Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-30 Thread Tero Kivinen
Narayanan, Vidya writes:
 The requirement is quite simple and you just seem to ignore it or
 provide unacceptable alternatives.  The handoff latency must be good

What handoff? We are talking about resumption, not handoff. I do not
consider those same.

Or then I understand completely wrong what handoff is, and what
resumption is.

For me handoff is when you have active connection to one place, and
then you want to move that connection to another place without
interrupting the communications.

Resumption is when we have connection that was disconnected
temporarely because of some reason, and we want to resume it after
some period of time.

Their requirements are very different and if we are really making
standard for handoff, then our protocol would be different.

 enough to support VoIP like applications and the handoff may imply
 needing an IPsec session between the mobile and a network entity (be
 it a VPN or for MIP6 channel security).  You claim that in such
 scenarios, IPsec should be used all the time, even on the interfaces
 that don't require it for security purposes - so, even if the device
 is not running MIP6 until it moves to the new interface, it now
 needs to establish an IPsec session.

I am not claiming it should be used all the time, but I am claiming
that if you are planning to start to use IPsec again you should not
first tear down your non-IPsec connection while you set up the IPsec
connection. You should keep the old connection alive and then when you
have IPsec connection ready, then you move your traffic to that
connection requiring IPsec.

I do not really belive you get very good handoff with break before
make methods on any networks. 

 However, this is not acceptable for various reasons (including that
 operators are not interested in maintaining IPsec sessions for all
 devices just in case it roams at some point).

They do not need to maintaing IPsec session for all devices for all
time, they need to resume them about 10-100ms before they are actually
required, i.e. before they break their old connection.

One dropped packet on the IPsec resume is going to cause several times
longer delay than one round trip.

It is bed idea to design system so it does not tolerate even single
lost packet. 

 Also, designing for a fixed set of interfaces is a problem - it may
 not always be 3G and WiFi - it could be 3G and WiMAX; it could be 3G
 infrastructure and 3G Femto; it could be 3G infrastructure and 3G
 multi-hop, etc. In many of these cases, handoffs don't happen using
 a single radio operating in multi-mode.

Then when you decide you are going to roam to network that requires
IPsec, you can resume the IPsec connection using the old connection
(even when it is unneeded there), and then you have IPsec connection
which you can move to new network with single round trip protocol.

With WiFi the network setup time is usually much longer than one round
trip. In devices I normally use (laptop, pda etc) the device requires
about 3-10 seconds to get network up and working (turning radio on,
finding basestation, connecting to basestation, getting IP-address via
DHCP etc). I have not ever seen wlan that would work so fast that it
would be enough for VoIP handoffs.

I do not know about WiMAX, but at least my 3G cellular phone usually
takes about 1-2 seconds to create data connection (i.e. when I select
which internet connection to use to the time when it actually starts
loading the page) and it seemed to take about one more second before
the packet it sent out actually reaching my server.

Adding 20-40 ms for one more round trip time to that does not really
affect the big picture. On the other hand if you can do network setup
while still keeping old connection alive, then you can also do the
resumption and the one round trip during that time too.

Can you explain me on what kind of devices you can really do handoff
to new network with break and make method?

  So what is the exact problem there?
 The fundamental issue is that MIP6, using the K bit, allows the IP
 address on the IKE SA to change, thereby accomplishing the MOBIKE
 functionality and also conflicting with it if it ran together.

When using MOBIKE you should not use the K-bit (if that is what I
think it is), but you should just leave the IP-address handling of the
IKE and IPsec to MOBIKE.

The MOBIKE was meant to be used as building tool for MIP6, i.e. it
still requires MIP6 to start using it, i.e. there should have been
separate document specifying how to use MOBIKE and MIP6 together.

It never assumed it would solve the MIP6 problem directly, it assumed
that MIP6 and MOBIKE could together be used to solve the problem.

 Please read the thread on MOBIKE and MIP6 on the MIP6 mailing list
 from back in 2006 if you are interested in more details.

I have not really been interested in MIP6, after I showed them how
MIP6 and IPsec can easily used together without any modifications to
either MIP6 or IPsec, but they said that solution was 

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-29 Thread Narayanan, Vidya
 It is impossible for IETF to think about those other standard bodies,
 as we do not know what they plan to do. I have several times tried to
 get people to explain me the use case for which this protocol has been
 aimed for, so I could think whether some specific attack or
 optimization is suitable or not, but as only reply I have received is,
 that it is outside the scope of this discussion, then there is really
 no point of blaming people for making decisions for other standard
 bodies. What else can we do?
 Nobody has still explained me why the 1 RT protocol is required for
 those other standard bodies, and why should the security of this
 protocol be weaker because of the requirements from those other
 unknown standard bodies.

The requirement is quite simple and you just seem to ignore it or provide 
unacceptable alternatives.  The handoff latency must be good enough to support 
VoIP like applications and the handoff may imply needing an IPsec session 
between the mobile and a network entity (be it a VPN or for MIP6 channel 
security).  You claim that in such scenarios, IPsec should be used all the 
time, even on the interfaces that don't require it for security purposes - so, 
even if the device is not running MIP6 until it moves to the new interface, it 
now needs to establish an IPsec session.  However, this is not acceptable for 
various reasons (including that operators are not interested in maintaining 
IPsec sessions for all devices just in case it roams at some point).  Also, 
designing for a fixed set of interfaces is a problem - it may not always be 3G 
and WiFi - it could be 3G and WiMAX; it could be 3G infrastructure and 3G 
Femto; it could be 3G infrastructure and 3G multi-hop, etc.  In many of th
 ese cases, handoffs don't happen using a single radio operating in multi-mode. 

  Also, mobility may need to be handled by MIP6 and we know that it
  doesn't co-exist with MOBIKE.
 That is news for me. One of the reasons MOBIKE was created was to
 allow it to be used as building block for Mobile IP. So why does not
 MIP6 and MOBIKE co-exits? We at least tried to make MOBIKE so it could
 be used by Mobile IP, and there were Mobile IP people taking part in
 the specification process back then.
 So what is the exact problem there?

The fundamental issue is that MIP6, using the K bit, allows the IP address on 
the IKE SA to change, thereby accomplishing the MOBIKE functionality and also 
conflicting with it if it ran together.  Please read the thread on MOBIKE and 
MIP6 on the MIP6 mailing list from back in 2006 if you are interested in more 
details.  The conclusion was that a scenario of using MOBIKE and MIP6 between 
the same two endpoints must be avoided.  Also note that as I mentioned above, 
there are scenarios where MIP6 doesn't kick off until a handoff occurs.  

 I am thinking it might not be worth of standardizing the resumption at
 all, if we for that again hear 3 years after we finished the work that
 it cannot be used because of some unspecified reason.

Well, the current approach for designing it for known air interfaces that some 
of us may be familiar with and some models where multiple interfaces need to 
simultaneously be active is certainly not going to help it.  We might as well 
say that this is not meant for addressing the mobility use cases.   

 Most of the DoS attackers are not wanting to get something meaningful
 in return. I still think we need to design protocols so they are
 secure against such attacks.

I'm really surprised by this.  A good threat analysis should determine the 
likelihood and impact of an attack and likelihood largely depends on the 
attacker's incentive.  If the incentive doesn't exist or is not meaningful, the 
likelihood is generally low, causing the attack to be of low importance.  
NIST's Risk Management Guide goes through a good description of how to do a 
threat analysis and is useful.  Simply protecting against attacks that we can 
all dream up, regardless of the threat model or motivations is not useful.  

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-27 Thread Tero Kivinen
Narayanan, Vidya writes:
 Somehow, we in the IETF think that we can make decisions for other
 standards bodies, especially ones that do real deployments.  I don't
 know how we can say things like they should always use the IKE SA
 whether they need it or not - there can be several reasons not to
 use it when they don't need it, including how some VPN vendors may

It is impossible for IETF to think about those other standard bodies,
as we do not know what they plan to do. I have several times tried to
get people to explain me the use case for which this protocol has been
aimed for, so I could think whether some specific attack or
optimization is suitable or not, but as only reply I have received is,
that it is outside the scope of this discussion, then there is really
no point of blaming people for making decisions for other standard
bodies. What else can we do?

Nobody has still explained me why the 1 RT protocol is required for
those other standard bodies, and why should the security of this
protocol be weaker because of the requirements from those other
unknown standard bodies.

 Also, mobility may need to be handled by MIP6 and we know that it
 doesn't co-exist with MOBIKE.

That is news for me. One of the reasons MOBIKE was created was to
allow it to be used as building block for Mobile IP. So why does not
MIP6 and MOBIKE co-exits? We at least tried to make MOBIKE so it could
be used by Mobile IP, and there were Mobile IP people taking part in
the specification process back then.

So what is the exact problem there?

I am thinking it might not be worth of standardizing the resumption at
all, if we for that again hear 3 years after we finished the work that
it cannot be used because of some unspecified reason.

 I'm also further intrigued by this attack we are so passionately
 discussing - the motivation for the attacker here is to annoy other

Almost all DoS attacks are only there to annoy the users. If someone
uses DoS attack to bring some web server or dns-name server or similar
down for few hours, that is just annoying users. Everything will work
again when the attacks stops, and might even work during the attack
but access might be much slower than normally.

 Surely, the attacker gets nothing meaningful in return - I
 simply can't see how the risk of such an attack can be anywhere
 close to even medium - it is barely low in my view.

Most of the DoS attackers are not wanting to get something meaningful
in return. I still think we need to design protocols so they are
secure against such attacks.

And it is not only against protecting against the attacks, this is
also against normal working of the protocol. I.e. if sending one
packet whose response packets gets lost, can destroy state from the
server, in such way that client cannot detect that, and needs to start
IKE SA creation from the beginning, I consider even that a big

When we were specifying the MOBIKE we made sure it works also in cases
where some of the network connections are one-way, i.e. no return
packets get back. It consideres such links broken, and does not use
them. This was considered important to get it right, because in that
environment it was seen that quite often the links it might see might
have such unidirectional properties, and the whole protocol cannot be
broken because of one such link.

With resumption the whole protocol breaks down if such unidirectional
link is ever tried to be used.
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-27 Thread Tero Kivinen
Lakshminath Dondeti writes:
  You should not really do break-before-make style of transitions on
  real-time environments, and if you keep the old connection while
  making the new one, then this whole issue is non-issue.
 Good advice, but that consensus process is from elsewhere.  Not every 
 device has multiple interfaces, not every architecture implements the 
 idea of multiple simultaneous associations with base stations, and so on.

We were discussing moving traffic from secure cellular network
(which do not require IPsec protection, and IKE SA was suspended
because of that) to unsecure WLAN network (which now requires IPsec
protection because it is unsecure). Do you really say some device
which can talk to both WLAN and cellular network cannot talk to both
of them simultaneously?

Even with if they cannot be used simultaneously they can still bring
the IKE SA up while using the cellular network, and then use MOBIKE to
move the already up and resumed IKE SA from cellular to WLAN.

It seems there is again some scenarios you are refering to that I do
not know about, as I do not really think you are now talking about the
same use case anymore. 
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-24 Thread Narayanan, Vidya
Somehow, we in the IETF think that we can make decisions for other standards 
bodies, especially ones that do real deployments.  I don't know how we can say 
things like they should always use the IKE SA whether they need it or not - 
there can be several reasons not to use it when they don't need it, including 
how some VPN vendors may charge.  Also, mobility may need to be handled by MIP6 
and we know that it doesn't co-exist with MOBIKE.  

I'm also further intrigued by this attack we are so passionately discussing - 
the motivation for the attacker here is to annoy other users?   Surely, the 
attacker gets nothing meaningful in return - I simply can't see how the risk of 
such an attack can be anywhere close to even medium - it is barely low in my 
view.  The reward for the attacker in return for the work is non-existent - if 
someone can steal spectrum or otherwise get Internet access for free or get 
access to other users' credentials, etc., it is worth discussing and protecting 
against.  In this case, I'd say that we've already spent more time discussing 
it than it is worth it.  


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Tero Kivinen
 Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 6:50 AM
 To: Dondeti, Lakshminath
 Cc: IPsecme WG; Paul Hoffman
 Subject: Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption
 Lakshminath Dondeti writes:
  MOBIKE assumes that the other side has state, correct?
  Session resumption has to do with providing that state. How are they
  the same?
 In this example given (handover from cellular to wlan, without
 breaking existing phone call), I do not really see any point why the
 IKE SA state needs to be removed from the server side, and as such I
 think the much better solution is to use MOBIKE and keep IKE SA up all
 the time.
 As I do not have any idea where people want to use the resumption, I
 have VERY HARD time to justify the different protocol options. But
 anyways one of the things required is that it shall not have negative
 impact on IKEv2 security features, and I think 1 RT protocol will
 have negative impact to security features.
  Under attack, the protocol stretches to 3 RTs.
 3 RT + Diffie-Hellman + public key operation + user interaction to
 type in password or securid token etc.
  So, you are saying that there is no noticeable difference between 1
  and 2 RTs, but there is between 2 and 3? Is your point that the DH
  computation will be noticed?
 With group 18: yes... With typing in the passphase to do
 reauthentication with RSA token card : yes. With digging out your
 securid card and typing in pin, and typing in the next token to the
 prompt: yes.
  My point is that we'd beyond the real-time budgets after 1 RT
 You should not really do break-before-make style of transitions on
 real-time environments, and if you keep the old connection while
 making the new one, then this whole issue is non-issue.
 IPsec mailing list
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-24 Thread Lakshminath Dondeti

On 4/23/2009 7:19 PM, Tero Kivinen wrote:

Lakshminath Dondeti writes:

MOBIKE assumes that the other side has state, correct?



Session resumption has to do with providing that state. How are they
the same?

In this example given (handover from cellular to wlan, without
breaking existing phone call), I do not really see any point why the
IKE SA state needs to be removed from the server side, and as such I
think the much better solution is to use MOBIKE and keep IKE SA up all
the time.

As I do not have any idea where people want to use the resumption, I
have VERY HARD time to justify the different protocol options. But
anyways one of the things required is that it shall not have negative
impact on IKEv2 security features, and I think 1 RT protocol will
have negative impact to security features.
I fail to understand the security issue though in that the attack has 
already been identified as mere annoyance and does not result in any 

Under attack, the protocol stretches to 3 RTs.

3 RT + Diffie-Hellman + public key operation + user interaction to
type in password or securid token etc.

Depends.  Some VPN clients do better than others and some require little 
to no user interaction.

So, you are saying that there is no noticeable difference between 1
and 2 RTs, but there is between 2 and 3? Is your point that the DH
computation will be noticed?

With group 18: yes... With typing in the passphase to do
reauthentication with RSA token card : yes. With digging out your
securid card and typing in pin, and typing in the next token to the
prompt: yes.

Same as above.  But the real point here is that under the attack 
scenario, the user has bad experience.  As long as the attack is 
categorized as low risk, we don't have to worry about this, do we?

My point is that we'd beyond the real-time budgets after 1 RT

You should not really do break-before-make style of transitions on
real-time environments, and if you keep the old connection while
making the new one, then this whole issue is non-issue.
Good advice, but that consensus process is from elsewhere.  Not every 
device has multiple interfaces, not every architecture implements the 
idea of multiple simultaneous associations with base stations, and so on.

If our goal is to design for multiple different scenarios and if the 
attack is really not serious, I really don't see why we would rule out 1 
RT exchange.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-23 Thread Lakshminath Dondeti

On 4/22/2009 4:11 PM, Tero Kivinen wrote:

Lakshminath Dondeti writes:

I still do not think making the 1 RT protocol to 2 RT protocol in that
case would really cause any noticeable effect to the actual handover.

How do you know this?

Because 10ms-100ms is MUCH less than 10 seconds or so I usually see as
DHCP delays on WLAN networks. And there is already way to do that in 1
RT protocol, i.e. MOBIKE. With MOBIKE you can recover the changing of
the network or IP-address in 1 RT.
The 10seconds are not a barometer.  So, 1 RT will be closer to the 10ms 
than the 2 RT, which is better, so I am not sure how you figure it is 
not noticeable.  If someone is in a call, the 2 RT adds to the latency.

Resumption should not really be used for that.

Resumption means that something caused the IKEv2 SA in the client to
removed, without telling that to the server, and thats why client
decided to use resumption instead of just continuing using the IKEv2
SA it has up and running.

If we take the network outage example from the charter, the duration
of network outage is usually MUCH, MUCH longer than the 2 RTs required
to reconnect to the server.


I ask because, I would like to use those arguments to tell people
who are experts in handovers that multiple RTs don't matter.

Tell them to use correct protocol on correct places. If they want
subsecond recovery from the handover from one network to another, they
should use MOBIKE, and keep the IKEv2 SA up all the time (Altough even
with MOBIKE it usually takes several seconds for the nodes to actually
react that they have lost connectivity, and needs to start corrective
actions, but if we assume subsecond recovery is required, then we can
also assume the network can immediately tell when recovery actions are

When did MOBIKE come into picture?  What are you saying Tero, that IPsec 
session resumption is an alternative to MOBIKE and a slow one at that?

Even if this happens, the payoff for the attacker is very little since
the legitimate parties can always establish another connection.

No, he does not, as if he was trying to do handover from cellular to
WLAN, he would simply continue using cellular in that point, but the
accounting for example would be enabled for both (i.e. for servers
point of view he is using WLAN and cellular simulatenously, from
clients point of view he using only cellular).

Again then when he finally gets WLAN which works, he suddenly have 3
RT protocol to use (trying resumption, failing that, and falling back
to full IKE) with user authentication, and possibly even user


The quality of experience would be bad because another session needs
to be established when under attack, but at the cost the attacker
has to pay, one might even say that this is not even a serious

Making the user to do user interaction by simply sniffing one packet
from the air, and forwarding it to the right server is very cheap way
to annoy people...

Annoy being the keyword.  I am now more convinced that we are really 
making the protocol inefficient because some kid might try to annoy some 
people some time.  To counter such potential annoyances which may not 
happen at any frequency that matters, we are going to sacrifice the user 
experience all the time?  I fail to understand this line of reasoning.  
What am I missing?


For users point of view it does not even look he is under attack, he
just sees that this crappy network again requires him to
reauthenticate at random times. Note, that he does not blame the
attacker's network, as he didn't detect anything there. The attack can
have happened hours before, and then when he finally comes to the home
WLAN network, or some other network which actually works, he sees that
he needs to reauthenticate.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-23 Thread Tero Kivinen
Lakshminath Dondeti writes:
 When did MOBIKE come into picture?  What are you saying Tero, that IPsec 
 session resumption is an alternative to MOBIKE and a slow one at that?


Both solve the same problem that IKE SA recovers from the IP-address
change, or switching from one network to another (i.e. from cellular
to WLAN).

I do not really see any fundamental reason why the IKE SA needs to be
taken down when in cellular. I can see reasons why it might not be
needed, but the IKE SA could still be kept up and running, and if done
that way, then MOBIKE will offer solution how to move the IKE SA to
the new network, and it will mostly do it in 1 RT.

 Annoy being the keyword.  I am now more convinced that we are really 
 making the protocol inefficient because some kid might try to annoy some 
 people some time.  To counter such potential annoyances which may not 
 happen at any frequency that matters, we are going to sacrifice the user 
 experience all the time?

I am saying we are not sacrificing the user experience in any
noticeable way even if we do 2 RT protocol. I expect that 99.999%
users will never notice whether the 1 RT or 2 RT protocol was used if
there is no attack. On the other hand, 100% users will notice the
attacks if 1 RT protocol is used, and 0% of users will notice the
attacks if 2 RT protocol is used.
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-23 Thread Lakshminath Dondeti

On 4/23/2009 3:57 PM, Tero Kivinen wrote:

Lakshminath Dondeti writes:

When did MOBIKE come into picture?  What are you saying Tero, that IPsec
session resumption is an alternative to MOBIKE and a slow one at that?


Both solve the same problem that IKE SA recovers from the IP-address
change, or switching from one network to another (i.e. from cellular
to WLAN).

I do not really see any fundamental reason why the IKE SA needs to be
taken down when in cellular. I can see reasons why it might not be
needed, but the IKE SA could still be kept up and running, and if done
that way, then MOBIKE will offer solution how to move the IKE SA to
the new network, and it will mostly do it in 1 RT.

MOBIKE assumes that the other side has state, correct?  Session 
resumption has to do with providing that state.  How are they the same?

Annoy being the keyword.  I am now more convinced that we are really
making the protocol inefficient because some kid might try to annoy some
people some time.  To counter such potential annoyances which may not
happen at any frequency that matters, we are going to sacrifice the user
experience all the time?

I am saying we are not sacrificing the user experience in any
noticeable way even if we do 2 RT protocol. I expect that 99.999%
users will never notice whether the 1 RT or 2 RT protocol was used if
there is no attack. On the other hand, 100% users will notice the
attacks if 1 RT protocol is used, and 0% of users will notice the
attacks if 2 RT protocol is used.
Under attack, the protocol stretches to 3 RTs.  So, you are saying that 
there is no noticeable difference between 1 and 2 RTs, but there is 
between 2 and 3?  Is your point that the DH computation will be noticed?

My point is that we'd beyond the real-time budgets after 1 RT anyway.  
Now of course, to prove any of this (as opposed to your word against 
mine), we have to workout test scenarios and the like and measure user 
perception (we can throw in 5 9's all we want, but people spend millions 
on real perception testing).  All I am asking for is for the group to 
realize that there are cases where the budgets are low and therefore 
allow the 1 RT exchange.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-22 Thread Lakshminath Dondeti

On 4/21/2009 5:23 PM, Tero Kivinen wrote:

I still do not think making the 1 RT protocol to 2 RT protocol in that
case would really cause any noticeable effect to the actual handover.

Hi Tero,

How do you know this?  I ask because, I would like to use those 
arguments to tell people who are experts in handovers that multiple RTs 
don't matter.

Especially as you still most likely have the cellular network there to
be used, while you are doing DHCP + IKE_SESSION_RESUME etc on the
WLAN, thus only thing that is affected is that traffic moves 100ms
later from cellular to WLAN.

On the other hand security problems are big issue, as you most likely
How do we know that they are a big issue?  Do we expect these systems 
to be under attack most of their operational life?

try to IKE_SESSION_RESUME exchange over any WLAN you happen to see,
thus you effectively broadcast your tickets to attackers at will, so
attackers can simply take those tickets and sent them to server and
get your session resumed, but not forward any other traffic. Also any
firewall allowing port 500 packets out but not in, will cause similar
effect, as you will not get reply back, but server will consume your
Even if this happens, the payoff for the attacker is very little since 
the legitimate parties can always establish another connection.  The 
quality of experience would be bad because another session needs to be 
established when under attack, but at the cost the attacker has to pay, 
one might even say that this is not even a serious threat.

I really would liked to be convinced that I am wrong here, but I see 
this to be a quite moderate or low risk attack.


That case also brings out completely new issue which has not been
discussed before, i.e. whether the IKE_SESSION_RESUME must come from
the same IP-address than what was used before for the IKE SA, i.e. can
the IP-addresses change during the IKE_SESSION_RESUME. If that is
allowed, then what about NATs, i.e. is it allowed that even when there
was no NAT between hosts before, there is new NAT found during the

Those are not covered by the current document, and at least something
MUST be said about those issues.

After this example use scenario, I am even more convinced that 2 RT
protocol is better and needed, especially if we do allow IP-addresses
change, and might need to do NAT-T detection on the IKE_SESSION_RESUME
exchange too. Allowing IP-addresses change means that the network
where the packets can come in, are different, meaning they might have
misconfigured firewalls or similars there, and killing your resumption
ticket by just trying to connect through broken firewall is bad idea.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-22 Thread Tero Kivinen
Lakshminath Dondeti writes:
  I still do not think making the 1 RT protocol to 2 RT protocol in that
  case would really cause any noticeable effect to the actual handover.
 How do you know this?

Because 10ms-100ms is MUCH less than 10 seconds or so I usually see as
DHCP delays on WLAN networks. And there is already way to do that in 1
RT protocol, i.e. MOBIKE. With MOBIKE you can recover the changing of
the network or IP-address in 1 RT.

Resumption should not really be used for that.

Resumption means that something caused the IKEv2 SA in the client to
removed, without telling that to the server, and thats why client
decided to use resumption instead of just continuing using the IKEv2
SA it has up and running.

If we take the network outage example from the charter, the duration
of network outage is usually MUCH, MUCH longer than the 2 RTs required
to reconnect to the server.

 I ask because, I would like to use those arguments to tell people
 who are experts in handovers that multiple RTs don't matter.

Tell them to use correct protocol on correct places. If they want
subsecond recovery from the handover from one network to another, they
should use MOBIKE, and keep the IKEv2 SA up all the time (Altough even
with MOBIKE it usually takes several seconds for the nodes to actually
react that they have lost connectivity, and needs to start corrective
actions, but if we assume subsecond recovery is required, then we can
also assume the network can immediately tell when recovery actions are

 Even if this happens, the payoff for the attacker is very little since 
 the legitimate parties can always establish another connection.

No, he does not, as if he was trying to do handover from cellular to
WLAN, he would simply continue using cellular in that point, but the
accounting for example would be enabled for both (i.e. for servers
point of view he is using WLAN and cellular simulatenously, from
clients point of view he using only cellular).

Again then when he finally gets WLAN which works, he suddenly have 3
RT protocol to use (trying resumption, failing that, and falling back
to full IKE) with user authentication, and possibly even user

 The quality of experience would be bad because another session needs
 to be established when under attack, but at the cost the attacker
 has to pay, one might even say that this is not even a serious

Making the user to do user interaction by simply sniffing one packet
from the air, and forwarding it to the right server is very cheap way
to annoy people...

For users point of view it does not even look he is under attack, he
just sees that this crappy network again requires him to
reauthenticate at random times. Note, that he does not blame the
attacker's network, as he didn't detect anything there. The attack can
have happened hours before, and then when he finally comes to the home
WLAN network, or some other network which actually works, he sees that
he needs to reauthenticate. 
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-21 Thread Tero Kivinen
Narayanan, Vidya writes:
 Hi Yaron, 
 We are going back to revisiting consensus here and re-explaining the
 use cases and I'd certainly like to keep this to as minimum a
 revisit as possible.  The use cases go back to what has been
 documented in the problem statement we published a while back -
 draft-vidya-ipsec-failover-ps-02 - it is now expired, but, you
 should be still able to get to the draft.

From the ipsecme charter:

 Failover from one gateway to another, mechanisms for detecting
 when a session should be resumed, and specifying communication
 mechanisms between gateways are beyond the scope of this work

Thus failover from one gateway to another is outside the scope of this
document. If I remember right most of the use cases in
draft-vidya-ipsec-failover-ps-02.txt was specifically failover, not
resumption use cases.

 As a key point, I'll note that the situation where resumption is
 used here is a handoff case for a particular client and does not
 involve all clients connecting at once, where DH could be a problem.
 And, in these cases, there is no user interaction involved - the
 mobile devices are doing everything they can to make handoffs
 seamless and work with no user or even application involvement.
 If you are only worried about the case of simultaneous reconnection
 of thousands of nodes, you can feel free to always use the 2-RT
 method in your gateway implementation - I am pointing out that it is
 not the universally applicable use case.

From the abstract of the resumption document:

   To re-establish security associations (SAs) upon a failure recovery
   condition is time consuming especially when an IPsec peer (such as a
   VPN gateway) needs to re-establish a large number of SAs with various
   end points.  A high number of concurrent sessions might cause
   additional problems for an IPsec peer during SA re-establishment.

So at least it was seen as important use case, and is thats why
included in the abstract (and the ipsecme charter text). 

 And, in most cellular deployments, IPsec is used for untrusted
 access networks (e.g., WLAN), while the DHCP servers and AAA servers
 are accessible from other access networks as well. And, a handoff
 from cellular to WLAN needs to be seamless - you can envision an
 IPsec SA being set up all the time, but only resumed and actively
 used after you handoff to WLAN.

Hmm.. This is again something completely different what I tought for
what the resumption protocol is supposed for. For example for this use
it would be useful to have have some way to force deletion of the
state from the server, i.e. say that this IKE SA is now going to go to
sleep, so you can remove the state, and there is no need to do dead
peer detection on it. The current protocol do not have anything like
that, and if you delete IKE SA you also delete the ticket, so that
mechanism cannot be used for that.

I still do not think making the 1 RT protocol to 2 RT protocol in that
case would really cause any noticeable effect to the actual handover.
Especially as you still most likely have the cellular network there to
be used, while you are doing DHCP + IKE_SESSION_RESUME etc on the
WLAN, thus only thing that is affected is that traffic moves 100ms
later from cellular to WLAN.

On the other hand security problems are big issue, as you most likely
try to IKE_SESSION_RESUME exchange over any WLAN you happen to see,
thus you effectively broadcast your tickets to attackers at will, so
attackers can simply take those tickets and sent them to server and
get your session resumed, but not forward any other traffic. Also any
firewall allowing port 500 packets out but not in, will cause similar
effect, as you will not get reply back, but server will consume your

That case also brings out completely new issue which has not been
discussed before, i.e. whether the IKE_SESSION_RESUME must come from
the same IP-address than what was used before for the IKE SA, i.e. can
the IP-addresses change during the IKE_SESSION_RESUME. If that is
allowed, then what about NATs, i.e. is it allowed that even when there
was no NAT between hosts before, there is new NAT found during the

Those are not covered by the current document, and at least something
MUST be said about those issues.

After this example use scenario, I am even more convinced that 2 RT
protocol is better and needed, especially if we do allow IP-addresses
change, and might need to do NAT-T detection on the IKE_SESSION_RESUME
exchange too. Allowing IP-addresses change means that the network
where the packets can come in, are different, meaning they might have
misconfigured firewalls or similars there, and killing your resumption
ticket by just trying to connect through broken firewall is bad idea.
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-21 Thread Yaron Sheffer
Hi Tero,

To answer the last part of your mail, we always intended address change (and
presumably, NAT detection status change) to be supported. This should be
clarified in the document, and I have opened Issue #100 for this.

However, given that normal NAT detection happens during IKE_SA_INIT, can you
clarify why this would work better if we had a 2 RT protocol?


 -Original Message-
 From: Tero Kivinen []
 Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 14:53
 To: Narayanan, Vidya
 Cc: Yaron Sheffer; Paul Hoffman; IPsecme WG
 Subject: Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption
 Narayanan, Vidya writes:
  Hi Yaron,
  We are going back to revisiting consensus here and re-explaining the
  use cases and I'd certainly like to keep this to as minimum a
  revisit as possible.  The use cases go back to what has been
  documented in the problem statement we published a while back -
  draft-vidya-ipsec-failover-ps-02 - it is now expired, but, you
  should be still able to get to the draft.
 From the ipsecme charter:
  Failover from one gateway to another, mechanisms for detecting
  when a session should be resumed, and specifying communication
  mechanisms between gateways are beyond the scope of this work
 Thus failover from one gateway to another is outside the scope of this
 document. If I remember right most of the use cases in
 draft-vidya-ipsec-failover-ps-02.txt was specifically failover, not
 resumption use cases.
  As a key point, I'll note that the situation where resumption is
  used here is a handoff case for a particular client and does not
  involve all clients connecting at once, where DH could be a problem.
  And, in these cases, there is no user interaction involved - the
  mobile devices are doing everything they can to make handoffs
  seamless and work with no user or even application involvement.
  If you are only worried about the case of simultaneous reconnection
  of thousands of nodes, you can feel free to always use the 2-RT
  method in your gateway implementation - I am pointing out that it is
  not the universally applicable use case.
 From the abstract of the resumption document:
To re-establish security associations (SAs) upon a failure recovery
condition is time consuming especially when an IPsec peer (such as a
VPN gateway) needs to re-establish a large number of SAs with various
end points.  A high number of concurrent sessions might cause
additional problems for an IPsec peer during SA re-establishment.
 So at least it was seen as important use case, and is thats why
 included in the abstract (and the ipsecme charter text).
  And, in most cellular deployments, IPsec is used for untrusted
  access networks (e.g., WLAN), while the DHCP servers and AAA servers
  are accessible from other access networks as well. And, a handoff
  from cellular to WLAN needs to be seamless - you can envision an
  IPsec SA being set up all the time, but only resumed and actively
  used after you handoff to WLAN.
 Hmm.. This is again something completely different what I tought for
 what the resumption protocol is supposed for. For example for this use
 it would be useful to have have some way to force deletion of the
 state from the server, i.e. say that this IKE SA is now going to go to
 sleep, so you can remove the state, and there is no need to do dead
 peer detection on it. The current protocol do not have anything like
 that, and if you delete IKE SA you also delete the ticket, so that
 mechanism cannot be used for that.
 I still do not think making the 1 RT protocol to 2 RT protocol in that
 case would really cause any noticeable effect to the actual handover.
 Especially as you still most likely have the cellular network there to
 be used, while you are doing DHCP + IKE_SESSION_RESUME etc on the
 WLAN, thus only thing that is affected is that traffic moves 100ms
 later from cellular to WLAN.
 On the other hand security problems are big issue, as you most likely
 try to IKE_SESSION_RESUME exchange over any WLAN you happen to see,
 thus you effectively broadcast your tickets to attackers at will, so
 attackers can simply take those tickets and sent them to server and
 get your session resumed, but not forward any other traffic. Also any
 firewall allowing port 500 packets out but not in, will cause similar
 effect, as you will not get reply back, but server will consume your
 That case also brings out completely new issue which has not been
 discussed before, i.e. whether the IKE_SESSION_RESUME must come from
 the same IP-address than what was used before for the IKE SA, i.e. can
 the IP-addresses change during the IKE_SESSION_RESUME. If that is
 allowed, then what about NATs, i.e. is it allowed that even when there
 was no NAT between hosts before, there is new NAT found during the
 Those are not covered by the current document, and at least

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-21 Thread Narayanan, Vidya

 From the ipsecme charter:
  Failover from one gateway to another, mechanisms for detecting
  when a session should be resumed, and specifying communication
  mechanisms between gateways are beyond the scope of this work
 Thus failover from one gateway to another is outside the scope of this
 document. If I remember right most of the use cases in
 draft-vidya-ipsec-failover-ps-02.txt was specifically failover, not
 resumption use cases.

This is really just a terminology issue.  Most of the use cases in that 
document are applicable to resumption.  In fact, the current solution for 
resumption is based on what was produced as a result of that problem statement 
(combined with Yaron's draft at the time), with the ability to exchange 
failover gateway candidates removed.  In other words, we are not handling 
anything specific to failovers, but, prior to this charter and WG, failover 
included resumption in the work we did. 


 From the abstract of the resumption document:
To re-establish security associations (SAs) upon a failure recovery
condition is time consuming especially when an IPsec peer (such as a
VPN gateway) needs to re-establish a large number of SAs with
end points.  A high number of concurrent sessions might cause
additional problems for an IPsec peer during SA re-establishment.
 So at least it was seen as important use case, and is thats why
 included in the abstract (and the ipsecme charter text).

I'm not suggesting that it isn't important - just pointing out that it is not 
the only use case for resumption.   

  And, in most cellular deployments, IPsec is used for untrusted
  access networks (e.g., WLAN), while the DHCP servers and AAA servers
  are accessible from other access networks as well. And, a handoff
  from cellular to WLAN needs to be seamless - you can envision an
  IPsec SA being set up all the time, but only resumed and actively
  used after you handoff to WLAN.
 Hmm.. This is again something completely different what I tought for
 what the resumption protocol is supposed for. 

This has been discussed from the early days and I believe I've brought it up at 
almost every meeting, even at the last SFO session. As a contributor from the 
mobile side, this is my primary use case for the resumption work.  

 For example for this use
 it would be useful to have have some way to force deletion of the
 state from the server, i.e. say that this IKE SA is now going to go to
 sleep, so you can remove the state, and there is no need to do dead
 peer detection on it. 

Good point - it would be nice to avoid having to do DPD on it and this would 
certainly be a useful feature if we wanted to consider it.  

 The current protocol do not have anything like
 that, and if you delete IKE SA you also delete the ticket, so that
 mechanism cannot be used for that.
 I still do not think making the 1 RT protocol to 2 RT protocol in that
 case would really cause any noticeable effect to the actual handover.
 Especially as you still most likely have the cellular network there to
 be used, 

This is conjecture and not a fact.  And, I'd prefer to design for seamless, 
quick handoffs, not with an assumption that you have a second interface up. 

 while you are doing DHCP + IKE_SESSION_RESUME etc on the
 WLAN, thus only thing that is affected is that traffic moves 100ms
 later from cellular to WLAN.

And, btw, WLAN is only one type of untrusted network - other scenarios may be 
cellular-to-cellular handoffs in roaming scenarios, cellular to WiMAX handoffs, 
etc. In some of these cases, there are even RF limitations if you are using a 
single radio, multi-mode chipset.  I'd prefer that we keep the discussion on 
the RF systems itself out and see what best we can do with our protocols. 

 On the other hand security problems are big issue, as you most likely
 try to IKE_SESSION_RESUME exchange over any WLAN you happen to see,
 thus you effectively broadcast your tickets to attackers at will, so
 attackers can simply take those tickets and sent them to server and
 get your session resumed, but not forward any other traffic. Also any
 firewall allowing port 500 packets out but not in, will cause similar
 effect, as you will not get reply back, but server will consume your

Obviously, the firewalls need to be handled properly if the operator wants this 
to work - so, that is not the primary issue.  I don't understand what you mean 
by not forward any other traffic in your description of the attack.  The 
attacker does not have the keys to decipher any of the actual packets. The only 
thing the attacker can do is replay a ticket *after* it has already been sent 
by the client - in this case, we already talked about some limited backend 
state the gateway can maintain to limit the impact due to replays.  It is also 
important to note that the other backend entities (which was Pasi's main 
concern) are accessible 

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-20 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 11:15 PM +0530 4/20/09, Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:
Before the one roundtrip mechanism is deleted, could you summarize how the 
security issue that was raised is applicable under the threat model we work 

No, I can summarize it after it is deleted, given that I deleted it in my last 

The security issues that Pasi sent to the mailing list over a month ago include:

- A replay of a ticket can cause exhaustion of many resources, not just CPU or 
state on the gateway. Pasi listed these about a month ago.

- A replay of a ticket can cause a legitimate resumption to fail, depending on 
the algorithms used in the IKE SA.

This is unrelated to your, um, interesting logic about RFC 3552. The WG can 
decide its threat models as it sees fit.

The IKEv2 RFC really defines what is in scope.  Server state exhaustion 
attacks are not in scope for being mandatorily made more difficult for some 
definition of more.

I don't see anything in RFC 4306 that limits the scope of the threat models for 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-20 Thread Lakshminath Dondeti

On 4/20/2009 11:50 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

At 11:15 PM +0530 4/20/09, Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:

Before the one roundtrip mechanism is deleted, could you summarize
how the security issue that was raised is applicable under the
threat model we work with?

No, I can summarize it after it is deleted, given that I deleted it
in my last message.

The security issues that Pasi sent to the mailing list over a month
ago include:

- A replay of a ticket can cause exhaustion of many resources, not
just CPU or state on the gateway. Pasi listed these about a month

That was some interesting logic based on a fictional deployment.  Are we 
to optimize specifically for Pasi's vision of deploying networks?

- A replay of a ticket can cause a legitimate resumption to fail,
depending on the algorithms used in the IKE SA.

This is unrelated to your, um, interesting logic about RFC 3552. The
WG can decide its threat models as it sees fit.

Huh, and presumably without ever documenting such a threat model!

The IKEv2 RFC really defines what is in scope.  Server state
exhaustion attacks are not in scope for being mandatorily made
more difficult for some definition of more.

I don't see anything in RFC 4306 that limits the scope of the threat
models for extensions.

So, are you suggesting that we design IKEv2 for one threat model and 
IKEv2 session resumption for another?


--Paul Hoffman, Director --VPN Consortium
___ IPsec mailing list

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-20 Thread Narayanan, Vidya
Considering that I didn't know what now meant and this message didn't have a 
deadline, I hope my input is considered.  I prefer the first option - we need 
to document the associated threat model with each assumption, but, deployments 
need to figure out what their threat model is.  The one RT resumption mechanism 
is key for handoff situations and for certain environments, it doesn't allow 
new attacks that are feasible outside of the IPsec use anyway.  If we threw out 
this model, we will be preventing a whole class of use cases that could 
otherwise use this resumption mechanism.  

Note that for these use cases, it is not much more expensive to just do the DH 
and use regular IKEv2, instead of using resumption, if the latter also involved 
as many roundtrips. 


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Paul Hoffman
 Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:56 AM
 To: IPsecme WG
 Subject: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption
 Greetings again. Tracker issue #98 is the same as the message that Pasi
 sent to the mailing list last month; see
 archive/web/ipsec/current/msg04050.html. There is disagreement among
 the authors of the session resumption draft how to deal with this
 One proposal is to add text similar to Pasi's to the document in order
 to let implementers understand all the things that they might need to
 do to prevent damage from a replay attack. If this is the method
 chosen, it should probably be as a section in the main body of the
 document, not as a security consideration because the issues are more
 operational than security.
 A different proposal is to get rid of the one-round-trip mode and have
 the protocol always take two round trips. This prevents the attack that
 Pasi brings up, at a higher cost for the clients and server.
 If you have a preference between these two proposal, please state it
 --Paul Hoffman, Director
 --VPN Consortium
 IPsec mailing list
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-20 Thread Yaron Sheffer
[As a coauthor of this draft:]

Hi Vidya,

Can you please give a more detailed description of this use case, where:

- The gateway doesn't care about CPU consumption, to the extent where it
doesn't mind the extra DH+RSA operations for thousands of simultaneously
arriving clients, and,
- The number of round trips until something useful happens (e.g. user
interaction) is so low that our 1 extra RT becomes critical.


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Narayanan, Vidya
 Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 22:52
 To: Paul Hoffman; IPsecme WG
 Subject: Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption
 Considering that I didn't know what now meant and this message didn't
 have a deadline, I hope my input is considered.  I prefer the first option
 - we need to document the associated threat model with each assumption,
 but, deployments need to figure out what their threat model is.  The one
 RT resumption mechanism is key for handoff situations and for certain
 environments, it doesn't allow new attacks that are feasible outside of
 the IPsec use anyway.  If we threw out this model, we will be preventing a
 whole class of use cases that could otherwise use this resumption
 Note that for these use cases, it is not much more expensive to just do
 the DH and use regular IKEv2, instead of using resumption, if the latter
 also involved as many roundtrips.
  -Original Message-
  From: [] On Behalf
  Of Paul Hoffman
  Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:56 AM
  To: IPsecme WG
  Subject: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption
  Greetings again. Tracker issue #98 is the same as the message that Pasi
  sent to the mailing list last month; see
  archive/web/ipsec/current/msg04050.html. There is disagreement among
  the authors of the session resumption draft how to deal with this
  One proposal is to add text similar to Pasi's to the document in order
  to let implementers understand all the things that they might need to
  do to prevent damage from a replay attack. If this is the method
  chosen, it should probably be as a section in the main body of the
  document, not as a security consideration because the issues are more
  operational than security.
  A different proposal is to get rid of the one-round-trip mode and have
  the protocol always take two round trips. This prevents the attack that
  Pasi brings up, at a higher cost for the clients and server.
  If you have a preference between these two proposal, please state it
  --Paul Hoffman, Director
  --VPN Consortium
  IPsec mailing list
 IPsec mailing list
 Scanned by Check Point Total Security Gateway.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-20 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:20:55AM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 11:15 PM +0530 4/20/09, Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:
 Before the one roundtrip mechanism is deleted, could you summarize
 how the security issue that was raised is applicable under the threat
 model we work with?
 No, I can summarize it after it is deleted, given that I deleted it in
 my last message.
 The security issues that Pasi sent to the mailing list over a month
 ago include:
 - A replay of a ticket can cause exhaustion of many resources, not
 just CPU or state on the gateway. Pasi listed these about a month ago.
 - A replay of a ticket can cause a legitimate resumption to fail,
 depending on the algorithms used in the IKE SA.

Can a replay cache help?

Note though that getting replay caches to perform well is hard.  Ask any
Kerberos V implementor.

IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-20 Thread Narayanan, Vidya
Hi Paul,
For my clarification, could you please state who are the people on each side of 
this? I've gone through all emails I have on this thread and I only see Yoav's 
email supporting the second approach.  It is entirely possible that my email 
isn't working as it should - but, I'd appreciate a pointer to the second email 
that supported removing the one RT exchange.  


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Paul Hoffman
 Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 10:16 AM
 To: IPsecme WG
 Subject: Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption
 co-chair hat on
 Greetings again. Of the people who replied, two favored mandating two
 round trips, and one favored keeping the current one round trip. That
 (anemic) result, plus the comment that lead to this thread, leads me to
 say that we need to change draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-resumption to
 require two round trips.
 Draft authors: please prepare a -03 with only the two-round-trip
 solution, and pull out the text about the one-round-trip option.
 If someone really objects to this, please prepare a personal Internet
 Draft that lists exactly how you would change the current -03 draft to
 cover all the security issues that were brought forward.
 --Paul Hoffman, Director
 --VPN Consortium
 IPsec mailing list
IPsec mailing list

Re: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption

2009-04-12 Thread Yoav Nir
I prefer the second proposal.  I would rather have one (even if longer) 
variation of the protocol over two variations (even if one is shorter)

With such a possible attack published, auditors are going to force large 
installations to use the safer (and longer) version anyway, as it is up to the 
gateway to decide. 

 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of Paul Hoffman
 Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 8:56 PM
 To: IPsecme WG
 Subject: [IPsec] Issue #98: 1 or two round trips for resumption
 Greetings again. Tracker issue #98 is the same as the message 
 that Pasi sent to the mailing list last month; see
 tml. There is disagreement among the authors of the session 
 resumption draft how to deal with this issue.
 One proposal is to add text similar to Pasi's to the document 
 in order to let implementers understand all the things that 
 they might need to do to prevent damage from a replay attack. 
 If this is the method chosen, it should probably be as a 
 section in the main body of the document, not as a security 
 consideration because the issues are more operational than security.
 A different proposal is to get rid of the one-round-trip mode 
 and have the protocol always take two round trips. This 
 prevents the attack that Pasi brings up, at a higher cost for 
 the clients and server.
 If you have a preference between these two proposal, please 
 state it now. 
 --Paul Hoffman, Director
 --VPN Consortium
 IPsec mailing list
 Scanned by Check Point Total Security Gateway.
Email secured by Check Point
IPsec mailing list