[hlds] Re: Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2023-07-12 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .
Having an issue where my server updated or so it seems, but is still reporting 
that it needs the latest update.  When I run it a second (and third and forth) 
time(s) all it does is verify.  Checked it by trying to connect and the client 
reports that it is an older version.
Anyone know how to fix it?


From: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com  on behalf of 
Eric Smith - erics at valvesoftware.com (via hlds list) 

Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 3:34 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
; 'hlds_annou...@list.valvesoftware.com' 
; hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com 

Subject: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. This is the Summer update. The new 
version number is 8185700. The notes for the update are here:




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[hlds] Re: Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2022-12-01 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .
Never mind found a gamedata update needed application in sourcemod.

From: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com  on behalf of 
Steve Kovack Sr. 
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 7:16 PM
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
Subject: [hlds] Re: Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

I'm having an issue where my server hangs at "Logging into Steam game server 
account".  My client is up to date.  Is anyone else having this issue?  Or does 
anyone know of a fix?  Server install has been validated.

From: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com  on behalf of 
Eric Smith - erics at valvesoftware.com (via hlds list) 

Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 5:58 PM
To: hlds ; hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com 
; 'hlds_annou...@list.valvesoftware.com' 

Subject: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. This is NOT the Smissmas update. The 
new version number is 7695204. The notes for the update can be found here:




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[hlds] Re: Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2022-12-01 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .
I'm having an issue where my server hangs at "Logging into Steam game server 
account".  My client is up to date.  Is anyone else having this issue?  Or does 
anyone know of a fix?  Server install has been validated.

From: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com  on behalf of 
Eric Smith - erics at valvesoftware.com (via hlds list) 

Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 5:58 PM
To: hlds ; hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com 
; 'hlds_annou...@list.valvesoftware.com' 

Subject: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. This is NOT the Smissmas update. The 
new version number is 7695204. The notes for the update can be found here:




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[hlds] Re: Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2022-10-07 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .
It finally finished for me, hope the server starts, hehe.

From: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com  on behalf of 
Steve Kovack Sr. 
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 8:07 PM
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com 
Subject: [hlds] Re: Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

Is anyone else having an issue downloading this last update?  For me it's stuck 
at 95.89%.

From: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com  on behalf of 
Eric Smith - erics at valvesoftware.com (via hlds list) 

Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 7:34 PM
To: hlds ; 'hlds_annou...@list.valvesoftware.com' 
; 'hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com' 

Subject: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The new version number is 7570091. 
The notes for the update can be found here:




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[hlds] Re: Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

2022-10-07 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .
Is anyone else having an issue downloading this last update?  For me it's stuck 
at 95.89%.

From: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com  on behalf of 
Eric Smith - erics at valvesoftware.com (via hlds list) 

Sent: Friday, October 7, 2022 7:34 PM
To: hlds ; 'hlds_annou...@list.valvesoftware.com' 
; 'hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com' 

Subject: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The new version number is 7570091. 
The notes for the update can be found here:




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Re: [hlds] TF2 server not connecting to Steam

2014-02-24 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .
Yes I do, so thanks, that fixed it.  Back on the internet again.

From: l...@gmx.net
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 06:36:42 +0100
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 server not connecting to Steam

Do you run a Steam client on the same computer?

If yes, then it's a bug in Steam and there are two solutions for


1. Activate the Beta Update in your Steam client (Steam -
Settings - Account - Beta participation - Change). Your gameserver
should start fine then.


2. Or Add the following two lines to your batch script before
the server starts:


reg add HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\ActiveProcess /v
SteamClientDll /t REG_SZ /d  /f

reg add HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\ActiveProcess /v
SteamClientDll64 /t REG_SZ /d  /f


Both should help to get rid of that LAN only thing


hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com]
On Behalf Of Steve Kovack Sr.

Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 6:39 PM

To: hlds list

Subject: [hlds] TF2 server not connecting to Steam


It seems
since the Feb 7th update my TF2 server won't connect to Steam (LAN only). 
I have these ports forwarded 3478-4380, 27000-27050.   I have a HL2DM
server running on the same system that connects just fine.  I tried adding
sv_setsteamaccount ** command to my server config and there was no
difference. Here are my start up batch and server config:  

Start up batch

@echo off


echo Protecting srcds from crashes...

echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type
Y depending on your language followed by Enter.

title srcds.com Watchdog


echo (%time%) srcds started.

start /high /wait c:\TF2SRV\srcds.exe -console -game tf -port 27016 +maxplayers
8 +map cp_orange_x3

echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.

goto srcds


// server name

hostname Bananaland TF2

// operation

sv_lan 0 

sv_region 255

// Contact email for server sysop

sv_contact bananaland.ser...@gmail.com

// registered server identity

tf_server_identity_account_id **

tf_server_identity_token **

//tf_mm_servermode 1

// rcon passsword

rcon_password * 

// Server password


// 30 minute timelimit

mp_timelimit 60

// Maximum number of rounds to play before server changes maps

//mp_maxrounds 100

sv_pure 0

// Server tags

sv_tags alltalk

// Communications //

// enable voice communications

sv_voiceenable 1

// Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions 0=off 1=on

sv_alltalk 1

// amount of time players can chat after the game is over

mp_chattime 10

//Idle Kicking

mp_idledealmethod 1

mp_autoteambalance 0

// 0 is off and 1 is on. if 1 then should be used in conjunction with the
following 3 commands

mp_autoteambalance_delay 30

// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch

mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 15

// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance

mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1

// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other
(0 disables)

mp_scrambleteams_auto 0

// Teams autoscramble if criteria met (0 disables)

// end cvars for balancing un-even teams

// start cvars for round and game times

// bandwidth rates/settings

sv_minrate 0 

sv_maxrate 3 

decalfrequency 10 

sv_maxupdaterate 100 

sv_minupdaterate 30 


tf_bot_join_after_player 0

tf_bot_add red 1 medic

tf_bot_add blue 1 pyro

tf_bot_add blue 1 engineer

// execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg 

exec banned_ip.cfg 

Any help in this matter would be appreciated.

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Re: [hlds] TF2 server not connecting to Steam

2014-02-24 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

rcon status showed it was LAN only.  Logging doesn't start until after the 
server.cfg runs.  There were no error messages.
only indication was fact I did not see the usual Initializing Steam libraries 
for secure Internet server message and then
can't ban users on LAN server messages.  Got it fixed though, thanks to 
Andreas' response.  Thanks for the attempt anyhow.

 From: peter-h...@jerde.net
 Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 17:53:13 -0600
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 server not connecting to Steam
 I'm sure it would be helpful to see what rcon status shows, as well as the 
 relevant lines from your server logs and/or console output from server 
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[hlds] TF2 server not connecting to Steam

2014-02-21 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .
It seems since the Feb 7th update my TF2 server won't connect to Steam (LAN 
only).  I have these ports forwarded 3478-4380, 27000-27050.   I have a HL2DM 
server running on the same system that connects just fine.  I tried adding 
sv_setsteamaccount ** command to my server config and there was no 
difference. Here are my start up batch and server config:  

Start up batch
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and 
type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /high /wait c:\TF2SRV\srcds.exe -console -game tf -port 27016 +maxplayers 
8 +map cp_orange_x3
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds

// server name
hostname Bananaland TF2

// operation
sv_lan 0 
sv_region 255

// Contact email for server sysop
sv_contact bananaland.ser...@gmail.com

// registered server identity
tf_server_identity_account_id **
tf_server_identity_token **

//tf_mm_servermode 1

// rcon passsword
rcon_password * 

// Server password

// 30 minute timelimit
mp_timelimit 60

// Maximum number of rounds to play before server changes maps
//mp_maxrounds 100

sv_pure 0

// Server tags
sv_tags alltalk
// Communications //

// enable voice communications
sv_voiceenable 1

// Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions 0=off 1=on
sv_alltalk 1

// amount of time players can chat after the game is over
mp_chattime 10

//Idle Kicking
mp_idledealmethod 1

mp_autoteambalance 0
// 0 is off and 1 is on. if 1 then should be used in conjunction with the 
following 3 commands
mp_autoteambalance_delay 30
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch 
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 15
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance 
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1
// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other 
(0 disables)
mp_scrambleteams_auto 0
// Teams autoscramble if criteria met (0 disables)
// end cvars for balancing un-even teams

// start cvars for round and game times

// bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 0 
sv_maxrate 3 
decalfrequency 10 
sv_maxupdaterate 100 
sv_minupdaterate 30 

tf_bot_join_after_player 0
tf_bot_add red 1 medic
tf_bot_add blue 1 pyro
tf_bot_add blue 1 engineer

// execute ban files
exec banned_user.cfg 
exec banned_ip.cfg 

Any help in this matter would be appreciated.
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Re: [hlds] [hlds_announce] Source engine games Steampipe conversion schedule

2013-04-02 Thread Steve Gonzolos
this is getting old. stop spamming this mail list with your hate, PLEASE. it is 
way obvious you and your multiple accounts are trying to ruining this list. ban 
yourself and leave mr.wardon alone.
 Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 09:31:55 -0700
From: mreeu...@yahoo.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] [hlds_announce] Source engine games Steampipe conversion

This guy still not banned from the list ? 

 From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
 Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2013, 18:14
 Subject: Re: [hlds] [hlds_announce] Source engine
 games Steampipe conversion schedule

Nope. The schedule is great. After all, the other games are based off of the 
HL2 engine. Plus you still have to pay for HL2:DM where as TF2 is a giveaway 
game. Plus there is way more community developed content for HL2:DM than all 
the other games combined. Let the people that know the game make the rules.
From: kyle.l...@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 09:01:16 -0700
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com; hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] [hlds_announce] Source engine games Steampipe conversion

Well, to be fair, seeing the games that receive the least support going first 
is rather unnerving. They've had the least time to cook, and bugs are still 
being uncovered. I'm pretty worried about the 16th, as that's the first major 
game with downloadable content (I'm biased, but numbers
 don't lie) to be moved. HL2:DM seems to see a fair amount of traffic, so the 
real testing may actually start tomorrow. I'd still rather see TF2 go first, so 
all of the bugs get ironed out before they're introduced into more products 
silently, then uncovered on the 23rd when TF2 ships (or even worse, on the 16th 
then TF2 gets delayed). TF2 has had the longest running beta for this, so I'm 
pretty confused by the proposed order; hats.

It definitely seemed right for the day (the 1st of April, that is)...

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Fletcher Dunn fletch...@valvesoftware.com 

Have expectations of Valve’s humor sunken so low!?
On April 2nd, the day of 100% seriousness, I declare that if this schedule were 
an April Fools’ joke, it would have been one of the most lame attempts
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com 
On Behalf Of hooky

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 8:33 PM

To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list

Subject: Re: [hlds] [hlds_announce] Source engine games Steampipe conversion 

Is this a joke, or is this actually happening on these days? Please respond on 
April 2nd.


On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Kush Mahajani kmahajani...@gmail.com wrote:
Will you re-activate the TF2 beta app (520/229830) after the SteamPipe 
conversion is complete?

On Monday, April 1, 2013, Fletcher Dunn wrote:

Here is the expected schedule for the conversion of Source engine games to 
Day of Defeat: Source: already happened
Half-life 2: Deathmatch: Wednesday, April 3 (DAY AFTER TOMORROW)
Counter-Strike: Source: Tuesday, April 16
Team Fortress 2: Tuesday, April 23
Our goal is to repeat the process that we used with the Day of Defeat: Source 
switchover last week.  The “beta” dedicated server (The SteamPipe version of 
the dedicated server)
 is actually the exact same server installation that will host the clients 
after the switchover.  We will try to avoid releasing a dedicated server update 
near the time of the client switchover, so that SteamPipe dedicated servers can 
be up and ready, and as
 clients switchover to SteamPipe, those dedicated servers will be ready to host 
One note concerning the TF2 beta.  As you probably know, it’s currently a 
separate app.  (The TF2 beta client is App ID 520 and the TF2 beta dedicated 
server is AppID 229830.) 
 About a week before the TF2 switchover, we’ll initiate a beta process 
identical to the one used for the other games.  We’ll release the Steampipe 
version of the official dedicated server (App ID 232250) and an opt-in client 
beta available from the “betas”
 tab for the regular “Team Fortress 2” application (App ID 440).  This beta 
client will have all the same content as the regular game, will talk to the 
same item server as the regular client, and will have all the same items in 
your backpack.  It will be running
 App ID 440, not 520.  The only difference is that it will be using the new 
file system with VPK files, it will have a different PatchVersion in the 
steam.inf file, and will only be able to connect to SteamPipe servers.  To 
avoid confusion between the two different
 types of TF2 betas, at that time we will deactivate the beta client app 520 
and dedicated server app 229830.  We’ll have further details on this process 
when we release the official dedicated server.
If you have questions that are not answered 

Re: [hlds] trolls be working overtime tonight

2013-04-01 Thread Steve Gonzolos
Wow Nomaan you seem to be busted. His (Crapware Wardons) information is correct 
according to the ip and yours being, funny how 
dumb people always get caught doing dumb things. Good luck fighting the good 
fight there Crapware.
 From: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 05:51:39 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlds] trolls be working overtime tonight

Interesting how you responded so quickly and your ip is the same domain as one 
of the failed attempts at fraudulently spoofing this email address. hmmm thanks 
for your input Nomaan. It should help Valve determine who the actual spammers 
are so that their banning can be expedited.
From: n0man@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 11:38:55 +0100
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] trolls be working overtime tonight

Can you please stop the spam?

On 1 April 2013 11:36, Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com wrote:

The following ip addresses are known to attempt identity fraud on this mailing 
This message is to let Valve know what is going on as well let the perpetrators 
know their attempts are fail. Furthermore the respective isp's have been 
notified and evidence of their activities has been delivered.

Also let it be known that doctormckay.com and elite-hunterz.info have been 
listed in the spamhaus reporting system as know providers of spam and identity 



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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-04-01 Thread Steve Gonzolos

 I just looked at both and either one can be a fake. when I look at the tone of 
the messages from the person you claim to  genuine poster mreeuw...@yahoo.com 
or mart-jan reeuwiik it seems like he was the person making the false claim and 
creating the vial spoof and starting the argument. coupling that with the fact 
that you want to make this a private conversation should make anyone with 
common sense see who is lying or at least trying to hide the truth. you also 
seem to be upset that mr.wardon has shed lite on that pinion issue. shame on 
you. From: ubyu@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 12:53:25 +0100
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

If you look on the other thread '[hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD' on 
this mailing list you'll find that he claimed someone sent him a rude reply via 
email, when he originally sent one to a genuine poster there. He copied the 
screenshot that the genuine poster took, didn't bother to change the date/time 
of the message and simply added his own message, whilst resizing the email text 
as it was too big for the box.

Original message the genuine poster received from Mr.Wardon: 

Mr.Wardon's received a message from the genuine poster (compare the screenshots 
closely): http://imgur.com/JY1ndz9

It's on the other thread, about 23 hours or so from the date/time of posting 
this message. So Viktor, before you make accusations about me, I advise you 
read messages posted here :). Many thanks. If you want, further communications 
regarding this matter can be emailed directly to me, so as to avoid further 
off-topic discussion on the mailing list.

On 1 April 2013 12:46, Viktor Anely viktoran...@outlook.com wrote:

what proof do you have? you say he has falsified information hows that? it 
seems to me like you want to lie about him because he informed us about you, 
that's kinda weak. anyway it doesn't matter you on that list of people to block 
so you being blocked. I just wanted to point out that making false accusations 
seems to be what you do.

Paul (ubyu@gmail.com)

Schedule cleanup 6:27 AM 


To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list

From:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com on behalf of Paul (ubyu@gmail.com) 
This sender is in your safe list.

Sent:Mon 4/01/13 6:27 AMTo: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 

Agreed. Furthermore for me to be accused of spam without actual proof is quite 
pathetic Mr.Wardon, you've shown yourself up to falsify information and/or 
evidence and initiate invalid arguments between users here, your reputation 
here leaves much to be desired on this mailing list. I think I'm going to 
follow Derek's move, by filtering, as it seems that this list isn't maintained 
from keeping spammers out as much as the forum is.

Anyway on topic, SRCDS can handle 32 players but with some possible change in 
the performance, stability and the resource consumption. In Team Fortress 2 
it's advised to use a maximum of 24 players, but there's no harm in having more 
than 24 should you wish to do so.

On 1 April 2013 08:46, Viktor Anely viktoran...@outlook.com wrote:

Thanks for the list of asshats and the heads up on the spammer. Maybe Valve 
will deal with that list and clean up the riff raff trolling around here.

From: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com

Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 02:42:26 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

Obviously that was a spoofed email.
Ahh the joys of mailing list trolls. So apparently Dr.McKay has been spoofing 
again. His ip address ( has been tagged as known spam provider by 
spamhaus and his isp ( Neonova Network Services) has been notified of his 
illicit activities. Enjoy finding another isp.

Furthermore he has been unsubscribing people from this mailing list. I would 
hope that's a ban-able offence.
Someone that would do that makes one wonder about what other little activities 
they would be upto... hmm SourceMod stealing steam accounts maybe? Obviously 
something he has attempted by his statements about using the steam popup to 
alter steam group memberships.


From: crapware.war...@hotmail.com

 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 08:13:19 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

I would like to say that i am sorry for being such a dumbass and misinforming, 
aswell as troll and a guy that flames for fun. I should probably keep my crap 
off this mailing list. 

With love.
 Message: 3
 Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 23:51:34 -0500
 From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com

 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com

 Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

 Message-ID: blu152-w429be295e1e4cf08bc992de1...@phx.gbl
 Content-Type: text/plain; 

Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-04-01 Thread Steve Gonzolos
 I just looked at both and either one can be a fake. when I look at the tone of 
the messages from the person you claim to  genuine poster mreeuw...@yahoo.com 
or mart-jan reeuwiik it seems like he was the person making the false claim and 
creating the vial spoof and starting the argument. coupling that with the fact 
that you want to make this a private conversation should make anyone with 
common sense see who is lying or at least trying to hide the truth. you also 
seem to be upset that mr.wardon has shed lite on that pinion issue. shame on 
From: ubyu@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 12:53:25 +0100
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

If you look on the other thread '[hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD' on 
this mailing list you'll find that he claimed someone sent him a rude reply via 
email, when he originally sent one to a genuine poster there. He copied the 
screenshot that the genuine poster took, didn't bother to change the date/time 
of the message and simply added his own message, whilst resizing the email text 
as it was too big for the box. 
Original message the genuine poster received from Mr.Wardon: 
http://imgur.com/NzIvh9DMr.Wardon's received a message from the genuine poster 
(compare the screenshots closely): http://imgur.com/JY1ndz9
It's on the other thread, about 23 hours or so from the date/time of posting 
this message. So Viktor, before you make accusations about me, I advise you 
read messages posted here :). Many thanks. If you want, further communications 
regarding this matter can be emailed directly to me, so as to avoid further 
off-topic discussion on the mailing list.

On 1 April 2013 12:46, Viktor Anely viktoran...@outlook.com wrote:
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Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-04-01 Thread Steve Gonzolos
Now you are just being pitiful. The date and time of the claimed original 
message does not match the one you posted on the image. This is of course 
assuming you didn't just mock up some more fake so called evidence. Anyone with 
common sense can see you are the guilty party. Just drop it and let valve sort 
it out, or are you worried that is exactly what will happen?
 Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 07:08:31 -0700
From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

First thing, for all of you wondering which one is real or not here is his 
email identitify:
Return-Path: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
Received-SPF: Pass (sender SPF authorized) identity=mailfrom; 
client-ip=; helo=blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com; 
envelope-from=crapware.war...@hotmail.com; receiver=

Received: from blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com (blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com 
by with ESMTP id 3CF9F272046F
for ; Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:58:12 +0400 (MSK)
Received: from BLU152-W34 ([]) by blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com 
with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675);
Sat, 30 Mar 2013 23:57:59 -0700
X-EIP: [lqOI6IVXcs7uA/wptlfWFDLVMEfRvIl+]
X-Originating-Email: [crapware.war...@hotmail.com]
Message-ID: blu152-w342161d6ca70670e05ac3ae1...@phx.gbl
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 01:57:59 -0500
Importance: Normal
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Mar 2013 06:57:59.0355 (UTC) 
To check this against spoof email check the source of the email and you should 
see the above in the header. Look for the section that the list server received 
the email from as the initial one maybe spoofed to make it look like the above.
It really isn't surprising that you have been spoofed, as such I probably have 
as well. So anything not coming from archimedes.munroenet.com isn't me. 
On 04/01/2013 12:49 AM, Crapware Wardon wrote:

No problem Viktor. Enjoy the reduced spam and misinformation.

From: viktoran...@outlook.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 02:46:31 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

Thanks for the list of asshats and the heads up on the spammer. Maybe Valve 
will deal with that list and clean up the riff raff trolling around here.

From: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 02:42:26 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

Obviously that was a spoofed email.
Ahh the joys of mailing list trolls. So apparently Dr.McKay has been spoofing 
again. His ip address ( has been tagged as known spam provider by 
spamhaus and his isp ( Neonova Network Services) has been notified of his 
illicit activities. Enjoy finding another isp.
Furthermore he has been unsubscribing people from this mailing list. I would 
hope that's a ban-able offence.
Someone that would do that makes one wonder about what other little activities 
they would be upto... hmm SourceMod stealing steam accounts maybe? Obviously 
something he has attempted by his statements about using the steam popup to 
alter steam group memberships.


From: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 08:13:19 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

I would like to say that i am sorry for being such a dumbass and misinforming, 
aswell as troll and a guy that flames for fun. I should probably keep my crap 
off this mailing list. 
With love.
 Message: 3
 Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 23:51:34 -0500
 From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server
 Message-ID: blu152-w429be295e1e4cf08bc992de1...@phx.gbl
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 In response to... Harsh Baid (harshbai...@gmail.com) Hi Harsh, As you can 
 from the previous response posts from the kids on this mailing list, they 
 the If you cant dazzle them with footwork baffle them with bullshit rule.   
 Of course you will see a performance hit with more players, however it will be
 hardware and network resource dependent as to whether it is noticeable to you 
 your players. There are many other factors as well, such as the video and 
 hardware of your clients. I think you will find that it will be impossible to 
 everybody happy all of the time. Furthermore running an administration add-on 
 as SourceMod (especially this one due to pore/no coding standards) on your 
 will degrade your users experience even further. All that being said you 
 use trial and error to determine what 

Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-04-01 Thread Steve Gonzolos
my bad I see now that it wasn't you. however you do seem to be diverting the 
list readers away from the original topic mr. wardon brought to lite which did 
seem to have something to do with hl servers. also the evidence you presented 
could have come from anywhere which makes it suspect. also curious is why you 
even care so much -rhetorical question. seems like some of you guys work in 
orchestra towards drowning out the messages a few good folks would present. no 
need to respond.
 Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 07:23:30 -0700
From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

That's because it is the initial headers Steve, the one who I  originally 
started the conversation that I have confirmed multiple times. Thus why you 
take a snapshot of a header when you have people like this.
Valve sort it out, It has been two days and now the spoofers are having fun. 
The real way to fix this is give people the knowledge about how to see and 
detect spoofs.
Worried what will happen? Ughh, I have been more then cordial with 
If you also look at his detailed list the 3 spoofer addresses,  which none are 
mine, so what am I guilty on, Living, talking?
On 04/01/2013 07:28 AM, Steve Gonzolos wrote:

Now you are just being pitiful. The date and time of the claimed original 
message does not match the one you posted on the image. This is of course 
assuming you didn't just mock up some more fake so called evidence. Anyone with 
common sense can see you are the guilty party. Just drop it and let valve sort 
it out, or are you worried that is exactly what will happen?

Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 07:08:31 -0700
From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

 First thing, for all of you wondering which one is real or not here is his 
email identitify:

Return-Path: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
Received-SPF: Pass (sender SPF authorized) identity=mailfrom; 
client-ip=; helo=blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com; 
envelope-from=crapware.war...@hotmail.com; receiver=

Received: from blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com (blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com 
by with ESMTP id 3CF9F272046F
for ; Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:58:12 +0400 (MSK)
Received: from BLU152-W34 ([]) by blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com 
with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675);
Sat, 30 Mar 2013 23:57:59 -0700
X-EIP: [lqOI6IVXcs7uA/wptlfWFDLVMEfRvIl+]
X-Originating-Email: [crapware.war...@hotmail.com]
Message-ID: blu152-w342161d6ca70670e05ac3ae1...@phx.gbl
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 01:57:59 -0500
Importance: Normal
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Mar 2013 06:57:59.0355 (UTC) 
To check this against spoof email check the source of the email and you should 
see the above in the header. Look for the section that the list server received 
the email from as the initial one maybe spoofed to make it look like the above.
It really isn't surprising that you have been spoofed, as such I probably have 
as well. So anything not coming from archimedes.munroenet.com isn't me. 
On 04/01/2013 12:49 AM, Crapware Wardon wrote:

No problem Viktor. Enjoy the reduced spam and misinformation.

From: viktoran...@outlook.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 02:46:31 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

Thanks for the list of asshats and the heads up on the spammer. Maybe Valve 
will deal with that list and clean up the riff raff trolling around here.

From: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 02:42:26 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

Obviously that was a spoofed email.
Ahh the joys of mailing list trolls. So apparently Dr.McKay has been spoofing 
again. His ip address ( has been tagged as known spam provider by 
spamhaus and his isp ( Neonova Network Services) has been notified of his 
illicit activities. Enjoy finding another isp.
Furthermore he has been unsubscribing people from this mailing list. I would 
hope that's a ban-able offence.
Someone that would do that makes one wonder about what other little activities 
they would be upto... hmm SourceMod stealing steam accounts maybe? Obviously 
something he has attempted by his statements about using the steam popup to 
alter steam group memberships.


From: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 08:13:19 +0200
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

I would like to say that i am sorry for being such a dumbass and misinforming, 
aswell as troll and a guy that flames

Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

2013-04-01 Thread Steve Gonzolos
from what I have gleaned from the message thread in the archive mr.wardon 
offered a good way to block pinion adds for clients and servers alike. it then 
appears that several deviants attacked him with off topic non sense, you 
included. from the type of provocative replys you have given me so far and the 
personal attacks he has been defending against I think its safe to assume that 
what he has been saying and his list of abusers is where the truth is. I also 
see others in the thread that agree with mr.wardon which the members of that 
list also attempt to put down. to what end these individuals have I can only 
guess and I doubt there is any real or truthful logic being applied to their 
negative comments. I would recommend something like if you don't like the 
message don't reply but apparently someone allows this sort of garbage to 
continue and as in everything a small group ruins things for the rest of us 
that play by the rules. 
 Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 07:48:40 -0700
From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

I know you asked not to respond, but I feel I need to. I haven't been diverting 
the conversation only kindly chatting with him. By all regards crapware.wardon 
is drowning out a few good folks as well with his email list. I'm on it and as 
such you have criticized me. Meaning you took his email list to heart which is 
sad since those few jents, excluding me, are the main source of help and 
information on this email list. They provide hard and factual data. Why do I 
care, who knows, but I saw a purpose in responding to them, so I did.
I'm not sure if he is a good by any means considering after every email is a 
off topic and cruel remark. If you don't believe me go look through his emails 
between him and I.
On 04/01/2013 07:49 AM, Steve Gonzolos wrote:

my bad I see now that it wasn't you. however you do seem to be diverting the 
list readers away from the original topic mr. wardon brought to lite which did 
seem to have something to do with hl servers. also the evidence you presented 
could have come from anywhere which makes it suspect. also curious is why you 
even care so much -rhetorical question. seems like some of you guys work in 
orchestra towards drowning out the messages a few good folks would present. no 
need to respond.

Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 07:23:30 -0700
From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

 That's because it is the initial headers Steve, the one who I  originally 
started the conversation that I have confirmed multiple times. Thus why you 
take a snapshot of a header when you have people like this.
 Valve sort it out, It has been two days and now the spoofers are having fun. 
The real way to fix this is give people the knowledge about how to see and 
detect spoofs.
 Worried what will happen? Ughh, I have been more then cordial with 
 If you also look at his detailed list the 3 spoofer addresses,  which none are 
mine, so what am I guilty on, Living, talking?
 On 04/01/2013 07:28 AM, Steve Gonzolos wrote:

Now you are just being pitiful. The date and time of the claimed original 
message does not match the one you posted on the image. This is of course 
assuming you didn't just mock up some more fake so called evidence. Anyone with 
common sense can see you are the guilty party. Just drop it and let valve sort 
it out, or are you worried that is exactly what will happen?

Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 07:08:31 -0700
From: cmun...@cameronmunroe.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] 32 Slot Server

 First thing, for all of you wondering which one is real or not here is his 
email identitify:

Return-Path: crapware.war...@hotmail.com
Received-SPF: Pass (sender SPF authorized) identity=mailfrom; 
client-ip=; helo=blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com; 
envelope-from=crapware.war...@hotmail.com; receiver=

Received: from blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com (blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com 
by with ESMTP id 3CF9F272046F
for ; Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:58:12 +0400 (MSK)
Received: from BLU152-W34 ([]) by blu0-omc3-s2.blu0.hotmail.com 
with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675);
Sat, 30 Mar 2013 23:57:59 -0700
X-EIP: [lqOI6IVXcs7uA/wptlfWFDLVMEfRvIl+]
X-Originating-Email: [crapware.war...@hotmail.com]
Message-ID: blu152-w342161d6ca70670e05ac3ae1...@phx.gbl
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
From: Crapware Wardon crapware.war...@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Suggestion and query regarding MOTD
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 01:57:59 -0500
Importance: Normal
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Mar 2013 06:57:59.0355 (UTC) 
To check this against spoof email check the source of the email and you should 
see the above in the header. Look for the section that the list server

Re: [hlds] Quickplay problem (I think)

2012-10-31 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

Just wanted to say thanks to all who replied.  Thanks Evan, adding 
tf_mm_servermode 1 to the config cleared that message, still no joy on any 
Quickplay traffic though.
Also thanks for that heads up Tony, I actually switch the account on which the 
server is registered to the one I originally intended to use. I will x that 
part out in future
posting of my config, hehe.

Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:14:51 -0700
From: 1nsane...@gmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Quickplay problem (I think)

Oh alright. I must have missed that.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:44 PM, evan otten evan...@gmail.com wrote:

The beta quickplay is enabled, I'm getting traffic from it on my servers, and 
fletcher himself quoted that you need to set  tf_mm_servermode to 1 if you want 
to recieve traffic

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 4:34 PM, 1nsane 1nsane...@gmail.com wrote:

That's for the new matchmaking. Which I don't believe is even enabled at the 

Plus I'm getting traffic on my servers without it. The correct tag is whats 

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:21 PM, evan otten evan...@gmail.com wrote:

You need to add tf_mm_servermode 1 in your server.cfg then restart it 
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 3:29 PM, James Katarzynski charmedquark...@gmail.com 

The tag is event247 not event_247. If that makes a difference. 

On Oct 31, 2012 7:27 AM, Steve Kovack Sr. ofcba...@hotmail.com wrote:

I run a small (8 player) server with bots.  When I start the server I get this 
message before connecting to Steam servers (which is completed successfully).

Sending CMsgGameServerMatchmakingStatus 

The server never seems to get any Quickplay traffic.  Is there some cvar I'm 
missing in my config?  Here are my server config and start up batch file:
(server config)
// server name
hostname Bananaland TF2

// registered server identity
tf_server_identity_account_id 29327 
tf_server_identity_token ti:5tdV6a(eP+dU

// rcon passsword
rcon_password xx 

// Server password

//sv_password xx 

// 30 minute timelimit
mp_timelimit 60

// Maximum number of rounds to play before server changes maps
//mp_maxrounds 100

sv_pure 0

// Server tags
sv_tags event_247,alltalk

// Communications //

// enable voice communications
sv_voiceenable 1

// Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions 0=off 1=on
sv_alltalk 1

// amount of time players can chat after the game is over

mp_chattime 10

//Idle Kicking
mp_idledealmethod 1

mp_autoteambalance 0
// 0 is off and 1 is on. if 1 then should be used in conjunction with the 
following 3 commands
mp_autoteambalance_delay 30

// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch 
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 15
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance 
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1

// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other 
(0 disables)
mp_scrambleteams_auto 0
// Teams autoscramble if criteria met (0 disables)
// end cvars for balancing un-even teams

// start cvars for round and game times

// bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 0 
sv_maxrate 3 
decalfrequency 10 
sv_maxupdaterate 100 
sv_minupdaterate 30 

tf_bot_join_after_player 0

tf_bot_add red 1 medic
tf_bot_add blue 1 pyro
tf_bot_add blue 1 engineer

// operation
sv_lan 0 
sv_region 255
// Contact email for server sysop
sv_contact ofcba...@hotmail.com

// execute ban files
exec banned_user.cfg 
exec banned_ip.cfg 

(start up batch file)
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and 
type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.

title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /high /wait c:\TF2SERV\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf -port 27016 
+maxplayers 8 +map koth_lakeside_event

echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds



To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 



To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 



To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 



To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 


Re: [hlds] Quickplay problem (I think)

2012-10-31 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

1nsane, you say its the tags, mine are _registered,alltalk,cp,bots,event247.  
What tag am I missing??

From: ofcba...@hotmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 04:29:12 -0500
Subject: Re: [hlds] Quickplay problem (I think)

Just wanted to say thanks to all who replied.  Thanks Evan, adding 
tf_mm_servermode 1 to the config cleared that message, still no joy on any 
Quickplay traffic though.
Also thanks for that heads up Tony, I actually switch the account on which the 
server is registered to the one I originally intended to use. I will x that 
part out in future
posting of my config, hehe.

Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:14:51 -0700
From: 1nsane...@gmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Quickplay problem (I think)

Oh alright. I must have missed that.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:44 PM, evan otten evan...@gmail.com wrote:

The beta quickplay is enabled, I'm getting traffic from it on my servers, and 
fletcher himself quoted that you need to set  tf_mm_servermode to 1 if you want 
to recieve traffic

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 4:34 PM, 1nsane 1nsane...@gmail.com wrote:

That's for the new matchmaking. Which I don't believe is even enabled at the 

Plus I'm getting traffic on my servers without it. The correct tag is whats 

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:21 PM, evan otten evan...@gmail.com wrote:

You need to add tf_mm_servermode 1 in your server.cfg then restart it 
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 3:29 PM, James Katarzynski charmedquark...@gmail.com 

The tag is event247 not event_247. If that makes a difference. 

On Oct 31, 2012 7:27 AM, Steve Kovack Sr. ofcba...@hotmail.com wrote:

I run a small (8 player) server with bots.  When I start the server I get this 
message before connecting to Steam servers (which is completed successfully).

Sending CMsgGameServerMatchmakingStatus 

The server never seems to get any Quickplay traffic.  Is there some cvar I'm 
missing in my config?  Here are my server config and start up batch file:
(server config)
// server name
hostname Bananaland TF2

// registered server identity
tf_server_identity_account_id 29327 
tf_server_identity_token ti:5tdV6a(eP+dU

// rcon passsword
rcon_password xx 

// Server password

//sv_password xx 

// 30 minute timelimit
mp_timelimit 60

// Maximum number of rounds to play before server changes maps
//mp_maxrounds 100

sv_pure 0

// Server tags
sv_tags event_247,alltalk

// Communications //

// enable voice communications
sv_voiceenable 1

// Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions 0=off 1=on
sv_alltalk 1

// amount of time players can chat after the game is over

mp_chattime 10

//Idle Kicking
mp_idledealmethod 1

mp_autoteambalance 0
// 0 is off and 1 is on. if 1 then should be used in conjunction with the 
following 3 commands
mp_autoteambalance_delay 30

// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch 
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 15
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance 
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1

// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other 
(0 disables)
mp_scrambleteams_auto 0
// Teams autoscramble if criteria met (0 disables)
// end cvars for balancing un-even teams

// start cvars for round and game times

// bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 0 
sv_maxrate 3 
decalfrequency 10 
sv_maxupdaterate 100 
sv_minupdaterate 30 

tf_bot_join_after_player 0

tf_bot_add red 1 medic
tf_bot_add blue 1 pyro
tf_bot_add blue 1 engineer

// operation
sv_lan 0 
sv_region 255
// Contact email for server sysop
sv_contact ofcba...@hotmail.com

// execute ban files
exec banned_user.cfg 
exec banned_ip.cfg 

(start up batch file)
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and 
type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.

title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /high /wait c:\TF2SERV\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf -port 27016 
+maxplayers 8 +map koth_lakeside_event

echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds



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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 



To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 


[hlds] Quickplay problem (I think)

2012-10-30 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

I run a small (8 player) server with bots.  When I start the server I get this 
message before connecting to Steam servers (which is completed successfully).

Sending CMsgGameServerMatchmakingStatus 

The server never seems to get any Quickplay traffic.  Is there some cvar I'm 
missing in my config?  Here are my server config and start up batch file:
(server config)
// server name
hostname Bananaland TF2

// registered server identity
tf_server_identity_account_id 29327 
tf_server_identity_token ti:5tdV6a(eP+dU

// rcon passsword
rcon_password xx 

// Server password
//sv_password xx 

// 30 minute timelimit
mp_timelimit 60

// Maximum number of rounds to play before server changes maps
//mp_maxrounds 100

sv_pure 0

// Server tags
sv_tags event_247,alltalk
// Communications //

// enable voice communications
sv_voiceenable 1

// Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions 0=off 1=on
sv_alltalk 1

// amount of time players can chat after the game is over
mp_chattime 10

//Idle Kicking
mp_idledealmethod 1

mp_autoteambalance 0
// 0 is off and 1 is on. if 1 then should be used in conjunction with the 
following 3 commands
mp_autoteambalance_delay 30
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch 
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 15
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance 
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1
// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other 
(0 disables)
mp_scrambleteams_auto 0
// Teams autoscramble if criteria met (0 disables)
// end cvars for balancing un-even teams

// start cvars for round and game times

// bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 0 
sv_maxrate 3 
decalfrequency 10 
sv_maxupdaterate 100 
sv_minupdaterate 30 

tf_bot_join_after_player 0
tf_bot_add red 1 medic
tf_bot_add blue 1 pyro
tf_bot_add blue 1 engineer

// operation
sv_lan 0 
sv_region 255
// Contact email for server sysop
sv_contact ofcba...@hotmail.com

// execute ban files
exec banned_user.cfg 
exec banned_ip.cfg 

(start up batch file)
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and 
type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /high /wait c:\TF2SERV\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf -port 27016 
+maxplayers 8 +map koth_lakeside_event
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds

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[hlds] strange CS:GO sv_password behavior

2012-10-12 Thread steve grout

Hey guys,

It seems that sv_password is removed after 1 person joins a server 
allowing any tom, dick or harry to join.  Now don't get me wrong I don't 
have anything against tom, dick or harry it's just i'd like them not to 
be able to join the server if it's (or at least should be) password 
protected :)

We have stuck it in server.cfg which applies the password but then is 
removed when someone joins and we have also tried setting it via HLSW 
and then joining and the same thing happens.  Alsoit seems you can't set 
sv_password while someone is in the server.  In desperation we tried 
setting sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1 so that we didnt get lobby traffic and 
in the hope that it would respect the sv_password but to no avail.

I know of another person with this exact same issue after chatting in 
IRC so thought i'd throw it our there to you guys.

To clarify... it's a vanilla server, no map change occurs no cfg's have 
sv_password  (that i can see but being as there isnt a map change...)

Any help would be awesome


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Re: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2012-03-22 Thread steve grout
one of our boxes updated all the servers in 10 mins.. our other box is 
still chugging away.. although it is on older hardware

On 23/03/2012 01:16, Joe Powell wrote:

Seems to be OK here, I did it about 5 mins after the launch email

On Mar 23, 2012 1:14 AM, Albert Davis davis.alb...@gmail.com 
mailto:davis.alb...@gmail.com wrote:


On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Emil Larsson ail...@gmail.com
mailto:ail...@gmail.com wrote:

Take it easy. People can afford to go a little offtopic now
and then, well it's technically questions related to the
update! Surprisingly the wiki was fairly quick this time too:

Either way for something more relevant to server
administrating, anyone else having trouble updating?

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 2:01 AM, Tontsadj tonts...@gmail.com
mailto:tonts...@gmail.com wrote:

Im still surprised how stupid people in this mailing list
are. This is not for talking. If you want to know about
strange parts how about waiting 30 minutes and check the
wiki. This will be my first and final message in this
mailing list.

23.3.2012 2:58, Jose C. Cacho kirjoitti:

So does anyone know what this Strange Parts business is

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:44 PM, Cameron Lefcourt
mailto:camel_le...@hotmail.com wrote:

I want to know about these strange parts :P

Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 20:43:01 -0400
From: sinistersn...@gmail.com
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 Update

before anyone asks: Lokalisointitiedostot päivitetty
means updated localisation files

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Eric Smith
mailto:er...@valvesoftware.com wrote:

We've released a mandatory update to Team
Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.



Team Fortress 2
- Added The Waxy Wayfinder
- Added a new promotional item
- Added Strange Parts that can be used to upgrade
existing Strange-quality weapons
- Updated The Cozy Camper to allow it to be used
in Medieval Mode
- Double-clicking on a tool in the backpack view
will now use that tool
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause weapons
dropped after death to render with incorrect skins
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause The
Manmelter to display incorrect kill icons
- Fixed a bug that would cause certain in-game
notification sounds to play even if
cl_notifications_show_ingame was false
- Fixed a bug that would cause chat-text strange
weapon rank up notifications to sometimes display
player names as unknown
- Increased Steam Workshop item description to
8000 characters
- Updated arena_ravine
   - Minor visual and performance improvements
- Updated cp_well
   - Performance improvements
- Lokalisointitiedostot päivitetty

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Re: [hlds] [OT] Modern Warfare 3 server package broken or masters not up yet?

2011-11-08 Thread steve grout

To get it listed in the steam browser copy steam.dll into the MW3 root dir




On 07/11/2011 21:39, Ant wrote:

yes any input from anyone into your findings with MW3 would be fantastic!!!.

(On another note, disclaimers like the one attached in this thread are
pointless and hold about 2% legal merit))

-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Lane Eckley
Sent: Tuesday, 8 November 2011 7:19 AM
To: 'Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list'; steve.gr...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] [OT] Modern Warfare 3 server package broken or masters
not up yet?

Hey Steve,

May I ask how you got it to read your server.cfg?

I can't for the life of me get it to read or if it is reading  to have the
settings take effect.

I also have the lan only issue.

Lane Eckley
Hypernia Hosting Corp
Desk: 1.305.390.2124
Toll Free: 1.800.284.6978 ext. 600

Confidentiality Note:  The information contained in this transmission is
legally privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of the
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-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Lane Eckley
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 3:38 PM
To: steve.gr...@gmail.com; 'Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list'
Subject: Re: [hlds] [OT] Modern Warfare 3 server package broken or masters
not up yet?


Lane Eckley
Hypernia Hosting Corp
Desk: 1.305.390.2124
Toll Free: 1.800.284.6978 ext. 600

Confidentiality Note:  The information contained in this transmission is
legally privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of the
individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Thank

-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of steve grout
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 2:55 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] [OT] Modern Warfare 3 server package broken or masters
not up yet?

How are you getting the files?  hldsupdatetool doesn't show it in the games
list though i thought it would be there by now!

On 07/11/2011 19:46, Steven Hartland wrote:

Trying to test a MW3 servers here and I'm getting the following error
/ warning:
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.

Does this mean there's a missing file or config option or that the
steam masters just aren't ready yet?

Here's the full startup log:-
version 1.2.358
Connecting to online services
Connected to online services.
Executing server config 102537/server.cfg
Succeeded reading from default.dspl
Loaded 5 map entries
Loading DSR TDEF_default.dsr...
Loading Succeeded for DSR TDEF_default.dsr
Spawning map: mp_underground, gametype tdef Initializing Steam Game
Server: game port 28715, auth port 8766, query port 28717, gamedir
modernwarfare3, version Steam Game Server initialized as
Internet Server.
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.
Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 28715 Steam Game Server is VAC Secure Spawn
map (mp_underground, tdef) complete.


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Re: [hlds] [OT] Modern Warfare 3 server package broken or masters not up yet?

2011-11-07 Thread steve grout
How are you getting the files?  hldsupdatetool doesn't show it in the 
games list though i thought it would be there by now!

On 07/11/2011 19:46, Steven Hartland wrote:
Trying to test a MW3 servers here and I'm getting the following error 
/ warning:

No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.

Does this mean there's a missing file or config option or that
the steam masters just aren't ready yet?

Here's the full startup log:-
version 1.2.358
Connecting to online services
Connected to online services.
Executing server config 102537/server.cfg
Succeeded reading from default.dspl
Loaded 5 map entries
Loading DSR TDEF_default.dsr...
Loading Succeeded for DSR TDEF_default.dsr
Spawning map: mp_underground, gametype tdef
Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 28715, auth port 8766, query 
port 28717, gamedir modernwarfare3, version

Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.
Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 28715

Steam Game Server is VAC Secure
Spawn map (mp_underground, tdef) complete.


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Re: [hlds] Halloween Update Question

2011-11-02 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

I'd say check the TF2 wiki.  That's where I found this:


5th paragraph shows what you are asking about.

Hope this helps
From: teamb...@comcast.net
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 09:03:31 -0700
Subject: [hlds] Halloween Update Question

Does anyone have a web link that explains
the details of the 2011 Halloween update other than Valve’s generic
advertising pages? Valve did not do a good job detailing this update for server
operators or users, and people are confused on how the update actually works.


One of the main questions I have is how
many people must to be in a server before drops work. I can’t find
anything online from Valve that clarifies this and I have a community of people
looking for the answer. I’ve heard rumors it’s 10, but I’d
love to know this for sure because drops are no longer since the player count
fell after Halloween. I just want to make sure something else isn’t broken
with the server because people are no longer joining it since the drops no
longer seem to be working. And yes, I already restarted the server several
times and it always worked fine before Halloween. After Halloween, no more
drops and almost no one is connecting. Maybe people are just done playing now
that Halloween is over?


Thanks in advance - Mike


From: Team BOOM!

Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011
6:15 PM

To: 'Half-Life dedicated Win32
server mailing list'

Subject: RE: [hlds] TF2 registered
servers: check for rogue '=' in theconvarsettings


Thanks so much James, that was exactly
what I was looking for. Have a great weekend.


From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On
Behalf Of James Botting

Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011
6:01 PM

To: Half-Life dedicated Win32
server mailing list

Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 registered
servers: check for rogue '=' in theconvarsettings


he means is an equals sign being used to assign the steamed to a cvar. Like a


= lallaalalalL WRONG

lallaalalalL CORRECT


Hope that helps.

On 31 Oct 2011, at 00:50, Team BOOM! teamb...@comcast.net

I’m sorry fellas, I know this has been discussed
already but I’m still not clear on the convar syntax with the
“=” sign. 


I have 7 registered TF2 servers. Some have an = sign inside
the quoted identity section of the convar and some do not. My problem is I
don’t know where the “=” Fletch is talking about actually
belongs within the  convar line. Below is the convar from one of the
servers I run. Note there is no “=” sign anywhere in the line yet
the drops are working fine using on this server.




Do I need to add an = sign somewhere to this line for some
reason? If so, can you reply with an example of what the line should look like
with the “=” in the line?


Thanks in advance and sorry for my confusion.



From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
On Behalf Of Fletcher Dunn

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011
1:38 PM

To: Half-Life dedicated Linux
server mailing list; Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list

Subject: [hlds] TF2 registered
servers: check for rogue '=' in the convarsettings


your server is not getting Halloween drops, check if your config file has an
'=' in the lines to set the registration convars.


 make sure you put the identity token in quotes.


you have these two problems, you probably (quite reasonably) cut and paste the
two config file lines from the client console when you registered your
server.  That output erroneously had the ='s in them, and did not quote
the identity token.  We fixed the output soon after we shipped the
registered server feature, which explains why a lot of people not getting the
drops are also saying that they have been registered for a long time.


case that does not fix the problem, the next update will provide more verbose
logging so such errors will not go undetected for so long.


humble servant,



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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

2011-10-13 Thread steve grout

i cant remember it being this bad since well.. i can't remember :)

On 13/10/2011 22:27, Chris Brunelle wrote:

No kidding.  This is unreal.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Lambda lambdace...@gmail.com 
mailto:lambdace...@gmail.com wrote:

Its basically impossible to update a server

2011/10/13 Dominik Friedrichs d...@forlix.org mailto:d...@forlix.org

Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Command aborted

Oh joy :D

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Sent from my Commodore64

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[hlds] Demo primary and secondary weapons

2011-09-26 Thread steve grout
So what happened with the demo primary and secondary weapons not being 
able to be used unless they are strange?

had to reboot the server to sort it!

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Re: [hlds] [TF2] Replay and SourceTV

2011-09-22 Thread steve grout

it only seems to be a problem on windows based servers from our experience.

On 22/09/2011 18:06, Emil Larsson wrote:
Huh, we're running both over here and it works fine. Where do you 
start SourceTV and Replay? Starting them from autoexec.cfg or through 
the commandline with -replay replay.cfg +tv_enable 1 appended to the 
end both works.

The only problem I had was that running both would only lead to 23 
open slots (easily fixed by setting sv_maxplayers to 25 and force the 
server to only show max 24 slots), and that turning off either STV or 
Replay crashes the whole thing (I think this still happens).

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 6:36 PM, SakeFox sake...@kingdomsend.com 
mailto:sake...@kingdomsend.com wrote:

I was wondering if anyone else was having problems getting replay
and sourceTV working at the same time.

I can get sourceTV to work fine and I can get replay to work fine,
but turning them both on at the same time causes nothing but a lot
of crashes. I downloaded a clean copy of TF2 and did the basic
settings to get them working and had the same result of crashing.
Haven't heard anything after the initial mailings from the 8-23
update and wanted to see if this was a known issue or if there was
a known way to get it to work correctly.

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Re: [hlds] Mandatory TF2 update released

2011-08-23 Thread steve grout
we just wish that they'd confirm that it's actually been pushed 
correctly to all the content servers.. kind of getting annoyed with 
having to run a -verify_all on server when we update quickly.. it may 
not be that of course it may be that the content servers can't cope.. 
either way it needs fixing

On 24/08/2011 02:01, Team BOOM! wrote:

The update won't run on any of our servers. The Hldsupdatetool just aborts
and the server restarts under the same version.. sigh...

-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Eric Smith
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 5:40 PM
To: 'hlds@list.valvesoftware.com'; hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com;
Subject: [hlds] Mandatory TF2 update released

We've released a mandatory TF2 update. The notes for the update are below.


Eric Smith

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)
- Fixed a client crash during demo playback
- Fixed a SourceTV crash
- Dedicated servers can now have both SourceTV and Replay enabled at once
-replay [config file] and +tv_enable 1 should be used to launch the

Team Fortress 2
- Added TF birthday replacement models for health kits and ammo packs
- Added TF birthday Party Hat and Noisemaker
- Fixed The Short Circuit attacking friendly projectiles
- Fixed The Short Circuit being hidden when the Engineer taunts
- Fixed an infinite crits exploit using The Diamondback
- Fixed The Widowmaker not returning the correct amount of ammo when
multiple targets are hit
- Fixed supply closets regenerating players while they are taunting
- Fixed the Select Style UI text overlapping the image of the model
- Fixed the sunbeams hat effect
- Updated the localization files
- Updated the gamehaptics file:
- Added draw/recoil forces for The Widowmaker, The Short Circuit, The
Diamondback, and The Machina
- Added crit fire force for The Widowmaker and The Diamondback
- Refined reload force for Flare Gun/Detonator
- Bot changes:
- Fixed crash with Demoman-bots trying to detonate stickybombs that had
already been destroyed
- Added tf_bot_kill console command (syntax identical to tf_bot_kick)
- Bots obey melee only mode a bit better
- Added func_nav_avoid to allow map creators control over where bots
like to go
- Fixed issue with Demoman bot reloading between each stickybomb he
fired, causing him to be very slow at setting traps/destroying sentries
- Bots never taunt if carrying the flag now
- Aiming logic for Huntsman sniper bots
- Sniper bots prioritize enemy snipers more aggressively, as well as
enemy engineers now
- Improved Demoman bot sentry gun sticky bombing
- Bots will no longer try to use health entities assigned to the enemy
- Added simplistic behaviors for Chargin' Targe, and various consumables
(Bonk drink, sandvich, etc)
- Medic-bots stay a bit closer to their patient now
- Sniper-bots go after very nearby enemies with their melee weapon now
- Added func_tfbot_hint entity to allow map creators to tell sniper bots
good places to lurk
- Sniper-bots opportunistically fire on viable targets they encounter
while on the way to their desired lurking spot
- Spy-bots are more aggressive about backstabbing an engineer before
sapping his nest now

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Re: [hlds] Mandatory TF2 update coming this afternoon

2011-08-19 Thread steve grout
no idea why atm but we have has issues wither servers crashing on map 
change every now and then

windows 2008 SP 1

On 19/08/2011 02:44, Mart-Jan Reeuwijk wrote:

You have NO idea, play medic a lot perchance?


*From:* Robert Whelan mrrjwhe...@yahoo.com
*To:* Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
*Sent:* Friday, 19 August 2011, 2:48
*Subject:* Re: [hlds] Mandatory TF2 update coming this afternoon

...and to think these same people run servers, scary ;p

*From:* 1nsane 1nsane...@gmail.com
*To:* Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
*Sent:* Thursday, August 18, 2011 7:15 PM
*Subject:* Re: [hlds] Mandatory TF2 update coming this afternoon

What the... Reading comprehension is terrible on this list.

He said it was required for TF2, optional for other orangebox games.

Just to make it simple. This is a required TF2 update. And just so
we are clear TF2 is not CSS, or DODS or HL2DM hence Mandatory TF2
update coming this afternoon

See the TF2 part?

Still confused?
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:11 PM, João Gabriel
ohyeahcr...@gmail.com mailto:ohyeahcr...@gmail.com wrote:

So, if this is optional, then why did you say it's mandatory
in the first mail?

2011/8/18 Fletcher Dunn fletch...@valvesoftware.com

The update is only required for TF2.
The shared linux server depot will receive a very minor
change, to fix the missing libgcc dependency that is
affecting a few linux distributions.  That update is
optional, and if your server is working (and you aren't
running TF2) then it is not necessary to apply the update.
Your humble servant,
mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] *On Behalf
Of *IBIS Customer Service
*Sent:* Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:09 PM
*To:* Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
*Subject:* Re: [hlds] Mandatory TF2 update coming this
Just wanted to confirm that this is tf2 only and not for
cs:s or other mods as well. In that other servers do not
REQUIER an update. Is the above correct?

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Re: [hlds] TF2 Quickplay System Question - August Steam Update - Windows

2011-08-06 Thread steve grout

yup same on our server too

On 06/08/2011 18:33, Neil Rajani wrote:

I have noticed  a sharp drop in my servers population since the Update 
from 4 August 2011 TF2. Our server is a quickplay registered server 
and our server has not been going for long (a couple of weeks) so we 
have greatly appreciated the quickplay players whilst we build our 
community. Our server has been constantly until Thursday.

Since this update, our registered status has recently changed from:

Standing : good
Trend: upward


Standing : good
Trend: downward fast

We have not modified any CVAR's or server side mods. I have no idea 
what has caused this but obviously I suspect the steam update may be 
the culprit. I don't quite understand the back-end of the quickplay 
system so maybe an official word or documentation would be greatly 
appreciated as the Steam support article on quickplay only describes 
the basics.

Has any other server operators noticed a decrease in quickplay 
players, or indeed a downward trend?

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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2011-07-27 Thread steve grout

ok so it appears i failed at disabling replay

even though -replay was on the command line i though replay_enable 0 
would stop it from failing, apparently not so i removed-replay from the 
command line. All looks good so far

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[hlds] Server Trend

2011-07-14 Thread steve grout
Our main community server has been almost constantly full since the 
matchmaking/F2P release so i would like to thank who ever thought up 
that idea at Valve..

now to the point.. Since registering our main community server our trend 
has always been 'good' standing Trend: slightly upwards.  It's been this 
way for weeks but today i noticed that our standing is still 'good' but 
the Trend is 'downwards fast'.  We've changed nothing on our server at 
all over this time and like i have mentioned it's been constantly full.

Anyone got any ideas as to why this might be?

Thanks for your time

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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2011-05-13 Thread steve grout
yup, our servers with replay on (with or without sourcetv running along 
side) now crash on map change, both linux and windows.

This is for servers running with -replay and for those using the old way

Also i have noticed that since the -replay funciton was added none of 
the servers can verify replay_fileserver_offload_remotepath as being 
correct.  This worked fine before and we haven't changed anything.

we've had to remove replay from all the servers :(

On 13/05/2011 03:42, Spencer 'Voogru' MacDonald wrote:

Is anyone getting crashes at map changes?

On 5/12/2011 8:15 PM, Jason Ruymen wrote:
A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available.  The specific 
changes include:

Team Fortress 2
- Added a Show in Backpack Order setting to the loadout slot select 

- This flag also affects the Quickswitch dialog
- Updated the Furious Fukaamigasa, the Hero's Hachimaki and the 
Connoisseur's Cap to be craftable

- Updated the localization files
- Replay
- Added a new command line parameter -replay that will increase 
maxplayers by 1 at startup and automatically execute replay.cfg for 
the server

- Fixed another bug that caused Mac replay renders to be blurry
- Fixed a bug where Replay FTP offloading was not using 

- Improved detection of Replay server config problems
- Replay is automatically disabled on servers if the Replay 
publish test fails
- Saved Replay movies that were exported as TGA's/WAV will report 
more descriptive errors if YouTube(TM) upload or Export is attempted


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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2011-05-13 Thread steve grout
but that's the thing... it was fine before this update as you can see 
from one of my previous email

replay_enable 1
replay_record 1
replay_fileserver_offload_enable 1
replay_fileserver_offload_hostname www.ourhost.eu http://www.ourhost.eu
replay_fileserver_offload_login username
replay_fileserver_offload_maxuploads 24
replay_fileserver_offload_password password
replay_fileserver_offload_protocol ftp
replay_fileserver_offload_port 21
replay_fileserver_path /tf2/replays
replay_fileserver_port 80
replay_fileserver_protocol http
replay_port 27041

that worked fine on all servers aside from windows ones with sourcetv on 
as well, linux were fine.  Now with that same config it fails with that 
If replay_fileserver_path error.  I altered that cvar to be a/ but it 
still fails.

On 13/05/2011 04:02, Spencer 'Voogru' MacDonald wrote:

If replay_fileserver_path is empty, it crashes on map change.

On 5/12/2011 10:42 PM, Spencer 'Voogru' MacDonald wrote:

Is anyone getting crashes at map changes?

On 5/12/2011 8:15 PM, Jason Ruymen wrote:
A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available.  The 
specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2
- Added a Show in Backpack Order setting to the loadout slot 
select screen

- This flag also affects the Quickswitch dialog
- Updated the Furious Fukaamigasa, the Hero's Hachimaki and the 
Connoisseur's Cap to be craftable

- Updated the localization files
- Replay
- Added a new command line parameter -replay that will 
increase maxplayers by 1 at startup and automatically execute 
replay.cfg for the server

- Fixed another bug that caused Mac replay renders to be blurry
- Fixed a bug where Replay FTP offloading was not using 

- Improved detection of Replay server config problems
- Replay is automatically disabled on servers if the Replay 
publish test fails
- Saved Replay movies that were exported as TGA's/WAV will 
report more descriptive errors if YouTube(TM) upload or Export is 


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Re: [hlds] Brink dedicated server update shortly

2011-05-13 Thread steve grout

guess that's why he posted on the windows mailing list then ;)

On 13/05/2011 19:35, Ronny Schedel wrote:

Linux server files are still missing.

- Original Message - From: Matt 'Anti' Lowe 

To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:46 PM
Subject: [hlds] Brink dedicated server update shortly

Hey folks,

We'll be sending out a new version of the Brink dedicated server on 
Steam within the next hour, ahead of a client patch about an hour 
later than that. This update will fix the net_ip issue that has been 
preventing some of you from hosting.

The update will increment the game version, so the servers will have 
to be updated if they are to support the newer client version that 
will be released later.

Matt 'Anti' Lowe | Associate Producer
Splash Damage Ltd | http://www.splashdamage.com
PO Box 830 | Bromley BR1 9WZ


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[hlds] replay and sourcetv

2011-05-12 Thread steve grout
ok, we're having issues getting replay and sourcetv to run side by side 
on windows.  We can get it working on our linux box though withought 
problems.  I've posted on the forums under the relevant thread however 
im not sure how many of you guys frequent them so posted here to get a 
better response (hopefully) :D

here's the command line in windows

78316\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf +ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 27015 
+maxplayers 19 +exec server.cfg +tv_enable 1 +tv_port 27025 
+tv_maxclients 20 -tickrate 66 -replayserverdir match4 -replay_port 
27041 +map ctf_2fort

here's the config

replay_enable 1
replay_record 1
replay_fileserver_offload_enable 1
replay_fileserver_offload_hostname www.ourhost.eu
replay_fileserver_offload_login username
replay_fileserver_offload_maxuploads 24
replay_fileserver_offload_password password
replay_fileserver_offload_protocol ftp
replay_fileserver_offload_port 21
replay_fileserver_path /tf2/replays
replay_fileserver_port 80
replay_fileserver_protocol http
replay_port 27041

the server comes up but when a few people join it then crashes. I was 
just testing it with someone so there were 2 of us on and it was fine 
until he shot a rocket, then it crashed.

the command line in linux is

./srcds_run -game tf -norestart -ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 27019 -maxplayers 
18 +tv_port 27029

yeah there are differences in the cmd lines but the linux servers 
configs are built from indiviual files through symlinking.

we did alter the windows command line to be

78316\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf +ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 27015 
+maxplayers 19 +exec server.cfg +tv_port 27025 +tv_maxclients 20 
-tickrate 66 +map ctf_2fort

still to no avail.

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Re: [hlds] TF2 Rrrrreplay movies

2011-05-08 Thread steve grout

i've already highlighted the bug to valve and they are fixing it :)

On 09/05/2011 00:46, Jonah Hirsch wrote:
That'd be nice to know. I have 4 days of replays filling up 300 megs 
of storage, and I'd like to know if/when they'll automatically be cleaned.

Jonah Hirsch

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Tony Paloma drunkenf...@hotmail.com 
mailto:drunkenf...@hotmail.com wrote:

There already are some cleanup ConVars.

replay_dofileserver_cleanup_on_start = 1
 game client
 - Cleanup any stale replay data (both locally and on fileserver) at
 - Deletes stale session data from the fileserver.
 replay_docleanup force
will remove all replay session data.
replay_cleanup_time = 1 min. 1.00 max. 24.00
 client replicated
 - The Replay system will periodically remove stale .dem files
from disk.
This variable represents the amount of time (in hours) between
each cleanup.

I do not know how it determines which are old.

-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of steve grout
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 4:36 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 Replay movies

you could just write something to remove the files older than xx
days on the
ftp but yeah a cvar to handle this from one location (game server)
is a nice

On 07/05/2011 12:19, G. Hutchinson wrote:
 Excuse my grammar and thought process here if it goes astray, it
is 6
 am and I have yet to go to sleep since yesterday so please bare with
 me. I have replay movies enabled, Lord forbid, on two servers. They
 now seem to upload fine and download fine after some trial and

 Perhaps I am missing something that someone could enlighten me
on. In
 the two server instances there is a replay folder that has has 3 sub
 dirs. these folders seem to just keep a filling up. I deleted
over 2k
 files from one folder. Granted most files where created before I got
 it working properly. Meanwhile on my off site host that I am sending
 the files to for clients to download, same issue. Deleted by
hand 2k+
 files. The offsite subdir's I created for the two server instances
 just seem to keep filling up as well.

 Do these files not delete themselves after some time? If not,
 a set time cvar is needed to have the server instance ftp in and rm
 the files on occasion?

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Re: [hlds] TF2 Rrrrreplay movies

2011-05-07 Thread steve grout
you could just write something to remove the files older than xx days on 
the ftp but yeah a cvar to handle this from one location (game server) 
is a nice idea.

On 07/05/2011 12:19, G. Hutchinson wrote:
Excuse my grammar and thought process here if it goes astray, it is 6 
am and I have yet to go to sleep since yesterday so please bare with 
me. I have replay movies enabled, Lord forbid, on two servers. They 
now seem to upload fine and download fine after some trial and error.

Perhaps I am missing something that someone could enlighten me on. In 
the two server instances there is a replay folder that has has 3 sub 
dirs. these folders seem to just keep a filling up. I deleted over 2k 
files from one folder. Granted most files where created before I got 
it working properly. Meanwhile on my off site host that I am sending 
the files to for clients to download, same issue. Deleted by hand 2k+ 
files. The offsite subdir's I created for the two server instances 
just seem to keep filling up as well.

Do these files not delete themselves after some time? If not, perhaps 
a set time cvar is needed to have the server instance ftp in and rm 
the files on occasion?

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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

2011-05-06 Thread steve grout
Has anyone managed to get the replay system working along side sourcetv 
without the server crashing? I know, 'why on earth would you want to do 
that?' you ask.  Well It's only so people don't have to go through 
sourcetv files to get the clips they want.

On 06/05/2011 04:23, Shizzle Nizzle wrote:

I tried to download 3 times I'm getting replayevents.res is missing
and shuts down automatically. Did they forget to pack a file?

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Drew LaPourdrew.lap...@gmail.com  wrote:

I keep getting the following;

Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Command aborted

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 9:37 PM, Jason Ruymenjas...@valvesoftware.com

Required updates for Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of
Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch are now available.  The specific
changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed an OpenGL crash for Mac players

- Fixed several crashes related to Alt-Tab in fullscreen mode on Windows

- Fixed client crash caused by invalid mesh

- Updated shared interfaces to support the new Replay feature in TF2

Counter-Strike: Source

- Updated the localization files

Team Fortress 2

- Added the Replay feature:  http://www.teamfortress.com/replayupdate

   - Known issue with blurry Mac replay rendering will be fixed in the next

- Launched the First Annual Saxxy Awards:

- Added 8 new Replay achievements

- Added 10 new hats

- Added The Director's Vision, an item that provides you with a new taunt

- Fixed a problem with certain equippable items rendering incorrectly on
the loadout screen

- Fixed a problem causing the Mann Co. store previews to render

- Crafted items will now remember/display who crafted them

- Added a reward for the early crafters of new items

- Added a new style to the  Aperture Labs Hard Hat

- Added a new style to the Blighted Beak

- Fixed bugs with the refurbish items interface so that some properties
will no longer be un-removable under certain circumstances

- Fixed the briefcase not being drawn on players when it's being carried
in CTF maps

- Fixed the Gloves of Running Urgently not using the correct skin in the
character loadout screen

- Fixed the Kritzkrieg not drawing the correct model in the character
loadout screen

- Fixed the Horseless Headless Horsemann displaying the burning material
in DirectX8

- Fixed the Aperture Labs Hard Hat displaying the burning material in

- Fixed removing the burning/jarated conditions on players who are being
critboosted by a Medic using the Kritzkrieg

- Added Mad Milk to the conditions that are cleared when players are made
invulnerable by a Medic with an ÜberCharge

- For web developers: added tool and capability information to the
IEconItems_440/GetSchema Web API


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[hlds] Improved engine handling of server queries ?

2011-01-31 Thread steve grout
Since valve tried to do this we're still having issues if we do not hide 
the servers.  Where as before the server was under attack it used to 
timeout for everyone it now, so it seems, just stops responding the the 
ping (still can be queried using status).  That's great in that is 
doesn't kill a game however one side effect is that, when the server 
goes into this 'mode', if someone should have a network problem and 
disconnect for any reason, they cannot rejoin the server, in fact no one 
can join the server until it's been restarted.

This happens on both our windows and linux servers. Are other people 
experiencing the same thing?

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Re: [hlds] Improved engine handling of server queries ?

2011-01-31 Thread steve grout
yeah i see your point but it's not some players that have the problem 
when the server goes into this mode it's every player until the server 
instance has been restarted so in short they still succeed in disrupting 
the server as no one can join it.  This only happens to our match 
servers as well so i can on speculate that if the same is true for all 
servers they would also still be successful in emptying a server due to 
new people not being able to join.

most annoying in matches having to swap servers all the time!  Well not 
all the time now as the match servers have been hidden again.

On 31/01/2011 13:37, Saul Rennison wrote:

You can't help it. Tradeoff some players not being able to connect for
your server not going down.

On Monday, 31 January 2011, steve groutsteve.gr...@gmail.com  wrote:

Since valve tried to do this we're still having issues if we do not hide the 
servers.  Where as before the server was under attack it used to timeout for 
everyone it now, so it seems, just stops responding the the ping (still can be 
queried using status).  That's great in that is doesn't kill a game however one 
side effect is that, when the server goes into this 'mode', if someone should 
have a network problem and disconnect for any reason, they cannot rejoin the 
server, in fact no one can join the server until it's been restarted.

This happens on both our windows and linux servers. Are other people 
experiencing the same thing?

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Re: [hlds] Improved engine handling of server queries ?

2011-01-31 Thread steve grout
Nope, cant connect using the connect string in the console either when 
it's gone into this mode.  Yeah we have to use the connect string to 
connect to the servers when they are hidden so...

On 31/01/2011 14:09, Harry Strongburg wrote:

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 09:20:02AM +, steve grout wrote:

when the server goes into this 'mode', if someone should have a
network problem and disconnect for any reason, they cannot rejoin the

Does `connect ip:port' in the console work fine? It works fine for me.
It just won't work via the server browser because the server browser
attempts to grab a user-list/map/etc before attempting a connect.

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Re: [hlds] Improved engine handling of server queries ?

2011-01-31 Thread steve grout
many thanks for that Alfred im changing the setting after i send this 



On 31/01/2011 23:52, Alfred Reynolds wrote:

Try increasing the sv_max_queries_sec_global variable, its currently 3000/sec, 
try 10k or more. This will effectively disable apart of the DoS protection 
(making only the per-ip part work) but it should prevent squelching of the 
connect packet.

- Alfred

-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:hlds-
boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of steve grout
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:20 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: [hlds] Improved engine handling of server queries ?

Since valve tried to do this we're still having issues if we do not
the servers.  Where as before the server was under attack it used to
timeout for everyone it now, so it seems, just stops responding the the
ping (still can be queried using status).  That's great in that is
doesn't kill a game however one side effect is that, when the server
goes into this 'mode', if someone should have a network problem and
disconnect for any reason, they cannot rejoin the server, in fact no
can join the server until it's been restarted.

This happens on both our windows and linux servers. Are other people
experiencing the same thing?

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Re: [hlds] Source Dedicated Server Update Available

2011-01-28 Thread steve grout
well we have been unable to use our 2 windows vanilla match servers 
still while the servers are unhidden.  No change as far as we can see

On 28/01/2011 16:16, Dominik Friedrichs wrote:
Terrific. It seems that with this update the servers stopped 
responding to A2A_PING.
Guess I have to use A2S_INFO now even though I just want to know if 
the server is alive.

- Original Message - From: Jason Ruymen 
To: 'Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list' 
hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com; 'Half-Life dedicated Win32 
servermailing list' hlds@list.valvesoftware.com

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 00:34
Subject: [hlds] Source Dedicated Server Update Available

An optional update is now available for dedicated servers that run 
Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source or 
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.  The specific changes include:

- Improved engine handling of server queries


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Re: [hlds] Server crash reports

2011-01-12 Thread steve grout
we don't have any crashes on our servers although we run vanilla match 
servers and the only the etf2l cfg is run also with standard 
whitelist.   Our servers are based over windows and linux environments.

On 12/01/2011 22:50, Saul Rennison wrote:

I'm sure any dumps would be helpful, send them away anyway :D

On Wednesday, 12 January 2011, Dominik Friedrichsd...@forlix.org  wrote:

I'm pretty sure that the crashes I'm seeing on my server are not caused by any 
of the installed plugins.
They all occur inside Valves engine.dll and none of the dumps I've seen so far 
contained anything related to SourceMod or Metamod in the calling stack...

- Original Message - From:gamead...@127001.org
To: 'Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 22:52
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crash reports

Yes, but he was specifically talking about match servers, which typically
don't have plugins running anyway.

From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Saul Rennison
Sent: 12 January 2011 21:34
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crash reports

You're not running any plug-ins will definitely narrow down your potential
reports to about 5. Active servers need plugins for administration, and it's
probably the most active ones that are crashing. In case you hadn't already
seen it, Dominik sent some dumps in a few hours ago:


Good luck debugging!

- Saul.

On 12 January 2011 21:02, Eric Smither...@valvesoftware.com  wrote:

We're hearing reports that servers hosting competitive matches are crashing
on a regular basis and we're trying to investigate the problem.  If your
server is crashing regularly and you're not running any plug-ins, please
check to see if you have any .dmp or .mdmp files that you can send us to
help diagnose the problem.  We're not sure yet if this is related to using
sv_pure or a whitelist.  Any details you can provide will be appreciated.


Eric Smith


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Re: [hlds] CSS/DODS/HL2DM/TF2 Update Released

2010-12-17 Thread steve grout

yep same here all windows servers fooked.. linux are fine

On 18/12/2010 02:43, msleeper wrote:

ITT: typical_valve_fans.jpg

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Re: [hlds] CSS/DODS/HL2DM/TF2 Update Released

2010-12-17 Thread steve grout

see what u did there...

On 18/12/2010 02:55, msleeper wrote:

Steve Grout - See, I wasn't agreeing with you, I was making fun of
people who make comments like this. Typical valve fans. My servers are
up, so lol gg terrorists win.

On Fri, 2010-12-17 at 21:52 -0500, Violent Crimes wrote:

LOL they broke garrysmod client side and prolly server side aswell. I am
so proud of you guys at steam I mean how many years have you been doing
this and yet you still seem to think it is a great idea to release a
update on Friday at 9 pm EST.

On 12/17/2010 9:41 PM, Lob (UK) wrote:

Yeah Windows dead here too.

Great idea to release a huge untested update on a Friday night just before
the busy weekend i must say.

Its 2:40am in the UK and im totally not impressed.

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:37 AM, unrealizedunrealize...@gmail.com   wrote:

Confirmed here as well, ALL windows servers down, but linux working fine.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Bengt Rosenberger

Windows server dead here, too. All plugins removed, even Metamod.

Am 18.12.2010 03:28, schrieb フゴ☆ _:

   Linux Servers working, windows server nop. great my server is dead

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Re: [hlds] CSS/DODS/HL2DM/TF2 Update Released

2010-12-17 Thread steve grout

that is.. being a complete retard

On 18/12/2010 02:55, msleeper wrote:

Steve Grout - See, I wasn't agreeing with you, I was making fun of
people who make comments like this. Typical valve fans. My servers are
up, so lol gg terrorists win.

On Fri, 2010-12-17 at 21:52 -0500, Violent Crimes wrote:

LOL they broke garrysmod client side and prolly server side aswell. I am
so proud of you guys at steam I mean how many years have you been doing
this and yet you still seem to think it is a great idea to release a
update on Friday at 9 pm EST.

On 12/17/2010 9:41 PM, Lob (UK) wrote:

Yeah Windows dead here too.

Great idea to release a huge untested update on a Friday night just before
the busy weekend i must say.

Its 2:40am in the UK and im totally not impressed.

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:37 AM, unrealizedunrealize...@gmail.com   wrote:

Confirmed here as well, ALL windows servers down, but linux working fine.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Bengt Rosenberger

Windows server dead here, too. All plugins removed, even Metamod.

Am 18.12.2010 03:28, schrieb フゴ☆ _:

   Linux Servers working, windows server nop. great my server is dead

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Re: [hlds] CSS/DODS/HL2DM/TF2 Update Released

2010-12-17 Thread steve grout

thanks voogru,

i have removed all plugins and have verified the install with still no 
luck.. could you advise of anything else.in the interim of valves 
response to so many windows people having issues?

On 18/12/2010 03:10, Spencer 'Voogru' MacDonald wrote:

It worked for me, 4 windows servers running and packed.

No crashing and burning. Hot damn.

- Spencer.

On 12/17/2010 10:08 PM, Eric Smith wrote:

We're investigating and will have a solution soon.


-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com 
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Violent Crimes

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 7:04 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] CSS/DODS/HL2DM/TF2 Update Released

Doesnt work

On 12/17/2010 9:44 PM, Spencer 'Voogru' MacDonald wrote:

It appears you can fix windows by copying the FileSystem_Steam.dll
from the client GCF file, then placing it in the orangebox/bin folder
and renaming it to filesystem_stdio.dll.

The server boots up but dont know if it'll crash and burn.

Epic fail though.

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Re: [hlds] Fix is on the way...

2010-12-17 Thread Steve -Andy- De George

Thanks for the quick fix!

 From: er...@valvesoftware.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 04:21:34 +
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Fix is on the way...
 The update should be live now.  Sync your servers again.  You should get an 
 updated 'dedicated.dll' file.
 Sorry for the problems.
 From: Eric Smith
 Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:03 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Fix is on the way...
 We have a fix for the servers not starting and we're working on rolling it 
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[hlds] SRCDS running as a service - How to get console output

2010-12-17 Thread Steve -Andy- De George

Do any of you run as a service? I have mine configured with srvstart.exe which 
works great. However, since it is running as a service and under the system 
account, I have no console window. How can I get that window to appear or it's 
specific output to log to a file somewhere? 

The problem I have sometimes is with L4D2 and now tonight after the windows fix 
for TF2, sometimes the games just stop responding. The server no longer pings 
and is offline, but the srcds.exe process is still running in memory and I have 
no idea why or what it is doing.

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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2/Counter-Strike: Source/Day of Defeat: Source/Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Available

2010-09-30 Thread steve grout

 hmm after the update im getting...

Launcher Error.

Failed to load the launcher DLL. The specified module could not be found

will try and run the update again

On 30/09/2010 19:27, Jason Ruymen wrote:

Required updates for TF2, CSS, DODS and HL2:DM are now available.  The specific 
changes are:

Added the Mann-conomy.
  - Added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, crates).
  - Added the Mann Co. Store  Catalog.
  - Added Trading.
  - Added Item customization.

Additional TF2 features:
  - Added new auto-team-scramble system:
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto to 1 (default) to automatically scramble the 
teams if the criteria is met
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference to set the number of round wins 
a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble (default is 2)
  - Updated how Spy disguise targets are selected to more randomly distribute 
the selections
  - Fixed the FreezePanel background not using the correct color if you were 
killed by a player or building on your own team
  - Server browser tweaks:
It will now encourage you to add servers to Favorites or Blacklists 
after you have a good/bad experience on them.
The Server Browser now automatically closes after successfully connecting 
to a server (opt-out via the Options-Multiplayer-Advanced dialog)

Achievement tuning:
  - Demoman achievement The Stickening changed to 3 from 5.
  - Heavy achievement Krazy Ivan changed to 50 from 100.
  - Medic achievement Consultation changed to 3 from 5.
  - Medic achievement Peer Review changed to 10 from 50.
  - Medic achievement Placebo Effect changed to 2 from from 5.
  - Medic achievement FYI I am A Medic changed to 1 from 5.
  - Medic achievement Family Practice changed to 5 from 10.
  - Soldier achievement Geneva Contravention changed to 3 from 5.
  - Scout achievement Strike Zone now counts assists.
  - Scout achievements Fall Classic and Foul Territory are fixed.

Engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, HL2:DM, and TF2)
  - Added sv_alltalk to the list of convars that are checked for the sv_tags 
  - Fixed a model instance crash.
  - Removed engine ConVar r_ForceRestore.

Other Games
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
  - Updated to run on the Orange Box engine with CS:S, DoD:S, and TF2.


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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2/Counter-Strike: Source/Day of Defeat: Source/Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Available

2010-09-30 Thread steve grout
 ok, ran update again and at least one server is up.. running it again 
on the rest

On 30/09/2010 19:56, k wrote:
 That could explain the trouble I am having finding servers that are 
running that have been updated, hmmm

On 1/10/2010 7:49 a.m., Chris wrote:

Same here, servers not starting on windows... (DODS/TF2)

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 7:46 PM, steve groutsteve.gr...@gmail.com  

  hmm after the update im getting...

Launcher Error.

Failed to load the launcher DLL. The specified module could not be 

will try and run the update again

On 30/09/2010 19:27, Jason Ruymen wrote:

Required updates for TF2, CSS, DODS and HL2:DM are now available.  The
specific changes are:

Added the Mann-conomy.
  - Added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, 

  - Added the Mann Co. Store   Catalog.
  - Added Trading.
  - Added Item customization.

Additional TF2 features:
  - Added new auto-team-scramble system:
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto to 1 (default) to automatically 

the teams if the criteria is met
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference to set the number 
of round
wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble 
(default is 2)

  - Updated how Spy disguise targets are selected to more randomly
distribute the selections
  - Fixed the FreezePanel background not using the correct color if 

were killed by a player or building on your own team
  - Server browser tweaks:
It will now encourage you to add servers to Favorites or 

after you have a good/bad experience on them.
The Server Browser now automatically closes after successfully
connecting to a server (opt-out via the Options-Multiplayer-Advanced

Achievement tuning:
  - Demoman achievement The Stickening changed to 3 from 5.
  - Heavy achievement Krazy Ivan changed to 50 from 100.
  - Medic achievement Consultation changed to 3 from 5.
  - Medic achievement Peer Review changed to 10 from 50.
  - Medic achievement Placebo Effect changed to 2 from from 5.
  - Medic achievement FYI I am A Medic changed to 1 from 5.
  - Medic achievement Family Practice changed to 5 from 10.
  - Soldier achievement Geneva Contravention changed to 3 from 5.
  - Scout achievement Strike Zone now counts assists.
  - Scout achievements Fall Classic and Foul Territory are fixed.

Engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, HL2:DM, and TF2)
  - Added sv_alltalk to the list of convars that are checked for the
sv_tags list.
  - Fixed a model instance crash.
  - Removed engine ConVar r_ForceRestore.

Other Games
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
  - Updated to run on the Orange Box engine with CS:S, DoD:S, and TF2.


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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2010-09-02 Thread steve grout
may have something to do with the highlander event being ..umm... 
destroyed :o

Saul Rennison wrote:

Is this for real?!

On Thursday, September 2, 2010, Jason Ruymen jas...@valvesoftware.com wrote:

A required update to Team Fortress 2 is now available.  Please run 
hldsupdatetool to receive the update.  The specific changes include:

Engine (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2):
- Fixed a server crash caused by spamming the server with invalid rcon 

Team Fortress 2:
- Fixed a bug in the Steamworks internal stats reporting.


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Re: [hlds] (tf2) pl_thundermountain server crash

2010-08-04 Thread steve grout

yup we are having the same problems your not alone!

Claudio Beretta wrote:

I'm experiencing crashes only on the pl_thundermountain map
Crashes occur between rounds, and not every time the map is played. The new
round begins, clients get swapped in the other team, and then crash. The
last line in the log is always something like
nameidSTEAM_0:1:23456Red triggered medic_death
against nameidSTEAM_0:1:23456Red (healing 0) (ubercharge 0)
This is an excerpt from the log file http://pastebin.com/Sfwuipjx
Is anyone having similar problems?

A side question: the last crash dumps I have in the orangebox/bin/dumps
folder for any tf2 server I run was made on 06/24/2010.
Crash dumps for CSS, L4D and other gameservers are being generated fine. Is
there a magic command line argument to enable them again?
windows 2008

Thank you in advance

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Re: [hlds] Improving the update procedure

2010-07-23 Thread Steve Stifler
You guys are pissing in the wind. Been asking for a better update procedure
for years and it ain't happened. Valve don't listen and don't care about the
server admins and hosts so stop clogging my inbox with this crap

On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Steven Hartland kill...@multiplay.co.ukwrote:

 I must say the updates are becoming a pain. More and more regular and more
 often than not they break things :(

 We all appreciate the work being done, don't think for a minute we don't,
 but I do think that there could be some definite improvements to how things
 are done atm.

 First off don't release updates a absolute PEAK gaming time for the week.

 Week after week we get updates released at 10pm on a Friday during peak
 gaming hours, by all means prepare a weekly update and release it but
 pick a sensible day / time. Tuesday / Wednesday would be much better, it
 means people are more likely to be about and if there are any issues
 they can be fixed in time for the weekend sessions.

 Please please let us know in advance! Is there any harm in getting an
 update ready then delaying its release for 24 hours or so during which
 time admins can download the updates to prepare for the release. Then
 at a pre-published time the client releases, server admins flick the switch
 their end and everyone's happy.

 The benefits of this:-
 1. Admins can prepare
 2. Lower load on the Content Servers as admins aren't downloading at the
 same time as the Clients
 3. Clients are happier as their servers are updated quickly instead of
 having to wait while admins struggle to get the servers update.
 4. Admins can pre test with their server up and raise issues before
 all hell breaks loose.

 All in all everyone wins.

 Please consider reviewing your release engineering to incorporate some
 or all of the ideas above, it will make everyone's life so much easier.


 - Original Message - From: e...@ccgaming.com

 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
 Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 1:42 AM

 Subject: Re: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source Update Available

  Releasing a required update without the capacity to handle everyone
 updating at once is a problem -- expecting people to leave their servers
 broken to reduce Valve's load isn't an acceptable solution.

 Valve should either invest in the infrastructure to handle it or work with
 a service such as Akamai to handle the load from updates.

 If TF2 is any indication, don't expect advance notification or beta
 releases (Valve even released an update they knew would break almost all
 management plugins without giving notification or a beta for the plugin
 developers to work with).

 This e.mail is private and confidential between Multiplay (UK) Ltd. and the
 person or entity to whom it is addressed. In the event of misdirection, the
 recipient is prohibited from using, copying, printing or otherwise
 disseminating it or any information contained in it.
 In the event of misdirection, illegible or incomplete transmission please
 telephone +44 845 868 1337
 or return the E.mail to postmas...@multiplay.co.uk.

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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2/Day of Defeat: Source Update

2010-04-29 Thread steve grout
lol @ engineers being able to build multiple SG's... don't build too 
many else your crash your client ;)

msleeper wrote:
 Skill ceiling (this phrase doesn't have any meaning, btw) is relevant
 to server administration.

 On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 11:22 -0700, Max S wrote:
 Just look at any airblast reflection video on YouTube. The pyro's skill
 ceiling has increased.
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Re: [hlds] sv_pure and odd behaviour

2010-03-29 Thread steve grout
yeah thanks, that resolves the issue for people moving between our own 
servers but not when going to other servers.

ah well, shame really.

DontWannaName! wrote:
 If you dont want players kicked for having extra textures then use
 sv_pure_kick_clients 0

 On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Cc2iscooL cc2isc...@gmail.com wrote:

 The file from your cube soccer server is still loaded into memory which
 causes that error. If the client restarts the game you will have no issues,
 otherwise you can turn off sv_pure kicking, which should just limit to not
 being able to load x texture.

 Or you could just allow that texture file in your other servers...but
 will still get kicked from coming from other custom servers.

 On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 4:49 PM, steve grout steve.gr...@gmail.com

 Hi all,

 Back in sept 2008 shadowmoses emailed this list with a problem he was


 I am having really odd behavior with sv_pure 1 settings.  I am running 4

 servers, 3 are default and 1 is companion cube soccer.

 The odd thing is, if players are in the cube soccer server and try to
 one of the regular servers they get the message.

 Disconnect: Pure server: client has loaded extra file
 [GAME]\materials\models\props\metal_box.vmt. File must be removed to play
 this server..

 If they join the regular servers before joining the cube server they get


 We are experiencing this on our TF2 servers since we introduced a custom
 community VMF.

 everything works right on the server this is on but then people can't
 join other servers (ours or others) without
 restarting TF2.

 Am i doing something wrong or  they haven't fixed it yet!



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[hlds] sv_pure and odd behaviour

2010-03-28 Thread steve grout
Hi all,

Back in sept 2008 shadowmoses emailed this list with a problem he was 


I am having really odd behavior with sv_pure 1 settings.  I am running 4

servers, 3 are default and 1 is companion cube soccer.

The odd thing is, if players are in the cube soccer server and try to join one 
of the regular servers they get the message.

Disconnect: Pure server: client has loaded extra file
[GAME]\materials\models\props\metal_box.vmt. File must be removed to play on
this server..

If they join the regular servers before joining the cube server they get in


We are experiencing this on our TF2 servers since we introduced a custom 
community VMF.

everything works right on the server this is on but then people can't 
join other servers (ours or others) without
restarting TF2.

Am i doing something wrong or  they haven't fixed it yet!



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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2010-02-24 Thread steve grout
ok, is it just our servers or our other people who are hosting TF2 match 
servers experiencing sourcetv not reporting correctly.  The sourcetv 
'server' reports (in the browser) as a duplicate of the server it's 
sitting on.

Jason Ruymen wrote:
 An update for Team Fortress 2 is now available.  The specific changes include:

 - Fixed servers with bots reporting incorrect player numbers

 Team Fortress 2:
 - Fixed pipebombs not colliding correctly with players


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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2010-02-23 Thread steve grout
hmmm.. are other people seeing sourceTV show up as normal servers since 
the update ?

Matt Hoffman wrote:
 Why in the world would you do that? It's a very valid tactic and one that
 takes some skill to use well.

 On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Michael Krasnow mnk...@gmail.com wrote:

 wasn't deflecting flares deliberately removed?

 On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 5:33 PM, DontWannaName! ad...@topnotchclan.com
 No more delisting to get your servers full, I hope they empty and die.

 On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Jason Ruymen jas...@valvesoftware.com
 A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available.  The specific
 changes include:

 - Fixed servers being inappropriately delisted from the master server

 Team Fortress 2:
 - Updated CTF_Doublecross
 - Improved clipping to prevent players from getting to unintended
 - Updated CTF_2Fort
 - Fixed Blue players being able to block the Blue spawn room doors to
 in teammates
 - Moved the Blue team Sniper wall down to match the Red team Sniper
 - Updated Russian localization strings
 - Fixed the Pyro not being able to deflect enemy flares
 - Fixed pipebombs not being removed if they explode in a


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Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released

2009-12-13 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

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 From: markim.cr...@hotmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 12:38:41 -0200
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released
 nao quero mais receber esse email
  From: matthew.j.gottl...@gmail.com
  Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 08:22:28 -0600
  To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
  Subject: Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released
  The reason they do that is because if you are doing a fresh install,
  you want the defaults.  There should be a command to use different
  files for your motd and host that you can put in your boot-up line so
  you don't have to worry about updates.  I know I did that with the
  maplist and motd back when I ran a few TF2 servers.
  On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 6:26 AM, -xL-Trinidad
  trini...@extreme-losers.org wrote:
   Its quite annoying even though its easy to copy back the customized files 
   from a backup directory.
- Original Message -
From: Josh Bost
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released
Is it really necessary to replace motd.txt and host.txt with updates :|
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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available

2009-09-02 Thread steve grout
we're getting reports of game lag and client crashes all over :(

anyone else

Jason Ruymen wrote:
 A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available.  Please run 
 hldsupdatetool to receive it.  The specific changes include:

 - Fixed not on camera object particle effects appearing while spectating 
 in-eyes, and not appearing when in thirdperson
 - Fixed inventory bug that caused some item pickups not to be shown
 - Added support for client explanations of backend inventory manipulation


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Re: [hlds] HldsUpdateTool winsock error 10054 connect reset by peer.

2009-07-12 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

Yes add update -verify_all to your command line

 From: gatekeeper...@live.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:25:29 -0400
 Subject: Re: [hlds] HldsUpdateTool winsock error 10054 connect reset by peer.
 Is there anything I can do to check that everything is installed and 
  Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 20:23:40 +0100
  From: saul.renni...@gmail.com
  To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
  Subject: Re: [hlds] HldsUpdateTool winsock error 10054 connect reset by 
  You can be very certain ;)
  I think that error is just the server telling the client that it's finished
  sending files to you.
  - Saul.
  2009/7/12 William Kerr gatekeeper...@live.com
   It's no firewall or anything, everything is off. It's not loss of
   connection I know that for sure, it has in the same place every single 
   If I run the HldsUpdateTool again right afterwards, it say HLDS
   installation is up to date? But can I be certain that everything is
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 03:13:46 +0800
From: clontar...@iinet.net.au
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlds] HldsUpdateTool winsock error 10054 connect reset by
It's only a guess. I deal with Linux servers, not Windows. A 10054
usually means the connection was dropped.
Bad coding I suppose.
Shane Arnold - clontar...@iinet.net.au
For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, 
   horse was lost. For want of a horse, the messenger was lost. For want of a
   messenger, the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered 
   the war was lost.
Saul Rennison wrote:
 It has nothing to do with firewalls. It happens to me and I have no AV

 - Saul.

 2009/7/12 Shane Arnold clontar...@iinet.net.au

 Turn off all firewalls and internet security suites and try again.


 Shane Arnold - clontar...@iinet.net.au

 For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe,
 horse was lost. For want of a horse, the messenger was lost. For want
   of a
 messenger, the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered
 the war was lost.

 William Kerr wrote:

 Hello, Im trying to install a Left 4 Dead Dedicated server using the

 HldsUpdateTool. I can get it running and everything, but when the
 installation of the server files reaches 99.48% I get this error.
 Error 10054, connection reset by peer. I've deleted everything and
 reinstalled it several times and still keep getting the error ins the
 place. I even ran it again after the error, without deleting
   everything and
 it says that it is up to date, but I don't know about that 
 never reached a 100%. Can anyone help me with this or tell me a 
 of installing the server, a way that would actually work? Thanks for

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Re: [hlds] Valve doesn't delist servers according to support...

2009-05-30 Thread Steve Colebourne
If I remember correctly, you are delisted based on your server rank, 
which is calculated when people join and leave your server. If people 
leave your server after not a lot of time then you will have a low 
server rank, and hence be delisted.

Valve isn't delisting your server because you have fake clients, they're 
delisting it because people don't like your server (probably because you 
have fake clients!!).

System working as intended.

shorec...@comcast.net wrote:
 Good news people! Valve doesn't delist servers! At least according to their 
 highly trained support staff!! 
 = Please enter your reply ABOVE this line = 
 A staff member has replied to your question: 
 Steam does not delist servers. 
 Anytime you wish you can view your question online: 
 Oh, but wait! Yes they DO! 
 Directly from Erik Johnson: 
 Right now, we're not trying to provide a finely tuned quality difference 
 between servers to players looking for a server. Instead, we're focused on 
 finding and removing the very worst servers...Delistings are temporary (1 
 month right now) 
 Apparently having 6 fake clients qualifies you as one of the very worst 
 servers. I removed my fake clients plugin and changed the IP and BAM! The 
 server was listed again! Valve refuses to talk to me about this in a support 
 ticket because they don't support their own server software. They suggested I 
 visit the forums. I'm sorry, but no one in the forums can address that issue. 
 Only Valve can. 
 Ya gotta love support drones! 
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Re: [hlds] Valve doesn't delist servers according to support...

2009-05-30 Thread Steve Colebourne

shorec...@comcast.net wrote:
 What's this server rank thing? I've heard a little about it, but haven't paid 
 attention to it. Under the new IP, it's listed in the server list just like 
 any other server. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Steve Colebourne steve.colebou...@gmail.com 
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
 Cc: steve colebourne steve.colebou...@gmail.com 
 Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 5:25:01 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Valve doesn't delist servers according to support... 
 If I remember correctly, you are delisted based on your server rank, 
 which is calculated when people join and leave your server. If people 
 leave your server after not a lot of time then you will have a low 
 server rank, and hence be delisted. 
 Valve isn't delisting your server because you have fake clients, they're 
 delisting it because people don't like your server (probably because you 
 have fake clients!!). 
 System working as intended. 
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Re: [hlds] Valve doesn't delist servers according to support...

2009-05-30 Thread Steve Colebourne
It really depends what you deem fair. It was explained in the blog post 
that the only servers getting delisted are those at the extreme bottom 
end of the scale.

The system was developed to catch people who were poorly advertising 
their servers, and in particular, running fake clients.

Given that, your objection to being delisted seems to have little 
weight, having said that you have fake clients running on your server.

shorec...@comcast.net wrote:
 So a new server that has people join, then decide they don't like the 
 configuration can unfairly get delisted... oops.. forgot, Valve doesn't 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Donnie Newlove donnie.newl...@gmail.com 
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list 
 Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 6:45:29 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Valve doesn't delist servers according to support... 
 You do not get delisted for having less traffic, you get delisted for 
 having much traffic and having most players immediately leave. 
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[hlds] Help - TF2 Server showing red Connection lost error randomly and disconnects everyone

2009-05-27 Thread Steve
I am starting to go crazy. I've looked at all possibilities and now looking
for some guidance/ideas on what to try next.
After playing a few minutes, all the players in the server get a red
WARNING: Connection problem Auto-disconnect in 30 seconds in the top right
corner. During the first few seconds, if you try a retry in console it
won't connect, but eventually it goes through before the 30 seconds. If you
don't retry and just wait, you time out. So it's possible to reconnect
before the 30 seconds is over.. but it won't reconnect on its own. While
this happens, I can still ping the server from a command line, but the game
server itself is not responding.

I've done a fresh new srcds install. There are no plugins. I've tried with
no config (!) and with a league config to be safe on the values..

OS: Windows 2003 Web Ed
Ram : 2 GB - 1GB free
CPU: Intel Dual Core 2.8 GHZ

I then installed the server on a seperate machine with identical specs, and
I am getting the same issue. Both were fresh downloads off hldsupdatetool. I
didn't copy any files over. What haven't I ruled out?

Now if I can add, I am running some ventrilo servers on the same machines,
and none of them show any form of lag or disconnection at any point. The
connection error message is random, it can be while multiple users are in
the server, or a single user. It will also happen even if I'm just sitting
in the server, specating before picking a team...!

In the client console, it shows only this:
Server connection timed out.

The server log is empty. It creates a new log at the time of crash with

L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: Log file started (file logs\L0527028.log) (game
C:\somefolder\orangebox\tf) (version 3847)
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: mp_maxrounds 2
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: mp_tournament 1
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: tv_enable 1
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: tf_damage_disablespread 1
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: tf_weapon_criticals 0
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: mp_autoteambalance 0
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: mp_respawnwavetime 10
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: server_cvar: mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
L 05/27/2009 - 11:35:04: Log file closed

looks like it only restarts the map? I can't make any sense out of this...
please help!

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Re: [hlds] Help - TF2 Server showing red Connection lost error randomly and disconnects everyone

2009-05-27 Thread Steve
There are no plugins installed, which puzzles me even more.
Now I did a few more tests later, and I don't get this problem when running
the server directly instead of running it as a service, or at least it
didn't crash in 40 minutes while when running as a service it crashes
constantly every few minutes. I just can't pinpoint the problem.. =(

My servers are ran from TCAdmin. I have not ran any TF2 servers in a long
time, and while nothing was changed on the server, a few months ago I could
run them with no problem.

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Craig Collinson 
craig.collinso...@googlemail.com wrote:

 is this a vanila server ?

 im also getting the same problem with the latest metamod installed,
 steambans plugin  sourcemod both servers are on the same machine but
 both are running different versions of sourcemod. 1 is running the
 latest release and the other is running the latest 1.2.1 dev.

 im also not 100% sure but i think both time out at the same time also
 i will keep a eye on this to verify it but it cant be the box its
 running on as the cs:s servers aint affected at all.
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Re: [hlds] Help - TF2 Server showing red Connection lost error randomly and disconnects everyone

2009-05-27 Thread Steve
That is the only game server running on the box for me, so this doesn't
apply. I've tried to run the service as normal, abovenormal and high, and
all 3 will show this random 'disconnect' issue when running as a service.
Again, when i start the game server normally from the console, it won't show
this behavior.. I just can't make sense out of this. =(

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:57 PM, Cc2iscooL cc2isc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've noticed this on servers when I forget to set them to the same
 priority as the other tf2 servers. As of the last few updates it seems
 to affect other servers on the box if they're not the same priority.

 On 5/27/09, Steve rui...@konspiracy.org wrote:
  There are no plugins installed, which puzzles me even more.
  Now I did a few more tests later, and I don't get this problem when
  the server directly instead of running it as a service, or at least it
  didn't crash in 40 minutes while when running as a service it crashes
  constantly every few minutes. I just can't pinpoint the problem.. =(
  My servers are ran from TCAdmin. I have not ran any TF2 servers in a long
  time, and while nothing was changed on the server, a few months ago I
  run them with no problem.
  On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Craig Collinson 
  craig.collinso...@googlemail.com wrote:
  is this a vanila server ?
  im also getting the same problem with the latest metamod installed,
  steambans plugin  sourcemod both servers are on the same machine but
  both are running different versions of sourcemod. 1 is running the
  latest release and the other is running the latest 1.2.1 dev.
  im also not 100% sure but i think both time out at the same time also
  i will keep a eye on this to verify it but it cant be the box its
  running on as the cs:s servers aint affected at all.
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Re: [hlds] Help - TF2 Server showing red Connection lost error randomly and disconnects everyone

2009-05-27 Thread Steve
Ok, I've actually fixed my problem. TCAdmin Server Compatibility was not set
properly, I had it configured as Source instead of Halflife2, so TCadmin
thought the server was down and was restarting it...
Thanks everyone.

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Clyde cide thedrunkenbraw...@gmail.comwrote:

 See if there is someway to casue a disconnection to steam, IVe heard and
 have seen when this happens that it will spew out unlocks before
 disconnecting. When I saw it happen this red connection warning message was
 comming out quite alot

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[hlds] Anyone use Sigma servers

2009-05-25 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

Just wondering if anyone uses or has used this provider, and their opinions on 


I have a club member who wants to start a L4D server and seems to want to use 
them.  Thanks for any input.

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Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)

2009-05-23 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

Well we worked with Beetlefart on the Windowz version and since applying .89 
we've had no crashes or other weird behavior on our live game server.  I have 
also put it on my vanilla test server without any changes and it's been running 
since applied.  I looked at those threads in the BM forums and to me it looked 
like there may be some config changes needed,  
(bm_UseForcedRespawnforFastRespawn 0
in the default.cfg was one), but then all is good.  We haven't really tested 
out all functions yet (will be done as we use it).  Of course your milage may 
vary, hehe.

 Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 10:03:56 -0400
 From: thedrunkenbraw...@gmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)
 all the crashes are fixed? Ive seen some threads there that make it look
 like 89 is crashing as well
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Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)

2009-05-22 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

Seems the problem, much like SM, is due to function call offsets that Valve 
changed and
yes he is going to work on a fix (just not till this evening).

 Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 06:15:18 -0400
 From: mfnt...@gmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)
 I use SM and BM. Since disabling BM it's ok. I'm sure he's working on a fix.
 On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 4:26 AM, Mike Stiehm mikesti...@gmail.com wrote:
  New sourcemod version out. works fine now..
  Beetlesmod still does not work...
  -Original Message-
  From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
  [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Timothy Sadleir
  Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 3:23 AM
  To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
  Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)
  Any more updates on this?  Anyone else crashing?  I just put beetlesmod on
  so I'm not sure If I'm going to or not.
  On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Steve Kovack Sr.
   We run a 24/7 ORANGE_X3 server.  Windows based, Beetle's MOD is the only
   Server is crashing with BM enabled, but runs fine without it.  Basically
   use it to set
   respawn times and class limits. Anyone else seeing something similar??
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  __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
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Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)

2009-05-22 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

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Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)

2009-05-22 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

Whoops sorry for the blank message (doh).  For those interested there is a new 
of BM (., crashes are fixed (boy beta testing is such fun)!!!

 From: ofcba...@hotmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 00:18:43 -0500
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)
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[hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)

2009-05-21 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

We run a 24/7 ORANGE_X3 server.  Windows based, Beetle's MOD is the only plugin.
Server is crashing with BM enabled, but runs fine without it.  Basically use it 
to set
respawn times and class limits. Anyone else seeing something similar??

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Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)

2009-05-21 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

 Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 23:17:11 -0400
 From: thedrunkenbraw...@gmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)
 what version BM?
 On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Steve Kovack Sr. 
  We run a 24/7 ORANGE_X3 server.  Windows based, Beetle's MOD is the only
  Server is crashing with BM enabled, but runs fine without it.  Basically
  use it to set
  respawn times and class limits. Anyone else seeing something similar??
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Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)

2009-05-21 Thread Steve Kovack Sr .

Oh well thanks any how for the info. BTW seems Valve slipped in another
change.  I rechecked the update on my test server and got a new dll. 
It went from 93 to 94 though no other version info has changed

 Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 23:26:39 -0400
 From: thedrunkenbraw...@gmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)
 Ive got the same version and No issues with it
 On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald 
 voo...@voogru.com wrote:
  Of course plugins break during update. Silly people.
  -Original Message-
  From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
  [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Steve Kovack Sr.
  Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 11:11 PM
  To: hlds list
  Subject: [hlds] Server crashing after update (Beetle's MOD???)
  We run a 24/7 ORANGE_X3 server.  Windows based, Beetle's MOD is the only
  Server is crashing with BM enabled, but runs fine without it.  Basically
  it to set
  respawn times and class limits. Anyone else seeing something similar??
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Re: [hlds] Associate Names with a Steam ID?

2009-05-07 Thread Steve Colebourne
Hi Jake,

There's a mathematical relationship between the Steam ID and the
community ID. You'll find lots by googling: steam id to community id.

As far as I know, there's no way of determining the account name.

Someone else might shed more light than me, though!

Jake E wrote:
 Is there any plugin where you type in a Steam ID or ID's, and it shows the
 display names / account names associated with it?
 We've decided to create a master ban list so that we can keep track of who
 we ban, why, and how long. I've already dug through the log files and found
 a few.
 Here's the problem: Our server got moved on April 24th. No log files before
 So.. yeah.
 Also the Steam id's part is important as our perma-ban list is 165 players
 Any help would be great.
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Re: [hlds] TF2 - Concurrent Connections from one public IP blocked

2009-05-04 Thread Steve Colebourne
Not checked since the update, but used to get this a lot a while back.

We now run each client behind the same ip on a different client port and 
get no problems - but as I said, haven't been on tf2 with two machines 
since said update.

Don't know if the above will help or not!

turb0z wrote:
 Since the last Valve update for TF2, I’ve been getting reports from my
 community members that if two people try to join a TF2 server from the same
 public IP address, the second person gets a “connection failed after 3
 attempts” message.  This has been confirmed on any TF2 server, not a
 specific one.  This was not the case up until the last update released (I
 believe Friday).
 Anyone else seeing this issue?
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Re: [hlds] TF2 - Concurrent Connections from one public IP blocked

2009-05-04 Thread Steve Colebourne
+clientport 27006 in launch options :)

turb0z wrote:
 How would one go about doing this?
 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of MONDO
 Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 10:41 AM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 - Concurrent Connections from one public IP blocked
 Using a different port on the player side should resolve this.  The default
 port is 27005, so simply have the 2nd PC use port 27006 and you should have
 no further problems.
 On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 11:31 AM, turb0z tur...@undergamer.com wrote:
 I also just confirmed with this person that if they click cancel on the
 retrying connection box before the timeout occurs, they were able to
 successfully join the server.  Seems pretty bass ackwards, but that was
 workaround yesterday.  He confirmed this on four systems (two on one
 IP) working off of Time Warner Residential and Business class.

 Seems like it's definitely an issue since he confirmed it on different
 systems and it wasn't linked to one game server.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:
 hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Steve Colebourne
 Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 10:27 AM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] TF2 - Concurrent Connections from one public IP
 Not checked since the update, but used to get this a lot a while back.

 We now run each client behind the same ip on a different client port and
 get no problems - but as I said, haven't been on tf2 with two machines
 since said update.

 Don't know if the above will help or not!

 turb0z wrote:
 Since the last Valve update for TF2, I’ve been getting reports from my
 community members that if two people try to join a TF2 server from the
 public IP address, the second person gets a “connection failed after 3
 attempts” message.  This has been confirmed on any TF2 server, not a
 specific one.  This was not the case up until the last update released
 believe Friday).

 Anyone else seeing this issue?


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Re: [hlds] TF2 Client Crashing on Startup

2009-04-30 Thread steve grout
i take it valve know they fubard the latest ninja patch

Hutch wrote:

 And when you release the patch to your current patch, roll back the 
 minrate maxrate tweak that you implemented and supposedly fixed at 
 a later date.
 Servers still have time warp lag issue... patch that patch too please...
 thank you

 At 05:36 PM 4/30/2009, you wrote:
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 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of hlds digest...

 Today's Topics:

1. Re: Harddrives which to choose (Aaron Rapp)
2. Re: Harddrives which to choose (Patrick Shelley)
3. Re: Running LAN server with Steam IDs (Alec Sanger)
4. Re: Harddrives which to choose (Alex)
5. Re: Harddrives which to choose (Michael Secord)
6. Re: Harddrives which to choose (Cc2iscooL)
7. TF2 Client Crashing on Startup (Cc2iscooL)
8. April 30th Client Update Crash (Octo)


 Message: 1
 Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 15:18:38 -0700
 From: Aaron Rapp r...@iz3d.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Harddrives which to choose
 To: 'Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list'
 Message-ID: 01e701c9c9e1$9e871fd0$db955f...@com
 Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

 Valve...It would be very nice for you to get involved here. Remove these
 people from the list and implement moderators.

 It would do a huge amount of good to the quality of feedback you would get
 from this list.
 Aaron Rapp

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of f0rkz
 Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 3:10 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Harddrives which to choose

 Oooor I can just sit here and see how long it takes for you to pull
 out of your drunken stuper.  You were the one to start this and I am
 quite the stubborn ass when it comes to pricks like you.  Maybe I
 should just unsubscribe from this list since its you waving your dick
 around at everyone that doesn't join your cool club.  Oh pease can
 I become a self centered prick like you? Please?

 On Apr 30, 2009, at 6:04 PM, Patrick Shelley wrote:

 Well , when you unsubscribe, can you take sleeper with you too?

 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:59 PM, f0rkz h...@f0rkznet.net wrote:

 Seeing as all you do is sit on here and bitch, yeah I am the real
 girl.  I don't even know why I subscribe to the Win32 lists seems
 nothing but bullshit flying around.  Mostly from your mouth.

 On Apr 30, 2009, at 5:57 PM, Patrick Shelley wrote:

 Yeah, im sorry F0rkz, your a decent girl and i dont wanna hurt your
 feelings. You and sleeper make a great couple.
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 Message: 2
 Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 23:21:08 +0100
 From: Patrick Shelley sidest...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Harddrives which to choose
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 On this occassion im not drunk, but i find it sooo amusing to see you defend
 your boyfriend i almost cant stop.

 You didnt like it when i mocked him did you? But as he does it on a regular
 basis to other people i'll chime in and mock like he does to others.

 I think you need to get some perspective about being self centered, best off
 going to sleeper for that advice. The only selfishness im displaying here is
 a dis-courtesy to the others on the list by clogging them up with shite.

 I'll stop out of courtesy for 

[hlds] intermittent freezing on servers

2009-03-27 Thread steve grout
hi guys,

has anyone noticed or had reported to them that since the multi-core 
release they get freezing.  ?

Is that client or server side..as i cant seem to track it down in the 
server logs yet it only happens at busy times... just fyi  there are 
only 2 servers populated as i write this with a cpu load of 20% on a 
Q6600 with 1.5 GB mem free and the server is on a 100mbit non-shared 

Hutch wrote:
 Fix for multicore crash:
   r_waterdrawrefraction 0
 Apparently client crashes when in the water and gibs hit the water. 
 Seems to work...

 At 03:41 PM 3/19/2009, you wrote:
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 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of hlds digest...

 Today's Topics:

1. Re: Team Fortress 2 Update Available (Dj Satane)
2. Re: Isreali FRC regional (Patrick Shelley)
3. Re: [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)
   (John McCaskey)
4. Re: Isreali FRC regional (Rick Payton)
5. Re: [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)
   (Karl Weckstrom)
6. Re: Isreali FRC regional (Nightbox)
7. Re: [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)
   (Ronny Schedel)
8. Re: [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)
   (Mike Stiehm)


 Message: 1
 Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 15:23:57 -0400
 From: Dj Satane djsat...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 Since some people were comparing clients, I will chip in and say that I can
 now play on 32 man servers with multi core rendering on without crashing for
 hours, performance boost is obvious (e6600 + gt8800).


 Message: 2
 Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 20:11:12 +
 From: Patrick Shelley sidest...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Isreali FRC regional
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 I just thought i'd let you know i'm .


 Message: 3
 Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 13:15:35 -0700
 From: John McCaskey jmccas...@valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)
 To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
 hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com, 'hlds@list.valvesoftware.com'


 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Yes, we'll make sure the fix gets into HLDS as well and include the 
 fix in the next HLDS update.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com 
 [mailto:hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Ronny Schedel
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:51 AM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)

 This also occurs on HLDS servers. Would be nice to see a fix too.

 - Original Message -
 From: John McCaskey jmccas...@valvesoftware.com
 To: hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com; hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 7:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)

 Users getting disconnected with the Invalid STEAM UserID ticket error in
 TF2 when Steam servers are down is a bug.  Users are only supposed to get
 this type of disconnect if Steam is up and explicitly tells your server to
 disconnect a user.  It should be fixed for the next TF2 update.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds_linux-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Christopher
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 4:59 PM
 To: hlds_li...@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: [hlds_linux] Enough already (STEAM UserID ticket)

 Error verifying STEAM UserID ticket...
 I think everyone knows about this problem, we have all experience
 it many times the last few months.

 So after all the forumthreads and supportmails etc, inst it just easier
 to fix the problem or at least tell us why the problem is there and why
 you cant fix it? This way we maybe can cool down and don't be so angry
 at STEAM all the time. How hard can it be to write us something about 

Re: [hlds] intermittent freezing on servers

2009-03-27 Thread steve grout
oops.. sorry for the massive email.. didnt delete the stuff before..

anyway.. it only happens when steam goes down.. only just thought of 
that.. wth is going on with that!!.

thanks :)


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Re: [hlds] Unlockables breaking on TF2 server?

2009-03-18 Thread steve grout
yup this on ours aswell

Dustin Wyatt wrote:
 I used to have this problem, but after a couple of reboots it went away.

 And yes, I realize that makes no sense.

 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 4:55 PM, DontWannaName! ad...@topnotchclan.comwrote:

 I can also confirm this, I get people saying they cant get unlockables on
 server but can on others.

 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Alec Sanger eclyp...@hotmail.com wrote:

 happens in my servers as well. Only fix is to go to another server and
 come back

 Thank you,
 Alec Sanger
 P: 248.941.3813
 F: 313.286.8945

 Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:11:11 -0700
 From: naslund.fan...@gmail.com
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Unlockables breaking on TF2 server?

 I also remember this happening right after the Scout update. Don't
 what fixed it - if anything.

 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Aj Collins gamerzwo...@gmail.com
 It was like this for me when the Scout update was released. For the
 few days I could only get like one of the three unlocks to actually
 weapons in one server. Going to a different server seemed to allow
 the other weapons but the one I could use in the previous server. The
 went away about a week after the update and haven't had it happen
 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Emil Larsson ail...@gmail.com
 Lately I had problems with people not being able to use unlockables
 servers I control. VAC works fine, and TF2 strangely doesn't tell
 about the server not being connected to Steam (like what usually
 during Steam downtimes) in the unlockables screen, so it looks like
 working for players in the loadout screen... until they actually
 switch to their unlockables.

 There's no steam ticket problems which usually otherwise happens
 servers are unable to talk with Steam. Restarting fixes the problem
 temporarily, but it crops up 12-24 hours later again. Any ideas?
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Re: [hlds] TF2 Blog Post: Server Scoring

2009-03-14 Thread steve grout
ahh right.. yes, hopefully they will be removed.

AnAkIn . wrote:
 I'm saying that their servers have fake clients (or redirect), and most of
 them have the same IP and different port.

 2009/3/14 steve grout steve.gr...@gmail.com

 um... i dont get it.. whats wrong with the names of those servers.. as
 long as they aren't redirectors or have fake client counts.. i dont see
 the problem in what the server is called..!!

 Are you saying people now cant call the server what they want?

 AnAkIn . wrote:
 Not only a few :s There are lots with names like Mega Game Server,
 TF2 Server, Fun Server, 24/7 Custom Maps Rotation FUNTIMES and some
 other names like this to attract people.

 2009/3/14 AnAkIn . anakin...@gmail.com

 Seem to be better now. Less servers with fake clients, but there are
 a few ones at the top of the list. Hopefully they'll get delisted soon.

 2009/3/14 Clyde cide thedrunkenbraw...@gmail.com

 Here is what I love Msleeper


 Hopefully more people will join!
 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:07 PM, msleeper mslee...@cyberwurx.com
 Since it is such a hot topic, I'd figure I'd let you guys know that
 I used a throwaway IP for it, 2.) it was only up for 44 hours - it
 up right before the Scout update came out and went down 2 days later,
 and 3.) it won't be making a return until the next class update.

 I'm not really worried about it being delisted anyway since it's not a
 real server or real IP I use, and I'll just use another throwaway IP
 when it eventually does get delisted.

 On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 13:58 -0700, Nephyrin Zey wrote:

 That's a good point, is that server delisted yet?

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Bengt Rosenberger
 bengt.rosenber...@gmx.de wrote:

 And mass-banning servers aka honeypot servers.

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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Coming

2009-03-13 Thread steve grout
yup.. 2 servers updates.. the rest have been sitting trying to update 
for 30 mins +

cant download..

Steven Sumichrast wrote:
 Be happy you can download -- I'm unable to even download, it keeps
 retrying.  It just was able to and said the server was already up to
 date (which I know it isn't).


 Just be patient...

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Ben B brutalgoerge...@gmail.com wrote:
 downloading the content at .1 snail speed. :(

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:19 PM, turb0z tur...@undergamer.com wrote:

 Update appears to be released, downloading the content now.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Rick Payton
 Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 5:17 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Coming

 I care? It's all in fun  Just roll with it. :P

 - Sent from my #hlserveradmins IRC fanboyism

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Aj Collins
 Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 12:12 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Coming

 msleeper, I don't believe anyone on here cares.

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:04 PM, msleeper mslee...@cyberwurx.com

 Threat level increased to D: or Severe Patch Threat.


 Thanks Jason!

 On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 14:55 -0700, Jason Ruymen wrote:
 A required update for Team Fortress 2 is coming.  It will probably
 available in about 30 minutes.  The specific include:
 - Players who are stunned by a Scout now take 50% less damage
 - Increased the minimum distance to stun a player with the Sandman
 - Fixed problem where clients were unable to join a team or maintain
 connection to the server
 - Fixed Scout taunt kill achievement firing for people who didn't
 actually qualify
 - Fixed client crash in when creating muzzle flash effects
 - Fixed client crash when determining which disguise weapon to use
 for a
 - Fixed Natascha's chain not being drawn on the view model
 - Fixed stun code regression that resulted in a subtle reduction of
 Natascha's slowdown effect
 - Fixed rocket  grenade jumps not propelling players as far as
 supposed to
 And with this update, you will no longer need to run with

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 From Ben B. (Goerge)
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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Coming

2009-03-13 Thread steve grout
um.. it seems that since this update on first boot f the server it 
crashes... then our monitor software restarts it and its fine.. i 
thought it was our monitor software at first..dunno why as it;s been 
fine al this time.. checked the OB dir and can se ea shed load of mdmp 
files.. same goes for all the rest of the servers.

steve grout wrote:
 yup.. 2 servers updates.. the rest have been sitting trying to update 
 for 30 mins +

 cant download..

 Steven Sumichrast wrote:
 Be happy you can download -- I'm unable to even download, it keeps
 retrying.  It just was able to and said the server was already up to
 date (which I know it isn't).


 Just be patient...

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Ben B brutalgoerge...@gmail.com wrote:
 downloading the content at .1 snail speed. :(

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:19 PM, turb0z tur...@undergamer.com wrote:

 Update appears to be released, downloading the content now.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Rick Payton
 Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 5:17 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Coming

 I care? It's all in fun  Just roll with it. :P

 - Sent from my #hlserveradmins IRC fanboyism

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Aj Collins
 Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 12:12 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Coming

 msleeper, I don't believe anyone on here cares.

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:04 PM, msleeper mslee...@cyberwurx.com

 Threat level increased to D: or Severe Patch Threat.


 Thanks Jason!

 On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 14:55 -0700, Jason Ruymen wrote:
 A required update for Team Fortress 2 is coming.  It will probably
 available in about 30 minutes.  The specific include:
 - Players who are stunned by a Scout now take 50% less damage
 - Increased the minimum distance to stun a player with the Sandman
 - Fixed problem where clients were unable to join a team or maintain
 connection to the server
 - Fixed Scout taunt kill achievement firing for people who didn't
 actually qualify
 - Fixed client crash in when creating muzzle flash effects
 - Fixed client crash when determining which disguise weapon to use
 for a
 - Fixed Natascha's chain not being drawn on the view model
 - Fixed stun code regression that resulted in a subtle reduction of
 Natascha's slowdown effect
 - Fixed rocket  grenade jumps not propelling players as far as
 supposed to
 And with this update, you will no longer need to run with

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 From Ben B. (Goerge)
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Re: [hlds] Server Scoring - an open letter to Valve :)

2009-03-13 Thread steve grout
quote |

But at the same time, I can see why others would do it. They are simply doing 
one thing - trying to attract players in this extremely difficult market. 

yes they are trying to attract people but in a dishonest and VERY lazy way.. it 
shoes that they are not prepared to put the work in to populate the servers... 
i know for one that i have sat alone many an hour on a server to get people in. 
Fake slot = lazy imho

Karl Weckstrom wrote:
 I've been meaning to post about the whole subject of Server Scoring, but I 
 wanted to read everything you guys posted, let it sink in and all that.

 I'm glad you've been putting some thought into this - but I hope you take a 
 step back and look at the bigger picture. I hope you'll read this and also 
 let it soak in, even if it's just one man's opinion.

 Now - I own and partially run the Trashedgamers.com community. We're quite 
 new, only around about 6 months. But in the golden days of old, I ran another 
 gaming community called Railbait (www.railbait.com, now defunct).

 10 years ago, things were a lot different. Running a gameserver means you 
 were actually spent some money on bandwidth and hardware as opposed to today. 
 If you ran a server and it was fairly decently policed, you were pretty much 
 guaranteed it would be popular. At the height of Railbait's times, we had 
 nearly 200 player slots filled 24x7 and it was nearly effortless to 
 accomplish. We never had to work to fill servers, people would voluntarily 
 pug some people and do it themselves. People were just HAPPY that they had a 
 new place to play!

 Times are much different now. Bandwidth is cheap, and anyone with mommy or 
 daddy's cable connection can potentially run a server, or they can pay a few 
 bucks a month and rent one. Webhosting costs next to nothing. Symmetric fiber 
 lines are $70/mo for 20/20 in certain areas, etc.

 So it's time you realized something, Valve - and take this to heart: There's 
 such a huge surplus of servers out there now, it practically takes an act of 
 God to actually make any given one popular. Players now have SO many choices 
 (dare I say, TOO many choices) that they have become extremely jaded. A 
 tight-knit community is so incredibly hard to form today, many server owners 
 simply don't bother with the extra work that comes along with community 

 The problem (and solution) you discuss on the Teamfortress blog is an 
 interesting read and is absolutely a step in the right direction. However I 
 think what you're seeing with these Bad servers is a SYMPTOM of the real 
 problem - NOT the problem itself.

 Now, don't get me wrong - if I were to join a server advertising 30/32 
 players only to find it was empty or close to it, I would be annoyed 
 personally - and we certainly don't use this particular tactic at 
 TrashedGamers. But at the same time, I can see why others would do it. They 
 are simply doing one thing - trying to attract players in this extremely 
 difficult market. They WANT people to play there because they have put forth 
 the time and effort to put up these servers, websites and what not in an 
 attempt to run a successful, thriving community. While I might disagree with 
 the method, I don't find any malice in its intent. I'm not trying to justify 
 their actions, I'm simply good at playing Devil's Advocate.

 Now - you might argue that you made this SteamCommunity.com infrastructure to 
 help build communities, but this is also flawed in a sense. I assume that you 
 built this infrastructure so members who frequent certain servers, have 
 similar interests (like cookies) and what not will have a common meeting 
 place. Personally, we use it as a userbase for filling our servers.

 Toss up an event, and the server will be full in under 5 minutes, and for us 
 - stay that way sometimes for several days. But this too has a dark side as 
 I'm SURE you're aware. Man, we invite everybody. Since everyone's community 
 ID is out there in the open for anyone to grab, inviting massive amounts of 
 people in a fairly short time is trivial. We do it. That Kifferstupidwhatever 
 group does it. I would argue that ALL the top 10-20 groups have done it or 
 are still actively doing it. But is the SteamCommunity site really serving 
 its intended purpose? I doubt it :)

 So - before you consider a mass delisting of servers that are using whatever 
 trickery to keep them active, consider the actual root of the problem - NOT 
 just the symptoms. Before doing anything crass, please consider that we 
 server operators and community owners need the proper tools to make both your 
 titles and our communities popular.

 In order for any solution to work, you must ensure that one thing remains 
 paramount - the symbiotic relationship between Valve and the people who host 
 your servers.

 I've said my piece, I won't say anything else about it :)

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Re: [hlds] Server Scoring - an open letter to Valve :)

2009-03-13 Thread steve grout
um shoes = shows :)

steve grout wrote:
 quote |

 But at the same time, I can see why others would do it. They are 
 simply doing one thing - trying to attract players in this extremely 
 difficult market. |/quote

 yes they are trying to attract people but in a dishonest and VERY lazy 
 way.. it shoes that they are not prepared to put the work in to 
 populate the servers... i know for one that i have sat alone many an 
 hour on a server to get people in. Fake slot = lazy imho

 Karl Weckstrom wrote:
 I've been meaning to post about the whole subject of Server Scoring, 
 but I wanted to read everything you guys posted, let it sink in and 
 all that.

 I'm glad you've been putting some thought into this - but I hope you 
 take a step back and look at the bigger picture. I hope you'll read 
 this and also let it soak in, even if it's just one man's opinion.

 Now - I own and partially run the Trashedgamers.com community. We're 
 quite new, only around about 6 months. But in the golden days of old, 
 I ran another gaming community called Railbait (www.railbait.com, 
 now defunct).

 10 years ago, things were a lot different. Running a gameserver means 
 you were actually spent some money on bandwidth and hardware as 
 opposed to today. If you ran a server and it was fairly decently 
 policed, you were pretty much guaranteed it would be popular. At the 
 height of Railbait's times, we had nearly 200 player slots filled 
 24x7 and it was nearly effortless to accomplish. We never had to work 
 to fill servers, people would voluntarily pug some people and do it 
 themselves. People were just HAPPY that they had a new place to play!

 Times are much different now. Bandwidth is cheap, and anyone with 
 mommy or daddy's cable connection can potentially run a server, or 
 they can pay a few bucks a month and rent one. Webhosting costs next 
 to nothing. Symmetric fiber lines are $70/mo for 20/20 in certain 
 areas, etc.

 So it's time you realized something, Valve - and take this to heart: 
 There's such a huge surplus of servers out there now, it practically 
 takes an act of God to actually make any given one popular. Players 
 now have SO many choices (dare I say, TOO many choices) that they 
 have become extremely jaded. A tight-knit community is so incredibly 
 hard to form today, many server owners simply don't bother with the 
 extra work that comes along with community building.

 The problem (and solution) you discuss on the Teamfortress blog is an 
 interesting read and is absolutely a step in the right direction. 
 However I think what you're seeing with these Bad servers is a 
 SYMPTOM of the real problem - NOT the problem itself.

 Now, don't get me wrong - if I were to join a server advertising 
 30/32 players only to find it was empty or close to it, I would be 
 annoyed personally - and we certainly don't use this particular 
 tactic at TrashedGamers. But at the same time, I can see why others 
 would do it. They are simply doing one thing - trying to attract 
 players in this extremely difficult market. They WANT people to play 
 there because they have put forth the time and effort to put up these 
 servers, websites and what not in an attempt to run a successful, 
 thriving community. While I might disagree with the method, I don't 
 find any malice in its intent. I'm not trying to justify their 
 actions, I'm simply good at playing Devil's Advocate.

 Now - you might argue that you made this SteamCommunity.com 
 infrastructure to help build communities, but this is also flawed in 
 a sense. I assume that you built this infrastructure so members who 
 frequent certain servers, have similar interests (like cookies) and 
 what not will have a common meeting place. Personally, we use it as a 
 userbase for filling our servers.

 Toss up an event, and the server will be full in under 5 minutes, and 
 for us - stay that way sometimes for several days. But this too has a 
 dark side as I'm SURE you're aware. Man, we invite everybody. Since 
 everyone's community ID is out there in the open for anyone to grab, 
 inviting massive amounts of people in a fairly short time is trivial. 
 We do it. That Kifferstupidwhatever group does it. I would argue that 
 ALL the top 10-20 groups have done it or are still actively doing it. 
 But is the SteamCommunity site really serving its intended purpose? I 
 doubt it :)

 So - before you consider a mass delisting of servers that are using 
 whatever trickery to keep them active, consider the actual root of 
 the problem - NOT just the symptoms. Before doing anything crass, 
 please consider that we server operators and community owners need 
 the proper tools to make both your titles and our communities popular.

 In order for any solution to work, you must ensure that one thing 
 remains paramount - the symbiotic relationship between Valve and the 
 people who host your servers.

 I've said my piece, I won't say anything else about

Re: [hlds] 14 slot L4D?

2009-03-08 Thread steve grout
there are 14 slots in L4D just that only 8 are playable.  The rest are 
slots the director uses the other slots to spawn mobs. afaik anyway

Maximilian L. wrote:
 Versus mode?
 Is there something weird going on? All the sudden all my servers are showing
 up as 14 slots in L4D.
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Re: [hlds] 14 slot L4D?

2009-03-08 Thread steve grout
we run a stock server and in hlsw and everwhere else we see the slot 
count based on the game type..i.e no 14 players.

Bobby35ny wrote:
 That cvar is not helping in this case. I think this is only happening to
 modded servers. STOCK servers don’t have this issue..as far as I know..:)

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of 1nsane
 Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:54 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] 14 slot L4D?

 In the meantime... one could add sv_visiblemaxplayers 8 to their server
 configs. That way it would not trigger any alarms in TCAdmin or any other
 shared server host control panel. Although I don't see why anyone would rent
 an LFD server from a GSP. Perhaps if one has a totally horrible
 connection... perhaps.

 On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Alec Sanger eclyp...@hotmail.com wrote:

 this has happened to me as well. Just happened this morning. my provider
 automatically disabled all my servers because I was using extra slots

 Thank you,
 Alec Sanger
 P: 248.941.3813
 F: 313.286.8945

 Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 23:45:47 +0100
 From: mail...@ml86.de
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] 14 slot L4D?

 Versus mode?
 Is there something weird going on? All the sudden all my servers are
 up as 14 slots in L4D.
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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2009-03-07 Thread Steve Stifler
Whats happened is that Valve put the screws to ya with another crappy,
seemingly untested, Friday update. There is nothing you can do so just
suffer with it until they put out a fix. They seem to be on a slide with
there poorly written and tested updates so find another company/game to
invest your time and money in

On 3/7/09, Coldorak coldorak@gmail.com wrote:


 What's with the lag since the update 2 days ago?
 Here's what I encountered a few minutes ago on my server. Note the ping, as
 I usually have less than 20ms with my server.
 Many players were disconnected several time with a message like connection
 net packet overflow (don't remember exactly)

 Here are some screenshots of my net_graph 4:


 About my server net settings:

 sv_minrate 2 --- tried with 1 and 3
 sv_maxrate 3 -- tried with 3 (while minrate=10k) to 10 (while
 decalfrequency 10
 sv_maxupdaterate 100
 sv_minupdaterate 66
 sv_mincmdrate 66
 sv_maxcmdrate 100

 no fps_max setting.
 My cl_rate is 3 but many players left it by default.

 Are other people experiencing the same problem? I saw a few mails talking
 about lag, so I thought I could add some info.
 My server is launched with -NoQueudUpdateThread.
 We talk about 10-20s lag every few minutes...


 On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 4:31 PM, SmOoThEm ad...@righttorule.com wrote:

  Like I said before, a simple pre-release beta test would help us ALL out
  this area. I'm sure valve would like to stop releasing broken updates.
  Its also takes a lot of time for admins to update 10+ servers daily. Most
  the time were forced to shut down full servers during prime game time
  because that's when valve decides it's time to release and go home.
  There is a better way to do these updates valve, please give us a chance
  instead of blowing us off
  -Original Message-
  From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
  [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Chris
  Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 7:17 AM
  To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
  Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released
  lag spikes here too...
  I appreciate Valve releasing updates and fixing bugs, but the last 10 or
  seem to have caused issues elsewhere, quite frankly I would prefer NOT to
  get an update wait an extra two weeks and have an update which has been
  thoroughly tested.
  Obviously there will be updates which break other things which are
  to test, but seriously I cannot recall the last update which didnt
  subsequent updates to address issues the first broke.
  I'm becomming less and less impressed by the testers and QA processes.
  /me ends rant
  /me puts on flame suit
  /me hopes Valve reads.
  On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Karl Weckstrom k...@weckstrom.com
   lagspikes galore here too.
   -Original Message-
   From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:
   hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of o k
   Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 11:51 PM
   To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
   Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released
   Lag spikes here, and whole teams disconnected. Very odd. I was running
   before the most recent update.
   On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Clyde cide 
Mine are running crash free! The Lag spikes though.. is another
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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

2009-03-07 Thread Steve Stifler
Gimme a break... We've been asking for beta testing forever and sending out
updates that break things on a Friday is just plain idiotic. I pity the poor
admins that have to suffer with this thru the weekend. How much business
will be lost for them?? How many customers are going to be dissatisfied?? I
would rather live with an issue that can be fixed by Neph's code than suffer
with a new bug...

On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Saul Rennison saul.renni...@gmail.comwrote:

 Please name a better company / game with active developers that try to fix
 exploits and issues with their games as quick as Valve do. Stop shooting
 them down. The more you whinge the less motivated they will be to fix
 Shut the f*** up and stop acting like a 6 year old.

 2009/3/7 Steve Stifler bigstevie2...@gmail.com

  Whats happened is that Valve put the screws to ya with another crappy,
  seemingly untested, Friday update. There is nothing you can do so just
  suffer with it until they put out a fix. They seem to be on a slide with
  there poorly written and tested updates so find another company/game to
  invest your time and money in
  On 3/7/09, Coldorak coldorak@gmail.com wrote:
   What's with the lag since the update 2 days ago?
   Here's what I encountered a few minutes ago on my server. Note the
   I usually have less than 20ms with my server.
   Many players were disconnected several time with a message like
   net packet overflow (don't remember exactly)
   Here are some screenshots of my net_graph 4:
   About my server net settings:
   sv_minrate 2 --- tried with 1 and 3
   sv_maxrate 3 -- tried with 3 (while minrate=10k) to 10
   decalfrequency 10
   sv_maxupdaterate 100
   sv_minupdaterate 66
   sv_mincmdrate 66
   sv_maxcmdrate 100
   no fps_max setting.
   My cl_rate is 3 but many players left it by default.
   Are other people experiencing the same problem? I saw a few mails
   about lag, so I thought I could add some info.
   My server is launched with -NoQueudUpdateThread.
   We talk about 10-20s lag every few minutes...
   On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 4:31 PM, SmOoThEm ad...@righttorule.com
Like I said before, a simple pre-release beta test would help us ALL
this area. I'm sure valve would like to stop releasing broken
Its also takes a lot of time for admins to update 10+ servers daily.
the time were forced to shut down full servers during prime game
because that's when valve decides it's time to release and go home.
There is a better way to do these updates valve, please give us a
instead of blowing us off
-Original Message-
From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
[mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 7:17 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released
lag spikes here too...
I appreciate Valve releasing updates and fixing bugs, but the last 10
seem to have caused issues elsewhere, quite frankly I would prefer
get an update wait an extra two weeks and have an update which has
thoroughly tested.
Obviously there will be updates which break other things which are
to test, but seriously I cannot recall the last update which didnt
subsequent updates to address issues the first broke.
I'm becomming less and less impressed by the testers and QA
/me ends rant
/me puts on flame suit
/me hopes Valve reads.
On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Karl Weckstrom k...@weckstrom.com
 lagspikes galore here too.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:
 hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of o k
 Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 11:51 PM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Released

 Lag spikes here, and whole teams disconnected. Very odd. I was
 before the most recent update.

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Clyde cide 

  Mine are running crash free! The Lag spikes though.. is
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Re: [hlds] Server not showing in Master Server List

2009-03-02 Thread Steve

Jeremy Palmer wrote:
 Would Texas be considered East or West?

 On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 9:43 PM, turb0z tur...@undergamer.com wrote:

 Make sure you're setting your sv_region value properly.

 eastcoast - sv_region 0
 westcoast - sv_region 1
 south america - sv_region 2
 europe - sv_region 3
 asia - sv_region 4
 australia - sv_region 5
 middle east - sv_region 6
 africa - sv_region 7
 world - sv_region 255

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Jeremy Palmer
 Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 9:30 PM
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: [hlds] Server not showing in Master Server List

 I have a server that keeps not showing in the Steam Master List.

 Does anyone have experience with this prob and how I can fix it?

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Re: [hlds] What's the word on people being unable to use some unlocks?

2009-02-27 Thread steve grout
we had that issue.. after the little update valve did it was resolve 
i suppose that was due to the servers being restarted

Nephyrin Zey wrote:
 I had this issue with my unlocks, but restarting steam/TF2 fixed it. I 
 haven't noticed a server-wide issue, though i do know if the server 
 loses its steam connection it sometimes needs a full reboot to reclaim it

 - Neph

 On 02/27/2009 05:01 PM, Dustin Wyatt wrote:
 We've got some players who are unable to use unlocks on our server but have
 no problems on others.

 I swear I saw this talked about in the last couple days, but with all the
 noise about achievements I can't find it.

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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available

2009-02-25 Thread steve grout
hi all,

has anyone had it reported to them that some people cant use the new scout 
weapons on their servers.  Most people are fine yet some cant.  They have 
restarted steam to eliminate that!!

i seem to remember problems when the pyro update was released.. same thing 


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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available

2009-02-25 Thread steve grout
just for info.. our servers are on win2k std sp1 running sourcemod 1.2 
and below are the list of plugins and we are okay.

  01 Admin File Reader (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   02 SQL Admins (Prefetch) (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   03 SQL Admins (Threaded) (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   04 Admin Help (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   05 Admin Menu (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   06 Advertisements (0.5.5) by Tsunami
   07 Anti-Flood (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   08 Basic Chat (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   09 Basic Comm Control (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   10 Basic Commands (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   11 Basic Info Triggers (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   12 Basic Votes (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   13 Client Preferences (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   14 Fun Commands (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   15 Fun Votes (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   16 HLstatsX Plugin (2.3) by Tobi17
   17 MapChooser (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   18 Nextmap (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   19 Map Nominations (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   20 SlapSlay Commands (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   21 Reserved Slots (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   22 Rock The Vote (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   23 Round Triggers (1.4) by Mike
   24 SourceBans (1.3.5) by InterWave Studios Development Team
   25 SQL Admin Manager (1.2.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
   26 Teamspeak join command (1.2) by Berni
   27 TF2 Advanced Vote Scramble (1.0) by Brainstorm
   28 TF2 FF on during waiting for players (1.1) by Ratty


Alec Sanger wrote:
 are you running sm? Can you send a list of the plugins you're using? We're 
 also crashing. Happened twice on goldrush

 Thank you,
 Alec Sanger
 P: 248.941.3813
 F: 313.286.8945

 Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:34:26 +0100
 From: h...@mr-green.nl
 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available

 I'm from the same community as Joeri. Our second TF2 server (running 
 other maps) also got that error now. This second TF2 server is running 
 on another dedicated server. Both dedicated server got Win2k3 Enterprise 
 as OS.

 Hopefully Valve comes with a fix soon.


 Joeri van der Velden wrote:
 Our Payload server keeps crashing too. Host_error: Overflow error writing
 string table baseline Scenes

 The server command windows shows a lot of the Spy's .vcd files being
 listed/loaded/I dunno.
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Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available

2009-02-24 Thread Steve

1nsane wrote:
 Spy is causing the crash.

 Get a class limiter plugin and disable the spy class. Will fix the crash.
 However if your server does not start up... That's something else.

 On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Satoshi sato...@horizontalv.net wrote:

 It's weird cuz my pub servers that actually has plugins works, but my
 private server that is vanilla is not working.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 20:54
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available

 same, i removed all plugins and it still occurs

 Satoshi wrote:
 Dunno what error I am getting but my server won't start and is creating a
 minidump right away. Dunno how to read minidumps.

 -Original Message-
 From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com
 [mailto:hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of 1nsane
 Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 20:30
 To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Team Fortress 2 Update Available

 Anyone getting this error?
 Engine Error
 Host_Error: Overflow error writing string table baseline Scenes


 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:28 PM, msleeper mslee...@cyberwurx.com
 I'm on linux, and I have 4 servers but only 1 is crashing it seems.

 On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 15:22 +1100, Arg! wrote:

 for me, sourcemod 1.1 on win32 is crashing the server on startup,

 vdf file it loads fine.

 sourcemod must need some fixing, at least on windows.

 On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:17 PM, msleeper mslee...@cyberwurx.com


 Crashed again, here's the coredump.


 On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 22:37 -0500, msleeper wrote:

 I am getting crashes, at least 2 so far, not sure of the cause yet.
 Anyone else experiencing this? Running linux here.

 On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 19:19 -0800, Jason Ruymen wrote:

 The required update for Team Fortress 2 is now live.  Please run

 hldsupdatetool to receive it.  The specific changes include:

 New features:
  - Added The Force-A-Nature, The Sandman, and Bonk!
  - Added 35 new Scout achievements.
  - Added crit boosted on/off sound effects.
  - Added new sounds for upgraded teleporters.
  - Added new sound for a fully charged medic dying.
  - Add bonus points section to scores.
   - Scouts earn a bonus point for killing Medics who are


 healing a target.

  - Added several new speech concepts, mostly hooked up to new



  - Added new Remember last weapon between lives option to the

 Multiplayer Advanced dialog.

  - Spies can now control which weapon the enemy team sees them


 Hitting the last disguise key while disguised updates the disguise



 the Spy's currently held weapon.

  - Added several new Arena mode announcer speech events.
  - Added First Blood to Arena mode.
  - Removed 2x item respawn times in arena.
  - Changed backstab handling to fix facestabs.
  - Spies disguised as enemy team can now see player IDs for


 New maps:
  - Added community maps: cp_egypt, arena_watchtower, and


  - Updated cp_fastlane with Arttu's new version.

 Mapmaker requests:
  - Added new input for forward speed modifier to FuncTrainTrain.
  - Added TeleportToPathTrack input to func_tracktrain.

  - Fixed a bug where players would sometimes gib from non-gib



  - Fixed stat screen showing an entry for a class called map.
  - Fixed item model panels not using team skins.
  - Fixed obscure bug where spectators were able to carry the flag.


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Re: [hlds] TF2 Issue Unable to Connect: Engine Error

2009-02-19 Thread Steve
I had the same problem while running a server locally. It seems like the 
client needs to bind to the server ports now or something. So if you are 
running a server on your computer, that would explain it.

Daniel Reinhardt wrote:

 I am unable to connect to any servers, including my own.

 I get the following:

 Engine Error:

 Unable to Allocate any server IP Port.

 Windows Vista 64bit
 Intel Q6600
 4Gigs of RAM

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