[jQuery] Re: Getting element index, then adding text later to that index location

2008-07-01 Thread Michael Geary

I'm not quite following this. If you have a DOM element (i.e. this in your
click function), and you want to do something with it later, simply save a
reference to the element itself. Why do you want to use an index into a
jQuery result array?

Also, in a page with many elements, those * selectors are going to be
pretty slow.

Do I understand correctly that you want to identify the topmost parent
element (i.e. a direct child of the BODY) that was clicked? I think I would
do it something like this. There may be a simpler way, but off the top of my
head this should work and would also be very efficient:

$(function() {

// Return element if it is a direct child of the BODY, or the
// topmost parent of element (a direct child of BODY).
function toplevel( element ) {
var $parents = $(element).parents();
var i = $parents.index( document.body );
return i  0 ? $parents[i-1] : element;

$('body').click( function( event ) {
var element = toplevel( event.target );
console.log( element.id, element );


 I want to get an element by an unique index, then at a later 
 time do something to that element, such as add text.
 I was trying the following code:
   $(*, document.body).click(function () {
   var index = $(*, document.body).index(this);
   $(*:eq( + index +), 
 document.body).css(color, red);
 But when I click, it adds the red text color to all parents 
 too. I changed the code too print the index number and it 
 appends several index numbers to the element I click and the parents.
 I want to get the index number of the top most element that I 
 click on. That element may have children or may not.
 So, how do I get only the top most element index that I clicked on?

[jQuery] Re: Using tabs - how do I get tabs to load on a nested page?

2008-07-01 Thread Klaus Hartl

Why not using a for or wile loop for the repetetive adding?

$(function() {
$(#example  ul).tabs({
cache: true,
load: function(e, ui) {
$(#seasons  ul).tabs();
for (var year = 2008; year = 1996; year--)
$(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
season= + year, year +  Season);



On Jul 1, 4:10 am, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, that took care of it.

     $(#example  ul).tabs({
         cache: true,
         load: function(e, ui) {
               $(#seasons  ul).tabs();
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2008, 2008 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2007, 2007 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2006, 2006 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2005, 2005 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2004, 2004 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2003, 2003 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2002, 2002 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2001, 2001 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=2000, 2000 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=1999, 1999 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=1998, 1998 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=1997, 1997 Season);
               $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season=1996, 1996 Season);
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './overall2.php', 'Overall Results');
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './newReport.php', 'Add New Result');
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './last200.php', 'Last 200');
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './showPie.php', 'by City');
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './stats.php', 'Other Stats');
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './seasons.php', 'Season Records');
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './newGames.php', 'Recent Results');
     $(.selector).tabs(add, './theHat.php', 'Hat Results');

 On Jun 29, 4:00 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You probably need to tabify in the load callback:

      load: function(e, ui) {
          $('ul', ui.panel).tabs(); // adapt selector here...



  On Jun 29, 5:48 pm, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The tabs work fine on the first page, but I need a second group of
   tabs on the by Season tab. The code is there, but the tabs don't
   generate on document ready.

   front page:


   by Seasons tab page:


[jQuery] Re: IE error on jquery braces {}

2008-07-01 Thread Klaus Hartl

The javascript protocol is obsolete in DOM Level 0 event handlers.
Here's how I would write that piece of code:

$(span/).addClass('tag').click(function() {

Saves you the hassle with quoting and looks much cleaner, at least to


On Jul 1, 2:00 am, Heavy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, Karl you know your stuff.  That was a big time saver.

 On Jun 30, 4:37 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In JavaScript class is a reserved keyword so you need to quote it.
  As a rule I quote all keys, just to be on the safe side.

  $(span/).attr({ class: tag, onclick:
  javascript:showBookmarks( + \ + i + \ +

  Karl Rudd

  On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:21 AM, Heavy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Anyone know why the following line throws an error in IE7 and works
   fine in FF3 and Opera9.5?  The complete HTML and JS and be found here:

   $(span/).attr({class:tag, onclick:javascript:showBookmarks( +
   \ + i + \ + );}).text(i).appendTo(#leftcol);

   IE seems to puke on the braces {}  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Cookie domain and path

2008-07-01 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

See http://dev.jquery.com/changeset/5759


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 1:02 AM, jcruz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That seems like it would work fine as well.  In the above patch, the
 user only needs to set the options they want to use.  Unset options
 result the default cookie settings used by the cookie plugin.

 On Jun 30, 1:30 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 How about a single option cookieOptions which would contain the
 expires, path etc. properties. That way thetreeviewplugin can just
 pass throughcookieoptions. The default would be undefined,
 resulting in the defaultcookiesettings that thecookieplugin uses.


 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 2:18 AM, jcruz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Submitted a patch athttp://dev.jquery.com/ticket/3101

  On Jun 29, 12:40 pm, jcruz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is for theTreeview1.4

  On Jun 29, 12:34 pm, jcruz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   When setting a value for cookieId, is it possible to specify acookie
   domain and path?

[jQuery] tutorial: how to convert from thickbox to jqModal + how to load external url in jqModal

2008-07-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

I hope that my little blurb will be useful to some of you :)


Let me know if you have any comments, questions, ok ?

Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] What is the opposite of the jQuery.param() method? (to deserialise an object)

2008-07-01 Thread George Adamson

Hi all,

If we use the $.param(myobject) method to serialise an object, how can
we deserialise that string back to an object?

Maybe that function exists somewhere and I'm having a mental block.
Please help!

In the absence of such a method I would do something like this:

// The opposiite of jQuery's native $.param() method. Deserialises a
param string to an object:
// Note: TODO: Allow for multiple params with same name (to become an
array attribute).
unparam : function(params){
var objResult = {};
$.each(params.split(), function(){ var prm=this.split(=);
objResult[prm[0]] = prm[1]; });
return objResult;

[jQuery] Google Analytics Cross domain link tracking: My pain and (hopefully) as nice solution

2008-07-01 Thread Colin Guthrie

This is jQuery related so bear with me!

I'm CCing someone who asked about this recently as I think this may help 
them. Apologies to you if this is out of turn :)

I was recently asked by a client to implement cross domain link 
tracking. Fair enough, Google does this in their analytics system, 
however there are several limitations to this:

1. Their link tracking does not support target=blah attributes of a 

2. Their link tracking does not simply plug in to optional popup windows 
(degrading nicely if no J/S)

3. Their form tracking does not work with GET forms (despite their 
claims that it does).

NB for point 3. I found, in testing, that their function manipulates the 
action= attribute of the form to include the necessary GET arguments. I 
found that everything after the ? is stripped off a GET form's action 
attribute - at least in FF2/3 and Konquerer. The correct solution is to 
append hidden elements to the form prior to submission.

I have solved all of these issue and implemented an example (attached 
- hopefully) that shows the various methods in action with lots of comments.

I use jQuery primarily for its event handling and registration stuff.

I use the order of the event registration strategically, but I 
appreciate that there is no guarantee that the order of registration 
will be preserved through to invocation. It does seem to work in practice.

There are a couple of tweaks for IE due to the fact that it does not 
pick up on an altered href during a click handler that allows bubbling 
up. On the whole it worked for me on FF2/3 and IE 6/7. I didn't do 
further testing.

I hope this helps some people :)

Title: Google Analytics Proper Form Tracking + jQuery and Popups

Here is a link of class gaTrackLink: Hello
Here is a link of class gaTrackLink with target=_blank: Hello
Here is a link of class gaTrackLink that pops up: Hello
Below is a form of class gaTrackForm via GET


Below is a form of class gaTrackForm via POST



[jQuery] Re: Minor fixes required in order to play nice with other libraries that extend Object (code inside)

2008-07-01 Thread Bramus!

Hi Jörn,

The problem in fact is Ext Related, yet can be reproduced without Ext:
any library that expands the Array prototype with a function can be
the wrongdoer.

Create a new blank document (nothing needs to be in it), open up
firebug and paste in the code below:

Array.prototype.letsBreakStuff = function(){return this};
correct = [

As you can see this in fact does work correct.

However, I'm a great JSON-addict, and my autocompletion data - just as
any other call - is returned in the Object Literal Notation (and then
run through a custom parse function to get an autocomplete compatible

Now, open up Firebug again and paste in this code:

Array.prototype.letsBreakStuff = function(){return this};
wrong = { data:[

Check wrong.data, you'll see that the last item is the letsBreakStuff

To make it all complete: the reason I named Ext is that I got the
remove function as last item on wrong.data ... which is added by Ext:
B=0,A=this.length;BA;B++){if(this[B]==C){return B}}return
-1},remove:function(B){var A=this.indexOf(B);if(A!=-1){this.splice(A,
1)}return this}});

Hope you now see why exactly I suggested that little patch ;)


On Jun 24, 3:57 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I don't quite the how the issue is related to ExtJS. It sounds like
 you pass functions instead of strings to the autocomplete plugin,
 which is the actual issue here. Could you upload a testpage and post
 the URL here?


 On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Filed a ticket on dev.jquery including a .diff 


  PS: [autocomplete] prefix seems to be cut off subject?

  On Jun 24, 11:15 am, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Jörn et all here at the list,

  I'm using the autocomplete plugin in a project I'm working on and I
  must say: it works great!. However: one part of the project uses ExtJS
  (their tree component is great) and that's where things go wrong.
  Problem is that somewhere in ExtJS they extend Object with a remove()
  function, breaking jQuery.autocomplete.

  After a little quest I found that - quite obviously - autocomplete
  breaks on string manipulations (Function.toLowerCase() doesn't really
  exist ;)) and has a minor issue when displaying the items whenever
  some library has extended Object.

  Here below are the 2 minor changes I implemented in order to make
  things work just fine again. Could you tuck 'm into the release as I
  can't commit any changes to the trunk.

  Change #1: Display issue: $.Autocompleter.Select, function fillList():
  if (!data[i])
  if (!data[i] || (data[i].value.constructor === Function))

  Change #2: Selection issue: $.Autocompleter.Cache, function
  at line#1 of this function (directly after the opening { ) add:
  if (s.constructor === Function) return false;


[jQuery] Strange jQuery cross-browser problem

2008-07-01 Thread vprelovac

Hi list,

We are developing a site at http://www.trashortreasure.com.au/

When you click on an icon on a Google map, the info window opens and
when you click on read more it should open a thickbox.

Problem is that some of our users report the feature not working in
FF3. Then for some it doesn't work in IE6. For others it works. Most
of them got it to work in IE7.

That's a strange FF3 and IE6 consistency problem.

I was wondering if you can you have a go with it and see if you can
spot anything unusual?

Thanks a bunch

[jQuery] clash in code? jQuery document ready and window.onload

2008-07-01 Thread ChrisQuery


im new to jQuery and to programming in general so i hope this isnt a
stupid question.

A have an accordion which is animated to open and close when a user
clicks a header div. The accordion holds  a decent amount of content
which takes some time load in ie (and only ie for some reason) before
the javascript takes effect and closes the accordion to hide all the
data inside them.

Using the $(document).ready(function() I was able to have the page
load with the accordion closed (content hidden but headers visible). I
was very pleased with that.

Im now trying to have an animated gif load in when the dom is ready
and swap the gif for the accordion  div once the page loads
completely. To accomplish this Im trying to use $
(document).ready(function() to show the gif and hide the accordion div
and then use window.onload to hide the gif and show the accordion div
as well as create the new instance of my accordion passing through
some parameters. The css manipulation works fine its the accordions
functionality that stops working and loads open for all the content to
be seen.

script type=text/javascript src=scripts/js/accordian-src.js/
script type=text/javascript src=scripts/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js/


$('div#basic-accordian').hide(); /* show gif */
$('div#load').show(); /* hide accordion */


window.onload = function(){

$('div#load').hide(); /* hide gif */
$('div#basic-accordian').show('slow'); /* show accordion */

new Accordian('basic-accordian',5,'header_highlight'); /* supposed to
activate the accordion */


Anyone have any idea why the accordion stops working?

if i remove all the jquery code and js file the window.onload loads
the accordion correctly after the page loads. Once the jQuery code and
js file are put back in the accordion stops working.

Could it be a clash in code or am i just structuring it incorrectly or
missing something?

if i haven't provided enough information i can provide more.

Hope someone can help
this is driving me crazy

[jQuery] [treeview] hundreds of requests for images in IE6.

2008-07-01 Thread Darren


I am using the jQuery treeview plugin and when expanding nodes in IE6
the browser is making large amounts of requests for the supporting

Is there a way around this so that each image is only requested once.

I noticed that this also happens with the samples.


[jQuery] Is there a way to add namespace to every css class?

2008-07-01 Thread Albert8752


Is there a way to add namespace to every css class?
a. Dynamically on the page?
b. If it is not possible dynamically, how to do it not dynamically.

For example
- Original css--
.nav {.some css atribute }
.main {.some css atribute }
.box {.some css atribute }

I want to change the above css to below css
--- Converted CSS ---
.newNameSpace   .nav {.some css atribute }
.newNameSpace   .main {.some css atribute }
.newNameSpace   .box {.some css atribute }

thank you in advance,

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] How to display a Dialog Box (with confirmation buttons) when external link is clicked

2008-07-01 Thread Michael Brennan-White
jQuery Newbie question.

I work for a state government and need to display a message letting
the user know a link is to an external site.  In the past I have
obviously used a javascript alert() but would rather use something
nicer which could hopefully allow the use of a background image and
readable text.

I have been playing around with the dialog piece of the jquery ui but
find that it is beyond my skill level at this point.  If you have some
code (or can point me to some code)  that would
a.  Display a dialog box when a link of a certain type was clicked in
the center of the browser window.
b.  Contain confirmation buttons in the dialog.  If either buttons
were clicked, the dialog box would be hidden or destroyed.
c.  If the Yes button was clicked I would like to open the link they
were clicking on.

Thank you very much for reading this message and in advance for your


[jQuery] Re: [jquery validate] Validating disabled inputs

2008-07-01 Thread oscarml

Ok, let me explain what I'm aiming.

I have a form with 4 inputs:

2 of them are normal ones: enabled so user can write on them
2 other: disabled because the value is gonna be inside is not typed by
the user directly, is filled from a grid placed in a modal window. So,
when user double click in the grid, the text appear in the disabled
input, in order to the user being able to read it, but not to change
directly. But I still have to control that they guy has openned the
modal window and clicked on the grid.

I hope I was clearly enough. Any idea for avoiding validation of
disabled input?


On 1 jul, 01:33, Theodore Ni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you really want to validate all disabled form fields also, the relevant
 line in the plugin is

 .not(:submit, :reset, [disabled])

 to which you can add or remove functionality. Again, as Jörn has said,
 usually disabled elements are not meant to be validated, so make sure it's
 what you really want.


 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Jörn Zaefferer 


  Disabled inputs aren't validated because they are disabled. 99% of the
  time, disabled elements must be ignored during validation, so that is
  what the plugin does.


  On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 8:21 PM, oscarml [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I have a problem with disabled input when I try to validate them.

   I use class=required but the validation plugin doesn´t detect when
   is empty.

   Any idea?

[jQuery] patience is an art well learnt when one is at the mercy

2008-07-01 Thread britnispears007

patience is an art well learnt when one is at the mercy
of nature
do as romans live as romans
god showers on you

[jQuery] Re: Re[jQuery] moving character from title attribute

2008-07-01 Thread 5atfink

Works a treat.

Gracias !

Karl Swedberg-2 wrote:
 Hi there,
 I think you can do it this way:
 $(#myDiv [title*='_']).attr('title',function () {
   return this.title.replace(/_/g,' ');
 Karl Swedberg
 On Jun 30, 2008, at 10:03 AM, 5atfink wrote:

 I'm sure this is easy but at a loss how to do it..

 I need to strip out the underscore character _ from...

 div id=myDiv title=name_surname

 resulting in

 div id=myDiv title=name surname

 I've got as far as targeting it fine using...

 $(#myDiv [title*='_']).attr({
 // at a loss what to do here

 Any pointers anyone?


 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at  


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Extract the function signature from a list collection

2008-07-01 Thread helveticus

On a page, I have a list of dynamically generated image links 1, 2.. N
that are displayed on the page as follows:

div class=imgBg
img id=imgProd src=  alt=/
div id=imgEnum
lispan class=sqr1

lispan class=sqr1 

Clicking on an image index causes the image to be displayed in div
'imgProd' via js function updImage(). (This works fine):
function updImage(imgUrl){

Problem: On loading, I would like the first image of the list to be
copied to imgProd via jquery.  How do I extract the mouseover function
signature of the first item ie. updImage('Images/aaa.01.jpg'); ?

I tried filtering out the list and narrow it to the first span item in
the hope of extracting the function signature, but I am stuck since js
debugging is not supported in VWD Express 2008:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$(#imgEnum  ul  li span).get(0);
var $this = $(this);

Thanks for any hints.

[jQuery] Retrieve function signature from a list

2008-07-01 Thread helveticus

I have a list of dynamically generated image hyperlinks that are
displayed on a page as follows:

div class=imgBg
img id=imgProd src=  alt=/
div id=imgEnum
lispan class=sqr1

lispan class=sqr1 

Problem: This scheme works fine when hovering over the image indexes.
On loading, I would like the first image of the list to be copied to
imgProd via jquery.  How do I extract the mouseover function signature
of the first item ie. updImage('Images/aaa.01.jpg'); ?

I tried filtering out the li list and narrow it to the first item via
the below code. varImgUR produces the correct signature:

jQry signature extract code:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Extract span cnt from first list element
var sp0 =$(#imgEnum  ul  li span).get(0);
// Get mouseover fct signature and execute it.
var sigimgURL =sp0.attributes[0].nodeValue;

Function eval()yields the error: sigimgUrl is not defined

How can I make this run or alternatively is there a more elegant
jQuery approcach to

[jQuery] AJAX Load posting script defined datas

2008-07-01 Thread PatrickPoncet

I'm a jquery beginer. I want to use the load function in a special
way, the datas should be defined by th sript, depending on which part
of my form I'm posting.
My code is the following :

var param_val = $(this).val();
var param_nom = $(this).attr(name);
$(#moniteur).load(session_maj.php, {param_nom: 

The .form_param class is the class of the form elements (select,
checkbox...), and I get the value (param_val) on change, an the name
of the element (param_nom).
I would like to post it, saying something like : {param_nom:
The problème is that in this way, the name of the posted data is
always param_nom ; I get $_POST['param_nom']

Is there a way to do what I want in a simple Jquery way ?


[jQuery] [treeview] hundreds of requests for images in IE6.

2008-07-01 Thread Darren


I am using the jQuery treeview plugin and am noticing that every time
I expand and collapse nodes the browser is making hundreds of requests
for the images associated with the tree.

I notice it also happens on the treeview demo page. Does anyone have a
workaround for this?

Many Thanks.

[jQuery] cluetip drop shadow problem

2008-07-01 Thread hellmachine

is there a way to get drop shadows on cluetips without a fixed width?
i need width:auto because the content of the cluetip differs in width
and the cluetip have to scale with the content. but with width:auto
the shadow just disappears, at least in ie6. any ideas?

[jQuery] jScrollPane - maintainPosition malfunction

2008-07-01 Thread Luxiouronimo

nope, i spoke too soon..

for the life of me, i can not get jScrollPane's maintainPosition to
work, and in searching for this keyword, i find i am not alone.

i put together the most concise example i can imagine;


as far as i can tell, maintainPosition will only work properly when
the jScrollPane is effectively 0px from the top of the window.

the value of the inaccuracy seems tied to the vertical offset, so if i
could better understand the math that's going on, perhaps i could
think about a workaround, but i am at a loss..

thank you for your time, again any input on this matter is greatly


On Jun 26, 8:23 pm, Luxiouronimo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this is due to padding on the scrollPane element.

 move the padding to a parent and jScrollPane willmaintainPositionas
 it is supposed to when re-initialized.

 ..this is noted somewhere near the docs about limitations and not
 applying positional elements to it..

 On Jun 16, 12:39 pm, Luxiouronimo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  i can't find any examples wherein this works..

  i'm using treeview to expand ul's and li's.. i set a toggle function
  for my treeview, and i can reinitialize my .jScrollPane after my items
  expand/collapse, but i can'tmaintainPosition.. the scrollbar position
  resets to the top..

  it doesn't appear to be working in the #pane4 example 

  any input is sincerely appreciated

[jQuery] Multiple tabs on one page..?

2008-07-01 Thread t1mmie

Hey all,

There's a few ways that I could pull off this kind of effect... But I have
used the jUI Tabs plugin -


The problem is, as you may find, that not all of the tabs work correctly!
The first 2 or 3 do, but the last never does - and for what seems to be no

I want to keep this fading effect on open and closing, and I would also like
the tabs to start off closed, but it doesn't seem to work.

$('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ selected: null }); // start
with all tabs hidden
$('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ unselect: true, fx: { height:
'toggle', opacity: 'toggle'} }); // selected tab closes on click

Although, when everything is included on the one page without the main
template etc. it works fine..! - http://www.webhero.co.uk/test2.php

Could something be interfering?

edit: (it seems to be where the #bg overlaps that last tab in the
background? I'm not sure.. but if that is why, how can I fix?!)

Thanks for your help!
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: zebra striping + flashing/blinking effect?

2008-07-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A zebra stripe doesn't need any Javascript given IE7, either. The
tr:hover bit is accepted by the browser if your doctype is set to
strict mode.

On Jun 30, 10:15 pm, sketchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently got acquainted with jquery and implemented this tutorial on
 zebra striping to my 

 and its awesome but i was wondering it its possible to add like a
 blinking/flashing effect to one or a couple of the rows. The effect
 would start when the visitor opens the page and then stop when they

 My knowledge on jquery is quite limited right now so it would great if
 someone could help me out. Thanks

[jQuery] Re: Lightbox alternative that supports .php files

2008-07-01 Thread Chris

you can also use facebox with external files, objects or divs.


[jQuery] Re: jqModal - How to close the modal box from an iframe

2008-07-01 Thread Hypolite

tlphipps wrote:
 Based on my experiences with thickbox, I don't believe this is true.
 I have code in thickbox iframes which will close the thickbox window
 whenever I call it.
 I use something like:  document.top.tb_remove()  (can't remember exact

Ok, starting from your suggestion that is not working actually, I tried some
combinations of document, top and parent.

After a few misses, I found out that you can access the parent window from
inside an iframe with this code :


From here, one can access the document element with :


But most of the calls of custom Javascript functions don't need the document

So the calls would look like this :


Thanks for the clue, tlphipps !


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: dimensions, RTL and IE offset problem

2008-07-01 Thread iTsadok

Hmm... adding a DOCTYPE tag at the top of the html seems to resolve
this. Can anyone shed light on this?

However, now I have a different problem: when content grows to the
left, offset().left seems to grow by the overflow size.

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js /script

$(function() {
for(var i=0; i 300; i++) { 
$(#overflow_text).append('x'); }
offset = $(#coverme).offset();

body dir=rtl
div style=background-color: blue; height: 200px; width: 200px
div style=background-color: green; height: 100px; width: 100px;
position: absolute; id=moveme/div
p id=overflow_text/p

On Jun 30, 8:38 am, iTsadok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seems to be a skew when using offset() in a right-to-left
 layout, but only in Internet Explorer.
 These boxes align perfectly in Firefox and Safari, but IE7 puts the
 green box lower and to the right. Setting the margin doesn't seem to
 have any effect.

     script src=jquery.js /script

                 $(function() {

 body dir=rtl
 div style=background-color: blue; height: 200px; width: 200px

 div style=background-color: green; height: 100px; width: 100px;
 position: absolute; id=moveme/div


[jQuery] Re: Strange jQuery cross-browser problem

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


We are developing a site at http://www.trashortreasure.com.au/

When you click on an icon on a Google map, the info window opens and
when you click on read more it should open a thickbox.

Problem is that some of our users report the feature not working in
FF3. Then for some it doesn't work in IE6. For others it works. Most
of them got it to work in IE7.

That's a strange FF3 and IE6 consistency problem.

I was wondering if you can you have a go with it and see if you can
spot anything unusual?

My guess is it's not a browser problem, but a JS problem. I just took a look
at your tb_show() function and that thing is huge. You also have everything
in a try/catch block with the catch just doing nothing--which is probably
what's happening.

You might want to add a statement to your catch block that sends the error
to your server--that way you can view the exceptions being thrown.


[jQuery] tutorial: how to convert from thickbox to jqModal + how to load external url in jqModal

2008-07-01 Thread pixeline

I hope that my little blurb will be useful to some of you: in this
article i explain how to use jqModal with anchors pointing to external
url, or in iframe mode, to put it differently. I also describe how
to convert an old thickbox implementation into a jqModal
implementation without touching the html.


Let me know if you have any comments, questions, ok ?

Alexandre Plennevaux

[jQuery] Re: Best way to detect between jQuery triggered event and actual browser-based event...

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Hmmm...that hasn't come up for me yet.  Seems like the way you're doing it
would be the way to go for now.

Maybe in the next jQuery version they could add a key internalTrigger or
something like that to the event object when the trigger method is run.

Needing to determine the difference is a corner case, but it's an issue I've
run into from time-to-time. For example, I've got a plug-in where I've got a
click event set to toggle the current visibility of an element. However, if
I call that event programmatically I always want to make sure that it
shows the element (and doesn't toggle the state.) 

As I said, it's a corner case but one I've run into a few times in the past
6 months.


[jQuery] Re: jqModal r12 release

2008-07-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 8:29 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
 aloha Brice!

 Further to my previous message, i've been trying some but didn't get much
 success with this, maybe you can help me:

 basically, my app is full of thickbox calls where urls are parts of the url
 query string, such as


 thickbox parameters happens starting with keepThis onwards.

 So to use jqmodal, i assigned jqmodal target parameter to the iframe
 element, but nothing shows inside the iframe (although the jqmodal works).
 Can you tip me in the right direction ?

 Here is my js call:
 //thickbox replacement
 modal: true,
 trigger: 'a.thickbox',
 target: $('#jqmContent')[0],
 width: '1600'

 and my html:

 div id=modalWindow class=jqmWindow
 div id=jqmTitleTitle of modal window button class=jqmCloseClose
 iframe id=jqmContent/iframe

 Thanks for your insight !

 Alexandre Plennevaux

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 hi Brice, i need to convert my admin -in-development from thickbox, so
 basically make a wrapper function that interfaces nicely all my thickbox
 calls to jModal. if i manage to, i'll post a how-to...
 the only thing i'm not sure i can manage is the modal window width/height
 change per call, but i'll have to double check on that.

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 6:14 AM, Brice Burgess [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  The neat thing about jqModal is it's flexibility. Really anything is
 possible... but may take some extra code (CSS, onShow Callbacks, etc.)
 to achieve the desired effect.

  It is a good idea to extend jqModal... say to mimic the (very good
 looking) effects and functionality of ShadowBox. These extensions
 could be made available @ the demo page... and I'd likely modify
 jqModal to accept extending the default onShow/onHide/onLoad

  If you send an example page of what you'd like to achieve, perhaps I
 could demonstrate the jqModal method.

 ~ Brice

 On Jun 27, 1:33 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  i have a feature request: the possibilty to use proportional width
  of fixed width, so we can tell it to take like 90% of the available
  space. Useful in some cases for complex UI.
  sorry if it is possible already, didn't manage to so far.
  thanks !!!
  On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:38 AM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks a lot for all the hard work, your plugin is one of the most
   used ones in my applications
   Glad to see it playing nicely with the new jQuery version
  Alexandre Plennevaux

 Alexandre Plennevaux


 Alexandre Plennevaux


hi brice,

i'm done!  you can read my tutorial here:

let me know if you spot anything wrong, ok?

if you want, there is an example page here :

Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: Issue using a long array in jquery autocomplete

2008-07-01 Thread Gearóid O'Ceallaigh

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I can't post the page since the site is being developed locally. I
figured out several things that may prove useful however. I tried
using a group of the data to see if this was the problem. IE6 returned
the same error: Unterminated String Contstant but I noticed that the
line it had a problem with had a German character ( ü ) in it. An
element before this in the list also had this character but threw up
no problem. The word in which the character is used was
 (something)führer so I rename all elements with the word führer and
replaced them with fuhrer. The smaller array now worked.

I tried applying the same technique (as a stop gap) to the larger
array but again IE6 was complaining about an unterminated string
constant. I then removed all cases of the character ü and replaced
them with u. Now IE has the error Expected ']'  about halfway
through the array. There is no syntax error around these lines - I've
checked a few times.

Is there a chance that these foreign characters are causing the errors
within the script?

On Jun 30, 3:59 pm, gf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 30, 3:38 am, Gearóid O'Ceallaigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm using bassistance's autocomplete on a website (plugin page found
  here:http://plugins.jquery.com/project/autocompletex). Its perfect
  for I need since it allows the data for the autocomplete to be loaded
  from a local array. However, whilst the autocomplete works fine in
  most browsers - it seems that the length of the array is throwing up
  an error in IE6. The array contains maybe 500+ elements of data but
  even if I put them on a single line in the code, the error still gets
  thrown up.

  Has anyone else ever had this problem?

 It's possible but not real likely that IE6 has a bug preventing it
 from handling that many elements. Without seeing the error nobody can
 say for sure.

 Having programmed for a long-long time, my instinct is to say more
 likely it's some sort of quoting or delimiting bug in the array
 definition. With that many elements it's hard to scan through them by
 eye unless you have laid them out in a very organized fashion. Our
 eyes and brain are good at finding changes in a pattern of orderly
 rows and columns, not at finding a missing comma or quote in pages of
 characters. So, I always line my arrays up vertically into columns as
 much as possible. (A programming editor like vim with the align module
 makes it really easy.)

 My next thought is I would use an Ajax query to reduce the array of
 500 down to something a lot more manageable. You don't say how big
 each element is, but that many elements will slow page load and
 rendering making your user's browser bog down a bit.

 Do you have the offending page somewhere that others can see it so
 they can try to figure out what's wrong? Don't post the code here as
 it'll cause screams as people open up that many lines of code.

[jQuery] Re: Using tabs - how do I get tabs to load on a nested page?

2008-07-01 Thread Sam

Of course that is better - thanks for the good catch.

On Jul 1, 1:44 am, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why not using a for or wile loop for the repetetive adding?

 $(function() {
     $(#example  ul).tabs({
         cache: true,
         load: function(e, ui) {
             $(#seasons  ul).tabs();
             for (var year = 2008; year = 1996; year--)
                 $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
 season= + year, year +  Season);




 On Jul 1, 4:10 am, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks, that took care of it.

      $(#example  ul).tabs({
          cache: true,
          load: function(e, ui) {
                $(#seasons  ul).tabs();
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2008, 2008 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2007, 2007 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2006, 2006 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2005, 2005 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2004, 2004 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2003, 2003 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2002, 2002 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2001, 2001 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=2000, 2000 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=1999, 1999 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=1998, 1998 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=1997, 1997 Season);
                $(.seasonSelector).tabs(add, ./season.php?
  season=1996, 1996 Season);
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './overall2.php', 'Overall Results');
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './newReport.php', 'Add New Result');
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './last200.php', 'Last 200');
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './showPie.php', 'by City');
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './stats.php', 'Other Stats');
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './seasons.php', 'Season Records');
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './newGames.php', 'Recent Results');
      $(.selector).tabs(add, './theHat.php', 'Hat Results');

  On Jun 29, 4:00 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You probably need to tabify in the load callback:

       load: function(e, ui) {
           $('ul', ui.panel).tabs(); // adapt selector here...



   On Jun 29, 5:48 pm, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The tabs work fine on the first page, but I need a second group of
tabs on the by Season tab. The code is there, but the tabs don't
generate on document ready.

front page:


by Seasons tab page:


[jQuery] Re: trouble with fadeIn and fadeOut on a element in ie6 and ie7, works in firefox

2008-07-01 Thread mjatharvest

Wanted to mention it works in Firefox 3 and Safari 3.

[jQuery] Re: Google Analytics Cross domain link tracking: My pain and (hopefully) as nice solution

2008-07-01 Thread Colin Guthrie

Colin Guthrie wrote:
 I have solved all of these issue and implemented an example (attached 
 - hopefully) that shows the various methods in action with lots of comments.

I did of course forget to change the URL of the jquery inclusion before 
I posted: d'oh!

Just correct this if you are playing with it.

I tested in 1.2.3 FWIW (still have compatibility issues with 1.2.6)


[jQuery] Fadein with ajax load()

2008-07-01 Thread Pickledegg

I'm using an ajax load() with an onChange event:


Which is lovely, but how can I add a fadeIn to it so that every time
my div is updated, it fades into the div in a sultry  provocative


[jQuery] Re: Validating disabled inputs

2008-07-01 Thread MorningZ

Use readonly instead of disabled

See: http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/forms/_INPUT_DISABLED.html

[jQuery] Re: (Newbie Help) Cluetip not showing up

2008-07-01 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi again,

You have a couple problems here.

1. None of the rounded corner examples are using a selector that will  
select the link you're trying to activate with a clueTip. If you only  
want one clueTip to appear, and you want it to appear when hovering  
over that first image (or, more precisely, it's containing link), try  

$(document).ready(function() {
$('a[title^=rounded]').cluetip({cluetipClass: 'rounded'});

You can get rid of everything else in that js file.

For more information about selecting elements on a page, see:

2. You have demo/ajax4.htm in the rel attribute -- but that file  
doesn't exist. If you want to pull in tooltip content from another  
page (which, given the rel attribute in there, I'm assuming you want  
to do), the other page has to exist.


Karl Swedberg

On Jun 30, 2008, at 10:59 PM, datatv wrote:

OK, I found it but that brings up the default. I still can't figure
out why the rounded corners tool tip won't appear.

On Jun 30, 5:46 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


It looks like you've included the entire demo script, but you really
only need one line inside a $(document).ready() function.

The first two lines that use the .cluetip() method in your script  

are these:

$('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

Notice that the first one applies the cluetip to a link with
class=title and the second to a link with class=basic . Your html
doesn't have either of these classes in it. I think that could be  



Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Jun 30, 2008, at 7:14 PM, datatv wrote:

I just started using Cluetip and I can't get the tip to show up at  
even though I've tried the example on the Cluetip website (for  

corners) to the letter. Can anybody look at my code and see where I
might have screwed up?


If you rollover the first icon on the top left (underneath the  

the cluetip is supposed to appear.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist.

[jQuery] Re: Minor fixes required in order to play nice with other libraries that extend Object (code inside)

2008-07-01 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Okay, so the issue is that letsBreakStuff gets iterated together with
the rest of the array, while it should be ignored, as it doesn't have
a numerical index, right?

How does that relate to your patch?


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Jörn,

 The problem in fact is Ext Related, yet can be reproduced without Ext:
 any library that expands the Array prototype with a function can be
 the wrongdoer.

 Create a new blank document (nothing needs to be in it), open up
 firebug and paste in the code below:

 Array.prototype.letsBreakStuff = function(){return this};
 correct = [

 As you can see this in fact does work correct.

 However, I'm a great JSON-addict, and my autocompletion data - just as
 any other call - is returned in the Object Literal Notation (and then
 run through a custom parse function to get an autocomplete compatible

 Now, open up Firebug again and paste in this code:

 Array.prototype.letsBreakStuff = function(){return this};
 wrong = { data:[

 Check wrong.data, you'll see that the last item is the letsBreakStuff

 To make it all complete: the reason I named Ext is that I got the
 remove function as last item on wrong.data ... which is added by Ext:
 B=0,A=this.length;BA;B++){if(this[B]==C){return B}}return
 -1},remove:function(B){var A=this.indexOf(B);if(A!=-1){this.splice(A,
 1)}return this}});

 Hope you now see why exactly I suggested that little patch ;)


 On Jun 24, 3:57 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I don't quite the how the issue is related to ExtJS. It sounds like
 you pass functions instead of strings to the autocomplete plugin,
 which is the actual issue here. Could you upload a testpage and post
 the URL here?


 On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Filed a ticket on dev.jquery including a .diff 


  PS: [autocomplete] prefix seems to be cut off subject?

  On Jun 24, 11:15 am, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Jörn et all here at the list,

  I'm using the autocomplete plugin in a project I'm working on and I
  must say: it works great!. However: one part of the project uses ExtJS
  (their tree component is great) and that's where things go wrong.
  Problem is that somewhere in ExtJS they extend Object with a remove()
  function, breaking jQuery.autocomplete.

  After a little quest I found that - quite obviously - autocomplete
  breaks on string manipulations (Function.toLowerCase() doesn't really
  exist ;)) and has a minor issue when displaying the items whenever
  some library has extended Object.

  Here below are the 2 minor changes I implemented in order to make
  things work just fine again. Could you tuck 'm into the release as I
  can't commit any changes to the trunk.

  Change #1: Display issue: $.Autocompleter.Select, function fillList():
  if (!data[i])
  if (!data[i] || (data[i].value.constructor === Function))

  Change #2: Selection issue: $.Autocompleter.Cache, function
  at line#1 of this function (directly after the opening { ) add:
  if (s.constructor === Function) return false;


[jQuery] Mirrored radio button select/disable problem

2008-07-01 Thread Luc Pestille
I've run out of brain power when it comes to a particular jQuery problem
I've got - has anyone done something similar to this:
I have two sets of radio buttons, both with the same list of items, and
selecting one should disable it's respective duplicate in the other
 - (*) Choice 1 (selected)
 - () Choice 2
 - () Choice 3
 - (-) Choice 1 (disabled)
 - () Choice 2
 - () Choice 3
Choosing something in either list should free up / enable the other
options. I can't think of a way to do it without being un-elegant, which
is something I want to stay awy from.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


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necessarily represent those of the company.

[jQuery] Re: jqModal r12 release

2008-07-01 Thread tlphipps


Thanks for writing this.  It's a really great reference.

I posted this question on your blog too, but thought I'd repost here
and get feedback from others (maybe even Brice).

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using jqmodal vs. using the
new ui.dialog?  I'm also wanting to get rid of thickbox, but I figured
ui.dialog was the better choice since it's more official now.  But
I've enjoyed using Brice's other plugins (dnr) previously, so didn't
want to rule jqmodal out if there are benefits to its use.

Anybody have an opinion on this (jqmodal vs. ui.dialog)?

On Jul 1, 7:01 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 8:29 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux

  aloha Brice!

  Further to my previous message, i've been trying some but didn't get much
  success with this, maybe you can help me:

  basically, my app is full of thickbox calls where urls are parts of the url
  query string, such as


  thickbox parameters happens starting with keepThis onwards.

  So to use jqmodal, i assigned jqmodal target parameter to the iframe
  element, but nothing shows inside the iframe (although the jqmodal works).
  Can you tip me in the right direction ?

  Here is my js call:
  //thickbox replacement
          modal: true,
          trigger: 'a.thickbox',
          target: $('#jqmContent')[0],
          width: '1600'

  and my html:

  div id=modalWindow class=jqmWindow
  div id=jqmTitleTitle of modal window button class=jqmCloseClose
  iframe id=jqmContent/iframe

  Thanks for your insight !

  Alexandre Plennevaux

  On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  hi Brice, i need to convert my admin -in-development from thickbox, so
  basically make a wrapper function that interfaces nicely all my thickbox
  calls to jModal. if i manage to, i'll post a how-to...
  the only thing i'm not sure i can manage is the modal window width/height
  change per call, but i'll have to double check on that.

  On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 6:14 AM, Brice Burgess [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   The neat thing about jqModal is it's flexibility. Really anything is
  possible... but may take some extra code (CSS, onShow Callbacks, etc.)
  to achieve the desired effect.

   It is a good idea to extend jqModal... say to mimic the (very good
  looking) effects and functionality of ShadowBox. These extensions
  could be made available @ the demo page... and I'd likely modify
  jqModal to accept extending the default onShow/onHide/onLoad

   If you send an example page of what you'd like to achieve, perhaps I
  could demonstrate the jqModal method.

  ~ Brice

  On Jun 27, 1:33 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   i have a feature request: the possibilty to use proportional width
   of fixed width, so we can tell it to take like 90% of the available
   space. Useful in some cases for complex UI.

   sorry if it is possible already, didn't manage to so far.

   thanks !!!

   On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:38 AM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks a lot for all the hard work, your plugin is one of the most
used ones in my applications

Glad to see it playing nicely with the new jQuery version

   Alexandre Plennevaux


  Alexandre Plennevaux


  Alexandre Plennevaux


 hi brice,

 i'm done!  you can read my tutorial 

 let me know if you spot anything wrong, ok?

 if you want, there is an example page here 

 Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] [autocomplete] Multiple Values, Update Hidden Field

2008-07-01 Thread lfrodrigues


I'm trying to to a message sending system. The message may have
multiple destinations so i'm using the something similar to Multiple
Birds (http://jquery.bassistance.de/autocomplete/demo/)

When I add a new user it's id get added to the hidden field (with is
correct). But if I delete a user from the autocomplete the id desn't
get deleted from the hidden, is there anyway to do this?
Is there any other type of autocomplete that allows this?

With best regards,

Luis Rodrigues

[jQuery] Re: Moving mouse fast causes mouseout not to fire

2008-07-01 Thread Shaun

Thanks for the reply.

I actually tried that.  This was my first attempt:

  function(){ $(#Layer-4).show(); $(#Layer-3).hide(); },
  function(){ $(#Layer-3).show(); $(#Layer-4).hide(); });

And that doesn't work because I'm actually swapping out the DIV
layer.  It flashes while the mouse is over the DIVs.  I think that the
show() and hide() from the first function cause the second one to

So then I tried this (which is such a hack, but on the chance that
hover uses something other than mouseover, mouseout, mouseenter or

  function(){ $(#Layer-4).show(); $(#Layer-3).hide(); },
  function() { });
  function(){ },
  function(){ $(#Layer-3).show(); $(#Layer-4).hide(); });

But still no joy.  That works just like the original solution did -
with the occasional 'sticking' for quick mouse movement.

On Jun 30, 7:54 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have a look at the hover function:


 It deals with the issues associated with mouseout and mouseover.

 Karl Rudd

 On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I was able to verify that it looks slow on FF3 today as well.

  If anyone knows of a lighter weight solution, please post.  Thanks.

  On Jun 29, 11:41 am, Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello All -

  I have the problem where for an image rollover, moving the mouse very
  quickly can leave my roll over 'on' because the mouseout (mouseleave
  seems to do the same thing) doesn't always fire reliably.

  I wrote a solution to the problem but I don't like it.  I've posted
  the example here:http://psd2cssonline.com/tutorials/nav/index.html

  The important code is this:

    var mouseX, mouseY;
    $('*').mousemove( function(e) { mouseX = e.pageX; mouseY =
  e.pageY; });
    setInterval( function () {
      $('.defHide:visible').each( function() {
      if( mouseX  $(this).offset().left || mouseX  $
  (this).offset().left + $(this).width() ||
          mouseY  $(this).offset().top || mouseY  $(this).offset().top
  + $(this).height() )
      { $(this).trigger( 'mouseout' ); } });
    }, 100 );

  where all of the divs that are to be hidden by default have the class
  defHide added to them.

  The technique is kludgy at best however because it works by setting a
  watchdog timer that checks current mouse position against the screen
  space location of any currently visible divs that should by default be
  off. It is CPU consuming and not very elegant. It seems to work fast
  enough in IE7 and Opera (no visual performance degradation) but my FF2
  actually looks slower when this is enabled.

  Does anyone know of a better solution to this problem?



[jQuery] [autocomplete] Multiple Values, Update Hidden Field

2008-07-01 Thread lfrodrigues


I'm trying to to a message sending system. The message may have
multiple destinations so i'm using the something similar to Multiple
Birds (http://jquery.bassistance.de/autocomplete/demo/)

When I add a new user it's id get added to the hidden field (with is
correct). But if I delete a user from the autocomplete the id desn't
get deleted from the hidden, is there anyway to do this?
Is there any other type of autocomplete that allows this?

With best regards,

Luis Rodrigues

[jQuery] Re: Best way to detect between jQuery triggered event and actual browser-based event...

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Needing to determine the difference is a corner case, but it's an issue
run into from time-to-time. For example, I've got a plug-in where I've got
click event set to toggle the current visibility of an element. However, if
I call that event programmatically I always want to make sure that it
shows the element (and doesn't toggle the state.)

As I said, it's a corner case but one I've run into a few times in the past
6 months.

It looks like maybe this is a better method:

function isJQueryEvent(e){
return !(($.browser.msie ? cancelBubble : bubbles) in e);

The ctrlKey is only available when a keyboard event occurs. I needed
something that works for the click event too. There may be some issues with
this, so it would be nice if a jQuery event object had: e.jquery = true.
That would make my code fullproof.


[jQuery] Re: IE error on jquery braces {}

2008-07-01 Thread Ariel Flesler

Yeah, I was about to mention. We don't support string event handlers
using attr(). It won't work on IE and it'd be useless to worry about
that within attr().

Ariel Flesler

On 1 jul, 03:51, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The javascript protocol is obsolete in DOM Level 0 event handlers.
 Here's how I would write that piece of code:

 $(span/).addClass('tag').click(function() {


 Saves you the hassle with quoting and looks much cleaner, at least to


 On Jul 1, 2:00 am, Heavy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks, Karl you know your stuff.  That was a big time saver.

  On Jun 30, 4:37 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   In JavaScript class is a reserved keyword so you need to quote it.
   As a rule I quote all keys, just to be on the safe side.

   $(span/).attr({ class: tag, onclick:
   javascript:showBookmarks( + \ + i + \ +

   Karl Rudd

   On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:21 AM, Heavy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone know why the following line throws an error in IE7 and works
fine in FF3 and Opera9.5?  The complete HTML and JS and be found here:

$(span/).attr({class:tag, onclick:javascript:showBookmarks( +
\ + i + \ + );}).text(i).appendTo(#leftcol);

IE seems to puke on the braces {}  Any ideas?- Ocultar texto de la cita 

 - Mostrar texto de la cita -

[jQuery] Re: AJAX Load posting script defined datas

2008-07-01 Thread Ariel Flesler

var data = {};
data[ this.name ] = this.value;
   $(#moniteur).load(session_maj.php, data);

Ariel Flesler

On 1 jul, 05:40, PatrickPoncet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a jquery beginer. I want to use the load function in a special
 way, the datas should be defined by th sript, depending on which part
 of my form I'm posting.
 My code is the following :

                         var param_val = $(this).val();
                         var param_nom = $(this).attr(name);
                         $(#moniteur).load(session_maj.php, {param_nom: 

 The .form_param class is the class of the form elements (select,
 checkbox...), and I get the value (param_val) on change, an the name
 of the element (param_nom).
 I would like to post it, saying something like : {param_nom:
 The problème is that in this way, the name of the posted data is
 always param_nom ; I get $_POST['param_nom']

 Is there a way to do what I want in a simple Jquery way ?


[jQuery] Re: Mirrored radio button select/disable problem

2008-07-01 Thread Luc Pestille
As is usually the case, 30 minutes after posing the question, I figure
it out myself. For those that are interested:
radio class=first_choice id=choice_1 /
radio class=first_choice id=choice_2 /
radio class=first_choice id=choice_3 /
radio class=second_choice id=choice_1b /
radio class=second_choice id=choice_2b /
radio class=second_choice id=choice_3b /
//radio button mirror disable
mirror_radio = '#' + this.id + 'b';

Luc Pestille
Web Designer


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luc Pestille
Sent: 01 July 2008 14:59
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Mirrored radio button select/disable problem

I've run out of brain power when it comes to a particular jQuery problem
I've got - has anyone done something similar to this:
I have two sets of radio buttons, both with the same list of items, and
selecting one should disable it's respective duplicate in the other
 - (*) Choice 1 (selected)
 - () Choice 2
 - () Choice 3
 - (-) Choice 1 (disabled)
 - () Choice 2
 - () Choice 3
Choosing something in either list should free up / enable the other
options. I can't think of a way to do it without being un-elegant, which
is something I want to stay awy from.
Luc Pestille
Web Designer


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This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of
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dissemination, copying or distribution of this message, or files
associated with this message, is strictly prohibited. If you have
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to the message and deleting it from your computer. Messages sent to and
from us may be monitored. Any views or opinions presented are solely
those of the author jquery-en@googlegroups.com and do not necessarily
represent those of the company. 


[jQuery] Shadowbox 2.0rc1

2008-07-01 Thread Michael J. I. Jackson

If you're using the Shadowbox jQuery plugin, it has been updated. The
new version features increased flexibility and stability for various
media types. It also includes much better support for i18n and
skinning. Just wanted to let you know in case you are using it.

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox 2.0rc1

2008-07-01 Thread Glen Lipka
Is there a homepage for this plugin?
I cant seem to find it.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Michael J. I. Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you're using the Shadowbox jQuery plugin, it has been updated. The
 new version features increased flexibility and stability for various
 media types. It also includes much better support for i18n and
 skinning. Just wanted to let you know in case you are using it.

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox 2.0rc1

2008-07-01 Thread tlphipps


On Jul 1, 12:37 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a homepage for this plugin?
 I cant seem to find it.


 On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Michael J. I. Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you're using the Shadowbox jQuery plugin, it has been updated. The
  new version features increased flexibility and stability for various
  media types. It also includes much better support for i18n and
  skinning. Just wanted to let you know in case you are using it.

[jQuery] Multiple File Upload Update

2008-07-01 Thread Diego A.

Annoucement to anyone using this plugin:
- New documentation website
- Documentation available to download (works off-line just as it does

[jQuery] Star Rating Plugin

2008-07-01 Thread Diego A.

Announcement to anyone using this plugin:

 - - split stars did not work in hidden layers
 - - now works without dimensions plugin

- New documentation
- Documentation can be downloaded (works off-line just as it does

[jQuery] Re: Multiple File Upload Update

2008-07-01 Thread Diego A.

Oops, forgot to post the link:

On Jul 1, 6:48 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Annoucement to anyone using this plugin:
 - New documentation website
 - Documentation available to download (works off-line just as it does

[jQuery] Re: Star Rating Plugin

2008-07-01 Thread Diego A.

Oops, forgot to post a link:

On Jul 1, 6:50 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Announcement to anyone using this plugin:

  - - split stars did not work in hidden layers
  - - now works without dimensions plugin

 - New documentation
 - Documentation can be downloaded (works off-line just as it does

[jQuery] getJSON callback bug

2008-07-01 Thread Robert O'Rourke

Hi all,

I think there may be a bug with the getJSON callback function. See 

An alert should show and the body should turn blue if it's successful. 
Using firebug you can see it gets the file. I don't know what's wrong. 
MIME type maybe?


[jQuery] Re: Retrieve function signature from a list

2008-07-01 Thread helveticus

I forgot about Firebug! After some debugging, I came up with the code
below which solves the problem:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
spn0 =$(#imgEnum  ul  li span).get(0); // Extract span content
from the first list element
sigimgURL =spn0.attributes[0].nodeValue; // Get mouseover function
eval(sigimgURL); // Run function

[jQuery] Adding a privileged function to a class in a separate file.

2008-07-01 Thread lrbabe

Hello there,

I am building a class in a namespace extending jQuery this way :

;(function($) {

  $.myNamespace = $.myNamespace || {};

  $.extend($.myNamespace, {

myClass: function() {
this.myPrivilegedFunction = function() { return myVar; }
var myVar = 42;


Now I want to add myOtherPrivilegedFunction to myClass in a separate
file. Every attempt so far failed...
I just wonder if it's possible or if there is an alternative.

Thanks for your help : )

[jQuery] Re: getJSON callback bug

2008-07-01 Thread armsteadj1

It's the format of your json.js


On Jul 1, 1:31 pm, Robert O'Rourke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I think there may be a bug with the getJSON callback function. 

 An alert should show and the body should turn blue if it's successful.
 Using firebug you can see it gets the file. I don't know what's wrong.
 MIME type maybe?


[jQuery] .submit with ajax inside

2008-07-01 Thread DXCJames

In the code below It seems that if i uncomment the return true; at the
bottom it seems to happen before the ajax call is complete.. is there
anyway to force it to wait for the call or have the call back return
true or false and have that be returned to the submit's function?

$(form).bind(submit,function() {
$.ajax({url: ,
cache: false,
type: POST,
dataType: json,
data: $(form).serializeArray(),
success: function(data) {
if(data.ErrorsFound != ) {

input).each(function(i, element){  $
(element).removeClass(data.removeClasses); });
$.each(data.requiredfields, function(i, 
required) {

if($(input#+required.field).hasClass(required.classname) !=
true) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if($(div#ErrorsFound).text() == ){
//return true;
return false;

[jQuery] Re: Minor fixes required in order to play nice with other libraries that extend Object (code inside)

2008-07-01 Thread Bramus!

Hi Jörn,

exactly, the function gets iterated too and is considered as the last
element of the array. When passed on to autocomplete, it will break as
s.toLowerCase() is invalid when s isn't a string. Therefore; my patch
over at http://dev.jquery.com/attachment/ticket/3080/jquery.autocomplete.diff
(2 little additions to make autocomplete even more idiotproof than it
already is ;))

On a sidenote: The strangest part of it all is that the letsBreakStuff
function doesn't get applied on normal arrays (see the correct array
in the example mentioned earlier) but only to arrays created as an
element of an Object (or so it seems in the wrong array mentioned


On Jul 1, 3:47 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Okay, so the issue is that letsBreakStuff gets iterated together with
 the rest of the array, while it should be ignored, as it doesn't have
 a numerical index, right?

 How does that relate to your patch?


 On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Jörn,

  The problem in fact is Ext Related, yet can be reproduced without Ext:
  any library that expands the Array prototype with a function can be
  the wrongdoer.

  Create a new blank document (nothing needs to be in it), open up
  firebug and paste in the code below:

  Array.prototype.letsBreakStuff = function(){return this};
  correct = [

  As you can see this in fact does work correct.

  However, I'm a great JSON-addict, and my autocompletion data - just as
  any other call - is returned in the Object Literal Notation (and then
  run through a custom parse function to get an autocomplete compatible

  Now, open up Firebug again and paste in this code:

  Array.prototype.letsBreakStuff = function(){return this};
  wrong = { data:[

  Check wrong.data, you'll see that the last item is the letsBreakStuff

  To make it all complete: the reason I named Ext is that I got the
  remove function as last item on wrong.data ... which is added by Ext:
  B=0,A=this.length;BA;B++){if(this[B]==C){return B}}return
  -1},remove:function(B){var A=this.indexOf(B);if(A!=-1){this.splice(A,
  1)}return this}});

  Hope you now see why exactly I suggested that little patch ;)


  On Jun 24, 3:57 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I don't quite the how the issue is related to ExtJS. It sounds like
  you pass functions instead of strings to the autocomplete plugin,
  which is the actual issue here. Could you upload a testpage and post
  the URL here?


  On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Filed a ticket on dev.jquery including a .diff 


   PS: [autocomplete] prefix seems to be cut off subject?

   On Jun 24, 11:15 am, Bramus! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Jörn et all here at the list,

   I'm using the autocomplete plugin in a project I'm working on and I
   must say: it works great!. However: one part of the project uses ExtJS
   (their tree component is great) and that's where things go wrong.
   Problem is that somewhere in ExtJS they extend Object with a remove()
   function, breaking jQuery.autocomplete.

   After a little quest I found that - quite obviously - autocomplete
   breaks on string manipulations (Function.toLowerCase() doesn't really
   exist ;)) and has a minor issue when displaying the items whenever
   some library has extended Object.

   Here below are the 2 minor changes I implemented in order to make
   things work just fine again. Could you tuck 'm into the release as I
   can't commit any changes to the trunk.

   Change #1: Display issue: $.Autocompleter.Select, function fillList():
   if (!data[i])
   if (!data[i] || (data[i].value.constructor === Function))

   Change #2: Selection issue: $.Autocompleter.Cache, function
   at line#1 of this function (directly after the opening { ) add:
   if (s.constructor === Function) return false;


[jQuery] Noob question about accessing element contents

2008-07-01 Thread ml1


I'm a noob, so please be kind.

I am using jquery to parse some xml.  I'm looking for the best
practice to access an elements text contents.

Let's say my xml looks like this:

 Hello world!
  Goodnight moon!

I can get a wrapped set of the elements this way: $('items  item',

And I can get the text of element 1 this way:  $('items  item:eq(1)',

But how do I get the contents once I am directly accessing the element
instead of the jquery object?

In other words I'd like to do something like this: $('items  item',
xml)[1].text(), but since the element that’s returned from the array
[] doesn’t support text() how do I get it’s contents?

I know I can wrap it in a second $ call, as in $($('items  item', xml)
[1]).text() but that seems less than ideal.


[jQuery] Re: select option name attribute

2008-07-01 Thread Happy

$('select[name=textselector] option:selected').attr('name')

On Jun 25, 7:07 pm, chasryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I retrieve the name attribute of a selectedoptionusing jquery.


 optionname=12Text 2/option

 In this example, I would be trying to get 12 when the Textoptionis

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox 2.0rc1

2008-07-01 Thread Atanasio Segovia
This looks like the home page:



On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a homepage for this plugin?
 I cant seem to find it.


 On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Michael J. I. Jackson 

 If you're using the Shadowbox jQuery plugin, it has been updated. The
 new version features increased flexibility and stability for various
 media types. It also includes much better support for i18n and
 skinning. Just wanted to let you know in case you are using it.

[jQuery] Re: X_REQUESTED_WITH ie6

2008-07-01 Thread armsteadj1

hey ken, I tracked it down.. its because of getJSON using the cached
version.. that is what was wrong with mine.. it works fine if you use
$.ajax and with json as the return type and cache to false.. =D

On Jun 28, 1:10 pm, Ken Gregg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This may not be an IE6 problem. I have two pages. One page the header
 shows up in php, the other page it doesn't. Using FF3, live headers
 and firebug both say the header is sent. I haven't tried  tracking it
 down yet. Cold be some strange bug somewhere between the browser and
 php. Of course, could be in my code too.

 On Jun 27, 8:39 am, DXCJames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Since JQuery auto sends X_REQUESTED_WITH i assumed it would probably
  work with most everything.. but it doesnt seem to be working with
  ie6... I tried changing the head name to a few different things but
  nothing seemed to work.. does anyone have any idea why this doesnt
  work or have any other ideas for a similar way to detect if ajax is
  making the call on the server side? i dont really want to use a
  QueryString variable because then that allows a person to just open
  that page up inside the browser.. so i was looking for something
  slightly more difficult to obtain the page.. any ideas/

[jQuery] Superfish - button width

2008-07-01 Thread MossyOwls

Sorry if this is an elementary question, but what is the easiest way
to set up the superfish menu so that each main menu button has its own
width, depending on the length of the content?

I got the menu working without any problems, but all the example css
files are made with buttons that are all the same width. For a real
website that's not very practical, of course, so I want to have them
expand and contract depending on the content.
I've tried removing the width from the .nav li and added a left/right
padding to the .nav a. This makes the main menu appear correct in FF,
but the sub-menues are a bit messed up. In IE6 this breaks the menu
Is there a CSS file available that has this set up correctly?

Thank you!!

[jQuery] Re: jCarousel Lite and IE6/7

2008-07-01 Thread SeanR

Any one able to help with this request?



On Jun 24, 7:34�pm, SeanR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm having problems getting jCarousel Lite working in IE6  7


 Firefox works fine, but the unordered list does not get any styling
 applied in IE

 There are several recent posts to the issues blog for the author that
 mention similar IE issues, but they have not had responses in the last


 Has anyone else had issues with IE and found a fix? My markup is

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 /
 script type=text/javascript src=http://gmarwaha.com/js/lib/
 script type=text/javascript src=http://gmarwaha.com/jquery/
 script type=application/javascript
 �$(document).ready(function() {
 � �$(.jite).jCarouselLite({
 � � � � � � � � btnNext: .next,
 � � � � � � � � btnPrev: .prev,
 � � � � � � � � visible : 6,
 � � � � � � � � scroll: 3
 � � � � });});

 div a href=# class=prevprevious/a
 � div class=jite
 � � ul
 � � � lia href=#4img src=images/item8.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � � lia href=#5img src=images/item7.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � � lia href=#6img src=images/item6.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � � lia href=#7img src=images/item5.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � � lia href=#8img src=images/item4.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � � lia href=#9img src=images/item3.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � � lia href=#0img src=images/item2.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � � lia href=#-img src=images/item1.gif alt=  width=100
 height=100 //a/li
 � � /ul
 � /div
 � a href=# class=nextnext/a /div

 Thanks in advance!



[jQuery] I am making a Drag/Drop applications BUILDER (feedback appreciated)

2008-07-01 Thread lorlarz

I am making a Drag/Drop applications BUILDER (feedback appreciated):


The user interface is done, but it does no building.  Whole thing may
be done in
a couple of days.  BUT,  I would like any input/feedback/ideas or

[jQuery] Re: clash in code? jQuery document ready and window.onload

2008-07-01 Thread ChrisQuery


the accordion script has a few $ used in it.

By using the jQuery.noConflict function everything now works happely
ever after :)

On Jul 1, 3:16 am, ChrisQuery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 im new to jQuery and to programming in general so i hope this isnt a
 stupid question.

 A have an accordion which is animated to open and close when a user
 clicks a header div. The accordion holds  a decent amount of content
 which takes some time load in ie (and only ie for some reason) before
 the javascript takes effect and closes the accordion to hide all the
 data inside them.

 Using the $(document).ready(function() I was able to have the page
 load with the accordion closed (content hidden but headers visible). I
 was very pleased with that.

 Im now trying to have an animated gif load in when the dom is ready
 and swap the gif for the accordion  div once the page loads
 completely. To accomplish this Im trying to use $
 (document).ready(function() to show the gif and hide the accordion div
 and then use window.onload to hide the gif and show the accordion div
 as well as create the new instance of my accordion passing through
 some parameters. The css manipulation works fine its the accordions
 functionality that stops working and loads open for all the content to
 be seen.

 script type=text/javascript src=scripts/js/accordian-src.js/
 script type=text/javascript src=scripts/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js/


 $('div#basic-accordian').hide(); /* show gif */
 $('div#load').show(); /* hide accordion */


 window.onload = function(){

 $('div#load').hide(); /* hide gif */
 $('div#basic-accordian').show('slow'); /* show accordion */

 new Accordian('basic-accordian',5,'header_highlight'); /* supposed to
 activate the accordion */



 Anyone have any idea why the accordion stops working?

 if i remove all the jquery code and js file the window.onload loads
 the accordion correctly after the page loads. Once the jQuery code and
 js file are put back in the accordion stops working.

 Could it be a clash in code or am i just structuring it incorrectly or
 missing something?

 if i haven't provided enough information i can provide more.

 Hope someone can help
 this is driving me crazy

[jQuery] Including the submit element in the querystring.

2008-07-01 Thread LTG

Serialize is a great method to automatically prepare a form, but it
doesn't include the element that initiated the submit in the case
where I attach a click event to a div and call submit from the click

Is there a typical pattern to adding the submit element to the
serialized string so the server can know which element initiated?

Does it matter what format it's in?  (submitter=elementId)?

*bonus question*
This is academic but I'm trying to learn: why does ajax put data in a
querystring instead of using a form like normal html submit would do?

best regards,

[jQuery] Re: (Newbie Help) Cluetip not showing up

2008-07-01 Thread datatv

Well, actually there is a file there in that folder so I don't know
why you're not getting it. I followed your lead though and deleted all
the .js from that page and added yours and I get the rounded corners
box and then added all the other features I want like arrows and now
they show up too.

Is there a way I can see the HTML of one of these boxes easily so I
can figure out where the selectors and styles are so I can customize
it some more?

On Jul 1, 6:41 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi again,

 You have a couple problems here.

 1. None of the rounded corner examples are using a selector that will  
 select the link you're trying to activate with a clueTip. If you only  
 want one clueTip to appear, and you want it to appear when hovering  
 over that first image (or, more precisely, it's containing link), try  

 $(document).ready(function() {
         $('a[title^=rounded]').cluetip({cluetipClass: 'rounded'});


 You can get rid of everything else in that js file.

 For more information about selecting elements on a page, 

 2. You have demo/ajax4.htm in the rel attribute -- but that file  
 doesn't exist. If you want to pull in tooltip content from another  
 page (which, given the rel attribute in there, I'm assuming you want  
 to do), the other page has to exist.

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Jun 30, 2008, at 10:59 PM, datatv wrote:

  OK, I found it but that brings up the default. I still can't figure
  out why the rounded corners tool tip won't appear.

  On Jun 30, 5:46 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It looks like you've included the entire demo script, but you really
  only need one line inside a $(document).ready() function.

  The first two lines that use the .cluetip() method in your script  
  are these:

  $('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

  Notice that the first one applies the cluetip to a link with
  class=title and the second to a link with class=basic . Your html
  doesn't have either of these classes in it. I think that could be  

  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

  On Jun 30, 2008, at 7:14 PM, datatv wrote:

  I just started using Cluetip and I can't get the tip to show up at  
  even though I've tried the example on the Cluetip website (for  
  corners) to the letter. Can anybody look at my code and see where I
  might have screwed up?


  If you rollover the first icon on the top left (underneath the  
  the cluetip is supposed to appear.

  Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist.

[jQuery] Re: Retrieve function signature from a list

2008-07-01 Thread helveticus

Well the code works! I guess the browser kept staled values in the
cache causing the code to fail. The js script looks as follows:

script type=text/javascript
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
spn0 =$(#imgEnum  ul  li span).get(0); // Extract span cnt
from first list element
sigimgURL =spn0.attributes[0].nodeValue; // Get mouseover

[jQuery] Re: Multiple tabs on one page..?

2008-07-01 Thread Klaus Hartl

Why dou you initialize tabs twice? This is sufficient:

$('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ selected: null,
unselect: true, fx: { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle'} });

Apart from that I couldn't see any difference between the two pags and
also couldn't see what is wrong with tabs.


On Jul 1, 10:56 am, t1mmie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 There's a few ways that I could pull off this kind of effect... But I have
 used the jUI Tabs plugin -


 The problem is, as you may find, that not all of the tabs work correctly!
 The first 2 or 3 do, but the last never does - and for what seems to be no

 I want to keep this fading effect on open and closing, and I would also like
 the tabs to start off closed, but it doesn't seem to work.

 $('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ selected: null }); // start
 with all tabs hidden
 $('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ unselect: true, fx: { height:
 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle'} }); // selected tab closes on click

 Although, when everything is included on the one page without the main
 template etc. it works fine..! -http://www.webhero.co.uk/test2.php

 Could something be interfering?

 edit: (it seems to be where the #bg overlaps that last tab in the
 background? I'm not sure.. but if that is why, how can I fix?!)

 Thanks for your help!
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: hundreds of requests for images in IE6.

2008-07-01 Thread Klaus Hartl

I think this is the typical IE flickering background images problem.
Googling flicker background will give you lots of information...

Also, I think it only occurs if oyu turn off cache in IE.


On Jul 1, 11:21 am, Darren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using the jQuery treeview plugin and am noticing that every time
 I expand and collapse nodes the browser is making hundreds of requests
 for the images associated with the tree.

 I notice it also happens on the treeview demo page. Does anyone have a
 workaround for this?

 Many Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: getJSON callback bug

2008-07-01 Thread MorningZ

You are missing commas in between your inner {}'s

for instance, your JSON is this (and this is just the first two

275: {
tags: ,
name: 1st Wickham Scout Group,
code: 1stWickhamScoutGroup
1: {
tags: ,
name: ?,
code: devtest123

it should be

275: {
tags: ,
name: 1st Wickham Scout Group,
code: 1stWickhamScoutGroup
1: {
tags: ,
name: ?,
code: devtest123

I found this easily using the excellent program JSON Viewer (http://

[jQuery] Re: ajaxSubmit plugin question

2008-07-01 Thread Mike Alsup

 var options = {
  target: '#results',
  beforeSubmit: toggleSubmit(true),
  success: toggleSubmit(false)


Just create two anonymous functions like this:

var options = {
 target: '#results',
beforeSubmit: function() {toggleSubmit(true)},
success: function() {toggleSubmit(false)}

[jQuery] Re: Star Rating Plugin

2008-07-01 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Thanks Diego. I'm in the process of evaluating your plugin to use in a
project and it's nice to see an update (ie, that the project is alive).


- Jack

Diego A. wrote:

  Oops, forgot to post a link:

On Jul 1, 6:50pm, "Diego A." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Announcement to anyone using this plugin:

- - split stars did not work in hidden layers
- - now works without dimensions plugin

- New documentation
- Documentation can be downloaded (works off-line just as it does


[jQuery] Re: Noob question about accessing element contents

2008-07-01 Thread Mike Alsup

 I am using jquery to parse some xml.  I'm looking for the best
 practice to access an elements text contents.

 Let's say my xml looks like this:

      Hello world!
       Goodnight moon!

 I can get a wrapped set of the elements this way: $('items  item',

 And I can get the text of element 1 this way:  $('items  item:eq(1)',

 But how do I get the contents once I am directly accessing the element
 instead of the jquery object?

 In other words I'd like to do something like this: $('items  item',
 xml)[1].text(), but since the element that’s returned from the array
 [] doesn’t support text() how do I get it’s contents?

 I know I can wrap it in a second $ call, as in $($('items  item', xml)
 [1]).text() but that seems less than ideal.

Why do you need to access the element?  Are you trying to get the
contents of each 'item'?  If so, here's a way to do that:

$('items  item').each(i,o) {
// in this loop 'i' is the index of the loop iteration
// and 'o' is the object of the iteration (item element in this
var $item = $(o); //  could also do:  var $item = $(this);
var txt = $item.text();

[jQuery] Re: Including the submit element in the querystring.

2008-07-01 Thread Mike Alsup

 Serialize is a great method to automatically prepare a form, but it
 doesn't include the element that initiated the submit in the case
 where I attach a click event to a div and call submit from the click

 Is there a typical pattern to adding the submit element to the
 serialized string so the server can know which element initiated?

 Does it matter what format it's in?  (submitter=elementId)?

 *bonus question*
 This is academic but I'm trying to learn: why does ajax put data in a
 querystring instead of using a form like normal html submit would do?

You could use the Form Plugin and its ajaxForm method if you want it
to be handled for you. Otherwise it's up to you to append the
submitting element's name and value to the data submitted.

$.ajax does submit data the same way as a normal http submit.  The
query string is added to the url for GET requests and put in the body
for POST requests.


[jQuery] Re: Including the submit element in the querystring.

2008-07-01 Thread Carl Von Stetten

By default, the jQuery.ajax (or $.ajax) function uses the get method, 
which passes the data as a querystring tacked onto the url.  So does the 
jQuery.get (or $.get) function.  This is the same as a form submitted 
using the get method. 

If you are using the $.ajax function, you can set the type option to 
post to have it submit as form data, or you can use the jQuery.post 
(or $.post) function.  Either way, it sends the data as form data (same 
as a form submitted using the post method.


LTG wrote:
 Serialize is a great method to automatically prepare a form, but it
 doesn't include the element that initiated the submit in the case
 where I attach a click event to a div and call submit from the click

 Is there a typical pattern to adding the submit element to the
 serialized string so the server can know which element initiated?

 Does it matter what format it's in?  (submitter=elementId)?

 *bonus question*
 This is academic but I'm trying to learn: why does ajax put data in a
 querystring instead of using a form like normal html submit would do?

 best regards,


[jQuery] Re: Multiple tabs on one page..?

2008-07-01 Thread t1mmie

Ok, that was just how it was in the official fading tab example.

I'm having trouble with the last tab working on IE7, FF3, and Opera 9.5...

Is it just me!? All of the tabs work ok, but the last one doesn't seem to,
and the third one isn't if the first two are open.

The tabs should still also start closed, but they don't? :\


Klaus Hartl-4 wrote:
 Why dou you initialize tabs twice? This is sufficient:
 $('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ selected: null,
 unselect: true, fx: { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle'} });
 Apart from that I couldn't see any difference between the two pags and
 also couldn't see what is wrong with tabs.
 On Jul 1, 10:56 am, t1mmie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 There's a few ways that I could pull off this kind of effect... But I
 used the jUI Tabs plugin -


 The problem is, as you may find, that not all of the tabs work correctly!
 The first 2 or 3 do, but the last never does - and for what seems to be

 I want to keep this fading effect on open and closing, and I would also
 the tabs to start off closed, but it doesn't seem to work.

 $('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ selected: null }); //
 with all tabs hidden
 $('#1  ul, #2  ul, #3  ul, #4  ul').tabs({ unselect: true, fx: {
 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle'} }); // selected tab closes on click

 Although, when everything is included on the one page without the main
 template etc. it works fine..! -http://www.webhero.co.uk/test2.php

 Could something be interfering?

 edit: (it seems to be where the #bg overlaps that last tab in the
 background? I'm not sure.. but if that is why, how can I fix?!)

 Thanks for your help!
 View this message in
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Including the submit element in the querystring.

2008-07-01 Thread LTG

Is there a place that explains the differences in functionality
between the core and the forms plugin?

I came across a 2006 thread where so many people supported adding the
functionality to the core that I just assumed it happened.

thanks for the reply,

On Jul 1, 5:03 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Serialize is a great method to automatically prepare a form, but it
  doesn't include the element that initiated the submit in the case
  where I attach a click event to a div and call submit from the click

  Is there a typical pattern to adding the submit element to the
  serialized string so the server can know which element initiated?

  Does it matter what format it's in?  (submitter=elementId)?

  *bonus question*
  This is academic but I'm trying to learn: why does ajax put data in a
  querystring instead of using a form like normal html submit would do?

 You could use the Form Plugin and its ajaxForm method if you want it
 to be handled for you. Otherwise it's up to you to append the
 submitting element's name and value to the data submitted.

 $.ajax does submit data the same way as a normal http submit.  The
 query string is added to the url for GET requests and put in the body
 for POST requests.


[jQuery] Re: Including the submit element in the querystring.

2008-07-01 Thread Mike Alsup

 Is there a place that explains the differences in functionality
 between the core and the forms plugin?

 I came across a 2006 thread where so many people supported adding the
 functionality to the core that I just assumed it happened.

You're right, a good portion of the Form Plugin's functionality moved
into core. Specifically, the serialization capabilities.  But the core
lib doesn't provide the capability your asked about - detecting the
submitting element and adding it to the request data.  Basically, the
core can handle all of your serialization needs.  But if you want a
simple way to bind submit events and have forms auto-ajaxified then
the Form Plugin steps in to fill that role, and offers numerous
options as well.

[jQuery] Preventing form field caching on refresh...

2008-07-01 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Does anyone know a reliable way to prevent form field caching on a page

I want all form fields to return to their original state (aka defaultValue.)
I'm developing a page and I really need the form to always return to it's
original HTML state. 

The page isn't being cached, but FF is replacing the form fields with the
changed values (which I don't want.)

Any suggestions?


[jQuery] Re: Fadein with ajax load()

2008-07-01 Thread Equand


{},function(){ $('#id-of-my-div').fadeIn(slow) });

On 1 июл, 14:26, Pickledegg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using an ajax load() with an onChange event:


 Which is lovely, but how can I add a fadeIn to it so that every time
 my div is updated, it fades into the div in a sultry  provocative


[jQuery] Re: getJSON callback bug

2008-07-01 Thread sanchothefat


Thanks. It's been a long day...

On 1 Jul, 21:30, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You are missing commas in between your inner {}'s

 for instance, your JSON is this (and this is just the first two

                 275: {
                 tags: ,
                 name: 1st Wickham Scout Group,
                 code: 1stWickhamScoutGroup
                 1: {
                 tags: ,
                 name: ?,
                 code: devtest123


 it should be

                 275: {
                 tags: ,
                 name: 1st Wickham Scout Group,
                 code: 1stWickhamScoutGroup
                 1: {
                 tags: ,
                 name: ?,
                 code: devtest123


 I found this easily using the excellent program JSON Viewer 

[jQuery] Assigning the value of a field to another hidden field.

2008-07-01 Thread JimD

Hi all,

Quick question regarding retrieving a field value.  I have the
following code. Basically based on a select menu option I want to set
a hidden field to specific value depending on what is selected.

So if the user selects Urgent or Critical the hidden field would be
set to the value of another field in the form. I am trying to use $
(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val; but that does not seem to

Is this correct if say I want to get the field value of a field with
the id dateSel

$(pselectBox).change(function () {
   // var text = $(this).text();
   $this = $(this);
   if ($this.val() == 'Urgent') {
$(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val;
   } else if ($this.val() == 'Critical') {
$(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val;
   } else {

[jQuery] Re: Assigning the value of a field to another hidden field.

2008-07-01 Thread Michael Geary

A few notes...

== is the comparison operator, not the assignment operator. = is the
assignment operator.

$().val is a *method*, not a property. $().val() retrieves the value, and
$().val(newvalue) sets the value. (So you wouldn't want to use the
assignment operator anyway.)

You're setting a global variable $this, which is likely not what you want.
Use var to create a local variable.

When you find yourself writing the same line of code twice, look for a way
to combine them.

Personally I would probably code it like this:

$(pselectBox).change(function () {
var val = $(this).val();
val == 'Urgent'  ||  val == 'Critical' ?
$('#dateSel').val() :

Hope that helps,


 Quick question regarding retrieving a field value.  I have 
 the following code. Basically based on a select menu option I 
 want to set a hidden field to specific value depending on 
 what is selected.
 So if the user selects Urgent or Critical the hidden field 
 would be set to the value of another field in the form. I am 
 trying to use $ (#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val; 
 but that does not seem to work.
 Is this correct if say I want to get the field value of a 
 field with the id dateSel $('#dateSel').val;
 $(pselectBox).change(function () {
// var text = $(this).text();
$this = $(this);
if ($this.val() == 'Urgent') {
 $(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val;
} else if ($this.val() == 'Critical') {
 $(#chkneededby).val == $('#dateSel').val;
} else {

[jQuery] comet long polling with jquery

2008-07-01 Thread cambazz


I finally got my server to run an example comet application, which
uses the long polling method.

The example code I got uses prototype library, which i dont want to
use. I understand there is a comet plugin for jquery that supports the
bayeux  protocol, which is not what I want.

Searching in this group, I have read that the long pollling method
does not require a plugin, and just the standard ajax methods are ok.

What I need to do shortly, is to submit an ajax request, (which will
only be replied when the server sends data) when the server sends data
(it sends success in the body, and json data in the response header),
the ajax method must process the json data, and restart itself making
another ajax request. also, this ajax request should start at document

Any ideas?


[jQuery] comet long polling with jquery

2008-07-01 Thread cambazz


I finally got my server to run an example comet application, which
uses the long polling method.

The example code I got uses prototype library, which i dont want to
use. I understand there is a comet plugin for jquery that supports the
bayeux  protocol, which is not what I want.

Searching in this group, I have read that the long pollling method
does not require a plugin, and just the standard ajax methods are ok.

What I need to do shortly, is to submit an ajax request, (which will
only be replied when the server sends data) when the server sends data
(it sends success in the body, and json data in the response header),
the ajax method must process the json data, and restart itself making
another ajax request. also, this ajax request should start at document

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Targeting elements with more than one class

2008-07-01 Thread jez_p

Please excuse my noobiness, I just started playing with jQuery today
and I cannot seem to find the answer to this:

If you have elements with multiple classes, how do target just one

For example:

p class=big blueblah blah blah/p

p class=big greenblah blah blah/p

p class=small greenblah blah blah/p

How do I target the p's with the class of green?

Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Targeting elements with more than one class

2008-07-01 Thread jez_p

Please excuse my noobiness, I just started playing with jQuery today
and I cannot seem to find the answer to this:

If you have elements with multiple classes, how do target just one

For example:

p class=big blueblah blah blah/p

p class=big greenblah blah blah/p

p class=small greenblah blah blah/p

How do I target the p's with the class of green?

Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Targeting elements with more than one class

2008-07-01 Thread Mike Alsup

 Please excuse my noobiness, I just started playing with jQuery today
 and I cannot seem to find the answer to this:

 If you have elements with multiple classes, how do target just one

 For example:

 p class=big blueblah blah blah/p

 p class=big greenblah blah blah/p

 p class=small greenblah blah blah/p

 How do I target the p's with the class of green?

 Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] ClueTip: Rounded Corners not appearing correctly

2008-07-01 Thread datatv

I've got my tooltip now pretty much in order expect for one problem.
The rounded corner placement on the tooltip. Seems the bottom right
corner is going just below the Close text link instead of actual
bottom of the box. If you go to this page:


and rollover the 'Selecting a 3D Solution that helps you Design Better
Products' text link or icon, you'll see the tooltip (and yes, it's a
biggie as the client wanted a lot of content there) and that the
br.gif image isn't where it should be.

[jQuery] Re: Shadowbox 2.0rc1

2008-07-01 Thread Karl Swedberg

Thanks for the update, Michael. I'm a big fan. :-)


Karl Swedberg

On Jul 1, 2008, at 12:44 PM, Michael J. I. Jackson wrote:

If you're using the Shadowbox jQuery plugin, it has been updated. The
new version features increased flexibility and stability for various
media types. It also includes much better support for i18n and
skinning. Just wanted to let you know in case you are using it.

[jQuery] Re: (Newbie Help) Cluetip not showing up

2008-07-01 Thread Karl Swedberg


well, I don't know about easily, but you can set the sticky option  
to true and then use Firebug to inspect the element once it's visible  
(or even when it's hidden, actually).

Here is the structure of a fairly typical rounded-corner, sticky  

div id=cluetip class=clue-right-rounded cluetip-rounded
  div id=cluetip-outer
h3 id=cluetip-titlerounded corners/h3
div id=cluetip-inner
  div id=cluetip-closea href=#Close/a/div
  !-- contents go here! --
  div id=cluetip-extra/div
  div class=cluetip-arrows id=cluetip-arrows/div

Hope that helps.


Karl Swedberg

On Jul 1, 2008, at 1:52 PM, datatv wrote:

Well, actually there is a file there in that folder so I don't know
why you're not getting it. I followed your lead though and deleted all
the .js from that page and added yours and I get the rounded corners
box and then added all the other features I want like arrows and now
they show up too.

Is there a way I can see the HTML of one of these boxes easily so I
can figure out where the selectors and styles are so I can customize
it some more?

On Jul 1, 6:41 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi again,

You have a couple problems here.

1. None of the rounded corner examples are using a selector that will
select the link you're trying to activate with a clueTip. If you only
want one clueTip to appear, and you want it to appear when hovering
over that first image (or, more precisely, it's containing link), try

$(document).ready(function() {
$('a[title^=rounded]').cluetip({cluetipClass: 'rounded'});


You can get rid of everything else in that js file.

For more information about selecting elements on a page, 

2. You have demo/ajax4.htm in the rel attribute -- but that file
doesn't exist. If you want to pull in tooltip content from another
page (which, given the rel attribute in there, I'm assuming you want
to do), the other page has to exist.


Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Jun 30, 2008, at 10:59 PM, datatv wrote:

OK, I found it but that brings up the default. I still can't figure
out why the rounded corners tool tip won't appear.

On Jun 30, 5:46 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


It looks like you've included the entire demo script, but you  

only need one line inside a $(document).ready() function.

The first two lines that use the .cluetip() method in your script
are these:

$('a.title').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});

Notice that the first one applies the cluetip to a link with
class=title and the second to a link with class=basic . Your  

doesn't have either of these classes in it. I think that could be


Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

On Jun 30, 2008, at 7:14 PM, datatv wrote:

I just started using Cluetip and I can't get the tip to show up at
even though I've tried the example on the Cluetip website (for
corners) to the letter. Can anybody look at my code and see  
where I

might have screwed up?


If you rollover the first icon on the top left (underneath the
the cluetip is supposed to appear.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist.

[jQuery] The Cycle plugin and residue

2008-07-01 Thread Bruce MacKay

Hello folks,

I'm using the Cycle plugin to display annotated slideshows - I'm 
having problems with it remembering and presenting the titles of 
previous slideshows.

My sequence is this:

1. The page is loaded and the current slideshow is started

$(document).ready(function() {
 $('#s1').cycle({fx:'fade', timeout: 8000, after: onAfter,pause: 
1,next: '#s1',delay: -3000});


function onAfter() {

2.  If the user clicks a link of other slideshows, an ajax call 
delivers the new slideshow, complete with a new div wrapper (s1) and 
overwrites the existing slideshow.

3. The images of the second show are displayed as expected, but for 
each slide of the second show, the title of the slide and of one from 
the previous show are sequentially displayed.

4. If a third show is loaded, then for each slide of the new show, 
three titles are shown (2 of which are of the previous shows).

Am I not flushing something properly?

Thanks for any assistance,


[jQuery] Re: comet long polling with jquery

2008-07-01 Thread Mike Alsup


 I finally got my server to run an example comet application, which
 uses the long polling method.

 The example code I got uses prototype library, which i dont want to
 use. I understand there is a comet plugin for jquery that supports the
 bayeux  protocol, which is not what I want.

 Searching in this group, I have read that the long pollling method
 does not require a plugin, and just the standard ajax methods are ok.

 What I need to do shortly, is to submit an ajax request, (which will
 only be replied when the server sends data) when the server sends data
 (it sends success in the body, and json data in the response header),
 the ajax method must process the json data, and restart itself making
 another ajax request. also, this ajax request should start at document

 Any ideas?


This should get you started:

(function($) {


function startComet() {
url: 'myCometServer.php',
complete: onComplete

function onComplete(xhr, status) {
if (status == success) {
var json = xhr.getResponseHeader('myCometHeader');
else {
// handle errors


[jQuery] Re: The Cycle plugin and residue

2008-07-01 Thread Mike Alsup

On Jul 1, 8:58 pm, Bruce MacKay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello folks,

 I'm using the Cycle plugin to display annotated slideshows - I'm
 having problems with it remembering and presenting the titles of
 previous slideshows.

 My sequence is this:

 1. The page is loaded and the current slideshow is started

 $(document).ready(function() {
       $('#s1').cycle({fx:'fade', timeout: 8000, after: onAfter,pause:
 1,next: '#s1',delay: -3000});


 function onAfter() {


 2.  If the user clicks a link of other slideshows, an ajax call
 delivers the new slideshow, complete with a new div wrapper (s1) and
 overwrites the existing slideshow.

 3. The images of the second show are displayed as expected, but for
 each slide of the second show, the title of the slide and of one from
 the previous show are sequentially displayed.

 4. If a third show is loaded, then for each slide of the new show,
 three titles are shown (2 of which are of the previous shows).

 Am I not flushing something properly?

 Thanks for any assistance,



Before replacing the slideshow you should stop it.


That will terminate the timer associated with that slideshow.


[jQuery] Re: zebra striping + flashing/blinking effect?

2008-07-01 Thread sketchy

I think you misunderstood my post. It works fine but i'm looking to
add more with an effect such as flashing/blinking rows to represent
that its important to the visitor to check it out.

On Jul 1, 2:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A zebra stripe doesn't need any Javascript given IE7, either. The
 tr:hover bit is accepted by the browser if your doctype is set to
 strict mode.

 On Jun 30, 10:15 pm, sketchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I recently got acquainted with jquery and implemented this tutorial on
  zebra striping to my 

  and its awesome but i was wondering it its possible to add like a
  blinking/flashing effect to one or a couple of the rows. The effect
  would start when the visitor opens the page and then stop when they

  My knowledge on jquery is quite limited right now so it would great if
  someone could help me out. Thanks

  1   2   >