JESS: majordomo? -pairlist...

2002-06-10 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


you can set up your own domain at pairnic
and an account at pair
which gives you access to pairlist
and then you can configure your list through their web interface (the folks 
at pair are also quite cooperative when it comes to special requests)


:) Oliver

At 09:28 AM 6/10/2002 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Folks,

Thanks for all the well-meaning majordomo advice. I should restate the
constraints I am working under:

1) I am not allowed to run my own mail server here at Sandia due to
security restrictions.

2) The administrator of the sanctioned majordomo server that hosts
jess-users has not been responsive. Modifying the configuration of the
current list in any way is simply not an option.

Again, I'm interested in ways of hosting this list off-site, not in
majordomo administration tips!

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969
Livermore, CA 94550

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2002-05-01 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

This is a reply to a message on the JESS list, but it should be interesting 
to the JADE and Protege list as well. There is a book on JESS in the making 
and it might or might not contain a chapter on ontologies

At 05:01 PM 5/1/2002 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think Frederico Luiz Goncalves de Freitas wrote:
  Hi Ernest and all,

  I suggest you to include the ways in which frame-based ontologies
  can be used by jess, i.e., at least some citation about JessTab
  Protege plug-in ( see Protege site ) and also some developments made
  to use Jess with DAML, XML, etc.

Certainly all of these things will be mentioned, but I'm afraid I'm
not really qualified to say much about them. If anyone wanted to
contribute an essay about one or more of these projects, however...

I would be motivated if I saw a way to tackle the licensing issues 
connected to JESS. To be more precise: I would happily distribute a 
demonstration integration of JESS with an ontology editor and a multi agent 
system, sending parts of ontologies in agent messages, transforming 
ontologies via JESS rules etc., but there is always the problem of JESS 
copyright. All other packages I used (JADE, Protege-2000, JessTab) are open 
source, therefore a complete demonstration could be distributed if Sandia 
would let me. I would even be happy to provide a complete example for the 
JESS book but how would Sandia handle JESS copyright on examples contained 
in the book? Will everything expire after a month?

:) Oliver Hoffmann

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JESS: JadeJessProtege 1.2

2002-04-28 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Dear all,

thanks to the new Protege feature (read project from url, see below) 
JadeJessProtege and the demo on
could be streamlined, it is now easier to use the demo as the basis for 
further code development

greetings from sunny Adelaide (South Australia)

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 06:22 PM 4/10/2002 -0700, Jennifer Vendetti wrote:
We are pleased to announce the release of Protege-2000, version 1.7.  See 
below for a complete list of enhancements and bug fixes included in our 
latest release.

Navigate here for the latest version:

Navigate here to download and try out a number of interesting new plug-ins 
in our plug-ins library:

Best Regards,
The Protege Team

1).  A new Welcome Dialog is available when you launch Protege.  Users 
can quickly open a new project, reopen a project from a most recently used 
list, or click one of several help buttons to access our User's Guide, 
FAQ, and tutorials.  You can turn off the Welcome Dialog if so desired 
on the Project-Configure...-Options tab.

2).  The Project menu contains a new menu item called Open Recent which 
displays a list of the most recently used projects.

3).  You can now run Protege from the command line using the command: java 
-jar protege.jar.

4).  Form customizations of a class are now automatically inherited by 
subclasses. Previously you had to do a manual customize subclasses step 
with the consequence that your .pprj file could become quite large. This 
is no longer necessary. Instead the customize subclass right mouse item 
has been replaced with remove subclass customizations.

5).  The RDF backend now supports user defined facets as well as 
preserving yellow stickies and pal constraints.

6).  For the JDBC backend there is now a way to specify the string used to 
create the LONGVARCHAR data type. Previously the system queried the driver 
and used the data type name in a CREATE TABLE call. Some systems (DB2) 
require a size for this parameter and the only way to get protege to work 
with these databases was to recompile the source. Now the entire datatype 
name can now be specified as the value for a java property 
SimpleJdbcDatabaseManager.longvarcharname. The best way to set this 
variable is by setting the corresponding value in the protege.lax file. 
Note that you do not need to use this for most database systems.

7).  The template slots widget now sorts template slots differently. 
Previously all slots on a class appeared alphabetically. Now the direct 
slots appear first and inherited slots follow, grouped by class, as you 
walk up the class hierarchy. Slots are no longer sorted alphabetically, 
even within a group. The template slots widget can be customized to 
display arrow buttons that allow you to change the order of slots.

8).  The Help menu in Protege is now much more helpful.  Updated the Help 
- FAQ menu item to point to the FAQ on our Web site rather than a page 
that said to be written. Also changed the text to Frequently Asked 
Questions for the purpose of clarity.  Deleted the Help - Shortcuts menu 
item which displayed an HTML page that said to be written.

9).  Updated installer to now include a step which allows you to select 
the VM that you want to use. This is of use to those who download the 
without VM versions of Protege.

10).  You can now pass a URL for a project into Protege on the command line.

11).  Generate HTML now can optionally produce HTML documentation for 
instances. (Special thanks goes to Robert Voorn for contributing this code).

12).  Modified javadoc generation so that it links back to the JDK API 
documentation on the javasoft web site.  Added javadoc documentation to 
the obscure model.ValueType class methods and some of the more obscure KB 

14). Changed some Query tab default sizes so the default layout is nicer 
on small screens.

15).  There is a new method on ProjectManager that allows you to keep the 
VM from exiting when you close the Protege application.

16).  The browser text for slots is now used more consistently in the UI 
in place of the slot name.

17).  The About box now credits Protege Affiliates and funding agencies.

18).  The Clips backend now supports class names that contain an internal 
single quote character. (Names may not start with such a character however).

19).  Users can now set the slot maximum cardinality to zero. Note that 
the API method KnowledgeBase.getMaximumCardinality() now returns -1 if the 
maximum cardinality is not set (previously it returned 0).

20).  The value-type widget no longer accepts symbol allowed-values with 
spaces. These were never legal values but the widget previously allowed them.

21).  Set the contextClassLoader in the SystemUtilities static 
initializer to be the class loader that knows how to load from the plugins 
directory. This will usually result

JESS: Protege + jdk 1.4 + + java web start

2002-02-22 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Ray (and all),

loading plugins over java web start dynamically could be achieved via 
rachel, I tried to demonstrate this at
The bigger problem seems to be unlimited access necessary to read/write 
from/to disk which can only be granted when all jars have have the same 
digital signature. This signing ceremony ;) is too tricky for practical 
purposes (at least in combination with JESS, which is copyrighted), so I 
have dumped java web start for my JadeJessProtege demo (but the demo still 
shows how a Protege project and all plugins can be read from a jar).

:) Oliver

At 09:47 PM 2/20/2002 -0800, Ray Fergerson  (via protege-discussion) wrote:

Thanks for the reminder.

I'm going to look into this more deeply sometime in the next few months.  It
would certainly simplify our distribution and update schemes.  I've got to
figure out how to load plugins dynamically in this environment.  This is the
only show stopper that I know about at this time.


Oliver Hoffmann wrote:
  I might add that java 1.4 comes bundled with java web start, hence it might
  be feasable to distribute Protege via web start and get new versions
  :) Oliver Hoffmann
  At 09:38 AM 2/20/2002 -0800, Ray Fergerson  (via protege-discussion) wrote:
  Sun has released a new version of the Java Development Kit (JDK 1.4) and
  we have
  received a number of questions about using it with Protege.  I have 
 created a
  page that describes both the status of Protege with respect to JDK 1.4 
 as well
  as our plans.  The page is at:
  Special thanks go to Michael Sintek for looking into JDK 1.4 issues 
 and for
  reviewing drafts of this page.
  To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
  unsubscribe protege-discussion in the message body (no quotes).
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  To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
  unsubscribe protege-discussion in the message body (no quotes).
  If this doesn't work, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe protege-discussion in the message body (no quotes).
If this doesn't work, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, send the words 'unsubscribe jess-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
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JESS: RE: Protege build 861 / VAMP -

2002-02-05 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


thank you for the feedback. We have to find out whether you did something 
wrong (unlikely) or whether java web start behaves inconsistently (much 
more likely), your configuration is significantly different from the one I 
tested in (very likely) or I made a mistake in my description (one might 
wish this is unlikely, but...). What configuration do you work with? I work 
with Windows Me, jdk1.3.1_02 and java web start 1.0.1_01
Maybe you can change the java web start configuration so that the java 
console comes up (which displays more error messages) and you can also try 
to type (batch demo.clp) at the JESS console within Protege. The fact that 
demo.clp can't be found could either be the result of it being in the wrong 
jar, the wrong path within a jar or java web start not allowing loading 
of this file from a jar due to security issues. If the file demo.clp has 
to be moved within a jar or from one jar to another, the solution is easy. 
If there are any weird security issues, then the best solution is to sign 
jess.jar and ask for all-permissions in jess-extension.jnlp. But: Then all 
jars would have to have the same signature and I tried to make it easy for 
you and signed everything (except JESS, which I am not allowed to sign or 
re-distribute). In my test setup, everything worked without signing JESS, 
but if this does not hold, you would have to sign all jars yourself. So: 
depending on what caused the error on your machine I can upload a new to 
do list.

cheers from foggy Vienna

:) Oliver

At 12:14 PM 5/02/2002 +0100, Robert Voorn  (via protege-discussion wrote:

I'm interested in the multi-agent capabiliries of the JadeJessProtege
and tried to install this. However, I have worked through the to-do
list but get a Jess-error saying that the demp.clp file cannot be found.
This file has been copied to the right directory and has been included
in the jess.jar file. Also, the JADE GUI only started the first time and
never again after the first startup. Could you tell me what I'm doing
wrong ?

Many Thanx,
 Robert Voorn

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Namens Oliver
Verzonden: maandag 4 februari 2002 18:18
Aan: JADE; JESS; Protege
CC: JessTab; VAMP
Onderwerp: Protege build 861 / VAMP -

At 05:32 PM 1/02/2002 -0800, Ray Fergerson wrote:
 A few minor changes in the 1.6.3 beta
 (2) You can now pass a URL for a project in to Protege on the command

Thank you :)

I have used the new feature to make web starting Jade+Jess+Protege a lot

The to do list for trying the integration at home has been
reduced, in part with the help of Venus application publisher
(a Protege project can now be read from a jar at startup)

:) Oliver Hoffmann

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe protege-discussion in the message body (no quotes).
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JESS: RE: Protege build 861 / VAMP -

2002-02-05 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Exactely. I guess Robert stopped the JADE GUI with some other action than 
shutdown platform, which would be the correct way to do it.

Regarding the security issue:
I will put an alternative to do list on in the next 
days, with instructions on how to sign all the jars (including jess.jar). 
If the problem was really security related, it should go away once 
all-permissions has been set for all the jars in use.

java web start is very convenient, but also tricky: you don't have 
classpath issues any more but you have to sign a lot of jars...

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 06:34 PM 5/02/2002 +0100, Ronald Cornet  (via protege-discussion) wrote:
Looks to me like the solution might be in the 'rmi.AlreadyBoundException'.

Apparently, the application terminate in an improper way, not releasing 
the handle to a port.
This prevents the next startup, and explains the working startup after 
reboot. It might be that waiting for half an hour also solves the problem...
I've had this problem with a crashing RMI app a couple of years ago, and 
as far as I remembered: waiting, rebooting, or changing the port that RMI 
uses were the only solutions. And , of course, building an app that 
releases all handles before exiting, even if it end in an error state.

Hope this helps for anyone who wants to delve into JADE  source

Regards, Ronald

At 18:17 5-2-2002, you wrote:

The platform I use is windows 2000, and both the JDK and Web Start
versions are identical. I've taken a look at the JessTab to see where
the real problems occur. Using the WebStart console it becomes clear
that the problem is due to security issues. I do not know how to change
these permissions, so here my answer stops.

A bigger problem for me is that the Jade Agent Container GUI only starts
the first time it is executed, and crashed every next time. When the
computer is restarted, the program again simply works only the first
time, which does not seem to be the intention (I think). The
JavaWebStart console gives the following error message:

Java Web Start Console, started Tue Feb 05 17:46:07 GMT+01:00 2002
Java 2 Runtime Environment: Version 1.3.0_02 by Sun Microsystems Inc.
Logging to file: C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Bureaublad\jade start
 This is JADE 2.4 - 2001/09/25 10:47:18
 downloaded in Open Source, under LGPL restrictions,

Communication failure while contacting agent platform.
jade.core.IMTPException: Problem starting JADE Runtime System. [Wrapping
an java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException: JADE]
 at jade.core.Runtime.createMainContainer(
 at jade.Boot.main(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeApplication(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeMainClass(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.continueLaunch(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleApplicationDesc(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleLaunchFile(Unknown Source)
 at Source)
Exiting now!

Hopefully, this is just because I'm doing something terribly wrong. I
must admit that I am not familiar with WebStart and am probably a
contributing factor to this error.

I hope that this information is in any way useful to you

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Namens Oliver
Verzonden: dinsdag 5 februari 2002 14:09
Onderwerp: RE: Protege build 861 / VAMP -


thank you for the feedback. We have to find out whether you did
wrong (unlikely) or whether java web start behaves inconsistently (much
more likely), your configuration is significantly different from the one
tested in (very likely) or I made a mistake in my description (one might

wish this is unlikely, but...). What configuration do you work with? I
with Windows Me, jdk1.3.1_02 and java web start 1.0.1_01
Maybe you can change the java web start configuration so that the java
console comes up (which displays more error messages) and you can also
to type (batch demo.clp) at the JESS console within Protege. The fact
demo.clp can't be found could either be the result of it being in the
jar, the wrong path within a jar or java web start not allowing
of this file from a jar due to security issues. If the file demo.clp
to be moved within a jar or from one jar to another, the solution is
If there are any weird security issues, then the best solution is to
jess.jar and ask for all-permissions

JESS: Protege build 861 / VAMP -

2002-02-04 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

At 05:32 PM 1/02/2002 -0800, Ray Fergerson wrote:
A few minor changes in the 1.6.3 beta

(2) You can now pass a URL for a project in to Protege on the command line.

Thank you :)

I have used the new feature to make web starting Jade+Jess+Protege a lot easier

The to do list for trying the integration at home has been significantly 
reduced, in part with the help of Venus application publisher
(a Protege project can now be read from a jar at startup)

:) Oliver Hoffmann

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in the BODY of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], NOT to the list
(use your own address!) List problems? Notify [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JESS: publications / Forgy paper

2002-02-01 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Hi :)

I highly doubt that the contents of published academic papers are generally 
copyright protected. What might be copyright protected is the specific 
paper version of a specific paper as distributed by a specific publisher. 
The point of publishing research results is to make them readily available, 
therefore copyright is simply the wrong approach here. More information on
I don't want to encourage anyone to re-distribute scanned journal pages 
without authorization etc., but there are better ways to deal with academic 
content than waiting for a library employee to get a photocopy  within 
some weeks. I highly recommend self-archiving content and making these 
copies available over personal or university web sites and I also highly 
recommend getting original articles from the people or institutions that 
created them - everything else is pre-internet and a waste of time and effort.

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 04:23 AM 1/02/2002 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Folks,

This comes up periodically, so please forgive the intrusion while I
discuss it, once again.

The Charles Forgy paper on the Rete algorithm was published in an
academic journal called Artificial Intelligence. The contents are
protected by copyright law. Although you can make a photocopy for your
own use, it's illegal to (for instance) scan it into your computer and
post the result on the Internet. Whatever you do, do -not- post a copy
to this mailing list, nor even post the URL where it might be
downloaded. This goes for any other copyrighted material as well, of
course. If you're interested in getting a copy of this paper (or any
academic paper):

1) Go to your local public library, or the library of your local
college or University; or ask a student friend or a friend in another
country to do so.

2) Check their collection for the appropriate issue of the
journal. It's 20 years old, so may be on microfilm or archived in some
other way. Ask the librarian for help -- that's why they're there.

3) If they have it, great, make yourself a copy.

4) If they don't, go to the front desk and ask them to get a copy
through the Interlibrary Loan program. They should be able to get it
within a few weeks.

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969
Livermore, CA 94550

To unsubscribe, send the words 'unsubscribe jess-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
in the BODY of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], NOT to the list
(use your own address!) List problems? Notify [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, send the words 'unsubscribe jess-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
in the BODY of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], NOT to the list
(use your own address!) List problems? Notify [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: JESS: publications / Forgy paper

2002-02-01 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


At 06:47 AM 1/02/2002 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think Oliver Hoffmann wrote:
  Hi :)
  I highly doubt that the contents of published academic papers are 
  copyright protected.


I don't want to start a flame war, or a discussion about intellectual
freedom or any related topics. I'm not saying that I advocate or decry
any of the practices outlined here -- but I do want to set the record
straight. Therefore I should point out that this particular article,
has the following bit of text on the front page:

   0004-3702/82/-/$02.75 (C) North-Holland

meaning that the contents are copyrighted by the North-Holland

meaning that the stack of paper is (copyright) North-Holland

and not meaning that the intellectual content is (copyright) North-Holland

the intellectual content was published, with the intent of public use

publishing concern, and they'll gladly sell you a reprint for

and that is exactely the extend of their (copyright): paper reprints of 
this particular paper version

Do realize that we're talking about a paper from 1982, and it's
exceedingly likely that the original was prepared on a
typewriter. There was no Web on which to post the text so the question
is moot. Generally, when you submit academic papers to a journal or
conference nowadays (speaking as someone who has done so) they tell
you that you may post an electronic copy after publication (sometimes
after a specific time interval has elapsed) but they virtually always
require that their copyright notice be included on the paper.

... and this copyright notice refers to paper copies of the original paper 

the only thing this (copyright) is good for is for stopping different 
publishers from making money with re-publishing papers

When you submit a paper you transfer the copyright of the material to
the journal, and they are therefore legally entitled to dictate what
can and what cannot be done with the content.

One of the advantages of publishing content is that you don't have to 
repeat the same arguments over and over again. Therefore, I will just refer 
you to
for the details of why a journal can not completely determine what you can 
or cannot do with a scientific publication.

Now, all that said and done, I did a bit of web searching (not clear
why the OP didn't simply do this first.) North-Holland is part of
Elsevier Science these days. Here's a web form for ordering reprints:

Another option, of course, is to write to the author of the paper and
see if you can get a freebie. Dr. Forgy can be reached at

I have cc-d this email to Dr. Forgy, maybe he wants to tell us whether he 
thinks the content of his publication can be distributed.

:) Oliver

At 01:54 PM 1/02/2002 +0100, Oliver Hoffmann wrote:
Hi :)

I highly doubt that the contents of published academic papers are 
generally copyright protected. What might be copyright protected is the 
specific paper version of a specific paper as distributed by a specific 
publisher. The point of publishing research results is to make them 
readily available, therefore copyright is simply the wrong approach 
here. More information on
I don't want to encourage anyone to re-distribute scanned journal pages 
without authorization etc., but there are better ways to deal with 
academic content than waiting for a library employee to get a photocopy 
 within some weeks. I highly recommend self-archiving content and 
making these copies available over personal or university web sites and I 
also highly recommend getting original articles from the people or 
institutions that created them - everything else is pre-internet and a 
waste of time and effort.

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 04:23 AM 1/02/2002 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Folks,

This comes up periodically, so please forgive the intrusion while I
discuss it, once again.

The Charles Forgy paper on the Rete algorithm was published in an
academic journal called Artificial Intelligence. The contents are
protected by copyright law. Although you can make a photocopy for your
own use, it's illegal to (for instance) scan it into your computer and
post the result on the Internet. Whatever you do, do -not- post a copy
to this mailing list, nor even post the URL where it might be
downloaded. This goes for any other copyrighted material as well, of
course. If you're interested in getting a copy of this paper (or any
academic paper):

1) Go to your local public library, or the library of your local
college or University; or ask a student friend or a friend in another
country to do so.

2) Check their collection for the appropriate issue of the
journal. It's 20 years old, so may be on microfilm or archived in some
other way. Ask the librarian for help -- that's why they're there.

3) If they have

Re: JESS: publications / Forgy paper

2002-02-01 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


if you could scan Dr. Forgy's thesis and convert it to pdf, that would be 
great :)

is there also a publication on the Rete II algorithm?
claims that it would be much faster...

his email is defunct, it seems (see error quoted below)

:) Oliver

At 03:24 PM 1/02/2002 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 Invalid recipient: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Giving up on

At 06:47 AM 1/02/2002 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Another option, of course, is to write to the author of the paper and
see if you can get a freebie. Dr. Forgy can be reached at

At 11:50 AM 1/02/2002 -0600, James C. Owen wrote:
Wow!  I've haven't seen this much interest in the paper(s) for a long, long
time.  It is, however, refreshing, to see that there is considerable interest
in the underlying Rete algorithm from so many people (er, 
persons?).  Anyway, I
contacted Dr. Forgy some time ago (like two weeks?) about both papers (his
dissertation and the AI publication) and he does not have either one in
electronic form.  He does have a copy of his thesis in hard copy.  His 1979
thesis is 178 pages that we could scan in, but that is not the best way.
I've been toying with the idea of using some OCR software to scan in the whole
thing and then re-do the diagrams in a more modern format.  I'm 99.4% sure
that he would have no objection since the entire thing was done under a DOD
grant.  And, he's a really nice person.

On the other hand, Ernest is 100% correct that the AI publication is
copyrighted and we cannot publish, display or show where to get that one.  My
only suggestion would be to get the publisher to put it out on their web site
for down loads for a small fee, say $5 or something like that.  Ernest's other
suggestion is also good; go to your local university library archives and make
your own copies.  I've done that before and, although it takes some time, it's
worth the effort.

For most of our group, the discussion that Ernest put together on his web site
should be sufficient.  It does show the high-level view of the Rete algorithm
and is quite understandable.  The code for implementing is freely available
from JEOPS, so you can see how to do that 
part as
well.  One final note:  I've noticed that most who get the thesis glance 
at the
first chapter and then put it on the shelf to study when things are less 
and they never get around to actually reading the good stuff.  But, it looks
nice on your personal library shelf, right?  Just my two cents.  :-)


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

Agustin Gonzalez wrote:

  Maybe it's time for one of us, especially those of us that have the paper
  and are trained, to create a formal paper describing the public domain RETE
  algorithm and make the paper publicly available? I can do that if there is
  enough interest and enough people agrees with me that I won;t have any
  legal problems (I don't think so because it is public domain).
  Agustin Gonzalez, Principal
  Town Lake Software
  (512) 248-9839
  On Friday, February 01, 2002 8:44 AM, James Patterson
   I can tell you that it is a waste of time trying to contact the
   publisher... An Elsevier representative told me that the issue is out of
   print and they do not have reprint service anymore. They offered to
   individually reprint the entire journal issue for a couple of hundred
   dollars (my boss said no).  I'm not a student and therefore can't get
   any cooperation from the local universities.  I even emailed Dr Forgy
   (and tried to find a coworker of his during a stint at Ericcson) about
   the Elsevier problems (but they didn't respond - and I started feeling
   like a stalker so I gave up).
   Good luck,
   -Original Message-
   On Behalf Of Oliver Hoffmann
   Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:54 AM
   To: Jess Mailing List
   Subject: JESS: publications / Forgy paper
   Hi :)
   I highly doubt that the contents of published academic papers are
   copyright protected. What might be copyright protected is the specific
   paper version of a specific paper as distributed by a specific
   The point of publishing research results is to make them readily
   therefore copyright is simply the wrong approach here. More
   information on
   I don't want to encourage anyone to re-distribute


2001-12-23 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

There is a demo for the integration of JADE, JESS and Protege (using the JessTab) 

merry Christmas from snow-white and frosty Vienna

:) Oliver Hoffmann

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JESS: JESS 6.0 (batch ) java web start

2001-12-10 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Ernest (and anyone else interested),

I have experimented with JESS 6.0 in order to have it work with java web start and had 
some success with If you replace the lines

if (u == null)
  throw new JessException(batch, Cannot open file, e);

with the lines

if (u == null)
  u = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(filename);
if (u == null)
  throw new JessException(batch, Cannot open file, e);

then (batch ) works in a java web start engine with clp files included in jar 

:) Oliver Hoffmann

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Re: JESS: JESS 6.0 (batch ) java web start

2001-12-10 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

12/10/2001 10:38:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think Oliver Hoffmann wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
 Ernest (and anyone else interested) ...
 if (u == null)
   u = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(filename);
 if (u == null)
   throw new JessException(batch, Cannot open file, e);

Interesting. Why, in general, does
getContextClassLoader().getResource()  return 
something different than getClass().getResource()?

I took that from
Java Web Start only transfers JAR files from the Web server to the client machine. It 
determines where to store the JAR files on the local machine. Thus, an application 
cannot use disk-relative references to 
resources such as images and configuration files.
All application resources must be retrieved from the JAR files specified in the 
resources section of the JNLP file, or retrieved explicitly using an HTTP request to 
the Web server. We recommend storing resources in 
JAR files, since they will be cached on the local machine by Java Web Start.
The following code example shows how to retrieve images from a JAR file:
// Get current classloader
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
// Create icons
Icon saveIcon = new ImageIcon(cl.getResource(images/save.gif));
Icon cutIcon  = new ImageIcon(cl.getResource(images/cut.gif));
How can I load resources within my application using Class.forName and 
ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader in JavaTM Web Start?
JavaTM Web Start uses a user-level classloader to load all the application resources 
specified in the JNLP file. This classloader implements the security model and the 
downloading model defined by the JNLP 
specification. This is no different than how the AppletViewer or the Java Plug-In 
This has the, unfortunate, side-effect that Class.forName will not find any resources 
that are defined in the JNLP file. The same is true for looking up resources and 
classes using the system class loader 
To find application resources in JavaTM Web Start, make sure to use the classloader 
that loaded your application, e.g.,:
this.getClass().getClassLoader(), or
Also ensure that the above happens in the main thread.

and just played around with the options ;)

 Is it just that Class.getResource() massages the arguments?

no idea, I used what worked

Can you get Jess to work
as-is by just reading the docs for Class.getResource() and tweaking
the path you're using for the .clp file?


If you put all the clp files into the directory you will be in when java web start is 
launched (which might be the browsers home directory or the place where java web start 
puts its offline-launcher) then JESS works as-
is (signed, of course)

I wonder if Thread.getContextClassLoader() returns null sometimes,
just as Class.getClassLoader() is allowed to do; if so this code needs
to check for that. The Javadoc aren't clear on what happens if
Class.getClassLoader() returns null.

I will check that

:) Oliver Hoffmann

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969
Livermore, CA 94550

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JESS: java web start / jdk 1.4

2001-12-09 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Hi :)

I have just tried java web start
and it worked just fine (as long as you shut down the browser before running the 
I signed the jess.jar archive, put it on my apache server and started JESS over the 
web without installing it. I would provide a java web start link on a public web 
site for you all, but I guess that would be a violation of the JESS copyright :(
So a question to all of you:
Did you experiment with java web start?
How did you like it?

And a question to Ernest:
How about having a java web start link for JESS on the Sandia web page? Then anyone 
could try JESS without having to worry about classpath issues etc.

... and since the web start technology will be incorporated into jdk 1.4, we will all 
come across it sooner or later anyway

greeting from sunny Vienna

:) Oliver Hoffmann

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JESS: Nietzsche

2001-11-14 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Am 11/14/2001 7:11:45 PM, schrieb Emmanuel Lecharny [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   God is dead. Nietszche.
   Nietszche is dead. God ;)

my personal contribution to the correct spelling of German philosophers in 
international email lists: Nietzsche

;) Oliver Hoffmann (still very much alive)

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Re: JESS: Some Ideas for Jess 6.1 ...

2001-09-22 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


personally, I think a really detailed manual for JESS would be more 
desirable at this point than more sophistication on nested rules etc.

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 05:56 PM 9/22/2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think Orchard, Bob wrote:
  2. another problem is that one starts trying to think about things
 like: should only rule 2 fire if (a b c) and (d e f)
 exist. Well in general this is impossible to enforce.
 Rules fire (or at least go on the agenda with a chance to
 be fired) when their patterns match. The facts don't
 always appear at the 'same time' in many systems. So in general
 you can't hold rule-1 from firing when (a b c) is asserted. How
 do you decide how long to wait? If the facts (a b c) and (d e f)
 are asserted at the same time should you get different behaviour
 than if they are asserted 2 minutes apart. Why? How to explain this
 to users?

I actually had the thought that there could also be -abstract- rules,
which would never be placed on the agenda; defqueries are already a
kind of abstract rule. I don't know if this is just too cute, or if
it's a useful idea. Anyway, abstract rules would serve as base rules
for a family of other rules that extended them. Therefore they would
allow you to create the rule-2-only behaviour.

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969
Livermore, CA 94550

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JESS: JessTab: startup batch file

2001-08-09 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


Did you consider including a way for loadind a JESS batch file in JessTab 
at startup? I have used a workaround by chaning the following line in (after line 120):
m_main.initialize(new String[] {C:/MyJessDirectory/MyBatchFile.clp}, m_rete);
but some command line parameter would be the more elegant solution.

:) Oliver

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JESS: JadeJessProtege

2001-05-11 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

This e-mail goes to the JADE, JESS and protege list (sorry for duplicates)

After some discussion on how JADE, JESS and protege could be combined (see 
one of the threads below), I have compiled examples of how you can have all 
3 of them at once. Even if you don't want to use protege ontologies for 
processing of JADE messages in JESS rules, the option of starting JADE from 
within a running JESS engine might be interesting for you. The code is 
available as part of the latest JADE snapshot
under the src/examples/JadeJessProtege directory. You need the latest 
versions of JADE and JESS for the start-JADE-from-JESS example plus the 
latest versions of protege and the JessTab for the 

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 11:05 24.04.01 +0200, Gabriel Hopmans wrote:
I don't have experience with Protégé but it seems very interesting.
Buddy Kresge wrote that you can load Jess as a plug-in, but how far and what
can you do with Protégé when you are using JADE and Jess?
I suspect you can't embed them all, but that you have to work with two
separate 'environments'.
Has anyone experience with both?

Gabriel Hopmans
Multi-Agent Systems Technology

University Maastricht
Section Communications Research  Semiotics
Grote Gracht 82, Maastricht
P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
T + 31 43 388.2769 / 2767
F + 31 43 388.2744
M + 31 6 27.237.606

- Original Message -
From: Buddy Kresge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jones, David H' [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: RE: JESS: JESS and richer declarative knowledge

Check out Protégé at Stanford University.

The link is

You can then load in (as a plug in) Jess.
This gives you jess functionality embedded in
an Ontological environment.

-Original Message-
From: Jones, David H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 11:45 AM
Subject: JESS: JESS and richer declarative knowledge

Have anyone examined or can anyone speculate on how JESS could make use of
richer declarative knowledge, such as what can be found in an ontology
encoded in Standard-OIL (as described in  In particular, OIL
has constructs for defining axioms about classes (disjoint, covered,
disjoint-covered, equivalent), and slot properties (transitive, symmetric,
functional, inverse).  How would/could the JESS engine or a JESS program
make use of these additional semantics?


David H. Jones
Boeing Phantom Works,
Mathematics and Computing Technology
425-865-2964 (FAX)

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Re: JESS: natural language and Jess?

2001-05-07 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

At 13:47 07.05.01 -0400, Graham Heyes wrote:
Hello Folks
 I dropped off the jess list for a while so I'm sorry if this topic
has been beaten to death already. I couldn't find much in the archives
 I would like to use Jess in a real-time control system to monitor
parameters from physical devices like power supplies, pumps, magnets
etc. I have writen a few clip files as part of a pilot project to test
the fesability. I was showing the clip to someone and their comment was
I hope you don't expect our users to learn this!. It's a valid point.
I think I understand clip/Jess but the language itself is rather
cryptic. Is there any natural language method out there which would
allow us to write rules and facts in a way which a non-expert can
understand. I could probably get someone in my group to work on it but,
obviously, would rather start with something which already exists.



You can do this if you solve a little problem first: Find a way to 
automatically defer meaning from non-standardized human language. But since 
researchers from all over the globe have unsuccessfully tried to solve this 
little problem for the last 3 millenia, hopes are dim that you will be able 
to come up with a quick fix.

;) Oliver

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2001-04-24 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


I have changed JADE in order to start a JADE container from within the 
JessTab and that works fine. So you can combine them all.  But the JessTab 
functions sometimes work inconsistently when JESS is run on it's own (not 
in the JessTab, but with a jess.Console).

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 11:05 24.04.01 +0200, Gabriel Hopmans wrote:
I don't have experience with Protégé but it seems very interesting.
Buddy Kresge wrote that you can load Jess as a plug-in, but how far and what
can you do with Protégé when you are using JADE and Jess?
I suspect you can't embed them all, but that you have to work with two
separate 'environments'.
Has anyone experience with both?

Gabriel Hopmans
Multi-Agent Systems Technology

University Maastricht
Section Communications Research  Semiotics
Grote Gracht 82, Maastricht
P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
T + 31 43 388.2769 / 2767
F + 31 43 388.2744
M + 31 6 27.237.606

- Original Message -
From: Buddy Kresge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jones, David H' [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: RE: JESS: JESS and richer declarative knowledge

Check out Protégé at Stanford University.

The link is

You can then load in (as a plug in) Jess.
This gives you jess functionality embedded in
an Ontological environment.

-Original Message-
From: Jones, David H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 11:45 AM
Subject: JESS: JESS and richer declarative knowledge

Have anyone examined or can anyone speculate on how JESS could make use of
richer declarative knowledge, such as what can be found in an ontology
encoded in Standard-OIL (as described in  In particular, OIL
has constructs for defining axioms about classes (disjoint, covered,
disjoint-covered, equivalent), and slot properties (transitive, symmetric,
functional, inverse).  How would/could the JESS engine or a JESS program
make use of these additional semantics?


David H. Jones
Boeing Phantom Works,
Mathematics and Computing Technology
425-865-2964 (FAX)

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Re: JESS: how to handle if ... then ... else with defrule

2001-03-20 Thread Oliver Hoffmann


(defrule else-part
 (assert (notification))

when the (logical) CE works in JESS 6.0, which would switch the 
(notification) on and off, depending on whether the (if-part) is present or 

:) Oliver Hoffmann

At 07:17 20.03.01 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
SOunds interesting. I don't know what "change status" means in this
context. Could you explain a bit more?

One way you might accomplish this is to have a second rule, with the
same patterns except make one or more of them "not" patterns; you'd
have a rule that would fire when the other one wouldn't. You'd have to
analyze the specific cases of fire/not fire you wanted to respond to.

I think Jinhua Xi wrote:
  Hello every one.
  I am new with Jess and AI.  I need to implement a
  senario where a notification should be triggered if a
  defrule does not fire. i.e. I need an event for the
  "else" clause in the if ... then ... else...
  structure. What should I do to achieve this?
  I used Haley's Rete engine before, in that engine, if
  a defrule fires, I get an assert callback. If a
  defrule change status and does not fire, I  get a
  retract callback. Is it possible to do the same thing
  with Jess?
  Thanks very much for your help.
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Ernest Friedman-Hill
Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969
Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: JESS: Logical TM

2000-12-28 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

I can say with a high degree of confidence that 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12.05.00 -0700:
I think Maurice Lee wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
  Has there been any further decisions made of inclusion of the Logical 
 CE for
  Truth Maintenance for JESS V.6?

I think I can say with a high degree of confidence that (logical) will
be included in Jess 6.0.

Speaking of new CE's (or) will be included in the next alpha. The
version that went out recently already contains most of the support
code - and undocumented support for (and).

Any recent update in the probability to have truth maintenance in JESS 6? 
More specifically, can I expect to see a logical CE in JESS until the end 
of February 2001?

mille grazie

:) Oliver

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JESS: Microstation/J

2000-08-15 Thread Oliver Hoffmann

Hi :)

Has anyone tried to compile JESS with the jmdl of Microstation/J

:) Oliver Hoffmann

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