[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Need Help for Sub-Process

2005-12-19 Thread sforema
You have to do it in the XML. There is no GUI component for the sub process.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Need some help for GPD

2005-12-16 Thread sforema
This helps you create a process definition and test it. 

Are you asking how to deploy the process definition into the database? That 
would deploying the par file. 

I'm not sure if the GPD comes with a build.xml so you can do it with ant. I've 
got one, but it's been so long, I'm not sure if I made it from scratch or it 
came with the GPD.


I've included the build.xml for reference. You will need to change it to fit 
your project, but it is very handy...

  | ?xml version=1.0?
  | project name=EJB Creator default=create_par basedir=.
  | property name=jbpm.home 
  | property name=jboss.home 
  | property name=jboss.deploy.subdir value=server/jbpm/deploy /
  | property name=shared.lib.location value=../shared_libraries/lib /
  | property name=cdhps.location value=../cdhps/bin /
  | property name=cdhps.util.location value=../util/build /
  | !-- Version of this project --
  | property name=version value=1.0.0 Alpha /
  | !-- Various Locations --
  | property name=src.dir value=./src/java /
  | property name=build.dir value=./build/classes /
  | property name=par.dir value=./par /
  | property name=xml.dir value=./src/process /
  | property name=config.dir value=./conf /
  | property name=javadoc.dir value=./doc/javadoc /
  | property name=javadoc.overview value=src/doc/overview.html /
  | property name=db.conn.props 
value=src/config.files/hibernate.properties /
  | !-- Workflow Par Name --
  | property name=parname value=Workflow /
  | !-- CLASSPATH --
  | path id=classpath.config
  | pathelement path=${build.dir} /
  | pathelement path=${config.dir} /
  | pathelement path=${cdhps.location}/
  | pathelement path=${cdhps.util.location}/
  | fileset dir=${shared.lib.location} includes=**/*.jar /
  | /path
  | !-- CLEAN = --
  | target name=clean description=cleans/removes output directories
  | delete dir=${build.dir} /
  | delete dir=${par.dir} /
  | delete dir=${javadoc.dir} /
  | /target
  | !-- PREPARE === --
  | target name=prepare depends=clean description=creates output 
  | !-- Create the time stamp --
  | tstamp/
  | !-- Create the build directory structure used by compile --
  | mkdir dir=${par.dir} /
  | mkdir dir=${build.dir} /
  | mkdir dir=${javadoc.dir} /
  | /target
  | !-- COMPILE === --
  | target name=compile depends=prepare description=compiles the 
actionhandler classes
  | !-- Compile the java code from ${src.dir} into ${build.dir} --
  | echo message=Compiling source code... /
  | javac srcdir=${src.dir}
  |   destdir=${build.dir} 
  | classpath refid=classpath.config /
  | include name=**/*.java /
  | /javac
  | /target
  | !-- CREATE PAR FILE === --
  | target name=create_par depends=compile  description=creates the 
par file
  | jar jarfile=${par.dir}/${parname}.par
  | fileset dir=${build.dir}/..  includes=**/*.class/
  | fileset dir=${xml.dir}includes=**/*.xml /
  | /jar
  | /target
  | !-- DEPLOY PAR FILE === --
  | target name=deploy_par depends=create_par,declare.jbpm.tasks 
description=deploys the par file
  | deploypar par=${par.dir}/${parname}.par / 
  | /target
  | target name=declare.jbpm.tasks description=used by deploy_par to 
define deploypar ant task
  | taskdef name=deploypar 
  | classpath refid=classpath.config /
  | /taskdef
  | /target
  | !-- JAVADOC === --
  | target name=javadoc depends=compile description=creates the 
javadocs for this project
  | javadoc 
  | sourcepath=${src.dir}
  | destdir=${javadoc.dir}
  | author=true
  | version=true
  | private=false

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: randomly get Exception

2005-12-16 Thread sforema
What version of jBPM are you running? I am using 3.0 and I've never seen that 
error and I've been testing the h3ll out of it.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: randomly get Exception

2005-12-16 Thread sforema
Also... be careful with your transactions. Objects are (generally) tied to the 
hibernate sesion they came from. Always keep that in mind when dealing with the 
session and objects. If you open two sessions, you could have objects bound to 
the wrong session. Or if you close a session, fiddle with an object and then 
open it, you could also have trouble.

That may have nothing to do with what you're seeing, but just in case...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: randomly get Exception

2005-12-16 Thread sforema
Have you looked at the BERND.SYS_C00581420 constraint to see specifically what 
it is? is it trying to put the same row in twice?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Valid use case?

2005-12-16 Thread sforema
jBPM can do what you are talking about.

You could :
1. have multiple processes definitions that map your functionality
2. have one process that has multiple transitions and pass a context variable 
around to indicate which path to take
3. have the nodes actually route themselves to different places (setNode).

There may be other options. Those are the ones that come to mind

I think option 1 is best, but option 2 could also do the job. I personally 
don't like option 3 because I think the process flow should match the process 
diagram, but you can make jBPM basically do whatever you want.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: sub process return

2005-12-15 Thread sforema
Hmmm... I am using 3.0 (not the alpha).

I get this error when trying to get to the sub process:

  | java.lang.NullPointerException: can't create a process instance when 
processDefinition is null
  | at org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance.init(ProcessInstance.java:60)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.node.ProcessState.execute(ProcessState.java:86)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.enter(Node.java:284)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition.take(Transition.java:92)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.leave(Node.java:349)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.leave(Node.java:313)
  | at com.cdhps.jbpm.NodePersist.transition(NodePersist.java:304)
  | at com.cdhps.jbpm.NodePersist.execute(NodePersist.java:216)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Action.execute(Action.java:79)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.execute(Node.java:295)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.enter(Node.java:284)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition.take(Transition.java:92)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.leave(Node.java:349)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.node.StartState.leave(StartState.java:73)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token.signal(Token.java:127)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token.signal(Token.java:92)
  | at com.cdhps.jbpm.ProcessWrapper.startProcess(ProcessWrapper.java:170)
  | at 
  | at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

main process xml snippet:

  |process-state name=spawn
  |   sub-process name=simple2 /
  |   transition name=tr1 to=fork1/transition

sub process xml:

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | process-definition 
  |   xmlns=http://jbpm.org/3/jpdl;
  |   xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance;
  |   xsi:schemaLocation=http://jbpm.org/3/jpdl 
  |   name=simple2
  |start-state name=start
  |  task
  | controller
  |   variable name=color /
  |   variable name=size /
  | /controller
  |   /task
  |   transition name=tr1 to=uno/transition
  |end-state name=end
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=action1 
  |   /event
  |node name=uno
  |   action class=com.cms.workflow.sample_simple2.Uno/action
  |   transition name=tr1 to=end/transition
  | /process-definition

the sub process is there. I can run it and it works fine. I have a bad feeling 
this is a bug with 3.0 that has been fixed and I am loath to rebuild my jbpm 
database to potentially break something else I have already tested...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: sub process return

2005-12-15 Thread sforema
I could see the ProcessInstance.end() method was adjusted from 3.0 to 3.1alpha 
(so something wasn't likely right), and I didn't want to upgrade to 3.1 yet...

I needed persistance, so I just wrote my own ProcessState as a node extension. 
It was pretty easy. Essentially the two things needed done:
1. the parent must go into a wait state if execution returns (due to error or 
2. the child's end must signal the parent token to continue.

The additional benefit to this was that I can see it in the process designer.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: unique id for each process Instance??

2005-12-15 Thread sforema
Is there any unique id associated with instance of processdefinition?
which you can use to fetch a particular process later..
 yes, look at the jbpm_processinstance table

How do you track a particular process to find out its state etc..?
 The transaction is maintained outside the jBPM engine. ie: state is not saved 
 until the jBPM engine exits and YOU commit the changes. You can make it save 
 state at a more granular level, but it will be work on yor part.

How do you get the pool of all the process instances?
query the jbpm_processinstance table

can A suprocess be instantiated on a different engine..(May be jbpm engine 
installed on another machine?) 
 I would not cross VMs for a single process instance. they need to talk to 
 each other. essentially the end() method of the ProcessInstance resignals the 
 parent token.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: What are the advantages of deploying a par?

2005-12-15 Thread sforema
I would think you want the def in the database. I assume you will want to 
historically track your transactions back to the definition. If you create it 
on the fly, you will never know for sure what the process was at that time. 
Plus you run the risk of your def being changed and the problem not being 
caught until you run an instance of it. 

I can think of a dozen reasons for putting it in the database. The versioning 
of process definitions is one of the things I really like about jBPM.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: unique id for each process Instance??

2005-12-15 Thread sforema
I've been deep in the code of jBPM over the last week. I've written my own 
persistent node, fork node, join node, and sub process node.

I always hate it when my questions go unanswered, so if I can help out, I do.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: unique id for each process Instance??

2005-12-15 Thread sforema
Hmmm. maybe. I was unable to get the subprocess to work for me in 3.0, so I 
can't be positive. 

I imagine the scenario like this:

VM1: mainprocess
--- calls subprocess (through RMI/etc) on VM2

VM2: subprocess
--- ends and signals main token to continue
--- the main token will now continue on VM2!

This is me reading the code, so I could be tested wrong... but it appears you 
have no control over ProcessInstance.end() logic. It is going to signal the 
ProcessState to continue.

It just looks ugly. I wouldn't do it. 

Our plan is to run different process instances on different VMs, but a process 
instance's lifecycle will live on one VM.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: unique id for each process Instance??

2005-12-15 Thread sforema
I am running jBPM inside Jetty. It is a lightweight webserver that allows me to 
issue URL commands to do stuff against jBPM.

I have methods such as:

We can then deploy as many Jetty instances as we want. We then register each IP 
+ port in a database and have our GUI or scheduler issue the URL command on the 
appropriate IP + Port. (The IP + Port will have names and for a level of 
indirection so that scheduler entries will say: startProcess on VM5, not IP + 

If you want to save state all the time, I recommend creating a custom node base 
class that hides the work for you. What I do (which is considered evil) is 
essentially pass the jBPM session into the node via a transient context 
variable. I then pull it out in the node and commit changes when I find it 
appropriate ( I do it twice, once before executing custom logic and once after 
executing custom logic).


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: working with jbpm

2005-12-14 Thread sforema
I do indeed have my own process monitor, which is essentially a more fancy 
query than I provided here.

I have added several context variables to allow me to add detailed state 
information to a process, such as ERROR, PAUSED, INACTIVE, ACTIVE, PAUSING, 
COMPLETED. I am able to see the status of each token in the job, pause the job, 
signal a token, end the job, and restart a token on the same step. When a token 
errors out, it also provides restart information and error information in a 
comment as well.

All of this only works if you jBPM to save state in each node, which is 
considered by many to be a naughty, evil thing, but it can be done...



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: working with jbpm

2005-12-14 Thread sforema
Also, leaveNode is not probably what you want.

I think the documentation is not clear on your real options are.

You essentially have two types of nodes: ones that automatically transition 
(fork,join) and ones that do not (state). 

It is very important to know what each node does. If you signal a node that 
doesn't need it, you will get some VERY bizarre behaviour.

It is also important to know that if you are dealing with a fork, signalling 
the process is not your best approach, but instead, you signal the appropriate 

I have chosen to customize a node to automatically signal based on the response 
from a subclass method. If the method on the subclass exits normally, it 
signals. If the method throws an exception, I leave the node in a wait state 
(no signal).

In other words, use signal, but be aware that if you introduce a fork/join, 
things will get more complicated.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: working with jbpm

2005-12-14 Thread sforema
There will never be a situation where I will span multiple nodes without saving 

To me, each node is a step in a job. In that light, it is critical to know 
exactly where the process is so that work is not done twice in case of a power 
/ machine failure. The first node might pick up a file. It might span three 
asynch processes to process that file differently. After the join, a report may 
be produced. I need to be able to monitor exactly where everything is and 
provide the facility to restart a job, step, or pause all jobs if need be. This 
requires me to save state 2 times in each node: upon entry and after the work 
is complete.

The nice thing is that I can later build an issue tracking system with jBPM as 
well and have one place that holds all our business processes, both batch, and 
issue management. This moves us close to a BAM (I hate that term) / Dashboard 
solution where we can see everything that is going on in our business and 
monitor it realtime.

Without accurate node persistance, I do not see how this is possible.

you asked...


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - sub process return

2005-12-14 Thread sforema
When does a sub process return to the main process?

Example: a sub process goes into a wait state. Its token is triggered later. 
Does it bring the parent token back to life and the parent continues where it 
left off? I don't see anything in the end state that would indicate this would 

I also noticed that it didn't seem like the parent process checks the child 
process to see if it is done... the last command in the execute is a signal and 
the leave has no prevention logic in it.

I will play with it, but I'm curious if anyone knows these answers.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: fork node question

2005-12-13 Thread sforema
I've never considered having a join bring together two forks. I'm not sure it 
was intended to do that. It would be easy enough to try it out.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: working with jbpm

2005-12-13 Thread sforema
I am just not able to see that transition from one state to next state

How are you looking for it? Are you querying the database?

You can use the query below to check the status of non-completed processes:
 This will show one row for each instance + token + context variable

Keep in mind that you will need to begin and commit a transaction to persist 
the process instance to the database.

Also be aware that since the transaction is outside jBPM, state is not saved 
until jBPM returns which is either at completion of the entire process or it 
goes into a wait state. ie: jBPM does NOT persist state as it moves within 
itself, unless you make it thru custom code ;-).

  def.id_ as def_id, 
  def.name_ as def_name,
  def.version_ as def_version,
  instance.id_ as instance_id,
  instance.start_ as instance_start,
  instance.end_ as instance_end,
  token.id_ as token_id,
  token.nodeenter_ as token_enter,
  node.id_ as node_id,
  node.name_ as node_name,
  node.class_ as name_class,
  var.name_ as var_name,
  var.stringvalue_ as var_value
  jbpm_processinstance instance,
  jbpm_processdefinition def,
  jbpm_token token 
left outer join jbpm_variableinstance var 
  on token.id_ = var.token_,
  jbpm_node node
  instance.end_ is null
  and instance.processdefinition_ = def.id_
  and instance.roottoken_ = token.id_
  and token.node_ = node.id_

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: event registration for JBPM?

2005-12-13 Thread sforema
Is there a way to register external events for jbpm, such that they cause a 
state transition? 

jBPM is a workflow engine. It isn't designed to listen for events and react to 
them. That is up to the developer.

You could slice this two ways: 

1. write an action that looks for the file and signals the token to continue 
(your suggestion). The process isn't in a wait state, but is running your code 
waiting for the file.

2. put the process in a wait state and have a separate proces look for the 
file. When the file was located it would signal the token with the same 
results. The trick would be knowing the token_id, so I'd go with option 1.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Prioritization

2005-12-13 Thread sforema
I agree with Rainer.

jBPM is just a workflow engine. It does not prioritize the execution/speed of 

This would be something you would do outside jBPM.

My first job was a mainframe job (s!). When you submited work to the 
mainframe/CPU, you submitted a list of things you want to perform in something 
called JCL, which could be thought of as similar to jBPM. This was put into a 
queue. This queue could be given CPU/processing priority, but the JCL itself 
was affected.

What I'm saying is that it isn't the worklow engine's job to do this, but it is 
possible to do it outside of it, but I doubt you would want to go to that 
amount of work...


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM and clustering

2005-12-12 Thread sforema
State is saved in the database, so you should be fine in a cluster. I would not 
allow a single process instance to run across clusters (which could 
theortically happen in a fork).

Someone else can answer the timer question. I believe timers 
(SchedulerThread.java?) are implemented using threads, which is interesting 
since threads are a no-no in a J2EE environment ;-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM and clustering

2005-12-12 Thread sforema
Me leave? Nah. I'm like a bad penny. 

You don't even want to see my NodePersist class. That breaks all the rules ;-)



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM and clustering

2005-12-12 Thread sforema
Very nice. You'll only find NodePersist in dark alleys alongside stolen 

I'm actually very happy with it along with ForkAsync and JoinAsync. I can run a 
query and know exactly what nodes a process is in. The query returns one row 
for each token with its status and restart info if it fails. And the process 
flow definition isn't cluttered with any extra nodes or code to make asynch 
stuff work...

I will be putting a symaphore in shortly to prevent a race condition and then 
it should be solid as a rock.

Ya know, when I think of someone coding in switzerland, I imagine a cabin out 
in the woods at the base of a moutain with the fireplace going and wireless 
access. I don't want to know about the dreary cubicle you are actually in. I 
prefer the cabin vision.



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-10 Thread sforema
I think there are two uses of jBPM.

The traditional use is a long transaction where multiple nodes occur within one 
transaction. I see the validity of this, but this isn't the only use for jBPM. 

The second use for jBPM is to save state when each node is complete. Yes, this 
means the node is doing stuff with the transaction, but this is what I 
personally wanted from the get go. Without this, you will be UNABLE to monitor 
jBPM processes externally because the results are in memory until committed to 
the database.

Without this second solution, jBPM will never be able to handle asynchronous 
processing. I have essentially been hacking jBPM to do this and I am about 

There are obviously others that want this functionality as well. My coworkers 
were a bit dumbfounded to discover I had to do this manually. You may say that 
this makes it flexible. I say it makes it cumbersome.

By saying use two is invalid, I think you are turning people away from a valid 
use of the process engine. To do this, you simply need to add three nodes (at a 
minimum): StateAsync, ForkAsync, JoinAsync. This does not break jBPM. It just 
provides a different use where the nodes themselves do work with the 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-10 Thread sforema
jBPM isn't a jBoss solution. It should work outside the context of a J2EE 
engine. How are you going to provide a BAM solution automatically if it doesn't 
save state for you...

I think we will agree to disagree. I am going to create my ForkAsync and be 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-09 Thread sforema
Here is the original process def:

Here is the new process def:

parallel1 and parallel2 are designed to go into wait states. I then signal 
their respective tokens which causes parallel1b and parallel2b to run. each 
waits 30 seconds before continuing, so I have time to signal the tokens.

Notice the inclusion of a refresh state in each branch before the join. The 
purpose of this state is to cause the branch to exit (no signal). Just before 
falling out, it fires off a thread that is designed to resignal the token. This 
causes the branch to continue past the refresh node with state refreshed.

It works. I've tested it. I was really really close to chucking jBPM 
completely, so this insight saved a headache on my part...

This code is not perfect and I intend on improving today. I want make these 
1. have the thread wake up every second checking to see if the token is 
finished (I think I should be able to do this).
2. create some sort of symaphore so that a save of state and load of state are 
synchronous for a process instance. Since this could happen across VMs, it will 
be interesting.

Here is the code snippet:
call this in the execute of a class in the node-enter of refresh:
Refresh r = new Refresh(context.getToken().getId());

This is the inner class:
 Note that ProcessWrapper is a convenience class I've created to do common 
 things in jBPM without having to worry about all the details. It is normally 
 called by a URL using jetty...

// Class to re-signal the token after it falls out of scope
private class Refresh implements Runnable {

private long tokenId;

public Refresh(long tokenId) {
this.tokenId = tokenId;
Thread t = new Thread(this);

public void run() {

try {
// Sleep for 10 seconds (that should be more 
than enough for the 
// persistance of this step to complete)

// Re-signal 
ProcessWrapper wrapper = new ProcessWrapper();
log.info(about to signal token from refresh:  
+ tokenId);
log.info(token signaled from refresh:  + 

catch (Exception ex) {
log.error(Was unable to refresh token before 
join:  + tokenId);



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-09 Thread sforema
Alejandro : When you say lock the process instance, are you saying:

hibernateSession = jbpmSession.getSession;
jbpmObject = lookupJbpmObjectYouWantToWorkOn(...);
hibernateSession.lock(jbpmObject , LockMode.UPGRADE);

I found this in discussion thread:

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-09 Thread sforema
First, let me say that I am going to create a new fork and join node that works 
asynch. I was going to just create a new fork node, but after discussing the 
issue with my coworkers, we are going to add a new join that is aware of asynch 
tokens. This is the most elegant solution to this problem. It eliminates the 
need for extra states...

Elaborating on:
parallel1 and parallel2 are designed to go into wait states. I then signal 
their respective tokens which causes parallel1b and parallel2b to run. each 
waits 30 seconds before continuing, so I have time to signal the tokens.

I think when we say goes into a wait state, it can be confusing. That simply 
means that I have a state node and I don't cause a signal to occur, leaving the 
token in that state node.

parallel1 and parallel2 are state nodes that execute code in the node-enter 
event to simply Thread.sleep(3) then fall out, leaving the nodes in a wait 

I have a jetty server (http://jetty.mortbay.org/jetty/) that listens for 
certain URL requests. I have a request to signal a token. I use this URL to 
signal each token, causing the tokens to run in their own threads. Since 
parallel1 and parallel2 are signalled, the processes move respectively into 
parallel1b and parallel2b which Thread.sleep(3) and then signal themselves 
to continue.

Say what you will, but I think jBPM needs asynch classes. We need it for our 
batch processing. I know that firing off threads in a J2EE environment is a 
no-no, but jBPM will not always be running in a J2EE environment and asynch 
behavior is desireable and as this discussion thread shows, it is hard to 
achieve properly...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-09 Thread sforema
OK, here is the JoinAsync class. Instead of using a join when you have 
asychronous logic going on, use a standard node that calls this in its action 
and asynchronous logic should work.

Yes, it is a bit of a hack because it essentially reloads the parentToken for 
analysis and then throws it away, but hey, it gets the job done.

  | /**
  |  * 
  |  */
  | package com.whatever.jbpm;
  | import java.rmi.RemoteException;
  | import java.util.Collection;
  | import java.util.Iterator;
  | import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
  | import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
  | import org.dom4j.Element;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.action.Script;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.def.Node;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ExecutionContext;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token;
  | import org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.JpdlXmlReader;
  | import org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.Parsable;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.def.ActionHandler;
  | import org.jbpm.db.JbpmSession;
  | import org.jbpm.db.JbpmSessionFactory;
  | //public class JoinAsync extends Node implements Parsable {
  | public class JoinAsync implements ActionHandler {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  | /**
  |  * specifies if this joinhandler is a discriminator. a descriminator
  |  * reactivates the parent when the first concurrent token enters the 
  |  */
  | private boolean isDiscriminator = false;
  | /**
  |  * a fixed set of concurrent tokens.
  |  */
  | private Collection tokenNames = null;
  | /**
  |  * a script that calculates concurrent tokens at runtime.
  |  */
  | private Script script = null;
  | /**
  |  * reactivate the parent if the n-th token arrives in the join.
  |  */
  | private int nOutOfM = -1;
  | private static final JbpmSessionFactory jbpmSessionFactory = 
  | public void read(Element element, JpdlXmlReader jpdlReader) {
  | }
  | public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
  | Token token = executionContext.getToken();
  | // if this token is not able to reactivate the parent,
  | // we don't need to check anything
  | if (token.isAbleToReactivateParent()) {
  | // the token arrived in the join and can only reactivate
  | // the parent once
  | token.setAbleToReactivateParent(false);
  | Node joinNode = token.getNode();
  | Token parentToken = token.getParent();
  | Token originalParentToken = parentToken;
  | if (parentToken != null) {
  | /* 
== */
  | // The parent token must be reloaded from the 
database for
  | // asynchronous behaviour to work properly
  | log.debug(need to reload parent token from 
  | JbpmSession jbpmSession = null;
  | try {
  | jbpmSession = 
  | // Get the parent token from the 
  | log.debug(about to reload parent token 
from database);
  | parentToken = 
  | log.debug(reloaded parent token from 
  | // Need to load the children before 
closing the session
  | Iterator iter = 
  | while (iter.hasNext()) {
  | Token t = (Token) iter.next();
  | // Need to set the flag on this 
token since it isn't committed yet
  | if (t.getId() == token.getId()) 
  | }
  | }
  | log.debug(reloaded parent token's 
children from database!);
  | } catch (Exception ex) {
  | System.out.println(error:  + 
  | } finally {
  | if (jbpmSession != null) {
  | jbpmSession.close();
  | }

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-09 Thread sforema
I expected a spanking for doing that, but I need updated state info and it 
did the trick.

I did isolate it so that the referenced tokens are in their own hibernate 
session and closed the session afterwords. Nothing is broken in this case. I 
need the state refreshed in the join and since I am in an object inside the 
session (join), I can't simply reload the objects (tried that, failed 

This is equivalent to taking a peak in the database to get an accurate snapshot 
of what is going on (my states all commit state on a node by node basis so that 
I can peak around and see what is going on). 

This business of not saving state until the entire process is complete will not 
work for nodes that are long running. I also needed the ability to monitor the 
process externally, so the state had to be saved...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-08 Thread sforema
I was afraid this was going to happen, but it took me all morning to create the 
test case.

Here is the scenario:

If I cause both parallel1 and parallel2 to not signal and signal their 
respective tokens later asynchronously, the join will not work because the 
threads don't know about each others state. ie: if parallel2b finishes first, 
its hit against the join is not registered so that when parallel1b hits the 
join, the join allows processing thru.

I essentially need state refreshed in the join prior to allowing its logic to 
execute. How do I do this? 

Once I have this nailed, I am all done with testing...


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-08 Thread sforema
OK, the image didn't work and I thought I read my post thru, but I made an 
important typo:

the join is NOT allowing processing thru when the parallel processing occurs in 
different threads.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-08 Thread sforema
The default behaviour of a join is as you describe it, wait for all tokens to 

This is true, but if you are running the tokens in different threads the join 
doesn't know about the state from each thread.

To make it clearer, think of it this way: each thread is running in a different 
VM. The cached hibernate objects need to be refreshed at the join so that one 
VM knows what is going on in the other.

ie: when the second thread hits the join, it doesn't know that the first thread 
hit the join because they are using seperate instances of hibernate objects.

The hibernate data must be refreshed prior to executing the join logic so that 
the join works properly in an asynchronous environment.

Does that make my problem clearer?


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-08 Thread sforema
Once a process instance gets into this situation, it is interesting to try to 
complete it. Both tokens are now stting at the join. 

I have learned from experience that signaling a join, fork, start, or end cause 
bad things to happen... If I signal either token, the process instance follows 
to completion, but it doesn't set the end date on the process instance. If I 
signal the remaining token, it runs the final steps again and then sets the end 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-08 Thread sforema
If I try to close the JbpmSession and create a new one in the middle of a 
process running, it pukes (as expected):

ERROR 1208:1345 zationException : failed to lazily initialize a 
collection of role: org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token.children - no session or session 
was closed
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a 
collection of role: org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token.children - no session or session 
was closed
at org.hibernate.collection.PersistentMap.keySet(PersistentMap.java:165)
... on and on ...

This is a problem. I can't stop a process at join and signal the token later. 
Joins shouldn't be signalled. 

I don't see a way out of this situation.

I am starting to feel that jBPM is not capable of handling asychronous work on 
a single process instance.

I need a way to reload the tokens so that this question in the Join class 
answers correctly: concurrentToken.isAbleToReactivateParent()


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-08 Thread sforema
I was able to come up with a workaround hack. 

I added a state to each forked branch just prior to the join. This state fires 
off a thread that sleeps for 10 seconds, allowing the current thread to go into 
a wait state and then resignals the token for the waiting branch. This causes 
the the latest state information to be loaded for a correct join. 

I need to think thru some sort of semaphore mechanism to make sure I don't land 
into an odd situation where one thread is saving while the other is loading, 
but it seems to work.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-07 Thread sforema
As an outsider using jBPM and trying to get it ready for production to run our 
batch processes, it has been throwing me some curve balls.

Don't get me wrong here, I like jBPM and picked it from a field of other BPM 
systems (osworkflow, wfmopen, shark, openwfe, etc...)

I do look at stuff with a simpleton's view of the world, but it has 
frustrated me in two areas:

1. I expected it automatically persist state whenever a state chage occurs. Say 
what you will, but my expectation of BPM software that claims to be persistent 
should do this for you. I shouldn't have to do anything to make this work. I 
solved this problem by passing around a transient variable with a sychronized 
transaction that I commited and rebegan at each step, but I don't feel I should 
have had to do this.

2. I expected parallel processing with a fork. If you have to put a process 
into a wait state to cause parallel activity, it doesn't feel right. What if 
intel released a processor that they said allowed concurrent processing but 
then said oh, it really doesn't do this unless your code helps us.

Enough ranting. I will play with it today to figure out a workable solution in 
a non-managed environment (jetty). I just wish I didn't have to and could work 
on my process/job management screens instead.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-07 Thread sforema
I never seem to be able to connect to that damn sorceforge cvs (g!), so I 
may be duplicating work here. I have the alpha and don't see anything besides a 
stubbed out class called ParallelSplit.java.

After digging into the problem, it seems to me that a new class called 
ForkAsync could do the trick. It would simply do this portion of the logic 

// phase three: launch child tokens from the fork over the given transitions
iter = forkedTokens.iterator();
while( iter.hasNext() ) {
  ForkedToken forkedToken = (ForkedToken) iter.next();
  Token childToken = forkedToken.token;
  String leavingTransitionName = forkedToken.leavingTransitionName;
  ExecutionContext childExecutionContext = new ExecutionContext(childToken);
  if (leavingTransitionName!=null) {
leave(childExecutionContext, leavingTransitionName);
  } else {

The join and fork currently work together in a rather sensitive / co-operative 
manner. Basically the join doesn't allow a token thru until all tokens have 
reached the join. The join rejectes a token by returning. This causes the for 
loop of the join (above) to continue processing. I am not sure what will happen 
if there is no for-loop to come back to. And I am unsure of how thread safe 
jBPM is... we will see...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: How to purge stale entries from database?

2005-12-07 Thread sforema
I use this to clean up my development database of all process instances.

begin work;
delete from jbpm_comment;
delete from jbpm_variableinstance;
delete from jbpm_tokenvariablemap;
delete from jbpm_moduleinstance;
delete from jbpm_log;
delete from jbpm_token;
delete from jbpm_processinstance;
commit work;

This doesn't answer your question, I know, but it is how I keep things clean so 
the failed experiments don't create too much noise.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Process Definition versions ??

2005-12-07 Thread sforema
I noticed this happened when I did it manually. 

I get versions when I deploy it using the ant script task deploy_par

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - fork issues

2005-12-06 Thread sforema
It appears from the FAQ that forks are not asychronous (scratches head). I am a 
bit baffled by this. Worse, my fork is not running running both branches.

I am not running in a managed environment, such as jBoss, so sending messages 
around isn't going to work (I believe), and doing work outside the workflow 
engine doesn't make sense to me. I had always assumed that when a fork was 
encountered, that a thread was created for each branch...

Here is my process.xml:


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

process-definition name=simple
   start-state name=start


   end-state name=end

I have a base class that each of the action extend that essentially do this:

This should move the process along quite nicely. What is happening is that 
parallel2 is not firing at all. And if I do eventually get it to fire, I am 
afraid that it isn't going to run asychronously.

I am struggling to make jBPM work for me. First I had to create a solution that 
persists state at every juncture (done). Now this little bugger.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: fork issues

2005-12-06 Thread sforema
Um... that XML wasn't very happy in this post... sorry about that (should have 
do a preview)

Let me try again...

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | process-definition name=simple
  |swimlane name=swimlane1
  |   assignment class=/assignment
  |start-state name=start
  |  task
  | controller
  |   variable name=color /
  |   variable name=size /
  | /controller
  |   /task
  |   transition name=to_state to=first/transition
  |state name=first
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=node_enter 
  |   /event
  |   transition name=tr1 to=fork1/transition
  |end-state name=end
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=action1 
  |   /event
  |fork name=fork1
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=action1 
  |   /event
  |   transition name=tr1 to=parallel1/transition
  |   transition name=tr2 to=parallel2/transition
  |state name=parallel1
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=action1 
  |   /event
  |   transition name=tr1 to=join1/transition
  |state name=parallel2
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=action1 
  |   /event
  |   transition name=tr1 to=join1/transition
  |join name=join1
  |   event type=node-enter
  |  action name=action1 
  |   /event
  |   transition name=tr1 to=end/transition
  | /process-definition

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-06 Thread sforema
I am also confused by the use of the term concurrent with the fork and join. 
Concurrent means occurring or operating at the same time, which is not the 
case here. Having to manually enhance jBPM to get it to run concurrent 
processes asynchronously seems odd. I would think this would be the default 

I understand what it is doing, but it is confusing. The documentation in 
regards to fork and join should spell this out. It would have saved me 4 hours 
of scratching my head, trying to figure out what is going on...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - getting jBPM to save state at all times

2005-12-02 Thread sforema
I would like jBPM to save its state in the database as anything changes (new 
node entered/left/etc). I've tried turning on autocommit both in hibernate and 
in the code by getting the connection and turning autocommit on, but it doesn't 
seem to work.

The persistence doc does explain how to resolve this:

The only way I've been able to save data to the database is by starting a 
transaction and eventually committing it. I don't think I should have to manage 
this. If there is parallel processing going on, this would get nightmarish.

I noticed this problem when I started running a query to check the status of 
the process as it was running to find that NOTHING was in the database because 
the commit was after the initial signal.

code snippet:

// start transaction

// run entire process
//  if this runs for an hour, I can't see what is going on

// commit entire process (yuck!)

meanwhile, the entire process (n signals) has run within the initial signal and 
I can't monitor it from the database because nothing will go into it until the 
commit. If the VM would go down in the middle of the transaction, things could 
get even worse  because I don't know what was done and what wasn't.

Even if I wanted to manage this within each node, I don't think I can get a 
handle to the transaction (and I wouldn't want to because two asynch threads 
could do bad things to the transaction out of order: thread 1 commits, thread 2 
tries to commit before thread 1 can begin a new transaction)

Status query for reference:
  def.id_ as def_id, 
  def.name_ as def_name,
  def.version_ as def_version,
  instance.id_ as instance_id,
  instance.start_ as instance_start,
  instance.end_ as instance_end,
  token.id_ as token_id,
  token.nodeenter_ as token_enter,
  node.id_ as node_id,
  node.name_ as node_name,
  node.class_ as name_class,
  var.name_ as var_name,
  var.stringvalue_ as var_value
  jbpm_processinstance instance,
  jbpm_processdefinition def,
  jbpm_token token 
left outer join jbpm_variableinstance var 
  on token.id_ = var.token_,
  jbpm_node node
  instance.end_ is null
  and instance.processdefinition_ = def.id_
  and instance.roottoken_ = token.id_
  and token.node_ = node.id_

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: getting jBPM to save state at all times

2005-12-02 Thread sforema
Thanks for your quick reply. I will think about it over the weekend. 

I am running jBPM inside jetty (jPBM called by quartz, other processes via URL) 
to keep it lightweight. I have a base class for all my nodes, so I will figure 
out how to weave it together.



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