[jQuery] Re: Assinging the A:visted tag a class

2008-05-15 Thread motob

:visited is a pseudo class, not an attribute, and cannot be directly
added to a link. In order to have control of how links look when they
are clicked or visited is to assign your own class. From what I
understand, you want to assign a class of current to any link that
is clicked. When another link is clicked, you want to assign it a
class of current but also remove the current class from all other
links. Is that right?

The code sample I provided does just that, or should do that, I didn't
actually test it. The current class should persist until another
link is clicked. Maybe I'm not fully understanding what you are trying
to do.

Let me know if I understand what you are trying to accomplish, then we
can go from there.


On May 14, 4:59 pm, wattaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the tip Brian, but I am looking for a method  that assigns
 the A tags :visited attribute so that the class remains active for
 the link till another link is clicked. The method you posted assigns
 the class only when clicked and does not persist

 On May 14, 10:18 pm, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You'll need to add a click listener to each link, then when the user
  clicks, add the class 'current'. When the user clicks another link you
  can remove the current class from all links inside the div before
  assigning the 'current' class back to the clicked link. You can do
  something like this.

$('#right a').click(function(){
  $('#right a').removeClass(current); //remove the current class
  from any link inside the div
  $(this).addClass(current); //add the current class to the link
  that was clicked.



  On May 14, 3:24 pm, wattaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am trying to assign a tags in a DIV a class when they are clicked
   and and visited and remove the class when another tag in the DIV is
   clicked, I tried this t activate the tag:

   $('#right a').focus(function(){


   This assigns all the a tags in the right div the clas 'current' but
   only when clicked on, can anyone give me a clue?


[jQuery] Re: Defining regular expressions with # selector ??

2008-05-15 Thread motob

I think this would be possible, but you would need to write a custom
selector expression. You can refer to this link: 

You might be able to get away with something like this.

jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
  startsWithDiv1: function(a){
//a = DOM element being tested
if($(a).attr('id').indexOf('div1') != 0) {
  return true;

return false;

Then you could use the selector like this $(:startsWithDiv1).

The above code will test to see if the id attribute contains 'div1',
but you can use a regular expression in place of the indexOf. If the
function returns true, then the element is selected, if false, the
element is not selected. I've never actually created my own custom
selector, so maybe someone else can chime in too.


On May 15, 7:55 am, Orcun Avsar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to define a regex with a # selector that will allow
 select multible idies.
 For example i want to select tags with idies those start with div1.
 or some idies with more complexed match that can be find through a
 regexp expression

[jQuery] Re: Defining regular expressions with # selector ??

2008-05-15 Thread motob


the if statement needs to read: if($(a).attr('id').indexOf('div1') !=

On May 15, 10:41 am, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think this would be possible, but you would need to write a custom
 selector expression. You can refer to this 

 You might be able to get away with something like this.

 jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
   startsWithDiv1: function(a){
 //a = DOM element being tested
 if($(a).attr('id').indexOf('div1') != 0) {
   return true;

 return false;


 Then you could use the selector like this $(:startsWithDiv1).

 The above code will test to see if the id attribute contains 'div1',
 but you can use a regular expression in place of the indexOf. If the
 function returns true, then the element is selected, if false, the
 element is not selected. I've never actually created my own custom
 selector, so maybe someone else can chime in too.


 On May 15, 7:55 am, Orcun Avsar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is it possible to define a regex with a # selector that will allow
  select multible idies.
  For example i want to select tags with idies those start with div1.
  or some idies with more complexed match that can be find through a
  regexp expression

[jQuery] Re: Assinging the A:visted tag a class

2008-05-14 Thread motob

You'll need to add a click listener to each link, then when the user
clicks, add the class 'current'. When the user clicks another link you
can remove the current class from all links inside the div before
assigning the 'current' class back to the clicked link. You can do
something like this.

  $('#right a').click(function(){
$('#right a').removeClass(current); //remove the current class
from any link inside the div
$(this).addClass(current); //add the current class to the link
that was clicked.


On May 14, 3:24 pm, wattaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to assign a tags in a DIV a class when they are clicked
 and and visited and remove the class when another tag in the DIV is
 clicked, I tried this t activate the tag:

 $('#right a').focus(function(){


 This assigns all the a tags in the right div the clas 'current' but
 only when clicked on, can anyone give me a clue?


[jQuery] Re: jquery doesn't work after changing innerhtml

2008-05-06 Thread motob

When you use innerHtml it completely destroys the anchor tag and
replaces it with another one. Not sure if jQuery does this or the
browser, but when you destroy an element, all event listeners are
destroyed too. So you'll either have to re-initialize the click
listener when you use innerHtml, or just simply change the text of the
anchor tag like so:

  var $this = $(this);
  if($this.text() == click) {
$this.text(click again);
  } else {

By changing the text of an element allows for the event listener to
remain in place, since the element itself didn't actually get

Hope this helps

On May 6, 4:58 am, biggie_mac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I discovered this accidentaly today. I have an anchor like
 div id=yya class=xx href=#click/a/div and a simple
 jquery like

 jQuery().ready(function() {
 alert('u clicked');

 I run this, works fine, I get the alert when I click on the anchor.
 Now I also have a button which when I click it changes the innerHTML
 of the div with a class=xx href=#click again/a. basically it
 changes an anchor with another which is the same but only has
 different message. But it's still an anchor with xx class. Yet, when I
 click on the second anchor, nothing happens. Anyone know why this
 happens?Below the code I tried:

 jQuery().ready(function() {
 alert('ai facut click pe un a cu class hide');

 div id=divba class=hide href=#click/a/div
 input type=button value=click
 class=quot;hidequot; href=quot;#quot;click2/a';;


[jQuery] Re: event data ?

2008-05-06 Thread motob

  alert($(this).attr(id)); //get the id
  $(this).attr(disabled, disabled); //disable the clicked button

On May 6, 3:33 am, Adwin  Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I got a problem ... I have more than 1 buttons and each buttons has
 unique name.
 I assign / bind the button with function like this :

 $('.mybutton').bind('click',function(btn){ alert( btn.id); } );

 every time i click on the buttons the alert always show undefined. How
 to get the ID of button who clicked ? i want to get the id, change the
 button to disabled ... how to do that one ...

 and what is event.data actually is

 thanks !

[jQuery] Re: extending objects with jquery

2008-05-06 Thread motob

jQuery isn't really a javascript framework, so any extending and
inheritance issues need to be dealt with using JavaScript's prototype
chain. So you could do something like this:

function View(){

function DataGrid(){

DataGrid.prototype = new View(); //here is your inheritance

Now DataGrid has all of the methods that View has.

Maybe someone else has some other ideas, or an alternative way to
achieve a class-like structure.

On May 6, 11:13 am, Javier Martinez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm moving from mootools to jquery and trying to port my UI framework
 to jquery.
 Some of my widgets are extending from another widget. For example a
 datagrid and a dataview objects extends from view object
 (because both uses same methods from view).
 With Mootools I have something like this

 Class View()

 Class DataGrid ({
 extends: View


 Class DataView({
 extends: View


 What is the equivalent on jQuery?


[jQuery] Re: $ is not defined

2008-05-06 Thread motob

When ever I get the $ not defined error, its because my core jQuery
library is not there, for example when I switch from jquery.pack to
jquery.min and I forget to change the script tag reference in the

Just double check that its properly referenced and that jQuery is
listed above jquery.form.

On May 6, 12:45 pm, Jake McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could you provide an example of this online?

 - jake

 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:33 PM, mdg583 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi, I don't know where this problem is coming from, but I find that
   over the course of a few jquery AJAX operations and a ajaxForm submit,
   for a little while I find that $ is not defined. Basically, I am
   loading a form into the current document using the jquery load
   function, and then setting up ajaxForm to submit this form and put the
   results into another div. This content that is finally loaded into
   this next div div has a javascript function near the beginning, and at
   the point in time when this script is reached, I find that $ is not

   This happened once before and I just worked around it, but that is
   getting difficult.

   Does anyone know why this would be?

   I have jquery.form that says it requires jQuery v1.1 or later, and I
   have jQuery 1.2.1.

[jQuery] Re: event data ?

2008-05-06 Thread motob

The best way to see what the btn object is all about is to download
and install firebug. Then use the console to output that object. for

$('.mybutton').bind('click',function(btn){ console.log( btn); } );

Then on the console panel of firebug, you'll see the btn object, which
is clickable. If clicked, firebug will show you the DOM representation
of that object and all of its properties that are accessible.

On May 6, 9:22 am, Adwin  Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks .. but I still curious what is inside the variable that passed
 through function callback (btn in my example) and how to have access
 on it.

 On May 6, 6:39 pm, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

alert($(this).attr(id)); //get the id
$(this).attr(disabled, disabled); //disable the clicked button


  On May 6, 3:33 am, Adwin  Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I got a problem ... I have more than 1 buttons and each buttons has
   unique name.
   I assign / bind the button with function like this :

   $('.mybutton').bind('click',function(btn){ alert( btn.id); } );

   every time i click on the buttons the alert always show undefined. How
   to get the ID of button who clicked ? i want to get the id, change the
   button to disabled ... how to do that one ...

   and what is event.data actually is

   thanks !

[jQuery] Re: .filter() and .not() approximately worthless - Table issue perhaps?

2008-05-05 Thread motob

It looks like you want to select all .foo elements that are siblings,
but not the first .foo. You could try something like this $
(.foo).gt(0); This will get all .foo elements, then reduce the
collection by dropping off the first element.

On May 5, 4:50 am, {ajh} [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My experiences today with .filter() and .not() showed them to be
 extremely buggy in my case.  For example, .not(.foo + .foo) would
 leave me with an empty set (though nothing should have been matching).

 Is this because I was using them to select tr elements? Is there a
 known issue with .filter() and tables?

 If not, I could post an example if it breaking soon. I came up with a
 workaround, but it was annoying.

[jQuery] Re: click(function(select) help

2008-05-05 Thread motob


Since you're going to have 8 fieldsets, why don't you have some code
that will automatically close all of them when the change function is
called, then you can use a variable as your jQuery selector so you
don't have to use an IF statement. You could do something like this.

  var $value = $(this).val(); //this would store 'filters' for example
  $(fieldsets.options).slideUp(slow); //close all fieldsets
  $(fieldsets. + $value).slideDown(slow); //this will then show
the fieldset with 'filters' as a class.

This example should take care of all of your select option cases
without using an IF statement. You'll just have to make sure that each
one of your fieldsets has a class value of the respective option

On May 2, 5:09 am, elle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 @Dave: when I selected the first product it showed me its options.
 Changing an option didn't do a thing.
 Clicking again on first product, hid its options.

 @motob: I used this instead:
 if($(this).val() == filters){
 } else {

 Because I have about 8 products not only 2. It worked for one so, I
 guess it will work for all 8 if I define it separately for each

 First of all thank you.
 Second, is there anyway to streamline this code instead of repeating
 it 8 times? or should I just bite the bullet?

 What do you reckon?


 On May 2, 12:35 am, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Instead of adding click listeners to the option elements, add a change
  listener to the overall select menu. Once the change event is fired,
  determine which value is choosen, then show/hide the appropriate
  option fieldset. NOTE: You may want to change the values of the option
  elements so that they don't contain spaces. I'm not sure if those
  spaces will cause problems or not.

  if($(this).val() == product a){
  else {


  The above code is untested, but that is the basic idea of what you
  would need to do.
  On May 1, 4:57 am, Waz and Elle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi again,

   I have a form with products select menu. I would like to show and hide
   product specific options as the user selects them. Now, I can show the
   product options but I don't know how to hide them if the user selects
   a different product.

   My HTML is:
   select id=product-type name=product-type class=product-type
   option value=select 
   option value=product a 
   class=productaProduct A/option
   option value=product b 
   class=productbProduct B/option
   fieldset class=producta options ... /fieldset
   fieldset class=productb options ... /fieldset

   My code at the moment is:

   $('.product-type').find('option.producta').click(function(select) {
   $('.product-type').find('option.productb').click(function(select) {

   So, if I change the user changes his/her mind between product a to
   product b, the options stay visible, and I'm not sure how to hide them

   Also, if the user already entered information in the fieldset's
   fields, should I reset them when I hide them?

   Any advice will be great.

[jQuery] Re: Photo Crop proposal

2008-05-05 Thread motob

Here is a link to the current UI cropper. Maybe you can help
incorporate some additional features.


On May 5, 4:36 pm, Donald J Organ IV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes I understand that, sorry maybe my comments were a little harsh and not 
 thought out well.we all have bad days.
 LTG wrote:Thank you for the replies, perhaps I didn't clarify: 1) I can find 
 no crop plugins with this level of features. If there is a plug-in that comes 
 close, for example with face cropping, by all means please provide a link. 2) 
 Donald in case you haven't noticed, paying people to work on open source 
 projects is done all the time (usually by larger companies). In fact it can 
 be a very good thing for the community because more contributions get made 
 more quickly. I think the open software movement is about more than just 
 getting free stuff. On May 5, 10:32 am, Donald J Organ IV[EMAIL 
 PROTECTED]wrote:Why would anyone pay for something that is based on 

[jQuery] Re: click(function(select) help

2008-05-01 Thread motob

Instead of adding click listeners to the option elements, add a change
listener to the overall select menu. Once the change event is fired,
determine which value is choosen, then show/hide the appropriate
option fieldset. NOTE: You may want to change the values of the option
elements so that they don't contain spaces. I'm not sure if those
spaces will cause problems or not.

if($(this).val() == product a){
else {

The above code is untested, but that is the basic idea of what you
would need to do.
On May 1, 4:57 am, Waz and Elle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi again,

 I have a form with products select menu. I would like to show and hide
 product specific options as the user selects them. Now, I can show the
 product options but I don't know how to hide them if the user selects
 a different product.

 My HTML is:
 select id=product-type name=product-type class=product-type
 option value=select 
 option value=product a class=productaProduct 
 option value=product b class=productbProduct 
 fieldset class=producta options ... /fieldset
 fieldset class=productb options ... /fieldset

 My code at the moment is:

 $('.product-type').find('option.producta').click(function(select) {
 $('.product-type').find('option.productb').click(function(select) {

 So, if I change the user changes his/her mind between product a to
 product b, the options stay visible, and I'm not sure how to hide them

 Also, if the user already entered information in the fieldset's
 fields, should I reset them when I hide them?

 Any advice will be great.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery UI Doc?

2008-04-30 Thread motob

Clicking on draggable( options ) will give you this page:
http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Draggables/draggable#options. From there,
click on the options tab. The same holds true to access the droppable

On Apr 30, 8:06 am, Giovanni Battista Lenoci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi, till now for my draggable and droppable effects I used Interface
 plugin. Now I want to take a look at jquery ui, but I'm wondering if
 exists a documentation better than the one on docs.jquery.com. For

 draggable( options )Returns: jQuery
 Creates new draggables on the nodeset supplied by the query.

 Where I can find info about the options ?
 If a doc doesn't exist, where I have to look inside the code?

 Thank you.

[jQuery] Re: Get number of times a link has been toggled or clicked?

2008-04-29 Thread motob

@Hamish, yeah you're right, I was thinking that jQuery.data() was
available through the metadata plugin only. Didn't realize it was part
of jquery core, sweet!

On Apr 28, 6:35 pm, Hamish Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think it's worth a whole plugin to to this - it is relatively
 simple to add a counter to the toggle event functions, and to use the
 data object to store your counts.


 $('a.toggle').toggle( function() {
 $(this).data('count', 1 + ( $(this).data('count') || 0 ) );
 $(this).css('color', 'red');}, function() {

 $(this).css('color', 'green');


 Now, every time I turn a 'toggle' link red, it will increment the
 'count' data attached to the element.

 If you're using it a lot, make a 'count' extension:

 $.fn.extend({ count: $(this).data('count', 1 + ( $(this).data('count')
 || 0 )) });

 Now, to count every toggle (ie, to red or green) you could do:

 $('a.toggle').toggle( function() {
 $(this).css('color', 'red');}, function() {

 $(this).css('color', 'green');


 At any time I could list all the counts for these elements by:

 alert( $(this).text + ' was clicked ' + ( $(this).data('count') ||
 0 ) + ' times!' );


 Much easier that binding new events and trying to manage vars.

 On Apr 29, 8:00 am, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It is possible, but has to me manually recorded by you. The best way I
  can think of is to use the meta data plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/
  project/metadata). You'll need to attach a click event onto each link
  you want tracked, then you'll need to increment a counter and store
  that counter as meta data for each link.

  On Apr 28, 1:24 pm, Leanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey guys.

   I was curious if it was possible to query how many times something
   that has toggle bound to it has been clicked.  Is this possible?- Hide 
   quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Ajax and Struts Issue

2008-04-28 Thread motob

Perhaps more information is needed. I am able to call Struts actions
through jQuery Ajax calls. In the URL option of my Ajax request, I
simply put /mypage.do and as long as the action is set up properly
in Struts, it works.

Post your jquery code that makes that ajax request.

On Apr 28, 7:19 am, RecursiveBrain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi Experts -

 Jquery is able to call the regular servlets defined in the web.xml but
 was not able to call the struts action servlet?

 Any insight into the issue would be of great help!!


[jQuery] Re: Get number of times a link has been toggled or clicked?

2008-04-28 Thread motob

It is possible, but has to me manually recorded by you. The best way I
can think of is to use the meta data plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/
project/metadata). You'll need to attach a click event onto each link
you want tracked, then you'll need to increment a counter and store
that counter as meta data for each link.

On Apr 28, 1:24 pm, Leanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys.

 I was curious if it was possible to query how many times something
 that has toggle bound to it has been clicked.  Is this possible?

[jQuery] Re: How to collect values out of a bunch of input checkboxes?

2008-04-03 Thread motob

Check out the jquery.form plugin found here: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/.

It has form serialization methods built in. I think it may be exactly
what you need.

On Apr 3, 10:45 am, Matt Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a form with a bunch of checkboxes.   They all have the same
 name and different values. This form posts to a page that does a bunch
 a stuff based on the checked checkboxes.

 I want to change the form to use AJAX to update a div on the page.  I
 need help figuring out how to post the form with AJAX.

 I am using something like this right now:

 var x = serialize_all_the_form_elements();

 $(div#formresults).load(/save, x);

 I am having trouble building that object x.  Right now, to grab all
 the checked checkboxes and put them into x, I do this:

 x.checked_values = $(input:checkbox:checked).map(function ()
 { return this.value; });

 However, when I send this over the network, x.checked_values gets
 serialized as [Object object], which is useless.


 1. Is there a much simpler way to post a form with ajax so I don't
 have to manually serialize everything?

 2. How do I convert a list of checkbox jquery objects into an array of



[jQuery] blockUI and ie6 secure nonsecure

2008-04-01 Thread motob

I am using the blockUI plugin to display a caveat message as soon as a
page loads. The user has to check the i agree checkbox then click
the ok button to access the page. When the ok button is clicked I
set a cookie and run $.unblockUI().

The site is running in secure mode and in IE6 I get the infamous
secure/nonsecure warning when the $.unblockUI() function is called.
I've tried changing the source of the iframe to: javascript:void(0);
and javascript:false;document.write(''); but no luck. I have also
tried using the bgIframe plugin but that doesn't make a difference

I don't understand why that message appears when I'm unblocking the
document, I would expect it to appear as soon as the UI is blocked.

After a long battle I've decided to do this:

if($.browser.msie  $.browser.version  7)

The secure/nonsecure message doesn't appear anymore and from a user's
perspective everything works fine. Does anybody see anything wrong
with doing this for IE6?

FYI, I'm using the blockUI plugin in other areas of the site and its
worked perfectly, it's absolutely mind boggling why I'm getting it

[jQuery] Re: Selector problem

2008-03-27 Thread motob

Looks like you could do something like this:


This is assuming that each .exp and .helpCont is going to be contained
in its own .help parent div.

On Mar 27, 12:25 pm, chronotype [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Everybody,

 I have an intrasting problem (I'm sure it's trivial, but I don't know
 how to do it):

 div class=help
   div class=exp/div
   pbAny questions?/b Click '+' for additional search information!
   p class=helpCont
 But the hunt is not over. With well practised skill Hank skins the
 (Hank produces an enormous curved knife and begins to start
 skinning the tiny mosquito)

 I'd like to catch the click event on exp div (formatted with css), and
 I'd like to toggle the helpCont class this way:


   $('.exp').click( function() {
 $(this + ' + .helpCont').slideToggle('slow');


 (there are many exp class on the page for many type of elements (divs,
 paragraphs...), that's why I don't want to do it this way, instead of
 using onclick attribute in div.exp)

 Thank's for the answers!


[jQuery] Re: Problem fiding a certain text inside a table

2008-03-26 Thread motob

You could try using regular expressions on the text inside of each TD.
Something like this:

  $(this).text().replace(/\*/g, span class='highlight'*/span);

The above code is untested and may not work, but you get the picture.

On Mar 26, 3:00 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I'm having a hard time trying to make a script. This is the whole

 - I have lots of tables in the same page
 - Each of those tables has a button that, once pressed, find and
 highlight all '*' characters inside the table

 What I'm thinking about doing is:

 Find all TDs that contain '*' inside:


 Ok, this worked, I found the TDs but now I have to look inside
 these TDs and highlight ONLY the * character how can I do it? I
 need to find the * and then wrap it in a span... in the end there will
 be something like this:

 I found the span class=highlight*/span, yay!

 Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?

2008-03-24 Thread motob

The code you listed doesn't have the return false...Add the return
false statement at the end of the .click() function like so...

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#add-image').click(function() {
$('#image-next').clone(true).attr('name', function() {
  return this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) + 1);
.insertAfter('#image-div :last');

return false;


if you want to use a link to do the same thing, the exact principles
apply, add a return false statement to the click function. So if you
had a link of:
  a href='#' id='add-image'Add New Image Field/a

your script would look like this:
//your $image-next.clone code here...

this.blur; //removes the focus from the link (basically removes
that annoying dotted box).
return false; //prevent link bubbling.

On Mar 24, 3:07 pm, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried inserting a return false; into my jQuery below,
 but it prevented the button from functioning as it needs.

 Here's the jQuery:

 $(document).ready(function() {
 $('#add-image').click(function() {
 attr('name', function() {
 this.name.replace(/(.+)(\d+$)/, function(s, p1, p2) {
 return p1 + (parseInt(p2, 10) 
 + 1);
 .insertAfter('#image-div :last');

 And here's the button HTML:

 button id=add-imageAdd New Image Field/button

 Got any ideas on how I could modify this?

 I was using a link to add the file fields, but the link
 was refreshing the page and taking me back to the top of the page.


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy
  Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:19 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Using a button that doesn't submit?

  If you're already using jQuery just return false on the submit method for
  the form.

 // do stuff here
 return false;

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
  Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:15 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Using a button that doesn't submit?

  Hi, all...

  I'm using some jQuery to add file fields to a page.

  I'm using a button to trigger the jQuery.

  buttonAdd New Image Field/button

  In IE6 and IE7 the button just adds fields like I want, however, in FF2, the
  button submits the form.

  How can I use the button with form submission?

  I found plenty of info on Google about submitting a form without a button,
  nothing on using a button in a form with causing submission...


[jQuery] Re: div index

2008-02-12 Thread motob

Can you post a little more info? Maybe some of your html code that
goes along with what jquery is working with? Are you trying to add a
new criteria text box to a search form when #new-criteria is clicked?
Are you working with table cells or divs?

On Feb 12, 3:14 pm, Feijó [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I get the index of one of my class? I'm reading all in 
 docs.jquery.com and found nothing
 $last = $('#thefilter .qz-tablefield:eq(1)')
   index= 1;// here, how to get the index of this?
 $('#qz-criteria .qz-tablefield:eq('+index+')').after($last);

[jQuery] Re: Assigning an animation toggle to a checkbox to fade a table row in/out

2008-02-11 Thread motob

Yes, fading table rows can be done, and you've almost got it. Right
now your javascript will fade out all table rows in the document when
any check box is clicked.

opacity: 0.2,
  }, 1000 );

So you need to change $(tr).animate(...) to something like $

$(this).parent(tr) will target only the single row that contains the
clicked check box, which is what you want.

On Feb 11, 9:22 am, quirksmode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have created a table, at the end of each table row is a checkbox.
 When the user selects the checkbox, that row will fade out to give the
 illusion its now disabled. When the checkbox is unchecked I want the
 row to fade back.

 Can this be done? I have managed to do it rather crudely in the
 following example:


 opacity: 0.2,
   }, 1000 );


 thSecond Heading/th
 thThird Heading/th
 tdtest row 1/td
 tdinput name=input1 type=text //td
 tdselect name=select1 option value =firstfirst/option/
 td class=rightinput id=go name=deleteRow type=checkbox
 class=deleteRow value=deleteRow //td


 style type=text/css



 tr th{


 tr td.right{


 border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;



[jQuery] [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread motob

Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
main navigation.

Check it out: www.sapitot.com

[jQuery] Re: [SITE SUBMISSION] Sapitot Creative

2008-01-30 Thread motob

I had some trouble getting that history plugin to corporate with
ui.tabs. I'll take another stab at it, maybe there are some updated
documentation in that area.

I had not run into that Loading... issue when I was running thru it,
but I always waited until the transition finish. Ah the beauty of
having other developers test. The loading... feature is automatic in
the ui.tabs plugin. I'll see if I can use one of the callback
functions to double check if the tab stuck on loading... and change
it back to normal.

Thanks Dan and Ben!


On Jan 30, 3:04 pm, Benjamin Sterling
 Looks really nice, but I would second Dan's comments and would probably
 suggest you implement the history plugin.  Being in the DC area, 508
 compliance is a big sell.

 On 1/30/08, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sapitot Creative is a Design firm that recently redesigned their
  website. jQuery is being used to enhance page transitions and to give
  a little flair to the print and web portfolio sections. What is real
  interesting is the unconventional use of jQuery-ui.tabs plugin for the
  main navigation.

  Check it out:www.sapitot.com

  Overall it looks good. A couple of comments:

  1) I'd change the URL each time one of the tabs is clicked--that way users
  can cut-n-paste the URLs and e-mail them. If possible, it'd also use
  meaningful hashes (like #store, #web, #print, #about, etc.)

  2) Occasionally I was able to get the Loading... message that appears
  you've clicked on a category to never go away. It seems to happen if you
  click on another menu option before the last animation has finished. (I
  suspect you're using a global variable to reset the value and this is
  getting overwritten.)



[jQuery] clueTip activate

2008-01-10 Thread motob

I want to use the clueTip plugin to give helpful advice or help to
users filling out a specific form field. But I only want the clueTip
to display if they type invalid characters.

For example, I only want numbers to be typed into a field. If they
type letters, or any other special characters, I want a clueTip to
display suggesting that they fix it.

I don't want the tip to appear when the user hovers over the field or
clicks on it. Is it possible to disable clueTip's activate option and
only have the tip display when triggered by another script?

I'm using Denny Ferrassoli's (www.dennydotnet.com) typeWatch plugin to
pattern match the user's input and if its invalid, I want to display
the clueTip over the particular field.

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Selector for Toggled Element

2007-11-01 Thread motob

try $(table:hidden) or some form of that.

On Nov 1, 2:30 pm, studiobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to write an if statement based on the toggled state of an
 element (a table, in this case).  Attempting to select the table by
 any combination of id, class, and/or element type doesn't work.  Using
 Firefox, I can see that the table is toggled between display:table and
 display:hidden.  The selector that jQuery appears do be using is
 element.style.  This selector is apparently built on-the-fly, as it's
 not one of mine.

 I thought 'aha, select it by using $(element.style)!'  This didn't

 Any suggestions on how to retrieve the display attribute of a toggled

[jQuery] Re: Getting a specific option in a select

2007-10-08 Thread motob

Try removing the colon (:) after the option element, like so:

$('option[value*=\'2\']', $('#category_1')).size()

On Oct 8, 12:11 pm, Giovanni Battista Lenoci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi, I'm trying to get the option with a specific value in it.

 This is the syntax I use and doesn't works:

 alert($('option:[value*=\'2\']', $('#category_1')).size());

 It alerts 0, if I try without the value I get the correct size of the
 options in the select.

 Where's the error?

 Thank you

[jQuery] Re: How do I get this to fade in

2007-10-08 Thread motob

You could do something like this:

$(.thumbnail li).click(function(){
  var thumbnailHtml = $(this).html();

  $(#large li).fadeOut(fast, function(){

  return false;

On Oct 8, 6:47 am, skinnytiger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using the below script to load html into a placeholder, it all
 looks groovy but I want it to fade in, where do I add the .fadeIn() to
 get this to work?

 script type=text/javascript
 $(.thumbnail li).click(function(){
 $(#large li).html($(this).html());
 return false;



[jQuery] Re: How to hide a div without a click function

2007-10-04 Thread motob

You could also try using setTimeout() like so:

}, 2000);

This will activate the #slidebar toggle after 2000 milliseconds even
is the user is trying to interact with the #slidebar which may not be
what you want. I'm not sure what the slide bar is being used for but
if you wanted a more robust closing solution then you may want to make
use of timers to detect when the user is not using, or interacting
with #slidebar.

The following bit of code will detect when the user's mouse is no
longer interacting with #slidebar and close it after 2000

}, function(){
closetimer = window.setTimeout(function(){
}, 2000);

If the mouse cursor moves off of #slidebar then a timer is created
that will fire the $('#slidebar').hide() function after 2000
milliseconds. If the cursor moves back over the #slidebar (hovers)
then the timer is cleared and #slidebar will not close. This code
isn't tested so you might need to tweak it a bit. I am using something
similar on my project and it works great.

On Oct 3, 7:21 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a pause plugin.  Does that do the 


 On 10/3/07, somnamblst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I currently have this

  $(document).ready(function() {
  function initSlideboxes()


  I would like after a certain duration of several seconds to have the
  slidebar div hide. I know how to do this in scriptaculous but I have
  abandoned my scriptaculous solution for jquery.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with binding mouseout to only parent div

2007-10-03 Thread motob

I would suggest using one of jQuery's menu plugins. There is a
standard practice for marking up menus and sub menus using lists
(ol). Look at this tutorial for suckerfish drop down menu (http://
www.alistapart.com/articles/dropdowns/). Once you have your menu
properly marked up take a look at the superfish plugin (http://

On Oct 3, 2:08 am, Brandon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got a menu that does the basic a links and shows a sub menu of
 divs with nested ulli's and other text dynamically with css and
 javascript. I'm migrating it over to jquery, and have it all working
 perfectly except for one thing. I am trying to get the menu to jump
 back to the tab that corresponds to the current page upon mouseout of
 the menu's parent div.

 My code is basically this:

 div id=menuholder
 div id=menu
 div id=toptabs
 div id=tabcontentcontainer
 div id=menustuff...
 div id=menustuff...
 div id=menustuff...

 Each toptabs a is binded (bound?) with a mouseover to show a
 corresponding menu div. All that works fine.

 What I'm not getting though, and am completely stumped about, is
 stopping the mouseout event from triggering on the child div's and a's
 underneath the menu div. I've got it kind of working to stop all
 children and self, and just do mouseout on the parent div, which would
 be the menuholder div, but it doesn't fire all of the time, if at
 all... it sometimes works if i mouse over the edge very slowly.

 Here's my code... maybe someone can shed some light on either stopping
 the child mouseover binding or triggering the mouseout on the parent

 (var currenttab is defined in the head by php)
 scriptvar currenttab = '$tabtitle';/script


 .children().andSelf().mouseout(function(e){return false;});

 $(#toptabs  a).each(function() {
 var rel = $(this).attr(rel);
 $(this).mouseover(function(){ expandmenu(rel); });


 function expandmenu(tabid){
 $(#toptabs  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'+tabid


[jQuery] Re: Add Table row

2007-10-02 Thread motob

Yes, this is possible. I'm doing the same type of thing on my app.
You'll want to utilize the .clone() function.

You could do something like this:

var clonedRow = $(table tr :last).clone(); //this will grab the last
table row.

$(#formField, clonedRow).attr(id, newID); //use the selectors to
manipulate any element in the clonedRow object.

$(table).append(clonedRow); //add the row back to the table

On Oct 1, 6:22 pm, camilo_u [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to use jQuery to add a row with form fields of a table to
 the end of the table, the idea is to duplicate the previous one it
 with all of the form fields (drop downs, input fields, hidden fields,
 etc.) changing the input ID of each input, clearing the input values
 and adding a Delete button at the end of the row to allow the user,

 Pretty much like Add new Row button that basically will add a new
 empty row following some sort of template changing the input IDs,
 clearing the values, and adding a Delete This row link at the end.

 Is this possible with jQuery? how can i do it?

 Thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: Slide up/down bug with table data in IE7

2007-10-02 Thread motob

I think its more of an issue of IE not handling table tags properly.
I've had some unexpected results when trying to slide table rows in my
app. If you're wanting to slide up and down the entire table, try
wrapping a div around it and slide the div. This worked for me
when I needed to show and hide entire tables.

On Oct 2, 4:51 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a module which contains a table of information. When I slide the
 module (to hide the info) it works just fine. When I slide it back down (to
 display the data) the table disappears.

 Is this a bug or a feature? Whatever it is, I need a fix for it. Anyone
 have any ideas?


 Andy Matthews
 Senior ColdFusion Developer

 Office:  877.707.5467 x747
 Direct:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.dealerskins.com/


[jQuery] Re: IE shows nothing o.0

2007-09-20 Thread motob

I think its a problem of how you're including the library. Try writing
your script line like this: script type=text/javascript src=inc/js/

IE can't handle the self closing script tag. I know its lame, but
thats IE for ya.

On Sep 20, 12:28 am, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you have a full page online that we can look at? That line, alone,
 shouldn't cause any problems.



  Hi there,

  im new at jQuery and totaly new with JavaScript.
  But there is a huge Problem with jQuery an IE.

  To include jQuery i use that Line:
  script type=text/javascript src=inc/js/jquery-1.2.1.js /

  And since i have put this line to my Code IE shows only a blank white
  But it works fine with Opera and Firefox. Same thin with the
  StarterKit, it wont show up in the IE.

  How can i fix that Problem?

[jQuery] .min.js and .pack.js

2007-08-27 Thread motob

Besides file size, what is the difference between a .min and .pack
version of a js file? I see this a lot with the various plugins and
jquery library. What are the pitfalls and benefits of using each?

[jQuery] Re: .min.js and .pack.js

2007-08-27 Thread motob

Ah, thank you very much.

On Aug 27, 11:36 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 27, 2:51 pm, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Besides file size, what is the difference between a .min and .pack
  version of a js file? I see this a lot with the various plugins and
  jquery library.

 A very brief overview of each can be seen here:


 Scroll down to the bottom of that page.

  What are the pitfalls and benefits of using each?

 The only pitfall i'm aware of is that the packing process occasionally
 (very rarely) does something which changes the semantics of a piece of
 code (changes its meaning), leading to a bug which isn't there in the
 unpacked source. It is impossible for a human to decode the packed
 code, so debugging these problems is difficult. The so-called YUI
 minifier (see the above link) is newer and works similarly to the
 conventional packers, but does not suffer that problem, at least in