Re: [julia-users] solving large system of complex nonlinear ODEs

2015-05-07 Thread Andrei Berceanu
ok, so the system under discussion is this one:
i think the choice basically comes down to either

a) an explicit RK method in ODE.jl or
b) CVODE(S) in Sundials.jl

What do you guys suggest based on your experience? a) has the advantage 
that it is a pure Julia solution, but not production ready.
b) seems more reliable but indeed it seems to only solve equations with 
real coefficients.

On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:12:40 AM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:

  Any suggestions for solving a nonlinear system of ~1000 coupled ODEs 
  complex coefficients? 

 Try your luck with the ODE solvers: ODE.jl, DASSL.jl and Sundials.jl. 
 For sundials you will probably have to split the equations into real and 
 imaginary part. 

[julia-users] solving large system of complex nonlinear ODEs

2015-05-06 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Any suggestions for solving a nonlinear system of ~1000 coupled ODEs with 
complex coefficients?

[julia-users] Re: pre-allocation for sparse matrices

2015-04-13 Thread Andrei Berceanu
OK so I'm not sure how to directly access the CSC structure. 
Anyway, for clarity, here is the method which generates my sparse matrix. In 
a typical usage scenario, I need to generate and diagonalize a lot of these 
matrices, which are obtained varying the *s* Function.
I guess this qualifies as a low-order method?

N::Int,nz::Int,α::Float64)# PreallocateI = Array(Int64,nz)J = 
Array(Int64,nz)V = Array(Complex{Float64},nz) function 
setnzelem(i::Int,n::Int,m::Int; pos::ASCIIString = self)if 
pos==leftk += 1J[k] = i-N; I[k] = i; V[k] = 
l(n,m,α)elseif pos==rightk += 1J[k] = 
i+N; I[k] = i; V[k] = r(n,m,α)elseif pos==upk += 
1J[k] = i-1; I[k] = i; V[k] = u(n,m,α)elseif 
pos==downk += 1J[k] = i+1; I[k] = i; V[k] = 
d(n,m,α)elseif pos==selfk += 1J[k] = i; 
I[k] = i; V[k] = s(n,m,α)endend# maximum value 
of m or n indicesmaxm = div(N-1,2) k = 0for i in 1:N^2m 
= getm(i,N)n = getn(i,N)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=self)
#corners#top leftif n==maxm  m==-maxm
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=down)#top rightelseif n==maxm  m==maxm
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)
#bottom rightelseif n==-maxm  m==maxm 
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=up)
#bottom leftelseif n==-maxm  m==-maxm 
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=up)
#edges#topelseif n == maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=right)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)#rightelseif m == 
maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=up)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)#bottom
elseif n == -maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=up)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)
#leftelseif m == -maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=down)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=up)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)else #bulksetnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=down)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=up)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=left)endendreturn sparse(I,J,V)end*

On Friday, April 10, 2015 at 10:15:22 PM UTC+2, Christoph Ortner wrote:

 For example, for finite elements or finite differences, the connectivity 
 information gives you the sparsity pattern, which you could assemble once 
 and for all and then change the entries as needed. If it is a low-order 
 method, then you have few elements in each column and it would be very 
 efficient (and easy to implement) to make these changes by directly 
 accessing the CSC structure.


Re: [julia-users] Re: in-place matrix division

2015-04-13 Thread Andrei Berceanu
The problem is, as I loop though my parameter space, I need to solve a lot 
of linear systems of the type \(A,B), where B stays the same but A changes 
depending on the parameters. Therefore a method that overwrites B doen't 
really help.

On Friday, April 10, 2015 at 6:19:34 PM UTC+2, Andreas Noack wrote:

 Yes. This has to be made more clear. The problem is that the libraries we 
 are using for sparse factorizations don't allow us to update b in place.

 2015-04-10 4:26 GMT-07:00 Kristoffer Carlsson 

 I think it should be A_ldiv_B! however this seems inconcistent to me:

 julia a = rand(3,3); b = rand(3)
 3-element Array{Float64,1}:

 julia A_ldiv_B!(sparse(a), b) 
 3-element Array{Float64,1}:

 julia b # Note: b is not overwritten
 3-element Array{Float64,1}:

 julia A_ldiv_B!(lufact(a), b)
 3-element Array{Float64,1}:

 julia b # For this, b is overwritten
 3-element Array{Float64,1}:

 On Friday, April 10, 2015 at 11:19:45 AM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I am solving a linear system of the type A*X == B, where A is a sparse 
 matrix. I use the matrix division function
 \(*A*, *B*)

 Is there an in-place version of this function, where one can 
 pre-allocate the output X and then pass it, i.e.


Re: [julia-users] code review: my first outer constructor :)

2015-04-13 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi Gabriel, thanks a lot for your reply!

(1) I use the WaveFunction type inside the Spectrum type, which as you can 
see is a collection of wavefunctions. For a typical usage case, have a look 
I am not quite sure what you mean with defining a methods for the int 
(2) As you can see, the gauge is an attribute of the Spectrum type, which 
is what I use in practice so I didn't see much point in storing it inside 
every wavefunction. Do you have a suggestion for a better implementation? 
In fact there are only these 2 gauge choices, landau and symmetric.
(3) P should be a Vector of length N^2, and I thought that declaring N to 
be an int means implicit conversion as well - is that not so?
(4) genspmat generates the (sparse) matrix of the Hamiltonian, so 
countnonzeros() simply counts beforehand how many nonzero elements there 
will be in this sparse matrix. If you think of an NxN 2D lattice, 
countnonzeros() simply counts the number of neighbours of each site (4 for 
a center site, 3 for an edge site and 2 for a corner site). 

What do you mean by irrelevant in this case? Are you refering to the gauge 

On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 11:28:48 PM UTC+2, Gabriel Mitchell wrote:

 Hi Andrei. I am not really Julia expert, but I do have a couple of high 
 level questions about your code, which might help anyone that feels 
 inclined to contribute a review. 

 (1) Why have you made the WaveFunction type in the first place? In 
 particular, is there any reason that you just don't use alias 
 and define a methods for the int attribute?
 (2) the outer construction seems to allow for the option for different 
 gauges (which, in my unsophisticated mindset, I think of as alternative 
 parameterizations). Since different gauge choices in some sense imply 
 different semantics for the values in Psi (although presumably not other 
 function invariant to the gauge choice), it would seem that the user (or a 
 function naive to the gauge choice) would want a means to inspect this 
 change in the object. In other words why is the gauge not an attribute of 
 the WaveFunction object, assuming you actually want this type? A related 
 question would be how many different gauges choices does one expect the 
 user to want to use. Just these two? These two plus a few more? All of them?
 (3) Line 17 asserts that N is an integer, but sqrt(length(P)) could be 
 (4) I don't really understand what is going on with countnonzeros, but 
 maybe a pattern matching syntax ala Match.jl could help to make a more 
 declarative version of this function?

 As a side note, I think the problem of how to describe and take advantage 
 of irrelevant degrees of freedom in numerical computations is pretty 
 interesting and certainly has applications in all kids of fields, so it 
 would be cool if you had some ideas about how to systematically approach 
 this problem.

 On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 10:06:10 PM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Hi Mauro, I realised after posting this that I should have been much more 
 I apologise for that!

 Anyway, thanks for you reply. Not sure what you mean by OO programming, 
 as I thought Julia uses multiple dispatch and not OO.

 PS: You're the first person I see that also uses runbox, that makes us 
 email brothers I guess :p

 On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 8:29:44 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:

 Hi Andrei, 

 just a general note, unless someone is actually interested in using your 
 code, a code review might be too much to ask of people.  Thus the lack 
 in responses.  See:!searchin/julia-users/karpinski$20reivew/julia-users/C5cVjAuGA8U/HLV5rAjIuLMJ

 The way to get most feedback, is to condense your problem into a small 
 snippet which can just be run with copy-paste (you're gists fails there) 
 and ask something specific.  An exception seem to be questions of the 
 kind I ported this from C/Fortran/... and it is 100x slower, where did 
 I go wrong, which seem to regularly attract much feedback. 

 I didn't look into the code in detail: 

  It's the first time I try to use Julia constructors properly (or 
  improperly?!) so I need your opinion on a couple of points. 

 Use of constructors seem to be fine. 

  1. On Julia's IRC channel I was told that using AbstractArray instead 
  e.g. Matrix/Vector might yield a performance boost - is that the case? 

 No, I don't think so.  Did you read the Performance section of the 
 manual?  There it also tells you how to profile your code. 

  2. Can you spot any major performance killers in my code? 
  3. Coming from Python, I am used to things like enumerate etc, but 
  that is not very Julian? :) So this last aspect concerns more the 
  style, I guess. 

 Using enumerate is totally fine.  Just don't do object-oriented 

 Looks all good

[julia-users] Re: pre-allocation for sparse matrices

2015-04-13 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Yes but so how do I update it inplace?

On Monday, April 13, 2015 at 5:37:50 PM UTC+2, Kristoffer Carlsson wrote:

 If you have the same sparse structures in your matrices then it should be 
 sufficient to to the IJV - CSC sparse matrix conversion only once and then 
 update A in place instead of generating a new IJV and converting to CSC 
 again and again. 

Re: [julia-users] code review: my first outer constructor :)

2015-04-12 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi Mauro, I realised after posting this that I should have been much more 
I apologise for that!

Anyway, thanks for you reply. Not sure what you mean by OO programming, as 
I thought Julia uses multiple dispatch and not OO.

PS: You're the first person I see that also uses runbox, that makes us 
email brothers I guess :p

On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 8:29:44 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:

 Hi Andrei, 

 just a general note, unless someone is actually interested in using your 
 code, a code review might be too much to ask of people.  Thus the lack 
 in responses.  See:!searchin/julia-users/karpinski$20reivew/julia-users/C5cVjAuGA8U/HLV5rAjIuLMJ

 The way to get most feedback, is to condense your problem into a small 
 snippet which can just be run with copy-paste (you're gists fails there) 
 and ask something specific.  An exception seem to be questions of the 
 kind I ported this from C/Fortran/... and it is 100x slower, where did 
 I go wrong, which seem to regularly attract much feedback. 

 I didn't look into the code in detail: 

  It's the first time I try to use Julia constructors properly (or 
  improperly?!) so I need your opinion on a couple of points. 

 Use of constructors seem to be fine. 

  1. On Julia's IRC channel I was told that using AbstractArray instead of 
  e.g. Matrix/Vector might yield a performance boost - is that the case? 

 No, I don't think so.  Did you read the Performance section of the 
 manual?  There it also tells you how to profile your code. 

  2. Can you spot any major performance killers in my code? 
  3. Coming from Python, I am used to things like enumerate etc, but 
  that is not very Julian? :) So this last aspect concerns more the 
  style, I guess. 

 Using enumerate is totally fine.  Just don't do object-oriented 

 Looks all good to me! 

[julia-users] Re: smallest eigenvalue of sparse matrix

2015-04-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I now get

*CHOLMOD warning: not positive definiteERROR: `-` has no method matching 
I must probably mention that I generate my sparse matrix using this 
constructor: *sparse(I,J,V)*, with

*I = Array(Int64,N)J = Array(Int64,N)V = 
On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:53:32 PM UTC+2, Alex wrote:


 eigs(A, nev=1, which=:SM) 

 You might want to look into the docs to see the other keywords, for 
 example if you need the eigenvector(s) as well. 



 On Thursday, 9 April 2015 19:34:40 UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu  wrote: 
  How can I get the minimum eigenvalue of a sparse matrix? 
   I found eigmin(A), but it only seems to work on dense matrices. 
  ERROR: `eigmin` has no method matching 

[julia-users] smallest eigenvalue of sparse matrix

2015-04-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
How can I get the minimum eigenvalue of a sparse matrix?
 I found eigmin(A), but it only seems to work on dense matrices.
ERROR: `eigmin` has no method matching 

[julia-users] Re: smallest eigenvalue of sparse matrix

2015-04-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
It's hard to post the code because the function that generates the matrix A 
is quite involved. 
However, I tracked down the error. In fact the problem was that whereas 
before I had

*val = eigmin(full(A))*

I was now trying to do

*val = eigs(A, nev=1, which=:SM) *

Which of course fails because eigs does not return a single value. So now I 
have come up with the nice construct

*real(eigs(A, nev=1, which=:SR, ritzvec=false)[1][1])*

which seems to give the same results as before.

However, I still see two issues here:
1. my matrix A is Hermitian, and I don't know if this info is used by eigs, 
or weather indeed it would make any difference (performance-wise)
2. using eigs like this instead of eigmin on the full matrix seems to be a 
few percent slower (i can provide timings if necessary). Is that to be 

On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 8:15:19 PM UTC+2, Viral Shah wrote:

 Could you post a self-sufficient code so that the errors can be reproduced?


 On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 11:40:00 PM UTC+5:30, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I now get

 *CHOLMOD warning: not positive definiteERROR: `-` has no method matching 
 I must probably mention that I generate my sparse matrix using this 
 constructor: *sparse(I,J,V)*, with

 *I = Array(Int64,N)J = Array(Int64,N)V = 
 On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:53:32 PM UTC+2, Alex wrote:


 eigs(A, nev=1, which=:SM) 

 You might want to look into the docs to see the other keywords, for 
 example if you need the eigenvector(s) as well. 



 On Thursday, 9 April 2015 19:34:40 UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu  wrote: 
  How can I get the minimum eigenvalue of a sparse matrix? 
   I found eigmin(A), but it only seems to work on dense matrices. 
  ERROR: `eigmin` has no method matching 

[julia-users] code review: my first outer constructor :)

2015-04-08 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi guys!
Here is [part of] some code I recently wrote for solving a physics problem:

It's the first time I try to use Julia constructors properly (or 
improperly?!) so I need your opinion on a couple of points.
1. On Julia's IRC channel I was told that using AbstractArray instead of 
e.g. Matrix/Vector might yield a performance boost - is that the case?
2. Can you spot any major performance killers in my code?
3. Coming from Python, I am used to things like enumerate etc, but perhaps 
that is not very Julian? :) So this last aspect concerns more the coding 
style, I guess.

Thanks so much!

[julia-users] Re: holoviews in julia

2015-04-03 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I just found this as a starting point

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 1:21:00 AM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Are you guys familiar with ?
 Is anyone working on a Julia interface or port?


[julia-users] holoviews in julia

2015-04-03 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Are you guys familiar with ?
Is anyone working on a Julia interface or port?


[julia-users] Re: debugging Kernel died in IJulia

2015-03-27 Thread Andrei Berceanu
So where am I supposed to see the extra debugging info? I still get the 
same Kerned died message window.

On Friday, March 27, 2015 at 6:06:29 AM UTC+1, Daniel Høegh wrote:

 This looks like issue:

[julia-users] default value for slider in Interact.js

2015-03-27 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Is there any way of setting a default value for a slider object, different 
from the middle of the slider interval (which is automatically chosen)?
I am refering to, i.e.

*using Reactive, Interacta = slider(1:10)*

*-- *this will have a default value of 5.

Re: [julia-users] strange behaviour of togglebuttons in Interact.jl

2015-03-26 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi Shashi,
Thanks for your prompt reply! To make my question clearer, please take a 
look at the following (contrived) example:

*using Reactive, Interact, DataStructuresp = Input(3.);α = @lift p/2;m = 
@lift Input(α);lift(a - togglebuttons(OrderedDict([one, two], [a,2a]), 
signal=m), α)*

The problem with this is that now the togglebuttons seem to no longer 
affect the value of the signal *m*, that stays constant at 1.5 no matter 
which option the user selects. 
This is what I meant earlier when saying I would like to initialize a 
signal with a value that depends on another signal. This is done in the 
*m = @lift Input(α);* in the example above. But it seems to break the 
behaviour of the toggle buttons.


On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 2:55:44 PM UTC+1, Shashi Gowda wrote:

 using Interact, Reactive

 α = Input(2)
 display(togglebuttons([one = 1, two = 2], signal=α))

 results in two being selected initially. If you want to set initial 
 label to be selected, you can use the value_label keyword argument

 If you want the selection to change wrt another signal, you will need to 
 lift the togglebuttons and set the value_label, but the value in the input 
 won't change without user interaction...

 I may not have understood your question fully well. I hope you can play 
 around with value_label and let me know where you get!


 On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 10:23 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 OK, I see. Now my problem is that, in my code, the initial value should 
 then depend on another signal, and I have found no way of resolving this.
 The actual code I have is

 *lift(a - togglebuttons([Landau = ( (n,m) - 
 one(Complex{Float64}), (n,m) - one(Complex{Float64}), 
 (n,m) - exp(-im*2π*a*m), (n,m) - exp(im*2π*a*m) ),
 Symmetric = ((n,m) - exp(-im*π*a*n), (n,m) - 
 exp(im*π*a*n),(n,m) - exp(-im*π*a*m), (n,m) - 
 exp(im*π*a*m))], signal=ft), α)*

 So I would like to initialize *ft* beforehand with, say, the first value 
 in my Dict, the one under the key Landau, but this depends on the value 
 of the signal *α.*
 On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 3:43:04 PM UTC+1, Shashi Gowda wrote:

 Not a bug, if you are passing in your own input signal to widgets, you 
 need to take care of maintaining the right initial values. It's also better 
 to use OrderedDict from DataStructures package here to keep the ordering of 
 the key-value pairs.

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Andrei Berceanu 

 Consider the following code

 *using Reactive, Interactα = Input(0)togglebuttons([one = 1, two 
 = 2], signal=α)signal(α)*I would expect the value of *α *to change 
 after executing the *togglebuttons*(..) line, however this is not the 
 *signal(α) *on the next line shows that *α *is still 0, even though 
 one of the buttons is pre-selected. One has to press the buttons at least 
 once to change the value of *α*.
 Can this behaviour be changed? Is it a bug? 

[julia-users] debugging Kernel died in IJulia

2015-03-26 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I seem to be getting this message, with no other error, quite often when 
evaluating my notebook. 
What is the recommended way of debugging such a thing? Since no extra 
information is provided I have no idea what is causing it in my code, or 
even if its an IJulia problem.


[julia-users] strange behaviour of togglebuttons in Interact.jl

2015-03-24 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Consider the following code

*using Reactive, Interactα = Input(0)togglebuttons([one = 1, two = 
2], signal=α)signal(α)*I would expect the value of *α *to change after 
executing the *togglebuttons*(..) line, however this is not the case.
*signal(α) *on the next line shows that *α *is still 0, even though one of 
the buttons is pre-selected. One has to press the buttons at least once to 
change the value of *α*.
Can this behaviour be changed? Is it a bug? 

[julia-users] metaprogramming for modifying expression inside anonymous function?

2015-03-24 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi guys,

Say I have a tuple of anonymous functions, such as:

*foolist = ((x,y)- exp(x*y), (x,y)- sin(x+y))*

and would like to (programatically) produce another tuple where every 
function has its overall sign changed. In my example this would be

*newfoolist = ((x,y)- -exp(x*y), (x,y)- -sin(x+y))*Can this be done, i.e. 
metaprogramming or some other technique? How?


Re: [julia-users] strange behaviour of togglebuttons in Interact.jl

2015-03-24 Thread Andrei Berceanu
OK, I see. Now my problem is that, in my code, the initial value should 
then depend on another signal, and I have found no way of resolving this.
The actual code I have is

*lift(a - togglebuttons([Landau = ( (n,m) - 
one(Complex{Float64}), (n,m) - one(Complex{Float64}), 
(n,m) - exp(-im*2π*a*m), (n,m) - exp(im*2π*a*m) ),
Symmetric = ((n,m) - exp(-im*π*a*n), (n,m) - 
exp(im*π*a*n),(n,m) - exp(-im*π*a*m), (n,m) - 
exp(im*π*a*m))], signal=ft), α)*

So I would like to initialize *ft* beforehand with, say, the first value in 
my Dict, the one under the key Landau, but this depends on the value of 
the signal *α.*
On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 3:43:04 PM UTC+1, Shashi Gowda wrote:

 Not a bug, if you are passing in your own input signal to widgets, you 
 need to take care of maintaining the right initial values. It's also better 
 to use OrderedDict from DataStructures package here to keep the ordering of 
 the key-value pairs.

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 Consider the following code

 *using Reactive, Interactα = Input(0)togglebuttons([one = 1, two = 
 2], signal=α)signal(α)*I would expect the value of *α *to change after 
 executing the *togglebuttons*(..) line, however this is not the case.
 *signal(α) *on the next line shows that *α *is still 0, even though one 
 of the buttons is pre-selected. One has to press the buttons at least once 
 to change the value of *α*.
 Can this behaviour be changed? Is it a bug? 

[julia-users] shorten redundant code

2015-03-23 Thread Andrei Berceanu

I need some help shortening this fragment of Julia code

The main idea is that *ft* and *ftex* are both tuples containing 4 
anonymous functions. The are initialized as the identical function, but 
then depending on the toggle buttons, can take 2 separate sets of values. 
The important thing to notice however is that between the 2 *togglebuttons* 
instances, the anonymous functions (for each branch) are the same except 
for an overall minus sign.

What I would like to do is have a single *togglebuttons* instance, which 
sets the value of *ft* and then *ftex* should get the same value, but with 
minus signs in front of al the anonymous functions. 

How can this be achieved?


[julia-users] gadfly plot of array with single nonzero element

2015-03-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Trying to plot a Matrix with a single nonzero element in Gadfly using

*using Gadflya = zeros(Float64, 10,10);a[5,5] = 1;spy(a)*
The result is shown in the attached figure. How can I convince Gadfly to 
show me also the zero values, in order to see the whole array, not just one 
 To see what I mean, replace *zeros(Float64, 10,10) *with *rand(10,10) *for 

Re: [julia-users] Re: using Gadfly and PyPlot at the same time

2015-03-06 Thread Andrei Berceanu
ok so now im doing import PyPlot, but have some problems with the latex 
axis labels

this used to work before
while now it gives

@L_str not defined
so i tried
which gives
syntax: invalid interpolation syntax: \

On Friday, March 6, 2015 at 2:16:58 PM UTC+1, René Donner wrote:

 To get rid of name clashed you could e.g. also say 

 import Gadfly 
 using PyPlot 

 Like this plot will refer to PyPlot.plot, and you can use Gadfly.plot 
 anytime you need Gadfly's plot. 

 You can find more info here:

 Am 06.03.2015 um 14:12 schrieb Andreas Lobinger 

  Hello colleague, 
  On Friday, March 6, 2015 at 2:05:19 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote: 
  Hi guys, 
  when I do 
  using Gadfly, PyPlot 
  i get 
  Warning: using PyPlot.plot in module Main conflicts with an existing 
  And other warning of the same type. How can I solve this? 
  I guess to solve this, you need to work on the packages (or even the 
 julia logic for exporting). Still you should be able to use (as this is a 
 warning only) both .plot by prefixing Gadly.plot and PyPlot.plot.   

[julia-users] using Gadfly and PyPlot at the same time

2015-03-06 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi guys,

when I do 

using Gadfly, PyPlot 

i get

Warning: using PyPlot.plot in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.

And other warning of the same type. How can I solve this? 

[julia-users] Re: 2D plot in gadfly

2015-03-03 Thread Andrei Berceanu
But Geom.rectbin seems to only work for square arrays, which is a severe 

On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 12:44:26 AM UTC+1, Iain Dunning wrote:

 How about:

 using Gadfly
 # Generate some data
 N = 100
 X = Float64[]
 Y = Float64[]
 Z = Float64[]
 for x in linspace(0.0,2π,N), y in linspace(0.0,2π,N)
 push!(X, x)
 push!(Y, y)
 push!(Z, sin(x)*sin(y))

 On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 5:34:45 PM UTC-5, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 The only thing keeping me from migrating from PyPlot to Gadfly is the 
 lack of 2D plotting abilities. To exemplify, I used the following code to 
 generate the attached image with PyPlot (here data is a 2d array):

 *fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))img = ax[:imshow](data, 
 origin=upper, ColorMap(hot), 
 extent=[x[1], x[end], x[1], x[end]]) ax[:set_ylim](x[1], 
 x[end]) ax[:set_xlim](x[1], 
 x[end]) ax[:set_xlabel](L$p_x$) ax[:set_ylabel](L$p_y$) tks = [-3., 
 -1.5, 0, 1.5, 
 3.] ax[:xaxis][:set_ticks](tks) ax[:yaxis][:set_ticks](tks) cbar = 
 fig[:colorbar](img, shrink=0.8, aspect=20, 
 fraction=.12,pad=.02) cbar[:ax][:tick_params](labelsize=7) 

 What is the current alternative for obtaining such a plot using Gadfly? 
 Are there plans for getting similar functionality anytime soon?

[julia-users] 3D interactive plots in IJulia

2015-03-03 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Is there some Julia library that allows one to do create 3D (surface plots) 
in the IJulia notebook and then rotate them interactively, using the mouse?


[julia-users] nonlinear curve fitting

2015-03-03 Thread Andrei Berceanu
i found this post concerning nonlinear curve fitting in Julia,
but it appears the curve_fit method no longer exists

does anyone have an updated version?

Re: [julia-users] nonlinear curve fitting

2015-03-03 Thread Andrei Berceanu
im using the code in the blog post

model(xdata,p) = p[1]*cos(p[2]*xdata)+p[2]*sin(p[1]*xdata)

xdata = [-2,-1.64,-1.33,-0.7,0,0.45,1.2,1.64,2.32,2.9]
ydata = 

beta, r, J = curve_fit(model, xdata, ydata, [1.0, 0.2])
# beta = best fit parameters
# r = vector of residuals
# J = estimated Jacobian at solution

@printf(Best fit parameters are: %f and %f,beta[1],beta[2])
@printf(The sum of squares of residuals is %f,sum(r.^2.0))

and my julia is 0.3.7-pre

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 11:11:26 PM UTC+1, René Donner wrote:

 Can you post the code you are trying to run? Which Julia version are you 

 The example given on works fine 
 here on 0.3.6. 

 Am 03.03.2015 um 22:55 schrieb Andrei Berceanu 

  i now get 
  `start` has no method matching start(::LsqFitResult{Float64}) 
  On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 10:41:11 PM UTC+1, René Donner wrote: 
  Looks like curve_fit has been moved to 
  Am 03.03.2015 um 22:30 schrieb Andrei Berceanu 
   i found this post concerning nonlinear curve fitting in Julia, 
   but it appears the curve_fit method no longer exists 
   does anyone have an updated version? 

[julia-users] Gadfly legend for different layers

2015-02-27 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I have a 2D plot of 2 layers with different colors:

*using Gadflyplot(layer(x=1:10, y=rand(10), Geom.line, Geom.point, 
Theme(default_color=color(red))),   layer(x=1:10, y=rand(10), 
Geom.line, Geom.point, Theme(default_color=color(green*How can I 
generate a legend which specifies what each line color represents? I tried 

Guide.colorkey but that doesn't seem to work for layers.


[julia-users] latex axis labels in Gadfly

2015-02-27 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I am trying to get rendering of LaTeX expressions in Gadfly axes labels, 

*using Gadflyplot(x=1:10, y=rand(10), Geom.line, Geom.point, 
Guide.xlabel($c^2$), Guide.ylabel(E))*

however this does not seem to work. Does anyone know how to do it?


[julia-users] Re: change size of individual plot in gadfly under IJulia

2015-02-12 Thread Andrei Berceanu
yes, but this loses the interactivity, i.e. the zoom functionality is no 
longer present. i just wanted the usual IJulia plot, but bigger :)

On Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 3:06:13 AM UTC+1, Daniel Jones wrote:

 Hi Andrei,

 You can do this using the draw function, like:

 draw(SVG(20cm, 10cm), plot(...))

 On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 3:42:47 PM UTC-8, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 set_default_plot_size changes the default size of all following plots, 
 but how can i set the size of a certain plot individually?


[julia-users] drawing geometrical shapes on top of gadfly plot

2015-02-12 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Does anyone know how I could draw a circle/square of a given radius/size on 
top of a Gadfly plot? Can I do it directly from within the plot command, or 
do I need to compose the figure after plotting it?
I am using IJulia so im guessing its using svgs via the D3 backend (i do 
not explicitly call draw in my notebook).

Thank you,

[julia-users] way around passing functions as arguments

2015-02-11 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I have written the following function for generating a sparse matrix:

*function genspmat(ω0::Float64; N=pm[N], α=pm[α], γ=pm[γ], 
κ=pm[κ])# Determine memory usagenz = countnonzeros(; N=N)# 
PreallocateI = Array(Int64,nz)J = Array(Int64,nz)V = 
Array(Complex{Float64},nz)function setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=self)
if pos==leftk += 1J[k] = i-N; I[k] = i; V[k] = 
1elseif pos==rightk += 1J[k] = i+N; I[k] 
= i; V[k] = 1elseif pos==upk += 1J[k] = 
i-1; I[k] = i; V[k] = exp(-im*2π*α*m)elseif pos==down
k += 1J[k] = i+1; I[k] = i; V[k] = exp(im*2π*α*m)elseif 
pos==selfk += 1J[k] = i; I[k] = i; V[k] = ω0 + 
im*γ - 1/2*κ*(m^2+n^2)endend# maximum value of 
m or n indicesmaxm = div(N-1,2)k = 0for i in 1:N^2m = 
getm(i; N=N)n = getn(i; N=N)#self interaction is always 
presentsetnzelem(i,n,m)#corners#top leftif 
n==maxm  m==-maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)#top rightelseif n==maxm  
m==maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=down)#bottom rightelseif n==-maxm  m==maxm 
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=up)#bottom leftelseif n==-maxm  m==-maxm 
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=up)#edges#topelseif n == maxm
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=left)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)#right
elseif m == maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=up)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)
#bottomelseif n == -maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=left)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=up)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)#leftelseif m == 
-maxmsetnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=up)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)else 
#bulksetnzelem(i,n,m; pos=down)setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=up)setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=right)
setnzelem(i,n,m; pos=left)endendreturn sparse(I,J,V)end*
Notice that inside this function I have defined *setnzelem(i,n,m; 
pos=self), *which is where all the action really takes place :)
Now I would like to generalize the *genspmat* to values V[k] which can be 
arbitrary functions of m and n. One way of doing so is to define 

N::Int,nz::Int)*and then inside setnzelem do 

 function setnzelem(i::Int,n::Int,m::Int; pos=self)
if pos==left
k += 1
J[k] = i-N; I[k] = i; V[k] = l(m,n)
elseif pos==right
k += 1
J[k] = i+N; I[k] = i; V[k] = r(m,n)
elseif pos==up
k += 1
J[k] = i-1; I[k] = i; V[k] = u(m,n)
elseif pos==down
k += 1
J[k] = i+1; I[k] = i; V[k] = d(m,n)
elseif pos==self
k += 1
J[k] = i; I[k] = i; V[k] = s(m,n)

The problem with this is that passing functions as arguments tends to be 
slow in Julia.
So what is your advice on accomplishing what I want?


[julia-users] change size of individual plot in gadfly under IJulia

2015-02-11 Thread Andrei Berceanu
set_default_plot_size changes the default size of all following plots, but 
how can i set the size of a certain plot individually?


[julia-users] Re: building GUI on top of julia code

2015-02-06 Thread Andrei Berceanu
The problem is that the errors seem to happen at random times, and without 
any error message the kernel just dies. I am overly familiar with any of 
the 2 frameworks you mention, i.e. i know of their existence, but thats 
about it.

On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 10:26:00 PM UTC+1, Avik Sengupta wrote:

 I would have said IJulia with Interact.jl is your best bet to get this 
 gone quickly. But I see that doesn't work for you. That is unfortunate, 
 because doing it that way is going to be the easiest by far. If you can 
 replicate the issues, an IJulia bug report would be appreciated, I imagine. 

 Julia does have bindings to GTK and TK. Depending on your familiarity with 
 these frameworks, they may work for you. 


 On Friday, 6 February 2015 18:40:46 UTC, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 So I have wrote the code for a numerical simulation in Julia, and I have 
 a few free parameters that I can play with (5-6) which will change the 
 resulting plots. The plots are done using Matplotlib via PyPlot.

 I would like to build a simple GUI with a few sliders for my parameters 
 and an array of plots that will change interactively as I change the 
 What are my options for quickly building such a thing? I prefer avoiding 
 the IJulia notebook because the kernel crashes quite often for some reason 
 when plotting stuff (this doesnt happen in the REPL).


[julia-users] 2D plot in gadfly

2015-02-06 Thread Andrei Berceanu
The only thing keeping me from migrating from PyPlot to Gadfly is the lack 
of 2D plotting abilities. To exemplify, I used the following code to 
generate the attached image with PyPlot (here data is a 2d array):

*fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))img = ax[:imshow](data, 
origin=upper, ColorMap(hot), 
extent=[x[1], x[end], x[1], x[end]]) ax[:set_ylim](x[1], 
x[end]) ax[:set_xlim](x[1], 
x[end]) ax[:set_xlabel](L$p_x$) ax[:set_ylabel](L$p_y$) tks = [-3., 
-1.5, 0, 1.5, 
3.] ax[:xaxis][:set_ticks](tks) ax[:yaxis][:set_ticks](tks) cbar = 
fig[:colorbar](img, shrink=0.8, aspect=20, 
fraction=.12,pad=.02) cbar[:ax][:tick_params](labelsize=7) 

What is the current alternative for obtaining such a plot using Gadfly? Are 
there plans for getting similar functionality anytime soon?

[julia-users] building GUI on top of julia code

2015-02-06 Thread Andrei Berceanu
So I have wrote the code for a numerical simulation in Julia, and I have a 
few free parameters that I can play with (5-6) which will change the 
resulting plots. The plots are done using Matplotlib via PyPlot.

I would like to build a simple GUI with a few sliders for my parameters and 
an array of plots that will change interactively as I change the sliders.
What are my options for quickly building such a thing? I prefer avoiding 
the IJulia notebook because the kernel crashes quite often for some reason 
when plotting stuff (this doesnt happen in the REPL).


Re: [julia-users] Re: compute quantity along contour

2015-02-04 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I'm thinking, given that the phase map was produced by applying 
Base.angle() on another (complex) matrix (say we call it M), it is this 
function which caused the phase wrapping in the first place, right? So 
can't I somehow get around the problem and produce the unwrapped map 
directly from M?

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 4:41:12 PM UTC+1, Yuuki Soho wrote:

 It seems you want to unwrap the phase (plus pi) along your path:

 But as you data are quite discrete, I'm not sure it will work. Maybe if 
 you interpolate.

[julia-users] Re: compute quantity along contour

2015-02-04 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Sorry, perhaps I did not explain myself :)
One can see the phase oscillates between -\pi and \pi.
I would like to compute how many times the phase changes by 2\pi as one 
goes around the origin. 

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 1:31:53 AM UTC+1, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 1:17:15 PM UTC-5, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 How can I numerically compute the total change in phase as one goes 
 around a closed loop centered on the site $m=n=0$?

 Seems like

 totalchangeinphase(m,n) = 0

 would work and be very efficient.   (As you described your problem, your 
 phase sounds like a single-valued function of m  n, hence the total change 
 around any closed loop would be zero.  Unless you mean something different 
 by total change?)

[julia-users] Re: compute quantity along contour

2015-02-04 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I guess what I'm trying to say is that your answer makes sense for 
continuous functions, while mine has jumps of 2\pi, and so the phase change 
is equal to the total number of these jumps (times 2\pi). Does this make 

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 11:36:51 AM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Sorry, perhaps I did not explain myself :)
 One can see the phase oscillates between -\pi and \pi.
 I would like to compute how many times the phase changes by 2\pi as one 
 goes around the origin. 

 On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 1:31:53 AM UTC+1, Steven G. Johnson 

 On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 1:17:15 PM UTC-5, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 How can I numerically compute the total change in phase as one goes 
 around a closed loop centered on the site $m=n=0$?

 Seems like

 totalchangeinphase(m,n) = 0

 would work and be very efficient.   (As you described your problem, your 
 phase sounds like a single-valued function of m  n, hence the total change 
 around any closed loop would be zero.  Unless you mean something different 
 by total change?)

Re: [julia-users] Re: compute quantity along contour

2015-02-04 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I'm hoping it wouldn't, but it is actually one of the things I would like 
to test.

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 3:17:39 PM UTC+1, Michele Zaffalon wrote:

 Wouldn't the answer depend on the path you choose?

 On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 I guess what I'm trying to say is that your answer makes sense for 
 continuous functions, while mine has jumps of 2\pi, and so the phase change 
 is equal to the total number of these jumps (times 2\pi). Does this make 

 On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 11:36:51 AM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu 

 Sorry, perhaps I did not explain myself :)
 One can see the phase oscillates between -\pi and \pi.
 I would like to compute how many times the phase changes by 2\pi as one 
 goes around the origin. 

 On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 1:31:53 AM UTC+1, Steven G. Johnson 

 On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 1:17:15 PM UTC-5, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 How can I numerically compute the total change in phase as one goes 
 around a closed loop centered on the site $m=n=0$?

 Seems like

 totalchangeinphase(m,n) = 0

 would work and be very efficient.   (As you described your problem, 
 your phase sounds like a single-valued function of m  n, hence the total 
 change around any closed loop would be zero.  Unless you mean something 
 different by total change?)

[julia-users] compute quantity along contour

2015-02-03 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I would like to use Julia to solve the following problem, any suggestions 
are welcome :)

The attached image (obtained in Julia) represents the phase of a 
wavefunction (in radians) on a square lattice, where m and n label the 
lattice sites. Computationally speaking, it is the density plot of a 41x41 
real matrix. 

How can I numerically compute the total change in phase as one goes around 
a closed loop centered on the site $m=n=0$?

[julia-users] compute hermite polynomials

2015-02-02 Thread Andrei Berceanu

Are Hermite polynomials ( 
implemented in Julia? Is there an easy way to compute Hn(x)?


[julia-users] Re: compute hermite polynomials

2015-02-02 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Yes, exactly, in order to generate plots like


On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:36:55 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

   Is there an easy way to compute Hn(x)?

 Do you mean to evaluate a given Hermite polynomial of order n at a value x?

[julia-users] Re: compute hermite polynomials

2015-02-02 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Andras, no worries :) Now I understand why I couldn't find the polynomials 
in your gist! 


On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 5:19:49 PM UTC+1, Andras Niedermayer wrote:

 Sorry, I meant Cubic Hermite Interpolation. Now I see you're looking for 
 Hermite polynomials.

 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:50:00 PM UTC+1, Andras Niedermayer wrote:

 I was looking for Hermite polynomials and haven't found any code. I have 
 some (very unpolished) code.

 I haven't made a public package yet, since it needs to be improved 
 (especially in terms of efficiency, also documentation). Unfortunately, I'm 
 unlikely to have time for this in the near future, so I'll just post a link 
 to a gist:

 I mainly used it with the output of the ODE.jl.

 I hope this is a useful starting point...


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:38:57 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Yes, exactly, in order to generate plots like


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:36:55 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

   Is there an easy way to compute Hn(x)?

 Do you mean to evaluate a given Hermite polynomial of order n at a 
 value x?

[julia-users] Re: compute hermite polynomials

2015-02-02 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Jiahao, it's not just for reproducing the Wikipedia figure. I will need to 
compute higher orders as well, i.e. Hn for n = 48. I was just wondering if 
there was anything already implemented in Julia. Meanwhile I found this:

On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:50:00 PM UTC+1, Andras Niedermayer wrote:

 I was looking for Hermite polynomials and haven't found any code. I have 
 some (very unpolished) code.

 I haven't made a public package yet, since it needs to be improved 
 (especially in terms of efficiency, also documentation). Unfortunately, I'm 
 unlikely to have time for this in the near future, so I'll just post a link 
 to a gist:

 I mainly used it with the output of the ODE.jl.

 I hope this is a useful starting point...


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:38:57 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Yes, exactly, in order to generate plots like


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:36:55 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

   Is there an easy way to compute Hn(x)?

 Do you mean to evaluate a given Hermite polynomial of order n at a value 

[julia-users] Re: compute hermite polynomials

2015-02-02 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I came up with this, so far

*function compute_hermite_polynomial(n)P = Poly([1])const x = 

for i = 1:nP = 2x*P - polyder(P)endPend*
On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 5:24:21 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Andras, no worries :) Now I understand why I couldn't find the polynomials 
 in your gist! 


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 5:19:49 PM UTC+1, Andras Niedermayer wrote:

 Sorry, I meant Cubic Hermite Interpolation. Now I see you're looking for 
 Hermite polynomials.

 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:50:00 PM UTC+1, Andras Niedermayer wrote:

 I was looking for Hermite polynomials and haven't found any code. I have 
 some (very unpolished) code.

 I haven't made a public package yet, since it needs to be improved 
 (especially in terms of efficiency, also documentation). Unfortunately, I'm 
 unlikely to have time for this in the near future, so I'll just post a link 
 to a gist:

 I mainly used it with the output of the ODE.jl.

 I hope this is a useful starting point...


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:38:57 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Yes, exactly, in order to generate plots like


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:36:55 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

   Is there an easy way to compute Hn(x)?

 Do you mean to evaluate a given Hermite polynomial of order n at a 
 value x?

Re: [julia-users] Re: compute hermite polynomials

2015-02-02 Thread Andrei Berceanu
That depends on weather one uses the Polynomial or Polynomials package. I 
use the latter (which has in fact superseded the former). The main 
difference is the ordering of the coefficients.

On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 5:59:45 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 This code computes the coefficient of the leading order term, not the 
 value of the polynomial.


 Jiahao Chen
 Staff Research Scientist
 MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

 On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 I came up with this, so far

 *function compute_hermite_polynomial(n)P = Poly([1])const x = 

 for i = 1:nP = 2x*P - polyder(P)endPend*

 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 5:24:21 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Andras, no worries :) Now I understand why I couldn't find the 
 polynomials in your gist! 


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 5:19:49 PM UTC+1, Andras Niedermayer 

 Sorry, I meant Cubic Hermite Interpolation. Now I see you're looking 
 for Hermite polynomials.

 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:50:00 PM UTC+1, Andras Niedermayer 

 I was looking for Hermite polynomials and haven't found any code. I 
 have some (very unpolished) code.

 I haven't made a public package yet, since it needs to be improved 
 (especially in terms of efficiency, also documentation). Unfortunately, 
 unlikely to have time for this in the near future, so I'll just post a 
 to a gist:

 I mainly used it with the output of the ODE.jl.

 I hope this is a useful starting point...


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:38:57 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Yes, exactly, in order to generate plots like


 On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:36:55 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

   Is there an easy way to compute Hn(x)?

 Do you mean to evaluate a given Hermite polynomial of order n at a 
 value x?

[julia-users] eigenvalues of sparse matrix

2015-01-26 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Is there any Julia function for computing the eigenvalues of a large, 
sparse, hermitian matrix M? I have tried eig(M) and eigvals(M) and got the 
no method error.


Re: [julia-users] eigenvalues of sparse matrix

2015-01-26 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Besides, the help of eigs says using Lanczos or Arnoldi iterations for 
real symmetric or general nonsymmetric matrices respectively. Mine is 
hermitian, i.e. complex and symmetric.

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 4:02:16 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 That seems to return a lot of things besides the eigenvalues.

 On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 3:43:01 PM UTC+1, Andreas Noack wrote:

 You can use eigs. Usually, you only ask for a few of the values, but in 
 theory, you could get all of them, but it could take some time to compute 

 2015-01-26 9:40 GMT-05:00 Andrei Berceanu

 Is there any Julia function for computing the eigenvalues of a large, 
 sparse, hermitian matrix M? I have tried eig(M) and eigvals(M) and got the 
 no method error.


Re: [julia-users] eigenvalues of sparse matrix

2015-01-26 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Indeed it seems to work with complex matrices as well. What would be very 
useful for me is the ability to get eigenvalues within a certain interval, 
emin to emax. I dont see this in the capabilities of eigs.


On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 4:21:58 PM UTC+1, Andreas Noack wrote:

 Yes. There is some extra output including convergence information and the 
 Ritz vectors. It should probably be explained in the manual, but the first 
 argument is the values. You can avoid the vectors with ritzvec=false, so 
 something like

 eigs(A, ritzvec = false)[1]

 should give you the largest (in magnitude) values.

 I think the documentation is simply wrong when stating that the matrix has 
 to be real. I just tried a complex matrix and it worked just fine, so 
 please open an issue about the documentation.

 2015-01-26 10:03 GMT-05:00 Andrei Berceanu 

 Besides, the help of eigs says using Lanczos or Arnoldi iterations for 
 real symmetric or general nonsymmetric matrices respectively. Mine is 
 hermitian, i.e. complex and symmetric.

 On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 4:02:16 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 That seems to return a lot of things besides the eigenvalues.

 On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 3:43:01 PM UTC+1, Andreas Noack wrote:

 You can use eigs. Usually, you only ask for a few of the values, but in 
 theory, you could get all of them, but it could take some time to compute 

 2015-01-26 9:40 GMT-05:00 Andrei Berceanu

 Is there any Julia function for computing the eigenvalues of a large, 
 sparse, hermitian matrix M? I have tried eig(M) and eigvals(M) and got 
 no method error.


Re: [julia-users] eigenvalues of sparse matrix

2015-01-26 Thread Andrei Berceanu
That seems to return a lot of things besides the eigenvalues.

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 3:43:01 PM UTC+1, Andreas Noack wrote:

 You can use eigs. Usually, you only ask for a few of the values, but in 
 theory, you could get all of them, but it could take some time to compute 

 2015-01-26 9:40 GMT-05:00 Andrei Berceanu 

 Is there any Julia function for computing the eigenvalues of a large, 
 sparse, hermitian matrix M? I have tried eig(M) and eigvals(M) and got the 
 no method error.


Re: [julia-users] eigenvalues of sparse matrix

2015-01-26 Thread Andrei Berceanu
The matrix is 1681x1681 with 8240 non-zero entries (i.e. 0.29% non-zero).
I'm not sure how this relates to your second comment though :)

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 5:48:37 PM UTC+1, Andreas Noack wrote:

 How large is the matrix and what is the sparsity? 

 You might be able to get closer to what you want by using shifts in eigs. 
 Then you'll get the values closest to the value of the shift.

 2015-01-26 11:41 GMT-05:00 Andrei Berceanu 

 Indeed it seems to work with complex matrices as well. What would be very 
 useful for me is the ability to get eigenvalues within a certain interval, 
 emin to emax. I dont see this in the capabilities of eigs.


 On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 4:21:58 PM UTC+1, Andreas Noack wrote:

 Yes. There is some extra output including convergence information and 
 the Ritz vectors. It should probably be explained in the manual, but the 
 first argument is the values. You can avoid the vectors with ritzvec=false, 
 so something like

 eigs(A, ritzvec = false)[1]

 should give you the largest (in magnitude) values.

 I think the documentation is simply wrong when stating that the matrix 
 has to be real. I just tried a complex matrix and it worked just fine, so 
 please open an issue about the documentation.

 2015-01-26 10:03 GMT-05:00 Andrei Berceanu

 Besides, the help of eigs says using Lanczos or Arnoldi iterations for 
 real symmetric or general nonsymmetric matrices respectively. Mine is 
 hermitian, i.e. complex and symmetric.

 On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 4:02:16 PM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 That seems to return a lot of things besides the eigenvalues.

 On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 3:43:01 PM UTC+1, Andreas Noack wrote:

 You can use eigs. Usually, you only ask for a few of the values, but 
 in theory, you could get all of them, but it could take some time to 
 compute them.

 2015-01-26 9:40 GMT-05:00 Andrei Berceanu

 Is there any Julia function for computing the eigenvalues of a 
 large, sparse, hermitian matrix M? I have tried eig(M) and eigvals(M) 
 got the no method error.


Re: [julia-users] Re: package proposal

2014-12-29 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Well the status of this is that NLSolve people are not interested, 
because PHCpack can only solve polynomial systems, while they target 
arbitrary nonlinear functions.
The remaining alternative is to make a stand-alone phc package for 
Julia, distributing the Ada code under GPL and including a suitable 
version of the gnu-ada compiler from See 
details at

On 12/27/2014 01:11 AM, Evan Pu wrote:

is this thread still alive? a phc package would be good...

On Monday, June 23, 2014 5:26:34 AM UTC-7, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

By the way I recently stumbled upon NLSolve.jl, and asked them if
they would be interested in PHCpack

Still no reply on their part yet though.

On Monday, June 23, 2014 1:06:03 PM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

Free binary versions for Mac and Windows of the gnu-ada
compiler are available at and are
very easy to install.
As for HOMPACK, the main difference is that PHCpack is
specifically targeted for polynomial systems. HOMPACK provides
continuation methods for general nonlinear systems and has
extra drivers for polynomial systems. Another main difference
is that PHCpack offers polyhedral homotopies, which are absent
from HOMPACK. So I guess it depends on what we want really,
personally I am interested in polynomial systems. Please let
me know if you succeed in installing the ada compiler for Mac
from the above link.

On Friday, June 20, 2014 11:36:01 PM UTC+2, Tony Kelman wrote:

That sounds like the best plan for the PHCpack code. Have
you looked at or are you familiar with whether HOMPACK as
Hans mentioned would be able to provide similar
functionality? I say that just because more of us are used
to building Fortran code than Ada. Ada should be
reasonable to work with on Linux, and maybe even in MinGW
or Cygwin, but it doesn't look like it's set up in
Homebrew for Mac users. If you know of a standard way to
install GNAT and can get the library building on at least
your platform of choice, go for it.

On Friday, June 20, 2014 2:14:18 PM UTC-7, Andrei Berceanu

I have contacted the author
and it seems redistribution under a different license
is not really an option.
However, if what Milan says is correct, then we should
be able to include it 'as-is'.
Now for the interface, I was thinking that, since
there already exists a comprehensive C API to the Ada
code, we could call that from Julia, what do you guys

On Friday, June 6, 2014 2:18:33 PM UTC+2, Milan
Bouchet-Valat wrote:

Le vendredi 06 juin 2014 à 03:43 -0700, Hans W
Borchers a écrit :

Please notice that PHCpack is distributed under
GPL license, so your first 
step should be to contact the author and ask for
his approval to distribute 
it under a lesser license such as MIT. 

Though since it's a package rather than code to be
included in Julia Base, GPL is fine too.


Re: [julia-users] obscure error in Julia 0.3.3

2014-12-16 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Ok, so here is the output from versioninfo() from inside the Julia REPL:

*Julia Version 0.3.3Commit b24213b (2014-11-23 20:19 UTC)Platform Info:  
System: Linux (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) 
CPU   X5650  @ 2.67GHz  WORD_SIZE: 64  BLAS: libblas  LAPACK: 
liblapack  LIBM: libm  LLVM: libLLVM-3.3*

and here is the output of `pacman  -Qi julia blas lapack`

*Name   : juliaVersion: 2:0.3.3-1Description: 
High-level, high-performance, dynamic programming languageArchitecture   : 
x86_64URL:   : 
GPLGroups : NoneProvides   : NoneDepends On : arpack  fftw  
git  gmp  libunwind  mpfr  pcre  zlib  lapackOptional Deps  : gnuplot: If 
using the Gaston Package from julia [installed]Required By: 
NoneOptional For   : NoneConflicts With : NoneReplaces   : 
NoneInstalled Size : 54741.00 KiBPackager   : Alexander F Rødseth 
rods...@gmail.comBuild Date : Thu 27 Nov 2014 01:54:38 PM CETInstall 
Date   : Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:47:45 PM CETInstall Reason : Explicitly 
installedInstall Script : YesValidated By   : SignatureName   : 
blasVersion: 3.5.0-1Description: Basic Linear Algebra 
SubprogramsArchitecture   : x86_64URL:   : customGroups : 
NoneProvides   : NoneDepends On : gcc-libsOptional Deps  : 
NoneRequired By: lapack  suitesparseOptional For   : NoneConflicts With 
: NoneReplaces   : NoneInstalled Size : 375.00 KiBPackager   : 
Ronald van Haren ron...@archlinux.orgBuild Date : Mon 27 Jan 2014 
09:46:21 PM CETInstall Date   : Tue 06 May 2014 05:38:07 PM CESTInstall 
Reason : Installed as a dependency for another packageInstall Script : 
NoValidated By   : SignatureName   : lapackVersion: 
3.5.0-1Description: Linear Algebra PACKageArchitecture   : 
x86_64URL:   : 
customGroups : NoneProvides   : NoneDepends On : 
blas=3.5.0Optional Deps  : NoneRequired By: arpack  julia  
python-numpy  python2-numpy  suitesparseOptional For   : NoneConflicts With 
: NoneReplaces   : NoneInstalled Size : 15612.00 KiBPackager   : 
Ronald van Haren ron...@archlinux.orgBuild Date : Mon 27 Jan 2014 
09:46:09 PM CETInstall Date   : Tue 06 May 2014 05:38:07 PM CESTInstall 
Reason : Installed as a dependency for another packageInstall Script : 
NoValidated By   : Signature*

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:16:10 AM UTC+1, Elliot Saba wrote:

 If you didn't compile, then ignore my second message and Joao's.  Running 
 `versioninfo()` from the julia prompt will give some information about your 
 system configuration, and Valentin's question, (running `pacman  -Qi julia 
 blas lapack`) will be helpful to know the answer to as well.

 On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Valentin Churavy 
 javascript: wrote:

 A fellow archuser here. Under which circumstances does the error occur? 
 Eg. what code are you executing?

 And what does 
 pacman -Qi julia blas lapack 

 On Monday, 15 December 2014 19:14:22 UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Where do i need to type all this? I must mention that I did not compile 
 Julia from source, but used my distribution's (arch linux) package manager 

 On December 15, 2014 6:15:09 PM CET, Elliot Saba 

 Ah, yes.  If you haven't, try a `make -C deps distclean arpack-julia 
 distclean-openblas distclean-suitesparse`, then `make cleanall` and 

 On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:11 AM, João Felipe Santos 

 You may need to clean and rebuild the dependencies as well as core 

  On Dec 15, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
  Hi all,
  I recently upgraded to Julia Version 0.3.3 on my Arch Linux box and 
 sometimes get this strange error, followed by a kernel crash - what gives?
  julia: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/../lib/julia/ 
 undefined symbol: zpotrf_

 Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: [julia-users] obscure error in Julia 0.3.3

2014-12-16 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I now have a more accurate description of when the error happens. If I try 
to solve the following linear system


*1681x1681 sparse matrix with 8321 Complex{Float64} entries:
[1   ,1]  =  -10.95+0.001im
[2   ,1]  =  0.415415-0.909632im
[42  ,1]  =  1.0+0.0im
[1   ,2]  =  0.415415+0.909632im
[2   ,2]  =  -10.56+0.001im
[3   ,2]  =  0.415415-0.909632im
[43  ,2]  =  1.0+0.0im
[2   ,3]  =  0.415415+0.909632im
[3   ,3]  =  -10.19+0.001im
[4   ,3]  =  0.415415-0.909632im
[1638, 1679]  =  1.0+0.0im
[1678, 1679]  =  0.415415-0.909632im
[1679, 1679]  =  -10.19+0.001im
[1680, 1679]  =  0.415415+0.909632im
[1639, 1680]  =  1.0+0.0im
[1679, 1680]  =  0.415415-0.909632im
[1680, 1680]  =  -10.56+0.001im
[1681, 1680]  =  0.415415+0.909632im
[1640, 1681]  =  1.0+0.0im
[1680, 1681]  =  0.415415-0.909632im
[1681, 1681]  =  -10.95+0.001im*


*1681-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
 -0.215699+0.97646im *


*julia: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/../lib/julia/ undefined 
symbol: zpotrf_*
This is the output in REPL (followed by a crash), in IJulia I simply get a 
popup saying the kernel died.

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 10:34:27 AM UTC+1, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Ok, so here is the output from versioninfo() from inside the Julia REPL:

 *Julia Version 0.3.3Commit b24213b (2014-11-23 20:19 UTC)Platform Info:  
 System: Linux (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) 
 CPU   X5650  @ 2.67GHz  WORD_SIZE: 64  BLAS: libblas  LAPACK: 
 liblapack  LIBM: libm  LLVM: libLLVM-3.3*

 and here is the output of `pacman  -Qi julia blas lapack`

 *Name   : juliaVersion: 2:0.3.3-1Description: 
 High-level, high-performance, dynamic programming languageArchitecture   : 
 x86_64URL:   : GPLGroups : 
 NoneProvides   : NoneDepends On : arpack  fftw  git  gmp  
 libunwind  mpfr  pcre  zlib  lapackOptional Deps  : gnuplot: If using the 
 Gaston Package from julia [installed]Required By: NoneOptional For   : 
 NoneConflicts With : NoneReplaces   : NoneInstalled Size : 54741.00 
 KiBPackager   : Alexander F Rødseth 
 rods...@gmail.comBuild Date : Thu 27 Nov 2014 01:54:38 PM CETInstall 
 Date   : Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:47:45 PM CETInstall Reason : Explicitly 
 installedInstall Script : YesValidated By   : SignatureName   : 
 blasVersion: 3.5.0-1Description: Basic Linear Algebra 
 SubprogramsArchitecture   : x86_64URL:   : 
 customGroups : NoneProvides   : NoneDepends On : 
 gcc-libsOptional Deps  : NoneRequired By: lapack  suitesparseOptional 
 For   : NoneConflicts With : NoneReplaces   : NoneInstalled Size : 
 375.00 KiBPackager   : Ronald van Haren 
 ron...@archlinux.orgBuild Date : Mon 27 Jan 2014 09:46:21 PM 
 CETInstall Date   : Tue 06 May 2014 05:38:07 PM CESTInstall Reason : 
 Installed as a dependency for another packageInstall Script : NoValidated 
 By   : SignatureName   : lapackVersion: 
 3.5.0-1Description: Linear Algebra PACKageArchitecture   : 
 x86_64URL:   : customGroups : 
 NoneProvides   : NoneDepends On : blas=3.5.0Optional Deps  : 
 NoneRequired By: arpack  julia  python-numpy  python2-numpy  
 suitesparseOptional For   : NoneConflicts With : NoneReplaces   : 
 NoneInstalled Size : 15612.00 KiBPackager   : Ronald van Haren ron...@archlinux.orgBuild Date : Mon 27 Jan 
 2014 09:46:09 PM CETInstall Date   : Tue 06 May 2014 05:38:07 PM 
 CESTInstall Reason : Installed as a dependency for another packageInstall 
 Script : NoValidated By   : Signature*

 On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:16:10 AM UTC+1, Elliot Saba wrote:

 If you didn't compile, then ignore my second message and Joao's.  Running 
 `versioninfo()` from the julia prompt will give some information about your 
 system configuration, and Valentin's question

[julia-users] obscure error in Julia 0.3.3

2014-12-15 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi all,

I recently upgraded to Julia Version 0.3.3 on my Arch Linux box and 
sometimes get this strange error, followed by a kernel crash - what gives?

julia: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/../lib/julia/ undefined 
symbol: zpotrf_


Re: [julia-users] julia emacs support

2014-10-19 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi Tamas, thanks for your answer!

So ESS has taken over all the emacs-Julia functionality then, effectively 
replacing the emacs mode from the Julia repository? Or is that still under 
Also, about point 1, is IJulia supported or just the REPL? Where could I 
find some instruction on setting that up?


On Monday, October 13, 2014 9:06:31 AM UTC+2, Tamas Papp wrote:

 Hi Andrei, 

 Check out ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics), which already has some support 
 for Julia. 1, 3, and 4 definitely work, for 2 I think you need to build 
 a tags table which I have not tried yet with Julia. 

 If you are running Linux, I would recommend that you install the ESS 
 package from an emacs repository (eg ELPA), not from your distribution's 
 ESS package which might be lagging the latest version. Installing ESS 
 from git is also a good option if you are comfortable with it. 



 On Sun, Oct 12 2014, Andrei Berceanu javascript: 

  I was wondering what the status of Julia support in Emacs is. I assume 
  can do syntax highlighting, but can it 
  1. connect and send code to the REPL and/or IJulia 
  2. jump to a specific function definition (like, for instance, Juno, the 
  LightTable plugin) 
  3. autocomplete code and 
  4. show help for a certain function 
  Is there any active development in any of these areas? 

[julia-users] Re: Interact.jl + matplotlib, refresh only part of figure

2014-10-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Ok, thanks a lot! :)

On Saturday, October 18, 2014 9:31:02 PM UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 In order to display something in IJulia, you don't have much choice but to 
 redraw the whole figure I think, since it needs to render a new PNG image 
 and send it to the front-end.

 On the other hand, if you are displaying in a separate Matplotlib GUI 
 window (via pygui(true)), then there are various matplotlib functions to 
 change some but not all of the data, which might be faster.  But this is 
 more of a matplotlib question than a Julia/@manipulate question.

[julia-users] julia emacs support

2014-10-12 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I was wondering what the status of Julia support in Emacs is. I assume it 
can do syntax highlighting, but can it

1. connect and send code to the REPL and/or IJulia
2. jump to a specific function definition (like, for instance, Juno, the 
LightTable plugin)
3. autocomplete code and
4. show help for a certain function

Is there any active development in any of these areas?


[julia-users] multiple functions sharing common keywords

2014-10-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I often find myself passing long lists of parameters from one function to 
another. A simple, contrived example would be the following

*function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4)fun2(; kw1 = kw1, 
kw2 = kw2)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2)fun1(; kw1 = kw1, kw2 = 
kw2)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 3)kw1 + kw2 + kw3end*This 
results in code which is not easy to maintain. Notice that kw1 and kw2 are 
common to all 3 functions. Is there a way to pass the two of them (or 
more!) automatically? The way the code is written now, if I decide I want 
kw3 of fun1 to be changeable from fun3, I need to change the code in 
various places (in bold) -- very bug prone:

*function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4*
*, kw3=3)fun2(; kw1 = kw1, kw2 = kw2*

*, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3=3)fun1(; kw1 = kw1, 
kw2 = kw2, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 3)kw1 + 
kw2 + kw3end*

Re: [julia-users] multiple functions sharing common keywords

2014-10-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Tim, what do you mean by people have moved away from it now that we have 
keywords? In my example I do use keywords (in fact that is the only thing 
I use), notice the ; at the begining of each function argument list.


On Thursday, October 9, 2014 9:33:00 PM UTC+2, Tim Holy wrote:

 While people have moved away from it now that we have keywords (for some 
 reasons), the Options.jl package might be worth a look in this specific 


 On Thursday, October 09, 2014 03:14:52 PM Stefan Karpinski wrote: 
  Yes, this is a major problem, but I'm not sure what the fix is. It's a 
  serious language design issue and I'm not aware of any languages that 
  good solutions. 
  On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
   I often find myself passing long lists of parameters from one function 
   another. A simple, contrived example would be the following 
   *function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4)fun2(; kw1 = 
   kw2 = kw2)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2)fun1(; kw1 = kw1, 
 kw2 = 
   kw2)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 3)kw1 + kw2 + 
   kw3end*This results in code which is not easy to maintain. Notice that 
   kw1 and kw2 are common to all 3 functions. Is there a way to pass the 
   of them (or more!) automatically? The way the code is written now, if 
   decide I want kw3 of fun1 to be changeable from fun3, I need to change 
   the code in various places (in bold) -- very bug prone: 
   *function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4* 
   *, kw3=3)fun2(; kw1 = kw1, kw2 = kw2* 
   *, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3=3)fun1(; kw1 = 
   kw1, kw2 = kw2, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 3) 
   kw1 + kw2 + kw3end* 

Re: [julia-users] multiple functions sharing common keywords

2014-10-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Ah ok, I read that as if keywords were the solution to my problem, but 
alas, no. Are there any design plans for this? Should I open an issue?


On Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:05:26 PM UTC+2, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 The Options package was developed before keywords existed.

 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 Tim, what do you mean by people have moved away from it now that we have 
 keywords? In my example I do use keywords (in fact that is the only thing 
 I use), notice the ; at the begining of each function argument list.


 On Thursday, October 9, 2014 9:33:00 PM UTC+2, Tim Holy wrote:

 While people have moved away from it now that we have keywords (for some 
 reasons), the Options.jl package might be worth a look in this specific 


 On Thursday, October 09, 2014 03:14:52 PM Stefan Karpinski wrote: 
  Yes, this is a major problem, but I'm not sure what the fix is. It's a 
  serious language design issue and I'm not aware of any languages that 
  good solutions. 
  On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Andrei Berceanu 

   I often find myself passing long lists of parameters from one 
 function to 
   another. A simple, contrived example would be the following 
   *function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4)fun2(; kw1 = 
   kw2 = kw2)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2)fun1(; kw1 = kw1, 
 kw2 = 
   kw2)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 3)kw1 + kw2 + 
   kw3end*This results in code which is not easy to maintain. Notice 
   kw1 and kw2 are common to all 3 functions. Is there a way to pass 
 the two 
   of them (or more!) automatically? The way the code is written now, 
 if I 
   decide I want kw3 of fun1 to be changeable from fun3, I need to 
   the code in various places (in bold) -- very bug prone: 
   *function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4* 
   *, kw3=3)fun2(; kw1 = kw1, kw2 = kw2* 
   *, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3=3)fun1(; kw1 
   kw1, kw2 = kw2, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 
   kw1 + kw2 + kw3end* 

Re: [julia-users] multiple functions sharing common keywords

2014-10-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Done. See

On Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:11:40 PM UTC+2, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Sure. It will serve as a good place for discussion of ideas.

 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 Ah ok, I read that as if keywords were the solution to my problem, but 
 alas, no. Are there any design plans for this? Should I open an issue?


 On Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:05:26 PM UTC+2, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 The Options package was developed before keywords existed.

 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Andrei Berceanu 

 Tim, what do you mean by people have moved away from it now that we 
 have keywords? In my example I do use keywords (in fact that is the only 
 thing I use), notice the ; at the begining of each function argument 


 On Thursday, October 9, 2014 9:33:00 PM UTC+2, Tim Holy wrote:

 While people have moved away from it now that we have keywords (for 
 some good 
 reasons), the Options.jl package might be worth a look in this 
 specific case. 


 On Thursday, October 09, 2014 03:14:52 PM Stefan Karpinski wrote: 
  Yes, this is a major problem, but I'm not sure what the fix is. It's 
  serious language design issue and I'm not aware of any languages 
 that have 
  good solutions. 
  On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
   I often find myself passing long lists of parameters from one 
 function to 
   another. A simple, contrived example would be the following 
   *function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4)fun2(; kw1 
 = kw1, 
   kw2 = kw2)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2)fun1(; kw1 = 
 kw1, kw2 = 
   kw2)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 3)kw1 + kw2 + 
   kw3end*This results in code which is not easy to maintain. Notice 
   kw1 and kw2 are common to all 3 functions. Is there a way to pass 
 the two 
   of them (or more!) automatically? The way the code is written now, 
 if I 
   decide I want kw3 of fun1 to be changeable from fun3, I need to 
   the code in various places (in bold) -- very bug prone: 
   *function fun3(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw5 = 8, kw6 = 4* 
   *, kw3=3)fun2(; kw1 = kw1, kw2 = kw2* 
   *, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun2(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3=3)fun1(; 
 kw1 = 
   kw1, kw2 = kw2, kw3=kw3)endfunction fun1(; kw1 = 1, kw2 = 2, kw3 = 
   kw1 + kw2 + kw3end* 

[julia-users] Interact.jl + matplotlib, refresh only part of figure

2014-10-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I would like to have a slider controlling a vertical bar on my plot. 
Changing the value of the slider should only move the bar, not replot the 
whole figure. So far I have come up with this code

*using Reactive, Interactusing PyPlotf = figure();x = 
linspace(0,10,1000)vertval=slider(0:1:10)replot = button(Replot) # 
Commit your changesmap(display, [vertval, replot]) # optionalcoeffs = 
sampleon(replot, lift(tuple, vertval))@manipulate for val=coeffs; 
withfig(f) doPyPlot.plot(x, sin(x))axvline(val[1])
endend*but, judging by the time it takes it to replot I am guessing it 
redraws the whole figure, not just the vertical bar. In this particular 
example this is not such a big problem, but in a real-world example where 
drawing the figure takes a long time it quickly becomes unusable. So the 
idea is to move the *PyPlot.plot(x, sin(x)) *out of the loop somehow, 
without losing the plot and ending up with just the vertical line (this is 
what happens atm). 
Any ideas?


[julia-users] Re: help with generation of sparse matrix

2014-10-07 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi Iain,

First of all thanks for your effort!
I am using Julia 0.3.0 on Linux. The reason i wasn't preallocating was 
because I did not know the array sizes beforehand, but your suggestion of 
computing it works very well :)
I just noticed that in my original post I put 1000 instead of 1. So, 
the problem is that for such a large value, Julia crashes. And if I'm not 
mistaken the 3 allocated arrays only occupy around 12GB (out of my 24GB 


On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 5:23:11 PM UTC+2, Iain Dunning wrote:

 OK, on Julia 0.3.0 on OSX, for N=1001
 elapsed time: 0.722537543 seconds (960169036 bytes allocated, 11.71% gc 
 elapsed time: 0.703546159 seconds (955424928 bytes allocated, 26.01% gc 
 elapsed time: 0.692751989 seconds (955424928 bytes allocated, 23.39% gc 
 (first run includes JIT)
 So I'm not sure whats going on for you?

 Anyway, I tried to improve the speed, again for N=1001
 elapsed time: 0.256739122 seconds (321392500 bytes allocated, 23.75% gc 
 elapsed time: 0.259208305 seconds (320464768 bytes allocated, 17.49% gc 
 elapsed time: 0.212410743 seconds (320464768 bytes allocated, 32.42% gc 
 By preallocating everything:

 All the effort is in `sparse` (you can check with profiler)


 On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 11:01:05 AM UTC-4, Iain Dunning wrote:

 At a glance, why build list only to just add it to J? Why not add it 
 directly to J, and add i to I.

 If I have a chance I'll look further.

 Which Julia?

 On Monday, October 6, 2014 1:51:36 PM UTC-4, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I have written the following Julia code to build a sparse matrix of 
 dimension N^2xN^2

 The code works (probably in a very suboptimal way) for small enough 
 matrices, but for example if I set N=1000, genspmat(1000) quickly eats up 
 my RAM and crashes Julia. I doubt that this is related to the storage of 
 the sparse matrix itself, and suspect it has to do with the garbage 
 collection inside the main loop of genspmat, but I have no idea of fixing 
 it. Any suggestions?


[julia-users] Autoreload usage

2014-10-04 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I created a file called MyModule.jl with the following content

module MyModule

export x, y

x() = x
y() = y
p() = p


from the REPL, i can do
using MyModule
-- x

Now I would like to use the Autoreload package for easy hacking on my fancy 
new module.
So in the REPL I do

using Autoreload
-- ERROR: x not defined

What gives?


[julia-users] Re: Autoreload usage

2014-10-04 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I see that MyModule.x() does work, but since I exported the x function in 
MyModule, I expected x() to just work. Besides, writing MyModule.stuff 
everytime is quite cumbersome.


On Saturday, October 4, 2014 7:55:40 PM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I created a file called MyModule.jl with the following content

 module MyModule

 export x, y

 x() = x
 y() = y
 p() = p


 from the REPL, i can do
 using MyModule
 -- x

 Now I would like to use the Autoreload package for easy hacking on my 
 fancy new module.
 So in the REPL I do

 using Autoreload
 -- ERROR: x not defined

 What gives?


Re: [julia-users] external editor from IJulia

2014-10-01 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I changed the EDITOR environment variable in my profile, and now IJulia 
However this does not seem to affect the @edit macro, which still tries to 
call Vim and complains about not being in a terminal window.


On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 3:00:27 PM UTC+2, Isaiah wrote:

 try changing your EDITOR variable to something that starts own window / 
 can run outside of terminal.
 On Sep 29, 2014 6:08 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 Is there a way to open an external text editor (say gvim) from within 
 IJulia? More specifically, I would like to be able to edit the definition 
 of a function. In the REPL I can use @edit fun() and this opens the module 
 where fun() is defined at the specific line. However in IJulia I get 

 @edit fun()
 Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
 Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal


Re: [julia-users] external editor from IJulia

2014-10-01 Thread Andrei Berceanu
export JULIA_EDITOR=gvim did the trick, tnx :)

On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 3:32:48 PM UTC+2, Valentin Churavy wrote:

 After looking at
 it seems that you should set JULIA_EDITOR. It might be that your VISUAL 
 variable is still set to Vim.


 On Wednesday, 1 October 2014 15:24:30 UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I changed the EDITOR environment variable in my profile, and now IJulia 
 However this does not seem to affect the @edit macro, which still tries 
 to call Vim and complains about not being in a terminal window.


 On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 3:00:27 PM UTC+2, Isaiah wrote:

 try changing your EDITOR variable to something that starts own window / 
 can run outside of terminal.
 On Sep 29, 2014 6:08 PM, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Is there a way to open an external text editor (say gvim) from within 
 IJulia? More specifically, I would like to be able to edit the definition 
 of a function. In the REPL I can use @edit fun() and this opens the module 
 where fun() is defined at the specific line. However in IJulia I get 

 @edit fun()
 Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
 Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal


[julia-users] Re: multi-panel interactive figure with PyPlot

2014-09-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I just submitted


On Monday, September 8, 2014 1:31:21 PM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I'm trying to create a two-panel interactive figure using Interact.jl and 
 PyPlot.jl. Based on the example notebooks from Interact.jl, I came up with 
 the following:

 using Reactive, Interact
 using PyPlot

 x = linspace(0,2π,1000);
 f, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(4, 4))
 @manipulate for α=1:0.1:3, β=1:0.1:3, γ=1:0.1:3; withfig(f) do
 y = cos(α*x + sin(β*x + γ))
 axes[1][:plot](x, y)
 axes[2][:plot](x, 1/y)

 which gives me:

 PyError (PyObject_Call) class 'ValueError'
 ValueError('Axes instance argument was not found in a figure.',)

 Anyone knows how to fix this? Tnx!

Re: [julia-users] Interact + PyPlot: only update when releasing slider

2014-09-09 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Thank you both for the suggestions! I am currently trying the Replot 
button approach, but ran into some errors, as follows:

using Reactive, Interact
using PyPlot

fun(α, β, γ) = cos(α + sin(β+γ)) #example function

f = figure();

replot = button(Replot) # Commit your changes
map(display, α, β, γ, replot) # optional
--  `start` has no method matching start(::Slider{Float64})

sampled_coeffs = sampleon(redo, lift(tuple, α, β, γ))
--  redo not defined

@lift plot(apply(fun, sampled_coeffs))
-- `withfig` has no method matching withfig(::Figure)

On Monday, September 8, 2014 6:10:59 PM UTC+2, Shashi Gowda wrote:

 John's suggestion is also a good way to do this. You can sample the 
 signals at a specific interval instead of on button clicks:

 # At 2 fps, with repeats dropped.
 sampled_coeffs = droprepeats(sampleon(fps(2), lift(tuple, α, β, γ)))

 On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Shashi Gowda 
 javascript: wrote:

 Unfortunately, the @manipulate macro can only rerun the expression at 
 every update of any of its input.

 What you need here is Reactive's 
 `sampleon` function:

 using Reactive, Interact
 f = figure();

 replot = button(Replot) # Commit your changes
 map(display, α, β, γ, replot) # optional

 sampled_coeffs = sampleon(redo, lift(tuple, α, β, γ))


 @lift plot(apply(fun, sampled_coeffs))

 IPython doesn't do update on release, Interact, in fact, uses the same 
 widgets. What it does do is have at most 4 updates at any given time in the 
 processing pipeline (any more updates replace the last update in the queue).

 On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 Another option would be to use drop-down boxes with selectable values or 
 custom text boxes instead of sliders, at least as a temporary fix. Anyone 
 knows how I can do that?
 By the way, iirc, IPython does have the update-on-release mechanism 
 implemented in their interactive widget functionality.

 On Monday, September 8, 2014 4:10:05 PM UTC+2, John Myles White wrote:

 I suspect the only way to do this is to change Interact so that it 
 exposes a minimum time threshold before it registers a state change. 

  — John 

 On Sep 8, 2014, at 4:16 AM, Andrei Berceanu 

  I have some code along the lines of 
  f = figure() 
  @manipulate for α=1:0.1:3, β=1:0.1:3, γ=1:0.1:3; withfig(f) do 
  y = fun(α,β,γ) 
  PyPlot.plot(x, y) 
  where fun is a *very slow* function to evaluate. Is there any way to 
 tell @manipulate to update the resulting plot only after I release the 
 sliders? Otherwise what I get is, I release them to the desised values and 
 then have to wait ages for all the intermediate plots to be drawn. 

[julia-users] Interact + PyPlot: only update when releasing slider

2014-09-08 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I have some code along the lines of

f = figure()
@manipulate for α=1:0.1:3, β=1:0.1:3, γ=1:0.1:3; withfig(f) do
y = fun(α,β,γ)
PyPlot.plot(x, y)

where fun is a *very slow* function to evaluate. Is there any way to tell 
@manipulate to update the resulting plot only after I release the sliders? 
Otherwise what I get is, I release them to the desised values and then have 
to wait ages for all the intermediate plots to be drawn.


[julia-users] multi-panel interactive figure with PyPlot

2014-09-08 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I'm trying to create a two-panel interactive figure using Interact.jl and 
PyPlot.jl. Based on the example notebooks from Interact.jl, I came up with 
the following:

using Reactive, Interact
using PyPlot

x = linspace(0,2π,1000);
f, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(4, 4))
@manipulate for α=1:0.1:3, β=1:0.1:3, γ=1:0.1:3; withfig(f) do
y = cos(α*x + sin(β*x + γ))
axes[1][:plot](x, y)
axes[2][:plot](x, 1/y)

which gives me:

PyError (PyObject_Call) class 'ValueError'
ValueError('Axes instance argument was not found in a figure.',)

Anyone knows how to fix this? Tnx!

Re: [julia-users] Interact + PyPlot: only update when releasing slider

2014-09-08 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Another option would be to use drop-down boxes with selectable values or 
custom text boxes instead of sliders, at least as a temporary fix. Anyone 
knows how I can do that?
By the way, iirc, IPython does have the update-on-release mechanism 
implemented in their interactive widget functionality.

On Monday, September 8, 2014 4:10:05 PM UTC+2, John Myles White wrote:

 I suspect the only way to do this is to change Interact so that it exposes 
 a minimum time threshold before it registers a state change. 

  — John 

 On Sep 8, 2014, at 4:16 AM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote: 

  I have some code along the lines of 
  f = figure() 
  @manipulate for α=1:0.1:3, β=1:0.1:3, γ=1:0.1:3; withfig(f) do 
  y = fun(α,β,γ) 
  PyPlot.plot(x, y) 
  where fun is a *very slow* function to evaluate. Is there any way to 
 tell @manipulate to update the resulting plot only after I release the 
 sliders? Otherwise what I get is, I release them to the desised values and 
 then have to wait ages for all the intermediate plots to be drawn. 

[julia-users] Re: Kronecker Delta functions and block matrices

2014-08-30 Thread Andrei Berceanu
This is what I came up with for the full matrix calculation:

I now have a macro for the elements of M, another for the elements of Q and 
yet another for the elements of L. In the end I define the genmatL function 
which loops over the dimensions of L and calculates all the matrix 
elements. Does this look sound to you?

A few things that are still unclear:
1. Can this approach be optimized further? I can't help the feeling that it 
contains a fair amount of redundancy, especially looking at the quote $var 
end kind of expressions. I can replace the macros with functions as you 
suggest, but then it's not clear to me when to use a function and when a 
2. I would like to see the functional form of the full matrix L (not just 
element by element, but the whole matrix of expressions), in terms of the 
functions \epsilon, \gamma and X. I tried with macroexpand acting on 
genmatL, but that doesn't seem to work. This is basically just to convince 
myself that the approach indeed works as intended.

Thanks again!

On Friday, August 29, 2014 10:14:10 PM UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 I think you want

  @M($i,$j, $ε1, )

 in order for your L macro to return an expression (that in turn calls the 
 M macro).

 Macros are not functions.  When you call @M(i,j,...), it doesn't pass the 
 *value* of the arguments i,j, etcetera, it passes the symbolic expressions 
 :i, :j, and so on.

 Of course, if you are only calling M from inside another macro, it is 
 perfectly valid to just change M from a macro to an ordinary function 
 (returning an expression) ... just change macro to function in the 
 definition of M, and call it without the @ inside L.

[julia-users] Re: Kronecker Delta functions and block matrices

2014-08-30 Thread Andrei Berceanu
On a more general note, I am thinking that with a bit of cleanup, this code 
could make a good Julia metaprogramming example, especially since I haven't 
seen many of those around :)


On Saturday, August 30, 2014 10:52:49 AM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 This is what I came up with for the full matrix calculation:

 I now have a macro for the elements of M, another for the elements of Q 
 and yet another for the elements of L. In the end I define the genmatL 
 function which loops over the dimensions of L and calculates all the matrix 
 elements. Does this look sound to you?

 A few things that are still unclear:
 1. Can this approach be optimized further? I can't help the feeling that 
 it contains a fair amount of redundancy, especially looking at the quote 
 $var end kind of expressions. I can replace the macros with functions as 
 you suggest, but then it's not clear to me when to use a function and when 
 a macro.
 2. I would like to see the functional form of the full matrix L (not just 
 element by element, but the whole matrix of expressions), in terms of the 
 functions \epsilon, \gamma and X. I tried with macroexpand acting on 
 genmatL, but that doesn't seem to work. This is basically just to convince 
 myself that the approach indeed works as intended.

 Thanks again!

 On Friday, August 29, 2014 10:14:10 PM UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 I think you want

  @M($i,$j, $ε1, )

 in order for your L macro to return an expression (that in turn calls the 
 M macro).

 Macros are not functions.  When you call @M(i,j,...), it doesn't pass the 
 *value* of the arguments i,j, etcetera, it passes the symbolic expressions 
 :i, :j, and so on.

 Of course, if you are only calling M from inside another macro, it is 
 perfectly valid to just change M from a macro to an ordinary function 
 (returning an expression) ... just change macro to function in the 
 definition of M, and call it without the @ inside L.

[julia-users] Re: Kronecker Delta functions and block matrices

2014-08-29 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Thanks a lot for the detailed answer. I changed a bit your macro, 
introducing conj() instead of ' and splicing the Kronecker sum to get a 
functional version:

macro M(m,n, ε1,ε2,ε3, X1,X2,X3, A1,A2,A3)
   ε = [ε1,ε2,ε3]
   X = [X1,X2,X3]
   A = [A1,A2,A3]
   Asum = {:+}
   for q=1:3, t=1:3
 if m+q == n+t
 push!(Asum, :(conj($(A[q])) * $(A[t])))
   if m == n
  :($(ε[m]) + 2*abs2($(X[m])) * $(Expr(:call, Asum...)))
  :(2 * conj($(X[m])) * $(X[n]) * $(Expr(:call, Asum...)))

I also defined a macro for the elements of Q:
macro Q(m,n, X1,X2,X3, A1,A2,A3)
   X = [X1,X2,X3]
   A = [A1,A2,A3]
   Asum = {:+}
   for q=1:3, t=1:3
 if m+n == q+t
 push!(Asum, :($(A[q]) * $(A[t])))
:(conj($(X[m])) * conj($(X[n])) * $(Expr(:call, Asum...)))

and now I'm a bit stuck on putting it all together to get the full L 
matrix. Im trying to calculated L(i,j) based on M and Q for the 4 separate 
blocks. I only implemented the upper left block but I get an error

macro L(i,j, ε1,ε2,ε3, X1,X2,X3, A1,A2,A3)
if i4
if j4
@M(i,j, ε1,ε2,ε3, X1,X2,X3, A1,A2,A3)

`+` has no method matching +(::Symbol, ::Int64)

It seems that the @M macro needs a value for the m,n indices for the comparison
if m+q == n+t

Any ideas how to solve this? The end-result I want is a function L(k, A1, A2, 
A3, etc) which would return the full 6x6 matrix.


On Thursday, August 28, 2014 10:42:29 PM UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 On Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:36:16 AM UTC-4, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Steven, could you detail your macro proposal please? What exactly do you 
 have in mind?

 e.g. you could have a macro like (caution: untested):

 macro M(m,n, ε1, ε2, ε3, X1,X2,X3, A1,A2,A3)
ε = [ε1, ε2, ε3]
X = [X1,X2,X3]
A = [A1,A2,A3]
Asum = {:+}
for q=1:3, t=1:3
  if m+q == n+t
  push!(Asum, :($(A[q])' * $(A[t])))
if m == n
   :($(ε[m]) + 2*abs2($(X[m])) * $(Expr(:call, Asum)))
   :(2 * $(X[m])' $(X[n]) * $(Expr(:call, Asum)))

 Then calling e.g. @M(1,2,ε1, ε2, ε3, X1,X2,X3, A1,A2,A3) would insert a 
 expression for M[1,2] according to your formula, with only the nonzero 
 delta terms.  Here εm denotes the m'th case of your expression [ε(k_m+k) 
  ] in brackets, Xm denotes X(k_m+k), and Am denotes Ã_m.

 Macros are essentially functions evaluated at parse-time, not at runtime, 
 so they are exactly what you want in order to auto-generate fast inlined 
 code resulting from some complicated symbolic expression that is known in 
 advance, with whatever simplifications you can devise.

 You could write another macro for the entries of Q, and another macro to 
 put it all together and evaluate the whole matrix if you want. 

[julia-users] Kronecker Delta functions and block matrices

2014-08-28 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi guys,

I am trying to programatically generate a Julia function that calculates a 
6x6 matrix.
I have written a short LaTeX description of the problem at:

The basic idea is, I have an analytical expression for the matrix elements 
of the 3x3 matrices M and Q, M_{m,n} representing the element on row m, 
column n. The problem is that these depend on sums over Kronecker symbols, 
which need to be contracted. Once I build the M and Q matrices, I need to 
join them in the block-form given in the above notebook. 
A working strategy that I have so far is to generate the matrix L in 
Mathematica, and copy-paste the resulting (huge) expression to Julia. I 
would now like to bypass Mathematica completely, and thought of using 
Sympy. While it has the capability of contracting the sums over the delta 
symbols, it is not clear to me how to then export the resulting function to 
Julia. If this can be done without Sympy, i.e. in pure Julia, that would be 

On a last note, performance of the resulting function is important, because 
I will need to digonalize a lot of these 6x6 matrices, calculated for 
different parameter values (eg. varying k_p, k_s, omega_p, etc).

[julia-users] Re: Kronecker Delta functions and block matrices

2014-08-28 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Steven, could you detail your macro proposal please? What exactly do you 
have in mind?

On Thursday, August 28, 2014 12:18:54 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 Maybe can be helpful here? 
 I've never used it myself, but just by the name and the description (Julia 
 package for tensor contractions and related operations) it sounds like 
 exactly what you're looking for...

 // T

 On Thursday, August 28, 2014 12:11:43 PM UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 It should be straightforward to write a macro that simplifies the 
 Kronecker sums to give you an efficient Julia expression.

[julia-users] array doubling

2014-07-29 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Whats the easiest way of going from an array
[1,2,3] - [1,1,2,2,3,3]
i.e. repeating all elements 2 (or more generally, n) times?


Re: [julia-users] array doubling

2014-07-29 Thread Andrei Berceanu
nice, ty!
btw, the manual at says
repeat(*A*, *inner = Int*, []*outer = Int*[])
shouldn't that be
repeat(*A*, *inner = Int*[], *outer = Int*[])
i.e isn't the comma in the wrong position?

On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 4:06:22 PM UTC+2, John Myles White wrote:

 repeat([1, 2, 3], inner = [2]) 

 On Jul 29, 2014, at 7:03 AM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote: 

  Whats the easiest way of going from an array 
  [1,2,3] - [1,1,2,2,3,3] 
  i.e. repeating all elements 2 (or more generally, n) times? 

Re: [julia-users] array doubling

2014-07-29 Thread Andrei Berceanu
That explains why the github page showed the right syntax! *head bump


On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 5:10:42 PM UTC+2, Matt Bauman wrote:

 That's because Sphinx identifies [] as optional arguments in the 
 ..function macro-thingy, and it does funny re-arrangements with it.  The 
 source is correct; it's the output that is wrong.  It's annoying, but I've 
 not dug into Sphinx enough to determine how we might disable it.

 On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 10:24:01 AM UTC-4, John Myles White wrote:

 Yeah, that’s a typo. Could you fix it?

  — John

 On Jul 29, 2014, at 7:23 AM, Andrei Berceanu 

 nice, ty!
 btw, the manual at says
 repeat(*A*, *inner = Int*, []*outer = Int*[])
 shouldn't that be
 repeat(*A*, *inner = Int*[], *outer = Int*[])
 i.e isn't the comma in the wrong position?

 On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 4:06:22 PM UTC+2, John Myles White wrote:

 repeat([1, 2, 3], inner = [2]) 

 On Jul 29, 2014, at 7:03 AM, Andrei Berceanu 

  Whats the easiest way of going from an array 
  [1,2,3] - [1,1,2,2,3,3] 
  i.e. repeating all elements 2 (or more generally, n) times? 

[julia-users] numpy equivalent functionality

2014-07-23 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi guys,

I have 2 short numpy-related questions.

In numpy, if one can invert an arbitrary array *arr* along a given axis 
using the syntax


What is the equivalent idiom in Julia?

The other issue is, how can I truncate an array between a lower and upper 
In numpy, this is easily done with np.clip:


Re: [julia-users] numpy equivalent functionality

2014-07-23 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Thanks guys, works like a charm!

On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:32:56 PM UTC+2, Tim Holy wrote:

 A[end:-1:1, ...] 

 On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 07:07:20 AM Andrei Berceanu wrote: 
  Hi guys, 
  I have 2 short numpy-related questions. 
  In numpy, if one can invert an arbitrary array *arr* along a given axis 
  using the syntax 
  What is the equivalent idiom in Julia? 
  The other issue is, how can I truncate an array between a lower and 
  In numpy, this is easily done with np.clip: 

[julia-users] what is the recommended way of including images in an IJulia notebook?

2014-07-20 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi guys,

I would like to include a couple of .png images in a notebook with IJulia - 
what is the simplest way of doing that? On one hand there is the ImageView 
package, but that seems to be geared towards the terminal? Perhaps I can 
include them directly in a markdown cell?


[julia-users] reading data file using fortran's D scientific notation

2014-07-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi all,

I have a lot of datafiles containing numbers in Fortran's double precision 
notation (, i.e. 
1.23D-3, instead of the usual E scientific notation.
Is there a simple way to import the data as Float64?


[julia-users] Re: finding all roots of complex function

2014-07-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Say I would like to do the integral using quadgk. There are 2 caveats, 
Quoting from the Julia manual
These quadrature rules work best for smooth functions within each 
interval, so if your function has a known discontinuity or other 
singularity, it is best to subdivide your interval to put the singularity 
at an endpoint.
My function does have singularities (i.e. poles) inside of the integration 
contour, and it is not clear to me how I should split the interval. Am I 
missinterpreting this?
The other issue is that quadgk seems to only accept function of one 
variable, wheres mine are 2-variable functions. 

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:53:38 PM UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:

 On Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:19:04 AM UTC-4, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I should perhaps mention that this is part of a bigger scheme, to first 
 find all the poles of  G(x,y)/F(x,y) and then use the residue theorem for 
 solving a complex integral of the type 
 integral( G(x,y)/F(x,y), (x,y))

 Unless F(x,y) is very special (e.g. a polynomial), I suspect that it would 
 be much faster to just do the integral.   Since you have analytic 
 functions, 1d/contour integration is very efficient (with an appropriate 
 algorithm, e.g. the built-in quadgk function) unless you have poles lying 
 very close to your integration contour (and even then it is not too bad 
 with an adaptive scheme like quadgk.)

 In contrast, finding *all* the zeros of an arbitrary analytic function is 
 hard, usually harder than integrating it unless you have a good idea of 
 where the zeros are.   In general, it's not practical to guarantee that you 
 have found all the zeros unless you can restrict your search to some finite 
 portion of the complex plane.   For finding the roots of analytic functions 
 inside a given contour, some of the best algorithms actually involve doing 
 a sequence of integrals ( that are just as 
 hard as your original integral above.   So, you might as well just do the 
 integral to begin with.

[julia-users] Re: reading data file using fortran's D scientific notation

2014-07-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I would prefer to keep my original files intact.
In Python I can do

*import stringimport numpy as nprule = string.maketrans('D', 'E')data = 
np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=(2,3),\  converters = {2: lambda 
val: float(val.translate(rule)),\3: lambda 
val: float(val.translate(rule))})*
By the way, is there a Julia equivalent to numpy's *loadtxt*? Because the 
files are in 3-column format with multiple spaces separating the 3 entries 
on each line and eol chars to separate the lines.

On Friday, July 18, 2014 12:33:23 PM UTC+2, Ivar Nesje wrote:

 If you have a reasonable editor, you should be able to open all your files 
 and issue a global search and replace operation that changes D to E. If you 
 have many files you can use sed to automate the process.

 kl. 11:41:12 UTC+2 fredag 18. juli 2014 skrev Andrei Berceanu følgende:

 Hi all,

 I have a lot of datafiles containing numbers in Fortran's double 
 precision notation (, 
 i.e. 1.23D-3, instead of the usual E scientific notation.
 Is there a simple way to import the data as Float64?


[julia-users] Re: reading data file using fortran's D scientific notation

2014-07-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
First, thank you both for your time.

Space is an issue, yes, but I agree, I can process them one by one using 
some sed scripting. I just thought there is a simple idiom corresponding to 
Python's 2-liner above.
In fact, I am wondering, how difficult would it be to make julia accept the 
Fortran double precision format natively - is that a big change in Base?

On a separate issue, is there an equivalent to numpy's *loadtxt*?

ps: Tomas, how do you get the nice code-boxes?

On Friday, July 18, 2014 1:01:55 PM UTC+2, Tomas Lycken wrote:

 Although you could, probably, do this in pure Julia, is there a reason to 
 not write a small preprocessing script using sed (or your OS’s 
 equivalent) to create altered *copies* of the data before reading it? If 
 HDD space is an issue, you could do this one file at a time using Julia’s 
 run method, i.e. something like

 dfile = your-data-file.dat
 run(` $dfile`)
 data = readdlm($dfile.copy)
 run(`rm $dfile.copy`)

 where the shell script copies the raw data (with file 
 name given in the first argument) into a new file with the string “.copy” 
 appended to the name, and then replaces all occurences of D with E (or e, 
 or whatever you need) using sed.

 // T
 On Friday, July 18, 2014 12:51:32 PM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 I would prefer to keep my original files intact.
 In Python I can do

 *import stringimport numpy as nprule = string.maketrans('D', 'E')data = 
 np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=(2,3),\  converters = {2: lambda 
 val: float(val.translate(rule)),\3: lambda 
 val: float(val.translate(rule))})*
 By the way, is there a Julia equivalent to numpy's *loadtxt*? Because 
 the files are in 3-column format with multiple spaces separating the 3 
 entries on each line and eol chars to separate the lines.

 On Friday, July 18, 2014 12:33:23 PM UTC+2, Ivar Nesje wrote:

 If you have a reasonable editor, you should be able to open all your 
 files and issue a global search and replace operation that changes D to E. 
 If you have many files you can use sed to automate the process.

 kl. 11:41:12 UTC+2 fredag 18. juli 2014 skrev Andrei Berceanu følgende:

 Hi all,

 I have a lot of datafiles containing numbers in Fortran's double 
 precision notation (, 
 i.e. 1.23D-3, instead of the usual E scientific notation.
 Is there a simple way to import the data as Float64?



Re: [julia-users] Re: reading data file using fortran's D scientific notation

2014-07-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Here is 1 line from one of my files, after sed-magic:

  -70.0   -70.0   3.098203380460164E-010
  -69.453125000   -70.0   2.548160684589544E-010
  -68.90625   -70.0   2.234061987906998E-010

There are 2 spaces at the start of each line and then the column are 
separated by spaces as well.
I tried 

readdlm(pumppath, ' ', Float64, '\n')

and get

file entry  cannot be converted to Float64

On Friday, July 18, 2014 1:57:00 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:

  Space is an issue, yes, but I agree, I can process them one by one using 
  some sed scripting. I just thought there is a simple idiom corresponding 
  Python's 2-liner above. 
  In fact, I am wondering, how difficult would it be to make julia accept 
  Fortran double precision format natively - is that a big change in Base? 

 I had a look: base/datafmt.jl does the file reading but it is quite 
 cryptic and I didn't quite figure out where the conversion from string 
 to float occurs.  But probably it's done with the float64 function in 
 base/string.jl which calls into C: src/builtins.c function jl_strtod. 
 So, if my digging is right then it's not so easy to change and would 
 change how strings are parsed into floats everywhere.   

 Thus probably easiest to write a function which does the parsing. 

  On a separate issue, is there an equivalent to numpy's *loadtxt*? 

 readdlm or readcsv do this.  How did you do it? 

Re: [julia-users] Re: reading data file using fortran's D scientific notation

2014-07-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Here are a few lines from one of my files, after sed preprocessing:

  -70.0   -70.0   3.098203380460164E-010
  -69.453125000   -70.0   2.548160684589544E-010
  -68.90625   -70.0   2.234061987906998E-010

There are 2 spaces at the start of each line and then the column are 
separated by spaces as well.
I tried 

readdlm(pumppath, '  ', Float64, '\n')

and get

file entry  cannot be converted to Float64

On Friday, July 18, 2014 1:57:00 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:

  Space is an issue, yes, but I agree, I can process them one by one using 
  some sed scripting. I just thought there is a simple idiom corresponding 
  Python's 2-liner above. 
  In fact, I am wondering, how difficult would it be to make julia accept 
  Fortran double precision format natively - is that a big change in Base? 

 I had a look: base/datafmt.jl does the file reading but it is quite 
 cryptic and I didn't quite figure out where the conversion from string 
 to float occurs.  But probably it's done with the float64 function in 
 base/string.jl which calls into C: src/builtins.c function jl_strtod. 
 So, if my digging is right then it's not so easy to change and would 
 change how strings are parsed into floats everywhere.   

 Thus probably easiest to write a function which does the parsing. 

  On a separate issue, is there an equivalent to numpy's *loadtxt*? 

 readdlm or readcsv do this.  How did you do it? 

Re: [julia-users] Re: reading data file using fortran's D scientific notation

2014-07-18 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Seems like my files also contained blank lines periodically. I added blank 
line removal to the sed script and now it all works.
Thanks a lot!

On Friday, July 18, 2014 2:35:18 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:

 on julia0.3 this works: 

 julia readdlm(fl) 
 3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
  -70.0 -70.0  3.0982e-10 
  -69.4531  -70.0  2.54816e-10 
  -68.9063  -70.0  2.23406e-10 

 julia readdlm(fl, Float64) 
 3x3 Array{Float64,2}: 
  -70.0 -70.0  3.0982e-10 
  -69.4531  -70.0  2.54816e-10 
  -68.9063  -70.0  2.23406e-10 

 On Fri, 2014-07-18 at 13:15, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote: 
  Here is 1 line from one of my files, after sed-magic: 
-70.0   -70.0   3.098203380460164E-010 
-69.453125000   -70.0   2.548160684589544E-010 
-68.90625   -70.0   2.234061987906998E-010 
  There are 2 spaces at the start of each line and then the column are 
  separated by spaces as well. 
  I tried 
  readdlm(pumppath, ' ', Float64, '\n') 
  and get 
  file entry  cannot be converted to Float64 
  On Friday, July 18, 2014 1:57:00 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote: 
   Space is an issue, yes, but I agree, I can process them one by one 
   some sed scripting. I just thought there is a simple idiom 
   Python's 2-liner above. 
   In fact, I am wondering, how difficult would it be to make julia 
   Fortran double precision format natively - is that a big change in 
  I had a look: base/datafmt.jl does the file reading but it is quite 
  cryptic and I didn't quite figure out where the conversion from string 
  to float occurs.  But probably it's done with the float64 function in 
  base/string.jl which calls into C: src/builtins.c function jl_strtod. 
  So, if my digging is right then it's not so easy to change and would 
  change how strings are parsed into floats everywhere.   
  Thus probably easiest to write a function which does the parsing. 
   On a separate issue, is there an equivalent to numpy's *loadtxt*? 
  readdlm or readcsv do this.  How did you do it? 


[julia-users] finding all roots of complex function

2014-07-17 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Hi guys,

I would like to know if Julia (itself or though some existing package) can 
be used to find all the roots of a *complex*, 2 variable function F(x,y). 
Here x and y are real, so F:R - C.


[julia-users] Re: finding all roots of complex function

2014-07-17 Thread Andrei Berceanu
I should perhaps mention that this is part of a bigger scheme, to first 
find all the poles of  G(x,y)/F(x,y) and then use the residue theorem for 
solving a complex integral of the type 
integral( G(x,y)/F(x,y), (x,y))

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 3:15:45 PM UTC+2, Andrei Berceanu wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I would like to know if Julia (itself or though some existing package) can 
 be used to find all the roots of a *complex*, 2 variable function F(x,y). 
 Here x and y are real, so F:R - C.


[julia-users] metaprogramming example

2014-07-07 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Just wondering, can metaprogramming be used to shorten code such as this 

*for i = 1:2axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for 
momx in kx]), s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange)axes[1][:scatter](kx, 
real([OnePump.λ2(0., momx, np) for momx in kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2)
axes[2][:scatter](kx, imag([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for momx in kx]), 
s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange)axes[2][:scatter](kx, 
imag([OnePump.λ2(0., momx, np) for momx in kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2)end*

Re: [julia-users] metaprogramming example

2014-07-07 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Jacob, tnx for the quick reply and sorry about the redundant for loop. This 
is how I decided to do it:

macro scatter(axno, reim, λno, col)
:(*axes[$axno][:scatter](sbox.kx, $reim([OnePump.λ$λno(0., momx, np) 
for momx in sbox.kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2, color=$col) )*

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,6))
@scatter(1, real, 1, orange)
@scatter(1, real, 2, blue)
@scatter(2, imag, 1, orange)
@scatter(2, imag, 2, blue)

but i get `missing separator in tuple` when I define the macro. Any clues 
why that might be?

On Monday, July 7, 2014 3:40:58 PM UTC+2, Jacob Quinn wrote:

 I'm not sure I quite understand your example (your `i` variable is never 
 used?), but macros just take zero or more expression/symbol arguments and 
 return expressions, so you could easily do.

 macro orangeaxes()
 :(*axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for momx in 
 kx]), s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange) )*
 macro axes()
 :(*axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ2(0., momx, np) for momx in 
 kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2) )*
 for i = 1:2

 Note the use of the `quoteend` shorthand `:(...)` in the macro 
 definitions so that an expression is returned.


 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for momx in kx]), 
 s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange)

Re: [julia-users] metaprogramming example

2014-07-07 Thread Andrei Berceanu
The asterisks were an artefact of the copy-pasting it seems :)  Anyway, 
you're right about the symbol construction, it failed. So I tried

macro scatter(axno, reim, λno, col)
:(axes[$axno][:scatter](sbox.kx, $reim([symbol(OnePump.λ * 
string($λno))(0., momx, np) for momx in sbox.kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2, 

but this also fails with 

type: anonymous: in apply, expected Function, got Symbol

On Monday, July 7, 2014 5:14:50 PM UTC+2, Jacob Quinn wrote:

 Why do you have the asterisks (`*`) in your macro definition?

 I'm pretty sure the OnePump.λ$λno interpolation isn't going to work. I 
 don't think you can't interpolate into a symbol like that. You may have to 
 try renaming those variables more generically, or do some manual symbol 
 construction; i.e. symbol(OnePump.λ * string($λno))

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Andrei Berceanu 
 javascript: wrote:

 Jacob, tnx for the quick reply and sorry about the redundant for loop. 
 This is how I decided to do it:

 macro scatter(axno, reim, λno, col)
 :(*axes[$axno][:scatter](sbox.kx, $reim([OnePump.λ$λno(0., momx, np) 
 for momx in sbox.kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2, color=$col) )*

 fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,6))
 @scatter(1, real, 1, orange)
 @scatter(1, real, 2, blue)
 @scatter(2, imag, 1, orange)
 @scatter(2, imag, 2, blue)

 but i get `missing separator in tuple` when I define the macro. Any clues 
 why that might be?

 On Monday, July 7, 2014 3:40:58 PM UTC+2, Jacob Quinn wrote:

 I'm not sure I quite understand your example (your `i` variable is never 
 used?), but macros just take zero or more expression/symbol arguments and 
 return expressions, so you could easily do.

 macro orangeaxes()
 :(*axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for momx in 
 kx]), s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange) )*
 macro axes()
 :(*axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ2(0., momx, np) for momx in 
 kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2) )*
 for i = 1:2

 Note the use of the `quoteend` shorthand `:(...)` in the macro 
 definitions so that an expression is returned.


 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Andrei Berceanu 

 axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for momx in kx]), 
 s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange)

Re: [julia-users] metaprogramming example

2014-07-07 Thread Andrei Berceanu
Yup, that will do just fine it seems, ty!

On Monday, July 7, 2014 5:27:24 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:

 Couldn't you just use a function?  (If possible use functions and not 

 function scatter(axes, axno, reim::Function, λno::Symbol, col) 
 axes[axno][:scatter](sbox.kx, reim([OnePump.(λno)(0., momx, np) for 
 momx in sbox.kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2, color=col) 

 On Mon, 2014-07-07 at 16:05, javascript: wrote: 
  Jacob, tnx for the quick reply and sorry about the redundant for loop. 
  is how I decided to do it: 
  macro scatter(axno, reim, λno, col) 
  :(*axes[$axno][:scatter](sbox.kx, $reim([OnePump.λ$λno(0., momx, np) 
  for momx in sbox.kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2, color=$col) )* 
  fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,6)) 
  @scatter(1, real, 1, orange) 
  @scatter(1, real, 2, blue) 
  @scatter(2, imag, 1, orange) 
  @scatter(2, imag, 2, blue) 
  but i get `missing separator in tuple` when I define the macro. Any 
  why that might be? 
  On Monday, July 7, 2014 3:40:58 PM UTC+2, Jacob Quinn wrote: 
  I'm not sure I quite understand your example (your `i` variable is 
  used?), but macros just take zero or more expression/symbol arguments 
  return expressions, so you could easily do. 
  macro orangeaxes() 
  :(*axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for momx in 
  kx]), s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange) )* 
  macro axes() 
  :(*axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ2(0., momx, np) for momx in 
  kx]), s=15, alpha=0.2) )* 
  for i = 1:2 
  Note the use of the `quoteend` shorthand `:(...)` in the macro 
  definitions so that an expression is returned. 
  On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Andrei Berceanu 
  javascript: wrote: 
  axes[1][:scatter](kx, real([OnePump.λ1(0., momx, np) for momx in kx]), 
  s=15, alpha=0.4, color=orange) 


[julia-users] Re: ANN: Contour.jl

2014-07-07 Thread Andrei Berceanu
So what would be the easiest way of plotting the contours obtained with 
contour(x, y, Z, h) using PyPlot?

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