[jQuery] treeview - prevent expand/collapse on node click

2010-03-02 Thread Andreas

I want to prevent expand/collapse behavior when clicking on a node
(folder) in the tree. I only want to expand/collapse when clicking on
the plus/minus sign (+/-).

I have tried to use stopPropagation on the click event but I don't get
it to work.

Any sugestions?


[jQuery] (treeview) auto collapse on certain folders only

2010-02-18 Thread Khairul
I've been using treeview for a while now and was wondering, is there a
setting or modification that I can use to make only a certain folders
collapsed on load? Based on the options available that I read, it only
has collapse all, or none. What I want to do is just collapse the very
top folder without collapsing any subfolder beneath it.

Can this be done?


[jQuery] TreeView component - can we do a lazy load of node data?

2010-02-10 Thread fredbasset

I'm using the excellent tree view component in a Java web app.  For
simplicity I currently have it pre-load all the content for the tree
(i.e. all the elements of the list).  I'd prefer to have a scheme
where when the user presses the '+' to expand a folder, then a request
is made to the server to get new data which would then appear as new
tree nodes.

Is this doable?


[jQuery] (treeview) Treeview and async plugin doesn't work with jQuery version 14

2010-01-15 Thread tkusnadi
I'm curently using jquery.treeview and.treeview.async to display data
in treegrid.
It works fine with jQuery ver 1.3.2, but when i upgrade jQuery library
to version 14, the look of tree view is whacked.

Let me know what's your recommendation on this.


[jQuery] treeview

2010-01-13 Thread Bill Oberacker
I am using the treeview plugin (with the famfamfam theme) as a
navigation tool, does anyone know how to stop a node which is a link,
that also has child nodes from collapsing/expanding when the actual
link is clicked? Basically, I want the tree to only collapse/expand
when the plus/minus (hitarea) images are pressed?


[jQuery] (treeview) Need help with Treeview pre-1.4.1 and jquery.treeview.edit

2010-01-11 Thread Manfred

at first I can say that Treeview is a great jQuery plugin!
I use the plugin a lot and have some questions now.

I found a newer Version pre-1.4.1 here:
Demo: http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/demo/
Is this version still in development?

Very interesting in this version is the possibility to add and remove
a node. These features was added in the file jquery.treeview.edit.js:

There are still some bugs here, e.g.:
- go to the test-page: 
- first, delete File 4
- then, delete File 3.1
- now, the icon in front of Folder 3 (closed at start) is not

The good news: I found the bug, here is the new working code for
jquery.treeview.edit.js, please replace the old code:
if (parent.is(:not(:has()))  parent[0] != this) {



But there are still problems with the add-function in this file: At
the moment I can only add new nodes directly in a ul-tag, that
means, that the parent node has already childs. But if I want to add a
new node on a node that hasn't already children, the current code
doesn't generate new necessary ul-tags first.

Can anybody help me with the correction of the add-function?

Another problem:
In the new http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/jquery.treeview.js
you can find 'this.data(toggler, toggler);' in line 164. This works
only with jQuery 1.2.6 but with 1.3.2 I got this error message:
this.data is not a function

How can I make the version pre-1.4.1 compatible with jQuery 1.3.2?

Thank you very much for your help!
Greetings Manfred

[jQuery] (treeview) add html instead of text, async notify on load

2010-01-06 Thread JW
In the async extension the the jquery treeview plugin, I would like to
request that an event trigger be sent each time a new branch of the
tree is loaded. It could be as simple as adding $(container).trigger
('treeviewLoaded'); to the async extension.

Additionally, I would like to request that HTML may be async'ly added
to the tree instead of just simple text strings. The JSON response for
async'ly updating the tree currently has a text: 'text' tag that
sets the tree text inside of a span tag. I would like to also see a
html: tags type JSON tag that could be used alternatively, where
tags are not placed inside of a span.

The reason for doing these two enhancements is that I would like to
add checkboxes to certain elements of my tree. Then when the tree
loads, an external event handler would be added to the checkboxes
after each new treeviewLoaded trigger is externally received.

I would be willing to help develop the code, or gladly use anything
that is developed.

[jQuery] TreeView in WordPress (how to install and use?)

2010-01-02 Thread cimenta

I want to implement bookmarks (something like when you press CTRL+B in
your browser) in my WordPress site. It seems to me that TreeView
jQuery plugin would be the best solution.

I have no idea how to implement it. Could somebody guide me?

I searched and found that jQuery is part of WordPress installation. I
am running WP 2.8. So I do not have to install jQuery itself.

So could somebody help me with how to
- install TreeView plugin under my Wordpress instalation?
- how to implement/insert Treeview into my Wordpress site?

- could I have the items within the tree clickable? Can I  have two
links there?
- can I create a link that leads to particular item within the tree?
- is there any tool how to create the source code of the tree? I will
update the tree quite regularly
- would Wordpress search work for Treeview?

thank you,


[jQuery] treeview - putting a hyperlink in source.php

2009-12-20 Thread Draxeiro
The async demo of treeview uses a file called source.php.

In that file the various entries are listed in the following way (just
showing text in the demo):

text: 1. Pre Lunch (120 min),
expanded: true,
classes: important,
text: 1.1 The State of the Powerdome (30 
text: 1.2 The Future of jQuery (30 min)
text: 1.2 jQuery UI - A step to richnessy 
(60 min)

Now, I want this menu to link to various subpages on the site I am
working on but not being a programmer I cannot figure out what the
correct syntax would be to add a hyperlink to this bit of text.

I think it is probably dead-simple, yet don't currently have a clue.
Can somebody push me in the right direction?

I love the menu, but without links I cannot really use it. And as this
site is quite large managing the links through one external file is
much more preferable than having to go through all pages making

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] treeview loads more than 1 subtree with async feature

2009-12-14 Thread gouldtv
I think I may have found a bug with the jQuery treeview plugin:

Steps to reproduce:

1)  Edit the sample source.php file that comes with the plugin to
include a second lazy-loading sub-tree (see below)
2)  Next, run the async demo page.  Click the second async link you
just added.  Go into firebug and look at the net-tab.  Notice how now
when clicking to load the link with id 2, it actually loads #1 AND

I've got 36 nodes, and I'm finding that they are all loading at once
after clicking to open just one async. node.

snip from source.php file
text: 3.4 Taconite and Form (20 min)
text: 3.5 Server-side JavaScript with jQuery 
and AOLserver (20
text: 3.6 The Onion: How to add features 
without adding
features (20 min),
id: 1,
hasChildren: true
text: 3.65 The Onion2: More data, but will 
root #1 load by
id: 2,
hasChildren: true

[jQuery] JQuery treeview plugin and async fetches for more tree-data

2009-12-14 Thread gouldtv
I'm trying to create a collapsing/expanding animated treeview in
Javascript.  I found the JQuery treeview plugin, and it's working
great.  However, I have one key need that I can seem to figure out
with the samples provided:

Basically I need the advanced async feature they provide (http://
jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/async.html).  As the user clicks
on each main node in the tree, I need to make an AJAX-call to pull
in the sub-tree links.  My problem is that I need to do some post-
processing in JS of the JSON data that comes back from the server in
order to keep the tree-view plugin happy (and I don't control the
API's on the server for the data-source)

When I make my call to the API to retrieve it top-level tree, the JSON
data comes back like this:

54,haschildren:true,name:Easy Listening,parentid:0},{id:
206,haschildren:true,name:New Age,parentid:0},{id:

All is well, but I need to do some JS processing on it as it comes
back, so I run it through a script like this:

function navcallback(d) {
var response='[';
for (i=0;i=d.response.data.genrelist.genre.length - 1;i++) {
response += '{text: '+d.response.data.genrelist.genre[i].name
+',id: '+d.response.data.genrelist.genre[i].id+',hasChildren:
response = response.slice(0, -1);
response += ']';

Which then gets the data in the format that jQuery treeview expects

[{text: Alternative,id: 1,hasChildren: true},{text:
Blues,id: 24,hasChildren: true},{text: Classical,id:
32,hasChildren: true},{text: Country,id: 44,hasChildren:
true},{text: Decades,id: 212,hasChildren: true},{text:
Easy Listening,id: 54,hasChildren: true},{text:
Electronic,id: 61,hasChildren: true},{text: Folk,id:
82,hasChildren: true},{text: Inspirational,id:
122,hasChildren: true},{text: International,id:
134,hasChildren: true},{text: Jazz,id: 163,hasChildren:
true},{text: Latin,id: 177,hasChildren: true},{text:
Metal,id: 195,hasChildren: true},{text: Misc,id:
295,hasChildren: true},{text: New Age,id:
206,hasChildren: true},{text: Pop,id: 220,hasChildren:
true},{text: RB/Urban,id: 232,hasChildren: true},{text:
Rap,id: 110,hasChildren: true},{text: Reggae,id:
242,hasChildren: true},{text: Rock,id: 250,hasChildren:
true},{text: Seasonal/Holiday,id: 265,hasChildren: true},
{text: Soundtracks,id: 276,hasChildren: true},{text:
Talk,id: 282,hasChildren: true},{text: Themes,id:
89,hasChildren: true}]

However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this
integrated with the JQuery treeview's async.js code (below).  All
would be fine if I didn't need to do this post-processing, but I need

Gotcha's that I'm dealing with:

1)  The API data is coming from a cross-domain server, so I think I
probably need to use the $.getScript call to retrieve the JSONp data.
2)  I can't figure out how to get my navback handler integrated into
the load function of treeview.  If I insert my response-
reformatting code inside the getJSON function, all kinds of bad
things start happening.  I suspect it has to do with the this
objects and parent and other things which are quite complex in this

function load(settings, root, child, container) {

$.getJSON(settings.url, {root: root}, function(response) {

function createNode(parent) {
mythis = this;
var current = $(li/).attr(id, this.id || 
).html(span +
this.text + /span).appendTo(parent);
if (this.classes) {
if (this.expanded) {
if (this.hasChildren

[jQuery] Problem with IE6, IE7 and jQuery TreeView plug-in

2009-12-10 Thread binod
I am using a jQuery plugin to draw the treeview, but the margin of the
elements looks wrong in IE6 and IE 7, if  name is too long to fit in
div (this container div has overflow: scroll; )  the name come
beneath the icon. I am not able to track it down.  However this work
fine in firefox and safari. Could anyone lend me a hand?

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] (TreeView) Slowdown into a tree with 600+ nodes

2009-11-24 Thread MarceloReborn
http : // img517 . imageshack . us /img517/ 3318/ alerta. jpg (it's in
It's a famous alert box saying that my JS script is slowing down the
loading, asking if I wanna continue, or interrupt.

I've tried so many things to speed up that part of script, but I was
I'll only develop a pagination script if there's no more option...

What can I do?

[jQuery] Need to know how to capture the HTML markup that I cliked on using the Jquery Treeview async plugin

2009-11-14 Thread CTarp2
HI all,

I am new to Jquery so am struggling with certain aspects. I want to
populate a text box with the node that
I click on so that I as I traverse the tree down I would get a built
up string of the file path 

first click:HR Management/
second click:   HR Management/Attendance Management.zip

I setup the treeview using JSON string as follows:

text: HR Management,
classes: important,
children: [
text: Attendance Management.zip
text: Regulatory Compliance,
classes: important,
children: [
text: ADA-What Supervisors Need to Know.zip

The problem with this is that depending where I click I can end up
getting more information in the text box than
I need all the text is getting selected..
 HR ManagementAttendance Management.zipRegulatory ComplianceADA-What
Supervisors Need to Know.zip

script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
$(document).bind(click, function(e) {
var $kids = $(e.target).children();
var len = $kids.addClass(last).text();
// populate a textbox with what was clicked on
document.getElementById(nodePicked).value = len;
return false;

Here is the dynamic Markup that gets generated:
div id= class=viewStyle style=border-style: none solid; border-
left: 1px solid DarkBlue; border-right: 1px solid DarkBlue; width:
   ul id=black class=treeview
  li id= class=collapsable
   div class=hitarea collapsable-hitarea/
  span class=importantHR Management/span
 ul style=display: block;
   li id= class=last
 span class=lastAttendance Management.zip/span
  li id= class=expandable
div class=hitarea expandable-hitarea/
  span class=importantRegulatory Compliance/span
 ul style=display: none;
li id= class=last
spanADA-What Supervisors Need to Know.zip/span
 li id= class=expandable lastExpandable   ( more node info
not displayed for brevity sake)

Thanks in advance for anyones help with this matter

Craig T.

[jQuery] treeview adding nodes

2009-11-13 Thread elminio

I have a problem with adding nodes to selected node. Could anyone help
me with some sample code in which bu clicking a button new branch is
added to selected node.

thanks for help

[jQuery] (treeview) expandable / collapsable classes badly assigned in inactive tabs (jquery ui tabs)

2009-11-12 Thread jawosis

I noticed that the expandable-hitarea and collapsable-hitarea
classes are not assigned as they should in inactive tabs when using
jquery ui tabs.
The lists in these inactive tabs are expanded by default (just as they
should) but the assigned class is expandable-hitarea, thus showing
the wrong icon.

This just occurs in inactive tabs, which have a display: none !
important css style.

Any ideas to fix this?

[jQuery] [Treeview] Manually toggling a node

2009-11-09 Thread James
I've been working with Jörn Zaefferer's treeview control, and overall
have found it great.  But I am having problem, not as much with
dynamically adding items, but getting them to properly display once
they are added.  My treeview is something like this:

Level 1 Item (open)
   Level 2 Item (open)
 Level 3 Item (closed)
 Level 3 Item (closed)
   Level 2 Item (open)

Each of the level 2 items have an add icon that lets me add a Level
3 item. I am actually able to add the item (under Firefox 3.5.5,
trying to get it work with IE6) with success to the treeview, except
for 2 things.

A) If I click on the Level 3 add icon item, to add a Level 4 item, I
cannot expand the treeview to see the new Level 4 Item I created.
B) The treeview does not automatically expand my new Level 3 item,
once I've clicked on the Level 2 add icon.

[jQuery] (treeview) Question/Request regarding toggle and links

2009-11-05 Thread drmrboy
Is it  possible to not toggle a node in the tree if the user clicked
on an anchor in the list entry?  Right now, the hitbox is the entire
list element.  If that list element contains an anchor, the anchor is
followed as well as the node in the tree is toggled.  I would like to
find a way to do the toggle only if a user clicks the part of the
hitarea that is not an anchor.

[jQuery] (treeview) Collapsable hitarea

2009-11-04 Thread Ryan
I have a treeview in my application and all works pretty well with it.
I want the toggle +/- button to work as it does by default, but want
the rest of the node to not trigger the collapse/expand event. How
would one go about preventing this behavior? I've checked the other
threads that are similar to my question but didn't get any answers
that actually worked.


[jQuery] Treeview .js file location

2009-11-02 Thread Andrew243

My hosting service does doesn't have gzip compression enabled -- and
I'm looking for a server to connect to jquery.treeview.js to speed up
my page loading.

I use http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js
and http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.min.js
-- is there an equivalent for


[jQuery] Jquery Treeview JSON Issue

2009-10-30 Thread Sparky

I am trying to get a proof of concept going for using Jquery Treeview
Async to build a dynamic tree with JSP. I looked at the documentation
on the Treeview website but I am unable to get this to work.

My host page calls another jsp as follows:

  url: page_parts/pageGuidTreeViewSource.jsp

On this same host page I have this simple structure:

ul id=asynctree


The page I am calling has a tag that is producing some sample JSON.
What happens is the data is returned but it simply stays in it's
native JSON format like this:


So to sum up the page is called but the tree is never built.

I am trying to follow the examples on the treeview website so this may
be an example of me not fully understanding what I need to do.

Any help would be appreciated.



[jQuery] treeview

2009-10-16 Thread Indraneel

I have a xml file which has the data to be loaded in the treeview.
First of all, I would be really glad if treeview can read any xml.
Then I can convert my xml to that sort. Secondly, if I have to provide
an unordered list, which I can generate from the xml; what will be the
way of dynamically adding a node ?

Lastly, my tree view will reside in a tab of jquery ui. And it will
not be populated when the document becomes ready. Rather it will grow
with the activities the user perform. Here I am lost where will I make
the div a treeview ? Like what will I bind with the initialization
function treeview()?


While I do with click function, it gets executed with the + and - sign
click as well.

Any sort of clue will be appreciated.

[jQuery] (treeview)

2009-10-13 Thread Donald J. Organ IV
Is it possible to expand all the parents of a given node based on an ID? 

I have a large nested tree view that the selected values can actually be 6 or 7 
levels deep and I would love to be able to pass an ID to the treeview to show 
and have all the parents expanded. 

[jQuery] Treeview - Custom hyperlink click event

2009-10-11 Thread philsturgeon

I am trying to remove the default behaviour from the A within the
Treeview structure. I want the +/- icons to continue to toggle but
when a user clicks on the A I want to fire my own event.

This event is currently firing fine, but it also fires the toggle
behaviour meaning the tree still expands or collapses. Wrong!


Does anybody know how I can solve this? I tried unbind() and die() on
all a's within the tree but that did nothing. Im really stuck on this
one! .

[jQuery] Jquery Treeview - trigger a collapse programatically

2009-10-05 Thread bj

I'm using Treeview and I need to be able to tell it to collapse via
Javascript (as in, from another function outside of the Treeview
code). I have searced everywhere for a how-to and can't figure it out.

I'm hoping someone can suggest a way of doing it.

[jQuery] treeview - support for right to left language

2009-09-27 Thread Adrian San Juan

I was able to successfully install treeview in my app and it works
very well.  However, my app needs to support a right to left
language.  Is treeview able to support rtl? If not, is it possible to
do code changes to support rtl?


[jQuery] (treeview)

2009-09-24 Thread Michiel

I'm very new a jQuery, and still just learning.

I've succesfully implented the treeview plugin on my html list. Only,
I don't want it to collapse when I click on a expanded folder. I do
want it to collapse when I click on a other folder that's not a child.
So that you only have one branch visible.

My javascript is still poor, but I'm a quick learner. My normally
script languages are PHP and Actionscript (2 and 3)

Thanx in advance

[jQuery] treeview - Question regarding Async extension

2009-09-09 Thread Manfred Stanfield

First, thanks for the Treeview extension. It is great!

I have it running fine, and I have been using the lazy-loading
extension. I need to build my tree using AJAX and add an anchor tag
inside the LI tag so that I can display a dynamic treeview and allow
the user to click on a folder or leaf node and run my javascript and/
or link.

In order words, I need the JSON to be transformed into something like
li id=123a href=# onclick=myFunction(this...)Item 1.0/

Right now, the JSON is transformed into something like this:
li id=123span class=folderClinicial Research/span/li

I don't see anything in the online demos, docs, etc for v0.1 of
jquery.treeview.async.js that would create the A tags, but I could be

Thanks so much for your help,

[jQuery] [treeview] + sortable?

2009-09-08 Thread switch

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of combining the
bassistance treeview plugin with jquery ui's sortable plugin? I need
to know this especially within the context of being able to drag and
drop from a nested ul (or node) to it's parent.

If this is not really a feasible option, does anyone know if there's
anything available that would be best for this kind of scenario?

Many thanks,

[jQuery] Re: Jquery treeview jquery accordion

2009-08-25 Thread andrerav

On Aug 23, 4:02 pm, serdartu serda...@gmail.com wrote:
 When i used jquery treeview plugin inside accordion plugin treeview
 styles not working?

 Best Regards

I'm having the same problem. Anyone know any workarounds for this?


[jQuery] [treeview] Can I apply classes to async trees??

2009-08-24 Thread nsbk


I'm currently working on a project in wich I use a pair of trees. The
thing is that one of them is too big and IE6 (it needs to be
supported :s ) takes forever to process the tree so I want to load it
asynchronously branch by branch using the async version of the tree.

The problem is that I want the tree to be a filetree, but when created
as async it displays with default style. Is it possible to create an
async filetree (without applying the classes manually)??

Here's my code:

url: MenuTree.aspx,animated: fast,collapsed: true, 
unique: true

ul id=tree class=filetree

Thanks in advance!

-- nsbk

[jQuery] Jquery treeview jquery accordion

2009-08-23 Thread serdartu

When i used jquery treeview plugin inside accordion plugin treeview
styles not working?

Best Regards

[jQuery] [treeview] Problem with reloading ajax tree

2009-08-15 Thread George K
I've faced with the problem with reloading ajax tree. I'm reloading it
calling treeview() method with all initializaating params, but after that
all expandable nodes does not expand.
You can reproduce this case with firebug on async tree demo page
run the following code in console:
  url: source.php
when the tree is loaded 3. After Lunch (120+ min) node does not expand.
Is it  bug or i just didn't understood how to reload the tree?

[jQuery] [treeview] I really hope this isn't a dumb syntax error

2009-08-15 Thread n4rc1ssus

Ok, I'm trying to use the treeview plugin.

lets start with the index.html script includes:
 script type=text/javascript src=jqueryUI/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script
 script type=text/javascript 
 script src=http://jqueryui.com/latest/ui/effects.core.js;/script
 script src=http://jqueryui.com/latest/ui/effects.transfer.js;/script
 script type=text/javascript src=jqueryUI/js/jquery-nav.js/script !-- 
 my crap --
 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript 
my menu calls ajax and loads a php page that reads:
 ?php include directoryFuncts.php; ?
 link type=text/css rel=stylesheet href=jquery.treeview.css /
 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript 
 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript 
 script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
   $(#minutesTree).treeview();  --- problem shows up here everytime 
 and I don't know why
 ul id=minutesTree class=filetree
 ?php getDir( minutes ); ?

I understand that this repeats a lot of junk but it's the only way I
can get it to even work by going to just the individual page and
bypassing the menu.

The list functions in php work perfectly and I get the correct html
ul's and li's out of it but all i get is:

Webpage error details

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 257713399 *not sure why the line is so insanely high but
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://localhost/greekware8/

like the subject says I hope this isn't some really stupid mess up in
my part but this should've worked in a day's time of work.

[jQuery] JQuery Treeview Navigation frames

2009-08-14 Thread Mr. V

I am new to JQuery and Treeview and I am in trying to assess if the
treeview could be a lightweight and efficient replacement for our
current 3rd party tree control.

Can the Treeview node hyperlink load the url in a different frame ?

Alternatively, is it possible to catch the Node On Click event and do
some business logic to figure out the exact url and then open the url
in a separate frame or an AJAX Tab control ?

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview Navigation frames

2009-08-14 Thread Laker Netman

The short answer to either scenario is yes. It's really more based
on whatever your server-side code creates in the unordered list sent
to the browser. Alternatively, jQuery could modify the UL after it's
delivered, but if it's very large at all you may see some client-side
performance issues with rendering speed.

You would just need to specify a target attribute in the URLs to
send the output to a different frame.

As far as acting on the click itself, yeah, jQuery can handle that
easily. Including server (AJAX) calls, etc. Check out the
documentation and tutorials at http://docs.jquery.com/


On Aug 14, 10:28 am, Mr. V victo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am new to JQuery and Treeview and I am in trying to assess if the
 treeview could be a lightweight and efficient replacement for our
 current 3rd party tree control.

 Can the Treeview node hyperlink load the url in a different frame ?

 Alternatively, is it possible to catch the Node On Click event and do
 some business logic to figure out the exact url and then open the url
 in a separate frame or an AJAX Tab control ?

[jQuery] [treeview] How to refresh the ajax-builed tree?

2009-08-13 Thread George K

I'm using treeview with ajax, but when I need to refresh it, it does
not open closed branches. As an example. Open the demopage with
firebud enabled:

ok. Now I want to refresh it, so I'm writing this code into firebug
   url: source.php

but after that I can't open closed branches, however they're loaded
and rendered, but stay invisible (display:none).

Am I doing something wrong? I couldn't find any hint in the
documentation. When I kill the ul#black and create it again it works
fine, but this solution looks like a voodoo :) :

var black = $(#black);
var blackNew = $(ul).insertAfter(black);
blackNew.attr(id, black);
   url: source.php

Is there any way to fix it and it would be great to mention it in the


[jQuery] [treeview] jquery 1.3.2 and treeview 1.4

2009-08-13 Thread fgsch


  I need to use treeview with jquery 1.3.2 and I found it was not
working properly. I have since then submitted the bug report with a
patch. You can see it at http://plugins.jquery.com/node/9332.
  Anyone can take a look? It'd be good if it's fixed one way or


[jQuery] jquery treeview vertical lines missing

2009-08-07 Thread Alan C

I am trying to use treeview and have a tester page


the html for the directory view is generated dynamically with php
building the unordered list from directories on the server, the html
passes validation and 'looks' ok, but when the page renders the
vertical lines are missing from the treeview. By way of a test I
copied the html for my ul and pasted it into the original demo file
that came with treeview and got the same result, so it has to be
something wrong with my code (as always :-))

The supplied demo works fine. I have stared at this for hours so . . .

any suggestions welcome

[jQuery] [treeview] - How to manually set a persistent location

2009-08-05 Thread Marty Tennison

I'm using the treeview plugin for navigation on our website.  It works
great but I wanted to be able to override the persist:location when
needed.  For example, on an e commerce site where items are part of a
category, I need to have that tree open to that category.

To achieve this, I hacked (and I mean hacked, I'm no jQuery guru, but
it works)  the jquery.treeview.js file to add another check for a
location.Here is what I did.

Around line 207 I added this

if(typeof myLocation != undefined) {
var current1 = this.find(a).filter(function() { return
this.href.toLowerCase() == myLocation.toLowerCase(); });
if ( current1.length ) {
current1.addClass(selected).parents(ul, li).add
( current1.next() ).show();

Then, in my pages I manually set the myLocation variable like this

script language=JavaScript
myLocation = http://your/server/name/and/url/path;;

Then, VIOLA!

I hope that helps anyone else who is trying to achieve this.

[jQuery] jQuery [treeview] Question

2009-08-01 Thread Ed


I'm a jQuery beginner.
My browser is Firefox 3.5.1
I'm using Treeview 1.4
   Revision Id: jquery.treeview.js
4684 2008-02-07 19:08:06Z

I have two questions:

1.Whenever I click on either of my two Treeview control
  labels Collapse or Expand (see below) the respective label
  visibly gets the focus (dotted border). I want to remove
  (blur) this border, but I don't know what I need to change
  in the treeview.js code to get this effect.
  How can I do this?

  Relevant portion of my code:

 script src=file://c:/js/jQuery-1.3.2.min.js /script
 script src=file://c:/js/jQuery.treeview.js  /script
 control:  #treecontrol,
  collapsed: true,
  animated: fast

div id=treecontrol
a title=Collapse href=#Collapse All/a
a title=Expand   href=#Expand All  /a

ul id=tree ... /ul

2.I would like to add easing, specifically easeOutBounce
  from George Smith's easing plugin. How can I do this?

Any help would be most appreciated.

[jQuery] [treeview] Collapsed tree will flash before collapsing. Anyway to avoid it?

2009-07-29 Thread Pablo

Hi Guys,

I'm using the treeview jQuery plugin (http://bassistance.de/jquery-
plugins/jquery-plugin-treeview/) to display the sitemap for a site.

My customer wants to see the tree collapsed on the page load and the
user should expand it as he sees fit. So, I've setup it like that:

jQuery(function($) {
collapsed: true,
unique: true,
control: true,
persist: location

The problem is that in IE (6, 7 and 8) the user will see first the
treeview completely expanded and then it will collapse at the end of
the page load.
Is there a way to avoid that, thus showing only the collapsed tree
from the start? Or to make it invisible until the moment it is

[jQuery] [treeview] Basic documentation - but where?

2009-07-27 Thread SuneR


I have today started to mess around with the Treeview plugin, but I
have not been able to find a decent documentation. Am I just looking
in the wrong places?

I would have thought that by going here - 
I would see all the available options, and a description of them.

I have looked in the demo.js file from the download, and can see that
an option called control exsists. But I have no idea how to use it -
from the examples I can see it can make the entire tree collapse, and
the entire tree expand. But how do I tell it what links it should add
the event on? When I initialize the treeview like in the demo, the
links I have does nothing what-so-ever.

Can someone explain how I use the controls?

or even better, point me to some documentation that explains all the


[jQuery] [treeview] Menu Collapses Instantaneously with Animation

2009-07-27 Thread TH Lim


I was trying out http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/ Sample 2
with IE 8 in IE 7 mode. The menu animates and opens. When I click to
close, the menu collapsed instantaneously. However, it is working
perfectly in IE8 mode i.e. the menu animates while closing up. How do
I fix this for IE7?



[jQuery] [ treeview ] lazy ajax with unique

2009-07-17 Thread Dan


i use treeview plugin with lazy ajax.
if use unique option it reload all items of current level that has
children, when open one of item.

so it could be about 20 ajax queries at one time.

is it possible to set one open click one query?

[jQuery] Treeview plugin for navigation - solution

2009-07-16 Thread Matt B.

I just thought I'd post a solution I came up with that may be helpful
to anyone using the treeview plugin for navigation.

The problem I ran into was that the cookie persistence was working,
but since I was using the tree for navigation to different directories
of my site, sometimes the cookie wouldn't get set correctly and the
state of the tree would end up being one step behind what the user had
just clicked -- so the previously clicked node would be expanded
rather than the current one.

Thanks to some helpful posts I found on here, I discovered that the
problem was the cookie path.

The solution is to use an (undocumented) option that was added to the
plugin as of version 1.4: 'cookieOptions', which lets you set the
cookie path.

If your navigation tree could potentially be used for any page in your
domain, then you would set the cookie path to the root, like this:

cookieOptions: {path: '/'}

..or if your site is in a subdirectory you should use this:
cookieOptions: {path: '/my_subdirectory/'}

In my case I'm using PHP and I have my site root stored in a constant
called WEB_ROOT, so my full code was:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(#sideNav ul).treeview({
collapsed: true,
unique: true,
persist: cookie,
cookieOptions: {path: '?= WEB_ROOT ?'}

Hope this is helpful to somebody.

[jQuery] TreeView - New Color

2009-07-13 Thread Keith


Is there a psd or some other kind of editable image that someone can
send me so I can make different colored themes?


[jQuery] treeview: using links that don't toggle

2009-07-08 Thread Cedd Burge


I have a treeview with links in that navigate to other pages when
clicked. I didn't want these to cause toggling when they were clicked.
My lists are prerendered. I didn't find a very good way to do this,
but the following works, any better ways to do this would be

This function goes in the head, it is to stop the event bubbling up to
the default treeviewcode.

function lihyperlinkclick(e)
location.href = '...';
if (!e) var e = window.event
// handle event
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();

The lists are output someting like this. The z-index is important so
that the element receives the event before the default treeview code.

 li id=... class=collapsable lastCollapsable
div id=... class=hitarea collapsable-hitarea lastCollapsable-
span id=.. 
a id=... style=z-index: 100; onclick=lihyperlinkclick(event);
href=...Hyperlink Title/a

[jQuery] TreeView Problems

2009-07-06 Thread Keith

Here is the menu that I'm trying to implement.  I'm not sure what I'm
doing wrong, I've followed all of the demos and still the menu is not
properly setting the cookie, which is causing the menu to open
incorrectly when the page loads.

Please let me know if there is something wrong in my code or if anyone
has a suggestion that I can try out that would be great.  Thanks for
your help.

link rel=stylesheet href=/mars/css/jquery.treeview.css /
link rel=stylesheet href=/mars/css/screen.css /
script src=/mars/js/lib/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=/mars/js/lib/jquery.cookie.js type=text/javascript/
script src=/mars/js/jquery.treeview.js type=text/javascript/
script type=text/javascript
// fourth example

// fourth example
jQuery(#black, #gray).treeview({
control: #treecontrol,
persist: cookie,
cookieId: treeview-black
div id=main
div id=treecontrol
a title=Collapse the entire tree below href=#img 
img/nav/minus.gif / Collapse All/a
a title=Expand the entire tree below href=#img 
nav/plus.gif / Expand All/a
a title=Toggle the tree below, opening closed branches, 
open branches href=#Toggle All/a
ul id=black class=treeview-black
spanCustomer Selection/span
href=/mars/jsp/viewflightcalcrit.jsp Flight Search/a
ul id=gray class=treeview-gray
isRenewal=1Contracts (Renewals)/a
href=/mars/contrax/systemselect.jspNew Contract/Estimate/



[jQuery] treeview, can only let +- expand tree?

2009-07-04 Thread ljnet

for example:


only when click the + sign, tree expands.
how to do that?


[jQuery] [treeview] How To Forget Previous Menu Item Position

2009-06-30 Thread TH Lim


To make it simple, say I have 2 menu items on each level and there are
3 levels each,

|   +-A3

where A3 and B3 are href.

How treeview behaves now is when you click on item A1 then A2, you
will see

|   +-A3

and subsequent clicking B1, A1 collapses and you will see B1 and B2.
Finally, when A1 is clicked, B1 collapses, you will see A1, A2 and A3
(as shown above) again. What I want is when A1 is clicked it
restarts i.e. it only shows A1 and A2. It has forgotten  A2 was
clicked before. How do I do that without changing the code? Is there a
forget option?



[jQuery] TreeView Cookie Persistence Problem

2009-06-30 Thread Keith


I'm having some issues using the cookie persistence, it appears that
as long as the link is in the jsp directory the menu renders properly,
however if the link is not in the jsp directory the cookie is set to
null and when the page loads all of the trees are expanded.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the abridged version of the file that I'm using, this is
included on all pages of my application.

div id=maina href=.Main Demo/a
div id=sidetree
div class=treeheadernbsp;/div
div id=sidetreecontrola href=?#Collapse All/a | a href=?
#Expand All/a/div
ul id=tree
lispanCustomer Accounts/span
a href=/jsp/viewflightcalcrit.jsp 
Flight Search/a
%if (request.getRemoteUser() != null){%
href=/jsp/accountselection.jspCustomer Selection/a
%if (session.getValue(customer) != null) { %
a href=/jsp/cards.jspOwner 
href=/jsp/communicationnotes.jspOwner Communication/a
%if (session.getValue(customer) != null  
(jetcard) != null) {%
href=/jsp/viewflightactivity.jspView Flight Activity/a
%if ((request.isUserInRole(OwnerServices) ||
request.isUserInRole(Finance))) { %
href=/jsp/ownerprofile.jsp?new=%=userRegion%Add New
%if (session.getValue(customer) != null  
userRegion ==
custRegion){ %
a href=/jsp/clientcardentry.jspAdd 
New Card/a
%if (request.isUserInRole(OwnerServices) || 
(Finance)) {%
%if (request.isUserInRole(Finance)) 
{ %
href=/jsp/jetcardexpired.jspExpired Cards/a
%if(session.getValue(customer) != null  
(Finance) || request.isUserInRole(Administrator) ||
request.isUserInRole(Sales) || request.isUserInRole(OSManager) ||
request.isUserInRole(OwnerServices))){ %
a href=/jsp/welcomecall.jspWelcome 
%if(request.isUserInRole(Sales) || 
%if (userRegion == 0  request.isUserInRole(Finance)) { 
Accounts Block %
%if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) { %
href=/jsp/njaccountsummary.jspAccount Summary/a
%if(session.getValue(njcontract) != null){%
href=/jsp/viewnjflightactivity.jspView Activity/a
%if(request.isUserInRole(Finance) || 
(Administrator)) { %
a href=/mars/jsp/brioreader.jspLoad 
Brio File/a
%if(request.isUserInRole(Administrator)){//begin Admin Tools 

[jQuery] [treeview]

2009-06-29 Thread Nikkitta

//  Treeview 1.4 (jQuery plugin), question about cookie path
How can I force this plugin to set path in cookie to /? 'Cause I
have this plugin as navigation menu on my site, and when I go to
another page, it creates new cookie for this new page (for example, on
the main page the cookie path is /, and when I go to /photo/theme/
nature the cookie path is /photo/theme/nature). So the position of
menu is not saved. For each page of site I have different positions
(states) of menu.

[jQuery] Treeview 1.4 (jQuery plugin), question about cookie path

2009-06-24 Thread Nikkitta

How can I force this plugin to set path in cookie to /? 'Cause I
have this plugin as navigation menu on my site, and when I go to
another page, it creates new cookie for this new page (for example, on
the main page the cookie path is /, and when I go to /photo/theme/
nature the cookie path is /photo/theme/nature). So the position of
menu is not saved, for each page of site I have different positions
(states) of menu.

[jQuery] Treeview - Set branch to remain permanently open

2009-06-24 Thread Betard

Hello Joern and group members,

I am using the TreeView plugin and have come across a situation where
I need to set one of the top level branches to remain open.

Using the example below, if I remove the span tag from my To Always
Remain Open list item, it removes the ability to 'click/trigger' the
expand/collapse event.  The issue I am having is that the TreeView
plugin is still assigning a 'collapsible' class to the li tag, so
when I click on the Can Open or Close list item, then it opens and
in turn closes my To Always Remain Open item.

Is there a way for instance for me to modify the script to 'NOT' add
the collapsible class to list items that have the 'open' class applied
to them?

ul id=menu_treeview class=filetree treeview
 li class=open collapsableTo Always Remain Open
   lia class= href=mypage1.htmlAlways Visible Link
   li class=lasta class= href=mypage2.htmlAlways
Visible Link 2/a/li
 li class=expandablespan class=headingCan Open or Close/
   lia class= href=mypage3.htmlchild link 1/a/
   li class=lasta class= href=mypage4.htmlchild
link 2/a/li

I know I can simply build my own items outside of the treeview UL, but
my menu is being created dynamically through a back end menu builder.
I have a flag they can set called always expanded that I am trying
to integrate with this.

Any help is much appreciated.

[jQuery] TreeView question

2009-06-18 Thread GTGeek88

I'm looking at using the treeview plugin by Jorn.  What I'm wondering
is how to get folders added at a particular spot and how to manage
folders by dragging them around (or in some other fashion).  Perhaps
there are some plugins to the plugin, so to speak.  Or maybe there is
another one better suited to folder management.  Could anyone give
some suggestions or recommendations?  His plugin is working well for
navigation, but I need a bit more.

[jQuery] [treeview] persistence in async tree

2009-06-10 Thread eden

It's possible that you'll add an persistence feature to the async tree
in the nearest future?

[jQuery] treeview

2009-06-10 Thread salil

Hi All,

I want to Display a Tree using Rails. earlier i diplay tree using
 Dojo which works fine but as it takes too much time to load. Now i
want to create a Tree using pure rails or Rails and Javascript
other than Dojo say jQuery Tree.
   I would also like to see any links where i can see a live demo
the Tree using Rails.



[jQuery] treeview

2009-06-10 Thread salil

Hi All,

I want to Display a Tree using Rails. i want to know is it possible to
display a data in Tree form using a jquery and Rails



[jQuery] Treeview

2009-06-06 Thread weirf...@google.com

I'm trying to use the treeview 1.4 with jquery.tabs.pack which comes
with jquery.

There appears to be some sort of compatability issue between the 2
versions of code and I can't find a download where the tabs and the
treeview are listed in the same place.

Below you can see all the file calls which I'm making on my page;

link rel=stylesheet href=jquery.treeview.css
link rel=stylesheet href=screen.css

script src=jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=jquery.cookie.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=jquery.treeview.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=jquery- type=text/javascript/script
script src=jquery.history_remote.pack.js type=text/javascript/
script src=jquery.tabs.pack.js type=text/javascript/script

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
collapsed: true,
animated: medium,
persist: location

$('#container-9').tabs({ remote: true });

$('pa href=#Disable third tab\/a\/
p').prependTo('#fragment-28').find('a').click(function() {
return false;
$('pa href=#Activate third tab\/a\/
p').prependTo('#fragment-28').find('a').click(function() {
return false;
$('pa href=#Enable third tab\/a\/
p').prependTo('#fragment-28').find('a').click(function() {
return false;

link rel=stylesheet href=jquery.tabs.css type=text/css
media=print, projection, screen
!-- Additional IE/Win specific style sheet (Conditional
Comments) --
!--[if lte IE 7]
link rel=stylesheet href=jquery.tabs-ie.css type=text/
css media=projection, screen

Anyone know how I can get these 2 scripts to function together?

[jQuery] [treeview] documentation

2009-06-04 Thread Phillip Senn

The documentation for the treeview plugin consists of examples, but I
wonder if anyone has written some narrative about it?

[jQuery] [treeview]

2009-06-04 Thread Phillip Senn

If you look at
the demo is confusing because it shows a folder called New Sublist but
the tree that displays in the demo has a folder called Folder 1.
It's not until you view the source do you realize that the two have
nothing to do with one another.

[jQuery] Treeview, async, persist location

2009-06-02 Thread victorjons...@gmail.com

Good day.

I'm using the treeview plugin with async. And it works great.

But I miss the persist location functionality.

Does anyone have a solution to this?

I have a parameter in the URL that could be used to load that page's
(the value of that parameter is the same as the value used to return
the correct submenus)

So maybe there is a way, after the tree has loaded initially, to read
the URL parameter and read/add to the tree as needed.

But I'm not very good at jquery or javascript in general.

If anyone has an example or an idea though, i might be able to figure
it out.

Thanks, Victor

[jQuery] TreeView - what alternatives are there?

2009-06-02 Thread Devin

I like TreeView, but its a little bland.  Is there anything with
similar functionality?

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview - Display sub nodes when mouse over menu

2009-05-30 Thread eclipseTalk

Thanks for your reply.
I'm just using CLICK from jquery.treeview.js
I'm initializing my tree as follow:

animated: fast,
persist: location,
collapsed: true,
unique: true
Do you have an example on how to define the hover function to add in
jquery.treeview.js? That would help me out...
Thanks in advance...

On May 26, 4:24 am, Zeeshan Khan khan.zeesha...@gmail.com wrote:
 is tree expanding on CLICK...what are u doing to expand it...i mean are u
 calling a function or a CSS class...if u are calling a function u can
 override the HOVER function  if u r jst changing the CSS u can change the
 CSS on hover..


 Zeeshan Ahmed Khan

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:51 AM, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:

  Thanks, but it's not exacltly what I need.
  I basically need to override hover to behave as the click event. How
  can I do that in JQuery? Thanks for helping me out here

  On May 25, 5:17 pm, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
   Have you tried here:  http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/children#expr


   On May 25, 1:55 pm, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:

I'd like to display the children nodes when the mouse over the parent
node. What is the best way to achieve that? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you for your time.- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Treeview: persist lost on anchor links

2009-05-29 Thread award...@gmail.com

I'm encountering a problem with the Treeview plug-in in that when a
page link navigates to a different page with an anchor link, the
Treeview's persist:location fails since it can't understand the URL

How do get Treeview to understand that pagename.aspx and
pagename.aspx#anchor are the same?

[jQuery] treeview - way to ignore a list from treeview

2009-05-29 Thread Mark Steudel

I am displaying some lists, and some of the list li's display user
generated content. Some of that conetnt seems to have lists in them.
Is there a way to specifically say that treeview should only process
certain uls or lis and ignore others?


ul class=filetree
!-- begin user content --
limy user list/li
limy user list/li
pa paragraph/p
!-- end user content --

I'd like treeview to ignore the ul in the user content.


[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview - Display sub nodes when mouse over menu

2009-05-26 Thread Zeeshan Khan
is tree expanding on CLICK...what are u doing to expand it...i mean are u
calling a function or a CSS class...if u are calling a function u can
override the HOVER function  if u r jst changing the CSS u can change the
CSS on hover..


Zeeshan Ahmed Khan

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:51 AM, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Thanks, but it's not exacltly what I need.
 I basically need to override hover to behave as the click event. How
 can I do that in JQuery? Thanks for helping me out here

 On May 25, 5:17 pm, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
  Have you tried here:  http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/children#expr
  On May 25, 1:55 pm, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:
   I'd like to display the children nodes when the mouse over the parent
   node. What is the best way to achieve that? Any help is appreciated.
   Thank you for your time.- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] JQuery Treeview - Page reload

2009-05-25 Thread eclipseTalk

I'm using JQuery Treeview as follow:

animated: fast,
persist: location,
collapsed: true,
unique: true

Upon page reload, all the nodes expand and then only the selected node
remain expanded which is the desired behavior. However, I'd like to
prevent all the nodes from expanding upon refresh as it creates a
flicker. Has anyone else experience this behaviour? How can I turn it
Thank you for your time...

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview - Page reload

2009-05-25 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

The plugin itself can't help much with that.

You could try to hide the all nodes via CSS first, then remove the
responsible class via JS, after intializing the treeview.


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 2:59 PM, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I'm using JQuery Treeview as follow:

                animated: fast,
                persist: location,
                collapsed: true,
                unique: true

 Upon page reload, all the nodes expand and then only the selected node
 remain expanded which is the desired behavior. However, I'd like to
 prevent all the nodes from expanding upon refresh as it creates a
 flicker. Has anyone else experience this behaviour? How can I turn it
 Thank you for your time...

[jQuery] JQuery Treeview - Display sub nodes when mouse over menu

2009-05-25 Thread eclipseTalk

I'd like to display the children nodes when the mouse over the parent
node. What is the best way to achieve that? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you for your time.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview - Display sub nodes when mouse over menu

2009-05-25 Thread kiusau

Have you tried here:  http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/children#expr


On May 25, 1:55 pm, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I'd like to display the children nodes when the mouse over the parent
 node. What is the best way to achieve that? Any help is appreciated.
 Thank you for your time.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview - Display sub nodes when mouse over menu

2009-05-25 Thread eclipseTalk

Thanks, but it's not exacltly what I need.
I basically need to override hover to behave as the click event. How
can I do that in JQuery? Thanks for helping me out here

On May 25, 5:17 pm, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
 Have you tried here:  http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/children#expr


 On May 25, 1:55 pm, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:

  I'd like to display the children nodes when the mouse over the parent
  node. What is the best way to achieve that? Any help is appreciated.
  Thank you for your time.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] treeview asynchronous

2009-05-21 Thread ffw_cn


i want to use the asynchronous load tree,but the
jquery.treeview.async.js only supply

the root load tree by ajax(json),but i purpose that each node can load
children asynchronous,

what can i do? please help me~

[jQuery] [treeview] No event on node after add node.

2009-05-19 Thread mrkeyser


I'm french, sorry for my English, thank you google translation! ;)

I'd like to make ajax calls to load sub-nodes in my treeview.
I have the following tree:

Tree HTML :

ul id=tree
  li id=1spanItem 1/span/li
  li id=2span id=item-2Item 2/span/li
  li id=3spanItem 3/span/li

Method JS :

$(span[id]).click(function() {
  var toto = $(this).parent();
  if (toto.find(ul).length == 0) {
var id = $(this).attr(id).substring(item-.length);
$.post(/Export/GetChildItem, { id: id }, function(data) {
  var branches = $(data).appendTo(# + id);
add: branches

Result :

ul id=tree
  li id=1spanItem 1/span/li
  li id=2span id=item-2Item 2/span
  lispan id=item-2-1Item 2-1/span/li
  lispanItem 2-2/span/li
  li id=3spanItem 3/span/li

When I click on item 2, no problem. If I click on item 2-1, no
event, why?
I've tried everything, I do not see...


[jQuery] [treeview] No event on node after add node.

2009-05-19 Thread mrkeyser


I'm french, sorry for my English, thank you google translation! ;)

I'd like to make ajax calls to load sub-nodes in my treeview.
I have the following tree:

Tree HTML :

ul id=tree
  li id=1spanItem 1/span/li
  li id=2span id=item-2Item 2/span/li
  li id=3spanItem 3/span/li

Method JS :

$(span[id]).click(function() {
  var toto = $(this).parent();
  if (toto.find(ul).length == 0) {
var id = $(this).attr(id).substring(item-.length);
$.post(/Export/GetChildItem, { id: id }, function(data) {
  var branches = $(data).appendTo(# + id);
add: branches


Result :

ul id=tree
  li id=1spanItem 1/span/li
  li id=2span id=item-2Item 2/span
  lispan id=item-2-1Item 2-1/span/li
  lispanItem 2-2/span/li
  li id=3spanItem 3/span/li

When I click on item 2, no problem. If I click on item 2-1, no
event, why?
I've tried everything, I do not see...


[jQuery] JQuery Treeview Expand selected node

2009-05-14 Thread BugBurger

I am using JQuery TreeView and have a question. my example tree look
like this


I wats to expand a specific node. for example Birds. how do i do that ?

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview Expand selected node

2009-05-14 Thread PUTRA PRIMA
hmmh i have a good example from google ^__^

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 3:23 AM, BugBurger soni.mau...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using JQuery TreeView and have a question. my example tree look
 like this


 I wats to expand a specific node. for example Birds. how do i do that ?

Putra Prima A
0410630078 Teknik Elektro Brawijaya
3 ipa 2 smunsa 2004

[jQuery] JQuery Treeview

2009-05-12 Thread eclipseTalk

I'm using the JQuery treeview but I'm running into some weird
behavior. The tree expands by itself sometimes and it cannot be
collapsed. It happens every time I'm displaying a slide show for
instance. When I clear the cookies it goes away. Any idea on how I
can't prevent the whole tree from expanding?
Thanks for your help

[jQuery] JQuery TreeView Plugin Problem: Text Alignment in IE

2009-05-09 Thread Paul Selormey

I am currently using the treeview plug in at

Is is a nice work, and I am really pleased with it. I, however, have a
problem of text alignment with the tree lines when I combined the
treeview with the tabview in the jquery-ui library.

There is no problem with other browsers (tested with Chrome, Firefox,

The output is worst than what you will see in this online sample


which is not the way the main demo appears: 

Please help.

Best regards,

[jQuery] [TreeView] - How to collapse a menu item that is a link?

2009-05-09 Thread eclipseTalk

I'm looking at the Sample 0 from http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/?1
Great work!
I have a question. How can I make the menu collapse upon clicking?
When I click, the menu expands, but if I click again the menu doesn't
collapse. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance

[jQuery] [TreeView] - How to collapse a menu item that is a link?

2009-05-09 Thread eclipseTalk

I'm looking at the JQuery TreeView - Sample 0 from
Great work!
I have a question. How can I make the menu collapse upon clicking?
When I click, the menu expands, but if I click again the menu doesn't
collapse. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance

[jQuery] treeview

2009-05-08 Thread diegoGPC

hi all,

I'm a developer...I'm customizing the treeview plugin to use it in a
site where i need also a breadcrumb (designer request...) and to
highlight the selected node.

I am totally new in JQuery affair... I've used it before only in a
deaf way, without any kind of customization. I'm used to write js code
totally on my own according to my needs...

So (referring to the standard 'menu3' example) I added to every span
tag an onclick link to a customized function and a class to persist
the selection style.

OK it works on every browser. The selected item on every node is
highlighted, and the selection of another item resets all the
situation on his level and children, and so on = perfect!

But last AND least, to use the breadcrumbs, I added an ID to every tag
(at the time in a static way, but if the testing will be
successful,dynamically with ASP in the future), in order to drive the
tree with an external crumb function. In this way, with testing
purposes, from a dummy anchor I fire the function that sounds like
this (assuming that on the current situation I want to open an item on
the 2nd sublevel, and that it's the first step in this
development...the function can be dinamized better!):

document.getElementById(1st sublevelItem).click();
document.getElementById(2nd sublevelItem).click();

OK works perfectly in IE... the menu opens at the desired node as I
want! Other step: I need to make it working on Firefox, Safari, Flock,
Chrome...and so on.
So I tried the FF version of the js method .click() -- .onclick()

document.getElementById(1st sublevelItem).onclick();
document.getElementById(2nd sublevelItem).onclick();

and...surprise!  The tree does not react in any manner, but my own
functions that manage the style of the spans are perfectly working,
and I can test them opening the tree in a manual way.

So it seems that the jQuery code reacts to the click() method for IE,
but not to the onclick() method for the other browsers. (they show ALL
the same problem).

Now I only can ask you - jQuery experts! - WHY jQuery does not react
to this js method.

I'm afraid to handle jQuery code directly...I'm too 'novice' for it.
And I've too many tasks open at the moment, so I can't waste too much
And -sure!- I don't want to write a custom-hybrid treemenu and a
breadcrumbs using Flex, thing that I and my co-developer had already
done for another site, and that I consider full of problems, time-
expensive and too complicate, like killing a fly with a bazooka.

Many many thanks in advance.

Diego GPC

[jQuery] [treeview] - is rtl supported?

2009-05-07 Thread orcaman

Hi all,

I'm using the cool jQuery plugin Treeview, and I am trying to get it
to work rtl instead of the default ltr. I am aiming for a real rtl
in a sense that the tree nodes will open rtl too. Is it possible to
achieve this using the plugin?


[jQuery] Re: jquery treeview menu problem

2009-04-30 Thread award...@gmail.com

I just figured this one out.

You need to explicitly hide the child ULs for IE to correctly animate
the Treeview.  In your CSS set your UL UL to display:none; and you
should be just fine.

On Apr 10, 5:23 am, Titti prima...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, i'm using jquery treeview 
 ) menu in my website and i have a little problem: when i open a page
 from the menu tree,  menu expands completely  and items alignes to the
 left side for a while, the time that page is charghing. I don't know
 why, can u help me? thank you

[jQuery] [treeview] top node (root) is open but has plus sign????

2009-04-29 Thread Marv

I have a treeview where there is only one node at the top of the tree
with several child nodes -- some having child nodes -- some not. All
open / close indicators are as expected EXCEPT the very top one which
even though the node is open it show a '+' sign rather than a '-' sign
which is the normal display for an open node. Also clicking this top
node's '+' closes the whole list AND changes the indicator to a '-'
sign. Again, not what you would expect.

Any ideas?

[jQuery] [treeview] what are the possible options for this plugin?

2009-04-29 Thread Marv

There doesn't seem to be any place that I can find which explains the
options available for the treeview plugin. Does anyone have a link or
reference as to what the options are and what their settings mean?

[jQuery] [treeView] Problem with treeview and Firefox 3

2009-04-28 Thread vg33

I use the jQuery plugin treeView with jQuery 1.3.2
I have a long list (over 500 items), each item with 3 links .
Exemple :
lifirst item a href=action1img src=icon1 //a a
href=action2img src=icon2 //a a href=action3img
src=icon3 //a /li
lisecond item a href=action1img src=icon1 //a a
href=action2img src=icon2 //a a href=action3img
src=icon3 //a /li

With IE8, Opera, Safari and Google Chrome : no problem. Display the
tree takes 3 or 4 seconds.
But, with Firefox 3.10, it takes over 30 seconds.
And when I delete the links in the list, no problem with Firefox.
Any idea ?
(sorry for my very very bad english ;o)

[jQuery] Treeview Plugin -- What are the options???

2009-04-28 Thread Marv

The documentation doesn't seem to detail the optoins and the demos use
some but without any explanation of what options and settings are
available. For example, what does 'Unique:' mean? Or 'Control:'?

[jQuery] [treeView] Problem with Firefox 3

2009-04-27 Thread vg33

I use the jQuery plugin treeView with jQuery 1.3.2
I have a long list (over 500 items), each item with 3 links .
Exemple :
lifirst item a href=action1img src=icon1 //a a
href=action2img src=icon2 //a a href=action3img
src=icon3 //a /li
lisecond item a href=action1img src=icon1 //a a
href=action2img src=icon2 //a a href=action3img
src=icon3 //a /li

With IE8, Opera, Safari and Google Chrome : no problem. Display the
tree takes 3 or 4 seconds.
But, with Firefox 3.10, it takes over 30 seconds.
And when I delete the links in the list, no problem with Firefox.
Any idea ?
(sorry for my very very bad english ;o)

[jQuery] Re: jquery treeview menu problem

2009-04-22 Thread Titti

No idea?

On 20 Apr, 16:23, Titti prima...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Jay, here you can take a look about the problem (with firefox it's
 all ok, but with ie it doesn't works very well)


 Thank you


 On 10 Apr, 21:01, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

  Can you post an example? I'm not sure I understand your question.

  On Apr 10, 5:23 am, Titti prima...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi, i'm 
   )menuin my website and i have a little problem: when i open a page
   from themenutree,  menuexpands completely  and items alignes to the
   left side for a while, the time that page is charghing. I don't know
   why, can u help me? thank you

[jQuery] Re: jquery treeview menu problem

2009-04-20 Thread Titti

Hi Jay, here you can take a look about the problem (with firefox it's
all ok, but with ie it doesn't works very well)


Thank you


On 10 Apr, 21:01, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you post an example? I'm not sure I understand your question.

 On Apr 10, 5:23 am, Titti prima...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, i'm 
  )menuin my website and i have a little problem: when i open a page
  from themenutree,  menuexpands completely  and items alignes to the
  left side for a while, the time that page is charghing. I don't know
  why, can u help me? thank you

[jQuery] [treeview] help with persistant:location variable...

2009-04-20 Thread budduke

I looked through the board but can not find any info for what I am
for the persistant:location highlight, I need it to not look at the
entire url string, just part of it.
using php my links have http://www.myweb.com/good_link.php?location=herepage=5
the string should only be looking for everything before the  symbol.
I can not figure out how to do this.
I know it is all happening in the case area of the script but can not
figure out how to filter out everything from the  to the end of the
string to compare with the url.

thanks for any help you can send my way,
Buddy Duke

[jQuery] [treeview] IE6 without reset body

2009-04-18 Thread Konrad Martin

I would like to use treeview separated in the navigation container
'main' without resetting Base Font Size in  screen.css file to
htmlbody {
font-size: 16px;
font-size: 68.75%;}
body {
font-size: 68.75%;}

Setting main container in screen.css file directly to
#main {
font-family: Verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
background: #fff;
font-size: 68.75%;
color: #333;
padding: 1em; }

works fine in Firefox, but in IE6 the result is an ugly little
downshift of the linktext (eg. 'Item 1' for example).

Before reinventing something what's already solved I would like to
know if there may exist a solution to this problem - a workaround for
IE6 within 'main' without changing 'body'

[jQuery] [treeview] suppressing toggle on link click

2009-04-13 Thread Christopher Litsinger

I'm using the jquery.treeview plugin to build an outline.  Each
element within the outline has a link to the side of it that runs a
javascript function.  I'd like to have users click on this without
triggering the toggle of the element.

Below is a very simple html file that shows the problem- each element
has a [+] to the side of it- when you click on that link, in addition
to the alert, the group will expand or contract.  Any ideas how to
suppress that when clicking on the [+], but allow it when clicking on
the text itself?

script src='jquery/jquery.js' type='text/javascript'/script
script src='jquery/jquery-treeview/jquery.treeview.js' type='text/
script src='jquery/jquery.cookie.js' type='text/javascript'/script
script language=JavaScript
animated: fast,
collapsed: false,
unique: false,
persist: cookie,
toggle: function() {
window.console  console.log(%o was toggled, this);

link rel=stylesheet href=jquery/jquery-treeview/
jquery.treeview.css type=text/css media=screen /

ul id=outline class=treeview-red
  lispantop element a href=javascript:void(0); onClick=alert
lispanlevel 1 element 1a href=javascript:void(0);
  lispanlevel 2 element 1 a href=javascript:void(0);
  lispanlevel 2 element 2 a href=javascript:void(0);

[jQuery] jquery treeview menu

2009-04-10 Thread Titti

Hi, i'm using jquery treeview menu in my website, but when i open a
page from the menu, for a while, it expands completely and it alignes
to the left side. can u help me? thank you

[jQuery] jquery treeview menu problem

2009-04-10 Thread Titti

Hi, i'm using jquery treeview ( 
) menu in my website and i have a little problem: when i open a page
from the menu tree,  menu expands completely  and items alignes to the
left side for a while, the time that page is charghing. I don't know
why, can u help me? thank you

[jQuery] Re: jquery treeview menu problem

2009-04-10 Thread jay

Can you post an example? I'm not sure I understand your question.

On Apr 10, 5:23 am, Titti prima...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, i'm using jquery treeview 
 ) menu in my website and i have a little problem: when i open a page
 from the menu tree,  menu expands completely  and items alignes to the
 left side for a while, the time that page is charghing. I don't know
 why, can u help me? thank you

[jQuery] treeview

2009-04-08 Thread Almudena

I would like to know if it is possible to link treeview links to
anchor tags rather than to a whole html page. Any help will be much

[jQuery] [treeview]

2009-04-05 Thread dip...@gmail.com

hey all,

having a problem with treeview by Jörn Zaefferer.

I load the content from json, but i lose persistance of location. i
get the tree folded and i don't know what branch i'm on to.

i managed to fix this by pasting the location code in .async.js,

var sm = current.find(a).filter(function() { return
this.href.toLowerCase() == location.href.toLowerCase(); });
if ( sm.length ) {
li).add( sm.next() ).show

but now the branch is marked as selected, however the tree is not open
(all folded)

any ideas?

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