NOT RSCS QUESTION..Different data from CCW DATA READ as guest or native.

2011-03-08 Thread Tom Huegel
-- Forwarded message --
From: Tom Huegel
Date: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:48 AM
Subject: Different data from CCW DATA READ as guest or native.
To: The IBM z/VM Operating System

I see this descrepency between TPF native and TPF as a z/VM guest.
Has anyone else seen this behavior?
Is there any explaination? I have searched high and low, but can't find an

TPF as z/VM guest:

ztest ccws 4000 64

CSMP0097I 10.24.33 CPU-A SS-BSS  SSU-BSS  IS-01



3990E933 900CDA00 FEF62032 16A8000F  -à E9

E000E5A2 05940222 13090674 

  32321502 DFEE0001

06770803 007F4A00 1B35 


TPF Native LPAR:

ztest ccws 4000 64

CSMP0097I 10.24.48 CPU-A SS-BSS  SSU-BSS  IS-01



3990EC33 900CD800 F0F62032 16A8000F   -à EC

E000E5A2 05940222 13090674 

  32320602 DFEE0001

06770803 007F4A00 1B35 


Re: RSCS question.

2009-01-31 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I use the RSCS transmitters for UFT but the UFTD server supplied with
TCPIP. When I first tried setting this up I had problems with the UFT
receiver in RSCS so I gave up on that. I can help test/debug things
since this process is internal to my systems and just used by systems
support staff.

Let me know what you want.

/Tom Kern
/301-903-2211 (Office)

Rick Troth wrote:
 The UFT protocol and implementation needs to be revisitted.
 To be specific, I hear that there have been interoperability problems
 with RSCS and some of the clients.  As the maintainer of one of those
 clients, I'd like to see it work.   :-)

 If anyone is available to lend a hand, lemme know!  Thanks.

 -- R;   

If you think there are problems with the RSCS UFT or UFTD support
than please open a problem record with the support center and we will
take a look.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS question

2008-05-06 Thread Brian Nielsen
On Fri, 2 May 2008 16:37:19 -0700, Howard Rifkind [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Brian, would you be good enough to share the code for the process you 

mention below?

On Thu, 1 May 2008 15:20:04 -0500, Brian Nielsen 

I recently setup an automated process to FTP to z/OS data extracted fro
DISKACNT's ACCOUNT files every day.  No RSCS or human intervention

Here is a sanitized version of the code and environment in which sanitize
parts have been replaced with:  {comment about what should be here}
The environment is described first, followed by the code.

User directory for service machine:

   USER {userid} LBYONLY 16M 128M G
MDISK 191 3390 {start cyl} 001 {volid}  MR
MDISK 192 3390 {start cyl} 020 {volid}  MR

Service machine requirements and notes:
  - all files below must reside on the {userid} 191 MDISK
  - the 192 disk will hold all files created by this process
  - 20 cyls for the 192 disk will hold about 20 months worth of data (for
this site, ymmv)

z/OS requirements:
  - TCP/IP connection with sending side
  - pre-allocated PDSE to receive FTP transfers (2 cyls holds about 150 

days worth of data for this site, ymmv)
  - userid for sending side to use for FTP, with authority to write into 

the PDSE

General Process requirements and notes:
  - VM accounting records are closed every day just before midnight (by a
scheduling service machine)
  - {userid} is XAUTOLOG'd just after midnight (by a scheduling service 

  - PDSE members DAYdd contain the accounting data from that day of the 

  - Alternate code in BILL-DAT EXEC can name PDSE members $Ammddyy instea
of DAYdd
  - The PDSE is self-cleaning if members are named DAYdd, but not if name
  - PDSE member TODAY contains yesterday's accounting data (to be 
processed today by a z/OS process at this site)
  - The z/OS process must erase the TODAY member when it is done with it
  - PDSE member $TODAY will only exist if the z/OS process didn't erase 

member TODAY
  - If PDSE member REQUESTS exists, it will be retrieved and later rename
  - The contents of the REQUESTS member is one or more lines of: mmddyy
  - The sending side will send accounting data from all dates listed in 

  - Any ACCOUNT files on DISKACNT 191 but not on {userid} 192 are 
processed  sent to z/OS

  - An automated process for deleting old DISKACNT 191 files and {userid}
192 files needs to be implemented.
  - The EXPIRE EXEC will find files older than a threshold, but currently
does nothing else.


/* */
'set pf1 filel * * '
'set pf3 q disk'
'set pf12 retrieve'
'set pf24 retrieve forward'
'access 291 z' /* DISKACNT 191 */
'CP LINK TCPMAINT 592 592 RR'  /* has FTP command */
'ACCESS 592 U'

/* If connected, prompt user for action */
connected=substr( diag(24, -1), 13, 1 )  2
IF connected
say 'Press ENTER to run normally, or any input to cancel.'
pull response
IF response'' THEN EXIT 1

/* run the billing process */



/* This exec ties together the execs that do the sub-functions.  */

'COPY FTP REQUESTS A = INPUT D (REP'   /* prep the ftp commands file */

'EXEC FTP-PRD1'   /* get requests file from zOS */

'EXEC BILL-CHK'   /* add unprocessed files to TODO LIST *

'EXEC BILL-DO'/* process TODO LIST file */

'EXEC FTP-PRD1'   /* send data file to zOS  */

FTP REQUESTS (this has been sanitized):

cd '{fully qualified name of z/OS PDSE}'
get requests todo.list.d (replace

FTP-PRD1 EXEC (this has been sanitized to remove an IP address):

/* This exec FTPs data to/from z/OS on PROD1.*/
/* FTP commands are in an input file.*/
/* FTP ouput will be saved to a file, then appended to a log.*/

 in_file='FTP INPUT' fm
out_file='FTP OUTPUT' fm

today=DATE('U',,,'')  /* get todays date as mmddyy  */
ftp_log ='FTP-LOG' today fm


z_os_ip_addr='{IP address of z/OS system}'

'FTP' z_os_ip_addr

IF ftp_rc0
THEN say 'FTP rc='ftp_rc


'PIPE (ENDCHAR ?)',  /* append the ftp output to the log file */
   '' out_file,
   '| ' ftp_log


/* This exec determines which VM accounting files have not been   */
/* processed yet. */

fm_new='Z'/* unprocessed files - DISKACNT 191 *
fm_old='D'/*   processed files */
todo_fid='TODO LIST' fm_old
yesterday_fid='YESTERDY LIST' 

Re: RSCS question

2008-05-02 Thread Brian Nielsen
On Thu, 1 May 2008 17:00:57 -0400, David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 It's also your best route to move files, print and monitoring data
 to other IBM OSes like z/OS (and non-IBM systems with a little help
 us) without human intervention.
 I recently setup an automated process to FTP to z/OS data extracted
 DISKACNT's ACCOUNT files every day.  No RSCS or human intervention
 Brian Nielsen

You *can* do FTP to solve the problem. It's just a lot more work
handling all the possible problems that FTP can have -- which are legion

-- in a reliable programmatic way.  Without being critical, does your
process handle disk full on the other end? Changed password on the
remote userid (note that RSCS doesn't need a live user login on the
remote system at all, FTP does if you're not using anon FTP)? Allocation

failures on z/OS? FTP doesn't give you an easy way to deal with that,
and if the FTP fails, you have to worry about retrying later, etc. If
you handled all those problems, then you're way ahead of the game, but
it's a lot of work, as you already know. 

No offense taken.  The data transfered is stored into members of a pre-
allocated PDSE.  Naming conventions for the member names eventually 
overwrite old members so it's self-cleaning and PDSE's do not required 

periodic compressing like normal PDS's do.  The FTP userid is dedicated t
this internal process.  Changing its password would require human 
intervention in the first place, but would be a problem if it was done 

without planning and communication.

Resending of data is accomplished by the z/OS side putting a REQUEST 
member in the PDSE with the dates of the data that need to be resent.  Th
sending side always tried to download this member and includes any 
requested data along with any data it hasn't already tried to send.

This process also works identically from non-VM platforms (ie. sending 

VMWARE accounting data to z/OS) for which using RSCS is not an option.

Compare with: SENDFILE FOO ACCT A TO BAR AT ZOS. Fire and forget.
Immediate feedback (rc ^=0) if you don't have sufficient spool to hold

the file. No remote login required. Automatic retry until the file is
sent. No remote disk allocation needed. You also don't have to invent
ways to detect the file arriving; most job scheduling packages already
know how to trigger on NJE file arrival out of the box. 

I'm not saying NJE is the only way to transfer files. It's sure easier
to do than the alternatives, especially now that you can do it to
non-IBM systems.

Brian Nielsen

Re: RSCS question

2008-05-02 Thread David Boyes
 This process also works identically from non-VM platforms (ie. sending
 VMWARE accounting data to z/OS) for which using RSCS is not an option.

Actually, there are TCPNJE services for VMWare, but I can see the point.
Nifty setup. 

Re: RSCS question

2008-05-02 Thread Howard Rifkind
Brian, would you be good enough to share the code for the process you mention below?--- On Thu, 5/1/08, Brian Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:From: Brian Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: RSCS questionTo: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDUDate: Thursday, May 1, 2008, 4:20 PMOn Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:33:35 -0400, David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:It's also your best route to move files, print and monitoring data overto other IBM OSes like z/OS (and non-IBM systems with a little help fromus) without human intervention. I recently setup an automated process to FTP to z/OS data extracted from DISKACNT's ACCOUNT files every day.  No RSCS or human
 intervention required.Brian Nielsen

  Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: RSCS question

2008-05-01 Thread Brian Nielsen
On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:33:35 -0400, David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


It's also your best route to move files, print and monitoring data over
to other IBM OSes like z/OS (and non-IBM systems with a little help from

us) without human intervention. 

I recently setup an automated process to FTP to z/OS data extracted from 

DISKACNT's ACCOUNT files every day.  No RSCS or human intervention 

Brian Nielsen

Re: RSCS question

2008-05-01 Thread David Boyes
 It's also your best route to move files, print and monitoring data
 to other IBM OSes like z/OS (and non-IBM systems with a little help
 us) without human intervention.
 I recently setup an automated process to FTP to z/OS data extracted
 DISKACNT's ACCOUNT files every day.  No RSCS or human intervention
 Brian Nielsen

You *can* do FTP to solve the problem. It's just a lot more work
handling all the possible problems that FTP can have -- which are legion
-- in a reliable programmatic way. Without being critical, does your
process handle disk full on the other end? Changed password on the
remote userid (note that RSCS doesn't need a live user login on the
remote system at all, FTP does if you're not using anon FTP)? Allocation
failures on z/OS? FTP doesn't give you an easy way to deal with that,
and if the FTP fails, you have to worry about retrying later, etc. If
you handled all those problems, then you're way ahead of the game, but
it's a lot of work, as you already know. 

Compare with: SENDFILE FOO ACCT A TO BAR AT ZOS. Fire and forget.
Immediate feedback (rc ^=0) if you don't have sufficient spool to hold
the file. No remote login required. Automatic retry until the file is
sent. No remote disk allocation needed. You also don't have to invent
ways to detect the file arriving; most job scheduling packages already
know how to trigger on NJE file arrival out of the box. 

I'm not saying NJE is the only way to transfer files. It's sure easier
to do than the alternatives, especially now that you can do it to
non-IBM systems.

-- db

Re: RSCS question

2008-05-01 Thread Mike Walter
We do the same, but instead rely on virtual tapes.

That way we can set the retention period, and can retrieve the data for 
further investigation without them having deleted a disk data set.

BTW, we also added some sanity check processing before writing to tape. 
E.g. do we have at least nn records?, do the records make sense?, etc.
If those tests fail, it generates an automatic e-mail so that we are 
alerted to fix the problem.

Mike Walter 
Hewitt Associates 
Any opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not necessarily 
represent the opinions or policies of Hewitt Associates.

Brian Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
05/01/2008 03:20 PM
Please respond to


Re: RSCS question

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:33:35 -0400, David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


It's also your best route to move files, print and monitoring data over
to other IBM OSes like z/OS (and non-IBM systems with a little help from

us) without human intervention. 

I recently setup an automated process to FTP to z/OS data extracted from 

DISKACNT's ACCOUNT files every day.  No RSCS or human intervention 

Brian Nielsen

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contain viruses. You are deemed to have accepted these risks if you communicate 
with us by e-mail. 

RSCS question

2008-04-30 Thread Bauer, Bobby (NIH/CIT) [E]
We are doing a z/VM and zLinux proof of concept and are starting gather
prices for presentation to management. The trial z/VM software from IBM
and the price quote contain RSCS and I'm trying to determine exactly
what it is used for. 

From it is explained to be a
networking program. It has never been enabled: 
q product

Product  StateDescription

5VMDIR30 Enabled  01/31/08.13:55:24.MAINTInstall/service DirMaint
using minidisk
5VMPTK30 Enabled  04/08/08.14:25:44.MAINTPERFKIT Minidisk Install
and Service   
5VMRAC30 Disabled 00/00/00.00:00:00.$BASEDDR RACF for VM

5VMRSC30 Disabled 00/00/00.00:00:00.$BASEDDR RSCS Networking Version 5
Release 3 Modification 0

so I'm wondering what it is really used for?


Bobby Bauer
Center for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892-5628


Re: RSCS question

2008-04-30 Thread RPN01
If you run multiple systems, it's an easy way to move files across CTC
connections. If you want to be able to print to various types of printers,
you may or may not need to get an RSCS license, depending on the type of
printer (TCP/IP attached printers are supported w/o a license, I think.

We have licensed it to use along side of CSE to couple our two machines
together. DirMaint uses it to move requests from one system to the other.
This could also be done via shared spool. If you're looking at a CSE
environment, you'll also need PVM as well.

Robert P. Nix  Mayo Foundation.~.
RO-OE-5-55 200 First Street SW/V\
507-284-0844   Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different.

On 4/30/08 10:04 AM, Bauer, Bobby (NIH/CIT) [E] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 We are doing a z/VM and zLinux proof of concept and are starting gather
 prices for presentation to management. The trial z/VM software from IBM
 and the price quote contain RSCS and I'm trying to determine exactly
 what it is used for.
 From it is explained to be a
 networking program. It has never been enabled:
 q product
 Product  StateDescription
 5VMDIR30 Enabled  01/31/08.13:55:24.MAINTInstall/service DirMaint
 using minidisk   
 5VMPTK30 Enabled  04/08/08.14:25:44.MAINTPERFKIT Minidisk Install
 and Service  
 5VMRAC30 Disabled 00/00/00.00:00:00.$BASEDDR RACF for VM
 5VMRSC30 Disabled 00/00/00.00:00:00.$BASEDDR RSCS Networking Version 5
 Release 3 Modification 0
 so I'm wondering what it is really used for?
 Bobby Bauer
 Center for Information Technology
 National Institutes of Health
 Bethesda, MD 20892-5628

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-30 Thread David Boyes
 We are doing a z/VM and zLinux proof of concept and are starting
 prices for presentation to management. The trial z/VM software from
 and the price quote contain RSCS and I'm trying to determine exactly
 what it is used for.
 From it is explained to be a
 networking program. It has never been enabled:
 q product
 so I'm wondering what it is really used for?

If you don't have a channel-attached printer, it's your only
IBM-recommended option for getting printed output from the VM system to
a network printer (you could still use LPSERVE, but you really, really
DON'T want to do that). 

It's also your best route to move files, print and monitoring data over
to other IBM OSes like z/OS (and non-IBM systems with a little help from
us) without human intervention. 

If you plan to use CSE for VM failover, you need it to move updates
between primary and satellite DIRMAINTs. 

If you can afford it, RSCS is handy to have. 

-- db

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-30 Thread Alan Altmark
On Wednesday, 04/30/2008 at 11:38 EDT, David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 If you plan to use CSE for VM failover, you need it to move updates
 between primary and satellite DIRMAINTs.

Only if you're not using shared spool.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-28 Thread Berry van Sleeuwen
Yet it also states:

Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) V3.2.0 (5684-096) has bee
repackaged and is now available for licensing under International Program
License Agreement (IPLA) terms and conditions. RSCS Function Level 530 

(FL530) is available as a priced, optional, preinstalled feature of z/VM 


So, what is it? Based on this entry I'd say nothing has changed and we ca
still have RSCS functionality. Perhaps a different function level but as 

long as it provides the same functions I don't care about a version 
number. But, as Ron pointed out, if RSCS is no longer available on zVM 

then I'd have to order zVM asap.

Regards, Berry.

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-28 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) V3.2.0 (5684-096) has been
repackaged and is now available for licensing under International Program
License Agreement (IPLA) terms and conditions. RSCS Function Level 530
(FL530) is available as a priced, optional, preinstalled feature of z/VM

So, what is it? Based on this entry I'd say nothing has changed and we can
still have RSCS functionality. Perhaps a different function level but as
long as it provides the same functions I don't care about a version
number. But, as Ron pointed out, if RSCS is no longer available on zVM
then I'd have to order zVM asap.

RSCS is and will continue to be available for all supported z/VM
releases.  If you are on z/VM 5.2, RSCS 3.2 is available.  Note,
z/VM 5.2 end of service is now one year away (April 30, 2009).
If you are on z/VM 5.3, RSCS Function Level 5.3.0 is available.
Same product, different pricing / licensing agreement.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-28 Thread Mike Harding
And do the lpr/lpd and UTF functions still work if RSCS is unlicensed?

Mike Harding, Consultant/Specialist 

The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU wrote on 
04/28/2008 04:50:49 AM:

 RSCS is and will continue to be available for all supported z/VM
 releases.  If you are on z/VM 5.2, RSCS 3.2 is available.  Note,
 z/VM 5.2 end of service is now one year away (April 30, 2009).
 If you are on z/VM 5.3, RSCS Function Level 5.3.0 is available.
 Same product, different pricing / licensing agreement.
 Best Regards,
 Les Geer
 IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-28 Thread Jim Elliott
 And do the lpr/lpd and UTF functions still work if RSCS is

There is no change. The drivers that were no-charge with the RSCS
product are still no-charge with the RSCS feature.


RSCS question

2008-04-25 Thread Robert Hughes
We are looking at possibly ordering RSCS for it's TCPNJE functions.  I've
been told to order it now before 9/2008 (looks like 5/2008 now).  Why is 

that date important?  I see that the standalone version is being withdraw
from support.

Thanks... the curious one.

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-25 Thread Ron Schmiedge
The RSCS web site has an announcement that says in part...

The stand-alone RSCS V3.2.0 (5684-096) product was planned to be
withdrawn from marketing effective September 30, 2007. However, on
June 5, 2007 the planned date for RSCS V3.2.0 on z/VM V5.2 was
extended and is is planned to be withdrawn from marketing effective
September 30, 2008, and it is being changed again to be withdrawn from
marketing effective May 26, 2008. 

So if you're not on z/VM 5.3 and want to add RSCS you've got until May
26 to order it.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Robert Hughes
 We are looking at possibly ordering RSCS for it's TCPNJE functions.  I've

 been told to order it now before 9/2008 (looks like 5/2008 now).  Why is

 that date important?  I see that the standalone version is being withdraw
 from support.

 Thanks... the curious one.

Re: RSCS question.

2008-02-05 Thread Kris Buelens
PARM AUTOLOG is the converse of AUTOCR, and is indeed often not well understood.

When a user is autologged, CP always stacks a console interrupt -maybe
accompanied by the data that follows the linend (#) character on the
XAUTOLOG command.  This interrupt will satisfy the VM READ issued by
CMS during its IPL.  The SYSPROF EXEC is part of the game and will
place the data found in the program stack.

GCS at the other hand doesn't perform a console read during its
default IPL.  With PARM AUTOLOG you instruct GCS to issue a console
read during IPL.  If this is done following an XAUTOLOG, it will be
satisfied by the console interrupt stacked by CP, at other times this
results in a VM READ.

What happens when the stacked console interrupt isn't read?
With IPL CMS PARM AUTOCR, you tell CMS not to perform the normal
console read, however unless the PROFILE EXEC set AUTOREAD OFF, at the
end of the PROFILE EXEC, CMS does perform a console read and will find
the data (and executes that as a CMS command).  With SET AUTOREAD OFF,
CMS will not read the stacked interrupt.
When the stacked console interrupt isn't read, a CP SEND userid 
will be refused by CP with user has console input waiting.  This can
be solved by issuing CP SEND CP userid ATTN, what tells CMS to read
its console.

2008/2/5, Schuh, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Then I guess it is time for an RCF suggesting that the RSCS manual be  
 updated with that statement. Thanks.

 Richard Schuh

   From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Huegel,Thomas
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 2:08 PM
 Subject: Re: RSCSquestion.

 Fromthe GCS manual.
 Note: PARMAUTOLOG will not work properlyif you try to enter it from 
 an IPL instruction on your console's command line.Use PARM AUTOLOG only 
 indirectory entries.

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating  System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of 
 Schuh,  Richard
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 3:55 PM
 Subject: RSCS  question.

 In the planning manual, there is a note about  specifying PARM AUTOLOG on 
 the IPL statement in the RSCS directory entry  that says, Required if 
 GCS is  autologged.  This is a bit ambiguous. GCS is autologged, but 
 after the  system has been up for a bit, if you try to execute the 
 command CP IPL GCS  PARM AUTOLOG on the machine (after all, GCS was 
 autologged, just not  immediately before RSCS was recycled), RSCS fails 
 to start. Remove the PARM  AUTOLOG, and everything works normally.

 Is this working as it is supposed to and the  document in need of an RCF, 
 or is this a bug?

 Richard Schuh

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: RSCS question.

2008-02-05 Thread Schuh, Richard
I think you meant the analog for instead of the converse for. A
converse relationship is a reverse one.

As indicated, the RSCS documentation is less than crystal-clear on the
topic. For example, GCS is both the name of a virtual machine (the GCS
recovery machine) and of an operating system. What was really meant was
if RSCS was autologged (substitute the name of any machine in the GCS
group for RSCS), not if GCS was autologged. You autolog a machine, not
an operating system. (Hmmm, I have never tried to autolog z/OS 1.7;
maybe it will work.)

Richard Schuh 


 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kris Buelens
 Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 12:14 AM
 Subject: Re: RSCS question.
 PARM AUTOLOG is the converse of AUTOCR, and is indeed often 
 not well understood.

Re: RSCS question.

2008-02-05 Thread Ed Zell
 You autolog a machine, not an operating system. (Hmmm, I have
 never tried to autolog z/OS 1.7; maybe it will work.)

I don't know anything about z/OS, but I can autolog a virtual
machine that runs z/VSE and it works just fine.  We do it with
our tech support z/VSE system all the time since no one needs
access to the real console.

Ed Zell
Illinois Mutual Life
(309) 674-8255 x-107

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Re: RSCS question.

2008-02-05 Thread Schuh, Richard
Again, you autolog the machine, not the operating system. For example,
if a virtual machine named GLORP ipls CMS and is autologged, it is GLORP
that is autologged, not CMS. Imagine the confusion that would exist if
you autologged the O/S. We have, at almost any given time, some 200
virtual machines that have been autologged. Of these, 3 will be in the
GCS group, 100 or more will IPL CMS and the rest will IPL TPF from a
virtual device address. It would not be very meaningful, and certainly
the intent would not be too clear, if I entered the command autolog
4000 to bring up a TPF guest. (Which test image? We have over 20 of
them. What userid?) It makes no sense to state that x must be done
when y IS AUTOLOGGED and must not be done if y is not autologged if
y is the name of an operating system instead of a virtual machine.

You can autolog a virtual machine that is capable of IPLing any
operating system that will run on the bare metal and some that cannot.
GCS and CMS fall into the latter category. 

Richard Schuh 


 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ed Zell
 Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 8:46 AM
 Subject: Re: RSCS question.
  You autolog a machine, not an operating system. (Hmmm, I have never 
  tried to autolog z/OS 1.7; maybe it will work.)
 I don't know anything about z/OS, but I can autolog a virtual 
 machine that runs z/VSE and it works just fine.  We do it 
 with our tech support z/VSE system all the time since no one 
 needs access to the real console.
 Ed Zell
 Illinois Mutual Life
 (309) 674-8255 x-107
 CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail (including any attachments) may 
 contain confidential, proprietary and privileged information, 
 and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited.  If you 
 receive this e-mail in error, notify the sender and delete 
 this e-mail from your system.

Re: RSCS question.

2008-02-05 Thread Kris Buelens
I still say it is the converse:
- PARM AUTOCR tells CMS NOT to read the console during IPL
- PARM AUTOLOG tells GCS it MUST read the console during IPL

2008/2/5, Schuh, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I think you meant the analog for instead of the converse for. A
 converse relationship is a reverse one.

 As indicated, the RSCS documentation is less than crystal-clear on the
 topic. For example, GCS is both the name of a virtual machine (the GCS
 recovery machine) and of an operating system. What was really meant was
 if RSCS was autologged (substitute the name of any machine in the GCS
 group for RSCS), not if GCS was autologged. You autolog a machine, not
 an operating system. (Hmmm, I have never tried to autolog z/OS 1.7;
 maybe it will work.)

 Richard Schuh

  -Original Message-
  From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kris Buelens
  Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 12:14 AM
  Subject: Re: RSCS question.
  PARM AUTOLOG is the converse of AUTOCR, and is indeed often
  not well understood.

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: RSCS question.

2008-02-04 Thread Huegel, Thomas
From the GCS manual.
Note: PARM AUTOLOG will not work properly if you try to enter it from an IPL
instruction on your console's command line. Use PARM AUTOLOG only in
directory entries. 

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 3:55 PM
Subject: RSCS question.

In the planning manual, there is a note about specifying PARM AUTOLOG on the
IPL statement in the RSCS directory entry that says, Required if GCS is
autologged.  This is a bit ambiguous. GCS is autologged, but after the
system has been up for a bit, if you try to execute the command CP IPL GCS
PARM AUTOLOG on the machine (after all, GCS was autologged, just not
immediately before RSCS was recycled), RSCS fails to start. Remove the PARM
AUTOLOG, and everything works normally.

Is this working as it is supposed to and the document in need of an RCF, or
is this a bug? 

Richard Schuh 

Re: RSCS question.

2008-02-04 Thread Schuh, Richard
Then I guess it is time for an RCF suggesting that the RSCS manual be
updated with that statement. Thanks.

Richard Schuh 



From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Huegel, Thomas
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: RSCS question.

From the GCS manual.
Note: PARM AUTOLOG will not work properly if you try to enter it
from an IPL instruction on your console's command line. Use PARM AUTOLOG
only in directory entries. 

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 3:55 PM
Subject: RSCS question.

In the planning manual, there is a note about specifying
PARM AUTOLOG on the IPL statement in the RSCS directory entry that says,
Required if GCS is autologged.  This is a bit ambiguous. GCS is
autologged, but after the system has been up for a bit, if you try to
execute the command CP IPL GCS PARM AUTOLOG on the machine (after all,
GCS was autologged, just not immediately before RSCS was recycled), RSCS
fails to start. Remove the PARM AUTOLOG, and everything works normally.

Is this working as it is supposed to and the document in
need of an RCF, or is this a bug? 

Richard Schuh