[jQuery] Re: HttpHandler not returning JSON data

2008-12-29 Thread JQueryProgrammer

I did try and am able to use the json.net class for it. The
HttpHandler is returning json data now. Thanks.

Now I was trying to get 10 items from the json file. My url in
$.getJSON looks like:

$.getJSON(myjsonfile.json?count=10, {}, function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i, item) {

But the above code returns all 20 items in my file. What mistakes am I

On Dec 28, 3:57 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Want to make life MUCH easier than all those IE-specific hacks?

 Check out Json.NET


 On Dec 28, 1:15 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:

  I got the solution to this. Actually this code was working in Firefox
  and not in IE. When I tried to run in IE, it was giving error 12030
  (Server unexpectedly terminated connection) from IE's XMLHttpRequest
  object. The solution:

  In my HttpHandler I included the code:

  System.IO.Stream st = context.Request.InputStream;
  byte[] buf = new byte[100];
  while (true)
      int iRead = st.Read(buf, 0, 100);
      if (iRead == 0)


  Actually ASp.Net does not read the complete incoming input stream
  automatically. In order for IE's XMLHttpRequest object to properly
  read return stream the input stream must be completely read by the
  server (even if you are not interested in it).

  On Dec 28, 10:29 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi All,

   I was working with a basic example where I wanted to get JSON data
   from the HttpHandler. My javascript code looks like:

       url: 'Handler1.ashx',
       type: 'POST',
       data: { name: 'MyName' },
       contextType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
       dataType: 'json',
       success: function(data) {
           alert(Data Saved  + data.name);


   My Handler1.ashx code looks like:

   context.Response.ContentType = application/json;
   string results = { 'name': '+ context.Request.Params[name] +' };

   But I am not getting the results right. Infact I am not getting any
   result in data.name. Please let me know what is the mistake and what
   is the correct way to get JSON data.

[jQuery] Re: Hiding a div with content loaded via .load function

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

you have to make sure the DOM element (i.e. your close button) is
available when you define your close() function. or use the
livequery plugin. or use event delegation.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:09 AM, amnesia440 spaceman...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am trying to load a login form into the #login_pop_box div via
 the .load function:

  $('a#login_pop_box_on').click(function() {
  $('a#login_pop_box_off').click(function() {

 This works, but when I try to cose the window with a link contained in
 the content I just loaded, nothing happens.

 Here is the link i the loaded content:
 a href=# id=login_pop_box_off[x]close/a

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel autostart

2008-12-29 Thread sixtyseven

Sorry for beeing so short in the description, so here is my attempt.
The Scenario is the following: I want to have an option for the
jcarousel having autostart on a per user basis. So here is my attempt
by using a cookie via php. In the header i ask for the cookie as

$slider = $_COOKIE['info_autoscroll'];
} else {
$slider = 'manuell';

$slider could get the two values manuell (german for by hand or

Next I start the jcarousel as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {
scroll: 1,
easing: 'easein',
?php if($slider == 'auto') {
echo auto: .$sliderduration.,
wrap: 'both',;
initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel autostart

2008-12-29 Thread sixtyseven

My callback goes as follows:

function mycarousel_initCallback(carousel)
?php if($slider == 'auto') { ?
// Disable autoscrolling if the user clicks the prev or next
carousel.buttonNext.bind('click', function() {

carousel.buttonPrev.bind('click', function() {

// Pause autoscrolling if the user moves with the cursor over the
carousel.clip.hover(function() {
}, function() {
?php } ?

Next I have a function which handles the ajax stuff for the cookie and
the success output:

function getscrolltype(what) {
$.get('autoscroll.php',{scrollmodus: what},function(returned_data)
 if(what == auto) {

 if(what == manuell) {


The switch I realised as follows:
div id=autoscroller
lia href=# onclick=getscrolltype('auto');
id=autoscrollAutomatisch scrollen/a/li
lia href=# onclick=getscrolltype('manuell');
id=manuellscrollManuell scrollen/a/li

Gewählt: span id=autoscroll_output?php if
echo Automatisch scrollen;
} else { echo Manuell scrollen;

Finally my little page autoscroll.php that sets the php cookie and


$slider= $_GET['scrollmodus'];
if($slider != auto  $style != manuell){
$slider = manuell;

setcookie(info_autoscroll, $slider, time()+(604800 *

echo $slider;

So what I trying  to reach without sucess is to start/stop autoscroll
from the javascript function getscrolltype above:

function getscrolltype(what) {
$.get('autoscroll.php',{scrollmodus: what},function(returned_data)
 if(what == auto) {

   *** Start the Autoscroll of my
jcarousel now ***

 if(what == manuell) {

 *** Stop the Autoscroll of my
jcarousel now ***



I tried several things, but nothing worked out for me. The PHP part
works well, but it obvious only comes out, if the Visitor clicks on a
link. What I want is to start/stop Autoscroll immediately. Is that

Hope I described my Problem a lot better. Sorry for my English, I am

Any help is greatly apreciated, I keep the fingers cross, that
somebody couls help me out of this. Thank  you.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney

Hi... just starting out to get this going.

I'm guessing that the reason onclick code has the #, for example: a
href=# onclick=someFunction.add etc code etc etc /a

is because it can't do the onclick AND more typical things like this

lia href=#myID/a/li

Is because they conflict...


I have my Li/ul menu code doing a bunch of scrollto stuff. Took weeks
to figure out.

NOW I need to have the SAME menu, when I click on the Li's bring up a
different flv video for each menu item (li)

sheeesh... do I use live query or what.
I'm REALLY stumped... I do have a much greater 'sorta'  understanding
of the: neolao flv player, swfobject2, jquery.swfobject.js, jmedia
plugin, luke's flash plugin, and malsup's medai plugin.

whew! :--)

Though the REAL problem is to get some kinda elegant way of having the
flv videos play in a seperate div location (stop when new video starts
as well) when I click on each and every menu item.

And, there menu items already are doing their scrollto coda-scroller
type thing already.

Yes... this question is my biggest question ever...
Could a guru please comment on how to get the menu items to do BOTH
what they're doing now as standard   lia href=#myID/a/li
AND also do the calling of the (I guess?) onclick thing to call the
videos individually at the same time.

I guess it shouldn't take me more than all year to do... hehehe what's
left of it thank fully! if that makes sense...hehehe

thank you for reading.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: corner plugin ie7 bug

2008-12-29 Thread hcvitto


sorry for the long delay..i moved everything here


would you check now whether you can see it?

On 23 Dic, 16:58, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  mmh..that's weird..i can see it right..

 All of the scripts and stylesheets on that page return 403 Forbidden.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Undocumented move/copy behavior of append() et al.

2008-12-29 Thread Markus Gritsch

Perfect :)

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 11:45 PM, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com wrote:

 Here's what I came up with, does it make sense?

 Most jQuery methods that accept content will accept one or more
 arguments of any of the following:

 * A DOM node element;
 * An array of DOM node elements;
 * A jQuery object;
 * A string representing HTML.

 $(#div2), emafter div2/em


 Content inserting methods (append, prepend, before, after, and
 replaceWith) behave differently depending on the number of DOM
 elements currently selected by the jQuery object. If there is only one
 element in the jQuery object, the content is inserted to that element;
 content that was in another location in the DOM tree will be moved by
 this operation. This is essentially the same as the W3C DOM
 appendChild method.


 When multiple elements are selected by a jQuery object, these methods
 clone the content before inserting it to each element. Since the
 content can only exist in one location in the document tree, cloning
 is required in these cases so that the same content can be used in
 multiple locations.

 This rule also applies to the selector-insertion methods (appendTo,
 prependTo, insertBefore, insertAfter, and replaceAll), but the auto-
 cloning occurs if there is more than one element selected by the
 Selector provided as an argument to the method.

 When a specific behavior is needed regardless of the number of
 elements selected, use the .clone() or .remove() methods in
 conjunction with a selector-insertion method. This example will always
 clone #Thing, append it to each element with class OneOrMore, and
 leave the original #Thing unmolested in the document:


 This example will always remove #Thing from the document and append it
 to .OneOrMore:


[jQuery] Re: Querying XML with jQuery in IE6

2008-12-29 Thread Anonymous
ok, I find that I can get the json element very easy but still haven't found
a way to get the attribute name.
$(Test, data).each(function(i){
 console.log($([...@name], this).text()); // does not work.
 console.log($(json, this).text());  // does work
I have tried with the following queries: /te...@name]

Is this jQuery not supporting attribute selectors or is my xpath wrong?

thanks in advance, jon.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Anonymous ilaughlou...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all.

 I'm trying to get some values from an XML document in jQuery but lack of a
 (good) debugger in IE6 means that I can't figure this out.
 The XML is simple:
  Test name=Help
 Test name=telia-big-box


 I get it through jQuery.get and the document is in the variable data:
 $(Test, data).each(function(i){

 The commented bit works in FF3 and I have found that it's the childNodes of
 the Test element that differs. Is there a safer way to query an XML document
 with jQuery, so I don't run into these abnormalties between browsers?

 Thanks in advance, Jon.

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart don't work for ajax/load?

2008-12-29 Thread hcvitto

come on..give me a christmas present  ;)

On 23 Dic, 09:51, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:
 i'm still here :) ...?

[jQuery] Re: Refactoring problem with jquery-selectors

2008-12-29 Thread Vincent Robert

If you just want to use your function without changing the signature,
you have to pass along the current this when calling your function.
This is done using the call function JavaScript provides for

function addClickHandler(tableId, functionName, myUrl)  {
jQuery('#' + tableId + ' tbody').children('tr').click(function
functionName.call(this,myUrl); // alternate syntax:
functionName.apply(this, [myUrl]);

On Dec 28, 11:04 pm, j0llyr0g3r th3.gr31t.j0lly.r0...@googlemail.com

 fast reply.:-)

 I did as you proposed and it works fine now.

 Special thanks for the explanation!

 On 28 Dez., 22:26, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

  The problem is the first line in your clickOnTableRowResultSet() function:

          var row = jQuery(this);

  When you were using that function directly as a click handler, 'this' was
  set to the element being clicked. But now you are calling the function
  through an ordinary function call, so 'this' is not the same any more. (It's
  now the global object, i.e. the window object.)

  To fix it:

  function addClickHandler(tableId, functionName, myUrl)  {
          jQuery('#' + tableId + ' ' +



  function clickOnTableRowResultSet(element,url) {...}


   From: j0llyr0g3r

   Hey guys,

   i am having problems with some refactoring:

   I have some html-tables to which i add an onclick-handler like this:


   'addClickHandler' looks like this:

   function addClickHandler(tableId, functionName)    {
      jQuery('#' + tableId + ' ' +
   'tbody').children('tr').click (functionName); }

   Now, all the functions i pass to this onclick-Handler look
   almost the same :

   function clickOnTableRowResultSet() {
      var row = jQuery(this);
      var songUrl = trimAll(row.find('td:last form input
           var trackID = trimAll(row.find('td:last form input
      var trackInfoUrl = /tracks/track_info/ + trackID;
   (request);}, url:trackInfoUrl, async:false}); } CODE

   with trimAll being:

    * trimAll replaces all whitespace and newlines from a string
    */ function trimAll(str) {
      return str.replace(/\n+|\s+/g,);

   All of these functions basically do the same: they read out
   hidden fields in the last column of the table row, send an
   event to a flash- player and update a certain part of the website.

   The only thing in which they differ, is this part:

      var trackInfoUrl = /tracks/track_info/ + trackID;

   So i wanted to summarize all my almost identical functions
   into one by passing the above mentioned url to them.

   I tried it like this:

   Call to addClickHandler on the website:


   '/ tracks/track_info/' );

   Then I changed my addClickHandler like this:

   function addClickHandler(tableId, functionName, myUrl)     {
      jQuery('#' + tableId + ' ' +

   And finally summarized my clickOnTable...-functions like this:

   function clickOnTableRowResultSet(url) {
      var row = jQuery(this);
      var songUrl = trimAll(row.find('td:last form input
           var trackID = trimAll(row.find('td:last form input
      var trackInfoUrl = url + trackID;
   (request);}, url:trackInfoUrl, async:false}); }

   So far, this looks good to me, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
   Using debugging i see that 'clickOnTableRowResultSet' gets
   passed the correct url, but then the line afterwards:

      var songUrl = trimAll(row.find('td:last form input

   gives me the JS-error:
   Error: str is undefined

   in function trimAll, which basically means that

         row.find('td:last form input[name=hidden_url_field]').val()

   yields undef.

   This is what i don't get, i didn't change any part of the
   logic which deals with finding the fields, etc.

   None of my changes affected these parts - at least in my
   eyes. But somehow the jquery-selectors seem to be unable to
   find my rows?

   Does anybody see what's the problem here?

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Querying XML with jQuery in IE6

2008-12-29 Thread Anonymous
got it!

$(Test, data).each(function(i){
 console.log($(json, this).text());

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Anonymous ilaughlou...@gmail.com wrote:

 ok, I find that I can get the json element very easy but still haven't
 found a way to get the attribute name.
 $(Test, data).each(function(i){
  console.log($([...@name], this).text()); // does not work.
  console.log($(json, this).text());  // does work
 I have tried with the following queries: /te...@name]

 Is this jQuery not supporting attribute selectors or is my xpath wrong?

 thanks in advance, jon.

 On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Anonymous ilaughlou...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all.

 I'm trying to get some values from an XML document in jQuery but lack of a
 (good) debugger in IE6 means that I can't figure this out.
 The XML is simple:
  Test name=Help
 Test name=telia-big-box


 I get it through jQuery.get and the document is in the variable data:
 $(Test, data).each(function(i){

 The commented bit works in FF3 and I have found that it's the childNodes
 of the Test element that differs. Is there a safer way to query an XML
 document with jQuery, so I don't run into these abnormalties between

 Thanks in advance, Jon.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: jCarousel

2008-12-29 Thread Chandan Luthra
Dear Maddy,
Jcarousel can display more 3 images and also can scroll more than 1 image !
you just have to mention some parameter

btnNext: someId Or Class,
btnPrev: someId Or Class,
visible: 5,
With Regards,
Chandan Luthra
Intelligrape Software

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 5:13 PM, maddy postbo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi thanks Torstein for your reply on my personal Mail ID regarding
 using Hi-slide along side jCarousel , what i would like to know is

 a) jCarousel displays only three images in the scroll can i increase
 it to to say five
 b) when i use Hi-slide as my default gallery viewer will all the
 functions of Hi-slide come into effect?? do i have to d\enable it with
 some script apart from what you have suggested in my mail

 see below

 First, add the JS and the CSS for the page like in the Highslide
 download examples.

 Second, find this in the jCarousel example:
// Apply thickbox
 Change it to:

 // Apply Highslide
 item.onclick = function () {
   return hs.expand(this);
 Best regards,
 Torstein Hønsi


 thanks in advance


[jQuery] Re: [treeview] Would like to limit toggle to the plus/minus icons

2008-12-29 Thread walkinthere

I'd like to do the opposite.
Clicking any link in the tree (whether a parent or leaf) should
load the page AND toggle to expand/collapse.

In the demo, it LOOKS like this works.  But the demo does not use
real links, so the page isn't reloaded with another.

You can see this on
when clicking Meatballs, for example.  The page is reloaded, but
the node isn't expanded unless you click the + or -.

Really happy with the plugin, very professional look.

On Dec 12, 6:23 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Thetreeviewbinds click events on span-elements. If you remove or
 replace those, you should get the desired behaviour.


 On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Syntaxis m.hage...@gmail.com wrote:

  A few feature requests:

  1. I want to be able to click on the text inside an LI-tag without
  toggling the tree. Just like in a filesystem, I want to select the
  folder, but not necessarily expand it's view.

  2. Please keep up the good work!

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart don't work for ajax/load?

2008-12-29 Thread Daniel

I dont think there is a problem with your javascript code.

Did you try to set #load initial style to display:none ?


On Dec 29, 5:33 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:
 come on..give me a christmas present  ;)

 On 23 Dic, 09:51, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

  i'm still here :) ...?

[jQuery] $.getJSON not returning specified count

2008-12-29 Thread JQueryProgrammer


I was trying to get 10 items from the json file. My url in $.getJSON
looks like:

$.getJSON(myjsonfile.json?count=10, {}, function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i, item) {


But the above code returns all 20 items from my file. What mistakes am
I making?

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread Agile Consulting


[jQuery] Re: $.getJSON not returning specified count

2008-12-29 Thread MorningZ

What's the returned JSON look like?

On Dec 29, 6:50 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was trying to get 10 items from the json file. My url in $.getJSON
 looks like:

 $.getJSON(myjsonfile.json?count=10, {}, function(data) {
     $.each(data, function(i, item) {


 But the above code returns all 20 items from my file. What mistakes am
 I making?

[jQuery] Re: corner plugin ie7 bug

2008-12-29 Thread Daniel

The page isnt loading correctly for me

On Dec 29, 4:44 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

 sorry for the long delay..i moved everything here


 would you check now whether you can see it?

 On 23 Dic, 16:58, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

   mmh..that's weird..i can see it right..

  All of the scripts and stylesheets on that page return 403 Forbidden.

[jQuery] Re: $.getJSON not returning specified count

2008-12-29 Thread JQueryProgrammer

It contains all items from my json file. The file looks like:


On Dec 29, 4:55 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 What's the returned JSON look like?

 On Dec 29, 6:50 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:


  I was trying to get 10 items from the json file. My url in $.getJSON
  looks like:

  $.getJSON(myjsonfile.json?count=10, {}, function(data) {
      $.each(data, function(i, item) {


  But the above code returns all 20 items from my file. What mistakes am
  I making?

[jQuery] [jCarousel] fetching the script with a PHP function?

2008-12-29 Thread Drako

I love this little and flexible script. The problem i got is that i'd
like to fetch it with a PHP function instead of a plain HTNL address,
but i cannot figure out how to do this.

to explain it better, i've a php function called tep_image() wich
supplied with an image address can create a thumbnail of the size i
need, and i'd like the script to work with this script.

Any clue?

[jQuery] Re: window.location = 'test/index.html'; error

2008-12-29 Thread slavix

try this

skyspark wrote:
 I have been trying out the code from
 as a solution for doing server side javascript with dom parsing/ 
 manipulation. when i do sample code,some error happen like this
 r...@sec-portal:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs# java -jar build/js.jar
 Rhino 1.6 release 6 2007 06 28
 js load('build/runtest/env.js');
 js window.location = 'test/index.html';
 js Exception in thread Thread-0 org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError:
 TypeError: Cannot call method createEvent of null
 at script(build/runtest/env.js:29)
 at script.makeRequest(build/runtest/env.js:650)
 at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.call(Context.java:548)
 at adapter1.run(adapter)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
 why it happend? help me. thanks

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with reloading AJAX content (Flowplayer) in jqModal window

2008-12-29 Thread agile


[jQuery] Tablesorter, problems ordering numbers

2008-12-29 Thread Soledad Zubiri

I have a tablesorter with a numeric column (the type is String so I have to
use a parser to order the column as number ), the problem is that it does
not order long numbers with comas separator.

Here is the example of the sorted column:

desc order--  -363,122,000.00;

asc order-- 68,000.00;

And this is part of my code:

id: digit2,
is: function(s,table) {
var c = table.config;
return $.tablesorter.isDigit(s,c);
format: function(s) {
   if (s.match(',')) {
s = s.replace(/\,/, '');
   if (s.match('')) {
s = s.replace(/\/, '');
   if (s.match(' ')) {
s = s.replace(/\ /, '');
return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(s);
type: numeric

{0:{sorter:'text'}, 1:{sorter:'text'}, 2:{sorter:'text'},
 3:{sorter:'digit2'}, 4:{sorter:'digit2'},
 6:{sorter: 'date/MM/DD'}, 7: {sorter:'digit2'}}});

Can anybody help me with this??

Thanks a lot!!


[jQuery] Re: corner plugin ie7 bug

2008-12-29 Thread donb

stylesheet main.css seems to be missing.

On Dec 29, 6:56 am, Daniel dqmin...@gmail.com wrote:
 The page isnt loading correctly for me

 On Dec 29, 4:44 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:


  sorry for the long delay..i moved everything here


  would you check now whether you can see it?

  On 23 Dic, 16:58, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

mmh..that's weird..i can see it right..

   All of the scripts and stylesheets on that page return 403 Forbidden.

[jQuery] Extend Joomla Simplify with the superfishmenu!!!

2008-12-29 Thread Beninhio


can anybody tell me where i should copy the extended files of the ZIP-
file mod_superfishmenu.zip? I want to use the basic-style menu in
my Joomla simplify-template.
I don't know exactly where I have to copy the files of teh ZIP-file to
my simplify template. Does anybody also know how I can integrate the
menu if i copied the files to the right place?

Thx, Ben

[jQuery] jQuery.getJSON Current Url Prefixed

2008-12-29 Thread buaziz

hi am using jQuery.getJSON to request a cross-domain page using the following

  jQuery.getJSON(crossDomainUrl, function(result) {

but i never reach the cross domain url as the current url is always prefixed
to it, like so

Current Page Url : http://localhost/page.aspx
Cross Domain Url : http://remoteServer

getJSON final request url is : 

so i always get a 404 error

can you please tell me why is this happening


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] closures and for loop question, NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS

2008-12-29 Thread Joel

JQuery users,

I'm receiving the following error:

Error: [Exception... Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0
[nsIDOMViewCSS.getComputedStyle]  nsresult: 0x80570009
(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)  location: JS frame ::
http://REMOVED.net/jquery-1.2.6.min.js :: anonymous :: line 22  data:
Source File: http://REMOVED.net/jquery-1.2.6.min.js
Line: 22

When I run this code:

$(function () {
var imgs = $(div).filter(.fc_Picture);
var parentDiv;
for(i=0; iimgs.length; i++) {
var img = new Image();
parentDiv = imgs[i];
.load(function(parentDiv,image) {
return function() {

What I'm trying to do is have a set of images and each one loads with
one of those cute little loader swirl things. I understand the
pitfalls of for loops and closures (after much head scratching) but I
still can't get it to work and to be honest I haven't the faintest
what that error message means.

Thanks for your help


[jQuery] Re: jQuery.getJSON Current Url Prefixed

2008-12-29 Thread JQueryProgrammer

Is your http://remoteServer page a json file or is it returning a json

buaziz wrote:

 hi am using jQuery.getJSON to request a cross-domain page using the following

   jQuery.getJSON(crossDomainUrl, function(result) {

 but i never reach the cross domain url as the current url is always prefixed
 to it, like so

 Current Page Url : http://localhost/page.aspx
 Cross Domain Url : http://remoteServer

 getJSON final request url is :

 so i always get a 404 error

 can you please tell me why is this happening


 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Table Sorter - Problem sorting numbers with comma seperators

2008-12-29 Thread Soledad Zubiri
it`s me again, I`m new using tablesroter and I don´t know how to solve this
problem of sorting numbers with comma separators(it doesn`t sort well), I`ve
been looking everywhere but I didn`t get a solution. Can anybody help me??

Thanks Sole.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.getJSON Current Url Prefixed

2008-12-29 Thread buaziz

the remoteServer is returning JSON data.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.getJSON Current Url Prefixed

2008-12-29 Thread JQueryProgrammer

Can u paste the remote server url over here. I will try from my local
m/c. I tried the sample given on http://docs.jquery.com
/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON#urldatacallback and it works perfectly fine.

On Dec 29, 6:34 pm, buaziz bua...@gmail.com wrote:
 the remoteServer is returning JSON data.

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: corner plugin ie7 bug

2008-12-29 Thread hcvitto

this is driving me crazy!!
anyway, i moved everything here


and this should be it!

On 29 Dic, 14:07, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:
 stylesheet main.css seems to be missing.

 On Dec 29, 6:56 am, Daniel dqmin...@gmail.com wrote:

  The page isnt loading correctly for me

  On Dec 29, 4:44 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:


   sorry for the long delay..i moved everything here


   would you check now whether you can see it?

   On 23 Dic, 16:58, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

 mmh..that's weird..i can see it right..

All of the scripts and stylesheets on that page return 403 Forbidden.

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart don't work for ajax/load?

2008-12-29 Thread hcvitto

hi daniel
thanks for the replay..
yes, it's initial state is hidden..As far as you know, should the
ajaxStart/ajaxStop functions work with the load function too?

On 29 Dic, 12:49, Daniel dqmin...@gmail.com wrote:
 I dont think there is a problem with your javascript code.

 Did you try to set #load initial style to display:none ?


 On Dec 29, 5:33 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

  come on..give me a christmas present  ;)

  On 23 Dic, 09:51, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

   i'm still here :) ...?

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart don't work for ajax/load?

2008-12-29 Thread Daniel

yes it should. Do you have a test page ?


On Dec 29, 8:47 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:
 hi daniel
 thanks for the replay..
 yes, it's initial state is hidden..As far as you know, should the
 ajaxStart/ajaxStop functions work with the load function too?

 On 29 Dic, 12:49, Daniel dqmin...@gmail.com wrote:

  I dont think there is a problem with your javascript code.

  Did you try to set #load initial style to display:none ?


  On Dec 29, 5:33 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

   come on..give me a christmas present  ;)

   On 23 Dic, 09:51, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

i'm still here :) ...?

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart don't work for ajax/load?

2008-12-29 Thread hcvitto

Unfortunately not at the moment. To make one a have to move everything
on another server..
i 'll wait fotr the website to be published, then i will post again.
Thanks a lot, anyway

On 29 Dic, 15:01, Daniel dqmin...@gmail.com wrote:
 yes it should. Do you have a test page ?


 On Dec 29, 8:47 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

  hi daniel
  thanks for the replay..
  yes, it's initial state is hidden..As far as you know, should the
  ajaxStart/ajaxStop functions work with the load function too?

  On 29 Dic, 12:49, Daniel dqmin...@gmail.com wrote:

   I dont think there is a problem with your javascript code.

   Did you try to set #load initial style to display:none ?


   On Dec 29, 5:33 pm, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

come on..give me a christmas present  ;)

On 23 Dic, 09:51, hcvitto hcvi...@gmail.com wrote:

 i'm still here :) ...?

[jQuery] Selector Logic

2008-12-29 Thread daveyoi

Hey guys,

Sorry for a real basic question but I just cant work this out..  I
have the following structure based on a jqGrid output..

div id=div_1
td class='headerLeft'IMG //tdthTEXT/th
td class='headerButton'IMG //td
td class='headerRight'IMG //td

based on that structure how do access the IMG that belongs to the td
with class headerButton?

Been scratching my head for 2 hours now :(

[jQuery] Re: $.getJSON not returning specified count

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

The count parameter must be implemented server-side, the ajax call has
nothing to do with it. If you want to filter the first 10 items, use
something like this:

$.getJSON(myjsonfile.json, {}, function(data) {
$(data).slice(10).each(function(i, item) {



On Dec 29, 9:58 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:
 It contains all items from my json file. The file looks like:


 On Dec 29, 4:55 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  What's the returned JSON look like?

  On Dec 29, 6:50 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:


   I was trying to get 10 items from the json file. My url in $.getJSON
   looks like:

   $.getJSON(myjsonfile.json?count=10, {}, function(data) {
       $.each(data, function(i, item) {


   But the above code returns all 20 items from my file. What mistakes am
   I making?

[jQuery] Re: fetching the script with a PHP function?

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi


Just have your PHP script run the function and return the new
thumbnail URL, then it's easy:

$('somewhere').get('create_thumbnail.php', { url: 'http://images.com/
image.jpg' }, function(newURL){

(if that's any close to what you meant)

On Dec 29, 8:59 am, Drako a...@drako.it wrote:
 I love this little and flexible script. The problem i got is that i'd
 like to fetch it with a PHP function instead of a plain HTNL address,
 but i cannot figure out how to do this.

 to explain it better, i've a php function called tep_image() wich
 supplied with an image address can create a thumbnail of the size i
 need, and i'd like the script to work with this script.

 Any clue?

[jQuery] Re: Selector Logic

2008-12-29 Thread daveyoi

Sorry - left out the important part

The containing div (div_1)  can be created more than one on a page --
so div_1 , div_2 , div_3  and they would all contain the structure
described above.. this is why I cant just access using $
(.headerButton) as there could be potentially more than 1.

I reasoned therefore that i need  to access via the unique div_n id
and make way through the selectors to ensure i get the right one..?

[jQuery] Re: $.getJSON not returning specified count

2008-12-29 Thread MorningZ

Yeah, as there are 20 items returned over the wire, i'm not sure how
that loop was supposed to know to stop at 10

Time to revisit the server side code of things

On Dec 29, 10:05 am, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 The count parameter must be implemented server-side, the ajax call has
 nothing to do with it. If you want to filter the first 10 items, use
 something like this:

 $.getJSON(myjsonfile.json, {}, function(data) {
     $(data).slice(10).each(function(i, item) {



 On Dec 29, 9:58 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:

  It contains all items from my json file. The file looks like:


  On Dec 29, 4:55 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   What's the returned JSON look like?

   On Dec 29, 6:50 am, JQueryProgrammer jain.ashis...@gmail.com wrote:


I was trying to get 10 items from the json file. My url in $.getJSON
looks like:

$.getJSON(myjsonfile.json?count=10, {}, function(data) {
    $.each(data, function(i, item) {


But the above code returns all 20 items from my file. What mistakes am
I making?

[jQuery] Re: bind add hash to url to an existing function

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

First, use a single function for all your sections:

function showSection(hash) {
  var tp = '.'+hash.substring(1);
   $(#projectselect li).not(tp).removeClass('selected').hide().end()

$(#subnav a).click(function(){
   showSection( $(this).attr('href') );

Then you can reuse it on load:

   showSection( window.location.hash );

- ricardo

On Dec 28, 9:39 pm, John Przepadlo j...@jlanedesign.com wrote:
 I am a designer who is redesigning my portfolio and incorporating some
 jQuery on the new site. I have a function that acts to filter some
 items on a page. I would like to also be able to link into the page
 and have it already filter the results.

 Here is the page:http://www.jlanedesign.com/download/jld_new/code/projects/

 If you click any one of the inline list items near the top: web
 design, web dev, print, branding, photography, they have an onclick
 function that hides the other options.

 What I would like to do is have a url be able to directly do this same
 function. IE:http://www.jlanedesign.com/download/jld_new/code/projects/#print
 would filter the results of the page and show only the print projects
 as the link at top does.

 Okay be kind but my basic function looks like this:

 // filtering for sub nav on projects/index.html
          $(.webprojects, .devprojects, .photoprojects, .logoprojects).hide
          $(.all, .printprojects).show();
          $(.all, .web, .dev, .photo, .logo).removeClass(selected);

          $(.printprojects, .devprojects, .photoprojects, .logoprojects).hide
          $(.all, .webprojects).show();
          $(.all, .print, .dev, .photo, .logo).removeClass(selected);


 Is there a way to bind the hash to this function? Is there another way
 to go about this? Thoughts, ideas, comments?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.getJSON Current Url Prefixed

2008-12-29 Thread buaziz

its basically the panoramio url

given here 


sample query :

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: bind add hash to url to an existing function

2008-12-29 Thread John Przepadlo

Much more compact. Thanks for the direction. I'll wrap my head around
it, give it a whirl and let you know the results.

On Dec 29, 7:30 am, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 First, use a single function for all your sections:

 function showSection(hash) {
   var tp = '.'+hash.substring(1);
    $(#projectselect li).not(tp).removeClass('selected').hide().end()


 $(#subnav a).click(function(){
    showSection( $(this).attr('href') );


 Then you can reuse it on load:

    showSection( window.location.hash );


 - ricardo

 On Dec 28, 9:39 pm, John Przepadlo j...@jlanedesign.com wrote:

  I am a designer who is redesigning my portfolio and incorporating some
  jQuery on the new site. I have a function that acts to filter some
  items on a page. I would like to also be able to link into the page
  and have it already filter the results.

  Here is the page:http://www.jlanedesign.com/download/jld_new/code/projects/

  If you click any one of the inline list items near the top: web
  design, web dev, print, branding, photography, they have an onclick
  function that hides the other options.

  What I would like to do is have a url be able to directly do this same
  would filter the results of the page and show only the print projects
  as the link at top does.

  Okay be kind but my basic function looks like this:

  // filtering for sub nav on projects/index.html
           $(.webprojects, .devprojects, .photoprojects, .logoprojects).hide
           $(.all, .printprojects).show();
           $(.all, .web, .dev, .photo, .logo).removeClass(selected);

           $(.printprojects, .devprojects, .photoprojects, 
           $(.all, .webprojects).show();
           $(.all, .print, .dev, .photo, .logo).removeClass(selected);


  Is there a way to bind the hash to this function? Is there another way
  to go about this? Thoughts, ideas, comments?

[jQuery] Re: Selector Logic

2008-12-29 Thread Eric Martin

Depending on what you are trying to do:

$(#div_1 .headerButton img); // return the img in header button for

$(.headerButton img); // return an array of img for
each .headerButton
You can then iterate over the array for additional processing.

If you are passing the div_n (divId) dynamically, the following will
$(# + divId +  .headerButton img);

Hope that helps.


On Dec 29, 7:19 am, daveyoi dave_andr...@foobar.me.uk wrote:
 Sorry - left out the important part

 The containing div (div_1)  can be created more than one on a page --
 so div_1 , div_2 , div_3  and they would all contain the structure
 described above.. this is why I cant just access using $
 (.headerButton) as there could be potentially more than 1.

 I reasoned therefore that i need  to access via the unique div_n id
 and make way through the selectors to ensure i get the right one..?

[jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

('#main-photo-next :last').name

You're missing the $/jQuery and trying to get a property that doesn't

change that to $(this).attr('name').replace(...) and you're set.

On Dec 29, 1:36 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 Hi, all...

 I'm cloning a section of code to create additional image
 inputs in a form, along with a yes/no select field.

 When the cloning occurs, I also need to increment the field
 names of the select statement (main-photo-1, main-photo-2, etc.),
 and the file input field (image-upload-1, image-upload-2, etc.)

 Here's the HTML:

 div id=image-input

      div id=image-div-1

           pIs this photo the main property photo?/p    

           select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 

                cfif isdefined(form.fieldnames)
                     option value=cfoutput#form.main-photo-1#/cfoutput 

                option value=YesYes/option
                option value=NoNo/option


           input id=image-next name=image-upload-1 type=file size=65 



 button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button

 Here's the jQuery (a hacked-up version of something simpler that worked well,
 but was missing functionality I now need) that I'm using to clone the entire 
 div, image-div-1.

 script type=text/javascript

      $(document).ready(function() {

           $('#add-image').click(function() {

                     .attr('id', function() {
                          return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, 
 p2) {
                               return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);

                     return false;

                $('#main-photo-next :last').attr('name', function() {
                     return ('#main-photo-next 
 :last').name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2)
                          return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 12) + 1);





 As you can tell, the code is not complete, as it doesn't deal with 
 the image-next file input field.

 When I click the button to clone the div, everything appears in the DOM as it
 should, but the name of the select input is not incrementing.  Each select 
 is named main-photo-1.

 How do I need to adjust the code to cause the name to increment?

 Also, what code would I add to increment the image-next filefield?

 One last issue is how to increment the value in the select statement,

 Any tips or code would be appreciated!



[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

You can add as many listeners as you want:


 alert('Me works too');

alert('damn, stop using alerts');


On Dec 29, 7:37 am, yvonney yvonn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi... just starting out to get this going.

 I'm guessing that the reason onclick code has the #, for example: a
 href=# onclick=someFunction.add etc code etc etc /a

 is because it can't do the onclick AND more typical things like this

 lia href=#myID/a/li

 Is because they conflict...


 I have my Li/ul menu code doing a bunch of scrollto stuff. Took weeks
 to figure out.

 NOW I need to have the SAME menu, when I click on the Li's bring up a
 different flv video for each menu item (li)

 sheeesh... do I use live query or what.
 I'm REALLY stumped... I do have a much greater 'sorta'  understanding
 of the: neolao flv player, swfobject2, jquery.swfobject.js, jmedia
 plugin, luke's flash plugin, and malsup's medai plugin.

 whew! :--)

 Though the REAL problem is to get some kinda elegant way of having the
 flv videos play in a seperate div location (stop when new video starts
 as well) when I click on each and every menu item.

 And, there menu items already are doing their scrollto coda-scroller
 type thing already.

 Yes... this question is my biggest question ever...
 Could a guru please comment on how to get the menu items to do BOTH
 what they're doing now as standard   lia href=#myID/a/li
 AND also do the calling of the (I guess?) onclick thing to call the
 videos individually at the same time.

 I guess it shouldn't take me more than all year to do... hehehe what's
 left of it thank fully! if that makes sense...hehehe

 thank you for reading.

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

really?  I thought one had to namespace an event for it not to
overwrite previously set behaviours.


alert('Me works too'); });

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can add as many listeners as you want:


 alert('Me works too');

alert('damn, stop using alerts');


 On Dec 29, 7:37 am, yvonney yvonn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi... just starting out to get this going.

 I'm guessing that the reason onclick code has the #, for example: a
 href=# onclick=someFunction.add etc code etc etc /a

 is because it can't do the onclick AND more typical things like this

 lia href=#myID/a/li

 Is because they conflict...


 I have my Li/ul menu code doing a bunch of scrollto stuff. Took weeks
 to figure out.

 NOW I need to have the SAME menu, when I click on the Li's bring up a
 different flv video for each menu item (li)

 sheeesh... do I use live query or what.
 I'm REALLY stumped... I do have a much greater 'sorta'  understanding
 of the: neolao flv player, swfobject2, jquery.swfobject.js, jmedia
 plugin, luke's flash plugin, and malsup's medai plugin.

 whew! :--)

 Though the REAL problem is to get some kinda elegant way of having the
 flv videos play in a seperate div location (stop when new video starts
 as well) when I click on each and every menu item.

 And, there menu items already are doing their scrollto coda-scroller
 type thing already.

 Yes... this question is my biggest question ever...
 Could a guru please comment on how to get the menu items to do BOTH
 what they're doing now as standard   lia href=#myID/a/li
 AND also do the calling of the (I guess?) onclick thing to call the
 videos individually at the same time.

 I guess it shouldn't take me more than all year to do... hehehe what's
 left of it thank fully! if that makes sense...hehehe

 thank you for reading.

[jQuery] Re: UI Colorpicker plugin doesn't work with IE

2008-12-29 Thread Richard D. Worth
These are known issues and are some of the reasons colorpicker was removed
after 1.6rc2. It will not be in the 1.6 final release, but will be
refactored, hopefully in time for 1.7.

- Richard

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Samuel Santos sama...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've been trying to get the UI Colorpicker plugin working, but it has
 been tricky because the documentation and CSS styles are either
 missing or pretty buggy.

 I've got a working example a href=http://samaxes.appspot.com/zip/
 colorpicker.zip http://samaxes.appspot.com/zip/colorpicker.ziphere/a.
 My example works correctly with almost all
 the browsers I've tested it with (Firefox, Chrome, and Safari), but
 unfortunately it doesn't work with IE (tested with IE7).

 I've fixed the CSS bugs, but I'm yet to find if there is any
 JavaScript bug.

 Have anyone successfully make it working with IE? If yes, please let
 me know how.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.getJSON Current Url Prefixed

2008-12-29 Thread JQueryProgrammer

Try this code:

function(data) {
$(data).each(function(i, item) {

See if it helps :)

On Dec 29, 8:30 pm, buaziz bua...@gmail.com wrote:
 its basically the panoramio url

 given here


 sample query :

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney

How WONDERFUL to have had your info on this. Thank you both for the
puzzle pieces!!!
I will get right to it to try to get this working.:---)))

[jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?

2008-12-29 Thread Rick Faircloth

Well...close, but no cigar at the moment.

I've got this jQuery now:

$(document).ready(function() {

 $('#add-image').click(function() {

   .attr('id', function() {
return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);


   $('#main-photo-next:last').attr('name', function() {
return $(this).attr('name').replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, 
function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);

   return false;



And it's still cloning div correctly, but the last part, 
$('#main-photo-next:last') etc.,
is now renumbering the original name attribute of the first #main-photo-next 
div, instead
of the second (which would be the last when the first clone is created).

So I end up with select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2 followed by
 select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 instead of

 select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 followed by
 select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2 

Is the functioning order of the code wrong somewhere?


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Ricardo Tomasi
 Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:02 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?
 ('#main-photo-next :last').name
 You're missing the $/jQuery and trying to get a property that doesn't
 change that to $(this).attr('name').replace(...) and you're set.
 On Dec 29, 1:36 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
  Hi, all...
  I'm cloning a section of code to create additional image
  inputs in a form, along with a yes/no select field.
  When the cloning occurs, I also need to increment the field
  names of the select statement (main-photo-1, main-photo-2, etc.),
  and the file input field (image-upload-1, image-upload-2, etc.)
  Here's the HTML:
  div id=image-input
       div id=image-div-1
            pIs this photo the main property photo?/p
            select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 
                 cfif isdefined(form.fieldnames)
  value=cfoutput#form.main-photo-1#/cfoutput selected/option
                 option value=YesYes/option
                 option value=NoNo/option
            input id=image-next name=image-upload-1 type=file 
  size=65 value=
  button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button
  Here's the jQuery (a hacked-up version of something simpler that worked 
  but was missing functionality I now need) that I'm using to clone the 
  entire div, image-div-1.
  script type=text/javascript
       $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#add-image').click(function() {
                      .attr('id', function() {
                           return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, 
  p1, p2) {
                                return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
                      return false;
                 $('#main-photo-next :last').attr('name', function() {
                      return ('#main-photo-next 
  :last').name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1,
                           return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 12) + 1);
  As you can tell, the code is not complete, as it doesn't deal with 
  the image-next file input field.
  When I click the button to clone the div, everything appears in the DOM as 
  should, but the name of the select input is not incrementing.  Each select 
  is named main-photo-1.
  How do I need to adjust the code to cause the name to increment?
  Also, what code would I add to increment the image-next filefield?
  One last issue is how to increment the value in the select statement,
  Any tips or code would be appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] Pressing Enter submits the form. Please Help

2008-12-29 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Please provide a testpage.


On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 1:25 AM, Olaf olaf.spaarm...@googlemail.com wrote:


 thanks for the great plugin! I'm having some problems here on Firefox
 3 and Safari: When adding autocomplete to a field everything works
 fine, except that the form gets submitted when I select a entry from
 the list and press Enter. If I put a onsubmit = return false; in my
 form, nothing happens at all and firebug doesn't show any errors. I
 also googled a lot and some people seem to have the same problem, but
 I didn't find any solution.

 Here's my form HTML:

 form action=/people class=new_person id=new_person
 method=post onSubmit=return false;

 input autocomplete=off id=person_company_name name=person
 [company_name] size=30 type=text /

 input id=person_submit name=commit type=submit value=Save /


 And here is the jQuery Code in a Javascript File:

 jQuery(document).ready(function() {

 Please help anyone! I would really appreciate it! If you need any more
 information, just drop me a note. Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: [tooltip] - Hover over tooltip so you can add a link

2008-12-29 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
The site isn't reachable...


On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 8:36 PM, kenitech keithhop...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is an easy way to hack Jorn's tooltip so you may hover over the
 tooltip and click on a link:


 hack of:

[jQuery] Re: Selector Logic

2008-12-29 Thread Joe

Use the associated div's context:

$(.headerbutton img,#div_1);

This is also highly optimal as jQuery no longer searches the entire
DOM for all classes of headerbutton, only the nodes with class
headerbutton in the context of #div_1.

You can read more about context here:




On Dec 29, 9:51 am, Eric Martin emarti...@gmail.com wrote:
 Depending on what you are trying to do:

 $(#div_1 .headerButton img); // return the img in header button for

 $(.headerButton img); // return an array of img for
 each .headerButton
 You can then iterate over the array for additional processing.

 If you are passing the div_n (divId) dynamically, the following will
 $(# + divId +  .headerButton img);

 Hope that helps.


 On Dec 29, 7:19 am, daveyoi dave_andr...@foobar.me.uk wrote:

  Sorry - left out the important part

  The containing div (div_1)  can be created more than one on a page --
  so div_1 , div_2 , div_3  and they would all contain the structure
  described above.. this is why I cant just access using $
  (.headerButton) as there could be potentially more than 1.

  I reasoned therefore that i need  to access via the unique div_n id
  and make way through the selectors to ensure i get the right one..?

[jQuery] Re: writting plugin

2008-12-29 Thread Balazs Endresz

 Which is the right plugin writting way?
Of course, there isn't any :)
In javascript you can structure your code in almost countless ways.
For a simple plugin here's what you need:
but if you want to write object oriented plugins it's a bit more
complicated (if you look at my profile or search on the list there are
some quite long discussion about it) - though if you don't really know
what is private and public just go for the link above. For a really
good and short introduction to javascript I'd advise watching Douglas
Crockford's videos on Yahoo Theatre. Briefly, the scope of the
variable (or function) will be the function/closure it was declared
in. This is the key to understand the differencies above.

$myObj.fn.extend = $myObj.extend = $.extend
I haven't seen this before but it is actually a very smart thing: it
reuses jquery's extend function, which will work on any object because
it uses the `this` keyword, so it will be able to extend $myObj too.
(see here what extend is used for: 
$myObj.fn is most likely a reference to $myObj.prototype but it's not
indicated in your code above.

Hope I could help a bit, the mailing seems to be dead during the
holidays :)

On Dec 28, 12:11 pm, Saledan bastil...@gmail.com wrote:
 up, please!


 On 26 Dic, 12:19, Saledan bastil...@gmail.com wrote:

  i'm trying to write a jQuery plugin, i have read some posts, documents
  and other plugin code, but i don't understand the right standard to
  write a plugin.
  I found some patterns...

  == example 1==
  (function($) {
    $.fn.myPlugin = function(o) {
      return this.each(function() {
        // do something


  == example 2==
  (function($) {
    $.fn.myPlugin = function(o) {
      return this.each(function() {
        // do something
    // private function
    function functionA () {..do something..};


  == example 3==
  (function($) {
    $.fn.myPlugin = function(o) {
      return this.each(function() {
        // do something
    // Public function?!?
    $.fn.myPlugin.functionA () {..do something..}


  == example 4==
  (function($) {
    $.fn.myPlugin = function(o) {
      return this.each(function() {
        // do something

    $.extend(myPlugin.prototype, {
      functionA : function() {..do something..},
      functionB : function() {..do something..}


  == example 5==
  (function($) {
    $.fn.myPlugin = function(o) {
      return this.each(function() {
        // do something
        var functionA = function () {..do something..}


  == example 6==
  (function($) {
    $.fn.myPlugin = function(o) {
      return this.each(function() {
        // do something
    $.fn.extend ({
      functionA : function () {..do something..}


  == example 7==
  (function($) {
    $.fn.myPlugin = function(o) {
      return this.each(function() {
        new myObj();

    $.myObj = function () {..do something..};
    $myObj = $.myObj;
    $myObj.fn.extend = $myObj.extend = $.extend;
    $myObj.fn.extend ({
      functionA: function() {..do something..},
      functionB: function() {..do something..}
    $myObj.extend ({
      functionC: function() {..do something..}


  Which is the right plugin writting way?
  I think that the last example is well done... but i don't understand
  this line $myObj.fn.extend = $myObj.extend = $.extend; and the
  differents between $myObj.fn.extend and $myObj.extend .. public or
  private function? the first is for public function?

  Please may you help me?

  Many thanks

[jQuery] Re: livequery matchedFn scope?

2008-12-29 Thread Balazs Endresz

If you generate the IDs dinamically and somehow an empty string is
passed as the selector the document will be selected, so all these are
the same:

On Dec 27, 9:25 pm, Stephen sathoma...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry to bother folks with what is probably a silly question, but I
 can't quite figure out the scope for livequery matched functions. For
 example, if I have the following:

 $(#id:not(.inactive)).livequery(function() {alert(this);})

 Then the alert shows this to be the matched selector, which is what
 I would expect.

 But if I have the following:

 $(#id).not(.inactive).livequery(function() {alert(this);})

 Then the alert shows this to be the entire document.

 What's the reason for the difference in behavior?

 If anyone can explain this behavior, then it will probably let me
 figure out my real problem. In case someone has a lot of spare time,
 though, and wants to help with the root problem, here it is. I'm using
 ajax to load a lot of dynamically generated content, and I'm doing a
 fair bit of livequery processing on that content. The processing
 includes collapsing various sections of the content by hiding them.
 With a straightforward implementation, the browser briefly displays
 the entire (expanded) content before livequery has a chance to
 complete it's processing, so users are treated to an annoying peek-a-
 boo effect as the full content briefly appears and then collapses
 down to something more manageable. My approach for solving this
 problem is to deliver the content within a div wrapper with a css
 property of display:none. As soon as the content arrives, I add a
 livequery handler that calls show() on the div wrapper. Since this
 handler goes to the end of the livequery queue, it fires only after
 all the other livequery processing is complete. Works like a charm on
 test pages where all the IDs are hard-coded. On the real page, though,
 the IDs aren't hard-coded, so I have to dynamically figure out which
 elements to show. I'm stuck on trying to find a handle to the content
 so that I can show it. I would expect this to be the delivered
 content in the matched function, but, instead, it's the entire

 TIA, Stephen

 P.S. This is on Safari if it matters. I've briefly tried Firefox and
 it seems to behave the same way, so I haven't done exhaustive testing
 other than in Safari.

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney

OK... I'm flying fairly blind though I'm enjoying it!

1) I guess that the scrollto stuff I'm doing is irrelevant.

2)The menu items each have a different #. There's nothing in the html
other than the following example.  (except for a jpg call or an
alt=)   Each pair surrounded by unique UL # of course  The
scrollto and localscroll stuff is all in the js and css. right?:-)

lia href=#first-a/a/li
lia href=#first-b/a/li

lia href=#second-a/a/li
lia href=#second-c/a/li

lia href=#third-a/a/li
lia href=#third-b/a/li

3) So, I was hoping that I could add an onclick or bind or whatever to
each li only. And then I could have what's already happening just
continue. (localscroll/scrollto etc.) WITH the addition of being able
to have a new swf/jpeg/whatever appear and play/show in a totally
seperate DIV. (I believe this is a different subject somewhat so
initially I guess having a jpg show up in the seperate div and then be
totally REPLACED by another one when I click on a different menu li
would be a good start.

 Right now I'm just fumbling towards adding the onclick/bind. Would it
be possible to get an example of what I'd add to the li's...and maybe
how and where the JQ code would go and look like?

I also read about the jjquery.listen plugin. Don't know at all if that
would be useful.

This is SO important right now for me. Very grateful for pointers...!

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - Nav-bar style with bgIframe?

2008-12-29 Thread Alkafy

Worked it out through process of elimination. Looks like the menu is
ducking behind items with position:relative in the css. Not sure why,
and I think bgIframe should display over it regardless of position
rule, but I'll post more as I unravel it all in case someone in the
future has this issue.

(The specific example url above was bugged thanks to position:relative
star hacks in cforms' wide_form.css stylesheet.)

On Dec 24, 12:41 pm, Alkafy alk...@gmail.com wrote:
 Superfish ver. 1.4.8
 Bgiframe ver. 2.1.1
 JQuery ver. 1.2.6

 Are you using the nav-bar style as well? I'm not sure if that matters
 or not since the ul's are displayed differently.

 On Dec 24, 11:48 am, SLR sean.rab...@gmail.com wrote:

   No dice, I'm afraid. The only change was that it generated white, drop-
   down arrows again. Thank you for trying to help me out. I'm going to
   create a test environment later today, with the same settings and
   files, but without being embedded in one of my pages. I think bgIframe
   may have a conflict with other javascript on the page. I'll post any

  Odd... I'm using that same code and it's working fine on my end. What
  version of Superfish and BgiFrame are you using?

  Currently, I'm running Superfish ver. 1.4.8 and BgiFrame ver. 2.1.1
  with the code I mentioned earlier, and it's working flawlessly.

[jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

How didn't I notice... IDs are unique, you can't do that. Use a class
instead, .main-photo-next. You can also chain everything so you don't
need to search again for the new element:

$(document).ready(function() {

 $('#add-image').click(function() {

   .attr('id', function() {
return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s,
p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
   .find('.main-photo-next').attr('name', function() {
return $(this).attr('name').replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/,
function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);

   return false;



 $(document).ready(function() {

      $('#add-image').click(function() {

                .attr('id', function() {
                     return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
                          return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);


                $('#main-photo-next:last').attr('name', function() {
                     return $(this).attr('name').replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, 
 function(s, p1, p2) {
                          return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);

                return false;



 And it's still cloning div correctly, but the last part, 
 $('#main-photo-next:last') etc.,
 is now renumbering the original name attribute of the first #main-photo-next 
 div, instead
 of the second (which would be the last when the first clone is created).

 So I end up with select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2 followed by
                  select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 instead of

                  select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 followed by
                  select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2

 Is the functioning order of the code wrong somewhere?


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
  Behalf Of Ricardo Tomasi
  Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:02 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?

  ('#main-photo-next :last').name

  You're missing the $/jQuery and trying to get a property that doesn't

  change that to $(this).attr('name').replace(...) and you're set.

  On Dec 29, 1:36 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
   Hi, all...

   I'm cloning a section of code to create additional image
   inputs in a form, along with a yes/no select field.

   When the cloning occurs, I also need to increment the field
   names of the select statement (main-photo-1, main-photo-2, etc.),
   and the file input field (image-upload-1, image-upload-2, etc.)

   Here's the HTML:

   div id=image-input

        div id=image-div-1

             pIs this photo the main property photo?/p

             select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 

                  cfif isdefined(form.fieldnames)
   value=cfoutput#form.main-photo-1#/cfoutput selected/option

                  option value=YesYes/option
                  option value=NoNo/option


             input id=image-next name=image-upload-1 type=file 
   size=65 value=



   button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button

   Here's the jQuery (a hacked-up version of something simpler that worked 
   but was missing functionality I now need) that I'm using to clone the 
   entire div, image-div-1.

   script type=text/javascript

        $(document).ready(function() {

             $('#add-image').click(function() {

                       .attr('id', function() {
                            return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, 
   p1, p2) {
                                 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);

                       return false;

                  $('#main-photo-next :last').attr('name', function() {
                       return ('#main-photo-next 
   :last').name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1,
                            return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 12) + 1);





   As you can tell, the code is not complete, as it doesn't deal with 
   the image-next file input field.

   When I click the button to clone the div, everything appears in the DOM 
   as it

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - Nav-bar style with bgIframe?

2008-12-29 Thread Alkafy

Similar thread here, so mine doesn't seem to be an isolated case:

Superfish with bgiframe does not cover position:relative div in IE

[jQuery] Anyone have any ideas on why this code doesn't increment properly?

2008-12-29 Thread Rick Faircloth

I've got this jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {

 $('#add-image').click(function() {

   .attr('id', function() {
return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);


   $('#main-photo-next:last').attr('name', function() {
return $(this).attr('name').replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, 
function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);

   return false;



And it's cloning the div (image-div-1) correctly, but the last part, 
is now renumbering the original name attribute of the first #main-photo-next 
div, instead
of the second (which would be the last when the first clone is created).

So I end up with select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2 followed by
 select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 instead of

 select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 followed by
 select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2 

Is the functioning order of the code wrong somewhere?


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
  Behalf Of Ricardo Tomasi
  Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:02 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?
  ('#main-photo-next :last').name
  You're missing the $/jQuery and trying to get a property that doesn't
  change that to $(this).attr('name').replace(...) and you're set.
  On Dec 29, 1:36 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
   Hi, all...
   I'm cloning a section of code to create additional image
   inputs in a form, along with a yes/no select field.
   When the cloning occurs, I also need to increment the field
   names of the select statement (main-photo-1, main-photo-2, etc.),
   and the file input field (image-upload-1, image-upload-2, etc.)
   Here's the HTML:
   div id=image-input
        div id=image-div-1
             pIs this photo the main property photo?/p
             select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 
                  cfif isdefined(form.fieldnames)
                  option value=YesYes/option
                  option value=NoNo/option
             input id=image-next name=image-upload-1 type=file 
   size=65 value=
   button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button
   Here's the jQuery (a hacked-up version of something simpler that worked 
   but was missing functionality I now need) that I'm using to clone the 
   entire div,
   script type=text/javascript
        $(document).ready(function() {
             $('#add-image').click(function() {
                       .attr('id', function() {
                            return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, 
   p1, p2) {
                                 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
                       return false;
                  $('#main-photo-next :last').attr('name', function() {
                       return ('#main-photo-next 
   :last').name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s,
                            return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 12) + 1);
   As you can tell, the code is not complete, as it doesn't deal with 
   the image-next file input field.
   When I click the button to clone the div, everything appears in the DOM 
   as it
   should, but the name of the select input is not incrementing.  Each 
   select statement
   is named main-photo-1.
   How do I need to adjust the code to cause the name to increment?
   Also, what code would I add to increment the image-next filefield?
   One last issue is how to increment the value in the select statement,
   Any tips or code would be appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

They will all add up, that's the native addEventListener behaviour.
You 'add' listeners, not replace them :)

But that way you can only remove them all at once with unbind('click')
or having the original function at hand, namespacing allows you to
remove them separately and by name only.

On Dec 29, 2:26 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 really?  I thought one had to namespace an event for it not to
 overwrite previously set behaviours.


     alert('Me works too'); });

 On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  You can add as many listeners as you want:


      alert('Me works too');

     alert('damn, stop using alerts');


  On Dec 29, 7:37 am, yvonney yvonn...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi... just starting out to get this going.

  I'm guessing that the reason onclick code has the #, for example: a
  href=# onclick=someFunction.add etc code etc etc /a

  is because it can't do the onclick AND more typical things like this

  lia href=#myID/a/li

  Is because they conflict...


  I have my Li/ul menu code doing a bunch of scrollto stuff. Took weeks
  to figure out.

  NOW I need to have the SAME menu, when I click on the Li's bring up a
  different flv video for each menu item (li)

  sheeesh... do I use live query or what.
  I'm REALLY stumped... I do have a much greater 'sorta'  understanding
  of the: neolao flv player, swfobject2, jquery.swfobject.js, jmedia
  plugin, luke's flash plugin, and malsup's medai plugin.

  whew! :--)

  Though the REAL problem is to get some kinda elegant way of having the
  flv videos play in a seperate div location (stop when new video starts
  as well) when I click on each and every menu item.

  And, there menu items already are doing their scrollto coda-scroller
  type thing already.

  Yes... this question is my biggest question ever...
  Could a guru please comment on how to get the menu items to do BOTH
  what they're doing now as standard   lia href=#myID/a/li
  AND also do the calling of the (I guess?) onclick thing to call the
  videos individually at the same time.

  I guess it shouldn't take me more than all year to do... hehehe what's
  left of it thank fully! if that makes sense...hehehe

  thank you for reading.

[jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?

2008-12-29 Thread Rick Faircloth

Thanks, Richard...I'll give it a go!


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Ricardo Tomasi
 Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 2:35 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?
 How didn't I notice... IDs are unique, you can't do that. Use a class
 instead, .main-photo-next. You can also chain everything so you don't
 need to search again for the new element:
 $(document).ready(function() {
  $('#add-image').click(function() {
.attr('id', function() {
 return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s,
 p1, p2) {
  return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
.find('.main-photo-next').attr('name', function() {
 return $(this).attr('name').replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/,
 function(s, p1, p2) {
  return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
return false;
  $(document).ready(function() {
       $('#add-image').click(function() {
                 .attr('id', function() {
                      return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, 
  p2) {
                           return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
                 $('#main-photo-next:last').attr('name', function() {
                      return $(this).attr('name').replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, 
  function(s, p1, p2) {
                           return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
                 return false;
  And it's still cloning div correctly, but the last part, 
  $('#main-photo-next:last') etc.,
  is now renumbering the original name attribute of the first 
  #main-photo-next div, instead
  of the second (which would be the last when the first clone is created).
  So I end up with select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2 followed 
                   select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 instead 
                   select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 followed 
                   select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-2
  Is the functioning order of the code wrong somewhere?
   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
   Behalf Of Ricardo
   Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:02 AM
   To: jQuery (English)
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: Why isn't the name attr in this code incrementing?
   ('#main-photo-next :last').name
   You're missing the $/jQuery and trying to get a property that doesn't
   change that to $(this).attr('name').replace(...) and you're set.
   On Dec 29, 1:36 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
Hi, all...
I'm cloning a section of code to create additional image
inputs in a form, along with a yes/no select field.
When the cloning occurs, I also need to increment the field
names of the select statement (main-photo-1, main-photo-2, etc.),
and the file input field (image-upload-1, image-upload-2, etc.)
Here's the HTML:
div id=image-input
     div id=image-div-1
          pIs this photo the main property photo?/p
          select id=main-photo-next name=main-photo-1 
               cfif isdefined(form.fieldnames)
               option value=YesYes/option
               option value=NoNo/option
          input id=image-next name=image-upload-1 type=file 
size=65 value=
button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button
Here's the jQuery (a hacked-up version of something simpler that worked 
but was missing functionality I now need) that I'm using to clone the 
entire div,
script type=text/javascript
     $(document).ready(function() {
          $('#add-image').click(function() {
                    .attr('id', function() {
                         return this.id.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, 
function(s, p1, p2) {
                              return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
                    return false;
               $('#main-photo-next :last').attr('name', function() {

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread Ricardo Tomasi


$('li a').click(function(){ //get all as inside the lis
 $(this).attr('href') //do something, get the images etc.


calling click for multiple elements is the same as calling $('li
a').each(function(){ $(this).bind('click', ...) 

On Dec 29, 5:07 pm, yvonney yvonn...@gmail.com wrote:
 OK... I'm flying fairly blind though I'm enjoying it!

 1) I guess that the scrollto stuff I'm doing is irrelevant.

 2)The menu items each have a different #. There's nothing in the html
 other than the following example.  (except for a jpg call or an
 alt=)   Each pair surrounded by unique UL # of course  The
 scrollto and localscroll stuff is all in the js and css. right?:-)

 lia href=#first-a/a/li
 lia href=#first-b/a/li

 lia href=#second-a/a/li
 lia href=#second-c/a/li

 lia href=#third-a/a/li
 lia href=#third-b/a/li

 3) So, I was hoping that I could add an onclick or bind or whatever to
 each li only. And then I could have what's already happening just
 continue. (localscroll/scrollto etc.) WITH the addition of being able
 to have a new swf/jpeg/whatever appear and play/show in a totally
 seperate DIV. (I believe this is a different subject somewhat so
 initially I guess having a jpg show up in the seperate div and then be
 totally REPLACED by another one when I click on a different menu li
 would be a good start.

  Right now I'm just fumbling towards adding the onclick/bind. Would it
 be possible to get an example of what I'd add to the li's...and maybe
 how and where the JQ code would go and look like?

 I also read about the jjquery.listen plugin. Don't know at all if that
 would be useful.

 This is SO important right now for me. Very grateful for pointers...!

[jQuery] Re: Superfish - Nav-bar style with bgIframe?

2008-12-29 Thread Alkafy

Been working on this page:

Div #absolutekartbutton was position:relative with float:left.
Columns under News was disappearing behind many objects. I fixed
most by removing float:left from #absolutekartbutton. Still, the Farm
and Dairy - 1 Year Subscription image header was above the Columns
menu. Oddly enough, this was fixed by _adding_ float:left to that h3.

Weirdly, the bug is definitely dependent on position:relative,
especially when it's combined with a float. For anyone suffering this
bug: toy around with combinations of these two properties. I had to
float that h3 for no good flippin' reason because it was the child of
a position:relative object, but it fixed the problem.

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney

SO nice Ricardo!

I must explain and say sorry in advance for asking for help on such
simple problems and my lack of understanding.  I do not yet know how
everything works together quite. I will be much better in the future
as I am really studying though the following may be very boring,
though I will try to be clear and brief!:-)

OBJECTIVE (any good?): I click on each of the  li lines (as above).
Something that has been added to the li lines (onclick code?) makes a
jpg or video show up in the html div I have named in css as #video.

- In my css I have: #video

- In my single html page I have: div class=video  'stuff goes
here' /div Ineed only one jpg or video to show up at a time. Kinda
lost on this one. How can I have a bunch of jpgs or videos 'in the
waiting' to be called to the video div without having them in the html
page. They must be hidden until called, then replaced when new li is


1) I add your script above to my single test page. I would need to
change it?

2) What do I add to each Li?  onclick? that points to the unique jpg
or video for each li?

3) There will be some way to hide all but the needed jpg or video that
will show up in the div for #video.

geez I should stop now as I'm quite far away from this. You are
very kind to have helped.

in any event I am most happy to have had all the help. Tonight I must
start with the basics as there are many holes in my understanding. My
problem is I need to get this working this week.

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney

This now makes more sense to me.

I've started to attempt things. I added the UL class as there are
other lis though I only need the #nav ones affected.

 $('#nav li a').click(function(){

One small step for mehehehe

No I must firure out the changes/additions for:

[jQuery] jquery ui accordion - begin minimized

2008-12-29 Thread bdemen

Hello all-

As a newbie to jQuery, let me first say I'm terribly impressed.  I
like to think I've created a great project by using jQuery and the
credit should go where it's due- the devs.  Thanks guys!

My question pertains to the accordion plugin.  I have it fully
functioning (I can post it if you need) but for the life of me I can't
figure out how to make it so all of the menus stay closed when the
page loads.  I have 4 accordion menus on a page, and no one can have
precedence over the others by starting open.  Am I missing an option
somewhere?  I'd prefer not to write my own jQuery script for it.

Thanks for any and all help,


[jQuery] Re: HOW: jQuery AJAX to replace iFRAME

2008-12-29 Thread BlueStunt

I'm trying to do the same thing, the code you suggested works, but the
text on the page changes to what's in the html file I link to but then
the browser also moves to the page, how do i stop this?
On Dec 22, 1:51 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 say the container that will display the loaded content, i.e, your iframe

 div id=menu
 a href=page/to/load.html class=ajaxLinkclick me/a
 a href=page/to/load2.html class=ajaxLinkclick me 2/a
 div id=ihateiframes
 pthis will be replaced/p

 your javascript will be:

 var url = $(this).attr('href');

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Ayan ios...@gmail.com wrote:


  Currently my page has a iFrame (loads an external web-page) in it.

  I have seen this tutorial that uses simple AJAX to replace this
  (see the small DEMO, I want exactly the same with just 2 Links)

  My question is - How can I do the same using jQuery's AJAX to do the
  same ?

  Thats is, when these 2 Button/Link hit, it will fetch corresponding
  remote html and paste it in a DIV. Thats it.

  Please do reply.

  Ayan Debnath

[jQuery] Hover and fade in and out jquery code....

2008-12-29 Thread Aaron

HI, I am making a website kinda like a social networkng site.

I am trying to make  a hover effect when the mouse is over the users
image I want to pop up a image menu like upload image and edit image

I so far do have the codes working. The problem I face is... when the
user puts the mouse over his image a menu pops up not into a new
window but like a image is viewable which is supposed to happen.

So  if your mouse dosen't go over the image meaning the new popup menu
then the menu stays at that position until your mouse goes over the
image and back out it would fade out the menu.

What I want  is to have a menu to fade out when the mouse is either
off the image or off the menu so then the menu would fade out.

So in my code so far I was able to fade in the menu when the mouse is
on the user image. But in order to fade out the menu you will have to
put your mouse on the menu and then make the mouse go off the menu and
it would fade out. If you had your mouse on the user image and slide
the mouse off the user image no fade out effect will happen to the

Hope this explains what I want.  Which is to have a fade out effect on
2 events  I wounder if I should use  a IF statement.

I want to fade out only if  the mouse is not on either the user image
or the menu itself.

[jQuery] rounded corners plug in

2008-12-29 Thread paulmo

i've loaded all js files to root. script not executing. help please.

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.6.min.js/
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.corners.min.js/script

script type=text/javascript

div style=background-color:#acc; padding:10px class=rounded
  class=rounded {10px}
script$(document).ready( function(){

[jQuery] pass variable from button click to iframe

2008-12-29 Thread ktpmm5

I am currently grabbing data from a mysql db and presenting it to the user in
a table.  In certain cases, a volunteer button is displayed to the user.  I
want the user to click on the volunteer button, and have an iframe dialog
pop up.  When the user clicks on this volunteer button, the corresponding
date column should be passed to the iframe (which in turn uses the iframe
to look up the correct data in another db).  I can't seem to figure out how
to pass the date variable.

here is part of my php file:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo trtd;  }
echo $row['date'];
echo /tdtd;
if ($row['location'] == PVI)  {
  echo input type='button' value='Volunteer' name='volunteer'
id='volunteer' /;
echo /td/tr;


That part works fine.  When the user clicks on the Volunteer button, here is
the jquery code:

$('#volunteer').click(function(){ * need to get date in here
return false;

And here is the popup part - I actually get the dialog, but since I can't
figure out how to pass the date, it can't look up the correct info!

function popup() {
var url = 'popup.php?date='+ date;  
$('iframe id=popup src=' + url + ' /').addClass(flora).dialog({  
modal: true,
resizable: true,
bgiframe: true,


If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] [Validate] Double click to submit form

2008-12-29 Thread antoniocaccese

Hi i am using jquery validator plugin to validate my form.
In my form, the field numero_commissione must contains a non-
negative number and this must not be in use. So i use a remote
validation in order to accomplish this.
The problem occurs when i want to modify an item. The edit page shows
the form filled with the values of the item. If no change were made,
the first click on the submit button cause the validation of the
remote field (i see it in the console of firebug) and only the second
click cause the submit of the form.

The main piece of code is this:

var validatorEdit = $(#form_edit_commissione).validate({
rules: {
numero_commissione: {
required: true,
number: true,
min: 1,

remote: {
url: /admin/commissione/check/op/edit,
type: get,
data: {
numero_commissione: function() {
function() {
   return $

presidente: { required: true },
medico_lavoro: { required: true },
medico_categoria: { required: true },
medico_specialista: { required: true }
messages: {
numero_commissione: {
remote: Numero di commissione già in uso

I try to use the option submitHandler, but i get the javascript error
form.submit is not a function:

   submitHandler: function(form) {
   // do other stuff for a valid form

Thank in advance. Hello from Italy

[jQuery] Plugin that highlights divs

2008-12-29 Thread Tipem


I've seen a Jquery plugin before that triggers an event which pulsates
or highlights a div of your choice.  I've also seen the plugin
scroll the page to the correct div.  Does anybody know what this
plugin is called?  I'd really like to use it...

I've been searching the plugins directory for a while, but can't seem
to find it!


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