[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

2009-02-10 Thread ezod

Hi brian,

no - FF doesn´t allow to change the value into an other sting(of
course for security reasons).

Thank you though.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery seems to be sending two requests the first few times. . .

2009-02-10 Thread Stephan Veigl

Hi Mark,

ad 1)
in Firebug I can see only one POST request.
Do you have any content in your config.html which is loaded
subsequently (e.g. images, js, ...)?
Just try it with an empty config.html and without the callback function.

ad 2)
no Problem, you can chain AJAX request within the callback as you like


2009/2/9 Mark Lacas markla...@gmail.com:

 I have been tracing this one down for two days.

 Has anyone else ever seen jquery making multiple request for a single

 Here is the call:
 +.html, { bust: new Date() }, function( data ){

var theform = 


 Here are the lines from my apache2 log: - - [09/Feb/2009:11:41:21 -0800] POST /config_templates/
 led.html HTTP/1.1 200 3035; Mozilla/5.0
 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061712
 Firefox/3.0 - - [09/Feb/2009:11:41:21 -0800] GET /config_templates/
 led.html HTTP/1.1 200 3035 - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac
 OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061712 Firefox/3.0

 This has been driving me mad as I can't get a handle on why this is

 As well, is it ok to make a second ajax call in the completion block
 of a previous ajax call?

 +.html, { bust: new Date() }, function( data ){

var theform = 

$.get(/cgi-bin/socket.cgi, { socket:'led', 
 command:off, plain:
 1 }, function( json ){
alert( dump( json );
}, json );


[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

2009-02-10 Thread ezod

Hi Michael,

unfortunately that doesn´t work either (except FF ;))

On 9 Feb., 17:44, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:
 Have you tried using the attr() function?


 Michael Lawson
 Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
 Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
 E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
 find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
 or others, only then should you accept them.'

   From:       ezod pured...@gmail.com                                       

   To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com                 

   Date:       02/09/2009 11:40 AM                                             

   Subject:    [jQuery] input file and val()                                   

 Hi there,

 I tried to reset a file input element by using val().

              script src=jquery.js/script
                          $(document).ready(function() {

                                      $(#resetMe).click(function () {

              form name=foo
                          input id=input1 type=file name=foobar
                          input id=resetMe type=button


 This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

 Any hints?


  1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

  1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

[jQuery] Re: Numbering ... Could someone please help me out with this?

2009-02-10 Thread Stephan Veigl

Hi Miguel,

another idea:
I guess you need the Themes[0].* construct to process the form submit
with a PHP script?
I'm not 100% sure with this PHP stuff, but can't you pass a list of
Themes[].*, Themes[].*, ... without an index between [] to PHP and PHP
will automatically create an array out of it?


2009/2/10 mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com:

 You can just check the length of the child li elements of ul#Themes:

  $('#AddTheme').bind('click', function(){
 // Other code
 var len = $('#Themes li').length;
  $theme = $('li class=Themes/li').appendTo
  $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes['+len
 value = ' + $subject.val() + ' /');
  $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes
 ['+len+'].LevelsCsv value = ' + levelsTypes.join(,) + ' /');
  $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes
 ['+len+'].Description value = ' + description.val() + ' /');

 On Feb 8, 8:13 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Miguel,

 you could use a global counter.

  var themesCounter = 0;
  $('#AddTheme').bind('click', function(){
  $theme.append('input type=hidden
 name=Themes[themesCounter].Subject value = ' + $subject.val() + '


 2009/2/8 shapper mdmo...@gmail.com:


  I am adding list items to a list as follows:

   $('#AddTheme').bind('click', function(){

  // Other code

   $theme = $('li class=Themes/li').appendTo

   $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes[0].Subject
  value = ' + $subject.val() + ' /');
   $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes
  [0].LevelsCsv value = ' + levelsTypes.join(,) + ' /');
   $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes
  [0].Description value = ' + description.val() + ' /');


  Basically, every time I add a new item I want to give the next number
  to Themes[0], i.e., Themes[1].

  If I add 3 themes I will have Themes[0], Themes[1], Themes[2]

  Basically, I need to have at all times themes numbered as 0, 1, 2, ...

  Could someone please help me out?


  Just in case, here is my entire code fully commented:

 $('#Cancel').click(function() { location.href = '/Account/
  List'; });

 // Themes 

   // Define remove event
   $('.Remove').livequery('click', function(event) {

   // Bind add button
   $('#AddTheme').bind('click', function(){

 // Define valid
 var valid = new Boolean(true);

 // Define fields
 $description = $('#Description');
 $levels = $('input[name=Levels]:checked + label');
 $levelsTypes = $('input[name=Levels]:checked');
 $subject = $('#Subject option:selected');

 // Map levels
 levels = $levels.map(function() { return $(this).text(); }).get
 levelsTypes = $levelsTypes.map(function() { return $(this).val
  (); }).get();

 // Check subject
 if (!$subject.val()) { valid = false; }

 // Check levels
 if (!levels.length) { valid = false; }

 // Check boolean
 if (valid) {

   // Define theme
   $theme = $('li class=Themes/li').appendTo

   // Add fields
   $theme.append($subject.text()).append('br /');
   $theme.append( Levels(levels) + 'br /' );
   if ($description.val()) { $theme.append($description.val
  ()).append('br /'); }

   // Add button
   $theme.append('a href=#Remove class=RemoveRemover/

   // Add inputs
   $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes[0].Subject
  value = ' + $subject.val() + ' /');
   $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes
  [0].LevelsCsv value = ' + levelsTypes.join(,) + ' /');
   $theme.append('input type=hidden name=Themes
  [0].Description value = ' + description.val() + ' /');

   // Add input
   //$theme.append(' input type=hidden name=Themes value =
  ' + theme + ' /');



   // Levels
   function Levels(levels) {

 // Check levels
 if (levels.length  2) return levels.join('');

 // Define first
 var first = levels.slice(0, -1), last = levels.slice(-1);

 // Define result
 var result = first.join(', ');

 // Check last
 if (last) { result += ' and ' + last; }

 // Return results
 return result;

   } // Levels

[jQuery] Re: tabs, ajax mode, spinner not removed

2009-02-10 Thread Klaus Hartl

Hello Brian, would you mind to file a bug for this?


On 10 Feb., 06:18, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 jquery 1.3.1, UI.Tabs 1.6rc6, FF3.0.6

 Whenever any tabs load the spinner img will remain visible. I'm using
 the following for the spinner option for tabs (I've removed everything
 else with the same result)

 spinner: 'img src=/css/images/misc/spinner.gif /'

 The default loading ... does change back to the label text.

 I see that the img should be removed in cleanup(). I can't see any
 reason for it to be failing.

 var cleanup = function() {
                         .each(function() {
                                 if (o.spinner)
         self.xhr = null;


 Taking the 1st tab as an example and using Firebug, when loading has
 completed, the LI has the following classes:

 ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active

 The anchor has an empty class attribute and the contents are the IMG
 wrapped in an EM.

 There are no errors occurring. Anyone else see this?

[jQuery] Re: validation with jquery 1.3

2009-02-10 Thread goldy

Hei there seems validation works only if all the fields are not
filled. if i fill one of the required fields the validation passes and
submit the form.
submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

$().ready(function() {

// validate signup form on keyup and submit
rules: {
name: {required: true, maxlenght: 40},
address: {required: true, maxlenght: 30},
zipcode: required,
city: {required: true, maxlenght: 20},
email: {
required: true,
email: true,
maxlenght: 30
repeat_email: {
required: true,
email: true,
maxlenght: 30,
equalTo: #email
service_name:{required: true,maxlenght: 40},
order_number:{required: true,maxlenght: 10},
true,maxlenght: 300},
true,maxlenght: 100},
error_description:{required: true,maxlenght: 

messages: {
name: {
required: Please enter your first and 
last name,
maxlenght: Your name must consist 
maximum of 40 characters
address: {
required: Please enter your address,
maxlenght: Your address must consist 
maximum of 40 characters
zipcode: Please enter your ZIP code,
city: {
required: Please enter your city,
maxlenght: Your city must consist 
maximum of 20 characters
required: Please provide an email,
email: Please enter a valid email 
maxlenght: Your email must consist 
maximum of 30 characters
repeat_email: {
required: Please enter the same email 
as above,
maxlenght: Your email must consist 
maximum of 30 characters,
equalTo: Please enter the same email 
as above


On Jan 30, 8:24 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Have you updated 


 On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:17 PM, andré l...@chrom.fr wrote:

  Thanks for your fabulousvalidationform.
  But I 've a problem.When I use jquery 1.2.6, my form works well on IE,
  firefox and safari. But When I use jquery 1.3 in IE the error message
  doesn't work Can you help me ?
  my script :
  $().ready(function() {

         // validate signup form on keyup and submit
                 rules: {
                         Nom : required,
                         Prenom : required,
                         DateNaissance : {
                                                         date: true
                         Adresse : required,
                         CodePostal : required,
                         Ville :required,
                         Pays : {
                                         digits: true
                         TelFixe: {
                                                 required: function(element) {
                                         return $(#TelPort).val() 

                 TelPort: {

                                         required: function(element) {

[jQuery] How to get the CSS definitions of a class not existing in the DOM

2009-02-10 Thread Thomas Jaggi

Let's say I have a CSS class for each of two possible states of an
element. Now I want to animate from state X (.state-x {width:100%})
to state Y (.state-y {width:50%}).

Is it possible to get the CSS definitions of .state-y?
I suppose $('.state-y').css('width') doesn't work when there is no
element in the DOM with this class.

Of course I could define the CSS of these classes in a javascript
variable but I need them in the CSS anyway (nonscript version) and I
don't want to have to change it in both the CSS and JS if needed...

[jQuery] Re: Sortable: change input field value on receive

2009-02-10 Thread robertaugustin

Thanks Richard, that gave me the clue. What I have now is:


- and it works perfectly. Thanks again!

On Feb 10, 3:49 am, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Try this:


 - Richard

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM, robertaugustin nub...@nubloo.com wrote:

  I have this:

    receive: function(){
       $(this).children().children('input.changethis').value = 'ABC';

  for this markup:
  ul class=sort
       input class=changethis name=thename value=XYZ /

  ...and I can't get it to work. I need to change the value of the input
  field as soon as it is dropped in its new location in the list. What
  am I doing wrong?

  Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: validation with jquery 1.3

2009-02-10 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

There is no maxlenght method, its maxlength.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:51 AM, goldy zlati.pehliva...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hei there seems validation works only if all the fields are not
 filled. if i fill one of the required fields the validation passes and
 submit the form.
submitHandler: function() { alert(submitted!); }

$().ready(function() {

// validate signup form on keyup and submit
rules: {
name: {required: true, maxlenght: 40},
address: {required: true, maxlenght: 30},
zipcode: required,
city: {required: true, maxlenght: 20},
email: {
required: true,
email: true,
maxlenght: 30
repeat_email: {
required: true,
email: true,
maxlenght: 30,
equalTo: #email
service_name:{required: true,maxlenght: 40},
order_number:{required: true,maxlenght: 10},
 true,maxlenght: 300},
 true,maxlenght: 100},
error_description:{required: true,maxlenght: 

messages: {
name: {
required: Please enter your first and 
 last name,
maxlenght: Your name must consist 
 maximum of 40 characters
address: {
required: Please enter your address,
maxlenght: Your address must consist 
 maximum of 40 characters
zipcode: Please enter your ZIP code,
city: {
required: Please enter your city,
maxlenght: Your city must consist 
 maximum of 20 characters
required: Please provide an email,
email: Please enter a valid email 
maxlenght: Your email must consist 
 maximum of 30 characters
repeat_email: {
required: Please enter the same email 
 as above,
maxlenght: Your email must consist 
 maximum of 30 characters,
equalTo: Please enter the same email 
 as above


 On Jan 30, 8:24 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Have you updated 


 On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:17 PM, andré l...@chrom.fr wrote:

  Thanks for your fabulousvalidationform.
  But I 've a problem.When I use jquery 1.2.6, my form works well on IE,
  firefox and safari. But When I use jquery 1.3 in IE the error message
  doesn't work Can you help me ?
  my script :
  $().ready(function() {

 // validate signup form on keyup and submit
 rules: {
 Nom : required,
 Prenom : required,
 DateNaissance : {
 date: true
 Adresse : required,
 CodePostal : required,
 Ville :required,
 Pays : {
 digits: true
 TelFixe: {
 required: function(element) 
 return $(#TelPort).val() 

 TelPort: {


[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

2009-02-10 Thread Adrian Lynch

Maybe recreate the input and replace the existing one?

Or turn it into text type, clear the value then back to file?

Just guessing mind!


On Feb 10, 8:45 am, ezod pured...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Michael,

 unfortunately that doesn´t work either (except FF ;))

 On 9 Feb., 17:44, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:

  Have you tried using the attr() function?


  Michael Lawson
  Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
  Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
  E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

  'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
  find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
  or others, only then should you accept them.'

    From:       ezod pured...@gmail.com                                     

    To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com               

    Date:       02/09/2009 11:40 AM                                           

    Subject:    [jQuery] input file and val()                                 

  Hi there,

  I tried to reset a file input element by using val().

               script src=jquery.js/script
                           $(document).ready(function() {

                                       $(#resetMe).click(function () {

               form name=foo
                           input id=input1 type=file name=foobar
                           input id=resetMe type=button


  This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

  Any hints?


   1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

   1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

[jQuery] Re: modify from server two jquery elements in the same time

2009-02-10 Thread phicarre

Thank you for your solutions.
Are we obliged to use jason ? Is it possible to stay html ?

On 9 fév, 19:42, Ryan zen...@gmail.com wrote:
 What? Sorry, but this is hard to understand. I believe you're trying
 to set element data from a value in a php file, right? If so, that's
 pretty easy using JSON.

 In PHP, json_encode() converts an array or object into a string, and
 in Javascript it takes that string and converts it to an object. Using
 the json dataType in jQuery.ajax, the success param will be the object
 converted from string to an object. The object keys will be the values
 from the PHP array.


         type: 'POST',
         url: 'ajax.php',
         dataType: 'json',
         success: function(jdata){



 echo json_encode(array('value1' = 'i\'m value 1', 'value2' = 'i\'m
 value 2'));

 On Feb 9, 1:27 pm,phicarregam...@bluewin.ch wrote:

  I would like to modify two jquery elements in the same time from PHP
  module. The PHP module is called by .ajax

          type: POST,
          dataType: 'html',
           success: function(resultat) { * ? *},
          error: function(requete,iderror) {alert(iderror);}


  div id=field1...
  div id=field2...

  PHP code:

  echo  ***new value for field1  new value for field2 *** 

  How to formulate the success function AND the echo instruction ?

[jQuery] Re: modify from server two jquery elements in the same time

2009-02-10 Thread phicarre

... You supposed that the elements have a text field !
I wrote this:

div id=field1/div
div id=field2/div

On 10 fév, 12:11, phicarre gam...@bluewin.ch wrote:
 Thank you for your solutions.
 Are we obliged to use jason ? Is it possible to stay html ?

 On 9 fév, 19:42, Ryan zen...@gmail.com wrote:

  What? Sorry, but this is hard to understand. I believe you're trying
  to set element data from a value in a php file, right? If so, that's
  pretty easy using JSON.

  In PHP, json_encode() converts an array or object into a string, and
  in Javascript it takes that string and converts it to an object. Using
  the json dataType in jQuery.ajax, the success param will be the object
  converted from string to an object. The object keys will be the values
  from the PHP array.


          type: 'POST',
          url: 'ajax.php',
          dataType: 'json',
          success: function(jdata){



  echo json_encode(array('value1' = 'i\'m value 1', 'value2' = 'i\'m
  value 2'));

  On Feb 9, 1:27 pm,phicarregam...@bluewin.ch wrote:

   I would like to modify two jquery elements in the same time from PHP
   module. The PHP module is called by .ajax

           type: POST,
           dataType: 'html',
            success: function(resultat) { * ? *},
           error: function(requete,iderror) {alert(iderror);}


   div id=field1...
   div id=field2...

   PHP code:

   echo  ***new value for field1  new value for field2 *** 

   How to formulate the success function AND the echo instruction ?

[jQuery] Re: file upload field and standard fields

2009-02-10 Thread phicarre

The solution: to put a delay before to close the dialog.

On 2 fév, 14:11, phicarre gam...@bluewin.ch wrote:
 ... and $_POST is empty when $_FILES is full !!!

 On 2 fév, 14:07,phicarregam...@bluewin.ch wrote:

  Yes I know ! read the first message for the problem !!
  $_FILES is always empty when $_POST is full

  On 2 fév, 13:14, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:

   Well, it seems you are getting your 'nom' and 'phenom' text fields...
   and yes, domb is right, file information data is stored in $_FILES

   Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

   On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:35 PM,phicarregam...@bluewin.ch wrote:

No explanation ;-(

On 30 jan, 17:10,phicarregam...@bluewin.ch wrote:
I replace my code by this one:
echo VAR DUMP:p /;

and the result is:

VAR DUMP:p /array(3) {
  string(6) 10}

File: 2.gif (6160 bytes)VAR DUMP:p /array(3) {
  string(6) 10}

File: 2.gif (6160 bytes)VAR DUMP:p /array(3) {
  string(6) 10}

File: 2.gif (6160 bytes)

On 30 jan, 01:34, l...@onsight.ie wrote:

 Might just be a typo, but just in case - it should be $_POST

  What does the error field say? And I'm pretty sure that 
  must come immediately before your file input element.

  Also, are you sure the file is within your upload limit?

  On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 1:01 PM,phicarregam...@bluewin.ch wrote:

  jquery.form.js v2.18

  I have a form with a lot of fields and one upload file field:

  form action='' id='form1' enctype='multipart/form-data' 
     input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=10 /

         trtdNom: /tdtdinput type='text' size='30' id='nom'
  name='nom' //td/tr
         trtdPrénom: /tdtdinput type=text size=30
  id=prenom name=prenom //td/tr
         trtdPhoto: /tdtdinput type=file size=40
  id=photo name=photo //td/tr

         type: 'POST',
         url: 'create.php',
         beforeSubmit: showRequest ,
         success: function(msg) {},
         error: function(requete,iderror) {alert(iderror);}

  In create.php, the $_FILES is correct  (name,size,type,tmp 
  BUT the $POST is empty !
  Why ?

[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] display a loading gif

2009-02-10 Thread Michael Smith

There are loads!  Try here for some


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Manolet Gmail mano...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi, i need to show a loading gif while autoocmplete plugins make the
 ajax ask. is there anyway?

[jQuery] [ANN] jQuery Powered S6 Slide Show Package Now on GitHub - Download, Watch, or Fork S6

2009-02-10 Thread Gerald


  The S6 slide show package that started as a rewrite of Eric Meyer’s
S5 using the jQuery JavaScript library – offering easier to understand
and easier to extend code - now has its own source repo on GitHub.

  Download, watch or fork the S6 slide show package @ 

  Contributions welcome. Add plugins, effects and more. Cheers.

PS: Also note that the slide show scripts and templates are dedicated
to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions

[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] display a loading gif

2009-02-10 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

The plugin adds a class ac_loading to the input while its loading.
The default stylesheet defines a background image (indicator.gif) for
that class: http://jquery.bassistance.de/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.css


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Manolet Gmail mano...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi, i need to show a loading gif while autoocmplete plugins make the
 ajax ask. is there anyway?

[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

2009-02-10 Thread ezod

Great idea Adrian, but you can´t change the type property ;)

Well, you could also remove the element from the DOM and then add it

On 10 Feb., 11:48, Adrian Lynch adely...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Maybe recreate the input and replace the existing one?

 Or turn it into text type, clear the value then back to file?

 Just guessing mind!


 On Feb 10, 8:45 am, ezod pured...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Michael,

  unfortunately that doesn´t work either (except FF ;))

  On 9 Feb., 17:44, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:

   Have you tried using the attr() function?


   Michael Lawson
   Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
   Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
   E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

   'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If 
   find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
   or others, only then should you accept them.'

     From:       ezod pured...@gmail.com                                   

     To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com             

     Date:       02/09/2009 11:40 AM                                         

     Subject:    [jQuery] input file and val()                               

   Hi there,

   I tried to reset a file input element by using val().

                script src=jquery.js/script
                            $(document).ready(function() {

                                        $(#resetMe).click(function () {

                form name=foo
                            input id=input1 type=file name=foobar
                            input id=resetMe type=button


   This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

   Any hints?


1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Jcarousel and Safari: next button disabled

2009-02-10 Thread InkSpeck

I was having the same issue in Safari 3.2.1 All was well Safari 4 and
Safari  3.
Your fix worked for the current safari version of 3.2.1 but broke
older versions of safari

so I've changed the line 184 to:

if ($.browser.safari$.browser.version  523 ) {

This seems to have fixed it for all versions.

On Jan 26, 10:52 am, charlie.schams charlie.sch...@gmail.com
 I ran into a similar problem withjcarouselandSafari. I was creating
 new carousels after the page had initialized, and the default prev/
 next buttons were always disabled. I tracked it down to a browser
 snoop at line 186:

  if ($.browser.safari) {
      this.buttons(false, false);
     $(window).bind('load', function() { self.setup(); });} else


 I just replaced this section with:


 In my case, since window has already loaded, the carousel was not
 completing its setup stage. Disabling this browser hack had no other
 effect, perhaps it was put in to avoid an issue that doesn't appear in
 newer versions ofSafari. I can't guarantee this will fix your issue,
 but it's probably worth a shot.


 On Jan 25, 3:33 pm, kinesias talk2matth...@googlemail.com wrote:


  please check 
  When loading it the first time intosafari, the next button and the
  dot array at the top are disabled.
  It works only if you click on the refresh button insafaria couple of

  Can anyone help??

  thank you very much,

[jQuery] Cannot Get JQuery Ajax to work in Google Chrome browser

2009-02-10 Thread Mikedeezy33

I have a piece of code that updates a script with the page scroll and
time on page when the user closes the page. I have this working in
Firefox and IE, but it will not work in Chrome. Chrome will calculate
the values correctly, but it will not post to the script. I have
narrowed down the problem to being in the JQuery call to the ajax
function. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?

var maxScroll = 0;
var pageOpen = new Date();
var currentURL = window.location;
var updateURL = /wp-content/plugins/extra-tracking/update.php;
var intervalUpdate = false;

  if (intervalUpdate) {
setInterval( update, 15000);

  scrollPercent = Math.floor(jQuery(window).scrollTop() / ( jQuery
(document).height() - jQuery(window).height() ) * 100 );
  if (scrollPercent  maxScroll) {
 maxScroll = scrollPercent;

  function update() {
time = pageTime();
temp = jQuery.ajax({
  type: POST,
  url: updateURL,
  data: pageScroll=+maxScroll+pageTime=+time
  //success: function(msg){ alert(Page time:  + time +  Page
Scroll  + maxScroll); }
return false;

  function pageTime() {
curTime = new Date();
minutes = (curTime.getMinutes() - pageOpen.getMinutes());
seconds = (curTime.getSeconds() - pageOpen.getSeconds());
time = (seconds + (minutes * 60));
if (time  0) { time = 0; }
return time;

jQuery(window).unload( function ()
 endTime = pageTime();
 temp = jQuery.ajax({
  type: POST,
  url: updateURL,
  data: pageScroll=+maxScroll+pageTime=+endTime
  //success: function(msg){ alert(Page time:  + time +  Page
Scroll  + maxScroll); }
  //error: function (xhr, desc, exceptionobj) { alert
(xhr.responseText); }
  } );

[jQuery] [BlockUI] custom css class in options

2009-02-10 Thread mdiaz

Hi, I find that being able to specify a custom CSS class in the
blockUI options would be very usefull in order to specify the styling
in css files instead of hard-coding the CSS in the blockUI calls.

The ability to add a custom CSS class can be used to style different
calls to blockUI using CSS classes.

[jQuery] Re: jquery.live() future?

2009-02-10 Thread DIYism

Give a try to jQuery live bind, it supports blur and focus:

On 1月26日, 上午12时04分, Trend-King i...@trend-king.de wrote:
 hi there i read about the live() function and fount that
 Currently not supported: blur, focus, mouseenter, mouseleave, change,

 will in future versions of jquery this be included?

 Greet Jens

[jQuery] jcarousel question

2009-02-10 Thread Michal


I am using jcarousel and i love it! BUT there is just one thing i use
the autoscroll and static controls. could we add a class to the active
control to change the css...

so when the carousel scrolls to the second image the number 2 static
control gets a class like active or something...

[jQuery] [validation] How to pop current rules for given input and how to set them back?

2009-02-10 Thread stej

In some cases I need not to validate some fields. E.g. If I check some
checkbox new inputs with further options are shown. These inputs
should be validated when submitting form. If I uncheck the checkbox no
options are needed and they disappear (they should not be validated).
It's clear.

My problem is how to remove them from validation. I could remove the
rules on change on the checkbox, but I don't know the rules on
inputs because they are generated. So is it possible to remove somehow
the rules (when unchecking the checkbox) and set them back again
(after checking the checkbox).

inputRules = jQuery(#someInput).rules(); // gets the rules
jQuery(#someInput).rules(remove);// and removes the rest  (the
two rows are equal to pop)

//but how to put them back?
jQuery(#someInput).rules(add, inputRules);  // sets the rules

Is it possible somehow?

[jQuery] Re: hide column problem

2009-02-10 Thread Halmen Istvan

I did it this way:
$(table).find('th:nth-child(' + colIndex + '), td:nth-child(' +
colIndex + ')').hide();


[jQuery] Only show 5 list item, hide the rest?

2009-02-10 Thread mofle


I have an unordered list like this one:

ul id=myList
liItem 1/li
liItem 2/li
liItem 3/li
liItem 4/li
liItem 5/li
liItem 6/li
liItem 7/li
liItem 8/li
liItem 9/li
liItem 10/li

I want to only show the 5 first items, and hide the rest.

I have a link to toggle the hidden elements on and off:
a href=# id=myList-toggleShow the rest/a

I use the slideToggle(400) to slide the rest of the list in.


This is what I have now, it just toggles the whole list.
script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
$('a#myList-toggle').click(function() {
  return false;

[jQuery] jquery cycle plugin issue

2009-02-10 Thread anibal

Hi guys :
I'm having a problem with cycle which refuses to see the links I have
put in the divs.
When I click on my links it just move on the next slide (next div)
I don't now how to fix this problem.
I have seen there is a parameter pagerAnchorBuilder: null ... maybe
there is any chance
to modify it an put it to work correctly ??
I really don't know.

If Somebody out there could help , it would be great !!!

[jQuery] jquery.form -- file upload problem

2009-02-10 Thread QNC


I'm using jquery 1.2.6 with jquery.form 2.21. Tests were done on
firefox 3.0.5. When posting a file, I was able to track down a
problem (io undefined) to the construction of $io that seems to
be incorrect thus leading to an undefined io variable (line 167):

var id = 'jqFormIO' + (new Date().getTime());
var $io = $('iframe id=' + id + ' name=' + id + '
src=about:blank /');
var io = $io[0];

// check
if( $io.attr('id') != id) throw 'bad $io';
if (!io) throw 'undefined io';

It does not help to write '/iframe' instead of '/' nor
to graft the iframe somewhere in the document.

Any idea ?

[jQuery] Get DOM elements under click

2009-02-10 Thread Richard


I'm wondering how to access the elements under a mouse click.
At first I tried iterating through all the elements and checking each
one, but as you can guess it was too slow.
Then I tried binding mouse click events to all the elements but it got

Is there a way to get a list of elements that the mouse has clicked on
even if they don't have click events defined?


[jQuery] .post ajax issue

2009-02-10 Thread drummingsticks


I'm attempting to use AJAX utilizing the .post function.
Using Firebug, I see that the post is correctly passing the expected
form variables to the page.
However, the form variable do not exist when trying to locate them in
the requested page.

Could there be any reason or ideas as to why?


[jQuery] Re: Problem with Jcarousel and Safari: next button disabled

2009-02-10 Thread InkSpeck

That fix worked for me in Safari version 3.2.1, but it broke in older
versions of safari.

The final solution for me was:

if ($.browser.safari$.browser.version  523 ) {
this.buttons(false, false);
$(window).bind('load', function() { self.setup(); });
} else

The carousel seems to be working properly in all safari versions I
tested now.
4 dev preview


On Jan 26, 10:52 am, charlie.schams charlie.sch...@gmail.com
 I ran into a similar problem withjcarouselandSafari. I was creating
 new carousels after the page had initialized, and the default prev/
 next buttons were always disabled. I tracked it down to a browser
 snoop at line 186:

  if ($.browser.safari) {
      this.buttons(false, false);
     $(window).bind('load', function() { self.setup(); });} else


 I just replaced this section with:


 In my case, since window has already loaded, the carousel was not
 completing its setup stage. Disabling this browser hack had no other
 effect, perhaps it was put in to avoid an issue that doesn't appear in
 newer versions ofSafari. I can't guarantee this will fix your issue,
 but it's probably worth a shot.


 On Jan 25, 3:33 pm, kinesias talk2matth...@googlemail.com wrote:


  please check 
  When loading it the first time intosafari, the next button and the
  dot array at the top are disabled.
  It works only if you click on the refresh button insafaria couple of

  Can anyone help??

  thank you very much,

[jQuery] Delayed Checkboxes in IE

2009-02-10 Thread John C

Has anyone any idea why the  code below doesn't work correctly in IE.
Basically what is supposed to happen is when the parent checkbox is
checked the child ones are also supposed to be checked. This works
fine in FireFox and Safari, but not in Internet Explorer, the child
checkboxes only get checked when something else changes on the form,
for instance you check another item.

Any help would be great.

div id=navigation
lia href=test.htmItem
lia href=test.htmItem

lia href=test.htmItem/a/li

lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
lia href=test.htmItem
lia href=test.htmItem

lia href=test.htmItem/a/li

lia href=test.htmItem



lia href=test.htmItem/a/li

lia href=test.htmItem/a/li

lia href=test.htmItem/a/li

lia href=test.htmItem/a/li

lia href=test.htmItem/a/li


script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
script type=text/javascript

$(document).ready(function() {
$(#navigationullia).each(function () {

var checknum = 0;
 $(#navigation a).each( function () {
checknum = checknum +1;
newInput = document.createElement(input);
newInput.type = checkbox;
newInput.value = $(this).attr('href').replace(/'/ig, \');

(http://boston;, ));
newLabel = document.createElement(label);
newLabel.innerHTML = $(this).text();

$(input:checkbox).change(function () {

if($(this).attr(checked)) {

$(this).parents(li:first).find(input:checkbox).each(function () {

$(this).attr(checked, true);

} else {

$(this).parents(li:first).find(input:checkbox).each(function () {

$(this).attr(checked, false);


[jQuery] form plugin and prettypopin/lightbox

2009-02-10 Thread spiderling

I am using prettyPopin lightbox for a file upload form, and I am also
using jQuery Form Plugin to upload the image file and update it
accordingly. Unfortunately, the file is not being sent. The $_FILES
array is empty. I've included the jQuery and HTML being used. If
someone can please look and let me know if I'm missing something,
because from all the examples I've seen it doesn't seem to require too
much to upload a file.


updatephoto.php jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
 var options = {
  target: '#divupdate',
  beforeSubmit : function() {
   $('#divupdate').html('img src=pics/loader.gif border=0
alt=Please wait... /');


// $('#phupdt').submit(function() {
//  $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
//  return false;
// });

updatephoto.php HTML:
div id=divupdate
br /br /
form id=phupdt action=updtphresponse.php method=post
input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=525 /
  tdinput type=file name=headshot size=30 //td
  tdinput type=submit name=request value=Update photo //td

updtphresponse.php HTML:
$html = '
  tdbSuccessfully updated./b/td
echo $html;

[jQuery] Problems...

2009-02-10 Thread Po01

Hi, i have a function like this:
function test(s, t, c)
  var Ss = # + s;
  var S = # + s + cod;
  if(t == 1)
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 0, +c+)'-/
a +s);
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 1, +c+)'+/
a +s);

Can you guys understand what im trying to do... I wanna generate the
HTML with the same function but with some changes, i can do all, but i
dont know why the +s+ doesnt work. theres no value, i tried to use
an alert for s and it says object, so the function only work first
time when i load the page, i think its something wrong with the
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 0, +c+)'-/
a +s);
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 1, +c+)'+/
a +s);

[jQuery] [validate] 'please wait' message on submission

2009-02-10 Thread ianus

Hi - fantastic validation script Jörn - I wonder if you could advise
me on something? In some forms I have in a backoffice, I use a 'please
wait' message which appears after the form is submitted. The jQuery
looks like this:

$(form.myform).submit(function() {

and gives the pleasewait span the CSS property of 'display: block'
whereas it is previously 'display: none'.

This is pretty rudimentary stuff (it's all i'm capable of) but works
fine. However, even when the validation script prevents the form from
returning, this 'please wait' message appears.

Could someone suggest how I should perform the addClass only after the
form has been successfully validated and submitted?

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] click on gmail new button design (goog-imageless-button) !

2009-02-10 Thread Yolanda.C#

I use this code (jQuery) to find and fire the delete button on the
gmail tool bar, but the click (3rd line) didn't work as expected since
gmail change to the new look where buttons are now div., what is wrong
with the new gmail imageless design?

var gmCanvasFrame  = $('iframe#canvas_frame');
var btnDelete = $(gmCanvasFrame).contents().find('div.goog-imageless-

[jQuery] Re: [jQuery UI] UI/Datepicker Documentation broken

2009-02-10 Thread Richard D. Worth
I just updated it. Can you give it another shot? I only have IE6 on this
machine. Thanks.

- Richard

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 2:56 AM, zubin zubin...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Just letting you guys know that the documentation for UI/Datepicker is
 not showing (IE7)

[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

2009-02-10 Thread Michael Lawson

I totally missed the fact it was a file and not a text type, my bad _-_

Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:   ezod pured...@gmail.com
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   02/10/2009 06:52 AM  
  Subject:[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

Great idea Adrian, but you can´t change the type property ;)

Well, you could also remove the element from the DOM and then add it

On 10 Feb., 11:48, Adrian Lynch adely...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Maybe recreate the input and replace the existing one?

 Or turn it into text type, clear the value then back to file?

 Just guessing mind!


 On Feb 10, 8:45 am, ezod pured...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Michael,

  unfortunately that doesn´t work either (except FF ;))

  On 9 Feb., 17:44, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:

   Have you tried using the attr() function?


   Michael Lawson
   Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
   Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
   E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

   'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold.
If you
   find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm
   or others, only then should you accept them.'

     From:       ezod pured...@gmail.com

     To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com

     Date:       02/09/2009 11:40 AM

     Subject:    [jQuery] input file and val()

   Hi there,

   I tried to reset a file input element by using val().

                script src=jquery.js/script
                            $(document).ready(function() {

                                        $(#resetMe).click(function ()

                form name=foo
                            input id=input1 type=file
                            input id=resetMe type=button


   This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

   Any hints?


1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

1 KBAnzeigenHerunterladen

inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin works on one page, but not on the other. NO DIFFERENCE!

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

 ... but not with scrollLeft... The images just disappear altogether.
 It doesn't display anything. i've tried changing the id name, nothing
 works. The weird thing is, I've implemented this in another project
 and it worked fine, but I can't really find what I did different
 because on the site where it works, it's embedded in hundreds of lines
 of HTML. But as far as I'm concerned, there's no difference in any of
 these pages regarding the key elements to make this thing work... So
 I'm literally at the end of my rope here. i have NO idea what I'm
 doing wrong. can someone PLEASE shed some light on this thing...

What, if anything, is logged to the Firebug console?  Is
cycle.jquery.js the full Cycle download, or only the core?

[jQuery] Re: form plugin and prettypopin/lightbox

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

On Feb 10, 12:04 am, spiderling webmas...@spiderling.ca wrote:
 I am using prettyPopin lightbox for a file upload form, and I am also
 using jQuery Form Plugin to upload the image file and update it
 accordingly. Unfortunately, the file is not being sent. The $_FILES
 array is empty. I've included the jQuery and HTML being used. If
 someone can please look and let me know if I'm missing something,
 because from all the examples I've seen it doesn't seem to require too
 much to upload a file.


 updatephoto.php jQuery:
 $(document).ready(function() {
  var options = {
   target: '#divupdate',
   beforeSubmit : function() {
    $('#divupdate').html('img src=pics/loader.gif border=0
 alt=Please wait... /');


 // $('#phupdt').submit(function() {
 //  $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
 //  return false;
 // });


 updatephoto.php HTML:
 div id=divupdate
 br /br /
 form id=phupdt action=updtphresponse.php method=post
 input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=525 /
   tdinput type=file name=headshot size=30 //td
   tdinput type=submit name=request value=Update photo //td

 updtphresponse.php HTML:
 $html = '
   tdbSuccessfully updated./b/td
 echo $html;

Everything you posted looks fine.  Where does the prettyPopin lightbox
come into play?


[jQuery] Re: .post ajax issue

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

 I'm attempting to use AJAX utilizing the .post function.
 Using Firebug, I see that the post is correctly passing the expected
 form variables to the page.
 However, the form variable do not exist when trying to locate them in
 the requested page.

Can you please explain that again?  I'm not sure what you're asking.

[jQuery] Re: [validation] How to pop current rules for given input and how to set them back?

2009-02-10 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

That code you wrote should work just fine. Just try it!

See also http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/rules

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 9:32 AM, stej cerna.ze...@seznam.cz wrote:

 In some cases I need not to validate some fields. E.g. If I check some
 checkbox new inputs with further options are shown. These inputs
 should be validated when submitting form. If I uncheck the checkbox no
 options are needed and they disappear (they should not be validated).
 It's clear.

 My problem is how to remove them from validation. I could remove the
 rules on change on the checkbox, but I don't know the rules on
 inputs because they are generated. So is it possible to remove somehow
 the rules (when unchecking the checkbox) and set them back again
 (after checking the checkbox).

 inputRules = jQuery(#someInput).rules(); // gets the rules
 jQuery(#someInput).rules(remove);// and removes the rest  (the
 two rows are equal to pop)

 //but how to put them back?
 jQuery(#someInput).rules(add, inputRules);  // sets the rules

 Is it possible somehow?

[jQuery] Re: [validate] 'please wait' message on submission

2009-02-10 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Try to move that code into the submitHandler-callback:

  submitHandler: function(form) {

Note the call to form.submit - if you specify submitHandler, you have
to handle the submit yourself.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:21 PM, ianus i...@rs.nl wrote:

 Hi - fantastic validation script Jörn - I wonder if you could advise
 me on something? In some forms I have in a backoffice, I use a 'please
 wait' message which appears after the form is submitted. The jQuery
 looks like this:

 $(form.myform).submit(function() {

 and gives the pleasewait span the CSS property of 'display: block'
 whereas it is previously 'display: none'.

 This is pretty rudimentary stuff (it's all i'm capable of) but works
 fine. However, even when the validation script prevents the form from
 returning, this 'please wait' message appears.

 Could someone suggest how I should perform the addClass only after the
 form has been successfully validated and submitted?

 Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete]

2009-02-10 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You're welcome, and thanks for the nice words!


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 6:10 AM, jami jamidw...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just want to thank the person (Jorn Zaefferer?) or people who wrote
 the autocomplete plugin.  I've tried getting other live searches and
 autocompletes to work with my tiny Javascript knowledge, but it was
 never clear how everything hung together and I'd lose patience before
 getting anything done.  But the way you bundle the files with a demo
 makes it easy to hack-and-see.  Awesome.  Thank you!!!

[jQuery] Re: jquery.form -- file upload problem

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

 I'm using jquery 1.2.6 with jquery.form 2.21. Tests were done on
 firefox 3.0.5. When posting a file, I was able to track down a
 problem (io undefined) to the construction of $io that seems to
 be incorrect thus leading to an undefined io variable (line 167):

         var id = 'jqFormIO' + (new Date().getTime());
         var $io = $('iframe id=' + id + ' name=' + id + '
 src=about:blank /');
         var io = $io[0];

         // check
         if( $io.attr('id') != id) throw 'bad $io';
         if (!io) throw 'undefined io';

 It does not help to write '/iframe' instead of '/' nor
 to graft the iframe somewhere in the document.

 Any idea ?

Can you post a link to a page that shows the problem?  I've been
running this code all morning in FF 3.0.5 without error.

[jQuery] Re: jquery cycle plugin issue

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

 I'm having a problem with cycle which refuses to see the links I have
 put in the divs.
 When I click on my links it just move on the next slide (next div)
 I don't now how to fix this problem.
 I have seen there is a parameter pagerAnchorBuilder: null ... maybe
 there is any chance
 to modify it an put it to work correctly ??
 I really don't know.

 If Somebody out there could help , it would be great !!!

Please post some code or a link.  You haven't provided enough
information for me to help.


[jQuery] Re: TableSorter plugin is not working in IE7

2009-02-10 Thread Leonardo K
I test here and works fine for me in IE7

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 18:47, Bluesapphire michealg...@gmail.com wrote:

  Kindly visit following link:


 Table sorter plugin works fine in FireFox, but in IE7 this plugin
 doesn't work. Can some one guide me where and how to rectify this
 problem in my code, so that plugin begin to work in IE7.

 Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: Only show 5 list item, hide the rest?

2009-02-10 Thread Stephan Veigl


try this one:

var list = $('#myList li:gt(4)');
$('a#myList-toggle').click(function() {
   return false;


2009/2/10 mofle mofl...@gmail.com:


 I have an unordered list like this one:

 ul id=myList
 liItem 1/li
 liItem 2/li
 liItem 3/li
 liItem 4/li
 liItem 5/li
 liItem 6/li
 liItem 7/li
 liItem 8/li
 liItem 9/li
 liItem 10/li

 I want to only show the 5 first items, and hide the rest.

 I have a link to toggle the hidden elements on and off:
 a href=# id=myList-toggleShow the rest/a

 I use the slideToggle(400) to slide the rest of the list in.


 This is what I have now, it just toggles the whole list.
 script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
$('a#myList-toggle').click(function() {
  return false;

[jQuery] Re: Get DOM elements under click

2009-02-10 Thread Stephan Veigl

Hi Richard,

you can bind one single event trigger to the document (or a parent
element) and use the target property of the event.

$().click( function(ev) {


2009/2/10 Richard richar...@gmail.com:


 I'm wondering how to access the elements under a mouse click.
 At first I tried iterating through all the elements and checking each
 one, but as you can guess it was too slow.
 Then I tried binding mouse click events to all the elements but it got

 Is there a way to get a list of elements that the mouse has clicked on
 even if they don't have click events defined?


[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin works on one page, but not on the other. NO DIFFERENCE!

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

 cycle.jquery.js must be the full file, it is over 900 lines of code.

Yep, must be the full deal.

 that's interesting that you mention the firebug... I just took a look
 at it, and the HTML editor is adding all sorts of attributes to each
 anchor tag.
 like this:

 what the heck would it be doing that for?!

Not sure if this is a serious question or not.  That's how animation
is achieved.  Style properties are changed dynamically to move stuff
around on the screen, change opacity, etc.  This just shows that cycle
is running.

 still same problem. Nothing changed. What do you think?

It looks like you haven't included any styles on this page.  What does
Firebug say the size of the container is?  0?  You haven't included
any sizes on the images either.  Tough to resize things dynamically
within this info.

[jQuery] Re: Problems...

2009-02-10 Thread Stephan Veigl


1. How do you set up your first s,t,c?
2. Where does cod come from?
3. I suppose s and c should be strings. Then you would have to escape
the strings in the onClick function call:
 a href='#' onClick='test(\+s+\, 0, \+c+\)'-/a


2009/2/10 Po01 diogoapa...@gmail.com:

 Hi, i have a function like this:
 function test(s, t, c)
  var Ss = # + s;
  var S = # + s + cod;
  if(t == 1)
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 0, +c+)'-/
 a +s);
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 1, +c+)'+/
 a +s);

 Can you guys understand what im trying to do... I wanna generate the
 HTML with the same function but with some changes, i can do all, but i
 dont know why the +s+ doesnt work. theres no value, i tried to use
 an alert for s and it says object, so the function only work first
 time when i load the page, i think its something wrong with the
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 0, +c+)'-/
 a +s);
$(S).empty().html(a href='#' onClick='test(+s+, 1, +c+)'+/
 a +s);

[jQuery] [Validate] API list for main validator object

2009-02-10 Thread Raymond Camden

One of the demos for Validation shows:

var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();

Going to the main list of methods for validator I do not see this
documented anywhere. Where can I find the full list of methods I can
call on validator?

[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin works on one page, but not on the other. NO DIFFERENCE!

2009-02-10 Thread visitorQ

 It looks like you haven't included any styles on this page.  What does
 Firebug say the size of the container is?  0?  You haven't included
 any sizes on the images either.  Tough to resize things dynamically
 within this info.

That was it!!! I just had to specify the size of the div container!

div id=slideshow style=width:703px; height:302;
a href=img src=images/slideshow/1.jpg border=0 //a
a href=img src=images/slideshow/2.jpg border=0 //a
a href=img src=images/slideshow/3.jpg border=0 //a
a href=img src=images/slideshow/4.jpg border=0 //a
a href=img src=images/slideshow/5.jpg border=0 //a
a href=img src=images/slideshow/6.jpg border=0 //a
a href=img src=images/slideshow/7.jpg border=0 //a

Thank you so much Mike! You're the man!

[jQuery] Re: TableSorter plugin is not working in IE7

2009-02-10 Thread MorningZ

Also works for me here on IE7

I'd suggest totally clearing your cache and try again

[jQuery] Re: select inside an object

2009-02-10 Thread introvert

Thanks for help!

On Feb 10, 2:12 am, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  $(form).('select')[0].selectedIndex = 2;

  But this wont work.
  What am I doing wrong? How should I use object subselectors?


[jQuery] Re: Delayed Checkboxes in IE

2009-02-10 Thread Stephan Veigl

Hi John,

It looks like IE doesn't send a change event when the checkbox has
been clicked, only after the element has lost focus. You can test this
by adding a debug alert to your change function.

change your
  $(input:checkbox).change(function () {...
line to
  $(input:checkbox).bind(change click keypress, function(){...
to catch the checkbox every time it has been clicked (either with
mouse or keyboard)


2009/2/10 John C j.cashm...@wigan.gov.uk:

 Has anyone any idea why the  code below doesn't work correctly in IE.
 Basically what is supposed to happen is when the parent checkbox is
 checked the child ones are also supposed to be checked. This works
 fine in FireFox and Safari, but not in Internet Explorer, the child
 checkboxes only get checked when something else changes on the form,
 for instance you check another item.

 Any help would be great.

 div id=navigation
lia href=test.htmItem
lia href=test.htmItem
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
lia href=test.htmItem
lia href=test.htmItem
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
  lia href=test.htmItem
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
  lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
 script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
 script type=text/javascript

 $(document).ready(function() {
$(#navigationullia).each(function () {

var checknum = 0;
 $(#navigation a).each( function () {
checknum = checknum +1;
newInput = document.createElement(input);
newInput.type = checkbox;
newInput.value = $(this).attr('href').replace(/'/ig, \');

 (http://boston;, ));
newLabel = document.createElement(label);
newLabel.innerHTML = $(this).text();

 $(input:checkbox).change(function () {

 if($(this).attr(checked)) {

 $(this).parents(li:first).find(input:checkbox).each(function () {

 $(this).attr(checked, true);

 } else {

 $(this).parents(li:first).find(input:checkbox).each(function () {

 $(this).attr(checked, false);


[jQuery] Re: [Validate] API list for main validator object

2009-02-10 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

The documented methods are here:

numberOfInvalids is missing - I'll add it.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Raymond Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:

 One of the demos for Validation shows:

 var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();

 Going to the main list of methods for validator I do not see this
 documented anywhere. Where can I find the full list of methods I can
 call on validator?

[jQuery] Re: Delayed Checkboxes in IE

2009-02-10 Thread John C
Worked a treat that, Ie will be the death of me.

On Feb 10, 2:45 pm, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi John,

 It looks like IE doesn't send a change event when the checkbox has
 been clicked, only after the element has lost focus. You can test this
 by adding a debug alert to your change function.

 change your
   $(input:checkbox).change(function () {...
 line to
   $(input:checkbox).bind(change click keypress, function(){...
 to catch the checkbox every time it has been clicked (either with
 mouse or keyboard)


 2009/2/10 John C j.cashm...@wigan.gov.uk:

  Has anyone any idea why the  code below doesn't work correctly in IE.
  Basically what is supposed to happen is when the parent checkbox is
  checked the child ones are also supposed to be checked. This works
  fine in FireFox and Safari, but not in Internet Explorer, the child
  checkboxes only get checked when something else changes on the form,
  for instance you check another item.

  Any help would be great.

  div id=navigation
                 lia href=test.htmItem
                                                 lia href=test.htmItem
     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
                 lia href=test.htmItem
                                                 lia href=test.htmItem
     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
     lia href=test.htmItem
                                     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
                                     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
                                     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
                                     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
                                     lia href=test.htmItem/a/li
  script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
  script type=text/javascript

  $(document).ready(function() {
         $(#navigationullia).each(function () {

         var checknum = 0;
          $(#navigation a).each( function () {
         checknum = checknum +1;
         newInput = document.createElement(input);
         newInput.type = checkbox;
         newInput.value = $(this).attr('href').replace(/'/ig, \');

  (http://boston;, ));
         newLabel = document.createElement(label);
         newLabel.innerHTML = $(this).text();

  $(input:checkbox).change(function () {

  if($(this).attr(checked)) {

  $(this).parents(li:first).find(input:checkbox).each(function () {

  $(this).attr(checked, true);

  } else {

[jQuery] Re: [Validate] API list for main validator object

2009-02-10 Thread Raymond Camden

Ah ok - when I saw that missing, I assumed more was missing as well.
Thank you.

On Feb 10, 8:59 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 The documented methods are 

 numberOfInvalids is missing - I'll add it.


[jQuery] Re: [Validate] API list for main validator object

2009-02-10 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Added: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/numberOfInvalids

There are many more methods on the validator object, but only those
documented are considered part of the public API.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Raymond Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ah ok - when I saw that missing, I assumed more was missing as well.
 Thank you.

 On Feb 10, 8:59 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 The documented methods are 

 numberOfInvalids is missing - I'll add it.


[jQuery] Re: How to get the CSS definitions of a class not existing in the DOM

2009-02-10 Thread Thomas Jaggi

Sorry, I just found this thread:

[jQuery] Re: [validate] 'please wait' message on submission

2009-02-10 Thread ianus

Jörn - thanks for the quick response - I was a bit concerned that I
hadn't made myself very clear, but you obviously got the idea..

Worked a treat! Thanks again.


[jQuery] Re: [jQuery UI] UI/Datepicker Documentation broken

2009-02-10 Thread zubin

Works now Richard, Thanks

On Feb 10, 9:20 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just updated it. Can you give it another shot? I only have IE6 on this
 machine. Thanks.

 - Richard

 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 2:56 AM, zubin zubin...@yahoo.com wrote:

  Just letting you guys know that the documentation for UI/Datepicker is
  not showing (IE7)- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] load page which includes swf and js functions

2009-02-10 Thread adexcube

Hi, I'm trying to load a remote page using load function


that page (test.php) has javascript functions that embed an swf using
swf plugin.
The problem is that it only loads html content and doesn't execute any
javascript function.

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: load page which includes swf and js functions

2009-02-10 Thread Michael Lawson

Are the functions actually being called?  Which function are you trying to


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:   adexcube alfonsoenci...@gmail.com  
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   02/10/2009 10:50 AM  
  Subject:[jQuery] load page which includes swf and js functions   

Hi, I'm trying to load a remote page using load function


that page (test.php) has javascript functions that embed an swf using
swf plugin.
The problem is that it only loads html content and doesn't execute any
javascript function.

Any ideas?


inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin works on one page, but not on the other. NO DIFFERENCE!

2009-02-10 Thread F1LT3R


On Feb 10, 9:27 am, visitorQ kzardko...@gmail.com wrote:
  It looks like you haven't included any styles on this page.  What does
  Firebug say the size of the container is?  0?  You haven't included
  any sizes on the images either.  Tough to resize things dynamically
  within this info.


 That was it!!! I just had to specify the size of the div container!

 div id=slideshow style=width:703px; height:302;
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/1.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/2.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/3.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/4.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/5.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/6.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/7.jpg border=0 //a

 Thank you so much Mike! You're the man!

[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin works on one page, but not on the other. NO DIFFERENCE!

2009-02-10 Thread F1LT3R


On Feb 10, 9:27 am, visitorQ kzardko...@gmail.com wrote:
  It looks like you haven't included any styles on this page.  What does
  Firebug say the size of the container is?  0?  You haven't included
  any sizes on the images either.  Tough to resize things dynamically
  within this info.


 That was it!!! I just had to specify the size of the div container!

 div id=slideshow style=width:703px; height:302;
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/1.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/2.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/3.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/4.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/5.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/6.jpg border=0 //a
 a href=img src=images/slideshow/7.jpg border=0 //a

 Thank you so much Mike! You're the man!

[jQuery] Re: load page which includes swf and js functions

2009-02-10 Thread adexcube

Well a simple test is to put an onload function in the body, it just
simple doesn't work :(

body onload=alert('loaded')

On 10 Feb, 16:01, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:
 Are the functions actually being called?  Which function are you trying to


 Michael Lawson
 Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
 Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
 E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
 find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
 or others, only then should you accept them.'

   From:       adexcube alfonsoenci...@gmail.com                             

   To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com                 

   Date:       02/10/2009 10:50 AM                                             

   Subject:    [jQuery] load page which includes swf and js functions          

 Hi, I'm trying to load a remote page using load function


 that page (test.php) has javascript functions that embed an swf using
 swf plugin.
 The problem is that it only loads html content and doesn't execute any
 javascript function.

 Any ideas?




[jQuery] Errors

2009-02-10 Thread atomk

Would somebody mind taking a look at this page 

I'm suddenly getting many cryptic jQuery errors. I'm not sure what is
causing them because I don't know what they mean.


[jQuery] Re: modify from server two jquery elements in the same time

2009-02-10 Thread Ryan

Well, if you HAD to stay HTML, you could split() the html.

success: function(result){
var data1 = result.responseText.split([SPLIT CHARACTER]);

etc ... you could use regular expressions, but json is so much more

[jQuery] jquery validate error

2009-02-10 Thread crowincage


this is my first post - hope everthing goes fine :-)
today I get a strange error trying to use the validation plugin from
bassistance - used it several times before but never mentioned
something like this (using latest v.1.5.1  jquery 1.3.1).
Firebug shows me following error (my code follows at the end):

validator.settings[on + event.type].call is not a function

The error isn't shown if I remove the event options
(onfocusout,onkeyup..) but I want to use the options of course. Also
the blur event doesn't worked for me any more. I've tried for a few
hours to change my code - e.g. remove the livequery optin - but
nothing worked for me.

Maybe someone has an idea.

thx  kind regards

  var formOptions =
focusInvalid: false,
onfocusout: true,
onkeyup: true,
errorElement: span,
dataType: json,
beforeSubmit: function(a,f,o) {
o.dataType = html;
  success: function(data){
rules: {
  project[title]: {required: true}
messages: {
  project[title]: {required: 'nbsp;'}

  var validator = $(#project).livequery(function(){

[jQuery] Creating a copy of associative array

2009-02-10 Thread twooton

I cant figure out how to create a unique copy of an associate array. I
need to create a backup of an array, but since arrays and objects are
always passed by reference in javascript it ends up replicating
whatever changes I do to the first array over to the backup. I would
use the .slice() method but since the arrays are not initialized with
new Array() it doesn't have that functionality. I've managed to get it
to work using the following code, but when combined with jQuery it
crashes the browser:

  Object.prototype.clone = function() {
var newObj = (this instanceof Array) ? [] : {};
for (i in this) {
  if (i == 'clone') continue;
  if (this[i]  typeof this[i] == object) {
newObj[i] = this[i].clone();
  } else newObj[i] = this[i]
} return newObj;

  test = {'foo':{'bar':'orig message'}};
  test2 = test.clone();
  test3 = test;

  test2['foo']['bar'] = 'new message';

Any suggestions?

[jQuery] caching getScript() :: ajax question

2009-02-10 Thread dirk w

i am getting a script which calls back some json to my function
during my research in this group i read that getScript wouldn't cache.
in my case i would like to add some cache (lazy loading) to my
getScript function since it isn't necessary to update a already
searched result (during one session).

i am not an expert on jquery.ajax and didn't figured it out. i guess i
messed it up with the execution of the link (remember: there's a
callback function to call).

# works, but doesn't cache
$val = $('#searchText').val();
$url = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=' + $val +

[jQuery] Re: load page which includes swf and js functions

2009-02-10 Thread Michael Lawson

I do have somewhat limited experience with this but the documentation says

Load HTML from a remote file and inject it into the DOM.

in reference to the load function, so I would think it's working as
intended in only loading the html, not doing anything with it.


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:   adexcube alfonsoenci...@gmail.com  
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   02/10/2009 11:12 AM  
  Subject:[jQuery] Re: load page which includes swf and js functions

Well a simple test is to put an onload function in the body, it just
simple doesn't work :(

body onload=alert('loaded')

On 10 Feb, 16:01, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:
 Are the functions actually being called?  Which function are you trying


 Michael Lawson
 Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
 Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
 E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If
 find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
 or others, only then should you accept them.'

   From:       adexcube alfonsoenci...@gmail.com

   To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com

   Date:       02/10/2009 10:50 AM

   Subject:    [jQuery] load page which includes swf and js functions

 Hi, I'm trying to load a remote page using load function


 that page (test.php) has javascript functions that embed an swf using
 swf plugin.
 The problem is that it only loads html content and doesn't execute any
 javascript function.

 Any ideas?




inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] Re: load page which includes swf and js functions

2009-02-10 Thread adexcube

As a progress, the javascript functions are executed only if they're
inside the body tags of the remote file!!

Does someone know why?

On 10 Feb, 16:17, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:
 I do have somewhat limited experience with this but the documentation says

 Load HTML from a remote file and inject it into the DOM.

 in reference to the load function, so I would think it's working as
 intended in only loading the html, not doing anything with it.


 Michael Lawson
 Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
 Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
 E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
 find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
 or others, only then should you accept them.'

   From:       adexcube alfonsoenci...@gmail.com                             

   To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com                 

   Date:       02/10/2009 11:12 AM                                             

   Subject:    [jQuery] Re: load page which includes swf and js functions      

 Well a simple test is to put an onload function in the body, it just
 simple doesn't work :(

 body onload=alert('loaded')

 On 10 Feb, 16:01, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:

  Are the functions actually being called?  Which function are you trying


  Michael Lawson
  Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
  Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
  E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

  'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If
  find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
  or others, only then should you accept them.'

    From:       adexcube alfonsoenci...@gmail.com

    To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com

    Date:       02/10/2009 10:50 AM

    Subject:    [jQuery] load page which includes swf and js functions

  Hi, I'm trying to load a remote page using load function


  that page (test.php) has javascript functions that embed an swf using
  swf plugin.
  The problem is that it only loads html content and doesn't execute any
  javascript function.

  Any ideas?






[jQuery] [autocomplete] sort two fields

2009-02-10 Thread Gellpak

I'm trying to build a stock symbol search field that will search both
the symbol and the full name of the company. For example, search both
AAPL and Apple Inc, or AMCC and Applied Micro Circuits Corp,
and display both in the same row with character highlighting as in the
usual autocomplete plugin. I'm still learning jQuery so this may be
something simple, but here's my code.

script type=text/javascript
function formatItem(row) {
return row[0] +  (strongid:  + 
row[1] + /strong);
function formatResult(row) {
return row[0].replace(/(.+?)/gi, '');

var data = [
{text:'APP', name:'Merrill Lynch  Co Inc',
{text:'AAPL', name:'Apple Inc', url: 
{text:'AMAT', name:'Applied Materials Inc', url:
{text:'AAPI', name:'Advanced Plt 
Pharmaceuticals Inc', url:
{text:'AMCC', name:'Applied Micro Circuits 
Corp', url:
$(#searchbox).autocomplete(data, {
formatItem: function(item) {
return item.text;
}).result(function(event, item) {
location.href = item.url;

And for the html I just have an input box: input type=text

I have it working displaying the 'text' element of the array, but it
ignores the 'name' element I added to the example code from the plugin

I want to add a row at the bottom of the autocomplete list that never
changes, how do I append to the results list?

[jQuery] combine slide and fade

2009-02-10 Thread Christopher
Hei there, i want to combine the slideUp with a fadeOut and the slideDown
with a fadeIn. So while the sliding takes place the effect fade should fire:

function toggleContent(){
// animate mit fade in
var toHide=$(.contentList .active),
 hideHeight = toHide.height(),
showHeight = toShow.height(),
difference = showHeight / hideHeight;

toShow.addClass(active).css({ height: 0, overflow:
step: function(now) {
var current = (hideHeight - now) * difference;
if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera) {
current = Math.ceil(current);
toShow.height( current );
//toHide.css(opacity, 1-now/toHide.height())  // this
works but sucks to much recources
duration: 500,
easing: swing,
complete: function() {


my problem is now: the fadeIn of toShow works, but i don't know how to
fadeOut the toHide

somebody has a clue or a workaround?
cheers chris

[jQuery] [autocomplete ] Re: sort two fields

2009-02-10 Thread Gellpak

Updating title. This is using the autocomplete plugin

[jQuery] The order of these conditions should not matter

2009-02-10 Thread Thomas Allen

Here's my JS: http://pastebin.com/m6091a365
And the accompanying HTML: http://pastebin.com/m30c57ea6

For some reason, the if($(pay_... condition that comes first gets
overridden by the one that follows it. The :checked states you see in
the JS are mutually exclusive because they are a part of the same
radio group (as seen in the HTML). The showCC and showCheck functions
work perfectly in the focus() context (they switch normally).

The reason that I'm setting this up this way is so that a user will
only see the payment region that they need to see.

Thomas Allen

[jQuery] Re: Errors

2009-02-10 Thread MorningZ

Pulling the page up in FF3 on Windows resulted in no errors at all,
the Cycle plugin worked fine on the retouching page, not sure what
else you want people to look for/help with

On Feb 10, 11:17 am, atomk akob...@adamkobrin.com wrote:
 Would somebody mind taking a look at this 

 I'm suddenly getting many cryptic jQuery errors. I'm not sure what is
 causing them because I don't know what they mean.


[jQuery] jQuery / FF3 problem using show()

2009-02-10 Thread JohnnyCee

I wrote a relatively simple jQuery script to pick a random item from a
list and show it. The other items are hidden. The script works in FF2,
IE7, and IE8 RC 2. It does not work properly in FF3.

A simple show() call is used to show the UL element after one of the
items is chosen. The evidence suggests that the show() method is not
working as expected in the specific circumstances of the test.

You can see the problem on this test page:

The problem has some odd characteristics that are described on the
test page.

Does anyone have an idea what's going on, and how I can avoid the
issue? Is there a bug in my script?



[jQuery] Re: Errors

2009-02-10 Thread atomk

Thanks for looking. In FF3 on a Mac I get tons of errors in the Error

On Feb 10, 9:20 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Pulling the page up in FF3 on Windows resulted in no errors at all,
 the Cycle plugin worked fine on the retouching page, not sure what
 else you want people to look for/help with

 On Feb 10, 11:17 am, atomk akob...@adamkobrin.com wrote:

  Would somebody mind taking a look at this 

  I'm suddenly getting many cryptic jQuery errors. I'm not sure what is
  causing them because I don't know what they mean.


[jQuery] Re: selector to return the number of rows in a table before the row I just selected

2009-02-10 Thread pantagruel

  rowsBefore = row.rowIndex;

Ok, but jQuery(#activator + input).parent().parent(); selects the
row, but when I try to get rowIndex of that selected row I get
undefined back.

var trow = jQuery(#activator + input).parent().parent();

alert(trow.attr(class)); // the class of my row
alert(trow.rowIndex); // returns undefined.

Bryan Rasmussen

[jQuery] Re: jQuery / FF3 problem using show()

2009-02-10 Thread pete higgins

moving the link above the script will likely fix this.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:21 PM, JohnnyCee jfcardi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I wrote a relatively simple jQuery script to pick a random item from a
 list and show it. The other items are hidden. The script works in FF2,
 IE7, and IE8 RC 2. It does not work properly in FF3.

 A simple show() call is used to show the UL element after one of the
 items is chosen. The evidence suggests that the show() method is not
 working as expected in the specific circumstances of the test.

 You can see the problem on this test page:

 The problem has some odd characteristics that are described on the
 test page.

 Does anyone have an idea what's going on, and how I can avoid the
 issue? Is there a bug in my script?



[jQuery] Re: Creating a copy of associative array

2009-02-10 Thread James

You can use jQuery's extend() to do it for you:

test = {'foo':{'bar':'orig message'}};
var test2 = {}
$.extend({}, test2, test);

There's probably a simpler way. I'd also be interested to know. :)

On Feb 10, 6:03 am, twooton tcwoo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I cant figure out how to create a unique copy of an associate array. I
 need to create a backup of an array, but since arrays and objects are
 always passed by reference in javascript it ends up replicating
 whatever changes I do to the first array over to the backup. I would
 use the .slice() method but since the arrays are not initialized with
 new Array() it doesn't have that functionality. I've managed to get it
 to work using the following code, but when combined with jQuery it
 crashes the browser:

       Object.prototype.clone = function() {
         var newObj = (this instanceof Array) ? [] : {};
         for (i in this) {
           if (i == 'clone') continue;
           if (this[i]  typeof this[i] == object) {
             newObj[i] = this[i].clone();
           } else newObj[i] = this[i]
         } return newObj;

       test = {'foo':{'bar':'orig message'}};
       test2 = test.clone();
       test3 = test;

       test2['foo']['bar'] = 'new message';

 Any suggestions?

[jQuery] jq.ui and the embedded autocomplete plugin

2009-02-10 Thread Jan Limpens

Earlier I received an embedded autocomplete plugin, when I downloaded
a jquery.ui compilation.
Now this plugin is missing and it seems like the rc2 version, I still
have got here, does not catch on (no errors, just does not react in
any way) anymore.
Is this still maintained? Where can I get it or should I better look


[jQuery] Re: jQuery / FF3 problem using show()

2009-02-10 Thread JohnnyCee

On Feb 10, 1:14 pm, pete higgins phigg...@gmail.com wrote:
 moving the link above the script will likely fix this.


Thanks! That did fix it. I presume it's a timing/sequence issue
related to when ready() is called versus when the linked CSS file is

After posting the first message I discovered that the issue affects
Chrome and Safari, too.


[jQuery] Re: form plugin and prettypopin/lightbox

2009-02-10 Thread spiderling

I am using prettypopin for the link on the index page to open
updatephoto.php. The index page also uses some other jQuery features.
I've included the jQuery in case you see something that may be wrong
or conflicting, and the HTML link tag.


SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=/includes/jquery.js/SCRIPT
SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=/includes/uicore.js/SCRIPT
SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=/includes/uidrag-drop-sort.js/
SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=/includes/uiaccordion.js/
SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=/includes/jquery_pretty_popin.js
SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=/includes/jquery_multifile.js/
SCRIPT type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
  items: ' div',
  opacity: 0.7,
  revert: true,
  handle: 'img.handle',
  update: function () {
   var order = $('#photolist').sortable('serialize');

  accept: '#photolist div',
  tolerance: 'pointer',
  drop: function(event, ui) {
   var pidarray = ui.draggable.attr('id').split('_');
   $(ui.draggable).hide('slow', function() {

  header: 'div.accordion_title',
  alwaysOpen: false,
  clearStyle: true,
  autoHeight: false

  modal : true,
  callback: function(){ window.location.reload(); }

   remove: 'img src=/includes/pics/bin.gif height=16 width=16
alt=x /'


A href=updatephoto.php?photo=headshot rel=prettyPopinIMG
src=pics/hs2.jpg class=border1 alt= //A

On Feb 10, 6:38 am, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Feb 10, 12:04 am, spiderling webmas...@spiderling.ca wrote:

  I am using prettyPopin lightbox for a file upload form, and I am also
  using jQuery Form Plugin to upload the image file and update it
  accordingly. Unfortunately, the file is not being sent. The $_FILES
  array is empty. I've included the jQuery and HTML being used. If
  someone can please look and let me know if I'm missing something,
  because from all the examples I've seen it doesn't seem to require too
  much to upload a file.


  updatephoto.php jQuery:
  $(document).ready(function() {
   var options = {
    target: '#divupdate',
    beforeSubmit : function() {
     $('#divupdate').html('img src=pics/loader.gif border=0
  alt=Please wait... /');


  // $('#phupdt').submit(function() {
  //  $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
  //  return false;
  // });


  updatephoto.php HTML:
  div id=divupdate
  br /br /
  form id=phupdt action=updtphresponse.php method=post
  input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=525 /
    tdinput type=file name=headshot size=30 //td
    tdinput type=submit name=request value=Update photo //td

  updtphresponse.php HTML:
  $html = '
    tdbSuccessfully updated./b/td
  echo $html;

 Everything you posted looks fine.  Where does the prettyPopin lightbox
 come into play?


[jQuery] Re: tabs, ajax mode, spinner not removed

2009-02-10 Thread brian

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:21 AM, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Hello Brian, would you mind to file a bug for this?


I don't mind at all.In fact, I've found a partial fix. Not really a
fix, but a lead, anyway. However, I don't see any obvious way to reset
my forgotten password for Trac. There really should be a link for that
on the login page.

I'm referring to the UI Trac site, not the main jquery bugtracker, for
which I do have my password. I did search Trac before posting, btw,
and found a similar bug but it's a year old and closed.

Anyway, I'll leave some info here, for now.

I altered the cleanup method (line 494) of ui.tabs.js

var cleanup = function() {
.each(function() {
if (o.spinner)


self.xhr = null;

While the data is stored inside the EM, inner(this) here is actually
the A tag. The change above causes the spinner to be properly removed
on tab load.

But, when I remove the spinner option and let the default text be
used, inner(this) is then an EM tag and  the loading ... text is not
removed when a tab loads (with my change in place)

So, the best I can figure out so far is that the 'ui-tabs-loading'
class is applied to a different element--A or EM--depending on what's
inside the tab's A tag. Thus, the filter in cleanup() will return a
different element. Or something like that. I'm going to pursue that a
bit more.

I did wonder if the problem was related to nesting an img inside an
em, but switching the doctype had no effect.

If I figure out how to log in to UI Trac I'll post all of this there
along with anything else I uncover.

[jQuery] Re: jq.ui and the embedded autocomplete plugin

2009-02-10 Thread Richard D. Worth
After the jQuery UI 1.6rc2 release, the Autocomplete plugin was removed
pending some further refactoring and changes for inclusion in a future
version of jQuery UI. It is still being developed, but will not be in the
final 1.6 version (and has not been in any of the later release candidates:

The same happened at the same time with 3 other plugins that were in the
1.6rc2: colorpicker, magnifier, and spinner. The planning and development
for these (where we welcome feedback) continues here:


Note: If you have any further questions about jQuery UI, I invite you to
join the jQuery UI mailing list:



- Richard

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jan Limpens jan.limp...@gmail.com wrote:

 Earlier I received an embedded autocomplete plugin, when I downloaded
 a jquery.ui compilation.
 Now this plugin is missing and it seems like the rc2 version, I still
 have got here, does not catch on (no errors, just does not react in
 any way) anymore.
 Is this still maintained? Where can I get it or should I better look


[jQuery] Re: jq.ui and the embedded autocomplete plugin

2009-02-10 Thread Jan Limpens

Thanks a lot!
Any idea, where autocomplete sans ui has its page or repository?

Anything further, I'll move to the other list...

On Feb 10, 4:45 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 After the jQuery UI 1.6rc2 release, the Autocomplete plugin was removed
 pending some further refactoring and changes for inclusion in a future
 version of jQuery UI. It is still being developed, but will not be in the
 final 1.6 version (and has not been in any of the later release candidates:

 The same happened at the same time with 3 other plugins that were in the
 1.6rc2: colorpicker, magnifier, and spinner. The planning and development
 for these (where we welcome feedback) continues here:


 Note: If you have any further questions about jQuery UI, I invite you to
 join the jQuery UI mailing list:



 - Richard

 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jan Limpens jan.limp...@gmail.com wrote:

  Earlier I received an embedded autocomplete plugin, when I downloaded
  a jquery.ui compilation.
  Now this plugin is missing and it seems like the rc2 version, I still
  have got here, does not catch on (no errors, just does not react in
  any way) anymore.
  Is this still maintained? Where can I get it or should I better look


[jQuery] Re: jq.ui and the embedded autocomplete plugin

2009-02-10 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Jan Limpens jan.limp...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks a lot!
 Any idea, where autocomplete sans ui has its page or repository?

The documentation is here


The 1.6rc2 version is here


and any further work is being done in a dedicated development branch here


- Richard

[jQuery] Re: jq.ui and the embedded autocomplete plugin

2009-02-10 Thread Jan Limpens

Ah, never mind, found it:

On Feb 10, 4:55 pm, Jan  Limpens jan.limp...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks a lot!
 Any idea, where autocomplete sans ui has its page or repository?

 Anything further, I'll move to the other list...

 On Feb 10, 4:45 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:

  After the jQuery UI 1.6rc2 release, the Autocomplete plugin was removed
  pending some further refactoring and changes for inclusion in a future
  version of jQuery UI. It is still being developed, but will not be in the
  final 1.6 version (and has not been in any of the later release candidates:

  The same happened at the same time with 3 other plugins that were in the
  1.6rc2: colorpicker, magnifier, and spinner. The planning and development
  for these (where we welcome feedback) continues here:


  Note: If you have any further questions about jQuery UI, I invite you to
  join the jQuery UI mailing list:



  - Richard

  On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Jan Limpens jan.limp...@gmail.com wrote:

   Earlier I received an embedded autocomplete plugin, when I downloaded
   a jquery.ui compilation.
   Now this plugin is missing and it seems like the rc2 version, I still
   have got here, does not catch on (no errors, just does not react in
   any way) anymore.
   Is this still maintained? Where can I get it or should I better look


[jQuery] Re: selector to return the number of rows in a table before the row I just selected

2009-02-10 Thread James

alert( trow.get(0).rowIndex );

On Feb 10, 8:19 am, pantagruel rasmussen.br...@gmail.com wrote:
   rowsBefore = row.rowIndex;

 Ok, but jQuery(#activator + input).parent().parent(); selects the
 row, but when I try to get rowIndex of that selected row I get
 undefined back.

 var trow = jQuery(#activator + input).parent().parent();

 alert(trow.attr(class)); // the class of my row
 alert(trow.rowIndex); // returns undefined.

 Bryan Rasmussen

[jQuery] Cycle Jumps in IE

2009-02-10 Thread Ashley

Hi All,

jQuery file: jquery-1.3.1.min.js
jQuery Cycle file:  jquery.cycle.all.min.js
(I believe these are the most recent versions, downloaded both today)

The cycle with pager is working fine on my site in all browsers.  In
IE7, when I refresh the page, the 4 images contained in the cycle ALL
show at once - in a cascade - before collapsing into their desired
div.  It functions fine in IE (fading through the images perfectly
with the pager), but how can I get rid of this jump?  All 4 images
show at once initially before they seem to fix themselves and fall
into place.

Any ideas?

[jQuery] ID's start with #

2009-02-10 Thread Shredder36


How do I find an element who's id starts with #?

For example:  textarea id=#SAM1/textarea

the following does not seem to work


Any help is greatly appreciated.  thank you,


[jQuery] Re: selector to return the number of rows in a table before the row I just selected

2009-02-10 Thread mkmanning

rowIndex is a DOM property, so you'd have to use alert(trow

On Feb 10, 10:19 am, pantagruel rasmussen.br...@gmail.com wrote:
   rowsBefore = row.rowIndex;

 Ok, but jQuery(#activator + input).parent().parent(); selects the
 row, but when I try to get rowIndex of that selected row I get
 undefined back.

 var trow = jQuery(#activator + input).parent().parent();

 alert(trow.attr(class)); // the class of my row
 alert(trow.rowIndex); // returns undefined.

 Bryan Rasmussen

[jQuery] Re: ID's start with #

2009-02-10 Thread James

Try double backslash escaping the second #-sign:


On Feb 10, 7:36 am, Shredder36 shredde...@gmail.com wrote:

 How do I find an element who's id starts with #?

 For example:  textarea id=#SAM1/textarea

 the following does not seem to work


 Any help is greatly appreciated.  thank you,


[jQuery] Re: ID's start with #

2009-02-10 Thread James

Oh yeah, if you want to put text in a textarea, you're suppose to use
val() instead of text():


On Feb 10, 9:04 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Try double backslash escaping the second #-sign:


 On Feb 10, 7:36 am, Shredder36 shredde...@gmail.com wrote:


  How do I find an element who's id starts with #?

  For example:  textarea id=#SAM1/textarea

  the following does not seem to work


  Any help is greatly appreciated.  thank you,


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Jumps in IE

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Alsup

 The cycle with pager is working fine on my site in all browsers.  In
 IE7, when I refresh the page, the 4 images contained in the cycle ALL
 show at once - in a cascade - before collapsing into their desired
 div.  It functions fine in IE (fading through the images perfectly
 with the pager), but how can I get rid of this jump?  All 4 images
 show at once initially before they seem to fix themselves and fall
 into place.

You're probably hitting an issue with the ready event in IE which will
be fixed shortly with v1.3.2:


Can you try it with this version of jQuery?



[jQuery] jQuery.tablesorter(destroy); ?????

2009-02-10 Thread analysis_junky

Is there a way to destroy the tablesorter object like:
I don't see anything in the documentation or code.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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