RE: [IPsec] IETFLC comments for draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2bis-08

2010-03-07 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Paul Hoffman wrote:

 - One of the changes is listed in Section 1.7 twice. I'd suggest
In section 1.3.2, changed The KEi payload SHOULD be included to
be The KEi payload MUST be included.  This also led to changes in
section 2.18.
Section 2.18 requires doing a Diffie-Hellman exchange when rekeying
the IKE_SA.  In theory, RFC 4306 allowed a policy where the Diffie-
Hellman exchange was optional, but this was not useful (or
appropriate) when rekeying the IKE_SA.
 as follows:
This document requires doing a Diffie-Hellman exchange when
rekeying the IKE_SA (and thus requires including the KEi/KEr
payloads).  In theory, RFC 4306 allowed a policy where the
Diffie-Hellman exchange was optional (and KEi/KEr payloads could be
omitted), this was not useful (or appropriate) when rekeying the
 Disagree. Where possible, I tried to list the actual sections where
 changes were made, and your proposed rewording loses the two places.
 The current text is more explicit than the proposed change.

Well, this depends on whether you think Section 1.7 should list
textual changes in the document, or clarification/changes to the

IMHO, it should be the latter, but I see that currently it's really
listing the textual changes (even when they clearly don't have any
impact on the protocol); so perhaps listing these separately is
consistent with that...

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

IETFLC comments for draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2bis-08

2010-03-06 Thread Pasi.Eronen
I've gone through changes from 06 to 07/08, and my earlier
comments, and found one minor bug and couple of small editorial

The bug first:

- Section 3.3.6 says If one of the proposals offered is for the
Diffie-Hellman group of NONE, the responder MUST ignore the
initiator's KE payload and omit the KE payload from the response.

This seems wrong: it seems to say that if the initiator proposes DH
group NONE, the responder must select it.

However, negotiation of DH groups and KE payload is already well
described in Sections 1.2 and 1.3 (paragraphs mentioning
INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD), and it seems the last paragraph of 3.3.6 is
completely redundant. Thus, I'd propose just deleting the whole

Editorial suggestions/nits:

- Section 2.7, last paragraph, is in wrong place; rest of 2.7 has
nothing to do with this topic, which is in 2.6. Suggested place: 2.6,
end of paragraph starting with In the first message.
Also, the responder's SPI will be zero should be the responder's 
SPI will be zero also in the response message (since the responder's 
SPI is always zero in the IKE_SA_INIT request, but that's not what 
this paragraph is about).
- One of the changes is listed in Section 1.7 twice. I'd suggest

   In section 1.3.2, changed The KEi payload SHOULD be included to be
   The KEi payload MUST be included.  This also led to changes in
   section 2.18.


   Section 2.18 requires doing a Diffie-Hellman exchange when rekeying
   the IKE_SA.  In theory, RFC 4306 allowed a policy where the Diffie-
   Hellman exchange was optional, but this was not useful (or
   appropriate) when rekeying the IKE_SA.

as follows:

   This document requires doing a Diffie-Hellman exchange when
   rekeying the IKE_SA (and thus requires including the KEi/KEr
   payloads).  In theory, RFC 4306 allowed a policy where the
   Diffie-Hellman exchange was optional (and KEi/KEr payloads could be
   omitted), this was not useful (or appropriate) when rekeying the

- Section 2.8.2, last paragraph: it's not quite obvious why this
should be negotiated (the reason is that this notification was not
included in RFC 4306, but this section never says that). Suggested

   The TEMPORARY_FAILURE notification was not included in RFC 4306,
   and support of the TEMPORARY_FAILURE notification is not negotiated.
   Thus, older peers (implementing RFC 4306) may receive [... rest
   of the paragraph unchanged...]

- Section 2.23, paragraph starting: An initiator can use
IKEv2 packets are always over UDP, so IMHO the text would benefit
from some more precision when talking about UDP encapsulation.
Suggested edits:

   An initiator can use port 4500 for both IKE and ESP, regardless of
   whether or not there is a NAT, even at the beginning of IKE.  When
   either side is using port 4500, sending with UDP encapsulation is not
   required, but understanding received IKE and ESP packets with UDP
   encapsulation is required.  UDP encapsulation MUST NOT be done on
   port 500.  If NAT-T is supported (that is, if NAT_DETECTION_*_IP
   payloads were exchanged during IKE_SA_INIT), all devices MUST be able
   to receive and process both UDP encapsulated and non-UDP encapsulated
   packets at any time.  Either side can decide whether or not to use
   UDP encapsulation irrespective of the choice made by the other side.
   However, if a NAT is detected, both devices MUST send UDP
   encapsulated packets.
   An initiator can use port 4500 for both IKE and ESP, regardless of
   whether or not there is a NAT, even at the beginning of IKE.  When
   either side is using port 4500, sending ESP with UDP encapsulation
   is not required, but understanding received UDP encapsulated ESP
   packets is required. If NAT-T is supported (that is, if
   NAT_DETECTION_*_IP payloads were exchanged during IKE_SA_INIT), all
   devices MUST be able to receive and process both UDP encapsulated
   ESP and non-UDP encapsulated ESP packets at any time.  Either side
   can decide whether or not to use UDP encapsulation for ESP
   irrespective of the choice made by the other side.  However, if a
   NAT is detected, both devices MUST use UDP encapsulation for ESP.

- Section 3.5: ID_IPV6_ADDR instead of ID_IPV6_ADDR should
be ...instead of ID_IPV4_ADDR?

- Reference [PKIX] should be updated from RFC 3280 to 5280.

- Section 2.23.1, hve - have

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-ao-crypto ...

2010-02-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen wrote:

 draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-ao-crypto-02 intends to make
 mandatory-to-implement for TCP-AO two MAC algorithms,
 HMAC-SHA-1-96 and AES-128-CMAC-96, as well as two related KDFs.
 IIRC, other WG(s) have been advised last year by important stakeholders
 (in particular NIST) to not standardize new use cases (e.g. in IPsec)
 of the CMAC / CCM Modes of Operation for a block cipher primitive,
 in favor of the GMAC / GCM Modes of Operation, because of the
 significant performance benefits of the latter modes.

Could you provide some pointers to this advise?  As the responsible
Area Director for IPSECME WG (and a contributor to several IPsec
documents), I do not recall seeing any advice that would match
your description.

(But it wouldn't be unheard of that I've missed some emails..)

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: WG Review: Recharter of IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2010-02-18 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Hi Jari,

You're right that implementing a weak shared secret EAP method (both
the EAP peer and EAP server roles) on both IPsec nodes, combined with
the EAP mutual authentication work item (also in the new charter)
could be used in this situation, and would result in roughly the same
functionality (perhaps with slightly more roundtrips/other overhead --
but that's probably not a critical factor here).

The WG discussed this at length (both in Hiroshima and on the list
afterwards), and the general feeling was that having a simple
IKEv2-only solution would still be desirable, and could be more likely
to get implemented/deployed in situations that currently don't use

Perhaps the currently proposed text is slightly misleading about
this; it could be read to say that EAP would not work. As we
discussed on the IESG telechat earlier today, that paragraph
would benefit from slightly more clearer explanation, e.g:

   However, user-configured shared secrets are still useful for many
   other IPsec scenarios, such as authentication between two servers
   or routers. These scenarios are usually symmetric: both peers know
   the shared secret, no back-end authentication servers are involved,
   and either peer can initiate an IKEv2 SA. These features make using
   EAP (with its strict client-server separation) undesirable.
   However, user-configured shared secrets are still useful for many
   other IPsec scenarios, such as authentication between two servers
   or routers. These scenarios are usually symmetric: both peers know
   the shared secret, no back-end authentication servers are involved,
   and either peer can initiate an IKEv2 SA. While it would be
   possible to use EAP in such situations (by having both peers
   implement both the EAP peer and the EAP server roles of an EAP
   method intended for weak shared secrets) with the mutual
   EAP-based authentication work item (above), a simpler solution may
   be desirable in many situations.


Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 ext Jari Arkko
 Sent: 16 February, 2010 14:08
 To: IETF Discussion
 Subject: Re: WG Review: Recharter of IP Security Maintenance and
 Extensions (ipsecme)
 This new charter looks great otherwise, but I did have a reaction on
  - IKEv2 supports mutual authentication with a shared secret, but this
  mechanism is intended for strong shared secrets. User-chosen
  passwords are typically of low entropy and subject to off-line
  dictionary attacks when used with this mechanism. Thus, RFC 4306
  recommends using EAP with public-key based authentication of the
  responder instead. This approach would be typically used in
  remote access VPN scenarios where the VPN gateway does not usually
  even have the actual passwords for all users, but instead typically
  communicates with a back-end RADIUS server.
  However, user-configured shared secrets are still useful for many
  other IPsec scenarios, such as authentication between two servers or
  routers. These scenarios are usually symmetric: both peers know the
  shared secret, no back-end authentication servers are involved, and
  either peer can initiate an IKEv2 SA. These features make using EAP
  (with its strict client-server separation) undesirable.
  The WG will develop a standards-track extension to IKEv2 to allow
  mutual authentication based on weak (low-entropy) shared
  secrets. The goal is to avoid off-line dictionary attacks without
  requiring the use of certificates or EAP. There are many
  already-developed algorithms that can be used, and the WG would need
  to pick one that both is believed to be secure and is believed to
  acceptable intellectual property features. The WG would also need to
  develop the protocol to use the chosen algorithm in IKEv2 in a secure
  fashion. It is noted up front that this work item poses a higher
  chance of failing to be completed than other WG work items; this is
  balanced by the very high expected value of the extension if it is
  standardized and deployed.
 Frankly, I'm not too convinced about the arguments above. First of all,
 EAP does not require separate back-end servers. And with IKEv2 itself
 already having to decide which side initiates, I do not see a problem
 running a password-based EAP method in the same direction.
 Also, it is true that a new native scheme is slightly easier to
 implement on top of IKEv2 than EAP + an EAP method. However, if you
 look at the issue from a system level, does that mean that you are
 forced to implement this new scheme *and* EAP, because you already
 need EAP for many other situations? For someone working with a
 full-blown, all features supported implementation of IKEv2 this
 means *more* code, not less.
 Perhaps there are some better arguments why you must choose a
 non-EAP solution. Or maybe the charter should require specific
 functionality to 

RE: Metadiscussion on changes in draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation

2010-01-28 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Martin Rex wrote:

 I have never seen an IETF AD fight so passionately for the
 addition of rfc-2119-violating and unreasonable imperatives into
 a document such as Pasi is doing it now.

Now? Addition? 

I would like to remind you that version -01 of the document also 
very clearly prohibited sending the SCSV in secure renegotiation
ClientHello, and also used upper-case RFC 2119 keywords in that text.

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

Confirming consensus about one draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation detail

2010-01-26 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Concerns have been raised that the IESG may have judged community
consensus about one specific detail of draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation
prematurely. In particular, the discussion that happened just after
the IETF Last Call ended might have caused some people to change their
opinion, and also the holiday season may have delayed replies.  To
eliminate doubt about the situation, and allow the RFC to come out as
soon as possible, we have decided to confirm the community consensus 
about this detail.

The detail in question is whether the Signalling Cipher Suite Value
(SCSV) can be included when performing secure renegotiation (in
addition to the renegotiation_info extension).

Currently, the SCSV is not included. In the version that went to IETF
Last Call (version -01), the relevant text was:

   This cipher suite has exactly the same semantics as an empty
   renegotiation_info extension. [..]  Because this cipher suite is
   equivalent to an empty renegotiation_info extension, only
   renegotiation_info may be used rehandshakes. (in Section 4)

Version -03 (the latest version) has rephrased the text as follows:

   The SCSV MUST NOT be included. (in Section 3.5, Client Behavior:
   Secure Renegotiation)

   When ClientHello is received, the server MUST verify that it does
   not contain the TLS_RENEGO_PROTECTION_REQUEST SCSV.  If the SCSV is
   present, the server MUST abort the handshake. (in Section 3.7,
   Server Behavior: Secure Renegotiation)

It has been suggested that recent discussions may have changed the
consensus, and some people have proposed changing this so that
including the SCSV in secure renegotiation ClientHellos is allowed
(but not required), and rephrasing the text that says SCSV, when
received, is treated the same as an empty renegotiation_info extension
(which means not renegotiation).

Note that this text applies to secure renegotiation ClientHellos.
Other possible changes to the details concerning the SCSV (such as
requiring it in all ClientHellos) were suggested during the IETF Last
Call, but are explicitly outside the scope of this email.

According to our notes, at least the following individuals seem to
have expressed support for publishing version 01/02/03 (without making
further changes to the details concerning the SCSV):

Adrian Farrel
Alexey Melnikov
Ben Laurie
Bodo Moeller
Chris Newman
Cullen Jennings
Dan Romascanu
David P. Kemp
Eric Rescorla
Geoffrey Keating
Glen Zorn
Jari Arkko
Lars Eggert
Lisa Dusseault
Magnus Westerlund
Nicolas Williams
Pasi Eronen
Peter Robinson
Ralph Droms
Rob P. Williams
Robert Relya
Robert Sparks
Ron Bonica
Stephen Farrell
Steve Checkoaway
Steve Dispensa
Tim Polk
Uri Blumenthal

The following individuals seems to have expressed a preference for
*not* publishing this document until the details concerning the SCSV
are changed as described above:

Marsh Ray
Martin Rex
Michael D'Errico
Nasko Oskov
Robert Dugal
Stephen Henson
Yoav Nir

A number of other people also sent comments during the IETF Last Call
(possibly proposing other changes to the details concerning the SCSV),
but did not clearly fall into either list above.

If the recent discussions have caused you to change your mind (or we
have interpreted your preference incorrectly, or you were not on
either list), please send an email to the TLS WG mailing list by 
Tuesday February 2nd. In your reply, please include one of the 

   (1) I prefer publishing the specification as-is.
   (2) I prefer *NOT* publishing the specification as-is, and instead
   prefer changing the text so that including the SCSV in secure
   renegotiation ClientHellos is allowed (but not required).

Unless a significant amount of additional people believe that making
this change if preferable over publishing the spec now, the IESG
expects to have the RFC out soon after February 2nd.  So we hope this
consensus confirmation does not delay the RFC, or deployment of its

Note that this is not a general call to revisit other details of
draft-ietf-tls-renegotiation, or propose additional changes.  If you
absolutely wish to have other discussions related to the draft, we
respectfully ask you to change the subject line.

Best regards,
IETF Security Area Director

Ietf mailing list

draft-ietf-tls-renegotation: next steps

2009-12-16 Thread Pasi.Eronen
(wearing IETF Security Area Director hat)

First of all, I want to say that it's clear that this was an unusual
IETF Last Call -- and this was expected, too. Usually a WG document
does not go to IETF Last Call until everyone in the WG is happy with
it, so most of the time, very little happens during the last call.

However, this document addresses an urgent security vulnerability, so
as discussed in the Hiroshima TLS WG meeting, it was decided to
solicit comments from the TLS WG members and the wider community
partly overlapping.

This means we've gotten quite a few emails. However, although the
volume of emails was large, I was a positively surprised how little
disagreement there was.

There was basically no disagreement about the functionality (what the
spec should do); only about how exactly the functionality should be
implemented.  And even there, most people agreed on most of the big
issues, and the disagreement was mostly about details that, frankly
speaking, are not all that important (especially to the users of TLS).

Some have even dismissed many of the comments as aesthetic.  
I disagree with that -- the discussions were not that different from
ordinary discussions in any IETF WG. However, I think it's fair to say
that most comments were more about it could/should be better than
it won't work. Also, despite the occasionally heated email
exchanges, I believe most people agree that getting this security
vulnerability fixed quickly is more important than the specific
details (as long as the details are not totally unreasonable).

Summarizing some open issues:

- We seem to have rough consensus that both clients and servers need
to be able, if they choose to do so, fully operate with legacy
(unpatched) systems, at least for a limited period of time (despite
the security implications). This implies the need for some form of
signaling in both directions, where a patched system can determine
if the other end supports the fixed renegotiation or not.
(The current draft supports this.)

- We seem to have rough consensus that the specification should
include some form of C-S signaling that can be used with
extension-intolerant servers and/or SSLv2 compatible client hellos.
(The current draft has the magic cipher suite value for this

- For S-C signaling, we seem to have rough consensus for a TLS
extension in ServerHello.

- Whether verify_data should be sent over-the-wire or not: current
text (send it over-the-wire) seems to have more support (at least 2/3
vs. 1/3).  While the rough consensus is perhaps a bit rougher than
we'd normally hope to see, I believe most participants (of either
opinion) would prefer making a decision over continuing the discussion
until some indeterminate time. So we pick the one with more support.

- Whether to prohibit sending the extension (in initial ClientHello),
or require the magic cipher suite even if the extension is sent (in
initial ClientHello): The consensus is again a bit rougher than we'd
normally hope to see, but the current text (either is allowed) has
more support (about 2/3 vs. 1/3), so we keep it. And again, I believe
most participants prefer make some decision over continuing the

- There was some discussion on whether to add the magic cipher suite
to patched renegotiation ClientHellos (in addition to the extension),
too. I believe rough consensus is not to do this.

- The current draft doesn't clearly say what should be included in
legacy (insecure) renegotiation ClientHellos. I am not sure if we have
enough clear opinions to call consensus, but keeping it aligned with
the initial ClientHello (either MSCV or extension) seems to be one
simple approach (but I hope to see the actual text).

- Yngve Pettersen proposed explicitly saying that servers that
implement this draft must be extension-tolerant (not break if the
client sends extensions) and version-tolerant (not break if the client
proposes a higher version number than the server supports).  It seems
these are not new requirements, so this would be an editorial
clarification (but being very clear doesn't hurt).

- Yngve also proposed adding requirements/recommendations about
fall-back/reconnection procedures (to extension-less handshake, or
earlier versions). I think the rough consensus is that the document
should not mandate or even recommend anything about such
fall-back/reconnection procedures (which are mostly not related to
renegotiation anyway).

- There was discussion about adding another C-S signaling method
using the proposed version: if proposed version = 1.3, and the
negotiated version is = 1.2, it means the client supports this draft
(what happens if negotiated version is = 1.3 would be specified in
the TLS 1.3 spec). This would allow TLS =1.3 clients to remove other
signaling (magic cipher suite/extension) from initial ClientHellos
(but requires extra code in the server). As Tom Petch (and others)
noted, if we want to do this, it has to be done now (and can't be done

RE: request for feedback: change to the ID boilerplate

2009-10-28 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Lars Eggert wrote:

  We could link to the list (
  but the page takes a long time to load... is both more correct (it
 is a list of current drafts) and loads faster. Made the change in my
 local copy.

I would actually prefer Eric Gray's suggestion is available via;.

That part of IETF datatracker is undergoing a rewrite, and while there
will be redirects from old URLs, the overall organization will change. 
And IMHO the search page (with a link to the full list) is probably
more useful to most users than the list (especially since that list 
doesn't contain even the document titles, so it's quite cryptic).

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: request for feedback: change to the ID boilerplate

2009-10-27 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Looks good to me!

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Eggert Lars (Nokia-NRC/Espoo)
 Sent: 27 October, 2009 11:29
 To: IETF discussion list
 Subject: request for feedback: change to the ID boilerplate
 I'm proposing a change to the ID boilerplate in order to save some
 lines on the first page. The current text says:
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at
time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as work in progress.
The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
This Internet-Draft will expire on date.
 The first URL was broken since the IETF web site redesign, but nobody
 has noticed.  That - to me - is a pretty strong indication that nobody
 has been using it. (It is now fixed.)
 The second URL points to a list of FTP mirrors, fully half of which
 are defunct in some way (don't respond, DNS name doesn't resolve,
 contains stale content, etc.) Again, nobody has been noticing this.
 Consequently, the proposal is to shorten the boilerplate text above to
 the following, saving five lines:
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current
Internet-Drafts is at
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at
time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as work in progress.
This Internet-Draft will expire on date.
Ietf mailing list

RE: [TLS] Last Call: draft-ietf-tls-rfc4366-bis (Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions: Extension Definitions) to Proposed Standard

2009-09-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Simon Josefsson wrote:

 I am aware that the IETF-wide last call has ended, but Daniel Black
 provided a suggestion (posted on the gnutls-devel list) for the
 Security Considerations that I agree with and believe can be
 important.  Quoting him, slightly reworded:
   also maybe 11.1. could say, in response to the last paragraph of
   section 3, + Server applications SHOULD validate server_name against
   any application layer equivalent field.
 The last paragraph of section 3 reads:
If an application negotiates a server name using an application
protocol and then upgrades to TLS, and if a server_name extension is
sent, then the extension SHOULD contain the same name that was
negotiated in the application protocol. If the server_name is
established in the TLS session handshake, the client SHOULD NOT
attempt to request a different server name at the application layer.
 It appears security relevant for the server to actual verify that the
 client do not use another server name at the application layer to
 circumvent authorization decisions.  I cannot find any MUST/SHOULD
 requirement in the document for servers to test this right now.
 One attack could works like this:
 1) Client establish an client-authenticated HTTPS session with a TLS
 SNI for and sends a HTTP GET with a Host: header

The specification is agnostic about the upper layer protocol, so it
doesn't have any HTTPS-specific details. So strictly speaking,
something like this is allowed by the spec, and could even make sense
with some upper layer protocols (although perhaps not HTTPS).

 2) The server TLS code authenticate and authorize the client (using the
 certificate) for use with the domain.  The server HTTP
 code serves the web page to the client.

 This system would be insecure but still compliant with RFC 4366bis as
 far as I can tell, which seems suboptimal.  Adding a requirement for
 servers to check for this attack would solve the problem.

This assumes that all TLS connections are forwarded to the same
server instance regardless of the SNI value. But it's also possible
that and would be, e.g.,
two server processes totally unaware of each other. And they could
even be using different upper-layer protocols (e.g. XMPP and HTTP).

But I agree that this is a detail that an implementor could
conceivably get wrong, and perhaps the spec should warn about it
(although MUST would probably be too strong -- it really depends on
the upper layer protocol).

Can you propose some text?

Best regards,
(not wearing any hats)
Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-ietf-sasl-scram

2009-09-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

  Looking, it seems
  the Finnish/Swedish layout is not special in any way, and many
  other European keyboards would also have some small number of
  characters  where NFC!=NFKC.
 That is important data.  It seems to me that it implies:
   * if entropy in passwords and/or properly reflecting
   keyboards is more important than password
   interoperability (whatever that means), then we should
   be moving away from NFKC and, hence, from the current
   version of SASLprep.

I don't know about the East Asian width variants, but for the ones in the
Finnish/Swedish layout, there is basically no entropy loss.  For some
of the characters, there's only one way to enter the NFKC form (so no
entropy is lost); and the number of characters affected is small, and
they're rarely used anyway (so the effect on entropy is extremely small).

So IMHO entropy is not a good reason to move away from NFKC.

There might be other reasons, but the complaint about SASLprep I've
heard most often (implementation complexity -- unless the platform
already has a normalize() call always available, many programmers will
just use UTF-8) applies equally to NFC, too. So I'm not sure if
moving to NFC would really solve anything here...

But just use UTF-8 probably won't lead to good interoperability
when the passwords are hashed (as opposed to sent and compared, like
Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-ietf-sasl-scram

2009-09-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Simon Josefsson wrote:

 I'd be happy to help work on a document that analyzed the consequences
 of replacing SASLprep with just-use-RFC5198 in SASL.  But I don't think
 SCRAM should wait for something like it to materialize.

I agree that such work would take time, and we don't want to delay

But as the discussion so far has shown, normalization is a very tricky
topic, and we can't really expect implementors to understand why just
use UTF-8 is problematic. Perhaps we should add a note to the SCRAM
draft; something like
   Informative Note: Implementors are encouraged to create test cases
   that use both username passwords with non-ASCII characters. In
   particular, it's useful to test characters whose normalization
   form C and normalization form KC are different. Some examples of
   such characters include Vulgar Fraction One Half (U+00BD) and
   Acute Accent (U+00B4).

Do you think this would increase the likelihood of interoperability
with non-ASCII passwords?

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-ietf-sasl-scram

2009-09-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Simon Josefsson wrote:

 Informative Note: Implementors are encouraged to create test cases
 that use both username passwords with non-ASCII characters. In
 particular, it's useful to test characters whose normalization
 form C and normalization form KC are different. Some examples
 of such characters include Vulgar Fraction One Half (U+00BD) and
 Acute Accent (U+00B4).
  Do you think this would increase the likelihood of interoperability
  with non-ASCII passwords?
 For implementers that decides to use SASLprep but just happens to get
 things wrong, yes.  For those, I think test vectors would be even more

I was also hoping the tests would convince implementors to actually do
SASLprep :-) Otherwise, they might test their implementation with a
couple of non-ASCII passwords, and conclude that just use UTF-8
interoperates just fine (with someone else's code).

(If you just pick some non-ASCII password for your test case, it's
quite likely that its NFC and NFKC are equivalent, and the input
to your code is already NFC...)

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: [rohc] Last call comments for ROHCoIPsec: draft-ietf-rohc-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ikev2-extensions-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ipsec-extensions-hcoipsec

2009-09-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Emre Ertekin wrote:

  Well, the current drafts don't specify any such behavior, so the
  feature as it's currently written does not work. (Also, using the
  ESP/AH sequence number this way would be very unusual -- there
  might be some complications...)
 If we include text that states this behavior, does this address your

Depends on the text (certainly more than 1-2 sentences are needed
here)... but it's possible it could address my concern.

 FWIW, I could also think of deployment scenarios where packet
 reordering is minimal (e.g., ROHCOIPsec is instantiated over a single
 [bandwidth constrained] link).  Such scenarios may not even require
 the use of the ESP/AH sequence number to reconstruct ROHC segments.

Perhaps; but in general, IPsec runs over IP, and doesn't know about
the properties of the underlying links (even if it's only one hop,
not all links preserve order always).

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-ietf-sasl-scram

2009-09-22 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

 The difference between (1) and (2) is less significant in practice
 because, while there are many important exceptions (with those East
 Asian width variants probably heading the list), the vast majority
 of compatibility characters are very hard to type in most
 environments. And that was really the point I was trying to make.

Adding one data point here: While I have no idea how to type East
Asian width variants on my keyboard (normal Finnish/Swedish layout),
my keyboard does have three characters where NFC!=NFKC (so using any
of them in my password would be impossible if some SCRAM implementations 
use NFKC and some NFC):

Vulgar Fraction One Half (U+00BD)
Acute Accent (U+00B4)
Diaeresis (U+00A8)

Looking, it seems the
Finnish/Swedish layout is not special in any way, and many other
European keyboards would also have some small number of characters 
where NFC!=NFKC.

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: Last call comments for ROHCoIPsec: draft-ietf-rohc-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ikev2-extensions-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ipsec-extensions-hcoipsec

2009-09-22 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Emre Ertekin wrote:[]

  1) None of the drafts really describe the reason why the ROHC ICV
  is included. It was not present in the early drafts, and was added
  after long and complex discussions. I would strongly encourage
  summarizing those discussions in one of the drafts -- otherwise,
  the reader cannot really figure out why the ROHC ICV is included
  (since the packets are already protected by the AH/ESP ICV), and
  what risks omitting the ROHC ICV might have.
 Sure, we can add some description on this.  How much detail are you
 looking for?
 Perhaps we can add the following text in a separate section under
 Section 6.1 of the framework draft, entitled Motivation for the
   Although ROHC was designed to tolerate packet loss and
   reordering, the algorithm does not guarantee that packets
   reconstructed at the decompressor are identical to those
   constructed at the compressor.  As stated in Section 5.2 of
   [RFC 4224], the consequences of packet reordering between ROHC
   peers may include undetected decompression failures, where
   erroneous packets are constructed and forwarded to upper
   When using IPsec integrity protection, a packet received at
   the egress of an IPsec tunnel is identical to the packet that
   was processed at the ingress (given that the key is not
   compromised, etc.).
   When ROHC is integrated into the IPsec processing framework,
   the ROHC processed packet is protected by the AH/ESP ICV.
   However, bits in the original IP header are not protected by
   this ICV.  Therefore, under certain circumstances, erroneous
   packets may be constructed and forwarded into the protected
   To ensure the integrity of the original IP header within the
   ROHCoIPsec-processing model, an additional integrity check may
   be applied before the packet is compressed.  This integrity
   check will ensure that erroneous packets are not forwarded
   into the protected domain.  The specifics of this integrity
   check are documented in Section 3.2 of [IPSEC-ROHC].

Looks very good!
  2) ipsec-extensions, Section 3.3, doesn't really correctly
  describe the MTU-related processing in RFC 4301. The three cases
  refer to IPsec implementations that both process unprotected ICMP
  messages and actually receive them (they're often filtered in the
  network), and thus have a Path MTU estimate value.  But an IPsec
  implementation that doesn't process (or receive) unprotected ICMP
  messages does not even have a Path MTU estimate value...
 This is a good point.  I would assume that if the IPsec implementation
 does not have a Path MTU estimate value, then it SHOULD NOT attempt to
 segment packet headers, as it does not have full insight into the MTU
 in the unprotected domain.  Is this in line with your thoughts?

  3) According to RFC 4224, ROHC segmentation does not work over
  reordering channels. Thus, it seems suggesting that ROHC
  segmentation could be used instead of pre-encryption fragmentation
  (e.g.  ipsec-extensions, Section 3.3) -- and in general, allowing
  segmentation at all -- seems misguided (it's unnecessary
  complexity that would be IMHO best left out).
 Although I agree that ROHC segmentation is not a good idea, it is an
 optional functionality in the spec.  The implementer can decide
 whether or not they want to code it.
 If a vendor chooses not to implement the functionality, they can
 hardwire the MRRU channel parameter to zero.

OK, let me phrase my question in another way: why does the spec contain 
a feature that does not really work? (Even as optional feature?)
  4) None of the drafts have any RFC 2119 keywords
  (MUST/SHOULD/etc).  They SHOULD use those to make it less
  ambiguous what is the required behavior (and what is optional) to
  claim compliance with these drafts.
 OK, we will take a run through the IKEv2 and IPsec extensions drafts
 to account for these keywords.  Not the framework draft though, since
 the draft is intended to be informational.

Being Informational (vs. Proposed Standard) RFC has nothing to do with
the question -- many Informational RFCs do use RFC 2119 keywords, and
there's nothing special about that.

To me, it looks like the framework draft has normative statements
(things implementations are required or recommended to do in order
to get interoperability), too, so 2119 keywords would be appropriate 
(and actually, it could be Standards Track, too).

  5) In ikev2-extensions, Section 2.1.2 it is not very clear which of
  the attributes are just one-way notifications (the sender of the
  attribute tells the other end what it can handle), and which are
  negotiated (the initiator tells the other end what it supports; the
  responder then selects one, and tells what it selected).
  I would suggest adding text like Note that different 

RE: Last call comments for ROHCoIPsec: draft-ietf-rohc-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ikev2-extensions-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ipsec-extensions-hcoipsec

2009-09-22 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Carsten Bormann wrote:

  OK, let me phrase my question in another way: why does the spec
  contain a feature that does not really work? (Even as optional
 Well, it actually does work.
 RFC 4224, section 5.2.1 tells us that when a channel is reordering
 and you don't notice, packets will be lost.  Now IPsec is a strange
 animal: It is reordering, but the order can be reconstructed from
 the sequence number.  So a reassembler could (here really: SHOULD)
 use that to avoid stitching together packets in the wrong order and
 then discarding them.

Well, the current drafts don't specify any such behavior, so the
feature as it's currently written does not work. (Also, using the
ESP/AH sequence number this way would be very unusual -- there
might be some complications...)

 Is ROHC segmentation better than IP fragmentation?
 It certainly has fewer of the problems of IP fragmentation.
 It does require throwing some CPU at the data (it uses a CRC).
 Because header compression creates a variable-MTU channel, being able
 to segment in a pinch is a boon.
 Since the ROHC framework has the functionality, and it is not hard
 to make it work on IPsec, I would favor retaining it.

Making it work for IPsec might not be impossible, but it does
require additional work beyond what's in the current drafts.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Last call comments for ROHCoIPsec: draft-ietf-rohc-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ikev2-extensions-hcoipsec, draft-ietf-rohc-ipsec-extensions-hcoipsec

2009-09-14 Thread Pasi.Eronen
I've reviewed the ROHCoIPsec draft set (not wearing any hats), and
have couple of comments. Most important first:

1) None of the drafts really describe the reason why the ROHC ICV is
included. It was not present in the early drafts, and was added after
long and complex discussions. I would strongly encourage summarizing
those discussions in one of the drafts -- otherwise, the reader cannot
really figure out why the ROHC ICV is included (since the packets are
already protected by the AH/ESP ICV), and what risks omitting the ROHC
ICV might have.

2) ipsec-extensions, Section 3.3, doesn't really correctly describe
the MTU-related processing in RFC 4301. The three cases refer to IPsec
implementations that both process unprotected ICMP messages and
actually receive them (they're often filtered in the network), and
thus have a Path MTU estimate value.  But an IPsec implementation that
doesn't process (or receive) unprotected ICMP messages does not even
have a Path MTU estimate value...

3) According to RFC 4224, ROHC segmentation does not work over
reordering channels. Thus, it seems suggesting that ROHC segmentation
could be used instead of pre-encryption fragmentation (e.g.
ipsec-extensions, Section 3.3) -- and in general, allowing
segmentation at all -- seems misguided (it's unnecessary complexity
that would be IMHO best left out).

4) None of the drafts have any RFC 2119 keywords (MUST/SHOULD/etc).
They SHOULD use those to make it less ambiguous what is the required
behavior (and what is optional) to claim compliance with these drafts.

5) In ikev2-extensions, Section 2.1.2 it is not very clear which of
the attributes are just one-way notifications (the sender of the
attribute tells the other end what it can handle), and which are
negotiated (the initiator tells the other end what it supports; the
responder then selects one, and tells what it selected).

I would suggest adding text like Note that different ATTRIBUTE_NAME
value can be used in each direction for those attributes that are
just one-way (I think at least MAX_CID, ROHC_PROFILE -- for MRRU and
ROHC_ICV_LEN, I don't know which way they're supposed to work).

6) ikev2-extensions, Section 2.1.2, says The key for this Integrity
Algorithm is computed using the same method as is used to compute
IPsec's Integrity Algorithm key ([IKEV2], Section 2.17).  I don't
think this is sufficient to get interoperable implementations; more
details are needed.

In addition, there's couple of places that probably need some
clarifications and/or minor fixes:

7) ikev2-extensions, Section 2.1.2, ROHC_ICV_LEN: The text talks about
announcing their preference; how is the actual ICV length determined
from these preferences?

8) ikev2-extensions, Section 2.1.2, ROHC_INTEG: Should also describe
what happens if the responder doesn't accept any of the algorithms
proposed by the initiator (not doing ROHC at all would be one obvious
alternative; NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN another).

9) ikev2-extensions, Section 2.1.1, says The most significant bit in the
field is the Attribute Format (AF) bit. No, according to Figure 2
AF is a separate field, not part of the ROHC Attribute Type field.

10) ipsec-extensions, Section 3.2, says The authentication data must
not be included in the calculation of the ICV. This is very vague,
considering that we have several different authentication data/ICVs
here. Is the intent to say The ROHC ICV field is not included in the
calculation of the ROHC ICV, or something else?

11) ikev2-extensions, Section 4: 6-65536 Unassigned should be 
6-32767 Unassigned.

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis and the optional/mandatory nature of IESG notes

2009-09-03 Thread Pasi.Eronen

Your suggestion would largely address my concerns related to the
timely appeal path.

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: ext John C Klensin []
 Sent: 02 September, 2009 20:20
 To: Eronen Pasi (Nokia-NRC/Helsinki);;
 Subject: RE: draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis and the optional/mandatory
 nature of IESG notes
 --On Tuesday, September 01, 2009 09:55 +0200 wrote:
  Joel M. Halpern wrote:
  If the ISE / RSE is unreasonable, the IAB will slap the
  editor and say stop doing that.  There is no equivalent
  process if we reverse the structure.
  Yes, there is. If the IESG would request/recommend a
  particularly bad IESG note, this decision can be appealed just
  like any other IESG decision. The IAB would then determine if
  the IESG acted appropriately or not.
  On the other hand, if the ISE/RSE decides to publish a document
  without an IESG note even if the IESG requested/recommended
  it, this decision cannot be effectively appealed (since the
  RFC already came out, and can't be really recalled).
  Although I'm not expecting this really to happen very often
  (if ever), from checks-and-balances viewpoint I would support
  (b) from Jari's email (in other words: RFC Editor cannot
  unilaterally ignore a note requested by IESG, but has to take
  it to the IAB via the usual appeal procedures).
 A comment and then a suggested middle position.
 I've been watching what we now call the Independent Submission
 Process for far longer than there has been an IETF.   I've seen
 it as an insider for a large fraction of two decades -- as an
 AD, an IAB member and then chair, as an editorial board member,
 and now as an IAB member again.   During that period, I've never
 seen an RFC Editor abuse the process by ignoring legitimate
 input.  Bob Braden may be able to provide an inside view --not
 in his present role of RFC Editor but as the very-long-time IAB
 Exec Director -- of what happened before 1992, but my educated
 guess is that instances of RFC Editor ignores input during
 that time were also about zero.
 During the same period, I'd seen behavior I consider abusive
 from ADs or the IESG many times --  attempting to prevent
 publication of documents with which they had personal/ emotional
 disagreements that they were unwilling or unable to explain in
 public, asking for publication holds on documents for multiples
 of years, insisting that the RFC Editor not move forward until
 the IESG responds in some way and then not responding for months
 and months, demanding changes that would significantly weaken
 the document or change its meaning, and so on.  Many of those
 problems have been resolved by negotiation, but some have not.
 RFC 3932, and its limitation on technical review, was a huge
 improvement over its predecessors in that regard, but we've
 heard multiple ADs over the years claim that they can redefine
 any disagreement about a document into either a technical issue
 or a technical one (whichever is needed) if they care enough and
 especially if they can define the boundary (which they also have
 insisted that the IESG has the unilateral right to do).
 In principle, the IAB could appoint a new ISE to take over in
 January who would adopt a policy of abusiveness.  But I think I
 can speak for the ACEF membership and the IAB if I say that we
 don't intend to do that... and that the IAB would expect the RSE
 to move fairly quickly, with the IAB's backing, to correct the
 attitudes involved if it occurred anyway.
 So trying to make IESG notes mandatory on documents originating
 in another stream for the reasons you cite above is solving a
 problem we've never had at the risk of making a problem worse
 that we've had several times.  That strikes me as bad
 engineering at best.
 And insisting that the RFC Editor invoke a formal appeals
 procedure in case of disagreement with the IESG about an
 Independent Submission would, as Olaf points out, largely undo
 the efforts of the last few years to clearly separate the
 different streams.  It would be as sensible to say that IESG
 notes should be sufficiently exceptional that the IESG would
 need to consult the IAB and get permission before sending any
 such note-request to the ISE.  I suspect that such a provision
 would not make either the IESG or the IAB very happy.
 However, if your concern is really to make sure that there is a
 timely appeal path, I have a suggestion that might be acceptable
 to everyone without causing unfortunate side-effects.  We simply
 require that, if the ISE receives input from the IESG requesting
 specific changes to a document (specific changes including,
 but not limited to, so-called IESG Notes) and the ISE and
 authors decide to not incorporate those proposed changes, the
 ISE is required to explain to the IESG, in writing, why not and
 allow a 

RE: draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis and the optional/mandatory nature of IESG notes

2009-09-01 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Joel M. Halpern wrote:

 If the ISE / RSE is unreasonable, the IAB will slap the editor and say
 stop doing that.  There is no equivalent process if we reverse the

Yes, there is. If the IESG would request/recommend a particularly bad
IESG note, this decision can be appealed just like any other IESG
decision. The IAB would then determine if the IESG acted appropriately
or not.

On the other hand, if the ISE/RSE decides to publish a document
without an IESG note even if the IESG requested/recommended it, this
decision cannot be effectively appealed (since the RFC already came
out, and can't be really recalled).

Although I'm not expecting this really to happen very often (if ever),
from checks-and-balances viewpoint I would support (b) from Jari's
email (in other words: RFC Editor cannot unilaterally ignore a note
requested by IESG, but has to take it to the IAB via the usual
appeal procedures).
Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: meta-issues on charter discussions

2009-08-24 Thread Pasi.Eronen
The tools WG pages used to have diffs between charter versions
(see e.g. -- the delta
symbol leads to side-by-side diff between the versions), but 
it looks like this broke when new was deployed
in July 

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 ext Tony Hansen
 Sent: 21 August, 2009 17:57
 Subject: Re: meta-issues on charter discussions
 This was posted to the ietf list.
 While the charter history pages are nice, they can be made better using
 a format similar to how presents RFCs and I-Ds: a
 non-printing list of versions at the top with ways to show differences
 between versions.
 Sounds like a job for the tools team. :-)
   Tony Hansen
 Thomas Narten wrote:
  Re: old charters and such.
  While poking around earlier this week, I found:
  (it is hanging of the WG pages, so not that hard to find.)
  It appears to be a snapshot of charters whenever they change. But,
  they change often due to events that are probably not the kind of
  changes we are thinking about, and there is no indication about what
  has changed, so there are a lot of copies and wading through them to
  find stuff appears pretty daunting. And the history only goes back 3
  years or so...
  But they might be a basis for some tools to extract stuff. But, if
  tools are going to do this, it seems like an archival format other
  than HTML would be desirable.
 Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-dawkins-nomcom-openlist (Nominating Committee Process: Open Disclosure of Willing Nominees) to BCP

2009-06-11 Thread Pasi.Eronen
I support changing these to must. 

We don't of course have any mechanisms to enforce this (especially
discussions by other IETF community members on non-IETF mailing
lists)... but currently, asking people to treat nominee lists *as if*
they were confidential (even though they were not) has had the effect
of preventing public discussions about the candidates (on e.g. mailing list).

I don't think such discussions would be helpful for the goals
of the NomCom process (or the IETF in general), and I think the
document should send a clear message that they're not acceptable
in the future either (instead of leaving wiggle room that they 
might be OK in some circumstances).
Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 ext Spencer Dawkins
 Sent: 09 June, 2009 23:33
 Subject: Fw: Last Call: draft-dawkins-nomcom-openlist (Nominating
 Committee Process: Open Disclosure of Willing Nominees) to BCP
 Brian Carpenter had a Last Call comment that I needed to follow up
  (IETF list not copied as I'm on leave and minimising email, but
  there is nothing confidential about this comment.)
Feedback on nominees should always be provided privately to
NomCom.  Nominees should not solicit support, and other IETF
community members should not post statements of support/
non-support for nominees in any public forum.
  I believe these three occurrences of 'should' need to be 'must'.
  I don't think there should be any wiggle room on this point.
 Russ thinks I should check on this with the rest of the community, so
 asking for feedback now.
 Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

RE: designate an email address for testing at any provider

2009-04-03 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Fred Baker wrote:

 When you sent this note, I immediately sent an email to It took a few days, as my mail handler queues
 things up and retries them for a while, but I eventually got a
 bounce. I suspect that any email address would have
 sufficed, as there is by definition no A record and no mail receiver

BTW, does have an A record (and web server listening
on port 80). But nothing listening on port 25, it seems.
(And it doesn't support IPv6 either :-)

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-iana-rfc3330bis (Special Use IPv4 Addresses) to Informational RFC

2009-03-28 Thread Pasi.Eronen

I have one suggestion for draft-iana-rfc3330bis (not wearing any

I think it would be useful to have more addresses for use in
documentation and examples, in addition to the current
Although it's naturally possible to split to smaller
pieces (e.g., two /25s or four /26s) when writing examples, those
pieces look very much alike, and that hurts the readability and
clarity of the examples.

I've encountered this myself when e.g. writing the examples for RFC
4718, and I have seen the same situation in other documents, too.

It would be nice if we had, say, two additional blocks that are 
easily visually distinguishable (that is, start with something 
else than 192).

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: TLS WG Chair Comments on draft-ietf-tls-authz-07

2009-02-13 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Michael StJohns wrote:

 I went to review the bidding on the TLS mailing list covering this
 period and it appears the archives at  only
 go back to the beginning of the year.  Could you point me at a more
 complete archive covering the period and the discussions about TLS
 WG interest in this document please?

I'm not sure if you already got an answer to this question (following
the mailing list hasn't been easy :-), but...

The archives at
go back to September 2004 (just keep clicking the Next Page link --
and yes, I agree that the user interface could be better).

That should cover this draft's life span (version -00 is from 2006).
If you're interested in more ancient history, the following links
may (or may not) be useful:

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: Including the GPL in GPL code (Re: IETF and open source license compatibility)

2009-02-13 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Simon Josefsson wrote:

 Generally, however, I think this question is very different from where
 this thread started.  It started, as far as I consider, with Stephan
 suggesting that free software authors publish free (as in licensed
 under a free software license) standards in the IETF.  That is not
 possible, and is unrelated to the question we discuss here.

BTW, why cannot a free software author license some particular
standards text under both RFC 5378 terms, and some other license
(a free software license, or even GPL)?

Presumably, he/she owns the copyright, and 5378 terms are
non-exclusive.  Obviously, for collaborative efforts this may require
that all copyright holders agree, and that may make this unpractical.
But I wonder if there was some other reason?

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: FWIW: draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-07.txt to Proposed Standard

2009-02-11 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Simon Josefsson wrote:

  My reading of RedPhone's IPR disclosure 1026 is that they claim to
  have a patent application about a larger system that includes
  tls-authz as one part, and uses it in particular way. If you want to
  build a system matching the numbered list 1..4 in the disclosure
  (RedPhone's description of what they claim is covered), then you
  would have to consider this IPR disclosure.

 A license is required for each of the cases 1, 2, 3, and 4

Well -- if the patent is granted, a license may be required if you
do any of the things listed in the granted patent's claims.  The items
1..4 may or may not be an accurate summary of the claims in the
application, and what's granted may be different from the application.

 As far as I read item 3, it seems to cover many kind of realistic
 use of this protocol.  As soon as you have some authorization data,
 you would typically compare the sender of the authorization to some
 set of valid issuers.

  However, I think there are many more good uses for tls-authz that
  do *not* match items 1..4.

 That would change things.  Can you describe a practical way to use
 tls-authz that wouldn't be covered by, for example, item 3?  I tried
 to understand one unencumbered use-case of tls-authz earlier:  To my reading,
 the example seems encumbered.  If you can explain an unencumbered
 use-case that would help.

I have not read the actual patent application (and I'm not planning
to), and as I noted above, I do not know how accurate the four-item
summary is.  Without reading the application itself, saying here's a
use case that is not covered by the claims would be rather unwise.

However, draft-ietf-tls-attr-cert-01 (from 1998, predating this
application by many years) describes a use case where the client
presents an AC containing a role or security clearance to the server,
and the server uses this to determine whether the client is allowed to
access the requested resource.

It's of course possible that the patent applications's claims cover
this use case, too -- but personally, I would not be extremely worried
about getting sued by RedPhone if this was the use case I'd be doing.

(Note that draft-ietf-tls-attr-cert-01 also has lot of other stuff
that is not in tls-authz; e.g. about acquiring/issuing ACs, and hints
about what ACs the client should consider presenting. But there's some
overlap as well.)

  Just because someone has filed a patent application on some rather
  obscure combination of B+C+D should not prevent others from using
  the protocol for things not covered by that application. Thus, I
  support publishing this as an RFC (either Informational or
  Standards Track).

 Obviously part of our disagreement seems to be what is obscure.

 Would you still support publication if the patent application covers
 broader ways to use the protocol?

I agree that this is a relevant question; if the application would
claim to cover most of the interesting use cases (and only some
obscure cases would be unencumbered), that could change my opinion.

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: FWIW: draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-07.txt to Proposed Standard

2009-02-10 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Simon Josefsson wrote:

 I disagree.  The IETF policies around patents mention use as well
 as implementation.  Thus, a license that permit implementation
 but not permitting use should generate similar scrutiny and
 discussion.  It poses the same problem for actual users.

 I strongly disagree with a notion that just because someone grants a
 patent license for implementation that the IETF community has to
 consider the patent situation around the technology as irrelevant.
 Use of technology goes beyond implementation.  This is
 acknowledged in the IETF policy documents.  Compare, e.g., RFC 3979
 and in particular the definition of the term Covers.

 I also disagree with the claim that the draft is unencumbered.  I
 don't follow how you reach that conclusion from the patent
 disclaimer.  You quoted only one paragraph out of several, and the
 other paragraphs are the ones that encumber use of the protocol.  It
 may be your interpretation that the draft is unencumbered, but
 everyone get the same opportunity to make their own interpretation.
 As implementer of the technology, and having consulted with legal
 aid, I have made another interpretation.

speaking as an individual, not wearing any hats

Well, it's good to remember that there are *lots* of patents about
larger systems that include IETF protocols (e.g., TLS, HTTP, MPLS,
Mobile IP, or RADIUS) as components. What's claimed to be novel (and
covered by the patent) is not the IETF protocol as such, but the
combination: using the protocol(s) in certain environment in
particular way to solve something.  And of course there are lots of
implementation technique patents where what's claimed to be novel
(and covered by the patent) is some particular way of implementing
the protocols (e.g. better performance than obvious implementations).

Usually these types of patents are *not* disclosed to the IETF, since
the protocol as such is not covered by the patent.

In fact, my guess would be that we probably don't have *any* IETF
protocols where someone has not patented using protocol A in bigger
system B in way C to solve D (where B+C+D is something that the RFC
did not describe, so it could be non-obvious and novel).  If we
required that IETF protocols must not have any such field of use
restrictions (where using the protocol in certain way could be
encumbered), we would not publish any protocols at all.

My reading of RedPhone's IPR disclosure 1026 is that they claim to
have a patent application about a larger system that includes
tls-authz as one part, and uses it in particular way. If you want to
build a system matching the numbered list 1..4 in the disclosure
(RedPhone's description of what they claim is covered), then you
would have to consider this IPR disclosure.

However, I think there are many more good uses for tls-authz that
do *not* match items 1..4. Just because someone has filed a patent
application on some rather obscure combination of B+C+D should not
prevent others from using the protocol for things not covered by
that application. Thus, I support publishing this as an RFC (either
Informational or Standards Track).

(BTW, I think it's pretty clear that RedPhone didn't get the
process right here. Some have claimed they did this knowingly with
malicious intent, others have attributed it more to carelessness
and ignorance -- I would say we can't really know without doing
a Vulcan mind meld :-) Either way, I think we should consider
the draft's technical merits and IPR situation *now*, and not
put too much weight on the history.)

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: [Sip] Last Call: draft-ietf-sip-dtls-srtp-framework (Frameworkfor Establishing an SRTP Security Context using DTLS) to ProposedStandard

2008-10-31 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Hi Thierry,

There's ample precedent for using self-signed certificates to carry
public keys in situations where a bare public key mode (if TLS/DTLS
had it -- IKEv2 does have this, BTW) would have worked, too.

Exactly the same approach as in this draft (exchange fingerprints via
SDP, and use those to check self-signed certificates used in TLS/DTLS)
is already used in RFCs 4572, 4582, and 4975.

Several other RFCs (e.g. 3261, 3920, 5380) and drafts (e.g.
draft-ietf-syslog-transport-tls, currently in RFC Editor Queue) 
also use self-signed certificates in some way.

(Of course, using self-signed certificates for some particular purpose
can't set a precedent that they'd be the best solution to all possible
problems. They're a useful tool, but some problems require using
other tools.)

Best regards, 

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of ext Thierry Moreau
 Sent: 29 October, 2008 21:46
 Subject: Re: [Sip] Last Call: 
 draft-ietf-sip-dtls-srtp-framework (Frameworkfor Establishing 
 an SRTP Security Context using DTLS) to ProposedStandard
 The IESG wrote:
  The IESG has received a request from the Session Initiation 
 Protocol WG 
  (sip) to consider the following document:
  - 'Framework for Establishing an SRTP Security Context using DTLS '
 draft-ietf-sip-dtls-srtp-framework-04.txt as a 
 Proposed Standard
 This document approval at the IESG level might signal a shift in the 
 IETF consistent use of PKI security certificates for remote party 
 authentication in (D)TLS protocols.
 The present comment is submitted to make sure that the IESG 
 decision is 
 an educated one, and not made inedvertantly. If another document 
 previously approved by the IESG is an accepted precedent for 
 the subject 
 matter discussed below, the present comment may be ignored.
 The present comment is neither for or against advancement of 
 the draft.
  From the introduction section of the draft:
 The goal of this work is to provide a key negotiation technique that 
 allows encrypted communication between devices with no prior 
 The media is transported over a mutually authenticated DTLS session 
 where both sides have certificates.  It is very important to 
 note that 
 certificates are being used purely as a carrier for the 
 public keys of 
 the peers.  This is required because DTLS does not have a mode for 
 carrying bare keys, but it is purely an issue of formatting.  The 
 certificates can be self-signed and completely self-generated.
  From these indications it is easy to see that the framework would 
 (ideally) require a (D)TLS protocol derivative in which bare peer 
 public keys can be carried without the burden of security 
 Despite the above wording, the current lack of such a (D)TLS 
 mode might 
 be more than a mere issue of formatting - it might be a 
 consequence of 
 a long-standing policy at the IETF.
 If this draft is approved by the IESG, it might signal that 
 similar uses 
 of self-signed-at-will (or otherwise meaningless) security 
 is an approved approach for circumventing the lack of a bare public 
 key (D)TLS mode. Note that this is different from the PSK-TLS mode 
 (pre-shared key) which explicitly relies on pre-established symmetric 
 keys as a *replacement* for security certificate assurance.
 It is my understanding that the self-signed-at-will (or otherwise 
 meaningless) certificate approach is technically feasible but should 
 remain standardized outside of the IETF activities, if at 
 all. Based on 
 this understanding, my draft draft-moreau-pkix-aixcm (that 
 also falls in 
 this broad approach) has been submitted as a non-IETF 
 informational RFC. 
 (A comparative analysis between the SIP draft and mine is a matter of 
 implementation strategy for the overall approach, and is thus out of 
 scope for the present comment.)
 See .
 In any event, this comment is made for the sole purpose of making 
 IESG/IETF directions more explicit.
 Thanks to Eric Rescorla who brought my attention to the similarities 
 between the SIP draft and an early version of the ideas 
 behind my draft.
 - Thierry Moreau
 CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
 9130 Place de Montgolfier
 Montreal, Qc
 Canada   H2M 2A1
 Tel.: (514)385-5691
 Fax:  (514)385-5900
 web site:
 Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

RE: Call for review of proposed IESG Statement on Examples

2008-09-22 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

 I continue to believe that the IESG could do something much easier
 and much more effective by issuing, not a collection of new rules,
 but a simple statement requiring that people either use
 suitably-reserved and dedicated identifiers or that they explain,
 explicitly and subject to community review, why not.  

I think that's pretty much what we tried to do, but apparently,
the text doesn't quite read that way (and I agree that it's quite

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: Call for review of proposed IESG Statement on Examples

2008-09-19 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

  1) Spam: apparently valid email addresses in an RFC are widely
  believed to have been harvested and included in Spam lists.
  The domain may receive spam at mailboxes other than the one
  used in the example email address, if the domain name is used
  in common name or brute force attacks.
 Please note that a careful reading of this paragraph would
 either ban or discourage the appearance of author email
 addresses in RFCs.  Yet such addresses have been a firm
 requirement for many years (if I recall, since before there was
 an IETF).  Questions:
   (i) Does the IESG intend to change the requirement for
   email addresses?

does not absolutely require including an email address (if you give
some other contact method, such as postal address or telephone
number), and there are RFCs that don't include it (e.g RFC 3718 
from 2004; perhaps others exist, too).

   (ii) Does the IESG believe that the appearance of a
   domain name in an email address in an example is somehow
   more harmful or likely to draw the attention of spammers
   than one in an Author's Address section?   If not,
   could you explain your reasoning?

If you're an author, you have presumably given your permission to 
being listed in the Author's Address section, and can choose what 
address to put there.

IMHO the crux of the proposed text is that since using email addresses
(and domains, etc.) belonging to someone else can potentially cause harm
(although usually not very serious), it's better if the owner of the
address (instead of IESG) decides whether the potential harm is
acceptable or not -- and this should be opt-in (instead of assuming
that lack of complaints means its OK). 

(There may be exceptional cases when something else needs to be
done, though.)

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

RE: [Capwap] Last call comments for capwap-threat-analysis-01

2008-07-30 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Scott G. Kelly wrote:

 Some comments inline below...
 Pasi.Eronen wrote:
 Couple of comments/observations about capwap-threat-analysis-01:
 There seem to be couple of places where this document isn't
 completely in sync with the protocol/binding documents.
 In particular, the following two places:
 Section 4.2, The current CAPWAP binding for IEEE 802.11 only
 supports the use of IEEE 802.11i [80211I] security on the 
 wireless link. The current version of the binding spec seems
 to support WEP, too.
 I think Charles already addressed this.

Right; I think we can say that the binding supports using WEP,
but doing so has so many other security problems we don't bother
discussing WEP in this document (or something more polite along
those lines :-).

 Section 6.1: The text about Local MAC, Remote MAC, and Split
 MAC doesn't seem to match the other documents. E.g., there's no
 Remote MAC in the other documents, and description of Local MAC
 doesn't quite match the description in IEEE 802.11 binding.
 See RFC4118.

Thanks for the pointer; however, since this document is a threat
analysis for CAPWAP IEEE 802.11 binding, it should be aligned with 
the capwap-protocol-binding-ieee802 document, not RFC 4118.

 The document would benefit from some discussion about
 authorization.  Especially if WTPs/ACs have manufacturer-issued
 certificates installed in factory, everyone can easily authenticate
 everyone else. And with DHCP AC option, this could zero
 configuration for WTPs -- except that this wouldn't be secure: WTP
 (and AC) needs some configuration to know who is the *right* AC
 (who are the *right* WTPs).
 I believe you attended the lunch with Sam where this was
 discussed. We've explicitly deferred certificate-related authn/authz
 discussion for now so that we can get these specs published in a
 meaningful timeframe, although we do discuss validating the EKU bits
 and MAC address for this. This is the classic camel's nose
 problem: if you attempt to add text that addresses this more fully,
 where do you stop?

 I don't think we want to open this can of worms just now. At 
 Sam's request, we added some cert-related clarifications, but 
 I think we all agreed to stop there.

Trying to *solve* these problems would probably open a can of worms,
but I wasn't proposing that -- just accurately describing what is
solved and what isn't. (That shouldn't be more than couple of

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

Last call comments for capwap-protocol-binding-ieee80211-07

2008-07-29 Thread Pasi.Eronen
I read capwap-protocol-binding-ieee80211-07 on my way to Dublin;
here are some comments/observations. 

Substantial topics first:

I was under the impression that 802 (or at least 802.11) required (or
assumed) strict in-order delivery -- but perhaps I remember this wrong?
(Obvious, tunneling over arbitrary IP hops doesn't guarantee in-order
delivery, and it seems the data channel doesn't have mechanisms to
reorder or drop out-of-order packets.)

802.11 header has 4 different addresses, all of which can be
different.  When doing split MAC with 802.3 frames, the 802.3 frame
contains only two of the addresses; the Radio MAC Address field in
CAPWAP header contains the third -- but what about the fourth one?

The document should have some more text about how the WTP processes
IEEE 802.11 IEs it receives from the AC. Section 6.6 talks about
copying them to Beacon/Probe Response messages, but it seems that in
some cases, the WTP also does some local processing. (I was sort of
expecting a list of all IEs, and description of expected WTP
processing (possibly none) for them.)

Section 6.15: Is this really the PTK (which also includes KCK and KEK,
which aren't needed by the WTP since the AC is handling the EAPOL-Key
messages -- so probably shouldn't be sent to PTK), or only the TK used
for encrypting traffic?

Is the binding specified here sufficient for 802.11r as well, or would
something more be needed? (I don't know the answer -- but probably the
document should tell what it is)

Section 6.14 says that packets exceeding this priority are either
dropped or down-tagged -- but it seems which of these is done
depends on WTP (and the AC can't even know what the WTP does).  
Isn't this problematic for interoperability?

Question: Section 4 says the Destination WLANs field is used only
for multicast/broadcast; how is the destination WLAN determined for
unicast? (Is this by mapping destination MAC address to earlier IEEE
802.11 Station messages -- which means a single MAC address can't be
in more than one WLAN?) (Perhaps the document should have couple
of sentences about this)

Question: The WLAN ID is always shown as 8 bits, but it seems some
other parts limit the spec to 16 WLANs per WTP Radio. Could a WTP
supporting more than 16 WLANs use multiple Radio IDs, or is 16 a hard
limit? (Perhaps the document should have couple of sentences about
this -- at least saying that WLAN ID is between 0 and 15)

Minor clarifications/editorial nits:

Section 3: CAPWAP base protocol requires that all Request messages are
odd numbers, and Responses even; these aren't.

Section 3.1, sent after the CAPWAP Configuration Update Request
message (..) has been received by the WTP probably means sent after
the CAPWAP Configuration Update Response message has been received by
the AC?

Section 5.10: Station QoS Profile should be IEEE 802.11 Station
QoS Profile

Section 6.1 and 6.21: are some of these 802.11 information elements
optional, or are all of them always included?

Section 6.1 and 6.21: what do you put in Key Status if you're
not using encryption at all?

Section 6.21: to avoid repetition of text, I'd suggest simply
pointing to existing text in Section 6.1 for field descriptions.

Section 6.1 and 6.21: 32 byte Session Key -- length depends
on Key Length field, right?

Section 6.2/10.6: is the Combiner a bit field or enumerated field?
(And in the former case, an explicit bit diagram would be very useful
to avoid confusion about bit numbering)

Section 6.14, 6.20, and 6.22: the 802.1p Tag field should probably
be shown as 3 bits in the diagram, to make it unambiguous about
which bits are not used.

Section 6.15: The sentence Note that AKM-Only is MAY be set... would
benefit for some clarification -- does 802.11 really drop all
unencrypted EAPOL-Key frames if you have an encryption key? (it seems
that would cause difficulties when e.g. client reboots -- but I'm not
sure what 802.11 does here)

Section 6.15: MUST NOT be sent if the WTP had not specifically
advertised support for the requested encryption scheme: would be
easier to understand if it said how the WTP advertises this
(presumably, the Encryption Capabilities field in the WTP Descriptor
Message Element?)

Sections 6.20 and 6.22: the DSCP Tag field should probably be shown 
as 6 bits in the diagram, to make it unambiguous how it's sent in
IPv4/IPv6 header (and which bits are unused).

Section 6.16, maximum value of 65535 -- the fields are 32 bits,
so probably should be 4294967295?

Section 6.20 and 6.22: if packets are to be DSCP tagged would
benefit of clarifying what packets are meant (I guess it means
CAPWAP Data packets sent from the WTP to the AC?).

Section 6.22/10.9: is the Tag Packets a bit field or enumerated field?
(In the former case, an explicit bit diagram would be very useful
to avoid confusion about bit numbering.)

Section 6.23: Country Code field probably should be called Country
String (since it contains other things than the country code, and
it's called 

Last call comments for capwap-threat-analysis-01

2008-07-29 Thread Pasi.Eronen

Couple of comments/observations about capwap-threat-analysis-01:

There seem to be couple of places where this document isn't
completely in sync with the protocol/binding documents.
In particular, the following two places:

Section 4.2, The current CAPWAP binding for IEEE 802.11 only
supports the use of IEEE 802.11i [80211I] security on the 
wireless link. The current version of the binding spec seems
to support WEP, too.

Section 6.1: The text about Local MAC, Remote MAC, and Split MAC 
doesn't seem to match the other documents. E.g., there's no Remote MAC
in the other documents, and description of Local MAC doesn't quite
match the description in IEEE 802.11 binding.

The document would benefit from some discussion about authorization.
Especially if WTPs/ACs have manufacturer-issued certificates installed
in factory, everyone can easily authenticate everyone else. And with
DHCP AC option, this could zero configuration for WTPs -- except
that this wouldn't be secure: WTP (and AC) needs some configuration 
to know who is the *right* AC (who are the *right* WTPs).

Editorial nits:

Section 9.2: the section title includes Rootkit installation: is
this in right place, or should it be in Section 9.3?

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

Last call comments for capwap-protocol-specification-11

2008-07-26 Thread Pasi.Eronen
I read capwap-protocol-specification-11 on my way to Dublin;
here are some comments/observations. 

Substantial topics first:

Section 3.5: The text about MTU discovery doesn't look right; Section
3.5 seems to assume that after the WTP has discovered the AC it wishes
to communicate with, RFC 1191/1981/4821 would provide it with the MTU,
and then the WTP would establish the CAPWAP session.  But those RFCs
don't specify e.g. what packets would be used for probing for the MTU.

Section 4.6.29: Using MD5 in a new protocol, and not providing
algorithm agility for moving to new algorithms, is probably not such a
great idea.

The linking of control and data channels, and how DTLS session
resumption is used here, seems unnecessarily complicated.  Normally
session resumption is totally TLS internal optimization, and
applications running over TLS don't know (and have no need to know)
whether full or abbreviated TLS handshake was used. It seems this
document wouldn't really need to say anything about session
resumption; if the WTP provides the Session ID in data channel, and AC
checks that both DTLS connections were established by the same
authenticated client, that seems sufficient.  This would seem to
remove much implementation complexity; e.g. the requirement in 4.4.3
that The AC DTLS implementation MUST NOT accept a session resumption
request for a DTLS session in which the control channel for the
session has been torn down doesn't follow the usual TLS/DTLS module

Section 3.3: Should IPv4 use a well-known multicast address (instead
of broadcast), too? Why not?

The protocol allows the AC to add and delete static MAC ACL entries,
but it seems the AC can't check what the current ACL entries are.
This means the WTP and AC could get out-of-sync, right? (The AC 
can't delete the unneeded static MAC ACL entries if it doesn't know 
what they are.) 

Section 3.3: there's a single sentence about DNS-based discovery;
probably slightly more details would be useful.

Section 2.4.3: handling of cookies that fail to validate is really a
DTLS detail, and shouldn't be in this specification. RFC 4347 doesn't
say what the DTLS server should do, but I think the right approach is
to treat an invalid cookie the same as no cookie (and not discard the
whole message, as is suggested here -- I think that could lead to
weird failure modes even in the absence of malicious attackers).  I'll
raise this on the TLS mailing list, so it can be clarified in DTLS 1.2

Section 4.3: it seems that allocation of WBIDs (and message element
numbers in 4.6) would be better done in the document specifying the
binding. Considering that WBID allocations require Standards Action,
especially allocating WBIDs for technologies for which not even an
Internet-Draft exists yet seems premature.

Section 4.5.3: Is CAPWAP control protocol strictly lock-step (once
you send a Request, you must wait for Response until you send another
Request), or are multiple outstanding requests allowed?  Can you give
up a Request (stop retransmitting it even though you haven't received
a Response), and move to the next Request?  What should you do if you
receive a Request with a Sequence Number that's too old (less than
previous Request you've seend) or too new (greater than previous

Replay protection is an optional feature in RFC 4347. Should this
document say something about it? (e.g. MUST use?)

There's some inconsistency about NAT detection: Sections 4.6.12,
4.6.13, and 4.6.15 say it's done using CAPWAP Local IPv4/6 address
message elements; Sections 4.6.44, 4.6.45, and 6.1 say it's using WTP
IPv4/6 address message elements.

Minor clarifications/editorial nits:

Section 2, 1st para: should reference RFC4347 instead of RFC4346

Section 2.3: should have a sentence saying what transitions
represented by punctuation characters mean.

Section 2.4.1: DTLS will never terminate the handshake due to
non-responsiveness; instead, DTLS will continue to increase its
back-off timer period While RFC 4347 doesn't specify how long you
should continue retransmitting, the intent certainly was not to
continue indefinitely.

Section 2.4.3 text about DTLS retransmissions is slightly inaccurate;
DTLS handshake isn't strictly request/response, and both parties (not
just the DTLS client) retransmit based on timers (in some situations).

Section should reference RFC4346 instead of RFC4279.
Section TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA is listed twice.

Section 4.4.1, The 8 bit Length field looks like 16 bits.

Section 4.4.2: is it unambiguous which 802.3 frame fields
are included or omitted? (e.g. preamble, SOF delimeter, etc.)

Section 4.6, message element 29 is spelled Image Information
in the rest of the document, but Image Info here

Section 4.6.1, description of R-MAC Field needs some more text
(current text would probably be fine if the field was only 1 bit, 
but it's 8 bits).

Section 4.6.6 (AC Timestamp): the timestamp format in RFC 1305 is

Discussions about IPsec maintenance/extensions WG

2008-04-22 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Hi all,

We're starting a discussion about the possibility of forming
an IPsec maintenance/extensions working group. If you're 
interested, join the IPsec mailing list.

Joining the list:

List archive:

Best regards,
IETF mailing list

RE: IETF Last Call on Walled Garden Standard for the Internet

2008-03-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Yoshihiro Ohba wrote:

 I think Vidya has a good point.
 My opinion is that, bootstrapping protocols from long-term
 credentials used for network access authentication is not such a bad
 idea, but we just do not know yet the best way to realize it:

Such bootstrapping or single sign-on protocol could (and IMHO
should) still be independent of the link it's run over (i.e., it 
would work over any IP network).

BTW, 3GPP and 3GPP2 already have one such a single sign-on protocol,
which uses the same long-term credential you'd usually use for network
access authentication to set up short-term security assocations for
higher layer protocols (but it runs over any IP network, so it works
even if, e.g., your current access network did not require any
authentication). It's called Generic Bootstrapping Architecture 
or GBA.

(GBA design also allows adding new types of credentials between the 
client and the key distribution center (BSF) without impacting other 
elements of the system. You could, e.g., add support for EAP here in a 
way that would be independent of the link layer currently being used.
So far, 3GPP/3GPP2 have not needed this, but if GBA ends up being used
in other systems as well, it could be useful.)

Best regards,
IETF mailing list

RE: IETF Last Call on Walled Garden Standard for the Internet

2008-03-25 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Avi Lior wrote:

  Here I agree with you fully: this is an extremely bad idea.
  Architecturally linking application security to the link
  layer is just bad engineering, and hinders the ability of
  link layers and applications evolve independently of each other.
 Lets start with this: Any application?

Well, at least applications which are not inherently (*) tied to 
a specific access network.

In other words: if it simply doesn't make any sense to use the
application from a different link or access network, then tying 
it to the link layer authentication might be one feasible option.
Otherwise, it's a bad idea.

(*) Inherently: by their nature -- and not e.g. just by current
business structures (which are likely to change due to mergers,
acquisitions, divestiture, etc.) or SDO boundaries (both users, 
access providers, and service providers are, over the time, likely 
to be interested in network access technologies from multiple SDOs).

  The emsk-hierarchy document should not give higher layer
  applications as an example use case; instead, it should
  explain why this is a bad idea, and recommend that keys
  derived from link layer authentication should be used solely
  for link-layerish things (such as link layer handoffs;
  Mobile IP is a borderline case here).
 Mobile IP is an application.  So I guess you are okay with 
 some applications right?

Someone mentioned DHCP as one application which is inherently
tied to a specific access network/link. 

If you want to use Mobile IP to provide mobility only within a single
access network -- and assume that neither you nor your customers will
ever be interested in other access technologies in the future (or
that mobility to e.g., IETF WLAN is either unimportant, or handled by 
some other mechanisms), then you could tie Mobile IP and link layer 
authentication. Otherwise, I'd recommend making it access independent.

Best regards,
IETF mailing list

Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-hokey-erx-09 (-10)

2008-02-19 Thread Pasi.Eronen
I have just scanned through version -10 of this draft, posted
couple of hours ago. 

This version addresses my comments 5 and 6; and comments 4 and 10
are obsolete since the text I commented has been removed. The
remaining comments are still valid.

One additional comment for version -10:

16) Section 5.3.2, EMSKname is in the username part of the NAI and 
is encoded in hexadecimal values.  The EMSKname is 64-bits in length 
and so the username portion takes up 128 octets. EMSKname is not 
defined in this document (or any of its references, as far as I 
can tell); and encoding 64 bits as hexadecimal doesn't take
128 octets anyway.

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: Eronen Pasi (Nokia-NRC/Helsinki) 
 Sent: 05 February, 2008 14:30
 Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; ''; 'ext Lakshminath 
 Subject: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-hokey-erx-09 
 I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
 reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see
 Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call 
 comments you may receive.
 Document: draft-ietf-hokey-erx-09 
 Reviewer: Pasi Eronen
 Review Date: 2008-02-05
 IETF LC End Date: 2008-02-07
 IESG Telechat date: 2008-02-07
 Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, 
 described in the review.
 Most serious comments first:
 1) The document should contain explicit text about the relationship
 between ERP and the lower layers; for example, what would need to be
 changed in lower layers that use EAP to add support for ERP.
 (E.g. with parallel EAP-Request/Identity+EAP-Initiate/Reauth-Start
 the protocol is no longer lock-step; the authenticator is no longer
 responsible for all the retransmissions, etc.)
 2) The document specifies message fields for so-called channel
 binding information, but contains basically no text about
 what to put in the field, or how to process them.
 Note that just saying RADIUS Calling-Station-Id is not very helpful,
 since peers don't usually implement RADIUS. The spec either needs to
 describe what the field should contain, or should tell where that is
 Also, the semantics are highly unclear: the spec says these attributes
 can be included in EAP-Initiate/Re-Auth and EAP-Finish/Re-Auth
 messages -- but how do the peers know when to include them? Or what to
 do with them when received?  E.g. if the EAP-Initiate/Re-Auth contains
 some of these attributes, should the EAP-Finish/Re-Auth also contain
 them? With same values?
 (Answers to some of these questions may be obvious to people who
 participated in the channel binding discussions 3..5 years ago; 
 but they're not in the current specification. And if there's any
 difficulty in writing text about them, it IMHO suggests they
 are not that obvious.)
 3) The document uses terms EAP Peer-ID and EAP Session-ID which
 are not part of RFC 3748; they are defined in draft-ietf-eap-keying,
 which needs to be (normatively) referenced.
 4) Section 4.1.1 defines NameDerivationKey = EAP Session-ID, when K
 used in rRK derivation is the EMSK; however, existing EAP methods are
 not required to export a Session-Id. This document needs to specify
 what is done when no Session-ID is exported, or explicitly say that it
 works only with EAP methods that export a session id.
 5) Section 5.1, In this case, the lower layer may already have
 derived the TSKs based on the MSK received earlier.  The lower layer
 may then choose to ignore the rMSK that was received with the ER
 bootstrapping exchange.  Alternatively, the lower layer may choose to
 generate a TSK from the rMSK.
 Who/what coordinates this; that is, ensures that both peer
 and authenticator use the same key (MSK or rMSK)?
 The following comments are basically nits that should be easy
 to fix:
 6) Section 4.1.1 specifies rRK derivation seed as S = rRK Label 
 + \0 + NULL + length. It's not clear what NULL means here; 
 IMHO one obvious interpretation would be a single zero octet 
 (same as \0), but then again, perhaps an empty (zero-length)
 string is intended, since a different notation was used?
 7) Section 4.1.1 specifies the rRK label as EAP Re-(newline)(white
 space)authentication Root [EMAIL PROTECTED]; this is a rather 
 unfortunate place to break a line, as the hyphen could be 
 interpreted in two different ways.
 8) Inconsistent IANA considerations: slightly different USRK label
 string is used in Sections 4.1.1 and 8.
 9) Section 4.1.5 says the most significant k octets of the output 
 are used; the term most significant makes sense when talking 
 about integers.  When talking about octet strings, I'd find first 
 or last less ambiguous.
 10) Sections 5.2 and, If rIKname-NAI is present, the
 authenticator MUST use that NAI to route the message. 

RE: I-D submission tool

2008-02-06 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

 For the second, it claims that the file isn't plain text and
 won't post it or even provide a manual submission path.  The
 file is output or xml2rfc, has proper CRLF line endings, and, if
 it contains any non-ASCII characters or serious format
 misbehavior, the online version of idnits can't find it, even in
 very verbose mode. [ #1799]

I also encountered this problem ( #1730), and after some
debugging, discovered what the problem was: the submission tool uses
the file program to check whether the file is plain text or not, and
(apparently) the file program on the new servers behaves slightly
differently from the old one.

In particular, if you have the string (if approved) on your cover
page, some versions of file (at least some Linux distributions)
will identify your draft as Lisp/Scheme program text instead of 
just ASCII :-)

Best regards,
Ietf mailing list

Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-hokey-erx-09

2008-02-05 Thread Pasi.Eronen

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call 
comments you may receive.

Document: draft-ietf-hokey-erx-09 
Reviewer: Pasi Eronen
Review Date: 2008-02-05
IETF LC End Date: 2008-02-07
IESG Telechat date: 2008-02-07

Summary: This draft is on the right track but has open issues, 
described in the review.


Most serious comments first:

1) The document should contain explicit text about the relationship
between ERP and the lower layers; for example, what would need to be
changed in lower layers that use EAP to add support for ERP.
(E.g. with parallel EAP-Request/Identity+EAP-Initiate/Reauth-Start
the protocol is no longer lock-step; the authenticator is no longer
responsible for all the retransmissions, etc.)

2) The document specifies message fields for so-called channel
binding information, but contains basically no text about
what to put in the field, or how to process them.

Note that just saying RADIUS Calling-Station-Id is not very helpful,
since peers don't usually implement RADIUS. The spec either needs to
describe what the field should contain, or should tell where that is

Also, the semantics are highly unclear: the spec says these attributes
can be included in EAP-Initiate/Re-Auth and EAP-Finish/Re-Auth
messages -- but how do the peers know when to include them? Or what to
do with them when received?  E.g. if the EAP-Initiate/Re-Auth contains
some of these attributes, should the EAP-Finish/Re-Auth also contain
them? With same values?

(Answers to some of these questions may be obvious to people who
participated in the channel binding discussions 3..5 years ago; 
but they're not in the current specification. And if there's any
difficulty in writing text about them, it IMHO suggests they
are not that obvious.)

3) The document uses terms EAP Peer-ID and EAP Session-ID which
are not part of RFC 3748; they are defined in draft-ietf-eap-keying,
which needs to be (normatively) referenced.

4) Section 4.1.1 defines NameDerivationKey = EAP Session-ID, when K
used in rRK derivation is the EMSK; however, existing EAP methods are
not required to export a Session-Id. This document needs to specify
what is done when no Session-ID is exported, or explicitly say that it
works only with EAP methods that export a session id.

5) Section 5.1, In this case, the lower layer may already have
derived the TSKs based on the MSK received earlier.  The lower layer
may then choose to ignore the rMSK that was received with the ER
bootstrapping exchange.  Alternatively, the lower layer may choose to
generate a TSK from the rMSK.

Who/what coordinates this; that is, ensures that both peer
and authenticator use the same key (MSK or rMSK)?

The following comments are basically nits that should be easy
to fix:

6) Section 4.1.1 specifies rRK derivation seed as S = rRK Label 
+ \0 + NULL + length. It's not clear what NULL means here; 
IMHO one obvious interpretation would be a single zero octet 
(same as \0), but then again, perhaps an empty (zero-length)
string is intended, since a different notation was used?

7) Section 4.1.1 specifies the rRK label as EAP Re-(newline)(white
space)authentication Root [EMAIL PROTECTED]; this is a rather 
unfortunate place to break a line, as the hyphen could be 
interpreted in two different ways.

8) Inconsistent IANA considerations: slightly different USRK label
string is used in Sections 4.1.1 and 8.

9) Section 4.1.5 says the most significant k octets of the output 
are used; the term most significant makes sense when talking 
about integers.  When talking about octet strings, I'd find first 
or last less ambiguous.

10) Sections 5.2 and, If rIKname-NAI is present, the
authenticator MUST use that NAI to route the message.  If the
rIKname-NAI is not present, the authenticator MUST use the NAI in 
the Peer-ID to forward the message via AAA.  If neither are 
available, the authenticator MUST forward the ERP messages to the 
local ER server. If none of these rules apply, the authenticator 
MUST drop the packets silently.

Let's see; it seems the logic is as follows:

  if (rIKname-NAI is present) {
use rIKname-NAI
  } else if (rIKname-NAI not present  Peer-ID present) {
use Peer-ID NAI
  } else if (rIKname-NAI not present  Peer-ID not present) {
use local
  } else {
drop silently;

I can't quite figure out when the If none of these rules apply
text would be used. Perhaps the intent was to drop the packet
if it can't be parsed at all? If so, this should be described
more clearly.

11) Sections 5.3.1, 5.3.2, and 5.3.3 do describe TVs/TLVs which
can be included in the messages, but don't clearly specify
which of them are always present, and which may be omitted
in some circumstances.

12) Section 5.4, The server expects a sequence number of zero or

RE: Call for Comment: RFC 4693 experiment

2008-01-21 Thread Pasi.Eronen

While there are a couple of IONs whose content I find valuable (such
as ad-sponsoring and discuss-criteria), IMHO the same information
could be placed in ordinary web pages without losing much -- and
perhaps gaining something in the process.

Currently, we have similar information scattered over random web pages
on, random pages in IESG wiki, and the IONs (with different
procedures and tools for updating them). My reading between the lines 
interpretation of RFC 4693 Section 5 is that perhaps creating IONs was 
considered easier than e.g. fixing the procedures and tools for 
maintaining ordinary web pages. (This may well have been 
correct, BTW -- but perhaps the secretariat transition will bring
some new efforts to update as well?)

But looking forward, and considering the question what should be done
about IONs, the answer is less clear. If IONs encourage people to
clearly document things that are useful to others, then they have some
value there. Maybe - and this is just an unsupported hypothesis -
folks at IETF are more comfortable (or efficient, or motivated) with
writing things that are called documents rather than web pages
(even when there's no difference in actual content). And moving the
same information to ordinary web pages would probably mean creating
some sort of structure (e.g. header for distinguishing draft and
versions with some kind of standard header) and processes (for e.g.

However, how to organize web pages is a topic where I think
micromanagement (from e.g. me) would not be very productive. If 
useful information gets communicated in effective fashion, I'm OK 
with letting the IESG to choose the tools they use for maintaining 
things on the web, and don't really mind whether they get called 
IONs, wikis, or just web pages.

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: ext The IESG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 16 January, 2008 21:41
 To: IETF Announcement list
 Subject: Call for Comment: RFC 4693 experiment 
 RFC 4693, Section 4 says:
  This experiment is expected to run for a period of 12 months,
  starting from the date of the first ION published using this
  mechanism. At the end of the period, the IESG should issue a
  call for comments from the community, asking for people to state
  their agreement to one of the following statements (or a
  suitable reformulation thereof):
 According to
 the first ION was published 12-Jan-2007.  This means the experiment
 ended last Saturday, and it's time for the IESG to issue the
 call for comments.
 Please tell us what you think about the experiment.  Have IONs been
 valuable?  Should we continue to make use of this mechanism?

Ietf mailing list

RE: Call for Comment: RFC 4693 experiment

2008-01-21 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 02:24:34PM +0200,
 a message of 66 lines which said:
  My reading between the lines interpretation of RFC 4693 
  Section 5 is that perhaps creating IONs was considered easier 
  than e.g. fixing the procedures and tools for maintaining 
  ordinary web pages.
 That's not my reading at all. This section explains clearly the
 problem with Web pages:
   Web pages, which can be changed without notice, provide very
   little ability to track changes, and have no formal standing --
   confusion is often seen about who has the right to update them,
   what the process for updating them is, and so on.  It 
   is hard when looking at a Web page to see whether this is a 
   current procedure, a procedure introduced and abandoned, or 
   a draft of a future procedure. 
o  Unlike Web pages, there is an explicit mechanism for 
   finding all current versions, and a mechanism for 
   tracking the history of a document.

Many web page management systems (such as wiki engines) 
have reasonably good mechanisms for tracking the history of 
web pages.  And similar processes for updating them (and status 
line at the beginning of page) could be applied for any pages, 
so this does not really explain why they had to be kept separate 
(and called differently) from ordinary web pages.

(I've heard rumors that at the time when RFC 4693 was written,
updating web pages meant emailing your text to the
secretariat staff, who then edited the actual pages more or
less manually. This kind of system would easily explain why is a mess... and IONs would certainly be an
improvement over that.)

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: AAAA records to be added for root servers

2008-01-06 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Brian E Carpenter wrote:

 As Phill H-B has implied more than once, there's scope
 for a library on top of the socket API that takes care
 of this once and for all. Does anyone have such a library?

Some TCP/IP stacks include this kind of API:

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Daily Dose version 2 launched

2007-11-07 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Michael Dillon wrote: 

  The second, and more important, reason is that AFAIK most 
  feed readers and aggregators wouldn't be able to render the 
  expanding yellowish boxes (which contain ID abstracts and 
  other details) anyway, because they rely on CSS and JavaScript.
 Since when has anyone considered CSS and JavaScript to be
 Generally, RSS and ATOM feeds are produced by software.
 Software can do things like parse web pages and separate
 the content from the markup and also shorten long content
 items to the first 300 characters or so. 

 In the real world, this kind of thing is Python 101 in that
 beginners who have never before used a scripting language
 somehow manage to set up their own RSS and ATOM feeds.

Seeing the first 300 characters is useful for things like blogs,
because it usually allows you to figure out whether you really 
want to read the whole article or not.

I did not find it useful to see e.g. the first 300 characters 
of the Daily Dose page. I also considered other options (such 
as producing a version without the yellowish detail boxes), 
but did not find them personally useful either.

(In other words: this was done intentionally, not because 
I can't write Python (well, Perl in this case).)

 In the real world, web site developers also do something
 called usability testing which catches all these issues
 before the site ever goes live. For example, read this:

I guess this is talking about real-world web site developers, who
develop sites for others for money. I would indeed expect e.g. the
secretariat to do this kind of testing for services paid from our
meeting fees. But Daily Dose is not one of those services.

(BTW, Daily Dose has been live for almost 2 years now.)

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Daily Dose version 2 launched

2007-11-07 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Jari Arkko wrote:

 Apparently my reader (Thunderbird 1.5) does something funny
 with the feed; it shows the actual content. I like that, but I have
 not looked at the details of what is actually provided in the feed
 and what is fetched from the link.

The behavior of Thunderbird depends on whether you select
the Show the article summary instead of loading the web page
box when you subscribe to the feed.

If you select this, you see only the summary (which is
empty in the current feeds); if you don't, you get the full page
(however, by default Thunderbird seems to ignore JavaScript
here, so the expanding boxes don't work.)

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Daily Dose version 2 launched

2007-11-07 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Michael Dillon wrote:
 If I'm not mistaken, you are the developer, not the set of
 end users. In which case your personal preferences are not

They are relevant in the sense that *I* decide what I want 
to spend *my* time on.  I'm open to suggestions and good 
ideas, but what gets implemented isn't decided by the
set of end users.

 If you can provide a choice of two feeds, one using
 RSS and one using ATOM, then why can't you also offer a 
 summary feed and a full content feed?

I might. What would you suggest including in these 

In other words, what to include/omit in the summary feed?
And what should the full content feed look like? (How
should the draft abstracts etc. be shown?)

 P.S. I thought this was part of the site redevelopment using 
 Django but perhaps I was mistaken.

It is not (and I'm actually using Perl instead of Django).

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Daily Dose version 2 launched

2007-11-06 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

 Actually, the problem I have with both feeds is that they have no
 content, just the titles (which does not change, except for the
 issue number), the date and the link. Not very useful.

There were two reasons for this: the first is size (one issue can 
easily be 100 KB, so a feed containing the 20 most recent issues
would be quite large).

The second, and more important, reason is that AFAIK most feed 
readers and aggregators wouldn't be able to render the expanding 
yellowish boxes (which contain ID abstracts and other details) 
anyway, because they rely on CSS and JavaScript.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Daily Dose version 2 launched

2007-11-02 Thread Pasi.Eronen

Some of you may already be familiar with the Daily Dose of IETF 
tool, which has been running since late 2005 (at address

For those who haven't seen this yet: Daily Dose is a tool that 
shows what's new today in IETF: messages from the IETF Announce 
mailing list, new RFCs and Internet-Drafts, draft progress 
through IETF process, new IPR disclosures, and much more (more 
details can be found at

The tool has now undergone a major rewrite and facelift.  The 
biggest changes compared to version 1 are:

- New address -- this should provide 
  more bandwidth and reliability. Big thanks to Henrik for 
  helping with this!
- New graphical layout.
- Hand-written articles and classified ads in addition to 
  automatically generated content.

If you have any comments or suggestions, join the tools-discuss
mailing list (,
or contact me directly.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: [IPsec] Re: Last call comments for draft-lepinski-dh-groups-01

2007-10-11 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Paul Hoffman wrote:

 2) For IKEv1/IKEv2, the document should explicitly specify how
 ECC points are converted to octet strings (for KE payloads
 and resulting shared secret value). Currently, there are at
 least three incompatible options (RFC 4753, RFC 2409, and
 draft-ietf-ipsec-ike-ecc-groups-10 drafts). I'd suggest just
 saying the same way as in RFC 4753.
 This bodes really poorly for interoperability. 
 draft-lepinski-dh-groups needs to be revised to specify one of the 
 methods, and that needs to be discussed on the IPsec mailing list. 
 I would not assume that implementers would prefer RFC 4753 over 

I suggested the same way as in RFC 4753 not because I particularly
prefer that point-to-octet-string conversion method, but because I
would prefer not having three different methods (two is bad enough).

(Note that the current ecc-groups-10 draft actually tries to 
modify the definitions of groups 19/20/21 from RFC 4753: it
reuses the same numbers but with different point-to-octet-string
conversion method.)

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Re: Third Last Call: draft-housley-tls-authz-extns

2007-10-11 Thread Pasi.Eronen
 The IESG is considering approving this draft as an experimental
 track RFC with knowledge of the IPR disclosure from Redphone
 Security. The IESG solicits final comments on whether the IETF
 community has consensus to publish draft-housley-tls-authz-extns as
 an experimental standard given the IPR claimed.

not wearing any hats

Basically repeating the comments I made earlier:

I think this document is somewhat useful, and whatever you may think
about IPRs, basically nobody has claimed that the technical solution
is flawed (except one minor detail, easily solved by an RFC editor
note -- see below) or undesirable. 

However, since there doesn't seem to be widespread support for this
draft, an Experimental RFC seems like the most appropriate forward
(since Experimental does not need to represent IETF community
consensus or recommendation). 

The minor detail that should be fixed (as was pointed out by
others) is changing the length fields from 16 bits to 24 bits 
(the rest of TLS already uses 24-bit length fields for certificates).

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Third Last Call: draft-housley-tls-authz-extns

2007-10-11 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

 Assuming that this logic is reasonable (and, personally, I do),
 the question remains as to why the document deserves the special
 treatment of IESG sponsorship, rather than turning it over to
 the tender mercies and independent review of the independent
 submission process.  If nothing else, handling it as an
 independent submission would remove any suspicion that it was
 being given special treatment because one of its authors was
 IETF Chair.
 I'm not strongly advocating that approach, just asking.

The IANA rules in this case require a document approved by the IESG;
otherwise, independent submission would indeed be preferable.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Last call comments for draft-lepinski-dh-groups-01

2007-10-09 Thread Pasi.Eronen

Two comments about the IPsec-related parts:

1) Section 1 says:

   Sixteen additional groups subsequently have been defined and
   assigned values by IANA for use with IKE (v1 and v2).  All of
   these additional groups are optional in the IKE context.  Of
   the twenty-one groups defined so far, eight are MODP groups
   (exponentiation groups modulo a prime), ten are EC2N groups
   (elliptic curve groups over GF[2^N]) and three are ECP groups
   (elliptic curve groups over GF[P]).

This is not totally correct. As of this writing, no EC2N groups
have been assigned values for use with IKEv2.  Also, eight of the
ten EC2N groups for IKEv1 are not documented in any RFC. (And yes,
I'm aware of draft-ietf-ipsec-ike-ecc-groups -- but that hasn't
been approved yet, and requires changes before approval.)

2) For IKEv1/IKEv2, the document should explicitly specify how 
ECC points are converted to octet strings (for KE payloads 
and resulting shared secret value). Currently, there are at 
least three incompatible options (RFC 4753, RFC 2409, and 
draft-ietf-ipsec-ike-ecc-groups-10 drafts). I'd suggest just
saying the same way as in RFC 4753.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Withdrawing sponsorship of draft-housley-tls-authz-extns

2007-06-15 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Thomas Narten wrote:

 If the above text were in effect today, would it be sufficient to
 cover the situation at issue here? (Now would be an excellent time
 to consider updates/clarifications to the above text.)

I don't think so. The text allows IESG to override the allocation
procedures when they judge there is strong IETF consensus to do 

In the situation at issue here: IMHO the main question is whether 
we have rough consensus that this particular draft should be 
published as non-Standards Track RFC.

If the IESG thinks we have this consensus, they would just approve 
the document, and the override procedure would not be needed. If 
the IESG thinks there is no consensus (or it's too rough), the 
override rule wouldn't apply.

So while I think the override rule might be valuable in some
cases, it doesn't seem to help here. 

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: IANA registration constraints (was: Re: Withdrawing sponsorship...)

2007-06-15 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Paul Hoffman wrote:

 Why not? As long as the reader of the IANA registry can ascertain 
 which codepoint owner is at a particular level, how would that affect 

Being able to ascertain what the level is isn't enough; you also 
need to know (and more importantly, care) about the differences 
in the levels :-)

I'd say there are lot of implementors who don't really care that
much for the distinctions between an individual Internet-Draft, 
a WG draft, an Experimental RFC, or Proposed Standard RFC.

But if only the latter two (or three) would have proper numbers 
in them (instead of TBD-BY-IANA), that would send a clear message
that this not ready yet... (but of course, this doesn't always
work; if there's strong enough pressure to implement, people
will invent some numbers there)

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Re: IANA registration constraints (was: Re: Withdrawing sponsorship...)

2007-06-13 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

 To me, the fundamental question here is whether, in the last 
 analysis, we consider it more important to have
   * the best and most extensive Internet interoperability
   possible or
   * a maximum of real or imagined IETF control over all
   protocols in use on the Internet.
 We claim to believe the former and then often behave as if we 
 believe the latter.

There are also cases when the latter can also promote the former.

The hurdle of getting IETF consensus and publishing an RFC does
weed out many crazy proposals that, in all fairness, would not
have made the Internet work better, and would not have promoted

Or in other words: we do have many proposals for extending IETF
protocols whose primary motivation is not solving a real-world 
need, but rather finding some work for the standardization guys 
to do (or getting a PhD or something). 

Those extensions might even get implemented in some sense of 
the word (anyone can set up a SourceForge project), but are not 
even meant to be deployed.

If by having some control over IANA allocations we weed out of
this stuff, I have no problems with it. But I agree that the
controls should not be too strict, so that protocols that actually
get deployed are able to get the numbers, and are documented
as RFCs (but IMHO something stricter that first come first served
is usually beneficial).

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: IANA registration constraints (was: Re: Withdrawing sponsorship...)

2007-06-13 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 12:08 PM +0300 6/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The hurdle of getting IETF consensus and publishing an RFC does
 weed out many crazy proposals that, in all fairness, would not
 have made the Internet work better, and would not have promoted
 It does not need to promote interoperability; being interop-neutral 
 is sufficient. How does giving a codepoint to someone with a crazy 
 (and let's say even dangerous to the Internet) idea hurt 
 interoperability? It seems to be interop-neutral.

I think giving out codepoints freely would in many cases encourage
having multiple (often half-baked) solutions to the same problem.

To give one example we both worked on: I think it's good we didn't
allocate codepoints to all the individual MOBIKE protocol proposals
(mine, Tero's, Francis's), and instead were forced to work together
and converge on a single protocol.

Probably the market would have eventually picked one of them as 
the winner, but meanwhile, the situation would IMHO not have been
interop-neutral. (And working together also produced a better 
protocol than any of the individual drafts were.)

I'm not saying that this particular cooperation would not have
happened with less strict IANA policies -- but I do believe that 
if the bar for getting codepoints and publishing an RFC would be
significantly lower than today, we would have a much larger number 
of poorly concieved and overlapping extensions to various IETF 
protocols. (And IMHO that would not always be interop-neutral.)

However: I do agree with John Klensin's statement that there is a 
difference between registering a parameter for a non-standard 
specification that is already deployed and in successful use and 
registering one for a wild idea by one person.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Withdrawing sponsorship of draft-housley-tls-authz-extns

2007-06-12 Thread Pasi.Eronen

I'm quite disappointed with the way you chose to handle this.

I do agree with your assessment that we do not, at this time,
have rough consensus to publish this on Standards Track.

However, based on the public comments I have seen (obviously, 
I have not seen comments sent only to the IESG), significantly
more people supported publishing this (in some form) than were
totally opposed to publishing. I find it totally plausible that 
someone could interprete this as rough consensus for publishing 
this as a non-Standards Track RFC.

Since the Standards Action has been initiated, and the document
has gone through IETF last call, I think the decisions about the
Standards Action (whether to publish this or not, at what
status, with what changes) should be made by the IESG as a
whole, not solely by the sponsoring AD. 

While it is at each AD's discretion not to sponsor some document
(and not initiate Standards Action), I don't think this
discretion should extend to having a veto at the IESG table 
when the document and community input is considered (if you 
make changes I don't like, I'll withdraw my sponsorship).  

It looks like our process rules don't really cover the case of
withdrawing sponsorship, but the existing IESG decision-making
process already allows an AD to object to publishing a document,
and I believe using a sponsorship-withdrawal-veto instead is

I ask you to consider putting this document back on the IESG 
table, allowing each AD evaluate the document and community 
input received during the IETF Last Call (and determine the 
consensus or lack of it), and ballot accordingly.

Whatever the outcome is, I strongly believe this is not a 
decision you should make alone, and doing so would violate
the spirit of RFC 2026 and RFC 3710: in Standards Action,
the consensus is judged by all Area Directors, not any 
single person alone.

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: ext Sam Hartman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 12 June, 2007 01:57
 Subject: Withdrawing sponsorship of draft-housley-tls-authz-extns
 Folks, after the various IPR disclosures were filed on
 draft-housley-tls-authz-extns, I asked for a second IETF last call to
 see if we had consensus to publish this document on the standards
 track given the IPR claims against it.
 That last call did not show the consensus I was looking for.  So, we
 agreed we were going to send mail to the TLS working group and ask
 them for their comments on publishing the draft.  We hoped that we'd
 see a consensus there.  The chairs did ask for comments; see .
 Comments were provided, but there was not a consensus in favor of
 publication on the standards track either there or on the ietf list.
 I think there is a rough consensus against publication on the
 standards track.  However it is quite clear that there is not a rough
 consensus in favor of publication on the standards track which would
 be required to do so.
 So, I am withdrawing my sponsorship of the draft and as far as the
 IETF process is concerned this draft is no longer under consideration
 for publication.
 One option that several people suggested is publication as an
 informational spec.  I personally do not choose to sponsor this
 document for informational or experimental.  often, it seems that we
 use informational as a way to publish things we cannot build a strong
 consensus behind.  I think that process is generally problematic and
 would like to avoid it in this instance.  Other ADs may consider
 sponsoring this document as an informational document; I would ask
 them to carefully consider whether that is the best use of the time
 they have to offer the IETF community.  My conclusion is that for me
 personally, it is not.
 Publishing this document via the rfc editor independent submissions
 track is basically not an option because the IANA assignments require
 IETF consensus or standards action.
 That leaves the authors with several options:
 * Work with people to build consensus and try again later.  Possibly
   working on discovering prior art or trying to revise the licensing
   terms.  There should be a much higher bar for starting the process a
   second time, but perhaps that bar can be met.
 * Work on an alternative that does not have the IPR constraints.
 * Work on finding another AD to sponsor the document.  I will not do
   so, and I'd advise my fellow ADs to think for a long time before
   taking on this draft, but I would not block another AD sponsoring
   the draft.
 * Rewrite this document as a sketch of what might be done 
 rather than a protocol and go through the independent 
 submissions track.
 * Drop the proposal.
 I'm sad that we have come to this point.  I think this technology has
 significant value and wish we'd found a way to publish it.  However we

RE: Last Call Comments on draft-housley-tls-authz-07

2007-03-12 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Eric Rescorla wrote:

 My TLS co-chair suggests that this document should go forward as
 Experimental. I see two problems with that. First: it assigns code
 points out of a space which is reserved for Standards Action. 

A correction: the draft needs code points from two different
registries (TLS extension types and TLS supplemental data type); 
both of these registries have at least part of the numbers reserved
for IETF Consensus policy. So Standards Action is not needed.

(The draft also creates two new registries, but their allocation
policies and/or initial assignments could be easily modified at
this stage.)


 Given all this, plus the fact that this is squarely a TLS-relevant
 document, and the IETF norm that it is best when WGs assess the
 level of IPR involvement and balance that against the important of
 the work, I think it would be best if this work were brought to the
 TLS WG, which could decide whether to make it a WG item, in which
 case the decisions about IPR could be made in the WG.  If it clears
 that bar, then we can have some level of confidence that the IPR
 issues were judged. If it can't meet that bar, then it probably
 should not be published at all.

I have to disagree with my co-chair here :-) TLS WG should be involved
in major technical work related to TLS, but I don't think getting it
involved in IPR discussions would be very fruitful.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Last call comments about draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-07

2007-03-05 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Russ Housley wrote:
 2) If this was published in a more academic environment, it would be
 proper (and required) to cite related work, tracing the source of
 ideas that were not entirely new. We don't usually have extensive
 citations in RFCs, but in this context, perhaps it would be
 appropriate to mention the previous proposal for sending ACs in TLS
 (draft-ietf-tls-attr-cert from 1998) in the Acknowledgements section.
 This takes a very different approach.  Stephen and I co-authored RFC 
 3281, which is referenced.  I do not think that Stephen's ideas about 
 integrating Attribute Certificates into TLS had any impact on the 
 design in the current document.

Well, while draft-ietf-tls-attr-cert certainly contains a lot of
stuff that isn't in draft-housley-tls-authz-extns (such as AC
acquisition, hints about what ACs the client should consider
presenting, etc.), there's some overlap as well.

For example, a very basic case where the client presents an AC 
containing a role or security clearance to the server, and the 
server uses this to determine what the client is authorized to 
access, is explicitly mentioned in both documents, and would work 
almost identically.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Last call comments about draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-07

2007-03-02 Thread Pasi.Eronen

1) Given the situation, I would find Experimental a more appropriate
status for the document (and it seems that the required IANA
assignments can be obtained without being on standards track, so
probably no changed would be needed in the document).

2) If this was published in a more academic environment, it would be
proper (and required) to cite related work, tracing the source of
ideas that were not entirely new. We don't usually have extensive
citations in RFCs, but in this context, perhaps it would be
appropriate to mention the previous proposal for sending ACs in TLS
(draft-ietf-tls-attr-cert from 1998) in the Acknowledgements section.

3) Recent discussions on the TLS WG mailing list pointed out a
possible problem in the draft (which it might not be too late to fix):
there are some 2-byte length fields, which limit contents to 65535
bytes.  That might be plenty for X.509 ACs (although TLS does use
three-byte length field for X.509 PKCs), but perhaps not so plenty for
SAML assertions.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: what happened to newtrk?

2006-09-06 Thread Pasi.Eronen

Your description of the process omitted the most 
time-consuming part: 

for {each normative reference}
 if {at lower maturity level AND downref acceptable}
 then {write justification why downref is acceptable}  
 else {repeat process recursively to bring reference to DS}

A while ago Tero Kivinen wrote a script for automatically finding 
the required documents; according to the script, to bring IPsec to 
DS you'd need to upgrade somewhere between 70 and 400 (if I recall
correctly) documents. (The number is fuzzy because older documents 
didn't separate normative and informative references. And some of 
those references could be justified as acceptable downrefs or 
re-classified as informative.) 

Whatever the correct figure is (it's anyway dozens of documents), 
it's also quite obvious that nobody will ever do the process.

For RFC 2195 (an extension to IMAP), you'd probably need to bring 
IMAP to DS first.

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: ext Brian E Carpenter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 06 September, 2006 12:57
 To: Frank Ellermann
 Subject: Re: what happened to newtrk?
  Okay, let's nail this, I like to see 2195 and 3464 as DS,
  what exactly can I do ?
 3464 is already DS according to the RFC Index.
 For 2195, write and publish an interoperability report, and
 if {all mandatory and optional features shown to interoperate}
  then {send a request to reclassify RFC 2195 to the IESG}
  else {publish a draft-ellermann-2195bis with 
non-interoperable features removed};
   {send a request to approve it as DS to the IESG}
 It's better if you find a willing AD first, and work with him 
 or her instead of the IESG as group.

Ietf mailing list

RE: Meetings in other regions

2006-07-18 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Andy Bierman wrote:
 Nobody flies from LAX to San Diego because it ends up taking
 twice as long as driving for 10 times as much, so don't expect
 lots of flights from LA.

For IETF67, I'm leaving home around 6AM, and arrive at LAX some 19
hours later (and fly from LAX to San Diego). After this kind of trip,
driving would be dangerous not just to myself, but everyone else on
the road as well...

(BTW, how much would a taxi from LAX to San Diego cost? And would
you expect taxis willing to do it?)

 - I didn't find a terminal room, but instead a giant 'break room'
   for ad-hoc meetings and food breaks.  This was wonderful, and
   about time! 802.11 has thankfully made the terminal room obsolete.
   I want this format every time.  Please consider 2 enhancements:
 - A/C around the perimeter for laptop power
 - beverages available (at least pitchers of water) all day

Good suggestions, I second these!

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Meetings in other regions

2006-07-17 Thread Pasi.Eronen
John C Klensin wrote:

 It also means such things as:
 * picking places within those countries or regions that have
 good airports with easy (and multiple) international
 connections.  Even San Diego is a little marginal in that
 regard.  Based on experience in the last year or so, I'd
 suggest that Cape Town and Marrakech (suggested in another
 posting) should be utterly disqualified (although J-berg and
 Casablanca are more plausible on this dimension).

Some data about San Diego: Today, the flight information page on San 
Diego International Airport web site shows a couple of flights
to/from Mexico and a couple to/from Canada -- all the others are
within US.

When meeting in North America, I would strongly prefer cities that
have several direct flight connections from both Europe and Asia. 
Of the recent IETF meeting places, San Diego is the only one that
clearly fails this criteria... so why are we going there again?

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Last call comments for draft-ietf-pki4ipsec-ikecert-profile-10

2006-06-26 Thread Pasi.Eronen

Couple of comments about draft-ietf-pki4ipsec-ikecert-profile-10,
all fairly minor:

1) Section 3.1: Implementations SHOULD populate ID with identity
   information that is contained within the end-entity certificate
   [...] The only case where implementations MAY populate ID with
   information that is not contained in the end-entity certificate is
   when ID contains the peer source address (a single address, not a
   subnet or range).
   The part the only case where implementations MAY [do X] is when
   [condition] is not consistent with the RFC 2119 definition of MAY
   (or at least, it's very confusing). Is the intention to say One
   case where implementatations MAY [do X] is when [condition], or
   Implementations MUST NOT [do X] unless [condition], or possibly
   something else?

2) Section 3.1.2 (and also the same text in 3.1.3): However,
   implementations SHOULD NOT use the DNS to map the FQDN to IP
   addresses for input into any policy decisions, unless that mapping
   is known to be secure, for example if DNSSEC [12] were employed 
   for that FQDN.

   If the FQDN in question is owned by the attacker, then even DNSSEC
   does not guarantee that the IP address is something that should be
   used as an input to policy decisions.

3) The profile contains some recommendations about CERTREQ processing
   that are not fully in line with what IKEv2 recommends.

   In particular, Section 3.3.7 says that Implementations that
   receive CERTREQs from a peer which contain only unrecognized
   Certification Authorities SHOULD NOT continue the exchange.  
   But RFC 4306 Section 3.7 (last paragraph) seems to recommend 
   that if the contains of CERTREQ are not helpful in selecting 
   which certificate to send, its contents should be just ignored.  
   The latter behavior is especially sensible for IKEv2 where the
   CERTREQ contains hashes of CA public keys (instead of distinguished
   names), since the peer does not necessarily have those public
   keys at all (it doesn't need to verify its own certificate, and
   might be using other trust anchors/other methods that certificates
   to authenticate the other peer).

4) Also, Section 3.2.7 says that When in-band exchange of certificate
   keying materials is desired, implementations MUST inform the peer
   of this by sending at least one CERTREQ.  In other words, an
   implementation which does not send any CERTREQs during an exchange
   SHOULD NOT expect to receive any CERT payloads. 
   It should be noted that RFC 4306 Sections 3.6 (first paragraph) and
   3.7 (first paragraph) recommend sending certificates if available,
   and suggest that CERTREQ expresses preferences about certification
   authorities (and sending one would be optional even if CERT
   payloads are needed for authentication).

5) Section 7.1: The Contents of CERTREQ are not encrypted in IKE.
   The initiator's CERTREQ is encrypted in IKEv2 (but since it's 
   naturally sent before the initiator has authenticated the 
   responder, this helps only against passive eavesdroppers).
6) Throughout the document: caseless - case-insensitive

7) References: RFCs 2314 and 2535 have been obsoleted by newer RFCs.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

Last call comments for draft-nystrom-eap-potp-05

2006-06-20 Thread Pasi.Eronen

I have two substantive comments, and a couple of more minor comments:

1) I am concerned that the document does not give the reader an
accurate picture of the security considerations involved when all
EAP-POTP exchanges are done without a server-authenticated tunnel
(such as PEAP).

The problem is that OTPs are typically quite short, and thus a
brute-force attack can be feasible, depending on various parameter
values. Due to quite complex interaction of salt, pepper, OTP and PIN
it's not easy to figure out exactly how the parameter values influence
the difficulty of brute-force attacks, and the security claims in
Section 6.1 simply say that:

   Key strength:  Depends on size of OTP value, strength of
  underlying shared secret, strength and
  characteristics of OTP algorithm, pepper
  length, iteration count, and whether the
  method is used within a tunnel such as

Let's calculate one data point. Assume an RSA SecurID token with PIN
input on the token and 6-digit output (this is what I've used at more
than one employer). For the iteration count, let's follow Section
4.10.3: The iteration_count value MUST be chosen to provide a
suitable level of protection (e.g. at least 2000).

The document does not recommend any particular value for the pepper
length, except that When pepper is used, it is RECOMMENDED that the
length of the pepper and the iteration count are chosen in such a way
that it is computationally infeasible/ unattractive for an attacker to
brute-force search for the given OTP within lifetime of that OTP.
(That was helpful.)

However, increasing the (client-selected) pepper length by 10 bits
increases the server's work by roughly 1000x.  Typical RADIUS servers
support thousands of authentications per second, so it's not realistic
to assume very long client-selected peppers.  (And even if server
capacity was not a concern, users would get annoyed if the
authentication process took more than a couple of seconds.) Thus,
let's assume pepper length of 10 bits.

Given these paremeters, it looks like the effective key strength would
be roughly 41 bits (log2(10^6)+log2(2000)+10) (+- some small constant
to scale to the effort comparable to [..] operations of a typical block
cipher scale used in RFC3748).  In other words: a completely feasible
brute-force search that gives the attacker the MSK (could be used to
decrypt captured WLAN traffic) and the SRK (could be used for session

Even though the session lifetime could be quite short (but there's no
guidance on how short would be secure enough!), the contents of the
WLAN traffic (encrypted using keys derived from the MSK) could be
valuable for a long time (several years).

While some of these parameters could be larger (say, 8-digit output
from token, PIN and iteration count/pepper length leading to 10x more
effort), it seems that parameter values large enough to get 128 bit of
key strength (as required by RFC 4017) are simply not feasible: while
an attacker can spend 2^40 effort on a brute force attack, the real
server cannot do that much for each valid authentication.

In other words: I believe the document should at least clearly say
that when used without a server-authenticated tunnel, and with typical
values for client-selected pepper length and iteration count, EAP-POTP
is vulnerable to brute-force attacks, and does not provide sufficient
key strength to meet the requirements of [RFC4017].

Furthermore, given that in EAP-POTP the key strength depends heavily
on user/administrator selected parameters, the document should follow
RFC 3748's advice about key strength: The statement SHOULD be
accompanied by a short rationale, explaining how this number was
derived.  This explanation SHOULD include the parameters required to
achieve the stated key strength based on current knowledge of the

Similarly, statements such as If the server did not indicate support
for pepper searching, then the PBKDF2 computation MUST be carried out
with a sufficiently higher number of iterations so as to compensate
for the lack of pepper. do not allow the average reader to determine
how high number would be sufficient (and it looks like that without a
server-authenticated tunnel, high enough numbers can't be used in

2) The document suggests that some EAP-POTP exchanges can be done
inside a server-authenticated tunnel while others could be outside of
it (e.g., Section 6.4 initial exchanges with EAP servers SHOULD occur
in a secure environment (e.g. in a PEAP tunnel)). This would be
extremely unwise if the tunnel method does not support cryptographic
binding (e.g., EAP-TTLSv0, PEAPv0, or PEAPv1), as it leads to an easy
man-in-the-middle attack.

Couple of minor comments:

3) The document would be much easier to understand if it said in the
introduction that the basic variant can be 

RE: [TLS] Review of draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-05

2006-05-24 Thread Pasi.Eronen

I don't think this is good use of informative text. Other
standards bodies often mark some sections of a specification 
as informative, but those sections are text that is helpful 
for understanding the specification, but is not required to 
implement it.

The KeyNote section is clearly part of the technical specification,
and required reading to get interoperable implementations of this

Also, my reading of RFC2026 is that the Proposed Standard status
applies to whole documents, and I found nothing there that would
support approving only some specific sections of a document as 
Proposed Standard, while leaving other sections as Informational
or Experimental

Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: ext Russ Housley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 23 May, 2006 19:59
 To: Eronen Pasi (Nokia-NRC/Helsinki)
 Subject: Re: [TLS] Review of draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-05
 Steve Kent and Eric Rescorla made similar comments to your 
 third point:
 3) The document is last called for Proposed Standard, but contains
 a normative reference to Informational RFC (RFC 2704). I'd
 suggest removing the KeyNote stuff from this document (if someone
 really wants to do KeyNote, it can be a separate document).
 I would like to propose a way forward on this point.  It involves 
 three changes.
 First, I suggest a different code point assignment:
enum {
   x509_attr_cert(0), saml_assertion(1), x509_attr_cert_url(2),
   saml_assertion_url(3), keynote_assertion_list(64), (255)
} AuthzDataFormat;
 Second, I propose the following text:
 3.3.4. KeyNote Assertion List (Informative)
 When KeyNoteAssertion List is used, the field contains an ASCII-
 encoded list of signed KeyNote assertions, as described 
 in RFC 2704
 [KEYNOTE].  The assertions are separated by two '\n' (newline)
 characters.  A KeyNote assertion is a structure similar 
 to a public
 key certificate; the main difference is that instead of a binding
 between a name and a public key, KeyNote assertions bind 
 public keys
 to authorization rules that are evaluated by the peer 
 when the sender
 later issues specific requests.
 When making an authorization decision based on a list of KeyNote
 assertions, proper linkage between the KeyNote assertions and the
 public key certificate that is transferred in the TLS Certificate
 message is needed.  Receivers of a KeyNote assertion list should
 initialize the ACTION_AUTHORIZER variable to be the 
 sender's public
 key, which was used to authenticate the TLS exchange.
 Third, I suggest making the [KEYNOTE] reference informational.
 What do you think?  Is this a reasonable compromise?

Ietf mailing list

Review of draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-05

2006-05-23 Thread Pasi.Eronen

The part about X.509 attribute certificates looks fine, but
at least the SAML part still needs some work:

1) I think the document needs to discuss the security considerations
   of bearer SAML assertions in more detail. While the countermeasures
   described in 3.3.2 may help against passive eavesdroppers, they 
   still allow an active MiTM to steal the permission. This is IMHO 
   a significant difference to typical SAML usage with HTTP-over-TLS,
   where the server is authenticated before the bearer assertion is

2) Section 3.3.2: When SAMLAssertion is used, the field contains XML 
   constructs with a nested structure defined in [SAML1.1][SAML2.0].
   This needs to be much more specific than some XML from these 
   documents. What element/elements? Is this an XML document
   (with XML declaration etc.), or just a fragment? Which encoding? 
   And so on...

3) The document is last called for Proposed Standard, but contains
   a normative reference to Informational RFC (RFC 2704). I'd 
   suggest removing the KeyNote stuff from this document (if someone
   really wants to do KeyNote, it can be a separate document).

Minor editorial comments:

4) Section 2.3: the list type is AuthorizationDataFormats but
   enum is spelled AuthzDataFormat.

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: [TLS] Re: Last Call: 'TLS User Mapping Extension' to ProposedStandard

2006-02-21 Thread Pasi.Eronen

My personal comments about draft-santesson-tls-ume-01:

The draft defines an extension to TLS that allows the client to send
user mapping information to the TLS server. The server uses this
information to fetch authentication/authorization-related information
from a directory server.

The draft is quite similar to draft-housley-tls-authz-extns, which
allows sending X.509 attribute certificates and SAML assertions in
TLS. The main difference seems to be that we only send a pointer to
the authorization information (a bit like IKEv2, which supports
sending an URL of the certificate instead of the cert itself).  From a
purely technical point of view, it would probably make sense to merge
these drafts.  The tls-authz-extns draft does some details better:
e.g., the information is sent encrypted, and only after the server has
been authenticated.

The solution is also quite similar to the client_certificate_url
extension defined in RFC 3546 (the User Principal Name could be
considered as one type of certificate URL). Here even the placement
of the handshake messages is identical to tls-ume. Unfortunately,
it seems that sending both CertificateURL and Certificate handshake
messages is not allowed, complicating the situation.

However, it might be that process and timing issues make mergers
infeasible.  Also, the authors of draft-santesson-tls-ume seem to 
be unwilling to make changes to the protocol.

About the technical details: In general, the solution seems to work,
and does not contain any serious flaws. I don't count sending the user
mapping information unencrypted as a serious flaw -- this information
is sent only when a client certificate is also sent, and the client
certificate is not encrypted either (unless the double-handshake hack
is used, in which case the user mapping information would be
encrypted, too).

It's probably not the most elegant design possible (see e.g. Eric
Rescorla's review).

However, I think we should clearly distinguish between 'it won't
work' and 'it could/should work better' (as Dave Crocker well put it
in one email). The document solves a real (but maybe not extremely
large or important) problem, and the solution works. That's better
than many documents these days...

Given these, I think this would be an excellent document for
Informational, especially if the title was changed to Microsoft TLS
User Mapping Extension to indicate that it's a proprietary extension
where the IETF community had no chance to change anything.  I also
think vendors should be encouraged to publish their extensions, even
if they are not perfect.

However, due to the IANA allocation rules in 2246bis, this draft is
being last called for standards track, and this is slightly more

One observation is that the TLS allocation rules are quite strict, and
not always totally logical. Specification Required is sufficient to
get a ClientCertificateType number, and IETF Consensus gets you an
ExtensionType number. But many extensions (including this one, and
also some of the extensions in 3546bis) also require a handshake
message number, and thus Standards Track. Or in other words: the
degree of consensus and process required for a document that extends
TLS depends heavily on minor technical details, not on what the
extension actually does.

RFC 2026 also says that A Proposed Standard specification is
generally stable, has resolved known design choices, is believed to be
well-understood, has received significant community review, and
appears to enjoy enough community interest to be considered valuable.

I don't think we're quite there yet with this document.

On the other hand, I also think that just refusing to publish this
document would be a highly unproductive approach. If the document
solves a reasonable problem, the solution works, and it looks likely
it will be widely deployed, I don't think preventing publication on
minor process details would exactly make the Internet work better.

I'm not sure what would be the best way to handle this, though.  Merge
this with draft-housley-tls-authz-extns? Refine the technical details
so that it does not need a new handshake message number? (E.g., map the
UPN to an URL, and use the existing CertificateURL message?) Change the 
IANA allocation rules for TLS? I don't have a strong opinion here...

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: 'TLS User Mapping Extension' to Proposed Standard

2006-02-20 Thread Pasi.Eronen
Bill Strahm wrote:
 I saw all of the huff, and while I agree with it, I am more 
 concerned about
 Appendix A. IPR Disclosure
 What does that mean, and more specifically is a document with a 
 TBD section really ready for last call at all ?

RFC 3979 Section 11 title says it all: No IPR Disclosures in IETF 
Documents -- so this section needs to be removed.

But the TBD part probably means the authors were in the process 
of finding out exactly where and how IPRs should be disclosed.
It looks like they've now figured it out:

Best regards,

Ietf mailing list