indian bounty hunters to be paid. 
Captains Underhill and Endicott, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony governed by John Winthrop, spent their time burning and spoiling the country of Indians in Rhode Island and Connecticut in 1636–37, while sparing the children and women as slaves. 
My hometown of Geneva in the Finger Lakes region of New York State was once home to the Seneca Nation with its flourishing farms, orchards, and sturdy houses. In one two-week period in September 1779, General George Washington's orders to lay waste…that the country…be…destroyed, instilling terror among the Indians, were dutifully carried out by General Sullivan, who promised that the Indians shall see that there is malice enough in our hearts to destroy everything that contributes to their support. Sullivan's campaign has been described as a ruthless policy of scorched earth, bearing comparison with Sherman's march to the sea or the search-and-destroy missions of 
U.S. soldiers in Vietnam. In northern California, where I now live, the same grueling history exists. Bret Harte wrote in 1860 that little children and old women were mercilessly stabbed and their skulls crushed by axes: Old women…lay weltering in blood, their brains dashed out…while infants…with their faces cloven with hatchets and their bodies ghastly wounds lay nearby. 
In 1920, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) investigated the conduct of U.S. troops who had occupied Haiti since 1915. More than 3,000 Haitians were killed by U.S. Marines, many having been tortured. 
When indigenous Nicaraguan resistance fought against the occupying U.S. forces in the late 1920s, the Marines launched counterinsurgency war. U.S. policymakers insisted on stabilizing the country to enforce loan repayments to 
U.S. banks. They defined the resistance forces as bandits, an earlier equivalent to the criminal prisoners in Vietnam and illegal combatants in Iraq. Since the United States claimed not to be fighting a legitimate military force, any Nicaraguan perceived as interfering with the occupiers was commonly subjected to beatings, tortures, and beheadings. When the Somoza dictatorship (installed by the United States) was overthrown in 1979, the Somoza torture centers were immediately destroyed. 
In 1946, the U.S. Army institutionalized teaching torture techniques to Latin American militaries with the opening of its School of the Americas (SOA), which continues today as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC). 
Torture has been a historical U.S. practice in police stations and prisons—and via countless vigilante crimes of sadistic torture and mutilation against black Americans. The Wickersham Commission's 1931 Report on Lawlessness in Law Enforcement concluded that the third degree is the employment of methods which inflict suffering, physical or 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 5 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 7.12.05

2005-12-06 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===NO CONVICTIONS AGAINST AL-ARIANTAMPA - A former Florida professor was acquitted on a key charge Tuesday that he helped lead a Palestinian terrorist group that has carried out suicide bombings against Israel. 
In one of the biggest courtroom tests yet of the Patriot Act's expanded search and surveillance powers, the jury acquitted Sami Al-Arian of eight of the 17 counts against him, including a charge of conspiring to maim and murder people overseas. ALSO: VERDICT SHEETS ATSami Al-Arian Hammoudeh
Ghassan Zayed Ballut Naji Fariz documents at: at: this why El-Baradei was awarded the Noble Prize for Peace? Mr. Mohammad El-Baradei (IAEA Chief) expresses strong sympathy and understanding with and for Israel (which is, in the first place, a racist thug state, violating all aspects and standards of International Law and Geneva Conventions, and Human Rights), over Iran's ASSUMED nuclear weapons. 
At the same time, Mr. El-Baradei has been NOT showing any sympathy or understanding with and for the whole Arab and Islamic world, regarding the ALREADY EXISTING huge amounts of nuclear weapons in Israel, which Israel itself has never denied having them. 
FULL ARTICLE AT: Mosque Defaced Restaurant, mosque near Loop defaced. A Greektown mosque and restaurant was vandalized during the weekend, leaving worshipers wondering why their house of worship was targeted.
Viva Mexican. Isan Diablo, was written in red marker more than 30 times Saturday morning on the walls of Kabab Corner, 760 W. Jackson Blvd., and of the mosque in the restaurant's basement that is popular with cabdrivers.,1,6119843.story===9/11: What happens when a large airplane slams into a tall building? 
Firefighters managed to put out the fire in the building, which was damaged and charred but still standing. Police cordoned the building and debris field, preventing journalists and a crowd of as many as 10,000 people from getting close to the site. Many in the crowd were screaming, afraid their relatives had been killed. Several hours after the crash, the building still was smoldering. Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTCThe word explosions does not appear in the Official 9/11 Commission Final Report. Why did this investigative commission ignore facts relating to the World Trade Center collapses? Panel gives U.S. five 'F's in attack-preparationTime, money and ever-present terror threats have done little to close gaping holes in the nation's security system, the former Sept. 11 Commission said Monday in accusing the government of failing to protect the country.
Why is the US media not in front of their cameras calling Bush a butcher? The United States of America has forever pointed finger at China and indeed at all of our Asian countries and ever so self-righteously accuse these most decent nations of torture when, in fact, it is the United States of America that is the most heinous of all torturers. choose not to call it torture In sum, the White House's policy which we can expect Condi to elaborate comprehensively is we don't torture because we choose not to call it torture and we will fight all efforts to define torture according to its ordinary meaning.
===US torture flights: extraordinary and unacceptableCondoleezza Rice does not seem prepared to explain very much when she meets European leaders facing mounting pressure about the US policy of extraordinary rendition - flying terrorist suspects round the world to secret jails where they are allegedly tortured beyond the reach of any legal system. Broadly speaking, the message from the secretary of state as she embarked on her trip to Berlin, Brussels and points east yesterday was a blunt trust and cooperate on the basis that we are all in the same boat in the war on terror.,3604,1658879,00.html===If it's not torture, then it's OK to use it on Cheney
 Perhaps the Justice Department could use this to speed up some investigations that are taking forever. How about that two-year investigation into who leaked Valerie 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] The questions Condoleezza Rice must answer

2005-12-06 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===7 December 2005 09:24 
The questions Condoleezza Rice must answer 
By Anne Penketh 
Published: 06 December 2005 say the US does not permit torture under any circumstances. So why are you bending the torture rules?
 After 11 September 2001, the CIA sought authority for more aggressive interrogations. A US Justice Department memo dated 1 August 2002 for President Bush's legal counsel Alberto Gonzalez (now the Attorney General) said torture may be justified. Also the CIA has been seeking exemptions from a proposed ban on subjecting prisoners to cruel and inhumane treatment.
If rendition is done in co-operation with local governments in some cases, as you say, why is it done in secret?Amnesty International said yesterday that six planes used by the CIA for renditions have made some 800 flights in European airspace, including 50 landings at Shannon airport in Ireland. The information contradicts assurances given last week by Ms Rice to the Irish Foreign Minister, Dermot Ahern, that Shannon had not been used for untoward purposes, or as a transit point for terror suspects.
Could you explain why you believe these renditions are permissible under international law?Amnesty International's senior director of regional programmes, Claudio Cordone, said: Flying detainees to countries where they may face torture or other ill-treatment is a direct and outright breach of international law with or without so called 'diplomatic assurances'. These assurances are meaningless. Countries known for systematic torture regularly deny the existence of such practices.
You say that the US respects the sovereignty of other countries. On what basis do you fire missiles at suspects who are on foreign soil?An unmanned, CIA Predator aircraft is believed to have killed an al-Qa'ida commander in Pakistan at the end of last week. In 2002, a Predator operating in Yemen airspace killed six al-Qa'ida suspects, including an American citizen, in a country considered to be at peace with the US.
What plans do you have for trials where you believe the suspects have committed crimes?There have been a number of cases, including the kidnapping of a German national, Khaled Masri, in which the suspect has been wrongfully imprisoned. The CIA picked up a terror suspect, Imam Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, two years ago in Milan. He was flown to Cairo where he was questioned and tortured. An Italian judge has issued arrest warrants for 13 CIA agents involved. According to Human Rights Watch, it remains unclear under what law the CIA was acting without the blessing of the local judicial authorities. 
You say the US does not permit torture under any circumstances. So why are you bending the torture rules? After 11 September 2001, the CIA sought authority for more aggressive interrogations. A US Justice Department memo dated 1 August 2002 for President Bush's legal counsel Alberto Gonzalez (now the Attorney General) said torture may be justified. Also the CIA has been seeking exemptions from a proposed ban on subjecting prisoners to cruel and inhumane treatment.
If rendition is done in co-operation with local governments in some cases, as you say, why is it done in secret?Amnesty International said yesterday that six planes used by the CIA for renditions have made some 800 flights in European airspace, including 50 landings at Shannon airport in Ireland. The information contradicts assurances given last week by Ms Rice to the Irish Foreign Minister, Dermot Ahern, that Shannon had not been used for untoward purposes, or as a transit point for terror suspects.
Could you explain why you believe these renditions are permissible under international law?Amnesty International's senior director of regional programmes, Claudio Cordone, said: Flying detainees to countries where they may face torture or other ill-treatment is a direct and outright breach of international law with or without so called 'diplomatic assurances'. These assurances are meaningless. Countries known for systematic torture regularly deny the existence of such practices.
You say that the US respects the sovereignty of other countries. On what basis do you fire missiles at suspects who are on foreign soil?An unmanned, CIA Predator aircraft is believed to have killed an al-Qa'ida commander in Pakistan at the end of last week. In 2002, a Predator operating in Yemen airspace killed six al-Qa'ida suspects, including an American citizen, in a country considered to be at peace with the US.
What plans do you have for trials where you believe the suspects have committed crimes?There have been a number of cases, including the kidnapping of a German national, Khaled Masri, in which the suspect has been wrongfully imprisoned. The CIA picked up a terror suspect, Imam Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, two years 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Why is the US media not in front of their cameras calling Bush a butcher?

2005-12-06 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Dec. 6th, 2005 @ 01:31 pm Why is the US media not in front of their cameras calling Bush a butcher?
Published: Tuesday, December 06, 2005Bylined to: Yap Chongyee's special Far East correspondent Yap Chongyee writes:
 Some governments choose to cooperate with the United States in intelligence and other arenas, Rice said before she left for Europe. That cooperation is a two-way street. We share intelligence that has helped protect European countries from attack, saving European? 
The United States of America has forever pointed finger at China and indeed at all of our Asian countries and ever so self-righteously accuse these most decent nations of torture when, in fact, it is the United States of America that is the most heinous of all torturers.

This is the America that has forever hidden their heinous transgressions of human rights and every known value that underpins the norms of civilized behavior. 
It is United States practice to point fingers at others so that they are seen as the good guys; that is so much BS. The fiasco that the neo-cons have created in Iraq exposed the United States for all the sins that they have created ... the United States of America is an Evil Empire; Saddam is not the bad guy compared to Bush and all those American devils that run the US administration. 
I will take the quotation from Miss Rice, which says that the fight against terrorism is a two way street?; how valid and credible is her claim?Miss Rice claims that the United States of America observes the law in this area, but upon examination we can see that this is mere dissembling. Why is it that the United States of America carries out what the Americans call Rendition? 
i.e. to contract out torture and illegal imprisonment to nations like Egypt, Israel, Afghanistan, Chechnia and other nations out of the sight of the American people and US law. 

The operation is carried out by the CIA and with the obvious co-operation of the British and the USA?s European Allies like Poland and those small European nations that need a few US$ millions for their survival. This operation is to evade US Court's oversight.
 This is mere dissembling and spin; the intention of the US government is clearly to torture, but as with all big crooks, they farm out the blame to nations that need $ millions for sweetner. The intention of the United States is just like what Condi Rice is doing right under our noses, to dissemble... 
Is the United States of America and itsr administration free fromn moral values or decency? NO ! The United States of America is every bit as sinful as those who perpetrated the crimes of torture. 
Is there any justification for torture? Absolutely NOT!The vile sin of torture never deliver any useful information; it merely serves to implicate the innocent and to that end what does the United States of America give a hoot?
The United States of America is no worst or better than Saddam Hussein. Did the United States of America observe their own US laws? I say unequivocally that they do not. Consider this most basic of human right, that a man must be released within 28 days from first day of detention, unless formally charged with a crime ... none of the Guantanamo detains were ever charged ... why then are they detained for more than 28 days?
It is for this reason that the US neo-con administration undertakes Rendition ... but does that absolve the United States of America from their immoral behavior? NO, it does not.I take issue with Miss Rice when she says that the Europeans also benefit from intelligences gathered from rendition ... that information was passed to the Europeans that saved many lives. This is BS .. if US intelligence agencies did help the Europeans, then how is it that Madrid, London ever happened ?
More seriously, on an issue of principles, Miss Rice is saying that it is all right if one is not caught committing a crime ... and that since the Europeans benefited from intelligence gathered by rendition? it is obliged upon the Europeans 
not to expose the United States of America for committing these crimes since they (the EU) are also benefited from intelligence gathered by rendition.This perspective of Miss Rice is so typically criminal in nature that she ought to be ashamed.

So typical of American double standards = if I am not caught, then it is okay, because nobody knows! This is the American mindset that is so criminal in every way.
>From Bush right down the ladder through Secretary of State ... they're all so criminal. source:
html===-muslim voice-___BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW 


All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of Hidayahnet unless 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] What ?Peace? Really Means to Israelis

2005-12-06 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===

What ?Peace? Really Means to Israelis
Avigail Abarbanel

This piece was first published on the PeacePalestine site, which is an excellent site that I recommend highly.
Two months ago I returned from a two-week family visit to Israel. Although I am an activist for Palestinian rights, I decided that this visit would be entirely private. Living for two weeks with my brother, his wife and their two little girls in their tiny apartment in a North Tel-Aviv suburb, gave me an opportunity to observe and see what daily life is like for Israelis at the moment.

I did not do anything particularly noteworthy. I went for long walks in the streets of Tel-Aviv and visited many of the places that I knew from my past. I shopped at the local supermaket and had coffee at the nearby shopping mall. I watched local TV and even went to the gym. For two weeks I joined ordinary life in Tel-Aviv. Rather than talk, I did a lot of listening. I speak fluent Hebrew, of course, so it was easy to blend in and people spoke freely around me. Australian media likes to emphasise how hard life is for Israelis, and I wanted to see for myself.

The most obvious thing about Israeli society is how profoundly insecure Israelis feel. They are nervous and twitchy and live with extremely high levels of anxiety. Not that any of this was new to me but there did seem to be a new edge to it. When a bomb exploded in the Ha?carmel Market in central Tel-Aviv, I was at the gym. I looked around me and within moments everyone was on their mobile phones reporting to, or checking on their loved ones. A young woman right next to me in the weights area sighed to herself with anguish, ?not again?.

Since my adolescence, I was used to having my bags checked whenever I entered a public building like a cinema or a supermarket anywhere in Israel. Despite my 13 years in Australia, the reflex to open my bags was still there. What was different this time was that now security guards also have an electronic detector to scan your body. These days even small businesses like restaurants and coffee shops have their own security guard up the front. There is a small ?security levy? of 2 NIS added onto your bill to help the business pay for the security guard, but you aren't required to pay it.

Israelis have always talked about peace, sung about it, made art and poetry about it as if it is something almost supernatural, some kind of a paradise that they yearn for but that has nothing to do with their everyday reality, and that they have no idea how to create. But what peace really means to these exhausted, anxious Israelis is to be left alone. It was sad and disturbing to see how desperately Israelis hold on to what they believe is ?normality?. They are desperate to be ?like everyone else? in any other Western country, go to work, go shopping, go out to bars and coffee shops with friends. They feel outrage and desperation when Palestinian militants occasionally disrupt this routine of ?normality?. To some degree I can sympathise with that. After all one of the main reasons I left Israel was that I found this way of life unbearable.

When life is so difficult I suppose it is human to wish your difficulties away. But here is where the problem really lies. When an individual, a group or an entire society live with a dark secret or are in denial about something important in their past, they cannot experience peace. It is simply impossible to live a ?normal? or peaceful life on a foundation of lies and secrecy. Denying the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in 1948, trying to not think about the consequences of long years of brutal occupation, and just wishing for it all to go away is no more than a fantasy.

In family therapy there is an accepted principle that unless serious injustices are addressed, there cannot be real peace. Families that protect dark secrets always pay a heavy price. I watched Israeli intellectuals on TV engage in genuine discussion trying to analyse and understand why things are so bad in Israel. They raised every possible reason for the situation other than the most obvious one ? Israel?s history. It was excruciating to watch but also familiar. I have never seen a society so steeped in denial as Israeli society.

The entire spectrum of Israeli politics is in denial about Israel?s history and this is why I do not have much faith in the Israeli Left. The handful that are not in denial like Dr Ilan Pappe who visited Australia last year, or Dr Uri Davis exist outside this spectrum. Their research into the events of 1948 and the circumstances surrounding the birth of the state of Israel is not discussed on public television and is not in Israeli history books. The average Israeli does not even know who they are. Although published by reputable publishers like Cambridge University Press, Dr Pappe?s books have so far been refused publication in Hebrew. The 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

2005-12-05 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

At Least 7 of the 9/11Hijackers are Still Alive

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
The muscle hijackers 'picked by bin Ladin':
Satam al Suqami, Wail and Waleed al Shehri (two brothers) Both Alive, Abdul Aziz al Omari Alive, Fayez Banihammad (from the UAE), Ahmed al Ghamdi, Hamza al Ghamdi, Mohand al Shehri 
Alive, Saeed al Ghamdi Alive, Ahmad al Haznawi, Ahmed al Nami Alive, Majed Moqed, and Salem al Hazmi 
Alive (the brother of Nawaf al Hazmi).
How can the 9/11 Commission be taken seriously when they refer to 9/11 'hijackers' who are still alive?

Some of the suspects apparently used the stolen identities of at least five Saudis who worked in the airline industry as pilots, mechanics and flight attendants — people who would have had increased access in airports, a Saudi government official told the 

A lingering question is why the passenger loads on the four planes hijacked in U.S. skies are being described by industry officials as very, very low.'' [
CNN 9/20/2001]

American Airlines Flight 11Boeing 767-223ER. 
Fuel capacity 24,000 gallons
Seating Capacity 181
81 passengers (including hijackers)9 flight attendants, 2 pilots

Alleged hijackers:
Satam M.A. Al SuqamiWaleed M. Alshehri - AliveWail M. Alshehri - AliveMohamed Atta - Alive?
Abdulaziz Alomari - Alive

Full details

Scheduled flight: Boston - Los Angeles
Flight departed 07:59 a.m.
Crashed into WTC 1 08:46 a.m.

American Airlines Flight 11, Reexamined

United Airlines Flight 175Boeing 767-222. 
Fuel capacity 24,000 gallons
Seating Capacity 181
56 passengers (including hijackers)7 flight attendants, 2 pilots

Alleged hijackers:
Marwan Al-ShehhiFayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi BanihammadAhmed AlghamdiHamza AlghamdiMohand Alshehri - Alive

Full details

Scheduled flight: Boston - Los Angeles
Flight departed 08:14 a.m.
Crashed into WTC2 09:03 a.m.

American Airlines Flight 77Boeing 757-223. 
Fuel capacity 11,000 gallons
Seating Capacity 200
58 passengers (including hijackers)4 flight attendants, 2 pilots

Alleged hijackers:
Khalid Almihdhar - Alive?Majed MoqedSalem Alhazmi - AliveNawaf AlhazmiHani Hanjour

Full details

Scheduled flight: Washington to Los Angeles
Flight departed 08:20 a.m.
Crashed into the Pentagon 09:38 a.m.

United Airlines Flight 93Boeing 757-222. 
Fuel capacity 11,000 gallons
Seating Capacity 200
38 passengers (including hijackers)5 flight attendants, 2 pilots

Alleged hijackers:
Saeed Alghamdi - AliveAhmed Ibrahim A. Al HaznawiAhmed Alnami - Alive
Ziad Samir Jarrah

Full details

Scheduled flight: Newark to San Francisco
Flight departed 8:42 a.m. (delayed 41 mins)
Crashed in Pennsylvania 10:06 a.m.

9/11 Airport Surveillance Video Discrepancies

The story that the hijackers used box-cutters and plastic knives in the attack on the World Trade Center is a functional fictoid. In this case, the function was diversion. This fictoid serves to divert public attentions from the responsibility, and legal liability, of the government and airlines to prevent major weapons- such as guns, bombs, chemical sprays and hunting knives from being carried aboard airplanes. If such illegal devices had been smuggled aboard the planes, the liability could amount to billions of dollars. If, on the other hand, it could be disseminated that the hijackers had only used plastic knives, such as those provided by the airlines for meals, or box cutters, which were allowed on planes, neither the airlines, the screeners at the airport, or the FAA, which regulates the safety of airports, could be held legally responsible. [
Full Details]
The BBC reported a transcript of a phone call made by Flight Attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston air traffic controls in which she gave the seat numbers occupied by the hijackers, and these seat numbers did 
not correspond with those of the men claimed by the FBI to be responsible for the hijacking:

The FBI has named five hijackers on board Flight 11, whereas Ms Sweeney spotted only four. Also, the seat numbers she gave were different from those registered in the hijackers' names. [
BBC News]
CNN reported that the men who hijacked the aircraft used phony IDs containing the names of real people living in Arab nations in the middle east. 

The Saudi Airlines pilot, Saeed Al-Ghamdi, 25, and Abdulaziz Al-Omari, an engineer from Riyadh, are furious that the hijackers' personal details - including name, place, date of birth and occupation - matched their own. [
he FBI says there is no evidence to link the above men to the 9/11 hijackings.

In September 2002, [FBI Director Robert Mueller] told CNN twice that there is no legal proof to prove the identities of the suicidal 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 4 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 6.12.05

2005-12-05 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Real history of Islam and the West The colonial crusade has been less violent but its impact has been more devastating than the medieval holy wars ..
READ FULL ARTICLE AT: has equated Islamic radicalism with communism. Is the comparison sound? Is it wise?
 In a series of recent speeches to the American people, President Bush has sought to equate the current terrorist threat with the 20th-century menace of communist totalitarianism. His case is that the terrorist challenge is global in scope, evil in nature, ruthless toward its foes, and eager to control every aspect of life and thought. Thus, he argues, the battle against terrorism demands nothing less than a complete victory. ===Racist, reactionary, Islamaphobic hat monger Nicolas Sarkozy starts to deport rioters from France 
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French interior minister, says deportation orders against seven foreigners involved in rioting in France last month are in the process of being carried out. women complain about head-scarf removal at DMVNEWARK, N.J. -- Despite a policy that allows motorists to wear religious head coverings in their driver license photos, some Muslim women complain that workers at the state Motor Vehicle Commission continue to require them to either remove their head scarfs or pull them back so that a substantial amount of hair is showing.""
===9/11 Special DocumentaryThe War On Terror Is Bogus?Was 9/11 more than just an attack? Could the Bush administration have had anything to gain from the attack? Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von B?express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.? 
Watch it online. Real video story pulled (then restored) 
We were amazed that a FOX affiliate had actually done a story on 9/11 that WASN'T a tinfoil hat hit piece. ...So amazed in fact that we linked to their website so other people could see for themselves. -Oh, but our amazement was short lived. Within days, the story was killed, the transcript removed from their website, the video links taken down, and all references in the archives were gone. POOF, just like that, it never existed. TWA Flight 800 Shrapnel Court HearingThe evidence that could really shed light on exactly what happened to TWA 800 are the hundreds of metal fragments removed from the bodies of the passengers. But the FBI now claims to have lost every single one of those crucial pieces of evidence. Soon they will have their day in court to explain just how that happened. Iraq, Tomorrow the World: According to the latest edition of the Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths  published by the Defense Department?s Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (DIOR), the 
U.S. has troops in 142 countries Crimes, USA : If the United States is involved in committing war crimes, we as Americans have a responsibility to address that. I don?t think hiding from reality is a solution to the fact that no one likes to be told that they?re doing something wrong. Cabal of Criminality 12/02/05 ICH -- -- The disaster in Iraq has continued to regress with the same velocity and intensity as when it first started, raging onwards in a classical resistance, guerilla-style form of urban warfare that usually befalls occupying invaders of alien lands, yet as 2005 ends and 2006 gets set to begin, in the minds of millions of Americans finally out of the hypnotic, denial-laced clouds of 9/11, the time has finally arrived to show ever-increasing animosity to a war that was lost the moment the first American boots entered Iraq. Nobody, after all, likes a loser, and nobody jumps on the bandwagon of a so-called superpower nation being bled, of both blood and treasure, by a resistance with one-billionth the financial resources and military might ? though possessing much more intelligence and patience ? of the nation it is slowly and calculatingly hemorrhaging. 
FULL ARTICLE AT: 'War' become a leading brand for United States?
 : How Bush's imperial policies are being linked to economic woes and CEO angst in America
===Free Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan: Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan came to the United States more than 25 years ago, and has been proud to be called 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Condoleezza Rice: Torture saves lives

2005-12-05 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

'Renditions save lives': Condoleezza Rice's full statementBy Times Online

Following is the full text of a statement delivered by Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland before her departure on a trip to Europe:

We have received inquiries from the European Union, the Council of Europe, and from several individual countries about media reports concerning US conduct of the war on terror. I wish to respond now to those inquiries, as I depart today for Europe. 

The United States and many other countries are waging a war against terrorism. For our country this war often takes the form of conventional military operations in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Sometimes this is a political struggle, a war of ideas. It is a struggle waged also by our law enforcement agencies. Often we engage the enemy through the co-operation of our intelligence services with their foreign counterparts. 

We must track down terrorists who seek refuge in areas where governments cannot take effective action, including where the terrorists cannot in practice be reached by the ordinary processes of law. In such places terrorists have planned the killings of thousands of innocents – in New York City or Nairobi, in Bali or London, in Madrid or Beslan, in Casablanca or Istanbul. Just two weeks ago I visited a hotel ballroom in Amman, viewing the silent, shattered aftermath of one of those attacks. 

The United States, and those countries that share the commitment to defend their citizens, will use every lawful weapon to defeat these terrorists. Protecting citizens is the first and oldest duty of any government. Sometimes these efforts are misunderstood. I want to help all of you understand the hard choices involved, and some of the responsibilities that go with them. 

One of the difficult issues in this new kind of conflict is what to do with captured individuals who we know or believe to be terrorists. The individuals come from many countries and are often captured far from their original homes. Among them are those who are effectively stateless, owing allegiance only to the extremist cause of transnational terrorism. Many are extremely dangerous. And some have information that may save lives, perhaps even thousands of lives. 

The captured terrorists of the 21st century do not fit easily into traditional systems of criminal or military justice, which were designed for different needs. We have to adapt. Other governments are now also facing this challenge. 

We consider the captured members of al-Qaeda and its affiliates to be unlawful combatants who may be held, in accordance with the law of war, to keep them from killing innocents. We must treat them in accordance with our laws, which reflect the values of the American people. We must question them to gather potentially significant, life-saving, intelligence. We must bring terrorists to justice wherever possible. 

For decades, the United States and other countries have used renditions to transport terrorist suspects from the country where they were captured to their home country or to other countries where they can be questioned, held, or brought to justice. 

In some situations a terrorist suspect can be extradited according to traditional judicial procedures. But there have long been many other cases where, for some reason, the local government cannot detain or prosecute a suspect, and traditional extradition is not a good option. In those cases the local government can make the sovereign choice to cooperate in a rendition. Such renditions are permissible under international law and are consistent with the responsibilities of those governments to protect their citizens. 

Rendition is a vital tool in combating transnational terrorism. Its use is not unique to the United States, or to the current administration. Last year, then Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet recalled that our earlier counterterrorism successes included the rendition of many dozens of terrorists prior to September 11, 2001. 

Ramzi Youssef masterminded the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and plotted to blow up airlines over the Pacific Ocean, killing a Japanese airline passenger in a test of one of his bombs. Once tracked down, a rendition brought him to the United States, where he now serves a life sentence. 

One of history's most infamous terrorists, best known as Carlos the Jackal, had participated in murders in Europe and the Middle East. He was finally captured in Sudan in 1994. A rendition by the French government brought him to justice in France, where he is now imprisoned. Indeed, the European Commission of Human Rights rejected Carlos' claim that his rendition from Sudan was unlawful. 

Renditions take terrorists out of action, and save lives. 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 2 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 4.12.05

2005-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===9/11: Possible Motives Of The Bush AdministrationIn the fall of 2000, a year before 9/11, a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses was published by an organization calling itself the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). This organization was formed by individuals who were members or at least supporters of the Reagan and Bush I administration, some of whom would go on to be central figures in the Bush II administration. These individuals include Richard Armitage, John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Zalmay Khalilzad (closely associated with Paul Wolfowitz), Lewis Scooter Libby, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and James Woolsey. Libby (now Cheney's chief of staff) and Wolfowitz (now Rumsfeld's deputy) are listed as having participated directly in the project to produce Rebuilding America's Defenses. Interestingly, John Lehman, a member of the 9/11 Commission, has been a member of the PNAC or at least publicly aligned with it.
===America slowly confronts the truth The old media dog sniffed the air, found power was moving away from the White House, and began to drool Americans are ready to discuss the United States' relationship with Israel. And America's injustices towards the Arabs. As usual, ordinary Americans are way out in front of their largely tamed press and television reporters. Now we have to wait and see if the media boys and girls will catch up with their own people. Cabal of Criminality What the Iraq/Bush war shows the world is how a Cabal of Criminality, numbering less than a few hundred individuals, can bamboozle a nation into a war whose ramifications on our future we cannot yet fully comprehend. The Bush war, the single-greatest blunder in America?s foreign policy history, was spawned by greed-addicted corporatists and treasonous neoconartists, presstitute lackeys and political hacks, placed in charge of US foreign policy. Casts Doubt on Vietnam War ClaimsPapers declassified by the National Security Agency point to a series of bungled intelligence findings on the purported clash in the Gulf of Tonkin that led Congress to endorse President Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam conflict in August 1964. probe on White House's link to forged papers on Iraq reopens 
The FBI has reopened an inquiry into one of the most intriguing aspects of the pre-Iraq war intelligence fiasco: how the Bush administration came to rely on forged documents linking Iraq to nuclear weapons materials as part of its justification for the invasion. FallujahThe primary reasons given for the massacre in Fallujah were: to provide ?security and stability? for the upcoming January 30 ?elections? and to rid Fallujah of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi. Let us judge the success or failure of this massacre by their own yardstick. of Iraqi civilian martyrs killed in Fallujah by chemical weapons used by the Americans in their assault on the city in April 2004 
Posted Dec 3, 2005 08:48 AM PST - Category: IRAQ Mercenary Firm Involved in Iraq Killings - Document stories in Iraqi media is dumb
News reports that the U.S. military in Iraq has been planting upbeat stories in the Iraqi press about the course of the war and reconstruction produce a sense of d骠 vue, and raise troubling questions about U.S
. policy. Battle for the Control of the Press
With its unprecedented campaign to undermine and stifle independent journalism, Bush  Co. have demonstrated brazen contempt for the Constitution and considerable fear of an informed public. Arab distrust of US growingPeople in Arab nations believe the Iraq war has brought less peace, more terrorism and contrary to Washington's claims, will result in less democracy, a new poll indicates. Israeli Mossad in Iraqi Kurdistan 
For the past year, every single news excerpt that has been posted on this site has been meticulously referenced to its original source. This posting will not be able to do that since the source, Yedioth Ahronoth, is in Hebrew with rare translations of its content in English and Arabic. However, these items are noteworthy. 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 3 Thul-Qoida 1426 H - 5.12.05

2005-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===Christian Zionism: Terror In Jesus' NameWar, conquest and imperialist domination, based on a fanatic insistence on the absolute truth of Christianity and the racial superiority of the Jews lie at the very heart of Christian Zionism. Christian Zionists believe that the Jews are God's 'Chosen People' and that God has given the Jews the absolute right to complete control over not just Palestine but, indeed, a vast stretch of territory, extending from present-day Egypt to Iraq, the so-called 'Greater Israel'. God, they claim, has selected the Jews above all other people. Hence, they insist, those who oppose the imperialist project of the advocates of 'Greater Israel' or the Zionist occupation of Palestine are 'God's enemies', deserving to be crushed by every available means, including outright war and decimation. 
FULL ARTICLE AT: Brzezinski: Do These Two Have Anything in Common?
: President Bush has equated Islamic radicalism with communism. Is the comparison sound? Is it wise? next holocaust: Islamophobia is not a uniquely British disease
: Across Europe, liberals openly express prejudice against Muslims. Do new pogroms beckon?
IS GEORGE BUSH THE WORST PRESIDENT -- EVER? Quite an indictment. It is, of course, too early to evaluate a president. That, historically, takes decades, and views change over times as results and impact become more obvious. Besides, many of the historians note that however bad Bush seems, they have indeed since worse men around the White House. Some say Buchanan. Many say Vice President Dick Cheney;_ylt=AiKvXpSd2POS5dzWu5hH4gKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ
-===Resist the U.S. hideous war crimes The American President George W. Bush had been repeatedly accused by various organizations and human rights groups of committing war crimes. ?We cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail,? Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Mother for Peace, said. Imprisonment: Anatomy of a CIA Mistake
German Citizen Released After Months in 'Rendition'Coats informed the German minister that the CIA had wrongfully imprisoned one of its citizens, Khaled Masri, for five months, and would soon release him, the sources said. There was also a request: that the German government not disclose what it had been told even if Masri went public. The 
U.S. officials feared exposure of a covert action program designed to capture terrorism suspects abroad and transfer them among countries, and possible legal challenges to the CIA from Masri and others with similar allegations. By Torture: The Proof is in the Military's Own Autopsy Reports: US Media Ignores Hard Evidence Pattern : Rather than address the issues the soldiers raised, angry White House officials devised a plan to attack the messenger ? the ABC correspondent who filed the story, Jeffrey Kofman. two kids shot dead by an American: Photos American soldiers sprayed a car with bullets on a road between Baqouba and Khalis on the 21st, killing five people including two children and wounding several more. America's Best Getting America's Best? In 1999, Point Blank was losing millions for its parent company DHB Industries. Things didn't get much better until the events of 9/11 sent the United States to war. In 2001 and 2002 the lucrative DOD contracts provided to the Florida-based company boosted its profits to $10.1 million and $16 million respectively on a combined $228.3 million in revenue, according to industry sources. Soon after the company received another $9.2 million contract in 2002 to produce body armor for Army engineers charged with disposing of landmines a labor dispute revealed that company was allegedly putting profits before quality. to the editor: Bush's strategy for Iraq is 2 years late
 President Bush and members of his administration are implying that there will be a troop draw-down from 160,000 to 100,000 next year. Do not believe this election year hoodoo. KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton, is working on four permanent 
U.S. military bases in Iraq as we speak, with 10 more on the drawing board.
===All the President's Flacks: Mr. Woodward knows more about the internal workings of this presidency than any 


2005-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
=== News Update ===

By Richard Reeves 
Fri Dec 2, 2005;_ylt=AiKvXpSd2POS5dzWu5hH4gKs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-

PARIS -- President John F. Kennedy was considered a historian because of his book Profiles in Courage, so he received periodic requests to rate the presidents, those lists that usually begin 1. Lincoln, 2. Washington ... 

But after he actually became president himself, he stopped filling them out.
No one knows what it's like in this office, he said after being in the job. Even with poor James Buchanan, you can't understand what he did and why without sitting in his place, looking at the papers that passed on his desk, knowing the people he talked with.

Poor James Buchanan, the 15th president, is generally considered the worst president in history. Ironically, the Pennsylvania Democrat, elected in 1856, was one of the most qualified of the 43 men who have served in the highest office. A lawyer, a self-made man, Buchanan served with some distinction in the House, served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and secretary of state under President James K. Polk. He had a great deal to do with the United States becoming a continental nation -- Manifest Destiny, war with Mexico, and all that. He was also ambassador to Great Britain and was offered a seat on the Supreme Court three separate times.

But he was a confused, indecisive president, who may have made the Civil War inevitable by trying to appease or negotiate with the South. His most recent biographer, Jean Clark, writing for the prestigious American Presidents Series, concluded this year that his actions probably constituted treason. It also did not help that his administration was as corrupt as any in history, and he was widely believed to be homosexual.

Whatever his sexual preferences, his real failures were in refusing to move after South Carolina announced secession from the Union and attacked Fort Sumter, and in supporting both the legality of the pro-slavery constitution of Kansas and the Supreme Court ruling in the Dred Scott class declaring that escaped slaves were not people but property.

He was the guy who in 1861 passed on the mess to the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. Buchanan set the standard, a tough record to beat. But there are serious people who believe that George W. Bush will prove to do that, be worse than Buchanan. I have talked with three significant historians in the past few months who would not say it in public, but who are saying privately that Bush will be remembered as the worst of the presidents.

There are some numbers. The History News Network at George Mason University has just polled historians informally on the Bush record. Four hundred and fifteen, about a third of those contacted, answered -- maybe they were all crazed liberals -- making the project as unofficial as it was interesting. These were the results: 338 said they believed Bush was failing, while 77 said he was succeeding. Fifty said they thought he was the worst president ever. Worse than Buchanan.

This is what those historians said -- and it should be noted that some of the criticism about deficit spending and misuse of the military came from self-identified conservatives -- about the Bush record:

He has taken the country into an unwinnable war and alienated friend and foe alike in the process;
He is bankrupting the country with a combination of aggressive military spending and reduced taxation of the rich;
He has deliberately and dangerously attacked separation of church and state;
He has repeatedly misled, to use a kind word, the American people on affairs domestic and foreign;
He has proved to be incompetent in affairs domestic (New Orleans) and foreign ( Iraq and the battle against al-Qaida);
He has sacrificed American employment (including the toleration of pension and benefit elimination) to increase overall productivity;
He is ignorantly hostile to science and technological progress;
He has tolerated or ignored one of the republic's oldest problems, corporate cheating in supplying the military in wartime.
Quite an indictment. It is, of course, too early to evaluate a president. That, historically, takes decades, and views change over times as results and impact become more obvious. Besides, many of the historians note that however bad Bush seems, they have indeed since worse men around the White House. Some say Buchanan. Many say Vice President Dick Cheney

-muslim voice-


All views expressed herein belong to the individuals concerned and do not in any way reflect the official views of Hidayahnet unless sanctioned or approved 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Christian Zionism: Terror In Jesus' Name

2005-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
=== News Update ===
Christian Zionism: Terror In Jesus' Name
By Yoginder Sikand
04 December,
Represented by literally hundreds of small denominations and churches today, particularly in America, Christian Zionism is today a formidable force and a major actor in global politics. Christian Zionism comes in various shades, but the core of its message is total, unflinching support to the state of Israel and the Zionist imperialist project. Christian Zionists today exercise an enormous clout in the Bush administration. Bush, too, may himself be characterised in some sense as a Christian Zionist, for his policies in the Middle East and elsewhere clearly reflect or tally with the Christian Zionist agenda.

War, conquest and imperialist domination, based on a fanatic insistence on the absolute truth of Christianity and the racial superiority of the Jews lie at the very heart of Christian Zionism. Christian Zionists believe that the Jews are God's 'Chosen People' and that God has given the Jews the absolute right to complete control over not just Palestine but, indeed, a vast stretch of territory, extending from present-day Egypt to Iraq, the so-called 'Greater Israel'. God, they claim, has selected the Jews above all other people. Hence, they insist, those who oppose the imperialist project of the advocates of 'Greater Israel' or the Zionist occupation of Palestine are 'God's enemies', deserving to be crushed by every available means, including outright war and decimation.

Advocating Israel does not mean, however, that Christian Zionists accept Judaism as a legitimate means of salvation after Jesus. Nor does it translate into genuine love for the Jews, a departure from the traditional teachings of the Church that, for centuries, viewed Jews as 'Christ-killers'. Since Christian Zionists believe that Christianity is the only religion acceptable to God, and that, as the Bible claims, salvation is possible only through Jesus, they insist that Jews cannot be 'saved' unless they convert to Christianity. Yet, because Christian Zionists are dogged defenders of the state of Israel and are fiercely anti-Arab and anti-Muslim, they have been able to establish a close nexus with right-wing Jewish groups and with the Israeli state and are today an integral part of the American-Israeli axis.

Christian Zionism is a call for global war. The belief that Christianity is the sole truth, that all other faiths are 'Satanic' or 'false', that the Jews must all gather in Palestine to fulfil so-called Biblical prophecies, and that a grand global war will soon erupt leading to the massacre of hundreds of millions and heralding the 'second coming' of Jesus, who will establish his Christian kingdom extending till the four corners of the world, clearly indicate the hate-driven, global expansionist project of Christian Zionism.

John Hagee is a prime example of a Christian Zionist zealot. He is the founder and pastor of the Cornerstone Church, in Texas, USA, which claims some 16,000 members. As with numerous other similar American Christian fundamentalist preachers, his church is richly endowed and media savvy. Hagee is the president of the 'Global Evangelism' media company that broadcasts his daily programmes on television and radio throughout the USA and around the world. He is the author of numerous books on Christian Zionism, some of which have been reprinted by Christian fundamentalist publishers abroad as well.

'Final Dawn Over Jerusalem' is one of Hagee's major writings on Christian Zionism that well exemplifies the imperialist agenda that lies at its very core. The aim of the book is to defend the Israeli occupation of Palestine, to denounce those who seek to protest Israeli atrocities, and to advocate the cause of 'Greater Israel', all this in the name of Christianity and premised on the notion of the Jews as being allegedly God's 'Chosen People'.

Racism is integral to the Christian Zionist message, as Hagee makes amply clear. The Bible, Hagee, says, describes the Jews as 'the apple of God's eye' [Zech 2:8]. He quotes the Bible as addressing the Jews and declaring, 'For you are a holy people to the LORD your God' and 'the LORD has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth' [
Deut.14:2]. This means, so Hagee argues, that those who harm the Jews or the state of Israel or stand in the way of the design of 'Greater Israel' will 'experience the instant wrath of God'. To those who dare to challenge the oppressive Zionist state, Hagee announces, 'The man or nation that lifts a voice or hand against Israel invites the wrath of God'. Such people will, Hagee insists, be 'cursed' by God.

Hagee's notion of God thus appears to be that of a tribal Jewish deity, who functions as a willing tool in the pursuit of Jewish expansionism. The Bible was written by Jewish 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 30 Shawal 1426 H - 2.12.05

2005-12-01 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
=== News Update ===

The next holocaust

Islamophobia is not a uniquely British disease: across Europe, liberals openly express prejudice against Muslims. Do new pogroms beckon? Ziauddin Sardar reports from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

It's a bitterly cold night and the centre of Dortmund is deserted. On weekdays, says our taxi driver, everything closes by ten o'clock. It is not easy to find a place to eat. Eventually, he drops us at the Cava restaurant in Lindemannstrabe. Just one couple punctuate the ultra-chic of this postmodern bistro. We sit near them and order our food. Dortmund, Germany is the first port of call on my journey through the industrial heartland of northern Europe. After the terrorist attacks in London and the riots in the French suburbs, I want to assess the racial divide, the fear and the loathing that permeate so much of our European continent.

(Ottawa, Canada ­ 01/12/05) ­ The Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN) and the McGill University chapter of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) will hold a press conference to discuss their next action in fighting for religious freedom and the accommodation of religious rights at McGill University.

Freedom? What freedom? 

Americans don't know freedom. Americans know fear ­and so America goes to war. We will continue to imprison or destroy anyone who disagrees ­ as long as we fear facing the question of being wrong.

Racial Poverty Gaps in U.S. Amount to Human Rights Violation, Says U.N. Expert 
UNITED NATIONS - Despite enormous wealth and various federal and social welfare schemes at work, the United States is failing to help millions of its people trying to get out of poverty, according to an independent United Nations rights expert.

The Autumn of the Patriarchy 
Things had been going so smoothly. The global torture franchise was up and running. Halliburton contracts were flowing. Tax cuts were sailing through. Oil companies were raking it in. Alaska drilling was thrillingly close. The courts were defending his executive privilege on energy policy, and people were still buying all that smoke about Saddam's being responsible for 9/11, and that drivel about how we're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here.

THE CONTROLLED COLLAPSE OF WTC 7 Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:26 PM PST - Category: 911
The 9/11 WTC Collapses: You Want the Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth! Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:23 PM PST - Category: 911
===The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:18 PM PST - Category: 911 Online Poll: 89% Believe There's Been a 9/11 Cover-up Posted Dec 1, 2005 03:17 PM PST - Category: 911Note that the no votes are an even number, suggesting someone was using an automated system to run up the numbers.

U.S. Is Said to Pay to Plant Articles in Iraq Papers : 
I think it's absolutely wrong for the government to do this, said Patrick Butler, vice president of the International Center for Journalists in Washington, which conducts ethics training for journalists from countries without a history of independent news media. Ethically, it's indefensible.

The Face of War : 
Through silence and lies, most of the Western mainstream media have been cooperating with the "US-led invasion of Iraq", and therefore they are directly responsible for "an illegal act that contravened the UN charter" or, to use the Nuremberg trials' words, "the supreme international crime."

Why did you want to bomb me, Mr Bush and Mr Blair? : 
Al-Jazeera's quest for answers has been met with silence from both the White House and Downing Street,3604,1654481,00.html

Niger forgeries update: 
When the US State Department finally gave international weapons inspectors its "evidence" that Saddam was trying to buy uranium from the African State of Niger in 2003, they held back the one document even their own analysts knew was "funky" and "clearly a forgery".

Bushwhacking the Constitution: 
This nation has survived grave constitutional crises before, but recent events in the U.S. Senate that further strengthen and deepen 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] The 9/11 WTC Collapses: You Want the Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth!

2005-12-01 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
=== News Update ===

The 9/11 WTC Collapses:You Want the Truth?You Can't Handle the Truth!

This page is a full index of The 9/11 WTC Collapses: An Audio-Video Analysis

Main Page



FEMA was in New York on September 10

9/11: Hurricane Katrina Raises A Question

9/11 Security Courtesy of Marvin Bush

Where were the evacuation announcements in WTC 1? 
Jackasses With Bullhorns: WTC 2 is secure! 
Marvin Bush was in New York on 9/11

Who Told Giuliani the WTC was going to collapse?

The OEM Issued the Warning

There Were No 800ºC Infernos in the Twin Towers

WTC 1: There Was No Inferno 
WTC 2: There Was No Inferno
9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters

Comparison fires: 
Fire Practically Destroys Venezuela's Tallest Building
The Madrid Skyscraper Fire

The Collapse of WTC 1: Madrid Exposes a Fundamental Flaw

The Core of WTC 1 was Solid After the Aircraft Impact

The Truss Theory: A Fantasy Concocted to Conceal a Demolition

The Truss Theory is Implausible

WTC 1: An Impossible Collapse

9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC

Eyewitness Reports Of Explosions Before the WTC Collapses 
Evidence of Demolition Charges In WTC 2

Video Evidence of an Explosion at the Base of WTC 1

Evidence of a Ground Shake Preceding the Collapse of WTC 2

Thermite and the WTC Collapses

How Did the WTC Fires Burn for 3 Months? 
The Fires in the WTC Wreckage Were Not Conventional Fires 
The Collapsing Cores of the World Trade Center 
Thermal Hot Spots: Fingerprint of a WTC Demolition

Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

Videos of the Controlled Collapse of WTC 7 
7 World Trade Center - The History

Silverstein Makes a Huge Profit off of the 9/11 Attacks 
Westfield, Silverstein, and the Golden Goose

The FEMA WTC Collapse Analysis Farce

-muslim voice-


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 29 Shawal 1426 H - 1.12.05

2005-11-30 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The UNITED STATES of MONSTERS: DEPLETED URANIUMThe UNITED NATIONS subcommission (August 2002) reports that the United Stated use of DEPLETED URANIUM violates the following INTERNATIONAL LAWS


America's double standard on terrorism : 
Cuban expatriate Luis Posada Carriles, an old U.S. terrorist chicken, has come home to roost in Bush's nest, exposing the president's anti-terrorist policies as a hoax.

The World's Most Dangerous Man : 
It's George W. Bush : We are, all of us, George W. Bush's hostages, and, what's especially scary is that we don't know what he's going to do next. He seems capable of anything. Hersh reports the creation of a special squadron detailed to crossing over the border and pursuing the insurgents into Syria, and certainly we have every reason to expect this war to spread.

Cheney 'created climate for US war crimes' 

A leading aide to the former secretary of state Colin Powell has accused Vice-President Dick Cheney of creating the climate in which prisoner abuse could flourish, and implied that he might have committed war crimes.


Cheney 'may be guilty of war crime' - Claims on BBC by former insider 

Vice-president Dick Cheney's burden on the Bush administration grew heavier yesterday after a former senior US state department official said he could be guilty of a war crime over the abuse of prisoners.,12271,1653936,00.html===

Bush Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture 

Tortured men look like 'Holocaust Victims' By Kim Sengupta in Baghdad


FLASHBACK: 9/11 - WHAT DID THE GOVERNMENT KNOW AND WHEN DID IT KNOW IT? Posted Nov 30, 2005 12:31 PM PST - Category: 911

===9/11: Are Most Terrorism Files Forged? Right after 9-11, the head of the FBI admitted that at least some of the 9-11 hijackers were using skillfully made fake IDs using identities stolen from Arab men. So, clearly, some documents are forgeries. 
Now, consider this; if one has real evidence, one does not need to resort to forgeries. Moreover, if one has real evidence, one does not risk adding forgeries to the pile because the exposure of a forgery casts doubt on the rest of the evidence, even if genuine. So, people who have real evidence don't risk forgery. There is too little to gain and too much to use. Therefore, the presence of a single forged document proves that the party doing the forgery KNOWS there is no real evidence. Hence the answer to the posed question is that the presence of the Niger forgeries and the fake IDs means that ALL of the terrorists documents are fakes.


Riding with the Bad Boys; 

The rise of Iraqi death squads

Do you remember the right-wing execution squads in El Salvador? one [Pentagon] official asked Hersh. We founded them and we financed them. The objective now is to recruit locals in any area we want. ... The authorization for the death squads comes straight from the Oval Office. ... The final leg on the stool is the propaganda war that is being directed against the American people to conceal the details of the military's war crimes.


U.S. Occupation is Worse Than Hussein

So, it is mission impossible that Bush has accomplished: A terminally inept U.S. occupation of Iraq now threatens to make the despot we overthrew look good by comparison. But don't take my word for it; hear it from the United States' No. 1 ally in that increasingly nightmarish land.


Bush in Iraq, Slouching Toward GenocideDespite pretty words about democracy and freedom, George W. Bush?s ?victory? plan in Iraq is starting to look increasingly like an invitation to genocide, the systematic destruction of the Sunni minority for resisting its 
U.S.-induced transformation from the nation?s ruling elite into second-class citizenship.


Marines use Iraqi children as human shields
BROOK PARK, OHIO - Cpl. Stan Mayer has seen the worst of war. In the leaves of his photo album, there are casual memorials to the cost of the Iraq conflict - candid portraits of friends who never came home and graphic pictures of how insurgent bombs have shredded steel and bone.


Coward or not? U.S deserters had reason to bail out of unjust Iraq war
How cowardly is risking arrest to leave everything you know and love behind to avoid 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Human Rights Watch - List of Ghost Prisoners Possibly in CIA Custody

2005-11-30 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
=== News Update ===

List of Ghost Prisoners Possibly in CIA Custody
List of Detainees Published by Human Rights Watch 

The following is a list of persons believed to be in U.S. custody as ?ghost detainees? -- detainees who are not given any legal rights or access to counsel, and who are likely not reported to or seen by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The list is compiled from media reports, public statements by government officials, and from other information obtained by Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch does not consider this list to be complete: there are likely other ?ghost detainees? held by the United States.
Under international law, enforced disappearances occur when persons are deprived of their liberty, and the detaining authority refuses to disclose their fate or whereabouts, or refuses to acknowledge their detention, which places the detainees outside the protection of the law. International treaties ratified by the United States prohibit incommunicado detention of persons in secret locations. 
Many of the detainees listed below are suspected of involvement in serious crimes, including the September 11, 2001 attacks; the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania; and the 2002 bombing at two nightclubs in Bali, Indonesia. (One of the listed, No. 25, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, was indicted in 
U.S. federal court for his role in the 1998 attacks.) Yet none on this list has been arraigned or criminally charged, and government officials, speaking anonymously to journalists, have suggested that some detainees have been tortured or seriously mistreated in custody. 
The current location of these prisoners is unknown. List, as of December 1, 2005: 1. Ibn Al-Shaykh al-Libi Reportedly arrested on November 11, 2001, Pakistan. Libyan, suspected commander at al-Qaeda training camp. 
Previously listed as ?disappeared? by Human Rights Watch. 2. Abu Faisal Reportedly arrested on December 12, 2001 Nationality unknown. See next entry. 3. Abdul Aziz 
Reportedly arrested on December 14, 2001 Nationality unknown. In early January 2001, Kenton Keith, a spokesman at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, produced a chart with the names of senior al-Qaeda members listed as killed in action, detained, or on the run. Faisal and Aziz were listed as detained on Dec. 12 and 14, 2001. See: Andrea Stone, ?Path to bin Laden may lie behind bars; US interrogates al-Qaeda, Taliban prisoners in hope of nailing down war on terror?s prime targets,? USA Today, January 8, 2002; Bradley Graham and Walter Pincus, ?Al-Qaeda Trainer in 
U.S. Hands,? The Washington Post, January 5, 2002. 4. Abu Zubaydah (also known as Zain al-Abidin Muhahhad Husain) Reportedly arrested in March 2002, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Palestinian (born in Saudi Arabia), suspected senior al-Qaeda operational planner. Listed as captured in ?George W. Bush: Record of Achievement, Waging and Winning the War on Terror,? available on the White House website. Previously listed as ?disappeared? by Human Rights Watch. 
5. Abdul Rahim al-Sharqawi (aka Riyadh the facilitator) Reportedly arrested in January 2002 Possibly Yemeni, suspected al-Qaeda member (possibly transferred to Guantanamo). Previously listed as ?disappeared? by Human Rights Watch (see note 27). 
6. Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi Reportedly arrested in January 2002 Nationality unknown, presumably Iraqi, suspected commander of al-Qaeda training camp. U.S. officials told Associated Press on January 8, 2002 and March 30, 2002, of al-Iraqi?s capture. See 
e.g., ?Raid May Have Nabbed Bin Laden Lieutenant,? Associated Press, March 30, 2002. Previously listed as ?disappeared? by Human Rights Watch (see note 27). 7. Muhammed al-Darbi Reportedly arrested in 
August 2002 Yemeni, suspected al-Qaeda member. The Washington Post reported on October 18, 2002: ?U.S. officials learned from interviews with Muhammad Darbi, an al Qaeda member captured in Yemen in August, that a Yemen cell was planning an attack on a Western oil tanker, sources said.? On December 26, 2002, citing ?U.S. intelligence and national security officials,? the Washington Post reports that al-Darbi, as well as Ramzi Binalshibh [see below], Omar al-Faruq [reportedly escaped from 
U.S. custody in July 2005], and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri [see below] all ?remain under CIA control.? 8. Ramzi bin al-Shibh Reportedly arrested on September 13, 2002 Yemeni, suspected al-Qaeda conspirator in Sept. 11 attacks (former roommate of one of the hijackers). Listed in ?George W. Bush: Record of Achievement, Waging and Winning the War on Terror,? available on the White House website. Previously listed as ?disappeared? by Human Rights Watch. 
9. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (or Abdulrahim Mohammad Abda al-Nasheri, aka Abu Bilal al-Makki or Mullah Ahmad Belal) Reportedly arrested in November 2002, United Arab Emirates. Saudi or Yemeni, suspected al-Qaeda chief of operations 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 28 Shawal 1426 H - 30.11.05

2005-11-29 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Jerusalem Post - True believers: Converts to Islam are rapidly expanding the reach of the world's fastest growing religion - including in Israel 

It's Friday afternoon, a week after the July 7 bombings in London, and the central mosque of London at Russell Square is crammed. Worshipers flood the mosque and, even though it seems as if there is no more room inside or outside, the mosque's attendants unfold more and more praying carpets.


Ayalon: "I killed Arabs more than Hamas killed Jews"
Ami Ayalon, former head of the Israel Security Service, and one of the leaders of the Labor party, said that he does not object to negotiating with Hamas movement if it becomes part of the Palestinian Authority, saying that he "killed Arabs more than Hamas fighters killed Jews" during his service. 

Ayalon said that that for 38 years, he was part of the Israeli security services, killed Arabs, and saw colleagues get killed by Arabs, "therefore, if someone kills somebody from my nation, this cannot be a reason for not negotiating with him, but I will not negotiate with those who say they will continue the killing". 

Video Purports To Show Failed Suicide Bomber Executed By U.S. :- WARNING - 
This video shows disturbing images and should only be viewed by a mature audience

Nowhere to run : 
To describe Iraq as the most foolish war of the last 2,014 years is a sweeping statement, but the writer is well qualified to know.,2763,1653454,00.html

In case you missed it: 
Ramsey Clark : Demonize to Colonize : 
The "rogue states" condemned by President Bush are "rogue" because they do not submit to U.S. authority.

Bush's Fascist Valhalla : 

The expanded powers of the Pentagon were presented in a proposal by a presidential commission headed by Lawrence Silberman and former Senator Charles Robb, two members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the 9-11 "whitewash" commission.


9/11: Only one logical reason Israeli spies were cheering near burning WTC

According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan during the incident — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem. The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. Eventually, The Forward, a respected Jewish newspaper in New York, reported the FBI concluded that two of the men were Israeli intelligence operatives.

With detainees, we're training terrorists

We are a paragon of hypocrisy, promoting the rule of law and denouncing human rights violations among others while systematically breaching them ourselves. So blind is this administration to the consequences of its actions that it has now jeopardized its East European allies, who are under scrutiny by the European Union for violating human rights laws if they allowed the CIA black sites to flourish.


Human Rights Watch's Open Letter to Hilary Clinton about Israel's Wall 

Below is a remarkable letter from Human Rights Watch (HRW) critical of Senator Hillary Clinton's position on Israel's Wall. It is seldom that a human rights group publicly criticizes individual members of Congress!


Mike Harris: I want the f---ing Indians out of the park. 

FOREST, Ont.—Only hours before native activist Anthony (Dudley) George was shot dead outside Ipperwash Provincial Park, former premier Mike Harris angrily said, I want the f---ing Indians out of the park, a public inquiry heard yesterday.


Bush's Bloody Strategy for Victory

We're beginning to see the outlines of Bush's military strategy in Iraq. It's not withdrawal. Don't kid yourself. Bush intends to prevail. While he may, under domestic pressure, bring 10,000 or 20,000 or even 50,000 troops home, he has no intention of ending this war.

Growing bored of the carnage … as crime of the century unfoilds

The use of WP by the Saddam Hussein against the Kurds in 1991 was cited by 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 27 Shawal 1426 H - 29.11.05

2005-11-28 Terurut Topik muslim in suffer

bismi-lLahi-rRahmani-rRahiemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful=== News Update ===

Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, a well known and successful business manager, producer, and Muslim of native African-American descent from Oakland, California, filed a federal complaint with the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of a hate crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia committed against him by a judge during a trial in Superior Court of Alameda County, California. The complaint, drafted and filed by al-Hakim in pro per, has broad based support from Democrats and Republicans, was under development, monitored and submitted by Congresswoman Barbara Lee with the offices of Congressmen John Conyers, and Charles Rangel as well, has been review by several legal experts, with advocacy by former Republican Senator J. C. Watts, a client of al-Hakim. 

Montreal Muslim News Network -

9/11: What Really Happened? A review article

Source: Canadian Dimension Nov/ Dec 2005
This article mentions several published books and films which throw into serious question the official version of events surrounding 9/11 and places the date in historical context. No serious scholar of any honesty can now hold the view that Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11. 

Read it in PDF format at:

How our governments use terrorism to control us

The sponsorship of terrorism by western governments, targeting their own populations, has been a taboo subject. Although major scandals have received cursory coverage in the media, the subject has been allowed to immediately disappear without discussion or investigation. Therefore the appearance this year of two major studies of this subject is a welcome breakthrough, and provides essential reading for anyone struggling to understand the events of September 11, 2001 and the post September 11 world.


21 Century Nuremberg for Bush
San Juan, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) Three Puerto Rican political analysts have urged the world not to stay passive before US President George W. Bush war crimes and called for a 21st Century Nuremberg trial for the crimes in Iraq and the violation of sovereignty of countries, so that he does not remain untouchable.


How Presidents Use the Term Democracy as a Marketing Tool
Dr. Wittner is Professor of History at the State University of New York, Albany. His latest book is Toward Nuclear Abolition: A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1971 to the Present (Stanford University Press). 

George W. Bush's recent claim that the U.S. war in Iraq is part of an attempt to spread "democracy" to the Middle East should not surprise anyone familiar with the use of that word to camouflage sordid realities. (Nov 28, 2005)

America's War: 
This is America's war. This is Bill Clinton's war. This is the Congress of the United States' war. This is an indifferent American public's war. This is our war. We're to blame. We're responsible. We're the ones that facilitated this mad rush to insanity that has occurred in Iraq today. 

MP3 and transcript. A must listen

The only WMD in Iraq are US soldiers
Why does a US military ethicist commit suicide in Iraq? A note found in his trailer seemed to offer clues. Written in what the Army determined was his handwriting, the colonel appeared to be struggling with a final question.,1,3769217.story?coll=la-headlines-worldctrack=1cset=true

Where is the Iraq war headed next?
The covert war in Iraq has expanded in recent months to Syria. A composite American Special Forces team, known as an S.M.U., for "special-mission unit," has been ordered, under stringent cover, to target suspected supporters of the Iraqi insurgency across the border.

The Grave Threat Is the Bush Administration
According to news reports, at a US Naval Academy speech on Wednesday, President Bush will announce plans for withdrawing US troops from Iraq. It will be diverting to watch the propagandists at Fox news flip-flop with the White House line and explain that now is the time to cut and run after all.

As we lecture other nations on freedom: 
US blocked experts from attending Cuba conference: As recently as March 2004, John Bolton, then-undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, told the US Congress in written testimony that Cuba remains a