[jQuery] Multi-line tabs plugin

2010-01-27 Thread Michael Price
'lo all,

Is there a tabs plugin out there, or a recommended method / piece of CSS
which can gracefully handle when the tabs go onto more than one line? I'm
using UI 1.7.2 tabs at the moment and the tabs go a little odd when there
are enough of them to go multi-line.


All suggestions appreciated J



Michael Price

[jQuery] jQuery plugin that can do the image effects here?

2009-09-30 Thread Michael Price
'lo all,

Boss has been asking me if we can replicate the image fader here:



Note how it pans and slides as well as fading between images - this one is
done in Flash. We often use the Cycle plugin for a fade-between set of
images but is there a plugin to do something like the above, or can the
Cycle plugin be made to do it?



Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: jQuery plugin that can do the image effects here?

2009-09-30 Thread Michael Price
That would be absolutely perfect :D





Michael Price


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Charlie Griefer
Sent: 30 September 2009 17:19
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery plugin that can do the image effects here?


Hi Michael:

Would this do?


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:48 AM, Michael Price m...@edwardrobertson.co.uk

'lo all,

Boss has been asking me if we can replicate the image fader here:



Note how it pans and slides as well as fading between images - this one is
done in Flash. We often use the Cycle plugin for a fade-between set of
images but is there a plugin to do something like the above, or can the
Cycle plugin be made to do it?



Michael Price

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] Re: This is not a function

2009-08-27 Thread Michael Price

Looking at the (many!) Javascripts you've got running there, you appear to
be loading jQuery twice:
Line 21:
script type='text/javascript'

Line 65:

They're the same version so it might not matter - but it's worth removing
one of them since you don't need to load it twice anyway.

Michael Price

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Chris Cardarello
Sent: 27 August 2009 10:52
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] This is not a function

Ok for some reason none of my jQuery is working i get these errors :

Error: $ is not a function
Source File: http://wptest.moppieillusions.com/
Line: 52

Error: $ is not a function
Source File: http://wptest.moppieillusions.com/
Line: 100

Error: $ is not a function
Source File: http://wptest.moppieillusions.com/
Line: 77

Error: jQuery(a.lightbox).lightBox is not a function
Source File:
Line: 7

Error: window.attachEvent is not a function
Source File:
Line: 4

Error: window.attachEvent is not a function
Source File:
Line: 4

Its like jQuery isnt loading this is the url

[jQuery] Get inner class of event

2009-08-21 Thread Michael Price
Hi all,

Got a div on a page, and we want something to happen when a user clicks on
the div. However, within the div is a link and we want something DIFFERENT
to happen if they click on the LINK rather than anything else in the div.
Clicking the link is triggering the div click code as well - I need to stop
this which I thought I could do with e.stopPropagation(); on the link click
handler, but it doesn't seem to be working.


Is there any way to pick up via the div click handler that it was actually
the LINK, and react in there instead, or am I taking the wrong approach?



Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Get inner class of event

2009-08-21 Thread Michael Price
Hello again folks - as per usual, I managed to get this working five minutes
later! So never mind, but thanks if you were going to take a look at it J



Michael Price


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Michael Price
Sent: 21 August 2009 11:12
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Get inner class of event


Hi all,

Got a div on a page, and we want something to happen when a user clicks on
the div. However, within the div is a link and we want something DIFFERENT
to happen if they click on the LINK rather than anything else in the div.
Clicking the link is triggering the div click code as well - I need to stop
this which I thought I could do with e.stopPropagation(); on the link click
handler, but it doesn't seem to be working.


Is there any way to pick up via the div click handler that it was actually
the LINK, and react in there instead, or am I taking the wrong approach?



Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: How to POST using jQuery?

2009-08-12 Thread Michael Price

Is there any particular reason you HAVE to use Javascript to handle the form
submission? If you want to redirect the user to another page after the form
submission you may as well submit the form the normal way and use a server
side redirect to send them on to the next page.

Failing that, you could make your form processing script return the next
page in it's response, parse for this and then use it - is that feasible?


window.location = newPage;

Michael Price

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Mark Smith
Sent: 12 August 2009 16:02
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to POST using jQuery?

But then the page that gets served to the user with have no parameters
posted to it.

On Aug 12, 3:50 pm, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 well, on the post callback, forward the browser to the page?


 Mark Smith wrote:

  I know you can use jquery to post data from a json object ajaxly.

  However I want to redirect the browser to the new page (like
  submitting a form) only passing the values explicitly from javascript
  rather than actually submitting a form.

  Is this possible using jquery?


[jQuery] Old cookie data sent in AJAX request?

2009-08-12 Thread Michael Price
Hi all,

Having a bit of a strange problem and I'm not altogether sure whether it's
jQuery related or something to do with the awful, awful code it's part of,
but I thought I'd post up here to see if I could get some help figuring that
out J


I've got a webpage which has three cookies on it, cart_id, user_data and
user_other. Navigating around the pages and using the Firefox Web Developer
Toolbar shows these cookies are fine, one of each is set, and they're the
correct values. 


If, however, I submit an AJAX post request to add a product to the shopping
cart on this site, it doesn't work. Investigating the AJAX behind this shows
that two copies of every cookie named above is being sent - the first copies
have older and now incorrect data in them, and are followed by the CORRECT
data. Looks a bit like this:


cart_id=4a6b2bec89523599aa20a6ff7cc148f7; user_data=12%7C; user_other=1;

; session_id=a56c7977d215631d6f9eebadab534089; user_data=5%7C424235235;
user_other=0; cart_id=4e77b0



As you can see, cart_id, user_data and user_other are there twice. PHP is
evidently picking up the first copy of each cookie - the older, incorrect
ones - and using these. Meaning the products go into the wrong cart and I've
got myself a bit of a problem.


Has something like this ever happened to anyone else - and was it something
in your own code, or a weird jQuery glitch?


Because it will probably be relevant, we're talking about jQuery 1.2.6 here.



Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: What's the best way to replace text in a node?

2009-05-18 Thread Michael Price

You can use either:

$(selector).text(New text);
$(selector).html(New text);

Both also work as getters if you don't provide an argument:
theText = $(selector).text();
theHTML = $(selector).html();

Is this what you were after?

Michael Price

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of George
Sent: 18 May 2009 12:09
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: What's the best way to replace text in a node?

Sorry, folks, I'm not using remove(), I'm using empty() - like this:

p id='dText'text to be replaced/p
$('#dText').empty().append('New text string')

On May 18, 12:02 pm, George george.bea...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I'm guessing this should be a simple one for the jQuery stalwarts
 here.  I've recently moved over from Protoype and was used to using
 the update() function to replace text within a node - something like

 p id='dText'text to be replaced/p
 $('dText').update('New text string')

 p id='dText'text to be replaced/p
 $('#dText').remove().append('New text string')

 Now it appears to me that in jQuery, there isn't an out of the box
 function to replace the contents of a node without also replacing the
 node too, hence the reason I am chaining remove() and append().  Is
 there a better way to achieve this?

 Many thanks


[jQuery] Re: Does IE simply not work or...

2009-02-17 Thread Michael Price

You have another comma at the end of this line:
pdiro: $(#pdirection).val(),

Get rid of that and see if it helps.

webspee...@gmail.com wrote:

That is what I figured.

How does this block of code look?

  mode: contactrow,
  loginid: $(#loginid).val(),
  field: $(#sortfield).val(),
  prowid: $(#prowid).val(),
  pdiro: $(#pdirection).val(),
}, function(xml)
return false;

JS debugger points to the , before the function(xml) call. I keep
getting errors about error: expected identifier, string or number.

On Feb 16, 6:05 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

And rest assured that the library (including the validation plugin)
FULLY work withIE, it's your code and how you are using jQuery that
is the issue

On Feb 16, 3:58 pm, Dean C. Reed webspee...@gmail.com wrote:

Or is there a common work around?
I spent a few days getting familiar with JQuery and it works perfectly  
in Firefox. I go to test it inIEand literally nothing works. Aside  
from the basics, I'm using a validator plugin, but I'm getting JS  
errors at every turn. Vague errors like object expected when I'm  
simplycalling a JS function that uses JQuery calls.
IEis very frustrating, they should just shoot it and put us out of  
our misery.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Cloning list items in OL screws up numbering in IE

2009-01-28 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I've got an ordered list OL with 5 list items. Each list item contains 
an input and the list is, as you would expect, numbered from 1 to 5. 
There is a link to add another item to this list which I have bound the 
following function to:

$(#materialadd).click(function() {
$(#materialol li:last).clone().appendTo(#materialol);
$(#materialol li:last).hide().fadeIn(fast);

return false;

#materialol is the list - the last item is cloned and appended to the 
end of the list, then hidden and faded in so the user can spot the change.

In Firefox, this works perfectly, and the list numbering is continued. 
Click it once, and the next item is 6, then 7, then 8...

In IE.. not so much. IE 6 and 7 both execute the cloning and 
addition process but the list items numbers of the cloned + added items 
are 1. So you end up with a list numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.

Is there another way for me to do what I'm doing that will work properly 
in IE as well as FF?

I'm using jQ 1.2.6 by the way.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Cloning list items in OL screws up numbering in IE

2009-01-28 Thread Michael Price

Thanks Rick, I'll check that out.

Meanwhile, my own testing has uncovered a possible cause, and it's an 
odd one. If I comment out this line:

$(#materialol li:last).hide().fadeIn(fast);

The list items are numbered correctly!

Curiouser and curiouser..

Michael Price

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Hi, Michael...

I was having a similar problem cloning image inputs
and found this solution for that problem, which might
also be modified to solve your li cloning problem.

In the notes, it basically says that not all modern
browsers (IE, I think is the problem here) updates
the values of cloned elements.  So this fellow, Ben Nadel,
developed a word-around:

Here's the link...



-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Michael Price
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 7:10 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Cloning list items in OL screws up numbering in IE

Hi all,
I've got an ordered list OL with 5 list items. Each list item contains
an input and the list is, as you would expect, numbered from 1 to 5.
There is a link to add another item to this list which I have bound the
following function to:

$(#materialadd).click(function() {
$(#materialol li:last).clone().appendTo(#materialol);
$(#materialol li:last).hide().fadeIn(fast);

return false;

#materialol is the list - the last item is cloned and appended to the
end of the list, then hidden and faded in so the user can spot the change.

In Firefox, this works perfectly, and the list numbering is continued.
Click it once, and the next item is 6, then 7, then 8...

In IE.. not so much. IE 6 and 7 both execute the cloning and
addition process but the list items numbers of the cloned + added items
are 1. So you end up with a list numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.

Is there another way for me to do what I'm doing that will work properly
in IE as well as FF?

I'm using jQ 1.2.6 by the way.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Trying to assign onClick to a link

2008-12-16 Thread Michael Price

Matt wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm very new to jQuery and am trying to have a div toggle between
hidden and shown using the slideToggle function. This is my code that
I have in the head of my html:



The link that I want to associate the onClick to has an id of link
and the div has an id of bugDiv.

Right now, the way it works, the bugdiv slides to hidden on load, as
though it's just executing the code as opposed to associating it as
the onclick action..

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance,

Hi Matt
I think the click handler will need wrapping in a function as well:

$('a#link').click(function() {
return false;

I've also added return false as Mike suggested which will stop the 
link's default action from being followed.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Norton thinks jQuery is a virus?

2008-12-10 Thread Michael Price

Anyone got any ideas? This is now happening to one of our guys on any 
site he visits that is using jQuery. Even interface.js got blocked at 
one point..

Michael Price wrote:

Hi all,
Couple of lads in here using IE and Norton Antivirus 2009 have suddenly 
had popups in our intranet declaring that an intrusion attempt has been 
blocked and a file has been prevented from running. The source of this 
supposed intrusion? A compressed jQuery - can't remember which version 
it is.

Norton is now preventing any of our sites that use jQuery (which, 
believe me, is quite a few) from executing jQuery based code on at least 
one of these computers.

The details:
Risk name: HTTP Acrobat PDF file suspicious download
File: jquery.js
Network traffic from site address matches the signature of a known 

We've been running NAV 2009 on three machines in here for quite a few 
weeks now - I use Firefox and NAV (not through personal choice, I might 
add), and haven't seen this error pop up.

Anyone got any ideas how to reverse Norton's stance on this? Surely it 
HAS to be a false positive but now we've got two machines that won't run 
jQuery as a result!

Michael Price

Regards, Michael Price - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Edward Robertson Ltd.  - 1 Bondgate, Darlington, DL3 7JA
Direct: 01325 245077   - http://www.edwardrobertson.co.uk
Office: 01325 489333   - http://www.internetwebsitedesign.co.uk
Registered Address:
1 Bondgate, Darlington, County Durham, DL3 7JA, UK
Registration Number: 3931089 - Company registered in England
This electronic message transmission contains information from
Edward Robertson Limited that may be proprietary, confidential
and/or privileged. The information is intended only for the use
of the individual(s) or entity named above. If you are not the
intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying,
distribution or use of the contents of this information is
prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission
in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to
the address listed in the From: field.

[jQuery] Norton thinks jQuery is a virus?

2008-12-10 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Couple of lads in here using IE and Norton Antivirus 2009 have suddenly 
had popups in our intranet declaring that an intrusion attempt has been 
blocked and a file has been prevented from running. The source of this 
supposed intrusion? A compressed jQuery - can't remember which version 
it is.

Norton is now preventing any of our sites that use jQuery (which, 
believe me, is quite a few) from executing jQuery based code on at least 
one of these computers.

The details:
Risk name: HTTP Acrobat PDF file suspicious download
File: jquery.js
Network traffic from site address matches the signature of a known attack.

We've been running NAV 2009 on three machines in here for quite a few 
weeks now - I use Firefox and NAV (not through personal choice, I might 
add), and haven't seen this error pop up.

Anyone got any ideas how to reverse Norton's stance on this? Surely it 
HAS to be a false positive but now we've got two machines that won't run 
jQuery as a result!

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Norton thinks jQuery is a virus?

2008-12-10 Thread Michael Price

Christof Donat wrote:


Anyone got any ideas? This is now happening to one of our guys on any
site he visits that is using jQuery. Even interface.js got blocked at
one point..

Risk name: HTTP Acrobat PDF file suspicious download
File: jquery.js

Are you shure, your Server does not deliver .js Files as application/pdf?

Na - it's happening on other sites not built by us as well - we think we 
might have it nailed down to a specific jQuery version though - 
1.1.something, possibly. I'm not seeing anything when I go to the same 
sites that they are, and I'm using Norton '09 as well - the only 
difference is I'm on Firefox, not IE.

Appart from that: Norton is considered harmfull.

I know - like I said, not my choice :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Norton thinks jQuery is a virus?

2008-12-10 Thread Michael Price

Alright, this is getting weirder. One of the lads got a blocked attack 
on a site not using jQuery - so I went there - now I'VE got a blocked 
attack on the same website, in Firefox, and the suspect script is 
opensocial.js from gmodules.com which doesn't actually contain any 
jQuery as far as I can tell. Same PDF attack method as Norton claimed 
in my original post.

Has Norton's latest update just completely screwed it up or something?

Michael Price

Michael Price wrote:

Christof Donat wrote:


Anyone got any ideas? This is now happening to one of our guys on any
site he visits that is using jQuery. Even interface.js got blocked at
one point..

Risk name: HTTP Acrobat PDF file suspicious download
File: jquery.js

Are you shure, your Server does not deliver .js Files as application/pdf?

Na - it's happening on other sites not built by us as well - we think we 
might have it nailed down to a specific jQuery version though - 
1.1.something, possibly. I'm not seeing anything when I go to the same 
sites that they are, and I'm using Norton '09 as well - the only 
difference is I'm on Firefox, not IE.

Appart from that: Norton is considered harmfull.

I know - like I said, not my choice :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Leandro's Lightbox and sIFR

2008-10-13 Thread Michael Price

'lo all,
We're designing a website here at the mo which was previously in the 
hands of one of the other guys, who'd done a Lightbox on a gallery page 
using Prototype / Scriptaculous / Lightbox from huddletogether.com.

The page in question also uses sIFR and when the Lightbox is opened, the 
sIFR Flash shows through over the top, which looks messy.

I thought I'd rip the P/S Lightbox out and replace it with Leandro's 
from http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/ but 
unfortunately it suffers from the same problem. I thought it used the 
bgiframe plugin if available but perhaps not. Is this an easy fix or is 
there another one I can use?

All help appreciated :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Read AJAX response in transit?

2008-09-17 Thread Michael Price

Thank you both for your suggestions - I'll give them a try and see
what I come up with. The script in question takes about 5 minutes so
if I can get something going via your suggestions it'll keep people
happy :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Read AJAX response in transit?

2008-09-16 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Is there any way to use jQuery to stream an AJAX response as it's 

For example, I'm running a long script via AJAX and I want to post 
progress updates on the screen as it goes - at certain intervals I 
output a percentage via the AJAX script which my page can then read and 
update on screen.

Does this make sense, and is it possible?

Michael Price

[jQuery] XML filtering

2008-08-22 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I have two XML files - one is a list of categories, laid out like this:

categoryNameThe Category/categoryName

And a subcategory XML file laid out like this:
subcategoryNameThe Subcategory/subcategoryName

The category XML populates a select box. When that select box is 
changed, a second select box for subcategory is populated using the 
subcategory XML finding any records with the categoryID chosen in the 
first box.

What I'm struggling with is how to filter the subcategory list according 
to the value of the child categoryID tag BEFORE doing .each() on it. At 
the moment I'm going through every subcategory and manually comparing 
the categoryID child to the chosen categoryID - can I filter this using 
jQuery so I don't have to do that?

This is my current code: http://pastebin.com/m236603b

All help appreciated. :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Cycle / carousel with partial images on either side?

2008-07-04 Thread Michael Price

Mike Alsup wrote:

Wondering if there's an easy way to do this, either with the Cycle
plugin by Mike Alsup or a similar plugin.

We have a set of images scrolling left to right, but is it possible to
show a little bit of the images on either side as well? ie.

div| A |  |  ALL OF B |  | C |/div

So in the above example, the right edge of image A and left edge of
image C can be seen either side of image B. Then the scroll happens:

div| B |  |  ALL OF C |  | D |/div

C is now visible with B's right edge on and D's left edge on either side.

Hope I've explained this adequately - all help would be greatly
appreciated. :)

Cycle won't handle that out of the box; you'd have to write a custom
transition.  This page shows you how you can define your own


Hi Mike,
I'll give that a shot - thanks! :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Naivgate with lightbox / thickbox etc.?

2008-06-19 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Working on a site for a client at the moment and they would like to do 
the following:

Given a list of search results, when a result is clicked a widget 
opens - currently in a new window. Our client would instead like this 
widget to open over the top of the current page, thickbox style. The 
widget consists of several separate pages navigable via a tab bar at the 
top of each. So not only would we need to open the widget in a thickbox, 
we'd need to be able to navigate within the thickbox as if it was a new 
browser window.

Which of the many plugins out there would be best for achieving this? 
The site is only on jQ 1.2.3 so compatibility needs to aim here.

Thanks :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Validate plugin - validate only PART of a form

2008-06-11 Thread Michael Price

Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

Take a look at this multipart form, it uses the accordion and custom
methods to split validation across parts:

I'll check that out - thanks :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Validate plugin - validate only PART of a form

2008-06-10 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
About to use Jorn's validation plugin on a project but I'm splitting the 
form into two parts. The user fills in the top half, clicks a button and 
- if it validates - the second half of the form is shown.

My question then, is it possible to only partially validate a form using 
the validator plugin? Say in this instance I only want to validate the 
values in the top half

Is this easy to do? Thanks for any help :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Get co-ordinates of click on image

2008-05-30 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Working on something for a client at the moment - they have a map and 
they want to pinpoint where on this map something is, and then store 
this in the database.

I'm thinking we put an image of the map in the admin area for them and 
they can click on it to set the co-ords, but I'm not sure how we'd fetch 
the co-ords of where they clicked? Just as X,Y pixels from the top left 
of the image, nowt too clever.

$(#map).click(function() {

Does anyone have any thoughts? All help much appreciated :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Get co-ordinates of click on image

2008-05-30 Thread Michael Price

tlob wrote:

the docs are good for searching... so is google:


On May 30, 1:02 pm, Michael Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
Working on something for a client at the moment - they have a map and
they want to pinpoint where on this map something is, and then store
this in the database.

I'm thinking we put an image of the map in the admin area for them and
they can click on it to set the co-ords, but I'm not sure how we'd fetch
the co-ords of where they clicked? Just as X,Y pixels from the top left
of the image, nowt too clever.

$(#map).click(function() {


Does anyone have any thoughts? All help much appreciated :)

Michael Price

Regards, Michael Price - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Edward Robertson Ltd.  - 1 Bondgate, Darlington, DL3 7JA
Direct: 01325 245077   - http://www.edwardrobertson.co.uk
Office: 01325 489333   - http://www.internetwebsitedesign.co.uk
Registered Address:
1 Bondgate, Darlington, County Durham, DL3 7JA, UK
Registration Number: 3931089 - Company registered in England
This electronic message transmission contains information from
Edward Robertson Limited that may be proprietary, confidential
and/or privileged. The information is intended only for the use
of the individual(s) or entity named above. If you are not the
intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying,
distribution or use of the contents of this information is
prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission
in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to
the address listed in the From: field.

[jQuery] Re: Get co-ordinates of click on image

2008-05-30 Thread Michael Price

tlob wrote:

the docs are good for searching... so is google:

That did the trick, thanks :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Validator plugin problem with radio buttons

2008-05-21 Thread Michael Price

I have two radio buttons on a form - one to select payment by card, 
another to select an alternate method.

I'm using Jorn's validation plugin to validate the credit card fields 
but ONLY IF the credit card radio is ticked:

CCType: { required: $(#paycredit).is(:checked) }

However, this isn't working quite right - the button is checked by 
default when the page loads. I uncheck it, and it STILL executes the 
validation. If, on the other hand, I load the page with the ALTERNATE 
button ticked, the validation proceeds as expected and doesn't validate 
the credit card fields.

I'm a version or two behind on the plugin but I wondered what the 
correct fix for this was? I'm thinking I might have the syntax wrong.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: BlockUI: Strange flickering behavior.

2008-05-21 Thread Michael Price

Chris Jordan wrote:
Just to clarify, in order to see the problem (especially in FF -- it 
looks a little different in IE) mouse over one of the thumbnails in the 
center of the page, and then leave the mouse there. You don't have to do 
any further movement of the mouse to see the problem happening.

Thanks everyone. I really, really need help on this. :o(

Downloaded a copy of the page via Firefox and tried changing your 
bindings to use the hover function - seemed to work OK but I'm still 
getting the eggtimer over the images for some reason:

$(.thumb).hover(function() {
},function() {

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: UI Tabs - disable AJAX functionality?

2008-04-28 Thread Michael Price

Just spotted your reply - I've since incorporated the page in question
into an extra tab on the same page anyway but will keep this in mind
if I need it again in future - thanks! :)

On 25 Apr, 12:27, Scott González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Apr 24, 2:30 pm, Michael Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,
  I've got a row of five tabs and I'm using Klaus' Tabs plugin to handle
  them. I want four of them to use the standard tab functionality. The
  fifth and final tab is actually a link to a different page, but if I try
  to click this link the page is loaded into the CURRENT page via the tab
  extension's AJAX functionality.

  Is there a way the AJAX loading can be disabled so that the browser can
  follow this link normally instead?

  Michael Price

[jQuery] UI Tabs - disable AJAX functionality?

2008-04-24 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I've got a row of five tabs and I'm using Klaus' Tabs plugin to handle 
them. I want four of them to use the standard tab functionality. The 
fifth and final tab is actually a link to a different page, but if I try 
to click this link the page is loaded into the CURRENT page via the tab 
extension's AJAX functionality.

Is there a way the AJAX loading can be disabled so that the browser can 
follow this link normally instead?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Animate to bottom left corner?

2008-04-07 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Got an image absolutely positioned inside a relatively positioned DIV. 
When I mouseover it, it stretches via jQ's built in animation functions 
to a wider, taller version.

Awful ASCII art coming up:

| XX |

So it's going from the top left corner. Is it possible to make the 
animation run from the BOTTOM left corner?

| XX |

All help gratefully received :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Animate to bottom left corner?

2008-04-07 Thread Michael Price

Karl Swedberg wrote:
I think this is just a matter of setting the image's CSS properties 
properly. Instead of using a top property, use bottom:

img.someclass {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;

Karl, that's brilliant. Works perfectly!

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: div select and change it's css

2008-02-15 Thread Michael Price

yabado wrote:

div id=section class=section1 Stuff /div
div id=section class=section2 Stuff /div
div id=section class=section3 Stuff /div
div id=section class=section4 Stuff /div
div id=section class=section5 Stuff /div

If this isn't pseudo-code then you've got your IDs and classes the wrong 
way round here, I think...

Anyway, the way I usually do it (and someone will be along shortly with 
a better method, I don't doubt, but it works for me) is have the CSS for 
the highlight in a new class. Then on click I REMOVE this class from all 
of them, then I ADD the class to the clicked DIV. Code for basic idea 

$(.section).click(function() {

jQuery being what it is, there's bound to be a way of doing
this in one line, though :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: put the value back in the input (Beginner)

2008-02-15 Thread Michael Price

tlob wrote:

works like a charm!

Excellent :)

but I dont get it...
-blur is the opposite of focus, right?

Yep - focus is triggered when the user tabs or clicks into the input - 
blur is triggered when they tab or click out of it so it's no longer the 
active element.

-why do you chain it after the focus?

'tis the jQuery way! What we're basically doing is saying with the 
input in #schnellsuche, add a focus handler, then add a blur handler.

-with [0].defaultValue you restore the first value that was stored in
an array?

Not quite. If you imagine $(this) as an array of DOM objects within 
jQuery, then $(this)[0] is a way to access the first (or in this case, 
only) DOM object. jQuery doesn't have a built in way to retrieve the 
default value of an input, so we have to nip back into the DOM 
momentarily in order to retrieve it.

-does JS store every changed value of every element in an array?

The DOM contains a defaultValue attribute for every text input, textarea 
and select box. Not sure about checkboxes and radio buttons.

I invite other people to clear up any parts of my reply which aren't 
totally accurate (you can tell I have faith in my ability to explain 
things properly, I must say this in every post!)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: [Validate] Two fields, one error message

2008-02-06 Thread Michael Price

Currently the best approach is a custom method that checks both fields, 
but is added only to one of them. If you have two fields side-by-side 
its good for message display to add the rule to the right one.

As that question now came up a few times I've added 
(http://dev.jquery.com/changeset/4648) an example to the 
Its not perfect yet, focusing the invalid field needs to know which 
field is acutally invalid.

Let me know if that works for you

Hi Jorn,
I'll give that a try, thanks!

Michael Price

[jQuery] [Validate] Two fields, one error message

2008-02-05 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Hoping (and betting) that this is a simple fix but I have two fields - 
the month and year of a card expiry date. Both of them need to have a 
selection made, but I only want to show ONE error message if EITHER of 
them are left blank.

At the moment, if both fields are left blank, two error messages appear 
underneath the boxes. Is there a way to tie both fields together so only 
one message is displayed?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Repeating last AJAX action

2008-02-05 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Another little query requiring assistance :)

I've got an AJAX search form - you type in a search keyword, underneath 
the box you get a list of matches and prices. There are also other AJAX 
forms for searching by category, drilling down through a category tree, 
and searching by series of books - meaning the source of the search 
results can be one of a few different searches.

The prices differ according to what sort of customer you've said you are 
in another dropdown (there's a trade discount scheme, basically).

If a customer performs a search, they see one set of prices - if they 
then change their customer type I'd like to re-execute the last search, 
and redisplay the results with the new price. What are people's 
recommendations on the best way to go about doing this?

As ever, all help gratefully received :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Cycle CountUp

2008-02-04 Thread Michael Price

caruso_g wrote:

Is it possible to set a time countdown but making it global, i.e. that
any visitor will see the remaining time?
Something like a countdown to a special offer, and so on.

I guess you could synchronise your countdown's start variable with the 
server side clock - say an offer starts at 4pm and it's 3pm now, your 
server-side code feeds a variable to your JS saying there's an hour to 
go and you take it from there?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Problem with siblings(?) in IE6

2008-02-01 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Unfortunately I can't post all of the code because the page in question 
is still in development and when live will be IP restricted but I'm 
hoping the code I'm about to provide will be sufficient.

Given the following table cell:
input class=SearchProdID type=hidden value=460 name=ProdID/
input class=SearchQty type=text value=1 size=2 name=qty/
input class=cartadd type=button value=+ name=searchcartadd/

The following JavaScript works in FF2 and IE7 but not in IE6:

$(.cartadd).click(function() {  
IDBox  = $(this);   
ProdID = $(this).siblings(.SearchProdID).val(); 
Qty= $(this).siblings(.SearchQty).val();



In FF2 and IE7 Here is alerted and the entire function (which later 
posts these variables via AJAX) runs perfectly. In IE6 I don't get the 
alert. If I alert IDBox right after the line where it's set, I get 
[object Object] which I believe is correct, but as soon as it hits the 
next lines involving siblings, it just stops dead - no error, no 
warning, nothing.

Can anyone shed any light on a cause or solution? Much appreciated if 
you can. :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Problem with siblings(?) in IE6

2008-02-01 Thread Michael Price

Given the following table cell:
input class=SearchProdID type=hidden value=460 name=ProdID/
input class=SearchQty type=text value=1 size=2 name=qty/
input class=cartadd type=button value=+ name=searchcartadd/

The following JavaScript works in FF2 and IE7 but not in IE6:

$(.cartadd).click(function() {   
IDBox  = $(this);   
ProdID = $(this).siblings(.SearchProdID).val();   
Qty= $(this).siblings(.SearchQty).val();



In FF2 and IE7 Here is alerted and the entire function (which later 
posts these variables via AJAX) runs perfectly. In IE6 I don't get the 
alert. If I alert IDBox right after the line where it's set, I get 
[object Object] which I believe is correct, but as soon as it hits the 
next lines involving siblings, it just stops dead - no error, no 
warning, nothing.

Following up to my own post but while I was waiting for my post to 
appear in the group I decided to try changing the variable name from 
ProdID to ProductID - and it worked!

A near identical piece of code was having a similar problem so I changed 
the variable from SeriesName to SeriesID - and that fixed the problem 
there too!

My theory here is that if you look at the above snippets, the hidden 
form elements in both cases had the names ProdID and SeriesName, so 
they were already defined as variables and IE6 had a problem with 
overwriting or reassigning them somehow?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Duplicate values in form fields

2007-11-29 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Need a little help turning theory into code!

I have a series of text boxes in a form - there could be hundreds of 
them, all of which have the class bbi. Most of them are disabled, but 
can be enabled by clicking a tickbox (basically it's a list of 
advertisers and if the tick is ticked, the box opens up to put a 
reference code in).

I need to write some code that, when the form is submitted, checks all 
the filled in .bbi boxes to ensure there are no duplicate values in 
them. But I keep getting into an infinite loop :(

I don't have my work in progress code to show anyone as I dimwittedly 
removed it so I could get the form up. If anyone has an example of how 
they've done something similar (or if there's a plugin kicking about) 
I'd appreciate the help. Thanks!

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Duplicate values in form fields

2007-11-29 Thread Michael Price

Hi Wizzud,
I'll give that a try - thanks! :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Spam - not a complaint, more an observation

2007-11-07 Thread Michael Price

I've noticed a steady increase in the amount of spam coming through to 
the jQuery lists I'm subscribed to (jquery-en and jquery-ui) - this 
isn't a complaint as hitting Delete to get rid of it takes about half a 
second to do but I'd been under the impression first posts to the group 
were filtered to stop spam getting through?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Interface v1.2 Error with jQuery v1.2.1

2007-11-06 Thread Michael Price

Nicolae Namolovan wrote:

So, have anybody found a eq of interface's
SlideOutLeft,SlideOutRight,SlideInLeft,SlideOutRight what does work
with jQuery 1.2.1 ?

I suspect it's because Interface is relatively old (in jQuery terms 
anyway), no longer maintained and may not be entirely compatible with 
the jQuery 1.2.x API. You may need to find another plugin capable of 
performing similar effects (jQuery UI eventually, maybe?). While I don't 
know of any, I'm sure you'll get a few suggestions from people here.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Star rating plugins

2007-11-02 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Have a feeling a little later on I'm going to be doing a reviews system 
for a client of ours. Naturally I wish to use jQuery and if it's a five 
star system, use one of the star rating plugins. Which would people 
recommend, that work with jQuery 1.2.x?

All suggestions appreciated! :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Replicating Prototype lightbox with jQuery

2007-10-08 Thread Michael Price

'ello all,
I was using Thickbox on an image gallery to show enlarged pictures - so 
far, so good. Until the boss points at one of our other sites where the 
enlarge viewer drops open, slides sideways, then the close button drops 
down afterwards - and says he wants it to work like that. I thought it 
looked familiar so I viewed source. Sure enough, it was the Prototype 


I don't want to use Proto if I can get away with it (nothing WRONG with 
it, per se - I'm just a jQuery fanboy!) so is there a jQuery equivalent 
to this or any way I can mod Thickbox to make this happen?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Replicating Prototype lightbox with jQuery

2007-10-08 Thread Michael Price

Andy Matthews wrote:

Someone JUST posted a link to their direct jQuery Lightbox conversion.

Which is exactly the one I just found on Google as well :)

I think instead of think before you speak I should invest time in 
Google before you type - although that would be tricky since you have 
to type in order to Google so never mind!

Thanks for pointing that out Andy, and thanks Leandro for the excellent 
looking plugin!

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Replicating Prototype lightbox with jQuery

2007-10-08 Thread Michael Price

Andy Matthews wrote:

Hey Michael...I hope you didn't take offense at my comment. I wasn't try ing
to be rude. I was just surprised that you asked that question right after
someone posted the answer. I just thought it was a really fun coincidence.

No offence taken - sorry if my tone implied I was at all upset by your 
reply - it was funny that I'd ask a question right after someone had 
posted the answer though. :)

Michael Price


2007-09-20 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
One of the UK's biggest retailers of video games has evidently jumped on 
board :)


Using jCarousel on the homepage and some brokerage, not sure where or 
what else they're using yet as I thought I'd post this first and then go 
looking for that copy of Singstar I need to buy

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Falling at the first hurdle

2007-09-17 Thread Michael Price

Jay wrote:

Having major problems getting anything set up here.

On the above page it says I should download the files mentioned and
put them in my scripts folder which I did.
In my page (aspx) I have this
script type=text/javascript src=scripts/jquery-1.2.pack.js
script type=text/javascript src=scripts/thickbox.js

I can't claim to be a .NET expert (even though I've been trying to learn 
it for three years!) but should those tags have runat=server in them? 
They're meant to be run by the client - this might be your problem. Try 
taking the runat attribute out and see if it helps.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Jorn's validation library, validate against default value

2007-09-11 Thread Michael Price

Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
Your best bet, and most unobtrusive, is to avoid using default values 
for labels: 

Otherwise, you can still implement that as a custom method. See 

Hi Jorn,
Cheers for the tips, will give them a try! :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Jorn's validation library, validate against default value

2007-09-10 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
We've got two input boxes on a form for the user to type their name in 
to. The client has requested Forename and Surname appear in these 
boxes by default as a hint to ensure they know what goes in which box.

I want to validate these fields using Jorn's validation to ensure that 
they are not just the default values. Either by doing exactly this 
(preferable as I could re-use it), or checking they don't say Forename 
or Surname would be fine. What would be the best way of going about 
this? Thanks!

Michael Price

[jQuery] JCarousel not auto-starting

2007-08-31 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I've got a list of about 13 images which I want to scroll horizontally 
using Jan's excellent jCarousel. I want it to auto-scroll three at a 
time, same as the example on his site:


However, when I set up my list and use it's ID to jCarousel, like the 
one in the example:

auto: 3,
wrap: last

It doesn't move automatically. If I allow the buttons to remain in place 
then I can use those to scroll left and right, but never automatically.

This is on a site using jQuery and I've tried it with the script 
included in the jC download. Any suggestions?

The site in question is still under development so I can't show where it 
is, unfortunately. If I had more time I'd put a small testcase together 
but alas, I'm running a little short on that commodity at the mo.

Thanks for any help offered!

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Getting the nearest label

2007-08-22 Thread Michael Price

Giovanni Battista Lenoci wrote:

Hi, i'm looking in API/1.1.2/DOM/Traversing section of the doc for what 
I'm tryng to do...

I think siblings() could be my function, but don't know how to use it..

I've a form like this:

label for=test/label
input id=test
label for=test/label
input id=test2

After the submit I do some server-side controls, then if there are 
errors I reload the page and in a hidden field I put the ids of the 
wrong fields.

Then in document ready I want to load those id and add a class to 
nearest(prev) label to change the color.

For example if the hidden field contains test I want to change the 
color of the first label.

If I'm understanding you right, once you have the ID you need, you could 
find the associated label via:

$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).whatever().wherever();

Replacing test in the above with whatever the ID is.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: What does Unobtrusive Javascript mean?

2007-08-16 Thread Michael Price

What does Unobtrusive Javascript mean?

I won't be the only one who answers this, I'm sure, but I'll try and 
explain it as best I can.

As you'll probably be aware, a lot of users, due to personal preference, 
or firewall or proxy restrictions, browse the web without JavaScript, 
meaning they miss out on all of the cool effects and tricks it's capable 
of. This would include jQuery - no JavaScript, no jQ.

Unobtrusive JavaScript is a term used to describe the application of 
JS to ENHANCE a page, rather than as a requirement of that page. The 
ultimate aim of any well crafted website is that it should be usable 
regardless of the technologies on a user's machine. A HTML version of a 
Flash only website might not look as good, but if the user doesn't or 
can't have Flash installed it's what they get.

Likewise, if you develop a page which will work perfectly well without 
JavaScript, then you can add the snazzy effects in afterwards. A website 
should never REQUIRE JavaScript to work. Adding effects in without 
impairing basic functionality is what unobtrusive JavaScript is.

As an example - you may decide to program a form to require a user to 
tick a checkbox in order to activate a submit button e.g. I accept the 
terms and conditions. If you have the submit button disabled by default 
and use JavaScript to enable it on the clicking of the checkbox, then 
you're in trouble - people with JavaScript can't submit your form.

On the other hand, if you leave the button enabled by default, THEN 
apply JavaScript to turn it off and re-enable it, then you're safe. Your 
server side script can then check the terms box was ticked. This is 
unobtrusive - the form works without JavaScript. A small example but I 
hope it helps to clarify things.

Hope that made sense. I rarely do. :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: [Slight OT] Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-09 Thread Michael Price

Hi Tane,
Excellent plugin, first of all - I plan to start using it on client 
sites which have jQ + Google Maps in the near future.

However, that's all it will be - Google Maps. I get the general 
impression that Google's Maps API is far more popular than Yahoo, and 
not just on this list - I've never actually seen any sites using Yahoo's 
API - if I see a map, it's Google. If I MAKE a map, it's Google.

So, to sum up, another vote for Google here. :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Add class to specific list items

2007-08-07 Thread Michael Price

Glen Lipka wrote:
Even though Ive been using jQuery for a while, I still go to this page 
all the time.

I can't remember all of it by heart. :)

Near the bottom is has one like the one you wanted,  $(p:gt(2))

So we just change it a little to  $(li:gt(7)) and you got it.

Perfect, thanks. I KNEW I wouldn't have to wait too long for an answer :)


[jQuery] Re: A jQuery success story

2007-07-20 Thread Michael Price
Well, the old ways ARE dead to me now - I can't think of a situation 
where I'll ever need to write regular old JavaScript again :)

But I DID look up eulogise before I posted just to make sure it would be 
an appropriate word and I think, from the definitions I found, I got 
away with it either way :)

Put me down for complete revolution on that poll, I must've missed it!

Glen Lipka wrote:

That's awesome.  One minor note:
Convinced by my arguments and eulogising,  I think you meant 

Unless you were declaring that old javascript programming is dead.  In 
which case, eulogizing is perfect. :)

jQuery has changed alot of our lives.  In the recent survey, it was asked:
How much has jQuery changed your development style?
100 responses:
It hasnt: none
Maybe a little: 11
Major Overhail 21
Complete revolution: 43

Keep up the great work!


On 7/20/07, *Christopher Jordan* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is awesome, Michael! Great work! And keep spreading the
jQuery goodness around. :o)


On 7/20/07, * Sean Catchpole*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A Great Story Michael, thank you.



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[jQuery] jQuery in latest Sitepoint Design View

2007-07-18 Thread Michael Price

Got the Sitepoint Tech Times newsletter last night and in it there's a 
rather cool tutorial on using jQuery to create a page turning widget:


Ironically (I guess), it's being used to promote their book Simply 
Javascript which I don't think actually involves jQuery at all, but hey. 
Cool tutorial. :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Interface Autocomplete autofill

2007-07-13 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I've got a text box which is hooked in to an Interface autocomplete. As 
you type it searches for client names in our database and returns the 
client name and client ID in the XML. The client ID is passed to a 
hidden form field when an option is selected from the displayed list but 
this does NOT appear to be happening if the autofill fills in the box.

So to sum up, I need the autocomplete to populate the client ID when it 
autofills the search box with the most appropriate option. Is this possible?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Draggable Thickbox?

2007-07-12 Thread Michael Price

ricardoe wrote:

Why dont you try a Window widget?
Like the Interface Window

'tis good, I like it, thanks. :)

However, not long after posting (as it always the way) I found jqModal, 
so at the moment I'm trying that out - client seems pleased although 
evidently if the window has a scroll bar then clicking on the scroll bar 
drags the window around the screen too! Will have to try and fix that 

Michael Price

[jQuery] Show / hide options based on class

2007-07-12 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I've got two select boxes side by side - initially the right hand side 
box has ALL options in it - and the left hand box can be used to filter 
the options displayed.

Probably not the best way to do it (in fact, defintiely - it doesn't 
work in IE) but the left hand list has options whose values correspond 
to class names of the options in the right hand list. When an option in 
the left hand list is selected, all options in the right hand one which 
DON'T have this class are hidden, and all which DO are displayed. Using 
$(option . + className).show() and .hide() works in Firefox but not in IE.

Is there a better approach to this?
Regards, Michael Price - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[jQuery] Re: Show / hide options based on class

2007-07-12 Thread Michael Price

Marc Jansen wrote:

var $possibleOptsRight;

$( document ).ready(function() {
 $possibleOptsRight = $('#rightselectlist option');
 $( '#leftselectlist' ).bind('change', function() {
 .append( $possibleOptsRight ).children()
 .not('.' + $(this).val() ).hide();

I'll give this a try, thanks. :)

Michael Price

[jQuery] Draggable Thickbox?

2007-07-11 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I'm using a thickbox to display some content on a client's website. 
They've now asked if it would be possible to drag the box around the 
screen (presumably in case it's obscuring something) - is there an easy 
way to make the Thickbox draggable or, alternatively, a different plugin 
which offers similar functionality AND the ability to drag?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: How to change of an input textbox

2007-07-09 Thread Michael Price

$(#ID).val(New value);

variablename = $(#ID).val();

To retrieve it.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: 3D carousel?

2007-07-09 Thread Michael Price

Fred Janon wrote:
Has anyone done or know how to do a carousel like the 3D circular 
carousel in Flash in Amazon? It looks pretty cool. Forgive me if the 
link doesn't work for you but the carousel shows the best-seller books 
in a 3D circular carousel.

Hi Fred,
There's one in the Interface effects library as well:

You can see it demonstrated from the above link, near the bottom of the 
Technical Demos list.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Interface drag/drop: Limiting number of items

2007-06-28 Thread Michael Price

Here's a tricky one (although it probably won't turn out that way in the 

I've got two unordered lists and I'm using Interface to allow items to 
be dragged between the two. However, if possible I'd like to limit the 
top list to only contain a maximum of 3 items, with any further items in 
the bottom list. If an item is dragged into the top list, any item 
outside the top 3 moves down into the bottom list.

I've honestly got no idea where to start with this - can anyone provide 
some tips?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Could anyone send me a copy of Catfish Advert Plugin 1.3.

2007-06-22 Thread Michael Price

Logan Cai wrote:

could you send me a copy of Catfish-Advert-Plugin-1.3, if you have.

I don't think the problem is the plugin. The one I sent may well have 
been 1.3, but I think Catfish was written for jQuery 1.0.x and obviously 
we're on 1.1.x now and there may be incompatibilities between the two 
which prevent Catfish from working on newer versions of jQuery. This 
isn't something anyone can fix unless someone takes over development of 
the plugin or Matt, the original author, gets his website back online 
and updates it himself.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Could anyone send me a copy of Catfish Advert Plugin 1.3.

2007-06-21 Thread Michael Price

Su wrote:
When you go 24hours without reposting this question, I'll go digging 
through the archive I'm pretty sure has a copy of it.

I sent him a version I had - not sure it was 1.3 though. The last 
mention of it on Google was only 1.2 anyway.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Interface Sortables

2007-06-11 Thread Michael Price

Hi Robert,
Sorry for the delayed reply but your post gave me a good starting
point - this is how I did it in the end:

$(document).ready(function() {
accept:   dragtag,
axis: vertically,
onchange: function() {
theIds = ;
$(#pagelist li).each(function() {
theIds += $(this).attr(id).replace(page,) 
+ ,;


On 7 Jun, 16:54, Robert O'Rourke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Price wrote:

  Say I've got this list:

  ul id=sortable
  li id=element1stuff/li
  li id=element2stuff/li
  li id=element3stuff/li

  UsingInterfacesortables I want to get a comma separated list of list
  item IDs after I've done some dragging. Say I've been doing some
  dragging and it's now:

  ul id=sortable
  li id=element3stuff/li
  li id=element1stuff/li
  li id=element2stuff/li

  I can use SortSerialize but this gives me the POST-ready version. I
  just need element3,element1,element2.

  What is the best way to achieve this?

  Michael Price

 var listIds = $(#sortableli).attr(id);

 Is how I'd do it. Whether it'll work or not I don't know...

[jQuery] Re: Form with multipart/form-data not working

2007-06-11 Thread Michael Price

Looking at the sample form code provided, it doesn't look like it needs 
multipart/form-data anyway - isn't that only required when a file is 
being uploaded as part of the form submission?

Michael Price

Mike Alsup wrote:

jQuery does not perform multipart/form-data encoding.  It uses
JavaScript's encodeURIComponent function to encode data so the correct
enctype is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


On 6/11/07, Neil Merton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to use the following example with a form that contains
multipart/form-data in it but the ajax part won't work -

If I remove the enctype=multipart/form-data from the form tag it

Here's the code...

script type=text/javascript src=/code/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript
product_code: $('#product_code').val()
'+escape(response)+'), 400);

return false;
function finishAjax(id, response)

form action=/checkproductcode.cfm method=post enctype=multipart/
input type=text name=product_code id=product_code
class=button size=50 /
span id=loadingimg src=ajax-loader.gif alt=Loading... 

span id=result/span
br /
input type=submit value=Send /

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any replies

Regards, Michael Price - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Registration Number: 3931089 - Company registered in England
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in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to
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[jQuery] Interface Sortables

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Price

Say I've got this list:

ul id=sortable
li id=element1stuff/li
li id=element2stuff/li  
li id=element3stuff/li

Using Interface sortables I want to get a comma separated list of list 
item IDs after I've done some dragging. Say I've been doing some 
dragging and it's now:

ul id=sortable
li id=element3stuff/li
li id=element1stuff/li  
li id=element2stuff/li

I can use SortSerialize but this gives me the POST-ready version. I just 
need element3,element1,element2.

What is the best way to achieve this?

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: security advice

2007-06-05 Thread Michael Price

Hi Michael,
On my website I have a lot of pages called via AJAX, some of which are 
quite sensitive (private messages, user submission data etc.). At the 
top of every page I have a PHP include which, as well as opening the 
database connection etc., also includes code to check and authenticate a 
user if login data e.g. a cookie or session is detected.

I also include this include at the top of all my AJAX pages and ensure 
any database queries are tightly written to ensure they only pull out 
the relevant data.

e.g. logged in user is ID number is 1234, trying to read private message 
number 5678, my SQL is:

SELECT * FROM private_messages WHERE to_user_id = 1234 and message_id = 

If the user is then trying to hack the message ID it won't work. 
Additionally, if a user isn't logged in then the include and / or script 
knows this and can stop the call and print an error message.

I guess what I'm trying to say is apply the same level of security to 
your AJAX scripts as you do to the rest of your PHP.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Problem getting first paragraph

2007-06-05 Thread Michael Price

Try this.

Given the following HTML:
div id=book
div class=page
pParagraph one, page one/p

pParagraph two, page one/p

pParagraph three, page one/p
div class=page
pParagraph one, page two/p

pParagraph two, page two/p

pParagraph three, page two/p
div class=page
pParagraph one, page three/p

pParagraph two, page three/p

pParagraph three, page three/p
div class=page
pParagraph one, page four/p

pParagraph two, page four/p

pParagraph three, page four/p
div class=page
pParagraph one, page five/p

pParagraph two, page five/p

pParagraph three, page five/p

The following jQuery code should do the trick:
$(#book .page).each(function() {

The result of five minutes messing about, it seems to do what you're 
after but I'm sure it can be improved upon.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Interface TransferTo

2007-06-01 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
I was trying to use the Interface TransferTo function last night and 
although I wasn't getting any errors, the function also wasn't working - 
nothing was happening, it was as if the function was being completely 

I had a custom-built interface.js containing all the effects from the 
middle column on the build your download page, plus autocomplete from 
the right hand column (for use elsewhere on my site) - when I used the 
full 78k interface.js file from the download on the website, it worked fine.

Which other pieces of interface do I need to select on the page in order 
to make transfer animations work, instead of using the full file? Any 
help much appreciated!

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Interface TransferTo

2007-06-01 Thread Michael Price


Check the dependencies part of the site - most things will require
iutils.js though :)

According to that, ifxtransfer.js requires iutils.js and ifx.js - I'd 
assume iutils is included in the download by default (there's no option 
for it on the page to build a download) and I selected everything in the 
effects column which would give me ifx.js as well I think?

In my opinion the whole Interface site needs an overhaul - with better
documentation for the various parts - what's there at the moment
doesn't really help.

It - along with the examples - has gotten me to the point I'm at now so 
I'm managing OK and I'd hardly call myself an expert in this field.

Really cool library too, I think I'm going to have a use for that 3D 
carousel in future..

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: using jquery to see if an ID occurs twice

2007-05-18 Thread Michael Price

No, that won't work. And ID-selector returns always zero or one 
elements. But you can use this:

$([EMAIL PROTECTED]).size()  1

Fair enough, I learn something new every day :)

I just assumed (bad idea) it would work, I was coding off the top of my 
head, so to speak.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: using jquery to see if an ID occurs twice

2007-05-18 Thread Michael Price



How can I use JQuery to discover if a particular ID occurs twice in my
page?  I can't use View Source' because the DOM is changing as the
user interacts with the page.


if ($(#your_id_here).length  1) {

This should fire the code if the ID occurs more than once.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: test if element as a class

2007-04-27 Thread Michael Price

Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:

i'm trying to test a condition whether a link has a given class, and 
have it return true or false.
if ($(this).attr(class)=='refresh') {

   alert(changing page);
return true;
return false;

Try, from memory:
if ($(this).is(.CLASSNAME)) {
} else {

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Preview of my new website

2007-04-24 Thread Michael Price

On Apr 23, 8:59 am, Michael Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a video preview of the new version of Cyberscore which I'm hoping
 to launch in the summer:


 It's a 21mb WMV file about 12 minutes in length with professional (arf!)
 narration by yours truly. jQuery is going to be used quite heavily
 throughout and that's why I'm linking this here, so people can see what
 I'm doing with it already - and I'm not finished yet! Listen out for the
 namecheck partway through as well :)

 Hope you like it - the feedback on my own forums has been very positive!

Hi again all,
Did anyone else have any thoughts on this? I realise video isn't the
best way to deliver the preview but given the site is a few months
from going live I thought it was - for now - the best way to highlight
the features jQuery has allowed me to add to the site.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Preview of my new website

2007-04-23 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Here's a video preview of the new version of Cyberscore which I'm hoping 
to launch in the summer:


It's a 21mb WMV file about 12 minutes in length with professional (arf!) 
narration by yours truly. jQuery is going to be used quite heavily 
throughout and that's why I'm linking this here, so people can see what 
I'm doing with it already - and I'm not finished yet! Listen out for the 
namecheck partway through as well :)

Hope you like it - the feedback on my own forums has been very positive!

Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: Preview of my new website

2007-04-23 Thread Michael Price

Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:

Here's a video preview of the new version of Cyberscore which I'm hoping
to launch in the summer:


Looks like you've put a lot of time and hard work into the project! Here's
to a little premature congratulations!

Thanks :)

I unveiled it on what was the site's 5th birthday and I'm hoping to have 
it launched in the summer - will look forward to taking my place on the 
jQuery sites list among some truly great sites.

Michael Price

[jQuery] Input inside table cell

2007-04-04 Thread Michael Price

Hi all,
Thanks for your help with my previous problem (input blanking on click, 
defaulting on blur if blank), worked a treat.

Now for a new one! Consider the following source:

table id=vetotable
td class=lalignName/td
tdinput type=checkbox name=x value=y //td

And the following JS:
$(#vetotable td).not(.lalign).hover(function() {
},function() {
}).click(function() {

The purpose of the above is to highlight the cell when the mouse passes 
into it, remove the highlight as the mouse leaves, and if the CELL is 
clicked, toggle the checkbox inside it.

This works fine, HOWEVER if I click the checkbox directly, it first 
checks, then unchecks itself giving no visible change to the end user. 
I'm assuming this is because a click on the checkbox causes the check, 
but then a click inside the table cell is detected, forcing the same 
action and thus unchecking again.

How do I prevent this from happening so I can click the cell OR the 
checkbox and achieve the desired result? Thanks :)

Michael Price