[jQuery] Re: File inputs

2008-01-30 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Jan 30, 2008, at 6:11 AM, Steffan A. Cline wrote:

Well, I tried many variations of .click() with FF and according to  



Yes, it is not possible to programmatically trigger click event on  
file input. But still, I would suggest you provide example page. I  
still do not understand what you are trying to do :)

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: File inputs

2008-01-30 Thread Hamish Campbell

Ah, I see.

Maybe have a look at the uploader plugin? Otherwise, I think you're
stuck :/

On Jan 30, 5:11 pm, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 1/29/08 7:58 PM, Hamish Campbell at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Some code would be useful - you've said that .click() doesn't work in
  FF, but it probably isn't the .click() bit that isn't working.

  One suggestion (untested) is that you include both the normal button
  and the new image, but hide the image with CSS by default. This means
  that if JS is disabled, the user can still click the normal button.

  Then with jQuery, hide the button and show the image on
  document.ready. Then apply a trigger to the image that fires the
  normal button action. It means you shouldn't need to code anything
  special - just piggy-back on the usual action of the button.


  $(#myImage).click(function () {

  On Jan 30, 8:01 am, Steffan A. Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  on 1/29/08 11:57 AM, Mika Tuupola at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jan 29, 2008, at 7:08 PM, Steffan A. Cline wrote:

  I know there is a plug-in for styling file inputs but what about
  using a
  custom image instead? I need to do something where I have an ADD and a
  DELETE button side by side. I tried this using .click() and it worked
  flawlessly but alas FF does not support it! How stupid!.

  What are you trying to achieve? What does ADD and DELETE buttons do?

  Mika Tuupola

  The add button would simply pop up the file selector as clicking on the
  actual file button would do. The delete button would set a hidden flag to
  remove the stored file.

  See the previous thread .click() This described the previous method which
  I gave up on.



 Well, I tried many variations of .click() with FF and according to this



 The click() method allows you to simulate a click on a form field.
 Checkboxes get toggled, radios selected, and so on. Unfortunately Mozilla
 and Opera haven't added this method to file upload fields. I wonder why,
 adding it is not really a security risk since the worst that can happen is
 that the file selection window pops up.

 So unfortunately we cannot use this simple solution.

 I hadn't tried your trigger method. Did you test it in FF? I just did and
 unfortunately as said on quirksmode that does not work :( but it does on
 everything else.

 What else do you suggest?



 T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
 Steffan A. Cline
 Azhttp://www.ExecuChoice.net USA
 AIM : SteffanC  ICQ : 57234309
 YAHOO : Steffan_Cline   MSN : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline Lasso Partner Alliance Member

[jQuery] there is a conflict ui.resizable.js and ajaxpro

2008-01-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

resizable will not be able  when using ajaxpro,the javascript error:
c[0] has no properties

for(var i in this.options.modifyThese) {
var c = this.options.modifyThese[i];
width: modifier.width ? modifier.width+c[1] : nw+c[1],
height: modifier.height ? modifier.height+c[2] : nh+c[2]

[jQuery] Validation plugin - spinner while validating field?

2008-01-30 Thread Rus Miller

There is a label.error and a label.checked but does anyone know how I
would display a label.pending (perhaps with a spinner) while the
validation (especially a remote request) is happening?


[jQuery] jquery's drawing library problem

2008-01-30 Thread Thunder`

I'm having a problem using drawLine of the drawinglibrary plugin.
here is my code:

What I'm trying to do is when a user clicks on an image, it draws a
line connecting these points.
See that at first I'm saving the first coordinates because there are
no previous coordinates.

It works on IE6
But not on FF

I've been over checking it but didn't find the problem.

Thanks in advance,

[jQuery] Re: New and better demos

2008-01-30 Thread caruso_g

Wow, you rocks, I would ever not even imagined that solution... :P
I will try to implement it. But, what do you mean with //check the

Thanks again.

On Jan 30, 1:20 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (function( $ ){

   var last = 0,
 $pane = $('#container'),
 $items = $pane.find('li');

   $('#next').bind('click', +1, handler );
   $('#prev').bind('click', -1, handler );

   function handler( e ){
 var next = last + e.data;
 if( $items[next] ){
   last = next;
   $pane.scrollTo( $items[next], ... );//check the settings

 })( jQuery );

 Ariel Flesler

 On 29 ene, 22:15, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi caruso, your situation remainds me of 
  It's a plugin that actually uses ScrollTo. It's called 

  I kinda abandoned the plugin and it stayed in beta stage, but it
  automatically does what you are saying.
  If you use it, set the setting 'navigationMode' to 's' instead of
  'sr', to release the click on the items, also set 'wrappers' to '',
  you don't need that.
  It can also be done with a small snippet that remembers the last,
  something like:

  (function( $ ){
  nbsp;nbsp;var last = 0,
  nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;$pane = $('#container'),
  nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;$items = $pane.find('li');

  nbsp;nbsp;$('#next').bind('click', +1, handler );
  nbsp;nbsp;$('#prev').bind('click', -1, handler );

  nbsp;nbsp;function handler( e ){
  nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var next = last + e.data;
  nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;if( $items[next] ){
  nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;last = next;
  $pane.scrollTo( $items[next], ... );//check the settings

  })( jQuery );

  I checked the syntax was correct, but not that it works, I hope it
  does :)
  Thanks for you reply.

  Ariel Flesler

  As for adding that to LocalScroll... that plugins handles anchor, this
  is different. Maybe ScrollShow is the solution.
  On 29 ene, 18:57, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks Ariel, I didn't be able to use it for the following project
   ) so I had to make some code to the ground up (think about I am just a
   designer... :P ).

   So here I am, I have a feature request!

   Can you implement a function to just use two links (left | right in
   the example above) to make the content scroll to the previous or the
   next item into the container?
   It would be great!

   I imagine the code I wrote should be horrible to your eyes, but that
   should make the idea of the feature I am talking about.
   It would be great if at the end of the items it could show again the
   first item, like  Coda website, and so on.

   Thanks in advace.

   On Jan 29, 6:08 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all

Thanks a lot for your replies!

I don't fully understand what you mean, could you explain it some
more ? or maybe find an example (can be flash or anything).

   ScrollTo can scroll to any kind of element, not only LIs. Check the
old demo, the first input field uses a CSS class based selector, with
an :eq  filter. You can use any kind of selector, but you must make
sure it matches at least 1 DOM element. The first one will be taken
into account.

   I really liked your comment, I also loved the psychodelic squares,
but I realized the demo wasn't very useful in the end. So I started

Thanks again, I'm open to new features for any of both plugins. Just
beware not to go far away from the scope of the plugin.

Ariel Flesler

On 29 ene, 14:48, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 in fact i just looked at the old demo and i find it quite nice 
 looking too!
 (me love colours :)
 at least it's not webtwooish, which is a quality in my eyes 

 On Jan 29, 2008 4:56 PM, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, thanks a lot for these great plugins. They are awesome.
  But I would make you a feature request, if possible, and, when you

  It would be great to be able to scroll to any kind of elements into
  the containner, and not only list items.

  Sometimes it happens that one can't know in advance which kind of
  elements will be putted by the client into the container, so 
  to scroll to anything inside it would solve a lot of problems!

  Thanks lot anyway for your great works, and I would like to thanks 
  other developers out there for your wonderful work and your friendly

  On Jan 29, 3:54 am, Jack Killpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks for the additional demos, they opened my eyes to 

[jQuery] Reusing XMLHttpRequest

2008-01-30 Thread skin

Reusing XMLHttpRequest is possible in jQuery? in IE $.ajax on my
computer is taking 1sec - 3 sec. only call of this function. In jquery
code there is:

var xml = window.ActiveXObject ? new
ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP) : new XMLHttpRequest();

i suppose this is the problem.
Please give me some suggestions.

[jQuery] Re: jquery VS internet explorer

2008-01-30 Thread ZiTAL

Validating with XHTML 1.0 strict it works correctly, thanks for all!!!

[jQuery] Re: Is it possible to do this with Jquery?

2008-01-30 Thread caruso_g

Even better from Giovanni Carlo Mingati:
Simpler, and just do what you need.
You must simply put the images inside a link inside lists.

On Jan 28, 3:14 pm, Matt Quackenbush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 27, 2008 11:07 PM, cameron wrote:

  I'm wondering if this is possible to do with jquery.

  An example of what I'm looking for can be found at the top of this

  The images are scrolling horizontally in a loop. On mouseover the
  scroll pauses, on mouseout, it starts again. Each image can be a link.

  Is it possible to do this with a ul of images and some jquery?

[jQuery] Rolodex plugin anyone?

2008-01-30 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Check this out: 

Does someone feels like porting this to jquery?

I would love to, but that's far beyond my reach for the moment. Besides, i'm 
actively working on jquploader2 in my scarce free time.


[jQuery] Upgrading from jQuery 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 - What happened to nodeType attribute selector, e.g. not('[nodeType=1]') in IE?

2008-01-30 Thread Klaus Hartl


in jQuery 1.2.1 I was using the following snippet, which I actually
more or less took from the documents example page:

$('p').contents().not('[nodeType=1]').replaceWith(' ');

I used this to empty out some text nodes I couldn't control otherwise
but leave other HTML elements alone.

That wasn't working in IE any longer after I upgraded to jQuery 1.2.2.
The following is:

$('p').contents().filter('[nodeType=3]').replaceWith(' ');

Is this a bug or is one not supposed to use not with such internal
attributes anyway (I noticed that the example has been removed from
the docs).


[jQuery] Re: [ANN] Lily, javascript visual programming tool

2008-01-30 Thread Morgan Allen
The minVersion in the install.rdf is 2.0.0 I changed to 2.0.0.* and it

On Jan 29, 2008 9:33 PM, Bill Orcutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the useful feedback on the site. I've added another
 download link and will implement some of the other suggestions as I
 find time. I hope once you've had a chance to have a look at the
 program, you'll consider joining the user group-


 On Jan 29, 4:19 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
   Have a look at the demo applications below to get a feel for some of
   what Lily can do:
   More information about Lily is available on the website:
   Wow. Thats amazing stuff, I love the svg/javascript sound demos. Using
   interactive visuals to create music is so much fun.
   Now I just need to take a closer look how Lily enbales stuff like
   that, so most likey more feedback coming soon from here.
  Okay, some things:
  You need a Getting Started section and make that awfully obvious to find
  on the lilapp.org front page. Currently its difficult to find the
  download or even the wiki (which doesn't help in that respect).
  Along the link to the download should be the content of the readme file,
  avoid the need to download the package before being able to understand
  what and how to install.
  I found the download link only on the Public Beta 1 release post, which
  isn't even on the front page anymore.
  I also wonder if that couldn't be installed directly from the page - its
  just a firefox extension, isn't it? That way I wouldn't need to save
  anything on my disk and unpacking it. The included examples and demos
  could be provided via the page/wiki.
  Ah. After writing all that I discovered the top navigation bar,
  including the download link. You may want to make that a bit more

Lets make up more accronyms!

Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
bike nerdity.

[jQuery] Re: link stops working in fragment returned from ajax depending on select

2008-01-30 Thread K Bouton

Hey thanks. I tried this but not sure where to put it.

This doesn't work.
$document.ready(function() {
  $(select#ba).livequery('change',(function() {
var ba = $(select#ba).val();
type: POST,
url: not_working_overlay_info.php,
data: ba= + ba,
dataType: html,
cache: false,
error: function(){
  alert('Error loading BA start files');
success: function(data) {
  $(#BAModelName).html(BA -
 return false;


On 29 Jan, 18:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Once your data is loaded into the page your bind events are not bound
 anymore, since you replaced the DOM information. You can either rebind
 events with running a rebind function, or you can use live 

 Should fix your problem.


 On Jan 29, 6:08 am, K Bouton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have two dropdown boxes, which, when clicked, return via ajax some
  information in a div.  Inside that information is are multiple links.

  When I click on the left select- the links in the div below work fine.
  If I refresh and click on the right select- the links in the div below
  work fine.
  So each individual select box works as I would expect it.

  if I refresh and click on the left select, then click on the right
  select - the link for that right select work fine but the links from
  the left select no longer work?

  The links for the right select always work, regardless


  Any ideas what is going wrong?

  abbreviated code below for the form - hand typed in so there may be

  $(document).ready(function() {
$(select#ba).change(function() {
  var ba = $(select#ba).val();
  //var ba = $
  type: POST,
  url: not_working_overlay_info.php,
  data: ba= + ba,
  dataType: html,
  cache: false,
  error: function(){
alert('Error loading BA start files');
  success: function(data) {
$(#BAModelName).html(BA -
   return false;
$(select#mo).change(function() {
  var mo = $(select#mo).val();
  type: POST,
  url: not_working_overlay_info.php,
  data: mo= + mo,
  dataType: html,
  cache: false,
  error: function(){
alert('Error loading MO start files');
  success: function(data) {
$(#MO_ModelName).html(MO -
   return false;


  div class=BAModelName id=BAModelNameNo BA Model Chosen/div
div id=wrapBA/div

  div class=MO_ModelName id=MO_ModelNameNo MO Model Chosen/div
div id=wrapMO/div


  abbreviate relevant not_working_overlay_info.php -
  for ($m=1;$m=12;$m++) {
  echo 'div class=availableBADC_'.$m.' a href=test.php'.$m.'/


[jQuery] Issue with IE and dom injection

2008-01-30 Thread Robert Ernens

We have just finalized an upgrade of all our code and jquery plug-ins to the
new jquery 1.2.2 migrating from 1.1.3.

We are heavily using ajax to build highly interactive web sites.

Since the upgrade, we face a major issue with IE (we only tested IE 7, not
IE 6 yet).

While initially suspecting that it was an ajax issue, we found out all ajax
requests were successfull. The loaded content correctly shows up in
responseText as displayed by an alert(responseText) issued by an ajax succes

But we can't get it to show in the target div.

Looking into the target div with the IE developper toolbar DOM inspector
shows that the target div is empty.

Using the CSD javascript debugger, we isolated that the issue seems to be in
the jquery append function without being able to understand why.

Did also the test with yesterday nightly build without success ?

Failing DOM injection is the result of using the ajaxSubmit plug-in function
or the ui.tabs remote load as well as ajaxContent plug-in not cde that we
have written.

Works fine in Opera 9.25 (Win and Mac), Firefox (Win and Mac),
Safari 3.0.4 (Mac) but fails on IE 7

Help welcome !

Robert Ernens
HTCBA Consulting - Web-à-la-Carte®

[jQuery] Re: New and better demos

2008-01-30 Thread Ariel Flesler

I meant that you need to replace the '...' with the duration/settings
that you want. If you have doubts, the demo exemplifies the settings
pretty well.
$pane should be the container that you scroll, $items the pictures,
don't forget to set the 'overflow' of the $pane to 'hidden' or 'auto'.

Ariel Flesler

On 30 ene, 08:37, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow, you rocks, I would ever not even imagined that solution... :P
 I will try to implement it. But, what do you mean with //check the

 Thanks again.

 On Jan 30, 1:20 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  (function( $ ){

    var last = 0,
      $pane = $('#container'),
      $items = $pane.find('li');

    $('#next').bind('click', +1, handler );
    $('#prev').bind('click', -1, handler );

    function handler( e ){
      var next = last + e.data;
      if( $items[next] ){
        last = next;
        $pane.scrollTo( $items[next], ... );//check the settings

  })( jQuery );

  Ariel Flesler

  On 29 ene, 22:15, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi caruso, your situation remainds me of 
   It's a plugin that actually uses ScrollTo. It's called 

   I kinda abandoned the plugin and it stayed in beta stage, but it
   automatically does what you are saying.
   If you use it, set the setting 'navigationMode' to 's' instead of
   'sr', to release the click on the items, also set 'wrappers' to '',
   you don't need that.
   It can also be done with a small snippet that remembers the last,
   something like:

   (function( $ ){
   nbsp;nbsp;var last = 0,
   nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;$pane = $('#container'),
   nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;$items = $pane.find('li');

   nbsp;nbsp;$('#next').bind('click', +1, handler );
   nbsp;nbsp;$('#prev').bind('click', -1, handler );

   nbsp;nbsp;function handler( e ){
   nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var next = last + e.data;
   nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;if( $items[next] ){
   nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;last = next;
   $pane.scrollTo( $items[next], ... );//check the settings

   })( jQuery );

   I checked the syntax was correct, but not that it works, I hope it
   does :)
   Thanks for you reply.

   Ariel Flesler

   As for adding that to LocalScroll... that plugins handles anchor, this
   is different. Maybe ScrollShow is the solution.
   On 29 ene, 18:57, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Ariel, I didn't be able to use it for the following project
) so I had to make some code to the ground up (think about I am just a
designer... :P ).

So here I am, I have a feature request!

Can you implement a function to just use two links (left | right in
the example above) to make the content scroll to the previous or the
next item into the container?
It would be great!

I imagine the code I wrote should be horrible to your eyes, but that
should make the idea of the feature I am talking about.
It would be great if at the end of the items it could show again the
first item, like  Coda website, and so on.

Thanks in advace.

On Jan 29, 6:08 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all

 Thanks a lot for your replies!

     I don't fully understand what you mean, could you explain it some
 more ? or maybe find an example (can be flash or anything).

    ScrollTo can scroll to any kind of element, not only LIs. Check the
 old demo, the first input field uses a CSS class based selector, with
 an :eq  filter. You can use any kind of selector, but you must make
 sure it matches at least 1 DOM element. The first one will be taken
 into account.

    I really liked your comment, I also loved the psychodelic squares,
 but I realized the demo wasn't very useful in the end. So I started

 Thanks again, I'm open to new features for any of both plugins. Just
 beware not to go far away from the scope of the plugin.

 Ariel Flesler

 On 29 ene, 14:48, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  in fact i just looked at the old demo and i find it quite nice 
  looking too!
  (me love colours :)
  at least it's not webtwooish, which is a quality in my eyes 

  On Jan 29, 2008 4:56 PM, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, thanks a lot for these great plugins. They are awesome.
   But I would make you a feature request, if possible, and, when you

   It would be great to be able to scroll to any kind of elements 
   the containner, and not only list items.

   Sometimes it happens that one can't know in 

[jQuery] Is this the best way?

2008-01-30 Thread Feijó


I was just wondering if there is any better way to accomplish that.

Some divs has 'level' attribute, with a number. If that number is
bigger than X, will remove the div.

 var x=4; // simulating
$('.qualif').each(function() {
 if ($(this).attr('level')x)

I don't know if we can set a filter in $('') to look at a custom
attribute, should be simpler than


[jQuery] Re: Rolodex plugin anyone?

2008-01-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Check this out:

Does someone feels like porting this to jquery?

I would love to, but that's far beyond my reach for the moment. Besides,
i'm actively working on jquploader2 in my scarce free time.

That's pretty slick. I was wondering if they did the image tilting using SVG
(which is what I was hoping they'd somehow done) but instead they're using a
PNG sprite:



[jQuery] Re: tableSorter question: how to disable the last header?

2008-01-30 Thread Leandro Vieira Pinho

Great. Perfect.


On Jan 25, 11:57 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi. I tried to use Widget or variable but without result. Than i edit
 table sorter plugin. It is very easy.

 In buildHeaders method
 $tableHeaders = $(thead th,table);

 add this

 // set negative numbers like positive
 totalCols = $tableHeaders.length;
 for (var number in table.config.headers)
 number = parseInt(number);
 if (number  0)
 table.config.headers[(totalCols + number)] =

 and now numbering can be negative, but ONLY like  string

 '-1': {sorter:false}

 On Jan 17, 10:13 pm, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi Guys,

  I would like to know, how to disable thelastheader. I don´t 
  thelastcolumnwith the option to sort.

  I have tried it (see below) but withou success.

  var totalHeaders = ( $('table th').length - 1);
  headers: {
  totalHeaders : {
  sorter: false
  widgets: ['zebra']


  headers: {
  -1 : {
  sorter: false
  widgets: ['zebra']

  Some suggestion?


[jQuery] Re: Is this the best way?

2008-01-30 Thread Joel Birch
Hi Feijó,

Not sure if I understand, but I'll have a go at it:

var x = 4;
$('.qualif').filter(function() {
return parseFloat( $(this).attr('level') )  x;

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Not a plugin but code for anyone trying to have collapse-able menu with cookies

2008-01-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

that's awesome, Jörn! Thanks for sharing that code. I'm looking  
forward to playing around with it.


Karl Swedberg

On Jan 29, 2008, at 6:49 PM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

Karl Swedberg schrieb:

Sorry for the repeat posts, but this is the first time I've looked  
at this sort of thing. I just realized that we can get up to 100  
items by changing that bigIndex function -- just pad values less  
than 10 and append a delimiter to each one:  [...]
The serialization I've used for the treeview plugin works a bit  
different, but may be applied here, too. The relevant code is this:

function serialize() {
function binary(arg) {
return arg ? 1 : 0;
var data = [];
branches.each(function(i, e) {
data[i] = $(e).is(:has(ul:visible)) ? 1 : 0;
$.cookie(settings.cookieId, data.join() );

function deserialize() {
var stored = $.cookie(settings.cookieId);
if ( stored ) {
var data = stored.split();
branches.each(function(i, e) {
$(e).find(ul)[ parseInt(data[i]) ? show : hide 

Branches is the jQuery object containing all list items that contain  
nested lists in the tree. For each I add 1 or 0 to an array,  
depending on the visibility (:visible) of the nested list  
(is(:has(ul:visible))). That array is joined with no seperator  
and stored into the cookie. settings.cookieId is treeview by  
default and can be customized to enable storage of more then one  
tree on a single page.
The deserialization works the other way round, splititing the ones/ 
zeros and showing and hiding the branches accordingly.

This scales pretty well, the size of the tree doesn't matter, and  
the cookie is quite small, keeping the bandwith overhead rather low.


[jQuery] Re: Is this the best way?

2008-01-30 Thread Feijó

Thats it! Nice code

Thanks Joel


Joel Birch escreveu:

  Hi Feijó,

Not sure if I understand, but I'll have a go at it:

var x = 4;
$('.qualif').filter(function() {
	return parseFloat( $(this).attr('level') )  x;

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] simplemodal and datepicker

2008-01-30 Thread rayfidelity


I want to enable datepicker in the modal window that
opens...datepicker works fine for itself but i cannot get it to work
in modal. Any ideas?

Modal window is loaded through ajax...

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Size YUI Compressor mod_deflate/GZIP

2008-01-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Haha, you cracked me up :)

I'm not sure of the figures for processing the packed version, however
this would need to be done for every page of your site that the user
visits because the JS is cached in packed form. This means that
whatever the overhead is for unpacking the packed version, the delay
is applied to every page of your site. For this reason, even if the
regular minified (non-packed) version was even a bit larger than it
is, I'd definitely lean towards using it as this can be cached once
and used without delay on all subsequent pages.

Yahoo released a paper about the time they release YSlow--which indicated
that, much to everyone's surprise, browsers are not caching content as much
as we might think they are.


40-60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience and ~20% of all
page views are done with an empty cache. To my knowledge, there's no other
research that shows this kind of information. And I don't know about you,
but these results came to us as a big surprise. It says that even if your
assets are optimized for maximum caching, there are a significant number of
users that will always have an empty cache. This goes back to the earlier
point that reducing the number of HTTP requests has the biggest impact on
reducing response time. The percentage of users with an empty cache for
different web pages may vary, especially for pages with a high number of
active (daily) users. However, we found in our study that regardless of
usage patterns, the percentage of page views with an empty cache is always

I found this really informative and a little surprising (especially since I
think most people who use Yahoo use it on a fairly frequent basis.)


[jQuery] Re: .clone not work in FF or IE, please help

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Aaron

jQuery.clone(true) will only clone the events that it knows about ...
in other words ... it clones the events it bound.

Brandon Aaron

On Jan 29, 10:35 am, chrismarx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 should clone also work for behaviors that were not added by jquery?
 (like a google map?) i tried to clone a div with a google map, and
 although clone successfully copied all the elements, the behaviors
 were lost. append did the job for a workaround. should clone(true) be
 able to also grab all the associated behavior from child elements?

 On Jan 29, 10:13 am, Eridius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  my code:

  var append_to = self.element.children('.cr_tab_content');
  var clone_element = self.element.children('#' + id).clone(true)

  When I do this my element is still empty but should be filled with the
  cloned element

  var append_to = self.element.children('.cr_tab_content');
  var clone_element = self.element.children('#' + id).clone(true)

  work fine but I want to make sure and events are carried over.  any help
  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Size YUI Compressor mod_deflate/GZIP

2008-01-30 Thread Juha Suni SC

40-60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience and ~20% of
all page views are done with an empty cache. To my knowledge, there's
no other research that shows this kind of information. And I don't
know about you, but these results came to us as a big surprise. It
says that even if your assets are optimized for maximum caching,
there are a significant number of users that will always have an
empty cache. This goes back to the earlier point that reducing the
number of HTTP requests has the biggest impact on reducing response
time. The percentage of users with an empty cache for different web
pages may vary, especially for pages with a high number of active
(daily) users. However, we found in our study that regardless of
usage patterns, the percentage of page views with an empty cache is
always ~20%.

I found this really informative and a little surprising (especially
since I think most people who use Yahoo use it on a fairly frequent

On a related note:

I did some testing with Yslow a few months back and I noticed that it does 
not always correctly report what is cached and what is not. It's been the 
primary reason why I've avoided trusting it blindly when optimizing pages. 
This happened when we introduced full image caching on one of our 
heavy-traffic sites. I was struggling for quite a while when it seemed that 
no matter what we did, not all stuff got cached, according to Yslow. Turning 
Yslow off and using a web proxy (Charles) to check for traffic we noticed 
that actually the images were cached as they should, although Yslow reported 

I could investigate this a bit more and provide a demo page when I find the 
time for that.

Of course the numbers above where propably generated from server logs so 
they should be correct - and equally alarming.

Just a heads up.


[jQuery] changing content for span tag on the fly

2008-01-30 Thread Bhaarat Sharma


Can someone please tell me how i can change the text between span tags
on the fly using jQuery

I have tag like this

span id=scrollStats style=font-size: 70%; width: 80px;  text-
align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 392px; left: 15px;/span

i have tried these but none seem to work

$(#scrollStats).val(im here!!);



[jQuery] Re: Not a plugin but code for anyone trying to have collapse-able menu with cookies

2008-01-30 Thread Bhaarat Sharma

Hi ty,

If I understand your question correctly..I think you mean that if this
menu was used throughout the site and your pages would be doing an
include on this js file, will the menu stay the same from page to page
with user selections. The answer is yes (i think), because it is using


On Jan 30, 9:23 am, Ty (tzmedia) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 IF the menu were used as an include and it was the sitewide navigation
 would the menu be persistent then?
 In other words, the menu will leave open the accordion button for the
 section the user is visiting?
 It seems like the solution that this is?

 On Jan 29, 4:53 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  No problem, Bhaarat! Glad you like it.

  Actually, the way I set it up, mine was limited to 10 or fewer links.
  But we can increase that number by calling a function that returns,
  for example, a base-32 string instead of index:

  function bigIndex(inival) {
     return (inival).toString(32);


  The updated demo can be found, still, 

  Good luck with your test page!

  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On Jan 29, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Bhaarat Sharma wrote:

   Hi Karl,

   Thanks a lot! your solution is obviously much better and not dependent
   on how many links there are. since you are using 'each' function.

   I had the concept with me but not the power of ins and outs of
   jQuery :)

   Next i'll be trying to 
   in jQuery+jsp (not PHP for a change)

   will keep you posted!


   On Jan 29, 3:56 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Bhaarat,

   You've done a nice job here! I was wondering, though, if we could
   advantage of the index value of the links, so I re-factored your code
   a bit (still using Klaus's cookie plugin). Here is what it looks

   $(document).ready(function() {
      $('#menu li ul').hide();
      var cookieValue = $.cookie('menuCookie') || '';
      $('#menu  li  a').each(function(index) {
        var $this = $(this), $checkElement = $this.next('ul');
        if (cookieValue.indexOf(index)  -1) {
        $this.click(function() {
          if ($checkElement.is(':hidden')) {
            cookieValue = cookieValue + index;
            $.cookie('menuCookie', cookieValue);
          } else {
            cookieValue = cookieValue.replace(index,'');
            $.cookie('menuCookie', cookieValue);
          return false;


   I put up a little demo page here:


   On the demo page, I also added a little function to show the value of
   the cookie and called the function onready and onclick:

   function showCookie() {
      if (!$('#jar').length) {
        $('div id=jar/div').appendTo('body');



   Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

   On Jan 29, 2008, at 1:41 PM, Bhaarat Sharma wrote:


   I took the code from jQuery Accordion menu and am using the cookie

   while searching for a collapse-able menu I saw that a lot of people
   were looking for this but with cookies so when user refreshes..the
   collapse/expand state stay the same.

   I am new to jQuery and even javascript.

   But here I have jotted down something which is working for me.

   Experts out there: if you would like to add some suggestions on
   how to
   better do this..i'd appreciate it.
   I dont like the fact that i am different cookies for different menu

      function initMenu() {
    $('#menu ul').hide();

   if ($.cookie('the_cookie1')=='a'||$.cookie('the_cookie2')=='b'||

        if ($.cookie('the_cookie1')=='a')
        if ($.cookie('the_cookie2')=='b')
        if ($.cookie('the_cookie3')=='c')
        if ($.cookie('the_cookie4')=='d')


   $('#menu li a').click(
   function() {
   var checkElement = $(this).next();
   if((checkElement.is('ul'))  (checkElement.is(':visible'))) {
   if((checkElement.is('ul'))  (!checkElement.is(':visible'))) {
   return false;

    /*$('#menu li a').click(
      function() {

[jQuery] Re: changing content for span tag on the fly

2008-01-30 Thread Liam Byrne


$(#scrollStats).html(im here!!);

Bhaarat Sharma wrote:


Can someone please tell me how i can change the text between span tags
on the fly using jQuery

I have tag like this

span id=scrollStats style=font-size: 70%; width: 80px;  text-
align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 392px; left: 15px;/span

i have tried these but none seem to work

$(#scrollStats).val(im here!!);




[jQuery] Re: changing content for span tag on the fly

2008-01-30 Thread Bhaarat Sharma



that works.

...should visit the api's more often...

On Jan 30, 10:55 am, Bhaarat Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone please tell me how i can change the text between span tags
 on the fly using jQuery

 I have tag like this

 span id=scrollStats style=font-size: 70%; width: 80px;  text-
 align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 392px; left: 15px;/span

 i have tried these but none seem to work

 $(#scrollStats).val(im here!!);



[jQuery] Re: changing content for span tag on the fly

2008-01-30 Thread Bhaarat Sharma

oh haha thanks. we replied at the same time :)

On Jan 30, 11:11 am, Bhaarat Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 that works.

 ...should visit the api's more often...

 On Jan 30, 10:55 am, Bhaarat Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Can someone please tell me how i can change the text between span tags
  on the fly using jQuery

  I have tag like this

  span id=scrollStats style=font-size: 70%; width: 80px;  text-
  align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 392px; left: 15px;/span

  i have tried these but none seem to work

  $(#scrollStats).val(im here!!);



[jQuery] Re: Not a plugin but code for anyone trying to have collapse-able menu with cookies

2008-01-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Jan 30, 2008, at 10:57 AM, Bhaarat Sharma wrote:

Hi ty,

If I understand your question correctly..I think you mean that if this
menu was used throughout the site and your pages would be doing an
include on this js file, will the menu stay the same from page to page
with user selections. The answer is yes (i think), because it is using

That's right. The cookies work at the domain level, unless otherwise  

On my test page (http://test.learningjquery.com/cookie-menu.html), I  
put a link to another page with the same script and menu so you can  
see the persistence of the expand/collapse state.

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: changing content for span tag on the fly

2008-01-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

Or, if you know that you'll be using just text (no html tags), you  
could do this:


Karl Swedberg

On Jan 30, 2008, at 11:11 AM, Bhaarat Sharma wrote:



that works.

...should visit the api's more often...

On Jan 30, 10:55 am, Bhaarat Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Can someone please tell me how i can change the text between span  

on the fly using jQuery

I have tag like this

span id=scrollStats style=font-size: 70%; width: 80px;  text-
align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 392px; left: 15px;/ 

i have tried these but none seem to work

$(#scrollStats).val(im here!!);



[jQuery] inserting adsense

2008-01-30 Thread felipe


I am trying to insert adsense code as follows:

var ads = $(this).text(); /// the adsense code goes here

$(tr).append( 'td colspan=5' + ads + '/td' ) ;
$('table#' + tablename + ' tr.header').after(tr);

Nothing happens. If I put some other  html code into scalar ads, it

Any idea?

Thank you,


[jQuery] Re: How to insert google adsense with after()

2008-01-30 Thread felipe


did you find how to do it?

thank you

On 30 dez 2007, 20:10, Jirka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I try to add googleadsenseafter first paragraph of an article. Here
 is my code:

 $('.article p:eq(0)').after('script type=text/javascript 
 ...GOGLEADSENSECODE... /script');

 But it looks that tag script shouldnt be add into the DOM like this.

 Can anybody show me the right way?

[jQuery] Re: Tab Effect

2008-01-30 Thread studiobl

Thanks, ocyrus!

That helped!  ...it does take dismayingly long for posts to show up

On Jan 29, 1:49 pm, ocyrus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently solved this solution this way,

   return false;


 function toggleTabs(tab) {
   var div = tab.attr('class');
   div = div.split('-');
   div = div[1];


 and my html looks like this.

 ul id=profile-nav class=clearfix
 li class=tab-biographya href=# class=onBiography/a/li
 li class=tab-backgrounda href=#Background/a/li
 li class=tab-contacta href=#Contact/a/li

 with three divs later

 div id=biography class=pro-tabInfo/div
 div id=background class=pro-tabInfo/div
 div id=contact class=pro-tabInfo/div

 On Jan 29, 9:46 am, studiobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a set of tabs that use the sliding doors technique.  The tabs
  are built on an unordered list, with each tab being a list item
  containing an anchor. Each tab is decorated by placing a graphic in
  the background of its list item for the left part of the tab, and the
  background of the anchor for the right side of the tab.  These
  graphics then need to be switched out to display the active view.
  The actual html page is not changed.  This tab navigation just
  triggers the visibility of various areas of the page.

  I'm trying to use jQuery to switch out the graphics.  The problem I'm
  having is in selecting the list item that contains the clicked-on
  anchor.  There are a number of techniques for selecting children, but
  none for selecting parents.

  One question I have is if there is any way to reference a previously
  selected element in a jQuery selector statement.  Like this:

  $(.tabs a).click(function(){
   //Now you can reference the clicked on anchor as this
  $(.tabs li:has(this)).doSomething();


  I doubt that this is possible, I haven't tested it yet, but I can't
  think of too many other options.

  Any suggestions?

[jQuery] [validate] Validation Plugin - how to remove a control form validation

2008-01-30 Thread Dave Stewart

Hi there
I'm building a login form, with a Forgot password link. When
clicked, I need to unset some validation options to successfully
submit the form.

The code I'm running does this:

1 - remove the validation constraints from the password field
2 - hide any error messages that were displayed for the password
3 - submit the form using form.submit()

However, I can't seem to do either properly. Here's the code I'm

$('#password').attr('validation', '')

The problems are:

1 - form.submit() seems to bypass any of the validation
2 - if I click the submit button manually, the initial validation
kicks in and the password error is re-displayed

Can anyone shed any light on what I should be doing. I'm not sure if
there are already options for this, alrthough I've looked through the
docs several times over.


[jQuery] $.get and $.getJSON

2008-01-30 Thread mwk


i encounter problems with the getJSON method

when i do that:

{country: $(this).val()}, function(json)

nothing happends. there is even no connection trace in firebug

{country: $(this).val()}, function(json)
eval(var a = +json);

works fine

php sends header(Content-type: application/json);
so thats fine to.
jquery version is 1.2.2

Any suggestions?


[jQuery] Re: Is this the best way?

2008-01-30 Thread cabbiepete

Hi Felix,

I would have thought doing an attribute selector like you suggest was

something like


to at least get rid of anything that doesn't have the level attribute.
Also if you use the same tag name for all of these attributes its
worth adding that as it also helps with efficiency, i.e. jquery only
has to check those tags for level attribute.

Depending on the exact use of the level attribute you might be able to
get just the ones you want by using [attribute!=value] selectors. i.e.
if you want greater than 4 and start at 0

$('.qualif[level!=0], .qualif[level!=1], .qualif[level!
=2], .qualif[level!=3], qualif[level!=4]').remove();

Hope that helps. Also if any more expert on jquery knows more am keen
to know better also.


On Jan 30, 12:56 pm, Feijó [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just wondering if there is any better way to accomplish that.
 Some divs has 'level' attribute, with a number.  If that number is bigger 
 than X, will remove the div.
 var x=4; // simulating
 $('.qualif').each(function() {
 if ($(this).attr('level')x)
 I don't know if we can set a filter in $('') to look at a custom attribute, 
 should be simpler than

[jQuery] UI.TABS - how to load content when tab is selected

2008-01-30 Thread carvingcode

I have a tab that I don't want the content (generated from a
separate .php file) to load untilt he user selects the tab.

How can I do this?


[jQuery] Re: [ANN] Lily, javascript visual programming tool

2008-01-30 Thread Bill Orcutt

Thanks Morgan- I'll make that change

On Jan 29, 10:58 pm, Morgan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The minVersion in the install.rdf is 2.0.0 I changed to 2.0.0.* and it

 On Jan 29, 2008 9:33 PM, Bill Orcutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for the useful feedback on the site. I've added another
  download link and will implement some of the other suggestions as I
  find time. I hope once you've had a chance to have a look at the
  program, you'll consider joining the user group-


  On Jan 29, 4:19 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:

Have a look at the demo applications below to get a feel for some of
what Lily can do:
More information about Lily is available on the website:

Wow. Thats amazing stuff, I love the svg/javascript sound demos. Using
interactive visuals to create music is so much fun.

Now I just need to take a closer look how Lily enbales stuff like
that, so most likey more feedback coming soon from here.

   Okay, some things:
   You need a Getting Started section and make that awfully obvious to find
   on the lilapp.org front page. Currently its difficult to find the
   download or even the wiki (which doesn't help in that respect).
   Along the link to the download should be the content of the readme file,
   avoid the need to download the package before being able to understand
   what and how to install.
   I found the download link only on the Public Beta 1 release post, which
   isn't even on the front page anymore.
   I also wonder if that couldn't be installed directly from the page - its
   just a firefox extension, isn't it? That way I wouldn't need to save
   anything on my disk and unpacking it. The included examples and demos
   could be provided via the page/wiki.

   Ah. After writing all that I discovered the top navigation bar,
   including the download link. You may want to make that a bit more


 Lets make up more accronyms!

 Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
 bike nerdity.

[jQuery] Re: Manipulation of select objects

2008-01-30 Thread RyanMC

Nevermind. I got it to work. Thanks for the tips. They helped.

On Jan 29, 6:20 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically you can do this:

 $('select').each(function() {
 $(this).doWhatever() // will run the method doWhatever on the currently
 iterating select


 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:38 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Manipulation of select objects

  I am working on a site where various dynamic content will be created
  each session. There will end up being between 1 and a very large
  number of select boxes on the page. Users are able to add items that
  need to be inserted into each select box. I found a plugin that allows
  me to addOption and adjust a select, but I can't seem to make it run
  through all select boxes on the page. I am quite new to jquery and any
  assistance would be very appreciated. Basically I need to know what
  selector to use to run through all selects. And if anyone is familiar
  with the addOption plugin and knows if it will work across multiple
  selects that would be fantastic too. If it won't anyone that can point
  me in the right direction to hand writing out the code for the select
  manipulation would be great. I will end up removing items from the
  select as well.

[jQuery] jQuery in the wild: www.engenderhealth.org

2008-01-30 Thread Dekortage

EngenderHealth, a nonprofit organization, just redesigned its web
site.  They use jQuery in several places: menus,  SIFR page titles,
subpage related info links (in places), and even on its donation


(Note: some Flash on the site, though I don't think it is required.)

Anyway, looks pretty cool.

[jQuery] Selector Containing Variable

2008-01-30 Thread studiobl

I'm having trouble with a jQuery selector that contains a variable.
I'm trying to target an element that has a class of orderInfo and an
id of billy

So, I set a variable:

var tabText = billy;

...and it works if I use the string:


...but not the variable:


...but of course I need it to work with a variable {insert appropriate
emoticon here}

[jQuery] Re: Manipulation of select objects

2008-01-30 Thread RyanMC

I will give that a try thanks.

On Jan 29, 6:20 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically you can do this:

 $('select').each(function() {
 $(this).doWhatever() // will run the method doWhatever on the currently
 iterating select


 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:38 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Manipulation of select objects

  I am working on a site where various dynamic content will be created
  each session. There will end up being between 1 and a very large
  number of select boxes on the page. Users are able to add items that
  need to be inserted into each select box. I found a plugin that allows
  me to addOption and adjust a select, but I can't seem to make it run
  through all select boxes on the page. I am quite new to jquery and any
  assistance would be very appreciated. Basically I need to know what
  selector to use to run through all selects. And if anyone is familiar
  with the addOption plugin and knows if it will work across multiple
  selects that would be fantastic too. If it won't anyone that can point
  me in the right direction to hand writing out the code for the select
  manipulation would be great. I will end up removing items from the
  select as well.

[jQuery] JQuery UI and ExtJS

2008-01-30 Thread Stéphane Walther
Hi there,

I tried to nest an ExtJS TreePanel into an Accordion menu (provided by
jQueryUI) like this :

When I click on Header2, the TreePanel works fine (on FF only, IE doesn't
seems to work). If I click on another header and come back to Header2, the
the accordion doesn't seem to adapt his size to the tree : some of my child
nodes are hidden. Any idea to fix that?

Thanks for your help.

[jQuery] Re: simplemodal and datepicker

2008-01-30 Thread Eric Martin

On Jan 30, 6:13 am, rayfidelity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to enable datepicker in the modal window that
 opens...datepicker works fine for itself but i cannot get it to work
 in modal. Any ideas?

Can you clarify what you mean by cannot get it to work in modal?

 Modal window is loaded through ajax...

Do you have a page or code that we/I can view?


[jQuery] [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread motob

Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
main navigation.

Check it out: www.sapitot.com

[jQuery] jQuery.Validation - Is there a way to display a spinner while validating field?

2008-01-30 Thread Rus Miller

On Jan 30, 5:40 am, Rus Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a label.error and a label.checked but does anyone know how I
 would display a label.pending (perhaps with a spinner) while the
 validation (especially a remote request) is happening?


[jQuery] Re: Manipulation of select objects

2008-01-30 Thread RyanMC

Apparently the addOption() plugin doesn't like using $(this). I
thought I had tried that loop before, that was the reason. I am sure
there is a way to add and remove options without that plugin. Any
pointers on where to start there?

On Jan 29, 6:20 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically you can do this:

 $('select').each(function() {
 $(this).doWhatever() // will run the method doWhatever on the currently
 iterating select


 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:38 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Manipulation of select objects

  I am working on a site where various dynamic content will be created
  each session. There will end up being between 1 and a very large
  number of select boxes on the page. Users are able to add items that
  need to be inserted into each select box. I found a plugin that allows
  me to addOption and adjust a select, but I can't seem to make it run
  through all select boxes on the page. I am quite new to jquery and any
  assistance would be very appreciated. Basically I need to know what
  selector to use to run through all selects. And if anyone is familiar
  with the addOption plugin and knows if it will work across multiple
  selects that would be fantastic too. If it won't anyone that can point
  me in the right direction to hand writing out the code for the select
  manipulation would be great. I will end up removing items from the
  select as well.

[jQuery] Datepicker showon link click

2008-01-30 Thread rsmolkin


Does anyone know how to make the Datepicker (calendar) be displayed by
clicking on a link next to a textfield.  I know it has a button option
and a focus option, but our old calendar used to be launched by a
link, so users are used  to that.  Does anyone know how to do that?


[jQuery] Re: Tab Effect

2008-01-30 Thread Kyle Browning
Hey no problem, and yea. I think they are moderated

On Jan 30, 2008 7:23 AM, studiobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, ocyrus!

 That helped!  ...it does take dismayingly long for posts to show up

 On Jan 29, 1:49 pm, ocyrus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I recently solved this solution this way,
return false;
  function toggleTabs(tab) {
var div = tab.attr('class');
div = div.split('-');
div = div[1];
  and my html looks like this.
  ul id=profile-nav class=clearfix
  li class=tab-biographya href=#
  li class=tab-backgrounda href=#Background/a/li
  li class=tab-contacta href=#Contact/a/li
  with three divs later
  div id=biography class=pro-tabInfo/div
  div id=background class=pro-tabInfo/div
  div id=contact class=pro-tabInfo/div
  On Jan 29, 9:46 am, studiobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a set of tabs that use the sliding doors technique.  The tabs
   are built on an unordered list, with each tab being a list item
   containing an anchor. Each tab is decorated by placing a graphic in
   the background of its list item for the left part of the tab, and the
   background of the anchor for the right side of the tab.  These
   graphics then need to be switched out to display the active view.
   The actual html page is not changed.  This tab navigation just
   triggers the visibility of various areas of the page.
   I'm trying to use jQuery to switch out the graphics.  The problem I'm
   having is in selecting the list item that contains the clicked-on
   anchor.  There are a number of techniques for selecting children, but
   none for selecting parents.
   One question I have is if there is any way to reference a previously
   selected element in a jQuery selector statement.  Like this:
   $(.tabs a).click(function(){
//Now you can reference the clicked on anchor as this
   $(.tabs li:has(this)).doSomething();
   I doubt that this is possible, I haven't tested it yet, but I can't
   think of too many other options.
   Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: •.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• ((((º How To Create Wealth????

2008-01-30 Thread Jonathan Sharp
User is banned.


On 1/30/08, ++ Corn Square ++ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Most Forex traders loose money, don't be one of them
 Forex made easy is as simple as you would want it to be. ...
 Forex can be made easier for beginners to understand it and here's how:-


[jQuery] Re: [validate] Validation Plugin - how to remove a control form validation

2008-01-30 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Dave Stewart schrieb:

Hi there
I'm building a login form, with a Forgot password link. When
clicked, I need to unset some validation options to successfully
submit the form.

The code I'm running does this:

1 - remove the validation constraints from the password field
2 - hide any error messages that were displayed for the password
3 - submit the form using form.submit()

However, I can't seem to do either properly. Here's the code I'm

$('#password').attr('validation', '')

The problems are:

1 - form.submit() seems to bypass any of the validation
2 - if I click the submit button manually, the initial validation
kicks in and the password error is re-displayed

Can anyone shed any light on what I should be doing. I'm not sure if
there are already options for this, alrthough I've looked through the
docs several times over.

Could you post an example page of your setup?

For submitting the form it may help to not use jQuery, eg. 
$(#myform)[0].submit() instead of calling jQuery's submit method.


[jQuery] Re: Validation plugin - spinner while validating field?

2008-01-30 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Rus Miller schrieb:

There is a label.error and a label.checked but does anyone know how I
would display a label.pending (perhaps with a spinner) while the
validation (especially a remote request) is happening?

You can still use jQuery's ajax events to display a busy-indicator: 

I acutally considered a pending state for remote-validated-fields, but 
dropped the idea in favor of a lack of those useless spinner icons. I 
found the goal to make the remote validation as unobtrusive as possible 
to the user a more worthwhile goal.


[jQuery] Re: Selector Containing Variable

2008-01-30 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Jan 30, 2008, at 10:24 AM, studiobl wrote:

I'm having trouble with a jQuery selector that contains a variable.
I'm trying to target an element that has a class of orderInfo and an
id of billy

So, I set a variable:

var tabText = billy;

...and it works if I use the string:


...but not the variable:


...but of course I need it to work with a variable {insert appropriate
emoticon here}

Hi there,

The trick here is to concatenate the variable with the selector  
string. Something like this should work:

$(.orderInfo[id= + tabTest + ]);

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Is this the best way?

2008-01-30 Thread Feijó

Hi Cabbite

Thanks for your 0.02

Its possible to simple use like this?

if level bigger then 3, remove it :)

My code is dynamic, I cant just wrote all numbers I dont need to remove, 
like your example.  Has to use a condition.


cabbiepete escreveu:

 Hi Felix,

 I would have thought doing an attribute selector like you suggest was

 something like

 ... $('.qualif[level]).each  ...

 to at least get rid of anything that doesn't have the level
 attribute. Also if you use the same tag name for all of these
 attributes its worth adding that as it also helps with efficiency,
 i.e. jquery only has to check those tags for level attribute.

 Depending on the exact use of the level attribute you might be able
 to get just the ones you want by using [attribute!=value] selectors.
 i.e. if you want greater than 4 and start at 0

 $('.qualif[level!=0], .qualif[level!=1], .qualif[level! =2],
 .qualif[level!=3], qualif[level!=4]').remove();

 Hope that helps. Also if any more expert on jquery knows more am keen
 to know better also.

 Cheers, Pete

 On Jan 30, 12:56 pm, Feijó [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I was just wondering if there is any better way to accomplish
 that. Some divs has 'level' attribute, with a number.  If that
 number is bigger than X, will remove the div. var x=4; //
 simulating level=parseFloat($this.attr('level'));
 $('.qualif').each(function() { if ($(this).attr('level')x)
 $(this).remove(); }); I don't know if we can set a filter in $('')
 to look at a custom attribute, should be simpler than Feijó

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox Media Viewer

2008-01-30 Thread Michael J. I. Jackson

;) I thought you'd like that.


On Jan 29, 2008, at 12:17 PM, Aaron Heimlich wrote:

And you got my extensible file extension -- plugin mappings  
request in

there too! Woot!

On Jan 29, 2008 4:29 AM, Michael J. I. Jackson  

Hi all,
Just wanted to let you all know that the jQuery adapter has been  
to include the kind of sweet jQuery functionality that Mike is  
talking about
in this email. Head on over and give it a shot if you haven't  




On Jan 25, 2008, at 4:20 PM, Mike Alsup wrote:

I'm putting the finishing touches on a media viewer application  
that I
coded up recently (think Thickbox). It can be used with jQuery or  

other library. I created an adapter for jQuery, and I thought that
somebody on this list might be interested.


I really love what you've done with shadowbox.  But I dislike  
having to
add specific markup to drive the behavior.  And as a jQuery user I  

want to invoke it like this (for example):


So if you're open to suggestion, I'd love to see a minor  
Here's what I changed to make it more amendable to the jQuery  
calling style.

1.  Added this method to shadowbox.js (just below the current  
setup fn):

Shadowbox.setup2 = function(links){
for(var i = 0, len = links.length; i  len; ++i)

2.  Added this to shadowbox-jquery.js:

jQuery.fn.shadowbox = function() {

Now I can call it like this without having to change any markup  

so it becomes a drop-in replacement:

$(function() {
var options = { /* whatever */ };


Of course there are more restrictions than one might expect from a
traditional jQuery plugin (like not being able to pass options on  
a per-call

basis), but it's a pretty minor change.  Food for thought.


Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread Jonathan Sharp
Love it!

On 1/30/08, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
 website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
 a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
 interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
 main navigation.

 Check it out: www.sapitot.com

[jQuery] Re: Not Submit [validate]

2008-01-30 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Marcos Aurélio schrieb:

Ok, see:

Join http://www.animeschool.com.br/example/.

First test:
Put in login AAA and name bbb click the button and submit it.

Second test:
First click the button. He acknowledge the mistakes, all ok. Now fill
in the fields with AAA and bbb and click the button. He did not
Thanks for the testpage and description, that helped a lot. The easiest 
way to solve this issue is to include the ajaxQueue plugin (see 
lib/jquery.ajaxQueue.js in the download package).

To prevent the issue to come up again I'll make the ajaxQueue plugin 
required for remote validation. Currently I've got no better idea then 
just display a completely annoying alert when the ajaxQueue plugin isn't 
included. Other ideas are welcome.


[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
main navigation.

Check it out: www.sapitot.com

Overall it looks good. A couple of comments:

1) I'd change the URL each time one of the tabs is clicked--that way users
can cut-n-paste the URLs and e-mail them. If possible, it'd also use
meaningful hashes (like #store, #web, #print, #about, etc.)

2) Occasionally I was able to get the Loading... message that appears when
you've clicked on a category to never go away. It seems to happen if you
click on another menu option before the last animation has finished. (I
suspect you're using a global variable to reset the value and this is
getting overwritten.)


[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread Benjamin Sterling
Looks really nice, but I would second Dan's comments and would probably
suggest you implement the history plugin.  Being in the DC area, 508
compliance is a big sell.

On 1/30/08, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
 website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
 a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
 interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
 main navigation.
 Check it out: www.sapitot.com

 Overall it looks good. A couple of comments:

 1) I'd change the URL each time one of the tabs is clicked--that way users
 can cut-n-paste the URLs and e-mail them. If possible, it'd also use
 meaningful hashes (like #store, #web, #print, #about, etc.)

 2) Occasionally I was able to get the Loading... message that appears
 you've clicked on a category to never go away. It seems to happen if you
 click on another menu option before the last animation has finished. (I
 suspect you're using a global variable to reset the value and this is
 getting overwritten.)


Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: Too many autocompleter plugins

2008-01-30 Thread eferraiuolo

This was a major reason for moving to YUI on a current project I'm
working on.


On Jan 27, 10:12 am, Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fellow earthicans...

 A year ago I needed an autocompleter and tried Dylan Verheul's plugin
 (http://www.dyve.net/jquery/?autocomplete). I found that it lacked a few
 things and had some bugs I can't remember any more. Later I stumbled
 across a derived version 
 athttp://www.pengoworks.com/workshop/jquery/autocomplete.htm. It was a bit
 better but I couldn't switch off subset matching properly. Example...

 Pengoworks code:

     options.matchSubset = options.matchSubset || 1;

 My patch:

     options.matchSubset = options.matchSubset || 0;

 I'm not sure I'm right here but I couldn't pass on matchSubset:0
 because the || 1 would re-enable it. Or was I missing anything?

 Now I'm stuck with my hacked version of a hacked version of an
 autocomplete plugin that may have fixed a few things. Can anybody
 enlighten me which autocomplete plugin can decently be used? Thanks.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.workaround.org   JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gpg key: 79CC6586         fingerprint: 

[jQuery] Inline hover menu needed

2008-01-30 Thread Sean O


I'm looking for (likely) a plugin that will allow text/images to overlay a
small menu when hovered on, disappearing onMouseOut after a second or two.


Something similar to the ContextMenu plugin would be great, if you could set
the trigger to onMouseover versus right-click.

Any ideas?


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: there is a conflict ui.resizable.js and ajaxpro

2008-01-30 Thread Klaus Hartl

On Jan 30, 9:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 resizable will not be able  when using ajaxpro,the javascript error:
 c[0] has no properties

 for(var i in this.options.modifyThese) {
 var c = this.options.modifyThese[i];
 width: modifier.width ? modifier.width+c[1] : nw+c[1],
 height: modifier.height ? modifier.height+c[2] : nh+c[2]


Just a guess, but these kind of errors occur if other libraries/
scripts modify the base Object, e.g. adding properties to its
prototype. A for-in loop then loops over these properties as well
giving you unexpected results. Doing this is considered bad practice
for obvious reasons.


[jQuery] Re: simplemodal and datepicker

2008-01-30 Thread 1Marc

I've had a lot of questions about modal windows and UI Datepicker, so
I created a demo example using thickbox:


I hope that helps.

On Jan 30, 10:55 am, Eric Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 30, 6:13 am, rayfidelity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I want to enable datepicker in the modal window that
  opens...datepicker works fine for itself but i cannot get it to work
  in modal. Any ideas?

 Can you clarify what you mean by cannot get it to work in modal?

  Modal window is loaded through ajax...

 Do you have a page or code that we/I can view?


[jQuery] Re: Inline hover menu needed

2008-01-30 Thread sozzi

You may want to have a look at:
cluetip: http://plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/demo/

On Jan 30, 12:15 pm, Sean O [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking for (likely) a plugin that will allow text/images to overlay a
 small menu when hovered on, disappearing onMouseOut after a second or two.


 Something similar to the ContextMenu plugin would be great, if you could set
 the trigger to onMouseover versus right-click.

 Any ideas?

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Is this the best way?

2008-01-30 Thread Joel Birch
On 31/01/2008, Feijó [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its possible to simple use like this?

I don't think there is a way to do that unfortunately.

Pete had a good point about optimising your selector for speed though.
For example, if you know all the .qualif elements are divs and are all
within a particular parent that has an id, say 'content', then you
should write the selector with greater specificity like so:

$('#content div.qualif').filter( ...

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: inserting adsense

2008-01-30 Thread Cloudream

var ads = $(this).html();

On Jan 30, 9:06 pm, felipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to insert adsense code as follows:

 var ads = $(this).text(); /// the adsense code goes here

 $(tr).append( 'td colspan=5' + ads + '/td' ) ;
 $('table#' + tablename + ' tr.header').after(tr);

 Nothing happens. If I put some other  html code into scalar ads, it

 Any idea?

 Thank you,


[jQuery] [validate] Require with more then one selector

2008-01-30 Thread Sudrien

Pardon the mixing of comment formats.

// must be non-blank - values are digits
select name=port id=port class={required: true} .../select

// Port not found in previous list - values are strings
select name=country id=country class={required:

// Port not found in previous list - value is a string
input name=new_port id=new_port class={required:

// Port not found AND Country not found - how do I require both?
input name=new_country id=new_country  class={required:

Can I do this as a class definition?


[jQuery] Re: UI.TABS - how to load content when tab is selected

2008-01-30 Thread MorningZ

Look at the Ajax Tabs section of the Tabs demo page (http://

On Jan 30, 9:14 am, carvingcode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a tab that I don't want the content (generated from a
 separate .php file) to load untilt he user selects the tab.

 How can I do this?


[jQuery] random option for Cycle not working?

2008-01-30 Thread ZAP

For some reason, Cycle is not randomizing the order of my blurbs.

script type=text/javascript

Anyone know why this might be?

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox Media Viewer

2008-01-30 Thread blaf

Does it work with an imagemap?


[jQuery] JQuery - Interface question

2008-01-30 Thread JPC

Hi all,

I just built out a search page using the Jquery Interface plug-in.
Specifically the slider function.

You can view it on this page:

Unfortunately, the prices do not update as you slide the sliders. They
update when you stop and unclick. I used one of the demos as a base,
and did some minor tweaking. So, I have no idea why the prices aren't
updating on the fly.

Here's the demo I used:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jason Cole

[jQuery] Fighting a closure

2008-01-30 Thread timothytoe

This code works...

  $(#port0).click(function() {bigchart(0)});
  $(#port1).click(function() {bigchart(1)});
  $(#port2).click(function() {bigchart(2)});
  $(#port3).click(function() {bigchart(3)});
  $(#port4).click(function() {bigchart(4)});

Naturally, I want to do this:

var portname=#port+i;

[jQuery] Fighting a closure

2008-01-30 Thread timothytoe

I think I submitted a half-done version of this message by accident a
few minutes ago. Sorry.

This works:
  $(#port0).click(function() {bigchart(0)});
  $(#port1).click(function() {bigchart(1)});
  $(#port2).click(function() {bigchart(2)});
  $(#port3).click(function() {bigchart(3)});
  $(#port4).click(function() {bigchart(4)});

I try to roll it up like this:
  for (i=0;i5;i++) {
$(#port+i).click(function() {bigchart(i)});

But the closure gets me. When the function is called, i is 5 for any
of the buttons.
What is the elegant solution here?

[jQuery] onClick prepend

2008-01-30 Thread Mark T
I am trying to make the on-click event of any element optional depending on
what the user decides. The only functions I see out there append a function
to the on-click event. I have played with the browser bubbling / catching
stuff too. That worked in Firefox but not in IE 7. It seems I can't access
the on-click function if it was defined within the element's onclick=

Here are my two approaches. Tell me if you have a better idea.

b1) eval() /b// I guess IE doesn't like us using this. Firefox doesn't
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
var onClickAttr = $('#clickTester').attr('onclick');
if (confirm('Perform Original Action?')) {
input type=button id=clickTester onclick=alert('Original Action
Performed.'); value=Do It!

b2) Bubbling /b// Again, IE problems while Firefox works just fine.
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
var $span = $('lt;spangt;lt;/spangt;').attr('onclick',
if (!confirm('Perform Original Action?')) {
input type=button id=clickTester onclick=alert('Original Action
Performed.'); value=Do It!

[jQuery] Re: Not Submit [validate]

2008-01-30 Thread Marcos Aurélio

Thanks for the answer!

I think you should put your validate / delegate / ajaxQueue in the
same file. In my case, and the majority, only use these two plugins to
run validate, and for this reason we have to include 3 files.

Make a package, all built.


On 30 jan, 15:48, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Marcos Aurélio schrieb: Ok, see:


  First test:
  Put in login AAA and name bbb click the button and submit it.

  Second test:
  First click the button. He acknowledge the mistakes, all ok. Now fill
  in the fields with AAA and bbb and click the button. He did not

 Thanks for the testpage and description, that helped a lot. The easiest
 way to solve this issue is to include the ajaxQueue plugin (see
 lib/jquery.ajaxQueue.js in the download package).

 To prevent the issue to come up again I'll make the ajaxQueue plugin
 required for remote validation. Currently I've got no better idea then
 just display a completely annoying alert when the ajaxQueue plugin isn't
 included. Other ideas are welcome.


[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread Rus Miller

Also, you could dim the first view and thumbnail on the print and web
pages to show that they're currently displayed.

A beautiful site, though!  I was actually planning on doing the same
drop-down effect on my site redesign (which should be done sometime in
'09).  Stole my thunder!

On Jan 30, 3:04 pm, Benjamin Sterling
 Looks really nice, but I would second Dan's comments and would probably
 suggest you implement the history plugin.  Being in the DC area, 508
 compliance is a big sell.

 On 1/30/08, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
  website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
  a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
  interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
  main navigation.

  Check it out:www.sapitot.com

  Overall it looks good. A couple of comments:

  1) I'd change the URL each time one of the tabs is clicked--that way users
  can cut-n-paste the URLs and e-mail them. If possible, it'd also use
  meaningful hashes (like #store, #web, #print, #about, etc.)

  2) Occasionally I was able to get the Loading... message that appears
  you've clicked on a category to never go away. It seems to happen if you
  click on another menu option before the last animation has finished. (I
  suspect you're using a global variable to reset the value and this is
  getting overwritten.)



[jQuery] Loading GIF Slideshow w/o Modal

2008-01-30 Thread Ange

I'm looking for a jQuery slideshow plugin, and I can't seem to fond
one that does all I need. Cycle and jCarousel come close. But my
problem is I have multiple galleries on one page, and they all have
large images. So, since they load all the images in every gallery and
then hide them, the page totals over 4000KB.

I need something like Litebox or Thickbox that calls the next/prev
image and loads it as needed, with a loading gif. But I don't want a
pop-up modal. It would be nice if I could just put one image from each
gallery in the HTML and have the prev/next buttons load and fade to
the prev/next image.

Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread motob

I had some trouble getting that history plugin to corporate with
ui.tabs. I'll take another stab at it, maybe there are some updated
documentation in that area.

I had not run into that Loading... issue when I was running thru it,
but I always waited until the transition finish. Ah the beauty of
having other developers test. The loading... feature is automatic in
the ui.tabs plugin. I'll see if I can use one of the callback
functions to double check if the tab stuck on loading... and change
it back to normal.

Thanks Dan and Ben!


On Jan 30, 3:04 pm, Benjamin Sterling
 Looks really nice, but I would second Dan's comments and would probably
 suggest you implement the history plugin.  Being in the DC area, 508
 compliance is a big sell.

 On 1/30/08, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
  website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
  a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
  interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
  main navigation.

  Check it out:www.sapitot.com

  Overall it looks good. A couple of comments:

  1) I'd change the URL each time one of the tabs is clicked--that way users
  can cut-n-paste the URLs and e-mail them. If possible, it'd also use
  meaningful hashes (like #store, #web, #print, #about, etc.)

  2) Occasionally I was able to get the Loading... message that appears
  you've clicked on a category to never go away. It seems to happen if you
  click on another menu option before the last animation has finished. (I
  suspect you're using a global variable to reset the value and this is
  getting overwritten.)



[jQuery] Re: [validate] Email validation broken in plugin v1.2?!

2008-01-30 Thread Seth - TA

Is there a way to change that? Or, what part of the email regex could
I modify? I would think that most people would agree with me that
@localhost wouldn't really be a valid email for production use. If I
am wrong, then tell me, however, could you point me in the right
direction to not allow a valid email without a .com, .net, etc, etc.



On Jan 28, 3:10 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yuval schrieb: Thisemail
  validates perfectly on v1.2. No .com nothing...
  Is it broken or is it done on purpose?
  I tried it on my site AND on the remember-the-milk demo...

 Nope. Its perfectly valid, just as something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] is valid.


[jQuery] Re: Validation plugin - spinner while validating field?

2008-01-30 Thread Rus Miller

My issue is that remote requests, especially those involving an
external server, can take a second or two.   It's nice to give the
user an indication that something is happening, which is why a spinner
isn't 'useless'.  It would be great if someone could give me a push in
the right direction.

Also, I noticed that even though the 'Check URL' field on my form
(http://monovisiondesign.com/client/jquery/validate-url/form.php) is
not required, it still performs a remote call and a label.checked is
applied to the field when it's left empty.  Am I doing something wrong
or is there a way to prevent that?

On Jan 30, 1:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rus Miller schrieb: There is a label.error and a label.checked but does 
 anyone know how I
  would display a label.pending (perhaps with a spinner) while the
  validation (especially a remote request) is happening?


 You can still use jQuery's ajax events to display a 

 I acutally considered a pending state for remote-validated-fields, but
 dropped the idea in favor of a lack of those useless spinner icons. I
 found the goal to make the remote validation as unobtrusive as possible
 to the user a more worthwhile goal.


[jQuery] Re: Selector Containing Variable

2008-01-30 Thread Bohdan Ganicky


as Karl said...and you could also make things a little bit shorter by using
multiple selector:

var tabText = 'billy';

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Multiple Superfish on the same page problems

2008-01-30 Thread alivemedia

I am trying to have 3 different vertical lists that have flyouts for

Here is the site (I know it is a mess right now):

Problem is the second and third menus get displayed horizontally.  The
flyouts works but the display is borked.

If you mouse over the Kayak Tours  Rentals you will see the fly out
in the first menu.

If you mouse over Attractions  Arts you will see another menu working
just displayed crazy.

Thanks for any help!

[jQuery] change on select not working

2008-01-30 Thread RyanMC

alert(Selected:  + this.value);

Is there any reason why this wouldn't be working on all the selects on
my page.

I create the selects dynamically, but this is up in the $
(document).ready(function() { block of my code.

[jQuery] Re: Selector Containing Variable

2008-01-30 Thread FrenchiINLA

you can try $('#' + tabtext) since the id is unic you don't need the

On Jan 30, 7:24 am, studiobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble with a jQuery selector that contains a variable.
 I'm trying to target an element that has a class of orderInfo and an
 id of billy

 So, I set a variable:

 var tabText = billy;

 ...and it works if I use the string:


 ...but not the variable:


 ...but of course I need it to work with a variable {insert appropriate
 emoticon here}

[jQuery] idle.slashdot.org uses jQuery

2008-01-30 Thread PragueExpat

Not much activity on the site yet (its new), but its nice to see that
they appreciate and use a great javascript library

[jQuery] Problem with sortables plugin (interface.js)

2008-01-30 Thread noff

Please, help! I can't understand.

I'm using plugin interface.js - sortables.

I have 2 dropables fields and some sortables elements.

It's works in FireFox and Opera, but in IE, once I grag one element,
next time it's can not be dragged:

http://test.mkechinov.ru/rc/rc.htm - dont worry about symbols - it's

Try to drag one element, drop it and then drag again. What is wrong in

[jQuery] hi, im looking for some jcarousel help. more than one on same page?

2008-01-30 Thread Josh V


[jQuery] Re: Multiple jCarousel 's on one page

2008-01-30 Thread Josh V


On Jan 25, 10:37 am, Josh V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 19 2007, 3:02 pm, Josh V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  On Nov 30, 4:55 pm, Josh V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   On Nov 29, 5:03 pm, Josh V [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi. i have a site where i need two different carousels on the same
page. each carousel has a different purpose with different items and
different controls. how can i go about getting this done? it seems to
me there would be a css conflict issue with the jquery.jcarousel.css
file. how do i specify 2 different css files for each carousel?

[jQuery] Re: Multiple Superfish on the same page problems

2008-01-30 Thread Joel Birch

Hi there,

It looks like you just need to add a width to your .nav rule. try
width:183px; to begin with as this worked for me via Firebug.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Loading GIF Slideshow w/o Modal

2008-01-30 Thread Benjamin Sterling
Have a look at one of these plugins:

On 1/30/08, Ange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking for a jQuery slideshow plugin, and I can't seem to fond
 one that does all I need. Cycle and jCarousel come close. But my
 problem is I have multiple galleries on one page, and they all have
 large images. So, since they load all the images in every gallery and
 then hide them, the page totals over 4000KB.

 I need something like Litebox or Thickbox that calls the next/prev
 image and loads it as needed, with a loading gif. But I don't want a
 pop-up modal. It would be nice if I could just put one image from each
 gallery in the HTML and have the prev/next buttons load and fade to
 the prev/next image.

 Any suggestions?

Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Require with more then one selector

2008-01-30 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Sudrien schrieb:

Pardon the mixing of comment formats.

// must be non-blank - values are digits
select name=port id=port class={required: true} .../select

// Port not found in previous list - values are strings
select name=country id=country class={required:

// Port not found in previous list - value is a string
input name=new_port id=new_port class={required:

// Port not found AND Country not found - how do I require both?
input name=new_country id=new_country  class={required:

Can I do this as a class definition?

In that I highly recommend just using a custom method.

See http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/addMethod and 
the billingRequired method here: 


[jQuery] Re: random option for Cycle not working?

2008-01-30 Thread Mike Alsup
What version of the plugin?

On Jan 30, 2008 1:26 PM, ZAP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For some reason, Cycle is not randomizing the order of my blurbs.

 script type=text/javascript

 Anyone know why this might be?

[jQuery] Re: Superfish 1.4.1 update released

2008-01-30 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

Hi Joel,

I'll try to give you some feedback.

First some remarks and questions and then a bug report :

You may change some filenames. For instance helperPlugin.js to 
hoverIntent.js or vertical.css to superfish-vertical.css

I think it would be nice to put an exemple menu at the top of the 
superfish homepage so that a new user can immediatelly see what it about.

About the callbacks. Would they enable us to write for instance this 
code outside of superfish ?


I have a link that you may have a look to. The HTML is not very neat and 
it lacks accessibility but the transparency handling is really impressive:

Do you think it could be done using superfish and its callbacks ?

#Bug report
using http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/vertical-example/
on my 1024x768 laptop

1.Small css issue in FF, Opera,IE6
when the submenu deploys the right border moves 1px to the right.
In FF it can be fixed with the following change:
.nav li ul {

2.Persistant area bug in Opera
If you hover and then move away, the is a blue rectangle that persists 
where the bottom

of the submenu was. I have no fix for this.

3.Opera, very minor, but hovering the first pixel row of an item 
triggers the change of background

color but not the display of the submenu.

4.another subtle unwanted behavior:
At the end of the display animation of the submenus of the second and 
forth item, the text and the bottom border of the first of the submenu 
has a 1px movement to the bottom.
It seems weird, I dont know anybody else can reproduce it. Personally it 
tend to believe that it is linked to some em calculations, and maybe 
that my computer is rather slow, so I have the time to see it.

5. similar to #4 on 

  the d submenu item behaves oddly.

Thank for this release, its getting better and better !


Joel Birch wrote:

Hi everyone,

Just a quick announcement to help keep interested parties up-to-date
on the progress of the Superfish menu plugin. I just released version
1.4.1. In addition to some code optimisations, some notable changes

- more optional callback functions to hang your enhancements off. I'm
hoping this will mean that if you have ideas for new functionality
that do not justify being in the core itself, you can now add it via
the callbacks leaving the core lean and easily update-able.

- version 1.4.1 is now fully compatible with jQuery versions going
right back to 1.1.2 so you can use the latest Superfish release even
if you are stuck using an old version of jQuery. Just set the new
'oldJquery' setting to 'true' for jQuery versions prior to 1.2

- you can set the new 'disableHI' setting to 'true' to make Superfish
ignore the presence of the hoverIntent plugin for the rare cases when
you want a long hoverIntent delay, for Cluetip for example, at the
price of no delay for your Superfish menu.

- finally resolved a long-standing bug whereby, when using the
pathClass option (see the two-tiered-horizontal navbar example page),
the path to the current page was not being restored after using the
keyboard to navigate through the links.

I'm very happy with this release - it seems really bulletproof. I've
thoroughly tested it on all the usual browsers and platforms, but if
you notice any odd behaviour I would really appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for your time.

Joel Birch.


[jQuery] jScrollPane: hide an arrow at end of content?

2008-01-30 Thread DingoNV

i was wondering if anyone has a quick and easy way to hide an arrow if
you are at the beginning or end of the scrollable content.

for instance
i would want the top arrow to not be visible at first, because there
is no content above it.

and when i reach the end of the content, i would like the down arrow
to disappear.

I know enough to just set the position of the arrow object to some
place so that it's not visible, but i don't know enough jQuery or how
jScrollPane works to figure out how too do this.

Is there an event that is triggered by jScrollPane when scrolling
stops that reports the position?

thanks for any help.

[jQuery] Re: Is this the best way?

2008-01-30 Thread Feijó

Yeah, its all div and within a particular parent!! I'm alreading having 
that kind of care, adding specificity for all my selectors.

It should improve performance, I bet :)

Thanks Joel

Joel Birch escreveu:

On 31/01/2008, Feijó [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Its possible to simple use like this?

I don't think there is a way to do that unfortunately.

Pete had a good point about optimising your selector for speed though.
For example, if you know all the .qualif elements are divs and are all
within a particular parent that has an id, say 'content', then you
should write the selector with greater specificity like so:

$('#content div.qualif').filter( ...

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Fighting a closure

2008-01-30 Thread Josh Nathanson

Instead of binding five times, you can do it dynamically:

$([id^=port]).click(function() {
   bigchart( this.id.charAt(this.id.length-1) );

Something close to that should do it.  Although if you end up with 10 or 
more clickables you'll have to change your naming scheme a bit.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: timothytoe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:10 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Fighting a closure

I think I submitted a half-done version of this message by accident a
few minutes ago. Sorry.

This works:
 $(#port0).click(function() {bigchart(0)});
 $(#port1).click(function() {bigchart(1)});
 $(#port2).click(function() {bigchart(2)});
 $(#port3).click(function() {bigchart(3)});
 $(#port4).click(function() {bigchart(4)});

I try to roll it up like this:
 for (i=0;i5;i++) {
   $(#port+i).click(function() {bigchart(i)});

But the closure gets me. When the function is called, i is 5 for any
of the buttons.
What is the elegant solution here? 

[jQuery] Re: Another IE Sliding bug, the weirdest (some elements disappear and others not on SlideDown)

2008-01-30 Thread Arkilus

Any suggestions?

On 27 jan, 18:45, Arkilus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While building my application with jQuery I found out this really
 weird internet explorer bug:
 Applying SlideDown to elements that are relative positioned or that
 have relative positioned parents, some elements just disappears.
 This behaviour may be checked athttp://www.arkilus.blogspot.comand a
 clean html athttp://paste.lymas.com.br//?q=22246

 Performing some tests i found out some actions that bring that
 elements back:
 - Edit ANY css property live with IE Devoloper Toolbar
 - Fade effects in any part of the page
 - While the slider is sliding up

 This is so far the weirdest IE bug I could notice.

[jQuery] Parsing external XML files - Events Format

2008-01-30 Thread Josoroma


Im working in a project that needs to parse like 10 external XML or
RSS resources of events. Some of this XML resources uses this format:

Other resources are not using this standard tags, they use tags in
different languages like:

another example:


Some of this events have description others dont. Some events
are Google Calendar XML format.

My question to you is not about to do my homework, is about standards
and the best way to design or parse something that can have a lot of

There exist a way to parse an xml file with different formats and
indentation of tags using Jquery?

Now im going to investigate:

Thanks in advance.

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