[jQuery] moving Div to a Div

2008-08-28 Thread pedramphp

Dear FOlk ,
I have a shopping cart when I click on the ( Buy this ) Button the
product will be added to the Basket , the think is I would like to
move the Image into the shopping automatically without any
dragging ... so I need to move one Div to another DIv with jQuery
animation could we let the system know where the destination is ...

for example : I'd like this to be Graphically ... I think animate
would help me ...
div class=data
  some Data

div class='destination'
data goes here


thanks and regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: IE and safari bug with jquery.each and $.ajax

2008-08-28 Thread Karl Rudd

Do they all come through? You realise that the AJAX responses aren't
guaranteed to return in order.

Karl Rudd

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think I've found a bug in jquery in IE7 and safari, seems fine in

 Try running this code in IE7. The alerted index comes out randomly

 $(function() {
 var dataItem = $('li');
url: '/ajax',
type: POST,
data: getTPL=truetplPath=product/
success: function (msg){ alert(i);},
timeout: 3000


[jQuery] Re: Validate and dynamically added controls

2008-08-28 Thread Gordon

I've managed to get an example up for you to look at now, it's at
http://cms.merus.co.uk/editsurvey.php.html and the javascript for the
editor is at http://cms.merus.co.uk/surveybuilder.js

At the moment only Question attempts to attach rules to fields, when a
new question is added its Label field gets a {required: true} rule
added.  This doesn't seem to work, however. The call executes without
any errors being thrown, but the validator doesn't seem to acknowledge
the rule. The rule is being added at line 349 of the javascript

On Aug 16, 2:19 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well, a testpage would help debugging it a lot.


 On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  That's kinda odd, I do do the validate() on the form on document
  ready, and I'm getting no javascript errors of any kind.  The rule
  being added just isn't executing (just a simple required:true for now
  while I test it).

  On Aug 15, 5:37 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  There must be a specific error in your code, as adding new inputs to a
  form is generally supported, without any further hazzle that what you
  have in your example. Its important that the form where you add the
  element has the validation code initialized, but thats about it.


  On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a form in a project that allows users to build up surveys.  The
   form can have controls added dynamically as users add questions to
   their form.  I need to be able to validate this form client side as
   sending a form to the server that it can't validate just results in an
   error message and the form being lost (The server side validation is
   fine, but how to handle an invalid form server side will need to be
   made friendlier) so I want to avoid sending such forms if I can avoid

   What I basically need is a way of adding validation rules along with
   controls so no matter the configuration of the form when it's
   submitted the validator can check that it's well formed before sending
   it to the server side script.

   I was hoping setting validation up on the form on load and then using
   rules ('add') on each control as I add it would work but it apparently

   For example, after an Add input button is clicked, code like below
   (heavily simplified for clarity) would be executed:

   var newControl = $('input type=text name=(unique name generated
   earlier on goes here) /')
   surveyForm.append (newControl);
   newControl.rules ('add', {'require': true});

   This doesn't seem to cause any javascript errors, but hitting the
   submit button doesn't cause the newly added control to be validated.

   Is there something I need to do other than add a rule?  Or can't this
   be done yet?  I seem to remember the above approach worked in 1.3.1
   but the other problems with that version means I can't use it with my

[jQuery] Validate or Masked Input plugin for entering/validating times?

2008-08-28 Thread Klaus Hartl

Hi there,

I have a text input into which a user is supposed to enter a time in a
format like hh:mm or h:mm.

I was thinking about using the Masked Input plugin for that, which
works pretty well for the format 99:99 but doesn't check if the
numbers entered are valid hours/minutes. As far as I could see, there
is no easy mechanism to make that work for this plugin. Does anybody
have experience with that?

On the other hand there's the Validate plugin, which is more easily
extendable. I guess I can make a custom rule for a time format...

I'd like to ask for any hints/suggestions/objections (I for example
had the feeling a masked input can be a bit confusing)... Thanks!


[jQuery] Re: Can anyone explain the jitter in my website using the slide effect?

2008-08-28 Thread Eric

  Get that element to stop changing in height and it should help.

Is there any way to use the slide effect in jQuery without it
changing the element's height?  There isn't any specific reason I need
to use slide, I just thought it looked cool, but if that effect is
going to always jitter because it changes the height then it isn't
worth it.

[jQuery] Re: AutoComplete Detecting mustMatch failure.

2008-08-28 Thread Chris Bailey

I'm running into something similar.  The result handler has no
corrollary for cases where you aren't using mustMatch, and want to
take some action if the user doesn't select something.  For example, I
want to put the ID from the extra data value into a hidden field when
it matches, but want to clear that hidden field if it doesn't match.

I don't see a foolproof way to do this right now via events from the
autocomplete.  So, instead I have a second JavaScript function that is
attached to the blur for the autocomplete field that goes and looks up
the value in the autocomplete field to see if it exists, and takes
that result and populates the hidden field (or clears it, if no
match).  But, this is clearly poor, given that it causes a second AJAX
request when none is actually needed.

So, is there a way to get an event in the case where result won't get
called?  Or, can someone point me at where I might hook into that in
the autocomplete code?  I'm not as experienced with JavaScript, so
haven't (on relatively quick glance) found the appropriate place to
hook in to add another hook/callback.

On Aug 20, 3:34 pm, Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I found a workaround, but it isn't great.

 If I attach a .blur(handler) to the autocomplete field I can clear the
 related fields when the user leaves that field by checking for

 I'd love to hear that there is a way to do the same when mustMatch
 clears the autocomplete field. I'd like to clear the related fields
 immediately and not wait for the user to go to another field.

 On Aug 20, 2:45 pm, Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Changing subject.

   I had originally entered [AutoComplete] Detecting mustMatch failure
  and the forum ate [AutoComplete].

  On Aug 20, 2:40 pm, Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a number of fields that are using the AutoComplete plugin
   instead of select menus. When a user enters and selects a match a
   number of other fields are populated via a .getJSON.

                           loc_lookup_obj) // loc_lookup_obj is a shared 
   configuration object.
                   .result(function(event, data, formatted) {
                           if (data){
                           } else {
                                   // debug
                                   alert ('no data'); // - THIS NEVER ALERTS

   The problem I have is this. A user does a lookup, then returns to the
   same field and enters non-matching text. The mustMatch causes the
   autocomplete field to clear, but the autocomplete .result doesn't

   What I need to do is clear any pre-filled fields if mustMatch. Is
   there any easy way to detect that the mustMatch did it's job?

[jQuery] Selectors and changing source of HTML-elements

2008-08-28 Thread velij

Hi everyone, this is my first message to the jquery group, hope you
don't mind and i'll improve over time :)

My HTML is this:

ul id=gallery
h2a href=#targeturlwww.targetlink.com.whatnot/a Title/h2
img src=thumb.jpg alt= /
pLorem impsum

First i'd like to find the IMG tag from every #gallery LI to apply a
hover function to the image inside the specifil ul that has been

I tried different versions, and thought this one would be ok, but not

$(#gallery li).hover(

Secondly i'd like the heading H2 inside the LI to change when i hover
it, i got it partly working, it changes when i hover, but i'd like it
to return to it's original state after that. The code i use ise here:
$(#gallery li h2 a).hover(
$(this).replaceWith(a href=#the_same_link_as_it_was_beforeI am
the changed text/a);
function () {

and the last one i'm just puzzled with. I'd like to dynamically add a
DIV element to the inside of an UL, just before ending the ul tag (/
UL) on mousover, which is quite easy, but i'd like to remove it on

My current code (which does nothing) goes like this:

$(#gallery li).hover(
$(this).wrap('span style=border:1px solid 
.append('div id=divver/div')
function () {
/*just for testing*/

Thanks everyone for any guiding me in the right direction, I'm eager
to learn more about jquery every day!

[jQuery] Cycle - goto

2008-08-28 Thread gvcmsq

Hi guys,
i need something similar to the solution on
http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/goto.html, but with an addition:

i'd like to specify if the scrolling is to be 'forward' or 'backward', so it
would be something like:
$('#s1').cycle(2, 'forward');  or $('#s1').cycle(2, 'backward'); 
For example, if there are 4 DIVs and I am on DIV number 2, if I call
$('#s1').cycle(3), i want the third DIV to come from the right side; if I
call $('#s1').cycle(1), i want the first DIV to come from the left side; 
Is that possible? I mean, is it possible to specify programatically if the
next DIV is comming from the right side or from the left side?
Thanks in advance
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: dumb form button element question

2008-08-28 Thread garrett

Give the buttons a unique ID and get the ID using the attr function

On Aug 27, 9:12 pm, Maarten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 with .child I know I can get the number of children of a certain
 element, but if i have something like this

 input type=button class=buttonfun value=Button One
 input type=button class=buttonfun value=Button Two

 is there a way to know when i click on either one, that I clicked on
 child 1 of 2 or 2 of 2?

[jQuery] Attaching onAfter dynamically

2008-08-28 Thread gvcmsq

Hi guys,
i need something similar to the solution on 
but with an addition:
i want to be able to call $('#s1').cycle(2) with an onAfter handler
and $('#s1').cycle(3) without it (basically, i want the onAfter to
execute depending on a certain condition)

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Alternate colors does not work when sorted - Tablesorter

2008-08-28 Thread Ramesh R

Tablesorter plugin - Alternate color does not work when you sort on a
particular column. Any solution for this.

cheers !!

ramesh r

[jQuery] Re: File Upload

2008-08-28 Thread Martynas Brijunas


you can also try www.swfupload.org, it is fully configurable.

On Aug 28, 5:05 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The file input doesn't style very well, at least on all browser. Have
 a look here:


 You can kind of fake it, that is you hide the actual input and do
 some tricks with JavaScript. There's a jQuery plugin that does this by
 the looks of it:


 (found via a Google search for css file input jquery)

 Karl Rudd

 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:46 AM, shapper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Does anyone knows how to style and input of type file with JQuery?

  I want to use an image as the button or maybe a simple normal input
  styled with CSS.
  I also want to style the input where the path is ... I want it to have
  a grey background and no border.

  Any idea of how to accomplish this?


[jQuery] Re: ReNestableTree, raw code

2008-08-28 Thread David C . Zentgraf

I'm actually going to follow this up with a bug fix release already. ;-3
Includes a cross-browser fix and resolves some invalid event  
propagation that might occur.

jQuery(function () {
$('#sortableList li').draggable({
revert  : 'invalid',
start   : function (e, ui) {
var helper_id = this.id+-helper;
.css({ position : 'absolute' })
.attr({ 'id' : helper_id, 'class' : 
$('body').mousemove(function (e) {
top : (e.pageY + 5) + 'px',
left: (e.pageX + 5) + 'px'
stop: function (e, ui) {
$(this).show().css({ top : 'inherit', left : 'inherit' 
hoverClass  : 'hoverDroppable',
tolerance   : 'pointer',
accept  : 'li',
drop: function (e, ui) {
if (this.id != e.target.id) {
return false;

if ($(this).children('ul').length == 0) {

$.post('/server/url', {
id  : ui.draggable.attr('id'),
parent  : this.id

On 28 Aug 2008, at 14:14, David Christopher Zentgraf wrote:


 I just cooked up this code allowing a tree structure to be re- 
 nested. It works very similar to the NestedSortables plugin, except  
 that it doesn't allow to sort the list, only to change the nesting  
 of elements. Its way more stable than NestedSortables (at least in  
 my tests so far), has no dependencies other than ui.draggable and  
 ui.droppable, works with the latest versions of jQuery and is very  

 What's it good for?
 It's perfect as an admin interface for tree structured data, like,  
 say, a category tree.

 What's needed?
 Developed on jQuery 1.2.6 with jquery.ui.draggable and  
 jquery.ui.droppable version 1.6b.

 Expects a nested list of data like:

 div id=list_container
   ul id=sortable_list
   li id=1Item 1/li
   li id=2Item 2
   li id=3Item 3/li

 Here's the code:

 jQuery(function () {
   $('#sortable_list li').draggable({
   revert  : 'invalid',
   start   : function (e, ui) {
   // creating a temporary div that will be dragged 
   // works around some unwanted behavior, like being able 
   // drag elements onto their own children.
   // can be customized via CSS class .dragHelper
   var helper_id = this.id+-helper;
   .css({ position : 'absolute' })
   .attr({ id : helper_id, class : 'dragHelper'});
   $('body').mousemove(function (e) {
   top : (e.pageY - 
   left: (e.pageX - 
   stop: function (e, ui) {
   $(this).show().css({ top : 'inherit', left : 'inherit' 
   hoverClass  : 'hoverDroppable',
   tolerance   : 'pointer',
   accept  : 'li',
   drop: function (e, ui) {

[jQuery] Re: moving Div to a Div

2008-08-28 Thread Richard D. Worth
This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but have you looked at
jQuery UI's transfer effect?:



At the very least you could look at the code and see how to go about
something similar.

- Richard

Richard D. Worth

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 5:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear FOlk ,
 I have a shopping cart when I click on the ( Buy this ) Button the
 product will be added to the Basket , the think is I would like to
 move the Image into the shopping automatically without any
 dragging ... so I need to move one Div to another DIv with jQuery
 animation could we let the system know where the destination is ...

 for example : I'd like this to be Graphically ... I think animate
 would help me ...
 div class=data
  some Data

 div class='destination'
 data goes here


 thanks and regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: Alternate colors does not work when sorted - Tablesorter

2008-08-28 Thread MorningZ

Use the Zebra widget for alt row coloring instead of your own
coloring method

[jQuery] Re: keypress event using $(this)

2008-08-28 Thread Richard D. Worth
Here are a couple options:

1) Set up the keypress binding on the element(s) and then wrap your switch
in a conditional (if) that checks a flag your test link click would set to

2) Event delegation: Set up the keypress binding at the document/some other
higher level in the DOM. Use event.target to check whether the key was
pressed on an element on which you want to handle 'a' or 's', otherwise

- Richard

Richard D. Worth

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:35 AM, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a simple keypress event that throws an alert when you press a
 or s.  Is it possible to bind this event to specific elements, so
 that it is not a global keypress, but only fired if the test link is
 first clicked.  Then, $(this) would be used to get attributes of the
 clicked element if needed.

 Any ideas on how to get that to work, or if it is possible?

case 97:alert(A pushed!);

// user presses the s key
case 115:   alert(S pushed!)

[jQuery] Re: Targeting hidden elements kills each() process

2008-08-28 Thread Richard D. Worth
You could use the ':visible' pseudo-selector (
http://docs.jquery.com/Selectors/visible ) to target only the visible

- Richard

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Po Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I'm trying to access several elements on the page, some hidden, some

 When I try to call methods on these objects using each(), the process
 dies because of the hidden elements.


 I'm trying to target several flash audio buttons within a playTone
 div to tell them all to pause if they don't match an id:

 var sSearch = .playTone[id !=' + id + ']  embed,.playTone[id !='
 + id + ']  object;
 $(sSearch).each(function () { if (this) this.pause(); });

 This works great if all the flash elements are showing. However, if
 some are hidden in an expandable/collapsable list above, it no longer

 Is there a way to:

 a. Keep the each() going on the visible elements.
 b. Target only the visible elements.

 Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: missing ; before statement

2008-08-28 Thread mohsin

sometime i m getting following lines with my ajax data instead of

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 11:50:39 GMT Server: Apache/
2.2.8 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_autoindex_color
PHP/5.2.5 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.5 Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00
GMT Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate Pragma: no-cache Content-
Length: 3626 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99 Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html

is this server problem or what

[jQuery] Re: $(div.tabs div.containers) in Safari 3

2008-08-28 Thread gemmes

Thank you for replying, and for new script you did for me.

However, this script does work fine in Safari 3 when i dont use the 
as a CSS selector, I was just wondering why it did not work with  in



[jQuery] Re: data cache and tag attributes

2008-08-28 Thread Richard D. Worth
Some downsides to using expandos (arbitrary attribute key/value pairs on

1) possible memory leaks
2) keyname choice is limited because of built in attributes/properties
3) have to be careful about what you stick in there (see 1). Best to stick
with simple values, ints and strings

jQuery solves these by putting at most 1 expando on each element. The value
is an int, so it's safe from memory leaks. The attribute key is prefixed
with 'jquery' so there's no naming collision. Then the object store/cache is
completely external to the DOMElement itself. It's as easy to use as
.attr(); just substitute .data().

- Richard

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Paul Carey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've been setting arbitrary attributes on my html tags, and using
 jQuery to make AJAX requests based on their values. These has worked
 well so far as writing out arbitrary attributes from the backend is

 But I'm about to start using per element attributes more intensively,
 and now I'm questioning my approach. I'm aware that jQuery UI makes
 heavy use of the data cache and I assume it does so with good reason.

 At what point does it make more sense to use the data cache rather
 than just set html attributes? I'm thinking when closures or rich
 JavaScript objects are required? If my needs are met by key / value
 pairs are there any downsides to arbitrary attributes that I should be
 aware of?

 Many thanks


[jQuery] Re: Validate and dynamically added controls

2008-08-28 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Would you mind updating to validate 1.4? I don't want to debug your
app just to discover a bug that was fixed long ago.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've managed to get an example up for you to look at now, it's at
 http://cms.merus.co.uk/editsurvey.php.html and the javascript for the
 editor is at http://cms.merus.co.uk/surveybuilder.js

 At the moment only Question attempts to attach rules to fields, when a
 new question is added its Label field gets a {required: true} rule
 added.  This doesn't seem to work, however. The call executes without
 any errors being thrown, but the validator doesn't seem to acknowledge
 the rule. The rule is being added at line 349 of the javascript

 On Aug 16, 2:19 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well, a testpage would help debugging it a lot.


 On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  That's kinda odd, I do do the validate() on the form on document
  ready, and I'm getting no javascript errors of any kind.  The rule
  being added just isn't executing (just a simple required:true for now
  while I test it).

  On Aug 15, 5:37 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  There must be a specific error in your code, as adding new inputs to a
  form is generally supported, without any further hazzle that what you
  have in your example. Its important that the form where you add the
  element has the validation code initialized, but thats about it.


  On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a form in a project that allows users to build up surveys.  The
   form can have controls added dynamically as users add questions to
   their form.  I need to be able to validate this form client side as
   sending a form to the server that it can't validate just results in an
   error message and the form being lost (The server side validation is
   fine, but how to handle an invalid form server side will need to be
   made friendlier) so I want to avoid sending such forms if I can avoid

   What I basically need is a way of adding validation rules along with
   controls so no matter the configuration of the form when it's
   submitted the validator can check that it's well formed before sending
   it to the server side script.

   I was hoping setting validation up on the form on load and then using
   rules ('add') on each control as I add it would work but it apparently

   For example, after an Add input button is clicked, code like below
   (heavily simplified for clarity) would be executed:

   var newControl = $('input type=text name=(unique name generated
   earlier on goes here) /')
   surveyForm.append (newControl);
   newControl.rules ('add', {'require': true});

   This doesn't seem to cause any javascript errors, but hitting the
   submit button doesn't cause the newly added control to be validated.

   Is there something I need to do other than add a rule?  Or can't this
   be done yet?  I seem to remember the above approach worked in 1.3.1
   but the other problems with that version means I can't use it with my

[jQuery] Passing index of element to event handler?

2008-08-28 Thread Zissou

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a neat way to pass the index of an element in a
wrapped to an event handler bound to that element.

Like so:

$(container).find('a[href$=.jpg]').bind('click', {}, function (e) {
// I want to access the index of the clicked element inside the
wrapped set here

Now, I can access it through:
indexOfThisElement = $('a[href$=.jpg]',container).index(this);

But I feel like there may be a more efficient way of doing this? Is
there a way to attach the index of the current element to the
event.data object passed to the event handler perhaps?

Anyone got an idea?

[jQuery] Attaching onAfter dynamically

2008-08-28 Thread gvcmsq

Hi guys, 
i need something similar to the solution on
http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/goto.html, but with an addition: 
i want to be able to call $('#s1').cycle(2) with an onAfter handler and
$('#s1').cycle(3) without it (basically, i want the onAfter to execute
depending on a certain condition).

Thanks in advance

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] How to Create a Model Window in JQUERY Modal Window

2008-08-28 Thread Babu PCA

Hi All,

Can any one tell us about jquery modal window usage

I would like to know how to use that

Thanks and regards

[jQuery] Transfer effect in UI

2008-08-28 Thread pedramphp

Dear folk ,
I tested the Transfer effect in 
 on Safari 3 , it doesn't work 
what is the problem ... I would like to use Transfer Effect 
Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: Validate and dynamically added controls

2008-08-28 Thread Gordon

D'oh! I'm certain I'd already upgraded to 1.4 but it seems that in the
course of shuffling files around it got overwritten again with an
older version and I failed to notice.

Thanks for taking the time to help out though.

On Aug 28, 12:53 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Would you mind updating to validate 1.4? I don't want to debug your
 app just to discover a bug that was fixed long ago.


 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've managed to get an example up for you to look at now, it's at
 http://cms.merus.co.uk/editsurvey.php.htmland the javascript for the
  editor is athttp://cms.merus.co.uk/surveybuilder.js

  At the moment only Question attempts to attach rules to fields, when a
  new question is added its Label field gets a {required: true} rule
  added.  This doesn't seem to work, however. The call executes without
  any errors being thrown, but the validator doesn't seem to acknowledge
  the rule. The rule is being added at line 349 of the javascript

  On Aug 16, 2:19 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, a testpage would help debugging it a lot.


  On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   That's kinda odd, I do do the validate() on the form on document
   ready, and I'm getting no javascript errors of any kind.  The rule
   being added just isn't executing (just a simple required:true for now
   while I test it).

   On Aug 15, 5:37 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   There must be a specific error in your code, as adding new inputs to a
   form is generally supported, without any further hazzle that what you
   have in your example. Its important that the form where you add the
   element has the validation code initialized, but thats about it.


   On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a form in a project that allows users to build up surveys.  The
form can have controls added dynamically as users add questions to
their form.  I need to be able to validate this form client side as
sending a form to the server that it can't validate just results in an
error message and the form being lost (The server side validation is
fine, but how to handle an invalid form server side will need to be
made friendlier) so I want to avoid sending such forms if I can avoid

What I basically need is a way of adding validation rules along with
controls so no matter the configuration of the form when it's
submitted the validator can check that it's well formed before sending
it to the server side script.

I was hoping setting validation up on the form on load and then using
rules ('add') on each control as I add it would work but it apparently

For example, after an Add input button is clicked, code like below
(heavily simplified for clarity) would be executed:

var newControl = $('input type=text name=(unique name generated
earlier on goes here) /')
surveyForm.append (newControl);
newControl.rules ('add', {'require': true});

This doesn't seem to cause any javascript errors, but hitting the
submit button doesn't cause the newly added control to be validated.

Is there something I need to do other than add a rule?  Or can't this
be done yet?  I seem to remember the above approach worked in 1.3.1
but the other problems with that version means I can't use it with my

[jQuery] Re: How to Create a Model Window in JQUERY Modal Window

2008-08-28 Thread MorningZ

Check out the excellent plugin jqModal:

it's simple to use and there's tons of examples

[jQuery] Re: moving Div to a Div

2008-08-28 Thread pedramphp

Dear Richard ,
I think Transfer  is good for me . but the sample in UI
it seems not to work on safari 3 

[jQuery] Sleep or delay in JQuery

2008-08-28 Thread Ronn

Hello all,

I'm new to JQuery and I'm looking for a Sleep or Delay function. I
have two animations and I want one to not start until the other has
finished. Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: How to Create a Model Window in JQUERY Modal Window

2008-08-28 Thread Babu Pca
thanks for u r help

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 6:26 PM, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Check out the excellent plugin jqModal:

 it's simple to use and there's tons of examples

With Thanks and Regards
Babu pca

[jQuery] Re: dumb form button element question

2008-08-28 Thread Maarten

Ok thats what I'm doing now but I was hoping I could simplify my code

On Aug 28, 9:21 am, garrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Give the buttons a unique ID and get the ID using the attr function

 On Aug 27, 9:12 pm, Maarten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  with .child I know I can get the number of children of a certain
  element, but if i have something like this

  input type=button class=buttonfun value=Button One
  input type=button class=buttonfun value=Button Two

  is there a way to know when i click on either one, that I clicked on
  child 1 of 2 or 2 of 2?

[jQuery] [general] select all non-empty inputs

2008-08-28 Thread Boersnoes


I want to select all the values from the filled in/checked/selected
fields in a form and concatenate them in a string so I can pass it on
to the history plugin.

I have written working code, but I feel that it could be simplified.
Any suggestions?

var args = '';
$('.advancedSearchForm :input').each(
if($(this).val() != ''  $(this).attr(hidden !=
args += $(this).attr(name) + = + $
if($(this).attr('checked')  $(this).val() != '')
args += $(this).attr(name) + = + $
return args;

[jQuery] IE8b2 crash scenario

2008-08-28 Thread Alistair Potts

[apologies, I put this on the dev list but should really have put it

IE8b2 will crash if you try to insert a text node after a float. This
might not seem such a common thing to do, but remember that jquery
parses html into nodes before appending - and if your html starts with
a space then the first inserted node will be a text node and kabooom!

I've put up test page here:

This completely shafted my site (http://www.partyark.co.uk) where we
use jquery to write a 'basket summary' div at the bottom of the page
if you've got something in your basket. What with this and lack of
opacity I've had to put up the IE=7 http header thingy until they get
this stuff sorted out.

[jQuery] Travel a Table filtered by checked Checkboxes

2008-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi folks,

I have a problem, with the following scenario. Given is a Table like
the following

  tdinput type=checkbox/tdtdReferenceNumber/td ...more

A Submit Button is calling a function that should check the table for
checked checkboxes and call
a webservice with each reference number.

The following JQuery Snippet finds all checked checkboxes, but
afterwards I am stucked.


I also tried the following, but without luck.

alert( $(this).next().text() );

Does anyone has a hint on how to solving that problem?

best regards,


[jQuery] Re: Transfer effect in UI

2008-08-28 Thread Andy Matthews

I can confirm this. The Transfer effect doesn't work in Safari 3 for the PC.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Transfer effect in UI

Dear folk ,
I tested the Transfer effect in
 on Safari 3 , it doesn't work 
what is the problem ... I would like to use Transfer Effect 
Regards Pedram

[jQuery] [TreeView] Lazy-load

2008-08-28 Thread debussy007


I use the Tree plusgin of Bassassistance but I noticed the files in the
lazy-load demo was not the same as the files to download.

For example there is no image ajax-loader.gif in the files. I tried to add
it and add in the CSS the code that's missing:
.treeview .placeholder {
background: url(images/ajax-loader.gif) 0 0 no-repeat;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
display: block;

But it has no effect.

Thank you for any help.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: File Upload

2008-08-28 Thread shapper

The ExtJS FileUploadField seems a good solution ... a custom Browse
buttom with a read only path field. All customized.

Does anyone knows how to turn this into JQuery?

I have been reading SWFUpload but I can't want to use Flash.
I have also see the FileStyle JQuery Plugin but it only styles the
button ...

Thank You,

On Aug 28, 4:18 am, rudy ub [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've seen it on ExtJS FileUploadField 

 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 8:46 AM, shapper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Does anyone knows how to style and input of type file with JQuery?

  I want to use an image as the button or maybe a simple normal input
  styled with CSS.
  I also want to style the input where the path is ... I want it to have
  a grey background and no border.

  Any idea of how to accomplish this?


[jQuery] Re: Transfer effect in UI

2008-08-28 Thread pedramphp

Dear Karl we need your help...

On Aug 28, 4:12 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can confirm this. The Transfer effect doesn't work in Safari 3 for the PC.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Transfer effect in UI

 Dear folk ,
 I tested the Transfer effect 
  on Safari 3 , it doesn't work 
 what is the problem ... I would like to use Transfer Effect 
 Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: Transfer effect in UI

2008-08-28 Thread pedramphp

Dear Karl we need your help...

On Aug 28, 4:12 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can confirm this. The Transfer effect doesn't work in Safari 3 for the PC.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Transfer effect in UI

 Dear folk ,
 I tested the Transfer effect 
  on Safari 3 , it doesn't work 
 what is the problem ... I would like to use Transfer Effect 
 Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Firfox 3 and Firefox 2

2008-08-28 Thread pedramphp

Dear folk ,
how could I run firefox 2 and firefox 3 at the same time ... is there
any installation for both . or any trick.. or is there anything like
IE Tester

[jQuery] Re: select all non-empty inputs

2008-08-28 Thread tlphipps

I didn't look through all your code, but I'm pretty sure you can get
what you're after just using the .serialize() method.

On Aug 28, 7:42 am, Boersnoes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to select all the values from the filled in/checked/selected
 fields in a form and concatenate them in a string so I can pass it on
 to the history plugin.

 I have written working code, but I feel that it could be simplified.
 Any suggestions?

     var args = '';
     $('.advancedSearchForm :input').each(
                     if($(this).val() != ''  $(this).attr(hidden !=
                         args += $(this).attr(name) + = + $
                     if($(this).attr('checked')  $(this).val() != '')
                         args += $(this).attr(name) + = + $
     return args;

[jQuery] Plugin function does not exist.

2008-08-28 Thread riegersn

$.fn.selectMatch = function(x) {
for (i=0; ithis[0].options.length; i++) {
if (this[0].options[i].innerHTML == x) alert('found 
return this;

in my script im calling


firebug blows up and tells me that selectMatch does not exist.

I have other function in this plugin that work, but they extend only
jQuery itself ( $.funcname ) not $.fn.name

Any ideas?


[jQuery] UI Tabs not working in IE

2008-08-28 Thread furio

I am using UI Tabs in the portfolio section of my site to display the
different categories of my work ( http://www.adamditota.com/portfolio
www.adamditota.com/portfolio ). It seems to work fine in Firefox but not at
all in IE7. 

I guess to kill two birds with one stone, I am also using the jQuery plugin
LavaLamp for my navigation which once again works in Firefox but not IE7.
Anyone have any ideas?
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: problem using form.js and nice edit together.

2008-08-28 Thread Hasanga

Still no result guys :P

yea you point is right Mike,
NiceEdit doesn't got a good documentation also :P
Need to try with some other RTE.
Is there any other Rich Text Editors You guys know which can have this
functionality I need to implement ?

Thanks again...


On Aug 26, 4:39 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  well.. no Mike I think you got it wrong...

  OK I have written the code to explain the above problem and hosted it

  In this form when I change the ID combo box I retrieve data via ajax
  (using forms.js for jquery) and fills in to a text box(title) and text
  area(description). It works fine since I haven't implemented NideEdit
  (a rich text editor) to the text area. But when I implementNiceEditI
  need to refresh the page to content fill in to the text area.

 From a jQuery perspective your is fine.  So I still think this is just
 a matter of learning how NicEdit works.  How do you update the
 contents of the editor programmatically?  Take all the ajax, etc out
 of the equation and start with a blank editor.  How do you tell
 NicEdit to change the contents of the editor to Hello World?  I
 doubt very much that altering the native textarea's value will do the
 trick.  I may be wrong, but I think that's the question you need to
 answer.  Have you tried the NicEdit forums?  Anyone else out there
 familiar with NicEdit?


[jQuery] PNG Opacity Fix for IE6 - Not working!, please help me by tonight before i see my client!

2008-08-28 Thread GodsDead

hey all, i need some help fast!
This is my site i created ages ago that i should ahve completed about
2 months ago for a client and i have no idea why i havent got off my
arse, anywho. i want it uplaoded and finished today, although i just
realised the PNG Opacity Fix for ie6 using Jquery dousnt work!!

I followed this tutorial;

And Rendered it with this site;

and http://www.browsershots.org

and the PNG's still have that really annoying grey border around the
edge of the transparent bits!

here if my URL to the site, the code is appled in the head section on
each page.


Thanks, and please help me fix this asap!

[jQuery] NEWBIE Question re span and form elements

2008-08-28 Thread Peter Bailey

Hi there. I recently discovered jQuery and it appears to be an
excellent library. I started looking at libs because I have a specific
problem I want to solve easily. I want to an able to show and hide a
span on my page. The span may contain some form elements like
checkboxes for example. It is possible that a CB could have been
selected, and then the event the causes the span to hide comes into
play (they answered another question or whatever). If this is the
case, I want to hide the span but also uncheck (or whatever) the
elements in the span.

Is there an easy way to do this with jQuery. I am just starting to
read through the docs, and have purchased a couple of books, but of
course, I have a timeline to beat. Any suggestions or pointers to docs
would be much appreciated.



[jQuery] Re: jqModal and div

2008-08-28 Thread Tony

Anyone? Anyone? Is there anyone that can help me here?

On Aug 27, 10:22 am, Tony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 As you can see when the button is pushed, the modal pushes the div
 down? Tried playing with the Z index but that didn't seem to solve the

 Not worried about placement of buttons or other css attributes right
 now. Just trying to resolve gap that's created.

 Any help would be great!



[jQuery] animate in order

2008-08-28 Thread Ronn

I have two items:

$('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:
$('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });

How can I make contactBox wait until backDropLeft is finished to run
its animate?

[jQuery] Re: Firfox 3 and Firefox 2

2008-08-28 Thread Shao Kang Tat


you can google portable firefox or just go to this link:


Well, you can't have both FF2 and FF3 running at the same time but
you can have them both on your computer at the same time.

Hope that helps,

On Aug 28, 10:08 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear folk ,
 how could I run firefox 2 and firefox 3 at the same time ... is there
 any installation for both . or any trick.. or is there anything like
 IE Tester

[jQuery] Re: jQuery slideshow

2008-08-28 Thread Ariel Flesler

var pos= 0,

function slide(){
   $imgs.eq( pos++ ).fadeOut(slow, function(){
  if( pos == $imgs.length )
 pos = 0; // rewind
  $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeIn(slow, slide );

// Wait for document ready to start the magic
$imgs = $('img.foo');

Note that
You should add some kind of namespacing/plugin structure to this
(customization is a good idea too).

Ariel Flesler

On Aug 27, 4:33 pm, admi99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to do slideshow by myself but I've met some problems.

 This example is quite simplified:
 var pos= 0;
 slide = function(){
 currImg[pos].fadeOut(slow, function(){
   curImg[pos+1].fadeIn(slow, slide() );


 pos = pos + 1;


 It's wrong example because of recursion.

 How can it be made?

[jQuery] Re: Why do a recursion while window unload?

2008-08-28 Thread Ariel Flesler

IE isn't the only one leaking memory if this is not performed.
This has been greatly improved recently. It will be faster on the next

Meanwhile you can try using the last revision of jQuery on the svn

Ariel Flesler

On Aug 27, 6:33 pm, Sutra Zhou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another question, in jquery.js(include version 1.2.3, 1.2.6 etc.) why  
 add this code:
     1. // Prevent memory leaks in IE
     2. // And prevent errors on refresh with events like mouseover in  
 other browsers
     3. // Window isn't included so as not to unbind existing unload  
     4. jQuery(window).bind(unload, function() {
     5.     jQuery(*).add(document).unbind();
     6. });

 This makes closing/refresh/navigate window more slow, especially the  
 page is large(has many html elements).

 Why not have a definite object in view? Do necessary unbind operation.

 To say the least, wrap this code block with:

 if (ie) {
     1. // Prevent memory leaks in IE
     2. // And prevent errors on refresh with events like mouseover in  
 other browsers
     3. // Window isn't included so as not to unbind existing unload  
     4. jQuery(window).bind(unload, function() {
     5.     jQuery(*).add(document).unbind();
     6. });


[jQuery] jquery wallpaper

2008-08-28 Thread tlphipps

Several months ago somebody posted a link to some jquery wallpapers
that they had created (not cheatsheets, just color background with
jquery logo).  I lost my copy and for the life of me I can't locate
these anymore.

Does anybody still have a link for these wallpapers?

[jQuery] Re: Transfer effect in UI

2008-08-28 Thread Richard D. Worth
Please note that there is a dedicated mailing list for jQuery UI:


Thanks for pointing out the issue. It looks like an issue with just that
demo page. Transfer itself doesn't have any problems working in Safari.

- Richard

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I can confirm this. The Transfer effect doesn't work in Safari 3 for the

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Transfer effect in UI

 Dear folk ,
 I tested the Transfer effect in
  on Safari 3 , it doesn't work 
 what is the problem ... I would like to use Transfer Effect 
 Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: Transfer effect in UI

2008-08-28 Thread pedramphp
ok thank then I'll use it ... thanks for your Idea

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please note that there is a dedicated mailing list for jQuery UI:


 Thanks for pointing out the issue. It looks like an issue with just that
 demo page. Transfer itself doesn't have any problems working in Safari.

 - Richard

 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I can confirm this. The Transfer effect doesn't work in Safari 3 for the

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Transfer effect in UI

 Dear folk ,
 I tested the Transfer effect in

  on Safari 3 , it doesn't work 
 what is the problem ... I would like to use Transfer Effect 
 Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: Transfer effect in UI

2008-08-28 Thread Richard D. Worth
I failed to provide another useful link. If you find an issue with this or
other UI plugins (and best if you can include a sample test page to
reproduce), feel free to create a ticket here:


Discussion before or after ticket creation on the mailing list always
welcome. Thanks.

- Richard

Richard D. Worth

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ok thank then I'll use it ... thanks for your Idea

 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Please note that there is a dedicated mailing list for jQuery UI:


 Thanks for pointing out the issue. It looks like an issue with just that
 demo page. Transfer itself doesn't have any problems working in Safari.

 - Richard

 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I can confirm this. The Transfer effect doesn't work in Safari 3 for the

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 7:41 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Transfer effect in UI

 Dear folk ,
 I tested the Transfer effect in

  on Safari 3 , it doesn't work 
 what is the problem ... I would like to use Transfer Effect 
 Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: missing ; before statement

2008-08-28 Thread Michael Geary

Those are headers. They should be separate from the data.

An HTTP download looks like:

Header-1: Value
Header-2: Value
Header-3: Value


That is, the first blank line ends the headers.

If your server is inserting a blank line before the headers, it would cause
the problem you describe.

Use the Net panel in Firebug to inspect the headers and data for an Ajax
download, and you maybe be able to see what is wrong.


 sometime i m getting following lines with my ajax data 
 instead of error
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 11:50:39 GMT Server: Apache/
 2.2.8 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_autoindex_color
 PHP/5.2.5 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.5 Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 
 05:00:00 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate Pragma: 
 no-cache Content-
 Length: 3626 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99 Connection: Keep-Alive
 Content-Type: text/html
 is this server problem or what

[jQuery] Re: Validate and dynamically added controls

2008-08-28 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Ah, sorry not mentioning that before, but please use the uncompressed version.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 D'oh! I'm certain I'd already upgraded to 1.4 but it seems that in the
 course of shuffling files around it got overwritten again with an
 older version and I failed to notice.

 Thanks for taking the time to help out though.

 On Aug 28, 12:53 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Would you mind updating to validate 1.4? I don't want to debug your
 app just to discover a bug that was fixed long ago.


 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've managed to get an example up for you to look at now, it's at
 http://cms.merus.co.uk/editsurvey.php.htmland the javascript for the
  editor is athttp://cms.merus.co.uk/surveybuilder.js

  At the moment only Question attempts to attach rules to fields, when a
  new question is added its Label field gets a {required: true} rule
  added.  This doesn't seem to work, however. The call executes without
  any errors being thrown, but the validator doesn't seem to acknowledge
  the rule. The rule is being added at line 349 of the javascript

  On Aug 16, 2:19 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, a testpage would help debugging it a lot.


  On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   That's kinda odd, I do do the validate() on the form on document
   ready, and I'm getting no javascript errors of any kind.  The rule
   being added just isn't executing (just a simple required:true for now
   while I test it).

   On Aug 15, 5:37 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   There must be a specific error in your code, as adding new inputs to a
   form is generally supported, without any further hazzle that what you
   have in your example. Its important that the form where you add the
   element has the validation code initialized, but thats about it.


   On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a form in a project that allows users to build up surveys.  
form can have controls added dynamically as users add questions to
their form.  I need to be able to validate this form client side as
sending a form to the server that it can't validate just results in 
error message and the form being lost (The server side validation is
fine, but how to handle an invalid form server side will need to be
made friendlier) so I want to avoid sending such forms if I can avoid

What I basically need is a way of adding validation rules along with
controls so no matter the configuration of the form when it's
submitted the validator can check that it's well formed before 
it to the server side script.

I was hoping setting validation up on the form on load and then using
rules ('add') on each control as I add it would work but it 

For example, after an Add input button is clicked, code like below
(heavily simplified for clarity) would be executed:

var newControl = $('input type=text name=(unique name generated
earlier on goes here) /')
surveyForm.append (newControl);
newControl.rules ('add', {'require': true});

This doesn't seem to cause any javascript errors, but hitting the
submit button doesn't cause the newly added control to be validated.

Is there something I need to do other than add a rule?  Or can't this
be done yet?  I seem to remember the above approach worked in 1.3.1
but the other problems with that version means I can't use it with my

[jQuery] Re: [TreeView] Lazy-load

2008-08-28 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
You can get the latest revision, which includes the enhanced async
stuff, here: http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/plugins/treeview/


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 3:21 PM, debussy007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I use the Tree plusgin of Bassassistance but I noticed the files in the
 lazy-load demo was not the same as the files to download.

 For example there is no image ajax-loader.gif in the files. I tried to add
 it and add in the CSS the code that's missing:
 .treeview .placeholder {
background: url(images/ajax-loader.gif) 0 0 no-repeat;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
display: block;

 But it has no effect.

 Thank you for any help.
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Change event for hidden form field

2008-08-28 Thread Andy Matthews
I'm modifying the value of a hidden input field from a popup window. I
thought it would be a simple thing to bind a change event on this field so
that when it's value changed, something else would happen. This doesn't seem
to work. Am I doing something wrong, or am I misunderstanding what I need to
Or is there another way to do this, one that's better? In essence, this is
what I'm doing.
1) Open a new window
2) In this new window, click a link which corresponds to an image
3) In the new window, get the filename of the selected image; pass it back
to a specified hidden input field in the parent window.
4) When the hidden input field's value changes, fire an event/function which
changes the src attribute of an img tag to match the value of the hidden
form field.
Any ideas? The value of the input field updates properly, but it just
doesn't fire the change handler.

Andy Matthews
Senior ColdFusion Developer

Office:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249
www.dealerskins.com http://www.dealerskins.com/ 
Total customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority! If you are not
completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me know
right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager Aaron West at
2008 Email NADA.jpg

[jQuery] Re: jQuery slideshow

2008-08-28 Thread admi99

Thank you :) However it isn't what I need :)
At First :
shouldn't it be more like that :

   $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeOut(slow, function(){

  if( pos == $imgs.length )
 pos = 0; // rewind
  else pos++;
  $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeIn(slow, slide );

stil there's recursion problem...

On 28 Sie, 16:36, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 var pos= 0,

 function slide(){
$imgs.eq( pos++ ).fadeOut(slow, function(){
   if( pos == $imgs.length )
  pos = 0; // rewind
   $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeIn(slow, slide );

 // Wait for document ready to start the magic
 $imgs = $('img.foo');


 Note that
 You should add some kind of namespacing/plugin structure to this
 (customization is a good idea too).

 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

 On Aug 27, 4:33 pm, admi99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'd like to do slideshow by myself but I've met some problems.

  This example is quite simplified:
  var pos= 0;
  slide = function(){
  currImg[pos].fadeOut(slow, function(){
curImg[pos+1].fadeIn(slow, slide() );


  pos = pos + 1;


  It's wrong example because of recursion.


How can it be made?

[jQuery] Re: Change event for hidden form field

2008-08-28 Thread Andy Matthews
Something I forgot to add. The change event that I bound does fire correctly
when I manually change the value of the field (I changed it's type from
hidden to text for testing).


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andy Matthews
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:25 AM
To: [jQuery]
Subject: [jQuery] Change event for hidden form field

I'm modifying the value of a hidden input field from a popup window. I
thought it would be a simple thing to bind a change event on this field so
that when it's value changed, something else would happen. This doesn't seem
to work. Am I doing something wrong, or am I misunderstanding what I need to
Or is there another way to do this, one that's better? In essence, this is
what I'm doing.
1) Open a new window
2) In this new window, click a link which corresponds to an image
3) In the new window, get the filename of the selected image; pass it back
to a specified hidden input field in the parent window.
4) When the hidden input field's value changes, fire an event/function which
changes the src attribute of an img tag to match the value of the hidden
form field.
Any ideas? The value of the input field updates properly, but it just
doesn't fire the change handler.

Andy Matthews
Senior ColdFusion Developer

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completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me know
right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager Aaron West at
2008 Email NADA.jpg

[jQuery] Re: animate in order

2008-08-28 Thread Brian Schilt

You'll need to put the second animation in the callback function of
the first.

  .animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:'easeOutBack'},
$('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });


On Aug 28, 9:56 am, Ronn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have two items:

     $('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:
     $('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });

 How can I make contactBox wait until backDropLeft is finished to run
 its animate?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery slideshow

2008-08-28 Thread Ariel Flesler

No, your code will hide and show back the last item.
If I'm wrong, the code I gave you works as expected.

Ariel Flesler

On Aug 28, 12:27 pm, admi99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you :) However it isn't what I need :)
 At First :
 shouldn't it be more like that :

    $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeOut(slow, function(){

       if( pos == $imgs.length )
          pos = 0; // rewind
       else pos++;
       $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeIn(slow, slide );

 stil there's recursion problem...

 On 28 Sie, 16:36, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  var pos= 0,

  function slide(){
     $imgs.eq( pos++ ).fadeOut(slow, function(){
        if( pos == $imgs.length )
           pos = 0; // rewind
        $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeIn(slow, slide );

  // Wait for document ready to start the magic
      $imgs = $('img.foo');


  Note that
  You should add some kind of namespacing/plugin structure to this
  (customization is a good idea too).

  Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

  On Aug 27, 4:33 pm, admi99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'd like to do slideshow by myself but I've met some problems.

   This example is quite simplified:
   var pos= 0;
   slide = function(){
   currImg[pos].fadeOut(slow, function(){
     curImg[pos+1].fadeIn(slow, slide() );


   pos = pos + 1;


   It's wrong example because of recursion.

 How can it be made?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery slideshow

2008-08-28 Thread admi99

My point was the recursion :) I know that it iterates wrong.
my last post should be :
if( pos == $imgs.length )
   pos = 0; // rewind

On 28 Sie, 17:52, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, your code will hide and show back the last item.
 If I'm wrong, the code I gave you works as expected.

 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

 On Aug 28, 12:27 pm, admi99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thank you :) However it isn't what I need :)
  At First :
  shouldn't it be more like that :

 $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeOut(slow, function(){

if( pos == $imgs.length )
   pos = 0; // rewind
else pos++;
$imgs.eq( pos ).fadeIn(slow, slide );

  stil there's recursion problem...

  On 28 Sie, 16:36, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   var pos= 0,

   function slide(){
  $imgs.eq( pos++ ).fadeOut(slow, function(){
 if( pos == $imgs.length )
pos = 0; // rewind
 $imgs.eq( pos ).fadeIn(slow, slide );

   // Wait for document ready to start the magic
   $imgs = $('img.foo');


   Note that
   You should add some kind of namespacing/plugin structure to this
   (customization is a good idea too).

   Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

   On Aug 27, 4:33 pm, admi99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to do slideshow by myself but I've met some problems.

This example is quite simplified:
var pos= 0;
slide = function(){
currImg[pos].fadeOut(slow, function(){
  curImg[pos+1].fadeIn(slow, slide() );


pos = pos + 1;


It's wrong example because of recursion.

  How can it be made?

[jQuery] Jquery Tabs inside a Tab

2008-08-28 Thread Sridhar Gowda


I am using

for jquery nested tabs.
But for my requirement i need to selected default 1st sub tab  when
i click on parent tab.

$('#ddetail_tabs ul').tabs({ selected: 0});
this works only for the parent tab. not for the subtab

[jQuery] IE7 change event not bubbling

2008-08-28 Thread Chad B.

I've got code that works great in FF but only partially in IE7.  The
problem centers around event bubbling (correct terminology?) and the
change event.  Essentially, I am binding the change event to a table,
and filtering for changes to checkbox and text inputs in the cells.
The table contents are dynamic, which is why I bound the event to the
table itself and not all the inputs (supposed to be more efficient
too, if I understand the technique right).  I also have a click event
bound to the same table.  It works fine in both browsers.  Only the
change event seems to cause trouble.

This code is part of an internal web app I'm developing.  Since I
can't let people access the app, I've recreated the same issue which
(hopefully) should demonstrate the issue clearly in the following
files.  Sorry, I currently don't have a web host, or I would be
posting a link rather than all this text.  Thanks to everyone who
takes the time to read this.

Chad B.


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN http://

html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en
titleIE 7 Javascript test/title
link rel=stylesheet href=test.css type=text/css /
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.6.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=test.js/script
h2Demonstration of event bubbling/change event bug in IE7/h2
pbWorks in FF and IE7:/b Click the first table cell in each row
to make the entire row green (should work in FF and IE7)./p
pbWorks in FF and fails in IE7:/b Changes to inputs (checkbox
and text) should change the containing cell to orange./p
div id=table_actionsa href=#Add a row/a/div
table id=example_table
tr id=1
td class=row_num1/td
tdinput type=checkbox 
value=checkbox1 name=checkbox1
id=checkbox1 //td
tdinput type=text value=some 
text name=text1 id=text1 /


#example_table {
border-collapse: collapse;
background-color: #777;
border: 2px solid #AAA;
width: 250px;
margin: 5px 10px 20px;
color: white;
text-align: center;

td, th {
border: 2px solid #AAA;
padding: 3px;

td.cell_h {
background-color: orange;

tr.row_h {
background-color: green;
#table_actions {
margin: 20px 10px 5px;
width: 250px;
text-align: left;


$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example_table').change(function(event) {
var tgt = $(event.target);

if (tgt.is('input[type=text]'))
else if (tgt.is('input[type=checkbox]'))
alert('You changed something else');

$('#table_actions a').click(function(event) {
next_num = $('tr').length;

new_row= 'tr id='+next_num+'td 
new_row += 'tdinput type=checkbox 
name=checkbox'+next_num+' id=checkbox'+next_num+' //td';
new_row += 'tdinput type=text value=some text
name=text'+next_num+' id=text'+next_num+' //td/tr';
$('#example_table tbody').append(new_row);

$('#example_table').click(function(event) {
tgt = $(event.target);
if ($(tgt).is('td.row_num'))

[jQuery] $ Not defined

2008-08-28 Thread Chris

I am having trouble with the $ not defined error and after reading
Karl's response (http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/
+not+defined#7312dc68c84d93af) I have assured myself that it is in
fact NOT loading my local copy of the jquery file.

I have tried placing it in the same directory as the calling file, my
js directory, all diff places.   I renamed the download file to
jquery126.js and did the following...

script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery126.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=js/global.js/script

Oddly enough when using firebug - I can confirm that the jquery file
is giving me a 404  - yet the global.js file is being served just
fine.  They are both located in the same placve, I have confirmed the
file spelling etc.  I even tried using the Dreamweaver code hints to
help me browse for and select the correct file.

Yet the only file that will not wok is my jquery file.

Any ideas anyone?


[jQuery] Re: Doc's site down?

2008-08-28 Thread Sam

For jQuery reference, I use Visual jQuery almost exclusively, unless
using a new plugin:


Seems to be a better option than the docs site.

[jQuery] replace href url value for anchor tag

2008-08-28 Thread jon

this is probably pretty simple but trying to find documentation on how
to change the href value on an anchor tag.

i've seen docs that let you filter an anchor tag based on class which
is prob what i'll do but i need to change the url that it is pointing
to href=some/pattern/here to rewrite to ensure proper encoding (for
spaces, etc.) and b/c i want to point it somewhere different.  this is
prob not best approach overall but data is not easy to change for me
so i want to change the url.

I'll need to do same thing for  tags as well (point src to diff

your help is appreciated.

also looking for where documentation specifies what properties can be

[jQuery] Re: New plugin - date picker

2008-08-28 Thread Mat

Hi Stefan,

I was wondering if you could help me with regards to your jQuery
DatePicker? Let me just say that this piece of work is fantastic, i've
extended it somewhat to ensure my requirements are embedded. I'm
having a difficulty with one area. When viewing the DatePicker in IE
7.0 the browser window loses focus and another window pops over it.
This only occurs when there is one browser tab open, if there is more
than one it works fine, the problem doesn't exist in FireFox.

I wondered if you'd come across this problem and if you knew how to
fix it? I believe it has something to do with the EYE code as when I
remove this it functions fine but the calendar no longer works

If you could provide any guidence or help that would be superb and
very much appreciated. I can send you a copy of a zipped up version I
have been working if you need to see an example. I've looked at your
example and it doesn't appear to happen but then I've stripped my
version down to what yours is and it does occur. The problem isn't
related to just my machine, it also occurs on other peoples.

Thanks in anticipation,


On Jul 30, 4:42 pm, Stefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know UI has a date picker already, yet I hope some people may want
 different features and layout options.


[jQuery] Re: Help with jQuery Cycle Plugin Transitions

2008-08-28 Thread NYJC102

Hi Mike,

Yes, indeed!  Test page currently resides at http://preview.tinyurl.com/652c6n

Obviously, from there you can see my source, etc.  At this point, it
does not even fade since I've been trying to figure it all out!

Thanks again...


On Aug 27, 1:32 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Mike,

  Thanks for your reply... OK, I now am using jQuery Cycle Plugin with
  all transitions - 
  and now can't seem to achieve even the fade!?

  Where in the js file do I define, say, scrollDown?  I've tried in the
  default settings to no avail.  When I load the page, no transition
  happens!  The code in my doc head is:

  script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery.js/script
  script type=text/javascript src=js/jqueryCycle.js/script

  Ugghhh!  Thanks again for the guidance on this one...


 Can you please post a link to the page you're having trouble with or
 create a bare-bones demo page that shows the problem?  Thanks.


[jQuery] Re: problem using form.js and nice edit together.

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Alsup

 yea you point is right Mike,
 NiceEdit doesn't got a good documentation also :P
 Need to try with some other RTE.
 Is there any other Rich Text Editors You guys know which can have this
 functionality I need to implement ?

Here's one:  http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/FCKEditor/

[jQuery] Re: Firfox 3 and Firefox 2

2008-08-28 Thread Eric Martin

Assuming you have neither versions installed:

1) install FF2 - use the custom option to install in a different
directory (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 2)
2) install FF3 - use the custom option to install in a different
directory (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 3)
3) from the command line, run the profile manager to manage profiles:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 2\firefox.exe -profilemanager
4) create new profiles (firefox2, firefox3) You can also just use the
default for either version...it's up to you
5) modify the firefox shortcuts (Right-click  Properties  Target) to
use the new profiles
- Firefox 2 Shortcut Target: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
2\firefox.exe -no-remote -p firefox2
- Firefox 3 Shortcut Target: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
3\firefox.exe -no-remote -p firefox3

You can use different install paths, profile names, etc...just modify
the above to fit your requirements/system. If you already have one
version installed, use the profile associated with it, otherwise you
might loose your settings.



On Aug 28, 7:12 am, Shao Kang Tat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you can google portable firefox or just go to this link:


 Well, you can't have both FF2 and FF3 running at the same time but
 you can have them both on your computer at the same time.

 Hope that helps,

 On Aug 28, 10:08 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear folk ,
  how could I run firefox 2 and firefox 3 at the same time ... is there
  any installation for both . or any trick.. or is there anything like
  IE Tester

[jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...

2008-08-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


First I'd recommend updating to latest version that Jörn's been managing. I
have no plans on updating my version.

I'm using Dan's autocomplete plugin in an app and it's working great. I
just have one question. I'm loading in all options (around 5-10) into an
array when the page loads. I'd like to trigger the list selection screen
when the user clicks into the text field. Is this possible?

So if I've got the following in my array:

I'd like all of those items to display when the user clicks the text field.
Then, as they type, it would filter out other options. Or of course they
could select it straight away, or type their own.

I thought it would be enough to put a click handler on the input field like


but that doesn't work. Anyone? Dan?

I think you might be able to hack it the way you want by changing the line:

var prev = ;


var prev = null;

And then you'd need the to set the option minChars to 0.

I haven't tested this and don't know what else this might impact.


[jQuery] Re: Attaching onAfter dynamically

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Alsup

 i need something similar to the solution 
 but with an addition:
 i want to be able to call $('#s1').cycle(2) with an onAfter handler
 and $('#s1').cycle(3) without it (basically, i want the onAfter to
 execute depending on a certain condition)

This is not supported.  The before/after callbacks are invoked
unconditionally.  This is important because the plugin leverages the
callback framework as well, so there is often more than one before/
after callback.


[jQuery] Re: Travel a Table filtered by checked Checkboxes

2008-08-28 Thread Brian Schilt

Would you be able to store the Reference Number in the value attribute
of the checkbox? That would make things a lot easier.
input type='checkbox' name='refNumber' value='ReferenceNumber'/

Then you could do something like this?
alert('ref number: ' + $(this).val());


On Aug 28, 8:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi folks,

 I have a problem, with the following scenario. Given is a Table like
 the following

   tdinput type=checkbox/tdtdReferenceNumber/td ...more

 A Submit Button is calling a function that should check the table for
 checked checkboxes and call
 a webservice with each reference number.

 The following JQuery Snippet finds all checked checkboxes, but
 afterwards I am stucked.


 I also tried the following, but without luck.

     alert( $(this).next().text() );

 Does anyone has a hint on how to solving that problem?

 best regards,


[jQuery] Re: Cycle - goto

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Alsup

 i need something similar to the solution 
 onhttp://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/goto.html, but with an addition:

 i'd like to specify if the scrolling is to be 'forward' or 'backward', so it
 would be something like:
 $('#s1').cycle(2, 'forward');  or $('#s1').cycle(2, 'backward');
 For example, if there are 4 DIVs and I am on DIV number 2, if I call
 $('#s1').cycle(3), i want the third DIV to come from the right side; if I
 call $('#s1').cycle(1), i want the first DIV to come from the left side;
 Is that possible? I mean, is it possible to specify programatically if the
 next DIV is comming from the right side or from the left side?
 Thanks in advance

This is not currently supported but I think it would be easy to add.
I'll put it on my list for the next release.


[jQuery] Re: Understanding event delegation

2008-08-28 Thread Brian Schilt

No, you don't need to input your large block of code twice, one for
each span. Event delegation doesn't care which element is clicked, it
just care what element type was clicked. The code I provided above can
handle an unlimited amount of span tags that are children of an anchor
tag. I'm doing pretty much the exact same thing on one of my projects
and the jquery.Listen plugin handles all of the nicely.

On Aug 26, 6:23 pm, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bummer that is has to be done this way.  If I have a large block of
 code that is needed for the click event, I would have to put it twice
 in my code to account for the spans inside of my anchor.  Even with
 doing this, and having more js, is it still a better idea to use event
 delegation rather than something like livequery, where each element
 gets an event binded?

 On Aug 26, 2:01 pm, Brian Schilt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   so when you have an anchor set as
   block, with a few spans to style text, it is hard to click on the
   actual anchor to give it the class.  Is this normal?

  That is a normal reaction when using event delegation and its one of
  the difficulties that Ariel was probably referring to. You'll need
  to set up your event delegation to account for 1) clicking on the
  actual anchor and 2) clicking on the child span tag.

  You'll need to add a condition to your IF statement to account for the
  span tags...When $target is a span, select its parent anchor element.

  if ($target.is('.scroll a')) {

  else if ($target.is('span')) {
    var $anchor = $target.parent('a');



  On Aug 26, 4:22 pm, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hmmm, I take that back.  It still seems like the is() is able to
   select child elements of the anchor, so when you have an anchor set as
   block, with a few spans to style text, it is hard to click on the
   actual anchor to give it the class.  Is this normal?

   On Aug 26, 11:37 am, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you, that fixed it.

Is the limitation of is() a javascript limitation, or a jQuery
limitation?  Would this be coming in a new version of jQuery?

Also, with event delegation, would you recommending using it for all
event instances on a page?  I have a few places where a single click
event is added to an ID, and I figure it is really not necessary to
mess with event delegation there.

On Aug 26, 11:31 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Note that is() doesn't accept complex selectors (yet). The reason of
 your problems is probably this.
 Event delegation is surely the best approach, if you can live with its

 Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com

 On Aug 26, 2:31 pm, hubbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am working to replace all of my uses of livequery with event
  delegation (is this even a good idea?) and have a few questions.

  I have a simple script that will add a selected class to a link 
  it is clicked.  It does work using event delegation, but it seems 
  it is not limiting it to anchor tags, but will also add the 
  class to any spans that are inside my anchor.  This seems strange, 
  is not what I want, is something wrong with the following code?

   $('body').click(function(event) {
          var $target = $(event.target);
          if ($target.is('.scroll a')) {

[jQuery] Re: Help with jQuery Cycle Plugin Transitions

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Alsup

 Yes, indeed!  Test page currently resides athttp://preview.tinyurl.com/652c6n

 Obviously, from there you can see my source, etc.  At this point, it
 does not even fade since I've been trying to figure it all out!

Firebug shows the following message in the console:

[cycle] unknown transition: srollDown

You have a typo.  Try 'scrollDown' with a 'c'.   Note that you have
this typo in two places:
jqueryCycle.js and jqcycle.js


[jQuery] Summarize Plugin trouble

2008-08-28 Thread dellis


I'm having some trouble with the summarize plugin.  I'm using drupal
5.10 and jquery 1.2.6.  The summarize code works perfectly when I just
have text in the 2nd child element (the one that hides/shows).

Ex code:
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.expandable').summarize({expandText:' Click here for more
print 'div class=expandablepFirst content showing/pp';
  print 'text';
print '/p/div';

But, when I try to embed another script/script tag in the 2nd
child element, the page finishes loading and then redirects to a white
page with only the contents of the 2nd element visible (no theme, or
any other content).

Ex code:
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.expandable').summarize({expandText:' Click here for more
print 'div class=expandablepFirst content showing/
  print 'script src=http://promos.npr.org/morning/
print '/p/div';

I'm wondering whether this might somehow be related to the similar
problem that TinyMCE has with this version of jquery (http://

Better yet, I'm wondering if anyone can see something that I'm doing

Thanks for your time. -derrick.

[jQuery] Re: Help with jQuery Cycle Plugin Transitions

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Alsup

 Firebug shows the following message in the console:

 [cycle] unknown transition: srollDown

 You have a typo.  Try 'scrollDown' with a 'c'.   Note that you have
 this typo in two places:
 jqueryCycle.js and jqcycle.js


By the way, I should mention that you're really making this hard on
yourself by not leveraging tools like FireBug (or IE 8's debugger).
With the proper tools, problems like this are very easy to solve.

[jQuery] Re: Summarize Plugin trouble

2008-08-28 Thread Derrick Ellis
oops, sorry, ignore the iframe tag... that was an attempted solution...

this is the code that isn't working;

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.expandable').summarize({expandText:' Click here for more
print 'div class=expandablepFirst content showing/pp';
  print 'script src=http://promos.npr.org/morning/morning.promo.js
print '/p/div';

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:26 PM, dellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm having some trouble with the summarize plugin.  I'm using drupal
 5.10 and jquery 1.2.6.  The summarize code works perfectly when I just
 have text in the 2nd child element (the one that hides/shows).

 Ex code:
 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.expandable').summarize({expandText:' Click here for more
 print 'div class=expandablepFirst content showing/pp';
  print 'text';
 print '/p/div';

 But, when I try to embed another script/script tag in the 2nd
 child element, the page finishes loading and then redirects to a white
 page with only the contents of the 2nd element visible (no theme, or
 any other content).

 Ex code:
 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
  $('div.expandable').summarize({expandText:' Click here for more
 print 'div class=expandablepFirst content showing/
  print 'script src=http://promos.npr.org/morning/
 print '/p/div';

 I'm wondering whether this might somehow be related to the similar
 problem that TinyMCE has with this version of jquery (http://

 Better yet, I'm wondering if anyone can see something that I'm doing

 Thanks for your time. -derrick.

[jQuery] Re: replace href url value for anchor tag

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Alsup

 this is probably pretty simple but trying to find documentation on how
 to change the href value on an anchor tag.

 i've seen docs that let you filter an anchor tag based on class which
 is prob what i'll do but i need to change the url that it is pointing
 to href=some/pattern/here to rewrite to ensure proper encoding (for
 spaces, etc.) and b/c i want to point it somewhere different.  this is
 prob not best approach overall but data is not easy to change for me
 so i want to change the url.

 I'll need to do same thing for  tags as well (point src to diff

 your help is appreciated.

 also looking for where documentation specifies what properties can be

This is a job for attr:


For example:

[jQuery] Re: $ Not defined

2008-08-28 Thread Mike Alsup

 I am having trouble with the $ not defined error and after reading
 Karl's response (http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/
 +not+defined#7312dc68c84d93af) I have assured myself that it is in
 fact NOT loading my local copy of the jquery file.

 I have tried placing it in the same directory as the calling file, my
 js directory, all diff places.   I renamed the download file to
 jquery126.js and did the following...

 script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery126.js/script
 script type=text/javascript src=js/global.js/script

 Oddly enough when using firebug - I can confirm that the jquery file
 is giving me a 404  - yet the global.js file is being served just
 fine.  They are both located in the same placve, I have confirmed the
 file spelling etc.  I even tried using the Dreamweaver code hints to
 help me browse for and select the correct file.

 Yet the only file that will not wok is my jquery file.

 Any ideas anyone?

What type of webserver are you using?  Sometimes webapps need to be
bounced when deployed into app servers like WebSphere in order to
redeploy static resources.


[jQuery] Re: animate in order

2008-08-28 Thread Ronn Ross

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately it still is not working. I tried
adding an alert to backDropLeft's callback function like so:

$('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:

and it didn't alert when I ran the page. Do you have any other ideas?


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Brian Schilt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You'll need to put the second animation in the callback function of
 the first.

  .animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:'easeOutBack'},
$('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });


 On Aug 28, 9:56 am, Ronn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have two items:
  $('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:
  $('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });
  How can I make contactBox wait until backDropLeft is finished to run
  its animate?

[jQuery] Re: Change event for hidden form field

2008-08-28 Thread Brian Schilt

I would recommend replacing the pop up window with an in-page modal
window (http://ui.jquery.com/repository/latest/demos/functional/
#ui.dialog). The modal windows these days are advanced enough to
function much like a pop up window with draggable, resizable, scolling
and whatnot. This would be easy to do if you were to use a modal
window because once hidden form field is populated you can us jQuery's
event trigger method (http://docs.jquery.com/Events/trigger#typedata)
to make it happen.

If you absolutely need to use the pop up window then have the new
window call a function in the parent window. This function can execute
a trigger.

//this function is in the parent window.
function triggerHiddenFormField() {

//pop up window calls the the parent window's function


On Aug 28, 11:40 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Something I forgot to add. The change event that I bound does fire correctly
 when I manually change the value of the field (I changed it's type from
 hidden to text for testing).


 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Andy Matthews
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:25 AM
 To: [jQuery]
 Subject: [jQuery] Change event for hidden form field

 I'm modifying the value of a hidden input field from a popup window. I
 thought it would be a simple thing to bind a change event on this field so
 that when it's value changed, something else would happen. This doesn't seem
 to work. Am I doing something wrong, or am I misunderstanding what I need to

 Or is there another way to do this, one that's better? In essence, this is
 what I'm doing.

 1) Open a new window
 2) In this new window, click a link which corresponds to an image
 3) In the new window, get the filename of the selected image; pass it back
 to a specified hidden input field in the parent window.
 4) When the hidden input field's value changes, fire an event/function which
 changes the src attribute of an img tag to match the value of the hidden
 form field.

 Any ideas? The value of the input field updates properly, but it just
 doesn't fire the change handler.


 Andy Matthews
 Senior ColdFusion Developer

 Office:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249www.dealerskins.comhttp://www.dealerskins.com/

 Total customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority! If you are not
 completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me know
 right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager Aaron West at

  2008 Email NADA.jpg

[jQuery] Re: Change event for hidden form field

2008-08-28 Thread Andy Matthews


The page in question has image upload built into the list of images to be
selected from. So that wouldn't work. However, the function call that you
suggested is what I ended up using.

Thanks for the feedback...appreciated. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brian Schilt
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:57 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Change event for hidden form field

I would recommend replacing the pop up window with an in-page modal window
#ui.dialog). The modal windows these days are advanced enough to function
much like a pop up window with draggable, resizable, scolling and whatnot.
This would be easy to do if you were to use a modal window because once
hidden form field is populated you can us jQuery's event trigger method
to make it happen.

If you absolutely need to use the pop up window then have the new window
call a function in the parent window. This function can execute a trigger.

//this function is in the parent window.
function triggerHiddenFormField() {

//pop up window calls the the parent window's function


On Aug 28, 11:40 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Something I forgot to add. The change event that I bound does fire 
 correctly when I manually change the value of the field (I changed 
 it's type from hidden to text for testing).


 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 On Behalf Of Andy Matthews
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:25 AM
 To: [jQuery]
 Subject: [jQuery] Change event for hidden form field

 I'm modifying the value of a hidden input field from a popup window. I 
 thought it would be a simple thing to bind a change event on this 
 field so that when it's value changed, something else would happen. 
 This doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong, or am I 
 misunderstanding what I need to do?

 Or is there another way to do this, one that's better? In essence, 
 this is what I'm doing.

 1) Open a new window
 2) In this new window, click a link which corresponds to an image
 3) In the new window, get the filename of the selected image; pass it 
 back to a specified hidden input field in the parent window.
 4) When the hidden input field's value changes, fire an event/function 
 which changes the src attribute of an img tag to match the value of 
 the hidden form field.

 Any ideas? The value of the input field updates properly, but it just 
 doesn't fire the change handler.


 Andy Matthews
 Senior ColdFusion Developer

 Office:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249www.dealerskins.comhttp://www.dealerskins.com/

 Total customer satisfaction is my number 1 priority! If you are not 
 completely satisfied with the service I have provided, please let me 
 know right away so I can correct the problem, or notify my manager 
 Aaron West at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  2008 Email NADA.jpg

[jQuery] mooMonth inspired calendar

2008-08-28 Thread dadabe

I've been using Mootools for a few sites now but I want to program my
next site purely in jQuery.  So far so good, Moodalbox to FancyBox,
Sliding Tabs to localScroll, but there is one feature I haven't been
able to find the equivalent of - mooMonth (no longer being developed
but had lots of promise). I posted a demo of it here:

Not having much experience in jQuery, I'm wondering if anyone feels
challenged to code the equivalent of this. Any takers?

[jQuery] Re: animate in order

2008-08-28 Thread Brian Schilt

Ok, our syntax was a bit jacked up. I created a test page, this will

$('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550},750,'easeOutBack', function(){

Make sure that you have jquery-ui loaded up as well otherwise easing
won't work.


On Aug 28, 12:50 pm, Ronn Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the response. Unfortunately it still is not working. I tried
 adding an alert to backDropLeft's callback function like so:

 $('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:

 and it didn't alert when I ran the page. Do you have any other ideas?


 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Brian Schilt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You'll need to put the second animation in the callback function of
  the first.

   .animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:'easeOutBack'},
     $('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });


  On Aug 28, 9:56 am, Ronn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have two items:

       $('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:
       $('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });

   How can I make contactBox wait until backDropLeft is finished to run
   its animate?

[jQuery] Re: animate in order

2008-08-28 Thread Ronn Ross

Thanks that worked great. I'm still new to JQuery, but community has been a
great help.

Thanks again for the help,

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Brian Schilt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, our syntax was a bit jacked up. I created a test page, this will

 $('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550},750,'easeOutBack', function(){

 Make sure that you have jquery-ui loaded up as well otherwise easing
 won't work.


 On Aug 28, 12:50 pm, Ronn Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the response. Unfortunately it still is not working. I tried
  adding an alert to backDropLeft's callback function like so:
  $('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:
  and it didn't alert when I ran the page. Do you have any other ideas?
  On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Brian Schilt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   You'll need to put the second animation in the callback function of
   the first.
.animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:'easeOutBack'},
  $('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });
   On Aug 28, 9:56 am, Ronn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have two items:
$('#backDropLeft').animate({height:550}, {duration: 750, easing:
$('#contactBox').fadeIn(1000, function() { });
How can I make contactBox wait until backDropLeft is finished to run
its animate?

[jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...

2008-08-28 Thread Andy Matthews


I think it might actually work without those changes you suggested. Problem
is that at the point I'm calling the plugin, it doesn't recognize
showResults as a method:

// this array comes from the coupons_edit.cfm file

When I click the input field, I get an error:

showResults is not defined
Line 130

Any ideas? Also, is Jörn's plugin listed on the jQuery site?


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dan G. Switzer, II
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:17 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...


First I'd recommend updating to latest version that Jörn's been managing. I
have no plans on updating my version.

I'm using Dan's autocomplete plugin in an app and it's working great. I 
just have one question. I'm loading in all options (around 5-10) into 
an array when the page loads. I'd like to trigger the list selection 
screen when the user clicks into the text field. Is this possible?

So if I've got the following in my array:

I'd like all of those items to display when the user clicks the text field.
Then, as they type, it would filter out other options. Or of course 
they could select it straight away, or type their own.

I thought it would be enough to put a click handler on the input field 


but that doesn't work. Anyone? Dan?

I think you might be able to hack it the way you want by changing the line:

var prev = ;


var prev = null;

And then you'd need the to set the option minChars to 0.

I haven't tested this and don't know what else this might impact.


[jQuery] Re: Doc's site down?

2008-08-28 Thread John Resig
We've been working with the guys at Media Temple - they're going to be
breaking us off into multiple servers. Right now the docs site (for example)
is getting the equivalent of about 3-4 Slashdot/Digg effects per day so
we have to boost up the resources that we have.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Chris Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 No offense to Remy, but I just don't like the way the Visual jQuery docs
 are laid out. I *really* like the way the official docs are laid out on
 docs.jQuery.com. If a copy of the docs in that exact format could be
 hosted somewhere else as an alternative to docs.jQuery.com, then I'd be
 happy with that.

 Just my two-cents. Having docs down (they appear to be down right now
 2:22pm cst) is very frustrating, but I'm happy to know that they're working
 to resolve the issue.

 Any kind of update on the problem, Rey?


 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For jQuery reference, I use Visual jQuery almost exclusively, unless
 using a new plugin:


 Seems to be a better option than the docs site.


[jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...

2008-08-28 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


I think it might actually work without those changes you suggested. Problem
is that at the point I'm calling the plugin, it doesn't recognize
showResults as a method:

That's a private function that only the plug-in can access.


[jQuery] Re: Doc's site down?

2008-08-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
I googled jquery chm I got this link (I know some may view chm's as pesky
[others may not be able to use them])

if its up to date it may well be helpful in the interim - I think it was
last updated March 31, 2008

- S

2008/8/28 Chris Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 No offense to Remy, but I just don't like the way the Visual jQuery docs
 are laid out. I *really* like the way the official docs are laid out on
 docs.jQuery.com. If a copy of the docs in that exact format could be
 hosted somewhere else as an alternative to docs.jQuery.com, then I'd be
 happy with that.

 Just my two-cents. Having docs down (they appear to be down right now
 2:22pm cst) is very frustrating, but I'm happy to know that they're working
 to resolve the issue.

 Any kind of update on the problem, Rey?


 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For jQuery reference, I use Visual jQuery almost exclusively, unless
 using a new plugin:


 Seems to be a better option than the docs site.


[jQuery] Re: Doc's site down?

2008-08-28 Thread Chris Jordan
That's good news, John. All this reminds me that I've not donated to jQuery
in a several months. I somehow feel like I need (and want) to send in more
support. I don't know if the hosting for the jQuery site (servers,
bandwidth, administration, maintenance, etc.) is being donated or what, but
a little money couldn't hurt, right?

Thanks for all you (and the rest of the jQuery team) do, John! :o)


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 2:26 PM, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We've been working with the guys at Media Temple - they're going to be
 breaking us off into multiple servers. Right now the docs site (for example)
 is getting the equivalent of about 3-4 Slashdot/Digg effects per day so
 we have to boost up the resources that we have.


 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Chris Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 No offense to Remy, but I just don't like the way the Visual jQuery docs
 are laid out. I *really* like the way the official docs are laid out on
 docs.jQuery.com. If a copy of the docs in that exact format could be
 hosted somewhere else as an alternative to docs.jQuery.com, then I'd be
 happy with that.

 Just my two-cents. Having docs down (they appear to be down right now
 2:22pm cst) is very frustrating, but I'm happy to know that they're working
 to resolve the issue.

 Any kind of update on the problem, Rey?


 On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For jQuery reference, I use Visual jQuery almost exclusively, unless
 using a new plugin:


 Seems to be a better option than the docs site.



[jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...

2008-08-28 Thread Andy Matthews

There we go. It's no big deal. Just thought it would be a nice addition.
Thanks for checking it out Dan. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dan G. Switzer, II
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 2:37 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Dan Switzer's Autocomplete plugin - can I do this...


I think it might actually work without those changes you suggested. 
Problem is that at the point I'm calling the plugin, it doesn't 
recognize showResults as a method:

That's a private function that only the plug-in can access.


[jQuery] problem with ajax request: request is not being sent

2008-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, I am using jQuery and Web2Messenger to create a live support
script, since this is my first attempt at using jQuery i am not
surprised i need help. I got as far as sending the request but using
tamperdata (firefox plugin) i checked if the request was going through
and it wasnt.

if(hasError == false) {
$(#form div.button).append('img 
alt=Loading id=loading /');
var post = $(form).serialize();
  url: http://www.web2messenger.com/WebSiNcH;,
  data: post,
  success: function(data){
  alert( Done! );


return false;

This isnt the first time i have worked with javascript, but i havent
done much if you need to see the script in action just go here

[jQuery] Order load

2008-08-28 Thread jbetts80

Hi! how do I do to specify the order to load every component in the
html file?
I need to avoid that an component overlaps another component

[jQuery] Wrap tagless text fragments?

2008-08-28 Thread Steven Black

I develop and host wikis where users enter free-form text, and my
server-side parsers create WISIWYG HTML from this.

Of course, users can, and do, submit almost anything, and on the
server-side I do a pretty good job of marking it up properly.  But
addressing edge-cases makes the server-side parsing increasingly

One such edge case is islands of text that are not in any tag other
than the global containing DIV.  Like this:

div class=container
  h3I am text within a tag/h3
  I am a text island child of the container div wrapper.  --- My
edge case
  pI am also text within a tag/p

QUESTION: Using jQuery, how would you select orphan text inside a DIV
in order to $.wrap() it, say, in a p tag?

I'm thinking I could ask the client browsers to address some of these
edge-cases for me.

Ideas?  Something like $

**--**  Steve

[jQuery] Re: replace href url value for anchor tag

2008-08-28 Thread jon

cool thanks.

I'm having trouble applying it...
I have an anchor tag like a href=File Library/IDClickity/a

and i need to build an url like somewhere/?library=File

my approach below is only happy when pattern exists (pages with normal
links give js error).  plus this can't be best way.

$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).addClass(file);
var library = $(a.file).attr('href').split(/) [0].replace( ,
var id =  $(a.file).attr('href').split(/) [1];


On Aug 28, 12:43 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this is probably pretty simple but trying to find documentation on how
  to change the href value on an anchor tag.

  i've seen docs that let you filter an anchor tag based on class which
  is prob what i'll do but i need to change the url that it is pointing
  to href=some/pattern/here to rewrite to ensure proper encoding (for
  spaces, etc.) and b/c i want to point it somewhere different.  this is
  prob not best approach overall but data is not easy to change for me
  so i want to change the url.

  I'll need to do same thing for  tags as well (point src to diff

  your help is appreciated.

  also looking for where documentation specifies what properties can be

 This is a job for attr:


 For example:

  1   2   >