Re: [lace-chat] Walnut shaped cookies recipe needed

2004-03-11 Thread Avital Pinnick
Sharon, this sounds very much like a recipe I've seen in one of my books at home. Does 
your friend have any Middle Eastern connections? I recall a kind of cookie made in a 
mold (I think it had nuts in it but I'm not positive) that would melt in your mouth 
because it was made with very high proportions of icing sugar and butter. I'll look 
for the recipe when I get home.

Best wishes,

 Hi lacers,
 While shopping, a friend found some walnut shaped
 cookie molds and she remarked on these really 
 scrumptious walnut shaped cookies her aunt used to 
 make. The cookie molds sadly, didnapos;t have a recipe 
 with them and she was reluctant to buy the molds
 unless she was sure of having a recipe to use with
 them. The cookie she remembers, looks exactly like
 a walnut on the outside, but itapos;s a light melt in
 your mouth kind of cookie.

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[lace-chat] Ghouribi cookie recipe

2004-03-11 Thread Avital Pinnick

Now I see that I was conflating two different recipes. The ones that I recall that 
were made in a mold were filled cookies. These are the melt-in-your-mouth walnut 
cookies. They're very easy and quite good. Believe me, they're incredible when made 
with butter.


SOURCE: The Jewish Holiday Kitchen by Joan Nathan 1988 p. 227 Schocken Books NY ISBN 

Yield: 30 servings

1 cup vegetable oil or butter 
1 cup sugar 
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 
1/3 cup finely ground walnuts or almonds 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly flour an ungreased cookie sheet.

2. Place oil and sugar in a large bowl and mix well. Gradually add the flour, a cup at 
a time, and knead well. Blend in the nuts.

3. When the dough feels mooth, use the palm of your hand to roll it into balls the 
size of an egg. Pat into a round cookie about 2 inches in diameter. The cookies should 
not be flat.

4. Place on the cookie sheet and sprinkle the center of each cookie with cinnamon. 
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not let the cookies become even slightly brown; they 
must remain off-white.

*A Turkish variation uses cocoa instead of cinnamon and is sprinkled with powdered 
sugar. These cookies can also be shaped into crescents.

NOTE: On Purim morning, Moroccan Jews decorate their tables with flowers and sweet 
delicacies such as ghouribi. Children especially enjoy making thes treats as they can 
roll the dough with their hands.

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[lace-chat] walnut-filled cookies

2004-03-11 Thread Avital Pinnick

This is the other recipe I was thinking of. These cookies are made in a mold and 
stuffed with walnuts.



2½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour 
½ cup semolina 
2½ sticks parve margarine or 2 sticks butter 
2 tsp vegetable oil 
¼ - ½ cup water 
1½ cups roughly ground walnuts 
1 tsp cinnamon 
½ cup sugar 

Combine the flour, semolina, margarine, and vegetable oil. Add the water gradually. 
Blend well. (A food processor is splendid for this.) Cover and set aside for 10 - 15 
minutes in the refrigerator. 

Combine the walnuts with the cinnamon and sugar. 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 

Either use the ma'amoul mold described above or take a piece of dough about the size 
of a walnut. Roll it into a ball and hollow out the center. Inside, place a heaping 
teaspoon of walnut filling. With your hands, mold the dough closed. 

Place each cookie on an ungreased cookie sheet. With the tines of a fork or tweezers 
with a serrated edge, make designs on the top of the cookie, being sure not to 
penetrate the crust. 

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. Do not brown; the cookies should look white. 
Cool. When hard, roll in confectioners' sugar. 


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[lace-chat] doodad

2004-03-11 Thread Barron
thanks to everyone who helped me find the instructions for the pillow
doodad - and indeed sent me instructions - who needs a good memory when you
are all availableg?

jenny barron

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[lace-chat] Thanks to my Secret Pal

2004-03-11 Thread Rita Lloyd
Dear Secret Pal:
I am just getting back online from being unable to access my computer while I moved.  
I am slowly but surely catching up on all my lace emails.
However, I was so glad that my computer is now up and working so that I could say 
thank you for your lovely gifts. I just received them yesterday.
I have started a scrapbook of all of the postcards and goodies that you have sent me.  
This time, though, I've decided to frame the beautiful flower card.  It certainly 
brightened my day and helped me to see springtime in the winter.  I just love it.  
What is the name of the flower?
I also really love the round hanky you sent with the violets on it.  They are one of 
my favorite flowers and will grace my table very nicely.
I always look forward to receiving your gifts - it is so nice that you put so much 
thought into your packages.
Thank you again,
Rita Lloyd

In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give 
out completes the circle and comes back to us.

-Flora Edwards

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Re: [lace-chat] wattle for ANZAC Day???

2004-03-11 Thread David Collyer
Dear Helene,
Why wattle? It should be Flanders poppies for ANZAC Day!
To be strictly correct, the Flanders poppies were originally used on 
Remembrance Day (Nov 11th). The strange thing is that these days I can 
never get one to flower until about Nov 25th! All the local nurseries agree 
with me. I wonder whether they might be just that week or two earlier down 
in Melbourne. They're certainly not out in April - shame.
David - who wishes he could be a Frogozzie or somesuch - but alas is 6th 

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[lace-chat] RE:Noelene's wonderful poetry

2004-03-11 Thread Helen Bell
Hi All,

I just wanted you to know that Noelene's latest poem about my foot
surgery came about after I moaned to her about not being able to make
lace outside in the gorgeous Denver sunshine (it was 70 on Monday), and
that I was thirsty and hungry and still had 3 hours to go to surgery.
She duly bucked up my spirits no end. :-)

I did actually have a pathetic attempt at lacemaking yesterday.  I
finished laying the cordonnet on a NL bee I'm making as a teachers gift.
Naturally the last part of the cordonnet was in black, wasn't it?!  i
squeezed in my puny effort after I'd had my pain medication has just
kicked in hour long nap :-)  I might try some more NL another day while
I have my foot up and the cryo-cuff on, chilling my foot. 

And Liz in Melbourne, is now back on line (hi, Mum :-) )

Hop-a-long Helen, in Delightfully Springy Denver, where my first
crocuses might burst forth with their yellow blooms today or tomorrow

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[lace-chat] RE: honiton teapot?

2004-03-11 Thread Ian Chelle Long
Gidday Mary and all,

Hello Secret Pal,Thank you for yet anotherlovely present. The
handkerchiefs I will probably edge after I complete the Honiton teapot
which is under way.Thank you also for the little book and the post card from
Luton. I look forward to getting to

Hmmm, now I need to know about this please...a Honiton teapot? Is it
a pattern we can all share? Please explain!

an Aussie living in Richards Bay, South Africa
where today I have made lace, designed lace and written about lace
history..oh and cleaned toilets in between.

Ian  Chelle Long
+27 35 788 0777

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks!

2004-03-11 Thread M. L. Mouzon
Thank you so much for the package you sent.  The thread is beautiful ... I
love the colors you have picked. I made a bookmark of the pink and green you
sent.  It's a kind of funky tape lace flower.  It's my favorite bookmark of
all that I've ever made... the only one yet that I've kept for myself!  This
afternoon I went shopping for the perfect book to go in the book cover you
sent... I finally decided on Dr. Phil's diet book.  It fits great and will be
put to good use I hope :)  Where did you find the material you used?  It's so
pretty!  The rooster is absolutely adorable!!  He sits in a place of honor on
my countertop...such a cutie!  Thank you again  :)

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[lace-chat] Humour!

2004-03-11 Thread Sue Babbs
Wow! Some jokes (maybe real stories??) that  I don't remember seeing  on
chat already !
Sue Babbs

  A man comes into the ER and yells, My wife's going
  to have her baby in the cab! I grabbed my stuff,
  rushed out to the cab, lifted the lady's dress, and
  began to take off her underwear. Suddenly I noticed
  that there were several cabs, and I was in the wrong
  - -Dr. Mark MacDonald, San Antonio, TX
  At the beginning of my shift I placed a stethoscope
  on an elderly and slightly deaf female patient's
  anterior chest wall. Big breaths, I instructed.
  Yes, they used to be, remorsefully replied the
  - -Dr. Richard Byrnes, Seattle, WA
  One day I had to be the bearer of bad news when I
  told a wife that her husband had died of a massive
  myocardial infarct. Not more than five minutes later,
  I heard her reporting to the rest of the family that he
  had died of a massive internal fart,
  - -Dr. Susan Steinberg, Manitoba, Canada
  I was performing a complete physical, including the
  visual acuity test. I placed the patient twenty
  feet from the chart and began: Cover your right eye
  with your hand.
  He read the 20/20 line perfectly.
  Now, Left, I said.
  Again, a flawless read.
  Now both, I requested.
  There was silence. He couldn't even read the large
  letter on the top line. I turned and discovered that
  he had done exactly what I had asked; he was standing
  there with both his eyes covered.
  I was laughing too hard to finish the exam.
  - -Dr. Matthew Theodropolous, Worcester, MA
  During a patient's two week follow-up appointment
  with his cardiologist, he informed me, his doctor,
  that he was having trouble with one of his
  medications. Which one? I asked.The patch.The nurse
  told me to put on a new one every six hours and now
  I'm running out of places to put it! I had him quickly
  undress and discovered what I hoped I wouldn't see.
  Yes, the man had over fifty patches on his body!
  Since incident, the instructions now include removal
  of the old patch before applying a new one.
  - -Dr. Rebecca St. Clair, Norfolk, VA
  While acquainting myself with a new elderly patient,
  I asked, How long have you been bedridden? After a
  look of complete confusion she answered Why, not for
  about twenty years -- when my husband was alive,
  - -Dr. Steven Swanson, Corvallis, OR
  I was caring for a woman from Kentucky and asked,
  So, how's your breakfast this morning? It's very
  good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. I can't seem to
  get used to the taste, the patient replied. I
  then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced
  a packet labeled KY Jelly.
  -Dr. Leonard Kransdorf, Detroit, MI
  A new, young MD when doing his
  residency in OB,was quite embarrassed performing
  female pelvic exams. To cover his embarrassment he had
  unconsciously formed a habit of whistling The middle
  aged lady upon whom he was performing this exam
  suddenly burst out laughing and further embarrassed
  him. He looked up from his work and sheepishly said,
  I'm sorry. Was I tickling you? She replied, No,
  doctor, but the song you were whistling was 'I wish
  I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener.' 

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