[jQuery] Re: Is any one else experiencing serious slowdowns on their site due to 'waiting for jqueryui.com' ?

2009-05-02 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hi Stasch,

Be careful before you blame others of wrong deeds... unless you enjoy
making a fool of yourself. Make sure you check the issue is not from
your side as there is absolutely no such code in jquery, nor in

My guess is that you did some wild copy/pasting from the jquery-ui
demos, and didn't actually change the URLS. Another possibility is
that one of your plugins calls for jquery right from the server, which
is really not a good idea, as you mentionned.

Otherwise, as Michael just said, post a link so we can really help.



On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:18 PM, stasch stash...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was surprised to today to discover that my site was running much
 slower than usual (3 to 4 times slower!).  Most of the delay was spent
 with the message 'waiting for jqueryui.com'.  This really freaked me
 out.  First of all what gives the jquery folks the right to ping their
 site from their code?  Second of all, if they're going to do that
 they'd better make sure that the site they are pinging is super fast.
 Can anybody enlighten me as to what is going on here?  Better yet, how
 can I remove that code from my jquery library?  I can't afford to have
 this kind of performance hit due to uncontrollable 'features' like
 this in my code.  And if I'm legally bound to keep that code in the
 library please advise me so that I can go back to Prototype.  Totally

[jQuery] Re: problem filtering out via parents() and :not()

2009-05-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi Ricardo!

in fact i removed all code that was out of the realm of this issue, to
not make you guys read 50 lines of codes.

i keep the hasClass() suggestion though !

i don't understand why parents().is(':not() does not work though. I
wonder if there isn't a bug because it used to work before, with
jquery 1.2.6. Maybe the switch to sizzle provoked it. I'll have to
investigate to confirm that.


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 No #detailsNavigation in your HTML.. and why not simply $
 (.metaSection a).click(function(){... ? Also you can swap $thisA.is
 (:not... for !$thisA.hasClass('noSwap'), much less overhead.

 Despite that code looks fine, could you provide a working sample at
 jsbin.com or the likes?

 On May 1, 12:29 pm, pixeline aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello !
 I'm assigning a specific swap position behaviour on click to a list
 of links, all sitting inside a multilevel unordered list with id

 That behaviour only concerns specific anchors and those with class
 noSwap shouldn't ... swap.

 Can you explain me why this does not work?

  $(#detailsNavigation li ul li a).bind(click, function()
                 var $thisA = $(this);
                 var $thisLI = $thisA.parent();
                 var $thisUL = $thisLI.parent();
                 if ($thisUL.parents('li').is(':not(#metadesign,
 #editions, #timeline, #related)') || $thisA.is(':not(.noSwap)'))
                 // do that swappin' thingy


 Here is the related html:

         li class=clearfix id=metadesign

             ul style=display: block; class=detailsSubnav clearfix
                 li class=clearfix style=width: 100%;
                     ul class=metaSection clearfix
                         li class=skinColor
                         lia class=ajax noSwap href=http://m2.lab-
                     ul class=metaSection clearfix
                         li style=display: list-item;
                          a class=ajax selected noSwap href=http://
                         li class=skinColor
                         li class=inactivespan
 class=inactiveData mining/span/li

 Thanks a lot for your help!


[jQuery] Re: how can I call php function in jquery ?

2009-04-02 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
you'd send to your ajax.php script a value that it can process such as


then your ajax.php :

case 'delete':
// check for an id, delete it

// do nothing;

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:11 PM, dziobacz aaabbbcccda...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have in PHP file ajax.php:
 class Data

        public function __construct()

        public function select($idl)

        public function delete($id)

 My jquery function looks now:
 function deleteComment(id)

                function(data) {

 How can I in function deleteComment(id) call php function delete($id)
 from file ajax.php ?

[jQuery] Re: must show an element if exists

2009-03-26 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

you don't have to do that check. If the element does not exist, the
show() code will not be run.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:40 AM, shobhitsoftskills
shobhitsing...@gmail.com wrote:


 i am learning jQuery and confused about one thing.below is simple code
 using jQuery.



 script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/script

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
 if ( $('#myDiv').length )



  div id=myDivSearch Engines/div


 i am trying below lines.

 if ( $('#myDiv').length )

 according to this code if element exists then element should be show
 but i did not look any thing.

 kindly post your thoughts.

[jQuery] Re: Pointless but fun jQuery experiment

2009-03-26 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

kelvin, that's wicked !

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:37 AM, kanna mail4ka...@gmail.com wrote:

 Nice effects, Kelvin!!
 JQuery Rocks!!!

 On Mar 26, 8:49 am, Nikola nik.cod...@gmail.com wrote:
 That was really neat... jQuery physics!

 On Mar 25, 11:40 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'll second that!

  On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Rick Faircloth

  r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:

   Pretty cool, Kelvin!


   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
   Behalf Of Kelvin Luck
   Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 9:22 PM
   To: jquery-en
   Subject: [jQuery] Pointless but fun jQuery experiment

   Inspired by google's chrome experiments I recently put together a
   pointless but fun experiment with the help of jQuery and I thought
   that people on the list might like to check it out:


   As I said, completely pointless but makes a nice change from serious
   progressive enhancement!

   Hope you like it,

   Kelvin :)

[jQuery] Re: jqmodal Ajax issue

2009-03-25 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
1/ i would make sure the div exist before initalising the jqModal, so  add
the jqm initialisation to your createDiv function or through a callback
executed when the createDiv is done.2/ for your specific question: your
check is incorrect. The good use would be to use jqmodal onShow() callback
and check at that moment whether the link is valid or not.

if (hash.t.attr('href') ==='#' || hash.t.attr('href') ===''){
return false;
// otherwise, launch the popup


from the doc:

  Each callback is passed the jqModal hash for a window. Relevant
hash properties are;

w: (jQuery object) The window element. e.g. '#example' in the sample 
c: (object) The config object (holds passed+default parameters)
o: (jQuery object) The overlay
t: (DOM object) The triggering element

  NOTE; If you supply a onHide callback, you MUST execute hash.o.remove(); to
remove the overlay. You should also hide the window via hash.w.hide();, or
with a special effect.

  NOTE; If you supply a onShow callback, you should make the dialog visible
via hash.w.show();, or with a special effect.

  NOTE; onLoad callbacks are ONLY executed if the ajax parameter was passed.
onLoad is called after the ajax response. As with $.load(), the this
scope is a reference to the ajax target as a DOM element.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Tad tad.ni...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm new to jquery and jqmodal. I have a script that runs fine except
 when the URL (href) of the anchor tag is Blank or #. so what I want
 to do is check for that possibility and stop the Jqmodal from acting
 or put up an error message, without my page being messed up. I've
 tried to use callbacks, but get an error that the hash is not defined.
 I tried to use the click event of the anchor, but the Jqmodal would
 load the content but only show it after clicking another anchor tag or
 clicking the same one again. the goal here is to have a default pop Up
 jqmodal that checks the link it is given and doesn't use it if it will
 cause an error.

 ~~ code that works but doesn't check href of anchor~~
 /* init pop-up/overlay */
 /* pop-up/overlay Functionality */
 var popUp = {
init: function(){
var link = $(a.popup);
if(link.length = 0)
return false;

   trigger: $(a.popup),
   closeClass: 'close',
   toTop: true,
   ajax: '@href',
   target: $(div#popup-wraper div#popup),
   ajaxText: (loading...),
   cache: false
createDiv: function(){
var strJq = div id='popup-wraper' class='jqmWindow';
strJq +=  div id='overlay-utility';
strJq +=   a class='close' href='#'Close/a;
strJq +=  /div;
strJq +=  div id='popup';
strJq +=  /div;
strJq += /div;


 /* pop-up/overlay Functionality END */
 ~~ end code ~~

[jQuery] access :hover css properties of an element via jquery

2009-03-24 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux


imagine i style the :hover pseudo-class of an element via css:


Is it possible to retrieve the background-color property of the
elemnent's :hover class via jquery?

i tried the obvious : http://jsbin.com/idudi/edit

var temp = $('#myitem:hover').css('background-color');
alert(color is +temp);


But that didn't work. It returns the default state.

[jQuery] Re: how to load(text with the + sign in it)

2009-03-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

well the missing + sign is in the returned (loaded) html data, not
in the url variables. there are none.

basically i do a


what gets display in the container is A magazine instead of A+ magazine .

if in my php script i urlencode($string) the data, then the + sign is
displayed. non sense...

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 1:04 AM, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

 Could you post how you're doing the .load() jQuery part?
 It sounds like you're passing it through the url, like:
 In this case, you should use some kind of Javascript function to
 encode the variable:

 Else, it's recommended you should try putting the data in as a
 separate parameter:
 $.load(page.php, {q:myVar});
 the + sign should not be converted. Note that if you do this you're
 POST-ing the data.

 On Mar 20, 5:14 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 Hello, i tried that, but htmlentities(A+) echos A+, so it does not
 convert it.

 On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Martijn Houtman

 martijn.hout...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Mar 20, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:

  i'm doing an ajax call via the load() function. The fetched string
  contains the + sign, and it gets removed in the resulting html. Why
  is that?
  note: i'm using php. The only way i found to have the string shown, is
  to urlencode() it. But i don't want to urlencode() entire texts that
  should remain human-readable.
  I'm sure there is an obvious solution, however i can't seem to find it.

  try htmlentities() rather than urlencode() (PHP). I believe the plus sign 
  interpreted as a space. Please do note that this escapes _all_ HTML code, 
  it will not be interpreted as HTML (if it contains any).


[jQuery] how to load(text with the + sign in it)

2009-03-20 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux


i'm doing an ajax call via the load() function. The fetched string
contains the + sign, and it gets removed in the resulting html. Why
is that?
note: i'm using php. The only way i found to have the string shown, is
to urlencode() it. But i don't want to urlencode() entire texts that
should remain human-readable.
I'm sure there is an obvious solution, however i can't seem to find it.

thank you in advance for your help in solving this weird issue.


[jQuery] Re: how to load(text with the + sign in it)

2009-03-20 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hello, i tried that, but htmlentities(A+) echos A+, so it does not
convert it.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Martijn Houtman
martijn.hout...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Mar 20, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:

 i'm doing an ajax call via the load() function. The fetched string
 contains the + sign, and it gets removed in the resulting html. Why
 is that?
 note: i'm using php. The only way i found to have the string shown, is
 to urlencode() it. But i don't want to urlencode() entire texts that
 should remain human-readable.
 I'm sure there is an obvious solution, however i can't seem to find it.

 try htmlentities() rather than urlencode() (PHP). I believe the plus sign is
 interpreted as a space. Please do note that this escapes _all_ HTML code, so
 it will not be interpreted as HTML (if it contains any).


[jQuery] Re: Call for contributors: A simple, fast and flexible grid/spreadsheet component.

2009-03-17 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

really impressive. As soon as it gets to a stable release i'll try it
out on my addressbook application.
the only thing i will miss is less semantic data (no use of a table anymore).
But i know all my users have javascript enabled. In that case, i guess
it's not such a relevant criteria anymore.

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:20 AM, Tin michael.leib...@gmail.com wrote:

 More updates to the Model (DataView).

 - addItem
 - insertItem
 - updateItem
 - deleteItem

 Plus a bunch of bug fixes and code cleanup.


[jQuery] Re: jScoll Pane and Hidden Divs

2009-03-13 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

yep it's correct: you need to initialise it then hide it. you could
also position it outside the view port, initialise it, hide it, then
position it back in the viewport to avoid the initial display.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a hidden div that uses the .fadeIn() function when a link is
 clicked.  Inside this is a div that uses jScroll Pane.  But, for some
 reason when I hide that parent div first, jScroll pane won't work.  It
 seems like it might not be initialized inside a hidden div.

 Is this true?  Any ideas on how to get this working? (Mouse over Exhibitions)


[jQuery] Re: jScoll Pane and Hidden Divs

2009-03-13 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

can u put up an online demo somewhere?  ( http://jsbin.com/ )

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Well, I had thought of that, but I am needing to fade it in with the
 fadeIn() function.  Not sure how how to do this when the jScroll is
 inside the hidden div...

 On Mar 13, 12:41 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 yep it's correct: you need to initialise it then hide it. you could
 also position it outside the view port, initialise it, hide it, then
 position it back in the viewport to avoid the initial display.

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Nic Hubbard nnhubb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a hidden div that uses the .fadeIn() function when a link is
  clicked.  Inside this is a div that uses jScroll Pane.  But, for some
  reason when I hide that parent div first, jScroll pane won't work.  It
  seems like it might not be initialized inside a hidden div.

  Is this true?  Any ideas on how to get this working? over Exhibitions)


[jQuery] Re: How to remove li inside UL

2009-03-09 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

this is probably because your selector returns no object. show the
html code you run your script against, to be able to properly

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 11:53 AM, niraj nirajke...@lucent.com wrote:


 I want to remove selected list items from a UL. Can i do using remove
 I get an error when i get a list of items:

 var li = $('.items');

 I am getting error li[0].remove() is not a function in Mozilla Firefox
 firebird debugger.


[jQuery] ajaxStart() question

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux


I would like to launch a function each time an ajax call is made, that
places a loading throbber in the container in which the new content
will be inserted.
Typically, these will be $('#mycontainer').load() calls.

I'm puzzled on how to detect the container upon calling my function.
Someone has an idea?



[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

yes, thanks but that does not help my specific need: what i need to
know is if the ajax object stores the container in which it will load
the content in a property that i can retrieve, so that the load
animation goes on top of it.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:11 AM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

 oh and it may or may not be any use, but you can grab all manner of
 nice animated loading graphics here... http://www.ajaxload.info/

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

thanks ryan, but i want to set it generically for all ajax calls, for
instance, via ajaxStart() instead of having to attach the behaviour to
every single trigger element.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:30 AM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

 but since you already specify the target element for the .load() at
 some point, you'll already have it to put in the callback?

 function doLoad(el, url) {
  var contEl = $(el)
  contEl .append('img id=loadIcon src=loading.png /');
  contEl .load( url, function(){
    contEl .remove('#loadIcon');

 a href=# onclick=doload('#myContainer','http://

 On Mar 6, 10:14 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 yes, thanks but that does not help my specific need: what i need to
 know is if the ajax object stores the container in which it will load
 the content in a property that i can retrieve, so that the load
 animation goes on top of it.

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:11 AM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

  oh and it may or may not be any use, but you can grab all manner of
  nice animated loading graphics here...http://www.ajaxload.info/

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

just in case it helps, here is the code i have so far:

 var $loadAnim = $('div id=loadAnimimg
src=ajax-loader_light2.gif //div').appendTo('body');

// the following behavior will be done each time an
ajax call is triggered
var $loadTarget = $('#container'); // !--
#container should be a variable or $.ajax stored property since in
my case, it changes often
top: $loadTarget.offset().top,
left: $loadTarget.offset().left,
width: $loadTarget.width(),
height: $loadTarget.height()
$loadTarget.load('demo_content.html', function()

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux
aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 thanks ryan, but i want to set it generically for all ajax calls, for
 instance, via ajaxStart() instead of having to attach the behaviour to
 every single trigger element.

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:30 AM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

 but since you already specify the target element for the .load() at
 some point, you'll already have it to put in the callback?

 function doLoad(el, url) {
  var contEl = $(el)
  contEl .append('img id=loadIcon src=loading.png /');
  contEl .load( url, function(){
    contEl .remove('#loadIcon');

 a href=# onclick=doload('#myContainer','http://

 On Mar 6, 10:14 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 yes, thanks but that does not help my specific need: what i need to
 know is if the ajax object stores the container in which it will load
 the content in a property that i can retrieve, so that the load
 animation goes on top of it.

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:11 AM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com 

  oh and it may or may not be any use, but you can grab all manner of
  nice animated loading graphics here...http://www.ajaxload.info/

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi there,

well, i trigger the ajax request much like this:  no matter what they
role is, all my interface buttons finish by an action called
UI.refresh({section:'projects', sortby:'time', item:'love-me'});

this function compares the sent properties to the current UI stored
properties, and if there is a change, trigger specific actions. That
UI.refresh() function is therefore structured like this:


// 1. compare the 2 objects: current UI and Obj. If changes, update UI

if(Obj.section  Obj.section!== UI.section){
UI.section= Obj.section;
// same for all properties

2. loop through the queueArray and make necessary UI changes

 for (i = 0; i  queueArray.length; i++)
switch (queueArray[i])
case 'section':

// Animating the strata
var $thisLI = $('#' + UI.section);

case 'item':
//do this and that...


it may seems like overwork to you guys, but my app is quite big and
this structure helps me keep the code well structured.

Thanks for taking the time to help me...

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:16 PM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

 that crossed my mind, but from the comments above i think he he wants
 multiple content boxes being populated from a number of different
 triggers, although he's using an id (of which he can only have one
 instance of anyway) as the identifier for the loading icon.

 i'm not sure this is the best way of doing it, cos unless i'm
 misunderstanding quite what he wants to do he'll only be able to
 process one ajax request at a time doing it like this.

 Alexandre, how are you triggering the ajax request?

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

no, nothing depend on it. I see now that there is a potential problem
with the way i set up my throbber logic: there is only one available
loading div for several zones. So if one zone is loading and another
call is triggered, the loading panel will move to the second zone
before zone1 is actually done loading.
So i should create the divs each time or create directly as many divs
as there are updatable zones, thus using a class instead of an id.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:

 Is anything in your code dependent on your loading graphic id,
 or would a class identifier be sufficient?

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
 Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 10:31 AM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

 hi there,

 well, i trigger the ajax request much like this:  no matter what they role 
 is, all my interface buttons finish by an action called 
 UI.refresh({section:'projects', sortby:'time', item:'love-me'});

 this function compares the sent properties to the current UI stored 
 properties, and if there is a change, trigger specific actions. That
 UI.refresh() function is therefore structured like this:


 // 1. compare the 2 objects: current UI and Obj. If changes, update UI

 if(Obj.section  Obj.section!== UI.section){ queueArray.push('section'); 
 UI.section= Obj.section; } // same for all properties

 2. loop through the queueArray and make necessary UI changes

  for (i = 0; i  queueArray.length; i++)
            switch (queueArray[i])
                case 'section':

                    // Animating the strata
                    var $thisLI = $('#' + UI.section);

 case 'item':
 //do this and that...


 it may seems like overwork to you guys, but my app is quite big and this 
 structure helps me keep the code well structured.

 Thanks for taking the time to help me...

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:16 PM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

 that crossed my mind, but from the comments above i think he he wants
 multiple content boxes being populated from a number of different
 triggers, although he's using an id (of which he can only have one
 instance of anyway) as the identifier for the loading icon.

 i'm not sure this is the best way of doing it, cos unless i'm
 misunderstanding quite what he wants to do he'll only be able to
 process one ajax request at a time doing it like this.

 Alexandre, how are you triggering the ajax request?

[jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

2009-03-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Thank you Ryan,

Thus my initial question becomes : does jquery stores somewhere all
dom elements in the process of being updated by an ajax call ?

like $.ajax.processingElements = ['container1','container2'];

if not, i guess that i could turn this into a plugin that adds on
ajaxStart() an element to a global array and removes on ajaxComplete
or ajaxError.


On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 5:35 PM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

 yeah, thats basically what i was thinking.

 personally i'd try to track the container and use a generic piece of
 code for the the loading image. that way you could just use $
 (container).children(.loading) to traverse the DOM.

 or if for any reason you want to make them unique perhaps even build
 an id for each loading image based on the container's id. (eg. cont1 
 cont1_Img or something)

 On Mar 6, 4:12 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 no, nothing depend on it. I see now that there is a potential problem
 with the way i set up my throbber logic: there is only one available
 loading div for several zones. So if one zone is loading and another
 call is triggered, the loading panel will move to the second zone
 before zone1 is actually done loading.
 So i should create the divs each time or create directly as many divs
 as there are updatable zones, thus using a class instead of an id.

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com 

  Is anything in your code dependent on your loading graphic id,
  or would a class identifier be sufficient?

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
  Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
  Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 10:31 AM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: ajaxStart() question

  hi there,

  well, i trigger the ajax request much like this:  no matter what they role 
  is, all my interface buttons finish by an action called 
  UI.refresh({section:'projects', sortby:'time', item:'love-me'});

  this function compares the sent properties to the current UI stored 
  properties, and if there is a change, trigger specific actions. That
  UI.refresh() function is therefore structured like this:


  // 1. compare the 2 objects: current UI and Obj. If changes, update UI

  if(Obj.section  Obj.section!== UI.section){ queueArray.push('section'); 
  UI.section= Obj.section; } // same for all properties

  2. loop through the queueArray and make necessary UI changes

   for (i = 0; i  queueArray.length; i++)
             switch (queueArray[i])
                 case 'section':

                     // Animating the strata
                     var $thisLI = $('#' + UI.section);

  case 'item':
  //do this and that...


  it may seems like overwork to you guys, but my app is quite big and this 
  structure helps me keep the code well structured.

  Thanks for taking the time to help me...

  On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:16 PM, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com 

  that crossed my mind, but from the comments above i think he he wants
  multiple content boxes being populated from a number of different
  triggers, although he's using an id (of which he can only have one
  instance of anyway) as the identifier for the loading icon.

  i'm not sure this is the best way of doing it, cos unless i'm
  misunderstanding quite what he wants to do he'll only be able to
  process one ajax request at a time doing it like this.

  Alexandre, how are you triggering the ajax request?

[jQuery] next() question

2009-03-04 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux


say i have this markup:

ul class=tab-nav-menu tab-menu
lia class=tab-menu-item tab-menu-item-selected
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment11/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment22/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment33/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment44/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment55/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment66/a/li
  li id=imageLegendArca 180/li


I need to find the anchor link that immediately follows
a.tab-menu-item-selected. i tried using next but i never get it right

$('a.tab-menu-item-selected').next('a.tab-menu-item').length  returns always 0

any idea how to find this selector would be greatly appreciated.



[jQuery] Re: next() question

2009-03-04 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
thanks i got it to work, sort of.

$('#tabs img.albumImage').each(function(index)
var $img = $(this).data('tabindex', index);
   // in albums, clicking on an image brings
the user to the next image
var index =
a:after(a.tab-menu-item-selected)').eq(index + 1).trigger('click');

:after is not documented on the jquery selector page:

should it be added?

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Joseph Le Brech jlebr...@hotmail.comwrote:

  you should be able to use the :after pseudo element


  Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:10:03 +0100
  Subject: [jQuery] next() question
  From: aplennev...@gmail.com
  To: jquery...@googlegroups.com- Show quoted text -

  say i have this markup:
  ul class=tab-nav-menu tab-menu
  lia class=tab-menu-item tab-menu-item-selected
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment11/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment22/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment33/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment44/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment55/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment66/a/li
  li id=imageLegendArca 180/li
  I need to find the anchor link that immediately follows
  a.tab-menu-item-selected. i tried using next but i never get it right
  $('a.tab-menu-item-selected').next('a.tab-menu-item').length returns
 always 0
  any idea how to find this selector would be greatly appreciated.

 Windows Live Messenger just got better. Find out 

[jQuery] Re: next() question

2009-03-04 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

wow, clever, that does the trick !


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:58 PM, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

 next() finds the the unique next siblings for that element (in this
 case their are none). You want the a that is the child of the
 element's parent's next sibling, which takes longer to write in
 English than in jQuery :)


 nb this assumes the a is the only child, otherwise add a filter expr
 in children

 On Mar 4, 7:21 am, Joseph Le Brech jlebr...@hotmail.com wrote:
  you should be able to use the :after pseudo element
   Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:10:03 +0100
   Subject: [jQuery] next() question
   From: aplennev...@gmail.com
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   say i have this markup:
   ul class=tab-nav-menu tab-menu
   lia class=tab-menu-item tab-menu-item-selected
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment11/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment22/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment33/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment44/a/li
lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment55/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment66/a/li
   li id=imageLegendArca 180/li
   I need to find the anchor link that immediately follows
   a.tab-menu-item-selected. i tried using next but i never get it right
   $('a.tab-menu-item-selected').next('a.tab-menu-item').length returns 
   always 0
   any idea how to find this selector would be greatly appreciated.
  Free photo editing software from Windows Live . Try it 

[jQuery] Re: next() question

2009-03-04 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Thank you Ricardo, that's an illuminating break down.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 5:20 PM, ricardobeat ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 :after is used to insert generated content after an element, not to
 select the next element. In your code, the :after(...) is doing
 nothing, it reads as $('ul.tab-menu a').eq(index + 1) - what's working
 is the index.

 You don't need to save the index as it's in the scope of the function:

 $('#tabs img.albumImage').each(function(index) {
   var $tabs = $('ul.tab-menu a');
   $(this).click(function() {
        // in albums, clicking on an image brings the user to the next
        $( $tabs[index + 1] ).click();

 The selector you were after is $('li:has(.tab-menu-item-selected) + li
 a.tab-menu-item'), but doing the whole parent().next().children('a.tab-
 menu-item') stuff is faster, despite being verbose.

 - ricardo

 On Mar 4, 1:01 pm, Joseph Le Brech jlebr...@hotmail.com wrote:

 i seen the + operator seems to do something similar, it means an element 

 Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:54:46 +0100
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: next() question
 From: aplennev...@gmail.com
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com

 thanks i got it to work, sort of.

 $('#tabs img.albumImage').each(function(index)
                                 var $img = $(this).data('tabindex', index);
                                    // in albums, clicking on an image brings 
 the user to the next image
                                     var index = $(this).data('tabindex');
 a:after(a.tab-menu-item-selected)').eq(index + 1).trigger('click');

 :after is not documented on the jquery selector 

 should it be added?

 On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Joseph Le Brech jlebr...@hotmail.com wrote:

 you should be able to use the :after pseudo element


  Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:10:03 +0100
  Subject: [jQuery] next() question
  From: aplennev...@gmail.com
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com

 - Show quoted text -


  say i have this markup:

  ul class=tab-nav-menu tab-menu
  lia class=tab-menu-item tab-menu-item-selected
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment11/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment22/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment33/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment44/a/li
   lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment55/a/li
  lia class=tab-menu-item href=#fragment66/a/li
  li id=imageLegendArca 180/li


  I need to find the anchor link that immediately follows
  a.tab-menu-item-selected. i tried using next but i never get it right

  $('a.tab-menu-item-selected').next('a.tab-menu-item').length returns 
  always 0

  any idea how to find this selector would be greatly appreciated.



 Windows Live Messenger just got better. Find out more!

  25GB of FREE Online Storage – Find out 

[jQuery] Re: [plugin] jqModal +r14 updated

2009-03-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

that's a nice upgrade Brice!

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 9:21 AM, Brice Burgess b...@iceburg.net wrote:

 Plugin Page: http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/

 updated jqModal to +r14

 Changes include smart detection of the triggering element. This allows you
 to call $.jqmShow() and $.jqmHide() within the event context of a
 non-initialized triggering element, and that element will mask a proper
 initialized trigger.

 This (very minor) change is intended to improve the plugin's natural
 behavior -- that is; to behave as expected. It will make live querying
 modal triggers easier for some.

 A simple example of the new behavior follows. It will show and load the
 remote content of all anchor links into the modal window whenever they are


 a href=http://my.ajax/content;open modal with my.ajax/content/a

 div id=jqModal class=jqmWindow style=display: none;/div

 script type=text/javascript


  // initialize modal,
  // load the container with a remote return based on the 'href'
  //    attribute of triggering element(s)


  // open the modal whenever anchor links on the page are clicked



 NOTE: Before this change, you would normally either

 a) pass triggers on $.jqm() initialization (e.g.)


 b) pass the triggering element to $.jqmShow() calls --
   [which you still can, and which will override auto-detection.]
     I realize the new behavior is similar to b) above, but passing the
 element to $.jqmShow() did not seem a natural fit. The new method is
 easier for those without scope/context knowledge [and the new method uses
 less bytes in your client code!! ;) (j/k) :pony_skiing==1]
     So; I hope you all enjoy. And yes; a rewrite, lint-loving spawn of
 jqModal with quiteExpressiveVariableNames is a necessity   eventually ;)
     ~ Brice

[jQuery] Advertising in jquery docs: normal?

2009-02-28 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hi there,

Since the docs are based on a wiki, i wonder if this is intended or
not by the jquery team:  on this page, the links chapter contains an
incentive to buy a jquery book.


 For more details buy the jQuery Reference Guide here in this site

Not that it's out of context,, irrelevant or overly visually invasive,
but is this not  a hidden advertisement? Is this allowed?


[jQuery] ui tabs : what are the only necessary CSS files ?

2009-02-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux


I'm trying to use ui Tabs , but i don't need all the rest of the UI
distribution, yet they all come into the generated download. I'm a bit
lost in all those css files.

What is the bare minimum css that i absolutely need to make the ui.tabs work?

Thank you,


[jQuery] Re: ui tabs : what are the only necessary CSS files ?

2009-02-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

thanks Richard,

I'm having a lot of trouble upgrading to ui tabs so see you around on
the jquery ui group :)


On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Note: if you have any further questions about jQuery UI, we'd love to answer
 them over here:



 - Richard

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:32 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux
 aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'm trying to use ui Tabs , but i don't need all the rest of the UI
 distribution, yet they all come into the generated download. I'm a bit
 lost in all those css files.

 What is the bare minimum css that i absolutely need to make the ui.tabs

 Thank you,


[jQuery] Re: Horizontal animation works on F.F. IE7. Fails on IE6

2009-02-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

can you check taht for IE6, the element is not ALREADY at position
left=0 ? hence no animation?

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:22 PM, ab2qik ab2...@googlemail.com wrote:


 Horizontal animation of an element works on F.F. IE7. It fails to work
 on IE6?

 From: http://codesolv.net/se-update/library-slide.html

 Click on any radio button under Form factors heading. An element
 slides open.
 This can be closed by the top right close button.

 Works on F.F./IE7.

 Any suggegstions for a fix for IE6?


[jQuery] Re: Horizontal animation works on F.F. IE7. Fails on IE6

2009-02-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

in fact, i just tested it on IE6, and i can't even click on the form
inputs, so i 'd assume either you disabled them, or there is a
transparent div with a higher z-index that prevents from clicking it.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 can you check taht for IE6, the element is not ALREADY at position
 left=0 ? hence no animation?

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:22 PM, ab2qik ab2...@googlemail.com wrote:


 Horizontal animation of an element works on F.F. IE7. It fails to work
 on IE6?

 From: http://codesolv.net/se-update/library-slide.html

 Click on any radio button under Form factors heading. An element
 slides open.
 This can be closed by the top right close button.

 Works on F.F./IE7.

 Any suggegstions for a fix for IE6?


[jQuery] Re: Javascript Generated by $()load does not render

2009-02-18 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

you can use load, you just have to setup the ajaxSetup controlling
your ajax main parameters so you set it to your liking, then you call
the load(). It is built on top of the ajax method to ease its use.
See: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajaxSetup#options

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Tim Johnson t...@johnsons-web.com wrote:

 On Tuesday 17 February 2009, Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:
 i suppose that you change try specifying the dataType as script that
 your ajax calls expect:

 Taken from: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax


 The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. If none
 is specified, jQuery will intelligently pass either responseXML or
 responseText to your success callback, based on the MIME type of the
 response. The available types (and the result passed as the first
 argument to your success callback) are:
  Thank you. That clears up a lot. But the question that remains is that
  two different types of data are returned:
  The answer may be in the mime type. $()load is so much easier to use.
  I will research futher.

[jQuery] default value of an object's property

2009-02-18 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi there,

a quick question: i'm using an object to pass a series of variables.
Sometimes, i test for a specific property, which might not exist.
I can't seem to find the right way, i tried

 Obj.sortby = (typeof Obj.sortby == 'undefined' || Obj.sortby==''
||Obj.sortby == null) ? 'time' : Obj.sortby;

but everytime that property sortby hasn't been set, firebug returns
it as null

can you clear that up for me?

Thanks a lot!


[jQuery] Re: default value of an object's property

2009-02-18 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

thanks guys, so if i understand correctly, an unset property, if
tested, returns false. Correct ?

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:35 PM, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

 The method that Josh posted is (in some people's opinion) the
 preferred method for assigning values, and is sometimes called the
 'default pattern' for obvious reasons (the other common form is the
 guard pattern ). It, along with the ternary, is usually more
 succinct than if/else, the latter being better suited to logic flow.

 On Feb 18, 1:24 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 or simply if (!Obj.sortby) Obj.sortby = 'time'; it's a bit more
 efficient. All of undefined, null, 0 or  will evaluate to false,
 there's no need to check for each of them.

 Anyway, Alexandre, the ternary you posted should also work, there is
 probably something else wrong in your code.

 - ricardo

 On Feb 18, 3:52 pm, Josh Nathanson joshnathan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think this might work, give it a try:

  Obj.sortby = Obj.sortby || 'time';

  -- Josh

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
  Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
  Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:07 AM
  To: Jquery-en
  Subject: [jQuery] default value of an object's property

  hi there,

  a quick question: i'm using an object to pass a series of variables.
  Sometimes, i test for a specific property, which might not exist.
  I can't seem to find the right way, i tried

   Obj.sortby = (typeof Obj.sortby == 'undefined' || Obj.sortby==''
  ||Obj.sortby == null) ? 'time' : Obj.sortby;

  but everytime that property sortby hasn't been set, firebug returns
  it as null

  can you clear that up for me?

  Thanks a lot!


[jQuery] Re: default value of an object's property

2009-02-18 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

@josh: it works superbly. Thanks a lot for this elegant solution !

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 12:44 AM, Alexandre Plennevaux
aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 thanks guys, so if i understand correctly, an unset property, if
 tested, returns false. Correct ?

 On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:35 PM, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

 The method that Josh posted is (in some people's opinion) the
 preferred method for assigning values, and is sometimes called the
 'default pattern' for obvious reasons (the other common form is the
 guard pattern ). It, along with the ternary, is usually more
 succinct than if/else, the latter being better suited to logic flow.

 On Feb 18, 1:24 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 or simply if (!Obj.sortby) Obj.sortby = 'time'; it's a bit more
 efficient. All of undefined, null, 0 or  will evaluate to false,
 there's no need to check for each of them.

 Anyway, Alexandre, the ternary you posted should also work, there is
 probably something else wrong in your code.

 - ricardo

 On Feb 18, 3:52 pm, Josh Nathanson joshnathan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think this might work, give it a try:

  Obj.sortby = Obj.sortby || 'time';

  -- Josh

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
  Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
  Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:07 AM
  To: Jquery-en
  Subject: [jQuery] default value of an object's property

  hi there,

  a quick question: i'm using an object to pass a series of variables.
  Sometimes, i test for a specific property, which might not exist.
  I can't seem to find the right way, i tried

   Obj.sortby = (typeof Obj.sortby == 'undefined' || Obj.sortby==''
  ||Obj.sortby == null) ? 'time' : Obj.sortby;

  but everytime that property sortby hasn't been set, firebug returns
  it as null

  can you clear that up for me?

  Thanks a lot!


[jQuery] Re: Javascript Generated by $()load does not render

2009-02-18 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

see if this resolves your issue:


 $.ajaxSetup( {
dataType: 'script'
}) ;

   //alert(resp);  // leave for testing

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Tim Johnson t...@johnsons-web.com wrote:

 On Wednesday 18 February 2009, Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:
 you can use load, you just have to setup the ajaxSetup controlling
 your ajax main parameters so you set it to your liking, then you call
 the load(). It is built on top of the ajax method to ease its use.
 See: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajaxSetup#options
  I am looking at: http://docs.jquery.com/Types#Options
  in addition I am looking at printed material
  I see from the book: jQuery In Action - page 252 documentation for
  $.ajaxSetup(properties). The properties object can contain a dataType value.

  1)What datatype value would configure $load so that it would handle
  both script and html. IOWS the CGI script returns both javascript
  and html?

  2)Are these datatype strings themselves case sensitive.

  Time is limited for me right now, I'll do my home work a little
  later. :-)

  thanks again

[jQuery] Re: default value of an object's property

2009-02-18 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

thanks a lot. But why did they made it so complex? do we really need
the granularity to differenciate between undefined, null, 0,  and
false ?

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:51 AM, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

 On Feb 19, 9:44 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 thanks guys, so if i understand correctly, an unset property, if
 tested, returns false. Correct ?

 Strictly, no.  It returns undefined, which may evaluate to false
 depending on the test, which should be based on the possible values
 and how they should be treated.

 If you just want to see if it has some value that is or isn't
 falsey, use:

  if (obj.property) {...}

 which will evaluate to false where obj.property has one of a number of
 values - undefined, null, NaN, 0 (i.e. the number zero but not the
 string zero), boolean false and so on.  If you declare the property
 but don't give it a value, its value is undefined (as in not defined)
 and if evaluated as part of an exrpession, undefined (the special
 undefined value) is returned.

 Therefore if you declare it and later want to see if it has been
 assigned a value, the best test is probably:

  if (obj.property === undefined) {...}

 It's your decision as to which is more appropriate.


[jQuery] Re: default value of an object's property

2009-02-18 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

ok thanks a lot for all this. I'll summarize it in a blog post for my
own recurring memory leaks :)

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 3:20 AM, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

 On Feb 19, 10:56 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 thanks a lot. But why did they made it so complex? do we really need
 the granularity to differenciate between undefined, null, 0,  and
 false ?

 Yes, they are all have their uses in different circumstances.

 For example, host methods like getElementById return null if they
 can't find the element they're after.  It lets you know that the
 method ran OK, it just didn't find the element.  Others, like
 getElementsByTagName, always return a collection.  If it's empty, a
 test like:

  if (nodeCollection) {...}

 will evaluate to true, however since there are no elements in the
 collection, it's length with be zero so:

  if (nodeCollection.length) {...}

 will evaluate to false (and true if there is at least one node in the

 Javascript was intended to be a simple, easy to learn language so it
 has lots of features that are designed to make programming easier -
 e.g. lose typing and automatic conversion of primitives to objects
 where required.  Those same features raise other issues when you dig
 into the detail.


[jQuery] Re: Javascript Generated by $()load does not render

2009-02-17 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

i suppose that you change try specifying the dataType as script that
your ajax calls expect:

Taken from: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax


The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. If none
is specified, jQuery will intelligently pass either responseXML or
responseText to your success callback, based on the MIME type of the
response. The available types (and the result passed as the first
argument to your success callback) are:

* xml: Returns a XML document that can be processed via jQuery.
* html: Returns HTML as plain text; included script tags are
evaluated when inserted in the DOM.
* script: Evaluates the response as JavaScript and returns it as
plain text. Disables caching unless option cache is used. Note: This
will turn POSTs into GETs for remote-domain requests.
* json: Evaluates the response as JSON and returns a JavaScript Object.
* jsonp: Loads in a JSON block using JSONP. Will add an extra
?callback=? to the end of your URL to specify the callback. (Added
in jQuery 1.2)
* text: A plain text string.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:34 AM, Tim Johnson t...@johnsons-web.com wrote:

 I have a script that generates javascript validation code when called
 in the following code:
//alert(resp);  // leave for testing
 All of the contented rendered by 'myscript' is written to the innerHtml of
 div dynamic_content *except for the javascript*.

 I am viewing the content rendered by the script in firefox using the
 View Formatted Source add-on.

  If I uncomment the alert() above, I see the javascript in the response.

 Does anyone have an answer for this mystery. Or a work-around. Any links
 to discussions on this topic?


[jQuery] jquery context menu plugin: issue with find()

2009-02-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hi there,

Please save the life of those few hairs left on my skull. I've been
trying to understand why this doesn't work:

i'm using the jquery Context Menu
(http://abeautifulsite.net/notebook/80 ) to display a context menu
which options vary according to each item.

So i'm using a data custom attribute to store which options should
be active and the metadata plugin to retrieve the values. Works fine.

Now, i need to disable context menu options according to the fetched
data, but there, the functionality advertised on the plugin website
does not seem to work for me.
It is this part of the code which fails:

 // Disable context menu items on the fly
disableContextMenuItems: function(o)
if (o == undefined)
// Disable all
return ($(this));
if (o != undefined)
var d = o.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i  d.length; i++)

console.log('plugin is disabling option : ' +
$(this).find('a[href=' + d[i] +
']').parent().addClass('disabled');  // THE SELECTOR RETURNS 0
return ($(this));

// it creates the contextMenu and disables for each file, the relevant options
var thisFolder = $(this);
thisFolder.contextMenu({ menu: 'contextMenu' },
function(action, el, pos)
var url = $(el).attr('href');
var directoryItem = $(el).attr('id');
alert('url : ' + $(el).attr('href') + '\nAction: ' +
action + '  \nElement ID: ' + directoryItem);

// disable non allowed options
var menuOptions = thisFolder.metadata({ type: 'attr', name: 'data' });
var optionsToDisable = [];
for (var my_option in menuOptions)
if (menuOptions.my_option == '0' || menuOptions.my_option
== null || typeof menuOptions.my_option === 'undefined')
optionsToDisable.push('#' + my_option);
if (optionsToDisable.length  0)
optionsToDisable = optionsToDisable.join(',');
//optionsToDisable = ' + optionsToDisable + ';
console.log(optionsToDisable =  + optionsToDisable);

So that's it: the issue is with the find() call, which does not find
an element that is there in the markup.

[jQuery] Re: Custom ScrollBar

2009-02-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

i personally have no issue with jscrollpane and jquery 1.3.1 _  i use
it extensively so i suggest that you recheck your code.

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Alexandru Dinulescu
alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am looking for a custom vertical scrollbar plugin. I want to put it in a
 fluid width / height div, and so far i havent found anything. The only thing
 i did found is jScrollpane which doesnt like to work with jquery 1.3.1 so if
 anyone has any info please let me know.


 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
 XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
 CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
 RentACoder Profile:

 MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
 Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

[jQuery] Re: jquery context menu plugin: issue with find()

2009-02-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi dave,

thanks for the reply. In fact, it's my fault: i was calling the
command against the wrong selector set. It has to be the context menu
itself, not the element which triggers the context menu. it makes
sense when you know it , but i wish i wouldn't have had to look into
the online example source code to find that out.



On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 3:38 AM, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com wrote:

 console.log('plugin is disabling option : ' +
 $(this).find('a[href=' + d[i] +

 Break down the selector there a bit. It seems like the most likely
 broken spot is the check for an exact match between the href and d[i].
 If you switch it to [href~='+d[i]+']' do you still get a match?

[jQuery] Re: ui.tabs question

2009-01-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

So i've tried using the latest build of ui1.6rc5, including the tabs +
jquery 1.3 and i reproduced exactly the demo sample available on the
jqueryUI ui.Tabs demo page with the required CSS files, but it still
breaks the tabbing functionality. I've reduced my code to simply call
$(#mydiv  ul).tabs();
Klaus can you please tell me if something has changed in the necessary
html markup from tabs 3 to the latest tab release? Is there something
else, specific, that i should look for ?
I'll try to isolate further my implementation to understand what the
problem is in the meanwhile but any pointers would be time savers for
me. Thanks a lot


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:30 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 In that case, thank you Klaus for the preventive comment.

 On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Klaus Hartl
 klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Sorry to hear that, but I was only referring to MorningZ's example,
 which contained an outdated syntax and I wanted to prevent you (and
 everybody else) to use it and wonder why it wouldn't work.

 I'll try to quote better next time.


 On 21 Jan., 22:43, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, quite Frankly Klaus, i started this project 3 years ago and i
 used the tabs when it was but a plugin like another.
 The fact that now i have to integrate ui.core with ui.tabs is not
 really a good thing in my case: i don't have needs for anything else
 from the ui library, therefore i wish that alongside, there was a
 distro as a standalone plugin.
 I'm using jquery 1.3 so i've made myself a personalised ui distro
 using rc5, but now it breaks the hell out of my app, i don't have tabs
 anymore so here i go, back to the starting point, redoing things that
 were actually working well, but for that one missing callback.

 ah, it's hard to have a reproach to make to jquery. First in 3 years
 in my case, and it's not like i'm mad or anything. Just ... annoyed.


 On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com 

  Seems to be using a fairly outdated version. The event's name to bind
  has changed since quite a while. Why not take a look at the


  On 21 Jan., 16:36, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've got this code working if it helps

  $(#TabContainer ul.tabs).tabs().bind(select.ui-tabs, function(e,
  ui) {
   //Code inside here runs when tab is selected


  On Jan 21, 10:29 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com

   Hi all,

   I'm using ui.tabs and i would like to trigger a function when a tab is
   clicked, or more precisely, when a new panel gets shown.

   I figured from the doc i should use the select callback but that does
   not work... HEre is the code i use

   var $tabs = $(#tabbedTextContent).tabs({
   selected: 0,
   fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 
   200 },
   select: function(e, ui)
   alert(hi);  //!-- the
   alert() never gets called
   var $img =
   $('#tabbedTextContent div.ui-tabs_panel:visible img.albumImage');
   if ($img.length)


   So, the tabs are displayed and work correctly, but  the select
   callback (namely, the alert() call) never gets fired...

   Right after that block of code i have

   $('#tabbedTextContent img.albumImage')
   .css('cursor', 'pointer')
   //.attr('title', Click to view the 
   next image)
   { // in image albums, clicking on an
   image brings the user to the next image
   var currentTab =

   var nextTab = (currentTab 
   $tabs.length - 1) ? currentTab + 1 : 0;
   $tabs.tabs('select', nextTab);
   return false;

   which works just fine.

[jQuery] ui.tabs question

2009-01-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hi all,

I'm using ui.tabs and i would like to trigger a function when a tab is
clicked, or more precisely, when a new panel gets shown.

I figured from the doc i should use the select callback but that does
not work... HEre is the code i use

var $tabs = $(#tabbedTextContent).tabs({
selected: 0,
fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 200 },
select: function(e, ui)
alert(hi);  //!-- the
alert() never gets called
var $img =
$('#tabbedTextContent div.ui-tabs_panel:visible img.albumImage');
if ($img.length)


So, the tabs are displayed and work correctly, but  the select
callback (namely, the alert() call) never gets fired...

Right after that block of code i have

$('#tabbedTextContent img.albumImage')
.css('cursor', 'pointer')
//.attr('title', Click to view the next image)
{ // in image albums, clicking on an
image brings the user to the next image
var currentTab =

var nextTab = (currentTab 
$tabs.length - 1) ? currentTab + 1 : 0;
$tabs.tabs('select', nextTab);
return false;

which works just fine.

[jQuery] Re: ui.tabs question

2009-01-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi MorningZ

unfortunately that doesn't seem to work for me. Question: you attach
that event to the tabs ul element ?

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 4:36 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've got this code working if it helps

 $(#TabContainer ul.tabs).tabs().bind(select.ui-tabs, function(e,
 ui) {
 //Code inside here runs when tab is selected

 On Jan 21, 10:29 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 Hi all,

 I'm using ui.tabs and i would like to trigger a function when a tab is
 clicked, or more precisely, when a new panel gets shown.

 I figured from the doc i should use the select callback but that does
 not work... HEre is the code i use

 var $tabs = $(#tabbedTextContent).tabs({
 selected: 0,
 fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 200 },
 select: function(e, ui)
 alert(hi);  //!-- the
 alert() never gets called
 var $img =
 $('#tabbedTextContent div.ui-tabs_panel:visible img.albumImage');
 if ($img.length)


 So, the tabs are displayed and work correctly, but  the select
 callback (namely, the alert() call) never gets fired...

 Right after that block of code i have

 $('#tabbedTextContent img.albumImage')
 .css('cursor', 'pointer')
 //.attr('title', Click to view the next 
 { // in image albums, clicking on an
 image brings the user to the next image
 var currentTab =

 var nextTab = (currentTab 
 $tabs.length - 1) ? currentTab + 1 : 0;
 $tabs.tabs('select', nextTab);
 return false;

 which works just fine.

[jQuery] Re: ui.tabs question

2009-01-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Well, quite Frankly Klaus, i started this project 3 years ago and i
used the tabs when it was but a plugin like another.
The fact that now i have to integrate ui.core with ui.tabs is not
really a good thing in my case: i don't have needs for anything else
from the ui library, therefore i wish that alongside, there was a
distro as a standalone plugin.
I'm using jquery 1.3 so i've made myself a personalised ui distro
using rc5, but now it breaks the hell out of my app, i don't have tabs
anymore so here i go, back to the starting point, redoing things that
were actually working well, but for that one missing callback.

ah, it's hard to have a reproach to make to jquery. First in 3 years
in my case, and it's not like i'm mad or anything. Just ... annoyed.


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Seems to be using a fairly outdated version. The event's name to bind
 has changed since quite a while. Why not take a look at the


 On 21 Jan., 16:36, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've got this code working if it helps

 $(#TabContainer ul.tabs).tabs().bind(select.ui-tabs, function(e,
 ui) {
  //Code inside here runs when tab is selected


 On Jan 21, 10:29 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com

  Hi all,

  I'm using ui.tabs and i would like to trigger a function when a tab is
  clicked, or more precisely, when a new panel gets shown.

  I figured from the doc i should use the select callback but that does
  not work... HEre is the code i use

  var $tabs = $(#tabbedTextContent).tabs({
  selected: 0,
  fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 200 
  select: function(e, ui)
  alert(hi);  //!-- the
  alert() never gets called
  var $img =
  $('#tabbedTextContent div.ui-tabs_panel:visible img.albumImage');
  if ($img.length)


  So, the tabs are displayed and work correctly, but  the select
  callback (namely, the alert() call) never gets fired...

  Right after that block of code i have

  $('#tabbedTextContent img.albumImage')
  .css('cursor', 'pointer')
  //.attr('title', Click to view the next 
  { // in image albums, clicking on an
  image brings the user to the next image
  var currentTab =

  var nextTab = (currentTab 
  $tabs.length - 1) ? currentTab + 1 : 0;
  $tabs.tabs('select', nextTab);
  return false;

  which works just fine.

[jQuery] Re: ui.tabs question

2009-01-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

In that case, thank you Klaus for the preventive comment.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Klaus Hartl
klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Sorry to hear that, but I was only referring to MorningZ's example,
 which contained an outdated syntax and I wanted to prevent you (and
 everybody else) to use it and wonder why it wouldn't work.

 I'll try to quote better next time.


 On 21 Jan., 22:43, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, quite Frankly Klaus, i started this project 3 years ago and i
 used the tabs when it was but a plugin like another.
 The fact that now i have to integrate ui.core with ui.tabs is not
 really a good thing in my case: i don't have needs for anything else
 from the ui library, therefore i wish that alongside, there was a
 distro as a standalone plugin.
 I'm using jquery 1.3 so i've made myself a personalised ui distro
 using rc5, but now it breaks the hell out of my app, i don't have tabs
 anymore so here i go, back to the starting point, redoing things that
 were actually working well, but for that one missing callback.

 ah, it's hard to have a reproach to make to jquery. First in 3 years
 in my case, and it's not like i'm mad or anything. Just ... annoyed.


 On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com 

  Seems to be using a fairly outdated version. The event's name to bind
  has changed since quite a while. Why not take a look at the


  On 21 Jan., 16:36, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've got this code working if it helps

  $(#TabContainer ul.tabs).tabs().bind(select.ui-tabs, function(e,
  ui) {
   //Code inside here runs when tab is selected


  On Jan 21, 10:29 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com

   Hi all,

   I'm using ui.tabs and i would like to trigger a function when a tab is
   clicked, or more precisely, when a new panel gets shown.

   I figured from the doc i should use the select callback but that does
   not work... HEre is the code i use

   var $tabs = $(#tabbedTextContent).tabs({
   selected: 0,
   fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 
   200 },
   select: function(e, ui)
   alert(hi);  //!-- the
   alert() never gets called
   var $img =
   $('#tabbedTextContent div.ui-tabs_panel:visible img.albumImage');
   if ($img.length)


   So, the tabs are displayed and work correctly, but  the select
   callback (namely, the alert() call) never gets fired...

   Right after that block of code i have

   $('#tabbedTextContent img.albumImage')
   .css('cursor', 'pointer')
   //.attr('title', Click to view the 
   next image)
   { // in image albums, clicking on an
   image brings the user to the next image
   var currentTab =

   var nextTab = (currentTab 
   $tabs.length - 1) ? currentTab + 1 : 0;
   $tabs.tabs('select', nextTab);
   return false;

   which works just fine.

[jQuery] Re: Download a file from server...

2009-01-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Well, AFAIK It HAS to be triggered by a click event on a A anchor, so,
just make sure your onclick handler returns true.

For the force download functionality, this writeup of mine might help you:


On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 2:30 AM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 You don't want AJAX in this situation have the page post like
 normal and do what you lay out above...  AJAX is *not* the solution to
 every problem

 On Jan 21, 6:46 pm, AlexDeLarge perkeleenperkelesaat...@gmail.com

 I have situation like this: I post certain data with $.post to PHP-
 script which is supposed to handle the data, create a file from it and
 then trigger browser to open a Save As-dialog. Everything works just
 fine except the Save As-dialog, I just can't make it pop-up.

 For the Save As dialog the PHP-script ha s following statements:

 header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=stats.txt');
 header('Content-type: text/plain');

 And this just doesn't work through $.post, or at least I can't make it

 Is there any way to make this work?

[jQuery] Re: Problems with the New API Browser

2009-01-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Well, i for one really love the new API interface _ such a much less
noisy interface than the docs.jquery.com interface! clearer, snappier.
it turns out i don't use the navigation menu much, i use the filter
box mostly. that's probably why i'm not so annoyed by its limits.
really liked the interfacing with  jsbin, yet i would like to be able
to contribute with a comments system (like the awesome php doc, where
people conribute snippets related to the php function displayed on
that page). congratz Remy, and let us designers know if u need help !

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Remy Sharp r...@leftlogic.com wrote:

 I think the animation of menus is one for the options as well then.  I
 understand what you mean, once you're familiar with it, you just want
 to get on with it.

 On Jan 15, 9:28 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Two things bother me more:

 - James' #3 point, that other categories hide when you click one, an
 accordion would be a better fit for quick navigation.
 - the subcategories. I like to see the method's names directly,
 deciding between Hierarchy or Child filters is not an intuitive
 task. They should be in a kind of tree with the subcategories as

 These two things would speed up navigation a lot. As it is, it's quite
 interesting the first time, but gets irritating after a while.

 Thanks for this Remy, and long live JSBin! :)

 - ricardo

 On Jan 15, 6:35 pm, Remy Sharp r...@leftlogic.com wrote:

  Hi James,

  Thank you for your detailed feedback - all good points.

  I want to push out another release when 1.3.1 goes live - so I'd like
  to get some, if not all, of the feedback addressed (including others).

  1 + 2) almost the same thing - the first problem I see is the AIR
  browser, which obviously doesn't have a back browser button (which
  would be solved by your first point).  This needs some UI input (which
  I'll come on to in a minute).

  3) I've talked with Yehuda Katz, the original author of Visual jQuery,
  about navigation interfaces - there's two options (as alternatives to
  what I have now) that we talked about: tree nav and accordion.

  Generally speaking, the tree navigation didn't take as well as the
  Visual jQuery approach.  An accordion (I think) would solve the issues
  you've specifically mentioned, but would also solve some similar
  feedback I've read, i.e. wanting to be able to scan a category whilst
  maintaining some hierarchy. (note that you can do this - but it
  doesn't quite solve the problem:http://api.jquery.com?category=attributes

  4) Easy to solve - I didn't have access to a designer (I'm a coder
  through and through) but a few simple tweaks to the CSS (I suspect)
  should sort this out.

  5) I've had the same feedback, but both as a pro *and* as a con (as
  you have) - so I was going to create an options area that would
  maintain some certain settings - the focus opacity being one of them.

  6) This is common piece of feedback - and simply a technical block I
  ran in to and ran out of time.  Permalinks are my to priority right
  now, I want people to link straight in to a specific function.  I
  won't be able to have the URL change as the user browses - but the
  title of the function (and probably some other visual que, i.e. icon)
  will give the user a permalink to the function.

  I also want this to work for categories too, so:

 http://api.jquery.com/attr-would show a list of all the matched
  functions (alahttp://api.jquery.com/?attr) - but I'd like it if the
  category hierarchy would also show in left sidebar.

  In addition:

 http://api.jquery.com/Core-would land open the Core category - and
  so on through the subcategories.

  I'd be more than happy if you contact me offline to lend a hand with
  some of the UI changes required.

  @Pappy - there's more I want to do with landing pages, but it's a
  slightly more complicated job (given that, I think, 1.3.1 is supposed
  to be going out next week) - but some fast view on all the functions
  would be useful - I agree.

  If there's more feedback - I'd love to hear it - particular the issues
  people have.

  Many thanks,


  On Jan 15, 4:22 am, James Van Dyke jame...@gmail.com wrote:

   Does anyone else find the new API browser to be a bit cumbersome?

   My gripes:

   1)  No back link at top of vertical navigation list.  You must click
   the category to cancel your choice and essentially go back.  However,
   this isn't very intuitive and there aren't any affordances to this
   behavior save for a small 'x' in the highlighted category box that
   doesn't do anything on hover or even have a tooltip.

   2)  The browser's back button is broken.  Kind of a big annoyance when
   you're not used to the application.

   3)  Recovering from a mistake is more punishing than it should be.
   Clicking on a category hide the other categories.  Since the title of
   the category moved from under your mouse, you now have to scan to 

[jQuery] feature suggestion: .attr() without params returns the whole list of attributes

2009-01-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
I would like to suggest a feature to add to jquery attributes commands:

I 'm using custom attributes to store UI states. At some point i would find
it handy to be able to just console.log($(this).attr() ) to see all the
attributes and their value.

Not a groundbreaking change, but a nice -to-have...



[jQuery] Re: feature suggestion: .attr() without params returns the whole list of attributes

2009-01-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

quite nice karl, thanx !

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:

 I just played around in Firebug and noticed that DOM elements have an 
 attributes property (in Firefox, at least), so I tried this, using the 
 first textarea in my document as an example:

 var a = $('textarea')[0].attributes,
   attrs = [];
 for (i=0; i  a.length; i++) {
   attrs.push(a[i].nodeName + ': ' + a[i].nodeValue);

 and Firebug displayed all of the attributes, including expandos:
 id: other_qualifications
  name: other_qualifications
  class: optional
  rows: 3
  itsalltext_uid: 212w1e1b2r3d231z2g232q302c2x231i1e172v342v3b1p1p

 Not exactly what you wanted, but I still thought it was kind of cool/worth 
 Karl Swedberg

 On Jan 6, 2009, at 11:06 AM, Ricardo Tomasi wrote:

 You can't see all data saved either..

 On Jan 6, 12:01 pm, Balazs Endresz balazs.endr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Why not use $(el).data() for that?

 On Jan 6, 12:57 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com


 I would like to suggest a feature to add to jquery attributes commands:

 I 'm using custom attributes to store UI states. At some point i would find

 it handy to be able to just console.log($(this).attr() ) to see all the

 attributes and their value.

 Not a groundbreaking change, but a nice -to-have...



[jQuery] Re: example on site, have question

2009-01-06 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Basically, what this snippet does, is

1/ adding a DIV element at the end of the BODY element;
2/ counting the new amount of DIV
3/ printing the string there are XX dvis in every SPAN element
available in the DOM
4/ triggering the onclick() event so the script runs once on page ready.

So the whole script actually runs whenever the document is ready, and
then every time someone clicks on the body.

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Andy adharb...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out how this works.  It appears it is re-
 iterating the click function in this call.  Why would this work?  I
 don't see how I would know to create the method this way if I was
 going to recreate this.


 $(document.body).click(function () {
 var n = $(div).size();
 $(span).text(There are  + n +  divs. + Click to add
  }).click(); // trigger the click to start

[jQuery] Re: Call object method onclick

2009-01-04 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

this worked for me: http://jsbin.com/utahi

On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 5:31 PM, fatslags2...@gmail.com
fatslags2...@googlemail.com wrote:

 function Viewer()


 Viewer.prototype.constructor = Viewer;

 Viewer.prototype =
getFullAreaId: function() { return this._fullAreaId; },
setFullAreaId: function(fullAreaId) { this._fullAreaId =
 fullAreaId; },

initialize: function()
$(#thumbs img:first).click(/* execute this.doX on mouse
 click */);

doX: function()

 How can I make the click event execute the doX method?


[jQuery] animations staggering when $().load called _ advise please

2009-01-04 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hello friends,

I have a dropdown menu that animates horziontally each time you click
on one its links. Some of them reveal  a submenu, others load some
html via  ajax ($(container).load();)  and others do both.

I notice that animations tend to stagger when ajax calls are under
progress . What would be a good approach to remove these lags? Of
course, once the data is loaded and in the cache, no more staggering.
There is a lot of html bits so preloading all of them is not really my
favourite option, so here i stand, asking for your advises.

Thank you and have a great week !


[jQuery] event binding issue

2009-01-03 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hello friends,

i'm injecting a menu ( UL  LI  A markup) and binding each A anchor a
click event, but the event fails to trigger. Can you explain me what
i'm dooing wrong?

here is the code sample:

 $('a' + linkText + '/a').appendTo($dsanchors).attr({
'href': '#' + index,
'id': index,
'class': (linkText == selected) ? 'selected' : 'notSelected'
}).bind('click', function()


return false;

the html is correctly injected, but the event is not attached.

[jQuery] Re: event binding issue

2009-01-03 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hi Michael ,

sorry it's my fault i made a stupid mistake somewhere else ( i dare
not tell you what it was, I think i'd better get some sleep :) ). The
code as such worked, so i would assume the wrap() does not unbind the

Thanks again!


On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

 Without testing it, off the top of my head I think it may be the .wrap()
 that is doing you in. That has to remove the element from the DOM and
 re-insert it, and I think that loses the event binding.

 Also, I take it that $dsanchors refers to a UL, is that right? Then you're
 temporarily inserting the A element directly into the UL, which is invalid.
 Maybe browsers allow it anyway, but there's no guarantee what they will do.

 I would try this instead:

$('a' + linkText + '/a')
'href': '#' + index,
'id': index,
'class': linkText == selected ? 'selected' : 'notSelected'

$('#'+index).bind('click', function() {
return false;


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
 Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 2:20 PM
 To: Jquery-en
 Subject: [jQuery] event binding issue

 hello friends,

 i'm injecting a menu ( UL  LI  A markup) and binding each A
 anchor a click event, but the event fails to trigger. Can you
 explain me what i'm dooing wrong?

 here is the code sample:

  $('a' + linkText + '/a').appendTo($dsanchors).attr({
 'href': '#' + index,
 'id': index,
 'class': (linkText == selected) ? 'selected'
 : 'notSelected'
 }).bind('click', function()


 return false;

 the html is correctly injected, but the event is not attached.

[jQuery] Re: setInterval(obj.method,200) problem: scoping?

2009-01-02 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Michael, did you know that i 'm becoming a big fan of your explanations?

if i follow your explanation correctly, this should have worked, isn't it ?

datascape.myInterval = setInterval(window.datascape.move,400);

Yet it didn't. I guess i 'm kind of assimilating the javascript window
object to actionscript's _root object, and that assumption is probably
plain wrong :)

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

 Hi Alexandre,

 Don't go adopting a coding practice just because of a single mailing list
 message. :-)

 There's nothing wrong with quoting property names in an object literal, but
 the majority of experienced JavaScript programmers do not quote them except
 when necessary. As an example, browse through the jQuery source code:


 Most of the property names in the code are not quoted, except for those few
 that are invalid identifiers or reserved words.

 Regarding setTimeout and setInterval, a minor nitpick on terminology:
 setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to the window object.
 Actually, the *scope* of the called function is determined by its position
 in the source code. JavaScript uses lexical scoping, where a nested function
 can directly refer to variables declared in outer functions or in the global
 scope. That's why your setInterval callback is able to use your thisObj
 variable, because the interpreter follows the scope chain from the inner
 function up to the outer function and finds the variable there.

 What you're talking about is the value of this in the setInterval
 callback. setInterval and setTimeout call your callback function as a method
 of the global object (which is the window object in a browser). Or another
 way to put it is that they don't call the function as a method of any object
 at all, and by default this is set to the global object.

 In any case, terminology nitpicks aside, your code is the right way to solve
 the problem! :-)


 From: Alexandre Plennevaux

 hi donb, according to a lengthy discussion we had on this
 mailinglist yesterday the quotes are good practice. see:
  (is is just one message on a 31-long thread, if u have time
 ,read the whole thread it is interesting )

 As for this issue after extensive googling i found out that
 setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to the
 window object, not the object the setinterval is called in.

 Therefore here is how to do it:

 var datascape = {
'mouseX': 0,
 'myInterval': 0,
 'create': function(){

  var thisObj = this;  //-- store this object instance in a variable

$('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
  this.mouseX = e.pageX;
  }).bind(mouseover, function()
  datascape.myInterval = setInterval(function() {
 thisObj.move(); }, 1000);  // -- use the vairable
 referencing the instance

  }).bind(mouseout, function()

 'move': function(){
$.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);

 On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 3:46 PM, donb
 falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:
  You should change 'move' to move (remove apostrophes).
  On Jan 1, 9:01 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
  Hello mates,
  i have an object datascape which among other things, contains a
  property storing the mouse position, and a function that uses that
  property. Inside another method i
  var datascape = {
 'mouseX': 0,
 'myInterval': 0,
 'create': function(){
 $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
  this.mouseX = e.pageX;
  }).bind(mouseover, function()
  this.myInterval = setInterval(this.move, 200);
  }).bind(mouseout, function()
 'move': function(){
$.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);
  Yet the script does not work:
  firebug console points at the setInterval call, saying:
  useless setInterval call (missing quotes around
  Line 172
  can someone help me / explain what i'm doing wrong ?
  Thank you,
  PS: to all jquerians: happy 2009 !!

[jQuery] Re: setInterval(obj.method,200) problem: scoping?

2009-01-02 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Thanks a lot Peter, that function is really neat !

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 2:25 AM, pete higgins phigg...@gmail.com wrote:

 Here is your orig snippet rewritten to use the rescope function I pasted:

 var datascape = {
  'mouseX': 0,
  'myInterval': 0,
  'create': function(){
  $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', rescope(this, function(e)
   this.mouseX = e.pageX;
   })).bind(mouseover, rescope(this, function()
   this.myInterval = setInterval(rescope(this, move), 200);

   })).bind(mouseout, rescope(this, function()

  'move': function(){
 $.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);

 Though I didn't test it ...

 You are calling window.datascape.move still in the window scope,
 when you want the scope (this) to be retained throughout your function
 calls. Saving a ref to it (var self = this) and accessing it in a
 function is still the solution. rescope is just that wrapped in a
 function for sugar (more or less). By passing 'this' to the rescope()
 function, you are effectively doing the same as self = this;
 function(){ self.foo(); } .. I find it much cleaner (the non-stripped
 version of rescope() allows for passing an ambigious number of
 parameters to the rescope'd function) and easier to work with when I'm
 explicitly setting the execution scope.

 Peter Higgins

 On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
 aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:

 Michael, did you know that i 'm becoming a big fan of your explanations?

 if i follow your explanation correctly, this should have worked, isn't it ?

 datascape.myInterval = setInterval(window.datascape.move,400);

 Yet it didn't. I guess i 'm kind of assimilating the javascript window
 object to actionscript's _root object, and that assumption is probably
 plain wrong :)

 On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

 Hi Alexandre,

 Don't go adopting a coding practice just because of a single mailing list
 message. :-)

 There's nothing wrong with quoting property names in an object literal, but
 the majority of experienced JavaScript programmers do not quote them except
 when necessary. As an example, browse through the jQuery source code:


 Most of the property names in the code are not quoted, except for those few
 that are invalid identifiers or reserved words.

 Regarding setTimeout and setInterval, a minor nitpick on terminology:
 setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to the window object.
 Actually, the *scope* of the called function is determined by its position
 in the source code. JavaScript uses lexical scoping, where a nested function
 can directly refer to variables declared in outer functions or in the global
 scope. That's why your setInterval callback is able to use your thisObj
 variable, because the interpreter follows the scope chain from the inner
 function up to the outer function and finds the variable there.

 What you're talking about is the value of this in the setInterval
 callback. setInterval and setTimeout call your callback function as a method
 of the global object (which is the window object in a browser). Or another
 way to put it is that they don't call the function as a method of any object
 at all, and by default this is set to the global object.

 In any case, terminology nitpicks aside, your code is the right way to solve
 the problem! :-)


 From: Alexandre Plennevaux

 hi donb, according to a lengthy discussion we had on this
 mailinglist yesterday the quotes are good practice. see:
  (is is just one message on a 31-long thread, if u have time
 ,read the whole thread it is interesting )

 As for this issue after extensive googling i found out that
 setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to the
 window object, not the object the setinterval is called in.

 Therefore here is how to do it:

 var datascape = {
'mouseX': 0,
 'myInterval': 0,
 'create': function(){

  var thisObj = this;  //-- store this object instance in a variable

$('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
  this.mouseX = e.pageX;
  }).bind(mouseover, function()
  datascape.myInterval = setInterval(function() {
 thisObj.move(); }, 1000);  // -- use the vairable
 referencing the instance

  }).bind(mouseout, function()

 'move': function(){
$.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);

 On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 3:46 PM, donb
 falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:
  You should change 'move' to move (remove apostrophes).
  On Jan 1, 9:01 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
  Hello mates,
  i have

[jQuery] Re: setInterval(obj.method,200) problem: scoping?

2009-01-02 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

nice example, now i think i get it.

Indeed actionscript (v2 at least) is based on ecmascript, much like
javascript if i'm not mistaken.
I came to web design/dev from actionscript one and gradually made my
way to jquery. Anyway, actionscript keeps you away from the internal
cooking by using a metaphor, timeline: basically you work with
objects and organise them on a main timeline, _root (or _level0).
Each object has its own timeline, can be put inside another object, so
you would address it as _root.myStepMother.face.hairyChin;

I wrongly assumed javascript would allow me to do it for
setInterval(). hehe, how boring would be the world without all these
little variations, now wouldn't it :) ?
That's pretty much the problem with using metaphors: it's nice to get
you fast into a certain task, but you have to actually break it up to
be able to master the technology behind.

Thank you Mike and Peter for your excellent help !

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 2:44 AM, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

 Thanks, Alexandre, it's kind of you to say that.

 About this code...

 datascape.myInterval = setInterval(window.datascape.move,400);

 Let's break it down a little. It's exactly the same as doing:

  var callback = window.datascape.move;
  datascape.myInterval = setInterval( callback, 400 );

 As you can see from this code, JavaScript doesn't remember that the
 callback function was a property of the datascape object. When you get a
 reference to the function, that's all you get, a reference to the function
 itself, without any information about what object the function may have been
 a method of. So when setInterval calls the function later, it just calls it
 as a plain old function, and this is the global/window object.

 Doesn't ActionScript work the same way? It may have a different global
 object, but I thought most of the JavaScript semantics were similar except
 for the ActionScript extensions. I haven't worked with ActionScript so I
 don't know.


 From: Alexandre Plennevaux

 Michael, did you know that i 'm becoming a big fan of your

 if i follow your explanation correctly, this should have
 worked, isn't it ?

 datascape.myInterval = setInterval(window.datascape.move,400);

 Yet it didn't. I guess i 'm kind of assimilating the
 javascript window object to actionscript's _root object, and
 that assumption is probably plain wrong :)

 On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
  Hi Alexandre,
  Don't go adopting a coding practice just because of a
 single mailing
  list message. :-)
  There's nothing wrong with quoting property names in an object
  literal, but the majority of experienced JavaScript
 programmers do not
  quote them except when necessary. As an example, browse
 through the jQuery source code:
  Most of the property names in the code are not quoted, except for
  those few that are invalid identifiers or reserved words.
  Regarding setTimeout and setInterval, a minor nitpick on
  setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to
 the window object.
  Actually, the *scope* of the called function is determined by its
  position in the source code. JavaScript uses lexical
 scoping, where a
  nested function can directly refer to variables declared in outer
  functions or in the global scope. That's why your
 setInterval callback
  is able to use your thisObj variable, because the
 interpreter follows
  the scope chain from the inner function up to the outer
 function and finds the variable there.
  What you're talking about is the value of this in the setInterval
  callback. setInterval and setTimeout call your callback
 function as a
  method of the global object (which is the window object in
 a browser).
  Or another way to put it is that they don't call the function as a
  method of any object at all, and by default this is set
 to the global object.
  In any case, terminology nitpicks aside, your code is the
 right way to
  solve the problem! :-)
  From: Alexandre Plennevaux
  hi donb, according to a lengthy discussion we had on this
  yesterday the quotes are good practice. see:
   (is is just one message on a 31-long thread, if u have time ,read
  the whole thread it is interesting )
  As for this issue after extensive googling i found out that
  setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to the window
  object, not the object the setinterval is called in.
  Therefore here is how to do it:
  var datascape = {
 'mouseX': 0,
  'myInterval': 0,
  'create': function(){
   var thisObj = this;  //-- store this object instance in
 a variable
 $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
   this.mouseX = e.pageX;
   }).bind(mouseover, function()

[jQuery] Re: A beautiful diagram

2009-01-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

wow, that's an amazing library, some demos are really impressive! i
like the polar clock for instance:

thanks for the link ricardo !

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 raphael js might be of help: raphaeljs.com

 On Dec 31, 9:39 am, vlain rudi.ver...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi to everybody (happy 2009),

 I have to create a diagram (a view from some data). The diagram
 includes objects (rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse...) and
 connection beetween objects (different kind of lines). Each object
 have to display some informations as clickable text and image.
 Diagram has to allow simple cute effects (zoom_in, zoom_out,
 highlight...) for example on mouse hover and so on.

 Any hints for a library/plugin above jQuery?

[jQuery] Re: Unable to populate my div in Firefox

2009-01-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

try this:

function doData(p_id,cat,cat_id,first,last){
var url = doData.php?p_id=+ p_id +cat=+ cat +cat_id= + cat_id;
$(this).html(ERROR LOADING +url);

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 10:06 AM, sho...@ckwi.net sho...@ckwi.net wrote:

 i m getting strange problem. i m unable to pupulate my div in Firefox
 Mozilla. but in IE i m getting no problem.

 i m using following function.

 function doData(p_id,cat,cat_id,first,last){


url : doData.php?p_id=+ p_id +cat=+ cat +cat_id= + 
 cat_id ,
success : function (data) {
$(#doContainer).html(data);  // this is not working in 


 $(#doContainer).html(data) is not working in firefox. plz give my
 any alternative solution r assist me to get it done. as i m in trouble
 due to this.

[jQuery] setInterval(obj.method,200) problem: scoping?

2009-01-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hello mates,

i have an object datascape which among other things, contains a
property storing the mouse position, and a function that uses that
property. Inside another method i

var datascape = {
   'mouseX': 0,
   'myInterval': 0,
   'create': function(){
   $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
this.mouseX = e.pageX;
}).bind(mouseover, function()
this.myInterval = setInterval(this.move, 200);

}).bind(mouseout, function()

   'move': function(){
  $.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);

Yet the script does not work:
firebug console points at the setInterval call, saying:

useless setInterval call (missing quotes around argument?)
Line 172

can someone help me / explain what i'm doing wrong ?

Thank you,


PS: to all jquerians: happy 2009 !!

[jQuery] Re: setInterval(obj.method,200) problem: scoping?

2009-01-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi donb, according to a lengthy discussion we had on this mailinglist
yesterday the quotes are good practice. see:
http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/msg/821f4eb134c51d3d  (is is
just one message on a 31-long thread, if u have time ,read the whole
thread it is interesting )

As for this issue after extensive googling i found out that setTimeout
and setInterval scope the called function to the window object, not
the object the setinterval is called in.

Therefore here is how to do it:

var datascape = {
   'mouseX': 0,
'myInterval': 0,
'create': function(){

 var thisObj = this;  //-- store this object instance in a variable

   $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
 this.mouseX = e.pageX;
 }).bind(mouseover, function()
 datascape.myInterval = setInterval(function() {
thisObj.move(); }, 1000);  // -- use the vairable referencing the

 }).bind(mouseout, function()

'move': function(){
   $.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 3:46 PM, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:

 You should change 'move' to move (remove apostrophes).

 On Jan 1, 9:01 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 Hello mates,

 i have an object datascape which among other things, contains a
 property storing the mouse position, and a function that uses that
 property. Inside another method i

 var datascape = {
'mouseX': 0,
'myInterval': 0,
'create': function(){
$('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
 this.mouseX = e.pageX;
 }).bind(mouseover, function()
 this.myInterval = setInterval(this.move, 200);

 }).bind(mouseout, function()

'move': function(){
   $.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);


 Yet the script does not work:
 firebug console points at the setInterval call, saying:

 useless setInterval call (missing quotes around 
 Line 172

 can someone help me / explain what i'm doing wrong ?

 Thank you,


 PS: to all jquerians: happy 2009 !!

[jQuery] Re: setInterval(obj.method,200) problem: scoping?

2009-01-01 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hi Dave,

thanks a lot for the feedback. The reason i'm not using the dom but
rather more conceptual objects is because the application is quite
complex, and its easier for my small brain to keep track of all
variables as object properties.

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com wrote:

 Whoops, I missed the original issue, which was that setInterval needs
 to be told its this object.

 So change this:

 this.interval = setInterval(function(){
$.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);
  }, 1000);

 to this:

 var self = this;
 this.interval = setInterval(function(){
$.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + self.mouseX);
  }, 1000);

[jQuery] Re: HELP: Screening questions for JavaScript developer candidates:

2008-12-31 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Kean and especially Michael,

Thank you for sharing this very useful knowledge bit ! This must be
the most insightful thread in a while :)


On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:


 Another word of caution. Do choose your labels carefully. Avoid
 Adding quotes to keyword labels ensure compatibility with YUI

 var a = {
// new without quotes produce error in ie
new: function() {
// class without quotes produce error in ie
class: function() {
// YUI compressor won't compress if you have no quotes on keywords
float: function() {
int: function(){

 a.new(); // still fails in ie
 a.class(); // still fails in ie

[jQuery] Re: Setting the request header contentType

2008-12-31 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
did you try playing with the $.ajax scriptCharset option ?
see: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 1:27 PM, AdrianMG yens...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am not pretty sure but I think you can work with UTF8 only in AJAX,
 but I recommend you work with UTF8 always

 On Dec 30, 2:09 pm, Romain Viovi imp...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Everybody,

 I'm experiencing some problems with the $.ajax

 When sending simple post request, request Headers (logged with firebug)
 are always application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 tagged for

 see :

 Request Headers
 User-Agent  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
 Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
 Accept  */*
 Accept-Language fr
 Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate
 Accept-Charset  ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
 Keep-Alive  300
 Connection  keep-alive
 Content-Typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
 Content-Length  152

 But, i'm always working with iso-8859-1 encoding, my page include
 headers with the good charset, php.ini is set to the good default charset.

 So, when i retrieve the $_POST, i've to utf8_decode() cause utf8 datas
 are retrieved and special chars as é, à are not recognised

 I think I shouldn't have to do that...

 Here's the test.html file :

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 titleTest encoding/title
 script type=text/javascript language=javascript
 form enctype=application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
 charset=ISO-8859-1 action=test.php name=search  method=post
 input id=qry name=qry value= type=text /input
 type=button onclick=send(); value=ok /
 div id=answers
 script type=text/javascript language=javascript

 function send(){
 type: POST,
 url: ./test.php,
 contentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
 data: {
 qry: $('#qry')[0].value
 success: function(data){


 And the test.php :

 header(Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1);

 Thanx for the help !

 Romain Viovi
 42 rue Pigalle
 75009 Paris

 +33 6 63 16 90 15
 +33 9 54 40 84 40


[jQuery] Re: HELP: Screening questions for JavaScript developer candidates:

2008-12-31 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

friends, following what i learned in this post i'm busy rewriting my object.

i have a specific question.

in my old code i would have something like:

var datascape = new Object();
datascape.ini = function(){

datascape.availableWidth = $(window).width();


can i rewrite it like this:

var datascape= {
'ini': function(){
this.availableWidth = $(window).width();

So that, if i need it somewhere else, i can just get to its value
datascape.availableWidth  or do i have to explicitate it ?

var datascape= {
'ini': function(){
datascape.availableWidth = $(window).width();

Thanks !!!

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 5:16 PM, pete higgins phigg...@gmail.com wrote:

 and, yeah, I usually put in bare keys (sans quotes) unless necessary, too.
 Not sure why. I guess I just like the clean look.

 Yah, they just seem to be wasted bytes, huh?

 One thing to note, and the only reason I try to force myself to use
 the quotes is for portability. If the data is really JSON and
 expects to be consumed by languages not javascript, the quotes are
 [likely] necessary, eg PHP. js and php can share a common json
 fragment if they are quoted.

 $d = json_decode(file(someFile.json));
 foreach($d as $item = $val){ .. }

 really its just a distinction between what js can do and JSON

 this isn't JSON:
 var foo = { bar:function(){ .. }, baz: new Date() };

 (I know you know, too, btw)

 About anything can be a key in JS. (DomNodes can't, though btw, but
 functions objects etc)

 var bar = { a:b, c:d };
 var bar2 = [1,2,3,4];
 var foo = {};
 foo[bar] = baz;
 foo[bar2] = baz2;

 if(bar in foo){ console.log(foo[bar]); } // baz
 if(bar2 in foo){ console.log(foo[bar2]); } // baz2

 Fun. Thanks for the banter, Karl.

 Peter Higgins

[jQuery] Re: HELP: Screening questions for JavaScript developer candidates:

2008-12-30 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Klaus, you got me: frankly i have no real idea what is the purpose
of enclosure.
That's abstract art to me. i just read in several places that it's
good to use it, so i trust my sources, do it and move on. Not that i'm
proud of it, but, to use a metaphor, one does not need to know the
internals of a car in order to be able to drive it, although it surely
is a valuable knowledge if one wants to keep its car in a good state !
Yet, since the car changes every six months, it's just up to you,
wheather you're driven by the pure developer's passion or by consumer

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:

 On 30 Dez., 08:45, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 JavaScript enclosures?

 i think it has to do with encapsulating your code inside a function so
 that all vars are inside the function's scope, so not cluttering the
 global namespace.
 This, to avoid memory leak.

 Are you implying that global variables do leak memory? There are good
 reasons to not clutter the global namespace but I don't believe
 avoiding leaks is one of them.

 Actually you do increase the chance to create leaks in IE if you use
 closures under certain circumstances.


[jQuery] selector question: how many ul above $(this) ?

2008-12-30 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hello mates,

i have a multiple level dropdown menu, the markup is an unordered list
of the likes:

lia href=#me/a
  ullia href=#me/a/li
 lia href=#me/a
   ullia href=#me/a/li
 lia href=#me/a/li
 lia href=#me/a/li
lia href=#me/a/li
lia href=#me/a
 ullia href=#me/a/li
 lia href=#me/a
   ullia href=#me/a/li
 lia href=#me/a/li
 lia href=#me/a/li
lia href=#me/a/li

lia href=#me/a/li

Imagine i click in the link 3 levels down the list. Can someone tell
me how i can find the value 3, meaning, the amount of parent ul?
i tried

var $thisA = $(this);
var $thisLI = $thisA.parent();
var $thisMenu = $thisLI.parent();
var $thisSubmenu = $thisLI.children('ul');

var thisMenuLevelInt = $thisLI.parents().index($thisMenu[0]);

but that always returns 0.

Your help is as usual, *much* appreciated !


[jQuery] Re: HELP: Screening questions for JavaScript developer candidates:

2008-12-30 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

wair, you're all scarrying me:

i often do things like this:

var datascape = new Object();

datascape.el = $('#datascape');
datascape.ini = function(){

is this pattern causing a potential memory leak problem, because the
js object is linked to a DOM element?

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:

 A good reason why closure is used


 On Dec 30, 1:04 pm, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Klaus is right,

 Here's an article about closure causing 

 On Dec 30, 4:38 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com

  Klaus, you got me: frankly i have no real idea what is the purpose
  of enclosure.
  That's abstract art to me. i just read in several places that it's
  good to use it, so i trust my sources, do it and move on. Not that i'm
  proud of it, but, to use a metaphor, one does not need to know the
  internals of a car in order to be able to drive it, although it surely
  is a valuable knowledge if one wants to keep its car in a good state !
  Yet, since the car changes every six months, it's just up to you,
  wheather you're driven by the pure developer's passion or by consumer

  On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Klaus Hartl klaus.ha...@googlemail.com 

   On 30 Dez., 08:45, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
   JavaScript enclosures?

   i think it has to do with encapsulating your code inside a function so
   that all vars are inside the function's scope, so not cluttering the
   global namespace.
   This, to avoid memory leak.

   Are you implying that global variables do leak memory? There are good
   reasons to not clutter the global namespace but I don't believe
   avoiding leaks is one of them.

   Actually you do increase the chance to create leaks in IE if you use
   closures under certain circumstances.


[jQuery] Re: HELP: Screening questions for JavaScript developer candidates:

2008-12-30 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

why? It's just a shorthand, isn't it ? does it affect the computer
resources in any manner ?

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 3:12 AM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just a nitpick.

 Don't do this
 var datascape = new Object();
 var datascape2 = new Array();

 var datascape = {};
 var datascape2 = [];

 On Dec 30, 1:27 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 wair, you're all scarrying me:

 i often do things like this:

 var datascape = new Object();

 datascape.el = $('#datascape');
 datascape.ini = function(){


 is this pattern causing a potential memory leak problem, because the
 js object is linked to a DOM element?

 On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:

  A good reason why closure is used


  On Dec 30, 1:04 pm, Kean shenan...@gmail.com wrote:
  Klaus is right,

  Here's an article about closure causing 

  On Dec 30, 4:38 am, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com

   Klaus, you got me: frankly i have no real idea what is the purpose
   of enclosure.
   That's abstract art to me. i just read in several places that it's
   good to use it, so i trust my sources, do it and move on. Not that i'm
   proud of it, but, to use a metaphor, one does not need to know the
   internals of a car in order to be able to drive it, although it surely
   is a valuable knowledge if one wants to keep its car in a good state !
   Yet, since the car changes every six months, it's just up to you,
   wheather you're driven by the pure developer's passion or by consumer

   On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Klaus Hartl 
   klaus.ha...@googlemail.com wrote:

On 30 Dez., 08:45, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
JavaScript enclosures?

i think it has to do with encapsulating your code inside a function 
that all vars are inside the function's scope, so not cluttering the
global namespace.
This, to avoid memory leak.

Are you implying that global variables do leak memory? There are good
reasons to not clutter the global namespace but I don't believe
avoiding leaks is one of them.

Actually you do increase the chance to create leaks in IE if you use
closures under certain circumstances.


[jQuery] Re: Hiding a div with content loaded via .load function

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

you have to make sure the DOM element (i.e. your close button) is
available when you define your close() function. or use the
livequery plugin. or use event delegation.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:09 AM, amnesia440 spaceman...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am trying to load a login form into the #login_pop_box div via
 the .load function:

  $('a#login_pop_box_on').click(function() {
  $('a#login_pop_box_off').click(function() {

 This works, but when I try to cose the window with a link contained in
 the content I just loaded, nothing happens.

 Here is the link i the loaded content:
 a href=# id=login_pop_box_off[x]close/a

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

really?  I thought one had to namespace an event for it not to
overwrite previously set behaviours.


alert('Me works too'); });

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can add as many listeners as you want:


 alert('Me works too');

alert('damn, stop using alerts');


 On Dec 29, 7:37 am, yvonney yvonn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi... just starting out to get this going.

 I'm guessing that the reason onclick code has the #, for example: a
 href=# onclick=someFunction.add etc code etc etc /a

 is because it can't do the onclick AND more typical things like this

 lia href=#myID/a/li

 Is because they conflict...


 I have my Li/ul menu code doing a bunch of scrollto stuff. Took weeks
 to figure out.

 NOW I need to have the SAME menu, when I click on the Li's bring up a
 different flv video for each menu item (li)

 sheeesh... do I use live query or what.
 I'm REALLY stumped... I do have a much greater 'sorta'  understanding
 of the: neolao flv player, swfobject2, jquery.swfobject.js, jmedia
 plugin, luke's flash plugin, and malsup's medai plugin.

 whew! :--)

 Though the REAL problem is to get some kinda elegant way of having the
 flv videos play in a seperate div location (stop when new video starts
 as well) when I click on each and every menu item.

 And, there menu items already are doing their scrollto coda-scroller
 type thing already.

 Yes... this question is my biggest question ever...
 Could a guru please comment on how to get the menu items to do BOTH
 what they're doing now as standard   lia href=#myID/a/li
 AND also do the calling of the (I guess?) onclick thing to call the
 videos individually at the same time.

 I guess it shouldn't take me more than all year to do... hehehe what's
 left of it thank fully! if that makes sense...hehehe

 thank you for reading.

[jQuery] loading a DOM fragment via ajax

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hello Friends,

say i have a html file containing a #viewPort div, with a series of
divs each containing an h4 tag.

If the file was not external, i would simply select what i need like this:

$('#dsViewport h3');

Now, it is an external file,  so my question is: is it possible to
load this file via $.load(myfile.php#dsViewport h3);  or is the
syntax different, or not possible at all ?

Thank you for your insight,


[jQuery] Re: HOW: jQuery AJAX to replace iFRAME

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

add to the script:

return false;

to prevent the default A behaviour

var url = $(this).attr('href');
return false;

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 3:32 PM, BlueStunt bluest...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to do the same thing, the code you suggested works, but the
 text on the page changes to what's in the html file I link to but then
 the browser also moves to the page, how do i stop this?
 On Dec 22, 1:51 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 say the container that will display the loaded content, i.e, your iframe

 div id=menu
 a href=page/to/load.html class=ajaxLinkclick me/a
 a href=page/to/load2.html class=ajaxLinkclick me 2/a
 div id=ihateiframes
 pthis will be replaced/p

 your javascript will be:

 var url = $(this).attr('href');

 On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Ayan ios...@gmail.com wrote:


  Currently my page has a iFrame (loads an external web-page) in it.

  I have seen this tutorial that uses simple AJAX to replace this
  (see the small DEMO, I want exactly the same with just 2 Links)

  My question is - How can I do the same using jQuery's AJAX to do the
  same ?

  Thats is, when these 2 Button/Link hit, it will fetch corresponding
  remote html and paste it in a DIV. Thats it.

  Please do reply.

  Ayan Debnath

[jQuery] Re: loading a DOM fragment via ajax

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

thank you Mike !

Now, i don't actually want to display the loaded content, just need to
traverse it, and generate a submenu (one a element per h3 element
found, using the h3 element attributes). Can i actually load it inside
a variable?

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 10:47 PM, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

 say i have a html file containing a #viewPort div, with a series of
 divs each containing an h4 tag.

 If the file was not external, i would simply select what i need like this:

 $('#dsViewport h3');

 Now, it is an external file,  so my question is: is it possible to
 load this file via $.load(myfile.php#dsViewport h3);  or is the
 syntax different, or not possible at all ?

 Thank you for your insight,


 I  believe the syntax you need is this:

 $('#someElement').load(myfile.php #dsViewport h3);

 The first space delimits the url.  Everything after that is a

[jQuery] Re: loading a DOM fragment via ajax

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

thanks it works indeed. one thing though: apparently, the load() call
does load the entire html spitted by the server side script or html
page, the selector is actually just trimming the loaded content. So
it's not a reduction of the amount of data loaded, just a welcome help
to reduce further dom querying.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:15 PM, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

 thank you Mike !

 Now, i don't actually want to display the loaded content, just need to
 traverse it, and generate a submenu (one a element per h3 element
 found, using the h3 element attributes). Can i actually load it inside
 a variable?

 Sure.  I think this will work:

 $('div/').load(myfile.php #dsViewport h3);

[jQuery] load() callback only performs once every two click

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux


i'm loading html inside a div, and have this callback:

 $('#datascape').show().load('index.php?splash=labau',{}, function(html, result)

$('#datascape').css({background: 'red'});


yet, the callback performs only once out of 2 triggering calls.
Firebug does log each call correctly so it seems it's a rendering
issue, yet it happens in FF3, IE7 and chrome.

Does this weirdness sound familiar to you, or any idea what's going wrong?



[jQuery] Re: load() callback only performs once every two click

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

hey ricardo, thanks for the input. I found the error: i was actually
hiding the load container somewhere else in the code. *sight*...

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't see any click event handlers, and from what it looks you can't
 tell visually if the load() was successful because on the 2nd time the
 background is already red.

 On Dec 29, 9:07 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com

 i'm loading html inside a div, and have this callback:

  $('#datascape').show().load('index.php?splash=labau',{}, function(html, 

 $('#datascape').css({background: 'red'});


 yet, the callback performs only once out of 2 triggering calls.
 Firebug does log each call correctly so it seems it's a rendering
 issue, yet it happens in FF3, IE7 and chrome.

 Does this weirdness sound familiar to you, or any idea what's going wrong?



[jQuery] Re: HELP: Screening questions for JavaScript developer candidates:

2008-12-29 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

JavaScript enclosures?

i think it has to do with encapsulating your code inside a function so
that all vars are inside the function's scope, so not cluttering the
global namespace.
This, to avoid memory leak.

something the likes:

/// your code goes here


I have absolutely no idea if this bits-and-pieces knowledge of mine is
any good, or even if it makes sense :)

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 6:14 AM, Angel Marquez angel.marq...@gmail.com wrote:
 they are contemplating hiring me!
 I already sent it back and thought I'd post it here to see the response.
 Appreciate it.
 I think my answers were correct..
 The first argument method is 'void', correct?

 On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:


 Are you writing these questions, or you've been given them to answer and
 you're looking for help answering them, or what?

 If you're looking for the answers, is the potential employer
 contemplating hiring you, or hiring the rest of us in this group? :-)

 The list seems to be first and foremost a test to weed out older
 candidates. You need mighty good eyes to read that tiny font!

 Anyway, let me skip right to the end:

 BONUS 7: (Super-impressive) Q: Can you summarize the definition of
 JavaScript enclosures?

 No, I can't. Can you? What the heck is a JavaScript enclosure?


 p.s. Is there anything to do with jQuery here?

 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of Angel Marquez
 Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 7:48 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] HELP: Screening questions for JavaScript developer

 (required) Q: Describe the difference in result of the JavaScript DOM
 methods getElementById and getElementsByClassName.

 2. (required) Given this JavaScript statement:

objXHR.open('GET',' HYPERLINK http://; http://myURL.com',true);

 a. Q: What, probably, is the type of the object named objXHR?

 b. Q: What is the purpose of each of the parameters being passed
 to the open method?

 Q: If an absolute URL is passed in the second argument, what kind of
 restriction usually applies?

3. (required) How would you (a) declare and then (b) instantiate a
 JavaScript class to describe a Square object, taking one argument in its
 constructor?  The instance of a Square should have sides 4 units in length.
 ( c )What properties might a Square object have and how would they be coded?

 a. declare: function Square(numericSideArgument) {
 ... (some other stuff)
 b. use: var mySquare = new Square(4);
 c. methods: perimeter, coded as this.perimeter =
 numericSideArgument * 4;
   area, coded as this.area =
 numericSideArgument ^ 2; (squared, i.e. width * height)
 So, the whole definition of Square would be:

 function Square(numericSideArgument) {

this.perimeter = numericSideArgument * 4;
 this.area = numericSideArgument ^ 2;
 return this;


 So, Q: mySquare.perimeter would equal?

  Q: mySquare.area would equal ?

   4. (desired) An object called auto has an id attribute with value of
 taurus and a color attribute with value blue.  Additionally, it has a
 child object radio, which contains an array knob which contains three
 items with names and shapes:

 name: power, shape: round

 name: tune, shape: oval

 name: scan, shape: square

 Q: What does the acronym JSON stand for?
 Q: What does this object look like in JSON?

BONUS 5. (CSS-related) Describe the difference between a DIV element
 versus a SPAN.

BONUS 6. (Advanced JavaScript and YUI) If I have a JavaScript
 collection object YAHOO.util.Dom with a member method setStyle that
 takes three arguments

 an array of element id's

 a css property name, and

 a single float value,

 ...Q: how would I write the single line of JavaScript that sets the
 transparency of DIV's layer1 and layer2 to 66%?

 Q: How would I write the single line of JavaScript that sets the
 background color of only DIV layer1 to hexadecimal black?

 Q: If there was another method which DID take a single-value,
 non-array, in that first argument, in object-oriented terminology, the
 method would be said to be what?

 Q: Does JavaScript support overloading?

 BONUS 7: (Super-impressive) Q: Can you summarize the definition of
 JavaScript enclosures?

[jQuery] Re: Code not working in IE but is working in FF

2008-12-28 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

can u show your updated code ?

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 4:02 PM, Althalos ca...@ekdahlproduction.com wrote:

 Srry for my first reply to this message. It DOES work if one remove
 the anonymity. One has also to remove ( function ) () in favor of an
 initiating functionname() instead =)

 On 28 Dec, 10:32, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
  Maybe try a named function instead of an anonymous one ? so avoiding
 arguments.callee by using your function name instead?

 On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:03 AM, Althalos ca...@ekdahlproduction.com wrote:

  Nope, I'm sorry but that doesn't seem to work. Note that setting
  opacity to zero works in both browsers.

  On 28 Dec, 01:25, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
  really not sure, but maybe try


  1- (step/1)  instead of 1-step/1


  $(#slogan).css('opacity',0);  instead of 

  On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Althalos ca...@ekdahlproduction.com 

   I posted something similarly before but I posted wrong code. This
   time, everything is correct and I'll provide all the information

   First of all, the URL to the site which is not working is

   The error: In FF everything works perfectly but in IE it gets stuck on
   1% and nothing happens whatsoever.

   The code:
  var step = 1;
step -= 100;
$(#percentage).text(100-step/100 + '%');
if ( step  0 )
   $(#logo).fadeTo(100,1-step/1, arguments.callee);
   else window.location = http://uf.ekdahlproduction.com/
if ( step == 3500 )


   Comments: I have noticed that it changes the opacity correctly, and
   also sets the content of #percentage to 1%, therefore Jquery must be
   working. Maybe this can be some kind of general javascript error?
   Something that IE interprets differently than FF?

   Thank you

[jQuery] Re: Please help with navigation script

2008-12-28 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
hi pranshu,

it's hard to tell exactly, you could optimize a bit more your code,
and use variable caching for example.
In this regard, I find this post to be really helpful:

anyway,  does the problem occur if you comment out each
$('#refine_by').text()  calls, such as   $('#refine_by').text('Refine
by category'); ?

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 11:27 PM, precar pranshua...@gmail.com wrote:

 Still stuck on this...would really appreciate someone's help.


 On Dec 27, 11:56 am, precar pranshua...@gmail.com wrote:

 I cleaned up the code a bit and wanted to repost it.  The site is 
 athttp://pranshuarya.com/test/pthesis/.  Once again, the specific
 problem is this:
 When you click Portfolio  Refine by category and select a category,
 it loads and works fine. But then you cannot re-click on Refine by
 category to select another category. The link stops working after it's
 been used once.

 // display category list in pop-up
 $.get('categories.php',function(cats) {
$('#refine_by').toggle(function() {
   $('#refine_by').text('Click to close');
   $('#categories').append('div id=categories_lower_border/
 div').append('div id=reset_sitesreset/div').show('slow').append
   $(cats).find('categories').each(function() {
  var $entry = $(this);
  var $cat = $entry.find('category').text();
  var category = 'li' + $cat + '/li';
  $('#categories ul').append($(category));
   $('#category_close').click(function() {
  $('#refine_by').text('Refine by category');
   $('#reset_sites').click(function() {

 // selection from category list
 $('#categories ul li').bind('click',function() {
var index = $('#categories ul li').index(this);
$.throbberShow({image:'images/ajax-loader.gif', parent:'#sites'});
$.get(index + .php,function(data) {
var $category = $(cats).find('category').eq(index).text();
$('#sites').empty().append('div id=sites_border/div').append
 ('div id=refine_byClick to close/div')
$(data).find('site').each(function() {
   var $entry = $(this);
   var $site_title = $entry.find('site_title').text();
   var html_site = 'li' + $site_title + '/li';
   $('#sites ul').append($(html_site));

 // site details for category-filtered sites
 $('#sites ul li').bind('click',function() {
var index = $('#sites ul li').index(this);
$imageURL = $(data).find('imageURL').eq(index).text();
$skills = $(data).find('skills_used').eq(index).text();
$siteURL = $(data).find('siteURL').eq(index).text();

var html_image = 'diva href=' + $siteURL + 'img src=' +
 $imageURL + ' //a/div';
$('#site_details div').addClass('screenshot');

if($(data).find('imageURL2').eq(index).text() != '') {
   $imageURL2 = $(data).find('imageURL2').eq(index).text();
   var html_image2 = 'div';
   if($(data).find('siteURL2').eq(index)) {
  $siteURL2 = $(data).find('siteURL2').eq(index).text();
  html_image2 += 'a href=' + $siteURL2 +'img src=' +
 $imageURL2 + ' //a/div';
  html_image2 += 'a href=' + $siteURL +'img src=' +
 $imageURL2 + ' //a/div';
   $('#site_details div').addClass('screenshot');
   $('#site_details div.screenshot').removeClass

$('a...@href^=http]').attr({'target': '_blank'}).attr({'title':
 'Visit site'});

if($(data).find('description').eq(index)) {
   $desc = $(data).find('description').eq(index).text();
   var html_desc = 'div id=description' + $desc + '/div';
if($(data).find('site_details').eq(index) != '') {
   $details = $(data).find('site_details').eq(index).text();
   var html_details = 'div id=detailsbr /' + $details + '/

var html_skills = 'div id=skillsstrongSkills used:/
 strongbr /' + $skills + '/div';
 // end of site details for category-filtered sites

 // End of category list pop-up


 // other part of toggle function on #refine_by
   function() {


 On Dec 27, 7:29 am, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:

  I didn't look too deeply into the code, but I suspect you are
  expecting appended elements to respond to click events, but those new
  elements will have no 

[jQuery] Re: Code not working in IE but is working in FF

2008-12-27 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

really not sure, but maybe try


1- (step/1)  instead of 1-step/1


$(#slogan).css('opacity',0);  instead of $(#slogan).css('opacity','0');

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Althalos ca...@ekdahlproduction.com wrote:

 I posted something similarly before but I posted wrong code. This
 time, everything is correct and I'll provide all the information

 First of all, the URL to the site which is not working is

 The error: In FF everything works perfectly but in IE it gets stuck on
 1% and nothing happens whatsoever.

 The code:
var step = 1;
  step -= 100;
  $(#percentage).text(100-step/100 + '%');
  if ( step  0 )
 $(#logo).fadeTo(100,1-step/1, arguments.callee);
 else window.location = http://uf.ekdahlproduction.com/
  if ( step == 3500 )


 Comments: I have noticed that it changes the opacity correctly, and
 also sets the content of #percentage to 1%, therefore Jquery must be
 working. Maybe this can be some kind of general javascript error?
 Something that IE interprets differently than FF?

 Thank you

[jQuery] Re: question

2008-12-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

did you try listing the arguments array within each detected function ?

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Dirceu Barquette
dirceu.barque...@gmail.com wrote:
 You are right!
 But, do you have any suggest?

 Thank you!

 Dirceu Barquette

 2008/12/23 MorningZ morni...@gmail.com

 Advice:  more specific subject lines than the ultra vague and useless
 question will get you better and faster help

 On Dec 23, 6:10 am, Dirceu Barquette dirceu.barque...@gmail.com
  Has anybody a solution?
  showing a few jQuery methods :
  var Typeof = {};
  for (v in $) {
  Typeof = typeof $[v];
  $('divspan'+Typeof+' /spanspan '+v+'
  Is it possible showing parameters list for each method above?
  thank you!!!
  Dirceu Barquette

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Spell Checker plugin

2008-12-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

even simpler: right-click  view source.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:12 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any idea how to get this plugin

 - Load up Firefox and Firebug (which you should have as a JavaScript
 - Pull up the page you link to above
 - in the Net tab on Firebug, go to the jquery.spell.check.js line
 - Right click the Response tab and choose Copy Response Body

 The contents of the script is now sitting in your clipboard

 On Dec 23, 10:40 am, Raghu techhel...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, I am looking for JQuery spell checker plugin from brandon... I can below
 below link but there is no script and documentation available..
 Any idea how to get this plugin.



[jQuery] Re: I wrote a YUI Multi FIle Compression Utility

2008-12-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

it sounds very interesting, but i'm quite puzzled on how to do it
correctly. i'm interested in reducing the load time of my websites but
i don't really master these compression logics.
I would have assumed i'd have to point to the html file loading the
js+css files but your app seems to look for folders.
If i'm correct, what file structure is supposed to work for this? I
for one store all my javascript in a _js folder , which contains a
frontend for the files dealing with the frontend, and a backend
for the javascript files used in the backend app. I have a 3rd folder
jquery_plugins folder inside this _js, which contains a folder for
each plugin that i use.

given that folder structure, is it possible to use your app?

Sorry if this is out of my league...

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:27 PM, K-BL axel...@aim.com wrote:

 Hey Guys,
 I just finished writing a YUI Multi-File Compression Utility.  It's
 really simple, it just runs some CLI commands, but more importantly,
 it compiles entire directories and sub directories with a clean UI.
 For us IT guys, it makes quick site changes a breeze from source to
 compressed in just seconds.

 Anyway, find it here: 

 If you like it, let me know.  Also, source is available in C#.


[jQuery] Re: I wrote a YUI Multi FIle Compression Utility

2008-12-23 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

ok , i tried it out and i can see it spits out my js files completely
minified. Nice... really nice.

how about going to the next automation process:

what if i could point your app to my index.html, which contains a
dozen LINK to css files and SCRIPT to js files. Could it compile all
of the CSS in one css file, and all of the js in one js file (so as to
decrease the http connections), both minified, outputting a
index.prod.html with the link to the optimized css file and js file ?

i would have so much use for such a tool i'd pay for it, allowing me
to keep a dev version and a prod version synchronised automatically.

thanks for listening.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 6:46 PM, K-BL axel...@aim.com wrote:

 My utility is used for manual compression, this would ensure best
 results from your server.  YUI Compressor (and some other compression
 engines) take unnecessary characters out of your code (line breaks,
 spaces, comments), optimizes private functions/variables, and returns
 a non-encoded, single line output.

 On Dec 23, 12:03 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux aplennev...@gmail.com
 it sounds very interesting, but i'm quite puzzled on how to do it
 correctly. i'm interested in reducing the load time of my websites but
 i don't really master these compression logics.
 I would have assumed i'd have to point to the html file loading the
 js+css files but your app seems to look for folders.
 If i'm correct, what file structure is supposed to work for this? I
 for one store all my javascript in a _js folder , which contains a
 frontend for the files dealing with the frontend, and a backend
 for the javascript files used in the backend app. I have a 3rd folder
 jquery_plugins folder inside this _js, which contains a folder for
 each plugin that i use.

 given that folder structure, is it possible to use your app?

 Sorry if this is out of my league...

 On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:27 PM, K-BL axel...@aim.com wrote:

  Hey Guys,
  I just finished writing a YUI Multi-File Compression Utility.  It's
  really simple, it just runs some CLI commands, but more importantly,
  it compiles entire directories and sub directories with a clean UI.
  For us IT guys, it makes quick site changes a breeze from source to
  compressed in just seconds.

  Anyway, find it 

  If you like it, let me know.  Also, source is available in C#.


[jQuery] Re: jqModal ajax question

2008-12-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
simplest way is to use it like this:

html :

a href=page/to/load/loadinfo.php?var=valfoo=bar class=jqModalLoad the

then initiate your jqmodal like this:


$(.jqm({trigger: 'a.jqModal',ajax:'@href'});




On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 8:49 AM, strangevoi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was wondering if someone could help me with the jqModal plugin
 Basically, I want to pass some GET data when calling an AJAX link for
 the modal box but am not sure how to do it.

 My setup for the modal box is:
$('#jInfo').jqm({ajax: 'loadinfo.php', trigger: 'false'});

 And I'm calling it through a function:
function(t) {

 And I would like to have it call something like:
loadinfo.php?id=t (where 't' is the function variable)

 Any help much appreciated

[jQuery] Re: HOW: jQuery AJAX to replace iFRAME

2008-12-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
say the container that will display the loaded content, i.e, your iframe

div id=menu
a href=page/to/load.html class=ajaxLinkclick me/a
a href=page/to/load2.html class=ajaxLinkclick me 2/a
div id=ihateiframes
pthis will be replaced/p

your javascript will be:

var url = $(this).attr('href');


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Ayan ios...@gmail.com wrote:


 Currently my page has a iFrame (loads an external web-page) in it.

 I have seen this tutorial that uses simple AJAX to replace this
 (see the small DEMO, I want exactly the same with just 2 Links)

 My question is - How can I do the same using jQuery's AJAX to do the
 same ?

 Thats is, when these 2 Button/Link hit, it will fetch corresponding
 remote html and paste it in a DIV. Thats it.

 Please do reply.

 Ayan Debnath

[jQuery] Re: Bizarre rendering issue (FF 3, IE 6)

2008-12-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
jared, your website is supernice and promising, but i for one don't
understand anything about your problem description. i think either you're
lacking sleep or you wrote too fast :)

Can you rephrase please, for people that don't yet know your website
internals (or lack sleep themselves ) ?can you also enable logging (i have
firebug) on the page online, because the console doesn't show anything here.



On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 2:08 PM, userdude farri...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am having an issue with the following jQuery code:


 The rendering that is not occurring is when the page:

 * Loads
 * When clicking the main (horizontal) menu items

 What is supposed to happen is the default (first) navsecondary a tag is
 supposed to receive a current class designation. If I console.log,
 everything seems fine, but the screen display does not show the change, and
 the HTML view in Firefox does not demonstrate the update (class=current).

 If you click on about us and then click on what we do, that behavior is
 supposed to happen automatically when clicking the about us menu link.

 Anybody know what's going on?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Plugin 1.2.1 Released

2008-12-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
Josh, these are very cool additions, love the New mask syntax option '?' and
the improved usability.
Thanks for your hard work!

just noticed in the demo that if i don't fill the input completely and go to
another input, it removes the entered value entirely as soon as the input
loses focus. That's a bit harsh. Maybe that's where a validation should take
over and paint the input red so that the user realizes he didn't completely
filled in the content.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Josh Bush josh.b...@gmail.com wrote:

 There is now a new version of my Masked Input Plugin (
 http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/ ) for jQuery.
 Version 1.2.1 moves one step closer to my bigger picture for the
 plugin.  I had to make a few breaking changes to do so, but I feel
 that the end result is worth it.  This release adds a lot more polish
 to the 1.2 release.  Here's what we've got.

 * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed deprecated $.mask.addPlaceholder method.
 Use the $.mask.definitions['']=; syntax instead.  I said I was
 going to do this on the last release and now seems just as good a time
 as any.
 * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed allowPartial option in favor of new mask
 syntax I'll describe below.  A discussion and code exchange with
 Michael Bray inspired this change.  I hate that it's a breaking
 change, but the new way makes a lot more sense.
 * New mask syntax option '?'.  Anything listed after '?' within the
 mask is considered optional user input.  The common example for this
 is phone number + optional extension.  The new syntax will look like
 this: (999) 999-? x9
 * I got rid of the awkward input behavior where users typed over top
 of existing input.  The plugin acted like a word processor Insert
 mode.  This has always agrivated me, so now the input shifts on input
 and backspace/delete.
 * Now calling .change() on blur if the value has changed since the
 plugin prevents the change event from being fired naturally.
 * Pasting incomplete test no longer wipes the input.  Instead, the
 cursor is just placed where the input leaves off.
 * Fixed backspace detection for iPhone.  Plugin is now iPhone
 * Fixed pasting bug when mask starts with a literal and caret position
 is on the literal character.

 I feel really good about this release.  I made some changes that I
 feel are good for the direction of the plugin.  Iif you don't like
 some of the changes please let me know and I'll look at adding them
 back in as options.  I'm trying hard not to bloat things up, but I
 don't want to remove features that are needed.

 Merry Christmas!

[jQuery] Re: Bizarre rendering issue (FF 3, IE 6)

2008-12-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

ok, i got it, well, at least the problem.

now, i'm not sure about how to solve it.

1/ maybe it's a css issue.

in your stylesheet, try changing this

#aboutus .nav .navmain a.current,
#aboutus .nav .navsecondary a.current {
  color: #a5ee26;
#aboutus .nav ul.navsecondary {
  left: 130px;
  top: 115px;
#aboutus .nav .navsecondary a {
  color: #c87eeb;


#aboutus .nav ul.navsecondary {
  left: 130px;
  top: 115px;
#aboutus .nav .navsecondary a {
  color: #c87eeb;

#aboutus .nav .navmain a.current,
#aboutus .nav .navsecondary a.current {
  color: #a5ee26;

2./  i noticed you use the function

doShowStorywrap(c)  sometimes passing it a jquery object, sometimes
just this. The case in which the rendering does not happen is when
you don't use a jquery object, so i would try that, see if that
changes anything.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:10 PM, userdude farri...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Alexandre,

 Thank you for the reply. I'm not sure what you mean by enable debugging in

 Basically, the first submenu item for specific menu item should always
 default to having the current class.

 Although I can tell that something is occurring using console.log to inspect
 the a-link addClass method, the actual html for the page rendering is not
 applying; I effectively cannot see the results of the addClass method that
 is run if I am doing an addClass method during only the main menu

 The best way to see what I mean is to:

 * first, click the about us link.
 * then, click the what we do link

 The what we do link should be highlighted just like after the second click
 when clicking on the about us link. As far as I can tell, addClass is
 running, but the page is not actually rendering the change, and Firebug is
 not showing the class in the HTML inspector.

 Right-click on the what we do link, select Inspect Element, then click
 on the about us link. See the current goes away? It should stay, and I
 can't figure out why it's not working.


 Alexandre Plennevaux-2 wrote:
  jared, your website is supernice and promising, but i for one don't
  understand anything about your problem description. i think either you're
  lacking sleep or you wrote too fast :)
  Can you rephrase please, for people that don't yet know your website
  internals (or lack sleep themselves ) ?can you also enable logging (i have
  firebug) on the page online, because the console doesn't show anything
  On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 2:08 PM, userdude farri...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am having an issue with the following jQuery code:
  The rendering that is not occurring is when the page:
  * Loads
  * When clicking the main (horizontal) menu items
  What is supposed to happen is the default (first) navsecondary a tag is
  supposed to receive a current class designation. If I console.log,
  everything seems fine, but the screen display does not show the change,
  the HTML view in Firefox does not demonstrate the update
  If you click on about us and then click on what we do, that behavior
  supposed to happen automatically when clicking the about us menu link.
  Anybody know what's going on?
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Plugin 1.2.1 Released

2008-12-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
i think personally that indeed a callback onError, that is called when
the input loses focus would be great. from thereon, the user can
defines what to do. for instance, as a UI developer, i would add a
error class to the wrapping div,  and add Incomplete data message
to the right of the input. But another would go as far as
alert(missing data you moron !!)  . At least my desk neighbour
would, he's so uneducated :)

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Josh Bush josh.b...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you Jörn and Alexandre for your feedback.  I'm thinking that
 maybe I should just provide a hook that gets called when the plugin
 detects invalid input.  I could just provide a default function that
 blanks the input as it is today, but would let the user decide what to
 do there.

 Any ideas on how I can make my plugin more extensible are more than


 On Dec 22, 9:08 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 I second that! An option to make the plugin more tolerant, especially
 in combination with other forms of validation, would be perfect. Other
 changes all sounds fine. The fix for users typed over existing input
 will be much appreciated.


 On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux

 aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
  Josh, these are very cool additions, love the New mask syntax option '?' 
  the improved usability.
  Thanks for your hard work!

  just noticed in the demo that if i don't fill the input completely and go 
  another input, it removes the entered value entirely as soon as the input
  loses focus. That's a bit harsh. Maybe that's where a validation should 
  over and paint the input red so that the user realizes he didn't completely
  filled in the content.

  On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Josh Bush josh.b...@gmail.com wrote:

  There is now a new version of my Masked Input Plugin (
 http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/) for jQuery.
  Version 1.2.1 moves one step closer to my bigger picture for the
  plugin.  I had to make a few breaking changes to do so, but I feel
  that the end result is worth it.  This release adds a lot more polish
  to the 1.2 release.  Here's what we've got.

  * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed deprecated $.mask.addPlaceholder method.
  Use the $.mask.definitions['']=; syntax instead.  I said I was
  going to do this on the last release and now seems just as good a time
  as any.
  * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed allowPartial option in favor of new mask
  syntax I'll describe below.  A discussion and code exchange with
  Michael Bray inspired this change.  I hate that it's a breaking
  change, but the new way makes a lot more sense.
  * New mask syntax option '?'.  Anything listed after '?' within the
  mask is considered optional user input.  The common example for this
  is phone number + optional extension.  The new syntax will look like
  this: (999) 999-? x9
  * I got rid of the awkward input behavior where users typed over top
  of existing input.  The plugin acted like a word processor Insert
  mode.  This has always agrivated me, so now the input shifts on input
  and backspace/delete.
  * Now calling .change() on blur if the value has changed since the
  plugin prevents the change event from being fired naturally.
  * Pasting incomplete test no longer wipes the input.  Instead, the
  cursor is just placed where the input leaves off.
  * Fixed backspace detection for iPhone.  Plugin is now iPhone
  * Fixed pasting bug when mask starts with a literal and caret position
  is on the literal character.

  I feel really good about this release.  I made some changes that I
  feel are good for the direction of the plugin.  Iif you don't like
  some of the changes please let me know and I'll look at adding them
  back in as options.  I'm trying hard not to bloat things up, but I
  don't want to remove features that are needed.

  Merry Christmas!

[jQuery] Re: Help Test jQuery 1.3 Beta 1

2008-12-22 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

will sure do right now, as i'm about to release another
experiment-in-webdesign, end of january, and will need the best
javascript library to support it.  Thanks a lot !

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:49 PM, John Resig jere...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Everyone -

 The jQuery dev team just got jQuery 1.3 Beta 1 out the door. Help us
 test this release and make sure it goes nice and smoothly!

 Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] [SITE] tunerec.com

2008-12-19 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

just read about and tried this amazing online music player. snappy
interface. Subscribe to the beta to check it out. Gets better after a
few days but it is really promising and the interface is slick!



[jQuery] Re: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)

2008-12-17 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

As a matter of fact, just had a good read exactly on this topic at the
ever excellent Coding Horror blog:

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Rick Faircloth
r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:

 Yes, keep up the good work.  I don't of anyone whose coding can't be improved!
 We're all continuously learning.

 An OS Interface such as you're creating might be just the type of interface
 that could bridge the gap between typical desktop OS users and the new
 Cloud crowd.  A familiar face on something new.


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:18 AM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)

 ... and we will continue to read and comment on them, Adrian! Thanks a
 lot for sharing !

 On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 4:09 PM, AdrianMG yens...@gmail.com wrote:
  One more thing! Thanks you for your opinions I will try to improve my
  english and tutorials to give more info and better explanations to the
  On Dec 17, 4:01 pm, AdrianMG yens...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi guys, I don't understand some replies... I just want to say that
  the mistakes in english are because I am not good enough in english as
  I would like to be, not for writting tutorials fast or similar.
  And as I said in the tutorial, it's only the first part of a serie
  focused on creating a os web interface, just that hehe.
  On Dec 16, 11:57 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com
   D'oh!  :o)
-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Michael Geary
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:39 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)
Never mind, you beat me to it!
 From: Michael Geary
 Excellent point, Rick.
 But I think there may be a little typo that changed the
 meaning to something other than what you intended? :-)
  From: Rick Faircloth
  No faster way to kill someone's enthusiasm than to simply tear
  something down without any encouragement.
  It's like I tell my kids... you can't applaud the effort if not 
  performance.  And, if asked, give encouraging criticism.

[jQuery] Re: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)

2008-12-17 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

... and we will continue to read and comment on them, Adrian! Thanks a
lot for sharing !

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 4:09 PM, AdrianMG yens...@gmail.com wrote:

 One more thing! Thanks you for your opinions I will try to improve my
 english and tutorials to give more info and better explanations to the


 On Dec 17, 4:01 pm, AdrianMG yens...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi guys, I don't understand some replies... I just want to say that
 the mistakes in english are because I am not good enough in english as
 I would like to be, not for writting tutorials fast or similar.

 And as I said in the tutorial, it's only the first part of a serie
 focused on creating a os web interface, just that hehe.

 On Dec 16, 11:57 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com

  D'oh!  :o)

   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
   Behalf Of Michael Geary
   Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:39 PM
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)

   Never mind, you beat me to it!

From: Michael Geary

Excellent point, Rick.

But I think there may be a little typo that changed the
meaning to something other than what you intended? :-)

 From: Rick Faircloth

 No faster way to kill someone's enthusiasm than to simply tear
 something down without any encouragement.

 It's like I tell my kids... you can't applaud the effort if not the
 performance.  And, if asked, give encouraging criticism.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and PHP form problem

2008-12-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

especially with available tools like jsbin  ! http://jsbin.com/

if the google group app would allow it, i would include an invitation
to use it in my signature but that 's not possible or is it?

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

 I GOT IT.  How to explain what the problem was?!...I've done a bit
 of tweaking, but one thing is I was returning false from my form
 Whenever I would submit I was getting my default search page again.
 Made the search field sticky (so it would use the last entry, not the
 default value!) and there might have been another thing.  Ugh, I've
 really tweaked a lot of stuff this evening.

 For future reference, that would have been immediately obvious if you
 had posted the code.

[jQuery] Re: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)

2008-12-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

yup i must say i am also doubtful on the actual tutorial. I'm trying
to be constructive so please don't take offense of my personal remark:

This is more of a demo, it's not really explaining how to do it. For
instance, a tutorial should explain the rationale of a web OS
interface. AFAIK that's not such a popular choice for web apps. Not
that it shouldn't be, but some argumentation on its potential
(usability?) for end users would be good.
Then deconstruct this OS interface into, indeed, drag 'n drop, start
menu, desktop icons, and present the list of forthcoming tutorials.

All this should wipe away any of the doubts i had while reading it.

thanks liam for the effort, keep on improving it, but don't be afraid
to describe/analyse a problem before jumping on its solution.



On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:22 PM, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:

 I may seem a bit dense, but what's the objective here?  And is 'OS'
 Operating System, Open Source, something else?  Maybe Part 2 clears
 all this up, but some intro/background would help a lot.

 On Dec 16, 7:57 am, AdrianMG yens...@gmail.com wrote:
 Finally here you have the First Part of this series of tutorials to
 recreate an OS Web Interface with our lovely jQuery javascript

 Here you have the link guys, I hope you can use it for your personal


[jQuery] Re: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)

2008-12-16 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

i meant AdrianMG, not Liam !

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux
aplennev...@gmail.com wrote:
 yup i must say i am also doubtful on the actual tutorial. I'm trying
 to be constructive so please don't take offense of my personal remark:

 This is more of a demo, it's not really explaining how to do it. For
 instance, a tutorial should explain the rationale of a web OS
 interface. AFAIK that's not such a popular choice for web apps. Not
 that it shouldn't be, but some argumentation on its potential
 (usability?) for end users would be good.
 Then deconstruct this OS interface into, indeed, drag 'n drop, start
 menu, desktop icons, and present the list of forthcoming tutorials.

 All this should wipe away any of the doubts i had while reading it.

 thanks liam for the effort, keep on improving it, but don't be afraid
 to describe/analyse a problem before jumping on its solution.



 On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:22 PM, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:

 I may seem a bit dense, but what's the objective here?  And is 'OS'
 Operating System, Open Source, something else?  Maybe Part 2 clears
 all this up, but some intro/background would help a lot.

 On Dec 16, 7:57 am, AdrianMG yens...@gmail.com wrote:
 Finally here you have the First Part of this series of tutorials to
 recreate an OS Web Interface with our lovely jQuery javascript

 Here you have the link guys, I hope you can use it for your personal


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