Re: CMSDDR VMARC question

2009-10-16 Thread Kris Buelens
It is known that compressing uncompressable data increases the size of the
VMARC compresses, but CMSDDR already did
(you write: 41 tracks not compacted, meaning you used OUTPUT xxx
If you still prefer VMARC as opposed to COPYFILE PACK, use VMARC PACK xxx
(STORE, telling VMARC not to compress.

2009/10/16 Henry, Bob

  I’ll look into that – thanks.

 *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [] *On
 Behalf Of *Scott Rohling
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:36 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CMSDDR  VMARC question

 (actually - maybe the PIPEDDR DUMP/RESTORE over TCPIP is exactly what you
 want?   if the zVM systems have connectivity, this lets you dump a disk
 directly from one system to another - and will save you steps...)


 On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Scott Rohling

 Maybe try a COPYFILE (PACK of the output file instead of using VMARC?
 That way if you use F 1024 when FTPing to zVM, you can just COPYFILE (UNPACK
 it..   I'm just assuming you were using VMARC to help ensure the xfer was
 blocked correctly..   Using COPYFILE (PACK accomplishes the same thing.
 Just not sure how they compare on 'compression'...

 You might also look at PIPEDDR -- and the PACK option .. (available on the
 zVM download page.  google 'zvm download' to find it).


 On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Henry, Bob

 I was going to do that, but some of the MDs are VSE full volume disks.

 *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [] *On
 Behalf Of *Scott Rohling
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:17 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CMSDDR  VMARC question

 Don't know about VMARC -- but CMSDDR is packing the entire minidisk - empty
 space and all...Why not just VMARC the files on the disk and forget
 about CMSDDR?


 On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Henry, Bob

 I’m using CMSDDR and VMARC to transfer some CMS minidisks via FTP.  Both
 utilities seem to produce more output than the original data on the
 minidisk(s). Here’s an example.

 User has 25 files (mostly COBOL source and/or JCL) in a 4 cylinder 3390
 minidisk, blocked 4096. A “Q DISK” shows 76 blocks used, 644 blocks left.

 CMSDDR on that minidisk shows 2,957,040 bytes IN, 2,634,392 bytes OUT, 41
 tracks not compacted. The output file from CMSDDR has 101 records of
 LRECL=49152 using 644 blocks (size 4096).

 VMARC (of the CMSDDR output file) shows IN=2,634,392 and OUT=3,142,240. It
 produces a file of 38,736 records with LRECL=80 using 757 blocks (size

 Does anyone have any explanation why these utilities “grow” the amount of
 data to be transmitted rather than “shrinking” it? Am I missing something?
 I’m using just the default options for both programs.

 Any help would be appreciated.

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support


2009-10-16 Thread Kris Buelens
Wouldn't it be that the local RSCS has the same problem as your REXX code:
it doesn't know when the response of the other side is complete? The
immediate CRI command complete would mean that the local RSCS did it's
job: sending the command to the other end.

2009/10/15 Schuh, Richard

  Last week, I posted this:

 We have an exec that retrieves responses from RSCS using the CRI. In the
 past, it could issue JES commands (e.g. $DA or $DN,ALL) to an MVS system and
 return the response from MVS to a stem. One of our users has run into a
 problem - it gets an immediate End of command response message without
 including any of the response. The response from MVS is then directed to the
 console instead of the CRI. Is this due to changes to RSCS or is it
 something being done differently in MVS, and what will it take to fix it?
 which has gotten no reply. Further testing shows that the same is true for
 CP, CMS and GCS commands sent to other VM systems. This narrows down the
 question of which has changed to one possibility, RSCS. The question of
 whether it is a new feature or an unintended consequence remains. If the
 latter, I  will open a PMR. If the former, I will have to SET CPCONIO IUCV
 to trap the responses. And it will create the problem of determining when
 the response is complete. So which is it?
 Richard Schuh

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

CAVMEN Meeting on Thursday, October 22, 2009

2009-10-16 Thread Chicago Area VM (and Linux) Enthusiasts
The fourth quarter meeting of the Chicago Area VM 
(and Linux) Enthusiasts will be held on Thursday, October 22, 2009.

There is still road construction work in progress 
in the area around Hewitt Associates.  The 
situation changes weekly, so I will send out a 
construction update on the Tuesday before the meeting.


Meeting Location:

This quarter's meeting will be held at the Hewitt 
Associates 'East Campus' located at 100 Half Day 
Road, in Lincolnshire, IL. We will meet in 
Conference Room 100-M3, in Building 100, just off the cafeteria.

If you have not attended a meeting at this 
location before, or you are not familiar with the 
here for additional information on directions, maps, lodging and dining.



We would like to request a count of expected 
attendees by the Monday before the meeting, so 
that we may plan appropriately for arranging the 
facilities, and for refreshments and lunch, 
should one of the vendors wish to provide them. 
If you are planning to attend, PLEASE send an 
E-Mail by that date to 
with a subject line of Meeting Attendance.

This is meant to be a facilities planning aid and 
should not be interpreted as a registration 
requirement. If you suddenly become available at 
the last minute, please feel free to attend even if you have not responded.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.


Final Meeting Agenda:

9:00 AM z/VM Platform Update: Introducing 
z/VM V6.1 - Advancing the Art of Server Virtualization

This presentation will highlight the new 
functions available with z/VM V6.1, IBM's newest 
version of advanced server virtualization support 
for IBM System z. Building on the functionally 
rich base of z/VM Version 5.4, z/VM V6.1, 
previewed on July 7, 2009, further enhances the 
economic attractiveness of consolidating 
workloads on the mainframe. Find out how z/VM 
V6.1 on IBM System z10 advances the art of 
enterprise virtualization. The speaker will also 
provide an overview of future z/VM support 
(statements of direction) included in the z/VM V6.1 preview announcement.

The speaker will be Alan Altmark of the IBM Corporation.

10:30 AMCoffee Break

11:00 AMSecurity Zones in z/VM

In multi-tier network applications, there is 
usually the concept of demilitarized zones, or 
DMZs, that each contain a set of servers. Each 
DMZ is separated from others by firewalls and by 
access policies to ensure that there is no 
unwanted user access or flow of data. Learn in 
this presentation how to properly build virtual 
DMZs and to integrate virtual servers into your 
existing DMZs. We will also discuss using the 
RACF Security Server on z/VM to prevent a red 
zone server from connecting to a green zone network or green zone data...

The speaker will be Alan Altmark of the IBM Corporation.

12:30 PMLunch Break

1:30 PM Administration and Vendor Announcements

1:45 PM Linux on z Update

The speaker will present a brief update of recent 
developments in the Linux under z/VM area.

The speaker will be Paul Augustyniak of the IBM Corporation.

2:00 PM What makes a successful Proof of Concept for Linux on System z

Most companies begin their first foray into the 
Linux on System z world by conducting a z Linux 
POC. This presentation will draw upon the many 
years of experience of the presenter and the dos 
and dont's of a POC. Marianne will discuss how to 
pick the application and other technical aspects.

The speaker will be Marianne Eggett of Mainline Information Systems.

3:15 PM Coffee Break and Prize Drawing

3:30 PM System z Linux Proof of Concept - 
Project Management Best Practices

It's an important step - so when you are ready to 
move forward, make sure you're on solid ground. 
From planning, to proving, to production, there 
are a lot of intricate details to think about 
when you are considering a Linux implementation. 
In this session, Marianne Eggett summarizes 
industry best practices for project management of 
your IBM System z Linux Proof-of-Concept (POC). 
These best practices are based on her 30 + years 
in IT and 8 focusing on Linux on IBM Systems z New Workload.

This session will cover the important steps to a successful POC, including:
·  Project Initiation
·  Project Definition
·  Installation and Set Up
·  Testing
·  Closing

The speaker will be Marianne Eggett of Mainline Information Systems.

4:45 PM Free-for-All

Members will attempt to answer any reasonable VM 
or hardware related questions. If you are having 
a problem and want to find out if others are 
experiencing it, or you are installing new 
hardware or software and want to find out what 
types of problems others have experienced, here is the place to find out.

Members are encouraged to bring ideas for future 
presentations and speakers 

Re: Daylight Saving Time change

2009-10-16 Thread Kris Buelens
I hope Mark won't mind, but I changed the code a bit to work for Europe:

address command
resultfile='TZ CHANGES A'
'FINIS' resultfile
'ERASE' resultfile
Do =2007 to 2041
   'EXECIO 1 DISKW' resultfile '(STRING   ' GetSpring()
   'EXECIO 1 DISKW' resultfile '(STRING   ' GetFall()
'FINIS' resultfile
say 'Results are now contained in file:' resultfile
Exit rc
GetSpring: /* Find last Sunday in March */
 parse arg year .
 Do dx=year'0331' by -1 for 7 until dow='Sunday'
return 'Timezone_Boundary on' ,
  date('S',dx,'S','-') , /* In -mm-dd fmt  */
 'at 02:00:00 to SUM'
GetFall: /* Find last Sunday in October */
 parse arg year .
 Do dx=year'1031' by -1 for 7 until dow='Sunday'
Return 'Timezone_Boundary on' ,
  date('S',dx,'S','-') , /* In -mm-dd fmt  */
 'at 03:00:00 to WIN'

2009/10/15 Mike Walter

 Oh, BTW, any one has the time change dates for 2009 - 201x? TIA.

 Run the TZDATES EXEC pasted below.

 Mike Walter
 Hewitt Associates
 The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

 /* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information 
  * Exec Name - TZDATES  EXEC*
  * Unit Support  - OSS/VM   *
  * Status- Version 2, Release 1.0   *

   address 'COMMAND'
   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .
   parse upper arg parms 1 operands '(' options ')' parmrest

   If operands='?' then Signal Explain
   parse var operands tz .
   If tz='' then tz='C'
   If ltz1 then
say xfn'; Invalid timezone character, length not 1.' ,
   'Found 'tzc'.'
say 'For more help, issue:' xfn '?'
Call Exit 20

   resultfile=xfn 'BOUNDS A'
  'FINIS' resultfile
  'ERASE' resultfile

   Signal ON Error
   Do ix=2007 to 2041/* What years do we want to cover?  */
  /* As of 2005-09-27, dates beginning in 2042 cause error msg:  */
  /* HCPZPM6706E Invalid date - 2042-mm-dd   */
  /* There's time for an APAR before then... */
  fall  =GetFall(ix)
 'EXECIO 1 DISKW' resultfile '0 F 80 (STRING' spring
 'EXECIO 1 DISKW' resultfile '0 F 80 (STRING' fall
  'FINIS' resultfile
   say xfn 'results are now contained in file:' resultfile
 Call Exit rc

 /*   Sub-Routines below this point  */

   parse arg exitrc .
   If verify(exitrc,'-0123456789')=0 then Exit exitrc
 else Exit 99

   parse arg year .
   /* Find 1st Sunday in March, beginning in 2007 per the:   */
   /* U.S. Government Energy Policy Act of 2005.   */
   Do dx=year||0301 by 1 for 7 until dow='Sunday'
   dx=dx+7   /* Ooooh, easy date math! Add 14 for 2nd Sunday in March*/
   spring='Timezone_Boundary on' ,
   date('S',dx,'S','-') , /* In -mm-dd fmt   */
  'at 02:00:00 to' tz'DT' /* Change to Daylight Time */
 Return spring

   parse arg year .
   /* Find 1st Sunday in November beginning in 2007 per the: */
   /* U.S. Government Energy Policy Act of 2005.   */
   Do dx=year||1101 by 1 for 7
  If date('W',dx,'S')'Sunday' then Iterate
  Return 'Timezone_Boundary on' ,
  date('S',dx,'S','-') ,  /* In -mm-dd fmt   */
 'at 02:00:00 to' tz'ST'  /* Change to Standard Time */

   say '+++ ERROR error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
 Exit 20

   say '+++ SYNTAX error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
 Call Exit 20

   say '+++ NoValue error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
   say '+++ Variable with no value is:' condition('Description')
 Call Exit 24

  'PIPE (NAME Explain)' ,
 '| ' xfn xft xfm ,
 '| INSIDE /ExplainBegin:/ /ExplainEnd:/' ,
 '| PREFACE STRLITERAL /'xfn xft xfm 'help.../' ,
   Call Exit 0

 Unless changed, TZDATES will produce a file suitable for inclusion in
 SYSTEM CONFIG on MAINT's CF1, CF2, etc. disks to define the Spring and
 Fall Daylight/Standard timezones.


Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Colin Allinson
I need to get a screen to behave in a slightly different way to the 
standard 3270 screen. I need to collect SECUSER messages and get them to 
push up the screen, (so the oldest fall off the top), rather than filling 
the screen to MORE... and starting again with a clear screen. 

I did look to see if there was any way I could do this with Fullscreen CMS 
and I could not see how (although I have never really got to grips with 
this tool and there may be some configuration option that may make it 

We have tried using VM:Operator and this, sort of, does what we want but 
there are some complexities caused by the fact that it is a far more 
general tool with many more functions. 

I could, of course, write my own shell but, before I set about this, it 
would be helpful to know if there is already something out there that will 
do this (or, at least, provide a base on which to work).

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

Re: Network timeout on TCPIP RSCS links

2009-10-16 Thread A. Harry Williams
On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 08:22:37 -0400 Mrohs, Ray said:
The link comes right back up after its disconnected. But from a security
standpoint it seems that a link that is idle and stays connected to its
peer is more secure than one that is waiting for a connection to happen.
Maybe these firewall rules are aimed more at unattended workstations. If
all else fails, I'll set up a scheduled message to the peer node to keep
the link up, but I like to use vendor-supplied solutions if they are

If you are running PROP on both nodes, you can use PROPCHK to verify
connectivity to the remote site, and you can take action at that point
automatically.  Since the PROPCHK action itself will cause data to travel, it
might be enough to keep your link up, and it is a vendor-supplied solution.


Ray Mrohs
-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Alan Altmark
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: Network timeout on TCPIP RSCS links
As you have discovered, KEEPALIV=YES is the default for TCPNJE links.
firewall may be ignoring keepalives.  Firewall Folks need to look at
Note that keepalives have the undesirable side effect of bringing down a
link when there is a transient error, even when there is no file
transmission in progress.
Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Kris Buelens
OTTOSCR is an old tool to make fullscreen CMS scroll, don't know if it
still runs
With ROI, you'd have to write the new line with VSCREEN WRITE and
linenumber 0, then maybe some WINDOW command to position the window at
the end (if the VSCREEN is larger than the WINDOW
But, very easy in my eyes: you could use XEDIT, basically a loop doing
   :1 DEL 1
   * INSERT newLine

I don't know what your code will be waiting for.  If you need to wait
for either a message comming in either a SCIF message: there are no
easy, REXXish, ways to get this done: For example: with XEDIT you have
READ to wait for user action or WAKEUP to wait for a timer or
messages, but the end-user's action on the XEDIT screen get lost.  At
my customer's installation we solved this by using WAKEUP for enable
screen updates, when the operator wanted to do something, he had to
press enter or some other key, causing WAKEUP to exit with RC 6. But
our REXX code could now know what the operator did, so some prompting
popup was displayed.
Another operator tool used CMS/GUI, where the GUI generated a timer
interrupt to VM every 2 seconds and the REXX code then checked for new
messages with WAKEUP +0 (xxx.  Consequently the operator diod not
have to hit two keys to get something done.

2009/10/16 Colin Allinson

 I need to get a screen to behave in a slightly different way to the standard
 3270 screen. I need to collect SECUSER messages and get them to push up the
 screen, (so the oldest fall off the top), rather than filling the screen to
 MORE... and starting again with a clear screen.

 I did look to see if there was any way I could do this with Fullscreen CMS
 and I could not see how (although I have never really got to grips with this
 tool and there may be some configuration option that may make it possible.

 We have tried using VM:Operator and this, sort of, does what we want but
 there are some complexities caused by the fact that it is a far more general
 tool with many more functions.

 I could, of course, write my own shell but, before I set about this, it
 would be helpful to know if there is already something out there that will
 do this (or, at least, provide a base on which to work).

 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

 Colin Allinson

 Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Rob van der Heij
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Colin Allinson wrote:

 I did look to see if there was any way I could do this with Fullscreen CMS
 and I could not see how (although I have never really got to grips with this
 tool and there may be some configuration option that may make it possible.

Yes, we can ...  I recall using the CMS PIpelines fullscr stage to
build one that imitated the NetView style where the insertion point
for the new line is rolling over the screen (to save bandwidth). With
some extra effort you could also do something like MVS where a subset
of the lines (the replies) stack at the top.
If you want to insert the new line at the bottom (thus scroll the
remaining lines up) you need to rewrite it all every time you add a
line (which we found very intrusive on the termulators in those days).

Don't have the code handy anymore, but could give it a try if it helps you out.


Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Colin Allinson
Kris Buelens Wrote (in part) :-

 OTTOSCR is an old tool to make fullscreen CMS scroll, don't know if it
 still runs.


Thank you. I will certainly look at OTTOSCR. Even if it does not run out 
of the box, it may give me a good basis to start from.

To explain a little more - what I am trying to do is quite simple really 
(but, as always,  with a couple of twists). This output screen will not 
need (and should not) wait for any input. The idea is that it will be 
monitored by external automation software looking for specific conditions 
and creating alerts. 

The userids generating the secuser output will, in fact, be TPF guests 
and, as the automation software already monitors the native TPF consoles 
(which scroll) then something that replicates this will eliminate the need 
for new monitoring routines being written.

The only complexity is that this will not be a 'real screen' but a soft 
virtual screen that is doing the monitoring. It is already working, sort 
of, with VM:Operator but there are some issues in the way it handles the 
screen that causes VM:Operator to run out of buffer memory after a couple 
of days (there are also display constraints). 

I really am looking to do something very simple.

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Colin Allinson
Rob van der Heij Wrote :-

 Yes, we can ...  I recall using the CMS PIpelines fullscr stage to
 build one that imitated the NetView style where the insertion point
 for the new line is rolling over the screen (to save bandwidth). With
 some extra effort you could also do something like MVS where a subset
 of the lines (the replies) stack at the top.
 If you want to insert the new line at the bottom (thus scroll the
  remaining lines up) you need to rewrite it all every time you add a
 line (which we found very intrusive on the termulators in those days).

 Don't have the code handy anymore, but could give it a try if it helps 
you out.


I am not trying to do anything complicated like hold lines on the top of 
the screen (as with MVS) but one thing I had not considered is the point 
that you, correctly, make about having to rewrite the full screen all the 
time. That could majorly confuse the automation monitoring tool !!

I am just having a reality check and wondering if it is not a lot simpler 
than I had been thinking. If I could remember how to define the screen 
(which would be virtual) as a (no)glass teletype then that should really 
do just what I want (I think). 

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Tracy Dean
On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 13:42:58 +0200, Colin Allinson

I need to get a screen to behave in a slightly different way to the
standard 3270 screen. I need to collect SECUSER messages and get them to

push up the screen, (so the oldest fall off the top), rather than fillin
the screen to MORE... and starting again with a clear screen.

I have a demo that does this using IBM Operations Manager for z/VM if you
like to contact me off-list.  It also allows you to change the color of 

certain messages, hold some messages at the top (letting others scroll by

Tracy Dean

Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread Alain Benveniste

Alone in the world to still use it probably ;)

Well, I assemble the source and genmod it with amode 24 with a v stor  
at 4M and it still doesn't work

I still have a 'operation exception'...

Any ideas ?

Le 16 oct. 2009 à 00:59, Alan Altmark a écrit :

On Thursday, 10/15/2009 at 02:56 EDT, Alain Benveniste wrote:

I'm looking for someone who is using a product named STAIRS, borned  

70' died in the 90', no more maintained  - of course - and still  
on a zVM530. I meet a problem with the SVC 203 and I can't find any  

about this SVC.
If someone has updated the DLNCLDR assemble to make it work... I TAKE

This product works on zVM440. What could have changed in 530 to  
make it

failed ?

Wow!  We're still getting revenue from STAIRS!?!  Most excellent!  :-)

What kind of error are you getting?  The suggestion to use only 16MB  
is a
good one, but you may also need to trim the CMS virtual machine of  

excess memory usage.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread McKown, John
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
 [] On Behalf Of Alain Benveniste
 Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: SVC 203
 Alone in the world to still use it probably ;)
 Well, I assemble the source and genmod it with amode 24 with 
 a v stor  
 at 4M and it still doesn't work
 I still have a 'operation exception'...
 Any ideas ?

operation exception means you tried to execute an invalid opcode. It's been a 
long time since I've done any CMS programming. Do you get some sort of report 
which shows the PSW? If so, what is the PSW, and what is the data around where 
it is pointing? Any chance your code is doing a wild branch? In z/OS, we get 
these when some base register is set to 0. This is usually when a statically 
linked subroutine is not resolved in the link.

Just some thoughts.

John McKown 
Systems Engineer IV

Administrative Services Group


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Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread Dodds, Jim
I know this is probably a grand reach for a straw but I think your problem 
could be that a module that is being called is not same as on the zVM53 system 
that was on your zVM44 system. Do you still have access to the zVM440 system? 
If so you might try to port the compiled object from the zVM53 system to the 
zVM44 system. If that zVM53 compiled object works on the zVM44 system, then it 
points to a module that is probably not coded the same. Which would lead me to 
believe that a library used in the zVM44 system is missing from the zVM53 

Jim Dodds
Systems Programmer
Kentucky State University
400 East Main Street
Frankfort, Ky 40601
502 597 6114

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Alain Benveniste
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: SVC 203

Alone in the world to still use it probably ;)

Well, I assemble the source and genmod it with amode 24 with a v stor  
at 4M and it still doesn't work
I still have a 'operation exception'...

Any ideas ?

Le 16 oct. 2009 à 00:59, Alan Altmark a écrit :

 On Thursday, 10/15/2009 at 02:56 EDT, Alain Benveniste wrote:

 I'm looking for someone who is using a product named STAIRS, borned  
 70' died in the 90', no more maintained  - of course - and still  
 on a zVM530. I meet a problem with the SVC 203 and I can't find any  
 about this SVC.
 If someone has updated the DLNCLDR assemble to make it work... I TAKE
 This product works on zVM440. What could have changed in 530 to  
 make it
 failed ?

 Wow!  We're still getting revenue from STAIRS!?!  Most excellent!  :-)

 What kind of error are you getting?  The suggestion to use only 16MB  
 is a
 good one, but you may also need to trim the CMS virtual machine of  
 excess memory usage.

 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Huegel, Thomas
I have an exec that uses OTTOSCR from the download site, I think it does
pretty much what you are looking for.
I wrote this several years ago when I had several VM's all running PROP
and sending messages to this secondary user. It allows scrolling
backward and forward and logging.
If you want this exec you can have, no gaurentees.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Colin Allinson
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

Rob van der Heij Wrote :- 

 Yes, we can ...  I recall using the CMS PIpelines fullscr stage to
 build one that imitated the NetView style where the insertion point
 for the new line is rolling over the screen (to save bandwidth). With
 some extra effort you could also do something like MVS where a subset
 of the lines (the replies) stack at the top.
 If you want to insert the new line at the bottom (thus scroll the
  remaining lines up) you need to rewrite it all every time you add a
 line (which we found very intrusive on the termulators in those days).

 Don't have the code handy anymore, but could give it a try if it helps
you out.


I am not trying to do anything complicated like hold lines on the top of
the screen (as with MVS) but one thing I had not considered is the point
that you, correctly, make about having to rewrite the full screen all
the time. That could majorly confuse the automation monitoring tool !! 

I am just having a reality check and wondering if it is not a lot
simpler than I had been thinking. If I could remember how to define the
screen (which would be virtual) as a (no)glass teletype then that should
really do just what I want (I think). 

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread Neale Ferguson

If it's a branch into garbage then

#CP TR BR INTO garbagearea

On 10/16/09 9:49 AM, McKown, John wrote:

 operation exception means you tried to execute an invalid opcode. It's been
 a long time since I've done any CMS programming. Do you get some sort of
 report which shows the PSW? If so, what is the PSW, and what is the data
 around where it is pointing? Any chance your code is doing a wild branch? In
 z/OS, we get these when some base register is set to 0. This is usually when a
 statically linked subroutine is not resolved in the link.

Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread David Boyes
  Wow!  We're still getting revenue from STAIRS!?!  Most excellent!  :-

Frighteningly enough, the son of one of the STAIRS designers (Chris Martin) was 
one of our student programmers current with Adam and Rick and I's time at Rice. 
Chris has taught several more generations of STAIRS users. 

Of course, this kid learned 390 assembler programming in a weekend for fun, but 

-- db

Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread David Boyes
If you have PERFKIT, set up an additional virtual machine that has all data 
collection turned off, and use it in basic mode. It does a very nice job of 
being a scrolling operator display, and has nice message filtering and 
highlighting already built in.


2009-10-16 Thread Schuh, Richard
No. If the command is executed on the local node, the response, regardless of 
the environment where the it is to be executed, is returned via CRI.

Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Kris Buelens
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: RSCS

Wouldn't it be that the local RSCS has the same problem as your REXX code: it 
doesn't know when the response of the other side is complete? The immediate CRI 
command complete would mean that the local RSCS did it's job: sending the 
command to the other end.

2009/10/15 Schuh, Richard
Last week, I posted this:

We have an exec that retrieves responses from RSCS using the CRI. In the past, 
it could issue JES commands (e.g. $DA or $DN,ALL) to an MVS system and return 
the response from MVS to a stem. One of our users has run into a problem - it 
gets an immediate End of command response message without including any of 
the response. The response from MVS is then directed to the console instead of 
the CRI. Is this due to changes to RSCS or is it something being done 
differently in MVS, and what will it take to fix it?
which has gotten no reply. Further testing shows that the same is true for CP, 
CMS and GCS commands sent to other VM systems. This narrows down the question 
of which has changed to one possibility, RSCS. The question of whether it is a 
new feature or an unintended consequence remains. If the latter, I  will open a 
PMR. If the former, I will have to SET CPCONIO IUCV  to trap the responses. And 
it will create the problem of determining when the response is complete. So 
which is it?
Richard Schuh

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread P S
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Alain Benveniste wrote:
 Alone in the world to still use it probably ;)

 Well, I assemble the source and genmod it with amode 24 with a v stor at 4M
 and it still doesn't work
 I still have a 'operation exception'...

It isn't the vstor at *GENMOD* that matters, it's at *runtime*. You
said before the user had 32M. Try it with 16M on that user.

Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread Alain Benveniste
Back with this option I need to understand. I tried with 4M, 8M (what  
the users have), 15M, I didn't test EXACTLY 16M. Is that important ?

If so, I still have a chance to see work again then ;)


Le 16 oct. 2009 à 18:57, P S a écrit :

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Alain Benveniste 

Alone in the world to still use it probably ;)

Well, I assemble the source and genmod it with amode 24 with a v  
stor at 4M

and it still doesn't work
I still have a 'operation exception'...

It isn't the vstor at *GENMOD* that matters, it's at *runtime*. You
said before the user had 32M. Try it with 16M on that user.

Re: SVC 203

2009-10-16 Thread McKown, John

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On 
Behalf Of Alain Benveniste
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: SVC 203

If it talks to someone...Here is the code.

Here is the code for CMSGETMN : 

 SRA   0,3
LSYSNDX.£A   CH   15,=H'1'

HUH? if R15 is not 1, then you are guaranteed an exception by the following 
But you don't have NSTAND= in your invocation, so this doesn't matter in your 


And here the ERR= points to the x'' of the supposed NOP instruction, again 
causing a program exception.
That would be the case if there is a problem reported by the DMSFREE function.


Here is the main source program:

*  CMS32
*   5664-189   CMS32
*   (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1984, 1989 CMS32
*   FORM NUMBER G120-2083  CMS32
*  CMS32
*  CMS32
CC0  EQU   8
CC1  EQU   4
CC2  EQU   2
CC3  EQU   1
 USING *,R15
 BALR  R10,0
 USING *,R10
 LAR1,8(,R1)  IF YES, STEP REG 1
 BNE   *+8   IF YES,
*ONSTART SSM   =X'00'  CMS113   

Re: PMRs

2009-10-16 Thread Ward, Mike S
First I go here:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLL



Make sure to log on, Then I select access premium services. When that
page is displayed look for the IBMLINK link and click it. It then take
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Click on ETR.


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:48 PM
Subject: PMRs


It has been a long time since I have opened a PMR. Even then I called
the Support Center to open it. Surely one can be opened electronically
without too much hassle. How do I go about it? I have gone in too many
circles on my own while hunting for the way.


Richard Schuh 




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2009-10-16 Thread Schuh, Richard
It has been a long time since I have opened a PMR. Even then I called the 
Support Center to open it. Surely one can be opened electronically without too 
much hassle. How do I go about it? I have gone in too many circles on my own 
while hunting for the way.

Richard Schuh

Re: PMRs

2009-10-16 Thread Romanowski, John (OFT)
I use my IBMLINK user/pw,  IBM's Service Link menu,
click Electronic Technical Response (ETR),
 then on the left list of options click either 'Report a defect (problem'
or 'Ask a question':
 fill out the screens ...,
 you get a PMR number and email notification when IBM's responded,
then you go back to   IBM's Service Link menu, but click List ETR Records, 
click Submit, click your PMR number from the listed PMRs.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 1:48 PM
Subject: PMRs

It has been a long time since I have opened a PMR. Even then I called the 
Support Center to open it. Surely one can be opened electronically without too 
much hassle. How do I go about it? I have gone in too many circles on my own 
while hunting for the way.

Richard Schuh

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Re: PMRs

2009-10-16 Thread Frank M. Ramaekers



Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.


Systems Programmer


American Income Life Insurance Co.

Phone: (254)761-6649

1200 Wooded Acres Dr.

Fax: (254)741-5777

Waco, Texas  76701





From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:48 PM
Subject: PMRs


It has been a long time since I have opened a PMR. Even then I called
the Support Center to open it. Surely one can be opened electronically
without too much hassle. How do I go about it? I have gone in too many
circles on my own while hunting for the way.


Richard Schuh 




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Re: PMRs

2009-10-16 Thread Schuh, Richard
I finally got off of the orbital referral queue and have opened the PMR.

Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Frank M. Ramaekers
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: PMRs


Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

Systems Programmer


American Income Life Insurance Co.

Phone: (254)761-6649

1200 Wooded Acres Dr.

Fax: (254)741-5777

Waco, Texas  76701

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:48 PM
Subject: PMRs

It has been a long time since I have opened a PMR. Even then I called the 
Support Center to open it. Surely one can be opened electronically without too 
much hassle. How do I go about it? I have gone in too many circles on my own 
while hunting for the way.

Richard Schuh

_ This message contains 
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the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that 
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Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Thomas Kern
I have two systems with PROP in OPERATOR sending messages to OP1. The
real operators log onto OP1 for interaction with the systems. One system
uses Full-Screen CMS with OTTOSCR and the second system uses the PERFKIT
program to manage the console traffic.

The PERFKIT setup does a better job.

/Tom Kern
/U.S. Dept of Energy

David Boyes wrote:
 If you have PERFKIT, set up an additional virtual machine that has all
 data collection turned off, and use it in basic mode. It does a very
 nice job of being a scrolling operator display, and has nice message
 filtering and highlighting already built in.

Re: CMSDDR VMARC question

2009-10-16 Thread Henry, Bob
I finally got all the pieces together for PIPEDDR (I think) I downloaded 
PIPEDDR, the PRINCETON Runtime Library, and DRPC from the VM download site. In 
the DRPC doc it says to run the DRPC command to load a nucleus extension, which 
I did.

I tried to run the following command

pipeddr dump bstea 191 (ftp(-h -u x -p x -f bstea.ddr191

And I got this result:

RCVD: 227 Data transfer will passively listen to 168,162,215,71,6,110
   326 +++  PASVPORT=256*PORT1+PORT2
DMSREX476E Error 41 running FTPPUT REXX, line 326: Bad arithmetic conversion
Dump failed.

Has anyone seen this error before? What have I missed?

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: CMSDDR  VMARC question

(actually - maybe the PIPEDDR DUMP/RESTORE over TCPIP is exactly what you want? 
  if the zVM systems have connectivity, this lets you dump a disk directly from 
one system to another - and will save you steps...)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Scott Rohling wrote:
Maybe try a COPYFILE (PACK of the output file instead of using VMARC?   That 
way if you use F 1024 when FTPing to zVM, you can just COPYFILE (UNPACK it..   
I'm just assuming you were using VMARC to help ensure the xfer was blocked 
correctly..   Using COPYFILE (PACK accomplishes the same thing.  Just not sure 
how they compare on 'compression'...

You might also look at PIPEDDR -- and the PACK option .. (available on the zVM 
download page.  google 'zvm download' to find it).


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Henry, Bob wrote:
I was going to do that, but some of the MDs are VSE full volume disks.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Scott Rohling
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: CMSDDR  VMARC question

Don't know about VMARC -- but CMSDDR is packing the entire minidisk - empty 
space and all...Why not just VMARC the files on the disk and forget about 

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Henry, Bob wrote:
I’m using CMSDDR and VMARC to transfer some CMS minidisks via FTP.  Both 
utilities seem to produce more output than the original data on the 
minidisk(s). Here’s an example.

User has 25 files (mostly COBOL source and/or JCL) in a 4 cylinder 3390 
minidisk, blocked 4096. A “Q DISK” shows 76 blocks used, 644 blocks left.
CMSDDR on that minidisk shows 2,957,040 bytes IN, 2,634,392 bytes OUT, 41 
tracks not compacted. The output file from CMSDDR has 101 records of 
LRECL=49152 using 644 blocks (size 4096).
VMARC (of the CMSDDR output file) shows IN=2,634,392 and OUT=3,142,240. It 
produces a file of 38,736 records with LRECL=80 using 757 blocks (size 4096).

Does anyone have any explanation why these utilities “grow” the amount of data 
to be transmitted rather than “shrinking” it? Am I missing something? I’m using 
just the default options for both programs.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: CMSDDR VMARC question

2009-10-16 Thread Henry, Bob
I don’t really have access to the receiving system yet to do a PIPEDDR RESTORE 
so I’m trying to test this by FTPing back to the sending system. I’ve been able 
to do this using a simple FTP command within a REXX exec but the FTP stage of 
the PIPEDDR receives the “PASVPORT” error

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: CMSDDR  VMARC question

You could skip the FTP:

- On the receiving side --  PIPEDDR RESTORE BSTEA 191 (LISTEN

-  Note the IP port being listened on  - let's say it's 2034

- On the sending side  -  PIPEDDR DUMP BSTEA 191 2034

You'll need write access to bstea 191 on the receiving side, and read on the 


p.s.  You can also specify a port to listen listen on -- if you're looking to 
automate several disks..
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Henry, Bob wrote:
I finally got all the pieces together for PIPEDDR (I think) I downloaded 
PIPEDDR, the PRINCETON Runtime Library, and DRPC from the VM download site. In 
the DRPC doc it says to run the DRPC command to load a nucleus extension, which 
I did.

I tried to run the following command

pipeddr dump bstea 191 (ftp(-h -u x -p x -f bstea.ddr191

And I got this result:

RCVD: 227 Data transfer will passively listen to 168,162,215,71,6,110
   326 +++  PASVPORT=256*PORT1+PORT2
DMSREX476E Error 41 running FTPPUT REXX, line 326: Bad arithmetic conversion
Dump failed.

Has anyone seen this error before? What have I missed?

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Scott Rohling
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:36 PM

Subject: Re: CMSDDR  VMARC question

(actually - maybe the PIPEDDR DUMP/RESTORE over TCPIP is exactly what you want? 
  if the zVM systems have connectivity, this lets you dump a disk directly from 
one system to another - and will save you steps...)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Scott Rohling wrote:
Maybe try a COPYFILE (PACK of the output file instead of using VMARC?   That 
way if you use F 1024 when FTPing to zVM, you can just COPYFILE (UNPACK it..   
I'm just assuming you were using VMARC to help ensure the xfer was blocked 
correctly..   Using COPYFILE (PACK accomplishes the same thing.  Just not sure 
how they compare on 'compression'...

You might also look at PIPEDDR -- and the PACK option .. (available on the zVM 
download page.  google 'zvm download' to find it).


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Henry, Bob wrote:
I was going to do that, but some of the MDs are VSE full volume disks.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Scott Rohling
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: CMSDDR  VMARC question

Don't know about VMARC -- but CMSDDR is packing the entire minidisk - empty 
space and all...Why not just VMARC the files on the disk and forget about 

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Henry, Bob wrote:
I’m using CMSDDR and VMARC to transfer some CMS minidisks via FTP.  Both 
utilities seem to produce more output than the original data on the 
minidisk(s). Here’s an example.

User has 25 files (mostly COBOL source and/or JCL) in a 4 cylinder 3390 
minidisk, blocked 4096. A “Q DISK” shows 76 blocks used, 644 blocks left.
CMSDDR on that minidisk shows 2,957,040 bytes IN, 2,634,392 bytes OUT, 41 
tracks not compacted. The output file from CMSDDR has 101 records of 
LRECL=49152 using 644 blocks (size 4096).
VMARC (of the CMSDDR output file) shows IN=2,634,392 and OUT=3,142,240. It 
produces a file of 38,736 records with LRECL=80 using 757 blocks (size 4096).

Does anyone have any explanation why these utilities “grow” the amount of data 
to be transmitted rather than “shrinking” it? Am I missing something? I’m using 
just the default options for both programs.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Writing a screen scrolling shell

2009-10-16 Thread Jim Bohnsack

Colin--It sounds as if you are not really looking for a way to manage
or respond to what shows up on a screen. You "merely" want to handle
all of the secuser'd messages that are sent to some collector user.
You said that you had tried VM:Operator, but that there were some
problems. I use IBM's PROP, which is kind of ugly but I have many of
our service machines secuser'd to SYSOP, which is where I run PROP. It
will trap any message you specify, using about any kind of filtering or
detection as far as message content or sender you can think of, and
then, if necessary, execute a routine or exec. It can or does log
everything it sees and you can get to that log anytime. The LGLOPER,
logical operator, can be on a real live screen. I never run our SYSOP
id with a console. I don't even think you'd see anything on it. It
always is disconnected and the logical operator id has the screen
contents that may need to be seen by a real live person (if any real
live person ever looks in that direction).


Colin Allinson wrote:

  This is a multipart message in MIME format.
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Kris Buelens Wrote (in part) :-

OTTOSCR is an old tool to make fullscreen CMS scroll, don't know if it
still runs.


Thank you. I will certainly look at OTTOSCR. Even if it does not run "out 
of the box", it may give me a good basis to start from.

To explain a little more - what I am trying to do is quite simple really 
(but, as always,  with a couple of twists). This output screen will not 
need (and should not) wait for any input. The idea is that it will be 
monitored by external automation software looking for specific conditions 
and creating alerts. 

The userids generating the secuser output will, in fact, be TPF guests 
and, as the automation software already monitors the native TPF consoles 
(which scroll) then something that replicates this will eliminate the need 
for new monitoring routines being written.

The only complexity is that this will not be a 'real screen' but a soft 
virtual screen that is doing the monitoring. It is already working, sort 
of, with VM:Operator but there are some issues in the way it handles the 
screen that causes VM:Operator to run out of buffer memory after a couple 
of days (there are also display constraints). 

I really am looking to do something very simple.

Colin Allinson

Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

--=_alternative 0044FA19C1257651_=
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"

brfont size=1 face="sans-serif"bKris Buelens lt;kris.buel...@gmail.comgt;/b/fontfont size=2 face="sans-serif"
Wrote (in part) :-/font
brttfont size=2gt; OTTOSCR is an old tool to make fullscreen CMS
scroll, don't know if itbr
gt; still runs/font/ttfont size=2 face="sans-serif"./font
brfont size=2 face="sans-serif"Kris,/font
brfont size=2 face="sans-serif"Thank you. I will certainly look at
OTTOSCR. Even if it does not run quot;out of the boxquot;, it may give
me a good basis to start from./font
brfont size=2 face="sans-serif"To explain a little more - what I am
trying to do is quite simple really (but, as always, nbsp;with a couple
of twists). This output screen will not need (and should not) wait for
any input. The idea is that it will be monitored by external automation
software looking for specific conditions and creating alerts. /font
brfont size=2 face="sans-serif"The userids generating the secuser output
will, in fact, be TPF guests and, as the automation software already monitors
the native TPF consoles (which scroll) then something that replicates this
will eliminate the need for new monitoring routines being written./font
brfont size=2 face="sans-serif"The only complexity is that this will
not be a 'real screen' but a soft virtual screen that is doing the monitoring.
It is already working, sort of, with VM:Operator but there are some issues
in the way it handles the screen that causes VM:Operator to run out of
buffer memory after a couple of days (there are also display constraints).
brfont size=2 face="sans-serif"I really am looking to do something
very simple./font
brfont size=2 color=#1a61a9 face="Arial"bbr
Colin Allinson/b/fontfont size=1 face="Arial"bbr
/b/fontfont size=1 color=#66 face="Arial"br
Amadeus Data Processing GmbHbr
/fontfont size=2 face="sans-serif"br
--=_alternative 0044FA19C1257651_=--


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell