Re: [PHP-DEV] phar & apc

2007-05-07 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello steve,

why don't you give it a try:


Monday, May 7, 2007, 4:55:10 AM, you wrote:

> Before reading the thread on the idea of a PHP 5.3 branch, I had never
> heard of phar, so please excuse my neophyte questions, but I couldn't
> find a reference with the information. On a single website application
> environment (as opposed to a shared host type of thing), what are the
> performance characteristics of using a phar file to replace a largish
> collection of php files?

> Does the performance improve or not? does a fast-cgi based
> installation make a difference?

> Are stat calls for included files short-circuited since it is all
> really one file? Does this improve things in windows where file calls
> seem so damn slow? Linux?

> Most important, how does it work with APC?

> thank you for any answers or references to points of study on the web.

> -s

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

Monday, May 7, 2007, 7:07:09 AM, you wrote:

>> they most likely don't, it is designed for deployment and for running
>> includes directly.

> What do you mean "directly"? Do you mean this is designed for running 
> application only specifically crafted to run inside phar and would break 
> some or most of the existing applications not designed specifically for 
> it? Then even less reason to recommend it as a way to deploy real 
> applications.

It means you can run a phar file. How is that so hard to understand.
See the docs:

>> pear install phar - or - pecl install phar - done
>> oh wait the point is that pecl install doesn't work or is in 99% no option

> And what is "pear install"? I don't have such command in my Windows by 
> default. Neither I have it on my Linux. I would have to install PEAR for 
> that, right? Even only to know what's inside.

Well alot of people make use of our PEAR project. It comes with a bunch of
nice sub projects. And even some external (as in non PHP) applications and
projects make use of it. Providing a better internal infrastructure would be
very nice here.

>> slow? bigger? overhead?

> Meaning, of no practical use  nobody would package their real-world apps 
> this way. Then I guess it's not really an option?

As said you can try stuff in a phar and then extract it. And lemme think,
a war or jar or whatever crap doesn't make java faster either. But hey it
would be a nice trick to turn PHP evenmore into Java so you should promote

>> Interesting and not maintained for the most. Sometimes working on one or
>> the other very specific php version only. And often even without
>> documentation.

> This is as I see for very specific applications too, and the manual says 
> there's no currently stable version of phar.

Strange, pecl lists three stable versions since end of march:

And phar has been stable since end of last year. We only decided to not
mark it stable to be able to rename a few things.

> My opinion

I see

>  is that it is not right to recommend it as preferred way to 
> deploy PHP applications. I know there are many people that it suits 
> their needs - but those people as I understand have to keep in mind they 
> work for phar anyway, so they might as well install one more extension.

Once again, that is in most cases no option at all.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

It means you can run a phar file. How is that so hard to understand.

It is not hard to understand. What seems to be hard to understand is 
that the scenario you describe is by no way the only scenario PHP files 
run in. Not all applications are single entry point and of those that 
are, not all applications are suitable to work in non-filesystem 
environment. Thus using phar in applications not specifically designed 
for it and in environments which presume files are in filesystem might 
prove harder than some think.

a war or jar or whatever crap doesn't make java faster either. But hey it
would be a nice trick to turn PHP evenmore into Java so you should promote

If it was meant as some kind of a jab I'm afraid it was lost on me, I 
don't understand how it is relevant to anything, sorry. :)

Strange, pecl lists three stable versions since end of march:

I guess you should fix the manual then :)

Once again, that is in most cases no option at all.

How it's no option in most cases? And while we are at it, what is the 
"most cases" anyway? Is that most PHP deployments including millions of 
hosting clones all alike or most people supposed to use packaged 
applications (as opposed to writing own PHP scripts) or most people 
running complex production environments (as opposed to just playing with 
some private site) or most of what?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
phar is a good way of deploying PHP code, as PEAR proves. As a cautious
developer however, I am reluctant to using optional features that might
not be available on my client's installation. And for regular users of
PHP-based software, installing a PECL extension is not an option. If I
cannot be sure that phar works on my client's system, I cannot use it to
deploy software.

Uploading a phar file, then pointing your browser to it and running a
PHP-based self-extracting installer similar to the Windows installers we
know would make installing PHP software way more end-user-compatible.

IMHO phar should be part of the PHP code, so that developers can rely on
it as a means of PHP software deployment that certainly works on all
systems, rather than another option.

Kind regards,


 >e-novative> - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lester Caine

Andi Gutmans wrote:

I see no value in making compatibility breaks in 5.x and not in the next
major version. As it is we drive a lot of our users crazy. We already
agreed this is a 6.x thing. 

IMHO one good reason to start a new branch for 5.x would be 
the ability to get rid off register_globals and magic_quotes 
in the 5 series without having to wait for PHP6 to come around.

It seems to me that there are even more people around with their own agendas 
today. The PHP6 'plan' is looking good, but do we have an ETA? Personally I've 
stopped bothering with all the changes to PHP5 and 5.1.6 is working nicely for 
me, so my next step WOULD be PHP6. For those of us who have already 'dropped' 
register_globals and magic_quotes in our code, forcing people who have not yet 
had time to make the move seems a little heavy handed. PHP6 will need a major 
porting exercise, so keep it until then.

As for phar? It sounds a little like PDO. No one has time to work on the 
Firebird PDO driver because we still need the main driver to provide the 
functions PDO does not support. Proper discussion and development of elements 
that are planned to become main stream would be nice, and not the apparently 
current method of 'I'm doing this in the next release because I want it!' Do 
we need phar? Is it fully operational on all platforms? How will the currently 
registered dependencies be addressed? IF it goes into the main distribution 
presumably the installers are going to be extended to support it's server 
requirements. Is that appropriate 'mid cycle'?

It WOULD be nice to spend some time inside the PHP code base, but at present 
all spare time seems to be spent monitoring and testing all the changes to the 
releases and always playing catch up.

PHP6 is the next release - PHP5 should now be tied down and put on the same 
basis as PHP4 before we end up with even more private initiatives creating 
even more mayhem :(

If people want these changes why aren't they working to get PHP6 out?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Firebird Foundation Inc. -

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

PHP-based software, installing a PECL extension is not an option. If I
cannot be sure that phar works on my client's system, I cannot use it to
deploy software.

Unless your clients immediately upgrade to php 5.3 this is the case 
anyway for some time (probably measured in years).

Uploading a phar file, then pointing your browser to it and running a
PHP-based self-extracting installer similar to the Windows installers we
know would make installing PHP software way more end-user-compatible.

If it's the installer question you could do it in a number of other 
ways, but phar way is OK too. It would be one thing to use phar-like 
format as a packaging format used as base for installers (akin to .msi, 
.rpm, etc) - and as I understand, it is achievable even without having 
phar extension with the same success (performance is not really a thing 
for installer). However, running live app from inside phar is entirely 
different thing.

IMHO phar should be part of the PHP code, so that developers can rely on
it as a means of PHP software deployment that certainly works on all
systems, rather than another option.

That's exactly what I am saying - that in my opinion such format is not 
the best thing PHP software developers could (or should) rely on in many 
scenarios. Putting something in PHP source is a form of endorsement, and 
I think it should be carefully considered if it's ready for all 
scenarios before we do that.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lester Caine

Stefan Priebsch wrote:

phar is a good way of deploying PHP code, as PEAR proves. As a cautious
developer however, I am reluctant to using optional features that might
not be available on my client's installation. And for regular users of
PHP-based software, installing a PECL extension is not an option. If I
cannot be sure that phar works on my client's system, I cannot use it to
deploy software.

Uploading a phar file, then pointing your browser to it and running a
PHP-based self-extracting installer similar to the Windows installers we
know would make installing PHP software way more end-user-compatible.

And given the problem getting hosts to ADD PECL extensions, you expect that 
they will allow a third party application to install things on their locked 
down machines. I think the first problem is how does it integrate with hosting 
environments and will those hosts allow it to run?

IMHO phar should be part of the PHP code, so that developers can rely on
it as a means of PHP software deployment that certainly works on all
systems, rather than another option.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Firebird Foundation Inc. -

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

Monday, May 7, 2007, 10:04:16 AM, you wrote:

>> PHP-based software, installing a PECL extension is not an option. If I
>> cannot be sure that phar works on my client's system, I cannot use it to
>> deploy software.

> Unless your clients immediately upgrade to php 5.3 this is the case 
> anyway for some time (probably measured in years).

I guess we immediately stop unicode development then.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
> Unless your clients immediately upgrade to php 5.3 this is the case
> anyway for some time (probably measured in years).

Sure. But since PHP4 support is discontinued by the end of this year,
people will have to upgrade to 5.x (or 6) anyway. That would put phar
support in the broad field maybe by mid-year 2008.

> for installer). However, running live app from inside phar is entirely
> different thing.

I fully agree to that. I (currently) see phar as a means of deploying
PHP code. But when people start running PHP apps from a phar, I am sure
that soon some "caching" mechanism will appear that would just extract
the files from the phar to the file system for quicker access - which
again would make phar a great tool for deploying PHP code.

And, if APC becomes more wide-spread in the future, I guess it does not
really matter wether the code is read from filesystem of phar for the
first time, since subsequently the pre-compiled code would be read from
the cache anyway. Thus, I see no serious performance impact even if you
run software from phar, at least when using a bytecode cache.

> That's exactly what I am saying - that in my opinion such format is not
> the best thing PHP software developers could (or should) rely on in many
> scenarios. Putting something in PHP source is a form of endorsement, and
> I think it should be carefully considered if it's ready for all
> scenarios before we do that.

Then, for installation, what other format would you suggest?

I think one advantage of phar is that it is backed by PEAR tools that
one can expect every PHP developer to have on his system. It would be a
good time now to provide some kind of de-facto-standard for deployment
of PHP code, and phar is the best candidate I know for this.

Kind regards,


 >e-novative> - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Pierre

Hi Stefan,

On 5/7/07, Stefan Priebsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
> Unless your clients immediately upgrade to php 5.3 this is the case
> anyway for some time (probably measured in years).

Sure. But since PHP4 support is discontinued by the end of this year,
people will have to upgrade to 5.x (or 6) anyway. That would put phar
support in the broad field maybe by mid-year 2008.

When have we announce that PHP4 support will end by the end of this year?

Secondly, expecting than a non existent 5.3 will be the widely used
php release in one year sounds wrong to me :)


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Sun, 6 May 2007, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:

> Sorry, I apologize.  Although you were curt I should not have been so in
> reply.
> I used to manage development of a reasonably popular open source project, and
> if one of our developers had ever said something like that, it would have
> greatly annoyed me.  You never really lose that.
> Although I still think you were somewhat rude, I should not have called you on
> it as such, which was rude of me.  I am sorry.

It's not worse than not using a real name to post with


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4 Bug Summary Report

2007-05-07 Thread internals
 PHP 4 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status Summary (631 total including feature requests)
===[*Directory/Filesystem functions]
40661 Open   cwd is reset when shutdown handler runs
===[*Programming Data Structures]=
40496 Assigned   Test bug35239.phpt still fails
===[Apache2 related]==
38670 Open   Whole 4.4.x branch has problem with open_basedir option nested 
from Apache2
38915 Open   mod_php: system() (and similar) don't cleanup opened handles 
of Apache
===[Arrays related]===
31114 Assigned   foreach modify array (works with PHP 5.1)
37451 Open   array_multisort fails to trigger by val copy of data (works in 
PHP 5.1)
39764 Suspended  array_key_exists inconsistent behavior
===[CGI related]==
38476 Open   PATH_INFO, ORIG_PATH_INFO, and PHP_SELF not set in 
===[Class/Object related]=
39254 Open   Refcount error with static variables and object references 
(PHP4 only)
39681 Open   this assignment outside class breaks static function call 
(PHP4 only)
===[COM related]==
37899 Assigned   [PATCH] php_char_to _OLECHAR copies junk bytes
===[Documentation problem]
29045 Suspended   gzopen for URL
36663 Open   unexpected difference between "zlib.output_compression" and 
37009 Open   I got wrong letter Å and å !
37901 Verified   Unable to find the wrapper "file"
38965 Assigned   mssql_connect doesn't use TCP 1433 for external SQL Server
39874 Open   gztell returns incorrect file pointer number
39894 Open   IniFilePath and PHPRC
40586 Open   _ENV vars get espcaped when magic_quotes_gpc is on
===[EXIF related]=
39617 Assigned   Erroneously uses the GPS version tag to determine byte order 
of GPS fields
===[FDF related]==
34811 Assigned   fdf_get_value max size
===[Feature/Change Request]===
3066 Open   Parameter for dns functions to select different DNS
3799 Suspended  default_charset brings small incompatibility
3830 Open   Function to timeout/break off a function
5007 Analyzed   enable no-resolve mode for here docs
5169 Open   Missing recursive behavior
5311 Analyzed   implement checkdnsrr() and getmxrr() on windows
5575 Open   open_basedir to ~
5601 Analyzed   @function() should not turn of error reporting for critical 
5804 Open   parser error if any spaces follow indentifier in with here doc 
5883 Assigned   --enable-trans-sid modification request
5954 Open   Informix can't reliably figure if a text result column is NULL
5975 Open   version of strip_tags() that specifies tags to strip (instead 
of tags to keep)
6118 Open   Can not supress runtime warnings on foreach
6268 Open   ternary op return only by value
6399 Open   checkdate should be able to validate a time as well as a date 
6427 Open   func_get_arg() does not support references
6503 Open   no support for multiple resultset query?
6512 Analyzed   sort() Does not sort stings as expected
6574 Open   SMTP functions via IMAP c-client library
6680 Open   regexps (ereg*) ignores locale settings
6911 Open   Problem with array_merge(_recursive)
6927 Suspended  
6932 Open   Filesize / File_exists and include_path
6993 Open   uninstalling is a pain in the ass
7006 Open   preg_replace ( string pattern, array replacement, string 
subject );
7028 Analyzed   xml=shared and wddx do not work together
7132 Assigned   fsockopen doesn't report dns lookup failure
7398 Open   Stored procedure error return values not passed through
7507 Open   Better ODBC error reporting/fetching
7541 Open   please consider also support HPUX shl_*
7553 Open   RFC: Uplevel Block structure
7559 Open   zend_hash_get_current_key_ex returning persistent strings
7578 Open   next() and current() do not return referenceing arrays
7808 Open   variable value triggerd by function
7923 Analyzed   htmlentities doesn't work for ISO 8859-2
7930 Open   List() constructor reference assignment
8100 Assigned   extract(), extra feature
8108 Analyzed   implement trans-sid as output handler
8295 Open   absolute path in extension= directive in php.ini not recognized
8395 Open   register_shutdown_function() error
8397 Open   Multi-results sets are not suppported
8427 Analyzed   Unwanted references
8428 Open   continue doesn't pass thru a switch statement
8595 Open   More effecti

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Lester Caine schrieb:
> And given the problem getting hosts to ADD PECL extensions, you expect
> that they will allow a third party application to install things on
> their locked down machines. I think the first problem is how does it
> integrate with hosting environments and will those hosts allow it to run?

Hmmm ... isn't the essence of PHP webspace to be able to put PHP
scripts/applications there to run them? phar could make the installation
of PHP scripts and applications easier as compared to uploading an
archive, unzipping it, possibly fixing access rights manually.

Any yes, they will allow it to run because it's no different from
allowing PHP scripts to run. As a matter of fact, .phar cannot do
anything that .php cannot do, but it's just one file which makes it way
easier to handler for end-users.

Kind regards


 >e-novative> - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP-DEV] PHP 6 Bug Summary Report

2007-05-07 Thread internals
 PHP 6 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status Summary (42 total including feature requests)
===[*General Issues]==
26771 Suspended  register_tick_funtions crash under threaded webservers
27372 Verified   parse error loading browscap.ini at apache startup (new parser 
===[Arrays related]===
35277 Suspended  incorrect recursion detection
===[Class/Object related]=
33595 Assigned   recursive references leak memory
===[Compile Failure]==
34089 Open   Configure fails build test for libxml2
===[Feature/Change Request]===
20377 Open   php_admin_value affects _only_ .htaccess
27618 Open   curl_multi_info_read does not appear to work
29479 Suspended  changing current process name
34211 Open   PDO_OCI: Allow for data type "TIMESTAMP(0) WITH LOCAL TIME 
34252 Open   Base functions extension and refactoring
34527 Open   trim functions extension
34775 Open   parse_url() provide better error description on failure
34882 Open   Unable to access *original* posted variable name with dot in
35309 Open   Database connection pooling
37081 Open   Make the include-errors mention faulty permissions
37380 Open   DOMDocument->createAttribute[NS] can't set value
37546 Open   DOMDocumentFragment->appendXML namespace support
37796 Open   t_is_not_identical for <> ?
37814 Open   Php shoul have class friends
38622 Open   Proposed new security scheme for shared hosting (safe mode 
38946 Open   pecl/docblock should be merged into ext/tokenizer
40013 Open   php_uname() doesnt return nodename
40499 Open   filter sapi does not register any highlightning filter
40713 Open   set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) causes Fatal Error
41019 Assigned   auto update feature for FastCGI for IIS
41119 Open   range() function behavior different on PHP6 and PHP5
===[Filesystem function related]==
27792 Assigned   Functions fail on large files (filesize,is_file,is_dir)
===[GD related]===
34670 Assigned   imageTTFText for Indian scripts (Devanagari)
===[ODBC related]=
39756 Assigned   Crashes in fetching resultsets with LONG ASCII columns from 
===[OpenSSL related]==
25614 Suspended  openssl_pkey_get_public() fails when given a private key
===[Other web server]=
26495 Suspended  Using WebSite Pro 2.5 with ISAPI, cookies are not working
===[PDO related]==
35368 Suspended  PDO query does not work properly with serialize
39171 Assigned   pdo_mysql configure script sets empty default socket
===[Program Execution]
39992 Open   proc_terminate() leaves children of child running
===[Scripting Engine problem]=
29687 Open   By-reference passed value inside foreach() is no longer working
33487 Assigned   Memory allocated for objects created in object methods is not 
39216 Assigned   call_user_func and friends don't accept array($this, "func") 
callback anymore
===[Session related]==
32330 Open   session_destroy,  "Failed to initialize storage module", 
custom session handler
===[SimpleXML related]
37076 Assigned   SimpleXML ignores .=
===[Unknown/Other Function]===
39710 Open   getprotobyname is not thread-safe
===[XSLT related]=
38218 Assigned   php:functionString tries to access objects with their names in 
===[Zlib Related]=
30153 Suspended  FATAL erealloc() error when using gzinflate()

Assigned bugs: (reminders sent)
dmitry  33595: recursive references leak memory
dmitry  41019: auto update feature for FastCGI for IIS
dmitry  33487: Memory allocated for objects created in object methods 
is not released
wez 27792: Functions fail on large files (filesize,is_file,is_dir)
wez 39171: pdo_mysql configure script sets empty default socket
pajoye  34670: imageTTFText for Indian scripts (Devanagari)
kalowsky39756: Crashes in fetching resultsets with LONG ASCII 
columns from MaxDB
helly   39216: call_user_func and friends don't accept array($this, 
"func") callback a

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I fully agree to that. I (currently) see phar as a means of deploying
PHP code. But when people start running PHP apps from a phar, I am sure

Then you don't need any extension - install should run without it quite 

And, if APC becomes more wide-spread in the future, I guess it does not
really matter wether the code is read from filesystem of phar for the

It does. For starters, if you put whole multi-megabyte app in one file, 
you'd have to either load them all and waste a lot of memory or make 
bytecode caches implement pseudo-filesystem layer on top of it to do it 
efficiently. And then there are applications that actually use paths and 
__FILE__ and whatnot.

the cache anyway. Thus, I see no serious performance impact even if you
run software from phar, at least when using a bytecode cache.

Besides performance impact, there's manageability impact. Think of how 
easy is to work with compiled code as opposed to dynamic language code.

Then, for installation, what other format would you suggest?

For installation - format compatible with existing tools (as most of the 
vendors already do). For runtime - I don't think running PHP out of the 
single huge file is a very good idea whatever the format is.

I think one advantage of phar is that it is backed by PEAR tools that

I think it's a disadvantage. With all due respect to the PEAR team and 
the tools, nobody in the world but PEAR team knows what this format is, 
and there's tens of years of tools to work with other formats, supported 
by all OSes and languages in existence. I know it works well in all ten 
use cases that was considered, but once we recommend it to the wide 
world, there would be thousands of cases it doesn't work. Unix was built 
on the principle of interoperability, and inventing private formats not 
supported by anything violates this principle.

one can expect every PHP developer to have on his system. It would be a
good time now to provide some kind of de-facto-standard for deployment
of PHP code, and phar is the best candidate I know for this.

I'd say the only one - and I don't think making decision about standard 
from this position - "we never though of anything better and it just 
grew as it is so we make it standard" is a good approach. It works for 
the thing is was built for - distributing PEAR files - but when we 
talking about PHP-wide policy I don't think we should recommend people

running their applications out of phar files.
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Passthrough MD5/SHA1 calculation of uploaded files

2007-05-07 Thread David Santinoli

  I'm submitting a patch to perform "on the fly" MD5/SHA1 digest
calculation of a file uploaded via the HTTP POST method.  Being
not uncommon for applications to require some digest of a freshly
uploaded file, doing the math directly in the buffer where the file is
being read can save some time.

A similar patch was submitted in August 2004 and raised some interest,
but never got merged.

Digest calculation is triggered by setting the special input fields
COMPUTE_MD5 and/or COMPUTE_SHA1 to a non-zero value:


(note that these assignments must precede the
 field, as in the MAX_FILE_SIZE case.)

The result is found in the special variables
$_FILES[userfile]["md5"] and $_FILES[userfile]["sha1"].
These variables are only defined upon request of the corresponding

The patch was produced against the php6 CVS version of rfc1867.c

 David Santinoli
 Tieffe Sistemi S.r.l.  viale Piceno 21, Milano tel. +39 02 45490882
--- main/rfc1867.c  2007-05-05 11:36:25.0 +0200
+++ main/  2007-05-05 01:04:28.0 +0200
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 #include "php_globals.h"
 #include "php_variables.h"
 #include "rfc1867.h"
+#include "ext/standard/md5.h"
+#include "ext/standard/sha1.h"
@@ -1011,8 +1013,18 @@
U_STRING_DECL(name_key, "name", 4);
U_STRING_DECL(filename_key, "filename", 8);
U_STRING_DECL(maxfilesize_key, "MAX_FILE_SIZE", 13);
+   U_STRING_DECL(computemd5_key, "COMPUTE_MD5", 11);
+   U_STRING_DECL(computesha1_key, "COMPUTE_SHA1", 12);
static zend_bool did_string_init = FALSE;
int llen = 0;
+   int compute_md5=0, compute_sha1=0;
+   PHP_MD5_CTX md5_context;
+   unsigned char md5_digest[16];
+   char md5_ascii_string[33];
+   PHP_SHA1_CTX sha1_context;
+   unsigned char sha1_digest[20];
+   char sha1_ascii_string[41];
+   UChar *md5_string=NULL, *sha1_string=NULL;
if (SG(request_info).content_length > SG(post_max_size)) {
sapi_module.sapi_error(E_WARNING, "POST Content-Length of %ld 
bytes exceeds the limit of %ld bytes", SG(request_info).content_length, 
@@ -1069,6 +1081,8 @@
U_STRING_INIT(name_key, "name", 4);
U_STRING_INIT(filename_key, "filename", 8);
U_STRING_INIT(maxfilesize_key, "MAX_FILE_SIZE", 13);
+   U_STRING_INIT(computemd5_key, "COMPUTE_MD5", 11);
+   U_STRING_INIT(computesha1_key, "COMPUTE_SHA1", 12);
did_string_init = TRUE;
@@ -1165,6 +1179,12 @@
if (!u_strcasecmp(param, maxfilesize_key, 0)) {
max_file_size = zend_u_strtol(u_val, 
NULL, 10);
+   else if (!u_strcasecmp(param, computemd5_key, 
0)) {
+   compute_md5 = zend_u_strtol(u_val, 
NULL, 10);
+   }
+   else if (!u_strcasecmp(param, computesha1_key, 
0)) {
+   compute_sha1 = zend_u_strtol(u_val, 
NULL, 10);
+   }
@@ -1247,6 +1267,14 @@
cancel_upload = UPLOAD_ERROR_D;
+   if (compute_md5) {
+   PHP_MD5Init(&md5_context);
+   }
+   if (compute_sha1) {
+   PHP_SHA1Init(&sha1_context);
+   }
end = 0;
while (!cancel_upload && (blen = 
multipart_buffer_read(mbuff, buff, sizeof(buff), &end TSRMLS_CC)))
@@ -1263,6 +1291,13 @@
} else if (blen > 0) {
wlen = fwrite(buff, 1, blen, fp);
+   if (compute_md5) {
+   PHP_MD5Update(&md5_context, 
buff, blen);
+   }
+   if (compute_sha1) {
+   PHP_SHA1Update(&sha1_context, 
buff, blen);
+   }
if (wlen < blen) {

sapi_module.sapi_error(E_NOTICE, "Only %d bytes were written, expected to write 
%d", wlen, blen);
@@ -1302,6 +1337,17 @@
IS_UNICODE, ZSTR(temp_filename), u_strlen(temp_filename) + 1, &temp_filename, 
sizeof(UChar *), NULL);
+   if (compute_md5) {

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

Marcus Boerger wrote:

Well alot of people make use of our PEAR project. It comes with a bunch of
nice sub projects. And even some external (as in non PHP) applications and
projects make use of it. Providing a better internal infrastructure would be
very nice here.

Stas, not sure if you are aware of this, but the PEAR installer has 
gotten wide adoption as a deployment tool.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Fri, 4 May 2007, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

> Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> > 
> > On 4-May-07, at 3:14 PM, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> > 
> > > Yes, to me the question is only if we want to give the message that
> > > software producers should be able to expect phar to be there on 99% of the
> > > systems. Thats the only way that phar has a good chance of really taking
> > > off as a php code distribution approach.
> > 
> > It sounds like the merits of having phar is would only be apparent after it
> > is included in the core and everyone starts using it because of that. This
> > won't happen simply because most software producers can't rely on extensions
> > that are only available in version X.
> No, the point is that if we want to push something, we need to add it sooner
> rather than later, because there will be a delay anyways. Also simply by
> putting it into core, we make sure that phar gets into the long terms plans of
> users (which are then more likely to accept the transition pain, because they
> know its going to be around and maintained).

Right, so the question is whether we want to push it or not. What would 
be good reasons for adding phar to the core?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

It means you can run a phar file. How is that so hard to understand.

It is not hard to understand. What seems to be hard to understand is 
that the scenario you describe is by no way the only scenario PHP files 
run in. Not all applications are single entry point and of those that 
are, not all applications are suitable to work in non-filesystem 
environment. Thus using phar in applications not specifically designed 
for it and in environments which presume files are in filesystem might 
prove harder than some think.

So if you are wondering about use cases, the PEAR installer is a good 
example. Generally I would say phar lends itself for self installing 
applications, but also for applications you run infrequently, that are 
not that performance critical (which does not mean you want them to run 
extra slow either) and where you want minimal fuss in keeping an 
uptodate version.

I do not see phar's be used as the runtime after installation for most 
applications of course. But a sizeable number of them could be run this way.

Also it is one of those cases of "build it and they will come". So once 
we put this into core, people will take notice, tools will be developed, 
others will be adapted to become compatible etc.

Maybe we should for a moment shift the discussion from "if its useful" 
(because several half way smart people have said it is), to "is it 
technically sensibly implemented". Just give these guys the benefit of 
the doubt on the usefulness part and make sure its good on the 
implementation part.



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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Sun, 6 May 2007, Mike Robinson wrote:

> It could well be the last chance to get the mail() logger into 5.x  as well,
> and IMHO a lot of
> people are waiting for this that can't/won't migrate to PHP6 quickly.

There is no reason why that can't go into PHP 5.2.3.


Derick Rethans | |

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Antony Dovgal

On 05/07/2007 04:18 PM, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

Marcus Boerger wrote:

Well alot of people make use of our PEAR project. It comes with a bunch of
nice sub projects. And even some external (as in non PHP) applications and
projects make use of it. Providing a better internal infrastructure would be
very nice here.

Stas, not sure if you are aware of this, but the PEAR installer has 
gotten wide adoption as a deployment tool.

.. even though it does not require Phar extension at all.

Antony Dovgal

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Sun, 6 May 2007, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

> Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> > IMHO one good reason to start a new branch for 5.x would be the ability to
> > get rid off register_globals and magic_quotes in the 5 series without having
> > to wait for PHP6 to come around.
> What would be the goal of that? Making it less painful to migrate to PHP 6.x
> since they already face similar pain when staying in the active 5.x branch?

Well, as you know some developers do not really care about PHP 6 and 
just leave it lying around without the proper merged from stuff that are 
put in PHP_5_2 at the moment. IMO this is just another attempt to stall 
PHP 6 developed (and adoption). 

I would be against merging those two things back to PHP_5_2. There is no 
compelling reason to do so.

However, something that *is* a good reason is some lower level engine 
stuff that people will actually benefit from.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Lester Caine wrote:

> Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > I see no value in making compatibility breaks in 5.x and not in the next
> > major version. As it is we drive a lot of our users crazy. We already
> > agreed this is a 6.x thing. 
> > > IMHO one good reason to start a new branch for 5.x would be the ability to
> > > get rid off register_globals and magic_quotes in the 5 series without
> > > having to wait for PHP6 to come around.
> It seems to me that there are even more people around with their own agendas
> today. The PHP6 'plan' is looking good, but do we have an ETA? Personally I've
> stopped bothering with all the changes to PHP5 and 5.1.6 is working nicely for
> me, so my next step WOULD be PHP6. For those of us who have already 'dropped'
> register_globals and magic_quotes in our code, forcing people who have not yet
> had time to make the move seems a little heavy handed. PHP6 will need a major
> porting exercise, so keep it until then.
> As for phar? It sounds a little like PDO. No one has time to work on the
> Firebird PDO driver because we still need the main driver to provide the
> functions PDO does not support. Proper discussion and development of elements
> that are planned to become main stream would be nice, and not the apparently
> current method of 'I'm doing this in the next release because I want it!' Do
> we need phar? Is it fully operational on all platforms? How will the currently
> registered dependencies be addressed? IF it goes into the main distribution
> presumably the installers are going to be extended to support it's server
> requirements. Is that appropriate 'mid cycle'?
> It WOULD be nice to spend some time inside the PHP code base, but at present
> all spare time seems to be spent monitoring and testing all the changes to the
> releases and always playing catch up.
> PHP6 is the next release - PHP5 should now be tied down and put on the same
> basis as PHP4 before we end up with even more private initiatives creating
> even more mayhem :(
> If people want these changes why aren't they working to get PHP6 out?

Amen, besides that you should use php 5.2 and not 5.1.6 ;-)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Antony Dovgal wrote:

> On 05/06/2007 10:11 PM, Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> > IMHO one good reason to start a new branch for 5.x would be the  ability to
> > get rid off register_globals and magic_quotes in the 5  series without
> > having to wait for PHP6 to come around.
> That's exactly the reason I'm against creating 5_3 branch at this moment - I'm
> afraid that you (and everybody else) will start patching it and 5_2 will
> become 4_4 as it is now - security fixes only.. once in a month.. maybe.. or
> maybe not.
> You would be busy with 5_3, even though there is enough work in 5_2 branch.

Yes, and development should not be done in a branch anyway, but in HEAD. 


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

Antony Dovgal wrote:

On 05/07/2007 04:18 PM, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

Marcus Boerger wrote:

Well alot of people make use of our PEAR project. It comes with a 
bunch of
nice sub projects. And even some external (as in non PHP) 
applications and
projects make use of it. Providing a better internal infrastructure 
would be

very nice here.

Stas, not sure if you are aware of this, but the PEAR installer has 
gotten wide adoption as a deployment tool.

.. even though it does not require Phar extension at all.

Yup, since its only leveraging phar for installation. It would be nice 
to also be able to try out a new version of PEAR efficiently without 
having to install any files besides running the phar.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Unknown W. Brackets
Really?  I've used this pseudonym for years and years, dozens and dozens 
of places.  I've got a patch checked into Mozilla using it.  I've 
communicated with other developers in a wide variety of places...

I cannot recall anyone saying it was rude of me to use such a name.  In 
fact, most people like it.  They understand the realities of identity 
theft (among other things), and why I choose not to post any personal 
information anywhere if at all possible.

I don't really understand why it would be rude to post using a pseudonym 
on a relatively unimportant developer's newsgroup.


 Original Message 

It's not worse than not using a real name to post with


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lester Caine

Derick Rethans wrote:

PHP6 is the next release - PHP5 should now be tied down and put on the same
basis as PHP4 before we end up with even more private initiatives creating
even more mayhem :(
If people want these changes why aren't they working to get PHP6 out?

Amen, besides that you should use php 5.2 and not 5.1.6 ;-)

Perhaps when I get some time to find out why the code will not run on 5.2 but 
is fine on 5.1.6 ;)
But now need to set the test machine up with 5.2.2 and start testing again. If 
we knew that there were no problems installing an update life would be easier, 
but the time it takes to fully test all options every time simply BECAUSE we 
know things will need changing  .

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Firebird Foundation Inc. -

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Gregory Beaver
Lester Caine wrote:

> As for phar? It sounds a little like PDO. No one has time to work on the
> Firebird PDO driver because we still need the main driver to provide the
> functions PDO does not support. Proper discussion and development of
> elements that are planned to become main stream would be nice, and not
> the apparently current method of 'I'm doing this in the next release
> because I want it!' Do we need phar? Is it fully operational on all
> platforms? How will the currently registered dependencies be addressed?
> IF it goes into the main distribution presumably the installers are
> going to be extended to support it's server requirements. Is that
> appropriate 'mid cycle'?

Hi Lester,

Phar does not require any external dependencies to read .phar files.
Optional extension dependencies include SPL and hash.  It is fully
operational on all platforms because it uses the streams layer to read
the underlying .phar file, and it has no "server requirements"

It may be helpful to understand where phar came from.  I've been happily
developing PHP_Archive ( and using it to
package up PEAR releases since PHP 5.2.0 - in production.  PHP_Archive
relies upon a user stream wrapper to function, but works great.

Unfortunately, as of PHP 6, the plan is to mark all user streams as
being remote, regardless of what they actually do.  Because of this,
PHP_Archive will no longer work on *any* system without php.ini changes.
 This effectively kills the format.  The phar extension, being a C-based
extension, is allowed to mark itself as a local, non-remote stream, and
will therefore still work.

Phar has had many extra features added since this original porting of
PHP -> C.  One of the significant features allows a mapping of a phar to
its extracted location on disk.  There are plans to implement a simple
but effective (optional) front controller function to simplify pharring
of web apps.

Phar is not yet perfect, but is also not NEARLY as complex as PDO.
There is no comparison.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

Mike Robinson wrote:

It could well be the last chance to get the mail() logger into 5.x  as well,
and IMHO a lot of
people are waiting for this that can't/won't migrate to PHP6 quickly.

i have added it to the open discussion items for 5.2.3:


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread David Coallier

On 5/7/07, Unknown W. Brackets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Really?  I've used this pseudonym for years and years, dozens and dozens
of places.  I've got a patch checked into Mozilla using it.  I've
communicated with other developers in a wide variety of places...

I cannot recall anyone saying it was rude of me to use such a name.  In
fact, most people like it.  They understand the realities of identity
theft (among other things), and why I choose not to post any personal
information anywhere if at all possible.

I don't really understand why it would be rude to post using a pseudonym
on a relatively unimportant developer's newsgroup.


 Original Message 

> It's not worse than not using a real name to post with
> Derick

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Ok, enough.. we are we talking about a bug or personal differents here
? Please take it to private if you feel like debating what is what and
who is who. Unknown person, maybe it was curt, so what ? Life goes

Anyone has an answer/tests to that bug* so we can stop this discussion ? :)

David Coallier,
Founder & Software Architect,
Agora Production (

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Lester Caine

Gregory Beaver wrote:

Phar is not yet perfect, but is also not NEARLY as complex as PDO.
There is no comparison.

The 'comparison' was in the way these packages get added without proper 
investigation ;) Someone decides that THIS is how it will be done, and that is 
what happens :( and we have to live with the consequences.

How would I use 'phar' with the four thousand files that make up bitweaver? I 
have had a quick look, but I don't yet see how I handle all the installation 
and management options for installing and updating packages that bitweaver has 
been designed to support. ADOdb and smarty provide the core libraries, and the 
liberty shell is built on those. Only those packages that are needed are 
download to the target system. I suspect we would have to build phar files for 
each package, but currently styles and themes can easily be managed via a few 
file changes, something that phar would seem to make a lot more difficult. 
Private tweaks to the libraries provide performance and operational 
improvements that would not be possible if ADOdb or smarty were supplied 
'packed'. But without example phar libraries to look at and pull apart proper 
investigation is difficult - as people have already said.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Firebird Foundation Inc. -

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
Lester Caine wrote:
> Andi Gutmans wrote:
>> I see no value in making compatibility breaks in 5.x and not in the next
>> major version. As it is we drive a lot of our users crazy. We already
>> agreed this is a 6.x thing.
>>> IMHO one good reason to start a new branch for 5.x would be the
>>> ability to get rid off register_globals and magic_quotes in the 5
>>> series without having to wait for PHP6 to come around.
> It seems to me that there are even more people around with their own
> agendas today.

I don't think there are that many agendas, just more constituents of each.

* admins who don't want binary compatibility breaks on subversion bumps,
  lest they start rebuilding all sorts of things beyond php itself.

* admins and users who are sick of having things that 'just worked' broken
  even at a subversion bump, and who don't want to see anything deprecated
  until PHP6.

* security folk who want frequently-abused features deprecated yesterday.

* users who want the bleeding edge new toys and features.

and -most importantly-

* developers who want to implement new toys and push them out there to the
  admin and user communities tomorrow.  Pride of authorship, usefulness,
  encouraging the health of the community, and all that.

* developers who want to constrain growth so that the users have a more
  stable platform to use and they can follow all of the changes.

They are most important because PHP -is- its developers. The only question,
how to reconcile this most critical constituency with the other communities,
such that all of the communities are mostly-happy.

This probably only works if things don't get broken between 5.2.2 and 5.2.3,
only absolutely manditory breakage occurs from 5.2 to 5.3, some wiggle room
for cool new things is left open in 5.2.3 and 5.3, and finally that some of
the more 'international' devs, users and admins work focus together on a 6.0
end-result, since they are the ones who needed the unicode implementation about
five years ago.

These are the same battles we all face at many projects (I'm hidden over at
httpd, apr, etc etc) and the conclusion is usually the same.  Pick a versioning
policy, stick to it, and otherwise don't get in the way of dev's enthusiasm.

[If any users/admins are insulted, mea culpa.  Consider that there would be
no PHP for you to use/admin without your dedicated developers.  It's open
source - if it broke, you still have both halves.]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Gregory Beaver
Antony Dovgal wrote:
> On 05/07/2007 04:18 PM, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
>> Marcus Boerger wrote:
>>> Well alot of people make use of our PEAR project. It comes with a
>>> bunch of
>>> nice sub projects. And even some external (as in non PHP)
>>> applications and
>>> projects make use of it. Providing a better internal infrastructure
>>> would be
>>> very nice here.
>> Stas, not sure if you are aware of this, but the PEAR installer has
>> gotten wide adoption as a deployment tool.
> .. even though it does not require Phar extension at all.

.. and (again) let me be clear:

PHP_Archive-based phar archives will no longer work once
allow_url_include is off and user streams wrappers are marked as remote.
 So, it won't work with 100% of new installations in future PHP versions.

Without phar, the entire concept that the phar:// stream wrapper is
based upon ceases to be a possibility for wide distribution.

So, yes, this will require the Phar extension or simply cease to exist
as a possibility in the near future.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Gregory Beaver
Lester Caine wrote:
> Gregory Beaver wrote:
>> Phar is not yet perfect, but is also not NEARLY as complex as PDO.
>> There is no comparison.
> The 'comparison' was in the way these packages get added without proper
> investigation ;) Someone decides that THIS is how it will be done, and
> that is what happens :( and we have to live with the consequences.

Please, this is ridiculous, your response is completely out of
proportion to what is happening.  Marcus proposed the addition of phar
to core in 5.3, and is now asking for public comment.

> How would I use 'phar' with the four thousand files that make up
> bitweaver? I have had a quick look, but I don't yet see how I handle all
> the installation and management options for installing and updating
> packages that bitweaver has been designed to support. ADOdb and smarty
> provide the core libraries, and the liberty shell is built on those.
> Only those packages that are needed are download to the target system. I
> suspect we would have to build phar files for each package, but
> currently styles and themes can easily be managed via a few file
> changes, something that phar would seem to make a lot more difficult.
> Private tweaks to the libraries provide performance and operational
> improvements that would not be possible if ADOdb or smarty were supplied
> 'packed'. But without example phar libraries to look at and pull apart
> proper investigation is difficult - as people have already said.

phar is best for self-contained libraries or applications that do not
need to modify their source code.  Many applications (like phpmyadmin)
do configuration by modifying a source code file and then including it.
 This practice would require that the phar.read_only INI setting be off
in php.ini (it is on by default).

Also useful and not yet implemented would be to allow include_path to
have a phar:// archive, as many issues with "pharring" applications
would no longer exist.  Controversy doesn't even begin to describe the
reaction I expect from this suggestion, however.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

Monday, May 7, 2007, 11:50:15 AM, you wrote:

>> I think one advantage of phar is that it is backed by PEAR tools that

> I think it's a disadvantage.

So you would like to drop PEAR?

> distributing PEAR files - but when we
> talking about PHP-wide policy I don't think we should recommend people
> running their applications out of phar files.

We are not speaking of a policy here. We are not Java wherenothing else then
whatever *AR's work. Weare PHP and give options. And we try to make it as
easy as possible. Here is something that would make a lot of peoples stuff
way easier. Because believe it or not a bunch ofpeople use PEAR.

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Ilia Alshanetsky

On 7-May-07, at 2:24 PM, Marcus Boerger wrote:

Because believe it or not a bunch ofpeople use PEAR.

Scary, ain't it? ;-)

Ilia Alshanetsky

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread David Coallier

On 5/7/07, Ilia Alshanetsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7-May-07, at 2:24 PM, Marcus Boerger wrote:
> Because believe it or not a bunch ofpeople use PEAR.

Scary, ain't it? ;-)

Totally other discussion, but I don't think it's scary, we are pushing
for much more solid packages and more secure *applications*. (Good QA,
Good work actually done) PEAR does have some pretty ugly packages and
I can't say otherwise, however there's a lot of useful tools and good
developers within pear :)

Ilia Alshanetsky

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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David Coallier,
Founder & Software Architect,
Agora Production (

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

So you would like to drop PEAR?

Where you get these ideas I wonder? I want to use universally used formats.

We are not speaking of a policy here. We are not Java wherenothing else then

I think we are. Endorsing phar as runtime format is endorsing policy, as 
I see it.

whatever *AR's work. Weare PHP and give options. And we try to make it as
easy as possible. Here is something that would make a lot of peoples stuff
way easier. Because believe it or not a bunch of people use PEAR.

All power to them, but why should they use phar as runtime format?
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
Stas, not sure if you are aware of this, but the PEAR installer has 
gotten wide adoption as a deployment tool.

Meaning a lot of people are running apps packaged in phar's? Could you 
bring forward some examples?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Dirk Haun
David Coallier wrote:

> Anyone has an answer/tests to that bug* so we can stop this discussion ? :)

The bug has apparently been fixed in CVS. Haven't had a chance to test
it, but will do as soon as possible.

Now the question is: When can we expect an update? I see people talking
about what should go into PHP 5.2.3. How about "this bugfix, possibly a
few others, and then release it ASAP"? As in by the end of this week (or

This bug affects a lot of sites that use XML-RPC communication of some
form or another. Quite a lot of those nifty Web 2.0 sites, I would
assume. And since people will be updating quickly due to the security
issues fixed with 5.2.2, they may be in for a surprise.

So can we have an update soon, please?

bye, Dirk

P.S. And if anyone would be willing to answer some of the questions from
my original post, I'd be grateful.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
> All power to them, but why should they use phar as runtime format?

Maybe we could agree on using phar as a means of deploying PHP code, as
I pointed out earlier? Otherwise it seems, as Greg has pointed out, that
PEAR as it is will become pretty useless with the release of PHP6.

Kind regards,


 >e-novative> - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

PHP_Archive-based phar archives will no longer work once
allow_url_include is off and user streams wrappers are marked as remote.
 So, it won't work with 100% of new installations in future PHP versions.

I guess we are solving the wrong problem. We have:
1. phar needs script-defined named streams
2. Named streams are prohibited by some config option
3. Let's pretend this stream is not actually what it is
4. Let's create whole new extension for that and put it into main PHP

I think this process is wrong. If we have problem with names streams 
usage in apps, we should seek solutions there, not invent modules just 
to work around the problem we ourselves create. What happens we need 
next application using named streams? Another extension into main PHP 
source whose purpose is to duplicate PHP code and work around our own 
security model?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] how does Phar actually work?

2007-05-07 Thread Gregory Beaver

There has been a bit of inevitable FUD with phar.  Although the manual
( describes a fair amount of how phar works, the
design decisions are not documented.

Originally, the phar stream wrapper was a userspace thing.  Davey Shafik
designed it to take advantage of a neat loophole in the design of the
tar file format so that a valid tar could be run by PHP without needing
to have the phar stream wrapper loaded.  This was great until I started
using it to run the PEAR Installer.  The performance hit was tremendous,
as every newly included file required scanning the entire file, header
by header, until we found the needed file.  Worst case, it meant loading
megabytes of information just to locate a file.  The zip file format has
the same limitation - the entire archive needs to be scanned.

Both of these formats were not designed for random access in the way a
traditional filesystem is designed.  In fact, I could not find an
example of a archive format that is designed for this.

As such, borrowing from the design of disk filesystems, I created a new
format that is very small and processes very quickly.  It is so much
faster, I can't detect a difference in performance running the PEAR
installer off of the disk and running it out of a phar.  I am sure there
is a difference that apache benchmark would detect because of extra
load-in time of the file manifest.  The way phar works now is a file
manifest is at the start of the phar archive (similar to a directory
file in traditional filesystems).  Each file has a manifest entry
containing the file name, size of the file, and offset into the archive
plus some flags and optional meta-data.  The manifest is currently
limited in size to 1 MB, so some applications probably would not be
possible to phar under the current design.

Each phar has a loader stub, which can be any php code, but must contain
the __HALT_COMPILER(); token.  This will allow creating phars that also
contain PHP_Archive to work under conditions where the phar extension is
disabled.  It is the loader stub that makes it possible to run a phar
with plain vanilla PHP.

I see two possible solutions to the concerns raised by others.

1) don't worry, be happy
2) re-design the phar file format such that it is a tar again, and put
the manifest for quick loading in one of the first files of the tar archive.

If I had thought #2 was a good idea, I would have already done it, so
there is my opinion.

One basic assumption I would like to raise here is that nobody is going
to download a .phar archive who does not already have PHP.  Does this
assumption sound sane?

If so, I would like to provide some simple scripts for unpharring and
repharring a .phar archive.  This is not hard to do with a 5-line PHP

One of the big questions I would have though would be for xdebug (hi
Derick) and designers of IDEs, as it would be good to ensure that it is
possible to step through a phar, or even to dump the source line with an
error message.  These, to me, seem to be the most pressing disadvantages
of phar currently - it becomes much harder to debug a problem in a PHP
script when it is stuffed into a phar.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

Maybe we could agree on using phar as a means of deploying PHP code, as
I pointed out earlier? Otherwise it seems, as Greg has pointed out, that
PEAR as it is will become pretty useless with the release of PHP6.

We could. But you don't need no extensions for that. If PHP6 makes PEAR 
useless, we probably should deal with *that* problem, shouldn't we?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Gregory Beaver
Stefan Priebsch wrote:
> Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
>> All power to them, but why should they use phar as runtime format?
> Maybe we could agree on using phar as a means of deploying PHP code, as
> I pointed out earlier? Otherwise it seems, as Greg has pointed out, that
> PEAR as it is will become pretty useless with the release of PHP6.

Correction: the *installation* process for PEAR will have to be reverted
to the way it worked in PHP 4.  PEAR is unaffected by these changes.
There are other changes that affect PEAR, which is why we are moving all
packages to PHP 5+ currently.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Gregory Beaver schrieb:
> Correction: the *installation* process for PEAR will have to be reverted
> to the way it worked in PHP 4.  PEAR is unaffected by these changes.

Which, from the end user's viewpoint, makes PEAR useless because they
cannot install PEAR in the first place. That's what I meant.

> There are other changes that affect PEAR, which is why we are moving all
> packages to PHP 5+ currently.

Could you please elaborate on that a little more?

Kind regards,


 >e-novative> - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
So if you are wondering about use cases, the PEAR installer is a good 
example. Generally I would say phar lends itself for self installing 

Let's separate phar as installer format and phar as runtime format. Only 
problem I have with the former is that it's custom NIH-syndrome-enabled 
format which no tools except PEAR can work with. I don't have any 
problem with the idea of having distribution format inside PHP toolkit 
or the intent of the project, on the contrary - I think it's a great 
think that should be taken even further - probably up to something like 
InstallShield.php ;)
As for phar in runtime I think moving away from filesystem would create 
more problems than solve. Of course, there are people that think the 

Also it is one of those cases of "build it and they will come". So once 
we put this into core, people will take notice, tools will be developed, 
others will be adapted to become compatible etc.

We don't need phar extension in the core to make phar installer, as far 
as I understand.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Antony Dovgal

On 05/07/2007 10:39 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

PHP_Archive-based phar archives will no longer work once
allow_url_include is off and user streams wrappers are marked as remote.
 So, it won't work with 100% of new installations in future PHP versions.

I guess we are solving the wrong problem. We have:
1. phar needs script-defined named streams
2. Named streams are prohibited by some config option
3. Let's pretend this stream is not actually what it is
4. Let's create whole new extension for that and put it into main PHP

Exactly what I said in IRC earlier today.
Both problem and solution look weird.

I think this process is wrong. If we have problem with names streams 
usage in apps, we should seek solutions there, not invent modules just 
to work around the problem we ourselves create. What happens we need 
next application using named streams? Another extension into main PHP 
source whose purpose is to duplicate PHP code and work around our own 
security model?

Antony Dovgal

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread David Coallier

On 5/7/07, Antony Dovgal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 05/07/2007 10:39 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
>> PHP_Archive-based phar archives will no longer work once
>> allow_url_include is off and user streams wrappers are marked as remote.
>>  So, it won't work with 100% of new installations in future PHP versions.
> I guess we are solving the wrong problem. We have:
> 1. phar needs script-defined named streams
> 2. Named streams are prohibited by some config option
> 3. Let's pretend this stream is not actually what it is
> 4. Let's create whole new extension for that and put it into main PHP

Exactly what I said in IRC earlier today.
Both problem and solution look weird.

> I think this process is wrong. If we have problem with names streams
> usage in apps, we should seek solutions there, not invent modules just
> to work around the problem we ourselves create. What happens we need
> next application using named streams? Another extension into main PHP
> source whose purpose is to duplicate PHP code and work around our own
> security model?

Antony Dovgal

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Ok just so there's no confusion.. Here's 2 examples why PEAR and phar
are both useful (If you need more detailed examples (file names, etc I
can also draw up something)

1) Phar:
You can use phar for instance if you deploy all your own scripts, etc.
A normal application without third party libraries bundled (Otherwise
of couse you can store your third script in your phar and just make a
new release when the third-script updates) etc. The idea of the phar
is to make it easy to deploy. Which is good.

2) Pear:
Pear has channels which make it really easy to deploy applications
that are depending on different channels (third party scripts) which
make it easy to both install and udpate. You wrap your application in
your package name which you distribute through the
channel, then you can also use another channel (the third party
script) by using channel-discover and download/easy update the
third-party scripts using pear upgrade's package

David Coallier,
Founder & Software Architect,
Agora Production (

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[PHP-DEV] Re: how does Phar actually work?

2007-05-07 Thread Davey Shafik
The stub could also easily include code to allow for an extraction flag 
to work. So you could run php my.phar --extract and have the code dumped

to the FS as it originally was.

The choice to add these things (the stub and the extract flag), is just 
that, a choice. The same as choosing short tags, or relying on 
magic_quotes* etc. Of course, sane defaults when creating phars, is 
something we can decide on as things move on, I would vote for having 
both PHP_Archive and the --extract flag code inserted by default, this 
would solve the issues IMO.

- Davey

Gregory Beaver wrote:


There has been a bit of inevitable FUD with phar.  Although the manual
( describes a fair amount of how phar works, the
design decisions are not documented.

Originally, the phar stream wrapper was a userspace thing.  Davey Shafik
designed it to take advantage of a neat loophole in the design of the
tar file format so that a valid tar could be run by PHP without needing
to have the phar stream wrapper loaded.  This was great until I started
using it to run the PEAR Installer.  The performance hit was tremendous,
as every newly included file required scanning the entire file, header
by header, until we found the needed file.  Worst case, it meant loading
megabytes of information just to locate a file.  The zip file format has
the same limitation - the entire archive needs to be scanned.

Both of these formats were not designed for random access in the way a
traditional filesystem is designed.  In fact, I could not find an
example of a archive format that is designed for this.

As such, borrowing from the design of disk filesystems, I created a new
format that is very small and processes very quickly.  It is so much
faster, I can't detect a difference in performance running the PEAR
installer off of the disk and running it out of a phar.  I am sure there
is a difference that apache benchmark would detect because of extra
load-in time of the file manifest.  The way phar works now is a file
manifest is at the start of the phar archive (similar to a directory
file in traditional filesystems).  Each file has a manifest entry
containing the file name, size of the file, and offset into the archive
plus some flags and optional meta-data.  The manifest is currently
limited in size to 1 MB, so some applications probably would not be
possible to phar under the current design.

Each phar has a loader stub, which can be any php code, but must contain
the __HALT_COMPILER(); token.  This will allow creating phars that also
contain PHP_Archive to work under conditions where the phar extension is
disabled.  It is the loader stub that makes it possible to run a phar
with plain vanilla PHP.

I see two possible solutions to the concerns raised by others.

1) don't worry, be happy
2) re-design the phar file format such that it is a tar again, and put
the manifest for quick loading in one of the first files of the tar archive.

If I had thought #2 was a good idea, I would have already done it, so
there is my opinion.

One basic assumption I would like to raise here is that nobody is going
to download a .phar archive who does not already have PHP.  Does this
assumption sound sane?

If so, I would like to provide some simple scripts for unpharring and
repharring a .phar archive.  This is not hard to do with a 5-line PHP

One of the big questions I would have though would be for xdebug (hi
Derick) and designers of IDEs, as it would be good to ensure that it is
possible to step through a phar, or even to dump the source line with an
error message.  These, to me, seem to be the most pressing disadvantages
of phar currently - it becomes much harder to debug a problem in a PHP
script when it is stuffed into a phar.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Ilia Alshanetsky

On 7-May-07, at 2:35 PM, Dirk Haun wrote:

David Coallier wrote:

Anyone has an answer/tests to that bug* so we can stop this  
discussion ? :)

The bug has apparently been fixed in CVS. Haven't had a chance to test
it, but will do as soon as possible.

Please let me know how it works out. One interesting feature of the  
old code is that HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA could be present even when the  
INI option controlling its creation was off, this was a bug and will  
not be re-instated.

Now the question is: When can we expect an update? I see people  
about what should go into PHP 5.2.3. How about "this bugfix,  
possibly a
few others, and then release it ASAP"? As in by the end of this  
week (or


I suspect in a week or two. Definitely sooner then later.

This bug affects a lot of sites that use XML-RPC communication of some
form or another. Quite a lot of those nifty Web 2.0 sites, I would
assume. And since people will be updating quickly due to the security
issues fixed with 5.2.2, they may be in for a surprise.

I sure hope those nifty Web 2.0 sites don't use SOAP and XML-RPC but  
rather JSON or REST.

Ilia Alshanetsky

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

Monday, May 7, 2007, 8:50:18 PM, you wrote:

>> So if you are wondering about use cases, the PEAR installer is a good 
>> example. Generally I would say phar lends itself for self installing 

> Let's separate phar as installer format and phar as runtime format. Only 
> problem I have with the former is that it's custom NIH-syndrome-enabled 
> format which no tools except PEAR can work with. I don't have any 
> problem with the idea of having distribution format inside PHP toolkit 
> or the intent of the project, on the contrary - I think it's a great 
> think that should be taken even further - probably up to something like 
> InstallShield.php ;)

Phew, good.

> As for phar in runtime I think moving away from filesystem would create 
> more problems than solve. Of course, there are people that think the 
> opposite.

Agreed. It may often bring a bunch of problems. However being able to
have some stuff kept in a package, like a database driver, is a good
thing. This is actually what is donewith most JARs. If we could do that
with the same format we use as a distribution format, then suddenly some
nice stuff is possibly. You use phar packaged fileto download some
packages that you only use as includes. Now you keep them in your web
space, disallow access to ".phar" and include the actualfiles via
"phar://...phar/...". As a sideeffect you can easily check that the
package doesn't get changed. Now please note that from the beginning,
I did not say that this is something we should promote as the absolute
best thing. I am only saying that this is an option the pahr extension

>> Also it is one of those cases of "build it and they will come". So once 
>> we put this into core, people will take notice, tools will be developed, 
>> others will be adapted to become compatible etc.

> We don't need phar extension in the core to make phar installer, as far 
> as I understand.

We will need it:
- by the time of PHP 6
- to be able to have PHARs without pretty big PHP_Archive stuff included
- "include phar://" run easily and always

And just to be certain, we are not trying to force anybody to use it.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Dirk Haun
Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:

>> The bug has apparently been fixed in CVS. Haven't had a chance to test
>> it, but will do as soon as possible.
>Please let me know how it works out.

I've tested php5.2-200705071830.tar.gz from and the bug
seems to be fixed. Thanks.

>One interesting feature of the  
>old code is that HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA could be present even when the  
>INI option controlling its creation was off, this was a bug and will  
>not be re-instated.

I had a suspicion that something wasn't right there. No problem with
that change - that's what the INI option is for.

>> Now the question is: When can we expect an update?
>I suspect in a week or two. Definitely sooner then later.

Sounds good.

>I sure hope those nifty Web 2.0 sites don't use SOAP and XML-RPC but  
>rather JSON or REST.

Okay, but XML-RPC is used for Pingbacks, Trackbacks, and for pinging
weblog directories like Technorati. That's something like the backbone
of the entire "blogosphere".

bye, Dirk


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf
Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> On 7-May-07, at 2:35 PM, Dirk Haun wrote:
>> David Coallier wrote:
>>> Anyone has an answer/tests to that bug* so we can stop this
>>> discussion ? :)
>> The bug has apparently been fixed in CVS. Haven't had a chance to test
>> it, but will do as soon as possible.
> Please let me know how it works out. One interesting feature of the old
> code is that HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA could be present even when the INI
> option controlling its creation was off, this was a bug and will not be
> re-instated.

I must have missed something.  Did you change the documented behaviour
that $_SERVER['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] is populated when PHP encounters an
unknown content type?  If so, that was most definitely not a bug and not
something that should have been changed.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Ilia Alshanetsky

On 7-May-07, at 4:00 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

I must have missed something.  Did you change the documented behaviour
that $_SERVER['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] is populated when PHP  
encounters an
unknown content type?  If so, that was most definitely not a bug  
and not

something that should have been changed.

If lack of post handler is classified by an unknown content type then  
yes, where is it documented btw?

Ilia Alshanetsky

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

We will need it:
- by the time of PHP 6

I think this problem should be fixed not by killing PEAR and converting 
it to PHP extensions but by fixing PHP 6 and enabling PEAR to work.

- to be able to have PHARs without pretty big PHP_Archive stuff included

It's for install, how big could it be? 20 K? If it's more, it can 
probably be rewritten to be shorter :)

- "include phar://" run easily and always

I'm not sure we want include phar:// because include($file) and 
include(realpath($file)) for example would work VERY different then. 
Think about poor library writers having to deal with these things.

And just to be certain, we are not trying to force anybody to use it.

I thought this was officially declared non-argument in scope of PHP 
discussions? ;)

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf
Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> On 7-May-07, at 4:00 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> I must have missed something.  Did you change the documented behaviour
>> that $_SERVER['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] is populated when PHP encounters an
>> unknown content type?  If so, that was most definitely not a bug and not
>> something that should have been changed.
> If lack of post handler is classified by an unknown content type then
> yes, where is it documented btw?

Right where you would expect:

always_populate_raw_post_data  boolean

Always populate the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA containing the raw POST
data. Otherwise, the variable is populated only with unrecognized
MIME type of the data. However, the preferred method for accessing
the raw POST data is php://input. $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not
available with enctype="multipart/form-data".

The language could be clearer I suppose, but I don't think there is any
mistaking what it means there.  And this is also referred to in all
sorts of other places in the documentation, books, articles and code
examples.  I thought this was a very well established behaviour, but I
guess not.  Please revert.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Passthrough MD5/SHA1 calculation of uploaded files

2007-05-07 Thread Richard Lynch
What purpose does this serve, exactly?...

Seems like anybody who can intercept the upload and send bad file data
can also send a matching MD5 for the bad data...

Actually, re-reading the message clarified for me that you're doing
this only to save the time of whatever it would take to do an MD5 for
the file after its uploaded.

Can you PLEASE make 100% certain that this is specifically documented
to NOT be a "Security Feature" and it is NOT intended to indicate
secure transmission of the file?

Cuz I'm betting dollars to donuts that the masses of PHP scripters are
going to immediately mis-use this for that exact purpose...

On Mon, May 7, 2007 6:08 am, David Santinoli wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm submitting a patch to perform "on the fly" MD5/SHA1 digest
> calculation of a file uploaded via the HTTP POST method.  Being
> not uncommon for applications to require some digest of a freshly
> uploaded file, doing the math directly in the buffer where the file is
> being read can save some time.
> A similar patch was submitted in August 2004 and raised some interest,
> but never got merged.
> Digest calculation is triggered by setting the special input fields
> COMPUTE_MD5 and/or COMPUTE_SHA1 to a non-zero value:
> (note that these assignments must precede the
>  field, as in the MAX_FILE_SIZE case.)
> The result is found in the special variables
> $_FILES[userfile]["md5"] and $_FILES[userfile]["sha1"].
> These variables are only defined upon request of the corresponding
> digest.
> The patch was produced against the php6 CVS version of rfc1867.c
> (1.190).
> Cheers,
>  David
> --
>  David Santinoli
>  Tieffe Sistemi S.r.l.  viale Piceno 21, Milano
> tel. +39 02 45490882
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug? Raw POST data in PHP 5.2.2, take two

2007-05-07 Thread Richard Lynch
On Mon, May 7, 2007 2:30 pm, Dirk Haun wrote:
> Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
>>I sure hope those nifty Web 2.0 sites don't use SOAP and XML-RPC but
>>rather JSON or REST.
> Okay, but XML-RPC is used for Pingbacks, Trackbacks, and for pinging
> weblog directories like Technorati. That's something like the backbone
> of the entire "blogosphere".

And sometimes ya gotta use what the other guy provides...

Even if you think it's a Bad Idea.

Yes, you could, maybe, run your own little middleman server to
download/cache and serve in whatever format you want, but there are
all kinds of real-world reasons why that might not be

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] serialize and cache handling

2007-05-07 Thread Stanislav Malyshev
can write this data to disk. So, you needs 20MB. If serialize (and of 
course unserialize) would be able to write directly to disk (or read 
directly from disk), you only needs 10MB.

Actually having serialize/unserialize be able to write directly to a 
stream and read directly from a stream might be interesting, would 
probably improve working with things like large sessions or caching 
large data substantially.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Richard Lynch
On Mon, May 7, 2007 1:17 am, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> I see no value in making compatibility breaks in 5.x and not in the
> next
> major version. As it is we drive a lot of our users crazy. We already
> agreed this is a 6.x thing.


If there has to be a 5.3, I'd want to see features that:
  are incredibly useful/important to the masses (input filtering)
  aren't easily tweaked in 5.2.x
  don't break anything (i.e., only new functions/extensions/features)

If that ends up being an empty set, then don't even mess with 5.3 and
focus on 6.0 :-)

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Gregory Beaver
Stefan Priebsch wrote:
> Gregory Beaver schrieb:
>> Correction: the *installation* process for PEAR will have to be reverted
>> to the way it worked in PHP 4.  PEAR is unaffected by these changes.
> Which, from the end user's viewpoint, makes PEAR useless because they
> cannot install PEAR in the first place. That's what I meant.
What?  PEAR has been distributed successfully with PHP since version
4.3.  From the end user's viewpoint, there is no difference. 
go-pear.bat = go-pear.bat on windows, "make install-pear" = "make
install-pear" on unix.  The difference is in terms of the maintainers of
PEAR, who will have to do a lot more work in order to synchronize new
releases of PEAR than we do now.
>> There are other changes that affect PEAR, which is why we are moving all
>> packages to PHP 5+ currently.
> Could you please elaborate on that a little more?
Not in this mailing list please.  You are welcome to search the archives
of pear-core and pear-dev, there has been a lot of discussion of PHP 5
and PEAR.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] serialize and cache handling

2007-05-07 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
can write this data to disk. So, you needs 20MB. If serialize (and of 
course unserialize) would be able to write directly to disk (or read 
directly from disk), you only needs 10MB.

Actually having serialize/unserialize be able to write directly to a 
stream and read directly from a stream might be interesting, would 
probably improve working with things like large sessions or caching 
large data substantially.

Indeed, especially since this is the most common use case. Maybe it 
should optionally also return an md5 of the written data.


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[PHP-DEV] Re: how does Phar actually work?

2007-05-07 Thread Gregory Beaver
Gregory Beaver wrote:
> megabytes of information just to locate a file.  The zip file format has
> the same limitation - the entire archive needs to be scanned.
> Both of these formats were not designed for random access in the way a
> traditional filesystem is designed.  In fact, I could not find an
> example of a archive format that is designed for this.

Josh Eichorn challenged this assertion on IRC, and so I took another
look at the zip file format.  It turns out, I was wrong - the format has
something called a "central directory" at the end of the file, which is
the equivalent to the manifest that phar uses.  I apologize for the

Because the .zip file format cannot be parsed directly by PHP in the way
that a phar archive can (in other words "php" yields
gibberish, whereas "php somefile.phar" allows php loader execution), in
order to use this for the phar file format, it would require some
changes to PHP itself.

In other words, php would do better to simply port over Java's jar stuff
rather than phar if this is what people want (to be perfectly clear I'm
not volunteering to do this).


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[PHP-DEV] apache2handler/SIGSEGV with apache2 (prefork)

2007-05-07 Thread Oliver Block

I am getting a SIGSEGV when compiling php-5.2.2.

gdb breaks up at the if statement of the following function

static void php_apache_add_version(apr_pool_t *p)
if (PG(expose_php)) {
ap_add_version_component(p, "PHP/" PHP_VERSION);

It only occurs when --enable-maintainer-zts is used.

# define PG(v) TSRMG(core_globals_id, php_core_globals *, v)
extern PHPAPI int core_globals_id;
# define PG(v) (core_globals.v)
extern ZEND_API struct _php_core_globals core_globals;

#define TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(rsrc_id) ((rsrc_id)-1)
#define TSRMG(id, type, element)(((type) (*((void ***) tsrm_ls))

GDB tells me that core_globals_id == 0 which leads to an index of -1 -- if I 
interpret the results correctly.

Best Regards,


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] Passthrough MD5/SHA1 calculation of uploaded files

2007-05-07 Thread Sara Golemon
Ditto Richard's comments about false-implications of security, but I'd 
also like to add that *IF* folks decide on the whole that this is worth 
adding, it should be done more generically than a setting for md5 and a 
setting for sha1.




or whatever hash algo you're looking for.  The implementations in 
ext/hash can be used and the resulting code in main/rfc1867.c will wind 
up being simpler (since you'll be using the unified hash API rather than 
the individual md5/sha1 APIs).

If someone (for some reason) has ext/hash disabled (it's 
enabled-by-default since 5.1.2), then they just won't get a hash. 
That's what package requirements and documentation are for.


P.S. - Suggestions aside, I'm -1 on it.

Richard Lynch wrote:

What purpose does this serve, exactly?...

Seems like anybody who can intercept the upload and send bad file data
can also send a matching MD5 for the bad data...

Actually, re-reading the message clarified for me that you're doing
this only to save the time of whatever it would take to do an MD5 for
the file after its uploaded.

Can you PLEASE make 100% certain that this is specifically documented
to NOT be a "Security Feature" and it is NOT intended to indicate
secure transmission of the file?

Cuz I'm betting dollars to donuts that the masses of PHP scripters are
going to immediately mis-use this for that exact purpose...

On Mon, May 7, 2007 6:08 am, David Santinoli wrote:

  I'm submitting a patch to perform "on the fly" MD5/SHA1 digest
calculation of a file uploaded via the HTTP POST method.  Being
not uncommon for applications to require some digest of a freshly
uploaded file, doing the math directly in the buffer where the file is
being read can save some time.

A similar patch was submitted in August 2004 and raised some interest,
but never got merged.

Digest calculation is triggered by setting the special input fields
COMPUTE_MD5 and/or COMPUTE_SHA1 to a non-zero value:


(note that these assignments must precede the
 field, as in the MAX_FILE_SIZE case.)

The result is found in the special variables
$_FILES[userfile]["md5"] and $_FILES[userfile]["sha1"].
These variables are only defined upon request of the corresponding

The patch was produced against the php6 CVS version of rfc1867.c

 David Santinoli
 Tieffe Sistemi S.r.l.  viale Piceno 21, Milano tel. +39 02 45490882
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Re: [PHP-DEV] serialize and cache handling

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

> Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> > > can write this data to disk. So, you needs 20MB. If serialize (and of
> > > course unserialize) would be able to write directly to disk (or read
> > > directly from disk), you only needs 10MB.
> > 
> > Actually having serialize/unserialize be able to write directly to a stream
> > and read directly from a stream might be interesting, would probably improve
> > working with things like large sessions or caching large data substantially.
> Indeed, especially since this is the most common use case. Maybe it should
> optionally also return an md5 of the written data.

If we're to add this, make sure writes to the files are atomic.


Derick Rethans | |

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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: yanbin

2007-05-07 Thread yAnbiN
I'm a PHP Programmer from China, I'd like to help translate phpdoc_zh.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

> > We will need it:
> > - by the time of PHP 6
> I think this problem should be fixed not by killing PEAR and converting it to
> PHP extensions but by fixing PHP 6 and enabling PEAR to work.

Let me agree with Greg here. We can not go back to the PHP 4.x way of 
bundling PEAR. It's a PITA for both the PEAR people and the RM. PHP 5 
uses the phar, which works brilliantly. So the fix here is to make 
something *like* phar work with PHP 6 as well. If it was to be based on 
streams (which I think it can only be), then we *need* some way of 
marking this new user stream as being local in order for require and 
include to work on those. Making a hack in PHP to allow "phar://" 
streams to work is a bad idea, a C-extension can easily work here.


Derick Rethans | |

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Derick Rethans
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

> > PHP_Archive-based phar archives will no longer work once
> > allow_url_include is off and user streams wrappers are marked as remote.
> >  So, it won't work with 100% of new installations in future PHP versions.
> I guess we are solving the wrong problem. We have:
> 1. phar needs script-defined named streams
> 2. Named streams are prohibited by some config option
> 3. Let's pretend this stream is not actually what it is
> 4. Let's create whole new extension for that and put it into main PHP
> I think this process is wrong. If we have problem with names streams usage in
> apps, we should seek solutions there, not invent modules just to work around
> the problem we ourselves create.

So why don't you come up with a different "better" solution then?


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