RE: [hlcoders] Prediction of projectile-based weapons in Source

2007-10-25 Thread William Ravaine
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Ok after a few more tests and goold old code-digging, I got my rockets working. 
The problem was that I forgot to override the ShouldPredict() method of the 
missile entity on the client side to return true when the missile is created by 
the local player. This prevent the missile entity from initializing as a 
predicted entity. Using cl_predictionlist is also usefull to check if your new 
entity is predicted for real or not (it should appear in the list).

So here are the general steps if you want to predict an new entity, such as a 
- Use CBaseEntity::CreatePredictedEntity to create the entity on both the 
server and client
- Make sure you override the ShouldPredict() method in your predicted entity 
and return true when you need to have it predicted (typically when it's created 
by the local client)
- Make sure you're running the same simulation code on both the client and 
server else your predicted entity will jitter
- Not sure if this is vital, but set rocket->SetPlayerSimulated( player ); on 
your entity when you create it

Hope this will help someone.> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Prediction of 
projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 14:41:23 +0100> > I 
know this sounds kind of backwards, and doesn't as much fix the> problem as 
hack around it, but couldn't you make the projectiles> predicted clientside? In 
the same way that bullets are?> > I suppose it totally depends on the type of 
projectile, but I'm> guessing with something like the crossbow you could create 
the bolt> clientside and serverside. Use the serverside to be the authority on> 
damage and stuff (and maybe showing to other clients?), while you use> the 
clientside version to display and predict.> > I'm guessing you could go a step 
further if it's like the crossbow and> not network the serverside version at 
all, just fire a temp effect> that creates a clientside version of it using the 
same velocity etc..> thus having no network overhead from having these things 
flying> around.> > Something to think about anyway.. might be easier just to 
put up with the delay.> > garry> > On 10/24/07, Rogerio Morais <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:> > --> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> > 
If anyone can help out more people will certainly appreciate it, including> > 
me, got the same problem in my mod.> >> > 2007/10/24, William Ravaine <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>:> > >> > > --> > > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative 
]> > >> > > Yeah I've already pointed out in my initial post that I strongly 
suspected> > > this had to do with prediction, or rather lack of prediction in 
the current> > > implementation. My question was more about how to get 
projectile prediction> > > working properly, because obviously when I try to 
implement it, im doing> > > something wrong along the way. > From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To:> > >> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] 
Prediction of> > > projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 
08:58:58 -0400> >> > > --> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> 
because they're not> > > predicted by default.> strongly > tf2's projectiles 
are predicted.> > > On> > > 10/24/07, William Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote:> >> > --> > [ Picked> > > text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> >> > 
Yeah that's what I checked> > > first as well - It's very hard to tell because> 
> the crossbow bolt/missile> > > model is very small and very fast as well so 
it's> > not as obvious. But I> > > get this glitch on every single non-bullet 
based> > weapon that spawns> > > entities to use as missiles, so it has to be 
something at> > the core of the> > > engine, in the way entities are handled 
between server and> > client, or> > > rendered on the client.> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To:> >> > >> Subject: Re: 
[hlcoders] Prediction of> >> > > projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 
24 Oct 2007 08:45:23 -0400>> > > >> > --> [ Picked text/plain from 
multipart/alternative ]> Does the HL2MP> >> > > crossbow have the same delay? I 
never noticed it..> > Regards,> > Paul> >> > > On> > 10/24/07, William Ravaine 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > --> > [> > > Picked> > te

RE: [hlcoders] Prediction of projectile-based weapons in Source

2007-10-24 Thread William Ravaine
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Yeah I've already pointed out in my initial post that I strongly suspected this 
had to do with prediction, or rather lack of prediction in the current 
implementation. My question was more about how to get projectile prediction 
working properly, because obviously when I try to implement it, im doing 
something wrong along the way. > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Prediction of 
projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:58:58 -0400> > 
--> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> because they're not 
predicted by default.> strongly > tf2's projectiles are predicted.> > > On 
10/24/07, William Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > --> > [ Picked 
text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> >> > Yeah that's what I checked first 
as well - It's very hard to tell because> > the crossbow bolt/missile model is 
very small and very fast as well so it's> > not as obvious. But I get this 
glitch on every single non-bullet based> > weapon that spawns entities to use 
as missiles, so it has to be something at> > the core of the engine, in the way 
entities are handled between server and> > client, or rendered on the client.> 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> >> Subject: Re: 
[hlcoders] Prediction of> > projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 
Oct 2007 08:45:23 -0400> >> > --> [ Picked text/plain from 
multipart/alternative ]> Does the HL2MP> > crossbow have the same delay? I 
never noticed it..> > Regards,> > Paul> > On> > 10/24/07, William Ravaine 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > --> > [ Picked> > text/plain from 
multipart/alternative ]> >> > Im not using the missile> > entity from the HL2 
rpg, Im using my own rocket> > entity which sets the> > missile velocity in the 
spawn function. And the delay> > effect happens on> > two other missile based 
weapons that I've entirely coded> > myself which> > have nothing to do with the 
rpg code.> >> > Im also testing this on local> > server, so the latency delay 
should be close> > to null. If I used> > net_fakelag, there's definitely a 
delay between the> > moment I fire, and> > the moment the entity is _created_, 
but there's also a> > slight delay> > between the moment it is created on the 
screen (so on the> > client) and> > starts moving forward. It's this later 
point that I want to fix.> >> --> >> > 
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RE: [hlcoders] Prediction of projectile-based weapons in Source

2007-10-24 Thread William Ravaine
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Yeah that's what I checked first as well - It's very hard to tell because the 
crossbow bolt/missile model is very small and very fast as well so it's not as 
obvious. But I get this glitch on every single non-bullet based weapon that 
spawns entities to use as missiles, so it has to be something at the core of 
the engine, in the way entities are handled between server and client, or 
rendered on the client.> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Prediction of 
projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:45:23 -0400> > 
--> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> Does the HL2MP crossbow 
have the same delay? I never noticed it..> > Regards,> > Paul> > On 10/24/07, 
William Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > --> > [ Picked text/plain from 
multipart/alternative ]> >> > Im not using the missile entity from the HL2 rpg, 
Im using my own rocket> > entity which sets the missile velocity in the spawn 
function. And the delay> > effect happens on two other missile based weapons 
that I've entirely coded> > myself which have nothing to do with the rpg code.> 
>> > Im also testing this on local server, so the latency delay should be 
close> > to null. If I used net_fakelag, there's definitely a delay between 
the> > moment I fire, and the moment the entity is _created_, but there's also 
a> > slight delay between the moment it is created on the screen (so on the> > 
client) and starts moving forward. It's this later point that I want to fix.> 
>> --> > ___> To unsubscribe, edit 
your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit:>>
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RE: [hlcoders] Prediction of projectile-based weapons in Source

2007-10-24 Thread William Ravaine
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Im not using the missile entity from the HL2 rpg, Im using my own rocket entity 
which sets the missile velocity in the spawn function. And the delay effect 
happens on two other missile based weapons that I've entirely coded myself 
which have nothing to do with the rpg code.

Im also testing this on local server, so the latency delay should be close to 
null. If I used net_fakelag, there's definitely a delay between the moment I 
fire, and the moment the entity is _created_, but there's also a slight delay 
between the moment it is created on the screen (so on the client) and starts 
moving forward. It's this later point that I want to fix.
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: 
> [hlcoders] Prediction of projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 
> Oct 2007 08:01:06 -0400> > --> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative 
> ]> How much of your code is based on the HL2MP weapon_rpg. You might want to> 
> look at CWeaponRPG::PrimaryAttack, CMissile::Spawn, no velocity is set for> 
> the missile until CMissile::IgniteThink is called 0.3s later. The delay was> 
> added intentionally, its not a bug or prediction issue. If you already> 
> removed that behavior then I'm not sure what else would be causing a such> 
> noticeable delay like that.> > Regards,> > Paul> > On 10/24/07, William 
> Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > --> > [ Picked text/plain from 
> multipart/alternative ]> >> > I'd like to apologize in advance if this has 
> already been discussed> > previously, but I can't seem to find any relevant 
> topics.> >> > I'm currently implementing several missile-based weapons such 
> as a quake> > style rocket launcher. Right now I've just modified the 
> existing> > weapon_rpg code to shoot a rocket in a straight line instead of 
> the> > laser-guided one from HL2DM. It's all working fine except one thing: 
> when> > the missile> > entity is created in front of the rocket launcher in 
> 1st person view> > (havent checked how it looks from 3rd person yet) there 
> seems to be a very> > slight delay> > between the time the missile is spawned 
> and the moment it starts flying at> > its intended velocity, as if one 
> simulation tick was elapsing with the> > rocket having a null velocity.> >> > 
> This is quite annoying as it really makes the weapon feel wierd and> > 
> unnatural. My guess is this has something to do with prediction and how the> 
> > missile entity is interpolated> > on the client side, but Im not quite sure 
> yet how to handle this properly.> > I've tried a few approaches like using 
> CBaseEntity::CreatePredictedEntity to> > create the rocket on both the server 
> and client "at the same time" but it> > still doesnt fix the glitch. Maybe 
> it's the good approach and I forgot to> > set some flags or data tables...> 
> >> > The rocket launcher of the soldier in TF2 doesnt seem to suffer from 
> this> > effect, nor do the grenade launcher of the Demoman, so I supposed 
> they fixed> > the problem. I'd like to achieve the same result. Does any have 
> any> > suggestions and/or code snippets that could help me out?> >> > Thanks 
> in advance.> > 
> _> > Vous 
> êtes plutôt Desperate ou LOST ? Personnalisez votre PC avec votre> > série TV 
> préférée !> >> > --> 
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> your list preferences, or view the list archives,> > please visit:> > 
>> >> >> --> > 
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[hlcoders] Prediction of projectile-based weapons in Source

2007-10-24 Thread William Ravaine
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I'd like to apologize in advance if this has already been discussed previously, 
but I can't seem to find any relevant topics.

I'm currently implementing several missile-based weapons such as a quake style 
rocket launcher. Right now I've just modified the existing
weapon_rpg code to shoot a rocket in a straight line instead of the 
laser-guided one from HL2DM. It's all working fine except one thing: when the 
entity is created in front of the rocket launcher in 1st person view (havent 
checked how it looks from 3rd person yet) there seems to be a very slight delay
between the time the missile is spawned and the moment it starts flying at its 
intended velocity, as if one simulation tick was elapsing with the rocket 
having a null velocity.

This is quite annoying as it really makes the weapon feel wierd and unnatural. 
My guess is this has something to do with prediction and how the missile entity 
is interpolated
on the client side, but Im not quite sure yet how to handle this properly. I've 
tried a few approaches like using CBaseEntity::CreatePredictedEntity to create 
the rocket on both the server and client "at the same time" but it still doesnt 
fix the glitch. Maybe it's the good approach and I forgot to set some flags or 
data tables...

The rocket launcher of the soldier in TF2 doesnt seem to suffer from this 
effect, nor do the grenade launcher of the Demoman, so I supposed they fixed 
the problem. I'd like to achieve the same result. Does any have any suggestions 
and/or code snippets that could help me out?

Thanks in advance.
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RE: [hlcoders] Transfering data via HTML

2007-07-24 Thread William Ravaine
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

You could use good old winsock coding for this. Create a socket on the server 
and one on the target client, connect them, and transfer the file using TCP.> 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: 
[hlcoders] Transfering data via HTML> Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 11:34:53 -0400> > 
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.> --> [ Picked text/plain from 
multipart/alternative ]> I'm trying to implement some sort of file transfering 
system within the source engine. (Wanting to transfering data via HTML).> I got 
as far as making html pages viewable, but i'm trying to find a way to send 
files from a webserver.> So i was trying to find how the server transfers files 
to the clients on map download and such, but that's built into the enigne i'm 
assuming.> > So, my question is. Would this be possable? Is there any framework 
or something i can start off with?> --> > > 
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[hlcoders] Full world snapshot behavior

2007-07-16 Thread William Ravaine
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

We're currently trying to fix an elsuive crash bug which didn't make much sense 
to us until recently. Basically, our weapons access data from a singleton 
"NDGameSettings" entity that is networked to all clients (in similar fashion to 
how CTeam is broadcast to all clients). This singleton is currently accessed 
from the weapon entity's Spawn() method on both client and server side.The 
strange thing is, occasionnaly, the game would crash with an error-trapping 
message saying that the NDGameSettings singleton instance pointer is null, 
while the game has been running fine for several minutes. The only way of this 
happening is if the weapon entity is created & spawned before the 
NDGameSettings() entity. One would expect this error scenario to happen at map 
load time since this is the only place where the NDGameSettings entity is 
created. However, it doesnt crash at load time, but randomly during the game, 
at any moment.Here is a quick snippet of the NDGameSettings code 
CNDGameSettings : public CBaseEntity{DECLARE_CLASS( CNDGameSettings, 
CBaseEntity );DECLARE_NETWORKCLASS();public:static CNDGameSettings* 
GetInstance() { return s_pInstance; }protected:static CNDGameSettings* 
s_pInstance;...}CNDGameSettings::CNDGameSettings(){if( GetInstance() )  
  {#ifdef CLIENT_DLLWarning("[CLIENT] 
CNDGameSettings::CNDGameSettings() - An instance of CNDGameSettings already 
exists on the client side\n");#elseWarning("[SERVER] 
CNDGameSettings::CNDGameSettings() - An instance of CNDGameSettings already 
exists\n");UTIL_Remove( GetInstance() );#endif}// Save pointer 
to instance in class globals_pInstance = 
this;}CNDGameSettings::~CNDGameSettings(){if( GetInstance() == this ){  
  Msg( "### CNDGameSettings Destructor - Instance removed \n" 
);s_pInstance = NULL;}}*** server side only ***int 
CNDGameSettings::UpdateTransmitState( void ){// always transmit to all 
clientsreturn SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS 
 several attempts at reproducing the crash bug, we found out that people with 
bad/unstable connections and high latency were a lot more susceptible to this 
crash. We therefore suspected that the bug had something to do with the network 
behavior of HL2, and that some mechanism unknown to us would cause the 
NDGameSettings entity to be recreated during the game, instead of just once at 
map load time. Our debugging tests proved this, as we got the "### 
CNDGameSettings Destructor - Instance removed " message several times 
during the game (along with many other debugging messages displayed when weapon 
entities are created), using a laptop with a very bad connection to our test 
server. Now my theory is this has something to do with this "full world 
snapshot" update explained in the Source Multiplayer Networking article 
data is compressed using delta compression to reduce
network load. That means the server doesn't send a full world snapshot
each time, but rather only changes (a delta snapshot) that happened
since the last acknowledged update. With each packet sent between the
client and server, acknowledge numbers are attached to keep track of
their data flow. Usually full (non-delta) snapshots are only sent when
a game starts or a client suffers from heavy packet loss for a couple
of seconds. Clients can request a full snapshot manually with the cl_fullupdate 
command."To me, it seems that the client-side entities list is cleared and 
recreated when receiving a full world snapshot from the network. This would 
explain why the client-side NDGameSettings entity is destroyed and then 
recreated at random moments during the game and would also explain why the 
"load time error scenario" can happen at anytime while the game is running, 
especially to people with bad connections to the server.My questions:- Am I 
looking in the wrong direction?- If not, could someone explain the mechanics 
behind the full world snapshot a bit more indepth? - Are there any flags I can 
set to my NDGameSettings entity to somehow make it resistant to this?- Why use 
a proxy entity to network the GameRules data and not make the GameRules class 
directly inherit from CBaseEntity? - What is a correct way of safely 
creating/accessing singleton entity objects in Source?Thanks in advance!
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RE: [hlcoders] [WhE] Lighting preview ?

2006-08-16 Thread William Ravaine

Did you actually understand what he meant, or are you just faking it? :P

From: "Mike Durand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [hlcoders] [WhE] Lighting preview ?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 09:49:28 -0700

Later. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ?

Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 4:28 AM
Subject: [hlcoders] [WhE] Lighting preview ?

All know its not work, and in today update this option was cutted, so we
see that later or never ?

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Re: [hlcoders] Aug4 SDK problems...

2006-08-13 Thread William Ravaine

Actually I was a bit fast to conclude here - Commenting out the
IsSelfAnimating() block didnt fix the player animation problems. To fix it,
we've had to copy/paste the HL2DM player animation files in our mod's models

-- Models\Players\
- female_anims.mdl
- male_anims.mdl

-- Models\Humans\
- female_gestures.mdl
- female_postures.mdl
- female_shared.mdl
- female_ss.mdl
- male_gestures.mdl
- male_postures.mdl
- male_shared.mdl
- male_ss.mdl

I think this is because of the appid change (new sdk is using appid 215) -
All hl2mp assets are no longer "linked". Anyone knows if there's a way of
telling the engine to also import hl2mp assets with appid 215?

From: "William Ravaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Aug4 SDK problems...
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 01:35:52 +0200

Thanks for the answers Paul and Garry. We've commented out the lines and
animations are working again! :)

From: "Paul Peloski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Aug4 SDK problems...
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:35:51 -0400

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
The lines I mentioned (quoted below) should be removed from
C_BaseEntity::PreDataUpdate not the function I mentioned. Sorry about the

On 8/12/06, Paul Peloski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> #4 how exactly are the animations messed up? A couple days ago I
> an animation bug I found in the latest SDK and as per Yahn's reply you
> remove the lines
> if ( !IsSelfAnimating() )
> {
>m_flAnimTime = engine->GetLastTimeStamp();
> }
> from C_BaseEntity::IsSelfAnimating. This fixes players not
> (if that's even your problem), which would make player animations look
> jerky/very low framerate.

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Re: [hlcoders] Aug4 SDK problems...

2006-08-12 Thread William Ravaine

Thanks for the answers Paul and Garry. We've commented out the lines and the
animations are working again! :)

From: "Paul Peloski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Aug4 SDK problems...
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:35:51 -0400

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
The lines I mentioned (quoted below) should be removed from
C_BaseEntity::PreDataUpdate not the function I mentioned. Sorry about the

On 8/12/06, Paul Peloski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> #4 how exactly are the animations messed up? A couple days ago I
> an animation bug I found in the latest SDK and as per Yahn's reply you
> remove the lines
> if ( !IsSelfAnimating() )
> {
>m_flAnimTime = engine->GetLastTimeStamp();
> }
> from C_BaseEntity::IsSelfAnimating. This fixes players not interpolating
> (if that's even your problem), which would make player animations look
> jerky/very low framerate.

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[hlcoders] Aug4 SDK problems...

2006-08-12 Thread William Ravaine

Hi there!

We're in the process of porting our mod to the new SDK and are getting many
annoying asserts, with several of them happening at map load.  that even
happening on a fresh HL2 MP Sdk build (using "Modify HL2 deathmatch").

1) The first one is about activities. We have fixed it by adding the missing
activity entries for the Portal gun in Ai_activity.cpp as follows:


//### ADDED ### Activity for portalgun was missing
//### END ###

// Multiplayer

2) The next assert is more annoying since we don't know at all why it's

CStudioHdr *C_BaseAnimating::GetModelPtr() const
   // GetModelPtr() is often called before OnNewModel() so go ahead and
set it up first chance.
   #ifdef _DEBUG
   IDataCacheSection *pModelCache = datacache->FindSection( "ModelData"
   AssertOnce( pModelCache->IsFrameLocking() );

Oviously the code will only execute in debug build and can be ignored, but
the question still remains - Why is it shooting an assert here?

It's happening every time on a new map load. Here is the client call stack:


client.dll!C_BaseAnimating::StudioFrameAdvance()  Line 4038 + 0x8 C++
 client.dll!C_BasePlayer::PostThink()  Line 1483 C++
 client.dll!CPrediction::RunPostThink(C_BasePlayer * player=0x2586bfc8)
Line 810 C++
 client.dll!CPrediction::RunCommand(C_BasePlayer * player=0x2586bfc8,
CUserCmd * ucmd=0x2586ce98, IMoveHelper * moveHelper=0x249b76c4)  Line 901
 client.dll!C_BasePlayer::PhysicsSimulate()  Line 1720 C++
 client.dll!CPrediction::RunSimulation(int current_command=27, float
curtime=0., CUserCmd * cmd=0x0e6965d0, C_BasePlayer *
localPlayer=0x2586bfc8)  Line 1194 C++
received_new_world_update=true, C_BasePlayer * localPlayer=0x2586bfc8, int
incoming_acknowledged=26, int outgoing_command=32)
 client.dll!CPrediction::_Update(bool received_new_world_update=true, bool
validframe=true, int incoming_acknowledged=26, int outgoing_command=32)
Line 1662 + 0x18 C++
 client.dll!CPrediction::Update(int startframe=123, bool validframe=true,
int incoming_acknowledged=26, int outgoing_command=32)  Line 1609 C++

4) We're especially concerned with animation errors/problems that we are
facing since we moved to the new SDK. When running in developer mode we are
getting messages such as "CBaseAnimatingOverlay::AddGesture:  model
models/combine_soldier.mdl missing activity
ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL" (happens with a fresh SDK code too
when shooting with the pistol, etc).

It comes from the following piece of code in
CBaseAnimatingOverlay::AddGesture, BaseAnimatingOverlay.cpp:

int seq = SelectWeightedSequence( activity );
if ( seq <= 0 )
   const char *actname = CAI_BaseNPC::GetActivityName( activity );
   DevMsg( "CBaseAnimatingOverlay::AddGesture: model %s missing
activity %s\n", STRING(GetModelName()), actname );
   return -1;

Here's the top of the stack trace (after I shoot with the pistol):
activity=ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL, bool autokill=true)  Line
activity=ACT_HL2MP_GESTURE_RANGE_ATTACK_PISTOL, bool addifmissing=true, bool
autokill=true)  Line 834
playerAnim=PLAYER_ATTACK1)  Line 706

The SelectWeightedSequence() method returns -1 which corresponds to
ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE. This is called from the player entity.

Our players/bots animations are totally messed up ingame since the port, and
we suspect this might have something to do with the error above. The 1st
person weapons animate just fine though.

5) Another assert occasionnaly pops up when I try to select the stunstick in
the non-modified SDK or when I select some weapons or spawn a bot in my mod:

mstudioseqdesc_t &CStudioHdr::pSeqdesc( int i ) const
Assert( i >= 0 && i < GetNumSeq() );

In the case where I got this assert when spawning a bot our mod, it got
called from the pistol weapon entity carried by the bot.

Stack trace:
client.dll!CStudioHdr::pSeqdesc(int i=6)  Line 786
client.dll!C_BaseAnimating::DoAnimationEvents(CStudioHdr *
pStudioHdr=0x0293cb50)  Line 2610
client.dll!C_BaseAnimating::Simulate()  Line 3889
client.dll!SimulateEntities()  Line 1368
client.dll!OnRenderStart()  Line 

RE: [hlcoders] Rerouting VGUI key events to the HL2 engine

2006-07-18 Thread William Ravaine

Thanks! I've noticed this a while ago, but I kept telling myself there had
to be a cleaner way of doing this... guess not :(

Hardcoding, here i go!

From: "Paul Peloski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [hlcoders] Rerouting VGUI key events to the HL2 engine
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 14:47:51 -0400

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Instead of using SetKeyboardInputEnabled, try what Valve does for the
selection HUD, in ClientModeShared::KeyInput. Make a global accessor for
your hotkey panel and make a KeyInput function for it, then call that
KeyInput function and use the return value to determine whether the panel
ate the keystroke or whether the keystroke should be processed by the
(KeyInput returns 0 when the engine can't have the key and 1 when it can).
believe this is how you do what you want since once VGUI is overriding the
keystrokes I don't think you can pass them back to the engine the way you

Message: 6
> From: "William Ravaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 13:51:47 +0200
> Subject: [hlcoders] Rerouting VGUI key events to the HL2 engine
> Reply-To:
> Hi guys,
> Im trying to implement a kind of hotkey system for my ingame panels, but
> Ive
> run into an annoying issue: as soon as a panel is given keyboard input
> rights (SetKeyboardInputEnabled true), all the key events are swallowed
> the panel. This was expected though, but the problem Im having is that I
> can't find a way of redirecting to the HL2 client the key events I dont
> handle in the panels. I've tried using engine->GetLastPressedEngineKey()
> and
> engine->Key_Event( iLastTrappedKey, false ) to fake it, but it doesnt
> to have any effect. Here's how Im using it:
> void MyPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code)
> {
> if( code == KEY_ESCAPE )
>   ShowPanel( false );
> else
> {
> int iLastTrappedKey = engine->GetLastPressedEngineKey();
> engine->Key_Event( iLastTrappedKey, false );
> }
> }
> Any ideas/suggestions welcome!
> - Spk

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[hlcoders] Rerouting VGUI key events to the HL2 engine

2006-07-18 Thread William Ravaine

Hi guys,

Im trying to implement a kind of hotkey system for my ingame panels, but Ive
run into an annoying issue: as soon as a panel is given keyboard input
rights (SetKeyboardInputEnabled true), all the key events are swallowed by
the panel. This was expected though, but the problem Im having is that I
can't find a way of redirecting to the HL2 client the key events I dont
handle in the panels. I've tried using engine->GetLastPressedEngineKey() and
engine->Key_Event( iLastTrappedKey, false ) to fake it, but it doesnt seem
to have any effect. Here's how Im using it:

void MyPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code)
   if( code == KEY_ESCAPE )
 ShowPanel( false );
   int iLastTrappedKey = engine->GetLastPressedEngineKey();
   engine->Key_Event( iLastTrappedKey, false );

Any ideas/suggestions welcome!

- Spk

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RE: [hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme

2006-06-26 Thread William Ravaine

Have you ever tried to use a vgui::Label control to display text in one of
your HUD elements, instead of manually drawing the text using
surface()->DrawText? Because the only text displays that go wrong after a
hud_reloadscheme here are the ones from the vgui::Label controls.

From: "Tony \"omega\" Sergi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:32:20 -0400

I use hud_reloadscheme a lot, and I've never had this problem after editing
them before.

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Re: [hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme

2006-06-26 Thread William Ravaine

By editing them in 640x480, do you mean using the built-in VGUI editor to
position/scale controls? Because im not using this at all (i cant use it to
edit HUD elements as it is right now). I'm changing x/y/size numbers in the
HudLayout.res then saving and using hud_reloadscheme to see the changes
ingame. Maybe this is where Im wrong, but it is my understanding that the
x/y/size numbers Im setting in the HudLayout files are relative to a 640x480
virtual screen already. When I change resolution everything scales up fine
(panels aspect ratios are preserved) except the labels text which get messed
up - they get much bigger than they should be. And I'd like to know why :)

From: "Benjamin Davison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 16:25:56 +0100

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Yeah edit them in 640x480 and the problems will go away :) I had the same
problem for a while.

On 6/26/06, Tony omega Sergi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is 640x480.
> Everything is scaled off of a 640x480 resolution screen (being that
> 640x480
> is the lowest resolution you can go). So it's just a matter of placing
> everything in a 640x480 space, and then it re-calculates for other
> resolutions automatically, and rescales. This is how Quake3 worked too,
> and
> I'm pretty sure doom3 and quake4 do it as well, but I haven't modded
> so
> I have no clue.
> --
> -- omega
> Heroes of Excelsior
> Blackened Interactive
> > -Original Message-
> > From: William Ravaine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: June 26, 2006 7:17 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme
> >
> > By the way, what is the "native" screen resolution for VGUI editing?
> > pretty sure it wasnt 640x480, but I could be wrong.
> >
> ___
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- Benjamin Davison

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Re: [hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme

2006-06-26 Thread William Ravaine

Well when I reload the hud scheme/layout Im in 1024x768 - But the hud
controls positions/sizes etc are provided in "virtual screen coordinates"
already in the HudLayout.res file so it shouldnt matter if Im editing them
in 640x480 or not.

When I do the hud_reloadscheme command, it only seems to screw up the font
size of text displayed using vgui::Labels. HUD elements that do a direct
surface()->DrawText dont suffer from this problem. Looking at the replies I
got, no one really seems to know what is causing this here so Ill go ahead
and try to fix it then post the solution here I guess.

By the way, what is the "native" screen resolution for VGUI editing? Im
pretty sure it wasnt 640x480, but I could be wrong.

From: "Benjamin Davison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2006 17:51:56 +0100

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
What res are you editing them in?

Edit them in 640*480 and this won't happen.

On 6/25/06, William Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im currently working on my HUD and loading the controls settings from a
> keyvalues resource file (HudLayout.res). I've replaced most of the HL2
> panels by my own ones that use vgui::labels to display text (ammo count,
> etc) instead of the HudNumericDisplay class (which directly draws text
> the panel surface).
> Im having an annoying bug where the font used by these labels almost
> doubles
> in size after I execute a hud_reloadscheme command to reload the
> HudLayout.res ingame. Several other elements of the UI also get messed
> (half of the HL2 weapon selection menu is outside of the screen, the
> player
> id text also doubles/triples in size, etc). This forces me to restart my
> client to get the fonts back to normal size, and defeats the purpose of
> command (which is to reload the hud layout without having to restart the
> client).
> Im curious as to what is causing this and was wondering if there a
> workaround/fix is available for this before I try fixing this by myself,
> provided it's possible at all. I think this has something to do with
> confusing screen resolution and/or not applying proportional values
> correctly at some point. I've noticed this also happens when I change my
> client's screen resolution.
> My apologizes if this has already been answered in a previous post, but
> couldnt find any message relating to my problem.
> Thanks!
> - Spk
> ___
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- Benjamin Davison

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[hlcoders] Font size glitches after hud_reloadscheme

2006-06-25 Thread William Ravaine

Im currently working on my HUD and loading the controls settings from a
keyvalues resource file (HudLayout.res). I've replaced most of the HL2 HUD
panels by my own ones that use vgui::labels to display text (ammo count,
etc) instead of the HudNumericDisplay class (which directly draws text on
the panel surface).

Im having an annoying bug where the font used by these labels almost doubles
in size after I execute a hud_reloadscheme command to reload the
HudLayout.res ingame. Several other elements of the UI also get messed up
(half of the HL2 weapon selection menu is outside of the screen, the player
id text also doubles/triples in size, etc). This forces me to restart my
client to get the fonts back to normal size, and defeats the purpose of
command (which is to reload the hud layout without having to restart the

Im curious as to what is causing this and was wondering if there a
workaround/fix is available for this before I try fixing this by myself,
provided it's possible at all. I think this has something to do with VGUI
confusing screen resolution and/or not applying proportional values
correctly at some point. I've noticed this also happens when I change my
client's screen resolution.

My apologizes if this has already been answered in a previous post, but I
couldnt find any message relating to my problem.

- Spk

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RE: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables

2006-06-17 Thread William Ravaine

Thanks for the answer, but Ive repeatedly mentioned in my previous messages
that the game works fine on a listen server, and only fails on a dedicated
server so this is definately not a code-base issue on my end. Both client
and server dlls have been rebuilt completely and copied to the server, I've
ensured the files were identical on both the remote client and server
machine like 50 times, and Im still getting this error on the dedicated
server only. I can create a local server / listen server without any
problems. Now the thing that is very blury to me are the differences between
a listen and dedicated server that could cause such a problem to happen, and
this is where an answer from one of Valve's developers would be more than
appreciated. Is the dedicated server more "sensitive" than its listen server
counterpart? If so, what should I look for in the code to fix the problem?

Thanks in advance,

Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 12:44:31 -0500

Assuming your client Steam and srcds are both fully updated then the issue
is some difference in your server.dll/.so on the server, and the server.dll
and/or client.dll on the client.  Unfortunately the HL2 core gives you no
way (that I know of) to determine exactly what you have desynchronized.
Compiler/linker differences are a possible culprit if you're certain the
code base is identical.

At 2006/06/17 05:21 AM, William Ravaine wrote:
>Any more clues on what could be causing this annoying problem? I still
>havent managed to fix it after updating everyting I could and it's really
>starting to affect the development of the mod.
>>From: "Tony \"omega\" Sergi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
>>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 18:15:03 -0400
>>I really wish they'd fix the tools as well, it's been almost 2 weeks now
>>the tools still don't work properly.
>>Steam is great because you can release updates and whatnot.. but come
>>breaking everything in the process??!??
>>-- omega
>>Heroes of Excelsior
>>Blackened Interactive
>>> -Original Message-
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: June 11, 2006 6:01 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
>>> The last steam update that broke compatibility was mid last week I
>>> believe.
>>> At 2006/06/11 04:53 PM, William Ravaine wrote:
>>> >Yes that's what I suspected either - As I've explained in my first
>>> >I've update tried updating the dedicated server using the
>>> >but maybe I did that wrong? Here's the command line Im using:
>>> >
>>> >HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game hl2mp
>>> >
>>> >This is a mod based on the hl2mp code. When I ran it, it said
>>> was
>>> >up to date already (which is suspicious since you've said there's
>>> >update recently). Is it the wrong command or do I need to update
>>> something
>>> >else? Maybe there's a new version of the updater too?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>Reply-To:
>>> >>To:
>>> >>Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
>>> >>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 16:45:42 -0500
>>> >>
>>> >>The last srcds update was not backwards-compatible.  Make sure
>>> >>updated or you will get this error.  This isn't the first srcds
>>> that
>>> >>has had this bug/feature - it happened a couple months back as well.
>>> >>
>>> >>At 2006/06/11 04:33 PM, Garry Newman wrote:
>>> >>>The different class tables doesn't nessisarily mean that the dlls
>>> >>>weren't compiled at the same time.. you could have just messed up
>>> >>>send/recv tables. It usually happens when the server is trying to
>>> >>>something and the client doesn't have a 

RE: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables

2006-06-17 Thread William Ravaine

Any more clues on what could be causing this annoying problem? I still
havent managed to fix it after updating everyting I could and it's really
starting to affect the development of the mod.


From: "Tony \"omega\" Sergi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 18:15:03 -0400

I really wish they'd fix the tools as well, it's been almost 2 weeks now
the tools still don't work properly.

Steam is great because you can release updates and whatnot.. but come on,
breaking everything in the process??!??

-- omega
Heroes of Excelsior
Blackened Interactive
> -Original Message-
> Sent: June 11, 2006 6:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
> The last steam update that broke compatibility was mid last week I
> believe.
> At 2006/06/11 04:53 PM, William Ravaine wrote:
> >Yes that's what I suspected either - As I've explained in my first
> >I've update tried updating the dedicated server using the
> >but maybe I did that wrong? Here's the command line Im using:
> >
> >HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game hl2mp
> >
> >This is a mod based on the hl2mp code. When I ran it, it said
> was
> >up to date already (which is suspicious since you've said there's been
> >update recently). Is it the wrong command or do I need to update
> something
> >else? Maybe there's a new version of the updater too?
> >
> >
> >>Reply-To:
> >>To:
> >>Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
> >>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 16:45:42 -0500
> >>
> >>The last srcds update was not backwards-compatible.  Make sure you've
> >>updated or you will get this error.  This isn't the first srcds update
> that
> >>has had this bug/feature - it happened a couple months back as well.
> >>
> >>At 2006/06/11 04:33 PM, Garry Newman wrote:
> >>>The different class tables doesn't nessisarily mean that the dlls
> >>>weren't compiled at the same time.. you could have just messed up the
> >>>send/recv tables. It usually happens when the server is trying to
> >>>something and the client doesn't have a variable ready for it..
> >>>tables don't match).
> >>>

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Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables

2006-06-11 Thread William Ravaine

Yes that's what I suspected either - As I've explained in my first mail,
I've update tried updating the dedicated server using the HLDSUpdateTool,
but maybe I did that wrong? Here's the command line Im using:

HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game hl2mp

This is a mod based on the hl2mp code. When I ran it, it said everything was
up to date already (which is suspicious since you've said there's been an
update recently). Is it the wrong command or do I need to update something
else? Maybe there's a new version of the updater too?

Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 16:45:42 -0500

The last srcds update was not backwards-compatible.  Make sure you've
updated or you will get this error.  This isn't the first srcds update that
has had this bug/feature - it happened a couple months back as well.

At 2006/06/11 04:33 PM, Garry Newman wrote:
>The different class tables doesn't nessisarily mean that the dlls
>weren't compiled at the same time.. you could have just messed up the
>send/recv tables. It usually happens when the server is trying to send
>something and the client doesn't have a variable ready for it.. (their
>tables don't match).
>It's weird that it's only happening on a dedicated server but I heard
>something from Krenzo (empires mod) a while back.. he was in the same
>situation except the class tables didn't match only when they tried to
>record demos.
>Weird. Is it just linux dedicated server or windows too?
>On 6/11/06, William Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Yes that's the first thing Ive done. We also use SVN to keep our version
>>sync, but just to be sure Ive uploaded a zip file holding the server &
>>client dll from my computer directly to our remote server, so the server
>>client dlls are definately the same on both ends of the wire. I wished
>>would have been so simple a fix though :)
>>Any ideas? Im looking for more detailed information on what's causing
>>error to happen while the DLLs are definately identical on both sides.
>>>From: "Aaron Schiff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
>>>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 15:21:05 -0500
>>>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>>>The problem isn't between the client.dll and server.dll
>>>It's a difference between the client.dll on the dedicated server and
>>>client.dll in your SourceMods
>>>Just overwrite the dedicated server's client.dll with your SourceMods
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>>To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
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Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables

2006-06-11 Thread William Ravaine

Thanks for the answer. The dedicated server is running on a WinXP system.
I've never had this problem before, and the first time it happened was when
I commented out one entry of an entity's network table, on both the server
and client side:

 Client Side 
DT_NDBaseNetDataMgr_SightData )
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_fSourceXpos ) ),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_fSourceYpos ) ),
//RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_iSourceTeam ) ),

// Only sent to teams that have sighted source entity
RecvPropDataTable( "basenetdata_sightdata", 0, 0,

 Server Side 
// Sight Data - Only sent to teams that have sighted source entity
DT_NDBaseNetDataMgr_SightData )
SendPropFloat( SENDINFO( m_fSourceXpos ), -1, SPROP_COORD ),
SendPropFloat( SENDINFO( m_fSourceYpos ), -1, SPROP_COORD ),
//SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_iSourceTeam ), 4, SPROP_UNSIGNED ),

// Only sent to teams that have sighted source entity
SendPropDataTable( "basenetdata_sightdata", 0,

Using the code above, with the m_iSourceTeam entry commented out, I would
get the "server uses different class tables" error on the dedicated server
(listen server would run just fine). If I restore it like it was before by
removing the comment, the server works again.

Since I didnt know exactly what was causing this issue and why, Ive had to
leave the m_iSourceTeam entry there even though I wanted to remove it. Later
on, another coder on the team commited a weapon code update which was also
using a network table (but totally unrelated to the one above though) and
the error restarted happening on the dedicated server. I'm really not sure
what's causing this, it doesnt make much sense to me right now. What puzzles
me is that it's working fine on a listen/local server, but fails miserably
on a dedicated server.

Any more ideas/suggestions anyone? Could really use some help here :)

Thanks in advance,

From: "Garry Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 22:33:07 +0100

The different class tables doesn't nessisarily mean that the dlls
weren't compiled at the same time.. you could have just messed up the
send/recv tables. It usually happens when the server is trying to send
something and the client doesn't have a variable ready for it.. (their
tables don't match).

It's weird that it's only happening on a dedicated server but I heard
something from Krenzo (empires mod) a while back.. he was in the same
situation except the class tables didn't match only when they tried to
record demos.

Weird. Is it just linux dedicated server or windows too?

On 6/11/06, William Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes that's the first thing Ive done. We also use SVN to keep our version
sync, but just to be sure Ive uploaded a zip file holding the server &
client dll from my computer directly to our remote server, so the server &
client dlls are definately the same on both ends of the wire. I wished it
would have been so simple a fix though :)

Any ideas? Im looking for more detailed information on what's causing this
error to happen while the DLLs are definately identical on both sides.

>From: "Aaron Schiff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 15:21:05 -0500
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>The problem isn't between the client.dll and server.dll
>It's a difference between the client.dll on the dedicated server and the
>client.dll in your SourceMods
>Just overwrite the dedicated server's client.dll with your SourceMods
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Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables

2006-06-11 Thread William Ravaine

Yes that's the first thing Ive done. We also use SVN to keep our version in
sync, but just to be sure Ive uploaded a zip file holding the server &
client dll from my computer directly to our remote server, so the server &
client dlls are definately the same on both ends of the wire. I wished it
would have been so simple a fix though :)

Any ideas? Im looking for more detailed information on what's causing this
error to happen while the DLLs are definately identical on both sides.

From: "Aaron Schiff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 15:21:05 -0500

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
The problem isn't between the client.dll and server.dll

It's a difference between the client.dll on the dedicated server and the
client.dll in your SourceMods

Just overwrite the dedicated server's client.dll with your SourceMods one


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[hlcoders] Server uses different classe tables

2006-06-11 Thread William Ravaine

I'm having a strange problem with my mod's dedicated server rejecting
clients on connection with the following message "Server uses different
classe tables" (along with a "Your .dll [bin\client.dll] differs from the
server's." error message in the console). I have triple check the file
versions on the server and my client, made sure I was using the same build,
but it would still give me this error.

What really baffles me is that I can connect no problem to a friend of mine
running the same version of the mod on a listen server (that is, he's
hosting the game and playing at the same time). I have tried updating the
dedicate server software using the HLDSUpdateTool with the -command update
-hl2mp but everything seems to already be up to date.

Ive also noticed that it seems to happen as soon as we introduced new code
using network tables. If we remove the network tables, or dont alter any
existing one, the dedicated server will let client connects. If we remove an
entry in one of the network tables (on both client and server side) the
dedicated server will display the error message above.

Any got some suggestions to fix this problem? Maybe a recent Source update
has had a side effect on this?

Thanks in advance,

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RE: [hlcoders] VGUI2 & Masking

2006-02-09 Thread William Ravaine

Yes I'm well aware that I can render textures with alpha using VGUI. That's
fine for "static" textures, but in my case I'm only rendering one portion of
the original texture, and would like to "frame it" with a nice circular
border. This is for a minimap, but I want to use this masking system for
other HUD elements as well.

So what I want to do is use a seperate alphamask texture to show/hide parts
of another surface ingame. Is that clearer? Now maybe there's already a
functionality like this in the materials which allows us to specify an
alphamask texture?

From: "Alfred Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [hlcoders] VGUI2 & Masking
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 11:18:35 -0800

VGUI2 already supports rendering transparent textures, just override the
paint() function of the panel and don't draw where you don't want pixels
(your source TGA art for the textures needs to have an alpha channel to
make use of this functionality).

- Alfred

William Ravaine wrote:
> Hey,
> Im trying to perform masking with VGUI surfaces. My goal is to take a
> base
> texture and apply a binary mask texture to it (white = transparent,
> black =
> solid) so that I can give my rectangular texture rounded edges or any
> other
> kind of shape I want.
> This is usually done by rendering the mask texture on the destination
> surface, and then rendering the base texture on top using a special
> blend
> function that will only retain the parts of the base texture where
> the color
> of the mask texture underneath is black.
> Now I've been searching a bit in the HL2 SDK code, and the only
> potential
> tool I've found is RenderTarget and procedural textures. However,
> there
> doesnt seem to be any way of modifying the blend function from the
> material
> system, since I guess the blending formulas are defined in the
> material
> shaders themselves.
> So i'm wondering if there's an obvious, easy way of doing masking
> that I
> would have missed, or if I'm going ot have to resort to writting a
> shader
> for this?
> Any help appreciated!
> Spk
> ___
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[hlcoders] VGUI2 & Masking

2006-02-09 Thread William Ravaine


Im trying to perform masking with VGUI surfaces. My goal is to take a base
texture and apply a binary mask texture to it (white = transparent, black =
solid) so that I can give my rectangular texture rounded edges or any other
kind of shape I want.

This is usually done by rendering the mask texture on the destination
surface, and then rendering the base texture on top using a special blend
function that will only retain the parts of the base texture where the color
of the mask texture underneath is black.

Now I've been searching a bit in the HL2 SDK code, and the only potential
tool I've found is RenderTarget and procedural textures. However, there
doesnt seem to be any way of modifying the blend function from the material
system, since I guess the blending formulas are defined in the material
shaders themselves.

So i'm wondering if there's an obvious, easy way of doing masking that I
would have missed, or if I'm going ot have to resort to writting a shader
for this?

Any help appreciated!

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[hlcoders] Difference between Bone Controllers and Pose Params?

2006-01-23 Thread William Ravaine


Im trying to get my weapon's model barrel to spin on demand from the code.
To this end, my modeler has added a bone controller to the model, tied to
the barrels bone I guess, which lets me spin it.

I've asked him why he didn't use a pose parameter instead, and he told me he
wasn't really sure about the difference between pose params and bone
controllers. I went checking in the source code, and it seems that we are
allowed 24 pose params per model but only 4 bone controllers. So could
anyone give me more details about this please?

Also, what is the most network-friendly/efficient way of making a part of a
model (which can be different from a weapon viewmodel so potentially visible
by more than one player) spin through a poseparam/bonecontroller at a
regular speed? The naive approach would be to increment the model's
poseparam every so often on the server side by a given step, but this means
that the poseparam value will be sent over the network very often as well.
Ideally, I would like the poseparam incrementation to happen on the client
side. On the server side, I would then toggle the incrementation through a
simple networked flag variable, and eventually a rotation speed. Now I'm not
exactly sure how to do that with all the prediction and interpolation
already acting on the poseparams/bonecontrollers. Any idea?

Thanks in adance. I hope this wasnt too confusing =)

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[hlcoders] Netchannel: failed processing message svc_Sounds

2005-11-22 Thread William Ravaine

It seems this started happening to us since october. When we playtest our
mod and shoot the regular HL2 DM grenades at each other (or any other
bouncing object), we start getting engine error messages such as
"Netchannel: failed processing message svc_Sounds" and "Fragment
transmission aborted at 1/1", while getting a very annoying "tin can" sound
that loops forever, and adds up each time a new grenade collides with the

A client-side crash usually follows 1 minute later or so, and we strongly
suspect this is due to this sound problem, since some of us don't crash
while others do, even though we were standing in the same area. This is
really spoiling all our playtest attempts at the moment. We tried figuring
out the origin of this crash by running a debug build and checking the crash
log, but it points to a function in the engine itself, and not the client

It seems we're not the only ones having this problem as I remember a post on
the HL2CTF forums about some servers where this is occuring as well. Does
anyone know what's causing it, and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance,

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[hlcoders] Player ragdolls not replicating bodygroup

2005-11-12 Thread William Ravaine

I am currently using SetBodygroup to select different faces on the player
model I use in my mod. This works fine until the player is killed: the
ragdoll that is created from the dead player entity resets to the default
bodygroup and thus "changes face" on death (it resets to the default face).

I haven't had a lot of time to really dig into the Ragdoll creation code,
but I'm not sure I totally understand the process beind the creation of
ragdolls. I've checked out the BecomeRagdollOnClient &
BecomeRagdollOnServer, hoping to find the place where the ragdoll entity is
created so that I could replicate the bodygroups, but I haven't gotten any
results out of it so far.

So would someone familiar with the way ragdolls are created/handled please
give me some pointers to places that may interest me in the code to make the
ragdoll "remember" the values of the different bodyparts that have been set
on the player they are created from?

Thanks in advance!

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