[humanrights-movement:4322] Urgent Action Alert against the unlawful and forceful land acquisition for POSCO - by POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti

2011-05-19 Thread Kamayani
*The callous and unaccountable Naveen government has shown it's yet another*

*dirty face today when the police force quietly entered Polang village in*

*Jagatsingpur district of Odisha at wee hours to acquire land for handing*

*over to the POSCO Company. Prior to this game-plan, the state government*

*had informed to the media that there would be no acquision of land on 18th

*2011. Now it's confirmed that the state government was lying to the people*

*of the state and create a ambience of confusion for smooth acquisition and*

*hand over of land to the said Multinational Company (MNCs). The inference:*

*in order to protect the interest of the MNCs, the state government could*

*play treachery with its own people who voted it to power.*

* *

*Around 20 platoons of police are currently camping at Balithutha , the*

*strategic entry point to the proposed villages area. It was informed that

*around 4 a.m. today , 4 platoons of police force entered in to the Polang*

*village and started destroying the beetle vines. The process is supervised*

*by the district administration of Jagatsingpur and Industrial Development*

*Corporation (IDCO). The administration is planning to destroy the beetle*

*vines, take into control the plantations, prawn cultivation areas,*

*agricultural lands and the homestead land of the people.*

* *

*As part of *'Pratirodh and Pratibad Divas' *( Obstruction and Opposition*

*),the people from Dhinkia, Nuagaon and Gada Kujang Panchanyats have come

*in thousands and undertaking massive demonstration at Balitutha opposing*

*the deceitful, illegal and forceful land acquisition. People are already*

*blocking the connecting road from Balitutha to Dhinkia, Nuagaon and Gada*

*Kujanga. It may be pointed out that the police force which has gone for*

*acquisition of land in Polanga village will return on the way connecting*

*Gadakujanga and Balitutha. With the people determined to continue their*

*struggle in a peaceful manner, uncertainty looms large over the attitude of

*the government toward the peacefully protesting mass.*

* *

*With the heavy presence of the police force near Balitutha and other*

*strategic points like Trilochanpur and sea route connecting Paradeep to*

*Dhinkia which is empowered by the green signal to the POSCO project by the*

*Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), Government of India, an*

*unpredictable atmosphere of aggression and intimidation is created. It may*

*be noted that section 144 has been declared by the administration at*


* *

*Ironically, the Polanga village where forceful land acquisition is going on

*inhabits tribal people. Moreover, under Forest Rights Act, 2006 (FRA), no*

*forest land could be acquired without the approval of Palli Sabha. The

*government is therefore out rightly rejecting and dis-respecting the*

*authority of Palli Sabha under the FRA.*

* *

*It may be informed that today a demonstration is taking place MoEF*

*(Paryavaran Bhavan), near CGO complex, New Delhi and four left parties (*

*SUCI, CPIM(L), CPIML (New Democracy), CPIML (Liberation)) are demonstrating

*in Bhubaneswar against land acquisition.*

* *

*At this moment of uncertainly and threat to the life and livelihood of*

*people, we sincerely request your presence in our area to strengthen our*

*fight against unlawful act of the government carried out at the behest of*

*the POSCO company. We also request you write letters of opposition to Chief

*Minister so also call the Chief Minister to express disapproval of his*

*policy of use of force.*

* *

*Kindly circulate the appeal widely.*

* *

*In Solidarity,*

* *

*Prashant Paikary*

*Spokesperson, POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti*

*Mobile no - 09437571547*

* *

** **

* *

**Please send your letter in the following addresses**

* *

*1. Shri Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, Prime Minister's*

*Office, Room number 152, South Block, New Delhi, Fax: + 91 11 2301 6857.*


* *

*2. Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State for Environment and Forest, CGO*

*Complex, Lodi Road, Paryavaran Bhavan, New Delhi-3 jai...@sansad.nic.in*

* *

*3. Shri Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister of Orissa, Address: Naveen Nivas,*

*Aerodrome Road, P.O.-Bhubaneswar, Dist.-Khurda Pin -751001(Orissa), Tel.*

*No.(O) 0674- 2531100,2535100 (FAX) Tel. No.(R) 0674- 2590299,*

*2591099,2590844,2591100,2590833, Email : c...@ori.nic.in*

* *

*4. Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission of India, Faridkot*

*House, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi 110 001, Tel: +91 11 230 74448, Fax: +91*

*11 2334 0016, Email: chairn...@nic.in*

* *

*5. T. Theethan, IAS, The Joint Secretary, National Commission for SC,*

*5th Floor, 'B' Wing, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi 110103,


* *

*6. Narayan Chandra Jena, District Collector. Jagatsinghpur, Contact number*


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal

[humanrights-movement:4324] Fwd: Saheli Fire: An update appeal to help us rebuild our office [2 Attachments]

2011-05-19 Thread Kamayani
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Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4325] Action Alert:: Golibar Slum Dwellers face illegal demolition, Kindly call Maharashtar CM Office to protest.

2011-05-20 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan gbgbando...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Action Alert:: Golibar Slum Dwellers face illegal demolition,
Kindly call Maharashtar CM Office to protest.

19  May  2011
The bulldozers at Golibar a 50 year old slum are once again out to demolish
and evict the slum dwellers who have been fighting the corruption and land
grab by Shivalik Ventures in which the 2G Spectrum scam ridden Unitech has a
stake. In the past the slum dwellers have repeatedly opposed and exposed the
illegal acts of the private developers who are all out to grab the land. It
was only after the expose that the Chief Minister of Maharashtra scrapped
the two 3K projects. This has been welcomed by us but we also await the
scrapping of the Golibar Project. Yesterday when the slum dwellers opposed
the eviction drive 12 slum dwellers including 6 women were arrested and
today will be produced before the Magistrate.

Yesterday it was a familiar scene. A hundred policemen crowded the narrow
corridor that is the entry to our homes. The Collector’s men raised their
mobile loudspeakers and read out a ‘33/38’ eviction notice, asking us to
co-operate in their efforts to break their houses. It’s besides the point
that in no language, legal or otherwise, does ‘eviction’ mean ‘demolition’.
It’s also besides the point that the so-called notice was dated from more 90
days earlier, making it redundant as a legal order. Nor does it matter,
perhaps, that the High Court has ruled in our favour in a (criminal) case of
fraud and forgery against Shivalik builders – the very builders that the
police and collector’s office came to serve today.

We all request you to kindly call the Chief Minister, Maharashtra-Office and
request them to stop the forcible eviction of slum dwellers.

In Solidarity,
Medha Patkar,  Santosh Daonkar, Simpreet  Singh, Prerna Gaikwad, Ajit
Chief Minister, Maharashtra office-022 22025151
Fax No 022-22817068


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4326] Gorakhpur Update - 20.5.11 : Condition of three workers worsens on the fifth day of fast-unto-death

2011-05-20 Thread Kamayani
 मज़दूरों को मुआवज़ा तथा वी.एन. डायर्स के दो कारखानों में तालाबंदी
खत्‍म कर सभी 18 निष्‍कासित मज़दूरों की बहाली की मांग पर 16 मई की सुबह से भूख
हड़ताल शुरू की गई थी। एक मज़दूर की मां सुशीला देवी, तीन मज़दूर बिंदेश्वर राय
, सुशील श्रीवास्‍तव और महेश पाठक तथा स्‍त्री कार्यकर्ता श्‍वेता भूख हड़ताल
पर बैठे हैं जिनमें से सुशीला, श्‍वेता और महेश पाठक की हालत बिगड़ गई है। 18
मई की रात प्रशासन ने महेश पाठक को उठाकर जिला अस्‍पताल में भरती करा दिया था
लेकिन उन्‍होंने वहां भी अनशन जारी रखा और 19 मई की सुबह फिर से आकर भूख हड़ताल
में शामिल हो गए।

इलाके के कई कारखानों के सैकड़ों मज़दूर भी दिनो-रात धरनास्‍थल पर मौजूद रह रहे
हैं। इस बीच प्रशासन पूरी तरह मालिकान के पक्ष में काम करते हुए लगातार धरना और
भूख हड़ताल को खत्‍म कराने की कोशिशों में लगा है लेकिन मज़दूरों की मांगों पर
कोई ध्‍यान नहीं दिया जा रहा है। पहले दिन दो दौर की असफल बातचीत हुई थी जिसमें
मालिकान निष्‍कासित मज़दूरों को वापस नहीं लेने पर अड़े हुए थे। उसके बाद से
प्रशासन ने वार्ता की कोई कोशिश नहीं की। कल रात भी पुलिस और प्रशासन के बड़े
अफसरों की अगुवाई में पुलिस बल मज़दूरों को हटाने की तैयारी में था। इसकी भनक
लगते ही धरने पर बड़ी संख्‍या में बैठे सभी मज़दूरों ने लंबी-लंबी रस्सियों से
एक-दूसरे को बांध लिया। जब लगा कि भारी बल प्रयोग किए बिना मज़दूरों को हटाया
नहीं जा सकता तो पुलिस वापस लौट गई।

गोरखपुर में 3 मई को हुए गोलीकांड और उसके बाद मज़दूरों के बर्बर दमन के बाद
भारी जनदबाव और मज़दूरों के संकल्‍पबद्ध प्रतिरोध के कारण ज़ि‍ला प्रशासन और
अंकुर उद्योग के मालिकान को झुकना पड़ा था और मज़दूरों को एक आंशिक जीत हासिल
हुई था। मई दिवस की रैली में भाग लेने के कारण अंकुर उद्योग से निकाले गए 18
मज़दूरों को काम पर रख लिया गया था और कारखाना 11 मई से चालू हो गया। लेकिन
वी.एन. डायर्स के मालिक तालाबंदी खुलवाने और 18 मज़दूरों की बहाली के मुद्दे पर
अड़े हुए हैं।

मज़दूरों ने आंदोलन के पक्ष में जनसमर्थन जुटाने के लिए आज पूरे गोरखपुर शहर
में साइकिल रैली निकाली। आंदोलन के समर्थन में गीडा औद्योगिक क्षेत्र के
मज़दूरों ने भी कल अपने इलाके में जुलूस निकालकर प्रदर्शन किया था। बरगदवा के
विभिन्‍न कारखानों के मज़दूरों का एक बड़ा प्रदर्शन करने की तैयारी की जा रही

इस बीच पत्रकारों और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं की एक जांच टीम गोरखपुर में मज़दूरों
पर हुई फायरिंग, दमन और श्रम कानूनों के उल्‍लंघन के आरोपों की जांच करने कल
गोरखपुर पहुंची। जांच टीम के सदस्‍य कल बरगदवा में धरनास्‍थल पर भी गए और
मज़दूरों से बातचीत की।

पिछले 2 सप्‍ताह से भी अधिक समय से जारी मज़दूरों के आंदोलन के प्रति प्रशासन
के लगातार दमनात्‍मक रवैये और उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की उपेक्षा की कड़ी निंदा फिर
तेज़ हो गई है।

*Citizen's Front in Support of Gorakhpur Worker's Movement*

Contacts: 9936650658 (Katyayani), 9910462009 (Satyam), 8447011935 (Sandeep)

E-mail: satyamva...@gmail.com, sandeep.sam...@gmail.com

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4330] Fwd: Press Release: 25 Workers injured in Lathicharge, leader of Gorakhpur Workers Movement Arrested - Taken to undisclosed location. 75 other workers arrested

2011-05-20 Thread Kamayani
 of workers sitting on
dharna tied each other through big ropes. When police saw that the workers
could not be removed from the spot without the use of heavy force, it

The administration and owners had to relent in face of the massive public
pressure and resolute struggle of the workers after the 3 May firing and
brutal police repression of workers  in Gorakhpur, and the workers achieved
a partial victory. All the 18 workers of Ankur Udyog who were dismissed
after they went to participate in the May Day rally in Delhi were taken back
and the factory started from May 11.  But the owners of VN Dyers Ltd.
are  adamant on their demands. Even the administration was making no attempt
to call the owners for talks. They wanted to break the movement by tiring
out the workers. But the workers are ready to fight it out.

The workers staged a bicycle rally in the Gorakhpur city today to gather
popular support in favour of the workers’ agitation. Even the workers of
GIDA industrial area staged a demonstration in their area in support of the
agitation. The workers of various factories of Bargadwa are planning to
stage a huge demonstration.

Meanwhile an investigation team of journalists and social activists reached
Gorakhpur to investigate the incident of firing on workers, their repression
and the accusations of violation of labour laws. The members of the
investigation team also went to the spot and talked to the workers.

The strong condemnation of the continued repressive attitude of
administration towards the workers agitation going on for more than two
weeks and its neglect by Uttar Pradesh government is building momentum once

Citizen's Front in Support of Gorakhpur Worker's Movement

Contacts: 9936650658 (Katyayani), 9910462009 (Satyam), 8447011935 (Sandeep)

E-mail: satyamva...@gmail.com, sandeep.sam...@gmail.com

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4335] 73 workers detained including two ‘satyagrahi’; leaders taken to undisclosed location

2011-05-21 Thread Kamayani
In a blatant move, Gorakhpur administration has arrested 73 workers
including two women ‘satygrahi’ Shuheela Devi, mother of a worker and Shweta
Kaul, student activist, last evening. Their leader, Tapish Maindola, was
taken to undisclosed location and leaving c0-workers in fear of some
mis-happening. The three other workers on fast were Bindweshwar Rai, Susheel
Srivastava and Mahesh Pathak. Health condition of Susheela, Shweta and
Mahesh Pathak among them has worsened.

Last Saturday, hundreds of peaceful demonstrators had decided to move to DM
office, infuriated over administrations negligence and ignorance. In the
evening, all the workers tied themselves with a long rope and started moving
towards office where they were stopped by the heavy police force under the
direction of DIG and were detained near Gorakhnath
According to latest updates, the police resorted to lathi charge and
dispersed the workers arresting 73 of them. But the police did not
officially record the arrest of 30 of them and their leader Tapsih. Despite
this development about 250 workers are still sitting on a dharna at the
townhall near Gandhi statue.

The City Magistrate, JK Singh and District Magistrate, AK Shukla did not
respond to the call even after repeated efforts.  Dy Labour Commissioner, SP
Shukla, is ignorant about the developments and accepted that he didn’t try
to pacify the existed feud.

Earlier, Gorakhpur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorakhpur Administration
had not responded to ‘series of fasts’ organized by the workers of factory
between May 9 and May 15, for the re-instate of 18 workers, ending up in the
lock out of two factories of V.N. Dyers. Judicial enquiry into 3rd May
firings on workers and for their proper compensations was the demands of
protestors at Town Hall of Gorakhpur City.

Neither Administration nor the factory owners tried to pacify the conflict.
They all had been acted insensitively without taking any cognizance about
this protest. Administration have been brazenly took side of the factory
owners. This infuriated the protestors to take on this ‘insensitivity’ by
their horn. They decided to go on ‘fast unto death’ from 16th May at Town
hall. The five members from workers group including two women also had
joined the protest.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4339] Condemn repression of workers’ movement in Gorakhpur PL SIGN AND SHARE WIDELY

2011-05-22 Thread Kamayani
To:  Ms Mayawati, The Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh

Respected Madam,

We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the repression of the workers’
movement in Gorakhpur by the district administration and police machinery.
Workers of Gorakhpur have started a peaceful 'Workers’ Satyagraha' since May
16 for their demands related to the incident of firing on workers by the
hired goons of factory owner on May 3 in Ankur Udyog Ltd, a yarn factory in
Bargadwa industrial area of Gorakhpur in which 19 workers sustained injury.
Instead of paying attention to the genuine demands of the workers, the
district administration is unabashedly taking the side of factory owners and
is hell bent on crushing the entirely peaceful movement.

As part of the workers’ Satyagrah the workers have been undertaking
fast-unto-death and staging dharna since the morning of May 16. But on May
20, in order to disperse the workers, this peaceful satyagrah was dealt with
heavy lathi charge by police force in the presence of the DIG and 73 workers
were taken into custody. Most of them were released by late night but a B.
H. U. Student Shweta, woman worker Susheela Devi and 12 others were
arrested. The police took away labour leader Tapish Maindola from some other
place and was refusing to show his arrest till today morning. Later in the
afternoon Tapish was suddenly presented before the court. The Police have
registered a case of attempt to suicide under section 309 against all the
labour leaders. It is ridiculous because most of the arrested leaders were
not among those who sat on the fast. Shweta and Susheela Devi whose health
had worsened after five days of hunger strike have been later released on
bail. Rest 12 workers have been sent to jail. It is noteworthy that some
police and administrative officials had been continuously warning the
workers' leaders of 'dire consequences'. They had been particularly
targeting Tapish, Pramod Kumar and Prashant and branding them as

On May 21, when hundreds of workers started proceeding towards the office of
district collector according to a pre announced program, the police resorted
to lathi charge at several places and did not allow them to assemble. After
that the workers tried to stage a dharna at Gandhi statue in Town Hall but
the police did not let them reach even there. For hours, the office of
district collector had turned into a cantonment and the police personnel
chased out the workers by searching in the neighbouring areas. As soon as
police was finding four to five people looking like workers, they were
dispersed through lathi-charge. This naked reign of terror continued
throughout the day. Although most of the arrested workers were released, 12
labour leaders including Tapish are still in jail and are being implicated
in false charges.
It is indeed shocking to learn that instead of rule of law, naked reign of
terror prevails in Gorakhpur. Even after more than two weeks of the firing
incident, no action has been taken by police to arrest the culprits. No
action has been initiated against the officers who were responsible for
letting the goons go scot free after firing on workers despite the fact that
the goons were captured by the workers when the police arrived on the spot.
Even though the factory owner of Ankur Udyog Ltd was forced to end the
illegal lock out and take back the arbitrarily dismissed workers after
massive protest by the workers on 9th May, the illegal lock out in the two
factories of V.N. Dyers still persists and 18 dismissed workers from these
factories are yet to be taken back.
Under these disturbing circumstances we demand from you to take immediate
action to restore the rule of law in Gorakhpur by taking following steps:
• Immediate release of all the labour leaders and revocation of all the
false charges slapped on them
• Arrest of the accused of the firing incident on 3rd May
• Action against the guilty officers who allowed the goons to escape
• Judicial enquiry of firing and repression,
• Compensation to the injured workers
• Ending the lock out in the two factories of V.N. Dyers and reinstatement
of all the 18 dismissed workers


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

[humanrights-movement:4349] Fwd: Khar Golibar- Mumbai, Medhatai Patkar's Indefinite Fast

2011-05-23 Thread Kamayani
obtaining favourable orders from the Courts and began forcible and illegal
demolition of houses in the slum. While 167 families have voluntarily
shifted, but 48 houses were demolished in January 2011, and on 19th and 20th
May 2011, 24 houses in total were demolished.**

The slum dwellers have already initiated criminal action in regard to the
fraudulent document purported to be the General Body Resolution dated 7th
February 2009 and can always avail of the necessary civil remedies available
to them, there is one another important aspect that is of mammoth
proportions and consequences, and this being the link of this, and other
projects of Shivalik Ventures, to the 2G scam.

*Who is Shivalik Ventures?*

Unitech owns 50% of shares of Shivalik Ventures Pvt. Ltd. even as per its
own website and Annual Report 2009-10 (page 52). The Annual Report 2009-10
of Unitech further provides under the heading “Capital Commitment” that:

“Investment in 10,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs.
9990/-per share aggregating of Rs. 1000 crore has been made in joint venture
company, Shivalik Ventures Pvt. Ltd. An Amount of Rs. 442.77 crore has been
paid against the allotment of fully paid-up shares. The balance securities
premium of Rs.557.23 crores will be accounted for on payment.”

As pointed above, Shivalik Ventures, in turn, has entered into an agreement
of Joint Venture on 2nd March 2008 with M/s Madhu Construction Company to
jointly develop Ganesh Krupa slum at Golibar.

It is important to highlight the period during which Unitech has entered
into re-development of slums in Mumbai since it corresponds to the period
during which it illegally secured thousands of crores in the 2G scam. The
Director of Unitech has been included in the charge sheet filed by CBI and
has been under arrest since then. And as per the CAG report, Unitech after
availing the Spectrum licence in September – October 2008 for Rs 1658 crores
subsequently sold it off to Telenor company at the rate of Rs 6120 crores.
According to CBI, Unitech was alloted Unified Access Service licenses in 22
circles for Rs.1,658 crores, 60% of which it offloaded to Norway's Telenor
even before roll-out.

We are apprehensive that this illegal gratification enjoyed by the Company
has been diverted and invested in its 50% equity at the Shivalik Ventures
Pvt. Ltd. and the same is being channeled into the developmental projects of
Shivalik Ventures including the slum projects in Golibar.

*Why is Medhatai on an indefinite fast?*

Previous attempts to initiate corrective action from the government’s side
have met with no success. Along with Medhatai, a large delegation of 10,000
strong from different slums in Mumbai had even marched to Azad Maidan in
April to raise the issue of redevelopment. Despite this, today the police
and collector’s men have entered Ganesh Krupa with impunity and razed it to
the ground with a bulldozer. An indefinite fast is now the only alternative
left. These are the demands:

· Revoke 3k clause and thus cancel the agreements between builders
and SRA for the 6 projects where 3k has been applied.

· Review SRA scheme itself and modify it to allow Self-development
as an option.

· Implement Rajiv Aawas Yojna across the slums in Mumbai. This
scheme is not biased like the SRA and promises a house to everyone without
one, irrespective of a date.

*What can I do?*
Stand in support of the movement, by sending your delegations or
representatives to golibar. Help us to pressurise the CM to cancel the 3K
clause across Mumbai, and implement the Rajiv Aawas Yojna. Spread the word
to the media, and/or, cover the story yourself.

*National Alliance of People’s Movements
*National Office: Room No. 29-30, 1st floor, ‘A’ Wing, Haji Habib Bldg,
Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400 014;
Ph: 022-24150529

6/6, Jangpura B, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110014
Phone : 011 26241167 / 24354737 Mobile : 09818905316

E-mail: napmin...@gmail.com | n...@napm-india.org
Web : www.napm-india.org

This mailing list is for dissemination of news and views on the communities
struggles in India defending their land, water, air, rivers from hungry
predatory corporations, policy formulations, announcements on struggles,
action alerts and request for support.

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Groups National Alliance of People's Movements group.
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Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help

[humanrights-movement:4363] Repercussions of the Velusamy Judgement - From Majlis

2011-05-25 Thread Kamayani


*Judgements that have upheld the rights of women in technically defective




Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4366] Govt written commitment can only break Medha’s fast

2011-05-27 Thread Kamayani
By Newzfirst5/26/11

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MUMBAI - Even though the Maharashtra government offered to probe the
controversial slum projects, activist Medha Patkar will continue her fast as
the former failed to promise a time-bound inquiry as demanded by her. The
five-hour-long meeting between chief secretary Ratnakar Gaikwad and Patkar
on Wednesday, failed to yield any result. Patkar, who has been on indefinite
hunger strike since last Friday, has been demanding changes in the slum
rehabilitation policy and probe into slum projects including the one at
Golibar near Khar.

Speaking to newzfirst.com http://www.newzfirst.com/ , Madhuri Vairath of
NAPM said, “5 hrs long meeting did not yield any results as Chief Secretary
of Government did not commit anything in written. He accepted only few of
our demands, that too, verbal consent. Medhaji is not going to end fast
unless we get written commitment from the Government”

“Medhaji’s health is deteriorating day by day; her blood pressure is low and
have started vomiting” she added.

Denying breaking her hunger strike, Patkar said, “I will continue my fast
till the government agrees to our demands and gives a written commitment.”

The activist sought an inquiry by the high power committee in a time-bound
manner. The panel was set up in 2005 and consists of four members of the
NAPM, but has met only four times.

The meeting took place in two sittings. In the first sitting, Gaikwad agreed
to discuss the implementation of the Rajiv Awas Yojana, an inquiry in the
Golibar redevelopment and other projects under controversial 3K clause of
the Maharashtra Slum Areas Act, 1971, and stay on the demolitions at
Ganeshkripa Society till the inquiry is over. “We will probe the ongoing
projects under this section. A decision about the 3K section can be sought
accordingly,” he said.

The second sitting, however, ended on an ugly note after Patkar walked out
from the meeting citing dissatisfaction over oral assurances from the

People from nook and corner of the state have joined in relay fasting. Many
eminent personalities and social activists like Anna Hazare, Swami Agnivesh,
GR Khairnar and Arvind Kejriwal have extended support to Medha Patkar.

Organizations like Republican Panthers, Ekveera Sez Virodhi Sangharsh
Samiti, Tata Dharan Grast Sangharsh Samiti, farmers from Malegaon, Chemical
Mazdoor Sabha, Shramik Janta Sangh, India Against Corruption, Brihan Mumbai
Niwas Abhiyan Samiti, SUCI, Lok Jagran Manch, Brihanmumbai Nivara Abhiyan
Samiti, and many others have joined the protest.

Apart from Delhi and Aurangabad, demonstrations were also held in Thrissur
and Calicut. Similar events are being planned in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka,
Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Kerala and other places. Supporters
have also started an online petition addressed to Chief Minister of
Maharashtra, Prime Minister and Smt. Sonia Gandhi, President INC.
International support is also being mobilized and emails are being sent to
the CM demanding for putting a moratorium to all demolitions until an
independent enquiry is held in to the 3k clause related projects and SRA is
completely reviewed
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4368] Interview with Dr Binayak Sen in hindi

2011-05-27 Thread Kamayani
Ashish Kumar 'Anshu' ashishkumaran...@gmail.com

Dear friends

Please find an interview with Dr Binayak Sen which was recorded before
announcement of his appointment in Planning Commission


आशीष कुमार 'अंशु'

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4376] Fwd: Oppose the illegal detention of human rights activist Gautam Navlakha in Kashmir

2011-05-29 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Satyam . satyamva...@gmail.com
Date: 29 May 2011 12:36
Subject: Oppose the illegal detention of human rights activist Gautam
Navlakha in Kashmir

*Oppose the illegal detention of human rights activist Gautam Navlakha in

Well known human rights activist and Editorial consultant of Economic and
Political Weekly, Gautam Navlakha was detained at the Srinagar airport on
May 28 and was denied entry in Srinagar. Mr Navlakha was on a private visit
to Kashmir with his friend. He was detained as soon as his flight reached
Srinagar and was asked to go back to Delhi. Since there was no flight
available on that day, he was kept in police custody in an undisclosed
location and not allowed to meet anyone. It was learned that he will be put
on a flight back to Delhi on May 29.

Mr Navlakha has been vocal in raising issues of human rights violations in
Kashmir and opposing the heavy presence of armed forces in the state. He is
also in the forefront of the campaign to revoke the draconian Armed Forces
Special Powers Act which gives arbitrary powers to the armed forces to
arrest and kill and is hated by the Kashmiri masses. The denial of entry to
a noted public intellectual and activist like Gautam Navlakha raises urgent
concerns about the status of freedom of speech and movement in Kashmir.

This act by the Indian state once again proves that truth is the most
dangerous thing for all repressive regimes.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the illegal detention of Mr
Navlakha and demand that the Indian government should apologize to him and
must allow him to go back to Kashmir. We also appeal to all intellectuals
and democratic rights organizations and activists to stand by Gautam
Navlakha and put pressure on the Indian and JK government to respect his
democratic rights.

*Katyayani*, Chairperson, Rahul Foundation
*Satyam*, Secretary, Rahul Foundation

See link below for the press release by IPTK:

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4381] Bihar Panchayat Elections: violence against women increased

2011-05-30 Thread Kamayani
Bihar Panchayat Elections: violence against women increased
 By Jitendra  5/30/11

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PATNA - As administration has numbers of reasons to pat own back for
successful conducting of the Panchayat Election, violence cases during the
poll have also provided them an opportunity to re think over its strategy.
In a press note released by State Election Commission(SEC) on the eve of
concluding of the Panchayat elections, claimed that no case of poll related
violence has been registered which could affect the voters.

The average percentage of the voting in this election is 61.41%, which is
10% more in comparison to year 2006, Panchayat elections. The said average
is even more than the polling percentage of last assembly and parliament
election in the state.

About 14 cases of police firing, 13 cases of seizure of illegal weapons
along with 238 bullets and seizure of 1699 vehicles, 188 mobiles, 493 litres
of wines,  are reported. Recovery of Rs 10,68,262, arrest of 8328 people and
604 charge-sheets are submitted against the offenders. 649 booths across the
state will witness the re-polling in coming days. According to SEC, only at
125 booths, re-polling was carried out due to electoral malpractices,
whereas, rest are related to printing and logistics error.

Elections in Bihar were once infamous for violence and booth capturing. In
the 1999 Lok Sabha polls, 74 people were killed in poll-related violence and
about 20 people were killed in the 2004 general elections. About 15 people
in this Panchayat Election, 18 people during 2006 Panchayat Election and 158
people during the 2001 Panchayat elections were killed.

Only two cases of Naxal related violence are cropped up. One polling
official was killed and two were injured in a landmine blast in Jamui
district during the ninth round of the Panchayat polls. The Maoists had
kidnapped seven officials, who were later released. The first round of
panchayat polls saw a police officer and a woman voter being killed in a
rebel attack in Jamui. The second and eighth round also witnessed one death
each. Three people were killed on eve of second phase of election in
Behrampore village of Vaishali district.

*Trend of violence*

Any form of violence do affects women community profoundly. Recently
concluded election too has proved this argument. There were number killings
taken place in which though women were not made direct target but their
husbands became soft target. Mukhiya(Village head) Sudha Devi’s husband was
killed in Biharsharif district, Zila Parishad (District Council) candidate’s
Manju Kumari’s husband was shot dead in Madepura and  husband of village
sarpanch candidate was  killed in Sitamarhi, were the few cases came to
limelight through media. There were cases of abduction of women candidate’s
husband like in Sitamarhi. Few cases in which women candidates’ houses were
plundered and robbed. In one case, woman mukhiya, Malo Devi was shot dead in
Dhobdeeeh Panchayat of Biharsharif. Whereas, a sitting ward member died in
mysterious condition at fulwarisharif in Patna. In one more case a husband
stabbed wife who was the candidate of Mukhiya, after she ignored his diktat
of not to go out for campaign.


The current trends of the Panchayat election results are showing another
astonishing trend. About 80 per cent of the elected candidates are first
timers. ‘It is answer to those who raised concern that present Mukhiya
abuses his/her position to influence voters’ said SEC in its press release.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

[humanrights-movement:4384] Defend Teesta Setalvad! Demand Justice in Gujarat!!

2011-05-31 Thread Kamayani
*Subject:* *Defend Teesta Setalvad! Demand Justice in Gujarat!!*

Summary: To defend Teesta Setalvad and to demand justice in Gujarat, please
sign the petition at this link:


Dear friends,

Teesta Setalvad, Secretary of the Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) and
recipient of the Nuremberg Human Rights Award in 2003 is being relentlessy
harassed and intimidated by the Government of Gujarat because she has been a
tireless campaigner in the struggle to seek redress and justice for the
victims of the horrific carnage in Gujarat in 2002.

In a concerted attempt to intimidate human rights defenders like Teesta
Setalvad, the Gujarat Government, through its police, is continually
hounding her. She now faces at least three fabricated criminal
investigations, forcing her to apply for multiple anticipatory bails. Now
the latest appears to be a doctored charge-sheet.

This intimidation comes at a time when finally, after nine long years,
serious allegations against the Chief Minister Narendra Modi for
masterminding the criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder have reached a
pivotal stage. In a pathbreaking development, the Supreme Court of India, on
May 5, 2011, directed the amicus curiae to examine all evidence and meet all
witnesses, and report back to the court whether a case exists against the
Chief Minister and 61 others.

Serving and retired Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Administrative
Service (IAS) officers have testified to the illegal and unconstitutional
instructions given on February 27, 2002, by Narendra Modi that led to the
carnage. In the ensuing days, at least 2,500 people, mostly Muslims, were
murdered. Rape and other terrible acts of violence were committed while the
state police and administration stood by.

Prosecution of all those responsible for these crimes is essential for
justice, peace and reconciliation.  It will help guarantee that similar
crimes are not committed in the future. The Government of Gujarat is seeking
to thwart the judicial process through its persecution of Teesta Setalvad.

Please join us in defending Teesta Setalvad!

Pleas be a part of the struggle for justice for the victims of the 2002
carnage! Please sign the petition at the link below!

Please forward it to your friends.!


Bindu T. Desai

PS: For more background and details, please visit the following link:

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4386] FwdSupreme Court to CG Govt: Is call for revolution an offence? (plus Binayak Sen on Lokpal)

2011-05-31 Thread Kamayani
 after being
convicted and jailed for sedition in Chhattisgarh, is in town ahead of a
meeting organized by the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) to garner
support to scrap India’s antiquated sedition law. “I am not the only victim
of the law. There are hundreds of others who are. There are even more who
are against it. It is a British law created to use against freedom fighters.
Such a law is not the sign of a free country. The PUCL aims to collect over
10 lakh signatures of citizens against the law and present it to
Parliament,” he said.

Sen emphasized that financial, social and political inequality has brought
India to the brink of famine. According to the World Health Organisation, if
more than 40 per cent of the population has a BMI of less than 18.5, it can
be considered to be in a condition of famine. But 37 per cent of India’s
adult population has a BMI below 18.5, he said.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4387] Fwd: Gorakhpur workers movement - Workers occupy locked out mill

2011-05-31 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sandeep sandeep.sam...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:46 AM

*Gorakhpur workers movement - Workers occupy locked out mill*

Workers in Gorakhpur have occupied a locked out yarn mill since Monday to
press for their demands. Workers in Gorakhpur have been agitating for
several weeks on their demands. The struggle intensified after May 3 when
hired criminals called by the owners of a factory fired on them injuring 19

The lock out in two factories of VN Dyers Ltd - a textile mill and a yarn
mill - is going on since April 10. 18 workers of these two mills have been
dismissed by the owners. The workers are demanding the reinstatement of
dismissed workers, opening of the locked out mills and a high level enquiry
into the firing incident. The owners, the labour department and the local
administration have been trying to tire out the workers or break their
unity, but have failed. For the past some days, the owners have been trying
to start the mills without the sacked workers but the workers have
resolutely refused to go back to work unless their dismissed co-workers are
taken back. The owners were also threatening to start the mill by taking in
new workers.

In the meanwhile, workers has gained another small victory. The SHO of
Chiluataal police station has been transfered, who was involved in brutal
lathi charge on workers and repression of movement. Workers alleged that SHO
Mr. Gajendra Rai was acting as a henchman of industrialists.

On Monday, the workers entered the yarn mill and occupied all its shops.
They have not budged from their positions since then despite threats and
intimidation by the police and PAC (provincial armed constabulary).
Meanwhile, a large number of workers are on the vigil outside the factory
and have been supplying food to the workers inside. The Joint Front for
Struggle on Workers' Rights  has said that the workers will not leave the
mill until all the dismissed workers are taken back and a decision is
announced to start the mills without any conditions.

Meanwhile, activists supporting the  Gorakhpur workers movement have
conveyed to the state government and the local administration that if the
workers’ demands are not met, a large protest rally by  several trade unions
will be held in Gorakhpur. They criticized the state government's approach
of treating the movement as a 'law and order problem' and have urged the
authorities to look into the basic cause of the movement - which is rampant
violation of labour laws in all the industries in Gorakhpur.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4391] Pijush Guha's Supreme Court order granting bail

2011-06-01 Thread Kamayani
SLP(Crl.) No. 4387 of 2011


S U P R E M E C O U R T   O FI N D I A

 Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Crl) No(s).4387/2011

 (From the judgement and order dated 10/02/2011 in IA No. 1/2011




 (With appln(s) for bail, permission to place addl. documents on
 record and office report)

 Date: 31/05/2011This Petition was called on for hearing today.


 For Petitioner(s)Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Adv.
  Ms. Vrinda Grover, Adv.
  Mr. Pranav Sachdeva, ADv.

 For Respondent(s)Mr. Uday U. Lalit, Sr. Adv.
  Mr. Atul Jha, Adv.
  Mr. Santosh Mishra, Adv. (NOT PRESENT)

 UPON hearing counsel the Court made the following
 O R D E R

 The reply affidavit filed on behalf of the

  respondent  -   State   of   Chhatisgarh
is   taken   on


 We have heard learned counsel for the parties

   atlength   and carefully perused the
record.   We
SLP(Crl.) No. 4387 of 2011

   have also gone through the documents filed along

   with the counter affidavit filed on behalf of the

   State of Chhatisgarh.

 Ordinarily, this   Court   does   not

   with the exercise of discretion by the High Court

   inthe   matterof   grant/refusalof
  bail   when

   appeal  againstconviction is
pending  but,

   keeping in view the fact that the co-accused Dr.

   Binayak Sen has already been granted bail by this

   Court, we deem it proper to pass similar order.

 Accordingly, the Special Leave Petition is

   disposed of with the direction that the sentence

   awarded to the petitioner shall remain suspended

   and he be released on bail on furnishing bail

   bond in a sum of `2 lakhs with two sureties of `1

   lakh each to the satisfaction of the trial court.



Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4394] Public Meeting on 'Human Rights Violations in Kashmir'- 7TH JUNE

2011-06-01 Thread Kamayani
Public Meeting on 'Human Rights Violations in Kashmir'

07 June · 16:00 - 18:00
Press Club
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Created by:
Kamayani Bali Mahabal http://www.facebook.com/kamayani
More info

you to a Public Meeting

on 'Human Rights Violations in Kashmir'

Date - 7th June, 2011
Time - 4 p.m
Venue - Press Club,Mumbai
Speakers -

1.Parveena Ahangar - Founder of Association of Parents of Disappeared
Persons (APDP), Kashmir

2. Freny Maneckshaw- Senior Journalist who was recently in Kashmir will
share her experiences

3.Dilnaz Boga - Journalist and Film Maker-   Moderator

Kashmir Solidarity Group is a broad network of individuals and organisations
working on highlighting issues concerning Kashmir, in Mumbai. This group was
formed in 2010 following the developments in the valley since February last
year, which led to a strong upsurge by the youth of Kashmir. In this meeting
we will lay emphasis on the human rights violations in the valley.

You all are invited to participate in this very important programme along
with your interested friends. Please feel free to pass on this message to
others also.

On behalf of

Kashmir Solidarity Group

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4395] : Update - A major victory for the agitating workers in Gorakhpur

2011-06-01 Thread Kamayani
 was forced to call the owners and the workers for talks
on Wednesday night and a decision to end the standoff was taken after 3
hours of negotiations. Apart from the DM and DLC, the two owners and four
workers from the yarn mill and three from the  textile mill were present in
the meeting.

The Joint Front for Struggle on Workers' Rights  has welcomed the decision
and said that this  victory is the result of the resolute struggle of all
the workers of Bargadwa who stood united against the might of the
capitalists and the state. However, it cautioned the workers against
complacency as the administration and management have gone back on their
word several times in the past. Besides, the struggle for justice in the
case of the firing on workers will continue. False cases against workers
have yet not been revoked.

The front thanked all those who have supported their struggle in various
ways. It also asked all the intellectuals, social activists, jurists, media
persons and trade unions to continue their campaign to demand high level
enquiries in the firing incident as well as the rampant violation of labour
laws in almost all the industries in Gorakhpur.**


*Citizen's Front in support of Gorakhpur Worker's Movement*

***Contacts: *9936650658 (Katyayani); 9910462009 (Satyam); 8447011935

Email: satyamva...@gmail.com
 / sandeep.sam...@gmail.com

*Website: www.workerscharter.in satyamva...@gmail.com*

Facebook Page:

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4402] Fwd: Report of fact-finding team on the 3rd May firing on workers in Gorakhpur

2011-06-03 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: charu pathak charuchandra1...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:15 PM
Subject: Report of fact-finding team on the 3rd May firing on workers in

*Report of fact-finding team on the 3rd May firing on workers in Gorakhpur
and the repression of workers' movement*

New Delhi, 3 June. The three-member fact-finding team comprising media
persons and social activists which enquired into the incident of firing on
factory workers on 3rd May in Gorakhpur city of Uttar Pradesh has raised
questions on the role of the local administration and police while demanding
a high-level enquiry in the incidents.

The fact-finding team which visited Gorakhpur from 19 to 21 May released its
report in New Delhi today. The team included Delhi-based journalist
Nagarjuna Singh, political commentator and activist from Kolkata Sourav
Banerjee and documentary filmmaker from Delhi Charu Chandra Pathak. The team
met a number of officials, trade union leaders, workers, social activists,
politicians, media persons and concerned citizens in Gorakhpur to collect
facts and opinions about the incident of firing, police action on workers
and the continuing labour unrest in Gorakhpur.

The report says that the immediate cause of the firing was that around 1500
workers of several factories went to New Delhi to participate in the May Day
rally organised by the Workers Charter Movement despite the opposition of
factory owners. 18 leading workers of a yarn mill Ankur Udyog Ltd. were
suspended. On the morning of 3rd May when some armed persons attacked the
workers and were trying to forcefully take workers leader Prashant inside
the factory premises, the workers protested and threw stones in their
defence. This was followed by firing from within the factory gates which
caused injuries to 19 workers and a girl student.

The fact-finding team concluded that the 3rd May incident is not an isolated
incident but culmination of the conflict between workers and factory owners
in Gorakhpur since two years. The workers are struggling for their basic
rights for more than two years which has infuriated the owners. The
administration is not responsive to the workers' demands. The enquiry
brought into sharp focus the fact that the workers are not being heard and
the callousness and repeated use of force by the administration is worsening
the situation.

The team has demanded that the UP government must order a high-level enquiry
into the firing in Ankur Udyog Ltd. The report has termed the divisional
commissioner's order of magisterial enquiry as preposterous because the role
of the local administration in the episode is under a cloud. The other
recommendations of the report include arrest of named accused of the firing,
solution of problems of workers by negotiations held in cordial atmosphere
with workers and their leaders, an enquiry into the compliance of labour
laws in factories of Gorakhpur, enquiry into the role of the police and
payment of compensation to the injured workers.

*-- Nagarjuna Singh, Senior Sub-Editor, Hindustan, New Delhi*

*Ph**: 9953623417, Email: nagarjuna.si...@gmail.com*

*-- Sourav Banerjee, Ph: 9811841341, Email: **souravbanerje...@yahoo.co.in**

*-- Charu Chandra Pathak, Ph: 9818376996, Email: charuchandra1...@gmail.com*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4405] Haryana khaps to join Ramdev fast

2011-06-03 Thread Kamayani
Haryana khaps to join Ramdev fast
TNN | Jun 4, 2011, 02.50am IST





Read more:Khap
|Baba ramdev fasthttp://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Baba-ramdev-fast
   CHANDIGARH: Haryana's infamous khap
decided to pitch for Baba Ramdev in
Delhi http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Delhi on Saturday with a
large number of supporters.

Khap leader Om Parkash Dhankhar, who is coordinating with other khap leaders
of Haryana to mobilize support for the yoga gura, on Friday claimed that
more than 50,000 people from the state would participate in the indefinite
hunger strike called by Baba Ramdev to press for his demand to bring back
black money stashed in tax havens abroad.

As many as 170 khaps and 28 Jat outfits from Haryana have decided to support
the agitation, said Dhankhar, president of the Dhankhar khap. Seven vehicles
from Beri village and four cars from Dhakla village of Jhajjar district have
gone to Delhi. Besides trains and government buses, people have arranged
cars and private buses to reach Delhi, said a source. Some khap leaders have
even agreed to sit on indefinite hunger strike.

While facing flak for running kangaroo courts, which even lead to death
sentences for runaway couples in Haryana, the khap leaders said it's the
right time to hit out at corruption.

Pradeep Mathur, a follower of Baba Ramdev, claimed that khap panchayats are
working in the right direction. ``In the movement against corruption, we
want support from every corner,'' he added.

Secretary of Meham Chaubisi Sarv Khap Panchayat, Ramphal Rathi said their
panchayat has sent a resolution in support of the movement against
corruption. Leader of Hooda khap Shri Krishan Hooda and Jai Singh Ahelawat
of Ahlawat khap also expressed their support for Ramdev.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4413] Videos - Right To Dissent- art festival

2011-06-05 Thread Kamayani
Dear all

Many of you know that Dr. Binayak Sen and Ilina Sen were in Mumbai recently
to take part in a week long event, ‘Right to Dissent’, that included art
exhibition, film screenings, panel discussions etc, convened by artist
Tushar Joag in collaboration with the Committee for the Release of Binayak
Sen (CRBS).

Here are some videos of the last day of the event, that includes a
hilarious, satirical and allegorical Dastangoi performance
‘Dastaan-E-Sedition’ and speeches by Binayak, Ilina, Flavia and Mihir Desai.

   - Dastangoi Performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iPR2V59468
   - Binayak Sen’s Press Conference:
   - Ilina Sen on Binayak’s Arrest and the trauma:
   - A Brief History of Sedition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJBiel1wB1A
   - Flavia Agnes’ speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfjqWcjheVg
   - Binayak Sen’s Speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk69JRYPVTc
   -  Right to Diisent, art festival-

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4414] Another police officer blames Modi

2011-06-06 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: teesta setalvad teestatee...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:05 AM
Subject: Important
To: justice-and-guja...@googlegroups.com

2002 riots: Another police officer blames Modi

India http://ibnlive.in.com/india/ 2002 riots: Another police officer
blames Modi
 Meghdoot Sharon http://ibnlive.in.com/byline/Meghdoot+Sharon.html, Gaurav
Shah http://ibnlive.in.com/byline/Gaurav+Shah.html,
Updated Jun 06, 2011 at 08:58am IST

Gujarat http://ibnlive.in.com/newstopics/Gujarat.html 2002
 Click to play video

*New Delhi:* Yet another top police officer in Gujarat has gone public,
raising questions over the conduct of the Gujarat police force in
controlling the communal riots in 2002. Retired Gujarat Director General of
Police RN Bhattacharya has said that there was a feeling among officers that
the lower rank officials had failed to safeguard the rights of the citizens.

As the head of the IPS Officers' Association, he even called for a meeting
to discuss the issue. As many as 40 officers attended the meeting, even as
riots were on and passed a resolution that they must fulfill their
constitutional duty.

It would have been impossible at that time. But the response of these 40
IPS officers was a sequel to the feeling that on the ground level, things
are not being properly done, said Bhattacharya.

Bhattacharya has also questioned the stand taken by the state government in
the Nanavati Commission that IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt is not a credible
witness and his statements and affidavit cannot be entertained. Bhatt too
had earlier raised questions over the Gujarat police's role, indicating that
was the result of instructions given by state Chief Minister Narendra Modi
on February 27, 2002.

How can a counsel say such a thing? It is beyond me. I have worked with
Sanjiv Bhatt when I was DG, Intelligence. I have found him to be a highly
reliable man, Bhattacharya claimed.

While the Supreme Court will finally decide on Modi's role in the riots,
this fresh revelation does strengthen allegations that the Chief Minister
did ask the police officers to go slow against rioters during the post
Godhra riots.

http://teestasetalvad.blogspot.com/ www.cjponline.org

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4421] Protest against attack on housing rights activist Mr. Sandeep Yavle in Mumbai.

2011-06-06 Thread Kamayani
Protest against attack on housing rights activist Mr. Sandeep Yavle in

Mr. Sandeep Yavle, housing rights activist of Mumbai who is in the forefront
of exposing corruption and exploitation of builders in the name of SRA was
attacked on June 1st in his office at 10.15 am.

Sandeep was preparing for an interview with news channel ‘TV 9’  on the
issues of demolition of houses by builders in the name of SRA in the slums
of Ram Nagar Ghakhopar.  The builders had demolished houses leaving live
wires and clogging sanitary lines.

The SRA Project in Ghatkhopar Ramnagar has started from 2006  by Satra
Property Developers.  Many people have objections regarding the project with
regard to the nature of transit accommodation, forgeries and corruption
being perpetuated by the builders and the concept of vertical
development.  About
40,000 sq m is being developed by Satra developers in the area while the one
in question is about 29000 sq mts.

Mr. Yavle was attacked by about 150 people under the leadership of the local
shiv sena leaders and was instigated by their zonal leader who is also the
project director of Satra properties.  False information was spread among
the public and people were instigated against Sandeep that he was try to
scuttle the project.

The mob which included outsiders from the area thrashed Sandeep in his
chest, head and shoulders.  His kurta was torn and one of his colleagues is
admitted in the hospital with head injuries.  The mob also took away a
camera, mobile, recorder, documents and Rs 7000/- in cash.

 The immediate provocation may have been the inclusion of the said project
in the list of SRA projects that will now  be scrutinized by a committee
composing members of Government and  NAPM.  This committee was set up after
a hunger strike by Ms. Medha Patkar for 9 days at Golibar last month. Sandep
was active in the struggle at Golibar struggle for bringing accountability
to Builders.  Sandeep was also accessing the relevant document by RTI and
was inspecting them for the last one month which shows the manipulation done
by the builders.

 The police have refused to file an FIR in-spite of activists going to the
police station and giving written application. The police is threatening to
put false cases against sandeep.   Members of the local community say that
the attempt was to scuttle protests and teach a lesson to those inquiring
the corruption in SRA.

Kindly write letters to police commissioner asking him to take action
against the perpetuators of violence against Sandeep Yavle.

Mr. R. R Patil, Home Minister, Maharashtra: 022 22025014, 22022401.
Mr. Arup Patnaik, Commissioner of Police,  022- 22620826


Maju Varghese, YUVA, New Naigoan Municipal School, Hindamata, Dadar, Mumbai,

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4422] AFSPA an evil law; army not needed in residential areas: jethmalani

2011-06-06 Thread Kamayani
Mon, 06 Jun 2011
Invite To Newzfirst  [image: SocialTwist
   AFSPA an evil law; army not needed in residential areas: Jethmalani
 By Newzfirst  6/6/11

SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend] http://tellafriend.socialtwist.com/  [image:
Bookmark and 

SRINAGAR -  Noted jurist and senior BJP leader Ram Jethmalani today termed
the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) as an evil law saying the army
was not needed in residential and urban areas.

AFSPA is basically an evil act and can only be justified by a grave
necessity. I believe the conditions can be created in which the act should
go, Jethmalani told reporters at the conclusion of five-day visit of
Kashmir Committee headed by him.

The former Law Minister during the Atal Behari Vajpayee-led NDA government
at Centre said the presence of army was necessary for security and to
prevent the infiltration of militants from across the Line of Control.

You don't have to post them in residential and urban areas. Put them at
some place near the border where they can stop infiltration, he said.

Jethmalani said everything was possible with cooperation and goodwill.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4423] 200 arrested for opposing POSCO project

2011-06-06 Thread Kamayani
200 arrested for opposing POSCO project
Published: Monday, Jun 6, 2011, 16:41 IST
Place: Bhubaneswar | Agency: PTI

About 200 leaders and activists of five political parties today courted
arrested here while trying to enter into Orissa secretariat as part of their
civil disobedience agitation against alleged forcible land acquisition for
POSCO project near Paradip.

The leaders of CPI, CPI(M), Forward Bloc, RJD and Samajwadi Party along with
their supporters held a rally on Mahatma Gandhi Road before marching towards
the state secretariat. The agitators were prevented from entering the
restricted zone around the secretariat by security personnel.

The agitators were taken into custody for trying to break law. They were
latter freed on personal release bond, said DCP Nitinjit Singh.

Demanding relocation of the proposed POSCO project from fertile land in
three gram panchayats of Dhinkia, Gobindpur and Gadakujang, CPI state
secretary Dibakar Nayak justified their attempt to break laws.

When the state government breaks laws to acquire land for POSCO, we do not
see any wrong in civil disobedience agitation by the five political
parties, Nayak said demanding immediate halt on use of force to acquire
land for the South Korean steel major.

Meanwhile, district administration of Jagatsinghpur today acquired 50 betel
vines and distributed compensation of Rs84 lakh in Nuagaon area of
Gadakujang gram panchyat.

So far we have acquired 645 betel vines and distributed Rs6.85 crore among
land losers, said a senior revenue department official.

As the land acquisition in Gadakujang gram panchayat was completed, the
district administration was preparing to enter into the trouble zone of

We will move to Dhinkia area in a day or two, another official said.

Tension prevailed in the area as about eight platoons of (about 250
personnel) armed police staged a march past in Nuagaon area bordering
Dhinkia gram panchayat.

We are ready to face the police. Our people are committed to prevent police
and state government officials from entering our villages, said POSCO
Pratorodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS) president Abhay Sahu adding villagers would
give appropriate reply if police used force for land acquisition.

PPSS, the body opposing the South Korean steel major, has deployed its
activists, mostly women, round the clock at all entry points to Dhinkia

We are ready to take on police and the state government if they attempt to
enter into our villages in Dhinkia gram panchayat, said Manorama Khatua,
the leader of PPSS's women wing.

The district administration, however, maintained that it would acquire
government land under encroachment by the people in Dhinkia area. No
private land from Dhinkia area will be acquired as directed by the state
government, district rehabilitation and resettlement officer Surjit Das
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4424] Press Conference on Repression in POSCO Project

2011-06-06 Thread Kamayani
*Press Invite*


*This morning (6 June) over 10 platoons of riot police have been stationed
face to face with thousands of villagers rightfully and peacefully resisting
forcible takeover of their lands for the POSCO project in Jagatsinghpur
district in Odisha.

The communities are resisting brutal police action that is being engaged to
illegally and wrongfully dispossess communities from their farming and
forest lands against their will and also in violation of assurances made by
the Odisha Govt before the Odisha High Court.

POSCO is the single largest FDI in **India** and is being aggressively
promoted by Odisha and Indian Governments to advantage some of the biggest
American Banks and Warren Buffet who form key investors of this investment.
It is critical that the POSCO investment is exposed for what it truly is:
the unprecedented legalised loot of our natural resources, a crime far worse
than the 2G and Commonwealth scams.

Addressing such concerns and to request the media to focus on the blatant
violation of human rights being engaged in to promote POSCO, a Press
Conference is organised as follows:***


*on *

*Ongoing Repression and Forcible Land Acquisition for POSCO in Odisha**  *

*and *

*Release of Report of Environment Support Group on *

*Environmental and Social Consequences of the POSCO Project*

* *

*Date: **7 June 2011** *

*Venue: Indian Women’s Press Corps, Janpath (near Le Meridian Hotel)*

*Time: **11.30 AM** *

* *

*To Be Addressed By: *

*Leo F. Saldanha, Environment Support Group, **Bangalore**  *

*Shankar Gopalakrishnan, Campaign for Survival and Dignity  *

*Rajendra Ravi, NAPM  *

*Mamata Dash, NFFPFW*

*Kavita Krishnan, **CPI**(ML) Liberation *

*And other social activists and political leaders *

* *

*Organised by ESG (**Bangalore**), NAPM, **Delhi** Support Group, Campaign
for Survival and Dignity, National Forum of **Forest** People and
**Forest**Workers (NFFPFW), All
**India** Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA) and All
**India**Students' Association (AISA)

 Contact numbers: 9560756628, 9868337493, 9868259836


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4426] REMINDER- Public Meeting on Human Rights Violations in Kashmir TODAY

2011-06-07 Thread Kamayani
*Public Meeting on 'Human Rights Violations in Kashmir'*

*Kashmir Solidarity Forum*


you to a Public Meeting

on *'Human Rights Violations in Kashmir'*

*Date - 7th June, 2011
Time - 4 p.m
Venue - Press Club,Mumbai*

Speakers -

1*.Parveena Ahangar* - Founder of Association of Parents of Disappeared
Persons (APDP), Kashmir

2. *Freny Maneckshaw*- Senior Journalist who was recently in Kashmir will
share her experiences

3.*Dilnaz Boga -* Journalist and Film Maker- Moderator

Kashmir Solidarity Group is a broad network of individuals and organisations
working on highlighting issues concerning Kashmir, in Mumbai. This group was
formed in 2010 following the developments in the valley since February last
year, which led to a strong upsurge by the youth of Kashmir. In this meeting
we will lay emphasis on the human rights violations in the valley.

You all are invited to participate in this very important programme along
with your interested friends. Please feel free to pass on this message to
others also.

On behalf of

Kashmir Solidarity Group


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4431] Fwd: Urgent appeal for Ramesh Agrawal and Harihar Patel- PL CALL

2011-06-07 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sam Agarwal samsnomadiche...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:38 PM

Dear all,

In addition to the contact list Kanchi provided, contact the Raigarh
Superintendent of Police, Rahul Sharma directly...

Office email: sp-raigarh...@nic.in
Personal email address: rahulips2...@yahoo.co.in
Mo: 9425507181
Office Tel: 07762-22
Home Tel: 07762-44

Ask him if he has followed up on his claim of suspending the CG police
officers responsible for Agrawal's illegal handcuffing.  And demand
the immediate release of both Patel and Agrawal!

In solidarity,
Samantha Agarwal

Samantha Agarwal
India Mobile: 8084829006

You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I'll rise
-Maya Angelou


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4436] The March from Tarapur to Jaitapur

2011-06-08 Thread Kamayani

One thing is clear – anti-nuclear struggles are at present on the rise. On
26 March 2011, a silent demonstration of about 700 activists took place in
Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu. The first two 1,000 MW reactors of this plant with
Russian VVER-1000 technology are supposed to go critical in June. This is
likely to be delayed, as the Coastal Regulation Zone clearance has not been
obtained. The contract for this plant goes back to the 1980s and the process
was held up due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Around two years
ago, the prime minister announced proudly the acquisition of Russian
submarines, which could keep safe our nuclear war heads. These submarines
were indeed the reason why we bargained for a technology which was thought
to be less safe than the Chernobyl type reactor before Chernobyl happened.
In the mean time, the people of Kudankulam can look forward to six such
reactors. The fishing community has consistently protested and the final leg
of the Coastal March of the NFF “Protect Waters Protect Life” ended in a
shoot-out by the police, in which six fishermen were gravely injured on 1
May 1989 in Kanyakumari (Dietrich 1989). Today, fishermen’s organisations in
Kerala are expressing their resistance against the Kudankulam project as
well. The protest by the inland population has risen on and off, but has
remained rather subdued.

In West Bengal, the struggle against the Haripur nuclear plant has a
long-standing history and since recently, even Prakash Karat of the CPI-M
has ventilated doubts whether this is the right place for such a project.
The proposed Gorakhpur nuclear power plant at Fatehabad district in Haryana
has been described as “Nuclear Madness at Delhi’s Doorsteps” by Bharat Jan
Vigyan Jatha and Delhi Platform. Representatives of all these struggles were
present in the march from Tarapur to Jaitapur.

To sell nuclear options as a solution to global warming and an anti-dote to
peak oil is a blatant absurdity. However, the neo-liberal ruling classes are
doing just that. The Germans, living on after two world wars, feel a greater
sense of urgency to review their options and a southern state
Baden-Württemberg, has just elected the Greens to power, after having been
run by the Christian Democrats for 58 years. Yet, the fact that Japan is now
queuing up to sell its nuclear technology abroad, shows how very difficult
it is to get rid of the spectre of devastation. In order to break out of the
vicious circle of denial, we need a much deeper analysis of the neo­colonial
process of globalisation. The connection between energy options and warfare
has to be recognised. The present approach towards growth, extraction and
devastation of nature and human communities needs a drastic change. For
this, the unorganised workers, peasants, subsistence producers, forest
dwellers, dalits, adivasis, women, and indigenous people in the north-east
need to build alliances. The ongoing warfare against the internal colonies
has to be seen eye to eye. The marchers got a mild taste of this internal
warfare. The anti-nuclear struggle is the tip of an iceberg, and we need
less wasteful, less destructive and decentralised energy options. It is
difficult to think these options today, but how many Fukushimas do we need
to rekindle our imagination?


Dietrich, Gabriele (1989): “Kanyakumari March: Breakthrough Despite
Break-Up”, *Economic  Political Weekly*, 20 May, pp 1087-88.

Treat yourself at a restaurant, spa, resort and much more with *Rediff Deal

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4439] Fwd: Appeal: Nation's conscience must be awakened to anti-POSCO struggle

2011-06-08 Thread Kamayani

Instead, Jairam Ramesh claimed he was working towards “cooperative
federalism” and on the basis of his “faith and trust” in the Odisha
Government approved the project's environment and CRZ clearances on 31
January 2011 and subsequently the forest clearance on 2nd May. This was
despite absolute evidence that the Forest Rights Act had been fundamentally
violated by deliberately overlooking Gram Sabha resolutions (convened by the
constitutionally empowered Panchayats in the project affected villages) that
clearly rejected the project. Ramesh, thus, became a party to the fraud in
environmental decision-making and also directly responsible for the
dangerous situation that is developing in the POSCO affected villages today.

We fear that the exigent State police action that is now underway in these
villages may result in another Kalinganagar or Nandigram type of situation.
The scant attention paid by mainstream political parties, the media and the
public is only strengthening the Navin Patnaik Government to disregard
Constitution norms and act ruthlessly to secure lands for the advantage of

In an effort to prevent such a carnage from taking place, various eminent
people in the country have intervened and appealed to the Prime Minister of
India to “immediately ask the Odisha government to halt this illegal attack,
to withdraw all clearances given in violation of law, and to take an
impartial position in the court cases filed by the people. Failure to stop
this attack will show that the UPA government's much vaunted concern over
issues of displacement, forest rights and inclusive growth is simply an
eyewash.” A copy of this appeal is enclosed.

While endorsing these demands, we additionally urge that:


   The Odisha Government must immediately withdraw its police operations and
   forcible acquisition of land for POSCO.

   The Central Bureau of Investigation must immediately expand the scope of
   its ongoing investigations against A Raja by reviewing his role in the POSCO
   clearances, and that of all those who have been involved in illegally
   promoting this scandalous project, possibly including then Finance Minister
   and presently Home Minister, Chidambaram.

   The scandalous POSCO project must be scrapped as its benefits will be
   accrued mainly by major American financiers (including Warren Buffet) who
   are major stockholders of this South Korean company.

*Issued by: Environment Support Group (Bangalore), Campaign for Survival and
Dignity, National Forum of Forest People andForest Workers (NFFPFW),
National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), Delhi Solidarity Group,
All India Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA) and All India Students'
Association (AISA)  *

Contact numbers: 9560756628, 9868337493, 9868259836

connect mailing list

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4448] Maharashtra bills law to punish officers

2011-06-09 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: eviction watch evictionwa...@yuvaindia.org
Date: Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:18 PM

Dear all,

As many of us has feared, the state has taken to selective usage of clauses
in RAY.  While the eligibility discussion and universalisation of basic
services are not being held, the Maharashtra govt already made amendments
for the punitive clause.  What we demand is a punitive clause for those who
are responsible for building mass housing and are not doing it..

slum free city is an illusion in the present mode of development and it can
be achieved only through cohesion, bulldozing even the limited survival
rights of the urban poor.

  Thursday, June 09, 2011 (+5:30GMT)

*Maharashtra Government to introduce legislation to check unauthorised

7.6.2011 (UNI) Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan today said the
government would introduce a legislation soon to check the rampant growth of
unauthorised structures in the state.

He was speaking at a function here held to hand over keys to the allotees of
the tenemants under the BSUP programme in the city.

Also present on the occasion were Union Secretary in the Housing and Urban
Poverty Alleviation department Ms Kiran Dingra, Thane Mayor Ashok Vaity,
Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik, Minister for Tribal Development Rajendra
Gavit and the Legislative Council Deputy Speaker Vasant Davkhare among

Mr Chavan said the state government had already passed a law to fix the
responsibility of the unauthorised constructions on the ward officer and the
police officer of the area and the action to be taken by them.

The Chief Minister said this had been done as per the Model Law of Property
Rights for Slumdwellers suggested by the Centre and which was presently
lying with the President for a nod.

Under this law, the ward officer and local police will be responsible for
any unauthorised constructions in their area, he said and pointed that
besides Maharashtra, it will be adopted by the other states as well.

He said the officials cannot shirk their responsibility by saying that they
were not aware of the unauthorised constructions in their areas. They also
cannot ignore complaints from the elected representatives, he pointed.

Expressing his concern over the pace of urbanisation and the growth in the
size of population of Thane city in the next decade, he asked the planners
not to ignore the need for affordable housing of the economically backward
and slum dwellers.

After inspecting the housing scheme coming up at Kausa under the BSUP
programme of the Centre, Mr Chavan said a total of 10,000 tenements will be
given to the needy in the present scheme in Thane.

He said of the total population of 20 lakhs in the city, nearly 30 per cent
reside in slums that account for six lakhs population and two lakh tenements
were needed for them.

For this, the grassroots level officials and the elected representatives
should work jointly, he said.

'We should aim at making Thane a slum-free city and there is no paucity of
funds for the same. This will be done under the BSUP and the Rajiv Awas
Yojana,' he said.

In her speech, Ms Dingra said the city of Thane was growing at a rapid speed
and the Mayor and the other officials of the civic corporation should plan
for the future to provide better civic amenities.

Mr Vaity urged the Chief Minister to hold at least one meeting of the
elected representatives from Thane district to resolve the pending issues
and the issues that come up from time to time for the planned growth of the
city. He also submitted a memorandum enlisting more than a dozen demands to
the Chief Minister.

The Municipal Commissioner R A Rajeev gave details of the entire scheme and
the progress done so far. UNI



Maju Varghese, YUVA, New Naigoan Municipal School, Hindamata, Dadar, Mumbai,

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group


2011-06-09 Thread Kamayani

*09 June 2011*


The Odisha police have called in heavy reinforcements and are moving into
positions all evening around the villages of Dhinkia and Gobindpur in
Jagatsinghpur District of Odisha state. These villages form the epicentre of
over 6 years of successful peaceful resistance to the scandalous POSCO
steel-mining-power-port project – the world's largest. This project is being
pushed through by Odisha and Indian Governments in blatant violation of
fundamental rights and a variety of environmental and economic laws of

According to confirmed sources within the Odisha establishment, the attack
on this peaceful resistance is more than likely early morning tomorrow, if
the police do not unleash terror overnight. The resilient people of these
villages including women, children, elders, youth and men are holding
overnight vigils along the borders of their villages now and will stay so
till the police withdraw.

An alarming aspect of such abuse of police powers is that over 26 platoons
of police have been mobilised around these villages over the past two weeks.
Such heavy police presence betrays the Odisha Government's claims that the
acquisition of land for the project is peaceful.

The current Senior Police Officer in charge of the operation is the former
Superintendent of Police of Kalinganagar, who had ordered firing on
villagers protesting the Tata Steel plant, killing many tribals and injuring
scores more. Under this officer's ruthless leadership, the Odisha police has
effectively declared an emergency on the resisting villages, completely
halting normal life over the past several weeks. It is more than likely now
that a needless carnage will result because of the such strong arm tactics
of the police.

On behalf of the POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samithi (PPSS), this urgent release
is being made requesting your earliest attention to this impending disaster.
*India could do well without another Kalinganagar, or Nandigram, and the
role of the mass media is critical in preventing such an incident.*

For more details about the ground situation, please contact:

Prashant Paikray, Spokesperson, PPSS: Cell: 09437571547

Ranjan Swain of PPSS: Cell: 09178643193



Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4452] UPDATE 2 26 Platoons Police moving to Dhinkya , to Forcefully Displace people for POSCO Project

2011-06-10 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Anivar Aravind anivar.arav...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent Alert : 26 Platoons Police moving to Dhinkya , to
Forcefully Displace people for POSCO Project

Upadate 2: Around 300 Policemen have reached Dhinkya face by 2500 Villagers
, the police is threatening action, if people refuse to leave their villeges

make a phone call to selected phones like Collector of Jagatsingpur, SP of
jagatsingpur, chief secretary and chief minister
If you  Know Phone no's of these people, please send it to me

Some Numbers i collected Last year are available below
1.  Collector 06724- 220199,
2.  ADM (ph: 09937755508)
3.  Naveen Pattnaik, Chief Minister of Orissa
Tel. No.(O) 0674- 2531100,2535100 (FAX)
Tel. No.(R) 0674- 2590299, 2591099,2590844,2591100,2590833
Email : c...@ori.nic.in

4. Home secretary, ph: 0674-2531515,

5. SP 's Mobile Debodatta Singh( Not sure he changed or not) 09437094678

6- Prime Minister of India – Shri Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, +
91 11 2301 6857

You can find Background of the issue in

A Quote from  MOEF commitees Majority Report

Those who keep talking of the POSCO project as one of “national importance”
should answer these questions: *would any other country in the world
tolerate such violations of their law? Would South Korea tolerate an Indian
company grabbing their land, breaking their laws and threatening to cause an
environmental disaster? Is this what development means – robbing thousands
of their lands and threatening lakhs with water shortage and other

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 9:56 AM, Anivar Aravind anivar.arav...@gmail.comwrote:

 Just Received following sms Update from Anti Posco Protesters in Orissa

 26 Platoons of Police trying to move to Dhinkya , to forcefully displace
 people, for  POSCO project . Attack Expected at any time
 Condemn Police action . Inform all your media Friends 

 We need to plan immediate steps to prevent Bloodshed  and to stop police


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4457] Sign this petition:Condemn Assault on anti-POSCO Protesters

2011-06-10 Thread Kamayani
we hope to release before it gets too late so the more
signatures we get the better :).

The petition can be signed here:


or by sending a mail endorsement (I am collecting them).

Thanks a lot
Shankar Gopalakrishnan
Campaign for Survival and Dignity


We condemn in the strongest possible terms the ongoing assault on the
anti-POSCO protesters in Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa. After
arresting and beating people last week, today more than one thousand
police surrounded the area and laid siege to those protesting. Women,
children and men spent the entire day in intense heat in order to stand
vigil against the illegal attack on their lands. Both people and police
officials have lost consciousness from the heat; the police snuck in
from one direction and destroyed some vines. Dhinkia gram panchayat,
where the crisis is occurring, contains around 2/3 of the land sought
by the steel plant and the majority of those affected.

This horrific attack comes at a time when two cases by the villagers
are pending in the Orissa High Court, and when there is a criminal
complaint against the District Collector for lying and fabricating the
evidence that was the basis of the clearance to take the land.

It also comes after three official committees found the land grab to be
illegal and in violation of the Forest Rights Act, and after it was
exposed by international experts that the project has no benefits for
the local or national economy (while providing a minimum profit of Rs.
1,95,000 crores to POSCO).

That the Orissa government itself sees no great urgency in this project
can be seen from the fact that the MoU with POSCO has not been renewed
for over a year, and its renewal was deferred again just three days
ago. There is thus not even any agreement on what the project will be
when it comes up. Why then this inhuman attack on those seeking to
defend their rights? Can it be anything other than an attempt to
terrorise the protesters and all others who may dare to oppose the
crimes of the state?

Clearly the State government, with the support of the Centre, is not
concerned about the law, the people, the environment or development.
Yet again we see the use of police terror to loot our people for
private profit. No words of condemnation are sufficient for this
heinous crime.


The Undersigned

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Free binayak sen US Campaign group.
To post to this group, send email to freebinayaksen...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [humanrights-movement:4460] Sign this petition:Condemn Assault on anti-POSCO Protesters

2011-06-10 Thread Kamayani
Dear all


posco/petition.html http://www.petitiononline.com/posco/petition.html

CLICK AND on the link and sign



On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 7:17 PM, ranjani k.murthy rk_km2...@yahoo.comwrote:

 include my name


 --- On *Fri, 10/6/11, Ramu  Lalita Ramdas lram...@gmail.com* wrote:

 From: Ramu  Lalita Ramdas lram...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [humanrights-movement:4458] Sign this petition:Condemn Assault
 on anti-POSCO Protesters
 To: humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com
 Date: Friday, 10 June, 2011, 6:50 PM

 Dear Friends,

 Please include our names.

 Regards  Admiral L Ramdas and Mrs Lalita Ramdas

 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 6:39 PM, Kamayani 

 we hope to release before it gets too late so the more
 signatures we get the better :).

 The petition can be signed here:


 or by sending a mail endorsement (I am collecting them).

 Thanks a lot
 Shankar Gopalakrishnan
 Campaign for Survival and Dignity


 We condemn in the strongest possible terms the ongoing assault on the
 anti-POSCO protesters in Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa. After
 arresting and beating people last week, today more than one thousand
 police surrounded the area and laid siege to those protesting. Women,
 children and men spent the entire day in intense heat in order to stand
 vigil against the illegal attack on their lands. Both people and police
 officials have lost consciousness from the heat; the police snuck in
 from one direction and destroyed some vines. Dhinkia gram panchayat,
 where the crisis is occurring, contains around 2/3 of the land sought
 by the steel plant and the majority of those affected.

 This horrific attack comes at a time when two cases by the villagers
 are pending in the Orissa High Court, and when there is a criminal
 complaint against the District Collector for lying and fabricating the
 evidence that was the basis of the clearance to take the land.

 It also comes after three official committees found the land grab to be
 illegal and in violation of the Forest Rights Act, and after it was
 exposed by international experts that the project has no benefits for
 the local or national economy (while providing a minimum profit of Rs.
 1,95,000 crores to POSCO).

 That the Orissa government itself sees no great urgency in this project
 can be seen from the fact that the MoU with POSCO has not been renewed
 for over a year, and its renewal was deferred again just three days
 ago. There is thus not even any agreement on what the project will be
 when it comes up. Why then this inhuman attack on those seeking to
 defend their rights? Can it be anything other than an attempt to
 terrorise the protesters and all others who may dare to oppose the
 crimes of the state?

 Clearly the State government, with the support of the Centre, is not
 concerned about the law, the people, the environment or development.
 Yet again we see the use of police terror to loot our people for
 private profit. No words of condemnation are sufficient for this
 heinous crime.


 The Undersigned

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Free binayak sen US Campaign group.
 To post to this group, send email to 
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at

 Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
 *The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
 predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
 of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
 lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
 racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
 them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
 exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
 for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 humanrights movement group.
 To post to this group, send email to 
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

[humanrights-movement:4461] POSCO Resistance intensifies as forceful land acquisition begins

2011-06-10 Thread Kamayani
BHUBANESWAR - In a move to sabotage the resistance towards land acquisition
for POSCO project, Government of Odisha has deployed 26 platoons of police.
The Odisha police have called in heavy reinforcements and are moving into
positions all evening around the villages of Dhinkia and Gobindpur in
Jagatsinghpur District of Odisha state. These villages form the epicenter of
over 6 years of successful peaceful resistance to the scandalous POSCO
steel-mining-power-port project – India’s biggest FDI. This project is being
pushed through by Odisha and Indian Governments in blatant violation of
fundamental rights and a variety of environmental and economic laws of

Speaking to newzfirst.com, Prashant Paikray, Spokesperson of POSCO Pratirodh
Sangram Samithi (PPSS), said, “We three thousand and odd people have
confronted police force with four layers of human chain surrounding beetle
vines; it comprise children, women, elders and young men. Armed Police have
imposed section 144 and have warned the villagers to vacate or to face the
police action. But we will not...”

“An alarming aspect of such abuse of police powers is that over 26 platoons
of police have been mobilized around these villages over the past two weeks.
Such heavy police presence betrays the Odisha Government's claims that the
acquisition of land for the project is peaceful.”

According to statement issued by PPSS, The current Senior Police Officer in
charge of the operation is the former Superintendent of Police of
Kalinganagar, who had ordered firing on villagers protesting the Tata Steel
plant, killing many tribals and injuring scores more. Under this officer's
ruthless leadership, the Odisha police have effectively declared an
emergency on the resisting villages, completely halting normal life over the
past several weeks. It is more than likely now that a needless carnage will
result because of the strong arm tactics of the police.

Last month Jairam Ramesh-led Environment Ministry gave the go-ahead to the
Korean steel giant to build the steel plant, but the farmers are still
agitating against land acquisition.

Earlier, to obtain the clearance from environment ministry, Government of
Odisha had sent ‘categorical’ assurance to the Ministry of Environment and
Forests, claiming that no one in the proposed POSCO project area is eligible
under the Forest Rights Act. The Ministry's request for a categorical
assurance had come after two Committees had already exposed that the
Government of Odisha had lied on this matter.

Brutal police tactics, criminal intimidation and illegal methods are being
employed here to wrest from these peacefully protesting villagers 4000 acres
of extraordinarily fertile agricultural and forest land to establish the
single largest industrial foreign investment conceived in recent times. The
project involves the establishment of a mega steel plant (12 MTPA), backed
by a massive coal-fired thermal power plant (400 MW expandable to 1,100 MW),
and a major captive port for handling the world's largest cargo ships
(Capsize, usually more than a quarter km. in length). The project involves
further land acquisition for a captive iron ore mine requiring 6,100 acres
of predominantly forest land in Khandadhar Hills of Sundergarh district and
at least 2,000 acres more for a massive gated township to house POSCO
employees. In addition, there would be dedicated water, road and rail
linkages that will further exacerbate the displacement and environmental
destruction caused by the project.

The statement of Samiti has also requested concerned citizens and
authorities for earliest attention to this impending disaster.
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4468] POSCO Agitation intensifies, 2000 villagers blockade police

2011-06-11 Thread Kamayani
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4470] MiD DAY journalist shot dead by unidentified assailants in Mumbai

2011-06-11 Thread Kamayani
*Mumbai: * A senior investigative journalist working with MiD DAY was today
shot dead in broad daylight by unidentified persons in Mumbai. The victim,
Jyotirmoy Dey, was rushed to the Hiranandani hospital where he was declared
brought dead.

The incident occurred in the suburban Powai area of the city. According to
police, four motorcycle-borne men fired at Mr Dey this afternoon. The
shooters escaped from the spot, police added.

Approximately, 9 entry-exit wounds were found which means at least 5
bullets were fired, Vishwas Nagare Patil, Additional CP, Special Branch,
Mumbai Police said.

The deceased headed the crime bureau of the publication.

Reacting to the incident, Maharashtra PWD Minister Chhagan Bhujbal told NDTV
that he was 'shocked' by the attack. He further added that it appeared to be
a handiwork of the underworld.

The way he was killed shows that it was a well-planned attack...must be an
attack by underworld, Mr Bhujbal said.

Meanwhile, Sachin Kalbaug, the Group Editor of MiD DAY also expressed
'shock' over Mr Dey's death. Speaking to NDTV, Mr Kalbaug though said
holding the underworld responsible for the journalist's death would be

Mr Dey is considered to be arguably India's best-connected writer on the
Mumbai underworld. He spent most of his reporting career bringing out
accounts of the goings-on in the Mumbai underworld for several newspapers
including the Indian Express and the Hindustan Times.

He is the author of 'Zero Dial: The Dangerous World of Informers' and
'Khallas' - considered a dictionary on the Mumbai underworld.

Mr Dey also wrote extensively about fugitive don Dawood Ibrahim, Chotta
Rajan and others. He was reportedly working on a series on Dawood when he
was killed today.**

Read more at:

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4471] Silencing Dissent :CG Govt threatens to ban PUCL:OPEN Magazine

2011-06-11 Thread Kamayani
Date: 11 June 2011
Subject: Silencing Dissent :CG Govt threatens to ban PUCL:OPEN Magazine

Silencing Dissent | OPEN

  11 June 2011
Silencing Dissent
 The Chhattisgarh government speaks of banning civil rights group PUCL

 BY Rahul Panditahttp://www.openthemagazine.com/category/author/rahul-pandita

 [image: HARASSED Dr Binayak Sen is the vice-president of PUCL]
HARASSED Dr Binayak Sen is the vice-president of PUCL

While it is becoming clear that New Delhi is hellbent on silencing voices of
dissent, sometimes state govern­ments too go to a farcical extent in the
name of maintaining ‘law and order’. The civil liberties group PUCL is
planning a state convention titled ‘Patriotism, Sedition and State Power in
Independent India’ in Chhattisgarh on 25-26 June. This has worried the state
government so much that state home minister Nanki Ram Kanwar told a national
Hindi daily that PUCL supplies arms to Naxalites, and that the state
government was contemplating imposing a ban on PUCL and other such
“suspicious” organisations. There are reports that the state intelligence
has issued letters to the police chiefs of all 18 districts in the state,
seeking information on PUCL activities. This information was to be
reportedly sent by 20 May. Kanwar also reportedly declared that social
activist Swami Agnivesh will be banned from entering Chhattisgarh.

PUCL is a leading civil liberties organisa­tion founded by socialist leader
Jai Prakash Narain in 1976.  Many prominent people such as Justice Rajinder
Sachar and Arun Shourie have in the past held positions in its national

Kanwar is also reported to have claimed that the PUCL had summoned members
from abroad to argue the case of Dr  Binayak Sen which, according to him,
proved that Naxalites were getting full support of the organisation. He
conven­iently forgot that Dr Sen is the national vice-president of the

“This statement (by Kanwar) is in line with the whole polarised environment
the state has constructed in the last ten years,” said PUCL’s general
secretary, Pushkar Raj. “It is very disturbing. The government wants to
suppress all kinds of dissent. Such statements by state executives are
irresponsible,” he said. The PUCL national executive is now contemplating a
legal recourse. ‘Instead of paying attention to mafia-style operations by
industrialists, liquor barons and real estate dealers, resulting in brutal
attacks on human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers and social movement
leaders, the Home Minister of Chhattisgarh government is leading the
vilification campaign and ruthless repression (sic) in suppressing the
genuine voices of dissent and democra­cy,’ said a press-release issued by
the Chhattisgarh PUCL.

It is not clear now whether PUCL will go ahead with its convention. Pushkar
Raj said that that was a call the state chapter would have to take,
depending on local conditions.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4480] Baba Ramdev's trust got Nepal land at cheap rate, sold if off at market price

2011-06-13 Thread Kamayani
'Baba Ramdev's trust got Nepal land at cheap rate, sold if off at market
Rohit Singh  | Kathmandu, June 13, 2011 | Updated *11:07 IST*
[image: Baba Ramdev]
Yoga guru Baba Ramdev at his ashram in Haridwar.
[image: plus] http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20

   - Ramdev declares his
   - CBI, I-T probe Ramdev's
   - Ramdev ends nine-day
   - I have forgiven govt, says
   - Will raise nationalist force:
   - The rise and rise of Baba

Ramdev's Patanjali
come under scanner in neighbouring Nepal for a slew of dubious land deals.
The trust had acquired more than 800 ropani (over 100 acre) land at
discounted rates in 2007 following a nod from the Nepal government. However,
it was later sold at market price, a Headlines Today investigation has

Though land was acquired for building yoga and ayurveda centres, locals have
accused Patanjali of selling off over 500 ropani land at the prevailing
market rates to private companies and individuals over the last one year.
The land was sold to some builders also at a rate 10 times its original
value, villagers alleged.

The residents of Sanga, a village around 20 km from Kathmandu, have been
infuriated as many of them had sold vast stretches of land to Patanjali on
promises that it would be used for yoga centres. They now feel cheated.

Shyam, a resident of Sanga, said, Patanjali purchased 800 ropani land here
to build yoga and ayurveda centre and other educational institutes. But
Kathmandu Homes has purchased land from Patanjali to use it for commercial

The officers of land registry office of Nepal confirmed the villagers'

Ved Prasad Aryal, information officer in Kabre district land registration
office, told Headlines Today: Patanjali had purchased more than 500 ropani
land and later sold it to seven private players for housing and commercial

Some locals even complained of defaulting in payment for their plots by
Patanjali. Some villagers alleged that the cheques given by Patanjali as
compensation for their land bounced.

Nar Bahadur Tamag, a villager, said, We got cheques for the land we gave
but Patanjali Yogpeeth's cheque has bounced.

According to documents accessed by Headlines Today, the land purchased by
Patanjali was much more than the sanctioned limit one can purchase in Nepal.
Clearly, rules were bent by the Nepal government to suit requirements of the

However, Patanjali's Nepal unit rubbished all reports against it.

Its convenor Saligram Singh said, Why Ramdev and Balkrishna do any sort of
business in Nepal? We were never involved in such illegal practice ever.

While the income tax department sleuths probe Ramdev's vast assets in India,
clearly troubles for him and his key aide Balkrishna are mounting in the
adjoining Himalayan republic also.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4491] FILM SCREENING “UPAASMAR – THE TASTE OF HUNGER”

2011-06-15 Thread Kamayani

16 June · 18:30 - 20:30
Grant Medical College
 Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals Ramchandra Bhatt Marg, Mazagaon
Created by:
Kamayani Bali Mahabal http://www.facebook.com/kamayani
ForSupport India's indigenous peoples' rights to natural  cultural
resources http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_325784680699
More info



Date: 16th June, 2011
Time: 6:30 PM
Venue: Grant Medical College  Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals
Ramchandra Bhatt Marg, Mazagaon
Mumbai, India

Helpless hunger, mourning faces are the everyday feature at the tribal
settlement of Satpuda wilderness, where the devil of malnutrition has eaten
thousands of infants. Even before they are able to stand on their feet, even
before they feel the love and affection of their parents, the children of
Melghat experience what hunger is? Somewhere in the untouched dark corner of
shining India, inhabitants of tribal villages of Melghat are still deprived
of basic amenities like drinking water, food, education, health, electricity
and connectivity to the world. The children are deprived of basic nutrition
and as they become victims of life-threatening diseases – Malnutrition
prominent among them. What is worse is that the increasing rate of the
infant mortalities here has become a lucrative business for people in
politics and governance. Shocking enough is to know that a lot of money is
said to have been spent and lot of schemes introduced to curb malnutrition,
yet, children continue to die. ‘Upaasmaar – The taste of hunger’ is a small
effort to take these aggrieved and pained voices to all sensitive people of
the world and to shine a torch on shining India’s dark corner.
Ajay Saklani
Ph: +91-9871179766, +91-9811664813
Email: i...@silentjourno.com
Website: www.silentjourno.com

*** Join us in our crusade against inequality, malnutrition and child deaths
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4493] Fwd: Attack by company security guards on activists addressing public meetings in support of Maruti Suzuki workers

2011-06-15 Thread Kamayani
 raise their voice
unitedly against
their exploitation. That's  why the demands of Maruti workers find
resonance accross the region. If the Maruti strike is crushed the owners
will become even more aggressive in the factories of Gurgaon and the
workers' voice will be even more stifled.

– *Citizens Front in Support of Workers Movement of Maruti Suzuki, New Delhi

Phone:  8447011935, Email: sandeep.sam...@gmail.com

– Roopesh Kumar*, Bigul Mazdoor Dasta, Delhi*

Phone:  9213639072, Email: bi...@rediffmail.com

 – Ajay Swami, *Delhi Metro Kamgar Union*

Phone:  9540436262, Email: ajay...@gmail.com

*Website: http://workersresist.net*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4495] Fwd: Urgent, please sign Demand Maruti Suzuki India and Suzuki Motor Corporation to stop their brutal tactics against agitating workers at Manesar accept their right to

2011-06-15 Thread Kamayani

*FWD: Bigul Mazdoor Dasta* sends you the enclosed page from


Personal comments:

I have created an online petition to Demand Maruti Suzuki India and Suzuki
Motor Corporation to stop their brutal tactics against agitating workers at
Manesar  accept their right to organise!

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4498] Can Army Kill, Rape Yet Enjoy Immunity?: Supreme Court to Govt

2011-06-16 Thread Kamayani
Date: 16 June 2011
Subject: Can Army Kill, Rape  Yet Enjoy Immunity?: Supreme Court to Govt

news.outlookindia.com | Can Army Kill, Rape  Yet Enjoy Immunity?: SC to
Govt http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?725176

Can Army Kill,Rape  Yet Enjoy Immunity?: SC to Govt
  PTI | New Delhi | Jun 16,

  Irked by the Centre's diametrically diverse views on army and para
military forces' immunity from criminal prosecution in fake encounter
killings, the Supreme Court today asked the government to spell out its
position on the controversial Armed Forces Special Power Act and other laws.

You cannot say that an army man can enter any home commit a rape and say he
enjoys immunity as it has been done in discharge of official duties, the
apex court remarked.

The apex court made the remarks after senior counsel Ashok Bhan, appearing
for the Centre, voiced divergent views on two separate encounter killings
involving military personnel in JK and Assam.

In the 2004 Chattisingpora killing in JK, where seven youth were killed in
an alleged fake encounter by Rashtriya Rifles personnel, Bhan sought
prosecution of the army men whereas in a similar alleged fake encounter by
CRPF men in Assam, the counsel said they enjoyed immunity.

How can you adopt diametrically different views? the bench said, to which
Bhan admitted it was compulsions of his professional duties.

He urged the court to de-link the two issues and deal with them separately.

However, the bench said since the issue involved vital questions of law
relating to public, the matter would be taken up for a detailed hearing
immediately after vacation.
 Filed On: Jun 16, 2011 18:25 IST ,  Edited On: Jun 16, 2011 19:46 IST

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4507] Fwd: 1st july - come to express solidarity with struggling contract workers of chhattisgarh.

2011-06-19 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sudha Bharadwaj advocatesudhabharad...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 7:16 AM
Subject: 1st july - come to express solidarity with struggling contract
workers of chhattisgarh.

dear friends,

many of you have been following up the brave struggle of contract
workers in chhattisgarh against the powerful cement multinational
a dharna in niyogi chowk, bhilai is going on since 3rd april for
implementation of the high court order directing regularisation of
contract labour with intermittent industrial actions.
holcim has retaliated by fiing false cases of dacoity against union
leaders lakhan sahu and bhagwati sahu and another 6 comrades through
the security officers of the ambuja management, bhagwati has been
arrested and denied bail since 18th may.

despite this tough struggle, the cmm (mazdoor karyakarta committee)
has been continuing to express solidarity with all other struggles,
particularly in the wake of the arrest of environmental activists dr
harihar patel and ramesh agrawal of raigarh who have been arrested on
false complaints by jindal management. adivasi villagers continue to
demonstrate at kunjemura, raigarh against this gross injustice.

in the meanwhile the army is moving into 650 sq km of forest adjoining
abujhmaad in bastar, to which maoists have responded with a series of
attacks on camps/ police stations in the past fortnight killing a
large number of policemen.
as the real threat of civilians being killed in large number becomes
more apparent, the cg government is talking of banning pucl and the
home minister issues a mischevious false statement that pucl supplies
weapons to naxalites!!
a number of peoples organisations as well as pucl have organised a
convention on sedition and other repressive laws on 25th-26th june at

it is in these circumstances that we invite all of you to join us for
1st july shaheed divas rally and public meeting at bhilai in memory of
workers martyrd in police firing and
a discussion on 2nd july on the role of the working class in these times.

chhattisgarh mukti morcha (mazdoor karyakarta committee)

please contact:-
sudha 09926603877 kaladas 08435549641 ramakant 09926943917kalyan patel
09826689317 rajkumar 09685349162 or bhilai office (bhola sahu)
08889572906 for further details.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4509] Fwd: An Appeal to the Parliament to Repeal the Sedition Law

2011-06-21 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: pucl nat pucl...@gmail.com
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 8:04 PM
Subject: An Appeal to the Parliament to Repeal the Sedition Law

Dear Colleague,

A recent Convention organized by People’s Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL)
and participated in by other Human Rights organizations heard accounts of
widespread and systematic misuse of the sedition law across India. All forms
of democratic struggles - from farmer’s agitations to citizens protesting
against state policies - have been criminalized and prosecuted under
sedition laws. Consequently, thousands of ordinary citizens have not only
suffered violation of fundamental freedoms and liberties but also forced to
undergo major personal, emotional and financial hardships due to
imprisonment and in the process of seeking legal remedies. The Convention,
therefore, resolved to launch a nation-wide signature campaign to collect at
least a million signatures to present it to Parliament demanding the
immediate repeal of Sedition Law, i.e., Sec. 124 (A) IPC.

Kindly find enclosed herewith “An appeal to the Parliament to repeal the
Sedition Law”, for signature campaign.

Thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

 (Pushkar Raj)

General Secretary

Pushkar Raj
General Secretary, PUCL

PUCL National Office:
270-A, Ground Floor, Patpar Ganj, Mayur Vihar-I, Delhi-110091
Ph. 011-22750014, 09810656100

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists
of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

An Appeal to the Parliament to Repeal the Sedition Law.doc
Description: MS-Word document

[humanrights-movement:4527] UID: we do have doubts, concerns and confusion

2011-06-26 Thread Kamayani
and Germany look upon the project as a violation of privacy. Political
pundits in these countries have termed it the “national e-surveillance act.”

The government has shown sheer urgency in going for the UID project. If the
project fails to confront the various questions and doubts being raised, it
would hurt democracy. This is a dark joke making its rounds in the political
corridors with the idea of investing an identity in every citizen. It is
prudent at this stage for the government to have a frank debate on the
matter and to put in public the entire structure before it goes into
investing this enormous amount of money which could otherwise be used to
lift millions out of poverty.

(The writer's email is trulyak...@gmail.com)


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4533] The Sonia Sibbal Plan : To jail every citzen for 2 years under the Sarkari Lok Pal Bill

2011-06-28 Thread Kamayani

Rather than gunning for the corrupt and corruption, governments Lokpal
seems to be gunning for those who complain against corruption. How
will Governments Lokpal work?

* Suppose some citizen files a complaint to Lokpal against some corrupt
government servant. Before the investigations actually start, the
government servant can file a cross complaint against the citizen
straight to the special court, without any preliminary enquiry by any
agency, that the complaint is false or frivolous. The government will
provide free advocate to the government servant to file this case. The
citizen will have to defend himself on his own!

Then there is stiffer punishment for the complainant than the corrupt
government servant. If the Special Court concludes that the complaint
is frivolous or false, the citizen faces a minimum of two years of
punishment. But if the corruption charges against government servant
are proved, there is a minimum of six months of punishment for the
corrupt government servant!*

Governments Lokpal will have jurisdiction over all NGOs in the country
but it will have jurisdiction over less then o.5% of all government
employees. Government argued that the Lokpal would get overwhelmed
with too many cases if all public servants were brought under its
ambit. So, government has restricted its jurisdiction only to 65,000
Group A officers. Also, state employees will not be covered by Lokpal.
There are 4 million central government employees and 8 million state
government employees.

In sharp contrast, all NGOs are covered under governments Lokpal,
small or big, whether in state or centre. Even unregistered groups of
people in remote villages are covered under the ambit of Lokpal. So,
in a remote village, if a group of youngsters detect corruption in
panchayat works using RTI, the youngsters can be hauled up by Lokpal
but Lokpal would not have jurisdiction over Sarpanch, BDO or their

Whereas Lokpal would not have jurisdiction over Delhi government
officials, it would have jurisdiction over all RWAs in Delhi. All
small neighborhood groups who raise donations to do Ramlila or Durga
Puja would be under Lokpals scanner. Lokpal could haul up activists
from any of the farmers, labour, anti-corruption, land, tribal or any
other movements. All the movements whether registered or not, are
under the jurisdiction of Lokpal.

There are 4.3 lakh registered NGOs. But there would be several million
unregistered groups across the country. Lokpal would have jurisdiction
over all of them. No one can dispute the fact that corruption in NGOs
needs to be addressed. But how can you leave most public servants out
of Lokpals purview but bring NGOs upto village level within its



Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4553] Fwd: A defamation case, worth of Rs. 25 Crores have been filed against ‘The Times of India’ and Rohit Prajapati by Vapi Industries Association (VIA) and United Phosphorus L

2011-07-08 Thread Kamayani
 to adhere to
environmental norms, and attempts to create norms, have been viewed with
deep hatred by industry and government alike.

The first hearing of the case is on 20th July 2011.

Probably this is the beginning of the “action” and many more such legal and
“other action” may come in coming days from others also.

We are determined to fight these legal and other battles which we may have
to face in the coming days and for that we need your full support – through
legal aid, political campaign, and perhaps financial contribution if we
appeal for it.

Rohit Prajapati  Swati Desai
Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti


** ___
* * Rohit *P* rajapati  *T* rupti *S* hah
****37, Patrakar Colony, Tandalja Road,
**** Post-Akota, Vadodara - 390 020
****Phone No. *+ 91 - 265 - 2320399
***** Email No: *rohit.prajap...@gmail.com

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4561] The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : Salwa Judum and the Supreme Court

2011-07-12 Thread Kamayani
 in Article 14 of the Constitution. Article 21, the
right to life clause, was also hit, as the State displayed insensitivity
towards the lives of SPOs, placing them in danger without giving them the
necessary education and support they needed. There was some clever
craftsmanship here, but perhaps also a deeper point, with the Court
regarding the SPOs as victims rather than perpetrators. The appointment of
SPOs was thus struck down, and the State of Chhattisgarh was asked to
“immediately cease and desist from using [them] in any manner or form.” The
Union was also barred from funding the project; all arms were to be
recalled; the SPOs were to be given appropriate security; and, most
important, the State of Chhattisgarh was asked to ensure that no private
group engaged in counter-insurgency activities. Finally, the Court ordered
the Central Bureau of Investigation to investigate alleged acts of violence.

On each of these issues, the Court's view was crystal clear and powerfully
articulated. The ratio of the interim order, i.e. the operative part of a
legal decision which binds further state action and future cases, is
carefully constructed, and holds important implications for the exercise of
executive power. There are other legal aspects of the decision that merit
reflection. Article 355 of the Constitution, an often forgotten provision,
mandates that the Union ensure that every State government acts in
accordance with the Constitution. The Court correctly criticised the Union's
hands-off policy on SPOs, which involved funding the project but no follow
through on how precisely these forces were functioning.

Sadly, though, these legal niceties have been nicely ignored in much of the
public debate the judgment has triggered. Many commentators appear far too
fascinated with the rhetorical flourish with which the decision begins,
rather than the true legal character of the order. Admittedly, the widely
publicised, ideologically-ridden narrative is bewildering and was
unnecessary; it had no bearing on the dispute being debated. But it is also
precisely for this reason that we ought not to belabour it. The affinities
of individual judges can help us develop some sort of institutional
sociology of the Supreme Court. Such a sociological study would be
illuminating, but we mustn't confuse it with the legal impact of the case,
and fail to appreciate the varying significance of these issues. The
anti-neo-liberal lecture in the case binds no one, not even the judges
themselves. The ideological position espoused in the preamble may have
generated a fierce debate, yet the character of the battle against
insurgency operations is more important than it. The ratio of the judgment
in *Nandini Sundar* will outlive its rhetoric. Many have criticised the
judges as being a little too judgmental. As we unpack the details of the
decision, we ought not to be guilty of the same charge.

*(The author is at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi.)*


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4571] Don’t let Mumbai blasts investigations fall victim to prejudice and shortcuts

2011-07-15 Thread Kamayani
*Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association (JTSA)*

15th July 2011

*Don’t let Mumbai blasts investigations fall victim to prejudice and

JTSA offers its heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved and the injured in the
Mumbai serial blasts. We sincerely hope that the perpetrators of this
mindless violence will be brought to justice swiftly. There are early
indicators though that this investigation will be marred by prejudiced
investigating agencies. There are news items appearing in various media
outlets which cite the interrogation report of Md. Salman, a supposed
operative of the Indian Mujahideen (IM) to establish that Mumbai was on IM’s

Already we see that, though the Home Ministry has restrained from holding
any group culpable, the investigation is being gently pushed in one
direction. But even if one leaves aside for a moment the criticism that
investigators react in stereotypical ways, their compass needle invariably
pointing towards Azamgarh, there are serious issues arising out of this
reliance on Salman’s interrogation report for getting to the bottom of the
Mumbai serial blasts conspiracy.

Recall that Md. Salman, arrested by the Uttar Pradesh ATS from
Siddharthnagar on 6 March 2010, was acquitted in the 2008 Delhi blasts
earlier this year. This acquittal was at the point of charge, even before
the trial proper had begun—which points to the flimsiness of the
prosecution’s case against him. The prosecution had claimed that Salman was
a key member of the IM on the basis of what the recoveries they claimed they
had made at the time of his arrest. These were notably: a) A *Fake Passport*:
N*o passport* was ever produced in the court.—only a photocopy with a false
name which gave his age as 27 years was presented. b) *A health card* from
Saudi Arab, which again listed his age as 27 years.

Acquitting him, the Additional Sessions Judge stated that if Salman had been
arrested in possession of a fake Nepali passport and a health card from
Dubai, these were charges that should be dealt with separately. “How does
that (this evidence) make Salman a conspirator in these cases?” she had
asked the prosecution.

Not surprisingly, *the police did not book him under the relevant charges at
the time of his arrests, raising the suspicion that these seizures were
never made in the first place, but planted by the police later in order to
mislead the courts about Salman’s age.*Salman’s high school certificate
clearly shows that he was a minor at the time of the Delhi blasts and, even
if accused, ought to have been tried under the Juvenile Justice Act.

In an instance, where the courts have thrown out the prosecution’s
‘evidence’ and where there has been such grave suspicion of fabrication of
evidence, how credible can the interrogation reports of Salman be? Are we
going to go down the same convenient route of usual suspects, easy arrests,
and quick confessions yet again?

* *


Manisha Sethi, Sanghamitra Misra, Ahmed Sohaib, Adil Mehdi, Tanweer Fazal,
Ghazi Shahnawaz, Arshad Alam, Farah Farooqi, Anwar Alam, MS Bhatt, Azra
Razak, Ambarien Al Qadar, Haris Haq,

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4578] Fwd: POSCO: lathi charge in Nuagaon

2011-07-16 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Anivar Aravind anivar.arav...@gmail.com
Date: Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 4:02 PM
-- Forwarded message --
From: Shankar Gopalakrishnan shankargo...@myfastmail.com
Date: Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 2:13 PM
Subject: POSCO: lathi charge in Nuagaon

Dear all,

Today eight platoons of police tried to enter the forests around Nuagaon
to fell more trees and were met with strong protests by the people of
Nuagaon, particularly women.  The entirely male police force - without
any women police - then lathi charged the women.  Many sustained
injuries in the process and one woman was seriously injured; she has
now been hospitalised.  Following the lathi charge the entire village
mobilised to support for the protest and the police were forced to
retreat.  They left after promising the people that they will not come
again.  When asked what their demand is, the people protesting demanded
that the police and administration should get out of their village and
not come back again.  The handful of pro POSCO UAC leaders in the
village remained silent during these events.


connect mailing list

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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[humanrights-movement:4579] Fwd: Statement for Endorsement about Police Lathicharge on Anti-POSCO Protesters Odisha

2011-07-16 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Anivar Aravind anivar.arav...@gmail.com
Date: Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 5:25 PM

*(P**ease  Send your Endorsements to asit1...@gmail.com and circulate this
statement widely) *




*(Anti-POSCO Struggle Area Odisha)*

Today eight platoons of police attacked and lathi charged peaceful
protesters in the village of Nuagaon, Jagatsinghpur District, Odisha. The
protesters, despite being mainly women, were attacked by an entirely male
police force, resulting in injuries to several and serious injuries to one
woman, who has now been hospitalised. The protesters were seeking to protect
their forests and trees from being cleared by the police as part of the
government's land grab for the POSCO project. After the lathi charge the
entire village joined the protest, eventually driving the police back and
forcing them to retreat.

We strongly condemn this brutal attack on a peaceful protest by people
seeking to protect their legal and democratic rights. This attack disproves
the Odisha government's brazenly false claims that no force is being used
to take land for POSCO. Nuagaon, one must remember, is also one of the
villages where the government claimed that land takeover is proceeding
peacefully - a result not of consent by the people but of the overwhelming
threat of force from the government. Today, when people have actually shown
their will, the government has shown its true intent.

One must remember that the people of Nuagaon, like all those affected by the
POSCO project, have legal rights to their forest and also enjoy the legal
power to protect these forests when they wish. This was upheld by three
different committees of the Environment Ministry, which went on to, in an
act of brazen illegality, clear the takeover of land anyway. Both the Odisha
government and the Centre are engaged in a gross violation of law, a
resource grab of land and forests that belong to the people for a private
multinational company. This attack further comes at a time when the Odisha
High Court is hearing, on a daily basis, the petition filed by the villagers
against this illegal land grab.

We demand:

·  An immediate halt to all police operations in the proposed project area
and the withdrawal of the police from the area;

·  The cancellation of the illegal forest and environmental clearances
granted to the POSCO project;

·  The implementation of the Forest Rights Act and all other pro people laws
in the area;

·  Prosecution and punishment of the officials and police responsible for
the atrocities and violations of law in the area;

·  A cancellation of the POSCO project and an end to the six year long
attack on the people of the area for the purposes of this project.


Socialist Front

Dr. Sunilum (Kishan Sangarsh Samity M.P.),


Shankar Gopal Krishnan

 Asit Das (POSCO Pratirodh Solidarity Delhi)

Anivar Aravind (Moving Republic)

Orissa Concerns.org

connect mailing list

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4583] Petition for release of 2011 Jonathan Mann Global health award for health and human rights

2011-07-18 Thread Kamayani
*Dear all

Physician for Human Rights  is organizing a global day of action tomorrow(19
july 2011)to advocate for the release of the 2011 awardee of the Jonathan
Mann Global health award for health and human rights.

Sign the petition for the release of Arash Alaei*



Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal

*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4589] Indian farmers protest massive steel plant:Faiza Khan in Al Jazeera

2011-07-19 Thread Kamayani
 knows where they


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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[humanrights-movement:4593] Fwd: NHRC shoots Notice to Orissa Govt on Police Atrocities on Anti Posco villagers

2011-07-20 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Section Office M-1 NHRC so1.n...@nic.in
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 5:45 PM
Subject: Case No. 1197/18/23/2011/OC





*Tel No. :  011-23385368*

Fax No.: 011-23386521  *

*Telegraphic Add.: HUMANRIGHTS”*

Home page : **http://nhrc.nic.in/* http://nhrc.nic.in/

*Case No.  1197/18/23/2011/OC*





  WHEREAS the complaint/intimation dated 10-06-2011 received from ANIVAR
ARAVIND in respect of PEOPLE OF JAGATSINGHPUR was placed before the
Commission on 05-07-2011.

  AND WHEREAS upon perusing the complaint the Commission has passed the
following order.

  The Commission has also received following complaints alleging police
action against the protesters in Govindpur and Dhinkia villages of
Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa, who were protesting against the forceful
land acquisition by the Govt. of Orissa for the proposed POSCO Project.

The Commission has already taken cognizance of the matter in case No.
1126/18/23/2011 and vide its proceedings dated 28.6.2011 has called for a
detailed report from the Chief Secretary and DGP, Orissa.

Since the Commission has already taken cognizance of the matter, all these
cases be linked with case No. 1126/18/23/2011 and a copy each of the
complaints in these cases be sent to the Chief Secretary and DGP, Orissa.
Put up alongwith the main file.

  NOW THEREFORE TAKE NOTICE that you are required to submit the
requisite information/Report within 4 weeks from the date of receipt of this

  TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that in default the Commission may proceed to take
such action as it deems proper.

  Given under my hand and seal of the Commission, this the day of 12
July 2011.



Encl :  Copy of the complaint.

Note :-  1.  The information /report shall be furnished only by the
authority which is

  called upon to do so.

  2.  Please quote the Case No. referred above in all future
correspondence /


CC to:

  *The Home Secretary*



  *anivar.arav...@gmail.com* anivar.arav...@gmail.com

connect mailing list

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4600] Now, global health movement calls for Jeyakumar’s release

2011-07-21 Thread Kamayani
By Aliran, on 21 July 2011
[Translate] http://aliran.com/6104.html
print http://aliran.com/6104.html
Digg Digg http://www.diggdigg2u.com/

It’s not just doctors in Malaysia who are clamouring for Dr Jeyakumar
Devaraj’s immediate release. Now the global *People’s Health Movement* has
added its voice to the demand.

[image: people's health

Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Home Minister YB Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar

20 July 2011

Dear Honourable Ministers

*Arrest and detention of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj*

The People’s Health Movement, a global network bringing together grassroots
activists, civil society organisations, academics and health workers from
around the world, strongly condemns the arrest and detention of Dr Jeyakumar
Devaraj and five others under the Emergency Ordinance. We have heard that
due to ill health, Dr Kumar has been moved to hospital.

Dr Kumar, who has been involved with People’s Health Movement since our
inception, is well respected for his contributions to public health and
social justice. Since completing medical school, Dr Kumar has spent
significant time working in some of the most remote rural areas, working
tirelessly to bring services to the poor and marginalised and to address the
structural and social determinants of health. He has also worked on a number
of national initiatives to improve equitable access of health services to
the poor.

Given Dr Kumar’s standing in the community and his professionalism and
commitment in serving and bringing health services to all people of
Malaysia, we feel it imperative that the authorities expedite his release,
together with the other five people who remain in detention. Furthermore, as
co-health-workers, we are deeply concerned about further adverse effect the
arrest and detention will have on Dr Kumar’s health.

Yours sincerely

Bridget Lloyd
On behalf of the People’s Health Movement Steering Council

Facsimile to:
1. YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak,
Prime Minister, Malaysia
Fax: +60 3 3444

2. YB Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
Menteri Kementerian Dalam Negeri – (Home Minister)
Fax: +60 3 88891613/+60 3 88891610

3. Tan Sri Ismail Omar
Ketua Polis Negara (IGP)
Fax: +60 3 22725613

*The Peope’s Health Movement has bases in more than 70 countries (country
circles). In 2000, 1453 participants from 92 countries attended an assembly
in Bangladesh which endorsed the global People’s Charter for Health. More
information at http://www.phmovement.org/en*
Related posts:

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4603] India's human rights record makes a farce of its democracy | Guardian

2011-07-22 Thread Kamayani


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4605] Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

2011-07-22 Thread Kamayani
*Leuren Moret* is a lobbyist on issues of radiation and public health,
specifically advocating against the use of depleted
worked at Lawrence Livermore National
She was appointed a citizen member of the City of Berkeley Community
Environmental Advisory Commission on September 6, 2001
[5]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuren_Moret#cite_note-4 and
served until her termination
[6]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuren_Moret#cite_note-5 on
January 4, 2006.

Moret describes herself as a whistleblower on nuclear weapon research and
states that her 2000 visit to the Peace Museums at
and Nagasaki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagasaki changed her life. Her
efforts are focused on educating people about the negative impact of
radiation on health and advocates against testing of nuclear weapons.
The Tehran
Times http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran_Times has described her efforts
as a crusade.[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuren_Moret#cite_note-6

Moret declared on March 21, 2011 that the “Japan Earthquake and
occurred March 11, 2011, were deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare.
She claimed further that the attack was carried out using
HAARPhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAARP technology
by the Central Intelligence
the United States Department of
and British Petroleum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Petroleum on
behalf of London Banking interests.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4611] This is not help- Dr Sanjay Nagral

2011-07-24 Thread Kamayani
 This is not help

While people meant well when they piled the injured in a truck after the
recent bomb blasts, it points to the sorry state of emergency aid in our
country, says Dr Sanjay Nagral

 There were many images of the aftermath of the July 13 Mumbai bombings. But
one photograph stood out for a symbolism independent of the bigger tragedy.
It was a picture of the injured from the Zaveri Bazaar blast site piled up
on each other in a truck.

While it was a well-meaning act by those who only wanted to help, it was a
shocking comment on the poor infrastructure of our medical disaster
management system.

As one involved in treating victims of the 1992 riots, and the 1993 and 2006
blasts, I can’t help pointing out how little has changed on this front over
the last two decades.

Victims are still brought to hospitals in makeshift vehicles without any
first-aid and transport protocol. It’s a tragedy within a tragedy.

It was established decades back that emergency medical measures in the first
few minutes after a grievous injury make a difference between life and
death. The concept of a ‘golden hour’ in trauma care evolved on this

Most countries have medical transport systems manned by trained paramedics
who deliver treatment on the way to a hospital. Treatment in this golden
hour comprises maintaining breathing, administering intravenous fluids and
stopping bleeding.

 Little has changed since the 1992 riots; victims are still transported
to hospitals without any first-aid and transport protocol
These measures need basic training and equipment and not costly,
sophisticated technology. Transport protocols also prevent worsening of
injury by supporting the spine and fractured limbs.

Even in large metros, all this starts only if you reach a reasonably
equipped hospital. On-the-spot medical help is non-existent and ambulances
are white coloured vehicles with sirens, nothing more.

Mumbai has only a handful of ambulances capable of offering resuscitation.
There is no protocol as to where a victim should to be taken to. These
decisions are made by passers-by or police.

Considerations such as affordability and familiarity play a bigger than
proximity and capability of the medical facility. Thus, an opportunity to
deliver life-saving treatment is lost.

In mass casualties, a system called ‘triage’, in which the injured are
prioritised based on severity of injury, is recommended. Any healthcare
worker involved in treating trauma victims will admit that we are far from
implementing these strategies on the spot, during transport or in hospital

   Sanjay Nagral is a consultant surgeon in the Surgical Gastroenterology
dept at Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre Ironically, healthcare has grown
hugely in technology and specialisation in the last decade in urban
In a bizarre dichotomy, you can get a liver transplant in Mumbai, but die of
lack of basic care half-an-hour away bleeding on a road.

The reason can’t be lack of awareness of policymakers, but insensitivity and
bias. It reflects the low priority given to organised public health. While
cardiology and joint replacements attract medical tourism, trauma care does
not. The medical profession shares complicity too. In our infatuation with
speciality medicine we have sidelined emergency medicine.

And it is not only during mass casualties that the system shows utter
disregard for proper emergency care. We see it every day. Thousands of
victims of road accidents don’t get emergency care they deserve on the spot.

Last year, Bombay High Court directed the state to provide medical care at
stations to those injured in train accidents. Victims lie bleeding for hours
for want of a stretcher or  an ambulance. If the system is not in place for
everyday accidents, it won’t work during an emergency.

In the debate on the blasts, there was plenty written about prevention
through gathering ‘intelligence’. In the context of modern terror, this is a
long term goal. But the treatment of the injured is a matter of well
equipped ambulances, trained personnel and proper linkages with existing
hospitals. None of these require large money or technology. What’s required
is political will to acknowledge the issue and act on it.

While individual acts of commitment by people present at disaster sites and
doctors are laudable, they are poor substitutes for organised, effective
emergency care. Let there be no picture of injured being carried in a truck
to a hospital when Mumbai faces a disaster again.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these

[humanrights-movement:4616] FILM ON Sudhir Dhawale -

2011-07-24 Thread Kamayani
Dear all

Following is film made by  prasad  pullarwar and freinds ,students in free
binayak sen campaign ON SUDHIR DHAWALE  , do sharE widely


in solidarity


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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2011-07-27 Thread Kamayani
Dear all

Vikram Buddhi, was released on May 06, 2011 after serving his 57 months
imprisonment. On his release he was picked by immigration authorities and
now he is held at Rolling Plains Regional Jail and Detention Center at
Haskell, Texas.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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[humanrights-movement:4629] The UID Aadhaar Project Will Make Constitution Of India A Dead Document

2011-07-28 Thread Kamayani

4. Gopal Krishna; “ *NIAI Bill, Wikileaks, World Bank  L-1 Identities
Solution *”;  www.countercurrents.org , January 22, 2011.

5. Vombatkere, S.G., “ *Deepening India-US Strategic Ties - Evidences and
Repercussions *”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 40, September 25,
2010, p.13-15.

*Notes *

Note 1 . The basis for selecting Mr.Nandan Nilekani for appointment as UIDAI
Chairperson with cabinet rank is arbitrary and not beyond question. No doubt
the UIDAI Chairperson should possess experience in systems engineering but
he/she should also have experience in public administration since the UID
project deals with government systems and the public, involving legal and
constitutional issues. Transparent selection of an individual from a panel
of eligible persons would have constituted due process of democratic
governance. Avoidance of due process speaks poorly of governance and raises
doubts about hidden agendas.

Note 2 . Natgrid c/o Ministry of Home Affairs, will ensure that India has a
world-class integrated national security database that can be accessed by
the security agencies as required. This national security database is
inter-operable with other relevant databases, so that all terror threats can
be detected and acted upon in a timely manner. This ambitious project will
be implemented without infringing upon the privacy of individuals whose
details -- banking, insurance, immigration, income tax, telephone and
internet usage -- will be on Natgrid. The data collected will also have to
be safeguarded from hackers. The goal of Natgrid will be to achieve quick,
seamless and secure access to desired information for
intelligence/enforcement agencies in India.

 http://www.skoch.in/index.php?option=com_contentview=articleid=1682 .

** S.G.Vombatkere retired as major general after 35 years in the Indian
military. He is engaged in voluntary social work, and is member of the
National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) and People's Union for Civil
Liberties (PUCL). As Adjunct Associate Professor of the University of Iowa,
USA, he coordinates and lectures a course on Science, Technology and
Sustainable Development for under-graduate students from USA and Canada. He
holds a master of engineering degree in structural engineering from the
University of Poona and a PhD in civil structural dynamics from I.I.T,

E-mail: sg9k...@live.com 

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Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4636] Fwd: No marriage registrations without Aadhaar!

2011-07-29 Thread Kamayani
No marriage registrations without Aadhaar!
Nagaraju Koppula
The New Indian Express
 HYDERABAD: Aadhaar card numbers are likely to be mandatory not only for
getting LPG gas connections, ration from fair price shops but also for
registration of marriages, land and vehicle registrations and bank
The state government is mulling this to persuade those who have not
registered for the Unique Identification cards. 90 per cent of the people in
Hyderabad have registered their names for the Aadhar cards. The other 10 per
cent is mainly from the IT sector, state and central government departments.
“100 per cent registration is likely to be completed in the state capital by
Once that happens, Aadhar card numbers will be made a must for citizens,”
said director of civil supplies KRBHN Chakravarthy.
Aadhaar in-charge and assistant supply officer MS Seshagiri Rao said that
the Aadhaar card number would be mandatory for health checkups in public and
private hospitals.
It will also be used in police stations and courts to clear cases as soon as
possible. Aadhaar cards are intended to ensure efficient access to national
and state schemes.
He said that of the total population of 42 lakh (as per 2011 census) in
Hyderabad, 37 lakh have registered for the cards. 12 lakh people have
received them and rest are awaiting cards. Chakravarthy also said the
government is working on correcting wrong details in cards and will come up
with a software for it.

However some city residents are not happy with the management of the UID
card distribution. MD Alim, a resident of Rasoolpura said,”I registered my
name for the Aadhaar card number in February but I have not got it yet.
Moreover, the fair price shops in the city are asking me the Aadhaar number
or the receipt of the registration when I go to buy ration. Why do they ask
this even before the completion of the project?” he asked.

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Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4637] Kashmir's 'half-widows in precarious state' - Al Jazeera

2011-07-29 Thread Kamayani
 a peaceful solution.

The disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir, a major source of tension that
has fuelled two of three wars fought by the two neighbours since 1947, will
continue to be discussed with a view to finding a peaceful solution,
Krishna said.

Both India and Pakistan claim Kashmir.

*Kashmir: the forgotten conflict – a special series on the dispute in
Kashmir launches on www.aljazeera.com on Tuesday, August 2, 2011.*


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4638] Unjustified detention prompts Kumar to launch hunger strike

2011-07-29 Thread Kamayani
july 29, 2011


From P Ramakrishnan, via e-mail

Aliran is gravely concerned to hear that MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, one of the
Parti Sosialis Malaysia 6 who have been unjustly and unjustifiably held in
detention under the Emergency Ordinance, has decided to go on hunger strike.

PSM Central Committee member and Kumar’s wife Rani Rasiah, together with
party colleagues, announcing today that the detained MP has started a hunger

We know Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, a long-standing and outstanding Aliran member,
well enough to know that he does NOT engage in such acts for theatrical
effect. Rather, given his steadfast and tenacious character in facing
threats and intimidation from the police before, there is every reason to
expect that Jeyakumar Devaraj is conducting his hunger strike with complete

At the same time, knowing he has a poor heart condition that has required
treatment and hospitalisation during the period of his detention, we can
only be alarmed at the potential damage to his health that this action may
bring about.

We understand his frustration and impatience with the endless and pointless
attempts by his police interrogators to extract confessions of guilt where
none exists except in the imagination of the Special Branch officers and the
political masters whom they serve, in particular Prime Minister Najib Tun
Razak and Minister of Home Affairs Hishammuddin Hussein.

Perhaps our politicians have become so used to believing that all politics
is about perceptions and images that can be moulded by lies, distortions and
propaganda that they cannot anymore recognise that there can be politics of
the highest moral level, such as that exhibited by Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj and
his fellow detainees from PSM.

Politicians like Najib and Hishammuddin and the Inspector-General of Police
have been issuing irrelevant and self-serving warnings about how Bersih 2.0
was trying to import the Arab Spring into Malaysia.

Let them, who try to hoodwink the Malaysian public and frighten others with
images of chaos, remember how the uprising in Tunisia began with the
needless self-immolation of one protester.

We in Aliran, together with other concerned citizens, non-partisan but
admiring and supportive of the courageous stance of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj and
the other members of the PSM 6, demand their immediate release from an
unjust imprisonment.

Free Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj! Release the PSM 6 unconditionally! Now!

*The writer is president of Aliran*



Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4643] Peoples’ Health Movement in India: Looking Back at Dalli Rajahara - Achievements and Problems at Sanhati

2011-07-30 Thread Kamayani
 Rajahara earlier. The services of
the hospital of Bhilai Steel Plant was also inadequate. The unexpected
popularity of the workers’ hospital forced the goverment to establish one
more hospital in Rajahara and seven primary health centers in Donti Lohara
assembly constituency. This compelled the steel plant to construct a
hospital with over 100 beds. Apart from this, when the movement launched its
struggle against superstitions and harmful customs, the struggle against
feudal values also aligned with it. In the struggle against the exploitation
of multinationals in the pharmaceutical industry, the anti-imperialist
struggle also merged with it.

*Some problems of Dalli Rajahara health movement*

(a) In the primary stage, people faced problem of language and system for
articulating their health problems were inadequate. By undertaking different
experiments, examining them, learning from the mistakes, some of these
problems were overcome.

Generally the people who prepared health campaign materials and doctors,
although well-wishers of the masses, were detached from them, preparing
these campaign materials while staying in big towns and cities, or worse,
following foreign health institutions. They did not have any parameter to
judge their efforts to make this material comprehensible to the masses.
Rajahara health movement could surmount this obstacle only by knowing the
‘pulse of the people’.

(b) Shaheed Hospita lis a workers’ hospital. It is run mainly by the
workers. When workers turn managers then some problems also surface.
Sometimes the behaviour of these managing workers with the salaried staff of
the hospital is exactly similar to what they face at their respective
workplaces from the managers. Only an incessant political and ideological
struggle can fight this tendency.

(c) All salaried staff of the hospital are from worker-peasant families.
While selecting them, their faith in the ideals of Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha
is gauged. Despite this, some of them reflect the mentality of merely a paid
staff of any hospital. Resolution of this problem is possible through
regular discussion around politics of health, issues of general political
nature and contemporary developments. This can also be tackled through
participation in organisational work, apart from healthcare work.

(d) In the running of the hospital, a contradiction lingers on regarding
lack of democracy and centralisation. The decision making committee consists
of doctors and other health workers, where are all equally capable. Here
tendencies like following individual whims, not caring about
operationalising directives, have been observed. In contrast to this
tendency, sometimes frustrating levels of over-centralisation is also seen.
Despite all this, this health movement has withstood all the tests of an
experimental system of democratic centralism.

(e) Another gigantic problem was a lack of doctors-intellectuals.
Chhattisgarh has not been able to give this movement idealist doctors. This
health movement could not address this lacuna. It is only with the
development of a revolutionary student-youth movement can this problem be
fully solved.

On 28th September 1991, Shankar Guha Niyogi was martyred during Bhilai
workers movement. The organisation has been conducting ideological struggle
on questions like class struggle versus class collaboration, democracy
versus centralism, after that. While a leader of the Chhattisgarh Mukti
Morcha and some doctors of Shaheed Hospital were expelled, some have left
the hospital frustrated. The health programme was also affected by the
breaking up of organisation. The hospital grew in size but its ideals were
defeated. New doctors came, not fired by any idealist thinking, but just to
spend some time before joining a government job or availing postgraduate
admission. There is no sense of responsibility towards reasoned medical care
among them. Some even got involved in corrupt practices. Old doctors and
health workers also failed in carrying out ideological battles alongside
treating their patients.

It can be said, in lieu of a conclusion, that the Chhattisgarh workers’
health movement has not lost, neither has it been decimated. Following the
initiative of the Shaheed Hospital, Belud Shramjeevi Hospital, Chengayil
Shramik-Krishak Maitri Swasthya Kendra and Shramjeevi Swasthya Udyog,
Kamarhati Jasewa Clinic and Dr. Bhaskar Rao Janswasthya Committee, Sarvedier
Suderban Shramjeevi Hospital are working in West Bengal. But they have not
had the opportunity, like the Shaheed Hospital, to work as part of a broader
social movement. Despite all the limitations, they are attempting new
experiments involving the ideals and experiences of Shaheed Hospital. They
are trying to convey the message of Shaheed Hospital in the adjoining states
of Tripura, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh by preparing
activists of the mass organisation as health workers.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal

[humanrights-movement:4644] Who said doctors can’t be ethical and successful?

2011-07-30 Thread Kamayani
 Who said doctors can’t be ethical and successful?

When doctors enrolled themselves in the profession, they are bound to
observe certain professional ethics and decorum. That is not for sainthood
but for the upkeep of a certain code of professional conduct which was
practised by our seniors. That gave us the social recognition and dignity we
earned collectively.

Now there is value erosion, everybody admits. Breach of medical ethics is
seen not as grave, restrained and punished timely, but is being overlooked
and condoned easily as an “inevitable evil of the prevailing conditions.”

The strength of the majority is not used to correct the wrongdoing of a
minority, but to justify its misdeeds and approval by the whole body as a
“survival strategy.” Professional associations are also resorting to strikes
to safeguard their business interest and protection from the “public” whom
they are supposed to serve. The old fashioned and the not-so-smart ethically
practising doctors are becoming a minority. Even a laughing stock! No
wonder, the same society that treated us once as “god” is now treating us as
“dogs” as lamented by Dr. Manorama Gadde (Open Page, The Hindu, July 17,
2011 http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/open-page/article2233675.ece).

Who is at fault? Rather than taking it to the “media” accused of using
“doctors as punching bags,” it is high time for introspection.

What happens, for example, if we refuse to pay 25 per cent of the fees to
the local RMPs to get referral cases? My firm belief is that if a doctor is
ethical, skilled and very good in his/her profession, people flock to that
doctor. Client satisfaction is the best advertisement for a doctor or
hospital. People may be unlettered, but their wisdom can differentiate the
bad from the good doctor. It is only the mediocre and below average who need
advertisement props.

I have seen very poor patients travel from far off tribal areas and
districts and across State borders to Ganiari near Bilaspur city to receive
the good services of a group of committed specialist doctors who passed out
of the AIIMS, Delhi. These doctors do not even put up a decent nameboard.

I started paediatric practice in a 150-bed mission hospital in a rural area
where not more than five or six patients came a day. Within a few months,
the number grew up to almost 90, and it became unmanageable for me as a
specialist to give quality time and attention to my patients. Finally, I was
compelled to restrict my outpatient tokens.

Many local practitioners referred patients to me, instead of to the district
headquarters hospital, because they knew I did not pass any remark on the
missed diagnosis or the not-so-correct case management by the referring
doctor. Moreover, would get a return referral slip, in a sealed cover, on
what the diagnosis turned out to be upon investigation and the lines of
management that I followed.

*In India, no qualified doctor willing to practise ethically is going to
starve. There is enough revenue generation from consultancy for everybody’s
need, but may be not enough to everybody’s greed.* The “greed” is often
perceived and firmly believed as “need” when you actually embark upon
certain ambitions of life for the sake of survival in cut-throat
competition. One more building block, one more operation theatre, a CT scan
machine and similar sorts, for which banks are ready to advance loans fast
but also quick to retract when EMIs are delayed. The stress is passed on to
the middle class patients who might not have actually needed it at all. Why
join that rat race?

*By Dr. K.R. Antony*

*(The writer is a former Health  Nutrition Specialist for UNICEF and former
Director, State Health Resource Centre, Chhattisgarh. His email id is


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4647] Endorse against South Central Railway for arresting and fining the members of Hijra Comminity

2011-08-01 Thread Kamayani
Please endorse against South Central Railway for arresting and fining the
members of Hijra community
*PL** SEND YOUR ENORSEMENTS  BY AUGUST 3RD TO - rituparna.bo...@gmail.com*

We, the undersigned concerned groups and citizens, strongly condemn the
recent actions of South Central Railway officials in arresting and fining of
members of the hijra community on its railway network. We additionally
protest their discriminatory, prejudiced and defamatory language in speaking
of the hijra community in their subsequent press release.

On July 12, 2011, South Central Railway (SCR) reported (via Press Release
No. 115http://tinyurl.com/3hva9ro), that in a series of concentrated,
’special drives’, 212 hijras and transgender people were arrested and
prosecuted, and that an amount of Rs. 34,150 was collected in fines from
them, with 11 hijras being sent to prison. The statement from the South
Central Railway clearly uses the language of ‘eradication of the hijra
menace’ making it apparent that these special drives” are not actions to
maintain law and order but to target and defame a community in particular.
The South Central Railway has not only engaged in this persecution but has
also declared this action with pride!

These actions seem to be completely out of sync with some recent positive
developments and make us wonder if Indian public servants are completely
oblivious of the 2009 decision of the Delhi High Court which read down
Section 377 of the IPC! In addition, India has also been at the forefront,
globally, as far as the recognition of genders other than male and female,
including the Hijra identity. Recent announcements by different state
bodies, such as the National Election Commission explicitly recognise the
existence of 'other' genders. Even the application for a visa to visit India
now offers three categories for gender.

These are some progressive steps taken by the State to begin addressing the
historical marginalization of other genders and their/our exclusion from
jobs, public services and access to basic rights. It must be remembered that
under colonial rule, there was a targeted persecution of the Hijra community
under the Criminal Tribes Act, 1871 and only recently some steps like the
ones mentioned above have been taken by the State to undo the effects of
this history.

Against this background, the actions of the SCR militate against these
recognitions which deserve to be celebrated. In persecuting a particular
community as opposed to maintaining law and order within their constituency
in a just and neutral manner, the actions of the South Central Railways is
unacceptable. It is imperative that officers of the state are not prejudiced
by existing social stigma and discrimination and perform their duties with
utmost integrity and protect the interests of marginalized sections of
society at all costs.

*We demand:*

·That those 11 Hijras who have been imprisoned be released at the earliest
and this information be made public.

·That South Central Railways officials issue an immediate public apology for
their actions and the defamation of an entire community, especially the
language used in the press release.

·That the officials responsible for ordering this ‘special drive’ are
subject to a departmental enquiry, and that the fines collected from the
Hijra community are returned.

·That the South Central Railway initiate sensitization programs of gender
and sexuality that will acquaint them with realities beyond their own, and

·That they publicly commit to protect and encourage a dignified living for
Hijra communities, and provide alternative livelihoods within its railways


Deepti Sharma

Gautam Bhan

Sumit Baudh, New Delhi

L Ramakrishnan, Chennai

Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore

Rituparna Borah, New delhi

Shalini Krishan

Elakshi Kumar

Ponni Arasu, Chennai

Suchi Kushwah, New Delhi

Shalini Sharma, Researcher, London

Pramada Menon, New Delhi

Charan Singh

Sophia Murphy, New Delhi

Adhikaar, New Delhi

Aditya Bondyopadhyay, New Delhi

Partners for Law in Development, New Delhi

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal, Mumbai

Meena Seshu, Sangram

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

[humanrights-movement:4652] Seven workers exposed to radiation at Kakrapar- todays dna

2011-08-01 Thread Kamayani
Seven workers exposed to radiation at Kakrapar

Incident took place 2 months back but it came to light only
after workers submitted memorandum to Tapi collector

Rishi Banerji l Surat

In an incident that could be shocking, seven persons working at Kakrapar
Atomic Power Station near here were exposed to high level radiation but
officials allegedly tried to cover it up. Though the incident took place two
months back, it came to light only when the affected workers submitted a
memorandum to Tapi district collector on Saturday. In the memorandum, they
have sought action against those responsible for the mishap.
On the day of the mishap, the seven persons were doing painting work at the
SFTD (Spent Fuel Transfer Duct) tunnel of Kakrapar Atomic Power Station,
located near Vyara in Tapi district. Station officials had asked them to
finish the painting work before 1:00 pm on that day.
While the seven were working inside the SFTD tunnel, the refuelling operator
in the control room accidentally discharged a pair of spent fuel bundles
into the tunnel. This made the workers inside the tunnel come in contact
with high radiation.
Four of the workers were exposed to more than 5000 MR radiation, while three
others to less than 5000 MR. But officials neither provided any treatment to
the workers nor took any action against the operator. The Direct Radiation
Dosimeter, which was given to us as a safety device against radiation,
stopped functioning when the spent fuel bundles were released into the
tunnel. This made us realise that we had come in contact with high radiation
levels. After that incident, we have been offered neither any work nor any
compensation by the authorities, Dilesh Chaudhry, one of the workers,
The operator was not aware that the seven persons were working inside the
tunnel. This is totally a human error and we are trying to help all the
seven workers, said JP Dutta, director of atomic power station at Kakrapar.
Power plant has become a curse for Kheda village,

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4656] FYI - Debate on Mining and its Ecological, Social and Political Impact

2011-08-01 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: vand...@vandanashiva.com vand...@vandanashiva.com
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:22 PM

Dear Friends,

Dr. Vandana Shiva was invited by CNBC on Karan Thapar's show. They had a
debate on Mining and its ecological, social and political impact. The
panelist included Justice Santosh Hegde, Lokayukta, Karnataka, Mr. Samar
Halarnkar, Editor at Large,Hindustan Times and Dr. Vandana Shiva, Founder
Director, Navdanya.

The debate covered the following issues -

Does mining need more regulation or less regulation?
Have deregulation of mining increased corruption?
Will the corruption associated with mining be addressed by one or two
officials or by respecting the rights of people and the laws such as PESA
and the Forest Rights Act?

These issues become vital in the context of the Mining Bill coming up in
the Parliament.

Please watch the debate.

Telecast timing -

August 1, 2011 at 10.30 pm
August 2, 2011 at 4.30 pm

Warm regards,
connect mailing list

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4663] Land acquisition in Punjab: Lathi-charge killed one, hundreds arrested

2011-08-03 Thread Kamayani
Land acquisition in Punjab: Lathi-charge killed one, hundreds arrested
By Newzfirst Correspondent8/3/11

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GOVINDPUR - One farmer was killed and several were injured as police
resorted to indiscriminate lathi-charge in Barnala-Bhikhi road leading to

In order to prevent the workers of 17 farmer-labour unions marching towards
Govindpur, to protest against forcible acquisition of their fertile lands,
the police resorted to brutal repression.  In an overnight swoop, hundreds
of activists were taken in custody throughout Malwas belt.  The police put
up barricades, on all roads leading to Mansa District and had deployed armed
commandoes there.

Speaking to newzfirst, NK Jeet of Lok Morcha Punjab, “the police resorted to
brutal lathi-charge at village Dunneke on Barnala-Bhikhi Road. One farmer,
whose name is reported to be Narinjan Singh of village Hamidi has been
killed in this lathi-charge, while a large number of protestors have been
injured. The police smashed all the vehicles on which the protestors were

“In another barricade near Maur Mandi in Bathinda District, police resorted
to lathi-charge and firing, injuring scores of people. In village Daske,
Sangrur District, protestors were successful in over-running the police
barricade and marching ahead. There is curfew like situation in village
Govindpur.” he added.

According to NK Jeet, “It is nothing but brutal repression on farmers  agri
laborers who are fighting for their rights by protesting forcible land
acquisitions. Today’s events have shown that the SAD-BJP Govt of Punjab can
go to any extent to safeguard the interests of Malik Bhagos. It can kill,
maim, incarcerate, uproot any one to please industrialists and propertied
people, MNCs and their Indian agents. In the process it can violate with
impunity its own declarations and promises.”

“We will not stop our struggle for Justice; until we repossess the forcibly
acquired land and until the victim farmers get the justice” he added.

Farmers across the state of Punjab are protesting the forcible acquisition
of 166 acres of fertile and irrigated land by the administration to
establish a thermal power plant, which will also lead to displacement of
about 100 families.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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[humanrights-movement:4673] Online petition- stop criminalization of abortions in Poland

2011-08-03 Thread Kamayani
 Dear Freinds ,

In Poland  *lawmakers are working on draft legislation to ban abortions
altogether, even for women who were raped, or carrying deformed foetuses or
face health risks. *

Please do sign the online petition and share widely and support campaign f
our friends in poland .


The petition goes to the PM and ASTRA  - Central and Eastern Europe Women's
Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights)-

You can also support ASTRA on Facebook:


Your Excellency,

I write to express my concern that the draft text for the new bill on
abortion: The law on changing the Law on family planning, protection of the
human fetus and conditions for legal abortion - to be discussed by the
Parliament's Committee by the 1st of September - contains provisions that
will result in violations of women's sexual and reproductive rights and

The international human rights standard is to liberalize abortion laws to
make it safe and accessible to women and thereby lessen maternal mortality
related to unsafe abortion. The language used in the draft of the new bill
regarding the right to life does not correspond to that used in
international and European human rights instruments - to which Poland is
also party - as it unconditionally prohibits abortion, thereby leading not
to lessening the number of women inducing abortion but only makes it
dangerous for women who will undergo clandestine and unsafe abortion.
Passing the bill will increase maternal mortality, abortion-related injuries
and deaths are likely to be especially high among poor women, who can't
afford to travel abroad. As a result, many of them might try self-induced

It is unacceptable that in the 21st Century, a European country
includes in its legislation a provision which directly endangers
women's lives. I trust that you will do your best to ensure that
Poland considers reviewing its legislation regarding abortion in a
forward-looking legislation, taking the lead in promoting women's
sexual and reproductive rights.

Sincerely yours,


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 


2011-08-05 Thread Kamayani
Dear all

 Today  it was reported in Media that  in maharashtra legislative assembly
yesterday there was a demand to treat female foetcide as murder. The article
is here

Please send your endorsements as concerned individuals, organisations and
networks by August 7th, Monday Noon to me.

* *
*  Mr Prithviraj Chavan*
*Chief Minister*
* *

*Sub- Demand of treating female foeticide as murder*

*We are appalled at the statement made by Pankja Munde-Palve (BJP) and
Jitendra Awhad (NCP) at  the legisltative assembly session on  4th august
2011  demanding  that female foeticide should be treated as murder
case and culprits
should be booked for offence of murder under section 302 of Indian Penal
*   *
*. Making foeticide a murder charge will only increase illegal abortions and
also make access to safe abortion difficult for women, who already do not
have much choices  regarding their own reproductive rights. Safe and legal
abortion is a woman’s right. Sex selection abortion amounts to
discrimination against a particular sex, in most cases, female sex. Abortion
is legal in India.*
* *
*The MTP Act, 1971 spells out the conditions under which it can be carried
out. Abortion for the purposes of eliminating a certain unwanted sex is
illegal.  In other words, abortion for the purposes of sex selection is
illegal.  It is also important to remember that those who want to use
abortion for elimination of the female foetus have to first determine the
sex of the child.  Rightly this process of selection which is the first step
is being regulated and monitored through the PNDT Act.  Female foeticide is
a symptom of devaluation of female lives, unless we are able to deal with
all those social and economic factors that are going into the culture of
son-preference and daughter-aversion,  the child sex ratio will go on
plummeting . *
* *
* We strongly condemn this statement and urge the Government to stop using
anti- abortion stands for curbing down the child sex ratio.  Safe and legal
abortion  is a right guaranteed by MTP act. Checking sex selection requires
proper implementation of the PCPNDT act and monitoring by the government and
not by introducing such draconian measures.*
*cc-  Maharshtra Health Minister, Suresh Shetty*
* cc- Pankaja Mundhe*
*cc-**Jitendra Awhad (NCP)*
*1. Name, Organisation/ Network,
  Kamayani Bali MahabalForum against sex selection FASS
 Manisha Gupte  MASUM
Leni Chaudhuri

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4697] Salwa Judum: When the government defends the indefensible

2011-08-09 Thread Kamayani

When confronted by Nitya Ramakrishnan with the evidence of an SPO who had an
arrest warrant for rape against him, but was moving freely and even
attacking government supplies to affected villages, he volunteered to ensure
that such egregious cases were punished. Despite Salve being given a list of
offending SPOs, the Chhattisgarh government has taken no action.

The Chhattisgarh affidavit on SPOs was so patently ridiculous -- such as the
claim that they learnt the principles of forensic science, human rights,
Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, the history of Bastar and the
use of guns, all in a matter of two months -- that Krishnamani appearing for
Chhattisgarh conceded on April 5, 2011, that: 'The number of SPOs should be
reduced. They should be given alternate employment. The Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam chief V Prabhakaran sent his children to London [
Imageshttp://search.rediff.com/imgsrch/default.php?MT=london ]
to study, he should have sent them to fight. Instead the children of the
poor were sent to fight.'

Desai consistently argued that this was not an adversarial litigation but
one in which the government should be equally concerned since it concerned
the poorest citizens of this country.

Moved by the stark evidence of humanitarian crises, Subramanium repeatedly
asked for time to consult the highest authorities. At one point he offered
to persuade the Centre and Chhattisgarh government to facilitate a visit by
the petitioners to see what work was being done on the rehabilitation front.

Predictably, the Chhattisgarh government betrayed him by posting SPOs after
us. Just as they betrayed K K Venugopal who reported in court in February
2010 that all schools had been vacated by the security forces, only to have
this proved wrong in 2011.

The lawyers -- on our side and theirs -- were not the only ones to whom it
was patently obvious that wrongdoing was being committed on a massive scale.
In December 2008 itself, the then Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan [
and Justice P Sathasivam asked the Chhattisgarh government to show what
action they had taken to implement the NHRC recommendations -- to file FIRs,
compensate all victims, regardless of whether the perpetrators were security
forces or Maoists, to close down camps and rehabilitate people in their

In November 2009, the Chief Justice asked in surprise: Has the Salwa Judum
not been disbanded yet? In February 2010, when it was clear that the State
was doing nothing, the court asked the petitioners to frame a rehabilitation

Much of the discussion since then has centred around the need for a high
level monitoring committee, with the court asking us at one point to get
consent letters from people willing to serve on such a committee. To
attribute the current order to some assumed ideological preference is to
ignore the entire history and facts of the case.

The matter is far from over. In creating an auxiliary police force
consisting of the same SPOs that they were ordered to disband and disarm,
the Chhattisgarh government has once again clearly betrayed its contempt for
the court and the Constitution. The lawyers on both sides have their work
cut out for them, as do the judges.

But the question arises: can governments which consistently let their
lawyers down, be trusted to uphold the rights of their people? How much
longer will the State fight against its own citizens, inside and outside

*Nandini Sundar teaches sociology at Delhi [
Imageshttp://search.rediff.com/imgsrch/default.php?MT=delhi ]
University and is the lead petitioner in the case in which the Supreme
disbanding of the Salwa Judum.*


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4703] “Safe and legal abortion is a woman's right”

2011-08-10 Thread Kamayani
“Safe and legal abortion is a woman's right”SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT
SHARE http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20  ·
   ·   PRINThttp://www.thehindu.com/news/national/article2340765.ece?css=print
   ·   T+ http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/article2340765.ece#

Over 250 activists and groups have protested against the recent suggestions
by two MLAs in the Maharashtra Assembly that “female foeticide” be treated
as murder.

A letter sent to Speaker Dilip Walse Patil on Tuesday, at the initiative of
the Forum Against Sex Selection (FASS), a network of 22 organisations and
over 16 individuals, expressed concern at the statements made by Pankaja
Munde-Palve (BJP) and Jitendra Avhad (NCP) that female “foeticide” be
treated as murder and culprits be booked for the offence of murder under
Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code.

The letter said that first of all abortion should not be referred to as
foeticide, which had anti-abortion implications. Women had the right to
decide when and whether or not they should bear and give birth to children.
Making sex-selective abortions (wrongly referred to as “female foeticide”) a
murder charge, would only increase illegal abortions and also make access to
safe abortion difficult.

Safe and legal abortion is a woman's right and abortion is legal in India.
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP Act) spells out the conditions under
which it can be carried out. Sex-selective abortion, however, amounts to
discrimination against a particular sex, in most cases, female sex.
Sex-selection in favour of the male child is a symptom of devaluation of
female lives. It is important to remember that those who want to use
abortion for elimination of the female foetus have to first determine the
sex of the child.  Rightly, it is this process of pre-natal selection which
is a crime, and it is being regulated and monitored through the
Preconception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex
selection) (PCPNDT) Act.

The letter said: “Unless we are able to deal with all those social and
economic factors that are going into the culture of son-preference and
daughter-aversion, the child sex ratio will go on plummeting. But the
solution is not to curb the legal right to abortion. Rather the PCPNDT Act
should be enforced, and clinics that offer prenatal sex testing should be
weeded out.”

The letter condemned the demand to make abortion a crime and urged the
government to stop using anti-abortion stand for curbing the plummeting
child sex ratio.  Checking pre-natal sex selection required the proper
implementation of the PCPNDT Act and monitoring of sex-selective procedures
by the government. It could not be achieved by introducing such draconian
measures that curb women's right to safe and legal abortion.

The letter was endorsed by the FASS, Mumbai; health activist Manisha Gupte
of the MASUM, Pune; Vibhuti Patel, Head, Department of Economics, SNDT
 University, Mumbai; S. Parasuraman,  Director, Tata Institute of Social
Sciences; Mohan Rao, the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health,
JNU, New Delhi; Chayanika Shah, researcher and activist, Mumbai; and Uma
Chakravarty, historian.

Keywords: legal
, female foeticidehttp://www.thehindu.com/news/national/article2340765.ece#


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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[humanrights-movement:4707] Chhattisgarh govt forms new tribal force to get around SC ban

2011-08-11 Thread Kamayani

Chhattisgarh govt forms new tribal force to get around SC ban

Chhattisgarh govt forms new tribal force to get around SC ban BS Reporter /
New Delhi August 12, 2011, 0:24 IST

To counter the Supreme Court ban on using tribals as special police officers
(SPOs) in Naxali-hit areas, the Chhattisgarh government has decided to form
a Chhattisgarh Auxiliary Force. It has issued an ordinance to employ 6,000
tribals who were part of the erstwhile ‘Salwa Judum’ and ‘Koya Commandos’
funded by the state government.

Chief minister Raman Singh said the Naxal problem could only be solved
through discussion and by developing those areas but there was a need to
seal the jungles in inter-state areas and deploying special forces that are
properly armed.

“We fully respect the judgement of the Supreme Court. The state government
has issued an ordinance to form the Chhattisgarh Auxiliary Force and over
6,000 tribals will be part of this force,” said the CM. He said governments
should be prepared for a long battle with Naxalites and there was no way to
go backwards on the issue.

The Supreme Court had recently banned the Chhattisgarh government from using
tribals as SPOs to fight Maoists and both the Union government and the state
government have decided to file a review petition against the judgement.

“If we disarm the SPOs, who will protect them and their families, who have
already seen the deaths of family members? The state has now provided these
SPOs with a uniform, better pay scales and insurance to live a life of
dignity,” argued Singh. He said there was only one Veerappan who managed to
evade arrest for 12 years but Chhattisgarh had thousands of Veerappans,
armed with dangerous weapons.

The government has also asked the Union government for a Rs 125 crore
package to help tackle the Naxalite menace by upgrading technology to detect
improvised explosive devices, a favoured strategy of the latter.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4714] Revamping PDS: a tale of two States- Hindu

2011-08-13 Thread Kamayani
 of doorstep delivery
of ration at the fair price shop and intimated people of it by SMS alerts.
We also set up a dedicated call centre to receive complaints and
Finally, we brought the supply chain under online monitoring to plug
leakages, says Rajeev Jaiswal, Joint Director, Chhattisgarh food and civil
supplies department.

And why did Chhattisgarh decide to skip UID and food coupons?

Look, the system that is in place is not faulty, its implementation is. We
thought messing with the existing system would create a new set of problems.
For instance, old or disabled people often have neighbours or relatives
bring them their ration. That is not possible with the UID or food coupons.
As for bogus cards, we eliminated over 2.5 lakh bogus cards through
door-to-door physical verification, says Mr. Jaiswal.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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[humanrights-movement:4715] Chattisgarh: Deputy Sarpanch arrested for speaking against atrocities - Newzfirst

2011-08-13 Thread Kamayani

Chattisgarh: Deputy Sarpanch arrested for speaking against atrocities
- Full Story - Newzfirst

Sat, 13 Aug 2011

Chattisgarh: Deputy Sarpanch arrested for speaking against atrocities
By Newzfirst Correspondent 8/12/11

BIJAPUR - In a shocking incident of sabotaging the struggle for
justice, Chhattisgarh Police have arrested an elected representative
of village for speaking out the facts about the police aggressions in
Bijapur District.

Sadanandam aged about 28 years, Deputy Sarpanch of Kamlapalli
Panchayat of Bijapur district was put behind bars for speaking out the
police atrocities to the media and the people. Sadanandam is now
accused in the murder charges of a SPO, which took place reportedly by
Maoists in last month.

Sadanandam who also run a FPS was summoned by the police on 8th of
August on the pretext of some important discussion. As he went to the
station, Police chained him and arrested without giving any reasons.
Later he was produced in the district court of Bijapur on following
day on the charges of murder of an SPO. Subsequently his bail was
denied by the Magistrate and he has been sent to the jail.

It all started with the arrest of two labors in Madded Village of
Kamlapalli Panchayat on 28th of July. The duo identified as Suresh and
Rajesh of a nearby village called Tummirguda, 3 kms away from Madded.

According to Afzal, an activist from Bijapur district, “the duo was
standing on a road side as they had no work that day. Suresh was a
mason and Rajesh, a 12th passed youth working as collie for perceiving
his higher studies, were picked by the police without any reason even
after the enquiry.”

Mothers of duo rushed to the Police Station as soon as they learnt
about the detention. Though, initially police denied any detention,
fortunately they saw their sons being tortured in the custody by the
police. As villagers came to know about this they started to gather in
front of the police station.

“But, they were threatened with the dire consequences in-case of
proceeding further and were abused. Police reportedly dispersed the
crowd and challenged them saying “bring the person he who informed you
about this detention, we will leave these boys” “he said.

On August 7, six persons including a pregnant woman were arrested by
the same police. Learning the news of arrest villagers including women
surrounded police station and blocked the main road. Bowing down to
the pressure police released all the six persons.

“But, on 8th of August, Police summoned Sadanandam on the pretext of
discussion, and arrested him as he was the person who used to educate
the villagers and media about the developments and their rights. Even
his family was not allowed to meet him, and was not aware of the
allegations on him.” He explained.

“Family members managed to speak to him in the court premises and were
advised by him to not to proceed further as Police will frame other
villagers too” he said.

The hardship being faced by the villagers on the context of countering
Maoists he explained, “About seven people who were fishing at poliwork
cannel, near Gorla village, were taken away by the CRPF personnel
without any reason. As Sarpanch approached CRPF camp to know the
whereabouts of those people, he was abused, tortured and threatened
saying he will be arrested for being a Maoist.”

“Nobody knows about those people till now” he added.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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[humanrights-movement:4716] Inquisitive UIDAI wants all details about you and I

2011-08-13 Thread Kamayani
Big Brother watching Inquisitive UIDAI wants all details about you and I
Bangalore, Aug 12, DHNS:

The Unique Identification Authority of
Karnataka, which is all set to begin its ambitious “Aadhar”
enrolment in Bangalore from August 17, has kicked up a row even before its
formal launch by “surreptitiously” widening the scope of the ID card beyond
the officially stated position.

On the second day of the special enrolment for mediapersons and their
families in the City — as a precursor to the launch for general public
—there were heated arguments between applicants and officials, as the
enrolment forms distributed by the officials did not match the forms put out
by the 
its website and seemed to be far wider in its scope, seeking personal

Several applicants for enrolment objected to the columns asking for details
of bank account numbers and the LPG gas connection numbers. Some people who
had not brought their passbooks or gas connection receipts were turned away,
leading to protests. The officials later clarified that the submission of
the information they sought was “voluntary” and continued registering others
who had left the columns in the application form unfilled.

In fact, there is a wide disparity between the form specified by the UIDAI
on its official website and the one being used by its Karnataka unit. The
official form has three parts: Part A seeks details like name, gender, age,
name of father/husband/guardian and the residential address. Part B seeks
“additional information” like phone number/ mobile number and email address
which are all “optional”.

Part C deals with “financial information” like bank name, branch and account
number with a clause “I want to link my existing bank a/c to Adhaar and I
have no objection on this issue.” It is operational only if the assignee
affixes his signature. The form printed by the Karnataka UIDAI  does not
make any of the information sought optional. In fact, it goes well beyond
its stated objective by including a section titled ‘Data collection for
state government.’

It is a long list, starting from “availing any social security pension” to
“Sandhya Suraksha,” “physically handicapped person”, “destitute/widow
pension”, “old age pension”, “ration card”, “NREGA job card”, “member of
milk cooperative society”, and so on.

The bio-metric details of all ten fingers, the iris and the face of the
applicants are mandatorily captured. The form requires the assignee to put
his signature to the clause, “I have no objection to my identity being
authenticated for delivery of services from time to time by agencies to whom
I present the UID number and I am aware that information provided by me for
securing UID number shall be used for authenticating my identity.”

Neither state e-governance executive officer D S Ravindran nor principal
secretary, department of IT/BT and e-governance M N Vidyasha­n­kar was
available for comm­ent, despite repeated att­­e­­mpts to contact them on the


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4717] Binayak Sen: ‘Proud to be convicted under same law as Gandhi’

2011-08-13 Thread Kamayani
Binayak Sen: ‘Proud to be convicted under same law as Gandhi’
13 August 2011, 11:54 pm

From the Hindustan

Introduced as the ‘man who stands up for everything that Xavierites believe
in’, human rights activist Binayak Sen on Saturday captivated 300 students
and professionals with his speech at Malhar, the annual festival of St
Xavier’s College, Dhobi Talao.

“I am proud to say that I was convicted under the same law that Mahatma
Gandhi was during the British rule. It is ironic that the British who made
the law have now repealed it in their own country, but the same sedition
laws continue to exist in ours,” said Sen in his keynote address at the
Conclave — an event meant to inspire and provoke young minds into tackling
socio-economic issues.

The 40-minute speech was followed by a discussion where Sen tackled
questions on violence, the media and life in prison among others.

“There is no access to justice for the poor in our country. For us to truly
move forward, we must start eradicating the inequality we are surrounded
by,” he added.

The audience, which comprised of students from various city colleges, also
had academicians and professors who were impressed by the quality of Sen’s

“I hope that students can use such an experience to find out about issues
that affect our country,” said Nandini Sardesai, former head of department
of Sociology at St. Xavier’s college.

The Conclave also held three forums and a town hall session on subjects such
as ‘corruption’ and ‘culture and identity’, attended by Aruna Roy, Anupam
Kher and Nandita Das.

Praising festivals for providing an unstructured learning environment,
theatre personality Alyque Padamsee, who was present as one of the speakers
said, “Malhar gives young people a chance to interact with people from
different cultures, arts and professions.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4718] [Behind Closed Door] Riot On Indian Cricketers

2011-08-14 Thread Kamayani

Sir I have an idea about out officers who killed farmers. Send them on riot
control duty in the UK.
*The Riots ARE in control in UK now.*
I’m talking about the riots on Indian cricketers sire. The coveted test
cricket crown is stolen and a nation’s ego set on fire. We can send our
in-form Pune police to shoot sense into English cricketers.

Posted By Satyen K. Bordoloi to Behind Closed
8/14/2011 11:30:00 AM

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4720] State orders banks to stop UID enrolments

2011-08-14 Thread Kamayani
State orders banks to stop UID enrolments

Hindustan Times*
Mumbai, August 14, 2011
First Published: 01:23 IST(14/8/2011)
Last Updated: 01:25 IST(14/8/2011)

Unique identification (UID) enrolment centres in the city will reduce
drastically because the state government’s information technology (IT)
department has asked all non-state registrars to stop their operations until
they sign an agreement with them.

Non-state registrars include nationalised banks such as Bank of India, Bank
of Maharashtra, Union Bank of India, State Bank of India and LIC, India
post, who have signed memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Centre to
carry out UID enrolments.

The department will also ask non-state registrars to carry out their
operations in remote areas instead of metros. As a result, the UID centres
in the city are expected to close down.

“In the metros, majority of people have the required documents to avail of
the government-run schemes. People in interiors, however, do not have such
proofs and therefore they do not get the benefits, which they deserve.
Since, UID registrations are undertaken mainly to identify people who
require benefits of government-run schemes, we will request non-state
registrars to focus on remote areas,” said Dr Santosh Bhogle, under
secretary (IT).

In the letter addressed to all non-state registrars and local authorities,
the department has stated, that certain non-state registrars are not
complying with the state’s decision, specifically of filling the know your
resident (KYR) form prescribed by the state.

“This data will be utilised to provide to both the state and central
government. Therefore, it is important to both the governments. Certain
non-state registrars, however, were providing data only to the Centre. To
streamline this, all non-state registrars need to sign an agreement with the
state and only then begin enrolment activities,” Bhogle said.

Mahesh Narvekar chief officer of the civic body’s disaster cell and in
charge of UID enrolments said, “We received the letter around 4-5 days ago.
We have instructed all non-state registrars to stop work. We have also
instructed ward officers to keep a check on their centres.”

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4726] Encounter killing of village headman sparks unrest in Dantewada - The Hindu

2011-08-15 Thread Kamayani

While Dilip worked as an informer, the Maoist Madkami Massa is believed to
be an explosives expert, but we have no other information on him,” said a
police source. “It is possible that the CRPF found out that there was a
Madkami Massa in Chikpal and killed the wrong man.”

Sources in the CRPF dismiss this suggestion. “We also arrested Dilip and
handed him over the police. Why would we kill Massa?” asked a senior CRPF
officer, seeking anonymity as he is not authorized to speak with the press.

But Chikpal’s villagers want to know how a man who they say was picked up by
the CRPF from his village at noon on August 5, reappeared as a corpse at a
spot 15  km away on the morning of the next day.

“The force picked up a man in broad daylight in front of an entire village,”
said Konta MLA Lakma, “Then they said they didn’t have him. Then he was
killed in an encounter. I knew Massa. He was a very nice man. He was a
wealthy landowner. He was not a Maoist.”

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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2011-08-15 Thread Kamayani
16 August · 16:00 - 21:00
Vanmali Hall
3rd floor, near chabil das school, dadar west
Mumbai, India
  Created by:
Kamayani Bali Mahabal http://www.facebook.com/kamayani
  More info



SUMEDH JADHAV/8080829499/97027075​83/986926876

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[humanrights-movement:4728] Vande Mataram: an apology to Mother India

2011-08-15 Thread Kamayani
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4732] Joint Statement on Martyrdom of Shehla Masood- SEEKINGE NDORSEMENTS

2011-08-16 Thread Kamayani
 against the firm in Madhya Pradesh High Court. The company
claims that it is fully compliant with all laws, including environmental
norms. The domestic diamond processing industry generates revenues of more
than Rs 70,000 crore annually but is facing a shortage of 30 per cent in its
requirement of roughs. Rio, a Reliance Industries’ subsidiary has been
prospecting for diamond in the country. The Reliance subsidiary holds a
prospecting licence for about 1800 sq km spread over Rewa, Siddhi and Satna
in Madhya Pradesh.

9th April, 2011: Madhya Pradesh High Court issued notices to the Centre and
the state government on illegal mining of diamonds by international mining
companies. The court has asked both the governments to reply in this matter
within four weeks. Considering the act of illegal mining as a serious
offence, a double bench of Chief Justice Sayed Rafat Alam and Justice Sushil
Harkauli rapped the Forest Departments, Mining Secretaries of the state as
well as the Centre and issued notices against them in addition to the MP
Pollution Control Board and Chattarpur Collector. The issue of illegal
diamond mining came to light when a PIL was filed by a social activist. The
PIL stated that an Australian mining company, Rio Tinto, has been carrying
on exploitation of mineral resources in Chattarpur district violating the
prescribed provisions. The PIL said that under Section 2 of the Forest
Preservation Act, permission from the Central government is required to
carry on mining trade in any part of India. Other than this, a no objection
certificate (NOC) from Pollution Control Board is mandatory. The counsel of
the petitioner, Vipin Yadav, told the court that the Collector of Chattarpur
had written a letter to the Revenue Department in this context, but no
action was taken. Yadav added, “This proves that the officials of Forest and
Revenue departments are working hand-in-hand and foreign companies are
making profit at the cost of our country’s natural resources.”

25th July, 2011: A letter on Illegal Diamond mining project in district
Chhattarpur, MP was submitted to the Parliamentary Petitions Committee by
ToxicsWatch Alliance.
Subsequent to this a letter was sent to Union Environment Minister Jayanthi
Natarajan by Shehla Masood on 25 July, 2011. She had also filed Right to
Information application in this regard.
16 August, 2011: Shehla Masood killed in Bhopal

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4750] Report on the All India Anti-nuclear convention held in Delhi on 10th August

2011-08-18 Thread Kamayani
An All India Anti-Nuclear Convention was held in New Delhi on 10th
August from 10:30 am to 4: 30 pm, at the Speaker’s Hall in the Constitution
Club. Activists from various states of India including from Maharashtra, MP,
Karnataka, Haryana, Punjab and Delhi attended. The convention focussed
attention on three slogans:
1. Stop construction of all new nuclear power plants;
2. Shut down all existing nuclear power plants; and
3. Implement universal nuclear disarmament.
A fourth slogan “Immediately stop all uranium mining” was also added
consequent upon the discussions in the convention.
The convention was attended by persons from Maharashtra, MP, Delhi,
Haryana, Punjab, Karnataka, etc. Most of the people attending were those
actually involved in struggles against nuclear plants.
The convention, presided over by Com. Sanjay Singhvi, Gen. Secretary,
TUCI was inaugurated by Com. K. N. Ramachandran, General Secretary, CPI
(ML). In his inaugural speech he pointed out that nuclear power was being
foisted upon the neo-colonial countries by imperialism only to assuage its
own crisis. Coms. Pravin Gavankar and Mansoor Solkar of the Janhit Sewa
Samiti and the Machhimar Kriti Samiti told of their experiences in the
struggle in Jaitapur. Com. Rajkumar and Com. Dube of the Chutka Parmanu
Sangharsh Samiti addressed the convention on the struggles against the
proposed nuclear power plant in Chutka. They raised very pertinent points
about the inflated projected per capita consumption of energy by the
Government. A discussion also ensued on the meaning of development. Coms.
Adwait Pednekar and Achin Vanaik provided expert inputs on various issues
and Coms. Arun Velaskar, Madhu Mohite and Ramesh Gautam, also stated their
The convention ended with a resolution being passed resolving to build
up an All India Democratic Anti-nuclear Movement. However, to enable other
organisations also to come together, only an Organising Committee was
formed and charged with contacting other organisations all over India which
accept the four basic slogans. A copy of the resolution passed is also

(Sanjay Singhvi)
Organising Committee for All-India Democratic Anti-nuclear Movement, Phone :
PS : Have tried to send to at least one in each state but if any missed,
please pass it on.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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[humanrights-movement:4766] Fwd: Aam Jan Lokpal, UIDs: A Third View By Gopal Krishna

2011-08-21 Thread Kamayani
 to sarkari Lokpal, which is fine. While
Hazre's team and related NGOs seem to be articulating the repressed anguish
of vast majority of those who suffer from black money, but they have so far
not shown any blueprint of that can dismantle the political and economic
system that is based on corporate corruption and show what changes will
enable its replacement.

The formation of non-governmental institutions through laws of 1860 and 1882
is legal but it isn't social, democratic or constitutional.

Most of these NGOs do not remember the that Mahatma Gandhi had opposed the
Asiatic Registration Act, 1907 because he opposed finger print based
identification of the British government under the law which gave identity
cards to Asians and Indians.

He had termed this law as Black Act and burnt it after his research showed
that fingerprints based identification was needed only for criminals.

Anna Hazare's team and related NGOs must look in the mirror of Mahatma
Gandhi too.

In fact, except for few non-governmental institutions most are banyan trees
in a pot and rootless. Their existence alone is a constant reminder of the
acts of omissions of the British Parliament in the aftermath of 1857.

These institutions do not represent the general public. If some of them
speak about the dictatorship of companies, their crimes and about their
funding of political parties openly, one can respect them, but they cannot
say that they represent the citizens of India.

As per a 2009 estimate there are 3.3 million Non-Governmental Organisations
more than schools and hospitals in the country. If all of them come together
even then none can say that they are speaking on behalf of all the citizens
of India.

As a consequence of the legislation of 1860 and 1882 by the British
Parliament, undivided India (including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri
Lanka [ Images ]) although people of this region are crying tears of blood,
there is apparently an insurmountable difficulty in building a robust
people's movement.

Non-governmental institutions in general have fragmented the people's
movement by usurping citizens' space by 'representing' them and not letting
them represent themselves through sponsored platform politics instead of
people's politics.

For the sake of citizens sovereignty of the present and future generations
and as a step in the direction of freedom movement that commenced in 1857,
these laws must be repealed. There is a need for a white paper on
non-governmental institutions that came into since 1860.

There are some people among them who realize that NGO-based movements will
eventually reveal their fake character but still they remain associated with
them in the absence of visible alternatives for peoples' movement.

There is surely a scope for dialogue between Aam Jan Lokpal who hope for
genuinely democratic peoples' movement and the Jan Lokpal if they can
communicate that they support the call for repeal of NGO-related laws of the
British Parliament, Company Bill, and National Identification Authority of
India Bill that is meant to provide pre-dated legislative approval for the
UID exercise, besides creating a shared holistic manifesto for change,
instead of talking in fragments, then a democratic platform can be built
where being citizen is the only condition for its membership and not being a
professional or the association with any corporate entity in myriad

*Gopal Krishna*, ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA)
E-mail: krishna2...@gmail.com Web:toxicswatch.blogspot.com

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Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4787] Finally, Uttarakhand’s ‘Binayak Sen’ Rahi freed

2011-08-23 Thread Kamayani
*Finally, Uttarakhand’s ‘Binayak Sen’ Rahi freed *

*Denies being zonal commander of CPI (Maoists)
Tribune News Service*

Dehradun, August 21
Former journalist Prashant Rahi was freed from Roshanabad situated Haridwar
district jail today. His family members, including wife Chandra Kala Tewari,
daughter Shikha and friend Jeevan Chand greeted him outside the prison.

Rahi, who is popularly known as Uttarakhand’s Binayak Sen, today denied
being zonal commander of the CPI (Maoists) or having links with any armed
struggle. However, he admitted being sympathiser of the Maoist movement.

Interacting with mediapersons in Dehradun, Rahi said the Uttarakhand Police
wrongly portrayed him as a Maoist commander and the laptop and the hard disc
shown to be confiscated from his possession were all concocted.

Rahi was arrested by the Uttarakhand Police on December 22, 2007, primarily
on the charge of being a zonal commander of the CPI (Maoists), a charge
which he has denied all through. The Uttarakhand Police had claimed that
Rahi was a threat to the security of the state due to his Maoist links. A
week ago, the Nainital High Court had granted bail to Rahi, following which
he was released from the Hariwar jail today. Rahi alleged that he was
tortured by the police when he was in the jail.

He claimed that he was picked up from Dehradun itself on December 17, 2007,
and not arrested at Nanakmata as claimed by the police.

“I was picked up from Araghar Chowk, Dehradun, by policemen in civil
clothes, who came in a Maruti van. I was blindfolded and taken to Haspur
Khatt in Udham Singh Nagar, from where I was shown as arrested,” Rahi
alleged, adding that during the way he was tortured.

He said during his imprisonment, no journalist was allowed to meet him. “A
few, who came to meet him, visited him in disguise of friends and not
mediapersons,” he added. Rahi expressed gratitude to the mediapersons and
his friends for their unstinted support to him all through his ordeal.

Referring to his future course of action, Rahi said he would now continue to
raise the issue of landless and poverty-ridden classes. He also expressed
his concern over various innocent Maoist sympathisers languishing in jails.
He said he would work for the release of those sympathisers.

Shikha, who had launched a crusade for her father’s freedom, and
Revolutionary Democratic Front’s Uttarakhand president Jeewan Chand were
also present.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4788] Jan Lokpal Bill not understood by most people: Aruna Roy

2011-08-23 Thread Kamayani
 opposed the CBI being kept under wrap by the
government. We say things that the government doesn't like. We hold that
freedom very dear, Roy said.

Asked if Hazare's movement infringed on Parliament's privileges, Roy said,
All these protests are important and then they work. But to say finally now
that only my version should go in and that no other version should be
debated and that should be passed is, looking at parliamentary privileges,
already the opposition parties have disagreed the government bill... There
are other opinions. We pay them salary just to do this job.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4789] Jan Lokpal or Janvirodhi Lokpal?

2011-08-23 Thread Kamayani
Jan Lokpal or Janvirodhi
Tuesday, 23 August 2011 17:07Written by kuffir

By *People for Constitution, Democracy and Human Rights (PCDHR, Nagpur)*

Recent stir by Anna Hazare (Original name unknown/ Education unknown)  Co.
for an Ombudsman for corruption in the name of Jan Lokpal is an
'extra-constitutional method', bypassing the Parliamentary process which is
at the heart of Constitutional Democracy which 'We the People' of India have

Secondly the demand in their version of Lokpal, Jan Lokpal, to bring the
Judiciary and Members of Parliament under the ambit of anti-corruption law
is anti-Constitutional. This will make the Lokpal superior to the parliament
 judiciary and snatch the sovereignty of the people of India which is
exercised through elected representatives and judicial exercise to protect
the Constitution.

Whereas there is provision in Hazare's bill to bring every 'public servant'
from Chaprasi to Prime Minister under Lokpal, it shamelessly leaves the
Private Sector, charitable, religious institutions and NGOs out of it. This
is nothing but an attack on 'state' by the 'market  media forces' and
'religious brahmanical groups' to maintain caste and bring in 'caste
capitalism'. This is a conspiracy to subvert the Constitution  the methods
of fasting are worse than physical violence as they destroy the essence of
discussion, debate and reasoning which democracy essentially requires.
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar in his historical speech delivered to the Constituent
Assembly on 25th Nov. 1949 advised the people of India to adopt
Constitutional methods for attaining their social and economic objectives.
He particularly warned and advised (the people) to leave the revolutionary
and civil disobedience methods that Marxists and Gandhians pursue. Hazare,
by resorting to coercive fasting methods, is in fact destabilising democracy
and restraining the sovereignty of the people of India by disallowing a
healthy debate on Lokpal.

Whereas there is every protection for the complainant  whistleblower in
Hazare's bill; there is none for the accused public officials; even if they
are acquitted by the courts of land. Why should not the false complainants 
whistleblowers, if proved by the court of law, also be penalized with
minimum years of imprisonment along with fine for the loss of dignity 
professional career of the accused?

If Hazare  co. believes in constitution  democracy they must either find
one M.P. to table a private member bill in the Parliament or get their own
M.P.s elected by forming a political party. Let the people of India know
whether the so-called civil society (which in fact it is not, because it is
a clique of some individuals of particular castes without a desire to be a
democratic society with a public conscience as Dr. B.R.Ambedkar envisaged)
truly represent them. Remember that it is parliament which is accountable to
the people, the civil society is accountable to none.

The very reluctance of Hazare  co. to talk of corruption in private sector,
media and religious  charitable institutions, while displaying willingness
to bypass parliamentary processes, reflects their 'undemocratic mentality'.
They have hardly fought in any cause for eradication of socio-economic
inequalities  injustice that 'caste  brahmanism' have perpetuated, denying
humanity to 100 cr SCs,STs, DT/NTs,OBCs, Religious Minorities, and women of

The media in India, it seems is not the 4th pillar of democracy; but the 1st
pillar of plutocracy and*brahmocracy*. It is dishonest  afraid to call
'Ambedkarites' and the representatives of Dalits, Tribals, Backwards 
Religious Minorities for debate  discourse on vital issues of national
life. It is doing its duty dishonestly by allotting precious time to
hooligans  children who hardly understand anything about the constitution
or corruption. What a sham in the name of public opinion!

The UPA government led by brahmanical Congess of the day is also insincere
as far as its 'Constitutional morality' is concerned. While it has not done
enough to realise the principles of Justice, Liberty, Equality and
Fraternity by establishing 'social  economic Justice' and building a just 
moral social order; now it is foolishly violating the 'Fundamental Rights'
of protestors ( and making them more important rather than redundant). It
seems that the Congress deliberately arrested Hazare and unlawfully allowed
him to stay for 2 days in Tihar jail violating the jail manual to make him a
hero so as to create public hue and cry to run the media show.

It strongly seems that the whole show is managed by Hazare  co. with
backdoor support of anti-democratic  anti-constitutional brahmanical forces
; supported or opposed by the BJP  Congress. It is really an
'extra-constitutional method' to subvert constitutional democracy and
maintain the hegemony of 

[humanrights-movement:4791] Slain SPO was sent on duty with arms, says father.

2011-08-23 Thread Kamayani
*At one side Govt of Chhattisgarh has told the Supreme Court that all the
arms from Special Police Officers have been taken away in the state and they
are not deployed in any anti Naxal operations as per the Supreme Court’s
order but one SPO was killed in Naxal attack on 19th. Father of the SPO
tells him that his son Kursam Asant Kumar was sent on patrolling duty by the
officers and he was armed.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4798] RTI activist attacked in Gujarat, critical

2011-08-23 Thread Kamayani
RTI activist attacked in Gujarat, critical
Tue, Aug 23 2011 20:00 IST | 0 Views | Add your
Ahmedabad, Aug 23

A 39-year-old Right to Information (RTI) activist is fighting for his life
in Rajkot city of Gujarat following an acidattack on him, police said

Jaysukh Bambhaniya, a tribal from the union territory Diu’s Dangarwadi area,
had filed an RTI application in nearby Una municipality of Gujarat some time

“Last night, he was on his way home, when a group of people attacked him
with weapons and threw acid on him. Jaysukh was lucky since a police van
happened to pass that way around the time he was being attackedand the
miscreants fled. His condition is critical and he has been shifted to a
hospital in Rajkot,” sub-inspector B.H. Jadeja of Una police station said.

The police have no clue about the information he had sought through his RTI

“In statement to the police, he has alleged that Shamji Solanki, vice
president of Una municipality, was responsible for the attack,” Jadeja

Rights activists in the state have condemned theattack.

“We condemn the attacks on RTI activists. The death of Bhopal’s RTI activist
Shehla Masood was very painful for us. RTI activists should not fight alone.
They should seek help from other activists. Whatever information he/she
receives, they should share it with others also,” said Bharatshin Jhala, an
RTI activist.

An RTI activist was killed outside the Gujarat High Court in Ahmedabad last
year after he sought to expose the mining mafia. Bhagu Devani, a Porbandar
RTI activist, was also attacked recently.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4808] PL FWD OMCT APPEAL FOR SHEHLA MASOOD

2011-08-24 Thread Kamayani
...@nic.in ; ion...@nic.in

·   Gopinathan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Geneva), Rue du Valais 9,
1202 Geneva, Switzerland. Tel: +41 22 906 86 86, Fax: +41 22 906 86 96,

·   Embassy of India in Brussels, 217 Chaussée de Vleurgat, 1050
Brussels, Belgium, Fax: +32 (0)2 6489638 or +32 (0)2 6451869

Please also write to the diplomatic representations of India in your
respective countries.

Geneva-Paris, August 24, 2011

* *

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in
your reply.

The Observatory, an OMCT and FIDH venture, is dedicated to the protection of
Human Rights Defenders and aims to offer them concrete support in their time
of need.

To contact the Observatory, call the emergency line:

· E-mail: appe...@fidh-omct.org

· Tel and fax OMCT + 41 22 809 49 39 / + 41 22 809 49 29

· Tel and fax FIDH + 33 1 43 55 25 18 / +33 1 43 55 18 80

* *
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4816] An open letter on the ‘Harud’ literary festival

2011-08-25 Thread Kamayani
An open letter on the ‘Harud’ literary festival
AUGUST 25, 2011
tags: Freedom of Expression in
, Harud Literature Festivalhttp://kafila.org/tag/harud-literature-festival/
,Kashmir http://kafila.org/tag/kashmir/, Kashmir human
by Shivam Vij

*Given below is an open letter signed by fourteen of us. Should you want to
add your name to it, please do so in the comments section of this post. I
shall update the names of the signatories on the post itself.*

A literary festival, by definition, is an event that celebrates the free
flow of ideas and opinions. It not only assumes a freedom from fear. It
demands a certain independence of mind and spirit. To hold it in a context
where some basic fundamental rights are markedly absent, indeed, denied to
the population, is to commit a travesty. In fact, as literary and artistic
festivals held elsewhere, Israel and Sri Lanka for example, show, such
events are sometimes used to falsely assert the existence of basic freedoms,
even as they are denied to larger sections of the population.

In Kashmir, with its history of intense repression and brutality, markedly
so in the last two decades, a context where deaths in custody, torture,
rape, disappearances, curbs and assaults on the press and human rights
activists are rife, where thousands of teenagers and even pre-teens have
recently been arrested, slapped with FIRs and draconian laws, where infamous
laws like the PSA and AFSPA are fully operational, indeed, are the operative
principles, where dissent and the expression of political realities is
sought to be curbed by brute force, holding such a festival raises those
core issues about basic ideals and freedoms.

Our concerns are also heightened by reports that the festival is sought to
be denoted as being an
event, that, yet, people will be free to speak what they want and that no
one has the right to deny Kashmiris a chance to listen to writers. Beyond
the absurdity of asserting that art and literature has nothing to do with
politics, our issue is precisely that people are not allowed to speak their
minds in Kashmir. Indeed, that a political reality is denied, even
criminalised, in the state. The argument about freedom to speak and listen,
thus, is disingenuous precisely because no such freedoms exist in Kashmir.
Even the proposed venues, apart from being well-known for their linkages
with the repressive state, highlight that fact.

What is the efficacy of having a part of the event in Kashmir University,
when that most basic of rights, that of forming a student union, is denied
to the students? Can there be discussions on ‘militarisation’ and ‘Azadi’,
core issues in Kashmir, just as there have been discussions in the Jaipur
festival on Kashmir and Maoism? Even if such discussions were to be held,
would that not be in a bubble, a miasma of freedom, while even the right to
life and dignity is being violated outside on the streets?

We fear, therefore, that holding such a festival would, willy-nilly,
dovetail with the state’s concerted attempt to portray that all is normal in
Kashmir. Even as the reality on the ground is one of utter abnormality and a
state of acute militarisation and suppression of dissent, rights and

We would firmly support the idea of a literary/artistic festival in Kashmir
if we were convinced that its organising was wholly free from state
interference and designs, and was not meant to give legitimacy to a brutal,
repressive regime.

This letter is an attempt to state our position and to urge the festival
participants to ponder some of these issues and concerns.


   1. Basharat Peer (Author and Journalist)
   2. Mirza Waheed (Author and Journalist)
   3. Najeeb Mubarki (Journalist)
   4. Insha Malik (Research Scholar)
   5. Sanjay Kak (Documentary Filmmaker and Writer)
   6. Gautam Navlakha (Rights Activist and Writer)
   7. Anjum Zamrud Habib (Author and Social Activist)
   8. Mohammad Junaid (Research Scholar)
   9. Parvaiz Bukhari (Journalist)
   10. Hilal Mir (Journalist)
   11. Arif Ayaz Parrey (Lawyer and Writer)
   12. Suvaid Yaseen (Research Scholar)
   13. Shivam Vij (Journalist)
   14. Arshad Mushtaq (Theater Artist)


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum

[humanrights-movement:4817] Office of janlokpal bill

2011-08-25 Thread Kamayani
 are actually
incapable of reforming their political systems than solve any problems. The
solution sounds more like a line from popular Hindi films – a doctor
emerging from a patient’s room announces solemnly, “*Meine injection de diya
hai. Jaldi hi hosh aa jayega*.”  If anything has to be implemented, there
has to be debate among as many people as possible rather than a celebration
of number gathering and moving through the crowds of Ram Lila Maidan, and
announcing self righteously, ‘Oh, I have found my five Muslims, three
Christians, 100 women – some of them working class and some house managers
from middle class, ifthar at Anna’s Rasoi’. Great – your carnival has
arrived and other‘left minded, secular and non party non organized (how many
nons do you need to make a perfectly harmless ghetto?) can drop their
suspicions and join Anna.

I am suggesting extreme caution in making statements which imply that the
campaign has ‘empowered’ people so that now they address their questions
directly to the PM and other ministers… *Mein Pradhanmantri ji se yeh
poochna chahta hoon*… They’ve always done it. I think Nivedita Menon has
stayed away from UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, CG and MP for too long, and watched
far too much NDTV. People in these and many other States do articulate in
this fashion… She would have known had she watched their local channels and
heard radio broadcasts.

To Nivedita’s anecdotes like that of a woman from Nasik who found the place
cordial, warm and carnivalesque – I met a couple of families who after
having Hyderabadi chicken at Andhra Bhawan and having shopped in CP came
around to ‘check out’ the scene in Ramlila Maidan and also to lend support.
What do our anecdotes achieve? They only prove that there are disparate
groups with disparate motivations participating in this ‘carnival’. Of
course there is nothing wrong if disparate interests, groups and people with
disparate tendencies forming a front for/ against a cause.

But one needs to be running like hell from comparisons with Tahrir Square.
Comparing nations like Egypt and Syria suffering from 3-4 decades of
autocratic regimes to a democracy of inequality like India… Not
surprisingly, in a crunch situation, nuance is the first casualty. In Egypt
not just a regime but the whole constitution was sought to be changed which
could potentially address not one issue like bureaucratic corruption but the
entire system. Nivedita Menon should also realize that when one leaves
self-analysis for too long, one sometimes feels compelled to do it too
quickly… And an idea to piggy-ride a myopic campaign is its immediate

*Any Lokpal?*

Nothing can remotely come in defense of this thoroughly corrupt and
repressive government… but does the answer lie in this version of the Bill?
Those critiquing Anna Hazare’s campaign are not necessarily puritans looking
to align with like-minded groups and ideas. They too are aware of methods of
political maneuverings and how these can be used to subvert causes.

I agree with Nivedita Menon that the government’s version of Lokpal Bill is
rubbish but so is the idea of Lokpal because it stems from short
sightedness. We cannot reform electoral process, we cannot reform judiciary,
cannot reform police, cannot work towards strengthening CVS, CAG, cannot
move to have right to recall public representatives – so we will have one
super master to oversee all these. Of course we know if that master also
happens to be corrupt we can ask Anna to go on fast to get us a dictator,
preferably from the army, and if that’s not viable for some reason then Anna
can become our dictator, officially. And if that too doesn’t work we can
always pray to God.

Finally I also agree that this ‘movement’ doesn’t need us. It doesn’t need
anybody who can question it.
Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com

[humanrights-movement:4819] Fwd: IS IT THE BEGINING OF THE END OF VEDANTA (Dur.10.07)

2011-08-25 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: MAHAMMAD ASHLAM mahamad.ash...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 7:42 PM

The brazen violations of the law of the land by Vedanta's Lanjigarh refinery
are being exposed one by one. After the MoEF cancelled environmental
clearance for mining on Niyamgiri and the proposal for expansion, the Orissa
High Court has recently come down heavily on Vedanta on the same issues. The
Central Pollution Control Board also seems to be questioning the plant's
utter disregard for laws. One the other hand, the fight put up by local
adivasis to save their mountains, forests, and livelihoods is intensifying
by the day... All these indicate an imminent end to Vedanta's fictitious
'Mining Happiness'. --- An exclusive report by KBK Samachar.

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
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[humanrights-movement:4821] Level of Naxal Violence Declines this Year

2011-08-25 Thread Kamayani

Level of Naxal Violence Declines this Year

The level of Naxal violence and attack on security forces have
declined this year. The year 2011 (up to August 15) has recorded 1128
incidents of naxal violence and killing of 93 security personnel
compared to 1429 incidents of violence and killing of 218 security
personnel during the corresponding period of 2010.

No operation codenamed ‘Operation Greenhorn’ has been launched by
Government of India. However, anti-naxal operations are carried out by
the security forces in the Naxal affected states on a continuous
basis. At present, 71 Battalions of Central Armed Police Forces, 01
Nagaland India Reserve Battalion and 09 Commando Battalion for
Resolute Action(CoBRA) have been deployed in Naxal affected states to
assist state forces in anti-Naxal operations. Drones are not likely to
be deployed in anti-Maoist operations.

This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Home
Affairs, Shri Jintendra Singh in written reply to a question in the
Lok Sabha today.

http://pib.nic. in/newsite/ erelease. aspx?relid=

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
humanrights movement group.
To post to this group, send email to humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com.
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