Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Barbara Nitz
On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:23:42 -0400, John Eells  wrote:

>In addition to that, you can take a laptop outside your firewall,
>download stuff*, bring the laptop back in, connect to your internal
>network, and upload it to z/OS to be processed. 

No, you cannot. Where I work, the laptops don't have a DVD/CD drive and are 
essentially just an expensive way of getting to a Citrix client. I cannot even 
reach the internet from my company laptop. All I can access is the company's 
extranet to set up the VPN tunnel. And heaven help you if your anti-virus 
definition isn't current. They update their antivirus catalog and then kick you 
out of VPN in the middle of working because 'definitions are not current'. And 
no USB or Bluetooth, either!
I am one of the lucky few to still have a desktop computer at work which has a 
DVD drive. They made it so that I cannot access that DVD drive anymore, not to 
mention no USB allowed.

We're lucky in that we have been able to set up the sysprog sandplex to access 
the internet for downloads from ShopZ.


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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM
Of course, a logical measure. Taking a laptop out of the building, do something 
with it and take it back in again is just as 'safe' as bringing in a usb stick 
you found on the street. Both should be fully blocked.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Barbara Nitz
> Sent: 27 March, 2018 9:06
> Subject: Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:23:42 -0400, John Eells  wrote:
> >In addition to that, you can take a laptop outside your firewall,
> >download stuff*, bring the laptop back in, connect to your internal
> >network, and upload it to z/OS to be processed.
> No, you cannot. Where I work, the laptops don't have a DVD/CD drive and
> are essentially just an expensive way of getting to a Citrix client. I
> cannot even reach the internet from my company laptop. All I can access
> is the company's extranet to set up the VPN tunnel. And heaven help you
> if your anti-virus definition isn't current. They update their antivirus
> catalog and then kick you out of VPN in the middle of working because
> 'definitions are not current'. And no USB or Bluetooth, either!
> I am one of the lucky few to still have a desktop computer at work which
> has a DVD drive. They made it so that I cannot access that DVD drive
> anymore, not to mention no USB allowed.
> We're lucky in that we have been able to set up the sysprog sandplex to
> access the internet for downloads from ShopZ.
> Barbara
> --
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Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

2018-03-27 Thread Gibney, Dave
And the SETMIG command's apparent  explicit purpose as  documented to allow 
removing/reinstating this restriction by LEVEL or DATASETNAME. 

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
> Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:48 PM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> ARC1245I Reason Code 1:
> The data set is a system data set, a VSAM catalog, or an integrated catalog
> facility (ICF) catalog. Either the first four characters of the data set name 
> are
> HSM, or the first five characters of the data
> set name are SYS1, or the data set name is SYSCTLG.
> HSM does not process SYS1 datasets.
> If you are trying to migrate SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB, that implies the dataset is
> generally not required by any of your started tasks or other processes.
> You could rename it to another HLQ, establish a SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB alias for it.
> Of course, the new datasetname would need to be catalogued in the master
> catalogue too.
> Ant.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2018 11:19 AM
> Subject: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> I am at z/OS 2.1. I understand the need to make this hard, but what am I
> missing.
> FAILED, RC=0045, 051 ARC1001I (CONT.) REAS=0001 ARC1245I DATA SET NOT
> The documentation indicates that the SETMIG command should allow me to
> request DFHSM perform this migration. I've tried several varations using
> SETMIG LEVEL also. The volume where this dataset resides is Non-SMS.
> Yes, I know I can use ADRDSSU to move it, but not to M1 or ML2
> Does this function just not work? Or have  missed something obvious.
> Dave Gibney
> Information Technology Services
> Washington State University
> --
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> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
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> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Establishing STEPLIB as part of exec() / BPX1EXC (was: Cobol-Unix)

2018-03-27 Thread Peter Hunkeler
>>​File descriptors are mainly what are kept. But the DD statements are all 
>>FREEd. As is user memory. The only DD which can be kept is the STEPLIB and 
>>only if the environment variable STEPLIB exists and is equal to "CURRENT".​ 
>Is STEPLIB kept or reallocated?  Suppose, e.g. another job is waiting on an 
>ENQ for a DSN in that STEPLIB.  Will that other job intrude?  Suppose the 
>STEPLIB before exec() includes an uncatalogued data set.  Will the exec()ed 
>program get the  same data set? 

The details on processing the STEPLIB environment variable are documented with 
the exec() functions in the C/C++ Runtime Library Reference, and with the 
BPX1ATX, BPX1ATM, and BPX1EXC services in the UNIX  Assembler Callable Services 

The text explicitly states that uncataloged data sets are ignored when 
establishing the new steplib concatenation. It also states that data sets are 
ignored when the user does not have access rights, and when it is not load 

It does not talk about ENQueue behaviour. I did some experiment running a C 
program doing a combination of sleep() and exec() through JCL with some STEPLIB 
data sets. Then a second job was submitted with DISP=OLD on one of the STEPLIB 
data sets from the first job. 

From the behaviour I've seen, I conclude that upon exec():
o The initiator DEQueues the STEPLIB data sets as usual. I.e. ENQueues are kept 
if the data set is used in a JCL DD later in the job, else it is DEQueued.
o The system silently ignores data sets as part of steplib setup when it 
*cannot* ENQueue on the data set. Only data sets where an ENQueue could be 
obtained are part of this substep's steplib concatenation (of course only 
existing cataloged data sets).

In other words, another job might have to wait until the current STEPLIB data 
set is freed (DEQueued) upon exec(). The other job will then gain access and 
might in turn influence what gets allocated as new steplib and what not. The 
behaviour is further influenced by time. 

I have sent an RCF requesting clarification on this. We'll see what they 
answer. I'll post when I get an answer.

Peter Hunkeler


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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread R.S.

Well, it was easy to predict: There are no more tapes!

What media could you order?
CST, ECCST (3480, 3490E) - not marketed for years, no native 
connectivity (ESCON)
MAGSTAR - also out of market for years. And no compatible products from 
othe vendors. Connectivity is ESCON or FICON, but no direct connection 
is possible (16Gbps FICON can talk on 8Gbps or 4 Gbps).
JAGUAR - the last drive natively attachable to z/OS is TS1140. Is it 
still marketed? Nowadays we have TS1150 and TS1155. TS1140 is 1,5 
generation back.

Last, but not least - other tape vendors do not produce anything 
compatible with media delivered by IBM. Actually I should say "vendor" 
not "vendorS", because only STK/Sun/Oracle produce real tapes for z/OS.

BTW: When I read about "strict procedures" allowing tapes but not DVD, 
auditors checking foil sealings or threats  regarding migration to 

Is it IBM-MAIN or elementary school ?

Of course some shops do have strict rules, mostly it is stupidity not 
security, but they had to manage tape carts in the past. Now they have 
to establish process for DVDs (or other methods). BTW: How they get 
PTFs? AFAIK tape delivery for PTFs is not available for years - so they 
HAVE some process to put PTFs to z/OS or they do not apply any PTFs 
(???) or ...the story is simply unreal.

That remains me the discussion about HMC call home functionality when 
modem was dropped and replaced with VPN.

Oh, I prefer tapes fo ServerPac installation. I will miss them. Now I'm 
going to prepare huge ZFS for ServerPac. Easy, I have a lot of time for 

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Richards, Robert B.
Is your upper management watching the movies "The Net" or "War Games" on a 
loop? Paranoid much?

Do the words "SECURE TRANSMISSION" mean anything to them?
Consider that the world's wealth is running on IBM's z/OS operating systems. 
Virtually all of them get their OS upgrades electronically. But your company is 
How many other posters on this forum have ever said "me too" to the paranoia 
expressed in your posts?

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Edward Gould
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

> On Mar 26, 2018, at 3:47 PM, Charles Mills  wrote:
> Goofiness.
> Why didn't they convert to Windows when IBM stopped distribution on 
> 9-track tape? Or when the 2540 card reader was discontinued? Or the 407?

You are missing the point. It is called the INTERNET. They do not want 
*anything* that a. Came through the internet. b. Does not come via FEDEX(or 
UPS) from IBM with signatures/id card 
c. And 1 or two more things that I am not sure of. All tape must be delivered 
to the auditor and the department takes care of authenticating everything (not 
my responsibility nor authority to question) I have heard vague rumors of the 
AUDITOR calling someone at IBM to make sure that the package came from IBM (I 
cannot confirm this). I also heard that the company looked into having a armed 
carrier truck pick the tape up at IBM but again cannot confirm this. This 
company is beyond security conscious, I cannot explain it as the origins 
predate me by 20 or so years. I have tried to bridge this a couple of times and 
was told to shut up and don’t say anything again.   
> If this is how your management makes business decisions I know what 
> should be replaced, and it's not z/OS.

Management in a lot of areas is great and in others the stone age. The tape 
thing is stone age. I am sure we have a lot of overhead of people checking 
things like this out. 
Yes and it might be arcane but the company is thriving and management (at least 
mine) will not rock the boat. I am here as sort of advisor and I am not getting 
paid. If they want to be this way that is their decision not mine. I can’t even 
get a finger in to see what the decision process is in these types of matters. 
I tried one time to get a finger in and it was almost chopped off. This is fine 
with me, IBM as I suspected does not listen to its customers and really does 
not care. I have seen IBM go from a world class company to operating at the 
whims of people who have lost touch with its customers. I think the 43xx box 
was the death of IBM, thats my opinion. No longer can you talk to an IBM person 
directly unless you have a signed contract in hand and in the other hand a 
certified check.


> stupid
> -goes-right-to-the-bone-b1c28
> Charles
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Edward Gould
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:36 PM
> Subject: Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued
>> On Mar 26, 2018, at 1:44 PM, Paul Gilmartin
> <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 13:33:23 -0500, Edward Gould wrote:
 "IBM plans to discontinue delivery of z/OS platform products and 
> on magnetic tape on July 1, 2018.  ..."
>>> Congratulations to IBM. This sounds the death nell for z/OS at this
> install. 
>> What will you do instead?  Have you plans to convert to another supplier?
>> How long will it take?  Will you stumble along without support or
> upgrades?
>> Have you found a contractor who will convert optical media or network 
>> to tape for you?  Is that acceptable to your security people and to 
>> IBM
> OCC?
>> -- gil
> Gil:
> Told my manager this AM, he called IBM. They said yes it will be 
> discontinued.
> My manager called his VP. The VP started calling companies that will 
> be putting a bid in for conversion to Windows.
> He has called 4 companies and they are coming in the next 3 weeks and 
> go over what is needed to convert everything off the MF to Windows.
> The wiff of going poof is in the air. 
> Well its not like I am getting paid, I will be in full time retirement 
> and not being able to play in the sandbox anymore(:
> Hope everybody is able to find jobs.
> The only question now is timeframe.
> I heard several people on the phone talking to their head hunters.
> Ed
> --
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> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subsc

Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2018-03-26 o 22:40, Edward Gould pisze:

On Mar 26, 2018, at 2:23 PM, John Eells  wrote:

On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 13:33:23 -0500, Edward Gould wrote:

"IBM plans to discontinue delivery of z/OS platform products and service on magnetic 
tape on July 1, 2018.  ..."

Congratulations to IBM. This sounds the death nell for z/OS at this install.
What will you do instead?

(I'm not sure why I can't see Ed's post, so I copied the above from another.)

First, we are still delivering these things on DVD and have no current plans to 
stop doing that.  So, if that was your concern, a connection to the internet 
from z/OS is not required.

In addition to that, you can take a laptop outside your firewall, download 
stuff*, bring the laptop back in, connect to your internal network, and upload 
it to z/OS to be processed.  A connection from z/OS to the internet is not 
required for this, either, and it's probably faster than waiting for a DVD to 
arrive.  I don't have actual numbers handy, but the data volume for most orders 
is probably less than you need to download for a Netflix movie in SD.  If you 
are ordering the gorilla in the room (z/OS itself), it's about what you need 
for a few Netflix HD movies.

Then, if you are willing to buy hardware as David Boyes outlined, you can 
perhaps do it that way.  I have no knowledge about these products, and we have 
not tested that approach, so I do not know whether or not it works.  If  
someone has tried it, I'd be (academically, I'll admit) interesting in knowing 
about the outcome.

* "Stuff" = Products, PTFs, HOLDDATA, etc.


Between the Auditor and the CEO they are of one voice. No outside data (include 
DVD’s) are allowed. They have been quite vocal in this and insists it be their 
way or noway.

Tape from IBM is as outside as DVD from IBM. Both contain data (DVD 
cannot be altered ).
Of course you CEO and auditor can demand only square media or only tape 
media, or only media delivered by a person in pink jacket, but it has 
nothing to do with common sense.

BTW: How do you get PTF's?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


Treść tej wiadomości może zawierać informacje prawnie chronione Banku 
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zawiadomić nadawcę wysyłając odpowiedź oraz trwale usunąć tę wiadomość 
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Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Peter Hunkeler
I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on either JOB 
or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.

There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an 

Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?

Peter Hunkeler

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM
I think this exit only captures the submitted JCL. Expanded procs and included 
JCL will be added by the convertor and will be available in Exit 6.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Peter Hunkeler
> Sent: 27 March, 2018 13:28
> Subject: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL
> I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on
> either JOB or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.
> There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an
> alternative?
> Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?
> --
> Peter Hunkeler
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Richards, Robert B.
If you have ThruPut Manager, it can do it.

If you issue a SEARCHFOR against all the datasets concatenated on the EQQJBLIB 
DDNAME and remove TIME=.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Peter Hunkeler
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:28 AM
Subject: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on either JOB 
or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2. 

There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an 

Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?

Peter Hunkeler

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread R.S.

No, no, and no.
Laptops are used (mostly) just to take them out of the company.
It doesn't mean you can do anything you want with the laptop. Some 
things can be disable and other can be forbidden (do not try...).

Some companies use hardened setup for company laptops. In that case:
* no software can be installed by the user
* AV and other software is active
* all network connectivity is beind done through company firewall (yes, 
even Google is accessed though the company) - like PC in an office.

* USB sticks are not allowed (disabled by software).

BTW: USB stick found on the street is one of the most dangerous things. 
It can be prepared to simulate HID (a mouse) and then bypass many 
protection leveles intended for USB *STORAGE*. Of course regular USB 
stick with some recent virus is also not nice, but it's much easier to 

BTW2: Why to not disable USB ports at all? To allow cameras, 
microphones, mice (mouses?), etc. Of course laptop has most equipment 

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2018-03-27 o 09:12, Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM pisze:

Of course, a logical measure. Taking a laptop out of the building, do something 
with it and take it back in again is just as 'safe' as bringing in a usb stick 
you found on the street. Both should be fully blocked.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Barbara Nitz
Sent: 27 March, 2018 9:06
Subject: Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:23:42 -0400, John Eells  wrote:

In addition to that, you can take a laptop outside your firewall,
download stuff*, bring the laptop back in, connect to your internal
network, and upload it to z/OS to be processed.

No, you cannot. Where I work, the laptops don't have a DVD/CD drive and
are essentially just an expensive way of getting to a Citrix client. I
cannot even reach the internet from my company laptop. All I can access
is the company's extranet to set up the VPN tunnel. And heaven help you
if your anti-virus definition isn't current. They update their antivirus
catalog and then kick you out of VPN in the middle of working because
'definitions are not current'. And no USB or Bluetooth, either!
I am one of the lucky few to still have a desktop computer at work which
has a DVD drive. They made it so that I cannot access that DVD drive
anymore, not to mention no USB allowed.

We're lucky in that we have been able to set up the sysprog sandplex to
access the internet for downloads from ShopZ.



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karalne. Jeżeli otrzymałeś tę wiadomość omyłkowo, prosimy niezwłocznie 
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AW: Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Peter Hunkeler

>If you have ThruPut Manager, it can do it.

Don't have this.

>If you issue a SEARCHFOR against all the datasets concatenated on the EQQJBLIB 
>DDNAME and remove TIME=.

It has to be at submit time. Firstly, the JCL is maintained by a change control 
software, so a one time change is no option. Secondly, the very same JCL is 
distributed to test and prod environments and TIME= is to be ignored in test 

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: In-Stream Symbols and The Length

2018-03-27 Thread Nims,Alva John (Al)
Yep, that explains it and is reasonable since that is how IBM has pretty much 
used symbols before.  I should have remembered that.

Al Nims
Systems Admin/Programmer III
UF Information Technology
East Campus 
P.O. Box 112050
Gainesville, FL. 32611
(p) (352) 273-1298

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Steve Horein
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: In-Stream Symbols and The Length


"The syntax rules for using symbols in in-stream data include those described 
previously for using symbols in JCL. One important difference is the handling 
of blanks in the input data. When symbols are substituted in JCL statements, 
there is no special treatment of blanks—as symbols are substituted, the 
resulting string expands or contracts depending on whether the symbol value is 
longer or shorter than the symbol expression (symbol name with a leading 
ampersand character and optional period at the end of the symbol name). When 
symbols are substituted in in-stream data, the system attempts to maintain the 
position of non-blank characters. This is achieved by adding or removing blanks 
between non-blank character sequences. At least one blank is always preserved 
to maintain syntactical validity of the data. The resulting string never 
contracts and only expands if there are not enough blanks to remove to maintain 
data positioning.
Refer to Defining and nullifying JCL symbols 

additional information."

So I'm reading that as "for best results, define your symbol name no longer 
than the expected symbol value."

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 10:52 AM, Nims,Alva John (Al) 

> Recently we upgraded from z/OS 1.13 to z/OS 2.02 so that is why I am 
> asking this question so late in the game.
> I have been working with using In-Stream Symbol substitution, I have 
> been waiting over 30 years for this!!!, but I digress, and I noticed a 
> minor annoyance/problem when some of my symbols get substituted and 
> maybe I can get some light shed on it.
> I have a set of 4 symbols that I EXPORT:
> //*    -> 4 digit Year.
> // SET=2018
> //* MM -> 2 digit Month
> //MM   SET  MM='03'
> //* M3Name -> 3 Charachter Month, 'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 
> //* MNAME  -> Full Month Name.
> //MNAMESET   MNAME='March'
> One use is in an invocation of IKJEFT01 & SYSTSIN DD:
> BPXBATCH  SH rm '/u/ajnims/FTP Client &.-&MM..xls'
> Which substitutes the way I expect and want no blank spaces after 2018 
> &
> 03:
> BPXBATCH  SH rm '/u/ajnims/FTP Client 2018-03.xls'
> Now comes the fun part, in an invocation of SAS, it being SAS has 
> nothing to do with it, just that it is the tool I am using for this 
> particular activity and will explain the syntax.
> Within the SAS program I use the &MM., &M3NAME. and &MNAME. Symbols.
> First use of a symbol:
> WHERE=(MnthN = &MM.)
> Which translates into:
> WHERE=(MnthN = 03)
> No spaces again.
> Here is where I have a problem:
> Sheet_Name='Client &M3NAME. &.'
> I get:
> Sheet_Name='Client MAR  2018'
> See all those spaces between "MAR" and "2018"?  It looks like the 
> length is defined by the symbol name plus the "&." Characters, but why 
> did I not get that with the &. And &MM.?
> I also have:
> Title "FTP Client Connections for the Month of &MNAME. &."; Which 
> gives me:
> Title "FTP Client Connections for the Month of March   2018";
> Maybe the fix is to make &M3NAME. be just &MMC. Or something like 
> that, 3 characters for the symbol name, but going to have a problem 
> with the full month name.
> Al Nims
> Systems Admin/Programmer III
> UF Information Technology
> East Campus
> P.O. Box 112050
> Gainesville, FL. 32611
> (e)
> (p) (352) 273-1298
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: [External] Re: mainframe distribution

2018-03-27 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2018-03-20 o 19:53, Pommier, Rex pisze:

Heck, I don't even know how many installations are in my city - and that's only 
a couple hundred thousand people!

IMHO it very hard (close to impossible) to collect good information 
about sites without sligltly compromissing company information.
Anonymous contribution like "Big company in downtown Manhattan" can be 
easily duplicated by folks who do not know about each others contribution.
The only way to avoid duplicates is to provide something unique, like 
newest machine's serial number or IBM customer number.
Of course someone in the company may by not happy of that, despite the 
number is not really a secret nor important information.

Some partial information can be collected by harvesting user data from 
IBM-MAIN of SHARE or other communities, but it still partial.
Last, but not least: one still doesn't know whether the site is 200 or 
20 000 or 200 000 MIPS worth. Do they run the newest software versions 
in GDPS or it is 15 years old obsolete stuff with no PTFs and still "in 
the course of decomission".

BTW, some information about Poland:
3 banks (rather current and medium to big sites)
2-3 government sites (one big)
1 telco (fading)
the rest is under 1000 MIPS IMHO.

I also get information about historical VSE shop. So there were at least 
2 VSE shops, possibly one of the installations never went into production.

I also heard about Czech - 4 sites.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Nims,Alva John (Al)
>From the "z/OS JES2 Installation Exits - Version 2 Release 2" manual:

"Exit 6 only gets control when the converter is called in the JES2 address 
space. If conversion is being run with the interpreter in the JES2CI address 
space, use exit 60 to perform the equivalent exit 6 function."

Also from the same manual, "For more information about C/I text, see z/OS MVS 
Installation Exits."
[Note: C/I text is "Converter/Interpreter text"]

Al Nims
Systems Admin/Programmer III
UF Information Technology
East Campus 
P.O. Box 112050
Gainesville, FL. 32611
(p) (352) 273-1298

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

I think this exit only captures the submitted JCL. Expanded procs and included 
JCL will be added by the convertor and will be available in Exit 6.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Peter Hunkeler
> Sent: 27 March, 2018 13:28
> Subject: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL
> I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on 
> either JOB or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.
> There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there 
> an alternative?
> Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?
> --
> Peter Hunkeler
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Allan Staller
Jes2 Exit 6 can also do this. You will need to process the internal text 
(similar to DYNALLOC text units).

Depending on how you want to handle things other exist can also do this by 
failing the job.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Peter Hunkeler
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:28 AM
Subject: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on either JOB 
or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.

There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an 

Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

2018-03-27 Thread Allan Staller
According to dfHSM Impl/Cust guide Chapter 16, this is possible (z/OS 2.2). I 
did not check to see when this capability was added. It may not be possible at 
you level of z/OS.
Have you checked the log(s) for S913 or other messages besides the ARC1245I 

Accessing data without allocation or OPEN (non-SMS)

If DFSMShsm migrates a data set, subsequent access to the data set while it is
migrated must cause allocation to do a catalog LOCATE or OPEN must be issued
to cause the data set to be automatically recalled. For example, if the volser 
unit are specified on a SYSPROC DD statement in a TSO logon procedure, a
problem exists if that data set is migrated. The problem exists because no 
LOCATE is done by allocation and no OPEN is performed in TSO unless the
volume specified is an SMS-managed volume.

DFSMShsm does not migrate data sets having SYS1 as the first qualifier unless a
SETMIG LEVEL request has been issued to remove this restriction. For other data
sets used in the above manner, the system programmer must either not specify the
volser and unit (which causes a catalog LOCATE by allocation), or specify the
names of the data sets on SETMIG commands placed in the DFSMShsm startup
member to prevent them from migrating.


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FW: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Allan Staller
Responded too soon. Since you also want to look at the step level IEFUSI would 
also be needed.

-Original Message-
From: Allan Staller
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 8:33 AM
To: 'IBM Mainframe Discussion List' 
Subject: RE: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

Jes2 Exit 6 can also do this. You will need to process the internal text 
(similar to DYNALLOC text units).

Depending on how you want to handle things other exist can also do this by 
failing the job.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Peter Hunkeler
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:28 AM
Subject: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on either JOB 
or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.

There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an 

Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread John Eells

David Boyes wrote:

Then, if you are willing to buy hardware as David Boyes outlined, you can 
perhaps do it that way.  I have no knowledge about these products, and we have 
not tested that approach, so I do not know whether or not it works.  If  
someone has tried it, I'd be (academically, I'll admit) interesting in knowing

The “faketape” support for the ZPDT and friends is basically the same 
technology as the OMA/2, but done completely in software, so if you want to 
give it a whirl, find someone with a ZPDT. AWSTAPE files (a volume is a 
directory with files containing the same data as on physical carts and some 
metadata)  were invented for the OMA/2, which looks like a really long 3422 
volume to the host. The flexCUB box is able to emulate all sorts of devices, 
disk/tape/3270/etc. They’re really handy if you need to handle some obscure 
volume format on an older CPU - we recently reanimated a 4341 using one for all 
the I/O devices on that system.

We bought a physical OMA/2 long long ago and kept running with a bus/tag to 
FICON converter. BusTech also made a similar box, but I don’t remember now 
whether there was ever an ESCON version. The OMA/2 supports CD and DVD media, 
albeit with a few manual hoops to select and mount the right “volume” on the 
emulated device. It’s one of the major reasons I wish ZPDT supported an 
emulated 3494 library controller device so I could finally retire that box.

Today, I’d probably just try to find a desktop SCSI 3590, attach it to a 
stand-alone PC, and use the tape image utilities provided with Hercules to 
create a 3590 from AWSTAPE files on the DVD. Then, apply service as normal (or 
at least till IBM decides to remove the tape support code from SMP/E).

It’d be really slick if IBM reanimated the OMA/2 device with a native FICON 
adapter, even if it was just for this purpose. The ability to emulate a range 
of mainframe devices on commodity hardware has been really, really useful over 
the years.

Ah, so that's what you meant.  I hadn't inferred that from your earlier 

As the original builder of the ADCD systems (originally created to 
support P390s), I do know about AWSTAPE support (which was originally 
written for the P390s).  However, we do not, and have no plans to, 
deliver the DVD files in AWSTAPE format.

Were there hardware available to read the files we do supply on DVD so 
they could be written to the z/OS UNIX file system, I would find that 

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread David Boyes
On 3/26/18, 3:24 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of John Eells" 

> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 13:33:23 -0500, Edward Gould wrote:
>>> "IBM plans to discontinue delivery of z/OS platform products and service on 
>>> magnetic tape on July 1, 2018.  ..."
>> Congratulations to IBM. This sounds the death nell for z/OS at this install.
>> What will you do instead?
> In addition to that, you can take a laptop outside your firewall, 
> download stuff*, bring the laptop back in, connect to your internal 
> network, and upload it to z/OS to be processed.  A connection from z/OS 
> to the internet is not required for this, either, and it's probably 
> faster than waiting for a DVD to arrive.  I don't have actual numbers 
> handy, but the data volume for most orders is probably less than you 
> need to download for a Netflix movie in SD.  If you are ordering the 
> gorilla in the room (z/OS itself), it's about what you need for a few 
> Netflix HD movies.

That's not the problem at hand.  If security and stability is your worry, then 
this is a pretty big hole in your chain of custody for a really critical system 
-- and it's demonstrated fact that Internet routing can be trivially 
manipulated in a way to pass entire countries traffic through unusual paths at 
the change of a single router announcement of BGP policy topology. It doesn't 
have to be any device in the data path either; just someone you listen to, or 
one of their neighbors, or one of their neighbors, etc. 

FWIW, I've had employers where we had to show records of everyone who came into 
contact with anything coming into a facility, and nothing ever left a facility, 
*ever*. They still have microcode update tapes for their first 360/44 from the 
1960s; seriously doubt they are still readable (or anyone still has a 7-track 
drive that could read them), but they have ironclad documents that traced that 
tape from the factory in POK all the way to us. I'm sure others have the same 
kind of experience. 

I would agree with you that this is really no different than a new kind of tape 
format -- IBM has certainly done that multiple times, and we've managed to cope 
with that well enough. I think the bigger issue is that IBM no longer makes a 
device that can directly read the DVD media from the mainframe without 
involving any other system. It wouldn't be all that big of a deal -- you've 
done it before, so the basic design exists; just needs a bit of modernization 
-- but until you do, I think it's a bit premature to discontinue service tapes. 
Given what these systems tend to get used for -- things where businesses and 
people die if they don't 100% work every time, no excuses -- conservative would 
be the smart thing to do. Otherwise, why stick with IBM? VMS is still available 
from HP, has comparable capabilities and availability, and doesn't require 
weird contortions to get service from the manufacturer. DCL isn't any more 
horrible than JCL (and already has a lot of the stuff people argue about here 
like proper use of symbols, etc), there's a decent COBOL and C, and there are 
automated translators -- even JCL, CICS and DB/2 emulators. Cheaper hardware, 
too, and the promise of being able to use even cheaper commodity hardware 
that's the same as the stuff you need for your Intel systems in the near 

> Then, if you are willing to buy hardware as David Boyes outlined, you 
> can perhaps do it that way.  I have no knowledge about these products, 
> and we have not tested that approach, so I do not know whether or not it 
> works.  If  someone has tried it, I'd be (academically, I'll admit) 
> interesting in knowing about the outcome.

Find someone with a zPDT if you'd like to try it. The zPDT "faketape" support 
is pretty much equivalent to the functionality of a OMA/2 -- and it uses the 
same AWSTAPE files (the AWSTAPE format was defined for use on OMA/2s). It's a 
well-tested setup, and it's not hard to make physical tape volumes from the 
DVDs if you need physical tape media (and it might convince the zPDT folks that 
a emulated 3494 library manager device would be worth supporting).

 If IBM would commit to using AWSTAPE format files for everything, then getting 
a desktop SCSI 3590 and attaching it to a PC and using it to create the tapes 
locally would be a fairly reasonable compromise (you can easily also support 
Internet delivery with the same tools, so it wouldn't be any more packaging 
work). You probably could argue that the workstation development tool (whatever 
it's called this week) would also be the logical way to handle this -- read the 
DVD on a emulated mini-test system, then once you have the service envelopes on 
disk, then you can move them anywhere you like however you like and apply from 
local disk.

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AW: FW: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Peter Hunkeler

>Responded too soon. Since you also want to look at the step level IEFUSI would 
>also be needed.

I had a look at IEFUSI before posting, but did not see how to change the (CPU) 
TIME= limit there. It's purpos is mainly to deal with memory limits.  Did I 
overlook something?

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread John Eells

Vernooij, Kees - KLM , ITOPT1 wrote:

Of course, a logical measure. Taking a laptop out of the building, do something 
with it and take it back in again is just as 'safe' as bringing in a usb stick 
you found on the street. Both should be fully blocked.

I don't agree that both are equally insecure.  Downloads from at least 
IBM's servers (and probably those used by any number of other software 
vendors as well) use SSL.  Thus, you at least "know," via the 
certificate-based chain of trust, that you are downloading things from 
an IBM server.  You can also use firewall software and make the "hole" 
in your firewall specific to an IP address, to provide further assurance 
that it's an IBM server to which you are connected.  Perfect?  No.  But 
likely more secure than USB.

Why?  There is an architectural vulnerability in USB, and malware 
exploits are not detectable using AV software.  I know that a number of 
clients ban the use of any USB-attached device outright for this reason. 
 I'm told some even fill the USB ports with glue to assure compliance.

The larger issue, though, is the continued availability of acceptable 
external attachment hardware.  By "acceptable" I mean to both clients 
and software vendors.  We are withdrawing tape because few people use it 
any more, not because of cost alone, or because "IBM doesn't care" (and, 
to be frank, I rankle at that last suggestion).

We have no plans to support USB for z/OS platform software, and I would 
not support such a plan.  Currently, I plan for us to support DVD for as 
long as it's viable; but, we foresee that optical drives will likely 
become unavailable for new builds on workstations (including laptops) in 
the next 5-10 years.  This is not because of IBM, but because 
(surprise!) fewer people want to order them these days.  While we have 
no current plans, I expect that when the DVD orders eventually drop low 
enough, we will withdraw that support too.

If we are all lucky, someone will create something new that lacks the 
vulnerability of USB, has the near-universiality that optical drives 
once enjoyed, has a far-off obsolescence horizon, and allows us to 
continue to use something we can put in an envelope or a box and send 

John Eells
z/OS Platform Installation Strategy Owner
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: FW: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Allan Staller
Most/all of the region related information is provided in the parameter list, 
however, IEFUSI has *ALL* of the INTTXT available .

You will need to provide you own addressability/ctlblock chasing  to get to the 
INTTXT, since it is not in the provided parameter list.
Recommended reading SA38-0679-03 " MVS Using the Subsystem Interface z/OS V2R2" 
 or similar for your level of z/OS.
CBTTAPE might also have some good examples.

Examine the appropriate INTTXT and set an appropriate return code for what you 
want to do.

IEFUSI is a sledge hammer. About all you can do is smash the job.
It may have been running for quite a while before you see the TIME= in the exec 
card and all of the processing will be lost.

IEFUVJ, JES2 exit 4 or 6 are most likely better places for this, however IEFUSI 
can also do what you want.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Peter Hunkeler
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:02 AM
Subject: AW: FW: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

>Responded too soon. Since you also want to look at the step level IEFUSI would 
>also be needed.

I had a look at IEFUSI before posting, but did not see how to change the (CPU) 
TIME= limit there. It's purpos is mainly to deal with memory limits.  Did I 
overlook something?

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread David Boyes
On 3/27/18, 9:48 AM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of John Eells" 

> Ah, so that's what you meant.  I hadn't inferred that from your earlier post.

Sorry, replies crossed in the ether. 

> As the original builder of the ADCD systems (originally created to 
> support P390s)

Didn't the P370 also support AWSTAPE? I don't remember -- that was a long time 
ago. Or were you just using P390 as a generic term?

> However, we do not, and have no plans to, deliver the DVD files in AWSTAPE 
> format.

That would seem to meet everyone's needs here, and it'd be trivial to support 
both electronic or physical media delivery options for the people that care one 
way or another. You (or some contractor, given IBM's current attitude about 
services and the people who deliver them) could easily support people that want 
physical media (copy the files to your preferred delivery media - the Hercules 
folks have done a fine job of providing an example of tools to do that), no one 
has to do anything different if they don't want to (don't break existing 
customer processes), and you create jobs for some folks so the people at the 
top of the food chain can point at all the things IBM is doing to improve the 
economy, even if those people aren't IBMers.  Everybody wins, and no wheels 
need to get invented. (*insert sarcasm as needed*)

> Were there hardware available to read the files we do supply on DVD so 
> they could be written to the z/OS UNIX file system, I would find that 
> interesting.

Well, you're in a better positon to bug the Powers That Be that do hardware 
design and delivery... 8-) 

Seriously, I'd buy one. License Fundamental's code for the FlexCUB and give it 
a FICON adapter, and I'd buy a lot more than one. Might kill your disk division 
(or at least change what it does), but the "mainframe different because we can 
be" meme would finally be put to rest. It's not like the actual disk hardware 
has been anything unique for quite a while now, and you wouldn't have to accept 
the performance issues with FICON vs raw FCP. Would also avoid the mods needed 
to teach z/OS how to cope with FBA disks. 

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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Seymour J Metz
FWIW, I have found scanning and modifying the internal text to be easier than 
parsing and modifying the JCL.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  on behalf of 
Allan Staller 
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

Jes2 Exit 6 can also do this. You will need to process the internal text 
(similar to DYNALLOC text units).

Depending on how you want to handle things other exist can also do this by 
failing the job.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Peter Hunkeler
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:28 AM
Subject: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on either JOB 
or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.

There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an 

Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 09:48:32 -0400, John Eells wrote:
>> It’d be really slick if IBM reanimated the OMA/2 device with a native FICON 
>> adapter, even if it was just for this purpose. The ability to emulate a 
>> range of mainframe devices on commodity hardware has been really, really 
>> useful over the years.
>Ah, so that's what you meant.  I hadn't inferred that from your earlier
>As the original builder of the ADCD systems (originally created to
>support P390s), I do know about AWSTAPE support (which was originally
>written for the P390s).  However, we do not, and have no plans to,
>deliver the DVD files in AWSTAPE format.
>Were there hardware available to read the files we do supply on DVD so
>they could be written to the z/OS UNIX file system, I would find that
Some years ago, I mounted a CD containing a product (ours, not IBM's)
on a desktop system with an FTP server and did RECEIVE FROMNETWORK.
Successful experiment; never proved useful.

-- gil

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:57:45 +, David Boyes wrote:
>... I think the bigger issue is that IBM no longer makes a device that can 
>directly read the DVD media from the mainframe without involving any other 
HMC?  VM?  Linux?  "no longer"?

-- gil

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Re: Establishing STEPLIB as part of exec() / BPX1EXC (was: Cobol-Unix)

2018-03-27 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 12:49:47 +0200, Peter Hunkeler wrote:
>o The system silently ignores data sets as part of steplib setup when it 
>*cannot* ENQueue on the data set. Only data sets where an ENQueue could be 
>obtained are part of this substep's steplib concatenation (of course only 
>existing cataloged data sets).
Ouch!  So if the system so "silently ignores" a data set containing a program 
object I
intended to use, but a later catenand contains an object similarly named but 
version, I'll execute the wrong version.

Terrible design.

o Hardly helps to add a dummy final step with DISP=SHR (OLD guarantees failure)
  because another job may have started to WAIT for that DSN.

o EXEC sorely needs explicit pathing (EXEC, not
  merely the referback form).

-- gil

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Re: Graph database on z/OS?

2018-03-27 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (David Crayford) writes:
> I think the general ROT for those kind of systems is that the network
> defines security. All back-end services should be hidden behind
> firewalls and not accessible to the outside world. It's a different
> world these days where everything seems to run on docker images
> orchestrated by something like kuebernetes and secured by LDAP or
> whatever. Nobody dishes out userids unless you need admin.

Skip containers and do serverless computing instead; Container
technologies like Docker are very powerful, but require talent you can't
get. Serverless computing provides the same benefits -- with talent you
can actually get

we had worked with several people at Oracle on cluster scaleup ...  part
of getting cluster scaleup being transferred were mainframe DB2
complaining if I was allowed to continue, it would be at least 5yrs
ahead of them. Over a period of a few weeks, cluster scaleup was
transferred, announced as IBM supercomputer (for technical/scientific
*ONLY*) and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than
four processors. we leave a few months later. past posts

not long later, we are brought in as consultants by two of the (former
Oracle) people we had worked with ... who were then at a small
client/server startup responsible for something called commerce server,
the startup had also invented this technology they called "SSL" they
wanted to use, the result is now frequently called "electronic

As webservers got more complex, there was increasing number of
RDBMS-backed servers (compared to flat-file based implementations) that
had significant larger number of exploits. Part of it was RDBMS were
much more complex & corresponding increase in mistakes (along with
rapidly exploding demand for scarce skills). A specific example was they
would disable all outside connections for RDBMS maintenance ... and
during maintenance they would relax various security processes.
Complexity of RDBMS met that increasingly likely they would overrun
maintenance windows, in mad rush to get back online they would
frequently overlook reactivating various security processes.

more recent

all of these have web application with access ... and attacks are
typically against the web application (where webserver frontends are
also responsible for access control).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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Re: Graph database on z/OS?

2018-03-27 Thread Rob Schramm
Seems like there is a drift about security and walls.. interesting article
I found about walls when reading Cryptograms...

I am interested to see if you get it working for z/OS.

Rob Schramm

On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 12:15 PM Anne & Lynn Wheeler 

> (David Crayford) writes:
> > I think the general ROT for those kind of systems is that the network
> > defines security. All back-end services should be hidden behind
> > firewalls and not accessible to the outside world. It's a different
> > world these days where everything seems to run on docker images
> > orchestrated by something like kuebernetes and secured by LDAP or
> > whatever. Nobody dishes out userids unless you need admin.
> Skip containers and do serverless computing instead; Container
> technologies like Docker are very powerful, but require talent you can't
> get. Serverless computing provides the same benefits -- with talent you
> can actually get
> we had worked with several people at Oracle on cluster scaleup ...  part
> of getting cluster scaleup being transferred were mainframe DB2
> complaining if I was allowed to continue, it would be at least 5yrs
> ahead of them. Over a period of a few weeks, cluster scaleup was
> transferred, announced as IBM supercomputer (for technical/scientific
> *ONLY*) and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than
> four processors. we leave a few months later. past posts
> not long later, we are brought in as consultants by two of the (former
> Oracle) people we had worked with ... who were then at a small
> client/server startup responsible for something called commerce server,
> the startup had also invented this technology they called "SSL" they
> wanted to use, the result is now frequently called "electronic
> commerce".
> As webservers got more complex, there was increasing number of
> RDBMS-backed servers (compared to flat-file based implementations) that
> had significant larger number of exploits. Part of it was RDBMS were
> much more complex & corresponding increase in mistakes (along with
> rapidly exploding demand for scarce skills). A specific example was they
> would disable all outside connections for RDBMS maintenance ... and
> during maintenance they would relax various security processes.
> Complexity of RDBMS met that increasingly likely they would overrun
> maintenance windows, in mad rush to get back online they would
> frequently overlook reactivating various security processes.
> more recent
> all of these have web application with access ... and attacks are
> typically against the web application (where webserver frontends are
> also responsible for access control).
> --
> virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Rob Schramm

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Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread Peter

Is there a product in Mainframe which can detect a batch failure and also
sends email with the possible diagnostic steps to resolve ?


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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread David Boyes
On 3/27/18, 12:02 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of Paul 
Gilmartin"  wrote:

>On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:57:45 +, David Boyes wrote:
>>... I think the bigger issue is that IBM no longer makes a device that can 
>>directly read the DVD media from the mainframe without involving any other 
> HMC?  VM?  Linux?  "no longer"?

The HMC DVD is not directly accessible to any operating system as a device with 
VM or Linux, and the interface to it is not a published one. IBM no longer 
markets the OMA/2 (2074-002), which was (AFAIK) the only device they ever made 
that let you directly access a DVD from the mainframe -- it was withdrawn in 
December 2003. Ours is really, really old and on life support. 

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Re: Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread Chris Hoelscher
We use CA-Service Desk to detect abends and notify to a pre-defined static 
group - we also use xmatters to send alerts to a weekly-changing oncall list
CA-SD does have a knowledge repository - we have never used it (to my ... 

Chris Hoelscher
Technology Architect, Database Infrastructure Services
Technology Solution Services
Humana Inc.
123 East Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 476-2538 or 407-7266

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Peter
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:00 PM
Subject: [IBM-MAIN] Schedule automation solution


Is there a product in Mainframe which can detect a batch failure and also sends 
email with the possible diagnostic steps to resolve ?


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Re: Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread David Boyes
On 3/27/18, 1:00 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of Peter" 
Is there a product in Mainframe which can detect a batch failure and also
sends email with the possible diagnostic steps to resolve ?

Tivoli Workload Scheduler can do this (at least the batch failure and 
instructions part, not sure about the email part), as can the equivalent CA 
product (CA-7?). I think BMC also makes a similar product.

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread John Eells

David Boyes wrote:

On 3/27/18, 9:48 AM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of John Eells" 

Ah, so that's what you meant.  I hadn't inferred that from your earlier post.

Sorry, replies crossed in the ether.

As the original builder of the ADCD systems (originally created to
support P390s)

Didn't the P370 also support AWSTAPE? I don't remember -- that was a long time 
ago. Or were you just using P390 as a generic term?

However, we do not, and have no plans to, deliver the DVD files in AWSTAPE 

I'd quite forgotten about P370, in part because I don't know that it was 
ever available external to IBM.  It might well have been what the AWS* 
things were ogiginally written for, and if so, I stand (well, sit, at 
the moment) corrected.

But in any event, we have no plans to support AWSTAPE format for 
software delivery in general.  It's not at all clear to me that it would 
solve anything that is not already solved by retrieving the files from a 
workstation file system (hard drive or DVD), either, and until someone 
shows me how it would be, I don't know why I'd support the effort to do 
it.  (And, as it happens, it's not actually trivial to implement it in 
the software delivery process.)

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 17:00:09 + Peter  wrote:

:>Is there a product in Mainframe which can detect a batch failure and also
:>sends email with the possible diagnostic steps to resolve ?

I would imagine that every scheduler would have this feature.

Binyamin Dissen

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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Re: Graph database on z/OS?

2018-03-27 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Rob Schramm) writes:
> Seems like there is a drift about security and walls.. interesting article
> I found about walls when reading Cryptograms...

re: Graph database on z/OS?

possibly more than you ever wanted to know, in part because of doing
electronic commerce, was sucked into financial standards, financial
industry critical infrastructure protection, and other efforts, like
doing some work with these guys (but from 2004)

Electronic Safety and Soundness Securing Finance in a New Age

This monograph presents a four pillar framework for policymakers in
emerging markets to use in designing responses to the challenge of
assuring electronic safety and soundness of their financial systems. As
such, this paper is focused in part on technological solutions, but more
importantly on the incentives of the many parties involved in assuring
the security of critical infrastructures--from telecommunications and
financial sector service providers to the government and even to the
many final consumers of financial or other services.

... snip ...

we had been also brought in to help wordsmith some cal. state
legislation, they were working on electronic signature, data breach
notification, and opt-in privacy. several entities involved in privacy
were involved and had done detailed, in-depth public surveys on privacy
and the #1 issue was identity theft, specifically the form involving
various breaches that resulted in fraudulent financial transactions.

A problem was that little or nothing was being done about these breaches
(except trying to keep them out of the news). A major issue is that
entities take security measures in self protection ... the problem with
the breaches was that the institutions weren't at risk, it was the
public ... so they had little motivation. It was hoped that the
publicity from the data breach notifications might motivate institutions
to take security measures.

that and a combination of other things resulted in doing financial
transaction standard that slightly tweaked the current infrastructure
...  and eliminated criminals ability to use information from previous
transactions obtained in breaches for doing fraudulent transactions
(form of replay attack) ... it didn't prevent breaches, but eliminated
risk from (and major motivation for doing) breaches.

two (other) problems: 1) "security proportional to risk": value of
transaction information to merchant can be a few dollars (and a few
cents to transaction processors), the value of the information to
criminals can be the account balance (or credit limit) ... as a result
criminals may be able to outspend by factor of 100 times attacking (than
defenders can afford to spend) and 2) "dual use": transaction
information is used for both authentication and dozens of business
processes at millions of locations around the world ... as a result it
has to be both kept absolutely secure and never divulged and
simultaneously readily available.

for various reasons there are numerous stakeholders with vested
interests in preserving the status quo.

from the law of unintended consequences ... "SSL" for electronic
commerce (worked on earlier) was used to hide financial transaction
information during transmission. the "tweak" eliminates the need to hide
the information ... whether in transmission or "at rest".

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Tom Mathias

Actually z/VM can read files from the HMC's CD/DVD drive (or USB port).  Insert 
the media, which must be formatted for normal Windows/Linux use into the HMC 
and then on the HMC, you use the "Access Removable Media" task.  The target is 
the LPAR you want to access the media and thru the task you allow the LPAR to 
access the media you select.  You then get a message saying it is set up for 

Then, in your z/VM guest running in that LPAR, you do an "ftp" (the 
loopback address) and then you do a "cd /../HMC:".  This then points ftp to the 
media you inserted.  Using z/VM's FTP, which was specially modified to know to 
route this "directory" thru the SE to the HMC, you can read files ("get"), 
change directories ("cd") and list the files...normal "ftp" commands.

The path isn't particularly speedy, but it means you don't need a separate 
control unit.  Unfortunately, no other operating system implemented support to 
use the HMC's media.  And it has been supported for a number of generations 

Tom Mathias

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Re: Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread McCabe, Ron
We use ARF from does the email and can also submit jobs.

Ron McCabe
Mutual of Enumclaw

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
David Boyes
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Schedule automation solution

On 3/27/18, 1:00 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of Peter" 
Is there a product in Mainframe which can detect a batch failure and also sends 
email with the possible diagnostic steps to resolve ?

Tivoli Workload Scheduler can do this (at least the batch failure and 
instructions part, not sure about the email part), as can the equivalent CA 
product (CA-7?). I think BMC also makes a similar product.

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Christian Borntraeger
On 03/27/2018 07:09 PM, David Boyes wrote:
> On 3/27/18, 12:02 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of Paul 
> Gilmartin"> wrote:
>> On Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:57:45 +, David Boyes wrote:
>>> ... I think the bigger issue is that IBM no longer makes a device that can 
>>> directly read the DVD media from the mainframe without involving any other 
>>> system.. 
>> HMC?  VM?  Linux?  "no longer"?
> The HMC DVD is not directly accessible to any operating system as a device 
> with VM or Linux, and the interface to it is not a published one. 

For Linux there is at least some support. There is the hmcdrv module and the 
hmcdrvfs fuse tool in the s390-tools. I do not know how well this works and
if I remember correctly you have to have the LPAR authorized for that access.
I think it was authorized after you have done a load from DVD via HMC. I have
no idea if there are other means to authorize an LPAR.

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Re: Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread Carmen Vitullo
When I worked for an outsourcer we installed CA-Unicenter / CA-ops to trap 
messages and job failures, that sent text/email or both to the appropriate 
support group. 
at first it was a little much, they designed a solution that trapped all xE 
messages, no excpetion and all failures, we, after the dust settled, filtered 
out what jobs or errors needed attention. 

Carmen Vitullo 

- Original Message -

From: "Peter"  
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 12:00:09 PM 
Subject: Schedule automation solution 


Is there a product in Mainframe which can detect a batch failure and also 
sends email with the possible diagnostic steps to resolve ? 


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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Mike Schwab
Don't forget USB sticks that charge capacitors from USB port then
discharge high voltage into USB port to damage the hardware.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 6:39 AM, R.S.  wrote:
> No, no, and no.
> Laptops are used (mostly) just to take them out of the company.
> It doesn't mean you can do anything you want with the laptop. Some things
> can be disable and other can be forbidden (do not try...).
> Some companies use hardened setup for company laptops. In that case:
> * no software can be installed by the user
> * AV and other software is active
> * all network connectivity is beind done through company firewall (yes, even
> Google is accessed though the company) - like PC in an office.
> * USB sticks are not allowed (disabled by software).
> BTW: USB stick found on the street is one of the most dangerous things. It
> can be prepared to simulate HID (a mouse) and then bypass many protection
> leveles intended for USB *STORAGE*. Of course regular USB stick with some
> recent virus is also not nice, but it's much easier to detect.
> BTW2: Why to not disable USB ports at all? To allow cameras, microphones,
> mice (mouses?), etc. Of course laptop has most equipment embedded.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> W dniu 2018-03-27 o 09:12, Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM pisze:
>> Of course, a logical measure. Taking a laptop out of the building, do
>> something with it and take it back in again is just as 'safe' as bringing in
>> a usb stick you found on the street. Both should be fully blocked.
>> Kees.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
>>> Behalf Of Barbara Nitz
>>> Sent: 27 March, 2018 9:06
>>> Subject: Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued
>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:23:42 -0400, John Eells  wrote:
 In addition to that, you can take a laptop outside your firewall,
 download stuff*, bring the laptop back in, connect to your internal
 network, and upload it to z/OS to be processed.
>>> No, you cannot. Where I work, the laptops don't have a DVD/CD drive and
>>> are essentially just an expensive way of getting to a Citrix client. I
>>> cannot even reach the internet from my company laptop. All I can access
>>> is the company's extranet to set up the VPN tunnel. And heaven help you
>>> if your anti-virus definition isn't current. They update their antivirus
>>> catalog and then kick you out of VPN in the middle of working because
>>> 'definitions are not current'. And no USB or Bluetooth, either!
>>> I am one of the lucky few to still have a desktop computer at work which
>>> has a DVD drive. They made it so that I cannot access that DVD drive
>>> anymore, not to mention no USB allowed.
>>> We're lucky in that we have been able to set up the sysprog sandplex to
>>> access the internet for downloads from ShopZ.
>>> Barbara
> ==
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> --
> For IBM-MAIN sub

Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Charles Mills
> P370, in part because I don't know that it was ever available external to IBM

I had a P370. "Personal/370" apparently was the correct name. Or perhaps it was 
the 7437, which was pre-P370. 


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Eells
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

David Boyes wrote:
> On 3/27/18, 9:48 AM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of John Eells" 
>  wrote:
>> Ah, so that's what you meant.  I hadn't inferred that from your earlier post.
> Sorry, replies crossed in the ether.
>> As the original builder of the ADCD systems (originally created to 
>> support P390s)
> Didn't the P370 also support AWSTAPE? I don't remember -- that was a long 
> time ago. Or were you just using P390 as a generic term?
>> However, we do not, and have no plans to, deliver the DVD files in AWSTAPE 
>> format.

I'd quite forgotten about P370, in part because I don't know that it was ever 
available external to IBM.  It might well have been what the AWS* things were 
ogiginally written for, and if so, I stand (well, sit, at the moment) corrected.

But in any event, we have no plans to support AWSTAPE format for software 
delivery in general.  It's not at all clear to me that it would solve anything 
that is not already solved by retrieving the files from a workstation file 
system (hard drive or DVD), either, and until someone shows me how it would be, 
I don't know why I'd support the effort to do it.  (And, as it happens, it's 
not actually trivial to implement it in the software delivery process.)

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread David Boyes
On 3/27/18, 1:23 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of John Eells" 
> I'd quite forgotten about P370, in part because I don't know that it was 
> ever available external to IBM.  It might well have been what the AWS* 
> things were ogiginally written for, and if so, I stand (well, sit, at 
> the moment) corrected.

They were widely used in BITNET II by the major interconnect points in the US 
and overseas (Rice, Cornell, Princeton, CUNY, Weitzman Institute, etc.) mostly 
to offload CPU and spool space usage (a lot of them ran VM/HPO, VM TCPIP and 
RSCSv2 just for that purpose) and they could be run on cheap hardware that 
would run a long time on a standalone UPS. I encountered a number of the oil 
companies in Houston that had them. I still have the Rice one in my garage; 
haven't fired it up in a long time.  Maybe those came to the BITNET project via 
an internal source; don't remember, but they weren't that hard to get if you 
knew what to ask for. 

> It's not at all clear to me that it would 
> solve anything that is not already solved by retrieving the files from a 
> workstation file system (hard drive or DVD), either, and until someone 
> shows me how it would be, I don't know why I'd support the effort to do 
> it.  (And, as it happens, it's not actually trivial to implement it in 
> the software delivery process.)

I guess that's really the point -- as you know, AWSTAPE "volumes" are just 
that, a collection of files in a directory on a workstation filesystem plus a 
metadata file that specified the order of the files on the "tape". Writing a 
AWSTAPE image creates all the necessary metadata and packaging. You just have 
to pass the collection of files to the end user in some way, and that way is 
not media-specific if you have a care in how you do the metadata file.

What's elegant about the way AWSTAPE is implemented is that the idea is that 
the process of making a product available in that form is a matter of copying 
already existing distribution and service tapes created using an already 
existing process to an emulated tape device *once*, nothing in IBM or in the 
customer site has to change in any way other than adding the copy step and the 
process of delivering the resulting files to the customer. Principle of least 
change; the people creating the content don't have to learn anything new, and 
the people consuming the content don't have to do anything new. The effort to 
produce an AWSTAPE file becomes "mount the distribution tape you already 
created using the existing process and do a copy of the tape to a emulated 
device", no new tools or new programming required for most of the people 
affected; it's just one extra step to copy the distribution tape to an emulated 
tape "volume" and that step can be heavily automated. Once that copy is done, 
format no longer matters; how you get those files to the customer is a detail; 
whether they come on a DVD or over the Internet or by covered wagon, there 
doesn't have to be a difference in format or tooling, just delivery methods..

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Finnell
'I am neither man nor beast, I am Quasimodo.'

In a message dated 3/27/2018 1:17:47 PM Central Standard Time, 


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Re: Graph database on z/OS?

2018-03-27 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
re: Graph database on z/OS? Graph database on z/OS?

some old "graph", much earlier I had been involved in original
sql/relational implementation, System/R ... some past posts

the "official" next generation DBMS was "EAGLE" ... and while the
corporation was focused on EAGLE, we were able to do technology
transfer to Endicott for release as SQL/DS. Then when EAGLE implodes,
there is request about how fast could System/R be ported to MVS
... eventually released as DB2, originally for decision support only.

About the same time, I was also sucked into helping with a different
kind of relational ... that physically instantiated every entity and
every relation ... a little more like IMS ... but w/o record pointers
... entities and relations were content addressable indexes. As a
result it could represent any kind of information structure
... including tables as well as graphs. IDEA was heavily influenced by
System/R in eliminating explicit record numbers with indexing under
the covers ... but also Sowa, who was at IBM STL at the time.
topic drift, other Sowa reference (about IBM FS)

In some respect, System/R (RDBMS) was optimized for financial
transactions, tables with account number index and most everything
related to the account was physically in same record. IDEA could have
seperate record for every (indexed) entity and every (indexed) relation
(could be 5-10 times physical space of RDBMS tables).

Obvious doing financial transaction ran much faster on RDBMS (one record
with all information) than compared to dozen or more records for the
same information in IDEA.

However, for non-uniform information structure, IDEA could be several
times faster. A large VLSI chip design was loaded into DB2 and then
several traces were run to get best optimization. Then DB2 (hihgly
optimized) test took nearly 3hrs elapsed time to extract the full chip
design running on 3081 with 3380 disks. IDEA running with no
optimization on same 3081 and 3380s ... took less than 30mins to extract
same chip design (almost ten times faster).

IDEA also had query language that solved/addressed the SQL NULLs problem
(IDEA only has fields for things that exist, there is no direct concept
of "missing values") ... old archived post from DBMS theory discussion How to cope with missing values - 
NULLS? How to cope with missing values - 

We also did some work with NIH national library of medicine. They had
hired a company to load the NLM "index" information into RDBMS ... they
had spent 18months on "normalization" and could only do about 80% of the
data (the rest was loaded unnormalized with lots of duplicates).
Normalization/integrating new information was taking longer than real
time (four months of new medical knowledge was taking more than four

I (one person) spent about three weeks doing the equivalent for IDEA.

some NLM refs:

trivia: at the time, NLM still had people that had originally done their
mainframe based online catalog in the 60s (BDAM with their own home
grown transaction system). This was same time that the univ library had
gotten an ONR grant to do online catalog, some of the money was used for
2321 datacell and it was also selected to be betatest site for original
CICS product ... and I got tasked with supporting/debugging the CICS
implementation (so we had lots of discussion about online catalogs and
IBM BDAM). past BDAM/CICS posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

2018-03-27 Thread van der Grijn, Bart (B)
I've never used the option, but the way I read the manual (z/OS 2.3), it 
specifically requires the LEVEL parameter. I assume that means you need to do a 
SETMIG for LEVEL(SYS1) rather than at the DATASETNAME level. 
I haven't tested this, it's just how I interpret the manual. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Gibney, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 4:00 AM
Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

This email originated from outside of the organization.

And the SETMIG command's apparent  explicit purpose as  documented to allow 
removing/reinstating this restriction by LEVEL or DATASETNAME.

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
> Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:48 PM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> ARC1245I Reason Code 1:
> The data set is a system data set, a VSAM catalog, or an integrated catalog
> facility (ICF) catalog. Either the first four characters of the data set name 
> are
> HSM, or the first five characters of the data
> set name are SYS1, or the data set name is SYSCTLG.
> HSM does not process SYS1 datasets.
> If you are trying to migrate SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB, that implies the dataset is
> generally not required by any of your started tasks or other processes.
> You could rename it to another HLQ, establish a SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB alias for it.
> Of course, the new datasetname would need to be catalogued in the master
> catalogue too.
> Ant.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2018 11:19 AM
> Subject: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> I am at z/OS 2.1. I understand the need to make this hard, but what am I
> missing.
> FAILED, RC=0045, 051 ARC1001I (CONT.) REAS=0001 ARC1245I DATA SET NOT
> The documentation indicates that the SETMIG command should allow me to
> request DFHSM perform this migration. I've tried several varations using
> SETMIG LEVEL also. The volume where this dataset resides is Non-SMS.
> Yes, I know I can use ADRDSSU to move it, but not to M1 or ML2
> Does this function just not work? Or have  missed something obvious.
> Dave Gibney
> Information Technology Services
> Washington State University

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Charles Mills
I said no such thing!


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Edward Finnell
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

'I am neither man nor beast, I am Quasimodo.'

In a message dated 3/27/2018 1:17:47 PM Central Standard Time, 

x UMo7  W|

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread David Boyes
On 3/27/18, 1:31 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of Christian 
> For Linux there is at least some support. There is the hmcdrv module and the 
> hmcdrvfs fuse tool in the s390-tools. I do not know how well this works and
> if I remember correctly you have to have the LPAR authorized for that access.

It's very slow and painful to use. I don't think I'd want to rely on it for any 
big files; it's seems to be very load sensitive and there's little or no error 
correction. You might have some luck by using the FTP FUSE module from Linux 
(which is also painfully slow, but it has some error checking and progress 
monitoring stuff built into it so it's not impossible to use). You'd probably 
have better luck enabling a NFS server from the underlying Linux system on the 
HMC if you were going to do any large file transfers; that would make it 
available from any OS that understands NFS. I'm pretty sure nothing in z/OS 
knows how to use it now, though and CP can't mount it as a volume. 

Hmm. I wonder if VM could be taught to treat it as a unformatted FBA device, 
and then use something like the EXT2 tools Leland wrote a long time ago to 
access files on it. I don't think IBM would support it, but it might work.

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread David Boyes
On 3/27/18, 1:30 PM, "IBM Mainframe Discussion List on behalf of Tom Mathias" 
> [snip]
>Unfortunately, no other operating system implemented support to use the HMC's 

Ugh. I can see why. That is seriously weird and obscure, and having to have a 
modified FTP client makes my skin crawl. I guess I can see the reasoning why it 
had to be done that way, but ... ick. Wouldn't a properly chroot'ed FTP or NFS 
server coupled with some management of iptables in the underlying Linux system 
have been more useful/compatible/anything? 

Another idea: if you have a way to manufacture enough IP connectivity to the 
HMC, implementing enough of the APPC over IP verbs to make the DVD look like a 
remote SFS pool and teaching z/OS and the others how to access SFS? Use the 
LPAR name as userids in the SFS pool, so you can do access control, and that 
approach would let you do things like install zOS or zVM directly from the DVD 
without too much work. IBM certainly has the info and tools to do that without 
bastardizing a standard tool but I guess that would expose enough details about 
SFS to allow someone to write a replacement, so probably won't happen. 

Ah, well. Can't reengineer the world. But I’d like to. 

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Chris Hoelscher
'I am neither man nor beast, I am Quasimodo.'

Ask me a week from Sunday

Chris Hoelscher
Technology Architect, Database Infrastructure Services
Technology Solution Services
Humana Inc.
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Louisville, KY 40202
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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 26, 2018, at 5:25 PM, Paul Gilmartin 
> <> wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 16:57:47 -0500, Edward Gould  wrote:
>>> On Mar 26, 2018, at 3:47 PM, Charles Mills  wrote:
>>> Goofiness.
>>> Why didn't they convert to Windows when IBM stopped distribution on 9-track
>>> tape? Or when the 2540 card reader was discontinued? Or the 407?
>> You are missing the point. It is called the INTERNET. They do not want 
>> *anything* that a. Came through the internet. b. Does not come via FEDEX(or 
>> UPS) from IBM with signatures/id card 
> Think digital signatures transmitted via an independent channel.
> IBM products/service on DVD or Internet are digitally signed.  On tape?
> I remember 3480 cartridges coming from IBM in heat-sealed polyethylene
> sleves guaranteeing virus protection.

The sealed plastic envelope was a plus. But you did not read the rest of my 
entry. The tapes get sent directly to the auditing department. The box/envelope 
is unsealed there. The person checked the ID of the delivery agent. The person 
then calls somewhere within IBM to make sure that IBM sent the tape. The person 
after everything is checkout comes down to the department and the manager is 
the only one authorized to sign for it, I am his backup in case of 
illness/vacation etc. My boss or I must open the package in the presence of the 
auditor and verify everything is there (this is not fun)then sign the auditors 
receipt book. As per the auditor we must place the box into a locked room and 
the secretary has a sign in/out sheet which My boss or I can sign.

> If I understood certs, I'd mention that.
>> c. ... I have tried to bridge this a couple of times and was told to shut up 
>> and don’t say anything again.   
> Did they pay you $130,000.00, the going rate for that?
This is their business not mine. They get to make the rules.
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 21:26:48 +, J R wrote:
>> Assuming the current tape delivery is "outside data", how do you get it into 
>> the building?  
> Great* Grandfather Clause?

Like I said above the delivery guy has to have an ID and the package must be 
from a recognized sender of material. BTW there is no squawk about this from 
anyone that I am aware of.
Once delivery is accepted then our auditing department takes over the next step 
of verification. This was all set up long time before I showed up on the scene.

> -- gil
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 26, 2018, at 5:28 PM, Charles Mills  wrote:
>> No longer can you talk to an IBM person directly unless you have a signed 
>> contract in hand and in the other hand a certified check.
> I certainly do, and all the time. As recently as week before last.
>> the AUDITOR calling someone at IBM to make sure that the package came from 
>> IBM
> I would guess that a certificate-signed distribution -- yes, even over the 
> dread Al Gore Googlenet -- is more secure than a phone call to IBM. Who knows 
> what evil lurks in the hearts of Federal Express. 2048 bit RSA keys, however, 
> do not lie.
> Charles
That is beyond my (free) pay grade. The auditors are tight lipped and do not 
give us a clue. It would not be too surprising that they have a password system 
in effect but I do not know and any guessing is worthless .


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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 26, 2018, at 8:00 PM, Clark Morris  wrote:
> My response is that both are idiots and I would like to know the name
> of the company so I can short sell it.  They are going to convert to
> Windows which might supply a DVD but not keep it up to date.  All
> fixes are delivered via Internet.  What makes these people think that
> tape can't be subverted?  IBM should make a way for z/OS to read the
> DVDs but frankly unless the mainframe at this company only has hard
> wired connections to it and NO outside connection, it needs Internet
> delivery of fixes for time dependency reasons.
> Given this mentality, I would be worried about security on that
> mainframe.
> Clark Morris
>> Ed

I signed a NDA when I was brought on board and cannot disclose to anyone. One 
of my colleagues got into some civil matter and when put on the stand and was 
asked his place of work, he declined to state the name. The company lawyer was 
brought in and the court and the other attorney stipulated that he was employed 
but no name of the company was mentioned other than employed or place of 

Like I said before the windows issues is not/will not be my responsibility, I 
have repeatedly been told to keep my nose out of that whole mess. It is now the 
company’s problem. My boss is well aware of the issues and he has chosen to 
stay out as he does not want to end up on the street with no job and no job 
history. I am pretty sure I know what kind of restrictions that are going to be 
placed on the outsourcing company and they will not like it, but they may or 
may not know these restrictions ahead of time and again that is their problem, 
not mine.

I don’t like burrowing my head in the sand either. The company is there to make 
those decisions, not me.


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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 26, 2018, at 5:28 PM, Charles Mills  wrote:
>> No longer can you talk to an IBM person directly unless you have a signed 
>> contract in hand and in the other hand a certified check.
> I certainly do, and all the time. As recently as week before last.
Was this in a business environment or friend. In my statement it was a 
business, I had a (general type question, like, how does one make a backup copy 
of..) There was no secret type of information I was asking. The IBMer said to 
me, I need a signed contract before I can answer that question. When I pressed 
he said the mininum charge was 10K (US). I tried the sales end and was shut 
down just as fast. I thought 20 years ago I would’ve gotten an answer no charge 
and maybe even gotten a free drink as there was a competitor and that is the 
>> the AUDITOR calling someone at IBM to make sure that the package came from 
>> IBM
> I would guess that a certificate-signed distribution -- yes, even over the 
> dread Al Gore Googlenet -- is more secure than a phone call to IBM. Who knows 
> what evil lurks in the hearts of Federal Express. 2048 bit RSA keys, however, 
> do not lie.
I answered that a few emails back.
> Charles

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 26, 2018, at 8:31 PM, Paul Gilmartin 
> <> wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:52:57 -0500, John McKown  wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 3:40 PM, Edward Gould wrote:
>>> Between the Auditor and the CEO they are of one voice. No outside data
>>> (include DVD’s) are allowed. They have been quite vocal in this and insists
>>> it be their way or noway.
>> ​So, how will Windows be installed without using the Internet or a CD or a
>> DVD? And, wasn't the tape "outside data"? ​
> Tell Ed again, how your employer's conversion to Windows (Linux?) went.

They own the company, they make the payroll, they get to make the decisions, 
not I.

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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 27, 2018, at 6:28 AM, Peter Hunkeler  wrote:
> I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on either 
> JOB or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.
> There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an 
> alternative?
> Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?
> --
> Peter Hunkeler

I looked at this 20+ years ago and found 3 ways.
IIRC (this is 20 years ago) the SMF exit UJV(?) and 2 exits in JES 4 & 6 (I 
could be wrong)
The only fool proof I think is UJV. The problem is with UJV was that it takes 
an IPL to change it (the JES exits only take a warm start). My memory is 
probably off on this, but IIRC I did it in a JES2 exit but I had a back end so 
I could override it with a password that changed daily. I never had to use the 
backend though.
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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Pew, Curtis G
On Mar 27, 2018, at 3:25 PM, Edward Gould  wrote:
> The problem is with UJV was that it takes an IPL to change it (the JES exits 
> only take a warm start).

Well, nowadays you can use SETPROG EXIT to change UJV without waiting for an 

Pew, Curtis G
ITS Systems/Core/Administrative Services

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z/OS Assembler programmer job opportunity

2018-03-27 Thread Gary Weinhold
Our management would like to add another z/OS programmer to our team.  
This is a full-time position or contract that will include maintaining, 
enhancing, modernizing (if that's a word), debugging, testing, and 
designing z/OS product(s) and supporting customers (both in production 
and evaluation).  The individual would collaborate with a small team 
mostly  located in eastern Canada.  Only responses sent to my company 
email (below) will be answered.

Cross-posted to IBM Mainframe Assembler list

Gary Weinhold 
Senior Application Architect 

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization 

Phone   +1.613.523.5500 x216

Visit us online at 

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Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

2018-03-27 Thread Gibney, Dave
I tried both LEVEL(SYS1) and DATASETNAME. The MIGRATE (or HMIGRATE) command 
gets the same response in all cases I tried.

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of van der Grijn, Bart (B)
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 11:41 AM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> I've never used the option, but the way I read the manual (z/OS 2.3), it
> specifically requires the LEVEL parameter. I assume that means you need to
> do a SETMIG for LEVEL(SYS1) rather than at the DATASETNAME level.
> I haven't tested this, it's just how I interpret the manual.
> Bart
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 4:00 AM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> This email originated from outside of the organization.
> And the SETMIG command's apparent  explicit purpose as  documented to
> allow removing/reinstating this restriction by LEVEL or DATASETNAME.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
> > Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> >
> > ARC1245I Reason Code 1:
> >
> > The data set is a system data set, a VSAM catalog, or an integrated
> > catalog facility (ICF) catalog. Either the first four characters of
> > the data set name are HSM, or the first five characters of the data
> > set name are SYS1, or the data set name is SYSCTLG.
> >
> >
> > HSM does not process SYS1 datasets.
> >
> > If you are trying to migrate SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB, that implies the
> > dataset is generally not required by any of your started tasks or other
> processes.
> >
> > You could rename it to another HLQ, establish a SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB alias for
> it.
> > Of course, the new datasetname would need to be catalogued in the
> > master catalogue too.
> >
> > Ant.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> > On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> > Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2018 11:19 AM
> > Subject: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> >
> > I am at z/OS 2.1. I understand the need to make this hard, but what am
> > I missing.
> ARC0170I
> > FAILED, RC=0045, 051 ARC1001I (CONT.) REAS=0001 ARC1245I DATA SET
> >
> > The documentation indicates that the SETMIG command should allow me to
> > request DFHSM perform this migration. I've tried several varations
> > using SETMIG LEVEL also. The volume where this dataset resides is Non-
> SMS.
> >
> > Yes, I know I can use ADRDSSU to move it, but not to M1 or ML2
> >
> > Does this function just not work? Or have  missed something obvious.
> >
> > Dave Gibney
> > Information Technology Services
> > Washington State University
> >
> >
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to
> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 26, 2018, at 9:08 PM, Mike Schwab  wrote:
> Internal cloud?  Or external (internet) cloud?

No to both.

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 8:58 PM, Doug  wrote:
>> We all missed it, they are running in the cloud..Grins
>> .
>> On Mar 26, 2018, at 21:31, Paul Gilmartin 
>> <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:52:57 -0500, John McKown  wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 3:40 PM, Edward Gould wrote:
 Between the Auditor and the CEO they are of one voice. No outside data
 (include DVD’s) are allowed. They have been quite vocal in this and insists
 it be their way or noway.
>>> So, how will Windows be installed without using the Internet or a CD or a
>>> DVD? And, wasn't the tape "outside data"?
>> Tell Ed again, how your employer's conversion to Windows (Linux?) went.
>> -- gil
>> --
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>> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> -- 
> Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
> Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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change data capture for VSAM

2018-03-27 Thread Pommier, Rex
Hello all,

I'm curious if anybody can provide me with the names of any companies that do 
real time change data capture of VSAM datasets.  We've looked at a couple 
vendors who will remain nameless to protect their and our interests.  
Specifically what we're looking for is something that can grab VSAM data 
records as they're being written from either batch or CICS sources, and write 
the VSAM record to a log file or MQ queue so it can be shipped off platform 
into a data warehouse.  

Please respond off list to me directly if you have any ideas. 



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copy format.  Thank you.

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 27, 2018, at 5:52 AM, R.S.  wrote:
> Well, it was easy to predict: There are no more tapes!
> What media could you order?
> CST, ECCST (3480, 3490E) - not marketed for years, no native connectivity 
> MAGSTAR - also out of market for years. And no compatible products from othe 
> vendors. Connectivity is ESCON or FICON, but no direct connection is possible 
> (16Gbps FICON can talk on 8Gbps or 4 Gbps).
> JAGUAR - the last drive natively attachable to z/OS is TS1140. Is it still 
> marketed? Nowadays we have TS1150 and TS1155. TS1140 is 1,5 generation back.
> Last, but not least - other tape vendors do not produce anything compatible 
> with media delivered by IBM. Actually I should say "vendor" not "vendorS", 
> because only STK/Sun/Oracle produce real tapes for z/OS.
> BTW: When I read about "strict procedures" allowing tapes but not DVD, 
> auditors checking foil sealings or threats  regarding migration to Windows...
> Is it IBM-MAIN or elementary school ?
I am not defending their position at all. I am also not saying it is right or 
wrong. I am not allowed to talk about the company at all. I am pressing the 
envelope on IBM-MAIN as it is.
Upper management has made the decision, rightly or wrongly, I have to live in 
their world. That comes with NDA’s and other legal paperwork.
You can scold do whatever you want it doesn’t make a difference to me.
> Of course some shops do have strict rules, mostly it is stupidity not 
> security, but they had to manage tape carts in the past. Now they have to 
> establish process for DVDs (or other methods). BTW: How they get PTFs? AFAIK 
> tape delivery for PTFs is not available for years - so they HAVE some process 
> to put PTFs to z/OS or they do not apply any PTFs (???) or ...the story is 
> simply unreal.
That issue is open and it is being discussed at high levels and honestly I 
don’t know if they have been given both sides, all I know is that I was told to 
stay out of the discussion.

> That remains me the discussion about HMC call home functionality when modem 
> was dropped and replaced with VPN.
> Oh, I prefer tapes fo ServerPac installation. I will miss them. Now I'm going 
> to prepare huge ZFS for ServerPac. Easy, I have a lot of time for that.
I am kind of curious as to if IBM has updated the basic I/O that is need to 
bring up a system and how it will have to be changed to accommodate this IBM 
I, unlike you do NOT like SERVPAC installations, I was in it since day 5 and 
hated it then and I hate it still today. I prefer either CBIPO or CBPDO. I have 
done many servpac installations and they get harder each time (and longer). The 
amount of DASD is outrageous and I expect to be turned down if it grows, I am 
not sure what will happen when I get turned down. Maybe the windows guys will 
have better luck than me.

> Regards
> -- 
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Tony Harminc
On 27 March 2018 at 13:22, John Eells  wrote:

> I'd quite forgotten about P370, in part because I don't know that it was
> ever available external to IBM.  It might well have been what the AWS*
> things were ogiginally written for, and if so, I stand (well, sit, at the
> moment) corrected.

The P370 was initially available outside IBM as an OEM Microchannel
card in early 1992.

Tony H.

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Tony Harminc
On 27 March 2018 at 07:39, R.S.  wrote:

> BTW: USB stick found on the street is one of the most dangerous things. It
> can be prepared to simulate HID (a mouse) and then bypass many protection
> leveles intended for USB *STORAGE*.

That would be the USB Rubber Ducky...

Standard USB drive look, with easily exchanged cover and logo.
Convenient bundles of ten available. Doubtless others on Alibaba or
the like.

It's a dangerous corporate parking lot out there.

Tony H.

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Terminal Talk Podcast

2018-03-27 Thread Ed Jaffe
Listen to me being interviewed on the Terminal Talk Podcast with Frank 
DeGilio and Jeff Bisti! Amazingly, I didn't say anything that needed to 
be bleeped out! LOL

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
Chief Technology Officer
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

2018-03-27 Thread Anthony Thompson
Quite right Bart.

HSM V2.3 Impl & Cust Ch 4 (User Datasets) has Table 4 listing dataset type 
support for space management functions. One of the entries in that table says 
datasets starting with SYS1 or HSM won't get command-migrated, but notes that 
the restriction can be over-ridden by SETMIG LEVEL().  Page 62.

Same page number in the 2.1 version of the manual. 


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of van der Grijn, Bart (B)
Sent: Wednesday, 28 March 2018 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

I've never used the option, but the way I read the manual (z/OS 2.3), it 
specifically requires the LEVEL parameter. I assume that means you need to do a 
SETMIG for LEVEL(SYS1) rather than at the DATASETNAME level. 
I haven't tested this, it's just how I interpret the manual. 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Gibney, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 4:00 AM
Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

This email originated from outside of the organization.

And the SETMIG command's apparent  explicit purpose as  documented to allow 
removing/reinstating this restriction by LEVEL or DATASETNAME.

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On 
> Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:48 PM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> ARC1245I Reason Code 1:
> The data set is a system data set, a VSAM catalog, or an integrated 
> catalog facility (ICF) catalog. Either the first four characters of 
> the data set name are HSM, or the first five characters of the data 
> set name are SYS1, or the data set name is SYSCTLG.
> HSM does not process SYS1 datasets.
> If you are trying to migrate SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB, that implies the 
> dataset is generally not required by any of your started tasks or other 
> processes.
> You could rename it to another HLQ, establish a SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB alias for it.
> Of course, the new datasetname would need to be catalogued in the 
> master catalogue too.
> Ant.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2018 11:19 AM
> Subject: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> I am at z/OS 2.1. I understand the need to make this hard, but what am 
> I missing.
> FAILED, RC=0045, 051 ARC1001I (CONT.) REAS=0001 ARC1245I DATA SET NOT 
> The documentation indicates that the SETMIG command should allow me to 
> request DFHSM perform this migration. I've tried several varations 
> using SETMIG LEVEL also. The volume where this dataset resides is Non-SMS.
> Yes, I know I can use ADRDSSU to move it, but not to M1 or ML2
> Does this function just not work? Or have  missed something obvious.
> Dave Gibney
> Information Technology Services
> Washington State University

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Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

2018-03-27 Thread Gibney, Dave
So, why doesn't it work for me? It's not a big enough issue for me to try and 
open a PMR, especially since I probably need to route that through our MFaaS 
provider now!

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:21 PM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> Quite right Bart.
> HSM V2.3 Impl & Cust Ch 4 (User Datasets) has Table 4 listing dataset type
> support for space management functions. One of the entries in that table
> says datasets starting with SYS1 or HSM won't get command-migrated, but
> notes that the restriction can be over-ridden by SETMIG LEVEL().  Page 62.
> Same page number in the 2.1 version of the manual.
> Ant.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of van der Grijn, Bart (B)
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 March 2018 4:11 AM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> I've never used the option, but the way I read the manual (z/OS 2.3), it
> specifically requires the LEVEL parameter. I assume that means you need to
> do a SETMIG for LEVEL(SYS1) rather than at the DATASETNAME level.
> I haven't tested this, it's just how I interpret the manual.
> Bart
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 4:00 AM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> This email originated from outside of the organization.
> And the SETMIG command's apparent  explicit purpose as  documented to
> allow removing/reinstating this restriction by LEVEL or DATASETNAME.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On
> > Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> >
> > ARC1245I Reason Code 1:
> >
> > The data set is a system data set, a VSAM catalog, or an integrated
> > catalog facility (ICF) catalog. Either the first four characters of
> > the data set name are HSM, or the first five characters of the data
> > set name are SYS1, or the data set name is SYSCTLG.
> >
> >
> > HSM does not process SYS1 datasets.
> >
> > If you are trying to migrate SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB, that implies the
> > dataset is generally not required by any of your started tasks or other
> processes.
> >
> > You could rename it to another HLQ, establish a SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB alias for
> it.
> > Of course, the new datasetname would need to be catalogued in the
> > master catalogue too.
> >
> > Ant.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> > On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> > Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2018 11:19 AM
> > Subject: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> >
> > I am at z/OS 2.1. I understand the need to make this hard, but what am
> > I missing.
> ARC0170I
> > FAILED, RC=0045, 051 ARC1001I (CONT.) REAS=0001 ARC1245I DATA SET
> >
> > The documentation indicates that the SETMIG command should allow me to
> > request DFHSM perform this migration. I've tried several varations
> > using SETMIG LEVEL also. The volume where this dataset resides is Non-
> SMS.
> >
> > Yes, I know I can use ADRDSSU to move it, but not to M1 or ML2
> >
> > Does this function just not work? Or have  missed something obvious.
> >
> > Dave Gibney
> > Information Technology Services
> > Washington State University
> >
> >
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to
> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to
> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

2018-03-27 Thread Anthony Thompson
Have you tried the rename-dataset-and-establish-alias I suggested? Maybe you 
don't have the necessary access authority to the dataset / master catalogue.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Gibney, Dave
Sent: Wednesday, 28 March 2018 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?

So, why doesn't it work for me? It's not a big enough issue for me to try and 
open a PMR, especially since I probably need to route that through our MFaaS 
provider now!

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:21 PM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> Quite right Bart.
> HSM V2.3 Impl & Cust Ch 4 (User Datasets) has Table 4 listing dataset 
> type support for space management functions. One of the entries in 
> that table says datasets starting with SYS1 or HSM won't get 
> command-migrated, but notes that the restriction can be over-ridden by SETMIG 
> LEVEL().  Page 62.
> Same page number in the 2.1 version of the manual.
> Ant.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of van der Grijn, Bart (B)
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 March 2018 4:11 AM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> I've never used the option, but the way I read the manual (z/OS 2.3), 
> it specifically requires the LEVEL parameter. I assume that means you 
> need to do a SETMIG for LEVEL(SYS1) rather than at the DATASETNAME level.
> I haven't tested this, it's just how I interpret the manual.
> Bart
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 4:00 AM
> Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> This email originated from outside of the organization.
> And the SETMIG command's apparent  explicit purpose as  documented to 
> allow removing/reinstating this restriction by LEVEL or DATASETNAME.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On 
> > Behalf Of Anthony Thompson
> > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> >
> > ARC1245I Reason Code 1:
> >
> > The data set is a system data set, a VSAM catalog, or an integrated 
> > catalog facility (ICF) catalog. Either the first four characters of 
> > the data set name are HSM, or the first five characters of the data 
> > set name are SYS1, or the data set name is SYSCTLG.
> >
> >
> > HSM does not process SYS1 datasets.
> >
> > If you are trying to migrate SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB, that implies the 
> > dataset is generally not required by any of your started tasks or 
> > other
> processes.
> >
> > You could rename it to another HLQ, establish a SYS1.PSF.FDEFLIB 
> > alias for
> it.
> > Of course, the new datasetname would need to be catalogued in the 
> > master catalogue too.
> >
> > Ant.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> > [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> > Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2018 11:19 AM
> > Subject: DFHSM Migration of SYS1 datasets ?
> >
> > I am at z/OS 2.1. I understand the need to make this hard, but what 
> > am I missing.
> ARC0170I
> > FAILED, RC=0045, 051 ARC1001I (CONT.) REAS=0001 ARC1245I DATA SET
> >
> > The documentation indicates that the SETMIG command should allow me 
> > to request DFHSM perform this migration. I've tried several 
> > varations using SETMIG LEVEL also. The volume where this dataset 
> > resides is Non-
> SMS.
> >
> > Yes, I know I can use ADRDSSU to move it, but not to M1 or ML2
> >
> > Does this function just not work? Or have  missed something obvious.
> >
> > Dave Gibney
> > Information Technology Services
> > Washington State University
> >
> >
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Clark Morris
[Default] On 27 Mar 2018 04:27:03 -0700, in (Peter Hunkeler) wrote:

>I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on either 
>JOB or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2. 
What is behind the requirement?  If the idea is to prohibit excessive
use of time that based on a value set in security system of choice,
JES2 exit 6 can be used to for time to be no greater than the system
defined value for a given group of submitters.  In my version of exit
6, time was one of the values I used to determine job class.

Clark Morris
>There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there an 
>Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?

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Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL

2018-03-27 Thread Clark Morris
[Default] On 27 Mar 2018 06:15:55 -0700, in (Nims,Alva John  , Al) wrote:

>From the "z/OS JES2 Installation Exits - Version 2 Release 2" manual:
>"Exit 6 only gets control when the converter is called in the JES2 address 
>space. If conversion is being run with the interpreter in the JES2CI address 
>space, use exit 60 to perform the equivalent exit 6 function."

Can most of the code be the same in both exit 6 and exit 60?  Is there
another exit needed as well.

Clark Morris
>Also from the same manual, "For more information about C/I text, see z/OS MVS 
>Installation Exits."
>[Note: C/I text is "Converter/Interpreter text"]
>Al Nims
>Systems Admin/Programmer III
>UF Information Technology
>East Campus 
>P.O. Box 112050
>Gainesville, FL. 32611
>(p) (352) 273-1298
>-Original Message-
>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
>Behalf Of Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM
>Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:36 AM
>Subject: Re: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL
>I think this exit only captures the submitted JCL. Expanded procs and included 
>JCL will be added by the convertor and will be available in Exit 6.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
>> On Behalf Of Peter Hunkeler
>> Sent: 27 March, 2018 13:28
>> Subject: Ignoring TIME= specification in JCL
>> I've got the requirement to limit who is allowed to specify TIME= on 
>> either JOB or EXEC statement. This is for z/OS V2.2 (and up) and JES2.
>> There is JES2 exit 4 to scan and modify the JCL statements. Is there 
>> an alternative?
>> Would TWS (aka IWS) be able to do this for jobs it submits?
>> --
>> Peter Hunkeler
>> --
>> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
>> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
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Dr. John Ehrman obituary

2018-03-27 Thread Clark Morris
I found this link to a brief obituary
and this to post messages

I was a participant on the SHARE/Guide Language Futures Task Force
with John (I made minor contributions) and enjoyed his company there.
He also helped me wordsmith various requirements for adding all of the
enhancements in the SLAC assembler to Assembler H.  Although they were
rejected, they apparently became part of the justification for the
Assembler we know today based on John telling me I could have one of
the announcement handouts without attending the session because I was
partly responsible for it being available.  We have lost a giant and a
good person.

Clark Morris
>For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
>send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued

2018-03-27 Thread Edward Gould
> On Mar 27, 2018, at 6:17 AM, Richards, Robert B.  
> wrote:
> Is your upper management watching the movies "The Net" or "War Games" on a 
> loop? Paranoid much?
> Do the words "SECURE TRANSMISSION" mean anything to them?
> Consider that the world's wealth is running on IBM's z/OS operating systems. 
> Virtually all of them get their OS upgrades electronically. But your company 
> is "special"?
> How many other posters on this forum have ever said "me too" to the paranoia 
> expressed in your posts?

I can’t get into much detail here other than to say NO to your first question. 
I will say this much this “company” is extremely sensitive on anything going or 
coming from the several floors the company owns and They regularly have sweeps 
for any incoming/outgoing transmissions (this includes telephone monitoring and 
an occasional searching of personal property coming in or going out. I have 
heard rumors of departments that undergo lie detector tests on an irregular 
basis. I am only able to “chat” on IBM-Main as i do not disclose company info. 
Like I said before I am getting to the edge and I will have to stop answering 
the questions because I can’t go into any detail. As to your last couple of 
sentences Up until recently we got everything on tape. Our company is something 
unique (I have been told) by IBMers and that is all I can say to that.
In am freely able to converse (but not name) companies I have worked for in the 
past. Which leaves me as my boss puts it anything That I have learned or did 
during my time here is strictly off limits on any job resumes/applications or 
for that matter credit applications. I am essentially retired and not working. 
When I have an possible APAR and I need to go over dumps I get a special number 
at IBM to call and they take care of everything and make sure there are no way 
the company name gets into the apar under any circumstances. Two times I have 
been called in after making the phone call to make sure nothing sensitive has 
been given out. They by now know that I do not give out any information and 
semi listen to the calls.


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Re: VIO SDWA logrec records

2018-03-27 Thread Jim Mulder
 The 00400084 in register 15 says that  nd attempt to PUT a record 
to your STGINDEX data set got the following VSAM logical error 
reason code: 

There is insufficient storage available to add another string 
dynamically.   Or, the maximum number of place holders 
that can be allocated to the request has been allocated, 
and a place holder is not available. 

ILRTMI00 creates the ACB:

  RMODE31=ALL,   X

  For further diagnosis, you would need to set a SLIP for the 086
abend to get a dump, and open a PMR.

  The purpose of the STGINDEX data set  is to allow VIO data sets to
persist across an IPL, so that jobs using them can be restarted.
Since you said that you do a CLPA (which forces a CVIO) on 
every IPL, you are getting rid of all VIO data sets when you IPL.
It is thus pointless (and a waste of CPU cycles and I/O) 
to be keeping track of things in the STGINDEX data set.
If you always to CLPA or CVIO at every IPL, you should
specify VIODSN=IGNORE  in your IEASYSxx parmlib

Jim Mulder z/OS Diagnosis, Design, Development, Test  IBM Corp. 
Poughkeepsie NY

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Re: Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread Brian Westerman
Sorry in advance for the self-promotion, 

We (Syzygy) sells automation products (SyzMPF/z and SyzMAIL/z are two of them) 
which can be set to monitor all job execution and will send the step condition 
codes and max codes via email or text (no JCL or system changes required for 
any implementation of this) and also will allow you to use their scripting 
logic to do special stuff based on the abend or step condition codes for any 
(or all) jobs.  

It's a MUCH cheaper (and easier to use) way to handle this than the 
alternatives already mentioned and allows much greater flexibility in what 
actually gets sent to the user.

For instance, one of the standard scripts we deliver with the product will (if 
a D37 or B37 abend is detected), will send the following to the user(s) or 
responsible persons via email and text message:

The Condition codes and execution information (programs used steps execute (and 
not executed) execution times etc.)
The JCL and JCLMSG jes datasets
I short and long description of the error and how to (generally) fix it.

So the user basically gets a cute table of the steps executed 
(you can see simple sample emails at of 
the "default" you get with no special scripting), programs used, wall times 
etc., along with a short message about the problem and how to fix it.  Also 
attached to the email is the most useful parts of the output, but you can send 
more or less if you wish. Unfortunately the example on the web page doesn't 
have the scripting that provides the "how to" part, but the text is inserted 
normally after the table that is displayed.

Samples are provided for several typical abends (tape label errors, missing 
dataset errors, etc.).  The neat thing about the product is that it can issue 
email/text for most any problems that happen and even if there is no "special" 
script, it will still notify the user that the job ended and the codes and 
such.  Any special stuff can be added, and because it's an automation product 
with a lot of capability, it can tell (based on the time of day) whether it's 
best to send an email or a text (because they might be sleeping after 10pm).  
Many sites use it to wake the operators up and let them know that something 
happened that they might need to take a look at.

It also interfaces with our other products so that you can set up monitors that 
will watch job execution and inform people when they start/end or if they are 
not running when they are supposed, and a lot more.

There is no reason that you could not add handling for other problems to the 
samples.  It's fairly simple to use and as I mentioned earlier, it's extremely 
inexpensive.  The standard (already low) price on the web site is reduced for 
not only SHARE members, but also for members of IBM-MAIN by another (I'm 
guessing, but likely very close) 25 or 30%.

End of marketing

Brian Westerman

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Re: change data capture for VSAM

2018-03-27 Thread ITschak Mugzach
Attunuty CDC.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 12:34 AM, Pommier, Rex 

> Hello all,
> I'm curious if anybody can provide me with the names of any companies that
> do real time change data capture of VSAM datasets.  We've looked at a
> couple vendors who will remain nameless to protect their and our
> interests.  Specifically what we're looking for is something that can grab
> VSAM data records as they're being written from either batch or CICS
> sources, and write the VSAM record to a log file or MQ queue so it can be
> shipped off platform into a data warehouse.
> Please respond off list to me directly if you have any ideas.
> Thanks,
> Rex
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> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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ITschak Mugzach
*|** IronSphere Platform* *|* *Information Security Contiguous Monitoring
for Legacy **|  *

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Re: Schedule automation solution

2018-03-27 Thread Vernooij, Kees (ITOPT1) - KLM
With System Automation and Netview, you can trap every message in the system 
and do many things, a.o. send emails.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Peter
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:00 PM
Subject: Schedule automation solution


Is there a product in Mainframe which can detect a batch failure and also
sends email with the possible diagnostic steps to resolve ?


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