[jQuery] Re: Superfish image menu

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

I looked at your page. It seems like you have the CSS figured out.
Nice menu! The styling to show where the user is would be via classes
on the relevant list item. This is not something that Superfish does -
it's best done on the server-side via PHP or whatever you use there.
That way your menu is not reliant on JS being available to provide
that navigation info.

Once you have the current class being added to the relevant list
items (via your back-end script) you can then use Superfish to add
further enhancements such as smoothly fading in the submenus rather
than the instant CSS behaviour, timed delay on mouseout to negate
minor mouse-piloting errors, and so on. I'd also recommend using the
pathClass option for this type of menu. You can read more about that
and check out the code I used here:

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Menu Width Auto Resize

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

Personally, I just design the menu so that the longer menu items do
flow onto a second or even third line if required. You have to use
padding instead of text-indent to provide the horizontal spacing in
this case.

As for your original request which would resize the width so that the
menu items are always only one-liners, I think that's a good idea for
a separate plugin that you could then add to the function chain after


Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish pathClass problem

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Dave,

Sorry, but I don't understand your issue from what you posted. Can you
explain further please.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish skins...

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Phil,

No there is no resource like that unfortunately - the styling has been
down to the developer. The easiest thing to do is start with the demo
CSS which as you can see is very basic, and alter the CSS file
gradually (remember to check IE as you go so you know when bugs occur)
to get the style you want.

There is a commented version of one of the Superfish CSS files which
may help you to understand what each rule does, here:

In that (rather messy looking) file I have attempted to separate the
styling into two groups - the essential styles that are crucial to
Superfish working (but in some cases can be tweaked slightly), and the
skin styles that are purely presentational which you can alter to
your heart's content.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Need help on jQuery.browser.version

2008-05-07 Thread RobG

On May 5, 1:11 pm, chrbar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks a lot Mike, I've tried, it works perfectly!

 I would like to add FF 1 and IE 5 which are not supported too.
 Could you tell me if my code is correct... I think I did an error:

Now you see the futility of browser detection as a strategy.  Are you
going to add a user agent sniff for every single browser that your
site doesn't support?  Create a feature detection test that ensures
the appropriate features are supported and use that, then you don't
care what the browser UA string is.

URL: http://www.jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/not_browser_detect.html 


[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] Hyperlinks in returned list

2008-05-07 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

I've documented my approach here:


On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:23 AM, theintoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



  I would appreciate your solution too. Having checked the solution
  provided by Chris across all browsers, it appears IE7 throws an alert
  with the following text:
  Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled,
  or of a type that does not accept the focus.

  I have assumed this is due to the textfield being made read-only. This
  was a nice touch by Chris and one which would be nice to keep in.

  Any ideas?


[jQuery] Help With XML Parsing + Array Manipulation

2008-05-07 Thread catharsis

Here is what I'm trying to do:

(1) Parse an external XML,
(2) enter the list of devices in the XML into an array,
(3) sort the array alphabetically (and group items in the arrays by
name if possible),
(4) print the devices individually in table cells.

Ideally, I'd like if the devices taken from the XML file
(straightforward: just devicesdevice device1 /devicedevice
device2 /device ... /devices) could be more easily manipulated.

$(function() {
type: GET,
url: devices.xml,
dataType: xml,
success: function(xml)
// create array for the devices
var device_name = '', device_array = [];

// iterate through the xml and add the devices to the 
device_name = ($this).text();

// sort the array

// iterate through and print the elements
for (var i = 0, item; item = device_array[i]; i++) {
$('trtd class=device_name/td/tr')


This just outputs a blank space. I know there's an issue with sorting
on jQuery arrays, but I don't think that's where the script is
failing. Altogether, I'm having a difficult time trying to manipulate
an on-the-fly table created from a parsed XML, but can't think of any

If it's of any help, the following script works, but doesn't produce a
sorted, manipulate-able set of devices:

$(function() {
type: GET,
url: devices.xml,
dataType: xml,
success: function(xml)

var device_name = $(this).text()

// create table layout
$('trtd class=device_name/td/tr')

[jQuery] Refresh a Div in a page (via a button)

2008-05-07 Thread chrbar


I'm looking for a code/script which allows the user to refresh (via a
button) a specific Div inside a Web page, without refresh the full

Do you have any idea how to do that?

Thanks a lot for your help :)

[jQuery] Re: Reinitialization of css values

2008-05-07 Thread Gildas

Thank you!

My div are draggables and resizables.
Now I would like to restore them in the previous state they were
before I first click on it.

Is that possible, please?



On May 6, 6:54 pm, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $(this).attr('style', );



 - Richard

 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Gildas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello people!

  I'm looking for a solution to put div properties to initial state.

  Explanation :
 width : 90%,
 height : 90%,
 left : 5%,
 top : 5%
  //Reinitialization of initial values which are
  described in the CSS file

  Thank you!

[jQuery] superfish in ie5.5

2008-05-07 Thread Ray Mckoy

A days ago i asked a question about compatibility of superfish in ie5.5.

Now i see this: http://www.i-cre8.co.uk/sf-menu/
A superfish menu that works in ie5.5 at least in part (works, submenus 
but no sub-submenus)

What is the difference??
How to implement this?

[jQuery] Re: using.attr('type') returns undefined

2008-05-07 Thread Adwin Wijaya

works fine in my web as well ...

may be you make a typo mistakes

On May 7, 5:12 am, JP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if i have input id=fname name=fname type=text value= /

  if I do:

 $('#fname').attr('type') - it returns undefined

 how can I get the type ?

[jQuery] Re: TableSorter + Filtering + Ajax

2008-05-07 Thread Kevin Kietel

Hi Patrick,

with Flexigrid, filtering is already possible!
Using the following options, you can filter the initial data that is

url: 'post2.php',
dataType: 'json',
query: 'Dublin',
qtype: 'city',
colModel : [
{display: 'ID', name: 'id' width : 20, sortable 
: false, align:
{display: 'City name', name : 'city', width : 
200, sortable :
true, align: 'left'}
sortname: city,
sortorder: desc,
usepager: true,
title: 'Cities',
useRp: true,
rp: 10,
showTableToggleBtn: false,
width: 500,
height: 400

The 'query' and 'qtype' options do the trick!  And with this filtered
data, you can still page through your ajax'd data!


On May 6, 10:13 pm, patrick davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Kevin,

 That looks like a really excellent plugin - might have to give it a
 try.  The one thing it doesn't do that I need it to - is *filtering*.
 That is, say I am returning rows and one of the columns is a city -
 and there may be multiple rows with the same city data.  I want to be
 able to choose 'Dublin' and then only have rows which have dublin as a
 city returned.

 And then... I want to be able to continue sorting and paging through
 my ajax'd data!  Fun eh ;)  When I get something working I'll try to
 post it up somewhere... as long as I can make it readable etc!


 On May 6, 9:47 pm, Kevin Kietel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try Flexigrid!


  This jQuery plugin is a Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable
  columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to
  connect to an json/xml based data source using Ajax to load the

  If you need any help implementing it, just contact me or take a look
  at the Flexigrid discussion on CodeIgniter 
  There are several examples that you can use.

  Let me know if this is what you're looking for!



  On May 6, 2:18 am, patrick davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am using the tablesorter pluginghttp://tablesorter.com/andit
   works fine for smallish tables.  However, I need to page through large
   result sets (and filter them) - so I am going to use AJAX to
   repopulate the table once the options have been selected.

   Now, if through filtering / whetever - less than 100 rows are
   returned, then I want tablesorter to just sort the table (without
   having to make an AJAX call)

   To do this I want to edit the tablesorter plugin to call a function
   which returns true/false depending on how many records there are to

   So my question (there is one!) is how do I do that with tablesorter.
   I have tried using 'sortStart' and returning false but no joy.  I can
   edit the source of course - but if there is a simple way I'd love to
   know it.

   Better still, does anyone have an example of doing filteringsorting
   paging of large datasets using  JSON/AJAX and Jquery? :)


[jQuery] Re: Superfish pathClass problem

2008-05-07 Thread I-CRE8


am I right in thinking that I have to add the css class to the
relevant li items manually ?

Dave Buchholz
Skype ID: I-CRE8

On May 7, 7:10 am, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Dave,

 Sorry, but I don't understand your issue from what you posted. Can you
 explain further please.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] how to access this function (flexigrid)

2008-05-07 Thread Adwin Wijaya

Hi ..
I download the Flexigrid from http://www.webplicity.net/flexigrid/

and I just doing a test, everything work fine but I found that my
quick search doesn't work .. and I don't know why.

I have read the code and found doSearch() function to perform
search ... but I don't know how to call it manually (I mean from my
own button).

But I am here to ask ... how to get access for doSearch function in
(I want to have my own quick search that's not embed in  Flexigrid

var g = {
hset : {},
 the rest of the code ..
doSearch: function () {
p.query = $('input[name=q]',g.sDiv).val();
p.qtype = $('select[name=qtype]',g.sDiv).val();
p.newp = 1;
 another codes here 

Another questions,
in line 1191
{if(e.keyCode==13) g.doSearch()});

I just knowing that I could type input[name=q], etc .. I just curious
and want to learn more about this syntax. Which documents/web I should
read to know more about this ?

[jQuery] Re: Flash file redraw cutting through JS pop up window

2008-05-07 Thread Lewis

Hi guys

Apologies for the late reply to this. thanks so much for your help,
all useful information I didnt know - hope it will also be useful for
others too.

I now have a slightly strange thing going on though...

The wmode (in my case using object) works to stop the flash redraw
on the main pop up window, its background - and any overlay images...
however if another Flash element is visible over the chosen flash file
on the page underneath - the flash file seems to 'rise to the top' and
become visible again (the whole banner - not just the redraw regions)

this may sound a little confusing - let me just clarify the context. I
have made a banner chooser. a user goes to a 'page setup' area where
they can choose a banner to be displayed on that page. when the user
selects 'choose' - a lighbox esque pop up appears showing all of the
available banners. when they choose the banner to use - the banner is
then pulled into the main page - showing it has been selected. the
problem then occurs if the user wishes to select a different banner.
bringing up the chooser for a second time (to select a different
banner) will then show all the available banners, but the flash banner
now displayed on the page beneath the popup (the pop up window is semi
transparent) now 'cuts through' the window ONLY when it is directly
below a flash banner - i.e. it only seems to happen if the flash files
are kind of touching ('dont cross the streams!' - Dr. Egon Spengler)

sorry if this is over egging the pudding so to speak, just wanted to
clarify the problem as its really getting on my nuts now!!


On Mar 28, 9:28 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 good point Karl, it's typically the wmode that has to be set to transparent.

 Be aware that it will make your flash file more resource-intensive on
 low spec computers. but if it's just for running ads, it shouldn't be
 a problem.

 On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Lewis,

   It could be a z-index issue, but you probably have to also set wmode
   to transparent for the flash object.

   If you're using swfObject, you can just use:
   so.addParam(wmode, transparent);

   for embed, you add the attribute: wmode=transparent
   for object, you do param name=wmode value=transparent /

   hope that helps

   Karl Swedberg

   On Mar 28, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Lewis wrote:


i have a problem where im calling a JS pop-up overlay (is a custom
script not adapted from the various lightbox plugins around ) but when
the overlay is over the page - the redraw sections of the flash
banners are cutting through the js window showing the banners
animating content.

is this a z-indexing problem - or is there something in Jquery i need
to call to eliminate?

if anyone has experienced similar problems and resolved it, drop me a
line - or if you might have a solution and need some more info -
lemmie know as im stuck  :(



 Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] jqModal add trigger with javascript

2008-05-07 Thread rauchi


When I add a trigger with javascript and after that I click on the trigger,
the jqModal doesn't show.

First i Click on show jqModal and everything works perfectly, after that i
click on show 2nd trigger and the 2nd trigger is shown. Now i Click on the
2nd trigger show jqModal2 but nothing happens. When i click on show
jqModal everything works.

Here is my code (i wrote a { instead a  in the front of the a-tags,
otherwise i hasn't been shown correctly here):

$('#divModal').jqm({trigger: '.jqModal'}); 

function helpClick() {
   $(#help).html('{a href=# class=jqModalShow jqModal2{/a');


{a href=# class=jqModalShow jqModal{/abr /
{a href=# onClick=helpClick();show 2nd trigger{/a
div id=help/div

div id=divModal class=jqmWindowlorem ipsum, /div

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Menu Fade-out

2008-05-07 Thread Reuben

Thanks Joel

Hadn't heard of Accordion but I'll give it a go.  I agree, the delay
stuff isn't needed quite so much with my nav.  I'll see what I can do
with it :o)


On 7 May, 15:41, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Reuben,

 No further progress to report on the closing animations for Superfish
 I'm afraid. Looking at your page, it seems like maybe the Accordion
 plugin may be more suitable for your menu. Have you looked into that?
 Your menu behaves just like an Accordion menu. The only thing you
 would miss out on is the timed delay, which really helps usability for
 most dropdowns, but your style of menu does not need it so much. Also,
 adding the hoverIntent plugin with Accordion will give you back some
 of the benefits of the delay feature I think.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Unified approach to get the value of input fields

2008-05-07 Thread Richard D. Worth

- Richard

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:35 AM, August Lilleaas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello there,

 A textarea's value is inside the actual textarea tags, while input
 fields values is stored in the value attribute on the tag. Is there a
 unified way to get the value of both text areas and input fields? $
 (:input).attr(value) works for input fields, $(:input).text()
 works for textareas. But not for both. Ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Help With XML Parsing + Array Manipulation

2008-05-07 Thread Tony

Try this
$(function() {
type: GET,
url: devices.xml,
dataType: xml,
success: function(xml)

var device_name = $(this).text()

// create table layout
$('trtd class=device_name/td/tr')


On May 7, 7:35 am, catharsis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is what I'm trying to do:

 (1) Parse an external XML,
 (2) enter the list of devices in the XML into an array,
 (3) sort the array alphabetically (and group items in the arrays by
 name if possible),
 (4) print the devices individually in table cells.

 Ideally, I'd like if the devices taken from the XML file
 (straightforward: just devicesdevice device1 /devicedevice
 device2 /device ... /devices) could be more easily manipulated.

 $(function() {
 type: GET,
 url: devices.xml,
 dataType: xml,
 success: function(xml)
 // create array for the devices
 var device_name = '', device_array = [];

 // iterate through the xml and add the devices to the 
 device_name = ($this).text();

 // sort the array

 // iterate through and print the elements
 for (var i = 0, item; item = device_array[i]; i++) {
 $('trtd class=device_name/td/tr')



 This just outputs a blank space. I know there's an issue with sorting
 on jQuery arrays, but I don't think that's where the script is
 failing. Altogether, I'm having a difficult time trying to manipulate
 an on-the-fly table created from a parsed XML, but can't think of any

 If it's of any help, the following script works, but doesn't produce a
 sorted, manipulate-able set of devices:

 $(function() {
 type: GET,
 url: devices.xml,
 dataType: xml,
 success: function(xml)

 var device_name = $(this).text()

 // create table layout
 $('trtd class=device_name/td/tr')


[jQuery] Re: TableSorter + Filtering + Ajax

2008-05-07 Thread Adwin Wijaya

Uhmm ...  flexigrid looks more difficult to master that tablesorter :)

btw, can tablesorter sort using ajax and pagination. I have 1000 data
and I dont want to throw all the data to user. so i use pagination,
separated into 10 records per page ... but I dont have any idea how to
override the sort function, because when the sort clicked, I want to
call my ajax function and doing sort from database.

On May 7, 3:13 am, patrick davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Kevin,

 That looks like a really excellent plugin - might have to give it a
 try.  The one thing it doesn't do that I need it to - is *filtering*.
 That is, say I am returning rows and one of the columns is a city -
 and there may be multiple rows with the same city data.  I want to be
 able to choose 'Dublin' and then only have rows which have dublin as a
 city returned.

 And then... I want to be able to continue sorting and paging through
 my ajax'd data!  Fun eh ;)  When I get something working I'll try to
 post it up somewhere... as long as I can make it readable etc!


 On May 6, 9:47 pm, Kevin Kietel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try Flexigrid!


  This jQuery plugin is a Lightweight but rich data grid with resizable
  columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to
  connect to an json/xml based data source using Ajax to load the

  If you need any help implementing it, just contact me or take a look
  at the Flexigrid discussion on CodeIgniter 
  There are several examples that you can use.

  Let me know if this is what you're looking for!



  On May 6, 2:18 am, patrick davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am using thetablesorterpluginghttp://tablesorter.com/andit
   works fine for smallish tables.  However, I need to page through large
   result sets (and filter them) - so I am going to use AJAX to
   repopulate the table once the options have been selected.

   Now, if through filtering / whetever - less than 100 rows are
   returned, then I wanttablesorterto just sort the table (without
   having to make an AJAX call)

   To do this I want to edit thetablesorterplugin to call a function
   which returns true/false depending on how many records there are to

   So my question (there is one!) is how do I do that withtablesorter.
   I have tried using 'sortStart' and returning false but no joy.  I can
   edit the source of course - but if there is a simple way I'd love to
   know it.

   Better still, does anyone have an example of doing filteringsorting
   paging of large datasets using  JSON/AJAX and Jquery? :)


[jQuery] Re: Problem using livequery jquery.form and simplemodal together

2008-05-07 Thread paulp75

still getting used to google groups here. thought i posted a reply
yesterday but it didnt show up here.
options is set with

var options = {
target:'#fastcart'   // target element(s) to be
updated with server response

thanks for your reply.

[jQuery] Re: Photo Crop proposal

2008-05-07 Thread netvibe

I've experienced with the jquery crop plugin..

I am busy with an imagemanager, where u can do lots of things with
images. (rotate / crop / drag - drop / etc.)

take a look @ http://www.netvibe.nl/imagemanager/

On May 6, 8:22 pm, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 11:21 AM, LTG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please see the video of my prototype here:


 Funny story. At 0:45 in your video, the picture of the family sitting on the
 bench/porch swing -  that's my brother's family (I waited to check with him
 before I posted, and he's cool with it). #1 google image search for 'family'
 when filtered for Extra Large images


 I'm curious. Is that how you found it? It's a great picture for what you're

 - Richard

[jQuery] getJSON, $(this) and scope

2008-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everybody - new to both this group and jQuery, so please be
gentle ;)

I have some code which roughly looks something like this:

$(.container ul  li  a).click(
// only do the JSON if the a isn't followed by a DL
$.getJSON(json.js, function(data){
htmlString = dldtResults:/dtddOutput:  + 
data.title + ,
Input:  + data.name + /dd;

Now, what I want to do is put htmlString after the a-object - $(this)
- , but obviously I am out of scope, so I can't just add it like this


Any suggestions on how I can do this?

[jQuery] Unified approach to get the value of input fields

2008-05-07 Thread August Lilleaas

Hello there,

A textarea's value is inside the actual textarea tags, while input
fields values is stored in the value attribute on the tag. Is there a
unified way to get the value of both text areas and input fields? $
(:input).attr(value) works for input fields, $(:input).text()
works for textareas. But not for both. Ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Superfish pathClass problem

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

Yes, that's correct. It's a job best suited to a server-side language
so that the current information is still present when JS is not

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Refresh a Div in a page (via a button)

2008-05-07 Thread Christoph Haas
On Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2008, chrbar wrote:
 I'm looking for a code/script which allows the user to refresh (via a
 button) a specific Div inside a Web page, without refresh the full

Use an (on)click event on a button that points to Javascript issuing a 
$.load from your backend to the DIV area. Of course your backend needs to 
send a partial page. (Or you use $.load's abilities to load just a part of 
the DOM you get from the backend.)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.1 is released!

2008-05-07 Thread Jay Salvat

Hi all,

markItUp! 1.1 is released!
This release brings thousands bug fixes, better cross-browser
compatibility (Mac users will be happy!), removal function, Html
preview in templates, and due to popular demand, no more absurd
textarea ID moving.

Some advanced examples and add-ons have been added for the occasion.
markItUp! 1.0 is no longer supported.



[jQuery] Re: getJSON, $(this) and scope

2008-05-07 Thread Mike Alsup

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 2:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi everybody - new to both this group and jQuery, so please be
  gentle ;)

  I have some code which roughly looks something like this:

  $(.container ul  li  a).click(
 // only do the JSON if the a isn't followed by a DL
 $.getJSON(json.js, function(data){
 htmlString = dldtResults:/dtddOutput:  + 
 data.title + ,
  Input:  + data.name + /dd;

  Now, what I want to do is put htmlString after the a-object - $(this)
  - , but obviously I am out of scope, so I can't just add it like this


  Any suggestions on how I can do this?

Save 'this' in a var first:

$(.container ul  li  a).click(function() {
// only do the JSON if the a isn't followed by a DL
var $a = $(this); // save the anchor
if ( ! ($a.next(dl).length) ) {
$.getJSON(json.js, function(data) {
var s = dldtResults:/dtddOutput: 
+ data.title + ,Input:  + data.name + /dd;

[jQuery] slideToggle Problem

2008-05-07 Thread Bo


I am using this code to slide a div up/down:


It works alright, just like it's supposed to, but how can I have the
#slide div be in the up position by default? Right now it's always
down when the page loads...

Thanks for the help,

[jQuery] Re: strange behaviour: multiple selectors responding

2008-05-07 Thread bobh

karl, thanks for your help. you make it seem so easy...

On May 6, 10:33 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Bob,

 I'd probably just do this without the ajaxStart and ajaxStop methods.
 Try this:

 $(#contests ul li span a).toggle(
   //store ref to toggling element for use in ajax callbacks...
   var lnk = $(this);
   var url_title = lnk.html();
   lnk.html(loading...); // just before the stuff is loaded
   $(.contest-form- + this.name).load(this.href, function() {
   lnk.html(url_title); // after the stuff is loaded
   return false;
   $(.contest-form- + this.name).hide(fast);
   return false;

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On May 6, 2008, at 6:34 AM, bobh wrote:

  I'm afraid the behaviour is still there using your code. I've updated
  my example page with it.

  On May 6, 12:25 am, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The problem is the context of 'this' within the ajaxStart() and
  ajaxStop() functions.

  try this instead...

  $(#contests ul li span a).toggle(
   //store ref to toggling element for use in ajax callbacks...
   var lnk = $(this);
   var url_title = lnk.html();
   $(.contest-form- + this.name).load(this.href).show();
   return false;
   $(.contest-form- + this.name).hide(fast);
   return false;

  On May 5, 2:26 pm, bobh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm trying to change the innerHtml of an anchor to loading for the
  duration of an ajax load with this code:

  $(#contests ul li span a).toggle(
 var url_title = $(this).html();
 $(.contest-form- +
 return false;
 $(.contest-form- + this.name).hide(fast);
 return false;

  both the ajax load and the text replacing work fine. the problem
  however is that all links that have been clicked are getting the
  loading innerHtml. in stead of only the one that is clicked on.
  clarification I've put an example page online 
  try clicking a few different links.


[jQuery] Re: getJSON, $(this) and scope

2008-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanx a lot for that :)

[jQuery] How to start a slide show (Cycle Plugin)

2008-05-07 Thread mzurek


I have a following problem:

I used a Cycle Plugin configured as follows:

fx: 'custom3',
easeOut: 'backin',
easeIn: 'bounceout',
after: onAfter4,
speed: 800,
timeout: 3,
autostop: 1,
autostopCount: 2,
cssBefore: {
top:  0,
left: 0,
width: 308,
height: 0,
zIndex: 1
animIn:  {
width: 308,
height: 282
animOut: {
top:  0,
left: 0,
width: 308,
height: 0
cssAfter: {
zIndex: 0
delay: 0

and I don't know how to start my slideshow after it stops (due to
options: autostop and autostopCount). I know there are two opposite
arguments - 'pause' and 'resume' that allow us to control our
slideshow (for example: $('#s4').cycle('pause');). I've seen in
documentation that there is also 'stop' argument - which holds the
slideshow, but I can't find the opposite one, which starts the
slideshow. Does anyone know how to turn it back on?

Best regards.

[jQuery] Re: How to start a slide show (Cycle Plugin)

2008-05-07 Thread Mike Alsup

  and I don't know how to start my slideshow after it stops (due to
  options: autostop and autostopCount). I know there are two opposite
  arguments - 'pause' and 'resume' that allow us to control our
  slideshow (for example: $('#s4').cycle('pause');). I've seen in
  documentation that there is also 'stop' argument - which holds the
  slideshow, but I can't find the opposite one, which starts the
  slideshow. Does anyone know how to turn it back on?

  Best regards.

Just call cycle again like you did the first time, passing in the desired args.

[jQuery] Loading a js file with the ajax content

2008-05-07 Thread vimal

i already have a base javascript file containing $

but i am loading a content using ajax into a div container
for those items i just need to load a js file with a $

can any one help me

vimal das

[jQuery] Re: slideToggle Problem

2008-05-07 Thread Bo

never mind, found the answer about 1 minute after posting this here

On May 7, 9:39 pm, Bo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using this code to slide a div up/down:



 It works alright, just like it's supposed to, but how can I have the
 #slide div be in the up position by default? Right now it's always
 down when the page loads...

 Thanks for the help,

[jQuery] IE7, window.open hangs

2008-05-07 Thread winood

I am trying to add JQuery functionality to a window created with
window.open, document.write, etc. and as a result IE7 is hanging (99%
cpu). Here is the html creating the window:

head titleJunk1/title
script src=\cgi-bin\jquery-1.2.3.js/script
script language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript

$(document).ready(function() {

function popUp()
OpenWindow=window.open(, newwin, height=700,


OpenWindow.document.write('script src=\\cgi-bin\\jquery-1.2.3.js\/
OpenWindow.document.write('script src=\\cgi-bin\\inPopUp.js\/

OpenWindow.document.write('script type=text\/javascript');

OpenWindow.document.write('$(document).ready(function() {');

OpenWindow.document.write('$(document).ready(function() {');


OpenWindow.document.write('span class=ml_Money$123,456.78\/


a href=javascript:popUp();PopUp/a

and here is inPopUp.js:

$(document).ready(function() {

If I remove inPopUp.js then the popup window works fine, and
repeatably. However, with it the new window can be opened and close
only 0 to 4 times (seems random) before IE7 hangs (TaskManager shows
high cpu). I have tested this with Safari v3 and it works fine, no
matter how many times I open and close the window. Any ideas/


[jQuery] Re: validating dynamically generated data

2008-05-07 Thread jpl80

pedalpete wrote:
 Have you checked out the validate plugin?
 Their is a method they have where you can actually run an ajax call to
 your server to check for a valid input, or you could use it with your
 statically set value as you have already done.

I've looked at that. But data I need to compare is right there on the page!
All I want to do is say:

On keyup () {
  var x = getCurrentValue(input);
  var y = getCurrentValue(div.qty);
  if (x  y) {
error(not enough in stock);
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Expression/Selector question...

2008-05-07 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Just wonder if there were any comments to this?

On May 5, 4:24 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 One thing that I've noticed is that the expr attribute is pretty
 inconsistent across methods (such as filter, find, parents, parent, etc.)
 The documentation is very vague about what an expression is, other than it
 just being a selector. However I would assume a valid expression for one
 element would be valid for all elements, but I've noticed that an HTML
 element is only a valid expression in the find() method.

 For example:

 $li = $(li);

 // returns the first matches for $li
 $(body  ul  li).find($li[0]);

 // this actually errors with a t.substring is not a function error
 $(body  ul  li).filter($li[0]);

 // I would expect this to only return the element which is the first $li,
 // but instead it ignores the expression altogether and returns all parents

 Shouldn't expressions work the same across all methods?

 Right now I'm having to use this to find only the explicit parent:

 $el.parents().filter(function (){ return this === $parent[0]; });

 However, if parents() worked like find() I would be able to do:


 (Before you say Why not just use $parent?, it's because I'm checking to
 see if an element is a child of a specific element.)


[jQuery] requesting and sending JSON in a ruby on rails app

2008-05-07 Thread Max Williams (Brighton)

Hi - first of all this is a plugin-specific question (about treeview)
- i sent it to the plugin discussion page but it seems pretty dead (no
posts for over a year), so i'm sending it here as well.  If anyone
could help me out that would be fantastic.

I've been using treeview and have no problems with it so far.
However, to get better performance i'm now trying to switch to the
asynchronous version: http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/async.html

In the example they use php to return some json to the tree, but i'm
using it in a ruby on rails app, and can;t work out how to get it to
work.  Can anyone help?  I'm really just not sure how to get the
required json for the update back to the treeview.

This is what i'm doing at the moment:

In the view:

url: tree/self_and_children

  ul id=prop-tree

The url tree/self_and_children does seem to be calling the correct
controller and action, which is as follows:

 def self_and_children
# expects the id of the branch which is clicked on, which will be
something like
# property_id_79.  We want property with id 79.
if params[:id]
  property = Property.find(params[:id].split(_).last)
  property = Property.root

@json = property.self_and_children_to_json
respond_to do |format|
  if @json
#should never get an html request for this
format.html { render :text = @json }
format.xml  { head :ok }
format.js { render :text = @json }
format.html { }
format.xml  { render :xml = @json.errors, :status
= :unprocessable_entity }

But, nothing comes back - at least, the tree doesn't change.  My
questions are as follows:

a) is doing render :text = @json the proper way to send back the
chunk of json to treeview?  Should i do something in a js.rjs file
b) how do i send through the id of the clicked-on branch to the
controller? (and retrieve it in the controller)

thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: how do it?

2008-05-07 Thread Luciano Mazzetto
I try do your example,  but no make upper-case,
so i try:


and got success without problems, onkeyup all upunts make this value for


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you're trying to get the value of an element with an ID of search,
 and make it upper-case, do this:


 Karl Swedberg

 On May 6, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Luciano Mazzetto wrote:

 sure!, but i need do it ?

 $('input#search').toUpperCase();  // ???

 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux 

  first, get your markup correct: if you need to use several times the
  same ID, then use a CLASS instead. ID are for UNIQUE entities.
  besides that, this
  $('input #search')
  should be
  Hope this helps!
  On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Luciano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a input = search and a form = form-search,
   well i need create action keypress on input search i do this:
  $(document).ready(function() {
  $('input #search')
   but no sucess,
   so i try it:
  $(document).ready(function() {
   it`s ok but i want especify input first, i have two more objects with
   this id, no inputs normal divs..
   exist ?
   $('input #search') or
   $('input  #search') or
   $('input search')
  Alexandre Plennevaux

 Luciano M.

Luciano M.

[jQuery] Re: Photo Crop proposal

2008-05-07 Thread LTG

Does anyone know who did the existing real world crop example?  I
see no credits for it.

Michel, I have looked at your site.  You have done nice work.  If you
are interested in adding the features for my spec to earn a bounty
please contact me (email is in my profile).


On May 7, 2:32 am, netvibe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've experienced with the jquerycropplugin..

 I am busy with an imagemanager, where u can do lots of things with
 images. (rotate /crop/ drag - drop / etc.)

 take a look @http://www.netvibe.nl/imagemanager/

 On May 6, 8:22 pm, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 11:21 AM, LTG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Please see the video of my prototype here:


  Funny story. At 0:45 in your video, the picture of the family sitting on the
  bench/porch swing -  that's my brother's family (I waited to check with him
  before I posted, and he's cool with it). #1 google image search for 'family'
  when filtered for Extra Large images


  I'm curious. Is that how you found it? It's a great picture for what you're

  - Richard

[jQuery] Re: Photo Crop proposal

2008-05-07 Thread tlob


Don't sell the functionality (crop,rotate,...)

Sell the service: Online Image manager. Store, manage, Edit, Share,
Comment, .

my 2 Cents ;-)

On May 5, 5:21 pm, LTG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, (pls excuse dbl post)

 I would like to get feedback on:
1)  Would a photo crop plug-in be useful to others?
2)  How doable is it in JQuery?
3)  Would anyone be interested in a bounty on it? ($$$)

 Please see the video of my prototype 

 So the basic features are:
   - Photo cropping with aspect ratio locking
   - Face cropping (elliptical crop)
   - Straighten photo with real time adjustments
   - Real-time preview of result photo

 This the prototype is a working application, so all the logic is known
 and perfected.  I think I know ways to make all the imaging pieces
 fast enough for good performance.

 Any feedback on these points would be appreciated.

 thank you,

[jQuery] Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-07 Thread Drew


I've seen one other post regarding this, but no one ever answered so
I'm trying again.

I'm using the Richard Willis example (http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/
plugins/superfish/richard-willis-example/), and have also taken the
functionality from the All Horizontal example (http://users.tpg.com.au/
j_birch/plugins/superfish/all-horizontal-example/) to make my second
tier appear by default.

Check out my menu here: http://secure2.vqcdesigns.com/~hbgrc/index.php

The obvious problem is that when you navigate to a 2nd tier link with
more links below it (for example, About Us) the dropdowns stay open.

I've tried adding to the CSS, but that isn't helping.  I assume I need
to add something to superfish.js so that only the 2nd tier appears,
but have no clue where to begin.

Is this even possible, or am I out of luck?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Background image change fade transition

2008-05-07 Thread sdm

I figured it out just in case someone ends up looking here for the

script type=text/javascript
var hoverObj = this;
$(#big).fadeOut(fast, function(){
$(this).css(backgroundImage, url( + 
$(hoverObj).attr(big) +

On May 7, 11:27 am, Stuart Mullen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 I've just started using jQuery (it's great!) and I'm looking to re-
 factor what I have written to have a fade transition between each
 image change. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

 My code is below, many thanks in advance! :)

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery/jquery-1.2.3.pack.js/

 script type=text/javascript
 $(#big).css(backgroundImage, url( + 
 $(this).attr(big) +




 td id=big style=background:url(img/amazing-cars.jpg); height:
 200px; width: 200px;/td

 br /
 br /
 br /

 img class=small src=img/t_amazing-cars.jpg big=img/amazing-
 cars.jpg /
 img class=small src=img/t_Cars.jpg big=img/Cars.jpg /
 img class=small src=img/t_ethel-cars.jpg big=img/ethel-
 cars.jpg /


[jQuery] Firing a jQuery function from loaded content via the load method

2008-05-07 Thread aldomatic

Firing a jQuery function from loaded content via load method.

It seems to work fine in FF and IE but Safari wont make it happen :(

Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] markItUp! 1.1 is released!

2008-05-07 Thread Karl Swedberg

Excellent, Jay! Very excited to hear about those changes. This gives  
me even more motivation to include it for comment textareas on  


Karl Swedberg

On May 7, 2008, at 7:17 AM, Jay Salvat wrote:

Hi all,

markItUp! 1.1 is released!
This release brings thousands bug fixes, better cross-browser
compatibility (Mac users will be happy!), removal function, Html
preview in templates, and due to popular demand, no more absurd
textarea ID moving.

Some advanced examples and add-ons have been added for the occasion.
markItUp! 1.0 is no longer supported.



[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] Hyperlinks in returned list

2008-05-07 Thread Jose

Is Chris approach documented anywhere ? It would be useful to be able to
open a new window too.

I did have this requirement when I first found the autocomplete library last
year. I ended up writing my own autocomplete solution to meet the
requirements. Let me know if you plan to develop a better solution as I'd
rather use your Jörn library


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Jörn Zaefferer 

 I've documented my approach here:


 On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:23 AM, theintoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I would appreciate your solution too. Having checked the solution
   provided by Chris across all browsers, it appears IE7 throws an alert
   with the following text:
   Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled,
   or of a type that does not accept the focus.
   I have assumed this is due to the textfield being made read-only. This
   was a nice touch by Chris and one which would be nice to keep in.
   Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: requesting and sending JSON in a ruby on rails app

2008-05-07 Thread the_woodsman

Well, I don't use RoR or treeview, so my advice is more general...

url: tree/self_and_children

a) No idea what this actually achieves, but I think the goal is to set
the content type header.
 Using Firefox (with Firebug/Developer Extensions) you can check if
the content type header is set correctly.

Also, using firebug, you can look at the result sent back via Ajax,
and paste it into the console to see if it's valid JSON/javascript.

Hope that helps...

On May 7, 2:05 pm, Max Williams (Brighton)
 Hi - first of all this is a plugin-specific question (about treeview)
 - i sent it to the plugin discussion page but it seems pretty dead (no
 posts for over a year), so i'm sending it here as well.  If anyone
 could help me out that would be fantastic.

 I've been using treeview and have no problems with it so far.
 However, to get better performance i'm now trying to switch to the
 asynchronous version:http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/async.html

 In the example they use php to return some json to the tree, but i'm
 using it in a ruby on rails app, and can;t work out how to get it to
 work.  Can anyone help?  I'm really just not sure how to get the
 required json for the update back to the treeview.

 This is what i'm doing at the moment:

 In the view:

 url: tree/self_and_children

   ul id=prop-tree

 The url tree/self_and_children does seem to be calling the correct
 controller and action, which is as follows:

  def self_and_children
 # expects the id of the branch which is clicked on, which will be
 something like
 # property_id_79.  We want property with id 79.
 if params[:id]
   property = Property.find(params[:id].split(_).last)
   property = Property.root

 @json = property.self_and_children_to_json
 respond_to do |format|
   if @json
 #should never get an html request for this
 format.html { render :text = @json }
 format.xml  { head :ok }
 format.js { render :text = @json }
 format.html { }
 format.xml  { render :xml = @json.errors, :status
 = :unprocessable_entity }

 But, nothing comes back - at least, the tree doesn't change.  My
 questions are as follows:

 a) is doing render :text = @json the proper way to send back the
 chunk of json to treeview?  Should i do something in a js.rjs file
 b) how do i send through the id of the clicked-on branch to the
 controller? (and retrieve it in the controller)

 thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: requesting and sending JSON in a ruby on rails app

2008-05-07 Thread Michael Geary

It sounds like you're trying to debug three things at once:

* Can I generate valid JSON from my Rails app?

* Can I get a JSON download to work with JavaScript and jQuery?

* Can I get async JSON to work with treeview?

I would simplfy the debugging problem by separating those three questions
and tackling them one at a time. That will make it a lot easier to track
down the problem.

For example, you can test the first one all by itself by generating your
JSON data and simply copying and pasting it into www.jsonlint.com to see if
it accepts it. That way you don't even have to think about JavaScript at
all; you are simply debugging your Rails app.

Once you know you have good JSON data, you can test question #2 with a
simple test case that just downloads the JSON data with jQuery and displays
it (even with just a console.log call).

Finally, with all that working, you can tackle the treeview question.


 From: Max Williams (Brighton)
 Hi - first of all this is a plugin-specific question (about treeview)
 - i sent it to the plugin discussion page but it seems pretty 
 dead (no posts for over a year), so i'm sending it here as 
 well.  If anyone could help me out that would be fantastic.
 I've been using treeview and have no problems with it so far.
 However, to get better performance i'm now trying to switch 
 to the asynchronous version: 
 In the example they use php to return some json to the tree, 
 but i'm using it in a ruby on rails app, and can;t work out 
 how to get it to work.  Can anyone help?  I'm really just not 
 sure how to get the required json for the update back to the treeview.
 This is what i'm doing at the moment:
 In the view:
 url: tree/self_and_children
   ul id=prop-tree
 The url tree/self_and_children does seem to be calling the 
 correct controller and action, which is as follows:
  def self_and_children
 # expects the id of the branch which is clicked on, which 
 will be something like
 # property_id_79.  We want property with id 79.
 if params[:id]
   property = Property.find(params[:id].split(_).last)
   property = Property.root
 @json = property.self_and_children_to_json
 respond_to do |format|
   if @json
 #should never get an html request for this
 format.html { render :text = @json }
 format.xml  { head :ok }
 format.js { render :text = @json }
 format.html { }
 format.xml  { render :xml = @json.errors, :status = 
 :unprocessable_entity }
 But, nothing comes back - at least, the tree doesn't change.  
 My questions are as follows:
 a) is doing render :text = @json the proper way to send 
 back the chunk of json to treeview?  Should i do something in 
 a js.rjs file instead?
 b) how do i send through the id of the clicked-on branch to 
 the controller? (and retrieve it in the controller)
 thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: event data ?

2008-05-07 Thread Michael Geary

Using the name btn for the event function parameter will surely make
things confusing - because you'll be looking for it to be a DOM element for
the button, which it isn't. The parameter to the event function is an
*event* object.

Inside the function, this refers to the button element, and so does


 From: motob
 The best way to see what the btn object is all about is to 
 download and install firebug. Then use the console to output 
 that object. for
 $('.mybutton').bind('click',function(btn){ console.log( btn); } );
 Then on the console panel of firebug, you'll see the btn 
 object, which is clickable. If clicked, firebug will show you 
 the DOM representation of that object and all of its 
 properties that are accessible.
 On May 6, 9:22 am, Adwin  Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks .. but I still curious what is inside the variable 
 that passed 
  through function callback (btn in my example) and how to 
 have access 
  on it.
  On May 6, 6:39 pm, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 alert($(this).attr(id)); //get the id
 $(this).attr(disabled, disabled); //disable the 
 clicked button
   On May 6, 3:33 am, Adwin  Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I got a problem ... I have more than 1 buttons and each buttons 
has unique name.
I assign / bind the button with function like this :
$('.mybutton').bind('click',function(btn){ alert( btn.id); } );
every time i click on the buttons the alert always show 
How to get the ID of button who clicked ? i want to get the id, 
change the button to disabled ... how to do that one ...
and what is event.data actually is
thanks !

[jQuery] Re: Giving more parameters to the async load function ?

2008-05-07 Thread jayg

I haven't gotten to quite that level of abstraction yet, but I came up
with a solution for my problem that could be helpful to some.  I will
think about this more and see if I can make it more generic to be
reused by others, but here is what I did for now (these changes are
all in jquery.treeview.async.js):
in $.fn.treeview, right below the line
var container = this;
I added:
(my_custom_id is set in the initialization of the widget)
and changed the call to load to:
load(settings, settings.params, this, container);

Then, within proxied.call, I changed the call to:
load(settings, {id:this.id}, childList, container);

Basically, I am using this to determine if I use the default of
{id:some_number} or my own param that brings back the full list down
to the section of the tree where I last was (this is determined
serverside based on the page requested, which may not be something
available in the tree).

Part of what I wanted to do here was remove the logic of building the
param hash in the call to getJSON.  It likely needs to be further
decoupled, but this is a first stab.  In keeping with this plan, I
changed the signature of load to be:
function load(settings, params, child, container) {
and getJSON just reused params instead of building them inline like
$.getJSON(settings.url, params, function(response) {

I like the idea you mentioned Jörn, so I will see if I can come up
with any better thoughts on how to pull that off, and let you know if
I do.  Thanks for the assistance.


On May 5, 10:01 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I discussed the idea of jQuery core supporting dynamic data parameters
 with Scott recently - we haven't made progress, but it could solve a
 lot of issues like this one. Basically you'd replace static values
 with functions that return those values, while thetreeviewplugin
 just passes these through to $.ajax, which then evaluates those
 functions while serializing the data. I think every plugin that uses
 jQuerys ajax methods could leverage that.


 On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 11:35 PM, jayg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Excellent thought.  I was thinking of having some sort of parameter
   hash to pass in, maybe I can hook that together with this idea.

   On May 2, 11:39 am, markus.staab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Maybe a callback function (given some usefull context parameters..)
which produces the url could do the trick..

On 2 Mai, 17:24, jayg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Jörn,
 I will post code here when I get a good solution.  However, I know the
treeviewis being worked on in the UI project as well, should I be

looking at something other than treview.asynch to make these changes
 to?  Additionally, I was considering adding a 'custom' persist option,
 I can provide a patch if you think it would be useful (and assuming it
 is done generically enough).  Probably also going to be looking at
 adding a 'loading' spinner option, unless it is there and I have just
 missed it.

 On Apr 30, 11:42 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  jayg schrieb: I need to set up dynamic urls with async trees as 
  well, though I am
   using rails, so I am looking for something more like 'foo/bar/1', 
   same functionality.  The problem I have with the idea to use
   source.php?id=firsttree or something similar is that I don't know
   how many subtrees I may have - this needs to be built dynamically. 
   I misunderstood, and this is intended to be dynamic, a code snippet
   would be greatly helpful.  If not, my thought was in the getJSON
   function of thetreeview.asynch to have _that_ create the url info 
   the newly returned tree.  We already have this.id and could easily
   return the name of the controller and method to call.  Then, at the
   end when we call $(container).treeview({add:child}), we could 
   the url we created into ts setting.  I may hack on this until I 
   another idea, but let me know what you think of that approach.

  Ideas, especially in the form of code, are very welcome. The basic
  problem, dynamic arguments and different URL formats, applies now to
  bothtreeviewand autocomplete plugins, so solving it properly would
  help a lot.


[jQuery] livequery in navigation

2008-05-07 Thread kws452

I am using jquery and superfish in my horizontal navigation menu.  The
navigation is loaded via an external file.  The   drop down menus set
up nicely, and I have js set up so that when a user select a menu
item, different content is loaded into a div in the middle of the
page depending on what they click on. I just switched to livequery, so
my js is:

$(document).ready(function() {
 .livequery('click', (function() {
  return false;

 .livequery('click', (function() {
  return false;

My goal is for the user to always be able to click on the navigation
menu and start over or load new content.  So if the user chooses
search, search.php is loaded, which is a form.  They enter the
users company name and press submit.  Data is shown in the div in
the middle of the page.  Now I want the user to be able to click on a
navigation link, or the home link to do whatever they want.  This does
not work - it seems like once data is displayed in the #content div,
the navigation menu doesn't work.  I guess I thought this was what
livequery would do for me.  Does anyone have time to look at this and
see what I am doing wrong?

[jQuery] Re: requesting and sending JSON in a ruby on rails app

2008-05-07 Thread Max Williams (Brighton)

Hi Mike, thanks for your advice.  In answer:

1) The JSON is valid (it was generated using rails .to_json method and
that site you recommended says it's valid)

2) I'm pretty sure a JSON download will work with JS/jQuery, because
the async treeview example uses a php script to return some json - see
http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/async.html, look at the
'server component used' to see the php in question.

3) See 2.

I'm confident that the json/jquery side of things is all cool.  My
problem is purely rails-specific:  how do i ask a rails controller for
a specific chunk of json, and how do i send it back?  Or, in other
words, how do i manage in rails what the example uses a php script

thanks again

On May 7, 4:57 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It sounds like you're trying to debug three things at once:

 * Can I generate valid JSON from myRailsapp?

 * Can I get a JSON download to work with JavaScript and jQuery?

 * Can I getasyncJSON to work withtreeview?

 I would simplfy the debugging problem by separating those three questions
 and tackling them one at a time. That will make it a lot easier to track
 down the problem.

 For example, you can test the first one all by itself by generating your
 JSON data and simply copying and pasting it intowww.jsonlint.comto see if
 it accepts it. That way you don't even have to think about JavaScript at
 all; you are simply debugging yourRailsapp.

 Once you know you have good JSON data, you can test question #2 with a
 simple test case that just downloads the JSON data with jQuery and displays
 it (even with just a console.log call).

 Finally, with all that working, you can tackle thetreeviewquestion.


  From: Max Williams (Brighton)

  Hi - first of all this is a plugin-specific question (abouttreeview)
  - i sent it to the plugin discussion page but it seems pretty
  dead (no posts for over a year), so i'm sending it here as
  well.  If anyone could help me out that would be fantastic.

  I've been usingtreeviewand have no problems with it so far.
  However, to get better performance i'm now trying to switch
  to the asynchronous version:

  In the example they use php to return some json to the tree,
  but i'm using it in a ruby onrailsapp, and can;t work out
  how to get it to work.  Can anyone help?  I'm really just not
  sure how to get the required json for the update back to thetreeview.

  This is what i'm doing at the moment:

  In the view:

  url: tree/self_and_children

ul id=prop-tree

  The url tree/self_and_children does seem to be calling the
  correct controller and action, which is as follows:

   def self_and_children
  # expects the id of the branch which is clicked on, which
  will be something like
  # property_id_79.  We want property with id 79.
  if params[:id]
property = Property.find(params[:id].split(_).last)
property = Property.root

  @json = property.self_and_children_to_json
  respond_to do |format|
if @json
  #should never get an html request for this
  format.html { render :text = @json }
  format.xml  { head :ok }
  format.js { render :text = @json }
  format.html { }
  format.xml  { render :xml = @json.errors, :status =
  :unprocessable_entity }

  But, nothing comes back - at least, the tree doesn't change.
  My questions are as follows:

  a) is doing render :text = @json the proper way to send
  back the chunk of json totreeview?  Should i do something in
  a js.rjs file instead?
  b) how do i send through the id of the clicked-on branch to
  the controller? (and retrieve it in the controller)

  thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: requesting and sending JSON in a ruby on rails app

2008-05-07 Thread Michael Geary

Ah, very good, Max, you're a step ahead of me on the debugging.

Since you've narrowed it down to a Rails issue, would it make more sense to
ask on a Rails list? Don't get me wrong, there are a number of Rails experts
here who would probably be happy to help, it's just that you might get more
focused assistance that way.


 From: Max Williams (Brighton)
 Hi Mike, thanks for your advice.  In answer:
 1) The JSON is valid (it was generated using rails .to_json 
 method and that site you recommended says it's valid)
 2) I'm pretty sure a JSON download will work with JS/jQuery, 
 because the async treeview example uses a php script to 
 return some json - see 
 http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/async.html, look 
 at the 'server component used' to see the php in question.
 3) See 2.
 I'm confident that the json/jquery side of things is all 
 cool.  My problem is purely rails-specific:  how do i ask a 
 rails controller for a specific chunk of json, and how do i 
 send it back?  Or, in other words, how do i manage in rails 
 what the example uses a php script for?
 thanks again
 On May 7, 4:57 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It sounds like you're trying to debug three things at once:
  * Can I generate valid JSON from myRailsapp?
  * Can I get a JSON download to work with JavaScript and jQuery?
  * Can I getasyncJSON to work withtreeview?
  I would simplfy the debugging problem by separating those three 
  questions and tackling them one at a time. That will make it a lot 
  easier to track down the problem.
  For example, you can test the first one all by itself by generating 
  your JSON data and simply copying and pasting it 
  intowww.jsonlint.comto see if it accepts it. That way you 
 don't even 
  have to think about JavaScript at all; you are simply 
 debugging yourRailsapp.
  Once you know you have good JSON data, you can test 
 question #2 with a 
  simple test case that just downloads the JSON data with jQuery and 
  displays it (even with just a console.log call).
  Finally, with all that working, you can tackle thetreeviewquestion.
   From: Max Williams (Brighton)
   Hi - first of all this is a plugin-specific question 
   - i sent it to the plugin discussion page but it seems 
 pretty dead 
   (no posts for over a year), so i'm sending it here as well.  If 
   anyone could help me out that would be fantastic.
   I've been usingtreeviewand have no problems with it so far.
   However, to get better performance i'm now trying to 
 switch  to the 
  asynchronous version:
   In the example they use php to return some json to the 
 tree, but i'm 
   using it in a ruby onrailsapp, and can;t work out how to 
 get it to 
   work.  Can anyone help?  I'm really just not sure how to get the 
   required json for the update back to thetreeview.
   This is what i'm doing at the moment:
   In the view:
   url: tree/self_and_children
 ul id=prop-tree
   The url tree/self_and_children does seem to be calling 
 the correct 
   controller and action, which is as follows:
def self_and_children
   # expects the id of the branch which is clicked on, 
 which will 
   be something like
   # property_id_79.  We want property with id 79.
   if params[:id]
 property = Property.find(params[:id].split(_).last)
 property = Property.root
   @json = property.self_and_children_to_json
   respond_to do |format|
 if @json
   #should never get an html request for this
   format.html { render :text = @json }
   format.xml  { head :ok }
   format.js { render :text = @json }
   format.html { }
   format.xml  { render :xml = @json.errors, :status = 
   :unprocessable_entity }
   But, nothing comes back - at least, the tree doesn't change.
   My questions are as follows:
   a) is doing render :text = @json the proper way to 
 send back the 
   chunk of json totreeview?  Should i do something in a js.rjs file 
   b) how do i send through the id of the clicked-on branch to the 
   controller? (and retrieve it in the controller)
   thanks in advance

[jQuery] Sending datastring using $.ajax with 'invalid characters'

2008-05-07 Thread Richard W

Hi There

I have been struggling to correctly format a datastring to be sent via
POST that may contain 'invalid characters'. I am trying to send text 
html via ajax post, and this has been achieved mainly due to
Javascript's escape() function. For example, to send the ampersand
(), escape() is used to convert the character to it's (8bit?) value.
For the most part the escape function correctly formats the data
string, but there are certain characters that will not be escaped, and
will be processed literally, eg: the plus (+) character.
I assume the reason why I cannot send the + char as part of the data
string, is because if the + is used in the url it is seen as an
escaped space character.
Without completely re-working my system, is there any possible way of
sending all data literally in a data string using $.ajax via post?

I'm using the following code:
type: POST,
url: '/cms_page_manager/savepage',
data: dataString,
error: function(XHR, status, error) {
success: function(msg){

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I wish I had some more
experience with character handling, right now i'm about to pull my
hair out!
Many thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: need some help with selecting text nodes

2008-05-07 Thread Glen Lipka
What about doing is client-side?
So cycle through each line with each() and then use .wrap(span/span).
This will put into the DOM what you need to use later.

Also, you might be interested in this plugin.

It finds text based on search criteria in a large block of random text.
It might be useful.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 6:44 PM, darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 oh man, i wish i could do as you suggested, that was my first idea and
 it would make things so much easier.  However, the code i'm working
 with is markup of Shakespeare's works.  Its incredibly complex and we
 use Cocoon to generate these pages from xml.  long story short, my
 employer can't afford to make such a change now so I have to make due
 with what's there.  I think i came up with a reasonable solution

 1. Find the div with the lower tln value. Then get its index with
 respect to the parent.
 2. Find the next highest div tln and get its index as well.
 3. From this we know the text node lies within the indexes, so search
 for the text there.

 Again, because of the code complexity, this does not always work, but
 at least i'm making progress.  Thanks for your insight though.

 On May 6, 9:28 am, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I tried to cut corners by skimming your html.  I see it now.  The divs
  and the text is after the div.
  This is really strange HTML to me.  Why not just put the text inside the
  div?  Or just wrap the text inside a span?
  If you wrap the text inside spans, then the jQuery is pretty simple.  I
  whipped up a sample.
  Sometimes, fancy JS is not as good as clean html.
  On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 6:51 PM, darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   hi glen, thanks for replying.
   That still wouldn't work. With that you are looking for the text
   inside div elements which are descendants of of the id'd element.
   What i want to select are certain text elements of the id'd element.
   I figured something out, but this is surprisinlgy difficult:
   div id=21
   text node
   text node
   I had to use .contains() and [nodeType=3] to pick text nodes.  not
   On May 5, 4:23 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
$(#tln21 div).text();
Like that?  By the way, firebug is very helpful to test our selectors
see what they come up with.
Hmm, it would be nice to have a tutorial on how to do this.  I can
whip one up.
On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 2:47 PM, darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi Joe, thanks for your comment
 If you look closer, you can see that the text is not actually in
 div element.  i basically need to select the text after that node:
   div tln=xxx/div
   Some text
   div tln=xxx/div
   some more text
   div tln=xxx3/div
   even more text
 So that wouldnt work
 On May 5, 2:06 pm, Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This will return the text associated with id=tln21.
  On May 5, 2:34 pm, darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi everybody, new member here.
   I have a project with the following snipped of code:
   =start html=
   div class=line
 div name=tln4 id=tln4
 /divAs I remember, Adam, it was
   this fashion
 div name=tln5 id=tln5
   tln5/divbequeathed me by will but poor a thousand
 div name=tln6 id=tln6
 /divcrowns, and, as thou
   charged my brother,
 div name=tln7 id=tln7
 /divon his blessing, to breed
 div name=tln8 id=tln8
 /divthere begins my sadness. My
   brother Jaques he keeps
 div name=tln9 id=tln9
 /divat school, and report
   goldenly of his profit.
 div name=tln10 id=tln10
   tln10/divFor my part, he keeps me rustically at home, or,
 div name=tln11 id=tln11

[jQuery] Re: Need help with hover and fadein and fade out

2008-05-07 Thread Glen Lipka
Does this help?

Maybe if you post something in the ballpark, we could help troubleshoot it?


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can you give me an example code of what I need to do to get a table to
 fade in above the picture which when the mouse is over the picture
 will activate the fade in function and also when the mouse goes off
 the photo or that new fadeded in table then it would fade out. The
 table that fades will will contain more photos of that user.

 On May 3, 5:20 pm, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi I am having trouble using the hover and fade in and fade out I look
  at the doc I understand it but I don't understand how I can use it for
  what I want to do.
  I want the user to be able when the mouse is over a photo of them a
  table or window fades in with other photos they uploaded ect when the
  mouse moves off the photo or the table then the table or window fades
  can some one explain how I can do this and what rules I should follow
  when using hover and fade in and fade out ect.
  could I make a javascript use jquery? if so how??
  I know I can do this in html but I would like to make a javascript
  with jquery functions ect and have that file added to the html doc.

[jQuery] droppable() question

2008-05-07 Thread chris

I have a list of pictures that I would like to allow the user to drag
and drop to a trash can.  All works fine except an unwanted get
request is made on the picture, after it is trashed.

Here is the code:

  $(.photos img).draggable();
accept: img,
drop: function(ev, ui){
  var url = window.location + /photos/ +
  $.post(url, {'_method': delete}, function(){
  return false;

Is there an option for the droppable method, to prevent the bubbling,
that I am not aware of?

Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] preset selection of radio buttons

2008-05-07 Thread JP

what is correct way to  preset selection of radio buttons?


 script src=/lib/jquery/jquery-1.2.3.min.js/script
 script src=/lib/jquery/jquery.field.js/script

 $(#radioname:checked).val([0, 1]);


input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=0 /
input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=1 /
input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=2 /br/


[jQuery] function not showing scrollbars in IE6

2008-05-07 Thread Lonnie Ezell

I've got a page that has 3 forms on it and using a dropdown to select
which form to show. It's letting the admin create 3 other types of
users. It works fine in Safari, Firefox and IE7, but in IE6 when a
form is shown that expands past the bottom of the page, it displays
everything, but the window's scrollbars do not appear. If I manually
resize the browser, it still doesn't show scrollbars, but will show
all of the content.

I've tried turning the display to none and then back to block on the
main content area to force redraw but nothing. I've also tried calling
$(window).resize() to force it. Again nothing.

Here's the code:

script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8
// Show the right form.
// Hide all of the forms
$(fieldset).css(display, none);
// Hide all of the user_stats forms
$(div.user_stats).css(display, none);
// Get our current user type to show
var type = fld_ + $(#user_type 
$(#+type).css(display, block);

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Has anyone ever done a newsletter signup?

2008-05-07 Thread Kyrre Nygård


I'm trying to patch together something like the newsletter signup on
http://www.gimme.no except with jQuery and perhaps Facebox. I haven't
gotten around to finding the PHP code I'll be needing either. When I
do, it'll probably be something so bloated that I'll have to spend
hours trying to clean it up. I'm just curious if anybody's already
done this and presently feel happy enough to maybe share their code
with me?

Much obliged,

[jQuery] Re: validating dynamically generated data

2008-05-07 Thread jpl80

I figured it out... mostly:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(div.instock input.order-qty).keyup(function(){
var x = parseInt($(this).val());
var y = 
if (x  y) {
$(this).siblings(span.error).text(Not enough 
in stock); 
} else {



however, it still allows the user to submit the form. How do I stop them
from being able to submit the for if the quantity they ordered is over the

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: SELECTOR MADNESS! How To Grab Lowest Child Node's Text?!

2008-05-07 Thread Balazs Endresz

Hi! I replied in the previous thread but it hasn't appeared in Google
groups, just here: 
So there is a translate plugin that works this way:


On May 5, 9:32 pm, Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Last week I had a question on how to traverse the DOM and find all elements 
 that had some text (p, a, li, h1, etc.) so I could manipulate
 it with Google's translation API.  Well with some help from the
 community I was able to accomplish this feat.


 However, I have a bigger problem.  Now, when I grab theallproperelements:

 $a = $(' #container  * ').contents();

 And parse thru them tofindwhich ones have text, it does just that
 BUT if an unordered list is within a div and that UL has text it will
 show up not only with the UL, but within the DIV as well.

 { ... translate stuff here ..});

 So in iteration one, wefindthe DIV, and then locate any andALLtext
 in the DIV.  Quite a bit for the header navigation.

 Example Result for Div:

 Then the next iteration is the UL, and it finds its text, which is
 basically the same as the DIV's text result.

 Example Result for UL:

 Then the next iteration is the LI element, which has the proper text

 The next iteration is the A element which is finally the text I
 actually want to translate.

 Example Result for LI and A:

 So myquestionis how can Itraversedown and grab thelastchild on
 that particular branch of theDOM.  Surely there's a way to check if
 current node has or does not have a child, but how with jQuery?


 BTW, Ariel Fleisler's recommendation from the previous post appears to
 be the best approach, but my pure Javascript mixing with jQuery skills
 are not quite up to snuff to hash that out...

[jQuery] Re: Need help with hover and fadein and fade out

2008-05-07 Thread Aaron

Ok here is the code I made so far.

$(document).ready(function() {

 function () {


   function () {

On May 7, 1:34 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does this help?http://commadot.com/jquery/hoverFade.php

 Maybe if you post something in the ballpark, we could help troubleshoot it?


 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can you give me an example code of what I need to do to get a table to
  fade in above the picture which when the mouse is over the picture
  will activate the fade in function and also when the mouse goes off
  the photo or that new fadeded in table then it would fade out. The
  table that fades will will contain more photos of that user.

  On May 3, 5:20 pm, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi I am having trouble using the hover and fade in and fade out I look
   at the doc I understand it but I don't understand how I can use it for
   what I want to do.

   I want the user to be able when the mouse is over a photo of them a
   table or window fades in with other photos they uploaded ect when the
   mouse moves off the photo or the table then the table or window fades

   can some one explain how I can do this and what rules I should follow
   when using hover and fade in and fade out ect.

   could I make a javascript use jquery? if so how??

   I know I can do this in html but I would like to make a javascript
   with jquery functions ect and have that file added to the html doc.- Hide 
   quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Need help with hover and fadein and fade out

2008-05-07 Thread Aaron

no that's not what I plan to do.  What I am trying to do is this:  I
have an image of the user already on the page  when the user puts it's
mouse over the image  I want a table or somthing that would fade it on
top of the image . so that table will contain all photos the user
uploaded when the user moves the mouse off the image or off the table
the table will fade in.

it's like a navigation but it's a quick way for the user or friends to
look at their photo albums without loading a new page ect.

On May 7, 1:34 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does this help?http://commadot.com/jquery/hoverFade.php

 Maybe if you post something in the ballpark, we could help troubleshoot it?


 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can you give me an example code of what I need to do to get a table to
  fade in above the picture which when the mouse is over the picture
  will activate the fade in function and also when the mouse goes off
  the photo or that new fadeded in table then it would fade out. The
  table that fades will will contain more photos of that user.

  On May 3, 5:20 pm, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi I am having trouble using the hover and fade in and fade out I look
   at the doc I understand it but I don't understand how I can use it for
   what I want to do.

   I want the user to be able when the mouse is over a photo of them a
   table or window fades in with other photos they uploaded ect when the
   mouse moves off the photo or the table then the table or window fades

   can some one explain how I can do this and what rules I should follow
   when using hover and fade in and fade out ect.

   could I make a javascript use jquery? if so how??

   I know I can do this in html but I would like to make a javascript
   with jquery functions ect and have that file added to the html doc.- Hide 
   quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: append div trouble [SOLVED]

2008-05-07 Thread flipthekid

That was it Richard. thanks.
I ended up using livequery to rebind the click handler

$('#navigation  [EMAIL PROTECTED]#]').livequery('click', function(event) {

$('#navigation').empty().append(hex); .

that way the append content acts like it used to.

you can see it in action here -- http://studio4nine.com/html2/index.html
the whole idea was to be able to de link the link you clicked on.
a friend of mine helped with setting that up based on the hash in the
that way you can deep link the site, since it's only 1 html page.

kind of a goofy experiment, but i think it worked out cool.

thanks again.

[jQuery] New to JQ

2008-05-07 Thread Clayton McIlrath

Hi All,

I'm a newbie to jQ and would like to use it/implement for a site. The 
goal i'm trying to achieve is similar to site 
http://www.mariusroosendaal.com/ in appearance but in functionality i 
would like it to load content via Request and then slide the box down 
with the containing content while simultaneously closing any open ones.

Here's what i have so far:

$(headline a).click(function(){
return false;

headlinea href=#Link/a/headline
div class=content
!-- Load this via HTTPRequest --

headlinea href=#Link/a/headline
div class=content
!-- Load this via HTTPRequest --

headlinea href=#Link/a/headline
div class=content
!-- Load this via HTTPRequest --

Along with this if i change the xml headline tag to a div tag or 
h1 tag it stops working.. Any help is greatly appreciated!

[jQuery] Syntax confusion

2008-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Is the comma after line 1854 valid syntax or is it an error?

// Init the element's event structure
1854 var events = jQuery.data(elem, events) || jQuery.data(elem,
events, {}),
1855 handle = jQuery.data(elem, handle) || jQuery.data(elem,
handle, function(){
1856 // returned undefined or false
1857 var val;
1859 // Handle the second event of a trigger and when
1860 // an event is called after a page has unloaded
1861 if ( typeof jQuery == undefined || jQuery.event.triggered )
1862 return val;
1864 val = jQuery.event.handle.apply(arguments.callee.elem,
1866 return val;
1867 });

[jQuery] jQuery Conference

2008-05-07 Thread Joe

Just watched John's video on What's Next for jQuery and Javascript
( http://vimeo.com/984675 ) and he mentioned a conference.  I will
definitely be attending, but need to know where I'm going and when!
Anyone have any details on this?

[jQuery] Re: SELECTOR MADNESS! How To Grab Lowest Child Node's Text?!

2008-05-07 Thread Joe


Thanks, but I tried your plugin and it did not work.  There is no demo
for say clicking a button and converting the page; the bookmarklet is
cool, but doesn't really help when I can't get the plugin to work.  I
emailed you so hopefully I'll hear back...

I did actually re-create your plugin, but didn't author it or add any
bells and whistles, just translating an entire page and/or element...




On May 7, 1:39 pm, Balazs Endresz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi! I replied in the previous thread but it hasn't appeared in Google
 groups, just 
 So there is a translate plugin that works this way:


 On May 5, 9:32 pm, Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Last week I had a question on how to traverse the DOM and find all elements 
  that had some text (p, a, li, h1, etc.) so I could manipulate
  it with Google's translation API.  Well with some help from the
  community I was able to accomplish this feat.


  However, I have a bigger problem.  Now, when I grab theallproperelements:

  $a = $(' #container  * ').contents();

  And parse thru them tofindwhich ones have text, it does just that
  BUT if an unordered list is within a div and that UL has text it will
  show up not only with the UL, but within the DIV as well.

  { ... translate stuff here ..});

  So in iteration one, wefindthe DIV, and then locate any andALLtext
  in the DIV.  Quite a bit for the header navigation.

  Example Result for Div:

  Then the next iteration is the UL, and it finds its text, which is
  basically the same as the DIV's text result.

  Example Result for UL:

  Then the next iteration is the LI element, which has the proper text

  The next iteration is the A element which is finally the text I
  actually want to translate.

  Example Result for LI and A:

  So myquestionis how can Itraversedown and grab thelastchild on
  that particular branch of theDOM.  Surely there's a way to check if
  current node has or does not have a child, but how with jQuery?


  BTW, Ariel Fleisler's recommendation from the previous post appears to
  be the best approach, but my pure Javascript mixing with jQuery skills
  are not quite up to snuff to hash that out...

[jQuery] Re: Syntax confusion

2008-05-07 Thread Josh Nathanson

It is valid -- you can declare multiple variables in javascript by 
comma-separating the declarations as it is done there.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 12:03 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Syntax confusion


Is the comma after line 1854 valid syntax or is it an error?

// Init the element's event structure
1854 var events = jQuery.data(elem, events) || jQuery.data(elem,
events, {}),
1855 handle = jQuery.data(elem, handle) || jQuery.data(elem,
handle, function(){
1856 // returned undefined or false
1857 var val;
1859 // Handle the second event of a trigger and when
1860 // an event is called after a page has unloaded
1861 if ( typeof jQuery == undefined || jQuery.event.triggered )
1862 return val;
1864 val = jQuery.event.handle.apply(arguments.callee.elem,
1866 return val;
1867 }); 

[jQuery] Re: preset selection of radio buttons

2008-05-07 Thread JP

 I hatwe this google forum -- can't edit posts

Revised sample code:

 script src=/lib/jquery/jquery-1.2.3.min.js/script

 script type=text/javascript
$(#radioname:checked).val([0, 1]);
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=0 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=1 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=2 /

[jQuery] Re: preset selection of radio buttons

2008-05-07 Thread JP

I hate this google group -- can't edit posts

Revised sample code:

 !DOCTYPE html
 script src=/lib/jquery/jquery-1.2.3.min.js/script

 script type=text/javascript
$(#radioname:checked).val([0, 1]);
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=0 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=1 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=2 /

On May 7, 11:12 am, JP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what is correct way to  preset selection of radio buttons?

 !DOCTYPE html

  script src=/lib/jquery/jquery-1.2.3.min.js/script
  script src=/lib/jquery/jquery.field.js/script

  $(#radioname:checked).val([0, 1]);


 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=0 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=1 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=2 /br/


[jQuery] preset selection of radio buttons

2008-05-07 Thread JP

(I hate this google group -- can't edit posts)

I need to know how to preset multiple radio buttons

Revised sample code:

 !DOCTYPE html
 script src=/lib/jquery/jquery-1.2.3.min.js/script
 script type=text/javascript
$(#radioname:checked).val([0, 1]);
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=0 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=1 /
 input  type=radio  id=radioname name=radioname  value=2 /

[jQuery] Re: preset selection of radio buttons

2008-05-07 Thread Christoph Haas
On Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2008, JP wrote:
 I hate this google group -- can't edit posts

You said that three times already. You do know that this group is mainly 
a mailing list? And that's is technically impossible to cancel emails that 
are sent our to thousand of recipients already?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[jQuery] jquery docs - example not working

2008-05-07 Thread JP

why does this jquery example for val(val) of radio buttons not work ?


[jQuery] Re: Superfish pathClass problem

2008-05-07 Thread I-CRE8

On May 7, 11:38 am, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, that's correct. It's a job best suited to a server-side language
 so that the current information is still present when JS is not

 Joel Birch.

Thanks Joel

Dave Buchholz
Skype ID: I-CRE8

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Conference

2008-05-07 Thread Jonathan Sharp
Just throwing this out there, but I'm guessing it may be similar to the one
day jQuery Camp '07 that was in Boston, MA following The Ajax Experience
East conference (http://theajaxexperience.com). TAE is scheduled for
Sept/Oct of this year.


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just watched John's video on What's Next for jQuery and Javascript
 ( http://vimeo.com/984675 ) and he mentioned a conference.  I will
 definitely be attending, but need to know where I'm going and when!
 Anyone have any details on this?

[jQuery] Re: preset selection of radio buttons

2008-05-07 Thread JP

I can never tell what's working here because there is the lag time 
of what is posted.

if stuff is immediately mailed out then that is unfortunate, since the
group allows for removal.  The two concepts seem to be incompatible.

On May 7, 1:17 pm, Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2008, JP wrote:

  I hate this google group -- can't edit posts

 You said that three times already. You do know that this group is mainly
 a mailing list? And that's is technically impossible to cancel emails that
 are sent our to thousand of recipients already?



[jQuery] Re: Expression/Selector question...

2008-05-07 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hey Dan,

Yeah, it's also strange that while this doesn't work:
 $(body  ul  li).filter($li[0]);

this does:
$(body  ul  li).not($li[0]);

I'm a little lost by your parents example, though. Not sure exactly  
what you're trying to get (esp. since you don't show where you've  
declared $el and $parent.

couldn't you do something like
$el.parent() ?
or $el.parent('.someclass') ?
or $el.parents('.someclass:first') ?

(just using class in the parents filter because not sure what you're  

Karl Swedberg

On May 7, 2008, at 9:06 AM, Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:

Just wonder if there were any comments to this?

On May 5, 4:24 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One thing that I've noticed is that the expr attribute is pretty
inconsistent across methods (such as filter, find, parents, parent,  
The documentation is very vague about what an expression is,  
other than it
just being a selector. However I would assume a valid expression  
for one
element would be valid for all elements, but I've noticed that an  

element is only a valid expression in the find() method.

For example:

$li = $(li);

// returns the first matches for $li
$(body  ul  li).find($li[0]);

// this actually errors with a t.substring is not a function error
$(body  ul  li).filter($li[0]);

// I would expect this to only return the element which is the  
first $li,
// but instead it ignores the expression altogether and returns all  


Shouldn't expressions work the same across all methods?

Right now I'm having to use this to find only the explicit parent:

$el.parents().filter(function (){ return this === $parent[0]; });

However, if parents() worked like find() I would be able to do:


(Before you say Why not just use $parent?, it's because I'm  
checking to

see if an element is a child of a specific element.)


[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] Hyperlinks in returned list

2008-05-07 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Hi Jose,

just replace the location.href = item.url code with window.open(item.url).


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is Chris approach documented anywhere ? It would be useful to be able to
 open a new window too.

 I did have this requirement when I first found the autocomplete library last
 year. I ended up writing my own autocomplete solution to meet the
 requirements. Let me know if you plan to develop a better solution as I'd
 rather use your Jörn library


 On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Jörn Zaefferer
  I've documented my approach here:
  On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:23 AM, theintoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would appreciate your solution too. Having checked the solution
provided by Chris across all browsers, it appears IE7 throws an alert
with the following text:
Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled,
or of a type that does not accept the focus.
I have assumed this is due to the textfield being made read-only. This
was a nice touch by Chris and one which would be nice to keep in.
Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: validating dynamically generated data

2008-05-07 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You need to run that validation on submit, too. If you don't need
remote validation, you can still use the validation plugin and
implement the logic you have as a custom method:


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 8:07 PM, jpl80 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I figured it out... mostly:

 $(document).ready(function() {
 $(div.instock input.order-qty).keyup(function(){
 var x = parseInt($(this).val());
 var y = 
 if (x  y) {
 enough in stock);
 } else {


  however, it still allows the user to submit the form. How do I stop them
  from being able to submit the for if the quantity they ordered is over the

  View this message in context: 

 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] textarea remplacement

2008-05-07 Thread LPA


I'm searching for a textarea remplacement.

Thanx for your help

[jQuery] Re: textarea remplacement

2008-05-07 Thread Jeffrey Kretz

Do you mean:

a) A way to replace a textarea on a page with something else?
b) A user-input element similar to a textarea?


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of LPA
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:12 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] textarea remplacement


I'm searching for a textarea remplacement.

Thanx for your help

[jQuery] Best way to do Lightbox-like modal windows?

2008-05-07 Thread Kyrre Nygård


What's the best way to do a Lightbox-like modal windows? jqModal?
Facebox? Thickbox? There are so many options out there, so many of
them look so bloated and really getting confused. Maybe you guys with
experience and all could show me the right way? I'm looking for the
simplest, most elegant alternative where I can do stuff like
newsletter signups, logins, etc.

Much obliged,

[jQuery] Simple AJAX Call to Google Maps

2008-05-07 Thread quigebo

I'm having trouble taking various fields from a form, concatenating
them and then sending it off to do a local business search on Google
maps. I'll send the results to a lightbox for users to click, which
will return the location information to another text field. Sorry, i'm
new to the jQuery/JS scene! Any ideas to go forward? Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Best way to do Lightbox-like modal windows?

2008-05-07 Thread mmiller

blockUI - http://www.malsup.com/jquery/block/

You wanted simple.

On May 7, 3:36 pm, Kyrre Nygård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's the best way to do a Lightbox-like modal windows? jqModal?
 Facebox? Thickbox? There are so many options out there, so many of
 them look so bloated and really getting confused. Maybe you guys with
 experience and all could show me the right way? I'm looking for the
 simplest, most elegant alternative where I can do stuff like
 newsletter signups, logins, etc.

 Much obliged,

[jQuery] Re: SELECTOR MADNESS! How To Grab Lowest Child Node's Text?!

2008-05-07 Thread Ariel Flesler

Hey, made a 10 min class to do this. It doesn't use jQuery at all, so
it will work as fast as possible.
You only need to specify the translating function.

Made a blog post to detail its use.


I never used Google translator, but it probably requires AJAX, so pay
attention to the 'sync' part.


Ariel Flesler

On 7 mayo, 16:22, Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, but I tried your plugin and it did not work.  There is no demo
 for say clicking a button and converting the page; the bookmarklet is
 cool, but doesn't really help when I can't get the plugin to work.  I
 emailed you so hopefully I'll hear back...

 I did actually re-create your plugin, but didn't author it or add any
 bells and whistles, just translating an entire page and/or element...




 On May 7, 1:39 pm, Balazs Endresz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi! I replied in the previous thread but it hasn't appeared in Google
  groups, just 
  So there is a translate plugin that works this way:


  On May 5, 9:32 pm, Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Last week I had a question on how to traverse the DOM and find all 
   elements that had some text (p, a, li, h1, etc.) so I could manipulate
   it with Google's translation API.  Well with some help from the
   community I was able to accomplish this feat.


   However, I have a bigger problem.  Now, when I grab theallproperelements:

   $a = $(' #container  * ').contents();

   And parse thru them tofindwhich ones have text, it does just that
   BUT if an unordered list is within a div and that UL has text it will
   show up not only with the UL, but within the DIV as well.

   { ... translate stuff here ..});

   So in iteration one, wefindthe DIV, and then locate any andALLtext
   in the DIV.  Quite a bit for the header navigation.

   Example Result for Div:

   Then the next iteration is the UL, and it finds its text, which is
   basically the same as the DIV's text result.

   Example Result for UL:

   Then the next iteration is the LI element, which has the proper text

   The next iteration is the A element which is finally the text I
   actually want to translate.

   Example Result for LI and A:

   So myquestionis how can Itraversedown and grab thelastchild on
   that particular branch of theDOM.  Surely there's a way to check if
   current node has or does not have a child, but how with jQuery?


   BTW, Ariel Fleisler's recommendation from the previous post appears to
   be the best approach, but my pure Javascript mixing with jQuery skills
   are not quite up to snuff to hash that out...- Ocultar texto de la cita -

 - Mostrar texto de la cita -

[jQuery] Re: Best way to do Lightbox-like modal windows?

2008-05-07 Thread Adwin Wijaya

I use JQuery UI Dialog ...easy and elegant :)
enough for simple to complex dialog box.

for displaying error/warning/info I use jqalert() as replacement of
alert box by browser.

On May 8, 4:36 am, Kyrre Nygård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's the best way to do a Lightbox-like modal windows? jqModal?
 Facebox? Thickbox? There are so many options out there, so many of
 them look so bloated and really getting confused. Maybe you guys with
 experience and all could show me the right way? I'm looking for the
 simplest, most elegant alternative where I can do stuff like
 newsletter signups, logins, etc.

 Much obliged,

[jQuery] Re: Best way to do Lightbox-like modal windows?

2008-05-07 Thread Wizzud

There's Shadowbox too (http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox/).

On May 8, 12:06 am, Adwin  Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use JQuery UI Dialog ...easy and elegant :)
 enough for simple to complex dialog box.

 for displaying error/warning/info I use jqalert() as replacement of
 alert box by browser.

 On May 8, 4:36 am, Kyrre Nygård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  What's the best way to do a Lightbox-like modal windows? jqModal?
  Facebox? Thickbox? There are so many options out there, so many of
  them look so bloated and really getting confused. Maybe you guys with
  experience and all could show me the right way? I'm looking for the
  simplest, most elegant alternative where I can do stuff like
  newsletter signups, logins, etc.

  Much obliged,

[jQuery] Re: Modal Dialog in blockUI

2008-05-07 Thread Nathaniel Whiteinge

On May 6, 9:34 am, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to show an external webpage inside of a blockUI modal
 dialog?  I'd like to call another page via ajax and populate the
 dialog instead of using a reference to a hidden div, etc.

You bet::

message: $('div/div').load($(this).attr('href'))
return false;

[jQuery] Re: Need help with hover and fadein and fade out

2008-05-07 Thread Glen Lipka
Something like this?


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 no that's not what I plan to do.  What I am trying to do is this:  I
 have an image of the user already on the page  when the user puts it's
 mouse over the image  I want a table or somthing that would fade it on
 top of the image . so that table will contain all photos the user
 uploaded when the user moves the mouse off the image or off the table
 the table will fade in.

 it's like a navigation but it's a quick way for the user or friends to
 look at their photo albums without loading a new page ect.

 On May 7, 1:34 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does this help?http://commadot.com/jquery/hoverFade.php
  Maybe if you post something in the ballpark, we could help troubleshoot
  On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Can you give me an example code of what I need to do to get a table to
   fade in above the picture which when the mouse is over the picture
   will activate the fade in function and also when the mouse goes off
   the photo or that new fadeded in table then it would fade out. The
   table that fades will will contain more photos of that user.
   On May 3, 5:20 pm, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi I am having trouble using the hover and fade in and fade out I
at the doc I understand it but I don't understand how I can use it
what I want to do.
I want the user to be able when the mouse is over a photo of them a
table or window fades in with other photos they uploaded ect when the
mouse moves off the photo or the table then the table or window fades
can some one explain how I can do this and what rules I should follow
when using hover and fade in and fade out ect.
could I make a javascript use jquery? if so how??
I know I can do this in html but I would like to make a javascript
with jquery functions ect and have that file added to the html doc.-
 Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: jquery docs - example not working

2008-05-07 Thread Richard D. Worth
Both val(val) demos working for me - FF2 on XP.

- Richard

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 4:20 PM, JP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 why does this jquery example for val(val) of radio buttons not work ?


[jQuery] Checkbox confusion

2008-05-07 Thread mr4d

Hi all,

Can't quite get the  the following functionality to work:

1. when I click on an un-checked checkbox, I want the box to be
checked AND to raise an alert showing the text of the item which has
just been checked.

2. Similarly if the user unchecks the box I want to raise an
unchecked alert and  then have the box unchecked.

 I have been trying to do this for about an hour but the behavior is:

 a. I am getting the Checked alert for clicks on both checked
and unchecked checkboxes
 b. Once the user checks a box I get the Checked alert but the
box never actually gets checked.

The code is:

$(#bChecklist  li).click(function(event){
   var item = $(this).text();
   // get the label value

   if ($(this).not(':checked')){
   alert ('Checking = '+ item)
   this.checked = true; // my attempt to
force an unchecked box to be true
 // after
using event.preventDefault
   else if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
   alert ('UnChecking = '+item)

form id=myForm name=myForm action=/cm/BaB/create/


div class=row id=div2

fieldset id=bundleFields !-- Add dynamically --
legend id=bundleLegend Bundle Task/legend
   ul class=bChecklist id=bChecklist

lilabel for=o1input id=o1 name=o1 type=checkbox
class=bundleItem /MYTHINGY 1/label/li

lilabel for=o2input id=o2 name=o2 type=checkbox
class=bundleItem /MYTHINGY 2/label/li

lilabel for=o3input id=o3 name=o3 type=checkbox
class=bundleItem /MYTHINGY 3/label/li

/divbr clear=all/

Not quite sure what I am doing wrong.  .

[jQuery] beginner question on show/hide and reusing functions

2008-05-07 Thread illtron

I'm new to (writing anything myself with) jQuery, so bear with me if
this is a boneheaded question.

I'm trying to build a box that starts with six options, then if you
click one of them, that content fades out, and is replaced with the
content for that option. (You're given a different search box for each

This is the code I have to show and hide. It sort-of works. It's
certainly not optimal.  In the actual code I have five more of that
second function, each one specific to the div that is revealed. I know
there has got to be a way to reuse the code.

Based on the HTML below, can you help me optimize the jQuery code so I
don't have to repeat things six times?

Also, what I have here does work, but it's hella choppy in IE. Is
there a better way to fade out and then fade in?

script type=text/javascript

$(document).ready(function() {
 // hides the boxes before the page loads

 // show and hide
  $('a.show').click(function() {
return false;

// And five more just like the one above

// shows all
  $('a.showall').click(function() {
return false;



Here's the HTML I'm working with.

div id=listings
div id=searchoptions
h3What are you looking for?/h3
ul id=searches
lia href=#musicsearch 
lia href=#eventsearch 
lia href=#restaurantsearch
lia href=#barsearch 
class=showbarsspanBars amp; Clubs/
lia href=#hotelsearch 
class=showhotelsspanPlaces to
lia href=#recreationsearch 
amp; recreation/span/a/li

div id=searchboxes

div id=musicsearch class=searchpanel
h3Search for Music/h3
pform goes here/p
pa href=#searchbox class=showalllaquo; Start 
-- and five more just like the one above -

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

Hi Drew,

If you remove the pathClass option, everything works fine. You don't
seem to be using that feature so it should not be in the options
object. Remove this line:
pathClass : 'active',

It looks like you could remove the bgIframe plugin also as you have
not included the intialisation code for it to work with Superfish
anyway. If you are using it elsewhere on the site then please
disregard this comment.

One more small thing: for better performance you should change the
selector in the Superfish initialisation from '.menu_topmenu' to
'ul.menu_topmenu'. That way jQuery only has to check the ul elements
for the class rather than every element in the DOM.

Good luck... pretty site!

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

Just as I hit send I realised that you are indeed wanting to use the
pathClass for the second tier of menu. The pathClass feature was only
ever tested to work with two tiers unfortunately, so it makes sense
that this bug exists. I'll have to have a think about what would be
required to make this work correctly and get back to you.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - modified Richard Willis

2008-05-07 Thread Joel Birch

If the 'if' is removed from the out function, the menu almost works
perfectly. The only downside is that the current second tier menu is
'refreshed' when you mouseout rather than simply staying revealed. It
disappears then animates back in as if it is being restored as it
would if you moused out from a sibling non-current second tier menu.
It may be an acceptable workaround for you though and it is far better
than your current problem. Change the 'out' function to this:

out = function(){
var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$);
var o = getOpts(menu,true);
if (o.$path.length){over.call(o.$path);}

All I did there is remove the if statement. It's a hack, but until
Superfish officially supports using pathClass with three tiered menus,
this may have to suffice. I did try a few things to try and get a
perfect result but it eluded me and I don't have as much time to spend
on this as I used to unfortunately. I hope this workaround helps you

Joel Birch.