Re: [IPsec] [saag] trapdoor'ed DH (and RFC-5114 again)

2016-10-18 Thread Stephen Kent


It's  been over 8 years since this RFC was published, and I have not 
looked at it since then. My recollection is that we wrote 5114 because 
an IPsec developer approached me and said that he wanted to support 
these groups in a product. He said that he wanted test vectors for the 
groups, consistent with what we have done for many other algs. I 
persuaded Matt to generate the RFC because it was a relatively easy task 
a good way for Matt to get acquainted with the RFC process.

As to your question, I have no info about how the NIST DH values were 
generated. However, I do agree with Yoav and Tero that it seems unduly 
prejudicial to declare these to be a MUST NOT. The fact that one can 
generate trap-doored DH values that cannot be detected is not the same 
as having proof that a given set of values have been generated in that 
fashion. Moreover, if one interprets a MUST NOT in this context to mean 
that an implementation supporting any of these groups is non-compliant, 
then that unfairly penalizes existing implementations, as Tero noted. 
Moreover, if the concern raised by the paper (which I have read) is with 
MODP groups of size 1024 (or smaller), only 1 of the groups in 5114 fits 
that criteria (section 2.1).

I have not tracked the status of these NIST groups re evaluation 
criteria like FIPS 140-2. If these groups are approved for use in 
products evaluated under that FIPS (I don't know if they are), 
deprecating them creates a possible conundrum for vendors who want to 
comply with RFCs and with FIPS evaluation criteria. Thus I suggest a 
less dramatic response than declaring all of the groups in 5114 to be 

I'm not a vendor of any crypto products (these days), and I've never 
been a crypto mathematician. So my views are based only on what I recall 
about the creation of 5114 and about IETF crytpo standards practices in 


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] P-256 speed

2015-08-10 Thread Stephen Kent


Is this code available anywhere? If not, it makes it hard to reproduce 
their results.
There is a paper on the code design, and I anticipate the code will 
become available,

as the work was sponsored by NIST.
It’s too bad they don’t submit this to so we could have 
an apples-to-apples comparison with other implementations.

I suspect they will do so.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] mot sure if this posted before, so resending

2015-04-07 Thread Stephen Kent


I think it’s risky to base decisions on our attempts to divine future NIST 
decisions, but I agree that out best option now is to leave the 64-bit IV (or 
nonce) explicit for now and perhaps later add an IKE extension that allows you 
to “compress” the IV as long as it’s equal to the packet counter. That allows 
the ESP implementation to compress the ESP packet as long as the encryption 
module keeps generating payloads that have an IV exactly the same as the packet 

works for me.

I’ve recently had the dubious pleasure of going over some NIST document ([1]). 
Appendix A.5 is about Key/IV pair uniqueness in AES-GCM, but I guess (divining 
again…) that if they ever accept ChaCha20, they might ask for similar things. 
So what does it say about IV generation?

There are several ways to generate the IV. One is to generate the IV in 
compliance with the TLS 1.2 GCM
Cipher Suites for TLS, as described in the corresponding IETF RFC 5116 
and 5288. Alternatively, the IV may
be generated randomly or set deterministically, possibly by being 
incremented by 1 every time a new value
is needed.

That sounds good, because “deterministically… by being incremented by 1 every 
time” is exactly what we’re looking for, right?

seems reasonable to me.

The document goes on to say that the method in RFC 5288 is allowed only for TLS 
1.2, and “in all other cases the following requirements shall be satisfied”

If the GCM Key is generated either internally or externally and the IV 
is generated internally
deterministically then the requirement of SP 800-38D quoted in the 
Background section above will be
modified. Instead of requiring that the probability of any (key, IV) 
collision anywhere in the
Universe at all times did not exceed 2^-32, it will only be required 
that for a given key distributed to
one or more cryptographic modules, the (key, IV) collision probability 
would not exceed 2^-32. This
is equivalent to the requirement that for any key distributed to one or 
more modules the probability of
a collision between the deterministically-generated IVs is no greater 
than 2^-32.

That is still fine, because a 64-bit counter has a zero chance of repeating, and 0 
 2^-32. But then the document goes on to “specify what the module has to do to 
meet this requirement”.

Each deterministically established IV shall include an encoding of the 
module’s name and the
name shall be long enough to allow for at least 2^32 different names. 
For example, if the module’s
name is such that it consists of at least 8 hexadecimal characters then 
this condition is satisfied,
since 16^8 is no smaller than (indeed, equal to) 2^32 . Alternatively, 
if the name consists of at least
6 alphanumerical characters, each having at least 62 values, then this 
is also sufficient. Even
though not all possible names are equally likely to be used, just the 
fact that the modules can
possibly have at least 232 different names will be sufficient to meet 
this requirement.

So now we’re supposed to dedicate 32 bits of the available 64 to encoding the 
module name??? That leaves 32 bits per key for packet counter. That also means 
that ESN is a superfluous feature, because if you go above 2^32 packets per SA, 
the pigeonhole principle applies.

Does anyone know the method behind this madness?
I think the module name requirement is intended to accommodate 
multi-sender, same key, scenarios,

but you should direct the question to NIST, e.g.,


IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] mot sure if this posted before, so resending

2015-04-06 Thread Stephen Kent



There is two questions I would like guidance from the group about.

First is the nonce/IV question: In the current draft, there is a 
64-bit IV with guidance not to repeat them (so use a counter or LFSR). 
The function itself accepts a 96-bit input nonce, so the nonce is 
constructed from the 64-bit IV and 32 zero bits. The reason for doing 
this is so the algorithm could be used in a multi-sender case such as 
GDOI, where the 32-bit zero can be replaced by a sender ID. 
Alternatively, we could generate a 32-bit salt value from the key 
material, but I don’t see a reason why we’d want that. Another thing 
we could do is what some people are advocating for TLS: Since a 
counter is a fine IV (no need for secrecy), we don’t need a 64-bit IV 
that has the exact same value as the replay counter. We might as well 
save 8 bytes per packet and just feed the replay counter to the 
function.  The argument against this is that some crypto modules may 
have the API set up in such a way that the IVs are generated within 
the module and could be something other than a counter (like an LFSR). 
The proposal will break such APIs.
agreed. The other, related issue, is that if one wants to achieve FIPS 
for an alg like this, the nonce/IV needs to be within the eval boundary 
for the
alg certification. I realize that ChaCha is not a FIPS alg, but I recall 
asking NIST if it might be willing to evaluate ChaCha. If the goal is 
FIPS evaluation, then it makes sense to consider the implications of 
trying to reuse the

ESP sequence counter as an input to the IV/nonce in this context.


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-null-auth-05.txt

2015-04-02 Thread Stephen Kent
As the primary author of 4301, and the creator of the PAD, I believe 
this work
does update that section of 4301. I agree with Kathleen that this doc 
needs to
say precisely what parts of 4301 are being updated, perhaps using a 



On Apr 1, 2015, at 6:57 PM, Kathleen Moriarty wrote:

I went back to the email thread as I wanted to look at the consensus and don't 
see it the way Paul does.
Here is the end of the thread:

It reads as confusion with the term updates and most being ok with going in 
either direction, Paul against and Yaron more in favor.

Yes, exactly. So, it sounds like you see the consensus (and confusion) the way 
I do.

Updates can update very specific text in a draft.  Since this just applies in 
this special case, the updates text needs to be clearly worded to reflect that 
or you copy in all the text that applies from the other draft.

Sounds fine. Who do you want to make that decision?

--Paul Hoffman
IPsec mailing list

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] WG Last Call on The NULL Authentication Method in IKEv2 Protocol

2015-01-19 Thread Stephen Kent


Other authentication methods defined for IKE perform authentication, so 
there was
no need to express anything special in the SPD or PAD. NULL is obviously 


The text you cited from 4727, with the edit you proposed would be a big 


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Diet-ESP

2014-07-25 Thread Stephen Kent


Thanks for the explanation.


The draft does not specify how matching between IV_i and packet i is 
   - 1) you may use the SN as the packet counter. Of course it is 
easier if the SN increments for each packet. However SN are not part 
of the IV generation.
which SN? the one from ESP? Doesn't Diet-ESP significantly reduce the 
sequence number space?

if the SN space is small, then there may be ambiguity at the receiver.
   - 2) you may use the least significant bytes to determine which IV 
may match.
This way of doing so differs in the current way of sending the IV as 
we do not have the IV from the packet. In our case, the IV is not 
derived from the packet, we need to generate a few number of IV in 
advance, and find out which is the one matching a particular packet.
This sentence suggests that the least significant bytes above are from 
the compressed
IV. Is that right?  If the IV is pseudorandom, and it's compressed 
representation is small,
e.g., 2 bytes, what is the  likelihood that two IVs will have the same 
representation, within
a receive window of, say 32 packets? (This is a drawing balls from an 
urn with replacement
problem, I think). This might result in a frequency of collision that 
may be an issue, causing

the receiver to have to do crypto processing on colliding packets.
Motivation for doing so is that sending a byte in 6lo cost more than 
doing a few thousand operations. In that sense, we are ready to 
implement some more complex IV-to-i function.
Isn't the lo in 6lo, low power? Is it clear that the cycles vs. 
bandwidth tradeoff is always

a win?


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Diet-ESP

2014-07-23 Thread Stephen Kent


I read the very brief IV-generation I-D and I didn't see an explanation 
of how
to perform IV compression. As someone else already noted on the list, 
an IV
is carried with each packet to enable decryption of packets that may 
arrive out
of order. Thus it's not enough to have each peer use the same PRF and 
seed to
generate IVs which are not explicitly transported, because of this 
Also, if the IV is required to be pesudorandom, there is likely no 
for compression in the usual sense. Finally, note that the specs for 
modes like GCM treat the IV as a security critical piece of info, for 
good reason.
Thus if one tries to re-use a value such as an ESP sequence number as an 
IV, all of
the ESP sequence number generation/management code becomes security 
critical wrt
algorithm mode evaluation. This topic was discussed in London in the TLS 
WG meeting,
when considering use of Cha-Cha. I can forward the relevant messages and 
my slides

if you wish.


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] AES key lengths: draft-ietf-ipsecme-esp-ah-reqts

2014-03-10 Thread Stephen Kent


On Mar 8, 2014, at 8:08 AM, Black, David wrote:

The next draft changes AES-128-CBC to AES-CBC, and says:

In the following sections, all AES modes are for 128-bit AES. 192-bit AES
MAY be supported for those modes, but the requirements here are for 128-bit

What about 256-bit AES keys?  They should also be a MAY.

Why not “SHOULD” for 192 and 256 bit keys?


It's good to remember the reason that 256-bits keys for AES were specified,
i.e., as a hedge against someone building a quantum computer. So, unless the
data being encrypted is expected to have a lifetime far enough into the 
as to merit protection against that concern, the extra time needed to 

AES-256 vs. AES-128 does not seem justified.


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] AES key lengths: draft-ietf-ipsecme-esp-ah-reqts

2014-03-10 Thread Stephen Kent



It's good to remember the reason that 256-bits keys for AES were specified,
i.e., as a hedge against someone building a quantum computer. So, unless the
data being encrypted is expected to have a lifetime far enough into the future
as to merit protection against that concern, the extra time needed to perform
AES-256 vs. AES-128 does not seem justified.


That’s a good argument for a user choosing to use AES-128 rather than AES-256.  
But it doesn’t really address why “SHOULD implement” isn’t justified — the 
implementation cost is trivial and if it isn’t used it has no performance 

I have been told by some commercial security consultants that their 
customers believe that
bigger is more secure, and thus they should mandate use of longer key 
lengths if they
are available. If that report is accurate, then making AES-256 a SHOULD 
(vs. a MAY)
creates a situation where the performance penalty will be incurred, for 
no good reason.

But, I'm not going to fall on my sword for this.


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Working Group Last Call: draft-ietf-ipsecme-esp-ah-reqts

2014-02-26 Thread Stephen Kent


On Feb 25, 2014, at 8:48 PM, Yaron Sheffer 

Hi, this is to start a 2-week working group last call on the revised 
Algorithm Implementation Requirements
document, ending March 11. The draft is at: We
should have last called the draft a while ago, and I apologize for 
the delay.

Section 2.2:

It lists NULL ESP as a MUST. Wasn't this a MUST a leftover from the old
crypto export restrictions? While I think NULL ESP is a good debugging
tool, and a good replacement for AH in general, I don't think this is
really a MUST item (unless you would actually advise people to migrate
from AH to ESP NULL, in which case I'll cheer on this MUST)

I think we do want folks to migrate from AH to ESP/NULL. That's why we
made support for AH a MAY a while ago.


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Working Group Last Call: draft-ietf-ipsecme-esp-ah-reqts

2014-02-26 Thread Stephen Kent


On Wed, 26 Feb 2014, Valery Smyslov wrote:

It is for systems that don't implement AH. We should probably say 
this explicitly in section 3.

I don't think it is limited for those systems only.
You may implement AH, but yon cannot use it
everywhere, as it is not compatible with NATs.
And ESP-NULL with Auth is the only substitute there.
So, it must be MUST for any system.

Why did we not kill AH all together when Schneier and Ferguson told us 
so? :P

But you are right. Perhaps some text along the line of:

perhaps because they were wrong.

ESP-NULL offers better performance than AH and so it is desirable in
most cases. But, AH has been specified by some protocols and we don't
want to undermine their choice by killing it.


IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] 4301 questionnaire

2013-12-02 Thread Stephen Kent
For progress to Internet Standard, we need to verify the status of 
relative to the RFCs.  Rather than Going through an exhaustive list of 
MUST and

SHOULD compliance, let's start with a simpler list, suggested by Sean.

I request that each implementer complete the following form:

*- Which of following databases does your implementation support:

- SPD (Security Policy Database)
- SAD (Security Association Database)
- PAD (Peer Authorization Database)
- Which of the processing semantics does your implementation support:
- IP Traffic:
- Fragment:
- Path MTU/DF

The following questions document whether interoperability has been achieved as 
well as other intangibles the IESG will be interested:

- What evidence do you have that your implementation can interoperate with 
other implementations?**
**  - In your opinion, are there unused features in the RFC that greatly 
increase implementation complexity?**
**  - Errata was filed against RFC 4301 and has been incorporated 
are any of the incorporated errata problematic for your implementation?**
**- Does your implementation support the updates documented in RFC 6401?

Additional information (optional):*


IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-kent-ipsecme-ah-rfc4302bis-00.txt

2013-11-19 Thread Stephen Kent

updated versions of RFC 4301, 4302, and 4303 have been posted:

Title : IP Authentication Header (AH)
Author(s) : S. Kent
Filename  : draft-kent-ipsecme-ah-rfc4302bis
Pages : 35
Date  : Nov. 19, 2013

 This document describes an updated version of the IP Authentication

   Header (AH), which is designed to provide authentication services in
   IPv4 and IPv6.  This document obsoletes RFC 4302.

   A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

   Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

Title : Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol
Author(s) : S. Kent
Filename  : draft-kent-ipsecme-saforip-rfc4301bis
Pages : 104
Date  : Nov. 19, 2013

  This document describes an updated version of the quot;Security

   Architecture for IPquot;, which is designed to provide security services
   for traffic at the IP layer.  This document obsoletes RFC 4301 and

   A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

   Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

Title : IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
Author(s) : S. Kent
Filename  : draft-kent-ipsecme-esp-rfc4303bis
Pages : 46
Date  : Nov. 19, 2013

   This document describes an updated version of the Encapsulating

   Security Payload (ESP) protocol, which is designed to provide a mix
   of security services in IPv4 and IPv6.  ESP is used to provide
   confidentiality, data origin authentication, connectionless
   integrity, an anti-replay service (a form of partial sequence
   integrity), and limited traffic flow confidentiality.  This document
   obsoletes RFC 4303.

   A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

   Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-kent-ipsecme-ah-rfc4302bis-00.txt

2013-11-19 Thread Stephen Kent


I think we should progress it to FS only if there are other protocols 
that make use
of it, and which are really in use in a non-trivial fashion. I think 
Sean said that he identified some such protocols when he was exploring 
this topic, so we should ask Sean

for details.


On 11/19/2013 11:06 PM, Stephen Kent wrote:

updated versions of RFC 4301, 4302, and 4303 have been posted:

Thank you Steve for working on these drafts. These drafts are targeted 
at republication as Internet Standards. As promised in Vancouver, I 
would like to open the question of whether we should be republishing 
RFC 4302 - AH.

My personal opinion is that we should not. We have downgraded AH and 
consistently discouraged its use, replacing it by ESP-null. People are 
obviously free to implement it even if it remains Proposed Standard, 
but why give the wrong message by promoting it to IS?


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] AD VPN: discussion kick off

2013-11-05 Thread Stephen Kent


Thanks for the responses to my comments, including ones from yesterday's 

Sorry, I wasn't clear on our use of IPsec. We definitely use both the 
authentication and encryption capabilities of IPsec. We do the 
following when bringing up a new tunnel.

 1. Trigger ISAKMP/IKEv2/IPsec with an SPD of (LocalPeer IP,
RemotePeer IP, GRE).
 2. ISAKMP/IKEv2 authenticates the peers, creates the IKE SAs and the
IPsec/Child encryption SAs.
 3. IPsec signals it has authenticated and encryption is ready, the
GRE tunnel is activated.
 4. NHRP registration (for spoke-hub) or resolution reply (for final
phase of spoke-spoke) are sent over the tunnel.
 5. Routing is brought up over the spoke-hub tunnels.

If a shortcut between two spokes is available, as advised by a hub, that 
requires an SDP entry. Did that entry preexist in the spoke, or was it 
provisioned by a hub in some fashion? If it existed in the spoke, 
initially, normal IPsec operation would cause traffic to that spoke to 
trigger formation of an SA to that destination. Can you clarify?
As for scaling, we already have DMVPN networks of 1+ nodes and 
looking at building networks of 4+ nodes.
In many cases customers have multiple subnets behind each node, 
therefore with just IPsec I would need to have multiple SAs/encryption 
between the same two nodes, even if you are only doing subnet to 
subnet SPDs.  Take the case of two nodes that each have 4 subnets. I 
could need as many as 16 SAs to cover all cases.  Or even a simpler 
case between a host (1 local address) and a node at a data center (say 
20 subnets), I would need up to 20 SAs to cover this.  In many of our 
networks we are asked to support at least 5 (sometimes 10) subnets per 
spoke location.
That's a helpful clarification. It does not appear to be the sort of 
environment that initially seemed to be the focus of this work, e.g., 
road warriors calling home or home/satellite offices for a moderate size 
As far as IPv4 and IPv6 support, you are correct it would only double 
the number of SAs needed, assuming that there are the same number of 
subnets for IPv4 and IPv6.  From what I have seen IPv6 tends to 
increase the number of subnets.

I'm glad we're on the same page here.
For end-to-end encryption, take the case where a spoke node is a 
host.  Then initially the spoke/host will connect to one or more hubs 
(we recommend at least 2 for redundancy). Communication between two 
such connected hosts would be through the hub and would be two hops 
(Host1 encrypt-decrypt Hub encrypt-decrypt Host2). Once the shortcut 
tunnel is setup then communication would be direct between the hosts 
(Host1 encrypt-decrypt Host2).

see my question re the shortcut SPD entries.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] AD VPN: discussion kick off

2013-11-05 Thread Stephen Kent


Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your inputs  vis-a-vis  4301/2/3. I concur that IPSec is 
not just about encryption but don't quite buy into what somebody 
spelled out during the meeting as 'IPSec is an access control 
mechanism that also provides other security services'; IMO, strict 
access control is more a firewall functionality. RFC 4301 spells out 
the access control rationale as
IPsec includes a specification for minimal firewall functionality, 
since that is an essential aspect of access control at the IP layer... 
The IPsec firewall function makes use of the 
cryptographically-enforced authentication and integrity provided for 
all IPsec traffic to offer better access control than could be 
obtained through use of a firewall (one not privy to IPsec internal 
parameters) plus separate cryptographic protection.

You cited one of several sentences that mention access control in 4301, 
in Section 2.1.  Other quotes, very close to the one you chose, make a 
stronger case for access control as an important element of IPsec:

   The set of

security services offered includes access control, connectionless

integrity, data origin authentication, detection and rejection of

replays (a form of partial sequence integrity), confidentiality (via

encryption), and limited traffic flow confidentiality.


   The IPsec firewall function makes use of the

cryptographically-enforced authentication and integrity provided for

all IPsec traffic to offer better access control than could be

obtained through use of a firewall (one not privy to IPsec internal

parameters) plus separate cryptographic protection.

This second quote notes that a separate firewall, operating at the 
Internet layer, is

NOT as secure as the one integrated into IPsec.

I know that we might have ruffled a few feathers wrt making the SPD 
relatively trivial but let's get down to some details as far as the 
comparison goes. The first ADVPN proposal does talk about the shortcut 
suggester possibly including traffic selectors in the shortcut 
exchange. While this seems to give the notion of the ability to 
provide SA granularity, the source of such information is a third 
party (even though both peers have an active connection with this 
third party) and doesn't quite stand up to the very reason of 
including access control in IPSec (The IPsec firewall function makes 
use of the cryptographically-enforced authentication and integrity 
provided for all IPsec traffic to offer better access control than 
could be obtained through use of a firewall (one not privy to IPsec 
internal parameters) plus separate cryptographic protection.) - this 
is a case of the information not even privy to the same device, leave 
alone the same layer in the same device.
OK, this paragraph shows that you do understand the importance of the 
internal firewall in an IPsec implementation. I'm not asserting that 
ADVPN is better or worse in this regard. I just happened to be alerted 
to the issue by the DMVPN message from Mike. I'm equally disappointed 
with any proposal that essentially eliminates the access control feature 
;-) .

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] AD VPN: discussion kick off

2013-11-05 Thread Stephen Kent



To answer your question, the SPD entries are not already there, they 
are created as the result of a message exchange between the two 
spokes; it's the spokes that choose the policy, not the hub. If the 
SPDs were already there, every IPSec node in the network would need to 
know about all the networks in the overall topology apriori -- to 
solve this is one of the main drivers of the whole exercise. This 
becomes even more complex if the hosts (not necessarily an IPSec node) 
acquire address dynamically and/or are mobile.
So the spokes, while connected through the hub, exchange messages to 
cause SPD entries to be created. What protocol is used to do this?


p.s. please use the correct (vs.the Cisco-preferred?) spelling, i.e., 
IPsec, vs. IPSec.
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] AD VPN: discussion kick off

2013-11-04 Thread Stephen Kent


A couple of your comments caught my attention, as an author of 4301, 02, 
and 03. I admit to not having read the DMVPN proposal, so my comments 
are based only on your message, which argues why DMVPN is the preferred 
IPsec encryption layer.  In this layer ISAKMP/IKEv2/IPsec is the 
correct standard protocol to use. This is what IPsec does really well, 
encrypt traffic. The layers above greatly simplifies IPsec's job by 
presenting to it the tunnel to encrypt instead of all of the 
individual protocols/subnets/flows that are within the tunnel.  The 
IPsec selectors are now for the tunnel, which makes path redundancy 
and load-balancing  doable. IPsec doesn't deal well with the same set 
of selectors to encrypt traffic to more than one peer. With DMVPN this 
is handled at the routing/forwarding and GRE tunnel layers.
IPsec is not just about encryption, although the DMVPN proposal may 
relegate it to that. IPsec provides access control, and, typically, 
authentication. Does DMVPN preserve the access control features of 
IPsec, or are users now relying on a hub to do this, or what?
... With 10s of thousands of nodes and perhaps 100s of thousands of 
network/subnets reachable via the VPN the number of IPsec selectors 
across the VPN would get completely out of hand, especially if each 
different pair of subnets (selector) requires a separate encryption, 
between the same two nodes.
More properly, a separate SA, and only if the folks who manage policies 
at each end of the SA decide to provide fine-grained access control for 
the traffic flows. It was not clear to me that the problem statement for 
this work envisioned VPNs of the scale you mention. Also, the comments 
above are a bit confusing. Both end points and security gateways are 
nodes wrt IPsec, in the general sense. I can create a selector that 
secures traffic from my node (and point of subnet) to all hosts on a 
subnet, irrespective of how many are present there.
This doesn't even count the fact that in order to run IPv4 and IPv6 
between the same two nodes you have to use at least double the number 
of selectors.
At least? Under what circumstances would the number grow by more than a 
factor of two?
Routing protocols are already designed to scale to 100s of thousands 
and even millions of routes. So with DMVPN the forwarding and GRE 
tunneling of both IPv4 and IPv6 is handled within a single GRE tunnel 
and IPsec selector.
So, the proposal simplifies use of IPsec by limiting the granularity at 
which SAs may be created? Does it also cause each SA to terminate at a 
hub, so that the security services are no longer e-t-e? In the context 
of the perpass discussions, this seems like a questionable design decision.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Updated ESP/AH algorithm I-D

2013-03-12 Thread Stephen Kent


I did a quick check of 4301, and it uses the term confidentiality 
consistently when referring to the service, and uses encryption to 
refer to the mechanism. They are not used interchangeably.
The same seems to apply to use of terminology re data origin 
authentication, integrity, etc.


On 3/12/13 10:01 AM, Frankel, Sheila E. wrote:

Hi David and Wajdi,

Your updated ESP/AH algorithm doc looks great, and is very much needed. I just have one comment. You speak of 
the 2 services provided by ESP and AH as confidentiality and data origin authentication. As I'm 
sure you know, authentication is used in different ways by different communities. I believe that in most of 
the IPsec docs the 1st service is referred to interchangeably as encryption and confidentiality; the 2nd 
service is interchangeably referred to as authentication and integrity protection. However, in RFC 4303 (ESP) 
it states: Data origin authentication and connectionless integrity are joint services, hereafter 
referred to jointly as integrity. In your doc, the integrity-protection aspect is not 
mentioned at all, and I believe that is a critical oversight.

Sheila Frankel
IPsec mailing list

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] I-D on Using the ECC Brainpool Curves for IKEv2 Key Exchange

2013-01-07 Thread Stephen Kent

On 1/4/13 3:23 PM, Andrey Jivsov wrote:


Point compression is more beneficial for storage security for reasons 
of performance and storage efficiency. For storage efficiency side: 
when there are multiple recipients per message, each associated with 
one ECDH-related field, it's possible for ECDH-specific payload to get 
arbitrary large for a fixed short message. For the performance 
argument: if the message was encrypted to N recipients, to decode it 
only one recipient will be used, and thus the calculation of 'y' is 
done once but the space is saved for N.
Are you confident that this attempt at space efficiency is consistent 
with S/MIME processing rules?
Or are you suggesting that S/MIME and other secure email standards 
become alg-specific to take

advantage of this optimization?

Even for certificates that have one public key there is some benefit, 
given that the certificates are pre-precessed for chain validation and 
are often cached.
Most IETF security protocols make use of X.509 (PKIX) certs. X.509 certs 
always contain just one key.
So I'm puzzled by the phrase Even for certificates that have one public 
key ...

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] [secdir] I-D Action: draft-harkins-brainpool-ike-groups-00.txt

2012-08-29 Thread Stephen Kent


My recollection is that the agreement at the SECDIR meeting was that a 
waring of the form not for use with IKEv1 was part pf the deal. I 
still believe this is a very questionable way to accommodate the IEEE's 
unwillingness to maintain their own registry, and their slow doc rev 
cycle time that is causing us to do a silly (at best) thing.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] FW: New Version Notification for draft-zhang-ipsecme-multi-path-ipsec-01.txt

2012-07-19 Thread Stephen Kent
I provided a number of comments in response to the -00 version back in 

According to the diff tool in data tacker, the -01 version is identical,
except that the author list and dates have changed.

So it's not clear that comments really are appreciated.;-)


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-zhang-ipsecme-multi-path-ipsec

2012-04-11 Thread Stephen Kent

At 10:11 PM + 4/9/12, Xiangyang zhang wrote:


Even though TCP or IP does not envision it, the ordered processing 
is very common now.  In an intermediary node, IP reassembly and TCP 
reorder must be done some time.  In flow-based technology (for 
example, stateful firewall), without IP reassembly, it could not 
work.  You know flow is based on 5 tuples, non-first fragments has 
no TCP or UDP port information in it.  Without IP reassembly, the 
only way is to drop the packet.  No customer will accept this kind 
of network product.

and yet there are adverse affects ...

In NAT device, no matter it is large scale (LSN) or others, it could 
break some application like FTP, VOIP etc.  TCP payload must be 
extracted.  If TCP segments do not arrive in order, it must wait for 
it.  In our GGSN product, there are also some cases where TCP 
reorder must be done.

you're giving examples of intermediate nodes doing things that can 
cause problems.

Just like TCP/IP, the ordered arrival is not a requirement.  This is 
similar to IPsec.

IPsec does not intrinsically reorder packets. At worst is may discard 
packets that arrived very much out of order, a situation where TCP 
probably would have

requested retransmission anyway.

Please check my comments inline starting with victor.

The TCP and IP specs do not envision an intermediary trying to put 
packets back in order or performing reassembly. When middle bioxes 
do this performance often suffers.

Victor Current network is much more complicated than old one.  It 
could not be avoided in some situation even though you do not want 
to do that.

You're creating new opportunities to make the problem worse.


note that 4301 removed the requirement to support SA bundles, so the 
comparison seems out of place.

Victor I note that too.  If we do not compare SA bundle and 
cluster, we can just compare SA and SA cluster.  The later is an 
option to enhance the security.

You say that, but you have failed to provide any analysis to support 
this claim.


as I noted in prior messages, this seems awfully complex and has the 
potential to degrade performance, so a very string secruity argument 
needs to be made to justify considering this proposal. I have not 
seen that argument.

Victor I do not want to deny that it has the potential to degrade 
the performance.  But I want to say it also has the potential to 
improve the performance, for example, when congestion happens.  This 
is why multi-path TCP comes into picture.

pick an argument and stick with it :-). when this began you didn't 
seem to know about multi-path TCP, so your proposal can't be assuming 
its use.

SA cluster should not be awfully complex.  If there are two SA, it 
just group them together.  I implemented one IPsec stack before. If 
I update the code, it does not need much change at both sending side 
and receiving side.  If you see it is awfully complex, how do you 
come to that conclusion?

I have watched a number of vendors produce non-compliant IPsec 
implementations since I wrote 2301. That perspective provides me with 
a basis for arguing that this proposal adds complexity for 
questionable benefit.

I use SA bundle as an example, just want to say that it is simpler 
than SA bundle.  And the performance should be better in most cases.

SA bundles were removed because most vendors felt they were too 
complex and did not offer enough benefits. So, saying that this 
proposal is simpler than SA bundles does not make it simple :-).

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-zhang-ipsecme-multi-path-ipsec

2012-04-09 Thread Stephen Kent

At 4:50 PM + 4/6/12, Xiangyang zhang wrote:


You understand this method very well.  The disadvantage is the 
possible severity of out of order delivery.  Even with single SA, it 
can also cause the out of order problem.  As for re-order, just like 
TCP reorder or IP reassembly, it can be done at intermediate node or 
end host.

The TCP and IP specs do not envision an intermediary trying to put 
packets back in order or performing reassembly. When middle bioxes do 
this performance often suffers.

 If it is done at SGW, RFC 6471 may help to mitigate the issue.

In your previous mail, this is potentially very complex feature.  As 
a matter of fact, it is simpler comparing with SA bundle in 
implementation.  For SA bundle with two SAs, it must go through the 
processing two times.  For SA cluster, packet just needs to be 
processed one time.  Here I do not intend to deny the out of order 

note that 4301 removed the requirement to support SA bundles, so the 
comparison seems out of place.

This is another option comparing with SA or SA cluster.  The product 
developers can choose what method they need, or it can be 
configurable.  I submitted the draft to see if it exhibits some 
benefit.  It does not intend to be necessarily absolute better or 
replace the existing method.

as I noted in prior messages, this seems awfully complex and has the 
potential to degrade performance, so a very string secruity argument 
needs to be made to

justify considering this proposal. I have not seen that argument.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-zhang-ipsecme-multi-path-ipsec

2012-04-09 Thread Stephen Kent

At 9:49 AM -0500 4/9/12, wrote:

 At 4:50 PM + 4/6/12, Xiangyang zhang wrote:


You understand this method very well.  The disadvantage is the possible
severity of out of order delivery.  Even with single SA, it can also
cause the out of order problem.  As for re-order, just like TCP reorder
or IP reassembly, it can be done at intermediate node or end host.

The TCP and IP specs do not envision an intermediary trying to put 
packets back in order or performing reassembly. When middle bioxes 
do this performance often suffers.

In fact, reassembly at intermediate nodes is not possible at all, 
because IP can route packets on several routes.  The full stream of 
packets is only available at the end points, so that is the only 
place where reassembly can be done.



I agree in general, but I was considering the case where the 
intermediate node is very enough to the destination.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-zhang-ipsecme-multi-path-ipsec

2012-04-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 4:44 AM + 4/6/12, Xiangyang zhang wrote:


Your understanding is partially right.  Only that anti-replay window 
could possibly be bigger if two paths go along the different routes. 
If two paths go along the same route, it is no difference from the 
traditional single SA.  But the attacker does not know two paths 
carry the same flow of traffic.

when you take a sequence of packets and spread them over multiple SAs, you
create new opportunities for the packets to arrive out of order at 
the destination. They have to be merged at the destination, either at 
the host or at an SG. If they are merged at an SG, new functionality 
is required to buffer the packets and re-order them. If not, then 
variances in traffic handling at each end creates new opportunities 
for reordering or traffic, and/or added jitter. OOO arrival is not 
good for TCP connections, irrespective of the IPsec anti-replay 
window. Jitter is also not great, especially for some realtime apps 
that run over UDP.

  For security consideration, could you point out what is in error?

your text refers to multiple paths, when you mean multiple SAs.



IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-zhang-ipsecme-multi-path-ipsec

2012-04-05 Thread Stephen Kent

At 1:12 AM + 4/3/12, Xiangyang zhang wrote:
A new version of I-D, draft-zhang-ipsecme-multi-path-ipsec-00.txt 
has been successfully submitted by Xiangyang Zhang and posted to the 
IETF repository.

Title:Multiple Path IP Security
Creation date:2012-04-02
WG ID:Individual Submission
Number of pages: 7

  This document presents one approach to enhance data protection when
  transmitting IPsec datagrams across the insecure networks. The method
  affords the stronger protection to the traffic by splitting it among
  a set of sub-tunnels.  All the Security Associations (SAs) are set up
  independently for all sub-tunnels.  Both the sending and receiving
  entity combine all the sub-tunnels to one clustered tunnel.  As
  different sub-tunnel uses different crypto key materials and
  processing parameters, it may achieve the stronger protection of the
  traffic across the insecure networks.  In addition, it could possibly
  bring more benefits in terms of the network control.

This seems like a potentially very complex feature that creates added 
opportunities for packet arrival reordering (of added jitter) without

a good analysis of the security rationale. Also, as others have noted,
this is not a multi-path feature, but a multi=-tunnel feature, so the
doc name is inappropriate. The comment on multiple paths in the 
secruity considerations section is also in error.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] [IPSec]: New Version Notification for draft-zong-ipsecme-ikev2-cpext4femto-00.txt

2012-01-30 Thread Stephen Kent

At 4:39 PM +0800 1/29/12, wrote:

Hi Stephen, Tricci:

Sorry that I didn't respond this email on time due to the chinese 
spring festival. I would like to thank Stephen first for reviewing 
the draft and giving me your suggestions.

no problem. Happy New Year.

From reading Stephen's email, if my understanding is correct, you 
assumed that SeGW will pass some information to the core network in 
order that the core network can verify the notarized FAP 
information? And you think that the information exchange betwen SeGW 
and the core network is a big change to IKE, is this correct 
understanding of your email?

not quite. I was wrong to suggest that the SecGW sent the signed data 
directly to the core network. The data that the SecGW signs is 
presented by the FAP to the core network. My principle concern is 
that it is inappropriate to use an
IKE payload to transport data to be signed, and then the signed data, 
when the consumer of this data is not IPsec. IKE payloads are used to 
convey data needed to create and manage SAs, including key material, 
data for authentication, etc. This signed data appears to be for 
authorization decisions effected by some element of the core network, 
outside of the IPsec SA itself.

I understand that this configuration based assumption may have some 
limits, I think that to generate a cert by the SeGW and send it to 
the FAP and then from the FAP to the core network is a good 
implementation option. Perhaps I should make the CP flexible enough 
to adapt to all the implementation options. If you have any good 
idea on how the CP should be designed, could you kindly give me your 

I don't want to suggest design options for you, as I am not familiar with
the environment in which you are working. Also, lots of flexibility 
may not be a good ideas in a secruity context. I'm merely suggesting 
that using IKE payloads seems inappropriate for what I believe you 
are trying to do, based on reading one very brief document.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] [IPSec]: New Version Notification for draft-zong-ipsecme-ikev2-cpext4femto-00.txt

2012-01-26 Thread Stephen Kent

At 2:40 PM +0800 1/20/12, wrote:

Hi Folks:

There is a new draft available that some of you may be interested
in looking at.

The draft is available via the following link:

Please send your comments to the list. Thanks!


Lookig very briefly at your doc, it seems that there might be a cleaner way to
provide this capability, one that is more consistent with IETF standards.

The term notarization seems a bit out of place here. The term 
certifies makes more sense, and suggests an alternative solution 
approach. Also, IKE is used to convey info between IPsec (note 
correct spelling) entities for use in key management and SA 
management,including access control. Having IKEv2 carry opaque info 
for use by an entity other than the IPsec implementation seems 

The doc suggests that the proposed new payload has minimal impact on 
IPsec/IKE. One must look not only at the bits on the wire, but also 
the IKEv2 communication paths at the endpoints. Carrying this data in 
IKEv2, for use  by the core network also seems to require that 
IKEv2 pass the date on to external entities outside of the IPsec 
environment. That is a non-trivial change to what IKE does. In this 
case both the FAP and the SecGW are extracting signed data from IKE 
and passing it on to the core network, to authenticate the identify 
of the FAP and related FAP attributes.

The SecGW is digitally signing an attestation about capabilities 
(including the identity) of the FAP.  In PKI standards, this sort of 
info is usually expressed via an attribute cert. I doubt that many 
IKE implementations would know what to do with an attribute cert, but 
that's irrelevant here because IKE is not really consuming the signed 
data. The SecGW would seem to be acting as a CA or an AA.  Why not 
have the SecGW issue a cert (or an attribute cert) to the FAP? Then 
have that cert be passed by the FAP to whatever really needs to 
consume it, along with signed data that establishes that the FAP is 
bound to the cert. That way the SecGW would not have to pass on data 
to the core network.

One might also consider other, IETF standard mechanisms for passing 
around authentication and authorization data that is to be consumed 
by a 3rd party. Thsi sort of function is not what IKE is intended to 


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Add new protocols that require AH?

2011-11-28 Thread Stephen Kent

At 4:54 AM +0530 11/23/11, Jack Kohn wrote:

As per RFC 4301 implementing AH is a MAY and ESP a MUST. Given that
most of what is achieved by AH can be easily achieved by ESP-NULL, is
there a possibility that AH may get deprecated in the future. Should
new protocols or mechanisms be defined in IETF that depend solely upon
AH to be supported?


I concur with your observations. I recommend against new (or revised) protocols
mandating use of AH.  ESP NULL makes more sense in evey case that I have seen.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Does ESP provide all functionality offered by AH?

2011-11-15 Thread Stephen Kent

At 1:56 AM -0500 11/15/11, Steven Bellovin wrote:

On Nov 13, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Vilhelm Jutvik wrote:


The notion of discarding AH entirely has been discussed for many years.
I've long been in favor of it, though I can't find a copy of anything old I
had posted in my mail archives at the moment.  The counter-argument
-- and again, it's been presented many times over many years -- is that
AH protects some IP options.  That's useless in IPv4; the assertion is
that it's important in IPv6.

4301 deprecates AH, by making support for it a MAY, vs. a MUST for 
ESP, as part of a compliant IPsec implementation.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Does ESP provide all functionality offered by AH?

2011-11-14 Thread Stephen Kent
In most contexts, there is no real benefit to using two SAs (AH + 
ESP) as you describe.  I agree that, in almost every case, just using 
ESP will suffice. Using ESP in tunnel mode is certainly good enough, 
and less expensive than 2 SAs.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] [TICTOC] Review request for IPsec security for packet based synchronization (Yang Cui)

2011-10-24 Thread Stephen Kent

At 8:15 PM -0600 10/19/11, Kevin Gross wrote:
We don't need decrypt and encrypt to take the same amount of time. 
We need encrypt+decrypt from master to slave to take the same time 
as encrypt+decrypt from slave to master.

That further reduces the likely variance that is algorithm or mode specific,
but it does increase the potential for variance due to differences in 
the processing capabilities of masters and slaves.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Perfect Forward secrecy

2011-08-29 Thread Stephen Kent

At 11:24 AM +0530 8/29/11, Naveen B N (nbn) wrote:

Hi Scott,
Even with the Pre-shared secret, the protocol can't keep up the 
property of  perfect Forward secrecy.
I have assumed the both the server and client use pre-shared secret, 
same below methods applies to Certificate based

Authentication has well.
Below steps show why.

PFS refers to the ability of an adversary to recover the symmetric key(s)
used to encrypt traffic.  The analysis you provided does not address that
concern. IKE's use of ephemeral DH provides PFS.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Security consideration for DTLS: Adversarial packet loss/reordering

2011-02-15 Thread Stephen Kent

At 11:05 PM +0200 2/11/11, Yaron Sheffer wrote:

Hi Steve,

[Cross-posted to ipsecme]

I have always wondered about these sequence numbers, and the concept 
of anti-replay in IPsec.

- IPsec is architecturally a plug-in replacement for IP. And IP 
allows for arbitrary packet deletion, duplication and reordering.
- Anti-replay counters are giving us no end of trouble in clustered 
environments (e.g.
- IPsec (unfortunately) does not have an application API, at least 
in most implementations. Such an API might indeed have put this 
feature to good use.
- And lastly, IPsec anti-replay is optional, which signifies to me 
that it's always been an iffy feature.

I have looked at RFC 4301 again (the IPsec architecture), and it 
provides only weak justification for this feature. Can you please 
point me to a more convincing reasoning?


Can any Steve reply?

While IP allows arbitrary packet arrival, IPsec allows a receiver to limit
the extent of such OOO arrival, to enable it to detect and reject 
replay attacks. That is the rationale for AR and it is just as 
applicable in a clustered receiver context as in a single receiver 

The fact that it is optional to use (not to implement) is NOT an 
indication that it is iffy. It is an indication that not all apps 
might require its use, and some might find it in conflict with the 
app. That is a app-specific decision, not a decision to be made by an 
IPsec vendor. Use of this feature is declared via the SAD, so an 
administrative interface is one way to specify use of this feature 
based on the protocol and port #'s.

I'm sorry that AR is causing problems in clustered contexts, but that is not a
justification to not support it.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Clarification regarding AH Header Length

2010-11-30 Thread Stephen Kent

At 10:40 AM +0530 11/23/10, Anil Maguluri wrote:

Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


Hi All,

Please clarify me the below query.

è When AH Header Length becomes zero (in which scenario)?
è If the length is zero, means no SN and AH Data 
wont be available in the packet.

Anil Kumar Maguluri

If AH is present, it will not have a 0 length.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Ticket #195 - Protection against SPI enumeration

2010-10-20 Thread Stephen Kent

At 4:37 PM +0200 10/20/10, Yoav Nir wrote:
Yaron: 10.3: of course, it is possible that *both* implementations 
generate predictable/short SPI values

Hi all.

I think this one was solved together with ticket #191 (The danger 
of predictable SPIs), but requiring that the token maker randomize 

Unless somebody (like Yaron) objects within the next few days, I 
will close this issue as well.

And yes, Yaron, I have made the language about the PRNG less wimpy.


Why not allow either peer (or both) to add a sizeable nonce as a separate
source of unpredictable data?

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] IKE6 Negitaion when Peer Address ND not yet started.

2010-02-23 Thread Stephen Kent


I did not mean to suggest that the SPD UI has to be a low level 
interface that makes it difficult for users to achieve their secruity 
goals.  On the other hand, I would be surprised if any vendor's UI 
really accepted English (or another human communication language). 
So, despite the fact that policies are written in a human 
communication language, those policies need to be entered into a UI 
via a language that is more rigorous. I don't think we're saying 
anything different; we both agreed that a UI can provide simple ways 
for users to enable the needed bypass entries.

RFC 4301, in Figure 1 and Figure 3 shows where IKE lives relative to 
the IPsec boundary, and that implies the need for the sort of SPD 
entries you cited in your message

I do think that Syed was saying something different, i.e., that the 
IPsec architecture document should explicitly say what SPD entries 
must be created to enable bypass of this sort of traffic. That would 
be a bad idea, as it would require revisions to the architecture 
every time some new example of such bypassed traffic arises.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] IKE6 Negitaion when Peer Address ND not yet started.

2010-02-20 Thread Stephen Kent

At 10:00 AM +0530 2/19/10, Syed Ajim Hussain wrote:

Hi Yoav Nir  All Group Member

   Thanks for your quick response. I think, instead of user takes special
   care by adding extra Rule to allow un-encrypted ND traffic(unicast) ,
   There should be some RFC guidelines, such that IPSEC/IKE protocol itself
   can take care.  It will be problem in Interop also.

   Below guidelines can be used.

   1. if packet is of IPv6 NS/NA types , IPSEC  Policy matches , but
  Security Association(SA ) not yet established , then send can send 
  Un- encrypted packets.

  Also Receiver should accept an un-encrypted packet for  NS/NA when
  IPsec policy  matches But  No Security Association(SA) presents.

With Regards
Syed Ajim 


We don't generally provide exceptions for control traffic to cross 
the IPsec boundary. Note the extensive discussion in 4301 on ICMP 
traffic. What you described above is a policy decision and it needs 
to be  explicitly stated in the SPD. At most we might remind folks to 
configure such SPD entries in an IPv6 environment.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Fwd: Issue : Regarding EAP identity

2010-02-10 Thread Stephen Kent

At 12:14 PM +0200 2/10/10, Alper Yegin wrote:


   Hi Alper,

   In that case there is no standard way for the AAA server to inform
 IKEv2 responder of this policy that it needs to enforce. So that

I guess it can be specified.

   The IKEv2 responder already has the mechanisms in place to enforce a
 policy based on the authenticated identity of the IKEv2 initiator. So
 EAP is being used then all we need is a way to get that authenticated
 identity from the AAA server to the IKEv2 responder.

Isn't IDi what IKE deals with?

not always. See the discussion in 4301 re the PAD.

   I'm not aware of a document to allows a AAA server to export the
 authenticated identity to the AAA client (maybe such an attribute
 exists, I just don't know)

I'm not aware, either.
In other uses of AAA (such as with WiFi, WiMAX, 3GPP2, etc.) I know that the
subscriber ID is hidden from the NAS. There are even specific methods
deployed for that purpose. So, disclosing that ID would not be acceptable
there. I'm just not sure if the same privacy concerns apply to the VPN

There is a difference here in that the IPsec device normally performs
peer auth and access control, independent of an AAA server.

 but surely it would be easier to define that
 then to define a standard way to send some policy from AAA server to
 IKEv2 responder. Right?

If you don't do that, then you have to maintain per subscriber policy on
each one of the VPN gateways. Now that starts defeating some of the purpose
that AAA was offloaded to a centralized/dedicated server.

Maybe. I thought the principle argument for AAA (really RADIUS) use 
here was that enterprise IT folks already managed user authentication 
via these servers and wanted to use that aspect of their investment 
in the IPsec context. If one wants to rely on these servers for more 
than just user authentication, a more complex solution is needed.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Fwd: Issue : Regarding EAP identity

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen Kent

At 11:41 AM +0200 2/8/10, Alper Yegin wrote:


When the IKEv2 responder offloads the Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting (AAA) responsibilities to a centralized AAA server, it is no
longer in the business of figuring out who the peer is, if the peer is
really who it claims it is, what policies to apply to the peer. These are
the things handled by the AAA server, and communicated to the IKEv2
responder. Policy needs to be enforced by the IKEv2 responder, but the
policy is determined by and communicated to the responder by the AAA server.


AN IPsec implementation enforces access controls based on SPD 
entries, creating SAD entries for approved traffic flows. I can 
imagine that an AAA server may  authenticate a user and advise the 
IKE component of that action. But, there needs to be a way for IKE to 
know what ID is being asserted and to use that in the SPD lookup. The 
PAD normally governs such actions, so maybe the AAA server

is off loading part of that processing.  It that clearly defined anywhere?

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-13 Thread Stephen Kent

At 3:02 PM +0530 1/11/10, Bhatia, Manav (Manav) wrote:


   You trust the end nodes to negotiate WESP and encapsulate their ESP
 packets in WESP but you don't trust the content they put into those
 packets. Is that the trust model you're operating on?


We trust the end nodes to put the right information in the WESP 
header. But, we don't trust the intermediaries, that could have 
mangled the packet so that it goes through the firewall/deep 
inspection device.

If that happens, then the packet should not be consumed, which would 
make the attack by a malicious middle box worthless.

Hope this helps.


I don' know about anyone else, but it didn't clarify the threat model 
for me :-).

In some messages the phrase trusted intermediaries is used, which 
does not seem to fit your text above.  If you are alluding to a MITM, 
say so.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-07 Thread Stephen Kent

At 5:13 PM + 1/7/10, Brian Swander wrote:
In this scenario, the sum of functionality is 
greater than the parts - end hosts and 
intermediaries working together can achieve 
better overall security than either working in 
isolation and in complete distrust of the other.

It'll be up to the individual customer on where 
to dial the knobs, and we should enable the 
options and make them as deployable as possible. 
I.e. if customers really want to manage full IP 
address policies for who can do encrypted ESP, 
than that option should be available.   If they 
want good intermediary audit trails with a 
simpler intermediary config, that option needs 
to be available.  If they want best effort load 
balancing/WAN optimization, that option needs to 
be available.

This is no longer an either-or adversarial 
situation between end systems and 
intermediaries, and the intermediaries in play 
are not relegated to security intermediaries - 
although clearly security intermediaries are 
important here, too.



I was really hoping for a simple answer to the 
questions I posed in my message. Instead IO got a 
message with words like holistic and phrases 
like the sum of functionality is greater than 
the partsŠ which is a bit too new age for me :.

 I'm guessing that hints to the answer I was 
looking for are lurking in your second paragraph:

It'll be up to the individual customer on where 
to dial the knobs, and we should enable the 
options and make them as deployable as possible. 
I.e. if customers really want to manage full IP 
address policies for who can do encrypted ESP, 
than that option should be available. If they 
want good intermediary audit trails with a 
simpler intermediary config, that option needs 
to be available.  If they want best effort load 
balancing/WAN optimization, that option needs to 
be available.

In interpret this to mean that yes, you realize 
that an intermediate system that wants to enforce 
the sort of policies you previously described 
would, in fact, have to be configured with IP 
address info (or its moral equivalent) in order 
to enforce such policies.  In this case your 
argument against my suggested approach to dealing 
with incremental deployment of WESP disappears 
(which may be why you chose to not make this 
statement directly :)).

You seem to offer an alternative, i.e., to give 
customers the ability to have intermediaries 
inspect or not inspect traffic based solely on 
what the traffic labels indicate. This amounts 
trusting the hosts to label traffic properly, 
which is the alternative answer I postulated and 
criticized. Again, you chose not to answer this 
directly, but instead alluded (in your last 
paragraph) to the need to think of end systems 
and intermediaries as no longer operating in an 
adversarial environment. Historically, the 
principle motivations for security intermediaries 
include countering (security relevant) 
misconfiguration of hosts, an inability to manage 
the (security relevant) configurations of hosts, 
dealing with compromise of hosts, etc. These are 
all instances where the intermediaries do not 
trust the end systems. Please elaborate on why 
you believe that these are now outmoded reasons 
for how security intermediaries should relate to 

You describe allowing intermediaries to generate 
audit trails (presumably capturing some info 
about the encrypted traffic that they were unable 
to inspect, but you didn't say specifically) as 
an alternative to policy enforcement. There may 
be some merit to this in some contexts, but I 
think the WG needs to have a clear picture of 
what is being proposed and the associated 
rationale.  I searched the IPSECME archives and 
found only one set of messages inn 2009 that 
include the word audit in the context of this 
discussion. These messages were a thread 
involving Ken and Tero, and appeared in the 
2/4-11 timeframe. The messages focused on the 
performance and cost issues associated with 
implementing stateful vs. stateless 
intermediaries, as part of the larger debate on 
heuristics vs. explicit packet labeling. This 
thread did not raise the issue you did above, 
i.e., that a major motivation for WESP is to 
enable users to audit encrypted traffic flows 
as an alternative to using access control info to 
permit/deny such flows.

I don't think the WG should make major design 
decisions without a clear picture of the various 
use cases that are being cited, but which lack 
detailed descriptions and thoroughly-articulated 
assumptions.  I think the WG needs such 
descriptions and associated analysis to guide its 

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 11:14 AM -0700 1/5/10, Grewal, Ken wrote:
Yes to both, based on arguments already discussed numerous times in 
the WG via presentations, 12 iterations of the draft and multiple WG 
last calls + AD reviews!

The main motivation for extending the ICV was to counter some of the 
issues originally raised by Steve Kent - malicious entities 
modifying portions of the WESP header to bypass legitimate parsing 
of the packet by Trusted Intermediary (TI) devices such as 
IDS/IPS/etc. This can be addressed by the recipient explicitly 
validating the WESP header before accepting the packet or implicitly 
by including the WESP header as part of the ICV check.

My recollection is that I identified a vulnerability that arose 
because of the potential for a mismatch between what a TI checked and 
what the receiver acted upon, irrespective of how that mismatch 
arose.  I think I suggested that this vulnerability might be remedied 
by requiring the receiver to verify that the WESP header info was 
consistent with what the receiver was acting upon, as part of WESP 
processing. The current I-D calls for this check to be performed by 
the recipient. Above you state that:

This can be addressed by the recipient explicitly validating the 
WESP header before accepting the packet or implicitly by including 
the WESP header as part of the ICV check.

I disagree with the or in this sentence, for two reasons. First, 
the I-D calls for the receiver to perform the consistency check, so 
it's not an or. Second,
it would not suffice to perform JUST the ICV check you described, 
since that would not address the possibility that the sender created 
the misleading WESP header.

The motivation for allowing WESP to be used for encrypted data was 
brought up as a consistency argument and also allows for future 
extensibility in a uniform manner. I agree that this was not part of 
the original charter, as shown in the earlier revisions of the WESP 

It appears that we agree that it was out of scope (although others do 
not), and that the principle motivation cited was to allow for 
extensions. The phrase :in a uniform manner is, I believe, shorthand 
for extensions that apply to encrypted traffic, right?

BUT, this was discussed numerous times within the WG (including an 
open ticket on scope) and it was agreed that this would be a useful 
bit to include in the flags, hence introduced in the latter 
revisions of the draft.

I have already admitted that I lost track of this aspect of the 
discussion, among all of the ticket items that the WG has processed. 
(BTW, I congratulate Paul and Yaron for doing a very good job of 
managing such a large number of issues in a detailed fashion.  The 
fact that I, and maybe a few other folks, lost track of the details 
on one of the many items being worked is not a reflection on the 
management style that have employed.)

When I re-read the I-D during IETF last call, I was surprised to 
learn that ESP  processing had been changed, so cause the ICV to 
cover non-ESP fields.  This seems to be unnecessary and it is a bad 
design, in my opinion.

Note that this does not mandate using WESP for encrypted traffic, 
but allows it as optional and can be dictated as part of the session 
setup based on local policy. Another benefit may be that in running 
mixed mode environments (encrypted + ESP_NULL traffic), it allows 
for an explicit distinction from the packet that certain traffic is 
encrypted and other traffic is not. Otherwise, one would use ESP and 
WESP in these mixed mode environments and to be absolutely sure if 
ESP traffic is encrypted or not, would need to fall back to 
heuristics, which somewhat defeats the object of having this spec.

If local policy can be used to dictate whether WESP is or is not used 
for encrypted traffic, then that policy also can dictate that ESP is 
used only for encrypted traffic. Even in an environment where some 
but not all hosts support WESP, I don't see the need for this flag. A 
host that is WESP capable need not use WESP for encrypted traffic; it 
can use ESP. if so, then ITs see three classes of traffic:

- encrypted using ESP
- integrity-protected using WESP
- integrity-protected using ESP

The third class of traffic poses a problem for the ITs, but adding 
the encrypted flag to WESP does not seem to address that problem.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] DISCUSS: draft-ietf-ipsecme-traffic-visibility

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent


One may argue whether that consistency check is best served by 
extending the ICV to include the
WESP header fields (per the current WG consensus as expressed in the 
existing draft), or whether

that is best done by the end nodes checking the fields explicitly.

My reply to Ken addresses the issue you raise about the need for 
consistency checks.  I don't think there is a misunderstanding here. 
The I-D calls for such checks and I agree that they are the right 
thing to do. What is at issue, in part, is whether the ESP ICV should 
have been extended to cover the WESP header.  My view, and that of 
several other folks, is that it should not have been done, for the 
reasons I cited previously. This aspect of the current I-D could be 
fixed by having WESP have NO ICV, of by having WESP include its own 
ICV, which would call for nested processing by hosts. As I explained 
in my reply to Ken, extending the ESP ICV does not achieve the same 
effect, so this is not an either or situation.

On a broader note, as Paul and Russ noted, the IESG gets to decide 
whether a WG-approved I-D will be published as an RFC (modulo appeals 
to the IAB, etc.). The IETF last allows anyone, even members of the 
WG that approved an I-D, to raise questions that the IESG will 
consider as part of the approval process. I've had over 15 years of 
experience as a WG chair (opening for Paul to make a snide comment 
:-)) and I have had WG members raise questions during IETF LC, after 
WG consensus has been achieved. This is how our process works. Also, 
even in the face of WG consensus, an AD may request changes to a 
document. This is not uncommon. when this has happened in the PKIX 
context, the Wg chairs and document authors have discussed the 
requested changes with the AD and we have almost always made the 
changes.  Sometimes this has required another WGLC.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 10:10 PM + 1/5/10, Brian Swander wrote:
I'll resend my message from earlier today that gives a concrete 
scenario for why the WESP encryption bit is in charter.  

To satisfy the existing charter item, we need a deployable solution, 
which entails working with legacy systems that don't support this 
functionality yet. 

Here's an explicit scenario that requires the encrypted bit for 
WESP, fully within the current charter of enabling ESP-NULL 

Transport policies for within an organization that want to enable 
intermediary inspection of ESP-NULL non-heurisitically. 
Organization has a mix of version of systems.

Sample policy:
When talking to/from non-WESP capable machines:  must do ESP-NULL only
When both peers are WESP capable: do WESP/ESP-NULL most places. 
However, where policy requires encryption, do WESP/ESP.

This is where I have a problem with the analysis. If the policy were 
that WESP-capable hosts did ESP when then needed to send encrypted 
traffic, the flag inn question would not be needed, right?

I don't think we can justify the inclusion of this flag based on the 
scenario you described above, because that scenario adopts a 
particular local policy that it not required.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 9:45 AM +0530 1/6/10, Venkatesh Sriram wrote:

  Would it help if WESP is renamed to something else? Since we're

 discussing the fundamental principles of the protocol, i see no reason
 why we cant change the name, if that helps. I think its the Wrapped
 in the WESP thats causing most heart burn, lets change that to
 something else .. something thats appeases everyone.

I agree. How about VESP - Visible ESP ? Its phonetically the same 
as WESP. :)

I agree that WESP should not be clipped to only support ESP-NULL;

WESP was not initially proposed as a protocol that would encapsulate 
encrypted traffic, so the term clipped is approproprioate only 
relative to what WESP has mutated to become :-).

should be able to carry encrypted packets as well. Without this the
middle boxes would never know whether the ESP packet thats passing is
encrypted or not. One way could be to deprecate the use of ESP-NULL in
ESP, which would mean that if someone sees an ESP packet then it MUST
be an encrypted packet.

This is a local policy decision that avoid the need to have a flag in 
the WESP header to indicate encrypted content.  It need not be a 
standards track action, as you suggest above.

This is as i understand impossible, so the only option left is to let
WESP also carry encrypted packets.

It certainly is not impossible as a local policy.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 5:19 PM +0200 1/6/10, Yaron Sheffer wrote:
I would like to reframe the migration discussion. Manav, Scott and 
everyone else, please correct me if I got it wrong.

Suppose we have a middlebox that can do useful things if it knows 
that the flow is unencrypted, and only basic things if it is 
encrypted. A load balancer is a good example.

We are slowly migrating all endpoints in an enterprise to be 
WESP-capable. During the migration period, the middlebox sees 3 or 4 
types of traffic:

1. WESP from the new nodes.
2. Depending on your view of whether we have the bit in question: 
encrypted ESP from WESP-capable (new) nodes.

3. Encrypted ESP from WESP-incapable (old) nodes.
4. And ESP-null from old nodes.

Taking Manav's perspective, the middlebox can always use heuristics 
to distinguish encrypted ESP from ESP-null. As the number of 
WESP-capable nodes grows, it will see less and less ESP, so will 
spend ever less CPU power on heuristics.

It's not clear why nodes sending encrypted traffic would need to use 
WESP (vs. native ESP), even if there is a WESP flag that indicates an 
encrypted payload. Thus I don't agree with the conclusion that over 
time there would be less ESP over all. If you said there would be 
less use of ESP-NULL (w/o a WES header), I would agree. To suggest 
otherwise is to pre-suppose that replacing ESP with WESP in general 
is a goal, and I certainly don't think the WG has indicated that (nor 
is it in scope at this time).

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 9:34 PM +0200 1/6/10, Yaron Sheffer wrote:

Hi Steve,

[No hat.]

Thanks for the analysis, I hope this'll help the discussion to converge.

You are taking an either-or approach in the last 
paragraph below. But assuming that WESP is 
useful (bear with meŠ), there will be a gradual 
deployment within any given network. I agree 
that heuristics will still be needed, until the 
last endpoint is WESP-enabled (i.e., forever). 
But if we adopt W*, during the migration less 
and less heuristic processing will be needed. 
Much of this discussion is about performance, so 
quantitative arguments are also useful.



So, is the argument that use of W* would reduce 
the quantity of traffic that requires heuristic 
processing at some stages in the deployment 
process, because as the number of WESP-capable 
nodes increases, cases 3  4 predominate? if this 
is the argument, why did it take this long to get 
a clear articulation of the argument (and why was 
I the one who had to do the analysis to support 
it :-))?

That argument makes sense, but only in the 
context of other assumptions about deployment 
(which have yet to be articulated).

For example, if an enterprise deploys an 
intermediate system that can perform packet 
inspection on IPsec traffic before most of the 
nodes are WESP-capable, then that system will 
have to use heuristics to deal with the vast 
majority of traffic initially. Such a system 
could continue to use those heuristics until 
WESP-deployment is complete. So that scenario 
does not motivate use of W*.

However, if the traffic load grows a lot during 
deployment, it might exceed the capacity of the 
intermediate system before WESP deployment was 
complete. In that case use of W* would help, if 
encrypted traffic were a lot more common than 
integrity-protected traffic.

Or, one might argue that use of W* would allow 
deployment of an intermediate system that uses 
WESP, but still incorporates heuristic support, 
at an earlier stage in WESP-deployment, though 
not initially. Of course the (earlier) point at 
which such deployment could take place is very 

These could be reasonable arguments, but I've not 
seen them articulated clearly. Nor have I seen 
any rough estimates of ratios of traffic types 
and the processing burden of heuristics to 
provide some quantitative basis for arguments of 
this sort.  So, I think the WG needs to do more 
homework on this if we're going to make such 

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 12:48 PM -0700 1/6/10, Grewal, Ken wrote:

The either-or on using an ICV or explicitly checking the WESP header 
on the recipient was based on the assumption that the threat does 
not come from the sender and only from some other malicious entity 
after the packet has been sent.
This was the reason for simplifying the header check by using the 
ICV, instead of explicitly checking every field.

You cited my comments about a vulnerability as the rationale for 
pursuing this design. I noted that my comments did not specify the 
source of the mismatch between header data that IPsec acts upon (for 
access control) vs. what WESP caused an intermediate system to 
examine. You chose to focus on one possible source of manipulation, 
i.e., a MITM attack.  That's fine, but it does not necessitate 
changing the ESP ICV computation, i.e., checking by the recipient 
suffices. Also, the I-D calls for consistency checking, so I was 
(justifiably) confused by the either-or statement you made.

If the sender is malicious, then an encrypted (covert) channel is 
all that is needed to bypass any intermediate checking and 
furthermore, any explicit checking of each WESP field on the 
recipient does not help, as the payload can contain whatever is 
intended by the malicious sender!

I see we have a miscommunication about the nature of the 
vulnerability that I cited. It is what I noted above, i.e., a 
mismatch between header data that IPsec acts upon (for access 
control) vs. what WESP caused an intermediate system to examine. 
This is an old security concern, dating from the mid/late 1970s, when 
it was discovered that one could make a call to an OS with one set of 
parameters, and then change the parameters after an access control 
check was performed but before the OS acted upon the call. The fix 
for this sort of attavck was to copy the parameters into 
OS-controlled address space, out of user-space. An encrypted covert 
channel was not what motivated my comments,  because IPsec makes its 
access control decisions based on the 5-tuples from the IP and 
transport layer headers.

We did debate this a number of times and extending the integrity 
appears as early as May of last year in version 3 of the draft (at 
version 12 now), so it should not have been a surprise at last call.

I have already apologized for not closely tracking the changes to 
WESP.  However, during IETF last call everyone is free to raise 
questions of this sort, so we ought not devote too much time and 
energy to this aspect of the discussion.

In either case, as Gabriel indicates in a separate email, if it 
makes sense to go back to not integrity protecting the WESP header, 
I am fine with that. This was the original position and aligns with 
your other email on WESP acting as a wrapper to ESP, and should also 
address other comments indicating that the name Wrapped ESP is a 

That works for me too, but I would feel better if we were all in 
agreement about the nature of the vulnerability that I cited, which 
motivated this in the first place.

IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] this discussion

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent


The flurry of messages that have been exchanged today and yesterday 
have often struck me as incorporating rather vague arguments. I find 
myself having to do a lot of work to fill in the blanks for not 
well-articulated comments, construct detailed analyses, and postulate 
rationales for the arguments made by others.

I think everyone ought to spend more time composing messages that are 
clear and persuasive, so as to not unduly consume the time of others.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-06 Thread Stephen Kent

At 7:55 PM + 1/6/10, Brian Swander wrote:
I trust my clarification (to Yaron) addressed these questions.  Let 
me know if there are any outstanding.

I understood the first two lines about lots of legacy systems, only a 
few of which need to perform encryption. The next two lines were too 
terse for me:

Routing infrastructure that doesn't do heuristics
Requires intermediaries that can do full ESP-NULL parsing

if the intermediaries are part of the routing infrastructure, why use 
different terms in these two lines?

Also within an enterprise context, one might well be able to 
configure the intermediaries with the addresses of the few machines 
that perform encryption, and which therefore are allowed to 
communicate with one another w/o benefit of packet inspection.

So I would not say that your response addresses my questions in the 
lager context.


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Traffic visibility - consensus call

2010-01-05 Thread Stephen Kent

At 12:27 AM +0200 1/5/10, Yaron Sheffer wrote:


We have had a few discusses during the IESG review of the WESP 
draft. To help resolve them, we would like to reopen the following 
two questions to WG discussion. Well reasoned answers are certainly 
appreciated. But plain yes or no would also be useful in judging 
the group's consensus.

- The current draft 
defines the ESP trailer's ICV calculation to include the WESP 
header. This has been done to counter certain attacks, but it means 
that WESP is no longer a simple wrapper around ESP - ESP itself is 
modified. Do you support this design decision?

My previous message describing why I think the current design is 
seriously flawed provided the rationale for my NO response to this 
question. WESP as a modular, separate, nested protocol would be 

- The current draft allows WESP to be applied to encrypted ESP 
flows, in addition to the originally specified ESP-null. This was 
intended so that encrypted flows can benefit from the future 
extensibility offered by WESP. But arguably, it positions WESP as an 
alternative to ESP. Do you support this design decision?

I am concerned about the wording of the penultimate sentence above. 
Several folks argued against applying WESP to encrypted traffic and 
they cited various reasons for why this might be inappropriate.  You 
did not choose to cite those reasons, which I think may bias 
responses.  I think the two major issues cited re the extension of 
WESP to encrypted traffic are:

- it is formally outside the charter
- no good WESP extensions have been proposed for encrypted traffic

Even if WESP is approved for use with encrypted traffic, that does 
not mean that it will supplant ESP.  ESP still has a smaller header 
than WESP, so for environments where there is no intent to 
accommodate middlebox snooping, ESP is still preferable.

So, NO to this question as well.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] DISCUSS: draft-ietf-ipsecme-traffic-visibility

2009-12-29 Thread Stephen Kent

At 6:17 AM +0530 12/29/09, Jack Kohn wrote:

Are you suggesting that ESP ICV should not cover the WESP fields?

I think, and my memory could be failing me, that this was discussed in
the WG before this got added to the draft.


I am suggesting that WESP should be cleanly layered, in one of two ways:

	- do not interfere with the ESP ICV computation (be 
unauthenticated, for the reasons already noted by Tero and Russ)

	- incorporate the necessary info from the ESP header and not 
replicate the ESP structure, i.e., become a full-fledged alternative 
to ESP-NULL (not for ESP when confidentiality is employed) when end 
systems are configured to expose encapsulated header info to middle 

The current design is a hybrid that imposes undue complexity on IPsec 

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Proposed work item: Childless IKE SA

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen Kent

At 8:20 AM +0530 12/18/09, Raj Singh wrote:


IKE is Internet Key Exchange protocol NOT IPsec Key Exchange protocol.
IKEv2 is not just a mean of exchanging keys but its a full package.
This package provides mutual authentication, keys and readiness to 
secure data as needed.

The main motivation for this draft is Remote Access VPN scenario.

Depite the name, IKE really is the IPsec Key Exchange Protocol. It is 
true that the original vision for IKE was much broader, but over time 
we have tailored IKE to support IPsec.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] DISCUSS: draft-ietf-ipsecme-traffic-visibility

2009-12-28 Thread Stephen Kent


I hate to admit it, but I lost track of the details of WESP as it 
progressed through WG discussions and briefings at IETF meetings. 
When I read the I-D in detail, I was very surprised to see that it 
was no longer a neatly-layered wrapper, as originally proposed.  The 
fact that it now calls for the ESP ICV to be computed in a new 
fashion means that it really is replacing ESP, when used to mark 
ESP-NULL packets.

From a protocol design perspective, the current version makes no 
sense to me. Why keep the ESP header when ESP processing is now 
changed in a significant way.  The WESP header cannot be processed 
(completely) by itself, because of the dependence on the ESP ICV. So 
it makes little or no sense to retain the ESP header in this context. 
I see no strong backward compatibility motivation for this format, 
given that ESP processing must change to accommodate WESP (as 

The issue of using WESP for marking encrypted traffic is a separate 
topic. I believe the rationale you cited was to enable WESP 
extensions, but I may have missed other arguments put forth for this. 
Since most of the WESP extension proposals discussed so far have 
proven to be questionable, I am not enthusiastic about that 
rationale.  Others have noted that using WESP with encrypted traffic 
is not consistent with the scope of the WG charter item that 
authorized work on WESP.  Unless Pasi approves a WESP extension WG 
item as part of re-chartering, I think it is inappropriate to have a 
flag to mark a WESP payload as encrypted.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Proposed work item: WESP extensibility

2009-12-07 Thread Stephen Kent

At 6:24 PM + 12/7/09, Brian Swander wrote:

0 - option data does not change en-route. This option is
   included in the WESP ICV computation.

We'll be using this flag, so this option will always be integrity protected.

integrity protected for checking by the end system, but not 
verifiable by the intermediate system.

I'm not sure what you mean by effecting key distribution.

what I meant was that the intermediate system cannot verify the WESP data.

   In the integrity only case, the intermediaries can still see into 
the packet.  In the fully encrypted ESP case, only the WESP 
extension will be visible, and the intermediaries will have to trust 
the end systems to do the correct marking.

And the end system will have to check another set of data, which may 
be complex. A while ago I noted a vulnerability in a prior version of 
WESP.  Specifically, the (ultimate) recipient of the WESP packet has 
to verify that the Next Header and the HdrLen fields are consistent 
with the encapsulated content that it is processing.  Othwewise, an 
attacker could change these fields to make the packet acceptable to 
an intermediate system but be different from what the recipient 

This proposed extension would require that the recipient MUST also 
verify that the data being made available to intermediaries for 
packet inspection is consistent with the data being delivered as 
IPsec output. At the current level of specification, this additional 
processing is arbitrary. If I were a hardware IPsec vendor I would 
worry about the possible implications of this sort of facility.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Proposed work item: WESP extensibility

2009-12-07 Thread Stephen Kent

At 7:50 PM + 12/7/09, Brian Swander wrote:
In case it wasn't clear for the earlier WESP discussions, we need 
this to also work with simple transport mode: i.e. not just 
transport mode inside tunnels terminating at various infrastructure, 
and not just in tunnel mode. 

The transport nesting from 2401 doesn't give us what this extension 
proposal does.


Understood.  And I agree that transport mode inside of a tunnel does 
not provide comparable functionality.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Proposed work item: Labelled IPsec

2009-12-07 Thread Stephen Kent


From your comments it seems as though an IP option would be 
preferable, as it is not IP-sec-specific, and it an be protected if 
needed, in the IPSec context, e.g., via tunneling.

IPsec mailing list

[IPsec] password auth methods debate

2009-12-02 Thread Stephen Kent


I think there is merit to pursing both the EAP-based and the 
SPSK-based password authentication proposals as WG items.  My 
rationale is:

	- EAP-based methods are well-suited to client-server 
interactions and to enterprise environments that already use 
RADIUS/DIAMATER. Unfortunately, these methods seem ill-suited to peer 
communications, and IPsec is a peer communication architecture, so 
having only these methods available for password-based auth seems 
inappropriate.  Also, Dan has indicated that there are IP clams 
associated with the specific methods that have been cited, which 
makes me leery of relying too heavily in them.

	- a generic password-based scheme seems desirable for peer 
(cs. client-server) contexts, and if such schemes are IP-free, so 
much the better. However, enterprise use of IPsec is primarily for 
road warriors, and thus is a client-server context, and there is a 
strong preference for a RADIUS/DIAMATER compatibility in this context.

So, i see a benefit in this WG pursuing both work items.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] WESP - Roadmap Ahead

2009-11-29 Thread Stephen Kent


Thanks for describing the additional selection criteria that must be 
employed to avoid the problem I cited.

Given this more complete description of the selection criteria, I am 
not convinced that that is a significant benefit for using WESP in 
this context.

	- Whether using WESP or just ESP-NULL, the router needs to 
determine that the packet is addressed to it.  This means looking for 
either a unicast address (per interface?) or a multicast address. I 
thought that the traffic of interest would arrive on a multicast 
address. If so, then this is a very easy check.

	- Traffic other than OSPF can be addressed to the router, but 
I'm not sure what other traffic would be multicast. For unicast 
traffic addressed to the router, if some of that is protected using 
ESP with confidentiality, then the address check might have to be 
extended to include a source address as well.

	- There is an assumption that the OPSFv3 traffic is 
(ultimately)  protected using ESP-NULL. The next check that you 
described, i.e., looking for a few bits that indicate whether the 
payload is OSPF and appears to be a HELLO or ACK, is the real focus 
of this thread.  There appears to be a couple of cases:

	- If all multicast traffic directed to the router and 
protected using ESP is ESP-NULL, then WESP seems to help ONLY if 
there are algorithms being used for different SAs, AND if those 
algorithms result in different offsets for the start of the ESP-NULL 
payload. It's not clear that this is a realistic case. But, in this 
case, using WESP could avoid the need to check the SPI in the packet. 
What's not clear is whether checking for WESP and extracting the 
offset info is faster than matching against a set of SPIs.

	- if some multicast traffic directed to the router is 
protected with ESP with confidentiality, in addition to the ESP-NULL 
OSPF traffic, then one would need to check SPI values to 
differentiate between these two classes of traffic.

So, the question of whether we have one multicast SA for this 
traffic, or potentially a lot of these SAs is potentially relevant. 
As I mentioned in my previous message, this is not completely clear 
to me from 4552. You didn't respond to that part of my message, so I 
don't know if that means you find the RFC unclear on this point as 
well, or if you didn't think it mattered to this discussion. Well, if 
appears to matter, if one believes that the number is substantial.

So, the bottom line appears to be that WESP might be better than just 
using ESP-NULL, depending on the number of multicast SAs that 
terminate at the router, that make use of ESP, and maybe whether the 
ones that use ESP make use of different integrity algorithms that 
result in different offsets.  That is a lot of IFs for which we have 
yet to get an answer.

In any case, as I noted earlier, because of the use of manual keying 
in this context, selecting a subset of packets for out-of-order 
processing does not impose any burden on the IPsec for the remaining 
packets, so all of the comments about that issue were red herrings.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Proposed work item: WESP extensibility

2009-11-29 Thread Stephen Kent

I am opposed to pursing this work at this time.  The ongoing 
discussion on the list suggests that the arguments put forth for WESP 
use in the OSPFv3 context, the first concrete proposal outside of the 
middlebox inspection context that motivated WESP, have not been 
validated. The presentation in Hiroshima listed a variety of possible 
use cases, without providing any detailed analysis, and at least one 
such case was considered and rejected by the IPSEC WG on at least two 
occasions.  My recollection is that Pasi agreed with my suggestion 
that at least 2 or 3 valid use cases need to be thoroughly vetted 
before the WG pursue this as a new work item.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] WESP - Roadmap Ahead

2009-11-25 Thread Stephen Kent

At 12:11 PM +0100 11/25/09, Daniel Migault wrote:

Hi Manav,

I agree that for an already negotiated SA, the SPD lookup detects IP 
source address spoofing. So in that case ESP detects the address 
spoofing during the SPD check whereas AH would detect it while 
checking the signature check.

However SAD lookup is done with the longest match rule, and section 
4.1 of RFC4301 specifies :

  3. Search the SAD for a match on only SPI if the receiver has
 chosen to maintain a single SPI space for AH and ESP, and on

 both SPI and protocol, otherwise.

This seems to enable a ESP or AH datagram with spoofed IP addresses 
to match the SAD and SPD.

I'm confused at this juncture.  The 4301 inbound processing algorithm 
(section 5.2 in RFC 4310) refers to SAD entries for processing 
IPsec-protected packets; the SPD inbound cache (SPD-I) is used only 
for bypass and discard traffic. So there should be no reference to 
the SPD in the sentence immediately above, right?

Also, you should remind folks that this rule applies only to 
multicast SAs. That's relevant to the OSPFv3 discussion we are 
having, but it seems inconsistent with the comment below of a 
middlebox that changes addresses, i.e., does one really expect to 
encounter a NAT on a link between two routers running OSPF?

I am not criticizing your later comments about AH vs. ESP 
applicability in mobile environments, just trying to keep the various 
arguments straight.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] WESP - Roadmap Ahead

2009-11-22 Thread Stephen Kent

At 11:09 PM +0530 11/21/09, Jack Kohn wrote:


 4301 contains We have explicit directions on how to use multiple SAs when
 the peers know that they want to send traffic with different QoS parameters.
 This appears to be an instance where the middle boxes are to examining
 traffic, and putting in into different QoS queues. That raises the question

You got it all wrong. The sender is sending packets with the same QoS
parameters; its the receiver thats trying to prioritize some packets
over the others. One would typically do this for the Hellos/KeepAlives
that are associated with a protocol, so that the  adjacency/peering
session are not timed out.



Maybe I got it all wrong because the explanation provided in the 
messages was, at best, ambiguous :-).

Your description above is only marginally better:

	- it fails to characterize the range of protocols for which 
you believe this argument applies,

	-it fails to explain how WESP is relevant, since a receiver 
has the ability to process encrypted packets. WESP is a protocol that 
has been promoted as designed to aid middle boxes, not end systems

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] WESP - Roadmap Ahead

2009-11-12 Thread Stephen Kent

At 6:48 AM +0530 11/13/09, Bhatia, Manav (Manav) wrote:


 AH is a security feature we need to keep for header authentication

Am really not sure about the value that AH adds even in case of 
header authentication.

So what fields does AH protect:

Version, Payload length, Next Header, Source IP and dest IP

you forgot IPv4 and IPv6  options that have predictable values at the 

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] WESP - Roadmap Ahead

2009-11-11 Thread Stephen Kent

At 7:44 AM +0530 11/12/09, Bhatia, Manav (Manav) wrote:


 I would have no problem deprecating AH in the context of the IPsec
 architecture document, if others agree. It is less efficient  than
 ESP-NULL. However, other WGs have cited AH as the IPsec protocol of
 choice for integrity/authentication in their environments, so there
 will be a need to coordinate with them, and it may be unacceptable to
 kill AH as a standalone protocol for them.

I agree that it is a trifle too early to start deprecating AH, 
though I wouldn't mind doing so. OTOH, don't most WGs already 
suggest AH as a MAY, and ESP-NULL as a MUST?

Not always. For example, I believe that OSPF security makes use of 
AH, outside the IPsec context.

In any case what should be the stand for the newer work that comes 
out of these WGs. Should they spell out support for AH, or should 
they just be talking about ESP (or ESP-NULL or WESP)?

I'd recommend ESP-NULL, unless the context on which the operate might 
require inspection by an intermediate system.

If we want to deprecate AH, or at least discourage its use in the 
context of the IPSec architecture in the near future then shouldn't 
we be working on this?

Part of the problem is that some WGs want to make use of IPsec 
protocols outside of the IPsec architecture.

  I am not comfortable with the notion of ESP with WESP.  WESP adds
  more per-packet overhead than ESP, and some users are very sensitive

 to this aspect of IPsec use. Also, other WG rely on ESP and we would
 need to convince them that the packet inspection features of WESP
 merit making changes to their standards, which might be a tough sell.

I agree. However, we should start socializing WESP in other WGs so 
that folks are at least aware of it.


IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Difference between IPv4 and IPv6 IPsec

2009-10-14 Thread Stephen Kent

At 11:29 PM +0800 10/14/09, Zhen Cao wrote:

  IPv6 hosts, like IPv4 hosts, run Linux, BSD, Windows or some other OS. With
  most of them, the latest versions support IPv6 for IKE and IPsec.

I guess we do not need tunnel model for IPv6 ipsec?

what makes you say that? unnelT mode is still needed for SG-SG SAs, 
or host-SG SAs.

 3) IPv4 IPsec need traversal NAT, but IPv6 don't need it, so it could
 support more about end to end other than site to site.


 That is assuming that IPv6 does not have NAT. I don't think we have enough
 implementation experience to say that for sure.

Can it be at-least considered one advantage of IPv6 IPSEC?

Not really.

Another point is: One possible advantage for IPv6 IPsec is that
IPv6's extension header chaining feature, which is not present in
IPv4, could be used to authenticate a secure host-to-host scenario
exchange to a third party gateways which would provide authorized
access into and out of secure enclaves. -quote from Is this valid?

I think that is an unlikely scenario, if only due to key management issues.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-wong-ipsecme-ikev2-integrity-data-00.txt

2009-09-16 Thread Stephen Kent


Thanks for the additional background. I am not an expert on 3GPP. Do 
you know if there an IETF liaison to the 3GPP? If so, the right 
approach is to have that individual coordinate an action like this 
between the SDOs, i.e., when SDO-A wants SDO-B to modify/extend a 
protocol to accommodate a function that SDO-A wants to implement 
using SDO-B's protocol.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-wong-ipsecme-ikev2-integrity-data-00.txt

2009-09-12 Thread Stephen Kent

At 4:06 PM -0400 9/11/09, Marcus Wong wrote:

Steve, you are mostly right, but this I-D only deals with the integrity data
exchange using the notify payload.  Thanks.


Thanks for the clarification. That still raises the question of why 
we ought to duplicate this NEA functionality in IKE. Does the I-D 
provide suitable motivation for that, and has the idea been passed by 
the NEA WG folks?

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] draft-wong-ipsecme-ikev2-integrity-data-00.txt

2009-09-11 Thread Stephen Kent

At 11:46 AM -0400 9/11/09, Marcus Wong wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the working group.  I've uploaded a draft on the use of notify
payload for integrity data exchanges in IKEv2 for your comments and review.
All comments are highly appreciated.  Thanks everyone.

A new version of I-D, draft-wong-ipsecme-ikev2-integrity-data-00.txt has
been successfuly submitted by Marcus Wong and posted to the IETF repository.

Title:   Integrity Data Exchanges in IKEv2
Creation_date:   2009-09-11
WG ID:   Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 9

IKEv2 supports mutual authentication of the peers but does not support
platform integrity validation of the peers nor does it support the exchange
of data related to the platform integrity validation.  This extension allows
platform integrity validation data to be exchanged from one peer (initiator)
to another (respondent), allowing the other peer to either use the data for
statistical analysis, pass it along to a validation entity for validation or
pass it along to a Fraud Information Gathering System for fraud detection or

I have mot read you I-D, but this sounds like a NEA issue being 
pushed into an IPsec protocol. Am I wrong?

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] New draft about issues in alternative Traffic Selectors in IPSec/IKEv2

2009-07-27 Thread Stephen Kent

At 2:57 PM +1000 7/27/09, Greg Daley wrote:

Your reference to 4301 regarding the use of multiple parallel SAs solving
the example is helpful.  I will remove the example for clarity.

As Tero noted, RFC 4301 provides a discussion of how an 
implementation can, on a local basis, deal with mapping traffic of 
different priorities to different SAs, without the need to define 
additional traffic selectors.  That's why it has not been seen as 
necessary to create traffic selectors for this purpose.

My feeling is that the selectors cannot express the case where specific
traffic is to be encrypted/authenticated and others are not though.
For example, if EF and AF31 are to be encrypted but other data is to 
travel clear.

Do you think this is sufficiently covered by the current 
definitions?  This seems

more like your example with regard to protocol numbers.

The protocol number example refers to the fact that we cannot express 
protocol  number ranges in IKE, and that caused us to remove support 
for this feature from IPsec. IO agree with Tero that, going forward, 
we should require support for ranges of values for ALL new TS values 
that we define.

If you are asking whether IPsec supports a policy where the basis for 
protecting traffic is exclusively a DSCP, the answer is no. It also 
is not clear that the ability to do so is a real requirement.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] IV in ESP packets for DES and 3DES methods

2009-05-13 Thread Stephen Kent

At 9:34 PM +0530 5/12/09, Murthy N Srinivas-B22237 wrote:

Is there a new draft/rfc posted with the change incorporated?

-ns murthy

DES is deprecated, so I would not expect a revised RFC on that.  AES 
is strongly preferred over 3DES, so there is little incentive to rev 
that doc, although it makes more sense than for DES.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Reopening issue #12

2009-05-03 Thread Stephen Kent

At 2:18 PM +0300 4/29/09, Tero Kivinen wrote:


In most case I would not expect Bob to create the old SA that way at
all, as it would require it to combine two SPD rules together when
accepting such entry. As the SPD entries are ordered list that would
mean it was combining two entries which had different locations in the
list, and I am not sure if combining two SPD entries when creating SA
is actually allowed by the RFC4301.

4301 does not have any notion of combining SPD entries. As you 
note, the SPD is ordered, so whichever SPD entry matches and is 
encountered first is used.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] is there any proposed solution to solve the anti-replay problem for IPsec pkts when subject to QOS classification

2009-03-27 Thread Stephen Kent


With regard to your first observation, I'll note that your argument 
appears to be based on particular implementation choices. We don't 
generally consider changes to standards based on such choices, unless 
a lot of vendors indicate that there are no viable implementation 
options consistent with the standard.

With regard to your second observation, the text I cited from 4301 
clearly identified IPsec (not IKE) SAs as the way to accommodate 
QoS-induced reordering.

The 64-packet receive window is a MINIMUM value. So a receiver is 
always free to make the window bigger. The impact of this is minimal 
for software implementations, but might be an issue in hardware, 
depending on how the window is implemented.

IPsec mailing list