[JOYnet] Good Bye to Saudi Arabia

2003-04-05 Thread jose joseph
Hi JYs,

Praise the Lord!  As my employment contract has been
terminated, I will be leaving Saudi Arabia for good by
the 15th of this month. During my stay in Saudi,  I
have received a lot of blessings, spiritually and
financially from our good Lord and our Lord used me as
an instrument for  lot of His missions.

3 years before when I was having a problem of getting
my visa renewed, I put up the matter in the Joynet and
requested your prayer supports.  It was the prayers of
JYs that got me my visa renewed. Thanks for all your
prayers and helps extended to me while I was the part
of Joynet. I may discontinue from joynet mailing list
in the coming days,   but please keep me in your

May God bless each and every one of Joynet family. 

Love + prayers,
Your elder brother,
Jose Joseph (Josachayan) / Jeddah/ Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] St. Joseph (Saint of the Day - March 19)

2003-03-18 Thread jose joseph
Dear Joynetters,

March 19th is the Feast of St. Joseph. Happy Feast to
all Josephs in Joynet.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia.

Saint of the Day March 19, 2003
   Saint Joseph(Patron of the Universal Church)

Everything we know about the husband of Mary and the
foster father of Jesus comes from Scripture and that
has seemed too little for those who made up legends
about him. 

We know he was a carpenter, a working man, for the
skeptical Nazarenes ask about Jesus, "Is this not the
carpenter's son?" (Matthew 13:55). He wasn't rich for
when he took Jesus to the Temple to be circumcised and
Mary to be purified he offered the sacrifice of two
turtledoves or a pair of pigeons, allowed only for
those who could not afford a lamb (Luke 2:24). 

Despite his humble work and means, Joseph came from a
royal lineage. Luke and Matthew disagree some about
the details of Joseph's genealogy but they both mark
his descent from David, the greatest king of Israel
(Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38). Indeed the angel
who first tells Joseph about Jesus greets him as "son
of David," a royal title used also for Jesus. 

We know Joseph was a compassionate, caring man. When
he discovered Mary was pregnant after they had been
betrothed, he knew the child was not his but was as
yet unaware that she was carrying the Son of God. He
planned to divorce Mary according to the law but he
was concerned for her suffering and safety. He knew
that women accused to adultery could be stoned to
death, so he decided to divorce her quietly and not
expose her to shame or cruelty (Matthew 1:19-25). 

We know Joseph was man of faith, obedient to whatever
God asked of him without knowing the outcome. When the
angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him the truth
about the child Mary was carrying, Joseph immediately
and without question or concern for gossip, took Mary
as his wife. When the angel came again to tell him
that his family was in danger, he immediately left
everything he owned, all his family and friends, and
fled to a strange country with his young wife and the
baby. He waited in Egypt without question until the
angel told him it was safe to go back (Matthew

We know Joseph loved Jesus. His one concern was for
the safety of this child entrusted to him. Not only
did he leave his home to protect Jesus, but upon his
return settled in the obscure town of Nazareth out of
fear for his life. When Jesus stayed in the Temple we
are told Joseph (along with Mary) searched with great
anxiety for three days for him (Luke 2:48). We also
know that Joseph treated Jesus as his own son for over
and over the people of Nazareth say of Jesus, "Is this
not the son of Joseph?" (Luke 4:22) 

We know Joseph respected God. He followed God's
commands in handling the situation with Mary and going
to Jerusalem to have Jesus circumcised and Mary
purified after Jesus' birth. We are told that he took
his family to Jerusalem every year for Passover,
something that could not have been easy for a working

Since Joseph does not appear in Jesus' public life, at
his death, or resurrection, many historians believe
Joseph probably had died before Jesus entered public

Joseph is the patron of the dying because, assuming he
died before Jesus' public life, he died with Jesus and
Mary close to him, the way we all would like to leave
this earth. 

Joseph is also patron of the universal Church,
fathers, carpenters, and social justice. 
We celebrate two feast days for Joseph: March 19 for
Joseph the Husband of Mary and May 1 for Joseph the

There is much we wish we could know about Joseph --
where and when he was born, how he spent his days,
when and how he died. But Scripture has left us with
the most important knowledge: who he was -- "a
righteous man" (Matthew 1:18). 

In His Footsteps: 

Joseph was foster father to Jesus. There are many
children separated from families and parents who need
foster parents. Please consider contacting your local
Catholic Charities or Division of Family Services
about becoming a foster parent. 


Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, watch
over the Church as carefully as you watched over
Jesus, help protect it and guide it as you did with
your adopted son. Amen 

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[JOYnet] Pope Calls Young People

2003-03-11 Thread jose joseph
Pope Calls Young People to Promote Peace and Justice
In His Message for 18th World Youth Day 

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 11, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul
II is calling on youth to bear witness to the world
that only Christ can give true peace of heart to men
and women, families and nations.

This conviction is reflected in the Pope's message,
published today, for the 18th World Youth Day, which
will be celebrated at the diocesan level worldwide on
Palm Sunday, April 13.

The theme for this year's World Youth Day, "Behold,
Your Mother!" (John 19:27), is linked to the current
Year of the Rosary.

"Jesus, before he died, gave the Apostle John the most
precious gift he had: his Mother, Mary, ... [who] at
the foot of the cross, in John, received the whole of
humanity in her heart," the Pope says in his message.

"You, dear young people, are more or less that same
age as John, and he himself wanted to be with Jesus.
Today it is to you that Christ asks expressly to
receive Mary 'in your home,' that you welcome her ...
[to] learn from her ... [the] interior disposition to
listen and the attitude of humility and generosity,"
the Pope says.

Stating that Christianity is not a personal opinion
nor does it consist in vain words, the Holy Father
adds, "Mary is given to us to help us have a more
authentic, more personal relation with Jesus."

"Christianity is Christ! It is a Person, it is the
Living One! To encounter Jesus, to love him, and to
make him loved -- this is the Christian vocation,"
John Paul II stresses.

The "solitude, failures and disappointments in
personal life, difficulties in becoming part of the
adult and professional world, separations and deaths
in families, the violence of wars and the death of
innocent people" are situations of suffering faced by
young people today, the Pope continues.

"Know, however, that in difficult moments, which are
not lacking in anyone's life, you are not alone" like
John at the foot of the cross, the Holy Father says.
"Jesus gives you also to his Mother so that she will
comfort you with her tenderness."

In this context, John Paul II invites youths to give
themselves to Mary with full confidence. In this way,
they will shine "with the beauty of Christ. Open to
the breath of the Spirit, you will be intrepid
apostles (...), you will learn to put (Christ) in the
first place in your life, to direct your thoughts and
actions to him."

In the Year of the Rosary, John Paul II invites young
people to pray it, because it is a way of "learning to
contemplate Jesus with the eyes of his Mother, to love
Jesus with the heart of his Mother."

"Don't be ashamed to recite the rosary," the Pope
says, encouraging young people to pray it "on the way
to school, university or work, on the street or on
public transportation; recite it among yourselves, in
groups, movements and associations, and don't hesitate
to suggest praying it at home" with the family,
because it "revives and consolidates the ties" among
its members.

"This prayer will help you to be strong in faith,
constant in charity, joyful and persevering in hope,"
he says.

John Paul II also exhorts young people to flee from
egoism and sloth. "Now more than ever, it is urgent
that you be the morning watchmen."

"Mankind has a decisive need for the witness of
courageous and free young people who dare to go
countercurrent and proclaim strongly and
enthusiastically their faith in God, Lord and Savior,"
he says.

The Pope announced the theme of the 19th World Youth
Day (2004), "We Want to See Jesus" (John 12:21), and
that of Cologne, Germany, in 2005, "We Have Come to
Adore Him" (Matthew 2:2). 

Fwd : Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Bangalore

2003-03-10 Thread jose joseph
Dear Joynetters in Bangalore,

Could you please contact me?  

Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Mobile : 00966 59342153

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[JOYnet] A prayer request

2003-03-10 Thread Jose Joseph
Dear Joynetters
Please Pray for my Sister's daughter who has to take a decision on a marriage
proposal for her..if this proposal is Good for her.
In Union with the Holy Trinity
Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] 03-03-03 Prayer Guide

2003-03-02 Thread jose joseph
Dear Joynetters,

I am sorry to forward this message. Please join with
the world prayer team today at 3.30 pm.

love + prayers, 
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia 
Note: forwarded message attached.

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03-03-03 Prayer Guide

-Original Message-
Subject: 03-03-03 Prayer Guide

  A Worldwide Day of Prayer
  Concerning the Conflict with Iraq

  A Christian's Prayer Guide

  "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and
  unsearchable things you do not know."
  Jeremiah 33:3

  Join with other believers around the world on 03-03-03, at
3:33 p.m. to take a few moments to pray. The Holy Spirit is moving in a mighty
way, and is calling His people to pray on this date. The very best thing we
can do is to respond to His call and pray!

  Suggested ideas for your prayer time:

1.. Begin with a time of praise, using worship songs or
Scripture to express praise to God, remembering that worship and prayer are
vitally linked.
2.. As you pray, focus in on the Middle East specifically.
3.. Pray for God to guide world leaders: religious
leaders, political leaders and military leaders.
4.. Pray for the global church, that God's people will
rise in unity to reach the lost.
5.. Pray through selected Scriptures on peace and
spiritual warfare. Here are some to get you started:
  1.. Ephesians 6:10-18
  2.. Psalms 29:11, Colossians 3:1
  3.. John 14:27
  4.. II Corinthians 10:4
  Prayer Points:
a.. Pray that the armies of heaven will push back the
powers of darkness in the Middle East.
b.. Pray that Saddam Hussein will leave Iraq before force
is required to remove him from power.
c.. If war cannot be avoided, pray that God will marshal
spiritual forces to limit the hostilities within the Iraqi borders, so that it
doesn't spill over to the entire Islamic world.
d.. Pray that no weapons of mass destruction will be
  Note: This prayer guide is designed to be printed out and
used with local prayer groups. Print it out and place it in your Bible, take
it to your prayer meeting, pass it on to your pastor or other ministry leader.
Be sure to involve the youth of your church in this effort as well.

  You are receiving this message because you are a member of
The World Prayer Team. If you do not wish to receive further emails, please
click here.

  ) 2003 THE WORLD PRAYER TEAM. This message may be forwarded
and used if done so in its entirety. Media: to learn more about The World
Prayer Team and World Prayer Center in Colorado Spring, CO., contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or go to www.worldprayerteam.org.

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RE: [JOYnet] Fasting Prayer for the month of March-03

2003-02-26 Thread jose joseph
Dear in Christ,

The Holy Father has declared March 05 (Ash Wednesday),
a day of Special Prayers and Fasting for the World
Peace.  Let us all join with the Holy Church and
dedicate March 05 for this special intention.  The
message of Pope is given below:

Pope Declares Ash Wednesday a Day of Prayer and
Fasting for Peace

March 5 to Be Set Aside Especially for the Middle East

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 23, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II
called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace,
especially in the Middle East, to be observed on Ash
Wednesday, March 5. 

"For months the international community has been
living in great apprehension because of the danger of
a war that might disturb the whole of the Middle East
region and exacerbate the tensions that,
unfortunately, are already present at the beginning of
the millennium," the Pope said today, explaining the
reasons for his decision. 

The Holy Father made this announcement before praying
the midday Angelus with the crowds gathered in St.
Peter's Square. 

"It is a duty of believers, regardless of the religion
to which they belong, to proclaim that we will never
be able to be happy if we are against one another; the
future of humanity will never be able to be assured by
terrorism and the logic of war," the Pope continued. 

"We Christians, in particular, are called to be like
guardians of peace in the places where we live and
work," he explained. "We are asked, that is, to be
alert, so that consciences will not yield to the
temptation to egoism, falsehood and violence." 

Because of this, the Pontiff invited "all Catholics to
dedicate with special intensity next March 5, Ash
Wednesday, to prayer and fasting for the cause of
peace, especially in the Middle East." 

"Above all, let us implore God for the conversion of
hearts and a generous view in just decisions to
resolve with adequate and peaceful means the contests
that hamper the pilgrimage of humanity in our time,"
he said. 

"In every Marian shrine an ardent prayer for peace
will be raised to heaven with the praying of the holy
rosary," the Pope added. "I trust that also in
parishes and families the rosary will be prayed for
this great cause on which the good of all depends." 

"This common invocation will be accompanied by
fasting, expression of penance for the hatred and
violence that contaminate human relations," John Paul
II noted. 

"Christians share the ancient practice of fasting with
many brothers and sisters of other religions, who in
this way want to be despoiled of all pride and dispose
themselves to receive from God the greatest and most
necessary gifts, among which, in particular, is that
of peace," the Holy Father stressed. 

The convocation to prayer and fasting is a
continuation of the marathon of meetings and contacts
undertaken by the Pope and his collaborators to avoid
the outbreak of war against Iraq and to try to put an
end to the violence in the Holy Land. 

In recent days John Paul II has received, among
others, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.N.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Iraqi Deputy Prime
Minister Tariq Aziz and German Foreign Affairs
Minister Joschka Fischer, the current president of the
U.N. Security Council. 

The Holy Father also sent Cardinal Roger Etchegaray to
Iraq, to meet personally with Saddam Hussein and with
the local Catholic community.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

> --- Primeson James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Dear Friends in JOYnet
> > 
> > 
> > I urge all of you to send your opinions /
> > suggestions for our next fasting
> > prayer of March first Friday. Some are already
> > suggested to do on 03rd of
> > March and what would be the intention(s). And
> > request please post the final
> > format of prayer atleast two days before on board.
> > 
> > love
> > primeson/dubai
> > 
> >
> ==
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> > mailing list.
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> > To subscribe to the list visit
> > http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
> > In case of any issue related to the mailing list
> > contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> ==
> __
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[JOYnet] Fw:

2003-02-25 Thread Jose Joseph
Dear Bros & Sisters in Jesus Christ
I f any one got a letter like the one below which i got yesterday please let
me know.I forwarded this letter to the Bishop of kanjirapally to seek his
advice.But When i later searched for this person in the net through
google,the same text was found there which means this letter has gone to
many addresses.Looks like this is a fake one
Love in Jesus Christ

Jose Joseph
- Original Message -
From: Sarah Rowland. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 12:26 PM

From: Mrs. Sarah Rowland

I am the above named person from Malaysia but now undergoing medical
treatment in germany. I am
married to Dr.Alan George Rowland who worked with Malaysia
embassy in South Africa for nine years before  he died
in the year 2000.
We were married for eleven years without a child. He
died after a brief
illness that lasted for only four days. Before his
death we were both born again Christians.Since his
death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside
my matrimonial home which the Bible is against.When my
late husband was alive he deposited the sum
of$27.6Million (twenty-seven Million six hundred
thousand U.S. Dollars) with one
finance/security company in Europe.
Presently, this money is still with the Security
Company. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not
last for the next three months due to cancer problem.
Though what disturbs me most is my stroke.
 Having known my condition I decided to donate this
fund to church or
better still a christian individual that will utilize
this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I want a church or
that will use this to fund churches, orphanages and
widows propagating the word of God and to ensure that
the house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to
understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth.
I took this decision because I don't have any child
that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians
and I don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused by
unbelievers. I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an
ungodly manner, hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am
not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I
know that I am going to be in the bossom of the Lord.
Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case
and I shall hold my peace. I don't need any telephone
communication in this regard because of my health,and
because of the presence of my husband's relatives
around me always. I don't want them to know about this
development. With God all things are possible. As soon
as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact
of the  Finance/Security Company Europe. I will also issue you a letter of
that will empower you as the original- beneficiary of
this fund. I want you and the church to always pray
for me because the lord is my shephard. My happiness
is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever
that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit
and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your
  Any delay in your reply will give me room in
sourcing for a church or christian individual for this
same purpose. Please assure me that you will act
accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hear from

Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs Sarah Rowland.

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[JOYnet] Prayers

2003-02-12 Thread Jose Joseph
Hi Joynetters
Please pray for mathachen madukkakuzhy& Maria (now in U.K)for getting a nice
and affordable  accomodation close to their place of work.
In His Grip & Grace

Jose Joseph

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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[JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests

2003-02-06 Thread jose joseph
Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for this week.  Further
updates will be given by Primeson from Dubai. 

Thanks giving:
1.  Sabu thanks and glorify the LORD for his Uncle’s
open-heart surgery. The surgery went off well and he
is recovering well. Many thanks for your prayers.

2. Jibson glorify the LORD as Lynnee started getting
her salary.

Please for the following intentions:

1. Kindly pray for the success of first charismatic
retreat Venue St. Mary's Church, Dourana, Sagar
Diocese (India) Date: March 31-April 3

2.  Pray for Sabu’s  mother who is suffering from
allergic cough for the last three years. Recently she
started getting pain through out the body, which is
affecting her mobility.  

3. Please pray for the heeling of a cancer patient who
is undergoing treatment in RCC Tvrivandrum (India). 

4. Please pray for Roona who is looking for a job and
she is on visit visa. 

5. Please pray for Denny  to get a good job abroad

6. Pray for  Justine who is planning to go to Gulf for
a job.  

7. Please pray for  Westley Eyom, met an accident
admitted to hospital.  

8. Pray for Roshan’s College prayer group for PG
students which is just started. Also for my entrance
exam in June.

9. Pray that the marriage of  Connors Edna will be
restored, that my husband and  I will be reconciled
and all hurts will be healed.  Also pray that God will
perform a miracle with our jobs as they are currently
500 miles apart. 

10. Pray for jibson & Lynnee’s  house.

11. Special request  : Please keep Rajiv Joseph & Jose
Joseph in your prayers as they are on a preaching
mission (9 & 10th) to Riyadh.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-05 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayFebruary 5, 2003 

   St. Agatha 

As in the case of Agnes, another virgin-martyr of the
early Church, almost nothing is historically certain
about this saint except that she was martyred in
Sicily during the persecution of Emperor Decius in

Legend has it that Agatha, like Agnes, was arrested as
a Christian, tortured and sent to a house of
prostitution to be mistreated. She was preserved from
being violated, and was later put to death. 
She is claimed as the patroness of both Palermo and
Catania. The year after her death, the stilling of an
eruption of Mt. Etna was attributed to her
intercession. As a result, apparently, people
continued to ask her prayers for protection against

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah

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[JOYnet] St. Joseph of Leonissa (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-03 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day  February 4, 2003 
St. Joseph of Leonissa 

Joseph avoided the safe compromises by which people
sometimes undercut the gospel. Born at Leonissa in the
Kingdom of Naples, Joseph joined the Capuchins in his
hometown in 1573. Denying himself hearty meals and
comfortable quarters, he prepared for ordination and a
life of preaching. 

In 1587 he went to Constantinople to take care of the
Christian galley slaves working under Turkish masters.
Imprisoned for this work, he was warned not to resume
it on his release. He did and was again imprisoned and
then condemned to death. Miraculously freed, he
returned to Italy where he preached to the poor and
reconciled feuding families as well as warring cities
which had been at odds for years. He was canonized in

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
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[JOYnet] St. Blase (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-03 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayFebruary 3, 2003 
 St. Blase 

We know more about the devotion to St. Blase by
Christians around the world than we know about the
saint himself. His feast is observed as a holy day in
the Eastern Church.

The Council of Oxford, in 1222, prohibited servile
labor in England on Blase’s feast day. The Germans and
Slavs hold him in special honor and for decades many
United States Catholics have sought the annual St.
Blase blessing for their throats.
We know that Bishop Blase was martyred in his
episcopal city of Sebastea, Armenia, in 316. The
legendary Acts of St. Blase were written 400 years
later. According to them Blase was a good bishop,
working hard to encourage the spiritual and physical
health of his people. Although the Edict of Toleration
(311), granting freedom of worship in the Roman
Empire, was already five years old, persecution still
raged in Armenia. Blase was apparently forced to flee
to the back country. There he lived as a hermit in
solitude and prayer, but made friends with the wild
animals. One day a group of hunters seeking wild
animals for the amphitheater stumbled upon Blase’s
cave. They were first surprised and then frightened. 

The bishop was kneeling in prayer surrounded by
patiently waiting wolves, lions and bears. 
As the hunters hauled Blase off to prison, the legend
has it, a mother came with her young son who had a
fish bone lodged in his throat. At Blase’s command the
child was able to cough up the bone. 

Agricolaus, governor of Cappadocia, tried to persuade
Blase to sacrifice to pagan idols. The first time
Blase refused, he was beaten. The next time he was
suspended from a tree and his flesh torn with iron
combs or rakes. (English wool combers, who used
similar iron combs, took Blase as their patron. They
could easily appreciate the agony the saint
underwent.) Finally he was beheaded. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
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[JOYnet] Your Prayers

2003-02-02 Thread Jose Joseph
Dear Joynetters,
Requesting your valuable prayers for my sisters illness,proper Diagnosis &
effective Treatment and Followup.
In His Grip & Grace
Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] Presentation of the Lord (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-02 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day  February 2, 2003 
Presentation of the Lord 

At the end of the fourth century, a woman named
Etheria made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Her journal,
discovered in 1887, gives an unprecedented glimpse of
liturgical life there. Among the celebrations she
describes is the Epiphany (January 6), the observance
of Christ’s birth, and the gala procession in honor of
his Presentation in the Temple 40 days later—February
15. (Under the Mosaic Law, a woman was ritually 
“unclean” for 40 days after childbirth, when she was
to present herself to the priests and offer
sacrifice—her “purification.” Contact with anyone who
had brushed against mystery—birth or death—excluded a
person from Jewish worship.) This feast emphasizes
Jesus’ first appearance in the Temple more than Mary’s

The observance spread throughout the Western Church in
the fifth and sixth centuries. Because the Church in
the West celebrated Jesus’ birth on December 25, the
Presentation was moved to February 2, 40 days after

At the beginning of the eighth century, Pope Sergius
inaugurated a candlelight procession; at the end of
the same century the blessing and distribution of
candles which continues to this day became part of the
celebration, giving the feast its popular name:

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests

2003-02-02 Thread jose joseph
Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending

Thanks giving:

1. Bensilal Thanks & Glorify the Lord for the
blessings received:  (His father got discharged and
the biopsy result on the prostrate gland come as

Please pray for the following intentions:

1.  Please pray for  next YEJ (Youth Encounter Jesus )
retreat in coming up on 7th to 9th February 2003 at
Ashirbhavan, Ernakulam, Kerala.  

2.  Joseph is looking for a new job. Do pray for this
special intention.

3. Please pray for Stella  Joseph to get  N M C
registration and for a work permit in U K.

4. Pray for Anil John who completed his MCA on sep
2002,  to get a good job and to serve God thru that.

5. Please pray for a premature baby who is right now
in the incubator. The mother's name is Ritty is also
in the hospital. 
6. Please pray for a married by the name of J [name
not revelead] who got married one year ago. Please
pray that that he leads a good family life. 
7. There are two prayer requests seeking the marriage
restoral of a couple named Rob and Teresa Leavy and
another where the husband name is Michael. Please pray
that their marriages be restored. 
8. Jon Kline suffered a massive heart attack last
night. He is right now in hospital. Please pray that
everything works out well.  
9. Deb who is hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the
chest. This was done by her husband who has been
arrested. Please pray for Deb. 
10.  Please pray for Deepak to pass tough lab exam. 

11.  Please pray for Pius Antony  who is struggling
with eye sight problem due to nerves weak, unable to
work with computer so faces unfavourable situation in
office. Undergoing medication so please remember in
your prayers.

12.  Please pray for the studies of Jeffrey k

13. Pray for Tomy’s wife  MAREENA  who is 3 month
pregnant. She is  severely  suffering from  back pain
and  is having very difficulty  in   walking . Kindly 
remember her  and her child in your valuable prayers.
14. Pray for  the success of the retreat Named JYOTHIS

15.  Please pray for the full recovery of Mr. Harlin,
77 and lives alone and has severe dehydration. 

16. Please keep Heather prayer. She and her husband
have just reconciled and they have just been up
against one obstacle after another. Please keep her -
and James also - in prayer. 

17. Pray for Terence dsouza fare nicely in university
exams and score really good marks.

18. Pray for Jolly  who passed computer hardware and 2
yrs experience . He is in search of good job. 

19. Pray for Nina to be HIS own obedient child and 
peace in the family.

20. Pray for Suma’s  2  friends who are taking major
decisions in their official life. 

21. Pray for Calvin Johnson to do his new job
successfully and  sincerely. He is also working on  a
project on his own. He is unable to work on the
project due to some problems. Please pray so that he
will  be able to complete the project successfully and
within a very short time.

22. Pray for Remy’s mother who is in ICU with high BP
with a nasal-vein rupture, kidney problems and
difficulty in swallowing of food. May His Will be

23.  Pray for John whose job is terminated and a case
of  dispute and litigation is filed against him by his
sponsor in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
24. Please pray for the campus pool taking place on,
Feb 7 8 9 in Trivandrum zone (Kerala / India). A
gathering for leaders .please pray for all the leaders
to attend and really change the entire scenario in our
campuses. pray for Kingdom OF God to come to our

love + prayers, 
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] St. Hyacintha of Mariscotti (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-29 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayJanuary 30, 2003 
St. Hyacintha of Mariscotti

Hyacintha accepted God’s standards somewhat late in
life. Born of a noble family near Viterbo, she entered
a local convent of sisters who followed the Third
Order Rule. However, she supplied herself with enough
food, clothing and other goods to live a very
comfortable life amid these sisters pledged to

A serious illness required that Hyacintha’s confessor
bring Holy Communion to her room. Scandalized on
seeing how soft a life she had provided for herself,
the confessor advised her to live more humbly.
Hyacintha disposed of her fine clothes and special
foods. She eventually became very penitential in food
and clothing; she was ready to do the most humble work
in the convent. She developed a special devotion to
the sufferings of Christ and by her penances became an
inspiration to the sisters in her convent. She was
canonized in 1807. 

Love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Servant of God Brother Juniper (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-29 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayJanuary 29, 2003 
   Servant of God Brother Juniper 

"Would to God, my brothers, I had a whole forest of
such Junipers," said Francis of this holy friar. 
We dont know much about Juniper before he joined the
friars in 1210. Francis sent him to establish "places"
for the friars in Gualdo Tadino and Viterbo. When St.
Clare was dying, Juniper consoled her. He was devoted
to the passion of Jesus and was known for his

Several stories about Juniper in the Little Flowers of
St. Francis illustrate his exasperating generosity. 
Once Juniper was taking care of a sick man who had a
craving to eat pigs feet. This helpful friar went to
a nearby field, captured a pig and cut off one foot,
and then served this meal to the sick man. The owner
of the pig was furious and immediately went to
Junipers superior. When Juniper saw his mistake, he
apologized profusely. He also ended up talking this
angry man into donating the rest of the pig to the

Another time Juniper had been commanded to quit giving
part of his clothing to the half-naked people he met
on the road. Desiring to obey his superior, Juniper
once told a man in need that he couldnt give the man
his tunic, but he wouldnt prevent the man from taking
it either. In time, the friars learned not to leave
anything lying around, for Juniper would probably give
it away. 

He died in 1258 and is buried at Ara Coeli Church in

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Consilidated Prasyer Requests

2003-01-26 Thread jose joseph
Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending

Please pray for the following intentions:

1. Pray  for Luke Gerald that he may get a good
sponsorship to go to U.K. for further study and get
the financial help to undergo the studies.

2. Pray for Lukes father who is in critical
conditions and still drinks and his mummy who is not
keeping well.

3. Pray for Lukes sister and others who requested the
prayer support. 

4. Please pray for uncle of Ressy Jacob who is sick,
suffering high bp and one side some paralyses problem.

5. Please pray for  children of Moly Thomas, Dora(14),
Bony(12) and Flora (5). They lost their father last
May and now they are very naughty.

6. Pray for Jose Joseph who will be on a preaching
mission to Riyadh for 2 days (Feb 09 & 10) and on 11th
February to a Manglorean fellowship (RC) in Jeddah.  

7. Pray for the sister of Ajumon  who is appearing
cbse exam, she is suffering from fear in maths subject
kindly pray for her.

8. Pray for a 2 month old baby who is critically ill.
The baby has no bile duct right from birth and has
developed complications because of that. The doctors
have given him only 20% chances of recovering.  

9. Pray for Jobbys  father, a cancer patient, to
doctor curing is difficult. 

10.  Kollam (Kerala, India) JY is organizing a get
together. In the mean time they are to select their
new service team for Kollam . So please pray for their
new service team and also pray for all the JY of
Kollam would be able to attend this program.

11. Please pray for a friend of Jannifer who is facing
tough times at work with his  boss and nothing seems
to be clear as far as his current job status is

12. Please pray for Santan  Lobo who is in  hospital
with some liver problem . His White Blood corpucles
count is gone very high.  

13. Pray for  Praxie's mother who is trembling and has
other complications and for Praxie's brother Joseph
for complete recovery. Also pray for Praxie in a very
special way.

14. Pray  Samad and Benedict who failed in two
subjects and have to appear for supplementary
examinations and for Evonne and Kingsley who also
failed and have applied for consideration in their
college that God may give them admission for the next

15. Pray for a little 8 month old baby girl from
mumbai, she has undergone Heart surgery for closing
the hole in her heart.

16.  Pray for Bensilals  father who has been admitted
to the hospital since last two weeks due to breathing
trouble. Doctor says it is the side effect of his
Herinia and prostatory gland infections. He had some
urine test performed and doctors wants to do the
Biopise in the prostate gland. 

Love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia


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[JOYnet] Sts. Timothy and Titus (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-25 Thread jose joseph
Saints of the Day  January 26, 2003 
Sts. Timothy and Titus 

What we know from the New Testament of Timothys life
makes it sound like that of a modern harried bishop.
He had the honor of being a fellow apostle with Paul,
both sharing the privilege of preaching the gospel and
suffering for it. 

Timothy had a Greek father and a Jewish mother named
Eunice. Being the product of a mixed marriage, he
was considered illegitimate by the Jews. It was his
grandmother, Lois, who first became Christian. Timothy
was a convert of Paul around the year 47 and later
joined him in his apostolic work. He was with Paul at
the founding of the Church in Corinth. During the 15
years he worked with Paul, he became one of his most
faithful and trusted friends. He was sent on difficult
missions by Pauloften in the face of great
disturbance in local Churches which Paul had founded. 
Timothy was with Paul in Rome during the latters
house arrest. At some period Timothy himself was in
prison (Hebrews 13:23). Paul installed him as his
representative at the Church of Ephesus. 

Timothy was comparatively young for the work he was
doing. (Let no one have contempt for your youth,
Paul writes in 1 Timothy 4:12a.) Several references
seem to indicate that he was timid. And one of Pauls
most frequently quoted lines was addressed to him:
Stop drinking only water, but have a little wine for
the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses
(1 Timothy 5:23).

Titus has the distinction of being a close friend and
disciple of Paul as well as a fellow missionary. He
was Greek, apparently from Antioch. Even though Titus
was a Gentile, Paul would not let him be forced to
undergo circumcision at Jerusalem. Titus is seen as a
peacemaker, administrator, great friend. Pauls second
letter to Corinth affords an insight into the depth of
his friendship with Titus, and the great fellowship
they had in preaching the gospel: When I went to
Troas...I had no relief in my spirit because I did not
find my brother Titus. So I took leave of them and
went on to Macedonia For even when we came into
Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were
afflicted in every wayexternal conflicts, internal
fears. But God, who encourages the downcast,
encouraged us by the arrival of Titus... (2
Corinthians 2:12a, 13; 7:5-6). 

When Paul was having trouble with the community at
Corinth, Titus was the bearer of Pauls severe letter
and was successful in smoothing things out. Paul
writes he was strengthened not only by the arrival of
Titus but also by the encouragement with which he was
encouraged in regard to you, as he told us of your
yearning, your lament, your zeal for me, so that I
rejoiced even more And his heart goes out to you
all the more, as he remembers the obedience of all of
you, when you received him with fear and trembling (2
Corinthians 7:7a, 15). 

The Letter to Titus addresses him as the administrator
of the Christian community on the island of Crete,
charged with organizing it, correcting abuses and
appointing presbyter-bishops. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Conversion of St. Paul (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-25 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayJanuary 25, 2003 
 Conversion of St. Paul 

Pauls entire life can be explained in terms of one
experiencehis meeting with Jesus on the road to
Damascus. In an instant, he saw that all the zeal of
his dynamic personality was being wasted, like the
strength of a boxer swinging wildly. Perhaps he had
never seen Jesus, who was only a few years older. But
he had acquired a zealots hatred of all Jesus stood
for, as he began to harass the Church: ...entering
house after house and dragging out men and women, he
handed them over for imprisonment (Acts 8:3b). Now he
himself was entered, possessed, all his energy
harnessed to one goalbeing a slave of Christ in the
ministry of reconciliation, an instrument to help
others experience the one Savior. 

One sentence determined his theology: I am Jesus,
whom you are persecuting (Acts 9:5b). Jesus was
mysteriously identified with peoplethe loving group
of people Saul had been running down like criminals.
Jesus, he saw, was the mysterious fulfillment of all
he had been blindly pursuing. 

>From then on, his only work was to present everyone
perfect in Christ. For this I labor and struggle, in
accord with the exercise of his power working within
me (Colossians 2:28b-29). For our gospel did not
come to you in word alone, but also in power and in
the Holy Spirit and [with] much conviction (1
Thessalonians 1:5a). 

Pauls life became a tireless proclaiming and living
out of the message of the cross: Christians die
baptismally to sin and are buried with Christ; they
are dead to all that is sinful and unredeemed in the
world. They are made into a new creation, already
sharing Christs victory and someday to rise from the
dead like him. Through this risen Christ the Father
pours out the Spirit on them, making them completely

So Pauls great message to the world was: You are
saved entirely by God, not by anything you can do.
Saving faith is the gift of total, free, personal and
loving commitment to Christ, a commitment that then
bears fruit in more works than the Law could ever

Love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Servant of God Juan de Padilla ( Saint of the Day)

2003-01-23 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayJanuary 23, 2003 
  Servant of God Juan de Padilla 

Juan didn’t know where preaching the gospel of Jesus
would lead him, but he trusted God to give him
strength to match the missionary vocation. Juan’s
vocation led to his martyrdom in Kansas, part of the
New World discovered the year he was born. 

Juan came from southern Spain where he became a
Franciscan. In 1526 he left for Mexico where he worked
as a missionary in the states of Hidalgo and Jalisco.
In 1540 he accompanied Coronado’s expedition to New
Mexico. The next year Juan went with the expedition to
Kansas; there he met the Quivira Indians. Juan
remained to work among them after the explorers
returned to Mexico. Juan was killed by several Quivira
Indians as he made his way to the Kaws, traditional
enemies of the Quiviras. He was the first of at least
79 Franciscans martyred in the United States. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] St. Vincent ( Saint of the Day)

2003-01-22 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day January 22, 2003 
  St. Vincent 

When Jesus deliberately began his “journey” to death,
Luke says that he “set his face” to go to Jerusalem.
It is this quality of rocklike courage that
distinguishes the martyrs. 

Most of what we know about this saint comes from the
poet Prudentius. His Acts have been rather freely
colored by the imagination of their compiler. But St.
Augustine, in one of his sermons on St. Vincent,
speaks of having the Acts of his martyrdom before him.
We are at least sure of his name, his being a deacon,
the place of his death and burial. 

According to the story we have (and as with some of
the other early martyrs the unusual devotion he
inspired must have had a basis in a very heroic life),
Vincent was ordained deacon by his friend St. Valerius
of Saragossa in Spain. The Roman emperors had
published their edicts against the clergy in 303, and
the following year against the laity. Vincent and his
bishop were imprisoned in Valencia. Hunger and torture
failed to break them. Like the youths in the fiery
furnace (Book of Daniel, chapter three), they seemed
to thrive on suffering. 

Valerius was sent into exile, and Dacian now turned
the full force of his fury on Vincent. Tortures that
sound like those of World War II were tried. But their
main effect was the progressive disintegration of
Dacian himself. He had the torturers beaten because
they failed. 

Finally he suggested a compromise: Would Vincent at
least give up the sacred books to be burned according
to the emperor’s edict? He would not. Torture on the
gridiron continued, the prisoner remaining courageous,
the torturer losing control of himself. Vincent was
thrown into a filthy prison cell—and converted the
jailer. Dacian wept with rage, but strangely enough,
ordered the prisoner to be given some rest. 

Friends among the faithful came to visit him, but he
was to have no earthly rest. When they finally settled
him on a comfortable bed, he went to his eternal rest.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] St. Agnes (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-20 Thread jose joseph

Catholic saints are holy people and human people who
lived extraordinary lives. Each saint the Church
honors responded to God's invitation to use his or her
unique gifts. God calls each one of us to be a saint.

Saint of the Day January 21, 2003 
St. Agnes
Almost nothing is known of this saint except that she
was very young—12 or 13—when she was martyred in the
last half of the third century. Various modes of death
have been suggested—beheading, burning, strangling. 

Legend has it she was a beautiful girl whom many young
men wanted to marry. Among those she refused, one
reported her to the authorities as being a Christian.
She was arrested and confined to a house of
prostitution. The legend continues that a man who
looked upon her lustfully lost his sight and had it
restored by her prayer. She was condemned, executed
and buried near Rome in a catacomb that eventually was
named after her. The daughter of Constantine built a
basilica in her honor. 

Like that of modern Maria Goretti, the martyrdom of a
virginal young girl made a deep impression on a
society enslaved to a materialistic outlook. Like
Agatha, who died in similar circumstances, Agnes is a
symbol that holiness does not depend on length of
years, experience or human effort. It is a gift God
offers to all.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] St. Sebastian (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-20 Thread jose joseph

Today is the Feast of St. Sebastian.  Happy Feast to
all Sebastians in joynet.

Saint of the Day  January 20, 2003 
   St. Sebastian 

Nothing is historically certain about St. Sebastian
except that he was a Roman martyr, was venerated in
Milan even in the time of St. Ambrose and was buried
on the Appian Way, probably near the present Basilica
of St. Sebastian. Devotion to him spread rapidly, and
he is mentioned in several martyrologies as early as
a.d. 350. 

The legend of St. Sebastian is important in art, and
there is a vast iconography. Scholars now agree that a
pious fable has Sebastian entering the Roman army
because only there could he assist the martyrs without
arousing suspicion. Finally he was found out, hailed
before Emperor Diocletian and delivered to Mauritanian
archers to be shot to death. His body was pierced with
arrows, and he was left for dead. But he was found
still alive by those who came to bury him. He
recovered, but refused to flee. One day he took up a
position near where the emperor was to pass. He
accosted the emperor, denouncing him for his cruelty
to Christians. This time the sentence of death was
carried out. Sebastian was beaten to death with clubs.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] Urgent Prayer Request

2003-01-19 Thread jose joseph
Dear Family,

Please pray for my Achachan (father),  hospitalised at
Angamali  - Urinary bladder is full of puzz and blood
it seems.  Doctors advices to go for a surgery.  

love, Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Christian Unity Would Be a Gift of God

2003-01-19 Thread jose joseph
Dear Family,

Sorry, a Vatican article on Christian Unity is
re-produced below:

love, Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

Christian Unity Would Be a Gift of God, Says John Paul

Voices His Hopes on Occasion of Week of Prayer 

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 19, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II
says that full unity among Christians is possible,
with God's grace.

The Pope today spoke about the the goal of full
communion among believers, as the Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity entered its second day.

>From Jan. 18-25, representatives of the world's 2
billion Christians -- including Catholics, Orthodox,
Anglicans and Protestants -- will meet for ecumenical
prayer with the motto "We Have This Treasure in Clay

Before praying the midday Angelus with the crowds
gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father
explained more fully the meaning of this motto, taken
from the Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4:7.

"The knowledge of divine glory, reflected in the face
of Christ, shines in our hearts; however, we carry
this treasure in clay jars, that is, in the frailty of
our human condition, to show that the transcendent
power belongs to God and not to us," he explained.

"The reconstruction of the unity of all the baptized
is, in effect, a gift from God, and our effort alone
is not sufficient to bring it about," he added. "But
when Christians come together, see themselves as
brothers, collaborate to alleviate sufferings, and
pray for unity, they contribute to make the face of
Christ and his glory shine."

The Pontiff urged the faithful in their prayers this
week to "ask the Lord to make the communion among
Christians grow to fullness, in truth and charity."

John Paul II will close the week of prayer on Jan. 25,
when he presides over the celebration of vespers in
the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.

The texts that accompany the intentions for this week
of prayer were prepared by a panel made up of Catholic
representatives and of the Faith and Constitution
commission of the World Council of Churches.
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[JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests from Prayernet

2003-01-19 Thread jose joseph
Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending

Please pray for the following intentions:

1. Pray for Rayner who is suffering from
uncontrollable sexual  feeling, and also   get the
power and wisdom to do the job.

2. Please pray for reconciliation between Ajith’s
grant father and his  father and the curse be broken
in the power of HIS blood HE shed on the cross.

3. Pray for the Rex Band Show on 25th January at Our
Lady's Convent Ground. Organized by a new Prayer
group, guided by the Franciscans fathers. 

4. Pray for Deepak’s father's Health both physical and

5.  Pray for peace in Nimesh’s family and good health
for all at home.

6. Pray for Sajan’s  mother who is suffering from
diabetes and  various diseases.  Further pray to solve
the financial problem his family is facing. 

7. Pray for Gissy’s sister to get her Original U. K.
License immediately and finish all formalities to join
her new job in UK.  

8.  Pray for the 'Inter Dioceses Leadership Training
Programe' from 17th to 19th January, 03 organized by
the Indore JY with the Youth Commission (India) .
Youths from Indore, Ujjain, Jhabua, Khandwa and
Udaipur dioceses are participating this programme. 
Resource persons are from JY Kerala, most probably.
 9. Please specially pray for this intention:  Aundhi
is a Village Parish in Chatisgarh, India, situating
the state's Bihar border.  The parish priest Fr.Dr.
John Ponnore  is planning for Charismatic Retreats in
his parish Ist on 25th to 27th of Jan & the IInd on
29th to 31st Jan, 2003. 

10. Please pray for Ms. Liza who needs peace in her
family life with regard to settlement of family
property and financial security.

11. Please pray for Joseph Vijay who has chicken pox
and today he got fits.  Please pray for him to be
filled with the Holy Spirit and to be healed.

12. Pray that Jesus becomes the center of the
relationship(both Pansyo and his fiancee) and they two
become the light for their families and together lead
them into our all knowing God.
13.  Please pray for Deppak’s family especially for
his father. His mom died a year ago and on Feb 5th.
His Father is a little bit out of sorts because of
that .He is feeling very lonely and sad. 

14. Pray for DR.KRIPA,  a fulltimer at present in the
Tezpur diocese (Assam) and for the youths in the
diocese.  Kripa is planning on small retreats in the
villages but really need prayers to be able to
overcome the blocks.
15. Pray for Shimi’s father Mr. Thomas who is leading 
unreligious life,  doesn't go to church or even sit
for family prayers.

16. Pray for Pauly who has given an interview on 15th
January for a job   
17. Pls pray for Welchy that God have HIS holy way in
her life always
18.  Pray for the night vigil for JY Oman on 30.01.03(
Thursday )leading by Dubai Jesus youth.

19.  Pray for the soul of  Oscar Varela who died on
January 11, 2003
20. Pray for Praxie's mother who is trembling. 
21. Please pray for speedy recovery and for a brother
facing harassment at his job place.
 22. Pray for Biji’s father who is having problem in
urine passing.. he had an operation one and a half
years back for the blockage.. again the problem has
23. Pray for Deena to keep all her relations according
to the will of God.  

24. Pray for Shaji Joseph's father (Preetha Shaji's
father-in-law) as he is not keeping well.

25. For Priya Jose (6th batch fulltimer) who is
getting engaged on 25th Jan.

26. For the KYCT (Kerala youth central Team) gathering
which is scheduled for this weekend.

27. For the 2nd batch of One year Bible course -Tejas
- starting this 4th weekend at Emmaus/Kerala.

28. Pray for Francis to over come his problems in his

29.  Pray for conversion of Monis K Joseph, who is
going through a major cross road in life. Please pray
for him that his heart be caught up with the love of

30.  Please pray for George that everything goes well
with his skit.

31. Pray to  save the marriage of Michelle, there have
been lots of twists and turns in his marriage and is
unable to handle it any more.

32.   Pray for Elsy Mathai’s job to be permanent.  She
is facing some problems.  

33.  Pray for the one day program at Coimbatore  on
26th Sunday, at Vimal Jyothy school, Saravanampatty. 

love + prayers, 
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] S. Fabian (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-19 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the DayJanuary 19, 2003 
  St. Fabian 

Fabian was a Roman layman who came into the city from
his farm one day as clergy and people were preparing
to elect a new pope. Eusebius, a Church historian,
says a dove flew in and settled on the head of Fabian.
This sign united the votes of clergy and laity and he
was chosen unanimously. 

He led the Church for 14 years and died a martyr’s
death during the persecution of Decius in AD 250. St.
Cyprian wrote to his successor that Fabian was an
“incomparable” man whose glory in death matched the
holiness and purity of his life. 

In the catacombs of St. Callistus, the stone that
covered Fabian’s grave may still be seen, broken into
four pieces, bearing the Greek words, “Fabian, bishop,

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. Charles of Sezze (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-18 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day   January 18, 2003 
   St. Charles of Sezze 

Charles thought that God was calling him to be a
missionary in India, but he never got there. God had
something better for this 17th-century successor to
Brother Juniper. 

Born in Sezze, southeast of Rome, Charles was inspired
by the lives of Salvator Horta and Paschal Baylon to
become a Franciscan; he did that in 1635. Charles
tells us in his autobiography, "Our Lord put in my
heart a determination to become a lay brother with a
great desire to be poor and to beg alms for his love."

Charles served as cook, porter, sacristan, gardener
and beggar at various friaries in Italy. In some ways,
he was "an accident waiting to happen." He once
started a huge fire in the kitchen when the oil in
which he was frying onions burst into flames. 

One story shows how thoroughly Charles adopted the
spirit of St. Francis. The superior ordered Charles —
then porter — to give food only to traveling friars
who came to the door. Charles obeyed this direction;
simultaneously the alms to the friars decreased. 
Charles convinced the superior the two facts were
related. When the friars resumed giving goods to all
who asked at the door, alms to the friars increased

At the direction of his confessor Charles wrote his
autobiography, The Grandeurs of the Mercies of God. He
also wrote several other spiritual books. He made good
use of his various spiritual directors throughout the
years; they helped him discern which of Charles’ ideas
or ambitions were from God. Charles himself was sought
out for spiritual advice. The dying Pope Clement IX
called Charles to his bedside for a blessing. 

Charles had a firm sense of God’s providence. Father
Severino Gori has said, "By word and example he
recalled in all the need of pursuing only that which
is eternal" (Leonard Perotti, St. Charles of Sezze: An
Autobiography, page 215). 

He died at San Francesco a Ripa in Rome and was buried
there. Pope John XXIII canonized him in 1959. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2003-01-18 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day   January 18, 2003 
   St. Charles of Sezze 

Charles thought that God was calling him to be a
missionary in India, but he never got there. God had
something better for this 17th-century successor to
Brother Juniper. 

Born in Sezze, southeast of Rome, Charles was inspired
by the lives of Salvator Horta and Paschal Baylon to
become a Franciscan; he did that in 1635. Charles
tells us in his autobiography, "Our Lord put in my
heart a determination to become a lay brother with a
great desire to be poor and to beg alms for his love."

Charles served as cook, porter, sacristan, gardener
and beggar at various friaries in Italy. In some ways,
he was "an accident waiting to happen." He once
started a huge fire in the kitchen when the oil in
which he was frying onions burst into flames. 

One story shows how thoroughly Charles adopted the
spirit of St. Francis. The superior ordered Charles —
then porter — to give food only to traveling friars
who came to the door. Charles obeyed this direction;
simultaneously the alms to the friars decreased. 
Charles convinced the superior the two facts were
related. When the friars resumed giving goods to all
who asked at the door, alms to the friars increased

At the direction of his confessor Charles wrote his
autobiography, The Grandeurs of the Mercies of God. He
also wrote several other spiritual books. He made good
use of his various spiritual directors throughout the
years; they helped him discern which of Charles’ ideas
or ambitions were from God. Charles himself was sought
out for spiritual advice. The dying Pope Clement IX
called Charles to his bedside for a blessing. 

Charles had a firm sense of God’s providence. Father
Severino Gori has said, "By word and example he
recalled in all the need of pursuing only that which
is eternal" (Leonard Perotti, St. Charles of Sezze: An
Autobiography, page 215). 

He died at San Francesco a Ripa in Rome and was buried
there. Pope John XXIII canonized him in 1959. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] St. Berard and Companions (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-15 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the DayJanuary 16, 2003

 St. Berard and Companions

Preaching the gospel is often dangerous work. Leaving
one’s homeland and adjusting to new cultures,
governments and languages is difficult enough; but
martyrdom sometimes caps all the other sacrifices. 
In 1219 with the blessing of St. Francis, Berard left
Italy with Peter, Adjute, Accurs, Odo and Vitalis to
preach in Morocco. En route in Spain Vitalis became
sick and commanded the other friars to continue their
mission without him. 

They tried preaching in Seville, then in Muslim hands,
but made no converts. They went on to Morocco where
they preached in the marketplace. The friars were
immediately apprehended and ordered to leave the
country; they refused. When they began preaching
again, an exasperated sultan ordered them executed.
After enduring severe beatings and declining various
bribes to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ, the
friars were beheaded by the sultan himself on January
16, 1220. 

These were the first Franciscan martyrs. When Francis
heard of their deaths, he exclaimed, "Now I can truly
say that I have five Friars Minor!" Their relics were
brought to Portugal where they prompted a young
Augustinian canon to join the Franciscans and set off
for Morocco the next year. That young man was Anthony
of Padua. These five martyrs were canonized in 1481. 

love + prayers,

Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. Paul the Hermit (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-15 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the Day   January 15, 2003 
St. Paul the Hermit 

It is unclear what we really know of Paul's life, how
much is fable, how much fact. 

Paul was reportedly born in Egypt, where he was
orphaned by age 15. He was also a learned and devout
young man. During the persecution of Decius in Egypt
in the year 250, Paul was forced to hide in the home
of a friend. Fearing a brother-in-law would betray
him, he fled in a cave in the desert. His plan was to
return once the persecution ended, but the sweetness
of solitude and heavenly contemplation convinced him
to stay. 

He went on to live in that cave for the next 90 years.
A nearby spring gave him drink, a palm tree furnished
him clothing and nourishment. After 21 years of
solitude a bird began bringing him half of a loaf of
bread each day. Without knowing what was happening in
the world, Paul prayed that the world would become a
better place. 

St. Anthony attests to his holy life and death. 
Tempted by the thought that no one had served God in
the wilderness longer than he, Anthony was led by God
to find Paul and acknowledge him as a man more perfect
than himself. The raven that day brought a whole loaf
of bread instead of the usual half. As Paul predicted,
Anthony would return to bury his new friend. 
Thought to have been about 112 when he died, Paul is
known as the "First Hermit." 

His feast day is celebrated in the East; he is also
commemorated in the Coptic and Armenian rites of the

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jedah / Saudi Arabia

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Re: [JOYnet] Capsules. . . . not for sale.

2003-01-14 Thread jose joseph
Hi Joynetters,

Our Kakka (Sebastian Kakkasseri) is back with much
more vigor.  Earlier, his weekly article ‘The Pearls’ 
(from the Kuwaiti waters)  was  a real glittering.  
Now, after time gap (for higher studies) he started
prescribing us with his CAPLULES.  

Seby -  Congratulations! Shall we expect much more you
from today onwards?  

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
--- Sebastian Kakkasseri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It is the right time to do exploit in the name of
> the Lord. Let me ask you: 
> JUDE S.C. ASOGWA (Nigeria)
> For exploiting others in the name of the Lord.
> (the best capsule for the week)
> * * * * * * * * * * *
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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Re: [JOYnet] Capsules. . . . not for sale.

2003-01-14 Thread jose joseph
Hi Joynetters,

Our Kakka (Sebastian Kakkasseri) is back with much
more vigor.  Earlier, his weekly article ‘The Pearls’ 
(from the Kuwaiti waters)  was  a real glittering.  
Now, after time gap (for higher studies) he started
prescribing us with his CAPSULES.  

Seby -  Congratulations! Shall we expect much more you
from today onwards?  

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
--- Sebastian Kakkasseri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It is the right time to do exploit in the name of
> the Lord. Let me ask you: 
> JUDE S.C. ASOGWA (Nigeria)
> For exploiting others in the name of the Lord.
> (the best capsule for the week)
> * * * * * * * * * * *
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Servant of God John the Gardener (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-13 Thread jose joseph

Sunday Shalom's lestest edition issued a special
suppliment in Malayalam on Alexy & Shiny (the Jesus
Youth family) doing  missionery work at Agra (North
India). You can read at:  


Saint of the Day January 14, 2003 

  Servant of God John the Gardener 
John was born of poor parents in Portugal. Orphaned
early in life, he spent some years begging from door
to door. After finding work in Spain as a shepherd, he
shared the little he earned with those even more needy
than himself. One day two Franciscans encountered him
on a journey. Engaging him in conversation, they took
a liking to the simple man and invited him to come and
work at their friary in Salamanca. He readily accepted
and was assigned to the task of assisting the brother
with gardening duties. 

A short time later John himself entered the Franciscan
Order and lived a life of prayer and meditation,
fasting constantly, spending the nights in prayer,
still helping the poor. Because of his work in the
garden and the flowers he produced for the altar, he
became known as "the gardener." 

God favored John with the gift of prophecy and the
ability to read hearts. Important persons, including
princes, came to the humble, ever-obedient friar for
advice. He was so loving towards all that he never
wanted to take offense at anything. His advice was
that to forgive offenses is an act of penance most
pleasing to God. 

He predicted the day of his own death: January 11,

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. Hilary (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-13 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day January 13, 2003

St. Hilary

This staunch defender of the divinity of Christ was a
gentle and courteous man, devoted to writing some of
the greatest theology on the Trinity, and was like his
Master in being labeled a “disturber of the peace.” In
a very troubled period in the Church, his holiness was
lived out in both scholarship and controversy. 

Raised a pagan, he was converted to Christianity when
he met his God of nature in the Scriptures. His wife
was still living when he was chosen, against his will,
to be the bishop of Poitiers in France. He was soon
taken up with battling what became the scourge of the
fourth century, Arianism, which denied the divinity of

The heresy spread rapidly. St. Jerome said “The world
groaned and marveled to find that it was Arian.” When
Emperor Constantius ordered all the bishops of the
West to sign a condemnation of Athanasius, the great
defender of the faith in the East, Hilary refused and
was banished from France to far off Phrygia. 

Eventually he was called the “Athanasius of the West.”
While writing in exile, he was invited by some
semi-Arians (hoping for reconciliation) to a council
the emperor called to counteract the Council of Nicea.
But Hilary predictably defended the Church, and when
he sought public debate with the heretical bishop who
had exiled him, the Arians, dreading the meeting and
its outcome, pleaded with the emperor to send this
troublemaker back home. Hilary was welcomed by his

Love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer requests from Prayernet

2003-01-12 Thread jose joseph
Praise the Lord


Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending

Thanks giving:

1.  Teresa Lizzy & Vinod  give thanks and praises to  

Almighty God as they are blessed  with a Baby Boy
on the 24th December 2002. 

Please pray for the following intentions:

1.  For Krista Marie’s daughter Natalie who has  Brain

2.  Pray for Peace on Earth. 

3. Pray for Deepak’s lab exams held on 7th and 9th.   

4.  Pray for Greta’s brother-in-law, Mario to get
release documents signed.  Please intercede for
Mario's smooth transfer of residency.

5. Pray for Stevon,  to get release documents signed. 
Please intercede for his smooth transfer of residency.

6.   Please pray for a brother who has been terminated
from his job in the embassy. 

7.  Pray for a man  who was in Qatar and has been sent
back by his ex company with false accusations. Please
pray that he may be able to return to Qatar for a new
job or for a job in Kuwait.

8. Pray for  Joseph's complete healing of body, soul
and mind and for him to get close to Jesus.  

9.  Please pray for the success of village retreats –
Salvation 03 -  under the Purul parish (Manipur,
India) and for all  participants, preachers, priests
and catichists. 

10. Pray for Jolly to get better job and to lead a
good life. 

11. Pray for the success of Jy Delhi’s Nurses
conference scheduled from May 15 to 18th 2003.  Pray
for the participants, for a comfortable venue, and for
the finances.  

12. Pray for  Lovely’s job security as well as for her
hus job. 

13. Pray for Johnson to  get a good job

14. Please pray for Primeson’s friend  to pay-off his
15. Pray for Roshan, to be faithful to the Lord & that
Roshan see God’s  greatness in his weakness. Do pray
that Roshan gives the Holy SPrit more freedon to work
in his life & for  filling of the Holy SPirit!

16.  Please pray for Ajith’s family and the matter of
immigration to US.  

17. Calvin is trying for a technical job in Reliance.
Please pray for him to get it.  

18.  Pray for Jomina’s recrutment test scheduled on
11th January and for the rondevu retreats
(proffessional ministry)

19. Pray for Oscar Varela who is admitted in the
Mubarak hospital in Kuwait.
20. Pray for Nancy who has Cancer, please pray that
her  treatments will be a total success and no cancer
is found in her body

love + prayers, 
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. Marguerite Bourgeoys (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-12 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day  January 12, 2003

 St. Marguerite Bourgeoys  

“God closes a door and then opens a window,” people
sometimes say when dealing with their own
disappointment or someone else’s. That was certainly
true in Marguerite’s case. Children from European as
well as Native American backgrounds in
seventeenth-century Canada benefited from her great
zeal and unshakable trust in God’s providence. 

Born the sixth of 12 children in Troyes, France,
Marguerite at the age of 20 believed that she was
called to religious life. Her applications to the
Carmelites and Poor Clares were unsuccessful. A priest
friend suggested that perhaps God had other plans for

In 1654, the governor of the French settlement in
Canada visited his sister, an Augustinian canoness in
Troyes. Marguerite belonged to a sodality connected to
that convent. The governor invited her to come to
Canada and start a school in Ville-Marie (eventually
the city of Montreal). When she arrived, the colony
numbered 200 people with a hospital and a Jesuit
mission chapel. 

Soon after starting a school, she realized her need
for coworkers. Returning to Troyes, she recruited a
friend, Catherine Crolo, and two other young women. In
1667 they added classes at their school for Indian
children. A second trip to France three years later
resulted in six more young women and a letter from
King Louis XIV, authorizing the school. The
Congregation of Notre Dame was established in 1676 but
its members did not make formal religious profession
until 1698 when their Rule and constitutions were

Marguerite established a school for Indian girls in
Montreal. At the age of 69, she walked from Montreal
to Quebec in response to the bishop’s request to
establish a community of her sisters in that city. By
the time she died, she was referred to as the “Mother
of the Colony.” Marguerite was canonized in 1982. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] Blessed William Carter (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-11 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day   January 11, 2003
Blessed William Carter

Born in London, William Carter entered the printing
business at an early age. For many years he served as
apprentice to well-known Catholic printers, one of
whom served a prison sentence for persisting in the
Catholic faith. William himself served time in prison
following his arrest for "printing lewd [i.e.,
Catholic] pamphlets" as well as possessing books
upholding Catholicism. 

But even more, he offended public officials by
publishing works that aimed to keep Catholics firm in
their faith. Officials who searched his house found
various vestments and suspect books, and even managed
to extract information from William's distraught wife.
Over the next 18 months William remained in prison,
suffering torture and learning of his wife's death. 

He was eventually charged with printing and publishing
the Treatise of Schisme, which allegedly incited
violence by Catholics and which was said to have been
written by a traitor and addressed to traitors. While
William calmly placed his trust in God, the jury met
for only 15 minutes before reaching a verdict of
"guilty." William, who made his final confession to a
priest who was being tried alongside him, was hanged,
drawn and quartered the following day: January 11,

He was beatified in 1987. 

Love + prayers, 
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] St. Adrian of Canterbury (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-09 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the Day  January 9, 2003 
  St. Adrian of Canterbury 

Though St. Adrian turned down a papal request to
become Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Pope St.
Vitalian accepted the rejection on the condition that
Adrian serve as the Holy Father’s assistant and
adviser. Adrian accepted, but ended up spending most
of his life and doing most of his work in Canterbury.
Born in Africa, Adrian was serving as an abbot in
Italy when the new Archbishop of Canterbury appointed
him abbot of the monastery of Sts. Peter and Paul in
Canterbury. Thanks to his leadership skills, the
facility became one of the most important centers of
learning. The school attracted many outstanding
scholars from far and wide and produced numerous
future bishops and archbishops. Students reportedly
learned Greek and Latin and spoke Latin as well as
their own native languages. 

Adrian taught at the school for 40 years. He died
there, probably in the year 710, and was buried in the
monastery. Several hundred years later, when
reconstruction was being done, Adrian’s body was
discovered in an incorrupt state. As word spread,
people flocked to his tomb, which became famous for
miracles. Rumor had it that young schoolboys in
trouble with their masters made regular visits there. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Blessed Angela of Foligno (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-08 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the Day   January 8, 2003 
 Blessed Angela of Foligno 

Some saints show marks of holiness very early. Not
Angela! Born of a leading family in Foligno, she
became immersed in the quest for wealth and social
position. As a wife and mother, she continued this
life of distraction. 

Around the age of 40 she recognized the emptiness of
her life and sought God’s help in the Sacrament of
Penance. Her Franciscan confessor helped Angela to
seek God’s pardon for her previous life and to
dedicate herself to prayer and the works of charity. 
Shortly after her conversion, her husband and children
died. Selling most of her possessions, she entered the
Secular Franciscan Order. She was alternately absorbed
by meditating on the crucified Christ and by serving
the poor of Foligno as a nurse and beggar for their
needs. Other women joined her in a religious

At her confessor’s advice, Angela wrote her Book of
Visions and Instructions. In it she recalls some of
the temptations she suffered after her conversion; she
also expresses her thanks to God for the Incarnation
of Jesus. This book and her life earned for Angela the
title "Teacher of Theologians." She was beatified in

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
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[JOYnet] Jeevan TV

2003-01-07 Thread Jose Joseph
Dear Joynetters
This is for the Jesus youth in Gulf countries who had written to me regarding
the nonrecipt of share certificates
Please contact Mr.E J CLARENCE. Doha. Tel No. 00974 - 5350078, fax 00974 -
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Your Share certificate No. 8078 already dispatched to the above person for
distribution. If you have any problem to receive the certificate, please write
to me.

Thank you,


Binu Joseph

Share department

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[JOYnet] St. Raymond of Penyafort (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-07 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the day January 7, 2003 
  St. Raymond of Penyafort 

Since Raymond lived into his hundredth year, he had a
chance to do many things. As a member of the Spanish
nobility, he had the resources and the education to
get a good start in life. 

By the time he was 20, he was teaching philosophy. In
his early 30s he earned a doctorate in both canon and
civil law. At 41 he became a Dominican. Pope Gregory
IX called him to Rome to work for him and to be his
confessor. One of the things the pope asked him to do
was to gather together all the decrees of popes and
councils that had been made in 80 years since a
similar collection by Gratian. Raymond compiled five
books called the Decretals. They were looked upon as
one of the best organized collections of Church law
until the 1917 codification of canon law. 

Earlier, Raymond had written for confessors a book of
cases. It was called Summa de casibus poenitentiae.
More than just a list of sins and penances, it
discussed pertinent doctrines and laws of the Church
that pertained to the problem or case brought to the

At the age of 60, Raymond was appointed archbishop of
Tarragona, the capital of Aragon. He didn’t like the
honor at all and ended up getting sick and resigning
in two years. 

He didn’t get to enjoy his peace long, however,
because when he was 63 he was elected by his fellow
Dominicans to be the head of the whole Order, the
successor of St. Dominic. Raymond worked hard, visited
on foot all the Dominicans, reorganized their
constitutions and managed to put through a provision
that a master general be allowed to resign. When the
new constitutions were accepted, Raymond, then 65,

He still had 35 years to oppose heresy and work for
the conversion of the Moors in Spain. He convinced St.
Thomas Aquinas to write his work Against the Gentiles.

In his100th year the Lord let Raymond retire. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Blessed Andre Bessette (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-06 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the DayJanuary 06, 2003
  Blessed Andre Bessette

Brother André expressed a saint’s faith by a lifelong
devotion to St. Joseph. 

Sickness and weakness dogged André from birth. He was
the eighth of 12 children born to a French Canadian
couple near Montreal. Adopted at 12, when both parents
had died, he became a farmhand. Various trades
followed: shoemaker, baker, blacksmith—all failures.
He was a factory worker in the United States during
the boom times of the Civil War. 

At 25, he applied for entrance into the Congregation
of the Holy Cross. After a year’s novitiate, he was
not admitted because of his weak health. But with an
extension and the urging of Bishop Bourget, he was
finally received. He was given the humble job of
doorkeeper at Notre Dame College in Montreal, with
additional duties as sacristan, laundry worker and
messenger. “When I joined this community, the
superiors showed me the door, and I remained 40

In his little room near the door, he spent much of the
night on his knees. On his windowsill, facing Mount
Royal, was a small statue of St. Joseph, to whom he
had been devoted since childhood. When asked about it
he said, “Some day, St. Joseph is going to be honored
in a very special way on Mount Royal!” 

When he heard someone was ill, he visited to bring
cheer and to pray with the sick person. He would rub
the sick person lightly with oil taken from a lamp
burning in the college chapel. Word of healing powers
began to spread. 

When an epidemic broke out at a nearby college, André
volunteered to nurse. Not one person died. The trickle
of sick people to his door became a flood. His
superiors were uneasy; diocesan authorities were
suspicious; doctors called him a quack. “I do not
cure,” he said again and again. “St. Joseph cures.” In
the end he needed four secretaries to handle the
80,000 letters he received each year. 

For many years the Holy Cross authorities had tried to
buy land on Mount Royal. Brother André and others
climbed the steep hill and planted medals of St.
Joseph. Suddenly, the owners yielded. André collected
200 dollars to build a small chapel and began
receiving visitors there—smiling through long hours of
listening, applying St. Joseph’s oil. Some were cured,
some not. The pile of crutches, canes and braces grew.

The chapel also grew. By 1931 there were gleaming
walls, but money ran out. “Put a statue of St. Joseph
in the middle. If he wants a roof over his head, he’ll
get it.” The magnificent Oratory on Mount Royal took
50 years to build. The sickly boy who could not hold a
job died at 92. 

He is buried at the Oratory and was beatified in 1982.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests from Prayernet

2003-01-05 Thread jose joseph

Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending

Please pray for the following intentions:

1. George to get the residence VISA for his  wife in  

   UAE faster.

2. For peace & unity & Lord's Love in all George’s 

3. For Bijy, Lizy & Rachu to lead a healthy family 
   life, and live in the Holy Spirit. 

4. For  Lizy as she is carrying and now 5th month, to 
   have all done according to His mighty plans.

5.  For Vinitha from uk,  pray for her exam in March

6. Please pray for a youth who is issued with  
   termination notice from his company in Kuwait. 

7. For Agnes - a Manipur Jesus youth who is operated 
   in the hospital due to a serious kidney failure.

8. For Manipur Jesus Youth

9. Pray for Tiji’s hus to get the visa  

10.For Loretta to be blessed with a child.

11.For George to overcome the problems with his 
   studies and bad habits 

12.For peace and happiness at Loretta’s home 

13.Please pray for Smt.Lillykutty George,72 years who 
   is suffering from a secondary tumour in the lung. 
   She had undergone a nephrectomy [kidney surgery for

   a primary tumour in the kidney] 3 years back. Now 
   she has been advised to undergo another major  
   surgery for the lung tumour.

14.Jobin’s  uty exams are on 3,6,8,10th of january. 
   please pray for it

15.Benny’s my mother-in-law  is at the advanced stage 
   of Cancer. Her lungs, lever and  back bone are 
   affected. But the biopsy test proved negative. 
   Hence, Doctors are to do the biopsy again. Please 
   pray  for the miraculous recovery. 
16.For Rini, 8th class student,  to concentrate in the

   studies and become a prayerful girl. 

17.For Geovjoy to become a strong Jesus Youth.

18.For Joseph to have peace of mind and happiness 
   after a broken relationship.

19.For Jeffrey to study well 

20.For Sabu’s Uncle who has  undergone bypass surgery 
   on Jan 2nd 2002 at Ernakulam. May the good lord 
   bless him and his family abundantly with the 
   healing touch.

21.For Rose Mary  to get a good job offer 

22.For Sheny,  a Jesus Youth who just completes her 
   MCA exams needs a job and also need to assist Jesus

   Youth activities. 

love + prayers, 
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Phone:  + (02) 663 5666  ext. 1173 (work)
+ (02) 275 0517 (home)
Mobile: +966 52730432
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. John Neumann (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-04 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the Day   January 05, 2003

  St. John Neumann
John Neumann was born in what is now the Czech
Republic. After studying in Prague, he came to New
York at 25 and was ordained a priest. He did
missionary work in New York until he was 29, when he
joined the Redemptorists and became its first member
to profess vows in the United States. He continued
missionary work in Maryland, Virginia and Ohio, where
he became popular with the Germans. 

At 41, as bishop of Philadelphia, he organized the
parochial school system into a diocesan one,
increasing the number of pupils almost twentyfold
within a short time. 

Gifted with outstanding organizing ability, he drew
into the city many teaching communities of sisters and
the Christian Brothers. During his brief assignment as
vice provincial for the Redemptorists, he placed them
in the forefront of the parochial movement. 

Well-known for his holiness and learning, spiritual
writing and preaching, on October 13, 1963, he became
the first American bishop to be beatified. Canonized
in 1977, he is buried in St. Peter the Apostle Church
in Philadelphia. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Phone: + (02) 663 5666  ext. 1173 (work)
   + (02) 275 0517 (home)
Mobile:+966 52730432
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-04 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the Day   January 04, 2003
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 

Mother Seton is one of the keystones of the American
Catholic Church. She founded the first American
religious community for women, the Sisters of Charity.
She opened the first American parish school and
established the first American Catholic orphanage. All
this she did in the span of 46 years while raising her
five children. 

Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton is a true daughter of the
American Revolution, born August 28, 1774, just two
years before the Declaration of Independence. By birth
and marriage, she was linked to the first families of
New York and enjoyed the fruits of high society.
Reared a staunch Episcopalian by her mother and
stepmother, she learned the value of prayer, Scripture
and a nightly examination of conscience. Her father,
Dr. Richard Bayley, did not have much use for churches
but was a great humanitarian, teaching his daughter to
love and serve others. 

The early deaths of her mother in 1777 and her baby
sister in 1778 gave Elizabeth a feel for eternity and
the temporariness of the pilgrim life on earth. Far
from being brooding and sullen, she faced each new
“holocaust,” as she put it, with hopeful cheerfulness.

At 19, Elizabeth was the belle of New York and married
a handsome, wealthy businessman, William Magee Seton.
They had five children before his business failed and
he died of tuberculosis. At 30, Elizabeth was widowed,
penniless, with five small children to support. 
While in Italy with her dying husband, Elizabeth
witnessed Catholicity in action through family
friends. Three basic points led her to become a
Catholic: belief in the Real Presence, devotion to the
Blessed Mother and conviction that the Catholic Church
led back to the apostles and to Christ. Many of her
family and friends rejected her when she became a
Catholic in March 1805. 

To support her children, she opened a school in
Baltimore. From the beginning, her group followed the
lines of a religious community, which was officially
founded in 1809. 

The thousand or more letters of Mother Seton reveal
the development of her spiritual life from ordinary
goodness to heroic sanctity. She suffered great trials
of sickness, misunderstanding, the death of loved ones
(her husband and two young daughters) and the
heartache of a wayward son. She died January 4, 1821,
and became the first American-born citizen to be
beatified (1963) and then canonized (1975). She is
buried in Emmitsburg, Maryland. 

Love + prayers

Jose Joseph (Joseachayan) / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Phone:+ (02) 663 5666 (work)
  + (02) 275 0517 (home)
Mobile: +966 52730432
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. Basil (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-02 Thread jose joseph
Happy feast to all Basils in joy net.

Saint of the Day   January 02, 2003
St. Basil

Basil was on his way to becoming a famous teacher when
he decided to begin a religious life of gospel
poverty. After studying various modes of religious
life, he founded what was probably the first monastery
in Asia Minor. He is to monks of the East what St.
Benedict is to the West, and his principles influence
Eastern monasticism today. 

He was ordained a priest, assisted the archbishop of
Caesarea (now southeastern Turkey), and ultimately
became archbishop himself, in spite of opposition from
some of his suffragan bishops, probably because they
foresaw coming reforms. 

One of the most damaging heresies in the history of
the Church, Arianism, which denied the divinity of
Christ, was at its height. Emperor Valens persecuted
orthodox believers, and put great pressure on Basil to
remain silent and admit the heretics to communion.
Basil remained firm, and Valens backed down. But
trouble remained. When the great St. Athanasius died,
the mantle of defender of the faith against Arianism
fell upon Basil. He strove mightily to unite and rally
his fellow Catholics who were crushed by tyranny and
torn by internal dissension. He was misunderstood,
misrepresented, accused of heresy and ambition. Even
appeals to the pope brought no response. “For my sins
I seem to be unsuccessful in everything.” 

He was tireless in pastoral care. He preached twice a
day to huge crowds, built a hospital that was called a
wonder of the world (as a youth he had organized
famine relief and worked in a soup kitchen himself)
and fought the prostitution business. 

Basil was best known as an orator. His writings,
though not recognized greatly in his lifetime, rightly
place him among the great teachers of the Church.
Seventy-two years after his death, the Council of
Chalcedon described him as “the great Basil, minister
of grace who has expounded the truth to the whole

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Mary, Mother of God (Saint of the Day)

2003-01-01 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayJanuary 1, 2003 
   Mary,  Mother of God

Mary’s divine motherhood broadens the Christmas
spotlight. Mary has an important role to play in the
Incarnation of the Second Person of the Blessed
Trinity. She consents to God’s invitation conveyed by
the angel (Luke 1:26–38). Elizabeth proclaims: “Most
blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit
of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the
mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:42–43,
emphasis added). Mary’s role as mother of God places
her in a unique position in God’s redemptive plan. 
Without naming Mary, Paul asserts that “God sent his
Son, born of a woman, born under the law” (Galatians
4:4). Paul’s further statement that “God sent the
spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out ‘Abba,
Father!’“ helps us realize that Mary is mother to all
the brothers and sisters of Jesus. 

Some theologians also insist that Mary’s motherhood of
Jesus is an important element in God’s creative plan.
God’s “first” thought in creating was Jesus. Jesus,
the incarnate Word, is the one who could give God
perfect love and worship on behalf of all creation. As
Jesus was “first” in God’s mind, Mary was “second”
insofar as she was chosen from all eternity to be his

The precise title “Mother of God” goes back at least
to the third or fourth century. In the Greek form
Theotokos (God-bearer), it became the touchstone of
the Church’s teaching about the Incarnation. The
Council of Ephesus in 431 insisted that the holy
Fathers were right in calling the holy virgin
Theotokos. At the end of this particular session,
crowds of people marched through the street shouting:
“Praised be the Theotokos!” The tradition reaches to
our own day. In its chapter on Mary’s role in the
Church, Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on the
Church calls Mary “Mother of God” 12 times. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] St. Sylvester I (Saint of the Day)

2002-12-30 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day   December 31, 2002 
   St. Sylvester I
When you think of this pope, you think of the Edict of
Milan, the emergence of the Church from the catacombs,
the building of the great basilicas, Saint John
Lateran, Saint Peter’s and others, the Council of
Nicaea and other critical events. But for the most
part, these events were planned or brought about by
Emperor Constantine. 

A great store of legends has grown up around the man
who was pope at this most important time, but very
little can be established historically. We know for
sure that his papacy lasted from 314 until his death
in 335. Reading between the lines of history, we are
assured that only a very strong and wise man could
have preserved the essential independence of the
Church in the face of the overpowering figure of the
Emperor Constantine. The bishops in general remained
loyal to the Holy See and at times expressed apologies
to Sylvester for undertaking important ecclesiastical
projects at the urging of Constantine. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah

Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Happy New Year

2002-12-30 Thread jose joseph
Dear Friends in Christ,  

"Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our
hearts unto  wisdom." (Psalm 90:12)

Wishing you all a Spirit filled and Peaceful Year

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah 
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-30 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day  December 30, 2002

   St. Egwin

Born of royal blood in the 7th century, Egwin entered
a monastery and was enthusiastically received by
royalty, clergy and the people as the bishop of
Worcester, England. As a bishop he was known as a
protector of orphans and the widowed and a fair judge.
Who could argue with that? 

His popularity didn’t hold up among members of the
clergy, however. They saw him as overly strict, while
he felt he was simply trying to correct abuses and
impose appropriate disciplines. Bitter resentments
arose, and Egwin made his way to Rome to present his
case to Pope Constantine. The case against Egwin was
examined and annulled.

Upon his return to England, he founded Evesham Abbey,
which became one of the great Benedictine houses of
medieval England. It was dedicated to Mary, who had
reportedly made it known to Egwin just where a church
should be built in her honor.

He died at the abbey on December 30, in the year 717.
Following his burial many miracles were attributed to
him: The blind could see, the deaf could hear, the
sick were healed. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests

2002-12-29 Thread jose joseph
Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending

Please pray for the following intentions:

1.  For Joseph (UK)  who is looking for a new job in

2.  For JW (son of williams) to be saved and healed.

3. For the Blood cancer patients: Roseline Joseph &  

4. For the heart patients: Hydros Ismail &  Jaimy,  

5. For the Diabetes patients: George Lobo,  Benedict 
   Michael & Vincent,

6. For Abdul Hameed (Kidney Problem)

7. For Fr. Jose Alapurackal (complete recovery from 
   paralytic stroke)

8. For Winston Noel (Neuronal Hyper Excitability)

9. For the cancer patients: Samuel,  Stanly &  Denise 

10. For the completing healing of following patients: 
Aidrew,  Mohammed Ali,  Saifullah,  Ummer,   
Waleed,  Sankar,  Thressia Rappai,  Philomina 
Jacob,  Rosy Antony,   Lonappan,  Kochuthressia,  

Rukman,   Mammen T. Mammen, Mujeeb Rahman,   
Kurian Mammen,   Ubaid Saif,   Abdul Majeed,   
Soorben Singh,   Afdal Mangdas, Gunram Singh,   
Daisy,  Bhavani,  

11. For Sonia Jose & Joma for normal child birth.

12. For Lizy & family,  Renji & family  to have better

understanding and peaceful family life 

13. For Ouseph Chacko (unable to pass urine, a growth 
on the penis and  doubt of cancer)

14. For Joseph.T.X  who had a severe heart attack and 
is in a  serious condition. 
15.  For Anitha whose leave is sanctioned but  with 
 some mistakes in  the documents.  please pray for

 Anitha  to avail her leave without any problems. 

16.  For Rakesh  to get a good job.

17. Pray for Deepak’s semester exam, specially for lab


love n prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah

Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-29 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day December 29, 2002
   St. Thomas Becket

A strong man who wavered for a moment, but then
learned one cannot come to terms with evil and so
became a strong churchman, a martyr and a saint—that
was Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, murdered
in his cathedral on December 29, 1170. 

His career had been a stormy one. While archdeacon of
Canterbury, he was made chancellor of England at the
age of 36 by his friend King Henry II. When Henry felt
it advantageous to make his chancellor the archbishop
of Canterbury, Thomas gave him fair warning: he might
not accept all of Henry’s intrusions into Church
affairs. Nevertheless, he was made archbishop (1162),
resigned his chancellorship and reformed his whole way
of life! 

Troubles began. Henry insisted upon usurping Church
rights. At one time, supposing some conciliatory
action possible, Thomas came close to compromise. He
momentarily approved the Constitutions of Clarendon,
which would have denied the clergy the right of trial
by a Church court and prevented them from making
direct appeal to Rome. But Thomas rejected the
Constitutions, fled to France for safety and remained
in exile for seven years. When he returned to England,
he suspected it would mean certain death. Because
Thomas refused to remit censures he had placed upon
bishops favored by the king, Henry cried out in a
rage, “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest!”
Four knights, taking his words as his wish, slew
Thomas in the Canterbury cathedral. 

Within three years Thomas was a saint of the Church
and his tomb a shrine of pilgrimage. Henry II himself
did penance at Thomas’s tomb, but a later Henry (VIII)
despoiled that tomb and scattered the saint’s relics.
Thomas Becket, however, remains a hero-saint down to
our own times. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-28 Thread jose joseph

Saint of the Day   December 28, 2002

Feast of the Holy Innocents

Herod “the Great,” king of Judea, was unpopular with
his people because of his connections with the Romans
and his religious indifference. Hence he was insecure
and fearful of any threat to his throne. He was a
master politician and a tyrant capable of extreme
brutality. He killed his wife, his brother and his
sister’s two husbands, to name only a few. 

Matthew 2:1–18 tells this story: Herod was “greatly
troubled” when astrologers from the east came asking
the whereabouts of “the newborn king of the Jews,”
whose star they had seen. They were told that the
Jewish Scriptures named Bethlehem as the place where
the Messiah would be born. Herod cunningly told them
to report back to him so that he could also “do him
homage.” They found Jesus, offered him their gifts
and, warned by an angel, avoided Herod on their way
home. Jesus escaped to Egypt. 

Herod became furious and “ordered the massacre of all
the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old
and under.” Since Bethlehem was a small town, the
number of babies killed was perhaps 20 or 25. The
horror of the massacre and the devastation of the
mothers and fathers led Matthew to quote Jeremiah: “A
voice was heard in Ramah,/sobbing and loud
lamentation;/Rachel weeping for her children...”
(Matthew 2:18). Rachel was the wife of Jacob/Israel.
She is pictured as weeping at the place where the
Israelites were herded together by the conquering
Assyrians for their march into captivity. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] E-mai laddress

2002-12-26 Thread Jose Joseph
Hello Joynetters
Can anyone give me the e-mail address of Dr Vipin.V.Roland, from Trivandrum.
Your's in Jesus

Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-25 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day  December 26, 2002
 St. Stephen

All we know of Stephen is found in Acts of the
Apostles, chapters six and seven. It is enough to tell
us what kind of man he was:

At that time, as the number of disciples continued to
grow, the Hellenist (Greek-speaking) Christians
complained about the Hebrew-speaking Christians,
saying that their widows were being neglected in the
daily distribution. So the Twelve called together the
community of the disciples and said, “It is not right
for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table.
Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men,
filled with the Spirit and wisdom, whom we shall
appoint to this task, whereas we shall devote
ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”
The proposal was acceptable to the whole community, so
they chose Stephen, a man filled with faith and the
Holy Spirit (Acts 6:1–5)

Acts says that Stephen was a man filled with grace and
power, who worked great wonders among the people.
Certain Jews, members of the Synagogue of Roman
Freedmen, debated with Stephen but proved no match for
the wisdom and spirit with which he spoke. They
persuaded others to make the charge of blasphemy
against him. He was seized and carried before the

In his speech, Stephen recalled God’s guidance through
Israel’s history, as well as Israel’s idolatry and
disobedience. He then claimed that his persecutors
were showing this same spirit. “[Y]ou always oppose
the holy Spirit; you are just like your ancestors”
(Acts 7:51b). 

His speech brought anger from the crowd. “But
[Stephen], filled with the holy Spirit, looked up
intently to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus
standing at the right hand of God, and he said,
‘Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man
standing at the right hand of God’ They threw him
out of the city, and began to stone himAs they
were stoning Stephen, he called out, ‘Lord Jesus,
receive my spiritLord, do not hold this sin
against them’” (Acts 7:55–56, 58a, 59, 60b). 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-25 Thread jose joseph
Merry Christmas to all of you.

  Christmas Day December 25, 2002

On this day the Church focuses especially on the
newborn Child, God become human, who embodies for us
all the hope and peace we seek. We need no other
special saint today to lead us to Christ in the
manger, although his mother Mary and Joseph, caring
for his foster-Son, help round out the scene.

But if we were to select a patron for today, perhaps
it might be appropriate for us to imagine an anonymous
shepherd, summoned to the birthplace by a wondrous and
even disturbing vision in the night, a summons from an
angelic choir, promising peace and goodwill. A
shepherd willing to seek out something that might just
be too unbelievable to chase after, and yet compelling
enough to leave behind the flocks in the field and
search for a mystery. 

On the day of the Lord’s birth, let’s let an unnamed,
“un-celebrity” at the edge of the crowd model for us
the way to discover Christ in our own hearts—somewhere
between skepticism and wonder, between mystery and
faith. And, like Mary and the shepherds, let us
treasure that discovery in our hearts. 

with prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah

Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-24 Thread jose joseph

Merry Christmas to All.

Saint of the Day December 24, 2002

 St. Adele

St. Adele, Widow. A daughter of King Dagobert II of
Germany, St. Adele became a nun upon the death of her
husband, making provisions for her son, the future
father of St. Gregory of Utrecht. She founded a
convent at Palatiolum near Trier and became its first
Abbess, ruling with holiness, prudence, and
compassion. St. Adele seems to have been among the
disciples of St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany, and
a letter in his correspondence is addressed to her.
After a devout life filled with good works and
communion with God, she passed on to her heavenly
reward in 730. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-23 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day   December 23, 2002

St. John of Kanty

John was a country lad who made good in the big city
and the big university of Kraków, Poland. After
brilliant studies he was ordained a priest and became
a professor of theology. The inevitable opposition
which saints encounter led to his being ousted by
rivals and sent to be a parish priest at Olkusz. An
extremely humble man, he did his best, but his best
was not to the liking of his parishioners. Besides, he
was afraid of the responsibilities of his position.
But in the end he won his people’s hearts. After some
time he returned to Kraków and taught Scripture for
the remainder of his life. 

He was a serious man, and humble, but known to all the
poor of Kraków for his kindness. His goods and his
money were always at their disposal, and time and
again they took advantage of him. He kept only the
money and clothes absolutely needed to support
himself. He slept little, and then on the floor, ate
sparingly, and took no meat. He made a pilgrimage to
Jerusalem, hoping to be martyred by the Turks. He made
four pilgrimages to Rome, carrying his luggage on his
back. When he was warned to look after his health, he
was quick to point out that, for all their austerity,
the fathers of the desert lived remarkably long lives.

love n prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-22 Thread jose joseph
Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html
Saint of the DayDecember 22, 2002

  Blessed Jacopone da Todi

Jacomo, or James, was born a noble member of the
Benedetti family in the northern Italian city of Todi.
He became a successful lawyer and married a pious,
generous lady named Vanna. 

His young wife took it upon herself to do penance for
the worldly excesses of her husband. One day Vanna, at
the insistence of Jacomo, attended a public
tournament. She was sitting in the stands with the
other noble ladies when the stands collapsed. Vanna
was killed. Her shaken husband was even more disturbed
when he realized that the penitential girdle she wore
was for his sinfulness. On the spot, he vowed to
radically change his life. 
He divided his possessions among the poor and entered
the Third Order of St. Francis. Often dressed in
penitential rags, he was mocked as a fool and called
Jacopone, or "Crazy Jim," by his former associates.
The name became dear to him. 

After 10 years of such humiliation, Jacopone asked to
be a member of the Franciscan Order. Because of his
reputation, his request was initially refused. He
composed a beautiful poem on the vanities of the
world, an act that eventually led to his admission
into the Order in 1278. He continued to lead a life of
strict penance, declining to be ordained a priest.
Meanwhile he was writing popular hymns in the

Jacopone suddenly found himself a leader in a
disturbing religious movement among the Franciscans.
The Spirituals, as they were called, wanted a return
to the strict poverty of Francis. They had on their
side two cardinals of the Church and Pope Celestine V.
These two cardinals, though, opposed Celestine's
successor, Boniface VIII. At the age of 68, Jacopone
was excommunicated and imprisoned. Although he
acknowledged his mistake, Jacopone was not absolved
and released until Benedict XI became pope five years
later. He had accepted his imprisonment as penance. He
spent the final three years of his life more spiritual
than ever, weeping "because Love is not loved." During
this time he wrote the famous Latin hymn, Stabat

On Christmas Eve in 1306 Jacopone felt that his end
was near. He was in a convent of the Poor Clares with
his friend, Blessed John of La Verna. Like Francis,
Jacopone welcomed "Sister Death" with one of his
favorite songs. It is said that he finished the song
and died as the priest intoned the Gloria from the
midnight Mass at Christmas. From the time of his
death, Brother Jacopone has been venerated as a saint.

love n prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Merry Christmas

2002-12-22 Thread jose joseph
Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html

Wish you all a joyous Christmas and a happy New Year.

love n prayers, 
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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[JOYnet] Consolidated Prayer Requests from Prayernet

2002-12-22 Thread jose joseph
Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html
Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending
22.12.2002,  prayer requests appeared on
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  are not included.

Please pray for the following intentions:

1.  For Annie John's Elder sister's son who was born
few days back thru caesarean section, but is in ICU
since he is having a serious respiratory problem. 
2.  For the Bible course 'Thejas' at Emmaus, Cochin,
India starting from January next year.
3. For the new KYCT co-ordinator Shinto from
4. For the 232 youth who have arrived Kerala from
various parts of India for the cultural Exchange

5. For George,  to control his human desires ( reading
bad literature and   movies).  

6. Pray for George  that he  may not get angry soon
and further for the gift of  forgiveness and he  may
always walk in the path of the Lord which the 
Lord has chosen for him. 

7. Pray for George to get a good job. 

8.  Sriram's mother will be under going a major brain
surgery to remove a tumor. This is expected to be a
complicated surgery as blood vessels are passing
through the tumor. Please keep her in your prayers.

9. Pray for all those students appearing for the
forthcoming CBSE preliminary exams (22Dec) - to our
Lord to give them confidence, serenity and guidance
while answering their papers.

10. Kindly pray for a charismatic Retreat to start for
our Varli tribals of Talasari from 27Dec to 29 Dec.

 11. Pray for Giju’s cousin who passed away in  an
accident in this week.  He is survived by his wife and
a daughter of 2 years old. Please pray for his soul
and the bereaved family.

12. Roy express his thanks  for your prayers and
concern , he is  recovering from the operation which
was on 12th and he intending to fly to India for two
weeks on this Saturday for his  father’s first death
anniversary celebration on 28th. Please keep him  in
your prayers.

13.  Please pray for the  friend of Dexon , who met
with an accident in Bangalore. One of the guys died on
the spot and another one is hospitalised. Pls pray for
them to overcome the situation. 

14. Pray for Bristow’s sister. She is suffering from
back pain due to her disk injury. She is mentally very
depressed due this problem also other some of her
personal problems. 

15. Anto is from Thrissur and now is at Pondicherry. 
He feels loneliness there. Please Pray for him.

16. Rayner  is joining a new job,  pray for him so he
may be able to do the job to its best.


Special prayers for the Jesus Youth International
Gathering at S B College Changanacherry, Kerala ,
India on December 27.

love + prayers,
Jose Joseph (Joseachayan) / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-21 Thread jose joseph

Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html


Sorry, as I could not  access to my internet facility
for a week  the 'Saint of the Day' was discontinued. 
Thanks to God,  from today again, 'The Saint of the
Day' is being forwarded to the Joynet.
with prayers,
Jose Joseph (Joseachayan) / Jeddah

Saint of the Day December 21, 2002

 St. Peter Canisius  

In 1565, the Vatican was looking for a secret agent.
It was shortly after the Council of Trent and the pope
wanted to get the decrees of the Council to all the
European bishops. What would be a simple errand in our
day, was a dangerous assignment in the sixteenth
century. The first envoy who tried to carry the
decrees through territory of hostile Protestants and
vicious thieves was robbed of the precious documents.
Rome needed someone courageous but also someone above
suspicion. They chose Peter Canisius. At 43 he was a
well-known Jesuit who had founded colleges that even
Protestants respected. They gave him a cover as
official "visitor" of Jesuit foundations. But Peter
couldn't hide the decrees like our modern fictional
spies with their microfilmed messages in collar
buttons or cans of shaving cream. Peter traveled from
Rome and crisscrossed Germany successfully loaded down
with the Tridentine tomes -- 250 pages each -- not to
mention the three sacks of books he took along for his
own university! 

Why did the Vatican choose Peter Canisius for this
delicate task? 

Born in Holland in 1521, Peter had edited and written
several volumes on Church history and theology, been a
delegate to the Council of Trent, and reformed the
German universities from heresy. Called to Vienna to
reform their university, he couldn't win the people
with preaching or fancy words spoken in his German
accent. He won their hearts by ministering to the sick
and dying during a plague. The people, the king, and
the pope all wanted to make Peter bishop of Vienna,
but Peter declined vigorously and administered the
diocese for a year. 

For many years during the Reformation, Peter saw the
students in his universities swayed by the flashy
speeches and the well-written arguments of the
Protestants. Peter was not alone in wishing for a
Catholic catechism that would present true Catholic
beliefs undistorted by fanatics. Finally King
Ferdinand himself ordered Peter and his companions to
write a catechism. This hot potato got tossed from
person to person until Peter and his friend Lejay were
assigned to write it. Lejay was obviously the logical
choice, being a better writer than Peter. So Peter
relaxed and sat back to offer any help he could. When
Father Lejay died, King Ferdinand would wait no
longer. Peter said of writing: "I have never learned
to be elegant as a writer, but I cannot remain dumb on
that account." The first issue of the Catechism
appeared in 1555 and was an immediate success. Peter
approached Christian doctrine in two parts: wisdom --
including faith, hope, and charity -- and justice --
avoiding evil and doing good, linked by a section on

Because of the success and the need, Peter quickly
produced two more versions: a Shorter Catechism for
middle school students which concentrated on helping
this age group choose good over evil by concentrating
on a different virtue each day of the week; and a
Shortest Catechism for young children which included
prayers for morning and evening, for mealtimes, and so
forth to get them used to praying. 

As intent as Peter was on keeping people true to the
Catholic faith, he followed the Jesuit policy that
harsh words should not be used, that those listening
would see an example of charity in the way Catholics
acted and preached. However, his companions were not
always as willing. He showed great patience and
insight with one man, Father Couvillon. Couvillon was
so sharp and hostile that he was alienating his
companions and students. Anyone who confronted him
became the subject of abuse. It became obvious that
Couvillon suffered from emotional illness. But Peter
did not let that knowledge blind him to the fact that
Couvillon was still a brilliant and talented man. 

Instead of asking Couvillon to resign he begged him to
stay on as a teacher and then appointed him as his
secretary. Peter thought that Couvillon needed to
worry less about himself and pray more and work
harder. He didn't coddle him but gave Couvillon blunt
advice about his pride. Coming from Peter this seemed
to help Couvillon. Peter consulted Couvillon often on
business of the Province and asked him to translate
Jesuit letters from India. Thanks to Peter , even
though Couvillon continued to suffer depression for
years, he also accomplished much good. 

Peter died in December 21, 1597. He is known as the

[JOYnet] Jeevan Tv

2002-12-20 Thread Jose Joseph

Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html

Hi Joyneters,
As you know Jeevan TV has become full operational by now and this is the only
family channel based on values and promoted by the church.The channel gives
due importance to religion,education,agriculture,&entertainment.For the smooth
running of the channel and for the channel to become more value based and
Christ centered Jeevan TV needs our financial & moral support.By the Grace of
God we have a grat visionary in Mr P.C.Cyriac.I.A.S at the helm of affairs of
Jeevan TV and with him we can expect the channel to acheive great heights.
If any of you are interested in taking Shares of Jeevan TV you can get the
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In Union with Jesus Christ

Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-13 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day   December 14, 2002

   Saint John of the Cross 

Born in Spain in 1542, John learned the importance of
self-sacrificing love from his parents. His father
gave up wealth, status, and comfort when he married a
weaver's daughter and was disowned by his noble
family. After his father died, his mother kept the
destitute family together as they wandered homeless in
search of work. These were the examples of sacrifice
that John followed with his own great love -- God. 

When the family finally found work, John still went
hungry in the middle of the wealthiest city in Spain.
At fourteen, John took a job caring for hospital
patients who suffered from incurable diseases and
madness. It was out of this poverty and suffering,
that John learned to search for beauty and happiness
not in the world, but in God. 

After John joined the Carmelite order, Saint Teresa of
Avila asked him to help her reform movement. John
supported her belief that the order should return to
its life of prayer. But many Carmelites felt
threatened by this reform, and some members of John's
own order kidnapped him. He was locked in a cell six
feet by ten feet and beaten three times a week by the
monks. There was only one tiny window high up near the
ceiling. Yet in that unbearable dark, cold, and
desolation, his love and faith were like fire and
light. He had nothing left but God -- and God brought
John his greatest joys in that tiny cell. 

After nine months, John escaped by unscrewing the lock
on his door and creeping past the guard. Taking only
the mystical poetry he had written in his cell, he
climbed out a window using a rope made of stirps of
blankets. With no idea where he was, he followed a dog
to civilization. He hid from pursuers in a convent
infirmary where he read his poetry to the nuns. From
then on his life was devoted to sharing and explaining
his experience of God's love. 

His life of poverty and persecution could have
produced a bitter cynic. Instead it gave birth to a
compassionate mystic, who lived by the beliefs that
"Who has ever seen people persuaded to love God by
harshness?" and "Where there is no love, put love --
and you will find love." 

John left us many books of practical advice on
spiritual growth and prayer that are just as relevant
today as they were then. These books include: 

Ascent of Mount Carmel 

Dark Night of the Soul 

and A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the
Bridegroom Christ 

Since joy comes only from God, John believed that
someone who seeks happiness in the world is like "a
famished person who opens his mouth to satisfy himself
with air." He taught that only by breaking the rope of
our desires could we fly up to God. Above all, he was
concerned for those who suffered dryness or depression
in their spiritual life and offered encouragement that
God loved them and was leading them deeper into faith.

"What more do you want, o soul! And what else do you
search for outside, when within yourself you possess
your riches, delights, satisfaction and kingdom --
your beloved whom you desire and seek? Desire him
there, adore him there. Do not go in pursuit of him
outside yourself. You will only become distracted and
you won't find him, or enjoy him more than by seeking
him within you." -- Saint John of the Cross 

love n prayers,
Jose Joseph (Josachayan)/ Jeddah
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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-11 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day   December 11, 2002 
  St. Damasus I 
To his secretary St. Jerome, Damasus was “an
incomparable person, learned in the Scriptures, a
virgin doctor of the virgin Church, who loved chastity
and heard its praises with pleasure.” 
Damasus seldom heard such unrestrained praise.
Internal political struggles, doctrinal heresies,
uneasy relations with his fellow bishops and those of
the Eastern Church marred the peace of his
The son of a Roman priest, possibly of Spanish
extraction, Damasus started as a deacon in his
father’s church, and served as a priest in what later
became the basilica of San Lorenzo in Rome. He served
Pope Liberius (352–366) and followed him into exile.

When Liberius died, Damasus was elected bishop of
Rome; but a minority elected and consecrated another
deacon, Ursinus, as pope. The controversy between
Damasus and the antipope resulted in violent battles
in two basilicas, scandalizing the bishops of Italy.
At the synod Damasus called on the occasion of his
birthday, he asked them to approve his actions. The
bishops’ reply was curt: “We assembled for a birthday,
not to condemn a man unheard.” Supporters of the
antipope even managed to get Damasus accused of a
grave crime—probably sexual—as late as A.D. 378. He
had to clear himself before both a civil court and a
Church synod.
As pope his lifestyle was simple in contrast to other
ecclesiastics of Rome, and he was fierce in his
denunciation of Arianism and other heresies. A
misunderstanding of the Trinitarian terminology used
by Rome threatened amicable relations with the Eastern
Church, and Damasus was only moderately successful in
dealing with the situation. 

During his pontificate Christianity was declared the
official religion of the Roman state (380), and Latin
became the principal liturgical language as part of
the pope’s reforms. His encouragement of St. Jerome’s
biblical studies led to the Vulgate, the Latin
translation of Scripture which the Council of Trent
(12 centuries later) declared to be “authentic in
public readings, disputations, preachings.”

love n prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-09 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day December 10, 2002

 Pope Saint Gregory III

He was just standing there, not doing anything
special. As a Syrian priest he must have felt a little
out of place among the Roman people mourning that day
for the dead Pope. As a good preacher, he must have
wanted to speak to the funeral procession about
Christ's promise of resurrection. As a learned man, he
must have wondered who would follow the holy Saint
Gregory II as Pope and where he would take the Church.
As a holy man, he must have been praying for Gregory
II and for all the people around him to find their
place after death in God's arms. But he was just one
of the crowd. 

Not to God. And not to the people who recognized the
well-known holy man in their midst. Right in the
middle of the funeral procession they singled him out.
They swept him away and clamored for him to be named
the next bishop of Rome. Then suddenly, unexpectedly,
without his even lifting a finger, his whole life
changed and he could no longer just stand there and do

After he was proclaimed Pope Gregory III, Emperor Leo
II attacked the veneration of holy images. Because Leo
II thought the honor paid to Jesus, Mary, and the
saints by keeping statues and icons was idolatry, he
condemned them and wanted them destroyed. Gregory III
didn't just stand there but immediately sent a letter
to Leo II. He couldn't get the letter through because
the priest-messenger was afraid to deliver it. So
instead, Gregory called a synod that approved strong
measures against anyone who would try to destroy
images of Jesus, Mary, or the saints. 

Gregory took his stand and Leo II apparently thought
the only way to move him was through physical force.
So Leo sent ships to kidnap Gregory and bring him to
Constantinople. Many people in Rome must have tried to
get Gregory to move -- but he just stood there. And
once again God intervened. A storm destroyed Leo's
ships. The only thing Leo could do was capture some of
the papal lands. 

So Leo got a few acres of land and we kept our
wonderful reminders of the love of God, the protection
of Jesus, the prayers of Mary, and the examples of the
saints. All because Gregory knew when to take a stand
-- and when to stand there and let God work. 
Gregory III was Pope from 731-741. 

In His Footsteps: Where in your life do you need to
take a stand? Take a stand: The next time you here
someone say something that indicates religious,
racial, gender, or any other kind of prejudice, take a
stand and make it clear that such prejudice is not
tolerated by God or God's people. 

Prayer: Saint Gregory III, it's hard to stand still
and wait for God to do his work. Sometimes I doubt
God's providence. I'm afraid that God's plan won't
work out unless I push it along. Help me, when I'm
confused, to stop, pray, and wait for God. Amen 

love n prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-12-01 Thread jose joseph
December 01, 2002

Saint of the Day : St. Eligius 
  (Patron of metalworkers)

Eligius (also known as Eloi) was born around 590 near
Limoges in France. He became an extremely skillful
metalsmith and was appointed master of the mint under
King Clotaire II of Paris. Eligius developed a close
friendship with the King and his reputation as an
outstanding metalsmith became widespread. With his
fame came fortune. Eligius was very generous to the
poor, ransomed many slaves, and built several churches
and a monastery at Solignac. He also erected a major
convent in Paris with property he received from
Clotaire's son, King Dagobert I. In 629, Eligius was
appointed Dagobert's first counselor. Later, on a
mission for Dagobert, he persuaded the Breton King
Judicael, to accept the authority of Dagobert. Eligius
later fulfilled his desire to serve God as a priest,
after being ordained in 640. Then he was made bishop
of Noyon and Tournai. His apostolic zeal led him to
preach in Flanders, especially Antwerp, Ghent, and
Courtai where he made many converts. Eligius died on
December 1, around 660, at Noyon. He is the patron of
metalworkers and his feast day is December 1. The use
of one's talents and wealth for the welfare of
humanity is a very true reflection of the image of
God. In the case of St. Eligius, he was so well liked
that he attracted many to Christ. His example should
encourage us to be generous in spirit and kind and
happy in demeanor.
Hi JYs,

As we are closing for the "Eid" holidays today, sorry
the next 'Saint of the Day' will be posted only on 
10th after reopening. Please keep me in your prayers.

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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[JOYnet] Saint of the Day

2002-11-30 Thread jose joseph

Since Suma is leaving for India on leave, if God
wills, I will post the 'Saints of the Day' till first
week of February 2003. Here is the life history of
today's saint.

love + prayers, Joseachayan / Jeddah 

November 30 

St. Andrew (Patron of Fisherman

Andrew, like his brother Simon Peter, was a fisherman.
He became a disciple of the great St. John the
Baptist, but when John pointed to Jesus and said,
"Behold the Lamb of God!" Andrew understood that Jesus
was greater. At once he left John to follow the Divine
Master. Jesus knew that Andrew was walking behind him,
and turning back, he asked, "what do you seek?" When
Andrew answered that he would like to know where Jesus
lived, Our Lord replied, "Come and see." Andrew had
been only a little time with Jesus when he realized
that this was truly the Messiah. 
>From then on, he chose to follow Jesus. Andrew was
thus the first disciple of Christ. Next, Andrew
brought his brother Simon (St. Peter) to Jesus and
Jesus received him, too, as His disciple. At first the
two brothers continued to carry on their fishing trade
and family affairs, but later, the Lord called them to
stay with Him all the time. He promised to make them
fishers of men, and this time, they left their nets
for good. It is believed that after Our Lord ascended
into Heaven, St. Andrew went to Greece to preach the
gospel. He is said to have been put to death on a
cross, to which he was tied, not nailed. He lived two
days in that state of suffering, still preaching to
the people who gathered around their beloved Apostle.
Two countries have chosen St. Andrew as their patron -
Russia and Scotland. 
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[JOYnet] workculture

2002-11-29 Thread Jose Joseph
.Recently the Past MD of Technopark Trivandrum
Vijayaraghavan,was telling in an interview that one singapore IT co had
approached him to start an IT based industry in technopark.They offered the
Best pay package in the industry and had about 10,000 jobs in the first year
itself and this will increase in the second year.Only assurence they wanted
was a protection against strikes,by the Government through legislation since
a single day strile will affect their business verymuch since it is spred
all over.The govt could'nt give an assurence and Finally it was china who
gave the assurence and they started the firm in China.Fed up with everything
even Vijayaraghavan Quit technopark

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Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

2002-11-12 Thread Jose Joseph
Dear Joynetters,
Let me share few of my experiances.You don't need to accept vasthushastra in
toto.But certain things in vasthu sastra are scientific and based on
facts-like magnetic field and sunlight.Last year i heard a talk by eminent
scholar IG of Police Mr Alexander Jacob where he specified the direction in
which you should sleep,How to study and which direction to face.Thease were
all based on Facts and statistics.I myself had very troubled sleep for
years.But when i changed the direction i am getting good sleep now.Mr
Alexander Jacob who is a Bible scholar, and one who gives classes in schools
alover the state gives the importance of the direction.So you cannot turn
away from Vasthushastra just because it is an Hindu way.Why not we adopt
some of the Good aspects in it.
With Love in Jesus

- Original Message -
From: seena George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

> Dear friend in Christ,
> Vastu shastra is nothing but the science of things, where things are
> given priority... here man's ideas are given lesser importance than the
> way in which things are supposed to be arranged...
> I as a civil engineer,I personally feel that it is inhibiting the human
> freedom of mind and the free will to place things as we want, they have
> rules about where to put the bed and in which direction and where the
> kitchen etc should come i feel it has a bondage.
> more over , i have come across many people and friends who have said
> that, when they had built a house without this science, they had many
> monetary losses, and personal tragedies and when they consulted a pudit
> or a pujari or a vastu engineer, and rebuilt the kitchen and the garage
> etc, their monetary problems and health complaints vanished... they aslo
> mentioned that after rebuilting the place, they generally do a puja to
> dispell the evil that was there before... and according to them the
> directions of the amenities like kitech prevent evil ...
> it is all satanic and full of bondage. it "vastu shastra" is a hindu way
> of life, and not christian... God never said that we should not sleep
> facing south etc.. did He ? no he gave us the free will to remain free ..
> free in our minds and lives.
> Jesus Loves You.
> Original Message Follows From: Jennifer To: Joynet Subject:
> [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:58:53 +0530 Hi
> Joynetters, A very Good Morning to all. There was this one question in
> mind which I would like to share with you all. I am sure that many among
> you may have answer to this. It's about Vastu Shastra, the new thing that
> is become so popular among the Contractors and builders and also among
> many Christians. I somehow get a feeling that it is not good, that it is
> against our Christian faith. But then then it's just a feeling and there
> are no facts. How do I convince myself of this so that I can convince my
> fellow brothers about it's ill effects. There are Christians who place
> their altars in the position the Vastu Shastra suggests. Awaiting your
> replies. Love & Prayers Jennifer
>  This
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> the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join To get a standard
> help message on the list services send a mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] In case of any issue related to the mailing
> list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[JOYnet] I am Learning Lord

2002-11-03 Thread jose joseph
Dear JYs,

My life has taken many falls 
And tumbles 'long the way.
The many trials have left me
In a sure state of dismay.

For with each trial, I tried alone 
To tend, and soothe, and mend,
Instead of giving them to God -
And on Him just depend ...

But, I am Learning Lord

It seems I was determined
To carry all the load.
I longed for smoother pathways.
Yet, I walked a rocky road.

Little did I understand,
God waited patiently
To pave a new beginning
With a better life for me.

But, I am Learning Lord

It took a real disaster
To bring me to my knees;
To finally call upon the Lord
And say, "God help me, please."

He came with no delaying,
With strong arms that could hold -
The weight of all my burdens;
He gladly took the load.

and, I am Learning Lord

What a needless cross I carried,
All because I could not see -
What a friend I have in Jesus,
And the love He has for me.

Peace I find when troubles hover,
Though' the outcome is unknown.
For if yet the road is rocky,
I won't walk it all alone.

For, I am Learning Lord


fwd from Sacred Pages.com
with love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
visit www.marymatha.com
HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

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[JOYnet] Do something

2002-11-01 Thread jose joseph
Dear JYs,

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.

Do something really nice for another person today.

fwd: with love + prayers 
Joseachayan / Jeddah
HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

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[JOYnet] 4th Birthday

2002-10-22 Thread jose joseph
Dear Joynetters,

Great, today we are celebrating the 4th Happy Birthday
of our Joynet. I am privileged to be a part of this
group. May God bless each one of us on Joynet's 4th

love + prayers,
"Aayirathil Oruvan"
Joseachayan / Jeddah  
Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

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[JOYnet] 4th Birthday

2002-10-22 Thread jose joseph
Dear Joynetters,

Great, today we are celebrating the 4th Happy Birthday
of our Joynet. I am privileged to be a part of this
group. May God bless each one of us on Joynet's 4th

love + prayers,
"Aayirathil Oruvan"
Joseachayan / Jeddah  
Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

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[JOYnet] Holy Eucarist

2002-10-10 Thread Jose Joseph

I have heard that the so called FreeMasons,evenwhile conducting their own
group meetings..will also attend the mass and church functions to let people
know that they are not diassociating with the church.Carring the Holy
Eucharist home may be the work of Freemasons.I was surprised to hear that the
Freemasons group has already reached every nook and corner of kerala and even
in this remote place like Kanjirapally.Many people from most prominant and
Knowing families have joined this group for material gains without knowing the
Let us pray for all those and for them to return to the right path.
Lovingly in Jesus Christ

Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-10-10 Thread jose joseph


Please keep the Jeddah based fellowships in your
prayers. We are planning for a week's special
programme, commencing 19th.

love + prayers,
Josachayan / Jeddah
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2002-10-10 Thread jose joseph


Please keep the Jeddah based fellowships in your
prayers. We are planning for a week's special
programme, commencing 19th.

love + prayers,
Josachayan / Jeddah
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

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2002-09-23 Thread Tony Jose Joseph Vattakuzhy
position. Then total and absolute darkness will cover the entire 
planet... All evil spirits will be mingling around and free, doing 
harm to all those souls that did not want to listen to this 
message and those who did not want to repent. To the faithful 
souls , remember to light the blessed candles. Prepare a sacred 
altar with a crucifix in order to communicate with GOD and implore 
for his infinite mercy All will be dark; IN THE SKY A GREAT 
MYSTIC CROSS will appear to remind us the price that his beloved 
Son had to pay for our redemption In the house the only thing 
that can give light will be the HOLY CANDLES Once lit nothing 
will put them off until the three days of darkness are over. Also, 
you should have Holy Water that should be sprinkled abundantly on 
windows and doors. The Lord will protect t
"Oh God forgive us our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell, 
take all souls into Heaven, especially those who are in more need 
of thy mercy. Blessed Virgin Mary, protect us, we love you, save 
us and save the world."
Pray 5 Creeds and the rosary, which is the secret to my Immaculate 
Heart. All those who believe in my words, go and take the message 
DAY. Talk to all the souls now that there is time, those who keep 
quiet will be responsible for all those souls who will perish in 
ignorance. All those who pray humbly the Rosary will have the 
protection of Heaven and those who are bound to die, I will help 
them die in peace and they will be Holy when they enter the other 
world. I wish all my children to attend mass every first Friday 
and every first Saturday of each month to confess and receive Holy 
Communion and in doing so, save the world from TOTAL DESTRUCTION. 
... WHEN the earth shakes no more, those who still will not 
believe in our Lord will perish in a horrible way. The wind will 
bring gas and it will disperse everywhere then the sun will rise. 
Maybe you will survive this catastrophe.
Do not forget that God's punishment is Holy and ONCE IT HAS 
All this encompasses with the writings of the Holy 
Scriptures...Read in the New Testament: Lucas 21-5:121 , 12:19, 
20:20, 29:33 Letters of St. Paul 3-8-14 Isaiah 40, 1:5:9 You must 
understand that God allows all these to happen. The Pope and 
Bishops are now awaiting another message that speaks about 
repentance and prayer. Remember that God's words are not a threat, 
but good news
Please reproduce these pages and send them to all the people that 
you know so we all can have the opportunity to repent and be 
saved. We do not know if those receiving this message believe or 
not in GOD, but think, there is a reason for receiving this 
message! Maybe, the Creator is giving us the chance to be saved, 
no matter what religion or Creed. If you do not believe in this 
message at least send it to others, it will cost you nothing. To 
all those receiving it, they can have the opportunity to judge for 
themselves. Remember, we can avoid a great deal if we practice the 
10 Commandments that our Father God has left us. There are just 10 
simple things that if we put into practice, we can obtain God's 
pardon. Jesus in you I trust.

Tony Jose Joseph Vattakuzhy

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[JOYnet] Proposal

2002-09-22 Thread Jose Joseph

If anyone can suggest asuitable proposal for a Syrian Catholic Postgraduate
Doctor 32 years (had to separate immediatly after marriage because of no fault
of her and with church anulment and having no children in the first marriage)
please write with full details to me at

In Union with the Holy Family


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[JOYnet] Invitation From Jose Joseph

2002-09-20 Thread Jose Joseph

Hi Joynet,

Your friend Jose Joseph sent you this note via our
online referral system to recommend our site because
they enjoyed it so much, and thought you would too!

It's called Mind Blower. Here's the URL:


This is a mind blower... 
I think you will like it.
All the best!
*FREE* referral system: http://referme.deadlock.com
Web promotion tutorial: http://deadlock.com/promote

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[JOYnet] Feast of the Day

2002-08-21 Thread jose joseph


The feast of the Queenship of Mary was established in
1954 by Pope Pius XII. The original date for this
feast was chosen as May 31st, but was later moved to
the octave day of the feast of the Assumption, 
August 22nd. This memorial celebrates the same event
that is highlighted by the fifth glorious mystery or
the Rosary.

Throughout the New Testament, Mary's role in heaven is
mentioned. Mary is alluded to as Queen in the book of
Revelations, and throughout the Bible. It is because
of Jesus close relationship with his mother that she
shares in his kingship.

The Church and the faithful for have also referred to
Mary as queen since the fourth century. Various songs,
litanies, and prayers refer to Mary as queen. The
Church has affirmed the title of Mary in modern 
times through documents including Lumen Gentium
(..."and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things,
that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son"
Lumen Gentium 59) and the papal encyclical Ad Coeli

The title Queen is used to indicate the final state of
the Virgin, seated beside her Son, the King of glory.

Fwd : with prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] Feast of the Day

2002-08-20 Thread jose joseph


Joseph Sarto was born in 1835 and was the second of
ten children in a poor family. Joseph Sarto became one
of the most outstanding popes of the 20th century,
Pope St. Pius X. Throughout his life he remembered his
humble beginnings and donated selflessly to the 

Joseph moved up through the hierarchy of the Church
from priest, to bishop to cardinal. In 1903 Pope Leo
XIII died and a conclave was held to chose his
successor. Joseph was chosen to be the 259th 
pope and took the name Pius X. The motto of Pius'
reign was "renew all things in Christ" and he
accomplished this by encouraging the faithful to a
great love and devotion to the Eucharist. He also 
encouraged the faithful to receive Communion
frequently and made a law allowing children to start
receiving Communion around the age of 7. Pius also
waged war against modernism, one of the great errors 
of the era. Pius died a few weeks after the start of
the First World War, stricken with great sorrow for
the pain that humanity was about to suffer.

Pope Pius X died on August 20, 1914 and was canonized
by Pope Pius XII in 1954. St. Pius X is the patron of
sick pilgrims.

Fwd: with prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] Story of a couple

2002-08-19 Thread jose joseph

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and light for my
Psalm 119:105

Story of a couple.  

A newly-wed couple, when they rode together in the
car, the wife would sit so close to her husband that
it looked like there was a two-headed driver in the 
seat.  Now, twenty five years later, when they go out 
in the car, the wife sits way over on the other side. 
One day she looked over longingly at her husband and
said with a sigh, "Remember the days when we used to
sit so close to each other we looked like a two-headed

The husband looked over at her and quietly aid, "Well,

Honey, I wasn't the one who moved."  

That's how it is with God.  If you're feeling far away

from Him, remember - He isn't the one who has moved!  
Getting closer to God is easy...just start reading the
Bible everyday and spend time in prayer.  You can't 
help but gain a closer walk with Him! 

fwd: with love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] Trust in God

2002-08-19 Thread jose joseph

"Trust In God"

Courage, Brother, do not stumble,
Though your path be dark as night;
There's a star to guide the humble,
Trust in God and do the right.

Let the road be rough and dreary,
And its end far out of sight,
Foot it bravely, strong or weary;
Trust in God and do the right.

Perish policy and cunning,
Perish all that fears the light;
Whether losing, whether winning,
Trust in God and do the right.

Trust no party, sect or faction,
Trust no leaders in the fight;
But in every word and action
Trust in God and do the right.

Simple rule and safest guiding,
Inward peace and inward might,
Star upon our path abiding;
Trust in God and do the right.

Some will hate you, some will love you,
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above you,
Trust in God and do the right.

  (by Norman Macleod)

fwd :  with prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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[JOYnet] Quote of the Day

2002-08-01 Thread jose joseph



"We must learn to love goodness until we can drink
death like water."
 Archbishop Fulton Sheen

love + prayers,
Josachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] Quote of the Day

2002-07-31 Thread jose joseph



 "Receive Lord, all my liberty, my memory, my  
  understanding and my whole will. You have given me  
  all that I have, all that I am, and I surrender all 
  to your divine will, that you dispose of me. Give me

  only your love and your grace. With this I am rich  
  enough, and I have no  more to ask". 
   St. Ignatius Loyola

Today is the feast of  St. Ignatius Loyola

love + prayers,
Josachayan / Jeddah
Yahoo! Autos - Get free new car price quotes

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[JOYnet] The Litany of Humility

2002-07-30 Thread jose joseph

The Litany of Humility
(written by Cardinal Merry del Val)

O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, hear me.
>From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the desire of being loved , Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the desire of being honored, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the desire of being preferred to others, 
Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the desire of being consulted, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the desire of being approved, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of being humiliated, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of being despised, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of suffering rebukes, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of being maliciously or falsely accused,
Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of being forgotten, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, Jesus.
>From the fear of being suspected, Deliver me, Jesus.
That others may be loved more than I, Jesus grant me
the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus grant
me the grace to desire it.
That in the opinion of the world, others may increase,
and I may  decrease, Jesus grant me the grace to
desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside, Jesus grant
me the grace to desire it.
That others may be praised and I unnoticed, Jesus
grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
Jesus grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may become holier than I, provided that I
may become as holy as I should, 
Jesus grant me the grace to desire it.
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] Your Prayers

2002-07-29 Thread Jose Joseph

Dear George
I too had the same incident when one of my close freind,whom we regarded as
a family freind did the same thing to me.He is a Jesus youth coordinator and
we trusted him too much.I have not done anything knowingly or unknowingly
against him.Insted i had helped them in several occations.With
misunderstandings which i could not explain to them,they are trying to take
revenge much against the spirit of a Jesus follower.
Please pray for me too to be able to forget everything and for things to
patch up amicably
Your's in Jesus christ
Jose Joseph
- Original Message -
To: Jesus Youth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 1:40 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] prayer request

> Loving all,
> One of my friends has a deep feeling that his closest friend cheated
> hi..and sbsequently he feels like losing trust in every one around
> him..more that all these he is losing interest in prayers also..so kindly
> pray for him.
> Thank u
> God bless all of us
> luv n prayers
> george
> --
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[JOYnet] Keep your eyes on Jesus

2002-07-16 Thread jose joseph


Keep your eyes on Jesus

 "Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you, all  

  things are passing, God is unchanging. Patience 
  gains all; nothing is lacking to those who have 
  God: God alone is sufficient." (St. Teresa of Avila)

 "The harsh and violent pain of the trial disappears, 

  it seems almost to dissolve in the presence of 
  prayer and contemplation. It is precisely  this
  attitude of trusting abandonment that elicits  
  divine intervention."  (Pope John Paul II)

Josachayan / Jeddah

Yahoo! Autos - Get free new car price quotes

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[JOYnet] Back in the Net

2002-06-11 Thread jose joseph

Hi youths,

This is Josachayan from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, back in
the net after a few months break. Kind regards to all
my old/new friends in the net. 

love + prayers,
in Jesus,
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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[JOYnet] Getting Deleted

2002-04-11 Thread Jose Joseph

Hello Joynetters,
I don't know why the text of the letter's to Joynet from Dr.Babu Philip is
getting deleted while coming in the Joynet mail.I think this is the third time
that the text(contents) is missing.Please do the needful.
In Union with Jesus Mary & Joseph

Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] Communal harmony

2001-12-11 Thread Jose Joseph

Hello Joynetters,
This is a time when the communal harmony in Kerala is badly disturbed.I think
the Jesus youth here can do a good job by making small teams and visit houses
and people belonging to all communities.The word of the Lord can be spread by
our deeds more than words.Can somebody elaborate on this and the modalities
In Union with Holy trinity,Mary & Joseph

Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] Communal Harmony

2001-12-11 Thread Jose Joseph

Hello Joynetters,
This is a time when the communal harmony in Kerala is badly disturbed.I think
the Jesus youth here can do a good job by making small teams and visit houses
and people belonging to all communities.The word of the Lord can be spread by
our deeds more than words.Can somebody elaborate on this and the modalities
In Union with Holy trinity,Mary & Joseph

Jose Joseph

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[JOYnet] Catholic Version of the HOLY BIBLE

2001-11-15 Thread jose joseph


Praise the Lord

I would like to down load a catholic version of HOLY BIBLE to my hard disc. I would be 
grateful  if someone could please give me the web site from where I can find the HOLY 

Thanks and Regards

Find the one for you at Yahoo! Personals.

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[JOYnet] Unsubscribe

2001-10-15 Thread jose joseph


Due to certain unavoidable reasons, I am
un-subscribing from parablenet & joynet for time
being. Please remember me in your prayers.

Josachayan / Saudi Arabia 

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[JOYnet] Saudi Arabia

2001-10-06 Thread jose joseph


Here is a news item from 'Religion Today' of October
05, 2001:

Christian Prisoners Tortured in Saudi Prison

Christian sources in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, have
informed International Christian Concern (ICC) that at
least three expatriate Christians have been physically
tortured in prison. The three men are part of a group 
of at least 15 Christians arrested during the months
of July, August and September for conducting religious
services in their homes. 

Though this right is promised by the Saudi authorities
in theory, it has not been upheld in practice.
Ministry of Interior officials have time and again
raided the homes of people suspected of leading
Christian fellowships and have confiscated their
personal possessions and dragged them off to prison.

The tortured men are from Ethiopia, Eritrea, and
Nigeria -- countries Saudi Arabia obviously does not
think will protest the treatment of their citizens -
says ICC. Though the Saudi government has pledged to
U.S. officials that they will release the Christian
prisoners, they have not yet fulfilled their promise.

International Christian Concern continues to call for
the immediate release of the Christian men, most of
whose families have not been allowed visitation

love n prayers,
josachayan / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Kozhikode / Calicut

2001-10-06 Thread jose joseph


Is there any one from Kozhikode? Especially studying
in College of Applied Science, Kilyanadu?  Could you
please contact me immediately on my id:  

Matter is little urgent.

love, Josachayan / Saudi Arabia

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